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Jax Counter Stats

Jax Counters
Discover all champions who counter Jax. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Jax in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
2,150 Tips for countering Jax below

Top Lane
49.77% Win Rate58% Pick Rate Jax Top Lane Counters: 50 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Jax in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

SVKGuardian says “.................................................................................. - Has strong lvl 1 with lethal tempo if you let him auto attack you for free, His Passive is nearly same as Lethal Tempo, although he can stack in on anything and doesn't get bonus range. .................................................................................. - Most often he starts with E, which block autoattacks and stuns at the end of duration, or when he cancels it early .................................................................................. - LVL 2 he usually lvls up Q, which lets him jump on target, so he is going to start his most common combo E+q to try and jump on you and stun you, while being safe from autoattacks .................................................................................. - His W is bonus damage on next AA and AA reset as well .................................................................................. - On level 6 he gets his ultimate, which gives him Passively: bonus on-hit Damage on third AA .................................................................................. - When activating ultimate, he deals bonus damage around and gets bonus resists based on enemy champion hit .................................................................................. - So, his gameplay doesn't change that much during the Game .................................................................................. - You have to be really careful, he can rush Sheen, to just short trade into you and then it is hard for you to react, while you cannot land AA during his E ”
AP Helios | 200 years of experience (Work in Progress) by SVKGuardian | Aphelios Player
eXC4l says “Perhaps your biggest enemy in top lane. Ban him on usual, if somehow matched up against; try to stay away from his Q range as much as possible.”
| The Pack Consumes | Naafiri - 14.8 | by eXC4l | Naafiri Player
Skaarlschloch says “One of the easiest Matchups if played correctly. Use Q to disengage/knock back Jax when he goes on you. Keep him out of your melee Range. Easy Solokills after you hit 6”
AP Sejuani Toplane (#1 OTP Korean Build) by Skaarlschloch | Sejuani Player
Ulsur says “Doran's Shield, probably the only matchup where it's better to start E to avoid his Counter Strike at level 1, after that you basically never E in, only throw basic Q1s and wait for him to jump on you, if he jumps you just W him, E back and hit your combo, avoid his E at all costs, after 6 you can space his ultimate but it's pretty hard, he wins extended fights so don't fight him in his ultimate, can be pretty annoying and scales pretty well, don't get baited into rushing Tabis as he has mixed damage, just chill and build boots according to the whole enemy team not just Jax. It's a skill matchup but it's Jax favored,.”
DioSett says “take tp and doran blade , rush boots and then buy hp , max w and use your w before he launch his E stun ,after 6 dont try to force fights with him , first full item must be stridebreaker”
Sett 14.7 Dio Sett (Master) Guide by DioSett | Sett Player
DDemonJesters says “Early game is not good with this champ. but i would not say it's impossible. just use E (charged) when he uses E to stun you. and you're good to trade the W+AA+Q+AA”
SkyFlyz Briar Top Crit Build (Makes your top QUIT!) by DDemonJesters | Briar Player
Shark of Void says “He can ignore your Q with E. He can zone you from farming with Q. Use W to evade his E. Stay in bush and get exp. You can all in him after lvl 6.”
Adapt to all situations with Wuju style! by Shark of Void | Wukong Player
Hotch says “My permaban. Miserable matchup. His E blocks all of your damage, he jumps your wall, he jumps away, he jumps you under your tower and you're dead. Your only hope is to go for trades after he's used his E and Q. Otherwise, play passively and try to avoid him late game, he outscales you pretty hard. Take flash and build bruiser.”
[14.6] How to Win with Yorick by Hotch | Yorick Player
KingJoeyy says “when jax q's on you e away from his e. dont throw your e out of nowhere thats your weakness in this matchup.”
[14.6] Diamond Gwen Top Guide KingJoeylol by KingJoeyy | Gwen Player
SVKGuardian says “If he is smart, be will build some burst vs you and is going to try and just always q+w on you for short trades. You can try to punish him by putting grenades underneath you and catching him when he jumpes on you to then chase after him and do as much damage as possible. Your W hurt him so much. You can try and predict his jump or react to it as its happening to W in his direction and then try to outrun his stun area. If you are able to do that, than you can punish him big time. Also careful, the higher level he is, the faster he has his Q back. He will be able to jump on you like every 5 seconds. Thats why it is so important to be able to react to his Qs with your W.”
MLGinx | Premium Base Gameplay (Work In Progress) by SVKGuardian | Jinx Player
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In the Jungle
50.61% Win Rate40% Pick Rate Jax In the Jungle Counters: 41 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Jax in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Foxirion says “Jax can be a significant threat to Viego. Jax’s ability to dodge Viego’s attacks and his high damage output can make this a difficult matchup for Viego.”
[14.8] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide] by Foxirion | Viego Player
huncho1v9 says “- Medium matchup; Easy in low elo → Can be very hard in high elo. Jax is one of those junglers you only see in higher elo, and if he’s in your lower elo lobbies, you just win because it’s hard to pull off. Phase rush or conq works in this matchup it just depends on enemy comp.”
[14.7] [CHALLENGER] Hecarim Build Guide by Huncho1v9 by huncho1v9 | Hecarim Player
Angel7201k says “Unplayable matchups even if on the top since 1vs3 can fight. Strong anti-auto attacker. If you are already caught up against him, go into a full tank or AP build. AP builds are more likely to defeat him even if he loses to the store. NEVER fight 1v1 my perma ban”
Shyvana by Angel7201k | Shyvana Player
lanefox says “Jax generally has dominant damage, can both egange and disengage as needed, and will win if he gets his E on you. You can whiff his E, but you will still struggle unless you have a lead. Even if you do, he can just disengage if he wants to so it's a high risk to fight him.”
Clever Master Yi (14.6) by lanefox | Master Yi Player
Jeidoz says “Just dodge his stun by W shield in time. Do not let him overfarm you. Your E fear will help to manage his attack speed problems.”
Lethality Jungle Season 14 by Jeidoz | Nocturne Player
youenn says “Pretty tiresome matchup very boring u can't Q him because he gonna stun u .”
Mignognium says “Que ce soit Jax Jgl ou n'importe lequel. Jax à trop de chose que Viego déteste dans son kit, des augmentations de résistances grâce à son [R][Maître d'armes], et une invunérabilité au auto [AA] et toutes formes de dégâts physiques grâce à son [E][Contre-attaque], en plus maintenant il build le vilain Zoniah. Alors oublier l'espoir de gagner en 1v1 contre lui ou de faire mieux en Jgl car il viendra vous invaid et vous y passerez à chaque fois. Demandez de l'aide et essayer de le fuir grâce à votre [E][Chemin Tourmenté], n'hésitez pas à R out. Force à vous. Mais si vous possédez son corps à un moment vous allez forcément vous amusez. L'avantage de jouer Viego :)”
Fr [VIEGO] Jgl SAISON 14 PATCH 14.5 by Mignognium | Viego Player
krispykurls says “Techincally a hard counter if you do not dodge his E stun with Alpha, if he gets fed he can probably beat you. Take Lethal Tempo and Ignite.”
Krispy's Master Yi Guide by krispykurls | Master Yi Player
ItsSpd says “Cant stack q's and you can almost never 1v1 him dont fight just play safe and try and pick off their backline with r's”
Arid's 14.4 Gwen JG Builds by ItsSpd | Gwen Player
Mabujo says “The Jacula (also known as Epstein's Best Friend...) A cc, high damage and a kidnaping attempt every 10 seconds. Evade if alone. Fear and run or trade at your own peril. If in team, HUNT AND ARREST. ”
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