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Aatrox Counter Stats

Aatrox Counters
Discover all champions who counter Aatrox. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Aatrox in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,921 Tips for countering Aatrox below

Top Lane
49.45% Win Rate96% Pick Rate Aatrox Top Lane Counters: 50 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Aatrox in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Yordleswaggins says “Take PTA. pay attention to his dash usage. when his dash in on CD you can run at him for a fight. you win any all in auto attack fight.”
Yordleswaggins Volibear top runes and build guide by Yordleswaggins | Volibear Player
Loocalol says “Runes: Comet Early: start E , after his Q1 you want to E when he does his Q2 Tips: Poke him with q's every time his E is down or if he goes for a last hit, eventually you can combo him”
[S15] - Beginner > Expert level details - Gragas guide by Loocalol | Gragas Player
GodKingwastaken says “Darius Sided Skill matchup, try to get closer with him without taking q's. if u only take third q when you get closer youll win, you can chase him with your ghost so freezing is a good option.”
Top Lane Darius Guide From A Challenger Darius Onetrick by GodKingwastaken | Darius Player
liucan says “skill match: u win early if u dont choke, after that he has no CD and can run u down. Dodge Q1 with W, use Q to stop Q2+E and instant use E to stop his Q3, if u get hit by W side with W but u will lose this trade. U can build bramble for late, since he need to use his passive AA and use AA bteween Qs for dmg, but this is a hard match.”
Briar Top bad english by liucan | Briar Player
Dom1nus says “really strong lvl 1, avoid trading him when he starts hiting with his q dont get caught into his w and u are safe. His lvl 6 is pretty annoying. Manage ur fury wisely, his qs can cancel ur e if they hit you.”
3 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide by Dom1nus | Renekton Player
Maniaxx says “Aatrox has strong sustain, crowd control, and mobility, especially in his World Ender (R) form. He can outheal most of the damage you deal with his Q (The Darkin Blade) and Passive (Deathbringer Stance). How to deal with him: Build anti-heal early: Items like Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling will reduce Aatrox’s healing and make him less threatening. Use your range: Mundo's Q (Infected Cleaver) lets you poke Aatrox from a distance, reducing his ability to sustain and trade effectively. Respect his all-ins: Aatrox’s R (World Ender) makes him much stronger. Avoid extended trades when he has his ultimate up.”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
a_k_z7 says “aatrox in general has the upper hand in this match up better range and damage lvl 1 look to trade close to him so he q1 and q2 and walk away from q3 only w when he want to q3 and e q1 + e or q2 + e you cant really avoid the damage from you w if you cant escpae his w e the wave so you can dont fight when he r unless he is very low just ult him poke him with q and play at eqaul distance to his q buy anti heal against”
Puyo says “Levar incendiar. A Riven não tem dificuldade de desviar das skills dele. Se ele estiver um pouco forte, guarde sempre o E e pelo mens 1 Q para não tomar o Q3 dele no centro.”
Riven s2024/3 (WIP) by Puyo | Riven Player
Nithril says “This Champion is stupid, E max, if he hits his W either E instantly or dont E, dont E into his Qs, grievous wounds works wonders”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
ballsniffer112 says “Pretty difficult matchup if the enemy knows how to play passive, try to take advantage of your lvl 2. Buy antiheal epic item on first back, bait his ult before full engaging”
Zac Top/Mid guide by ballsniffer112 | Zac Player
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