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Kayle Counter Stats

Kayle Counters
Discover all champions who counter Kayle. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Kayle in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,093 Tips for countering Kayle below

Top Lane
51.68% Win Rate85% Pick Rate Kayle Top Lane Counters: 50 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Kayle in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Shark of Void says “Take Electrocute and Ignite. Kill her before lvl 6 and easy win!”
How to summon the Blood Storm with Kennen by Shark of Void | Kennen Player
Galaxima says “Kayle's ultimate can delay Vayne's burst and sustain in a duel if used correctly. This is more of a threat to glasscannons as they are more apt to die in 2.5s. Kayle has strong sustain but lacks burst so if you can work around her ult most Kayle builds won't be able to counter you.”
High Octane Vayne by Galaxima | Vayne Player
Baby_Driver says “She is not allowed to take exp from first 3 melee minions. Abuse her early, she can't do anything. She is starting to outscale you lvl 11 onwards so be aware of that. If you have trouble catching up to her you can go for swifties.”
Baby Driver's Guide to Darius (The God-King) by Baby_Driver | Darius Player
Ulsur says “Easy before 6, one of these matchups where you just have to stomp her early on or you lose the game, she might be frustrating as you'll find most Kayles going Fleet Footwork + Swifties against Aatrox which is pretty much unplayable, if so just ask for ganks, when she gets 6 go for short trades as she just wins the extended ones with her ultimate and auto attacks.”
DioSett says “take doran blade, choose between ignite or ghost , first item rush boots of swiftness and then stridebreaker , after lvl 6 use W only on E+W combo”
Sett 14.7 Dio Sett (Master) Guide by DioSett | Sett Player
SVKGuardian says “After level 6, she has really easy time last hitting your barrels.”
Soloplank by SVKGuardian | Gangplank Player
GwenMain says “Harass her with q and look for opportunities at your level spikes: 3, 5 and sometimes 6. Since you won't be able to do much against her after she reaches lv6, harass her as much as possible in the early stages of the game.”
{14.6} Gwen main guide (top and jng) by GwenMain | Gwen Player
Hotch says “Bully her early. Play your advantage. Snowball hard and really put her in the dirt as much as you can because she does outscale you. Take Ignite.”
[14.6] How to Win with Yorick by Hotch | Yorick Player
KingJoeyy says “kayle scales so try to beat her early upgrade q first play around level 2 and e q her to snip her health and try to hit 6 before her and kill her. take GHOST or FLASH ”
[14.6] Diamond Gwen Top Guide KingJoeylol by KingJoeyy | Gwen Player
Vamrine says “Kayle's range and ability to kite make it difficult for Darius to engage and stick to her. Additionally, her ultimate can negate Darius's execute potential, turning the tide of a duel in her favor.”
Ingenious Darius by Vamrine | Darius Player
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