In the Jungle 49.6% Win Rate98% Pick RateViego In the Jungle Counters: 46 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Viego in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “He can be painful to play against if he gets ahead of you.”
chillhowl says “Viego is a difficult champion to deal with, since he will often come out alive from risky plays that he himself forced due to his E. Despite this, you can easily outscale him, try not to expose yourself too much because his E is a good way to get close to you and punish you. His only goal is to steal fields with marks and play with your team, if you force 1v1 without a gold advantage you will lose and he will not let you scale.”
FiletedMinion says “He does a lot of % max health damage in his kit and he usually also builds BORK (Blade of the Ruined King) for even more % max health. He heals for a silly amount when he kills someone and then just repeats it. Focus him and stack your CC or he will take you out.”
Bella Ciao says “Very easy, be confident and fight him, make sure you are high hp early on incase he invades
Can consider using awakened w on an early camp to be max hp
If he kills you he gains alot of value,
Ad Udyr BROKEN here ”
SkaterKidd says “Viego's Q - Blade of the Ruined King's passive deals % current HP damage allowing him to bring Maokai's health down. While it may not do as much bonus damage when Maokai is lower in health, Viego's R - Heartbreaker deals extra damage based off Maokai's missing health.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “His passive along with bork can do massive damage to you, so be very careful face tanking him. Poking him out with q and kiting him out with ghost and ult is a great way to win against him. You will out scale and out farm him easily.”
Jackiewawa says “Viego has a quick clear and is a team fight menace if he can get resets, he can stat check you if he gets ahead. Try to maintain distance so dodging his stun is easier with W/E and be careful about his ult burst. Focus him down in teamfights to prevent him getting resets.”
DoxxTheLeague says “a good viego makes a 5 viego is a type of champion you can not ult he will trade his ult for yours and its much more worth since his ult resets per kill unlike yours which as 120 seconds cooldown try to kite him dont get into his range dodge his stun if he hits his stun and has 2 items his burst will hurt. you can go rylai second here.”
orka4.sandraj says “Everytime you see his E mist, E yourself so you wont be stunned by his W. Additionally, watch out for his R damage. Is one of easier enemies because of low mobility.”
AlgebraLinear2 says “If you're fed, you absolutely can't let Viego get your kill/assist, specially if there are ally teammates around. Don't counter gank him. Just stay close, show your presence and maybe make him go away scared. Don't go agressive into him in those situations. If he kills you or your allies he will just heal and reset, and the fight is probably over.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Viego is very reliant on item spikes. Take away his snowballing potential by counterjungling and invading his jungle will slow him down immensely. You're just on a race with items against him.”
solummmmmmm says “This matchup is not that hard since his power spike hits around 4lvl and 6 lvl u can easy invade him at lvl 2 if u are good and smart one ”
DarkMareOfficial says “Early game you can 1v1 him. If you get the lead you are good, but if you are even unless you know you got a clear advantage such as R on while his is on CD, do not go head on with this Champion as he will win.”
Maciejson says “He's not extremely strong early, but he's stronger than Kayn. Focus on grabbing your camps and farming efficiently. He can be extremely tough if he starts resetting his ultimate. Similar to Yi, prioritize worrying about his team, but take him out if he mispositions or gets CC'ed. Depending on his build, you may be able to one-shot him with Shadow Assassin if you catch him off guard or if he's squishy.”
VainTaka says “Viego would have to invade early to get a lead on you. As long you watch out for his level 3 invade. You will be fine because realistically that's the only time he can kill you. ”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. Viego is stronger than Gwen earlygame, and can look for a raptors cheese/level 3 gank. Make sure to dodge his W with either your W or E, and he should never really be able to kill you. After Nashor’s you run him down, just be careful of his burst.”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup. Watch for early cheese on raptors and level 3 cross map invade. You can duel Viego if you dodge his W space him out. Conq makes dueling easier but both runes are fine. Play for out-tempo and counterganks.”
Jeidoz says “Problematic foe in late due to powerfull attacks, dashes, stun. Try to not fail W shield on stun or else where you will lose duel. If he gankgs a lot, ward and farm his JG, do split push.”
astral 1v9 says “kinda hard to 1v1 him if ur not ahead, he beats u if even and hard to land a q on him. this champ also spawns in with like 5 kills randomly some games its not fun to play vs”
IvernGott says “Viegos ability to go invis and get movementspeed from his E is very strong vs ivern but can be coutered by Pinkwards or better positioning. His ult is predictable and dodgeable with flash and also his stun W is very easy dodgeable! ”
xTechikaze says “Very strong and will turbo gank your team. If you in low elo like me just mention his ganking and hopefully they wont feed. He is hard to fight 1v1 at any stage of the game but he is killable for you. Kinda like Yi plan your combos accordingly. maybe not fight unless all your cds are up.”
Cookiemanman says “Viego is somewhat of an annoying champ to play against (My Standard BAN). He can be very hard to catch due to his E (harrowed path) & is very strong at 1v1'ing Volibear. If you fall behind Viego can punish you through invading constantly into your jungle.”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
HawkSP says “Viego’s reliance on resets makes him vulnerable to Ivern’s CC and peel. By matching his ganks and controlling objectives, you can limit Viego’s influence on the game.”
XGrievousX25 says “Extremely dangerous if he pops off and his passive naturally becomes a pain. You will rarely, if ever, beat this man in a fight and if he manages to become fed, the game becomes a hard loss soon after. Very necessary ban.”
Daawwnn says “this matchup is really easy u can dodge his stun with your Q or cancel it with your W his entire burst can be blocked with E (dont recommend this) you can easily statcheck him early game and also invade him all the time so long as you got prio”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Will take over the Game if you don't win early game. Take advantage when he misses his stun. Think about what Champions he can steal from your team as well. ”
SirZeros says “He's pretty strong against you, because he can pretty easily get all his damage on you, once he's near you. I would focus on keeping a safe distance and just use your range for outfarming him.”
BrTitan says “Not Hard Is Really Easy 1v1 him but Attention in Tfs If Someone Of Your Team is Low He Can Reset With R/Passive Healing Hp And Doing A Lot Damage”
thetruearab says “if you give a mouse a cookie is based on veigo. if he gets a kill or two a head of you , do not engage him. but at level 4 your even with a him. (with udyr being just a bit stronger.”
garbocan says “Very easy jungle matchup. Viego relies on bursting down an enemy to get his resets, which can be stopped (or significantly slowed down) by Ivern's peel.
Viego can never really invade or 1v1 Ivern, so his only way to gain advantages is if you let him gank
lanes without countering. Match him as much as possible and he won't be able to play the game.
Hard to chase with Daisy due to his E only being revealed by champions and not Daisy.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Viego is an interesting matchup. He has sustain/cc and the ability to become invisible in his E. If he kills you he won't be able to use your R for gap closing.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a fairly easy time against Viego, due to Viego being a Bruiser and having a burst window into lower consistent damage stat check —> However… Viego Passive allows him to excel in extreme levels due to possession of enemy champions and their basic abilities.
Briar has a similar jungle clear speed as Viego.
Briar has a way stronger stat check than Viego combined with a disengage after trade Briar E ability —> Viego can use his Execute R to stop this disengage, which will sacrifice his stat check.
(Bruiser) Briar has to be aware of Viego his On-Hit increases combined with Scaling on enemy %HP damage types —> Viego R deal executed missing %HP damage.
Briar W Berserking chase will be denied when used easily when used outer range, due to Viego E Camouflage.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to stay behind a minion or allied champion, so Viego would not be able to stun you by using his W. Items with “grievous wounds” effect can also be helpful to reduce his healing and vampirism. Try to constantly move during the fight, so it would be harder for him to land his Q and W on your champion.”
Akotanya says “Pre 6 very easy Shield his W. After 6 hard matchup. If your team feed him very difficult to stop at late game. Otherwise you can invade him when lanes are in a good position.”
MusicJG says “Small threat, you can kite him and hard outscale him.
He can't kill you later on when you have Items.
He clears faster, just tell your team to avoid his level 3 gank.
If you're both fullclearing you're happy.
If you facecheck him he can kill you though, so be careful.
Fight away from his mist.”
basrty1p says “You can't fight him alone since he has R to dodge your CC.
If you get killed by him, he will outscale at mid-game and no chance to win ever.
Bait his R and kill him.”
TheBougis says “Viego can do some burst damage with his combo but it should be enough to kill youespecially if you manage to Q him while he is attacking you.
Make sure you E his ult as it does damage based on missing health and can kill you without you noticing. ”
Turnupthetoaster says “Not too terribly difficult, but whatever you do don't let him score a takedown on you, as he can make very good use of your body (get your mind of the gutter). No but seriously, this champ is not in a very good spot right now. He has a terrible early game, and he falls off too. I honestly think that if the enemy jungler locks in this champ they're trolling.”
Zero macro says “Viego is strong at all moments of the game, thereby he can challenge Nidalee. Nidalee her goal is to dodge Viego W, which should be easy to do so with Nidalee mobility. Thereby Viego gains access to more mobility once reachinb lvl 6+.”
Zero macro says “Zed has a faster jungle clear than Viego, thereby Shred Zed will have the right output to deal with bruiser builds. Thereby Zed has the mobility to deal with Viego W stun and Viego R. Be aware of Viego his early strength untill you gain Zed R.”
metalhydra273 says “Viego is a great duelist that can take advantage of you if you fail to find good cc windows. He should be wary in his approach, so force him to take bad fights or peel him off the front line to eliminate a dangerous team fighter. Be careful in taking coin flippy 1v1s, because his ult will ensure there's no turning back if you try to run. Know your limits to give yourself the best chance to win.”
MrFerrot says “Viego is only a threat if A) they are very good, B) if he's meta which is rare, or C) if he snowballs off your teammates. You win the 1v1s, as his CC is easy to avoid. Try to stomp him early as he scales quite hard. In the late game, try not to let him get resets, because he will wipe your entire team.”
Ezikko says “You win the 1v1 if you hit Q3, you lose the 1v1 if he hits his W. Easy to kill, but dont let your guard down since if he kills you while youre fed he will solo kill your entire team.”
Waqql says “HAHAHAHA, a king indeed? Don't let yourself get hit by his stun and poke him down until he doesn't want to be on the lane anymore. Once he reaches level 6, be a bit wary of his ultimate and don't underestimate the damage. Other than that, happy right-clicking.”
Apari1010 says “Viego is a pretty even matchup for Kayn. If he gets a lead, he shits on you. If you get a lead, you shit on him. You can R him to dodge out his R and W. As Rhaast, you hit one knockup on him and you'll send him right back to the ruined isles. Apart from that, not too much else to say about this matchup.”
ttvRegedice says “You can beat viego early, but he scales very very well off his powerspikes. Respect his damage and MAKE SURE to dodge his W, otherwise you will probably lose unless you're very fed. Don't let viego free-roam in fights as he wants to play a bit safe at the start of the fight to guarantee his first reset (which is all he needs to pop off) in fights. Careful with his invis as he can appear to run away then walk really close up and surprise you while your guard is down.”
Borinn says “Try to counter gank him you can 2v2 early unless he get's a reset.
In team fights you are stronger until he gets a reset then try not give him more. You can go either AD or tank.”
MaaaRaaG says “Big bad boy. He will carry his team to victory by feeding of your overextending teammates. People will blame you and use the bait ping: Keep calm, mute them and pray. ”
Virizion says “Pre 6 You win this matchup. Try and spell shield his W and you can run him down. After 6 He can either R away or burst you with it. With a few kills he tends to snowball out of control”
frickin nardy says “You need to countergank, since if you dont Viego will just snowball out of controll.
Keep track of where he is, ping his location and try to always be there when he tries to gank.”
L1x123 says “One shot or get one shot.You either go Blue Kayn and one shot him(if u are ahead).Or go Red Kayn and play just for teamfights(HE DEMOLISHES YOU ON SKIRMISHES/DUELS).”
Majd1 says “Even matchup until he gets Witts End or Maw of Malmortius. At that point it becomes unplayable for Nidalee even if you have Void Staff. The key to success in this match-up is to establish a lead in the early game when you have the advantage.”
1Strike says “Whoever gets ahead wins this matchup to be honest. You can dash his W and be pretty ok. The issue is, even if he is behind. If you facecheck him into a W he will oneshot you if he has BORK. Even if he doesn't and has sunderer he kills you.
An argument can be made to put him on major since he can chase you down and beat you in all out 1v1.
If you pilot graves well and be aware it's not too bad”
GiAEcchI says “You lose to him at early game, you can duel him with Ironspike Whip, with ignite it would be easy, at mid game fight wait until both of you are 1/3 hp low, and react ult into him to dodge his ult.”
checca says “Viego is fairly easy to play against. Avoid holding your E cast when he is going to stun you with his W. Also, be careful not to cast CC on Viego when he is using R as it makes him unstoppable. This usually isn't a problem, as the chance of him casting R and Zac casting CC at the same time are so low that it will probably never happen. If Viego picks up the Zac Soul, he will take it, and if he dies as the Zac Soul, he will spawn four little cute blobs that will make you tilt on your gray screen. Besides this, you will beat Viego at almost every stage of the game unless he rushes BOTRK. If that happens, you will beat him post-level 11.”
Kindredgarten says “Viego is almost a minor threat as to how easy it is to 1v1 him by Q’ing his W stun. The problem is that your team dies to him and gives him resets. Peel your team with your R when he R’s them.”
Davecraft16 says “You can dodge his only stun, the w, you can kite him really easily and your are stronger in early game. The only way you can lose is that your teamates start feeding him or his micro and macro are way better than yours.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Hes really difficult matchup because usually you just cant 1v1 him. If you play kayn NEVER fight him try to play near objectives and dodge his R with your R, if you play assasin kayn you got pretty fine play you can kite him hard with your w and you have so much mobility. if your ahead you can just oneshot him.”
RedNBlue says “Kill him pre-level 5 or 6 and invade his camps. Keep him levels behind, and match any gank he performs with a counter gank and he will be easily controlled.
RaidenKaos says “Conqueror matchup, Flash/Ignite depends on draft. Can have scarily high burst as he fully stacks Conqueror before you can even move. Don't fight him head on especially without R. If you can't dodge his stun throw a W to try and land 2 passive stacks or E away - the stun won't stop your animation.
He has become very strong since Season 13, do not underestimate his damage ever. Even when you are ahead, he will go for flip plays as he can snowball off yours or an ally's death.
Dying to Viego is very bad as he can abuse your mobility for a while.”
Riccardo126 says “Viego is not in a good spot in the meta, but still remember that a fed viego is a 1vs9 machine and can still outduel you if he hits his stun. Play cautiously”
MythicalMinute says “most Viegos still go the divine build so it's whatever really, he excels in 1v1's and teamfights but not really 2v1's so try invade him early and get a lead, if not spam gank and farm until 6 then dont be scared to invade him again.
AD (No Mythic) Is great here.”
RiaAllure says “This guy is pretty even with you, try and pick up kills before him , know where he's at - get objectives and you should do pretty well. ”
Unfortunate 7 says “you cant kill him ever, unless he is behind good luck even hitting him, if he is even slightly behind thats a phat +300 tho when you hit a barrel combo so hard isolde even winces”
spuki97 says “Not that strong but can snowball hard. If you wanna fight him 1v1 make sure to dodge his ult. If he starts getting resets in teamfight, make sure to abuse the window when he takes a squishy target body. Best build: All”
Kao_Oak says “If he gets ahead he might beat you in 1v1. The main issue with this champ is that he can get a kill, his passive will make him a pain to kill, therefore denying you your ability to reset your spells and crush the teamfight.”
Doubtfull says “Viego isn't too much trouble for us. Make sure you lock him down with your E and let your team go into beat down mode. Don't let him get resets off or you might be in trouble.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “I'll say this here, since Viego can use every champion's abilities (because game design). Essentially, every proper jungler will likely outscale you, invade you, more easily gank lanes, or otherwise just be entirely more useful in every way. This is an off meta role, after all. However, Viego himself is less of a problem *for your team* if you can track him, but still wins the solo fight and will likely invade because they will know this.”
Atemporal says “Viego tem uma sustentação absolutamente louca no início do jogo com seu Q + double auto. Ele cura cerca de 20-25 hp por Q auto em lacaios, então não faz sentido negociar com ele nos primeiros níveis. Limpe as ondas, sobreviva cedo e deixe-o empurrar você em.
Lembre-se de que Viego pode fazer roaming muito rapidamente devido ao seu E, portanto, certifique-se de verificar seus possíveis roams iniciais. Por volta do nível 6, você pode começar a lutar com ele. Se ele usar W em sua direção, E para evitá-lo, então E Q o auto-ajuda e corra.
Nunca faça lutas prolongadas contra Viego, pois ele empilha Conqueror em 1-2 segundos e ele apenas se curará. Se ele não usar W para ser agressivo com você, você ainda pode trocar jogando Qs nele, então usando E para redirecionar o Q para retornar instantaneamente
proc passivo e execute. Quando você está indo para matá-lo, certifique-se de não se mover muito. Se você conseguir ter seu R em cima de si mesmo, você pode evitar o R de Viego enquanto também o acerta. Esta é uma das principais maneiras de matar Viego.
Se você está procurando matar 1v1, certifique-se de se envolver com ele assim que suas habilidades surgirem. Não deixe espaço para ele roubar vida e se curar. Torna-se extremamente difícil matar Viego se ele for para o Immortal Shieldbow, mas assim que
você tem seus 3 itens, você pode lutar com ele. Durante todo o jogo. Tomar Ignite oferece muito mais ameaça de morte ao longo do jogo, combinar Igntie com TP ou flash é bom. Se você tem Ignite, você tem ameaça de morte antecipada, o
a melhor maneira de trocar cedo é para Q por farm, enquanto também tenta acertar o Viego com esse mesmo Q. Assim que o Q estiver voltando, E para redirecionar o Q e obter um proc passivo rápido. Semelhante ao confronto Akali, o stun de Viego (seu W) pode ser
bloqueado por lacaios, então tente entrar quando houver um lacaio no caminho para bloquear o atordoamento de Viego. Se você negociar com Viego uma vez, você precisa tentar negociar novamente o mais rápido possível ou ir para um all-in para impedir que ele cure todo o dano que você causou.
Se você não se envolver com ele novamente depois de uma troca, você estará apenas desperdiçando mana e hp e não há sentido em negociar então.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Viego is possible to cheese and win early levels, but no matter how much lead you get, you will get outscaled and he will be able to 1v1 you, when he gets plated steelcaps and deathdance, you will be outscaled.”
Eagzey says “Has good DPS, sustain, mobility (with W and R) so the matchup isn't as free as it may seem. If he goes something like BORK with Steelcaps he kinda becomes a budget Yi. Just kite him out before engaging.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When skirmishing with Viego, try to make sure there is a minion, monster or crab in between you and him so it blocks the CC on his Spectral Maw(W). Viego has good objective control. Try to keep major objectives warded so you can spot him before he is able to secure the objective for his team. If you counter gank Viego, keep an eye out on him stealing your allies abilities and turning the exchange around. Be prepared to fall back if he kills and takes over your ally.”
Saltu says “This one is quite difficult but in general, if you aren't behind you RUSH AND KILL.
Simping bitch is only good when being someone else, LAME ALERT. but for real, if he gets a passive activation in a TF just leave. Heavy must focus on TFs.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “When skirmishing with Viego, try to make sure there is a minion, monster or crab in between you and him so it blocks the CC on his Spectral Maw(W). Viego has good objective control. Try to keep major objectives warded so you can spot him before he is able to secure the objective for his team. If you counter gank Viego, keep an eye out on him stealing your allies abilities and turning the exchange around. Be prepared to fall back if he kills and takes over your ally.”
domjakf says “He becomes a pain in the ass as soon as he gets wit's end/maw. It pretty much becomes unplayable after that point since you can't match him. Look for leads early and you could win.”
lumihehe says “suprisingly, you can kinda fight viego early-mid game, so long as he's not fed. you definitely beat him late game unless he gets a quadruple passive ult reset lmao”
Salmon Kid says “Lillia favored match up. Resets pose a problem in terms of kiting, but with max stacks you can avoid most of Viego's damage and kite him easily.”
[Viego is a very snowbally champion, basically you have to not let him gank everywhere, or countergank/punish him so that he's not ahead enough to oneshot your team then make you 1v5. If you're behind, you can still begin to duel him at like 1 or 2 items, even though he has 3 of them, if he's overconfident and extend the duel (which will determinate if you comeback or not), you'll eventually win it. I recommend on W'ing when you see his E or atleast when he's approaching you since his W + AA + Q + AA deal basically 4 autos, that's quite a lot. Keep your R when your W is on cooldown and duelling him after early powerspike shouldn't be a problem.]
warmfishu says “Viego's Blade of the Ruined King (Q) does percent current health damage, attacks twice after an ability, and is an auto reset. Combined with him often building attack speed, he can whittle Yuumi down very quickly. His Spectral Maw (W) is a dash-stun that will reset Yuumi's W, so be careful if he is nearby or if you see the mist of Harrowed Path (E). If Viego gets a takedown on Yuumi, he will be able to possess her and use all of her abilities, including attaching to his allies to heal, hurt, or escape.”
ItsAydam says “Viego is a really strong skirmisher late game, but is one of the weakest against kindred because of his skill shots. You can dodge his W and beat him, and dodge his Q by predicting when he will press it. Most of the times viego players auto you and then Q to auto attack cancel, so time your Q after his auto attack. If you're ahead you can one shot him just make sure to keep your distance.”
Fadeyboii says “He either builds Divine Sunderer or Kraken Slayer, eitherway he deals a lot of true damage or max health damage to you, BORK as a 2nd item also is trouble, and then he gets Death's Dance. Kinda hard to play against.”
NegativePhoenix says “Unless he's fed, not a real challenge till late game. You can beat him in most 1v1s most stages if you avoid his stun engage and ult zone. If he snowballs don't fight him alone. For the most part you'll win alot of the fights if you can catch him out and he is not too fed.”
Krast666 says “Fighting against Viego is horrible. Your stun doesn't bother him, he goes invisible and has no mana. Try getting someone to help you with the scuttle fight. You'll get better at this counter eventually.”
NegativePhoenix says “The matchup here is iffy. Viego is squishy so you can still one tap him however if you let him get too close he'll provide you with a real challenge. Don't fight him early game unless he's already low and once mid-late game comes around unless he gets the drop on you or is ahead you'll win most fights.”
quinn adc says “This matchup I have only played twice toplane, but from my games, I think it is okay. I will update this more when I face him more.
E cancels his W stun, and basically play the lane aggro, and if he uses his stealth ability, try to fight him after it expires because you have a short window to do a lot of damage to him.
Post 6, if he Rs you, Vault him instantly and run away to escape his engage. Do not dive him when his stealth ability is up becasue it is such a good ability to prevent diving from happening.”
One Stab says “You can abuse him early game, try to mirror him and invade him. If he gets items it will be tough to deal with him.
If you manage to dodge his W and Q you always win tho.”
Boptimus says “Viego Top is becoming a lot more rare recently. His sustain on minions isn't as obnoxious as it was on release but I would still consider buying an Oblivion Orb early on. You'll be able to sustain through his Q poke early with your Passive/W.
Never look for an extended trade/fight with Viego because you will lose 100% of the time.
Be careful when you go for an all-in because he can use his R to cancel the CC from either your E or R.”
GrayJinxed says “He can't do anything to you if you dodge is stun (W) with your hop (Q). When he has Ult (R), you want to be extra careful be a bit further away than usual.”
Majd1 says “Even matchup until he gets Witts End or Maw of Malmortius. At that point it becomes unplayable for Nidalee even if you have Void Staff. Therefore try and get a lead in the early game because that is where you have the upper hand.”
DarkMareOfficial says “I would say he is minor-even. Dodge his Stun timing your Decoy (W) and you can demolish any viego. If you don't depends on how fed he is he might have a small chance of winning against you. Just dodge his W. :P”
YoungTact says “This champion has crazy snowball potential. You clear slightly faster and generally come out healthier so don't be afraid to look for early skirmishes. Your W works on his W but if u get hit by it you will still get stunned like amumu Q for comparison. Anti heal is worth building here.”
Hienaa says “All easy for being melee champs, not on tier 2 because they can all build seekers, and viego is just broken so it’s a little tricky to play vs him sometimes.”
Madabc says “Pretty to easy to beat. Play like it a normal matchup you can one burst him if he does any build, but the bruiser one. If he goes shieldbow for some reason go serpents. Get exe if he goes sunderer. Rush your crit items if he goes Kraken. ”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Viego is only able to get to you with his ult, as long as you are able to control areas to keep him away this matchup should be easier than most.”
Janooobi says “Viego is extremely tricky throughout the game, he has the damage to kill you solo and can be a menace in teamfights with his passive, you can hold onto your E for after he uses his passive on a teammate to make it easier to lock him down. Either that or commit your entire kit to kill him before his team can react”
Consolo says “If he goes crit build, stun him before he can even GET to a dead body. If he gets one, stun him then. If you're fighting without anyone dying yet, stun him. Early game? Stun him. Getting a pick? Stun him. If he is stunned in crit build, he folds like a dick in cold water. If he's going bruiser build, standard peeling rules and conditions apply. He does much less damage with that build, and is still killed fairly easily when peeled off.”
Scythe Prince says “Viego is strong in early game because of his kit and (R) , you have to give crap in early game but once you have either if your forms you can beat him
try to be around him to counter gank”
Afstand says “Depends heavily on how fed he is and how far ahead you are, but for the most part it's an okay match-up. The issues come post-6 when he can ult reset and become anyone on your team.”
Tiger-Moose says “I have trouble deciding whether this is an even matchup or a harder one. I dislike playing against this champ, but he is probably an even matchup.
//A lot of the difficulty versus Viego is how good he is in teamfights. If he possesses a person or two, you can assume the fight is lost at that point. Try to focus him in fights within reason.
//His build dictates whether or not he can easily solo kill you. If he has Bork and a functioning right click, he can chunk you fast.”
MrMeem45 says “If you dodge his W, he's dead. If you invade his jungle, he's dead. Viego pops off when his enemies don't counter him at all. Just - just show up. That's all you have to do. He'd be a 1 if your teammates couldn't screw the pooch on him too.”
b0n0 says “I Can't handle Viego. I feel like Viego scales better and overall just has a stronger kit to duel. If you're fed this is a lot easier but if Viego gets even a little ahead it's good night for us. Try to apply pressure really early to win. ”
J98TheGreat says “He can be a problem for you early on, so you can go for immediately ganking instead of getting the first Scuttler as you will probably just get it taken. The more you focus on helping your lanes win, the less relevant he will be.”
King Fidd says “A very annoying champion. Once he has Shieldbow and Mercury Treads you lose the ability to 1v1 him with ult. You will need an ally to help you burst him down before he pops off and gets his resets in fights.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Not that strong after the nerfs. Still a big threat since no one knows how to play against him by my prersonal experience. Still a hard fight for you.”
GranadaExperimental says “Viego, one of the best jungle champions, is usually a bigger threat to Kayn, Given his high damage in early game, as well as his auto attacks and abilities tend to deal a lot of damage and I have very rarely been able to beat one. at the start of the game (between 0:50 - 10:00)”
Da Mastah says “You can easily outfarm, outscale, and outduel him at all points in the game. Look for invades and abuse him in the Jungle if you get a significant lead.”
Mayday36 says “Viego can be a big threat because of his passive which gives him a large amount of percentage health damage on his autos which can make it really hard to win extended trades with him.”
The Elysian1 says “Another not a big deal champ but his passive makes him Even of Threat for Qiyana. 1v1s can be dangerous but if you have a lot of CC chain with your teammates try finding a window to shut him down. He will probably invade you , so put pink wards in your jungle.
Pusi Puu says “You beat him at every stage of the game unless he's super ahead. Always fight him when you can and look to invade him since he has no escape tools. Try to kill him first so he doesn't get to use his passive.”
SnowballBarrage says “AP nunu is threatening into viego because you're easily killed which means if you play sloppy he gets a possession and wins the fight. You can kill him though!”
NixLychee says “High damage, sustain, strong CC, stealth, and some incredible objective taking, akin to Master Yi, although his early game is quite weak, and you can bully him before he gets his items. Make sure to set him behind before he can outscale you. ”
Veralion says “Viego's been overnerfed and now struggles to get his snowball rolling. His winrate in jungle is godawful. You should have no issues at all beating him in a 1v1. The champ is extremely low value until he can get his possessions off, so you only need to be careful if he gets a few lucky kills and has some damage. Just be careful if he's around a low health teammate and you should be good to go. ”
Riealone says “Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest is the best counter to that champion. Try to focus him in teamfights to deny his reset-on-kill oriented gameplay ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass. Morellonomicon against his healing.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Viego is a skirmisher similar to Master Yi, where a single kill in a teamfight can snowball and grant him victory. He's not an early game jungler, but he's not the worst either, don't challenge him unless you have a lead/he's behind. Wait for him to waste his own ult before using R so he can't cancel it, or just ult as fast as you can to potentially bait our his R or get a sleep off on him if he doesn't want to waste the cooldown.”
MexBookMaster says “Viego está muy fuerte en la jungla y eso todos lo sabemos. Rhaast con Ignite es muy bueno debido a que se cura mucho. Lleva el Castigo Rojo y no dejes que saque ventaja porque carrea muy duro este campeón, esquiva su E y si vas con ventaja puedes matarlo.”
AST Raposo says “Just don't try to 1v1 him on jungle and everything is fine. But also make sure he won't be too much ahead in comparison to you. Teamfights you will have the chance to do more than him.”
Lambda Diana says “He isn't very strong right now make sure to get orb early on as he has a lot of healing in his kit and items he does out scale so try to in early. If he can get passive resets you aren't going to have a fun time. Do your best to set him behind and end early with rifts. ”
ItsSkoob says “Weaker than you early game but if he gets resets in a big fight you're doomed. Just try to keep ahead and dont let him get that one big fight.”
SketchtheHunter says “The problem I have with Viego is it only takes one idiot for him to take over a game. Rush a Oblivion Orb or Bramble Vest and keep the pressure up. Needs good tracking to keep down.”
Suseri says “Dodge his stun or follow his R with your Q, he can deal alot of damage but you scale better so later on you should be good. Also try to stop him from getting takedowns otherwise he will heal alot.”
RichMrFork says “Grab grievous wounds. Play with your team to not let him get resets on your allies. His skirmishing and dueling is extremely strong so try to avoid fighting him alone unless you already built a lead. Don't let him get stray kills no matter how far behind he is as Viego is one of the most snowball champs in the entire game.”
LilPaniniUwU says “This champ is frankly pretty disgusting right now. Absurd damage, sustain, strong CC, stealth, and some incredible objective taking, akin to Master Yi. This is my personal least favorite matchup because if you're even with Viego he is still stronger than you at most points in the game.
metalhydra273 says “VIego will get mauled if you ult him, but he's a duelist by heart and can really dish out some damage if you find yourself alone with him. Play around your cc and don't let him burst you down with his dps. Running him down shouldn't be difficult, so pick fights carefully and he shouldn't be too big of an issue. Fail to find an advantage, however, and he can find ways to wreak havoc. Fun fact, if Viego builds qss and takes a form of a teammate who doesn't have it, he can't use it anymore! Keep this in mind should that situation come up.”
AggroBeat says “Honesly, Viego isn't that much of a threat. Try to focus him on team fights, and don't try to fight him, unless you can land a beefy stun on him. Other than that, this is an even matchup.”
victus6060 says “Really just whoever is better although if you are ahead and someone kills you, everyone is done for. A sylas secondary player will have a field day with your soul becuase they get your W's insane healing plus all your CC and burst damage.”
Vispectra says “He's been nerfed a few times and he can spiral out of control. I'm not sure if he can kill you in lane my matchups into him usually don't end up with me dying since he shouldn't be able to burst you and his stun is pretty slow unless he taps it. He can snowball pretty hard. ”
BlackFalcon2005 says “Viego, Viego, what to say about Viego. He is just one champ but every champ at the same time. Still, when he is himself his damage is still pretty strong.”
MrMeem45 says “Probably about the most even matchup here. If you get a kill or two, never leave him alone. He doesn't outscale you and you don't outscale him. Unleash all of your burst on him the second he possesses one of your squishy teammates and, as with nearly every champion, the baron quickdraw strat is your best friend.”
TheOneEyedGhost says “Viego has a lot of healing in a 1v1 you will tie, until he use his SS. Always try to alpha strike early to dodge his attacks and use meditate to reduce the damage of his SS. Try to pick up an early Executioner's Calling to cancel out his healing.”
SoSheolH says “In the right hands, Viego is busted. He has ridiculous sustain with his lifesteal, high damage and his passive can win teamfights, since he can possess you and CC your team if he kills you early on in it. Don't fight him at all if your team's not there to burst him out while you tank the damage, and even then you have to be extremely careful. With him only really being played mid recently and just having received a nerf to that position, you shouldn't see him much, but when you do, watch out.”
litecrunch says “He will fuck you up in a 1v1. If he is in a teamfight he should be the first priority target because he can get so many resets off kills. Don't try to duel him unless you are decently fed.”
TheInkKingLoL says “Difficult to fight. Easy to tell when he's ganking because of his E. Look to invade him or countergank him. Take early objectives.”
chevy the sloot says “Kinda hard to say so far even though I spammed him on PBE. You farm way faster than him but he hard out duels you and out ganks you early. Just track him early and hope your team doesn't die to him. After 6 with red smite, you should be ahead in farm and can kill him easy unless he's rushing MR. ”
c0st0m says “very easy to kite can fight him at more or less all stages of the games dont get hit by his w also he can buy wits end & hexdrinker to minimize ur damage so look out for that and consider buying demonic if need be”
EversideHS says “Against Viego your primary goal is to not feed him. Just farm your camps until you can get an item lead, fighting before then he out sustains you.”
DarkWither says “His gap closer is on the lower hand of the spectrum this is why I did not put him into extreme, overall champs with gap closers that do damage really quickly (before you can w & e them) are the best counter to Taliyah but with enough practice you can get a decent game against Viego if you have enough experience on her.”
Tofolo says “Viego al momento è un problema in generale, se chi lo usa ha studiato è troppo sbilanciato. Ha una capacità di carry fuori scala nei team fight. Per ora da problemi un po' a tutti (mi aspetto dei Nerf migliori su di lui...) in compenso a bassi livelli è facile trovare gente che non lo usa con scioltezza perché comunque è nuovo e non proprio easy da usare e capire, in quel caso siete fortunati e lo distruggete. Resta la difficoltà 5 come monito per voi e protesta a DIORIOT. ”
waayWest says “Hard matchup, if he lands his stun you can say goodbye to your HP. Maybe it's possible to beat him if you approach him similarly to kayn?”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Dodge his W and don't fight him solo when he will be ahead ever.
Viego is really strong in solo duels but you might oneshot him before he will even use his spells so look for that.
Get Ricked says “Viego is really strong and beats you early as well. If he gets a lead you can't take him on. If you dodge his W you can take him after lvl 6. If not, he just kills you”
Joshzki says “Viego is a terrible match up for Sej, thi s is mainly because his kit naturally makes him a tank destroyer, he will pretty much beat you 1v1 at any point in the game and you should start your red so that you don't face him at scuttle because you will lose unless you have mid prio.”
Salmon Kid says “Viego can use his ult to stay on Lillia as it cancels her ult + slows you as well. Viego can also 3 camp invade/1 camp invade on top of all his combat counters.”
lolBlender says “Hard to kill him and avoid his first reset. Easiest if you engage the fights onto him but sometimes thats difficult based on team comps.”
Hazardist says “Viego is easy to duel at all points in the game. The main concern in this matchup is to keep him from popping off in fights where he can reset multiple times, so make sure to focus him above anyone else when any skirmishes break out.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
MannerlessNG says “Dangerous.
Deals really high damage, can stun, can escape your kit, can run you down and resets on kills. Danger to you and your team. If fed, games over.
Try your best to avoud fighting him in a bad spot or without some help. If you try to mostly ignore him and farm, you can decently scale and eventually match him later in the game, but he usually feasts on your team and then solo's the lobby.”
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