Mid Lane 49.49% Win Rate80% Pick RateAkali Mid Lane Counters: 41 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Akali in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “Akali wont be this hard she just has a lot of sustain so you wont really be able to hill her and after 6 she will be able to kill you (unless you use your ult to get away) + you wont be able to get Q+E as many times so try to poke her more with Q+AA+Q recast.Definitely go electrocute and teleport or even ignite if you are confident.”
BesXbola says “Akali and talon are almost the same matchup, both can kill you just as fast as you can kill them. Dont waste your W and your passive if she has E or R up otherwise she will just full combo you to death while you stand there not being able to do anything. After 6 you have huge kill pressure (she does too)”
ArcaneHerald says “Good akali can always find ways to hunt you down. you can survive on mid but when you go sidelaning be very careful.
Having Flash is good but it still won't solve your problem vs good akali.”
star zall says “Terrible matchup for Veigar, it used to be in favor of him or even, now it's a lot harder ever since the item changes. I usually go unsealed spellbook into shurelia into E max”
minutua says “Pega TP com eletrocutar. Desvie de tudo dela e acerte tudo. Presta atencao na energia dela, ja q a akali soh consegue usar o Q duas vezes antes de ter q usar o W pra ganhar energia. ”
Lunar1v9 says “I mean, you cant really do much against her ur e barely outranges her q just try to farm and play safe she has 3 ways she can take out ur ultimate so watch out for that. In sidelane after 11 it s kind of hard but u can manage to do it if u play it perfectly, Level 16 you hard beat her so play for that”
GAMING ACADEMY says “During the first six levels, you have a significant advantage over Akali, but the matchup becomes much tougher after level 6. Since it's challenging to force her out of the lane, it’s usually best to opt for the First Strike scaling rune page.”
zSmoke says “Playing against Akali is complicated because she will always be poking you and if Akali is good she will be able to cancel your E reset with her dash. Her W makes it complicated when you want to trade, it is best to play passive and not be able to trade a lot against Akali because you will go to base and lose XP.”
3nfy_no3 says “she often will out trade you unless you get item first Akali is an assassin that ignite is useless against unless she tower dives she wins 1-3 every time”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Conqueror. Easy matchup. Must space properly or you'll get messed up. Respect her damage with ignite although that is quite rare nowadays. Once you have catalyst and the game is even, you shouldn't struggle too much against her. A single MR item is enough to ruin her day.”
xumi_k says “dashy flashy
Akali players are very different. She relies heavily on her dashes and the smoke, so that you can't see her and land your E (you'll miss it probably if she's hidden). Try to bait it, as it has longer cooldown than your E. Watch the energy bar. All in if it's low, and if you know she'll dash at you with her E, put your E to stun her the moment she reaches you, or just W her dash. At the start of the game you can take Oracle lense instead of a yellow ward and use it to see her in the smoke. I don't do that usually, only if they got Teemo and a Jhin in their team. This matchup used to be quite hard for me though first few times :( Still, AP champ so Mercs and Wit's end are good into her.”
Cepatrol says “If she doesn't have TP nonstop auto her early even if she qs you, if she has fleet you will win auto battle with electro and setup the lane for success, her ult is impossible to react pool, you have to predict it”
stefanko says “Generally hard matchup if you dont snowball. Cheese her level 1 in third lane bush, she is very weak level 1, and snowball off of that. Later on never q on her outside of minion wave (inside wave minions will tank her e) as she is just gonna e your q and outtrade you. (lethal tempo or grasp, ignite with lt, tp with grasp) (can also run tp ignite)”
xKaitoLive says “Take second wind and ignore her in lane. You can somehow come ahead before lvl 6 if she trades really bad. After 6 she can basically kill you for free so try to lock for jungle or sidelane fights and get an advantage. ”
Tamikaze says “Akali is a very tricky lane for Azir. The biggest issue with Akali is that her W can pressure Azir without him having the chance to respond. You goal in this lane is to farm and poke when you can. Focus on dodging her E as much as possible. If you tank an E from her, it will be focused up by auto+q+auto+q and you will lose a minimum 60% hp from it. Also, if it's post 6, she will just ult immediately forcing you to dash away or burn your flash. Just play around your tower and try to prevent any unnecessary damage if possible. RESPECT THE W!”
MattStyle says “Los personajes cuerpo a cuerpo suelen ser sencillos porque tu slow te permite acertar fácilmente tu doble Q y frenar sus intentos de acercarse.
Ten cuidado con su E y su daño sorpresivo. Aléjate de su W. ”
j4ss says “She can go full sustain with fleet + d shield + second wind, etc but your poke is still strong. Max Q is not a thing since she can easily avoid the damage with her infinite dashes. Go Comet and Max W. but rush your AD asap so you can fight her level 6 all-in. Akali have one of the worse base armors in the game.”
Tatsurion says “Tips for akali:
When she shrouds, use your soldiers to attack minions, this will reveal her if shes standing on top of them
Keep a soldier under your tower if you think she is going to shuriken you, the moment she does dash under your turret and watch her flash out or outright die stupidly, they all fall for this.
Post 6 shes a bitch to deal with but pre 6 she is completely yours, she cant deal with the range
Conq/Burst are both fine”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [no items counter this demon]
*you never win 1v1s, she can't be stunned or ganked, all you can do is push back waves or freeze to make her stay mid. keep your hp high at all times. akali can dive you, you don't wanna die to her she will snowball*”
Vladmidir says “Try not to interact with Akali, this matchup is definitely winnable, but this champ's damage can come out of nowhere. Try to outfarm her and you will outscale her by your first item. Be mindful of her E2 dmg and make sure to pool BEFORE she hits you. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable, d shield or resolve second can help if you struggle to survive early.
Akali can pressure you very hard early game. Stay safe and poke, get minions/xp where possible.
Your short trades past lvl4 are very favorable for you, try to dodge her e as much as possible.
Her shroud makes it hard for you to hit your q's, as she goes invisible. If you're bad at predicting her movement or she's just too good get a sweeper.
Her high mobility makes landing your combo very difficult.
You can use backwards combos if she marks you with your E to avoid a long trade.
If you throw your combo in line with the dash direction of her R you can chunk her very easily.”
5guzKAO5 says “Very easy to poke and kill before level 6, but she scales much faster and better than Zoe so you should just counter-roam or keep her in lane and poke from far away with Q+R.”
BrMario1011 says “You can MAYBE kill her 1-3 if u play like a god but after that you never do, she does NOT take damage because of her extra mr, early hp and regen, she can harass u very well and burst u, also can dodge ur w and r, NEVER engage on her with W after 6 since she can just all in u lol, if she hits her E on you, W under your tower to get maybe a cheese kill if shes stupid (CANCER CHAMP)
go phase rush,bone plating and tp
Dorans ring”
orka4.sandraj says “Akali is only a threat if you all-in her. If she uses her E, you can use yours to heal or push her back. Beware of her W because it messes with your berserk. You are undiveable most of the time because of your CC and healing.”
Viktorias Secret says “Pretty much every single high mobility assassin, works for Fizz/Ekko/Talon.....
Don't expect your Q shield to mitigate any significant damages and your W will be kinda useless before teamfights.
Your E2 will never hit and your ult won't either after first tic of damage.
Do your best early and prepare for late to do more than them with you AoE.”
Shifty says “If she gets ahead in lane, you lose. If Corki gets ahead in lane, she loses. Try to sus out the player's skill level. If you are the better player, you win this lane.”
Baby_Driver says “Pre-6 you beat her with good kiting.
Her lvl 6 is one of the biggest power spikes in the game, so if u want to kill her after 6, you want to ask jungler for help.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate push waves and harass her. Can be annoying due to having high HP reg + Dshield + second wind rune which allow her to tank alot of autos. If she Shrouds and starts trading try to stand inside of your minions to avoid her hitting her E, as this is alot of her damage.”
sick204 says “Respect Akali's mobility and burst potential with her abilities, especially her Q and E. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Akali's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Akali's W, as it can obscure her location and make it difficult for Yasuo to target her effectively. Utilize W to block Akali's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce her damage output. Engage on Akali when her abilities are on cooldown or when she's low on energy, as she can be vulnerable during these times.”
Thien Vu says “i hate akali , her ap take lots damage her can using W and then approach you to spam her skill , you cant see her before her using skill . tips : when her W use E to enter the smoke , when you hit her with E . using W to know where her are , use Q to active intrinsic , this will stun her and tank damage ”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “Not a major threat. TAKE IGNITE! She uses her cloud? easy just double Q at her cloud. She just stabbed you with her E? Ok, once she dashes to you, just E her and W away and yeah (given this is pre 6, if she has ult you might be dead so thats why you must know how to make the wave favorable to you) overall, not an easy matchup but not a hard one either.”
SkandalloTV says “Extremely annoying match up. Her movement speed and invisibility makes it hard to hit your abilities. If you're even, she usually wins 1v1 if she has defensive runes. It is better to fight with your team.”
otaliz says “Akali is like other melee assassin champions. You can definitely win trades pre-level 6 if you play correctly. Poke her whenever she goes to farm, and move away a little when she uses her W. Keep the wave on your side of the map to force her towards you to farm and make herself vulnerable to ganks. However, be careful with her 2 biggest power spikes, the level 6 all-in and when she buys Stormsurge.”
Desperate Nasus says “You barely outrange her Q range with your E so with that being said dont look for any extended trades against her and farm safely till your level 6 and blasting want. After that try to take short trades using your Q through minions AA + E and then go back. You cant really get killed on midlane since its a short lane but even after level 11 she wins you on sidelane because she can force your R with 3 different ways and has the most dangerous gap closers. Doran's Blade as your starting item.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] Play PTA + Boneplate push waves and harass her. Can be annoying due to having high HP reg + Dshield + second wind rune which allow her to tank alot of autos.
If she Shrouds and starts trading try to stand inside of your minions to avoid her hitting her E, as this is alot of her damage.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield. Its insane she will dodge everything you do. NEVER LET HER HIT YOU WITH HER E. And NEVER fight with her in the smoke bombs she will kill you with her R and you will do basically nothing to her.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Do your best to chip down Akali with basic attacks and Bouncing Bombs throughout the early lane phase, as she can't respond too well besides with her Q.
Be on guard against her E constantly, and remember that you can cancel it with a well-timed Satchel placed under yourself.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Flat HP. First strike rune.
You win early but can't really kill her due to dshield + second wind. Play for first strike golds and prio, after 6 don't step too far on the lane or she'll just run you down. Overall play for prio and help your team. If you can get decent chunks on her from afar it's good, but don't get greedy and come too close or she'll kill you.”
Fienny says “Well, hard to punish on lane. I ban this champ. She won't le you proc passive by w-ing all the time. First Strike here and outroam otherwise you'll lose.”
awawa says “Passive goes brrrr. You can always stomp her in lane, and your W hard counters any engage. Unless you waste your fear and let her perform her stupid combos on you, you win.”
ShokLoL says “Generally ranged champs can bully Akali pre 6, but it can be hard to actually force her out of lane. You should focus on crashing the first 2 or 3 waves and then trying to keep the wave on your side as much as possible. This will limit her opportunities to chase you down the wave. Whenever she uses her E or W, respect until they are gone and then you can play more aggressively during the long cooldown window. It's hard to bully Akali out of lane but you should eventually outscale as long as she doesn't get too many kills from early skirmishes. You can opt to play tank azir in this matchup if you prefer.
MageSept says “Akali is supposed to get slightly ahead in lane and then you outscale her. She scales pretty well, but it's not comparable with Veigar. ”
ShokLoL says “You can bully Akali pre 6 but it's hard to force her out of lane. You should focus on crashing the first 2 or 3 waves and then trying to keep the wave on your side as much as possible. This will limit her opportunities to chase you down the wave. Whenever she uses her E or W, respect until they are gone and then you can play more aggressively during the long cooldown window. Ultimately, you should be mainly looking to scale and slow down her snowball.
ShokLoL says “While it's hard to push Akali out of lane, you can just take first strike and go eclipse and she will never be able to beat you in a 1v1. You should focus on crashing the first 2 or 3 waves and then trying to keep the wave on your side as much as possible. This will limit her opportunities to chase you down the wave. Whenever she uses her E or W, respect until they are gone and then you can play more aggressively during the long cooldown window.
Soft Headpats says “You're usually unable to kill her early because of Doran's Shield + Fleet Footwork + Second Wind + natural high regen. Focus on poking when Manaflow is up and keeping the wave towards your side of the lane, or else she'll run you down if she finds an opening.
The main thing with Akali is playing around her shroud (W) CD, which has a 20 sec CD at all ranks. When she uses it, immediately back off, but once it fades away you have a large window to pressure her. If she lands E1, be patient with your EQ to cancel her E2. If your EQ isn't up to cancel E2, be prepared to use WW to block damage otherwise it's going to hurt.
Once she hits 6, she will look to roam more or all-in you. Do not panic if she ults onto you, just make use of your WQ or WW to create some distance or block damage. As long as you are close to your turret you shouldn't die.
Like with any other assassin outside of the laning phase, you want to make it as hard as possible for them to get onto you in the first place, or else you'll likely pop. ”
ShokLoL says “Generally ranged champs can bully Akali pre 6, but it can be hard to actually force her out of lane. You should focus on crashing the first 2 or 3 waves and then trying to keep the wave on your side as much as possible. This will limit her opportunities to chase you down the wave. Whenever she uses her E or W, respect until they are gone and then you can play more aggressive during the long cooldown window.”
ShokLoL says “Akali is quite hard to move out of lane but she can't really kill you unless you stand too far up in the lane. I would run first strike in this matchup and play to scale. Eventually you will have enough waveclear to keep her pinned to tower while you move around and make plays.”
Reflaxs says “She's quite good pick against you. You can Windwall her e or q, but she's going to get you anyway with her ult. If you're good enough you can kill her if you can catch her with your tornado. [Easier to catch with Dash-Tornado] Most of them tries to all in to you with their Ult, so they can E to your face, resulting an easy Shuriken catch. If you Dash away, or put your Windwall at the right place, and dodge her e, than she's dead. Her major dmg is from her second time casting E. You can dash through minions too, and let her panic throw her abilities, and then she's a free kill. If you want to fight her, try to go in when she doesn't have much energy, or ult. But be aware, because great Akali players can stomp you easily, if you lose focus.”
AWierdShoe says “Utilize your passive shield to block some of her Q poke and only go in for trades once she's used up most of her energy for poke/push. Her shroud has a 2-second longer cooldown than your level 1 E, so use that 2 second window if she walks close when your taunt gets up after her W if it's up. Try to look for extended trades pre-6, because after 6 she will just hunt you down unless you’re MUCH healthier than her at the start of the trade.
Deceiver_euw says “Akali matchup is decided by her rune and item setup. If she disrespects you and doesnt take dshield + 2nd wind, you will mureder her 1v1 as LeBlanc. If she takes the infinite sustain setup and buys MR or HP early it becomes really hard to punish her so just dont flip ego 1v1s with her and look to kill her with your teammates since you can reveal her in her shroud with E and shes a free kill at that point for your jungler. Very important matchup to always have 1 distortion ready for safety (either W or RW). Akali is a very ult dependant champion and if you can bait her R out and use your dashes to run away, you have a timer where you are favoured in the 1v1. ”
plankbro says “This one is rough early. She will poke you and all in you with ignite and there isn't much you can do about it, however come mid-game and late game, she can do nothing to stop your push. Trade early but don't hope for a kill unless your jungler ganks you and depending on whether your enemy Akali takes ignite or teleport, you can punish. An Akali with teleport can't pressure you as hard early so you might trade evenly, but if she takes ignite, make sure she is either dead or has to back after she all-in's you and then TP back to lane for a free plate. High early-game threat, but her reliance on sidelane ganks means you will be munching on plates and towers all game.”
ShokLoL says “Akali is quite hard to move out of lane but she can't really kill you unless you stand too far up in the lane. I would run first strike in this matchup and play to scale. The main thing to be aware of in this matchup is your positioning in skirmishes/teamfights as if Akali finds access you to while you're alone you'll probably die.”
vSomnia says “Akali has to be the worst matchup possible for ekko. I'd suggest to perma ban it every game you play. I haven't found any way to beat this champ like ever. Whole kit counters yours.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Hard matchup tbh... try to play safe, poke and u wanna need help of ur jg if u want kills. For this match i like use the antitank build, but if the enemy team dont have tanks, go the normal build but buy Liandry's Torment to burn her and know where she's when it's invisible.
Runes: Aery with Scorch, is good for see her on his W.
ESP: : Para ser honesto, un matchup difícil... jugá safe, pushea siempre que puedas y vas a necesitar la ayuda de tu jg si queeres kills. Me gusta usar la build antitanque, pero si el equipo enemigo no tiene tanques, usá la build normal pero comprá el Tormento de Liandry para quemarla y saber dónde está cuando está invisible.
Runas: Aery con Quemadura, es buena para verla en su W.
Tratá de rushear el Zhonyas.”
FelixMrChat says “Yes, yes, dashes are fun. A particularly difficult matchup to manage given that the kill potential is close to zero. Usually the Rylai rush is advised to secure the kills, but in the case of Akali I prefer to start from the principle that whatever happens I will not be able to kill her, and thus rush the Liandry which gives enormous damage. You can also more or less take Mercury treads, or a Megatron cloak if you really don't feel like it in anticipation of taking a Kroakern as a second or third item. It is still good to note that overall, by being very passive and equal with Akali in terms of farm, you will have much more impact. In addition, if you find opportunities to roam bot lane, you can quickly take the lead, so it is a winning matchup in terms of winrate for Swain, but which represents quite big risks if played badly. In this kind of matchup, farming is essential.”
Desepture says “Cant really touch her when she's in her shroud. All you can do is Q or R somewhere out. Your W and E cant hit her and she'll be able to get her rotations out more than you while shes in her shroud. I ban Akali always. AKALI IS MY PERSONAL KRYPTONITE IDK WHY
Kikife says “Due to her W being able to cancel out your Q and AA's, Akali is a major lane threat. When she pops her shadow bomb, stay back and make sure you farm minions with W staying far enough back until her shroud has ended. She will most likely turn to farm minions with Q as she spends time looking for an E pick on you, so whilst her W is on cooldown look for easy poke.”
sethpls says “Insufferable matchup. Max E first. You're gonna have a rough time hitting Q, and E can reveal her in her W smoke screen. HOB has worked well for me early. Poke her down. I also suggest the tankier build. The extra HP goes a long way in surviving her burst. Level 6 you need to play so so super safe and farm farm farm.”
gaarrett says “Fun lane, skill matchup. Akali W prevents your passive autos or W from connecting. Hold E until she Q's at level one, then take the trade. [4/5] ult, great for single-target burst or extra mobility. ”
Jhippie says “basically any assassins can mitigate your extended trade damage by killing you. You can outplay with your E but if theyre good itll still get you.”
MukiiBaa says “winnable pre 6, after 6 she just stomps you with her high mobility and dmg if you are not careful enough. If she cant kill you in lane be sure she will get some kills in other lanes”
149Gray says “Q her every time she's in range, if she doesn't have tp, you might even try to set up a kill, don't take extended trades, just short ones. You can't react to her ult with pool, it just hits you in it unless she is ulting you from max range, so you need to predict it.”
KAUSM says “the smoke in the lane its pretty anoying and she will destroy the sidelane!
your need the vision every second because you dont wanna face check against this!”
JackOfAllLanes says “Hold your charm until Akali E2 and it's a guaranteed hit unless she ults behind you before you have the chance to hit it. If possible, use R to make her E2 under your tower so she can't R further into tower range. This not only denys her an R opportunity but also will most probably make her flash to dodge the E. Heavy Roaming potential. ”
GreenCoffee says “Hard to play vs she has more dmg in early game and its hard to hit W she can just use the smoke and E and she escaped also she has a lot of dashes.”
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is pretty favorable for Anivia. Look to Q when she goes to last hit and AA for electrocute procs. You can always out space her Q's with correct positioning. Use wall to bait her E out then look with wall again when it is off CD for trades. Once she is at 30% hp she is in lethal range.”
wundrew says “My go-to counter when someone takes my Katarina. Try to farm with Q and go electrocute if you want to trade with her. You always lose extended trades so never over-extend when she's level 6.”
SurferKiller says “Play safe until 6. If she didn't get ahead, wait for her to use her smoke bomb (W) close to your tower, then all in. If she did get ahead, call your jungler.”
CulturalYokai says “skill matchup, you can see where she at when she uses W with your E, use your W wisely, try to kill pre 6, play safe post lvl 6, late game stay safe but you might kill her and might one shot her ”
KazunaSan says “avantage pour akali malgré un match up skillé, vous devez être irréprochable pour la battre, cancel de son E avec votre E, R pour disengage son R2 ou l'enlever de sa smoke, vous ne pourrez jamais la tuer en lane si elle décide de go doran shield fleet footwork.
Scaling OK car one shot.”
Fkorrie says “Normally not the worst matchup but 14.1 AP items are really strong so Akali is pretty tough to vs.
Dodge her E at all cost or W behind you and throw your combo to even out the trade.
If you can predict the 2nd part of her ult with your ult you can dodge her damage and kill her easily.
When she is in her shroud (W) you can try to predict where she is but she is likely going to jump on you immediately so only do so from a safe range.”
ego 69 says “i just ban whatever is op since zed can play it safe if he wants to, there are match up that are harder than other for sure but as an otp you should be able to play them, or roam”
FrostbiteMW says “super annoying to play since she can dash alot and turn invisible with her shroud. You have the advantage pre 6, but afterwards its lowkey unplayable. Try to play safe and farm.”
FrostbiteMW says “super annoying to play since she can dash alot and turn invisible with her shroud. You have the advantage pre 6, but afterwards its lowkey unplayable. Try to play safe and farm.”
FrostbiteMW says “super annoying to play since she can dash alot and turn invisible with her shroud. You have the advantage pre 6, but afterwards its lowkey unplayable. Try to play safe and farm.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Poke early and try to snowball in lane. If she jumps onto you after level 6 you can ult her into your turret.”
SYROBE says “Akali is similar to fizz but a bit easier to manage. You must very carefully play around your cooldowns because the moment you miss a EE Fear she can just full combo you and theres nothing you can do about it. ”
Sydekic says “Super easy matchup. As long as you don't give her free poke with her passive, you completely demolish her. When she tries to roam, follow with ult. When she shrouds, Q her and be ready to jump if she tries to retaliate. She's hardly a threat to you 90% of the time.”
ThelpixG says “This matchup is a bit easier in the toplane since you have mutch better waveclear and pressure than her which means if you can play properly most likely you'll control the wave.
You should aim to harass her as much as possible (specially at level 1)
Try to bait her Q and abuse her cooldowns.
If she uses her shroud just walk away and try to hit her in the shroud with your barrels.”
OwnerofHappiness says “Akali should out damage you in a fight. Save E Q for when she hits you with a shurikan, then jump under tower. Fights with her you want your tower to beat her up”
Shinbae says “Довольно противный пик, если не читать её туман... Старайся доджить её Е и не подпускать к себе на лейн фазе, на 6 лвле, на 2й прок её ульты, лови тайминг задоджить с помощью своей ульты”
Wizboy73 says “Skill matchup. You take defensive runes, abuse her early. if you play it right, even with fleet, second wind, dorans she cannot sustain your poke. do care after 6 this matchup becomes a lot harder.”
Carpincho sex0 says “Akali shouldn't be an online threat if we keep track of her e. It has great damage if it hits us but we can cancel out its smoke with our e and quickly move away with the w, we still have to keep our distance ”
Hexeria says “[Akali is pretty easy.] [You can punish her if she tries to get some minions.] [Cast your W if she is in her Shroud to get her back out.] [Her Dash from her E or Ult can be interupted if you E correctly into her.][Overall she shouldnt be that much of a problem.]”
Prefexx says “Her Shroud wont save her from you. All of your abilities hit her when she is stealthed except for your shunpo. Your Q can bounce off minions and hit her while she is stealthed too. Constantly harass her when her q is on cooldown to avoid her high damage. Avoid extended fights as her spell vamp will normally make her win.”
j4ss says “TF is a good Akali Counter since your Ult reveals her on her smoke and you still can damage her with you Red card and Stattik. Don't die to her early game and don't let her roam and you'll be okay.”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give her MAJOR-Threat beacuse Her HP regen is really insane and
Akali can't punish you if we holding our E ( Sleep ) when she running to you with her E this is easy to hit our E ( Sleep )
cyb3r1a says “Runes: Aery, Manaflow Band, Absolute Focus, Scorch, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection,
Trade when her Shroud is down, if she ults you bubble behind you. Dodge E at all costs if you all in her. If you get hit by E and she takes it ult behind you or hit her with E because its a free E.”
leonidas44 says “Difficult matchup. She can bully you with W-->Q. You should fight her with e q to do your combo with passive and then engage again. In the start of every engage you must have W on even if its for shield only.
Halkem says “Space carefully against her Qs and try to just let her push while you poke with E. After LC this matchup gets favoured towards you, as you can always get push and you counter her mobility in fights. Just never underestimate her all-in, she can still kill you easily if you ego on her. Peel your team against her.”
BriarEnjoyerX says “Her smoke Disables your targeting and her E allows her to escape, Ult makes her jump around which makes it hard to W2, or E. Play around her cooldowns. (Ban option)”
Iceyou says “Before the buffs she was easiest matchup in the game . Now her q deals 45 base dmg instead of 30 xDDDDDDDDDDDD. So your trading pattern changes cause she will enter stealth and you wont proc electro . w into auto first and q last since she cant move in the fog and you ll hit her then immediately go back . Dodge the qs and dont get all ined or you ll lose this .”
SesaPrime says “Akali was originally a counter to Camille. Great kiting tools, can disappear, & could out damage Camille early with her combos.
She was nerfed thankfully & is primarily seen in Mid lane. ”
The Milelator says “Easy Matchup for the Sion mid. You are stronger at every stage of the game. Use your early power to either 1. freeze waves and deny her farm or 2. bait out her e and shroud and E->R her, forcing her to use flash or die. Or 3. Push waves and roam; in early game she has terrible wave clear and has to choose between losing a lot of minions or losing their teammates.
In Late game she is just some fly dashing around never being able to kill you, but probably to mobile to be killed by you”
Hikkinnado says “You scale better but her rlygame burst is op. Abysall mask or zhonya is valiable option. After 6, just trade sam much as you can, take elecrrocute , you cancel her dmg from q with your q.”
ELFREPO says “Objetivo de la linea: Abusar lvl 1-4, NO MORIR, sacarle mucho farm, avisar de posibles roams. Wave 1-4: Juega muy agresivo en las primeras waves, ten cuidado de no frezeearte la wave tu mismo. TIPS GENERALES: El nivel 1 de akali es extremadamente malo, abusa de esto y trata de farmear lo mejor posible, Una vez akali es lvl 6 puede hacerte un 100 a 0 con solo una vara gigante y ignite, no pushees y saca la mayor cantidad de farm posible (akali sufre demasiado para farmear, su basico es como de 45). SI LLEGAS A 2 OBJETOS SIN ESTAR POR DETRAS PUEDES GANARLE EL 1V1 de ahi en adelante. TIPS EN PELEA: NUNCA PERO NUNCA uses tu Q3 si ella tiene la e, la esquivará con la e, te pegará el shuriken y luego de eso si tienes r y dos neuronas estas muerto. Ten cuidado al farmear ya que te estara espameando q cada que pueda, intenta baitearla y cuando se quede sin energia entrale.”
LimesC3 says “The amount of movement makes you the worst champ in game.
Perma Ban her
you can't beat Akali even if she was Bronze and you are challenger ”
garlicbread69 says “hard matchup. start d shield and farm under turret you can punish her if she misses her q since the energy cost is still pretty high. go electrocute”
javiiergrd says “Llevar Aery Trades, pokear en linea evitando sus ataques y mantener alerta al equipo cuando ella se mueva. En 1v1 siempre tendra la de ganar en late.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can attack her early game, after 6 she can easily all-in you tho. Be careful, respect her all-in, play safe and build some defensive items. Midgame just try to push waves asap to stop her roaming (but only if she doesnt pressure mid herself)”
Allyooops says “This is the worst midlane matchup for Diana. The shroud makes it so diana cant get any auto attacks off she has higher burst higher dmg. The only way to even play the lane is go tp and phase rush and pray for scale. ”
FrostbiteMW says “Try to abuse and win pre 6. After 6 you probably cant play aggressive, since she can 1v1 you easily at that time. Its also hard to hit her with her dashes and invis.”
WarwicksSimp says “You can win this matchup easily with good wave management, going grasp and poking her constantly, and buying a single null magic mantle early to mitigate her damage. All summ spells are good here. Be aware she can kill you and win the matchup if you get careless or make a mistake.”
FlopQueenEra says “ Akali emerges from the shroud, activating her R. In an instant, she dashes forward with an initial lunge, colliding her (Q) and (E) on Sona. The burst of damage is immediate and devastating, leaving Sona reeling and her health rapidly plummeting.... And
Akali's roaming potential is relatively strong. Sona should communicate with her team to ensure she doesn't leave her lane unattended. Instead, consider following Akali when she roams or ping missing when she leaves the lane to inform your teammates.”
Yannik123 says “You can still hit your skillshots while she is in her w. Try to roam, she can dodge your e with her e and then kill you if she hits it. In mid game she is pretty tanky, you usually dont have the damage to kill her.”
Lindroganti says “Easy matchup, you out poke her. Just make sure not to be hit by her empowered aa. Just disengage when she shrouds if the fight is close, and remember she's pretty worthless without it. You have to predict her ult to block it, I usually just use my shield to disengage when she shrouds. Her level 6 power spike is disgusting, and at that point I might even bring sweeper to make sure she doesn't outplay my Q crit with her shroud. (Which will most likely result in your death)”
Sapphiretears says “Annoying Matchup you lose alot of DPS due to not being able to utilize Overheat AA´s in her shroud
Always run Comet into Akali and play for roams”
support_diff says “Maintain a distance so she can't hit you with her abilities, and if she does, back off so she can't hit her empowered auto attack on you. Use your E to dodge her E. Fight when her shroud is on a cooldown”
Fuzzmonkey says “Mostly a skill matchup. She will try to bully you off the farm, main objective is to not get hit by her e, because she will win the trade if she hits it.”
AzkloX says “Before 6, only trade with W passive. If she uses W and tries to get close just wait till his W is gone. After 6 play close to the tower or she can all in. Buy Doran's Blade. Pick Electrocute.”
FlopQueenEra says “Orianna can certainly engage in combat with Akali, but this matchup can be challenging due to Akali's kit, which offers her high mobility and assassination potential and you using dark harvest.
OOBLEXX says “Similar to Ahri, she will run circles around you and her shroud will make it near impossible to land a Q or target her for ult. The one redeeming factor here is that she is does not outrange you. ”
ChronobreakEkko says “Her high base damage + W invisibility can make your life really hard. Go for short Electrocute trades once her W is on cooldown. your goal is to kill her before level 6, as the matchup gets even harder for you from that point on.”
support_diff says “When Akali uses her shroud, you need to back off as she will soon be near enough to land her E on you. The shroud also prevents you from using your auto attacks or ult on her. Her Q has the same range as your auto attacks which makes it really hard to poke her on lane. You have better roams than her, so try to gain advantage from the sidelanes in order to get a gold lead”
tangerrine says “Very insane matchup. Her entire kit just avoids your abilities. I personally would go Comet because she can just negate your electrocute combo with her shroud or E. Before 6 it's not half bad, but she is like Fizz and she can just always come back from 2 kills. Make sure you respect her all-ins and make sure she doesn't roam and try not to push into her too much, as that will make it so she can all in you super easy. Build zhonya's early just in-case and use your R when she E's at you.”
Tanginid says “Akali is a complicated case. She manages to kill you very easily because of her high mobility and invisibility, in addition to her high burst damage. Your chance of victory is to use the charm when she reactivates the E on you, if you miss, just ult to try to run.”
TheFakeMord says “She can outburst you but its really not that big of a deal. Your Ultimate reveals her position in her shroud wich is really useful and an easy counter”
1st fizz on mars says “so so if u good fizz u have window to kill her lvl 5 u are stronger try to dodge her E with your E , go W lv l4 try trade lvl 4 then go away , ”
Just_Invalid says “A majority of the time this lane is a 50/50 due to Akali's high mobility, E and R removing any ability to outrun or kite away. (My personal perma ban on Lillia)”
serrafim says “In early game, if the akali is bad she will never be able to kill you, but you'll never be able to kill her either. Wait out her W (Smokering), and use your Q when she uses her Q (Shuriken). Use your ult to counter ult her execute. Use your W when she lands her initial E shuriken, and then you see her flying at you. You'll stun her and might get some free damage off. ”
whaz says “while you can throw all your stuff at her even though she's in her smoke, she is REALLY TANKY and will dash everywhere!
i really recommend to take zhonya's second
dodge her e babe!”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: conq+flash/ignite, start d ring + 2pots.
Get early magic mantle, if u can try proxy and after demonic u should win 1v1 if you're not too behind”
BradJr says “Skill matchup. She is way better early and you are way better late. Let her take her farm and don't get poked by her Kunais. If she ever kits an E it can get ugly quick. Barrier recommended if you can't dodge it.”
combinius says “Pretty easy as your passive melts her. And she doesn't deal enough damage to kill you after your first item.
Early game: be careful of her combo and try to dodge her abilities. You win if you can activate your passive but by using her smoke in a smart way she can outplay you.
Mid game: You should win but she has outplay chances so be careful. I'd even recommend going jak'sho first to handle her better.
Late game: don't let her kill your back lane and you should be good. ”
DepresedEef224 says “Akali is almost never is a situation where she hard wins. Its is a skill matchup run by Akali. If she is better than you or even, you lose. Her invisibility is just too strong for you to win if you are even. If you are better, you win.”
Actt says “Slightly Akali favoured. Dodge her E and try to be invisible when she starts using her W. Conqueror or Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.”
GGgustazzz says “akali is a champion that naturally has advantage because of skill set, wait for her to spend or E or try some early attack (buy zhonya's hourglass or banshee's veil”
Braimyy says “Really annoying match up.
Akali has really good sticking power on you and she can play around all of your abilities really easily early. NOT FUN.
Max E, play safe.”
Yurox says “Can one shot you easily at 6.
Her W is really annoying so you need to respect this timing and try to trade back when she Q with a Q E AA.
Pushing her is a good way to nullify lane.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Try to kill early but honestly just miserable match up. you can either go comet and try to kill but safer to go first strike and play to farm. ”
Waqql says “Akali is very squishy, but her enhanced auto-attacks and three dashes make it difficult to kill her. Do not underestimate her damage. Wait for assistance or try to poke her down with safe trades. As Mega Gnar, it is challenging to keep her pinned down in one spot. If you manage to do so, retreat after your combo.”
IggyBoom says “Abuse this Matchup hard. Whenwver Akali reactivates her E to jump on you, use your W AWAY from her best case under your own turret. If shw doesn't flash out in time it will be a 100% safe knock up or even a kill! Same goes for her second ult pr her E again with your ultimate. It is always a risk for her to hardengage you.”
Sword Dance says “You will never kill her and never kill you. Only fight her when she used her q on the wave. Try to get a fast combo off, otherwise she will E or W and you will never be able to proc your passive.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Punish her if she goes for CS]
[Dodge her E]
[Your R can still do damage even if she is inside of her W]”
freuio123 says “Ich persönlich mag das Matchup nicht. Sie geht D Shield +2nd Wind und du wirst sie nicht bullien können, da Akali mit das höchste Base leben hat.
Du hast immer Push und musst viel roamen.
Ihre E kannst du mit deinem Charm unterbrechen und sie in schlechte Trades baiten.”
qaffqa says “Viktor does not have counters per-se, and all his matchups, except those two mentioned, are quite fair and even in favour of Viktor. He is a lane bully and can win pretty much every lane by himself.”
NickLeVlach says “Very easy to poke in lane, whenever you get the chance, always make sure you're behind minions too then she'll never be able to hit her E. After level 9 you'll think you can kill her, but she'll always live for 10 hp. Make sure that you press ignite, and go the 2nd option Tank build.”
uwuimsocute says “If you have good movement + spacing, this matchup is in Varus' favor.
You will win at all stages of the game if you execute it properly - but try to get a lead before 6 since Akali still can oneshot you after she gets her Ultimate.”
qkthr1 says “a good akali will fuck you up. most of them ive faced arent great and i also have a 66 wr against her. just wait to use your w after she exhausts her smoke (in a duel) and then use it and finish her off. Like yourself, she is very susceptible to CC, so fully charging W + flash after shes used her smoke can work well and result in a kill. if shes attacking you and you dont want to take the fight her util is easy to dodge w w ”
YoungSto says “Bait out her shroud, ignite provides true vision when she's in it.
If she engages on you throw a W and Ult + Melee Q and it'll destroy her.
Shoei baron king says “A akali tem vantagem por causa do w e o r dela, mas tirando isso a windwall bloqueia todo o resto, a lane pode ser dificil mas não é impossivel”
Painters says “Skill match up. Try to punish her using your Q when she attempts to farm. Take Ignite or Barrier against Akali. Use barrier during her Perfect Execution. Ignite allows you to see where she is in her shroud.”
Jg_diff says “Akali will lose to you, but don't go in for bad trades, as she can get better than you if she gets enough feed. Play safely and you should win her”
Enderspider says “Your w means she can't ever really go in and her w will often give her a false sense of security. Your ult reveals ALL targets, including stealthed enemies, meaning that she is NOT safe in her shroud in the slightest.”
Glitchgun says “Akali is not worth banning at all, she has also been to the weaker side for quite a while now, just bait her e and ult her for the kill. Maybe since I'm not in high elo, I don't know the horrors? But for me she is one of the easiest matchups, especially with Hail Of Blades runes”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle her into your tower easily. Just be careful of her mobility because 1 million dashes is very balanced.”
Cryniu says “Most of akali are not a problem because your bombs can damage her into her W. If she tries to kill you with her ultimate just run to your turret, try to keep close to your turret. Poke her slowly in key moments and with your Q+W+Q combo when she is vulnerable.”
Wraithlander says “Early trades are really rough if she has electrocute, a good Akali will win all trades until you get some levels in W. If she uses her shroud back off immediately and wait it out. It has a long cooldown so look to trade during that time period.”
MarcZ8 says “I'd say its a skill matchup, but a bit in favor of akali. Just wait until you have serrated dirk to fight her. Maw is really recomended in this matchup”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Avoiding Akali's Abilities: Akali's main damage comes from her Q (Five Point Strike). Try to stay behind minions to avoid getting hit by her Q and to reduce her ability to trigger her passive. Also, try to sidestep her E (Shuriken Flip) to avoid her engaging on you.”
Trisend3 says “Easy matchup if you space properly. She does have kill threat with ignite but if you start building ROA she will have trouble killing you”
AevWh40k says “She is hard to play againts. Shround + insane amount of dashes. Also Akali players are the sweatest Leauge players. Just play safe and she will become frustrated enough to jump under your turret. Aspecially in Gold/Silver division.”
Aleman1125 says “Mira te saca muchísimo daño en early es un machap jugable si eres bueno y ella falla habilidades, pero a partir de nivel 6 tienes que dedicarte a farrear a no ser que le hayas sacado mucha ventaja. Recuerda que el nivel 1 puedes abusar mucho”
TB Azir says “Akali aslında gerçekten kolay bir matchup fakat ormancım kötü bir eşleşmeye sahipken Akali'ye karşı oynamayı gerçekten sevmiyorum çünkü lanede dürtmeleriniz sonucu midde elde ettiğiniz pressure'ı ormancınız yardımıyla rakip mid lane'e dive veya bota hareketlenme gibi şeylere çevirmeniz gerekirken kaybeden bir ormancıyla bunların hiçbirini yapamıyorsunuz ve lanede Azir'le Akali'ye 20 CS diff atmanız size oyun kazandırmıyor ki zaten karşınızdaki iyi bir Akali oyuncusuysa Doran Kalkanı+İkinci Şans+Ayağı Çabuk setupıyla dilenip earlyde farm almasını gayet iyi biliyor. Bunun dışında Akali en ufak bir boşlukta nehire veya bota hareketlendiği zaman 2-3 kill alması işten bile değil ki boşluk olmasa ve fighta aynı anda katılsanız bile özellikle front to back değil de daha clown fiesta olan fightlarda Akali Azir'den kesinlikle daha iyi. Bunlar dışında Akali'yi solo killeyemez miyiz? Ignite alırsak evet killeyebiliriz ama Akali TP alırsa Doran Kalkanı+İkinci Şans+ Ayağı Çabuk setup'ı sayesinde sağlam bi regen'a sahipken iyice ölümsüz olmuş oluyor ve lane'e reset alıp gelmiş bir Akali'ye karşı cebinizde birikmiş goldla ve 0 mana oynamak istemezsiniz değil mi? (320 Mana Azir 13.5 Rito🤡)
Rün: PTA”
Thehippyguy says “Akali takes skill. When her shroud is down is when you can usually trade with her and she needs items to do damage. You win early and mid. AND YOU STUNLOCK HER LATE GAME”
South Z says “Akali has a built-in counter to your auto-attacks, which is less problematic while maxing E, but still makes killing her extremely hard.
You can block her passive autos and run her down pre-6 once she used her W, after that she wins the matchup.”
DaddyVladdy says “skill matchup. Pool second e .Try to predict pool ult.Overtrade then sustain with q until lvl 6.If she doesnt go dorans shield shes trolling.You outscale her but shes a problem even if shes not that fed”
vxnity says “Try to make sure to poke her early game with Aery. Make sure you do your best to not let her roam since her getting super ahead of your will doom you.”
The Unshackled says “Skilled matchup in Akali's favor. Look for longer trades pre-lvl 6 as LT makes you very strong early. Save W for her E. Q3 when she E2s to cancel the damage.”
blaze728 says “Another interesting duel. Be careful but don't be afraid to engage her. Her roams are a problem but Zoe is strong on all phases of the game but not broken.”
The Unshackled says “Skilled matchup in Akali's favor. Look for longer trades pre-lvl 6 as LT makes you very strong early. Use W every time you come closer to pair her Q. Q3/R when she E2s to cancel the damage.”
Boptimus says “Akali can put down a lot of harass if played well but she should have a really hard time killing you especially if you build MR.
Her Q is easy to avoid, but you really should play around her W Shroud. Once she uses it back off, then you have a window to trade with her aggressively. Use your E for when she tries to use her E on to you.
W can negate a good amount of damage from her R2.”
Dustyacer says “Use E to block her E2 or her R2 (much harder). Your Q outranges her q, just respect her after u use yours. Try to get ahead pre-6. Scanner sees her in shroud, you still can't W her though, but you can use your Q/E. ”
darkezmond says “Skill matchup. From the first minutes of poke Q and auto attacks, after lvl 2 and 3, beware of short trades with her when she uses her W, try to get into her at random with your Q”
HaderrQ says “Its playable but since her E reveals now you can't tank that anymore.
Try to dodge it or if you get strong enough try to 100-0 her, before she starts jumping left n right.”
Fantasygamer02 says “Ivern oppresses Akali heavily. Laning versus her is similar to how Zilean lanes into her, but even more oppressive and safe. He does not counter her in the late game quite the same as Zilean does since Chronoshift completely negates her entire kit, but Ivern can block half of her full combo easily with 2 shields and/or Mikael's healing.”
BlakC1 says “Skill-based. She's a pain in the ass early if she gets kills by roaming, but should be doable. Exhaust works perfectly here. Be careful of her electrocute burst, though. Stay away from shroud.”
ardizzle says “Akali is can be scary if she can get ahead. Wave management for the first 3 waves are crucial. Goal is to bounce the 3 wave and freeze at your tower. If executed well, Akali will have to call her jungle to break the freeze.
If this fails, just be careful of the level 3 and level 6 power spikes. ”
VVVRAT says “Look for early trades, try to roam and help jungler when possible. Once she gets 6 she will look to all in you and trust me she wins that. Don't look to be near this creature without Crown, and even then - she has enough bull$#!* in her kit to stay on top of you once your crown is off. It's very difficult to teamfight when an Akali is flanking. Vision setup is important, try to stay close to anyone who can peel you, or alternatively find flanks of your own if you think you can kill her team before she kills yours. A good Akali will always single you out. ”
EL ZUDO says “a little bit akali favored due to the shroud but subjectively speaking the whole 1v1 depends on the skill of the player and the knowledge about their champ and the enemy u can poke erly bc about e she can put u down easily try to bait lvl 2 for her to e in tower if u can push if she has bad early game jg and bacfk for item lead she has bad wave clear so u dont loose much if she has early game stay close to tower ”
Nooldles says “Is a skill matchup that Akali is favored in the early game. Sylas must minimize through dodging of her Q's and E's during the lane. If both farm evenly, once you hit level 7 and onwards you are slightly favoured and should trade aggressively with W whenever she uses Q on the wave. Disengage when she uses shroud.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
blood choice.
NEVER waste bubble unless she is E'ing or R'ing you. EVER.
Stomp her first few levels, around 4-6 she ramps up, and can just kill you.
Her e is a free sleep. (Can R under turret to drag her there).
Stay out of her q range and poke from distance.
Never wake her if you are low. Just leave. You won by stopping her.
Do not try skirmishing with her anywhere nearby. You must play way back.
Consider banshees/zhonyas.”
Shark of Void says “Short guide:
Take Barrier, dodge her skills, buy as early as possible Zhonya's Hourglass.
Read more in the in-depth guide of matchups.”
MiniLuxi1 says “The best thing you can do is start the game with your E, and already be more aggressive, and punish for each creep, and without creeps, too, but best of all for trying to finish off the creeps, but don't get carried away, the forester is not asleep. Be careful after her LVL 3 and LVL 6. She can go all in. After the above 6 lvl, you can see her in W (smoke), it's also better to hold your Q if she decides to fly in with E, if you have a label and also with R (click on you). Perhaps the wall will be able to stop her, or if she got caught, you can also combine your R and W so that she does not get away with it and at her next flight, you could kill her.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Electrocute/ Sorcery: Short Trades, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances.”
Wizardd says “Farm Lane Hard to kill has a smoke Screen and a super far ult dash. Don't be greedy miss a few minions in the beginning of the game if you have to. Don't let her poke you down to much for free.
Samikin says “Non-Threat.
Akali is barely a threat if both of you are even. You bully out Akali from all early levels up to 6, where she finally has kill pressure on you. Even then, her R always puts you behind her, meaning you know where she'll be so your E is guaranteed.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page.
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
wagNRumble says “This is a skill matchup as she has the mobility to outplay you and she can kill you later in the game even when she is behind. Her Q costs are insane, so if she wastes her Q on the wave then you need to play aggressive and deny her CS.
Some things to keep in mind in this matchup is you can use your W to block the poke when she goes up to Q you and you can Q + R while she is in her W. Also demonic embrace is a good item in this matchup as it constantly marks her in her shroud.”
Mayuushii says “Can one shot you if you're not careful. Can harass in lane and look for electrocute procs or aery when she farms. Avoid her in the smokescreen and Try to cancel her E with Charm.”
Boptimus says “I would put Akali lower but I don't feel like I've gone against a really solid Akali player. This lane is fairly easy as you can negate a lot of her early harass with Passive/W spam. If she lands E on to you she can't reliably engage without getting chunked by your E - Combo on her E activation.
When she shrouds look to kite out. Her R can do some serious damage if you aren't careful. Fight only on your terms.”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “This is a difficult one to put because while I do think Vlad hard outscales her at level 6 shes so insanely strong that the lane flips on its head there. Just make sure you punish her q's early by doing an auto q as she trades making sure to heal from q if it's the first trade of the game by delaying it until she q's. If she takes dshield and second wind its probably best case scenario for you if you take full scaling. If you take aery ignite and maybe even scorch you can really shit on her early.”
Zoose says “As with most melee, poke and push early on, don’t let her get close enough to Q you. Stay far back when she's in her shroud. At lvl 6, stay far back, close to your tower. You can push her away if she Ult dashes towards you, but her 2nd dash can go through your wall. ”
rachichu says “Has a relatively volatile laning phase, and should never really kill you during it. However, later on in the game she will be able to one-shot you with next to no counterplay. ”
NegativePhoenix says “As a tank she wins better truthfully since if she's fast enough she can E away if you land a Q3. As a bruiser it's iffy on who's better at landing their abilities. Even in your All-Out form if she's able to avoid you she'll win the fight since your tank power and any resistances/bonus health you have is gone. Her Qs range is farther so she has better poke. If she E's towards you, W her so that she takes an instant stun when she finally reaches you. If she ults it's going to be very iffy on whos on what terms during the fight”
DabiDabi says “Abuse her pre-6. Stay at a safe distance and dodge her E and you should be fine. At lvl 6 stay under turret because she can one-shot you with her combos. Maybe bring Exhaust or Barrier”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror or Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse]
[Farm under your tower dont let her poke you to low HP] [Try to roam more you cant kill her coz her W] [Play more safe against her]”
peryyyy says “Akali its a hard match up, she is an assasin and she have a lot of mobility if you dodge well her E u can kill her but take care with her R.”
SalSushi says “Having played both, I've never lost as Akali. Very volatile, first kill normally wins. You'll win pre-6, but then she can 100-0 you post-6. Dodge E and try and ult when she's in her shroud. ONLY ULT IF SHE'S LOW, OR HAS NO E!!!!!!!”
TheAfricanDream says “Akali must be treated the same as Katarina and Zed. Akali has no real way to kill you before 6. Try basic attacking her when she tries to last hit a minion. Dodge Akali's E and respect her inside her shroud and you should be fine in lane.”
liqulabouse says “Easy early, the important thing is to manage the doran shield regen, so dont pull her to low hp if you cant kill her in next trade. Be really carefull on her Z, she can free trade you all the way down. Try to stay near your tower with the wave so you will be able to outplay her by taking her out of her Z with your ult”
SashaDreadful says “Shove her under turret, bully the living heck out of her, and you should be good, but know that she can always burst you out if you give her the opportunity.”
1Yamato1 says “Early game procure trocas quando ela gastar energia, quando ela não tiver o w voce ganha o all win, sempre que ela usar o w saia de perto, tome muito cuidado com lv6 dela, e uso o seu W na AA bufado dela. Gosto de usar grasp nessa lane”
Mind Of Kayle says “Stay behind minions to avoid her E, dont fight her in her W. If wave is pushing to her, its important to bait her Q's to your wave to make it push to u, you can also ping jungler when wave starts pushing to her. Dont mispush, she will freeze it and kill u. ”
MetalK1d says “Hard to solo kill her, she is tanky has a lot of damage and very mobile. Wait until she makes a mistake and punish her with your basic combo. You can E into her E2 to cc and combo her easier.”
Voidling13 says “Alkali is not a threat to you because you deal so much damage that you can kill her so fast she can not get away. Even if she uses her smoke bomb, your ultimate ability can finish of her.”
lol Wero says “Recommend taking Fleet footwork on this match up for the amount of harass akali does in the laning phase. You can try to facebreaker and haymaker when shrouding.”
Aria_Legend says “Level 1-5: Hard to solo-kill even with all the poking you throw at her.
Her sustain is high, and she goes invisible with W (Twilight Shroud) every now and then to avoid your damage.
Avoid swallowing her E's (Shuriken Flip's).
Level 6+: her damage numbers is crazy. She can one-shot you easy with her R (Perfect Execution) so it is a MUST for you to dodge her 2nd R dash or something from her kit to not get one-shotted.
She's also tanky enough so she's hard to solo-kill, but possible if you play perfect. She has the upper hand though.
Avoid being exposed to her in teamfights. I recommend wearing banshee, specially reaching in the late game stage (levels 16-17-18).
If you struggle earlier build some MR but your carrying potential will lower if that so. ”
Mimionsking says “extreme threath if she gets any kind of lead, if not its an easy lane, look for pre 6 agression with e q3 w main attack combo, if possible hit 6 first then e q3 r w main attack for an easy oneshot combo”
Demonsedge90 says “Akali isn't a troublesome fight in the early levels when you avoid taking damage from her shuriken flip and too much poke from five point strike. However, if she gets too far ahead, it's best to play it safe until your jungle can assist.”
Bertsicle says “Impossible to kill with doran's shield, she's really good vs melee because her Q will punish anyone who tries to farm. Try to E her Q damage and land on her in a way where there's a minion between you two so her E is awkward. Going for poke on her when her Q is down early is good because her Q costs A LOT of energy early (its much more than half her energy bar). Try to save an E or zhonyas for her second R later in the game, it's an execute so the lower you are the more inclined you are to using a defensive ability to negate her R2. Your R shows her in her shroud so thats really good for when your jg is ganking her or you are team fighting. If you do land R on her and she shroud's save your E damage until the ult runs out because you won't be able to land Q W autos after she's invisible again but you will be able to land E till. So use Q W autos while you can see her then use E when you can't”
Wizahd says “You can hit her in smoke, just poke her down, she can't do anything about it. Stand behind the wave, punish her for walking up. Save Q for when she E's you, you get a free full combo and she can't do anything about it.”
Atemporal says “Um dos confrontos mais difíceis de Ekko. Ela tem seu W, E e velocidade de movimento passiva para impedir que você prossiga seu passivo nela. No início, você quer evitar empurrar a todo custo,
fique em cima de seus lacaios conjuradores, se possível, para garantir que ela empurre a onda se ela tentar dar Q em você. O Q de Akali custa 130 de energia no nível 1, tente dançar ao redor do alcance máximo do Q dela, se você conseguir atraí-lo e evitá-lo, você ganha muito tempo livre. Após as mudanças recentes, Akali está muito fraca desde o início. É muito possível ganhar trades de nível 2-3 se você conseguir iscar seu W ou E. Ela tem HP base muito baixa, então você pode matá-la. Se você quiser trocar com ela, você pode pular quando ela estiver dentro de uma onda de minions, já que você pode usar seus minions para bloquear o E dela. Uma das maneiras mais simples de vencer Akali, no entanto, é jogar um jogo lento e calculado e depois vencê-la superando-a. O Q de Ekko permite que ele limpe as ondas muito mais rápido e fácil do que Akali, e você normalmente será capaz de construir uma vantagem de ouro e xp puramente por outfarming. Quando Akali te pokear, faça o que puder para ficar o mais longe possível dela. Use seu R para fugir dela, não guarde para tentar superá-la, a menos que tenha certeza de que pode vencer.”
IamBishop says “Eh, not really a threat unless she starts picking up kills, if you play this match up enough you might start mastering your e timing to screw up her e flip back. Try to punish her for using q on the wave, look for early fights, shes super weak. Later in the game you might need to peel, I recommend either wasting her time or ulting her when she has her second ult up to give your carries space. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Crown
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Spielbar mit defensivem Setup allerdings kaum eine Chance wenn sie snowballed. Poke sie etwas im Early und push sie dauerhaft ein damit sie nicht roamen kann. Gib im Zweifel CS auf wenn du dafür nicht Gefahr läufst zu sterben. Bleib hinter Minions damit sie keine E treffen kann”
Lucid Walking says “FARMING LANE: As tempting as it may seem, don't try to abuse your range to poke her, since once she turns, you become super vulnerable and you'll lose that trade.
After both hit lvl 6, she won't have enough to oneshot you, but you sure as hell won't win that fight. Remember, this is a Farming Lane!
Lategame, you can shut her down if you manage to hit an Equinox-Chain before she can deploy her shroud. Try to preemptively silence her if she's trying to reach your carry”
AriFr0mThe3nd says “As much as you think she might not be a huge threat due to being a melee champ, her sustain after early game, swift movements and therefore also her dodging abilites can quickly create a huge problem to you. Make sure to avoid her if you can and try to not let her hit you with her passive (green swinging Kama), when she lands her Q on you. Also make sure to dodge her E (the flying shuriken).”
SanyGame says “[Conqueror/Summon Aery] Instead of trying to go all-in, try to poke her as much as possible, as she is a melee champion. It's hard to get all-in on her as she's very mobile, and you have to be afraid of her smoke cloud as your turrets can't hit her here. While it's on cooldown, try to be more aggressive or go all-in. Also, you shouldn't have any problems with her until level 6, as she's a lot slower and has less kill pressure. Good matchup for taking Exhaust (and possibly Bone Plating).”
Cheeseypops1 says “This is a stonewall matchup, whoever plays the most aggressive is most likely to lose, just poke her with Q's and take the free scaling lane since you hard outscale her, If she starts getting frisky with you dont be scared to fight her, since if you hit your abilties and trigger passive you will probably beat her its just hard to do with her invis/mobility, In this lane i usually take a sclaing hp rune and mr rune, If you get behind don't be alarmed just go Negatron Cloak and you will probably just beat her ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Q and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Q and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Q. Akali’s W
is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
livikattt says “hard to hit in shroud (hint: drop Q to try to sniff her out) and hard to hit ult on considering her mobility, plus she giga oneshots you.”
Pushtrick says “Akali can be scary in the mid to late game but early is extremely easy. Take ignite, E max and rush Wit's End and you should have no problems destroying her. After level 6 be careful not to waste E as you can use it to get out if she ults aggressively.”
17qiyana says “Pretty even matchup level 1 she will be annoying asf with her Q but after 2 you can just out damage her. If she plays too safe she's baiting out your all your Q's then she will E in and fuck you.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “This champion has very shitty early due to her energy loss, abuse the shit out of her pre6 and constantly poke and trade with her. After level 6 you will get oneshotted if you dont have a massive lead but there is a counter to that, buy a hexdrinker as fast as you can, it blocks so much damage that she cant really oneshot you if not fed, after that return to fucking her hard. ”
My Xperience says “A good akali will always win lane but you can end up bursting her with ap or build the sunderer bruiser build and she wont be able to kill you later on. D shield Ectro+ resolve recommended”
CFCryo says “Akali's pokes and stealth are hazardous, preventing your main source of damage: Auto attacks. Her E dash is telegraphed enough for you to land a Q or interrupt it with E. If she tries to poke with Q, you can flay her towards you to stop her getting her passive so easily. Akali all-ins are still deadly, though, so be very careful about that. Take Wit's End first.”
Veng Shotz says “Akali will almost always be in q range for her own q, so you can easily trade off each other in lane.
you can still land q's in her shroud so she cant completely 'outplay' you with her invisibility.
be sure not to stand outside minions/back off after the wave dies so she cant kite you with her q+e+q+r combo, which will generally kill you if she has ignite.
rush hex, and follow up with either your mythic rush or play it safe with a cowl since you'll be going visage later anyways, your 3rd option is to build neg cloak and instead of going visage you can opt for force of nature. either or both items are good against her. ”
sapphire__lol says “Good Matchup on lane, you win most trades. Just start walking up use e on her melee so its not dodgeable then connect your q which will make her visibly in her w. Then trade with w and aa's. If she trades back you can all in with ignite.
Later in teamfights it is really hard to play for akali since you can easily reveal her with q and cc her for 4-5 seconds. ”
undrwdncr says “Any mid laners with enough mobility to dodge your W's and to engage on you are threats; think of max W Zeri as a mage rather than a mobile ADC. ”
Mvrshy says “[MID] dumb champion, very hard to play against, i have always struggled, mostly my own problem as i dont think its too hard a matchup for higher tier casio players. dodge her e and stay under tower and you should be gucci. [TOP] unplayable, dodge.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “Laning will be annoying, but most Akali players flop outside of laning phase. Just play to survive and be stronger later. Look for fights around the map with Teleport”
J.A.K.I.E. says “You can drain her even when she's in her smoke. She has no stun to interrupt your drain so ganks are your only worry Vs Akali as she is really weak pre 6 and even post six since you'll be healing most of her damage.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + /Divine Sunderer]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
Start W level 1 and start autoing the minions to charge up your grasp. When she pokes you with her Q, W her to poke her and get your hp back. (Don't just W her when you walk into lane, wait to get poked with Q first). Keep an eye on her energy bar -- if she's low on energy, you can walk up to her when she is about to auto a minion and auto her with your charged up grasp. Try not to get poked out too hard. If your jungler comes try to bait out her shroud then R her. Just try not to get poked too hard by her Q and empowered auto attacks and you'll be fine. Give up some cs to stay healthy. It's fine to be down even 20 cs in this matchup because once you get your mythic item you can easily win. Once she's level 6, never hookshot onto her if the wave is in the middle or on her side of the lane because she can then easily kill you with her R. If you die 1 time it's hard to come back.
Pro Tip: If you spam your R in the direction her R2 is coming from you can dodge it as she's dashing towards you.”
MikaeraKun says “She'll constantly poke you with her low-cooldown Q, and if you try to engage she will throw her W smoke, she can make distance with her E and close gap with it as well as with R, going behind you, etc. If against skilled Akali player, it becomes Skill Based Matchup, if not you will probably win.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali’s Twilight Shroud(W) is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
ZiegenZelu says “Easy Lane bis lv 6, ihre Q range respektieren, ab Level 6 sehr harte Lane. Ult Range respektieren, und nur für cs gehen wenn sie gerade ihre Q benutzt hat und nicht genug Energie für einen Hardengage hat. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali’s Twilight Shroud(W) is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali’s Twilight Shroud(W) is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
Adamonias says “Hard Lane, playable, but hard. Never stand in your wave and eat Q for free. Your biggest concern is eating E to the face and then getting full combo'd. Pre-6 she cannot 100-0 you so just don't get poked. Being Melee she's vulnerable to getting W-Q combo'd when she goes to last hit, and you can use this to confirm minions for yourself as well.
The one upside here is that bc none of your abilities are targetted you can hit her in shroud; just don't walk upto the shroud for obvious reasons.
last ditch effort, you can pre aim E behind you, to stun her R2 or infront of you for E”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali’s Twilight Shroud(W) is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
Aenimatora says “Akali is no problem for you pre 6, but afterwards it depends how much of a good job you have done pre 6 if you can challenge her after Level 6. Most Akalis stay safe and try to reach their high point at 6. Play Safe, get some def items and in lategame you can shred her combined with Morellos”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali’s Twilight Shroud(W) is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali’s Twilight Shroud(W) is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
SKYTOP. says “Annoying to say the least. Can and Will kill you at 6, but abusable till then. your choice on the runes, but id recommend grasp and really poke her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Five Point Strike(Q) and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has poor base stats. She is also melee. Use this to your advantage to trade with her early on and harassing her whenever she goes for CS. A good time to trade with her is when she has used/missed her Five Point Strike(Q). Akali’s Twilight Shroud(W) is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it's down.”
Tears of fears says “Conq is viable rune here, she has a lot of damage even if she has no damage item, so don't underestimate her. Respect your opponent.”
SkyBanana says “Would consider Akali to be a skilled match up. If you know what Akali is and how she works, you definitely can beat her in lane and in game. Everything you do she will have to be better at so remember: when in doubt, ward paths she will probably take to roam top or bottom lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali has a powerful early game with her Five Point Strike(Q) and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Q and it hits, do not walk forward for some time.”
NegativePhoenix says “Not insanely hard but just gotta be cautious. Your Q outranges her so you can poke her that way, just know that she'll all in you once she has a chance. If she E's back to you, best to use your ult to stop her if she's attempting an all in so she can't do anything to you. Just be a poke bully to her and make sure the enemy jungler can't get you for it.”
P1Legend says “Not a big deal, but if she goes into shroud, you can't fight what you can't see, so just walk away. when she goes for her burst, make sure you have your healing up, or you die. Don't get overconfident, she's an assassin like you, so she can burst you down the same way you can burst her”
KayyeN says “Too much burst and execute damage, especially post-level 6. She can move into and out of your range with her E and R constantly, never allowing you to get your damage out. Decent poke with her Q aswell. Your R still hits when she's in her shroud, but you will never win this 1v1 if you're even.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Early Game:
Akali is very easy to out trade, even if she has the range to proc 1st and passive ability. All you really need to do is to take control of the wave, hide behind your minions, and poke whenever Akali tries to farm. However, most of the time that is what Akali prefers in the end as you can't really poke her to death.
When roaming after lv 5, she will try to follow you so always gtfo after 10 seconds into the gank
Mid/Lage Game:
You have no real proactive choice on how to deal with an Akali, but you can be reactive and capitalize on mistakes while Aoeing her under her shroud in teamfights. Eventually you will also outscale and be tanky enough to deal with her in a 1v1. Just make sure to stay behind minions early game and make safe trades.”
angeLoon says “lethal dshield in resolve second wind and revitalize
against akali you need to just farm and you'll be better than her.
you can trade with akali when she don't have her W”
Body Those Fools says “You outrange Akali, so abuse your range advantage and harass her with Q AAs as often as possible. Don't bother trying to fight her when she uses her Shroud; back off and just wait for it to disappear and then fight her, it has a long cooldown. At level 6, she has a lot more kill pressure on you; if you ever use Q or E incorrectly, you will probably die so be mindful of your own cooldowns. You can always Ult her out of her shroud into your tower if needed. It's very hard to do, but you can interrupt Akali's R2 with a perfectly timed Ult.”
just pick yone says “Watch out for early pokes with Q, i'd take d-shield here just because im bad against her and play def. But your choice, d blade works good too. Lethal tempo isn't worth here.”
7EyesNoSkills says “So many dash and burst damage. Hard to kill without your Jungler, but possible. Roam as much as you can to get fed and dominate her.”
DabiDabi says “You burst quicker than she does. Pre-6 as long as you land chain you win every single trade. Level 6 and up, she can actually kill you so just space well and abuse your quick combos and range.”
Amarusis says “Remember that if you hit with E it probably has a winning trade, besides remember that your charm can easily be dodged through smoke too. Her Q wil poke you a lot, hard to trade. Don;t do risky thing.”
Magmora says “Akali is a pretty standard melee matchup. Pre-6 she is heavily reliant on hitting her E to engage on you. It does not go through minions, and is very telegraphed. Make sure to not get hit, and you can poke her out of lane. Post 6 be vary wary of her 100-0 potential with her ult up.”
KatloveGG says “She is like a sister, she also jumps like a sick woman. This is more of a skill duel. It is fun to outplay her when she marks you and she will fly with you to your turret when you hit the turret well. Personal attention is to play it safe and aggressive at the same time. Don't fight while he's in the cloud (W)”
OSG Rewynd says “Akali is probably your hardest counter. She can do damage to you easily and you cannot damage her back. The entire laning phase is up to her and there isnt really any outplaying her, only just hoping that she ints. Play for roams and try to kill her team. I personally ban/dodge her
While Akali will never be able to kill you in early lane, the same goes for you. Her E and shroud make it so you can never proc passive. Her E lasts longer than your Q, so she can wait for your Q to come back and then go in for a winning trade. Early, if she is low energy, you can look to poke/trade because of how high her Q energy costs are early. You should win after 2 items if you play right and dodge her E. ”
Kurchina says “Its annoying matchup due to all her dashes but if u kill her pre 6, u will most likely stomp the lane, in late game shes not a problem, keep the distance and play it cool”
jesterjedi93 says “Akali is a very annoying matchup. Before 6, she can play fairly safe, trade you with her Q into W and AA and then go back invisible and after level 6, she becomes close to impossible to kill unless you're ahead in the lane. Either try kill her before 6 or farm safe under tower and ask your jungler for a gank.”
TroyLoL says “She is really hard to lane againts due to her shroud making her invisible and fast. She can punish you easily when you try to farm (through shroud) and she usually is stronger in 2v2 situations with jungler.”
Errevandare says “Если правильно играть, то не опасна. На лайне фармить, не пытаться трейдиться, с инвизом и ускорением она выиграет любые трейды. С лесником легко убивается.”
DabiDabi says “Early game, you can poke her quite a bit as she is melee ranged. But when she hits level 6, you will need to stay away from her or else she will destroy you. Don't be near her unless there's a minion wave so you can spread your flux.”
ze kraken says “This is a skill matchup. You should win due to your range and cc. Nevertheless, she has a lot of mobility and will go gank lanes to get fed - sadly this is unavoidable.”
feejee says “She's akali. Better AP assassin thats really hard to stick onto, which Ekko needs to thrive. Start dorans and go ignite and look to kill her pre 6, but don't get hit by her E”
Zoose says “Keep out of her short Q range and she can’t follow up with her empowered AA. Try not to go for close trades until her shroud is down. It has a 20 second cooldown. Just stay back and play safe the entire laning phase unless she's low hp. She's a huge threat at lv 6, but you can potentially stun her with E. Or look to push waves and roam.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Poke with Q, it has more range than her Q. Barrels cover a lot of smoke, ult covers whole smoke. At level 6 she can one shot you. Don't let her poke you. Orange for heal.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Your W can reveal her from her shroud]
[Don't let her free roam]”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level.
If you're hit from her E, she can come into you anytime, press E immediately if you get hit from her E and she come.
Your E counter her E and R, so watch out her gameplay and see what she tries to do.
After Level 9 you still can't fight her directly since her insane damage is better than you, beware your position and play safe.
If you have Zhonya's, you can trick her E to let her come into your team, this will make her vulnerable so much and get countered back.”
undeadhope says “She can dash r q w e q r you then just run away and be Alvie oneshoting your whole back lane, you need to position well, avoid walking alone”
spicy ricecaker says “The akali lane can be a bit dangerous, because if you get hit by an e when overextended she can chunk you and once her r is up she can kill you very easily. However, this matchup is overall in your favor. Your goal is to get Akali to use shroud. When the shroud is on cooldown, you have control over the lane. To achieve this goal, know that Akali naturally shoves in the lane when she tries to cs with her q, so you have plenty of opportunities to engage on her. To decide when to engage, look for her energy to be around half, then EQW in. Akali's first response to you dashing in will be to q instantly, but if you EQW you can block this q. She'll have no choice but to pop shroud. During her shroud cooldown window you can hard poke her when she tries to cs.”
SadgeBoyK says “Impossible to kill or gank her, cause of invis and 5 dashes. just ignore her in lane, and roam. In teamfights just goo her and lock her down, while u engage or peel for carry.”
Esrucnl says “Super annoying early game because of her Q spam and W, but once u hit 6 and you hit your R on her you can win it. Just make sure you have a lot of HP before you do.
Don't engage on her with Q since she will just press E and dodge the damage and get out of range. You need to bait it out.
Your ultimate ability (shark) also gives TRUE VISION so you will be able to see her after she uses her cloud ability (W) when you land your R.”
Azurio says “Depends on the player, skill matchup.
Trade her early with E, disengage when she uses smoke, you win trade if you dodge her E. Buy mercs or hexdrinker second and be careful of level 6 and protobelt powerspike.”
7EyesNoSkills says “She got stealth, slow, lots of dash and lots of movement speed. can dash with E twice, can slow you down with her Q and speed her up. Can dash twice with her ult. Hard matchup but winnable if you use your range wisely.”
SKRELAX says “what in the hell is this champion. You can try to trade her pre lvl 6, after that, the matchup will be unplayable. You can go Conq/Sorcery or Harvest/Sorcery, since you don't want to fight her really much. After lvl 6, look out for skirmishes, farm and scale.”
Akamatsuu says “Colocaria no minor se não fosse um bonecão. Existem muitas builds de Akali por aí, então sempre preste atenção nas runas no começo de jogo. Use seu elemento de grama pra counterar o W e o R dela, já que ela não terá vantagem em cima de você, pois as duas estarão em stealth, e o R dela é target. Siga os roamings dela, você possui muita vantagem no rio.”
ddieguito_es says “Can be tricky since you can't R her while she is invis. Her damage won't be able to kill you, but she has tons of mobility that may hurt you, since your spells will be hard to hit. ”
King Turtle says “She can be hard to hit in her shroud and at level 6 she can 100% all-in you if you're not careful. She can also go for Q spam as laning phase continues and take advantage of your lack of mobility.”
beansoce says “She's very strong early with her q and empowered auto so try to space her and trade with empowered q. Try walking left or right instead of straight to dodge her e otherwise she'll just run you down. Save ur pool for her second ult charge.”
Lyttleloki says “Once lvl 6 you can take her. If she does her weird akali things just hit her with ult and stun combo. Then u have enough time to kill her.”
ColdStuff says “Skill-matchup. If you can attach your tether to her before she enters shround, then you have significantly more agency to how to the lane will play out. Block her burst with your empowered shield if you need to. You can easily block a bulk of her damage if you block her E recast, provided she lands shuriken on you. ”
clytt says “Will burst you to 0 HP with one combo if you're not careful. Take exhaust for when she lands her teleport-kick-to-the-face ability -> when she recasts, exhaust and E tf outta there. Careful of the double R execute, no matter how safe you think you are.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “As long as you dodge E, she's hardly a threat until level 6. But similar to Ahri, you shouldn't stay in lane vs Akali after that point.”
monarchii says “be careful after she gets her ult, if she jumps on you you're dead. I feel like even if you win lane against her, she will still be a problem to your teammates. Lots of dashes. ”
Eralta says “akali is one of those champs that is only meant to burst damage you
so she waits for you to use 4th shot and dives you, good luck with her and play safe”
annak3ndr1ck says “Unplayable if she casts W correctly, since u cant do anything about, except its easier than it looks, she wants to full in u a lot and Gwen is amazing killing people that just jump on u”
MrBlivious says “Invisibility that also regenerates energy can be frustrating, but usually you can win trades early on by making her use her empowered auto and then you destroy her with hail of blades every time.”
Bunny Kata says “Akali is great only in the early game if she doesn't get kills. HARD PING if she goes for roams, and just survive lane, don't try to kill her in the early game, you just can't, scale and you'll destroy her team.
Flash-TP + Doran's Ring.”
sweafyzz says “Depends on skill, the tips are to E RiverQ then W away and rock Q. This way she cant dodge it even with smoke or E.
Early is ok you just want to go for short trades, always stay far from her Q range. Level 6 you wont win most of the times.
Look for roaming
U can go hexdrinker if she is +3 kills ahead or if they have atleast 3 ap.
Always let her dash first, then E her.
R her when she casts R1, since R2 has 2s cd before cast.
Lavishmouse1032 says “Akali level 1 can take care of Talon level 1 I dont recommend fighting her till you hit 2 and use only your W to farm till you hit level 2”
zRawen says “Nos primeiros níveis você ganha dela, mas depois ela vira um demônio imparável que te deleta apesar de você bloquear quase todas as habilidades dela com a barreira. Mesmo assim ela é melhor do que Sett, vai entender...”
tenmo gaming says “annoying.
playable pre6 but after 6 you need to play extremely safe to not die.
do not get hit by her r1 or else you basically insta die
(same goes for e)”
Berdasco9 says “Matchup muy difícil, Akali tiene muchas formas de evitar tus dagas y simplemente te gana en daño, la única forma que he visto para mantener a una Akali a ralla es utilizar tu ulti para mantenerle con poca vida en todo momento y evitar un all in pero por lo general no deberías poder ganar este matchup.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Back off when she uses her W]
[If she jumps on you, unleash your combo]”
donidaking says “Look at her runes and summoners, if she s running ignite/electrocute or conqueror.
it she s running electrocute make sure to pool her E bcuz the dmg is pretty disgusting.
Your Q is higher range than her poke her auo+Q and proc electro on her if she s not running tp you outsustain her.
if she goes into her W just use E to dmg her.
At level 6 be really careful as her R is pretty much instant and it s impossible to react to it you ll have to play mindgames and assume when she will R you.
Kurose0027 says “Heavily favored for Akali after level 6. When she has lvl 6 and has ignite, her all in is enough to one shot you starting from 100% hp. Highly recommended to go hullbreaker/maw + play for scale in this matchup.”
KyogoEntity says “It should be generally in your favor until she has some amount of AP and levels to spam her abilities. Always try to bait her shroud by short trading and look for all ins when its down. Her Q the first levels consume a lot of Energy the first levels so try to abuse your lethal tempo to walk her down. Her E has 160% AP scaling so try to wind wall it mid-game and foward. ”
zRawen says “Dentro da Smoke e com a alta mobilidade e acesso, a sua velocidade de movimento e lentidão não servem de nada. Akali é uma das matchups mais difíceis e é o ban que eu recomendo.”
Dannala says “Her early damage isn't enough to one shot spiderlings or you, abusing your range to poke and combo her for a possible first blood or zoning first few waves will give you a strong lead. After her first B you need to take it safer if you didn't get a decent lead. You can Rappel for the most part of her invisibility but not all of it.”
qosmox says “A good Akali player can beat every laner. Try lvl 1 poke against her. In this matchup, positioning blade is the most important thing you will do. Block her passive auto's with w. After 6, don't all-in to her. She is powerful than you after lvl 6.”
TheKingUltra says “Her Chemtech Tank build got nerfed, so she is only a shadow of her former self. She will poke you a lot but, your w will protect you from it. Also your q cover 2/3 of her w, which is very nice. But dont let her cheese you in the early.”
Supp Ahri says “Mostly skill based just make sure she doesnt dodge your charm with all of her tools to do so if she recasts her E while you're near turret you can flash ult to your tower for a free kill with charm”
Aut0Lycus says “Its a bit off a tossup early, but late she can certainly beat you if you don't get ahead at all. Play it well and you can come out on top.”
Whitelies says “Be mindful of Akali's edge, the side can extend range if aimed vertically and still hit you even if you're out of range. If she tries to Q, approach her then trade and back off. It still damages you but not slow you down unlike her edge Q.”
xIXWrathXIx says “Can take her on pretty easily lvl3 and can use R-Q to hit her in shroud. Akali struggles to farm while always getting poked as she is very squishy before lvl6. A lvl6 Akali becomes a problem if you aren't fast enough on your E's to block a decent amount of her R-E-Q-E combo.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Thread carefully not to overextend on the lane after level 6, because she can engage and kill you way before you can reach your tower for safety.
Keep in mind that you can cast your R and it will bounce to her even when she's invisible. That will help you get vision of her during her shroud. Try to hold on to your Q for as long as possible, because if you miss it, you'll die.”
Grogroda says “Galio is the perfect champion to play against akali, she is a melee AP assassin (sometimes bruiser, but not that common on mid) and galio is an anti-mage that has an area taunt the size of her shroud.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Too much damage and too much ability. But playable anyway, also depends from Akali player itself how good he is with his champion. Also while being in her W she won't take damage from boxes.”
Sihirdarokulu.com says “Qiyana, Akali karşısında etkilidir. Onu doğru şekilde kullandığınızda koridor aşamasında problem yaşama olasılığınız düşüktür.”
Ahri Simplord says “Pre 6 you can easily harass her with Aery, after 6 she becomes more of a threat so you need to space correctly not to let her all in you in her terms, you can stop her mid-way on her e with your charm. Try to hold the priority in the lane by constantly shoving the minnions.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Even though Akali is an annoying matchup you can still survive the laning phase. Avoid her Q while going for CS. Once you get level 3 you can go for trades but don't get hit by her E or you will most likely lose the trade. ”
Kat_Alien says “Look for trades pre lvl 6. After that lane will get only harder because of the dashes that allow her to dodge our daggers on the ground or escape from our ultimate.”
VyoS says “Don't use your Ultimate before her W is on Cooldown. Try to Poke her in Lane and don't go in melee range when she can proc her passive. She got a stupid amount of DMG in Lane so try to do something with your higher Range.”
Dj Memelord says “Anathemas on akali is insanely good. You should have a free laning phase but if she catches you in melee without ur cage you are most likely dead.”
Agatrium says “A good Akali is very obnoxious to play against. She’ll look to constantly poke you down with Qs, and if you try to engage on her, she’ll drop shroud and hit you while you can’t see her. Plus, her ult slaps hard. D shield and farm. Hit her with a Q here and there and take a quick Q-E trade, but don’t overextend it. ”
m0rfeazz says “Once she got some buffs akali is a tough matchup, you can easily bully her in lane but stay in short trades, make her waste her W and then all in her. Once you got her ult its much easier to kill her”
CuteNakedLoli says “Depends mostly on how good Akali is, u beat her pre 6 but after she gets her 6 and zhonyas u are dead man
so beat her before she gets a chance to scale. ”
Iratus412 says “It's Akali. She will be able to burst you down in lane very easily even if we're building more health, but you just want to survive for levels. Even if you never break passed level 9, you are a game ending threat.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Akali is just like any other melee assassin. But she is harder to execute in the early levels, hence why I place her under Yone, Zed and Fizz. This matchup is really playable untill she hits lvl 6, thats when you want to be careful for her all in.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Even though Akali is an annoying matchup you can still survive the laning phase. Avoid her Q while going for CS. Once you get level 3 you can go for trades but don't get hit by her E or you will most likely lose the trade. ”
Xexzuz says “Now I don't think she is that big of a threat. But for my own sanity she is perma banned. I will not let Akali roam bot and get a double kill after they don't listen to my pings again. ”
Xalt says “You need to force akali to shroud before going all in, If you all in and she has shroud try to predict where she is with Q Sweeper helps with this when she autos she's revealed so you can get a E reset, near the end of her shroud Q Ult then follow her when she uses her E or R to get out of your R radius. ”
Bundif says “I personally think the Akali matchup is rather simple unless she's being piloted by a very sweaty one-trick HOWEVER, she DOES have access to Zhonya's. AND AS WE ALL KNOW:
⭐Basically any champ that buys Seeker's Armguard into Zhonya's Hourglass can give you trouble. ”
angeLoon says “dring or dark seal grasp or electrocute.
akali is a skill matchup lane so it depends on who's better.
try to cheesing her by trading lvl1 with E so you gain wave control.
this matchup is kinda like leblanc, when the wave is on your side its the best time to punish her.
try Qing her to punish her CS
you can trade lvl 2-3 against her but be careful,she can kill you if she have electrocute.
try to side-step her q and e.”
JoacoT31102 says “assasins are easy if you clear the wave and roam, they cant stop you and at early lvls their damage cant be cured with nunu´s Q. DONT FIGHT THEM WITHOUT YOUR JG.”
JayKm1 says “Can easily dive on you and one shot when she hits level 6. Easy to poke however and should be safe with her ult on cooldown aslong as you play behind minions. Must take exhaust”
officialwiseguy says “Similar to most assassins, play safely and be aware of her kill potential, which is usually high, and extremely so post-6. She do be weak in solo queue tho, so I'm downgrading her”
DaffeLaffe says “I personally hate this matchup. You need to force akali to shroud before going all in, If you all in and she has shroud try to predict where she is with q. When you ult is sure to know where she is so you can follow here with your e, so she doesn't dodge the ult. She can dodge with her ult or e so you gotta be quick.”
SKRELAX says “Akali is a spicy one. Try to bait out the Q, Her early game Q cost is large (120 energy from 200). You outscale her well. But be aware of her mid-late as well. If you missplay. it won't be nice.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Stay out of her range and farm as much as possible]
[Use your E around you whenever she is going to jump on you]”
Juon says “Akali I don't think is that bad anymore, hardly ever see her played. She would be lower on ranking but she builds merc treads. Max E second to stop her engages.”
soulentt says “As expected she is assasin, and she can get close to you. Do not let her get close to you. Poke from safe distance with E. If she uses her shroud, go away for while, and wait. If she uses her E on you, use Q after she is close to you. Use Q if she engages in general.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Bully her pre 6]
[Post 6, play safe and poke her with your E]”
TrueGIXERJ says “quite tough, although she's melee she can do a lot of damage in both burst and extended fights, rendering you at an innate disadvantage - if she uses her W well, your game might as well be over before it began, as she will prevent you doing any damage whatsoever. but if you can predict, dodge, and consistently deal damage, it's winnable. make sure to space her Q and step back when she drops W or has passive on.”
Fake Supp says “its not veryhard to play vs her actually if you dont let her poke you and exploit her cds you will win but if get behind its nearly over for you”
ChrisWasTaken says “Haven't seen many Akalis in a while. it's not that hard of a matchup. basically level 1 if she hits a Q on you, don't let her get it for free --> immediately dash on her with lethal tempo or hob (I pref Lethal tempo in general) and you should win the trade because you outsustain her with passive. Again it depends on skill level 2-3”
keneki ken says “you need to abuse her in the first few lvls where shes super weak and just build a lead on her due to her very weak csing capabilitties as a champion just try to play away from her shround try to save 3q to cancel her r”
desch3445 says “While she doesn't have her R, you should be in full control of the lane. Use your hammer W in the middle of her smoke to find where she is so you can Shockblast her, and make sure to stick onto her if you can, as you win the extended trades.
Take the First Strike page; Melee champ, no poke, c'mon, you know the drill.”
ThePieBeam says “Akali is a painful lane to fight, but it's really not too bad. Just don't die and try to apply mid-lane pressure if she roams. her range isn't nearly enough to effectively hurt us and just make sure you have Q up if you want to play in an area where she can shuriken you. You can also R her shroud to force her to leave it early since the R range is about the same as the cloud area.”
Epic_Semibold says “Smoke cloud is an annoying ability. Wait for her to drop her cloud before starting to E or W her. Btw, drop your w in the center of the smoke for maximizing damage and chase potential. Bait her R2 into your ult. Other than that, you can out trade her as long as you don't troll. Also minions are your best friend.”
fLeXeRlol says “You can easilypoke her in laning phase. Avoid getting hit by her Q when farming and poking. When she recasts her E on you, you can use your E to charm her and trade with a W Q Combo.”
Hard only after 6.
In the recent patches Akali's early-game has been heavily nerfed.
She isnt a lane-bully anymore.
We can easily win lane before level 6.
Make sure to get as much advantage as you can pre-6 in order to be able to duel her in the lv6 spike.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “You actually should look for an all in at all times pre 6 simply because you win it, her pre 6 kit is pretty easy to comprehend while the only issue is after 6 you actually want to make sure you have more hp than her before you all in because you actually lose with her full ult combo.Sadge.
D-shield recommended but D-blade if you have experience.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Doran's Blade Start.] The Akali matchup is one of the more difficult lanes that Akshan will face. She has a high threat cap at 6 and is hard to lock down due to her shroud.
In order to lane versus Akali having a good understanding of tethering is necessary to win this matchup. (Check the tethering definition in this guide under LANING)
To win this matchup you need to be aggressive early and force her out of as much farm as you possibly can. Level 1 she can only cast 2 Qs so punish her if she uses them. If possible position yourself between her and the enemy casters to try and deny her of any experience. If Akali uses her shroud (W) be sure to all in while it is down. Once she hits 6 it is hard to outplay her without flash and help from turret. If you generate a lead keep your foot on the gas and generate a lead around the map. Best way to do this is build up 2 waves and hard shove that under turret and look for a roam.”
lonestar1870 says “Poke her early with Q's.
Don't let her land E on you.
She is fairly squishy still, you can kill her if you poke her down a bit but she has more kill pressure on you since she can dodge your spells
Play extremely safe when your E is on cooldown, don't use E much to poke unless you are positive you will land it.
Ignite or TP: Akali will likely go TP and it is good to match. Tt allows you to take a reset if you get low. If you feel confident in your ability to kill her early you can go ignite.”
itakute says “Safe windwall for her E, it does the most damage in her kit. Try to outspace her q's and always punish her when shroud or E is on cooldown.”
Desperate Nasus says “Against akali, Runes setup is really important. Go with fleet setup with Dorans shield as starting item and rush Sheen as soon as possible to recover her Q + Passive damage. A tip that is gonna help you a lot is her Passive range. So whenever she Hits Q on you and you get slowed she is gonna have her passive ready and her passive AA Range is similar to Nasus Q range so whenever she walks up to hit you with the passive you wanna trade back with you and Sheen. If you dont have Sheen dont ever try to trade back with her you will never win trades. Only solo kill potential you have is if you take some good trades having her around 70%Hp then you can solokill her if she used her W At;east. If her W is up there is no window for you to kill run her down. Also something last if she knows she dies to you she might try to get behind you and R out so maintain a good spacing between you and her if she tries to do 1 step back so she gets behind you, make sure you take 1 step back as well”
MruW says “No one can mess with this Singed 1v9 Op build, so you can beat every champion, but you cant see every champ here because i got so fast in my next game so i have to go and 1v9 with this Singed OP build”
Rhybeaux says “She's not too bad if you can avoid all her abilities. She can be kind of hard to kill but if you're boosted it's not a problem. Just play safe and hold E.”
BlockPad says “It depend of how the game goes, but in laning phase you cant be killed if you take care. But dont underestimated her. You had to harass a lot”
Kuji says “My encounter with akali so far has been easy, you're faster and more mobile than her and have higher dmg. You can easily clap her. But still dont get cocky and go straight in.”
BiriRamen says “Shroud is doo doo, and I hate it, still a winnable lane if she's worse than you as long as you don't get clapped early, but if she shrouds, I suggest just walking away.”
Kali23213 says “Recommended secondary runes: Resolve (Second wind and Overgrowth/Unflinching)
Take Ignite + Exhaust
Bait out Q's because it has a high energy cost for the first 3 levels of the ability (130/115/100). If she uses Shuriken Flip do not use Shunpo directly behind her until she has almost finished casting the ability because Shuriken Flip has a hitbox behind Akali.
IreliaS Secret says “Ты выйграешь любой трейд, если попадешь W по акали. Проще всего подловить акали во время полета на E. Против акали бери в рунах казнь электричеством.”
Lowkii_d says “Invisibility is a bit hard to work around but she cant really deal with the double auto every time she exits stealth use it to your advantage.”
Callmebee says “Akali does things to my tilt levels that not many champions do. IN THEORY, if you can dodge her shuriken, you should be able to survive. Keep your calm, farm up and always stay behind minions. Take barrier or consider exhaust.”
CashLOL says “Use splash damage off your wave to bully the Akali. Auto attacks are key. If she lands here E you can place mines in front of yourself she is forced to travel through. A potential barrier matchup because of her level 6 depending on jungle pressure. W is very useful after she uses her R1.”
ShokLoL says “Akali can be scary in the mid to late game but early is extremely easy. Take ignite, E max and rush Wit's End and you should have no problems destroying her. After level 6 be careful not to waste E as you can use it to get out if she ults aggressively.”
iZianni says “I've honestly never played this match up yet, but your W hard counters Akali.
You also have access to insane wave clear that makes it difficult for her to approach because of Mistral Bolt.
Looming darkness is also great vs melees. She can theoretically kill us off a snazzy R1 E1 cancel combo but if you ever have FEAR up it is impossible to die in this match up.
pwins says “Akali is an assassin. And Zoe does NOT fare well against most assassins. Always be mindful of when she will strike and try to cast your E at her when she tries to go all-in on you. You really can't do much when she does, so all you can do is run and go for your turret and rely on your allies to back you up.”
livikattt says “If the Akali player is any good, they'll be able to abuse their mobility a lot. Unless you manage to w and auto them before they disappear into their shroud, it'll be very hard to hit anything. Your best chance to charm them is when they're walking up to auto a minion, or when they're in the middle of their E2 towards you. Her all-in is super scary, and you'll probably die if you don't have charm. Be careful of her snowballing potential, as she'll usually go straight for a dark seal and can tower dive you very easily.
However, if you charm her during E2... that's a kill. A good Akali makes life really hard for you, but a bad one... that's gonna be fun. Most Akali players you encounter will be smart enough to use R and E to dodge your charm, so be prepared for the level 6 all-in.”
TorvusDog says “You dumpster her. You outrange her and even if she manages to "Q" you, just press "E" on her. You also can just "E" her shroud. Only tip I can give is to be very precise with your "E"s as a good Akali can dodge it with her abilities.
Juplicate says “She has quite high burst and can kill you lv 4 and onwards. You can bully her early and force her out of lane. Be weary even if she is down she can still one-shot you level 6, when she recasts e try to get under your turret or cc her immediately after.”
BigChingas says “This is more of a fun matchup than it is annoying. You counter her e with your stun which can lead to a hook into tower or executing your combo. Experienced players are harder to fight but its do-able.”
Miscake says “Muito semelhante a Katarina e Diana, com a única diferença que falando por stats a Akali está em uma posição bem ruim atualmente.
O modo de jogar é o mesmo: puna ela sempre que for farmar por ser melee e faça trocas curtas. No fim é uma skill matchup onde você tem vantagem naturalmente considerando o kit dos dois campeões.”
52hertz says “You need to play super aggro take every chance you have and play around windwall when you are fighting in her shroud. Akali right now is just very bad, making it a easy lane and game”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is actually a lot easier top lane than it is mid lane since Akali only wants to fight you when her Shroud is up. Since the lane is a lot longer, she can’t really hide under her tower during her Shroud's downtime. Level 2, you have a chance to fight her, but you have to bait out her Shroud without taking too much damage while she's in it. You have 20 seconds to take a fight with her while your conqueror is up and her Shroud is down. This gets even easier at level 3 when you can Windwall one of her Q’s or her E while she tries to get away from you. If you never fight when her Shroud is up, you have a huge advantage over her and it isn’t too hard of a matchup 1v1. At level 6, it’s a very good idea to Ult her when her Shroud is on cooldown and force her to Ult; her Ult is way more important than yours in all-ins.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Akali is annoying because of her Q spam, shroud, and dashes. Never Q3 into her when she has E up, or
she'll just dodge it; her E will chunk you and you'll be in kill range. Do your best to dodge her Q poke early
game. A huge chunk of HP is not worth that one cs. Use your E before you have Q3 so you can hit her more
easily. Early null-magic mantle is good especially if the lane is even.”
Katawina52 says “Look for trades pre 6, after that the lane gets way harder. If you're struggling, resolve tree is a good option (go Second Wind, not Bone Plating) to be more forgiving when she pokes you with Q. Remember that you can ult while Akali is in her shroud it's really useful to know that. When you're low hp try your best to play conservative and reset, she can easly dive with her mobility + shroud.”
Rermo99 says “Akali is one of those champ that can outplay you easily but since your Malzahar you still win the game. You impact in the game is a lot more important than her's. She's good at roaming and you're good at punishing roamers by getting the first tower. Her W will piss you of, but don't be affraid you only have to play safe until it's wasted and she dies. However, her mobility is against you. If you get hit by her E, you'll die quick. If you dodge it, she looses half her damage.”
PlayCabex says “Easy match up , you can out damage her in early game , also your e counters her w (smoke) go to centre and use your e to see where she is.”
eiensiei says “I'll harass her with E-AA pre-6. Lux outdamages her with E-AA-Q-AA if she shields too and if Akali W's, I'll retreat. After 6 I won't trade, only poke with E's and farm. Barrier is enough to save any all-ins she might attempt, and if I Q her under my tower during a dive, she's usually dead. Constantly staying behind minions makes it so she can't E and would need to commit her R to gap close. Worth noting her E can take her back to her W if she used it on her shroud on first cast.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA).
Doran + 2 Pots or Corrupting if you feel it's going to take a while to take her down. Her kill pressure starts only at level 6 where her ult is deadly but that can be countered with Time Warp Tonic and MR. Get Early magic resist and roam first and you will be okay. If you hit your Qs post 6 and you get her down to 50% you can use your E as a deterrent and she will not be able to dash on you engage. Don't stay in her smoke for no reason and just all in her after she's below 50% hp and you are not. Mid-Late game E destroys her dash. If in a nerfed state, Akali matchup is easy. Currently she deals decently with Taliyah so proceed with caution.”
Yeager says “A lot of players struggle in this match up but it's winnable if you know how to play it out. Level 1 Akali will try to Q spam you with empowered auto attacks. The key here is to intentionally walk within range of her Q and then immediately out again to make her use it and miss. If she does that twice within a short amount of time, her energy levels will be super low, so she can't trade back. That's how you trade with akali in the laning phase. She also likes to use her back flip whenever you engage with Q3 to dodge your knock up, and maybe even follow you back. Her shroud is what makes it hard to trade with her since you're an auto attack / skill shot based champion, so you want to make sure it's on cooldown before you go for any fights. Try to bait it out with fake engages, and keep in mind the cooldown of her shroud is around 20 seconds, so whenever it's on cooldown, that's when you want to force fights. The first cast of her ultimate will make her dash behind you. If you're quick enough, you can time your ultimate to potentially knock her within tower range for 1-2 shots, the moment she pressed R1 on you. She can cancel the R1 animation with her back flip, so keep that in mind against good akali players.
xblademojo says “Outrades you early, check if she has doran shield/second wind and fleet footwork since she might outsustian you too. Electrocute matchup, play around her mistakes and energy bar. Get Oracle Lens starting from level 6 to track her in W.”
Polarshift says “Not the absolute worst matchup for Ryze to be honest. I'd say it actually favors you. Play your waves correctly and you can always try to bait her smokescreen and E in the early game. Your Flux (E) will still hit her if she uses shroud inside a minionwave and when there is no minionwave there is no reason for you to be anywhere close to her, other than potentially poking with max range Q. Her E (shuriken) does a lot of freaking damage, so you have to dodge it. After lv 6 try to dodge her as much as possible since she will one-shot you with her ult. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “good sustain and high mobility with damage. the only time that you can fight is most often when her shroud is on CD. Poke works wonders though if you can do it consistently.”
ISterbenI says “She can jump at you with her R so the wall and your R won't stop her. But as usual you outscale her. So its just the laning phase and midgame that's difficult.”
Yeager says “Rush hexdrinker or you will get oneshot when she gets level 6. We can stop her from ulting us by freezing the minion wave in front of our tower. Losing a few cs is fine against assassins, because the important thing is to NOT give them kills. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Our beloved Akali, champion that is one of the hardest ones to play in a game in terms of mechanics, considering her quite low damage output. (#SarcasmEnd) Well, pre-6 you can do whatever you want to her, just be careful about her dash, that she has with her invisibility. Don't try to harass her in expense of lane minions, always prefer that farm rather than harass - expecially if she has Doran's shield. After she has level 6, don't ever try to come closer to her and farm only through your E and R. Any attempt to go on her face will mostly end in your death, even if you would rush Negatron (which you should do anyways, but it's not guaranteed, that it will always save you). So scale up, get your AP and try to oneshot her later on in teamfights. Otherwise you are doomed.”
crabbix says “Similar to most assassins, play safely and be aware of her kill potential, which is usually high, and extremely so post-6. She do be weak in solo queue tho, so I'm downgrading her”
Vicksay says “Pretty sure I'd dodge this match-up. Her weakest point is pre-6, after that whenever her R is up you're dead meat if you miss your E, she can 1v1 you with ease with her shroud, immense damage and INSANE mobility, and if she's not the best she has 3 "get out of jail free" cards in her W, E and R.”
Avucado says “One of the four characters I would suggest perma banning. If Akali does not take shroud lvl 2, you want to actively look to e through them and make them use their pots early. Be aware of her lvl 6 as she can easily kill you and is arguably the best champ at keeping on top of you. Shroud in general makes it almost impossible to get a good trade in on her and you should look to roam or spam ping for ganks. ”
LunarVortex says “She can also avoid your Q and R rather easily. Don't waste your Q or she will run you down. Hold it until you need it and make it count.”
Eriosunx says “Akali has a lot of lane-poke and can easily outlane Katarina, she can also 100 to 0 Katarina when she hits level 6.
Best option is to play safe and the optimal build is ELECTRO+SECONDWIND starting DSHIELD or DARKSEAL
I usually ingore lane , pickup TP+INGITE and play for sides.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Akali is one of the best matchups for Galio, not only has the champion been nerfed quite a lot she also does not hurt you and you can reveal her in her stealth with your W or E, can also follow up on her roams quite easily, the only bad part is if she has conqueror then you can't duel, but other than that you should be fine.”
Fuzzmonkey says “With Akali's rework she acts a little bit like Zed, try your best to all in pre 6 and kill her (tilt her too). After 6 just make sure you save at least one distortion to get away from her. Also, avoid her E when you W into her (like Ahri charm mechanics) otherwise you will most likely lose a lot of the trades.”
Yeager says “Before fighting her, bait out her W smoke first as it has a pretty long cooldown. While it's cd, zone her as much as possible with your ball while constantly poking her with abilities and autos.
She spikes once she gets hextech gunblade, so respect her damage at that point and don't overextend. ”
Urpog says “Top / Midlane: Akali's pretty easy now, Akali shouldn't really be ever to take her e2 (the dash) because if she does take the e2 she's setting herself up to be E'd for absolutely free which leads into the oneshot combo, though what Akali can do to trick you is E, E2, R. They will usually do this in attempts to execute you, so to remedy this trick just E behind you instead of Eing forward to intercept their e2.
You can also space perfectly against Akali Q, most Akali's will use their Q when you're in range and walk forward at her or when you cast your auto attack on a minion; what you can do is auto attack, press S, walk backwards and then forwards and you've successfully negated Akali's singular poke option against you.
A good Akali with jungle pressure can win against you though, don't underestimate one but you are favoured to win by a large margin.”
Dj Memelord says “Go ravenous hunter. You need sustain for longer fights. Try and spin on her when she is in her ShAdOw CircLE. Q max is also pretty good here combined with dorans shield.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Very easy to poke in lane, don't go anywhere near her shroud when she has it up. And all her whenever you get the chance, always make sure you're behind minions too then she'll never be able to hit her E.”
CashLOL says “Just wait for her shroud to be in cooldown or bait it out with a simple W-E-Q combo before using your ultimate. Taking conqueror in this matchup is good!”
XayLies says “ If you can windwall one of her q's early she won't be able to win a trade because of how much energy she needs. If you can bait out her W you can go for an all in.”
iZianni says “This lane is extremely obnoxious because our damage is gated around by skillshots which is hard to land on an invisible target with 900 mobility skills.
The key to this lane is punishing her early lack of stats and abusing the ranged advantage. Once she has gunblade it comes down to be killed or kill.
Syndra can cast while moving making distance control the most important thing in this lane.
I would consider this a winning lane but it becomes more dicey the longer the game goes on for team fights.
Aegox says “You can hit Akali through your smoke with all your abilities, just wait until she shows herself through the smoke to land an AA. If she bursts on you, dodge her ult attacks with your R.”
Eriosunx says “Akali is a pretty common matchup as well.
You can pretty much abuse her in the early levels.
We will be way stronger than Akali before level 6.
Her kill pressure starts at level 6.
Make sure to Windwall her Shuriken and dash behind her when she tried to throw a Q.
Your windwall can block both her E and her Q.”
wDesired says “Don't take unnecessary trades with her early. And play around minions when you are fighting her. Try not to take a fight in the Jungle .”
MikeVix says “Akali is a pain in lane but if she wastes her shroud go all in. Poke her Take small trades with WEQ in lane to lower her HP and then go all in for the final blow. Watch her E and R for escapes. Roaming is the best option for this lane.”
ShokLoL says “Early game is very easy for Zoe and you can often pick up a kill. After 6 however you can't harass her much more and it's difficult to side lane or teamfight against her. Getting a big lead pre 6 is crucial, I recommend taking electrocute and ignite.”
angeLoon says “lethal dblade In Resolve second wind and Overgrowth (you can use bone plating if you want to)
Be careful With akali all-ín lvl 3.
wait she use her W,sidestep or windwall her Q and go
buy magic resist early if you're not confident that you win 1v1s against her.”
Kords says “Akali, reworked and remade numerous time as an assassin that is heavily punishing, should you make the incorrect decisions. Pre-6 you’re just fine, assuming you will dodge her shuriken, she can’t do much, throwing a Q is all she’s got for the first few minutes of the game you can really exploit this buy beating her down with your W, Q and Autos. Then comes level 6, you want to stay FAR away from her (where appropriate) to stop yourself from getting all inned. If you’re unsure where she is in the shroud, she may as well be on top of you, be careful, she is a threat post lane phase, keep your toes on the ground for this matchup! ”
TheoRut says “She can dodge your abilities easily, play safe and bait out her E. When her E is on cooldown you can one shot her with your combo. Electrocute is suggested against this matchup.”
ShokLoL says “In the first 6 levels you will have a pretty big advantage over Akali but post 6 can be quite difficult. Since it's so hard to push her out of lane you should normally just take the first strike scaling page.”
ShokLoL says “Definitely LeBlanc favored, pre 6 you should have no trouble bullying her, just make sure to save E in case she hits E onto you. After 6 just look for QW auto trades. That way you have either your E or your R to disengage if she tries to ult onto you.”
Yasukeh says “Take 3 rejuv and double MR into her, and just try to survive. She can Trade with you in ways where there is no recourse. If you can bait out her shroud, when it's down is the only chance you have to possibly fight her. I would consider her a first or second priority for bans, in both mid and top lane. Akali did get nerfed in 10.3, but then they did a micropatch buff, so she is still worth the ban. ”
Elite500 says “If she doesn't have TP nonstop auto her early even if she qs you, if she has fleet you will win auto battle with electro and setup the lane for success, her ult is impossible to react pool, you have to predict it”
Dr Eggmund says “Can have some incredible poke on you, position yourself so your out of harms way and always farm and poke with Q as she is a melee champion. Her invisibility can be quite a shock so play passively while it's out unless you are CERTAIN you will be fine and can beat her.”
iZianni says “This champion is pure pain and I hope it gets nerfed into the ground. Due to her vamp, our poke is meaningless and her damage potential means that we will die to a full combo if we ever misstep.
Fortunately, we do have a good laning phase against her and it comes down to who has more impact in team fights. If we deny her the snowball, we should be more impactful. ”
Ambitieux says “Should be a very simple matchup. Your autos out range her q, so you must focus on your positioning in lane. Do NOT ever use charm in this lane this is your only trump card over her until 6, and if used incorrectly will be guaranteed death. Safe charm for her E'ing and it is a free half hp chunk where you can pressure the lane under turret for a dive or for you to roam out. She is very linear based movements so it should be predictable with charm. If she ults you just ult away and you can't die. ”
iZianni says “Champion got hard nerfed, it's still unfun to play against if she has multiple items. For the purpose of laning, Lux has an extremely easy time against Akali due to the range advantage alone with poke windows.
Akali is unable to keep up due to the Q nerfs. She can still kill us instantly though if we mess up!”
kindo says “Super easy early game matchup. Get perma lane prio and rotate for jungle. Problem comes post-6 when she can 100-0 you with her combo and her ult CD is much lower than yours.
The matchup comes down to a skill matchup where you need to dodge her E to prevent her from forcing your ult whenever she goes for an all in.
Matchup snowballs extremely hard which makes it harder for kindred, but gets easier once you get Shieldbow. Overall though, it's easily manageable given you don't fight in her shroud with her ult. Typically good to build Wit's End as a third item unless she is only AP on the team.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “Laning will be annoying, but most Akali players flop outside of laning phase.
Lvl 1:
Her lvl 1 dmg and ms is absurd, mostly try to cs with q
Lvl 2:
A q + e + auto combo will beat her q + empowered auto. If she gets w second, you’ll win trade, but going for the shunpo is dangerous if she shrouds before you e in. if she starts e and hits it, she’ll win the trade hard.
Lvl 3-5:
It’s hard to all in her pre-6 due to her shroud. Stick to lvl 3 safe pokes, but shunpo’ing is still dangerous if she shrouds before you e in.
Lvl 6: At this point, you can do a lvl 6 all-in because your ult hits her in your shroud, but you need to play around her ult because the first part of it will cancel your ult. If she hasn’t used the first part of her ult, don’t go for an all-in.
Coldsong says “Akali is not bad for Talon, especially after all her nerfs. If she gets into your melee range, make sure to trade with an auto Q auto combo to chunk her. When she ults onto you, dodge her E so she does not get free damage and also watch out for her E mark on her shroud, as she can easily juke you with it.”
DemonDiana says “A bit of a tough matchup. The biggest strength Akali has vs Diana is her mobility, therefore the ability to dictate how Diana can fight in a 1v1. Akali is stronger in the 1v1. Akali has better abilities in the 1v1 and 2v2. ”
Shikikashi says “Bait her into using her shroud then you will have no trouble beating this guy, she received plenty of harsh nerfs lately so we can easily kill her as long as her W is not available.”
TismoTheTilted says “Before using your R you have to bait out her W, otherwise it will simply be wasted.
Be careful when trying to get your passive in, her Q deals ridiculous damage and without your W she could get her passive in without issue.”
resetwice says “You early is better so push wave. She will Q to poke you, but remember that this ability coast a lot of energy so mQ back to do crit damage (try to use it only if her W isn't up). Take care when rQ when she E or you can follow and get under her turret. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
m0rfeazz says “Akali used to be a zed counter but after so many nerfs zed can easily beat akali, poke and poke pretty much before level 6. Try not to trade much with her cause she can easily win. After lvl 6, if you are low dont stay near her if you half or lower hp,she can easily finissh you”
Kessi says “Try your best to not give her any chance to outtrade you, I'd usually abuse Bush Q in this matchup. Reminder that extended trades, will most likely result in you losing it. If you start losing, look for roams/help. After 6, whoever lands their abilities first, wins. The only reason why this matchup is hard, is because akali is akali.
If you're struggling or feeding go Mercury treads or Plated Steelcaps, otherwise just go Mobility Boots. ”
King Turtle says “Early on you can poke her down and abuse her early energy costs to establish a lead. If she shrouds just stay back and try to hit her with a few Qs. Once you get to level 6 you can just fire rockets into the shroud until you hit something and she won't be able to trade back unless she ults and commits to an all in. she has good damage but if she falls behind she becomes easy to abuse.”
Razorwir3 says “Akali Q has more range than your Q what makes it hart to trade Qs with her try to avoid her E if she used W you can try hitting her with Q to roughly reveal her location”
Sylvan Lore says “You outrange Akali pretty heavily, but that doesn't mean that she can't get to you. Level 1 she will almost always take Q. If you space her correctly you should be able to land poke in the form of Autos and Q while being safe from her Q. Should she land her Q on you though, the slow combined with her speed will likely allow her to land her passive auto and win the trade. Don't be afraid to chase her a bit and keep autoing her after she combos as she will be stuck on cooldowns. Pushing into an Akali is acceptable early as long as you are in a position to push hard enough to reset the wave before her jungler comes. Levels 3+ you will lose any even all-in trade. That's not to say that you will lose all trades, but you have to be strategic in safely poking her when possible without going oom. 3+ she wins, but especially at level 6 she has a devastating all-in that must be respected. As with most assassins, she falls off in the mid to late game. Zhonya's is super high value into her in lategame fights as she is super vulernable when diving in and can rarely afford to stick around for 2.5 seconds to finish you off. You can even win a lot of lategame 1v1s against her if you play it well, but regardless the damage and utility you can safely put out will not be matched. The real goal of this matchup is to not fall so far behind that you never get there. Phase rush and Stopwatch are ideal runes into Akali. If they have another AP threat you can consider MR runes, but I wouldn't do it just for her. Zhonyas is very high value as always into an assassin and can even be considered a second item. Merc treads are also viable if you are really struggling with this lane. Other than that building standard items and out-scaling her is completely fine.”
Quite easy to lane against pre 6. Impossible to lane against post 6. She oneshots you in a single combo and is borderline impossible to kill or gank.
Try to make plays before level 6.”
Saddest says “As time has gone on, I find Akali to be an increasingly difficult lane solely because she is so disgustingly tanky, and she's usually running Resolve secondary. Short trades are best with her, so I would go Electrocute. Remember you can R in her shroud, though I usually recommend doing this if she's on the brink of death/does not have a clear shot of you for her E. Other than that, I don't like to interact much with her; ask your jungler for help.”
mrmundo says “Tough but not too hard. If she hits you with her E, make sure you have your E2 up so you can stun her. You out sustain her, and you user her ult better.”
barbarianmode_on says “AARRRGGHHHHRITOOOWHYYTHISSCHAAAAMP (translation: take grasp runes, frickin oracle lens and fash with exhaust or barrier) btw it's not that bad matchup I just hate this champ. ”
TrueSatan666 says “Akali is just like Fizz, the moment you can bait her Q by approaching to auto her that's the moment you should press your W and chase her, auto-dart-auto should keep her in check.
When Akali smokes, just be vigilant, trade with her regardless, every Akali you'll meet will try to fight you under the smoke, the moment she appears auto-dart her face, don't let her attack and disappear without you giving some love back, retreat but keep your cursor near the edges of the smoke just in case she appears to attack.
That's gonna cost you your lane if you don't trade with her. ”
Avyxia says “Can't touch you until level six so poke her out as much as possible. her q range is shorter than your autos and abilities. if she shrouds you can wait it out and punish her with poke as she has no safety”
Yumi Project says “Depends on what akali are u facing.
U cant really win cuz if u use ur Q near to her, akali will use her Q on u.
If u ult her, she will ult you. Try to roam bot to gain some advantage.”
Impossible2Gank says “She can be quite hard to handle especially if they understand the matchup even a little but if you play around your boxes well enough it should be easy.”
Mr. Popper says “Akali's Q outranges gnar auto and can easily follow up with her empowered auto so trading early into her isnt recommended so look to q poke and farm only until you can get her low enough to respect you.
Post level she can all in mini gnar and one shot you even at full hp.
remember to take the magic resist stat shard into this matchup.”
Tatty says “Her Entire Kit is a zed counter but at the same time its still a skill match up in my opinion. Due to micro stun removal you should have a easier time killing her”
ReapeRGP says “Skill matchup. I really don't mind akali, you outrange her so just keep poking her to get her low and make her miss CS. Save E for the moment she goes all in on you and it's free.”
roselol says “can oneshot you under tower if good player. if bad player, just poke with auto and q's. know that her shroud is really high cd early, so take advantage of that.”
King Turtle says “She's not going to destroy you early game, but her shroud makes landing a full combo difficult, and once she hits level 6 there's a good chance she can start chunking you. Once she gets 6 though she'll likely get more aggressive, and you can start poking her down.”
King Turtle says “Her Shroud adds some issues when it comes to all inning her. Since this build relies heavily on Q damage if you can't Q her you're going to miss out on some power. She can still be beat because outside of shroud she's not that great, and with your W she can't cheese you with Q spam.”
duhnx says “PERMA BAN. This is an impossible matchup unless you have a really good jungler and boneplating, it might be manageable. Build Hexdrinker early and roam a lot, you might a have chance.”
powervang says “Akali is just annoying when she uses her "w" because you can't really tell where she is. Yone's "w" can pretty much hit her when she uses her "w" but I wouldn't really try to find her and go for the kill.”
Netwou says “Use Akali's Q to pop Yasuo's passive shield, then once the shield has depleted, auto attack to activate your Q for damage. Your Q is the bread and butter for Akali's combo, so use it once it has popped Yasuo's shield”
richardlized says “Akali is a Zed counter. Akali has counters to Zed’s kit. Zed relies on hitting his Q to win, but Akali has 4 dashes, invis, and outplay potential. I would suggest to ban Akali, since beating a good Akali is extremely hard. The way Zed wins this matchup is by constantly poking Akali when she goes for minions with your Q by Qing minions when she goes for last hits. Oracle’s lens is a great buy. You can bait her into your tower by swapping with W when she Es you. The only time that you would want to ult her is when she is low, because there is ZERO way you can kill a full health Akali with all her cooldowns of course.(unless you do unrealistic Q prediction)
Katasandra says “[1] Harass with autoattacks, but don't get hit by her Q.
[2] Don't fight in shroud.
[3] Sidestep E, or run into turret when she hits it. If she takes it, chain CC her under tower.
[4] If getting all-inned, don't try to reactively ult her R2. It's fast.”
Thresh Mid says “Akali's Five Strike Strike (Q) has a slightly higher range than Thresh's auto attacks but her passive makes her want to jump into trade range for Thresh. Both Shuriken Flip (E) parts can cancelled along with her Perfect Execution (R) with Flay.”
xMetix says “Akali has been quite easy for the past few weeks until a small power-shift where Riot seemed to completely overtune her damage. She's a very scary enemy that can snowball out of control. Do not trade with her level 1, Try to poke down before all in abusing the fact she has to walk up to last hit in melee range. Use Grass element a lot.”
Marky 2 Butts says “This can be a hard match up as Akali can dash in and out which makes it hard for Malphite to trade with her early. Later in the game she still has the ability to kill Malphite, but depending on how she builds malphite could blow her up if you can land your whole combo. ”
MikaeraKun says “She can be pretty tough to play against because of her W and R, but if not skilled enough she should be a pretty easy matchup, otherwise ask for ganks or go top.”
DabiDabi says “This lane is very easy pre-6. Even though Akali's shroud can be annoying she can't really do anything pre 6. Her Q energy cost is too much for her to trade with you. After her nerf, she can't burst you with her E+Q combo and her ult damage is greatly reduced so you can almost always win every trade. Only way you lose is if you cannot hit your passive, or if she is able to full combo you and waste your ult or passive with her shroud. At level 6, if you know her shroud is down you can go in for a WQR combo to kill her. Or at least try to proc your passive on her.”
Nanelol says “You are squishy and Akali has very quick burst, but if you quickly use your W to quickly retreat under your tower you can hopefully be safe, but she can tower dive and escape quickly with her R so don't let your guard down.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) You can poke her early very easily and should be ahead till first back, if she has resolve 2nd and DShield it will be way harder with almost no kill pressure, just play for Lane and try to not get killed, she can 1 shot you very easily after 6, would recommend Barrier or Exhaust.”
ok0goi says “Abuse her weaker early game, When she goes in using e use your W to stun her
When she engages with ulti, Look to disengage with your own E, Then fight her after her R2 has finished
Recommended item: Immortal shieldbow
Possible build: Divine Sunderer (if she ahead)
Kippari says “The matchup is slightly Pantheon favoured before 6, after that I would suggest only taking short trades and using empowered E to disengage if possible.”
SKRELAX says “Even threat in early, try to take her down on lvl 2-3. Lvl 6 will be much harder for you, since her dmg output with Perfect Exection is just a nonsense. Go conq or elec depending on the game, but i would recommend going conq anyway.”
tozosi says “Skill matchup. Avoid going all in when she has her shroud up as she can evade most of your damage that way if you try going in full combo. Pre-6, try to abuse her as much as possible playing aggressively. Be aware of her E damage however. Post-6, be aware she can 100% all in you very easily if you step up too far in lane.”
3Riptide3 says “You can both punish positioning mistakes in this matchup. Dodge E. Take perfect timing and rush everfrost. Ideally, bait her into a tower dive. ”
Kippari says “She can die very fast if you land a Q but the problem is that she's very hard to hit, try to counter or match her roams after she hits 6, fighting her is quite pointless unless you're very far ahead.”
Nanelol says “Akali has good all in potential and outplay potential but falls off if not given anything to play off of so lanes against akalis are always manageable.”
Nanelol says “If Akali E2s to you you can hit an easy guaranteed charm, however most Alkalis are familiar with this interaction and will avoid taking their E2s when you have charm up. Keep in mind to never throw your charm when Akali has her E2 ready, wait for her to use it.”
TheEnglishman says “Shroud is annoying but honestly the matchup is fine. You likely aren't going to solo kill her unless she messes up but that's fine, sit and scale.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
Gamile 99 says “La gente se fia mucho en este matchup, pero nos la puede liar fácil con su W y su gran daño después del nivel 6.
Trata de no morir en línea y busca kills rotando.”
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Electro for Flash Ignite/Phase rush for Ghost Ignite. Conqueror is a possible choice.
Respect her early game and pre lvl6 it's usually fine to pool her e2. When she hits lvl 6 you can't react to r2 but have to predict it in order to pool it successfully. You outscale her hard.”
Nanelol says “Depends on what akali you are facing. You cant really win cuz if you use your Q near to her, Akali will use her Q on you. If you ult her, she will ult you. Try to roam bot to gain some advantage.”
Jinx_48 says “Skill matchup.
Try to get her lvl 1/2 when she dont have shroud when she have try to save 1st E to get out he have advanage with trading with shroud if you dont have E spam W in shroud to heal on her try use passive on minions near shroud to reveal her position and dael her dmg. Her ult is ok you can gab close or rune away with using her ult.”
Johan Paracelso says “Akali is a skill match up. Her passive grants her an extra magic damage, so you must be careful while facing her, you can use your W to chunk her down, but remember, it cost a LOT of mana”
lolzayno says “Before level 6 the matchup is favored for ziggs. But once she hits 6 she starts to apply more pressure in lane and is able to 100 to zero you with a full combo. Essential to dodge shuriken if you want to survive at all.”
Sanctuar says “Although Akali players are very dangerous after hitting level 6, they are in some way squishy and your ultimate is the perfect counter for her Twilight shroud since it hits invisible units as well. Punish her with an all-in combo once she jumps on you.”
fanchessfan says “Akali has an abysmal 45% winrate into Vayne in the top lane. Take exhaust, E her away when she goes in, and make sure she doesn't roam. Remember to take double MR runes to negate her burst. ”
shidonryoku says “Play carefully, Akali loves snowball. You can harass combo Q + E, Q + W + E. Throw E into the smoke. Over time you will understand how to dodge her skills.”
Vispectra says “This is an OKAY match up. Her 6 is more powerful than yours if she lands the second part but all round so long as you play smart she won't be able to kill you and late game you'll leave her in the void.”
Void Silence says “She can waveclear very well with her Q and heal most of the damage because of dorans shield and fleet footwork. Her shroud is annoying and she can 100-0 you with a combo so do not feed her and press R when she gets into your team”
StarTundra says “Akali's biggest threat to you is her invisibility field, so keep away from that like the plague, as you can't E her while she's inside. Early levels you can bully her off the wave with AA and outrange her, allowing you to avoid her abilities. Watch out for her fleet footwork stacks as she can use them to land a Q if you're too close. If akali takes Dorans Shield/Second wind, your AA will only be effective while she's high health and once she's level 3, your AA will actually heal her when she is under half. They're still viable additions to your combo however, and you can toss them to proc electrocute. After Akali hits 6, be very wary of her burst as she has a lot of damage if she gets in range, and you're very squishy. Egg TP is super useful against a good Akali
Thanks to Matrixpl for advice on fighting Akali”
cookanarities says “Super easy early game matchup. Get perma lane prio and rotate for jungle. Problem comes post-6 when she can 100-0 you with her combo and her ult CD is much lower than yours. The matchup comes down to a skill matchup where you need to dodge her E to prevent her from forcing your ult whenever she goes for an all in. Matchup snowballs extremely hard which makes it harder for kindred, but gets easier once you get Shieldbow. Overall though, it's easily manageable given you don't fight in her shroud with her ult. Typically good to build Wit's End unless she is only AP on the team.”
TheWerefloof says “Do take this with a grain of salt, but Akali falls into the same category as Zed. Once she has used her smoke screen she's extremely vulnerable, and it has a longer cooldown then your swing with 2 points into it. Abuse her when she doesn't have it, be careful of her 6.”
luminyan says “Akali is really a skill matchup. I'm also an Akali main, and I've fought Lux multiple times. This matchup can go either way; either she misses her E and has no combo, so you can Q+E, or you miss all of your abilities and she will just poke you down and kill you. Play behind minions, as her E can't go through multiple targets. If she shrouds (W), just E behind you and back up. Don't let her get free poke. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “A very simple and easy matchup if you relax and play it slow. Buy a Vampiric Scepter on your first back and get a null magic mantle if you're still struggling. If you don't, take the Fleet page and double MR.”
Aethlo says “Akali has equal wave clear. ||
Akali loses pre-3 ||
Akali wins pre-6 (Annie can punish
Akali with her range if played properly) ||
Akali and Annie are even at 6. ||
Annie outscales Akali. ||
TIP: Chunk her early if she hasn't gone fleet footwork. If she has, just focus on the wave for a level 2 all-in. At level 6 it is a very close fight. You have to stun her to win. If she gets the jump on you - you will be one-shot unless you have stun up.
Make sure to Q her to guarantee the stun - Akali is slippery and can avoid tibbers. DO NOT GET HIT BY HER E (stand behind minions).
Later on you can stand behind tibbers so Akali can't e you.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Con Akali, básicamente la victoria depende de que tanto la respetes, y de que tanto la castigues, con esto me refiero a que no te acerques tanto como para dejarle un combo abierto, pero intenta pockearla en lo que ella farmea, nuevamente, cuidado a Nivel 6 con su E y R, considera comprar Zhonyas, inclusive puedes traer el cronometro con las runas de inspiración, también asegúrate de ver sus runas para poder armar los mejores objetos para contrarrestarla.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Even though the matchup is in your favor, she can get out of your CC abilities if you try to initiate a trade. Shove the wave and roam or trade back if she started a trade. Your W can force her out of her smoke field.
A55AILANT says “Not the worst matchup for ryze.
Your E will still hit her if she uses shroud inside a minionwave.
After lvl 6, try to dodge her, as her ult could 1 shot you.
Zenshi says “Since the mini-rework she got, her early game energy is terrible. Try and bait abilities and poke until level 6. That's when you will die...”
Boomblight says “Very hard matchup for toplane and even worse for mid. start using e when she uses r1, recast to stun and then run away. you should out scale if even. Ask toplaner to rotate if you see her as enemy mid on champ select.”
3pitesgiro says “Read the movement pattern and use accordingly your e. Also, try to roam to other lanes, because akali cannot do many things at your lane.”
NigYone says “If u are looking for a trade make sure u E under tower, because if she Es u during ur E she would follow u back under tower or else she wins other trades due to her shroud it is hard to hit Qs”
NINSHINIK says “Depends on what akali are u facing. U cant really win cuz if u use ur Q near to her, akali will use her Q on u. If u ult her, she will ult you. Try to roam bot to gain some advantage.”
SpartanDumpster says “This is a skill-based match up, but I would say Akali has the advantage for the most part. The thing with Akali's is they either flop about and trip over themselves, which you can just slaughter, or they're doing laps around you and successfully turret diving you by level 3 or maybe earlier. You rarely find an in between with her.”
Daers says “She can dodge your ultimate with her E and R, so don't use it as long as those two abilities are up. This also applies to Zhonya's Hourglass which she gets every match. Be aggressive off of her E cooldown, and avoid all-ins post 6 unless your jungle is there or you are ahead. ”
VeneficusFerox says “After her rework, she has become a major threat. Her dash allows her to retreat, wait for an eternity, and then decide to re-engage or not.”
Little Planet says “Despite the fact that you beat Akali pre 6 pretty mercilessly you'll still lose more or less instantly after she hits 6, and the longer the game goes the worse it gets.
Winning againster her after 6 requires you to either oneshot her with R or use Q to interrupt her second R cast.”
Dvide says “Akali is really annoying you dont want to all in her unless she has used her e because she can easily dodge your daggers. Keep in mind you can ult when she is in her w. You lose 1v1 when she has ult you need gunblade do kill her with everything is up”
Excalibxr says “This matchup is very hard to win on Katarina, I recommend walking inside her Q range to bait her Q out, and E behind her to dodge the Q. Currently, Akali only has 200 energy and her Q costs 100, so if she misses her q, it is harder for her to trade. When you E behind her, make sure to use w and move unpredictably, because if she lands e you always lose the trade. Past level 6, just look for roams if you are not ahead as akali can easily one shot you. ”
Kscepersky says “Playing vs Akali isn't easy, but also isn't hard. You just need to be careful about Akali's Q, but also u can poke her by your's AA. You just need to get good play to win this matchup/”
Joseph Evanss says “You out scale her but not by much, never e into her or she will get a free e off. lvl 1 wait for her to use q then walk up and trade with her because of her high energy costs. Wit's End helps a lot late game. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “look for trades pre 6, start with d shield as she will poke you a lot with q. Runes can go second wind if she is a good akali. try to trade with her when her q is down as in early games her q uses 100 energy when she totally only has 200. be careful after 6 as she can easily 100 to 0 you when you're low and under tower. you can try to get into her q range then e behind her to dodge her q then look for an all in or extended trade, the situation benefits you even more if she already used or missed e.”
Minnotaro says “Its very very easy matchup, He cant farm because of your voidling and E also cant kill you since you play safe til level 6, you can bait him out at level 6 to use his E on you then when he does E2 make him die under turret at the moment he comes to you with your R ”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Akali is a really strong champ plus she can go inviz dash away from ur skillshots and can come when u are lack of ablilities just try to play safe or roam or even go for a early 2v1 then you can fight her and burst her down at any point.”
HalexUwU says “Generally you can poke Akali really hard level 1-3 which makes her pretty easy to deal with before first back.
If you manage to root an Akali in her shroud she will be revealed. ”
BullRedHunter says “It's hard to win lane against Akali as Ekko, you can trade when her W is on cooldown and when she doesn't have ult, other wise she will win any trade with you just play safe,roam and scale”
peytonqt says “[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] Akali is a bitch to play against. LVL1 harass her and poke her down as much as you can while also maintaining CS. If she walks up with energy back up so she doesn't Q AA you. When she hits LVL3 Akali wins the trade if she has shroud. Otherwise, you CAN trade onto her but still be careful because her burst is not fun. Post-6 she can literally insta-kill you from nowhere. Just be careful and don't fight her unless you just that ahead in the game. And even still, she might just one shot you with her execute anyways.”
7daysko says “Play extra safe. Her ulti's first cast STUNS you, so watch out for that. Also try to poke her in lane whenever possible, she doesn't have as much damage as you in the early game (unless you allow her to get close). ”
Doctor Yas says “One on my least favorite match ups. Tons of mobility, strong early game, and can snowball off lane. Only way to beat an Akali as Yasuo is to engage when her shroud is down. ”
ChimpNA says “Her main damage is from her Q's which require a lot of energy. Look to avoid the Q's and harass her while her energy is low. You can all in her level 6+ as long as you aren't chunked too hard as her R has high execute damage.”
JoshAy says “Sylas is a very good pick into Akali, they both want to scrap pretty heavy and your level 6 matches her level 6 evenly (heh same ults). But Akali has a lot of sustain with high health regen and magic resistance. A huge skill matchup but currently Akali favored as of 14.12.”
JustMTK says “This is a good matchup for Qiyana, you'll go for electrocute trades, what I do is I go in with stealth Q, W out (earth element) and use another Q on her. In that time she will have used her shroud & is vulnerable for a potential gank or burst from you.”
NINSHINIK says “Before using your R you have to bait out her W, otherwise it will simply be wasted. Be careful when trying to get your passive in, her Q deals ridiculous damage and without your W she could get her passive in without issue”
iKrez says “Akali is pretty annoying because you can't take a long trade against her.
Use your Q grass if Akali hit your E (when the target is invisible, akali can't press E to get close to her target)”
Ryank30 says “Fleet + Resolve. . Play to scale, avoid trading with her when your E is not up and her E is. Buy an oracle after 6 or during mid game to see where she is in shroud. BE AWARE OF HER BUFFED ULT CD, IT IS VERY LOW NOW. However, major nerfs to all her items and especially her Q energy cost makes it much easier to duel her, and even easier in the late game. Do not fight her at 6 unless she sux, and you have jungle help.”
19Evoli97 says “Akali is more of a threat towards the 10minute mark since Akali's items grant her an early powerspike compared to this build's slower pace.”
1 Am Zed says “Extremely hard to play against, You need to be very skilled to play against akali, doesn't matter how good she is, I permaban akali in champ selects, Would recommend you to do so aswell as that matchup is very akali sided.”
Mpegial says “This is a skill match-up, Akali has strong pressure and can kill you fairly easily, poking her till you can flash Q Auto Ignite her is a good idea.”
Tauricus2017 says “Definitely a dangerous matchup If she knows what she is doing. Usually you can trade her easily and ruin her early game but later on she will be able to one shot you eventually. Pay attention and think twice about your engages.”
eternalkuuseki says “somewhat of a skill match up this season. your R can hit her in her shroud. early on do NOT get hit by her Q>Passive. if she engages with e you can shunpo to her and do double daggers for a quick trade. don't do extended trades as she ahs a 1,5sec cd on her q.”
Zileni says “Extremely hard especially if the Akali is really good, Avoid pushing in the lane in the early game. You can win small trades in the early game, especially if she has no energy from cs-ing or poking. Try to outfarm her and play safe if you wanna win against her.”
xoonaka says “Relatively easy matchup, respect her lvl 1-2 and try to look for an all in once you hit lvl 3, since your Q and E gives true sight, it almost renders her W useless.”
mihaila says “Minimal poke with her Q, try to use E to dodge her E, if u try to E2 her she will escape with her E, dont take overextended trades so she cant value W.”
x_Kassy_x says “GIRL JUST DODGE, ok ok just kidding but she is a real headache. U cant 1v1, u cant out-roam her and once she gets six u better prepare ur ass. Just play safe and wait for tf... and pray for the best xD”
Sojurini says “Try to poke her with AA and E + AA at lvl 1 don't let her farm try to dodge her E if you dodged her E you can kill her with Q + E + AA + R + AA + E if she has not W if she has try to poke her until her health is down half then catch her and do Q + E + R combo and bingo if you take her E run to undertower and catch her with your Q if she runs into you if she uses her R use your W to shield yourself and hit her with your E + AA and use your Q when she uses her 2nd R if you can catch her bingo”
XD001 says “I personally ban this since the matchup is so hard to win. Dodge as much Q poke early as possible. If she is good, she will play around her shroud cooldown and take every trade that she wants when it is up. Due to her invisibility it is very hard to proc your passive and you have to get sweeper early to hit your Q in her shroud. As soon as she shrouds, W on top of it. This forces her to run or get stunned. Parallel convergence and shroud have very similar cooldowns, so you should be able to track her long CD easily. Only take short trades you think you can win, she can easily get 3-4 Q into empowered auto-attacks in a sustained fight. If she has Conqueror + Riftmaker, grab an early grievous wounds. Mid-Late game teamfights you will both be targeting the enemy team's squishies, so try to pop the enemy backline faster than Akali can do to yours. Even scaling. take Elec + Sorcery runepage”
GabomanDeLegado says “En el mejor de los casos le podremos tirar la Q mientras está en la niebla, y lo mismo con la E, esto la revelará y le quitará el potencial de poke que tiene para bajarnos de Skaarl. Akali muere instantáneamente si entramos cuando tenga la E en enfriamiento.”
HeroAronNavius says “Akali is one of Yone's biggest counters. She has her Q that she can spam you with in early lvl 1 with her strong auto attacks. You have to try to engage and kill her when she has used up all of her energy and then u may have a chance of beating her. So try to ban Akali in ban phase.”
Reppy says “This champion is one of the hardest, if not the hardest counter to Katarina. Her whole kit is able to dodge Katarina’s daggers and this nullifies her relevance. Her damage output is also way higher than Katarina’s and the only way you can deal with her is if you’re SUPER ahead. If not, she beats you side lane and is impossible to kill during teamfights.”
Luciiid says “Easy lane. 2 points into w and then max out q. Very hard to lose trades when you can outrun her with your w slow. At level 6 either bait her R1 or get her low enough to w q r ignite one shot (electrocute). If you take conqueror then the lane is slightly harder.”
Noodles912 says “Balance between poking her with Q and securing minions. If she uses shroud, get out immediately. At level 6, your ultimate is used to run from her shroud at level 6. If you are low on health, consider basing. Roam if you have priority.”
mc_jojo3 says “Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Dodge her Q and E and make sure she has used her W before going in, and be sure to now be low since her ult can take you out easily”
Cayteer says “She is a very agressive lane bully , and wins every trade. Try to bait out her E and W so she won't have any escapes. Try to pull combo her once she's out of escapes.”
Noodles912 says “Avoid fighting her early, and trade as much as possible when her shroud is down. Make sure to preserve mana, as she uses energy. Your ult and ignite can see through her shroud. Stay far behind minions to dodge her Q and E.”
Int4Kindred says “Since she has been nerfed she is really not as much of an issue. You outrange her, so frequently poke and you'll be fine. Her dashes are awkward for you, her Q is quick so it can be hard to dodge with your Dance of Arrows if you aren't paying attention.”
Wolyoo says “You should beat her beacaus she is very squishy and she can't one shot you if she isn't ahead, but be careful she când do a lot of damage”
FerretInADurag says “She has a lot of dashes. That's an understatement. She is annoying to deal with when she goes into her smokey doughnut. Predicting, where she is takes practice but is possible. Bait her shuriken throw, and stun her with your E once she recasts. Guardian angel is good against her.”
pavelp420 says “Extremely mobile, crazy damage. Pretty much no hope in landing a good W, however you can take advantage of the E2 by either using R (if it can collide with her) or W on top of you if she goes for an all-in. Make sure to be aware of her location when you all-in her when she W, she can very easily cheese you.”
NuclearAkali says “Not very challenging as long as you are winning trades. Play around walls because Akali has no control of where she can go with her E or her ultimate.”
Wunsch3957 says “Skill matchup favored for Akali after 6. Wind wall her E and don't fight when she has W up. Don't let her proc passive on you ever. Fleet/Conqueror+Domination.”
Lot of Wind here says “She can be a pain to kill because of her shroud. However, if you play safe she won't be able to instantly kill you. You wall can block her E and Q. Don't try to play too aggressive against akali.”
Gayaa1 says “Akali as the possibility to dodge every katarina daggers and also deal more damage than katarina (only way to win this matchup is getting ahead!)
kryptonkat says “Akali is kinda close ranged, but don't underestimate her. She could easily kill you since of how much a long cooldown Veigar's abilities would have until late game.”
Luxon333 says “try to bait her so she reactivates her E and you can E in your tower for safe stun and kill (if no f)
try to play the match up slow and wait for jgl ganks try to move for early objectives and help your jgler
try not to fall behind in XP!!!”
Wunsch3957 says “Let her push early, try to have your E return position under tower so when she dashes with E she follows you under tower. Fleet with either domination or resolve and flash/exhaust. Fight when her W is on cooldown.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Skill match up. If she shrouds either walk away or throw out your W as she tries to walk towards you to Q and if possible Q onto her and you should out trade her. After 6 should try to either Flash away from her execute R just one shot her if shroud is down.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86OW-_y-LPc
Super easy, her range and waveclear is awfull. She can't breathe in lane against you and she has hard time getting over your wall. In teamfights your ultimate also knocks her from her shroud. Stay with your ADC and she can not do anything.”
PsykerZeo says “Just stand behind minions to not be hit by her E and poke her from distance with PtA, flee when she uses her W and keep hitting your Q on her. Try to get the timing of her ult with yours. ”
GeDBo says “Akali has good sustain especially if she goes for the Precision runes. Oblivion orb would be a nice option to purchase early on, preventing her from healing as much, since you should farm and poke her. You win trades until she reaches level 3. After this point you should focus on farming and poking her. Don't engage first, she will kill you. Conqueror or Electrocute rune pages are suggested in this match up. Conqueror for sustain or Electrocute for burst. For spells you can go ignite (if you are not planning on buying oblivion orb) or barrier (if you don't want to be burst).”
1st fizz on mars says “hard one if akali plays well
she will zone u from farm and she have a lot of burst damage
u can kill her easy if u hit your ult
as for me she is easy after 2 items if u are not behind ”
CrazyyBrrr says “Akali before lvl 6 is weak
If u can beat her before lvl 6 and getting advantage is not gonna be a problem on the lane
After lvl 6 u are gonna have some problems with her”
Edg3Lord says “Akali is a very annoying champion to play against, and one that will require you to want to rush and get as much XP as possible before her. She has good trading tools and a lot of mobility that will help her early into the game to evade your E. If you want to fight her, make sure that you at least have debuffed her with your Q so you may be able to see her while invisible.”
The Jhin Cena says “She will poke a fair bit, however she is also fairly easy to bait. If you try and hook her and she E's on you to avoid it, you can expect her to then reactivate her E to dash toward you, but you can then in turn E to pull her into the turret for a kill. With that being said, Akali in general is quite easy to trade with, and if she pops her cloud, just walk away to avoid it. If she is low within her cloud however, you can also risk ulting inside and perhaps be lucky enough to kill her, though Oracle Lens is usually what you should bring against her post 6.”
jpaul2077 says “Its hard to fight a akali do to her Q outranging your own. Akali excels at short trades, so don't try and fight her too much early. Look to play safely in lane and go all in lvl 6 with ignite. The good part in your Q is that it will damage and reveal Akali when she is in her shroud. Be wary of being poked too much in lane as her ultimate ability does more damage to you the lower your health is!”
loldoppio says “Yasuo wins this matchup until level 6. Level 6 Akali has a huge power spike so don't overextend. *windwall her q. Get doran blade if akali go conqueror and doran shield if she goes electrocute.”
Coldsong says “While Akali is in her shroud, W inside of it, as it will be super easy and will deal a lot of damage. Dodge her E if you can so she does not get free engage and go in when you know her R is down.”
Gloglito says “High mobility champion, which means huge ability to juke and evade your abilities. Try to save your e, and respect a lot her level 6 burst potential. You should be more impactful as the game goes on.”
InkHeiko says “As for Ahri, I will add this in the assassin category like Akali, Fizz or Diana. These are not impossible lanes, just very hard, so don't hesitate to change for defensive runes, and again, be careful with traps and roaming. ”
SoraSan says “Akali tem um bom sustain. principalmente se ela for com a pagina de Precisão. Orbe do Oblívio cedo, diminuirá o potencial de cura dela. Você ganha todas as trocas com ela até o nível 3, após isso, foque em farmar e pokear. Não troque com ela após o 3 e jogue perto da sua torre depois do 6 dela.
Voce pode ir de Chuva de Lâminas e Incendiar caso queira tentar abate-la antes do 6.
Ou pode ir de Conquistador e Barreira para tentar sobreviver ao Burst dela.
Eletrocutar é uma opção viável para poke. ”
bladerjoe says “You can defeat an Akali all you need to do is undertand how the enemy player uses mark, if they go in on you stay under you tower and alpha into them this type of trade works 90% of the time.”
KawaiiSpecter says “Akali has a lot of lane poke. Best to start with Doran's Shield against her. Look for trades pre 6, after that, the lane will become harder. You can ult while Akali is in her shroud, this is really good to remember. When your low HP try to play conservative and reset because she can easily dive with her mobility + shroud. You can try to roam a bit to gain some advantage.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) You can poke her early very easily and should be ahead till first back, if she has resolve 2nd and DShield it will be way harder with almost no kill pressure, just play for Lane and try to not get killed, she can 1 shot you very easily after 6, would recommend Barrier or Exhaust.”
l2ingeR says “Melee ranged inconvenience to be against.
Her invisibility makes Autos and Q's rather difficult to utilize, while W and E are easy for the Akali player to dodge.
But again, short ranged melee. If we really wanted to, we could shove waves, plant traps, and roam all game.”
Tamatamo says “She isn't too much of a problem if you know what you're doing. Dodge her q by baiting it out like natural. When she Goes invisible by her cloak Flay where you last saw her and hook if you hit her with flay. By then her cloak should be gone and if you're strong enough try to all in her. Beware of her high mobility though. It can be very tricky.”
kennybang says “take corrupting because her sustain is balanced asf, also when you w walk back because her q range is shorter than your w range or something like that.”
sidromest says “Take Doran's Ring for the mana (E+ fleet + doran's shield ) and health to survive better her all in.
You can dominate her pre-6, just pay atention to her Q range and stay behind minions, so she won't hit her "E" when your Q is down.
After 6 stay under turret freezing, whenever she comes, throw "E" or Q if you are confident she can't tower dive and if it won't destroy the freeze.
Don't force 2v2 with jungler, just punish her roams.
in teamfights either predict her "E" ult / ult + "E" and throw the stun at the end of the jump, or ignore her and focus the rest.”
SamIAm12 says “Akali is so so when fighting, you're tanky but doesn't mean you can miss your taunt on her, if you can hit the taunt and get your Q and W up then you can win it easily, although if she roams be sure to counter gank.”
NathanPyke says “Easy lane to win if she takes W you can E through tower you need to time things to win easily but the huge threat in this scenario is her W”
Tizgard says “If Akali plays smart with W, and plays passive in the lane, there's not much you can do besides wait for ganks or roam. I recommend exhaust for this matchup, also a good ban.”
BlitzIMO says “Difficult skill matchup. Taking TP and Corrupting Potion start will be more valuable against her because she wants to chip away at your health before all-ining you post 6. ”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “She got nerfed to the ground, and you significantly out poke her making it hard for her to kill you. Be weary of her level 6 powerspike.”
Cornifa says “Skill matchup entirely: she can W away of you but if she loses that privilege nothing can hold you back, unleash and outtrade the shit out of her. If she ults you w her into your tower.”
OhReflects says “Keep baiting her into daggers early for an easy kill, When she hits 6 and she ults onto you, you ult too when she goes into her shroud.”
xxseraphinaaxx says “If the Akali is good, she can be really scary for Anivia. If she's bad, she's no better than Anivia, even sometimes worse than Anivia. ”
BigFatCat909 says “Akali is a very odd matchup, depending on her build and runes depends on the difficulties, she is also a matchup where if one plays safe enough they should almost never die to the other.”
Johan Paracelso says “She moves, like A LOT. If you are against Akali, she can beat you easily, her E and R makes her a difficult target, and her W can charge up her Energy and give her some stealth, so, you can't beat her jhust like that. Playing around cooldowns can do the trick, try to bait her E to go in with your E Q3 W Auto trade, or, you can wait for her to use her W so you are sure where she is. If you don't have Cooldowns either, just play safe, stay healthy, and wait for your jungle or your two items Power Spike”
Hiimkata says “Look for trades pre 6, after that the lane gets way harder. You can go Verdant Barrier here if you struggle a lot vs an Akali so it's way easier to survive. If you're struggling, resolve tree is a good option (go Second Wind, not Bone Plating) to be more forgiving when she pokes you with Q. Remember that you can ult while Akali is in her shroud it's really useful to know that. When you're low hp try your best to play conservative and reset, she can easly dive with her mobility + shroud.”
CaptianMike says “Easy pre-6 as with most melee champs. Simply poke her down and don't get into melee range for any reason, lest she proc her q on you. You may want to buy Zhonya's depending on how good the Akali is. All of your abilities are AoE so her shroud does nothing to hinder your power! She snowballs hard and is always relevant in the game so respect her damage and don't int. Then win!”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Don't start trading under Level 3, farm only by last hitting because her Q's low Haste and Slow can punish your mistakes, Malmortius is optional, careful with your position when she casts W”
mrsuits says “Respect Akali's all-in potential and her ability to burst you down quickly.
Avoid standing near her Twilight Shroud (W) as it grants her invisibility and makes it difficult to trade effectively.
Utilize your soldiers to poke and harass Akali from a safe distance, forcing her to farm under turret.
Consider taking Barrier or Exhaust as summoner spells to mitigate her burst damage.
Build some early magic resistance, such as a Null-Magic Mantle or Mercury's Treads, to reduce her damage output.
Place control wards in key areas to deny her vision and limit her roaming potential.
When Akali uses her ultimate (Perfect Execution) aggressively, use your ultimate (Emperor's Divide) to create distance and disengage.
Coordinate with your team and communicate when Akali leaves the lane, as she is a strong roamer.
Be mindful of her energy resource and look for opportunities to punish her when her abilities are on cooldown.
Note: Akali's high mobility and burst damage can make this matchup challenging. Focus on farming safely and utilizing your range advantage to poke her down. By denying her kills and maintaining good vision control, you can limit her impact on the game.”
Poppi Sama says “Skill based matchup; Akali will look for any opportunity to proc her passive then AA, use that opportunity to full combo her and burst her down.”
bboyxje123 says “Playing against akali shouldn't be a problem. Use your W to get vision on akali when she is in her shroud. Remember that if akali ults you, she will land behind you.”
Justin58111 says “Akali can always use her W to confuse you or sneak up on you. You could try some lucky shots with your W and Q to find out where she is, but you should try to keep your distance to her. When she's comming your way with her E, try to jump under the tower, so she's forced to leave and takes a few tower shots. But be careful when she's lvl 6, because a full combo will prob kill you.”
ParkChnm says “Not a bad matchup. Throw a minefield in her shroud and stay near it. If she tries to poke you, she'll take a lot of damage from the mines. You can also Satchel Charge her out of her shroud.”
ParkChnm says “She's pretty strong post-6. She can kill you fairly easily unless you're ahead by a lot. Poke her down early and try not to give her any kills. Post-6, try not to leave turret or at least stay away from her ult range.”
UnoTrickCho says “It's slightly skewed towards her but it's largely a skill matchup. Try and predict where in her shroud she'll be, and if you land your q's you'll win.”
KataTocDo says “All about experience and skill. Your ult is able to hit her when she is in her shroud(W). Dodge Q and if you get hit by E, go under the turret or place a W and punish her if she wastes her E. You are either good against her or terrible against her.
Runes: Electrocute-Precision
Starting Item: D. Sheild
Jnewbringspain says “Akali is a laning monstrosity. She just has so much mobility, it's difficult to land your Q. If you do manage to land it, she will just go invisible making it impossible to win a trade. I wouldn't bother trying to kill her unless you get help from your jungler. You'll just end up wasting your mana early on. Try to farm up and be useful in teamfights.”
Yamikaze says “Reworked Akali is also a quite difficult matchup because she's able to spam her Q's on you, and dissappear with smoke bomb when you're engaging. You have to bait her Q's by walking in and out, and try farm with your Q. You can also "fake" a engage in order to make her use her smoke bomb, and then you can all-in her. Be sure you have a minion wave around you when you're fighting, so you can dash around and make it much harder for her to hit her ultimate as both charges are skillshots.
Take oracle lens after the laning phase. It won't reveal her, but it will show where she's going so you can still hit her with Q's.”
woo99 says “TINY. She can never hit you with e unless you purposefully get hit to bait her under turret. Respect her w and walk out. Free ganks, free trades, free prio.”
wildersovereign says “Do your best to avoid trading with her early on unless she blows both her Q and E or if she is low on energy. She will out-damage you quite easily and she doesn't require mana to do so. Her E makes her annoying to kill, but its cooldown is pretty sizeable (16 seconds at Rank 1), so take advantage of that window.”
Timowatzki says “A good veigar beats a good akali. She cant really engage on you as long as you have your E up, because it is a ez Stun. Also you can burst her down later, meaning she cant go in her shroud if u press R before.
Also u can poke her in lane. BUT keep in mind: She is an ASSASSIN!”
rajsovsky says “Personally I hate this champion. Even tho she got nerfs etc. If you have hands or you are just diamond+ you can make really good use of it. Dashes, invisiblity, damage, poke. I usually ban her in my games so i don't really know useful tips but i guess that you dont want to fight her till you get Rocketbelt or junglers help. You also want here to get your wraiths to heal from em. Try to not go in her melee range and remember that her ult is powerspike so she can easily kill you in lane.”
invalidd says “Ban. Really hard to hook and all-in, can't AA her in shroud, has 4 dashes + flash at lvl6, you only win the trade if you hook her
into the minion wave or tower. Ungankable.”
NoizRain says “Akali is from the hardest matchups cause she can W and you cant E or Q her she has some counterplay though thanks to your R so its not an Extreme threat.”
Fox_Gan says “Akali is hard to deal with, cause of her smoke [W] and mobility. Try to avoid her [Q] daggers or take them with your passive shield. Use Oracle Lens to try to find her in smoke and push her from it. Once she starts to be visible, use [R] to don't let her disappear than push her from smoke. Mercury Threads is best option but not on first back.”
Aikairi says “She beats you at all phases of the game. She can use her E to dodge your daggers, use her R to get out of your daggers as well as escape your Ultimate, and also has a second activation to dodge another one of your spells. Last of all, her W is just overkill at this point. It's a safety-net to ensure that she can kill you or run away if she messes up hard.
SkellyBirb says “Akali has a lot of burst potential. While you should be able to poke her down early, if she gains a lead she can one shot you through your spell shield because of how much damage her all her abilities do combined with the cooldown of them.”
Penpiddin says “Manaless champs always stronger early. Her Q insta kills your pets. Just farm up to 1300g for chapter. Back off when she shrouds and respect the all in at 6. Recommend early oblivion orb to counter her healing items.”
AmericanNut says “As of recent update, Akali is a high skill champion, but not as near as busted as she was. Switch runes to MR (Unless they are a hard AD composition) And build Sunfire, then abyssal mask.”
RedNBlue says “Its a 50/50 matchup you can kill her any time of the game and she can kill you anytime of the game unless if one of the two is being played by a complete to partial dud.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs akali: Al principio te llevas coraza ósea con elec y sortija de doran, te subes de primera la Q para los Kunais de akali. En lvl 6 si quieres tradear sin miedo de que te haga el combo con la R, mantente dentro de los minions mientras tradeas por que le deniegas usar la E hacia ti y haciendo que no pueda poner el combo completo. (compra hielo eterno)
PrimeRex226 says “Not the best of matchups , especially early game. Late game or mid game you should have no problem with her. Farm with q so buy dorans ring. Watch out for her Shroud.”
Rauschel says “Unless she Combos you too Death with her all in, you should be relativly save from her because she has nothing to stop you from escaping exept from her E.”
YIVENDER says “One on my least favorite match ups. Tons of mobility, strong early game, and can snowball off lane. Only way to beat an Akali as Yasuo is to engage when her shroud is down.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- She wins extended trades against you
- You can outpush her with your Q and Passive and look for a roam
- You win most jungle 2v2's
- Look for short trades you can disengage from
- If she waste's her shroud and is relatively low, you can try and combo her, be careful of her E'ing backwards
- Ult sidelanes and try not to let Akali snowball”
Big Shawn says “Both champs are strong in 1v1. It will be your time to shine as soon as you hit lvl 3 and when her shroud is not available. But be careful, you can get easily punished if you do not execute good enough.”
Ambitieux says “Kinda squirrely of a matchup. Realistically keep your range on her and if she all ins you just miasma and kite. Might suggest getting some MR against her.”
Chili Dog says “If she doesn't have TP nonstop auto her early even if she qs you, if she has fleet you will win auto battle with electro and setup the lane for success, her ult is impossible to react pool, you have to predict it. Electrocute recommended but Phase Rush can be taken too.”
grebe1231 says “Start E. Despite her being melee, she out-trades you level one with her Q-auto doing more damage than your flamethrower. If the Akali plays properly, this is a tough matchup for you to kill her in. Instead, look to outshove her and make plays through roams and helping your jungler. ”
JR Lil Baby Boy says “Same with Akali . Try and harass her too but behind the minions and stay under tower !! An Akali player will then not resist and will roam .”
xenonau says “Assassins in general will be fairly tough for Brand to deal with, as you can't really match their roams. Dashes make it harder to land your full combo to proc passive, so try and bait them out.”
kimjisoo8 says “Skill matchup, but she outscales you and will all-in you at level 6. Also she is very mobile and hard to hit charm with. Try to bait a tower dive, charm her, and hopefully she dies.”
Niqkl says “Akali is a very tough matchup for me personally. Invisibility to cancel your Q, a million dashes and at 6 she can literally 1-shot-combo you with ult if you make a mistake.”
Deathbat1 says “Akali is a very strong mid lanner and hard to kill, she can out lane you early but if you get good team mates and a good jungle you can survive late game.”
Dafioske says “Si gana una kill para ti te será imposible ganarle es un campeo demasiado fuerte y en todo aspecto te superó es mejor evitar ganarle solo y pedir ayuda a tu jungla y si le ganas no salga de torre y su jungla te permagankeara o ella gankear otra linea y se hace kills faciles”
FalleN3 says “Akali is weak before level 6 and therefore should be abused as much as possible. You should be able to harass her with your AA a lot. When she goes in to last hit a minion you should be able to land some decent damage onto her.
Even if Akali uses her (W) Twilight Shroud you can still damage her with your (W) Incinerate and your (R) Tibbers
Be careful of ganks as this is a perfect way for Akali to get ahead of you!”
Sushi_Cat says “Just like the Yasuo matchup, this lane's difficulty will depend entirely on the skill of the Akali player. Bad Akalis are fresh pickings while good ones curb stomp you. Keep in mind her W transfers into Death Realm due to a bug. ”
Last Roar says “If you feed her you've lost. But you outrange her and can aa her off minions. Plus her shroud is useless against you. She's a sinner champ and only really good if she gets a lead. However, she will roam a lot, so try roam too.
Obj: Match her roams, poke her down to half hp in lane, then all in her.”
PROJECT BZ says “Obnoxious to lane, has e to avoid WEQ damage, shroud to stall for time of Zed's shadow and ultimate. Can get prio over Zed because Akali has no fear to walk up towards a Zed. Not to mention she is AP so she can also go armguard just to make the lane even worse than it is.”
Snow Day Zoe says “if she is a good akali and manages to dodge your bubble all the time, she will kill you easily, and the trades will be one sided, other than that she is easy.”
vCraze says “Akali is an even matchup with Xerath as you have the range advantage but she is still an assassin. You want to try to play safe while still poking her with your abilities. Make sure that you are not allowing her to lane free Qs on you in lane as she will gain MS and be able to chunk you out with her Passive Auto. You will be able to put more pressure on her once you hit your Last Chapter and especially Ludens but you always need to be playing safe and not walk too far away from tower as she has multiple dashes and a Shroud.”
Sadkid says “Akali is gross. A good Akali who takes fleet + Doran's Shield is almost impossible to kill in lane. Build MR early and after 6 respect the hell out of her. Poke her out pre 6 and roam after she hits 6.”
OxiteoMyst says “Skill Matchup. Try and move forward and then back to bait her q's, poke her alot pre 6. After 6 like zed she can nuke you with damage, but phase rush should save you most of the time. DONT GET HIT BY HER E. If she R's you try to put your W in front of you and run into it, if she hits her e on you with the r second cast, you need to flash her r2. So try to use phase rush to dodge her E when she uses R. Don't get caught out alone.”
SkellyBirb says “Akali is quite mobile and can burst you down pretty fast. If she goes in on a shuriken, make sure to take advantage of it with your Elastic Slingshot to knock her up and not let her get a free trade.”
Elpatronchico says “A good Akali can be very dangerous.
Her Q's poke and her E potential can completely destroy you.
If she manages to kill you early, it will be very hard for you to stop her from becoming fed.
Spicy Evil says “Akali is very good in mid lane .
She can kill you at any time except when you are roam and get kills but akali is very very hard play against i would ban her but if you have a jgl dou you can fuck her up a litel bit .”
zee160 says “Basically the same thing as Katarina. Dodge her shuriken by always having your eye on her. I know it's hard to, almost impossible, but at least if it just lands on the ground, you have a better chance to R+W her, E to run, then Q. R+W, E then Q with most assassins are the best way to go.”
S4V4 says “If you're against Akali, you will have a rough time. All she has to do is spam her Q and she will just win the lane. There is no way for you to fight her because she can just go invisible with her W and spam her Qs and autoattacks. All you can do is sit back and farm until you outscale her.”
PedrinhoXD says “Akali is one of the easiest matchups, as you can easily avoid being in her Q range, and whenever she uses her smoke, you can run away from her with a gold card in hands in case she ults into you”
Katfire says “Respect her lvl 1. Farm with Q from safety.
Do your best to always dodge her E.
Bait out her shroud with fake aggression then fight her when its down.
Even though you may be more fed than her do not underestimate Akali's damage.
If Akali has a good grasp on her champion she should always win. She can dodge your daggers effectively and is extremely difficult to 1 v 1.”
Crypper says “make sure that your E is open when she uses her shroud.
Kill her as much as you can, and then she will never be able to return to the game. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well. ”
Hqzz says “A good akali is a big threat however you can stop her with E + W. It is hard for her to engage you, but when she does she can easily kill you as long as she has her ult. Don't try to fight unless you can root and kill her, or you get a good gank. ”
DJKARAKO says “Needs safe play and to be careful till level 6 while you will have your ulty that you will use along with ignite. Maybe you could flash under turret after her E as an extra measure.”
Glaceonlol says “This is a skill match up,
if you win the lane you should be able to get a solo kill before she hits rift maker. However if you do not punish her in lane you will lose out right because she has mid game over you. However just make sure to harass and get a cs lead in mid and force her to try to roam shove her waves under tower and get plates.”
MINISE says “It actually depends but she is the lowest of the major (matchups) to spike up a Lucian, either respect e+ AA combo trades or aggro with ignite with the tear and use cull against her as well.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with Ignite. Really easy matchup for Zoe. Akali can't do much against Zoe. All in her when she wastes her shroud or wastes her E pre 6. After 6 E backwards if she ults you. Care for her lvl 6 cheese she can 100-0 you.”
hickeyo says “Just know when she ults the first time it can get her out of your ult range. But also keep in mind when she first ults she can not escape the animation. That is an easy time to throw a Q. Follow her movement when she ults and she can not escape it.”
MartyBG says “Skill based matchup. Try to poke her a lot pre lvl 6. The window before lvl 6 is the only time you can try to EVER punish akali, after that you have to play passively, but still try to poke her down, but don't make risky plays.”
Arameria says “Before level 6 you can win trades as long as you keep her on range, care for her ulti at level 6 and if she uses it, try to punish her for her long ult cooldown!”
IncursioOCE says “This champion isnt necessarily "amazing" into kat its more the fact that her kit is overloaded and will just win through flat numbers, you have to play perfectly to win and even then its a struggle”
ZephD4C says “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is so fucking easy. Legit just respect her level 1-2 and stomp her like it's nothing because all Akali players below diamond can't play the game. If she w's also, you have your e and q to catch her out so kek.”
KaAZu13 says “She aint no threat but wanted to add her cuz u can easily beat her on mid / top, just after she smokes just stay away for few seconds then jump right in / throw shrooms when she jumps at you, uses smokes so you can be safe from her while you are farming.”
economistastonks says “She decides what will happen, and you are just forced to make plays elsewhere. She can go in and out faster than you and also push you into tower while also poking you. Her cloud completely renders you with the option to stay and die or E out and survive.
This is my everytime ban. ”
Elpatronchico says “Akali is a hard mashup, she can easily kill you if you are in a bad position or if you do a misstep.
Try to poke her out and try to not die.
A fed akali is one of the worst things you can encounter.”
Bobbab says “Akali's shroud is useless after level 6. If you have daggers in her shroud you can almost guaranteed hit her. Your ult targets her in shroud. Watch out for her level 6 all in and try to not get poked down by her Q+AA bursts.”
DrWindwall says “You can deal with but before lvl6. Once she hits lvl6 she can destroy literally anyone in lane. So you can deal with her if you play smart before she hits lvl6 and you should by all means forget your confidence after she gets lvl6 as you'll be done for good.”
MetaKnight13373 says “If Akali E2s to you you can hit an easy guaranteed charm, however most Alkalis are familiar with this interaction and will avoid taking their E2s when you have charm up. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Akali is very dangerous like most assassins. You have only time to poke her when she has no ultimate. Because her ult gives her great mobility and killing potential, so you need to play safe after she will get level 6. Take Barrier and use it together with your W - Surround Sound if you see that she is going to all-in”
Aukaren says “One of the most extreme matchups against Zoe. Pre-level 6 its fine but after that she can towerdive you anytime and if u miss your E, Your pretty much dead meat!.”
Manzey says “Can be difficult after level 6, but you will trash her pre-6 so you'll get ahead and she can't do anything after that, so make sure to get ahead pre-6”
Magical Rock says “I honestly enjoy playing against this champion, because she is so squishy, and cannot dodge your Q (which is highly satifying) by going into smoke. Only problem is she can roam and get fed.”
neverwanted2be says “Akali vs Yone its all about micro skill, she can harass you with her "Q" but FF+Domination is a great choice here. U can "Q" her when she is trying to last hit and harras her with "W", dodge her 'Q" with FF stacks. ”
L3vy says “She have high survivabilty and two escapes ability from your all in : her W and her ult . If u could bait her smoke you can try to all in her ”
Raigiku says “She has a lot of push power and high mobility. The big problem is her high mobility and invisibility, you grenade is key in this matchup, if you miss it you are dead, but if you hit it with turrets she is dead. You can run exhaust against her and win easily.”
Grayified says “Akali has a strong engage and disengage. She is not a very easy lane to play against. Try to engage when you know Akali cannot use shroud to escape. Whenever Akali uses her E, try to fall back to turret so she cannot recast without taking turret damage.”
Slumberdork says “There are plenty of threats to this playstyle, however mobile assassins with way to dodge autos are the most volatile, You'll struggle to get grasp procks without being in danger, so I recommend taking a defence summoner into these matchups. Champs Like; Akali, Qiyana, Zed, Talon, Leblanc, or Diana are bad news.
dDenzere says “Assasin items are so good, you can poke the hell out of her and try to force her E and you go back.
Shel will never catch you and u neither, need JG help.”
TechyAndrew says “She is really good this season and will mostly win. If you need to fight just r when she is in shroud and possibly kill her, but early you lose.”
Nazrat says “Similliar to Diana and Ekko , Akali runs you down at level 6 with her R. Use your advantage early on and play safe after level 6. Late game you outscale so you are going to be much more useful than her.”
ItzJavAgain says “Again,more or less the same,very hard to land the E and maybe even the R,your W isn't as useful as It could be since a lot of his damage is Magic,she has quite a lot of damage once she hits 6 and is really dangerous on his first ítem,however,she is an assasin like zed,and like him,if you manage to survive the initial burst your Life Steal and conqueror will win the fight you just need to extend it”
KormitLeFrag says “You can harrass her until level 3. Save. Your. Q. If she misses her E, you can Q-W-AA her, otherwise hold your Q for if she dives on you.
Would not recommend trying to properly 1v1 her without first item or jungler, though.
You can R her after she ults and it'll push her into your tower.”
ZeMoller says “Impossible to shove against this champ after lvl 6, since she will just jump on you and oneshot you when you push, she will also win sidelane. Setup freeze and either ask for jungle ganks or farm it out. mid and late game, catch sidewaves (kill the wave when its shoved to you and try to teamfight.”
conginu says “if she's any good you will not hit her with any daggers, try to stay alive and roam on her. Or wait for teamfight to pop off. Engage on her if she missed E for a quick Q-E-W trade, and just E out after.”
Cahly says “Generally, an easy matchup depending on how good the akali is. You can easily counter her level 6 all in by w back into tower. You outsustain her with your Q's. Get her low and combo her with e, flash and empowered q.”
CrusaderChan1099 says “bait her e and dash to the tower with your e+w or e+flash+w, then spam your mastery. avoid 1v1 after lv 6 except if noticeably ahead.”
At0mikx458 says “She's really quick and can take really quick trade on you without you hitting her. The key is to all in when she miss so you can do a lot of damage.”
Yeager says “Lots of harass with her kunais.
Her W can dodge all of your damage while she can constantly go in and out to poke you until you're low enough for her to all-in.
Avoid fighting her, and focus on farming with Q from a safe distance. If you coordinate with your jungler, you should bait out her W smoke before he ganks. ”
Lunasta says “There's not much to say, if she gets invisible you can get invisible too as well and just kill her, you can Counter her at any point of the game, you can also ult her to remove her from her fog”
Veigarv2 says “Can 1v1 you, respect her cutlass and gunblade spike. Look her items constantly as its important to see if she buys hexdrinker, qss or mercs.
electrocute + biscuits timewarp tonic
You cannot match her in sidelane if she is good, so respect her.
Your cage is a great tool to cuck her in teamfights with, thats ur strength.”
FalleN3 says “Pre 6, take advanatge of her weak early game. You need to try to zone her from her farm and deny her as many creeps as possible. Be sure to make good use of your ball and every time she comes up to last hit a minion, harass her. Once Akali turns level 6+ and gets her Hextech Gunblade the trouble begins. She has a crazy amount of sustain due to her passive and gunblade, morellonomicon can help you to reduce her healing ability. As with any assassin, she will try to burst you down quickly and having some extra health can help you to survive this. ROA is a solid choice and Barrier as your second summoner spell. Be mindful of her roaming to other lanes for kills!”
TheCatOfCheshire says “In early game, poke her with your AA and W, you can even start with a Doran blade if you want. You have to pressure her. Use your spell when she tries to last hit, when she gets 6, she can os you so hug your tower a bit. Then, when she gets her gunblade, repeat the last operation. Try to clean the waves to roam and block her roams, try to guess where she is in her fog to charm her. If you manage to get her behid, she becomes a free kill. Good luck.”
SkellyBirb says “Akali really struggled to do anything against Bard as she doesn't have the range or engage to deal with him. You can poke her early on and you can win.”
Frixen says “Akali is a minor threat that can potentially be a major threat if played wrong. Always use your supreme range against Akali, poke her out, don't let her farm, and keep your gold card whenever she has 6 or bought items, because she will try to all in you. Her all in is extremely strong, so unless you play it right, you're a dead man. Akali is also not very much of a threat, because she can't roam against Twisted Fate due to his ultimate, and her bread and butter is her roams.”
Bouhhsolene says “Akali is a bit like Diana, except she has more kill potential in early game. Go for poke, but don't push either. Try to go for a trade when her E or W is in CD. Post 6, try to R when she's coming to you with her E, and W out if you don't think you have the damage, or take the trade if you think you do.
You should be able to hold her in the sidelanes, and in teamfight, try to cc her so she can't do much.
Also, if she's fed, get a zohnya to survive her all-in.”
SkellyBirb says “Akali is quite mobile and can burst you down pretty fast. If she goes in on a shuriken, make sure to take advantage of it with your Elastic Slingshot to knock her up and not let her get a free trade.”
FalleN3 says “You are both assassins so this is really a skill matchup. She will try to [Q] you every time you go to last hit minions but do not forget that she is weak pre 6 so try to abuse this. Once you hit level 3 it is possible for you to win trades against her and burst her down. Try to get ahead of her early and continue to snowball. I like to keep a pink ward for skirmishes with her but I rarely see others do this anymore. Use the pink ward for her shroud only when you are all-in on her (with jungler help) if possible. After level 6, it's possible for you to burst each-other down.”
ScraftyDraco says “I fucking hate this champion but it is actually a pretty even matchup for trox. If you land your shit you usually win, especially w.”
Faithyatta says “Akali beats you up essentially until you get items. Build [icon=Rod of Ages size=30] RoA if you aren't beating her up earlier on in lane, and can afford it, for extra HP + scaling. You outscale her, so as long as you aren't getting stomped in laning, you should be able to win against her.”
Ambience14 says “Akali is difficult to land a Q on and can easily escape ganks. She can kill you, but only if you overcommit and play poorly. Most of her advantages against Mundo are simply her ability to escape. Versus most good Akali players, you won't kill her and she won't kill you. When she uses shroud to juke you out, walk around the middle with W on. This will reveal her location and pressure her to leave her shroud. If she uses E and R offensively, hit ult and run her down for an easy kill.”
Reason97 says “Personally i don't have an issue with akali, she's east to bully early on and i usually run Dark Harvest against her and farm her for stacks. However, her all in can hurt a lot too if you get caught too far out without your R. Just keep her low and don't give her a chance to throw herself at you with her full damage. ”
Reason97 says “Akali use to be a much bigger issue for you, but since her shroud no longer protect's her from your turret, she's not as much of an issue as she used to be. Your blizzard can hurt her while she's invisible, so if she drop's her shroud looking to engage drop your blizzard on the part of it closest to you to punish her if she decides to keep going. Once her shroud's down, just back off. Don't fight with it up. And keep her throwing star in mind too, since if it land's that a really easy engage for her.
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Look at what keystone she is running. If she is running Elect she is looking to all in. If she is running fleet she is looking to sustain (duh.) Her damage early is nuts and if she goes in for a basic Q+Passive Proc start just poke back. If you can windwall one of her q's early she won't be able to win a trade because of how much energy she needs. If you can bait out her W you can go for an all in. Fight in a minion wave to give you a easier chance at dodging her abilities. Taking Oracle Lens is a good idea after laning phase so you can see what she is doing while in Shroud. Take Conq.”
TuvecinoPoke says “This match up is hard because she can dodge your abilities and if you try to poke her, she will heal sherself thanks to Fleet Footwork.”
shadowiyce says “*Make sure you keep a distance against Akali as she can engage with Q, passive auto(Additional range), Q, and disengage safely.
*Pre-level 3, you should stay behind your caster minions (ranged minions) and lane safe with Q farming. ”
arcanejhin says “she could jump around you. Make her waste her Qs so she has no energy and you can trade with her. Save Q2 for when she becomes visible when she smokes.”
Twist21 says “Akali is one of the hardest lanes for Tryndamere since she can kite you with her high mobility and W.In this lane I would recommend to try and survive lane because you outscale her if the game goes super late.I would take flash tp in this matchup with fleet runes.”
Fadedreformed says “Not hard to deal with you can bully her perma q early game unless she plays with fleet. Do not try to 1 v 1 her unless you are 100% sure you win the trade, she can do some ninja shit and burst you down in an instant. Care for her level 6 because if she jumps on you, you are pretty much dead unless you dodge her second r. ”
DaggerTV_ says “Akali is a very similar champ to you, it will all come down to skill. I recomend to keep your distance and be wary of her second ult, she can catch up to any safety dash that you do”
ShockMaster says “An easy matchup..Start with Doran's Blade and poke her with Q, W and with your empowered basic attack until you proc your Electrocute. When she's half hp you can all in her.”
Yuki H. says “Used to be a fairly difficult matchup for Zed, but she can't sustain in lane as much anymore. Her Q not healing her anymore means your poke is actually meaningful in lane, so look to poke her with your superior range. However, her shroud does make her an annoying target to assassinate, so make sure to bait it out, but most of the time you will be trading your w for her shroud. ”
Crewozz says “A good Akali will stomp you because she will be next to impossible for you to hit unless you get an early kill and manage to keep her behind.”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Proma says “Dshield
You need to respect a good akali. Save your E to counter her E(really good if you can pull her under tower). Be careful using E on her as her E can dodge yours.
At the end of the day the match comes down to player skill.”
Chiefsnake says “She can jump in on you and deal a lot of damage but if you save your Q for when she's going in you can negate most of it. You can also always know where in her shroud she is with your passive. Things get really tough when she hits 6 because that gives her enough mobility to avoid you q and burst you down.”
Fyir says “Akali can output a lot of damage if they get on you, or even in range of her q. If she hits shuriken flip you will be fine your cage stops her if she tries to engage. Make sure to get a good ward so you know where she roams to.
AbhorRend says “Taste of blood is helpful. Very scary at first, but gets easier. Dont get poked by her q. You can win this lane, but you have to punish her if she wastes her energy or smokescreen. You can dodge her r2 with e. Dont r until she has no e or r unless shes really low”
Veralion says “You can take her Q all day long and get the health back, but her passive if shroud comboed properly will chunk you out of lane. Get a cs, take her Q, back off with W, repeat. Farm safe and try to chip her down. At 6, don’t ult in if her shroud is off CD. She’ll slaughter you if she shroud combos properly and lands both ult hits, which with how ridiculously mobile she is is almost guaranteed. Instead, ult in place and poke her down unless she wastes shroud for some reason. Keep her on the back foot so that she’s too nervous to go all in on you or roam, which is where her real threat lies. E covers a good portion of her shroud so you have a good shot of chunking her while she hides. Make sure you dont ult over her so she can R1 through you to safety. ”
Bartoos says “You destroy her early on as she can't get close enough to you to kill you. Poke her out of lane as much as you can and delay her 1 item powerspike (gunblade). After that she can kill you with ease so be careful with that. If she dashes to you try to push her away and run.”
Its DiGiorno says “pretty much any champ that gets in melee range pre 6 is an extreme threat in the 1v1. taking exhaust to essentially guarentee a free lane is ideal. ”
Nodon says “she will be anoying level 1 and it will be hard to farm against her early but you just combo her on cd and walk away and once you reach level6 your ult counters hers so don't worry ”
undarsito says “to much mobility, if she goes with electrocute be careful, if she goes with conqueror it will a easier matchup just poke her and do short trades”
M.P.C says “You basically sh*t on her since your abilties are DPS/Skill shots so her Shroud is essentially useless, but still you shouldn't underestimate her since her bursts are still powerful.”
Dare366 says “Poke her not too much trouble play spacies. She will jump you lvl 6 but you should be fine cuz you would have a hex already so kill her ass. You outpush her and Auto her early and find a kill laning phase. ”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Somewhat a challenging duel against experienced Akali, but Vladimir can out-sustain and win the trades, when we consider early game, bait her Q and heal the damage, she will usually try to leap with W, avoid getting hit by Mark + AA combo because it deals really a dangerous damage even at the level of 2. Her items are obvious, she can make a good use of some of her items, yet if you do not build any MR, avoiding her damage in team fights can be such trouble. In lane you shall focus on outwitting and winning little trades, you can use your E to reveal her in the shadows, or even get the kill. Make sure you don't basically fall behind, care for enemy jungler and you shall be OK in 1v1, she has some click-on skills, not a very-high skill cap and match-up itself favours you in some moves, situations. Use them to kill her, she is relatively a tanky mage Ignite + R can be useful when she hits low on HP.”
UndoRedo says “don't fight akali in her shroud, she wants you to do that (because she'll win)
once her shroud is gone, that's when you go in with any combos”
TaxEvasion says “She's just as slippery as you. and is dangerous up close. she'll also scale fast than you unless you focus on lane HARD
just dodge her shurikens and kunais then use your Q and sometimes your ult when she dashes towards you
save your Q for when you're pushed up on her tower and save your ult for her's and try to use it for her second ddash”
ai darkfluid says “She got buffed. Akali sort of feels out of hand at the moment, but nothing to cry about once you poke her down. Post-6 she can try to run you over, but smart stun field placement can get you out pretty safely.
Preferred rune: Phase Rush/Electrocute”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Easy lane until 6 where it only gets slightly harder.
You poke her out with Q and speed away with E if she shrouds.
She pokes her head out even once out of the shroud in duels, you can Q/Ult and she's screwed.”
ThatOneKatMain says “Pretty hard matchup she will out trade you early on try to poke her down with q and if shes low enough you can all in her. Also you can ult her even if shes in her w.”
Iruminati says “win against Akali is quite complicated because she can burst more than you and can easily dodge your spells.
If you play against Akali, you can try to fight her pre-6 thanks to your AA and conqueror.
Try to force her to use her invisibility and re-engage her right after.
Gagner contre Akali est assez compliqué vu qu'elle burst plus que vous et peut facilement s’échapper de vos sorts. vous pouvez quand même tenter des moves en la forcant a utiliser son invisibilité et en fightant quand elle ne l'a plus.
De plus, vous pouvez essayer de la tuer en early game grace a vos combos et vos reset d'attaque.”
Zailent says “Stay away from her shroud, unless youre confident enough of her position in it. Other than that, you can solo kill her if she goes in first.”
AlolanFairy says “Most Akalis are overconfident, but if you're up against a good one, just make sure to be on the lookout for her ult.
Respond with your own immediately, or as soon as possible. If you manage to stun her during a trade, she's pretty much toast.”
snukumz says “Pretty easy in lane since you out range her, but you can't really poke her out due to her sustain.
You can kill her with your combo, your ult semi-reveals her when she's in shroud form.
She's a major threat because she mega dunks you once she gets items and there's almost nothing you can do about it, except hit zhonya's really fast and hope you teammates can punish her for diving you. She's very frustrating to play against in the late game since she 100-0's you instantly, even if you have banshee's/zhonyas.
Consider skipping Rabadon's and getting morello's and liandries for the extra HP when playing against her.”
PG Venom says “can land abilities in smokescreen, poke pre 6, then make sure you play back and farm from a distance unless you've gained a large lead. your range> her burst.”
Omega Zero says “All the nerfs have brought her down hard. She's on a 4 just because her getting a lead can make life a living hell for you, and she has an edge over you but a couple of items will make this a lot easier for you.”
1256 says “you obviously outscale, but you cant fight her early at all and she is stronger till lvl11, also gets ad+conq early so thats abit of a problem
nguyenbautroi says “Hard to deal with Akali by her W, an she's very annoying at first game that can make you have a hard time. But you can counter her when she used E back to you that you can E an stun her.”
cayden says “She is hard to 1v1 she can dodge your r with her e and she can cancel your q with w so wait for her abilities to go on cooldown before going in”
AZIR MEN says “Lane can be very easy, but very skill dependent. Poke her as much as possible. Respect her when she uses shroud, like walk away for a few seconds. When it is off cooldown, bully her even harder. If she lands an E, place a soldier behind you, if she takes it, drift to your turret.
Take conq or electrocute.”
Pentakai says “Q>W>E her when she tries to go for her Q harass combo. Damaging her in her shroud reveals her location. You can use E, R, or Ignite to do this.”
Twiggymocha says “Yeah good luck this champ is broken, early she will harass you a lot and you will not be winning trades. Late she just throws down her smoke and you can not auto or q her.”
LightningTemplar says “With additional nerfs to Akali, perhaps we now have a slight possibility of not getting demolished in lane. In lane, as long as she has energy up, keep a safe distance and avoid getting hit by her Qs. Farm with Q and from lvl 3 play more aggresive. Post 6 you'll often want to R before using W, since it is an important gap closer for when she uses her R. Her shroud also makes it really hard to hit her, either waiting for its cd or getting an oracle lens might be handy. ”
Ghostwalker562 says “The thing is she's easy to kill, the other thing is if she's a good akali she will dash away right when you almost hit her. Also she has so much range and a lot of CC she can be a bit difficult to even touch. So play safe and only commit if you hit her, because if not, you never will.”
KitsyMamori says “Be careful when her ult is up, but other than that she's pretty easy to fight against. You can out range her by a lot so use that to your advantage.”
only yasuo play says “Skill matchup. But Akali is a trash champion right now so even if she gets a lead you can still easily win. Don't die in lane to guarantee free win.”
TotallyEclipse says “Two ways this will go down: If she knows what shes doing and you're in higher elo, really fucking annoying, you'll never hit her. Try to weaken her level 1 and 2, but you'll outscale her. You can go TP in this lane. Or if they dont know their champion, you can all in her and win always. Use your E to dodge her empowered auto and just hard commit, make sure your R is active post 6 when she starts up her ultimate. You can back off when she activates her smokescreen then jump in again when its down and kill her. Akalis will almost always push the lane as they try to q poke you so you can easily punish her once she reaches your tower.”
Zwengo says “Akali shouldn't be a problem to play against. Her w can be annoying as she loses focus of your turrets, although the charged up beams can still hit her. Make sure to use your rockets to reveal her. If she hits her e get ready to stun in front of you and if she uses her ult stun behind you. ”
Art1val says “Same thing as Kat. If you die to her once during laning phase you will lose. If you sleep her, you can see the outline of where she is in her shroud, therefore making it easy to land your q.”
Lobban says “Akali struggles alot in early game against you. You NEED to be lvl 6 before her, you need to go all in if you have the powerspike advantage over akali”
huynhlinhquyhoa says “Let her use W first, your W will kill her easily.
Akali is one of those champ that can outplay you easily but since your Malzahar you still win the game. You impact in the game is a lot more important than her's. She's good at roaming and you're good at punishing roamers by getting the first tower. Her W will piss you of, but don't be affraid you only have to play safe until it's wasted and she dies. However, her mobility is against you. If you get hit by her E, you'll die quick. If you dodge it, she looses half her damage.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Akali is a hard matchup. She has much lane sustain with her passive and will always poke you with her Q. Her W will also fuck up any attempt to trade with her, because of her invisibility. You dumpster her pre-6, at least when she doesn't have W up, because you simply have more damage early on. Once she has Gunblade, do not fight with her. You will wonder how fast she can one-shot you before you even thought about using your ultimate.”
lRusu says “Since the changes on Diana, you can no longer just 1 shot her and she'll just continuously out damage you. Look to get ganks early, bait her shroud and back away before trading. never trade when she has shroud.”
evilforreal says “Akali's kit is super good at breaking your tethers. Multiple dashes/passive Movement Speed and high damage make her very dangerous to take head-on. Attempt to bait out her abilities and save RW for when she burns most to initiate on you. Zhonyas/Twin Shadows/Hextech GLP are your best bets to impede her mobility.”
MaxskeProductions says “Akali's kit is literally designed to beat champs like ekko. She out damages you and has enough mobility/stealth to avoid your damage. Your only chance to fight is when her E is down and Shroud is down.”
Try to punish her when she goes for last hit in early and full combo her.
You win trades if she has no ult. Try to use your second E to counter her E and cast your ult”
henxs says “Don't trade Q-s early she slows you and you lose more health. You can trade damage when she has no energy but she can go invisible and regain half of her energy.”
Gageowago says “Somewhat a skill matchup but Ahri has an advantage. Stay out of Q range and save charm for her E2 and post 6 save it for her going in on you in any way. Poke from afar and then all in. -----(Patch 10.3 Note) Akali has been gutted. If you keep out of her range she cannot ult engage on you anymore. Just keep out of her Q range and poke her when she drops below 100 energy early since her Q nerfs made it harder to spam early on.”
BigFatCat909 says “Akali is a skill matchup and even then i find it slightly Zed favoured. You can run any rune page against her though i suggest Zed Sorvery, Conq Zed, or even Roam Zed.”
ROENsp says “DO NOT ALLOW AKALI TO Q YOU AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. You beat Akali level 1 since you have the ranged advantage along with your W. Use that to your advantage. Push when you know the enemy jungler is nearby HOWEVER be careful that Akali won't walk close to you when pushing. Just make sure Akali does not roam. You can ult Akali out of her shroud. You can intercept Akali's ults with your own ult. You can intercept Akali's 2nd E with your ult.”
Canofsteak says “As if right now Akali is not in a good spot. She is still hard to deal with because she can all in you at lvl 6. Try to stay behind minions so she can't hit her E”
ZombieZack1 says “Akali has some Strengths against Lux but Mostly Lux will win in this Scenario, Akali keeps Getting Nerfed or Buffed so this is Situational”
Lil Tidepod says “Akali's changes in patch 9.3 severely weakened her early game and her turret diving capability. As such, her threat was lowered from Major to Minor. Akali is easy to defeat in lane. She needs to get close to minions to farm effectively, so abuse this as much as you can. Make sure you pop your passive shield when she uses her ultimate, or take barrier.”
Fhizzikx says “As long as you don't get hit by her e then you should live. Don't use your e if she has e or r up because she can just dash and you would just lose your e pressure.”
Capparelli says “E-Q is your friend because it hits through shroud. Her R cooldown matches yours now, don't be stupid and waste your canopy it is a great way to counter her shroud on a much lower CD, Hexdrinker if you need it, granted it probably will not save you”
zeno smurfer says “His early stronger than yours pick armor rune cuz he probalby start with dagger and with basics he trades you. If you win early until lvl 6 you can kill him just care for his ult.”
BigBushMan says “Personal favorite for permabanning. Despite her being at a range disadvantage, if she gets within 2 ft of you post-6 you are dead. Freeze the wave under your turret and ask jungle for a gank. You can outscale her as long as she isn't able to roam to side lanes to kill. Be sure to take Exhaust”
I main support says “Not as dangerous then the other 2 but Akali still can burst her down very fast, with her shroud making it harder to land your charm and Akali is still very mobile, but her E, W, R is also on a very long CD not making her as dangerous as Yasuo or Leblanc.”
ahrienthusiastmain says “You have the range advantage and need to freeze the wave. It's much harder for her to land her E when you can just hide behind your minions near your tower. Her E is also a straight trajectory so that's a guaranteed charm. In her shroud, her movement speed increases, so you have to back off. She can kill you with her ulti, but you win trades if land your charm.”
EzYasuoMain says “You can block her q with wind wall but you can't ult her when she uses her w/shroud and you are vulnerable with her ult. Expect to see her cooldown a lot since her cool down was shortend.”
JccmSaysNom says “Going against an Akali spells your lane dominance until level 6, take advantage of this, zone her away from creeps and punish her for farming, when she is low enough set up for a gank.
By level 6 however, Akali turns into a facehugging deathmachine that won't rest until her score is compareable to Germany vs Brazil.
Her stealth, burst and mobility makes her a terrible matchup.”
MartinMorningstar says “Nuisance. Play it safe, keep your range, poke her down. If she steps up with her shuriken dash thingie you can flash into tower range, Q her, then ult and she should die. You can also see her in smokescreen if you ult her. Only a champion when she gets hextect but her hextech powerspikes puts her above you for quite a few minutes. ”
Miandros says “Akali's Shroud makes it nearly impossible to trade with her. Track the cooldown and try to bait out the shroud before engaging her head on. Also, your ult provides true sight which allows you to see her in her shroud.”
serruh says “You punish her in the early levels, after that it's really doomed. Cant cc her consistently because even if you flux her with E, you wont have enough time to cast W and root her in your minion wave. Try and dodge her honestly, shoving and scaling is your best bet.”
Malmortious says “You outdamage her at almost every point of the game, your W range is also higher than her Q range so this should be a pretty easy lane. Her W has a lot of outplay potential though so play around that.”
Kami_EU says “Purely skill matchup slightly in favour of Yasuo after Akali nerfs.
Keep an eye on her Energy levels, and trade accordingly, if she wastes her Shroud you can look for a trade.”
kujosrevenge says “Hard for AD Irelia and hard for AP Irelia. If facing an Akali get a sweeper so you can land E, but it won't really matter whether or not you land E because you can't target her with your Q in her shroud and she'll always outdamage you in 1v1s. Farm tower and look for roams vs. Akali, do not try to solo kill her.”
BabyTwisty says “Never fight and if she goes onto u immediately cast w and try to proc passive and run away as soon as possible, if your too slow to it then bail. Look to roam at lvl 4 toplane and just keep roaming.”
Honey_drops says “Akali sometimes gets out of her way to prove that you're all Ahri with no Evelynn. Teach her a lesson by either banning or asking your jungler for ganks.”
Honey_drops says “Akali is an extreme threat because she has access to so much MR itemization. She won't be able to kill you but she'll pressure you by the fact that you can't damage her which will be extremely annoying. ”
t3rminated says “This karate girl is gonna start hopping EVERYWHERE. She has insane mobility so she can escape your entire combo. Tossing a smoke would deny your combo as you can't be sure where she is walking. Her ult and E can boost her away from your R and knockup. If you ever miss your E, you are DEAD. It is really hard to land skillshots on her and she will dash on you everywhere. Just farm and play safe and hope for ganks. I put this in major rather than extreme because of the Akali nerfs that are coming up. With less mobility, Akali should be a way easier matchup. I can't say this for certain though, so I still put her in major. ”
Loki029 says “She does Fast Combos with high damage (especially skilled Akalis oneshot evrything, exept Garen !) Silence and it will be Gameover for her, Spin in her invisible Field she will be alone in there so you will deal enhanced Damage, she has low Hp so you will kill her in every Stadium of the Laning Phase, If the enemy jungler Comes to aid her silence her and use your Movement Speed to escape fast before she can Combo you. If necesarry use your W too trade and outdamage her easy. Skill W early to get the MR and Armor from it.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Squishy champ but has essentially 3 tools to make your life hell, if both her W AND her E are down, you can feel confident about beating her, her damage should not be underestimated as it's extremely high at 6 onwards.”
MixupMatty says “simple ...... THIS BITCH BUSTED
you wont be able to land your charm if she flips backward with E or stealth in on her W or dash twice with her Ult
just play safe as much as possible and warn allies if akali is planning to roam”
ur_mom_gay says “Counters Zed pretty hard with her W. If she plays over aggressive and burns her W you can try to all in, but she can avoid your Q's fairly easily. Just play safe and you should outscale her.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “she reys on her energy more than you
bait her W before all in her and before R'ing her
you can wave clear better since her early doesn't really have a real wave clear skills and look for roams if she's playing safely ”
Akhi Syhno says “Very tough matchup, Akali outscales Kha'zix at every moment in the matchup. You can eventually get a kill around level 9 when your Q is level 5.”
Sloyr says “Her W can deny your combo, but your R still hit her while invisible. She's stronger than you in early, but you can kill her 1v1 at level 6 if you are able to bait her W.”
Eccentricks says “Despite her being dogshit right now, Akali is a bit of a tough one.
Hold your E1 to dodge her shurikens, and then look for a opening to put the hurt back onto her.
Try not to stand to close to the wave to avoid her kunais and look for when she steps up to punish with Q1 & 2.
And one last thing, try not to hook when she goes invis, you will usually miss. It's worth an attempt if its up and you've used E1 already, given it wouldn't put you in danger.”
Gogicha55 says “Bait out her shroud and then fight her or just try to get lvl 2 before her and kill her, DON'T TRADE WITH HER LVL 1 CUZ HER Q AUTO Q COMBO DOES GOOD AMOUNT OF DAMAGE and just don't fight her when she has her shroud up unless you are ahead”
E_IS_POWER says “Reworked Akali is also a quite difficult matchup because she's able to spam her Q's on you, and dissappear with smoke bomb when you're engaging. You have to bait her Q's by walking in and out, and try farm with your Q. You can also "fake" a engage in order to make her use her smoke bomb, and then you can all-in her. Be sure you have a minion wave around you when you're fighting, so you can dash around and make it much harder for her to hit her ultimate as both charges are skillshots. Take oracle lens after the laning phase. It won't reveal her, but it will show where she's going so you can still hit her with Q's.”
8wolf says “Similar to Irelia. She has insane damage and mobility. With her e and 2 dashes from the ultimate she doesn't care about your wall. She has the best tower dive potential, so nowhere is safe against an Akali. Farm for the late game and try not to feed her.”
Daedralus says “She needs to come close to you to damage you in any way, thus giving you the advantage. She can burst you down at some points so I will give her the 3/10 difficulty, but you should have no problems beating her as your E will block pretty much all her damage since your Q will follow up to heal it all back. Ulting her shuts her down tremendously, and can still be ulted in her shroud which you will be able to do blindly as your Ult hitbox is decent, and your W passive will show her location if she is low. With well timed Q usage, you can also follow her if she attempts to ult away, securing the kill. ”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark Seal + Potion
Shes not as big of a threat as you could think. You can damage her in the smoke. Just stay out of range.”
EnchantedCat says “Akali is a mediocre matchup; since she lost a lot of her Q poke due to higher energy costs she isn't as annoying to play against early game as she isn't spamming your health bar away little by little and since her R1 is target champion only it gives her easier counterplay now (apart from her W) but you can just R her second R. it's about an even matchup now but she still does a lot of damage even if she's been nerfed a lot.”
Gettsuu says “Possible a tuer en 1v1 si l'adversaire joue mal mais si l'adversaire joue bien il n'y a aucun counterplay et vous allez subir toute la phase de lane JOUEZ SAFE”
Tehqo says “Ever since patch 7.19, your ult can be dashed over, which makes her more of a threat. She has a lot of mobility, and once you waste your Q, she can all in you. Keep your ult for her. You can either ult her towards your turret to kill her, or push her away defensively. Though, she can simply jump over it now.”
NebuIa says “After her nerfs, she's not too bad. All her dashes are straight lines, so your bubble should be easy to hit. Respect her damage. However, she can easily kill you. Maybe consider barrier or phase rush, but normal works fine.”
Spongecakesuprem says “Too much mobility and early game damage for you to contest. Rely on jungle ganks and your late game scaling. Remember, play passive. Bait her into your shrooms. catch her off guard and then poison the ninja out of her.”
Je Suis Azir says “Dude, you are COMPLETELY in control of this lane. Soldier positioning, and your positioning, if done properly, is all it takes to ruin her life. You push better than her and you can punish her as much as you want. Hardpush, punish her, be mindful of ganks, you have dominated lane.”
Tartertoot says “Akali is probably one of the harder matchups since she can jump out of your ult as she pleases. But she's easy to counter pre 6 like Zed. Bully her and she shouldn't be a problem.”
TheSpark says “Her Q damage early levels hurts, so be wary of the range of it. Most of the time you won't be able to get in reliable aa's to proc your passive, so stay back and poke with your e.
Don't blindly throw out your q unless you're either very far back or 100% certain you will land it, otherwise she can jump on you with full confidence and likely kill you.”
Impswitch says “Just dont let her poke you. Wait out Smoke. If she lands her e just tornado her. you can bully her a lot and roam after you push wave.”
KitsyMamori says “She has no mana and a good sustain. Try to poke her while not being poked and shut her down when she's low. Be careful though, as she can do the same thing!”
cobbzy says “Most of the time is this a skill vs skill match up. Dodge her Q and E and make sure to trade with her while her W is on cooldown. Jungle pressure could make this lane significantly easier for you. ”
matijez says “a fast and very agresive midlaner with is not good for viktor you can try to stune her with your w when she is inside cloud but she can easly doge it and is hard to hit with E because of lots of dashes she also can easly run from your ult so she is kinda dangerous for viktor
GESTAPOisHERE says “Be cautious with Akali. She can 1v2 you and your jungler still kill you if not played correctly. Try to dodge her Q's and wall her E's to prevent a fight where she has a W advantage.”
CupOLatte says “Ever since the 10.3 major nerf on akali. she has been pretty bad and is a pretty easy matchup. Simply pressure her and try not to get baited into going all in when she has enough energy to burst you down.”
charlton says “This matchup stinks, would be extreme threat if not for the nerfs to Akali's early game (Q cost 120). When she casts E2, E behind yourself for the stun.”
Aizenvolt says “Akali pre 6 is easy. You can poke her freely you can even take kills pre 6 but after 6 watch out dont get cocky, her ult can be a game changer so be carefull after six dont underestimate her damage if you do that the rest are easy. Aslo when she uses her shroud stay away from it, because she will poke and hide and you wont be able to do anything.”
stupid katarina says “(R) Pretty hard to play against, your funneler and you can't target her while she's in her shroud, her burst also makes it hard to play against, so just try to farm and wait for your partner to come.”
LONERlSM says “Go ludens rylias for this match up, if you play in YOUR minions she can not e to you. use your q range and spacing to get effective short trades or let her shove the wave into you farming safely undertower. eventually you out scale her so look forward to level 16 powerspike.”
Quezel says “This is one of the harder matchups. Akali can prevent you from stacking your passive with shroud and is almost never in range of you due to how she pokes with q and how much mobility she has. Farm the lane out and try to play for teamfights or teleport plays because you can't beat her 1v1.”
DravensBukkake says “Barrier matchup.
When I say barrier, I'm not really saying Akali beats Azir, but rather Akali is just too fucking slippery for you to kill her. Harass her early, walk back if she uses shroud. Shroud has a very long cd (20+s) so when she uses it, make a mental note for the next 20 seconds, you can play agro and setup soldiers aggressively. If she lands her E on you, E Q back into your turret and meme her own play by making her tank turret shots. Try to use ult when she's E'ing in, or after her first ult charge. Remember, you can also ult her out of her shroud. Otherwise, not a difficult matchup, but an annoying one. You can outshove her and you'll usually have priority for fights and roams.”
Mid Win Repeat says “As long as you play it smart you will win this match up. There is not much she can do, her dashes proc your E and they are linear so she will dash directly into your Q as well. if she does in her shroud throw down your E. Any time you land your W on her you can kill her.”
SupaSnor says “Threat level depends on the player, just know you can see where she is if your balls hit her in the shroud so you should be able to keep some easy distance, also good if you have corruption pot active as the dot will reveal her location in the shroud.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “One of the hardest lanes out there,
you can try to fight her before 6 after that you either wait for a perfect opportunity or you try to poke her out with your q while trying not to get hit by hers”
Marumo says “Threat level 7.
She can kill you. It's obvious she can, but if you're careful, you'll be able to get her to over extend and take a bad trade. Her early is weak and if you take things slow you'll be able to keep her weak and unable to kill you easily. ”
LOLVan says “Not a hard match-up... she is just difficult to kill early. This makes snowballing and getting First Blood unlikely.
I win my games by 1v9... Akali makes getting started crazy annoying! Thats why I rated her a "5".”
Claves says “Level 1 Akali heavily out damages you.
Level 2, you out damage her if she takes shroud. If she takes shuriken she'll win any trades.
Level 3 and beyond is a skill matchup, typically if she shrouds the trade will be favored to her so bait it out before fighting her or immediately disengage if she uses it in the middle of a trade.
Post 6, you can ult in the middle of her shroud and it'll still hit her, giving you a large advantage, as if she stands in your ult she'll take very heavy damage if she doesn't have the items to burst you down herself.”
Sakaya says “She will fucking destroy you if you're new to Soraka mid so if you are new, just ban her. You could always learn how to deal with this bitch later.”
Toyejo says “Pretty hard lane, one of the known Snowbally match-ups, whoever kills first the enemy will pretty much dominate the lane, try to ask for a few ganks early game and avoid dying. (2x Dorans recommended).”
Lasoor says “[Top] Focus on farming and she won't do much to you. You will win trades as long as you don't continue trying to fight while she is hiding in her smoke. Focus on farming and only go for the kill once Akali has around 25% HP left. You will likely still not get it though.”
spark2 says “If she's hiding in her smoke cloud, just W the whole dang thing. Slow her with your Q while you're fighting and she'll have a hard time getting off her passive, since she needs to move outside the ring to trigger it.”
Cloud375 says “Ok, so the new Akali is VERY different from the old Akali. She can now dash towards you a lot early game, which is a very bad thing. However, you can easily harass her with your Q in the very beginning of the game, but once she has her ultimate available, BACK OFF! On a side note, when Akali uses her shroud, if you used your Q before she enters her shroud, then your Q will always land unless they use stopwatch/zhonyas/etc, in which case it will miss. If she builds her items before you, she wins, otherwise, it's a skill matchup until lategame. Late game, you should be able to waste her if you use your ultimate. But all in all, until she has her dashes, deal damage to her when possible without getting too close!”
Tayna says “Did you mean: That one assassin that's very boring to play against?
Honestly i never lost to an Akali but you have to be careful. She can one shot you. Your shield WON'T cover damage. Poke her from the distance, then go all in. ”
IceBite says “after 3 you should win easy untill 6. Bait out shroud. Watch out at 6 and get a null-magic mantel to decrease her strong ultimate. Only 1v1 her after 6 when you are full life, because her ultimate has execute damage.”
Garybaldo says “Hard lane, watch out for her multiple gap closers, stay healthy in lane and under turret, if you survive laning phase you'll be rewarded with a 10 times better mid-late game than her. If she's fed you might want to consider buying a banshee's veil. Run Phase Rush and double mr glyphs. Use your W to see if she's roaming, spam-ping the hell out of sidelanes when missing, she has great roam potential”
Sneaky boi says “ She will poke you down with Q and if you try to go in she will just W, E, flash or even ult. You could try and get a kill early. buy hexdrinker and MR boots. Remember to farm.”
YoussefJoe says “Higher Mobility champs causes his/her skills predictions are a little bit harder but you can always land your W at the right spot which he/she would stop by and do your skill order ”
wrinkle_juice says “While she is in her smoke, she can be very annoying to deal with. You can use minions to hit her with your dash AOE and dash out, or just disengage until her smoke is down.”
worddog says “Annoying due to her sustain. You'll have to match her sustain with runes and items if you want to win the lane. Mistakes will be heavily punished.”
Noirubilac says “Play Safe, When she dashes to you be prepared to flash under tower, then hook and drop all abilities to keep her there.
(Always freeze the wave,
Gets Outscaled)”
SirZeros says “Akali is honestly really painful!
One good thing is, that she cannot easily stop you farming, at least if you are being at a safe spot.
Another bad thing is, that she can just use her W to negate your main damage source: Basic Attacks.
It's not impossible against her, but pretty damn hard.”
baldmidget says “1.Make sure you get nullifying orb
2.Always stick to the left or the right side of yours minion wave and hard shove .why????She have 2 choices,dont use her q and get shoved or use her q on the minion wave.
3.Talon cant trade with akali, she can simply q -shroud-auto-q-auto and auto win every trades.
4.Talon goal vs akali is hard shove the wave,then make play with ur jungle”
Hi Im Zoky says “Akali is extreme threat for Zed!
Try to play safe around her!
Best way to win against akali is waiting for ganks or playing agressive early and going for Romas and snowball!”
Euphoric Toaster says “This matchup used to be much worse before Akali got nerfed, but its more manageable now. Her
Twilight Shroud (which makes your turrets unable to target her) is annoying, and her multiple dashes can make her hard to lock down. If she ever follows her Shuriken Flip you can get an easy stun on her as shes locked into the animation. If she ever gets low and hides in her cloud, you have 2 AoE abilities that can hit her and finish her off. She also has to get very close to use her Q and Passive so that can give you opportunists to land easier stuns.”
J Husky says “As she is melee, you can harass her with auto attaks and Q every time you can. If she goes invisible with her W, you can use your E in the center and you will probably hit her. If she ults you, you just use yor W, but that is not going to be useful out of the lane beause she can chase you.”
Chromuro says “Don't lose your passive to her Q or E, this way she'll lose half of her damage/mobility. Her shroud is... pure bs, don't stay under tower or you'll lose minions AND your life because she can dive you whenever she wants. Your E is your best friend, when in lane if she uses her W try to route it inside the minion wave, this way you have a chance that it'll stick to her and reveal her. If you keep your distance you should be gold.”
Big Shawn says “You should abuse the fact that she hasn't reached lvl 6 yet. Akali will get strong when she gets lvl 6 as she will have high mobility after then. But if you throw her out of the game by killing her before she reaches lvl 6, you can take advantage and continue poking her with the gold advantage you have.”
Big Shawn says “Kennen vs Akali. It is an even match up, but it can get out of hand really fast. Against Akali, you do want to avoid as many mistakes as possible as you can get punished so easily. What makes you a strong opponent against her is your Ultimate Ability, as well as your passive CC. Poking her with your W passive basic attack will add pressure towards her.”
Fox1ne says “Try harassing her early,don't let her farm safe until 6. All her kit depends on her passive and ulti. On early levels don't get too close to her,respect her damagecause 3 passives on you is all your combo to her.”
Flimshady says “Akali can easily win quick trades when in lane. To succesfully defeat akali in a one on one fight, engage after akali's shroud is out of play.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “Skill Matchup
If you burst her she will struggle to approach you. If she makes it try to have Q2 or Q3 to stop her and use your spells only when she's not invisible”
DVL CHALLNGR says “You can burst her in Early Game easily but it won't be easy when she's in the dark circle of her W
Your R is useful to dodge her R especially R2 which does much more damage”
Patoxic says “OOF, They are very annoying, they can easyly kill your turrets with Q and autos, they move very fast and they W make the turrets reset the target, changing the focus on minions or else.”
MrxHudsy says “She can be a pain if she plays a more passive lane, you can see if she is in her shroud by throwing your Q into it and your ultimate covers her entire shroud, making it easy to kill her whilst she is shrouded”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “Oh boy.
She rivals you at level 1, so respect her Q and attack her once she backs off. AA Q AA at level one is a nice "hey I can respond to you, so don't just walk up". When trying to ult her, here's the criteria:
If her E us up, but R is not:
Flash to secure the ult. Only if you think you can kill her.
If her R is up:
Force her to use it or flash without using yours. Try to leave W or E up to escape if she tries to re-engage when you finish ulting.
If she has neither:
Go for it.”
KingKongca says “Even tho you can poke relatively easy, the substain she has make her difficult to burst down. Be careful to not get hit by her Q and you should be fine.”
I Do Not Flame says “Don't let her farm better than you or his level 6 will be stronger than yours. Be careful because she has tons of sustain.
You can deal damage if she's in the smoke, but back fast with your E after hitting her.”
Massive Nuts says “Quite a painful laning phase, you will need to poke her with autoattacks and keep a safe space so she cannot outdamage you. Past 6, she will also be really annoying to deal with.”
alexisnub says “akali is a melee champion but her E and R skill can get to you closer and her W skill is not a problem before she use it use you Q to stun her ”
schulti012 says “Skill matchup, try not to force trades if you're not close to your tower as she wins extended trades. Look for all-ins when her W is down and shes low on energy.”
Zero Two says “She is hard to deal with. After level 6, play with extreme caution! If you get hit by her E, try to put her to sleep as she dashes toward you. This will let you do damage to her, or at the very least, put some distance between you two.”
PizzaMarine says “Women do not stand a chance against your fear inducing birds of destruction. Same goes for the ninjas. Even though an Akali is able to much more damage than a Yasuo overall, their Shroud will be pointless as your Drain will give you and your teammates True Sight, allowing you to expertly kill her. ”
talonmains says “Akali counters talon and wins lane almost always, wait for her W to go on cd do not get close to it she will spam her q's on you and run away while you just sitting there and tanking everything. If you aren't sure in your ability to kill her call for jungler ganks and burst her with your full combo. Remember make her waste W.”
SepekuAW says “Hard matchup for syndra as well. She can kill you even from behind if you fuck up once. Remember that you can cancel her 1st and 2nd part of ult with your E. so don't panic.
Be very careful with your e, don't throw them out randomly, if she is good and knows it's down she wins the all in every time.
Poke her when she goes to farm with Q and once she's sitting at 70% life look to all in with 5 ball ult + ignite for kill.
cannot stress, DON'T MISS E VS AKALI!”
Tempester says “Make short trades only when you have your passive. Ignite her at the start of a fight to see her in the shroud. Always fight in small minion wave or equal wave.”
KaktusHraje08 says “When u go farm she is nonstop pressing Q so wait for lvl3 and take so much rock element and and comb her like take water element E her Q and AA her take fast rock element Q and AA her ”
Xavier Senori says “ Akali is super easy to deal with pre-6. You should be able to easily outrange, ourharass, and out farm her. Be super aggressive pre-6 because you want to set her as far behind as possible during her weakest stage of the game. Once she hits 6, you will have to start playing more cautiously and closer to your tower. Invest in pink wards early on to get free kills on her when she engages on you. Drop the pink ward and miasma on her shroud and go to town. Unless you are substantially ahead, you may want to purchase some early magic resist. Buy a Negatron Cloak early on and upgrade it later into an Abyssal Mask if you are having problems with her burst.”
PandaSenpai101 says “I don't see Akali top quite often, but due to the nerfs to her shroud and healing on her Q in patch 9.3, this should be an easy lane. Be careful when your below 40% HP, as she can burst you down really quickly. Spirit Visage and Maw of Malmortius are great options.”
Pumparum says “Slippery and manaless. Hard to trade her when she shrouds. Due to her microstun on her ult you can't ult her as well as her having too much sustain to kill.
Call for jungler early and roam faster than she can, staying in lane with her won't net you anything.”
ClemexD10 says “Akali's high movility will be a problem since you will have difficulty hitting your charm and Q. Also her W will make her untargetable for your W. Stay prepared until she attacks, you can try to poke her with your Q but don't waste your charm since that will be essencial for you to reduce the damage she can do you.”
Skillerina says “Akali is pretty hard to play against until you get your Gunblade, after that your oneshot is faster than hers and quite rarely would you find her winning over you.”
Zeprius says “Annoying matchup... mainly farm for the late game.. try not to trade as much if she goes D Shield, Fleet FootWork but if you see an opportunity take it”
kilgta says “Do not out shove or do not go far in lane when both of you are full hp. She will 1 shot you if you overextend. Use wards to not get ganked. Wave management is key. Your ult denies her being a hoe in her clouds so have fun countering her.
start corrupt.”
unownreality says “Gap closers and a huge burst potential. She has one fatal flaw, which is her squishiness. Wait for her to use shroud before you zone off with singularity. If you hit a q, she does have some healing which can possibly defend against a burst death so be wary of that. ”
MechaaZero says “Simple and straight. The rework made this alot easier than before; if she lands an E on you, she LITERALLY runs in a straight line right to you. If you have your E up and aren't trigger happy, then this match up will be in your favor.”
CC Diana says “Akali has much more outplay potential compared to her previous iteration. Akali's level 2 burst is quite strong since she can do combos such as E (backwards) -> Q -> AA which results in an instant passive proc or Q -> E -> E -> AA. This is a matchup where I would recommend taking E ( Moonfall) at level 3 instead of level 4 simply because you can use it to pull her out of her shroud assuming you are standing right in the center of it. Just treat Akali's shroud like Katarina's ultimate Death Lotus. Save your E for when they use those abilities to nullify their effects.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “She's annoying, but not impossible to beat! Rush bami's cinder to reveal her during her W and get mercs if they have an AP mid as well. If not > tabis!”
maplecat21 says “A good akali is a threat, but even then, your ult kinda screws her over, so it's not that bad. She doesn't heal off of Q anymore either, so you can poke her down with E. Save Q for when she goes onto you.”
Boy0Champ says “Reworked Akali is also a quite difficult matchup because she's able to spam her Q's on you, and dissappear with smoke bomb when you're engaging. You have to bait her Q's by walking in and out, and try farm with your Q. You can also "fake" a engage in order to make her use her smoke bomb, and then you can all-in her. Be sure you have a minion wave around you when you're fighting, so you can dash around and make it much harder for her to hit her ultimate as both charges are skillshots. Take oracle lens after the laning phase. It won't reveal her, but it will show where she's going so you can still hit her with Q's.”
RagexAddict says “Another skill matchup for Fizz. Akali can be rough to deal with in lane, due to her energy resource and not having to worry too much about lane sustain. Your saving grace is that she is also a melee champ. So in order for her to CS, she has to put herself in harm's way. If she ever spams her Q twice in a row, go in on her, because she will be very vulnerable to a counter attack.”
Altis says “All-in champs are definitely your biggest problem as Zoe, if you miss your E that it. Akali is dangerous because when she comes for you, you can't see her. Though she is quite predictable, so just wait for the right time to E her and punish. Otherwise stay safe.”
hadi902 says “most people think she is a hard match-up but actually she is pretty easy you can easily counter her by letting her land her E and then you dash back to the turret so she gets stunned when she pushes then you hook her to the turret even more and she will be pretty much dead. ”
Vombat says “Her invisibility makes it harder to land W but becouse she is a melee champ you can poke her with Q. Her Ult is really dangerous becouse she can easily dodge your Q, but when dashing in your E she can lose really big amounts of hp”
0mega best says “By far, the worst toplaner right now. You are tankier, you do more damage and even in shroud you just have to spin and she is gonna die, very easy and try scaring her early so she misses the most farm possible and poke her to death.”
SrSuders says “Ich find das Akali kein großes Problem ist, mit der Talon Q zu engagen würde ich jedoch empfehlen, aber Achtung nicht unter dem Tower.
Die Akali E kann dich unter dem Tower baiten und du wirst sonst eine komplette Kombo mit der Akali R kassieren.”
Yegie says “She is melee so a lot of potential poke from your E's passive. Her smoke cloud is very annoying, but when its down you have the advantage. One trick you can do when near tower is let her hit her E then W under tower after she starts her dash. A good akali probably won't fall for this.”
LyndonK9 says “Akali is pretty annoying because she wins trades easily, and doesn't have mana. It's pretty obvious when she tries to Q you as it doesn't have a lot of range so keep a good distance. One trick to know is keep a little more distance than her Q range and Q her back, because for a short duration after using your Q, you will be stood still. keeping out of range of her Q, and still getting yours off. When her passive is up walk away. If she uses her second part of her e on you, you can charm her, but most Akali's aren't dumb enough to do that. When she shrouds it's possible to quickly charm her if you can guess where she is. Do your best to farm and follow when she roams.”
Nightshade17 says “Very easy lane, you can poke her down and out sustain her just be careful of her all ins and try to pool her 2nd ult charge. You don't really need to be pressured to try and kill her though as you hard out scale her.”
BenLegend443 says “Just about every assassin destroys you, especially ones that have CC. In this case, you're probably going to die before you're able to kill them. Always ult during passive or at the fountain if the enemy laner is an assassin.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Akali's threat level depends on your team's ability to peel for you. If you have a good team that can stop her from diving you, then she isn't a threat at all. If not, then run.”
borsamalac says “Hate play vs her , before lv6 u have small chance to get cs lead but if she starts with dorans shield u will just waste your mana. Try to free auto her when she wants to farm. Best way is stay under tower and farm. At lv6 u have no chance , ask for jungler help and roam botlane with package. If u farm under tower just put controll ward+ normal wards on river. U will know if akali wants to roam(possibly botlane) or just stand on brush and waiting for you. If she moves botlane just ping it in time and pray your botlane doesnt overstay and give her free kills. If she waste her times to gank sidalanes and u can farm Trinity safty its a win-win situation. Just ping every time she is missing(common mistake when u try to farm under tower u dont realize she is going side lane) and put down wards for good spots. ”
Yenwai says “unless your allies feed her somehow she cant do much to you, barely even warranting an R.
her shroud is the only thing to fear in her kit because of your R and silence.”
SkyLaws says “You should poke her as much as you can, but watch out for her HUGE lvl 2 burst. Try to punish her for her poke and stay behind mininons, as she'll try to E you when possible.
Also, when she uses W, you can place E in the middle or in front of you, as she'll try to attack.”
DoABarrellRoll says “She becomes untouchable with his W to your R and auto-attacks, she can easily dodge you.
Se vuelve invunerable con su W a tu R y autoataques, puede esquivarte facilmente”
Ec40494 says “Try poke down before all in because her shroud will give her easy escape. Try kill pre 6 as she will win at level 6. Try get oracles so you can hit your abilities on her in her shroud. ”
Bughans says “Will burst you faster than a Tesla, not sponsored btw. You CAN kill her early, just play aggressive until level 6, and then expect her to use her shuriken ability thing to jump out of your W. Farm, ask for ganks.”
QuickChicken says “Akali has a lot of mobility in her kit. Your ability to win the lane depends on mostly skill of the Akali.
Play on the side of the lane that your jungler is nearest to and look to shove her into your tower if she gets close to kill you.
Notice that she can dash out easily of the tower.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Q her when she Q's you. Back off when she uses her w. If you get lvl 6 before her you can all in. If she gets lvl 6 before you, play safe until 6 and then do small trades. ”
Swift_Trapper says “She have a bigger burst than you early and if she ahead the lane is over.
But ekko have a lot of outplay potential after 6
W her shroud will sun her and make her shroud useless.
If she get stun a subtle ghost animation will show just q there.”
Charon25 says “Facile de la counter : cancel de dashs, possible de la sortir de sa smoke avec le R.
Attention cepandant à ne pas se faire bait à dash in dans le vide.”
T3rrabyte says “Akali is a threat until you buy Zhonya's hourglass, at which point any duels between the two of you should go in your favor. Consider buying an early Seeker's Armguard in this matchup.”
NescEI says “Don't use your Ultimate before her W is on Cooldown. Try to Poke her in Lane and don't go in melee range when she can proc her passive. She got a stupid amount of DMG in Lane so try to do something with your higher Range”
BoopForTheTroops says “You need to dodge her E since she will jump on you. You counter her Shroud since you can poke her in the smoke and reveal her position.”
Shderen says “And now there's new Akali. Holy crap. This may now be her scariest matchup, ONLY considering the utility of her shroud when it comes to tower dives, which many experienced Akali players will not shy away from. Jungler assistance is MANDATORY so please beg for it, even if you waste their time and don't get a kill from it. An Akali will prioritise your death late game, and I'm not quite sure there's anything you can do about it.”
Default Ryze says “Due to the nature that Akali is melee and her abilities are fairly short range, Ryze is able to harass her with autos and his W early. She doesnt have high kill pressure in lane so Ryze has an easier time scaling.”
CharmingFeather says “Just because you can't see her in W, but she is a diving champ so wait for her to get greedy for you, and dive you under turret, then ult, W, and run away.”
aButteredPoptart says “Akali can be scary. Her all-in potential is massive at just level 3. Don't stand behind weak minions as she might get a free Q onto you. Dodge shuriken if there's an opening between you. Respect her shroud, but remember you can still hit her with your abilities in it. You can charm her when she runs at you if she hits shuriken, and she can't cancel it. Use your ult to be mobile, as she destroys immobile opponents.”
chillin kenshi says “You can't really beat her if she plays it correct you need MR and to land your tornados, avoid getting poked too hard and try to dodge and wind wall as many spells as possible, take dorans sheild”
SmokeyEggs says “It's a skill matchup, avoid fighting Akali with her shroud off cooldown and always try to bait out her ult with yours, never try fighting without W and you should be ok.”
ryze4thewin says “try to bait her shroud and poke her as much as possible, you have more sustained dmg than her if she doesnt use her passive so go for long trades and deny her passiv, in mid game she has a better powerspike so try to kill her early and if you dont manage to play safe mid game ”
BicBee says “Never fight/trade when Akali is invisible. Dodge her shuriken because that's her gap closer. Very crucial to have charm up if you don't have ultimate and vice versa. ”
BicBee says “Never go closer than AA range against Akali. Never fight her when she's invisible, wait it out. You win this pretty easily if you're able to control distance. Poke her down with QW and Q early on with plenty of AA's when she goes to CS. ”
AzureArmatt says “New Akali is really easy to play against in lane but when she gets her items she can become a trouble. With her new kit Akali players tend to rely on her obscure mechanic that her smoke bomb provides to tower dive you while having really easy time to run away. Little they know that when they follow their mark after you get hit by shuriken they still can get hit by spells and your charm too so wait until they get close and charm them so they won't be able to use shroud after dash (only safety tool). Poking her and dealing short bursts of damage will give you best results before going in for the kill since her sustain with Q isn't enough to heal her back. On low HP watch out for execute ability her ultimate provides since it can execute for really big amount when she put 2 points into it. Don't fight when she's in shroud, she has advantage while in it (also can't really hit her because of obscure mechanic) but besides that it's easy match up where Ahri has big advantage.”
ninjashmon2 says “Akali is a pretty big thrat to Irelia since she can get invisible with her shroud (W) so Irelia cannot hit any of her abilities which will soon make Akali win.”
The Lost Drawing says “Al igual que 'Aatrox' su early es muy fuerte, pero tu mid es mejor. Le haces 'counter' con tu 'W' a 2 de sus habilidades , su 'E' y su 'R'. Lleva como runas 'Electrocutar' para que los intercambios de daño sean un poco mas parejos (toma en cuenta que ella se cura, así que trata de hacer intercambios limpios). Ella pega AP (Ability Power/Poder de Habilidad/Daño Magico) aunque se puede armar AD (Attack Damage/Daño de Ataque/Daño Físico)Siempre piensa que eres 1 vs 3 o 2. YA NO PIENSO REPETIRLO.”
ninjashmon2 says “Akali is extremely dangerous that deals alot of damage but also makes herself invisible with her shroud (W) which will make her dodge every attack of yours.”
Hatzo1vs9 says “Use your aftershock properly and she cant even touch you , she will probably try to roam so ping to your fellas and try to follow her on the roam , you high cc will eventually grant her useless after a point .
Bestlover says “A good akali can poke you a lot if you are in a bad position
She will kill you when she gets her gunblade.
Until then try to kill her before she gets it and try to deny her c.s as much as you can.
ninjashmon2 says “Akali is a very high threat to yasuo since she has her Shroud (W) that makes her invisible and because of that you will not be able to either poke her, hit any ability nad it's gonna be a lot harder to kill her.”
Shaawn says “If you against a good Akali theres no way that you can kill her, just try to farm safe with your d Shield, whenever her w is down try to harass
her before she hits 6, once she has ult she can kill you whenever she wants if you make a mistake.”
LaloLalic says “Akali is pretty weak versus you at all stages of the game,she is an assassin so you should have no problem against her.Recommended to put sauce before eating”
OmegaSquadVeigar says “This matchup isn't necessarily hard but it's INCREDIBLY annoying to deal with.
Through levels 1 and 2 try to poke her for every cs she tries to take (an auto or auto q auto for the electrocute proc). Try to freeze it closer to your tower so you can farm safely after she gets lvl 3 and be at less of a risk after lvl 6.
What you shouldn't do is ever try to trade with her in her shroud, just walk away and wait for it to time out, then you can try to get some free autos and q's.
If she hits her E on you, wait like 1 second to see if she immediately follows it (if she does drop your cage so that the edge of it is just right under your feet). If she doesn't, just wait cautiously prepared to drop the cage.
If you ever waste your cage and she's close enough to land the first part of her R and she does it, Flash instantly and try to dodge the E, if you don't.... Well, you're dead unless she's really behind and you've got MR.
In the mid game and late game this matchup is easy, again, as long as you don't waste your cage you should be able to burst her down with GLP W Q if she doesn't have her Banshee's up and she doesn't dodge them. (Zhonya's is a death sentence for her late game due to W Q having ~2 sec cd).”
Enfurnal says “If you can kill this chick early game... GJ! However when she reaches level six.. YOUR LIFE is at risk. If she gets and E on you, she will jump in auto Q W R Gunblade then R again to finish you off. My suggestion is to kill her early but respect her damage and buy Zhonyas or MR.”
NocUout says “Very difficult as Akali can just stealth when you ult. Do not ult until she has used her stealth, or you will not be able to do much with that ultimate. ”
godv4r says “Her W is what she strong no matter what time of the game it is.
In laning phase, bait out her W and use the CD difference between your E and her W at level 1
Max your E first against her
Bring Ghost ”
thedonk says “A good Akali can be hard to go against. Farm till 6. If they manage to E you, dont fight. Try to chain her before she gets into her smoke screen as you can follow up with another chain. Ganks aren't effective on her. She has to get up close to damage you which is a good time to use your Q+R+W combo.”
League Wukong Builds says “Akali has a lot of range and tons of ways to attack and annoying you while you farm so akali could be a big threat early game.”
Padrepio says “Melee assassin, you dominate before lvl 6. Care of her roaming style: she snowballs easily. Your W is almost as big as her W: she cannot hide.”
Valor_Chaos says “Again, a match up where you dont want to get behind. Farm, take trades when possible, punish her if she over steps. Once she burns all of her kit, and you can still fight, you can easily turn. Especially with ult”
overweight_zoe says “Don't really see her a lot since the nerfs. Match up prior was still decently Zoe favored in my opinion. she gets shoved in pretty easily. Once under tower you can you chip her down with q's and empowered autos. Just make sure not to over-commit and play into her shroud's reach.”
drunken hunter says “Akali is a champ with very high mobility and strong hit resets.
Her ult has 2 - 1 sec cd and she gets extra movement speed after using it.
Buy some magic resist, try the lvl 2/3 engage and get Oracle Alteration. (Better play safe)”
kkiskk says “Play carefully or else you will feed hard. Try not to let her AA you when she landed a Q on you. To win against akali is to not get AA if you have been Qed. Use your 3rd Q to poke her if she wants to last hit minions. Wait until her W's on cd before you fight/all-in her. Get MAW as your 2nd dmg item. If you're ahead, get MAW after youmuu's. If not, get spirit visage. You can build one tank or dmg item before completing the boot.”
Jenkinsu says “She's garbo now. If she doesn't hit E or ult into you she can't do anything to you. Harass her with autos and if she looks for an angle Zap. If she goes into Shroud though, back up. Akali can still do truckloads of damage and you don't have the HP to tank it.”
Zaradine says “Stay out of her smoke unless you're on high hp, save your ult for damage. If you're confident enough in your reaction times wander near her smoke then e away as she q's. she can still murk you if you play wrong”
onetrick zed 11111 says “since her nerfs she doesn't have as much sustain due to her healing being removed from her q. her w can be a problem if u cant keep track of her in it but try to bait her w out it has a 22 second cd lvl 1 couple seconds longer than your w also she no longer has the ability to tower dive do to her w being nerfed to where towers can now see her. ”
Eli The Bat says “Even that she has her sleath "E" ability, your ult still does damage to her so.... USE YOUR ULT :P
you can wait for her to use her stunt Ult thing if your not 100% confident on your damage....”
Tipurrs says “Bully her pre-6 and this lane is so easy for you. If she all-in on you, Burst her. I recommend stunning with Q then R and W if ever she hides in her E.”
Strg Kaosz says “con tanto salto sera casi imposible sacártela de encima,necesitaras de tu últi, de tu flash y de mucha ayuda para que no te deletee aunque con un buen peel se puede volver bastante fácil jugar con tras ella ”
apsonalol says “Akali é uma match up muito complicada por que as skill da sona precisa de target e quando ela entra na fumaça fica impossível você fazer qualquer tipo de coisa, o melhor a se fazer nesse caso é rushar zhonya o mais rápido possível e tentar intervir nos roaming dela, entregue a lane phase mas sempre preste atenção pra ultar ela em team fights ou se você tiver noção tentar prever os pick off que ela pode querer fazer.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “matching against akali can go even very good or horrible, if she is a good akali you will had a very hard time, try to poke her as much as possible and be careful to always dodge her E, when she get in her W u can basically cover her with your E to damage her more, and maybe force her to retreat from that zone”
MaybeHope says “Akali is not that hard to play against. You can bully her in the early game and use Mantra Q when she is in her W. You will most likely hit her when you aim in the middle. Since you have selfpeel and cc she will most likely not be a threat to you. And besides that you are the one who outscales her. At teamfights you just peel for the one she is ulting”
mcasterix123 says “*Laughs in patch 9.3 notes*
While she still has access to the same damage as before, the fact you can easily CC her under your turret really mitigates her kill pressure. ”
undeadsoldiers says “Akali is a decent counter aswell.Especially after her W changes with that blink it is so easy to dodge charm.She has insane burst sustain with gunblade and passive which kinda problematic for Ahri since she doesn't want to all in without poking her target a little bit and most importantly Akali is one of the few champs who can keep up with ahri's mobility.I always pick Akali and destroy Ahri if the enemy picks her before.”
moutenn says “ She should be an ok easy kill pre 6. After you cant really kill her unless she is the one who engages. If you open with r, she will use her shroud. You can try and predict, but she will most likely just wait in her w till deathmark has popped. One good thing is that there is a chance that she will buy Hourglass later. Which is good. Lategame there is a big chance that she will engage. If this is the case - go ahead and kill her. BTW you cant do anything ti reveal her. She is invisible, so you can do nothing unless you are under tower. Or have kleptomancy - for some reason. (DONT HAVE KLEPTOMANCY)”
qasddsa says “You can dodge her ultimate with Riftwalk and can just wait out her shroud. In lane, she's relatively easy to deal with by just poking with Null Sphere and maxing Force Pulse. Outside of her shroud, she's extremely easy to burst down with a stacked Riftwalk and full spell rotation.”
WhiteSheepz says “Akali is an assassin this is usually always a threat to Xerath as she can dash towards you and get up close meaning your range means very little, as Xerath fire a W or a Q into her smokescreen as even though you cannot see it you will likely hit her and deal damage forcing her to not risk going in on you. Try to poke her and stun her whenever she dashes towards you.”
Skeptil says “This match up is a hit or miss. If you can kill her pre-6, then you'll have an easy time winning. If you aren't able to kill her pre-6, she is able to all in you if she baits out your Sanguine Pool. Just rely on baiting out her W and then harassing her with Transfusion.”
Draczor says “Unwinnable, Akali is just too strong and there is no real way to counter her. She's got great sustain and getting too close to her will let her deal at most 2 Q's and one AA that will leave you with half HP. Try to not stay in range of her Q and get hit by her Shuriken. If she got's ultimate you definitely do not want to be too deep in lane cause she will just straight up kill you. Luckily she get's banned most of the time but if not and you end up facing her in the lane, try to farm up and not die.”
Dralexus says “Akali is most of the time my MUST ban. As AP Malphite you rely on poking up to lvl 6 and then going all in as they are half or less health. With Akali this is hard, she can heal easily over time and can just hide in her smoke to deny you Q/W and even ignite. ”
MarkoLivaja says “Always ban her. She is not balanced right now. If she hits her E you are dead. Play defensive, poke with your Q,E combo and ask for gangs. ”
Felispo says “Insuportável. Assim como a LB, se o player não é uma batata ele vai te massacrar. A cura do Q dela te faz perder quase todas as trocas, e a mobilidade dela consegue perseguir você mesmo após a Ult.”
TruMediaMix1 says “Like Zed, Akali is very difficult to play against if you don't have experience playing against her. She can deploy a smoke bomb that makes her invisible even to turrets. Play very carefully if Akali is your lane opponent - or you could potentially be this monster's meal needed to feed her.”
Andicus says “Mostly 50/50 depending on skill but you can beat Akali fairly easily. She will most likely wait for you to ult before using her shroud so try to bait it out before going in on her. You can find where she is if you hit her in the shroud with your E. After you do that you could Q where she was/will be. If you aren't confident in guessing where she will be after you spot her with your E, you can wait until the shroud is gone. Though, your ult will be gone by then. ”
rimzaki says “U can hit her even he in twilight pool with ur E R and W She has sustain but not like bloodlord If she be level 6 u must save ur sanguine pool for hers ultimate u can rape her easily cuz he hasnt basic attack rage like u”
Sozzoh says “Akali is scary post-6. Pre 6, you'll want to try and abuse her in lane if you can. Still be careful, because she has some damage. She can dash over your ult, so don't even try it. Roaming for kills is ideal in this matchup to gain a lead from there instead. Don't waste your Q, or else she'll all in you.”
Superior current says “Your poke is able to surpass her sustain early, but be mindful of ganks, avoid her shroud and after she reaches level 6 play passive.”
Katapullt says “Open with E+W. Like that you will still hit her when she uses W. Use your AA and your auto reset. You can use your R when she is invisible. Her Q is no problem but dont let her AA after.
Get a Dorans Shield so you can trade Q's with her.”
Prenora says “Akali is also really easy early, but her passive sustain is very annoying, harass as much as you can, and push her under tower to delay her 6, look to roam while she's behind, you can not solo her after lvl 6 until lvl 11 with your second ult point”
Witwickies says “The biggest problem while playing against Akali is fact, that plants, Zyra's main damage source, doesn't target Akali while she is inside cloud created by her W. As Zyra is very squishy, you can not let her come close to you.”
Prenora says “Akali is very difficult to lane against, her constant sustain makes harassing her pointless and her shroud means you can't touch her with any of your point and click abilities. Play safe, let her come to you. Quick trades, then dip.”
undeadsoldiers says “The best thing you can do is try to set up ganks, which will be hard since she can just use her shroud, so try to bait it out, the cooldown is high in laning phase. Try to kill her pre 6 as she will outdamage you and go all in on you once she reaches 6.
If she's bad, she might accidentally pop up in the middle of her donut shroud, revealing where she might be headed.
Suggested Sums:Exhaust”
Doctor_Dr says “How to counter: Cage her shroud so she can't escape well. If she uses her E to dash to you, counter it by putting a cage in front of you to make an escape.”
undeadsoldiers says “She can be a pain in the ass. You have to make sure you can land your Q when she goes in on you with E. She will W after it so just get away from her. The heal on her Q is insane and so is the damage, so avoid it. Try to deny and zone her cs with autos.”
ctt13 says “Akali is incredibly strong right now. You win Level 1 and 2, but lose incredibly hard as soon as she gets gunblade. If the Akali knows how to play the champ she will win most trades as you have no answer to her shroud.”
teethpicks says “very bad, dodge
try to kill lvl 1-3, can cheese with crit
past that ignore her, only farm and steal jungle. unless her ult and W are down u cant fight her. even without shes hard
if she is becoming problem u can go maw or smthing, dont go mr boots though thats wrong”
Lasoor says “She does a lot of damage to you but as long as you play safe she can't really touch you until level 6. And at level 6 she still can't turret dive.”
macspam says “Veigar is one of Akali's counters but it takes practice. The most important thing is to trap her in her shroud using E. If she hits you with her E (shiruken) you can predict her dash with your E to stun her. Play defensively because she can definitely outplay you with all her mobility. Banshee's veil is a good buy here.”
WubbyWulf says “Akali is a fair lane that is very depending on skill. Try to ult akali when she is in her W which shows where she is located in the shroud.”
ZF.PandaYang says “if she uses shroud near you, just annoy her with W and R with tiamat, she is not much of a problem because your Q counters her passive.”
wo xiang zhaoo says “Her shroud makes it hard for you to actually kill her, I suggest taking Electrocute against her so you exactly see where she is, even in shroud. Ask your jungler for help.”
Death71 says “Her stealth is dangerous for your KDA, if you stun her she is dead but still, play safe against her as she can surprise you with some smart moves”
Kaeze Poulsen says “Akali's high mobility and extreme burst is a no-go against ASol.
Actually, she sould be banned on your match eather way.
You can roam and help others on your team while she does not have that much roam potential. But you can take Barrier or Exhaust to mitigate a little bit her burst.”
Prenora says “Akali seems week but her auto poke is annoying, her passive heal and energy use keeps her able to out sustain you, and her lvl 6 is nuts
look to deny her farm when you can, wait until she throws her blade to jump on her, or just farm with her”
AQRC Turtle says “you have the upperhand early game so try to kill her before lvl 6 and try to deny her substain when she walk up to her minions waves ”
Cheddar Soup says “Smoke will make it kind of hard to fight her, just try to wind wall her skill shots and she cant do much. Her dodging can make it difficult to hit a knock up though.”
asffg123 says “With the newest update, Akali is a lot more vulnerable pre-6 and has short range. You can abuse this with your ranged auto attacks and spells. She has no way to counter your E, and has no burst unless she hits you with a shuriken. Once she hits 6 though, she will gain a power spike. You are likely to have an equal laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
DuhBrandon says “Probably your worst nightmare to go up against and that's all because of akali's W that being reason why she is perma banned in high elo right now. as an akali main all I can say is if she uses her shroud go under tower and try and bait her with your yellow card because if she tries and attack you you can stun her in the short time she reveals herself hopefully enough for the shroud to run out and hit her with that beefy punish. if she hits you with her e go under tower. if she hits you with her E and you have half health and she has her shroud and ignite just accept your death.”
Canttouchthis123 says “If you go even or get a lead on her your should be fine. If you give fb or she makes a good roam play you may be f*****. Diana has no escape abilities except maybe to raptors or scuttle. Her shroud will allow her to wait out your aftershock. I'd suggest skipping nashors against her and going straight for zhonas or lich bane since you wont be able to auto attack her much.”
BattleXD says “Cassiopeia does good against Akali if you respect her shroud and damage. early game you do way better then her because of your range and because you can stop her E with you W. After she gets R though its a different story. if she engages with her R try to R her so you stop the rest of her bust and cant get executed by the second proc of the R.
Early game just poke when she is poisoned and try not getting hit back this is kinda simple because she isn't that ranged. ”
Arcuzz says “If she buy Doran's shield, don't waste mana. Just farm, play a safe and when the opportunity comes, throw up your combo on her, especially if the Allied jungle is close.
Sadmanv2 says “She can tower dive, she has huge melee dmg threat. don't let her land her E on you, if she does throw a sleep bubble and walk the sleep bubble.”
Fyiree says “Despite Akali being very strong, this is quite a skill base matchup. Dodge her Qs. Remember you cannot R to her in her shroud, but you can still hit her with your Q. Remember to Prime trades with your 3rd auto and you should be fine.”
ARagingSir says “Veigar does increasingly bad against any sort of assassins. Try and use your E to force them back on any dive, use your Q and W to farm and poke.”
Smol Jelly says “New Akali is a skill match-up personally. Since all of your abilities are skillshots, you can hit her even in her shroud. Her E's second cast is a linear dash right at you, so you can easily stop it and burst her. The trick against her is to be reactionary, but try to zone her out when you can.”
T00thless says “Akali is extremely strong against Lux. Lux does not like getting into close combat and Akali can easily dodge Lux's abilities due to her many dashes and [[Twilight Shroud]]. Play extremely safe and call for ganks.”
Resl says “Unless you have Cataracts, you can kill her, your w will counter her w, making her escape, if she engage, ult and fight, pre-6, harass and don't kill as she can kill you and snowball”
quinn adc says “Definitely a tough matchup, so be careful with her later on.
Your goal is to win early game hard so that she doesn't become problematic later on.
If you are even in CS and don't kill her before level 6, then that's a win for her, so remember that.
Level 1 you can trade aggressively with your vault, but try to go in for a trade after she Qs the minion wave.
Try to stay out of range of her Q because if she hits it on you, her passive will activate to grant her enhanced movesment peed + an enhanced autoattack.
Her Q is a 1.5 second CD, but it costs 120-100 (scaling down in cost with points in her Q) energy out of her 200 energy, and energy restores 10 per second.
Essentially, 1 Q clutters her energy pool for a while, and if she misses the Qs on you, she won't be able to activate her passive to deal extra damage.
Her Q range is 500 and your AA range is 525, so if you stay in your AA range you will be able to prevent her from landing her Q on you.
Level 3 onwards is when the matchup gets spicy.
The key to beating akali early game is to bait out her W.
It has a 20 second CD, but with it activated, she gains energy and MS and will be untargettable.
Don't try to fight her when it's up.
Simply run away when she uses it to avoid being hit by her Qs to grant her a passive mark.
When her 5 second W is down, THEN go for the trades because akali pre 6 is VERY WEAK without her W.
Akali's second cast on her E can be cancelled with Quinn's E vault, so don't vault akali agressively.
Instead, bait akali's E, and when she reactivates it, vault her in mid air and then run her down.
Without akali's W and E, she is a minion and Quinn with W max will eat her alive.
Now, when Akali gets 6 you must be careful.
You can cancel her Rs with your vault, but the main thing is to try to play back and avoid being poked down in lane.
Nullifying Orb is key in this matchup for surviving her R if you want to go a safer route to help with Akali's Second R activation.
Your goal in this matchup is to hard win early game, and avoid akali landing E on you at all costs in engages.
I like fleet in this matchup not for sustain, but more for the movement speed it provides.
If Akali is trying to run at me, I proc fleet and get a bursty of MS to run away being ready to side step my movement, making it more difficult for Akali to land her E on me and chase me after she wants to assassinate me.”
lkycch says “Hitting Akali once is fine, but twice is near to impossible because of the smoke. Unfortunately, Zilean has to land 2 Q's in order to combat Akali, which will never happen unless your Jungler helps to CC her first. Therefore, focus on farming safely and follow her roams; if Akali can't get fed, she can't snowball the game in her favour. In teamfights, she has absurd dive potential, so get ready to Chronoshift whoever she's trying to assassinate.”
ShokLoL says “Akali can be a bit difficult at first, but once you get it down it should be ok. You can reflect her initial E or absorb the E2 damage. Just make sure you're not too far up in the lane or sidelane to where she can chase you down. You can also immune R2 damage but the timing has to be predicted if she's on top of you.”
ShokLoL says “Akali has a lot of sustain but it's difficult for her to kill you. Focus mainly on Q and auto poke, don't use E as often until you have a bit more mana. If she uses W aggressively you can match your W to run away, but again be careful using this too much early because of the mana cost. Post 6 if you get caught too far up on the wave and she ults you, just trade ult and bounce yourself out.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Pretty annoying in toplane but not unplayabe, you need to maker her use her W before you use yours, depending on her skills it can become pretty hard to just pull up a good game because of her high damages capacity.”
Zattand says “Akali es un enfrentamiento común para Yasuo y puede ser más fácil en la línea superior que en la central debido a la longitud de la línea. Esto le dificulta mantenerse a salvo bajo torre cuando su W está en enfriamiento.
Consejos para enfrentar a Akali:
Aprovecha la fase temprana:
Antes de nivel 6, Yasuo tiene una ventaja significativa. Intercambia agresivamente al nivel 2 y busca forzarla a usar su W sin recibir demasiado daño.
Tienes 20 segundos para aprovechar después de que su W termine y atacar mientras está vulnerable, especialmente si tienes activado Conqueror.
Usa tu Windwall con precisión:
En nivel 3, tendrás más herramientas para contrarrestarla. Utiliza tu Windwall para bloquear su E o su Q cuando intente huir o buscar daño.
Esto limitará mucho sus opciones de daño y movilidad, permitiéndote presionarla con más seguridad.
Controla su W y fuerza peleas:
Nunca pelees con Akali mientras su W esté activa; juega alrededor de su enfriamiento. Cuando esté en cooldown, busca intercambios fuertes, ya que es una de sus principales herramientas para sobrevivir y reposicionarse.
Si logras aprovechar estas ventanas, la línea se vuelve mucho más fácil de manejar.
Nivel 6 y definitivas:
En los enfrentamientos a nivel 6, es clave forzarla a usar su R (Perfect Execution) primero. Busca usar tu definitiva cuando su W esté en enfriamiento, lo que te permitirá castigarla agresivamente sin que pueda escapar o responder con un combo completo.
Recuerda que su definitiva es más importante para ella en un all-in, así que si logras neutralizarla, tendrás una ventaja significativa en la pelea.
En resumen, no pelees bajo su W, controla sus enfriamientos, y juega inteligentemente en los intercambios tempranos para mantener la ventaja. Este enfrentamiento puede parecer complicado, pero es manejable si aplicas estas estrategias.”
Zeekar says “DO NOT FIGHT HER IF YOU DON'T LAND YOUR W OR R. You generally can't kill her if she plays well. However you can easily shut her down in the lategame. ”
ShokLoL says “Akali is very scary early but you should do well into her in teamfights. Let her push the wave into you, take boneplating + grasp and trade purely defensively. Rush hexdrinker first item and complete it into maw 3rd if she gets fed. She's very powerful with her CDs up, but the cooldowns are very long, so you should be safe or able to punish while they are down. Don't get caught too far up in the wave and try avoid any early skirmishes.”
zolamalo says “Akali is a tough matchup. She should be your go-to ban if you’re uncomfortable dealing with her. If you end up facing her, play safe and focus on poking her from a distance. Getting kills on her will likely require help from your jungler.”
ShokLoL says “Akali is difficult early due to her heavy sustain, but if you play the grasp build you should eventually outscale her in teamfights and on sidelane. Focus on punishing levels 1-2, after that keep the wave on your side. Try not to be pushed past halfway post 6 or you can get run down.”
Chuleex says “Very dependant on the akali skill, usually go for hexdrinker as even a bad akali deals decent damage, once she uses w you can look for a combo or all in if low enough.
dont go doran shield as you outrange her, if you are pushed towards her be carefull to not use w since she can all in.
Early game if she hits you with e she can kill you easy, you can try to bait her e into your tower with w.”
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