Bottom Lane 50.41% Win Rate78% Pick RateSmolder Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Smolder in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “Useless in lane early. Will always die if you hit him with R. At around 20 minutes a fed smolder will carry with execute. At 30 minutes an 0/10 smolder will carry with execute. End the game fast.”
Umatcha says “En línea es un Ezreal de point & click.
Una vez que consiga 25 cargas, procura no estar cerca de los minions para evitar regalar cargas y que te pokee
Al llegar a 125 cargas, su Q gana más area, por lo que puede pushear más rapido que tú si tienes las armas equivocadas.
Una vez que Smolder llega a las 225 cargas, INSISTE en focusear SIEMPRE a Smolder por su ejecutar que va aumentando según sus cargas-”
Dr Yoshili says “Despite his infinite scaling, you kind of outscale him, you'll deal more damage in team fight, more AOE, while having more range, you might be able to kill him in team fight due to his short range
in lane, abuse his short range, you will win this easly
You can also try to perma push him (if you have vision, and know where is their jungle/mid), it will make him harder to get stacks and farm (especially after he gets it's AOE Q)”
I Am Not u says “This guy really means nothing to you. Smolder only has a couple tools for getaway and they're really not that good if you're smart. Jump ON him to slow him so his E can't get him away, then auto attack him to death. Deny his stacks as much as possible and he essentially becomes free gold.”
gaarrett says “Smolder used to be a problem, but he's been nerfed so many times that he's much easier to deal with now. Use W to dodge his Q and subsequent autos. Ult can pull him out of his E flight if timed correctly. Lategame Smolder can evaporate waves without even trying, if you didn't draft engage then good luck getting on top of him. ”
support_diff says “Smolder has great scaling into mid/late game, but isn't that good early. Play around his E's cooldown as it is his most useful ability against you in trades. Keep in mind his level 4 damage powerspike (his damage is high compared to level 4 Ezreal) and don't get poked by him. When Smolder reaches level 6 he gets some extra sustain which can win him fights if you aren't aware of it.”
thedanknepper says “Smolder works well if he doesn't have a Jhin playing against him, since most late-game champs struggle greatly to comprehend his actions, and ultimately perish on his feet. Just watch out after his Q has enough stacks to execute, since he burns.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Strong late game / Safe laning phase / Versatile in build
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to CC / Weak early / Easy to abuse
| WHAT TO DO ? - Smolder is a non champion pre 125 stacks. You can abuse his weak early game as much as you want by taking trades or just by poking him. Late game, it's kinda mixed since he can execute you but you still have more damage faster and more survavibility.”
Devilbuny says “Smolder może nie jest dla Caitlyn ogromnym zagrożeniem ale trzeba na niego uważać. Zdominuj early a na to ci pozwala Caitlyn aby ciężej mu było się stackować
Devilbuny says “Smolder się stackuje. Dopóki nie ma 125 stacków, wygrywasz z nim niemal każdą walkę. Jak mam 225 masz przesrane. Zdominuj go w early i zmuś do stania pod wieżą”
Avxm says “One of kogmaws best matchups, you simply outdamage and outrange smolder, the only thing you need to worry about is not getting hit by his w as it will slow you and if you try to trade you may get slowed and then harassed by the enemy wave/support but you beat him at all stages of the game damagewise until very late when hes max passive stacks with alot of items”
Kociokwik says “He is weak in early game but you have to dodge his "w" otherwise he will slow you and run away. Also you have better push so you can take plates and fight on bounce back. Karthus is stronger untill smolder's 225 stacks and 4/5 items.”
Latte9969 says “Smolder is hard to judge because he's incredibly weak at the moment but assuming you're reading when he's strong; Smolder's early game is completely non-existent so you can look to all-in him whenever you can, try to ping your support to trade or engage and just bully the little dragon so he can't scale for free.. get it..? "scale" because he's a dragon..”
afr0rk says “Don't let him breathe. Keep him under his turret and don't let him stack easily. The longer you keep him from reaching his true damage burn, the better. Consider buying early boots to dodge his W.”
Amberdragon says “Smolder relies a lot on hit abilities to do damage and he usually seeks to poke a lot with them -- on one hand that is good for Sivir, because you can spellshield abilities. But the issue is that Smolder has his Q up way more often than you have your E, and he has higher range, so he can bully you a bit. Besides, his wave clear is probably on par with yours until mid game or so. Late game you should be fast enough to run away or run him down, but he will have more burst damage and poke. So all in all: matchup is more favorable for Smolder, but your early game is on more equal footing especially depending on support matchup. You also scale well, play to your advantages (teamfights and helping your team get a good engage off). Ideally use your E to block his W and R, especially early game, since they deal more damage.”
Bobalegre says “He has a weak early game, be careful with his W poke and try to trade and all in to get any advantage possible, later in the game when he has more stacks try to stay out of his range.”
Amberdragon says “Matchup is in your favor early game, so make sure you pressure him and don't let him stack his Q easily. If the game drags on until he gets 225 stacks you can't do anything to stop him on your own. See matchup section for more details.”
Amberdragon says “Matchup is in his favor thanks to his poke and late game. If the game drags on until he gets 225 stacks you can't do anything to stop him on your own. See matchup section for more details.”
Amberdragon says “Smolder wants to spend his early game poking his enemies and farming for stacks. As long as you dodge his W and stay out of his range, it should be relatively easy to avoid his poke. You also have more damage early game, which helps you get lane prio and pressure him. Your win condition is closing the game early and not letting him stack til 225, if he does, he becomes trouble. But even late game, your high range and combo damage are still a threat to him unless he is not going for a squishy build.”
wungus says “Smolder is short range, but that's his only weakness. He will poke you to gain stacks of his passive, his W has a massive hitbox, and his E counters your engage entirely. He infinitely scales and becomes unstoppable at around 20 minutes. Also a very good ban candidate.”
Demonsedge90 says “Defeating Smolder requires careful positioning and a favorable support matchup while in the lane. Disrupting his farming with your support can make it easier to handle him. Keep in mind that he scales well into the late game, so it's important to exercise caution when engaging in fights.”
Vapora Dark says “Traditional Q max Smolder is an extremely easy matchup due to how low ranged and easy to bully he is. W spam Smolder build is very hard because of how hard he pokes you from outside of your range without ever letting you trade against him. I'm expecting W max Smolder to have been nerfed shortly after this guide is released, so fingers crossed.”
SheriffADC says “He has weak earlygame, no hard CC and very little mobility so stomping him in the first ~20 minutes is pretty easy, just keep in mind that he has really good scaling. Also you can block his ult.”
Feather Fatale says “Smolder is currently in a good spot so he is a potential ban simply because he is meta. However if you feel like you can deal with him there isn't anything in his kit that makes him a direct threat.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “He's going to W wave on repeat, so play outside of the wave, when you have items you're able to engage on him, once he E's, you need to make a decision on whether you're going to back off or commit to killing/bursting.”
NotAragami says “Ah crap... this Disney character. He's supposed to play like a hyperscaling ADC like Jinx, but recently people are adopting Comet + max W for extreme harass. Guess who also has the same harass ability? You, but your wall W requires a whole second to actually hit anything while he just spits out a big projectile that is impossible to sidestep.
You will lose lane against Comet Smolder, I highly recommend getting a Refillable Potion. ”
Reys_offf says “I really hate to play against him, if you're playing champions like ivern you most likely won't do much if smolder plays safe since he out scales you in mid-late game, poke him as much as posible”
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