Mid Lane 52.9% Win Rate85% Pick RateAnnie Mid Lane Counters: 22 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Annie in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “easy pre lvl 6 wait till she uses stun to wave clear and then finish her ult is annoying so be aware of that”
Divine Azir says “You outrange her, so harass her heavily. Once she gets level 6, you have to keep track of her stun meter. She will try to flash + R you. If she ever has 0 bars of her passive, you can go in for a shuffle and kill her.”
BesXbola says “Mais um campeao da serie "Anda reto e te mata" onde dessa vez voce vai tomar um urso na cara e sumir assim que ela fechar o primeiro item. Antes disso voce pode tentar pokear ela e pode ate acabar matando-a mas depois do primeiro item respeite ela e nao chegue perto se ela tiver com sua passiva pronta.
Nunca se esqueca que ela pode flashar na sua cara com a Ult tanto quanto voce pode Flashar na cara dela com o seu W.”
Badplank says “You should ask your jungler for help. After 6 she can oneshot you as she wants, and youre not mobile enough to dodge her stuns. Suggest building defensively”
Lunar1v9 says “Rare matchup she is barely played but this is a hard one. Her big auto attack range outranges everything from ur kit so be aware of that. Her burst at level 6 and her high cc duration is just crazy so keep that in mind aswel, buy blasting wand so u can win trades. You can start dorans ring here for the q poke.
zSmoke says “Playing against Annie is very rare, because you can beat her when she doesn't have the stun, but you won't be able to when she has the ultimate since she can burst you very easily, buying a banshee could be a very good option.”
PetriciteLoL says “Constantly engage with E and you win If you keep hitting it. You can buffer her stun with E2 but generally dont engage if she has it unless youre confident you win.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. You should be more afraid for your team than yourself. Merc's is a must buy even if she's solo CC. Try and sneak in a Null-Magic once you buy Catalyst. ”
Cepatrol says “Only walk up for cs earlygame, cant trade with her at all, try set up minionwave infront of your tower by letting her push and matching every autohit and skip one every few”
xumi_k says “Depends on your skill level. However, her all-in counters and destroys you completely. You can try to kill her pre 6 and I don't think it would be too hard.”
Tamikaze says “[Banshee's Second Item if you are shutdown]
Annie has a miserable time against Azir. Azir has too much range for Annie, and you should never be in a position where she can stun you for free. Very similar to Malzahar, be careful for the flash+R for a gank, or if she catches you out of vision. Those are the only opportunities for her to turn this lane around. ”
MattStyle says “La única forma que tiene de matarte es que haga flash + R a partir de nivel 6 y que su daño sea tan sorpresivo que no puedas ultearte. Es cuestión de saber en qué momento intentará hacerlo y ultearte de antemano. ”
j4ss says “She is easy beat in lane, her level 6 is very strong, make sure to rush hexdrinker and even Maw first if you feel the need. If she's playing agreessively, use your W to stop her trades, she'll not all-in you if you're full HP. Dark Seal + Refilable start is good here. If she don't snowball the game is yours when you have full Malmortius.”
Tatsurion says “She wont do much to you because she CANT do much to you, her Q does outrange you, but unless she has tibbers up she will not deal too much damage. Her threat comes from what shes gonna do to your team during teamfights.
Take burst if the comp allows”
Coslan says “With a point and click CC, as well as high burst damage, Annie becomes a incredibly annoying champion for Samira to all in. Best choice is high burst damage.”
Vladmidir says “Be mindful of her all in damage with R. You can one shot her past lvl 6, and before then you can win trades and just out-sustain. The only problem is that she has good gank setup so be mindful of that.”
GreenReapers says “Prefer Electrocute, others are fine. If you struggle take resolve second
Long Sword start. Play safe early. Best look to engage when her stun is down. Mercurys Treads are good to think about, if they've also got other cc,
If she uses her Q as a stun tool, you can dodge that with your R post 6.
She can burst you very easily after she hits her level 6, respect her damage and don't get too greedy.”
BC1970 says “The problem with annie is her burst potential. Don't let her cc you as much as possible, space her out and play for farm, you should one shot her later.”
EkkoSenpai007 says “Very power full, count the stacks of her passive, a common trick is at 3 stacks of her passive, to put her shield between her passive, so play around this! ”
Viktorias Secret says “Burst mages such as Annie/Zoe/Vex/Neeko...
Bad early but you'll eventually do more as long as you don't get one shot every fight. (Banshee can be really good in those cases)”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] Very bad matchup, Annie has insane high attack range and can easily outspace you, if she holds stun you can't ever go in and every time you try to Q trade she just E's and outtrades you. Try to play around joining skirmishes, matchup is very bad in lane. If you get some kind of lead and buy Mercs early its playable.”
sick204 says “In the early game, respect Annie's stun by keeping track of her passive stacks and avoiding engagement when she has her stun ready. Use Yasuo's E (Sweeping Blade) to dodge her Q and W, reducing her ability to poke you. Utilize Yasuo’s passive shield to absorb her damage, and look for all-in opportunities, especially when her stun is on cooldown.
In the mid-game, effectively use Yasuo's W to block Annie's Q and reduce her damage, increasing your chances of surviving and winning trades.”
otaliz says “Play on her abilities cooldowns. Try not to trade when she has her passive. Be careful with her engage at level 6 with her ultimate and Flash. Other than that, Twisted Fate's wave clear and roaming are better than hers, so look for this.”
Desperate Nasus says “Simple but hard matchup. Avoid walking up for a trade or to farm when she has her stun ready since she can burst you down to even 30% of your Hp depending on her Items and Runes. Start taking short trades with blasting want and level 6+ once she doesnt have her stun ready. Doran's Blade as your starting item.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] Very bad matchup, Annie has insane high attack range and can easily outspace you, if she holds stun you can't ever go in and every time you try to Q trade she just E's and outtrades you.
Try to play around joining skirmishes, matchup is very bad in lane. If you get some kind of lead and buy Mercs early its playable.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. She is an annyoing poke mage and also will one tap you with her ult so try to trade with her before level six. After that bait her R and then all in her.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.
Since Annie has relatively low range for her spells, try to poke her down from a position where she can't reach you. Try to be very respectful of her while she has access to her stun, as you don't really have much counterplay against a Flash Ignite combo, especially after Level 6.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Flat HP.
Go for banshee's if ennemy AP jungler.
Annie pre-level 6 is easy to deal with, don't go for passive procs though, unless she uses her spells on the wave. When you reach level 6, you should be super wary about her flash + tibbers combo. Always try to predict her flash in so you can flash out. Once you get banshees she shouldn't be a problem for you anymore.”
ShokLoL says “Annie can depend a lot on what rune page she takes. If she takes a scaling page like dark harvest or first strike, you will normally win pretty hard pre 6 and can try take advantage of her early game. If she has a strong laning page like aery resolve, you should still be slightly favored in lane but it's going to be much more contested. Post 6 she has a lot of threat and will probably just drop her bear for a lot of poke. Once this bear is gone though she’s weak again. Merc treads and refillable can be quite useful to pick up early in this matchup, or if you don’t want the full mercs at least buy a null magic mantle.”
ShokLoL says “Annie can depend a lot on what rune page she takes. If she takes a scaling page like dark harvest or first strike, you will normally win pretty hard pre 6 and can try take advantage of her early game. If she has a strong laning page like aery resolve, she’ll be quite strong in lane so you will have to trade more carefully. Post 6 she has a lot of threat and will probably just drop her bear for a lot of poke. Once this bear is gone though she’s weak again. Merc treads and refillable can be quite useful to pick up early in this matchup, or if you don’t want the full mercs at least buy a null magic mantle.”
ShokLoL says “Annie can depend a lot on what rune page she takes. If she takes a scaling page like dark harvest or first strike, you should be able to contest her early game. If she has a strong laning page like aery resolve, she’ll be quite strong in lane so you will have to trade more carefully. Post 6 she has a lot of threat and will probably just drop her bear for a lot of poke. Once this bear is gone though she’s weak again. Merc treads and refillable can be quite useful to pick up early in this matchup, or if you don’t want the full mercs at least buy a null magic mantle. Setting up ganks is the main way you're going to win this matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Annie can depend a lot on what rune page she takes. If she takes a scaling page like dark harvest or first strike, you will normally win pretty hard pre 6 and can try take advantage of her early game. If she has a strong laning page like aery resolve, she’ll be quite strong in lane so you will have to trade more carefully. Post 6 she has a lot of threat and will probably just drop her bear for a lot of poke. Once this bear is gone though she’s weak again. You can also quite easily gank her once you have your ult. Merc treads and refillable can be quite useful to pick up early in this matchup, or if you don’t want the full mercs at least buy a null magic mantle.”
MageSept says “Annie is one of your easiest matchup in lane and in general.
If you're really afraid of getting one burst, you can build Rod of Ages or get a Null-Magic Mantle around level 6. If you're playing Unsealed spellbook, then get a defensive summoner and you should also be fine. ”
ShokLoL says “Annie can depend a lot on what rune page she takes. If she takes a scaling page like dark harvest or first strike, you will normally win pretty hard pre 6 and can try take advantage of her early game. If she has a strong laning page like aery resolve, you should still win with your comet page but expect to take a lot more damage in return. Post 6 she has a lot of threat and will probably just drop her bear for a lot of poke. Once this bear is gone though she’s weak again. Merc treads and refillable can be quite useful to pick up early in this matchup, or if you don’t want the full mercs at least buy a null magic mantle.”
ShokLoL says “nnie can depend a lot on what rune page she takes. If she takes a scaling page like dark harvest or first strike, you will normally win pretty hard pre 6 and can try take advantage of her early game. If she has a strong laning page like aery resolve, she’ll be quite strong in lane so you will have to trade more carefully. Post 6 she has a lot of threat and will probably just drop her bear for a lot of poke. Once this bear is gone though she’s weak again. Merc treads and refillable can be quite useful to pick up early in this matchup, or if you don’t want the full mercs at least buy a null magic mantle. If Annie wastes stun you may be able to force a trade onto her.”
Soft Headpats says “She can be annoying in lane if she takes Aery, allowing her to trade using her shield (reflects damage and procs Aery), long-range AAs, and low CD Qs to proc it. She is also able to secure an early level lead if she takes Q first thanks to its CD resetting when used to last-hit. If she takes Electrocute or First Strike, then the lane is much easier as long as you play around them. Annie's shield CD is 12 seconds at rank 1 so keep that in mind as it gives her a lot of MS.
As long as you pay attention to her stacks and are wary of flash engages, it's a simple lane. Try to get prio with your superior waveclear so that you can poke her down or pressure the map. If she's able to constantly get prio and play around her jungler, she can very easily gain leads thanks to her reliable CC and damage. ”
ShokLoL says “Annie can vary a lot depending on what runes she takes. If she takes aery + resolve she can be quite difficult to deal with in lane, but she lacks waveclear and should be outscaled. If she takes a scaling dark harvest or first strike page you should get through lane easily enough and can hopefully setup ganks onto her.”
Deceiver_euw says “A very hard champ to fight 1v1. Best advice vs Annie is buying null magic mantle early laning phase because her burst is hard to avoid and she will eventually use it for poke. Keep in mind that she has super long attack range so you have to space further than her Q range when going for cs lvl1-3. ”
paynehunter says “You can't make her waste her stun. She's better in teamfights, but you can one shot her with ult if you ult and ewq while she's knocked up. Good luck if she has banshee or zhonya. If she rushes one of these 2, you will probably never kill her again alone.”
ShokLoL says “Annie can vary a lot depending on what runes she takes. If she takes aery + resolve she can be quite difficult to deal with in lane, but she lacks waveclear and should be outscaled. If she takes a scaling dark harvest or first strike page you should be able to bully her with your superior range and eventually spam push her in.”
vSomnia says “Only trade when she uses her passive stun. If she wastes stun or you are sure she has cd's and cant get stun, go all in and trade. Try not to get stunned because you will catch full combo and lose the lane.
Play aggresive and don't get harassed.”
starfostarfo says “Early trades are fine but she wil flash, stun, ult you at lvl 6.
Laning after lvl 6 is a pain if Annie has ult up. You can shove and roam to help other lanes.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Annie take spacing when her passive is up, look out for the 2 stack passive bait, try to fight her when her passive is out, try to predict her stun with your E return”
Kikife says “You don't win lane into Annie. Her oneshot combo has too much range and she can burst you down whenever she has 4 stack stun. Roam and pick up kills by skirmishing instead of facing her head on.”
gaarrett says “Tough but winnable. If she ever throws out her stun on the wave you can look to engage. Annie has the second highest base attack range in the entire game, so you will constantly be eating poke. Doran's Shield and Second Wind are heavily recommended. [3/5] ultimate, useful for jumping someone but you don't get the stun. ”
149Gray says “Trade Q for Q and pool her stun if needed. Keep in mind she needs to hit you with her Q stun for the stacks to reset, which means that when you pool her Q, she still has 4 stacks and can try to stun you again.”
ImVoxxX says “Bait her stun, you can know when she has her stun ready if you look under her hp bar.
Care after her lvl 6, since Tibbers is a massive threat to you.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Play with her passive, if she doesn't waste her passive you won't be able to trade with her, if so wait for level 6, and look for all-ins cause' then you'll win you need her to be away from her tower, otherwise, she will win.
Juega con su pasiva, si ella no desperdicia su pasiva no podrás tradear con ella, si es así espera al nivel 6 y busca all-ins porque entonces ganarás, necesitas que ella esté lejos de su torre, de lo contrario, ganará.
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is really easy. Look for Q-> E trades when she goes to last hit. Build Catalyst into ROA and she can never threaten all in on you. You out range her and have much better wave clear. Look to shove and roam.”
wundrew says “Keep track of her passive, dont trade when stun is up. You can kill her if she walks up without stun but she has a lot of damage after 6.”
CulturalYokai says “just dont let her stun you, i really dont see how anyone would lose this matchup, tibbers can be annoying but just try to outpoke her”
KazunaSan says “Aucune mobilité, attention tout de même au poke avec sa range d'auto et a son burst si elle go ignite mais vous devriez l'out sustain, un flash in et elle disparait. ”
Austinluv says “Annie is the same as Lissandra but in so many ways worse. A fed Annie is a different type of paralysis demon for Ahri players and as much as she isnt played going up against an Annie that knows what there doing is the absolute worst”
Wizboy73 says “Take cleanse, poke runes cause you dont want to get into her threat range. if you avoid that still care for her flash R, outside of that you shit on her. ”
Shinbae says “Энни тоже довольно тонкий чемпион, однако у неё в арсенале таргетный стан и призыв медведя, который ещё и бежит тебя лапой чесать, если всё же тебе удалось её ваншотнуть”
Vlasuo says “Annie has a lot of burst damage and now and is slightly tanky thanks to her shield + can opt into tankier items while still one-shotting you. Best you can do is force her into mistakes especially on side-lane because in teamfights she can really pop off.
EXTRA: You can windwall her Q BUT it will not affect her passive stacks”
j4ss says “She's a burst mage so playing a side line against her with standard AD TF is suicide. But with stattik you can easily push waves safely and leave whenever you want without exposing yourself too much. Don't die in lane and punish her roamings.”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give her MAJOR-Threat because she is like malzahar she is not danger if she alone but her R will confirm kill you if he took his jungler to stomp your lane”
Halkem says “Keep in mind that her auto range is big and she can get your passive before you get into E range. Not really big kill threat until 6. Pay attention to her stacks so she can't setup ganks. Respect her all in 6. Your waveclear is greater than hers so you should have prio to roam over her. Mercs are good if vs double AP.”
Iceyou says “E-E-AltR is the combo at 6 and she will waste timbers thinking you would w first . Dont trade too heavy with her she will most likely take ignite vs you and she can kill you first if you heavy trade . Stay healthy highly contest the push she cant reply unless she wastes her stun . ”
liqulabouse says “Easy early if you manage well you should kill her before her 6, then the matchup become a bit harder cause of the setup but your range should allow you to do whatever you want in the matchup. (Build Mercurials and GG)”
The Milelator says “Match up is actually not really bad. In early game she will try to poke you with her long AA range and Q. However this will cost her minion aggro and mana. Try not to lose too much health (D shield very good here) in the first lvls. You have better wave push from early to late game. Once you have 6 you can all in her with a slow on her and she either has to flash or die/reset. In late game its very good to ult her so she does not take out your carries.”
ELFREPO says “Este matchup es muy simple: Usa tu w cuando te pokee con su q o ataque basico, y cuando ella se gaste su stun en un minion para farmear le haces insta all in y no tiene como contestar (a menos que falles tu q3 o r) TIP GENERAL: TIENES QUE COMPRAR UN MANTO ANULAMAGIA para que no te oneshotee con su combo, una vez tengas esas 25 resistencias magicas espera a que no tenga su stun como dije anteriormente y poco más, el personaje no es la gran cosa.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can poke and play aggressive at all parts of the game, just be careful when her stun is ready. She can easily all in you if you dont have E and just used R, so play smart.”
Tokiyami says “Doesn't have much range so trades and pokes are easily doable cause her Q W range is very similar to your Q range so can easily trade with her, just be wary of her lvl 6 where she can just R you and do half your hp and force you out of lane.”
WarwicksSimp says “She has potential to kill you but you're usually gonna just insta E and block it all then kill her, so if you mistime your E you are kinda fucked. Skill matchup but heavily Warwick favored.”
FlopQueenEra says “Annie's passive, allows her to stun her target with every fourth ability cast. Sona should be aware of Annie's stun status and avoid engaging or trading with her when she's close to her stun. Once Annie uses her stun, it's an opportune time for Sona to trade or poke safely.”
Glitchgun says “I only fear her in lvl 6, but her early poke with Auto attack is kinda hard to miss, since she has way longer auto attack range than you. Prepare yourself in lvl 6, she will often try to flash + ult and use her whole combo on you, so buying Maw is a good choice here and prepare with your own ult or/and barrier”
Lindroganti says “Very annoying mu. She can outrange you at all times with her autos. Make sure to block her Q stun, as she usually combos after it. Tibbers is practically unkillable to you, so I'd just avoid her while it's up. You're playing to burst her before she can kill you, and you really need to get ahead pre 6 to do so. She can get to a point where her burst combined with Tibbers running you down is unbeatable for you. Don't let her get to that point, but it comes FAST.”
stormraided says “Annie is a very hard matchup, but with the Conqueror build, your Q is long enough and you're tanky enough to tank her abilities. Good Annies will hold their ult and use it on you instantly when you're in range, forcing you to lose HP and recall. Bait out her stun and all in if her health is lower than half.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Annie is a good champion against melee assassins, especially since her e will take out your pack really quickly. Most importantly, dont engage when she has her stun up. ”
craciant says “Annie can 100-0 any squishy, including you, and your root won't stop it. If against an Annie, you want to use an artillery mage build, and stay out of Tibbers range.”
sullyyylol says “I love running conqueror into her and just killing her level 3. Her stun doesn't actually save her if you can e-w on her body. You get stunned and then you just run her down, annie favored lane though.”
J4SP says “This is a formidable matchup, but you outrange her and as long as you don't misposition she can't really poke you down. Try hitting 6 before her then all in when you have level advantage. Be careful of her stun under turret and if she has tibbers you can try to juke it by flashing at the exact moment when you land from your R as that is when she is most likely to use it.”
support_diff says “All of her abilities outrange you which makes it really hard for you to fight against her. Try to roam to gain gold lead. Left click her to see the amount of passive stacks she has in order not to take stupid trades”
TheBougis says “Annie will probably one shot your duo so try to peel him as well as you can, if you build some magic resist she shouldn't kill you too fast so you'll have time to heal your duo back up, if he survives Tibbers.”
vreiki says “Tem potencial pra te matar sem que voce consiga se proteger. Tem certa facilidade pra cancelar a reativação do seu E com o atordoamento. Tem escudo e é mais rápida.”
1st fizz on mars says “very free , maybe bit problems if player good but mostly all have to be ideal , go W lvl 4 and go doranring start so ez early lvl 3-4 kill ”
serrafim says “Annie is annoying. If her stun (Small Bar) is up, you lose trade, and can't proc passive, and if her E (Phoenix Wave) is up, she can normally get stun up anyway, and her E also gives her MS and a shield that keep you from winning trades as well. Just play to outshove her, respect her R(LostoHuggingBear), and pay close attention to her flash timer. Outscale and play for team.”
whaz says “lots of cc (STUN), has disgusting shield that damages you
tibbers can bodyblock your damage and can chase you down when annie's dead!
hard matchup but playable since she's very squishy and immobile!”
lolzayno says “Relatively simple matchup because most part ziggs outranges annie all the time. Only time you will lose is that she walks up to you easily and you do nothing about it. You should always outrange her.”
BradJr says “Easy to outplay. She has short range on her abilities, but high range on her basic attacks. Poke her with Q if she has First strike (left click her and look at status effects to track cooldown). Watch out for the very skillful Flash+Tibbers combo.”
Actt says “Hard after LVL 6. Care for her long auto-attack range and her stun. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
mrsuits says “Play safe in the early levels as Annie has strong burst damage.
Respect her stun (Pyromania) and avoid getting caught by it.
Poke from a safe distance with your soldiers and maintain good positioning.
Consider building some magic resist to mitigate her burst potential.
Utilize your range advantage to farm safely and deny her opportunities to engage.
Keep track of her passive (Pyromania) stacks to anticipate when she can stun you.
Be cautious when engaging or trading, as her burst damage can quickly turn the tide.
Coordinate with your jungler for ganks to shut down Annie's early game power.
In teamfights, position yourself safely and focus on DPSing from a distance while keeping an eye on Annie's Flash + Tibbers combo.
Note: Azir's range advantage can give you an edge in the Annie matchup. Respect her burst potential and play safely in the early game. By poking from a distance and maintaining good positioning, you can wear her down and limit her engage opportunities. However, be cautious of her stun and burst damage, as a well-timed Flash + Tibbers combo can turn the tables.”
Braimyy says “Really annoying match up, You have to always be aware of her flash r range in your head. Max E you can't ever stand still near her or she will all in you.
I like to go banshees sometimes vs Annie, usually I'll get this around third item and this takes the place of Dcap if they have MR, Void if they don't.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Annoying matchup you can kill her early with comet fairly easily. Biggest thing is at 6 to make sure your not in ranked to be tibbers and should be easy matchup. ”
Sword Dance says “Same for Annie, you have a bit more pushing power early. But your focus shouldn't be killing the Annie, unless she makes a lot of mistakes.”
SatanicWren says “Just dont get stunned 4head. As long as you dont get stunned you should win just about every encounter with her. Pay attention to her passive stacks. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror ]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Pay attention on her passive stun]
[When she wasted her stun, punish her]
[Be careful of her burst post 6]”
freuio123 says “der "klassische" Ahri Counter.
Point and Click hard CC + viel Burst, die beiden Sachen, die Ahri nicht mag.
Du outpushst sie und tradest deutlich besser im early gegen sie, wenn sie keinen Stun hat.
Ich persönlich mag das Matchup für Ahri, da du viel traden kannst und auf 6 ggf. mit Jungler sie killen kannst und viel besser roamst und scalest.”
AdrikN says “Annie is a simple champ she is just going to try to stun you with Tibbers when she has the chance. Push the wave and force her to use her Q on the minion wave keep your distance if she has her stun up and watch out for her flash R.”
Zeusman00 says “Be careful for jungler camp as Annie has a reliable form of cc, after getting components its very easy to punish this champion, especially if going ROA as she has a hard time bursting you.”
uwuimsocute says “My personal permaban.
All of this pdfs playing her are elo inflated af, im getting really aggressive just thinking about this candy champion.
Consider taking cleanse if you want to play it, I do not recommend tho.
Mercs are good too.”
qkthr1 says “literally ez. range is bad, just use w to dodge and e to get away. the biggest threat is tibbers after you get her but honestly not that hard. Her stun impact is minimal and dodgeable. You also outsustain and out dmg at every single point in laning, meaning you can play aggro”
Anguish333 says “-She's really annoying in lane and has great burst
- Use E whenever she uses Q with stun on You so you dodge her W
- Insta buy Mercs is best way to play against her in my experience”
Jg_diff says “Big bear clawing you dead isn't the nicest option to start the game. Deals ABSOLUTELY too much damage, which stops your cs. I like to ban her most of the time.”
Cryniu says “Annie usually plays to cc and burst. If you want a safer lane build Mercury's treads and you will survive. You can keep a good distance of Annie, this is a great strengh against her because you can poke her a lot. If she tries to burst you or your allies you will have your ultimate.”
Wraithlander says “Can trade onto her when she has used CDs and no stun however quite a hard matchup as her ult auto wins team fights if she plays them well. Look to scale up into mid game and play towards early skirmishes as she is much weaker with low level Tibbers.”
TB Azir says “Aslında E'sine gelen değişiklikten sonra Azir-Annie eşleşmesi flash+ulti stun kombosu dışında bir play şansı olmayan Annie tarafı için biraz daha oynanabilir olsa da şu ana kadar GrandMaster OTP'nin biri dışında karşıma E'sini iyi kullanan Annie player geldiğini hatırlamıyorum bu yüzden çok dert etmenize gerek yok. Annie'nin auto attack range'i yüksek olduğu için 1 leveldaki takaslardan kaçınarak ve dediğim gibi flash+ulti stun kombosuna dikkat ederek oynadığınız sürece çok sıkıntı yaşamayacağınız bir matchup.
Rün: PTA”
Thehippyguy says “She's way too over tuned right now and can be hard to out trade her if she has fast reactions to E herself and gain a shield. I would consider going roaming runes and just not play for lane whatsoever”
South Z says “Annie's recent buffs made her much more of a threat against melee champions, and Jax is no exception. By going Nullifying Orb and engaging while her passive is down, you can still snowball, but be careful when her ignite/ult are up.”
DaddyVladdy says “with buffs shes harder to play against.Pooling her q doesnt waste her stun or her q cd.If she runs ignite you die lvl 6.Call for ganks try to shut her down early and snowball”
vxnity says “For this matchup, I like to take Cleanse or Barrier for her burst. Always try and go in when she has no stacks. Also be wary of Tibbers' boosted attack speed after she dies.”
darkezmond says “Bad matchup. Beware of her W,Q . After 6 lvla, do not try to trade with her, she is Q and E, R in you and you died, try to put pressure on her at the beginning of the game”
ardizzle says “Pre-6, focus on getting good trades on Annie when she Q's a minion for last hit. Post 6, watch out for the Tibber's Stun.
You can blind Tibbers to negate some of his Auto Attack damage”
EL ZUDO says “annie cant rlly do much agaisnt u u r her dmg get away kill her easily she is squishy and u buy hex she cant one shot no longer if she is not ahead”
Edwwardo says “Predictable and if you keep your range there's not much she can do. Since the switch to physical damage on W farming from afar has become easier since you can W most of the wave from your tower. But again, keep your range, especially when her ult is up as she can destroy you in one rotation. If she has 0-1 stacks on her passive don't be afraid to go up to wave though.”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Conditioning Overgrowth secondary.
Watch out for her deleting you later. Delete her earlier, and watch for her stun.
Merc treads option. Barrier option.
Consider banshees.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Beware of her passivity, when accumulating 4 charges (accumulates through caste skills), her next ability has a camp, she can accumulate a camp during caste Q. Q is a targeted skill, W is near the area of the angle. Its E accelerates, and gives a shield, you can agress through your Q, after it. Bear (her R), you can distance your W, also be careful after killing Annie, her Bear increases the speed of walking and attacking, and more often beats the one who killed the owner.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Mayuushii says “She has short range and not much waveclear so you can prob control wave to your wants and harass her over and over. Care when she has stun up and especially when she has 6 cause flash R W Q will 100 to 0”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat
If you don't have the correct spacing to be outside of Annie's abilities, she will chunk you out of lane. Otherwise, relatively easy matchup. You outrange her and can clear the wave from a longer distance.
Look out for Annie's flash stuns when the jungler is nearby.
Aery Rune Page (+ Ingenious Hunter)
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Prowler or Duskblade]
[Bait her stuns then go in] [Dont let her poke you to low HP]”
SalSushi says “One of the hardest counters to you. Take boneplating, can fight her lvl 3 if she uses stun. Post 6 try and dodge tibbers. Without tibbers she doesn't have too much kill threat, but can 100-0 you any time post 6. NEVER GO IN WHEN SHE HAS STUN. ”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Stun, Damage, Easy farm. She can take advantage of her passive to stun you easily. Also Tibbers(her bear) is surprisingly tanky, and can eat all of your cooldowns. Just ignore him and kill her.”
TheAfricanDream says “Annie has a very strong trade pattern with her passive so try to fight her when she does not have full stacks. Her abilities don't have a very far range so she will usually be inside your max range. Trade with her normally and play around her E shield movement speed as she can easily dodge your E when you use it. She has a very strong level 6 so only all-in her if she is about half hp.”
MetalK1d says “Annie is predictable and immobile but has huge cc and damage and can be very annoying because of her passive. The play you look for is to push her into you with your ult after she wastes her passive.”
Aria_Legend says “OOOF. CALM DOWN KID.
Annie is really angry and uses her anger to kill you. Be careful.
Secondary summoner spell Ghost can be a good idea to counter Annie's with Predator (In my opinion their best primary rune).
You don't really want to 1v1 her, She can use her stuns to set up ganks (so you lose), her Q-stun can't be dodged (so you lose).
You can dodge her R with your R (so you win). Difficult but not impossible.
Her damage numbers are very high, she can kill you from 1 combo, this is why she's a major threat. ”
Demonsedge90 says “You can poke Annie all you like in lane, but do respect her when she has her passive ready since taking a stun from either of her damaging abilities is enough to wipe out a good chunk of your health if you're not careful.”
Atemporal says “Um confronto que costumava ser super fácil, mas agora depois que seu E foi alterado para dar uma tonelada de velocidade de movimento, é realmente muito difícil puni-la. Annie tem um alcance automático muito longo
então jogue pelo seguro cedo e evite tomar muito dano de puxão automático. Annie tem um waveclear muito fraco, então assim que você conseguir 2 pontos no Q você pode começar a empurrá-la constantemente. Dependendo de quão agressiva ela é e quanto hp você tem, você pode começar a empurrar o nível 3, ou esperar até o nível 4, quando você pode usar W para zonear e proteger para absorver o puxão dela enquanto empurra a onda. Evite negociar, a menos que ela estrague tudo, desde que ela tenha seu E up, você nunca poderá proc passiva e provavelmente nunca conseguirá um W. Seu E tem um cooldown de 15 segundos, o que é importante ter em mente, se ela desperdiçar, você deve puni-la, e é possível até 100 a 0 ela em qualquer parte do jogo com uma boa colocação de W no nível 3, ENQUANTO ELA ESTIVER COM BAIXO HP. Se ela segurar seu E, continue empurrando ondas, procure vagar. Se você não tiver boas oportunidades de roaming, tudo bem, você a ultrapassará. Considere os passos de Mercúrio.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Crown
R: Standard
S: Cleanse/Barrier
Du hast mehr Range, Scaling, Poke und Waveclear. Später hilft Banshees gegen Stun und Tibbers”
Lucid Walking says “SAFE LANE: You're the aggressor in this matchup (although you shouldn't force yourself being one.) Your abilities have longer range in this midrange matchup.
I could recommend taking summoner Cleanse in this matchup, since her all-in's with Flash can turn out lethal if she's assisted by her jungler.”
Mind Of Kayle says “Level 1-5 is ok, just farm as u do against every other ranged champion, just be carefoul because she can stack her passive really fast. After level 6 , its dangerous because of her tibber combo which u cant usaully react to. ”
Spoomk says “Annie can be difficult with her stun and Tibbers waiting for you at the end of your W, but they aren't the hardest to play around if you time your engages. Try to avoid her poke, her AA range is longer than you may think.
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Her kit is orientated around 1 stun and you can W it, you also outdamage her hard if she doesnt use tibbers. With grasp you outpoke her and if u land ur barrel and slow her enough to walk up and use your passive she is dead in most scenarios. If she got ahead or you are playing against some other burst ap buy hexdrinker and she will be useless.”
sapphire__lol says “She cannot really burst you, but is still very killable because of her lack of mobility. She has no way to cancel your e since stuns do not work.
You can just run up e her and if you hit once she has to play super safe since you will hardtrade on her. ”
Mvrshy says “[MIDLANE] annie is a unique champ, shes easy to lane against, but her flash stun has zero counterplay, if the enemy jungler is just sitti ng there waiting you are also fucked, barring an absolutely insane reaction flash [SUPPORT] shes useless as supp, no threat.
J.A.K.I.E. says “After she hits level 6 ur fucked. Along with her passive and overall poke abilities, she'll be harassing you most of the game. Try and poke her down and pray she never gets too close to use tibbers”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. Stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers(R) and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her Molten Shield(E) offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. Stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers(R) and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her Molten Shield(E) offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.”
Adamonias says “Xerath Favoured Lane; you outrange her entire kit and she really has no kill presure on you. She has excellent gank setup with Flash; track that spell closely. Her E MS is relevant but not that bad.
Flash W and Flash R are the only way she ever kills you, but even then pre 2 items she cant 100-0 you solo.
Pretty easy; poke her out of lane bc she has shit waveclear and make her life hell.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. Stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers(R) and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her Molten Shield(E) offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. Stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers(R) and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her Molten Shield(E) offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.”
SkyBanana says “This is more of who can catch whom out of position match up. Since you have range, she won't be much of an issue. However, do respect Annie can and will kill you in one rotation so don't give her a chance to do so. You can also kill her in one rotation as well so don't let that opportunity go to waste!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. Stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers(R) and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her Molten Shield(E) offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.”
SKYTOP. says “Take the AP burst rune page and farm.
Respect her when she has passive stacks, but other than that shes fine. if she q's you its beneficial as she will run out of mana really quickly, so you outpoke.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. Stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers(R) and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her Molten Shield(E) offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. If you’re melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers(R) and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her Molten Shield(E) offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.”
NegativePhoenix says “Outranges and outbursts you overall so this is a hard matchup. You can poke her if you want but she's gonna do a bit back. At level 6+ if you're half health she's most likely gonna ult burst you with tibbers. Respect her and the bear all game.”
InfinityZero93 says “Relatively easy to deal with, just watch out for the stuns and the big angry stuffed bear coming for you. Even then, kite the bear and you're usually safe.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “*pop's predator and proceeds to murder you* To fight Annie, you need to play safe and out sustain her. Don't walk wrongly, or she'll make you wish you picked a god.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Annie mainly beats all melee champs which make it hard for Melee's to kill Annie, Especially when she is able to hold a passive stun for however long she wants.
You'll want to stay back till she has no stuns up and level 6 you'll have to do a 1 on 1 who can one shot who first.
Buy hex drinker or mercs if needed and additionally Null orb will also help if you manage to kill her faster ”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “You won't meet her often because she is picked way less, but Annie can ruin you and your team right after laning phase is over. Try to trade early game, shove mid game, and always gank sidelanes/jg”
KayyeN says “You can't really do much against her R + stun engage, aside from trying to bait it out by overstepping into her direction and then using E on to jump away. If that doesn't work, it'll hurt.”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange Annie, so abuse your range advantage and harass her with Q AAs as often as possible. Don't bother trying to trade with her when her Passive is at 4 stacks; she will stun you and you will take massive damage or blow cleanse if you have it. Pick up an early Null-Magic Mantle after Lost Chapter so you don't get one shot by her combo. You can take Cleanse into this matchup if you're not confident in your spacing OR if they have more hard CC on their team.”
HikariWoosh says “Annie will outscale you, and she will kill you if you overstep. Just play safe around her stun bar, never approach over 2 and attempt to deny as much farm as possible.”
OSG Rewynd says “Annie is annoying for similar reasons to Anivia. If her stun is up, you lose trade, and can't proc passive, and if her E is up, she can normally get stun up anyway, and her E also gives her MS and a shield that keep you from winning trades as well. Just play to outshove her, respect her r, and pay close attention to her flash timer. Outscale and play for team.”
ze kraken says “While she has a lot of burst and her AA is ranged, she's not really a big issue. Avoid sticking to close to her while she has her stun up. Farm with your bombs and poke her down in the meantime. ”
Super08131208 says “Watch out of her stun. Her Q cooldown is pretty low. But if she uses her Q, you can go for a quick combo Q+AA+Q. Wither her down little by little. At level 6, try not to fall below 70% hp. Her full combo can do a lot of dmg.
Zoose says “Only respect her when she has 3 or 4 stacks under her health bar to activate her stun and go aggressive when its down. She can burst you at lv 6, so Mercury Treads are a great defensive option to counter her burst and CC. She can use Tibbers to body block most of your Q.”
Uberizm says “I've yet to play against an intelligent annie, but when I do this might be slightly difficult. Solved game after 6 just wait for her to waste stun or bait it”
spicy ricecaker says “This matchup is annie-favored. If she has more than 2 passive stacks early game she'll always be able to stun you, preventing you from all-inning while winning the trade if you dash in. If she gets a slight lead on you she can easily one shot you with no counterplay. That being said, you still have some opportunities in this lane. Fleet makes this matchup a lot more bearable and cleanse gives you some counterplay. Don't be afraid to trade if she hard ints and blows her cooldowns while shoved in.”
basrty1p says “Watch out her stack and play around it.
If she can stun you, you're mostly dead in one combo. You can pick Cleanse spell to counter her CC.
If you can't fight her, just roam the other lane instead. You can buy Mercury's Treads for MR+Tenacity
quinn adc says “Play around Annie's stun passive. Level 1 she only gets 1 per ability, so play level 1 super aggro. When she levels up more, her ability to punish you increases. You want to ideally kill Annie pre 6 so her R isnt as scary.
Early game she can't one shot you, but her stun makes it hard to all-in her. Take trades when Electrocute is up, and remember that she has no sustain, so one good short trade is incredible for you.
Her W range is the same as your E, but her Q range is longer.
Stay close to Annie so if she throws abilities on you, you can retaliate with ease.
Try to freeze against Annie so she over extends to an unsafe position.
If you want to engage on her, E her first, and she will eventually get her stun off. That is okay thought because if you E first, she is slowed and you can still run her down after the stun wears off so long as you land E first. If Annie ever uses stun, punish her instantly hard, especially if she uses it on minions. If you freeze, Annie will lose CS because she will not be able to last hit that well if she holds on her stun. She is forced to use Q on a minion eventually, but if she does then she is dead. If she doesn't, then she will lose CS. Freezing is op in this matchup.”
DabiDabi says “Watch out of her stun. Her Q cooldown is pretty low. But if she uses her Q, you can go for a quick combo Q+AA+Q. Wither her down little by little. At level 6, try not to fall below 70% hp. Her full combo can do a lot of dmg.”
Esrucnl says “Press R and just win bro lol.
The shark is a bit bigger than Tibbers :^)
But for real make sure you engage properly with R when her shield(e) is down or before she uses it and it should be free. Just remember you can cancel her Q and dodge her W+R with your E.
Azurio says “Not easy to trade, she will just run. Wait for 6 and mercs to burst her. Keep distances when she has passive stun, you can run cleanse instead of ignite. Buy mercs instant.”
ddieguito_es says “She is a squishy champion, which means that you hit Q and E+R, and she's dead, but if she bears you in your face you might appear dead. Be careful early since she outranges you and her poke may be dangerous. Consider getting Merc's.”
Dustyacer says “Heavily Jungle dependent. Both of you are amazing at setting up ganks. You can often block her whole combo with your E, as she often starts it with an empowered Q, which takes a long time to travel. She out scales us and pokes us a shitton with her 625AA range (meaning we can't punish her AAs with our Q unlike most other mus). She has pretty terrible wave clear though. I like to use E right before her Q-stun lands as they often just immediately burn there other abilities since normally people cant dodge her q. 13.3 -After her buff, tibbers is really tanky and it is really annoying since he is just constantly there and you can't kill him very easily. ”
beansoce says “Only trade when you have empowered q, try pool stun early so you win the trade. Most important part if pooling her ult otherwise she'll just oneshot you with full combo.”
Berdasco9 says “Matchup bastante difícil, su rango y su burst te mantendrán a ralla toda la fase de líneas y serán escasos los momentos en los que puedas hacer un all in sin que te suelte a tibbers sobre la cabeza para one shotearte, busca esos momentos o si no espera por el jungla.”
Chocodino009 says “annie is one of those champions that you either destroy her or you get destroyed.
Just fight her with jungle presence or when she is 0 stacks in her passive.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Watch her circle around her for stun]
[Post 6 be careful of her burst]”
donidaking says “Level 1 trade her as hard as you can .
Pool her stun since it s pretty obvious when she walks up with stacked passive.
Watch out at level 6 for Flash W+R on you.
She s squishy so if you trade well it s feelo.”
KyogoEntity says “Trade when she has no stun and try to get a lead pre-6, if nothing happens or she kills you pre-6 just farm with Q until she has no stun because she has easy gank set-up with Tibbers. ”
TheKingUltra says “She wont stop spamming q and will try to stun you. She is going to hinder you a lot from csing, watch out for her 6, she might flash ignite tibbers you without hesitation, when you are under 50% hp”
Nitress says “this little girl is just too good a counter pic, annie I hit you a lot of damage and stun you with virtually no escape from the one shot
Ahri Simplord says “Point and click stun. Good Annies will play Flash Ghost and start with Corrupting potion. You can definetely harass her early but you need to watch our for her passive since you'll die if her jungler is nearby and she flash stuns you. Her shield is pretty annoying early as well and she's really fast later. You outrange her but her Flash and point click stun is annoying since she has insane burst, Definetely banshees build and Crown if they don't have someone else than can pop it.”
Dj Memelord says “You outscale her the second your conditioning procs. Should a be a free lane, watch out for her flash r ignite combo if you dont have any mr yet.”
ROLVe says “Try beating Annie lvl 1-2 . If she gets lvl 6 she can do her combo, this combo will nearly always guarantee your death. So play safe after that. !Use Lethal tempo in this Match-up! Use Legend: Tenacity, Second wind and Unflinching.”
m0rfeazz says “Kinda good ult but she has high damage in lane and out outranges you, also be aware of her passive(stun)Later in the game you can easily win her if she is not super fed”
Bundif says “Minor threat unless piloted by people whose names rhyme with Pimpli. R her stuns, Edge of Night, poke from afar. You have every tool you need against her.
⭐Basically any champ that buys Seeker's Armguard into Zhonya's Hourglass can give you trouble. ”
DaffeLaffe says “Annie is pretty even, usually if you can just rush enough burst and try to predict tibbers because she needs to get close for her spells you can win this match-up.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Stay out of her range and watch her passive around her so you don't get stunned]
[BuyBanshee's Veil]”
Juon says “Really predictable, very immobile. Has big cc and damage so be careful. Other than that when she goes to use stun on you make sure to W to reduce incoming damage. Can max E or W second.”
soulentt says “Same as Anivia, be aware of her stuns, but Annie can get you a lot of damage in one second, so poke her as much as you can. If she engages Q her and poke with E.”
OTP Toxin says “She is your natural counter, but, if you go with GotU and rush Mercury's Treads into Wits End you can survive her burst and kill her. Note that she usually knows that she can burst you, if you survive and kill her, she will tilt. :D”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Watch her circle around her for stun]
[Kite her with your E]
[Post 6 be careful of her burst]”
TrueGIXERJ says “Honestly, annie might not be too hard. but I have no idea how to play against this bastard child, and would rather she died in the fire she wields. Don't let her stun you, play to scale, cry yourself to sleep tonight, idk. i just hate this champ but maybe you have more luck than i do.
honestly, annie isn't actually that bad to lane against - just don't step up while she has stun ready and take recalls to prevent her oneshot. i just HATE THIS DUMB CHILD LOL. you can outscale her and win teamfights but might struggle in lane, i can never see her through the tears in my eyes.”
keneki ken says “you need to play very agro before she hits lvl 6 after that you should strat play more passive because her massive one shot potential”
comfykoala1 says “Annie is not a threat as long as you respect her early game. past 6 her only threat is once every 5 minutes flash ulting, to deal with this build merc treads.”
Fake Supp says “she can out run your Q slow by using her E (sometimes cant depends on you predict your E Better) so be aware when you use Q > E on her out of that if you not get behind you will win easily”
Winter Nicole says “Annie: She doesn't really do much unless she attacks in a close range, the only problem is her teddy bear, just be careful with that. (Recommend pushing in a lot and deal a lot of damage on her)”
ChrisWasTaken says “Annie will try to poke you out as much as possible. To combat this? Just dash in lol. Hob could work wonders against her, but I'd still go for lethal tempo because of how broken it is.”
desch3445 says “Even if she doesn't have her stun up, she can still full burst you down if you're not careful. Bully her early, while she doesn't have Tibbers, and get that gold advantage to make sure your all-in is stronger.
Take the Electrocute page; Her point & click Q makes your FS unreliable, so the next best option is to take Electro for the extra early pressure while she doesn't have her nuclear warhead button.”
ThePieBeam says “Just engage while she has her passive stun on cooldown and you'll be fine. NOTE: 3 bars of passive does not mean she doesn't have stun! Her abilities come out instantly and a W/R will stun all the same. It's best to bait it out while you're at 100%hp and just take the pain at low levels but later in the game just don't engage at all if she has more than one bar of passive.”
LBDB says “Hits the bear and wipes the floor with you but you can still easily kill her in the same style. Whoever gets hit first will likely be the loser”
TrueGIXERJ says “Honestly, annie might not be too hard (she probably is tho). but I have no idea how to play against this bastard child, and would rather she died in the fire she wields. Don't let her stun you, play to scale, cry yourself to sleep tonight, idk. i just hate this champ but maybe you have more luck than i do.”
Eriosunx says “Easy matchup. Just be carefull level6 she has a lot of damage and if we are rushing Blade of the Ruined King we wont have a lot of HPs to witstand her burst. Make sure to stay healthy when near her after lv6”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Annie is NOT a threat until 6. Pre 6 she is easy kills if played correctly.
Annie's only win condition is to hold her stun and farm with her auto attacks before level 6. Often Annie players don't like to do this and will use their abilities on the wave. If you see Annie with 0 or 1 stacks of her stun all in her every time. If she is holding her stun try and bait it out by not using grapple until her stun is down.
Once Annie is 6 she will have a lot of kill pressure against you if she hits tibbers. Building Shieldbow and IDEALLY Wits End is very important to survive this burst. If you build that you should be able to have generated a strong enough lead to tank the damage and all in after. ONLY FIGHT HER 1v1 IF SHIELDBOW IS UP!”
lonestar1870 says “This is one of Syndra's easiest matchup as long as you can avoid her flash/Tibbers and don't facecheck bushes.
Slow push early if you can, Q her for manaflow when she uses Q on minion. It can be hard to hit her early most of the time since she'll probably play super far back, don't waste your mana in the first few levels.
You can really win trades once you're level 3/4. You outrange her so try not to let her trade back.
Go for trades when she has 2 or fewer stacks, or right after she uses Q to farm.
Annie wins if she gets to dictate the trades/wave and push you in, but you need to give her prio sometimes when the jungler is a threat.
Banshees is great if you don't go cleanse.
Mercs are okay instead of sorc shoes, but usually want more damage.
You can honestly go any runes/summs in this matchup. Go whatever is best for the game as a whole.”
itakute says “Dorans shield, try to buy a null magic mantle after zerkers so she can't oneshot you from 80% hp. Can take exhaust as well if needed. Don't get poked out level 1, look for strong trades level 2-3.”
Desperate Nasus says “Annie used to be an easy matchup but not anymore after her giant buffs. Startings items Dorans shield and first back make sure to rush sheen to sustain her burst combo ( Q AA + W + Electrocute and Maybe 1 more AA in the end due to the fact that you will be stunned ). Would recommend Lethal tempo cuz fleet wont make that big of a difference. Only window for a kill is when she uses her stun and she close to your turret so you have space to kill her or atleast get her flash. If they have AP jungler i would suggest going MR Boost (Mercs).”
MruW says “No one can mess with this Singed 1v9 Op build, so you can beat every champion, but you cant see every champ here because i got so fast in my next game so i have to go and 1v9 with this Singed OP build”
BlockPad says “A champion that I hate, she just can oneshot you under you're tower, take care of her stund with passive and poke a lot and you'll be fine.”
junioralchemy says “Any other midlaner: always outdamage them + better mobility/range. On a side note, constantly focus your burst on any Crown abusers, make them eat dirt.”
Dorom says “She can be really bad for you, since she just Q spams you into oblivion and runs away like a bitch whenever you get a chance to even look at her. There are worse matchups though...”
CashLOL says “High kill pressure from Annie at level 6. She will stun and kill you before you have a chance to get your abilities off. Farm and ask for ganks. You can do more in team fights. ”
Shromy says “She is very strong, try to poke her down with Q and E if she goes for minions. Don''t get too close when she has all her stacks, and once you get your mythic you should be able to kill her easily.”
Luxreon says “i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate ”
ShokLoL says “Annie is pretty easy for Akshan, take cleanse and rush Wit's End. You can max E and it'll be really easy to E onto her whenever she uses her stun.”
iZianni says “Regardless of trading mechanics or anything else, Annie will always remain an extreme match up for all champions purely due to the fact she has access to one shot off flash ultimate.
Spacing does not matter into this champion, which means it's do or die.
Her build gives her so much hp you'll never be able to one shot her while she can kill you in one combo despite optimizing for bruiser stats. ”
pwins says “While Zoe outranges Annie, Annie can burst Zoe to hell due to Tibbers and her passive. Always be careful when Annie is around and try to go as far away from her since she will most likely use Tibbers on you and kill you. ”
KlumsBabe says “A skill based matchup, Annie sided if its a good Annie that knows spacing. Be careful because if she q's you with a stun if you dodge it her stun is still up.”
Juplicate says “She has lots of poke and has a shield that provides a speedup. Try your best not to get poked out of lane and only trade with her when she is on cooldown. Her ultimate does a lot of damage, never get close to her when she has a stun up.”
52hertz says “She is very annoying to lane against, take dorans shield, and be careful of her q and w since if you windwall her Q her stun doesnt proc meaning the W followup from her would stun you.”
Miscake says “A matchup mais fácil do mid. Você troca Qs com ela e sempre sai com vantagem de HP, além de que a velocidade em que o projétil do Q dela viaja é tão lenta que você consegue reagir com o W mesmo tendo os reflexos de uma tartaruga em efeitos de marijuana.
Ela tem pouquíssimo range então acaba sendo incapaz de puxar a lane sem acabar trocando, sem contar que ela perde em todas as trocas então é uma matemática bem fácil.
Tudo isso sem contar que você escala melhor nas teamfights também. 10% de dano a mais para o time todo > burst único de dano em área pequena.
WayOfTheTempesst says “Rush null-magic mantle in this matchup and she will never one-shot you with her combo. Use your W when
she Qs you to mitigate some damage during the trade. She will look to harass you with her long range AAs. Look
to all-in her as soon as she uses her stun passive. She will have no way to retalitate and will have to blow
WayOfTheTempesst says “Rush Null-Magic Mantle in this matchup and she will never one-shot you with her combo. She will look to harass you with her long range AAs. Look to all-in her as soon as she uses her stun passive. She will have no way to retalitate and will have to blow flash. You can Windwall her Q, but not her W. You can take Cleanse in this matchup if the rest of their team has a lot of CC, too, like Fiddlesticks or Elise.”
Katawina52 says “Go for trades the moment she Q's a minion or just go for Q poke. You can go for an all in as long as you're healthy enough to do so else she just Q-W ignite and you die. Be careful level 6 and onward, she has an advantage with R. Also make sure to not engage in a teamfight when you see that annie didnt use her stunned R yet because it can easly oneshot you + it cc's you which fks you hard. Mercs here is really good if you struggle a lot vs her because it removes her oneshot potential. ”
PlayCabex says “if you dont oneshot her before she does you are pretty much screwed because if she uses her stun (q) then your w does not remove her stun (q)”
eiensiei says “I'll try to trade a lot and win lane early since that's the only time I'm going in for passive procs. After 6, if she catches a stun with Tibbers, usually both Barrier and Flash need to be used to survive. Building Banshee's Veil can help dissuade her forced Flash + R engages.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring).
Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable -- this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).
She can kill you only post 6. She can't really do much else early because you outrange her. BEWARE: compared to other matchups you will not be able to one shot her due to her E damage reduction. KEEP THAT IN MIND and you will be fine. Play to your strengths, roam first, kill her when you can but beware mid to late of her one shot potential. Get early magic resist and time warp tonic and you will be safe.
Pick Barrier if you feel you are going to get outplayed by her R.”
Yeager says “Fleet footwork with resolve tree + doran's shield + cleanse. This setup gives you enough sustain to survive her early poke. The problem is the fact that she has point and click CC + burst that makes it really hard for you to do anything in the lane. You want to rush wit's end ASAP so she won't be able to burst you down in a single rotation. Mercury treads can also be a good idea here just for the added safety. Once you get out of laning phase and reach the wits end + boots + phantom dancer this matchup becomes easy as you will have way higher DPS than her. ”
Polarshift says “Very vulnerable for ganks, just like you. You need to buy MR or she will kill you later when she lands an ult. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “She has good engage and dmg, her speed and cc can be a pain as well as dmg reduction to make trading rough. Pre 6 generally you win but post 6 if she gets ahead can be rough. Play post 6 depending on how the lane goes. Exhaust or barrier recommended. ”
ISterbenI says “Easy matchup in lane. You can poke her with Q-E combo pre-6 and W-R her and then do Q-E from a range to keep her away from ulting you. She can burst you though. So be careful!”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Pre-6 be careful her about her stuns. If she doesn't have it, it's no problem to go and harass her with your W autoattacks. Post-6 the only threat is her flash R combo with full burst and ignite, even though again, if you build negatron and stand behind, while harassing her from range, there is not much she can do against you.”
Yeager says “She's looking to all-in and burst you down in 1 combo with flash and ult. Take cleanse in this match up, rush merc boots and banshee's veil after your mythic item and you just denied her completely. ”
Vicksay says “Even though this little girl bursts hard, she's very one dimensional because of her kit and just building Merc Treads vs. her with Barrier makes it a lot harder to kill you. Skill dependent again, the more confident the Annie is the harder it is for you, she can engage with Tibbers and also use Tibbers as a shield to block all of your damage.”
Avucado says “Look to E through lvl 1 to get their pots down, from then on you literally can not do anything in lane without your jungle, unless they're really bad or you're ahead off roams or if you hit everything when your summs are up and theirs are down. Luckily her waveclear and range are not the best so you should be looking to roam consistently. Ping your jungler if you're shoved in because she can really only deal with 1 person at a time. Do not try to engage in lane solo because she can stun you before you're even on top of her or just run out of your E with speed/shield ability. If you mess up trying to kill her you will almost for sure die, especially if they have ignite up.”
Callmebee says “''But Bee, she's just a little child...'' Yeah. Satan's child. Faster, tankier than you and bursty, you need to stay the hell away after lvl 5. Every 4 spells, Annie receives a stun on her next cast. You can actually keep an eye on this below her health bar and, even if she is at 3 points (getting her stun at 4), you need to be careful as she can still all in you. You can poke early. Take barrier and a null-magic mantle early to deny her all-in potential and snowball. Consider Mercury's Treads boots if vs a heavy CC engage team. ”
LunarVortex says “The annoying part about Annie is that you cannot really react to her R-stun, so you need to respect it a lot. Outside of that, the matchup is fine. She can't really get away from you once you ult. Time your E well to prevent her from breaking the shield before stunning. If she gets an early kill, consider buying an early Verdant Barrier in lane to reduce her further kill pressure. Be aware that Tibbers can block your Q.”
Yeager says “Start with cleanse and rush roa + merc treads. The only thing she can do is flash ult someone. When her flash is down, she can't make any "surprise" plays. ”
Eriosunx says “Annie is a lane bully for Katarina, she has an insane range and high damage even early levels(most of them run Electro and they just AUTO-Q-AUTO)
Best option is going BASE CONQUEROR RUNES and trying to all in level 3, let her push the wave and position it in a way that you can have free space to go full aggro level 3
Fuzzmonkey says “Not extremely hard but be a little careful of trading. Just don't go in when she has her passive up (the stun) and make sure you don't use all of your burst whilst she has her E up. Also be careful at level 6, try and bait her tibbers if possible by using W to go near her and come straight back out. A lot of Annie's will fall for this.”
Xelikari says “You pretty much outdamage her at every level, watch out for ganks at 6 as her setup is really good. You need to get merc treads but outside of that the lane is really easy. Punish her when she goes to CS.”
Yeager says “You want cleanse, and banshee's veil after luden's echo. You can dominate her completely in the laning phase due to her short range on abilities. She can only do 1 thing, and that's flashing and comboing someone from 100-0. Cleanse and Banshee's veil removes her only way of blowing you up. ”
Urpog says “Midlane: Annie's auto range is 625 which is quite obnoxious, she has movement speed self buffs and can kite around your E, once she has level 6 she has a oneshot combo on you (almost, it's about 70% if they don't have ignite, just abilities !) so the early levels are very important in this matchup, to win this matchup you need to walk forward at annie and bait out her stun, when she uses her movement speed buff you need to Q her immediately, walk at her, make her speed herself up to get her stun up, Q her to slow her down and then E her Q to buffer the stun, once she's grabbed she's dead but that's the ideal scenario, she's vulnerable when she doesn't have her movement speed/shield up to the E + Flash + Ignite combo. Jungle assistance is required once she's got her item and even then she might be able to take one of you down if you execute it wrong, so be careful !
Support: Support Annie isn't as strong as Midlane annie into you, I would say the matchup is even-favoured for the 1-9 and then she's favoured level 12 onwards but at that point you have better targets to focus on. In the laning phase you can just run over their laning phase because Annie's early game is relatively weak unless she's paired with something like a Draven, E flash ignite on cooldown, play to roam when you don't have summoners up!”
CashLOL says “Easy matchup but she outranges the first few levels. When using ult, make sure she doesn't have stun. If she does have stun up, use w before ult and blink back to your w shadow to dodge her instant stun.”
iZianni says “Its irrelevant how well you perform when this champion flash ults, removing you from the game. Merc treads are a necessity for survivability hurting your damage output.
However, she's an extremely telegraphed champion which makes it easier to combo her on your own terms.
Jungle match up is very important for this one :(
Track stun counter to know when your trade is optimal, look to harass during her Q charging on minions. ”
Folver says “Try to fight her when she doesn't have a charged Passive skill
Ignite flash or Cleanse with flash
I recommended Doran Shield with Fleet runes.”
MikeVix says “Pretty bad match-up for zed. She has a shield, stuns and mobility. If u get stunned u dead 80% of the time. If u pick zed against her try to roam and farm for most of the laning phase. ”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade In Resolve second wind and Unflinching.
Just wait till she has no stun and go for it.
be carefui with her W, you can't block it.”
Kords says “I've seen many struggle vs Annie but i've gotten used to it. You should just shove and roam as much as you can, if you see her walk up to you with her stun; it is most likely you are getting ganked or just scares to allow herself some cs. If she steps up without it (less than 3 stacks), you can go for a trade and Q her with 2 W procs and then getting out. Exhaust her if you feel necessary vs her because she does still do a lot of dmg. She is a menace in teamfights with Tibbers. Her AOE can be annoying, but once she’s used it, you can kill her easily. (She bursts faster imo but has a way shorter range than your burst also in endgame you usually survive her burst)”
TheoRut says “Don't try to 1v1 her when she has stun up. You will most likely die if she does her combo right. When her stun is not up, poke her and when you know you can kill her just Q + E + R + W + Ignite
Electrocute is suggested in this matchup.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Uma boa Annie sabe abusar dos seus Q e dos AA, por isso tome cuidado, pois tem um burst muito forte no início. Nos níveis iniciais a Katarina dá mais dano devido ela poder dar mais AA que a Annie na troca, mas ainda assim pode ser um problema. Fique atento ao stun, caso ela te stune com Q, pule imeditamente com EW+A e aguarde o efeito acabar para puni-la com QE+AA em seguida. A runa Lenda: Tenacidade ou uma Bota de Mercúrio dá conta dos seus stuns, Bandana também pode ser útil se achar que está sendo muito stunado. Abuse do Roaming, pois Annie não é tão eficiente quanto Katarina, mas tome cuidado ao invadir a jungle pois se o jungler inimigo estiver perto você morrerá rápido. Evite lugares sem visão visto que poderá ser combado com o R da Annie e dificilmente sairá vivo. Acompanhe seu posicionamento. Em teamfights, observe a barra de stun e caso ela utilize, puna ela imediatamente e tente matá-la antes que ela consiga te stunar. O potencial de perigo de Annie é de igual para igual visto que a Katarina pode ser parada com os stuns, e se a Annie souber utilizar o stun em sequência, poderá ser muito difícil de pará-la.”
Dr Eggmund says “This lane is scary, if you step out of line when her stun is up that is a big a NO. Her stun is all Annie has against you so you should be able to poke with Q's until it's up. Try and dodge her Ult in teamfights with your Sanguine Pool if you can (some Annie's make it obvious). Use your burst damage to shut her out of team fights. ”
iZianni says “Flash tibbers is any mid laners nightmare, her range is also equal to ours and has a movespeed shield that can close the gap. We're forced into merc treads for this match up if we want to survive.”
Ambitieux says “Annie has been known to be one of the more unfavorable matchups against Ahri. She has better auto attacks and high guaranteed burst damage with a free stun. Play very safe in this lane due to her being able to setup ganks for free almost like a Twisted Fate. It's best if you can get Junglers help for this due to her pushing with Q. Keep ur distance after 6 or else you will be punished Severely. I recommend going Merc Treads into this, With possible double MR runes and after that she can't really one shot you without Ignite.”
iZianni says “Hahaha
Lux should always win because of Range advantage, but life does not work like that.
Can you imagine something as terrifying as a mage with 900 movespeed.
It doesn't really matter what you do in this match up pre-6, the moment she hits 6 you will always lose.
There is a world where you land your full combo and she dies instantly, however there is also a world where she just hits the E/Protobelt or flash key and instantly removes you from the game.
Consider buying a null-mantle if you fall behind.”
kindo says “Always rush mercs - you can run her down pre 6 with tenacity at any point. Tank the stun and slow her when she stuns you, she can stun then shield movespeed away and now she has to wait to charge another stun before walking back up. Once she's 6, she won't be able to 1 shot you in stun with mercs/tenacity. You will need Shieldbow to survive her burst once she gets an item or two, so don't build any other mythic vs. her. She can flash on you at any point - so Gale/Kraken are just a waste of gold. If she gets a lead, she'll be able to ult you on repeat to force your ult - try not to fight. She's immobile, so all ins leave her vulnerable afterwards. If possible, you can force her CDs then ult and execute her after. If she does snowball, it becomes a farm lane at worst. Overall, should be fine side-laning vs. her, just make sure you don't let her snowball with jg. She has reliable cc like TF, but she's immobile and can die quickly by overextending for a trade.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “I always start long sword + 3 pot, but for safety you can go dorans shield sometimes for her q poke.
This matchup comes to playing around her stun. If she uses her stun on a minion from lvl 3-5, it is safe to go for a lvl 3 all-in. Hexdrinker is also a viable buy in this matchup because she is an example of a champ who can one shot without counterplay. Unless you’re ahead, I’d almost say this buy is a must post 6.”
Coldsong says “Annie is really annoying for Talon due to her stun and her ability to last hit super easily. Do not engage when she has her passive up and punish her when she goes to get close to you for a Q. Try to keep track of her E cooldown as after the rework on it, Molten Shield can easily chunk you just by damaging her.”
Shikikashi says “Quite an easy matchup, but she outranges us in the first few levels, make sure to use a Kite combo, (Put W away from the opponent, then use R on them and after landing go back to your W and then E-Q) to avoid the stun from her ult.”
m0rfeazz says “Zed struggles a lot vs annie. You have to stay away while she has stun. If you get stunned you are 90% dead. Try to farm safely and roam so you dont stay behind.”
resetwice says “She can farm safe like most of control mages, but isn’t the best at this. Her CC is not that hard so she can get killed easy, just don’t get R under her tower. Also if she gets movespeed from shield you can ignite for movespeed (if nimbus rune) and full combo her. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Any Annie who knows the matchup will most certainly be a headache, not letting you go in. What you can try and do is simply go in with bush at unexpected times and get a really short trade
However, she can still oneshot you at lvl 6. If you have any way of getting a lead, whether it's roaming or getting early dirk, it'll help a lot more in that factor (one shotting her more).
If you're behind go Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads. Otherwise go Mobility Boots. ”
Sylvan Lore says “Annie is typically weak against Orianna, but with just her overall strength she still manages to come up even with Orianna. Her auto range is absolutely massive and should always be considered in trades. She does quite well farming even under turret so pushing her in is not much of an advantage and really more of a risk if it is not for a reason. Early levels if you note her passive stacks and avoid stuns most trades are beneficial. She will really struggle to maintain mana if she wastes a lot of Qs on you so that is also a possible way to gain an advantage. Her level 6 is much MUCH stronger than yours. Pay attention to her experience and stun stacks to avoid being bursted out. Mid and late game she is barely a champion without her flash. By warding flanks and properly timing her flash specifically you can help your team out a lot! Without flash it is very unlikely that she combos your team. In the same way, forcing her flash is a very great trade even if it costs yours. You will outscale her but she can still win any team fight with a good flash R. In theory cleanse could work quite well into her stuns but I have found in practice that all of her burst will hit you even if you instant cleanse her stun. For that reason I think Barrier is the superior summoner in this matchup. Phase rush or Summon Aery are both acceptable keystones in this matchup. If she is really running the map, a Banshee's Veil can completely shut her down, but I would only do this in extreme cases. Otherwise build normally.”
Saddest says “Pre 6, I'd say you guys go pretty even, but she has an advantage over you: a stun. Post 6, she will burst you without hesitation with her R stun combo. Always watch her stun meter.”
SVS Raka says “One of, if not, The best counter against Yasuo on Mid. Her long range abilities and autoattacks make her safe from your engages. Her stun makes your game unplayable basically. So what you want to do is to engage her whenever she doesn't have her stun up. For example if she has 1 stack on her passive, and she doesn't have her E, it's perfect opportunity to engage her. Cleanse is better than ignite against her.”
Avyxia says “Punish her when she doesn't have her passive up and play safe when she does. If she has flash up be wary of a flash R into her full combo as if she flashes you can't dodge it.”
Balik Aadam says “Annie so powerfull against assasins. Do not stay at lane. Go first item Youmuu's Ghostblade roam top/bot walk with jungler. Better than Annie :).
Impossible2Gank says “She can be a little annoying to deal with but once you get your ult you should be able to outplay hers easily. Magic resist is recommend early.”
Potato Power says “After lvl6, same as fizz, you dead, no matter if you take cleanse/exhaust or whatever, you need to always play on flash ult distance away, before level6, she can speed up to dodge your spells and farms rly well, so you can focus on poking her, but if you dont think you can do it, just focus on the minions and roam with your ult”
VyoS says “, watch her passive stacks. When she got Zhonyas don't try to fight her, use your range to poke her, go for an all in when you can go out quickly.”
duhnx says “Did you want to play the game? Well, now you can't. Her stun and shield is really bad for you. If she has ult and stun up, farm with ranged Q. Try to roam as she will not get there in time to stop you. An early Hexdrinker or Nullifying Orb can help you a lot as well.”
King Turtle says “She doesn't have much mobility and her kit is pretty basic, but her stun is a total cuck and her burst can shut down anything you try to attempt. She can also put down tibbers and use it to block ultimate.”
Grayified says “[MID] Any Rune (not LT or DH) - Corrupting Potion - Barrier or Cleanse recommended | This lane is difficult to win on Corki, but if Annie wastes her stun, it's very easy to punish with an all-in.”
richardlized says “Farm in Q range during lane to avoid incoming poke dmg. Respect her 4th ability stun.
Don’t waste W or else you can get perma zoned and spaced out of lane. Your WEQ poke out ranges her, so you can poke easily but wasting it is a very bad idea.
She can 100-0 you with stun, ult and ignite at lvl 6.
Do not ult her when her stun is about to be up. After six, you can kill her by dodging her stun with your ultimate.
Katasandra says “[1] Don't walk into her when she has 3-4 passive stacks.
[2] Can't 100-0 burst you at level 6, but keep your health up because she can 80-0.
[3] Keep poking her and either look for kills or AFK shove and roam.
[4] If you have trouble buy a null-magic mantle”
Thresh Mid says “Annie is difficult but capable of being dealt with. Her molten shield proves to be an issue while trying to trade with her. Tibbers stun combo can be a death sentence for laning phase. She is immobile so having a jungler help with this lane can be crucial to winning.”
xMetix says “The shield is annoying since it lowers your damage and makes her a bit tanky but no mobility make her an easy kill. Play around her stun stacks and abuse E cooldown.”
Akali187 says “You should destroy her in lane. She will play safe early and try to stun you as the jungler ganks, so ward up. Late game care for her ultimate as she can one shot you.”
MikaeraKun says “She can be easy early in the game, but as the game progresses she can basically oneshot you with her R with fullstacks if you don't kill her fast”
DabiDabi says “Though Annie has range over Talon, I personally feel like this matchup is in Talons favor. As long as you don't get stunned, you almost always win trade. Her stun will guarantee her electrocute proc which is pretty bad for you.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Very Easy matchup as she cant match your damage early, just care about her 1 shot potential after 6, shes really useless if you manage to dodge her ult, would recommend ignite/Barrier or cleanse if enemy jungler is CC heavy.”
Nanelol says “Though Annie has range over Talon, I personally feel like this matchup is in Talons favor. As long as you don't get stunned, you almost always win trade. Her stun will guarantee her electrocute proc which is pretty bad for you.”
Nanelol says “Annie is really annoying. She's got long auto range that does a lot of damage, she's got a point and click stun (which, if we really think about it, is worse than your point and click root), and Tibbers deals a ton of damage. Try and bait out her ultimate before you fight her, or wait for her to blow her stun before engaging.”
tozosi says “Very squishy. Avoid stepping up when she has her stun up at all times as you risk dying to jungle ganks. Also, Annie's full combo does more damage than you may think, especially later in the game, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, shouldn't be a difficult lane.”
TheEnglishman says “Her stun and burst are potent but her wave clear is expensive in mana. Don't walk up post 6 unless you want to eat a whole bear and one shot.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Electro for Flash Ignite/Phase rush for Ghost Ignite.
Respect her stun and her potential to all in you at lvl 6. You outscale her so cs up. You can kill her in lane if she doesn't space well and takes a lot of poke from you.”
Nanelol says “Annie is a rough matchup for Xerath when Annie hits Level 6. Before that Xerath can dominate the laning phase but as soon Annie hits level 6 you will have to play long range and always have your flash ready. ”
Jinx_48 says “She have rly high dmg took fleetfotwork to get closer to her and she have kinda cc in her kit os be carefull. Her ult is only good to cc someone on other hanmd you have to wait until tibears die or desapier to take next ult.”
Sanctuar says “Since she received quality of life buffs, Annie has become a major threat in the lane. Max Q and farm safely into the mid game, carefully observe when she runs towards you as she will attempt a stun, especially with Tibbers post level 6. If you happen to play against a Predator Annie, make sure to keep your river areas warded in case she wants to gank other lanes quickly.”
fanchessfan says “literally no counterplay. Like ban her, dodge, or try to negotiate your top laner into lane swapping with you otherwise your just screwed. ”
Vispectra says “Fairly simple lane until she hits 6, then her all in becomes an issue. While you will survive most the time if her ignite is down due to your passive, I would recommend not fighting her until you're level 11.”
Astalfo says “WATCH HER STUN BAR, if she has more than 2 ticks on her passive's meter, be careful, if she has 3 ticks she can quicky E and stun you with any other ability, you can't WW a big fat bear that sits on your head.”
StarTundra says “Similar to Ahri but harder to dodge. On the flip side, Annie is much easier to catch out of position and burst down as she has less range and stun's more predictably with her passive.”
SeptikYT says “Take Grasp. Just avoid her stun (Passive) and then you can go in on her. Play safe though as her passive is easy to stack and try to avoid fighting at level 6 as Passive + R is a guaranteed AoE stun and it does damage. If she wastes it, she is pretty useless so you can kill her.”
cookanarities says “Always rush mercs - you can run her down pre 6 with tenacity at any point. Tank the stun and slow her when she stuns you, she can stun then shield movespeed away and now she has to wait to charge another stun before walking back up. Once she's 6, she won't be able to 1 shot you in stun with mercs/tenacity. You will need Shieldbow to survive her burst once she gets an item or two, so don't build any other mythic vs. her. She can flash on you at any point - so Gale/Kraken are just a waste of gold. If she gets a lead, she'll be able to ult you on repeat to force your ult - try not to fight. She's immobile, so all ins leave her vulnerable afterwards. If possible, you can force her CDs then ult and execute her after. If she does snowball, it becomes a farm lane at worst. Overall, should be fine side-laning vs. her, just make sure you don't let her snowball with jg. She has reliable cc like TF, but she's immobile and can die quickly by overextending for a trade.”
JHedMobafire says “Only engage when she just used her passive stun charge ability. Short trades with one auto + Q will apply your passive allowing you to run away before she out trades”
TheWerefloof says “Point n Click CC, not much else to say about it. She's annoying to fight in lane, and I'd say almost impossible post 6 without ganks. Abuse her before then and after perma-roam to piss her team off.”
luminyan says “Annie can be quite a problem. Her stun damage hurts a lot, especially when she has Tibbers. Play back until your jungler comes through to help. Definitely take barrier here, cause her burst damage won't be covered by your W.”
DarDarThePenguin says “Annie has high kill pressure level six and is hard to engage on when she has her stun. Luckily, by buying an early null-magic mantle, roaming and scaling becomes easy. Take the Fleet page with MR.”
iamcasualty says “Her stun is easy to track and she got a slight nerf in 11.15 however if she saves her stun for ult and it lands on you, you're probably dead”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Contra Annie a los primeros niveles ganas por rango, uno de los problemas con este campeón es que tiene una hitbox más pequeña que otros campeones, y al mismo tiempo, una habilidad que le proporciona un aumento la velocidad de movimiento, en consecuencia, es muy probable que fallemos muchas habilidades, en caso de que logre acercarse, ten cuidado, si te aplica su CC y su definitiva puede hacerte demasiado daño como para matarte.”
NigYone says “shits on ur hard, make sure to go in for a trade when she doesnt have her stun and that u have ur third Q for that. Her ulti shits on u which unables u to go back on ur E when she stuns u, so make sure to ulti when she ultis to go without getting stunned but good timing is needed.”
Robertonkartul says “She has a very strong burst of damage and can oneshot you if you get stunned, luckily she pretty weak early game. You wait till she uses stun and go in on her lvl3.”
Daers says “Play around her stun. If you see she's one ability off getting it, don't force a play. You can go on her whenever she uses the stun on minions. She can burst you easily mid game, specially if you go Electrocute Diana, so try to tether her Q well. You can dodge her W with your E so save your second E for that when going for an all-in.”
SpartanDumpster says “Annie can be quite annoying. Her passive makes it so all of her abilities except E can stun you. It can be tough since Yone lacks range, her having the stun available can force you to miss CS since she can hit you with it fairly easy.
She isn't impossible because your Q dash knock up prevents her from casting a spell and if you time your E recast right you won't be stunned (though that can be difficult). You can take the opportunity to engage and trade with her while her stun isn't ready but she can get it pretty quick, especially while trading with you.
It's best to engage with your E unless you have a great opportunity to trade without it. If she summons Tibbers (Ult) on top of your real body and stuns you, you are almost guaranteed to die. Be cautious when you're not sure where she is, if you go to ward a bush, she could be waiting there for a cheap kill with her ult stun.”
VeneficusFerox says “A good Annie will zone you out with her readied stun, and Flash Tibbers your ass when she hits 6. Even without DFG, she is annoying as hell. Avoid matchup when possible.”
Little Planet says “Annie is shortranged, slow and very squishy, all of which are great things for a meduim range assassin that wants to blow you up with a skillshot nuke, trade hard and often when her stun is down and play it back until it's used or if you have the damage, kill her before it can even be used.
However Annie has fantastic gank recieval, so you have to be extremely careful about not giving them free advantages ”
Dvide says “really easy just wait for her to use stun and you will get her flash or you will get first blood if your are lvl 3. Care when she is lvl 6 because she has a lot of burst”
Joseph Evanss says “After you get shieldbow shes turbo useless, before then you can still kill her but she has potential to 1 shot you so make sure to pay attention to her stun bar and try and throw w out before any of her abilities land so her combo won't kill you. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D shield or D blade”
ahspaghetti says “rush verdant, play around her stun and her q, when her stun is down, you can look to go in, when she uses q on wave, you can look to go in. careful of her 6 and stun, if you are low, play under tower or look for a back as if she has flash up, she can easily flash r then combo you to death. try to kill her pre 6. if their team is intense cc based, run mercs or take clense + ignite.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Honestly you can kill her but if she gets you stunned first then you will just get bursted otherwise if you dash r first i think you have a more chance to kill her”
BullRedHunter says “She pokes a lot making your lane hard try to stay safe and scale, and care from her burst while she CC you because she might 1 shot you before you use your ult, buy mercury or banhee's if needed”
7daysko says “Pretty defenseless, but she can be VERY annoying and dangerous after 6. Fight her after she's just used her stun, under perfect (for her) conditions, she won't have a stun again for 3 seconds. Her range nerf got reverted, so she can probably come out on top when you try to poke with AA be careful.”
peytonqt says “[EASY] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Watch how many stacks she has on her passive. If she has 3-4 stacks don't walk up. If she has 2 you can be a little cautious but its not that bad. Just jump onto her if she has no stacks. Her burst is really good though so don't get too greedy.”
Doctor Yas says “Annie is an extremely hard match up for Yasuo. I've heard Annie Bot say it himself countless of times on stream. Yasuo is by far one of his favorite match ups to face since it is heavily favored for Annie.”
harris tegas says “well you will win if only you dive to her when she doesn't have stun with her passive.if you see that she has stun and you dive she can outplay you.”
Mpegial says “The fact that she has a free stun whenever she wants is a major threat for any situation, if she gets an Everfrost you are not gonna have good chances. I suggest Roaming”
Tauricus2017 says “Pay attention when she has 4 stacks of her passive as she can easily one shot you. This is a pretty desperate matchup as she is better in engage, trades, poke and teamfights. Pay attention, ward and roam.”
eternalkuuseki says “she has a point n' click stun, in lane if she has it you can only ask jg for help unless she is over extending (standing right in front of/inside your wave). try to go go for trades when she has no stun. if you really need/want to trade, only use qew, so you can still proc both daggers even if you get stunned.”
xoonaka says “ Just make sure to farm safely and avoid pokes. As long as her passive isn't up, you can always all in her after lvl 3. After 6 she can be annoying but she is still very squishy and killable.”
mihaila says “She will poke u a lot so u need fleet footwork here. Fight her only after his passive is down or if she has 1 or 2 stacks only. Is about mistakes and jungle pretty much”
XD001 says “Mostly a farm lane. In the early game, she will harass you for every minion you walk up to cs since her autoattack range is very long. Use W on the wave before walking up so you dont get chunked. Good Annie's will hold stun for as long as possible to disengage Ekko if you jump on her, but if she is playing past turret with no stun, try to abuse the small window and engage to force her out of lane or kill her. Be careful, however, because her shield gives her a burst of MS to dodge your Q. In mid-late game, don't stand close to your teammates or her crowd control with fuck you up. Look for a flank or she can easily shut you down with point click stuns. Even scaling but you win side lane. Take Elec + Precision page or hail of blades”
HeroAronNavius says “Annie should be an extreme threat against Yone but there are many ways you can defeat her. Go full sustain build against her poke this will make you not get 1 shotted in early game and then u will have a chance of poking her back. Try to rush Wit's end and try to only engage her early when her passive isnt active.”
Luciiid says “Super annoying. Good Annie will always keep here passive stun ready to cc you. Plus she one shots faster than you somehow. Take null orb and electrocute. Play for roams.”
Noodles912 says “Use Q when she uses Q, and play like a chicken when she has her passive. Once its gone, you can go back to farming. Use your R to run from her TIbbers, and farm till you outscale.”
mc_jojo3 says “Watch our for her passive otherwise since with her R it hurts a lot so make sure to keep track of her passive and atlest have en idea if she has ult up or not. But if she's behind she won't be much of an issue”
Havenia says “Movement speed, loves it.
Annie will most likely win trades because of her passive and mana refund with Q, her full combo will most likely kill you or get you really low to the point you can't fight.”
Noodles912 says “Same thing as Ahri, but has less waveclear. Freeze, and capitalize on her positional mistakes. Go in when she has no stun. Stay away if she has Q, as using E to dodge it is oftenly not worth it. Look for roams when you can, as you have better waveclear.”
FerretInADurag says “With high burst and point-and-click CC, Annie can be quite the dangerous opponent. You can't really fight her 1v1 after she hits level 6. Before that, wait for her to burn (hehe) her passive, then go in. Mercurial Scimetar and Edge of Night are good against her.”
elnino9 says “ALWAYS watch her stun bar, avoid all-ining when she has it up at level 6, you can ignore her stun before lv 6 as your EW will still land and you can continue your combo, be sure you are healthy for this trade. Poke her when she's going for CS. Setup Q daggers and poke in/out when given the chance. Merc treads are great here. After 6, becareful for her flash ult. If you are ahead however, she can't one shot you.”
PASS10NE says “I would put Annie as a minor threat, but her E now damages you if you attack the shielded target. Be careful if she has 4 stacks. She will usually save it for a gank or use it to trade/harass you.”
NuclearAkali says “Annie's stun is a major problem and her combos can burst you down. If you don't feel comfortable against her, bring cleanse and try to just play for picks around the map.”
Wunsch3957 says “Exhaust or Cleanse. Try to make so she can't stun you or bait it out before you try to all in her. After 6 don't fight just roam. Conq+Resolve”
Lot of Wind here says “Her W and R are not blocked by the wall, so you can't dash on her. This makes annie hard to deal with ; this matchup is worse than most of other mages matchups.”
Wunsch3957 says “Not as hard as you might think, just don't get poked down and back off when she has 3-4 stacks of passive. All in her when she misses stun. Conqueror with domination/resolve. After 6 roam. Flash/cleanse.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Annie counters most melee champs and is why Talon can lose to Annie a little. Try to avoid going near her when has 4 stacks with her Stun. Should only engage on Annie if she her stun isn't active and you must try and one shot her first before she can R you with stun and then you die.”
GeDBo says “Annie is a burst mage. Her weakness however is her range. She can't out damage you if she can't reach you. The Arcane Comet Rune Page is suggested in this match up. Farming and poking are the easiest way on winning against her. Beware of ganks. Buy wards and always think where the enemy jungler is currently. Don't engage unless you are sure you will kill her. If doing so results in you getting killed as well, then it's not worth it. Best thing to do in that case would be to wait for your jungler to help you out. Rush Mercury's Treads in order to sustain longer.”
idadees says “Match up quasi impossibile, l'all in di Annie è davvero potente, per di più inevitabile, facendosi pushare si limita di molto la possibilità di morire.”
CrazyyBrrr says “This matchup go doran shield
U need to let her shove the lane and freeze it
U can her sometimes with your jungler help and supp help if ur supp roams
Edg3Lord says “She can only rely on her passive to take a distance from you. Otherwise, even if you take damage, she gets Q+E combo'd, you have essentially done a good trade since you can output more damage than her.”
SoraSan says “Annie é uma maga de Burst. Sua principal fraqueza é seu alcance curto. Farmar e pokear é maneira mais fácil de vence-la. Cuidado com ganks e não troque com ela se não tiver certeza que vai mata-la, trocar abates é bom para ela. Passos de Mercurio é bom para essa situação
Cometa Arcano é a runa recomendada para essa matchup.”
13 yr old korean says “you can windwall her stun q but nothing else, even if you windwall her stun her stun gets fucking reset and she can stun again right after (take cleanse or u fucked)”
BigBushMan says “Annie is a pretty big pain, but as long as you play around her passive you can live. If she has her passive fully stacked, don't step up to the wave, as she will full combo and at level 6, kill you. Freeze and look for jungle help in this matchup.”
KawaiiSpecter says “Go for trades the moment she Q's a minion or just go for Q poke. You can go for an all in as long as you're healthy enough to do so. Else she just Q-W ignite and you die. Be careful level 6 and onward, she has an advantage with R. Also make sure to not engage in a teamfight when you see that Annie hasn't used her stunned R yet because it can easily oneshot you + it cc's you which screws you hard. Verdant Barrier here is really good first item if you struggle a lot vs her because it removes her oneshot potential. Mercs is really good vs annie.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Very Easy matchup as she cant match your damage early, just care about her 1 shot potential after 6, shes really useless if you manage to dodge her ult, would recommend ignite/Barrier or cleanse if enemy jungler is CC heavy.”
sidromest says “Start Doran's + Slowpush and whenever she comes to Cs poke her with "Q", after level 6 take into consideration the added range from ult. Get a gold diff and buy Verdant Embrace + Hp mythic, it will help, even late game. Don't all in Annie, poke when she last hits.”
tomzieE says “runes - conq, overheal, alacrity, stand; taste, ravenous
she is kinda hard but you can 1v1 in lvl 2, go on her when she got 1 or max 2 stacks
take even dshield with dblade if u need”
yougelly says “Ahri is a champion that thrives on mobility. She is highly threatened by champions that have point-and-click abilities that she cannot dash away from. ”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “As long as you wait for Annie's stun to be down (passive), before walking up to do anything you should be fine. Her Q is a point and click, so you should keep that in mind before walking up.”
sashadidntwalk says “Her CC will burst you down if she follows up with her ult so I suggest throwing and E at her every time her stun is up so you can sleep her if anything.”
BigFatCat909 says “Annie is very similar to Anivia though slightly harder, rather than sitting back and outpoking her with W, you have a lot more kill pressure though don't let this bait you into getting stunned and solo killed.”
Johan Paracelso says “She is made to create wave preasure, and, if she charges up her passive, Annie can stun with any of her abilities, so, basically, she can attack the wave a bit, then walk up to you, Ults you, then combo you and you are dead.Tibbers has a great range, so be carefull when facing her”
Hiimkata says “Go for trades the moment she Q's a minion or just go for Q poke. You can go for an all in as long as you're healthy enough to do so else she just Q-W ignite and you die. Be careful level 6 and onward, she has an advantage with R. Also make sure to not engage in a teamfight when you see that annie didnt use her stunned R yet because it can easly oneshot you + it cc's you which fks you hard. Verdant Barrier here is really good first item if you struggle a lot vs her because it removes her oneshot potential. Mercs is really good vs annie, if they have more cc's.”
CaptianMike says “It really depends on the Annie. If she is good she will take advantage of the fact that her character is so much stronger than yours in early game and can zone you off. Don't get close when she has her stun and farm under tower. She has 1-shot potential at 6, unless you manage to exhaust her before hand. If she's a bad Annie, she will let you farm and she will farm. This is in your favor! You will out scale this girl hard. Getting to late game is a real task.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Stay defensive when she can stun with the next spell, she can't block any of your damage but if you don't use the correct mechanic you'll be punished by your own position”
Poppi Sama says “High damage, speed, and mana sustain. This patch has buffed Annie to be a hazard to Ahri due to her Stun/ Ult Combo. Avoid her range when she has 3 to 4 stacks on her stun.”
bboyxje123 says “Try to dominate the lane from lvl 1-3 and push/poke her into her turret. Take care of her lvl 6 she will definitely flash and use it on you. ”
Pixel Pocket says “Annie is very strong right now but her kit isn't particularly strong against you. This is only even due to her being overtuned in damage. You can shove her in and leave her to farm under tower while you help the team as you should and she shouldn't really have an answer to this playstyle.”
UnoTrickCho says “You can try and cheese her with e start, but she has 2 spells that go straight through your windwall. Go shieldbow and just survive.”
XanBad says “Getting bursted by her 100 to 0 is just sad, just try to poke her and try to get an all in. If she backs try to pressure her turret as much as possible.”
KataTocDo says “You will never be able to play the game post-6 if you do not have a kill over her. Pre-6, you have a decent kill chance over her. If you are not confident you can go hexdrinker.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D. Sheild”
ParkChnm says “Play very safe pre-6 and even safer after 6. Her range is insane and she has a lock on stun. Tibbers stun will most likely kill you. I suggest going double MR runes and Mercury Treads rush.”
Jnewbringspain says “This matchup is similar to Ryze. You'll want to try to be the aggressor and land your shots first. You do not want to just walk up and try to farm while she has he stun available. Do quick small bursts and disengage until she is low enough to all-in.”
Yamikaze says “Rush hexdrinker and mercs. Even if you windwall her Q, her stun passive will still be up, which is kind of stupid imo. She will look to take down your shield whenever it's up, with her long ranged autos. You can kill her before 6 by playing around her passive. Try freeze the wave close to your tower, and look for a good engage opportunity when you know enemy jungler/support is not near. Left click her champ, so you always have her stats bar up on the side(let's you see how close she is to having stun passive up)”
wildersovereign says “In a perfect world, you hard counter this champion. Your Black Shield effectively negates her entire kit. Her mobility is limited to a decent movement speed boost, making it incredibly easy to kill her. However, her Flash combos still do enough damage to blow you up if you're not super ahead of her. Keep track of when she has Flash up and be wary of opportunities for her to use it and for you to force it out of her. A bad Annie is a free win, but a good Annie is a decent threat if your reaction speed isn't top-notch (mine isn't either, don't worry).”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Here is the thing about Annie. You can easily dominate her in lane. Or.... You could let her hand your ass to you. Her biggest threat is that she has 2 aoe abilities that can pretty easily hit you when you shroud. If you can avoid her Ult stun combo and time your engages for when she blows her stun you will destroy her. She is super squish so it wont be difficult. It is only a problem if you dive and she has her stun and abilities up because... you are also squish.
Get some kills under your belt and she will be free food all game.”
Splaty says “Annie is annoying lvl 6 so try killing her with your lvl 2 spike or bring her low so she can recall early try killing her when she has no CC that's your chance make sure its pre 6
rajsovsky says “She has stun, damage, shield, movement speed but is minor matchup I'd say cuz she has no range to kill you without flashing so just be careful when you know that her flash is up. You outscale her and overall when you have rocketbelt you can kill her alone. Just farm you don't really need wraiths in this matchup. A lot of Annies are very obvious when they have flash and ult, so just use it to your advantage.”
invalidd says “
Preferable to trade when she doesn't have stun up, really strong lvl6, if she plays safe she will win the lane. Easy to setup ganks on.”
_Nightmare_G says “Buy null magic mantle as starter. U can't block her W and R, and she has stun every 4 skills. This is one of the hardest lanes for Yasuo. Play safe and ask ur jungle for ganks.”
Aikairi says “Fight her when she doesn't have her stun up, or when it is 0 to 1 stack in. You can trade with her easily pre-6, but you need to be careful of her burst post-6. I recommend getting QSS for this matchup, and Hexdrinker for less skilled players. You can use QSS the exact moment she stuns you so the rest of her combo will be hitting thin air instead of you.
Also, you can shunpo to her bear if you need to catch up to her for 1 final Q to kill her.”
Penpiddin says “I put evens but there is a huge difference between a good and bad Annie. Good Annie will farm with Q and then use her cone ability to insta kill ur pets to stop u farming and pushing. She has a longer range auto attack she will use to try and break ur shield. Respect the all ins and you should be fine. ”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs Annie:al igual que todos los demas que dependen de su stun espera que lo gaste y luego entras con tu elec (eco de luden o hielo eterno)”
TheHostileCat says “When she has stun up, make sure you keep shroud and flash ready. Some people might struggle with this matchup but as long as you poke with q, get an auto in and then step back, you can continually poke her down. Engage whenever she doesn't have tibber, and try not to tower dive. ”
PrimeRex226 says “Not the worst of matchups but not the best. Pretty even, remember her passive 4 stacks , if she has 4 stacks play more carefully , if she has no stacks you can go more aggressive.”
YIVENDER says “Annie is an extremely hard match up for Yasuo. I've heard Annie Bot say it himself countless of times on stream. Yasuo is by far one of his favorite match ups to face since it is heavily favored for Annie”
ezmod66 says “You can win this matchup easily.
Over time this match gets anoying as she gets free infinite mana . you Can try to play for early aggression with ignite but i would recommend taking tp for this matchup.
Care for the flash w this can get you insta killed if you getting ganked.
Make sure to ward common ganking paths
Matchup Difficulty: Easy tp extreme
Only reason I'm putting this in major is because of the opportunity for ganking from the enemy jungler.
Matchup Difficulty: Annoying”
KatarinaScriptz says “Annie is a threat when she has her stun up I would just say bait her stun out or just wait and don't go in on her when she has her ult.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Absorb her damage with your W shield
- You can trade with her easily if you land an E or W
- Hold W when she runs at you with her E movespeed and tank her combo
- Push the wave and roam to help your jungler
- Roam with your ultimate and teleport
- You win every jungle 2v2”
Big Shawn says “It is important that you abuse her before both of you hit the lvl 6 mark. Unless you decide, for some reason, to rush QSS, you will not have a great time when Tibbers beats the hell out of you.”
hotcomedumpster says “Try to hit her when she auto attacks. Super easy to hit her with abilities. Past 6 play safer, by then you should be way ahead of her. ”
BCota says “you can pool her stuns, if she zooms towards you with stun and is 6+ try to predict ult but normally you just oneshot her just be careful of stuns
Chili Dog says “Just trade point and clicks, try pool stun or do insanity levels of mental damage if you predict and pool her ult, freelo matchup. Both runes choices can be taken.”
Xiphire says “You can't really block her abilities and she can just on burst you down with her R so try to punish her before level 6 and after try to always have passive so she can't burst you so easily.”
JustGalaxy06 says “She has great burst as well but you're fine if you dodge her r and shield yourself at the right time . As i said before you can simply one shot her because she isn't that tanky”
Dafioske says “Un mago en el inicio parada bajo torre y a nivel 6 no le podés entrar si que te tire el oso,
En si s ele puede ganar pero llegando las late su daño es un poco fuerte y es mejor evitar ganarle línea y romear”
Sushi_Cat says “Really nasty matchup. Her E practically counters your entire kit by giving her a movement speed boost and a mini-Thornmail passive. Luckily, it is very easy to tell when her stun is available. Never underestimate how aggresive an Annie will be though, since they can and will one-shot you at almost every stage in the game post Level 6. Save all ins for when her E and Stun are down and ult after she uses Tibbers. ”
Last Roar says “Scariest thing about annie is her stun. Punish her with all ins early. But after 6 when she has big boy ready, just poke her and keep a distance. Her full combo is quite lethal, so don't do dumb facechecks, and don't be baited into bushes by her roams. Ward range is all she needs to stun you.
Obj: Early all ins. Late poke and safe. Roam more post-6.”
SkellyBirb says “Annie can one shot you but also be one shot by you, however you have a bit of a range advantage on her. Be careful of her flash stun.”
Snow Day Zoe says “Fuck this champion, She doesnt out range you, but she out bursts you, and with the new buff on her molten shield, she has a good gank response, so its i would recommend a cleanse, but its your choice if you wanna take barrier or ignite ”
vCraze says “Annie can be quite a tough matchup but it is playable. She has many ways to get onto you and she can delete you as soon as she hits 6 so make sure you play safe and do not allow her to get an early lead. Play safe and poke her when your comet and manaflow are up, if she has stun ready or one off being ready make sure you are keeping your distance as she can use her to close the distance to you and then stun.”
OxiteoMyst says “You can bring cleanse against her to make life way easier. Poke her down and try to W her while she casts her spells on you so you both get stunned. Watch out for ganks because she has a extremely easy setup for the jg. You can burst her down at lvl6. (She can somewhat do the same)”
SkellyBirb says “She has a point and click AOE stun and a ton of damage and poke. Only jump on her if she has no stacks on her passive else she'll most likely just stun you and win the trade.”
S4V4 says “High poke mage that doesn't let you do anything. No matter what rune you take, or what build you go, you will never win trades with her if player behind the champion is good. She doesn't have mana issues which makes her able to spam her abilities at you as much as she wants, while she has a stun as well. She is most likely going to one shot you after her level 6 unless you're ahead of her. Jungler's help is needed here.”
WolfRider01 says “She can easily destroy you if you are not careful. Her W goes through your W, and if you windwall her Q stun, her passive stays up. If you're behind, build hexdrinker before you build noonquiver.”
Katfire says “Annie is another really annoying match up.
If she uses her stun stack on minions you want to look to trade immediately, before she gets her stun up again.
Her E is really annoying because the movement speed bonus can make her run out of dagger range and she now gets a shield instead of damage mitigation.
Careful for her lvl 6. With R she can quickly go from 1 stack to stun.”
Hqzz says “Annie will beat you in the mana game, her level 6 is extremely strong and Ryze has pretty poor range compared to her. It is not worth you hitting a root, and her hitting a stun on you as she can R and deal a tone of damage. Try to poke her down before lvl 6 or when she doesn't have stun available. ”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with cleanse, heal or ignite. It's a skill Matchup. You have better waveclear and range then her however she has better burst early on. After 6 good Annie's will run you down with ignite and R if you ever R forward. Look for roams if she plays passive you easily outscale her. Get mercs if you are behind”
Zatharah says “MIDs que conseguem chegar e burstar Seraphine muito fácil são seus maiores counters, visto que ela não tem mobilidade e apenas seu W pra segurar o burst.”
hickeyo says “This match-up is very easy for you. You outrange Annie and can kill her from Q + W damage. Just make sure to dodge her flash + ult on you. If you can E her combo this is a very easy matchup.”
IncursioOCE says “Holds her stun all lane until you jump in on her or she is receiving a gank very annoying champion, you will not get to play your laning phase”
k1t3k1t3 says “Neeko has great matchups, and ot all of these are even too hard, the main issue is they can run you down, 1 shot you, or have potent CC to shut you down during teamfights.”
KaAZu13 says “Try to stay away from her while she has the stun ready, and after level 6, don't get too close, just poke her from distance and place shrooms to get her even lower in hp, when you think she is low enough just flash, auto and Q her, if u are lucky u will hit ignite also on her. Tho the same effect you will get if you use teemo passive on the lane and wait for her to get close to you, BUT, its a big but ! Do not engage in a fight when you are in ur passive if she has the stun and ult / or either of them cuz u are doomed.”
DrWindwall says “Annie is a tricky lane. and she could be placed between major and extreme threats. she has a deadly burst with cc but dont worry she can be dealt with relatively easily now by just going all in after she uses her stun. 2 stacks or more for her stun should be a warning for you to keep distance.”
MetaKnight13373 says “A lot of Annies will try and walk at you once they have their ult and stun up, this makes their pathing pretty easy to predict and allows for a relatively easy charm. You outrange Annie by a lot and as long as you respect her when she has stun this is a fine matchup. ”
sm1rk says “Her point and click CC isn't fun. The best part is, if you block her Q with your windwall when her stun is up, it isn't consumed! She'll burst you and you'll die constantly. ”
NightSoar says “Annie has short range but huge damage, only trade when she just used her stun on a creep. Keep an eye on her paranoia stacks as she might be keeping them at 3 to bait you.”
Manzey says “Will 100-0 you multiple times at level 6.
Banshees is a must to survive.
Do not go for trades when her stun is almost up, try to poke with Q instead.”
neverwanted2be says “This is another "Joker" in ur mid lane match-ups. She has a lot of AP burss. Her mobility is very weak so its only about laning. FF+Resolve+Doran'Shoeld is very safety versus her. Bait her skills (Q+W) with ur FF's satcks and thats all, she s very weak w/o them. Ur boots choice ll be Mercs and ur trading pattern will be "E+QQ" w/o "W". Tricky but not very Hard macth-up, so u can also play with FF+Domination.”
Grayified says “Annie is very annoying, but she has a short range. If you can keep your distance and farm while falling back when her passive is up, this lane shouldn't be too much of an issue.”
KormitLeFrag says “Shove and roam, bully her the whole game.
Careful of her stun as she can use it to setup a gank and shut you down - respect it until she uses it on a minion or smth.
WhiteZorox says “Annie is considered as quite a big threat into Akali due to her Q poke and her generally being a range champion although if you can bully her early game use your q, passive you can zone her off CS 90% of the time.”
ItzJavAgain says “Similar to veigar,quite good CC and burst,with his R and charged stun,really annoying poke but like veigar,if you get to melee with your passive stacked against her she's dead”
Daeydark says “She will out-burst you when you engage on her due to her short range, and can kill you at level 6 with flash + tibbers. Look to bait out her fourth ability pre-level 6 to trade combo her. After level 6, stay behind your minions, fast-push the wave using Rake (W) + Tiamat, and look to roam for vision control/ganks/objectives.”
Cahly says “You don't want to play too aggressive as Annie is kinda op and can 100-0 you. However, if you can w her stun you can run her down with r and q and e.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Annie counters most melee champs and can easily burst you down, Tips is to farm to 6 and start roaming or try and fight her level 2 until 6, Once 6 you can't really kill her, Wait out for her stun too if you can”
Yeager says “Really easy matchup. You can stay from a distance and farm with Q so she won't be able to walk up and stun. R
Rush mercury treads in this matchup. If she flash ult you, the mercurys will give you enough time to ult and get your HP back. Now Annie will be a useless champion for the next 5 minutes(5 minute CD on Flash)”
Yeager says “Neeko is fairly short ranged and Annie excels against those types of champions. You need cleanse in this matchup, and be ready to use it when she flash + combo you. When her flash is down, she's the most useless champion so you can easily set her up for ganks, or shove and roam.
Be aware of how many stacks she has on her passive. It's generally a good idea to leftclick on her, so you can see her stats up in the left corner. ”
FalleN3 says “Use your ball to zone Annie as much as you can but be mindful of yours and her mana reserves. By doing this, you can make it very difficult for Annie to farm and harder for her to harass you. Your (E) can absorb a decent amount of Annies damage in the laning phase. You can try to punish her for being out of position but be careful when doing so and keep an eye on how many stun stacks she has. If you have taken barrier, combined with your (E) will really help you out if / when she tries to all in you after level 6. She will likely look for roams, be sure to either follow her or warn your team.”
TheCatOfCheshire says “Welcome to hell. Don't try to outskill her, she doesn't need it to kill you, she only needs to flash and press R. To fight her, you have to flash out as soon as you hear her flash. Like this you won't be one-shotted. Try to harrass her with your q, you got more range than her on the spells. Don't trade her if she's not under CC, she can one shot you pretty early. Try to wave clear, then roam.
Update : That champ has been up in 9.18. Thx rito.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Annie isn't necessarily what you'd call a 'hard' match-up but she can make your life pretty hard because of how strong her burst is.
Once she hits level 6, be aware of her flash-ult all-in. If she flashes and you immediately use shuriken flip to get away from her most of the damage will be negated.”
Haywyre says “If she knows what she's doing she can be a very formidable opponent, keep in mind her passive stacks do you don't get stunned out of no where.”
Yeager says “Take cleanse. Her only way to kill someone is by flash+comboing. If you are fast at reacting, you can cleanse it fast and run away, then she will be useless for the next 5 minutes. She has no mobility, so it's really easy to hit her with bubbles. ”
SkellyBirb says “Early on Annie likely won't have much kill pressure against you, but once she hits level 6 she can burst you, so play safe once she hits 6.”
Frixen says “This is one of the worst TF matchups. She outtrades you heavily and simply kills you every time you walk up to do anything post 6. However, you push faster than her, so you can try to use that to your advantage, but be careful, if she's competent, she isn't going to let you walk up to the wave. Sit back, and wait for your jungler. She's extremely easily gankable.”
FalleN3 says “Annie's immobile and very predictable but this doesn't make her an easy match-up for Akali. She has insane burst damage and multiple ways of stunning you. If she ults you and gets her stun off, it is highly likely that you will die. Tibbers does AOE damage so hiding in your shroud will not save you from his damage. Her (W) can also hit you while you are in your shroud. Farm and Roam in this lane. Try only engage on her if her stun is down, otherwise you are likely going to die.”
SkellyBirb says “She has a point and click AOE stun and a ton of damage. Only jump on her if she has no stacks on her passive else she'll most likely just stun you and win the trade.”
PH45 says “She has low range but with her Flash up she will most likely oneshot you if she has any AP items picked up. Consider an early Banshee's Veil for more safety. She is vulnerable to ganks due to her squishiness and lack of escapes so if you manage to get her low enough/root her call in your jungler to finish her off.”
FalleN3 says “Annie's immobile and very predictable and you're highly mobile and able to duke her Ultimate. She is a hard matchu-up due to her insane burst damage and stuns. If she ults you and gets her stun off, it is highly likely that you will die. Try to E out of combat and re-evaluate the fight. Farm and Roam in this lane. Remember, Annie's stuns are not consumed if her Q spell doesn't hit you, example should you use E to avoid it. ”
Faithyatta says “Rough time for Cass; Annie out-pokes you easily early game without wasting mana, while Cass has trouble keeping up that tempo given her mana-costs pre-[[Archangel]]. Get your jungler to gank you, and make sure you know when her stun comes up!”
Reason97 says “Annie is a lot easier to farm with than you, but you also benefit your team more. Overall, she's not that scary, but she can catch you unawares between her passive stun and Tibbers. Try to always keep an eye on her stun bar, under her health, and watch for her pushing up whenever she has it, or even whenever she's 1 ability away from it. As long as you dont let her get the drop on you, your all in is a lot more deadly then her's is. ”
xAsuta says “You are an assassin, she's a sqishy mage. Make sure she has no stun ready and all in her lvl 2-3. She is an easy first blood. At lvl 6 she has a strong 100 to 0 potential so avoid her ultimate.”
orangepenguinhead says “You have more range than her but watch out for her passive stun. Annie's Flash R Stun combo is also deadly. Don't underestimate how much damage Tibbers can dish so remember to get rid of him. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Just don't let her stun you and she won't win the fight. Also watch out for her R. If she wastes her stun on minions go for an all in, just don't tower dive as it is pretty easy for her to get it back up. Take cleanse if you are big poosy. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
I count to seven says “Easy matchup, you can throw Tibbers at her. Keep in mind that her R range can be bigger than you'll expect. Though you outrange her a lot.”
Roexae says “I always ban annie, hard matchup if the opponent knows how to play her. Any other matchup is doable with good spacing and damage knowledge. Every champ with hard lock CC (crowd control) is scary to face, but with knowledge is easily winnable.”
sashadidntwalk says “Once again, Fleet + Doran's shield. You'll need to try and survive her early poke and rush wit's asap. Her CC will be annoying because she can rarely miss it (if she uses it with W). But once you get your core items after laning phase it will become an easy lane for you since you have more DPS than her.”
shadowiyce says “*Remember to purchase Mercurial Treads to gain magic resistance and tenacity to reduce her crowd control duration.
*Always keep your distance to trade. ”
Spection says “RARE. A support that's becoming more and more common, you will be able to regret making her pick that role. She has some good damage but no tankiness. She needs to stack her passive and it can drain her mana to do so, but be careful of eating a stun when you all in, as it can be the death of you.”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty easy matchup do not over push the wave since she can allow her jungler to come whenever with the pointclick cc she has. Also care for her e when you go for the all in
since she can absorb a lot of your damage”
Shock_101 says “I hate annie. Her cc is way to much for you to handle. I just perma ban her, since once she gets 1 kill, she sits in a bush waiting to drop the doll of doom on you. If you get put into this matchup, god save you.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Annie isn't to dangerous against Yone but mostly you'll never win any trades with her levels 6- Max, Levels 1 - 5 You can take trades. This is mostly a skill match up”
xXkillercrackXx says “Annie has a very oppressive laning phase with high kill pressure due. She'll try to zone you off CS for the entirety of the laning phase. Don't risk getting a few CS if she could chunk, or possibly kill you. early mercury's treads aren't a bad option in this matchup to try and negate some of her kill pressure.”
Yuki H. says “Ranged poke, cc, damage reduction... basically an anti-Zed machine who can possibly shut you out of lane early game. Pre-6 you're basically screwed and post-6 can still be a difficult phase in the game. Rush hexdrinker if behind, and never forget to buy control wards for incoming ganks. It is a tough matchup but could be worse.”
Chiefsnake says “Her huge auto range is very annoying early but you beat her as long as you play around her stun. When she has her stun up you want to play back until she's forced to use it on the wave”
AbhorRend says “Play safe until lvl 3, wait for her to use stun and go in. Putting this at 3 cuz she requires no brain power so low elo annies dont need to do much while u do”
Veralion says “Annie is great. Short range, which forces her close enough to jump on, and you can immune her stun, the one dangerous part of her kit, with good timing. Don’t take QWs for free, you can get forced out of lane with just a few missteps with how often you’ll be eating her auto attack to farm. Sit back, E for farm, and melee CS between her Q CDs. You should have plenty of opportunities to E her with your last hits since her spell range is so short and she’ll be trying to auto you. You’ve got the spell range advantage here, so use it. The lane’s a little tougher if she’s confident enough to CS with autos and just holds her stun to QW you. Sacrifice CS to prevent getting harassed out of lane. Once you land a few good pokes and you’re in a position to all in, if she starts a trade with her stun Q, ult at her and kill her. Either that or right after she blows her stack to farm. If she holds onto it, you can still just go with a small health lead and eat the stun. She shouldn’t ever be able to 100-0 you. Just beware the bear once she’s dead. It hurts. ”
Bartoos says “You outrange her greatly and even if she reaches you early on she doesn't have enough damage to do anything. Bully her constantly and take barrier and maybe buy a null-magic mantle so you don't get flash-bear'd.”
Grimkyle says “Annie is a threat because of the way her passive works and her point and click stuns you can see when she has her stun ready but when e to avoid her q the q disappears but she still has her passive[which is stupid IMO] ”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Her burst and combo mean nothing for Vladimir. Can be easily destroyed by a proper gameplay, also she does not have high mobility unlike many other hard match-ups you could've gotten instead. After Hextech Proto you can blow her up. Do beware her stun though in early game.”
Tom4tenmark says “Ok Early Game have to beware of early stuns. CARE lvl 6 really hard matchup if she has stopwatch too.
Just try to poke early and try to get a kill with your jungler! If not possible farm up and fight when she makes misstakes.”
lessbedone says “Annie's ult CAST will take half of your health away and tibbers will maul you to death after. Be very carefull, take barrier/cleanse, and never get close.”
Raiiny says “She is a very good counter for talon. You can't doge her Q, she has a shield/stun. Also tibbers still attack even if she dies. If she uses her abilities to farm(which is 100 percent)its your chance to go all in. Stay far away from her Q range. Especially when she has her stun up. I will go more in depth.”
Brentonlop says “She can one shot you if she has full stacks on her passive. Try to kill her a few times before level 6. If you are having trouble with Annie, clear wave and roam or buy Mercury treads.”
iDiedOk says “Lots of lockdown, unless you keep her shutdown early, she will stomp on you lategame by baiting your Soul Unbound and just dropping R when you return.”
snukumz says “Easy to deal with unless her stun is up, in which case you can't do anything.
This matchup gets very hard at level 6 since you can both 100-0 each other.
She wins she stuns you, which is very likely at level 6+.
Consider getting an early Quicksilver Sash. ”
The PaIe King says “Sustain Karth
Summoner Spells: Teleport/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadons Death Cap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.
----Rune Page: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transendence, Scorch, Prescence of Mind, Last Stand .----
snukumz says “Easy pre-6, post-6 she gets a bit scary.
She can flash stun you and easily kill you with the help of her jungler.
Run barrier and get HP so that she can't solo kill you with her burst.”
GrayRiver says “"Annie's immobile and very predictable but this doesn't make her an easy match-up for Akali. She has insane burst damage and multiple ways of stunning you. If she ults you and gets her stun off, it is highly likely that you will die. Tibbers does AOE damage so hiding in your shroud will not save you from his damage. Her (W) can also hit you while you are in your shroud. Farm and Roam in this lane. Try only engage on her if her stun is down, otherwise you are likely going to die." FalleN3”
1256 says “nothing else besides short trades, her dmg in extended fights is tibbers only, you outscale her but she sets ganks up very good due to her passive so always keep that in mind
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
KitsyMamori says “Be careful when her stun is up, but other than that she's pretty easy to fight against. You can out range her by a lot so use that to your advantage.”
only yasuo play says “Insane gank setup, especially when Annie hits 6. Have to play safe and not push wave, unless you want to die from enemy gank.
If annie is pushing you however, try to get your jungler to gank.”
Art1val says “This matchup can go either way. She won't have enough damage to all in you until 2-3 items. You can't really all in her either. Poke her as much as you can and play passive when she has her stun up.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Annie's immobile and very predictable but this doesn't make her an easy match-up for Akali. She has insane burst damage and multiple ways of stunning you. If she ults you and gets her stun off, it is highly likely that you will die. Tibbers does AOE damage so hiding in your shroud will not save you from his damage. Her (W) can also hit you while you are in your shroud. Farm and Roam in this lane. Try only engage on her if her stun is down, otherwise you are likely going to die.
huynhlinhquyhoa says “She can shut down you with one combo.
She got one of the longest range among mage with her basic attack, so it won't be a problem for her to get rid of your passive without using any single drops of mana. I bear-ly recommend to pick Malzahar against her. hehe”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Annie will always 100-0 you once she hits level 6. Before that, she has her damage reduction and stun for fights, so that makes trading really hard for you. Stay away from her and farm under your turret, because most Annie players will zone you out with their stun. The only way you can fight her effectively is by stunning her, proc your passive and run away.”
evilforreal says “Annie is generally able to burst you down through your shield/RW, but telegraphs most of her moves, try to punish her when she tries to last hit minions with Q. Try to poke from a distance and initiate when you see her waste her stun on a creep pre-6. At 6+ be cautious of her Flash-All in.”
KataFlix says “Annie is not that a big threat on Katarina although her CC duration is long enough to one shot you with R+Q+W, if you feel uncomfortable against Annie build magic resist items first and then the core items”
GodFaker says “She will destroy you in lane 3-6 and for the rest of the game, only real chance you have is to punish her 1-2 and then hope you can outplay her leading into the mid and late game with your jungle, she will 2 shot you!”
audiboo says “When she doesn't have flash anymore you can easily fight her.
You need cleanse in this fight, be ready to use it when she flashes and combos you. ”
Debonair Karma says “Annie's range is too short to ever get close to Karma. On top of that she has weak waveclear so it's easy to push her in and not let her roam. Take barrier or cleanse to counter flash ult. Banshee's recommended.”
Gageowago says “Really annoying because of her range and poke. Try and hit her with max range q for poke and punish her when stun isn't at either 3 or 4 stacks. Keep at least one major gank path warded at all times and play on that side of the lane. Annie is ridiculously easy to set up ganks on because of a guaranteed flash stun. If vision is down and Annie is walking up with 3-4 stacks of her passive you should immediately back off.”
topal says “After the buffs her playrate sky rocked. Her range is too much and her point and click stun can stop you very easly.try to push safly and roam if you get ahead you can win the muchup.”
Ignix0 says “I really hate this matchup. You have to farm her pre 6 or she straight up 1 shots you. Wait for her to have no passive if you wanna go in. Go cleanse in this matchup”
Papapostolou says “Easy game. Just poke her all the time, and you should be fine. Although care for ganks. She has great synergies with almost every jg
Canofsteak says “Give up some CS early because she can burst you out, don't be aggressive until you get hextrinker. At lvl 6 you hard out range and out push her.”
MorroX says “Annie is a pretty hard lane, for almost all of the champions. She is the queen of midlane, and she is pretty unbalanced. I wouldn't recommend Zed against Annie.”
ZombieZack1 says “Annie is a slightly Easy Matchup for Lux as she is Easily Bursted when her Reduction Shield is down, but can One shot Lux with her Tibbers so care about that”
Lil Tidepod says “Annie is really annoying. She's got long auto range that does a lot of damage, she's got a point and click stun (which, if we really think about it, is worse than your point and click root), and Tibbers deals a ton of damage. Try and bait out her ultimate before you fight her, or wait for her to blow her stun before engaging.”
Fhizzikx says “She has tons of burst so play safer in lane. While she can't all in you pre 6 watch out for her flash stuns so you don't get caught. Pre 6 you should be playing more aggressive and shoving her in. Later in the game get yourself a banshees so you don't get flash stunned by her. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HER DAMAGE.”
zeno smurfer says “The worst matchup. You can win this until he don't get the first item. Care for his stun and care for ganks. If he used his stun or the q then go in trade him.”
BigBushMan says “Annie is a relatively easy matchup, you just have to abuse your range and make sure you don't get one shot by her lvl 6 combo with fully stacked passive (R, W, Q). Range is going to be the way to win.”
TJ3030p says “She can abuse you but if you space and give xp and call for jungler it should be a free kill. It can really go either way and you alone can do the job.”
JccmSaysNom says “Annie walks into a bar and summons Tibbers, she asks "Where is the counter?"
There is none.
In all seriousness if Annie isn't playing support you better swap lanes because Annie will either zone or kill you. ”
MartinMorningstar says “will for some reason only stun with ult so care for ult timer, stun stacks, and range(+flash range if she has flash)
She has no range and your E only needs to block the stun for you to survive. Qing the bear is a decent source of sustain if she just leaves you to fight it while she waddles around with her melee range.”
serruh says “She does outrange you and can be a problem early. Should be of no problem once you have some items in your belt. Can become annoying in later fights if she keeps stunning you, can look to itemize into banshee if so.”
Malmortious says “Depends on who bursts first to be honest. This lane can be a bit harder, but if you are having problems with her go camp other lanes to get kills.”
RockitoAhri says “Sideste... Fla... Never mind that. If she flash clicks you, you die.
Poke her with Q, you have the range advantage. When she tries to walk up, back off.
Don't trade auto attacks. Bad idea. Q and E are all you have to do winning trades with her.”
t3rminated says “Play safe, take cleanse, don't get bursted. You can outrange/outpoke her but a slight misposition can be punished easily. Annie can/will one shot you if you allow her to. Be careful to combo when she has her stun up as it can cancel your ult. Better player wins. ”
Loki029 says “Silence to avoid her Stun, consider building Scimitar to totally Counter the whole champ. Always ping! Pick her out in Teamfights fast, she will have a lvl Advantage against your adc and could kill him if you don´t kill her first or your adc avoids Tibbers+ Stunn. Don´t towerdive if her Ult is UP or Stunn is rdy.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “They even nerfed the damage reduction on Annie so she is even more helpless as she is pretty squishy, keep track of her passive, she will have to use it eventually, her passive counter will move as soon as a spell lands, so dodging her stun Q will do nothing, you should R on a predict basis again here.”
LBmyBB says “This matchup is a game of who presses their buttons faster. DO NOT engage is she has a stun, unless you can bait her out using your W. Don't engage without someone else until mid-late game because her E damages you and shields her.”
MixupMatty says “Annie has a passive that on her 4th spell cast becomes a stun so watch for that if you're planning to all in or attack her or when she has that generally wait for her to use her stun thats you opportunity to strike back”
chrisloths says “Her Q can be used to gain stun charges off of your plants, however her full engage is low range and your kit can be easily landed onto her when she gets close enough.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “ should be easy, she's basic, bait her stun then ulti her or all in her pre 6 , she's so squishy.
when she pokes you W E her to Poke back, when she disrepsect you WEQ her to proc electrocute and then ignite and AA to apply your passive and ez kill
Epic Striker says “Annie her stuns are pretty op and her pet Tibbers can destroy pretty much everyone stay near your turret or try and kill Annie to be able to win the game.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
66lew says “Always purchase Zhonyas against standard play TF will outroam Annie and mechanics of Annie is limited so predictability factor and if mechanical being similar TF should be ahead.”
Daedralus says “She doesn't have that much range but it is a problematic matter always for Warwick as you will still need to come near her, which she can block with a stun. If caught off guard, you are likely to die, but if you can use your E or even Q tibbers just for the life steal, you can come back around for the kill. Your ult shuts her down pretty hard as she is likely to use Tibbers on you, whereas you ult her back, gaining your HP back as well as distancing yourself from Tibbers for a moment. Beware! Tibbers does go ham on you after her death but if you are able to Q him you will live. ”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark Seal + Potion
Some people might find this hard, but vs Velkoz she isnt really that hard. You got the range, she has Tibbers. E tibbers or Q and Run off.”
NebuIa says “Pretty annoying one shots but play safe and she's fine. Respect her range and you'll be okay. Ignite or cleanse works. Similar to Ahri, try to cleanse her ignite, not the crowd control (usually she uses both at the same time!)”
Je Suis Azir says “This is like a Fizz matchup. Poke her relentlessly, position yourself well around the minion wave to cut her off from CS and XP, and to poke her without getting aggro. her stun allows for powerful ganks so position yourself accordingly, and be aware of her stun stacks and flash, it is quite the combo. ”
TheSpark says “You outrange her heavily, she usually has to flash in order to reach you for her combo. Keep note of how close she's getting to her stun passive and just poke her out of lane, shouldn't have much trouble with this one.”
cobbzy says “Only reason why I say major is because a good annie will wait on her abilities making you play really passive in lane. Take longsword here as once her stun is down, you can punish hard. ”
Poppy Kuma says “There shouldn't be any problems laning against Annie. And no you're not allowed to feel any remorse when you kill her. Feelings are for the weak.”
sekkondsEU says “Good Annie can outpoke you and bully you hard, but she is also very squishy, sou if you play around her stun, you can easily kill her.”
Aizenvolt says “Mid difficulty lane you can counter her damage with your q. Watchout when she has her stun up. Wait till she used it to get close. She can use her stun to synergize well with a gank from jungler and kill you in an instant.”
stupid katarina says “(Q* + W* + R*) You need extremely good reaction to react to her flash + R, make sure you are prepared when you see that she has 3-4 stacks on her passive.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite Matchup
Pfft, what is Jared gonna do to you? You out range, out bully, out shuffle her into free 300g for you or your jungler past 6. Bully her HARD levels 1 and 2, and kinda bully her but don't use too much mana when she has shield off cooldown. Just be weary for flash stun ganks.”
Mid Win Repeat says “The only thing she can ever do to you is flash stun you with her jungler near by. Outside of that you stomp her completely. I would advise you to rush merc treads into lost chapter and than finish a banshees veil. (Hextech GLP is a good item against her)”
MarkeleleYasuo says “Unwinnable lane if she doesnt missplay, you cant block her stun with your w because even if you block her q she still has the stun up, dont fight with her and try to farm up”
SrAlex-kun says “Es dificil de tradear contra ella sobretodo cuando tiene el stun, asi que vigila cuando tenga el stun y no te acerces mucho que te comba en la boca. Cuando llegue a nivel 6 no le podras hacer frente.”
LMHStudios says “Annie's only real chance is to stun you to disengage, but if you engage with your E, hold your W taunt until after she stuns to cancel her engage. Mercury Treads will make this match-up almost impossible to lose.”
EvilBird090 says “Annie can be kind of hard concerning her all in with Tibbers and her strong poke, you will be able to outscale her hard though. Pool her stun if possible. After level 6 you can look to kill her. Try to abuse your empowered Q on her as she is immobile.”
Claves says “If she has less than 2 stacks then you can trade. Post-6 she can throw Q at you and then drop Tibbers, so don't fight her when she has at least 2 stacks. If you're feeling uncomfortable about this matchup, picking up a Hexdrinker or taking Nullifying Orb from the Sorcery tree may help you out.”
Toyejo says “Pretty hard matchup unless she's pretty bad and u can kill her a few times early game, still I'd recommend playing it like Anivia and looking for roams instead of 1v1ing her.”
spark2 says “I straight up loathe Annie. She'll one shot you if you get too close, but if you can survive her burst and rewind it, you can actually kill her. ALWAYS rush a Banshee's against Annie, it'll ruin her combo when it's up! With her ult down she's a bit less of a threat, but keep in mind that she's tankier than you'd think with her E. Make sure your team spreads out, and farm from a distance with Q. Since her rework, Tibbers got even scarier--don't be afraid to Chronobreak away from him if you manage to kill Annie, because he will demolish you otherwise.”
Asothin says “She has low health and mobility. You can easily harass her but avoid using your ultimate on her once unless you want to have Tibbers on your face.”
Garybaldo says “Watch out for her stun when she has her passive, other than that she shouldn't have much kill pressure on you, farm up and be careful with her lvl 6 powerspike, hardpush whenever she's missing because she could easily cheese you in brush if you follow her”
Sneaky boi says “She will poke with Q and oneshot when she has passive. If she has 4 passive charges stay away from her and wait 'till she uses it, then you can try and kill her. You should be good without hexdrinker but if they have an AP jungler take it.”
Novok says “If she flash clicks you, you die. Poke her with Q, you have the range advantage. When she tries to walk up, back off. Don't trade auto attacks. Bad idea. Q and E are all you have to do winning trades with her.”
SirZeros says “Keep in mind, you do NOT outrange her abilities. I highly recommend you to get Quicksilver Sash early. If she Ults you with her stun up, use QSS and try to stun her, which could be pretty easy, if she positions herself near the cute little bear ;)”
Tchouvline says “Annie's passive is annoying for fiddle, don't engage if he's charged. And be careful about her burst capacity with her Teddy bear (R).”
baldmidget says “Another point and click no skill champion.
1.1.Make sure you get nullifying orb
2.Start corrupting potion,hard shove the wave
3.If annie use her q on a minion(ALWAYS JUMP ON HER)
4.After tiamat, rush hex
5.At level 6, if her stun is not rdy(use flower combo to kill her)”
Euphoric Toaster says “Long AA range and Q reset on kill means she can easily kill your turrets for free and from a good distance. Can be a tense lane due to the fact shes looking to flash all-in you whenever she can, but Cleanse cleanses her stun and ignite making it easier. Her teamfight presence is also much lower because her range and AoE on her Ult/W is much lower than your RE.”
J Husky says “The same as Orianna, this super noobchamp just needs to press a button on you to stun you and then kill you even if you have your W you can't dodge all her spells and her ulti is cast immediately. Play safe.”
Castel Ahri says “You can't easily charm her. ANd the worst thing is that, she can set you up or ruin all your health in an all-in combo. abuse annie while early. At late game, she will always stick to her team or hide and assasinate you.”
Big Shawn says “Kennen vs Annie. Literally no one likes Annie but what shall you do against it. It is a match up like Kennen vs. Ahri, just that she has a ton of CC available.”
ZenonZeni says “Annie is a great counter to Ahri since she has the strength to one shot. Avoid fighting her when her stun is up but if you do fight her try to dodge her ult. Banshee's is also an option in this matchup and will prevent being stunned by Annie.”
EvilOranges says “Start D-Blade. It's not that she has an insane amount of kill pressure, but her CC+her jungler will kill you fast. She has unlimited poke with her AA range, has an E stun that goes through your wall, and a point and click kit that doesn't care how much you dash. Buy Wit's End or Hexdrinker, and play safe. Take Fleet Footwork. ”
schulti012 says “Q provides free trades, her range is short you can just waveclear, mitigate her damage with Q and roam. Look for chances to setup ganks as shes immobile.”
quinniston says “Annie is a short ranked mage, she should be pretty easy to deal with, of course watch for her stun+ult, however with a QSS into Mercurial you should be ok. ”
Xavier Senori says “Annie is easily manageable. You outrange her in practically every way. However, if she ever makes an aggressive move towards you, be prepared to flash out of her flash + tibbers combo. If she gets ahead in lane, buy an early negatron cloak and rush Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Banshees Veil if there are multiple APs on the enemy team. Otherwise, RoA into Rylai's should make you plenty tanky to survive her burst.”
Pumparum says “Annie will not have enough mana to burst you down if she tries to kill you pre-6.
Unless she kills you in one stun combo you can easily eat tibbers for health and walk away.
Easy snowball engages if you watch her stun level.”
ClemexD10 says “The range of your abilities is way longer than Annie's, the only problem would be when she calls Tibbers, stay away from her abilities range and ult away from Tibbers.”
kilgta says “This is a very easy matchup for us, you have a lot of wave push into her. just do not walk to her without your shield up and do not forget she has the highest aa ranged in the game so she will try to break your shield with that a lot.
play for farm and wave push, then roam.”
MechaaZero says “This is kinda iffy. If you are good at Zoe I can see you possibly winning this match-up. But her full combo destroys you due to the fact that she can R,E,Q you right when you get out of your ult. Play safe, but not really worth banning IMO.”
CC Diana says “The matchup against Annie is a waiting game. You can easily poke her out with Q, but be aware of her stun. Annie players will typically hold onto their stun and drop Summon: Tibbers on you when you all in with R. If Annie doesn't have stun, feel free to Q -> R -> run away for some good damage. Otherwise, continue to poke her out with Q until she gets low enough for an easy all in. Diana roams quicker than Annie so use this to your advantage by pushing her into tower and ganking one of your side lanes.”
maplecat21 says “Annie shouldn't be able to do anything to you without a jungle gank. I would put her at threat 1 but I do have to respect her gank setup, which could easily spell your doom if a master yi/graves ganks for her.”
RagexAddict says “Annie is not really a huge threat, especially at level 6. at level 3, you should be able to all in her. Just watch out for her stun and when it's down, use that as your opening to attack. At level 6, engage from a distance with ult and jump on her with your E. Only engage on her if you're confident you can beat her. If you can't, her counter attack can be brutal.”
The Jhin Cena says “If she Ults, you have to E out of combat or you'll probably die. Kite Tibbers into the turret and once it's dead then you can Q > E > W into her if you have enough health.”
SrSuders says “Gegen sie empfehle ich Cleanse mitzunehemn.
Cleanse macht zwar nicht den Schaden niedriger, aber macht dich fähig nicht einfach gegankt zu werden.
Ansonsten stellt sie kein Problem auf der Lane da.”
Somoko says “Annie and other "1 ability into full combo" champions are the bane for Janna. Janna mobility relies solely on her movement speed. Someone like Ahri can be item countered, but for Janna; any point-and-click powerhouse will shred her down.”
LyndonK9 says “Annie out ranges you and when she flashes in and ults you die. There really is no way to win this. The best thing for you to do is farm and try and poke her with your Q and push her out of lane. Keep your distance because if you misstep you die. Your going to have to give up a lot of farm so honestly I would recommend just never going into this matchup. Luckily as of now Annie isn't meta so I don't see a lot.”
KatAirlines says “In lane she has a fair damage but in late game she is literally a monster. Make sure you have vision on the map and don't facecheck bushes.”
Nightshade17 says “Pretty difficult lane IMO. You need to punish her before she gets level 6 as past this her combo will easily do more than 75% of you health bar.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Annie is a mild threat to pretty much anyone. Nobody likes bears thrown at them. Banshees Veil would be super effective against her, preventing her from just being able to drop Tibbers on you from the get-go.”
borsamalac says “Hate this matchup easy to kill her with 1 item but her oneshot potential when she is behind is disgusting. Before lv6 ur stronger and can bully her with sheen u win trades, But at lv6 pay attention she can oneshot you with F+R+ignite. Play with teleport get Trinity and kill her. Or u can play with Clense as well.”
YourBestSenpai says “Ok, so I have no idea about Annie, as I perma ban her, so I never get to see her, but she seems like a pain in the ass, so look out. Tell me in disscusion if this should be changed, as I'm just not sure :)”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Trade with her with Q but only if she has 2 or less stacks, if she can stun you, don't try to do a trade. If you both get lvl 6 at the same time you can't kill her. Do small trades and save r for escape. Do not all in her if she gets 6 at the same time, you never win those. ”
Best Karth NA says “Pretty easy lane as long as you don't let her get too ahead. You can farm safely and poke outside of her abilities range and will win trades if you land your abilities and don't allow her to get a stun off. Watch out for her flash all in combo at level 6 if she gets a lead, and keep an eye on her stun as she can flash stun you for an easy kill from a gank.”
MrMad2000 says “Annie has a lot of burst so you need to be careful - however she is easy to lock down and kill. Ask your jungler to gank your lane so you can snowball off of Annie.”
noolan says “This totally depends on skill. If you play against a really stubborn Annie, she will always be aggressive when she gets full stacks. Be sure to click watch how many stacks she has, and act accordingly. Just farm, and ask for ganks.”
Shderen says “My experience against an Annie as a Soraka has always been a one-sided slaughter in my favour. Her range pretty much never exceeds yours, except when she flashes, and they are often televised enough to silence her before Tibbers burst. Don't underestimate Tibbers itself, either, especially when enraged. Also, consider a Void Staff quickly, she gets natural magic resistance from her low cooldown E.”
Fruxo says “She can be really annoying with her stuns, which pretty much get you killed if they have enough damage up when she stuns you. She has low range so try to stay away when her stun is up and pay attention when her flash his up once she reaches level 6.”
SmokeyEggs says “Despite her burst damage and good tanky stats, she's not a hard matchup to deal with since you can push harder than her and you can just all in her when her stun passive is down.”
ryze4thewin says “just a braindead champ try to doge her ult or bait it out wait for her waisting stun and then trade pre 6 you can outrade her without her stun and without minions in the way”
BicBee says “Stay away from her when she has stun (white swirls around her). If you're in auto attack range you're too close. You can freely trade with her when her stun isn't up (every 4th skill gives her stun). Poke her from long range with Q. If she walks towards you chances are she's looking to engage so look to retreat. ”
BicBee says “Stay away from her when she has stun (white swirls around her). If you're in auto attack range you're too close. You can freely trade with her when her stun isn't up (every 4th skill gives her stun). Be careful of Tibbers stun and flash engages. If she walks towards you chances are she's looking to engage so look to retreat.”
vukashin.xyz says “WIth one or two shadow combos you can all-in her
Push and she will be forced to use spells on minions
Buy hexdrinker and merc and she wont be able to burst you”
THEUUUNREAL says “Extremely strong against you, she can poke the living crap out of you in lane, then she starts snowballing and roaming bot to win the whole game, just play safe.”
AzureArmatt says “The best way to describe Annie is: "big brainless dmg" since she literally has no skillshots and her kit has nearly instant cast time. that's why every one who get's luckly autofilled in mid lane pick this champion. Point click Q that refunds it's mana on target's death so she can spam it and never run out of mana + 2 AoE spells, her only downside in this match up is her short range. you need to abuse it as much as you can in order to win. After Level 6 be on guard because once she lands her ult with passive stun there might be no escape for you from certain death...”
JV10 says “Annie can all in almost all mid champions.
Try to farm the best you can, she will try to poak you, although she will still want to hit the minion with Q to reset the mana cost.
If she uses her Q in a minion and you see that her stun needs to be recharged to max, don't be afraid to go in with your E --> Q --> W back to safe and heal back.
Try to be somewhat aggressive pre 6 poak her but be aware where the enemy jungler his otherwise you will feel bad once you have no E after you just went in.
If jungler shows make sure you hit that E, after she will flash, aim that Q to make sure you bring her back and finish her.
You need to all in her if you reach 6 before her otherwise don't.
Try to reach 6 before her check your XP bar once you are 1/2 minion away try to stun her with your E while killing the last minions to reach 6. (HARD TO DO)
After just tap Q -> Tiamat -> AA -> R
She will die.
Annie will one shot you, if she is really fed you can get the MR boots and the MAW, but make sure you roam bot when your ulty is up. Get feed in bot is great since your ulty is also giving money to that lane.
Make sure you utilize you Tiamat under the tower for some sick combo. (Low minions health while she is behind them in cover, then once you know you can kill the minion she is behind with tiamat use tiamat, Q her to tower range, use E (try to get her and other minions) Ignite --> AA (ulty if required))”
OmegaSquadVeigar says “Avoid getting close to her after she gets her stun and after lvl 6, get some early hp and MR and you should be fine, you outscale her by having longer range than her, the thing to watch out for is the Flash W/R combo with stun up. You should be able to get free Q's on her if she mispositions, also later on in the game you outpush her.”
Shaawn says “Try freeze the wave close to your tower, and look for a good engage opportunity when you know enemy jungler/support is not near. Rush hexdrinker and mercs. Even if you windwall her Q, her stun passive will still be up.”
NocUout says “Not as hard as some might think, you can dodge her stun with your ult and like most mages she's not difficult to kill unless she builds some armor and Zhonyas. ”
RemainingUchiha says “One of the biggest lane bullies you'll face, consider getting magic resistance runes. It's better to try to clear your wave and roam rather than 1v1 her. Her burst is lethal.”
shuckhax123 says “Spellshielding her in lane is easy. You shove her in. Once she has ult, be careful since the stun can let her get her full combo off if you don't shield it”
TeleportingWolf says “You'll rarely see an Annie support, but most of them are huge pushovers. But be sure to keep your distance and avoid her when her stun is up.”
thedonk says “Just trade when she doesn't have stun up. Once she reaches 6, she can burst you down with her stun. Before 6, she wont do a lot of damage, so take advantage of that. ”
Dudstrol says “NUNCA TROQUE COM ELA EM NENHUMA HIPÓTESE. Annie tem um dano explosivo muito alto. Troque somente com ganks e caso tenho suas spells como garantias.”
Padrepio says “She don't fear the fire! Care of her burst combo and remember that she brings a lot of utility during teamfights, probably more then what you can do.”
Valor_Chaos says “I only put her as a major threat only because of her short cds, hella burst, and range. Early on you can whack her until she falls down but once tibbers is up just wait it out and try to stick to farmingy”
overweight_zoe says “Zoe easily outranges Annie and can shove her in thanks to her superior wave clear. Most Annie's will not enjoy farming under turret or using W on early waves. Just be careful post 6 as a flash combo can seriously screw your day up. Would recommend going banshees ASAP to completely shut this champ down.”
Jenkinsu says “Point and click stun to Tibbers deletes you. Respect her damage and if you sense she's about to dive throw out Chompers and wait for her to waste stun”
AmericanNa says “Short range but if she gets ahead all she has to do is get close enough to drop Tibers and its over. You are an easy kill for a jungle gank with Annie.
But remember you have the range”
Eli The Bat says “Dont 1 v 1 her when her passive is up....
Just that....
Note: Her passive stacks like, every single time you try to enter her, so... be VERY carefull....”
onetrick zed 11111 says “annie the little devil child that can 100 to 0 you by pressing R(its a freaking tibbers) every forth ability is a stun and her R stuns. try using your r to dodge her stun right before it hits you ”
MaybeHope says “This is a skill matchup, since it can go either ways.
It can go well if you can time your spells. However, since you're immobile once you are caught - you are dead.
My advice is get MR boots and Mantra + W when she ults to heal back the burst damage she gives. After that, you have a high chance of surviving. ”
undeadsoldiers says “Annie is a low skill champion that can stomp a lane. She can deny your ulti with her stun. She is a danger to you. If you don't rush a banshees she can just Flash>stun>ult and kill you and snowball after.”
moutenn says “Her abilities are short range, so you have an easy time hitting your combo on her. After 6 if she has her r, and stun up and go dangerously up to you r her - there is a big chance she is trying to oneshot you. You will most likely kill her, because she wasted her stun and her biggest damage ability. (She will also tilt, because that's just depressing) If you have not completely destroyed her, you should get a hexdrinker. If you fuck up you will die without it.
qasddsa says “Point & Click CC is not fun, but she isn't impossible to kill as long as you respect her burst potential and have some MR items under your belt. I DO NOT recommend trying to assassinate her / diving into the backline unless you can do so before she has a stun stacked.”
HeroTerbiyecisi says “Early:
Just wait. And attack when she uses her passive. U can one-shot
If you can one-shot, do it.
If you can't, kill someone others”
LCAU says “Easy counter, dodge her stuns and you win. Don't get poked out, but if you start getting behind, you must roam to get back and survive. Start Dark Seal. ”
RYZE number one says “Mesmo tendo menos alcance que o Ryze. O Ryze precisa entrar em seu range para eliminar ela, que é tudo que uma Annie quer. Dificilmente você vira essa match-up a seu favor.”
Exiled Heretic says “Annie is a counter most people say, but usually if you can just rush enough burst and try to predict tibbers because she needs to get close for her spells you can win this match-up.”
rimzaki says “She can be threat early game cuz She has good nuke and cc dont trade her if she has passive on try to dodge her ultimate with ur sanguine pool and u need spirit visage for endure hers nuke”
Gambinos says “Annie is a champ you should be scared of. This 6 year old bastard counters a wind samurai so hard, you'd rather commit suicide not for your honor, but to get away from this demonic asshole.
Her whole kit counters you, as Yasuo is very weak against CC. Her stun and bear does just that.”
Sozzoh says “Annie is fairly easy. Her stun can most likely chunk you down, but you don't need to worry about that pre-6. Post-6, if Annie stuns you, consider yourself either barely alive or dead. Try and push Annie under tower to negate as much farm as possible for her.”
Autoswitched says “A skilled annie player is difficult due to how she will position herself, try to shove her in tower and force her to miss cs as the only way you'll kill her is if she makes a huge missplay, at 6 she can one shot you so ensure you have a hexdrinker as usual.”
Superior current says “Be aware of her pyromania and stay away from her once she's reached her fourth charge. Poke her and kill her with the jungler's help.”
Zoose says “She has low range so you can abuse your poke plus pushing her under tower forces her to only use spells to farm. Just watch her stun and lvl 6 when she goes for an all in. Can take barrier or heal to counter the burst or take ignite to look her early kill.”
Prenora says “Annie while immoble deals very high reliable damage, it's best to push her under tower and look to roam or ward after 6 do the same thing, keep her away, just poke her”
Prenora says “With Annie's many many updates, she now outranges you in AA's and abilties. She has self sustain and very reliable burst. Abuse her before level 3, then do nothing and wait for ganks.”
undeadsoldiers says “Laning against Annie is extremely binary. You can safely E and all-in her when she has 0-2 passive ticks and have to back off at 3-4.
After level 6, if you're able to, try to keep track of her flash and ult cooldowns. Her Flash-Tibbers when you aren't prepared is pretty much an instant kill.
It is possible to put Tibbers to sleep, so if you've killed Annie and are now at low health and being pursued by an angry shadow bear, feel free to throw your E at him.
Suggested: Banshee's Veil after core, possibly Cleanse”
macspam says “Generally easy matchup but you do have to watch out for her point and click stun because her combo hurts. Banshee's veil is a good buy here.”
wo xiang zhaoo says “Ignore her if she knows how to trade, care for her burst when she's 6 and higher. I suggest going MR Boots, it really helps you out.”
Prenora says “you can jump in on annie with your normal combo but you can't get out without taking just as much damage
look to keep trading with her, don't let her poke you down or you will die to her all in, at level 6 look to roam don't fight her”
asffg123 says “Due to her cc and high damage output, you are likely to lose a 1v1, but you outrange her. Unless you get flashed on, you can play safely to have an equal laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
Smol Jelly says “You easily out-range Annie. Trouble is her four spell passive. Be careful of her stun, because it can mean certain death. Try to poke her out pre-6, but don't go ham on trades. If you go in for autos, she can easily catch you out.”
Zeekar says “SPAWN OF SATAN. I LOATHE YOU! She can oneshot you as soon as she gets her ult. She outranges even your W with her autos and her Q. If you try to W her she can simply shield herself and run away. You will need gank help. Good luck. ”
ShokLoL says “Annie has a lot of threat in lane but gets outscaled pretty hard. It's very important to rush merc treads, and I'd probably go grasp + boneplating to try and force some favorable trades early. Your biggest advantage is you farm a lot quicker and she has low waveclear, so keep pushing and try not to die to ganks.”
ShokLoL says “Annie is super free 1v1, you win trades at any stage of the lane. The only thing to be careful of is her gank setup at 6. Try out range her and don't get poked by the bear for free.”
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