Bottom Lane 52.95% Win Rate99% Pick RateNilah Bottom Lane Counters: 18 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Nilah in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Moosicel says “Nobody plays her. But in theory, she should be as devastating as Draven or Lucian. Dangerous in the Atakhan perma fighting meta.”
Shindeiruwu says “This champ is just completely disgusting rn. You win pretty hard early 1-6 but when it comes to mid/late game and she starts outscaling you and is able to easily gap close your passive the game is just gg.”
mythicdem0n says “Nilah makes a vayne lane literal hell, avoid fighting her after level 3, try to poke her with autos when she walks up for minions and save tumble for her engage”
BigBallsLarry says “similarly to zilean, broken champion disguised by her non-existent popularity.
her W is a direct counter to you, as it can waste all your all-in, pta procs and ult for good 3 seconds. try to bait her W with your stealth surprise, but don't over-extend as it can lead to you getting bursted. Attempt to dodge her Q and take advantage of her VERY low range, abuse your W slow vs her. AP build is also very strong here, as her W no longer serves a purpose if you burst her with E. Beware of her dashes and healing, never get baited by her being low HP. I recommend taking exhaust and ignite with your support if you want to beat her, otherwise barrier with support exhaust should do. ”
rowzkit says “Avoid all in fights, as she will block all your auto attack damage (headshots included). She wins extended fights as well as all ins, so your best chance to win is to play around her auto attack blocking shield timer (Around 20-30 second CD)”
Umatcha says “Te gana en movilidad, daño, burst, bloquea tus basicos con W, tiene buen dive.
Ve ghost y hazte botas de berserker lo antes posible para poder kitearla, también es optimo tener un support de disengage (Poppy, Lulu, Thresh, etc.)”
Avarosa says “Apesar de ser relativamente simples pra ashe ganhar a lane de uma nilah ela pode sair de controle da ashe muito facilmente depois, tente ficar longe dela e não deixe ela dashar em voce”
Dr Yoshili says “be super careful, her E is dangerous, her W is a real threat too, abuse your range, just poke her, and don't go for a long trade if your support didn't CC her hard, or if she still has her W”
exofeng says “Wins most close range fights, keep her far away from you. Blocks your autos with W for 3 seconds. Can drag you out of your axes with her R.”
Major Alexander says “She is really annoying and needs to be punished asap in lane cause she gets free exp with her passive. You also dont get stacks from her w with aa's so try to be mindful of your cds”
Devilbuny says “Pls god no. Just no.
Dodguje twoje autosy, leczy się jak pojebana, ma potężką R-ke i 2 dashe. Na luzie jest w stanie cię nawet wysolować”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Can dodge autos / Always ahead in XP / Great healing / Huge damage / High mobility / Great snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - No range / Weak to CC / Weak to poke
| WHAT TO DO ? - Nilah is super easy to abuse. It's a melee champion so you can poke her with Q/W/E with ease without getting punished. It's an other case of "support dependant" to be honest. Mid/late game is the same, avoid having her on you and you're fine as hell. She will burn and melt before she can even reach you.”
Avxm says “Nilah matchup is hard as she can use her w to block your w auto attacks. You ideally want to zone her off the first few waves if possible to deny her xp as she is weak level 1. Constantly harass her with poke but be aware of her all in potential as she will destroy you in all ins if she can get in range of you. Space very well and poke/harass”
Kociokwik says “She is melee champion so you can get more value from "e" consider lvling it twice before 6. Karthus counters her kit well try to push and abuse her on bounceback. Karthus wins that lane however she scales better so don't feed her.”
Latte9969 says “Nilah has very short range so she can be easy to poke down with auto attacks, try to get advantage on the wave level 1 and bully her off of creeps. She has a similar problem to yasuo where her W acts somehwat like windwall where your autos and Q's won't hit her for the duration of it. When she casts W she gets surrounded in a blue cloud, the best thing to do is to disengage until it goes away and then trade after it ends because it has a very long cooldown. Also like yasuo, her dash is instant and if she gets on top of you she can deal a lot of damage so try to space accordingly and if she gets close enough to E you, E very early.
Note: your W+E combo or W+R combo will hit her W so you do have a way to get the kill in that scenario.”
Foxirion says “Nilah's ability to block autoattacks with her W does pose a threat to Kog'Maw's damage output. This can make it challenging for Kog'Maw to effectively deal damage to Nilah in team fights. Proper positioning and timing will be crucial for Kog'Maw to handle Nilah's threat effectively.”
afr0rk says “Nilah is a very frustrating champ to deal with because of her Passive exp gain and her W. Make sure to bully her as much as you can early on, you should win short trades and all ins for a while as long as you make sure to bait out her W. Once she hits 6, make sure to save your E to dash out of her Ult. The longer the game goes on the harder it is to deal with her, so be careful.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Dodge worthy imo. Denies a LOT of your damage with her W.
Threats N' Tips: Watch out for her E and R. She can E her own allies and minions. If she gets on you, W yourself and make like Frodo and FLEE, YOU FOOL.”
Bobalegre says “She has two dashes. If you E away from her she can dash again. She is not that strong early tho, just poke her down and try to bait her W, after it ends you can all in.”
Vapora Dark says “Even your ability damage is mostly basic attacks, and Nilah W dodges basic attacks. She also has an easy time diving onto you where she out-DPSes you and outbursts you. You'll want to run Ghost and rush Berserker's Greaves to most effectively kite her, and disengage will be the best tool your support can provide you in this matchup.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “1 of the worst matchups to play. Her early game is about her weakest part so try and make sure u burst her as fast as possible early, don't push toward her because then she'll freely farm under tower, try zoning and slow pushing. Her lack of range makes it impossible to utilize her passive. If you somehow can't stop her in lane that's fine, when you have items you should be able to chunk her, if she W's don't bother autoing, walk out, if you can't, wait it out then auto. Don't allow her to freely E onto you, keeping distance is your saving grace.”
Aspect of Cancer says “Early game, stay far away from her until you reach 6. By then you can bait her to tower and ult her into it. Careful though, if she ults in the same time, even if you push her away, her ult's big enough to pull you back in. ”
NegativePhoenix says “While you have your E to escape her, she's still an ungodly menace and her ult can cancel your E if she's fast enough
Her W blocks your Q since it's considered an auto attack, and her one shot potential is insanely high in the late game so this matters more on who can kill who faster
During lane once she hits 3 especially just keep distance if you notice her trying to get close, and E out if she dashes in. Once she has no more dashes, you can punish her a bit if it's safe enough”
Leaf no Kitsune says “I hate that matchup only because of her bonus experience passive. She can negate auto attack which is annoying but you can handle it with kiting + condemn her into a wall. first few levels you are stronger. denied her farm if not it will be hard to keep up in level. once she is ahead in levels it will be hard to fight her.”
BioGuyverGanyu says “She has her passive which allows her to have a higher base health and stat because she level's up faster than anyone else in the bot lane. (P.S. this match up would be really good with Exhaust).”
iiExploit says “This champion is strong but she doesn't see much play and she's melee. You can harass her so much in the early game with Calibrum and if she does not respect your level 2 you can just kill her.”
DarkHelix says “Nilah is really annoying to face, since she has her W to deny you stacks of your E. With two dashes having bonus exp on minion kills can catch you offguard with an allout with her ult. Prepare your trigger finger on your ult to disengage.”
SlasherGamer says “Its very hard for Nilah to get Prio in Lane. If you can't abuse that you will have an issue in later situations if you play against hevay engage (CC) teams. Nilah shouldn't be a big problem on her own because you outrange her E and R. Care flash tho.”
LustAndSpite says “Her range is very low, so laning against her will be quite comfortable. You can cancel her All-Ins with your Q, so hitting it is vital here. If I'm not mistaken, your passive will proc through her Veil, so she can't defend herself against your main damage.
She has no tools to get out of your ultimate, so because of her high damage, she'll be the biggest threat to her team.”
the hood says “Nilah's entire Kit is good against Draven. Hold Distance to her and Cancel her Dash with your E (keep in mind, she has 2 dash stacks). Nilah generates more XP than the usual ADC so she will get Lvlups different than any other ADC (can outlvl you easier). Bait her Dodge Ability out before looking for All-Ins.”
support_diff says “Nilah is the only adc that is a melee champion instead of a ranged champion (sorry Yasuo you are not an adc, better stay mid) which makes it a lot harder for her to get kills against other adc's early. Don't get me wrong, Nilah is one of the strongest adc's in the game with her great kit and auto attack damage. Her passive also pretty much makes sure that she will be a level ahead of you at all points of the game. She can also ignore all the auto attacks from you and can get the same protection to her adc. You can pretty much poke her freely early but she will mostly stay behind minions so you can't poke her. She also has two dashes that give her a really good mobility that makes it possible for her to even run you down if you don't have Flash”
DreamOfValhalla says “She can all in you, her W blocks your autos and you will lose your axes, stay away from her as far as you can and Counter her dash with your E, difficult to time it otherwise you are dead”
DreamOfValhalla says “Poke her early with green since she has no range. Be wary of her E and her capability to come close to you.When engaging try to use purple so you can root her and space out”
mythicdem0n says “Nilah can deny everything Vayne has for several seconds and spread it to her entire team. if the enemy team locks Nilah while you pick Vayne I recommend dodging the game. ”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “The matchup against Nilah is one of the fairest in Botlane, however you excel in it only in the laning phase, since Nilah scales much better than you and with 3 items, she deletes you, always try to punish her in the laning phase and always stay on the same route as her, to prevent her from farming and building items that can end the game.”
Reptile9LoL says “Nilahs only purpose as a champion is all inning Vayne as her range is very low, Vayne has an easy time gaining push in this matchup and can scale for free. Keep your condemn to avoid Nilah dashing on you+ ulting you, If you bait out her W she has 0 threat on you for ~25seconds”
Aronnn says “It is the sad truth, but Nilah is just way better than Samira at everything. Samira is high risk high reward, but Nilah is low risk high reward. Her ult also cancels your ult. I personally find her super boring, which is why I play Samira. She is a good ban as well.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Can dodge autos / Always ahead in XP / Great healing / Huge damage / High mobility / Great snowball potential
| WEAKNESSES - No range / Weak to CC / Weak to poke
| WHAT TO DO ? - Nilah is interesting. You should always be worry of her XP lead since she will trade you more often on those timings than other ADCs. Play for poke when you can. Don't bother wasting your autos on her if she uses her W, use your abilities or auto the support instead. Lategame is in Varus favor. You have the range and Nilah can't reach you easily in teamfights.”
TheExfear says “She can block your W barrage, but she is a short-ranged champion and her W is longer cooldown than your W. Poke her down, care level 6 engage with enemy jg help”
Pavel Sejk says “Champions playing around sustain and lifesteal (Nilah, Samira etc.) can make your job harder. They can tank a lot of damage and are hard to poke.”
Hidden Ghoster says “You lose all-ins VS her when she's 6. Punish her Level 1-3, be careful around 5. The reason you don't win once she's 6 is because she'll use her gap closer and activate her W to block all of your auto attacks. If you're in her ult, Congrats. You've officially lost that fight. Basically, punish her early and deny her any scaling if you can. Can take Exhaust and Nimbus Cloak VS her. You will be needing it to counter her gap closer.”
Jhin and Tonic says “Nilah can block your 4th shot denying you a lot of damage and movement speed. She will try to go in on you every chance she gets, just keep your 4th shot until her w runs out and you should be fine. Exhaust is recommended.
VrNtv says “Make sure to deny her early cs thanks to your superior range(she only has 225 range), get prio and keep spacing so she can't jump on you. If you play this safe and keep poking with Fishbones she can't do anything to you before she recalls or gets her ult. If she dashes into you make sure to Exhaust her when she is about to ult and try to keep your space. You outscale her. but she is still pretty broken and wins every fight against you if she is full HP, so make sure to poke her hard early.
RandomNPC777 says “Nilah likes to go in, and likes to go in hard. She almost always wants to be paired with a melee engage support. Poke her out as much as possible, and kite back as much as possible to deny her damage.”
Xr3ad says “Nilah has alot of burst damage + mobility making it really hard for vayne to kite her out. Use Q - Tumble and E - Condemn well and you should have a good chance”
support_diff says “Nilah doesn't deal too much damage to you as you can E the most of it but she can ignore your auto attacks which is pretty serious if you try to all-in her”
Alvatorz says “The champion is fine at the moment but with the actual meta you wont see her a lot, too much disengage supp like Alistar or Thresh and she can't really reach you easily.”
SheriffADC says “One of the hardest counters for Samira, because your champ has no poke she gets a free lane (bonus XP for her and her support from passive), there is nothing to block with your Blade Whirl, her Jubilant Veil can deny you getting Style-grades (she is immune to the one second S-tier combo), if she saves her ult she can just interrupt yours.”
Amberdragon says “She's melee which gives you a huge advantage over her in lane. Don't let her farm, if she is allowed to last hit minions she will get her level 2, 3 and 6 before you and might be able to kill you. Respect her powerspikes and don't get engaged on.
Something you can do with her (that you can also do against Samira, Yasuo and Irelia) is to put traps on your minions, so that if she tries to dash to them as a way to get to you, she will be caught.”
Ozioks says “If she's good you lose. Try to poke her lvl - 1-2 so she should recall. Poke her, flash from her R. If she used her W, AA her like second before it end. You can build Anathema or Death's Dance”
Alvatorz says “Nilah is kinda annoying for Zeri because of her better early game and also her W making Zeri's Q useless but other than that, you scale better and she can't hit you anyway in the latter stages so all fine.”
moso says “It's pretty night and day with Nilah for lane vs out of lane. In lane, it is nearly impossible to fight unless your Support matchup is hard winning. You don't have the mobility to get her off of you and don't have the damage to follow up. But if you're able to kite it out you can definitely prolong the fight and win. TL;DR if you can keep her off of you, you are winning.”
LegendaryOstrich says “She can dodge your auto attacks similar to Jax's E. I would try to think of the playstyle as vs Yasuo, wait for her to use the ability then go all in.”
slendoooo says “Nilah is one of the easiest matchups because of her really really low range, you can easily punish her while she is trying to CS.
Always punish her when she is getting minions, because she and her support will get 150% XP otherwise.
Her only threat ability for Draven is her W which makes her take 0 Damage from Auto Attacks, but remember, even if she uses W, you can still auto attack her to stack your lethal tempo. Then simply proceed to all in her.
A video example of Nilah-Draven
(To be made)”
Kitqsune says “As of now, with kogmaw, the hardest matchup for Samira. she has absolutely no projectiles to block and can latch onto you easily, disarm your ult with her r, and more. She's a tough matchup! That and her w makes it so that combo weaving is paused - even with only a second given to Nilah, she can easily kill you within that timeframe at the late game period.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Coldsong says “Nilah is really strong into Samira as she can compete with her aggressiveness while also being save with her own W. Make sure to bait out her W before making any engage. She also has no projectiles, which means that you should save your W for the support instead at all times.”
Aquemulus says “This champion just ruins your champ in every way possible you can't fourth aa her because of her W she just dashes into you deals too much damage and then dashes back to her support you can't do anything”
LionelOCE says “Nilah is quite manageable if you space correctly. Your slow is also frustrating for her to deal with but be careful to avoid her ultimate.”
Abo5olod says “You can abuse her Pre 6
If she uses her Q on wave you can poke her because her range is low
After 6 if she ults you try to shield with R
Try to bait her W before using your combo
you can even hold on your hail of blade to not waste it
you only win this match up if Nilah misplays or you play it too well otherwise it's impossible to win lane without a counter support”
Urason says “This champion absolutely dumpsters Samira because of her insane Q damage, level advantage, her W blocks your autos which stalls your passive stacks, she can E away from you, AND she can ult to cancel your ult. Overall its really hard to play into her so good luck. ”
Pengwan says “More of an annoying matchup than anything else. Make sure to bait her W before you try to all in her as she can block alot of your main damage with it.”
yers says “melee adc lol, keep a good distance so that she has zero opportunity to dive you. you are able to shove her away if shes about to dash at you.”
KnobHobbler says “A terrible matchup.
Pre 6 you can poke and farm but after six you are dead.
Take exhaust.
Her W is a pain to deal with so bait it.
Play under your tower.”
franksterzz says “Not sure quite yet, haven't seen her all that much. She seems to be really strong but she's a melee adc and you can play against her somewhat easily. Don't let her get on top of you (in melee) as she can dodge autos and beat you up in the meantime. Try to poke her out of lane because her passive gives her and her support extra XP so she will start outleveling you after 6 if you play too passively.”
NotAragami says “200 years. Even if she's feeding hard you will die to her full combo because Riot thinks it's a great idea to give a ranged champion the ability to ignore basic attacks. If you somehow survive her burst, kite the living shit out of her as she ran out of dashes. ”
Amberdragon says “Nilah's W can mess up your passive stacking really bad, rendering your Hail of Blades useless. She also has magic damage reduction on W so early game where you deal a lot of magic damage this is really bad. She also has plenty of mobility and damage to stay on top of you and kill. Play safe early on, abusing your range advantage when you can but hold E and R to run away. If she R try to flee before you get pulled into her. Try to always hit W to stack passive faster and play around isolated Q and spacing when she has W up.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Short Trades] Nilah can dash onto your caster minions and then on you because she has 2 dashes. So you need to poke her down so she's not able to, also short trades outside her range since she's melee. She can very easily catch you and she scales very hard so ring ring jungler help please yaas.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. It will protect you from her all-ins. Respect her level 6 power spike. She can quickly kill you when she gets the level up. It’s also important to remember that she will hit level 6 before you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. It will protect you from her all-ins. Respect her level 6 power spike. She can quickly kill you when she gets the level up. It’s also important to remember that she will hit level 6 before you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. It will protect you from her all-ins. Respect her level 6 power spike. She can quickly kill you when she gets the level up. It’s also important to remember that she will hit level 6 before you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. It will protect you from her all-ins. Respect her level 6 power spike. She can quickly kill you when she gets the level up. It’s also important to remember that she will hit level 6 before you.”
Amberdragon says “You can kite and zone her, making it hard for her to all-in you. You deny her R and can harass her when she tries to cs. Fairly easy matchup.
However, keep in mind that she will most likely get a level lead on you if she manages to stay alive in lane and farm. Also be watchful of her W denying your autos.”
Demonsedge90 says “Watch out for Nilah's jubilant veil (w), which dodges basic attacks and reduces magic damage & apotheosis (r) that interrupts your bullet times channel and pulls you close. Preventing her from last hitting minions denies the bonus gold and experience from her passive. A tough matchup for you if you make too many mistakes.”
m1NEEX says “Make sure to deny her early cs thanks to your superior range(she only has 225 range), get prio and keep spacing so she can't jump on you. If you play this safe and keep poking with Fishbones she can't do anything to you before she recalls or gets her ult. If she dashes into you make sure to Exhaust her when she is about to ult and try to keep your space. You outscale her. but she is still pretty broken and wins every fight against you if she is full HP, so make sure to poke her hard early.”
TianDaMan says “Play with Fishbones. Do not get in range for her to all in you. Use chompers to disengage her all in. Play for late game and you should deal way more damage than her.”
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