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Renekton Counter Stats

Renekton Counters
Discover all champions who counter Renekton. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Renekton in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,283 Tips for countering Renekton below

Top Lane
50.21% Win Rate92% Pick Rate Renekton Top Lane Counters: 51 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Renekton in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Baby_Driver says “Skill matchup. Bone plating is amazing here. You can zone him from exp for the first 3 melee minions (if he has no furry stacked!). Do not waste your E. try to start trades with auto-W. Whenever u want to go all-in on him make sure to go to the side of him so that he doesn't double E to his turret.”
Baby Driver's Guide to Darius (The God-King) by Baby_Driver | Darius Player
Ulsur says “Fun matchup, you take turns doing your combos, you can buffer your Q if he tries to stun you, avoid his beefy combo after 6, as he can pretty much drop 70% of your health or more in an instant, play at a distance and only try to Q1 him without E, if he dashes in you dash back and Q2 into W, if he has no dash you win the trade, simple but still he can surprise you with a load of dmg on his level 6, he also has great gank setup so beware, rush Eclipse and Tabis and you'll win, you outscale him pretty hard, oh by the way, if you're less than 40% HP under your own turret and you decide to farm instead of trying to Q him, you're dead.”
DioSett says “take tp and doran blade , conq , rush plated steelcaps , if u managed to win lane early buy ruined king otherwise buy sterak first item , try to e+w if u have the occasion , his E+W+Q+E combo is annyoing ”
Sett 14.7 Dio Sett (Master) Guide by DioSett | Sett Player
Hotch says “Respect his rage meter. You can look for trades early if he doesn't have empowered abilities but avoid his lvl 3 all-in. Play safe and outscale. Take ignite. ”
[14.6] How to Win with Yorick by Hotch | Yorick Player
KingJoeyy says “renekton would upgrade Q first so do the same. he has 2 dashes you have one. take ignite in this lane he definitely should stomp you in lane well if he plays it correctly. when he does renekton combo try to e q when he runs away with his combo he dashes out at the end of combo don't let him punish you without him getting punished.”
[14.6] Diamond Gwen Top Guide KingJoeylol by KingJoeyy | Gwen Player
forlid says “Renekton alongside Pantheon is one of the most popular counterpicks to us. That's mainly because his early game damage with fury is very high and he can easily zone you. His kit also allows him to play very safe with E, and unless you gap his HP early you can't really kill him until your early items. Remember that without his fury his damage and abilities are much weaker. His R is much stronger than yours and it also grants him extra fury, so don't fight him during it unless you're ahead. Kraken is good first item.”
[14.6] Users Manual for Yone // Diamond Guide by forlid | Yone Player
PinkBlood says “You usually just want to go even into renekton you can't really kill the croc in lane until 1 item so make sure you stay even in farm and just place barrels to create space and farm with your passive. Sometimes renektons will run ignite or start e level 1 so watchout for that. ”
Eriyjah says “Resolve secondary runes with Bone Plating, rush Opportunity.”
14.6 Pantheon Ultimate Oneshot Item Guide (Keegun Style) by Eriyjah | Pantheon Player
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.3,4 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).(Bone plating recommend) *Favorable for renekton* Put a eye when he uses his E(dash) and W(stun) because they both have 16 sec cooldown at ability level 1. When he engages on you be ready to block his W with your E so u only get stunned, and if you're lucky even his Q Pre 6 you can win him easily. after 6 it's hard. But at 2 items consider to focus on farm and help your team when possible. ”
Pantheon's what to do list for TOP LANE [14.5] by procatking | Pantheon Player
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. You outscale him and can play it safe but early is winnable as well. You need to deny him empowered q hits on you and poke him. If He uses e onto you, use your e centered on yourself. Since he aims to Dash through you to get his second dash this will always hit him. Dont use your w if he hasnt used his. His w will destroy your shield, this is the only way he can win. If you absolutely have to use it, use the heal immediately.”
S14 Mordekaiser top guide with matchups [Diamond 2] by Witchking of Angwar | Mordekaiser Player
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