In the Jungle 50.02% Win Rate90% Pick RateShyvana In the Jungle Counters: 16 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Shyvana in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “If she goes ap you can oneshot her, if she goes tank you have to care a bit but you should still 1v1 her.”
LeonAtreides says “She farms faster than you, it is just that simple, she outfarms you no matter how hard you try; might be easier to try and kill her on a camp while she is distracted.
Pray she is stupid.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can out farm you and run to objectives before you do, not much you can do but try to steal her camps and take an early dragon (this reduces your tempo since your early dragons take forever). You will win team fights vs her however she can one shot your team if she's left unchecked.”
Jackiewawa says “I would path top to bot in order to deny her sneaking first dragon at 5:00. You should be on your 2nd spawn of krugs/gromp by the time dragon spawns and you can place a ward in the pit.
She fullclears like you and you can outdamage and run her down for the most part as long as she doesn't get fed. Be careful of her E poke and her speed when W is active, she can outrun even with Ghost.”
DoxxTheLeague says “ap shyvana has a huge burst that can hit you from a mile away that is kinda hard to dodge build some mr item you can be 10x her in teamfights with your r tho but shes still extremely annoying to play against try to get bot prio early and play for 1 drake trade 1 drake for grubs it helps a lot.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Shes especially skill matchup, your clear is almost equal to her. If you play red u can 1v1 her, but not always win if you fall behind. Avoid her when you play assasin. Try contest and do objectives.”
AlgebraLinear2 says “Once you think she is doing dragon, she already did it. She is very weak early game so you better take an advantage in that. Clear in the same direction as her and invade her as soon as possible if you have priority. Dont ever let her take advantage in the botside. If she take one or two dragons, its most likely over.”
y every name taken says “Overstatted for durability, damage, and mobility. Will out-duel you at all stages of the game regardless of how far behind she is (except for the first few levels if you can land a good Q) and is pretty much everywhere on the map thanks to her W. Shyvannas love to counterjungle and will often choose dragons over grubs/herald to stack passive, so keep that in mind. This is my personal go-to ban at the moment.”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you do. Shyvanna potentially waits for level 6 before ganking. Abuse her early game weakness and snowball a ton in other lanes. Just be sure to finish the game early because she outscales you and has very high capability of changing game outcomes.”
lurutin says “Talking about 1v1 you will always win, but pay attention on her burst if she is ap, on her movespeed buffs and be careful if she is tank cause she can create good gaps for her team.”
Maciejson says “It's essentially a farm race with Shyvana; she won't interact with you much. Ensure that either you or your team wards the dragon by or before 5 minutes. You can't really beat her when she has her ultimate, but she is vulnerable without it.
AD Shyvana possesses a lot of burst, while AP Shyvana can one-shot you. Don't get caught off guard by her ultimate, and you should be fine.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. Handshake fullclears. You out damage her throughout the game and can run her down for the most part. Be careful of her burst she has if she lands E + Q. Be careful of her fast movement speed with her W, she can outrun you even with Ghost. ”
Foxirion says “Shyvana’s transformation and high damage output can pose a threat to Viego, but her lack of crowd control means Viego can often escape or engage effectively”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup. Shyvana plays for full clear but you kind of just beat her at every point of the game. If she goes AP she can be annoying with poke, but you have a lot more snowball potential early with Hecarim’s kit. She has no real invade window, apart from raptors cheese. Both PR and conq are fine in this matchup.”
Mignognium says “Ne lui laissez pas avoir 3 drakes. Vous êtes meilleur en 1v1, elle prend trop de dégâts sur votre combo de base. Attention juste mettre de la vision sur les objectifs, et si elle joue un vilain [Frozen Heart] n'essayez pas de 1v1 sauf si vous voyez des erreurs. ”
IvernGott says “Early into the game Shyvana is really weak. She can be invaded and by the right tracking u can counter her and kill her on Drake with ur team ( she wants early drages min 5)”
Kittylxz says “Nunca le vas a ganar un 1v1, limpia mucho mejor la jungla, casi imposible que le ganes un dragón, estamos hablando de que si la juegan bien o usan el cerebro, no tienes nada que hacer contra ella.”
HawkSP says “Shyvana’s power farming and dragon control pose a significant threat to Ivern’s objective-focused gameplay. Counterplay involves securing vision around objectives and coordinating with your team to disrupt her power farming.”
X3mHills says “She can close the gap easily, so consider purchasing defensive items such as armor or magic resistance to protect against her. Focus on farming and counter-ganking to gain an advantage.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Shyvana: Is easy matchup but if its some otp it might be even.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Try to catch her with your team and its free kill and objectives are free too otherwise just play normally”
shacolovesyou says “rarely i see a shyvana but i think she counters us well, u can dodge his habilities but anyway still a better duelist, make sure to fight the dragons so go botlane or she will get tanky as hell”
Pro8l3m says “Just invade her and dont let her scale u will win against her. Dont let her drakes bc she gets stronger every drake she takes bc of passive and u will be fine”
jajkopajko says “If shes AP dont fight with her when she has ult ready, she will just 1shot you. If going bruiser you can win if you keep her at distance.”
Daawwnn says “if she gets drakes she wins easily her lvl 6 is stronger than your entire kit i recommend playing through bot and trying to get early drakes keep vision on enemy botside jungle at all times if possible”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Don't give her Drakes or she will get plus 5 armor and Magic resist per Dragon. She also can solo Drake easy because she dose 20% more damage to Drakes. Watch her Fury stacks to know if she can R. When in Dragon form its best to R her away then dodge her E.”
Pullks says “care for her E since it will make damage she deals on you a mixed damage based on your maximal health so remember grabbing a bit of magic resistance versus her.”
garbocan says “If you're against laners who are hard to gank, Shyvana can be an absolute nightmare. This is because she will powerfarm and solo dragons, while you aren't able to get a lead since there's nobody to countergank.
AD Shyvana is slightly easier to deal with than AP, since she has to go in and can be peeled off with CC.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an easy time against both AP- and AD Shyvana, due to Briar being free of Gap Closer after a few points in Briar W + Having the stat check into both AP- and AD Shyvana during the entire game.
Briar has an even jungle clear against Shyvana.
Shyvana Statcheck mainly comes from hitting her E ability + using the debuff that deals On-Hit Max %HP + Shyvana R Dragon enchanted playstyle. <—> Briar Statcheck mainly comes from her extending outputs on Passive + R + Berserking W(1) + W(2), thereby Briar is freely allowed to disengage and repeat this due to Briar E into immobile Shyvana.
Valkidol says “Unless you let her get 6 items you should be able to beat her always. Unless she goes AP, in which case, oh well, she will poke you with E.”
OakIgu says “You need to have dragon warded at all times and if your bot lane is having a hard time this matchup will be a very hard one, if you can't fight for dragon punish her by stealing camps and giving advantages to the other lanes on the map.”
Coccaa says “AP or bruiser it doesn't matter what build she goes you beat her. Early game might be a bit harder because her E makes her autos do like max health damage but once you get 6 it shouldnt really be that hard”
MusicJG says “You can kite her very easily, she has a decent clear but not that healthy.
Look to level 2 invade her or late invade level 1 to take 2 of her camps
(Red+Raptors for example).
Then just crossmap and take your weakside camps so she is only left with 4 camps.
Ward dragon/Ask your team to ward it so she doesn't do it on spawn.
If you let her free farm and take dragons she will be very hard to deal with.”
Pyrobot says “Shyvana's my ban. Regardless of her being AD or AP, she will ALWAYS one shot your dogs immediately, and she will shred you and you will never be able to duel her. ”
TheBougis says “Shyvana isone of the fastest plant takers in the game thanks to her Q, on top of that, she can do a lot of damage, and with the right augments, she can be very strong.
If possible, stall out her ult and deny her as many plants as possible.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Either she won't be a threat, or she'll be the sole reason you lost the game. Try to invade her pre-six, and do everything you can to out-gank her. The AD variant of this champion is getting buffed in 13.14, and she's looking to be in a fairly good spot, so don't be surprised if you start seeing Shyvana more frequently.”
Zero macro says “Shyvana has a weaker early game combined with wanting to farm early on. Nidalee should excell early on into Shyvana and deny her drakes for scaling.”
Zero macro says “Shyvana is known for her AFK clears and Dragon farms. Shred Zed is stronger than Shyvana at all times and has a faster jungle clear. Zed has the tools to dodge Shyvana E and catchup Shyvana. which is a good way to prevent Damage taken.”
metalhydra273 says “Shyvana is a stat checker without much defense against cc. The ap poke builds can chunk you, so be ready to dodge e's if that's the case. Otherwise, try to avoid 1v1s and use your team to limit her usefulness.”
Apari1010 says “She's not scary if she doesn't have drakes. Without her R she can't really do anything to you and you can chunk her health bar really good even in dragon form. If she gets drakes and stacks her passive, then it can get pretty hard to deal with her but as Rhaast this matchup is pretty easy. Definitely a Kayn favoured matchup.”
FaeBytez says “Shyvana can be a tough opponent for Diana due to her high damage and tankiness. If Shyvana lands her Flame Breath and Twin Bite, she can quickly shred through Diana's health. However, if Diana can dodge Shyvana's abilities and kite her, she can win the duel. ”
Borinn says “She is only extreme if she goes off-tank. If she goes full ap she will be pretty easy to kill.
She outscales you hard but her ganks early aren't nearly as powerfull as yours so try to stomp her early because she can carry late. Get dragons so she can't benefit her passive (even tho it's useless). In team fights if you are tank try to protect back line. If you are AD try to kill her back line. Try to end game before she spikes.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Careful as she is able to kill drake after it spawns. Make sure you have vision and play around it as free dragons can not be given vs her.”
checca says “Skill-based matchup for the most part. Shyvana early isn't too good; watch out for her sneaking dragons between levels 4 and 6. After level 6, Shyvana gets slightly better than Zac with her clear speed and tower kill speed. Try to fight Shyvana when she doesn't have her R active, as she will be nearly useless. Be careful when casting abilities and watch out for her R as it makes her unstoppable.”
basrty1p says “Punish her at early game since she need to level 6 to massive ganking potential If she tries to R on your team, press your E to stun her and your team should kill her quickly”
Davecraft16 says “This is going to be really easy, just abuse her early so mid game she won't be able to do anything. She will try to take drakes because they are really important to her. Don't let her have a single drake.”
Bhyure33 says “Hard to kill and deals a lot of dmg. Especially good with new tank items. Avoid fighting, and try to invade camps and countergank to slow her down.”
RedNBlue says “Don't let her get fed, don't let her ultimate or e(dragon form E) your backline, cleaver her if she's not already in your back line and keep her slowed and poked down before fighting.
Make sure you get extra security over early drakes as she can take them solo and very fast with a teammate to help. She's the champion you say its a low chance she's on the drake but she is definitely on the drake when you would hope she isn't.”
zotet says “Keep her behind, she has a mediocre early game and peaks mid game. Make sure she doesn't get value from her ult by playing in good positions such as in your jungle or away from your allies (to avoid multikills)”
MythicalMinute says “Force fights early, you can't outscale a really good shyvanna but she can't outgank a Shaco unless your laners are 4 Yuumi's which i doubt. When ahead from ganking force dragons, she can take them really easily so you always want them off the map.
Bruiser (Tank Oriented) is good here.”
spuki97 says “Try to bait out her E and then fight her early in order to beat her. After 6 be careful as she can ult+E on top of herself and it's hard to fight her, avoid fighting her in her ulti. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “She does not have dashes, so you can hit spells quite easily. The problem is that she's really strong right now, especially in team fights. Actually, a good way to control Shyvana is to get vision on the drakes, and to warn you team that you must contest drake as a team of 4. ”
Kao_Oak says “She will afk farm the whole game, watch out for her pathing because she will jump on every opportunity to get fast drakes or rift herald. Not that much of a threat in 1v1 as long as she doesn't get too much ahead.”
RengarNBush says “Outstats you, try not to give drakes vs this champ it becomes really unplayable. After having ldr then you can try fighting her and have better chances of winning if you didn't win before. Eclipse is good in this matchup. Also do not give drakes vs her.”
MaximusWillCarry says “My personal permaban. Goes Sunfire / Bork and oneshots you. You cant oneshot her, high mobility to dodge your abilities. Extremely busted rn against Zac / Tank junglers.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shyvana will look for aggressive plays and aggressive trades early. Keep this in mind. Avoid pushing the wave constantly. Shyvana has great all-in and chase potential. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map will reduce her chances of running you down the lane. If you see that Shyvana has her Ultimate Dragon's Descent(R), avoid over-committing to all-ins as she could just escape. For instance, don’t Flash for her unless her Ultimate is down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shyvana wants to power farm in the early game to get level 6 and unlock her Ultimate Dragon's Descent(R) and get her transformation. You can delay this by invading or trying to fight her early. Thanks to her Passive, Shyvana will be trying to secure every Dragon. Make sure you keep them warded so you can spot her before she takes them for free. Because Shyvana will not be ganking much, look to gank as much as you can in the early game to get your allies ahead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shyvana wants to power farm in the early game to get level 6 and unlock her Ultimate Dragon's Descent(R) and get her transformation. You can delay this by invading or trying to fight her early. Thanks to her Passive, Shyvana will be trying to secure every Dragon. Make sure you keep them warded so you can spot her before she takes them for free. Because Shyvana will not be ganking much, look to gank as much as you can in the early game to get your allies ahead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Shyvana will look for aggressive plays and aggressive trades early. Keep this in mind. Avoid pushing the wave constantly. Shyvana has great all-in and chase potential. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map will reduce her chances of running you down the lane. If you see that Shyvana has her Ultimate avoid over-committing to all-ins as she could just escape. For instance, don’t Flash for her unless her Ultimate is down.”
Darksword255 says “Very tanking but can output a ton of damage. Make sure to not stand in her E. The only time you beat her is early. Her R gives her HP and extra damage so fight her before she has a full rage stack.”
Lawiss1 says “Si shyv go ap vous avez gagner
Si elle go offtank bruiser on hit mes couilles là c'est plus dur mais Eve est assez strong pour pas dire broken donc c'est fine”
rhvse says “Hard match, upgrade E first. You need to block "fireball" with your W and stun her as fast as possible. Buy Magic Resistance and Armor Penetration.”
ItsAydam says “Shyvana is a minor threat because you're stronger than her early game. And since 90% of the time they go for ap shyvana, try to stick on her and dodge her e. Make sure to keep drake warded to get those free kills on her.”
imminences says “This champion does crazy damage for no reason and is basically unfightable at every stage of the game without help. Try and catch her greeding for dragons if you have bot/mid prio.”
CommanderRexy says “Any jungler who is predictable like Kindred or Shyvana is not too bad to deal with as a highly mobile, snowballing skirmisher. You know she wants drags/your marked camp, so just bait or take them. Work with your team too. Vision is key in these matchups, and often the support gap will decide them if the players are proactive.”
NegativePhoenix says “Varies on the Shyvanna. AD is scary but not impossible. AP Shyv is alot worse since her AOE field can do a crap ton of damage in either scenario. If she ults in, dodge it and her AOE zone and you'll have a better fighting chance. If her ult is down and wont be up for a while fight her, she's useless without it.”
[Shyvana is a very scaly champion, she deals a lot of AP damage, she can kill squishies but also tanks, her AAs on marked people deals %MAXHP magic damage. Early, you can just time her E if she touches you by disengaging then re-engaging with your Q. Keep in mind that her clear is better than yours, her solo monster damage is very high, so she can still your gromp or your buffs pretty easily. She also deals more damage to the drake and as she deals %MAXHP magic damage, it also works on dragons, so her objective making (especially dragons) is very high. In fights, she's vulnerable when CC'd, even more without her dragon form, and she relates on a lot of AA's so you can E+W her while your ADC for example kills her. You can R if she R's onto you to cancel her push (can be handy if she wants to take you into her turret).]
Scratchyerik says “Best Jungler in the game right now. Demon Helm Shyvana is just very tanky and does a lot of damage. You'll outscale her around 4 items as you should probably get Cleaver 4th against her. However if you get behind it'll be hard for you to contest her.”
SunLongGod says “not really a threat to you but can be to your teammates. she can be tanky or high ap damage. but with no CC you can beat her, save your Q to follow her when she using W to runaway”
NegativePhoenix says “Help yourself to a case of headache. Shyvana has been getting optimized by the community and it's paid off. Early game she can't do much by herself till she hits 6 and has her dragon form. Once her rage bar is down though she isn't too effective in a fight unless she's ahead, just be mindful if she goes full AP her dragon forms AOE field is gonna HURT on impact.”
Sammystinky says “Be careful of her sneaking drags, she kills them mad quick and gets added benefit. You very much out gank her, but she is hard to hurt especially with her Frostfire build. ”
BullwhipGriffin says “Diana isnt a champion that can invade very easily. allowing shyvana to be able to free farm and will end up stat checking diana from level 6 onwards. Diana almost never can beat shyvana in a fight”
NixLychee says “Pretty strong dueling early for a lategame champ, although her damage isn't fantastic. Be careful of her AP build's fireball nukes, and watch her Fury bar to prevent her from using her Dragon form to its fullest potential.”
TimothyFly says “Not really meta so i don't have much. She has a weak clear and weak ganking so just outclass her by getting every objective and out ganking her.”
WONDR says “Go to her jungle, jump on her. She can only run from you and not very well as she has no cc to slow you down. I don't see how you could lose.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror.
ITEMS: Banshee if her team is full AP. Mercury's Treads if her team has a lot of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Shyvana can be really annoying to deal with if she gets strong, but she needs to find a way to get to that point. While Lillia doesn't have a good early game, Shyvana manages to have an even worse one. She can't gank at all before 6, and even then your ganks are still better. Lillia's clear is also faster and healthier than Shyvana's one, so abuse that and try to invade her if you see the opportunity.”
Janooobi says “Very hard to catch up with and can do a lot of damage from a distance, if she is the only ap get anathemas chains. Her clear is a lot better than yours so you will rarely beat her to the gank, look for counters or cut your jungle clear short to get to the lane before her”
Scythe Prince says “This is a farming matchup. make sure either you or your team ward dragon at or before 5 minutes. Try fight Shyvana during mid game when she does not have her ultimate. If she builds AP, it is recommened to go Shadow Assassin.
Zehmox says “she outclears you and lvl 6 she can prevent herself from getting knocked up with her ult if timed correctly. AD or AP both are a pain in the ass”
blulemon says “Can be dangerous if fed and if hard to keep objective control against her. Try to not let her stick on you as she has lots of % hp dmg. Get some early pressure and you will be fine.”
MrMeem45 says “AD Shyvana is Major. She WILL surprise you with her damage. You CAN'T fight her early and you CAN'T fight her late. Trust me on this one. Instead, look to take her camps when she's not around. She can't really chase you, especially if you have wardhops up, so take the odd gromp or buff to seriously hamper her levels, which she scales with more than items.”
Elekktro says “Shyvana is doesn't really have anything to pressure you with other than just AFK out farming you. Keep up the early game tempo and you will beat her.”
J98TheGreat says “Shyvana is strong but there's no clear overpowering advantage. Your CC should be plenty to get the job done, but an AP Shyvana can pop people if they aren't careful. She has an advantage over getting drakes and rift heralds, but you can play right and see no issue there unless you deserve it or someone throws away priority for it.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “You can't do anything to dodge her E damage at all. Magic resist will not help. She can't win a fight against you if she is not fed.”
Da Mastah says “You are literally shyvana, but better in every way. You outfarm and scale her naturally so just make sure to countergank and keep dragon warded.”
The Elysian1 says “Weak early , strong only in her dragon form for her E magic damage. No one plays Shyvana , in my opinion she is useless. She has faster clear then you , so focus on counter ganking her and taking fights or trades that you win. R combo will do the job
Pusi Puu says “pressure her early game since ap shyvanna scales really well. But you still win the 1v1 at every stage of the game. Once you are on her its hard for her to get away and she can't fight back. ”
Doubtfull says “this match up I've found to be pretty annoying. No matter how fast you are, it turns out its pretty difficult to dodge shyvana fireballs in dragonform. Keep dragon warded and try to keep her from sneaking them. Consider building MR in this match up.”
KamiKZ says “Since shyvana doesn´t get low on first clear you are not able to cheese her. I recommend either evolving r and only ganking your laners or evolve Q and try to fight shyvana 1v1 ”
LordGrox says “Once you get a knockup she can't defend herself much. Be careful with AP builds that can still deal considerable damage while in dragon form. Against AD let her ult you and wait with the knockup.”
Polarshift says “She has no real gapclosure pre-6 so this should be a favoured matchup, just run her down at her second buff. Shyvana players tend to sneak drakes asap so you might want to be there at the same time or have it warded. If she goes AP Shyvana, she is only really a threat in her Dragon form; try to dodge her E and possibly buy some MR.”
Arfreezy says “A jungler that can outfarm Graves if left alone. Do not get into a farm fest versus Shyvana and instead look to gain advantages in lanes while Shyvana is too weak to answer (pre 6). You can do partial clears (clear one side of the map and then gank or invade) to maintain tempo rather than full clears. It is important to sacrifice some efficiency here to get lanes ahead and punish her free farm. Try and keep early vision on Dragon since Shyvana likes to solo drakes at level 4 or 5.”
Doubtfull says “Shyvana won't do anything in the early game typically, so you have free roam to torment her lanes. Make sure you have dragon warded at all times against this champion. You can get free wins from her trying to sneak solo dragon after her first back. ”
FREAKSTAR says “Shyvana is my main and she can beat you if she is good. You don't have much counter play to her late game E damage. She out ranges you and is tankier than you are.
What you can do is kill her team mates quickly then Zhonya while her dragon form runs out. If you manage to do that you will have a cake walk to victory.”
Karasmai says “AD Shyvanna loses hard to both forms no explanation needed just play the matchup and don't let her out farm you. AP shyvanna is a bit hard cause rhaast cant catch her and shadow assassin can't one shot her thru zhonya, But you can easily gank her lanes since she is very weak at ganking lanes and also make sure you keep dragon warded cause she will 100% go to solo dragon on spawn if you deny her dragons and gank a lot it will be very easy, also you can look to invade her by starting her raptors and smiting away RED.”
MexBookMaster says “No hay muchas Shyvanas ahí afuera pero si hay algo que saben hacer muy bien es Farmear y hacer dragones. Wardea siempre el Dragón y por ningún motivo la dejes escalar. Si se hace AP tiene un daño Ridiculo en la E y Si se arma peleadora/tanque puede volverse un dolor de cabeza. Juega cualquiera de las 2 formas en este caso.”
ak521 says “Shyvana is a squishy champion, who you will do a lot of damage to, even if you don't build AP. Practically FULLY useless during your ultimate (like most champs). Only good for the cc imo. Be careful if she gets far ahead and/or gets too strong, it hurts a lot. Fast camp clear, keep jg warded.”
Rhoku says “Shyvana is no threat at all. She is actually suuper free pre 6. Just walk up and kill her. After 6, if she has built AP then she has strong poke but is still a free kill. If she goes the old, bloodrazor, bruiser path, she will be very difficult to 1v1 if she gets fed/well farmed but nobody plays her like and even if they do, you have plenty of time to put her down.”
Lambda Diana says “Shes so weak early you should just have a free game try to counter jg her counter gank her but care if she goes ap her Dragon E will hurt. Do everything you can to keep her from hitting 6 and in the game early before she gets items and once shots you and your team with one dragon E. Also she can solo dragon at lvl 4 by herself so keep it ward don't give free dragons if you can help it. ”
Ellesmere says “Shyvana is another late game carry with her insanely strong damage and high mobility. She's one of the few champs that can outrun and go even in damage with Udyr late game. This will be a tough matchup and will depend more on who controls the map better than who outfarms the other.”
RedNBlue says “This is an iffy matchup. From my experience its a 50/50 chance you will win. It just depends on how good the Shyvanna is. She will usually beat you in early duels.”
Stratogos says “She is tanky and gains DMG with objectives. A good shyvana player should go for Drakes early so you must be always aware of drake.Late game she is had to kill but if you get objectives you should win”
SketchtheHunter says “Aight, so the result of this season is Shyvana is very 'meh'. AP isn't that great and AD still has its problems. I don't think I've seen a single AD player this year so you shouldn't have to worry about that, and you can dunk on the AP players in the early game. If you see them running Dark Harvest get the lotion cuz this matchup is downright sinful in how self-pleasing it is.”
RichMrFork says “Be proactive in the early game. Bully Shyvana on crabs and neutral objectives to delay her 6. If you have prio in your lanes, try to bully her in her jungle. Delaying Shyvana's level six is incredibly important. Shyvana isn't a real champion without her ultimate. If you powerfarm you will let her get six for free and completely skip her exploitable early game. Care for if she takes another summoner like ignite and tries to 1v1 you. Many Shyvana players will full clear and try to rush dragon as soon as it spawns. Make sure to grab a control ward or ask your team to ward the dragon so you can try to deter her from taking it early.”
Kayn Mains says “This matchup is essentially a farm race. A good Shyvana player most likely won’t interact with you but make sure either you or your team ward dragon at or before 5 minutes.
Only fight Shyvana during mid game when she does not have her ultimate.
If she builds AP, it is recommended to go Shadow Assassin. If she builds either AD or tank, going Rhaast is the best call. Be careful of her Dragon's Descend (R) + Flame Breath (E) combo, it has the potential to oneshot you.”
metalhydra273 says “AD Shyvana is an easier matchup as you can get her killed fairly easily, but she can beat you in the 1v1 most times. AP is a bit harder as she doesn't need to be close to you to wear you down. Shyvanas love to go for dragons so make sure you keep a tab on it and punish her attempts if possible.”
LilPaniniUwU says “This matchup is essentially a farm race. A good shyvana player most likely won’t interact with you but make sure either you or your team ward dragon at or before 5 minutes. Only fight Shyvana during mid game when she does not have her ultimate. If she builds AP, it is recommened to go Shadow Assassin. If she builds either AD or tank, going Rhaast is the best call. Be careful of her Dragon's Descend (R) + Flame Breath (E) combo, it has the potential to oneshot you.
Aqua Dragon says “Fighting other objective controllers can quickly become a bloody affair. Shyvana and Malzahar play a huge tug of war, racing to see who can kill the epic monsters first. Constant vision is needed on objectives to stop Shyvana from sneaking them by, and in turn, Shyv will keep a hawk's eye on Malzahar.”
Nanelol says “Don't let her get more than 1 Dragon. She becomes much harder to duel with each one taken. She's otherwise about equal with you. Keep eyes on Dragon since she can easily solo it. Her level 3 is not as strong as yours, but keep in mind that every Shyvana will try to rush drake at an early stage of the game, so keep your teammates aware of this fact and let them secure vision for you and always be ready to move to dragon. ”
Gamyeon says “She just completely loses the 1v1, cheese invade level 3 and keep the pressure up, don't let her get a single adventage during the early game. Flash to Kill early.”
Yitastics says “Can farm faster and scales faster and has better ganks, the only plus side is that u can 1v1 her, care as she will probably counterjungle often”
Eagzey says “Shyvanna does well 1v1ing Shaco - her W can kill our box and she's almost impossible to kill. Dodge her E and focus on fighting her early - don't let her free farm camps. AP Shyv is also a thing and this is the same, don't let her full clear.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “There is nothing Shyvana can do against you pre lvl 6. Later it's a 50/50. But if you set her behind early there is not much she can do.”
theceasrsalad says “late game champ but if you dodge her fireball she can't really do much else in damage, can take objects really easily however so ward those”
PK Noob says “Even if you do shut her down she gets a lot of her scaling for free. If you let the game go on for too long she will one shot you with her fireball. End fast and prevent her from getting to that point.”
Kindredgarten says “Strange matchup, AD Shyvana is harder to fight than AP. AP is super squishy and you can burst her down no problem. AD bruiser/tank/something is good against you, just try to avoid 1v1s then. Can invade her on her first clear.”
Caled says “Shyvana is a hit or miss matchup for Kayn depending on what build she is going. If Shyvanna is going AP, it is a really hard matchup for Kayn as neither form can do anything about her strengths mid/late game. If she goes AD however, then Red Kayn destroys her and Blue Kayn should have a relatively easy time as well. Most Shyvana’s will not gank before level six so try and beat her to early ganks. Besides this, play for form and keep up with her in CS as she does have a very fast clear.”
liserith says “A fed Shyvana can one-shot you. DO NOT LET HER GET AHEAD. You can duel her early game, and you outscale her late, but if you lose your footing in the midgame, she can one-shot you and destroy your lanes. Without her ult however, she is very easy to duel. Make sure to kill her quickly so her fury doesn't build up. ”
TheInkKingLoL says “Invade a lot early game. Take camps and countergank. After 6 be careful when she has full rage bar. Deny as many dragons as possible.”
Gumipapucs says “She's not a threath at all and she will try to avoid you at all costs. Invade and make her life hard, try to prevent her scaling and her getting drakes or she can turn into a real oneshot monster which can definetly turn the game on you. Early is yours, you want to be active and on the map, abuse it.”
KeyTheMonolith says “If going blue kayn consider getting an edge of night for the spellshield to avoid most of her damage in her e and ult future ones and she should be fairly easy to one shot and going red kayn just step out of her e if it hits and focus on regennning off of her and using her for an ult as she usually has quite a bit of HP in Dragon Form.”
chevy the sloot says “Most people run her AP these days and is basically a wannabe Evelynn. Most of her power is tied to her E skill shot. You out damage her if she misses E. She's naturally tanky with drakes and likes to cheese them.”
c0st0m says “Shyvana spikes alot harder at lvl 6 than lillia does, lillia still has better teamfighting though and will dominate fights incomparison to shyv”
Tinjus says “You might experience some difficulty once she gets her jungle item and her ultimate. She is able to tank a few of your isolated Qs with the right build and will destroy you in a few hits, especially in the mid game. Try and kite her with Void Assault as much as possible.”
Udyr uber says “Antes do level 6, pode invadir ela a vontade.
Se ela fizer AP: Faça Mercúrio+Guerreiro+Elmo Adaptativo
Se ela fizer AD: Navalha+Tabi+Coração Congelado/Sterak”
PsiGuard says “AP Shyvana is actually not too bad to deal with. If you engage on her when she's used E recently, she won't be able to kill you. Bruiser Shyvana is much harder to deal with if she gets farmed, since she can out-tank and out-DPS you. She has incredibly weak ganks early and you can 1v1 her at scuttle if you block her E, so try to take control of the early game before she farms up.”
Bel37 says “If she is ad or ap she will never be a threat. If she is ap just play slow and wait out her dragon form. If she is ad she can never 1v1 you if she isnt fed.”
lolX9J says “Cringe champion.
Rush Wits end if she gets a problem due to ur team feeding her.
If u are ahead u can 1v1 her and she cant escape if her ult and flash are both down.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Shyvana will counter jungle you early, however her clear will result in her being low since she has no sustain in her kit. Ward your camps and collapse on her when she enters your jungle with your team. She does a lot of damage so be cautious!”
CaptianMike says “Another AA based jungler. You can win trades with her at nearly any stage. You should be able to out gank her as she has no dashes except for her ult. Fight her if she is in your jungle. Farm like crazy and you should win!”
ChaseMorePlz says “If you both build Bloodrazor vs each other then you can dodge a lot of her combo with your Counterstrike (E). When your team dies to her ganks, build a Cinderhulk Red Smite asap. Also pay attention to when she flies in, you have easy opportunities to stun her, you can peel the dragon off. sounds weird l o l”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Just invade her all the time and secure dragons because she will look to rush dragons whenever they will be up.
Shyvana is really easy.”
Get Ricked says “Before 6 you can punish her, after that you still win 1v1 but she scales like crazy. Stop her while you still can. If she gets to 3 items she oneshots anyone with a fireball including you. ”
G Spot God says “She has little/no cc, she usually has a rough first clear so may be able to invade her and get FB. If your lanes don't have prio, just double scuttle her. PRIORITIZE/WARD Drakes”
DarkAuraLOL says “you can invade her early, she loses alot of hp, you have better dps than her and better clear invade her pre 6 and constantly fight her and steal her camps and you'll be fine”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Shyvana is a pretty rough match-up for you. She is mostly build AP these days, so she needs some items before she starts doing a lot of damage, but once she gets online her burst damage is very high. Make sure to ward dragon when playing VS Shyvana and don't let her get free drakes because it gives her bonus stats.”
EvoNinja7 says “Slow scaling champion, prone to kiting, so pressure her early game and get such a huge lead (make sure your laners are fed) so she doesn't have that much of a chance to flip the game around.”
MetaSolaray says “Ap Shyvana - Gank her lanes and have dragon warded so she can't sneak one on you. You outtrade her pre-six and if you build some MR you can beat her in dragon form as well. Getting an early wits end will nullify her damage and a secondary MR item will mean you can fight her with no worries. AD Shyvana's will try to rush dragons, remember they have no natural AS enhancements so abuse this pre-bloodrazor.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you can invade her early, she loses alot of hp, you have better dps than her and better clear invade her pre 6 and constantly fight her and steal her camps and you'll be fine ”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Pretty even matchup. Her AP build lets her burst you but if you dodge her E you should be ok. BOTRK is good here and you can go any marksman mythic. Do be careful that she doesnt find you low hp.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You both afk farm in the early game. She wont stack much armor so you can go Blue Kayn into her and oneshot her. As RedKayn you can go Mercs and Spirit Visage and be unkillable if she wont buy Armor Penetration.”
Simon The Shaco Main says “Powerfarms and throws fireballs to oneshot your clone from a distance. Try and build MR items like Banshees against this matchup.”
ractick says “She one of the harder matchups for Kayn as she scales as well as his Red Form.
Going blue form is usually not encouraged, because she gets tankier and buy Zhonyas. Could work if you are really ahead though.”
Maile says “She needs to scale so just find her and invade her. Shyv players love doing 5 minute drags so be around bot side around the 5 minute mark and check to see if she does. Kill her at drag if you see her trying to solo it. ”
Minase says “This matchup is pretty hard given the fact that she farms just as fast as you do and she gets tanky in the process. On top of that, if she times her R she can cancel out your charm's CC. Look to just get fed on other sides of the map or force a skirmish early on where you can kill her before she is tanky.”
FalleN3 says “She has decent early damage and you will need to be careful of this one. She has no CC which will make it a little bit easier for you to win trades. If she gets ahead of you, you will be in for a tough game.”
FalleN3 says “She has decent early damage and will likely out trade you unless she makes a mistake or you have some help on hand. Be careful of this one.”
Holessando says “In early its really even, if she's inting she does nothing, but if she's fed she can do a lot of damage to your team, so try to harass her, take her camps, make her lose the jungle.. ”
KingStix says “Shyvana is great at taking dragons but if you are mindful of this and can stop her from doing so, you will be providing a lot more for your team.”
metalhydra273 says “Ad shyvana is an ult magnet, get her out of the fight before she wails on you or anyone else. Ap is more annoying with the massive burst damage, but same deal. Get her out of the way early and keep objective pressure on the dragons.”
DemacianStandard says “Requires you to maintain constant vertical pressure to keep her in check. She will do unavoidable damage but is subject to engage after using her Ult. Wait for her to use her Ult as it is her only mobility other than flash. ”
AKScorched says “Just dodge. It's not worth it. Shyvanas play extremely aggressive and the worst part is, you can't do anything about it. Her ult counters your CC and she can oneshot you just like that. Your best bet is to counter gank with your ult, since she's most likely used most of her abilities on your teammates, but that could go many ways. Stay cautious with her and run at first sight.”
gurubashi35 says “You do Shyvana's job, but way better during the first 10-15 mins of the games. Once she starts scaling and has a few drags under her belt, she becomes a literal juggernaut, high damage, hard to kill and her W's mobility to boot.
To stop her scaling, invade her as much as possible and avoid feeding her kills. She's a feast or famine champion, similar to Master Yi, so as long as she's not fed or ahead, she won't be a problem.
AP Shyvana comes online faster, but has less overall DPS and carry potential compared on-hit Shyvana, so employ the same tactics and target her early game.”
chasemyman1 says “Its very easy to punish Shyvanna early however because you are so squishy even if you are ahead Shyvanna can almost one shot you in Dragon Form so be careful.”
reganakers says “Has a very weak pre 6, if you find her you can look to fight her as she will not win it. Also try to prioritise dragons even more when playing against shyvana due to her passive.”
PsiGuard says “Shyvana heavily outscales you and farms quickly, but she can't do anything during your strong early game. If you do your job properly and take over the early game, you can snowball your team before Shyvana becomes relevant. If you fail, you're in for a rough mid-game.”
chiefdonut says “She will most likely try to powerfarm through the early game, but she excels at soloing early dragons faster than any other champion, so make sure to ward for a possible steal.”
RageAx says “Pretty rare so i can't comment on early game matchups. Late game she isn't a problem as Rhaast loves shredding those meaty health bars and if she is silly enough to build AP, aslong as you have MR you can just walk at her and kill her.”
League Of Cursed says “She will power farm. Extremely. Fast. That's about all she is really good at, but damn is she good at it. It'll be hard to get a drake from her, but if she builds ap you can burst her. If she builds bruiser you are dead if you ult her or she ults you.
Dopamine_influx says “She is a tempo jungler aswell, so don't let her counterjungle you. Aside from that, just contest first scuttle by choosing the right clear, or go red - blue - gromp - her red if she starts blue.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Do not let Shyvana free farm and take dragons uncontested. Shyvana is weak without dragon form and has weak gank potential.”
Jogress says “Same with the other pokable champions, you may jump around Shyvana and hit her with Q constantly.
After she gets her Ult - try not to get hit with it. And with it's E. Luckily, Lillia is good champ for dodging.
Again, as with the Udyr - monitor objectives. Shyvana may contest dragon as soon as it spawns - ward it”
AWierdShoe says “Shyvana's natural tankiness and AP damage makes her a hard opponent to fight. As she is a farm champion, you can try to invade her jungle early to maybe steal her camps or kill her by surprise. Try to avoid her E and deny her any objectives (ESPECIALLY DRAGONS) to get a chance into the late game.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Shyvana is really weak early so make sure to invade her. If she goes AP she can one-shot you with her E so try to play off that cooldown. Overall just make sure she doesnt snowball.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “Depending on her build. AD Shyv is relatively easy to keep at distance and fight off, AP Shyv will likely nuke you from afar when she ults. Ult to save your team from AP Shyvana dives.”
DarkPit59 says “Shyvana n'est pas forcément une menace directe, dans le sens où son R est contré par votre propre R. Vous possédez également un CC dont elle ne dispose pas. Cependant elle clean très vite la jungle et possède d'excellentes capacités de counter-gank et de destruction d'objectifs neutres et de tourelles. Si l'ennemi la choisit, gardez un oeil sur ses déplacements.”
WickedPoppet says “She will power farm. Extremely. Fast. That's about all she is really good at, but damn is she good at it. It'll be hard to get a drake from her, but if she builds ap you can burst her. If she builds bruiser you are dead if you ult her or she ults you.”
SavageFy says “Shyvana doesn't really become viable until she reaches level 6. She'll become a threat once she reaches 6 and gets her ult, but you should be safe up until that point. ”
Sorrowful Prince says “Luckily relatively uncommon. The problem with shyvana is that she will inevitably outpace you in the jungle and get her items earlier. As soon as she's got 3 Items you have little to no counterplay available especially because she can block your hookshot. Early invades if you track her pathing can pay off as well as early ganks she can't respond to. Trade Herald for Drake.”
TrevorJayce says “Shyvana is 110% R based, and she just instadies to you without it. Her only real issue is how fast she does dragons, ensuring you need to keep that shit warded and be on top of it as soon as it spawns.”
Fabosch is Love says “She is tanky but has bad early game. AP Shyvana is weak (but poke you good), AD is harder to fight in 1v1 but with your ult you can denie her ult too.”
Morzanoth says “Shyvana is a really tough match up for you if she gets ahead. She build pretty tanky and still deals a lot of damage. She clears the jungle very fast and she can invade you with very little risk. At level 6 you can look to fight her if you land your R but try picking easier targets. In teamfights your priority is the enemy backline but you can look to hinder her engage by ulting her.”
Loki029 says “Spirit Visage and go hybrit to make her useless even in teamfights, Really if you don t dc the first 10 minutes there should be no way that she wins the lane vs you”
Nico449c says “Shes one of the weaker junglers you can try fight her lvl 3 if you hit the cocoon and you got a good shot of winning it otherwise not. She got really bad ganks so you can just outgank or countergank her and you will win most situations.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Shyvana is a pretty rough match-up for you. She is mostly build AP these days, so she needs some items before she starts doing a lot of damage, but once she gets online her burst damage is very high. Make sure to ward dragon when playing VS Shyvana and don't let her get free drakes because it gives her bonus stats.”
Ardent Deceiver says “Tanky, bursty, extremely hard to fight. Will steal your camps with no effort and has massive early drag prio because she can solo when it spawns. If she gets fed early you're done fighting for the whole game. Focus split pushing and stealing obj if this happens.”
The Top Bear says “Shyvana has gross as heck damage and can outrun you. I would recommend not fighting her and instead ward up a ton. Get dragon control early, and try to snowball your bot lane or at least get them pressure so you can prevent her from getting free stats off of dragons.”
urrb says “Shyvana isn't the best jungler at the moment. If you deny her drakes she will have a very difficult time being relevant. Invade her early to try to get a kill and put her behind. Buy a control ward on your first back and put it on the drake, and try to stay bot side until you've secured the drake.
In terms of micro, they generally build AP now, so if you dodge her e you can all in her and win guarenteed. If she isn't ahead you can actually just tank it most times if you're fighting her while she's isolated.”
SeekerPTK says “At level 3 she can trade with you if she has a point in each skill, be weary of her burnout as it has a long duration, try to kill her at her second buff, you can check where she started by looking at how late the enmy botlane came in. Without burnout she is an easy kill or flash atleast. However in the current met she is insanely strong so consider banning her as she has very good item and rune synergy”
SNOBOY says “You can poke her way better. When she tries to trade with her burnout, just use q and kite her back. Try to save your ult for after she uses hers.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “If this is AP shyvanna, you should be scared. They will keep poking you out with their E. You cannot one shot them unless ahead. She has faster clear speeds than you and can take the drake before level 6. Try to get yourself ahead from early ganks.”
Simphoria says “Basically, she's a scarier version of Mundo. She will almost always do Drags early. She'll want to counter you often. With red buff she'll fearlessly walk into your jungle. She should either try to create a level gap like Nocturne or secure neutrals. You can out gank her and before her ult she shouldn't kill you as your Q cannot be followed. In team fights, CC her and peel for your back line if they're strong. ”
Fyurex says “Shyvana has great teamfighting potential as she has 3 AOE damaging spells (Her E in dragon form) she can go in and ult your whole team. She can be very tanky and will be a pain. Although you can make her less relevant by taking drakes and getting her behind in early game.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Arguably the strongest duelest against you, she will massacre you in a straight-up fight, but if you are somehow able to kite her you can get away. You're one of the few junglers that can secure Drakes as well or better than her, so use that to your advantage.”
Her0mars says “% damage and botrk, and all that jazz makes her an honourary vayne, kinda. She can run you down and kill you with aa's and little to no skill, you can't really run so avoid bumping into her. 1v1 she can destroy you, teamfight wise you can stop her from accomplishing the goal of murdering your carries. ”
EvilOranges says “Personnally, I dislike this matchup because of how tanky Shyvanna gets. You are pretty much required to buy Lord Dominik's Regards for the armor shred. She won't gank often until level 6, so gank more. You can also fight her at level 6 with evolved Q.”
Bombabo says “Don't let her catch you out in jg, as she can easily catch up to you and beat you in a fight. Early game is safe since she won't be counterjungling”
Aht3ns says “Really good this patch. Try to skirm with her so you can get an advantage. You ARE going to die if you are counterganked or if you get caught out. Buffs in 9.2! Ahhh!”
TheLord110 says “while pre - 6 she cant do anything to you so use that to your advantage
and take all her jg and get as much kills as you can.
after 6 use your Q to avoid her jump while she is using her R and run to safety.
don't go for marks after she 6 if you dont have your R.”
Killerbacca10 says “As long as you don't give her any dragons (Nunus good at that). You should be fine. Don't try to fight her when she has full rage.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “She will be quite passive in the jungle while farming a lot faster than Xin and aim towards the dragon, try not to stay behind in farm and gank your lanes while she is farming.”
LixoPanado says “Early game she's an easy target, after she gets bloodrazor, she will start damaging you, but dont worry, she only is a threat after her second item.
Sarutobi says “You are even mid game. You are stronger late game. She is stronger early game. Even if you try to fight her level 2/3 and she is losing, she can run away with her mov speed.”
PsychoRekSai says “You can't really fight this champion 1v1, she just has more raw DPS than you. Shyvana will generally outpace you in farm as well, so you'll need to create leads in your lanes as quickly as possible before she scales up.”
BigBadVoodo says “MUST PRESSURE EARLY. If she gets any free farm it's very hard to pressure her. She is very good at dueling Shaco due to her immense dmg with a couple of items stacked.”
Jomickies says “Shyvanna is basically the female version of Master Yi but worse. She power farms and can solo kill you after six just like Yi. However, this champion is worse at team fighting than you. Your primary objective versus Shyvanna is to spam gank early and try to keep up on experience. She can really only beat you if she gets way ahead but that happens quite often.”
WiskeyANDGin says “high tank dps , cant kill her solo, maybe early game, but in late game is impossible, good shyv is a hard counter of yours,do your best, avoid 1 vs1s”
xTheUnlimited says “Her damage is just too high to handle. Her main weakness is the fact, that she has to farm up until she reaches 2-3 items where she starts to kill everybody. Luckily games are shorter than the used to be so you can use the fact that she is just farming up and make a lot of ganks. If all your laners are ahead, you have a chance to tame that beast. ”
Court says “Her passive will make her tankier with the more dragons she takes. Her Twin Bite (Q) also does decent damage late game. If she gets infernal early game it will really affect your game. Try to maintain drag control and Evelynn should be okay. ”
craY13 says “Try to avoid fighting her till lv 6, if you are even. If you are ahead do it. At level 6 you should be able to fight her in nearly every situation.”
ZaRetheWest says “She is strong VS Lee,but when she got picked u must to go agressive,u need to try to invade at start and u need to kill her before lvl 6,at least 2 times u need to kill her.”
SubSequence says “I don't know if it's just me, but most Shyvana's in my games really like chilling in my Jungle. Glacial Augment makes it so you can't run away, and she's so fast. ”
Optimal Pancake says “You really can't fight her without red form. Make sure you ward your jungle as she'll try to get level 6 as quickly as possible, and do not fight her if she is running ignite or exhaust, you will die for sure. Take red form against her almost always unless she's lacking on tank items.”
ElementressX says “Shyvana can be really strong, but without her ult, there isn't much she can do to you. Counter gank. and if you find her alone without ult you can kill her if she isn't ahead.”
SpicySkelleton says “Her damage outscales your health and armor and she doesn't use mana unlike you, build thornmail and take her down with a ally as much and as early as you can.”
L3gislacerator says “She hits hard, she's fast, and she's furious. Always be cautious of her for both your teammates' and your own sake. Her mixed damage is hard to itemize against. Because of her speed, stunning her won't do much since she can catch back up quickly. The best you can do is use all of your defensive tools and peel her from your team.”
Hunterlogic says “You will lose against her early game. Try not to 1v1 her unless you know her ult is down or until you have a few items. Her clear is fast, I play Shyvana quite often and most of the time against Tryndamere she can win or lose.”
Morzanoth says “Shyvana is a very farm heavy jungler. Once she hits level 6 she has very strong ganks and great teamfighting ability. Shyvana is slightly reliant on taking dragons in order to benefit the most from her kit so look to ward dragon whenever possible. She can solo it at level 4. She can clear the jungle a lot faster than you so look to counter any ganks she is looking to set up. Be wary of her E because it deals %hp damage and the dragon form's deals a lot of damage. After 2 items her sustained damage becomes too much for you to handle on your own so it's better to avoid skirmishes at that point.”
MetabuserEU says “Her damage is just too high to handle. Her main weakness is the fact, that she has to farm up until she reaches 2-3 items where she starts to kill everybody. Luckily games are shorter than the used to be so you can use the fact that she is just farming up and make a lot of ganks. If all your laners are ahead, you have a chance to tame that beast.”
MannerlessNG says “Balanced.
Not much of a threat if you play a good game, invading whenever she goes for a gank and putting her behind is great.
She's a farming jungler who's pretty weak against you and you can just E her into a wall whenever she ults ont you.
She's mostly an issue for your team who are always out of position.
Try to get your team to help get early dragon because she's 100% there every time on spawn and it's an easy kill and objective.”
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