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Shen Counter Stats

Shen Counters
Discover all champions who counter Shen. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Shen in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
969 Tips for countering Shen below

Top Lane
50.3% Win Rate77% Pick Rate Shen Top Lane Counters: 45 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Shen in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Shark of Void says “Take Conqueror and Teleport. He can block your AA(W) with W. Use E to evade his E. AFK farm.”
How to summon the Blood Storm with Kennen by Shark of Void | Kennen Player
Baby_Driver says “inspiration secondary or demolish with bone plating. There is nothing much he can do vs you. Try to always dodge to the side. Do not get taunted under his turret. PING YOUR TEAMMATES HIS LVL 6. JUST DO IT. Always interrupt his ult with pull. Whenever he tries to play agressively and all-in you for no reason, it means that he wants you use your pull and tp to his team. Don't get baited by this and observe what is happening around the map.”
Baby Driver's Guide to Darius (The God-King) by Baby_Driver | Darius Player
DioSett says “Take tp , doran blade, conq , dont fight him lvl 1 , after 6 start split push if he is ulting ult , try to always push him”
Sett 14.7 Dio Sett (Master) Guide by DioSett | Sett Player
Hotch says “His W blocks your damage and his early damage is scary, but you can pretty reliable out-damage him if he wastes his cooldowns or runs out of energy. Constantly push the wave so you can punish his R. Take Ignite.”
[14.6] How to Win with Yorick by Hotch | Yorick Player
KingJoeyy says “get 4 stack with q and if he closes in trade w him. If he ults to other lanes hit tower.”
[14.6] Diamond Gwen Top Guide KingJoeylol by KingJoeyy | Gwen Player
forlid says “Shen is one of the more easier matchups in top. While his W may seem oppressive at first, it actually isn't AS useful against us since you can still stack from it. His E is kinda easy to dodge with your own E and you can prevent him from teleporting with his R by using CC on him. You far outscale him, both BORK and Kraken are good against him.”
[14.6] Users Manual for Yone // Diamond Guide by forlid | Yone Player
PinkBlood says “A good shen will block your passive auto attack with his W. and match your q with his passive q. If shen ever teleports away make sure to hit plates and scale, your team mates might die but the gold lead you will get toplane will outweigh anything shen does if he ends up dropping waves to roam. ”
Eriyjah says “Inspiration secondary runes, rush Blade of the Ruined King.”
14.6 Pantheon Ultimate Oneshot Item Guide (Keegun Style) by Eriyjah | Pantheon Player
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).*Favorable for pantheon* shen can block you empowerd W with his Spirit's Refuge(W) so bait it out. if he gets his sword through you back for abit if possible. He can E(dash with taunt) so Aegis Assault(E) backwards to avoid DMG. BotRK is a good option here.”
Pantheon's what to do list for TOP LANE [14.5] by procatking | Pantheon Player
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Free lane. Dont underestimate His dueling pre 6. After that he is food. Your r cancels his r. ”
S14 Mordekaiser top guide with matchups [Diamond 2] by Witchking of Angwar | Mordekaiser Player
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