Top Lane 48.71% Win Rate98% Pick RateGnar Top Lane Counters: 43 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Gnar in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “Avoid his q, and try to make him not to catch it in the way back, while he is in mega gnar he will try to fight you. At 6 u beat him every time, look for an early kill and shove waves after he builds full tank and look to roam.”
Maniaxx says “Gnar's W (Hyper) deals a lot of damage and can be used for poke, and when he transforms into Mega Gnar, he can use Gnar's R (GNAR!) to knock you back, disrupting your positioning.
Watch out for his range poke in his mini form and his crowd control in Mega form.
How to deal with him:
Play safe in the laning phase: Early Gnar can poke with Q (Boomerang Throw) and W, so avoid overextending.
Build Health early: Gnar has high poke damage, so stack health to sustain through his poke.
Use your sustain: Mundo’s healing will help him survive the poking phase, but don’t engage when Gnar has his full Mega form bar.
Avoid getting knocked into the wall: When Gnar is in Mega form, avoid standing near walls to prevent being knocked back and stunned.”
a_k_z7 says “ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with him
your best trades will be when he is mega gnar since he is meele and will get close to you
in tiny form he is anooying to play against when looking for a gank try to w his dash so you can get the kill
same if you see him wanting to go on top of you
try to side step his q in tiny form and all of his skills in mega”
Puyo says “É muito difícil chegar nele na forma mini. O cooldown do pulo é muito alto, mas ele dá muito slow e ainda ganha move speed, eu prefiro só engajar no mini quando sei que vai dar certo. Quando ele estiver mega, é só usar suas skills para desviar do Q e o W. Mesmo se você tomar o R, desde que o Q e o W dele estejam no cooldown você não vai morrer.”
Nithril says “Always stay behind minions, your E stops his E, and if used well you'll never be between him and a wall for his R, Mega Gnar is easier to kite down, when he is mini focus on the farm”
juangepeto says “gnar is ranged and at the same time melee, this allows him to zone the GP both in his ranged form by breaking the barrels and in his melee form by jumping on the GP and applying tons of damage and a lot of cc since he has 2 types of group control”
parker3n9 says “This matchup can be challenging, primarily because Mini Gnar often poses more of a threat than Mega Gnar due to his range and poke. However, if Gnar misplays his jump, especially when you have your ultimate ready, you can all-in and secure the win in a fight. Play carefully around his Mini Gnar poke and look for openings when he’s in Mega Gnar and less mobile.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Grasp of the Undying (I lean toward Aery for better poke potential)
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Take CONQ with second wind+dshield, this matchup might seem hard but its not. starting from level 2 you can start trading with him, using your parry on either his Q or W passive (so he doesnt get his ms). If you slide parry into him as hes attacking for the third stack, he will be slowed and caught offguard and can lead to an all-in from your part. When hes mega gnar its best go parry his W or R post lvl 6, if you parry his r its a guaranteed stun since he's locked in the animation. You can take swifties in this matchup, however steelcaps are probably better. Q forward facing vitals and run away so he cant hit his Q or 3 stacks. You outscale if you cant win lane, but winning is pretty easy.”
Skaarlschloch says “Very favoured Matchup. Many ways to win this you can go both Grasp/Conq/LT and both Ignite/TP.
Depending on how aggro you wanna be and mabye also depending on how gankheavy the enemy jng is”
Lilac says “Being a ranged champion, Gnar should technically have a bigger edge on Fiora. However, his passive turning him into a tank/bruiser temporarily often works against him, making it much easier to all-in him when he has likely lost a good amount of health already and has much lower mobility.
Recommended: Almost any rune page is decent into Gnar. The safest option is Fleet Footwork, negating his poke and making it easier to chase mini-gnar. Conqueror of course has better scaling if you're not confident in laning against Gnar. Press the Attack can give you new windows to bully mini-Gnar, and Grasp of the Undying can give you the edge when enraged Gnar jumps onto you. Whichever you choose, you both have a lot of ways to outplay each other in lane, and what runes are best will be determined by your playstyle.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Bone Plating or Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Your cooldowns are lower than his Mini Gnar E cooldown, if he wastes his E, make sure to punish this. Against Mega Gnar, dance around him with your dashes, make him waste his Q. Should be an easy lane.”
Raideru says “This matchup is very skill based, it's basically up to the gnar how well he reacts to your w and e with his jump, but it's also controllable from your side generally what I do in this lane is I go 3 points E so I can have a lower cooldown in order to jump on him again instantly when it's up since his e cooldown is pretty long so the only way to trade with him generally is either with w poke or with e cooldown strategy. You must rush Trinity in this lane to abuse him as soon as possible since he does get pretty strong later. I advise Conqueror.”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES
"Annoying, have to rely on him making a big mistake so you can kill him. Don't get poked too much, wait until he pushes up and transforms from Mega>Mini. That means he can't transform for
ages, hit Q and GHOST on him and he'll usually die if pushed up. All-inning Mega Gnar is possible but usually not worth it. Can swallow him out of his E jump if you are anticipating it." ”
4eadami says “Be careful and proxy. You can E him while he is in the Air. You can go Conqueror and try to duel him if you want to but i wouldnt recommend if you arent experienced.”
Houcs says “Very annoying but still playable. Avoid him once he gets MEGA Gnar.
You can kill him pre 6 if you find a Flash E opportunity near tower but its rare.
Otherwise once you hit lvl 6 try to hit him with R and drag him to the tower and use E to keep him there. ”
SemenDrinker says “Dogshit ass top laner rn
Just take 2nd wind and shield.
Save your w for baiting out his e unless you don't waste e on the first q1 and use it on Q2 to cancel it.
In mega Gnar he lowkey fucks you up a bit but you kite him hard if he isn't directly on top of you”
Frankoloko says “Take Second Wind & Doran's shield to sustain his poke and Qs. Never fight him in Gnar mode. Go Liandry's first since you mostly need damage. No need for Steelcaps vs him. Try and R him right when his Gnar is about to finish, before it finishes, because he won't expect it as much and he's still in melee range. Then it takes a long time for him to stack Gnar in the realm again.”
IvanBeifong says “Easy matchup, you deal a lot of damage in his mini form, his mega gnar form is a bit tankier, but his movements are much more telegraphed, so you can dodge the majority with E, jump at him with E, and try to wait to see if he Es away, that's when you E2 at him, if not, just drop your full combo.
One of the reasons this matchup is good is because his ult is one of the best on Sylas, it scales off AP if it hits a wall, and has really low cooldown, so it's pretty much always available.”
Belle19 says “lane's rough, keep in mind he hard outcombats you in mega gnar form. You just have to generally stay away from him. After lane you can destroy him though with the standard stuff”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is relatively easy. Do your best to dodge his Q; the slow is annoying and will allow him to follow up with more damage. Don't try to fight or harass him when he's Mega; if he jumps on you or you try to all-in him, he can just stun you and walk away. At level 6, same thing: don't engage on him when his rage bar is full or almost full; you will die. If he ever Es onto you, just Ult him away and drift away if needed.”
Zagreus16 says “dumb ranged champs we no like in top lane. only try to fight him when hes baby gnar, once he a big boy you cannot fight him so dont try to. Max W in this matchup and poke him down as much as possible and go all in when hes low. D shield start is a must here and take TP”
AGGaming says “Sunfire > Warden's and he deals no damage.
Make sure to not eat 3rd auto Tiny form, and dodge his W Mega form. Q makes this easier.
Take Grasp, he's mostly melee.”
Godzilla010 says “Take Ghost......Play aggressive at the start. You can hide in a bush and start E to E onto him, then look for level 2 kill.........Level 3 when he hits mega gnar, wait out some abilities and when he is about 60% rage do a quick Q-E while backing up (you want to bait him). Then go in again as he switches back to mini gnar for the kill.”
step1v9 says “Don't let him get prio in lane. Find all-in windows when he is mini. If he transforms avoid fighting unless you are ahead. The best time to all-in is when his Mega runs out and the MS he gains from it has subsided as he doesn't have access to transform for 15 seconds.”
Raideru says “Matchup heavily dependant on jungle help & how good Gnar is, you want to poke him with q when he tries to auto attack you, trade with him by using e + q + aa + w to build an hp lead since you can't rly all in him, if he ever walks up too far and you think you can catch up to him with ghost if he jumps away then e him and run him down with ghost”
Azzin says “HE can never really kill you. Just do your full combo and he cannot really trade back, mega gnar is also easy as you can cleanse his W or R. Can be tricky if he rushes MR early tho, if so you should switch to more CDR oriented build.”
Haxorr says “Gnar is a pretty interesting matchup. You don't see it often, so it can catch you by surprise if you disrespect him. He can kite you out pretty easily and if you ever waste your e it can put you in a rough position.
Take DShield and Grasp in this matchup and look for short trades. I would recommend, as in most ranged matchups, that you just q auto w and run away. Once you use your e, if you don't land the stun then you will be in a very bad spot. Rush Trinity. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here. You can start q and get prio early on by just qing on him after getting your grasp ready by autoing minions.”
DuckQc says “Buy doran's shield so you don't get poked down, try to fight lvl 1. Watch out for his big form pre-6. His jumps are annoying, but you can deal with them. If you see him jump, q him, ult and run him down.”
Arthapsic says “Give him priority level 1 ( let him hit you once or twice while in your wave to let him push the wave ). Trade only with mini gnar. Use W->Q->E combo to trade when he is mini so he can't trade back. If he is mini after lvl 6 he is killable. Look for an opporunity when he is closer to your tower, ghost on him if he doesn't have a wave behind him to double jump to safety. Be careful of his mega gnar you have almost no counterplay to his ultimate so don't get poked out when he is mega. Possible to go first strike to get extra gold but keep in mind your dueling potential is going to be lowered. Not worth trying to fight when mega unless he is very behind”
TeiWasTaken says “Pretty easy matchup, keep track of his passive. He is very squishy in his mini form, fight him when his mega form expires. If he runs under tower, just run with him, you can dive him easily :)”
Skaarlschloch says “Im VERY unsure still about this matchup. In Proplay Tank Seju is often picked into Gnar (As of 14.13-14.15) so it cant be that bad. The early sucks with AP Setup (No DRing/secondwind)”
SVKGuardian says “I don't see Gnar as much of a threat for you. By picking the right weapons he should have hard times vs you. Same goes for Mega Gnar. if your weapons are corect and you dont let him CC you into oblivion or get near you. He should be a pretty easy matchup. His range should be a really big downside for him. ”
Ulsur says “You win this lane, just don't get hit with a lot of his Qs and you should be fine, his Mega Gnar isn't that strong so don't be afraid to fight him in that Mega Gnar form, don't get too close to his turret as he can use his ultimate to push you in his turret, has a lot of CC so he's got decent gank setup, but you usually win trades and all ins if you can interrupt his E jump, either that or just bait his E jump out and tehn use W after he uses his E jump for an easy trade.”
DioSett says “almost impossible in emerald+ , take tp and conq or fleet footwork , rush plated steelcaps , if he transforms u must dodge his W or you are dead , try to bait his mega gnar transformation on your turret ”
Baby_Driver says “Nimbus cloak is crucial here.
Most of the time you want to all-in him when he changes from his MEGA to mini form.
Be aware that he can jump on your head and escape.
If u are ever fighting him in his mega form, be sure to dodge his W.
It's okay to ult early in this matchup.”
Hotch says “His poke is hard to avoid. Try hard to get prio early but if it's just not working out then play safe. Use W only after he uses E. Don't be afraid to fight him in mega form especially when he uses cooldowns and you have ghouls + maiden.
Take Flash”
KingJoeyy says “you can try to all in him when his passive runs out he's stronger when its maxxed out hit 6 dont fight in his ult unless you dodge every ability and confident play around lvls look at his items and yours.”
forlid says “Gnar's kit in his mini form is mostly hit-and-run based, but experienced Gnars will punish you for even a few creeps, and you are unable to engage him without your E. He can jump away from your Q3, but the cooldown is really high, so look to engage him if he uses it. In his mega form you should never engage as long as he has all his abilities, he can chain CC you for seconds. After level 6 you can use your own R to negate his CC and you can E to dodge his CC.”
PinkBlood says “Gangplank does quite well into gnar if you do hit your barrels and are able to scale into 1 item and fight him while he is miny. Later into the game you are able to beat him in mega even if you are patient with your oranges. Much easier to play the gnar side.”
procatking says “PTA, ignite,D shield, take rune NO.4.
*Favorable for pantheon*
avoid his big form and do quick trades with W-Q.
Good option is to engage with 4 stacks W and follow it up with
Empowered Q.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp and spellbook. Annoying in the early game. One of the rare games where dorans shield is worth. Rush tabis and rylais and you can run him down. Wait out his mega, dont underestimate it. If you r him mid jump he wont get his second jump. His Boomerang also wont follow so he doesnt get reduced cd. Completely fucks him if you do it. ”
conqiyana says “haven't really played this matchup ,
really easy unless theyre otp.
just dont fight when hes about to get mega and go lethality and u should win easy.”
MaesePerez says “Take comet, second wind and your passive should keep you healthy through laning phase, just be mindful of when he's transforming, as he can cheese a couple early kills if he catches you near a wall when his mega form is up. You outscale, and can kill him at 6 if you can hit him with a q and a w to prevent his jump. ”
AilZar says “One shot his little form easily once you bait out his e (easy to kill at level 2). Just farm from afar when enraged. Keep an eye on the rage bar. Hard to lose lane vs gnar.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Ranged bully that transform into an unkillable tank that can 1 shot you with his combo. You can't out sustain him due to his Ult bonus HP-healing. Try to dodge his Q and you can also grab him out of his E but it's extremely hard.
He can can you very easily even if you are ahead. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
forlid says “You can't really ever fully combo him as he can always jump away from your W. Try to dodge his Q as often as possible and poke him with your Q. If he uses his jump you are mostly free to engage, but keep an eye on whenever he turns into Mega Gnar. Never fight his mega version next to a wall as he can chain stun you for an eternity. His skillshots in mega form are quite easy to just sidestep so learn to do that and you shouldn't have much problems at all.”
Just keep in mind even late game if you step up too far he can chase and kill you indefinitely. Mega gnar is actually not that much of an issue but mini gnar is basically harder vayne”
Bard_Enjoyer says “If he is in his little form it's just poke sim and waiting for you to get low, if he is in the big form get as close as you can if it's about to end.”
hamgi says “d shield and second wind can be viable as matchup can be poke-heavy. otherwise, refillable goes a long way. trade him when he uses e as he will have no other getaway (aside from flash, if applicable). do not stand still/near walls when he is mega gnar. and do not q3 into/e forwards into him as mega gnar as he will just w then full combo u”
PlayCabex says “Gnar matchup really becomes difficult when he is in mega form and that’s when you actually have to space correctly and keep your distance. The moment he is mini he is killable and you can bully him. Keep in mind that once his mega runs out, it actually goes on a CD which means he won’t get stacks for some time which gives you an all in angle.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “gnar is the only ranged champion that darius is good into, as you can cancel his dash pretty easily with pull and his auto range is really shit early game as ranged. You win trades and fights to the death in his mini gnar form, but mega gnar you lose fights to the death (you win extended trades). Try to juke his w stun in mega. ”
zwartebliksem says “If you're playing against a good Gnar, you'll never be able to get close to them. If he for some reason uses his jump, try to all in. Try to dodge his boomerang and play around his cooldowns.”
AWierdShoe says “A bit annoying to play into, but not a stonewall like most ranged matchups as his range is rather short (you can go Conqueror into Gnar if you'd like). Gnar players take Fleet Footwork to dodge out our skillshots, making this lane more annoying. Avoid getting hit by his Qs and fully-stacked W autos; you can stand far back behind a minion wave to not get hit by the Q. Mega Gnar is capable of beating the crap out of us around level 3, so respect him when he's in Mega form/close to it or dodge his abilities if he jumps onto us (Mega Q does A LOT of damage, try to sidestep it). Gnar's two most vulnerable states are when he's transforming back into Mini form and his Mini E ability is down. Gnar's Mini E is his only escape in that form, so do your best to save your W until AFTER he has used his E. This is your opportunity to put him at an extremely low health deficit or even kill him. His ult has an EXTREMELY short cooldown so be respectful of his Mega post-6 and stay away from walls. ”
Grimmloi says “küçük formdayken zor büyük formdayken oldukça kolay ultisine ulti ile karşılık verip outplay edebilirsiniz sadece büyük forma geçmesini bekleyin”
Haearnbleidd says “Buy doran's shield so you don't get poked down, try to fight lvl 1. Watch out for his big form pre-6. His jumps are annoying, but you can deal with them. If you see him jump, q him, ult and run him down.
I would recommend building stride/hexplate > rav/bc.”
Don't fight when he's big, you can use WW if he lands his stun, or his ult.
You can abuse little Gnar, E Max second makes running him down easier. ”
Akuzai says “If played properly this matchup can suck a lot, but who plays gnar lmao. Try to find all in windows when he's wasted his mega and dodge the rest of his abilities when possible. Do not limit test too much or he will run away with the game.”
hoflol says “Gnar has range, jump for disengage, and a consistent slow. Hence making a good Gnar player pretty untouchable.
He can't jump on your W though, so can be killable if you are able to catch him in mini-form.”
Lukajs says “Gnar is a fair matchup for Gwen. However, you almost always need to run Dorans Shield (and) or Second Wind, to make sure you don't die to his ranged form. When he is in Mega Form, you can trade with him pretty easily. Your Q range is about the same as his Mega W range, so you can E + W + Q4 him to trade him. If he decides to all in, you win it.
Play around poke and farm.”
GheeseEmpty says “Maybe it's just the skill levels of the Gnar players I face, but one misstep from Gnar can lead to a solo kill very easily. Annoying and poke heavy, but look for an all in window at all times.”
Inoks says “Dshield/second wind. Generally a boring matchup, you legit just go tabis and he can never kill you unless you eat all his Q and W passive. don't fight his mega form since he can be opressive at times especially at lvl 6. Best time to fight him is after his mega form runs out and he has no E.
then you can look for a kill.
Summs: Teleport”
NegativePhoenix says “Rather you take Grasp or Aftershock is up to you, but I'd say take Aftershock if you aren't confident about getting grasp procs
He doesn't really do damage until he gets Trinity but I still wouldn't let him get kills because a good Gnar, despite being hard to find, can easily overtake the game”
ThelpixG says “Pretty tought matchup since he deals hybrid damage (difficult to itemize against), he can harass you, he has strong teamfights and splitpushing and once he gets a couple items he becomes pretty hard to kill.
How to Beat?
- Grasp and ignite helps bullying him early because he is pretty squishy early game and even while in mini gnar he doesn't have alot of range early game;
- Try not trading him when he has mega gnar and if you trade with him try avoiding his W and dodging his ult.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Poke.
Frozen + Tabi's
As long as you don't get easily kited then it's a pretty ok lane.
Watch out for the stun when he's in Mega Gnar.”
Steinuhu says “dorans blade or shield \\ try to force yourself on him so that he cant just kite you \\ make sure to either not get hit by his R or to answer his R with yours \\ Dont get hit by W, just dodge it with ur E”
WhendZ says “Gnar já foi bem dificil de lidar, mas agora é só você tomar cuidado com o mega-gnar e jogar safe. troca com ele se ele estiver sem pulo, na primeira volta compra uma bota.”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror] just be sure to take second wind, lategame you win as long as he doesnt ult your entire team. but in lane its pretty much even. if you get stacks count yourself lucky since he is ranged. ”
peterplum says “Annoying as ranged but easy to win as melee. Kinda even, play safe when he is in ranged form and engage at his melee form (it will get you Rhaast stacks)”
JPGamer10BR says “Brigue com ele apenas quando ele tiver no Mini Gnar, desvie do Q, quando ele estiver perto da transformação de Mega Gnar você corre, quando ele estiver no mega, fique longe da parede, ele pode te ultar e te stunar.
Runas> PTA, F.F, Grasp ou Aery”
Denied20 says “Unless you utilize your waves properly Mini Gnar can safely survive you.
At a certain point, Gnar outscales you in the neutral, so you need to shut him down early on.
Before that Mini Gnar has no capability of fighting with you and he will probably disengage on your every advance.”
BurritoTopKing says “walk behind him so he E's into you and the second bounce is very easy to cancel, just be careful with his mega gnar as he does a lot of dmg, your main kill potential is grabbing him while in mini gnar.”
Murfz says “Matchup is fine, dshield always. Grasp recommended aswell, his rage form is strong but when he's small you can win most short trades by just Q -> AA -> W with ult proc.”
SpookyKing says “Don't get poked out early and you can just run him down lvl 4 and above if he is in mini form. In Mega make sure to E his R and you should be fine. He outscales hard.”
WarwicksSimp says “XD Good ban.
Dodge this freak champion.
Realistically playable but you have to never interact with him ever. You can get fed and stomp him if you get a kill from a gank or skirmish however. Plated steelcaps and mercs both good, depends on enemy comp. Go LT or conq. PtA if you know you're gonna get ganks.”
xskyswitch says “Farm with your Qs and poke when you can. Dodge his stun when he goes Mega Gnar and you will win the trade. Look to engage and bully when his jump is on cooldown.”
Brb3535 says “u win. but is kinda hard to catch max q not e for the slow and when he s not transformed if u can e flash r proc shotguns and burst him so that u can execute is fine . ”
RivenCarriedYou says “most gnars are not smart enough to remember that their Jump (e) ability is on a 20+ second cooldown. abuse that fact and murder him. if his spacing is good, he will fuck you up quite hard but. its honestly still easy to win since your mobility and damage is simply higher.”
Chaddouk says “Gnar on of the best blind picks atm in competitive because he's good into everything and trynd is not an exception. Still you have ways to get ahead. 1. Dodge Q's 2. Do not let him prock W passive 3. Take your fights when he's mini, early on at least 4. If u dash in to him, make sure you don't position yourself behind him otherwise he can just double jump on you. If he's the only frontlane don't be afraid to go galeforce so you can stick on him. Macro-wise Gnar wants to get mega and teamfight, so be aware of his tp timers, his mega, and try to force him to sidelane so he doesn't make the best use of his champion.
BaotoGame says “Very annoying matchup,has alot of poke and damage.D-shield and 2nd wind is key to win this matchup.Try to avoid the wall due to his mega form R.Don't fight with him when he transform to mega with his E”
Saitamaro says “dorans blade or shield \\ try to force yourself on him so that he cant just kite you \\ make sure to either not get hit by his R or to answer his R with yours \\ Dont get hit by W, just dodge it with ur E”
daitolol says “- Most cases he will go fleet and will have big sustain just free farm till 3-4 after that start holding up waves and punishing him, his damage is pretty weak unless he's in mega gnar
- Go for all ins after Mega gnar has run out,
- He is extremely sqyshy so you can cosnsitently go for short trades into all in after 6, when going for an all in position yourself in a way you don't let him double bounce on you using his e after you r1, engage only when a wave is not incoming as it will give him escape otherwise
- after level 7 you can use e backward into q passive trading as he cant really punsh you and after he get's chonked its easy all in
At_Tar_Ras says “this dude will F you up. vayne when he's mini gnar and yordle-darius when he's mega gnar. you get outscaled, poked out in lane, beaten in all-ins and sidelanes and out-utility'd. this is just a horrible matchup and you'll feel like a mosquito hitting him once he gets his tabis/bramble. BUT, you can easily kill gnars that are bad at kiting. it's easy to back step away when they auto you just for you to insta-turn toward them to E1 and AA+Q or AA+W. either that, or you E1 ahead, "walk away" then when they try to AA you, you insta-turn and E2 toward gnar.”
RanDomGuY060 says “He will take probably take fleetwork rune go stridebreaker and mercury first item. Don't get kited he will not let you take farm when he turns mega E him when he stuns you (I mean his W not his R) R him when he R's you.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ghost flash} Your main and probably only kill window will be baby Gnar. Mega gnar is just too tanky and too threatening. Wait out his mega gnar form and care to dodge his giant Q throws. If he has no minions around to jump to his escape range is decreased keep track of those minions! Hit W on his stuns to tank and reduce the damage he deals. Otherwise when you get stridebreaker it should be GG he can't escape as mini gnar.”
Dew Master Flash says “I may be in the minority, but I don't think this is a good matchup for sion. He can kite you for days, and his range gives him the ability to harrass the proxy.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA Riftmaker]
You can go Fleet to match his own Fleet sustain, but I prefer bullying him with PTA. This matchup is not that hard to understand. Play aggressive when he is Mini Gnar (without getting hit by any Qs) and disengage right before he becomes mega gnar. If you somehow end up near him while he is on Mega Gnar, avoid walls so he can't hit his Ult. If you managed to get a lead early on, you can even beat him in his Mega form.”
RipAMC says “Don't underestimate this yordle in both his forms. Gnar can poke you safely from range and then engage on you with his transformation. If he gets the upper hand, he can lock you down and unleash a whole lot of damage.”
Antecc says “You outscale Gnar, play to outscale him. Once you do, you can use the splitpush build. Gnar will never be able to stop you on his own, unless he uses his Mega Gnar form which he needs to be useful in teamfights.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Play around his ragebar, i like grasp in this matchup but first strike is also decent. If you wont get into trades without your barrels and get kited to death you outrade him hard in his mini form. If he is mega gnar just wait it out and place a barrel underneath yourself to win if he jumps on you.”
ABL Pantheon says “Pretty easy. You win early. While he is Mini Gnar you can all-in him and trade, one thing to keep in mind is his dash. Respect the Mega Gnar and E his W or R. You can fight him in Mega if you think he dies. You can get Plated Steelcaps early for him. Don't get kited from him and also dodge his boomerang.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: Predator, flash/ghost, start darkseal+pot/boots+pot.
Rush tabis and wardens mail, you dont win 1v1 so just try to proxy and get some roams to get your team ahead.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [overgrowth] + [cash back] +[approach velocity]
either go grasp , or phase rush runepage , i prefer grasp but both are good here
items : start dorans shield
lordimboutabust says “Care early levels. i like to wait out his first big gnar form and try to bait out his jump. If he is small gnar form and no jump he is free kill with W, dont get caught out when he is close to transformation and watch his gank setup lvl 6 | Second Wind | Dshield - Tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Mini form sucks to play against however, it is 100% possible for a good Darius player to solo kill him in either form with sorcery second, for the rest of the Dar plebs wait for mega. When he is mega try to trade with him before he goes back to his mini form as you can out trade him once you get 5 bleed. post 6 mega form is scary because he can stun lock you and it does a shit ton of damage so watch out for that. Tabis rush is huge against him.”
AlmightyNoxian says “This matchup is too damn easy. You even beat mega gnar in early stages of the game so It's not a threat. But take dorans shield, please.”
FaNTOP says “Сражайтесь с ним только в мини-форме Gnar и используйте W, когда он нападает на вас. Попробуйте комбинировать его, пока он фармит. Позвольте ему иметь приоритет на начальных уровнях и просто пытайтесь наносить ему урон с помощью Q и W.”
demirkaiser says “Another ranged champion. Take ghost this time. Don't fight him until he becomes Mega Gnar. Mega is a lot easy to kite and fight because he is melee. You can ult him after he becomes Mega. Don't miss your E or he will kite you a lot.”
TTVXiralid says “His mini form is very easy to kill but a good gnar will play around his rage bar and all in you in mega form so keep an eye on his rage bar and you will find this matchup manageable.”
kayle1v9 says “Disgusting match up. He perma wins trades, If you can somehow make it to lvl 11 + 2 items you might have a chance if you R his CC. you win against mini gnar but dont try when he's in his mega form.”
St0rmyss says “Go phase rush with ignite and corruption start. Stand in brush and wait for lvl 2 then you can start trading with him. You can proc Phase rush with Q A W. Do this until he's low enough to all in with ignite. ”
Twogrand says “BIG GNAR BAD!!! little gnar KILL!!! that is kinda it. Pretty simple go for him when hes little guy and if he tries to dash away you can always knock him outta his jump and punish him more.
conq tp. eclipse ”
TheGoobMaster says “phase rush gnar is not fun. bait his flip jump or mega gnar and then beg jg to gank while its on cd. dodge his boomerang or q out of the slow”
Riceyboll says “Good Gnar can make your life miserable, but if you play under turret and farm there isn't much he can do. Or just be ballsy and dodge everything he tries to throw at you. ”
BezMemow says “It's a kite heaven for him, very hard to get to him, go Ghost and try to get to him fast enough in your ult to kill him. With Botrk he easily kills you, go Protobelt to close the gap and rylais.
Start D Shield”
LocaLAM says “This bitch is annoying. A ton of CC during biggie mode, so just attempt to dodge and do not engage when he's small. When he's big, if you can dodge one CC move it shouldn't be too hard, but it's his little mode range that makes him annoying.”
Smauggy says “Our q out range him all game long ( Q: up to 480 units, his range: 350 to 450)
In mini he is slipery but squeeshy and in mega not that mobile and tank, lillias likes tanks and can chase quick so its ok
just if he manage to survive and scale, he can make smth.
Tipp in earlie: if he bought shield: push
if he took sword: push the first 3 waves, let bounce to freeze him ”
Loweloexpert says “This champ is ass low elo, you kill lvl3 then rush rylais and gg. Wait his transformation before ulting and thats all, nothing to say. The only problem is if he is able to lite you like if you miss your E, in that case immediatly disingage, dont try ti chase.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gnar is simple enough to beat when at mini form excpet for his mobility but when he transforms, it increases his AD and outright tankiness, making it difficult to execute The Missing Link with your ult. Be cautious.”
sinatra1633 says “Ignore his poke and keep pushing.
Always keep your distance when he has megaform.
All in him and chase him down when he is overpushed in regular mini form.”
Mnem says “Go with Conqueror or Fleetwork, Second Wind and Unflinching. Rush Plated Steelcaps and focus on your CS, save HP and play on Gnar's mistakes, force his E so you can engage him and kill him. Let the wave pull you at lvl 4 and wait for Gnar to get close to the tower, after that if he gets close or in range of the tower call ghost and turn on him. Build StrideBreaker, Trinity Force or Divine Surrender. (I recommend Stridebreaker)”
ARealFakeIdentity says “In Mini-Gnar he is pretty much useless, once he is in Mega Gnar, as long as you stand outside the range of his Ultimate or an E-R combo you should be safe in this lane as you can easily outrun his W.”
W4llaceK says “Take ghost and shield. You can take PTA for fun but it's kinda bad. Don't get poked down or you'll be in a bad spot when he goes mega. You can try and all in at level 3 if he uses his E for some reason but generally you're not gonna be able to fight him unless he wants to fight you. Stay away from walls when he hit's 6 and wait for him to go mega so you can all in with the ult slow and ghost. ”
Reines Kokosfett says “Don't get poked to much pre 3. In his mini form you can just E-Q him to stick onto him and beat him. If he is mega, use your E to dodge his W and you should always win. Your biggest threat is getting poked atfer missing your Q.”
DJCraz says “Probably the most winnable of the five. It's just going to be a little annoying. Range will always be annoying and he's going to jump away every time you might e. You can pull him out of it but it's a little finicky. Mega Gnar's teamfight is pretty good with his ult so just hope your team is better and try your best.”
primate nefasto says “If he is mega you will lose, but if he isn´t full HP you can bait and win the 1 vs 1 while he is mega. If not he probably gonna escape with his E. Try to cancel his E with your R. The easiest way to kill gnar. ”
Boptimus says “Gnar is only as good as the person playing him. Gnar is able to farm Grasp procs for a short distance. If it looks like he is about to auto attack you, you can dash in with a Q3 and fight him in range. Gnar can disengage with E but what you really need to watch out for is Mega Gnar.
You can use W to cancel his W, and R to cancel his R if timed well. Once he's wasted his abilities in Mega Gnar you should be able to run him over in your Ult.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
This matchup is all about playing around his mini form. So once he is about to transform back to mini, this is the time to engage.
If he jumps onto you or you trade with him in mega form, you HAVE to parry his R, or he will CC chain you.”
stefanko says “Most of the ranged champs you can look to cheese level 1, same with gnar, but i don't suggest it unless he walks into you, cause he is gonna get Mega form and heal off of it. Look to engage on Gnar when he is stuck in aa animation, cause then its gonna be easier to get your e off and not get kited. Post 6 you hard win if he is in mini form. (lethal tempo or grasp, teleport)”
Zeffie says “Gnar has to be played around his forms, he can poke you quite a bit with his ranged autos and boomerang but if you hit the last part of W on him you can use that to walk up and bait out his jump or if he doesn't have it Q into him and get a free E proc. Always pay attention to his rage, engaging when hes about to turn into mega Gnar is always a recipe for disaster.
To play against mega Gnar make sure you take into account your positioning, his CD's and your health. Gnar leaves himself a bit open between W's and if you can dash through a Q into him you can probably win a health trade or fight. Just watch for the R”
Tonho says “If you land your E, you can follow his jump with the recast. If you get close to mini Gnar, he is pretty much dead. You can also win against Mega Gnar, but be careful with his CC chain. After Divine Sunderer, he has advantage but still pretty squish as mini Gnar, so you can keep killing him if he lets you do so. Conquer is more efficient here.”
dzsama says “You can't really kill him easily as he will just jump away if you engage on him. He will just poke you with his Q and his W's damage. Get Steelcaps and after he uses his jump then engage on him while it's on cooldown. While Gnar's jump is on cooldown he is a lot easier to deal with, just don't let him proc his W passive as that gives him movement speed to kite you. Also keep in mind that it's easier to fight mini Gnar due to how much squishier he is compared to mega form.”
Pep_Shin says “The matchup isn't hard, you just need to know how it works.
Go doran's shield, he will be annoying.
Once 6, if he is small you can run him down.
In Mega Gnar it is hard to fight, he can spam his Q and it deals way too much damage for you.
Just wait until he becomes small again and punish every Jump-in.”
GannicusTTV says “He is a lane bully when mini gnar, and he outdamages you and outccs you if mega gnar. keep your distance. Use passive and W to mitigate poke damage to last hit. When he turns mega gnar make sure you keep your distance to not get stunned or thrown against the wall in his ultimate. A good time to all in him is when his MEGA GNAR bar is expiring and he is about to turn back to mini gnar. if you taunt through him right when it is expiring he will eat all your damage without being able to avoid it. repeat it over and over and go for a kill if you healthy enough. I recommend TP. ”
Armorjacker says “Gnar can kite you very hard however, whenever they go into mega gnar, they like to get more close to you which is where you can do all your damage. Save your R when your fighting his mega gnar so when he turns back into mini gnar, you can immediately ult him and possibly kill him. Try not to over extend since you can walk you down your lane and kill you through range.”
Irelius says “ХАЛЯВА
Окей, сейчас серьёзно. Не получаем слишком много поука на линии, можно даже отдать ему прио, его так легче убить будет, но, опять же, не давайте разбить пачку.
Попадаем E, убиваем. Гнар гребаная вата, которая терпеть не может персонажей с тонной гепклоузеров. Помним о кустах, они наши самые лучшие друзья. ”
Puyi says “Slightly Gnar favoured. Try to dodge his Q with your E. It's very hard to lane against mini gnar, but you can win most fights against mega Gnar. Rush plated steelcaps.”
JustSad42 says “Get Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. You want to Q-W into Gnar when he’s mini with no rage AND he has no minion/wave behind him for him to E onto. This is to make sure that he can’t double jump and gain too much distance away from you. Gnar will outscale you at 1-2 items because he can kite you decently at that point. So wait until your third item before trying to beat him in the sidelane. Until the late game, focus on CSing until you outscale him at your third item. This is only if the Gnar knows how to play the matchup. If the Gnar uses his Mega W on you, he does not know how to play the matchup and you can beat him in side.”
Azekar says “Conqueror/Fleet+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Matchup very similar to Kennen. His Mega Form makes him very strong, I don't recommend fighting him while he's transformed at first. Rush Tabi.”
NegativePhoenix says “Mini is more annoying above all else but if he jumps in with his mega, if you can predict his Ult [avoid walls by the way], or his W with your own W that ruins his combo already off the bat. When it comes to it your 1v1 once he hits mega will be better since he'll only go for poke in mini then run away if you get close enough. ”
JustSad42 says “You hard win with passive stacked.
You can use your E while Gnar is stuck in his jump animation and he can't dodge your E.
When he has no Mega, you can just Q on a caster, R him then Q in and insta win even without htting E.
Take doran shield not D-blade since if he plays normally, he won't die on first 3 waves.”
dexcellent says “pretty bannable. never chase him with E, unless its a sure kill. wait for gank and pray. punish him for blowing his dash if possible. if he turns into mega gnar, run.”
SrMolinv says “Mini Gnar is easy to abuse. His ult CD can be tricky the first times you face him. Block his passive damage or Q with shield, short trades until you can all in him.”
YamiLostSoul says “After the buffs that increases his Q dmg on mega form, you need to be careful. Mini form has less resistances but kiting power.
Don't let him stack his W passive. On his mega form, dodge W so the trade is even.
Divine angle. He can build divine too but gnar prefers trinity.”
Akalimetall says “Gnar will outrange you eventually, his jumps make it possible to chase you down, making laning phase hard to play if you don't get help from your jungler”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't let him poke you a lot]
[Dodge his Q]
[Do not fight him when he is in Mega form]
[Do not stay near terrain or he will stun you with R]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Spin in often earlygame and trade hard. Gnar becomes harder once he gets Plated Steelcaps and some health. Try playing very aggressively early when he's in mini form.”
RandumPersin says “Gnar is another hard lane, take pta for this guy. When in mini form its almost impossible to punish this champion since his leap is a little more than double the distance of our dash with a similar CD. Rush steelcaps in this matchup even if ahead and look to all in at level six once he's almost transformed out of mega gnar. Use E1 to dodge the headbutt stun and E2 for the rock toss. In mini form, try and harass him with a double dash in after he throws out his Q and its on the way back to him while he is trying to catch it.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “He pokes you and kites you hard. Then all ins you when Mega. R him in team fights into your enemies when he is Mega. Try to intercept him when he jumps onto your team so he can't get his R off that well.
LeyzeHP says “Fleet(suggested)/Conqueror
Be aggressive when he's normal form, don't fight him as mega gnar until you are really fed. Go assassin (ecplise) and you can do E max second to slow him, W max second only if you are getting camped or losing, but this should be impossible to lose.”
HightLoL says “depends on how good gnar is. need jungle help. poke with q. if he is near your tower, you can try to run him down if he wastes e early game cuz its on a high cd.”
Fizzy says “His mega form can cause approaching problems, but he has a very obvious stun on his W and a considerably strong R but lvl 6 every 3 transformations he has ult again and gradually goes down as much as he needs time, as well as transformations.”
Elresser says “He will poke you in the early game but Doran's shield and second wind will help with that. If he wastes his E that's your window to go in for a combo trade. Poking with W when you have your passive up is also nice.”
hamgi says “gnar is really good at kiting immobile champs with his baby form and punishing them with his mega form. though yone is incredibly mobile, gnar's passive proc slows u and majority of them take fleet, so he will more often than not be faster than u. get on top of him when u want to trade and stay on top of him by weaving in spells/aa's while moving with him. his q is a boomerang he must catch to receive a reduced cd that can proc his passive on top of his aa. his e is a jump, becoming a double jump when landing on enemy units. a good gnar will e to u when turning into mega gnar to get on top of u and keep u locked up, so respect his mega gnar bar when it's above 80%, especially if u are weaker than him. mega gnar gains hp and his q changes to a rock that slows, w to a vertical skill shot that stuns, and his e to a single jump that deals dmg on any enemy unit he lands on. his ult is only available in mega gnar, which throws enemy units to a selected direction, stunning them if hit against terrain. avoid fighting mega gnar near walls. in this form, he is easily kiteable and his animations are slow, which allows u to skirt around him”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Play around his ragebar, if he is close to 100 or is already megagnar and didnt use his jump yet sit on the barrel and try to dodge his high damage Q poke, remember his Q cd is partially reseting if he picks up the stone so try to zone him from it by placing barrel there. You should bully him if he is mini.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. You can block his 3rd auto with your W. Take TP and play for Ults or ask for a gank since Gnar is very gankable, even if he has E. Stay away from walls if he is Mega Gnar at 6.”
MrSIrPops says “Skill game against gnar . Generally you should be able to kill him just be careful of his ult because he will try to ult you inside his tower if you play to aggresively.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Take ghost and rush Steelcaps, pre 6 there isnt rly much you can do sadly other than poke him but he can alwasy just jump away if you get close to kill him but, But at 6 if you ever hit mini gnar with E and he has low-0 rage just R and ghost at him and he should die if yu hit your Abilities”
TRIAD3S says “This ******* champion can kite and poke you a lot. Dodge his Q because when he hits the cooldown is reduced.
Boots are a priority. E max is a option.”
StingingChicken says “Anytime hes mini you can jump on him, including level 1. Respect his mega in general but try to block his R or mega W with E if you do fight. Even his mega form is not that scary if you have an advantage in the trade, it's not god mode like Nasus R or anything”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “laning phase can be a bit tough against good gnar players (known gnar players for example ppl with a lot of exp on that champ since they can outspace u rly easy)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
kajinator says “Use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush and Flash + TP and just stay even in XP. That is literally your only job. Fall behind this guy in XP and it will haunt you. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “Gnar is kind of a weird matchup because he can poke you when he's ranged and lock you down when he's melee. You heavily outscale him but be wary that his teamfighting is VERY strong. You can't ult when you're CC'd so try to time it just before he stuns you. Play safe in lane as he'll win most trades, but poke him down with Q max.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
Evandabank says “Gnar like most ranged champions for Kled, is not super dangerous.
Pre-6 An E-Q combo from Kled can land Gnar at 20% HP, and Gnar cannot break Kled's tether with just his E because the dash range is too short. If you land an E-Q, go for the all-in and you will always find a kill Post-6.
Gnar can be very slippery because of his W movement speed and the fact that Gnar players typically rush boots. In order to counteract this, I usually rush my Whip into swiftness boots, and then I finish my Goredrinker. Build grudge third item if you are super ahead and are having problems running him down OR he has invested into a lot of armor.
Gnar does outscale Kled in the splitpush late game, however it is really not that bad. If you find yourself with a lead over Gnar and you do not throw the lead, you will still win the splitpush. There is no "Item Spike" that Gnar has where he will begin to beat you.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
SrMolinv says “Lo han nerfeado en el parche 12.14, es aun mas facil abusar de el en forma mini. Cuidado con el CD de su ulti, es bastante bajo sobre todo a nivel 11.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - Ele é meio chato porque ele pode kitar você, use seu Poke apenas, Allwin quando ele estiver MiniGnar e metade de HP. - Se ele entrar em seu alcance automático em mini gnar, certifique-se de Auto-lo algumas vezes antes de recuar! - Desvie de seu boomerang - Depois de 6, fique longe das paredes quando ele estiver prestes a obter mega Gnar. Não subestime Mega Gnar! - Ele é Médio por causa de Mega Gnar .... Gnar é fácil, Mega Gnar está quebrado... - Se ele for Mega Gnar, fique bem longe dele! Ele pode 100 a 0. - Quando ele estiver prestes a pegar Mega Gnar, não fique parado perto de sua torre, ele pode empurrá-lo para o alcance da torre"”
Duwiiton says “If you catch him in his mini form, he can't escape for a short duration if you use all of your CC abilities. In his mega form, use Q to disengage until it's over, or get a gank.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
Irelius says “FREE
Ok, serious mode. Dont get poked too hard. E hit=kill or his flash burnt. When he jumps on top of you while being mega, negate his burst with your W.
Against ranged matchups at toplane bushes are your dear friends. Use them to hide from poke or force the enemy to use his ward”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - Ele é meio chato porque ele pode kitar você, use seu Poke apenas, Allwin quando ele estiver MiniGnar e metade de HP. - Se ele entrar em seu alcance automático em mini gnar, certifique-se de Auto-lo algumas vezes antes de recuar! - Desvie de seu boomerang - Depois de 6, fique longe das paredes quando ele estiver prestes a obter mega Gnar. Não subestime Mega Gnar! - Ele é Médio por causa de Mega Gnar .... Gnar é fácil, Mega Gnar está quebrado... - Se ele for Mega Gnar, fique bem longe dele! Ele pode 100 a 0. - Quando ele estiver prestes a pegar Mega Gnar, não fique parado perto de sua torre, ele pode empurrá-lo para o alcance da torre"”
Animate Dead says “Without his R it is almost a mirror match. He will probably rush Wits End countering your magic damage, but with your hybrid damage build without his R, most fights are in your favor.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
warmfishu says “Very slippery with Hop (E), during which Yuumi can root him with R. Mega Gnar has slows and a stun/knock-back in GNAR! (R). Yuumi can Q to whittle or slow Mega Gnar, but it may be better to wait until he returns to Mini Gnar before you commit to attacking.”
1akai1 says “Desvie dos Q dele, se ele estiver mega use o W no W ou R dele e se não estiver use o W no terceiro hit, o E dele tem 22s de cd, use esse tempo pra dar all win.”
Thrandor says “Very annoying to deal with. Work with bushes to deny him his W proc. Mega-Gnar is fightable, try to dodge his W or Q by Q-ing right through him. You can also dodge his R by holding down Q if you manage to get the timing right.”
Racz says “He got stronger because of the new patch, beware of his passive. Punish him with taunt + Q when his E is down so he's not able to get away. Try not to let him get his 3rd stack with his Q.
Extended trades when his passive isn't up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping. Do not commit to using your Ignite or any burst spells if Gnar is about to change forms as Mega Gnar gives him extra health that will allow him to survive. As he is a ranged champion, it’s important that you do not let him poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re low.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Annoying, but eventually he'll make a mistake and you can kill him. Don't get poked too much, wait until he pushes up and transforms from Mega>Mini. That means he can't transform for
ages, hit Q and GHOST on him and he'll usually die if pushed up. All-inning Mega Gnar is possible but usually not worth it ”
Alachiel says “He will win the lane when he's in ranged form, but you can destroy him when in Mega-Gnar form.
Just wait for him to transform, and use E to turn around him and dodge everything.”
Dekar173 says “P: -
Q: 12 > 6
W: -
E: 22 > 12
R: 90 > 30 (NEEDS MEGA)
Runes vs Gnar: Fleet, Grasp, FS
HIGH Econ: 11 Shot Crit
MID Econ: Waveclear + HP Bruiser
LOW Econ: Stasis
Strengths: Kiting, Versatile, AoE CC, SCALING, Frontliner
Weaknesses: Weaker laning phase, telegraphed teamfighting, fails at dueling phase, SQUISHY early game
Always pay attention to mega timer
Try to bait his R when you have 4 stacks, this will give you ~4 waves until his next R.
4E from brush > 4E combo will 1 shot him if mini/missing 200 hp.”
Yiphen says “Win Lane. Back away when he rages. He's very immobile and you can bully him pretty hard. Just watch out for his Q. Freeze wave near tower. Do not dance.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Сильно зонит, не поподайте под его Q,фармите, когда вы выдите, что он ультует в олын трейде, сбивайте стан своей ультой, тогда в форме брузера Гнар вам проиграет.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Все зависит от формы. В мини-форме гнар обычно ни при каких условиях не может передуэлить тимо, но с приходом большой формы и 6ого уровня приходит и полный прокаст что может оставить большой отпечаток на нашем хп и на нашей статистике смертей.”
Taiquyorah says “Pas une grande menace si vous jouez safe, difficile à tuer cependant car il est range et qu'il peut kite facilement
L'all in n'est pas vraiment possible mais en late game vous serez bien utile.
Il ne peut pas bully facilement donc vous devriez pouvoir farmer sans trop de soucis.
Farm lane.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very hard to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. The range allows Gnar to poke you out easily. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
THICCshake says “Basically any ranged champ into Kayle is a strong pick.
You have to suffer for 10 minutes because of this little rat's ability to be faster than sound if he takes fleet footwork. ”
NegativePhoenix says “His only saving grace is his E to jump away from you or engage you. His Mini form is annoying so take dorans shield or corrupting in this matchup since he'll rely on poke before going in with his mega form. Lane phase just be mindful that even against tanks like you his Ult+W+Q combo hurts like hell and will melt you. Stay away from walls if you know he's gonna engage. Mid-Late game you can handle him much better once you tank up.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Gnar is not a problem for you. Just like other tiny champions you have to AA and kill him. But mega gnar can slow and stun you so hard. Beware his ult, that is all.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
Try and dodge his Q poke.
Only fight him when he's in Mini Gnar. Respect him when he's in Mega form and dont position near walls or engage on him.
His abilities are pretty telepgraphed and easy to dodge.
You can cancel his CC with E or Ult.
If he has his hop, only ult him if you hit your Q3 first.”
wooverbo says “He has the hurtbox of a caster minion, nearly 400 MS with W, AND a jump to go along with it. Tahm Kench relies on his Q slow > W combo to get on top of ranged champions. Things only get worse with Mega Gnar since you can't kill him either unless he misplays.
If he has Unflinching or bought T2 boots you are never killing him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Gnar in his mini form is much more dangerous than his mega form to you, but both are a pain. He'll just constantly poke you down and when he goes Mega he will try to jump in and W you for stuns. Once he hits 6, stay away from walls when hes about to mega or he'll stun combo you, and try to avoid his mega Q or you'll feel how strong it actually is. You can't really fight him on your terms since most of the time he'll just E away till you're in kite range or all your abilities CDs are up.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gnar can either be ranged and squishy or melee and tanky. either option messes with you. He's not commonly played so that's a good thing but try to avoid fighting”
Xarmat says “Use your range to poke him down.
If he try to all in you, his passive can beat your damage. Use your E to get some distance as soon he jumps over minions. While his jump is on CD you have the upper hand”
VituVonDoom says “Most Jayce players think Gnar is an easy matchup... But I'm not them. And this is my guide, so screw you. Always look to trade when he is in mini form, and run tf away when he turns mega. Staying away from walls is advised, even if the little fella is 0/3 he can one shot you with an ult combo. Take the Phase Rush page, and go for short trades”
KrazyKid1024 says “Gnar is a pain in the ass. His ranged form can kite you out really well, and in melee he has a ton of cc and damage. Also just really tanky.”
Galactities says “I've personally never been against a good Gnar. They for some reason decide to sit infront of my face in my E range and rage on why they're losing. From what I know hes a hard counter matchup. Hes really good at quick trades which is very hard since you cant put him in a extended fight because of his jump. If you're going to fight him make sure you have ghost up and side step his abilities at all costs and stay away from walls because of his R.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1-2 Respect him, play safe, Stay healthy -> Level 3 you can look for some trades and the more items you get the more trades you should be looking to go for and the more extended they should be -> When going for small trades do not let him get 3 stacks on you -> When you have Q3 or R bait out his E before that or predict where he will jump -> To land R get rid of his E first -> Generally do not fight him when he has almost or full fury or when he is mega -> Can use E to deny him from jumping on you with his E -> Dodge/Bait his Q”
Aberrant Demon says “If you can, pulling the wave level 1 helps but you won't always have the opportunity to do it. Avoid fighting him early while he is in mini Gnar form, especially if his W is active. Stay behind your minions to make him push with his Q and avoid getting poked too much. When he is in mega Gnar form, break his ankles. If you can't, W any ability that is going to land. If you do a good job avoiding his damage, you should win the trades as long as you don't let him swap back to mini Gnar and kite you. Once you are level 6, you can start to look for all-ins with Ghost, just make sure he can't dodge hop to get out. Avoid letting him ult you into a wall.”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “Virgin. Lvs 1-2 are his. But you can Q+AA+W then E forcing he to jump out ending the trade. If you're going to split push remember to get at least one item that gives movement speed (like triforce or BRK)”
IcunoX says “Annoying when ranged but also possible as he is surprisingly squishy while in mini form, poke him with Q's and E+W+Q combo's untill he comes in kill range.\
Dont fight in mega gnar, he is tanky, deals a lot of damage and will ult you as it has a low cooldown.”
The Kled Mob says “Imo you have more of a chance beating him in mega gnar form then compared to mini gnar as he will just hop away and he has the ultimate kite setup because of his W passive. If he uses E and he overextends ghost and flash and kill him. Don't get hit by his W in mega gnar form and don't be near walls. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Deny him resources, get a small lead, kill him in mega form if he does a mistake, otherwise he isn't really killable.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall if you can, otherwise you can let him get push, just maximize your farm.
Look for poke on front vitals, taking DShield + Second Wind is a must in this matchup.
Parry his W pop, or his Q, if you can do both at the same time that's perfect.
Really try to avoid skirmishing with him while he has mega as he has insanely low cooldowns and high base stats. You can parry his W but care as they often jump out.
Here is a trick to parry Gnar R, wait until his mega is gonna disappear and he goes back to mini, in the last few seconds ENGAGE, and I guarantee he will use ultimate as he wants to use it anyways cause his ult is low cooldown and mega is gonna go away.
Works like a charm.
Otherwise just poke front vitals and try to chip him down while looking for an all in, if they ever jump in you hard win all ins.
Although I said you shouldn't, often times bad Gnar players will overestimate themselves with mega so u can look for a kill as when in mini form they just play turbo safe.”
Boptimus says “Annoying range match up but not as bad as Teemo. Preserve your mana pool early and stay healthy with Passive/W healing. Once you get a Lost Chapter and points in Q you can look to start trading back.
Always stay far away from Mega Gnar. If you managed to poke Gnar enough when he's about to leave Mega Gnar you can look to all-in.”
Scallywag says “May be a bit annoying since he is ranged, but doesn't do much damage early game in ranged form.
He can still kill you in mega form if you are not careful.”
powerfullgeo says “Ranged top laner alert. Play like he's Vayne, keep your health high and if he tries to all in you in mega Gnar form stay away from walls and Q through him to make him miss his abilities.”
davidbiton1 says “gnar is annoying to deal with, he is mobile, tanky, deals damage and ccs you. all of that while being most of the time a range champion. 100% avoid him at all cost and if you do end up laning against him, prey.”
Dawn Break says “Enfrentamiento complicado, lleva ignite o Fantasmal dependiendo de que te sea más fácil, y empieza con Rompeavances/Stridebreaker, Trata de ser agresivo a nivel 1 cuando Gnar no tiene mucha movilidad.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Try to play safe during the early game and rush armor boots. When he transforms into mini gnar and you land your E on him you can ult him and chase him down and kill him.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: There is no way you should lose this matchup, you just eat his poke with pre-6 and then you just force on him post-6 when he has no fury. take fleet footwork and d-shield. ”
Trundledaddy says “Ranged top so is obnoxious a bit, the lane isn't super hard but definitely not the easiest either, steelcaps will ease up the lane a bit, but when you get divine and steelcaps, you can kill 1v1 or with jungler easily unless too poked also ulting his big form is beneficial.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Try to play safe during the early game and rush armor boots. When he transforms into mini gnar and you land your E on him you can ult him and chase him down and kill him.”
Federals1 says “Mega Gnar is more of a threat to Volibear than Mini Gnar, since he will first poke you down then go for the all in. You can try to burst him down in Mini Gnar at 6, but make sure to bait out his e first, or you risk missing the ultimate, and from there you are out until it is back up again. Q max is needed. Second or third rune page should be used, preferably third. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots.”
ProbablyPlatform says “The feral little rat is very annoying in base form, but his mega gnar form is just a free kill aslong as you make sure he doesn’t hope skip and jump away with little gnar”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
DShield + Second Wind and look for front vitals. In small form, parry his W or his Q, try to get him low health and if he is bad he will still fight you when he gets mega, so just parry his W and kill him, but if he is a good gnar player, he won't let you get him low health and will destroy you once he gets mega. Try to engage him when his mega form is finishing so you can easily parry his R because he will use It anyway. If he uses E you should win all ins.
Escudo de Doran + Fuerza Renovables y pokeale solo los vitales frontales. En su forma pequeña, ripostea su W o su Q, intenta dejarle a poca vida y si es malo te va a pelear en cuanto se transforme, por lo que puedes ripostear su W y matarle. Si es un buen jugador de Gnar, no va a dejar que le bajes la vida y luego te destruye en cuanto se transforma. Intenta hacerle engage cuando se le este acabando su transformación. Para poder ripostearle fácilmente su ulti ya que la usará igualmente. Si usa su E puedes hacerle all in.”
WestRover says “he will poke you down so try your best to keep as high hp as possible even if it results in missing cs bring barrier against this champion, but if you do feel like you can win bring exhaust ”
darkintaki says “Extremely difficult matchup, DON'T fight when he's Mega Gnar, You just cannot move, too much CC, use ghost to dodge his Huge Moves, try to kill him early and then farm, he gonna outscale you anyway.”
gazibulle says “Medium - easy matchup. You outscale him, he should never be able to side against you. If he has no Bone Plating you can cheese him lvl 1 with E as he is really squishy without form. His E has a longer CD than yours, so everytime he Es away when you E him, you have a small window to dash on him right when your CD is up (you can max hookshot in order for you to guarentee a longer window to E). You can stand next to a wall, then instantly E on him and he has no time to react to it. If it hits, you can continue trading and if he ever messes up his double dash, you can just chase him down with your W slow and Q mov. speed.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “You can out poke and sustain him with E rush. Q max is fine aswell just avoid his big form, you can sustain his mini form if you use proper positioning and movement to minimize damage. After Divine you can run him down when his bar is at 0 with W and if you have approach velocity he cant escape you. ”
alexionut05 says “A hard lane for you, but you can win it if you play it properly. Avoid taking free damage from his autos and his Q. Trade with him whenever he is not enraged. When he is enraged he WILL defeat you, so wait out his enraged form.”
MHLoppy says “Gnar can be difficult to pin down because of his ability to double-hop to safety, while using Q to slow you and W to speed him up. One thing he's lacking is sustain, so you should be able to poke him enough to be able to eventually overcome his standoff-ness using your ult.”
IoannAzerot says “A mad poke machine with the ability to dive as a mega-gnar. More health regeneration, percentage damage and wait for at least a forester or third slot.”
Agatrium says “His range + tankiness make him hard to deal with as Garen. Be mindful of Mega-Gnar, has it makes him even tankier and grants him access to a lot more cc.”
youmamaleftu says “You must not attack him when he has full furry. duel him when he does not have the giant form. Go dorans shield and the ranged runes. you can even go boots first to dodge his ability that pokes easily.”
Scarhawk says “Gnar is a matchup that most of the time you will lose. His full stacked w gives him movement speed, his E gets him away from your engage, and his Q slows you. Sustain and capitalize on his mistakes.”
Gassid says “Second wind + approach of velocity. Tu peux trade en Q1 un minion puis tu le Z puis tu le Q2. Ne pas le fight quand il est en Mega Gnar. E le après qu'il t'ai sauté dessus”
Rymdskora says “This matchup is similar to a ranged matchup when Gnar is in mini, when he is in mega you can fight him like a normal melee champion. Be ready to negate his R with your R.”
LimitlessHavoc says “You can hard win level 1 with Q extension and breaking his bone plating with 3rd Q. Similarly to Akali, you can camp out the bush closest to his tower and jump on him when he over extends.”
Cryniu says “Juega un poco más agresivo al inicio, evitando que te desgaste.
El escudo de tu Q y tu W ayudan mucho a evitar su desgaste a distancia.
Trata de sorprenderlo con la E, es muy importante acertarla para que no escape pronto.
Lleva tenacidad, gnar aturde con dos habilidades.
Compra botas de armadura, recibes muchos ataques básicos a distancia.
Si compra curación considera vesta espinosa.”
Kocykek says “Early on he can poke you a lot but somehow you can manage to survive it without Second Wind or Doran's Shield. Rush Sheen and poke him too. You block his E and outdamage him easily. Just don't understimate his early game.”
Helzky says “Gnar is a weird one. When he's mini, you can keep throwing E's at him till he dies. But as soon as he turns Mega you have to run. Unless you have prowlers I dont think there's a chance you kill him when he has Sunderer + Mega Form.”
OliveeGarden says “Take conq, ghost and rush swiftness boots. Gnar has a lot of harass in lane meaning you wont be getting the best of cs. in his mega form you can actually win trades by playing smart by avoiding his W stun mainly, but care this form when you're low as its easy to dive you with the amount of cc he has.”
GG Cannon says “Gnar focus on poke in small form and long duration stuns in his ult and W can be quite tricky to deal against.
You can chunk his small form with each bite and poke him quite well, besides out healing him, but it takes one well placed stun to turn a fight.”
magician4444 says “In mini gnar after 6 he literally stands 0 chance. After 6, if hes mega gnar, try to wait until hes mini gnar to ult or engage. If you fight him in mega gnar, you'll have to flash his ult or you'll get pinned and since you're so squishy you'll probably die quick.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “Try to engage when he is in his small form as he is squishy, be wary of his poke in this form.
When he gets Mega Gnar try not to fight him if you are not ahead as he can hard CC you.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Max E but take some points on W as he can dive on you under your turret. Passive match-up, maxin E will help you to poke him as the answer to his poke. I never really won the lane against him. You probably should ask jungler to gank him.”
Naut1Trick says “He is small and dangerous. You can't hit your E on him too often and when he goes mega gnar he gains more health and damage. Be careful.”
ChowJunior says “Volibear hates champs that can kite, and Gnar is a god at kiting. A good Gnar will deny you every time you try to engage him. Look for opportunities to get on top of him when he wastes him jump. Doran's shield and second wind recommended.”
Your Desired Username says “Annoying and mostly boring match-up where nothing really happens. Rush tabis and Rylai's. If he goes for short trades like AA-Q-AA, try extending into an all-in if possible or answer with a q, as if you never retaliate, he can do this until you're low enough for him to just jump onto you and kill you. You will always win a 100% vs 100% all-in if he is dumb enough to go for that, even in mega form. With that being said, look for an opportunity to e and ult him when goes for a q poke or just AA. Generally speaking, you outscale him quite reliably, but this little fucker still has SO much utility and teamfight potential in mega form even if he is 0/10, so try ulting him in teamfights if he hasn't ulted yet. Ignite can help a lot with bringing him down in early fights.”
boboderaffe says “Don’t underestimate Gnar. He WILL kite you until you cry and 100-0 you past level 6 even during your own ultimate. If you get caught in his ult you die 99,99% of the time.
I do not recommend this: You can go „Zapper“ and rush Zhonya‘s. That way whenever he walks up you can potentially punish him with electrocute and recover with second wind. Whenever he tries to ult you, you simply spam R+stopwatch and hope to survive. This is only advised if the game is dependent on you HAVING to win lane at all cost.
Instead I recommend this: Go for „Normie“ or „BIG SWAIN“ and play it chill. After laning phase is over you can beat him together with your team.
Rayli36 says “I don't have specified strategy for him but i have few tips your Q cleanses his Q but he can slow with his returning q as well so try to dodge it
you can buy rejuvenation bead against him and lastly you can engage on him when he's mega gnar is ending so you when he's close to hanging into normal form
Black Demon Ezel says “Gnar isn't played often but when he is, take all manner of precautions. He's mobile, ranged and can transform into a super strong bruiser of a tank. You won't need grievous but you will need some form of extra damage. Take my usual build on Yorick (the TriForce one) and stack on as much damage as possible”
DanteBlaire says “Gnar te caita muito fácil. O melhor que possível é sobreviver nessa lane fazendo tank e esperando um gank do seu jungler ou um erro do Gnar num dive, por exemplo.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Gnar is annoying to deal with as any laner. Baby Gnar can poke well with Q and deal decent damage too. Block his Q with your E when he isn't close to rage. Deleting it makes it harder for him to spam it. In rage, you need to block his E-Q-W combo with your shield to reduce the combo. Run Lethal Tempo BoRK. You can also go Conq Stridebreaker to counter his passive speed. Go Grasp if you need to sustain more than kill him.”
Hoplite345 says “Gnar is another one of those champs that is pretty easy for Yone. Just don't engage while he is Mega Gnar, and try to bait his slow out. ”
LunaticDancer says “Bullied runes, D Shield. He's very annoying and slippery. Good idea to rush Swifty boots against him. Unless one of you is vastly better than the other, this should be a lane without kills.”
COJA says “Gnar must walk well into your Q range to auto you, so you can poke back. Your Q can cancel his dash if timed perfectly. His dash is also a very long cooldown so you can force it out, then kill him while it is still on cooldown. Mega Gnar is very dangerous and you should be careful around walls, as his full combo is devastating. However, Mega Gnar is much easier to hit than Mini Gnar, so if you are even, it is a short break for you to heal off of him / push the wave in.”
space cat says “you can win trades if he lets you trade with him, but if he pokes you down he can be dangerous. will usually be able to get out if you use your w. ”
Eduardocwalle says “As ranged top, he is annoying too and when he gets Mega-gnar is a really bulky duelist in early game (highest base dmg of the hole game :O) but once u get trinity u should tear him apart with ease, u can dodge his R with yours so gl :D”
Polartech says “Don't fight MEGA GNAR!!! Don't do it! Mega Gnar is really the only problem for Kayle in this lane, start to back or even recall if Gnar's gauge is near to be satured, the rest is a piece of cake.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gnar is not commonly played but he's still lethal. Do everything you can to avoid fighting him when he's Mega Gnar. Or bait him into coming close then let him revert then ult him as he won't build rage gene stacks”
XxDarkMEGAxX says “Gnar is a ranged champ, so before you get your Q, they can poke you for a while. Be careful when CSing, as Gnar can slow you with his Q. Always pay attention to how long your cooldowns are. I recommend bringing Flash and Ignite.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “This lane can get pretty annoying,try cheesing early with plated steelcaps and you'll be denying a ton of dmg from him,otherwise wait for his jump to get on cooldown and all in him,you're stronger.
D-shield / second wind is a must.”
5Head Builds says “Really horrible poke and he has a dash, and can transform into a bruiser, and has CC. This all-in-one toplaner is sort of a nightmare. Just wait for Jungle, don't stand near walls, and cs and wait to outscale him because you will.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Illaoi struggles with CC. So Gnar can be very difficult to deal with even more so because of the Boomerang. Try not to get caught up in all the CC and Ult when he's in Mega Form”
Acumulator says “Dodge his Boomerang and his stones while keeping an eye at his rage meter since he will bounce towards you. Also he has no mana so he will spam.”
ToothlessKnight says “This is just an annoying matchup more than anything. Just farm well because you hard outscale gnar. Neither of you have any kill pressure on the other if the lane is played correctly. If he turns mega be careful of his Ult combo as you will be stunned for nearly 3 whole seconds from his R and W. You can time your E to dash into mega gnar as he Ws to flip use your shield to absorb his damage and trade damage into him. You can only kill a Gnar if his E is down and it's a fairly long cooldown.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Take second wind and look for short trades against mini gnar. Avoid fighting mega gnar if possible. Should be a relatively easy matchup.”
xPetu says “Tips: Passive shield his Q and AA poke. W to stop his W 3rd stack. Stand away from walls to prevent R stun. Don't engage when he's about to transform.”
Stinkee says “Gnar is a little annoying but not too much of a threat. If he is Mini Gnar, you should be able to 1v1 him pretty easily as long as you can catch him. The best way to kill Mini Gnar is to run up to him and charge your Q, most Gnars will instinctively jump away which allows you to let go of your Q as soon as he jumps and cancel it. This will leave him without an escape and could easily kill him. When he gets Mega Gnar, he can be a bit more of a threat. Just watch his rage bar and watch out for when he tries to engage on you. It's very easy to recognize Gnar's pattern and if you choose the right times to fight you will easily win this matchup.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Gnar is a pretty visual champion so you can take into account when to poke or avoid him. If he is yellow/red he is soon ready to transform into Mega Gnar, if he is glowing BLUE after hitting you 3 times, he gains mobility so keep your distance. You want to keep yourself away from terrain while he is Mega Gnar, otherwise he will simply jump to you, combo his ultimate and slam you into the wall, followed by a barrage of his abilities which will further stun you. The laning phase will consist of him trying to land his boomerang which can hit you once on the initial hit or on the return granting rage. He has died down in popularity with the Divine Nerfs.
Anoying bro5 says “Usually against range matchups I wait till lvl 3 or lvl 2 to engage. You want to focus on parrying his 3rd W ring if he isnt going to be turning to mega gnar soon. You can also parry his Mega Gnar W or ult. His E jump is on a fairly long cooldown (22sec) so keep that in mind when looking to kill by doing your full combo. Try to make him use his E then reengage when he steps up again”
BoilTheOil says “Go Conqueror. Play to farm and punish him if he oversteps. Rush Plated Steelcaps against him. If he buys tier 2 boots you can't touch him ever. When he goes Mega Gnar don't fight him or even walk up because he will use his ultimate which has almost no cooldown and run away, chunking your healthbar. Ping your teammates not to go in when he goes mega. Try to ult him away from your teammates if he goes in.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Gnar is a pretty annoying champion with plenty of mobility, damage, and crowd control. He's also tanky. His ult can throw you out of your tower so be mindful of that. He mostly does physical damage so stack armor.”
quinn adc says “Matchup is Quinn favoured with experience.
I run fleet footwork against Gnar because you get sustain for his boomerangs, and the movespeed helps you to juke his Q, which is his main form of damage.
The essential part of the matchup is to dodge his boomerang with your W max + fleet, and when his boomerang is down, go in for a trade.
Mini Gnar is quite easy to beat, while Mega Gnar's damage is quite terrifying.
Don't go near walls when he is in Mega Gnar. Use your W passive marks to side step Mega Gnars rocks.
Quinn's vault CAN interrupt both of Gnar's jumps (mini and mega), so keep that in mind :)
I like stormrazor to help kite mega gnar, and also run either gnar down.
If you dodge the boomerang, go for a big trade because he can't do much.
Be cautious of Gnar's W passive though.
3 AAs give extra dmg and grant him MS.
If you blind mini gnar, he can't retaliate much, so short combos after he's blinded will help you to win the lane.
Try to leave the trade before he can get those 3aas on you so that he doesn't get the proc bonus MS and damage.
Mega Gnar in lane is much easier to deal with because he can't boomerange to trade with you, and his Qs don't fly back towards him so he can't CS as well.
Also, Mega Gnar is much easier to Vault cancel his jump because the animation is much slower.
In Mega Gnar, be careful of Gnar's W because it can stun you, and the range is 550 (25 more than our vault range and auto range).
Ideally, save vault to retaliate AFTER Mega Gnar Ws you.”
Veng Shotz says “Just watch out for his reversal all in after you eq poke him with comet when he e's to try to chase you down. Either w q2 + q3 or back off. Eventually you can poke him out of lane without issue. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Gnar is easy, but dont underestimate his power.
Get a vampiric scepter and then rush Shieldbow (or Kraken if there's another tank in the enemy team) and you'll pretty much dominate the matchup as long as you dont do bad trades with him.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him if he is in Mega Gnar form pre-6 or without his GNAR!(R). Dodge his Boomerang Throw(Q) then trade with Gnar. Try to dodge his Hop(E) from preventing him from Double-Hopping. (Mega Adhesive cancels his Hops) (Fling overrides his Hops) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Plated Steelcaps or Swiftness Boots) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Gnar in Yordle Form, Singed against Mega Gnar) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Amphawn says “Dodge his Q and be careful of his mobility. He can get across lane with 1 E. Stay safe and poke until his passive is nearly full, as he will probably all in if you're far from tower. Stay away from walls if he does get his passive up, as his ult is a death sentence for you if he stuns you on a wall. When he is in mega form his abilities are fairly easy to dodge, but give him a lot of chase. He can jump on you with his E, slow you with his Q, and stun you with his W, so be cautious of his passive. He will try to poke you with his boomerang, so try to play behind your minions so that he pushes the wave a bit and you can freeze easier.”
PH45 says “You can't really kill him easily as he will just jump away if you engage on him. He will just poke you with his Q and his W's damage. Get Steelcaps and after he uses his jump then engage on him while it's on cooldown. While Gnar's jump is on cooldown he is a lot easier to deal with, just don't let him proc his W passive as that gives him movement speed to kite you. Also keep in mind that it's easier to fight mini Gnar due to how much squishier he is compared to mega form.”
jpaul2077 says “This match up is annoying due to Gnar's ability to effectively kite Garen using his W movement steroid and his E jump. On top of that his Q slow's as well and when you eventually manage to reach him he may transform in to mega, become much tankier, and them slam you into the nearest wall. Against Gnar I like to take grasp as it is difficult to trade with conqueror.”
At_Tar_Ras says “gnar is a threat easily destroyed if played right. LVL 1 abuse is easy against him and BORK shreds him. don't let him outpoke you so hard, go for constant all-ins with your stacks and make sure to hit stun. he will stand zero chance. on the flip-side, if you miss your stun or Q and actually die to gnar even just once, expect to get destroyed for the rest of the game cause he will STAT CHECK the hell outta you”
iZeal says “Poke him down, respect Mega Gnar. Don't overextend or you will get kited. Try to bait his jump without using your W for forced flash or kill.
Electrocute possible.”
SunFalk says “He his mobile. He his ranged. He his tanky. He has a lot of CC. He has a jump. - Gnar is very anoying because of all his CC, be careful for that and just back off when Gnar becomes big, always watch for his rage bar. Bully him when he's small early before he becaumes very strong.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
slogdog says “Very annoying matchup. Has lots of poke and damage. I highly suggest the omnistone page against him, and hoping to get a good keystone against him. Avoid the walls due to his mega form R. Respect him when he's about to transform with E.”
Boptimus says “So fucking annoying, all the years i've played Gnar are catching up to me this season. Riot has been slowly buffing Gnar over the past year and I think he is at a point now where the lane is near unplayable if the Gnar is using his fingers.”
Raen says “Try to bait his jump then all in him. Can rush boots in this matchp. Get Sheen on early to get potential kill on him. Also when you're fighting him stay on his left or right side or behind him never ahead of him so he won't get second jump from his E on you. Maxing second E also will help you a lot since most of his dmg comes from AA especially at mini gnar. Use ur E to block his third AA stack from W passive. Movement when fightin with him when hes on Mega Gnar important to dodge his W/Q.”
Hijitori says “His true damage on W passive, slow effect on Q and his passive, his dash on E, that helps him in kiting. Good gnar will punish you for every Q used on minions by you. In this situation it might be better to try to last-hit most minions with Aa or E and leave Q for the moment he starts to punish you. Silencing before using Q is effective. Once Gnar builds PHAGE he gains lifesteal so he can recover lost hp (together with Doran's Blade) and thanks to the ghost he can easily kite, poke and also dodge your Q.
"Remember to not try to damage Gnar while having the MegaGnar form. He's going to have more sustain, more armor, more magic resist. Try to kill him while having the mini-Gnar form."”
Xerath gaming says “Annoying matchup since he's ranged, if u catch him with your E he can just E and begone. Atleast you can kill him easily in your R but he can just afk farm in turret. Just annoying and boring”
SaltCat says “Play like he is a ranged top, avoid fighting him when he is in his mega form, level 1 you beat him with your passive, when he has his e he can easily dodge your E so be carefull, you wont have much trouble in this match up if you just dont fight him while he is mega formed”
Phrxshn says “Fight him if he is in Mega Gnar form pre-6 or without his GNAR!(R). Dodge his Boomerang Throw(Q) then trade with Gnar. Try to dodge his Hop(E) from preventing him from Double-Hopping. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps or Swiftness Boots) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Gnar in Yordle Form, Trundle against Mega Gnar) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “As long as you dodge Q/don't get kited you can farm up. A good Gnar will always save his jump to escape your cage. However, if he ever used it offensively then you can punish with an E W combo. Go Dorans Shield. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Start D blade and get the sustain runes. Take short trades with him. try to dodge his poke as much as you can with E. Try to wait for level 3 to trade him. If you go behind him he can double jump to safety. Never and I mean never fight him in his mega form unless you're very ahead. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Fleet or Grasp
Fight him when he has no jump or is in mega gnar since u can stun him with parry. If you engage right before his mega gnar expires he will most likely use his ult since he can't use it afterwards so be ready to parry that.
LoLReal says “Extremely difficult. We lose early, mid and late to Gnar in the side lane. He's also just as good of a team fighter as we are.
Hope he makes a mistake in lane, can pull him if he walks too far up, but he can jump out. He has to misplay badly to lose. This lane will usually be farming under turret, get tabis first.”
Justkb says “In Low Elo go Phaserush and try to run him down at level 3 once the wave is near your tower! You can beat him at all stages of the game if you have higher HP than him and he has no E! Rush Plated and phage and look to bait his E! if you are losing early you can comeback into the game significantly at level 11 and once more at level 16. Try not to let him proc his passive too much as the movement speed will be too much to handle. In High Elo take Second wind and try to poke him with Q's if you can. try and stay even on CS and take decent trades when he turns Mega. You destroy him at level 6 and 11 so use these levels as big spike advantages. ”
P1Legend says “This matchup can be easy if you apply correct pressure on him in the early game. Play this lane as aggressively as the enemy jungler allows you to be. Your full combo + ignite should chunk mini gnar for a large portion of his HP in the early game, so pre level 7, use empowered Q instead of W where you can. bait him into using his jump to get away from you, and then apply heavy pressure to deny CS. if he walks to close without mega Gnar coming up soon, and has no jump, all in and ignite, and run him down. As he gets tankier, this becomes harder, but you can abuse his early game pretty easily, and also out roam him.”
MythicMike says “He has his E to jump away every time you W since they have roughly the same cooldown. If you can bait or cancel his E or he uses it aggressively, you can do a full combo on him without him escaping.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup is a game of patience. If he hops in first then Wither him and go to town. A good Gnar will wait though, and kite you with his Q and autos. I buy Deadman's Plate a lot in this matchup as my 2nd or 3rd item. ”
Phrxshn says “Fight him if he is in Mega Gnar form pre-6 or without his GNAR!(R). Dodge his Boomerang Throw(Q) then trade with Gnar. Try to dodge his Hop(E) from preventing him from Double-Hopping. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps or Swiftness Boots) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Gnar in Yordle Form, Malphite against Mega Gnar) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite)”
Autolykus says “Ranged champ that becomes an op tank. Max W. Low elo you can win because nobody can kite properly. High elo just go plated steelcaps and bramble. Play for teamfights.”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING AND DANGEROUS!!! --- Gnar can be an annoying lane and his Mega form is deceptively strong. He is able to kite you very well as he has a slow, a hop/dash and move speed procs in his kit. --- Play safe early, avoid his Boomrang (Q) and look to punish when he makes any mistakes. His Mega form has a stun and so does his Ult in Mega form if you collide with terrain so try not to fight him near any walls when he's in Mega. --- You can win this lane if played well but more often than not you may not get a kill or any clear advantage and just look to scale and team fight. --- Best time to fight him and all in him is after he comes out of Mega form as he won't be able to get it for a period of time. You don't want to fight him too much before then as he will gain HP, resists and damage when he does change over.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him if he is in Mega Gnar form pre-6 or without his GNAR!(R). Dodge his Boomerang Throw(Q) then trade with Gnar. Try to dodge his Hop(E) from preventing him from Double-Hopping. (Jaws of the Beast follow his Hops) (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps or Swiftness Boots) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Gnar in Yordle Form, Warwick against Mega Gnar) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick)”
Kacto15 says “puedes comenzar con la Q o con la W, preferiría la W para comenzar a acumular vida adicional y tener mejores trades, siempre intenta absorber la mayor cantidad de daño, evita su forma MEGA y si se vuelve chiquito y no tiene su E (salto) hazle engage el 100% de las veces, puedes ir sion LETALIDAD O TANQUE (mas fácil letalidad)”
MythicMike says “With his movement speed and small model it can be a bit hard to hit Q but if you do, go in for a trade. If he jumps away with E follow him with your E. Mega Gnar can be harder to trade into because of his damage and health so try to avoid him. You can hit Mega Gnar with a Q right before he turns back into Mini Gnar since he's so big and that will keep the Q on him while he transforms into Mini form.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him if he is in Mega Gnar form pre-6 or without his GNAR!(R). Dodge his Boomerang Throw(Q) then trade with Gnar. Try to dodge his Hop(E) from preventing him from Double-Hopping. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps or Swiftness Boots) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Gnar in Yordle Form, Sett against Mega Gnar) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
montybucket says “For Gnar to get in range of you he also risks being in mord E range. This is how you'll catch him out with your ultimate or you'll force out his E. Because of this he can't use Mega Gnar as often, so its an even match up in your favour, but a good Gnar is a pain to deal with as they have better rage management, and you don't beat mega gnar because of your mobility issues. ”
TroviStyle says “[Phase Rush] Gnar is a rather strong enemy for Fiora as he can hold the distance against you really well. With PR however you can catch onto him as minignar. If he is mega gnar you can parry his W for an easy stun and burn him down with your vitals as long as you stay away from walls. If he jumps on you right as he goes mega gnar you can jump onto him with Q to creat some distance to a wall and possibly him. If he goes Brumble and steelcaps before you have a lead you cant kill him anymore and both of you will be strong in the lategame anyways, so just play it safe unless you get help.”
LegitLechner says “Can't let him poke you for free. Best method is survive to 6. Fight him in Mega form. Illaoi ult wins if you time it well enough through his cc. ”
OTP Toxin says “It is a really easy lane, but, you HAVE to respect his spike when he becomes MEGA gnar, just stay away and let him farm until it fades. He can't win you as little gnar haha :D”
mec908 says “Aunque puede llegar a ser molesto y parece que aguanta mas y pega mas que nosotros, le podemos ganar facil e incluso deletrearlo muy rápido, el truco esta en saber moverte esquivando su W. Aun así lo pongo en nivel 4 por que es muy molesto el match y si no lo jugamos bien nos la va a complicar bastante.”
SilverAvalanche says “He is a really annoying poke champ and since he will go Grasp he will hurt even more.
Just farm it out and try and help your team at 3:15 since you have better wave clear so the first 3 waves should be yours to push in.”
TadBones says “Gnar peux facilement vous fuir et vous attaquer à distance pour ensuite vous finir avec sa rage et vous n'aurez quasiment aucun moyen de le tuer avant votre Griffe.”
A Gnar lane is somewhat difficult to play, as a good Gnar will always be out of your range. It is a skill matchup between you two. It is an even lane so the better player will always win. Gnar is slightly more useful than you in teamfights if his team is ahead but he is also prime target to stack 5 off of. You should try to avoid his boomerang poke but you can take D shield along with second wind just to be sure. Phase Rush SOUNDS like a good choice into him but Conqueror is actually the recommended choice. Try to freeze the wave in your side of the lane and then run him down. If you time it correctly, you can use your pull to cancel his jump which is essentially a death sentence for him. Be careful when fighting him at low hp, as with Mega Gnar, he has enough cc to keep you stunned long enough to kill you. Not to mention how his CC allows him to set up ganks very well so keep an eye out for it. Steelcaps rush is great into Gnar.”
Drake6401 says “Good Gnars will be a pain, especially when get their kiting items. He's generally unpopular right now so I haven't gotten much experience against him yet. Just know you'll be poked a ton and there's not a lot you can do about it early on or late for that matter.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - He's kinda annoying because he can kite you but just Q poke him all day, All in once he's low enough.
- If he gets in your auto range in mini gnar, make sure to auto him a few times before backing out!
- Dodge his skill shot
- After 6, stay away from walls when he's about to get mega Gnar. Don't underestimate Mega Gnar!
- He's Medium because of Mega Gnar.... Gnar is easy, Mega Gnar is broken...
- If he's Mega Gnar, stay very far away from him! He can 100 to 0 you if you're a bit over extended.
- When he's about to get Mega Gnar, don't stand near his turret, he can shove you into turret range"”
Quinncidence says “D-shield + 2nd Wind is key in this matchup.
If you manage to bait his jump, try and hit E and run him down, wall him and let ur Cats attack him.”
Wawza says “Mostly annoying with his ranged form, you have range on you Q so you can just trade with him when he tries to farm, eventually when he is in Mega keep clear of terrain to deny his stun from his ultimate”
sock217 says “Skill matchup. Play around his rage meter and you 100% win, but you can easily go toe-to-toe against him even in mega-gnar form as long as he isnt turbo fed. Not a threat, Not something you can ignore. Force him to use ult on you.”
Rhoku says “Gnar is a very annoying matchup but as long as you keep a cool head, its manageable. The thing about this matchup is that it is pretty much a stalemate. Once Gnar gets his jump, you won't really be able to kill him unless you use your pull in a way to cancel his jump. Doing this is very difficult as it requires a lot of luck though. His short range means that you will be able to poke him with your Q so try to make sure that you avoid poke and then go in to hit a Q only, with you backing out after. A E->AA->Q combo is devastating for him so try that to win a trade. If he goes into Mega Gnar, you can better punish his mispositioning, as he can't really escape too well. You want to be looking for all ins when he is in Mega Gnar but do NOT underestimate him. If you are both low HP, he will win because MegaGnar has enough stuns and etc. to keep you locked in place for long enough for him to kill you. If you use your Ultimate properly, you will kill him fairly easily though. Just make sure to ult him when he is in Mini-Gnar, as Mega Gnar can just stun you against the walls of your own ultimate and in general, is better at wasting time.”
YasTilt says “Try to take fights he don't have his Giant Form, Block his Auto-Attacks with your W so he can't stack his W aswell. Take Anti-Heal to reduce the Heal from his runes.”
GarenteedDamage says “Gnar like Teemo is a little rat that likes to be super annoying early. Avoid taking too much damage early, give up the 1st and 2nd minion waves if necessary. He kites Garen quite well, like Vayne he can keep his distance with his dashes. Try to maximize your damage when you can get close to him.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Armor+DShield) Don't stay near walls when he is in mega form or close to mega form and has ultimate. Look for all-ins only when his passive is uncharged. Don't let him proc his W on a third AA and play around his E (it's on a longer cooldown than your E).”
PK Noob says “Gnar is slippery and pokes you down slowly while he's in his base form. When he goes MEGA Gnar he can CC you to death. Stay healthy and engage him when he turns into MEGA Gnar after he uses his jump. You can dodge his MEGA Gnar W with your E and kill him with your Q's and Ultimate from there.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Fleet Footwork. The game isn't basically playable anymore at all stages of the game. Best you can do is not getting poked to death and rush Plated Steelcaps. Don't fight him in his mega form, he just chunks you and you can't do anything. If he goes mega form in teamfights, just ult him away from your carries and hope they are useful.”
Avelon6698 says “little gnar is rather fine to fight, the problem is catching him sine he can jump away. Stay away from walls and dodge Mega Gnar's w, otherwise you're gonne lose.”
Psychopathic Top says “Very player dependent. If the Gnar player knows how to poke and hits most of his Qs, it would be very difficult to not back before sheen gold. However, if you get your first back in with sheen, the matchup is free post level 6. Later on, the Gnar may build boots of swiftness, which is very tumor to deal with but try avoid chasing him or fighting him after that item. (If he itemizes swifties first, just focus on surviving). I laned against Finn (EUW pro player transfer to NA) a few days ago in challenger and he rushed swifties and I couldn't do anything. Not much counterplay if the Gnar player is good atm. ”
DippyDan says “All range matchups are annoying for Fiora, but even worse for her because he can rush Armor boots and bramble which makes him unkillable. TIPS: [1] Bush cheese at level 1 to get a good early trade. [2] Look to Parry his 3rd W proc and all in. [3] If Mega Gnar, look to parry his W and don't go near walls. ”
Hecki says “Try to not get harrassed until you get all your abilities. Play around his E since it is his only escape tool against your W. If he is in melee form keep him at range since his R can be a good gank setup.”
fishybearo says “Beware, if the Gnar is good and knows how to play this matchup, it will be very hard for you to farm or find an advantage in lane. A good Gnar will rush Plated Steelcaps especially if you have an AD jungler making it even harder to all in him or even catch up to him with his Hyper procs. Gnar's harass with Grasp makes it annoying to get minions or even walk up at all. Unlike other ranged champions, Gnar can transform into Mega Gnar once his bar fills with high increased stats and CC that often leave Renekton begging for a buff.”
Rocking Masterock says “Gnar, little guy is VERY countered by Malphite, he's vulnerable to poke, he uses auto attacks so cripple also is a threat for him, your W gives you insane amount of armor and mega gnar does ONLY flat physical damage... This little thing has no way unless you don't survive till first or second back.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Dshield, standard runes and spells] Keep an eye on his rage bar and dodge his Q and you should be fine. Also watch out for his potential E double jump targets. ”
CFCryo says “Ranged Top laners usually have more range than Thresh, leading to a disadvantage. Gnar's manaless Q can poke pretty well, and though his range is short, it's enough to hurt Thresh more than Thresh can hurt him. That said, Thresh Flay is an incredible ability that keeps Mega Gnar at bay, and can pull Tiny Gnar into danger by any misstep. You don't need to take Aftershock against him, and you have a fair shot of outdamaging him in certain situations (Barely coming out of Mega), but Gnar's jump can be stopped easily by Thresh flay. Use this to your advantage with a Lantern Gank!”
Alan234 says “You can go PTA and cheese him lvl 1 to threaten dives (better blue side for easier jgl access) or go fleet footwork to match his fleet footwork.
Gnar usually just doesnt deal enough dmg in any fights. If you just aa q him he usually loses. Do beware of his lvl 6 all in and try to dodge as much as possible. Play very agressively early game and respect his gank setup with mega e. In the midgame you usually let his mega run out and try to kill him as mini.”
MegadabYt says “A good Gnar will always win this matchup. He can outpoke you with Q and W, and prevent escapes with E. Always run doran's shield against him unless yoi will get a good amount of early ganks for the jungler.”
Kartagoo says “Lane is not that scary. I mostly just farm it out with Fleet and ask for ganks and if I dont get any I just get Cull rush Plated Steelcaps into maybe Titanic if ahead or just Frostfire Gauntlet. Try to dodge his W Stun when he hits 6 so you can safe your Passive for his ult.”
aurus666lol says “If you have problem about playing vs Gnar, remember few things: he has awful ccs so always have finger on E. Take cleanse if u want to survive his R on gank.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Annoying as shit to deal with, but once you have some sustain from vamp scepter, you should be fine as long as you aren't constantly eating his Qs and eating free auto attacks from him. Just farm up until 6, wait until his rage bar is down, and go for free harass onto him/run him down with botrk, or play for mid game pushes with hullbreaker + triforce. Overall, not that hard of a matchup. When you leap onto him, dont use your E, and use E instead as a disengage tool in order to not get hit.”
Dijaj says “Difficult matchup, although you have some room to look for solo kills when gnar is not in mega form.
Punish gnar if they stepup too far in lane, but never all in unless they are below 70% HP with your Ignite and R.”
RhinoStar says “Can be difficult matchup. The wave control is incredibly important so you should have an idea already of how to freeze and farm safely. Consider upgrading your q and e since you should outpoke him as much as you can. Try to poke with e when you see minion and bare in mind not to rush to him when he is about to transform.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. NE VOUS PRENEZ PAS DE FREE POKE PRENEZ CONQUEROR ET SECOND SOUFFLE LE RUSH TABIS EST TRES BIEN. ESSAYER SI POSSIBLE D'ANNULER SON E AVEC VOTRE E. Une lane Gnar est un peu difficile à jouer, car un bon Gnar sera toujours hors de votre portée. C'est une confrontation de skill entre vous deux. C'est une voie égale, donc le meilleur joueur gagnera toujours. Gnar est légèrement plus utile que vous dans les combats d'équipe si son équipe est en avance, mais il est également la cible de choix pour être votre 5 stack slave donc pour le stacker et courir sur son équipe. Essayer de freeze la lane et courrez lui dessus. Si vous le timer correctement vous pourrez cancel son E avec le votre ce qui impliquera une mort pour lui. Faite attention lorsque vous êtes bas en point de vie Mega Gnar possède énormément de cc et pourrais vous tuer sans vous laisser le temp de jouer ses CC lui permettent également de bien setup les ganks faites donc attention a ca le rush tabis est bien contre Gnar.”
MiXA6511 says “Fight Gnar while he is in Mega form, since that's when he has to switch to melee. His slow can be quite annoying, so don't try to fight him without items. If he is overpushing punish him hard with Ghost.”
SemPelo says “Ugh the annoying rat. Try to play similar to how you play against GP, go in with W with 3 or 4 stacks of your passive and trade with Q. When he get into mega you can fight him if you block some damage with your E.”
Vandenelis says “try to not take a lot of damage before level 3, then try to bait out his jump, and when it is on cooldown all in him. your q interups his jumps (in both forms), so if you can q him mid jump he has no escape tools from you Stay away from his mega form, since it is stronger than you early. you win 1v1 against him if you get in range of when he is in his ranged form.”
Bombabo says “Pretty easy matchup. You have better poke and dps, as long as you punish him in mini form. You can still hold your own when he is in mega form, but you have to be more cautious.”
DarkyTheReal says “Its really easy to win against bad gnars because you can perma bait his E and win lane. But against good gnars you should be looking to freeze lane on your tower and W his Q and chase him down. Go for corruption potion because of chasing.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Since he is really good at the moment, its hard to handle him. You have to poke him and cs a lot. Fighting is hard and NEVER FIGHT when his ragebar is close to full!!”
David Perry says “Gnar pokes early, better stay at tower. Wait till he transforms, you can fight against Mega Gnar.
Engage him when your jungel arrives, and stop his jump with W.”
SettVEVO says “Another boring matchup. A good gnar will make your life hell, and will play to win trades as unevenly as he can. His E cooldown is the most important one to take in mind. Avoid getting close during mega as he will throw all cc and he will jump away at the end of it. Plated Steelcaps help a lot and with Stridebreaker you can win when he's Mini. Taking Unflinching can help you out as you want to W as soon as his CC on mega runs out. Ult him in teamfights when he's mega so he doesn't ult your team.”
Byku2506 says “Try to stay away from him in small form and fight him when he is big, try to do basic combo on him and after combo drag him to yourself and finish him with R.”
RTO says “You might have a chance to kill him early on, however once he gets frozen mallet, then you will be kited all game and your 1v1 potential is done. Just clear waves. Take Dorans Shield.”
Fryx says “Many will think Gnar is good against Malphite but he really is not. If he is Mini use your ult on him and watch him get Oneshot. Don't even stay near his Mega form and relax on lane early because his poke will be super annoying. Ult him Level 6 and you will win.”
wff010 says “FILTHY ranged champion run d shield and boots you win if he jumps in on you or overextends for cs so you can land your E Q on him. Otherwise, GL. Your win condition is at about level 6, as long as he doesn't have mega form. You need to time your e/ult perfectly to cancel his jump so he can't run away. Ghost to run him down if you cancel his jump.”
LoLReal says “Gnar is more of a nuisance than any sort of threat. Early he can poke us down and jump away if we hit E, but there is nothing he can do after we get 6. Can kill Gnar on cooldown with R. Easy lane.”
qosmox says “Stand behind minions / juke his long range Q’s. Stay back most of the time except the time you walk up to last hit. Deny his poke with your shield and your W, never let him proc his W and it should be survivable. If you’re getting pushed in, then look for/threaten taunts while he’s under your tower. If you’re gonna all-in any time that’s not under tower, do it either when his bar is low or optimally right when he turns from big to small.”
SanLourdes says “Mini Gnar is really easy to shut down. Try and stun him with your Q for a kill. If he uses his jump to get out of the way, just remember that your Q will stun him even if he is in the middle of jumping. Keep an eye on his rage bar. Once he is Mega Gnar he has tons of CC and can shut you down if you aren't careful. Only Mega Gnar has the CC that can disrupt your Q charge. It is best to use your ult to stun him when he is Mini Gnar, but it is better if you ult when his jump is on cooldown so he can't dodge it.”
RainAndBow says “The CC on gnar is too much. His autos are irrelevant in mega form. Don't fight him in his mega form. Dodge his boomerang Q. If he waste his E, the jump, consider fighting him.”
calbino says “Over time, Aatrox and Gnar have clashed over who counters the other. As is stands, Aatrox wins currently. If you time it right, you can cancel his jump in Mini Gnar with Q, and if you hit most of your abilities on Mini Gnar, you basically win.”
RareParrot says “bully the shit out of him and starve him of minions/exp early, care at 6 when he will turn mega because thats when hes tanky and does a lot more dmg and has cc, NEVER FIGHT WHEN MEGA.”
Jaori says “You've got way too much healing, so Gnar can't really poke you down. Cancel his jump mid-dash with pillar, go in and kill him. If you ult mega Gnar, you win instantly. He can't deal with you once you get your 2 base items.”
epic blitz top says “Try to dodge his poke, then all in at 6 or whenever you have HP lead. Do not fight him in Mega form. You can cancel his hop with your knockup if timed correctly.”
dissociate says “He'll poke you out for a bit with his range, and he will bounce out of your W with his E.
Around level 6, this lane becomes pretty fun for Ekko. Full engage with E + Q, and aim your W back behind him, even farther if there's a unit you're afraid he can bounce off. Force him to fight you when he's mini, and just ignore him if he's mega.
Regular build approved.”
turtlehamstercroc says “Once you get levels 2 and 3 try to look for an all in, gnar is pretty weak in early levels, so you can go in with w movespeed, proc pta and walk away at level 2 or potentially follow up into a kill at level 3, mega gnar can be hard to deal with, but if you stay away from walls you should be alright”
SavagePridestalker says “Not really a hard matchup, you will deal more damage than he does for most of the game. Just be careful and don't fight his mega form.”
Bricks N Chips says “Very difficult matchup because of his range and great engage, similar problem to jayce except with more stuns and general brokenness.”
oogoogerson says “Gnar can't really kill you but you can't really kill him either. Whoever has Ignite is going to have control over lane and whoever has Teleport is going to control the map.”
RedNBlue says “Gnar can get you good since he's long range most of the time but you can poke him down too with your q which should do pretty good damage to him because if he's not mega gnar he shouldn't be as tanky early game. Just watch out for his angry bar because he might just turn the fight around on you.”
Ganii7 says “Lots of poke and a cc chain that can turn the tables on a even lane, trade hard after he transform to normal gnar and try to follow him with the e.”
Waros037 says “range skill , much armor try to use you Q so much and riposte his range attacks , also you can use bladework(W) and than lunge(Q) attack 2 times and go back ”
SethPRG says “This champion is just annoying, but you can run them down if you connect. I'd suggest bush cheesing for a nasty level 1 trade. If they ever try jumping away from you, catch them with your E, but this isn't that consistent and requires some prediction. Dodging their Q is pretty easy, especially on its return, but if you somehow get hit twice by this, I'm sorry to tell you, but we're not playing catch the boomerang. As long as you catch him in his tiny form and use either your ult or E to stop him from jumping away, you can kill him easily. His E cooldown is longer than yours, abuse it. If he ever jumps into you, unless he's super fed he will just die. When he's in mega form though, you need to be more careful of his all-in, especially his ult, so avoid standing near walls. His boulder throw is not hard to dodge unless it's point-blank range, and you can cancel his W stun if you E the animation. His jump isn't much of a threat to you other than if he uses it as a prediction to dodge your W. They will probably build armor so you can go Trinity Force into Black Cleaver here, or start with Divine Sunderer, then go into Black Cleaver if they more tanky champions. Goredrinker isn't really that useful as you can't stick to him in the 1v1, Stridebreaker maybe, but you have the advantage when it comes in CD to stop his E and kill him, so it's not needed. Take Bramble eventually based on the enemy team comp, and get at least 1 armor item 2nd or 3rd, probably Death's Dance.”
joelspaho121 says “D shield with sorc tree.
Do not greed for minions and eat any poke.Always take trades by punishing while hes in mini form/doesnt have R on mega.
This matchup might sound hard since gnar has a lot of poke but it really isnt. If you somehow manage to get yourself on top of him hes done for. Even if he manages to get away from you he wont do it without hard losing the trade since his mini form gives him way less stats than his mega form. Your E can actually cancel his E if timed properly but I find it quite impossible to actually pull off(though i have done it a couple of times) its mainly a mind game between you and gnar(similar to fiora matchup) so i'd say trying to save it and actually use it when hes fleeing away by walking as you would do against every other champion. Respect his level 6 all in by staying away from him when hes about to transform. If he burns spells on wave try to punish him for it by hard trading even if he has R (since he deals most dmg with Q and W he wont do much with R).”
DaSticks says “Just fight him in mini form. Should be able to avoid getting poked with his boomerang. Blind is very powerful vs this champion. Shove if he Teleports into fights.”
Kaizin says “The Gnar matchup is only difficult because he can kite you very well, he has slows and a jump to get away from you if he needs to. Building bramble vest early will help with his auto attack poking and reduce his healing if he has grasp. Once you have a phage/health item, you can start to trade but it's up to Gnar to make a mistake for you to be able to get a solo kill. He has too many tools to get away and survive.”
I am so chill says “You can cancel his e!Dont be afraid of this guy alot but be carefull at the same time.After he turns mega poke him with distance.When he s mini gnar go for all in trades after he uses his e.”
CaptianMike says “This match-up is dependent on how skilled the Gnar is. If he applies pressure early, you just need to farm under tower and ask for ganks. Don't let him get 3 stacks on you since it deals %max hp. Build ninja tabi and armour items in general”
ApollonATH says “Bad matchup for you. He can poke you and will be stronger in team fights if you dont play it well. You can beat him early on if he miss plays but you will probably need your jg to help if you want to get kills. Otherwise you can just play safe , farm and hope to split push later on”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Personally, he is a lot easier to deal with when he is Mega-Gnar. Play safe until then and try not to get poked down by Mini-Gnar.”
deathwalker7119 says “Its a lot like teemo, you need to simply Q into him then parry his boomerang OR the 3rd auto stack. Either of these are fine but you need to hit him with the parry to half attack speed/MS. Watch his Mega Gnar bar, as if he is about to transform you need to parry the R or the normal stun. Hes overally pretty easy just make sure you rush stride.”
Humitaxx says “If you want to go against a Gnar you can go Tank, but it's way better to fight him if you have more movility, so the regular Sett build with Stridebreaker would be better, since he can just poke you a lot and then jump away”
JeanMichelBambi says “Gnar is extremely good this season, his poke and dueling abilities are over the charts, but fighting him is still possible as long as you know when to pull out.”
XPRflew says “Just farm under tower and you could try fighting Gnar when he is maga Gnar if he missed a abilite now it's a good chance to fight him if you have r”
Womsky says “Scaling runes, doran's sheild start, its kinda annoying if the gnar plays well and safe, you can punish him early pre level 3 before he gets his jump, when he gets the jump it becomes tricky, you need to know how to trade with him without being ran down with him AA you after you disengage, you only trade with fury, and you should trade when he misses a Q or comes close to you to the point where you can spin behind him, and trade into mini gnar, mega gnar has too much states to trade with and stuns, you should get a double crit buy *50% crit* if you get an early lead on him, cause that will make you snowball harder and run him down even easier, ghost is very recommanded”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Can be quite hard if you fall behind him as he is impossible to run away from but otherwise he is a fairly easy lane. Start Q and build passive and look to fight early on. You crush him before he gets items. As long as you hit your abilities on him you will win 100% of the time assuming you have passive stacked. Use your Q on low hp minions to dodge his Q and W and avoid being near walls when he is level 6 and has his ultimate form.
tibs2 says “Don't be afraid to trade buckler autos. If gnar walks up to far look to q him as the only time you lose trades is if he is free hitting you and you cannot fight back. Still, vs an experienced gnar player he will not allow you to q him and therefore you have to allow him to shove and hope you jungler comes to gank. If he tries to escape the gank with e try to f w and that should lead to a free kill.”
SadmanV3 says “Gnar is just extraordinarily annoying to lane against, and this comes about because of his ranged attacks. Because of his ability to constantly harass Nasus in lane, you are often going to lose early the early game. beward of his additional strength when he transforms, because he can potentially tower dive if you are low enough. In this matchup, freeze to the best of your ability, but you will likely end up farming under turret instead. Keep tabs on when you think Gnar will dive you, and Wither him to stay alive.
Gnar's team fight fight potential is also relatively strong, but once Nasus gets Divine Sunderer, it shouldn't be a problem dealing with Gnar.”
Ratakor says “mini: do not get poke, stay in the bush and even at farm, he get destroyed in melee but have a good escape
mega: excellent stats, 1v1 possible with ult + ignite”
svjade says “Gnar's rage mode is the biggest problem for Akali. Overall, he starts off really strong so Akali will have to play stay safe under turret to have a chance for surviving. It is the best to suddenly attack Gnar when he is not massive in size and does not have the ability to change either.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Gnar is excellenthis season, he isn't vulnerable to poke since he heals when he transforms and he gets stupid amounts of crowd control at random, making fighting him a bad investment”
Noodles912 says “Freelo! Freeze and farm. At level 6, stay healthy and stay away from walls. Make sure to stay behind and away from minions to avoid his damage. Go outscale him. Ping him MIA when he isn't in lane.”
kohyss says “Very annoying. Try to ult him right before his mega form vanishes and you will keep those bonus stats. Hitting you E is in this matchup mandatory.Take second wind, rush bramble+plated caps.”
PiscesPomf says “ANNOYING MATCH-UP
Gnar is a champ that will poke you when he is tiny and will break your neck when he is fat. Over that, his jump when he's tiny will help him to escape. You should try to parry his stuns. When he's big, stay safe, and when he's tiny, try to make him use his jump then go in when it's on CD. You could buy Stridebreaker to catch up if the ennemy team has other ranged champs.”
teemodumbstupid says “Conqueror is good against Gnar in 1v1 and teamfights, but you can go Fleet for sustain in lane. I recommend W max second so you can chase him.”
Urgodzilla says “Do your best to dodge his Qs and try not to let him proc bonus damage from his W. He is hard to catch because of his jump but if you catch him he will be in trouble. When he is in Mega form, use your E to outplay his W or R.”
Laserholic says “These are the type of ranged bullies you can't deal with. Gnar will forever poke you with Q and always be allowed to run away as you dont have relevant cc. Gnar's W movement speed, Q range, and E double-jump are all too good in this matchup.”
Spligam3r says “If he takes phase rush or fleet footwork you will have to be smart.
Pure skill matchup, but sometimes more annoying than teemo. CARE IF HE TAKES IGNITE.”
Tsundere Tahm says “Este es un caso especial, no podemos matarlo y no lo podemos matar, juega al farmeo, tradeale cerca de tu torre, de manera que si se equivoca puedas meterlo bajo torre con w.
En este caso especifico ir con Grasp o Lluvia queda a tu elección.”
jmp_01_ says “Annoying matchup. Has mobility, chain CC and a lot of safety during the laning phase. Rush stridebreaker to catch him and avoid fighting when he has his passive - Rage Gene.
SirGRC says “Personally I think his is a lot easier to deal with when he is mega gnar. Play safe until then and try not to get poked down by mini gnar. ”
negoZoma69 says “You can harass mini-gnar with your combo, but his mega form is nasty and you may have to give lane pressure to not get chain cced and oneshot when he transforms.”
Miata 181hp says “It's not so hard but it's really painful. just back out when he turns into mega and don't forgive when normal. Mega gnar is really stronger than you and if he R you you will probably dead or low health.”
Draconic56 says “An annoying matchup but it's manageable. Try to play passively pre-level 6 and don't let him auto you too much because he will chunk you down fast. After level 6 try to ult him after he uses his jump and you will kill him.If he gets his mega gnar form stay away from walls so he doesn't stun you.”
SanLourdes says “Gnar is at most annoying with his range and CC. Just keep an eye on his rage bar and you should be fine. Ult him when he isn't close to being Mega-Gnar and you can easily kill him. If he his Mega-Gnar in your ult, he can easily wait it out and just escape. Avoid his poke and you should win the lane. If he jumps on you, use your E to pull him off. Build your normal items.”
Kokob5 says “So long as you don't over extend and take bad punishes from him wait till six and if you land E when his rage meter isn't high enough to get off during a single fight all in him with ult and you should win.”
Docoda says “You have to zone him off in the early levels since that's when he has a long Q cooldown and not enough tools to trade with you. If you can't get a lead early, he will be able to hop in and win trades with you.”
Dorom says “This champion is just bottom barrel bull shit. It has basically no counterplay once Mega form and he just kites you endlessly later resulting to being a stronger bruiser than anything. Watch out for this guy.”
jvr_ says “Don't let him poke you, you should be able to 1v1 him in his mega form if he don't cc chain you with R-W. Best thing you can't do is freeze and get gank when he is about to get mega form.”
SpartanDumpster says “Gnar gets more attack range as he levels up, so he'll basically need to get in your W to attack you in the first place early on. His mini Q and E aren't worth using W to ignore either. His Mega form can easily jump on and destroy you. If you can keep up with him early without giving him kills, you could potentially out scale him when your W could mess him up later on.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Go for short trades vs Gnar. He is mostlikely going to win more extended trades. Take an eye on his rage bar. You dont want fight him when he's near transformation.”
Runtley says “Gnar is not that hard of a match up. He can be killed easy if he is in his Mega Gnar because he is not ranged anymore. I recommend getting aery so you get a lot of poke damage. If gnar tries to stun you try and run out of it and Q, W, AA, AA, AA, Ignite and he's dead. Throw in a couple more AA if you need to.”
jpaul2077 says “Extremely slippery and can kite for days. On top of that, his mega gnar form can deny a lot of dives as he gets tankier, gets a aoe CC ultimate, and gains HP. Farm safely under tower, remember once Gnar transforms and reverts back to his mini form he can't go back into mega for a while so use this chance to all in him for a possible kill.”
ChaseMorePlz says “The only real threat he has to you is his range, if he gets too close trade with him early. Levels 1-3 the trades come out best with your fast combo.”
ChaseMorePlz says “As long as you DON'T take a load of free harass, this is a very easy matchup. Try to avoid him pre-6 when he transforms into Mega Gnar. Once you hit 6, Gnar relies on the CC from Mega Gnar + his ult; once you get past lane phase it's very easy due to Olaf's kit.”
Lunarisen says “One of the few ban worthy champions you never want to face, Gnar's auto attacks will chunk down your HP and there is little counter play as a Sion against him early game.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Nowadays a wp Gnar can make your life difficult, he can dodge your E and your best chance to all in is when he turns into Mega and tries to all in you... don't be affraid to fight him, just don't miss your E and you'll be fine. ”
Reformed Ravi says “you should be ok if you play the lane right. all you have to do is to stack a few graves, land e and run at him. make sure to take approach velocity rune. once her hops away keep going and w him. then bonk and kill. careful of his poke”
RetiredPykeMain says “A really annoying lane for shen, your jungler will also have it hard to gank gnar because of his easy escape tool E. take sustain runes, tp always. Try to block his third W passive auto with your W and do not fight him after 6 near walls.”
Rime101 says “Max Q.
Trade very aggressively pre level 6. He is EXTREMELY weak early.
If he goes merc treads + hexdrinker instead of building void staff for the 1v1 just build for teamfight instead. He takes turrets very slow
Alekra says “Annoying, but generally not really able to kill you. You can kill him if he ever makes the mistake of using his E aggressively. As with many ranged matchups your passive helps alot to sustain in lane. In his Mega-Gnar form he is way less of a threat as he looses his range.”
Erenando says “Annoying because he is ranged, but you can stack properly and heal up in the midgame. I'd also try to kill him with your jungler after your first recall (with sheen obviously). After that the lane will be an easy win.”
lulw says “Bring fleet, pretty fucking annoying not gonna lie. Hes pretty strong in melee as well. You can rush stridebreaker into gnar if you'd like, since it can help you catch up to him in ranged form. His E is the most annoying thing ever. You can't ever get near him to pull him. You have to hope for a gank or pray he messes up. You can go ghost into him. ”
GrGamingTeo says “Gnar is so good in this meta because his mega Gnar is so broken. Whenever he goes for a last hit you can Q him. Remember, every time he jumps on he will also jump behind you so you can use your E behind you to pull him and he's giong to get super tilted and it's hilarious. Just don't fight him in his mega form anf you're good.”
Hypnosa says “His w has health percentage damage, he has range and mega gnar have unlimited stun so he is dangerous and annoying in lane but in late game teamfights you can outdo him.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
You can Q1 a minion, W him, and look to Q2 him with your approach velocity speed (if you took this rune). If he jumps you can look to hookshot onto him after. Do not fight him if he's in Mega Gnar form. Your E is shorter CD (16s) than his E (22s). If you have the Conqueror/Resolve page just look to farm and scale up. You outscale him with every item you purchase and you should be more impactful than him in teamfights unless he gets a huge ultimate off on your team.”
SpyDaFX says “very hard, only last hit, dont push, ask for ganks. go Doran's shield, try to trade with him when his E is down (when his leap thingy is down, it has 22 sec cooldown early) you have more potential to kill him at level 6 since his R doesnt that much counters you if you're both full hp and u land a full combo on him. go Conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “Just a boring lane. Both of you do not have kill pressure on eachother. If you do manage to get close to him, don't start off with E but with Q into W. Either chase him down and E him back in or if you are good enough cancel his Jump with your E. Oh and obviously don't get hit by his Q. Watch out when he has Stridebreaker, as he can dodge your Q with it.”
mobsterplatypus says “I've never played much against gnar, but I know his passive helps him kite A LOT, so go scepter here. Your ultimate punishes him trying to go in, and he usually goes black cleaver so armor usually doesn't work well. Steelcaps helps with ranged poke, though.”
Kil4fun says “He has his jump and his ultimate. He will jump ult you, then stun, for 60% of your HP. You win into him with autos at around level 11 if you don't die to him early. Build BoRK for his HP.”
BigManYam says “Gnar will kite you early to stop you from getting any XP and stacks which makes it really hard for you early game due to the fact he's ranged and can be hard for you to trade against. But you will scale harder late game and will be able to trade against him once he transforms as he won't have much kiting potential. ”
Bear24 says “Top 3 most tilting champs to play against using volibear all begin with the letter g. He can kite you out with his q and autos. If he jumps in mega gnar form and you are more than half health and about the same amount of gold you win(you out sustain with your w). If you are ahead chase him down with your q. It is faster than his jump when he jumps you ult and q him. ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Smash your keyboard it's justified. Gnar is an awful lane, he pokes you out of lane constantly and his E is the perfect escape. Very tricky to flip. Wait for his Mega Gnar before you can do anything and even then it's risky. Your W can cancel his E in both forms, but is generally too slow.
Riot is slowly buffing Mega Gnar, so soon Gnar might be bumped up to being an EXTREME threat.”
Whobick says “Gnar can go both ways. A good Gnar can shut you down easily with his Q. If he is smart and using the current meta, then he will slow the fuck out of you and you are screwed. If the Gnar is ok or new, it should be an easy lane. Just dodge Q's and be smart when going in.”
Razorwir3 says “u should be fine with a d shield second wind can be helpful if u think ull need it try to avoid him when he is about to transform as he might look for an opportunity to all in u”
J0hnny Joestar says “Trading with him is almost impossible. You need jungler's help to win this matchup. Gnat can poke you, run away, and out damage you in his big form. Remember about your W”
kingchas2 says “On paper this should be a bad matchup, but Gnar's tend not to really have much impact. As long as you dodge his Q's and don't walk up too far he has trouble sticking on to you. If he is playing aggressive bait out his W on to you and any gank will ruin him.”
ModelitoTime says “Similar to the other ranged matchups. Just pay attention to Gnars rage *the red bar beneath the health bar* because once it turns red gnar gets his mega form, which beats Urgot early game. Other than that just dodge his Q and pay attention to his rage. E+Flash works really well in this matchup.”
chokoryu says “heavy damage under tower, in lane, try to avoid skillshots to reduce damage. Take second wind to farm. maybe get biscuits/time warp + corrupting for extra sustain. ”
xxskipskipxx says “Consider Dodging!
Start with Dorans Shield!
If he gets too close you can trade with him.
Best time to trade him is after he goes from MEGA gnar to MINI gnar!”
Dannala says “Gnar is fairly simple to deal with, electrocute can easily delete small form while lethal tempo can handle him easier in big form. Gnars biggest chance is to wait for you to overstep without Rappel then chase you down with his W passive procs. Small form can kite your spider form well but it's also squishy enough to manage.”
ineptpineapple says “He is annoying but his passive is his downfall in this matchup, especially at early ranks he will most likely be over confident but once you see him waste an ability if he is low enough dont be afraid to delete him.”
Hyzerik says “Can be annoying but with the dmg we do we in fine. You can bait him to use his jump into you and he has no escape. If you have bork you can fight him in his mega form if you want.”
Defensivity1 says “Very difficult to engage on because he has his E which he can use to negate the W, and he can be very difficult to defeat advised to get second wind + Dshield”
Nonoo says “ consider that gnar is a champion which is easy to kill teemo, since you only have to do the E-R-AA-W-Q combo and you will be very injured or even dead, but it is easy to hit him when he is in his mini gnar phase, stay away from when he is about to transform into mega gnar and tries to weaken him in his mini gnar phase”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Another range abuser. If he burns his hop you can easily 1v1 him. Steel Plate and bramble rush. Watch for his Mega Gnar form as it can cause you to lose trades due to his stun and ultimate plus HP gain.”
Raideru says “This matchup is all ab jumping on him and doing one sided trades with e, every time u jump on him he will jump away and since his jump is way higher cd than urs u should look to fight him after that as well cose when he is mini form he is way weaker than u but don't fight him too deep in the lane cose he can space u and get a lot of free autos after ur jump. Be careful with fighting him in mega since he is way stronger. I advise Fleet with Dblade start and 3 wave crash into Long sword reset in order to prevent him reseting for t2 boots on first reset.”
LeSocair says “This one isn't that hard. With a good use of your Q and avoiding his Boomerang you'll win. Careful of his combo when he transforms. Take care of his jump as he can get behind you.”
sauronkaiser says “One of the most annoying matchups. This rat will abuse you from level 1 and its jump can make impossible to engage. Wait your jungler and look for its transformation passive. Get dorans shield and second wind and threat him like an adc and you should be fine.”
TioKirb says “This is a champion I don't see a lot, but when I do, he can be quite hard to deal with. Your Movement Speed will be your greatest ally and you must punish him when you are able to. If you avoid his stuns while he's Mega Gnar, it's just a matter of time for him to get destroyed by a Critical W post-ult.”
EU_Toxicity says “Usually you won't have a chance to kill him. But if you stay high health and avoid poke he won't have enough damage to kill you either. Your only chance at a kill is if Gnar missteps and gets into your pull range while far away from his tower. You can can cancel his E jump if you react fast enough.”
iZeal says “Don't let him get free 3 hit procs on you, try to engage him when he has no minions behind him as he has to blow flash when he does not get the double hop. It is advisable to engage when he just turned Mini-Gnar again. Try to not teamfight when he is about to turn Mega, be wary of Frozen Mallet when completed. Dodge Q to get an opening, if you pull him out his E he is dead.
DShield/DBlade, Ninja Tabis, Phage.”
DarkNavarre says “Gnar is really a matchup of who is better at punishing the mistakes of their opponent. Stay vigilant of his rage and allow him to make the mistakes as opposed to trying to force fights and risky plays.”
bocchicken says “Buffer your E when he goes to ult you and it will still let you flip him allowing you to run him down when he is in melee form. His poke is annoying early, treat him like any other ranged matchup and play the lane accordingly. ”
NoxianBlood says “Gnar is a tough matchup for Sion even if you do well, the fact that Gnar can switch from Adc to Tank, makes Sion hard to fight him, just be aware that he deals a percentage of your max each third attack in magic damage, so don't buy only armor, get also some magic resist, also when you see him ready to transform at low health don't engage for the kill cause he will transform to mega gnar get his health back and ult stun you against the wall and stun you again with one hammer punch and slow you down and kill you without even know what happened. so try to bring him down while he's on his mini-form.”
byThiagus says “Segunda pagina de runas y 3ra son viables, usar fantasmal y escudo de doran es OBLIGATORIO. farmear tranquilo y esperar a un gank de tu jungler, a lvl 3 igualmente podes hacer run down, a gnar le podes ganar desde lvl 3podes matarlo, no lo subestimes igualmente, si sabe kitear puede ganarte”
Boblet says “Can dance with most top laners and doesn't like to get punished easily. Mega Gnar is a solid meatbag to throw at the enemy backline later on though, so play the early game carefully and look for plays when he gets big and can't scamper off.”
Stijnzxz says “From range to melee bruh.. u can smack him if he is range but if he is melee be aware of hes dmg output it can be painfull but u can trade pretty good with him.”
Pusan says “It's a very strong champ. You better rush Plated steelcaps against this guy. Then try to farm for Night Harvester and watch out for his R and Q. His R makes him be Mega gnar enchancing it abilities.”
RyvalAlex says “Pareil que teemo mais en plus chiant. Essayer de ne pas prendre trop de dégats et tenter de trades au niveau 6 quand il est en mega gnar.”
AWierdShoe says “Stand behind minions/dodge his long range Q’s. Stay back most of the time except the time you walk up to last hit. Deny his poke with your shield and your W, never let him proc his W and it should be survivable. If you’re getting pushed in, then look for/threaten taunts while he’s under your tower. If you’re gonna all-in any time that’s not under tower, do it either when his bar is low or optimally right when he turns from big to small.
I Am Goliath says “Really annoying matchup especially in the early levels, try not to get hit by his third W proc often because the damage will start to add up. Respect his mega form a lot and play passive when it's up, although I find the mini gnar is a lot more annoying when playing a hard tank like sion because of the W procs. Once you get some armor and health items he shouldn't do to much to you, but Gnar also scales pretty well into the late game so I'd say this is a fairly even matchup that is annoying for you early. Remember when he is in mega he has to ways to cancel your Q channel which is his W and his R.”
I Am Goliath says “The Gnar has to be really good to win this matchup, you should never really die in this lane but it's okay if you don't kill him since you outscale him hard. Remember that mini Gnar is super squishy so trade with him while he's in that, pay close attention to his mega bar and don't stand close to walls so he can fling you into them with his R in mega.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Play safe for the first 2 levels, let the wave push to you and freeze it 2nd/3rd wave (You gotta thin out the 2nd one) level 3 we can look for some trades when have the freeze. Level 6 do not risk going close to him when he is close to full fury. He can R you while jumping with his E. Block his Q with your W and when you go for trades generally do not let him proc his W most of the time. Either use your W for his 3rd W stack so he will not get the extra damage and movement speed or just Q”
Scoothare says “If Julius plays this guy it's an easy win. Always keep checking his rage bar (where the mana bar should be). When it's turning red fall back and be careful with his engage. If he gets on you while being Mega Gnar you're dead. He simply has way too much CC.”
viktoreeu says “Super annoying matchup.
You can try to go ignite and try to cheese him, if he doesn't respect you he will ALWAYS die early.
His jump is on a higher cooldown than your E.
Try not to fall behind and you are fine, Kraken = you slaughter him.
If you are behind farm as much as you can, try to push him and not let him group as he is a strong teamfighter, outrotate him”
NickCola Tesla says “Gnar's threat level can be quite difficult for newer players! In the early laning phase, he'a more annoying than he is powerful. He's able to hop out of your Q's AoE, but you can poke at him in his mini form using your E. However, the base CD on it is 22 second long, meaning you can look to take a favorable trade once he uses it.
He is a very tough champion to itemize against. If you are confident, take the standard tank runes against him. Respect his powerspike with Black Cleaver, and don't try to fight him if your armor is cleaved! ”
StrikeX114 says “Gnar himself poses a minimal threat outside of his boomerang (Q), which deals considerable chip damage. Mega-Gnar, however, is a force to be reckoned with due to the high amounts of CC and damage he can provide. Make sure to distance yourself from him once he starts to transform.”
Saarlichenbog says “Very similar to Kennen but essentially the AD Tank version. He has a very predictable E pattern which is easily kitable. He has the threat of Mega Gnar, but the passive bar is easily readable and then you just have to care not to get caught in his ultimate as he does teamfight better than you.”
Captain Dantems says “Se esquive do Q dele e pokea com o Q e seu barril. Quando ele virar Mega Gnar pokea ele com tudo que você tiver, pois ele fica melee e não irá te pokear de volta, não fique perto de paredes se não ele te mata. Dá pra usar Grasp. Dá para se começar com poção corrupta ou cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida.”
Bradybattlemask says “Tiny Gnar is annoying and more oppressive then big Gnar. He can hop out of your W, if you miss your E he will get his 3 hits off and hit hard. Wait for him to use his hop and then all in, or wait for him to hit Mega Gnar and then all in.”
ItsPaulygon says “This will be a hard match up for you. He is ranged so he can kite you especially with his jump. And if you can engage, he can out damage you if he changes forms. Play safe and pray for your jungler to gank you. Once he gets his tanky items, you are not able to kill him. Try to beat him while he's squishy. After that, play safe. You won't be able to trade properly against a good Gnar player.”
Klappy says “- Puedes tradear con Q+Pasiva cuando vaya a farmear
- Es muy debil en early, lo puedes matar si se adelanta mucho
- Inicia el All In con tu R, usa tu E para quedarte anclado a él cuando use su E para escapar”
open_48 says “Ranged matchup. Doran's shield is a must. try to bait his jump and get pushed. As soon as he uses the jump, engage him with the ghost. pay attention to its transformation that stuns with every ability”
Lenter says “Stay far away if Gnar knows what he is doing. Outscale him easy. Ask jungler for ganks. Save W for his stuns. Mind that he can jump and bounce. ”
Frostyfps says “Can be quite hard if you fall behind him as he is impossible to run away from but otherwise he is a fairly easy lane. Start Q and build passive and look to fight early on. You crush him before he gets items. As long as you hit your abilities on him you will win 100% of the time assuming you have passive stacked. Use your Q on low hp minions to dodge his Q and W and avoid being near walls when he is level 6 and has his ultimate form.”
Defensivity1 says “Gnar has a lot of damage so always be carefull to not be hit with his third auto attack from the passive of his w.
do not be ashamed to base at level 4 or 5 to buy some cloth armors or a tabi if you can afford it.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Gnar is fairly weak against Morde all stages of the game, even when he is in rage form he loses 1v1 against Morde if both champs have ult up. Respect his ultimate though, it could be used to set up a gank.”
TangoVallhala says “I find gnar toxic against Aatrox, but you should be able to win, dodge skill shots, trade him when his mega gnar is completely down, at 6 you should be able to win against him.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes (Might want Unflinching)
Build: Black Cleaver first item or Trinity Force
Gnar is a 50-50 lane. I would say it is a skill matchup. If the Gnar is better than you and you step up he might be able to all in you early on, but if Gnar over extends after using his hop you might be able to kill him too. Dodge his boomerangs and poke him whenever he misses them. You have more range than him so punish him for getting minions. Watch out for Mega Gnar and him hopping onto you, this can mean dead. Overall Tabis or Swifties are both great options that can help you win the lane.”
McSoupape says “I hate to play against gnar, while in mine gnar, he will just poke you with his auto and is Q, he also will be very hard to touch with your E due to is mobility, while in mega gnar, he can chain cc illaoi very easily, if you are near to a wall, he will R you and you could do a thing if you didn't used your E befere geting stuned, if you touched it, spam R and you could probably kill him.”
YoungTact says “Ever since his buffs its actually a difficult match up . Play to farm to the best ability and only trade with him in MEGA form applying the lane harass combo but beware of his mega form W. Rush D shield after corrupting pot and call for jungler because you can setup ganks really well by E'ing onto a minion to close the gap then W'ing his jump. ”
qasddsa says “Annoying for Kayle to deal with while in ranged form as he can poke you out with his three-hit passive, range, movespeed, and Q. Recommended to take Fleet and max Q in this matchup. In teamfights, he has higher pressure with Mega Gnar, but can be easily kited and killed. Do not stand near walls and watch out for his CC. Keep track of his movements and his Rage bar whenever you're against him.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Gnar is an unfavorable matchup for Nautilus because of his range.
He is also hard to catch because of his jump. You best chance to kill him is when he just turns back from giant Gnar.”
Gnar is a really obnoxious champion to deal as Nasus, specially since he can go melee and range, he has decent CC and damage as Mega Gnar and a lot ok kitting as Mini Gnar, but he lacks of sustain, so look to farm as safely as you can and try to dodge his Q's. Usually the will go for PTA and Demolish + Boneplating, since its the best rune for either Mega and Mini Gnar, so make sure he doesn't proc PTA and his W passive on you, it can deal a lot of damage early on. Once you get enough Stacks, CDR and mana look to do short trades into him into an eventual all in. Later on it becomes really annoying to chase him since he gets so much movement speed so look to fight him whenever he is in Mega Gnar, also keep in mind that after his Mega Gnar form ended, he can't get fury for 15 seconds and his E (his little hop) has a 22 seconds cooldown lvl 1, you can look to punish this cooldowns.”
SkellyBirb says “Gnar has range and can poke you with his boomerang. If he has a doran's shield, poking him does very little. If you all in, there is a decent chance he will turn into Mega Gnar stun you.”
Theknight31 says “He is a range but not very squishy and he has a very big slow on his q. He is weak before his first item so you can trade him before he get his item”
SubHuman Filth says “Go grasp or aery. Dodge his q's.
Play extremely defensive when he's about to get big gnar. He can stunlock you and oneshot you with big gnar.
only go for poke when his q is down. and he low on rage.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Against gnar you can abuse his low base stats on his mini gnar in early trades before he gets his jump (usually gnars will get their jump at level 3.) So for your first trade against him you usually want to wait out his q and either dodge it while you build up fury or if it hits you wait until the slow runs out. Then spin on him and auto attack while moving towards his turret to extend the trade as much as possible. Usually can get 3-4 auto attacks if you position your spin correctly. Once gnar hits level 3 if you havent gotten enough damage on him to look for a kill then just farm. IMPORTANT NOTE: Gnar's hop is a 22 second cooldown level 1. So if he uses it, then you will have atleast a 10 second window to spin on him (assuming you made him use his hop when you used your spin at him) to get another spin and run him down. In the mid-late game splitpush it can be hard to beat gnar 1v1. Ways you can beat gnar in the mid-late game split push, either you wait until hes exhausted (just came out of mega gnar form) so that he cannot build it back up when you allin him, you can build swifty boots to help stick on top of him thru his slows, if he face checks you in a bush and you hit your w slow that can be another way to catch him out on the split and beat him 1v1. When using your w remember that he will turn back to throw his boomerang so try to time your w slow to cast after he uses boomerang + an auto attack to guarantee you will hit it.”
Nabura says “Requires some fancy feet pre-6 until you buy vamp scept where the lane becomes a farm lane. Stay away from walls as he can win fights with his ult that way.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Generally, GP is fine in lane but if this Gnar knows his job he will perma harass u in lane and clear ur barrels before u can proc them. Dorans shield often is a good choice vs him.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Against gnar you can abuse his low base stats on his mini gnar in early trades before he gets his jump (usually gnars will get their jump at level 3.) So for your first trade against him you usually want to wait out his q and either dodge it while you build up fury or if it hits you wait until the slow runs out. Then spin on him and auto attack while moving towards his turret to extend the trade as much as possible. Usually can get 3-4 auto attacks if you position your spin correctly. Once gnar hits level 3 if you havent gotten enough damage on him to look for a kill then just farm. IMPORTANT NOTE: Gnar's hop is a 22 second cooldown level 1. So if he uses it, then you will have atleast a 10 second window to spin on him (assuming you made him use his hop when you used your spin at him) to get another spin and run him down. In the mid-late game splitpush it can be hard to beat gnar 1v1. Ways you can beat gnar in the mid-late game split push, either you wait until hes exhausted (just came out of mega gnar form) so that he cannot build it back up when you allin him, you can build swifty boots to help stick on top of him thru his slows, if he face checks you in a bush and you hit your w slow that can be another way to catch him out on the split and beat him 1v1. When using your w remember that he will turn back to throw his boomerang so try to time your w slow to cast after he uses boomerang + an auto attack to guarantee you will hit it.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Fleet, Triumph, Alacrity, Last Stand + Shield, Second Wind or Fleet, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Second Wind, Unflinching.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor
Summoners: Teleport
I remember the days when Riven countered Gnar, good times. Now if the Gnar is good he won't let you get close to him. However, if you can get him to waste his jump then he's free game. considering he isn't mega. If you don't get an early cheese on him then I'd sit under tower and farm/TP.”
glorious7678 says “Gnar is annoying Ranged toplaner but if you can catch him with low rage you can kill him. Generally you want to play passive against Gnar.”
Aas112mm says “This match-up would be a bit tough for you, but if you manage to get a good engage and avoid his mega gnar there are decent chance of winning.”
ZergDood says “He can be stressful to play against, but he's actually scared of you. Rush tabis, engage on him using a minion and always punish his positioning. His Mega Form is big, so you can trade with him and stun hin most of the time. Be careful with his range (it's not the real deal until he levels up a bunch). Remember to avoid his mega stun and avoid walls when he hits 6! Your W stops his dash (both)).”
qazx1427 says “Ignores your wall and cucks you with Mega Gnar's HP boost. Generally just a massive annoyance that won't let you take top T1 for the first 30 minutes of the game.”
Ayanleh says “You can deal with gnar more easier than some other ranged matchup's because he is half melee half ranged so look for trades when hes in melee form and shred him.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “He can kite you super well but his E cooldown is 22 seconds rank one, yours is 16.
If he gets into the habit of instantly jumping when you q towards him, make him waste it then kill him.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “Hard matchup , I would go fleet with dorans and flash tp for this one.You want tiamat asap , shove waves and roam , don't interact much with him since he has to fuck up for you to kill him.”
M.P.C says “When he throws his Boomerang dodge and harass him if he tries to catch it. However keep a close eye on his rage meter, if it's nearing 100% back away, let it activate and wait for it to go back to zero.”
Fiora Pogjet says “His ranged form is very strong. You should try to farm and not go for trades since he can just aa you and jump out. But you will beat his melee form hard.”
NullPC says “You beat him in Mega Gnar but lose the poke battle if you can get him to all in you as Mega you win hard play around his max hp damage and cc.”
ModxLoL says “Gnar is somewhere between a 2 and a 3. A Gnar should be able to poke you a decent amount in the early game while you're focused on farming. You can't realistically jump on him early game with such low CDR unless he didn't go resolve, and you can manage to bait out his jump. A good Gnar will know how to hold his jump though, so be careful not to take too bad of a trade trying to bait it out. Most of the time in higher ranks, I'll start Doran's Shield and try farming up, but in lower ranks, going long sword + 3 pots is definitely not a bad choice. It also opens the option of cheesing in a bush at level 1 that you can do a lot if you are blue side. Gnar is super weak in ranged form, so if he facechecks the tri-bush that you're sitting in while he's walking to lane after leashing red, you can one shot him with a basic fast q combo; just make sure you start it off with an auto attack.”
Stiwy says “Not a big problem, you are ranged too so you can keep your distance.
WHen you get your tabis he can hardly kill you.
When he transforms try to engage him (not near walls or he can stun you) and you should get an easy kill, just watch out for his Q, it hurts.
Both press the attack and conqueror are good choices here”
Hypnosa says “this annoying ranged little shit can outscale you in gnar form. But in mega gnar you can be victorious in 1v1 fights. Just remember not to stay near the walls.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Against gnar you can abuse his low base stats on his mini gnar in early trades before he gets his jump (usually gnars will get their jump at level 3.) So for your first trade against him you usually want to wait out his q and either dodge it while you build up fury or if it hits you wait until the slow runs out. Then spin on him and auto attack while moving towards his turret to extend the trade as much as possible. Usually can get 3-4 auto attacks if you position your spin correctly. Once gnar hits level 3 if you havent gotten enough damage on him to look for a kill then just farm. IMPORTANT NOTE: Gnar's hop is a 22 second cooldown level 1. So if he uses it, then you will have atleast a 10 second window to spin on him (assuming you made him use his hop when you used your spin at him) to get another spin and run him down. In the mid-late game splitpush it can be hard to beat gnar 1v1. Ways you can beat gnar in the mid-late game split push, either you wait until hes exhausted (just came out of mega gnar form) so that he cannot build it back up when you allin him, you can build swifty boots to help stick on top of him thru his slows, if he face checks you in a bush and you hit your w slow that can be another way to catch him out on the split and beat him 1v1. When using your w remember that he will turn back to throw his boomerang so try to time your w slow to cast after he uses boomerang + an auto attack to guarantee you will hit it.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up agaçant, mais pas réellement compliqué, tu dois capitalisé sur ses erreurs de placement et sur son E (le dash) qui à un CD très long, encore plus long que ton E, place toi de manière à éviter facilement ses A, donc en plaçant les sbires entre toi et lui, et essaie de le punir instantanément avec ton fantôme lorsqu'il s'avance trop pour farm, ou pour te poke !
Astuce : Les tabi ninja et le phage seront tes meilleurs amis contre lui, je recommande aussi l'usage de rush phasique si la partie de le permet !”
Dantheman81 says “This is honestly one of my least favorite match-ups. I recommend that you start Doran's shield and play passive as his early levels he will beat you. If you see him use his jump you have about 20 seconds to attempt to trap him or get some ghoul poke damage on him. Pay attention to his rage bar so when he turns mega he doesn't get a free kill.”
SuPIeX says “Mostly ad with %hp magic damage forcing you to build armor and MR. You can't fight him unless he's in mega form and once he get's frozen mallet you can't really do anything but farm and scale.”
Xplor says “It is not difficult at all to win against Gnar. Avoid his skills and poke as much as possible.
Beware of two things: he can poke you before you poke him and stay away when he is transformed.”
Darrkescru says “Sempre fique longe de paredes quando eles estiver perto de transformar, o gnar e bem facil pois você da muito dano e impede de ele procar o W com sua cegueira mas quando ele estiver virando mega gnar corre e não tenta trocar contra ele, ele vai chegar em você dar all in te estunar e te matar ”
Angela du Seithr says “Vous dominerez Gnar durant tout l'early game avec le build Off-Tank mais la puissance de Gnar en late game vous empêchera de le prendre en duel. Attention, le rush Maillet Gelé vous coupe l'herbe sous le pied.”
Alzeidx says “You might have a chance to kill him early on, however once he gets frozen mallet, then you will be kited all game and your 1v1 potential is done. Just clear waves. Take Dorans Shield. Go conqueror.”
Alzeidx says “Dont fight him in early, he can easily kite you and outrade you during early, dont let him take a lead, take Dorans shield, farm safely, you will be able to outrade him on lvl 6. Go conqueror, all in lvl 6.”
iTzToniOP says “This matchup was much easier before the rework but now it's unwinnable 1v1 unless he makes a mistake or underestimates you, just hold the lane. The other possibility is to trade when he gets Mega-Gnar. This will be the way of killing him after the first levels.”
Nyx Adachi says “Puede parecer dificil por el rango, pero no lo es, tradeale en mini gnar haciendo engage con tu e de cerca si puedes para que no te lo esquive con el brinco y bloqueale sus basicos con tu w, rushea tabis ”
TotallyEclipse says “He'll poke the shit out of you and jump away when you leap to him. Only way to win vs him is to commit to hard all ins and kill him. With nimbus cloak MS you can kill him if he messes up, You'll outscale him hard though, remember to stay away from the walls post 6.”
darksage1234 says “Even to major threat. Good Gnar players will kite you and poke you. Landing your Sky Splitter is the definitive part of this match up. Make sure you land it if you are going all in. Do not all in against Mega Gnar if you have less health than he does. ”
DirtyDishSoap says “He's really hard to kill due to his bounce, and his Mega form is just as hard to deal with.
You can win this lane if you bait out his bounce with just an E. You don't want to give him breathing room if you can help it.
You'll outscale him in dueling once you have some items and maiden out. Your W ensures that his mega form can't keep up.”
report singed ty says “Gnars not doing so good, he used to be major threat but he's kinda even now. Just play smart.
You wanna engage when he's about to run out of mega gnar time, NOT when he's mini gnar. When he's mega gnar he has no escape so this is the ideal time to go in and fling him, then when hes mini he should be easy to finish off but you probably need to ghost if he gets his E up again.”
Sq_09 says “Only doable ranged matchup and that only just because his AA range sucks. Stay on max range when he has mega and track his E so he can't close up. If mini get's onto you, you can barely kite him. If he get's rage that way, you're done. ”
SabinX says “Annoying in early game lanning phase, but your passive makes you so strong against him. Also play around his passive. A well timed ult, means he gets no escape with E.”
Kingarthur720 says “hes not too hard a mtchup, you can beat his mega gnar if you dodge his W stun. His ultimate stun is almost impossible to dodge against a halfway decent gnar. Usually you wont be able to beat him in ranged form so let him stack his fury and when he transforms go for the all in and chunk his health, if you want to risk it for the biscuit and burst him down in ranged form go the dark harvest or electrocute build with full lethality, this will give you a decent chance against him in ranged form especially since they arent usually tanky in that form. ”
VIP Titan says “Gnar is the champion where you have to think to either max Q or max E. Cos Gnar can poke you with Q a lot and have his E to get away from things.
So you have to make sure when his Mega Gnar is down. Go all in. Thats the only chances..
Max Q or E”
SirDrPotato says “This is an even match up. You can't deal with him when he is in his ranged form but in other hand should be fairly easy to deal with him when he's on his melee form. Start with doran's shield or corrupting potion. Avoid fighting when he's on his ranged form. Go all in when he's melee. On his melee form he has two skills that are very easy to riposte - his W, he smashes the ground - and his ultimate - he throws into -”
Subject3 says “gnar is a weaker version of vayne, but that doesnt mean he wont hurt, a good gnar will play around his fury gauge to get that extra hp and ability bursts at the end, so you gotta play around his gauge aswell.
if you could fight him without him turning his rather easy, just dont prolong the fight too long.”
SuPIeX says “Welcome to hell. Literally nothing you can do but call for ganks and play safe. I recommend rushing Righteous Glory in this matchup. The slow from Righteous glory counts toward proc'ing phase rush, So you can stick onto him and burst him down once you have that item.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Snowball lane. He can kite fairly well in mini gnar form but if you manage to catch him off guard you will beat the absolute shit out of him since he is incredibly squishy until he gets items.
Never commit to long trades against Gnar early on, what you want to do is to poke him down little by little until you can jump to him, root him with emp E so he can't leap away and kill him or force him to flash. Try dodging his Q before going in so you can secure you will win the trade. Jumping onto him when he is near transformation or when he is mega gnar is an exercise in futility, you are just completely wasting your time. His level 6 is annoying but not insurmountable, because it's gated behind his Mega form. If you get a lead just push under his turret and roam because he has a hard time following. He is a teamfight powerhouse and he scales well with items, so there will be a point where you just won't want to focus him anymore. He is also not picked that much nowadays, so there is that.
Ignite is recommended if you are sure you will kill him early game, else TP is also an option. Conqueror and fleet are nice, you might also want to consider HoB but ONLY if you are 100% SURE you will beat him hard before laning phase ends.”
CounterBlad3 says “Kites darius with movement speed and his jump, but if you can interupt his hop you will be able to chunk him if not kill him. Fighting him when he is mega is the best time to go for a kill”
Itreallyhim says “Most annoying rat in the game, Good kiting abilities, Slows, CC and poke. Ult him while hes in mini, and he should be yours, Skill matchup otherwise. If he plays agressively back off. Do short trades.”
Circas says “Gnar is ranged and you are a straight counter to him.
You just land Flawless Duet (E) and you smash this Yordle into the ground.
When he is in Mega Gnar form he relies heavily on hitting his Wallop (W) to stun enemies and get free damage off but Irelia can either block it with Defiant Dance (W) or use Bladesurge (Q) and jump through him because it puts you behind your target.
Very easy match up.”
Hiimpurple says “You can't poke him down, he'll out kite you and his all in is insane against you. Rush Zhyona's and maybe banshee's play safe and be way of his mega gnar form”
LycheeMochigome says “Annoying. Honestly easier to fight him when he is mega gnar since he isn't ranged. Try not to take free damage from his w when he is small”
Loki029 says “Gnar, a very strong Champion wich can be Cancer in Lane, try too win early fights and always watch his rage bar. Use The Big Gnar too your Fortune, he will think he could win, just use W before Ult Combo of him ( he will be Standing solo after that: E Q R Ult strg+6 , he will be dead if you hit it correctly and only don´t do that if your after his Combo under 20% HP.”
AkenoSenpai says “Comperable to kennen with 1 exception which is his mega gnar. Just like with with Kennen you want to engage on him by Qing a minion near him for reset. Ther exception here is that you dont want to all in him when he is close/in megagnar form unless you are sure you can kill him.”
DjosrTP says “Similar to Vayne, you are very immobile and fragile early, so he can easily take it into his advantage by kiting and procing his W on you.”
killwhenlick says “His auto attacks hurt, his w proc magic damage hurts, you need to build 2 types of resistance, he is very hard to lane against, but is not too hard facing him late game when you have both armor and MR.”
stratixx says “Gnar is a big counter to Teemo because of his large damage output through his skills. If you are able to dodge his mini-Gnar Q, and harass him in his mega-Gnar you should be fine.”
TrollingSmurfGr says “Ranged Top laners usually have more range than Thresh, leading to a disadvantage. Gnar's manaless Q can poke pretty well, and though his range is short, it's enough to hurt Thresh more than Thresh can hurt him. That said, Thresh Flay is an incredible ability that keeps Mega Gnar at bay, and can pull Tiny Gnar into danger by any misstep. You don't need to take Aftershock against him, and you have a fair shot of outdamaging him in certain situations (Barely coming out of Mega), but Gnar's jump can be stopped easily by Thresh flay. Use this to your advantage with a Lantern Gank!”
lugzinho says “Ranged, Max health damage, Perma slows, Super tanky in Mega form, Escape and Chase with that annoying jump and a Game Changing R with a 30 second CD at rank 3.
Super cancerous to fight against
Go D. Shield and rush tabi.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Thresh has a very short attack range (450) so playing against any ranged champion in lane is going to be difficult. He can constantly poke you with Q since he doesn't have mana and with the movement speed of his W he can actually kill you if you over extend. You can cancel his Hop (E) in both mini and mega form so you can play safe enough to not die , but you won't be able to win lane against Gnar. Getting ganks will help a ton since you can cancel his Hop, but see the section "Junglers" in the guide chapter for more detail.”
ForgottenProject says “Level 1 you can’t do much, just sit back and farm what you can while waiting for Level 2
Parry his Mega form W to stun him
If he is far away from transforming into Mega, parry his 3rd W hit
Be careful after Level 6 if he is in mega form
His escape has a 22 Second Cooldown, and it’s a double jump if used on a unit
If he uses it in a bad spot, you can all in him without him escaping”
Blakespeare says “as long as you hit q engages are free or they blow there e, dont full on engage with r when they have rage meter. the only danger is being kited by mini gnar”
Braddik says “He'll poke the shit out of you and jump away when you leap to him. Only way to win vs him is to commit to hard all ins and kill him. You'll outscale him eventually though, remember to stay away from the walls post 6.”
spaceriftmaster says “Little Gnar is good against Morde because he has the range advantage and can bounce away from you in death realm and when you pull him. Mega-Gnar is actually easier than little Gnar because you have tenacity from runes and in some cases boots. Death realm will make easy work of little Gnar after he loses Mega-Gnar.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Gnar isn't hard. He's just really, really annoying to fight since he can poke really well and has great engage as mini Gnar. As big Gnar though he can stun you which you can orange out of. On top of that you can try and poke him down. Play aggressive and poke.”
The Lost Drawing says “El early-game es un poco dificil pero despues lo deleteas y le cancelas el escape. Cuando se transforme trata de meterle una 'Q' ya que esta pega por vida maxima del obejtivo”
Darkseige555 says “This lane is very strange because gnar is a ranged champion, but he turns into a melee for a couple seconds every once and a while. If you aren't able to get gnar into kill range, just wait for him to turn and start to fight him then. Even if this is supposed to be his powerspike, poppy can abuse it quite a lot and if he gets too confident while empowered, try to kill him then.”
Pedrokis says “Chato por causa do poke, mas as trocas são praticamente suas. / Se ele gastar o pulo com pouca fúria, seu engage é bem brabo. / Dica geral contra Gnar: cuidado com o medidor de fúria dele, o Mega Gnar pode te espancar fácil fácil, então builda cutelo e joga baseado na fúria dele.”
Joaking says “Skill matchup, but he has more chances to win.
If he uses his E and then he keeps fighting you, you'll win.
When he's Mega Gnar you can dodge all of his abilities, so, it is better wait until he is Mega Gnar to trade him, but carefully.”
Askio says “He has to get in close to get his big boi form on you, and he is squishy if you get a hold of him in mini Gnar form. Play safe, avoid mini Gnar's hp busting moves, and you should win. ”
Zhygop says “Gnar is just darius perfect counter.
He got range, damage and a second form that can kill you easily at level 6
Try to poke him with your Q so with Mega Gnar, he'll get less HP.”
Split King says “Land a taunt on him when he is in mini form. You will outtrade him really badly. Back off when he gets big. Keep engaging till he dies.
Gnar has somewhat short AA range so landing taunt on him should be manageable. However if you are not good at landing taunts yet then Gnar can actually be troublesome as he will be able to kite you and you no longer have taunt up for disengage.”
ozmankaan says “Gnar is easy, stay behind ur minion to keep safe from boomerang, he can runaway anytime with his hop, apply ur full combo whenever u get a chance.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Beware of his DPS with his W 3-hit passive, also his Rage bar. Once he turns into Mega Gnar, he can CC chain you if you stand near walls.
Tips: Dodge his Qs. Never stand near walls when you know his Rage bar is almost full.”
BeautifulWinter says “Hard to win this one but still doable. When he is small he is 100% an extreme threat but when he is big he falls under even. Don't let him poke you too much. only fight him when your ult is up and he is big.
Good target for flash ult when you E his tiny form. Back off and let him get closer to his spirit.
Prior to 6 passive. Post 6 agro when ult is up.”
Big Belly Bop says “Dodge Q's, use your range advantage, stay even in farm, poke, ask for ganks. If he jumps on to you just E out and W him if he continues to chase. You have a range advantage so you can keep autoing him if he gets rooted. His Mega form is very dangerous if he gets on top of you so be careful! Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page. ”
ExfIamed says “This abomination is the spawn of satan, creator of cancer itself. You have to dodge his slow, full combo him and W his thing where he autos you 3 times and it does half your hp, now unlike vaynes retardedly broken true damage you can actually mitigate Gnars. So you keep poking him down and you just flash Q ignite ult, if the Gnar is too good at right clicking then try to get jungle assistance.”
9690 says “Gnar is more of a nuisance than any sort of threat. Early he can poke us down and jump away if we hit E, but there is nothing he can do after we get 6. Can kill Gnar on cooldown with R. Easy lane.
Loevely says “Even matchup. You have the mobility to play around his Kit and he has to the damage and tank to beat you. Ironically, I find it easier
to kill Gnar's when they transform. Fleet/Grasp are both solid choices. ”
Luthy2278 says “Gnar is a strong pick against Mordekaiser, but it is very easy for you to kill him early game, just poke him until he is low and if he makes a mistake and overextends, he will die. After you hit level 6, you can easily kill him, but watch out for Megagnar, for he will probably kill you or dive you if you are low hp.”
Defensivity1 says “Dont let him proc his third attack from his w passive, it deals %hp damage outside of that feel free to poke him down with ghouls, and if he ever wastes his e you could all in him with the maiden at level 6 cage him up and he is guaranteed to die as long as he doesnt have flash or e. he is mainly a threath early always let him push you in.”
Quezel says “Gnar has lots of poke and can kite melee champs with no mobility very easily however Mega Gnar is significantly easier to kill look to engage on him when he transforms otherwise just try to dodge boomerangs and avoid getting hit by his w passive as it does a LOT of his damage prime target to ult in teamfights as he goes in as he can chain cc lock your team very easily.”
Evilfury10 says “Skill Match up. Take Fleet or Grasp For A Better Chance At Winning Lane. He Is Easier to kill when transformed because of his lack of ms.”
FallenAngel149 says “Gnar has huge poke with him being ranged and you being melee, and his Mega form can be oppressive, but if you can keep him stunned your passive and E combo damage can put him down”
SNOBOY says “Gnar has grown a lot in popularity and is a difficult match up because of Mega Gnar form and his ranged harass in his mini form. I would recommend playing a passive early game and poking with your Q when he is mini and in range. Be careful of the speed boost he gets because he can chase you down and catch you off guard easily. Just avoid him when he is Mega Gnar, and save your combo for when he is mini and used his jump.”
mightydylan101 says “Ok champ to verse you can easily poke him out and beat him just watch out for his energy as once he goes mega he can kill you so always back up before he goes mega.”
ProgettoYorick says “During the initial phase the first 2 levels gnar will bully, do not worry during level 3 until you reach 6 you can already start hitting him, the only thing you will have to do is wait for him to use his jump, after that he hasn't multiple escape routes, will die or be forced to use the flash.
OTP tip: If gnar is very aggressive, a ninja tabbi will help you, from level 6 onwards, if gnar does not have too many kills, your skills will be much stronger than his by closing it and using your R you will destroy it.”
hotdog93 says “He can poke you in mini gnar, but is not too hard to kill in mini gnar so long as he uses his jump. If he does, it has a 22 second cooldown and you can punish that pretty hard. The ideal situation is that his e and transformation are on cooldown. Doran's Shield second wind are really good. 1v1 will be tough if he gets a thornmail, or really any armor, but if he does, Lord Dominik's Regards and Cleaver together can be enough to punch through his armor. ”
ThisIsJustSad says “1. Gnar has a slow + a dash away + he's ranged. That means it's very difficult to reach him. However, when you reach him, you will always be able to 1v1 him if you're even. S
2. Let gnar push into you, create a freeze, CS till you're the same level as Gnar, then just run into the Gnar. If the vital is behind the Gnar, then walk away then back to reset it to a more favorable position.”
YeeDS says “Outranges your E so you can't trade with him if he doesn't make a mistake. Go for alot of movement speed so you can quickly run at him when you want to fight. Go in when he goes mega.”
ABlackMansDream says “He does everything better than you.
He poke's you down.
The chances are very low against him.
If and only if he's bad you can win lane.”
Xelaadryth says “Skill matchup. Both of you like to auto each other, don't let him auto you three times in your trades, he wins the extended fight. Ends up being a skillshot war hiding behind your minions. As he gets tankier you'll have to kite him.”
Puck333 says “He won't kill you easily as long as you keep distance. He is just hard to kill because he almost gets no damage if his passive is active. ”
Karnan says “Has huge range advantage, can evade your attempts at getting him with his E and can safely farm vs you. It comes down to who makes the bigger mistakes, gnar can fuck up big if he disrespects your damage post 6. He might also fuck up in teamfights, look to counter his plays rather than be on the offensive yourself.”
DerpzGG says “DON’T. TILT. Keep Your Calm Until He Makes A Mistake. E Him. Trigger Phase Rush. Then You Can Chase After him. Take 3 Rejus And Gnar Runes.”
AlienMV says “Watch for his mini form Q and mega form W.
Gnar isn't very threatening. He is susceptible to being poked out while in his mini form, and his main source of damage is landing his Q. His auto range is also short early. As long as you don't get CC'd and than hammered with autos, you should be fine.”
Asothin says “Some gap closers and gets very tanky occasionally however he is very squishy in his small form so if you manage to W>AA and E>Q>Q>Q he will most likely be forced out of lane. Even W>AA>AA>AA will be good against him.”
Melloe says “I am copy pasting this to the other 3 orange-threat levels, since it's just a ranged matchup so you will be poked a lot but you are unstoppable once you have your titanic hydra.”
convong says “Literally no other threats except for On-Hit Gnar, just FF immediately if you see an On-Hit Gnar, honestly just alt-f4 and uninstall league, you've lost at everything including life once he appears”
yetusek says “Lethal Tempo Runes. Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start or you can take Fleet Footwork Runes and Build with Ignite + Flash and dorans shield or 3 rejuv bead start. Against gnar you can abuse his low base stats on his mini gnar in early trades before he gets his jump (usually gnars will get their jump at level 3.) So for your first trade against him you usually want to wait out his q and either dodge it while you build up fury or if it hits you wait until the slow runs out. Then spin on him and auto attack while moving towards his turret to extend the trade as much as possible. Usually can get 3-4 auto attacks if you position your spin correctly. Once gnar hits level 3 if you havent gotten enough damage on him to look for a kill then just farm. IMPORTANT NOTE: Gnar's hop is a 22 second cooldown level 1. So if he uses it, then you will have atleast a 10 second window to spin on him (assuming you made him use his hop when you used your spin at him) to get another spin and run him down. In the mid-late game splitpush it can be hard to beat gnar 1v1. Ways you can beat gnar in the mid-late game split push, either you wait until hes exhausted (just came out of mega gnar form) so that he cannot build it back up when you allin him, you can build swifty boots to help stick on top of him thru his slows, if he face checks you in a bush and you hit your w slow that can be another way to catch him out on the split and beat him 1v1. When using your w remember that he will turn back to throw his boomerang so try to time your w slow to cast after he uses boomerang + an auto attack to guarantee you will hit it.”
picklehater77 says “He outkites you in mini form. He outtanks you in mega form. He outfights you in both. Try your best to dodge his poke and farm up. ”
Nightblue33 says “You might have a chance to kill him early on, however once he gets frozen mallet, then you will be kited all game and your 1v1 potential is done. Just clear waves. Take Dorans Shield.
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: Comet Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal and doran's ring to a good poke.
//just poke and back.
//Iceborn Gauntlet- Good item against him.”
Hamstertamer says “Run ghost. Farm passively and all-in him with ult. Trade with mega-Gnar if he misses any ability, his cooldowns are very long. Mini-Gnar really hates getting slowed since he relies on MS bonuses for kiting, and has the shorter jump range so you can go on him too.”
Atlascrower says “Gnar is a bit annoying, if he´s little. Stay away from him. Melee Gnar is no Problem for you, except you duel him for a longer time.”
Pacal Votan says “Just start with doran ring and max E. After some stacks and a sheen, you'll be able to kill him.
Stay behind your minions.
Don't trade against Mega Gnar without have some stacks.”
AsomeSonic says “he might get the better of you in poke, but he cannot get away from you if your jungler decides to helpl you, can make for easy kills”
Polkadog says “Gnar has made me go "Ugh..." every time I see him get picked. He can slow you down so that's no fun. His range is so long that it is not fun being a melee champ there. Just play safe when he's above half of Rage. Early-game, don't start trading. If he does, back off. Don't let him poke you, he's ranged and for god no one likes ranged top.
Oh and yea, he can get out of your W. If he does, and his rage 'o meter is low, engage. He can't get away from you if you hit him with E and Q.”
Chromuro says “Your best chance to fight him is when he's in its alola form: E him and start to hit hard. When he's smol, just try to farm, his poke hits too hard.”
blunderr says “Gnar can be dangerous because of his tankiness and damage when his passive procs, as soon as you notice his passive is ready back off and play passively until it ends. He might run you down but just kite with Shrooms + Q + W.”
-ALR- says “this cancer is a lil bit too strong vs sion , and i rly recommand to ban it
he can poke you sooo much and after run bcz he have 1000000 mil ms when is little and a lot cc when is big”
Raideru says “He can poke you out a lot in lane so try to engage on him by activating e before jumping on him and then while in the air just before landing press e again so you stop him from jumping away and then u can get two free autos off, one normal one along with the w and then just walk away,tabis is a good buy in this matchup.”
EpicDan01 says “You cannot get near him early, bit his damage isn't too high, and by standing behind minions he cannot hit you with his boomerang. Once you get Sunfire, look to cleaver him, then run him down. His E has a high cooldown, so you can bait it and then re-engage.”
HKRV says “Rare matchup too. In Gnar form he has too much poke, just small trade after dodging his Q. Wait for GNAR! form and go for it. Mercury miracle worker against his CC and avoid staying near walls if he reaches lvl 6. ”
Poppu says “Counter to the heavy tanks, Gnar's Q will slow you, W deals % hp dmg in AP, and has range. You have to take the fight to him and out trade him or else he will keep poking you and win lane. He's more or less and even lane, but I put major because good Gnars are smart and can kite.”
Aizo says “Ranged matchups are quite difficult for maokai. %max hp matchups are quite difficult for maokai. Gnar does both. Try your best to not let him bully you so hard out of the lane that you can't scale into the midgame. The good news is that his teamfight engage style is fairly telegraphed. If you know that he is about to transform into mega and try to get onto your team to ult engage them, make sure to zone him / q him away to deny his strong engage.”
SoulHero says “Really annoying, havnt found a good counterstrategy yet as I haven't fought this that much. Defensive build works really well as in get shield and second wind. You can flip him if he q's so he cant chain ulti, you can outdmg him with bc deaths dance but he's prob just gonna jump away and poke you more, just farm and respect this ranged champ.”
Petethebossch says “Is an annoying champ but he is pretty weak right now and righteous glory will mean you can kill mini-gnar with 3 q's and have no trouble catching him.”
Lynboe says “Ce match-up peut être rude cependant Gnar devient vulnérable face à Darius lorsqu'il se transforme, c’est à ce moment que l'on décide de l’affronter la plupart du temps,. Lorsqu'il est en mini Gnar vous pouvez lui asséner de lourds dégâts si vous arrivez à anticiper ses déplacements avec des combos rapides, il est conseillé de commencer avec le Doran’s shield et Second Wind afin d’éviter de trop se faire poke. Rush des Tabis Ninja aidera également beaucoup dans ce match-up.
Cependant il existe une seconde alternative à ce face à face, avec l’expérience vous apprendrez à anticiper toutes ses décisions et à faire en sorte qu’il se pense supérieur afin de mieux le punir en l’ attrapant au vol après un All-in (cc Fallen).
À ce moment vous pourrez tout simplement le farmer et rouler sur la lane.
Jnewbringspain says “Gnar can be difficult. He can kite you and easily escape if you jump on him. Try to avoid skillshots and farm up. Once you have level 6 and Sheen, auto a minion twice, Leap Strike to him, Empower and attack once, then back off. Do this a few times if possible and you give yourself a chance at killing him. If he is too skilled and out trades you anyway, just try to farm.”
messketchup says “Play passive early on and wait for ganks or an easy pull but he can all in you as well as you can to him.His kiting potential is also really good and when he's Mega Gnar, he can turn the fight and CC chain you. Bring Second Wind and Doran's to withstand poke!”
Sonny2o9 says “He bullies you until level 3. Gnar loses to all in, so as long as you land your combo he can't kite you. Make sure Post 6, you Cataclysm after he hops and don't all in him when he goes mega.”
CuziTR says “Dodge Q and go for trade if he already used his hop. Dont trade when he's in mega Gnar form and also stay away from walls to avoid his CC from his R.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Dodge his Q. He is a lane bully, but you have more damage than him. Zone him completely from CS and don't get CC'ed by Mega-Gnar.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Gnar is a pretty simple matchup. His Mini Gnar is very squishy. However, he will have poke and movement speed with his W and Q. Bait out his E, and then look for an all in. Mega Gnar is very easy to deal with. His W is very easily telegraphed, and as long as you parry that, you shouldn't be worried about his R. Be careful, as his gank setups are really high.”
Zestysquid says “Post 6 you have to ult out of his ult, otherwise he'll probably kill you. Before then he'll probably just hop into your turrets. Boomerang can drain your health pretty quickly so don't be afraid to Q out of it if you need to and if you have the mana.”
Him being ranged is very annoying cause he can poke you. If he transforms, you want to run away, don't want to trade that. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Don't get poked too much when he's in his mini form and try to make him use his jump to safety. After that, you can outtrade him easy. You kill him even easier in his Mega form.”
Prince Afghan says “Gnar is a strong lane bully and depending on what he builds he will likely be able to kite you out fairly easily. Don't feed early and farm as safely as possible. Make sure to get your splitpush going, as most Gnars will want to group and teamfight with their ultimate using Mega Gnar. ”
El fallo de muchas personas es dejar que los pokeen sin responder.
Asi no se juega muchachos, yo les recomiendo siempre empezar a pelear atravesando su Q y metiendo el Slow, le das 2 o incluso hasta los 3 básicos potenciados que te da la Q al atravesarla y te regresas, y si ves que no puedes atravesar tu Q entra con tu E.
Tienes que responderle para que te respete más. ”
Bombabo says “If you want to fight Mini Gnar, your best bet is to interrupt his jump with your Q+E. Once he can't escape, you should be able to deal a sizeable amount of damage to him. Mega gnar is easy to hit, just be sure to keep clear of walls.”
AmnesiaT says “He's just like a teemo. Annoying. Try to dodge his Q and dont let him poke you. Play agressive when he's little.
You can cancel his jump with your Q [with the edge]. You can fight him on his big form as well but dont stay near to walls.”
Rcool64 says “He can do some pretty hefty poke to you when he's in miniform, so try to prevent him from procing his hyper passive. However, he's pretty vulnerable when hes in mega, so as long as he can't stun you with ult, you can abuse him a lot.”
Lil Tidepod says “Gnar can be really tough to lane against because of his W. It will stack three times onto you and deal magic damage on his third hit. It has no cooldown and can really begin to chunk your health. On top of that, he has a lot of range jumping off of minions with his E, and he can use the E to jump off of is own minions as well. If you're going to 1v1 him, wait for his E to go down, and try and do it right after his Mega Gnar transformation has ended, as it will be on a short cooldown.”
SuperBurr says “True damage on third auto attack, but when he became Mega-Gnar will be your opportunity to execute your combo because of his low mobility.”
ImpossibleLogic says “Yet another ranged, kind off, top laner. Gnar, while not in his Mega Gnar form, is a nightmare. Small, ranged, and fast pretty nasty. But, once he hits Mega Gnar, you can all in on him. Mega Gnar is much easier to control and you can easily setup your Q's, W, and E combo to all in him.”
Luki7776 says “In the meele mode, he can set up a gank, but in the ranged mode he can poke you. Make him to use his E, and call the jungler for some help.”
FunkySoul says “Either people suck with Gnar, or everyone just overreacts when talking about this matchup. It's simple- run from Mega Gnar, completely destroy tiny Gnar. Simple.”
TechnoRenekton says “Let him push you.
Wait for him to transform into Melee, then trade with him.
Bait his jump so you can look for an all in engage. Preferably fight after 6, unless he's low.”
GrGamingTeo says “He is annoying but beatable. Avoid his q, tell your jungle to come in case Gnar decides to freeze, q slap him in and uot of the brush and when he is low look for a kill with ghost.”
GrGamingTeo says “Play passive early on and wait for ganks or en easy pull but he can all in you as well as youcan to him. His kiting potential is also amazing and when he's Mega Gnar, he can turn the fight and CC the living hell out of you.”
DrMoneybags says “Gnar is a bit of a skill matchup and depends a lot on how well you can land your abilities. If you miss your E and Q, he will turn on you and run you down with his ranged spells to chunk you pretty hard with his %HP damage. He can also stun you for a very long time with Mega-Gnar when you get dismounted, so you won't be able to remount. Try and rush him early when he's in his mini-form with no rage built up and you'll almost always win as long as you don't miss abilities.”
Big Boy Matty D says “Rough match-up, can't really fight him pre-6. Consider maxing Q in lane to try and poke out while asking for a gank if he pushes up.
If he hasn't snowballed you can fight him post 6. Just make sure he is not close to Mega-Gnar and gap-close with Q. Try to hold your ultimate until he hops away.”
Qubert64 says “One of the most fun matchups in the game. If he engages with mega gnar he will lose the fight 100% of the time. his only bet is to poke you down. Even then one slip up and you taunt him so he has to back.”
The_CuItivator says “The champion poker in top lane. Watch for his Qs and go in when he is mega phase. His abilities as mega gnar is easy to dodge. Break him at that phase.”
Zdenster says “Don't let him poke you out. Beware of Mega Gnar. Engage him when he is in Normal Form. Take Arcane Comet. Rush Sheen if you are ahead. Rush Phage so you can kite with him and if you are going even.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Pokey lane. If you manage to get ahead, you can win lane. Get Sheen and Mercury Treads. He can kite you really hard, so ask for ganks if you can kill him 2v1. Can't really stop you from farming too much, outside of killing you or poking you out of lane.”
MediocrePolk says “Ranged Matchup, A good gnar will manage his rage a bad gnar wont. Punish that from the bad gnar. You have a great early game so you outtrade him early, take ignite to see if you can kill early, if you cant oh well, d blade start.”
Professor Gabriel says “ANTI TANK
try to fight him early while his great form, try to predict his escape jump and follow up with your e to get after him and secure the kill”
Khazem says “Can be tough due to the fact that he outranges you. Try to complete your boots early and you can play pretty aggressively. Damage wise Rumble definitely has an advantage so as long as you can reach him with your Q, you're good to go.”
Nio161 says “Early you can have a hard time and he is mobile what makes it hard to hit your E. It is possible to kill even a Mega-Gnar with your ult and survive it.”
qtANG says “you can only kill him before lvl 3, as he can kite u up pretty well with some slows item like frozen mallet. Try to push the wave in then go gank mid lane.”
Carlosm04 says “Gnar, ele é complicado, ealy dele é muito bom, dar um slow do cacete quando ele jogar o bumeranque ,e pior sao seus ccs da forma grandao, tenta pedir ajuda do seu jg, ou vc vai pra cima quando ele vacila”
LosAngeloser says “Very annoying and recently buffed, so his lategame is now dangerous too. Go Grasp and try to trade with him without allowing him to stack his passive.”
ApexDresden says “He may be slightly difficult because of his poke and his E which is his leap, however you can burst him down quite easily and use your W to CC him.”
The Lost Drawing says “'Early game' fuerte. Le cancelas su saltito de nena. Cuando se transforme metele buenos 'trades'', aunque no lo parezca es mas tanque pero lo puedes manejar mejor si llevas 'Conquitador'”
ElleryTheViking says “Another super easy matchup. If he walks into melee range, just spam Q and E. His jump is a bit of a pain but its got a huge CD. If he uses it and pushes up again, you should be able to lock-down a kill. If it's on CD and you land a close quarters Q, use ghost, ult (so he doesnt slow you), and e q spam him till hes dead. Never fight him when he's big Gnar, unless he's real low and you have ult cause his CC makes it tough. ”
WorseAverage says “The only poke matchup that Camille truly struggles in.
Only engage after wittling him down and having him just transform out of Big Gnar. A very needed W max and Doran's Shield lane.”
SynergyXO says “His passive movement speed and gap closer makes it hard to score a kill. dodge his boomerang, and dont let him auto 3 times for his passive. Cutlass and Boots are a good rush if you are trying to kill him. dont fight him mega gnar unless you are ahead.”
Samas says “He can use his Q to poke you from far range and harrass you with ranged autos, in most cases you will find him saving his jump to kite yours, go in when its down, watch his rage bar.”
francodm says “Enquanto ele está de mini gnar ele tem vantagem no range, apenas tente trocas enquanto ele está na forma de mega gnar. Use pagina de runa de Aery”
E61K says “Start Doran's Shield and take Second Wind. Obnoxious champion to deal with. However he is often told to be much more troublesome for Darius than he actually really is. You just gotta play it right from champ select. He will buy Black Cleaver + Mallet and try to kite you to death. To counter this to the best of your ability take Ghost and if you're familiar with playing with Phase Rush you can go for it too otherwise take Conqueror. Build Righteous Glory or Dead Man's Plate after Cleaver/Trinity. Take Ghost as well. All ins are always in your Favor if you can get to him. Lastly if you're clean you can pull him out of his jump which is his only escape against you. Rush Tabis against him since it seriously cucks him.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Ranged & Melee, Tanky, High Mobility. Weaknesses: Squishy in Mini Gnar form, Outscaled, Predictable CC in Mega Gnar form. He is a difficult matchup because of how much mobility he has and how tanky he can get. He can pick and choose when he wants to fight for the most part so be sure to fight him with caution. Try not to let his Hyper 3-hit passive proc as it does a good chunk of damage especially when he tries to do it repeatedly. You probably want to build black cleaver against him if you are both even as he can be hard to hold down because of his jump let alone if he builds Frozen Mallet. His Mega Gnar abilities are easy to read at least and are easy to riposte so use that to your advantage when he tries to start a fight with you while in this form.”
Suthafru says “Gnar - Gnar is a ranged top laner, AKA your worst nightmare, he has your specialty but was simultaneously actually made for the top lane. he will out poke, out tank, and out sustain you always
wait until you have the attack speed to dodge 100% of his skillshots before fighting”
drunken hunter says “Gnar can counter Rengar very hard but most of the time people dont know how to play Gnar. When Gnar hits you with an ability or an auto hit the third time, he will deal 14% of max. health as magical dmg. Also Gnar got very much CC in his mega form that he gets by doing auto hits or using abilities. With his ult he can throw you against a wall, you get stunned for a long time and get extra dmg. Never fight Gnar in his mega form, try to snare him with your (E) when he got low rage (the red bar under his hp) -> when he is mini Gnar. ”
kkiskk says “Try not to fight when he gets big early, you may lose. Since he is ranged when he is small, you can't bully him hard. Don't stand near walls if he's lv 6.”
BeastKing says “You can engage when he is in mega form but you will probably have too little health to feel confident to go in from little gnars poke. Try to not get hit by 3rd auto.”
Proxxecube says “Although many others complain about Gnar, I don't find him extremely difficult to fight. If he starts to auto you, just fight back, and he will either jump back or fight, and you win. As Mega Gnar, parry his slam and you win even faster. If he does get fed, try to bait out his abilities in Mega form before fighting.”
Zahkar00 says “Either would work (Glacial is preferable).
When he is a midget just wait for him to misposition then punish him. He will run. The only real chance you have of killing him is when he is big, then you can just wack him to death.”
Bakiraka says “Completely depends on how good the Gnar is. If he's bad, then just use your Q to poke him down. If he's good, then this lane is a lot harder. Make sure you don't let him get his passive off on you, and watch for his Mega Gnar.”
Trixelkour says “He will be able to win every time in a 1v1 if you don't manage your skills and his Rage mode. Take Grasp or Phase Rush to stay safe. Go for a tanky build and play around your team but mind your spacing between each team mate.”
kyuwui says “Gnar is just a pain to try to lane against, since he can deal a lot of damage to you while you can't even reach him. Thankfully you might not see him a lot.”
E61K says “Yasuo is a known counter to gnar. Windwalling his boomerang puts it on a very long CD and enables you to dash onto him and chunk him hard. There is nothing aside from a small jump he can do about it. When he is in mega-form he can lock you down for an eternity. Avoid walls. Make use of your E and Wind wall to block his boulder and dodge his other abilities with your E. Gnar builds Black Cleaver and Frozen Mallet as his core items. Going PD into BORK will allow you to cut through him with ease.”
undeadsoldiers says “Gnar - PTA
Early items (in order) - Tiamat, Sheen, Phage
- All in lvl 1-2 (passive stacked)
- Play aggressive in lane (lots of PTA trades with passive stacked)
- Aim for shorter trades (his hyper stacks will wear you down surprisingly quickly)
- Use W to mitigate his 3rd hyper stack when he's small
- Save W for his ult when his rage is high
- Be ready to Q away from his jump/bounce, stun, ult combo when his rage is high
- Ult cooldown: 120/100/80
BreadyToCrumble says “If you dodge his boomerangs and poke him with your W you'll be fine. Keep in mind that his jump has a really long cooldown at level 1, and so if he uses it to escape, follow up with your Hookshot and you'll be able to catch him. Again, take "Cut Down". Also, once he becomes mega Gnar stay away from walls. When he is about to become mini Gnar again, use hookshot and go for an all-in. It's usually a free kill if he doesn't have his jump. If he does, use your R to stop him from escaping.”
Thedoctor25 says “Gnar é complicado pelo slow, mas faça lane contra ele, assim que ele gastar o pulo use seu W e de all in quando em mini. Se estiver em mega fica mais fácil você conseguir ir para cima”
TehGuides says “Start dorans shield and farm when you have the opportunity without trading when he is in his first form.On mega gnar go aggresive if you have the hp and the fury”
Zachlikespizza says “His only defense is his hop and most of the time he'll save it to get out of your w. Try to manage distance the best you can as your q outranges him.”
Mouadyam says “bad matchup, take dorans shield and farm and avoid poke, your best chance at killing him is when he is mega, ghost is a must take here, cancel his dash with your E”
Demon Lord AC0 says “He will poke you a lot so start Doran's Shield and rush Tabi. Try to Windwall his boomerang and you can engage him. Just watch out for the Mega. Rush Bork”
TakeLPlease says “has tons of armor and health late game. Use their health and armor early game as an advantage. Late game will be hard to take them down. They will also deal lots of damage if you don't take them out early game, so beware.”
LivesforOnlyOne says “Pretty difficult matchup as he can stay juuuuuust outside of your range while poking you down. Mini Gnar is a terror that you won't be able to properly face until an item+phage. Mega Gnar on the other hand is your punching bag, trade into him as much as possible before he exhausts himself and reverts to his smaller form. Save Riposte for his stuns as it's pretty telegraphed or for a hyper proc if he's in mini. I take Fleet in matchups like these since you won't be able to proc Grasp all that much and Klepto isn't worth it either. Build/play defensively, ask for ganks.”
Mr Dunk Your Girl says “Gnar is a huge threat because he can poke you from away with his Q. He can escape with E and he is also really tanky. Beg for ganks from your jungler to secure a kill on him. If he is not a good Gnar you could kill him by yourself. If you dont want to deal with that just Ban him in champ select.”
DreamDaddy says “Pretty rough. He has range so he can trade back just as easily and if he jumps you when he goes mega he can take you out quite easily.”
FlakNShrapnel says “Yikes, almost as bad as Quinn. You better hope you can somehow get on him when he's in mini gnar form, otherwise you are grade A screwed.”
Mr Regular says “His mega form is what you want
Since he becomes melee, he can't poke you or destroy your tentacles, so yeah. Aim for that
Beware though, he still can kill you depending on his runes”
TheCrocodileGuy says “Gnar is very hard to play against in lane since he is a ranged tank champion. Just try to farm safely, and when he turns into Mega-Gnar, you can look for a all-in or a trade. If you can force Gnar out of lane by going all in and burning your ignite, it's worth it since being alone in lane while Gnar is the enemy top-laner is very rare.”
Coelinha says “Evite lutar enquanto ele estiver transformado// Freeze a lane perto da sua torre, quando ele for farmar mate ele,essa match up Riven precisa de espaço.”
TheSuporter says “Don't, just don't. If the enemy picks this top you might as well dodge.There is no beating him. Mini will poke you down mega will finish you. If you don't have a choice either switch lanes with mid or build tank.”
CaioOP1985 says “Like Teemo, he'll probably use his Q to deny you farm, get you low enough and then jumping in on you as Mega Gnar. However, on Mini Gnar you deal a ton more damage than him with only 150 stacks, so if he over extends himself, try to make him pay for it dearly.”
Warmanreaper says “Very long range , so try to juke him out and get close , its better if he's bmega gnar cause he has to get in close but stay away from surfaces (walls , towers etc.)”
JovexMasina says “You HAVE to take the second wind rune from the resolve tree one way or another. I personally go Phase Rush with Sorcery main tree with resolve secondary tree where I take Bone Plating and Second Wind. Ingame I get Doran's shield. Shield with Second Wind means that you heal back a LOT from being attacked. If they hit you, just back off for a few seconds while being in XP range for the minions and then you will just heal up ridiculously fast. Gnar is a bit easier because his AA range is shorter but Gnar can actually beat you in all ins provided your health is low enough. You do NOT want to all in when you are at like <40% of your health. Mega Gnar has enough stuns to just make sure that you won't be able to attack him during which he can just kill you. Against Gnar, rush Ninja Tabis. If you can, try to kill him level one. Really stupid Gnar players will let you walk up to them and Q them. After that you can just start autoing. With Phase Rush, you will have enough movespeed and slow resist to catch up to him and take his flash. Level 2 is where you want to start playing passively. If you damaged him enough level 1, you can just pull him and then kill him level 2/3 later in lane. But know that a smart Gnar will NEVER engage you until you have low enough health.”
Dacnomaniak says “Really good Gnar players will never get stunned by you and will be able to kite you with his constant slows and speed ups. Just try to farm the lane out and ask your jungler for ganks.”
IllIlllIIlI says “I don't personally see Gnar as much of a threat, even though he's a lanebully. He's not very good in soloq at the moment.
All he can really do is try to poke you in Mini-form, but he's also relatively squishy in his Mini-form.
Once he transforms into Mega, you want to watch out for his stuns.”
GOTG Ment135 says “Match-up favorable, tenes mas pokeo y mas dps que el mientas lo castigues cuando el esta en forma de Mini-Gnar. También lo dominas cuando esta en forma Mega-Gnar, pero tienes que ser mas cuidadoso.”
DuhBrandon says “The main reason why he's number 3 is because a decent Gnar will know when he's poked enough to all in you and don't rely on your shroud as he can literally throw you out of it and rag doll you.
your best bet is to win more trades against him then he does to you.”
TrashIreliaxd says “A very annoying matchup, Gnar can kite forever and it will be very hard for you to kill him. I recommend doing the level 1 cheese and then don't try killing him until level 6. Frozen Mallet can help him shut down his mobility.”
galvapheonix says “I recommend that you start Doran's shield and play passive as his early levels he will beat you. If you see him use his jump you have about 20 seconds to attempt to trap him or get some ghoul poke damage on him. Pay attention to his rage bar so when he turns mega he doesn't get a free kill.”
thedunkening111 says “If you're smart, you can win this by 100-0 him once your burst comes online at level six. He'll try to hop away, the trick is to ult him where he lands. He's squishy for a fair bit, so abuse your all in while you can.
Take Conqueror”
WannabeGenghis says “I dont really have any science on this one, its even, you both counter eachother in different ways, only hard thing is that when hes rage mode, and he got you stunned, you lost dude, dont fight back....”
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 8.5/10
➡️ This matchup is extremely hard for Trundle, however it REALLY depends on how good the opponent is at spacing and spell control.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Gnar vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Gnar vs Average Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup
Good Gnar vs Good Trundle ➡️ Gnar stomps Trundle.”
Haxorr says “I think Gnar is a pretty even matchup in that it's hard for you to kill him and hard for him to kill you. Save parry for either his w passive proc (3 hits on you) or his mega form W as it's easy to get a stun on it. Just play wavestates, I like Doran's shield and Grasp into Gnar”
Bourne212 says “Avoid his Q poke and shove him under tower, watch the bar under his health. Only try and all in if you can catch him in mini Gnar, he will likely be too tanky to kill in mega Gnar and he could combo cc and kill you.”
CactEyez says “Pretty rough, has max HP dmg and crazy move speed. Its hard to catch gnar. Mega gnar is also strong and can finish you off very easily. Try to R towards the end of mega gnar for dmg onto baby gnar. Second wind is required.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Rocketbelt -> Heartsteel”
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