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Nilah Counter Stats

Nilah Counters
Discover all champions who counter Nilah. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Nilah in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
168 Tips for countering Nilah below

Bottom Lane
53.69% Win Rate99% Pick Rate Nilah Bottom Lane Counters: 21 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Nilah in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

afr0rk says “Nilah is a very frustrating champ to deal with because of her Passive exp gain and her W. Make sure to bully her as much as you can early on, you should win short trades and all ins for a while as long as you make sure to bait out her W. Once she hits 6, make sure to save your E to dash out of her Ult. The longer the game goes on the harder it is to deal with her, so be careful.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Dodge worthy imo. Denies a LOT of your damage with her W. Threats N' Tips: Watch out for her E and R. She can E her own allies and minions. If she gets on you, W yourself and make like Frodo and FLEE, YOU FOOL.”
RatXDD's Silver Elo Premium Asshat Twitch Guide! by fuckingrathatxdd | Twitch Player
Loukazs says “Trade really heavy early and zone from wave nilah level 1 is weak. Need to deny exp as much as possible.”
Twitch Spaceglide Crit Build 14.6 by Loukazs | Twitch Player
Bobalegre says “She has two dashes. If you E away from her she can dash again. She is not that strong early tho, just poke her down and try to bait her W, after it ends you can all in.”
[14.4] Ezreal The Absolute Spellcaster (IN DEV) by Bobalegre | Ezreal Player
Vapora Dark says “Even your ability damage is mostly basic attacks, and Nilah W dodges basic attacks. She also has an easy time diving onto you where she out-DPSes you and outbursts you. You'll want to run Ghost and rush Berserker's Greaves to most effectively kite her, and disengage will be the best tool your support can provide you in this matchup.”
The Book of Aphelios by Vapora Dark | Aphelios Player
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “1 of the worst matchups to play. Her early game is about her weakest part so try and make sure u burst her as fast as possible early, don't push toward her because then she'll freely farm under tower, try zoning and slow pushing. Her lack of range makes it impossible to utilize her passive. If you somehow can't stop her in lane that's fine, when you have items you should be able to chunk her, if she W's don't bother autoing, walk out, if you can't, wait it out then auto. Don't allow her to freely E onto you, keeping distance is your saving grace.”
IHaveBadGuides says “A Samira clone bascially Tips for laning: - Bully Early - Prio Stacks > Farm”
Swenzu says “One of the best pick BUT ppl have to know how to use the champ”
dsnwVifon says “Block your AA, has 2 dashes, pulls you with R, but it has low pick rate. If she has enchanter you can dodge.”
Twitch Guide by Top 100 Twitch by dsnwVifon | Twitch Player
muhich69 says “блокает желтую карту. закончим на этом”
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