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Lucian Counter Stats

Lucian Counters
Discover all champions who counter Lucian. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Lucian in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,178 Tips for countering Lucian below

Bottom Lane
50.15% Win Rate94% Pick Rate Lucian Bottom Lane Counters: 22 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Lucian in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

afr0rk says “Lucian is a completely different champ depending on the support he's paired with. You need to respect his burst a lot if he has a Nami or a Milio, to the point where taking Exhaust is most likely optimal. You outrange him and can easily avoid taking his full combo, so you will outscale him and are relatively safe from him early as well.”
loaderdragon15 says “Ezreal's poke and range advantage allow him to harass short-range ADCs safely from a distance. He can kite them effectively with Mystic Shot and Arcane Shift, making it challenging for them to engage or trade effectively.”
Ezreal's Novel, In-Depth Ezreal Guide by loaderdragon15 | Ezreal Player
fuckingrathatxdd says “Very good burst and follow-up on engages. Can outtrade him once he finishes his combo, but be careful.”
RatXDD's Silver Elo Premium Asshat Twitch Guide! by fuckingrathatxdd | Twitch Player
Prince of Nature says “Mobile champ - everything will dodge, care about his E and R”
SERAPHINE GUIDE [SEASON 14] HOW TO SLAY WITH HER? by Prince of Nature | Seraphine Player
Maxxx_hhh says “Haven't played against for now but shouldn't be an easy matchup”
Smolder Quick Guide (14.4) by Maxxx_hhh | Smolder Player
nzan says “A strong burst ADC, Lucian is also quite agile and is happy to avoid your skillshots. His Q is also an ability that cuts through a wave, so be careful of your positioning. If he runs at you, Starcall on his approach so that your escape is easier. Leading your shots is important against this bully! His ultimate is a consistent ability, so Equinox is a great counter for it if you place it just right on him! Even if he steps in it for a brief second, his ultimate will stop!”
Bobalegre says “He has a stronger early game than you, similar to draven he needs to get fed early to scale, poke him down, only trade when he does not have his skills available.”
[14.4] Ezreal The Absolute Spellcaster (IN DEV) by Bobalegre | Ezreal Player
TTV BLINKFIORA says “broken early game champ, try to all in cause he outpokes you”
quandinhle says “lucian with some buff support or Pantheon is Hell. maybe need some gank to turn the match. ”
Smolder. by quandinhle | Smolder Player
Vapora Dark says “The threat of the Lucian matchup really depends on what support he's paired with. Nami for example can make him tremendously bursty. But regardless, Exhaust also helps greatly with managing him, since ideally he wants to be dashing into your face to burst you down which makes his burst rather telegraphed. The only truly problematic thing about this champion is his potential to 100-0 you from outside of your range with his ult, but aside from that he has to get into your range to fight you which makes him manageable with most support archetypes.”
The Book of Aphelios by Vapora Dark | Aphelios Player
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