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Jinx Counter Stats

Jinx Counters
Discover all champions who counter Jinx. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Jinx in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
622 Tips for countering Jinx below

Bottom Lane
51.92% Win Rate100% Pick Rate Jinx Bottom Lane Counters: 22 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Jinx in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

rowzkit says “She outranges you in the mid/late game, unless she's already fully scaled, you still can try to poke and get stacks.”
(14.7) CARRY WITH SMOLDER *POST NERFS* by rowzkit | Smolder Player
afr0rk says “Very hard for Jinx to deal with you early game, you outrange her and you out damage her in her range if you have a few passive stacks. Careful about letting her scale tho, as she can and will be a menace in the late game.”
Amnesia_twtv says “you get outscaled 9/10 times, honestly dodge if you rlly wana win most games”
MASTER PEAK NO BS QUICK GUIDE by Amnesia_twtv | Draven Player
loaderdragon15 says “Ezreal's poke and mobility can be particularly punishing for squishy ADCs with limited mobility. He can harass them from afar while avoiding their engage attempts, making it difficult for them to retaliate or escape.”
Ezreal's Novel, In-Depth Ezreal Guide by loaderdragon15 | Ezreal Player
fuckingrathatxdd says “Can shove her rocket up her submissive and breedable ass if she missteps. Don't step in her E pls.”
RatXDD's Silver Elo Premium Asshat Twitch Guide! by fuckingrathatxdd | Twitch Player
Loukazs says “Pretty even, can look for trades level 1 out of q and level 3 when you have w”
Twitch Spaceglide Crit Build 14.6 by Loukazs | Twitch Player
Bobalegre says “Her early game is pretty bad, if she is alone you can easily kill her from full HP. DO NOT feed her because she scales incredibly well.”
[14.4] Ezreal The Absolute Spellcaster (IN DEV) by Bobalegre | Ezreal Player
TTV BLINKFIORA says “just make sure she dont run u down with passive and use her stun against her”
Vapora Dark says “Jinx becomes a big issue for Aphelios later on when she massively out-ranges him, but for most of laning phase she tends to be at least somewhat manageable, especially with engage supports. Her full rocket form range takes until level 9 to be unlocked, so it should get progressively harder and harder after level 2, but this is a lot of time to snowball against her with superior trading capabilities.”
The Book of Aphelios by Vapora Dark | Aphelios Player
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Make sure the game doesn't go to 40 minutes, she's very squishy and with HoB should be exterminated after all 3 autos, don't stand in the wave to avoid her Q AOE but don't stand too far as where you can't walk behind a minion incase she W's”
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