Mid Lane 50.66% Win Rate66% Pick RateTaliyah Mid Lane Counters: 34 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Taliyah in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “You will be able to outrade her especially in the early game you be carefull tho cause her E will be a problem for you since your W and E can get you stunned when inside those rocks. Both electrocute and arcane comet are good against taliyah.”
BesXbola says “A Taliyah nao tem quase nenhuma pressao de kill em voce, mas seus roams sao muito melhores que os seus e ela escala e arrecada muito mais valor no late game do que voce, o que a torna uma forte candidata a ser focada nas lutas.
Avise seu time quando ela desaparecer pois ela chega muito rapido nas outras lanes com sua ult.”
PetriciteLoL says “One of the WORST matchups, I would generally dodge it If you really care about winning but you do outscale her If you get a lead somewhere.”
Tamikaze says “It's been forever since I played this matchup. All I can say is don't dash into her E and bait her W. If you can do that, you win the lane. ”
j4ss says “Rush mercs, and go Full poke with scout's slingshot rush and dark seal start. If she can't snowball, she's useless. Make sure to not dash in her E, avoid her W and it'ss GG.”
Tatsurion says “Taliyah does seem like the type of laner that would give you trouble. but not entirely.
Her poke is easy enough to dodge, her CC relies on her knockback, OR you dashing, you have only ONE, but LONG dash. so she wont get to use it too much, since youll save it to escape most of the time, NOT avoid it.
Post 6 its pretty onesided for you, unless you soak up every rock thrown. Pretty fun lane
Burst works as well as conq”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering]
(Cosmic insight)(Magical Footwear)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Ghost]
*contest the push, if she uses abilty on you and not the wave you will have minion advantage so always do that, [Lucidity boots] can help with her pick-off potential*”
gimmelovej says “Taliyah is complex to play, you need to have mastery of Qiyana since Taliyah has good group control with her E and W, her E completely breaks your All Win, in addition to the infinite mana. So play cautiously and look for opportunities.
Xc1Mare says “E Талии полностью обрубает любые ваши попытки сыграть по ней ,но и одна её W способна убить все ваши планы по её убийству
С получением предметов начинает быстро спушивать пачки и получает хороший контроль линии .На своей ульте способна отвечать на ваши действия по карте чем мешает играть и вне линии.
Становится большой проблемой если получает свои предметы ,пробуйте обогнать её или не давать так просто получать золото
Против Талии могу посоветовать играть по вражескому леснику в начале игры (она не имеет такой быстрый запуш волны) ,не затягивайте драки на обектах и постоянно следите за её перемещениями по карте (Установите пинк варды у мида или оставляйте обычный вард у вражеской башни что-бы видеть куда она смещается )
Старайтесь получить начальное преимущество что-бы в дальнейшем быть полезнее неё в тимфайтах”
Vladmidir says “Against a good taliyah player you'll never have prio and you'll be perma pushed in, but most taliyahs suck. Dodge her W and 100-0 her if she ever steps in your range. She has no mobility so if she ever doesn't have flash you can either flash on her or run her down with your jungler. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start.
Due to Zed's shadows being a blink. they do not proc the damage of Taliyah's E, making the only way to proc it for her, hitting you with her W knockup. She's very immobile, other than using her ult, so getting a clean combo on her is rather easy. You ultimate will be up much faster than hers, if she decides to use it to get away, giving you a window to easily kill her.
The only thing that's really dangerous about her is her early Q poke damage, so try to minimize taken damage and care for her W setup if you R her.”
BrMario1011 says “Hard to play safe against her, needs some fancy feets, her E cancels ur w and one shots you, also scales SUPER hard, maybe killable 1-3 if u play very well
THE STRAT IS, ur gonna want to put 3 points in q and 2 in w for wave clear, if she wants to q you, you can easily q her for easy sustain, and late game if you play well you can lock her down easy with team
go dorans shield, second wind and teleport
also shes so hot i cant hold it so i get distracted”
EVEKING says “She is very annoying to play againist, has a stupid amount of poke with very low cooldowns, can block you or cancel your W, play safe and make good decisions”
sick204 says “Respect Taliyah's Q and W abilities, as they can deal significant damage and disrupt your mobility. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Taliyah's abilities and avoid getting caught in her combo. Be cautious of Taliyah's roam potential; communicate with your team and ping missing when she leaves lane to prevent her from impacting other lanes. Utilize W to block Taliyah's Q, reducing her poke and engage potential. Look for opportunities to engage on Taliyah when her abilities are on cooldown, as she can be vulnerable to Yasuo's all-in potential. Consider building sustain items like Doran's Shield or Vampiric Scepter to mitigate Taliyah's poke and sustain through laning phase. By following these tips, Yasuo can effectively handle Taliyah in lane and contribute to his team's success in the mid and late game.”
SkandalloTV says “Skill match-up. All about who hits and dodges what. If she builds Seraph's, you need to count for the shield. Don't all-in her so easily, unless she spent her E.”
Foxirion says “Taliyah’s crowd control and area of effect damage can be a threat to Swain, as she can disrupt his positioning and quickly deal high damage.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Stay behind minions so Taliyah's stone barrages get blocked by them, while letting you poke her back. It's very important to not get bursted by Taliyah as your poke outclasses hers, so if she seems to set up a combo with her stone field to slow you, then knock you backwards, use your Satchel to dash out of the stone field first. You should also elect to play more defensively if she has access to both her knockback and stone field to avoid getting combo'd, and inversely, be more aggressive while they are on cooldown (14 seconds).”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
Taliyah doesn't have much kill pressure early game as you do. Later, it's quite the opposite since she probably is going to build archangels + zhonyas. At this point you should already have taken a lead because the laning phase is easy. If you go for passive procs in lane, it is mandatory that you dodge her W. Play for sneaky Qs with your long range”
awawa says “You wont see her often in mid lane, but if you do, shes not much of a threat. Dont waste fear or she will look for a trade combo. Dont get hit by her W EVER.
She will look for roams when you're 6, follow her.”
ShokLoL says “
Taliyah is relatively weak in the laning phase but scales very well. In the laning phase her main harass tools also function as her waveclear so try and make her choose between pushing the wave and harassing you, as well as looking to be aggressive if she wastes Q and/or E. If you land a lot of QW trades you should be able to force her out of lane very easily.
ShokLoL says “Taliyah is relatively weak in the laning phase but scales very well. In the laning phase her main harass tools also function as her waveclear so try and make her choose between pushing the wave and harassing you, as well as looking to be aggressive if she wastes Q and/or E. It can be hard to ever kill Taliyah in lane but if you can come out with a CS lead you should outrange her heavily in teamfights.”
ShokLoL says “Taliyah is relatively weak in the laning phase but scales very well. In the laning phase her main harass tools also function as her waveclear so try and make her choose between pushing the wave and harassing you. Try poke her with WQ auto on CD. Be very careful engaging into her as you can get stunned and be unable ult if she hits you with E.”
Soft Headpats says “Taliyah often isn't concerned with trading against you, but will instead quickly shove the wave and pressure the rest of the map. If she chooses to use her abilities on the wave to do this, you need to respond by harassing her as much as possible since you can't match her waveclear early on. Make sure you get vision down as well so you can track where she's going.
If she happens to be ulting at you, you can EQ along the length of her wall depending on the angle to get her off of it early (EW will miss). ”
ShokLoL says “Taliyah isn't that great at trading in lane but she does have a lot of waveclear. Try and match the waveclear whenever you can and get the wave in a gankable position.”
Deceiver_euw says “Taliyah is quite overbuffed in the early game and has strong trades if she goes early game runes. Its important to punish her in the early few levels by playing around her Q cd and dodging the big rocks she gets from the Q circle. If you dont punish early, she will eventually shove waves into you and have free roams.”
ShokLoL says “Taliyah isn't that great at trading in lane but she does have a lot of waveclear. Try and punish her for using cooldowns on the wave by forcing QQ or EE trades onto her.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Stay away from her and try to poke, don't let yourself be caught by his W or ure dead, especially if she's with his jg.
Runes: Aery + Gathering Storm.
Spells: TP.
ESP: Aléjate de ella e intenta pokear, no te dejes atrapar por su W o estás muerto, especialmente si está con su jg.
Runas: Aery + Tormenta Creciente.
Spells: TP.
vSomnia says “If she uses Q on the wave look to trade instantly after. If you act fast with Hail Of Blades and understand that your second E doesn't get stunned by her E, then you can win trades very easily when you dodge her W with the passive proc speed.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Taliyah avoid her E and W but not using your E on the wall cause you will get stunned, fight her when she use her combo (E+W+Q), if you wanna trade back don't count her Q cd cause is like 2/3 sec”
Kikife says “In lane, taliyah isn't really a threat too much. Low elo taliyah's don't use E to farm because it costs so much mana and they don't know how to balance the cost of the ability with staying on lane, but this also makes them more likely to E W you and get a free poke combo, If you can bait her E out or get her to farm with it, then poking her back down becomes easy for you.
Once she's level 6, watch for ganks and if she leaves lane for even a second, even to recall, let your team know as she can secure picks for her team / herself easy.
IF she has backed and you can see an opportunity presenting itself for her to gank, such as botlane on enemy tower, then roam down and provide pressure to force her back to mid. Take TP 100% of the time in this lane as you'll be counter-ganking a lot.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Bait her "E" and then all in her with your "E", if you engage first you are gonna get stun by her "E" and then lose the trade.
baitea su "E" y luego all-in, tu "E", si enganchas primero, su "E" te aturdirá siempre y perderas el tradeo. ”
gaarrett says “A strong level 1 trade determines if you can play the game or not. Constantly harass with Q, E out of her rock field right when it spawns [3/5] ultimate, good roam potential and can be used to block off people trying to escape from your team. ”
149Gray says “Dodge or pool her E if needed, don't get perma hit by her Q's and after lvl 6, if there is a fight happening, try to fight her just so she doesn't ult to help her team.”
ExodusBlue says “WE>QE>EE her and wave. Stay out of range of full power Q. Bore her to death and push when she roams. Can assist in fights closer to mid w WE>QW”
wundrew says “As long as you dodge her knockup theres nothing she can do against you. If she uses big Q just shunpo behind and use W movespeed to dodge the knockup then run her down.”
KazunaSan says “gros problème si la taliyah sait jouer, je ne la met pas en extreme car très squishy mais ses spells vous empeche d'engage, essayez de la surprendre car en face à face il sera difficile de la tuer. Jouez derrière la wave en phase de lane.”
FrostbiteMW says “She has good sustain and control over the whole map due to her R. She his easy to harass and her skill shots are easy to dodge. You can burst her, but she can't.”
Wizboy73 says “Take poke runes or default runes. You win early, as long as you dont get hit by her E-W you will never die either, late she is pretty underrated so care. ”
Hexeria says “[Disgusting. She will constantly throw rocks at you, and you cant E trough the E field.] [Try to dodge her W and engage her with your jungle.] [Try to interupt her Ult with your W so she cant get away.] [Also go Dorans shield and second wind.]”
Vlasuo says “This matchup is naturally bad, but there are windows to all-in her whenever there are minions you can dash on and you manage to bait her abilities out.
EXTRA: You can windwall both her Q types and her R”
Halkem says “Has much better waveclear than you, so this matchup usually revolves around matching her waveclear as best as you can and following her ult roams. Make sure to care when she's fogging with ult up and try to think ahead where she's more likely to ult to. She can also gank you mid with her ult and jg.”
Iceyou says “Take ignite she is not a serious problem . hide behind cs and contest the push . get prio roam help your jungler win the game . Don't 1v1 her if you are not significantly ahaid . ”
The Milelator says “Really annoying to play against. Try to bait our her W. Once she used it, try to trade or push waves and roam. If she roam a lot, you can also try to get platings and turrets. If she goes ludens, she won't do a lot of damage vs you in late game.”
WarwicksSimp says “You can usually kill her relatively easily, just be aware of when and where you r and q as to not screw yourself over when she has her rocks on the floor. Her damage is fairly low unless she gets you with q1 q2 and her e, which is super reliable luckily, so just play well. The main issue is her roaming ability in which can be a problem sometimes, just get tiamat asap and punish her.”
Allyooops says “Really bad lategame teamfighting her e counters you really hard. I would recommend banshees and praying you have another form of engage. ”
Tokiyami says “Pretty poke heavy champ just respect her poke early but can trade with her easily cause she's not that strong also can run her down at lvl 6 just make sure that when you go in her E is down or she doesn't expect you to ult her.”
Glitchgun says “A good Taliyah is hard to all in on, because she might trade better than you, but if you just focus on farm and keep you distance with Q + E poke, then you're pretty safe”
Wraithlander says “After the buffs this champion is honestly quite hard to play against. Her E negates all the mobility in our kit just like Cass and her roaming potential with R makes it hard to get to skirmishes early without stealing her ult in advance. Max Q to wave clear and most importantly dodge her W. If she uses E and W aggressively you can win every trade.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
Don't go in when you're on her E spell ”
IggyBoom says “If you think this lane is doomed, because of her W and E than you have no idea. Taliyah has no back trading against you, especially on early levels. W does the knockup still, even if she casts her own W or E shortly after.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Stay behind your minions to avoid her Q poke]
[Avoid her W knock up]
[Warn your team when she is lvl 6]”
freuio123 says “Tali ist relativ unangenehm aufgrund ihrer E in Teamfights. In Lane gewinnst du fast jedem Trade, solange du nicht full combo W + E frisst. Du outpushst, outroamst von Natur aus und hast mit Jungle Attention immer Kill Potenzial.
Falls du merkst, dass das Matchup schwierig ist helfen Mercs ungemein.”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge her Qs, as many as possible, Especially Empowered one (when she's standing in her Circle on ground she will throw 1 Big Rock)
- Whenever she throws her E (rock field) she will most likely look to throw her E, be careful for that
- If you get stunned once from her E, you cannot get stunned 2nd time from same Rock Field- If you Zhoniya during E2, you will dodge her Rock Field DMG
- her Q has almost 0 CD in mid game+”
Cryniu says “It's hard to poke her, keep your distance and be careful with her stun. If she tries to roam with her ultimate use your E or Teleport to help to your team. Use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
TB Azir says “Genelde işi wave’e npc gibi Q spamlayıp sağa sola koşmak olan Ryze benzeri bir matchup. Adam wave’e Q spamlıyorken siz de boş durmayın ve wave’e vurun. Aksi takdirde ya adama free push vermiş oluyorsunuz ya da wave’i pushladıktan sonra sağa sola gitmese bile wave’i pushlarken attığı taşları minyon kalmadığı için sizin kafanıza atmaya başlıyor *~* Buna dikkat ederseniz, skillerini dodgelaması kolay olduğu için karşısında oynaması çok zor değil. İlk eşyaya kadar eşit gitseniz bile winlemiş sayılıyorsunuz çünkü 1'e 1'de bir makarası kalmıyor adamın earlyde baskı kuramadıktan sonra ki zaten outscale de olmuyorsunuz👍🏻
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
DaddyVladdy says “Pool her w. hide behind minions so you dont take damage from her q. better waveclear but you can punish her when she has used all her abilities.Leave mid earlier when you both kill the wave so you can match her roams”
kaiba77 says “Take sustain runes and items as she will perma push and poke. Be wary of her roams. Use W when she uses her ground rocks, and once they disappear kill her.”
Edwwardo says “Taliyah is a great control mage. Be careful when you go up to farm with your Q as she can stop you from dashing away with her E stone floor. She will punish you hard if you try to harass her up close so keep your distance. Her Ult kind of synergises with your W so that's a plus!”
ddieguito_es says “Not a problem. Weak early, with not enough damage to kill you at any point in the game. You may have a bit of a hard time getting close because of their EW, but it's easy.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Another one of Zoe's unlosable matchups. Taliyah has to use her cooldowns on the wave to push, if she wastes E you can just run at her and all in with electrocute ignite.
Watch for her cc burst combo when you r forward.”
Deru says “Annoying matchup but doable, ask for jungler's help since she is pretty immobile mage but later in the game she can oneshot you very easily so beware that.”
Deru says “Annoying matchup but doable, ask for jungler's help since she is pretty immobile mage but later in the game she can oneshot you very easily so beware of that.”
StralekS says “Free ASF: Electrocute/ Sorcery: Short Trades, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo.”
Mayuushii says “Taliyah has good range with her Q and her single Q can hurt and push wave. Care the poke and throw back into mines if you walk up. Her mines make it too dangerous to use R too freely”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat
Taliyah is super weak early game, especially before level 9. Her damage is minimal and easy to dodge. Zoe's R doesn't active Taliyah's E stun.
Just make sure not to R right into her face or she WILL W + E combo you at your R location.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) rune page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
angeLoon says “dring/elec.
taliyah have prio in this lane since she have more damage on her abilites and can just stop you with her E. play around her E cooldown it is the only thing that can stop you.
she will outpush you almost everytime now that sylas q got nerfed, try to build a slowpush and punish her with trades.”
Atemporal says “Vs Taliyah nível 1, certifique-se de que ela não fique entre seus lacaios e você. Sempre certifique-se de ter lacaios entre você e ela, caso contrário você receberá 200 de dano Q nível 1. Se ela subir, não não corra em direção à sua torre,
em vez disso, juke em torno de seus minions, ande e comece a bater nela se ela tentar passar pelos minions. Uma vez que você começa a fugir, você perde. É possível obter bons negócios de nível 2 neste confronto. Espere ela usar Q, então rápido E Q auto e
corre. Você deve ser capaz de E antes que ela use E, a menos que ela preveja você. A única maneira de ela prever seu E é se você se aproximar e deixar óbvio que quer negociar. Após o nível 3 você não deve negociar a menos que ela não tenha W. A menos que você
conseguir um bom W (o que é muito difícil contra Taliyah por causa de sua velocidade de movimento passiva), você não quer negociar muito no início do jogo. Concentre-se em empurrar. Seu waveclear é muito mais forte e custa menos, se você empurra e Taliyah quer
responda o push ela terá que usar pelo menos o E e o Q. Se o Q e o dela estiverem para baixo, você deve ir até ela instantaneamente para atrair o W. Depois que ela usar o W, você terá uma janela de 16 segundos para pular ela novamente que você deve usar para
negociar ou pelo menos pressioná-la. Após o nível 6 você quer ward lane para descobrir para qual lado do mapa ela se move. Normalmente, a única boa janela de roaming de Taliyah é no nível 6, porque no nível 7 o waveclear de Ekko é muito rápido para ela chegar primeiro
jogada. Roaming contra uma Taliyah é arriscado porque ela poderá seguir os roams rapidamente e geralmente estará logo atrás de você. Neste confronto eu gosto de empurrar para fora e depois passar para o nevoeiro da guerra. Eu coloco guardas de pista para ver onde e quando ela
movimentos, porque Taliyah muitas vezes tentará seguir seus potenciais roams. Em vez de vagar, porém, você fica em um arbusto, W onde ela deveria estar indo, então vá para o stun. No início, isso não será suficiente para matá-la, mas a deixará baixa o suficiente
para não poder contestar push, e ela não pode mais seguir seus roams. Depois que você pegar o Protobelt, essa pista acabou. E sobre ela, então use Proto para ficar atrás dela para evitar seu Q/W. Use a velocidade de movimento passiva para evitar o próximo Q ou o W. Taliyah é ela
mais forte no nível 9 imo quando ela tem Q no máximo. Certifique-se de não morrer nessa época do jogo, e você ficará mais forte pelo resto do jogo. Você será capaz até mesmo de correr sobre ela E contanto que você tenha Proto para evitar o resto
o dano dela. Mais tarde, ela não tem chance na sidelane, e você pode facilmente derrubá-la em teamfights. Lembre-se de que Taliyah é mais rápida que a maioria dos campeões, então você precisa usar seu W de forma um pouco diferente ao longo do jogo. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Tp/Heal/Barrier
ihr Burst mit W->E und der Low CD isz zwar gefährlich aber du kannst die Range Advantage mit E als Poke Vorteil nutzen und sie nach dem Upgrade einpushen damit sie nicht roamen kann.”
Lucid Walking says “She clears the waves too quickly.
This means worse farming under turret and less prio mid for your team (she can gank bot/top and win scuttlecrab fights.)
Her E W combo also hurts... a lot.”
17qiyana says “pretty much the same as akshan a good taliyah with just poke you and never let you get close still playable as long as you can bait her W and put her in awkward positions with her Q.”
sapphire__lol says “Bit Taliyah favoured since her e is pt good into you. Try to farm and play with jungle. Its still fine since you oneshot the wave after she pushes and can follow the roam. She can never bully you with her early damage. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to match Taliyah’s wave clear during the laning phase. Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam. Taliyah doesn’t gain access to a damaging Ultimate Weaver's Wall(R) at level 6. If you’re a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse her weakness at this time. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Threaded Volley(Q). Make sure you also watch out for her Seismic Shove(W).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to match Taliyah’s wave clear during the laning phase. Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam. Taliyah doesn’t gain access to a damaging Ultimate Weaver's Wall(R) at level 6. If you’re a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse her weakness at this time. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Threaded Volley(Q). Make sure you also watch out for her Seismic Shove(W).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to match Taliyah’s wave clear during the laning phase. Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam. Taliyah doesn’t gain access to a damaging Ultimate Weaver's Wall(R) at level 6. If you’re a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse her weakness at this time. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Threaded Volley(Q). Make sure you also watch out for her Seismic Shove(W).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to match Taliyah’s wave clear during the laning phase. Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam. Taliyah doesn’t gain access to a damaging Ultimate Weaver's Wall(R) at level 6. If you’re a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse her weakness at this time. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Threaded Volley(Q). Make sure you also watch out for her Seismic Shove(W).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to match Taliyah’s wave clear during the laning phase. Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam. Taliyah doesn’t gain access to a damaging Ultimate Weaver's Wall(R) at level 6. If you’re a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse her weakness at this time. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Threaded Volley(Q). Make sure you also watch out for her Seismic Shove(W).”
SkyBanana says “Taliyah is a weird champion. She has great wave clear but her damage isn't high since she needs to repetitively needs to hit you with her Q to win advantages. Her enhanced Q does do a significant amount of damage so hide behind your minions to avoid it. W E combo is to notify you that the jungler is near so if you dodge that you are more than welcomed to punish her back with an onslaught of spells. Her utility isn't as high as yours is so you beat her in that, it is just that she is a battle mage and you are a burst mage. She wants extended fights.”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty straightforward, just dodge the W when she has her E field out so she can't stun you and don't stand in the open where she can Q poke you. ”
Body Those Fools says “Her early game is a bit weaker since the rework, but don't let her Q you for free; you can dodge it by moving in one direction. Poke her down with Q+AA and Arcane Comet. You can never E away or into her while her E is up; you will get stunned and have to tank her full combo. Your full focus in this matchup should be on dodging her W knockback because that sets up her combo. She will look to roam a lot especially at level 6, so spam ping MIA when she's not in mid lane or your team will hate you.”
Juon says “Whilst she has crazy burst and the knockback thing, she is very telegraphed so when she goes to use abilities its pretty obvious and you can punish it by ulting her into you and setting up a combo in a position she will NOT feel comfortable in”
Bunan says “First Strike- Magical Footwear - Futures Market- Cosmic Insight - Second Wind - Unflinching
Sapphire Crystal Refillable
Q max-> W -> E
Poke/CS with Q
Ask for jng (immobile)
Let crash first wave then shove for lvl 3 before her
Only Engage if she wastes Q
Dont W or E on her E (Stuns)
important CDs E16s , W14s
She outscales/ have to win mid game
Post 6 get a combat ult to beat her 1v1 easily
R 3/10 Recast R to ride wall / Only good for roaming”
lumihehe says “if you somehow manage to ever get close to taliyah, for example if one of your teammates hits a big cc on her you can just kill her super easily, but if that's not the case and you don't have ult to slow her down, she will kite you forever until you die. really depends.”
KayyeN says “Skill matchup but very Katarina-sided. If you're Bronze and Taliyah is Diamond, you can lose, but since you have a blink (E) that can't be punished by her own E, you're already really good against her. Don't eat her Q poke and try jumping to the left or right instead of directly on her with your E, so she can't prematurely put her W down. Just be careful with risky botlane fights and such, because her R is an easy follow-up.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar has done a good job of countering Taliyah. On average, he wins a fantastic 53.5% of games the champs face each other in. In Malzahar against Taliyah games, Malzahar’s side is 0.2% less expected to gain first blood. This indicates that he probably won't get first blood versus Taliyah.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Stay behind your minions so you don't get hit by her Q]
[Don't get knocked up by her W]
[Don't use your E when her mini stones are on the ground]”
spicy ricecaker says “You usually outtrade her but her e is very annoying as you take damage and get stunned dashing through it and if she hits you with w you can get chunked. Stay close to the wave. ”
Azurio says “Dodge her W with your E and try to gapclose her. Easily playable and you have kill potential before she got mythic and spam Q's. Wards around mid and ping for her roam at level 6.”
beansoce says “She just wants to waveclear and roam, just respect and dodge her e with pool or sidestep it. She's very squishy so you can oneshot easily, try to ward for your team since she can roam easily with passive and ult.”
Bunny Kata says “Is that a midlaner ? Idk. If you face her, press W to dodge her spells, gg. If you use E on hers, you will get damaged, if you're not in your W. Her only real threat are her roams, so ping for those.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Stay behind your minions so you don't get hit by her Q]
[Don't get knocked up by her W]”
donidaking says “Stand behind minions to deny her Q poke and poke her with electro .
You can dodge her E if she tries to stop your engage with pool.
You can run predator in this matchup too and start boots.
At level 6 you just RUN HER DOWN.”
KyogoEntity says “Poke/farm with Q and try to bait out her E, post-6 try to keep her in lane so she won't get some roams off and snowball herself or the enemy team. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Stay behind your minions to avoid her Q]
[Don't get knocked up by her E]”
DabiDabi says “Don't get hit by her W and her Q. Pretty easy matchup. Her roaming is good so I'd suggest to follow. A full combo from Taliyah can be pretty scary.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Stay behind your minions so you don't get hit by her Q]
[Don't get knocked up by her W]”
ThePieBeam says “Tbh I've never laned against a good Taliyah before but I can make a few guesses. Her wall can be scary and the knockup is potentially problematic but the knockup is easy to dodge and it's unlikely that she'll be in a position to kill you with her wall. Really the only threat I see is the potential for her to get a few good rocks off. Those things hurt and go pretty far but it's not unreasonable to dodge them since they're in a line, you should be able to knock her with your wall to stop a direct wall line.”
Callmebee says “Taliyah can be tricky but as long as you keep your distance, you will be absolutely fine. Only poke with E and wait for her to miss spells or a jungler gank for an all in. Be wary about walking forward as she can easily combo you. Take Barrier.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Bait out her E by using your Q and moving around wherever she plants it. Once it is down then use your E to swing around her E. Do this on repeat and be sure to dodge her W.”
lonestar1870 says “You outrange Taliyah mid and can poke her pretty easily.You get prio on the wave whenever you want since you have better AOE.
Try to stand behind minions so she can't land many Q's on you, and try to keep moving so it's hard for her to land W on you.
You can oneshot her easily at level 6 with a 6 ball ult.
She will try to push and roam once she is 6, so try to keep prio whenever possible (without getting ganked). Don't let her Ult catch you out sidelaning.
I like electrocute for more damage, but you can go PR or Aery if needed.
I still prefer Teleport but you can go for ignite if you want kill pressure.
livikattt says “do not stand in red circle otherwise you die. however you can just Leave with a capital L. you have too much movement for her wall to be anything. also no one can play taliyah in bronze.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Have not seen this midlaner anymore after she got gutted so I assume if you do see it, it'll probably pretty easy. Only thing you have to look out for is dashing into her E, if you do this you will lose a big chunk of you health so watch out for that. When her E is down you can easily fight her or just push her under tower since her wave clear is so bad since the nerfs. Also if she ever tries to trap you or cut off your escape with her ult, don't forget you can windwall to stop it too.”
Katawina52 says “One of easiest matchups in just go in and win, but serious :). Your mobility is really insane even if she tries to knock you. You should never be able to get hit by it unless she is cheesing in a bush and you walk up. 2v2s are an easy win unless they have a chain cc jgler which is really good with taliyah, but even then you shouldnt ever lose it if you focus same target with your jungler. Once you have your item spike just perma oneshot her. ”
eiensiei says “No reason whatsoever to be in her W range, I'll farm and poke safely with E. If I land a Q, I'll follow it up with a full combo and force her back. Post-6 she'll be looking for roams around the map and needs to be pinged as missing immediately, her R makes me reach side lanes very fast.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Talyah will have upper hand expecially early, because she can clear waves way too fast. That will force you to farm under the tower and overall you will have to stay back, because if she hits her combo without you having any MR, you can flop really fast. Though again once when you scale up a bit, she will have problem dealing with your high range abilities.”
Avucado says “See Syndra. Watch out for the rocks because you will take a ton of damage if you E through it. She can also match roams with R. Watch for her W and you should be fine.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This champion doesn't seem to be very popular in the midlane in season 11. But if I would play against it, I would stick to my standard build.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Since Taliyah's AOE nerf on her Q she has been a lot more easier to kill and not get poked by her so often, the only thing you need to avoid when playing against her is her W+E combo. If you can avoid this she is extremely vulnerable and can be killed with ease. Waveclear is also not a problem since her Q is only a single target damage ability. ”
Yeager says “The new taliyah wins early trades if she hits her combo. Stay behind minions since her Q isn't AOE anymore, so it will be blocked completely.
You have to watch out for her lvl 3-4 spike, and focus on dodging her W. If you dodge it, she will lose most of her damage, so you can trade back. Getting boots early helps a lot.
She's a roaming champion and you can't really match her early on, unless you have teleport!
You scale much better lategame.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Since Taliyah's W doesn't have the range your Q-E combo does, you shouldn't have any problems with range in this match up. Q poke as often as you can and avoid her W, you should win this match up if you follow the above.”
Kords says “This is an interesting matchup, both of you have the same goal. Shove in and roam to sidelanes to get them ahead. Therefore there is a stalemate in the priority. You shove faster at level 1, and post then, you are equal. If you see her off on the side, you can follow her, but she can also follow you. If she wants to fight, 9 times out of 10 you win the matchup 1v1 IF you dodge the skillshots then you have more damage, and you can exhaust her. By the time teamfights come, just kill her everytime she mispostions. She still does a lot of damage, so be careful of that. Also her Level 1 damage can kill sol if you are very reckless in mage matchups early so be careful of that. Also noting what summoners she took can help. If she has Ignite then she will probably want to kill you Level 1 or Level 3.”
ShokLoL says “Very easy matchup, just make sure you don't get caught by a random shove into her E and otherwise you should be able to bully her very heavily at all stages of the game.”
ShokLoL says “Taliyah is relatively weak in the laning phase but scales very well. In the laning phase her main harass tools also function as her waveclear so try and make her choose between pushing the wave and harassing you, as well as looking to be aggressive if she wastes Q and/or E. Even if she has those cooldowns up you can sometimes win trades if you W to the dodge the damage while your EQ goes off.”
Coldsong says “Taliyah has very good waveclear and poke, along with good disengage with her E + W. Make sure to not engage on her when her Unraveled Earth is up as she can easily stun you. Play aggressively around the map when she roams and try to follow her if possible.”
Sylvan Lore says “Taliyah is pretty good against Orianna as you can't really obstruct her play style of shove in and roam. Its unlikely you will win a trade with her before level 6 since she has such high base damage in her combo with good range as well. Play safe and go for an all in after level 6. Since she doesn't really have a combat Ult, you should be able to win in the 1v1 eventually. Make sure to ward well and call out her roams to your allies to avoid her snowballing the map.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build”
duhnx says “Deals no damage if she misses her push. Be careful of her stones on the ground, if you dash you take a lot of damage. Dodge it and punish her. Careful of her late game as it can be scary but you should be fine.”
Katasandra says “Haven't seen her in forever.
[1] Dodge W, it deals a shitton of damage together with her E.
[2] Should have more waveclear than her, push waves and roam.”
TheDuskWalker says “Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Electrocute.
You will always outrade her if you dodge her w (knock up). Just aim to keep harassing her in lane and outsustain her. She can roam really well so punish her through freezing or turret plates.”
Sanctuar says “Taliyah players tend to do two things: First, they can push the wave fairly easy with her combined abilities, and second, they will look for an opportunity to knock you back into their full combo with her W. Dodging her abilities shouldn't be hard with the mobility your E provides, and since she has no ultimate for a 1vs1, fighting her shouldn't be much of a problem. Be careful about her roaming, because with her ultimate it is superior to yours.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Ya no la suelen jugar, así que de inicio no tienes que pensar en jugar contra ella, pero si te enfrentas a una, ella gasta mana demasiado rápido, y por lo general suelen pegarse mucho a las paredes por el aumento de velocidad, podrías usar eso a tu favor.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Taliyah does alot of burst damage so be carefull at first at lvl 3 you both have same prio it all depends on how much you dodge and hit”
7daysko says “Skill Matchup. You can probably afford to be aggressive early. She's also easy to gank. Watch out for her roams during mid-game and you'll be fine.”
Luciiid says “Never really seen a Taliyah in ranked, but take electrocute and wait for her to attempt to all in. After that then you're free to combo her and one shot her.”
elnino9 says “Trade against Taliyah when her W is on CD, she tends to be squishy, just like vel'koz or ziggs. Her strong strait is pushing in waves so try your best to push against the wave and keep pressure on her, don't let her push waves for free, punish her for shoving in. She uses a bunch of ability to do-so so she won't have a strong retaliation when you jump her besides her rock knockback which can be avoided if you anticipate it.”
PASS10NE says “Both of you have one shot potentional. Try to not dash at Taliyah's E and try your best to avoid her W when you're at her E. You can jump over Taliyah's R with your E.”
NuclearAkali says “Be careful with Taliyah's early poke it can be very dangerous and is very strong since you are a melee. Her E can be popped if you do any dashes on it so be careful if you are standing on it. Other than this you can easily burst her down.”
Coldsong says “Taliyah has great poke and burst, plus she can use her R to either engage or disengage if she uses it correctly. Harass her early and stun her if you see her about to R.”
Hiimkata says “Probably easiest matchup in existance just go in and win, but serious :). Your mobility is really insane even if she tries to knock you. You should never be able to get hit by it unless she is cheesing in a bush and you walk up. 2v2s are an easy win unless they have a chain cc jgler which is really good with taliyah, but even then you shouldnt ever lose it if you focus same target with your jungler. Once you have Bork/Wits end just perma oneshot her.”
CaptianMike says “Fairly skill oriented. Her full combo can easily deal half your heal in early-early mid game. I find that Taliyas usually take barrier so don't mind trying to ult her unless she already used it. Get magic resist soon as she will punish you for your mistakes. And as with all match-ups: The late game is yours.”
invalidd says “She can do well against you if she uses her E properly, if she messes it up you can run up to her and trade her, her Q is really low cooldown
early on so she'll try to harass you with it at lvl1, you have to throw the hook quick before the stun goes through to pull her in. Complicated to gank.”
Big Shawn says “Taliyah is somewhat annoying, but vulnerable. She deals a lot of damage and through the range that the abilities have, it can get tricky to reach her. But if you reach her, she is very vulnerable as she has to react fast, and all her abilites require strategy. Where it has to be placed, aimed and vice versa.”
Xiphire says “Try to not get poked and pushed away while you try to trade and you should be good. You should also watch out for her slow as it really slows your dash.”
FalleN3 says “Taliyah out-damages you in the early game & if she manages to land a combo on you, it'll hurt a lot. Use Movement Speed Quints & MR Glyphs for this match up and play safe to level 6. Once you have Tibbers, you should be able to all in her no problem.”
vCraze says “Taliyah is a very uncommon matchup but shouldn't be too hard if you know how she works. She is a strong champion at level 1 when there are no minions in the way as her Q can do lots of damage so make sure you stick behind minions. Also make sure you keep your distance from her as her level 3 is very strong once she has all abilities. Keep your distance and scale and you will win the matchup once you have Ludens.”
Bobbab says “Pretty easy matchup. If you get hit by her w you lose hard though. She outroams you post 6 so make sure to ping your laners when she goes to any of the sides.”
sweodigaming says “She has good sustain and control over the whole map due to her R. She his easy to harass and her skill shots are easy to dodge. You can burst her, but she can't.”
FalleN3 says “Taliyah out-ranges you quiet a bit and if she manages to land a combo on you, it'll hurt a lot. Play safe and dodge her skills until level 6. Early laning phase will be difficult but once you get your ultimate up she should be no problem for you to 100-0. ”
FalleN3 says “Taliyah out-ranges you a lot and if she manages to land a combo on you, it'll hurt a lot. Play safe and dodge her skills until level 6. Early laning phase will be difficult but once you get your ultimate up she should be no problem for you to 100-0. You can try to take advantage of her if she misses her (W)+(E), use your (Q)+(W)+AA and then (E) to escape to safety. ”
Fadedreformed says “No one play's taliyah mid anymore but should be easy. You cancel her q with yours, just don't get hit by her w and you should be fine. You can also cancel her ultimate with your q.”
DaggerTV_ says “Talia will utilize her q at all times, however, her combo comes from e w, and you can simply hop onto her, since its a teleport it wont trigger anything”
xXkillercrackXx says “taliyah can outpush, out poke, and out trade you at almost all points of the game. She can even match your roams with her ultimate. A pretty hard matchup to deal with, although she won't have too much kill pressure if you can dodge her skillshots.”
Yuki H. says “Taliyah can't really hit you through the minion wave with Q, but she definitely will try to combo you with her E->W combo. Try to bait her into doing so, and use your W to dodge the ability and waste her mana (you can all in her from here too).”
Veralion says “AVOID HER W AT ALL COSTS. If it's gonna catch you and you're hurt, just flash out. Don't take any chances. Aside from that, your W is able to get plenty of lateral distance to avoid her Q if you get caught with no creeps around to block it. Her new warped ground Q hits very hard and very fast, pay attention to where she's standing and do your best to juke. You can't match her roams, so just shove like a madman, keep her pinned mid, and scale up. If she foolishly overroams and puts herself behind in XP, be ready to ragdoll her with your combo. Try setting up in the most likely bush for her to path back to lane through for a free combo. When the opportunity presents itself, R over her next W and eat her. She will absolutely melt. ”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Even
Due to your E, it's hard to catch you with Taliyah W so you should be able to outburst her always.
Your E pretty much messes up her entire kit with Q and W
Only thing you need to worry about is her control over the map with Ult”
snukumz says “Don't get hit by her CC and you'll be fine.
She can 100-0 you if you do get hit by her CC so be careful.
I haven't played against many Taliyah's mid but you similar levels of wave clear, or a slight advantage. Try to shove waves and not let her roam with her ult. ”
PepeOnDrugs says “Taliyah out-ranges you quiet a bit and if she manages to land a combo on you, it'll hurt a lot. Play safe and dodge her skills until level 6. Early laning phase will be difficult but once you get your ultimate up she should be no problem for you to 100-0.
Debonair Karma says “Karma might have a hard time fighting Taliyah because she has no mobility to dodge her W+E burst. Karma has a range advantage over Taliyah though, so try poking her when she approaches. Take teleport/barrier/ignite”
Gageowago says “If you are taken by surprise she can suddenly half health you with her combo. When laning against Taliyah try and stay behind minions to avoid her q and watch your feet to avoid getting hit by her W. You can poke from behind minions but she really can't so abuse that. Level 6 means nothing because you can ult through her wall, but you should alert botlane because Taliyah's ult gives her insane roam potential.”
Lil Tidepod says “You won't see too many Taliyah mid's these days but she's really strong. She outranges you with her Q, and she can spam it. Try and fight her where there's worked ground, if you're going to fight her at all. Make sure to side step her knockup, as that's what's gonna help her the most in killing you. You can, however, easily push her under turret. She needs lots of items to stay relevant late game, so if you deny her as much farm as possible as early on as possible, she's pretty much a walking piece of garbage.”
serruh says “I don't consider this champ very good nowadays, especially mid, but she can out trade you fairly easily and pressure your side lanes early. you outscale heavily, just look to play safe and take low risks”
Witchxry says “Dodge her W and you'll be fine. Poke her and CS as much as you can, and ping when she's gone because she has very good roam potential from her passive.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
8wolf says “Very similar to tf. Has very good burst damage, but short-medium range. Be careful to her insane roam potential and warn your teammates when she goes missing.”
Tehqo says “You're going to want to fight in her circles. Don't get knocked up. She pokes a lot, but you can always outrade if you fight in her circle because she can only throw 1 rock.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite matchup.
Same principles I'm getting tired of typing. Harass the fuck out of her early, W Q AA spam her to the dirt. If she uses W or Q on wave, harass her, then use the soldiers to wave clear. Super easy shuffles. After 6, start lane and river warding though, and it'll become an afk shove fest. If she roams, just take platings and waves.”
EvilBird090 says “Who the fuck plays Taliyah mid anymore? She will try to push you in and roam... you will outscale her warn your team. Freeze the wave at your tower so she loses a lot for her roams. Pool her W as her W into E combo deals a shit ton of damage and might kill you before your ult healing goes through.”
Cloud375 says “Skill matchup, if you can dodge her skillshots, this becomes a really easy lane. Otherwise, if you can't dodge them, this is gonna be a tough time.”
Chromuro says “A bit problematic since she can dispel your passive without you acknowledging it with her E and burst you down. Just farm and push whenever she roams and ask your jungler to help you to kill her.”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “She can't poke you because Neeko wants to play in the minions and Taliyah's Q isn't aoe anymore. If she tries to W E you, just hit her with an E and immediately smack ult.
She can out roam you, but you can shut her down in lane before she gets the chance.”
kilgta says “she has the same wave pushing as you, not much to say about this matchup, dodge the E on the ground and you never die. you both wont die and will try to get kills around the map.”
unownreality says “Huge nerfs hit in patch 8.23, so big nose goes down a tier.
Trades are just about even. The only issue is that Taliyah has more map priority. Punish her roams around the map, and keep the pressure up. ”
MechaaZero says “Personally ever since Taliyah jungle passed, this lane has been getting easier and easier. She has to be in the complete open to hit you with her volley now that the AOE is gone, so you know what that means... free combo!”
SrSuders says “Taliyah ist ein starker Counter, vorrausgesetzt man läuft nicht mit der Talon Q in die Taliyah E reinläuft.
Taliyah kann auch gut Ganks vorbereiten, demnach sollte man aktiv roamen oder pushen.”
TotallySugoi says “It is important to watch out for her burst, but other than that she isn't a big threat. Hide behind minions to avoid her poke and don't get caught by her W.”
Bughans says “Hello high-elo pick. Good thing nobody knows how to play her in silver, haha. No but seriously, she'll fuck you up if you dash through her field thing. I reccomend that you dodge her shove thing, ult around through the rocks and THEN combo. Not that hard, but it takes self control to not just YEET to her. She's dead if you reach her.”
SmokeyEggs says “A good Taliyah player will always read your E hops and she can easily counter it with your W, as well as her E procs your's. Outpush her since her waveclear was nerfed and try outroaming her.”
AzureArmatt says “Even if she's currently best one of best junglers in season 8 she still is mid laner so you can meet her. her whole kit is focused on landing that empowered Q on you (when she's not on worked ground she will throw multiple stones, if she is on it then only one) and throwing you with her W into her E (looks like minefield). after lvl 6 she gains really strong ganking potential with her R that can create wall and let her ride on top of it. She has great passive for roams that increase her movement speed when out of combat and walking near walls so she is way faster then you. Ping every time she's missing in lane and keep track of her with wards. also buy magic resist in form of banshe's veil/zhonya (personal preverence) if you can't avoid her damage to make sure you don't die easily to her really "big damage combos".”
thedonk says “Make sure you dodge all of her abilities. Avoid using W over her Unraveled Earth (E). You can use your close to block her Q. I recommend going in with chains so its harder for her to aim her Q.”
Jazzmonkey says “High Dmg. Watch where her groundings are from her Q. Trade her in them. You can trade her at level 1 and outtrade her quit well. Dodge her skills and her w with your W. Just farm and she is free after reaching level 6”
Sozzoh says “When against Taliyah, you'll want to fight her only in her circles after she Q's. If she farms with Q, then they'll be all over lane and it should be fairly easy to trade with her because she only throws one rock in those circles. If you try and dash away in her E, you won't have a good time. And try to avoid her W. If Taliyah is missing, warn your team because her ult can block off your teammates from getting to safety.”
undeadsoldiers says “If you can dodge her W you should be fine. Watch out for her roams bot, they can be scary with her ulti. Make sure to ping you bot lane. (-sincerely, all adcs)”
Doctor_Dr says “How to counter: Same as Ahri, but this time, when you side step and dodge her abilities, go for a good all in trade (E + W + Q (R/Ignite) ).”
wo xiang zhaoo says “She has higher roaming potential than you due to her R. Hardpush her all the time if possible. Mid-Prio is the key in this matchup.”
Saddest says “Super easy, just kill her over and over again. Watch out for her knock-up, though she should never hit you with that. Be ready to ping or follow her around post-6.”
ShokLoL says “Taliyah is very weak at trading early and susceptible to ganks, but she scales very well and does have a lot of push. Focus on trying to stop her from autoing when her Q is on CD to regain some push and look to go for QE trades after she's used CDs on the wave. At level 3 you can usually dodge her E with W by just using it backwards and even if you get stunned you might be outside of her range.”
Chuleex says “Taliyah´s strength is in her poke, but post lv3 you are better on lane, you can dodge most of her dmg and bait her abilitys easy, and her ult doent help her on the 1v1, play with her circle terrains as she can stun you with q, but if you maintain your distance and use your dodges you can win easy.”
Zeekar says “The only threat to you is her E. When it is gone, you can just kill the hell out of her. Her E can be a big threat though, very awkward to dash into. ”
ShokLoL says “Taliyah is extremely free, you win trades at all stages of the lane. You should be able to poke her out of lane super often as long as you land your Es. Just don't get caught by a W under her turret and you should have nothing to fear.”
ShokLoL says “Taliyah can be a bit annoying early since you won't be able to match her push, but she can't do much with the prio until level 6 by which time you should have a bit more waveclear. She can't really stop you from farming though and you should do well into her on the sidelane.”
In the Jungle 49.33% Win Rate25% Pick RateTaliyah In the Jungle Counters: 7 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Taliyah in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “Free early. Try to fight and invade early. Contest scuttles and camps. Countergank. Bait out her zhonyas. You can oneshot her pretty much without it. Dont get hit by her W and try to avoid standing in her E for long.”
SelfLOL says “Outranges you very hard and has insane peel with W and E. Wait out her E or make sure you have 4 Stacks after your leap in fights to cleanse.”
lolWillieP says “Annoying thats it. You're usually not in melee range anyways with this build. Her minefield will stun you if you bear stun inside- careful”
Jackiewawa says “Easy ranged matchup. Full clears like you and you can W pretty much all of her abilities. Be careful as her ground rocks will stun you but you will still dash.”
DoxxTheLeague says “similar to brand who gets tempo first wins but taliyah is extremely squishy if you can sleep her 99% shes dead but her combo is extremely dangerous to lillia if she hits that combo on you you are 99% dead if she hits her e only no problem BUT NEVER get hit by w or you are dead shes also stronger lvl 3 dont fight that unless you can 100% hit your w.”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same time as you. Against Taliyah make sure to gank your laners faster than she can. Speed is the name of the game against her. The more kills you and your team gets the harder you snowball and taliyah will be useless.”
Yomu says “This matchup is playable if you position well and get full charged E combos. You have the damage to 1 shot her but if she has E, you can’t play. She can E herself if you ult, you will get stunned then W’d Same thing for if you random W-Q her, she can stand on the rocks and wait for your spells. Although you can W sideways then try to walk throw the rocks but she will probably just W your linear pathing.”
lolWillieP says “Surprisingly, talyah is super hard for AD Udyr. Her mine field will stun you if you try and bear stun inside (it counts as a dash). She can knock you back and Udyr's base MR is super low. Try to set up deep wards and countergank if possible”
DarkMareOfficial says “This is one of the most disgusting champions into anything with a dash.
Therefore the strategy here is to keep the distance until the rocks on the floor vanish, be also mindful of her rock throwing skill.”
StynkyRaccoon says “Taliyah may have courage and try to invade your jungle. With the slow she gives and the explosive magic damage early in the game it can make farming your own jungle very complicated.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. Handshake full clears and you outscale her. Can easily outspace Taliyah with Gwen W. Make sure you dodge her Flick (W) with either your E, or W. You outscale and can run her down at most points of the game.”
Foxirion says “Taliyah is not a significant threat to Viego. While her crowd control and burst damage can be problematic, Viego can still manage to outperform her”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Medium. Taliyah is pretty easy in lower elos, as she’s not really picked there. In higher elos she can be a more difficult matchup, because she’s just a good jungle champ. She has a cross map invade window level 3, but it’s rare for Taliyah to invade. She plays for full clear and matches Hecarim clear pretty well. If you dodge her flick and have good movement, you can snowball easily against her as long as you don’t get spaced. Phase rush is favoured in this matchup.”
Mignognium says “C'est un mage comme les autres esquiver sa projection en l'air et après elle n'a plus rien. Vous pouvez facilement l'éliminer à tout instant de la game. Attention juste proche des mur elle va tout aussi vite que vous dans votre brume et attention au vilain Zoniah. ”
BullwhipGriffin says “While her rocks make it really hard to play the game with dashes, she is pretty easy to duel as diana so long as you can get on top of her, use your dueling power to snowball before her counterpick matters.”
IvernGott says “Taliyah is really unmobile and can be easily stunlocked with daisy (R) and Ivern Shields (E) on daisy.
Her ability to gank with her R makes it a bit hard to countergank but it is still possible! Her abilities are easily dodgeable!”
Cookiemanman says “Taliyah is a champion you should look to fight early as she is fairly squishy. As she gets stronger her damage can be very annoying to deal with.”
RuinedJG says “Has lots of control over team fights, her E works the same as poppy W, you can't E auto someone whos on it, or if you are on it. If you r over it you will be stunned on the other side. You wait for this to be down, then you can dive her for free and 1 shot her with assassin, or go conq to duel her melee champs.”
Mo100z says “A really good taliyah especially with crit build can mess you up, you have to make sure not to dash with in her rocks because if you do you will instantly get cced. The game is still playable against her you can still it's just that her kit messes you up MAKE SURE TO FOCUS AGAINST HER.”
kcjackal__ says “The higher elo you are in the more dangerous this champ is for you. Her early clear sucks now so try to punish her early. If she gets ahead this matchup is really hard to come back from.”
jajkopajko says “Skill matchup. If shes good and hits her spells right she wins, always use ghost in 1v1s so you can dodge her abilities. Late game you want to just delete her, but be careful for her stun.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “High dmg and good CC. Bait her E and dodge her W. Don't try to ward hop or Q out of her E just simply walk out of it or you will be stunned. Best to not fight her fair, use your disengage and in and out combo's to win fights against her.”
Hecarim's clear is faster then her if she takes free kills can be threat. Taliyah's early game is so weak use this, gank as you can try snowball if she snowball this is so bad if u catch she champ timers u can invade.
loganrichards says “This matchup is playable if you position well and get full charged E combos. You have the damage to 1 shot her but if she has E, you can’t play regularly. She can E herself if you ult, you will get stunned then W’d. After that you can decide on going forward with WQ or just E'ing and resetting your cooldowns.
Same thing for if you random W-Q her, she can stand on the rocks and W.
Although you can W sideways then try to walk throw the rocks but she will probably just W your linear pathing if she plays well. Bad taliyahs will use EW really early to get the cooldown ticking, that's your time to fight! ”
garbocan says “Like Poppy, Taliyah's E not only effects Ivern's Q dash, but also Daisy's Q dash.
When against Taliyah mid, she's an easy gank as long as your mid laner has some form of gank setup.
When against Taliyah jungle, she can be difficult due to her lack of commitment, making her harder to countergank. She'll naturally focus on ganking for champions with guaranteed CC like Pantheon or Renekton, so pay specific attention to protecting your laners in those lanes. ”
Valkidol says “A zone control mage. Udyr doesn't like playing into zone control. But she has no mobility, and her only actual form of cc can be dodged with awaken E. You beat her in the 1v1 always, but she can be problematic in teamfights and skirmishes.”
OakIgu says “First of all remember your E is a dash so you will get stunned if you stun someone while on her rock terrain ability, if you get to her wich is not hard she isn't able to do much and you can tank her Q with your shield to save yours allies.”
SYROBE says “Really hard to chase down. Her whole kit punishes people who run in a straight line and when self taunted youre gonna eat every rock she throws every knock back from her W and every explosive stone from her E whenever you use Q or W dashes. Luckily a lot of people dont play her.”
Zero macro says “Briar has overall a good time into Taliyah, due to Briar her stat check combined with Movement Speed Gap Closer —> Which is the strongest Gap Closer into Taliyah minefield.
Briar and Taliyah have similar jungle clear speeds, thereby Briar really needs high levels in W + R to be able to hard force on Taliyah. —> Be aware of Briar R dash, this will proc all minefields placed by Taliyah!!!
MusicJG says “She clears a bit faster than you.
You can look to invade her level 2-3.
She excels from clearing her camps or diving through a level 3 gank.
She has oneshot potential when paired with a champion with Crowd Control, like Renekton or Nautlus/Leona etc..
She will be very strong late game once she gets items and out ranges you.
Fleet Footwork comes clutch in this matchup since you can't "Quickdraw" when she uses her W "Seismic Shove", you'll get damaged and shortly stunned.
Worst case you can Ult out of it.”
waterA says “It is really easy don't know what to say most of the players doesn't know the champion even they know dodge their flight ability then all in it's gg.”
metalhydra273 says “Taliyah has some good tools to deal with Skarner and burst him down, but if Skarner gets in she's likely doomed. If she gets out of hand, the matchup can become tough, but you still have your trust flash to deal with her. Stop her from snowballing early, then stay on your toes to dodge her w. If you're in a position to run her down the matchup is won for you.”
Apari1010 says “You don't see Taliyah jungle super often but she's not super strong even if she gets a lead. As Rhaast, you hit her with one knockup and she dies. Also you can Q and E through her R wall. She can't beat you 1v1 so path into her and she'll be decently helpless.”
ttvRegedice says “Taliyah's early tempo with her passive will allow her to strike first while remaining a strong clear speed. The problem is if you jump at her, you'll be tanking a lot of damage and can be surprise one-shotted by her damage. Don't let her take control of the map too hard before you can do anything. Avoid full clearing, play for counter ganks based on what you think she'll gank early-game. Try and get a lvl1 ward with your team and avoid jumping into her as her rocks stun now and will stop you mid-air which will set yourself up to get one-shot into her combo.”
Borinn says “She is very strong late game champion. She slows you so try not to go in her w and bait out her e than you can kill her. You have to counter gank her as she can move around the map pretty fast and kill your teammates faster. But she is very squishy and you can one shot her if she doesn't have her e.
I recommend going AD against her unless she is very ahead.”
Majd1 says “Taliyah is particularly vulnerable in the early game and has a poor jungle clear that leaves her with low health. You can effectively kite her using your auto attacks and spears. Be aware that her E is a significant counter to your Cougar form's W, so make sure to wait until she has already used it before engaging with a jump.”
1Strike says “50/50. She prevents you from dashing. Deals magic damage which you are weak to. On the flipside you kill her if you catch her out of position and if you're fed she does nothing to you (if you have MR).
Even from behind you can kill her too.
It's imperative you do not dash into her E. or be thrown into it through her E W combo. Failure to do this makes this matchup a nightmare.”
checca says “A good Taliyah can make it very annoying to play against, but generally she is easy to play against. Her W and E are her two main abilities that you need to watch out for. Never use your E into Taliyah's E; it will stun you if you move over it. Just be careful of where she places her W; if you dodge it, you can go in on her and kill her.”
Davecraft16 says “ok never saw someone playing her in my elo. did you really find one?? well good luck cause I have no idea what to say. Just remember that you have a strong lvl 3 and you scale well. ”
PiscesPomf says “Skilled match up, cause you both are mages that relies ONLY on skill shots. Duels when noone hits a single spell and you just both back up are really funny. I think that you're better later on, but she has a better gank potential.”
Atemporal says “Vs Taliyah nível 1, certifique-se de que ela não fique entre seus lacaios e você. Sempre certifique-se de ter lacaios entre você e ela, caso contrário você receberá 200 de dano Q nível 1. Se ela subir, não não corra em direção à sua torre,
em vez disso, juke em torno de seus minions, ande e comece a bater nela se ela tentar passar pelos minions. Uma vez que você começa a fugir, você perde. É possível obter bons negócios de nível 2 neste confronto. Espere ela usar Q, então rápido E Q auto e
corre. Você deve ser capaz de E antes que ela use E, a menos que ela preveja você. A única maneira de ela prever seu E é se você se aproximar e deixar óbvio que quer negociar. Após o nível 3 você não deve negociar a menos que ela não tenha W. A menos que você
conseguir um bom W (o que é muito difícil contra Taliyah por causa de sua velocidade de movimento passiva), você não quer negociar muito no início do jogo. Concentre-se em empurrar. Seu waveclear é muito mais forte e custa menos, se você empurra e Taliyah quer
responda o push ela terá que usar pelo menos o E e o Q. Se o Q e o dela estiverem para baixo, você deve ir até ela instantaneamente para atrair o W. Depois que ela usar o W, você terá uma janela de 16 segundos para pular ela novamente que você deve usar para
negociar ou pelo menos pressioná-la. Após o nível 6 você quer ward lane para descobrir para qual lado do mapa ela se move. Normalmente, a única boa janela de roaming de Taliyah é no nível 6, porque no nível 7 o waveclear de Ekko é muito rápido para ela chegar primeiro
jogada. Roaming contra uma Taliyah é arriscado porque ela poderá seguir os roams rapidamente e geralmente estará logo atrás de você. Neste confronto eu gosto de empurrar para fora e depois passar para o nevoeiro da guerra. Eu coloco guardas de pista para ver onde e quando ela
movimentos, porque Taliyah muitas vezes tentará seguir seus potenciais roams. Em vez de vagar, porém, você fica em um arbusto, W onde ela deveria estar indo, então vá para o stun. No início, isso não será suficiente para matá-la, mas a deixará baixa o suficiente
para não poder contestar push, e ela não pode mais seguir seus roams. Depois que você pegar o Protobelt, essa pista acabou. E sobre ela, então use Proto para ficar atrás dela para evitar seu Q/W. Use a velocidade de movimento passiva para evitar o próximo Q ou o W. Taliyah é ela
mais forte no nível 9 imo quando ela tem Q no máximo. Certifique-se de não morrer nessa época do jogo, e você ficará mais forte pelo resto do jogo. Você será capaz até mesmo de correr sobre ela E contanto que você tenha Proto para evitar o resto
o dano dela. Mais tarde, ela não tem chance na sidelane, e você pode facilmente derrubá-la em teamfights. Lembre-se de que Taliyah é mais rápida que a maioria dos campeões, então você precisa usar seu W de forma um pouco diferente ao longo do jogo. ”
Geomine says “this depend on how good the taliyah player is, try to not get hit by her E by using your E speed, you can trade fairly if you play correct, but try to not overforce trades, you can outsustain her poke later in lane and you outscale her if she doesnt snowball”
Coach Myga says “Taliyah is one of the hardest match ups for Kindred right now, her clear is extremely fast & healthy, she can move across the map faster than Kindred by running beside walls with her passive & she also has a huge AOE ability that makes the game unplayable. It's not that she will kill you, she just makes the game extremely hard to navigate & to fulfil your win conditions as Kindred. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Taliyah has good pressure in the early game. Make sure you place vision in the river or at her jungle entrances to spot her before she is able to get a gank off. Post 6, Taliyah can gank from afar thanks to her Ultimate Weaver's Wall(R). Try to place vision inside her jungle whenever her Ultimate is up. Taliyah doesn’t have amazing Dragon or Rift Herald control in the early game. If you can, try to take these objectives before she is able to get help from a nearby lane.”
Saltu says “Dodge knock up and mind her zhonyas, she's 100% getting one. once she's empty RUSH AND KILL. Well... rush and kill from the beginning but while doing the above.
Ever since her changes she is an actual menace so show respect... to this little piece of shit.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Taliyah has good pressure in the early game. Make sure you place vision in the river or at her jungle entrances to spot her before she is able to get a gank off. Post 6, Taliyah can gank from afar thanks to her Ultimate Weaver's Wall(R). Try to place vision inside her jungle whenever her Ultimate is up. Taliyah doesn’t have amazing Dragon or Rift Herald control in the early game. If you can, try to take these objectives before she is able to get help from a nearby lane.”
lumihehe says “if you somehow manage to ever get close to taliyah, for example if one of your teammates hits a big cc on her you can just kill her super easily, but if that's not the case and you don't have ult to slow her down, she will kite you forever until you die. really depends.”
Salmon Kid says “Taliyah is pretty strong this patch and can be deceptively difficult to verse. Taliyah's e stuns you if you w in it and she can go banshee's which makes this match up a little harder. She also scales well, but with Force of Nature you will usually outvalue her in fights and beat her handily. ”
[Taliyah is a hard champion to play, but if you know how to play her, you're basically able to carry your team easily. As Rammus, she'll deal a lot of damage especially in the earlygame, so don't try to fight her if she isn't disadvantaged. Her weaknesses are that your Q and R make you able to dodge her W and her Q, your R can also go above her R. Your Q doesn't proc her E but your R does, so be aware.]
NegativePhoenix says “Taliyah has a decent kit for slowing you down, but not the greatest. She can hurt but you do damage more than she does in the late game and heal back alot. Just don't use your Q to dash around in her E zone or you'll get stunned for it. Dodge her W and she'll have no choice but to flash or use her E, which you can easily dodge by dashing in front of her. Her 2 saving abilities are pointless if she can't land them. ”
NixLychee says “An annoying champion in the early game with tons of damage and range, although she is quite squishy and immobile, so Lee sin is able to capitalize on that fairly easily.”
NegativePhoenix says “Her rework has made her a MASSIVE pain to fight against. With a faster firing W and an E that stuns you plus bursts you, once she gets her first item, usually Ludens, she can one shot mostly anyone squishy including you. Don't try to engage her unless you can catch her off guard and burst her down fast enough or she'll win the burst fight”
One Stab says “Taliyah is about one of the strongest early game junglers so it is tough to deal with her. You can only try to catch her off guard. Bait out her Mine field and try to dodge her W. ”
Majd1 says “Play for your spears, because if you land spears she is a free oneshot. Moreover, you should win if you dodge her W and do NOT jump in unless she has used her W. If you get hit by her W you get oneshot.”
YoungTact says “Taliyah and poppy jungle have very simliar playstyles where you both just want to snowball your dark harvest and gank. It's going to come down to who can execute the ganks better and who's teammates can respect the enemy jungler more. If u catch her on a wall stall its generally a kill due to how squishy she is. ”
metalhydra273 says “Taliyah can be annoying if she's able to burst you. If you can dodge her w though, you can run her down and kill her pretty easily. Be wary for her lvl 6 ganks though, as she can cut you off from your team and will likely be the first one there.”
Janooobi says “Miss your Q and she will turn and kill you only commit if you know you will land it, her gank are terrible if you counter gank her look for that”
Consolo says “Catch her. Kill her. :|. We can E movespeed to get out of her E->W combo, and she is not really strong right now! If you're in a teamfight, try to tank her Q with your W if your carries cannot avoid it. Keep her from snowballing and she should be an easy matchup.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Taliyah's kit is absolutely fascinating. Not only her potential for pickoffs and DPS should be respected, but also her Ultimate has multiple utilities which Lulu JG, as many other junglers, cannot follow. All this, associated with her mobility capabilities, turn her into a very complicated matchup, especially challenging to predict.
On the other hand, Lulu JG can become a nightmare to Mages, if she is able to itemize properly. Still, because of the of grandness of Taliyah's Ultimate, at least in theory, we should conceive a regular ban.”
Coach Myga says “Taliyah is similar to Nidalee in terms of high AP damage & gank ability. I think she is a slightly easier match up due to her lower mobility. I often run rune page #1, #4 or #5 into her. If possible I like running #5 into her, but it needs to be helpful versus the rest of her team for me to pick it. ”
Elekktro says “Good Taliyah players will destroy you early game due to her ability to kite you. Her ganks are generally better than Viego's, however once you get a couple items she can no longer kite you without flash.”
J98TheGreat says “Don't chase her and don't dash through her rocks. Focus on chasing everyone else first in team fights and leave her to assassins if you have some. Your E can delete a segment of her wall. You both have entirely different strengths, but this is very doable.”
NMFO says “Nobody plays this champion anymore. Even fewer play her well. Don't be too stressed out. Good kiting, her E and W combo is bad for you. Again, she has like a 0.4% pick rate though so who cares.”
leoviniciux says “Possui alto dano, além de poder caitar a Vi com facilidade, já que pode facilmente conseguir velocidade de movimento adicional e/ou reduzir a velocidade de movimento de inimigos em área. Também pode impedir avanços da Vi com seu W e isolar grupos de inimigos com sua ult.”
Brosinex says “Uno de los enfrentamientos más fáciles es muy blando y no tiene un infierno de movilidad, simplemente roba todos sus campamentos después del nivel 6. No puede hacer nada sin sus compañeros de equipo en tu contra.”
Da Mastah says “Easy Money, no really. Whenever I'm up against her I consider her as 300 gold bonus for invading. The only move she possibly has thwarting your plans is her w, after you dodge that with your q its freelo.”
Citric says “Taliyah can be quite a threat since she is very high tempo and moves around the map very fast. She farms and ganks well. She can kite you pretty hard if you run into her. Try to split the map when playing against a Taliyah.”
Pusi Puu says “Really broken at the moment. Once you are on her she dies instantly. So make sure to mirrior her pathing or invade her, don't let her get away with free ganks. When she gets seekers/zhonyas you pretty much lose unless you are really fed and jump onto her in a bush. She can kite you down with her q and once she hits her combo you are dead.”
KamiKZ says “Due to her fast early game clear she will be on the map a bit sooner than you and often looking to make an early play so look to punish her and secure vision to inform your team so they can react accordingly. This is a matchup where you can jump on her early and win in most cases as long as you combo properly. You should gain a larger advantage as the game progresses as Kha Zix will usually outscale.”
LordGrox says “Not seen much anymore, but regardless her E is the biggest threat she has to offer. If you can avoid getting stunned, she should be a free kill on sight.”
Polarshift says “Extremely annoying abilities to verse against. First of all she is AP. Second of all, you are a champion that wants to get close to his enemies and she wants the exact opposite. To finish, her abilities just counter you to oblivion (Q does counter you, but her E is the ultimate counter since you cannot dash in it and you'll get stunned.) You want to run Fleet or even Phase Rush (meh) and get an MR item.”
Veralion says “I don't get why people still play this, honestly. The only threatening thing on the entire champion is her W. Avoid that ability at all costs, you'll take a tremendous amount of damage. If you juke or flash it, she's absolutely helpless and very easily run down with a red buff. Your W makes you too fast for her to connect with more than 1 or 2 rocks of her Q. Post 6 just throw yourself at her and collect your money. ”
Goldenstinger says “Very strong early - will try get on the map lvl 3. Try and counter what you can. You probably wont kill but you will stop the snowball. Post this go back to farming - you outscale - try and counter gank where you can and get deep wards down. ”
LukaBre123 says “Taliyah is a MAJOR threat not because she can burst you but because she will slow you a lot with her E and poke you even through your passive.”
Tormentula says “Taliyah's E rocks will trigger if you use Venomous Bite since its a dash. Be careful not to kill yourself on her rocks, but if you do catch her with cocoon you can destroy her. Its basically a matter of if she lands her W on you or not, so I recommend being prepared to rappel it and get on top of her. Do not try walking up to her, her Q will chunk you. Respect her ultimate's counter ganking potential in the mid game.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Dark Harvest
ITEMS: Banshee's Veil if her team has a lot of AP. Mercury's Treads if her team is full of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Taliyah is a powerful mage jungler with good early ganks, but she tends to fall off late game if she doesn't get a lead. She relies completely on skillshots, use your movement speed to keep running around her, dealing damage and dodging her abilities, her W is her only form of hard CC, you can deny a huge part of her burst combo by avoiding it. Using your W on top of her E landmines activates them, so only use it if you can afford tanking the damage. Beware her counterganks with her ult and always be ready for a 2v2. She's also pretty immobile, so your ult should be a guaranteed kill on her on most situations.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. You can always 1v1 Taliyah and contest Taliyahs camps aslong as you dodge her E or Q with your E. If you are behind you can buy Hexdrinker and you should still be able to 1v1 her as long as she is not miles ahead of you. ”
Kayncer says “Haven´t seen Taliyah in like ever, but she is easy to invade early and also just like Kindred scales a lot, she is fast on the map so make sure your not making to many bad decisions”
Karasmai says “The reason she fits under hard is because she will DESTROY a Rhaast so i will always recommend going Blue and if you go blue you must snowball before she gets zhonya, otherwise it’ll take a long time to out dmg it enough to burst thru the zhonya. She's not too hard to ignore tho so you can always dive her backline. She farms pretty fast but kinda weak early so if you can look to invade as much as possible.”
ak521 says “This is more of a "who is better" match up... an experienced Taliyah can be a pain in the ass for you and your teammates while a newbie one may almost guarantee a win and allow you to 1v1 them. Try following them where they gank and get them behind as it's slightly hard for Taliyah to get back up with a weak early. Likewise it's hard to put down a Taliyah with a strong lead unless she throws.”
Frozerlol says “She's free food in the early game under Diamond 3 because noone know how to play her properly but she will be a pain in the butt in the late.”
Rhoku says “Taliyah is very annoying to deal with due to her movement speed and her self peel. It is small but very quick so she can easily put you in a position where you eat a full combo. She is not as difficult to get to as Kindred though. Once you stay on her, MAKE SURE not to be knocked back. Ghost helps with this a lot. Just don't take too much ranged damage so that once you get to her, you just kill her straight up. Taliyah can be very devastating when fed so try not to die to her too much. She is VERY EASY to oneshot once she is in your melee range though.”
izzlelol says “One of the easiest matchups very squishy and has no mobility hell just steal all her camps after level 6. She can't do anything without her teammates against you.”
himmispiderman says “Try your best to dodge his shots and when he has no mana, he doesn't have a chance against you. Just E him to a wall Q him while he is stunned then R him so if he flashes or dashes or anything you W so you gain movement speed and then he should be dead.”
colingogo says “You farm faster, kill faster, are invisible, and more mobile. Literally hit six then kill her off R cd in her jungle. Unplayable matchup for Taliyah.”
OnlyEkko77 says “You don't see her often so don't worry to much, her range and damage, with her cc can be annoying and hard to handle at the early stages of the game. ”
manco1 says “Taliyah's one shot potential on you is strong so you just want to avoid her. Don't go for counter ganks just work on tracking her movements to help out your team. ”
RichMrFork says “Taliyah by herself isn't a threat. Her burst combo is extremely easy to dodge with your mobility. The threat of Taliyah comes with the champs she is paired with. Pantheon and other point and click champs paired with her is an extremely volatile combo. Champs that can guarantee her combo allow her to thrive. Solo. she isn't too bad. Dodge her W and she should be free pickings. ”
Ejsner says “Taliyah's early game advantage from her passive allows her to strike first while maintaining strong clear speed. However, engaging her directly can result in taking significant damage and possibly being one-shotted by her combo. Prevent her from dominating the map too early by staying proactive. Avoid full clears and focus on anticipating her early ganks for counter opportunities. Coordinate with your team for a level 1 ward to track her movements and refrain from engaging directly, as her rock throws can now stun and interrupt your jumps, leaving you vulnerable to her combo.”
SaintsBeast says “Taliyah is a complete counter for Nunu jungle for several reasons. 1 being that her airborne can completely stop your snowball and ult, here ult can stop your pathing for you snowball, and lastly her bed of rocks makes you run through a bunch of damage while on your snowball. Avoid Taliyah at all costs. ”
liserith says “Avoid her knockup and you'll be fine. Her damage output is nothing to sneeze at however, and if you're forced to Q away from her W, you'll take substantial damage from her E. If she's extremely fed, she can also one shot you, but since her ult is a wall, you can hop over it for extra distance. ”
C7 Lord Pingu says “She will one shot with her combo like she does to most squishies, but you outscale pretty fast and usually landing one stun should be a free kill. You can use your ult to dodge her E and mine field.”
KaynPlayer814 says “If she gets ahead she can perma chill in your jungle. If she wont get a lead in the early game you outscale her really hard if go BlueKayn because you can just oneshot her. If you go RedKayn you can stack a lot of MR so she wont deal DMG to you. Your goal is to survive early game and get your form asap.”
RedNBlue says “You can out damage her early game and she's really squishy early game but she can very much out play you if you get to close and fall into her rock field and get shoved by a rock and then get rocks thrown at you but still. Tough Lillia.”
Schadenfreude says “Very dominant jungler right now. try to play around your team and dodge her cc ability. If you manage to do this, then you have my permission to flash on her and tear her up. She does have a lot of kiting potential though so if you don't have flash, do not fight her. ”
Karthus man says “Taliyah isn't played a lot, but people good at her, are really hard to beat. The way to beat her is by scaling and killing her fast while she focuses your team.”
Maile says “Taliyah is surprisingly annoying because she can avoid you early but if you fight her early, you will come out on top and snowball. Track her diligently because she can scale super hard into the mid-late game. ”
KevinThyAsian says “Taliyah is weird, I don’t like vs’ing her. But no one plays her. She one shots you like butter, a good taliyah is hard to verse, catch her off guard in her jg and try to kill her, counterganking is also easy, but engaging her when she has everything up is risky.”
Minase says “This is a joke of a matchup, you do everything she does infinitely better and there's nothing she can do about it. Literally the only way you lose the game is by disconnecting.”
DemacianStandard says “Free invades without counterplay. Just use an Oracle Lens while doing so. Play around their early game and invade if they attempt a gank. ”
DixeyNormis says “tal has a good anti Wowo... good range, hard hitter and an a little faster than wolfman early on try your best to read jg and place wards and encourage your team to also do this.”
Dopamine_influx says “One shot her with triple Q early ! Try to get early vision and guess her first gank, or guess if she fullclears and invade accordingly. If you're not sure, try to end up on the same scuttle and fight there. If she starts blue, go red blue red, it works most of the time (ward her raptors early). You win even without triple Q tho.”
Xeldom says “Easy match-up. Do not let her land her e/w combo on you. Keep vision control of the river. She is weak in 2v2's if you have ultimate ready. Make sure to invade her and kill her when she uses her abilities on camps.”
AWierdShoe says “Hard matchup. Taliyah has more range than you with her Q and can kite you hard (though you can avoid it with your E). If you try to run, she can use her E+W combo to knock you back into her and burst you down with her AP damage. Best thing to do is try to invade early and rush Hexdrinker.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “She isn't very popular nowadays so you won't see her much. If you do, you can invade her with red buff cheese. Try not to hop over her "minefield".”
Hide on Nidalee says “Who plays Taliyah??? Ok, no matter, its a skill match too, but you have a little advantage that is your Q range, if you be able to hit her with a Q at maximus range you can kill her easy”
DarkPit59 says “Taliyah Jungle est un excellent pick qui possède de quoi vous punir quand elle vous trouve dans sa jungle. Elle contre votre E amélioré avec son défilage tellurique. Elle peut également setup d'énormes ganks avec son ultime. Trackez la dans sa jungle quand son ultime est indisponible car elle reste un mage fragile.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Her combo is easy to dodge for you and she is an easy burst target. Be careful with counterganks at lv 3, it might go really bad for you. If she snowballs try to crossmap and stay relevant, you will outscale.”
Morzanoth says “Taliyah is a bit of a tough match up. She can harass you while keeping her distance and deny you dashing on her with her shove. She will clear faster than you but she is more cooldown reliant than you are. If you can get on her you can kill her as long as you are the same level. At level 6 you can get a little more aggressive but be careful. If you land your ult you should almost always kill her. She has a lot of map presence due to her passive and ult so look to punish her with counter jungling where possible. ”
SR Trogo says “Taliyah is here because a good one can send you away from her team with her W, but the main problem is the wall. You can't pass the wall, so she will split your team when taking objectives and make the whole thing a hell. Fortunately she's quite weak when she's counterganked once her W is on cooldown.”
Maltz says “Taliyahs effectivness scales really hard off the player playing her. avoid getting hit by her combo with by using you R and you should win”
Killerbacca10 says “You body her. Don't 1v1 her. However in teamfights you want walk forward and she dies. She can outplay you if shes good so don't get too cocky.”
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