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Malzahar Counter Stats

Malzahar Counters
Discover all champions who counter Malzahar. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Malzahar in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
973 Tips for countering Malzahar below

Mid Lane
49.83% Win Rate91% Pick Rate Malzahar Mid Lane Counters: 44 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Malzahar in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Foxirion says “Malza’s crowd control and damage over time can be a major threat to Swain, as he can lock Swain down and whittle down his health over time.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. ANNYOING PIECE OF SHIT. Try to outplay him in early game by Q3 and E. DONT let him EVER ult you. You are dead when he lands his R.”
The Ultimate MID Yone Guide (S14) by michaliis | Yone Player
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Arcane Comet page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.] Malzahar is pretty abusable due to his low range and immobility in the early game, and you should chip at his health with Qs. Keep your distance from infected minions so the infection cannot spread to you.”
A Comprehensive Ziggs Primer by Laimaudeja | Ziggs Player
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP. Malzahar is a worse version of Lissandra : he only has 1 cc and no gap closer besides his flash. You can proc his passive shield very easily with your E slow, wait a bit, then detonate it to still damage him. Be careful of where his jungler is and you should be fine since he can't 100%-0% you alone even with flash.”
awawa says “He has no kill pressure pre-6. Make sure to proc his spellshield before you use fear combos. His R can setup ganks and kill you in teamfights. Dies when you R. ”
Vex S14 Guide For Gloomies by awawa | Vex Player
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. Try and build a significant lead in lane as he scales extremely well so he needs to be put behind. You don't really need a QSS since you have so much range, and you're best off just playing front to back teamfights vs Malzahar instead of looking for engages.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide by ShokLoL | Azir Player
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. You should be able to build a huge lead in lane in this matchup. I would normally recommend not buying QSS, as typically you will not be an ult target in teamfights due to your range.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Orianna Guide by ShokLoL | Orianna Player
ShokLoL says “Malzahar is one of the weakest early game champions in the game, he has essentially no form of trading power and his waveclear is easily dealt with as long as you kill his voidlings as soon as they spawn. Try and build a significant lead in lane as he scales extremely well so he needs to be put behind. You also heavily outrange him in the mid game so just be careful about going melee in fights too early. You can take electrocute ignite in this matchup if you prefer.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Jayce Mid Guide by ShokLoL | Jayce Player
Soft Headpats says “You can proc his passive easily, and your waveclear outmatches his since you can melt the voidlings as soon as they spawn. He becomes more dangerous once he hits 6 thanks to his point-and-click ult, but you can also EQ him out of it if you cast it right before he ults you. Keep track of where their jungler is, since the only way you should be dying in this lane is to his ult plus a gank. You can opt for a QSS if you feel like he's focusing you a lot (especially with flash ults), but most of the time you shouldn't be easily accessible for him in the first place. ”
Complete Hwei Guide [14.6] by Soft Headpats | Hwei Player
blacklikeblack says “Decent Lane, can be annoying, but after 6 its free. You can cancel his r with your q. Make sure to not waste your Q tho. If you go second wind its free matchup.”
[14.6] SEASON 14 KASSADIN GUIDE by blacklikeblack | Kassadin Player
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