Top Lane 52.44% Win Rate73% Pick RateTeemo Top Lane Counters: 46 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Teemo in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Comet
Early: He's much stronger early, Q start and play for CS
Tips: Just Try and flip Q's onto him, never use max range E because he can easily dodge it. After your hit Q, you can look for ult with the Q slow and combo him.”
Shinox says “Depends on how you play it out. Teemo can be annoying but he's basically a mosquito when it comes to actual damage. Pre-6 is actually horrible so better be careful. Once you get 6, bait his q and he's kinda screwed. Make sure to go PTA, DS, and second wind.”
liucan says “hard skill match: Cancels ur autos and can get out of ur E with W if he knows how to do it, very favorable match to him. if he Q then Q + E into a wall then trade and destroy him, dont expect this to work so much. go sweeper for see his ult and be creative with build. Little people plays him and his is useless other than a lane bully. U can also roam or set-up ganks while u survive.”
a_k_z7 says “ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with her
teemo can be very annoying with his blind and mushrooms
try to poke with passive and look for trade with e
if he blinds you wait for the blind and q him
you deal so much damage if you both trade eqauly
play around bushes ”
Houcs says “Annoying ranged champ.
Your goal should be to survive early until you reach lvl 6. Then you can ult and drag him to tower.
Also if he pokes you while you farm undertower you can see if you can land a ultimate because even if minions is under your tower he can still take the tower aggro because of his poison.”
Iron 3 20 lp guides says “as malphite you can easily poke him with q and comet.your passive protects you from his attack. when he is low just ult him and e”
ThatGing3rNuts says “This is a pretty obvious counter pick to shen as shens damage comes from his empowered autos and teemo can easily blind you. However, many people may pick teemo first time for this reason and therefore may not have late game impact like most other teemo players. This is definitely a rune page 3 game, as you will not be able to proc grasp for the entirety of laning phase. Go support build as well and rush locket in order to peel for your team. Teemo's shrooms are his only splitting capability so play for ult and have cross map impact in order to reduce the inevitable toplane gap.”
parker3n9 says “Teemo can be annoying to deal with because of his poke and blind, but he doesn’t pose any real kill threat unless you severely misplay. That said, you won’t have much kill pressure yourself until you hit Level 8 and your first item power spike. Play the lane patiently, focus on farming, and avoid taking unnecessary damage. Once you scale, your impact in teamfights will far outweigh his poke and split-pushing.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Dragonyx says “He is Dangerous early game and there is a high chance if you dont play correctly, you'll loose. This matchup becomes easy once you hit level 7 and get your first item, ”
Skaarlschloch says “Matchup Depends on his setup what you can do if he is aggro with ignite pra + early runes he beats you up pretty hard until you get Hextrinker -> Maw
Mabye Safer to go Grasp TP and still rush Maw. You start winning once you get levels in W and can poke him”
Xayk47 says “Easiest matchup of the century. Run phase rush into this and bully teemo with Q once you get mana. Once he's at least half just ult and full combo him and he's dead full I like to go a bruiser build into him because once you get abyssal your not really killable”
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP. Electrocute. Doran's Shield.
Before 6, he will bully you, do your best to keep up on farm. After 6, if you both are even, just R and destroy.”
Fenharion says “Annoying lil shit, after having my ult and stridebreaker he becomes really easy to kill but until then it's basically the most boring lane ever”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES
"Annoying champ, give up some cs first couple of levels to preserve your HP bar, and then look for all ins when he's pushed up. When you all in him he'll Q you, don't bother autoing during
this blind time, just keep walking where he's walking so he can't kite you. Winning this is reliant on his mistakes but he can't teamfight so don't worry if you don't hardstomp lane" ”
UrPersonalGod says “Annoying rat champ but easy to deal with.
Go sweeper and play around bushes.
Use Q when he goes for poke so he doenst get free trades.
If you dont go to low level 1-3 you can run him down.”
SemenDrinker says “Shield 2nd wind (arcane setup too)
Very tame to be honest. Respect his damage early because teemos will usually carry ignite and look to cheese kill you early. Poke hard with arcane as it slams him for so much damage. When you see he uses his burst of movement speed W thats when you can look for the all in and one shot him. Oracle is great early for his shooms and if you find yourself struggling hexdrinker also clowns him.”
Skaarlschloch says “Obviously pretty trash matchup you can try to cheese lv 1 in tribush or lanebush. AS you quite handily win the lv.1 all-in if the fight starts ontop of him. But i would not recommend trying to cheese him once the minions arrive as he has 2 potions will get lane prio because he is ranged and force you out of lane too hard ... So instead just sit back play with bushes and if he ever oversteps & wastes Q (once you have tiamat) you can flash on him or ult on him and run him down
If the teemo plays well tho you should let your team deal with him and try to create chaos around the map”
Banzi says “he destroys u early but after 1st. item u can start getting good trades
aa him until he q's u then u do a e+q combo to stall time for the blind to wear up
Start Wit's end
Possibly get an early Bramble west”
IvanBeifong says “Even threat level because the champ's annoying, but usually you'll deal much more damage than him, unless he spaces you well, go dorans shield and second wind, you'll need it.”
y every name taken says “Use your red trinket to sweep the area before ganking. You don't have to kill the shrooms - just memorize their locations as you walk up to Q him.”
LilPicky says “(Take runes vs ranged start shield) Its a very hard matchup because its hard to attack him when you're blinded by his Q. So if u want to win this matchup you should play around his Q cooldown, play safe, you can't really push cause after 6th lvl he can easily depush the wave if he wants to. Basically play under tower, not much you can do, pray for jg ganks and recast Q only after blind is over, patient is key on this matchup.”
TentiTiger11 says “Mostly a skill matchup. Teemo has AP but also little hp and regen. If teemo can outplay you with shrooms, range management, and blind timing for your W you can lose early and cause him to snowball. If you can minimize damage early and poke him, he basically has no regen besides pots and Doran’s shield so you can kill him level 6 with ignite. You beat him after first item if you are even.”
Frankoloko says “Second wind + Shield are broken vs burn champions. Typical ranged matchup, easy to win if you catch him & don't get poked out of lane. Be careful of running around bushes and in river. Rush Rylai's because he's very fast. When blinded don't auto, just walk ahead of him with passive. Be careful as he has a super weird 1-2 item MONSTER spike in damage. Always check his damage first by letting him get an AA on you. Remember that in the Realm there won't be any shrooms! At level 6 just ult + ghost and play your shield correctly and you easily get a kill. You have massive wave clear advantage so just E+Q the wave and leave lane.”
Sc00n3z says “Teemo's range, poke, and ability to blind (with his Q, Blinding Dart) can harass Illaoi from a distance. He can deny her farm and pressure her under tower, making it difficult for Illaoi to engage or trade effectively.
step1v9 says “The main reason this champion isn't in extreme threat is because he is useless out of laning phase. Do your best to mitigate any advantages he accrues in lane. Make sure to build tiamat after boots so that he cant blind you and go invisible. You need a way to damage him while blinded. Your E works, but you need to save this for gap closing. Make sure to get sweeper before he gets level 6 to remove his shrooms in lane and open him up to being ganked.”
Raideru says “First few levels you want to just farm with Q and poke him, you can't really do extended trades becausae he has ignite only if you have way more hp than him, your goal is to do one sided trades where he wins but u eventually outtrade bcs of your sustain, if you ever e him in while u have way more hp than him you can easily run him down if he has ignite”
Haxorr says “Teemo is a really hard matchup in all stages of the game, and you will never beat him unless you are able to get early jungle ganks to kill him.
Similar to the other AP matchups, you want to start DShield, rush Trinity. Mercs rush can also work if you want. I would strongly recommend taking Grasp rune setup for this lane and playing to sustain and farm as much as possible, only looking to kill with jungle ganks. Q start isn't great into Teemo as he will win the trades.”
DuckQc says “I don't really need to explain this matchup. If you bait his blind pre-6 you kill him, and after 6 you just need to hit q and run him down. You can straight up dive him from full hp. Its free lane, just care for jungler”
Arthapsic says “When you spawn path to the first toplane bush to see weather he stealths in your wave level 1. Let him autoattack you once to push the wave so you can safely farm under tower. Give up CS and don't trade until level 3-4. After you get your W level 3 use the W-> Q->E combo to poke him in lane or use W to dodge his blind then trade. Only trade with Q since he can blind you. You can all in him level 6 if his W is down so he can't kite and dodge your ulties.On first item if you are even you hard destroy him. Rush mercuries.”
TeiWasTaken says “Another ranged toplaner that Kled cannot do crap against. Bait out his Q by faking an engage and then kill him. Do NOT auto attack him before he Qs you, he wants to bait your W!”
Baby_Driver says “Either be greedy and go for nimbus cloak or play it safe with second wind and dshield.
U can pull him when he pokes u under tower to get a great all-in window.
There is not much u can do.
Don't eat poke for free, as you will get dove.
Get sweeper.
Wave managment is crucial here as u want to freeze the wave in front of your tower.
Mercs first are great choice.”
Skaarlschloch says “Survive til 6 and you win. Drop some cs early if need be, Your W will do too much dmg once you get levels with ionians you dont need to auto him to kill just W twice -> e -> ult -> Q+ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “you can W his blind q and kill him level 6 with ghost that's where the powerspike really comes into play just don't let him bait you and go into his shrooms lol.”
forlid says “Teemo is another matchup which is really hard to place correctly as his spacing has a lot of significance in whether or not he is a threat. His only counterplay pre level 6 against you is his Q, and while it blocks you from auto attacking, you can still use your Q and W without any issues. If you use E + Q3 on him, keep in mind that his W gives him lots of movement speed. Get oracle lens before he gets level 6, as they let you spot and kill his shrooms.”
KaliRF says “Q and you're R are AA (auto attack) so when you're blind you can't does damage, boots of swiftness and botrk are a must have to kill him. Just ask you're jgl help”
YuletideGlory says “Take Exhaust instead of Teleport.
Teemo's free movement speed bonus from his W is what you need to overcome. It allows him to more easily dodge your E as well as chase you down for some free poke while you are retreating. If you land your E, you win the trade. If you miss your E, you lose the trade. Thus, I highly recommend rushing Boots of Swiftness first thing, and go all-in with Exhaust, Ghost, or both.
If you can stick to Teemo you will win big time and kill him easily.
A good Teemo will be tough, you will need to rely on your summoner spells to get the upper hand. A bad Teemo will be easy pickings.”
NoirDeces says “Avoid letting teemo punish you by sitting in a bush pre level 6. After you hit 6 you can basically 1 shot him
Remember to take Oracle Lens”
MaesePerez says “Ranged, builds liandry's, has a move speed steroid that makes it extremely hard to land q on him, so not the easiest matchup. If you hit a q or two post 6 you can w flash him and go for the kill, but his poke and shroom damage can be very annoying. Go comet and an early hollow radiance to make lane easier, you outscale in teamfights, but 1v1 he will always be able to poke you while dodging q. Buy sweeper.”
Sanderrsol says “Teemo is an infamous annyoing champion. And it's a pain. He will poke you out, and if you engage him he will blind you and use his movespeed to run away. Use passive shield to tank his poke. You can't really fight him as he blinds you and that's most of your damage. Without jungle help, you won't 1v1 him. Use ults to make plays and let your team carry. ”
SpoonSlayer says “Very annoying creature. Ranged toplaners moment. Fleet + Doran's shield and survive. If you get voltaic you can all in him. If you land a close ranged W while you're blinded it won't make the tentacle hit him. Ranged ones will.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
his range is low enough that he can really only auto you once or twice when you go up to auto. You can outsustain his poke if you dont carelessly eat it with second wind + dorans shield countering his DOT. One of the easier ranged matchups, although ranged matchups in general arent great for mundo and teemo is very hard to land cleavers on/run down. Late game if you went one or two mr items, purposefully try to step on shrooms so someone else on your team doesnt have to deal with them.”
Bard_Enjoyer says “THIS SQUIRREL WILL HUNT YOU IN YOUR DREAMS. Tbh he is hard to play against but try to bait out his q and all in right after that. Try to not go for him after you die and just farm cs(he can blind you and times is ticking)”
TheOriginalTwoSides says “[Conqueror] [Triumph] [Legend: Tenacity] [Last Stand] + [Demolish] [Second Wind]
Items: Doran's Shield -> Core
As long as you don't die to Teemo before level 4, it is a pretty easy lane. Never look to fight if you have no abilities up. If you only Q1 + E as poke, he gets chunked a lot meaning once low enough you can run him down.”
forlid says “A complete joke of a laner, Teemo is one of the worst possible picks against Aatrox. Your damage comes mainly from abilities, which Teemo's blind is useless against. He also lacks movement speed apart from his W, so abuse his lack of mobility. Teemo becomes much more dangerous late game. He can also limit your freedom to engage with his traps, so post-level 6 take Oracle Lens. ”
GwenMain says “Teemo is a very annoying pick and if played good he can deny you from farming. After lv 6 you outscale him and if you dodge his Q with W it’s easy to kill him. I suggest to not rush nashor but to buy ruby (to riftmaker) and refillable pot for better survivability.”
Belle19 says “One of your worst matchups. You'll never catch him, and he'll quickly poke you out of lane. Rush a spectres cowl if your only goal is to survive lane. Second wind dorans shield is a MUST. Grab an early oracles. If you get to teamfights he does way more than you with the shroom spam. The only saving grace is no one plays teemo since the champs usually dogshit”
zwartebliksem says “Annoying champ. Only go in if his blind is down. Take scanner at level 6, shrooms will be all over the map. If you ever were to be dismounted, I would always recommend recalling, since it's very hard to remount, unless his blind is down and within AA range.”
Haearnbleidd says “I don't really need to explain this matchup. If you bait his blind pre-6 you kill him, and after 6 you just need to hit q and run him down. You can straight up dive him from full hp.
Build: Hexplate/Stride > Anything.”
AWierdShoe says “Tamer ranged matchup compared to the rest. Respect early poke and wait for levels (again, a lot of them take ignite). Teemo only has one burst of movement speed on his E, but once that's out of the way we can hit back hard. Q poke with Arcane Comet hurts him A LOT if you land it. If he Q's you, save your passive auto until the blind runs out. Oracle Lens early is very good in order to find him if he's stealthed or to destroy any shrooms he may have placed. Late-game he becomes more of a thorn in your team's side if he's not fed. ”
PPlongcook says “This is dependent on the skill of the Teemo. If he's bad then you just dodge his blind and kill him every time you hit R, but God help you if he's good because he will just kite you around the whole lane while poking you down, and you will never be able to get on top of him without R. ”
Teemo players are homeless
Be there level 1 to contest the brush, pull the wave into it.
Be really aggressive level 1 if he starts E.
If he starts Q, chill until you get your W, then you can cleanse the blind.
Get sweeper and control wards post 6 to deny shrooms. ”
Joy17 says “Teemo, com seu dano de ataque à distância e cegueira, pode ser irritante, mas Warwick, com sua habilidade de cura e mobilidade, geralmente consegue superar Teemo em trocas prolongadas.”
hoflol says “Ranged matchup with great poke. Very hard to lane against and often takes ignite.
If you are able to get on top of him post level 6, you should be able to kill. But Teemo shrooms slow can you easily kitable.”
Lukajs says “Teemo is a ranged champion, however is a good matchup for Gwen.
If you're just standing around farming in lane and suddenly he decides to Q you, you can ghost and run him down, since he can't do anything when his blind is down.
Play with Dorans Shield and Second Wind, and engage or poke when his Q is down. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Drop-dead easy. As much as I hate this champion, I don't remember the last time I lost against him. Your all in kills him 100 to 0 as long as you are patient and wait out the blind. Prioritize buying Mercury Treads first to nullify his blind duration.”
NegativePhoenix says “He's gonna poke and play aggressive knowing you can't get on top of him without taking damage first, so unless he over extends it's not really worth to trade on him without a gank
Get sweeper once he hits 6 to avoid the minefield he's sure to set up. His Q against you is near basically pointless and will only stop your remount W
Your W dismount and ult will move him making his passive useless once he gets hit by either”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Take Ghost and wait for lvl 3 to all in him if you are heathy enough. His blind early is on a 7 sec cooldown, so try to trade with him if he uses it randomly. His W MS is absurd and it's the only thing carrying his kit. Stride - Trinity - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
LilliaFanBoy says “P-O-K-E
Literally just go the poke build and this is a simple match-up. Just please don't let him run you down early levels as you have big cooldowns.
Spam buy control wards every back if needed. Put them in the middle of the lane and do not let him destroy it without being heavily punished. Also get oracle's lens.”
BackButton says “Teemo has the same problem as Jax and Vayne but if you wait out the blind you're good. Jax's nullifying basic attacks is also a stun so it's just more dangerous also watch out for those Shrooms because they do slow.”
Prefexx says “You counter satan pretty well. He has no way to stop your ultimate and if he tries to poke with his Q just poke with your Q and E W combo him. You can harass him so much he will not be able to do anything. If you have a hard matchup mid and Teemo is top, ask your top laner if they would like to switch as you can get fed fairly easily on Teemo.”
LegacyOneTap says “lethal, dshield, divine first. depending on what teemo went you go e or q, jumping on him dealing 10x his damage, ignite may or may not be better than ghost here. q on him if he started poison but i think safer play is e first and cheese level 1 if possible. His blind is 7 seconds all ranks, (reduced with haste), you can usually kill him early by making him waste blind so you can all in, if he holds it til your e is about to be over then just auto but dont use any procs til your blind is cleared. so you don't waste it (because thats a thing). watch his shrooms post 6 and build divine with mr boots you should be fine after. 1 to two items, be wary of his kill potential and you can pass through the mid game well.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Very annoying. Teemos do a lot of damage and can make farming really hard. If he tries to chase you down slow him with Q and get your minions to damage him. Rush magic resist, force of nature if there are other magic damage dealers. Minions will do most of the damage to him early on. You can trade with him if you can stun him with E.”
BurritoTopKing says “Very annoying, second wind + doran shield + tenacity is a good combo, try to survive lane and maybe go for an all in at 6 if you have mercs and a bit of dmg by that point, try not to get lured into the shrooms.”
Shazir says “His blind counters Volibear's kit. You can go Doran Shield and Second wind to survive and all-in him when he makes mistake.
Note: Shes Q doesn't counter Volibear's W but counters Q. but Jax E counters Volibear's W as well.”
xskyswitch says “Hexdrinker early buy and wait out his blind to stomp him in lane. Give up prio until you have hexdrinker built since this is where Teemo will have the advantage.”
RivenCarriedYou says “: If the Teemo has good spacing this can be tricky. Look to fight past 30% CDR items . If he blinds you, just walk next to him until it wears off, or better yet save your E/W for that so he doesn't get free damage while you're blinded. Edge of Night is good into this matchup as you can walk through shrooms or eat a blind with the passive. take really short trades and make sure you have E to disengage.”
Bonkyou says “Free lane if you manage to W his poke and all in if he overchase, if he is perma pushed he is getting ganked.
Not your matchup to win solo cause he already lost in champ select”
AimaReei says “He is very anoying try to play safe and win laning phase. Teemo can place shrooms all around the map, which can help keep track of Briar.
The main reason why Teemo can be good is because he can block your auto-attacks with her Q.”
Chaddouk says “Teemo used to be a counter matchup but very outplayable, now that they buffed his Q a lot it's more difficult to outplay, especially against really good teemos. Red trinket and hydra are good things to build, tje first one for the shrooms and his invis, the second one to be able to instant clear waves and not get poked to death under turret for cs. Don't go for desperate plays or tilt all-ins. Be patient, call for jgler ganks because teemo is gonna perma push most likely. Try to move to lane lvl 1 to see him if he wants to go invis in lane you can actually win a lvl 1 all-in. Be aware that he can blind you and become invis during the blind duration and tempo you forever. If you don't know where his shroom are in lane walk behind your cs let them scout for you. Keep in mind also for the blind that it doesn't take into account the moment the auto hits the enemy but the moment the animation start so be patient. If you have enough gold for it it can be good going for early qss. Gl hf, it's a snowbally match up that can go both ways.”
daitolol says “TOP//
- Pretty easy matchup, survive till level 6 and after that you can go for perma all in,
- You can wait out his blind while in shroud to avoid wasting passives OR if you have enough energy spam qs while waiting for his blind to expire
-Teemo has no escapes so after 6 the only thing that can save him is W be patient and have E discipline as that might miss you the kill otherwise”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Same as a standard ranged matchup except teemo has blind to deny your q damage, reducing your combo damage by quite a bit. If his blind is up, you can stay burrowed to bait it out and full combo after blind runs out to guarantee your damage, as long as he's not strong enough to kill you with raw dps before then.”
Pretzel Shiv says “you just win, you dont really auto since your q does bleed making your pets jump him, your R reveals him, you can use w on him if he runs, Q if he blinds, its just easy, though its teemo. HE IS ANNOYING.”
RipAMC says “Man, this little devil can be annoying as heck in lane! He's got those shrooms that slow you down and deal damage, making it tough to chase or escape. Plus, his poison darts can whittle down your health, so be careful not to step into a trap!”
TheBougis says “Teemo has high damage and he will probably build antiheal.
Luckily, his shrooms don't block your Q and he is very squishy.
He will most likely Blind you when you go for plants, hit himwith your Q when he attacks the plant to make up for the healing you lost from the plant.”
Gobomo says “Teemo will blind you and make it impossible for you to do damage, and more annoyingly, impossible for you to take fruit. His shrooms are relatively annoying but are absolutely not the biggest annoyance factor in his kit. ”
Quinnculated says “Скилл матчап. Флит обязателен. Стартуем не с е, а с ку. Если попадаем ку, а он нет, то идем в атаку. Если попадает он, или оба, то отступать. При необходимости брать мерки и другие магрезы”
Antecc says “Always fight after he uses Q. If you jump on him while blinded, don't waste your time auto-attacking. Make sure your E will hit the Teemo and chunk him hard after the blind wears out. Don't walk into mushrooms and don't get chunked in lane. Free win after mercuries/legend: tenacity is stacked or first item completed. Besides the first 2 points, there's nothing to watch out for. If you do not have any form of tenacity, Teemo can Q you, stand still and become invisible. Rarely ever happens due to Q damage, but be careful anyway.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “GRASP RECOMENDED Very annoying but pretty weak. Your Q goes through his blind but your passive doesnt, so W before using it. You outdamage him but be careful if you dont know his location as he can ambush you with bonus AS from his passive. Remember about it especially when youre pushing the tower as he can just wait for you next to it and reveal himself when you are taking plates. Oracle highly recomended especially after lv6”
ABL Pantheon says “A bit hard but playable. His Q makes your W useless, so going Conqueror is sometimes better. Stay behind and poke him with Q and engage with W only when he used Q. After 6 you can get Oracle Lens.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items : dorans shield ->swifties ->radiance -> CORE
when your q lands and you are not low hp if we w him while slowed we generally win”
lordimboutabust says “One of the easiest matchups. Wait for lvl 3 then all in him and you can 100-0 if you catch him in your W. Always walk up because of his W movement speed if you hit W. If you play it right you should have killed or gotten him low enough to either force base or all in again and kill. Should be able to all in him on cooldown after that in lane. Could be worth a pink ward at 6 so you can see where the mushrooms are during a trade | Second wind | Dshield - Evenshroud”
Bernardian says “Rat # 3. Teemo is a very annoying matchup but very easy to build against somehow. you can go full anti-range(dorans, second wind) and especially into Teemo you can rush Spectre's Cowl and it will work. Most teemo players wil rush boots(either swiftys or Tabis) so if you play incorrectly you will get kited. Teemo is like Quinn he also possess zero % health dmg or true dmg and also has very low mobility so catching him is easier said than done if played correctly staying on his however is the problem as most teemo players will kite towards there shrooms and slow you down while your trying to chase him sweeper is a very easy counter to that.”
Zombzn00b says “He just poke poke poke. If you get a good recall and buy a negatron cloak you should be good. Try to get a good setup on him to R him away from the turret and you can pretty much oneshot him.”
Waqql says “Stay outside of his Q range and don't let yourself get poked. Let him push towards you and try to get as much CS as possible using your Q. Try to adjust your Rage so that you have around 80 Rage just before reaching level 3. Go for an autoattack + Q combo and create distance until the blind expires. Once the blind is gone, try to trigger your W and engage with your E, ideally transforming into Mega Gnar and being able to kill Teemo. If you fall behind once, it's difficult to recover, so wait for a 2v1 situation and focus on farming.”
FaNTOP says “Полноценный бой начинайте на 6 уровне. Убедитесь, что ваше "Доран Щит" и (Руна)"Второе дыхания" всегда активны, чтобы получать исцеление от яда. При покупке на 6 уровне выберите (Лупа), чтобы обнаруживать грибы и снимать противника с видимости. Также рекомендуется приобрести "Поступь Меркурия" для уменьшения длительности ослепления и замедления.”
demirkaiser says “Demon itself. Don't get poked until level 2. Full combo him at level 2 and run him down. Don't try to chase him level 3 as he will just W and run away. Try to full combo him. Rush Rylai. Get oracle lens at level 6.”
SirGRC says “I don't have any trouble with Teemo. His poison is very easily mitigated by second wind with d. shield and although his blind is annoying it has a long cd and isn't effecting you for very long. ”
Rares396 says “He will punish as well as vayne but with not that much dmg and he can blind you with his Q .
But after you build kraken slayer he will be a easy target but you need to keep up with him .”
BrunolfeQ says “niszczy ci twoja jedna z glownych mechanik pod tanka (E). Z dobrych rzeczy to jest squishy dlatego darmowy fed jezeli nie rozjebiesz sie na nim w early gamie. (na takiego skurwiela najlepiej stac z tylu i abusowac dystans z twojego E)”
St0rmyss says “Go Grasp with Sorcery secondary, and ignite, start dshield. Stand in brush and wait for the first 3 minions and kill them with your E. Play passive until LVL 2 then start trading with him, make sure to stun him before you run away so he can't DMG you. Repeat this until you can kill him with ignite.”
Twogrand says “you can win any trade on him if he waste blind just all in him and kill him. if he doesnt waste blind do a small trade AND START IN HAMMER FORM with the trade so when you go into range form the blind should wear off and you can keep doing trades with him. doesnt matter what page you take, eclipse build path.”
Althalosofsirun says “if you are not confident take ghost flash if you are take ignite rush merc treads and max W when you have ult you can kill him get red trinket for the shrooms and buy some control wards if you have to”
Nurakami says “Maybe on laning phase he is not that bad but later this blind is so baddd for you.
But you can wait it up when casting r and w so its not that bad.”
RykonZ says “Teemo's ability to poke and blind Mordekaiser with his Q can make this matchup difficult. Additionally, Teemo's mushrooms can slow Mordekaiser's movement and deal significant damage over time.”
KaiOverHere says “This matchup is a problem at high level because Teemo has a very easy time prepping Garen for dives. This is because Garen's sustain works over time and cannot protect him from the bursts of damage that Teemo gets when he is poking Garen for CS. Eventually this leads to Garen getting dove under tower and him falling very far behind. Furthermore Teemo can statcheck Garen early, making early all-ins unfeasible.
This matchup is much easier with jungle help.”
Smauggy says “both of u makes a lot of dmg, but his blind doesnt work against you, so you can do more than most of the top laner against him.
be aware of his champs and if he play ignite.
let him push, you can poke him but he will poke back so try t concentrate on the farm to scale and os him or just tank them all”
RanDomGuY060 says “Very easy to beat, E him when he stops for a Q. Bait his Q while walking up to him, you can go Ghost if you are REALLY scared of him. Go Stridebreaker if you're struggling with catching him..”
Black Demon Ezel says “The guy can blind but not forever and you don't have enough damage in your emnpowered autos to be stressing about it. My tip: when he Q's you, knock him up. then silence him (it won't stop his poison but it can prevent him from being Speedy Gonzalez 2.0) and then he becomes your next meal. don't be confused because it's not an empowered auto so just ult whenever ready and you murder him”
Zsinj says “Teemo has the poke to make laning a nightmare as well as traps to get you to run into. You both want the other to chase you but Teemo has the range as well as being quite fast. He's squishy though, so if you've been pushed to tower, ask your Jungler nicely for a gank”
snookerQ says “You rely on autos and Teemo cancels you. Mushrooms make it hard to chase him and to disengage. Your spell shield is also not active enough to block more than one q at a time”
Roothor says “Blinding makes your W will not cause any effect, and even your tentacles will not hit him. Engage with flas+R. Build Spectre´s Cowl as first item”
HSY12 says “He will try to level 1 cheese you by stealthing right infront of your tower.
Respect his blind and stay safe with W, and you can do fine in lane.
Boptimus says “A good Teemo is very hard to reach and will keep up harass. There are ways to E to your minion wave and Q3 to get him on top of you but you don't want to take an all-in if he is holding his Q for Blind.
Second Wind and D Shield is highly recommended. Dying in this lane will make your game significantly harder.”
Boptimus says “There have been a couple of Masters+ Teemos that could give me a run for my money. If played correctly this matchup should come to a stalemate, you might get harassed off of a CS lead. Other than that, if they misposition and suck, it's a very easy lane.”
Open says “Honestly if you know what you're doing teemo is a really shit champ just like malphite. Buy QSS and wait for him to waste blind you get bullied early game but just reach galeforce and you can all-in him if he gets a lead he will make splitpush impossible so be prepared to teamfight.”
Doog Tootin says “Imagine running 50000 miles per hour, ready to jump onto the adc across the map. Then you hit a Teemo shroom and have to wait a minute to try again. Just ban this rat.”
UlisesFRN says “Ranged matchups are tricky
Your main advantage is that they are the easiest to gank, as they are squishy and push the wave by poking you.
Vi has a decent time amongst melee against the ranged rats, as she has a true gapcloser in Ult, and a second gapcloser on Q. She is also a good DShield+SecondWind user, and deals enough damage on one combo to be a threat to them. While pesy stuff like Vayne will be pretty obnoxious, you can play around them better than you can play around a Sett”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Shield.
Q+W onto him when he uses Q and you will ALWAYS win. Post 6 you can grab red trinket to get rid of his mushrooms before he baits you in.
Doesn't matter if you get a lead early, you will outscale.
I STILL try to punish him early bc otherwhise it is just very annoying to play this lane.”
killer2325 says “Stupid and boring matchup. Mostly it depends on teemoplayer, but in most cases its just hardstuck who tries counter you. Farm as much as you can under turret without losing too much hp. Try to poke him when his Q on cd, try to all in at lvl 6 when he waste his Q. Try to call a junger for help, if he losed his flash he is just a meat for ganks.”
PraefectusMace says “Annoying dart pest. Blind basically prevents you from biting, or using your ult or having fun. Because he will eventually get mushrooms which makes chasing him impossible. Chances are he will keep harassing the hell out of you all early game, so BAN this furball whenever you can.”
RWN Pop says “Since Jax relies on AAs. Teemo is a hard counter because of his Q.
Avoid using AAs when Blinded and instead Q E in to stun him through the duration of the Blind. Do not forget to buy Sweeper / Pink ward.”
dzsama says “Teemo is a really annoying champion to face in lane due to him just poking you and blinding you whenever you engage on him. If you jump on him dont attack while he blinds you, instead just walk in front of him to close the gap and then auto him down after blind wears out. Be careful since most of them run ignite so they have a lot of early kill potential. You can also combine your W damage with Q in this matchup so it wont get blocked by his blind. After 6 keep track of where he places shrooms, you will outscale him eventually, mercury's treads are really good against him.”
Pep_Shin says “Against Teemo or most ranged champions, go doran's shield. Rush stridebreaker. Once lvl 6 you can run him down.
Hit a Q, press R and ghost and annihilate him.
His best bet is to push the lane with his R and to back. He has no other answer.
When ahead you can dive him easily as his Q doesn't blind you in R.”
Ujiyo says “Yeah not much threat in lane but come late game he will make you useless. If you manage to gap close without E save it for his blind so he can't get too much damage on you. You can also W the blind duration. At level 6 every R you land on him is either a Flash or a kill.”
NegativePhoenix says “Unless you're a built up bruiser already, your Qs don't do alot of damage so you can't really Q-Auto-Q-Auto like you'd want due to his blind and the fact the CD can be pretty low on it. He's a good ban choice truthfully.”
AbyssaLegend says “Teemo is really annoying. But it's not the only one. Almost all ranged in top will be a threat for you. Just ban him for his blindness.”
lorensj81 says “Very annoying matchup early. It's not bad going tenacity and unflinching in this matchup since he got his Q blind duration buff. Try and farm healthy to level 6, know when to give up CS and health regen. After 6 you can actually oneshot him unless you use your Q while being blinded. Much easier after Stridebreaker. ”
Demacia Statue says “You've got a Magic Shield, Mobility, and the ability to close distance or disengage. Just play smart, and the boy-scout isn't much of a problem in my personal experience. ”
Irelius says “ХАЛЯВА
Не получаем слишком много поука, помним про кусты, попадаем E, убиваем его. На лвл 6 Тимо НЕ ЖИВЁТ. Очень сильно спасает стойкость в зеленой ветке рун и раш мерков. ”
Puyi says “Very annoying. Run fleet and second wind. You can block his Q if timed right, but you shouldn't be able to get on top of him unless he makes a mistake. Try to get help from your jungler.”
ananesever69 says “Unless you're a built up bruiser already, your Qs don't do alot of damage so you can't really Q-Auto-Q-Auto like you'd want due to his blind and the fact the CD can be pretty low on it. He's a good ban choice truthfully.”
JustSad42 says “Get Second Wind and Doran Shield. Let him push the first 3 waves into you. Do not take damage to CS minions, it’s not worth it. Once you’re level 3 and the wave pushes back, you will want to Q into him then E auto. The reason you want to E auto is to slow him enough to guarantee that you will hit him with your parry. If you hit him with your parry when you’re both full hp, Teemo will either flash it or die no matter what. After Teemo gets level 6, you will want Oracle Lens to be able to kite his shrooms easily. You should get damage against Teemo since it’s very easy to oneshot him instead of opting to tank his damage. Ironspike whip has huge value versus him as it can proc a vital even while you are blinded. The most annoying thing about this matchup is that he can blind you in the middle of a team fight and you will instantly get blown up. So, always keep an eye out for Teemo’s positioning in a team fight or play mostly for the split.”
Azekar says “Conqueror/Fleet+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Ghost+Ignite or Ghost+Teleport.
This matchup is not difficult, but incredibly annoying. A good Teemo will punish you at any time for approaching minions, so play it safe, after your 6th level the cards go to your side and you can kill him without major problems. On the first back, buy a Refilable Potion, which will allow you to survive laning to a greater extent.”
SrMolinv says “If Teemo goes tank its a pain (grasp and build). Try to farm as much as Teemo. You can scale against Teemo but hes annoying. Cleanse is an option, hard to snowball lane unless hes bad.”
Grakala says “Only a threat to Crit Riven, bc of the blind, but it's annoying af to play against and especially in low elo its picked pretty often so I always ban it. ”
Akalimetall says “Teemo's blinds make it impossible to play against him, as you won't be able to proc your pta on him. He will be the priority ban, especially in low elo.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “He has no chance aswell but… fck this guy. And his shrooms. And his pathetic little blowgun. And the way he walks. I hate you Teemo.”
OOBLEXX says “Only putting this as easy because if you get on top of him pre 6 with ignite you win. They will expect you to back off and play safe because of his poke but wait till 3 and go in, save W for his ignite or poison. DON'T FORGET ORACLE LENSE POST 6. ”
Rares396 says “you can't carry if a teemo is in the same game as you and if he takes Q at lvl 1 you are useless against him.
(you can't 1v1 him at lvl 1).”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Avoid getting spam auto'd, dont walk up for no reason. If he wastes blind, force all-in after. Keep in mind where he places shrooms. Hit W.”
RandumPersin says “Relatively easy matchup since Teemo is absolutely useless as a champion. Take any runes and summoner spells you want, start Doran's shield and play passively until level 6. Once you have ultimate, look for an opportunity to bait out his blind and then all in with full combo + R and he should die every time. You slightly outscale Teemo and offer more value to your team in general, the only reason he isn't in the easiest category is because of the potential for his blind to mitigate your stun and/or his unbearable harass for the first 6 levels of the game. Swap to sweeper once you have a few control wards in your inventory to clear his shrooms from lane and Teemo should be no trouble for you.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Survive this rat. Doran's Shield and second wind. If he uses blind as a poke or uses it on the wave, all in him. He cannot do much about it. ”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet
Eclipse(Or Draktharr if really fed)
Now that Q can get blinded this matchup is not too free, you should win lane easily but in a 2vs2 he can just blind you and shots you like a little minigun. More annoying than dangerous. Play fleet and go assassin if you don't have to frontline, if you do play safe after a few levels and stop 1v1 him if you don't have passive stacks, go Goredrinker since he can blind your Divine.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. A good Teemo player wont let you touch him and expect your taunt and simply sidestep it so you should generally take TP and play for Ults. Only some bad Teemo players will be greedy and step into your E range so you can get a few empowered Q autos off and disengage since his blind is very annoying. Taking TP and playing for ults is my recommendation in this matchup. Buying Spectre's Cowl early can be super helpful.”
Fizzy says “Problem? Handsome... he is just a yordle and can cause a lot of headaches because of his Q, but Fiora's Q is not considered basic attack, so you can give Fiora's Q to get the marks still, buy lenses and use hard lane runes. And invest in Mr.”
Cheeseypops1 says “A good Teemo will usually beat you because of his w move speed making it very hard to hit skill shots but if you ever hit him with E just r him and he will die almost everytime. Can take ghost ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him. Teemo will place R around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “His Q doesnt turn off your Q, his poke is pretty strong as he can aa+Q you when u only Q, but if u have sheen grasp and second wind you can match it. He has no sustain and he is also inmobile so you can easily destroy him with barrels. Never push the tower if there is any possibility that he is invis next to it as if u get caught in his trap youre dead.”
hamgi says “teemo is not that hard of a counter as many ppl think despite yone's on-hits getting blocked. his blind (q) does not last very long, and even tho u cannot dmg him with aa, q, w, u can still get ur shield from w to mitigate any dmg u've taken. once blind is over, he has nothing to prevent u from shredding him. mid game makes it a little easier to deal with him as with more atk spd, q + aa weave-ins are ur main source of dmg. in early laning phase, however, teemo is annoying. they have control of the wave as they can blind u and prevent u from cs'ing and/or poke u away from it. they usually take pta and rush nashor's, berserker's as its easy for them to proc pta with more atk spd. if he hits u and u see the stack, run outta range until it goes away. its not worth the 60-90g, 21g or 14g over a hefty % of ur hp (unless u have means of regaining that quickly). trading with teemo is a little difficult as his w gives him enough ms to sidestep ur spells, especially a q3 or r engage, so try to get on top of him before u q3, or mix it up, and sit on q2, engage, and build up q3 while u fight him. try to bait out his blind before u go for early trades. a mantle and an early spirit visage/wit's end will go a long way as their job is to keep on-hit heavy champs down. u will be their target for blinds in skirmishes and team fights. pick up oracles post 6 and buy a pink everytime u back as well bc when ur oracle's is down, dropping a pink in lane or river will reveal any more shrooms he's put down since u left”
Ludowico says “very noisy with the q and the passive of the e, but if you bought the wit's of the end and put in the runes more MR its posible counter him.”
MrSIrPops says “Teemo is a great threat to aatrox . Teemo can blind you and make your passive useless while kitting you and run you down with his poison if he knows how to play . Play aggresive in the early game and try to hit as many E-Q combos and ask for help if he starts to have a lead .”
BlessingPlate63 says “Ranged toplaners are a big problem. First of all, the render the grasp build useless (muda) since you cannot trade correctly against them. Second, they're harder to bully. Go for the usual plans and tactics against them that are used when playing pretty much any champion. Wait until they mess up and overextend, call your jungler for help, and try to slow push so you can setup and towerdive.
I only put teemo here but unless specified otherwise the other matchups against ranged tops go in a similar way.”
UnderworldTF says “Play safe. Counters your entire kit with q. Focus on poke with red card tiamat, and stay a good distance away from brush where he could have mushrooms. Take First Strike.”
Adamikcz2 says “THIS CREATURE is the scariest thing you have ever seen, Wukong has no sustain and hates all ranged/poke matchups. Stay under turret and ask your Jungler to help.”
spaghalli says “Lol silly teemo. His blind is obviously a direct counter, but you can take tenacity in your rune pages, rush wit's end, and take oracle lens after he reaches lvl 6, and you should be fine. ”
AnestisGR says “Teemo is a really hard matchup, he has a lot of poke with his auto-attacks and range and he applies a lot of pressure. Also, he has a pretty small hitbox making it harder for you to hit your E. Furthermore, he outscales you pretty hard. Take
Second Wind as well as Doran Shield to survive his poke. ”
StingingChicken says “He can blind you midair if you empowered W into him. Look for a 4 stack combo W-Empowered Q-E, you will chunk him hard and he can't trade back much.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “a really good teemo player can make u suffer really bad and wont be able to apply stacks, he will rush boots and play PTA/aery play a lot with fog of war and the bushes try to save ur E as well as long as possible but not really needed if u just want trades”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
kajinator says “Extremely hard to deal with champion for Garen since he kites you like crazy. use the Q max ability order. Bring Phase Rush + Flash and Ignite since you do have decent kill pressure on Teemo and very good kill pressure on Teemo with Stridebreaker. You are better in side lane and in team fights.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
SrMolinv says “Rezar nunca esta de más. Si es el Teemo tanque es muy dificil. Si los dos farmeais lo mismo Riven ya va ganando la linea. Farmea lo que puedas sin perder demasiada vida.
Tiene puesto un 4 por ser una linea dificil de snowballear.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
pura4 says “"[Comenta, Anel de Dorans, Q > E] - Essa lane é fácil de ganhar, jogue no poke sempre que o fluxo de mana estiver ativo e sua passiva estiver ativa, dê o poke recue e faça tudo novamente, você conseguirá solar o teemo no lvl 6 após 2~3 pokes, espere o CD do Q e vai com tudo R.”
KaiOverHere says “(Any Build that doesn't involve CONQ) Teemo can kind of just Cheater-Recall and then set up a permanent freeze, but Teemo's never do it for some reason. In any case try and do your best to survive with your passive + W and try and get a crash off when you see the enemy jungle botside.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him from the get-go. Teemo will place Shrooms Noxious Trap(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him. Teemo will place R around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
BRUNATOR1.0 says “This little guy will be able to blind you for 3 seconds in late, you may be able to kill him with abilities, but he does a huge amount of damage, be really careful”
Elresser says “Ranged matchup. Wait until level 3, then use your usual trading pattern. You may not be able to blow up ice from the passive if he uses blind in the early levels. Doran's shield and second wind are very optimal.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him. Teemo will place R around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
BLYX says “Teemo's kit is very annoying, especially his Q, but he is relatively squishy. Try to get a few control wards, then get oracle at level 6 to avoid his shrooms. You can easily win a 1v1 once you've scaled enough.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him. Teemo will place R around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
Thrandor says “You are in for a bad time. Stay back and wait for lvl 6. If you hit your ult you can run him down and kill him, even when you engage on low health.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Teemo is a ranged champion, expect him to try and harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting items could be a good way of dealing with him. Teemo will place mushrooms(R) around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of kill pressure if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and poke you down.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Annoying champ, give up some cs first couple of levels to preserve your HP bar, and then look for all ins when he's pushed up. When you all in him he'll Q you, don't bother autoing during
this blind time, just keep walking where he's walking so he can't kite you. Winning this is reliant on his mistakes but he can't teamfight so don't worry if you don't hardstomp lane ”
tacowo_ says “Getting Blinded is very annoying, but unless he's ungodly fed he's going to start to fall off in the midgame. Rushing Spectre's Cowl and Merc Treads can be worth it. Only lane I use Doran's Shield in.”
UlisesFRN says “Easy matchup for you
He is really squishy so you can keep jumping on him. His Q doesnt affect you that much. Be careful tho, you are squishy too, if he has PTA and Ignite play slower
The mushrooms are scary, use Oracle lens if needed”
Zorroh says “Teemo can be a bit of a tricky matchup early game because of his ability to outrange Mini Gnar as well as stop auto attacks with his Q blind. Take fleet footwork for this matchup. It will allow you to trade a bit more aggressively and walk up to hit more farm while being able to sustain your hp. The movespeed from procing FFW also helps kite away when Teemo tries to run you down with his W. Grasp is useless in this matchup because he will always blind you and outtrade you when you walk up to proc it by autoing him. You will want to play extremely safe and cautious as Mini Gnar. You should be focusing on last hitting farm and poking Teemo with Q. Do not try and walk up to proc W on him because he will always outtrade short fights and all-ins against Mini Gnar. Mega Gnar is your window to pick up kills on Teemo. You can all in him from around 65% hp or less, just pay close attention to his items because if he has a lot of AP he can easily still win the all in. If you hit your R stun and W stun in the same combo he is almost always guaranteed dead. Merc Treads are a good item to rush for the MR but also the tenacity to reduce his blind duration and mushroom slow. ”
Used to be free, but after the E adjustments you can't just shrug off his poke. Run him down when his Q is on cooldown. (DShield + Second Wind + Refillable pot are key here...)”
Doesn't take a genius to use teemo against this setup. Stand invisible in the bush or nearby. Pop a normal basic, then a blind dart and your damage is literally gone. If you threw your stun then you're screwed because that won't hit. THE ONLY HOPE YOU HAVE is to endure his blind go in on him and kill him before he can escape as soon as the blind ends. But even I have issues pulling that off.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Тимо представляет большую угрозу, особенно после сильного усиления, которое он получил несколько патчей назад. Он вообще не позволит вам заниматься фармом или трейдиться с ним по-честному. Он все время будет иметь преимущество. Даже если он позволит вам нанести ему хороший R, это не будет настолько успешным, так как он нанесет вам Q, и ваш W будет отменен. Это означает, что щупальца не ударят его, так что никакого урона и исцеления. До баффа линия была играбельной, а сейчас нет.
Идите в руне фулл хилл, Q качаем и живем на маг дефе.
Важное условие Q тимо:
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Taiquyorah says “MU difficile au début mais relativement simple en late game.
Survivez jusqu'à la brillance puis vous pouvez trade avec grasp + corruption !
Gardez le W pour son Q. Potentiel de kill si vous avez ignite.
Outscale hard en late game.”
THICCshake says “Laning phase is pretty simple. You max q and play it safe. But late game he will most likely target his q on you all the time. When you are lv16 you outrange him and can one shot him before he can q you.”
NegativePhoenix says “His blind will stop your E and autos but he has no defense against your Q. Just mind his poke and you'll be ok. Late game he'll do his best to blind your ADC so focus him down as you'll be able to early execute him at this stage. He's more of a threat to your team than you yourself.”
buuu1401 says “(TOP/MID) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH, wait for your 3 and you win trust me if you had a few bad trades pre3 just wait for your 6 and YOU WILL WIN IT.”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff, Doran's Shield. You can get Grasp procs by AA'ing him and then backing off. If you AA before his Q hits you, your AA will go through. You have enough sustain to do this continuously. If you want to fuck with him, go Spectre's Cowl instead of Merc Treads and keep trading AA's with him. You NEED an Oracle Lens against him because it disables his Shrooms. Do not to freeze the wave against him. Do not dance.”
Groovywelsh says “In lane if he uses Q to poke you or farm a miniom you can all in and kill him.The thing with teemo is even if he is 0/10 he still counters you, becuse you can go in on a team fight and teemo just presses Q on you and you are usless for 3 seconds”
HelloStranger says “CONQ | FLASH + IGNITE
You will have an unfun laning phase but you should almost always kill him once you get Stride. Consider getting Wits End if he is fed.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His Q spam is very annoying, playing in and out of bushes can be good.
Dont take free damage for farm.
Dont trade with him because his Q neutralizes yor damage so much.
Play to scale.
Get sweeper on first base.”
OffMetaIsNewMeta says “Avoid playing Aatrox into Teemo. The skill cap to outplay Teemo is higher than most other matchups. With Teemo Q buffs, Aatrox relies heavily on Q to deal damage to Teemo who can just W+kite you to death.”
LemonSmoothie2965 says “Teemo is really good at fighting Mordekaiser. He can shoot him from afar and harass you before level 6, he has movement speed to dodge your E, and he can blind you which can sometimes prevent you from getting the last hit you need to proc Phase Rush, Cosmic Insight, and your passive. Just play safer against him and wait to engage after his blind ends, and you will have a good shot at beating him.”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “This little guy is really boring in early (pre 6), he will just poke you hard and you can't do so much unless you got a jungler. At 6 you can look for an all-in, try to block his blind with your W.
After 6 you should completly destroy him, be sure to not follow him deeper into his mushrooms and everything should be good.”
VituVonDoom says “Jayce doesn't use auto attacks, and he is especially good at blowing up immobile, squishy champs, which Teemo happens to be. There is a reason the Rank 1 Teemo in BR permabans jayce, you absolutely shit on him. Go oracle lens after 6, run electrocute and ignite, and farm him until he is less worth than a minion.”
SilviuGarg13 says “Range mage and annoying as hell, if you don't ban Urgot, this is your second most favorable ban. I suggest taking Mercury Treads if this choice is in your favor.”
Michcio says “His q doesnt turn off you q but it turns out you passive so watch out. This matchup is very annoying, buy a lot of control wards and take oracle asap. Go ignite as well. Remember that he can ambush you next to his tower so when u start to hit it he will reveal himself from his passive and start attacking you with bonus AS. His Q+aa outdamages your Q remember about that. You can oneshot him late game ”
Aberrant Demon says “Leash or fake leash. If you don't, he's going to cheese you with his passive. Let him push the wave into you as much as possible, because you can't do anything until at least level 6. Post-6 you can all-in with Ghost as long as you track where his shrooms are. Hold the auto attack part of your Q until his blind is down. Even if he goes invisible, you can still damage him with your E.”
NegativePhoenix says “Teemos blind is the main source of problem to getting your Q stacks. I'd recommend building damage above attack speed, seeing as how if you don't have stacks before fighting him, you'll just be using weak Qs and ult. If you manage to get close he'll usually just flash or run to a planted shroom for slows. Get sweeper once he's close to 6 and don't forget your Q can hit him even if he's trying to hide in brush.”
chedlol says “Ranged top can be very difficult as Maokai, any ranged tops you don't see on this list belong in this tier. Buy Sweeper. Thankfully Teemo isn't an impossible lane to win as he will try to cheese bushes often which will be guarded by your saplings. Respect his damage and good luck.”
TheKirkendall says “Teemo will try to bully Cho, especially pre lvl6. The blind counters your E. Mushrooms make it hard to chase. However, Teemo is squishy, so go for poke and consider flash combo'ing him for the kill.”
JYSZ says “prob best ban but if you play against him play safe early try to farm as much as possible and get mercs early once u get sheen and r after that u can kill him”
IcunoX says “Annoying cuz ranged again but unlike others he focusses auto attackers, while you dont care about that.
Although you wont get phase rush as easily since he can blind your W.
This is the 1 matchup where I would consider going comet.”
MeechyDarko says “Ban. Fuck this little dude. Theoretically you can beat him with Fleet Footwork and a suboptimal buildpath. Its just not worth it in my opinion. Every other counterpick to Camille is able to be played around with skill and smart decision making. Teemo forces you to take suboptimal runes and items, weakening your carry potential. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Get more resources and farm, in lower elo you can often solo kill Teemo's by parrying a blind, but they won't blind you as much in high elo.
Wave 1-4:
Play a bit safe, last hit minions when you can, don't trade too much hp, wait for your level 3 to start getting significant trades off on him.
This is a hard matchup
You need to take the sustain build (Dshield + Second Wind).
Only look for trades when u have W up, if you manage to parry his Q then you absolutely win it.
Don't forget to buy red trinket + control wards for his shrooms.
Unless he has tabis with grasp + ignite you can run him down level 6.
Note you can QW into shrooms if one is inbetween you and Teemo as you won't get affected by it and will block the shroom simultaenously.
Mercs after Hydra helps a lot in this matchup
Teemo is also another champ who is very gankable ”
xZugas says “[Recommended: First Strike/Electrocute, Standard AP Build] You can't do much with either Bruiser or AD Rengar builds after 6. If you're against a good Teemo, he'll put mushrooms on either the bushes or around him to stop you from safely leaping. I strongly recommend going AP Rengar, as your main source of damage is your W and you can burst him pretty quickly. Take Doran's Shield and Second Wind. You win if you don't take a lot of poke and you go AP Rengar, as you'll be trading him a lot and having better sustain with Shield and runes.”
Black Demon Ezel says “I've never been one to like Teemo's but he's kinda a party crasher. He blinds, poisons and outspeeds anything he comes anywhere near. So stay away and mark him. You don't have any tankiness that can stop a bunch of DPS, in fact no one does.”
Scallywag says “Annoying ranged champion.
He is squishy, so you can kill him easily.
You can trade your q vs his auto attacks early on and try to kill him, but watch out you don't get poked too much or he will kill you with ignite.
You can orange his blind.”
michaelaa says “past lvl 4 you can beat him hard. he has no sustain and if you get him with the big heat he just kinda....
also he can never get out of your ult. hes so tiny and slow. just half health him and ult and boom. kill.
hes honestly not even that annoying, you can even buy the mr boots if you dont care for him. at some point it just becomes a "how fast can we clear the wave with our aoe abilities" contest and as long as you manage heat well hes perma under tower
if the teemo is a little smart you could be in trouble. he can screw you up with good blinds so always prioritize poking him with e, letting him blind you, and then empower qing the wave. he has practically no followup when the q is on cooldown.”
gytross says “Your Q gives you sustain, damage, range and always lets you hit even if you're blinded. He is very squishy and will die to you if you can hit all Q. ”
KyleTheConqueror says “Early game he is a problem. He's got the speed, the blind, and the range. Why isn't he an extreme threat? because you OUTSCALE TEEMO HARD!
You'll definitely rely on ganks and your team to get ahead a bit. If the game goes well in other lanes, you'll definitely outscale him.
Sauren says “Gold isnt as important as you think. Exp is what we are after. Post six let him push you under turret and if he ever q's you run him down after as he can not beat you in the 1v1.
You just have to play it smart!”
ShacoMagicTrick says “He can be a pain in the ass early so ping your jungler. After first item you outpoke him plus your clone can explode in his face due to him staying behind his shrooms.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Survive early, rush Mercury Treads and run him down. When you ult him you don't have to worry about his shrooms that he previously placed.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: Just wait until level 6 and then all in him, although you need to land your E or you just die and you need to be full health to win the 1v1. Remember to use your W for when he blinds you and you should be good.”
Trundledaddy says “Same as heimerdinger, would dodge pray that he doesn't perma zone you and that ur jungler is good mood to sit top, you can run him down but blind being what it is makes life hard, mercs rush can make it not suicidal”
OwOskan says “Teemo is not the biggest counter against gwen, if you know how to mindfully use your W, after all he's just a defenseless ranged toplaner.”
Federals1 says “Teemo has a lot of poke, on top of being able to blind you and remove your q and w. Try to play back and wait for your 6. You can't really do much beyond that until bigger health components like Giant's Belt. Anathema's Chain rush is the best route. It will give you the biggest chance of being able to survive the lane and perhaps kill him. Q max is needed. First rune page should be used. Doran's Ring works best into him, but if you are afraid of getting poked down Doran's Shield is also very good. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Survive early, rush Mercury Treads and run him down. When you ult him you don't have to worry about his shrooms that he previously placed. ”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “If he's in your lane, make sure you don't let him farm or gain takedowns. Mage-build Teemo and his shrooms can go fandango with the Devil. ”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
You shouldn't have problems with normal teemo, but some will take Grasp, ignite and steelcaps, take Dshield + Second wind + unflinching. Try to parry his Q and if you do you easily kill him, take red trinket and even pinks for his shrooms. After lvl 6 you should kill him easily unless he has the mentioned build. ”
ogilabadabahamdala says “After the recent buffs he can be a hard matchup but you just have to wait for the blind to go out then beat the hell out of him”
WestRover says “your day will be ruined similar to gangplank you have to roam and make plays around the map, so just farm till six and roam around the map his kit does not allow him to take tower as quickly as other champs, however if do lose tower its is okay, just dont lose second tower and it should be fine ”
Anothaoneforym6 says “If you want to make him cry go E rush, its honestly such a free lane and even when I played against a diamond teemo they couldn't do jack s***. He later on becomes annoying due to his Dps being so high and his bilnd last long and has a short CD”
MHLoppy says “Lack of sustain means you can gut him with a few good axes, it's just difficult to land them because his W lets him run so fast he can basically just side step them most of the time. If you can get your jungler to help kill him once or twice pre-6 with you that's a big help and allows you to more safely go for solo-kills onto him after that. Your ult will negate his blind and the slow from his shrooms, but you'll still have to be wary of his damage and mobility, especially if you eat multiple shrooms to reach him.”
Jellyjaneo says “Teemo. yikes. I have mix emotions about this champion. I put this in major instead of even just because I fought a teemo who build Vendetta against me and I did absolutely no damage and he demolished me. If you poke him early in game and cs really good hes easy to defeat. If he goes tank teemo and builds Vendetta chains against you- it's been nice knowing you.”
youmamaleftu says “teemo might be the biggest counter to fiora if he knows what he is doing. Go grasp and buy early tenacity boots and dshield and vs ranged runes”
Cryniu says “Juega defensivo, suele hacer mucho daño y tener ignición.
Compra objetos como hábito del espectro o botas de mercurio.
Prioriza buscar tenacidad, su Q puede dejarte sin daño por estar cegado.
Considera comprar lente revelador para sus hongos.
Usa tu combo de Q+W para anular el daño de sus básicos y el dardo.
Trata de sorprenderlo con tu E.”
Helzky says “Teemo is no threat at all to Yorick, we are quite possibly Teemo's hardest counter. When he blinds you, just land E and trap him, wait for ghouls to damage and when you're not blinded, you can Q auto him. Basically he's just free gold. Just don't take unnecessary poke early on.”
OliveeGarden says “Not actually a hard matchup at all, care early levels as teemo will win, but once you buy swiftness boots you will be fine, don't try to force a kill on teemo unless you're confident. keep conq or fleet its your choice, take ghost and he's easy pickings once you get stride. also post 6 if he blinds you while you're ontop of him just use R as it lasts about the blind duration”
GG Cannon says “His blind and shrooms makes him annoying to fight again, but every single Venomous Bite you hit on him is gonna chunk his health and even if he blinds you, your spiderlings will still deal damage.
You also win over on poke, but his blinds can prevent you from triggering grasp with your ranged melee several times.”
magician4444 says “Just play safe, sneak a few Q's and E's here and there and just burst him down with your ult at level 6 when he's about around about 55% HP. You can take electrocute or conq for the lane, electrocute does a little more damage but conq scales way better (It's mainly preference, test both out and see which one you prefer). If you don't one shot Teemo, he can kill you quite easily with his autos when all your abilites are on cool down. Main take aways: Poke with E's and Q's while hes mispositioned in lane, when hes low enough, after hitting an E go for an all in and try to one shot.”
Heworic says “Follow the standard protocol for ranged matchups and play safe early. Once you get level 3 you can begin trading back in short trades when you have Q stacked. At 6 you can easily kill him. Try bait out his Q before engaging on him.”
havy says “keep your distance and avoid getting poked until level 3, his blind does stop your empowered W auto, so keep that in mind if going for a combo”
King Turtle says “he's a pain in the ass, especially in the early game, but once you hit 6 all you have to do is time your W to block his blind and you should be able to all in him without much issue. The only time he's going to wreck you is pre 6.”
TheChoz3nOne says “I never lost to Teemo top. He is so easy to counter. You can buy red trinket and easy counter his invisibility and his ult. Poke him to death with your E and finish him off with your clone explode.”
ChowJunior says “Annoying. Just like Jayce, he's a nuisance. Avoid getting bullied during the very early levels. When fighting, he will try to blind you when you Q. If you can land a stun on him, he dies. It allows you land an E and from there you can just one shot him. Dorans shield and second wind recommended”
Rodos says “Teemo is also a big threat, especially after the huge buff he got few patches ago. He wont let you farm at all or trade have a fair trade with him. He will have the upper hand the whole time. Eeven if he lets you land a good R on him, it wont be so successfull as he will Q you, and your W will be cancelled. Which means that the tentacles wont hit him, so no damae and no heal. Before the buff the lane was playable but its not anymore. Personally i ban teemo and let morde aside, but for the new players, dont dare to try and let the enemy pick morde.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy matchup, don't get poked down too much pre 6. Rush Rylai's. If you ever catch him brainlessly running after you and shooting auto attacks, turn and e q him, get a good trade and get out. Most Teemos are crazy about dodging your spells and you can use this as an advantage because he will be running in a wavy line, thus running from you slower and you don't have to hit your spells, just auto attack him until he realizes that his strategy doesn't work, he will then run in a straight line and you can hit your spells. Post-6 you can just braindead ult him and run him the fuck down as there won't be any shrooms to slow you. Ulting him in late-game teamfights might not be the best choice, as at this point he is gonna be super fast for no reason and he can just run from you super well, so only ult him if he is close to you already.”
boboderaffe says “Use the “Zapper” build and harass him every time you get the chance to do so. Temp is unbelievably easy to kill for you. That does not mean run up to him with cooldowns! But you can chunk him 2-3 times with e+passive+electrocute+scorch and then finish him off the 4th time or force him out of lane. Be careful of ganks pre 6. ”
Wishingbones says “This isn't *that* dangerous, but in my personal professional hard-stuck opinion, I'd rather uninstall than letting this rat into my game. Perma banned at all times, doesn't matter what champ you are playing.
Rito, please remove, so that I don't have too.”
Xochii says “Teemo is misconcepted a lot by people - He's not really good in a fair fight, so he relies on mind games and being annoying to tilt the enemy as much as possible. Build Merc Treads whenever you can and wait for his blind to run out (OH GOD IT'S 3 SECONDS LONG NOW) so you can beat the crap out of him. Becomes 3 times easier if you have a partner ganking you!”
Rayli36 says “Wait for his mistakes and wait for your stridebreaker take doran's shield+second wind+conqueror or phase rush+second wind if you want to stick with him and don't forget to max E
BreadedBreadCrum says “Annoying rat of a champion. Take Grasp and run second wind, doran's shield and unflinching to reduce blind duration. Stride, BoRK or Frostfire are great items as they reduce his speed from his W. Go Merc treads. Get oracle lvl 6”
Hoplite345 says “Teemos latest buffs to his Q can make him a little more difficult to deal with in the top lane. Only tips I have here is to purchase Cull and farm up to scale properly, you definitely scale higher than Teemo and if you hit your early 2 item spike first, the lane is yours.”
GastlyLoL says “Take triple Rejuv beads, and at level 6, if you aren't too low, spin on him, wait out the blind, and then you should be able to kill him. You also have a chance level 1, especially if he takes poison to kill/pressure him. Can be uncatchable if he goes phase rush.”
ArshieMeBob says “Thank you so much for buffing Teemo's blind... You have to play at maximum range, you can't aggressively trade because you will lose. Limit trading to like, one auto attack and just scale. You can shit on him at 6 because you can either get a shit ton of fidget spinners or heal up a bunch and just burst him with red white.”
LunaticDancer says “Survive level one and it only get easier. Gambler runes not really viable, D Shield required. If you hit an E on him and then trap him in W, he's in serious trouble. Rinse and repeat.”
COJA says “Most people know this is an easy matcup, but it isn't the easiest. Teemo is very fast and can dodge your abilities, especially with upgraded boots. You should play safe until lvl 4-5 where your Q has damage. Your all in with ultimate is incredibly strong vs him, just be careful to not miss everything.”
Captain Bane says “kinda disgusting, but max out E and look to farm, because his blind will turn every trade against you, but your E-cone will do damage, despite this. Try to E minions while hitting Teemo, and secure a minion with your passive shield. If you play this correctly you won't even need Doran's shield, but live off of manaflow band, and dorans ring instead + secondwind (against his poison) or just go 3 rej, but if he goes first strike E him before he gets and auto to deny him the extra gold.”
Sveti Petar says “wait till gank (if lvl3), wait till ult + 1 gank (just in case).
Grasp & sunfire/divine recommended. go
mercurys treads.
U might wanna add 3 points into Q, before maxing W.”
Galactities says “His blind makes it almost impossible to trade, try to figure out when his blind is down then go for an engage otherwise you won't really win any fights. He's easy gold after his blind is down. Though her harrases you hard in lane phase. Get sweeper post 6.”
Janekk25 says “Easy to kill if u have some advantage in mordekaiser. Harder to kill if u are new to the champion. Mordekaiser is based on q which he can't block.”
space cat says “the only time a teemo will be a threat is if they are VERY good at dodging your skillshots. otherwise, you can out trade them even if they are trying their best to kite you. ”
Eduardocwalle says “Oh god, pure evil. This little bastard is the most tilting champ to play against, denies ur main source of Dmg and pokes u all the fucking time. BUT, if u play comet with Doran shield and scorching u can win lane.”
NAGlTO says “Your kit is based on AA's and landing Q. If he holds Q and negates all of your burst, he wins. Bait it without taking too much damage if possible.”
Gragas Fumante says “ Recognize when he is too advanced when you are close to your Mega form, after this is basically jump, doble-jump or flash and full combo him for a easy kill.
Be careful when in your Mini form because he is going to outrade you.
There is a rare occurancy when the Teemo will not make positioning mistakes, if so you can focus on farming and abusing your stronger roaming.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “There's the little faggot-lipped scumbag,he'll literally try to cheese you out of lane simply for being a Darius,although once he gets into your pull range, just carve him up in half. Early mercs rush is supergood especially since he got buffed on the Q.
Dshield and second wind.”
5Head Builds says “Just because of his shrooms and his W you will lose early. try your best to farm. If you are below 50% health leave the lane and return.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Annoying little brat is a big threat for Illaoi too. He's fast, he's small, he's nasty. Rush Cowl, then Steraks, finish Spirit's Visage after. For Runes; go into Grasp, Second Wind, Revitalize. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Extremely obnoxious matchup, especially with buffs. Look for an opportunity to kill him before he gets items, or he may just snowball on you. Very snowbally in either direction.”
MrZoltannn says “you can go all-in with ignite at level 3 with Long Sword start, and lvl 6 is an easy kill for you, when he uses q on you, just wait a bit till you attack. Rush wit's end when needed.”
Stinkee says “Very easy matchup for Sion. DON'T TAKE GRASP KEYSTONE, TAKE COMET OR UNSEALED SPELLBOOK INSTEAD. Start Doran's Ring and max E. Spam your E, throwing minions at him to poke him. If you are close enough, run up after you land E to Q him. There's not much he can do in this matchup. Rush Magic Resist items and health. ”
Anoying bro5 says “Start Dorans Shield. Wait till lvl 3 to fight, dont take free poke. Sit back. Parry his Q blind and you win. If you can get on top of him and parry his Q you will demolish him. ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “A good Teemo is pretty rough to play against. His damage is 90% magical so he doesn't care about Thresh's soul scaling. He will build a lot of attack speed to melt your hp bar even with MR. He's also hard to catch thanks to a tiny hitbox and high mobility. Not fun overall.
If you kill this guy its because he got overaggressive and decided to trade near turret. That's a death sentence for Teemo and always punish him if he does this. He's hard to deal with at all points in the game, especially later because his mushrooms can nuke your team. Anathemas can be good because he likes to splitpush and doesn't do true damage. Frozen heart isn't bad either, nor is redemption or mikaels to shield your allies.”
quinn adc says “Lane phase is Teemo favoured. Early game, the ONLY time you should ever trade with Teemo is if you land your Q blind on him first.
If Teemo blinds you first, he wins the trade and you legit can't retaliate.
If you blind him first, he can't blind you because his Q is a lock on ability, which means you hard win that trade.
However, be mindful of good Teemo players. The main reason is because good teemos are actually able to make the matchup super one sided by using their good reaction time to Press their W when you press Q, and use this MS bonus to easily side step your Q since Quinn's Q travels quite slow for a skill shot.
If Quinn misses Q, teemo will hard run Quinn down and make her cry.
These two teemo players give me a hard time because they have mastered that lane mechanic, so watch out for good teemos when you VS this matchup.
However, Teemo's ONLY edge is lane phase guys. You have to play under your strengths.
Quinn's Q is 1025 range, while Teemo's Q is 680.
Play back, and if you want to trade, try to go for max range Qs so that if you miss, teemo won't be in range to immediately Q you and run you down (because the good teemos will try punish you for missing your Q).
Take short trades with Electrocute. He has no sustain, so one combo when he is blinded will chunk him heavily and make the lane very hard for him.
Also note that Teemo's passive is that if he isn't hit for 5 seconds, he gains passive MS indefinitely, so keep that in mind (like Garen's passive, but not being hit grants him MS instead of missing health regen).
If you're able to hit him with any AA or ability, then Teemo will be a lot slower than normal :) Late game just run teemo down, land blind amd then one shot him.”
Veng Shotz says “He may be annoying level 1-3 but after you get dirk he generally gets ran down with minimal effort. Get mercs instead of lucidity and try to buy a pink to clear out his lane shrooms and its free.
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Avoid taking too much damage early game. If you have to, let him push and only go for a short trade when you have windwall available.
Rush Berserkers > Shieldbow and dominate him for the rest of the game.”
Feedaboi says “Teemo's Q "blind dart" makes you miss all your AA's when it is active on you- negating your w "violent tendencies" if you attack during it, and he has high DoT damage. Build MR, get an oracle lens, he is squishy if you get on top of him while his Q is on CD.”
Phrxshn says “You will need your Insanity Potion to trade with Teemo. You can also consider going Phase Rush or Predator rune against Teemo. Let him using his Blinding Dart(Q) then consider trading against him. Buy Red Trinket to counteract with his Noxious Trap. (Any combat abilities stops his Move Quick passive, but not his active) (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Rylai's Scepter) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Amphawn says “He beats you pre 6, but after you get your first item you can destroy him pretty easily. Just take oracle lens after 6 and make sure not to waste your E when he blinds you. Obviously be careful of bushes, as well as the sides of the lane. His passive can also be super annoying, and try not to linger in any bushes he has access to while you don't know where he is. You can control ward the bush closest to you so he can't surprise attack you, although after you get an item you should be fine. When he does blind you, stay away until it is over so he doesn't get free trade damage. You may want to buy some magic resist.”
PH45 says “Quite hard matchup, he will just outrun you with his movespeed and they often even rush boots just to be more slippery. DShield + Fleet is probably most consistent way to go about this matchup since you can't guarantee Grasp procs on him due to his blind. ”
iZeal says “He is very fast making it hard for him to get pulled by your W and forces you to blow your E to get reliable Q hits. If he does get pulled, he basically gets 1shot though. ”
Phrxshn says “You will need your Maximum Dosage to trade with Teemo. You can also consider going Phase Rush or Predator rune against Teemo. Let him using his Blinding Dart(Q) then consider trading against him. Buy Red Trinket to counteract with his Noxious Trap. (Any combat abilities stops his Move Quick passive, but not his active) (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Force of Nature, Spirit Visage) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Raen says “Doran shield and Mercury in this match up very helpful. If he will use his blind then its your time to jump on him and chance to kill him. Remember that his blind deny dmg from your W. Dont try to chase him at all cuz he will try to bait you at his shrooms. Wait untill he will waste his blind then you can try to all in him and kill thats how you should lane against Teemo. Let minions go first and wait a bit so they eat mushroom and you won't get hit by it. Get MS items to match his.”
Xerath gaming says “It may seem annoying but in my opinion it's free lane, you catch him with your E once and he's dead. You ult him he's dead. Free lane tbh”
SaltCat says “Devil... start doran's shield if new to irelia, corrupting potion if experienced, level 1 start E, level 2 you can kill him if you are around 90% hp, rush merc's, carefull not to get poked early and this match up is easy for you”
Phrxshn says “You will need your Pillar of Ice to trade with Teemo. You can also consider going Phase Rush or Predator rune against Teemo. Let him using his Blinding Dart(Q) then consider trading against him. Buy Red Trinket to counteract with his Noxious Trap. (Any combat abilities stops his Move Quick passive, but not his active) (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Force of Nature, Spirit Visage) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
LoLReal says “Teemo's auto range is less than your pull range. This is a very winnable lane contrary to popular belief. Try to not take too much damage going for CS and trade into him if healthy with your E.
Tough match up if he builds bruiser, but if he does we outscale. D shield + cowl are essential in this match up. Get these before phage.”
Justkb says “Teemo is annoying, but as long as you don't die to him early he shouldn't be a problem! Try not to waste your W when you are blinded and wait out the duration before attacking! A Teemo's team fighting is dreadful, so make sure you have ghost and flash up and use him as a stacking tool when he falls out of position. If you find this matchup hard you can go phase rush and let the first 3 waves push, while staying healthy and running him down level 3 with ease. The only problem will be that you won't scale into the late game as hard compared to conqueror.”
MythicMike says “His blind will not stop your Q Damage so he can't really do anything once you all in him and land a W. You want to all in as much as possible since he will just sit and poke you all laning phase. Once he gets shrooms he can be a bit harder to catch, but same rules apply, all in him.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Refer to the AP guide for beating Teemo. You can also go corrupting potion and put 3 early points into E, going E -Q -W first 3 levels, With the increased range on Wither it reaches as far as Teemo's autos. Just be patient.”
qveenevelynn says “He is scaring but easy to fight. He have big damage but when he do his Q he dont have anything else to do, so you can all in with conq and outplay him. Really squishie, can't fight you at lvl 6, you one shot him.”
Phrxshn says “You will need your Unstoppable and Items to trade with Teemo. You can also consider going Phase Rush or Predator rune against Teemo. Let him using his Blinding Dart(Q) then consider trading against him. Buy Red Trinket to counteract with his Noxious Trap. (Any combat abilities stops his Move Quick passive, but not his active) (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Spirit Visage) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
Fan22 says “Teemo it´s not really hard if you make Doran´s shield and endure his poke.
Once you had Spirit visague or Adaptative Helm you can kill him, remember to ask your jungler for ganks because as always you can easily CC teemo and kill him with some help.
Aftershock it´s recommended against teemo because you cant proc Grasp too much because his Q(blinding) doesnt lets you AA.”
wDesired says “Get scanner when he reaches 6
Take trades with him lvl 1 if he lvls up Q
Don't take trades lvl 1 if he take E
Ping for your jungler to help
Phrxshn says “You will need your Infinite Duress and Items to trade with Teemo. You can also consider going Phase Rush or Predator rune against Teemo. Let him using his Blinding Dart(Q) then consider trading against him. Buy Red Trinket to counteract with his Noxious Trap. (Any combat abilities stops his Move Quick passive, but not his active) (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Spirit Visage) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
PanthrickTV says “PTA Matchup!
(1) Take Press The Attack!
(2) Survive to lvl 3.
(3) After you hit lvl 3 go for the all in, you will win this 1v1, because Pantheon is really strong in the early game.
(4) Care if he has IGNITE!”
Kacto15 says “Elo gratuito, solo tienes que ralentizarlo y darle con tu Q cargada varias veces hasta que muere, llévate lente del Oráculo y revela sus setas venenosas, ez
Jewceratops says “Without sums he is easy to run down even with his blind up. Just don't get poked too hard to all in. Run past him when u are blinded, since u can not attack him anyway.”
Phrxshn says “You will need your Facebreaker and/or Show Stopper to trade with Teemo. You can also consider going Phase Rush or Predator rune against Teemo. Let him using his Blinding Dart(Q) then consider trading against him. Buy Red Trinket to counteract with his Noxious Trap. (Any combat abilities stops his Move Quick passive, but not his active) (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness, Force of Nature, Spirit Visage) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
montybucket says “Teemo will beat you level 1-4 because that's how he snowballs. If you don't die within that space of time, you can easily all in him at 6 since his shrooms don't transfer to the death realm. Mitigate his poison with your W. You can also store a lot of shield against teemo because he deals tones of DOT.”
SilverAvalanche says “He can poke you like he does with all other champs. His Qs begin to hurt a lot as he begins to put more pints into it. your best hope is to get a couple of kills early by baiting out his E and the running him down with your E (you can not trade E for E since his is lower CD). there will be a weird spot where you are not transformed yet, where he can zone you off the wave and hurts like a truck, this is where he is most dangerous, so if you did not kill him before that you can call your jungler.”
MCSwavest says “Perma ban this shit stain of a champion. He hard counters you with blind (it applies to your E as well) and can basically have you perma blinded. There is no winning against a Teemo.”
lucaazo says “If he has right runes then it will be hard to kill him. He will do damage to you so stay under tower where you are safe. After lvl 7 you can if you see opportunity go all in on him. Ulr (R), Ghost, flash if you have and try to not to walk on his shrooms.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Eletrocutar.
Katarina é counter de Teemo.
Basta não ficar dando AA quando Teemo usar seu Q. Combe o com EW+AA+QE+AA ou espere nível 6 em diante que você sempre irá matá-lo no 1x1. Faça Hextech Gunblade assim que possível para que ele nunca consiga te matar. Cuidado com os cogumelos em posições óbvias, tente pensar como o Teemo e evite lugares que ele possivelmente colocaria os seus cogumelos (R), pois pode ser que ele esteja invisível esperando você para te matar. Sua ultimate revela o Teemo mesmo invisível e pode causar dano a ele, atente-se a isso. Em lutas de equipe,, mate-o imediatamente visto que ele pode prejudicar seu ADC. O potencial de perigo de Teemo é muito baixo devido Katarina não depender de seus AA para matar Teemo, o que facilita matá-lo devido a mobilidade alta da Katarina.”
Drake6401 says “Hey they buffed Teemo!...AGAIN! Fun right!? Fun game. So, you wanna outplay his blind and avoid stunning him with it. I prefer to use empowered Q on him early, especially to blow up the minion wave before chasing him passed them. Bring Oricle lens so can see the shrooms he'll try to kite you through and that's mostly it. Just respect his ignite combo damage early on.”
Teemo is widely known as a bad matchup for Darius. He is a nightmare to deal with if he knows what he is doing. Conqueror is a MUST in order to beat his face him, as if he manages to hit you with a mushroom during the all in you die anyway. If he takes Ignite, play very carefully and try not to take too much poke. Rejuv Beads/Dshield along with Second wind are mandatory to not get poked down and killed by him. Getting Merc boots in order to shorten the blind isn’t bad either but you should only consider it if you killed him already. You want him to push into you so that you can run him down with ghost. Sweeper is mandatory after level 6, as this allows you to walk around his shrooms. If you don’t have Sweeper, a good trick is to make sure NOT to take the EXACT path that Teemo takes when chasing him. Stridebreaker is great into him so wait for it if he is giving you trouble. Before it tho just get the wave on your side of the lane, thin it and ghost run him down after you pull him. MAKE SURE to land your Qs. Try to Q him when blind. Spectre’s Cowl is a good buy into Teemo but it is not really necessary often unless you are behind. Normally, Negatron cloak gives enough MR to just facetank his damage and cut him down. His AA range is very short so if he is the type of person to AA you often, you can very easily walk up and pull him in. P.S. : Bad Teemo players suck vs Darius. This matchup helps you deal with the good ones.”
RivalOCE says “If the Teemo has good spacing this can be tricky. Look to fight past 30% CDR items (Caulfield Kindlegem spike). If he blinds you, just walk next to him until it wears off, or better yet save your E/W for that so he doesn't get free damage while you're blinded. Edge of Night is good into this matchup as you can walk through shrooms or eat a blind with the passive.”
Chease says “Cringe lane but not as hard as other ranged lanes, go in only when you are sure that you can stick to him, use E+W combo if he blinds you.
NOTE: If he plays phase rush you can't realy do much.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - If the teemo goes grasp..., you're in for a hard lane. I haven't figured out how to beat Grasp Teemo, he does out sustain your Q poke.
- Get Second wind if you're having trouble, Corrupting potion is good because you can try to get some kills on him with it.
- This might be an Unfavored match up but because teemos can be ganked easily and Teemo just isn't the most useful champ, you can lose lane but win the game pretty easily."”
Amvill says “A matchup as old as time. He is ranged and has mushrooms. Do not proxy against him after 6 unless you have Oracle Lens or you know he didn't shroom the bushes.”
Wawza says “Some people have a hard time against teemo, although beating him is just a matter of lane manipulation and getting him to your side of the lane so you can chase him down.”
sock217 says “Skill Matchup. Obviously inting into teemo is not going to help you, but you can definitely 1v1 him if hes caught out. If you bait his blind you win any fight if you play it right. Care for shrooms and you should be fine.”
Rhoku says “Like other ranged fuckery champions, he is difficult to deal with due to how slippery he is. He outranges you pretty well and can poke you down. You beat him if you manage to land your abilities and activate your passive but Teemo will blind you so you can't AA and activate it. Not to mention how with his higher movement speed, he can just run away from you and even kite you very well. After level 6, the lane changes. If you ult him, his mushrooms don't come along. So if you ult him and land an E, he is DEAD. You DESTROY him him your ultimate. Just don't lose too much HP and you should be good to go. Don't forget to get a sweeper to take out his mushrooms with. Protobelt is nice in this lane. D.Shield and Second wind are required.”
YasTilt says “Free Matchup, you block his entire Kit. Just block his Q with your W and play around your WindWall. He is way more annoying when Playing AD. You can try to take Exhaust to slow him down, you can still abuse of your W though. If he's playing AD, take Anti-Heal because he'll surely buy Immortal ShieldBow.”
GarenteedDamage says “Teemo is a little rat that likes to be super annoying early. Avoid taking too much damage early, give up the 1st and 2nd minion waves if necessary. Watch out for his blind as he can easily block your Q (a big part of your damage) with it.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Magic Resist+DSield) Build MR early. You can try to Q on lvl 6 and chase him down, if you have enough HP for that, his minion wave is not to big and there are few shrooms around. Urgot outscales him hard.”
GarenteedDamage says “Teemo is a little rat that likes to be super annoying early. Avoid taking too much damage early, give up some of the 1st and 2nd minion waves if necessary. Watch out for his blind as he can easily block your Q (your main source of damage) with it.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Like Illaoi, Teemo is annoying by nature but his blind won't stop your Q, simply shield the Blinding Dart and as much poison as possible and you will be fine. And like Illaoi's tentacles, Teemo's Shroom traps don't follow into the Realm of Death”
Psychopathic Top says “Very infamous champion in the Nasus community. This champion simply has everything required to beat down Nasus and keep him down the entire stage of the game- HOWEVER, most teemos should be really easy to deal with imo. The only Teemo player thats ever given me any problems was ipav with his innovative builds to survive no matter what. Most Teemos doesn't play with that much discipline, and its easy to read a mistake from them and run them down post lucidity and sheen. Once teemo falls behind, it is very hard for him to come back into the game, as he cannot teamfight at all. best way to beat it is to bait his phaserush then all in immediately after.”
DippyDan says “aka Satan. A very frustrating champ to lane against. Has high DPS, High Movement speed, and a short CD blind. TIPS: [1] Take Fleet/Doran's Shield. [2] Avoid trading, unless you all-in. [3] If you parry first blind you can go for the kill if you are close enough. [4] Do not take his full combo (AA+Q+AA). [5] GET SWEEPER AND PINK FOR SHROOMS. ”
Hecki says “Yeah so this lane shouldn't be any difficult if you are patient. You go Second Wind with Dorans Shield and basically wait for Level 3. If you hit your W you can just give him a huge combo and maybe all-in hin if he is low enough. Don't let him harass you pre-level 3 and you should be fine.”
IvernLover74856 says “His Q and W make it hard to proc your E. Try to all-in kill level 1. If he's smart he'll save his blind for your E. if not, wait till it's about to end and go in for the E kill. Teemos like to use their Q for damage as an AA reset, so if he does this you can E for free.
Don't forget to take sweeping lens and follow in the wake of minions to avoid shrooms.
Start DShield.”
DemonicTrail says “His blind stops your W from slamming, if you can hit him with Q's and E's you should be able to win, but time your W's correctly when not blinded”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Ranged runes; Dshield] Just survive and wait for a mistake. If you think you can kill him, R his blind and walk on top of him to guarantee damage, then finish him after his cc expires. Be careful of his flash-auto-q-ignite combo because it can kill you from almost half hp.”
SunOak says “Bring glacial augment because this champion can kite very well. But when you catch him and he doesn't have flash he is 100% dead because he is very squishy. Take MR runes and second win. Start dorans shield.”
BCKTHUNDR says “don't play darius against teemo.
it's not like teemo is unkillable or that you can't beat him, its just a really annoying lane and can tilt you easily leading to poor decisions and thus dying alot.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Item:
-Dorans Blade
-Wits End + What ever your Team needs
Farm as far back as you can and try to not lose 2 much health.
You back when you get your level 6, then TP back and demolish him. You have to time your ult to evade his Q blind and the damage. You should just win after that. Watch out for his ignite, it's better if it si down when you go for the all-in but he might just ignite you right as you ult.”
NeroZYN says “If he misses Q, shit on him. that's all. He tries to run away? W him, auto e auto and kill him. Always play around his Q cooldown, and if anything try your best to bait it out!
Since the Item patch it has been really strange playing against Teemo, however the steps above still apply. Use Dorans shield so you can tank some of the auto attacks and bait out his Q to all in.”
TXK_ says “A typical high-poke ranged match-up. Use your W to soak the DoT from Teemo's E and focus on maintaining a high HP. Upon reaching 6, wait for Teemo to place his shrooms before looking for a 1v1 using your ult (the shrooms aren't taken into the realm). From there, just continue to snowball.”
IkorasBadIdea says “No body likes Teemo. I especially hate him. He just runs and places puffcaps. You can mitigate some damage of his mushrooms with E. If you can root him and he can't run like he usually does. Take Oracle Lens against him, it cancels his puffcaps and lets you get a safe path around the map. You can punish him by throwing some Q's at him and hitting him with W if he tries to poke or attack. Try to protect yourself against him by throwing an E on yourself.”
Mr. Popper says “Welcome to death by dot damage. Teemo has gotten some great new tools to deal with gnar this season so he can be much more difficult but at the same time he is a bit squishier since his core item liandries no longer has HP attached to it.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Annoying rodent, that's actually somewhat difficult to deal with if the teemo player uses correct runes. In general, just wait until level 6 to all in. Rushing null-magic mantle and/or starting Dorans Shield is extremely valuable in this lane. Don't use your W when you're blinded by teemo, and just orbwalk while you wait for the blind to dissipate. Overall a simple lane.
Alternatively, start dorans shield and take Second Wind under the resolve tree, and play slowly. Difficult lane in higher ranks, but not too bad in low elo. ”
RhinoStar says “Consider taking ghost and building Mercury's Treads (magic resist boots) quickly. At the start of the game it will be difficult because of the poke teemo has. But as you get level 6 you should be able to fight him. ”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP DIFFICILE NE VOUS FAITES PAS TROP POKE STACKER L'ANTI POKE (BOUCLIER DE DORAN,SECOND SOUFFLE,TRIPLE COLLIER) MANTEAU DE SPECTRE EST GENIAL CONTRE LUI SI IL VOUS POSE TROP DE PROBLEME, LE MANTEAU DE NEGATRON SI VOUS ETES EVEN EN LANE PRENEZ LE DEWARDEUR A PARTIR DU LEVEL 6 PRENEZ CONQUEROR LAISSEZ LE PUSH ET COUREZ LUI DESSUS LA TENACIT2 AIDE BEAUCOUP POUR REDUIRE SON AVEUGLEMENT QUI RAPPELONS LE EST DE 2.5 SEC LORSQUE LE SORT EST MAX. Teemo est largement connu comme un mauvais match pour Darius. C'est un cauchemar à gérer s'il sait ce qu'il fait. Si il joue ignite jouez prudemment et essayer de ne pas trop vous faire poke triple collier ou bouclier de doran et second souffle sont un must dans ce matchup les mercures sont envisageables même si vous aurez déjà pas mal de ténacité de part vos runes. L'estropieur est génial contre lui donc si il vous pose trop de problème attendez de l'avoir. Essayer de garder votre Q pour quand il vous aveuglera sa range d'auto attaque est assez faible donc si il essaie de trop vous auto attaque vous pourrez facilement marcher vers lui et le punir avec votre E.
P.S les mauvais Teemo sont nuls contre Darius je vous ai expliquer la situation contre un bon Teemo.”
MiXA6511 says “Teemo is very annoying.. don't give him lead early since he is a very big threat when ahead. Don't use W while you are blinded and you should be fine. In team fights he will most likely blind the ADC so you can use him for free stacks of passive.”
SemPelo says “Annoying rat. If he doesn´t blind you while using empowered W its alright, you can also save 3 or 4 stacks of the passive and do the following combo: W-AUTO-Q or W-Q-AUTO(based on the number of stacks[3-4] respectively).”
KillMeKillMe says “Use the speed runes, maybe even get boots of swiftness or frost gauntlet if you generally have trouble with him, but just the runes should be enough.
Just keep the poison in mind, meaning don't expect to survive on a sliver of health, and pay attention to when he uses poison. Other than that you should end up being favored as the match goes on.”
Spookyasianbread says “The reason I'm saying teemo is "major" is because he can be outplayed. Freeze the lane once you start winning and the little demon can't do anything.”
Vandenelis says “don't get killed by him, don't int for cs, most important thing for you is to get level 6. after that you should be able to kill him. I recomend taking second wind and revitalise in your runes against him.”
Bombabo says “Focus on poking him down with your Q and always try to go even with him in trades. This can be tricky with his blind, and his high movespeed makes it easy for him to escape from you even when you get right on top of him. ”
XtheZ115 says “Ah, Teemo.
Ranged champions in general make playing Singed suck. Somehow, Teemo isn't that bad for Singed, though. You just kinda... outdamage him once you get 6. Unless he's smart with shroom placement, you should be able to just run him down and kill him. Squishy little rat.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Hard, but not impossible. Dont push the lane. Parry his q, its the big purple shot (without skin). If you are blinded by the q, your q and AA dont do anything, so be aware about the "cc".”
SettVEVO says “Teemo is very annoying like all ranged matchups. Get D shield and second wind and play safe against him, go in when you can't get rundown by him after you disengage, lane will be boring and depends on him making mistakes. Don't waste Q on his blind and make sure to hit your W on him. Get sweepers to clear shrooms on objectives. Not a good ult target unless you just want to kill him with your ult.”
Byku2506 says “He is really annoying laner, dont fight against him before you dont buy anything with mobility item. He can bait you to mushrooms and blind you, always when you catch him, use only aa and Q before he waste Q or you can go into him when he waste Q but if he active W dont chase him, never.”
Eternae says “Teemo is challenging, mainly because of his Q, since volibears like to start an attack with their Q, closing their distance to their target, immobilizing and dropping their E on them all that while they are stunned.
With teemo you need to watchout for his Q, if you see that he used Q on you while you are charging you must wait a second for its effect to expire so you can actually stun your target, otherwise your Q will go to waste. ”
SleepyFawn says “Teemo is difficult to deal with early game as he can easily poke you down and it can be difficult to trade back.
Take second wind and start corrupting pot or doran's shield.
Let him push you in early do not contest the wave or you'll lose a lot of HP for it. Only trade when his Q is down and you have some MS stacks up. Try to poke him down with E when you can.
Once you hit level 6 and have some AP under your belt you should be able to start fighting him. Make sure to swap out your trinket for a sweeper once he hits level 6. ”
eramsorgr says “Captain Teemo is a threat to us. If he blasts you with one auto attack, our entire damage is gone, you can probably use your E to do some damage but after that, as long as you are blinding, you can't do anything. I recommend running a build with Spirit Visage with him. ”
RTO says “Q blinds are annoying but once it is over, you can wreck Teemo. Don't tilt and stay calm. If he uses w before the blind is up, you will get wrecked. ”
RTO says “You are going to miss all your AA's with his Q - negating your violent tendencies if you attack during it, and he has high DoT damage. Build MR, get an oracle lens, he is squishy if you get on top of him while his Q is on CD.”
Fryx says “Teemo is annoying but you can easily trade poke with him and Allin him with your ult so don't play scared after level 5. Give him nothing and take everything from him. Stay top don't tp away too often.”
wff010 says “Cringe lane but not as bad as vayne, kayle, or quinn. Try running ghost, buy boots, and you basically run him down if he gets too close at any point in the game. However, only go in if you're sure you can stick to him. If he gets to poke for too long, you're doomed.”
qosmox says “Just survive the first 2 levels. If he ever uses his blind to poke you, you can win the all-in by taunting onto him and using 3 emp Q’s. If you manage to not die or fall too much behind in CS early on, you’ll have more impact on the game than him just by R’s. Save TP if you can early on so you can R freely and get back, since he will be pushing you in constantly”
SanLourdes says “Take Oracle Lens when he gets his shrooms. All he can do is poke you but he will not be able to kill you unless you eat too much poke. He will always be in range of your Q if he decides to damage you, and he has no way of resetting it. If you do successfully stun him, he is as good as dead. His speed boost is not enough to dodge your ult.”
Rockleon says “His blind is what will be the difficult part, your job is to farm under the tower and if he's not respecting your wither and E then let him push his wave and create a freeze on your side to deny him farm.”
calbino says “Teemo has.... fallen off pretty hard. The only surefire way he can actually win a 1v1 is if you play it horribly, or he's ahead. Massively ahead. Laning against him will never be fun though. Watch out for phase rush Teemo.”
Jaori says “Hard to play, and, paradoxically, harder to play after 6. His shrooms get really annoying, and if your jungler doesn't help you, you'll have to run him down yourself. Ghost + TP.”
ForgottenProject says “Too much Poke and a Blind which is Infamous for being Brain damaging to players.
[1]Start with Corrupting Pot.
[2]Bait out his Blind while pretending to All-in him(Do this by simply using your Q on a vital and attacking him once and most teemo players get scared and instantly blind you).
[3]At Lv6 All-in him after baiting his Blind and kill him. if you fail to kill him you probably wont get another chance at it because you will lose all your HP here.
[4]you outdamage him in an All-in. Make sure you get sweeper so you dont step on his shrooms.
[5]Make full use of Bushes to drop Minion Aggro and stop him from just following you to hit you.”
epic blitz top says “Teemo is really annoying. All ranged matchups are rough, but he also gets movespeed, and a blind for your knockup. If he wastes blind after lv6, go for an all-in. ”
RedNBlue says “Teemo isn't very high snowball wise when it comes to these matchups you just have to make sure you can still outplay and kill him to keep him under control.”
Sopachi says “Teemo is annoying because of his Blind from his Q. He will often take Ignite and try to cheese you. All in him level 1 and 2 to win lane and snowball from either killing him or forcing his back. Build MR early and respect him even if you kill him early. Go in with E/Q but wait util the Blind is almost gone to follow up on your second charge of E and then auto attack with W up. ”
SavagePridestalker says “Quite easy to play, unless he's allowed to perma push you under your turret. You heal quite a lot, he doesn't really have enough damage to kill you, meanwhile you can slowly wear him down with doubleW.”
Marwaii says “Take shield. Destroys you when you are mini, just wait till level 6 and kill him as mega Gnar. It is possible to poke him while waiting till 6. You should win every fight past that.
Take Stride + Mercs. ”
NxMate says “Dissable his mushrooms with your W. Use your W for every step you take you won't know where he put his mushrooms down. Keep an eye on him to dissable his mushrooms.”
oogoogerson says “If you can get into melee range with Teemo before he pokes you too hard then you can win, especially after level 6. Take Ignite for kill pressure.”
Ganii7 says “Buy magic resist in first back after sheen. If he poke you to back before the 700 gold buy the magic resist, you will need it. After that try to trade before his q and the r will help you to short distance.”
AlanVenator says “Teemo is annoying, we all know that. The good thing is that you can trade back with your Q. He can be easily ganked pre-6. After that, upgrade to red trinked and you will be able to clear his mushrooms easily with your W. ”
Breadcrumbs says “As long as if you don't get poked out early, you should win this lane since your raw damage with your abilities is far higher than his.”
SethPRG says “Best to start out with Doran's Shield, but this is a decent matchup to immediately rush into the bush closest to his tower then take an all in E start trade level 1 when he moves to attack your minion wave. After this you'll want to be careful of his poke, but he ever uses his W to run at you then you can just walk away then sidestep back in with Q and E him into his wave to stun and get a nasty trade. On your first back you will want to buy Oracle Lens, so your vision in bushes will now be dependant on Control Wards. After level 6 you hard win against him. You'll probably want to use R on Teemo where he places a mushroom for you to walk over when you're going to attack him, this will cancel the slow. If he ever blinds you just run behind him and hold of your AA and Q AA till it runs out. You honestly don't even need your W to kill him unless he flashes. Using your W in this situation will often times let him get away, so only use it to secure a kill or make him blow flash. I'd recommend using a Control Ward in the brush closest to his tower and sit there so if he ever comes close you just get a free trade starting with your E. He can't place mushrooms or ward it while you're there because of the ward, so you'll be in a good spot to zone him off of the minion wave. Just be careful of the enemy JG coming to gank you if you do that. Take Mercury Treads if you're having a hard time with mushrooms being everywhere even though you have Oracle Lens. Build Abyssal Mask as your 3rd or 4th item, or 2nd item if the enemy JG is AP.”
joelspaho121 says “Not even remotely close to being a darius counter. Darius favored. D shield with sorc tree start.
Most people portray this matchup as unplayable for darius but as a matter of fact darius beats the shit out of teemo. His q range = your E range so always drag him in when he walks up q you and afterwards just pop ghost wait for q duration and run him down. since hes immobile theres no way he survives your all in considering his all in sucks. Try to keep mental notes of where he places shrooms so you dont get hit by them. Rushing mercs could work but i wouldnt recommend it especially if you are already ahead. Similar to the vayne matchup just dont greed for minions and wait for the right time to kill him.”
El Leon Gnar says “Pre-6 only trade with your Q as he'll just blind you and get high poison damage off. Once you're 6 you should be able to burst him pretty fast without his blind being a problem, and you can snowball from there.”
doozy99 says “You can negate his poison with your passive, has no kill potential if you play it right. He's pretty easy to kill if you're not afraid of him.”
Kaizin says “Starting Doran's shield and pairing this with second wind will make this matchup a lot easier. Use brushes to avoid auto attacks and I'd recommend switching to sweeper either on a level 5 recall or as soon as you recall after level 6. That way you can clear shrooms or use sweeper to avoid them during an all in. Your w damage is blocked if you are blinded but your "wounding" still marks teemo through the blind. Your W2 also grants you the heal if you're blinded, the only thing that doesn't go through the blind is the damage. Early boots and health are best against Teemo as he will try to poke you out of lane, his W gives him a lot of movespeed, so respect that. ”
I am so chill says “You beat this little rat so hardly.If he dares to poke you after 3 go for your combo and he will be below %50 hp.I prefer starting with dorans shield.”
AlexFL7000 says “Teemo will block your auto-attacks with his Q, although, if you wait it out you have too much health and a big shield with your W. If you happen to hit him with a fully charged W he will lose half of his health. Although, he can still kill you.”
UlisesFRN says “Really annoying. A good Teemo will poke you down and run away with his W once you get near him. Try to survive until stridebreaker, once you get it you can start killing him. He is free kill with ganks”
CaptianMike says “Start doran's shield because his poison refreshes the healing passive on it. Poke with Q until level 6 and if he is low, all in him. Teemo is squishy and you will be able to kill him easily once you get some magic resistance. Get early merc treads or null mantle.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Although he is annoying he is pretty easy to deal with. If you are able to stay on top of him, even with the blind, then you should have no troubles fighting him. ”
ApollonATH says “Play super safe. Go for an early visage . Wait for him to use his blind then go all in to kill him. Buy oracle lens and dodge his mushrooms ”
deathwalker7119 says “Easy matchup, take doran's shield, second wind, and revitalize. Parry blind and avoid shrooms (shrooms will absolutely kill you). Don't let him zone you off, he is very easy to solo kill but you need to land parry and avoid shrooms. Also watch out for his burst if he took ignite.”
Humitaxx says “Everyone hates teemo, avoid going with the Lethality build against him, since his blind will nullify your whole burst damage, you can go with the tank build, but it's risky since you have no movility, but your W will damage him enough to fight him, most of the time just go movility with the regular sett stride breaker build and fleet footwork and just harass him as much as you can, don't be afraid of him kiting you, once you get your combo far enough, get back until your cooldowns are back.”
top is high impact XD says “teemo's poke makes it hard to cs, make sure to take dorans shield, his blind makes it nearly impossible to trade with him, try to stall till six then ult when he blinds you so that you can still do dmg while blinded, you should be able to beat him unless he builds a lot of armor, if he overextends you can run him down but be aware of his shrooms”
XPRflew says “Will bully you off minions and blind you. Put 3 early points in E to zone him. Go in bushes to avoid his poke. Rush adaptive helm and merc treads. Farm under tower and get oracle lens so you can see his mushroom”
Womsky says “Lane survival kit, he is a pretty annoying match up, considered a counter, but he is nothing more than a rat, stay high in hp and wait for tiamat before u start trading if u want to play it safe, u can run him down if u have good hp/ fury and u know where he putted his shrooms, sweeper is cool if u struggling with his shrooms, if he goes grasp/ignite don't go hard pre 6 cause he is tankier than usual and could kill you suprisingly fast, nowdays its easy to see his blind as it changes the color of the whole screen, if u split against him u can beat him if he is away from his turret.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Can be pretty annoying if he has ignite and his small model makes it hard to land your abilities on him. Start Q at lvl 1 and last hit the minions for stacks, use bushes to avoid getting poked and try to not let him shove you in, if you can hit lvl 2 first you can chunk him hard or burn his flash assuming you land your E and you have 5 stacks. If you manage to do this the lane is a breeze since you will have priority. If you do not manage to do any of this you will end up pushing him in, look for a recall after you push him otherwise you will just stare at him while he pushes you back, you can’t fight him in his minion wave before level 6. After level 6, if you have your passive or you can acquire it while jumping on him, q a minion close to him and ult him, Q and land your E and avoid autoing him and run with him if he has blinded you. This is to prevent him from kiting you. After the blind wears out, you should be able to kill him, this is generally how fights go post 6.
tibs2 says “D shield(Cosmic>tonic) second wind.
“Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?””
Ratakor says “take the W lvl 2, passive lane, take second wind in runes, your Q cleanse the slow of his shroom, when he Q in trade just E, to prevent him from poking in lane you need to W, you can act as if you go to Q him by running to him (with the Q) then when he blinds you just E and when you are no longer blind you can cancel the E and Q”
JeanMichelBambi says “Teemo revolves around the fact he can force you into chasing him since most top laners are melee, however, you don't suffer from that issue, trading with him will be frequent, and you'll probably be winning them given your cc and higher base damage at level 1 to 5”
Ponkstronk says “Many of you might hate Teemo. But i just see him as a free win. The key is to not fight him and let your jungler gank him. He has a global taunt after all.”
Noodles912 says “He can bully you in laning phase, but you will hard outscale him. Play it safe, buy your oracles, and outscale him. If you are struggling, mercs or adaptive helm/spirit visage can help.”
Crazyfails says “Teemo, while extremely pokey, can't do much pre-6 besides run from you and kite. Make sure the wave is in the middle or towards your tower. Once then, run towards Teemo, hit a Q, and run him down. If he blinds you, stay on him if the situation is in your favor (Minon dmg, Teemo kill pressure, enemy JG position, and cooldowns).
After 6, be aware of his shrooms and don't get kited, make him play towards your tower for a possible gank or kill. If you have no experience with this matchup, go DS. If you do, it's up to your preference.”
Laserholic says “Immobile lane bullies are actually easier to deal with. While early levels may be difficult, You can do many cool things with Gwen's W here. dodge teemo's Blind, walk through shrooms, and chase him down with Ult.”
Oskarl3 says “hard pre 6, but after your first back it is incredibly easy. Just use your E, stridebreaker, and phase rush to run him down and give them what they deserve for playing Teemo.”
Spligam3r says “Careful about his blind cancelling your passive! Just run dorans sheild and second wind and all in when u can. Spectre's cowl early, then stridebreaker, then merc treads. Listen to Aatrox's voiceline when he first encounters Teemo, it's great.”
Paramythian says “The same as Vayne, get the jungler to camp top or dodge the game. You can do absolutely nothing against teemo under most circumstances. Might work if you get QSS for all in fights”
negoZoma69 says “Contrary to popular belief, Neeko does not counters Teemo. His small hitbox and good ms makes it difficult to hit him with E. Most Teemo players rush boots too, which makes it even more difficult. If your E is down he can just zone you because he has dps advantage. If you're smurfing and can always hit your spells then it's a breeze though. Your W can activate his traps. Expect to be cheese'd.”
Draconic56 says “Teemo is annoying his Q stops your auto attacks which stops you from getting your passive early into the fight he will spam mushrooms everywhere so buy oracle lens so you don't step in them. If you pull him, ult and you should be able to kill him if he doesn't kite you out too much. Mercury's Treads are good in this matchup. He is pretty much useless in team fights all he can do is spam mushrooms all over the map and pray that an enemy steps in them. But he is a pain in the ass to deal with pre 6.”
SanLourdes says “Teemo is annoying to deal with. He can outrun you before you get Rylai's, making him very hard to lock down to kill. He can kite you very well, so don't pursue him until you have Rylai's either. His blind can be super annoying because it prevent you from using AAs to stack your passive. The lucky thing about Teemo is that your ult removes his mushrooms. Once you land an E, you can completely smash his head through his body with a Q and a few autos. Boom, he's dead. Take Doran's Shield because he is a pokey matchup. For the rest of your items, build what you'd normally build.”
Kokob5 says “Go Dorans shield and play it safe, don't let him poke you out of lane and farm when you can. When you hit six if you land an E all in him. Try to get your auto off before he can blind you to activate your passive. Be wary if he's running ignite.”
Rojakas says “Its hard to catch him and he also has a blinding ability so u cant do damage with neither Q, auto attacks or W. E and R are ur only counter against him”
SeptikYT says “May be a bad matchup but not as much as Jax because he does not usually go for his Q blind first, but if he does, then you cannot trade properly, and he forces you to buy Oracle Lens, which will remove your own wardhops.”
not normal says “Eh, his shrooms will wreck you. His blind will wreck you. His poison will wreck you. Politely ask your jungler for a few early ganks to make sure he falls behind and loses lane.”
Hesychia says “Who Designed This Champion, For Real... He will just poke you poke you and poke you till you die xd. You need to play safe till you buy "Stridebreaker" then you can dash to him with Stridebreaker pull him and kill him. DO NOT W HIM IF YOU ARE BLINDED as your "W" won't deal any damage or slow. If you see him waste his "Q" go trade him. If you hear him used his "W" sound immediately w him so he can't escape. Make sure to buy ORACLE LENS. Also buy Control Wards much at this matchup.”
SleeplessX says “Don't be scared to fight him, but do try to not get poked too much, give up CS if needed. If he pokes you with Q, you often have a good window to all in him right as the blind runs out. Buy Red trinket”
Lost Robot says “Unlike most matchups in which you just win lane by default, this lane is definitely a skill check. If the Teemo sucks, you'll be able to completely run over them. However, if they're particularly skilled, they'll be able to prevent you from being able to catch them, especially after level 6.
The goal in this matchup is similar to going against Vayne top lane. If you play safe and aim for a poke battle, you'll lose. You'll want to take Ghost and Ignite, and immediately go for a hyper-aggressive all-in as soon as you enter lane and you see an opportunity. Let them push so you have plenty of chase room, but make sure you have Bami's so you can thin out the wave when needed.
After level 6, his shrooms can destroy your entire chase potential, so you may want to consider grabbing Oracle Lens to use when you activate Ghost.
Play safe, and you lose.”
Dorom says “Teemo is annoying, but if you hit a barrel on this rat he just dies. Ignite is good against him since he takes it as well so you have the same kill pressure. He will hurt early levels sure but level 4-6 he's dead. ”
SanLourdes says “Teemo is hated for a reason. He will continually out-trade you with his darts. If you do plan to attack Teemo, it will be all out between the both of you, until the other dies. It will be nearly impossible to escape him after the duel goes downhill for you. The best time to go against him is early game. Unless you get ahead of him early on, he will be a really annoying matchup.”
jvr_ says “Don't let him poke you up too much and start with Doran Shield and Second Wind to survive the lane, you have better splitpush and teamfighting potential.”
Ducati says “The biggest thing you want to do is scale and don't die from jungle ganks . Get shieldbow for the sustain, Qss/cleanse is a life savior.
Don't farm under tower and dont start d shield.”
SaltyDalty says “Teemo is another threat like Quinn. Ranged and blind makes it so you cant use pretty much any of your abilities to its full potential.”
goblinKappa says “Teemo players are just a pain to deal with, from the Blind that makes you miss a stack, to the land mines he throws around that slow and poison you. The reason I put him lower than the others is because, unlike Sett and Darius, if you get close, chances are that you can potentially kick the rat into the stratosphere like he deserves”
raede says “Screw Teemo. I ban this furry rat every game. While teemo is manageable he will always being annoying. It's hilarious when you did the most damage with like 50k but the teemo you made go 0/13 is second with 47k. Oh and go sweeper with some control wards.”
KingNklaus says “If Teemo play correctly you will never even get a chance to hit him
But if he either uses his W or you menage to shove a wave out you can cheese him from brush ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Very annoying, but if he is not very experienced or builds incorrectly, you have a lot of room to capitalize. I still struggle with this matchup but I win it when I grab an early Hexdrinker, farm up and avoid going on tilt.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Unless you can sustain Teemo's harass, which isn't too difficult, you will be fine. Be mindful of his blind, when you hit 6 the slow from his shrooms will be irrelevant as well.”
Lunarisen says “A little shit that will just bully you out of lane, although he's not ban worthy; he is annoying to deal with, so build early MR to counter his early dmg.”
RetiredPykeMain says “Teemo. sustain runes and tp. play safe most of the laning phase and wait for a gank from your jg, after you're ahead of him even half a full item you can easily 1v1 him early.”
Alekra says “Teemo is actually not that hard to beat. Go full sustain with runes and early Specter's Cowl so he wont be able to kill you. You can E his wave to bait him into coming closer to harass you and then press Q to get onto him really easily. You can bait his W with your Q so you have an advantage over him in the next trade. Play defensively so you can utilize your passive to counter his poke.”
Erenando says “Here we go...
Rush magic resistance, ask for help and avoid mushrooms. Control wards are very important. If you wish go with Oracle Lens. Just make sure to get a lot sustain. Other than that he is not a hard opponent.”
czrmtz24 says “Just dodge. Singed does not have very many defensive stats at level 1 so you will just get outpoked. If you decide to build tank to mitigate the poke, you lost all your agency and it won't matter as Teemo's usually rush Magic Pen. Also really hard to engage on Teemo as he is pretty speedy with W.”
ToinoEscaca says “Teemo's Q cancell your auto-attacks, making unlikely for you to win the trade early game or stacking the passive.
Plus, this build is focused on armor in the early game.
You can still win because teemo is squishy, but he'll give you a hard time.
My advice, avoid Teemo, especially if you still don't know the limits of Tham Kench.”
GrGamingTeo says “You have to accept that he is going to be anoying for a little while. Rush Mercury's Treads IF it makes sense for the enemy team. I f it doesn't rush Hexdrinker then once you get Stridebreaker it's over for him. Get a red trinket and a controll ward and every time he goes near you to AA, you will use your E and while AA, W while he is airborne and the walk with him towards his tower and just AA, AA, W and once he flashes you Q him and then he dies.”
MrMuckDuck says “In the beginning of a match, Teemo can be an easy-to-take-down champion. However, as the game progresses, Teemo can tend to gain some strength, especially when he's got his Shrooms. Getting an Ardent Censer is strongly recommended if laning against Teemo. If you play the right cards, Teemo won't necessarily be a problem throughout the game. Getting some early ganking will help you master the lane, as well.”
SeptikYT says “Teemo E puts some damage into you after popping the passive shield due to poison. His Q also blinds you, which means you might miss parts of your combos because of this, but your R still damages him when you're blinded, so he isn't as bad as the Tier 5 threats.”
SopTop says “Due to Teemo's blind and extreme poke damage in lane, he is a threat pretty much up until you can do big damage, but if you play your cards right, not anything to worry about. ”
LunaticDancer says “A free match up as long as you play it right. At the beginning, keep away and come up only to last hit. Avoid getting hit for free, this is crucial early on. As soon as level 2, you can hit him with the E into summon combo to chonk him for half his health. Make sure to wait with your Q until he blinds you and the blind wears off. If you're onto him and he blinds you, run at him anyway, you'll get a grasp proc when the blind wears off. Your W is especially deadly to him, as he can't reasonably outrun you. He's easy to hit with E, so you really should be stomping the lane. As for shrooms, just let your minions/ghouls proc them.”
lolkayleee says “[Fleet Footwork/Arcane Comet + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
A good Teemo will never waste his Q in a position where you can hookshot onto him. He will just poke you down with his poisoned auto attacks and if you hookshot onto him he will blind you and you'll do no damage while he kites with his W and auto attacks you as you run away. Level 6 he just shrooms the ground and the walls and kites you through shrooms. Just try to farm and outscale. If your jungler comes he probably dies. Teemo players usually don't take teleport so 1 kill on him can be devastating. Camping a Teemo can be GG for he will be so far behind and useless and you can just gank mid with your mobility and R. If your jungler never comes you just lose.”
TheMegam5 says “AP is better, even though you can outplay him after 6 if you ghost in him or if you have Cleanse spell from your spellbook runes. Be careful of his blind effect when your "Q" is activated. ”
SpyDaFX says “Skill matchup, when u E in don't instantly W because he will blind you and u will waste ur W and might die. look for trades when his Q (blind) is down. look for an all in at level 2 when u E and wait for his blind to end or when his blind is down. easiest way to win the lane. (at level 3 its really hard because he can escape with his W). go Conqueror, doran's shield if he runs something like dark harvest.”
Ravenborne says “Will perma poke you so go 3 Rejuv into Specters Cowl. Get a Sweeping Lens for Mushrooms and when he comes close run him down with Ghost. When he blinds you for Poke you also have a opening to kill him.”
Mr.Kovacic says “Just keeps poking you, and hitting you, and hitting you.... and wont let you get near the minions. If you try to, he will just shoot you. But late game hes as weak as he looks.”
Kil4fun says “You lose in CS but most of the time you can take cleanse for ignite and get an early wits end to not die. He will poke you hard early but you outscale late.”
Doc Morning Wood says “He's not that much of a problem.
But the thing is that with this build it's easy for him to tilt you and ruin your focus on the game (which is always bad).
You'll probably start flaming JG and, eventually, every single player in the game.
So be clever. Don't let this little devil ruin your fun.
Deep breaths and patience!
I personally hope you DESTROY this s*** !!!”
BigManYam says “Will kite you to force you out of lane and will also freeze so you miss out on levels and farm which make it hard force you early to mid game. Best choice is to rush MR such as Spirit Visage and Mercs. ”
DrStephenHawking says “He picked Teemo specifically to kick you out of the game, my advice is to farm safely and sacrifice some farm since you don't want to give him any kills. Later he will be squishy and you will be able to kill him.”
DoubleQ says “Another example of ranged top cancer. Really cancerous and can be a chore to deal with. Ask for ganks and he shouldn't be that much of a threat later in the game.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Absolute hell pre-6. Once you hit level 6 press R and all in, supposing both of you are full HP and both have all summs you should always win. If you don't take this powerspike you'll likely get further behind and lose lane hard.”
Devilofthewest says “When this rat takes Grasp, this match up can become very annoying since his autos will proc grasp for extra damage. Once you get your full combo Q,W,E it will be much easier to defeat him. You need to avoid taking too much poke damage early by farming from the bushes with your tap Q. Once you have your 3 skill combo you can leap on him with W and use E (try and get him with full duration of E) then Q him to death. Try to get at least one combo off before going in for the death combo. ALSO if teemo is good at blocking your empowered W autos with his Q then you need to get almost full stacks so that your Q will be empowered when you hit him.”
Razorwir3 says “very annoying matchup d shield and second wind wil help u surrive but u might want a more agressive setup as he is quie easy to kill once he used his q make sure to buy an oracle lens to locate his mushrooms and u shouldnt have too hard of a time surriving this matchup he is probably even to u if he isnt good at his champion as a bad teemo can be punshied quite hard”
J0hnny Joestar says “Teemo is now pretty strong but he's still pretty vulnarable to a gank. just make sure your jungler has orcane lens before making a move.”
kingchas2 says “He will likely be invis in lane level 1, so sit as far back until he shows to grab his first minion. Teemo usually takes ignite, so he can majorly burn you. He has incredible early kill potential, so play far back. Buy sweeper early and buy tons of control wards. Try and use your lifesteal to make it through the lane and then during teamfights try and target him down so he can't continually block you AA's with his blind. ”
ModelitoTime says “Annoying as usual, like the other range matchups, keep distance until about lvl 6+, buy oracle lens when you back so you can clear out his mushrooms. If he is giving you a really big problem just buy a Spectre's Cowl and play safe under your turret, Cowl with dorans shield and double MR runes you should be safe under your tower.”
nvckxwsky says “Teemo is not that hard to play vs but i wanna mention this matchup because how popular he is in low elo.
Try to cheese him lv1 with iginte
If you get his flash is HUGE
Just tank his Q's with your E and all in him before his lv 6 when his Q is on cooldown”
WookieChewbacca says “Spend whatever time you can proxying the enemy side when you have enemy jungle awareness. Oracle lens can help counter his mines. Since you won't have stealth ward, you'll need to maintain pink wards.”
Hippo Boi says “Same as kennen. Try taking phase rush. He and Teemo are annoying as hell. Phase rush is your only way of escaping after taking trades.”
Dannala says “Squishy but likes to build hp+ap items like Liandry's which stacks up to avoid being 100-0 mid game if you fall behind. His blind can ruin your SW damage so wait with it until after he's used his Q. Should be easy to snowball on him if you play your cards right early on. Be careful so your spiderlings don't blow up shrooms when you're low on health.”
SQU1DW4RD2 says “Teemo can constantly poke you, even when you are Proxying. You have no chance laning against him, since you will neither be able to withstand his damage nor do you have enough regeneration against it. Proxy, but beware of his auto attacks aswell as ignite!”
ineptpineapple says “You dont really auto so his blind is useless, most teemos wont really know what to do since most of them cry when they get anyone that doesnt care about his blind. You can kill him super fast.”
Hyzerik says “Honestly, with this build teemo isn't bad. You generally can't get your full combo off, but if you have bork and manage to catch him he is dead. When he blinds you try to save your E for the last possible moment, and don't start your combo till the blind goes away.”
Xzavery says “Hard harass but easily countered with predator, prioritize xp and don't get chunked down for a couple farm. You will lose in CS at first but just stall til you can one shot with pred+q+e+Ignite+ult”
Dom1nus says “Heavy poke, Blind screws ur W. Do short trades with e and q and when u reach lvl 3 all in with ignite and dont use ur w immediately, wait for his blind to wore off. Take Oracle Lens to spot his mushrooms.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Annoying poke lane. Dodge maybe. Not really killable if they aren't trash once they have access to mushrooms. Rush mercs, negatron, and invest in control wards and sweeper.”
Raideru says “Very hard to deal with without jungle help, in this matchup before 6 you try to make him use his q on you and then the second it's down u engage him with q e few autos and walk away and just repeat the process otherwise if this isn't the case you just need to farm and pray ur jng comes or team wins. Myb once u get 2-3 items and have resistances u can myb win all ins but depends how behind you are. I advise Conqueror with Dshield. Depending how trades are going myb rush tIamat to just farm up properly.”
sauronkaiser says “While hes not a counter to yorick as he is to other melee fighters, he can still be annoying. Harrass him with ghouls and all in when you think you are ready, always trying to bait his blinding dart so your Q works correctly.”
EU_Toxicity says “if he goes TP, dont let him poke you and fight back. If he has ignite, play safe and farm up. Start with 3 rejuv beads cause doran's shield was nerfed vs dot (damage over time) users.”
doorknobber69 says “He's actually really beatable, but he's just really annoying especially because of his q and ignite. Once his q wears off you win the trade hard.”
narsil reforged says “Se o Teemo souber o que está fazendo, você está ferrado.
Com PTA e barreira, é praticamente garantida uma kill no maldito yordle lv3. Porém, a velocidade de movimento que ele recebe e mais a cegueira com os cogumelos acaba com o WW de uma maneira miseravelmente horrenda. Você literalmente não fica side contra essa coisa, uma vez que por conta dos cogumelos a pressão é completamente dele. Rushe brasa de bami e limite da razão. Compre trinkets e fique atento para roamings e tentar invadir com o seu Jungler.”
lordoftheyuumitopmidadc says “teemo is very bad when fighting yuumi in lane because you always when trades with grasp and shield bash he cant do much just stay back wait for grasp and shield bash to get back up for trades when he is 20% or 25% hp you can ignite R atuo him for some free cash but always ward the bush's becasue he will most likely need a gank”
iZeal says “Don't fight early, once you hit Level 6 (and preferably have bought Mercury Treads for movement speed, MR and added tenacity for the blind) you can all-in Teemo. Do not waste your W when you are blinded, wait out the blind. If you truly struggle with this matchup you can go 3 beads of rejuvenations instead of Doran's Shield as well as Second Wind and Unflinching in your secondary rune tree to deal with his early game. If you want to deal with his shrooms, get a sweeping lense. If you snowball on Teemo he becomes useless. Teemo is basically Kennen, but with much worse teamfighting and much worse disengage (walking moderately faster with a blind vs super lightning speed and stuns? Also mana in 2020 vs energy?).
RejuBeads/DShield, Mercs!, Phage”
bocchicken says “Dorans shield will get you through until you back. look to get spectres cowl early and then into adaptive helm to completely destroy his DPS.”
Timesoul977 says “Teemo is a good farmer compared to Pantheon due to his poking ability and his E. you should go aggressive when Teemo wastes his Q or when it wares off. Use you E in good timing.”
NoxianBlood says “This really depends of the Teemo player, sometimes you will find an easy Teemo to deal with or a harder one, so it's pretty much even, just pick the sustain rune page and start corrupting potion and rush visage for the poke and mercury, and you will kill Teemo so many times that even his mushrooms won't hurt you, a good Teemo will avoid trading you, he will just annoy you and try to outstain you and make you go behind in cs and gold, a bad Teemo will try to fight you every time and engaging you greeding like crazy, that he might win, but Played correctly you will kill him, don't be afraid to auto him his blind is short that you will get back and punching him so many times and procking the grasp for the extra heal, mid-game to late game you might wanna buy a red trinket, just so Teemo doesn't one-shot your squishes, overall if you are a good Sion player you will consider him a minor threat.”
UnMaskedDeity says “Teemo sucks for every top laner to face really so this is the other viable ban. If you have to fight Teemo just play it safe and after he sets up his mushrooms don't chase him anymore. Teemo also gives of Blue orbs making it harer to get form against him, if you are able to roam a big and get form from other champions do so, if not you might just have to wait out the timer.”
MrMuckDuck says “Teemo can be kind of hard to lane against. Not only does his ranged life-sucking blowdarts make you hug your tower all game but it also pushes you back in farming. Having a bad day? Ban Teemo.”
byThiagus says “este match lo juego con la 3er pagina de runas e ignite, Podes hacer all in en el momento que gasta mal su q, escudo de doran obligatorio”
Leukasdf says “His blind barely effects you. You can't go for an all in at lvl 1 so try farming under tower till you hit 6. Then killing him should be no big deal.”
RyvalAlex says “Très chiant a affronter mais le personnage reste mauvais. Attendez votre jungler ou essayer des aggressions quand vous completer le stridebreaker.”
AWierdShoe says “Just survive the first 2 levels. If he ever uses his blind to poke you, you can win the all-in by taunting onto him and using 3 empowered Q’s. If you manage to not die or fall too much behind in CS early on, you’ll have more impact on the game than him just by R’s. Save Teleport if you can early on so you can R freely and get back, since he will be pushing you in constantly.
I Am Goliath says “Teemo is pretty annoying to play against because he is a lane bully. Maokai actually does fairly well because you can survive his poke and if you get a gank he is dead almost 100% of the time, buy control wards in this matchup and try not to take too much poke early on. You outscale him super hard.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Play safe first 2 levels -> Stay healthy -> Block his Q with your W -> After level 3 you can look for trades with your W, they have to be short ones because you do not have enough DPS this early on -> Small trades will result for an all-in -> Once you get boots/noonquiever and afterwards you can look to go a bit more for extended trades -> Level 6 care from his shrooms when you go and fight in or close to your wave. He will place them on top of your minions so they can explode and damage/slow you”
viktoreeu says “Really annoying.
I personally just go ignite nowadays to snowball on him. He is really squishy early on.
Don't attack him if he Q's you, walk towards his turret if you are trying to allin him.
Be sure to hit W post6”
NickCola Tesla says “You are one of Teemo's counters! If you are a player who hates going up against Teemo, or has difficulties against him, Sion can help you circumvent that! Don't take dumb trades for the first few levels, and you will be good to go.
Take Arcane Comet, start with the Doran's Ring, max your E first, and just poke the little guy down. It's a very similar playstyle when compared to going up against Quinn. Your poke is SO much stronger than theirs, and you are so much tankier than their damage can deal in lane. If you manage to get a good knockup on him, DON'T walk up to his face and start auto attacking. Most Teemos will just use their blind and run away. INSTEAD, kite behind him during the time he's stunned and begin pathing towards his tower so you can continue auto attacking when the stun is over. Purchase an Oracle Lens around level 6 to find his Mushrooms, and if his poke starts to become a problem, a quick Spectre's Cowl should do the trick. If the Teemo player is good, he or she will want to be rushing Liandry's Torment to shred your massive health pool. But even with all of that in mind, this matchup still heavily favors you! ”
StrikeX114 says “There are many things to be wary of when facing Teemo. Be sure to keep your eyes on him at almost all times, and be mindful of the blinds he can dish out through his Q. Once he hits level 6 and you get the chance, buy Oracle Lens to counter his mushrooms. Knowing where they are before they detonate greatly decreases Teemo's effectiveness.”
Saarlichenbog says “Teemo is borderline a minor threat alongside Renekton and Mordekaiser. Everything Teemo is trying to do Kalista can almost do better in every regard, whether thats poking him out of lane, kiting, out DPSing in lane or scaling into the midgame. The only thing that you should be weary of in this matchup is playing around his Q blind and the threat of his shrooms/passive invisibility when he hits level 6. Otherwise, this is Kalista favoured.”
Chessylex says “He pokes you to death like Vayne but he doesn't have the self peel that Vayne has making him much more vulnerable. His Q is also pointless on you as you aren't an auto attacker. Buy MR and all in him as he's squishy.”
Captain Dantems says “Tente usar o Q para dar dano, explodir o barril com auto ataques e tomar cuidado com o poke dele. Grasp ou cometa. Poção corrupta.”
MKUlra_Ronin says “Played against a god-tier Teemo in ARAM as Xayah immediately before playing her top lane.
Farm to win. His blind sucks, but with Merc+Legend: Tenacity, you eat him alive. Regardless of whether your autos land, you still throw feathers.
Your Q+R still hit reasonably hard late.
For squishy Teemo:
If you've played it right, you should kill him before the first blind wears off.
For tank Teemo:
Take medium-length trades. He should have 40% CDR (80? AH.)
You'll win this handily by abusing your range through waves with Passive + W and timing your E well. ”
ItsPaulygon says “Play safe, take Doran's Shield. Teemo will be a hard match up. If he uses his Q, then you can Q on him and use your E as by the time you land the stun, your blind will be gone. Be careful though as his E passive is painful especially if he has ignite. Take short trades. But be careful if you trade, once you're done, he can press W and chase after you and deal more damage. So don't trade much. ”
llametekudasai says “usa el item para acercarte, primero baitea su w asi no se puede escapar, una vez gastada, usa el item y apreta e o w dependiendo si te tira el cegar apretas la e y si no es la w siempre sobre el, debería ser facil, una vez que le inicies el combo del item+w o item+e”
Biko14CS says “There are many things to be wary of when facing Teemo. Be sure to keep your eyes on him at almost all times, and be mindful of the blinds he can dish out through his Q. Once he hits level 6 and you get the chance, buy Oracle Lens to counter his mushrooms. Knowing where they are before they detonate greatly decreases Teemo's effectiveness.”
Vicho1331 says “apart from being the most hated champion in the community teemo can completly counter you,
constantly poking you and with his Q can blind you making your best move (your punch) completly trash”
Nicklstherealone says “If you dont get poked down and get one good engage it should be easy for you. But his poison is deadly and shredders you so build MR and Oracle Lens. ”
arekij says “If you do not hit W, when Teemo blinds you, it's better to let go of the fight and heal your damage. Put control wards in the bushes. Fights start using E but wait for Teemo Q and just instead of throwing fast W use Q and chase him until the blinding is over.”
NoHesitation7 says “Shouldn't be too much of a problem as you have a lot of gap closers. His Blind cannot cancel your Q dash however can cancel your Q damage.”
Randombeastmode says “Can be annoying early, if he goes the CDR build he outscales you lategame. You can win hard against him later in the game if you go legend tenacity over alacrity, although you'll have less damage.(Go attackspeed stat shard if you do this) One thing you can do against teemo is spin behind him level 1 looking to kill/damage him a lot early.start D-blade if you want to all in level 1, to sustain in lane start Dshield.”
OffmetaPancake says “Let his blind expire before engaging on him. After that, he's a glorified minion. Loses at all stages of the match except for levels 1-3.”
Raphi0216 says “Take D Shield and Second Wind and Rush Merc's. Wait until the blind runs out and Q2 him afterwards. Take Oracle Lens and keep track of his shroom placement.”
IJustWannaCuddle says “Teemo is not difficult once you get 3. Play passive until 3 using Q to farm casters and last hit on your Melee minions. Once 3 your all in after he blows blind will out trade.”
Low Elo Cheeser says “Also fk this champion. He can't throw you back to the 80's like Vayne can but his blind is a fking bitch and you can't proc your Q to stun.”
Frostyfps says “Can be pretty annoying if he has ignite and his small model makes it hard to land your abilities on him. Start Q at lvl 1 and last hit the minions for stacks, use bushes to avoid getting poked and try to not let him shove you in, if you can hit lvl 2 first you can chunk him hard or burn his flash assuming you land your E and you have 5 stacks. If you manage to do this the lane is a breeze since you will have priority. If you do not manage to do any of this you will end up pushing him in, look for a recall after you push him otherwise you will just stare at him while he pushes you back, you can’t fight him in his minion wave before level 6. After level 6, if you have your passive or you can acquire it while jumping on him, q a minion close to him and ult him, Q and land your E and avoid autoing him and run with him if he has blinded you. This is to prevent him from kiting you. After the blind wears out, you should be able to kill him, this is generally how fights go post 6.”
FPSpsychoYT says “Annoying, but manageable if you remember this one tip; ONLY fight him if you hit your Q FIRST. If he's blinded he cannot auto or blind you. So with electrocute proc you can make a short trade and burst him. Get scanner level 6 onwards for his shrooms and you'll be fine.”
BigBlackDog says “In the early game you're going to have a lot of trouble approaching him because of his poke and his Q that silences, but you should eventually be able to handle him going into the mid game.”
Greedle says “Go Second Wind Instead Of Bone Plating. Also Go Biscuits. You Can Go For A Doran's Shield After You First Back If He Pokes You Too Much. You Completely Outscale If You Farm.”
localroman says “Overall hate the guy but you can survive if you build negatron then merc treads, then build the rest of the items. play really safe and use W at the right time.”
Legal Loli Lulu says “Annoying and medium-high threat if he's good. Start Dorans Shield, rush Hexdrinker, Mercury Treads & Cloth Armor/Chain Vest, and after that proceed building your core items.
Use your E while blinded and then Q when his blind expires. ”
Manzey says “Teemos blind is incredibly strong versus Twisted Fate, so if Teemo blinds you, just run for your life, there is nothing you can do. But make sure to go back once you know his blind is on cooldown for free trades due to his short range.”
Delvoid says “Poke with Q focus on farm then all in at 6 if not before if poked enough. try to wait out blind before going all in. Buy sweaper.. danm shrooms”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Teemo is pretty easy for Morde, after hitting level 3 you are free to engage him and easily out-damage him. When you ult him, you wont have to worry about any of his mushrooms, and that takes away a lot of the threat of fighting Teemo head on.”
TangoVallhala says “Wait till 6 to kill him, unless you find an opening to full combo him, let him shove you and keep your distance, pay attention to where he puts his mushrooms, should not be hard.”
Romanides says “Allways a permaban for me, this little prat can poke me to death with his AP damage darts and forces me buying oracle which leads to ganks from the river.”
McSoupape says “Teemo's Q will avoid you to use your W, his movespeed will make him harder to hit with the E and at the moment he got 6, it became really hard to play if he hit you, he just will poke you to death and you couldn't do anything.
In exchange, if you trap him, you are just going to oneshot him.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Imagine a hamster going to the gym to pump and get stronger. Yes - What a nonsense. Teemo probably is one of the weakest champions in summoners rift when comparing pure muscle power. His tiny arms are barely able to lift his stupid blowgun. Very pathetic, just like Nick when he does not go the gym.
MaelstromLegends says “Teemo should be a really easy matchup if you can close the gap between the two of you. Max your Haymaker (W) first in order to minimize the Poison's effect on you. If you can CC him, game's over for him.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “I permaban. His poke is just too good to play an effective yorick against. If you're forced to lane into this champ, be sure to pick up a scanner after Teemo hits level 6 in order to all in better. His Q doesn't stop your E from marking him and it's the only way to trade if he uses his Q on you.”
ok. in this matchup, i usually rush adaptive helm and then proceed with my normal build, or you can use my "against heavy poke" build.
Start with Doran's shield, and take Revitalize and Second Wind as secondary runes. And finally, dont forget to replace your wards with Oracle Lens after he reaches Level 6. Once you get to him, hes pretty much dead. Is worth banning and sometimes, even dodging the game if your in ranked.
Tynoxin says “I only put this hear because enjoy smack talking Teemo. This is a free lane for you. The only thing you have to do is be aware or where he places mushrooms.”
qasddsa says “Despite having a blind, Teemo is very easy to win against outside of laning phase. I recommend putting one or two extra points into Q and W during laning phase to have better sustain against his poison.”
Teemo is known for being the nemesis of Nasus, his blind if used properly is such a good way to prevent Nasus from scaling since it can deny the Cannon minions which give 4 times the stacks than normal minions. In this lane, since all Teemos are really confident on winning lane easy, they will look to heavily trade on you and by that they drag minion aggro making the wave push towards you so you will be most of the time under your torret, this lane is all about surviving his poke thats why Fleet Footwork is by far the best option here, and going Spellbook for Cleanse has a slight disadvantage that is delaying the Mercury's Treads purchase that provides Tenacity to reduce Blind duration plus its not really worth it since Teemo's Q has a slightly faster cooldown that Cleanse. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen you can win a 1v1 in case he overcommits really hard and takes a towershot while you have a decent ammount of HP and Mana. Once Teemo hits lvl 6 he will start placing mushrooms everywhere but the key to beat them is to remember where he placed them in order to dodge them, this is a skill that takes a lot of time but its a must go since going Oracle Lens early on is quite troll since you won't have vision at all (no lane prio = no wards). Later on to the game after you have Mercury's Treads and Spirit Visage you will outdamage him severly and you can finally win 1v1's. Later on to the game in a teamfight he can blind you and negate your all your Lifesteal so look to Splitpush and drag multiple members of the enemy team to your side of the lane and make sure your team is getting objectives since its somewhat hard diving him without Ghost. If you feel confident in this matchup you can play with Ghost as your summoner spell. Remember you can stack his Mushrooms with Q.”
Tauricus2017 says “Teemos range is higher then yours so stay afar from him. Pick Aftershock rune and do not try to poke because he always outpoke you. Rather try to all in very often farm with your Passive.”
Viola Boss says “Bait out his blind, and then combo. Otherwise your entire combo will be blinded. Try to ult him during your blind as that doesn't get blinded.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Teemo is as weak and pathetic as the Nick. His tiny arms are so thin he would break every sinlge bone trying to attack the powerful Bruiser Taric. His only way of fighting is his pathetic cancer-blowgun. Just smash his head in. He deserved it.
nicomaster9000 says “Teemo is extremly annoying but looses against Nasus level 6. Once you hit level 6 and you have ghost you can run him down since you will most likely be pushed in already.”
Gxxllx says “You are favored vs this champion, just take Doran's Shield, freeze your lane and wait until he spends his Q, then you can kill him, just take care of his mushrooms (R).”
Grayified says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. (Second wind + revitalize in resolve tree) Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. The most consistent way to beat teemo is to look to farm up early with tp and wait for tiamat spike, TP back and look for pressure on him. If you take ignite you can look for early trades levels 1 and 2 and look for level 2 advantage for an early kill. If you take TP just let the teemo push you in and only look to farm. Look to avoid damage in any way possible so make sure that you position well against him either by hiding in the brush while waiting for minions to farm or hanging back behind your ranged minions. If teemo tries to harass you make sure you stand within your minion wave then kite back so that he takes minion damage. A good tip against teemo when you do trade against him is that teemo's blind affects your autos THE INSTANT YOU START THE ANIMATION not when you finish the auto. So while you are blinded pay attention to the white CC bar under your resource bars to see when his blind will run out, keep on top of teemo and don't auto attack until the white bar has COMPLETELY elapsed. Hitting your W slow against Teemo can be difficult cause he can turn back to throw his blind or auto attack. My advice is when you spin for the all in, wait until after his blind + auto to use your W slow. Or if you want to play it safe you can run at teemo to try to force him to turn his back to you and W slow him before you spin in. I heavily advise to either take Legend:tenacity or buy merc treads (or both) when playing against teemo. In the mid-late game split push against Teemo you do outscale him as long as you didnt let him get ahead of you. If you stay atleast even you should win all ins, just make sure you hit that W slow or he can punish you really hard!”
Rakuretto says “Teemo is a terrible matchup for AD Shyvana top. His range will make you life so complicated, and he has insane magic damages with his poison. I will recommend to go for AP Shyvana for this matchup.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Teemo is annoying, but not that hard. U can always clear his blind with ur W and ur barrel/Q trade potential is nearly the same as his AA/Q.”
Adolfie says “This little satan is really annoying, he can use his Q to deny you stacking, this is probably one of the worst lanes for nasus. He will poke you down with his abilities and AA, doesnt even help when youre sitting under turret. you need your jng to be smart and gank him when he will be overextending, because he cant run away if you W him”
ZergDood says “Start with Doran Shield + health potion, take Anti-ADC runes. Rush adaptive helm and boots depending on the team composition, and punish this bastard anytime he positions badly. Because of his heavy poking, try to take a hit of his blinding attack and attack right after if he mispositions and you'll get an amazing trade, because he's really squishy. Remember, get items before going ham, and play to farm.”
qazx1427 says “The best part of playing Yorick is that you can actually deal with this annoying little furball. He can blind you, but not your ghouls, and since he has no AoE, he has to choose between attacking the wall, you, or the ghouls when trapped. Just watch out for his blind when you're getting ready for a Q; I've died many times from Teemo blinding me out of nowhere.”
Maltchiana says “Teemo is really annoying to play against, but dont eat poke for free and go after trades and all-ins. Don't do anything before lvl 3.”
Rastub P says “If not that Hard fight against Teemo
if he runs a way don't fallow him
just poke him and poke and if he blind u then use E, W or R cus those are the one that can still hit him use oracle lens”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Just don't let him poke you for free and hes pretty useless, you automatically win at 6 cause his R does nothing in an allin, dont waste autos while blinded and he will die really fast.
Take MR.”
Twist21 says “The teemo matchup is all about being as healthy as possible during lane so you can all in him when he overextends.I recommend going fleet runes with flash and ghost and triple rejuv start.”
Pikkachu Loiro says “Annoying to play against because of his range, if you want to win against him you have to make sure that you are ready to all in him ”
MatsumiYT says “if the teemo is good he can fuck up your teamfight potential as you heavily rely on your autos with this build if the teemo blinds you in the middle of the enemy team you are done for usually with this build you are able to survive long times in the middle of the enemy team and get 1kill atleast but teemo will destroy that”
AfroNinja542 says “Take aggressive runes and poke him down as much as possible before 6. If this is successful, you've basically won lane, although his blind can be quite annoying so know when to play it safe.”
Dreadscythe95 says “Cancer. Can't farm against him before lvl 6 at all. His blind is pretty bad for Kayle because a big part of her dmg comes from auto-attacks. His poison counters also her heal pretty well.”
chloe666 says “Same thing as Vayne, except that all-inning Teemo is way harder than all-inning Vayne due to his Q.
If Teemo ever Q's a minion inmediately dash into him, you should always win that trade. Otherwise match his poke with your Qs.
Buy oracles when he gets level 6.”
LulzTVit says “Teemo doesn't scale as well as Vlad but he is way more obnixous in lane even though you can beat him with a little bit of help from JG.”
wallobear53 says “While trading with him, always try to drop vision in the brushes when he blinds you. Staying in vision will simply allow him to pelt you with more auto-attacks while you try to disengage.
Consider buying a Sweeper once he hits level six as you will need to clear his Ultimate mushrooms on a regular basis. Make sure you keep the gank routes and the river entrances free off those traps before a gank.
Before a gank, try to bait out Teemo’s blind so that your Jungler can land their CC and consistently damage Teemo with their attacks. Let the wave push in as well so that you have more space to chase him down.
DankFlyingCow says “Similar to vayne. Blind doesnt last long enough to be too problematic. His AP nature makes early item builds harder, and musrooms make running him down difficult. Make sure yo take oracle lens as soon as he gets 6.”
renneleous says “His range is stupid but if you can get some early kills from him you can be in pretty good shape or the rest of the game but just be careful of his minds and always watch what your doing because one wrong step can lead to the opposite happening”
ClanBlade says “Most top laners despise Teemo but i love going against him. You Q and his auto have similar range so you can poke him whenever he autos you and make him afraid to poke you which is his only job. He is very squishy so your damage as healing is insane and you can usually kill him with one combo which is why i take electrocute against him instead of conqueror as you need burst and conqueror is better for dealing with tankier champs. His Q is useless against you as you don't rely on autos, you're a spell based champ and you can take oracle lens to see him invisible and his mushrooms and use control wards to scout for their jungler. Just take Doran's shield and second wind on your secondary tree as he can poke you more than you can to him.”
M.P.C says “Once you reach Lvl 2 take W instead to block the damage from his Blinding Dart and don't underestimate his poison, it can kill you if you're not careful.”
Fiora Pogjet says “Teemo will pokee you down. In the early game just care about him aa you and hitting you with his Q. If you go for a trade try to prarry his Q and then you will win the trade. Mercurys will be very useful.”
Ashookaa says “Teemo is a devil
He outranges you And he Can bully out of the lane take Grasp and auto him when you can and ask for a gank but remember if you want to
ult him keep hiting him so he wont get invis :D”
Tryndamere_MainXD says “Teemo is a very hard Matchup because of his Q(blind), if he uses his blind in minions go for a trade. You can also trade with Teemo lvl 1 if he didn't start Q (most don't).”
Teemain says “He is a ranged Champion with a Blind... Great... Jebait his Q and W
And then you can win
Otherwise, once he hits lvl 6, buy the red radar trinket and try your best...
Remember it's REALLY hard to catch a Wed Teemo as Garen, so try to catch him out of surprise.”
Teemain says “He is a ranged Champion with a Blind... Great... Jebait his Q and W
And then you can win
Otherwise, once he hits lvl 6, buy the red radar trinket and try your best...
Remember it's REALLY hard to catch a Wed Teemo as Garen, so try to catch him out of surprise.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Depends on the Teemo's skill level, if you hit him with your taunts you will kill him, especially if your jungler ganks. With your cc it should be an easy kill then. Beware his small hitbox, early poke and his enhanced movement speed. ”
Stiwy says “Prepare yourself well, this is going to be a depressing lane.
His Q blind prevents you from autoattacking him (so it counters your W too) and by not being able to autoattack, your passive's cannons will not work, what a mess !.
I usually play this as a farm lane with the hope to not feed him.
To play agains teemo you have to follow a precise build : second wind and double MR in the runes + D.Shield + spectre's cowl and if all this is not enough add an Adaptive Helm on top of that.
Remember the oracle lens to seek and destroy his mushrooms.”
FallenAngel149 says “Teemo gets annoying with his Q and E, but if he mispotions you can punish with your Q pillar and E knock up easily, and if you W as the blind goes out you'll just barely outlast it to land your brittle AA. Otherwise, avoid the mushrooms since qith Liandrys he can burn you down free.”
Kingarthur720 says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. (Second wind + revitalize in resolve tree) Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. The most consistent way to beat teemo is to look to farm up early with tp and wait for tiamat spike, TP back and look for pressure on him. If you take ignite you can look for early trades levels 1 and 2 and look for level 2 advantage for an early kill. If you take TP just let the teemo push you in and only look to farm. Look to avoid damage in any way possible so make sure that you position well against him either by hiding in the brush while waiting for minions to farm or hanging back behind your ranged minions. If teemo tries to harass you make sure you stand within your minion wave then kite back so that he takes minion damage. A good tip against teemo when you do trade against him is that teemo's blind affects your autos THE INSTANT YOU START THE ANIMATION not when you finish the auto. So while you are blinded pay attention to the white CC bar under your resource bars to see when his blind will run out, keep on top of teemo and don't auto attack until the white bar has COMPLETELY elapsed. Hitting your W slow against Teemo can be difficult cause he can turn back to throw his blind or auto attack. My advice is when you spin for the all in, wait until after his blind + auto to use your W slow. Or if you want to play it safe you can run at teemo to try to force him to turn his back to you and W slow him before you spin in. I heavily advise to either take Legend:tenacity or buy merc treads (or both) when playing against teemo. In the mid-late game split push against Teemo you do outscale him as long as you didnt let him get ahead of you. If you stay atleast even you should win all ins, just make sure you hit that W slow or he can punish you really hard!”
BloodyDream81 says “Un enfer pour tout toplaner, et spécifiquement Darius, ce n'est pas le plus impossible à battre, mais clairement l plus pénible psychologiquement, pas grand chose à dire, même conseil que pour vayne, sauf que tu dois rapidemment prendre manteau spectrale et botte de mercure pour espérer jouer un minimum, encore une fois on verra tous les match up difficulté 5 ensemble, car il y a trop de choses à détailler et à dire pour te permettre de les battre. ”
rawDrigo says “PTA teemo is a PITA. You'll probably end up getting poked out unless you get a good pull. Make sure you wait out his blind before you W”
Teed says “Teemo cant really poke you down that easily because you have a lot of sustain, especially if you started Doran's Shield. Just try to go for trades where you hit all 3 Q's and then back off. Be mindful of his blind and don't go in with your ult until just after he uses it.”
Gnarcisist says “Teemo lacks an escape and Aatrox can easily all in him when he has an [[oracle lense]] active. Building Merc treds and life steal will negate his poke.”
Gaisgeach says “All in or don't fight.
There is no in between with Teemo if you are yone. Take ignite in this Lane, Buy an early sweeper consider an alternate item like the lethality item : umbral glave and an early merc treads. ”
Dantheman81 says “Teemo is fairly strong in Season 8 with the new runes and such. Please build an MR item first and he shouldn't be a problem at all and will lack the damage or health to fight you the rest of the game.”
Fixst says “Be very aggressive in the Early game and try to kill him after you reach level 3.
In Mid Game you should go in and kill him after he had used his Q. Watch out for his mushrooms.
In the Late Game you should just kill him in 1vs1”
Xplor says “Teemo can poke you a lot but he is not a real threat. He is very squishy and you can take him down in seconds if you have that opportunity. Play safe just in case and don't roam around the river past level 6 unless you have the Oracle's Lens.”
TheLittleJungler says “Teemo its like a Darius, but worst for you, he inflicts magic damage that can lead you to lose your HP slowly, he can easly avoid you main source of damage with his blind.”
Lintaar says “His shrooms can destroy your ability to kite and your health bar. only really a problem in team fights though. His speed boost can help him escape your chase, but your passive boost lasts longer so you should still be able to chunk him down.”
Nyx Adachi says “Te bloquea tus basicos pero si tienes en cuenta esto y le tradeas luego de su q es free dmg la mayoria de las veces, compra el revelador de wards a lvl 6 por si las moscas”
TotallyEclipse says “Very snowbally lane. Take as little damage as possible then all in him level 2 to burn his flash. When his flash is down, all in him and use your E to wait out his blind and then all in. You should win with your Corrupting potion heal. First back dblade is very strong as well. I like to rush Bork here if im winning, the lifesteal lets you survive vs all his poison and the active stops him from running away. If you let him poke you uncontested, and shove you under tower, you will lose.”
rrawesome99 says “If you are going against a Teemo you need to buy corrupt potion and upgrade your E. Keep at a range and chip away at him. Use Cleanse instead of teleport when he blinds you”
HermezAraBird says “He has the potential to destroy you in early game, but if you keep with your team you can otscale him easily in the mid game. In this case, take the oracle lens, that will make everything easier for you”
KriegTraktor says “Teemo is a weird champ when fighting Poppy. Your lane could go either way and first kill will likely decide who wins lane. He will outscale you late-game so it's best to get the advantage as early as possible.”
ACE4291 says “Tahm wins and should win. play next to bushes when farming. if you Q him he is in big trouble. Do not be overly aggressive with loads of minions around since he can blind you and you take argo damage for nothing. ”
DirtyDishSoap says “Food.
Take a Dorans shield anyways since Teemo just does Teemo things. Once you hit 3 and have 4 graves, combo him and watch him burn flash immediately. You can basically all in him at any point in the game and win.”
Sugar3 says “In the early game, Teemo will poke you down and force you to miss CS and constantly be meditating. Adding on, his Blinding Dart will make your auto attacks miss. This has such a big impact on a champion like Master Yi since he is so auto attack reliant. However, you can save your Q for whenever you get blinded to stall out the blind duration. I recommend banning Teemo as he will make it more difficult for you to scale into the late game and be able to carry.”
Javu767 says “Teemo sounds scary. But he isnt. Before level 6 he will destroy you, after level 6 just ult and run, most of the times you will kill him. (Not if he is very ahead).”
report singed ty says “Sit back under turret or proxy if you can, once you hit 6 and have merc treads you can all in him with ghost and ignite when hes shove to your turret. Just run him down.”
Sq_09 says “Blind counters your gameplan, he outdamages you and he is even sustainable enough to not be scared of your poke. If you get slowed by a shroom, you're basically dead. He can cheese-kill you with his passive. He is the incarnation of the fricking devil. ”
WatchersGrim says “You all knew this was coming, a basic counter to tryndamere has to be teemo. Long blind plus range over you. This will be annoying till you get items and then mid to late game you will have a better chance at winning duels.”
Beatport Expo says “You can easily kill him in the early game, but watchout for Mushrooms or you'll get kited. If you missed your Q, you've missed your chance to stop him since you cannot catch up to Teemo's speed”
unrealPR0D16Y says “The only time that Teemo should ever get close to killing you is levels 1-2, as that is when you wont have your full combo to scare that little rascal off.
Rushing an Adaptive Helm will make laning into Teemo hell (for him). Combo that with your lifesteal from your W, and you have just counter-picked a Teemo.”
TentiTiger11 says “This creature is annoying and can poke you down early on. He denies you cs, and if fed, can actually be a threat late game. Since they don't usually start Q, hiding in a brush either tribush or down the river if the jungle needs a leash, or in the bush near the edge of the map, is very useful to get some trading in. Don't ban this creature. All teemo players want you to tilt, so don't. Farm at tower and murder him later.”
Laika says “Annoying and medium-high threat if he's good. Start Dorans Shield, rush Jaurim's Fist, Boots of Speed & 2x Null-Magic Mantle, and after that proceed building your core items. Get Adaptive Helm instead of Spirit Visage if he goes full AP. Don't engage him with Q since he will just blind you, rendering your ability useless, instead just use your E while blinded and then Q when his blind expires”
gabriel5ben9 says “The devil itself. Get oracle lens , adaptive helm and tabis or mercury's. Legend: Tenacity helps a little. Be sure to flame him in /all for playing Teemo. It's going to be VERY annoying to play this lane. Ask your jungler for help very often.”
Starci says “His blind makes the lane impossible. If you go for trades, he will blind you and kite you with his speed. Then, after 6, ganks will be very risky bcs of his mushrooms. If you go for cs he will just poke you.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Just pull his spirit in with E, he will get overwhelmed by the amount of tentacles slamming at him just run it down on him and he shouldn't be able to do anything about it.”
1nsamity says “Literally any ranged will be a threat if they zone you out of the minions. You want to be able to get your passive up before engaging or trading with the enemy so ranged are a hassle”
Auntbetsie says “Really annoying in lane. Can put so much pressure onto you and out ranges you. You can end up winning against him when you hit 6 but this isn't always the case.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Ah, yes. The Antichrist. The thing about teemo is that he is a lane bully that loves facing melee champs reliant on AA because he can just poke him to death without fear of retaliation because of his blind. However, you have a gapcloser on bushes (which he is always in / near of because of his passive) and a cleanse. So yeah, you shit on him if you play it correctly.
You can try jumping on teemo at level 1 to poke him down, but do note that if he is smart he will have leveled up Q first to avoid this happening and try to safely farm until his level 2-3, so you might want to wait until you are level 2-3 yourself. Trading against him is easy, just stay close to bushes, get stacks, and jump on him when you have 3-4 so you can either use emp q on him before he blinds you or bait his Q with your emp W and win the trade off it. The problem with teemo is the fact that he takes ignite most of the time and that if he gets 6 and has a slight lead walking into shrooms is an ill-advised proposition. You will 100% want oracles and pink wards here, but be careful to not leap to a shroom since it will explode on your face. Overall, snowbally if manageable lane where you need to respect his kill potential.
Ignite works great for being aggressive early since you have the lead on that front. Any runepage works but make sure you have second wind and revitalize, they are invaluable here.”
Itreallyhim says “He will kite you for days, and he will poke you for days, Catch the midget with your E, Your Ult removes shrooms from the map. (They will still be in the Overworld, but none in the Death realm.)”
LycheeMochigome says “Blind is annoying, just don't bother attacking and keep walking when he blinds. Ideally, he wastes this on you and afterwards you are able to just all in him”
classicnoob says “Skill Matchup do play extra passive until LVL 4 and upgrade W On LVL 4 since it may save you from extended trades.You can spin on him and hide your Q so he doesnt know when your Q is up.”
HeyItsLeemo says “If he knows how to poke, try to avoid his basic attacks as best as you can, and when you get him low, (somehow) still be cautious of his shrooms and Q's, he can kill you easily if you don't buy oracle lens.”
DobbieTheElf says “Annoying pre-6, but after you have ult you can all in him quite easily. Bait out blind before commiting, and be careful of mushrooms!”
Anonbroh says “Teemo's ability to poke you to death will be a pain in the arse for laning, if you're running Grasp this will be even more infuriating, Utilize your W to get a shield when he tries to go in on you”
Cats4lyfe123 says “When Teemo blinds you, disengage by E-ing away and go back in when it goes away. Teemo is squishy so you should be able to pop him easily.”
bailey.porirua says “He is a threat just try and use your Q to get away. Build Merc treads because the blind is very long. Potentially just Maw after Tri-Force and when you spawn get yellow ward onto enemy buff (that they are not starting on) then back and get a sweeper.”
ShinyEmo says “Very annoying lane. I recommend starting Doran's Shield + Potion. He will poke you hard, but when you all in and get blinded, just Meditate until the blind goes. Then burst him. DON'T FORGET, YOU CAN DODGE HIS Q WITH YOUR Q IF TIMED PERFECTLY. ”
Loki029 says “Spirit Visage, Dervish Blade, and Banshees Veil are necesarry. He is the Devil ! ( Hint: Use your q AFTER his q, w before bush checking, buy Vision Ward, and upgrade your trinket no eye, use your q so he can t run away, don t avoid the bush - don t let him enter the bush to often - YOU are the main bush ganker, Avoid beeing poked down too often, bush q Flash e ult ignite is your main Combo to kill the devil”
hephephepeEPEPE says “i really never lose to teemo hes just annoying early game play safe till mercury treads and all in him he cant do anything about that make sure you have decent ammount of hp before you do that
lugzinho says “He's ranged and has a lot of poison and MS so he's an obnoxious matchup.
Bait his blind so he doesn't block your W with it.
Hexdrinker rush.”
mac.moba says “He is killable pre 6 if he wastes his blind. If the wave is in a good spot, you can throw a Q at him as he uses his blind and just run him down. Whilst blinded, you can still hit Teemo with Q and E and your ultimate will get rid of the blind effect and also his shrooms will not slow you, so once you’re level 6, you can look to all-in him whenever suits you by simply hitting a Q, chaining your Qs and using your ultimate as soon as he blinds you or you run in to a shroom. Also don’t forget you can pick up an Oracle Lens to clear his shrooms off the ground or check for them whilst all-ining so that you can dodge the shrooms to take less damage. If you fall behind or are even in this lane you can get an early Spectre’s Cowl or Hexdrinker, but if all goes well, rush Phage and run that squishy little rat down the lane over and over again. Boots will also be good since he has a range advantage, but as long as you land Q, it shouldn’t be a problem. The hardest part of this lane will be the harass he can get off on you when you can’t all-in him when the wave isn’t in a good spot for it.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You don't have as much of a hard time against Teemo then most toplaners. His blind just gives your auto time to charge so his blind doesn't mitigate nearly as much damage as it normally would. He still has a lot of poke though so he can poke you out of lane if you don't play careful enough. You have quite a lot of kill pressure on him especially when you get used to the matchup so don't be too scared to hard engage on him when you get a level or item advantage. Get a sweeper lense when he gets level 6 and late game you will be stronger then him.”
6MillionBreads says “Hugely favorable matchup for you if you play it right early, but if he picks up a few kills and gets ahead it can become difficult.
Just be passive and farm under tower or with W if you get blinded until you can finish mercs treads and spirit visage. After that if you land E on him you should win most trades/fights, but if you miss the E and go too deep he will punish you”
ForgottenProject says “Teemo starts E in lane, so you can fight him Level 1 if you get a minion advantage
Parry his Q (it is purple and thicker than his normal shots)
If you do, you win the fight easily
Don’t let him zone you when you can beat his ass in reality”
Blakespeare says “the w speed up with the auto poking pre level 3 puts him at a huge advantage when denying cs. With this you would want to go dorans shield and hang back with lane freezing close to tower”
Gunford says “Teemo has a higher range and will blind you whenever you walk up to him. After 6 you cant chase him or kill him when he stays in his mushrooms.
Get Magic resist, farm up and wait for your jungler. Try to roam when hes super aggressive.”
Speez says “SOOOOO eaysy to play into teemo, try not to get poked much till you hit level 3 then you can all in him for the rest of the game as long as you can empowered w his blind”
Braddik says “Very snowbally lane. Take as little damage as possible then all in him level 2 to burn his flash. When his flash is down, all in him and use your E to wait out his blind and then all in. You should win with your Corrupting potion heal. If you let him poke you uncontested, and shove you under tower, you will lose. ”
superacewolf says “Spellbook setup will work really well against him. Put early points in E. If you buy 2-3 dorans ring with you can spam E to shove wave and can possibly kill him with just E alone. Use spellbook to switch to ignite when you find the opportunity. In this matchup don't let him shove you under tower or else he will poke you out of lane and you will lose a lot of cs. ”
FlopyWeiner says “Teemo is a BITCH in the early game don't get me wrong. There are a few one tricks out there that can make him work but for the most part once you grab a Trinity and 6 its gg.”
AGKH says “TP = farm up for tiamat and pressure
Ignite = trades lvl 1+2
Make sure to hit W slows on Teemo
Outscale late game
Fleet Runes, TP / Ignite, DShield”
The Lost Drawing says “Armate 'yelmo adaptable' con un poco de mana, lente revelador y pines rojos. Le ganaras poco a poco. A veces ellos tienen 'prender'”
zekynan says “before macing his stupid face in, play the guitar. If he doesn't attack and play along, be merciful, if he does attack, he has chosen.... death”
Trash Collector says “Playing against Teemo is annoying. His Q can blind you cause you to miss your autos and after level 6 the lane became much hard but he don't have high kill pressure on you so you will be fine as long as you don't take bad trade and play safe”
enderare says “literally ass fucks you the entire game, his q makes you useless. my only advice is dshield and when he q's you take a trade by stacking ur passive and when the q goes out proc it with the last auto. you normally lose any day if he has half a brain. ”
Pedrokis says “Chato pra cacete no começo da partida, vai ficar te batendo nas 3 primeiras waves. / Se o seu jungler te der 1 gank ou ele ficar fora de posição, você consegue uma kill fácil. / Gosto muito de ir de ignite nessa matchup, já que você pega muita kill pressure, além de ele ser um champion frágil. / O W dele não vai ajudar a fugir do seu W se você ficar usando o seu Q pra manter ele no lugar. / Cuidado com o blind do Q dele pra cancelar seu hit da passiva, isso pode fazer você perder uma cura e um dano importantes pra troca. - Tenta cancelar o seu auto attack com passiva, clicando pro lado ou apertando S (depende das suas binds de teclas no jogo) pra não perder a passiva.”
Pickle Pick says “His blind can be super annoying when you're trying to get brittle AA procs. Plus he bullies u super hard. Look for opportunities to go in because a full combo does a ton of his HP.”
Daedralus says “The reason he is ranked this difficult is only due to his blind. During his blind, your Q and Ult become useless as they are basic attack based, and will thus miss. But if you wait out the blind and keep your E up meanwhile to reduce the damage in this period, you should make it out especially if you can fear him. Afterwards, as a standard Teemo ends up going AP, with only a single item built (gun blade probably) your Q + Ult + Gunblade (to slow when he starts running) should kill him fairly easily. ”
qtANG says “teemo is a lane bully which sucks at team- fights. Survive laning phase and try to kill him during lvl 1 by waiting in the bush and E into him when he uses he [[blinding dart]] (most teemos start it first) on a minion.”
TheBiskoppen says “Everyone thinks this is a bad match up, when its pretty easy to play around, you just wait for hexdrinker, farm with q and poke him save w until after blind.”
MrLewie says “A decent Teemo player that pushes autos can be a Nasus player's worst enemy. If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself against this rat freeze your lane until you hit 250-300 stacks.
Once you hit mid/late lane use oracle lens to clear his mushrooms and wait for him to waste his Q then run him down.”
TheRevenantsHand says “Hands down my favorite match-up.
Before 6 he beats you, after 6 it's a free lane. Your W counters his poison and Q, your Q isn't affected by the blind and neither is your E. There are no shrooms in the Death Realm. Once you hit 6 he is a sitting duck.”
ozmankaan says “*preferred built: aftershock*
The prob with teemo players is they think they can over power you bt they dont, get your 'Q' upgrade first with teemo, i m repeating it is imp to get your 'Q' upgrade first, it can give teemo huge poke n slow down, after applying 'Q' go for disdain as his speed is low it is easy to go disdain right, after disdain go for purge n yup he is all yours, repeat, lane is yours n yeah match too :P ”
IcyTheAlligator says “his q stops you from auto attacking with is actually really important on ezreal supprisingly! and yeah i dunno just dont like him lol”
XRVG says “You need to play against his blind properly. If you play properly you kill him after a setup combo. If ahead you one shot. If behind he is a pain to play against. ”
IvaoManeirao says “funny enough even though he is ranged and has a hell of poke it's a really easy matchup since you just brush off his damage - take Doran's Shield and Second Wind and just wait for him to use his Q, when it's duration ends just do the Flash Combo (explained later) and explode him.”
Big Belly Bop says “This match up is annoying but since you have a heal + very sustainable runes it isn't as bad as people think. He will out damage you until you get items, but then he's useless. Play around his blind and E when he tries to go for an all in. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield, Sustain runes with the resolve variant. ”
ExfIamed says “As long as you survive his poke just get Cowl and Greaves, Q towards him and E with your Q going, W the blind and then cancel your E into a Q, he should be under half HP so just wait for your Q and E then flash Q ult ignite and then ctrl1 cause only losers play this champ.”
Loevely says “He's just a tiny rat. Your EmpW cleanses the blind and you can burst him at pretty much every point of the lane. Fleet plus Dorans shield with second wind makes this a pretty free matchup. ”
numpadddd says “Hardest matchup of all of them in my oppinion. He will bully you so you cant farm, also dont try to all in him, he can blind you. Best solution = ask Midlane for laneswap :/
If not, play very passively and stay under turret for the whole laning phase, when he hits 6 its also hard for your jungler to gank so he is a MUST BAN EVERY GAME !”
ShaWalKro says “Against Teemo it is usually a skill matchup, his blind is semi ineffective against you so won't have to worry about that as much as mot bruisers. Just be careful not to get poked too much while farming since his range is farther than yours.”
KimJongW says “Teemo isn't as horrible of a matchups as Vayne is. As long as you can get into close range of him, you can have a good trade. His skills make him a bad opponent as he is ranged, damage of time and can escape pretty easily. ”
Defensivity1 says “Lots of poke before 6, once you hit level 6 just as with jayce he is a free kill once caged up with your w and the maiden, against teemo the conqueror page is recommanded.”
ygtmacks says “This lane is easy post lvl 3. You may need to give cs early, but you can get Teemos flash and potentially a kill at lvl 3 if you have hit e and w”
Quezel says “Teemo can be quite annoying but it isn't too bad. Second Wind is key here to mitigating his harass this is likely the lane you get the most value out of it from. Farm it out until you get 6 then any time you can hit e on him just march at him and ult as he places a mushroom to get rid of it. His blind can prevent you from stacking your passive and a good teemo will max it in this lane so rush merc treads and take tenacity to reduce the duration as much as possible as stacking your passive otherwise is very difficult.”
SNOBOY says “Early game he is very strong against you, just trade back with your q every time he tries to poke you. Wait for your shield, and you win every trade. He is very easy to all in. Kill Teemo. Please.”
ProgettoYorick says “Farming against teemo is very risky, be careful if you lose too much life your lane is already starting to fall. OTP tip: wait for level 6 for a good fight. Remember to buy yourself the orcal lens and if you really need, give priority to the mercury”
linsher19 says “Teemo players tend to poke you super hard. 1. you can wait for the jungler 2. you can max E 3. you can max Q and build magic resist and wait for the right timing to go in hard once you back out you're dead”
Skarner Main says “Hes blind is annyoing because you cant stun him with e when he q you
try get early magic resi boots and alot of cdr you can e ult him under turret E Flash at him if hes near your turret and he have been poking you since he got a posion on you Just E ult him then auto him under turret for stun deepends on your cdr you can E him again ”
craigo says “Seems weird but Teemo is the ultimate counter, his Q goes past your W therefore you can't do anything while he guns you down after. Your best bet is to get Legend Tenacity instead.”
LukasMiau says “Ele te fode, basicamente. Ele bate no Mini Gnar com facilidade e acaba com seu principal dano que é o W e também consegue bater no Mega Gnar por ser ranged. O bom é que você consegue estourar ele.”
OpticR says “Teemo is annoying, his blind will make you unable to deal any damage. As long as you engage with your own blind and retreat before he uses his you should be fine.”
CrimsonAngel1 says “Ah, the ideal SoloQ champ. This AP monster can just force you out of lane by auto-attacking you twice. Don't try to fight him, he will win. However, If you buy a Spectre's Cowl, you can tank a few more auto attacks.”
Lasoor says “[Top] Teemo easily hurts you, but once you got your ultimate you can easily kill him. You are considered a counter to teemo because you don't rely on your auto attacks to kill him and can generally take what he dishes out. Early game you should bide your time and take as little damage as possible. If you see an opportunity to get ghouls then take it because they will deal a lot of damage to poor little teemo.”
muligatoni says “Any ranged matchup isn't good for Thresh, so only take Thresh top the enemy laner is meelee so you can poke him and disengage easily.”
Generally Break says “You need to land your Q to trade. His blind basically removes all your damage and the mushrooms can ruin your roams by revealing you, slowing you, and doing a good chunk of damage..”
Melloe says “I am copy pasting this to the other 3 orange-threat levels, since it's just a ranged matchup so you will be poked a lot but you are unstoppable once you have your titanic hydra.”
yetusek says “Make sure you are banning him every game, in case you are not then good luck...Fleet Footwork Runes. Take TP+Flash or Flash + Ignite. Rejuv bead start. The most consistent way to beat teemo is to look to farm up early with tp and wait for tiamat spike, TP back and look for pressure on him. If you take ignite you can look for early trades levels 1 and 2 and look for level 2 advantage for an early kill. If you take TP just let the teemo push you in and only look to farm. Look to avoid damage in any way possible so make sure that you position well against him either by hiding in the brush while waiting for minions to farm or hanging back behind your ranged minions. If teemo tries to harass you make sure you stand within your minion wave then kite back so that he takes minion damage. A good tip against teemo when you do trade against him is that teemo's blind affects your autos THE INSTANT YOU START THE ANIMATION not when you finish the auto. So while you are blinded pay attention to the white CC bar under your resource bars to see when his blind will run out, keep on top of teemo and don't auto attack until the white bar has COMPLETELY elapsed. Hitting your W slow against Teemo can be difficult cause he can turn back to throw his blind or auto attack. My advice is when you spin for the all in, wait until after his blind + auto to use your W slow. Or if you want to play it safe you can run at teemo to try to force him to turn his back to you and W slow him before you spin in. I heavily advise to either take Legend:tenacity or buy merc treads (or both) when playing against teemo. In the mid-late game split push against Teemo you do outscale him as long as you didnt let him get ahead of you. If you stay atleast even you should win all ins, just make sure you hit that W slow or he can punish you really hard!”
OneMustFall says “You can negate his blind with your E. Being that it's the one thing that makes him so strong against most marksman, you can completely own trades with him. Sheen --> Maw and he's no problem.”
picklehater77 says “Teemo can hard bully you since you have very little Magic Resistance. Opt for an early Hexdrinker and bait out his Blind before you go in, as it will mess up your all-in combo heavily. ”
Kalrex says “Just annoying. He can poke you even if you sit under tower, and will just run away if you try to jump on him. Get jungle help and rush mr items. After laning phase, you outscale and you'll be a lot more useful to your team then he will be to his. ”
T_ired says “Teemo é bem chato como de costume, ele provavelmente vai ficar te pokando e te cegando, vale a pena colocar mais pontos no W para se sustentar, só vá para cima com ajuda do jungler ou se você estiver mais forte do que ele”
Nightblue33 says “Q blinds are annoying but once it is over, you can wreck Teemo. Don't tilt and stay calm. If he uses w before the blind is up, you will get wrecked.
Ornn Hub says “Ornn's power depends a lot on his "w" and Teemo blinds him with his '' q '' ability making the fight difficult. Make adaptive helmet and buy oracle lens.”
Ze mentira says “Max: Q. Rune: Comet page.
start with corrupt potion, back with dark seal-->doran's ring.
//Adaptative helm is a good item to fight him.
//just poke and back.”
TryndamereBawt says “This champ is pure annoying teemo the only thing you can really do is let him push you a little and use the length of the lane to beat him up”
Hamstertamer says “Can bully you off minions, kite you, and blind you. Put 3 early points in E to zone him, that's more important than maxing Q. Go in bushes to avoid his poke. Rush adaptive helm and merc treads. Ghost recommended.”
Atlascrower says “Ranged. teemo is just too annoying for you. Later you can fight him with your Barrel-Damage, but early, no chance. A Tip: Your Q has 45 more Range than his Q. Take Grasp.”
AsomeSonic says “lot's of poke, but ganks kill him nicely, q him when he's invisible, get merc treads and adaptive fast, he can make the better of most trades so do your best to farm but don't go crazy and die, stay healthy with second wind and dorans shield”
VoidGorilla says “Very hard to lane against I ban him every Game, with his range he can poke you back easily, his blind makes hopping after him hard, and His shrooms are a huge counter to how Kalista is played”
JohnRaged24 says “Teemo vs Garen is like play Yasuo vs an ADC. You can't kills him alone in the early game. but you can't farm either. You have to stay back and heal with your passive every time you go for a minion. I recommend Banning Teemo every time you play Garen. I don't think there is a bigger counter for garen.”
Chromuro says “If you can bully him hard enough, he will start to fear you and it will be an easy lane. His overextension can be punished heavily, but his free poke is really hard to sustain and if the teemo understand this, may god help you.”
P1Legend says “So Teemo is interesting. In this match up, just focus on pushing the lane as hard as you can. Teemo is a lane bully, but so are you, so if you can gain bush control, this match up becomes drastically easier. Also, this is a bit easier for Ap Rengar because you don't really care about blind much”
DVL CHALLNGR says “You MUST build Doran's shield 1st and try to burst him until you get lvl 6. When you cast R try to hit all the skill shots starting with W because when he is damaged his MS is decreased. His Q will mean nothing to Aatrox when he is a Spell Cast champion and he does Life Steal even with his spells”
Raideru says “This is the only matchup you should max q because it increases the damage on the jump and lets you be more successful with the trades, he will also usually run ignite in this matchup so i'd advise going ignite also so he doesn't have kill priority over u, merc treads is a good buy in this matchup.”
EpicDan01 says “Take Dorans Shield and try to farm with cleavers. Build Spectre's Cowl into Sunfire. Eventually your sustain will be too much for him and you can run him down.”
Rhinoface says “Depends on the Teemo. If they're smart and Q you after you pull them with your E, you'll hard lose. If they waste Q and you're health enough to E > Q auto run them down; it's pretty free”
Poppu says “As much as Teemo sucks toplane, you can still outplay him with the right mindset. Teemo Q and Poison is annoying to deal with, but if his positioning is poor, you can E Q and stall long enough for blind to wear off before you can get an auto in. Always build MR against this devil.”
Aizo says “AP ranged matchups are a theme of being DANGEROUS for maokai. Maokai doesn't get incredibly high MR scaling so he's naturally attuned to being in rough mage matchups”
litboijustinx says “Jayce has the advantage throughout the game as his kit allows him to kill the teemo before the teemo kills you. Just make sure to constantly poke him and all in once he gets low enough”
Mavelion says “A good teemo knows how to push you under turret. You cant engage him without getting hurt. Most cases you will want your junger to gank to get you ahead because you lose trades alone and get poked heavily. Get him behind and you might have a chance.”
Tangy202 says “You can lose the teamfight, but Teemo must die. Seriously though. Use Q to close gap and go for a q slap. If he blinds you, go into E and borrow some of that speed and q him as you exit the E. This demon child must always be the focus. ”
Shady Zane says “Teemo, The Little Devil.
Not much to say. Don't let him poke you, watch out for mushrooms and let him use his Q on the minions before getting close if you dare.”
Vodka4Gaben says “If you don't bring ghost against a good teemo player, well... YOU'RE DOOMED. You can't possibly think about winning lane without ghost, so if you see a Teemo on the enemy team take Ghost at ALL COSTS.”
Petethebossch says “Spam ping jungle to help pre-6. Max E. Farm under tower for stacks. Whe you go into trade you fight to the death. Try to predict his blind by waiting out the duration of the blind before using your q. Take sweeper for mushroms too.”
MehmetPower69 says “Teemo might be a problem when you are starting playing Fiora but after about 5-10 games you will start beating him. Just W on his blind and poke other wise don't engage until you got hexdrinker.”
homxr says “Teemo. Teemo. Teemo. This isn't the worst match-up, but it is a Garen counter for a reason. The reason a lot of people lose this, is because they think Teemo is this insane burst AP machine, but he's not. Build your core item, don't insta rush MR, and get the jump on him. If he blinds you, use your E, and then Q for the speed boost, and use it after E finishes.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “You can bully him easy early on, but his shrooms get progressive more dangerous and annoying. Ending the laning phase as soon as possible is definitely a priority. He loses a lot of danger once he is forced to focus on the entire map instead of just one lane. ”
Lynboe says “Ce champion, même si il est insupportable, reste très faible.
Prendre un Doran's Shield ainsi que Second Wind vous aidera à prendre moins de poke.
Le champion étant très faible, un simple combo vous permettra de lui enlever plus de la moitié de ses HP.
Il est conseillé de prendre Phase rush et de faire un Phage rapidement afin de pouvoir le punir si il essaye de push.”
Jnewbringspain says “As you probably guessed, Teemo is possibly the worst matchup. His blind dart screws you, his range and poison overwhelms you, and if you get the rare opportunity to jump on him and kill him, he likely has a mushroom nearby to help him escape as you slowly die to poison. Ask for jungle camp. You won't even be able to farm in this matchup.”
messketchup says “His only viable poke is his Q. Your E's range is the same as his basic attacks'. Pull him whenever possible, ignore his blind as your passive and slow will still stack on him. Save your Q when he's moving away to hit him with the outer ring. You CAN win.”
Sukay says “Can be really annoying due to blind. You will need to make sure to not use any Q's on him while you are blinded or you will lose the trade.
It's very important to maintain bush control, and not let him push you down to your tower. Don't let him get ahead before six, or your bushes will be filled with shrooms and you won't even be gankable because of shrooms.”
EvilOranges says “D-Shield or D-Blade (preference). Play safe until level 3, then all in him when you get the chance. Keep in mind his [[Blinding Dart]] shuts down your damage, so bait it out then go in. His Q also out-ranges your autos. Buy [[Sweeping Lens]] after he hits level 6.”
PandaSenpai101 says “This champion can be easily countered by using a well-timed parry to block his Q. Always buy Oracle's Lens against his mushrooms. Other than that, he is very squishy and easily killed.”
Devitt45 says “Normally, Teemo would be a problem, but this build focus on Garen's E, which is an ability, not an auto attack like his Q. Try to bait out his blinding dart, and you will be able to deal more damage. Another thing you can do is take the blinding dart after running at him with your Q on, then start spinning on him, cancel your E, then Q him and run.”
Jnewbringspain says “Grab Adaptive Helm first. You can actually engage him if he's stupid about using his Blind Dart at the wrong time. When it's on cooldown, you can jump in and do some serious damage to him. Be careful to not fight for very long, his poison hurts a lot! You'll need to grab extra potions this game.”
M2 Jizu says “Easy dudeeee
Por alguna extraña razón tu W no bloquea la Q de Teemo así que....
no te dejes intimidar por Teemo, iniciale con tu E si es necesario.
Necesitarás sustain <3”
AmnesiaT says “well well well look who it is..
The biggest problem with teemo is that he can kite you and specially for me ruin my mental.
The thing is when he gets his W he can run like a bitch.
My advice to you against teemo is quite simple. DONT BE A BITCH!
You can kill him on level 3 almost any time. After level 6 he doesn't stand a chance against aatrox.
Fight him always, if you have vision or you know the enemy jungler is not near.”
ColonelDukeMayo says “Teemo is a major threat because he requires constant attention. If you begin to forget where his mushrooms are he can really punish you. If you get into a fight make sure you have all abilities ready. Teemo can't handle Cho's abilities. ”
The Jhin Cena says “This baby rat may seem scary but as the game goes on, fighting him will be easier. Try and avoid laning him unless he's the best option for your team. At level 6, he should be an easier target unless fed. However his Blinding Dart can counter Fizz since it will cause your W to miss but still use up it's CD. So when ulting on Teemo, be sure to use your W while on your troll-pole so right when you land, you will W him before he can use his Blinding Dart. The beauty of Twisted Treeline Fizz is that there are many AP Bruiser options for Fizz. One of my favorites is Moonflair Spellblade, which is a good counter item to Teemo since it gives MR, Armor, and Tenacity. If their Teemo gets out of hand then build tons of AP Bruiser items such as Banshee's Veil, Abyssal Mask, and of course Moonflair Spellblade.”
Lil Tidepod says “Teemo can be annoying. He's really quick, has a blind, and does a lot of magic damage. I also recommend an adaptive helm against Teemo unless you completely squash him in lane, because he will be extremely annoying. Take Second Wind in this matchup instead of Conditioning. Buy an Oracle Lens to clear his shrooms as often as possible. ”
zygiux says “Not a really hard but mostly annoying. He will try to poke you down to death unless he plays passive for some reason. Only try to go in when you block his Q with ur W and don't chase him because he always walk on his mushrooms so you would walk on them, sometimes it's just the best to let him go than risking urself dying.”
xYoshidax says “Very squishy, yet very powerful. His power spike at 6 is huge, but as soon as you catch him off guard after he shot his blindness, you're getting yourself an easy kill.”
punmaster911 says “he has most of his damage come from a placed item in the world. your ult diasables these for you. he relies on keeping distance with you. you are good at closing distances. he blinds you so you cant auto attack him. most of your damage comes from abilities.
do the math.”
LighterDay says “Teemo's range, passive and bonus movement speed make it hard to solo in lane, but landing an ult will prove too much for even Teemo as you steal his core stats. Morde no longer relies on autos, making it easy to use your abilities on Teemo.”
GameRage20 says “Teemo is annoying because he can outkite you and counter your basic attacks. Try to slow him with your q when his blind is on cd and then all in him. Rightoues glory helps a lot in reaching him.”
de kake es a li says “Teemo can destroy you in lane and stop you from pushing while poking you out. Play safe and wait for ganks. I would recommend bringing teleport into teemo to stay up to level. ”
Luki7776 says “He counters you so hard. He can dodge all of your Q's and easily kill you with his Flash and Ignite. You can kill him only if he misplays so hard.”
CAPTCHAFAMILY says “The blinding shot may drive you crazy. Best advice - when he shots blind (purple arrow), then run after him. Also buy red trinket to detect mushrooms which he leaves behind him.”
Hunterlogic says “Hard to catch due to his W and he can blind you preventing your auto attacks, if you get off an E, Q, Auto combo he is dead. Also suggested to get sweeper as lane phase ends since he can use them to kite you.”
LighterDay says “Goes without saying that Teemo is a nuisance to play against. His poison renders Garen's passive useless, Teemo's blind negates the damage from Garen's Q, and Teemo's W outruns the speed boost given from Q. The biggest counter to Garen. Play under turret if you are against Teemo.”
FunkySoul says “Incredibly difficult matchup, but able to be beaten if you out-farm him. Spin in when he blinds you, and orb walk his W. Make sure the enemy jungler isn't around and your jungler is.”
Brentard says “Cancer. Just build adaptive helm and sit under turret till 6. Once you start roaming and picking up kills the early lane phase wont matter too much.”
TechnoRenekton says “Keep distance, go in on him if he uses his Blinding Dart ( Q ) to last hit a minion. Let him push you and ask for a gank from your jungler.
Has weaker lvl 6 If you are even in items.”
GrGamingTeo says “So against Teemo you need to respect him if he starts q level 1, if he starts e run his little ass down to kill you as he will not have the damage to fight back”
mlgn4ever says “Annoying matchup i would say has pressure in lane constantly but i think you will always outdamage him at lvl 6, so try and look for those! Alot of people don't expect Singed his damage a lvl 6 so beware,”
DrMoneybags says “Unlike Kennen and Gnar, Teemo doesn't have a whole lot of ways to deal with Kled's ability to stick to targets. His blind is his only way to counteract a lot of your auto-attack damage, but you can still hit him with most of your W if you wait out his blind. Most teemos will immediately blind you when you jump onto him, so just wait until the effect ends to pour your damage onto him. Don't get poked out right away, and all-in him wisely for some easy early kills. Hexdrinker and nullifying orb will help if he gets out of control.”
Big Boy Matty D says “Can't really do much pre 6 apart from try best to farm and avoid harass. Post 6 try to get him to use his blind and then run back for 2 seconds, as soon as you are not blinded use everything on him (given that you're not below ~400hp).”
OnionMilkshake says “Now Teemo is a very easy match up for you if you dont get caught out by the wacky stuff teemo can do also if you don't have to leash and you can go strait to lane it means you don't lose dominance to teemo. Teemo have fairly similar range to you and you out trade him most of the time also whenever you decide to all in him you will kill him as long as you are equal health and you can hit the first Q without E
(Recommended: Electrocute) ”
TheNinjaRoid says “Probably the most annoying lane. Sit under your tower. Rush Magic Resist and a Sheen, then you should be able to delete him as long as you're not super far behind already. Ask for ganks if needed. I rarely lose this lane, unless I get camped.”
Fruxo says “Avoid mushrooms, try if possible to indicate with pings where possible mushrooms could be, that way you can dodge them and you won't get the harass damage from Teemo. Beware of his Q and the poison damage it'll do.”
BOOTSAKATSAKA says “teemo is the worst counter for garen he can counter all your moves with his Q and the mushrooms can do extreme damage to you its highly recommended to ban him when u play garen”
Jomppe says “ [Top] Teemo easily hurts you, but once you got your ultimate you can easily kill him. You are considered a counter to teemo because you don't rely on your auto attacks to kill him and can generally take what he dishes out. Early game you should bide your time and take as little damage as possible. If you see an opportunity to get ghouls then take it because they will deal a lot of damage to poor little teemo.”
Khazem says “Look for windows to damage him when you can land your E. Try to keep the wave pushed under his turret as he has very weak waveclear unless he has mushrooms available and will be too busy dealing with the minions under his turret to do anything to you.”
Nio161 says “Early very annoying but with an E you can push him away + easy kill him with ult (if you don't take too much damage before) buy Spirit Visage/Abyssal Mask!”
GameKillerzCrew says “Rush Witt's End. Use your alpha strike on minions. Just try to farm. Only attack him with full health and all abilities ready to go and flash and heal ready. You have to be patient with Teemo. Farm under tower if you're being pushed.”
Ethereal Ezio says “You will out scale, just survive laning phase. Start ruby crystal until you see if it is AP/AD, and be extra careful if he has ignite. Overall though it is easy kills after level 9. Grab a pink ward to avoid embarrassment. ”
Carlosm04 says “QUE DESGRAÇA, NEM PRECiSO FALAR, O BIXO SO DAR POKE D+, Jogue safe e quando ele gasta o seu Q, vai pra cima q nem maluco e matar esse capeta”
ApexDresden says “A lot of poke/harass which is incredibly annoying, however he is way too squishy and therefore, bait out Q and engage once Q passive runs out.”
The Lost Drawing says “Es muy molesto, aguanta el 'early game' y ganas tu linea fácil.
>>> Compra 'Lente revelador' y 'Centinelas de Control' para sus 'Setas'
>>> Compra el 'Yelmo Adaptable' es prioridad para aguantar y tal vez matarlo”
ElleryTheViking says “Pretty damn easy. Pre 6 it's a bit annoying. I like to rush merc treads and a spirit visage for this match-up. Lane's a breeze if you do, dying will be next to impossible. Post 6 if he overextends and you land a Q, immediately ult and ghost. Shrooms will have no slow effect, and you just keep spamming Q and E till he dead.”
Enfurnal says “You probably will never see him mid in ranked games, but all he has is his Q and autos early game so just out damage him with your Q (Magic and True damage or your Combos). ”
SynergyXO says “Try to get the farm you can, Q heal on cool down when he is abusing you under tower. wait for gank. you can kill him level 1 and 2 in a all in.”
E61K says “Second Wind + Doran's Shield. Conqueror or Phase Rush both work here. However I am more of a fan of Conqueror. There are 2 types of Teemo players. Those who max Q and ONLY poke you with it and never AA you. In that case play passive and wait until you have Tier 2 Boots and/or Phage. In this lane it's really good to purchase Specter's Cowl first. Conqueror will provide enough damage for You to be able to murder him. The general strategy is to let him push into you and waiting for the wave to be close to Your tower so You have enough room to run him down, auto a minion before going in so your Conqueror becomes active (if you didn't go Phase Rush) and once Conqueror is active just Ghost at him. He won't be able to kill you through Specter's Cowl even with ignite. If you're running TP you will have to wait for Tier 2 Boots and Phage to get to him since he is pretty speedy thanks to his W.
Against auto-attacking Teemo players you just abuse their positional mistakes by pulling them in with your E since Teemos AA-Range is really short (only 25 more range than Apprehend), especially compared to his Q range and from there on just murder him.
Also don't be one of those players who use their W when blinded.
Get Oracle's Lens.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Stealth, Hidden traps, Blind, high mobility. Weaknesses: Squishy, out-scaled, counterable by Sweeping Lens. Start D-Shield and buy a Sweeping Lens after he hits level 6 or 11. This guy used to be a bit tricky to deal with but now he's easy to play around. His main tactic is to poke you down and blind you if you try to retaliate. All you need to do is poke him back with a few vitals and be ready to riposte any blinding darts he tries to hit you with. If you succeed in doing this, quickly jump onto him because his main form of retaliation is gone so with your E slows and crits, you can out trade him. Post 6, pay very close attention to where Teemo is standing and if you were able to spot any shrooms he placed. If you try to engage him and start trading but notice him instead of fighting back starts moving specifically towards the river, a corner of the river, or the edge of a bush, fall back instead of risking of stepping on them. You out-damage him once you hit lv 6 so use that to your advantage. Quick Tip. His Omega Squad Teemo skin makes a sound queue whenever he uses his blind. Use this to time whenever you need to parry it. ”
Miracle Matter says “When you first enter lane, stand back, and wait. He's stealthed somewhere.
If he still hasn't shown himself, just use a bomb to detonate the first 3 melees when they get low. Once he's shown himself (hopefully not on top of you), the matchup begins.
Teemo can be a difficult matchup for Zilean early on because his movespeed bonuses often offset your E - slow, leaving him *just barely* fast enough to run out of your Q hitbox radius. Because of this, you should respect the threat of quick, targeted harass he poses early on, until you have rank 2 E and at least a Tear of the Goddess. After that, shove the wave versus him, hard. He will quickly become irrelevant.
Note that if he rushes Wit's End versus you, you cannot 1v1 him. He basically becomes a 'beat splitpush Zilean' machine, not good at teamfighting, squishy to AD threats, but deadly to you. However, this doesn't give him any AP, so your waveclear remains superior. Shove him in from safety!”
NOH giel says “Teemo stays an champion that i hate. A good Teemo knows exactly when to engage on you, and when you want to react you just get blinded so your W is useless for some seconds. A good Teemo can make your game very, very frustrating. Especially cause Teemo is fast as hell.”
Saiyan02 says “Very annoying like Jax he can stop your all in with his Q and run away from you or kite you down... Go cleanse this game and Phase Rush for sure”
NOH giel says “When he blindes you you are done for, you can't play versus a Teemo and it is almost impossible to win your lane.
My recommendation, don't pick Darius into Teemo, and if you pick first make sure you dodge.”
drunken hunter says “Teemo/Satan is really annoying on lane but if you wait for his (Q) -> blind, you can trade him or do the lvl 2/3 engage.
My tipp if you have to play against teemo, go buy Oracle Alteration to clear his shrooms.”
kkiskk says “This little devil is annoying as hell. If he's skilled, he'll poke you a lot with AA and max E first to poke you down. If he waste his Q to poke you, all-in him after the blind ends. You always win without being blinded. Get sweeping lens to locate him and his mushrooms.
Your W is a powerful tool as it is not affected by his Q blind. Don't be afraid to engage if he is too close to AA you, when you E onto his face, he'll be scared and use his Q, use your W to apply slow on him. It's pretty much over if you land your W slow.”
SeaWeeb says “Has strong poke and soon to have more mushrooms but is by no means a tanky champ. Just poke early but watch out for his q and bring some pink wards and maybe an oracle lens for his mushrooms. Might want to build some MR just for good measures.”
Proxxecube says “Ok, I may get flamed for this, but Teemo isn't that hard to beat in lane. Q him lvl 1, and if he runs, disengage, but if he fights, fight back. Once he gets his blind, q in, auto, then parry. Around that time, the little mushroom bitch will blind you, but the parry will block it. Even if he waits for a second, then nearby him until it expires, and keep fighting. Your sustain is significantly more than his poison, so don't worry. Late game, either get an Spirit Visage if you're doing well, or an Adaptive Helm if he is.”
Cstrange says “First off you should never vs him because you made sure to ban him but encase you forgot to do that. He blinds you, and will out damage you every time. Don't engage just farm and wait for help from jungle. Do not take kleptomancy runes if you are versing this guy.”
Melloe says “Teemo's blind is quite annoying, but it's the movement speed you have to watch out for. make sure you get your boots pretty early on and just get pushed. just like with any other laner voli can just flip enemies under his turret, and if timed correctly, can stop dashes (for instance: Shen dash, lee q) when he uses e just at the right time. teemo should be no problem once you have your titanic hydra.”
polarehare says “Just keep in mind, any person whose main for of poke or AA (auto attack) is poke is gonna hurt you, a lot. Late game though... he's just a speed bump.”
Bakiraka says “This guy can be super annoying if you let him get onto you and poke you. If you let him push up you'll be able to farm pretty easily and probably get a couple of ganks off too. He doesn't have any dashes, so if you can tag him with a barrel he's dead meat.”
Tvoi_clop says “Неприятное противостояние. Основа победы здесь - это блокировать его ослепление. Все размены проводим только при помощи стены. В противном случае можно сильно просесть по здоровью или умереть.”
BanananaHead says “If you're going up against a Teemo, then I'd suggest building TF like you're going mid. Basically: Ability power and max your Q first.”
Trixelkour says “Annoying little rodent. Get Dark Harvest and rush an Adaptive Helm to pile up his bodies for your birbs to ravage on. Phase Rush is also viable but deny's your kill pressure on him.”
heyitsRainex says “He punishes you when you're trying to trade by pressing his Q so he'll deny your W. Play passive from early to mid game stacking MR or build Adaptive Helm early to nullify his poke.”
BurnerTroll says “This little satan will poke you until you give up or just use your E till your mana ends. Annoying. Not even mentioning his shrooms.”
E61K says “This lane can either go horribly wrong for you or really well. It depends on what build the Teemo goes and how much experience he has. Probably a good idea to start Doran's Shield here. Save your Windwall for his Q. If you go in for trades and you get blinded you will get out-traded very hard. If he ever uses his blind to harass you make sure to punish him for it by chunking him. Lastly go Sweeper once you hit 9 to nullify any attempt from him at kiting you with his shrooms. If he goes tank respond with Tabis>PD>BORK>IE, should he stack health like in most tank teemo builds. If he is not stacking health go regular PD>IE. If you manage to windwall his blind at early levels when he is pushed up he is basically done for.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Piece of shit. Poke him down with W and once he gets low enough, bait out his Q and then go for the all in. Most of your damage comes from your auto attacks (Q) and if he blinds you, you won't get any damage off. As long as he uses his blind you should win the trade. Take red trinket and buy control wards after 6 to deal with shrooms!”
Omega best says “He is range, but if you bait him and he uses his blind and flip him into your minions, he will be dead, so play safe and make sure to be ganked becasue being against a good teemo is very annyoing, build magic resist early
Tazllama says “Teemo has map control that counters your lust for chimes and shrines. His mushrooms are ANNOYING when you're collecting chimes and one pops up and destroys you. Play it safe, and get autos in when you stun him, and you should be able to get revenge.”
Zachlikespizza says “Cockmo himself, this little shit will keep running laps around your q's and blind you so your passive goes to waste. Get an early Cowls and be prepared to rip his own dick off and shove it in his ass if it isn't already there.”
Mouadyam says “survive the early poke, dont try to fight him unless you can clearly kill, otherwise the poison and his auto's while you're running will kill you. grab an oracle's lens on your first or second back, and a spectre's cowl. ghost and run him down if he does something stupid, and a jungle gank can be very helpful as he is immobile.”
Testqment says “You have to learn this matchup by doing. Play safe and go in for early fights. When his Q [Blinding Effect, which is denying your AA's] is out, go for him with a flash + W combo.”
Shinumo says “Teemo is what makes you not want to play Tryndamere anymore. Your lane is so incredibly tedious that it's hard to bear. Stay under tower to avoid dying, it's okay to miss some CS because you will become a split pushing monster late game. Don't fight while blinded. A good teemo can kite fairly well.”
TakeLPlease says “Teemo can consistently run with his built in ghost, poison you with his auto, and blind you with his q. His q will be a struggle while trying to deal damage with a brush hop or ultimate. The way to counter is to wait for his blind to be out or gank him so that the blind isn't towards you. You must play aggressive or else he can kill you before you can get near him”
Mr Dunk Your Girl says “Teemo is really annoying because of his blind and his MS buff on his W. Try to bait his Blind and then go in with ghost, flash. Also get oracle lens so you dont step on mushrooms.”
epictwist73 says “Depending on the Teemo he can be an even or major threat, due to a reliance on auto attacks out side of mega-form though it is not impossible.”
MOOUSSA says “dont try to fight with him just try to get his soul and just try to attack him range dont try to fight him undertower just if you can kill him by krakens”
upalter says “His Q shouldn't be a great trouble, because your damage aren't your basics, poke him with your Q and always carry potions by his poison.”
iam colorblind says “He will win every trade in early.
Buy Hextrinker + Mercury's Treads and go maybe for Hextech Gunblade for some Heal + chase potential.”
Rading says “His poke is just a pain in the ass. If it is a good Teemo you will have a very hard time. Set up traps in the bushes and wait for him to step in. When he does just try to get your combo done and Ignite him. Try to predict his Q and dodge it wiht your Ult. ”
Trixelkour says “You're going to get shit on really hard. Rush Adaptives Immediately to gain a chance to survive. PTA or Hail of Blades is your only option to bring against him if you want to play aggressively. Aftershock is a good option if you ask for ganks from your Jungler. You will not be able to win this lane, but that doesn't mean you're useless, help your team snowball. ”
Skullsunderer says “Teemo is a huge threat to you. He is a ranged bully that will win extended trades with most every champion. He will get free damage on you a lot. The best course of action is to try a farm him out and roam to get kills if you need them.”
Lvl 100 Trunks says “blind is the only thing you have to play around, if you see the Q animation hit your W and you block it and you can go in for the kill”
joelblack says “Easy. Any rune set will work, but Mage runes work best. Start shield and just poke him with Q. Once he's even remotely hurt, like 60% health left, jump in as Mega Gnar and just wombo his ass. You will win. If you lose, don't play Gnar anymore.”
CaioOP1985 says “Some say Teemo counters Nasus, which is partially true, but I think of him more as an annoyance than a true threat. His Q will blind you and the little rat will try to deny you stacks and farm with it, dealing a ton of damage by doing it, so time it right to avoid losing them. Once you get your itens, he isn't tanky enough to properly deal with you and as long as you don't keep running into his mushrooms you'll be fine.”
Ashnard says “Teemo has a tiny hitbox which makes him hard to hit with q, thought once you do he's pretty much a free kill. Buy sweeper or duskblade during midgame so you can deny his shrooms.”
Warmanreaper says “He out ranges, blinds , when he blinds you , use Q nothing else because you cant hit him , save your rotation for after the blind is over , then unload all over teemo the destroying him with the brute force that darius possesses.”
DERPFISHrejects says “Teemo is teemo. However, most of your damage can't be blinded, and he's not got a massive range on you early. He can bully you until level 2, so be aware of that and you'll be fine.”
CamilleN1 says “His Q will take away your whole kill potential for 2+ seconds but when that effect ends just all in him and you'll be fine, also keep poking with W on lane and Comet/scorch will do the rest”
Dacnomaniak says “Much like Gnar a good Teemo will never get stunned by you and will be able to chip you down with their E damage, especially with a Liandrys.”
CBonez says “High poke, can blind your Q, can kite you. You should be really carefull while going up a Teemo, try to get an early lead on him with a cheese then just try to farm and poke him with E.”
DNAGCPL says “Pouco sustain, pouco clear wave e pouca moblidade (principalmente quando o W está em tempo de rcarga), tudo o que você poderia desejar. pressione ele ao máximo e simplesmente tire ele do jogo”
galvapheonix says “ Teemo is fairly strong in Season 8 with the new runes and such. Please build an MR item first and he shouldn't be a problem at all and will lack the damage or health to fight you the rest of the game.”
thedunkening111 says “Yeah, this guy counters everyone, not just you playing Leona top. Don't feel too bad. Just play back, maybe dip into triple beads and just chill and farm. The little dude is gankable, so if your jg is ever top, just call for them and kill the fucker.
Take Aftershock”
Niemi says “ Teemo is just an annoying pest. His burn and shrooms get really annoying as the game goes on, but if you get a good hook, you should be able to kill him unless he has ignite, so be mindful of that.”
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 8/10
➡️ This matchup is hard for Trundle, however it REALLY depends on how good the opponent is at spacing and spell control. Play to respect Teemo. It's fine to give up minions for HP. Ensure that you are at least getting exp. Easily punished by jungle.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Teemo vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Teemo favoured
Average Teemo vs Average Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup
Good Teemo vs Good Trundle ➡️ Teemo favoured”
Haxorr says “Teemo is a really hard matchup if the teemo player is good. Try to not take any damage on the first few waves, as sacrificing hp for cs is almost never worth it in high harass matchups. Take PTA with Dshield and second wind and trade on the bounce when you're pushing into him. Use parry to block his blind, if you do you win the trade. But teemo just does a fk ton of damage, if you don't kill him early and he comes back with swifties you're cooked so you are on a bit of a timer. Ignite honestly isn't bad into him because of this reason, but obviously is more risk. Once you get rav you're chillin, and maw is good as well, you win late game 1v1s convincingly”
Bourne212 says “Watch trading early when his Q is up, he can blind you and negate your passive damage. Look to all in him after 6 but make sure you can burst him or he may be able to kill you before his Q blind ends if he is ahead enough.”
CactEyez says “Don't lose half HP for 1 minion, let the wave come to you or farm with Q. Second wind and Doran's Shield are very strong into teemo. Get swifties to chase him down then just kill him.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Rocketbelt -> Hearsteel”
tteokkaebi says “As a ranged top laner, Teemo obviously bullies you. however, unlike other top laners, Kayn has a slightly easier time dealing with him because he mainly relies on his abilities for damage rather than auto attacks. Make sure you ult with a decent amount of hp cause he can still kill you even when you're in ult with his burn.”
Zattand says “Teemo es extremadamente opresivo contra Ornn. Su Q (Dardo Cegador) anula tus autoataques, mientras que su movilidad y poke constante te dificultan acercarte. Juega defensivo, usa Doran’s Shield para resistir el desgaste y construye resistencia mágica temprana (Spectre’s Cowl). Evita peleas directas y usa tus habilidades para farmear desde la distancia. Coordínate con tu jungla para castigarlo en emboscadas y espera la fase de peleas en equipo, donde Ornn puede tener un impacto mucho mayor.”
TrianglularRose says “Teemo can really bully you in lane early on, and if you are reckless, can easily dominate the match. However, once you get riftmaker, he dies the moment he approaches you. For the first few minutes, farm under turret, and consider grabbing scanner. Afterwards, simply walk behind your minions and stay with your lane. If he gets stuck out of the center, you simply just get to continually crash his waves, forcing him to leave or fall seriously behind. Teemo is annoying, but a long as you play smart, you beat him after first item.”
Martely says “Teemo siempre es dificil, en especifico si cancela tu stun que cuenta como basico, ademas de que al tener mas cuidado con las setas tu velocidad no servira de mucho, banealo si vas a top”
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