Mid Lane 49.54% Win Rate78% Pick RateZoe Mid Lane Counters: 26 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zoe in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “be aware of her sleep bubble if you dodge it you can push into her and win without a trouble”
Divine Azir says “She has very strong early game, but low wave clear. Stand behind your minions so she can't hit you with either. She will try to hide her Q in fog of war, so it is very useful to put a wad in the middle of the lane. If she wants to Q out of vision, she will have to move out of the lane, so you know exactly where she is Qing from. If she walks up to the wave, she might be about to ult past the wave, so you can preemptively place a soldier behind you in case you need to E. If you have a hard time dodging E, you can take cleanse. If she ever misses her R + E, you can drift onto her teleport spot fo a guaranteed shuffle. If you're struggling against her, just keep the mid-lane ward (so she can't roam or Q you unexpectedly) and play safe. As long as she doesn't snowball, you will outscale her hard.”
AuroraAddict says “Zoe is gonna be really annoying to play against she has really good dmg if she hits e so try to be behind the wave if she hits you with E you can cancel the stun just by going into the edge of your ultimate so try to do that to suprise them and do dmg to them .Also you should get electrocute and teleport against zoe.”
BesXbola says “Uma Zoe boa nao vai te deixar jogar, a bolha de sono dela e simplesmente insuportavel e se ela acertar duas bolhas + Q voce morre, tente pokear ela e jogar atras dos minions para nao tomar sua bolha e tome muito cuidado pois ela pode ter dois flashes por causa do seu W o que resultar na sua morte.”
ArcaneHerald says “making your life miserable with every Sleep. its hard to always dodge it and if u think this matchup is not a problem it's because u haven't met a good zoe yet.
consider taking Cleanse if other champs have cc too.”
Saddest says “As long as you avoid her E it should be okay, but she can easily take you out if you eat too many empowered autos and Q's. Be aware of any summoner spells she might pick up as that can swing any fight in her favor quickly.”
Lunar1v9 says “I hate to play against this. Watch out for her e cooldown and if the bubble doesnt hit u and she r s onto u u just q basic e and win the trade ( unless she has first item) on sidelane u beat her. Buy boots do dodge
PetriciteLoL says “Try to dodge E and only engage if she doesn't have it but just try to farm and hopefully you get a lead or it goes even so you outscale 1v1.”
xumi_k says “Late game she has a lot of damage, especially with dark harvest, but killing her early is not too hard. depends on a Zoe, as it's quite a difficult champ. Don't get hit by her drowsiness ball! ”
Tamikaze says “[Banshee's Second Item (only if you are behind) & Barrier is viable]
It's either dodge the bubble or dodge the game. If you can't reliably dodge the bubble against Zoe, don't play the matchup. I would put her in extreme threat, but the amount of Zoe players that can land their bubble reliably is miniscule. If you can dodge the bubble, you will win lane beyond that. She's all one shot, and if she doesn't one shot you can run her down with autos to win the trade or kill her. ”
ZedAway says “just watch for her sleep aka the E, other than that shes really easy and stupid to play against, should be an automatic win from champ select.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Dark Harvest]
(Manaflow, Transcendence)
Summs: [Flash][Cleanse]
Counter with: [Mercs or Verdant]
*O M G this matchup is insane without cleanse. she will most likely go ignite too.
dodge stuff and try to farm. wait for jg*”
j4ss says “He burst is annoying, but she can't bare your poke. Merc rush and hexdrinker, then standard build. Swap collector for Shieldbow and you will be alright.”
Tatsurion says “Nothing much to add here, this lane purely depends on you dodging her bubble, otherwise shes yours early game, and lategame, the only tricky bit is her bubble landing on you. Banshees goes CRAZY here
Burst and conq go well both”
gimmelovej says “Every poke mage (especially vex/syndra) are the most annoying matchups ever, the hardest one is Zoe. Every poke mage (especially vex/syndra) are the most annoying matchups ever, one of the hardest one is Zoe. Just be careful and play for scaling and setup for ganks.
youshou says “If zoe is lowelo just permapush and dive her when she is losing her e
If zoe is highelo just permapush and stay behind the creeps. expect mistakes and dive at the expense of the cleanse”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable, preferably Electrocute.
Take Cleanse for her bubble. This makes the matchup way easier to play.
The early game is a bit RNG reliant, as depending on which summoner/item she gets from her W it can completely fuck you. For example a free exhaust or heal are some of the more obnoxious spells she can get, negating much of your lane presence. Using your W to get behind minions if you've been hit with a E while trading can be a massive help.
If she overextends she's an easy kill, as you can negate her selfpeel with E with cleanse and a big portion of her damage at the same time, allowing you to run her down more reliably. Altough you shouldn't engage early game, when she has picked up a spell, as she will have way more damage than you, if she picks up multiple summoners in an all in/heavy trade.
Post 6 you can engage her freely if your cleanse is up, otherwise it's free if her bubble is down. If you are ahead enough you don't have to worry about it as much.
You should still look out for which effects she has picked up, as they can safe her.”
support_diff says “Zoe is a mage champion that is known for her ability to nuke enemies from far. However, she isn't really strong against Akshan as she can't hit any of her abilities on you if you stay behind your minions. Don't be too close to your minions so Zoe can't hit you and the minions at the same time with her Q. If she uses her E, you can go in for a trade. Zoe is really, really vulnerable to ganks if she doesn't have Flash or her E up”
vitya331 says “I hate Zoe the most of any match up but thankfully you can rarely see her in games. It is hard to stay first levels against her since she can easily poke you and E you every time youre trying to combo her, but you can all in her when she wasted her E, but be careful because she can dodge your all in with her R.”
EVEKING says “If she is fed and lands her E on you, consider yourself dead, most of the time (Early-Mid game) she will be able to oneshot or get you really low, you outscale her in lategame though, play safe into lategame and youre good.”
sick204 says “Respect Zoe's poke and burst potential with her abilities, especially her Q and E. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Zoe's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Zoe's bubble placement and potential sleep (E), which can set up kills or turn fights around. Utilize Wind Wall to block Zoe's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce her damage output and crowd control potential. Engage on Zoe when her abilities are on cooldown or when she's low on mana, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Zoe's crowd control and magic damage.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “she sleeps you? np just go die lol jokes aside I don't really feel any pressure playing againts her. The only tip I can give is hide behind your wave and make her push, leaving for some juicy ganks. tbh shes not really that popular so meh”
otaliz says “Overall, Zoe doesn't lose the laning phase in this matchup. Pay attention to her positioning in relation to her E. You just want to scale in this matchup and set up ambushes for your teammates. Mercury's Treads is a good item against her. Banshee's Veil is also a good item if there is more magic damage on her team.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. Yone sided Match up. Really annoying at first but easy to dogde when you learn her abilities. Really squishy when you get to her she is dead. JUST DONT LET HER HIT YOU WITH THE SLEEP THING. ”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
The movements of a Zoe that's using Q become more predictable, giving you a great opportunity to counter-Q. Play far away from walls and stand behind minions to play around Zoe's bubble. Pay attention to her balloons before making trades. Remember that Zoe's ultimate always returns her to where she casted it from, making it easy to place minefields, satchel charges, and even ultimates on that spot.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Flat HP
I'd say Zoe does have kill pressure on you if she lands her bubble, however the thing is, you outranges her by a lot, and if you're good enough, you can throw all your ability on her before you fall asleep. Her R is pretty self countering for her as you can free Q and/or ult on her if she ever uses it in front of you.”
Fienny says “Zoe mains are crazy. Be aware that you can be oneshoted in mid-late, your ult doesn't cleanse the Drowsy effect and you eventually be slept. Play to shove waves and visit botlane more than she does.”
awawa says “Skill matchup. Hide being minions so she cant bubble you easily. Keep in mind she can increase her E bubble range using walls. If she uses R near you, always E+Fear her portal starting point.
Shes a squishy mage overall, so you easily kill her.”
ShokLoL says “Zoe is a lot about positioning and punishing cooldowns. Try and avoid taking damage from Q or her bubble by keeping the creeps in between you and her. Every time she walks up with a Q it should be a free QW trade. Make sure to respect the windows when she picks up summs or items off the ground. After 6 if she ever ults forward, you should be able to get a free QW and ulti onto her. Merc treads can also be a good pick up if you need them.”
ShokLoL says “Zoe is a lot about positioning and punishing cooldowns. Try and avoid taking damage from Q or her bubble by keeping the creeps in between you and her. Don't look to go melee form unless she wastes E OR you think you can dodge it with phase rush. Make sure to respect the windows when she picks up summs or items off the ground. Merc treads can also be a good pick up if you need them. ”
ShokLoL says “Zoe is a lot about positioning and punishing cooldowns. Try and avoid taking damage from Q or her bubble by keeping the creeps in between you and her. Make sure to respect the windows when she picks up summs or items off the ground. Zoe is also very gankable and lacks waveclear, but her all-ins are very powerful. Merc treads can also be a good pick up if you need them. Sometimes if she ults forward you can immediately dash onto her original location and get a free ult onto her.”
Soft Headpats says “Another skillshot matchup, except Zoe can be a bit more threatening compared to the others. Her Q has a noticeable AoE, allowing her to hit you if you stand too close to your minions. However, playing around your wave is important to dodge her bubble as well.
You outrange her during the early laning phase, plus you have better waveclear. Pay attention to which items/summoner spells she picks up with her W passive since she might play more aggressively depending on what she has. She is incredibly slippery as she uses her balloons, making her annoying to pin down and get away from depending on how unlucky you get.
Zoe's roams are surprisingly strong thanks to her bubble going through walls, and if she joins a fight late, she might pick up a bunch of different spells/items that were used. Keep your wards up and try to shove in the wave as much as possible once you have items to keep her in the lane. ”
waffleoid says “An annoying bastard who will just poke you and teleport away. The only real way to kill her is to get her under tower early game and spam your cooldowns.
If she sleeps you, you are DEAD, W and flash away if you can.”
ShokLoL says “Beating Zoe is a lot about positioning. You need to make sure not to get hit by random Qs while also keeping yourself close to the creeps so that you can block her E. If Zoe picks up a summ like exhaust or ignite you will need to hold E defensively as she may look to force an all in with it. Post 6 when she ults forward it can be an opportunity to get a free charm and good trade.”
ShokLoL says “Zoe is a lot about positioning and punishing cooldowns. Try and avoid taking damage from Q or her bubble by keeping the creeps in between you and her. Make sure to respect the windows when she picks up summs or items off the ground. Zoe is also very gankable and lacks waveclear, but her all-ins are very powerful. Merc treads can also be a good pick up if you need them.”
Deceiver_euw says “Playing vs Zoe can feel very RNG because of her W. Make sure to never get hit by her E since she will nuke your HP. If she is playing ignite, respect her all in potential since she can kill you very easily at any point in the lane. She is very vulnerable once her E is down so you will always win the trades unless she has a strong W spell ready.”
ShokLoL says “Beating Zoe is a lot about positioning. You need to make sure not to get hit by random Qs while also keeping yourself close to the creeps so that you can block her E. You do outrange her so you should be able to harass easily and her waveclear is pretty weak early as well. If Zoe picks up a summ like exhaust or ignite you will need to hold E defensively as she may look to force an all in with it. ”
vSomnia says “Skill matchup. Don't get harassed, try to take as much farm as you can. Only trade when she used her E and missed it. Once you can oneshot the caster minions you can start perma shoving and make plays around the map. You outscale her and win sidelane. Get sidelane pressure.”
InTaggar says “ENG: This matchup is a nightmare if Zoe's good. Avoid the walls if u didnt see her, if u roam, roam inside of your jungle. Trade her only if she waste his E.
Rush Banshees or Zhonyas.
Runes: Aery with inspiration (sustain) / Aery with Resolve (Second Air + Overgrowth)
Spells: TP/Cleanse.
ESP: Sinceramente este matchup es una pesadilla, si no la ves mantente lejos de las paredes en las que piensas puede llegar a estar detrás. Si vas a rotar tratá de rotar por los interiores de tu jungla porque puede estar esperándote con su jungla, tradeale solo si gastó mal su E.
Rush Banshee o Zhonyas.
Runes: Aery con inspiración (sustain) / Aery con Valor (Segundo Aire + Sobrecrecimiento)
Spells: TP/Purificar.”
FelixMrChat says “There is a special place in hell for Zoe players. She represents everything you hate: burst and crowd control from a long distance with dashes in all directions. It is one of the rare matchups where the Mercury/Kroakern rush is almost inevitable, even if the jungler is AD. But this matchup, although statistically the worst for Swain (10/02/24 lolaytics) is more impressive than it seems. If you avoid dying and manage to warn your allies in case of roaming, you will have much more impact. Farm, farm,”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Zoe just watch out her high dmg output, but you can counter her easily cause you E back nullify her E so she will never sleep you”
Kikife says “Positioning behind waves makes it really easy for you to dodge Zoe Q / E
Experienced Zoe players will position themselves on the side of lane where their jungler is / where they have the most vision to prevent a gank, so beware of her Q circumventing the wave to hit you. Since all her abilities are completely straight lane and you know when she will use them, you can play around it.
When her E is on cooldown, it's an easy engage. Otherwise you must juke out her E otherwise her burst is extreme to engage.”
vreiki says “Ataca de muito longe e dificilmente entra no seu alcance. O soninho dura muito tempo, e te impede de usar a sua ultimate pra se proteger. Tem potencial pra te matar sem reação.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
You can't really use your "E" never as always as she has "E" you'll get stunned and outdamaged, also her "R" isn't the best "R" for you, it just helps you to maybe reposition yourself for a better "Q" or something but try to play next and behind the minions so she use her "E" if she fails such ability feel free to all-in, and winning it, but it depends a lof of her "E".
Realmente no puedes usar tu "E" nunca, siempre y cuando ella tenga su "E", quedarás aturdido y te ganara en dmg y el tradeo claro, además su "R" no es la mejor "R" para ti, solo te ayuda a reposicionarte, quizas te ayude para obtener una mejor "Q" o algo así, pero intenta jugar al lado o detrás de los minions para que ella use su "E". Si falla esa habilidad, siéntete libre de hacer cualquier all-in ya que podras ganarlo, pero depende en gran medida de su "E".”
gaarrett says “Zoe will hold her E until you E at her and then sleep you for free. Her constant poke and item actives/summoner spells gives me a headache. You can only trade when bubble is on cooldown. Shove, roam, pray. [1/5] ultimate, you can cast E2 right before you port back to drag yourself across the entire lane but all that does is look cool. ”
149Gray says “Stand behind minions so you don't get hit by her Q's, like already mentioned in the Hwei matchup. If you get hit by her sleep, it'll stun you even in pool, so just pool the projectile, you can play more aggressively when her sleep is on cd.”
wundrew says “Shunpo on her when she uses bubble. You can run her down afterwards as long as you dont get hit. She will use Q aoe on minions to poke you.”
KazunaSan says “Les bonnes zoés vont vous embeter mais les mauvaises se feront detruire, vous pouvez la punir lorsqu'elle utilise son R proche de vous, attention au sleep qui peut vous punir si vous etes en face a face et que vous utilisez votre E, restez derriere la wave et vous pourrez l'OS assez tot avec votre R”
FrostbiteMW says “Try to dodge her E (sleep), keep things warded since her E goes further when she is behind walls. Be really aware of the mini map and SS when she is gone, so the other lanes won't get killed by her long range sleep. Keep in mind that her ult is really predictable and she will come back to the area she first ulted on.”
FrostbiteMW says “You outpoke her. Only problem is when she somehow lands a bubble on you - this way you can easily lose lane. If you dodge her bubbles you should be good to go. Just poke, push and she will have a hard time.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. She can outpoke you, but you can just stay in the wave and dodge her Q's that way. Be careful of her bubble tho.”
FrostbiteMW says “You outpoke her. Only problem is when she somehow lands a bubble on you - this way you can easily lose lane. If you dodge her bubbles you should be good to go. Just poke, push and she will have a hard time.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Be careful of her poke and bubble. If you perma poke her the lane is easy.”
Wizboy73 says “Take snowball or default runes, You never see this champ, but abuse her when she uses her R cause you place W and R over the old spot and she just dies. ”
Hexeria says “[You need to dodge her E's. Thats where the mist damage comes from.] [If you got hit by the E, quickly E away from her, so she has a harder time to reach you.] [But if her E is out, she can be run down pretty quickly.] [Also go Doran shield + second wind to counter the poke.]”
Vlasuo says “Zoe highly relies on her E to hit or her extra summoner spells to give her insane fighting power. As soon as she doesn't have any of that, she is extremely vulnerable to an all-in or even a trade. But I wouldn't recommend taking Ignite as you are essentially giving her a free ignite as well. Also, if you find yourself unable to windwall her bubble consistently you can opt into cleanse.
EXTRA: You can windwall her Q and her E”
Halkem says “This matchup is really abusable, she can't match your wave clear and your voidlings block all her spells. Only thing is to care for her bubble or Q off-screen when you dont have passive. With good positioning she won't ever be a problem and you might even solo kill her.”
Iceyou says “ignite situation despite she is a mage. she has 0 escape she cant kill you if she hits e while you are gonna die from next you go into selfcast R and either freeze and get ganked or get the push and roam . Both will most likely work .”
The Milelator says “Trade her behind minions. If you dodge her Sleep, she won't be a problem to you. Push waves and play for team, or get plates and turrets if she roams.”
WarwicksSimp says “She can outshot you but you can kill her as well if she fails to hit her sleep bubble. Play smart, learn how she aims. Adapt to how she plays and you should win, but it still won't be easy at any point. Ignite and PtA.”
FrostbiteMW says “If you dodge her bubble this matchup is kind easy. Stay def early, after 6 you can just outpush him. If she uses her R in lane to poke you: just go ahead and Q on the location she R'd from. Wall her and she has no escape anymore afterwards.”
Tokiyami says “Zoe poke is also very obnoxious just survive poke until lvl 6 and which you can run her down. Just stand behind minions early game to avoid her poke but dont stand too close to minions because it does Aoe and minions also help you dodge sleep. LV 6 all in just dodge her E and you win the all in.”
FlopQueenEra says “Sona's Q ability, allows her to poke Zoe from a distance. She should focus on consistently poking Zoe to pressure her and prevent her from landing her skill shots effectively... and dodge her (E) as possible, Zoe's gameplay relies on picking up Spell Shards from the ground. Sona can bait Zoe into going for these Shards, then use your R or your abilities to punish Zoe while she's vulnerable.”
Lindroganti says “Monstrously bad after the early levels. Pantheon's MR rivals that of a Soraka, and Zoe will use that fact to blow you up in 2 shots. You cannot use your shield as you fall asleep to block the star coming at your face, as the sleep last 2 seconds as opposed to your shield's 1.5. If you build Mercs, you will wake up just soon enough to maybe try and juke away, but if you have mercs and you E, you will certainly block the increased damage from being woken up. Try to get a lead on her, matchup became a little easier because she can't get a BS prowlers active and get behind you anymore. Around when she gets a few components she will chunk you for half your health with one star, so you better get a lead on her before then or make a difference elsewhere.”
stormraided says “Dodge her E, stand behind minions, but not so close because her Q is AOE, look for landing your abilities when she walks up to pick her spell bubbles. She can punish you very hard if you get hit by her E, so try to dodge that with the best of your abilities. Play safe early, don't lose too much HP. Look for roams and mid-game picks.”
support_diff says “Only trade her if her E is on a cooldown, avoid using summoner spells and try to outfarm her. Her ultimate is pretty much useless for you”
Fuzzmonkey says “Her Q will delete your packmates if it hits. Don't let her E you. You cant go in if her E is up, so bait it out and jump in for her. ”
sullyyylol says “Very hard lane early very easy after items. You can go cleanse but I like ig/f and just dodge her e. If she burns e you can kill her, just watch for her w spells/items.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Hit by the Sleepy Bubble? Die by the Sleepy Bubble. That basically sums up the game plan of Zoe. If you get hit by her bubble and you aren't in a religion, her putting you asleep gives you enough time to pick a god and pray. However, that's all Zoe usually has going for her. If you can dodge her skill-shots, then it's a relatively easy lane that revolves you hurling shit at her until it works.”
tangerrine says “She's a long range mage that can burst you down at any point in lane or even late game. You have to play really safe and make sure you aren't bubbled. Build verdant barrier and run comet to try and poke her out, as all-inning will guarantee a bubble from her if she's smart.”
BigDaddyPantheon says “Zoe is another exception to the mage rule. She does loads of damage if she lands her sleep but as long as you dodge it you should have the game in the bag.”
Zero macro says “Zoe Q and overall pressure can be overwhelming to deal with by Kog'Maw. Thereby Zoe will push in Kog'Maw and harass him with bubbles into Q's that will hurt very badly.
Recommended to run Cleanse for Kog'Maw.”
serrafim says “You can't properly all in her if she holds onto her E (A Mimir), if she misses, or walks up into E1-E2 range, you can E1-W-E2 and potentially catch her in the stun to get a favorable trade.”
Rarnetto2 says “The Zoe match-up challenging as she has decent pushing power and getting hit by her bubble can lead you to getting burst down and killed. I reluctantly take cleanse in this matchup to save myself in the likely situation I get caught by her bubble. This stops me from having as much impact in the game using tp, but I think its worth it to save yourself from a tough time in lane.”
DepresedEef224 says “If she lands bubble or Q, you are losing your health bar. If land your stun, she loses her health bar. Not much of a skill matchup as it is a damage contest.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
Avoid her E ”
Actt says “Your only chance of winning is by baiting her E. Care for her W drops. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her Q or stay behind your minions]
[Don't get caught by her E or you will be in serious problem]
[Bait her R then use your abilities]”
freuio123 says “Zoe KANN sehr unangenehm sein. Ihre Bubble + Q nimmt dich zu jedem Zeitpunkt des Spiels aus dem Game und forced dich entweder auf Banshees oder Cleanse.
Ihr early ist zwischen easy und lächerlich, je nach dem wie früh sie gute Ballons aufsammelt.
Geht sie ahead kann sie dich sehr hart snowballen, außerdem kanns du dann nicht mehr roamen, weil über jede Wand ne Bubble geflogen kommt und dich 75% deines Lebens kostet.”
Anguish333 says “- Can go Mercs if You struggle with dodging bubble
- Dodge Q and E
- Don't get poked too much, she can easly kill you with Electrocute, Ignite + almost everything in her kit
- Watch out for items she has, ( they drop from minions that have balloon holding in hand)
- Whenever She R Towards you, you can easly R1 Through her and then E1 to her comming back position for free hit, then you just dodge E (bubble) and can all in
- Free if she wastes E for some reason”
NickLeVlach says “Its very strong, but winnable. Again 50 - 50 situation. Just don't get hit by her sleepy bubble and make sure you hit your Q - E combo. Whoever gets their CC off wins basically.”
AdrikN says “Zoe can be annoying if you use any sums. Stay around the minions to block her Q and avoid walls. Make sure you are warding. She will always return back to her old ult spot so throw your abilities that way! Cleanse can help dodge her E or ignite can kill her early. ”
uwuimsocute says “I do not see her in my games, when I saw her back then, it was really easy.
She cannot really threaten you in lane so if you do not dodge her E consistently play for your scaling and you win.”
HellboyDante says “Very hard to kill her. Pro tip, take cleanse, use cleanse if she hits you with bubble, use W for her Q. If you dont have cleanse up and only then, W her E if its going to hit you.”
Wraithlander says “Really difficult matchup she can poke very easily and never let you get onto her because of her E. Your best bet is trading when her R is down and she has missed E then she is a free kill. You outscale in the mid game and win through skirmishes. She is also a weak sidelaner as once her abilities are down you can threaten her quite easily. Mercs are a must but try and finish mythic first.”
Cryniu says “Focus on dodge her bubble and if she hits you with it, use your E to run before you fall asleep. You counter her burst damage with your ultimate but be careful and keep your distance. Poke her slowly in early game and remember you can put bombs where Zoe will be after using her ultimate. Use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “I never win lane and always get destroyed against Zoe matchup. I hate this champion, but I have started not to ban her as much because her play rate is low.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Very unforgiving lane if you get hit by her bubble. Can snowball out of control try not to die and use your box to block bubbles. The good thing is you can poke her down as she does not have sustain and she is squishy ”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Dodge Paddle Star (Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E): Zoe's main sources of damage are her Q and E abilities. Dodge her Paddle Star by moving unpredictably, and be extra cautious about her Sleepy Trouble Bubble, as getting hit by it can set her up for a damaging combo. Utilize your movement to sidestep or dodge these skillshots.”
TB Azir says “Bubble yememeniz gerekiyor, yediyseniz de direk W E Q ile kaçabileceğiniz en saçma yere kaçın. Dümdüz kaçarsanız (özellikle de 6 levelden sonra) karşınızdaki iyi bir Zoe oyuncusuysa büyük ihtimalle o Q'yu kafanıza bir şekilde vuracaktır. Genelde rakip 1 levelda nehirdeki çalıdan Q gerdirerek takas kazanıp daha sonrasında erken 2 level olup sizi solo killemeye çalışacaktır. Bunun önüne geçmek için mümkünse çalılardan birine de siz geçin ve Zoe ile aynı anda lane'e gelin veya askeri çıkartıp en uzak range'e geçin ve Zoe’nin lane'e gelmesini bekleyin. Yani kısacası 1 levelde o Q'yu yemeyin. 1 levelde o Q'yu yemedikten sonra koridoru dümdüz pushlayıp level 2 olmaya çalışın. Aslında Leblanc matchup'ının nispeten basit bir versiyonu da diyebiliriz Zoe için. Lane'i pushlayıp minyon sayısı avantjıyla baskı kurup dürterek oynayın aksi takdirde push verirseniz Zoe sizi kule altında da rahat bırakmayacaktır.(özellikle 6’dan sonra) Bu matchupta rünlerden ziyade üstte bahsettiğim tricklere dikkat ederek oynamak her şeyden önemli ama rün olarak genelde Fleet tercih ediyorum👍🏻”
Allyooops says “This matchup is so zoe sided its not even funny anymore. Sit under your turret and pray she misses all her abilities. If you get hit by e u lose no matter what. I genuinely think this matchup is worse than leblanc.”
South Z says “If you play with Cleanse, Zoe won't be able to play the game at all. You can ward dash on her R entrance to surprise her !
Early boots are a good choice against her, and will allow you dodging her thin spells with ease.”
vxnity says “Another Cleanse matchup. Using your E for whenever she teleports is easy since you know exactly where she's gonna be. Watch for Qs and Es.”
kaiba77 says “Her E soft reveals you in shroud. Her poke is strong so take sustain. You can kill her at 6 but be careful of wasting summoner spells that she can use.”
Caganos says “Used to be my only ban. Now she feels useless. Just don't eat her E and she does not deal that much damage. She can steal your summs so be careful when flashing and ghosting. Her ghost is faster than yours.”
Edwwardo says “One sleep and you're dead. Make sure to stay away from walls when you don't know her position or her she will suprise bubble then instakill you.”
Deru says “Pretty tough matchup since her early poke is very high. If you are able to dodge her e though you can lock her down and your w also makes her unable to ult, making her an easy target for an all in by your team.”
Deru says “Pretty tough matchup since her early poke is very high. If you are able to dodge her E though you can lock her down and your W also makes her unable to ult, making her an easy target for an all in by your team.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Play carefully, dodge skills. She can put you to sleep with her E and cause even more damage with her Q which can fly along a curved line. Putting your W against her won't help, her E is flying through obstacles. Also, her ulta has a CD of 10 seconds, and can be combined with other abilities. If you sold a flash, then Zoey will pick it up as a "shard" and use it too(W).”
StralekS says “Not Playable: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish him with Q and if you are in good situation go all in. Full AP for higher win chances. Can go Sunderer but full AP better.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “punish after she misses her sleep, easy matchup, it can be hard if the zoe is good but most of the time, they are not, shes very immobile so let her push up, gank her and boom.”
Mayuushii says “Has a good lane where she can poke you down and threaten you with the use of summ spells on her W to push you out or kill. E when shes looking for her E and use W to avoid her Q and poke her. If she uses R in a bad spot you can R and E into where she will reappear ”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Tumour. Her e fucks you so you have to pool it, her passive autos go through pool she spam pushes spam pokes and perma rapes you in lane under tower and while you do outscale her hard she can just spam e till you get hit then you're fucked. ”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Zoe can be incredibly annoying to play against, assuming you cannot dodge her sleep. She can stop you from getting lots of cs. And if you want to all in her, you need to bait out her sleep first. ”
TheAfricanDream says “Although Zoe does outrange you, as long as you dodge her bubble she is not threatening in lane. Stand well behind your creeps so that the explosion part of her Q does not hit you. Dodging her E can be challenging but basically Zoe's will wait until the last second of her R or will wait a while before using their E. They try to study your movement pattern so try run in a straight line before moving in one direction as she is about to use her E. Buy an early Null-Magic mantle if you want to be safe.”
Cjtheawesome says “As long as you dont get hit by her bubble you should be chilling in the lane just be careful of taking her Q+W proc combo too many times early on. once she burns down her mana she has no value.”
Voidling13 says “Zoe is the opposite of a threat to you because Zoe is a support and if you catch her alone is very easy to kill her will your super high damage. If you are 2 vs 1 with Zoe and her ADC it would be a closer fight. If Zoe gets her bubble of early on you in a fight it is possible to critically damage the ADC, but fall asleep from the bubble. This lets her and her ADC escape. There is a chance that if the ADC is feed or are playing there main, there is a chance the ADC will take a few steps back hurt you a annoying amount.”
Demonsedge90 says “A game of patience will be something you need when fighting with Zoe. Getting hit by her bubble and going to sleep is most unpleasant and could result in taking extra damage. Avoid this ability as much as you can.”
Atemporal says “Nesta lane você pode executar Fleet para sobreviver à fase de laning e também para obter Legend: Tenacity para a bolha de Zoe. Fique bem atrás do nível 1 para que ele não chegue ao Q passivo automático Q passivo automático você. Pegue a fazenda com Q ou apenas fique no alcance do XP. Nesta pista você
não pode fazer muito no início, especialmente se ela segura seu E. Se Zoe errar seu E você tem uma janela muito grande para negociar com ela, mas isso geralmente não acontecerá contra jogadores decentes de Zoe. A lane depende muito do rng e de qual summoner spells/active
itens que ela recebe de lacaios. Se ela conseguir um Everfrost/Ignite antecipado, ela apenas ganha a lane. Você fica feliz em ficar empatado com Zoe, e então a supera no meio do jogo. Um mecânico que você pode usar nesta pista é o E para seguir o R de volta para ela
local originário. Se Zoe adormecer em você, você pode até mesmo avançar para reduzir o alcance do Q dela, o que reduz o dano, então clique com spam nela para seguir seu retorno quando ela acordar você. Isso nem sempre é inteligente de se fazer, mas é importante manter
em mente. Sobreviva à fase de rotas, depois cultive as pistas laterais mais tarde. O waveclear de Zoe é um pouco desajeitado na pista lateral, o que lhe dá tempo para procurar por W stuns. Zoe pode tentar evitar seu atordoamento W com seu R, tenha isso em mente. Tente pairar um pouco fora do seu W
antes de entrar para tentar atraí-la R. Quando você tem Proto, você pode esquivar-se do E fazendo Protobeltagem através dele, mas seja esperto sobre o uso do Proto, pois ela pode pegá-lo e usá-lo tão bem quanto você. Também dá a ela um waveclear fácil, então não use Proto para não
razão. Você supera Zoe, quando você tem 3 itens, você pode rapidamente atirar nela se ela chegar muito perto, seja andando ou se ela for para a frente. Considere obter Merc Threads. Na pista inicial você pode procurar por trocas se ela não tiver nenhum item W/
feitiço de invocador se houver um lacaio entre você e a Zoe para bloquear seu E, assim como vs Akali ou Lee Sin, usar lacaios como cobertura quando você for negociar pode lhe dar boas oportunidades de negociação inicial.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Cleanse
Steh hinter Minions damit sie keine E treffen kann, aber auch nicht zu nah damit dich die Explosion von Q nicht mit trifft. Push sie ein damit sie nicht roamen kann, allerdings ist dein Waveclear erst nach dem Upgrade besser”
IamBishop says “Conventionally annoying, just avoid the bubble and focus on pushing the wave. I wouldn't really focus on her too much in team fights unless shes a carry, in that case try buy space for your team or waste her time. ”
OSG Rewynd says “If zoe holds onto bubble, you can't fight her. If she misses, or walks up into E1-E2 range, you can E1-W-E2 and potentially catch her in the stun to get a favorable trade.”
Lucid Walking says “Boring lane and safe lane.
Just beware if she's out of vision. You don't have mobility so if she bubbles you ,you're in for a load of damage.
If she R's in your face, you'll get a free Q heal.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Very easy, u pretty much shit on her. You counter her main combo setup (E) with your W, its important for her beacuse its not only her only cc but also it increases her Q damage by a lot. Also when she uses her ult you can place barrel on the hole where she will jump back from so you have free damage. She is also very squishy, the only problem is her laser E autos when she uses her ability but its not a big deal.”
Spoomk says “Zoe poke can be devastating, and sleep after engaging can ruin your trades. Post 6 you need to bait her ultimate before doing anything or you will be slammed by the collective 4000 years. Bait sleep AND ult, then engage.”
xblademojo says “Takie Biscuit instead of Futures Market, connected with Corrupting Potion. She is gonna permanently contest you. The longer the laning phase takes starting from 6, you gonna be winning.”
sapphire__lol says “You win all ins but since she usally plays ignite she has some kill pressure early game so take care. Just roam or fog after 6 and play for all ins. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Move around minions so it would be harder for her to land her Q or E on your champion. Remember that she can also use your summoners spells and get some from minions. Pay attention of what she has and think how she may use them against you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand at the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Paddle Star!(Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble(E). Ensure that you’re always behind the minion wave and not inside it. As Zoe’s Q deals AOE damage, you will take damage if you’re near the minion line. When trading, keep an eye on what spell (if any) Zoe has picked up. If it is an aggressive spell, expect her to look for a trade. If it’s Flash, expect her to be more mobile and if it’s a defensive spell, it will be harder for you to kill her.”
Adamonias says “Always go cleanse; if you get slept barrier won't save you. She has deceptively long-range and scales to a 1shot mage. However, her waveclear isn't as good as yours and pre 6 she's very immobile. Even at 6 when she portals the timing is very clear and you can usually W the original spot to guarantee damage. If you can get good at reading her portals E predictions here are massive, you can E forward where she's going. Playing around your minions in the early game will deny most of her damage, just don't stand right in them or she'll free poke with the AOE from Q. Do pay attention to whatever random items or sums she gets from minions as this can give her pressure (ie: double flash or stridebreaker or something). Her E goes super range through walls so just care for cheeky sleeps through walls, you can usually see it coming and react. You outscale and out teamfight her late; she will be miles better in skirmishes and chaotic fights mid/early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand at the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Paddle Star!(Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble(E). Ensure that you”
SkyBanana says “Ah Zoe. Early game she is going to spam Paddle Star and force the wave to crash early so she can hit level 2 for the bubble and level 3 for the rngesus drops. She can kill you if she gets lucky but luck isn't a skill. You can eventually push her out in farm at early levels believe it or not. If you know how to dodge skillshots (I hope you do) then you beat her in the long run.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand at the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Paddle Star!(Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble(E). Ensure that you’re always behind the minion wave and not inside it. As Zoe’s Q deals AOE damage, you will take damage if you’re near the minion line. When trading, keep an eye on what spell (if any) Zoe has picked up. If it is an aggressive spell, expect her to look for a trade. If it’s Flash, expect her to be more mobile and if it’s a defensive spell, it will be harder for you to kill her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand at the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Paddle Star!(Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble(E). Ensure that you’re always behind the minion wave and not inside it. As Zoe’s Q deals AOE damage, you will take damage if you’re near the minion line. When trading, keep an eye on what spell (if any) Zoe has picked up. If it is an aggressive spell, expect her to look for a trade. If it’s Flash, expect her to be more mobile and if it’s a defensive spell, it will be harder for you to kill her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand at the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Paddle Star!(Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble(E). Ensure that you’re always behind the minion wave and not inside it. As Zoe’s Q deals AOE damage, you will take damage if you’re near the minion line. When trading, keep an eye on what spell (if any) Zoe has picked up. If it is an aggressive spell, expect her to look for a trade. If it’s Flash, expect her to be more mobile and if it’s a defensive spell, it will be harder for you to kill her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand at the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Paddle Star!(Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble(E). Ensure that you’re always behind the minion wave and not inside it. As Zoe’s Q deals AOE damage, you will take damage if you’re near the minion line. When trading, keep an eye on what spell (if any) Zoe has picked up. If it is an aggressive spell, expect her to look for a trade. If it’s Flash, expect her to be more mobile and if it’s a defensive spell, it will be harder for you to kill her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand at the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her Paddle Star!(Q) and Sleepy Trouble Bubble(E). Ensure that you’re always behind the minion wave and not inside it. As Zoe’s Q deals AOE damage, you will take damage if you’re near the minion line. When trading, keep an eye on what spell (if any) Zoe has picked up. If it is an aggressive spell, expect her to look for a trade. If it’s Flash, expect her to be more mobile and if it’s a defensive spell, it will be harder for you to kill her.”
NegativePhoenix says “If the Zoe can land abilities really well, she goes up to major threat. For the most part you can better poke her since your Q targets champs first over minions, while her abilities hit minions first so she has to adjust her angle. Just watch where she goes and know if she's making weird movements she's trying to find a poke angle on you.”
Body Those Fools says “This champ is still kinda bullshit even after all the changes. You HAVE to dodge her Q and E or you will get poked out. Most Zoe players will hide their Q in fog of war and try to Q you from that angle so watch out for that. You will want to hug the opposite side of the lane that she is standing on to help avoid it. Don't get close to your minions because her Q AoE is large upon impacting a target. She'll most likely Ult over your minion wave and then E you to sleep you; you can take Cleanse if you're not that confident or if they have a lot of hard CC. If you have her poked down a bit and she over extends, after she Ults you'll know exactly where she is teleporting back to so you can drift to that spot and Ult her. If the Zoe player is very experienced, they will try to use her Ult to dodge Azir ult. You can click back and forth in a couple directions to make your movement harder to predict to help you dodge her abilities.”
Bunan says “First Strike- Magical Footwear - Futures Market- Cosmic Insight - Second Wind - Unflinching
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Q ->E->W
Q max -> W -> E
Ask for early gank (Immobile)
Stay behind minions (block Q & E)
Never engage when she has E (Good zoes will hold E)
Only engage if she wastes E (16s CD) & Q (8.5s CD)
Wait for ganks
Zhonyas second (E)
R 0/10 Dont take”
KayyeN says “She will poke the hell out of you and never let you close to her. If she ever does, punish it. Getting hit by her sleep is usually your death sentence, especially post-level 6. Cleanse makes your life easier, but it's not always a good option if her E is the only CC worth cleansing.”
Galactities says “I mean if you dodge her sleep and just E into her theres not much she can do, but she's probably a little shit stick and will just hit her zero skill blind one combo.”
ze kraken says “Tons of mobility. Get caught by her CC and you're one shot before you can ult. Perma flashing, heals, ignites and so on are hard to deal with.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “when she ults, barrel the spot she will go back to. If she ults on top of you, do an auto + Q for passive proc. Orane the bubble BEFORE you fall asleep. ”
spicy ricecaker says “This matchup is slightly zoe-favored, but you can always kill her if she messes up. Don't get chunked lvl 1 as she wins hard with q and passive. From lvl 3 onwards you can look to w her e and trade with her, but if she picks up any spells back off and wait it off. She's extremely squishy, so if you land a knockup on her you can ult and almost always force a summoner from her or kill. ”
Divorce says “If you are confident with your skills as rek'sai it should be easy. But if not consider banning her. You can use your ult before her stun reaches to dodge it.”
basrty1p says “Farm farm and farm in lane and wait until level 9 to gank the other lane as usual.
Pick Cleanse spell or Zhonya's to deny her sleep CC, so she can't kill you without surprising trick.”
Esrucnl says “Pretty easy. Q+E is dodgeable and her R does not much to you unless you screw it up.
Make sure you use your E to dodge her bubble (E) and use R after or before she ults (the portal) so you can get a free kill from it.
Tip: Make sure you do this when she doesn't have a strong active on her W (for example exhaust etc..) that can counter you.”
Azurio says “Can be frustrating to lane against, dodge her E with your dash and hard trade her early. You have kill pressure pre 6 with ignite and serrated dirk. After 6, be careful of her long range Q and E from fog.”
beansoce says “Play safe first couple levels she's very strong lvl 1 and 2, most zoe players will q the backline. Try to pool her sleep and dodge her q. You outscale and can oneshot her off after one item.”
Bunny Kata says “A little bully, but lacks mobility and you can dodge everything with W and E (She will only damage you with her autos and W).
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Zoe isn't that strong level one but once she gets her sleep its really tough to jump on her and she will burst you down. Beware of ganks becuase of her kit its an easy kill sometimes i take Cleanse over Ignite in this case especially if the other enemy jg has a cc ability in their kit making it really hard to play. You could try hugging the wall to make use of your E to either avoid or try to get out of her Q range. ”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick Poke Rune and starts with Dorans Rings. Thats a really hard mechanical lane and you need early magic resist for survive. She cans easily free rotate the map, i recommend dodge in low elo.”
PanthrickTV says “If you get hit by random bubbles then Zoe will be very hard, if you can E max with cleanse and look to E forward whenever she wastes E then it should be pretty easy for you. Rush Wit's End.”
donidaking says “THE ASPECT OF TWILIGHT!
Hard matchup for vladimir since her q has a lot of range and can be casted from different angles ,you want to dodge her sleep or pool it since if you get hit she will chunk you pretty hard.
Don t sit too close to the minion wave as if she Q' s the wave it will also hit you if you are near.
Her W is really disgusting as she gets free stuff and she can pick up your summoners for free so watch out what item or Summoner she has holding.
Some Zoe players like going out of vision to cast Q ,at level 6 you can think of her q range as extended.
She 's really squishy so if she wastes R or E just go ham on her (make sure you are healthy don t go in if you are low hp).”
Bertsicle says “Its easy but I'll say even if they're good, ULT her where her R STARTED she can't dodge if she messes up.
if timed right, she can't dodge. Her clear is really good, you have kill advantage over her so if she wastes E or misses it, you can look for an aggressive play. She sucks in side lane later because she's really squishy so look for aggressive angles in jungle to catch her rotating mid after she catches the minion wave in side lane.”
TheKingUltra says “In early try not to get hit from her e and you should survive in the mid game she cant kill you and you should outroam her. In the late game try to block her abilities with your body or you will be standing in a teamfight without teammates.”
Dustyacer says “Your e can block her q. Her e sleeps you for 2sec, while our e is only 1.5s, so using it before u get slept shouldn't work. Be careful, she can run u down a lane with her w spd/picking up flashes. If an ally gets hit by her E, block it with our E (or even with body since it does more damage to slept targets).”
Autolykus says “She only needs to put you asleep one time to kill you. Play behind the minions and use your voidlings to prevent being put to sleep. She is extremely easy to kill with a gank and in teamfights with your ultimate.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is pretty annoying early, but once you get zerks and vamp scepter she can't really do much
against you. Don't let her harass you for free early. If you E when she Es you, it will cancel it.”
Dj Memelord says “Watch for her crazy early game. You hard outscale her. If you see her picking up op items/summoners in lane just back the frickkkk off. You cant match it.”
Xalt says “Killing zoe early is a little tricky try to stay away from your wave she'll be forced to either harass or shove if she harrases shove the wave and get a better reset off or roam if she shoves try go for a trade. TIP : Q to the return of Zoes R you'll guarantee a reset on your E and easy all in with her having no escape”
Bundif says “This smelly champ is different from the other artillery champs in the sense that she can play around her W and walk AT you and chunk you out for free. When you get your ult, it's easier and more fun to outplay her. Wait for her R, Ult her, W E Q and she has nowhere to go.
ALWAYS try to dodge her E.
PrimeRex226 says “Dodge her bubble and you'll be good, try and bait it and use your e to dodge it. Once you get on top of her you can pretty much oneshot her as she's very squishy”
DaffeLaffe says “She's pretty hard but if u can read her she's nothing. But watch out for her cc once u in it, then you're basically half health or dead. Killing Zoe early is a little tricky try to stay away from your wave she'll be forced to either harass or shove if she harrases shove the wave and get a better reset off or roam if she shoves try go for a trade. ”
FyreRode says “Dodge the bubble, win the lane. Post 6 you can become a life saver for your teammates by either ulting them when they get bubbled, or ulting yourself and blocking the paddlestar.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Don't get caught by her sleep bubble]”
Juon says “Has a lot of damage and hard cc. However her ult leaves her open and obvious, roll barrel to original location and wait for her to go back to it then blow her up. Run comet + max W.”
soulentt says “Zoe is pretty hard to go against. But here are some tricks : if she uses portal, Q her. If she gets you dizzy, shield yourself. Don't let her get spells and minions.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Play aggressive early and abuse her once her Q is down. Dodge her E and only use your grapple aggressively if it is down. Don't hard commit due to her W passive and stealing summoner spells. Whittle her down and only go all in when she is at 60% hp or lower.”
OTP Toxin says “She is annoying but you can still dodge her abilities; Throw a mushroom at her everytime, she can ult and the time it takes to make her go back to the first point will make the mushrooms explode. :D”
Winter Nicole says “Zoe: She can get dangerous with her Q, E, and R but she can easily be decently good against as long as you stay away from her sleep bubble. (Recommend trying to confuse her with clones and cloning into a teammate so she thinks your an "easy target" and surprise her with your combo E, Q, and R and pushing in to make her lose mana)”
desch3445 says “Take Cleanse. She's annoying, but playing back and at least trying not to be caught by her bubble should at least get you out of laning phase without too much shell shock.
Take the Electrocute page; A good Zoe won't really let you wail on her, so you may as well just burst her down in the few windows you can.”
ThePieBeam says “This lane is pretty scary but it's not too bad once you get used to the flow. Her Q can only come at you from a linear direction (pretty much the opposite direction of wherever she deployed it) and her E is (usually) not too bad to dodge. Just play around avoiding her abilities by using the minion wave and try to get some hits in whenever you can because she's pretty immobile and even though her abilities go a long distance, they don't really have a huge range relative to where she's standing.”
lonestar1870 says “She *should* just try to push you in with her Q during early lane and play around her jungler, try to match her push as best you can. This doesn't work as well for her after the rever of Syndra's Q mana buffs.
You can kill her pretty easily post 6 if you land a couple Q's on her beforehand.
When she uses her R, you can time your Q-E to hit her when she portals back so she cannot dodge it.
Make sure to position behind minions so she can't hit her E on you and so she cant land a long range Q on you.
Electrocute is nice for better kill threat, but you lack TWT to match hers. Aery is nice if you want to match her TWT and have more laning damage. PR is ok for scale but makes laning kind of difficult.
I prefer Cleanse into Zoe so you don't die to an E in midgame, but you can take TP or Ignite if you prefer (esp in lower ranks).
Corrupting Pot is the best start most of the time.
Mercs/Banshee's are decent if you don't go cleanse.”
Desperate Nasus says “Zoe is a good opponent for Nasus. Use your Fleet footwork and Second wind to survive the laning phase. Take your first recall when you have Sheen and Boots. after you have 100+ stacks you are able to run her down. Try baiting her E so you can kill her for sure. If they have Ap Jungler aswell, buy Mercury's treads.”
IreliaS Secret says “Зои тебя никак не может перепушить. В этом мастчапе нужно беречь E для бабла, дабы увернуться от него. Стой рядом с крипами, но так, чтобы тебя не задело ее Q. Кайса довольно сильно булит зои на линии.”
ShokLoL says “If you get hit by random bubbles then Zoe will be very hard, if you can E max with cleanse and look to E forward whenever she wastes E then it should be pretty easy for you. Rush Wit's End.”
Miscake says “VOCÊ NÂO CONSEGUE DAR POÇA DEPOIS DE TOMAR A BOLHA. Use pra desviar ou simplesmente não use, caso contrário você só vai perder HP e facilitar ainda mais dela te matar na lane. O roaming dela não é mais tão forte já que o wave clear foi nerfado com a mudança onde ela não pega mais Redenção dos minions, além de ser um alvo bem fácil de gankar. Você ganha dela nas sides facilmente, então sobreviva early e não esqueça da interação do W.
Revitalizar + Ventos Revigorantes são recomendados aqui, embora não sejam obrigatórios. É possível ganhar a lane mesmo sem eles.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Not sure how the creator of Yasuo made this abomination. Try not to get poked down too hard lvl 1 by her Q and and her empowered auto attacks from passive. Do not go on her until level 3 because you need windwall to block her E which she always gets level 2. You can take cleanse in this matchup if you aren't confident in dodging her sleep because if you get hit by even one, you could potentially die. Lastly, do not ult her when she is ulting because your ulti will not stop her from warping back which could put you in an awkward position, instead wait for her to warp back to kill her.”
Katawina52 says “Her W is really annoying so you have to make sure you're not fighting her while she has a summoner spell (she probably uses nimbus cloak) so she gets 1000 movement speed from it and just avoids your dagger damage or ult. Look for short harass trades 24/7 with zoe until shes a bit lower so you can look for the final all in (tip 2 on general kata tips) and dodge out her sleep by side stepping when beggining a trade like other cc champs. Never use your ult if she didnt miss her sleep yet. After that you have a free all in (if she doesnt have a W spell ofcourse with nimbus cloak). I like going electrocute/d shield+second wind into Zoe and mercs are good into her.”
Vicksay says “Annoying to deal with early if she constantly shoves, if you catch her with a Charm post-6 she's more than likely dead if she has Ignite. If she has Barrier you'll need jungle attention to help break that off, and if she has Cleanse you can play around it by forcing her to Cleanse your Charm then immediately applying Ignite. You can take Cleanse or Ignite in this match-up, but with no Ignite you lose immense kill pressure. If she randomly ults you can get easy Charms on her. Once you're fed this match-up is really easy, but I'll put it at even because if you don't snowball well she wins.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable -- this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).
I recommend 2 rings and also refillable due to her annoying and extensive poke/damage and her kill pressure. Recalling often is OK as long as you dont feed her. Try however not to be too behind on CS because that'll just put you too far behind.
Challenging matchup. Play with Cleanse if you cannot dodge E or you think their jungler-gank-setup is too strong. Careful on her Q's pre and post 6, she will postiton in the fog of war and try to hit you with a long range Q. Stay away from waves when she q's them because she needs to push somehow and you dont want to be in that range. It's a difficult matchup if she picks / uses good summoner spells from the ground but she still can get one shot'd if you do your combo properly. She's easy to gank as well because most Zoe players tend to be extremely aggressive in this matchup so you can work around that. You can always push first roam first if you think you struggle. You can buy MR if you think you get poked down too fast / one shot'd too often. . Careful when roaming as her E can go through walls, same as when returning, same as when you are on lane, watch her movements and keep vision everywhere as much as you can.
Biscuits might also be useful.”
Yeager says “Fleet footwork + resolve + doran's shield start. She will try to poke you a lot in the early laning phase with Q's and empowered auto attacks. If you use the rune setup i recommended, then you should be able to survive this easily.
If you time it right, your E can cancel out her bubble because it works like a cleanse.
You only have to play passive until level 6 when you have your ultimate up. Zoe is immobile so quite easy to hit. If she has summoners up, then always make sure that you combine Q3 -> R for guaranteed hits. ”
xblademojo says “I hate zoe, I hate playing against her. I would go full Ap but with resolve or atleast doran shield. Her bubble generates so much pressure on you under the turret and during laning, you gotta play around it.”
Polarshift says “Don't underestimate her damage early. Your waveclear is superior later in the game so you can use that to your advantage. You can ultimate before you fall asleep to get out of her range. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when they are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “She can be a pain with her high movement speed off summoner spells. If she gets good pick ups it can become a hard match up. Other wise dodge her sleep and W her is your best chance. Though her poke after 6 can be annoying as you cant stand behind minions as effectively.”
Yeager says “Take cleanse for her bubble. Her abilities can be bodyblocked so if you shove her in, she can't do anything. She has no escape without flash so if she ever gets in range, or uses ult by mistake, run her down. Don't stay close to walls or fog of war.”
Yeager says “Take cleanse. Stay behind minions when trading with her because both of her skillshots can be bodyblocked. She also hates getting pushed into tower because she won't be able to trade with you.”
Avucado says “Dodge E and you're fine. Go E if she walks up early, if not then look for a hook. Whenever she R's you can E over where she did it and get a free stun or just wait for a hook. You both can kill each other very easily, although Zoe needs more items to do so. Get hexdrinker or QSS if they get ahead.”
LunarVortex says “The Zoe matchup is a mixed bag. You counter her E pretty hard, but she can simply run you down with her passive, short ranged Qs and her W. Whenever she ults, try to aim your Q at her initial position to hit her when she returns to it. Get an early Verdant Barrier.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Only really bad midlaners lose lane as Zoe in this matchup. Ward behind the walls to see where she positions for her sleep. You are only looking to scale in this matchup and setting up ganks for your jungler. Mercs is a really high value item here.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Zoe isn't that tough of a matchup you can survive her poke but a combo will chunk you, mercs is good and outroaming is good as well. Just watch out when using active items or summoner spells she can pick those up.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Weird match up. If you can avoid being hit by her sleep ability then you avoid most of her damage. Problem is, if you let her use summoners on you this will turn the tide of the 1v1 very quick. Avoid fighting her when she has a summoner/item on her and dodge her E. If you hit your chains up close to her past level 6 this can restrict her from getting out of range when she decides to use her R blink ability.”
Yeager says “Always have cleanse against her. Most of her damage (Q and E) can be bodyblocked by minions, so stay behind those when trading. She struggles a lot when she gets shoved in over and over because her waveclear is poor, so you can take control of the lane.
Don't give her summoner spells for free. If she greeds for a summoner, punish her every single time. ”
Dj Memelord says “if shes running electrocute and ignite, do not take poke or you will die. If shes playing tp unsealed spellbook you can sacrifice your hp bar to clear waves.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Since you both have insane range, this'll mainly be a skill match up. Don't get hit by her sleepy bubble and make sure you hit your Q - E combo. Who ever gets their CC off wins basically. ”
CashLOL says “As soon Zoe presses R after 6 she is basically dead since you can fully combo her return position. Keep an eye on her summoners on her w. The only tough part is her early game cancer!
XayLies says “Wind Wall is the answer here. Block/Dodge E and you are fine. If you didn't, throw a Wind Wall right before the Drowzee effect ends so you can sleep peacefuly :)”
iZianni says “Buy merc treads and just hope to god its a team gap.
Unfun match up that's extremely RNG dependent and you're outranged! Even if she goes melee, you'll be unable to hit her through the 600 MS nimbus cloak and multiple flashes.
Zoe favored for sure.”
Rermo99 says “If she lands her E you are definitely dead. But it's really easy to dodge with your Q so play carefully and she'll be an easy target for your marks.”
wDesired says “Use fleet into this matchup to reduce the impact of laning against her as she can poke you down very easily windwall her ERQ combo and you should be fine”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield in Resolve Conditioning and Unflinching
zoe have too much poke,so be careful she will try to poke you when you're near the wave.
You Can Block Her Q and E.
try to all in lvl 2 -3 ”
Kords says “Zoe is an interesting one, because you’d expect her RNG to play a factor in the early laning, in this case she doesn’t, since you’re always pushing, she can’t do much to stop it. As for her early game, it should be relatively easy to get successful roams off, but be careful of her gank setup. Post 6 it gets a lot harder, it becomes more difficult to hit her overall as her R dodges literally everything in your book. Her roams are also pretty good. If her RNG spoils her you’ll want to avoid trying to fight her (as well as other summoners and actives), be careful of how you use YOUR summoners as well as she takes them. If you have lock down for her then she is really easy to kill with your combo.”
angeLoon says “dshield elect/second wind unflinching
laning against zoe is annoying as sylas,you'll need to wait for her to waste her E to go in,otherwise you'll just lose trades.
try to have long trades when versing zoe,she can't really beat you if the trade is long enough
try to freeze next to your tower so she gets vulnerable.
ShokLoL says “Skill matchup but slightly favored to you. Try and avoid taking damage from Q or her bubble by keeping the creeps in between you and her. If she wastes her bubble you can look to play very aggressively. Make sure to respect the windows when she picks up summs or items off the ground. Zoe is also very gankable and lacks waveclear, but her all-ins are very powerful. Merc treads can also be a good pick up if you need them.
After level 6 if she ever ults forward, you should immediately walk forward so you can get a free stun on her when she goes back through her portal.”
ShokLoL says “This is a kill matchup, but it's extremely volatile and snowbally. I would recommend taking TP and merc treads, but if you want to be safe you can take cleanse and skip mercs instead. Make sure to W at an angle to not get hit by a bubble because if you do you will lose most of your HP. Sometimes you can do a direct QW trade if her bubble will get blocked by creeps.”
Yasukeh says “Take double MR rune stats vs her with a Dorans shield start and make sure to stay behind minions so you don't get bubbled. If she misses her bubble, she has no way to stop you from getting on top of her and killing her. Watch out for the random ignites that she gets from minions. Take cleanse vs her, and you can just cleanse the bubble and run her down.
Strongly consider cleanse as an option in this matchup. ”
Elite500 says “Pool the sleep and play safe, try predict where she fires her qs, be patient and outscale, you cant win early unless she has missing fingers”
Dr Eggmund says “One of the if not most annoying champions in the game (honestly wish she gets removed) you have an advantage that you can sustain from her insane q damage early game. However Riot decided that her E should last for at least 5 decades long so you have to avoid it as much as possible as it will give her free poke. Late game if she doesn't land E's on you, you will always win so stick it out till mid-late game. ”
Ambitieux says “Zoe is one of the harder matchups for Ahri. I suggest taking mercs into her or even double MR. Try to just play the lane slow and figure her movement patterns. If she ults you can guarantee a charm off. Other than that play behind minions and trade with Q's. Whoever lands the CC first will die.”
iZianni says “Lux wins this match up because of the Q vs R interaction as long as shes ulting in front of you.
She can still one shot in the mid game if you're playing poorly.
Verdant Barrier angle if you're insecure.”
kindo says “In the early lane, you can fight her at any point granted you dodge her bubble. Some Zoes are liberal when using it, some are not. Try to fake her out and bait her bubble, but do not waste summoners until she is close to death or else she will use them against you. She can have a pretty strong level 1 trade with Q/auto/Q/auto with electrocute. Make sure to not get caught by it and try to slow-push to wave to her. She struggles when overwhelmed with minions early, she lacks waveclear. Tenacity rune + merc treads matchup. Makes it so she cannot bubble you into a max range Q guaranteed when at 50% tenacity, she will have to opt for a closer Q to hit instead of max range. She will typically not be able to 1 shot you when you get mercs, so don't waste your ult if caught. Possible to get kills early, but more volatile as the game goes on. You can still kill her in sidelane, but she'll be harder to catch as she gets CDR and waveclear.”
Coldsong says “Zoe has huge amounts of bursts especially when she lands her E + Q combo, which will most likely deal at least half your health. She can also steal summoners, which makes escaping her hard. She cannot keep up with your roams though, as without a summoner she is super immobile. Make sure to zone her off of spell drops and do not let her hit Sleepy Trouble Bubble.”
resetwice says “Pay attetion on her E, you can dodge this keeping behind your minions, and only all win if this ability isn't up. If you push wave, she will have to choose between farming or poking you. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “As long as you don't get hit by E, you will win the trades, you can either try and risk getting hit by it, by using E with Bush and trying to dodge, or just waiting for the moment she decides to use it. If she plays safe roam. Reminder that she is also Zoe, so she can sometimes
just run you down with spells and kill you.”
Sylvan Lore says “Zoe is a strong champion, but with the right understanding of her kit, she isn't that hard to win trades against. Make sure you are never close enough to your minion wave to take splash damage. You can trade with her, but try to do it in the minion wave so she cant land her bubble on you and get a free long range Q. Keep in mind that if you barrier or flash, she will also get to use them. You kind of have to treat it like your flash is always down in the 1v1 and never depend on it to win a trade or survive. Take cleanse for the off chance she lands a bubble and build banshee veil second item so she doesn't one shot you late game. Teamfights really dont go well for her so just make it to that stage of the game even.
Recommend: Cleanse and Vs. AP Assassin Build”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Can be easy, can be hard. Really dependant on where the jungler is playing and how good the Zoe is. I think this matchup is quite hard for Zoe to play but if she is good Zilean is gonna get bullied hardcore. Getting oneshot in a bubble without being able to R is very tilting.”
Avyxia says “We both play around our cc to get kill. Play behind minions at a distance so she can't easily poke you with q or the splash damage. If you get slept you can try reposition behind the minions so it's harder for her to land her damage combo”
FYCK says “Unless you dodge Zoe's CC, you can get 1-shot very easily. If you think Zoe is going to be a big threat to you or the team, take Flash and Cleanse.
Flash: get close to her
Cleanse: remove her CC and then possibly flash on her to get close if you already haven't used it.”
Impossible2Gank says “The RNG aspect on her W can make the lane tough but if you be mindful of her Q's and don't get hit with any E's you should be ok. Magic resist is recommended early.”
ReapeRGP says “She can be annoying with her high damage and E but you can outsmart her easily, just place the cage's edge in her portal when she uses R and you get a free kill. Play behind minions to avoid her E.”
duhnx says “Dodge her E and careful of her Q. Punish her when she uses ult because she's very predictable when she does. An early Hexdrinker is very good.”
richardlized says “RNG matchup, if she gets some cancer summoner like exhaust you are in for a bad time. If she doesn’t you can win the matchup post 6 by baiting out her R. If you ult her sleepy bubble, you are almost guaranteed a kill post 6.
Katasandra says “[1] Stand behind minions/sidestep to avoid her E.
[2] Don't stand next to minions to avoid her Q. Dodging her Q is a major part of this matchup.
[3] Don't try to autoattack trade right after she uses abilities because of her passive.
[4] If she misses everything you can go on her. Especially if she used her R in an attempt to hit it (You can E once you see her R, dodge her skillshots with it and attack her).”
Thresh Mid says “Zoe is capable of poking you outside of your range and hooking her from her Portal Jump is pointless due to her just jumping back to it.”
xMetix says “Zoe is one of those champs that should be losing but isn't, if she lands and E on you she will take a huge chunk of your health away. If she misses it she might still 100-0 you using summoner spells and items from minions. She's vulnerable to ganks and starts to lose all-ins after level 6. Try to stay close to your tower and shove the wave whenever you can to look for roams.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Zoe can be very annoying but if you dodge her bubble she cant really deal with your damage and you will pretty much always double hit your ult because you know where she returns, would recommend ignite or cleanse.”
Nanelol says “Free lane. Dodge sleep or dance around her until she uses it. She has 0 mobility so once you get on her she needs to burn sums to run, then you one shot her next time. Take electrocute and null orb.”
tozosi says “Very annoying to deal with in lane. If she misses her sleep, try to capitalize on it as much as possible by getting a good trade. Often times its difficult since she plays very far back though. Try took look for roams since your roaming ability is far better than hers.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Other than the amount of stuff she can pick up with her W and the random nuke she fires out of nowhere, Zoe shouldn't really be a problem. She doesn't have much wave clear, so she won't have much pressure in the lane. Just dodge her E bubble, and she can't guarantee her Q to hit. Just be aware of the fog of war bubbles that may be shot towards you while farming. Just cause you can't see them doesn't mean they ain't there.”
3Riptide3 says “She will one-shot the back line which can cause a slow push towards your tower or she will just hard shove once her Q comes up again. Shove and roam if possible, but avoid your minions. Make sure you pay attention to which side she disappears to because that's where she'll bubble you from. ”
Gamile 99 says “No dejes que te duerma y has ganado automáticamente. Si te duerme estás muerto ya que Katarina no tiene demasiada vida y Zoe tiene muchísimo daño si la juega bién.”
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Play safe early and aim to just last hit and outsustain her during laning phase. Try to dodge or pool her e. Similarly to Ekko when she's missing be aware that she can e you through walls for a surprise engage. Outscale her and one shot her but make sure to not get caught out by her e.”
Nanelol says “In this matchup cleanse is a MUST have. Stay behind minions when trading with her because both of her skillshots can be bodyblocked. Push her under the tower since she can't farm very well under it. ”
Sanctuar says “Good damage with her Q, her E increases that damage furthermore. Dodge her E, especially after lvl 6 she will attempt to us this ability after jumping into her portal, or using the sides to attempt long-range E's. Her random pickups through the W will make the lane a little bit harder to play but overall not too difficult to handle. ”
fanchessfan says “Take cleanse and she basically is inexistent. If you get hit by one bubble your pretty much dead. Take either ghost for kiting or barrier to negate her burst. ”
Vispectra says “She really depends on Riot , if Riot decide to buff her , she does too much damage and becomes a hard lane, if she's in her current state , you can easily beat her. Annoying autos and the Q might hit you a few times even if you swore that it went past you but her sleepy bubble is a joke to you , you can easily avoid it with R or Q a minion before you are slept to help negate damage. Her R gives you an easy trade if she uses it aggro, you can just wait for her to hop back and full combo her.”
cookanarities says “In the early lane, you can fight her at any point granted you dodge her bubble. Some Zoes are liberal when using it, some are not. Try to fake her out and bait her bubble, but do not waste summoners until she is close to death or else she will use them against you. She can have a pretty strong level 1 trade with Q/auto/Q/auto with electrocute. Make sure to not get caught by it and try to slow-push to wave to her. She struggles when overwhelmed with minions early, she lacks waveclear. Tenacity rune + merc treads matchup. Makes it so she cannot bubble you into a max range Q guaranteed when at 50% tenacity, she will have to opt for a closer Q to hit instead of max range. She will typically not be able to 1 shot you when you get mercs, so don't waste your ult if caught. Possible to get kills early, but more volatile as the game goes on. You can still kill her in sidelane, but she'll be harder to catch as she gets CDR and waveclear.”
TheWerefloof says “Hide in your minions, it'll make getting Q's easier and just general harassment. Move away from whichever direction she Q's, and her stun is pretty hard to hit so being bold with your Q + E combo can easily payoff.”
luminyan says “Hide behind minions and know how to dodge her Q. She can't sleep you if you hide behind minions, and if she uses her ult, aim your abilities at where she started. I would bring ignite, but if you're worried about to matchup, bring barrier.”
DarDarThePenguin says “A standard poke mage with very little to keep you off her. She's squishy, immobile, and has damage easy to dodge/cancel. If you get hit with her E, simply reactivate yours and the sleep will be cancelled. Take the Fleet page and MR. ”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Si te aplica su E seguramente acabe contigo, tiene mucha movilidad, y un daño explosivo, considera armar Zhonyas, evita tradeos largos, y pide un gank.”
TheMockingSnowman says “As long you dodge her abilities, she can't do anything to you in lane although you cannot do anything to her once she is level 6. Shove the waves and roam. You can go for Mercury's Tread and/or use Unflinching and Second Wind rune if you want to play it safe.
Robertonkartul says “Playing against zoe is similar to lux except you have to be aware that even if you manage to hit your E while being slept, the sleep outlasts your E2 so you wont be able to engage with it.”
DeathStar04 says “Zoe usually tries to stay safe while poking you with Q's and land a W or two for the extra damage, but you can (try to) punish her anytime she gets too close. Zoe is a very slippery champ, and can use her R to dodge your R (some Zoe players might not if they think they need to conserve their mana instead of worry about spending it to dodge an R). Just play safe, and poke her out when you can, while also trying to avoid going even, as she easily can one-shot you come late game.”
SpartanDumpster says “Very kite heavy match up cause a full distance Q does so much damage even early in the game. If she hits you with her E (sleep bubble) in your spirit form, you can just recast and take it off pretty easy. They do tend to either shoot the bubble where your real body is or just wait for your E to wear off, so you need to save your E for when you can really threaten her so she's forced to use her bubble.
She has to kite you too cause you can do a lot of damage to her pretty fast.”
Joseph Evanss says “Try not to get hit by her electrocute too often and use your e to cleanse her sleep. After Beserkers + Zeal you can spam kill her. Try to pray her summoner spell lottery doesn't win her the lane. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield or D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “rush verdant and go elect. try not to fight her when she has a spell up with her w. you want to almost always go elect for trying to do short trades in this matchup. when you e in, you want to w to get movement speed to dodge her sleep, then you can dish out all of your damage rent free. the main objective of this matchup is to dodge her skillshots and play to her w spells.”
JoshAy says “She will #$&* you up early. She gets extra damage after casting spells with her passive. Don't take ignite, because if you use it she can use it. Take TP or Cleanse. Her Q is AoE but hard to land, stay away from it. She also gets 3 orbs of damage from her W when she uses it which will make you lose trades if you don't expect it. Stay away from walls her E is the game changer. If you don't get hit by her E you won't get hit by her 1 shot combo (hopefully). Her R is a temporary blink, focus where she came from not where she is going. DO NOT STEAL HER ULT IT IS GARBAGE FOR YOU. You win fights if she wastes E or Q. If you can get on her she can't get away without summoner spells. ”
harris tegas says “she can do literally nothing . i know you think that because she oneshot with her Q she will destroy you but you can dodge everything with your W and E . you will say but when you get stunned at W she can see you , yeah but if she is far away and she will do Q R Q you can dodge it quickly with you E. And of course do her to do her E and then you can dive easily.”
iKrez says “Zoe will change her playstyle according to the summoners she get.
You won't be able to kill her since she doesn't int.
She will trade you with Iron solary/exhaust/randuin etc.
Or just play safe and try to hit E.
You can easily preshot your Ult when she get back on her dash in case she misses her E, she won't have any tools to stop you.”
xoonaka says “:/ This matchup is not fun, pre-6
avoid pokes and try baiting her sleep. NEVER FIGHT HER IF SHE HAS SLEEP as it is a FREE dismount for her. She is very killable after using her E so always take advantage of that small window to get ahead.”
mihaila says “Very bad matchup. Ban this champion or if u didnt banned it take cleanse and stay behind minions and take her ult only if u are ganked and u want to extend E range by using E2 while in ult. Take fleet footwork”
GabomanDeLegado says “Lo mejor sería evitar este match a toda costa. Acercarnos a una buena Zoe nos llevará a una burbuja gratis, y los stats de Kled no resisten un combo completo de Zoe con electrocutar, así que además de llevarnos un stun nos desmontará y básicamente tendremos la línea perdida. ”
HeroAronNavius says “Go the fleet footwork build with resolve and try to avoid her Q's and her passive. If she hits her Q try to wait out her passive cooldown so you wont get bursted early game. Otherwise you can pretty easily kill Zoe early game if she doesnt sleep you.”
XD001 says “Laning phase is turbo cancer since zoe can poke you out and if you try to trade back, she can just run away with her built in MS that she gets from W and he self peel with sleep bubble. Spam W on the wave so you can CS and tank her spells. consider buying early merc treads if you have an issue dodging skillshots and if the enemy team drafted lots of CC. If you come out of laning phase even in CS its a huge victory for you. Even in side lane its hard to kill her since she can steal rocketbelt and one shot you if you get slept. If she has no spell in W and has recently used sleep bubble, all in her. She has no built in escape if these circumstances are met and you should be able to kill her.
take Elec + precision page”
mc_jojo3 says “harass her a lot early and avoid her Q poke, E's and make sure to know what spells she has and never flash from her unless you
absolutely need to since she gets both 3 free autos and movment speed from it”
Havenia says “Zoe's waveclear is really bad unless she starts wasting mana with Q, she will most likely try all in you when she's level 6 but her abilities can't go through minions! Just stay behind your minions and wait for JG ganks or bait her sleep.”
Noodles912 says “Skill based matchup. Save E for her bubble, and look for all ins. If she uses ult, that is a free shark. Look to roam as well. If she hits a bubble, you're probably gonna take quite a lot of damage. Mercs can be considered a must.”
Int4Kindred says “I find her to be a personal counter and I'm not sure about others. You can dodge her bubble with your Q if you pay attention, but she deals a lot of damage to you. Her ult can also be used with Lamb's Respite, so she can ult into it, meaning that an ability such as your Mounting Dread doesn't actually kill her, etc.”
elnino9 says “Avoid her sleep by staying behind minions, this is the most crucial part because it sets up her Q extremely well and you eat far too much damage. If she's strong, she easily forces you out of lane if enough of her Q's land, sometimes even just two Q's is enough to force you to back. Grabbing merc treads is really good here. EW behind her and move to the side to avoid her sleep, then go back into your W. You can also Setup Q dagger on minions and proc your electrocute, move to the side for her sleep after doing that. Avoid getting slept as much as you can, you beat her in a straight up 1v1 once you have gunblade.”
PASS10NE says “Zoe is really annoying to lane against. Try your best to avoid her E, you can either side step it or stay behind minions. You win against her if you full combo her, so try to bait her to the minion which was her W. Tip: You can cast your E before you fall asleep from her E. Your E will not stop and continue to jump to your E's direction. You can use this to dodge Zoe's Q (Also works with other champions who have sleep).”
Lot of Wind here says “You can block her E and Q but her autos go through your wall, meaning she gets a lot of free damage on you in the laning phase. Most of the time, it's a scaling matchup. If you knock her up during her R, she will remain knockup when she comes back and you can ult her.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Very annoying champion for Azir. Put a soldier in her way, when she is going in for the Q on wave. make sure to dodge her E and ward close to her tower, so you can see her poking from fog. Take cleanse.
When you drift in, wait out her R before you R. Mercs are great option aswell. The key in this lane is to push push push”
Coldsong says “Zoe has way longer range than you, plus she can steal your summoners. This matchup is like a race for who can oneshot the other faster. Cleanse will help you dodge her Q if you get hit by her E.”
SoraSan says “Zoe contra Azir é bastante dificil para o Azir.
O Q da Zoe incomoda desde o começo do jogo, juntando com o E dela é uma condição de abate muito nítida dela. O combo da Zoe é pura skillshot e se acertado nivel 2, consegue facilmente tirar 70% da sua vida. Se sentir que vai precisar, vá de barreira ou purificar. Na lane, procure pequenas trocas com ela e jogue a pra debaixo da torre, ficando sempre atrás do minions, sempre tomando cuidado com ganks. Você pode comprar Passos de Mercúrio ou Barreira Verdejante(caso o time deles tenha muito controle de grupo e você não esteja de purificar). Negue farm a ela e procure voltar com vantagem de gold para a primeira volta.
Cometa Arcano ou Eletrocutar é bastante recomendado contra Zoe.”
BigBushMan says “Dodge E and win, its really that simple. She can poke you out with just Q's, but if she misses her E, go for an all-in if at all possible, as you will win it for sure. just dont all in while she has E, as she will easily turn it on your head with the damage boost from her E. ”
KawaiiSpecter says “Look for short harass trades with 24/7 with Zoe until she is a bit lower so you can look for the final all in. Dodge out her sleep by side stepping when beginning a trade. Never use your ult if she hasn't missed her sleep yet. After that you will have a free all in. (If she doesn't have a W spell of course with nimbus cloak)”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Zoe can be very annoying but if you dodge her bubble she cant really deal with your damage and you will pretty much always double hit your ult because you know where she returns, would recommend ignite or cleanse.”
Gtoxer says “outro champ que é ban ou dodge!
até da para voce enfrenta ela, mas, tente chama seu jg para te ganka uma ou duas vezes, para ela, não fazer um snowball!. Runa recomendavel: eletreocutar ou colheita. Feitiço de invocador: Barreirar ou purificar ou ignite. 1)espere ela usa o E dela de maneira errada, e voce vai pode ir para cima 2) quando ela usa R, use seu R no lado que ela ulto até o lugar que ela foi. 3) tome cuidado que se você for gankado a chance de você morrer é muito grande 4)espera ela bobear para você usa seu E para pokeia ela”
OmaHeinz says “Most of the Zoe players I fight are very good compared to me, so stay alert and keep up as best as possible. Always good to learn side stepping.”
BigFatCat909 says “A lot harder than a lot may think, similar to Lux. (Read Lux then come back here) Keep in mind that Mercury Treads does not reduce the duration of her Sleep. If her sleep is a true issue, then i recommend QSS.”
Hiimkata says “Her W is really annoying so you have to make sure you're not fighting her while she has a summoner spell (she probably uses nimbus cloak) so she gets 1000 movement speed from it and just avoids your dagger damage or ult. Look for short harass trades 24/7 with zoe until shes a bit lower so you can look for the final all in (tip 2 on general kata tips) and dodge out her sleep by side stepping when beggining a trade like other cc champs. Never use your ult if she didnt miss her sleep yet. After that you have a free all in (if she doesnt have a W spell ofcourse with nimbus cloak). I like going electrocute into Zoe and rush Vardent.”
Justin58111 says “Zoe is pretty dangerous. She can dodge your ult with her ult, when she hits you with her bubble, you're most likely dead or lost 75% of your HP. Try to play save and ask your Jungler for early ganks. ”
ParkChnm says “Beware of 6 as she can R+E and one shot you. A good Zoe will wait until you're charging Q to use it. If they waste ult and E, you're safe to go all in.”
ParkChnm says “Shouldn't be too bad as long as you dodge her sleep. If she uses her ult, you can place your Satchel Charge on her initial point to blast her towards you or minefield it so she is forced to take the damage.”
ParkChnm says “Not too hard of a matchup after a while. If she misses sleep she's pretty useless. Her R is hard countered by your charm if she doesn't use it correctly. Double MR runes and Mercury Treads are nice in this matchup.”
bleapintosh says “She is going to be very hard early levels 1-4, but as soon as you get around lvl 6, the matchup is in your favor. So just annoying at the beggining.”
Yamikaze says “Zoe is very weak against mobile champions. You can control this lane easily if you wind wall her sleep bubble. If her E is on CD, she can't do anything to you and is forced to play defensive. ”
wildersovereign says “Her E should never put you to sleep. You have plenty of time to shield you or your allies while drowsy, so don't worry too much about that. Her damage is high enough without it to pose a threat, but she is extremely squishy, so take advantage of her predictable path while she uses her Q and blow her up.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Dodge e or you die. Predator works super well here but she can use it as well if you pop it. In general annoying but doable if you kill her once or twice and gain advantage”
rajsovsky says “Hard matchup. As Zoe has damage and she can steal your spells you are in ass, but if you dodge her E with your W you are going to be great. REMEMBER YOU NEED TO DODGE IT BEFORE IT LANDS, if you are drowsy you will have the effect of no MR sill after you leave your pool.”
invalidd says “Actually a pretty lame lane since her W is the reason why you don't instantly win the matchup, sometimes he gets exhaust or rocketbelt or ignite from
just farming, if you get hit by her sleep you can E behind a minion before you Zzz to avoid the Q dmg, it gets better the more items you get because her R
helps you land your spells in fights and lane. Easy to setup ganks on.”
lkycch says “Zoe's bubble on its own can force you to burn Zilean's ultimate ability, making it very hard to deal with. Treat her similarly to Leblanc, where you rush Lost Chapter so that you can shove in the wave and roam to other lanes. Don't waste time trying to kill something you can't! Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
SkellyBirb says “Zoe's biggest threat is her sleep, so if you shield it, it makes it really hard for her to burst you with paddle star. Be careful of what summoner spell she has though, as it can still be dangerous.”
lkycch says “Zoe's bubble on its own can force you to burn Zilean's ultimate ability, making it very hard to deal with. Treat her similarly to Leblanc, where you rush Lost Chapter so that you can shove in the wave and roam to other lanes. Don't waste time trying to kill something you can't! Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs Zoe:Tu mayor miedo debe ser esquivar la burbuja, una vez lo hace puedes entrar , eso si, esquivando su Q pero a lvl 6.(compra hielo eterno)”
ezmod66 says “Not too sure on where to place this one yet. Haven't played against many zoe players.
Can go easy for you if she cant dodge skill shots. Difficult to get proper aa on her in lane. at 2 she will skill her e which makes the matchup abit tricker to play. hover behind minions if you are going for Easy lane to be honest just abuse her 1-3 if you cant kill her wait 6.
q e aa trade. Her movement speed gets anoying to try land skill shots/
at 6 she will try to catch you off guard with her range, usage of bushes and mobility. Again it depends on the player you are against.
6 fight= r her w behind her, q direction of her r location stun her aa e she should die if no summs.
Just kill her.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- As long as you dodge her bubble, you should be fine
- Careful when running ignite as she can just steal yours
- Outpush her with your Q and passive
- When she uses her R, you know where she will be in 1 second. Use this to land a free E or W into combo
- Outroam her with ult and teleport”
Big Shawn says “Lets be honesz, Zoe is painful to play against. But if you dodge her E-Ability, which makes you fall asleep, you can punish her for her miss, if you are in range. Nevertheless, you yourself can also get punished easily if you are to attentive enough to dodge her Q-Ability and E-Ability.”
Scyrine says “Yea, if this zoe is good she's going to destroy you. Sometimes i even bring cleanse just to bait her sleep out. Most of the time she isn't but if she is then just watch how she's playing and hard engage after she uses sleep. Sometimes i even bring cleanse.”
BCota says “Zoes easiest matchup is Vlad and getting triple ignited is like cock and ball torture which i have fallen prey to on multiple occasions. Matchup is fairly simple/decent if you play by 3 main principles: 1.Dodge her bubble by standing behind minions/ using pool to dodge is never a bad thing dont hesitate, 2. Dodging her Q is really simple and you should avoid it because its damage you dont have to take just stand behind minion but not close enough for the splash to hit you. You run her down if you can trade whenever she finishes throwing her Q and if shes low enough just one shot her. She becomes useless if she behind”
Chili Dog says “Pool the sleep and play safe, try predict where she fires her qs, be patient and outscale, you cant win early unless she has missing fingers. Phase Rush recommended.”
kimjisoo8 says “This champion is super strong, can oneshot you right away with two abilities, will steal your ignite and ignite you back, basically really annoying. Try to punish her when she misses her sleeps.”
Niqkl says “If the toddler of terror gets lucky with her W summs, youre f*cked, and insta lose lane, pray to the RNG gods to get lucky on that. Generally speaking tho, if youre full hp, shes never in a position to 1-shot you.”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up. Dodge her skill-shots and you will make the laning phase a lot easier for yourself.Start Doran's ring and Health Potions against her and pick up some early boots as soon as possible. ”
Last Roar says “She outranges you, but her Qs her only form of dmg. Dodge the stun, and look for the all in. She's basically a cross between you and Lux. Consider roaming more.
Obj: Keep your wave pushed up, so you have a barricade and she doesnt. Roam if you can't find a good all in.”
PROJECT BZ says “This lane is very similar to orianna except you want to just have your primary focus on dodginf Zoe's e as its the only major threat that can ruin a duel. Zed can w and ult away from Zoe's e so its quite easy to manage this lane”
vCraze says “Zoe can be a tough matchup for Xerath as she has many ways of getting onto you and doing damage. You need to watch out for her going out of vision early and trying to setup for a long range Q onto you as it can do quite a lot from very early on. Consider using cleanse in this matchup if you are struggling to dodge her Es as barrier will become useless late game against her. If she uses her ult and misses her abilities this is your chance to get some free damage as you know where she is going to land and you can delete her.”
OxiteoMyst says “This matchup is all based on movement, do NOT get hit by her E or max range Q. Try and find out if she is behind a wall or such and poke her down with Q and E, try to always position yourself behind minions and watch out for ganks. If she has a high cc jg i recommend taking cleanse. She is immobile so ask for ganks. ”
WolfRider01 says “Avoid being bubbled and slapped with Q and you should win lane just fine. Her damage potential is insane though, so do NOT underestimate her.”
MINISE says “Last and the worst, if I were in ranked, I would permaban Zoe through everything just because she can be super duper annoying during teamfights in that aspect.”
YASAFEED says “ah Zoe, she has a sleep, lots of damage, a blink and can steal your spells. advice from me, just ban her. if you are unlucky and ban yas instead then try to dodge sleep's and q's and jump in when so has no ability's available ”
Bobbab says “Skill matchup. Dodge bubble and you win. Get poked down and you lose. Get hit by buble and you turbo lose. Zoe favoured early. Kat favoured later. (1v1 situations)”
sweodigaming says “Still a new champion, but try to dodge her E (sleep), keep things warded since her E goes further when she is behind walls. Be really aware of the mini map and SS when she is gone, so the other lanes won't get killed by her long range sleep. Keep in mind that her ult is really predictable and she will come back to the area she first ulted on.”
MetaKnight13373 says “One of the few matchups where i would consider not taking ignite, using an ignite against zoe also gives her a free copy of ignite. When Zoes are trying to land a long range Q they often walk forwards toward the minion wave they are Qing, which gives you a pretty good opportunity to charm them. Also if you choose to take cleanse against Zoe she really has no kill pressure on you. ”
Glasletter says “Ban GP and wish you could ban twice for Zoe. On paper you counter her kit easily, since you can even shield the bubble after getting drowsy and bind her bounce back from her ult, but her base damage from her passive alone will kill you.”
Midlane God says “It's the best counter possible on lane.
A good Zoe player will destroy you on lane so let's hope ur jungler will come help u. SoloQ ban every game in my case.”
sm1rk says “Windwall or dodge E. You still lose because balance, but at least you have an excuse. Just kidding, but it's not that hard of a match up unless you suck, like me.”
Magical Rock says “You also are even when against a Zoe, as she does no damage if she cannot hit her Q. And to make sure she doesn't hit her Q, don't get hit by her E. If you do get sleepy, put some minions between herself and you.”
TheFwnK says “Her range on basic attack... Is... You know... ANNOYING!!! If she hits you with the ball of SLEEPING, you are dead, if she is gonna hit her Q. If not, easy win. Try to dodge her skills.”
BreeAWT says “Pode ser uma lane bem complicada dependendo das skills que Zoe pegar no chão com seu W. Consegue abusar muito do ataque básico e te jogar pra debaixo da torre.”
Veigarv2 says “She will have lane priortiy entire game, you hard outscale her and force her to go cleanse. if she goes ignite get her camped.
Go cleanse in this matchup with electrocute biscuits and timewarp tonic.”
SkellyBirb says “Zoe really can't do much against Bard. She doesn't have the burst to deal with him and you can heal up with shrines so you don't get low enough for her to burst you. She can't use her ultimate very effectively without risking getting stunned or at least hit with one meep empowered auto attack.”
Reason97 says “Zoe is ALL in on her sleepy bubble. without it, a lot of what she can do is immediately weakened. Keep moving and poke her out. Also, if you see her use her R, you can land a cheeky Q or E on her, since Q will still hurt and stun her even when she goes back to her start position and E will follow her there. Just play it safe and use minions as barriers against her. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. She hurts, like, a lot. Just don't let her sleep you and you'll be fine. You have the better level 6 since your ult gives you a shield and damage. A good Zoe is tough though. Outscales you. Take Conq and cleanse.”
I count to seven says “It should be an easy game. All you need to do is just dodge her Q. It can sound crazy but trurly it isn't. IF you fell uncomfortable you always can build QSS”
sashadidntwalk says “Fleet footwork + resolve + doran's shield start. She will try to poke you a lot in the early laning phase with Q's and empowered auto attacks. Your E can cancel out her bubble because it works like a cleanse. Play passive until level 6 when you have your ultimate up. Zoe is immobile so quite easy to hit. ”
arcanejhin says “At 6 you could just E - Q2 - R so you are close to her and she doesn't have time to react. Should be able to kill her before her bubble procs. If she Rs. R instantly on her body.”
Arrgh Matey says “She may poke you out and push you in early on, but once you get sheen this match up is over. You can W her E so long as it's on you. No timing requires which means all her damage is just about gone and she has no escape so you can run her down. Easy to dodge her Q too as you get move speed from existing. Just don't get baited by her ult and miss a barrel (not that it really matters). A good tip is tat when she come in to Q the wave (second Q) that's prime time to clip her with a barrel. Other than this, don't let her roam for free and there you go, you shove her in and demolish her with trinity”
xXkillercrackXx says “Not so bad of a match up. If she managed to land a bubble onto you, try and gold card her before you fall asleep. This will make her unable to pop the double damage from sleep. You generally will be too tanky for her to one shot later on into the game. She has low mobility outside of summoner spells, so look to take advantage of that When she uses Portal Jump (R), throw your Gold Card at her. She will get stunned at the first portal. Hopefully your team can collapse on this as you'll usually catch her out of position.”
Yuki H. says “Dodge Q win lane. Even if you are struck with her sleep bubble, just W into minions or walk behind minions to leave her with only an auto attack. Though it will do a bit of damage, she has no cc and is very vulnerable to an all in or a gank. It's always worth flashing her sleep bubble if you see an incoming gank. Remember, summoner spells are useless if you don't use them.”
fwii says “Avoid Q poke during laning phase. Do not ever let her E you. Just stay behind minions and poke with W. She's killable after level 6 but risky to attempt before level 6. ”
Proma says “Dshield
Start Q and look for lvl 1 engage. Zoe can't do much damage without her 6 or her E. The most important thing to do in this matchup is avoid her E. ”
Veralion says “The early game is pretty rough. Be aware that Riot put the AoE back on her Q, and it hurts. Be well away from your creep shields when she throws it out. Do not ever get bubbled. But even if you play well, she’ll still chip you down from the free damage she gets on W and her passive. Things change at 6, however. With ult available, intentionally eat her bubble, wait a second, then R at her to immune the CC and fizzle the true damage chunk. You must be airborne and unstoppable when the ability actually procs the sleep; don’t ult at the projectile or over the trap, it doesn’t work like that. You’ll take her by surprise for sure; Shyvana is nowhere near common enough for many people to know about that interaction. She can’t stand up to you at close range. From there, just don’t let her dodge E with her R.
vuty2002 says “Just dodge her Bubble by using Sweeping Blade toward her and then dash back behind ally minion.
When she doesn't have her Bubble, you can engage her safety”
Mr38i3 says “If she hits you 1 drowsy then 70% of your HP can be gone. Look to using your E backwards or just dodge her trouble bubble( E aka Drowsy). One thing about her is that shes so squishy and her mobility is so bad so you can kill her easily if she pushes and misses her trouble bubble.”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Zoe is something weird. She has a skill-shot CC ability, if she misses it, the skill itself becomes a trap, and makes next attack deal additional true damage towards the sleepy target. You shall play around minions to avoid her high-damage dealing Q's, something like Ezreal match-up, she plays around her Q and E's, when someone gets caught by her E, she set-ups her Q to deal something like 1-2k burst damage at late game, mind this same combo at early game, even so, yeah perhaps not the best lane initiator, you can play around minions and sustain, she has a spammable utility R with low CD but it does not allow her to escape like a reliable leap skill, because she returns again, and deals no damage other than triggering and allowing some things, she has a squishy core, you shall be able to out-trade her easily in lane.”
LinCass says “Take cleanse and play around its cooldown, try Ulting her while she is in her R trying to hit you with her Q or E, its a skill matchup in the end depending on how lucky zoe gets on her w procs.”
Wolftastic says “Low cooldowns on her abilities, making her a spammer. For me it's the worst matchup: if you get caught in her Sleepybubble you won't survive, so build Movement Speed and Magic Resist.”
Brentonlop says “Easy matchup. She cant run away and she is squishy. You can dodge her skill shots easily with W. Keep on trading because you always win.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “High Major
Skill matchup
If you sit behind minions, she can't do much until summoner spells start dropping so be wary of their placement
You can outpoke her as long as she doesn't get a long range Q off, probably go Cleanse if you're not confident in this matchup.”
xtrinity01x says “I hate Zoe. You can shield her sleep, but after 6 she hops everywhere and you can't do much except hope you can shield fast enough. Early game, dodge her q and don't let her use her empowered auto on you. poke her out, farm, and after six focus on not dying. ”
TK.BENEDICT says “Let's face it Zoe is a very difficult Champion to deal with. With Zoe's Paddle Star (First Skill) it's difficult to dodge and Zoe's Sleepy Trouble (Third Skill) that can stun you at a long distance. and Zoe's Second skill (Spell Thief) that can pick up spells like flash and ignite and other spells. ”
AlolanFairy says “As we all know, anyone who picks Zoe surrenders any semblance of dignity. So keep that in mind because Bootleg Rainbow Lulu over here will be a pain in the ass.
Bully her a LOT. And learn to dodge that annoying sleep bubble.
However, once they've wasted all her skills trying to get footage for their sick onetrick Zoe montage, go in and blow her up.
Good riddance.”
orangepenguinhead says “She is relatively immobile and once you get your 3 abilities, she should not be a threat. In this matchup, take cleanse in case you get hit by the bubble. If she uses her R, time your E so that it catches her as soon as she comes back to her original spot. ”
snukumz says “Skill match up.
She's annoying to play against but be careful and smart and she won't hit you very often because you'll be so far back.
You have better wave clear than her so shove waves and force her to farm under tower.
Always run cleanse when playing against her. If she bubbles she'll look to bubble blink and Q you, when she does cleanse and dodge her Q, then use your knock up and combo as she returns to where she ulted from. It's usually a guaranteed flash burn or kill. ”
1256 says “the better zoe is the worse matchup is since her skillcap is insanely high, you outscale but her sleep is annoying, can take some trades after 6, play around sleep, shoves very well, dont play agro if rng gods blessed her with redemption hextech items etc
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
AZIR MEN says “just don't get slept lol. Her Q is the only source of wave clear. If she uses R, you can easily poke her or even shuffle her as you know where she'll be coming back
Take conq/comet”
only yasuo play says “Play safe, don't let her snowball the game.
Save windwall for her e, but if you get hit by e, still windwall to block her incoming q.”
gonzales1 says “Zoe is pretty hard because of her E but if you manage to dodge it she is free kill. Also whenever she Rs in take a trade or even oneshot her. Never trade with her if her E is up”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “You can't really engage on Zoe unless you hit a W, because she will just use her E everytime you jump on her and burst you down.
Zone her off Item spell shards your minions drop. If she hits her bubble, keep in mind that ulting won't stop you from falling asleep. If she somehow misses her E, trade back ASAP. ”
evilforreal says “Many Zoes are pretty obvious in their pathing when launching a long range paddle star. Try to dodge and respond with an RQ. Take Cleanse and build a Banshees Veil when against this demon. I don't like her.”
Debonair Karma says “Zoe actually isn't as bad as she seems. If you get a skilled one she can give you a hard time. Any summs work but preffered is teleport.”
Gageowago says “Stay behind minions and avoid walls as much as possible. When hiding from her q make sure to stay a short distance from the minions because her q is AOE. If she pops up in front of you with her ult you can easily charm her and then combo her. She always returns to the position she ults from so you can also just charm her when she pops back to her original position.”
Lil Tidepod says “Zoe is so strong, plain and simple. Even after the nerfs she got last season, she's still really strong against Ryze. Her paddle star has a lot of range. If you get hit by her bubble, kiss half of your health bar goodbye. I'd push the wave and call for jungle help. Try and slow her from getting Luden's as much as you can.”
JacWilly says “Dodge her q splash damage, dont get hit by an e, try to dodge with r post 6, whenever she r you know where she will can and will be stationary for a small amount of time, use this to hit free WEQ combo”
Fhizzikx says “If you get hit but her e then there is a high chance that you're dead. Cleanse is recommended. Play behind minions to avoid getting hit by e.”
Capparelli says “Avoid her bubble and you win, get hit by it and suffer, Hold your R for hers and you get a free stun, do your best to stop her from scaling, Hexdrinker if you really need it, Tiamat if you have good roams”
Giurg says “A mage with high mobility, good CC and good burst damage. You do not want to face her if you do not know how to land and avoid skillshots well. If you ever face her, punish her mistakes and try to predict her movements.”
BigBushMan says “Zoe is a very difficult matchup. Similar to Ahri, if she lands an E, say goodbye to your healthbar. The only trick is that Zoe's max range Q will still practically one shot you even without her E's bonus damage. Let her push, freeze, and look for jungle help. ”
ahrienthusiastmain says “Another skill matchup. Ahri has better early game waveclear. You have to hide behind your minions to avoid her damage because she can kill you even without landing her bubble. You're more useful out of lane. ”
Miandros says “Zoe can poke you down early and the sleep still activites through your E. Stay behind minions, play safe until you have Sheen and Ulti then show her who's boss.”
RockitoAhri says “Her Q does AOE DMG when it hits a target. Do not stay too close to the minions in order to avoid it. Beware of Zoe going in fog of war to throw a long range bubble over a wall. Do not let your guard down when she goes out of vision. ”
Kami_EU says “Zoe's abilites can be dodged rather easily with Yasuo's ability kit, the bane of Yasuo in this matchup is the movement speed/kiting potential after using her W.
Avoid gifting her your summoner spells when it's not neccessary.”
t3rminated says “Although she isn't a difficult matchup, she really is the most annoying. If you get hit by her sleep (which isn't hard since your hitbox is massive) then you can watch as you inevitably get paddled by her [[paddle star]]. I usually take cleanse in this matchup (especially if they have more CC on the enemy team) to prevent this from happening. If she ever uses her R on you, time your combo to land when she lands back to her original spot. She has limited mobility and without her CC she really has no real threat to you. Stay behind minions and her Q should be really easy to dodge. Pretty easy squishy matchup as you can 100-0 her pretty easily. ”
M1keSujeffki says “Take cleanse, and punish her for overextending as she is very squishy. Try to hold on to your summoners since she can steal them and use it against you.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
Gogicha55 says “ANNOYING LANE, HER Q DAMAGE IS INSANE, but if you are good at dodging its pretty doable, use cleanse instead of ignite if you don't feel confident”
ekkologix says “she'll push , dodge her e , it has a long animation , be agressive when it's not up , i haven't find this matchup dificult a singe time.”
8wolf says “As long as you're decent at dodging she isn't a difficult matchup. You can push her under-tower and deny her cs. If you don't trust yourself to dodge her e, take cleanse instead of ignite.”
lmasters says “Be careful with her E and the items she gets with W passive, try to bait her E to kill her alone, or try to get some help from your jungler ”
Tehqo says “She's so easy to lane against. As long as you don't get hit by her Q, you can never die to her. Although, one issue would be her E (the sleep). Getting hit by it almost guarantees your death, so getting cleanse might actually be the most optimal route in this matchup. Moreover, if you get cleanse, she can't really do much with it when she picks it up. If she picked up ignite for example, after you had used it yourself, you might be putting yourself in a pickle.”
TheBlueImperial says “I hate this champ. Don't engage on her until she's wasted her sleepy bubble or you will die to it. Incredibly squishy once you get onto her.”
Je Suis Azir says “She can completely outmaneuver you if she plays right. Take Cleanse and get Merc Treads, places soldiers near her when she Qs the wave, and wait for her R before you use your own when you Shuriman Shuffle her. ”
TheSpark says “Can be really annoying if she's really good at landing her bubbles, but you can land your skillshots relatively easy against her. It's pretty obvious to tell when she's using her Q for farming, so try and throw out your E when she's going in for farm.
Stand behind minions so you don't get bubbled easily. Cleanse is REALLY NICE versus her.”
cobbzy says “Just make sure to dodge her Q and her sleep, otherwise she is squishy enough for you to all in and be able to secure a kill as long as you dodge those. ”
Aizenvolt says “Its a skill matchup. She has insane poke with her q so stay a little further behind from the minions to pe protected because it does aoe damage. Watch out for her stun bubble because if you get hit by it then you will probably get hit by her q, and if you get hit by q, you will probably lose half your hp. Poke her whenever you can and be careful. After lvl 11 you have her. ”
LONERlSM says “Look to play passive do not fight her. Zoeys kit is too much for karthus to handle atm practice this match up with friends and understand the timings of her cds to strike.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite Matchup.
Bully her hard. BUT, don't stand next to, or infront of minions. If she disappears for a few seconds, walk back as she's using Q. Stand behind minions, place soldiers down to harass her with AA's. W Q AA spam her until you get arrested by officers.
When setting up shuffles past 6, don't use R right away. Trick is, W E Q into her, she'll most likely R away, and when she comes back, THEN you ult.”
Mid Win Repeat says “Cancer cancer cancer. You will either win this lane hard or lose it hard, you are definitely at a disadvantage but the outplay is possible with enough help.”
Braddik says “if she tries to poke you use your q to shield some of it. Dodge her sleep and you kill her level 6 or even before if she makes a mistake”
spark2 says “If you see her throw a Q back, get ready to start zaggin' on 'em. The real threat early game is her E, if you get put to sleep you're going to be taking a huge chunk of damage. Try to keep your minions between you and her, she can't do anything through them. Also ping when she leaves lane, her ganks are pretty good.”
Cloud375 says “A skill matchup. Stay behind minions and deal damage when you can. If you can dodge her bubbles, this is a lot easier as her ult makes her an easy target to deal her free damage to her face. Otherwise, play it safe until you get a good opportunity to deal damage to her.”
Tayna says “lol she only wins because her damage is soooo big. But, it's a fun matchup, you cancel her CC, getting her with ur Q is easy, u can farm from far away to avoid poke.
Honestly you're even.”
Garybaldo says “Run cleanse, hit your combo when she lands hers, when you're both 6 you can very easily land a full combo when she casts her R by timing it, you even outscale her, very easy lane if you know how to dodge. Buy Sash if needed”
Sneaky boi says “Zoe has high damage but you can outrade her pre lvl 6. You can use W to block her Q and E so keep that in mind when trading. When she hits 6 she will poke and farm safely form really far so just push and try to roam to snowball your team.”
Novok says “Her Q does AOE DMG when it hits a target. Do not stay too close to the minions in order to avoid it. Beware of Zoe going in fog of war to throw a long range bubble over a wall. Do not let your guard down when she goes out of vision. ”
Novok says “Zoe has become an easier matchup as she does not have the damage to kill you at all phases of the game as you can just shield yourself with W once she E's you.”
Tchouvline says “Unless she's a first time Zoe, you will have troubles to win your lane versus her. You're squishy, if she hits you with her E, you're dead.”
SpringCoffee says “I really hate playing against her.
more range, damage and mobility. don't ult her unless she wastes her R and don't go in unless she misses her E.
when you use your Ultimate, Neeko stays still for a second which makes her E easy to land and that means you're dead.”
MironW says “Try stunning her if you get hit by her sleepy, overall she is pretty easy to play against, be careful about her one shot potential later on though.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Heimer generally counters Zoe in a lot of ways. Her movement patterns when she uses Q are pretty predictable and can make for an easy stun. When she uses her R shes locked in its animation so it leaves her completely vulnerable to being stunned on the return jump. Also, you can use your turrets to block her Q (be careful though it still has a small AoE) and her E. The main problem with this matchup is Zoe is a pick champion and out of the hundreds of Es shes going to throw, she just needs to hit the one to chunk you or oneshot you. This can be partially remedied by going Cleanse (make sure to cleanse the sleep not the drowsy) but it can still be a nerve-racking lane at times. The RNG summoners/actives from the wave can also be VERY annoying.”
chloric says “Get a Dshield and try to get hooks on her when she's coming back to get a big Q damage on the wave. She's pretty squishy but her ult can cockblock your hook.”
xdKami_ says “Take cleanse.
Q in Zoe's R direction to gurantee hits.
When she uses her E on you, try n throw full combo before sleep kicks in.
If you fail to do such, use cleanse and do it.”
Chromuro says “Use your minions as shield and it will be an easy lane. Just make sure to not lose too many times your passive; if you need it stay behind the turret, she pushes very slowly.”
Big Shawn says “Good Matchup for you. You should take advantage with your W (Windwall), especially against her E Ability. Do not under estimate her as her Damage Potential is REALLY high.”
Fox1ne says “Pick cleanse,her E is 0 iq along with her damage. At level 4 her damage is enough to ruin your sustain. But your roams are stronger than her iq,simply.”
Wizboy73 says “Take cleanse incase you get hit by her E, otherwise its game over. For the rest stay behind minions and poke her with q-e, when you both hit 6 you can place your w on her when she uses r to full combo her.”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “Another champion who wants you to play oustide of the minion wave. Send a Q over to her bubbles if she's trying to pick up a spell, or if she's ulting and you know where she came from, root her. Try to make sure her ult is down before you use yours. Beware of the tilted Q, as she uses it to kill the caster minions and possibly damage you.”
WonderFUllGuy69 says “As long as you don't get stunned she is yours, if she uses her R to go somewhere E to her previous spot where she was, as she gets back with her R you will stun and kill her ”
MamaDuck says “Zoe got a insane poke and is extremly hard to farm against. Always max your "W" when fighting her and rememer to stand behind minions.
Remember that when you want to go in for the kill always be sure that her "E" is down".”
Xavier Senori says “Zoe is pretty easy to deal with as long as you are avoiding her sleepy bubble, which shouldn't be too hard with the MS from your Qs. Take cleanse if needed, as with this + seraphs + zhonyas she should never be able to one shot you”
Kaized says “Long range poke that is not hard to land. Easily out damages your shield and your bind doesn't stop her from teleporting back. Sit back and let her push or roam.”
kilgta says “You are one of her main counters but she is still very busted right now. You have to poke her when she tries to poke you. Ulting her might be very difficult when you play in higher elo. Banshe and going stopwatch in your masteries could help. Roaming or catching her making a mistake is the best way to win vs her. Be careful of her insane damage. start sapphire.”
unownreality says “Sleep is pretty overpowered, and combined with the max range Zoe Q, can seriously hurt a squishy lux. Recommend banshees veil early. Stay close to minions, and avoid the sleepy bubble. All that being said, Zoe has a large flaw against Lux,a and that's her predictability. Wait for her to use her ult, cast a Q and lock her down for the full combo. ”
maplecat21 says “Whenever she uses ult, throw stun at it and place your ult beneath it. Free kill/flash. Dodge her E and she can't do anything to you.”
RagexAddict says “This champion is more annoying than she is dangerous. The real danger comes from when she lands a sleep bubble on you. If that happens, you have a small window to get behind minions or monsters. Remember that the further her Q travels, the more damage it does. She is in a vulnerable position if she uses her ult to move towards you, especially if you saw where she casted it from. Use that to your advantage to throw your ult at her or try to Q or E at her.”
OP Goose says “Just an overall bad matchup because of her extreme range
if you can time it right, save your w to dash out of her sleep and you might not get one shot”
LyndonK9 says “Walk back when she Qs. Dodge her E but if she hits you with her E you can charm her and she wont have enough time to Q you. If she ults you can aim your charm where she reappears. I typically find it more of a farm lane. You can take cleanse if you are not confident.”
hipstersora says “Skill matchup. You can stomp a Zoe, or she can stomp you. It seems like as long as you sidestep her bubble you're good for the most part, but if she EVER lands a Q on you, you just have to back and that's that. She's very anti-fun, but you DO have the tools to burst her hard and dodge her damage. ”
TotallySugoi says “Nothing notable about her, just don't get caught by her E as she will most likely one-shot even when not fed. Buy banshee's if needed.”
Ec40494 says “Avoid e, all in with 6. If you can't dodge go for cleanse instead of ignite. Mages are strong right now and so it's mainly skill although seekers armguard is op af.”
Bughans says “She can dodge your W with her ult, sleep you, fuck you. God i wanna fuck zoe. What? It's legal, she's thousands of years old! NO POLICE NO WAIT ”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Stand behind minions and poke her with Q. At lvl 6 you can R forward and E Q her. But go behind minions asap because she will try to E you. As long as you don't get hit by her E you win this lane. ”
Siand says “Simply a harder poker than you with a better one shot, pretty much a game of who blinks first. And because of her low CDs you just get more chances to blink than her :)”
AgreeableOtter says “Take Cleanse and show her who's boss.
You take cleanse because she will most likely go Exhaust and if not you can use it against her E and surprise her. If she steals your Cleanse it's pretty much useless for her. You can kill her after Lv 5 and snowball from there.”
T3rrabyte says “Zoe's abilities are heavily choreographed, making them easy to counter with Black Shield. If you cast Black Shield on yourself while drowsy (before you fall asleep), you will not fall asleep.”
aButteredPoptart says “Zoe is mega unga, just had to throw that out there. She is basically you but for people lacking a few brain cells. It becomes a lot easier for her to surprise you with sleep bubble at level 6 due to her teleport. You'll want to take cleanse and/or commencing stopwatch because you'll get hit by a bubble at some point. Basically bubble is everything for her, one is enough to one shot you if you haven't already started building MR.”
SmokeyEggs says “The moment you jump on her, a good Zoe will E immediately and she'll win the trade. Outpush and out roam her in this matchup and wait for your items so you can scale better.”
ryze4thewin says “if you get hit by sleepy bubble good night so doge it she is exspecially dangerous if fed so play safe maybe poke her pre 6 or wait for a gank”
AzureArmatt says “It's quite easy to say that ever since Riot changed their champion design policy every new mid laner that comes out has some sort of weird kit that seems to do nothing but when it hit's you you suddenly die. That's the definition of Zoey. The sleepy bubble trouble is literally Zoey saying "You are already dead" in your face when it triggers sleep CC. Paddle star and her passive adds to her burst so much damage that even with 2 items she can 100-0 you if you are not careful. not to mention free items/spells she gets from minions / champions... she can literally flash 10 times in teamfight, heal teammates, exhaust enemies and even throw 2 ignites. What a relief it's so rare and it only ends with 4 flashes in the end... ”
Lobex says “this matchup can be really easy until high elo where they take exhaust or barrier, one bubble and you're dead. Your E wont save you vs her so try to use it early”
Shaawn says “Zoe is very weak against mobile champions. You can control this lane easily if you wind wall her sleep bubble. If her E is on CD, she can't do anything to you and is forced to play defensive.”
SerbianMafia says “Zoe can be realy deadly with her sleep and her high poke damage in early, also with her w spells. Try to engage on her while her Sleeping bubble is on cooldown. ”
thedonk says “All you have to do is dodge her sleep and you can win trades. Her Q hurts really bad so try to dodge it. Buy Banshee's to avoid the damage. Stay behind minions to avoid her Q.”
Padrepio says “Long range poke, high damage potential, high mobility. But almost everything in her kit is skillshot, and her R gives you good chances to land your combo on her previous position. Hide behind minions if she makes you sleep.”
Jammy158 says “Easier matchup but still annoying. Save windwall for her E and you can all-in easily. A very vulnerable champ without E. She can pickup spells so be aware of what she picked up. If she overextends and wastes her E then you can all-in. Only annoying part about Zoe is her Q poke so do keep in mind. Cleanse is recommended.”
Eli The Bat says “If she doesnt land her "E" on you.... ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE
unless she has 409450982 spells to steal from the ground.... in that case RUN....”
MaybeHope says “Zoe is a matchup that can be horrible, but if you remain calm you will realize it is not that bad.
First off, don't engage on her early on. She will win and it is painful. Her E range is just like your W range so you are basically letting her get a free bubble.
Stand behind minions, shield when you do get caught and Mantra + W if she gets too cocky!
Play it safe until she makes a mistake, punish her and you can even get a kill.”
BARAL says “ Watch where her Q goes, as it can be redirected. Staying behind minionsbut not near them, or sidestepping it is key due to it being her only damage spell.”
LionLifeSteal says “You can windwall her q and e so you really shouldn't die to her in lane unless you get ganked. Easiest way to beat her is dodge her e.”
moutenn says “Cleanse is great against her. It allows you to juke her Q, (by cleansing her E), then R her. The only thing she can do is juke your Q's with her R. Remember she will always come back, then kill her.
If you dont have cleanse, juke her E with R, or just bait it out, by going to get a minion, but backing of when she shoots out er E.”
qasddsa says “Incredibly annoying champion to lane against and to play against in general. Be careful: her bubble travels very far through walls if thrown at the right angle; don't be caught off guard by it. In teamfights, you for sure want to be focusing her first if you can help it. She's very squishy -- but respect her damage and check her items to see if she has a Zhonya's or Stopwatch.”
Sozzoh says “A bad Zoe means that you will get fed as hell and snowball into late game as an absolute monster. A good Zoe can still be fairly easy but will hit more of her E's and Q's. If you feel the need, get Cleanse. Other than that, not a problem to deal with. ”
Katapullt says “Look out when she leaves lane she could try to E you over a wall. Stay behind CS. When she Ults you know where she lands. Place a W ;) Be always patient any E she throws at you can make you half life when she hits Q after.”
Prenora says “Zoe actually isnt too bad, you can dodge most of her skill shots with your dash, and she moves in a straight line which is perfect because so does your ultimate >:)
dont get hit by her combo though or you'll get destroyed, after 6 you will dominate her”
Prenora says “Zoe is very easy for nami, skill shot reliant and immobile, Dodge the sleepy time, then rush into her face and do your thing. Save your summoners for the end of the fight or they might come back to haunt you.”
ctt13 says “She can miss most of her skillshots and still kill you if you're hit by anything. You can start destroying her late game with shrooms, which is why she is placed lower than Akali.”
macspam says “Annoying champ who can zone you well with the threat of her E. Take cleanse. Late game you can Q-R to kill her between the time the bubble starts and the sleep begins. ”
wo xiang zhaoo says “Hard to play against good Zoe players. Don't ever get hit by bubble or you can call yourself a dead man. Stay behind minions and when you hit 6, you can trade back effiencently.”
JuaniG17 says “i'M NOT GONNA LIE, this champion is disgusting too, although is punished very hard if she doesn't hit you with her Sleepy Trouble damn Bubble.”
iiCrispi says “My experience with Zoe players as Pyke Mid were simple. Just dodge her e, and your fine. If you can't seem to dodge them and keep getting bursted, rush a hex or spirit.”
DuhBrandon says “Now its time for this bih. zoe is zoe so overall it will be difficult to win in lane. Early game she should be able to win every trade you guys make so don't get cocky and underestimate her damage because you will soon realize that your 80% health has turn into just your mana bar while you are asleep (permanently).
After you get your nashors tooth you should see a burst in dominance while in lane don't forget to hit your yellow card -W and hit your Q right after for a decent amount of damage and your arcane comet should help as well.”
Bengineer says “Biggest joke on this list, you'll never deal with someone so strong so easily. When she uses Sleepy Trouble Bubble, use your Sanguine Pool right before, you will still be untargettable when it ends. ”
Frosty Bonhomme says “If she puts you to sleep and you're overextended/don't have flash, you're dead, there is no escape as she can blink to get her star to go further and deal more damage. If you are against Zoe, start with Doran's Ring.”
Palme201 says “Easy early, easy game.
Dont get poked, try to engage lvl 2 after she throws her E away or just go in, you´ll prob oneshot her with Ignite.”
Smol Jelly says “Her one-shot potential is crazy, and her ability to pick up summoner spells is highly annoying. However, her portal jump leaves her wide open. Since she always returns to her initial position, aim your root for that spot, so you can hit her with the full combo after her jump. Also, take Cleanse, because you're going to want to avoid taking a double damage Q just because you got put to sleep.”
ShokLoL says “This matchup is very volatile and can quickly snowball out of control if either of you makes mistakes. You should be able to get control of the wave early, and then use this to build a health lead in the first few levels. It's ultra important to not get hit by a bubble, so keep the creeps in front of you and be willing to trade W to dodge it if you need. She's very gankable post 6 especially if you manage to get some damage on her.”
Chuleex says “Zoe is a very special matchup, she relies on her e to make dmg but is also her safe tool, if she miss uses it or you dodge it you can most likely kill her, onzed tends to take cleanse vs her as it can make her e useless or give you a kill angle.”
Zeekar says “Go aggressive when she doesn't have her E. If she misses it, instantly engage to try and trade (granted her jungler isn't nearby.) Also, try your best to prevent her from popping minion balloons. Her getting a random heal or barrier can force you to play way too safe for way too long. ”
ShokLoL says “Zoe is pretty scary early but you farm faster and outscale her very hard. Early on, try get push over the wave and use the creeps to block her Qs/Es. When she picks up an item or summoner spell with her W be very careful as she'll probably try force something onto you. If she has ignite, look to base fairly early before dying. Rush merc treads ASAP.”
ShokLoL says “You should be able to poke Zoe out 1v1 but if you get caught by a random bubble it can be bad. Try poke constantly from behind the creep wave and respect her all in if she picks up a good combat summoner. You can consider merc treads if you are really struggling.”
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