In the Jungle 48.84% Win Rate98% Pick RateEvelynn In the Jungle Counters: 26 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Evelynn in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “Has CC, high burst and invis. In addition to that, she has a great escape. You should try to get ahead before she reaches lvl 6. You will need some magic resist and tenacity to beat her”
kittygore says “Try to pressure and invade early. You win every fight. You can oneshot her. Try to dodge her R (flash if needed) or fero E her so she cant ult to oneshot her. Try to cleanse her charm.”
Bella Ciao says “GO ad trust, its SO fun
But if you go ap, conditoning+ overgrowth most likely best as you dont need the approach velocity movement speed early
But both are fine, look for isolated qs/build alot of MR
Maw early if AD”
SelfLOL says “Very Easy matchup. Buy EON to stop charm. Maw very good into her. Can oneshot all game . Watch out for zhonya's buy. Root her to stop r away. Double WW burst. Can invade her easily. ”
mgutis says “Although Evelynn this current patch (14.20) is not very strong, if you continue to play Karthus be wary of her in the future. Historically she is the best AP counter to Karthus in the jungle due to her being able to ult to dodge Karthus R and high AP stealth regen ratios. ”
shiifox says “early game is free, take advantage but have to be wary of her being able to be anywhere after 6, in a 1v1 she shouldnt fight you but E right before she procs charm, lock her down for team if possible”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Could burst you with her E damage but you out heal everything and she can't out dps you. Invading her after you're 6 is a good option.”
Jackiewawa says “She fullclears like you but can look to cheese gank if a laner is low, try to get vision on her camps to see where she is. She's only hard if she gets fed and can one shot you late game. Use your W to block her Q to avoid getting charmed and try to burst her before she walks in and charms with her E.”
DoxxTheLeague says “magic resist a must try to keep control wards around since shes probs flanking your team can shot you easily and catch you off guard with her passive.”
ScytherKhaZix says “very simple matchup I recommend doing invade lvl 3 you have 80% certainty that evelynn will have low HP on her Red buff so it's a perfect opportunity to gain an advantage, especially since evelynn without level 6 is quite weak in exchanges
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Evelynn: She will oneshot you almost every time be careful of her.. She can steal your objectives too with that massive demage..... HOW TO PLAY VS: Its easy to predict her cc and its easy to catch and kill her early so try to stomp her.. Focus on tracking her and tell your team where she is constantly cuz if she gets ahead its over at least for you”
Neekster says “This jungler clears the same time as you do. Abuse her weak early game, find ganks with your laners or have the free will to gank before her level 6. The harder you and your team snowball the more she loses. Though once Evelynn gets a comeback potential it could be pretty bad and one shot you and your carries.”
Yomu says “You have free reign on the early game so get ACTIVE on your cc lanes! Once she gets 6 try to ward her camps and entrances to your jungle. Try to Q her when she wants to ult and combo your Ult into her engage!”
lurutin says “You outscale her but she can burst you at many moments of the game, if you can build qss and cleanse her charm and W before to deny her damage you maybe can survive but if she is smart she will pickoff you a lot of times during the game, hard matchup but not impossible.”
masrigod says “Very easy matchup, invade a lot if you can, will out scale you though! Trap placement very important to keep track of where she is. Verdant Barrier definitely a good purchase.”
Maciejson says “This champion is more useless than you early on, so look for invades when she shows on the map and place deep wards. Against Evelynn, make sure to ult her before she ults, so you'll be teleported alongside her. Even with her invisibility, warding her camps will give you vision when she attacks them. As Rhaast, you can dodge her R with your R and use Q to dodge her charm proc. In a Shadow Assassin (SA) vs. Evelynn matchup, it's an assassin vs. assassin scenario where whoever gets the jump first will one-shot the other.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy/Annoying matchup. Handshake full clear with evelynn, just make sure you try to let your team know about her potential 3 camp gank (get vision on raptors if you can). Evelynn plays for snowball, but you generally just outscale and can out-impact her, playing for objectives. Use your W to avoid her Q (avoid her charm). She can one shot you late game though.”
huncho1v9 says “- The matchup itself is very easy, but if Eve gets ahead it’s unplayable which is why she can be tricky. You’re a lot stronger than her early and can snowball easily, but if the Evelynn is good she will get fed from your team like 99% of the time. Can avoid her Charm with your R. Phase rush is usually best in this matchup but it depends on enemy comp.
Fyir says “If you don't have proper vision or lose track of Evelynn's pathing she can sneak up on you and oneshot you. If you have the safety of a tower nearby you can outrun her with your w. She is squishy but can dodge your ult with hers.”
Mignognium says “Evelynn est puissante à bas elo, mais si vous comprenez comment ça marche elle n'est pas vraiment une menace, temps qu'elle ne ce feed pas sur toute vos lanes qui refusent de baliser contre elle car elle est invisible de manière permanente. Jouer [Oracle Lens] de façon permanente et tout va bien ce passer. Oublier pas son ultime et si vous ne vous faites pas toucher par le bisous alors elle deviens ridiculement faible. ”
IvernGott says “Evelynn wants to get Lvl 6 ASAP but her ganks can be easily denied by buying Pinkwards and tracking her clear since she wants to scale aswell!
Her 2 part of ult ( teleporting backwards) is easy trackable and u can throw ur Q at the point where she will land to guarantee the kill on her!!”
BabyCuddlePunkin says “Always a threat for immobile champs, especially when you have to push for vision at times. If you're a risky vision-snagger like I am, she can destroy you.”
xTechikaze says “Shes not as scary with Wukong as she is with other champs. When she tries to hit her seduction W out and R and shes will be to far behind to catch you. Spirit Visage is a solid pick for item 3 or 4 just to make sure she doesnt get to much damage on you and you heal more anyway with sunderedsky.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “She can almost match you in first clear so you can't invade her, but she shouldn't be able to duel you in river for crab. Later on, as soon as she pops on your screen throw your ultimate and Q for instant stun. ”
Cookiemanman says “While Evelynn is weak pre-6 she gets increasingly harder for Volibear to deal with. I would look to fight her as much as possible in the early stages in the game. In the late-game buy Control Wards and try to find her before she picks off your team.”
Mabujo says “The Stereotype of Seduction.
Her charm interupts ult channel and siphon. Be warned. High Damage burst. Fear and Run or surprise with ult. ”
HawkSP says “Evelynn’s stealth post-6 makes her a unique challenge, requiring deep wards and predictive hovering to counter her assassination potential. Push for early game advantages to prevent her from snowballing.”
X3mHills says “If you get caught in W, it can be fatal. Consider buying Banshee's Veil to mitigate the risk. Make sure to protect your carries and place plenty of wards for vision control.”
oneshotudyr says “She's invisible, so it's REALLY hard to catch her unguarded. Try and kill her/counter jungle her before lvl 6, and then try to avoid conflicts. If you ever catch her by surprise, burst her immediatly before she can ult.”
VainTaka says “If she counters you for any reason. She is just ahead. You don't need to worry about her, once you have thornmail. A MR Item could be nice if there is more than one AP on her team.”
Tortizzy says “If you land your ultimate on her she's dead in 3 seconds, however she can do the same to you. Try to kill her first, early game you beat her hard. ”
ayzehh says “Hard matchup, if she gets a little feeded you cant kill her solo no matter what. If you can defeat her in early stage of the game. Ur in home.”
RuinedJG says “This champ is not that bad. Her clear is a bit slower than yours, she gets lower towards the end of it and is punishable at scuttle fights. When she hits 6 you need to be buying control wards and placing them at likely gank spots, you need to get to obj EARLY and get control wards down, ask your team to help. Get merc treads, get maw, get force of nature (unless you go phase rush assassin). Her early game dueling is weaker than yours, she will look to buy full boots early, you CAN match if you wish, i like getting early Hexdrinker into her, you can beat her, she's not nearly as bad as kindred.
I like Phase Rush against her.”
Pro8l3m says “Without her W she dont deal much damage so dodge it and u should be fine. Also watchout for her if she is fed or scalled bc she can easily one shot you”
jajkopajko says “Very annoying, she can oneshot you easily. Similar to diana, her value just isnt as big. You can try fighting before 6, this is pretty much the only time you can win 1v1. After 6 just avoid her and buy zhonyas.”
shatteredekko says “You are the same champion. Only difference is your R takes skill to land. If you snowball vs Eve you can just walk in her jg and kill her. But if she gets kills it makes it really hard for the entire team to play the game. If she dies once you will win 90% of the time. Not the hardest matchup but I would understand banning her if you struggle.”
RainyLabel says “Most teammates don't place enough vision. Shut her down early so she may not recover. If it draws out to late game, she is stronger. Try to make the fight uneven by picking off lonely targets.”
Daawwnn says “eve is very invadable since she has no escape tools try taking her out in her jungle as much as you can track her at all times and buy controlwards taking her jungle space is important”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Invade her early constantly. After she is 6 with invisibility and W's you try to predict where she is and move the opposite direction and note that you could be wrong so be prepared to either kill her dodging her Q or R her away when she reveals herself. ”
loganrichards says “You have free reign on the early game so get ACTIVE on your cc lanes! Once she gets 6 try to ward her camps and entrances to your jungle. Try to Q her when she wants to ult and combo your Ult into her engage! Generally though, if you're playing around your team it should be free for you to W>Q her then E her team away. Always try to E when she goes to charm you. This will keep you from walking towards her since you are in the E animation! ”
Destruuu says “Evelynn clears faster than you and is also one of the biggest threats. She will permanently gank when hitting level 6 and you can't do anything against it. Make sure to play Pink Wards in your jungle to cancel towerdives.”
garbocan says “Extremely free early game. If you can create enough advantages during the first 7 minutes of the game, it's a very easy matchup. If not, Eve will have opportunities to snowball and take over the game.
Once Evelynn gets snowballing, it becomes very difficult to track and countergank her. If done poorly, you can waste a lot of time hovering nothing while Evelynn gets value somewhere else.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “You can beat her early pretty easily. Level 6 onwards you have to be a little careful of her R. If however you survive her R you can follow up with your R and finish her off.”
OakIgu says “Her charm is very easy to predict just use your awakened E if needed and beware when you getting low because she can finish you with her ult very easily, she also will also steal a lot of your camps if you don't farm them so keep farming. Same for Ekko and Elise.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Evelynn: She will oneshot you almost every time be careful of her.. She can steal your objectives too with that massive demage.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Its easy to predict her cc and its easy to catch and kill her early so try to stomp her.. Focus on tracking her and tell your team where she is constantly cuz if she gets ahead its over at least for you”
layton20 says “Some people think that ev will instantly burst and kill you, but that is not the case. If you are fully focused, use your W to block her burst when she first engages. Keep in-mind, if you Q and evelynn and she ults, you do not travel with her. If she is ahead though, you can say goodnight. One good shutdown on a fed evelynn can turn the game around, especially if they're building Mejai's and loses her stacks. Evelynn's tend to mentally explode after gathering max Mejai's and they die.”
SYROBE says “Charming is weird semi-counter since Briar is already running at her when going Berserk, however during a charm you cant attack so Briar has to make sure evelynn doesnt have charm before going in to win.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a decent matchup into Evelynn, due to having a way stronger early presence combined with Briar E into Evelynn charm as nullifier.
Briar should and can be aggressive into Evelynn’s bad early game, later on Evelynn becomes a pressure on the map due to permanently stealthing and Execute + escape R.
Coccaa says “You need to destroy her early game or else she will become a monster. If she's fed do not fight her she can charm you and delete you before you can move. If she's not fed she will probably be the one running from you lol. If you pillar her she will either have no choice but to R or flash away or fight you if its down”
MusicJG says “Buy Doran's Blade early.
It's an Evelynn favored matchup if you can't invade her.
She will be a huge threat at 6 and oneshots you if she hits Charm.
Look to level 2 invade her to deny camps/force a crossmap.
If she doesn't have a lot of farm she's useless.”
Pyrobot says “Getting Maw is really important in this matchup if she's fed, though you should be able to kill her before she can get you into ult threshold. ”
EagleXs says “Her Q isn't reliable to charm you, so she'd need to be basically melee range to charm with her E. Use Q to bully her when she tries this, and E to space her, she won't be to do much. Your bleed will also keep Evelynn revealed so your pack can keep on her.”
TheBougis says “Not many Evelynns in my games, but it shouldn't be to hard to face her, she may reduce your magic resist but she is very squishy and as the map get smaller she can't use her passive to sustain. Peel your duo and you will be fine.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Rengar is one of her absolute worst matchups. He can permanently invade her, easily force her to burn her ultimate just to try to escape, and can reveal her even while she's stealthed by using his own ultimate! However, she is very snowbally, so don't underestimate her. Try to track her as best you can, and get deep vision in her jungle, that way you and your team will have a general idea of where she might be.”
Zero macro says “Evelynn is a weak early game jungler that wants to farm her lvl 6 + as soon as possible. Nidalee can take advantage of this fairly easy with early invades and fights happening. Thereby Evelynn can become a heavy threat whenever she has the resources to excell.”
Zero macro says “Evelynn is an even matchup, Shen is favourite early on and will fall of to her. It is hard to protect teammates from Evelynn assasinations as well, but Shen can shadow teamfights on ult cooldown instantly.”
Zero macro says “Shred Zed has a stronger early game than Evelynn. Zed should try to deny Evelynn resources and gain a bigger lead out of this. Evelynn gains a disengage R whenever Zed will use it succesfully, but Zed maintains an extra gap closer ability to catchup. Keep in mind that Zed is stronger than eve aslong as he has gap closer early on.
Zed should buy Maw of Malmortius whenever Evelynn becomes a problem.”
Karhuslol says “Considerably the #1 worst matchup for Karthus. You can invade and fight her early but she will always one shot you once she has items. It's hard for Karthus to buy MR as well (banshees is bad on Karthus) ”
metalhydra273 says “If she can burst you down and kill you, she's fed, otherwise, look to cc and kill her. You can run her down pretty hard and the only real threat she offers occurs when she's strong enough to kill you off of her cc. Keep that in mind if that's the case, and generally try to punish her attempts to burst a teammate before she can finish the job and escape.”
Obscureframe44 says “She just does so much damage and is able to evade your ult a lot easier than most with her passive. very annoying to deal with, go to ban for me.”
NegativePhoenix says “If Evelynn gets ahead she's a nightmare, however she can be manageable if done right. Obviously avoid her full powered charm. If she cant proc it or it's on CD you can engage her as you see fit early since it's her weakest stage. In the late game it varies on who reacts to who better when the fights start. She will try for the backline, and if you're a Tank or Hybrid it'll be hard to handle her if your team can't do it for you.”
MrFerrot says “Easier than you would think for a one-shot assassin. Pre-6, make her life hell. Steal farm, 1v1 her cause you will ALWAYS win, countergank (if she ganks, which she probs won't cause she's so weak), and grab as many objectives as you can. Later, just avoid her.”
Apari1010 says “Evelynn is obnoxious pre form but once you get Rhaast form, you land one W and that's all of her Mejai's stacks gone. Magic resist is a must buy for this champ as she can snowball out of control really fast. Be sure to buy control wards and be sure to steal as many camps as you can from her to delay her level 6 power spike.”
shacolovesyou says “her pre6 is so weak so invade her hard, u can see her while both invisibles however her cant see u, remember to buy pinks for make her useless”
BradJr says “Evelynn can outscale anyone. Try to fight her early so that she doesn't scale. If that doesn't work, try to get your team ahead. (clone rating 3/10)”
DillfromAfar says “Post 6 she is you but better, ward well and track her as best you can, she reaches a point where she can just choose whether she wants you to die”
FaeBytez says “Evelynn's stealth and burst damage make her a formidable opponent for Diana. Diana needs to be careful not to get caught off guard by Evelynn's ambushes.”
ttvRegedice says “This is a "winning" matchup. Try to invade if you have prio and respect her charm angles. Her W shreds %magic resist, so even if you stack MR, she can kill you. However, a bit of MR can help you not die fast so you have a window to heal her one shot. With that said, smart evelynns. The matchup isn't a "tiny" threat as she will try to avoid you, farm, get 6, and farm your teammates. Make sure to buy control wards to place in choke points as she has low attack speed, so when she takes time to clear them it really guts her surprise factor on that side of the map. Try to ult a little bit before the fight starts so you can hunt get vision on her.”
Xr3ad says “Rengar is a really good pick into Evelynn because of his power to take advantage of her weak early game and snowball ahead. Evelynn is known for her weak early game, and Rengar can use his strong early game to invade her jungle and deny her resources, setting her behind. Additionally, Rengar's burst damage can quickly take down Evelynn before she has a chance to react, making it difficult for her to escape. Finally, Rengar's ability to track Evelynn's movements using his passive, Unseen Predator, can help him predict her ganks and counter them effectively.”
Borinn says “She is pretty weak early game but outscales you so try to get ahead.
She can steal all objectives after she's 6 so be careful.
You can go either AD or tank.”
xRengarMaster69 says “Extreme because you will astro gap her, but she will still hyper carry anyway at lvl 6.
Try to win before she gets 3 items, your mates will not handle”
Hazardist says “You might think the Evelynn matchup is favored towards you but her high damage means that Black Shield has little effectiveness against her all-in. Look to invade her in the early game, but tone down the aggressiveness a bit post level 6 and don't misposition when her location is unknown.”
Intropingman says “Maybe weak early, but if you don't manage to snowball and end early, she scales like crazy with her high ap dmg + invisibility + ult escape it's hard to counter her, need to catch her low hp with E and burst with teammates before she ults. Avoid her charm or you dead. Late game she can 1vs9 carry.”
Fennixas says “Early game she is really punishable and youre way stronger early, but if it gets to the late game she is gonna be a problem because of her burst.”
AkimboTs says “CC Counter and Jungle Counter: She has everthing that counters you that being hard CC with her W, invis with her Passive and untargetable when shes uses her R.”
Majd1 says “This matchup is comparable to the Diana and Ekko matchups. Evelynn is vulnerable in the early stages of the game and you can gain an advantage by harassing her. She has limited mobility and can be punished if she overextends. However, it is important to be cautious if she is able to acquire items freely, as she may become a threat and able to deal significant damage. To ensure a successful game, it is best to invade her in the early stages and coordinate with your team for counterganks.”
1Strike says “50/50. Whoever gets fed wins...pretty self explanatory. I would argue graves has an easier time but truth is evelynn only needs 2 kills to completely dominate the game and oneshot you.
Don't int and ping your team away.
Also even if your fed build maw.”
Narcissisticdude says “Evelynn is very strong on the patch 13.3 and has been since pre-season.
Her jungle clear became a little bit faster with the pets and this is all she needed to become S+ tier.
Shaco is a good counter to her pre-6 but can't match her in a 1v1 after she gets R so it's an invade angle !
You want to hit her on her 2nd buff or 4th camp (usually wolves or raptors) as this will be her lowest hp point and when you will be the furthest ahead of her !
Mechanical tips:
1. You can predict her R and use yours to avoid execute, you can also Q out of range but be aware that her R hits the sides aswell and has a surprisingly large hitbox.
2. You probably can't one shot her unless it's a true one shot, because her R, like yours, grants her invincibility.
Non-Mechanical tips:
1. Like you she is a stealth champion so like you she has huge CC weaknesses, if your team hits a CC on her this is your window
2. Have a pink ward in your inventory, but don't place it randomly, use it in a team fight on your carries so she can't sneak up on them
3. This is, like karthus, a 1v1 matchup pre-6, unlesss something is really really free, your first objective is to cuck her clear”
blaze728 says “She is not a threat in the early game, but she is in the late game. Get a Banshee's Veil for some survivability. Morello's and Night Harvester's health will be useful here.”
checca says “A good Evelynn will be able to manipulate the fog of war and kill your team before you can even go in. It is pointless to play against her since she has a minimum unavoidable 2K flash smite steal for every objective (she brings Cosmic Insight). If the game goes on past 20 minutes, your chances of winning go down drastically. Be careful of her burst; you can't outrun it, so maybe you can CC chain her to death if the Evelynn is completely braindead. I do not like playing against her.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level. Her passive in level 6 is quite annoying since it makes her camouflage anytime. Her skill and R can execute low HP so fast. The only way to counter her is buy Control Ward to reveal camouflage . she can't do her trick if control ward is still there. So you should buy it too or communicate with your team to buy for your team. Otherwise, you can use Oracle Lens to predict her move instead.”
Moonkie says “Evelynn is weak early on and you get to gank/invade freely. Unless your team ints, you can peel against her and she is unable to kill your carry.”
Davecraft16 says “Just try to not let her get ahead of you. Before lvl 6 she is weak so just try to invade her and ruin her day before she can ruin yours. If you are having a hard time maw of malmortius or wit's end can be usefull.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Evelynn is a major threat, because you're not an invade champion.
She gets to scale to level 6 for free unless your team cooperates with you. It's on the easier side though.”
firetaliyah says “if she gets to you you are probably dead. Try to time flick just before charm where she comes out of stealth and sometimes it'll save your life.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Evelynn is scary when shes ahead. But when your ahead or just not behind you destroy her later on, you can easily invade her jungle, after early game you win every 1v1s with her. Both forms are fine with her uneless ur not behind ;)”
Bhyure33 says “You can usually beat her 1v1, but try to handle vision for your team so she can't get free kills and get fed, because then you might have some problems.”
Lasine says “Eve cant do much against you due to her items dependency. You can perma invade her and she wont be able to contest you. Be careful on mid/late game. If you facecheck here she will delete you.”
RedNBlue says “A lot like Ekko she will be able to kill your whole team in a go, and then avoid death with her ultimate.
Don't feed her she is horrible to feed and very strong mid-late game. Try to also counter jungle her and get her a few levels down at all times.
Don't feed, don't let kill you nor teammates. ”
MythicalMinute says “You can spam invade this champ early and she has to give up everything or die. Late game just box any entrance she might come from and hope she reveals herself on a box, you beat her at all stages. Use Q soon as her charm is finished not as its charging.
AP is good here.”
vesner says “Evelynn is a little scary of course, especially with her burst later in the game. Earlier game however, if she pops your egg your team should have at least a little time to rotate to you!”
spuki97 says “Keep invading her early before she gets level 6. After 6 she will most likely be botside trying to get kills with her ult. Take Magic Resist on your small runes just in case. Best builds: Regular Assassin/ Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “As she doesn't stay in the fights for long, you can't really apply damages on her. Her R allow her to escape yours.
At least, you overscale in late.”
Kao_Oak says “This one might be personal, but evelynn got everything to counter yi (cc, burst and invis). On top of that she can escape you easily. I hate this trash champ. Hopefully she isn't really played anymore”
RengarNBush says “Easy unless your teammates int to her. She can q-e-r you and you die no matter what, do not get her fed
( mejai stacks) and you should win.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “Earlier on, you may get away with stealing a buf camp or two, but later in games Evelynn will delete you just like SA Kayn or Rengar, with almost no options for counterplay. If you invade, steal and run, she can't well keep up with you or deal enough damage to be a major threat until at least a half item.”
MaximusWillCarry says “If you CC her then she dies. If you miss then you die because of the amount of damage she can output post level 6. Skill Matchup.”
Rifu says “Eve early is so Easy try to kill she at scuttle Lvl 3, or invade she. if she build zhonya's try to bait the zhonya's and kill Evelynn after she uses.”
Yuki H. says “Evelynn does not have much pressure in the early game and thus Zac will be happy to either power farm or gank/countergank. The tempo is in our favor. You can test the waters and see how her playstyle is (does she gank a lot? does she power farm? aim to counter gank?) and match your style accordingly.”
Aenimatora says “At 6 dangerous, she can constantly cheese you while being invisible. Ward with pink wards your jungle entrance and deny her from bullying you with using alternative paths, and prepoke all jungle bushes with your Q”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Evelynn’s early game is very weak and she will be power farming till level 6 so she can become invisible and get her Ultimate Last Caress(R). Try and invade her jungle and steal away her camps to delay her level 6 power spike. Place Control Wards in the river and go for deeper wards rather than relying on shallow ones. This will help you spot her before she gets the chance to become invisible. Placing wards on her camps are a good way to counter her. Evelynn wants to assassinate targets that are alone. Group as a team to make it harder for her to execute and kill squishy champions.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Evelynn’s early game is very weak and she will be power farming till level 6 so she can become invisible and get her Ultimate Last Caress(R). Try and invade her jungle and steal away her camps to delay her level 6 power spike. Place Control Wards in the river and go for deeper wards rather than relying on shallow ones. This will help you spot her before she gets the chance to become invisible. Placing wards on her camps are a good way to counter her. Evelynn wants to assassinate targets that are alone. Group as a team to make it harder for her to execute and kill squishy champions.”
lumihehe says “truly nothing you can do about her other than farm and chill. this champion's moves are truly out of your control, because you can't even see her. just let her do her thing, and if your laners have brains they won't step up super far into lane when eve is level 6 and give her free kills. right? surely they wont, right?”
warmfishu says “Not so much a problem if you are near teammates and she uses Allure (W) on you. Before she pops the mark, attach to a teammate and you should be OK. A fed Evelynn may quick burst you down even without her mark though. Buy control wards!”
Darksword255 says “Skill match up but on paper, you beat her. if she gets fed at all that's the only time you really struggle. Play around her Charm. When she goes to charm u make sure hold your E and follow her R with ur R.”
Dad Prime says “She will avoid you at all stages of the game and try to gain a lead off of lanes, if you are able to counter gank you will be able to make her next to useless all game, plus you can E her entire kit if needed.”
Dojyaan says “Personal hated matchup. You win early if you don't end fast and she picks up even the smallest shutdown get ready for your adc to be part of a doujin.”
rhvse says “Go bruiser build and she is dead. Unless your team feed her very much. Buy Magic Resistance, with boots, and pick MR in runes. Preety easy matchup.”
Nik7857 says “This matchup is really easy if your solo laners are playing strong early game champions that gain prio, because that will allow you to ruin her life in the jungle. ”
ItsAydam says “Evelynn is in no way a threat pre level 6. You can abuse her and predict her clear since most eve players farm for 6. After that she spikes and can beat you if they play it smart. Try to time your ult with her ult otherwise she will have the upper hand. Maw is really good against her and if you can survive her combo you can beat her afterwards.”
Farmer Cleetus says “She has been nerfed by the durability update, she cannot burst as much as she used to do, bully her as much as you want with the Rhaast form or even Shadow Assassin. Go full out on her cause she will fall in the late game.”
NegativePhoenix says “She wins if she catches you off guard. Early game you can fight her if she uses slow over full charm. She has no way of defending herself. Mid-Late game BE. CAREFUL. If you don't have control wards to see her, and she uses her full charm on you, you'll die. She can easily burst you down. Bait out her W if she uses it on you by going into your team, wait it out and if she still engages you should win. Just be mindful her ult executes off a low health point so make sure your E tops you off before then. She will use it to escape if she can't kill you with it. Late game she will use it less but can still burst you since you're squishy.”
HadesxLH says “Players de Evellyn sempre tem a sindrome do (Eu vou dar IK em qualquer um com 2 skills e invisvel haha como eu jogo bem) Dai tomam duas espadas na boca e ficam quietos, tirando a ironia de um modo geral evellyn é um pick em que viego domina praticamente o jogo todo, o powerspike dela no mid game é infinitamente inferior ao seu e o late e early a mesma coisa, abuse dos invades e pinks e so dome cuidado com o dodge da ultimate dela na sua, porém voce tambem pode fazer o mesmo. ”
SunLongGod says “you can invade her, quite easy. Try to bring her down before 6. You can follow her Ult if you time your Q right. Qss is the choice, or just Wits End and Tenacity”
Fappitchedd says “vision litteraly beats her it doesnt matter if she can invis as that is her only form of dodging you, with your better movement it shouldnt even be close”
duowithdeath says “This is what is known as a pure hard counter; very good ban for any Karthus firstpick. The only window to somewhat do anything is pre 6, since after she unlocks her own 6 she begins to oneshot you in your own jungle.
Most evelynn players look to use first ult on botlane, but since you are Karthus she will instead probably look to use first ult on you to get stacks and disrupt your sequence.”
RLluka says “Weird champ to vs but similar to karthus you can run her down and enter her jungle as you please. Main problem is if she is solo AP and gets ahead but just stay more ahead!”
AkimboTs says “perma invade she cant 1v1 you early as she cant really 1v1 anyone early but later is she has some items and procs her w on you she will one shot you”
Cpt. Maelstrom says “Evelynn is very weak early. Even in late game, she will avoid you. Hunt her in the jungle, stay with your carries, pink ward behind objectives. Her ult + smite can allows her to safely and almost guaranteed steal dragon / baron”
IamFafa says “You win early if you outgank her but she can get out of hand if she gets fed by one shotting you. So try to contest scuttle early and countergank. Make sure to take phase rush to catch up with her after she ults to run away”
GrayJinxed says “Depends on which one of you get the jump on one another. If played correctly, you should have the advantage early game. Mid to Late game, Evelynn can easily track you and kill you. ”
TimothyFly says “Don't let her get ahead early, try and counter gank her as much as possible and get her behind. If she gets ahead u get one shot everytime but since she is weak early u win every 1v1 pre 6. Annoying assasing late game so just buy a lot of control wards to contain her but you should try to end game early.”
Majd1 says “Similar to Diana and Ekko. Very weakin the earlier stages of the game. If you can bully her in the early game you should be able to snowball off of that and take over the game. Keep in mind that Evelynn has no mobility and if she oversteps you can easily punish her. However, if she gets items for free you will get oneshot all the time, so make sure to be proactive and bully her in the early game. Invade her in the early game and play for counterganks.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Evelyn is pretty weak overall. Her biggest advantage is the invisibility when she reaches lvl 6. until then look into bullying her as much as possible. Also even after she reaches lvl 6, you can still juke her taunt waiting for it to run off with your w and blue smite to gain mobility creating a small distance between the two of you then freely engage into 1 shotting her.”
TheKingUltra says “You dont lane against her, but her ganks will be hard to survive, especially if she comes from behind and blocking your ult path to safety. Try to react properly and drift in to the river instead. If you get catched she will kill you with her max health w and e Combination. Thank god she isnt popular right now.”
YoungTact says “Like talon the threat with eve comes to what she can do to your and team and not how she interacts with you. You have a healthier and faster clear as well as better early ganks and skirmishing. You can invade her as she tends to get low in her jungle espscially when doing blue/gromp at the same time on her first clear. Ward her camps to keep better tracking of her. You can W her E but it is quite hard to consistently do. ”
Xyllow says “Evelynn is another full clearer that's annoying to deal with. She is not a hard counter, but after Q buffs a while ago she can constantly outkite you and not allow you to reach her. On top of that, she can dodge your R with her R, or execute you on low hp, which is your strongest point. If you do hit R on her, any follow up from your team will result in her dying. Try to pressure the map before she is able to hit 6 and get a free lead.”
Katszu says “High burst, also a better roamer than kindred... try to counter-gank her everytime you see her and invade her when she's in the opposite side of the map”
Dabgren says “Try to early fight / invade Evelynn, you get outscaled after 2/3 items but you should win before that if you play the skirmishes properly, she is very weaker early on so take that into consideration.”
Madabc says “Probably one of the most easiest matchups for Rengar. You destroy her at virtually every level besides post 16, Even then if you surprise her she will have very little time to react to almost 1Q oneshot. ”
irelia support says “Shaco can get in Evelynn's vision bubble when she's in level 6 but she can't see him if he q's. Evelynn is the better jungler when it comes to picks making it a race for ganks.”
Janooobi says “Is unable to do anything to you because youre too tanky but jungling against her will be difficult if you do not track where she is and constantly warn your teammates, if she doesnt get fed she will be useless if she does stick to your carries when you can and stop her from deleting them”
officialwiseguy says “Hard to deal with after she gets LvL 6 or fed so try to fight her before that to get her behind. Stick to your Teammates, control wards can be a big help. Getting Qss is also a good option to be able to negate her burst by using your W after cleansing her charm.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “This matchup is only hard if she gets ahead. Remember, knowing where she is and how she is clearing is the most important thing against any jungler, especially Evelynn. I have seen strategies where you go Spellthief's Edge with Watchful Wardstone to provide a lot of control ward vision to your team. Aery Dom, Banshees is a really good item against her. AP mythics are CotSQ. Sup, go Shurelya's.”
Consolo says “Threat scales inversely with your teammates IQ. Fight over first crab EVERY time and pray to god your teammates don't walk into a bush they KNOW shes in at level 6.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Her camouflage gives her a big edge later on, but early she's pretty weak and you can kill her with ease if you don't get charmed.”
Zen1tsUchiha says “Should be no problem, really easy match-up pre 6. After 6, dodge her ult or kill her before she ults with cc to almost guarantee a dub. ”
Scythe Prince says “Evelynn is weaker than Kayn early on. Look for invades whenever she shows up on the map and get deep wards. you can counter her ultimate by using your Umbral (R). Evelynn outscales you late game. As long as you abuse your mid game strength and pressure her enough you should be okay. Try to get Control Wards and edge of night.”
OTP Toxin says “She can easily kill you in one combo, use the anti-gank mushroom and the bush mushrooms, if you get the Heart from her, rush to the bushs, even if she charms you, you will NOT be pulled of your stealth.”
Zehmox says “Don't get kited by her and do not greedy tunnel in on her. you can dodge her ult with your ult and finish her off. but if she catches you in a full charm your most likely dead.”
Alpharuis says “her invisibility and charm are a very hard thing to counter as bard , however if you see the heart come above your head you can always portal away ”
Coach Myga says “Evelynn can be an extremely large problem. She power farms at a very fast speed & also has good power spikes. Quite often she can kill you in one rotation.
Kaenic can prevent her from 1v9ing on you.”
MrMeem45 says “Beat her up and take her lunch money pre-6, and then after level 6 get tanky enough to survive her burst and demolish her whenever she gets near your teammates. Kick is the best peel tool.”
b0n0 says “I think Vi wins against Eve. She is useless early and Vi excels at pressure and setting the pace. If we get ahead even a little it's over for her. If we let her get ahead, eventually with Some MR we still beat her.
Try to take advantage of early ganks/invades as she will most likely full clear and she is easy to track pre 6. Post 6 if you are ahead just fight her and she dies. ”
Elekktro says “On paper Evelynn is really easy to beat, especially if you go Shieldbow + Merc Treads + Wit's End. Viego is really hard for Eve to play against BUT Evelynn has to be shut down by you and your team or there will be trouble.”
J98TheGreat says “This should be fairly simple. Don't get caught out and you have the better team fights. Your biggest advantage is if she isn't fed and you catch her early. You can solo kill her early if you play right.”
Ghionova says “Pre6 easy target. Shes visible and needs to charge her W to deal good damage to you. Eve mainy probably know how to counter shaco in early so be sure you always have a pinkward/lense up when going into her jungle after lvl6. She will 2hit you with W E R so try to bait with your clone if you know when shes close.”
NMFO says “I don't know why, she just doesn't do well into trundle. You'd think her MR shred would be more impactful but eve always seems to do less damage than she should into Trundle. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “She is able to deal some damage at the mid game phase but not after you get your Sterak's Gage. Try to side-step her charm and keep your R to reach her when she use her R to escape.”
Roguejokester61 says “Evelynn exists that's really all there is to her, she can't exactly do much if you surprise her other than ultimate to safety, the only issue with this is that she can pump out some massive damage if she actually plays her cards right, but most Eve's will just disappear if you go near them. (especially if you have applied lots of pressure on her) The only real thing that you need to be scared of about Evelynn is that you need to have control wards up at all times as its the only way you can detect her after she reaches level 6 because she gains passive camouflage.”
Brosinex says “Depende de cómo lo juegues de alguna manera, su juego inicial es peor que tú, por lo que puedes invadir su jungla y robar un beneficio desde el principio. Solo retrasa su llegada al nivel 6 y una vez que compre muchos centinelas de control y dile a tus compañeros de equipo que también lo hagan.”
LoomyBand says “perma invis, which means she will know where you're hiding as well as you not being able to blind any of her abilities. she also will one shot you”
KafueLechwe says “Just like Fiddlesticks, Evelynn is easy pickings for Sion, he can withstand her burst and beat her at all stages of the game. However, watch out for her in the midgame if she's fed, especially without Titanic Hydra, as if she's smart she can win a fight against you.”
BeWorhty says “Pretta strong AP champion fast in running away so if she is about to die she will ult away and either kill you or leave you without a kill ”
Pullks says “Major threat post level 6. Don't fight without team, try to use oracles lens and peel your carries.
She can't match your ganks early though. ”
Pusi Puu says “Make sure to track her jungle pathing and pressure her as much as possible early game, since you are way stronger. Invade her and don't give her time to breath. Make sure to buy pink wards and run around with full ferocity since you have to heal back her first dmg burst so she doesn't finish you off with her ult. After she uses all her abilities you can just finish her off. When jumping on Evelynn don't use your whole combo since she can dodge all your dmg with her ult. Either try to predict where she jumps with your E or flash onto her and run her down.”
Doubtfull says “Lillia can bully evelynn early game, but mid to late she is an enormous threat. you'll want to build mercs+banshees/some other mr item for this one. She can dodge your ult with hers. ”
LambWolf says “Evelynn is weak pre 6. She doesn't win 1v1 against you. But when she gets her ultimate you need to be aware, because she can one shot you.”
NixLychee says “This champ will charm you, burst you and then if you live, she will ult and stealth the hell away from you, as well as she can dodge your q with her ult. Although, pre-6 you will win 1v1 fights, she won't engage them, and will often flash away as soon as she sees you. You can reveal her in her Camouflage if you hit your Q or E. She's not much of a threat if you can see her coming. Tell your laners to Control Ward bushes, as regular wards will not reveal Evelynn past level 6.”
KamiKZ says “She is relatively easy to deal with in the early game, but at level 6 you will lose fights if you get hit by her charm. Watch for het strong pressure on your laners at level 6 as well - you might be able to find a good 2v2 countegank. Abuse her weakness pre 6 with invades and secure vision over her camps to know what side of the map she will be on. Make sure to buy control wards post 6 and place them around your laners and near flanks to catch her out lategame.”
LordGrox says “While you can get easy vision on eve thanks to your Tremor Sense, she is still a dangerous champion with high burst. Try and shut her down early or she will be troublesome later on.”
Polarshift says “The thing with this matchup is, is that she is AP and can clear pretty fast like you. You should still be able to invade and fight her (especially if you see her use Charm), but later in the game she will be a big threat if she isn't behind.”
Veralion says “As most assassins are, this is a very swingy matchup. You are both champions that are designed to be weak early, so you may choose to challenge her for the first few crabs. She's not much of a threat without a few kills under her belt, so you'll outscale her rather easily if she can't find any opportunities. If she gets off to a strong start, you will need to be extremely careful for the rest of the game. A fed Eve will 100-0 you quite easily; that ult is no joke. Make sure to place defensive control wards if she gains a lead on you and respect her damage potential by instantly retreating the second you see love dust over your head. Be ready to ult away if she goes for the engage. If you don't have your ult and don't know where she is, consider yourself in constant danger. She can also use her ult to easily escape from you and restealth, so you'll probably need some lockdown with you to finish her off. Regardless of how well she does, eventually there will come a point where you and your team simply will not be able to be alone anymore while she is on the map for fear of getting picked. At this time, use the buddy system, place control wards liberally, and shadow your most fed carry. She can only kill one target at a time and will be reluctant to engage on two.
Doubtfull says “Eve gives you a free early game to scale and you win the late game. Anytime she tries to jump into your team in the mid to late game just press Q and she dies. If she builds a banshee's Veil, press smite, then press Q and she dies. ”
nZk01 says “Block her Q with box, can dodge R with R, Q'ing into lanes at times where you expect her to catch someone offguard makes it very easy to catch her offguard”
Arfreezy says “Last Updated: Patch 11.17
Jungler Type: Assassin Jungler
Evelynn is a scaling assassin jungler that is weak early but spikes hard in the mid game after level 6. As graves, look to deny her neutral scuttles and force early objectives before she is strong. Take dragon at level 5 because after her 6 spike it will get hard. Eve players generally use first ulti on bot lane so look to play around that. You can ward her jungle camps with yellow trinkets to track her after 6. A strong early game build is recommended here to snowball an early lead such as ignite+fleet+galeforce or ignite+dh+lethality.”
Tormentula says “Elise stomps Evelynn early game with invades, better ganks, and even mid-late game Elise can stun and one shot Evelynn. Be careful late game as Evelynn does scale and can one shot you too, if not your carries. Ward near her camps so you can see her pop out of stealth to clear them, and buy control wards.”
Doubtfull says “Easy match up. Your tremor sense reveals her and you can punish her in the early game, preventing her from scaling into a beast later. Remember that she can dodge your ult with hers.”
IMissedMyQ says “Evelynn is like Elise, however you have a much bigger window. Bully and gank as much as you can before she hits level 6. With a sizeable lead, you should be able to handle her post 6 with ease. That is if you build merc treads/hex drinker.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Zhonya's if her team has a lot of AD. Banshee's Veil if her team has a lot of AP. Mercury's Treads if her team is full of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Evelynn can't challenge you pre-6, you can easily burst her down if you catch her without W, if she uses it on you, you can simply stay outside of her Q range while the effect vanishes. Things get a little tricker post 6 when Evelynn gets perma invis, you can still challenge her unless she's fed (if that's the case, avoid her at all costs), place pink wards on spots like the river or bushes that you're playing nearby so she can't sneak up on you. Your ultimate is her biggest fear in skirmishes and teamfights, Evelynn is almost 100% sure dead if she gets caught by it. She's a key target in teamfights, you can play near your squishy teammates if you're afraid Evelynn might be looking to kill them.”
Whynotbefriends says “Verdant Barrier is a strong tool to beat Evelynn. Tracking her early and ensuring you can contest her clear is how you'll end up on top. TRAP PLACEMENT is VITAL in tracking her, put them in the river entrances to spoil her invis ganks.”
MiningRicK says “If Evelynn hit her Charm an then her combo you can say bye-bye, because she has to much damage and when survive her combo you must run because you can´t fight her. So try to fight her early or when you know she doesn´t have ult ready.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Eve favored. The best thing you can do is to try to contest camps in the early game and try to avoid Eve later into the game. I recommend buying merc treads and hexdrinker > maw of malmortious quite early in the mid game. ”
Insightful says “Evelynn is annoying to play against if your teammates die to her ganks but in the 1v1 matchup there's not a lot she can do, she's very weak early and in fights you can easily deny her charm, if you land a Q on her she'll just die.”
freddy66623 says “Evelyn is easily countered. Do not let her get blue and she wil run oom almost instantly in jungle! however DO be afraid of her invades.”
[Evelynn is a strange champion to play versus, you need to mind all of your actions because a W on cooldown can make her deal atrocious damage when you're low HP. Her early is sh*ttier than yours, you can snowball it, why is it so? Because you can gank efficiently, whereas she cannot :). I don't recommend on fighting her but she's invisible so sometimes will you not be able to avoid fighting. In some terms (especially pre-2 items), you will just Q away or continue your way if you've already Q'd if she W you, BUT if you have 1 MR item (Gargoyle or Sunfire Aegis) and she has no Void Staff, you can try to engage the battle, just W and even maybe Gargoyle when the charm comes since she will essentially attack here because she's able to deny a lot of your MR. Then just stick to her and maybe AA until you get your W back and E+W her (it depends on the build, you can R if you have Demonic Embrace or Goredrinker if you're playing heal) and repeat until someone eventually dies. If she has Void Staff, don't fight her until you reach your 2nd MR item, when you can fight her, just reproduce the method I told. Mind her ability to steal objectives, focus her before finishing objectives since she can easily pop out a 2k health dragon lategame.]
sonminh says “If your team can answer her, then you can play back to front. If not, force her to ult. Early game, don't chase her if you can't kill her in time, she will kite you easily. Bruiser is good into her, AD is a little difficult.”
SaffronBxabe says “This is your biggest counter because of how hot she is MAWMA.... Evelynn should be your permaban unless you wanna get a Void Staff up your cabussy 🍆😳”
poopyOCE says “Good 1v1 for her, can burst you so be careful, camouflage allows her to scout for you, disabling you for team fights and ganks. Very annoying, good ban.”
Karasmai says “This champ Loses up until lvl 6 so make sure you punish her a lot early game. This means you can easily win early skuttle fights and you can also look to invade her to start the game (start her raptors and look to smite her red away) if she starts blue you can take her entire red side and just make sure your red is warded cause she will be easy to catch out. Once she’s lvl 6 she will only be stronger until you get form so try to force a lot in that early game and get form asap . Once you do its smooth sailing just force teamfights and objectives + always have a control ward on the map. If you go Red rush MR (visage or merc) if you go Blue make sure you rush Edge of Night and stay away from the charm!”
MexBookMaster says “Evelynn es un Match complicado debido a que tiene demasiado daño y se vuelve invisible al nivel 6. Antes del nivel 6 puedes invadirla y molestarla. Compra muchos Wards de Control debido a que así puedes verla. Una buena visión te ayudará mucho. Recomiendo Shadow Assassin (Azul) para este match debido a su alta movilidad.”
ak521 says “Not a problem till 6. After 6, she could sneak up on a squishy and kill them. Luckily, her charm requires a few seconds before detonation so be aware! ”
Exoslol says “More threats added in future (wanted to release asap)
You win early game by invading and stealing her resources Pre 6. You can win vs her if you build accordingly. Maw + DD to cancel her burst and oneshot potential, then pick her off.”
Rhoku says “Evelynn is very weak in 1v1s. She cannot oneshot you quickly enough at all and she doesn't have any method to escape without using her R early which is her main killing tool. Her charm has very little counterplay but what you do is dodge her skillshot and kite away from her, with you pulling her towards the end of the charm. The stun from your pull should be long enough to have it no longer be active, giving you time to kill her. She can be a bit harder to track due to her passive so you'll need to have a bit more game knowledge.”
Kayncer says “Also Skill Matchup, she gets strong after level 6 so ward her Jungle a lot and try to suprise attack her!
Rhaast might loose to her, Blue should be fine here!”
AST Raposo says “Evelynn will always have more level than you. If she play very active early,you will become useless all the game. The only way to play against evelynn is being as active as her early, or predicting her pathing and counterganking.”
Insightful says “evelynn also has a weak early game but she scales super hard, you need to be careful for her to not get ahead and try to CC her in fights, then she won't be able to be useful”
izzlelol says “Depends on how you play it somehow her early game is worse than you so you can envade her jungle and steal a buff very early on. Just delay her getting to level 6 and once she does buy a lot of control wards and tell your teammates to too. ”
Lambda Diana says “You are stronger then her before 6 like Ekko you want to set her behind if you can if and keep her from 6 for long as you can she will our scale you look to end early with rifts and counter jg when you can. If you are vs a smurf Evelynn try your best to ping where she will be. ”
Ellesmere says “Evelynn is a very annoying champion, but overall not too difficult for Udyr to handle. My best advice, do NOT stay in your jungle if you're low... she will make you pay. Evelynn's biggest downfall is that she falls off hard, which is the opposite of what Udyr does. So survive the early game and you'll dominate the map after about 15 minutes.”
Sammystinky says “She hurts you a lot with charm and the invades can hurt. You can out team fight the hell out of her though just make sure she doesn't get fed”
RedNBlue says “You will beat the life out of her and you can just tank her burst later game. Do not feed her, she will bit back later if you don't set her back. ”
SketchtheHunter says “A good Eve will know how to abuse her charm against you even in the early game. Try to invade and set her back so that you can delay her lvl 6 power spike as long as possible. Just be careful. ”
Chrosser says “Como la mayoría de campeones AP's. Tratara de evitarte todo el early game así que invádela si es que puedes porque no se podrá defender.”
Soulreaperjin says “Avoid her charm and let it decay if you caught her charm timer, also don't fight her on low HP because of her R, unless you have Wit's end to help you out which in case just burn her to the ground.”
Suseri says “Pre lvl 6 you should invade her as thats when shes the weakest, after lvl 6 she can burst you after hitting her charm which often does not give you enough time to negate her damage unless you buy some magic resistance, tenacity or QSS.”
FrostForest says “Don't let her get to 6 for free and you run this matchup. She loses 1v1 if you hit your spells and she has no dashes aside from her ultimate.
manco1 says “Evelynn has a very weak early game, you can run the map until level 6. After that plan your path around hers to make sure her stealth passive doesn't take over!”
Gedrah says “Evelynn will mostly power farm in the early game. So you want to be able to gank lanes to snowball them before her 6. In mid-game can 1 vs 1 or catch her since she is very squishy.”
RichMrFork says “Both of you are looking to farm in early game to reach item and level spikes. Try to contest her on crabs if you have priority in lanes and counterjungle her when you see an opportunity. Prolonging Evelynn's level 6 is important if you want to win this jungle MU. Your ganks are stronger than Evelynn's pre-6 though. The problem lies in Evelynn when she gains her invisibility. A large majority of laners don't respect her presence after 6. Placing control wards in her jungle or in bushes close to lanes are good options to spot her out but a good Evelynn will use many different gank paths. ”
Kayn Mains says “This champ is even weaker than yourself early on. Look for invades whenever she shows up on the map and get deep wards.
Be careful not to get hit by her charm mid game in order to win the fight. If you time it right, you will be able to counter her ultimate by using your Umbral Trespass (R). Whether she uses it as a damage or escape tool, you will be untargetable and follow wherever she warps to.
Evelynn sadly outscales you late game. As long as you abuse your mid game strength and pressure her enough you should be okay. Make sure to pick up an Oracle Lens and Control Wards to avoid getting ambushed by her.”
LilPaniniUwU says “This champ will charm you, burst you and then if you live, she will ult and stealth the hell away from you, as well as she can dodge your q with her ult. Although, pre-6 you will win 1v1 fights, she won't engage them, and will often flash away as soon as she sees you.
WillowSprout says “you can't really see her so buy some forking control wards please. you can cheese her when she goes invis. there were multiple occasions of her dying while invis if you're good at predicting where they will be. if you play evelynn too then you'll be fine otherwise she'll be up your jungle lvl 6 but you can kill her if she tries to fight you unless she's ahead in items.”
metalhydra273 says “An extreme version of Elise that scales hard instead of winning early. She's squishier and easier to lock down though, but try to avoid getting charmed and executed. If she doesn't have the means to burst or cc you, you can kill her easily 1v1. She's only an issue if she's able to heavily burst or 1 combo you.”
Spection says “Pretty scary champion. It's very hard to counterjungle her because you don't know where she is until she's on top of you. Try to stay in your own jungle and don't take unessesary risks. You can outduel her after you get 3 items and she isn't outrageously fed.”
LilPaniniUwU says “This champ is even weaker than yourself early on. Look for invades whenever she shows up on the map and get deep wards. Be careful not to get hit by her charm mid game in order to win the fight. If you time it right, you will be able to counter her ultimate by using your Umbral Trespass (R). Whether she uses it as a damage or escape tool, you will be untargetable and follow wherever she warps to. Evelynn sadly outscales you late game. As long as you abuse your mid game strength and pressure her enough you should be okay. Make sure to pick up an Oracle Lens and Control Wards to avoid getting ambushed by her.
PulseBeat_02 says “Her charm is easy to predict, so you can Black Shield if she is about to charm you. Consider picking up oracle lens if she goes into stealth mode.”
KhaZix Mains says “[6/10] She is relatively easy to deal with in the early game, but at level 6 you will lose fights if you get hit by her charm. Watch for her strong pressure on your laners at level 6 as well - you might be able to find a good 2v2 countergank. Abuse her weakness pre 6 with invades and secure vision over her camps to know what side of the map she will be on. The most important part of the matchup takes place in the early game so try to punish her and counter gank accordingly before she gets a lead. Make sure to buy control wards post 6 and place them around your laners and near flanks to catch her out lategame.”
The elephant says “You beat her at every point of the game except when she is 6+ and you don't have form yet.
I recommend invading her gromp level 2. Do this by starting red with a leash, hopping over wall into pit, using e through the walls. Then, you can steal her gromp with smite and force her flash (sometimes kill).”
SpaceGl1der says “ she can literally 100-0 you all game long. I go through phases where I tend to ban Evelyn every game I play Twitch Jungle, depending if she is being played a lot or not. It is so easy for her to camp your jungle and one shot you over and over.”
Nanelol says “You can't shield her charm, the startup can't be blocked and neither can the activation unless she tries to auto attack you with it on which she'd never do realistically. Invade her and keep her behind. ”
Nanelol says “She is quite easy to kill with in the early game, but when she hits level 6, it gets annoying because if she hits her charm on you, she is able to oneshot you with her R.”
Gooooooby says “Evelynn is a walking target dummy until she reaches 6. Rather than warding gank paths, ward her camps as that is the easiest time to find Evelynn out of stealth. Shaco can one shot Eve at all points of the game. In theory, Eve can never one shot Shaco as long as he has ulti so be wary while R is CD. ”
Ejsner says “Electrocute suggested. You counter her invisibility with R. Building more CDR vs Eve is good, giving less CD on R. (Ultimate hunter recommended for more R activation).”
Ejsner says “Electrocute suggested. You counter her invisibility with R. Building more CDR vs Eve is good, giving less CD on R. (Ultimate hunter recommended for more R activation).”
Nanelol says “Evelynn is magic damage which is naturally a counter. She outscales you too and due to your weak early game vs ap champs, there is nothing you can do to stop her
uSgSello says “Winning matchup.
Evelyn has a very weak early game. She is very vulnerable to counter jungling. She is not able to win a trade against an Elise and can't really escape if you land your cocoon.”
uSgSello says “Evelynn shouldn't be a problem before level 6. Jarvan has a very good early game and way more damage and impact than an evelynn. After level 6 you should try to ward her camps so you get some information about her pathing. Try to counter gank her after reaching level 6. The early game should be free in reference to ganks and jungling. ”
Smartest2 says “Evelynn is extremely difficult to deal with. You can only place one pink ward and she likes to mess around in your jungle. Try and rush level 6 as soon as possible and keep an eye out for her ganking your lanes since Vi has a strong counter gank, you may be able to pick up a kill or two.”
Rasta Rengar says “hailblade + Sterak's + magic resist + , she rely's on oneshotting so tanking her combo make's her kinda useless against you. Use hailblade to chase her down after she ulted away. Have pink wards at any time.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “early you just stomp her, late you just tank all her damage. Just try tracking her with control wards, so she doesn't get fed, and it should be fine.”
MrMeem45 says “Pretty much laughable until she gets fed. Just bully her off of all of her camps until she gives up completely. If she kills your laners, buy a mercurial scimitar or QSS and just kill her if she tries to charm you.”
theceasrsalad says “can't do much early but has huge burst late. try and fight her at scuttle because if you kite correctly you should be above her in health, be careful late game if you don't itemize correctly she will oneshot you if your ahead but if you survive her initial burst feel free to fight her with your sustain.”
Doubtfull says “If she starts red you can invade her at her blue before scuttle spawns, almost every Evelynn will full clear and they get low by the end. Make sure to buy lots of control wards. ”
RedNBlue says “Evelynn will never not full clear her Jungle so you can get an easy scuttle or just invade her and shut her down early which is what I would do.
Late game if you are tanky she shouldn't be able to do that much damage to you and her best chance to kill you is when your somewhere where minions and monsters aren't and it would have to be earlier game as you will just keep getting tankier I would hope or think the longer the game goes.”
blademuster says “She can oneshot you before you can do anything, be very afraid of her if she is fed, otherwise when she is below 6 you will mostly win all fights if it is a 1v1.”
Riyad101 says “If you get charmed and Eve is level 6 then good night but other then that perma invade Evelynn and get a lead her after that it should be easy.”
EUWRATS says “You win early if you outgank her but she can get out of hand if she gets fed by one shotting you. So try to contest scuttle early and countergank. Make sure to take phase rush to catch up with her after she ults to run away”
Kindredgarten says “Not a problem unless she gets super fed. Invade her early, if she gets behind she is close to useless for a while. Abuse her pre 6 hard!”
Bingolyzed says “She is a strong jungler so she can 1v1 you with some items and has built in MR shred. She will do a lot of damage so try to build MR like FoN.”
Loul_60 says “Isn't great early game so not too hard to deal with then. If you get Blue form, to kill her you *must* get the jump on her, use your E to help with this. As Red form, try to time your W so it knocks her up just as her charm finishes winding up, so you can minimize her chance of charming you. You could even go for a quick W then/or ult to completely dodge it, even if you are full health.”
liserith says “Invade her early, as her first clear is very weak. After level 6, she can one shot you if you don't build tank. Retreat whenever you see her charm mark on you, but if she jumps your teammate, you can burst her down just as quickly as she can. Make sure to ward well, take Oracle Lens, and build MR.”
Gumipapucs says “She is a farming jungle, you want to look to abuse her Pre-6, as she can't do anything about it if she does not get help fast enough. Post-6 you still can 1v1 her if you are ahead/even, and you do not get charmed. If you have to ult first you are pretty much dead, try to flash / Q / move behind her as she will try to target you with her ult at the end & you'll maybe dodge it this way. She can easily oneshot you with Q+E after she has Jungle item+sorcs+lich bane, but you still have time to react with R. Buy control wards and do not get too deep alone.”
Rudas2 says “She can't do much against you. If you see she is trying to charm you just wait till 2/3 of the charm Is ready and E away. You most likely win at 1v1 tho”
ShadowCross says “You should rush stopwatch or zhonays after the second support item to make sure to stay alive. She cant build serpants so you should be fine if you can position well. ”
Agzer says “The best you can do against this matchup is to ruin her clear before level 6, if you fail to ruin her clear, make sure to buy maw as soon as possible.
ShatteredMinds says “Evelynn has a ridiculously bad early game, and therefore is easy to bully. Prioritize killing her early, as if she scales she will become a threat, but otherwise this is free RP.”
Tinjus says “She is relatively easy to deal with in the early game, but at level 6 you will lose fights if you get hit by her charm. Watch for her strong pressure at lvl 6 too.”
Udyr uber says “Só invadir no inicio do jogo, antes de ela fechar o ecos rúnicos que você ganha as trocas contra ela.
Guerreiro+Mercúrio+Semblante/Hexdrinker pode ajudar você ”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “You should win against Evelynn if you go AP Neeko, as long as you catch her when she shows herself, you can CC lock her and kill her.”
Snadr says “Evelynn is magic damage which is naturally a counter. She outscales you too and due to your weak early game vs ap champs, there is nothing you can do to stop her”
kyrdousek says “very annoying matchup after six but before u can easily invade her and kill her but she can shred your mr with w and get out of your ult with her ult consider buying some mr summoner :) .”
Traktorspor says “Easy match up, you can dominate early and still be useful if she gets fed by seeing her footsteps while she is camouflaged so your team dont get jumped.”
UnaFlauta says “Before lvl 6 she is very weak so you should fight her, but becarefull because after that she has a good oneshot potential. If you are having problems with her you might want to use the anti burst build”
Rubenvt3 says “Try setting her back as much as you can in the Early to Mid Game.
Evelynn is a scaling champion meaning that you won't be able to 1v1 her in the late game.
Counter Jungle as much as you can early on but be aware of enemies collapsing on you when you are in the enemy jungle.”
PsiGuard says “Kind of a pain because her R - Last Caress makes her untargetable AND moves her out of range of your E tether. You can block her charm with your W (look for her to Q or just E onto you to proc it). Try not to blow your ult on her unless her ult is on CD. Pre-6 she's a weak duelist so you should be able to win 1v1s.”
EversideHS says “Her charm really hurts and she can gank more than you after level 6. If you can counter jungle her before level 6 you should be fine.”
Bel37 says “This is a 50-50. Both of you are hard snowball champs. Even if she isn't ahead her burst is crazy. If she procs her charm mid/late your probably just dead. Witts end might be needed.”
lolX9J says “Skill matchup.
Try to W her Q since its her main damage source early.
Other than that try to dodge her ult with ur ult.
If she cant oneshot you, you win the 1v1”
KingFershid says “You outfarm her but it can go either way: You get fed, you invade her, you get every drake and you easly win or She gets legit 2 kills and solokills you for no reason. Its up to you what runepage to choose I prefer Fleet.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Be sure to buy Oracles, utilize pink wards properly and track her down! A good Eveylnn can take advantage of you and assassinate you at your weakest times. Respect her presence and CC her properly and she won't be too much of a problem.”
JunglerBuilds says “She's been reworked a little while ago and I would say it's an improvement for her. She's quite good in late game skirmishes and her ganks can be quite unexpected if your team doesn't buy any control wards.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Evelynn has a weak pre-6 so keep this in mind when ganking, her main threat are her counter ganks & counter jungling. As long as she doesn't counter jungle you, you will scale a lot harder than her. Beware of her chase & pick potential with her charm, she will be very thirsty, always looking for a window to pick you and secure a kill.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Staying full HP is essential to beating her early on, fortunately she's a melee champion with a build path that will leave her very squishy with a good amount of damage. Buy a Skirmisher's Sabre to reduce her damage output.”
Tofolo says “Le Evelynn hanno il problema di essere invisibili e curarsi a cazzo. Inoltre appaiono e fanno un enormità di danni improvvisi. Se vedete il dannato cuore è nei paraggi. In compenso in early sono le vostre puttane, davvero difficile trovare un altro champ così più debole di voi in early. Il mio consiglio è bullizzatele da subito. ”
waayWest says “You can just jump away from her when she's about to charm you. Don't force fights, sometimes its good to wait her out and see if she decides to leave or stick around, you'r poke with the boomerang will give you mega faster, resulting in one dead everlynn.”
sonminh says “If your team can answer her, then you can play back to front. If not, force her to ult. Early game, don't chase her if you can't kill her in time, she will kite you easily. Bruiser is good into her, AD is a little difficult.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Always invade , track her with your ult and buy a lot of controls.
In my opinion the easiest Rengar matchup.”
Kevalanium says “abuse her lanes before 6 or look for an early invade if she starts snowballing single her out with your r and makes her waste hers dodge her charm and she's useless.”
Hxriis says “Evelynn is really easy to play against. She doesn't outdamage you, you can force duels and counter jungle. Make sure that she doesn't get ahead and ping your teammates of her position if you know for sure. You can also place deep wards or ask your teammates to place them in their jungle camps. This is very helpful once she hits level 6. Knowing where she is, will reduce the amount of deaths by a lot.”
MrMuckDuck says “Evelynn is a typical "why didn't I think about banning her??"-type Champion. Whenever I face Evelynn she's somehow always one step ahead of me, regarding the actual player. Evelynn can deal such great damage to you. Even worse, she can lurk around your jungle without you knowing it, so make sure you ward in early game - then buy Oracle Lens around 7-10 minutes in. A great tip to surviving Evelynn is to jump into her with your Ultimate to deal the greatest damage possible.”
G Spot God says “Don't have much experience playing against eve as skarner but I think it will be an easy matchup, she is weak early so do the patented double scuttle and don't be afraid of skirmishes. Mercs a good option.”
DarkAuraLOL says “One of top 5 easiest matchups for Blue Kayn, also commonly known as one of the weakest junglers early. Make sure to abuse her pre-6, she has 0 escape nothing to do against you.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Evelynn is a tricky match-up in the early game because of her ability to pop-up out of nowhere. Getting control wards and communicating with your team are key in this match-up.”
Skarbnik says “if you are confident then you can invade evelynn on her second buff to keep her behind but make sure your laners have prio and they know what you are about to be doing”
MetaSolaray says “You can overrun this champion early, especially if you run early unflinching. While aftershock will allow you to simply ignore her combo throughout the game you can go Conqueror if you can snowball it against the rest of the team. Punish her pre-6 with deep vision and delay her 6 as long as possible. If she can't one shot your carries she can't do anything for her team allowing you to carry via objectives.”
DarkAuraLOL says “One of the easiest matchups in game for kayn, literally one of the slowest clears, she loses so much health, she has no escape, you can sit in her jungle for minutes, try to look for invades at all times, engage on her with ur e, into autoattack into q and auto into w and she has no escape, if she flashes , just flash on her and dash to her, you're much stronger early game, also go for stealing camps after she either dies or bases”
RedNBlue says “She's can't do squat pre-6 maybe pre-4 to you and you should anyways be invading her in her Jungle as she will full clear and be lower health towards the end. If you let her break through her shackles she will bust you up like a car on ice.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Really isn't a huge deal. Not much to be said. If u can use your E to avoid her charm then its fully free, otherwise youll at least want red smite to help you face tank her combo. Shieldbow makes life really easy and you can likely fight her at almost any point in the game.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You both AFK farm till 6. You want to go Blue Kayn to oneshot her but Red Kayn is also okey. Her ganks in the early game are a bit better due to her passive and w/r. If your team feeds her its hard to deal with her.”
Sheathblade says “Eve is very, very vulnerable pre-6, take advantage of this and counter jungle. Even after 6, she is still squishy, but she gains her ult powerspike.”
RedNBlue says “Evelynn is very squishy early game and you can easily beat the life out of her you can just outrun her and out damage her early game and it won't be fun for the Evelynn.”
liquidkoda says “just try to not get cc by her W and u are good and kill her most likely with one Q and myb E and u should be good (annoying when she is invisible at level 6)”
Snap0ner says “Meh, annoying. Not because she is epicly strong, but because she can ruin your game if she wards your jungle and follow you to countergank. you can kill her on his second buff if you are smart and you get her low. But careful: If her lanes come help you may be in serious trouble.
Hidon1 says “Evelynn is not a good matchup for you as she is insanely strong at the moment, she works the same way as Karthus except that she can go stealth. If you are vs Evelynn make sure that you NEVER give her camps for free. If she gets a camp on your side of the jungle her bot lane has to suffer. When she hits level 6 she spikes in terms of ganking. Only good thing about Evelynn is that you can gank for free, she will never contest the ganks before level 6. Keep in mind that you have to clear the side of the jungle you start on to not give her camps for free.”
GabrielGames says “You can block her empowered E but she can charm you and then use it. She has late and her ult counters you (she can easily escape with it)”
Linkay says “Evelyn currently is probably one of the best junglers you can play. As Zac, you need vision on her via control wards. All you can do is peel and hope she doesnt one shot your carrys.”
Schadenfreude says “Smack the shit out of her early game. She isn't very strong in the early levels and if you play it right, you can but her really far behind by continuously invading her and taking her experience. The longer it takes her to hit 6, the farther ahead your team gets. If she does get ahead though, stack MR and try to fight her when her charm isn't up. ”
chevy the sloot says “This is a major match up favoring Evelynn. Although she's easy to bully early, at 6 she can spam invade and kill you in one combo. Lucky for us, I'm a dirty Eve one trick and here's how to beat her. Itemize mercs + Force of nature after Liandries. She shouldn't be a threat to you anymore so play around teamfights where you can tunnel her and peel her off your team.”
Watsonthe8th says “A rather even match up you can blow her up and she can blow you up you win if you can manage to stay on top of her and run her down. Gota start being a little care full once she hits six start buying those red wards. generally this is a match up in your favor. ”
Aurelius2142 says “Pre-6 she's free. Afterwards, her stealth is annoying but manageable; her ult is annoying and UN-manageable. It's a great finishing blow, meaning that normally when you're at your strongest, you're instead just waiting to die. A fed Eve is your worst nightmare.”
Karthus man says “Evelyne can do a lot of items, but you can too. Once you get enough items, you should be able to kill her very fast. Make sure to get a Zhonyas so you can survive her initial burst/ ult.”
Chaddy Chapstick says “This joke of a champion is only good if she gets fed. You can perma invade on her early and mid and put her behind. Don't be afraid of her invis when you can outduel her any stage of the game as long as you play it right.”
Ivern OTP says “Some Ivern's see Eve and want to dodge. I personally like playing vs Eve since you can deny most of her damage with a well timed E. Ivern is the dominant masochist in my mind and this succcy succy should watch out for the stick. ”
Rusitc1 says “She's a terror in any elo at the moment due to her insane clear (faster than yours which is a crime) and can kill you much faster than you can kill her if you are equally as fed.
On Blue Kayn just try to avoid her when her R is up and try your best to track her with pink wards so you can counter her ganks ”
Maile says “She can't threaten your early game so just perma-invade her. She can't duel you so as long as you have lane priority, you can walk into her jungle and kill her. ”
Connweasel says “This champion is very strong, however once you gain the ability to use the fog of war to your advantage it is easy to spot where Evelynn may be lurking. Try to fight Evelynn early on before she cant scale.”
REXAI TurboSmurf says “like every evelyn is scary, when enemy know how to play. but lot of players forgot about rek´sai, and she have tremor sense. so you see evelyn even when she is invisible. and she can also use R to dodge your R. so care about that.”
CalicoCactus says “Skill Matchup. her invis can be annoying but if you keep tracking her using offensive control and even stealth wards you can have a general idea of where she is at all times, use your brain whenever she casts a charm on you, and do NOT LET HER proc her charm, once it wears off, laugh in armordillo and roll her down.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Much like many AP junglers, Evelynn poses a damaging threat towards Shen due to the need of itemization towards them, whereas AD match ups are easier for Shen. Overall, I don't recommend picking Shen into AP match ups unless you're very confident.”
Oddirear says “Rek'Sai might be the best counter pick against an Evelynn. Her Tremor Sense while Burrowed will show you where Evelynn is even if she's invisible. Be sure to aggressively counter jungle early game and harass Evelynn after she reaches level 6 with your Tremor Sense and Prey Seeker.”
White Cr0w says “Meh, annoying. Not because she is epicly strong, but because she can ruin your game if she wards your jungle and follow you to countergank.
you can kill her on his second buff if you are smart and you get her low. But careful: If her lanes come help you may be in serious trouble.”
KevinThyAsian says “Invade her as she will full clear. In low Elo very easy to predict where she will be. Late game she’ll hurt but you can ult in time mostly”
Andygumy says “Hard to deal with after she gets LvL 6 so try to fight her before that to get her behind. Stick to your Teammates, control wards can be a big help. Remember to negate her burst with your W.”
BoyWonder00 says “Both of you are power-farming junglers. Both of you powerspike at level 6. She does scale a little bit better than you and has amazing turret dives, but is almost useless in teamfights. Your effigies also counter her stealth. If you see her, hit her with your Q/E/R fear and you win. ”
ACE4291 says “OP champ after lvl 6 thats why you should always buy Pinks. you can get ahead of Eve easy by ganking and making a bigger impact in team fights”
LoL destroyer says “Evelyn is a major threat only because he ability to charm you, if you have your ult up during this time though, you will kill her easily.”
BoyWonder00 says “SA deletes her. She is weaker than you are early, so you can farm and gank freely without much worry. She scales super hard. but she can't kill Rhaast because he is so tanky, and SA can't be caught by her. She does have her ultimate for escape though.”
FalleN3 says “She is a very annoying champ to play against and I ban her quiet a bit. As the game progresses she will be able to 100-0 you every, over and over. You will need to pick up some MR in this match-up. After 6 when she become invisible :( QQ”
FalleN3 says “Incredible, she can literally 100-0 you all game long. I go through phases where I tend to ban Evelyn every game I play Twitch Jungle, depending if she is being played a lot or not. It is so easy for her to camp your jungle and one shot you over and over. After 6 when she becomes invisible :( QQ”
Holessando says “One of the biggest threats against you, beats you whole game, really hard matchup to win.. if you're vs her just dont fight her, be prepared and dont get charmed by her W... i recommend dodging this matchup, since you have really low % to win this.. ”
aiker95 says “The threat level is very low.But she can invade you at your buffs, counter gank the hell out of you and apply more pressure to the map then you can because of her passive stealth. The main thing is to protect the line from its gangs, then from it will not persuasion for the enemy team further in the game.”
metalhydra273 says “Similar deal as Elise. Kill her before she can ult. You can try waiting for her to attack her charmed target (if it's not you of course) and then jump her. She's another squishy mage so you can duel her easily if you're ahead until she has her late game burst.”
SHACO BOLADO says “jogue invadindo ela antes do LVL6 , vc conssegue ganhar todos 1v1 antes do 6 depois do 6 sempre compre pink, vc conssegue desviar da ult dela com sua ult, (Shaco Ad e melhor nessa matchup)”
DemacianStandard says “Free invades without counterplay. Just use an Oracle Lens while doing so. Play around their early game and invade if they attempt a gank. ”
Popu says “Until she get's 6 u win every fight against her. When he got 6 watch out for her engage with R , try to predict her R with your's or she will one shoot you.”
brSL7 says “Evelynn é um champ de dano explosivo assim como a Elise.
Caso a Evelynn esteja na sua frente você ira tomar 100-0 dela facilmente, então foque em trocar com ela pelo Mid-Late Game com Semblante Espiritual fechado. E tente dar muitos caunter gank para dificultar a vida dela.”
AKScorched says “Evelynn could be difficult or easy to deal with. If she decides to charm you, immediately Q her, you're guaranteed to not get charmed. You can definitely 1v1 her, but her teammates may help. Focus her in teamfights and be wary of her in lategame since she can oneshot you at that point, but so can you.”
gurubashi35 says “Evelynn's power comes from her stealth and extremely high burst. Against you, she's easy pickings with your E damage reduction and in-built sustain, but she can be a threat to your carries.
Keep defensive wards at the entrances of your jungle and ask your laners to buy control wards.
Trying to invade her whenever possible and counter-gank her. She has little objective control so take advantage of this.”
KaRMaX says “Try to be aggressive early game, take her jungle and have a better presence on the map. She has a great scaling but you have a better early game, so shut her down at the beginning of the game.”
chasemyman1 says “Same as Ekko really Just get ahead early and this is a winning matchup. Its all about doing as much damage to her jungle pre level 6. Its still a good matchup as long as she is not in stealth so use pink wards to get the jump on her !”
reganakers says “Evelynn is one of the weakest early game Junglers. If you run into her she will be forced to flash or R or die. She can't burst you and if she tries to engage on you, ifts very easy to counter with your R. ”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
CinderTheSnake says “Invade and counter jungle as much as possible. You definitely beat her hard until level 6. After she reaches level 6 play it safe as much as possible. ”
wild overload lol says “Os espinhos de Evelynn (após ela usar o primeiro) revelam qual seja o Shaco verdadeiro, se um bom jogador de Evelynn souber disso, você vai ter muitos problemas, porém, sempre tente ficar lado a lado com o clone para evitar de que ela avance pra cima de você.”
PsiGuard says “This matchup is pretty annoying for Evelynn since you can sense her with Tremor Sense while she's camouflaged. Save your ult until after she uses hers if you want to kill her, otherwise she can avoid your R damage. Evelynn is a very poor duelist early game, so try to contest scuttles and take her camps when possible.”
Sinister Buffoon says “Evelyn is just disgusting vs shaco haha. Is a really hard match up. You need build Magic resist yes or yes, otherwhise she will farm you the whole game. I dont recommend fight her unless it is a counter gank. Try get advantage far way of her and steal jungle if you see she is away.”
Happty says “Evelynn isn't that bad, the only thing you have to do is to not get left behind. And the good thing is that most Evelynn players aren't that aggressive and will avoid 1v1s in the jungle most of the times in early game. In mid-game, all you have to do is avoid getting hit by her while her W or E is active, I forgot which ability was the one that charms you, just avoid being charmed by her, and you should win, normally she used her R for running away or when you're both low in a duel, so if she has her R, try to get her low first.”
RageAx says “Hard CC, strong ganks and good clear. Put a control ward in pixel one of the pixel brushes and try to keep track of her. She isn't too dangerous once you have form as your mobility is far higher. If you can't get to a wall in time, try to ult someone and wait out the charm. Pre 6, try and get your teammates to help you contest scuttle as she is weak when alone and lacks escape. ”
Aimisenpaii says “Pre 6 she isnt much of a worry for you, you can quite literally auto her to death. Post six as long as you can dodge her charm, you will win as well, making this a fairly easy matchup for Kat. Look to pressure her early game by invades.”
League Of Cursed says “You both are looking to gank at 6, so just try to out gank her. You can do objectives by your self better than her, but just be wary of the delayed cc. Otherwise I haven't had issues with this matchup.
Dopamine_influx says “Be. In. Her. Face.
Invade her, double scuttle her, don't let her free farm. Get a ward on her raptors to know her clear, and be in her face. If she goes fullclear from blue to krugs, you can go red blue gromp her red and kill her. Else, you can full clear/reverse full clear to meet her on scuttle. You ALWAYS double scuttle evelynn unless you don't have prio.”
reganakers says “If you can invade and find this champion Pre 6, it will feel like you are just farming another Jungle camp. This is my favourite champion to play against on Rek'sai”
FrozenKnight says “You're able to harass early but after she hits lvl 6 buy alot of control wards and be careful because she will charm you and delete you.”
Xeldom says “Easy match-up.
You have one-shot potential on her throughout the game once you finish your lethality item. Make sure to deep ward her jungle otherwise farm for free without you being able to track her movements. Your ultimate renders her stealth useless.”
AsparWild says “same. two ap champs, though you have better roots while she can be annoying with that invisiblity.kind of squishy, then again, you are you.”
Poohlio says “Extremely annoying to play against. She has the CC and Damage to pop you and you can't really do anything about it. Get Control Wards and teamup to hunt her down. >:c”
Jogress says “Evelynn is small threat early. Don't get caught into her W, try to avoid her first Q. Consider invading. After 6 she becomes dangerous, and for your team - more than for you. Generally, Lilia at full speed is fast enough to evade Eves all-in, but... there may be difficulties (like Eve + Yuumi \ Eve flashing \ your horrible disposition \ horribly feeding teammates leading to her dominance everywhere). Consider buying early Spectre's Cowl if she oneshots you. Maybe even Adaptive Helm, though it's better to do after Liandry's Torment. If she can't oneshot you - she can't win 1x1.”
NoLyfe says “Insecure shadow whore just e q r's you so there's not much counterplay. Late game just try to pick her off considering you get vision of her with your r but be careful of hopping on her because she can just r out like a pussy.”
AWierdShoe says “Graves does not do well into AP matchups, and Evelynn can burst him down super quickly before he can even react. You'll have to try to invade her jungle and abuse her weak early game to secure a lead. I recommend rushing Hexdrinker to remove some of her burst. You should also take Sweepers to track her when she's invisible.”
DarkArbalist613 says “If want to beat Evelynn just take her out early, if she is behind she becomes useless, just watch out for her charms and you should be fine”
Comrade Eshgrim says “This is a proper old western film-like duel of reflexes and timing. Pinpoint your ult to survive her charm and burst, and you have a fair chance to turn it from there.”
Shujin Jasukai says “If you can shut her down early she wont be much of a problem but other wise be careful as she can charm you out of your meditate and kill you before you have a chance to do something.”
Sheepchu says “As an assassin she will kill you pretty fast, avoid battling with her without your teammates. Evelynn has a pretty fast jungle clear so she will gank before you if your teammates do not freeze their lanes.”
DoughnutFeel says “Be careful as she can easily burst you down lategame. Her ult can force you out of alpha strike and THEN deal the damage. Abuse her weak early and invade with midlaner.”
nextonetwo says “So her early game is pretty weak and her late game strength isn't much of a threat to you, if you see her mid to late game, as long as you know where much of the rest of her team is, just q and ult her, she should die pretty easily. Free drake or baron or turret. her ult can be troublesome if you don't kill her, but she shouldn't do too much damage to you unless she's super fed, so you can start a fight with your team without her present for a little bit, her passive does heal her a bit though.”
nextonetwo says “So her early game is pretty weak and her late game strength isn't much of a threat to you, if you see her mid to late game, as long as you know where much of the rest of her team is, just q and ult her, she should die pretty easily. Free drake or baron or turret. her ult can be troublesome if you don't kill her, but she shouldn't do too much damage to you unless she's super fed, so you can start a fight with your team without her present for a little bit, her passive does heal her a bit though.”
Megalondon says “As graves is only getting armor from passive, he is weak against AP Champions unless you build MR but then you can't deal a lot damage.
Evelynn's invisibility makes her hard counter for graves. She is strong opponent but you can abuse her in early game and avoid threat. ”
Zailent says “Both forms do good against her. She's very squishy and she cant one shot you in rhaast form, or outdamage you in shadow assasin form. Go whatever form you want against her”
TimRhabey says “She is really weak early on, abuse that
try to invade her as much as possible and kill her as much as possible as well just try to prevent her from snowballing otherwise she will be a pain for you and your team.”
GhostReaper87 says “Same as Amumu she wants to hit lvl 6 asap and will assassinate your carries from behind. Her early game is very week and she cant kill you alone. Punish her by ganking with your snowball and taking drakes. Eve cant do drakes alone until she has items or is extremely ahead. Lay pinks in tri bush since they reveal her in her passive after 6.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Holy Evelynn, I really hate to be against a good Evelynn, her cleanup is a little bit faster than yours but pre 6 you can beat her easy, the trouble is when he peaks lvl 6, her invisibility is so usefull for ganks, try to ward her jungle and be atent for counterganks”
Megalondon says “Graves passive gives you only armor so you are defenseless against evelynn because she is AP-Assassin and you must try and destroy her early game because after she hits 6 lvl you will never see her again. ”
Fresh Diamond says “She is a very annoying champ to play against and I ban her quiet a bit. As the game progresses she will be able to 100-0 you every, over and over. You will need to pick up some MR in this match-up. After 6 when she become invisible”
FerocityLAS says “Jump to her before she could actually see you and just oneshot her. Dont let her W you or you will need to use Ferocity on W and lose burst.”
Flux31 says “Once Evelynn hits 6 she can either be bad or a complete snowballing unit. Her W can shred any MR you got. If done properly she can be dealt with easily”
WickedPoppet says “You both are looking to gank at 6, so just try to out gank her. You can do objectives by your self better than her, but just be wary of the delayed cc. Otherwise I haven't had issues with this matchup.”
Vazo says “Evelynn is an extremely difficult matchup for Graves. Although you could look to invade and contest jungle camps in the early game, you should look to avoid Evelynn in the mid to late game when she starts to scale.”
LightBright9213 says “B E G O N E T H O T ! Jokes aside, pretty easy to invade and kill. However, she snowballs extremely hard if she gets a kill or two.”
Ionia King says “Farm your jungle, and her's pre-6. Once she's 6 you can't roam her jungle unless you know where she is. If she uses her charm on you, use your E just before the heart fills up and you can counterplay her as she's a melee-range ap assassin, you'll fear her and she'll have to run or die.”
Zimmerlator says “The charm sucks when you are trying to support in team fights. Evelynn's ability to single you out in team fights is her greatest strength ”
Sorrowful Prince says “Try to hunt her down before level 6 as she will full clear. If you can't because you miss lane prio or can't tell her route then try to shift mid by cheese ganking it so you will have mid prio for her second fullclear. Toplane ganks are likely to not get responded to if you are fast. If she gets fed with Mejais you have to hope for lategame where you can lock her down while she can't use her ult to escape.”
TrevorJayce says “Evelynn gets pretty demolished by Rengar early, as her damage is nothing compared to yours. If your teammates have priority in their lanes, be all up in her shit 24/7 to ensure you put her as far behind as possible while getting yourself 100 times as ahead. ”
JackieXDz says “just dodge...JUST...DODGE, you can't fight with her around-you get no visionon her and she got enough burst to destroy your gage shield and your health bar(but onlyif u get really ahead in early mid-game, you can actually stand a chance)”
Nico449c says “Evelyn is most likely the easiest matchup before lvl 6 for you she wont be able to do anything better than you clear, gank or fight you abuse her early by invading her and keep vision. At lvl 6 be aware of her ult you can use repel to dodge it but she should not be the biggest deal if you have prober vision and attempt to counter gank her.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “If you get charm placed on you, don't bother, just back off until it wears off, even if you R her Q or E, she can just proc it after your R and oneshot you, if she can't oneshot you, she is free af but in general you should be just back off entirely from her.”
Ryttar says “She'll destroy you in 1V1, you'll be able to do things in teamfights but you'll need a lot of pink ward and intelligence on your effigies. ”
lheisse says “Her charm is very predicable. As her charm is integral to her kit, this makes you a counter for her. If you are able to lock her down with a q she will go down like a house of cards ”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Evelynn is a tricky match-up in the early game because of her ability to pop-up out of nowhere. Getting control wards and communicating with your team are key in this match-up.”
VekkyBoi says “Squishy assassin, just plays very similarly too Fiddlesticks. She won't to be able to do much later in a teamfight as you fear their entire team. She is very vulnerable early and can be shut down if handled early.”
Split King says “You can counter Evelynn with your passive. Sure Evelynn you might be in stealth, but the Queen of the Void still detects your presence ”
Soulreaperjin says “Avoid her charm and let it decay if you caught her charm timer, also don't fight her on low HP because of her R, unless you have Wit's end to help you out which in case just burn her to the ground.”
BlindKidNoThumbs says “Useless champ Warwick stomps on her.Blood scent can see her if she is invisible.She cannot match you early make sure you play agro and you should be fine.Once Evelynn is behind she is useless.”
The Top Bear says “This might seem like a difficult matchup, but trust me, its not that bad. Counterjungle pre-6 and take her down. Her early is really weak if you get the jump on her.”
urrb says “I don't generally have many problems with Eve unless they are very smart and good at jungling and the champion. Her early game is quite weak so you never have to worry about her invading you before you hit 3. Unless your laners are stupidly extended she will have a hard time effectively ganking them before she hits 6. She uses her charm to farm her camps, which leaves her extremely vulnerable to being invaded. I always look to invade Eve when I hit three and wait for her to charm her camp to engage. If you can put her behind early and snowball yourself, she won't be much of a problem.”
cutmeh says “Squishy, so she's easy to duel. However, cheese is cheese and invades may put you behind. Your ultimate also reveals her when she's stealthed ”
0kruemlmonster says “Can't do very much. In teamfights it'll take too much time for her to W on you, wait and then charm you. Try to dodge her Q after she W on you in 1v1s.”
matg8 says “Evelynn is threat early and late game (mid you should be fine). In early game, you are squishy and if she has w, you will basically lose any trade you try against her. If you do not build AP to counter her, she will shred you late game.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Skill matchup IMO. Both shaco and evelynn has relatively weak early games, but as shaco you do have the ability to impact lanes before 6, whilst evelynn doesn't. Don't let her free farm!”
TheDrKlord says “She's probably the worst early game in jungle, try to gank and invade she pre-level 6, assuming that she will not be invisible yet. Evelynn will outscale you.”
Mkcls says “Well, u are fucked. Invis after 6 will let her perma kill you since you dont really have an escape tool. Buy A LOT of cotrol wards. You can handle her before 6, but keep in mind that if she lands a charm on you, its 90% sure that you are gonna die.”
Simphoria says “Like Elise, she has difficulty bursting you early. Unlike Elise however, her early game is weaker. She rarely counter jungles and all around is not much of a threat. Just be careful of her ability to snowball as that can win games. ”
The_Great_Gastro says “My personal permban, she outscales you hard with little ability to punish after lvl 6. Try and invade hard pre-6 and mess her game up.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Incredibly high burst, an annoying charm, and great sustain and movement out of combat. Be aware of what routes she takes through her jungle, and use Control Wards to keep an eye on her.”
Laverenz says “Evelynn is a big counter for Skarner. She can basically just run away in stealth, and can quickly get away from you. She's also a big counterjungler”
today ill feed enemy team says “Cheese and invade her as much as possible early game and she will just don't click, but when she charms you after 6, if she isn't so far below you, you are probably dead.”
XERA 08 says “I prema-ban Evelynn mainly because her beyond broken level 6 passive (invisibility), but aside from that, her main source of damage is her burst. Evelynn's usual combo will be W (empower/curse) > E (Whiplash) > Q (hate spike) > Q > Q > Q > R; Her W is the main indicator she is near you, she is watching you, and she is ready to attack you at seconds notice. If you believe you are at a dangerous position (e.g: low health, ult on cool down, etc), you should immediately press 4 and use the Oracle Lens (that you already bought ever since Evelynn turned level 6) to run to safety. 4 > E (+Ghost). After your Core Items, buy Spirit Visage to negate her burst, if you can survive a 1v1 fight with a level 6+ Evelynn upon seeing her for 3 seconds and not drop below half health, you can win the fight with a whooping 98% success rate,1% of luck, and 1% of skill makes up the rest.”
Tchouvline says “Uuuf, what a threat ! Evelynn have a huge burst capacity, remember one thing, if she's level 6 and she charms you, basically you're dead, unless you rush zhonya and banshee.
Avoid picking Fiddle vs her. If she's picking Eve after you : Controls and Oracle will be your friends.”
Her0mars says “Early on, her invading and high AP burst can cheese you really hard, not to mention she has stealth and mobility on her side. Pre-6 just ward up, and remember that controls are very important. Hopefully your team will be able to respond to her invading you.”
Yuki H. says “Another champion who Graves struggles to deal with since she is an AP assassin. However, pre-6, she doesn't pose too much of a threat, winding her down to "major", from "extreme". If you manage to catch her off guard, you will most likely one shot her if she does not ult out in time.”
Hamstertamer says “Group up and sit behind your teammates 24/7, wait for her to go on anyone and focus her. Go for counterganks the same way. Reactive play is the key.”
Chromuro says “Early game can be good, she still does a lot of damage, but being a ganker type jungler means that the possibility of counterjungling is really little. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't use less wards, you should use even more of them because of eve's camouflage”
VoodooQc says “She can poke you from far with q so be careful. Also you don't always have the time to block everything because you don't see her coming, so she just bursts you and when you want to go all in, she just ult away and it's over.”
HKRV says “You can punish her in the early game very well, if you face her try to invade and counter jungle as much you can. If your laners won't feed her and can't really farm then not much of a threat.”
RSol Fox says “Melee assassin's like eve and nid are easy to deal with early. Look to invade once you're level 3. Later on you can block her ult damage with a well timed E.”
KhaZix Mains says “[4/10] She is relatively easy to deal with in the early game, but at level 6 you will lose fights if you get hit by her charm. Watch for her strong pressure on your laners at level 6 as well - you might be able to find a good 2v2 countergank. Abuse her weakness pre 6 with invades and secure vision over her camps to know what side of the map she will be on. Make sure to buy control wards post 6 and place them around your laners and near flanks to catch her out lategame.”
MrPuggles says “This is an extremely easy matchup. Evelynn is extremely reliant on her level 6 power spike to be useful, so be sure to abuse this. Invade Evelynn's jungle and take her camps. Do everything in your power to put Evelynn behind. Xin Zhao beats Evelynn in a 1v1 at any point in the game except for well into the late game. Xin Zhao has much more early game pressure that Evelynn. Gank whenever possible.”
metalhydra273 says “You shut her down pretty easily, but she can get beyond your control and start hitting you real hard. Don't let that happen and you should be fine.”
Magistricide says “Before level 6, she's like a slightly stronger jungle camp. Invade and run her over. Mid game she's a little scary, but once you get some tank items she can't burst you down anymore. ”
Aoefa says “Evelynn really can't kill you at any point in the game, unless you misplay. You can fight her for the crab, but she can burst it so be ready with smite.”
Maltz says “Can punish her early if she ints her pathing, else just try and be gank heavy pre 6 and snowball one lane out of control, A fed Evelynn can solocarry a game”
Intello says “Eve is a feast or famine champion. She either is fed and will destroy you or will be behind and be useless.
When she hits level 6 she'll be camouflaged (Will be invisible unless she gets really close to you OR Red ward will show her)
When a heart spawns on your head, that means she's preparing to charm you. As soon as it appears know that she's planning on engaging.
She can only proc her charm if she lands an ability on you while the heart is on you. Back away when this happens and she wont be able to burst you down as hard”
vanchovski2002 says “She isn't a problem
Overall you beat her 1v1 at every stage of the game..
Your ganks are equal , however you have slightly more burst.”
Leapus says “You can oneshot her, she can oneshot you if fed. Otherwise you'll probably have the time to Q-out or R. Be careful to her ultimate that is a great finisher.”
alexandro458 says “This is the second major threat to udyr. She can melt you and your whole team easily. And udyr needs a good track of the enemy jungler to win advantage, but her stealth makes it really hard. Better matchup than jax anyways.”
MrBoronALT says “Kind of a pain because her R - Last Caress makes her untargetable AND moves her out of range of your E tether. You can block her charm with your W (look for her to Q or just E onto you to proc it). Try not to blow your ult on her unless her ult is on CD. Pre-6 she's a weak duelist so you should be able to win 1v1s.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very aggressive pick, she will rush 3 and then gank the easiest lane to secure a kill in order to snowball, rarely she will try to counterjungle but she usually avoids it as she has low 1v1 potential against Xin, try to always keep an eye out just in case she is nearby.”
LixoPanado says “Another % based hp champion which also has CC + invisibility, try your best to counter jungle pre-6 before she has invisibility, because after that, you will most likely have a bad time.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “Evelynn Is A Hard One, If She Catches You With Her Charm Your Dead. Just Stay With Your Team At All Times GGEZ .Build My Crit Build To 1 Shot Her After Shes Out Of Her Invis Though Will Help Your Team Alot”
Lil Trash says “If she has vision on your jungle prepare for a bad game. Try stealing her buffs but becareful if her team mates come to help you might risk dying and setting yourself behind.”
MrParias says “Not that hard actually, you beat her early and not let her her fed.Sometimes she will escape with her ulty but you have yours to chase after!”
Toad12138 says “You can fight her early, and before 6, you out ganks her. She is generally not very strong against Kayn as the only time Evelynn beats him is from lvl 6 until you get form.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Evelyn is a big threat to you as she can pop up from nothing and delete you instantly. Buy a banshees veil to save you from the insta-burst and that should give you time to react. If needed, you might opt to buy a Zhonyas so your team can take her out when she pops up to focus you while you're in stasis.”
NoWhales says “You will beat her if you hit spear first. But before her level 11 or before her two items you will win 1v1's easily.
So abuse that fact and bully her.”
bluejaypig says “New eve sucks pretty hard now, no invis pre 6 means she can't cheese you or your team as hard, build a qss for her charm, have control wards all around the map and you should be fine.”
WujuBladesman says “ward your jungle in case she invades, just counter jungle if you think she did and build QSS for her charm and your fine. idk for your teammates though...”
YakYakYak says “Evelynn is annoying, if she starts charging a charm on you, just run. Try to dodge her skillshots with q if possible and you will be fine. ”
BigBadVoodo says “She can be pretty hard to kill sometimes. It's also hard to gank when she can follow up very well without you knowing she is there. Other than that you can kill her in 1v1's easily by timing your abilities right. I recommend abusing her early.”
xTheUnlimited says “Evelynn is like the most assassins. In early you can still bother her a bit, but dont eat to much damage from her Q - it can get you lower than you might think! It is pretty hard to stun her, because she can combo your ADC pretty fast and then get out with her ultimate. You should try to gank your laners a lot, so they are ahead and more healthy. Then Evelynn's ganks wont be as powerful as they should be.”
ApexZulu says “Early game Eve is extremely weak. Take advantage of this and invade whenever your lanes have priority, unless she gets well ahead, she wont be able to contest crabs alone. In late game team fights, focus on peeling her off of your squishy carries and watching flanks. ”
Zophyr says “If you cant taunt her you will probably loose. If you get to taunt her, you might still loose. Never try to fight her alone unless you are one item and or some levels ahead of her. Just dont risk unneccesarily dying to her.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “She will be mostly farming till lvl 6 so try getting early lead to your laners. After 6 you can try counter ganking her and if you succeed she will fall behind and be useless. Most of the players below diamond don't know how to play her.”
SubSequence says “She's not much a threat to you as she is your lanes. Her kit allows her to revisit more with a 4 second cooldown invisibility and insane health regeneration.”
Optimal Pancake says “A tough match up if you don't know what you're doing. You go about even against her, who ever has even the slightest advantage will take this one.”
MintyMizu says “Try to avoid her as much as possible when she hits 6 cause her invis sucks to fight against. Before her 6 try to harass her as much as possible(maybe get a kill).”
Violzandre says “Her burst and escape routes are incredible, if she can charm you, you are done.
BUT you farm faster, farm till level 6 and try to kill her in her jungle, it will be very easy and if you get the advantage, she won't be a great threat (until late game)”
Wulfery says “Overall, if you have her ult, you are definitely in a good position. But - if she charms you and you manage to fall for that, she'll melt you faster than you will be able to return the favor.”
Predated01 says “Skill Matchup. You should hardstomp her early but if she gets out of the early game even/ahead she can hard carry games and becomes a problem.”
Loul_60 says “Evelynn in the early game isn't too much of a threat, early game being pre-6. Once she gets level 6 she has strong ganks and a good escape, do bear in mind that she can ult as you burst out and not take any damage.
L3gislacerator says “Be wary and always have control wards on hand and in your jungle. Her burst damage and execute are not to be underestimated once she hits level 6. When she marks you or an ally with Allure, anticipate her arrival and be at the ready to use any defensive spells you have to.”
Ivker21 says “Your main worry with Eve is her counter jungling and her pick potential onto your ADC and Mid. Later into the game she won't even need her charm so make sure to CC her before she kills your squishies.
Outside of that, you'll scale harder than her so the later the game goes the better you'll do.
One thing to keep in mind is how fast she clears the jungle, because once she does she'll come for yours.
Things to exploit about Eve is her pre 6 that is quite weak, and that Eve players tend to be very bloodthirsty and might take dumb risks for a kill.”
Morzanoth says “Evelynn is one of the scariest things for you to face as fiddle. Her high bust along with her sustained dps makes dueling her a major problem. If you get caught by her charm you will almost certainly die. They best way to play around evelynn is to look to ward her jungle camps to keep track of her and then try and match her ganks. You can easily turn them around if you can get the jump on her. Otherwise look to farm and play around the lane she is targeting.”
ninja8135 says “Her burst hurts, but if you can survive it she has nothing left for you. Your taunt is a valuable weapon, since she uses mostly abilities. For that reason, you wont get much use from your W.”
OddOwl says “Your W can mitigate a lot of her burst damage and with your cc you should be able to keep her in place and outduel her due to her low hp early game.”
Exhiled says “New eve sucks pretty hard now, no invis pre 6 means she can't cheese you or your team as hard, build a qss for her charm, have control wards all around the map and you should be fine.
Morzanoth says “Evelynn shouldn't really be a problem to deal with in a game since she has a relatively weak early game. She is very reliant on getting to level 6 before she can start pressuring the map effectively so look to harass her early. Once she is 6 the only way to track her is with control wards or by warding enemy jungle camps so you can see which side of the map she is moving towards. You want to try and protect your backline against her because she can burst them very quickly, try cc'ing her or just forcing her to back off. Placing a control ward behind you is also a good way to prevent her from flanking.”
Yi Guide says “She is a very annoying champ to play against and I ban her quiet a bit. As the game progresses she will be able to 100-0 you every, over and over. You will need to pick up some MR in this match-up. After 6 when she become invisible :( QQ”
Castcade says “Evelynn Has Not been a problem to me but if you are reading this and you are just starting to play kindred well she is going to make a living hell for you ward she does stay in her jungle for a while so play safe is my recommendation”
ChumblesProductions says “This is pretty easy if you invade her early over and over. At 6 you need to try and match her jungling and just follow her around the map because you team will probably int her. ”
Marelack says “Just fullclear to lvl6. U can beat her anytime in the game. Make sure use ur emp E so u cant allow her to press r. When u know she has no r just do oneshot combo. ”
scriptying says “Can't kill her if she has ult unless you're able to follow her with Q. Watch out for her charm. Insane burst damage. Steraks and Malmortius are both great options against her. Try to abuse her before level 6.”
Hazardist says “Evelynn has it easy to invade as you will normally not see her until it's too late, and Mist Walkers won't protect you from her charm even with correct positioning. Building Magic Resistance is a must in this matchup, and you might need to group with your team more often than usual in the event you can't apply pressure on a sidelane safely.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
FrediBelle says “Se ela tiver ult e voce chegar ao ponto de estar lutando com ela dentro da ult, voce vai morrer, tirando isso é uma match up facil, você consegue solar ela se manter distancia.”
MannerlessNG says “Easy.
As per usual, assassins are going to get their kills from your team and not from you.
Evelyn is made of paper and there isn't a single thing she can do to stop you turning her into mulch, even if she's ahead.
This doesn't mean you take dumb invades or walk around with low health, it's still Eve and she can one tap you if your low and she's managed to build some kind of lead.
You should be trying to shut her down early by constantly destroying her in her own jungle, stealing her camps and kicking her off objectives, which she does like molasses.
Eve spams ganks after 6, so buy wards and tell your ADC to take their meds and not overextend, and she's done.
Also your E counters her charm, so charge it if you get charmed.”
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