Discover all champions who counter Nunu & Willump. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Nunu & Willump in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
In the Jungle 49.96% Win Rate87% Pick RateNunu & Willump In the Jungle Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Nunu & Willump in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
HIKOL says “Can eat your maiden. You have no stun to stop his R. Block his snowball with W.”
SelfLOL says “Will spam gank and annoy your lanes so make sure to give Info. Your root stops his W. Extremely easy to invade.
Can oneshot if Ap
Can be annoting with tank cc. Atiheal can be good. ”
shiifox says “easy matchup, dodge snowball with W1, he cant do much to you in a 1v1 - if its a tank nunu, he barely does damage, if its an AP nunu you shred him. make sure to kill or zone him for objectives, he can easily steal with Q+smite”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Will definitely kill your team over and over again and block your q poke. He is pretty useless later on though and you can often times ignore him and run down his team.”
Jackiewawa says “Only hard if he is able to cheese gank early a lot and get his team ahead. He loves to go for lvl 3 ganks so try to get your team to get deep vision or invade his blue + gromp after you do raptors so you can drop vision/find him so your laners don't get ganked. Annoying to fight if he has Phase Rush but otherwise you outscale and can shred through him.”
DoxxTheLeague says “if ap you can literally one shot him with r + w + q if tank just build 1 magic pen item if he goes mr overall not that big of a problem.”
Nyxxx says “He outrotates you and he's annoying to kill early. Farm for late and try to make your team keep him off objectives while you're doing them since he can "outsmite" you with his Q.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Hes basically free, u can easily invade his jg early game, mid game, and late game, hes a bit issue when he builds full ap, but u can easily dodge his whole setup with your R”
ScytherKhaZix says “it's a pretty simple matchup the most important thing is jungle tracking against him, nunu likes to gank a lot, try to predict his moves and try to do counter ganks”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Nunu probably loves level 2-3 ganks. Just counterjungle him as hard as possible. Try to countergank when you see him near your laners it often leads to a kill since he is very gap and vulnerable. You outscale him every part of the game.”
lurutin says “He is easy to kill, but don't start objectives if he is alive. You can W or Q his ult and you can Q him and stop his snowball if he tries to run”
lolWillieP says “Nunu can constantly kite and make you useless in teamfights. Plus, he ganks a lot whereas Udyr wants to do objectives and farm. AP tank is better here”
Maciejson says “Track Nunu and communicate ganks to your team while counter-ganking when possible. Your primary goal is to protect your laners through the early game; kills are just bonuses. Keeping your laners in the game is key to winning. You can use your ultimate to avoid Nunu's E root, dodge his ultimate, or follow him as he snowballs away, using your ultimate to exit in his path and stop the snowball. If you've managed to reach this point without falling too far behind, enjoy the advantage you've earned.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. You outfarm Nunu hard. He’s most likely going to look for early cheese ganks, but he won’t really invade you. You can use your E to dodge his W easily. Use W to space his R. Can easily run him down.”
12months says “You stat check him without issue however keep in mid that he can run away with phase rush. He also out tempos you since he can gank lanes faster and better than you.”
Foxirion says “Nunu & Willump are generally not a significant threat to Viego. Viego’s damage and crowd control can often outmatch Nunu & Willump, especially if Viego can avoid Nunu & Willump’s snowball”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Annoying matchup. In lower elo this matchup is easy because you can out-tempo Nunu heavily and just outscale fast. A good Nunu can be annoying to play against because he can pressure your weak laners. You can outspace him and his root if you have phase rush, both PR and conq are fine in this matchup. As long as you warn your lanes about potential Nunu ganks early, the matchup is free if he can’t get a successful one off.”
Mignognium says “Nunu peut être dangereux, vous aurez du mal a éviter son énorme boule de neige, les invaid peuvent être fréquentes. Créer de la vision dans votre jungle, la blue si possible car Nunu réussit plus contre les camps solo, donner la vision a vos lanes également. Essayer de vous battre proche d'un mur, avec votre [E] vous avez peut être une chance. Sinon vous avez de très bon dégâts en début de game il est très faible, peut être même trop, et donc vous pouvez prendre assez d'avance dans l'early game, gagner en farm et en gold et ce sera facile, saufi si il joue tank avec les nouveaux items du patch alors là n'essayer pas de lui taper dessus trop de PV d'armure et de régénération. ”
IvernGott says “Nunu is a bit tricky since he can 1-3 camp gank your laners. Making him easily invadeable but u always have to countergank when possible!”
Cookiemanman says “Nunu is better at smiting / controling objectives than Volibear. However, you are very strong against him in fights. Look to cancel his R (ultimate) with your Q (stun).”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
HawkSP says “Nunu's gank versatility can be hard to match, but controlling scuttle crabs and countering his ganks can tilt the matchup in Ivern's favor.”
PuppyDontPreach says “kind of annoying but not a challenge. you contest easily post six, just try not to get bullied pre-six (most nunu players won't but there's always the odd little shit).”
RuinedJG says “Easy, dodge W E him or R when he R's. He will gank early, 2, 3 camp into gank. Play for full clear and make sure your side lanes know they can be ganked off 2nd camp. If nunu doesnt get ahead early, he is useless late game. Even if he does you can 1 v 1 him with bruiser build very easy. Whichever rune set you prefer.”
jajkopajko says “Not that bad, dont let him catch you offguard though if he is going full ap. You must dodge his snowball at all costs and then just kite him. When he starts casting ult just stun him.”
Daawwnn says “if you dont track nunus pathing well he can easily get ahead by ganking you are able to 1v1 kill him early on he lacks damage to kill you try counter ganking”
Kazuo Murasaki says “ Be careful they can CC you with snowballs Out smite you with their Q bite. I recommend you should invade them or read which lane they will gank for and counter gank. They can gank lvl 2 with Snowball. Ward dragon early! they can solo it lvl 2 or 3.”
garbocan says “Difficult jungle matchup. If you can counter Nunu's ganks, you win, but Nunu has so many gank options that you can't hover them all. This is a case where keeping yellow trinket to ward Nunu's gank angles is 100% worth it.
Make sure to contest scuttle crabs, since giving them to Nunu means giving up river control and giving him a speed boost for his W.
Nunu can also just Q Daisy, which makes Daisy near useless in many fights.
If you know Nunu will be in a fight, you can use Daisy much less sparingly for things like blocking Nunu's W or any other blockable abilities.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “You can cancel his R channel. You can also catchup to his W with your R. Even if he does end up building tank/anti heal he doesn't have the damage to win 1v1.”
OakIgu says “Easy matchup, he spam ganks so ping your team so they don't get ganked a lot and it will be eaaasy to deal with him just be very carefull when smiting a objective with him close because he steal is very easy with bite+smite.”
White Cr0w says “One of the few champions that can compete with you in speed. You cannot block his snowball rolling, but you can interrupt his Absolute Zero (R) with your own (R) or a dash.”
layton20 says “When nunu is rolling a snowball at you, you have 2 options. You may press W to negate the damage right before the ball hits you. Or you may Q the nunu and land behind him before the ball hits you. Either way, you win the 1v1. If he charges his ult, 9/10 times, the nunu will never end his ult charge early. Use your Q to predict when he will finish ult-casting to dodge it entirely.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an even matchup into Nunu, this is because Nunu his slows and peel can interfere a lot with Briar her goal —> thereby Briar has a bigger stat check and outplay into nunu abilities, due to Briar E, Q and R channel interrupt against Nunu R + withstanding most of nunu his burst, which is also in the start of the fight —> Briar Passive benefit.
Briar and Nunu have a similar Jungle clear speed, both champions benefit from high Chomp + Smite style execution.
Coccaa says “Invade this champion whenever you can. decide whether to pillar his snowball or his R. In teamfights look to only pillar him. If he tries to engage with snowball then pillar that. if he tries to engage by some other method and then get a huge R, save your pillar for that.”
MusicJG says “He has better ganks.
You have better scaling.
Deny him scuttler crabs early game.
He needs scuttler crabs to snowball into a lane properly.
Ward river for your team to see when he starts the snowball so your teammate won't die.
You can get oneshot if he hits a long range snowball at 6.”
TheBougis says “Nunu is not the greatest overall as he doesn't have the space he needs to charge his snowball, beware his ult and you should automatically win.
Some Nunu players also go full healing builds and perma heal with Q but you can just out heal him.”
theloaf says “You can Q to evade his ult, or use it to buffer his W knockup or his E root. If you can win 1v1, use Q or R to interrupt his R channel and then E to slow him. If he tries to snowball away, AA him to interrupt. ”
Zero macro says “Nunu is a proactive jungler that can harass lanes with snowball pressure often. Nidalee has a way stronger early game than Nunu and should therefore take fights and duels often to create an easy lead.”
Zero macro says “Nunu has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Nunu, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Shred Zed is overall way stronger and clears faster than AP- and Tank Nunu during every moment of the game.
It is insanely easy for Zed to deal with snowball due to teleportation and R that makes him spawn behind him.”
metalhydra273 says “This guy is just everywhere, you usually can't run away, and he flees from you easily with his slows + phase rush. He's also an early game snowballer (literally), that can break open the game before you have a chance to do much. Unlike Hecarim, you can't stop his engage, and you (or a teammate) will have to eat his cc before you can punish him. He's also surprisingly difficult to 1v1 if you're not ahead, and you're likely not killing him for it either. Look to set up counterganks with your team and punish his engages as much as possible, or else the game may fall out of your control quickly.”
NegativePhoenix says “Full Tank isn't much of a challenge, even for AP. Full AP Nunu is a whole different challenge. As AP Rell, you can't burst him if he's a tank. If he's full AP save at least 1 CC ability for his ult to prematurely end it and avoid the full channel damage. As a Hybrid/Tank, your job is simple: Tank his W snowball, and be ready to pin him. If he lands his E and stuns you with it try to keep your Q ready if you can't avoid it, he may try to ult if he thinks you cant reach”
MrFerrot says “Tank Nunu is no threat at all.
Full damage Nunu will win through their massive early tempo and ganking advantage. Outfarm them and play to scale. Full tank Nunu will melt, and full damage Nunu will get one-shot.”
shacolovesyou says “his early ganks are strong, has good clear and is hard to kill, can block his snowball with ur clone and also u can dodge his R damage by pressing R at the right time”
Apari1010 says “If someone picks this character into you, they might very well be trolling. Nunu will outgank you and that's pretty much it. 1v1 you destroy him at every stage of the game. Match him on the map and make sure his ganks don't pan out. Once you get Rhaast form, your W will interrupt all of his meaningful abilities, rendering him borderline useless in fights. ”
GiAEcchI says “Hard counter gank you, with red form it's managable, hold your W for his ult if he gets in the middle of your team consider buying gargoyle and face tank his big snowball.”
BradJr says “Nunu has a lot of map pressure. The best way to win jungle against him is to take him camps and countergank. Only take objectives with your team. (clone rating 7/10)”
FaeBytez says “Nunu and Willump can be a tough matchup for Diana due to their high sustain, crowd control, and tankiness. They can also easily steal objectives with Consume Smite combo. However, if Diana can dodge their Ice Blast and Snowball, she can outduel them.”
ttvRegedice says “Simliar to Taliyah, all nunu wants to do is gank early. He can start snowball off vision, so by the time he's on vision his snowball is unavoidable. Be smart with understanding where he wants to gank first and try to be there to counter gank if you can after lvl3. Do not try to counter lvl2 ganks, they may or may not happen and acting too early can set you back really far. Ping back, get early wards and the like to counter those types of plays. These players like to run phase rush so try to play for root when you fight nunu as long as you're near bushes, otherwise combo for damage and hope for the best. Don't be scared to sit in his R if you have W up as you can doubleW full-hp heal (or only use W if he's tank) and you can try to run him down. Even if he builds tank, you'll do good dmg after last whisper item. However, keep in mind he might be trying to stall for his team if he's sitting there ulting.”
Virizion says “Nunu has some of the best early ganks in the game with his W. Try and find the side he starts on and mirror his gank. Most of the time you are able to beat him in the 2v2 if you spellshield the W. 1v1 he tends to win if you dont W his chomp. If you spellshield that he does outspeed you if he tries to run”
ShinyEmo says “Can't duel you. Can't deal huge damage to you unless his hard CC team is nearby. Two problems are that his ganks are so much better and he has more objective control. Remember to either Q or W his ult.”
Intropingman says “Track his movement, he does objectives very fast and has also very good ganks. You can protect your allies from his W with your W. Interrupt his ult with your Q or E.”
Majd1 says “You can easily dodge Nunu's snowball by simply sidestepping or jumping out of its range while in Cougar form. However, when casting his W, Nunu is unable to dodge your spears, making it likely that you will land a free spear and be able to jump onto him. Keep in mind that Nunu is also quite squishy, making him an easy target.”
1Strike says “He outganks you hard. While negating any potential kill pressure you may have with his phase rush that he procs easily.
Once nunu is fed he really becomes a menace. You can't kill him, you can't outsmite him you can't escape him.
He is a graves kryptonite. He is not in Extreme tier because he scales with how bad your teammates are. Not that it is all your teammates fault but if they feed this yeti...Graves has no option but to pray for shutdowns. ”
Narcissisticdude says “Despite being super annoying I find that Nunu is not very strong at the moment.
He can't really ever duel you until he has Steel Caps and the funny Radiant Virtue item which is why he runes Phase Rush so contest everything you can ! Counter Ganks, Scuttle, Buffs, he needs his team.
Mechanical tips:
1. You can't block snowball with W, but you can with clone and proper micro.
2. Do not get baited by his R + Radiant Virtue heal, it's annoying but rare that you can actually kill this character it has a stupid amount of healing and shields.
3. When fighting, it's good to engage without Q, wait for him to proc his E and once it's over, Q on him, this way you won't get snared if you space correctly !
Non-Mechanical Tips:
1. Nunu clears camps fast, and it's hard to steal them with consume, focus on counter ganking not invading
2. Wards need to be placed differently against this champion, like Hecarim it has to much movement speed to just place them lazily, mid-river and deep in the jungle wards are important.
3. Keep Drake warded, he can easily solo it !”
Degryh says “No te dará problemas si le juegas agresivo en early invadiéndole continuamente y si va full ap es partida free porque tarda mucho en escalar y lo destrozas”
Squ1dM0n says “Nunu is so good right now and he just has to press r to one shot you and your whole team, exploit his pre 6 and you should be pretty good.
checca says “Nunu is like Evelynn, but in tank form. He has some of the strongest dragon/baron pressure in the game, as he does so much burst to execute objectives. In past seasons, Nunu was much better, but now the meta is filled with other champions that do his job better. You can cancel Nunu's W with your Q1, Q2, and CC; also, if you E him while he's rolling his W, you can cancel it if you hit it from behind or the side. Nunu's R is also super easy to cancel with any of your CC. Overall, you counter Nunu a lot more as of 12.23 compared to past seasons.”
lovicoaching says “Elise but easier. Not much to say, sometimes they level 2 or 3 invade if they're weird people. Care if it's Nunu mid as they can roll into your second buff and just eat it. Mostly about spam pinging his ganks.”
Davecraft16 says “He can gank a lot so early game he can give advantage to his teamates. Just countergank him and don't let the enemies lane get fed. The only really dangerous thing about him is his q (980 true damage on objectives). Try not to have your objectives stolen.”
Bhyure33 says “Nunu is really great at ganking his teammates, and can that way make your team lose. You can try to countergank and in other ways stall the game, as you become much stronger lategame. You beat him in 1v1s early, and you can cancel his ultimate with your W. Be aware that he can deal more damage than smite with his Q, so he can steal drakes easily.”
RedNBlue says “Nunu Absolutely worthless first of all, second you will throw cleavers at him and he will be forced to run. You will out farm him, out drake him hopefully, outlived and all, easy matchup.”
MythicalMinute says “He will spam gank, clear objectives and clear faster than you. The only way you are ever beating a nunu is if you play for a lane he's not ganking or you counter gank and he oversteps. You cant really invade him so play for counterganks.
Bruiser (Fighter Oriented) is good.”
spuki97 says “You will lose your mind playing vs Nunu as you can never kill him. It's really hard to catch up to him and his team will always be there to help him. Make sure to spam ping your team to be careful on his level 2 gank after finishing his first buff.
Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “His early game is so strong that the ennemy team will usually get a lead on yours.
Be careful, your team will probably get tilted as Nunu will be camping lanes while you are farming. ”
Kao_Oak says “He will outgank you but he can't do shit in 1v1 (you can dodge his ultimate with your Q or even soak it with W). If he tries to escape with the snowball, just Q him and get out in his path so he collapses the ball on you.”
RengarNBush says “Can peel his team really well, do not jump on him for resets even if he has only 1 item and you have 3, it will end up in you dying. If he doesn't get the ganks off early game then he is useless. Can do objectives pretty easily.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “If they chose Nunu, you won't be getting objectives. You will need expert jungle tracking to be effective here, because you need to make cross map plays in order to keep your team afloat. That being said, you probably just get invaded at every chance he gets, and don't get to level 6 until 13 minutes.”
Atemporal says “Nunu mid na verdade se tornou uma escolha forte e brega, e na verdade é um confronto um pouco difícil para Ekko. No início, ele excluirá as primeiras ondas com seu W, e há 0 ponto em negociar com ele porque ele apenas fará Q um lacaio e ele cura como
tanto quanto seu combo inteiro causa dano. Certifique-se de pensar em seus Qs porque você corre o risco de perder muitos golpes finais sob a torre se seu Q atingir os lacaios lançadores. Não há muito que você possa fazer durante o jogo inicial, ele vai empurrar, então
vagueie pelo mapa e ameace sua equipe. Informe sua equipe desde o início que você Nunu pode fazer roaming durante os primeiros níveis e que não há nada que você possa fazer sobre isso. No nível 3, você pode começar a contestar um pouco o empurrão dele, desde que ele não o faça.
bloqueie seu Q. Pode ser inteligente soltar wards no meio da lane contra Nunu para ver de que lado ele anda. Não o siga cegamente porque ele pode simplesmente W e atropelá-lo. Você tem seu E para desviar da bola de neve dele, mas se estiver para baixo ou se você
falhar na esquiva, W abaixo de si mesmo imediatamente antes de Nunu bater em você com a bola de neve. Isso o impede de carregar ult e o força a recuar. É importante saber o dano R de Nunu. Se Nunu receber um R com carga máxima, mas você puder sobreviver,
você pode R depois para se curar e também acertá-lo. Se você deixá-lo carregar um R completo em você, seu R geralmente será posicionado em cima dele, o que pode permitir que você vire a luta facilmente. Jogue para escalar nesta pista. Se Nunu fizer muitos roams aleatórios
e você obtém uma vantagem de nível, você pode vencê-lo se acertar seu W. Quando você tem Proto e Nashor, você pode facilmente vencê-lo a partir desse ponto e pelo resto do jogo.”
Eagzey says “With Red Smite this matchup is winnable but Nunu is still hard to kill and just an obnoxious jungler to play against. If he has R be careful of using your W into him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you invade Nunu, do not fight him when he is near a jungle camp as he can use Consume(Q) to gain a health advantage. Ideally, fight him when he is in the river or not near a camp. Nunu can easily solo the Dragon at level 4 and after. Be prepared for this by having the Dragon warded at all times and by always taking the bottom side Scuttle Crab. At level 6, Nunu can channel his Absolute Zero(R). When he does this, make sure you cancel or interrupt it. If you can interrupt his channel early, his R will not deal a lot of damage and it could save you or your allies life.”
Hazardist says “A stalemate matchup where neither of you is likely to kill the other if you come across in the jungle. Nunu players are more prone to spam gank early game, so help your laners to ward the important vision spots and try to countergank whenever possible; you win the 2v2.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If you invade Nunu, do not fight him when he is near a jungle camp as he can use Consume(Q) to gain a health advantage. Ideally, fight him when he is in the river or not near a camp. Nunu can easily solo the Dragon at level 4 and after. Be prepared for this by having the Dragon warded at all times and by always taking the bottom side Scuttle Crab. At level 6, Nunu can channel his Absolute Zero(R). When he does this, make sure you cancel or interrupt it. If you can interrupt his channel early, his R will not deal a lot of damage and it could save you or your allies life.”
lumihehe says “refer to zac, since they are almost the exact same with how winnable it is, entirely depends on your teammates. also, assuming you and nunu are both building tank, you will never kill him and he will never kill you. just don't fight him late game, it's useless. also save your E to get out of his ult if you do happen to brawl with him.”
ThatsTheGodyr says “Makes a lot of Chaos. Esspecially early. Try to invade and kill him in his jungle early. Counterganks are possible if you have enough Vision. Otherwise outscale him”
rhvse says “Block his W with your shield, and you can kill him. Be aware of his R, if he fully charge it, you are dead, unless you go bruiser build <3”
Nik7857 says “Another annoying matchup, but not seen as often anymore. He ganks much more often then you can and you can never really kill him. This matchup is still very winnable. AP Nunu is easier to deal with.”
NegativePhoenix says “He's not here because of his power alone [unless he went AP Nunu then he can easily beat you] but it's the sheer amount of CC he has. You need to move around to get the most out of your kit, mainly your Q, and he makes sure to stop that. Early game once he hits 6 his ult will beat you because of how hard he can hit if fully charged. Late game is a more manageable Nunu so long as he doesn't have his team for backup. He won't be a fighting champion by then, for the most part he'll be frontline for his team with major CC so watch yourself if he makes you the main priority target.”
JoltedGeo says “Due to nunu's little movement without her w and how you can dash out of her ult makes her a very little threat (you can shread her with Kraken too :D)”
[Nunu can be played AP or tank, in any case, he's going to be a minimum annoying. Try to W his Q since he'll mainly damage you after landing it. Your E, Q and Q+R cancel his R, just try to be in W while like taunting since his ult still explodes when interrupted. He's easy to countergank, he hasn't a lot of evasion potential, however be fast when counterganking since he has very good ganking tools.]
[Abilibruiser CHAMPION]”
SunLongGod says “his Ult can be avoid with Q or reduced with W. You can fake running away then Q him when he uses his ult. If he try to run away you can Q him to cancel his W”
NegativePhoenix says “Where to begin? The yeti is beefy, that's for sure. He just has a good kit for keeping up with you. His W is a good gap closer, his E keeps you in place and his ult fully charged does alot of damage and forces you to flash or ult if you don't want hit by it. I wouldn't recommend fighting him unless you're ahead but even then be mindful that his Q heals alot. Be mindful his Q now has heavier healing off his AP and bonus health, along with a shorter snowball CD now, so if you think it's down, remember he levels it 2nd mostly, so it'll be shorter than you remember.”
duowithdeath says “Spam ping your team the moment you think he’s gonna gank, nunu has 1 gameplan and that is to coin flip as much ganks before min 20 as possible at that point he turns into a tank and you are 100 cs ahead 10cspm.”
IamFafa says “One of the most annoying and hardest matchups due to having so many hard slows and being able to catch up with you with phase rush. Able to steal objectives from you easily, try to avoid him and ping his ganks in advance because he will be able to out gank you easily. Take phase rush into this match up to escape his ult.”
The5ample says “One of Kha'zix Hardest matchups if played correctly thanks to it's high mobility kit and Tank build, aswell as the Q healing.
If Phase rush, go for conqueror runes.”
GrayJinxed says “Watch out for the snowball turns. Try to hop (Q) as diagonally forward since the snowball can not do sharp turns. Play aggressively against her.
The Slows (E) and Ult (R) will make it very hard to fight. Try to avoid fighting until Nunu has used up her abilities. ”
TimothyFly says “He can just do a lot more on the map early so u have to rely on ur team not to int. He can be very annoying to play but not impossible towin.”
Majd1 says “Free matchup. You can literally dodge his snowball by sidestepping it or jumping out of its hitbox with ur Cougar form. Nunu is unable to dodge spears when casting his W, so you are most likely guaranteed to get a free spear and jump onto him. Moreover, he is very squishy.”
TheKingUltra says “Rolls up in your lane like he owns it. Try to escape with your ult as soon as he ults or as soon as he starts eing you. If you dont escape it will be grim for you, it wont make a diffrence if you end his ult early, the enemy laner will be able to kill you, while you are being crippled by nunu.”
ioprocessing says “Nunu has strong early ganks and good objective control, but you can duel him at most points if you catch him out, and can counter-gank if you are nearby. If he goes full tank, building bruiser items will allow you to shred him, but it's unlikely he'll try to fight you alone. Try and keep track of where he starts so you can ping your laners and put wards in the river for his snowballs”
YoungTact says “Would recommend Phase Rush Build here. Nunu has an easy time sticking onto you so be on the look to disengage by E'ing onto camps/minions near you. Be on the lookout to cancel his ult with E/R when you can. Try to get down early deep wards to ping your laners off the nunu ganks. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “really like the easiest matchup, easily lands Q when he snowball. Your team should care for hes ganks tho, and you should be there for countergank ”
chakibxd says “Nunu is one of the easiest matchup with zac , they are good at ganking but in pure 1V1 they are nothing early on so abuse them by invading.”
Absolute Jungle Menace 99 says “PERMA BAN THIS DEMON SPAWN.
Nairey says “His ult completely fucks you over, Nocturne has a good engage but no real way to get out aside from flash, you'll prob get stuck in his ult and die. ”
x6Arnau says “Relatively hard to outplay, but, generally, as long as you're not behind in kills you can duel him with Q+R(CANCEL HER R) and Eclipse/Prowler.”
YEKURA says “Like he's annoying but if you just counter gank him early game you will literally win. He always does cheese ganks like lvl 2 ganks bot or top but 100% he ganks lvl 3. So if you just spam ping your laners and make his gank not work then just start pathing to whatever side he's pathing to you can easily counter gank him. Late game you focus his backline so if you kill them he's useless. Not hard just annoying.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Phase Rush or Conqueror. Dark Harvest if his comp isn't much of a threat..
ITEMS: Banshee's Veil if you're against a lot of AP. Mercury's Treads if his team is full of AP or CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Nunu is another good early game gank jungler with a lot of CC, but his main form of engage is his snowball, which he can never land it on you if you have your passive stacks up. His E and R slows are hassles to deal with, but you can use Phase Rush to get out of those.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Amumu has a statistically hard time against Nunu % Willump. He only has a 40% win rate overall against him this season in Platinum games and above.”
irelia support says “Kindred can easily kite Nunu out and kill him, however she is still squishy. Walking into Nunu ult unsuspectedly is almost a guaranteed kill for him.”
Janooobi says “Doesn't really have the potential to kill you however Nunu can heavily outgank you, deep wards and read where he is going to gank if you can counter gank him you will get ahead”
Zen1tsUchiha says “You will be fine as long as you get in the lead pre 6. After 6, if you are behind or even, make sure you dodge nunu's giant snowball then commit.”
FacetLOL says “Really coinflip matchup, he just outganks you always and runs away from you with phase rush. shit matchup. You can dodge his R damage with your R.”
OTP Toxin says “Just pay atenttion in the map, your anti-gank mushrooms won't slow him down, so you gotta have atenttion, but you can't still run from him.”
Zehmox says “Serpent fang and executioners are your best friend if this guy gets shields/heals. you win vs him in the early game and can interrupt his ult right away with your knockup”
Tiger-Moose says “Ganks well and fast from the getgo, allowing him to potentially take the lead before your game is fully online.
//I'd say that the difficultly of the matchup is pretty much entirely dependent on how easily this champ can gain and snowball a lead in your current patch, so it'd range from tiny to major.”
SimpleShadow says “Poppy hardest matchup. He win 1v1s, objective taking and tanking as heck. I suggest banning him or play extremely safe until you get Ult, you can ult him away if needed. ”
MrMeem45 says “Like Rammus, but instead of not really being able to do anything he's the best counterjungler in the game, period. He can and will follow you around, steal your camps and make any 1v2 you try to create a 2v2. You NEED to kill him before taking any neutral objective due to his chomp.”
Elekktro says “The way Nunu beats you is through his insane ganking ability. While Nunu can't outfarm you or fight you 1v1, Viego can't really stop Nunu from 1v9ing early game. After Nunu's healing/HP nerf on Patch 12.4, Nunu is a bit more punishable. This makes the matchup more even and the outcome comes down to the skill of the players on both sides.”
J98TheGreat says “He can gank more early, but you have an advantage. You can change your mind about going in front of you or behind you with your main form of hard CC. He has to commit to snowballing in or just launch it and run. If he had to fight on both sides of him, he would not have much of an advantage. Also, consider that Ornn can take hits from AD assassins better than Nunu & Willump. Your team can take advantage of that if you have one. You also need to be very good with ensuring there is vision in the rivers as that can assist with preventing your teammates from getting caught before he even gets close with his big snowball.”
RetroGamer562 says “Zac and Nunu will go together for this one. To put it simply, Viego cannot beat tanks. Unless the game is ended pre 20, your chances of winning start to spiral down tremendously. Nunu and Zac have too much team fighting ability and lockdown without needing to burn flash. I recommend banning these champions to avoid having a bad game. ”
King Fidd says “Nunu can win the game before FIddlesticks has a chance to play. Spam ping and try to ward the river bush early game, or your team WILL die to every Nunu gank.”
Roguejokester61 says “Nunu Nunu Nunu where do I start, oh I know how about the plethora of different CC chains he can roll out on you! This guy is tanky as hell and has the capability to sustain even the harshest of combos you can dish out as Kha, and if you even get close to these BFF's expect them to sit there and channel their ultimate as you try to run away with you claws between your legs. MASSIVE TIP FOR COUNTERING NUNU: try to find out what his jungle pathing is early on in the game and look for as many invades as possible on him as he is going to be trying to pressure your jungle, rather than him pressuring you try to pressure him instead and put him behind.
Other than that try to avoid Nunu early game as he will be more than happy to snowball from you. (excuse the pun)”
Da Mastah says “Yi in a 1v1 can beat nunu easily in all stages of the game. The key to winning this matchup is looking for invades and counter jungling. If you try to afk farm vs this champion he almost always wins due to his early gank potential. I'd recommend taking ignite tracking him on his first clear and invading him before he can impact the game.”
The Elysian1 says “ And another babysitter... Just an ugly champion, never liked him. He will probably lvl 2-3 gank a lane so just focus on scaling becasue you outscale him hard , try to fight when he is on other lane , and mostly use your R to secure drake. Overall counter ganks are unescapable if he catches you and not your teammate. Rough matchup but late game he is useless. I suggest to ban him.
necromancer142 says “try to counter gank and counter jungle, nunu is very gank heavy so use the oppurtunity when you see him and take objectives, counterjungle or gank other lanes”
KafueLechwe says “Your R is just a better Nunu snowball, and you outdamage him. His will have more objective control then you though, but you beat him 1v1 in almost every scenario. ”
Dr Big Dumb says “Too much lane pressure his ganks are super fast and you could counter gank however if you find yourself trying to kill him you'll die.”
Citric says “This matchup is somewhat annoying because Nunu can camp a lane 24/7. Try to track his movement and ping for your teammates when he is around. If he doesn't get good ganks off, you will outscale him and win the game. Try to use your ultimate to disrupt his ultimate.”
Pusi Puu says “Annoying to play against, since its just NUNU. Fight him early game and dont jump onto him when his ult is up. Try to countergank as much as possible since you are way stronger in skirmishes.”
IMissedMyQ says “He has early pressure, he's fast, he's tanky, and he can duel you. The best way to beat him is to counter gank his ganks. Track him in the jungle and predict where he will strike. Make sure you are there to counter.”
Doubtfull says “This match up can be tricky. Phase rush Nunu can stick on top of you and lock you down with his kit. After runic echoes though, you can apply a decent amount of pressure to the Nunu if you land an outer edge Q, and it can be difficult for him to escape you. ”
NixLychee says “Disgusting objective control and farming, you will never get objectives if you're even or ahead, because his q can outsmite you at early levels. You can 1v1 him early if he isn't building AP. Be careful of his counterganks, but he is still a fairly immobile tank, and can be pretty easily dealt with by ulting him away.”
LordGrox says “Once you are on top of him you can easily burst him. Careful with the snowball and his objective pressure, thanks to his Q + Smite. Has strong cheese potential!”
Polarshift says “Annoying champion. Map presence, good invades, good clear, good ganking potential, objective control, sustain and damage. Since he always goes for ganks; they're often predictable so countergank and invade him when he ganks. Nothing more to say really. Just don't get baited by his low hp since his ult gives him a shield. You probably want to gain deep vision on this guy; be careful of him doing objectives because he will do it fast, and can steal your objectives away easily too. Almost never do Baron when Nunu is alive and nearby. Nunu can level 2 gank after Red/Blue. Honestly this champ can gank whenever the heck he wants.”
Veralion says “Nunu gets points for how quickly he can eat dragons and any buffs that you leave unattended for too long. Your objective rotations have to be on point; don't be late. Aside from that, his early presence dwarfs yours, but he should be going after lanes, not you. Just ignore him and outscale. Don't fight him at all before 6, he can easily control you. Target him last in skirmishes. If he gets a good angle on you with his snowball, it may be wise to turn on your W and deftly juke to his side. He has the turning radius of an 18-wheeler and can only reliably inititate in a straight line. Flash or interrupt his ult with yours; I don't need to tell you how hard a fully channeled Nunu ult hits. ”
Goldenstinger says “A good nunu can run away with the game early. I usually drop my control ward in the pixel bush bot lane to avoid any lvl 2 shenanigans. You will need to ask your laners to ward his jg camps pre spawn too. If he gets ahead early its hard to come back. ”
Doubtfull says “A good Nunu will invade you early and make your life miserable. I'd suggest getting a leash in this match up and warding for the invade. Post 6 the match up isn't too bad, but you have to beware him snowballing onto you. Also consider saving your E to cancel his Ult.”
nZk01 says “surprisingly hard to deal with as he can just walk out in most cases, dont get locked up by his E.
you can actually block the snowball with boxes and obviously predict where he will come from and setup beforehand”
Kocykek says “He's gonna gank every lane every few seconds while one shotting camps. It's the way I see it. You can focus and shred him when you will buy some items tho. You can cancel his R as well.”
Arfreezy says “Nunu has a lot of gank pressure on your lanes but will struggle to match Graves tempo. Punish his ganks with counter jungling and try to bully him off neutral scuttles if lane priorities allow it. With Ignite and phase rush you have kill pressure early if he tries to contest you. In later fights, save your ulti as a second dash to escape his ultimate range.”
FREAKSTAR says “If they are good they will put a TON of pressure on the map while you are stuck farming. You need to be extremely efficient on getting to lvl 6 ASAP, because a good Nunu will make sure your team is ready to FF by the time you hit your powerspikes. Late game if you get ahead you can shred him, but if you're behind he will eat your E damage and walk it off like nothing.
DO NOT TEAM FIGHT HIM IN PHYSICAL RANGE, you will get perma CC'd and die. Make sure you kite around the chaos of the fight and keep a safe distance.”
LukaBre123 says “Nunu is even with you because he is weaker than you but has mobility if he goes for phase rush. He can easily cancel your Q with his W.”
Tormentula says “Nunu & Willump are one of Elise's worst matchups that I either ban or dodge. Nunu has very cheesy early gank potential with his W, and he has much better utility in late game fights being a tank with CC. The biggest problem is once he gets Magic Resist its over, as Elise cannot kill him fast enough and he'll heal most of your damage off with Q before you can DPS him. The best counterplay to Nunu is to try and get your ADC ahead, or if you have a strong AD top laner, them ahead as well, if you play to get yourself ahead you will just lose even if Nunu makes several mistakes early. ”
Doubtfull says “Nunu is extremely difficult for rek'sai to 1 shot with her combo, and scales much, much better. This match up is very difficult. You probably won't get very far by trying to punish the Nunu directly, so focus on getting your lanes ahead.”
Insightful says “nunu relies a lot on ganking to be useful and his biggest ganking tool can easily be denied by your black shield so there's not a lot he can do after that”
poopyOCE says “Due to Nunu's fast and safe clear, he can early invade bringing him an early lead that you will find difficult to come back from. He can also use W to cancel your R negating your main sustain and engage. He can build armour early to win most duels against you, and the amount of CC can negate your blood hunt. I normally insta-ban this matchup as this is the equivalent of punching a brick wall. IF HE DOES NOT INVADE OR BULLY, you will outscale him, so play for the long game.”
sonminh says “If you can burst him fast enough early game, do it. If not, he can phase rush out. Save your box for his ult later in the game. Don't 1v1 him if he lands snowball on you, 2v2 is not that bad. Don't coinflip drag.”
poopyOCE says “Fiddlesticks generally doesn't have a great time 1v1'ing tanks due to 1. item dependency and 2. tanks have a lot of cc. Coupled with Fiddle's immobility, it is easy for Fiddle to be locked down and killed. But, avoiding any confrontations is easy with vision control, and your Ult is generally stronger than any pressure Nunu can output in a team fight”
Karasmai says “This champ is very tanky with a lot of early game dmg, he has insane ganks + objective control so you will need vision on the map the entire game so keep trinket and keep dragon control warded, once you get 3-4 items on Rhaast you will be able to murder him easy. Make sure you get executioner and if you do go shadow assassin never try to one shot him unless insanely ahead
MexBookMaster says “Nunu es un campeón muy molesto. Emplea una estrategia muy simple y efectiva. PermaGankear tus lineas. ¿Como jugar contra eso? Buena visión y pingear a donde está nunu en todo momento. Es muy malo Nunu en el 1v1 por lo cual te invadirá poco. Rhaast es muy buena opción y con Shadow Assassin (Azul) puedes centrarte en asesinar a sus aliados.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Same as above with Hecarim, Warwick beats Nunu in the jungle in every way possible, Warwick can move around the map just as quickly as Nunu which is Nunu's only strength, work on ganking faster than he does or counter ganking because you should always win 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 against a Nunu. Phase rush Nunu is much easier to defeat than Aftershock Nunu due to the fact he is much squishier. Save fear or Ultimate to cancel Nunu's Snowball or his Ultimate”
ak521 says “Crazy healing, decent mobility, lots of cc. Low armor/mr but good health so you'll melt him if you need to with W. Just run when he ults. Or you can interrupt it with your Q”
Rhoku says “Nunu stands no chance against you in a fight ever. But he is such a powerful jungler that he can very easily outdo you and get to a point where he is soo tanky that it takes 5 years to kill him. He has more mobility, you CANNOT secure objectives as long as he is alive and he is a tank with hard engage and cc which means his team can afford to just go full damage. But overall, he stands no chance against you if you fight him on equal terms.”
Insightful says “2 tanks in the jungle, but nunu has the slight advantage due to his ability to have very strong ganks, if he fails them however you should be fine”
Lambda Diana says “I haven't faced many Nunu as Diana jg but at least from mid exp just not a good match up his strong then you early he will spam gank and set your lanes behind yes you can ult his ult to stop it from doing full damage but if he is tank that doesn't matter he will just tank your damage make sure to get void vs him and orb. He can also out smite you don't 50/50 smite he will always win. ”
ItsSkoob says “Nunu has insane CC, Sustain, and Damage. He can also snowball from one side of the map to the other. He can out smite you with his Q + Smite combo. Your best hope is to maintain scuttle control so he cant snowball off of that. Build Early MR against Nunu and take tenacity.”
RedNBlue says “Nunu is like a butter stick early game with you as Trundle the hot knife. He is just so squishy and easy to kill in his jungle. The reason why I put him at even is due to his ability to tank late game and that makes duels a lot harder as duels become team fights as you have a wet noodle fight with him.”
SketchtheHunter says “Tanks are pretty scary right now but Nunu's probably one of the least scary. He struggles to fight you at all stages of the game and the only really annoying parts of his kit are his Q and Ult. If you wanna R him, just wait till he's already low so you don't wind up getting stalled out by his ult's shield. Also, Grievous Wounds. ”
Penguto says “He has better ganks than you and you can block all of his CC, but you should be able to 1v1 him if you invade his jungle but he usually has better fights than you.”
Soulreaperjin says “Since you as Shyvana lacks CC, Nunu can counter you very easily with his W and E CC, then proceed to heal from you with his Q, also base damage on his abilities is really strong. Also he has more HP than you which means it really takes a long time to kill him while in that time he can just easily escape.”
RichMrFork says “Perma gank and objective control. Those are the main things to worry about against Nunu. Placing deep wards in his jungle is extremely helpful. Ask your laners to ward deeper than they usually do (if at all xd) because a Nunu at river brush with a full charged snowball likely means that laner is already dead. DO NOT 50/50 OBJECTIVES! It's more of a 70/30 against Nunu because his Smite+Q is very reliable for doing 1.5K+ damage to objectives. Especially after he gets his 900 damage smite. ”
Kayn Mains says “You can beat him early on if you have Conqueror. Nunu will likely spam ganks to snowball his laners, try to counter this playstyle by pathing into his jungle and taking his camps.
Once you get your Warrior's enchantment you beat Nunu in duels, given that he doesn't go AP.
It is recommended to go Rhaast in this matchup. After purchasing Black Cleaver try your best to force fights with him. You will beat Nunu easily and his tanky nature will serve as a free Umbral Trespass (R) HP reset. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “Disgusting objective control and farming, you will never get objectives if you're even or ahead, because his q can outsmite you at early levels. You can 1v1 him early if he isn't building AP. I anticipate him being overpowered after the Smite rework on patch 11.10, so I'm preparing my ban
metalhydra273 says “Nunu is a huge meatball on the front line, but you can take advantage of this if you can get him killed. He's rather difficult to keep track of and can secure objectives easy, so work with your team to locate him and stop him from helping his team with his roaming power by warding rivers. His cc can be hard to deal with but the same goes both ways. Stop his ult with your e if possible.”
LilPaniniUwU says “「EARLY GAME DUELING」You can win if you have conq. He will likely just spam ganks to snowball his laners. Path into his jg to punish him. 「MID GAME DUELING」You win with warrior to his cinderhulk. 「LATE GAME DUELING」Free hp reset as red, engage liberally and force fights after cleaver.
PulseBeat_02 says “You have two abilities to stop him. One is the Black Shield (which can prevent his snowball) and your binding (which can also prevent his snowball). Counter-gank and take advantage of this.”
Aqua Dragon says “Fighting other objective controllers can quickly become a bloody affair. Nunu and Malzahar play a huge tug of war, racing to see who can kill the heralds and dragons first. Constant vision is needed on objectives to stop Nunu from sneaking them by, and in turn, Nunu will keep a hawk's eye on Malzahar.”
Gamyeon says “Kindred usually loses to skirmishing tanks early but invading Nunu level 3 is easy, so just cheese invade and do as much damage as possible to him early. In a skirmish, focus whoever will die first, even if you die for it. Nunu can't scale as much as you so the gold goes in your favor.”
Ejsner says “Similar to Taliyah, Nunu's primary goal is to gank early. He can initiate his snowball off vision, making it difficult to evade once spotted. Anticipate his likely gank paths and aim to counter gank after reaching level 3. Avoid attempting to counter his level 2 ganks, as they may or may not occur, and premature action could set you back significantly. Utilize pings to communicate with your team, prioritize early warding, and other preventative measures to thwart his plays. Since Nunu players often opt for Phase Rush, focus on rooting him when fighting near bushes, or go for a combo for damage if bushes are unavailable. Lethal Tempo can be effective against Nunu, as it allows you to sustain through his tankiness with your W and retaliate effectively, especially after acquiring Last Whisper.”
Eagzey says “Should never be able to kill us but you can't do anything against him. I personally dislike playing against them. Obnoxious champion and playstyle.”
HVfun says “This is kind of a sleeper Voli counter. He can spam more ganks than you can early, his CC and sustain are kind of better than yours in team fights, and he can counter your engages pretty damn well. Definitely consider banning if he gives you problems.”
MrMeem45 says “You can dodge his snowball easily and your two dodges make it so that he can't ult you. He'll try to steal objectives, so keep your finger on smite or kill him beforehand. His ganks are devastating, but due to the nature of his snowball he's particularly unequipped to deal with counterganks. If you show up, it's an easy double kill.”
Doubtfull says “This match up can be a little bit annoying as Nunu can Q + Smite your Daisy and pretty much instantly kill her, making your team fighting much worse. However with your shields and roots you can look him down pretty easy after his phase rush is down and protect your carries. You can also use Daisy to block his snowballs (W). ”
PK Noob says “Clears faster, healthier, and ganks faster than you. Try to only focus on one lane that will snowball hard as focusing on all the lanes will result in him finding you and making you useless.”
EUWRATS says “One of the most annoying and hardest matchups due to having so many hard slows and being able to catch up with you with phase rush. Able to steal objectives from you easily, try to avoid him and ping his ganks in advance because he will be able to out gank you easily. Take phase rush into this match up to escape his ult.”
Strike1 says “What I said for zac carries over here too. Nunu doesn't really have all that much pressure on a kindred. You win duels, if he ever fails his engage you can chase him down forever.
You outscale him and he doesn't really beat you early.
However, nunu AP can pose a threat.
Nunu ambush with his ultimate can catch you offguard. More often than not you outscale.
Kindredgarten says “More worried for my team when I see him get picked than myself. He ganks so much and has super good objective control so keep it in mind. You can invade him early and he can't do much, his weak spot is duels. Ward rivers for your laners. Out scale.”
Caled says “Say goodbye to any Scuttle Crabs and Dragons in the early game. Although Nunu is very good when it comes to taking early objectives, Kayn can actually win some early duels as long as you can stack your conqueror in these trades. Going Rhaast, Kayn can easily duel Nunu in the mid/late game but will have difficulties doing so as Shadow Assassin. As Nunu will have strong sustain in mid-late game with a low cooldown on Consume (Q), look to build Executioner’s Culling against him. ”
liserith says “Nunu and Willump cannot duel you at any point in the game. Nor do they need to. Their specialty ganking, so they will have you running around the map, enduring question pings from your teammates to desperately countergank. He is very easily kitable, and make sure you have Q available so you don't have to flash his ult. ”
Gumipapucs says “You pretty much win this, you can really murder his face in early. Later aswell, if he doesn't get too tanky and you are at least even. He can't touch you, only if its a surprise, but even then, he cannot 1v1 you. Try to deny his early spamganking and turn them to your favor and try to invade him & prevent his scaling. If you meet him, he will run. If not, he will die, or he has help on the way. Also your ult totally messes up his ult.”
KeyTheMonolith says “Nunu is a hard counter to kayn seeming as he has better early game prior and better ganks and better cc even when going red kayn and good enough peel to protect teamates from blue kayn”
chevy the sloot says “Big update here after his recent nerfs. He lost 30 health and 5 ms meaning his ganks are weaker and you can hard contest him early. Ask your team to respect his early gank power or track him and counter him. You farm so much faster than him. Early oblivion orb and red smite is nice here too.”
c0st0m says “another tank for lillia to demolish, nunu is slightly more annoying cause of his phase rush and e slow but other than that another easy tank to beat”
Shroomen Rider says “Nunu will outfarm you and you can't really duel him. He is unlikely to outright kill you, though.
You might win ganks with your range and you can shred him late game. ”
Medieval_Ducky25 says “Nunu & Willump's incredible sustain and mobility can easily dominate Gragas if the player is not careful. Try to catch them off guard and watch your positioning.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Builds tank mostly, and you can melt him with On-Hit Neeko easily. Avoid fighting him until you've built Nashor's Tooth and Kraken Slayer, unless it is necessary.”
AyeJa3 says “Nunu gets points for how quickly he can eat dragons and any buffs that you leave unattended for too long. Your objective rotations have to be on point; don't be late. Aside from that, his early presence dwarfs yours, but he should be going after lanes, not you. Just ignore him and outscale.”
PsiGuard says “You can't block all his CC with spell shield and he can slow your attack speed. He's hard to kill 1v1, has good ganks, and team fights better than you. Your best bet is to get picks when he's absent. You can use your W to tank the snowball for your squishier teammates if he's engaging.”
Bel37 says “High Base damage and slippery. He is a spam ganker with his snowball so you'll never be able to match his ganks. Just take his farm to try and punish him.”
lolX9J says “One of the easier matchups to play against.
You will always win the 1v1 against him.
Try ulting before he Ults so you can attack him with clone his entire ult.
After his ult ends the clone is dead which will fear him after aswell.
If not try to dodge his ult damage with Ult.”
OmegaDelta000 says “CC + Tanky. If you're going Bruiser you should be fine, but if you're going Burst buy Morello and Void Staff. Also, try to stay away from him.”
Tofolo says “Dannazione se i tank danno fastidio a Yi, i Tank con rallentamenti e rubavita anche di più. In compenso è abbastanza facile per uno Yi uscire dalla R di Nunu e contrattaccare. Non pensate però di vincere facile 1vs1 se non siete un minimo feedati. In compenso in late game siete più spesso devastanti.”
sonminh says “If you can burst him fast enough early game, do it. If not, he can phase rush out. Save your box for his ult later in the game. Don't 1v1 him if he lands snowball on you, 2v2 is not that bad. Don't coinflip drag.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Bait his W with your ult before jumping , fight him only near bushes.
Nunu is really annoying to play agasint because his whole kit counters Rengar.”
G Spot God says “One of skarner's best attributes is his mobility. Nunu is one of the only champions in the game who can rival skarner's mobility especially with the common phase rush build run by many nowadays. He also provides a ton of cc and is very hard to kill. Nunu is underrated in my opinion so care because although he may not be able to kill you, he can thwart many of your plans such as ganks and dragons.”
DarkAuraLOL says “easy , he can't stop you from invading him and stealing his camps, cheese his raptors, try to smite his red then , go for invades and fights, he's really weak early, he usually has q on cd, so don't be afraid of him securing camps, also try to spot him and ping your team to avoid his strong gank potential, counter gank him, get form and you'll 1v9 while he won't even be tanky enough”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nunu & Willump aren't a real threat to you since they don't have a large amount of damage early on. The most important thing in this match-up is to keep vision on objectives as Nunu & Willump are pretty good at taking them. ”
EvoNinja7 says “He's a tank. So you just need to dodge his snowball if he has one charged up. Be careful when he has level 6 and have your W ready to cancel it out. Once you get Kraken slayer you can beat him in a 1v1.”
MetaSolaray says “If you want scaling damage, Black cleaver and Conqueror into Nunu. The safe option is Aftershock with unflinching to ignore his slows. Dodge his snowball will make it much harder for him to proc aftershock, making him very vulnerable to burst damage.”
DarkAuraLOL says “easy , he can't stop you from invading him and stealing his camps, cheese his raptors, try to smite his red then , go for invades and fights, he's really weak early, he usually has q on cd, so don't be afraid of him securing camps, also try to spot him and ping your team to avoid his strong gank potential, counter gank him, get form and you'll 1v9 while he won't even be tanky enough”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Kind of similar to Elise just that usually Nunu can't kill you in the 1v1 unless you have fallen behind. He can hyper gank and totally ruin the game for you before you even get a chance to play and most of the time he's going to be too tanky to merit killing (unless you are ahead). Vs him you will basically always want Kraken.”
RedNBlue says “He will stop your w with his snowball, he will stop your movement with his e root and he will take a chunk of your deer meat from you thigh right out of you with his Q.”
J03B0B says “He will pressure your lanes NON STOP.
Be sure to punish this as much as possible with counter ganks or counter jungling.
You're almost guaranteed to be behind early but your team fighting should be stronger in the mid game, so try to get there without conceding too much in laning phase.
When fighting around objectives never take smite fights :) ”
Simon The Shaco Main says “This is a macro battle. He has better ganks, objective control, duelling, clear etc. You gotta try and outdo him on all those fronts.”
Schadenfreude says “While his CC might be annoying, unless his team is there to back him up, you shouldn't have too much of a problem dealing with him. Make sure to take objectives whenever he is dead or on another part of the map because if you two have a smiting match, 95% of the time, you're going to lose, so stay on your toes, counter gank as much and possible and try to disengage his snowball whenever possible. ”
Karthus man says “Nunu and Willumps engage is extremely annoying. He becomes unable to slow with your wall when he has his snowball. He also does ridiculous amounts of damage while building tank and healing a lot. I suggest just dodging or banning him or you will have a very boring 15 minutes,”
SubwayCheese says “Honestly a great matchup for you, the only problem is that his is kind of tanky and the perma CC is annoying. But just R on his R and you win.”
Rusitc1 says “Like I said in the Blue Kayn threats, he can be hell to deal with, he heals a lot. However, you can ult when he ults which is very useful.”
Maile says “SUPER ANNOYING CHAMP. Clears super healthily and can eventually outscale you because he takes 0 damage. You HAVE to get ahead early if you want to win. You need to bring someone to kill him because he will run at 290348 MS because of Phase Rush. ”
CalicoCactus says “I ban Nunu every single game, their kit just beats all tanks and really everyone, better ganks, better ping pong objective control better clears, Nunu is like the perfect tank, use your bramble to stop their healing and save CC to stop their ult channel.”
KevinThyAsian says “Shut him down early, play agro as he simply has more map dominance. This matchup isn’t hard for you, but is hard for your laners. His team will snowball off nunu’s ganks very often and his team fighting reliability is stonk.”
impretty says “Any tanks are a big threat for this specific build, but Nunu more than anybody. His strength in the jungle right now plus his ability to survive your burst is a threat to be wary of,”
Andygumy says “You can dodge his Ult or reduce it's damage with your W. If he tries to run away you can cancel his big snowball by using your Q on him.”
Embracing says “You'll never be able to kill him and jumping in will guarantee you get cc'd. He has much better objective control and wins skirmish with his w, If W is baited out you can win fights. Otherwise play away from him - he can't really bully you unless you int into him.”
VirulentCabbage says “Super tanky and will outlive till the team arrives or just roll away on a ball. Can outsmite with her Q, two smites on one champ is just stupid and 90% of the time you will lose if you fight at objectives.”
Minase says “A good nunu can make your life hell. He can very easily invade you and can safely get out due to his movement speed and tankiness and you don't really outscale him. You can beat him, but just know your life is going to be really annoying, just make plays on the other side of the map.”
BoyWonder00 says “Very good champion. Lots of CC, he has healing with his Q, and his R counters yours. He will be ganking a lot throughout the game, so try to set up vision to help your laners.”
FalleN3 says “This is just a pain in the ass. After a few levels you should have no problems 1v1 with him, but don't underestimate him either as he can still pack a punch and stick to you with his (E). He will likely try hard to control the map objectives so be sure to ward early and try to keep control of them yourself.”
Holessando says “Nunu can do a lot with his abilities, but he can't withstand your damage. He is good in all phases of the game and synergies with his teammates, so be careful about his ULT when teamfighting around drake, baron or all kind of teamfights.”
metalhydra273 says “An annoying front liner who can threaten objective very well with priority. Win the objective game and open a hole by ulting him if you have to.”
DemacianStandard says “Incredibly invasive and has constant map pressure if given the opportunity. His ult directly counters your own and you will struggle to fight him because of his Q healing. Try to save your E+Q for his ult channel, as it will disable him from using it.”
brSL7 says “Contra Nunu é tranquilo, se ele buildar Tank ou AP não vai mudar muita coisa. Mas como ele é um champ de gank ele poderá acabar com o jogo cedo, então a partir do Mid game tente dar diversos caunters ganks, e no x1 de igual para igual você consegue matar o Nunu.”
AKScorched says “He's also pretty tanky for your W, also has a lot of CC but the difference is he has a ton of dmg. You better run when you see him because once he gets your hands on you with his teammates, you're gonna have a bad time.”
gurubashi35 says “Pretty much you, just harder to kill and more crowd control. In a duel, you always win, hands down.
However, his utility in a teamfight can be troublesome, so try to catch him when he mispositions or when separated from the rest of his team.
His double smite makes it easy for him to steal and secure objectives, so avoid going for neutral objectives if you don't know where he is.”
Reason97 says “If Nunu gets in your face, it'll be an issue, but he never should be. He's super easy to block off with your wall, so you should never have any issues with him unless you make a major mistake. ”
ChaoticClockwork says “He outclears you, and his objective control is much better than yours. His CC and tankiness makes him hard to invade. You will need help from laners to keep him out of the game.”
CinderTheSnake says “This champ is premised on CC. his snowball burst slows you. his giant snowball knocks you up and his ult is a CC nuke. because of his speed he has great counter ganks as well. ”
chasemyman1 says “He has too much sustain and health. He can also run you down with his E which slows and stuns you. His Q also helps him get objectives so you cant drake or herald when he is around your area. ”
reganakers says “Nunu is just one of those champions that will spam gank and have your laners spamming Jungle diff. In a 1v1 you will not have a problem fighting him but he can travel the map much faster than you.”
McSushi says “DO NOT FIGHT him on early crabs, since the chances of you getting the smtie in time vs his q smite is so low. just go opposite crab and start talisman, to be able to clear all AOE camps quicker. take exhaust, not only because of his ult, but also to chase.”
PsiGuard says “Unkillable tank who can heavily hamper your XP and gold progression by stealing your camps early and snowball his team through ganks and neutral objectives. However, he has no hard CC to stop you from killing his teammates. Use defensive wards to scout his invades and steal his camps while he takes yours. Beware of counterganks post-6, since his R makes it difficult to ignore him in 2v2s.”
PsiGuard says “You don't have a way to safely interrupt his snowball and he's usually too tanky for you to easily kill. You can still win the game if you out-gank him early, but he scales into a strong team fighter, so don't slack on pressure and make sure your teammates can carry you later once he gets tanky.”
chiefdonut says “He has a similar ganking stlye as you, but he is much better at taking dragons with his q. Make sure to always have vision on drag. Your w can stop him from running with snowball, but the ball still rolls forward.”
FrickLillie says “Scary if you're trying to run because of his E and W. However it becomes difficult to collect and objectives unless he's dead due to his Q smite combo.”
Dopamine_influx says “He perma ganks which is annoying, but never wins 1v1. You can either look to countergank if your jungle tracking is on point, or just contest scuttles and his jg, and be ahead, and then ignore him and make your own plays around herald and plates. ”
reganakers says “Rek'Sai deals a tonne of true damage which is great against tanks like Nunu. Nunu also is no threat in a 1v1 sitation and a well times Rek'Sai R will get you out of her ultimate.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Nunu is VERY weak early game. Make sure to mirror his path and force skirmishes. Nunu will prioritize dragon's early game. Make sure to either take it when his bot lane recalls/is shoved in OR shut down their mid / bot early game so you can win the dragon fight.”
AWierdShoe says “Nunu can be very hard to deal with, as his W is very hard to kite and his AP damage is rather large for a tank jungler. It's hard to win 1v1s early due to his Q healing, so you need to rush Executioner's Calling in order to duel him. Try to play around walls and corners to dodge his W. You can also move out of his R with your E, but don't use it too early as the radius is very large and it will still slow you if you don't escape in time.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Nunu's cc can be a big problem for Kindred, but if you manage to catch nunu off guard its an easy kill. If you get caught by his Snowball he can lock you down kill you.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He is tanky but not unkillable, you can counter or avoid most of his abilities. Invade him vigorously, but be careful if he builds AP, he can dish out some surprising damage later on.”
Sheepchu says “His jungling phase is better then yours. He will probably gank at level 3, and will have a strong map presence. Contesting objectives will be so difficult.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Still winnable with his buffs and phase rush, but is more dificult to kite and kill him. If u're good with Nida you will not have problems”
PrabhablyShaco says “Hard matchup, Nunu is too tanky to beat in a 1v1, and his kit allows him to do quite a bit of damage and a whole lot of CC even if he's building full tank. ”
SapphireLoL says “Nunu and Willump is the ideal enemy jungler as their turn rate is minimal with Biggest Snowball Ever, which can be avoided by being fast or Tunnel. You can also Dash/ Tunnel out of Absolute Zero.”
Ionia King says “If you side step a little bit when she's coming at you with a snowball, you can hold Q and swing around her without getting hit. Nunu isn't to be taken lightly early however. Beware of counter ganks.”
TrevorJayce says “Nunu is more of a gank heavy objective based champion than anything else. They'll never look to 1v1 you, but they'll always look to countergank or solo a drake. Always have rift or drag warded and spam ping when you have the slightest suspicion they might be at either.”
lheisse says “Telegraphed cc and a big target, nunu is an easy matchup. You will likely have a hard time killing him due to his tanky nature, but once you get liandry's it should become easier”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nunu & Willump aren't a real threat to you since they don't have a large amount of damage early on. The most important thing in this match-up is to keep vision on objectives as Nunu & Willump are pretty good at taking them. ”
Soulreaperjin says “Since you as Shyvana lacks CC, Nunu can counter you very easily with his W and E CC, then proceed to heal from you with his Q, also base damage on his abilities is really strong.
Also he has more HP than you which means it really takes a long time to kill him while in that time he can just easily escape.”
BlindKidNoThumbs says “The other hard counter for Warwick is Nunu it isn't as bad as Olaf and is still winnable he is one of the only champs that has better drake and rift pressure. He outganks you and outscales you try and invade him and set him behind.”
Split King says “Tanky magic damage dealer that excels at controlling the early game.
I do not have too much trouble against this guy but Rammus generally has a low winrate against him ”
urrb says “The only Nunus that I lose against are nunus that spam gank early where i can't countergank. His snowball makes it hard to show up in time to respond to a gank. Try to track him and expect him to gank early. Hit Level 3 as quickly as possible, deep ward, and hover near your lanes for a few seconds before going to farm if you feel they may be ganked. He's also vulnerable to early invades since he needs to scale and get his items to be tanky, much like Rammus or Sejuani. ”
Luthy2278 says “You can dodge his Ult and snowball with your Q and if he catches you in his ult, you can reduce the damage taken using W. Bad pick against Yi.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Can outgank/outduel you at all stages of the game. Look to outfarm him as he will be looking to gank lanes/take drakes most of the game.”
Simphoria says “Honestly, he's just annoying. He can clear fast and health, counter jungle well, gank often, has a bunch of slows, do drags very fast and early. He's basically a better version of us early game which makes it difficult to play around. We do out scale him but my advice is to not leave your buffs alive for very long, ward dragons early and try to be proactive with your ganks.”
BigBadVoodo says “With the Nunu rework, he got a lot more annoying than before. He can still do good amounts of pressure with his Q, only now he has even more CC which makes him harder to kill. We need to keep track of him at all times.”
xTheUnlimited says “Poor Nunu. His ganks are not even close to Sejuani's ganks. Although he isn't really a good tank, has a low mobillity and deals absoloutly no damage. You can bully him since this matchup wont be a problem for you.”
Ivker21 says “Early game you have more damage but no way to stick to him, and he'll sustain himself. Only counter jungle him if you have lane priority and/or know he isn't there.
Nunu is great at ganking and especially at counter ganking, so early be careful, don't overextend a gank.
He clears really fast and later will kill you in a 1v1, he also takes objectives REALLY fast, so be careful.
In team fights save your Q to end his Ult before he channels it, it's the only real way to keep your team alive.
If you Q him while his snowball is up it will knock you up and you won't land on him, keep that in mind.”
Hazardist says “It's easy to set Nunu behind in farm, but hard to keep up with his Ganks as he comes out of nowhere very quickly. He can put up a decent fight in a 1 versus 1, so save your W to interrupt his ultimate ability channeling by aiming it so that he's moved by its placement, and also keep in mind that placing the wall in front of you while he's coming with the snowball will cancel it completely, as if he hit any normal terrain.
Runeset to take: Conqueror, but Phase Rush is fine.”
MannerlessNG says “Balanced.
He's only dangerous in a team fight or if he catches you in a bad spot. His danger comes from consistently building a lead by ganking your team, who seem to never learn and place wards.
If you can dodge his snowball with W, he literally has nothing to fight you with. If he uses his ult, charge E and shove him into a wall.
Nunu's will always go for greedy ult plays and leave themselves wide open.
He is a highly mobile, high action champion, so expect him whever you can see an opening in your teams defences.”
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