As a Support 48.59% Win Rate58% Pick RateLux As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Lux as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Kirkwardo says “Must control bush and avoid getting binded. Her repeated poke will hurt but so will yours. Dodging her poke is more important than landing your poke because once her mana runs out she is done. ”
Zileanaire says “Filthy, disgustingly oppressive, low skill high impact champion. This is a very unfavourable matchup. If she has a Cait or Ezreal ADC enjoy playing under tower your entire laning phase. Pray to the jungle gods for a jungler that recognises when a lane is gankable and take advantage or you will fall behind. ”
Smaugyon says “very annoying in lane and can os you if you are not careful. she makes warding very dangerous and laning against her is not great since you wont be able to stack on her that well. ”
Cdevel says “Idk, you just can't play the game until 20 minutes. And at 25 minutes mark any bush can one-shot you. Typically, you go fleet, antimagic, Mercs and malmortus. And, perhaps, you'll see colours sometimes.”
zSharpFire says “Watch out big time for her Q. She usually will use E on your ADC, so you probably won't have to worry about it. Poke her only with R+Q or bait CDs, run at her and poke with Q. It's almost never a good idea to keep W tether if she has Q up. Unless you have a late game comp always go comet against her.”
Randomless says “Lux is a really problematic champion, the issue is not her damage nor cooldowns but it's the fact that she does not interact with the game. Impossible to punish in lane if the enemy player isn't dumb”
Arctic Arrow says “Avoid moving in straight lines to dodge her skill shots and ensure you can stun her effectively. Her ultimate (Final Spark) can be easily baited since you can absorb it with your E without much trouble.
As long as you stay aware of her cooldowns and position smartly, you can engage confidently and minimize her impact in lane.”
Gyathahaha says “Actually, all mage that has Immobilizing effect is annoying as they can land it while you are casting Q. But you can still crush them after you build up”
TnDD says “Lux, Bard'ın büyük ct'larından biri. Koridor aşamasını OYNAYAMAZSIN.
Yaptığı tek şey bu koridoru sana oynatamamak. Fakat ultini atınca da tek yiyen bir şampiyon. Bu da madalyonun arka yüzü. Bu sebeple erken oyunda olabildiğince safe durmaya çalış. Ormancınla oynamaya dikkat et.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Same thing as milio as long as you dont W in a straight line you will always be able to stun her and go all in.(You will also bait a lot of her ults if you have E because you can just tank it with no problem).”
Foxirion says “Lux’s range and crowd control can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. Her ability to bind Nautilus from a distance can make it difficult for him to engage.”
Foxirion says “Lux's long-range poke and crowd control can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him pressure Lux and disrupt her positioning in team fights.”
granmuh says “Banned this champ every game for the last 4 years. I refuse to play a game with her on the rift. Even looking at her picture while typing this makes me sick to my stomach.”
Velkyann says “Lux has very strong poke and burst, her Q is a kinda off a slow projectile but her E is basically impossible to dodge. Laning against Lux is very hard because her poke is much stronger than your heal and uses not even half as much mana, i recommend buying Helia first item for a stronger heal.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Frequent big AoE slowing poke and roots. Has mediocre shields and a strong ult. The worst part is the laning phase, afterwards she is bearable. Not as bad as Karma, but reckless engages will end badly”
Sinyora says “Lux can easily break Morgana's E) Black Shield with her E (She doesn't need to use her Q to break it, therefore she saves her stun to throw at our faces after she breaks the black shield with ease) and has long range and doesn't risk getting close with us making it harder to bind her.”
X Sirius X says “Almost impossible to lane against if you are not prepared because her pokes are deadly early-game and you can't walk up and Q because you might get caught by her root.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Lux's Q roots the first two targets hit, so make sure to stand behind at least two minions if you want her root to be blocked.
Lux's E slows you for 1 second after leaving the circle, so try to stay out of it if you need mobility.”
NormalOstrich says “Annoying. Bait root by being to the side of minion wave, move in to bait bomb and immediately back off, press q then auto, now she is missing a third of her health and mana. ”
Nekuteru says “During laning phase she will be just annoying you to the point where u either play safe under turret or int going all in and dying. Try making ambushes for her.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Gross cc. It hits two things. Also her circle and passive are annoying. So much damage. Not too hard if you can avoid her cc, though.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Good permaban pick if you're in low ELO. Lots of supports main her. Otherwise, if you have to play against her, buy MR. Her skills aren't impossible to dodge, and she doesn't have a mobile escape from you.”
FiletedMinion says “Her root is too easy to land since it goes through minions. She falls off the longer the game goes on. A single MR item and she is just annoying.”
Xintero says “[SKILL MATCHUP] We can all agree she can be stupid sometimes. This matchup is a matter on how good you are at side stepping. If you are new, then probably ban her since she's picked a lot more than others on this list. ”
JordyGSmiteq says “Due to Lux's limitation of her Qs only going through 1 target (hitting 2 max), she finds herself having to walk up if she ever wants to properly engage.
Tips: Be good at dodging, and play behind minions.”
Yashiao says “Mesma coisa da Nami, faz nada se tu fizer, sempre andando bastante pela lane e prestando atenção onde ela vai jogar o E e de olho no Q dela, sempre”
nyashaor says “She's Lux. She stuns, she does damage, she does splits, flips, backflips, she's a diva e.t.c.
As long as you're fast, you can outrun her Q and do damage, but, yeah. Take shield if you're not sure abt taking anything else.”
quecck says “Good permaban pick if you're in low ELO. Lots of supports main her.
Otherwise, buy mr. Her skills aren't impossible to dodge, and she doesn't have a mobile escape from you.”
Y2k2k says “Will you be outpoked yes, can u close the gap most definitely will rney be dead after or close to death ? Yes, dodge her abilities and run her down.”
Razing42 says “Lux is really strong and will make sure you know it if you give her the space. Don't get hit by her spells and try to punish her if she misses her Q.”
Aerenax says “Lux does a lot of damage, she will poke you down just like Karma. However, if you get on top of her, this will result in a kill as she has no mobility besides flash. You can block her Q with your E, but be careful you will get rooted!”
Ryecheria says “Typically mage supports have more range and better poke, but you could shield damages from abilities. Make sure to dodge crowd control abilities. If they miss abilities (especially crowd control abilities), look to punish or all-in.
60-40 matchup.
It is harder for Lux to land Q and shield her E. Your skill rotation outclasses Lux's.
Push in this lane matters a lot. ”
Maticz3007 says “Annoying poke, huge combo damage and extremely dangerous when ahead, but also immobile and can be poked and/or bursted down relatively easily. Whoever wins lane is going to oneshot their counterpart. Both builds are fine, Rylai is better.”
mazewalk says “Bait her skillshots and punish for wasting root. Her ultimates cast is long enough to react and use Solari to save your teammate. She will try to E you when you hide in bushes and since it gives vision - she will hold it as much as possible to zone you away. ”
Caganos says “Outranges you. This may not seem so bad but her E kills your bush-play and her Q will most likely hit you after you get some stacks. No need for ban though. ”
Shadowcrushers says “
Lux is considered a major match against Soraka due to several key factors. Lux's kit possesses a variety of abilities that directly counter Soraka's strengths and exploit her vulnerabilities, making her a formidable opponent in the bot lane.
Poke and Burst Damage: Lux excels at long-range poke and burst damage, which can heavily pressure Soraka in the laning phase. Lux's Q ability, Light Binding, can snare Soraka or her ADC, preventing Soraka from healing or applying her Astral Infusion effectively. Following up with her E ability, Lucent Singularity, Lux can deal significant damage and zone Soraka away from her ADC, denying her healing capabilities.
Range Advantage: Lux outranges Soraka in terms of both basic attacks and abilities. This range advantage allows Lux to harass Soraka from a safe distance, making it difficult for Soraka to land her own abilities or apply her heals effectively. Lux can utilize her range advantage to whittle down Soraka's health over time, forcing her to play more defensively and limiting her impact in team fights.
Shield and Crowd Control: Lux's W ability, Prismatic Barrier, provides a shield to herself and her teammates, reducing incoming damage. This shield can negate Soraka's poke damage and neutralize her Starcall ability's effectiveness. Additionally, Lux's ultimate ability, Final Spark, not only deals massive burst damage but also provides a significant crowd control effect. This can interrupt Soraka's healing and silence her, rendering her unable to utilize her Wish ultimate effectively in critical team fights.
Vision Control: Lux's E ability, Lucent Singularity, acts as a versatile zoning and vision control tool. By placing Lucent Singularity in key areas, Lux can deny Soraka and her team vital vision, limiting Soraka's ability to land accurate skillshots or provide healing support from a safe distance. This denies Soraka the opportunity to apply her global presence effectively and reduces her overall impact on the map.
Team Fight Impact: Lux's long-range poke, burst damage, and crowd control make her a potent threat in team fights, which can directly counter Soraka's healing and utility. Lux's abilities can effectively burst down Soraka or her ADC, making it difficult for Soraka to provide effective heals or utilize her Wish ultimate to turn the tide of battle. Additionally, Lux's crowd control abilities can disable Soraka and disrupt her healing capabilities, further reducing her impact on team fights.
Overall, Lux's poke, burst damage, range advantage, shield, crowd control, and vision control abilities make her a major match against Soraka. By exploiting Soraka's vulnerabilities and limiting her healing and utility, Lux can exert significant pressure in the laning phase, neutralize Soraka's impact in team fights, and create opportunities for her team to secure victories.”
Apos says “I usually win the lane but somehow I have a 44% win rate against her. I think she is good at picking up carries. Or perhaps she scales better than Sion.”
Rebaulten says “This is a skill match up. Look to get lane pressure and win through prio early levels. If she misses any abilities thats your go button”
support_diff says “Lux is the most broken support in the game, her damage and cc is just too good and her skillshots are way too easy to land. You can't do pretty much anything against her, buy boots early”
jmp_01_ says “Most people in lower elo's don't know how to play Lux Support so this match-up is quite easy for you. Once you bait her Q it's a free kill (or flash).
Try avoiding getting poked by her undodgeable ability. :D
Take Glacial Augment.”
support_diff says “Lux is way too easy and way too good right now, try not to get hit by her Q pre-6 and you should be fine. If he is trying to combo you down, just use your E and prevent her from dealing any damage to you”
Lunar Empress says “Your passive on Zephyr (W) gives you enough movement speed to avoid her spells. If you get caught, she can ult you and you die. However, in the same context, she gets caught very easily and has no escape. Glacial works best here.”
mazewalk says “"gl hf" by a Lux player is the most cynic thing you can see in your life.
Try to bait her skills and stand behind at least 2 minions.
Q's cd is always 11.”
Afnyc says “Tricky because of her range, but because she's so mana hungry early it's winnable. Dodge as much as you can, rush merc threads. Play with the jungler. She has little tools for disengage so ganks can be effectively set up, and roaming with the jungler can forces her off lane or into an all-in, both of which are hard for her. ”
Bolybuff says “I dont think you can block her double snare with your E. Otherwise you are at risk of doing lux a favor by jumping to your ally while she throws her binding Q. Her ult passes through your E. You can still potentially block her rest of her abilties though. ”
RobinValentine1 says “She outranges you pretty hard and is especially threatening when paired with a high range ADC . However, as long as you dodge binding you can out poke her due to her cooldowns being 5 seconds longer than yours”
support_diff says “Lux is way too good and way too overpowered right now, try to dodge her root and you should be fine... or not. She is immobile, so you can poke her pretty easily”
support_diff says “Lux's damage is really high, and she is way too easy to play. Watch out for her root, as you could possibly die after a succesful one. Poke her from as far as you can so it's hard to her to hit her abilities on you. ”
Lurs says “Punish her when her root is down and take guardian to not get poked down. You can play with your mobility, and look to roam. This is a very standard Rakan matchup.”
ShacoSupportAP says “I personally hate to play against her. I think she counters you pretty hard and you cant really engage on her (she just will q you). She can also zone your adc. She is immobile and squishy tho.”
itstsuk3 says “Take Aftershock, Second Wind with Cookies if you dont think you can win Vs her. If you are confident in yourself take Glacial, Second Wind. Play around her cooldowns, Punish her for Bad Positioning and Protect your ADC if they get caught in her Q. If she has a Jhin ADC she's way harder to go against.”
itstsuk3 says “Bullies the shit out of you early game, don't get caught by Q.
If not ahead you can bully instead but she gets strong with a single item so watch out and have a teammate with you.”
Aydov says “Try not to get hit by her Q to not get hit by her all combo. If she misses her E and Q, try to engage before she gets them back. Early refillable potion is necessary.”
Dotje says “I have mixed feelings about how strong AP supports are. You get caught you die. But in the late game you always have a good chance to come back. Their skill shots are easier to dodge and you can almost always out heal her damage once you get some items. Just don't let her get fed, then she won't be too strong.”
Aerenax says “Lux does a lot of damage, she will poke you down just like Karma. However, if you get on top of her, this will result in a kill as she has no mobility besides flash.”
Wounds2 says “Can stop you with her slow from E and root from Q. She can be punished if she wastes Q. Over the course of the game, you become more valuable as long as your team isn't getting picked by Lux on cooldown.”
granmuh says “I've banned this champion every game for the past 3 years. I don't care what champion I pick as support, I ban Lux.
In all honesty, Lux is not that great of a threat against Akali. I simply have a genuine hatred for Lux and refuse to play a game with her on the rift.
Cyclic says “Similar to Karma. Second wind and Senna base HP health nerfs made this matchup more difficult to play since one snare and you will die while her E will do a significant chunk of your health on a relatively low cooldown. Try to take advantage and play aggressive once she wastes key cooldowns like her Q and if you can't then just play to poke with Q and outscale in lane”
ZharMeny says “Same as Brand, but she is just more annoying, also don't forget to punish her when she goes in AA range to proc her passive with(at least) your Q. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
Prenora says “Lux is similar to vel'koz she constantly slings spells but just wait for her to make a mistake and once you get on her, she's too immobile to get you off”
Toches says “If she's paired with caitlyn/jhin and is hitting her stuff, she's a pain in the neck.
Otherwise, mid-late game just exhaust her after she hits a Q, because E/R are following, and she telegraphs that animation pretty well, she doesn't get enough juice to fully poke you out early, so just try to not have both you and the adc get hit by her Es.
her Q animation has a sideswipe telegraph, shouldn't be too bad to learn to dodge
really susceptible to e/flash, low mobility.”
iveye says “Lux is a very immobile mage similar to Xerath, she can poke you out of lane if you play overly safe and if you dodge her Q she becomes one of the easiest targets to kill probably in all of the champion roaster as she has no way to stop you with out defensive items like Zhonya's. Lux is also the most played support so you should make sure you understand her and the match up as it will be a common one until gold+.”
mellorwastaken says “Unless she is playing with Cait, should be an easy matchup, especially in low elo where she will randomly try to hit Q and you can just walk up in her face and Q-E backwards.”
Yoshiking123 says “A good Lux will make it hard for you to engage while poking you down. Thankfully, she's immobile and we can kill her and/or her ADC easily. What I recommend is pretending to be a little bitch in the back trying to avoid poke. Your goal is to bait her into using her Q and the INSTANT she throws out Q you should Flash stun her and kill with your ADC.”
PullTrick says “Lux can be pretty annoying since she heavily outranges you and can root you during your E. If the lux is wasting her abilities you can look for more points in E to punish her but otherwise I would just max Q. Wit's End and cleanse are useful here.”
DARKSTARR says “She's able to use her root to put your W on cooldown for 5 seconds, leaving you very vulnerable. Her other abilities used in a combo during this 5-second period, is deadly.”
veeixin says “I've never had a major or terrible problem ever with a Lux.
She can be very annoying with her Q and she can scare you out of a brush with an E, but she's squishy enough to where you can quickly W-E and bring her below half.
Don't be scared against her, dodge Q and you're good to go.”
Sorakas says “Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Lux has strong lane pressure and dangerous crowd control abilities that can easily put Soraka at a disadvantage. Your main role in this matchup is to dodge all of Lux's abilities, as getting caught will cause you to lose lane control. Only use your Q on her or the enemy ADC after she has already used her E, ensuring you aren’t left vulnerable. If Lux targets you, the game becomes more challenging, as Soraka’s health is crucial for healing the ADC.
Items like Mikael’s Blessing and Chemtech Putrifier are good options in this matchup, especially if Lux builds Oblivion Orb for Grievous Wounds”
Igirl45 says “Lux can root, shield and sometimes 1 shot you if you try to engage on her. If you get caught in her snare, make sure to e to your adc after because if she hits you with a full combo she can kill you. She can poke you down with her e while also slowing you. Late game she might one shot you, so make sure to build some mr into lux.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Lux is just a bad support champion in my opinion. You rush Swifties if she's good, and if she's not then you can get away with Lucidity even. Janna always runs Heal and ADC takes exhaust in this lane and that results in Lux not having kill pressure unless you play it seriously wrong. Lux is mostly good for denying bush control in lane and punishing melee supports, but she has no real pressure in a Janna lane aside from lackluster poke. This means she doesn't get to pop off and snowball her damage, meaning she will play a burst mage with a support gold income and end up not having any burst. You should win this matchup off the fact that you're faster at rotating around the map, warding and ganking, aswell as the fact that your Glacial Q funnily enough has more kill pressure on her, than her combo on you due to Glacial reducing her burst and her being more squishy than you for some reason. If you have a decently strong ADC early then you can even run ignite and dance her skills and make her suffer with Swifties. ”
Roltu says “Zonea, Bloquea, pero de ahí sigue siendo una peor morgana y en realidad a menos que este fedeada, una lux como enemiga no es nada contra un thresh.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Lux is annoying, but not a hard matchup. She is really squishy and has no mobility at all, so that gives you free W's. The only thing you have to worry about is her Q, because then she has the potential to one-shot you without you being able to ult. Buy a corruption potion early on to deal with her poke.”
PR0M3T3O says “Get magic resistance
You can do it the best, stomp her and leaving her behind, then, lvl 6, the only thing she needs to start getting kills and ruining your game”
L9NunuChillump says “Lux is hard to play against for Nunu due to the easy poke and root going through minions she isn't totally ban worthy but proceed with caution while playing this lane and try to bait spells as best you can”
Uzonna says “I'm using Lux, but this goes for every support mage.
This matchup sucks. You get out poked when running this build and it's hard to step up for combo without being CCed and bursted out. When against a mage, I would play safe, wait for jungle if possible, and otherwise just scale.”
unhben says “If Lux decides to max E, she can very easily clear your turrets. Keep her busy and max them so they gain health quick and stay alive longer. Matchup is even from there. Poke with E and W often once manaflow is stacked if taken. ”
Melyn says “It's important to play up with your ADC so they don't get zoned by her spells (which outrange yours). Especially when she hits 6, there's a lot of one shot potential so you may wish to flash if a Q is going to land.
Don't get baited by her W shield, it can shield a lot.”
Atemporal says “Tenha cuidado com o nível 1 de Lux porque seu E + auto + Comet causará muito dano a você. Fique fora do alcance de ataque automático dela e você estará bem. Os jogadores de Lux geralmente não passarão do nível 1 de seus lacaios para enquanto você ficar para trás, ela não pode
realmente te cutucar. Quando você atinge o nível 2, você não quer pular nela, a menos que ela desperdice tanto Q e E por algum motivo. O Q CD de Lux é de 11 segundos, então mesmo que você troque com ela e force seu Q, ele basicamente estará de novo na próxima vez que você
combo ela. Não tenha medo de usar seu E para desviar do E dela, e sempre use E para desviar do Q dela se estiver prestes a acertar você. Lux é um campeão que você não deveria ser capaz de matar no início do jogo. Atordoá-la com um W é difícil porque ela vai te dar um Q
enquanto você está se movendo em direção ao seu W, e o escudo dela absorverá muito do seu dano. Concentre-se em empurrar as ondas, Lux luta com a agricultura sob a torre e você geralmente obterá uma liderança decente na fazenda apenas por afk empurrando-a constantemente. É também
super arriscado para Lux seguir seus roams, porque você pode estar se escondendo em um arbusto esperando por ela. Quando você sair da pista após um empurrão, preste atenção em como ela reage. Se ela correr cegamente para a selva para tentar segui-lo, mantenha isso
em mente para a próxima vez que você empurrar a onda e sair da pista. Você pode apenas conseguir uma morte grátis se ela se deparar com seu W. Lux lutará contra você se ela tiver que combiná-lo em uma pista lateral. Fazer um teamfighting normal contra ela é arriscado e
não é o ideal porque o Q dela pode atrapalhar você em lutas de equipe e seu escudo W é irritante ao tentar matar a linha de fundo. Jogue pista lateral,
e então teamfight flanqueando e conseguindo bons ângulos no time inimigo. Considere Merc Threads contra ela.
Sellorio says “Lux outclasses most supports in the game with her high-damage, spammable, long range abilities. It's why I like playing her so much but it's also a pain in the ass cause even if you ignore her ludicrous poke, she also has a CC and is guaranteed to end you if she lands a Q mid-late game (or early if she gets ahead).”
NotAragami says “Very VERY annoying to deal with. She outtrades you, has better range and can shield both herself and her ADC twice. Lux support mains are pests and there's everywhere in SEA servers, ban worthy. ”
OakuMarai says “Good poke, annoying burst. Don't facecheck crap and ward well. Aery or Elec with celerity. Don't stand too close to your ADC or you'll both get hit by her spells.”
huirats says “Poke mages are annoying, at the very least you'd get even trades, but they'll probably win trades. If you get hit by her stun after lvl 6 you're dead.”
Twday says “this is really just hit or miss. you either get a bad lux which you can destroy easily, or a decent lux with a brain which will screw you up as much as morgana”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “When you shunpo onto her, instantly W and walk to the side to dodge her snare in melee range. If you can get a lead by killing her or using teleport somewhere, then you will be in a great spot. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s Lucent Singularity(E) effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her E to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s Lucent Singularity(E) effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her E to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s Lucent Singularity(E) effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her E to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s Lucent Singularity(E) effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her E to poke with or to push with.”
M4DN355 says “As long as you are able to dodge her Q effectively, then fighting her is a breeze, although laning phase against her is difficult due to her high damage poke and shields for both her and her ADC. Later game, she's an easy kill as long as you dodge her Q.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: MR; Becomes an Even Matchup after some experience. Glacial Augment makes it harder for her to escape you after she uses her spells. She has every possible tool she needs to make his Laning Phase hell. However, if you play your cards right, this lane is playable. A good Lux (mind the irony here) will have Total Bush Control, so play outside the Bushes at all times. Play Parallel to your ADC so you don't get 2-Man Rooted or Ulted. Your Stun does not, I repeat, NOT, cancel her Ult Channel. Try to go around it. If you can't, shield some of the Damage with W, then Q yourself and ADC to regain the lost Health. Your level 1 is stronger than hers if she plays too aggressive, which a bad Lux will certainly do, and will Overstep, allowing you to hit a free Stun off on her, or at least blow her Flash. Buy Swifties if possible to have more Movement Speed available to dodge her Q (and in turn shake off some of her E slow), or if you have trouble Side-Stepping, get Merc Treads early to shun off some of the Root Length. Take Unflinching instead of Revitalize into her, as well as Legend: Tenacity. Your Recovery Tools are already much stronger than hers as it is.”
Jageiko says “Lux is feared by a lot of Supports. Let me tell you: Not by Poppy. She is one of the squishiest champs in the game (Sona Lux Zyra) all in her as soon as you see her and snowball. Just have to focus on dodging the Q or baiting it.”
babyyspace says “Lux root can be a pretty bad threat due to it hitting the first two targets meaning you have to stand behind two minions not just one.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Lux does a lot of damage, does it from a screen away, does it while shielding her allies, and does it while rooting you and slowing you with an unmissable ability.”
Slept god says “Lux has good poke and her q bind can stop your engage with that being said without her q she can't stop you of you have Swiftys with the slow resists ”
MorBidMike says “i dont like it, but it exist. get that mikaels and stay on your toes. don't play dismounted and instead just stay mounted and rely on dodging.”
Bazekda says “You get hit by one root and there goes half your HP. You can't outrange her ever, try to get cheeky portals on her with your jugnler, mid laner or ADC”
Navn says “If you get binded, you're doomed. And since it passes through minions, its a really bad time. She's got a ton of range so landing Q is also going to be really hard to even get some hp back from her poke.”
PrismaticShield says “She outranges you in a frustrating way, but you can outplay her if you and your adc dive her early and build up faster than her. Banshee's Veil is a must against a strong Lux.”
Navn says “Her poke is just as good as yours, so this lane is entirely dependent on who is pushing. The person pushing the lane will win this match-up, but she is a pretty easy arrow target later.”
spirit legacy says “It seems like a very annoying lane to deal with, but you can easily bait most lux player's abilitys by moving alot. try to bait her spells and as soon as she misses her q she's very open for an hard engage. She only wins the lane if she constistantly hits her E. ”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Early game can be a bit rough since her poke can be painful and her root deadly.
Just be careful of her root, help your ADC farm up and in the mid to late game you can abuse her immobility to bully her with traps and shiv.”
anniesniffer69 says “stupid ugly femsub... if you dodge her Q and E try to spank her to death. after level 6 be more careful cuz she spams her ult whenever she wants.”
rocco521 says “The only scary thing with lux is if they also have a caitlyn. If you get poked out too low its really hard for you to play the game. Try to just dodge her spells and live lane. But if you get onto her she will die if you have help.”
Brizz Valentine1 says “Difficult line in my experience
You can play with aery to try to trade with her or you can play with guardian and runes to hold lane and be useful later
His poke is quite annoying online he has more range than you But he is immobile and you can try to answer his poke, ask your jungler for help here and at low level he has a 10 second cooldown and your w has more than 20 seconds. Max Q to poke or E to wait for jungle help”
Demonsedge90 says “Facing a Lux is a relatively easy matchup for Leona, but if you get caught too much by her light binding, then you will not able to do much in fights.”
Cordiall says “Lux isn't much of a threat to Braum, though if she gets ahead she can definitely do damage. Her E slow followed by her Q root isn't easy to dodge, but if you stay close to minions you can W away from it to dodge it. You can also take advantage of the knowledge that her root is down to all-in and kill her, if your ADC is on the same page as you.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “As she out-ranges and out-damages you, Lux poses quite a problem, use bushes to avoid skillshots and rely on playing far enough back that you will not easily get hit.”
hampenguin says “Easily the most annoying champ to lane against, she'll do 30% HP with one E so you need to wait until 3 because you need your entire kit to kill her or survive.”
TheKingUltra says “Has only one damage combo, which is easy to predict, she also has very poor mobility, you can get a few kills and also outroam her very hard.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Take Barrier. Lux's Poke makes it hard for you to harass her while playing in the wave and her bind makes it sketchy to play outside the wave. Try to not get caught and scale. If you find a bubble you can score kills.
Eu como Miilena says “fique longe de seu adc para que ela tenha que escolher 1 dos 2 para jogar seu E e quando ela escolher proteja o escolhido com o seu E nos sem itens ela nao tem dano suficiente para quebrar o escudo da Karma. se ela acertar o Q sempre espere para dar o escudo quando ela ultar caso contrario a ult dela mata a pessoas estunada.”
PrismaticShield says “If you're really good at moving around without being hit, you can counter her easily, but early game she is such a pain for pyke players.”
Ionia King says “If you can dodge her Q she is of no threat to you, she is extremely squishy and once you jump on her she's most likely going to die to your team before she can cast anything.”
DtNikk says “Lux outranges you, by alot. Go boots of swiftness, as getting hit by her Q spells certain doom. Mikales is also very good. Relic shield is by far better then spelthieves in this matchup.”
ColJaraka says “Dodge her q with w, and you should be fine. She can get a lot of damage even when behind during late game, so don't get caught and don't underestimate them.”
tygame88 says “Lux is my usual insta-ban. Hyperbeam is OP and she has way to much range. Poke champs are hard for Swain when they can outrange him. Her root is so easy to hit Swain with.”
AvengingAvacyn says “Lux is really annoying because her ranged crowd control and ultimate counter you. You need to get in their face but they are good at staying away from you.”
VyoS says “She'll poke you in the early game, so play passive and wait lvl 6, it's okey to lose some CS, When you got your Ult W E her and wait for her reaction, if she Q's then you can dodge it by swapping with your Shadow, after that you can all in her. If you're a bit fed you just can WEQ in a good angle and Ult her after swapping.”
TheFoolhardy says “Like morgana, her Q is enough to cancel your whole engage and she's most likely to keep poking you with E, even if the ADC does bad, she still has massive carry potential.”
Nozul says “Lux dá muito poke, só isso mesmo. É difícil de se esquivar do E dela que também te dá slow. Se você for pego no Q dela, você vai ser combado (e solado por ela, no lategame). Acho que nem preciso falar das toneladas de dano que ela te dá com poucos itens fechados, certo?”
TheBlueImperial says “Lux is an annoying support to play against because of her poke but she is still very squishy immobile, she cannot do anything to stop you from engaging on her. If she lands a Q on your carry stand between her and your carry to prevent her from following up early.”
PumpkinMatters says “Lux é uma Morgana mais fácil de lidar, mas não se engane com esse rostinho bonito da loira odonto, porque ela pode acabar com seu jogo se acertar todo o combo. De qualquer forma, é aquele mesmo papo: fuja do Q, principalmente, e caia com tudo nessa demaciana insuportável pra acabar com a alegria dela”
xDracolich says “Lux is one of Rell's biggest threats with her high AP damage, her root, and her constant ult looming over your head. Pray you're not playing against a Lux support.”
PumpkinMatters says “Lux is an easier Morgana, but don't let this cute little Beverly Hills white face fool you, because she can end your game, if she gets her combo right. Anyway, it's that same thing: escape Q, principally, and fall hard onto this annoying demacian head to end her happiness”
commit lego foot says “long range poke mage with a lot of burst. you are on a timer to engage before you get poked out. early refill and kindlegem give you some breathing room with second wind but still hard. ”
a8qoyrl says “Pain, pain, pain and more pain. She has amazing poke potential and does a lot of damage at the same time. A lot of the time if you are walking up, she will just root you and burst you before you can get in range to proc E and Glacial. You can really only try to engage when its on cooldown(11 second base CD all levels). Like Xerath, just make sure she doesnt poke you and Poppy to the point that its just dangerous to engage. So look for those windows of opportunity when her Q is on CD.”
KalelPeique says “Jogar contra Lux é um saco, evita tomar os Q , e tenta esquivar dos E, como ela é mago de longa a distancia, é quase impossível você chegar perto dela, então tenta pegar ela de surpresa, aliás você é um assassino
Playing against Lux sucks, avoid taking the Qs, and try to dodge the E, as she's a long-distance mage, it's almost impossible for you to get close to her, so try to catch her by surprise, in fact you're an assassin”
navarro41yt says “She has an absurd root with her Q so if the spell hits yi he will be unable to move in various seconds.
It his highly recomended to go Flash vs she.”
Alks says “If she has the best aim, this could be a problem, however since we are fast, it usually doesn't seem that big of a threat. just poke her down!”
TheAngryJacket says “Boots early on help to avoid lux e, dont clump with your adc and give them a chance to hit you both, as long as you dodge the root you should be able to dance circles around her.”
DrErebos says “She can heavy poke you out and will insta kill you post 6 if she hits a root. This is advice for all root type supports. If you vault them when they don't expect it then instantly side step you have a good chance of dodging their root.”
Winter Nicole says “Lux: Her Q traps you and her E does so much damage late game and when she gets her Ult, it's hard to protect your adc when she stuns them. (Recommend playing it safe with your adc and try not feeding her and try not feeding their adc which can be double the trouble though you can do good damage on her, make sure to stun her and Ult her so you can kill her let your adc kill her or you leaving their adc in a 2v1 and your'll have tower control but be careful with their jungler)”
M Le Maudit says “Pretty annoying with her cage but if you bait her cage you can use predator on the adc and you will win anyways, try to not let her poke you.”
itsElJefe says “Lux can be a pest, she is very easy to play and do well on, she has high damage when shes doing well, and a low ult cooldown. But you are a Xerath, you have better range and she's squishy. Avoid her stuns and play to your max range. Starting to see a trend?? STAY BACK AND POKE!! ”
revu says “[POKE MAGE]
Luxes are usually clueless. They randomly throw away their skills hoping to hit something. Look for all-in if she misses her Q. Her real power comes from how fast she can clear waves, pushing you under tower, which you dont normally want to happen.”
Discord231 says “Con esta tipa deberás comer daño de gratis para proteger a tu adc de su pokeo, pero con cuidado de no comerte su cc, y si no la matas antes de hacer un objetivo, prepárate para que lo robe.”
GuanaTv says “Apesar de inicialmente ser um pouco chato enfrentar uma Lux, o fato dela nao conseguir proteger muito bem seu aliado faz com que seja uma rota tranquila.
(Although it is initially a bit boring to face a Lux, the fact that it can't protect its ally very well makes it a smooth lane).”
beeinthefranxx says “After her buffs shes literally like the teemo of botlane, besides blitzcrank and darius. take advantage of her after you dodge her q, shes immobile and has no cc other than e slow.”
Stannis_The_Mannis says “Annoying, low damage early levels, slow abilities, if she E you, just walk toward her as the ability will fly pass you if there's no minion around, her Q is slow and predictable so dodge or don't walk into it. When she miss both her E and Q punish her hard as she has no way to stop you.”
Gobomo says “Dodge her Qs and you're fine, get hit by them and you lose, thats the nature of the matchup. Unlike Morgana, however, there's no spell shield to prevent you from punishing her for missing her Q. ”
Petra Venj says “You really need to hit the Q's in this matchup, as Lux can poke really hard. I suggest going barrier to live her burst and going second wind.”
MsBean says “Being against a lux isn't too bad, it can be a little big tricky if you get caught as she shots you... with her stun, E, and ult, she does a lot of damage, but it's not impossible to dodge her, just be behind minions, and don't chase her too much, she does a lot more damage compared to you. Overall soraka is a better support because of her healing, you give your adc kills and get assists back, as for lux you risk taking kills.”
neuroplasticity says “While she outranges you and has a lot of poke Lux isn't really difficult to deal with. Your passive helps to dodge her rather telegraphed skillshots and your W counteracts her poke.
Just make sure you dodge her binding and be wary of brush cheeses in lane as well as later on. ”
Mooncurve says “dodge her skills, make that your priority. If Q / E is down you can fight her. She does often go ap as a support, buy mikaels to counter her binding.”
yaemitskiuwu says “The recent Lux buffs made her an Even threat for Lulu. Her E deals so much damage and this is why I suggest maxing your E against AP supports like her. Dodge her skills you'll be fine. IF she gets fed make sure to get defense items.”
eiensiei says “Build Mercury's Treads and you'll always be able to dodge her R even if she hits her Q. Her E is fairly easy to dodge if you walk forward or to the side, but not backwards.”
Doglightning says “Run ele. She is annoying she can out range your poke and root plus can shield your poke. Only advantage you have is you can root through wave. At 6 if she catches you in a root you are dead unless you have aftershock. After lane she will just have an easier time then you finding picks as she has longer range on bind”
Mystral says “I think that this is a skill matchup, I just saved my ADCs by giving them speed to avoid her poke. She is squishy, if you get close enough, you can take half of her life away. Poke her only when she has her skills on CD.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Don’t get poked out by her E on a regular basis as the damage will build up over time and the slow will allow her to proc her Passive on you. This will ultimately force you to recall abruptly.
Lux’s Q is the ability you need to play around as getting CC’d by that will surely result in your demise post-six. That CC paired with her E slow will literally spell death for you so make sure that you sidestep it.
You will want to allow Lux to push the wave in with her ADC so that she is exposed to ganks. Before a gank, make sure you bait out her Q so that she has no way to escape once the gank begins.
During team fights, she will try to dish out damage with her E and see if she can catch anyone with her Q. Try to avoid her Q at all costs and don’t stay too close to each other or she will be able to poke all of you with a single spell.”
Doglightning says “Take Barrier. Lux's Poke makes it hard for you to harass her while playing in the wave and her bind makes it sketchy to play outside the wave. Try to not get caught and scale. If you find a bubble you can score kills.”
Aerenax says “Lux is not as annoying as the other mages in the botlane as she is easy to play around if she misses her Q. The only problem is when you get hit by her full combo and your HP bar is deleted.”
eiensiei says “Build Mercury's Treads and you'll always be able to dodge her R even if she hits her Q. Her E is fairly easy to dodge if you walk forward or to the side, but not backwards.”
warmfishu says “Her Light Binding (Q) will reset your W. She is also pretty high damage. How well she does varies wildly by player since she is both a high elo main and a newbie champion though.”
Rasta Da Masta says “This matchup is hard for 3 reasons: 1, she has as much range as you. 2, she can actually 100-0 you and your partner with a full combo. 3, until you finish boots dodging is hard. Better bring your happy feed & hope for ganks!”
LegendaryOstrich says “You can take biscuits against Lux if you feel she pokes you down a lot but early game she should not have any pressure to kill you since she deals no damage early. Look to fight once she uses her Q or W.”
Korippo says “She does an insane amount of damage with her ult and her E poke mid to late game though, so it's important to keep your ADC as healthy as possible in the event they get rooted. It's ideally best to focus her first in the lane because while she is meant to setup, she also dishes out arguably more damage than her ADC in less time, so get rid of her before engaging on them.”
TheImmortalEye says “her higher range makes her poke effective. similar to seraphine u are a bit disadvantaged here with a similar kit. her ult does high dmg but dmg only, respect but all in when possible.”
Flackojodye says “be careful with her binding, it has a deceptively long range, and most of the times she will try to full combo whoever she hits with it. Try to orb walk around her so she is more likely to miss Q and E. Respect her range and dont get pushed in or you will be dove and sieged.”
Distinger says “I personally cannot play against this monstrosity.
No matter how many abilities you dodge, if she lands a single Q on you, you are dead no matter what, because Lux's damage is broken even when she's behind.”
0Banda says “ Lux, as a skillshot champion can get easily countered by Rakan, you can dodge her spells once you buy your first Boots and before that you can dodge her spells with your own ability's, like your W and E if your ADC is close to you. You can also dodge Lux's R easily
In your first back, buy Boots in order to dodge her skillshots, you can run Second Wind if you feel uncomfortale against Lux but its not really necessary, in teamfights, get close to her and bait her spells, then dodging with your W”
Xexzuz says “I'll just put this here. Any champ with CC you will do very well against for the most part. So just remember to time your E right and you can win trades really easily. ”
Luiscencias says “Just like Zyra, she is a damage bot who you must respect until level 6. DODGE THAT Q and you will be just fine but don't ever forget she can get you killed with that one button. Zhonyas is incredibly good at countering her burst since most lux's will faceroll their abilities as soon as they bind you”
AlysseaFaceUp says “This is one of the exceptions, this support has more range than Zyra, but, you'll have to max your Q, she's so squishy, so dealing burst damage is the best way of killing her.”
Fear The Jester says “Dodge her root with Q, or eat it and displace with Q to make them waste mana using E on where you were, gain control of the bushes and see if theyll waste mana to illuminate the bushes with spells (most are braindead mid mains that cant support properly), easy engage if you can dodge her root with your ult, Can also use your ult to dodge hers.”
Cimcia484 says “ In the laning phase she pokes Soraka without giving her opportunity to Q her and mitigate the poke with healing. Similar problems with champions like Xerath or Brand. If they missplay and get hit by your Q, the lane changes entirely.”
Jowoey says “A good Lux will never randomly throw her Q but instead hold it for pressure and focus on poking you down with her E. She's supposed to start Q, but if she doesn't you can utilize that and poke her level 1. Wait until she throws an ability to find out. Early vision of the middle lane bush will make playing against good Lux players a little less intimidating but always be weary of her Q.”
Hanjaro says “Lux's full combo can spell death for you, especially if your ult is on CD and you can't reach her for an equinox. Dodge her spells, play to stay alive and scale.”
CatGopher98 says “Lux is a very similar threat to Brand, except that it comes with a lot more CC. Her cooldowns will eventually become nonexistent, including her ult's. Luckily, the same goes with your abilities.”
Hanjaro says “Lux can counter your engage with her root, and her combo is deadly, along with her long range. You should avoid her abilities, play passive and engage at 6 when her abilities are on CD. She's squishy so you can burst her down.”
Biotic says “Very easy to play farm level 3 and you can just E into double bomb and you should win 2v2. Be carefull that you dont get caught out by a binding you should be the one engaging. ”
TheBestestBork says “Lux is lux, she roots you and pokes you all lane so dodge that and you will be fine. Also, as a standard leo main must, KILL HER WITH FIRE”
cozymoonzz says “try to dodge her q and you should be fine, you can go guardian for the extra protection, but you outsustain her and outscale her if she doesnt get fed. ”
KasgoesREEEEE says “her q, e, r combo kills you everytime. don't rely on minions to avoid her q bc it can hit 2 enemy units. try to bait it out and then she's not too much help.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Similar to morgana, she is not really a problem unless she hits a Q. If she ever walks in E range, you should be able to hopefully burn flash or kill her”
Guoblide says “Lux is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to her poke being able to force Braum and his ADC out of lane fairly easily. Lux is a long-range burst Mage that can be built as a hybrid enchanter. She can run many different runes and builds that can change her playstyle for each one. For example, an Arcane Comet Lux will most likely build Luden's Tempest into full AP and focus on poking Braum whereas a Guardian Lux will build Imperial Mandate/ Moonstone Renewer into full enchanter and focus on peeling and keeping her teamates alive. Try to adjust your playstyle to counter theirs. Lux spikes at Level 2 with access to a root with Light Binding, Level 6 with access to a long range Final Spark beam, and then at Levels 11 and 16 where the cooldown to Final Spark gets ridiculously low. In lane Braum should try to play around bushes at Level 1 to help him dodge Lucent Singularity. Try to bait it out and then play super aggressively with your ADC for the 10 seconds where it is on cooldown. Lux without cooldowns is pretty much a glorified caster minion due to most of her damage and items stemming off of her abilities. Once Braum hits Level 2 he can play more aggressively and block Light Binding and Lucent Singularity with Unbreakable if they are cast on him. Keep in mind that Light Binding will still root Braum even if blocked (Although the damage will be reduced) and Lucent Singularity will deal full damage if activated before it hits Braum's Shield. Braum should continue playing around Lux's cooldown throughout the laning phase. Try to shove the wave into the enemies tower so that Lux can't shove the wave into you and get free poke off while pressuring under tower. Doing this will also open up roaming opportunities or better recall timing for Braum. When Braum hits Level 6 Glacial Fissure will let him get picks on Lux or her ADC if she wastes her major cooldowns. Since Lux has no mobility spells getting a knock-up on her when her defensive spells are down will usually lead to a Flash or a kill.”
Spection says “Has strong poke with her E, but it will make her go oom fast. Abuse her lack of mobility and throw Q's when hers is on cooldown. You'll want Zhonyas to counter her burst combo.”
Doody_tco says “Basically, Lux can ignore feeding her carry and go for Q>E>R and finish your carry, there is a chance for Yuumi's carry to survive with healing”
RayTeamStrategy says “Even though her range is better than yours, if she wants to do maximum damage she's going to need to get close enough for you to silence her, which keeps her in check for the most part. Thanks to your superior mobility, you will be able to be more active in securing objectives which makes this matchup tough for her. But her burst damage potential still keeps her as a relevant threat that isn't to be underestimated.”
Nexon22412 says “Can root you when using your E wait for the moment when she her Q on cooldown and then try engage her if you get caught by her Q she combo you with E + R and you are dead”
Billehz says “Her poke is very strong, and usually getting caught in her combo means you are dead. Your W does make it easier for you to dodge her Q and E, but if she is good she will probably be able to predict this and get some trades off on you. Once you have your ult she will become less of a problem as you can more easily dodge her q and go all out on her.”
Go Getter says “Lux is extremely annoying to face against in the early match up, you're likely to die if the ADC manages to follow up on anything she does.
Survive until you or your ADC can engage safely and you will demolish her with CC.”
Vispectra says “Lux is annoying , very annoying but not a hard match-up. She does a lot of damage but most of it is easily dodged with one Q , a sidestep or a well timed R. If you plan to fight her early post 6 , try to R onto her and move to the side , most lux players will throw the Q directly behind or in front of them to try to punish you. Her E and Auto-attack spam in lane might cause you some trouble.”
Bardificer says “W in from bushes and force fights, make her crazy paranoid about where the fish is coming from. Save R for when she full combos your adc.”
SupportTooEz says “Fuck Lux. Heal her harass, don't let adc get hit by root. Not really a hard match up to understand, but adcs have a tendency to get stunned by Lux so you can rush Mikael's Blessing if your adc is incompetent.”
GUYnumb3r 14 says “If lux hits you with abilities it will be a big problem, your shields will not beat her dmg early game. this might make you fall behind.”
duusuhh says “While you have to get close to do your damage, something Lux can abuse, playing around her cooldowns will keep things even. Just wait for her to waste Q and then get close, otherwise toss RQs. Consider maxing your E if she maxes hers first. ”
Esoterica says “Lux is a formidable matchup mid but not in botlane, as she must choose between trying to burst you or your ADC down.
Her Light Binding is easy to avoid and should be punished if she randomly throws it out. Her shield is also not effective at early levels, and she may not always get her ADC with it as well. Focus the ADC but stay aware of where she is standing.
Her QER combo at level 6 does ~60% of your HP.”
DamselOfDistress says “Luxe´s E makes laning dificult. Don´t be afraid to get close to her during an engage, it makes her Q hard to hit. She is still squishy, so she shouldn´t give you much trouble.”
Pigeont says “Just not fun, she slow+ poke you and can root you trough the minion, can one-shot you if lvl 6 and in advance, get the 300g boots as soon as possible and maybe E lvl 3 to get back faster in lane, cause you will need to dodge a lot, depend on the skill. If she use her E you can try to poke her while paying attention to the ADC.”
Lux is easy to kill and has shorter range. However, Lux is Lux, right? She's obnoxious as hell and her Q is basically a death sentence due to the great hitbox it has. Also her ult can match yours if she's neraby enough. Still, it's in you favour, but don't overextend.”
Daraysen says “Pretty even, try to hook her when she throws her Q since she won't have her root and she can't move while in her animation, making her vulnurable to you and your ADC.”
Dotje says “Mage supports.. I despite them. If they don't win in laning I am pretty sure you'll be the better support. In case she's been very deadly you could get crucible to save your ally from her root and damage. But besides that just practise dodging her abilities.”
VeneficusFerox says “Once you have boots, you can easily dodge her Q. Just don't get caught, as with all squishy vs Lux. Biggest threat is her long range ult to get kills and assists out of lane, just like you would do with your ult. Except she doesn't need to leave her lane for that long.”
KeleiX13 says “Her E's and Q's are usually pretty dodgeable since the projectiles are so slow. You outdamage her early on with your Q auto combo so consistently harass with that. If you're close enough, you can also cancel her ult with your ult stun if you get hit by a Q. However, if the Lux is good and you get hit by a lot of her abilities, you will probably be burst down pretty quickly so stay behind at least two minions when poking.”
Sinci says “Lux does outrange you but you can still manage ways to trade with her if she ever comes to try proc her passive with auto attacks, she is very punishable when she uses her abilities but really scary has them and if you get hit you usually have to use many abilities to stay alive.”
Adam bot says “She has high damage, but you out-scale her and with your movement speed you should never get caught by her bind, unless she flashes for you.”
Discord231 says “Con esta tipa deberás comer daño de gratis para proteger a tu adc de su pokeo, pero con cuidado de no comerte su cc, y si no la matas antes de hacer un objetivo, prepárate para que lo robe.”
LilRidge says “ Lux is incredibly immobile and squishy, so you should always try to use the lane brushes to get close to her and all in her. You can easily take her down with your (W) Ferromancy - Crash Down and (E) Attract and Repel if you land on top of her. Avoid her poke.”
Tauricus2017 says “Lux has been nerfed so heavily recently that she doesn't feel like a thread anymore, just watch out for her skillshots and when she overextends to proc her passive, make sure she will regret that..”
SpartanDumpster says “Lux is likely to out-damage Zilean, so you need to stay on your toes, dodging her abilities, especially her Q. Once you're rooted, her and her adc can unload on you for a lot of damage. The only reason she's Major and not Extreme is because she roots instead of stuns. While rooted Lux and her adc are likely to put themselves in a position for you to stun them both, and you can cast your ult on yourself if you have it, so revive and run, boosting your own speed. ”
Rainuu says “Lux is an easy lane for Lillia as she easily evade everything that Lux has to throw at her. Beware of her poke prelevel 6 however, it can be incredibly annoying”
Ruiner of Fun says “Her Q usually means death. Unlike Morgana she can output enough damage by herself to kill you. Don't stack up on each other and carefully bait or dodge her skillshots. If you cannot dodge her Q it would be better if you dodged the lobby.”
Kefochka says “Как поукер, Люкс хороша, у неё хороший контроль, она может харасить, но и наказать её можно. Обычно она выдаёт Q и E вместе, что позволит вам на какое-то время отогнать её. В размене или файте Тарику лучше сразу активировать ульту, чтобы сберечь себя и своего союзника.”
Starchase says “Don't detach from your ADC unless she misses her Q.
Sustain all her poke damage with your E.
Tell your ADC to position behind 2 minions so that her Q gets stucked with them.
Rush Mikael's Blessing.
You hard outscale her.”
Midas_Wail says “Instead of going through each champion and telling you who to be scared of, I want to give you a general idea of what forms of tough matchups look like. Fortunately, the skill of your ADC can make most of the matchups ALOT easier, or harder. Lux and others like her is pretty tough because she has a large amount of poke and cc, and in tandem with her ADC it can be really scary for a teammate to 1v2 while you are off roaming. I'd suggest staying in lane more often in order to give peel to your ADC.”
XD001 says “Free lane. dodge as many skillshots as you can early and at level 6-11 just kill her on cooldown with your full rocketbelt combo. Shove waves mid and look for roams jg/top/bot. In the late game you can look to 1 shot Lux and other squishies through flanks. Be careful to not get CC chained.
Ekko outscales Lux.
electrocute + sorcery + tp”
mellorpyke says “Lux is pretty free, 1 good hook and she's dead. Be careful at level 6 tho because she can oneshot you with her full combo. You can stalk her for the entire game with prowlers build, but make sure to oneshot her before she oneshots you!”
Takitsu says “Hook = Kill
Lux is extremely squishy. Wait for her E, then look for hooks. No escapes aside from Flash. Even if she binds you or your carry, a hook can still result in her dying. Post-6 she can 100-0 so beware of her binds.”
Xeptron says “Very simular to Morgana. Dodge her Q ability (root) and you are free to engage. If Lux is using aftershock, try to engage AFTER her aftershock's been used, makes it easier to kill. ”
losolkos says “Try to always move to make her try to hit you much harder also stay close to the minions she cant stun you if you are behind the minion she can hit with Q 2 targets. She have nothing to run so just slow her and focus on her and she cant run away if you dont let her hit you.”
Discord231 says “Con esta tipa deberás comer daño de gratis para proteger a tu adc de su pokeo, pero con cuidado de no comerte su cc, y si no la matas antes de hacer un objetivo, prepárate para que lo robe. ”
Kadiyarch says “It is a dodge skill match-up. she has a greater range so you have 2 choices: play every far and wait to have a good combo with flash or get very close so that you can hit her. If you do that, make sure that you adc is ready to follow otherwise you will most likely die alone.”
Coo1breeze says “Like Brand, she can harass you and the ADC pretty well, but she doesn't do as much early damage as Brand. If you can avoid her abilities and pokes, you will be ahead of her in gold, and you should be able to easily grab and kill her.”
EionThePepega says “Lux might seem your clone, but she is not, because her burst potential is huge. Seeing most Lux summoners love to Ult after Q and E, black shield early and go either Poke oriented or Scale oriented.”
Gryndall says “This depends too how enemy Lux good is. If you are not good on avoiding her stun I recommend buy Banshee or you don't want waste slot. You can take Cleanse. However if she not get overfed our flowers will tears her down.”
MagicPOwDer says “No need to ban her. she's only a high threat because she will try to outpoke you at the beginning and her root will be very annoying. try to bait out her abilities pre-level 3. Let her waste her mana. Then stun and E combo her at level 3 to force her back.”
xDopii says “Another annoying poke support that will stand behind minions. Due to your tankiness, she shouldn't be doing a lot of damage though. Try to stay in bushes and dodge her attacks. If you can get a hook on her, she is pretty much dead”
Magdaleno9 says “You absolutely destroy her, specially if she goes damage. Her q is very easy to dodge since it's super slow and her peel is very poor. Always power chord Q her and scare her. If you and your adc can kill her do it, she has no escape :).”
EionThePepega says “Consider her as Zyra's Long Lost Demacian Sister (Zyra's Demacian but you get it). Dodge Root or she will waste every ability on you.”
The Lotus Queen says “Getting hit by Lux' high damage combo can result in your death, and her long range can make it very hard to get through laning phase. Rush boots to dodge her spells to get through the early game, and do your best to win with your late game scaling.”
Jexeff says “This champion is not what it used to be last season. This champ has seen a lot of nerfs in the support to role. As long as you avoid her snare you should be able to walk up to her. ”
razzyhealer says “Notable for her CC from her Q, which is a straight line, but which can also pierce through a target. Getting caught usually means you'll die to her.”
Wounds2 says “Lux bullies Rakan in laning phase, but the narrative stays the same as against most other enchanter/mage supports. They are pretty greedy when it comes to poking and can easily be punished if they overextend. Be cautious for her Q when you are engaging, as it can shut you down pretty hard.”
icebombhunter says “Boring. Bait her q and then all in her, you are stronger at all levels, just rush mercury, if she roots you after your e you will probably die.”
DutchWolf114 says “Skill match-up, which is good for us because all Lux supports think they are LCS players, so we can easily exploit their arrogance.”
itizhelia says “You go even in lane since her job is to stop you from doing your dashes by poking you, but you have an ability to dodge her Qs and Es.
But bear in mind that going into mid-game her cooldowns are much shorter which is why it's really tricky to play against her since a good Lux can f*CK you up really hard.”
Find0 says “I feel like lux shouldnt be here but here we go. you slaughter her if you dont get poked early. cheater recall for boots if possible so you can dodge her skillshots asap. Very snowbally pre 6 if you do int.
Royal Shaco says “hes even cause if she hits q ur dead
u dodge shes dead so in late game pretty much one shoots you with q and then the fllowing ult ur dead just dodge her q
Navn says “As long as you don't get binded, you should be ok. Her E is pretty hard to dodge early, but you can shield yourself or your lane partner. Then just auto attack her for trades. Depending who her lane partner is (Caitlyn is the scariest), this lane can become unplayable very quickly.”
Xeptron says “Lux is one of the other AP damage dealer support champions that people decide to play. She does very well in terms of poke since she can get a safe distance and throw her abilities at you. Due to her low CD on her ultimate ability, she can burst anyone pretty well since all LUX players build AP to make her shield bigger and damage higher.
There's one counter to her poke - finding a way to hook her and punish her for it. Remember - lux has no escapes. Her only escape is flash. Once the flash is burnt, she has no way of escaping a hook. Once you land a couple, you will able to kill her over & over again leaving her usless and weakened.”
Frank6264 says “Lux puede hacer lo mismo que una Karma de manera mejorada, aparte de que su CC y daño son mejores y más fáciles de aplicar que con Karma. Depende del ADC enemigo Lux puede ser una amenaza muy grande o extrema. Recomiendo tratar de evitar que desgaste demasiado en línea posicionandose en lugares de fácil movilidad (estar aislado de los minions por ejemplo) y de evitar principalmente el CC de la Q ya que es altamente probable que les puedan matar. Runas defensivas y extenuación son recomendables en este enfrentamiento.”
rcyuumi says “Avoid Lux's poke damage and Q's and you are fine. Don't and you will have serious issues if she is paired with an ADC like Jhin, Cait, Ashe, Draven, etc.”
Pixel Pocket says “Lux is in a good spot right now, she's a little more vulnerable to your engages than Brand or Xerath as she will want to auto-attack more to proc her passive, abuse this to get the upper hand and you can win”
CaptianMike says “You must dodge her root. Lux has high damage for a support, but is low health herself. If you can dodge her q, you'll be fine. Take SCORCH”
jessuva says “I don't like facing Lux in lane, because she deals a lot of damage and her root is annoying. If you can dodge her root, she shouldn't be too much of an issue, but she has a TON of poke. ”
Quadliss says “She can hit a cage and 1 shot you before you do anything. The laning phase is hard with her E, she has a shield and a range for counter you're box. She has a huge scale, you can't outscake her. I recommand you to ban her. ”
Lykzar says “An annoying matchup. Go for trades after she uses her abilities. I'd recommend going perfect timing here to avoid the burst she can provide.”
CastratedSeal says “She has okay pick potential, but it's a skill matchup. If you dodge her bindings, you should win lane. Start Relic Shield. Consider buying a Mikael's.”
Titans Revenge says “Lux E is harder to dodge than her other skillshots, but does a good bit of poke damage in lane. She is highly immobile and if she misses her Q you can all in her.”
Hceercs says “She's somewhere between a 3 and 4 as she has decent poke and can root you, and has all the qualities of an annoying mage matchup, but she really isn't as hard to deal with as Velkoz/Brand/Zyra.”
RedNBlue says “Uh oh! Watch out, lux will root you, you will root her, you will Q her, healing yourself, auto her and get a wraith stalker, and then she downshift her engine ridding her of cool downs and she will unload her arsenal on you. NOTE: you will be dead. Laning phase will be the same thing except you better hope you can get tanky fast because you will be getting blasted by two people and you and your adc will both be blasting lux but its not going to be fun. You will be cursing and screaming kicking your desk when you die in this situation. Good Luck. I don't know”
IbnBattuta says “Lux isn't that much of a threat but as Support to an ADC she is actually dangerous since you can't focus on her with ADC next to her or Vice Versa so as long she is alone, you are free to kill her but with someone better wait for backup.”
ParadoxRoli says “If she missed her hook she is useless. You can all in her. Also her Q and your Q ranges are the same, so if she is not ahead you can tank her Q shot while hooking her yourself. ”
GMGZ2 says “AHH THE LIGHT BURNS MY EYES! LUX IS SO HARD TO DEAL WITH IN S11. Use your Q to dodge her R, can't block her Q or E since her Q is a double shot that can hit two targets in a line and her E is a big circle that hits everything in it. Poking her is also difficult since she can use W and shield herself. Lastly, if she has R up, try and also have your Q up as well or else you will have almost no way to dodge or have your R to counter by teleporting after going invincible and invisible for a brief moment. Then if your clone survives throw it at her if you can. Oh and another thing, she can just root or slow your clone making almost impossible to get it near her. Lastly, use your boxes in bushes to try and stop sneak attacks and that is all the advice I have for this DEMACIA SCUM.”
Tartmeringue says “While Lux does a lot of damage and will outscale you late game, she's very squishy and easy pickings if you dodge her root and all in her with your adc.”
Frogsterr says “Roots you at level 2 with her Q, so be cautious around her. Make sure you poke her a bit pre-6 and 6+ so you can counter her a bit and mow her down.”
just_juniper says “Both Zyra and Lux have long range harass, great teamfighting and CC. Engage whenever she uses Q, play safe whenever she has it up. She is extremely squishy, so catching her usually results in a kill.”
Guoblide says “Lux another pretty tough matchup for you due to her good poke and peel from her Light Binding. She has really strong poke with her Lucent Singularity which can also apply a slow and make it easy for her to auto attack you and proc Illumination for a lot of damage. Avoiding Lucent Singularity is very important because her hitting it can lead into you taking a lot of un-needed damage. Lux uses Lucent Singularity as well as Light Binding to check bushes and make it harder for you to dive. Try to stand right inside of Lux's ability range to make it easy to just walk backwards and dodge her skillshots when she casts them at you. The most dangerous Lux ability for Sett is definitely Light Binding. Lux can easily hit it when you engage on her due to your large hitbox. Try to camp lane bushes to pressure Lux to throw it out. Once her Light Binding is down try to make a play by Knuckle Down or Flashing into her. Running Ghost is decent here because it lets you stick to her even if she slows you with Lucent Singularity. Rushing Boots of Swiftness is also really important because it makes the Lucent Singularity slow way less crippling for you. You hard out-roam her due to you being way waster from getting items like Dead Man's Plate and Boots of Swiftness. Try to roam mid a lot and help your jungler secure Rift Scuttlers and Dragons. You strongly out-duel her in 2v2s, 3v3s, and teamfights so always contest objectives with your team when even with them. Keep in mind that Lux can easily steal Dragons with her Lucent Singularity + Final Spark combo so try to Hextech Flashtraption over the Dragon pit wall and deny her the space to pull off her combo. Also, since Light Binding is a root and not a stun, remember to Haymaker when she Light Bindings in order to get the shield and stay alive.”
InsaneWind says “Poke poke poke. She will poke you till you cannot fight, it is wise to try fighting her at level 3 and not before that unless she took her snare and AOE damage attack. ”
0mori says “She's like Morgana. Just don't get stunned and survive the laning game/burst damage that she has. You're more useful than her later wit the utility you provide for your team. ”
Midori Schaaf says “Building MR, HP and tenacity to deal with Lux sacrifices too much gold. Positioning is key, and focus the ADC. Prepare to die a few times before you start to snowball. ”
Somoko says “Champions like Lux, Morgana, Xerath, etc. will try to duel you in the middle of laning phase. You should be fine so long as you only attack them when you know they've busted their spells.”
ReignMargulan says “Lux is even in the sense that she can be a tough matchup if she builds correctly and hits her skills. But she is also extremely squishy so just exploit that”
Fictitious1267 says “I'd suggest poking until you know an engage would win the fight, or wait for jungle to gank. She has too much ability to CC and add damage for you to play aggressive in a 2v2 situation.”
NirvanaBunny says “Lux has a strong poke with her E and passive, but she's squishy. Her mana-cost for her abilities makes her run out of mana fast, and her cooldowns early game are decent. You can abuse her lack of mobility and can CC her when her Q or E is on cooldown.”
aliteralpieceofwood says “A very annoying matchup, but possible. Avoid her root (Q) as much as possible especially when she gains her ultimate as she can one shot you. Use the brush as much as possible and try to outscale her. ”
Kilo Khaos says “Annoying but bearable. Dodge her skill shots, and don't engage when her snare is off CD, as it can lead to a bad trade. Always keep a lantern ready after she's level 6, her ult has an extremely low CD and will do a large amount of damage if allowed to hit.”
moon827 says “I'm going to preface this by saying she's not a real support. She's a mid laner. Besides that, as long as you can dodge the root, you should be fine, but if she lands it, there is a pretty good chance that you are going to be dead.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Lux is more annoying than a real threat to you.
She has a lot of poke, so in the early game she will be very obnoxious to deal with.
The thing about Lux is that she is so squishy and has 0 form of escape. So if you manage to land a hook on her she will very easily be bursted down.
What you do need to be careful of is her burst damage. If she lands her snare on you or your AD carry post 6, immediately throw out your lantern because if she follows up with her ultimate, you will really need the shield.”
Frixen says “Cleanse or Ignite.
Push her in, avoid her Q, and you can just run her down in an extended setting. She cannot keep up with your roams and sucks at cs'ing under turret. The only way you lose that is if you get caught by her Q and get poked out. ”
Bouhhsolene says “You're just a better Lux. Poke ? you does that better. CC? You does that better. Supporting ? You does that better
You just win against Lux”
Tauricus2017 says “Hard matchup. Her poke is pretty damn strong and her range is too high for you to be able to engage. Go for Defensive Against Poke runepage and try not to feed. She scales well. Try to punish however her position mistakes.”
SolarSupport says “Lux's poke isn't as powerful as Brand's, but it's still very formidable. Her range also makes her almost impossible to engage on, meaning you have to attack her ADC”
sashadidntwalk says “First of all, I don't count her as a support, but a mid-laner, most people will pick her when they get support and still end up with NO support items. But that out of the way, her Q will be spammable and if she gets you, you can end up dead, but if she takes your ADC instead just W them out of it instantly and she'll use her most common ability, she'll be throwing E's down at you almost all the time so just try to dodge it and poke her out, she is squishy so it shouldn't be that hard. Her ult is easily avoidable unless you get stunned but, again, if your ADC gets the Q>R just swallow them.”
Reason97 says “A lux who know's how to utilize her kit is gonna give you a headache. the issue here is that she just has so much more range then you, making it really easy for her to poke you down in lane, especially with the absurd AOE on her main poke tool, her E. If you can get an early lead, she won't be as much as an issue, but between easy poke, long range kit, and her absurd amounts of stacked damage and low cooldown's, if she get's ahead, you'll need to wait till later to deal with her. You arguably bring more to a teamfight then her, but the biggest issue is just gonna be if she get's ahead.
KeleiX13 says “Watch for her root and be sure to shield her E when she pokes. She runs out of mana easily if she plays aggressively early so make sure to poke when he abilities are on cooldown and when she's out of mana.”
ShroudedBRH says “Lux has alot of poke available on short cooldowns as the game progresses she gets access to more damage. Try to bait out her Q to punish her ADC as she will likely run away after missing”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. Man, is Lux annoying! She can peel hard for her ADC and has powerful zoning capabilities which are hard to dodge. Her combo can 100-0 you if she catches you off guard. Build mercury's treads and hide in minions or dodge her slow moving Q to win lane. It will only hit the first two minions and the hotbox is slightly larger than the projectile, so be safe when dodging it.”
Mickeystick says “Lux still hurts if she gets a Caitlyn ADC. The goal of this champ is to shove the wave under turret and poke you, so try not to let her shove the first few waves. Instead of throwing your hook, hold onto it so you have the threat of it. However if you do hook her, she'll almost always die or burn both summoners.”
Wicked Cherry says “Don't get caught by her root, otherwise you'll risk being ulted by her which means you're pretty dead.
Also, she's got more range than her, so be carefull and try to attack her once she's used her abilities.”
Wicked Cherry says “Try not to get caught by her root or she'll be able to land a full combo on your which would most likely be your death sentence.
I'd recommend waiting out her abilities and harass her while they're on cooldown.
Don't forget that she's got a higher range than you.”
Wicked Cherry says “She can root you and if past 6, you're most likely dead if she does. So grab those mobility boots and try to remember you're a master of dodging her spells. She's annoying but if she can't get enough kills, she'll simply fall off like a leaf off a tree in autumn. However, asking your jungler for ganks would never be a bad idea in this case.”
orbiterpluto says “In 10.11, she got the E slow buff whcih really hurts Ivern. She will most likely build full AP so I would build tanky, but enchanter is fine too. Dodge her q and e and then all in.”
QueerJunk says “Nami has a 60% winrate against lux! You outheal her poke, and if you land your CC on her she will feed in an instant. Avoid getting her fed for freelo!”
TheSpecialist says “Lux is nearly a direct counter to Pyke, the Root screws over Pyke and can be followed up by any of Lux's other abilities for high burst Damage. Even Lux's Q can reveal Pyke's location”
xlouis31 says “Lux' range is so annoying, but you should be fine if you Flash + Q her after she walks up and misses her Q. Should be pretty easy to deal with her after you hit lv. 6.”
Malbonaviro says “Taric is a special type of champion that fits into what is known as the "support trinity". Most champions are built around the idea of scaling in which champions that scale at different rates have their own counters they're good against, similar to rock, paper, scissors. In the case of support champions, the triangle isn't a matter of scaling, but more of a matter of crowd control abilities. The support triangle works as follows. Hook support beat immobilization support, immobilization champions beat damage delay support, and damage delay support beats hook support. This is a very mechanic heavy triangle and isn't dictated by how well you farmed, which is why some of these characters are very good at supporting. Because Lux is an immobilization support and Taric's entire kit depends on his mobility while he's also a damage delay support, it's a hard mechanic to circumvent.”
ShanksMeister says “Really bad. As long as you don't get rooted you'll be fine. You can rush tier 1 boots to dodge her skillshots and use your E so you'll be faster.”
Giraffe3100 says “Lux sucks. Don't lose to a Lux Mid, as Swain that is embarrassing. Just dodge her abilities and walk past them right into her face and kill her. Q a lot.”
LegendLuklus says “Like Brand, she is weaker in early game, but her pokes keep you away. Fortunately, her pokes are easier to dodge and deal less damage. ”
ZILMORG says “Don't get hit by her snare. Stay back and react once she focuses your ADC, by Q+W+Qing their ADC in return (this stops the engage and gives your ADC time to reposition). Lux is good at pushing the wave into your tower, meaning more opportunities for your Jungler to gank. You can walk up, E+Q+W+Q Lux since she has no escapes and secure an easy kill. The hardest part is dodging her snare to make the engage actually possible. To counter her pushing power, use your Q on the three melee minions at the front of each minion wave, then help your ADC auto them down. Slow down their push and try to freeze the wave under your turret so your jungler can gank more reliably. In teamfights, you have to react quickly with your ultimate to save the target she's bursting down. Never get caught out yourself; stay behind your team and E your bruisers/tanks into her.”
Mczrks says “Tbh i don't remember when i last struggled against lux, she have only skill shots that are really hard to land on pyke because of his mobility. Dodge her root and it will be easy win.”
Vexno says “She isn't meant to be in support in my opinion as she is a mid laner but as long as you can dodge the root that goes through 1 target you will be fine, if not you are probably going to die.”
Krynomi says “Her root puts you in a vulnerable position so be careful about that. Her slow is pesky but shouldn't provide that much difficulty. If her AP scales out of control be really careful about her Q+E+R/Q+R combo.”
DarthMagic says “Her root can go through minions whilst your hook can't which is very annoying. She also has good poke. If you can land a hook on her she should die very fast.”
Lesbiannie says “Best thing to do vs Lux supp is to poke her down whenever you get the chance so she can't stay in lane for long, the slow isn't much a problem but her Q is.”
TailsGothicAngel says “It all depends on the player. Some can land their root's every single time, every time, and thus leave you bursted down into oblivion but others won't be able to land them as often. Keep your eyes peeled.”
Joseseyboy says “Lux burst damage and movement impediment can be intimidating and overwhelming. Dodging is as useful as it gets.Remenber that you stop as you cast your bombs, play smart around her cool downs to not fall into her combo.”
aliteralpieceofwood says “Very hard match-up especially if she lands her root on you so try to counter-attack with sear if she's already blazed. She can outpoke you pretty well so try to use your added speed to your advantage. ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Just dodge. This champion sucks to fight versus and a good one will just take relic shield and not let you play the game while sitting back and negating any damage you might do to her carry through her w and guardian.”
SkeleMan says “Long range multi-person stun. It's a bit annoying. Also a multi-person shield. If she gets ahead she'll oneshot you and her shield will be 600+ dmg shield. If she's behind or even it's fine.”
NyanCool says “Nautilus n'est pas très mobile alors certains mages auront beaucoup de faciliter à te poke, donc il faut essayer de prendre le moins de dégâts possible pour pouvoir répondre rapidement lors d'un gank”
Hoshikoo746 says “I feel good :D
For the same reason as Morgana, she's not a high threat. Just beware of her poke.
But don't get catch after lvl 6, it can cost you life.”
snukumz says “She out ranges you with 2 abilities that do damage.
She has a shield that can negate your poke and your ult.
At level 6 she can 100-0 you if she lands her full combo on you so watch out. ”
snukumz says “She can be pretty annoying or pretty easy. If you dodge her skill shots then she isn't much of a problem but if she lands her skill shots then she can wreck you. ”
snukumz says “Watch out for her poke since he has more of it than you, and she has more range than you.
Her combo will delete you, just as yours can delete her. ”
Allergic says “A good Lux support will root you before you can use whiplash, and her root lasts forever, and with this build you're squishy and will probably die if she manages to land a Q. Her E will also reveal you.”
thesophieset says “You don't really want to pick Soraka into Lux. Although there are ways to win this lane (early Mikaels and MR stacking), she can just purchase an early Oblivion Orb and make your life hell. Her early damage output is high and a good Lux will look to focus you and shut you down before they turn onto your ADC.”
Guffel says “Good poke and range. try to kill her before she gets Lost Chapter for her unlimited poke. After that play safe and wait for an opportunity.”
NalgaSensei says “Lux severely outranges you and out pokes you. Because of this it's easy for her to land her Q (root) on you while you try to cast your abilities.”
Lambimia says “ If it's in mid, be safe, mas if it's supp, wait, does anyone still do lux supp?
Se estiver mid, toma cuidado, mas se estiver sup, ainda fazem lux sup?”
Oiaki says “Lux is a HUGE problem when ur playing pyke. She has her CC which u wont be able to stand while youre going in with ur Q or E, when u go in she will combo u starting with Q and ur probably ded. :(((”
snukumz says “Don't get snared and keep your distance so that she can use her explosing E on you.
She can 100-0 you if she lands her full combo so be mindful of that.
Her shield can negate quite a bit of your damage to her and her ADC.
Try to safely poke her down while being safe. Be aggressive if her skillshots are down.”
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says “Soraka has few difficult matches, but Lux's poke 'n stun combo is ridiculous. Try to finish items as soon as possible to outscale her AP”
Metalbashev says “Her poke and CC are really annoying to have to deal with. Especially if the Lux player is experienced, they will make sure to ruin your day, they will stop you from engaging and disengaging. It will become often when you flash or ingage into the Lux root but if you react fast with your Ult to take it off and follow up on that with more abilities (offensive or defensive) you should be able to outplay the non-outplayable.”
frekko says “She isn't too strong against you, but she forces you to build MR (so you will not build Tornmail first) and her poke can be really annoying. Dodge her Q, or engage her before she does. You just will destroy her in the mid/late.”
LettArcticFox says “Lux isn't really a threat, her Q has a lot of range, but if you are in close range you gain the upperhand since you can cast your Q even if you are in Lux's Q.”
Sq_09 says “BY THE LIGHT!!! *stroke*
Good poke, engage-CC and CC overall. Also very high damage. You can peel well tho and kinda nullify her. Very annoying tho. ”
Randomless says “You outrange her. She's probably not even going to try to catch you and focus on your ADC instead but you can just heal your ADC after her lane combo is over.”
SynLynx says “I honestly don't understand why people play this champion in support. Her q is the only part of her kit which is dangerous to you, so always avoid that, you'll never win a trade if you get hit by it. But if she's used it, you can try to w her and get an easy kill.”
rquoe says “Annoyingly long range, but otherwise not that dangerous. As long as you keep dodging her skillshots and harassing her when her dangerous abilities are on cooldown, she shouldn't be hard to deal with.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Can be a kill lane for your ADC or a kill lane for theirs - if your ADC can dodge, you win lane. If not, you're going to have a bad time.
Consider asking ADC to take Cleanse over Barrier.
If she's ahead, Mikaels will more often than not save your ADC or whoever else is unlucky enough to get snared.”
I main support says “Lux is a debatable one, being that she has a lot of CC, they're not very effective going against a Soraka since you're always staying behind your allies so Lux have a harder time trying to kill you, even early game, your ADC usually will take her abilities and you cal always heal them.”
Dougaroo says “Lux's stun followed by her ult will easily melt you and your teammate. You need to be building MR as well as health early on if she gets fed.”
HoneyQT says “Usually a very easy matchup, Her damage isn't relevant past 30 minutes and while her CC is good, it takes a very consistent lux player to constantly pull it off. Usually picked by autofill players.”
Cat Elf says “She has a lot of burst, usually she can 100-0 your adc with her full combo and help from the enemy adc. Her Q also can hit 2 people so keep that in mind. ”
LoveL0rn says “If she hits you with q its no big deal, especially when W curse is ready to proc. Make sure you have Q to charm her so she cant follow up, aftershock giving the defense needed for the adc and the burst damage around you for when shes not charmed anymore.”
Epic Striker says “Lux can just about destroy anyone she is pretty op and needs a nerf just stay near your tower unless you got a good adc then you should be fine.”
PayyBack says “Lux can counter your engage with her root and you should avoid her abilities, play passive and engage at 6 when her abilities are on CD.”
StormAegis says “Teemo is pretty much dead if hooked or stunned for a good amount of time, so be careful with any matchup of this kind. If you get blocked don't panick, and if you know you'll be dead, try to deal the most damage you can to the weakest enemy around. Sometimes you can secure some kills even when in a death situation like this. If your opponent is alone and not fed, try to avoid him in the early game, but you should be able to 1v1 him with Q and AA and usually win. If you are in danger just Q him, avoid any hooks/stuns and run away with your W. You can use your R behind or ahead to slow the enemies chasing you.”
Flint124 says “If you flash over her binding, she's killable with some effort.
Otherwise, her shield makes her damn near impossible to poke down and you won't get on top of her.”
Daedralus says “Range is a huge problem with her, but coming in for an auto attack for her passive will give you an opening. Using your E practically blocks her Ult burst, and is an overall squishy and vulnerable champ in the end. If you ult while she uses her Q, you will be immune to it and will counter her heavily with such a play and will leave her open to the Q + gunblade one shot combo afterwards. Overall, if you can handle her ranged harass and use an opening well, this can be a very easy matchup, or a very hard one if failed. ”
SorakaBestWaifu says “KS queen
most of them are focus on building AP items and nuke you to oblivion.
Immobile champ for the most part so easy to kill her off when she mess up.”
Curmudgeon says “Lux has minor CC, and not too much damage output if she isn't getting kills. She shouldn't be much of a threat if you can dodge her Q. Pretty even lane match up.”
Kefochka says “Опять же, схожие умения позволяют лучше вжиться в поведение Люкс. Она будет стараться выходить и попадать станом и замедлением, а в разменах прожимать щит и отступать.”
Bobbab says “Poke Supports beats Illaoi if they outrange her E. Go Shoulderguard and play passive if your adc scales or wait for them to mess up. Guardian is advisable”
Jointed says “Lux has turned into a fully fledged support. She will rush Ardent and Athene's...and not lose much damage. She has full potential to burst your lane and is a formidable challenge. Keep her cooldowns in mind and trade when you can”
KitsyMamori says “Stay behind 2+ minions to make her Q useless. When she throws her Q and you either blocked it with minions or dodged it, go all in with your full combo (explained in abilities).”
Gravixx says “You have to win this matchup early game. It's a very skill based matchup, hinging on your ability to dodge. Later in the game, if you get caught by her Q, you're pretty much dead. She has no mobility so you have to punish hard for her missing her skillshots.”
Hanjaro says “She has more range than you, her full combo can spell your death, so try to dodge her root. Mostly just have to play passive and farm up here.”
Hanjaro says “Lux has a higher range than you, and with her shield being one of the strongest in the game, can out trade you if she lands a root. Dodge her abilities, poke her when they're on cooldown, ask for a gank.”
Aizenvolt says “Lux is a special case after 6 you have her but pre 6 she can be a pain with her insane poke. If you dont die pre 6 its easy to kill her after 6. Do whatever you can to not die pre 6 because if she gets fed you know what will happen to your team. Ask for ganks to get 1 kill pre 6 then your job is easy in the mid lane.”
Hanjaro says “She has long range, high damage, and a root combo could spell your death. Dodge her abilities, harass when they're on cooldown as she's squishy. All in on her generally can spell a kill.”
GoBucket says “Decent CC and damage that are pretty easy to land. Bait them out and get on top of her and you are good to go. Her poke is not as menacing as Xerath or Vel'Koz and her Q is pretty slow. This lane depends on your ability to dodge her roots, if you do you can pressure her and you would win. If you don't...”
Zer0XM says “Lux is something I see people saying isn't bad for Naut but I disagree, it mainly depends on the Lux and if she can land her Q on you mid hook (sometimes she can hit you before your hook collides). Besides that you can eat everything she tosses and she doesn't have that much capability to survive a hook, even without your team you can beat her out in lane.”
Zefirez says “Recommended Rune Set: Hail of Blades.
Not much to talk about here - Lux is Lux. Don't eat her q and you're golden. Given that you have highest base movement speed ingame you don't have any excuses for getting caught. Practice your dodging skills if you're still getting trapped way too often.
Other then that this matchup is plain easy - once her q missed, engage and kill her ass.
Oh and try not to use your E too often - nothing is more juicy then watching her ult get reduced to 0 by a well timed Aegis Assault - you don't wanna miss out on that fun cause you used it earlier just to look cool!
Oh, and another nice and nasty way to curbstomp her blonde ass - red wards and oracle lense. Kill her vision! Lux snowballs off landing ult snipes thanks to deep wards in your jungle, brushes, dragon pit and whereer she can plop a ward down (or her teammate). Deny her vision and watch her cry tears as she's just falling more and more behind...”
Vexno says “She isn't meant to be in support in my opinion as she is a mid laner but as long as you can dodge the root that goes through 1 target you will be fine, if not you are probably going to die.”
Puck333 says “All Lux her attacks are skillshots. Especially when you are at a higher level, your speed is really high, so you can easily dodge them. Look out for her stun though. ”
Leaguecitizen says “Lux is a big problem for Leona.
The reason is simple: she has ranged CC as well as high damage output.
One bind is all it takes to get all your summoners or potentially kill you.
This is a lane where you need to play defensively, and look for the right opportunity to go in.
Luckily, unlike Morgana, she has no spellshield or escape mechanism.
If you manage to get on her, she's likely dead.
Exploit her low mobility by either engaging in lane with your ult, or roaming.”
Leaguecitizen says “Lux is a big problem for Nautilus.
The reason is simple: she has ranged CC as well as high damage output.
One bind is all it takes to get all your summoners or potentially kill you.
With your W, you should hopefully be able to narrowly escape.
This is a lane where you need to play defensively, and look for the right opportunity to go in.
Luckily, unlike Morgana, she has no spellshield or escape mechanism.
If you manage to get on her, she's likely dead.
Exploit her low mobility by either engaging in lane with your ult, or roaming.”
FabioOoOoOo says “Will pretty much destroy you if she gets a lead. You won't be able to overcome her with MR if she builds a void staff. This is my go to ban”
Leaguecitizen says “Lux can be dangerous, but only if she hits her abilities.
She doesn't have any sustain, and if you play the lane smart and play back, she's going to have a hard time reaching you.
Even if she does, she might very well end up dying herself.”
spark2 says “Lux is actually a pretty fair champ. She's very long range, but all her stuff is skillshot based and therefore dodgeable. If you can get around her Q, you can dive her very easily in lane. If you can stay away from your minions in lane, you'll force her to choose between waveclearing with her E and harassing you with it.”
supersuavebro says “Her poke and root are very annoying, but even the best lux supports get too close to stay out of range, just punish them every time they creep and jump on their adc when they root yours”
NirvanaBunny says “Lux has a strong poke with her E and passive, but she's squishy. Her mana-cost for her abilities makes her run out of mana fast, and her cooldowns early game are decent. You can abuse her lack of mobility and can CC her when her Q or E is on cooldown.”
aimez says “I'm going to preface this by saying she's not a real support. She's a mid laner. Besides that, as long as you can dodge the root, you should be fine, but if she lands it, there is a pretty good chance that you are going to be dead.”
Ahpulzz says “Very frequently seen in normal games and lower elos, Lux is an annoying opponent to deal with. She has good CC and reasonable damage to follow it up, and her shield is able to defend both her carry and herself. The biggest issue is her far range, making landing a hook on her very difficult and forcing you to play around her abilities.
Her immobility makes her vulnerable to ganks and getting caught out, so definitely look for ganks in this matchup. Additionally, focus very hard on obtaining and denying vision because Lux will always try to combo opponents while hidden in brush or across walls.”
SirZeros says “Lux is strong because of her big range and damage output, call your jungler if she overextends or stun her if she hasn't got good positioning.”
Chromuro says “Avoid her Q or suffer the wrath of a teenager. Before 6 can be an even matchup, but she can still do a lot of damage and poke you out of lane. After 6 it becomes really difficult to manage her. All her power resides in her Q.”
samuraiPepsi says “Only ingage if you have item/cooldown/health advantage or if your ally laner or jungler is bot with you and theirs isnt. Also dodge as much poke as possible.”
Vermeio says “Problem is her root, somehow, it gravitates to you ALWAYS. Those long cc are troublesome to Poppy, because cc never comes alone. If too much trouble, boot asap, and MAYBE a talent on precision tree to raise tenacity. Easier late game than early.”
NeRu1980 says “DKM con hĩm này, nếu mid team bạn éo chơi thì cấm cmnl đi nhé, đây là con lz nhất cmn định phải cấm, bạn bay vào ad, vừa đánh thường 3 cái, ăn cái trói vào mồm thì chỉ có khóc, 10 cái khiên cũng éo giúp bạn thoát dc”
GlacialWarlock says “Lux... Oh, Lux...
She outranges you comically hard, her Light Binding (E) is annoying as Tahm Kench isn't exactly the best kiter in the game and can send you packing as you sit there, rooted.
Her Prismatic Barrier (Q) is similar to Karma's in which it helps the ADC escape their death and annoys the hell out of you.
And the Ultimate is something you should ALWAYS watch out for, even if you did build Magic Resist. If she does pop Final Spark (Q), your top priority is eating the ADC, no exceptions.”
Stand In The X says “Rush Mercury Treads and you should be fine. Try not to get caught by her Q or you have a high chance of dying and no one wants a fed Lux. ”
Beth_NHPS says “Her root can pass through a minion pinning you there next to it, just stay aware of it and it's cooldowns, and you should be fine. If not her landing her root on you will usually be fallowed by her ultimate, which is rarely pretty.”
Sona Aria says “Pretty simple matchup. If you don't get rooted. You win. Lux no longer buys damage items early, and instead buys Athenes unholy grail. This means that you get a free lane to scale provided you don't get burst. Going for poke on Lux w cooldown is recommended.”
1OLAF3 says “Okay I am not professional but I cant play against Lux, to me she is the worst counter to Ali at early game, late game is a bit easier if your team is playing good, but not at early too much CC”
Osamabinlaggin96 says “As soon as she burns her q its a free double kill. if u land a hook on her its over for her, its up to u whether to focus her vs adc in lane.”
SetsumiV1 says “Annoying, CC's you for days, has a massive shield, basically like Karma, only with more damage output, same applies, Ancient Coin is a good start”
Xavier Senori says “Lux is not too difficult to deal with. As long as you can dodge her binding, you should be fine in lane and for the majority of the game. The only problem is that her range will make it hard to harass her, so roam and farm your jungle whenever possible.”
TwistedFireX says “This is only put on Even because of her Root, if she lands it on you, it will HURT! Now, she is almost useless if she misses her W, though her shield can be annoying.”
Saethwyr says “Since the changes to her shield, you're not likely to see her, but it's not too rough of a matchup if you know how to dodge her Q and E.”
Better Call Phil says “I am biased for this matchup. One of my most hated champions.
When she maxes her shield, I want to break my computer.
Play around bushes, be aggro when she misses her Q, punish her.
Relic Shield or Ancient coin are both good. ”
The Jhin Cena says “Gross early game usually being poked constantly and having to recall, or running out of mana from dodging everything with Q and E. The way you wanna go against Lux early game is try and not use E or Q unless she's in range of your E so you can land it on her. Otherwise just try your best to farm and wait for your jungler. At level 6 try and land a full-ranged R on her and then E > W > Q. You should almost always grab Banshee's Veil as your 3rd item against Lux.”
NirvanaBunny says “Lux has a strong poke with her E and passive, but she's squishy. Her mana-cost for her abilities makes her run out of mana fast, and her cooldowns early game are decent. You can abuse her lack of mobility and can CC her when her Q or E is on cooldown.”
hipstersora says “Poke with Q, stay healthy. She's just as skillshot reliant as you even if hers are easier. Poke her down until you can all in her after she uses Q.”
LighterDay says “Champs that have ranged abilities are usually difficult for Pyke. Lux has to be the more difficult one because her snare prevents you from fully dashing and getting close. If against Lux, save your dash to evade a Lux snare and reposition yourself for a hook.”
best_shacosupport911 says “Who doesn't Lux threaten?
Her Q travels through boxes, E scouts brushes.
She can bind you through a box from her tower while standing in the middle of lane brush.”
Rozyrade says “As long as you don't get hit by her Q, you should be bale to survive. When she hits her Q, try to W to your adc as fast as possible to avoid damage.”
noolan says “Even though most of her abilities are dodgeable, her potential damage and bs shield are gross. You are going to either destroy her, or she is going to destroy you.”
Shderen says “Good trading potential and team fighting. In lane, do your best to dodge her E as that is what she's likely maxing. They tend to throw it behind you so consider walking toward her as she's about to cast it.”
NirvanaBunny says “Lux has a strong poke with her E and passive, but she's squishy. Her mana-cost for her abilities makes her run out of mana fast, and her cooldowns early game are decent. You can abuse her lack of mobility and can CC her when her Q or E is on cooldown.”
N0ZOMI says “Good Lux can be annoying on lane. Dont get stunned, land your stun and she's pretty much dead. Squishy af + low mobility but good disengage.”
SawyerNelson says “Lux has long range poke with arcane comet, or better trading tools short range when they run after shock, you have to abuse the all in factor if they play at range, or use your poke advantage by maxing Q when they run after shock.”
NirvanaBunny says “Lux has a strong poke with her E and passive, but she's squishy. Her mana-cost for her abilities makes her run out of mana fast, and her cooldowns early game are decent. You can abuse her lack of mobility and can CC her when her Q or E is on cooldown.”
Kon x says “she can root you when ever your dashing with your adc & can stop your knock up by rooting you you may dash but not knock them up so don't get rooted :>”
SawyerNelson says “A Good lux mid is actually almost unplayable for thresh. She out ranges you by a ton. If you can catch her out on vision or by baiting objectives it's the best way to take her out. But don't try for aggressive hooks in an aram situation against her or she will Q and her team / she will kill you.”
Yukkine says “Like that fallen angel lady, but with the power to kill you outright if you ever get rooted. Go play some Dark Souls and learn to dodge.”
Enfurnal says “Lux is a broken blond chick. Early game if she is aggressive, she will continuously E you to poke you out. Her Q can root up to two champion/minion/monster in the game. If she hits a Q on you expect 1/4 of your HP gone early game. Late game... You could potentially be 7 hp after that simple combo. As long as you can dodge her Q... She can't do much to you because her combo is Q E R. She still can kill you if you keep getting poked out by E.”
NocUout says “Very hard matchup, if she gets ahead she will easily one shot combo you, just play safe and bait her Q before going in, as she is still very squishy. ”
AkemiSen says “Lux support is an EXTREMELY easy matchup for Kayle even when played well. Her W helps sustain all the poke and her R prevents the lane rom snowballying out of control at every stage of the game which is great. Her Abilities are really telegraphed too.”
LiliGwen says “As this build require you to get close to your ally to shield them, it would be unwise to take these because of her light binding. It would then root you both.”
Adauchi says “I list this as a Major threat to more of a lower elo, where the lux pick can overwhelm you with the hard to predict CC.
In higher elo games, if you know how to dodge skill shots, this will be a piece of cake.”
Rasta Da Masta says “This matchup is hard for 3 reasons: 1, she has as much range as you. 2, she can actually 100-0 you and your partner with a full combo. 3, A late boots arrival means dodging is hard. Better bring your happy feed & hope for ganks!”
LuxIsMyCrush says “not really a threat as long as you juke around her spells, most of times she will shot the E behind you or your adc so just walk forward should be enough.”
Jeroen R8 says “Dodge her skillshots and engage when her Q is on CD. Lux has no escape options other than CC'ing you and shielding herself. Getting hit by her Q can lead to extremely bad trades or even death.”
Tipurrs says “She will poke you for days with her E if she's really aggressive. She outranges you and has a shield. Very annoying matchup. Wait for her to use her q and e then engage her.”
Saecriru says “Neeko and Lux go even in this match up so you can play either aggressive or passive in this lane, its really up to you. Just try not to get snared.”
DGNNYOmega says “Lux's crowd control can be a pain, but you are only rooted. Lux or her ADC will likely get aggressive towards you once you are rooted, making it easy to charm them. The same goes for Morgana and Neeko.”
I love Lun Lun says “Lux is an AP support with a root and damages.She is strong but her main poking spell is E.If we can dodge it we pretty much won game because we can poke her back and we can outheal her burst in early stages.Late game she is strong but again we can save our Allies since our ULT got stronger.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “Lux sucks to fight against. Her range is so strong for so many of her abilities. If you don't feed her early kills, you'll be fine mid/late game. If you do . . . ”
Synk1904 says “Has a lot of damage and a lot more range than you, she can shield so you can't kill her that easy if you get close to her. If you have low hp don't stay near her and recall or hide as fast as you can.”
Zefirez says “These days you can't go into a brush looking for some berries without stepping into one of these...
Ok here's the plan:
you grab cleanse, and anti-kite runes i provided. When she uses up her E (the aoe slow field) you run at her like a wild bear for a full engage. If she snares you with q, insta-cleanse and show her who's the bigger bear! If she flashes - you won, cleanse has lower cd then flash. And jungler will be most pleased.
Just keep in mind to avoid lining up with adc. It'll suck if you engage, while adc is still snared miles behind you!”
Autoswitched says “simple matchup, windwall her q, use your e to dodge her e, or just avoid it. You can easily outfarm and zone her away from creeps, you also out damage her, and the only real way for her to win is either, you missplay, or you get camped.”
SpicySkelleton says “I've put lux in major instead of Extreme because you can still win even if she's a bit fed. Her stuns and slows can be annoying but easy to dodge if you use your W, however she'll most likely point it at your adc instead of you, try to get you and your adc behind your minions to adsorb her attacks and when there's not any obstacles, you can grab her and finish her off. Her ult can be pretty crazy so try to make sure she cant build AP while you build some extra MR.”
undeadsoldiers says “Lux will mainly poke you with her E. Try to stay a little ways behind your wave so she can't hit Q or E.
You can push her pretty hard as her E is her only waveclear (unless you get a crazy Lux who uses R to nuke a wave!).
If you manage to catch Lux with a bubble, it's bye-bye blondie.
A common misconception is that you can counter her by dodging her Q, but you should know, a good Lux never throws out her Q without being 90-96% sure it will land. Her Q is not a stun, it's a root, so you are able to cast, don't just stand there and do nothing.
Suggested: Heal or Barrier”
macspam says “Irritating matchup, buy boots and some early MR to counter her E poke. Cleanse is a good option, but keep in mind she just has a root not a stun so you can still cast spells even if she hits it. Try and use stopwatch if she roots you to dodge her ult. ”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “She has a difficult laning phase with her very long range poke, However, if you do see her use Q or E go in, have your finger on spell shield to block her Q. In the event you do get rooted use spell shield to block her R.
BreathlesSx says “Not really a thread. She does outscale you late game if you are behind but if you don't get in her spells too often you should be fine.”
Great President says “Toxiccc.If you want stay alive dodge her q.When she's 6 she will destroy you and your adc.If you want kill lux, dodge her q and e grab her with your q.Then stun her with your e and keep fighting. In teamfights she'll try destroy everyone with her e and r. If lux fed, focus her in teamfights.”
A good lux will consistently root you, and out trade you, IF you can survive to lvl 6 and dodge most of her Q's, then you can 1 shot combo her, but that relies on her being bad, not you being good.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Lux: Simplified Tips
Early Game (Levels 1-6):
Avoid Poke: Lux has strong poke with her [E] and [Q]. Stay behind minions and avoid unnecessary damage.
Engage Carefully: Lux can root you with her [Q] and burst you down with her [E] and [R]. Wait for her to waste abilities before going in.
Roam: If lane is tough, roam to mid or help your jungler. Lux is weaker when alone.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):
Pick Off Squishies: Focus on catching out squishy targets with your [Q] and [R]. Lux’s poke can’t save them from your execute.
Vision Control: Use sweeper to clear her wards and deny vision for her team.
Late Game (Levels 13+):
Flank and Execute: Look for flanks to catch carries with your [R]. Lux’s poke can’t stop your burst if you catch her off guard.
Focus on Carries: Ignore Lux in teamfights; she’s not a threat. Focus on eliminating her carries.
General Tips:
Bait Her Abilities: Lux’s [Q] (root) and [E] (slow) are key to her poke and disengage. Bait them out before committing to a fight.
Vision Control: Keep key areas warded to track Lux’s movements and set up picks.
Avoid Lux’s poke, bait her disengage abilities, and focus on picking off her carries. Use your mobility and vision control to outmaneuver her.”
Rezellia says “I think you get more value going sup items this lane then normal. She abuses AP better than you so if you full build AP you might find you struggle to outperform her, however if your a tanky and have utility items it feels managable.
[Will update when i have more experience]”
Mid Lane 51.07% Win Rate36% Pick RateLux Mid Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Lux in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “lux is gonna be a hard one just cause of her range so max e with arcane comet will help against her + try to kill her after lvl 6 cause shes mostly a bad matchup cause the laning phase and try to not get poked as much +get Banshee's Veil this will really help in late game and be carefull cause most of lux players are playing out of vision so be carefull to not get oneshoted from nowere tp would be better than ign against her ”
BesXbola says “A Lux e simplesmente um impossivel de lidar. Ela e mais forte que voce sempre, voce pode pokeala mas se ela devolver e te acertar voce toma o triplo do dano, a partir do level 6 ela pode te matar a cada 40 segundos entao tome cuidado e foque em farmar e ajudar seu time.”
TrianglularRose says “Absolute skill matchup. Just match or counter her roams when she ults the wave. Her abilities are easy to react to, and she can’t Q you behind a wave. Eventually you beat her pretty hard with your mobility, but her waveclear lets her roam more than you, or, at the very least, cs better.”
GAMING ACADEMY says “You should be able to build a significant lead before level 6 against Lux, but after she hits 6, she can use her ultimate to clear waves and neutralize your pressure. Be sure to rush Tier 2 boots to help dodge more of her skillshots.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Just a bunch of skillshots. Boots first back, build T2 AFTER Catalyst. Swifties are nice, Merc's if needed. Depending on the Lux, they will either play very aggro OR just clear waves from across the map. If aggro, you can easily set up a gank with jungle due to her being immobile. If the Lux is perma shoving waves, you can sit back, farm under turret and wait for a gank. Either way, Lux will have shove until you get some mana. Play safe and scale. Lux has almost zero pressure on your sidelane other than maybe her ult. Kaenic is good vs her. ”
xumi_k says “Annoying at the start. Don't let her root you. You can actually kill her early game if she misses her root, but you may struggle early game. Once you get 1-2 items, you win 1v1 easily and destroy her in a second. Wit's End and Mercs will make it significantly easier, but her root+ult can chunk a lot of damage. Dodge her abilities by walking to the side/towards her, as Luxes usually throw their E on max range (and it's big). You caaaan buy QSS,'s not worth it, only if they have another 4 CC champs that annoy you. ”
Tamikaze says “[Fleet is a viable option here, I recommend Conqueror]
Lux can be a challenging lane for Azir if the Lux can land her Q. If she decides to use her Q on the wave that's your opportunity to dash in on her and DPS her down. Early boots helps with the kiting of her Q. ”
MattStyle says “Su poke puede ser molesto. Su Q es fácil de esquivar pero su E es relativamente difícil.
Nunca debería ser capaz de matarte antes de lvl 6.”
j4ss says “Poke against Poke, but she can't dash your W. Her W shield is useless, as she will only be able to shield the comet in most of the cases. She have zero sustain and statikk will just win every wave clear she have. forcing her to ult to push everytime basically. She's a free kill later on unless she gets zhonya's.”
Tatsurion says “hellspawn. one of the most annoying fucking matchups you can have.
Your constant autoattacking means you will move and stop a lot, she will hit her bomb on you over and over. god forbid you get rooted post 6. but you also cant deal with her pre 6. a cursed matchup.”
Coslan says “Lux is a incredibly annoying mage to lane against. And while your [W] - "Wild Spin" can actually block Lux's root. It can not do anything against her delayed explosion and her ult. Go poke or high burst.”
Vladmidir says “Pool her R and E if she roots you. Just dodge her abilites and run her down when they're on cooldown. Lux players have a combined total of 3 brain cells, in my opinion this matchup is easy if you dodge her root. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Long Sword start. Taking cleanse to disable her only way to stop you is really good against better lux players.
Care for her early poke damage. If she doesnt get ahead you should be able to kill her @6 or your first item.
If you R good Lux players will q behind them to burst you. Play around her q cooldown, if she uses it to trade. You can also dodge it with W or R.”
support_diff says “Lux is one of the champions that are always strong in the meta (because if she wasn't they couldn't sell as much skins for her). She has a root that is somewhat easy to hit and a poke ability that is hard to miss, especially against short range ranged champions like Akshan. Because of your passive, it is even easier to hit. However, she is really squishy. Like really, really squishy. If she gets any crowd control on her, she is basically dead. Sadly, you don't have any. Poke her with your Q and focus on cs. She isn't exceptionally strong at any point of the game, but doesn't fall of either. Play passive and try to set up a gank as dumb trades can get you killed especially after level 6”
lesbianqueen says “Going against a good Lux can be an absolute nightmare. Any time you are in range to hit her with your abilities you are vulnerable to all of her spells. Even trying t o approach her wrong can get you killed. Once you have your Ult you can use it to dodge her spells, but lane pre 6 is very difficult. She outranges and outscales you and her root can be devastating to eat as Ahri.”
sick204 says “Respect Lux's poke and burst potential with her abilities, especially her E and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Lux's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Lux's crowd control with her Q and E, which can set up kills for her or her teammates. Utilize W to block Lux's Q and E in trades and team fights to reduce her damage output and crowd control potential. Engage on Lux when her abilities are on cooldown or when she's low on mana, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Lux's crowd control and magic damage.”
otaliz says “Bait her Q and E and dodge her abilities. Stand behind at least two minions to block her Q. Lux's abilities have long cooldowns early game, so use this window to punish her. Level 6 she can use her ultimate to clear the wave, so be aware of that. Mercury's Treads is a good option against her. Look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Shield or Blade. Skill Macth up. Dorans Blade if you can dogde really good and plan to be aggresive. Really squishy. Get to her with Q3 and E. When you get to her she is basiclly dead.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Lux has really strong trades, but it's still possible to gain the upper hand because your Q cooldown is significantly lower than her root and E, letting you be mildly more aggressive. Make sure to play around minions often, as her root only works on the first 2 targets hit, but staying too close to minions lets her get off high value E's that manage to hit both the wave and you. ”
OneTrickPeffa says “Pretty much any unmobile mage is going to be an easy matchup for fizz, since they can't dodge and neither can kill you, just be aware of her Q”
awawa says “Happy-Lucky-Shiny Lux can be a threat if you are bad at dodging. Her ult has about 30s CD, which means she can ult twice as often as u can.
Stand behind at least 2 minions so she cant Q stun you.”
ShokLoL says “Lux is a pretty strong laner with her heavy E poke. Do your best to dodge as many of these as possible and make sure not to get hit by a stray Q. Her cooldowns are quite long and her main trading tool, her E, is also her main form of waveclear before level 6. Try not to group up with the wave and if she does use E on the wave look to trade aggressively while still avoiding her Q. Merc treads can also be helpful for the movement speed, MR and tenacity. Overall you should win if you dodge some Es and punish her cooldowns well.”
ShokLoL says “Lux is a pretty strong laner with her heavy E poke. Do your best to dodge as many of these as possible and make sure not to get hit by a stray Q. Her cooldowns are quite long and her main trading tool, her E, is also her main form of waveclear before level 6. Try not to group up with the wave and if she does use E on the wave look to trade aggressively while still avoiding her Q. Merc treads can also be helpful for the movement speed, MR and tenacity. If she wastes Q, you may be able to trade on her aggressively if she overextends.
ShokLoL says “Lux is a pretty strong laner with her heavy E poke. Do your best to dodge as many of these as possible and make sure not to get hit by a stray Q. Her cooldowns are quite long and her main trading tool, her E, is also her main form of waveclear before level 6. Try not to group up with the wave and if she does use E on the wave look to trade aggressively while still avoiding her Q. Merc treads can also be helpful for the movement speed, MR and tenacity. She's also very gankable post 6. Overall it's a playable matchup but one you should avoid if you can.
Soft Headpats says “Dodgeball simulator. This lane is all about dodging skillshots, which is much easier to do if you rush T2 boots. Try to stand outside of your wave so that even if she hits you with E, she isn't pushing the wave at the same time.
At level 6, she'll often ult the second she lands a Q just to get you to low HP. Good Lux players will use their E to land Q, or even ult with just the E slow, so be wary of that. Her ult has a decently long cast time though, giving you an easy target to QW or even to full-combo if she's close enough. Keep in mind that you can't cancel her ult with EQ/EE once she starts casting it unless you kill her before it finishes.
She becomes an ult-bot in the mid/late-game, so be prepared to use WQ to help your team dodge her skillshots easier. ”
ShokLoL says “Lux is a pretty strong laner with her heavy E poke. Do your best to dodge as many of these as possible and make sure not to get hit by a stray Q. Her cooldowns are quite long and her main trading tool, her E, is also her main form of waveclear before level 6. Try not to group up with the wave and if she does use E on the wave look to trade aggressively while still avoiding her Q or just focus on clearing the wave. Merc treads can also be helpful for the movement speed, MR and tenacity.
ShokLoL says “Against Lux you need to stand apart from the wave. If she uses E on you, try dodge it but worst case you will be able to get push over the wave and then harass her easier. If you want to be safe you can go merc treads in this matchup, otherwise be very careful being caught by a Q post 6 as you'll take a huge amount of damage.”
Deceiver_euw says “Lux early game is strong enough to fight LeBlanc 1v1 but she obviously dies to ganks easily. After 6 you cant punish this champ in lane 1v1 so it just becomes boring waveclearing which is fine, since Lux is not a scaling champ. Watch out for her traps after lvl6. She will usually hide in fog of war and look for long range bursts to instakill you or win lane so be ready to react.”
ShokLoL says “Against Lux you need to stand apart from the wave. If she uses E on you, try dodge it but worst case you will be able to get push over the wave and then harass her easier. If you want to be safe you can go merc treads in this matchup, otherwise be very careful being caught by a Q post 6 as you'll take a huge amount of damage.”
vSomnia says “Try to dodge every E she throws. When she misses Q you can look for all in trades. Sometimes you can trade when she missed E and has Q up if dodge it instantly after hitting E or you can dodge it with first E. If she hits Q you lose the lane. Your waveclear gets better so look to make plays around the map and get sidelane pressure.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Lux prepare to get pokked a lot, the big problem of lux is the high dmg burst after 6, so you have to try to trade her early 6 to make her loose some cs, if you bait her Q you can go straight into her, if you are not confident use your E to dodge her Q and not getting oneshotted by her combo”
Kikife says “Since Lux only really has one ability that forms her engage, you must bait it out. Once her Q is on cooldown, engage with her and E once you see her E get released whilst Q is down to either move around it or brute force to your ability range.
Most Lux players will pre-emptively farm the wave with their low R cooldown ability then look for map opportunity to support objectives or roam for ganks. Be aware of this and counter gank, even if you have to sacrifice minions. If you can shut her down early, it's another champ that won't do much except provide a single stun for the team.”
vreiki says “Lux vai te bater demais e te mandar base muitas vezes. Tudo bem apanhar, mas não está tudo bem morrer. Vá base quando precisar e aguarde um gank.”
freljordwhoree says “A good lux will make the lane unplayable. The early game is the most dangerous moment, her passive deals a lot of damage and you cant punish her properly. But your tf is better”
gaarrett says “When she throws out her E, walk forward. Lux players love tossing E at max range every time, I'll never understand it. Hold your E to dodge her Q, she will panic after the E misses and try and root you. Full combo and repeat this cycle until she decides to start holding Q or hitting E, whichever comes first. [4/5] ultimate, massive range AP laser that will almost always be up for you to take because Lux R has no cooldown. ”
SYROBE says “Lux is probably one of the few champs that can out range hwei at least to a significant amount. She can clear waves with her Ult and trades damage better in lane phase ”
MukiiBaa says “Very annoying blondie. Focus on pushing her away and being on her max range.
If she misplay she wont be punished hard unless jg can deal huge dmg or cc her longer
Her R is on lower cd so respect her ”
149Gray says “Her E is hard to dodge if she's good, just spam Q on the wave and dodge/pool her Q, once she hits lvl 6, she'll just ult the wave since it has no cd.”
XD001 says “Free lane. dodge as many skillshots as you can early and at level 6-11 just kill her on cooldown with your full rocketbelt combo. Shove waves mid and look for roams jg/top/bot. In the late game you can look to 1 shot Lux and other squishies through flanks. Be careful to not get CC chained.
Ekko outscales Lux.
take Elec + precision page”
ExodusBlue says “WE>EQ farm. Dodge her Q and stand on the side of minions minions to stay out of range of E. If she lands her Q, WE>EQ>QQ her when she walks closer to hit her full combo”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Is easy, the thing is if she wants you never touch her, cause' of her range, just don't let yourself to get poke a lot, and in the best opportunity or spot she miss-step you all-in and she will die, probably she will take barrier, so you will have to deal with it, but is easy, the thing is that, reach her.
Es fácil, la cuestión es que si ella quiere nunca la tocas, debido a su rango, simplemente no te dejes pokear mucho, y en la mejor oportunidad o momento ella se malposicionara y si lo hace. muere, probablemente ella vaya con barrera, así que tendrás que lidiar con eso, pero es fácil, la cuestión es esa, "alcanzala"”
wundrew says “You can shunpo behind her when she uses Q, after that its an easy trade with ult or just WQ. Easy matchup, just dont get poked out early. You can ult while rooted.”
KazunaSan says “pas de mobilité, squishy, attention à son burst mais vous ne devriez pas avoir de mal à jouer la lane en early, ne vous laissez pas faire punir par son poke.”
FrostbiteMW says “So, so squishy. Poor lux. However don't get caught by her Q. If you do get caught late game you are basically dead if you don't get Zhonyas. Just harass her early”
FrostbiteMW says “Poke matchup - your spells are easier to hit tho, which makes it easy. She might have an advantage pre 6, but afterwards you should get stronger.”
FrostbiteMW says “Poke matchup - your spells are easier to hit tho, which makes it easy. She might have an advantage pre 6, but afterwards you should get stronger.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can be aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After a few levels the poke will be annoying tho and you will suffer alot. Build boots fast and try to dodge as much as u can.”
Shinbae says “Не самый противный пик против Зои, но и не самый простой, её прямолинейные скиллы и тонна урона усложняет всю игру на всех фазах, однако такая же тонкая и зачастую открытая для энгейджа.
Это называется война в которой кто кого быстрее ваншотнет”
Desired was gone says “Easy matchup, take Fleet Footwork for sustain in lane. The key on this lane is to press W every time she combos and to use W for her Q if it's a guaranteed hit. Lux often exposes herself to combos with our ult, leading to an easy kill”
Hexeria says “[Not much of a threat. Dodge her Q and then engage her.] [She is super squishy and should die really quickly.] [Also, she will try to poke with her E, so try to walk towards her when she throws it and not away from her, because most Lux player, will always cast the E behind you.]”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give her MAJOR-Threat because in lane phase she is stronger than you by her E the range is insanely she can poke you and when she 6 carefully to get her Q E R combo you might killed by her but don't worry if she get our sleep she is dead too”
j4ss says “Lux is just a problem in low elo, just rush Merc Threads and you'll be fine. She's a immobile mage so ask your jungler for ganks and kill her.”
Halkem says “She has really good laning vs you early and will look to poke you a lot. Try to get push without getting damaged too much. Use your voidlings so she has to choose between using spells on them or you.”
Iceyou says “Last extreme you can propably get is lux with barrier or tp . By now if you read the other extreme matchups you got the general idea . Of what you need to do . ”
The Milelator says “Lux is actually a small problem. Pre 6 you have prio and can do what ever you want. Try to kill her before she reaches 6. Once you have both your ulties, she will constantly push the wave with her ridiculous low cd ult and roam. You can kill the wave very fast and answer the roam. However she will never be able to kill you. ”
bloomer010 says “Lux heavily out-ranges you, which can be difficult for Veigar. If Luxis accompanied by a team of long-range champions, consider taking the Predator keystone rune to hunt them down. ”
WarwicksSimp says “She's usually gonna be unkillable because of her having barrier flash and her w. She pokes you out of lane heavily ontop of that. If she misjudges her damage and doesnt kill you when she q e r's you, you can likely kill her before she kills you with your own r. This is super skill dependent ”
Tokiyami says “Very annoying wave clear champ you can usually just run her down at lvl 6 just wait for her to use her one cc spell and then shes just dead for over extending. Survive her poke until you can get lvl 6.”
FlopQueenEra says “Lux has a significant range advantage over Sona. Lux's abilities, especially her (E) and (R), can hit Sona from a long distance, making it challenging for Sona to engage or trade effectively without taking substantial damage in return.”
Lindroganti says “She is annoying with how easy she can hit and root you. Block her ult. She has atrocious mana issues, so if you dodge a few times you're golden. She is stupidly easy to ult on to, once you're already behind her, she can't do anything.”
stormraided says “Avoid her stun, don't get poked out of lane, engage in fights only after she uses Q. All in 6 after if she's less than half and she used her abilities. If she's playing super safe just shove and roam level 6.”
support_diff says “Try to all in her when she wastes her Q on you, try to dodge it with your E and then reuse E to gap close her, she is really squishy. Keep your farm and gold income up”
Fuzzmonkey says “The most difficult part of this matchup is not get hit by her constant e's. Engage as soon as she used her snare and the fight is yours. Last thing to keep an eye on is keeping distance once she hits her e early. The auto attack after deals more damage then the E itself. ”
Wraithlander says “She can oneshot entire minion waves allowing her to roam and move to fights before you. Would advice maxing Q to somewhat match her wave clear. Trade with her only when Q is down and win the lane through dodging and baiting out her E damage.”
FlopQueenEra says “lux have more damage using dark harvest than you but oianna can still fight against Lux, but the outcome of the matchup can be influenced by various factors, including player skill and strategy, just sidestep her all skills and you can survive.
sullyyylol says “A good lux is very oppressive. If you can get onto her with items you can kill her, but in lane shes just going to zone you off everything. Her W shield makes killing her in lane pretty hard.”
Zero macro says “Lux into Caitlyn is a general matchup of poke style, Thereby recommended for Caitlyn to hard shove early waves. Recommended to build vamp scepter into late bloodthirster + cleanse(escape lux snare combo)or ghost(escape gank situation + dodge + chase).”
tangerrine says “Personally, I hate playing against ALL Luxes. She can just outrange you and its just really unfair. Play comet into this one to be safe or if you are confident, you can try and use electrocute and catch up to lux to do huge burst damage. I perma-ban her support. ”
Zero macro says “Lux and Kog'Maw are both poke mages, Lux E is way easyier to hit in comparison and she can trade into Kog'Maw with her shielding very easily.. This is a very even matchup that is based on skillshots and wave push, Therefore Kog'Maw gains an edge later in the game with increased R range
Recommended to take teleport”
IggyBoom says “The lane is pretty boring since she just spammes E and waits to stop your W with her Q. Hard engage is possible but not really easy to setup.”
SatanicWren says “While she isnt great at killing you, she is great at annoying you just enough to make it annoying to farm, and not taking early kills can make it hard to get your full build quickly. She is annoying late game as well if you get hit by her Q”
freuio123 says “Lux ist hart no Joke du wirst outranged, outpushed und wenn sie Hände hat Q sie auf deine Ulti und du kannst das nicht Sidesteppen.
Lux ist mMn der 2. Beste Mage in Ahri.
Du hast keine Solo Kill Pressure, no Push, kannst kaum Roamen weil sie JEDE WAVE ULTET !
Mit Jungler killable ansonsten musst du sie outplayen, sachen Sidesteppen, ne Wave für roam droppen usw.
Hartes Matchup”
NickLeVlach says “WTF RIOT. Nerf this shit. She has 22 sec cooldown with R and 500 damage on level 6. Anyway. If she's playing with barrier, make sure that she used it (also make sure that she doesn't has neither W), and wait until her shield is down before deciding to burst her. Then, FLASH FOR THE FUCKING KILL. AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU PRESS IGNITE ALSO, THAT THINK MIGHTY HAS W AGAIN. ”
uwuimsocute says “Just a bad mage, her Champ does not belong into Midlane.
She can be quite annoying, but she should never have the opportunity to kill you.
If you are uncomfortable with this matchup, go for Cleanse.
Note - most likely Lux will push the wave and will not let you interact with her, so pay attention to have good CS since you will not ever match her waveclear.”
qkthr1 says “easy skillshots to dodge lol then punish her once she has no abilities. you can w out of literally all of them. and you can almost one shot her most of the time”
Anguish333 says “- Dodge her Spells
- Don't face check bushes, she can easly oneshot you
- If you know where everyone in enemy team is, you can camp on her in bush, she can check bushes with E so be careful with it
- Can rush Mercs if you have trouble with this matchup
- Shadowflame really good item vs her”
Painters says “She has more burst damage than you, but you have more DPS, so it's just more about who its more of their abilities. Dodge her snare, and you'll be good. If you get caught however, good luck.”
Jg_diff says “Doesn't really deal any damage early. Just make sure to have vision and don't get rooted by her Q, or you might end up killed by the enemy jungler.”
Lillmy says “If she's good she will not be in range of you to poke her. She also has stronger waveclear. Just chill and help sidelanes whenever and ask for ganks.”
Cryniu says “This match is like Xerath but you counter her burst combo very well. Focus on dodge her skills and if you are suffering use Mercury's treads. Keep your distance and poke only in key moments because she has more range than you.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Skill Matchup. Won't lie annoying as fuck, but best advice try to dodge her SS's as much as possible and punish her with 2 soldiers drifting on her. Also she is immobile without flash so ask jg for help.”
South Z says “Lux is surprisingly not that hard to deal with despite her very high lane pressure: if she misses her Q, you can run her down. Or run her down anyway with a well-timed Cleanse.”
DaddyVladdy says “stand outside of the wave so she has to choose to pokes you or push wave.Kill her if she misses q.Dont interact that much with her otherwise.You outscale”
darkezmond says “Beware of her Q and E, wait for mistakes from her, W into her and wait until she spends all the skills, and then squeeze out your E and Q”
CitTheCat says “This is a hard matchup. She outranges you and she can poke you a lot with her E. The only way to win this matchup is to play safe and wait for the right opportunity to go in.”
BlakC1 says “She's major for the solo motive that she's fucking annoying. I recommend taking Cleanse into this specific matchup. Dodge her stuns and you should be good.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Impact choice.
Merc treads into Verdant barrier rush.
She outpushes, and can kill you.
Farm lane and roam. (demat?)
She's basically a hard counter that doesn't care about killing you, but who absolutely can. ”
Deru says “Easy matchup since u just have to juke her q to make her unable to stop you from getting to her. You also shove and roam better than her before her 6 so do that.”
Deru says “Easy matchup since you just have to juke her Q to make her unable to stop you from getting to her. You also shove and roam better than her before her 6 so do that.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Keep your distance and stand passively, she can easily kill you with her skills with deceleration and immobilization, as well as pasivka on AA. Try to play through the windows - I passed the procast, try to catch and already win back, after which it is better to go to the distance again, so that she does not play for you. I'm not sure, but at the moments of its R (a large ray almost on the entire map), you can try to use W to survive this moment and go under the towers.”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “She will E you, CC you, and then most important of all once she gets level 6, she is outfarming you at an alarming pace, I would perma ban lux in almost all your games.”
Mayuushii says “Has long range and annoying poke. Use W movespeed to avoid Q and E and try to farm or harass with Q if she steps up. Lvl 6 you can go in but avoid getting hit by her Q and you should be fine. R her R when applicable”
Samikin says “Somewhat-Threat.
Surprisingly, Lux is a hard matchup contrary to what most people believe. She has more range and punishes Zoe walking up with Q's really hard. Not to mention, her E is much easier to land and her R can clear the whole wave without interacting with Zoe, mitigating any risks. Lux is still a mage though, so she is still easily killable if you land a good sleep or if she walks up too far into Zoe's range.
Electrocute (Inspiration w/ Buscuits + Cosmic Insight if you want instead of Manaflow + Scorch) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
IIndico says “I wouldn't worry too much about mages, as long as you use your passive shield and E correctly they usually won't be difficult. If you can't do those things you'll have a hard time playing against them.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Prowler or Duskblade]
[Play pasive] [Just try to farm till 6 then you can instakill her] [Bait or dodge her Q!]”
TheAfricanDream says “Lux will completely out range you in lane, but she has to play the lane at her max range to win. Look for extended trades mid when you hit her with your E. Your Q cooldown is a lot shorter than her cooldowns so look to harass her if she misses her Q. Lux has no mobility spells so once you hit your E on her, she will have no escape except for binding you. If you can reliably dodge her Q, this matchup is very simple”
Cjtheawesome says “If you can simply dodge her E and Q combos, this is a fairly easy lane take as much cs as you can. post level 6 it just becomes a farming lane.”
BC1970 says “Lux outranges and outpokes you. Her burst is dangerous, specially after level 6. You should go barrier, and if you want an extra bit of protection go Crown or rush Banshee's. ”
Demonsedge90 says “With a root/slow and powerful ultimate at her disposal, Lux can make your life hard in the lane if you don't respect her skills. While she's not difficult to fight against, you must be mindful of her cooldowns and be sure to move around often.”
Atemporal says “Tenha cuidado com o nível 1 de Lux porque seu E + auto + Comet causará muito dano a você. Fique fora do alcance de ataque automático dela e você estará bem. Os jogadores de Lux geralmente não passarão do nível 1 de seus lacaios para enquanto você ficar para trás, ela não pode
realmente te cutucar. Quando você atinge o nível 2, você não quer pular nela, a menos que ela desperdice tanto Q e E por algum motivo. O Q CD de Lux é de 11 segundos, então mesmo que você troque com ela e force seu Q, ele basicamente estará de novo na próxima vez que você
combo ela. Não tenha medo de usar seu E para desviar do E dela, e sempre use E para desviar do Q dela se estiver prestes a acertar você. Lux é um campeão que você não deveria ser capaz de matar no início do jogo. Atordoá-la com um W é difícil porque ela vai te dar um Q
enquanto você está se movendo em direção ao seu W, e o escudo dela absorverá muito do seu dano. Concentre-se em empurrar as ondas, Lux luta com a agricultura sob a torre e você geralmente obterá uma liderança decente na fazenda apenas por afk empurrando-a constantemente. É também
super arriscado para Lux seguir seus roams, porque você pode estar se escondendo em um arbusto esperando por ela. Quando você sair da pista após um empurrão, preste atenção em como ela reage. Se ela correr cegamente para a selva para tentar segui-lo, mantenha isso
em mente para a próxima vez que você empurrar a onda e sair da pista. Você pode apenas conseguir uma morte grátis se ela se deparar com seu W. Lux lutará contra você se ela tiver que combiná-lo em uma pista lateral. Fazer um teamfighting normal contra ela é arriscado e
não é o ideal porque o Q dela pode atrapalhar você em lutas de equipe e seu escudo W é irritante ao tentar matar a linha de fundo. Jogue pista lateral,
e então teamfight flanqueando e conseguindo bons ângulos no time inimigo. Considere Merc Threads contra ela.
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: Cleanse
Ihr Early Poke mit E ist ziemlich strong. Auch wenn der Gedanke ist dass man hinter Minions stehen sollte damit sie Q nicht trifft, ist es besser von ihnen weg zu stehen damit sie mit der E nicht auch gleichzeitig noch pushen kann. So kriegst du Pushadvantage was ihre n Poke negiert”
AriFr0mThe3nd says “The light bitch can become quite annoying but if you dodger her attacks and make sure she doesn't have her abilities, she is quite easy to kill. Also don't forget that her E has a very wide range and you can still attack her when you are rooted(!!).”
Amarusis says “Lux on mid
why again
Anyway if she dodge her Q you have chance to make trade. You want wait to late/mid game and then oneshot her in one second.”
SanyGame says “Same as Xerath and Brand, but more manageable. She can easily use [E]>[AA] to destroy your turrets, place them far apart as she needs a lot of mana to destroy them one by one. Remember that her [Q] can only hit two targets, so try to stick to the turrets and minions. Early boots and some sustain are recommended, as well as Stopwatch and Nullifying Orb if you're struggling.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “She has annoying poke but she cant really burst you if you play around your W beacuse, you can get out of her stun and avoid getting ulted. Dont let her proc her passive too often, after prowlers you shit on her.”
Spoomk says “fuck off fuck off fuck off. A good Lux will kick your teeth in and put them back in to do it again. Her abilities are free in terms of hitting and cooldown, you don't have much of a chance to deal with her. Go elsewhere.”
xblademojo says “Predator + Teleport / Ghost. She will perma push and throw spells at you.
Depending on how good she is, you might be able to kill her with Predator on your own. Start Corrupting Potion for sustain or Doran Ring to keep up with cs under turret.”
GoodMangoes2war says “Because early game is spent hard farming minions, lux's combos are particularly disruptive. Late game, if all goes well she's not as big of an issue. It's just a LOT easier to ban. Even Syndra is considerably easier to deal with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
Adamonias says “She's you but worse in every way. You outrange her and your abilites are better. Don't let her free auto you after she lands an ability thats the only way she outrades you. If you both land CC you win, bc you can still use ur other abilities while rooted. If she runs ign she's turbo trolling, most likely she runs barrier or tp to match you. Just care that her ult does hurt and is on a low cooldown. again if you're not confident you can run barrier , but i like TP to out tempo her and take free backs.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
SoftSeraph says “No surprise that Lux is here..
She outpokes you everytime, does a ton of damage and her root and slows can stop you from simply reaching her.
A good combo can tear her down, tho, but like Ahri, you mostly have to play around her mistakes and cooldowns.
Stay mindfull of her R incredibly fast R cooldown, as your E can absord it..”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s E effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her Lucent Singularity(E) to poke with or to push with.”
Tears of fears says “Never stay close to your lane minions, she has to either E the minions, thus letting you punish her, or she'll try to E you, losing the cs, both outcomes are good for us”
SkyBanana says “Well if it isn't your twin Lux. You are basically the same champion but with different playstyle. Lux wants to burst her target(s) down with little counter play and has a lot of range zoning tools. Seraphine wants to lock down and burst the enemy team down and make sure they don't move for her performance. All in all since you are both the same champion it comes down to who can performs better or who can make the most plays.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Lux's E in the early laning phase is pretty much the same range as Xerath's poke so her harrass can be quite annoying early on. In the mid to late game, you can just spam ultimate her down to make up for it. Make sure to dodge her Q or you will die. ”
Xexzuz says “I'll just put this here. Any champ with CC you will do very well against for the most part. So just remember to time your E right and you can win trades really easily. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her Light Binding(Q). If Lux uses her Q and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in. Mitigate Lux’s Lucent Singularity(E) effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her E to poke with or to push with.”
Kneecaps says “Careful for this speed camera as once she catches you speeding with her q, her ult snaps your license plate and you go straight to jail, unless its your first offense in which you might get a hefty warning at most. ”
TB Azir says “Xerath'tan sonra oynamaktan en çok nefret ettiğim 2. matchup. İyi bir Lux oyuncusu ormancı faktörü işin içinde yokken birebirde Azir'e lanede güzel güzel acı çektirebiliyor. Xerath banlamayacağım zamanlar(yani normalde direk perma ban ama support'umuz Xerath alacaksa) genelde Lux banlıyorum. Bu matchup'ı mutlaka ormancınızla oynamanızı tavsiye ediyorum çünkü karşınızdaki iyi bir Lux oyuncusuysa matchup'ın tek çıkış yolu adamın Q'larını ormancınızın punishlemesi yani Lux, lane'in ortasında veya sizin kulenize yakın bir yerde Q kullandığı zaman flash'ını kaybetmeli, flash'ı yoksa da ölmeli. Yani bir nevi Syndra'nın E'sini punishlemek gibi bir şey, hatta aynısı. Aksi takdirde Q'ları punishlenmeyen iyi bir Lux, lanede sizi kusturana kadar pokelayabilir🤮 ''Ee abi ormancım midi tamamen ignoreluyor ve karşımdaki de iyi bir Lux oyuncusu ben napıcam?'' diyorsanız: (öncelikle dua edin Allah sabır versin :D) Ayağı çabuk girip farmlayarak ölmemeye çalışın, adamın Lux'ı iyiyse başka bir seçeneğiniz yok zaten :D”
NegativePhoenix says “Iffy situation. Her E is the most annoying thing but if you can dodge her Q stun it isn't horrible. Just know she's gonna outburst you in a 1v1 so be careful if she manages to land her abilities.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Both of you are pokey/bursty caster mages, you guys either win or lose some. Try doing as many of her spells as you can with e. If she pokes you, heal with w and wait for an opening. Or you know, just have a tank go in for you.”
Body Those Fools says “Do your best to dodge her E poke. You HAVE to dodge her Qs or you will get chunked, have to blow flash, or die. You can take Cleanse in this matchup if you're not too confident. Farm until Lost Chapter then you can poke her down over and over. You can all-in her once you're level 6 when she wastes Q if shes around 50% HP. Banshee's Veil makes it easier to all-in her to negate her snare so it's a great buy. If the enemy team has other strong Ults, you can go Zhonya's Hourglass to go into stasis to dodge them or Lux Ult if you get snared.”
Bughans says “A good lux will NOT let you farm. Also lux is so fucking broken like seriously riot 30 second cooldown on an ability that can singlehandedly oneshot squishies???
Your passive shield makes this not the worst in laning phase, just focus on playing very very safe and picking up what little farm she lets you.”
Bunan says “First Strike-Magical Footwear- Futures Market-Cosmic Insight-Second Wind - Unflinching
Sapphire Crystall Refillable
Q max->W->E
Stay away from minions so she cant E you at the same time
If she wastes Q(11s CD) engage
Good luxes will hold Q
Use E to dodge E/Q
Combo E2 with R
Zhonyas second (R)
R 6/10 Good with CC (easy to dodge)”
KayyeN says “Not very hard. Dodge her Q and try avoiding her E as much as possible. You won't really be able to reach her often but she's not a big threat to you either. Most annoying thing is probably her low R cooldown, which lets her push waves very fast, thus punishing you harder for roams.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Just trade her, you win laning phase easily when you are under minions and roaming becomes a breeze. Just be mindful that Lux can still roam and that if she gets a kill, she will always be a sore playing in the backlines like Ziggs.
Mid to late is also not an issue as she struggles to do the damage necessary compared to Ziggs, and doesn't do enough utility like Morgana. ”
OSG Rewynd says “If lux randomly throws Q, this lane is free. If she holds onto it, you can't really kill her ever. Let her shove into you and hit your W's or call for ganks.”
jesterjedi93 says “This is one of the 5-6 champs that if played correctly, you will never get close to. BUT if she misses her Q, you can go in for a trade and punish her for that.”
Super08131208 says “Lux will poke you from base. If a Lux plays safe, you can't kill her. At level 6, you can try to dive her, but that is if you can dodge her stun. If the Lux plays super safe and stays under tower, just shove and roam. Give her a reason to leave her tower.
Zoose says “This will be a poke battle. Avoid her auto attacks if you're marked, but be ready to W combo her if she gets close. Many luxs take barrier, so anytime you try to dive her, take her W shield and barrier into account, plus her potential to CC you under tower. She is all skillshots so early boots will help to dodge them. Take runes with extra HP and mana sustain.”
basrty1p says “Just dodge her Q and E, she'll be hard time to fight you.
You DPS damage will be outscale her in mid-late game since your Worked Ground Q can slow and kill her quickly before she can do anything.”
DabiDabi says “Lux will poke you from base. If a Lux plays safe, you can't kill her. At level 6, you can try to dive her, but that is if you can dodge her stun. If the Lux plays super safe and stays under tower, just shove and roam. Give her a reason to leave her tower.”
Esrucnl says “She has no mobility at all so hitting your combo on her should be easy.
Make sure you dodge her Q though or else she can burst you down. Moment u dodge her Q with movement or E you should be fine though.
If she does the ''i will stay under turret all game and just clear wave'' you either roam to get kills and leave her there or freeze and ask your jungler to come and abuse the no mobility mage!”
Azurio says “You just have to dodge her Q. Smoke her and E next to her while she is blinded, just pay attention to her burst level 6 and if she has barrier.”
SKRELAX says “Please no. No. NO. NO. Her threat level isnt very high, her poke is just unbearable to go against. You can try to not take any dmg by Eing the minions to take at least some farm, or try to juke her spells (Her spell dmg and aa dmg is pretty nasty in lane, be aware). After six, the lane goes into a state where if she hits you with a root (q) you're done for.”
ddieguito_es says “She's a more annoying matchup than a big problem. Don't be scared to try hitting your Qs and avoid getting stunned. She can't kill you in lane if you play decently. You can get a Doran's Shield if you're getting annoyed.”
beansoce says “Boots are very strong in this matchup to be able to dodge her abilties, try and not stand on the wave because she'll just e the wave and poke you. If she has barrier pre much impossible to kill her so just afk farm.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick Poke Rune and starts with Dorans Ring. If you dodge all abilities you can easily harass him but thats fucking hard. I recommend an farm simulator lane and a jungler for contest she rotation the map”
Berdasco9 says “Puede resultar difícil matar a una lux debido a su rango pero por lo general si te mantienes detrás de los minions para evitar sus Q's y buscas el momento oportuno un all in debería poder matarla, ten en cuenta que muchas Lux usan barrera a la hora de hacer el all in.”
donidaking says “DEMACIAAAAAA!
OK i would like to see she s freelo but this matchup is kinda hard is she s a good player since she outranges you.
She s gonna start E level 1 so walk and make sure to poke her with electro, one tip to not get hit by her E is to just walk up to her. Don t be afraid to trade autos since you sustain back up.
After she gets her stun try to dodge it and if you can t just pool it because at level 6 in 2 rotations she kills you besides that you should just run her down.”
sona nordeste says “definitely the biggest counter to sona mid, but to avoid the chances of being blown, try to do everything to not get rooted with lux Q skill”
Sakuritou says “This matchup is more annoying than bad.
You can't ever kill her if she doesn't make a mistake.
Try to spot mistakes and instantly punish her for it!”
TheKingUltra says “Has only one damage combo, which is easy to predict, she also has very poor mobility, you can get a few kills and also outroam her very hard.”
Aut0Lycus says “She just does a ton of damage for no reason, its all down to who dodges skill shots and gets help from jg. She will out damage you the entire game tho so be careful.”
ADAhriAbuser says “Lux usually takes barrier and combined with her W shield it makes her very hard to kill. Try to set up a gank with your jungler or shove and roam.”
xIXWrathXIx says “Just Pain. Lux has a great poke game and can bully you if you are not careful. Take E as your first skill to block any damage she throws at you as her E hurts a lot and can go through minions unlike your Q allowing her to stay away from minions so you cant try to AOE her. Lvl6 lux is broken with her R cooldown only being 40 secs and dealing huge damage. Make sure to always R-Q her when you can as she is still a mage so shes very squishy.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “A good Lux would never allow herself to get poked by you and will make you return to base at least 4-5 times during the laning phase.
Farm safe and wait for ganks!”
Ahri Simplord says “She outranges you and runs Barrier which is pretty bad considering your low damage, you have the same wave clearing capability but her roaming is a lot worse since she's immobile. Zhonya is a must in case you get caught by a Q.”
itsnothung says “I'm fking scared of this btch. cant engage without walls.
Tôi sợ con này vì không thể mở combat được, và nó rất nhảm nhí với cái lợi thế tầm của nó.”
Dustyacer says “Annoying mu, she consistently outranges you with q/e. Running at her is very hard bc of her slows/root. Only reason it's not unplayable is that u can ult onto her sometimes (if she uses her abilities to clear the wave) and you can block her r with your e. I also have great success with just side stepping everything, better than other champs for some reason (her q and even her e).”
Mordryn says “any champ with range is hard to deal with. i.e. caitlyn xerath vel'koz blah blah, but lux is the most common. play around hitting the least range champ if the ranged ones space you well”
Bundif says “She used to be a minor threat to Zed but with her recent buffs, even a mediocre Lux can be very dangerous. Just play around her Qs. If she's good, she'll hold onto them until the day she dies. If she throws them out willy nilly, you win. You can consider buying Serpent's Fang if there are other shields on her team besides her.
Edge of Night can make up for sidestep misplays.
⭐Basically any champ that buys Seeker's Armguard into Zhonya's Hourglass can give you trouble. ”
Haydoslang says “Has higher range than you do, can be annoying early game. Can start corrupting. Predator and lvl 6 very high kill chance. Zhonyas goes through her root so very valuable here”
JoacoT31102 says “Basically, anything with cc is a threat as it prevents you from cleaning the wave properly and from roaming. However, they are squishy, meaning you can kill them in lane.”
Magmora says “Lux has one main poke ability, and one CC ability that does not go through minions. Her E is very hard to dodge, but standing away from minions can force her to choose whether to poke or farm. If she chooses to poke you can just shove the wave. If she choses to farm, you can fight her.”
DabiDabi says “Lux players will usually bring barrier and stay under turret so it'll be impossible to kill them unless you get them low enough with your W to Flash all-in them. At level 4-6 shove the wave in and look for a roam. Give Lux a reason to leave her turret. You can commit a to gank or fake a gank and kill her.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Dodge her skillshots]
[Post 6 don't get rotted or she will burst you down]”
TrueGIXERJ says “While a *very* good lux could be a threat, i never view them as much trouble, as long as you remember to dodge about a kilometer wide for her shitboxes, you'll be fine, she's squishy and easy, no problemo boblemo.”
desch3445 says “She's really, REALLY annoying w/ her E spam, but the reality is that she's an immobile mage, and y'know what we do to immobile mages around these parts? We refine them into a nice, sweet 300g :)
Just survive her poke and look for burst opportunities, you'll be fine!
Take the Electrocute page; FS is rendered useless by her insane poke, and she doesn't quite have enough health to justify Conqueror. Electro just fits like a glove in this matchup.”
ThePieBeam says “Lux gaming. Her E is quite easy to hit but it's predictable if you've laned against enough luxes. Her Q is very easy to hit if she's good and keeps her E slow going on you so avoid it at all costs. If she's walking towards you for the Q on an E slow it's usually not too hard to Q or W/Q her. Also, her shield makes her deceptively tanky so there's really very few circumstances that you should be trying to go for hard engages. Also, if you get hit by Q post 6 you're so dead you might as well start shopping. Your only real play into this lane is to take relentless and try to get some good roams off. Get 6, hard push lane, roam. Good luck.”
UnxRuly says “Good lux players are threats because they're losers. Seriously, she zones you with her unreasonable damage and roams bot lane for a double kill in dragon pit. Also shields for everyone!”
xmarksthesp0t says “Big diffrence between good or bad luxplayers. Vs the bad once u can farm pretty freely, but vs the good ones its hard to breathe. Most important here is to not feed! A somewhat fed lux can Q and R you for your whole healthbar. Know the range of her E and stay behind minions to not get hit my Q and farm as best as you can until lvl 6 where you can start taking trades when she misses her spells. Most of the time you will sit under turret and eat her spells. Play very patient is my advice.
The upside in this matchup is her lack of mobility and squishyness making her an easy victim lategame.”
TrueGIXERJ says “You're really gonna struggle to get close to her, she'll happily root you while you charge up your W and slow you with E if you try to step up, her full combo will blow you up in the mid-game too. Of course, if you *can* get to her, she's fucked, but that's unlikely tbh.”
Aethlo says “Lux has the waveclear advantage. || Lux wins pre-3. ||
Lux and Annie are even pre-6. ||
Annie wins slightly post-6. ||
Annie and Lux have equal scaling. ||
Tip: Build sorc shoes first to help dodge that root. If she misses it she only has her q in a trade. Beware pre-3 as she has incredible range. If you can't dodge her e (by tethering) then just make sure not to get auto'd after being hit for her passive proc. Stand behind 2 minions if you can't dodge her q. She is very strong right now, being hit by a q is certain death. Banshee's second is a very viable option.
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Lux has high cooldown abilities so be sure to play around that. Keep up your passive stacks using your Q and all in when she uses her abilities. Try your best to dodge the Q. Post R being hit by a Q can be fatal so play more safe and try not to grapple until after she uses it.”
lonestar1870 says “Slow push early, get free Qs when you can. You win early lane. She is very squishy, easy to kill if you can poke her down.
Don't let her poke you out of lane, you do better in this lane when you control the wave.
Her E is usually pretty telegraphed unless you have bad positioning. You can pretend to walk up, and then immediately walk away as soon as you see her E animation to dodge it.
You can go cleanse if the enemy team has a lot of CC, probably don't go ignite.
Don't facecheck bushes, Lux will often play around vision so she can land her spells more easily.
If she goes barrier, it will be hard to kill her without poking her down first (or getting gank). Even if you can't kill her, you should be able to get prio whenever you want and get cs lead.
PR is always good here. Comet is okay since she will likely play far back & so you can get TWT/c-pot. Electrocute is good for burst.
I recommend TP in this lane since Lux will likely just play really far back (and since you don't really need Ignite to kill her if you do get an engage on her). Cleanse is decent since her kit revolves around landing her Q. Ignite is okay if you're confident in your ability to solokill her and snowball.
Banshees is good if more than 1 AP source on other team.
Get Zhonyas/stopwatch if she's only AP since you can use active to dodge her dmg if she manages to land Q.”
Desperate Nasus says “After the Lux buffs she can be seen in midlane aswell. Against Lux try to survive her early poke using Second wind and Fleet footwork. On level 6 with Sheen after she misses her Q all in her. Overall the lane is really easy for Nasus.”
Kuji says “Most of the time i fought lux she is annoying, and sits on my nerves, she slows you down a lot and her notorious stun also ruins your attacks. Try play safer and dodge her attacks.”
BiriRamen says “Free lane, just don't get hit by a Q, and go Magic Resist. Hit by a Q and level 6, you might just get 100-0, that's just how Lux damage do be.”
JES Samurai says “Fique safe no nivel 1, talvez voce precise givar alguns minions mas é importante ter o level 2 forte.
apatir do level 2, é facil de esquivar da maioria do poke. ”
Dorom says “Lux is definetly a skill-matchup. Depends heavily on your knowledge of cooldowns and limits. If you dodge her Q, she gets punished. If you don't, you get punished, save first cast E for the occasion. Skill based.”
Lowkii_d says “Long Range and Wave clear makes you feel pretty useless in lane, recommend roaming pretty heavily before lux hits level 6 because you start to lose way too many minions against her.”
CashLOL says “Easier to hit poke. Longer range. Bigger pick potential. A scary matchup but she is also very squishy. Jungle pressure shuts her down. If you see she is going to hit her q and you know she will combo you there is the opportunity to quickly drop your abilities where she is in an effort to evenly trade/kill her.”
ShokLoL says “Lux can be pretty annoying since she heavily outranges you and can root you during your E. If the lux is wasting her abilities you can look for more points in E to punish her but otherwise I would just max Q. Wit's End and cleanse are useful here.”
iZianni says “OK SO OBVIOUSLY SHE JUST DIES INSTANTLY IF YOU PRESS R but she just got buffed and is super strong. Your wave clear is identical she just has 3x your kill opportunities since your ult is 90 CD at level 11 and hers is 30 level 11”
pwins says “While Lux outranges Zoe in lane, a good Zoe can dodge Lux's spells easily and take advantage of Lux's predictability. However, you must be cautious as well since Lux can do the same thing towards you. ”
livikattt says “Another game of "who lands their CC first." At level 6, she can probably kill you if she hits her root. Wait until you think you'll have a good opening for a charm and ult to dodge her root if necessary. You can outheal her for sure, but if she has barrier, you might not be able to kill her before she kills you. Be careful! (And never forget that no matter how behind she is, there will be a point where she oneshots you anyway)”
Juplicate says “She has lots of poke, her ultimate has a really low cooldown, and she is ranged. She is squishy so you can kill her if you can get onto her but otherwise don't trade against her.”
Miscake says “Você pode usar a poça em todas as skills básicas dela e até mesmo enquanto estiver enraízado no Q dela pra desviar do dano da ult. Em situações normais a Lux não consegue te dar IK na lane e por isso depende de poke, o que não funciona muito bem já que a partir do nível 8 você tem um sustain basicamente infinito.
Uma vez que ela é incapaz de te matar o melhor que pode fazer é puxar wave e ir atrás de roaming, pingue o mais rápido possível já que graças ao range da ult ela pode executar alvos no top/bot enquanto ainda estiver no rio.
WayOfTheTempesst says “Pretty easy lane.
She actually has some kill pressure on you if you build 0 MR against her.
Make sure to Windwall her Q and you can easily dodge the rest of her kit.
If she lands a single Q on you when she is 6 and you have no passive shield or MR, she can 100 to 0 you.
Lux is not very good because she has high mana costs and never has lane priority so abuse that.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is annoying early, but it's still fairly easy. Always try to dodge her E and her Q or you
will get chunked. Never Q3 into her or she will full combo you. Only do it if you know she's already used
E and/or Q.”
Katawina52 says “Just dodge her skillshots 4Head. Might be stupid but that's a big part of the matchup since all her damage = skillshots. You can easly dodge with your E mobility and W movement speed if she throws a Q or you could E her the moment she Qs. If she holds her Q for so long (which is the correct play for her), you're gonna have way more prio in lane so you can easly roam. Mercs vs lux is really good (you can go out of her Q with mercs before her R activates), but I still pref sorcs vs squishies unless they have more cc's. Vs higher elo's/good lux mains just go D Shield and play safe and outscale hard in teamfights/skirmishes.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting potion for her E spam, boots to dodge her Q.
Try to go for the kill levels 2-5 as often as you can because she still has no ult and no kill power. Beware of her gank setups with her Q and her potential followup on roams with her R. Always ping that she might follow or that there might be an ult coming after you succesfully ganked bot.
I usually go for Ignite and Dematerializer and I will try to kill her early on, or if I cannot and she plays too defensive I will just roam.
You can bait out her Q by pretending to run towards her with your passive fully expecting her Q to come. Dodge the Q, go closer and do a full combo. You either get the kill or force a recall and you gained a small window to roam or a small advantage towards her tower.”
ISterbenI says “She does tons of damage so be careful over the course of the game! You should buy Zhonyas. She can also poke you from a decent range which is a problem. Everything comes down to how well you teamfight. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Lux might be annoying early levels with her harass, but once you hit your level 6 and you get your negatron against her, which will deny her oneshot potential, you should be able to win range trades and eventually kill her even in 1v1 situation.”
Avucado says “Annoying but easy. If they get ahead it can get rough but other than that it's very Pyke favored. You can walk up to hook -> e them at any point. Exes are easy, ganks are easy, she can shove you in easy though.”
RezoneVerified says “Dodge full combo and you should be fine. Care AoE on turrets and dodge the snare. Poke down constantly with W and try to land a triple beam combo”
LunarVortex says “You can easily spellshield her Q and she also has no mobility to dodge your Q or get out of your R. Her range and poke in lane can be annoying, consider buying boots very early to make dodging her poke easier.”
Yeager says “If you are experienced in this matchup you can start doran's ring, else you can start boots and you should have no problems dodging her skillshots. She is hard to kill in lane because of her range, so just focus on shoving her in and roam to sidelanes. Cleanse is highly recommended. ”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Lux is easy matchup very similar to Lissandra. You can allow yourself to get rooted in the stepback of your E cast and the dash will still go through.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Mainly a skill match up. Dodge her root, you'll get the better trade. Hit your chain you'll get the better trade. Don't burst her when she uses her W (shield) otherwise she'll negate most of your damage. Don't start trading with her until level 3 since she has more damage due to her passive.”
Urpog says “Midlane: Slow winning farm matchup is the TL;DR. If she has barrier then she's unkillable, if she brought TP then you can do the standard E flash combo from anywhere level two onwards, the trick about the lux matchup which many confuse as bad since she's ranged and scary control mage ooo is that you can literally walk forward and win, quite simply whenever she throws out her E she's expecting you to walk backwards, lux mains always ark the E slightly behind you (or should) expecting you're going to see the animation and run away from her since she's using her poke ability; you mitigate that by walking forwards, she throws out her stun, you E the stun and buffer it and end up oneshotting her without needing to flash, rushing boots with the cull is advisable so you're able to do this with much more ease, I like to lane vs lux.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Since Lux W can tank a bit of your burst, wait until her shield is down before deciding to burst her. If she does spam her shield never go to all in her since your full combo with be denied by her return shield. Poke her throughout laning phase and do short burst combos.”
iZianni says “You are outranged making your damage irrelevant, you have a bigger impact in team fights but she has excessive pick potential.
You'll spend most of this match up dodging Lucent Singularities and hoping she never lands a Cosmic Binding, if she over-commits you can 100-0 her though.
If she doesn't have barrier that is :/”
Aegox says “Buy boots and try your best to dodge her root, flash if you have to because if she roots you she will probably use her E then ult you and you will most likely be dead.”
ToHadesWithYou says “Since her Q can hit 2 enemies unlike your E, it is trouble to deal with her. Her E is bad too. If she hits you with her Q, she'll throw everything she got.”
mrmundo says “Little light ain't so little. She has tons of range and you can't get close to her because she will play it safe. It's all about positioning. Dodge her Q and E as much as possible. If she wastes them, she won't be able to do much. ”
ShokLoL says “Very annoying matchup, she outpushes you and you can't really get any reliable poke on her. It's difficult to ever move or ult into her as you just take a free Lux Q. ”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade In Resolve Second wind or conditioning and unflinching.
you can level up E lvl1 if she waste her E,so you can easily win a trade. trade against her early.
try to all-in lvl2-3
you can block her Q,W and E”
Kords says “Lux should not kill you at ANY point in this lane. If you position yourself to the side and start shoving, she either has to E the minions or try and E you, and if she E's you, you've already won the lane. You also should never get tagged by Q. As well as if she wastes her Q on the minion wave, or simply misses it, it should allow you to pretty much run her down. However later on, she can catch you off-guard and one-shot you. Used to be a way easier matchup until she got some huge buffs at the end of S11.”
TheoRut says “Dodge her Q or you are dead. If she misses her Q you can one shot her easily, but beware since lux players usually play Barrier. W + Barrier makes her almost impossible to one shot.
Electrocute against this matchup but phase rush works.”
ShokLoL says “You should be able to build a substantial lead pre 6 against Lux, but post 6 she will probably just ulti waves and neutralize. Make sure to rush T2 boots in order to dodge more skillshots.”
rCadeKing says “guides also say that lux counters qiyana, she just does not (play around junglers cause you can't solo kill unless she is a worse player).”
ShokLoL says “Lux is a pretty strong laner with her heavy E poke. Do your best to dodge as many of these as possible and make sure not to get hit by a stray Q. Her cooldowns are quite long and her main trading tool, her E, is also her main form of waveclear before level 6. Try not to group up with the wave and if she does use E on the wave look to trade aggressively. When you trade on her make sure you either wait for her Q to be down or W to the side in order to dodge it. Merc treads can also be useful later on in this matchup.”
Yasukeh says “Either dodge her snare or spin through it and she is a free kill. She has 0 mobility, and no way to really stop you from killing her, since snares don't stop auto attacks. ”
Elite500 says “If she has barrier it'll be hard to kill her, lux players have a combined IQ of 2,5 though so you can still try play as aggressive as possible”
Dr Eggmund says “Her range and CC is very annoying in the early levels however Lux's high mana costs can be beneficial for you. Let her use her abilities and dodge her stun. Your minions will be your best friend in this scenario as this will block her stun from hitting you. All in at 6 and always be aware of Lux's barrier as she will usually take this sum. She can stop death itself with it so be aware. ”
iZianni says “Farm match up, both laners do nothing because of range. If her team is ahead she will snowball out of control with good laser combos, otherwise you just sweep the floor with her.
Avoid max range E poke and look to punish if she misses Q.
Ambitieux says “This lane is probably one of the most boring lanes you'll get as Ahri, She is almost unkillable until you get a jungler gank or if she oversteps her boundaries. Play the lane super regular and try to shove it out to roam around. If not look to kill at 6, and just patiently dodge her e's and you will eventually win the lane by urself.”
kindo says “Free matchup, she doesn't have enough poke to kill you - so just sustain any E poke you take with your W. Building tenacity helps for any Q you might tank, but isn't necessary.
She'll likely just sit back and waveclear, but you can pressure her when she walks up for minions. Overall, she's extremely easy to deal with and gives little to no trouble in or out of lane. Super squishy, you can choose to push and roam easily or just garner a lead in lane.”
Candyness says “While it's not difficult to lane against her, her long range and CC puts you at risk. What hurts Kindred the most is her poking ability.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “I think this is a very difficult matchup, because Luxanna can hard poke and outrange you. You can also take comet against she, but 95% of my games i play with electrocute, so if you catch Lux, you can make a good trade with electro. If you go with comet, you can try to poke her, but your range is lower and it will hardest. ”
Coldsong says “Lux has a lot of burst potential and can oneshot you if she hits her Q, but she is still an easy matchup. Make sure to dodge it if possible, and try to save your Ignite for when her shield is down so she cannot be saved by it. Standing behind minions is useful since her Q can only hit two targets.”
resetwice says “Her early game is annoying to deal as any champ! Avoid being caught by her Q (you can dodge using your Q on a minion or jumping a wall) and let her wastes shield so you can all win easy. Avoide her extra damage auto if she hit you low HP. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “The only problem you might have is the inability to get to her without using all your combo. The best I can tell you to do is to avoid roots and poke. Get dirk and go for it. Besides that, this matchup is pretty average.
Boots are your choice.”
meie says “Just like the Veigar matchup, you can make her your bitch whenever you want, she doesn't have enough AA damage to win. Just dodge her abilities and you win.”
Sylvan Lore says “Lux is a tough matchup as one of the few mages that out-ranges you and out-damages you. If she lands a Q on you either in lane or by hiding in a bush, you are most likely dead. Against her i will usually take E level 1 and just match every long range E she throws at me with a shield to block it entirely for the first 3 levels. You can kill her if she ever gets overly aggressive and lets you land a combo. Banshee veil as a second item should be more than enough MR for late game. You want to roam and affect the map as best you can, because her ultimate does much more damage and is on a lower cooldown in lategame. The one thing you have on her is better DPS into tanks which can be important late game. Try to roam and get the map going as much as you can so the game has team fights early and mid game when you are stronger.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. Ap Assassin”
Wholesomefrog says “Quite an easy matchup early, just poke her a lot and try not to get stunned, your ult deals more damage than hers, keep that in mind.”
Saddest says “Just annoying, but very squishy. Avoid her Q and E pokes and you'll be fine. Use W move speed to dodge her Q. All in her if she wastes/misses her Q, she will die. Though, if she is good she will simply continue to shove you in and stay miles away from you. Try to roam if so.”
richardlized says “Playing against Lux is really simple. You just have to dodge her Q. If she misses Q, she loses all pressure on you for the next few seconds. Do whatever you need to dodge it, with your W, ult it, flash it, whatever. Just don’t get hit, because it chunks you to half hp after a combo with E. She can pressure you pretty hard before level 3, but you win after that. Remember to buy serpents fang to counter her shield, which is the only source of counterplay she has against Zed. (Prowlers electro serpents)
Katasandra says “[1] Don't stand in wave, but keep minions between you and her.
[2] At least dodge her Q, try to dodge her E as well but it is hard to avoid.
[3] Try to push the wave and roam. If she permashoves, just take the farm.”
Nanelol says “A good Lux can be scary, a bad Lux is free money. It's not a common matchup anymore. She has longer range than you, but is very squishy. Don't get snared, use E to dodge them. If you are behind, just focus on dodging the Snare.”
Marky 2 Butts says “Only even because she could potentially pop you late game if you are building AP glass cannon. On the other hand you could do the same to her. This is all about who catches who. ”
tozosi says “Don't go all in on her in lane. She can stun you easily and avoid damage with her E. Avoid her W as much as you can in lane and you should be fine, look to roam to other lanes.”
TheSecretsWithin says “The Lux matchup isn't hard, but it's just annoying. With a 2-second root, a shield, an AOE slow, an ultimate every minute (Sometimes even faster), and a passive which is basically a free Lich Bane if you get hit by an ability. Lux is one of the more annoying matchups. Even with your ultimate, it is hard to dodge everything constantly, but if you see her waste her spells on the wave, you can immediately tower dive her, with no fear of getting punished, as she has no form of escape other than her sums.”
3Riptide3 says “Boots start and roam. She has to hit Q to kill you. Take Swifties or Merc treads depending on how good the lux is. You can kill if she blows her Q and doesn't have barrier. Hourglass is also good idea. ”
Nanelol says “Highly immobile champion, look to avoid all poke from her long range skill shots (especially her Q/ Stun). Once you hit lvl 6, look for all ins while dodging skill shots with your ultimate.”
Nanelol says “Farm with pets after she uses her circle ability. Care when not many minions in the wave. Dodge he Q and you are fine.. Get hit by Q and she will chunk you with her combo.
TheEnglishman says “Skill matchup, see Xerath. Harder than other artillery mages due to long auto range good auto damage and passive but knowing her range will be plenty to let you survive lane.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “All Summs. Phase Rush.
Become Michael Jackson and use your dodging skills. She can't really win this lane unless you get hit by everything she throws at you. You can always pool her ult. If she has barrier it can be a pain to kill her so aim to just farm up and one shot her.”
Toddiek24 says “Akshan is a paper MID lane champion who, if Lux hits him with his "Q" ability, can easily kill him! BUT! Akshan can also easily kill Lux because of his mobility.”
Sanctuar says “There is not much to do against her waveclear due to her E, but her combo can be completely countered with a Zhonya's, therefore she is not a high threat. If you have struggles against her, max Q and farm yourself up until you get you first item done and after that go for Zhonya's to shut her down completely. Note: Her ultimate cannot be interrupted even if she gets stunned.”
StarTundra says “Lux can bully you with her range and you can't dodge her spells bc slow :(. Best bet is to get early boots and roam with relentless hunter.”
cookanarities says “Free matchup, she doesn't have enough poke to kill you - so just sustain any E poke you take with your W. Building tenacity helps for any Q you might tank, but isn't necessary. She'll likely just sit back and waveclear, but you can pressure her when she walks up for minions. Overall, she's extremely easy to deal with and gives little to no trouble in or out of lane. Super squishy, you can choose to push and roam easily or just garner a lead in lane.”
TheWerefloof says “Very traditional mage, doesn't do much early but a late game threat. Dodge her Q's and you win, if you get hit you lose. If she's bad you can Q + Long Swing and hope she misses her Q, however it is a gamble.”
KarmaFull says “Take tenacity runes and build mercury treads to have ~50 tenacity (This allows you to walk or E out of her combo after she stuns you.)”
DarDarThePenguin says “Lux has almost no kill pressure on you and can't stop your engages. If you aren't careful, her poke can sneak her a kill or two on you. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
PRoli03 says “Simple matchup you always know whats coming because of her linear gameplan. (Fleet footwork page for new players to corki, electro for more experienced ones)”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Mid: No te acerques mucho ya que con su Q y E te hará mucho daño, en general es un enfrentamiento fácil si te acostumbras.
Support: Wardea los arbustos, juega con distancia de tu ADC para evitar el CC, y juega con tu rango.”
TheMockingSnowman says “She doesn't have much kill pressure on you as long you side-step and keep a good distance from her. You can go for Mercury's Tread and/or use Unflinching and Second Wind rune if you think you cannot dodge her abilities.
Robertonkartul says “Lux is a pretty hard matchup. Playing safe under tower while farming and using E to threaten lux is a good idea. You can play safe until lvl6 where you can all in lux.”
Oxydation says “Lux is really Easy, just dodge her Q and dont let her poke you out of Lane. If you hit E and she has no Q up, you can all in her. Post 6 she is always dead if she comes to close.”
Daers says “She has a lot of self peel but doesn't have waveclear as good as you do. Play off roams and helping your jungler with lane prio. Try to proc electrocute each time she misses her root. ”
simplepoetry says “Lux is hard matchup on midlane because of her root and passive, its not possible to dive L and it is also harder to farm because she will poke you to death.”
Little Planet says “Not really a skill matchup, but it's not all that horrible. Essentially neither will kill the other and youj'll end up having to roam. Just don't get giga poked out”
Joseph Evanss says “If she doesn't have barrier you can kill right after she uses her q. If she does then wait until Beserkers + Zeal and spam kill her. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “same as ahri/anivia, dodge her q and then you can basically all in her, but be mindful of her sums, you probably won't be able to kill her if she has barrier. just e in and side step to avoid q, if she holds it then you can look to play more aggressively but still be mindful of the possibility of her throwing out a q on your engage.”
PotatoVeigar says “Spellbook/Resolve or Electro; Don't hug your minions and don't let her auto you. You want her to either choose to push the wave or poke you. She has high cooldowns, so after she uses her abilities, you are able to walk up and cs. You can build the whole Banshee's Veil first item if you want.”
JoshAy says “If you don't get hit by her binding you will be fine. Don't get poked by her E and you'll be fine. Her ult is decent to steal but there are better to steal. ”
Zileni says “This may seem like a hard matchup at first glance, but it really isn't. What I like doing is baiting Lux and her ADC to come up by Lux rooting Zilean or the ADC. You know that both the ADC and Lux will walk up and you can land your double bomb as easy as that. You also have to be fast enough to ulti and know her damage.”
iKrez says “You might think that a mage is a free kill for an assassin ? it isn't.
Lux is super annoying because she will just wave clear and use her ult on the wave for every back.
There is pretty much nothing you can do to kill her if she plays barrier.
Double dash on the wave with prowler's claw et root her with ice Q in case your jungler wants to unlock the situation, then you will be able to roam.”
Mpegial says “Lux has the *potential to oneshot you, buuuuut that's assuming you let her hit you, as long as you have the dodging game on you ain't losing this one.”
chigakure kishi says “If you can bait out her root you can get easy trades. Watch out however as her her ability animations and your hurtbox don't line up visually perfectly (this may be dependent on your pc/monitor).”
xoonaka says “Lux is annoying, she can poke you out so farm with Q and make sure to dodge her E, wait for lvl 3 and bait her Q before fighting her. After lvl 6, Don't fight her if she hasn't used his Q, she can full combo you into a demount which may or may not lead to a death.”
mihaila says “Bait her E by fake-cs-ing and his Q with E. Great ult to steal. Just freeze the wave close to ur tower enough to make her overextend or use E for CS.”
mc_jojo3 says “Probably a dodge in my book since shes basically the combination of all Shyvanas weaknesses CC, Poke and ungodly damage. Try to avoid her Q at all cost and try to make her waster her Sheid (summoner spell) early since most players take this instead of Ignite.”
ziolo to noob says “This champ is not the biggest problem after you buy codex, but this thing outranges you hard. If your laning phase will be neutral or won which is really hard with a bad jungler, you are going to outscale her at midgame and lategame.”
Havenia says “She has damage output, but keep in mind she has barely any mobility without flash. You can all in her level 6 and because of her 0 mobility, you can possibly kill her.”
Noodles912 says “She is just a bully. She has waveclear, and a ton of shields. Grab cs safely, and look to roam since she is a mage. Use E with awareness. In a nutshell, just play chicken till level 3, then look for trades. Rush zhonyas to deal with her ult.”
FerretInADurag says “She is very bursty and very capable of wiping you out if you're not careful. Bait her root before fighting, as she can catch you and kill you quickly. Edge of Night and any QSS items are good against her.”
elnino9 says “Stay away from minions, she will E. If she hits E, walk away from her as she wants to land an auto attack to proc her blight passive. Setup Q dagger on her when she's going to last hit a minion. Trade if her Shield is on CD since it is her strongest ability. Get aggressive if her Q is down because she can't stop you from full comboing. You have to learn to be elusive in this matchup by avoiding her key abilities. Don't get baited by her shield. Kill her when you have items.”
PASS10NE says “Lux's Q can be hard to deal with. Its hitbox is just so huge and can hit up to two enemy units (Can pass through minions.). Buy boots at your first back.”
Lot of Wind here says “You can block her three basic abilities, so this matchup is pretty easy. Try to avoid her Q at all costs. A good lux won't be so easy to kill, so try to out-cs her and scale.”
Wunsch3957 says “Easy and annoying lane. If she goes barrier just roam after 6. All in when she misses Q and dodge it and her E as well. Fleet/domination with flash/ignite.”
GeDBo says “If you know how to dodge her Q then good news! This match will be very rewarding on your side. And if you don't... bad news, you are about the get deleted. Farm with your AA so you can save mana for 2 main reasons: 1) you will need a lot of mana to poke her and 2) you will always need a spare soldier and a combo of W+E+Q or at least W+E for dodge/escape reasons. A tactic I would personally do is to sit behind at least 2 minions at all times and poke her. Speaking of which I would strongly recommend the Arcane Comet in this match up. You will need to poke her and deal as much damage as possible, in the least amount of time. Arcane comet would provide you with this opportunity. Once both of you hit level 6, you both could kill the other quite easily (depends who's reflexes are faster). Lets say she uses her Q and you use a successful combo of W+E+Q towards her (you should do that only and only if you know where her jungler is, don't jump in blind) then she is pretty much lost the trade and knowing how squishy she is you might even get a kill. She can't do anything else but shield herself and hit/slow you with her E. If necessary, after the shuffle you could use your juicy ultimate to finish her off. Ping whenever she is missing because all she needs to help someone is her low cooldown ultimate. Buy vision and warn your allies when necessary. ”
Modern Giraffe says “Easiest lane. Bring cleanse, have fun, and dance through her abilities. If you are bad at dodging her stuff rush boots and maybe wait on your cleanse for engaging, or find your nearest e-girl and ask them to help you learn to dodge.”
SoraSan says “Lux é uma maga de controle.
Ela tem range maior que o seu, portanto foque em desviar do poke(o que não é dificil) e farme o máximo que conseguir. Jogue com a wave perto da sua torre e compre Passos de Mercúrio para diminuir o dano caso o poke dela esteja lhe incomodando muito. Não deixe-a crashar na torre, pois se ela avançar depois do seu 6, efetue um Shurima Shuffle que ela não tem como escapar a menos que use o flash. E mesmo assim ela estará perto de você, vire o máximo de dano possivel. Se fizer isso, não terá menor problemas em lidar com a Lux.
Recomendo ir de Ritmo Fatal ou Chuva de Lâminas, pra caso consiga efetuar o combo e consiga virar muito dano nela.”
BigBushMan says “Just like Zoe, dodge one ability and win. Specifically her Q, its the only thing that keeps you from sticking onto her and killing her. ”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Just a poke matchup, if you avoid her Q, then you should be fine. Her E is very annoying, and will deal loads of damage if she's fed, but you can prevent her from getting fed by winning lane.”
sashadidntwalk says “She can poke you easily but if she misses her Q you can look for an all in since you will do a lot more damage than her + you're way faster.”
Cornifa says “She can q you if you go in and she can tank most of you damage, play around her cooldowns and try to avoid her q at all cost, be as unpredictable as it gets.”
BigFatCat909 says “A lot harder than some may think. Try to avoid ulting while her Q is up because then it's impossible to avoid her entire combo. Try using ult to avoid her Q or simply when it's on cooldown. Using W to engage and auto attack is good in this matchup as Lux has literally no escapes.”
Hiimkata says “Just dodge her skillshots 4Head. Might be stupid but that's a big part of the matchup since all her damage = skillshots. You can easly dodge with your E mobility and W movement speed if she throws a Q or you could E her the moment she Qs. If she holds her Q for so long (which is the correct play for her), you're gonna have way more prio in lane so you can easly roam. Mercs vs lux is really good (you can go out of her Q with mercs before her R activates), but I still pref sorcs vs squishies unless they have more cc's. Vs higher elo's/good lux mains just go D Shield and play safe and outscale hard in teamfights/skirmishes.”
CaptianMike says “If fed, she will 1-shot you no problem. If not, your impact on the game will greatly overshadow hers. It's a matter of not dying to her. A lane where neither of you kill eachother is a won lane. If you manage to get ahead somehow, she is quite easy to kill! ”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Try to stay away from her Passive just as you are trying to avoid her spells, avoiding only her Q you can do everything, the best option against her R is yours”
Poppi Sama says “Highly immobile champion, look to avoid all poke from her long range skill shots (especially her Q/ Stun). Once you hit lvl 6, look for all ins while dodging skill shots with your ultimate.”
ParkChnm says “Just dodge her abilities. Easy matchup, she has no mobility so you can minefield/satchel charge her and force her out of lane. Push her under turret so she has to use her abilities to clear.”
ParkChnm says “Lux outranges and outdamages Orianna. If she lands a Q post-6, you could be dead from it. Starting shield is very strong against Lux since it counters her E with correct timing.”
KataTocDo says “Easier when you get more items. Dodge E and Q and you will be fine. if you get hit by Q you will possibly lose 2/3 hp.
Runes: Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D. Shield or Dark Seal”
Jnewbringspain says “Lux has so much range it's even difficult to land your Rupture on her. You are an easy target for her because of your size, making this a poke nightmare. She's also a bit difficult to all-in because of how far away she will be, and she also has a shield. Try to avoid her poke and farm up until you can 1-combo burst her.”
Yamikaze says “Really easy matchup. You can block everything except for the ult with your wind wall. Make sure to dodge her snare, and there is nothing she can do when you all-in her.”
wildersovereign says “Pretty straightforward matchup. Her poke is annoying, but your sustain will pull you through it. She can't do anything about an all-in besides playing at long range, which prevents her from playing very aggressively. Note that her Q can catch two targets, so be wary of that fact while positioning against her. Her combo can't one-shot you unless she's super fed, but it still hurts. Shove and roam, you don't have to worry about her very much.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Dodge qs, get some ap and shes done for. You can oneshot her with just an alternator and full combo. Both rune pages work really well... unless you are bad at dodging the qs. Predator is favorable in here since you can trade easier”
invalidd says “Her poke can get annoying but not to the extent it's lethal, her Q is slow and can be juked by just using your W to zig-zag and therefore you go
for a trade, her shields are countered by your ult, if she plays safe and doesn't ever get close to you like every lux player should you can't really
do much to her but roam and assist skirmishes. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.”
TheRealFloyde says “Pretty easy this one, just watch out for ganks but beside that u should be fine because of W u have just make sure to cancel her Q and then u can go all in, freeze is excellent tactic against lux u can just dash on caster creeps and harras her pretty easy with Q and E and AA's”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. Very frustrating snare and burst combo. She's designed burst down your team at range, but when her Q is down she's a sitting duck! Look to engage as soon as she misses her Q, as she is very squishy and easy to burst down. Similarly to how you would play against Xerath, make sure you try your best to dodge her skillshots.”
Aikairi says “Should be quite a easy matchup as long as you know how to dodge her E's and Q's. Just shunpo next to her if she proceeds to play overly aggressive. However, most Lux players generally play very safe so this is mostly a farm lane until you get BoTRK. After that, you can proceed to just dive her 24/7 because she's very squishy.”
SkellyBirb says “Lux heavily relies on her root for bursting you down, and if you spell shield it she has almost nothing to burst you. However, she can still poke you down, which is something you need to be careful of.”
lkycch says “Very frustrating snare and burst combo. She's designed burst down your team at range, but when her Q is down she's a sitting duck! Look to engage as soon as she misses her Q, as she is very squishy and easy to burst down. Similarly to how you would play against Xerath, make sure you try your best to dodge her skillshots.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Lux: Es un match como el de viktor hard pockeo maxea la Q y luego todo será pan comido con lo que te compres, (no le pelees mano a mano hasta lvl 6) y esquívale su encarcelamiento para tratar de tirarte encima (compra hielo eterno para esquivar sus habilidades mientras esta inmóvil o eco de luden para deletear)”
TheHostileCat says “Harder match up for newer Akali players, avoid the root and you're fine. W for movespeed to avoid e's, Lux is very squishy so you can trade when her q is down. ”
Rauschel says “In your Miniform she can Q,E,R you and you are dead. You dont want to play against her at all but if you have to play against her you need to dodge her Q after level 6 and ONLY her Q. If necessary Dadge Her R as well.”
ezmod66 says “Farm up early. You have to be useful to your team later in the game. Need to think about when to spend mana. She will play like a bitch farming and running away from you. She will try shove you in at 6 and roam. This matchup is rather painful against a lux main.
She will look to harrass you with her e. She will generally walk up once she has thrown her e. q her and trade with electrocute.
level 3 you can look to kill her after baiting out q. Bear in mind she will try q you through a minion.
you 1 hit her later on in the game if you don't get caught by her q.
She will try to cheese you by hiding in bushes.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent”
Big Shawn says “I love playing against Lux with Ekko. You deal a ton of damage. Your mobility allows you to avoid tons of damage. The free Stopwatch in your inventory thanks to the runes will just annoy her. Just because she is a minorthreat doesn't mean she can't easily punish you. But as Ekko, you should be able to win against Lux.”
Scyrine says “a lot of people have trouble with this matchup but if played right you can easily destroy her. try to draw her out from under her turret by playing back, and once you have 6 go for an E > R and combo her. she shouldnt be able to do anything with your aggression. ”
Chili Dog says “If she has barrier it'll be hard to kill her, lux players have a combined IQ of 2,5 though so you can still try play as aggressive as possible. Both runes are viable.”
Breadcrumbs says “This is a pretty difficult lane because of her high damage and CC, however, you can melt her pretty quickly with your 5 stack if you successfully catch her out, and a jungle gank or 2 can put her far behind.”
Dafioske says “Es relativamente fácil ganarle solo si único inconveniente es que guardará stun para su jungla te ganke pero si nadie la gankear es izi linea”
FalleN3 says “Lux has a massive range advantage over you, however she is squishy and has no real escape. If she plays aggressively and keeps pushing into you, call for a gank from your jungler. After Lvl 6, be sure not to get hit by her abilities because her (E) Lucent Singularity will slow you, which will make it easier for her to land (Q) Light Binding and from here you are pretty much dead with (R) Final Spark. If Lux takes barrier, she can be extremely difficult to all in 100-0, even with your ultimate (R) Final Spark. I tend to start boots and health potions against her but if you're feeling confident with your footwork, Doran's Ring is a solid option. Dodge her skillshots and you should win this lane! TIP: Lux (R) Final Spark is not a channel, it is simply an animation. Once the animation has begun, you CANNOT stop Lux from ulting with a stun.”
Last Roar says “Relies on her stun too much, squishy and immobile. If you can side-step the stun you can do a load of dmg even if shes not marked. You'll likely get a flash out of her if you side-step then pounce.
Objective: Dodge the stun and slap her.”
Snow Day Zoe says “she is annoying to go against, she basically has the same range as you with that stupid aoe damage e, i would take cleanse, if the enemy jgler has cc, if not, barrier”
vCraze says “Lux is a pretty easy matchup because of the range difference. She can be strong early with her E-AA so try to stay away from her Auto range. Once you get lost chapter you can poke her out of lane and take over.”
Sadkid says “Lux is quite a difficult matchup. If you R forwards whe can Q your face and you will be stuck. Dont get baited into R-ing forward and only do so when she has no vision of you or you can one tap her. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Zap the sunlight out of her, you shouldn't be getting rooted in lane and she cant win trades with just her E. Be careful later on since her ult is extremely spamable and does a good chunk of damage, just oneshot her late.”
Katfire says “Dodge her E and you are good to go. The poke is annoying and if she has Barrier killing her will be difficult due to her W and Barrier offering huge shielding against your damage. However she is one of the squishiest mages in the game if you are fed her shields wont matter. If you are struggling Zhonya's 3rd or 4th item would be a good option to dodge her Q E R combo.”
WolfRider01 says “A really good Lux can actually win this lane, however it is fairly easy. Bait out her Q and then you can pretty much all in her. If she doesn't use Q often, try and force it out of her. Be careful of the map, you will be ganked. She can set up really good ones too.”
aSmolSharku OwO says “Her abilities are all crowd control if she stuns or slows you, her allies will appear to kill you. Since your skills are one-way directed, lux can easily pinpoint her abilities to you,”
Fortun3Land says “big range on abbilitys, can poke you good.
if you hit e and re-cast it, she will use q soo its bad.
if she goes burst, she can ez destroy you
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with cleanse or ignite. Skill Matchup slightly Lux favored. Lux has better wave control compared Zoe. her q outranges your q and e meaning its hard to land a bubble. Even if you bubble her she can w and then e you to slow you from landing your q. After 6 she can setup a combo on ur R location if you R forward. Never R forward in this matchup unless she is asleep. However if she wastes or misses her q you can punish her Hard as she is very squishy. Mid to Late game she outscales you but you have better pick potential then her and can easily one shot her in the late game. Merc treads if your struggling. ”
Papzz says “She has hard cc, i suggest you to use very often your upgraded Q (with item) for high mobility. She is squishy but don't underestimate her shield + damage.”
Bobbab says “Easy matchup. Bait out her q or just dodge it and all in. Lux cannot fight unless she hits q and even then you can still win the fight if she is slow on her e or r.”
sweodigaming says “So, so squishy. Poor lux. However don't get caught by her Q. If you do get caught late game you are basically dead if you don't get Zhonyas. Just harass her early”
MetaKnight13373 says “It is very hard to engage on lux while she has bind up, if she ever uses it, you should be able to walk or dash forward and chunk her. You can also stasis while rooted which allows you to dodge the damage from her ultimate. ”
Midlane God says “If she plays safe you are fucked cuz she has dumb poke and can wipe u out with her combo from distance.
But she is squishy like hell :D
sm1rk says “This is basically for any immobile mage, like Heimerdinger, Lux, Twisted Fate, all of those. You windwall their only CC and they're done for. Super easy. ”
Magical Rock says “Lux is pretty easy to lane against because of her squishyness. The only thing to watch out for is her q, which prevents you from ulting on top of her.”
Grayified says “Lux support is annoying, her CC is a pain in the ass. The same applies for mid, but you can just run her down and win fights when her CC ends. Dodge her R.”
BreeAWT says “Um dos campeões com menos ameaça na mid lane pra Katarina, seu CC não cancela sua ult. Se bem jogada consegue ficar bem safe e não morrer pra você, porém dificilmente vá conseguir te matar.”
TalonIsMyDad says “You'll think you'll be able to towerdive but no, no no no, she'll root you meaning you don't get fun and if you're not aggro enough she abuses her balanced range.”
CarrymyLANEASD says “Ball Out*** mth**** Use your Trickster and Vision in Jungle. Cooperate with your Teammates to get easy Kills. Kite her Ult.
Flash doesn't work -when she use her Stun: Q”
PH45 says “Long range abilites, you need to dodge her Q or you are pretty much dead after 6. Cleanse can work in this matchup well and she is quite easy to gank if she has no summs so perhaps ask your jungler for help.”
SkellyBirb says “Lux has a lot of burst and will likely be able to one shot you once she hits 6 if she manages to land a root. Set up shrines to deal with her poke early on.”
Frixen says “Cleanse or Ignite.
Push her in, avoid her Q, and you can just run her down in an extended setting. She cannot keep up with your roams and sucks at cs'ing under turret. The only way you lose that is if you get caught by her Q and get poked out. ”
FalleN3 says “Lux has a massive range advantage over you but she is squishy and has no real escape. If she plays aggressively and keeps pushing into you, call for a gank from your jungler. Hopefully they will listen and be in a position to help you secure a kill. After level 6 be sure not to get caught off-guard because her (E) will slow you, which will make it easier for her to (Q) + (R) you. If she takes Barrier, it can be difficult to 100-0 her. Avoid her skill shots in-lane and kill her after level 6. Farm as much as you can and try to roam whenever possible. She is an easy kill after 6!”
FalleN3 says “Lux has a massive range advantage over you but she is squishy and has no real escape. If she plays aggressively and keeps pushing into you, call for a gank from your jungler. Hopefully they will listen and be in a position to help you secure a kill. After level 6 be sure not to get caught off-guard without your (E) because her (E) will slow you, which will make it easier for her to (Q) + (R) you. If she takes Barrier, it can be difficult to 100-0 her. Avoid her skill shots in-lane and kill her after level 6. Farm as much as you can and try to roam whenever possible.”
Bouhhsolene says “Lux is probably one of the best Match ups, as, if you play well, you never get hit by her spells as you got your passive Movment speed and so you can kill her.”
SirGobogi says “You are basically at war. Lux mains play seraphine. its all about dodging in a lane with lux. She also has to worry about you too as you both have full combos and poke. Try to bait out the Lux Qs and then go in for a poke... just keep doing that on a loop. DO NOT GET HIT BY A STUN.”
Ambience14 says “Avoid getting poked by E if possible. Once she misses Q, she's basically dead. Very straightforward to play against, just dodge her abilities, especially Q.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Just dodge her stun with E and Windwall her abilities, only thing you can't windwall is her R. Outscales you. Take Conq as you might as well get the extra damage late in this easy lane.”
Arrgh Matey says “Waste of time to play into her, it's just too easy. Eat her E's with healing from runes and run her down if you land a barrel by W'ing her Q. Take ignite for free money”
xXkillercrackXx says “Mostly a skill matchup. If you can dodge her stun, you can have kill pressure. Start boots vs lux to dodge her E and Q easier, negating her early damage. She has no mobility to follow roams, but she does have a long range ultimate which can snipe low health targets, so watch out!”
Yuki H. says “Squishy champion with annoying poke, but can be easily killed if she misses her snare. Just make sure to not take too much damage that disables you from an all in. ”
bobatea says “You win the lane unless you cant windwall the luxs abilites and stuff or your being camped but other wise you win the lane just get up in her face when going in”
Proma says “Dshield
As long as you avoid her Q you win. As long as she doesn't get ahead you win the lane. Lux does a lot of damage at later stages of the game.”
Veralion says “Pretty easy. Her spells are telegraphed and quite dodgeable with your W. You should be able to farm quite well so long as your positioning is solid. Don’t eat the E’s that go for your wave while using the wave to block her Q. Don't greed for farm while she has you shoved in early, taking Q-auto-E-auto is too much damage to sustain through. Bait her Q then all in her at 6. Alternatively just ult right through it. You might not kill her through her W and Barrier, which most of them run, but it will force her back and you can build up a solid farm lead. Recently, her Q CD and W shield were nerfed pretty hard, so you have all day to engage after she uses Q. Her ult is now a 1.0 ratio however, so make sure you watch out for and respect that damage. Avoid roots at all costs while she has it available.”
vuty2002 says “You can dodge her skills easily by dashing around.
Lux won't fight head-on so just try to push minions since she can't farm accurately without her skills under tower”
Brentonlop says “She will only one shot you if she lands her Q. Try to dodge and you can kill her. Have vision control because she is good at setting up ganks.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “High Minor
Dodge her Q and win the trade
Get hit by her Q, don't stun her and lose the trade
Don't let her roam especially after 6”
ThatOneKatMain says “A smart lux will poke you out with e and hold on to her q try to hop behind her then w and run to the side with the movement speed you get from w she will probably miss her q on you and after that you can kill her.”
snukumz says “Don't get rooted and you will be fine.
Her long range poke hurts you and is very hard to dodge unless you just stay out of her range.
Your burst and her burst are about the same, but your combo will do more total damage as you get the full duration of your ultimate.
She can 100-0 you late game if she combo's you, get Zhonya's and you'll dodge her ult every time. ”
Pentakai says “If she has barrier, you probably won't be able to kill her. Use Q when you can't dodge her E. Beware of her Q; remember that it can root 2 targets.”
LightningTemplar says “Try to dodge her abilities. You can also use your R to dodge her R. Play aggresive after lvl 3 when you can combo. She is VERY vulnerable without her Q, so attempt to dodge it and then engage on her. ”
PepeOnDrugs says “Lux has a massive range advantage over you but she is squishy and has no real escape. If she plays aggressively and keeps pushing into you, call for a gank from your jungler. Hopefully they will listen and be in a position to help you secure a kill. After level 6 be sure not to get caught off-guard because her (E) will slow you, which will make it easier for her to (Q) + (R) you. If she takes Barrier, it can be difficult to 100-0 her. Avoid her skill shots in-lane and kill her after level 6. Farm as much as you can and try to roam whenever possible. She is an easy kill after 6!
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Lux is annoying, but not a hard matchup. She is really squishy and has no mobility at all, so that gives you free W's. The only thing you have to worry about is her Q, because then she has the potential to one-shot you without you being able to ult. Buy a corruption potion early on to deal with her poke.”
KataFlix says “Lux is almost the easiest to fight against, especially in your late game every ability lux casts has one direction and you can easily dodge her abilities by using your E”
CallMeDaddyGR says “Lux is really squishy so all you have to do is dodge her skillshots and after level 6 you will have a very easy time killing her if she is not fed, same goes for all mages except heimer”
Debonair Karma says “Buy corrupting pot. Take an extra point in E early. Her poke is easily avoidable but she might be hard to poke herself because of her W and long range. Shove her into the tower. Take barrier/cleanse”
Gageowago says “When her q is up, stick behind at least two minions. You can pressure her when the q is down. Walk forward when she throws her e at you because most lux players will throw it behind you. You can charm her out of her ult if she lands her root on you.”
Papapostolou says “She can poke you hard on early , but you win her late, try to just def for late, although she is gonna try to bully you, then you can just ask for gank and get an easy kill
Lil Tidepod says “She has a lot of range and her CC is easy to hit. If she wastes her root, engage on her, as you can absolutely destroy her. She does outrange you, and she can pop a fat shield, just like you. Play the slow game, as you scale harder than her. Try and push the wave under turret and roam.”
Capparelli says “She's weak right now, dodge her Q and you can dive on her, even lux mains will struggle in this matchup, use your root when fighting her because canopy will almost never help you, shove her into a wall with R and she goes poof”
zeno smurfer says “So hard to win this matchup. His q is the key for this matchup. If he used his q then go all in and you win. But if he don't use q and wait until you go in better to not go in cuz he trades you and you can die.”
I main support says “High CC like the other 3 (Leo, Morg, Thresh) but she's more vulnerable to you, this does NOT mean she's not mean she's a threat to Ahri, she has her Q which can make you ever more vulnerable to her or her team and the way Lux can burst you down, but against a Lux, it's a very skill base battle.”
serruh says “dodge her Q, you're good to go. it will be annoying to deal with her E but the most important thing is you dont get hit by Q, since she can 80-0 at 6 if she hits one i'm pretty sure. should be fairly easy to play out all things considered”
RockitoAhri says “You can avoid Lux's E by walking towards her instead of trying to dodge left or right or running back. Her Q is irrelevant. When you take her low enough and she is in kill range, you can walk up straight and use your ult charge to sidestep her Q. After that she is yours. ”
Kami_EU says “Easiest lane for Yasuo, dodge her Q E by dashing or by using Windwall.
Mercury's Treads mean she can't chain E R damage with her Q root.”
kujosrevenge says “Skill-based matchup. Side-step her Q's as much as possible. If she misses Q and you hit your E, it is an easy kill for you if you can capitalize on it properly. Would recommend banshee's veil midgame in this matchup.”
t3rminated says “This is a really good matchup for you. As long as you play behind minions she can't hit her stun on you. You can also play a bit farther away from her minions so she has to choose to either poke you with her E, or clear the minion wave. She will run low on mana trying to farm from a distance. If she gets close, you can easily combo her due to her low mobility. You can choose to take cleanse or barrier in this matchup. I personally take barrier because it's better all around and cleanse is useless if you don't even get hit by her Q (thank you for your sacrifice minions). ”
MixupMatty says “lux has a root that pierces to two or three targets lux can basically root you when your going in on her or going near her, bait her root out or when she misses it then thats your oppurtunity to attack”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “her Q may be annoying and will fuck you up in early game, try to dodge it
if she uses her Q to farm all in her sicne she cant really escape from you without her Q ”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
THE BIG BAD SAD says “well mages in generall are pretty even to zoe if the zoe is good they are at a bad spot if they are good u will have a hard time if ur skill lvl is even then the match up is even vs lux go 4 clense”
Gogicha55 says “Lux is like Ahri but more annoying cuz of her Poke and Shield, Jump on her if she misses her Q or don't try to fight her atall and roam”
Eccentricks says “Such an easy champ. Lux players in low elo don't know how to breathe.
This ironic matchup isn't tough if you can predict her choreographed Q's and stay out of the minions when she casts E. Play super aggressive when the enemy jungle isn't knocking at your door and you will have a free win...
Be sure to get TP into this matchup so you can roam after you stomp her and help your other lanes.”
8wolf says “She has good poke and waveclear, but it can't compare to Azir's. As long as you dodge the q, you're fine. If she hits one post 6, you will probably die/burn a summ. If she missed, you can go all in as she can't retaliate. You might want to consider taking cleanse.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark seal + Potion
Worst pick ever VS Velkoz, she has no chance whatever she does.
Just Q, W, E her , first kill within 5 mins. Shes so bad.”
Gettsuu says “Elle est comme vous
Bonne range et beaucoup de degats mais tres sensible aux gank donc attention.
Elle aura un meilleur early que vous mais lvl6 mais elle n'est pas dangereuse”
Tehqo says “If she wastes her Q for minions, GO IN. She literally has nothing to stop you and you win trades 100%. Otherwise, you'll want to push lane and not get poked by her E. It's difficult for her to farm under turret.”
NebuIa says “This champion is extremely annoying because at 6+, if you R, she can easily bind you with q and one shot you. She is a threat outside of lane mostly because of that, but in lane she's fine. Cleanse may help.”
TheBlueImperial says “Heavy poke lane but has mana issues and incredibly squishy. If you full combo them they're dead and you have the option to roam.”
DirtyBellyDC says “You have the superior laser. Another skill match up. If she lands her binding then you can respond with your E if she's in range and full combo her.
If she lands her binding outside of your E range, then you probably won't survive or you'll be forced out of lane.
She'll probably land a few E's in lane. Just don't let her auto attack you while you're marked as you'll be chunked. As long as you do that, the expensive cost of her E will take a toll on her quicker than your abilities will on yourself.
Other than her Q, you out poke and out burst her at all stages of the game. ”
i am a heron says “don't get hit by her binding, or land yours, and you should win this lane. if she tries to use her spells to clear the waves, just play up and force her away. block her damage with your E and walk at her. hit her with autos if she goes up to cs. She outscales you somewhat, but you beat her in lane, as in most matchups.”
CupOLatte says “Be very careful when playing against lux. She can poke you better since her E can be cast behind minions. She'll wait for you to ult and Q your original spot. Try to ult only when she's asleep as she with ult you if you're rooted. You probably cant survive her full combo in the mid-late game so avoid her Q at all cost.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/Cleanse (cleanse if you play Ezreal, Ignite if you play Draven when you're filled bot)
Exact same thing as Velkoz, Ori, etc.”
Braddik says “can be annoying, dodge her q and try to poke/punish her if she walks up. level 6 you win just dont get snared. lux always takes barrier so watch out for that”
EvilBird090 says “Lux's poke can be annoying with her E but it is not enough to push you out of lane, just make sure you don't get hit by her empowered auto attack. You should pool her binding but even if the binding connects you can still pool her ult while being binded. Very easy to deal with and the Lux will probably look to just push the wave into your tower and roam. Remember that Lux if very easily one-shotable after sorc shoes and codex.”
HeisendongNA says “Lux E allows her to kill your turrets from range. Then you might consider max your rockets instead of Q. Cleanse is good option here since she relies on her snare to land other skillshots to burst you down. Getting boots early and Luden's can help you dodge her abilities and burst her down.”
Cloud375 says “Dodge the Q and you should be fine, you have more burst than her so if you can dodge the majority of her spells, then this should be a relatively easy lane to beat.”
IceBite says “She will poke you and will try to one combo you after 6 when she hits a q, but you are katarina so just jump on her if she tries to q you and kill her.”
Garybaldo says “Skill matchup (slightly favored towards Swain), hit her with your combo when she hits Q on you, dodge her combo when you hit yours. You outscale pretty well”
Sneaky boi says “Buy early boots. Try to avoid getting hit by her Q because then you'll just eat her whole combo. If she fails her Q and E go in on her. Buy hexdrinker if needed.”
Novok says “You can avoid Lux's E by walking towards her instead of trying to dodge left or right or running back. Her Q is irrelevant. When you take her low enough and she is in kill range, you can walk up straight and use your ult charge to sidestep her Q. After that she is yours. ”
worddog says “You can blink over her Q with your E. Lux is one of the best champions at punishing mistakes. If you don't bring tenacity, she will oneshot you if you let her land a Q. If she never lands a Q though she will never be able to do anything to you.”
Novok says “Lux will be annoying till lv6 where you can just ult her and corner her like prey in the shadow realm. If she uses or misses her binding, ult her instantly as it will be a free kill. ”
Sad Shiro says “You actually can just dodge every ability Lux fires. Since she has 0 Point and click or AoE abilitys like a Karma Q or something. Just time it good and you have a free lane against her.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Shes a free lane, you out-push AND out-burst her. While shoving her in watch her go OOM while you have plenty of mana to spare, and even if she ever roots you with Q, early on she doesn't have enough damage to burst you (especially with Barrier) and you can also RE her while she goes to Ult because shes stuck in the animation, disengaging her all-in or potentially just killing her instead.”
Chromuro says “She's annoying for the sole reason she can take away your passive in 3 different manners without you seeing it. Pay attention to her and farm her away. After a small lead of CS and after she used her Q, she's an easy kill.”
Fox1ne says “Step away from minions,try to trade her on her q cdr and zone her out of the wave without taking additional damage from her aa + passive damage.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “She can't absorb much of your damage in Early Game but you will have to dodge her Q and R and she will have nothing to stop your mobility to approach her”
ZenonZeni says “Lux is a strong and even counter to Ahri her E will outpoke you and her Stun and ult will one shot you. If she misses her Q go all out on her.”
OnlyCheeseBreads says “She out ranges you. Try waiting for when she walks up to auto/E the minions to hit an E. When you follow up with Q AA, beware of the binding. If she hits you with it, it's harder to win the trade.
When trading with Lux make sure you hit your E and she misses Q, as that is the best outcome. The person who lands cc wins the trade. If you both miss and can't hit your damage spells, it's a draw.
ALWAYS make sure her Q is down or that you can dodge it when you engage.
Tip: if she hits a max range Q and immediately begins ulting, you can use yours to sheild yourself. It most likely will miss her, but it could save you.”
EvilOranges says “Start D-Blade. Don't get hit by her Q. When she uses E to clear the wave and her Q is down, go in. Use E-Q-W to bait out her Q when going in. You windwall everything but her massive lazer, so you will be fine. Take Conqueror.”
ShadowFox101 says “Lux only has two good spells for trading pre-6. Her only chance of beating you is to land her binding. If she misses that, punish her for it.”
Evil Lightning says “Where do I begin with this lady?
She's a poke-lord with FUCKING STUPID range, so much so that you can barely play defense. And her ult is yours, but with longer range, A LOTTA DAMAGE, and no proxy. knockback.”
x3SnowyBunny says “Lux's threat is her Q, dodge it and you'll be guaranteed to win the trade. If you don't feel confident in dodging her Q, I suggest taking manaflow band to avoid getting one shotted post-6.”
Zayach says “Her Q is the bane of your existence. You will find it hard to get close enough to deal damage. I recommend banning this champion if you intend to play this build. ”
quinniston says “Lux is very squishy but very hard to get onto, if against her rush mercs and hexdrinker. As long as you don't get cc'd to death you should be able to kill her. However one lux combo and you're dead.”
Pumparum says “Lux's poke can be sustained through with Q but engages with Snowball will most likely be stopped with her snare. Clear and roam early before she can get enough AP clear the minions and follow.”
kilgta says “she will poke a lot early. dont get caught by her q as much as possible, zonhya is important. You will usually get 2x her farm by level 10 so she is not a problem as a whole. start sapphire or corrupt.”
CC Diana says “Lux is a lane bully - especially to melee champions like Diana. Farming against her can be quite troublesome since her E gives her free harass where she can then get within auto attack range to proc her passive. Don't be afraid to concede CS in the early levels and just wait it out until level 6 to all in her.”
CorruptedPoro says “Any long range mage is annoying to face in mid, but as soon as they go for a trade, just Q once and you'll win. Lux is especially annoying because of her super long range, and her root making it hard for you to hit a Q. If she tries to hit you with an auto to get her passive, that's when you Q. Personally, Lux is my perma ban when playing malph.”
maplecat21 says “If she gets ganked for by someone with CC she'll be an issue for you. Otherwise, just farm till 6 and then all in whenever she steps close.”
RagexAddict says “Another skill matchup for Fizz. I would put minor, but she can still be pretty lethal, especially if she lands a Q on you. You should always try to position yourself against her the way you would a Blitzcrank; put your minions between you and her and remember that her Q will hit two enemies and not one. When her Q is down, go in on her and trade. You should win every time.”
poolooto says “Her spells are easy to dodge if you know them well. Poke her a bit with your Q. The only way she can kill you is her Q. If you dodge it, you can easily get a kill.”
Yegie says “Any champ with a strong shield is annoying, never go in with W if her snare is up. Ideally you get her to miss Q and throw her E at you, then you leap at her bringing yourself out of her E and bursting her while her cds are down, still far from an ideal matchup.”
JordyGSmiteq says “During laning phase, you may struggle with her as she comes with heavy zoning (due to her E). Furthermore, she also scales very hard so if she gets too fed, that's your lane potentially lost.”
LyndonK9 says “Lux is pretty easy. Don't stand in the minion wave because if she uses E she has to choose between the minion wave or you. Don't stand too close to get hit by her Q, but when you all in her use your ult to dodge her Q.”
LighterDay says “Lux's E has a longer range than Veigar's abilities. If Lux pulls off her combo on Veigar, it could do a lot of damage, but Veigar can also return that damage if Lux comes into range. ”
Yenwai says “her poke, like Xerath and Azir makes her troublesome and her damage is no joke, try to dodge but due to her lack of mobility you can often R her while your allies gang up on her.
in lane just try to avoid getting rooted.”
Bughans says “Easy. If she uses Q, you dodge it and if she then uses E, go in. If you fly through E, nothing will happen and she'll be without abilities. You'll oneshot her lategame as well.”
BackFizz says “You can fight her easily in early if you dodge her Q. When you hit lvl6 just try to ult her on max range then E,Q and if she`s not dead W.”
aButteredPoptart says “Lux can be a pain in the ass because she is the queen of poke in mid lane. I'd suggest to stand around your casters to avoid her root. If she hits you with both Q and E, it'll hurt, not to mention her ult if she has you poked down. If you're healthy, you have solo kill potential, easy as that as long as you dodge root.”
ryze4thewin says “pretty cancer outranges you try to bait her somewhere where she cant see you and kill her on lane if she misses her q and e go in for some dmg play carefull ”
BicBee says “Step forward to avoid her E. If she uses E on you then she will have a tough time CSing. Stay away from minions and make her choose to harass or to CS. Make sure to dodge binding by saving a charge of ult for it and dodge to side or sidestep if you got quick feet. Easy all in if her binding is on cooldown. You can still use your abilities when she roots you (except ult) ”
BicBee says “Take E lv 1 to shield her damage from E. Stay away from minions to make her choose CS or harass. She will have a hard time CSing if she uses E to harass early on. After she's used E you can try and hide behind minions if you're worried about her Q. You should be able to win trades as long as you shield her E correctly or dodge her skills. ”
xispy420 says “She can be really anoying if she hits her skill shots and its kinda hard to kill her because mostly of Lux mid players take barrier + W shield,its hard to kill her
” says “Her low mobility makes her an easy target if she ever misses her Q
Respect her E poke
W>E>Q few times and eventualy you will be able to all-in her
Use 2nd rune setup”
THEUUUNREAL says “In theory, this is one of your easiest matchups. However, it is actually as easy to beat as you think she is. Although she has 4 projectiles and you have a w that can block all of it. Yasuo is still weak to cc and one root from her can let her jg clap your asscheeks.”
xXMasterPro05Xx says “You can easily use your Wind wall against her, Her Q, E, W can be blocked by it. Note to mention her ult will go right through it. She is very vulnerable to your abilities. Just be careful about her ult”
AzureArmatt says “Lux is that type of champion that has ability to deal big damage but it requires a proper set up or your enemy must have reflexes of a turtle. Her passive will "charge" you with light energy that will detonate if she use basic attack on you. Her main poke is quite big AoE that slows you if you are inside it. Her most important ability is her Q that will root 2 targets max in it's range after hitting them. With this ability lux have big chance of hitting her ultimate that is long range laser that deals quite nice damage but also detonates her passive stacks which results with huge damage once she get the items so avoid her abilities and consider buying mercury's treads to raise your magic resist and lower her root duration.”
Shaawn says “Really easy matchup. You can block everything except for the ult with your wind wall. Make sure to dodge her snare, and there is nothing she can do when you all-in her.”
thedonk says “Go in once her Q is down. Don't underestimate the range of her abilities as she uses it to poke you during lane. At 6, be more careful around her Q's or buy Zhonya's/Banshee's to avoid her damage. ”
Padrepio says “Range problems. She has a shield that can absorb your passive too. You can engage after you dodge her Q if you have a clear shot for a stun.”
Jazzmonkey says “All in her with level 1 and try to kill her with level 2. She should be free but she can zone you easily and Q you if you can't dodge wait till level 6 and then kill her. she is always killable after reaching level 6 ”
Jammy158 says “You counter her every way. Your windwall blocks everything (except her Ult). Time windwalls and all-in if you find an opening. She will mostly stay back to farm so roam later on to get kills. She doesn't pose much threat in lane.”
Jenkinsu says “Do not forget her root goes through 1 minion. Try to avoid her long-range pokes and dodge the roots. It's not very wise to fish for Zaps since she can punish easily with her root. If she wastes her stuff however, go ham on her.”
Dr Wonderdrugs says “Vous pouvez esquivez ses spell et lorsque elle marchera sur un E vous pouvez la Z et allez l'aggro si elle vous cage et que vous avez une balle de crit je vous recommande d auto et de Q car elle sera dans votre range pour venir vous auto.”
lol mid laner says “see she is only a problem if she lands her stun to avoid this your gonna have to compensate for your movement speed with either mercury treads or boots of swiftness”
apsonalol says “Lux é match up mais fácil contra Sona, maioria das lux vai gastar toda sua mana tentando pokear com E, sempre que ela errar o Q aproveite pra pokear com a passíva do Q, pegue lvl 6 e flash nela que você irá matar.”
moutenn says “Easy kill. She only has slow skillshots, and she has no mobility. However if she ignores you and builds full damage. One if her Q's can lead to a lethal combo.”
qasddsa says “Run Fleet and make sure to dodge most of her poke during laning phase and you'll be fine. After level 6, wait for her to miss her snare and then you're free to all in her.”
Skeptil says “Although being an extremely annoying champion, just wait until you are level 6 to all in her, she can't do anything besides attempt to shield all of the damage you are dealing to her.”
Sozzoh says “Lux is extremely annoying for me. Pre-6, you'll want to try and kill her and deny her farm as much as possible. Push her under tower if you can. Post-6, if she lands a Q or a Q-E on you, say your final words. In this case, if Lux is that much of a problem, consider getting Banshee's or even Zhonya's. If she wastes her Q to farm, immediately go in on her as you will win the trade 100%.”
Katapullt says “Like at every skillshot Champ just dodge her abilities. Zone her with your Q and just dont get binded by her Q's. If you wanna play safe buy Zhonias”
ZF.PandaYang says “her Kit is something you will not like, she has a snare to stop your Q and engage, W to counter your W and she has slow to boot. she makes it so you're unable to engage her easily, get Hex and Mercury's treads.”
Death71 says “If she hits her Q you're dead, if she misses it and you hit her first you win, you can also make a quich all in with Flash/E/W/Q/R and zhonya's to avoid her damage”
asffg123 says “Lux's kit is meant for poking. You will be outranged and outdamaged. Watch out for her skillshots. You are likely to lose the laning phase.
Warning - This champion can and will roam to counter a safe playstyle. Ping accordingly.”
DuhBrandon says “Not much of a threat as long as you hit your Q after you stun her and at all cost avoid her CC. I say play aggressive against her and keep poking her.”
Bengineer says “Don't get Q'd and you are fine
Something I do intentionally to tilt the enemy Lux at mid, is to get rooted on purpose, and sanguine when she uses her ult.”
ShokLoL says “Lux is one of the harder 1v1 matchups, play comet E max and focus on staying apart from the wave so she can't E you and the wave at the same time. Trade out W to dodge Q if you need to. You can probably setup a gank at 6 or outperform her in teamfights or the sidelane.”
Zeekar says “Rakan has short range and inconsistent trade tools, which lux is able to exploit like crazy. She can instakill your entire incoming wave with her R, forcing you to suffer under tower, and prevent your engage with her Q. Miserable experience to lane against her if she knows what she is doing. However, you can severely shut her down by getting ganks early. If not for her being immobile, she would be a 5.”
ShokLoL says “Lux is a very annoying champion but shouldn't have a lot of kill threat. Early game, stay apart from the wave and focus on pushing it in and make sure she can't E you and the wave at the same time. There's no real secret to this matchup other than always be pushing, don't get hit by skillshots and rush mercs.”
ShokLoL says “Lux is favorable 1v1 but she is a really good neutralizer. Stand to the side of the wave and spam E, it'll be difficult to get lots of Q poke off after level 1 UNLESS she wastes her Q. This matchup is just all about dodging skillshots and hitting your E.”
Divine Azir says “You win if you can delay her power spikes with frequent jungle ganks. Very strong laning phase, no mobility.
① Lux has a lot of poke damage with her E, but it is also her main wave clear pre-6. Stand outside of wave while trying to dodge Q and E. If she uses either, try to proc Lethal Tempo and push her under tower. I like to take Second Wind to sustain her poke.
② If she roots you she can easily one shot you with her full combo or set up for her jungler to finish you off (similar to Vex). If you are not confident dodging Q, you can consider taking cleanse. You will also want early Merc Treads. Banshee's Veil is a great second item buy as she relies heavily on landing Q to kill you.
③ Post-6, try to freeze wave near your tower then position aggressively. She will try to break the freeze from max range to avoid getting ganked, so this will force out her E/R allowing you to all-in her.”
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