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Graves Counter Stats

Graves Counters
Discover all champions who counter Graves. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Graves in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
990 Tips for countering Graves below

In the Jungle
48.35% Win Rate93% Pick Rate Graves In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Graves in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

huncho1v9 says “- One of the hardest matchups in high elo. Graves can punish Hecarim early game and outscale easily. Graves has 3 options earlygame for invade. Important to get early vision in enemy jungle and do your best to be aware. 1) lvl 1 late invade/early invade -> to counter, you can either stack top/bot and play for lvl 1 skirmish if you think your comp is good lvl 1 + get vision 2) level 3 cross-map invade -> to counter, when you cross map through mid you want to get vision on second buff brush (after wolves/raptors), and skip second buff and go to gromp/krugs -> you can use this method against any other invade junglers (nidalee, kindred) 3) level 2 cheese invade over wall -> to counter you can either ward river, or get your support/team to ward river -> only a select few champs can do this (graves, nidalee, kindred are the main ones) ”
[14.7] [CHALLENGER] Hecarim Build Guide by Huncho1v9 by huncho1v9 | Hecarim Player
youenn says “Just be out of is range with ur W and after poke go kill him . ”
Fyir says “Graves can make your game much more difficult with his nearsight and he can also invade you quite well with his dash to close the gap and his fast clear speed.”
Orianna Jungle by Fyir | Orianna Player
Mignognium says “Attention à ces vilaine taby [Plated Steelcaps] et à son gain d'armure par montée de niveaux. Les dégâts peuvent aussi être surprenant si feed. Mais si vous faites rapidement un [Black Cleaver] sa devrais passer d'un no match à un 50/50 si vous placer bien tout vos sorts. Et prenez garde il fait les objectifs plus vite que vous ne pouvez le penser alors mettez de la vision sur vos objectifs majeurs. ”
Fr [VIEGO] Jgl SAISON 14 PATCH 14.5 by Mignognium | Viego Player
tradtrad says “Slightly Lee Sin favoured, try to wait for his E to use your Q, if you get on top of him you beat him in melee range. A good Graves will try to hit you for free as much as he can with his autos before committing.”
Season 14 [14.3 Item Update] Korean Lee Sin In-Depth Guide by tradtrad | Lee Sin Player
BullwhipGriffin says “Graves is a skill matchup, both champs have timers to duel each other, depending on skills hit/dodged and level advantage this matchup is very volatile. weakest point is before your first item but after first item you win 1v1 pretty hard so long as you hit r and dont get kited.”
[14.4] Diana Jungle Guide by BullwhipGriffin | Diana Player
RickTheMage says “This one you win if you know how to move to get out of the smoke screen and it will have a dash that the cdr is smaller and it gains resistance when you use it. I believe that the ghost is a good choice here, since you will always have more mobility and will easily get out of his Q and W and with the slow passive of Shaco's Knife you will ensure that you are always hitting him.”
Shaco The Biggest Killer In The Jungle by RickTheMage | Shaco Player
IvernGott says “Graves high dmg output against Ivern but also his high mobility of jumping walls early on creating a high thread for ivern not only early into the game but also mid/lategame”
S14 CHALLENGER IVERN GUIDE EUW by IvernGott | Ivern Player
Kittylxz says “Este campeón literalmente puede dejarte fuera de game totalmente, de un básico te destruye las cajas y en general acercartele es un peligro, podrías intentar invadirlo en early pero es demasiado riesgoso, es un BAN si o sí.”
ShadySceptile says “Same thing as kindred but a bit more oppressive, if he goes lethality, he can be killed easily if he has no E stacks.”
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