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Gnar Counter Stats

Gnar Counters
Discover all champions who counter Gnar. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Gnar in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,071 Tips for countering Gnar below

Top Lane
48.71% Win Rate98% Pick Rate Gnar Top Lane Counters: 43 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Gnar in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Dom1nus says “Avoid his q, and try to make him not to catch it in the way back, while he is in mega gnar he will try to fight you. At 6 u beat him every time, look for an early kill and shove waves after he builds full tank and look to roam.”
3 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide by Dom1nus | Renekton Player
Maniaxx says “Gnar's W (Hyper) deals a lot of damage and can be used for poke, and when he transforms into Mega Gnar, he can use Gnar's R (GNAR!) to knock you back, disrupting your positioning. Watch out for his range poke in his mini form and his crowd control in Mega form. How to deal with him: Play safe in the laning phase: Early Gnar can poke with Q (Boomerang Throw) and W, so avoid overextending. Build Health early: Gnar has high poke damage, so stack health to sustain through his poke. Use your sustain: Mundo’s healing will help him survive the poking phase, but don’t engage when Gnar has his full Mega form bar. Avoid getting knocked into the wall: When Gnar is in Mega form, avoid standing near walls to prevent being knocked back and stunned.”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
a_k_z7 says “ranged top lane treatment really play safe early and just try to farm after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with him your best trades will be when he is mega gnar since he is meele and will get close to you in tiny form he is anooying to play against when looking for a gank try to w his dash so you can get the kill same if you see him wanting to go on top of you try to side step his q in tiny form and all of his skills in mega”
Puyo says “É muito difícil chegar nele na forma mini. O cooldown do pulo é muito alto, mas ele dá muito slow e ainda ganha move speed, eu prefiro só engajar no mini quando sei que vai dar certo. Quando ele estiver mega, é só usar suas skills para desviar do Q e o W. Mesmo se você tomar o R, desde que o Q e o W dele estejam no cooldown você não vai morrer.”
Riven s2024/3 (WIP) by Puyo | Riven Player
Nithril says “Always stay behind minions, your E stops his E, and if used well you'll never be between him and a wall for his R, Mega Gnar is easier to kite down, when he is mini focus on the farm”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
juangepeto says “gnar is ranged and at the same time melee, this allows him to zone the GP both in his ranged form by breaking the barrels and in his melee form by jumping on the GP and applying tons of damage and a lot of cc since he has 2 types of group control”
Gangplank build by juangepeto | Gangplank Player
parker3n9 says “This matchup can be challenging, primarily because Mini Gnar often poses more of a threat than Mega Gnar due to his range and poke. However, if Gnar misplays his jump, especially when you have your ultimate ready, you can all-in and secure the win in a fight. Play carefully around his Mini Gnar poke and look for openings when he’s in Mega Gnar and less mobile. Recommended Runes: Aery or Grasp of the Undying (I lean toward Aery for better poke potential) Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Take CONQ with second wind+dshield, this matchup might seem hard but its not. starting from level 2 you can start trading with him, using your parry on either his Q or W passive (so he doesnt get his ms). If you slide parry into him as hes attacking for the third stack, he will be slowed and caught offguard and can lead to an all-in from your part. When hes mega gnar its best go parry his W or R post lvl 6, if you parry his r its a guaranteed stun since he's locked in the animation. You can take swifties in this matchup, however steelcaps are probably better. Q forward facing vitals and run away so he cant hit his Q or 3 stacks. You outscale if you cant win lane, but winning is pretty easy.”
KiwiJami says “Escapes when tiny, tanks when big, almost unkillable. Can go smite.”
Kayn Top PDF by KiwiJami | Kayn Player
sprdlol says “He's really weak early when mini gnar. Spam your abilities in his face and bully him. Careful when he get his tabis and trinity force.”
AMBESSA TOP BUILD AND MATCH-UP TIPS by sprdlol | Ambessa Player
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