Bottom Lane 51.74% Win Rate90% Pick RateTwitch Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Twitch in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “Twitch is just kinda weak rn. Watch out for his cheesy Qs and its a free lane. He may just outscale you late game on a roam though if your team is brainless.”
mythicdem0n says “Twitch lanes are weird, you dont beat him until level 3, he starts winning again when its bork vs bork but you can easily outplay him late”
BaronLunar says “Only at the beginning is he a threat. His Invisibility is annoying, but when you have level 11 or max Q, just pull him into the ult and he'll become a punching bag.”
ERem32 says “May the best win. Be carefull of his "invisibility" and coming from river, maybe he will repeat that a lof of times. Be carefull in late if he got fed.”
Umatcha says “Twitch brilla contra adcs inmobiles como Aphelios por su Q, además de que con R te puede outrangear. Intenta comunicarte con tu support o jungla para aprovechar el mal early de Twitch y sacar ventaja.
El que consiga item primero gana la línea.”
Major Alexander says “Can pretty much always kill him in lane. After lvl 6 he can easily kill you so care with his invis or play near support. The outrange is way too big”
Avarosa says “Ban ou FF
Matchup Injogavel pra ashe, você não vai poder NUNCA estar longe do seu time e mesmo assim é possivel que ele te mate e va embora, Ban nele
voce perde do 3-18”
Dr Yoshili says “Really hard matchup, you have to abuse him before he gets level 6, try to slow push and zone him as much as possible before 6, get a gold lead, after 6, he will outrange you with his ult, and always out dmg you (while also scaling as much as you)
Never travel alone against him, he is always watching you...”
EdenHoangKim says “He is not too strong right now. Even AP or AD can't stand for Nilah. But be careful of his ambush and long range. Take Ghost against him.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Invisibility / Huge DPS / Finisher with E / Insane range / Insane snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - No mobility / Easy to abuse / Lose short trades
| WHAT TO DO ? - Try taking short trades in early game and avoid taking walking up if he goes invisible. After 6, back of and wait until you see him. If you don't, stay under tower. Lategame is is Twitch favor, but if you din't die in early game and stacked nicely, then you should be fine. Stay with your team, don't ever leave them, at any excuse.”
Avxm says “Pre-6 kogmaw is slightly stronger then twitch however twitch can use his w and q both to disengage from you when you use your W which generally allows him to get through the early levels easily. Past 6 twitch generally just outdamages you and outranges you slightly and can come out of stealth at any time. Be respectful of this. Vs twitch try to win the pre-6 or atleast outfarm him and zone him well without getting poked and then past 6 make sure any fights you take with him are all ins from 100% of your hp. Any less then 100% and you will likely lose the all in even if you are even or slightly ahead of him. AGAIN ONLY TAKE FIGHTS FROM 100%HP PAST HIS LEVEL 6 AS ALL INS, nothing less then 100%hp is winning for you for the most part.
NOTES FOR TWITCH MATCHUP: With current kraken slayer as a rush, twitch becomes more manageable, however he outscales you very hard, but this matchup is currently more playable as of 14.14 due to kogmaw being able to rush kraken whereas twitch is currently rushing bork. This allows you to duel twitch much easier currently.”
Foxirion says “Twitch's stealth and ambush potential can make him a major threat to Kog'Maw. His ability to pop out of stealth, spray targets with Spray and Pray, and apply deadly venom can quickly eliminate Kog'Maw in skirmishes.”
afr0rk says “Always be weary of his stealth, he will roam if he can, or he will pop out of nowhere and nuke you if he's ahead. Once he hits 6 it's very hard to win all ins against him, so your best bet is to poke from range. You win till 6, so try to get a lead early on.”
loaderdragon15 says “Range Disadvantage: Twitch typically outranges Ezreal, especially once he has acquired items like Runaan's Hurricane and Infinity Edge. This allows Twitch to harass Ezreal from a distance with his basic attacks while Ezreal struggles to retaliate effectively due to his shorter auto-attack range.
Burst Damage Potential: Twitch's burst damage potential with his Ambush (Q) and Spray and Pray (R) abilities can catch Ezreal off guard. If Twitch positions well and manages to surprise Ezreal with an ambush or a well-timed ultimate, he can quickly burst him down before Ezreal can react or escape with Arcane Shift.
Sustained Damage: Twitch's Venom Cask (W) and Expunge (E) combo can deal significant sustained damage over time, especially if Ezreal gets caught in the crowd control or fails to avoid Twitch's abilities. This sustained damage output can wear down Ezreal's health bar in extended trades or team fights.
Stealth Engage: Twitch's ability to go invisible with Ambush allows him to set up surprise engages or ganks, catching Ezreal off guard. This stealth mechanic can make it difficult for Ezreal to position safely or anticipate Twitch's movements, especially if he lacks vision control.
Late Game Scaling: While Ezreal has a strong mid-game power spike with his two-item core (e.g., Manamune and Trinity Force/Iceborn Gauntlet), Twitch often scales even better into the late game with his hyper carry potential. If the game goes late, Twitch can become increasingly difficult for Ezreal to deal with due to his high damage output in team fights.”
Maxxx_hhh says “Early game Twitch is not really threatening.
Late game feels terrible to play against since he can just run you down invisible then instakill you within a second with R.”
Bobalegre says “Twitch is has a quite weak early game and is squishy, try to trade against him but try not to all in unless he is low, try to get any advantage against him in the early game, because after 6 he gets quite strong and scales better than you, in the late game its hard to poke him because he can get invisible and one shot you. I highly recommend frozen heart if he scales.”
Vapora Dark says “Twitch shines against immobile ADCs who make easy pray for his stealth engages, and on top of being immobile, Aphelios also struggles with being outranged, which makes him particularly weak against Spray and Pray engages. His pre-6 laning is his weakest stage and this is where you have to try and snowball if the matchup allows. If you get far enough ahead, you may get too strong for him to bully you later.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “If you don't like HoB that is too bad, HoB is going to be the determining factor on making this matchup playable past first item. Don't be scared of twitch before first item, once he gets BOTRK and engages on you with Q + ultimate, you NEED to fight back. You will be able to outburst him, with lethal you simply don't have the means to deal with him.”
Devilbuny says “Ogarnięty Twich będzie denerwował ale do póki myślisz i wiesz jak grać, nie będzie groźnym wrogiem. Stosunkowo łatwy mecz lecz i tak uważaj”
NegativePhoenix says “You outscale him, but the main problem against him comes from his level 6, especially when he has his BORK built.
If he's AD it's a bit more manageable, but if he's AP it's gonna be a bit harder to outdamage him because his poison is true damage and his E just does about 180% bonus AP damage if he fully stacks the poison
If he's gone too long play safe and ping he's missing”
Leaf no Kitsune says “50/50 matchup in my opinion depending who takes the early lead. you either snowball or twitch will snowball. pink wards are key in this matchup and respect stealthy plays. also ping your midlane everytime twitch bases so he doesn't donate free gold.”
iiExploit says “I just simply do not like this champion but he's not all that hard to face early. The problem comes from his scaling. Once he get's BotRK you need to keep track of him at all times. If you get careless he will just kill you off cooldown. Late game with his R he will just 3 shot you and your team from across the map so you need to shut him down early and try to end the game quickly.”
DarkHelix says “Twitch by himself isn't much of a threat it will only depend on who is ahead in lane, since he tends to go invisible and engage with his support, watch out for his support's movement to predict on where will he be, your burst is stronger than his, the only thing that you need to worry is the ult, as he will outrange you. make a lead early game so you can just jump on him.”
Paramo_ says “Before you have 2 Items (collector and navori) you don't win him. Just focus on farm and split push. Once you get the 2 items, dodge her ult with your W and combo him”
SlasherGamer says “Twitch can't contest your prio on lane and as Ziggs you can punish his roams very easy. Keep in mind that he can catch you with Q and R even if you are under your own turret. Even more important is that he can catch you when you are pushing.”
the hood says “AP Twitch is hard to deal with for Draven but easyly punishable early game. AD twitch is a bit easier but respect his lvl 6 spike since he starts to outrange you. Try to win Lane against Twitch or be even since he outscales you later on.”
support_diff says “Twitch is a great late game adc with tons of damage, but he isn't too good early which means that you should poke him as much as you can and stomp him hard on lane so he can't carry later on”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Twitch is a cheating champion and even a sociopath HAHAHA, if you don't be careful when you go back to base, he will simply come to you invisibly and will simply take a lot of life, even from level 6 when Twitch has his ultimate, you you'll have to be very agile to use his E Skill when he removes the poison from you, besides the fact that the rat is a hypercarry and he climbs infinitely better than the Sivir.”
Reptile9LoL says “Twitch can't punish Vayne in lane and is also very vulnerable to being all-inned due to his low mobility, all his abilites are very high cooldown so as soon as he missuses Q, W or R you're free to bully him.”
Aronnn says “Not much of a threat in lane. You do need to be careful later because if you engage and you don't know where he is, you can die to his ult pretty fast, or he will just outrange you.”
DROBENMAIN says “You win up to lvl5, once twitch gets ult and bork he can be pretty scary, If you are ahead in levels/CS from the early bullying, you can try to run into range of him to kill otherwise respect the range and damage of his ultimate combined with the Q stealth.”
FusciaByakko2 says “Kills you faster than you can kill him, extreme range, hard to trade with, safer laning, and scales about as hard. You can one pop him though with cc.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Invisibility / Huge DPS / Finisher with E / Insane range / Insane snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - No mobility / Easy to abuse / Lose short trades
| WHAT TO DO ? - Try taking short trades in early game and avoid taking walking up if he goes invisible. After 6, back of and wait until you see him. If you don't, stay under tower. Lategame is is Twitch favor, but a good Varus could hit him with a R.”
Hidden Ghoster says “The matchup isn't as bad as you think it is. This is another lane that I highly recommend you take exhaust. Once he pops out from stealth, insta exh and all in with Red/White, Red/Blue, Green/White.”
Kromaaa says “Should be careful around twitch when he reaches lvl 6 it should be a little hard to kill him just play safe and try to engage only with supp.”
Jhin and Tonic says “You should be much stronger in early but he has great snowball potential and can destroy you after first item. Try not to let him farm. Exhaust is recommended.”
Santoryo says “Twitch outranges you and outdpses if has enchanter support. Try to always pay attention to his position and use a lot of control wards.”
VrNtv says “This is worst match-up for Jinx since Twitch scales as well as Jinx and has better burst & range at lvl 6. Whenever he ults you from invisibility and you are alone, you are probably dead, since you have no burst and no disengage. His only weak part is his laning phase and his lack of range before he has ult, so make sure to abuse it early and get prio + cs lead before that. Afterwards, whenever he is missing ping it for your team, since he might roam mid. Having burst mage or engage support here just hovering you and hiding in bush near you is great counter play to him, since he will always look to fight you whenever he sees you might be alone. Take exhaust/ghost into this one.
VrNtv says “Twitch isnt that big of a deal as long as you respect his invisibility and level 6 spike. Dont willingly take his passive stacks from his W, his early game is very weak.”
Xr3ad says “Twitch can use his E - Contaminate whilst you're in invisible, together with his slow this really locks you down and makes it a hard matchup to play aggresive into, play it slow and punish his mistakes.”
wungus says “Your W makes Twitch stacking his passive very difficult. Use your dashes to get on top of him if he mispositions for autos. AP Twitch is trickier to deal with, but not impossible.”
whitemindlight says “Laning phase against Twitch is fine, but mid to lategame he can just come out of his Q and kill you. Also in teamfights if your team doesn't jump on him, he can burst you in a few secons. If he ults in a teamfights, either go all on him, or run.”
LordFawful says “May or may not be the best ADC in the game currently, seeing as how he can go invisible, build AP and one shot you, slow you, I think you get it by now...”
SheriffADC says “This is only easy if he's AD, AP Twitch is much harder because you have to focus on blocking his Venom Cask. There's pretty much no poke so the lane is chill. Just be careful after level 6 because with proper kiting he easily outranges you. NOTE: you cannot block his E since it's not a projectile!”
Lachoni1 says “Twitch is very simple match up.
Win lane vs him.
You beat him 1 vs 1 on side lane.
In team fights save your R the moment he comes out of Q someone on your team has to cc him and your R + Exhaust him and kill him.”
moso says “If he's with an enchanter it's pretty hard to deal with his invisibility as he can straight out damage you. If he doesn't have cleanse you're considered a counter as when he comes out from invis and ults you ult him, cancelling out his R. But if he has cleanse or his cleanse is up you just can't stand toe to toe with him. Your slows will be very useful for lowering his ability to kite and chase your team down during his R though.”
slendoooo says “There are 2 ways to play Twitch (AD or AP):
For AD Twitch the matchup is pretty easy for Draven pre 6 and after 6.
For pre 6 just look for short trades so he doesn't get time to stack his passive on you.
After 6 tend to play around bushes more so if he ends up using his ultimate ability you can simply hide in the bush till it runs out. Or if the twitch is greedy, he will walk to the bush and ward it, then you can kill him because you are in range of him.
For AP Twitch early game goes the same, but for late game you will get barely any chance to engage on him because his W slow % gets increased the more AP he has, so to counter AP twitch in late game always look to buy MAW.
A video example of Twitch-Draven
Matchup: (To be made)”
PalestinianLuck says “a good twitch will outclass you by time
if u manage to kill him early you get more time to end the game till he outclasses you again”
delektix says “twitch is a huge threat for you, not only because his annoying by design but his E ability can pass through Yasuo's Windwall. Using his W Twitch throws a cask that explodes in an area. W slows you alot + if twitch uses one particular build slowing effect is going to be powerful to the point of no escape. ”
Tolis slayer says “you destroy him in lane but after 2 or 3 items he easily 1v1 you also his stealth can be really annoying. In lane make sure to have many flowers in bushes and near you so it will be hard for him to ambush you with his q”
LionelOCE says “Twitch can be annoying once he gets going because of his range with his ult. However, his laning is quite weak and very exploitable so you can get a substantial lead in the early game.”
NotAragami says “Weak early game just like you but scales better and often appears out of thin air. Avoid 1v1 with him if you can, once he gets 2 items and his ult will murder everyone. ”
Banana Pirate says “If I'm banning an ADC It's Twitch. You always have to keep in mind his Q because he'll just sneak up on you and you're as good as dead (this will work on you no matter what point in the game, late or early). Play as safe as possible you might have to camp tower and lose some cs. Ganks from your jg is the best way to win against a Twitch. If you have to fight without jg; get sup to stun and place traps. ”
KnobHobbler says “With a yuumi can be deadly otherwise not a threat.
Buy control wards to stop his Q invis.
You lose late game 1v1.
Very gankable so ask jungle to gank.
Keep wave in middle of lane.”
franksterzz says “Generally speaking, Twitch isn't a real problem, unless he has an enchanter, in which case you probably won't be able to beat him early due to your low attack speed. Be careful of his stealth as he can catch you off guard and kill you quickly. Later in the game you can burst him very quickly if he positions badly, but keep your eyes open as he tends to open a bit later into a fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Ambush(Q). Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for favourable trade. Twitch benefits from extended trades. Try to go for short bursty trades over long ones with him when possible. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Have consistent vision around your lane so you know what he’s doing and where he’s going.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Ambush(Q). Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for favourable trade. Twitch benefits from extended trades. Try to go for short bursty trades over long ones with him when possible. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Have consistent vision around your lane so you know what he’s doing and where he’s going.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Ambush(Q). Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for favourable trade. Twitch benefits from extended trades. Try to go for short bursty trades over long ones with him when possible. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Have consistent vision around your lane so you know what he’s doing and where he’s going.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Twisted Fate will look for picks with his Ultimate Destiny(R) during the mid-game. Avoid splitting too far apart to reduce his ability to get picks. As Destiny(R) gives him a lot of map pressure, expect him to be split pushing in the mid-game. While you could fight with the numbers advantage, make sure you keep an eye on him so you can disengage if he makes his way to the fight. Twisted Fate will look to poke as much as possible before initiating. Do not allow him to poke by engaging as soon as you spot him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Ambush(Q). Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for favourable trade. Twitch benefits from extended trades. Try to go for short bursty trades over long ones with him when possible. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Have consistent vision around your lane so you know what he’s doing and where he’s going.”
Amberdragon says “twitch usually wants to be aggressive but he is completely auto-based, which means you can easily counter him with your W during his R and autos. Just avoid fighting while W is down. Due his low base range he can put himself within kill range for you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Ambush(Q). Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for favourable trade. Twitch benefits from extended trades. Try to go for short bursty trades over long ones with him when possible. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Have consistent vision around your lane so you know what he’s doing and where he’s going.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Ambush(Q). Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for favourable trade. Twitch benefits from extended trades. Try to go for short bursty trades over long ones with him when possible. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Have consistent vision around your lane so you know what he’s doing and where he’s going.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “After recalling, Twitch can enter the lane in stealth with his Ambush(Q). Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for favourable trade. Twitch benefits from extended trades. Try to go for short bursty trades over long ones with him when possible. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Have consistent vision around your lane so you know what he’s doing and where he’s going.”
Grondvreter says “Early game he can be beat very easily and u win every fight. After a few items his ultimate can easily kill you so be careful of his stealth.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Short Trades] Permaban 🥰 ONLY go for short trades against him and poke him down, he has short range and he is useless if he can't get stacks on you. If Twitch is missing and you can't fight him it's best to just sit under tower and wait, it's better to miss some cs than to feed Twitch. Never stay in lane when you're low on health, he will kill you.”
Ludazel says “you can not 1v1 a twitch that opens on you from stealth, chasing is hard because he can dodge invisible and shooting blind is hard.
You scale about the same and lategame if your team can stun twitch you can carry the rest of the teamfight!”
m1NEEX says “This is worst match-up for Jinx since Twitch scales as well as Jinx and has better burst & range at lvl 6. Whenever he ults you from invisibility and you are alone, you are probably dead, since you have no burst and no disengage. His only weak part is his laning phase and his lack of range before he has ult, so make sure to abuse it early and get prio + cs lead before that. Afterwards, whenever he is missing ping it for your team, since he might roam mid. Having burst mage or engage support here just hovering you and hiding in bush near you is great counter play to him, since he will always look to fight you whenever he sees you might be alone. Take exhaust/ghost into this one.”
DreiViertelTakt says “If Twitch goes with Lulu / Yuumi / Nami you are pretty much doomed at level 6 if your Lane doesnt get ahead. Be Aware of his invisible Engages.”
Kamicali says “Is a problem for you both in, and out of the laning phase. He's just... annoying. He has less range then caitlyn but his poison is just painful to deal with, and post level-6 he has the potential to kill you from the other side of your screen.”
ARCTIC33 says “He will farm alot and try to get extended trades if you get max passive stacks from him get away from him to not get poked with E he snowballs really hard same as you.”
agentgrilledcheese says “Twitch can always pop up and slow you while bursting you from a distance, be sure to always know where he is if you want to be anywhere past tower in lane.”
Xedavion says “This lane can go either way,either you destroy him or he destroys you,he has some mobility but as long as you play safe and ult him lvl 6 he can't escape.”
Amberdragon says “He outscales you, quickly assassinates you and he destroys teamfights harder than you. One of the worst matchups for Zeri in my opinion, it is really hard to survive long enough to do anything.”
SunLongGod says “same with Karthus. you can out clear him early game. invade can be successful most of the time because Twitch must use his Q and W to stack passive faster. avoid using your Q to soon in combat without knowing Twitch's location”
Kitqsune says “Twitch is a hard matchup for sure - can only block autos/ult, but he'll outdamage you because of attack speed steroids and large amounts of damage if he goes ap. Paired with an enchantress, twitch is very hard to get kills on. Save your w for his ult and try to block a few shots of it then attempt to engage, if not you can always disengage to wait for ult to go down.”
killpyroxen says “Twitch has a lot of range and damage but during laning phase he's pretty weak. take short trades to not let his passive stack up. Make sure to notice when he's using his q or is missing for too long and don't over-extend, also make sure to alert your team since he might be roaming. Make sure to trade hard if you have a lot of cc and he's caught up.”
Amberdragon says “He's a snowballing hypercarry. Your spell shield is useless and he melts you after 6, there is not much you can do against him on your own”
Alvatorz says “I would say it's a Twitch favor matchup but this is weird. To be honest i would say it depends on the support but on term of 1v1, Twitch as the lead. Don't fight him too much and don't get ambushed.”
AbyssaLegend says “Twitch has a really long range so he can hit you from afar. He also become invisible and you can't even know if he's near to you or he's not there anymore.”
TangsterinE says “His early game is super weak and you can abuse him. You can easily 100-0 burst him late game. I never have too much problem with Twitches.”
Demonsedge90 says “This matchup is straightforward, dodge his w ability to avoid being affected by the poison and take a hit from his contaminate ability. Be sure to watch out if he goes invisible too as he may bait you into an extended trade that might not be favourable.”
DeadlyS27 says “Reaction time plays part in this matchup. When you see him going out of invis ult him and begin charging QW to hope to oneshot him first”
wardinbush says “You outdamage him early game, try to get fed off him to deny him from scaling and doing damage in the late game. If he runs kraken slayer then run dd and bt to have sustain and deal alot of damage into him”
Krilep says “Twitch is very weak early game just be cautious not to have too many of his passive stacks on you when you trade with him. Outside of lane be careful of his invisibility if he is not on the map just play safe, don't use your dash. AP Twitch can be a monster late game so be careful of his range after level 6.”
DustRose says “Twitch has been a counter to Jinx for as long as I can remember, and I still hate fighting him (Crit or On-Hit). If you inevitably HAVE to lane against him, focus on poking with rockets and/or leaning on your support.”
Dattura says “Scary in late with invincible and burst damage. Early he shouldn't be a problem to you. try to play around pink ward and don't overextend without your support ”
Kingof3o says “Scary in late with invincible and burst damage. Early he shouldn't be a problem to you. try to play around pink ward and don't overextend without your support ”
Valhalla Coach says “He was hiding! Everytime you don't see him on the map play like he is next to you ready to press R. Play very close to your support and place pinks everywhere you go. Never push waves alone or if you don't have double summoners up. Before 6 he doesn't really have a threat on you so abuse him while you can. If he is premade with Yuumi he does double R combo for 200% of your HP and buying defensive items doesn't help just try to don't interact when he has Yuumi on.
His only interaction with you should be with your Enchanted Crystal Arrow”
Sellsword says “You do beat Twitch in lane by poking him with Q and having better waveclear, and you can try to freeze for a gank. The thing is that he may be able to avoid the gank with his camouflage from Q, and after level 6 (or sometimes even earlier) he'll begin using said stealth to constantly try to pick up kills around the map - especially true if he is playing AP Twitch. So whenever he isn't to be seen on the map, be very careful. If he doesn't get fed, you'll be more useful than him, since he is immobile and easy to dive on.”
PancakeKittiwake says “Twitch will jumpscare you and obliterate you in 2 seconds, if you don’t know where he is be extra careful bc he absolutely outranges you with his ult ”
Amberdragon says “In the early game you might be able to shut him down with your support if you have engage or a favorable support matchup, but in the late game there is not much you can do against him. He will R when he is invisible and his range will be too big for you to react fast enough to kill him. Your only chance is to work with your team to catch him and use your R to chain CC him before he kills everyone.”
Nom212 says “Twitch plays more like an assassin than anything else. When you see him it's already to late. He isn't very threatening in lane if you back up under your turret when you lose vision of him since he is most likely looking to get the jump on you. A great amount of damage comes from his E Contaminate. It has a high projectile speed and can rarely be blocked in time with Spell Shield.”
Alvatorz says “Predict his all ins. If you can prevent that, lane will be easier for you and you should have the advantage, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time. He's just gonna hide and jump on you, and kills you quicker than you could do.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Twitch is another hyper scaling ADC, but unlike Vayne, his laning phase is actually pretty weak and something that won’t be an issue for us. His playstyle revolves around his stealth mechanic.
◉ Take short trades with [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] and avoid extended trades because Twitch will get stacks on you with his passive [[Deadly Venom]] then activated it with his E [[Contaminate]] and for extra injury he can apply [[Venom Cask]] to add more stacks and a slow so he can sneak in more auto attacks!
◉ Twitch’s best way to start extended trades or all-in 2v2 is by using his invisibility ability [[Ambush]]. If you see Twitch farming and all of a sudden he goes missing for a few seconds it’s safe to assume he used [[Ambush]] and is planning something. If you both recalled and you’re walking back to lane and you notice he’s still not here then it’s safe to assume he’s using [[Ambush]] as he returns to lane to get the jump on you!
If Twitch goes missing for too long than alert your teammates because it is not uncommon for them to gank mid lane using [[Ambush]].
◉ Win condition: Farm and scale up. Take short long range pokes and look to engage on him if he’s caught or CC. He’s very easy for you to kill if he’s locked down, but if he’s invis and on the loose you better watch out!
Breathly says “Like Aphelios this champion will be very hard to deal with later on but the laning phase is not very hard, you go even in lane but would slightly be favored to you unless he has a Lulu/Yuumi then he out scales you lvl 6.”
I Am Not u says “I'd put this guy in Minor if it wasn't for his camoflauge. Respect that, buy control wards, and be careful when he hits six. Do not leave your support's side.”
Vixylafoen says “Very scary since he'll be in camoflauge and have his Support bait you out, then he'll clean up easily. Remember that he's always around and hard focus him once he comes out of hiding. ”
LegendaryOstrich says “Twitch is very weak early game just be cautious not to have too many of his passive stacks on you when you trade with him. Outside of lane be careful of his invisibility if he is not on the map just play safe, don't use your dash. AP Twitch can be a monster late game so be careful of his range after level 6.”
koog says “It's pretty easy for twitch to open up on aphelios whenever he wants. If he can kill you try to stay around control wards. I recommend galeforce here to get away from him if he tries to assassinate you. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This rat is a pain in the ass. AP or AD he'll sneak up on you, pop his ult, then pop your health bar. Get pink wards, never push side lanes alone past laning phase, and stay near your support. ”
Urason says “Unless he's with Lulu OR a GOOD Yuumi. You'll run this rat down if he's the ADC. If he's the support, it's GGs. If you have an engage support you can farm kills between him and his ADC. ”
LostFishEU says “Twitch doesnt bring a lot of threat towards Vayne. He gets a big boost in attack speed once he comes out of stealth, but other than that he doesn't have any direct counters towards Vayne. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Both the AP and AD versions of Twitch are very problematic for Ezreal. He can quickly sneak in while invis vs you and burst you down. Keep a pink ward handy, and don't overextend without your support. ”
ELOSANTA says “Twitch loses to Lucian pretty hard, just like Sivir he wants to farm for his items, which a lane bully like Lucian excels at stopping. Engage / trade early on to make it hard for Twitch to farm for his items.”
Coldsong says “Twitch is not a very strong ADC, especially early. He may be a problem if the enemy support is a Lulu or Yuumi and is a premade, but other than that you absolutely run this rat down! Make sure to W his E and you are golden.”
Vapora Dark says “Twitch is a potent mid game assassin, and a teamfighting powerhouse. Early game however he's pretty weak. Avoid long fights so he can't expunge you for a lot of damage, so poke him with Q bounces and 4th Whisper rounds. Later on stay close to your team and pay attention to how you plan your Curtain Call as he can open up on you and kill you before you even realise he's there. ”
Simon Uchinora says “Twitch is like an a Akshan, he can became invisible when he wants, but differently then akshan, twitch has more range than you with his ultimate, and alot of damage with his E, Just wait hes waste his E on the wave and go carefully to get a kill on him, and be alot of Carefully with his back at base, becauce he can came invisible and kill or waste you flash/heal.”
Rihh says “Very difficult if Twitch is paired with a Lulu or Yuumi, nearly unplayable if he becomes fed. Pay very heavy attention to where he could be in stealth and play around your team. Keep people aware of where he is with pings as well. This matchup is a heavy test of awareness and vision control.”
Melyn says “Twitch is a very good matchup early. Max E, poke with Q, and all in as soon as possible. Be very careful not to get surprised by his Q, especially after level 6. Also remember (in a close fight) you can flash his autos when he's ulting.”
Chaeha says “Twitch is pretty weak during the laning phase but once he hits 6 and gets off from a reset/recall, Kai'Sa has to respect the invisibility one shot potential that Twitch has by outranging her with his ultimate. ”
Penguto says “He doesn't have CC and he's very easy to kill. Just make sure you kill him quick or he will just run away because he goes invis. And you are stronger than him late.”
Light Within says “His stealth will have you unprepared for his bursts. Phel needs time to stack chakrams or execute a decent amount of damage early unlike Twitch. Look to harass him with your weapon combos (mainly calibrum and infernum) and very importantly always care for his stealth, don't overstay.”
Swearing Roomba says “Extremely hard to play against at all stages of the game. Make use of your Captive Audience (E) by predicting and placing them in spots where you think Twitch will come to you while camo'd. He can one shot you without even coming into your Auto Attack range.”
angata500 says “Play aggresive and try to shut him down early. Abuse his shorter range by poking any time when possible with your Zap! and Fishbones! Dont let him stack his E on you. Beware of his invisibility and try to kill him as soon as he shows up in team fight. Expect him to roam a lot and play defensive if you dont see him on your minimap.”
R3Veal says “Twitch's early game is actually quite poor. He can't do much unless he gets quite fed. The only way he can poke you is his W and E and if he gets to close just focus him as he shouldn't even try to fight early game.”
Urason says “Similar to our other immobile matchups, you can farm the Rat pretty easily (unless he has a Lulu of course ;-; ). With this in mind, you can easily look for plays on him as he has no real disengage. You need to take advantage of his weak early game or else you'll get outscaled!”
SopTop says “Besides his invis (Which you can E into) Twitch has no way of escaping. But if he builds AP he might be a little scary. However, you can counter this by just building Maw.”
yers says “Squishy and easy to kill when he's not stealthed or lv 6. Once you have ult and you stun combo him, try to use it as fast as possible so that he can't invis out and make you lose the chance to PNC him.”
Inoriboob says “Twitch is not a problem but with lulu will outdamage you and unplayable, Ap twitch will outpoke you and can outdamage you late game, AD is very weak and should be punished early.”
HyroPyro says “Twitch is only more threatening than some of the other AD Carries because some players are caught off guard from the Ambush (Q) and the Hail of Blades attack speed. Buy a control ward and place it in the lane brush to avoid these sneak attacks. Remember to ping if Twitch is NOT in lane to warn your teammates of roams. With an engage support such as Leona, Nautilus and Thresh, you are able to highly out damage Twitch and go for kills. Remember as well that Twitch's Contaminate (E) has a 1200 range, so if you are going to die, try to escape that range. Make sure not to fight extended fights as Twitch's Contaminate (E) at six stacks does a large amount of damage. Either try to poke him out or do burst trades.”
snowcard says “Again, this guy auto attacks you to death. He's very squishy though. You can try to predict his E, but it's pretty difficult. You can't block his W.
What you can block: E, one R bullet.”
Pengwan says “Scary in late and midgame with invis and tons of damage. Early is where you have to punish him. Due to invis you have to be careful about stepping up.”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Camp bushes and try close-range fights. When he is invicible just to under Tower to make sure you and your adc are safe. Take doran's shield and upgrade blinding dart first.”
Trieuloo says “This matchup is even in a sense that if both players play it correctly veigar wins, BUT if twitch gets a lead it is impossible for veigar as he just perma outranges you. If he goes ap its somewhat manageable, but AD is really really FF”
Alvatorz says “He sneaks, he hides, but most importantly, he kill you. Twitch is so hard to trade, Aphelios needs time to set up his weapons and his damages, Twitch don't allow you time to do it, he just kill you faster, but dw, Twitch is not a common adc now.”
Ekezun says “Be sure to not forget to buy pinkwards, focus him in both fights botlane and in teamfights since he is very vulnerable and has no escape except for his Q, burst him down”
Harambe Homie says “Twitch can be hard to play against. Twitch has a combination of really high range, and extremely high DPS. Two things that swain doesn't enjoy going against. Generally speaking you can win games vs Twitch but watch out for this matchup”
Boast says “Twitch's stealth can be a huge problem for Jhin because he loses most of his pressure if he cant lead with the first auto-attack. Flanks also can happen while ulting.”
FunkyBeagle says “Twitch isnt that big of a deal as long as you respect his invisibility and level 6 spike. Dont willingly take his passive stacks from his W, his early game is very weak.”
DoublefeedOP says “Twitch isn't much of a threat because he has a surprise element but you could just Arcane Shift away. You should be able to easily pick him out”
APC Ziggs says “No dash, no slow, abysmally bad early. With an agressive support the lane is free as long as he does't get kills early. Poke him to death and make him hate his life.”
lenithebot says “Play aggressive early game to try and make leads. He does out-scale your late game. Make sure to notice when he is not on the map and he might plan to surprise you with his invisibillity.”
KoZee says “Twitch has 2 playstyles, AD and AP. They both are heavily reliant on bursting you down, AD through shredding with autos and AP through stacking his passive and bursting you with his E. Once he comes out of his invisibility, her will often use R to try to shred you. However, without the element of surprise on his side, he becomes a lot weaker, as you can simply ult him and he can't really escape. You shred him down quickly, but he can to. He relies on playing around his invisibility to win lane to scale though, so just be careful of it and be constantly aware of when he goes out of vision.”
Delta eGirl says “Twitch's invisibility should be played around at all times. As long as you don't play in his ult you should be good, but it's still going to be rough. Just don't forget about Twitch or you will be assassinated.”
T0nn says “Havent played a lot against the new twitch and his new build. Tho he is a sneaky bastard. I recommend having control wards in inventory till mid to late game where you just one shot him when he gets out of stealth. Be warry of his R range advantage and play around bushes. The problem is getting near him when his R is off cd.”
Xayaphelia says “Xayah is able to oneshot Twitch if he takes a bad engage. He is only really a threat if you are unable to take him out. Basically it comes down to who can drop the other one faster.”
LilPicky says “If you have this champion in the opposing team, be aware that you will have a tough game against him.If you want to beat him, you have to wait for the gank or for support to catch him, otherwise you have little chance to win 1v1 with him”
TheGronne says “I don't know what it is, but I found twitch to be extremely hard to deal with. His consistent dps and his E damage makes him very hard to fight. Gets easier if you W his W though.”
ooftheiii says “Be careful in lane when you see the enemy support alone, Twitch might be trying a sneaky engage if the support is walking towards you.Avoid clumping against a Twitch because his ultimate deals massive damage to targets in a line. Twitch is extremely vulnerable, and has no escape abilities. Try to focus him in teamfights.Be careful to save, Stuns, snares, and bindings temporarily disabling movement, for when twitch activated his ultimate, as it buffs his DPS hugely. This only applies in the late game, as ruining twitch's early game is priority!”
kingamazin says “You probably won't see a lot of twitch, but he is a pretty strong pick into jinx. A few things to remember is to never walk up alone when twitch is off the map. He can easily ambush you from stealth with his q and pick you off for a free kill. He scales just as well as you, and has just as much range as you when he activates his r. Try to remain aware of where twitch is at all times, as he is much weaker in vision compared to when he is stealthed. ”
Bluestrat says “Twitch can be a very easy or a very tough opponent. It depends on who gains a greater advantage.
If Twitch is stronger, he has the possibility to beat us in a 1v1.
If we are stronger and get our Q-EVOLVE, we can beat Twitch in a 1v1. ”
Trampedach says “Bonkers. If he doesn't have lulu perma on him you can ult and one shot him every time you see him. Easy trade patterns if you auto Q burst. Don't take extended fights as he will win with poision and E. ”
YoonaBoona says “Twitch is a high range and sneaky champion. His invisibility can really mess you up if he appears on you late game and opens fire. Once he gets items and ultimate, he will be able to kill you from afar and you cannot escape. Look to beat twitch in the early game with your range, and don't let him get a lead over you. ”
Bluestrat says “Twitch kann ein sehr einfacher oder ein sehr harter Gegner sein. Es hängt davon ab, wer einen größeren Vorteil erzielt.
Ist Twitch stärker, hat der die Möglichkeit uns in einem 1v1 zu besiegen.
Sind wir stärker und bekommen unser Q-EVOLVE, können wir Twitch in einem 1v1 zu schlagen. ”
Atrickster says “he out scale you super hard and his lane is quiet good specialy ap twitch try to not give leads and keep track of him 1 bad teamfight and he can win the game”
ctm20141 says “Completely free lane pre lv 6. At lv 6 he can cheese you with his Q and ulti. For this particular reason I take Exhaust. If you have Exhaust you ALWAYS win 1v1s.
Abuse him HARD early/mid game, he has a better teamfight potential later on!”
Tifforma says “I HATE TWITCH. INVISIBILITY IS REALLY ANNOYING. He has high damage, if he has a good peel, you will struggle. Play safe, get a hard CC support. Get a jungle help. ”
Kalista Monster says “Twitch has very strong slows and his invis makes it hard to kill him. He always outscales and can easily delete you at the start of fights. Ap twitch is very hard to beat, Ad is a bit easier.”
NathanPyke says “Easy to kill adc , but very hard to get close if he has a heavy cc support.
for jungle its easy in the early game but late game is very hard to kill him”
Remmacs1 says “I've changed my opinion about this match up as of patch 11.14, I feel that Aphelios has very few weapons to keep Twitch from blowing open the game. Twitch is able to punish Aphelios' gun rotations better than any adc and if he finds you without red/white or green/white consider yourself smoked. This is my go to ban as of late because if you don't have an engage support you're most likely not going to win this match up. I recommend you try to cheese Twitch with grav from bush or all-in him with red/white to get yourself a lead before he takes over.”
McNugglz says “Twitch has gone from something to not worry about to something you should be fearing. The fact twitch can rush nashors tooth and get max passive stacks, press e and win is a problem. BAN THIS!!”
Dank672 says “If he gets ahead he can snowball his lead thanks to his Q forcing fights or roaming, but until he gets one you can put a lot of pressure on him (especially early levels). Give him the chance to farm and he outscales you, so just keep pressure on him and take any picks you can get.”
EvoNinja7 says “He isn't too powerful pre level 6, but once he hits 6 he can absolutely MELT your health bar, so try not to take too many trades unless he's low or has no ulti up. He's like Teemo, you need to have vision of him or you'll get burst down.”
Scrimm says “Most Twitch player's will also take HoB, making it difficult for you since Twitch can merely auto you with HoB then E for trades, whereas you would have to land a W to get similar damage. Try to be aware of when he leaves vision to use his Q camouflage, since getting hit by Twitch W slow will allow him to get maximum value out of his E.”
SkittleBtw says “?? Haha, just laugh at him while you farm and then kill him at 3. If your support is bad, he has a decent chance to get some kills early, then things can turn bad, but just blame the jungler or something, most of the time this is a free lane. If it was 1v1 lane, you win everytime.”
jhoijhoi says “Twitch relies heavily on auto-attacks and his Venom Cask to poison you so he can use Expunge to apply large damage or harass. It's best to use your slow to kite. Be wary for when he leaves your vision because his stealth can let him get in close and do a lot of damage. Volley can hit an invisible twitch and give away where he is hiding. Be careful of Twitch's ultimate giving him increased damage and extremely high range.”
GodMulti says “Twitch is one of the easiest matchups , avoid getting hit by his bomb and you win every trade , ult him when he is ulting because the most twitches just stand still when they spray and pray”
GariKun says “As for Ashe, if he's ahead u hardly reach him (he deals TONS of damage)
but if u push him out of lane, he will run away from you as the rat he is.”
Bouhhsolene says “He's like so Squishy, he's an easy kill in lane if you hit W. The only problem is his range in teamfights, you won't really be able to hit him unless you flashes. Just put him behind early and you're cool.”
Cam1304 says “Twitch isn't very strong early but will still kill you in most scenarios if you aren't careful for his q. If you hit a successful E you will be able to kill him easily.”
SweatMeALake says “Twitch is a high damage late game hyper carry. As Ashe your job here is to make sure he ramps slowly and does not snowball. In lane Twitch does not do as well as you do, watch for his passive stacks, E is bursty early game. Watch for his Q which makes in invisible, Twitch almost acts like an Assassin. ”
SweatMeALake says “You beat Twitch in a 1v1 actually in every stage of the game. You must be careful for his positioning AT ALL TIMES. He has a huge team wipe potential, so you must be careful. ”
Mephiix Unleashed says “Twitch struggles in lane so it's fairly easy to face him, you outrange him, can win almost every trade, specially when your fourth shot is up, make sure you are not standing in his poison cloud(W) while laning. Twitch only becomes a problem when he gets fed, be careful when he gets Infinity edge that's his biggest powerspike, also try to close the game before he hits 4,5 items, otherwise it becomes rly hard to fight him”
Spection says “RARE. A poor laner against most ADC's, Pantheon is no exception. Twitch has almost no CC but good escape with his invisibility move. The second you see him start to go invisible, stun him to make him cry. ”
ShroudedBRH says “You can deal with him early during the lane phase but once he gets 3 items it becomes difficult to handle him as he will begin roaming and taking difficult positions during team fights. Be patient with your R and try to wait for him to show before you all in on a fight.”
Camelorry says “This is a tricky one because you completely demolish Twitch in laning phase but once he gets his 3 items there's not much you can do unless you are giga fed. So try to stomp him as fast as you can. ”
Ikare says “The rat is a really easy lane. He has short range, poor escape and poor all-in. You really want to all-in him and snowball. Keep in mind that if you freeze, he may gank other lanes with his Q.”
Kdrama says “Your w reveals his stealth and he can't ever outtrade you at any stage in the game. Probably go full ap build and annihilate him mid to late. ”
StriveHD79 says “He will come at you in stealth, and if he does catches you by surprise you will die since he gets attack speed buff coming out of stealth. You will need to mindful at all times when he is missing on the mini map that he could be coming for you. He is very weak in lane but once he reaches level 6 he will look for some stealth plays with his ultimate.”
StriveHD79 says “In lane it should be straight forward, your AA slows + W will rekt him in lane. He will come at you in stealth, and if he does catches you by surprise you will die since he gets attack speed buff coming out of stealth. Save your R for him and you will be fine. Avoid places without vision control.”
StriveHD79 says “His game plan is stealth. He will try to stealth close to you to close the distance. Just be mindful that whenever twtich is missing he is coming for you and you will be okay. When he come out of stealth he will gain attack speed and he has an AOE slow, and the poison stack will do decent damage against you. Avoid letting him get close to you, keep your distance. You should win the laning phase, harass when he goes for CS, as twitch is usually very weak early game.”
StriveHD79 says “He will come at you in stealth, and if he does catches you by surprise you will die since he gets attack speed buff coming out of stealth. You will need to mindful at all times when he is missing on the mini map that he could be coming for you. He is very weak in lane but once he reaches level 6 he will look for some stealth plays with his ultimate. Once you have iceborn he should never really be able to kill you.”
StriveHD79 says “He will come at you in stealth, and if he does catches you by surprise you will die since he gets attack speed buff coming out of stealth. You will need to mindful at all times when he is missing on the mini map that he could be coming for you. He is very weak in lane but once he reaches level 6 he will look for some stealth plays with his ultimate.”
StriveHD79 says “Twitch biggest advantage is his stealth, so as long as you keep that in mind he should not be able to get a jump on you. Expect him to be looking to kill you at all times and you will never die to him 1v1. Coming out of stealth he gains extra attack speed and combine with his R, he will run you down. But other than that Twitch is fairly weak, both in lane and out of lane.”
Spider Shaped says “1 на 1 убить Твича сложно. Если вы будете от него далеко,он может включить ульт и добить вас или убить,поэтому держитесь от него подальше и убивайье при возможности в начале.”
StriveHD79 says “He will come at you in stealth, and if he does catches you by surprise you will die since he gets attack speed buff coming out of stealth. You will need to mindful at all times when he is missing on the mini map that he could be coming for you. He is very weak in lane but once he reaches level 6 he will look for some stealth plays with his ultimate. You should be able to bully him really hard in lane.”
snukumz says “Super annoying to play against due to his invisibility, how much damage he does, and how squishy you are.
Be VERY careful when playing again Twitch as he likes to pay stealth plays with his support and kill you.
However, if he isn't making stealth plays you can out range him and poke him down easily as he is squishy, has low mobility, and low range without his ult. ”
Terrific says “I feel like Twitch is really bad if he does not have a Lulu, Yuumi or anything that enhances his AA's. Tho do not underestimate his power. Once he has enough AS and AD he will shred. But most likely you win hard in laningphase. Care for his invis when he comes back in lane,he might do a sneaky opener with his support. But it will look very obvious.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “Since Kalista has one of the best early games of any ADC, you can counter Twitch pretty easily. By poking/engaging on him at any chance you have in lane, you can destroy him. Twitch absolutely needs time to scale and snowball, and you are the perfect champion to prevent that. In teamfights, withhold Fate's Call until he surfaces, then press R and let your support get right on top of him. ”
Zoodyacc says “I really think Twitch is one of the best champions that can counter Vayne, along with Draven. His E can deal huge damage to you, try to also avoid getting caught in W of his, play as safe as you can untill you're confident you can kill him, or you catch him up off guard. You might want to try to Condem him into the wall and then bursting him.”
TwentyOneShadows says “I have faced Twitch few times on botlane, but it always went well, his all-ins are not as strong as yours, but dont underestimate him, once you managed to get him out of the lane, he can be at your back in a moment!”
atonementblade says “You have more damage than him in teamfights if his ult is on CD, but not too much you can spell shield (except for the slow on his W).”
atonementblade says “Twitch is actually one of the few ADC's that can rip through tanks as easily as you, and often with safer access. You'll win early trades if you can proc your PTA though.”
Loki029 says “Build Thormail, buy Vision ward, and the twitch will bann Garen next Match, don t let him trade, don t get 4 stacks , and a must do is your w to minimize the damage you get”
Phantom R says “Now here it is what I consider to be the major threat for Jinx. Twitch can pretty much outscale your damage in every single stage of the game, be it early, mid or late game. He can position himself very well and easily on most teamfights. Don't let him get the early advantage, otherwise it will be very hard to win against him.
In late game, try to place some wards near (but not inside!) the river bushes, so you can see whenever he goes invisible with his Q. TRY to place as many traps as you can think of a place where he could be. If he's trapped, he's doomed. Otherwhise mantain safe distance and don't get cheesed on by his Q ability.”
MayeLeven says “He can poke you with hes W or E. If he max his E on you, it makes a big damage, but you can still trade him with your auto-attacks. In early he's weaker than you, so you can trade with him, In the late game, your only chance to kill him, if you use your R invisibility.”
Midorima says “You win trades and usually push. If he wants to win push versus you, he will run out of mana.
To win this match up: Level 6 and the hunt begins. Always be aware that whenever he is missing or coming back into lane from death or basing, he will probably walk into lane invisibly.”
Szauronmester says “You can outtrade him in lane, past lvl 6 watch mid, and if he is missing go up, and countergank. Late he will try to flank your team, so save your W and all-in him to cut the main dmg dealer in the enemy.”
HyperFake says “Twitch can be a huge threat if he can get distance and use his ult wisely. Otherwise it is a bit squishy champion so it's not extreme.”
ZERO Destructo says “You might wanna consider maxing E in this matchup. Place traps into the sides of lane and into bush. That way you can slow him and deal some damage when he tries to attack you from his Q, and you'll also know his direction if he uses Q to run. You have upper hand pre-6th level, so try to use that as much as you can.”
Nik7857 says “One of the best late game carries. He's pretty bad as an adc and even worse as jungler (rn). He has a big slow. He also wins extended trades. Though he doesn't do as much as you in the early game. Watch out for cheese if hes randomly missing and his support is playing a little fishy. He will out scale you hard and win the game. Ez lane though.”
Alchemisting says “easy, not much to say its just a free win.
His early is so bad that u win any trade, even if u die aginst him 3 times in 8 min u will kill him.
But dont stall the game like 40min cuz then u will lose unless the enemy team doesnt have much peel then u just onehsot him.”
Mr. Nyahr says “He has no direct escapes, and his invis takes a moment to activate. Use this to your advantage. Don't cluster with minions/teammates to avoid getting stacks from his poison and to avoid the line damage from his ult. (It hurts, a lot).”
Laverenz says “Twitch is weak early game. Try to farm up, and dodge his W, as his poison can be able to deal a lot of damage through his E. Use Tumble to dodge his W. Don't fight level 6 against him, as his Ult gives him a lot of range, which is a big counter for vayne, as you need to be up close to the enemy target. ”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Do not take elongated fights super early until you have an item lead as Twitch does surprisingly high amounts of damage with his poison instead focus on Press the Attack trades with a Q thrown in for good measure to keep him in check. Once you build up an HP lead and he falls below 40% hp look for the all in. 60% hp is fine if your support has hard CC. ”
minepro221 says “He only in early if he gets a 3 -6 stack expunge. Don't stand in his W! But his combos take too much mana, so he cant keep it up. if he runs out of mana, you can punish him. He would want to roam, so shove him in and ping your team if he is Mia. After 6, if you dont see him, start to walk towards mid until your midlaners is barely in your R range. If she shows up mid, Boom, counter gank! In mid and late game, be careful of his steal r, as it really hurts. In teamfights, he will try to flank you, so hold on to your skills until he shows up. Then you can him in one rotation.”
minepro221 says “He is bad in lane, so abuse him. Harass on cs, and shove him under tower. Be sure to ping MIA if her recalls or dissappears. Twitch like to run to other lanes after basing, and gank. If you shove him under tower, he can't roam, which is great. In the mid game, dont go alone in the jungle, or side lane. He is designed to catch you. Late game, he will try to flank you and kill back line. Nothing compares to a twitch's damage to squishies, so kill on sight.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “The only annoying thing about twitch is his Q. He can easily sneak up on you or get away from you. In earlygame he has no poke apart from his E so hes not that big of a thread”
Eucalyptus says “Depends on the Twitch, but generally they will be one of 4 or so champs that outscale you in the bot lane. You can eliminate his level 6 or at least force his flash with your Smokescreen but don't count on it.”
Fruxo says “Doesn't have too much damage or range pre-6 so take advantage of that. After level 6 he gains big boost in range with his ult so be careful of that too.”
MrDecoy says “low range, low dmg, bad wave clear, really easy target for xayah, be careful not to get cheesed by him on the way back to lane, think twice about engaging on someone who looks like they're just trolling on their own”
HikariGames says “Twitch is often a winning matchup. His early game is super weak so look to bully him with your Q and fourth shot. If you have an all in support like Nautilis you can try to look for a kill at level 3.”
dravenfizz says “Twitch's early is horrible just E->Q him in lane and zone him off CS, once you kill him once once or twice just perma dive him, KEEP IN MIND this champ isn't that bad in long trades and he can do quite a bit of damage when he has max stacks on his Contaminate.”
Ryl Storm says “A champion that goes even at the beginning of the laning phase, but if played to his strengths, will make Jhin completely useless from the midgame straight to defeat.”
Fruxo says “Doesn't have too much damage or range pre-6 so take advantage of that. After level 6 he gains big boost in range with his ult so be careful of that too.”
IPodPulse says “Take Doran's shield and don't stay in his venom cask. Pay attention to where he is, if you don't see him, assume he is invisible. Unless you know you can kill him, try to disengage with chain of corruption whenever he uses his ultimate. Alternatively you can engage with chain corruption if he is out of place and try to kill him.
Buying a pink ward to place in one of the side bushes can be helpful for whenever he is invisible. ”
Potato95x says “This little thing's dangerous if you're not careful. His passive deals true damage, so life items are the best against him. His Q renders him invisible with bonus MS, giving AS after its end. His W deals slow and venom, while his E deals AD for each venom stack. Watch out for his Ult, it doesn't end his Q and deals a lotta damage. Play passively and ask for ganks.”
SimbaADC says “Abuse twitch's low auto attack range and lack of instant waveclear to push and poke him down. Be wary of him cheesing by coming into lane while invisible. If you just see the enemy support, expect twitch to be close by and ready to attack you.”
SlashLion says “Twitch is annoying, but fairly weak early game. he hits a power spike at level 6 but just bully him and he wont be a big issue unless he gets fed of course. "Mean Mouse Hurts."”
MallisTheGreat says “Make sure to poke him in early game, then be sure to cast your E in case he becomes invisible, so that you can see his rough position. He shouldn't pose a threat.”
MallisTheGreat says “You can't kill what you can't see, he is going to engage you pretty often while he is invisible. If the enemy support is making a move or trying to engage, beware. Your W will only show his position either whenever he is invisible, so you still won't be able to fire at him.”
SmoreEater says “Honestly he is PERSONALLY my least favorite champ to go against will Predator Teemo. His W will allow him to easily slow you down then Q and avoid being hit by your Q, running to the bush and proceeding to mow you down. He has the early advantage, but once you get Control Wards then it's easy to counter him, you just have to make sure that you don't feed him early game.”
Shake the Shade says “You need to oppress Twitch early or he will outscale you. As with rengar, you need to watch out for the point in the game where he can 1 shot you out of stealth.”
BurstTheBots says “It can be very hard to predict where he is even with wards because if the Twitch is smart he'll Q before he gets near a bush making your wards useless. Your only hope is that he either uses his Q in ward view or bush or you know where he is at all times. Luckily for you though people don't seem to pick Twitch jungle very often or at least from what I've seen.”
Lydeer says “Until level 6 you simply are better than him, go away of his W, and dont let him E you with 6 stacks. If he comes in stealth and position behind you, jump with you support and destroy him”
BL00dY3nD says “Just dont get pocked by his W,E too much and CS better than he does. If he gets invisible use your W to keep him Visible. Try to stay out of his R.”
bluejaypig says “He cheeses laners and you really hard. My advice from personal experience: NEVER LOOK AWAY FROM YOUR HEALTH BAR OR YOUR CHAMPION ICON ON THE MINIMAP, if you can do this then your chances of beating him in increased a lot.”
Fruxo says “Doesn't have too much damage or range pre-6 so take advantage of that. After level 6 he gains big boost in range with his ult so be careful of that too.”
LW888 says “One of the easiest matchups.
If you cant one shot him right away, try short trades, because he can easily win long trades due to his Passive+E.
If he ever gets out of his Q and tries to kill you, immediately try to burst him -> E+P+Q+W+P (P=Passive)”
jster131 says “Unless you are playing against a twitch main, you won the lane already. Twitch isn't in that good of a spot right now, due to Marksman item changes (Thx RITO). Just poke him out as much as you can and try to zone him from the wave.”
xTheUnlimited says “You got a bit more range and early poke damage towards him, which you can use to pressure the lane. Can be really dangerous since he can come out of nowhere and crit the hell out of you. You can't keep up with his late game scaling. Try to harrass him in lane as much as possible.”
xTheUnlimited says “Depends on how your lane works out against him. If he gets ahead of you, youre done. You can all in him tho with an aggressive support since he has no escape move in his kit. ”
TruMediaMix1 says “Definitely one of your biggest threats. He can easily shave away your HP bit by bit thanks to his Deadly Poison, and he can easily kill you if he catches you out of position or away from your team.”
xTheUnlimited says “In lane he isn't that strong, but he can keep up through the lane. Since mid game he is pretty powerful with his good spray damage. Try to poke him alot in lane. ”
Ch33syB0y8 says “Almost a non-factor to the team until 3/4 items, the early game is where you will have to get ahead of Twitch and make sure he doesn't get his items.”
qasddsa says “In lane, you want to abuse his shorter range by poking with Fishbones whenever possible. Against him, you want to win trades as much as you can to put him behind, since he has a strong mid-late game. In teamfights, he has a lot of pressure with his invisibility and ultimate, so you need to shut him down immediately when you see him.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, you might think that twitch could be a problem because his e is hard to predict to spell shield and he is an auto reliant adc with a high auto range. well ur a dumdumhead then. basically, just keep pressuring him with q's until he can literally do nothing, his ult is almost scary but actually just kidding u can just run away. OH YEAH his e right? but just think about it logically, he's not going to pop e immedately and wait for you to be almost out of e range for max damage so it's pretty easy to predict if you think about it like that, just e while ur running the last few meters ;)”
EagleBlades says “Very hard lane. lvl 6 just back. Only way you win is if he messes up and ults early. Bait his ult and then you ult to run away, unless he doesn't flash.”
Hers Wolf says “Twitch is kind of a skill lane, the one who play's better in the laning phase wins, both have really good late/mid games, try to stomp him early game, abuse his lack of mobility”
AisBuax says “Invisible champs vs Jinx, at least for me, are big threats. If he comes and catches you off-guard, or has an advantage and uses his R after his invisibility, you are dead. Try to poke him with your Q's rockets.”
VincentDowel says “Super squishy and immoblie, feed off of his guy as much as you can to get ahead, he can't do anything if you invade unless he has his teammates.”
Robin Banks says “If he gets a lead in lane, you probably wont recover for a while. Twitch's like to cheese so if you ever think you're alone in lane, chances are twitch is coming to murder you out of his stealth. Late game, his DPS is much higher but with this build you can oneshot him if you land your W-E->Q combo. ”
Nittwerp says “This is kind of a tricky lane because he can basically kill you when he initiates with Q + R. However head-on fights can you easily win. So don't be afraid of him, just make sure you get vision on him(Control Wards) and you should be able to do fine.”
TianDaMan says “You beat him early pre 6. After this you lose every trade and he will all in you every chance he gets with his R. Care for his invis and wait for him to show before pushing out waves. ”
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