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Aatrox Counter Stats

Aatrox Counters
Discover all champions who counter Aatrox. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Aatrox in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,838 Tips for countering Aatrox below

Top Lane
50.23% Win Rate96% Pick Rate Aatrox Top Lane Counters: 53 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Aatrox in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

femboydegilim says “Fast abilities for fast deer can hit you with his q and e combo in early game you dont have any problem with him after level 6 ”
⭐Best Toplaner⭐ Lillia Toplane Guide ❤ by femboydegilim | Lillia Player
smrgol says “It's mostly a skill matchup, this is a test of how well you can predict and dodge abilities, punish his Q+E when he misses and utilize your traps+W root whenever you can. Run under your tower when he ults and if he isn't full health, pop your ghost and kite him after it ends.”
Jhin is 4 top by smrgol | Jhin Player
Zagreus16 says “Start w and literally run at him to do a full trade, you will win lvl 1 if he full fights you if you have ignite. if you get him low lvl 1 you can go all in lvl 2-3 to kill him. he becomes a extreme threat later on in lane if you dont get a lead cause of his Q's CDR. you will even want anti heal exe calling to limit his healing as much as possible”
Zagreus7274_ttv 14.13 Top Lane Sett Guide by Zagreus16 | Sett Player
CrimsonL7 says “This matchup blows. But rejoice little briar player it is winnable! If the Aatrox is deaf and blind you can kill him! Play really aggressively pre 6 and post 6 only fight him if your ignite is up. Try to dodge his W sweetspots with your Q and W and if you cant just E his third one since it does the most damage. He outscales you in 1v1 hard. If you fall behind early and he is good expect to die like 20 times”
Crimson's Master Briar Top Guide by CrimsonL7 | Briar Player
TroyLoL says “If you're able to dodge his abilities you out trade and win easily. However if you get hit by let's say 2 of 3 q's you're going to have a hard time out trading him.”
AGGaming says “You will never die to Aatrox, nor will Aatrox die to you. farm up, take Grasp, and scale.”
Malphite Build/Runes/Gameplay Guide by AGGaming | Malphite Player
NASAO says “For me the worst route in the top lane (my ban). At lv 9, dodging from his skills (in particular the Q3 combo) and spacing him, you will kill him.”
Godzilla010 says “Don't take extended trades as his Q will come off cd. Take short trades and dodge. Avoid his Q-E poke.”
Garen Guide 010 by Godzilla010 | Garen Player
Skaarlschloch says “Quite easy matchup as you can shield his Qs and beat him early & outpush him”
How to get Diamond on Noc & Seju Toplane by Skaarlschloch | Nocturne Player
YuletideGlory says “Aatox is really easy to read since you know what's coming as soon as he casts Q, allowing you to stun E consistently and walk away from the threat or beat him to a pulp. Your sustain is too high for Aatrox to be a threat, but you still don't want to take his hits for no reason. Play around his Q and all-in after it's over. I even beat Aatrox in a full health slug fest WHILE he was ulting the whole time.”
[UPDATED] Truly OUTRAGEOUS Taric Top! 14.12 by YuletideGlory | Taric Player
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