Bottom Lane 49.03% Win Rate99% Pick RateSamira Bottom Lane Counters: 22 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Samira in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Moosicel says “Just like Draven, Lucian, Vayne etc. Lane bullies that can fight with 1 or 2 Items are always a threat. Just play very safe and never run in no vision areas alone for that split push strategy recommended by youtube guides.”
Shindeiruwu says “You out trade her early with long range poke and passive. If she gets on you she will out trade you even a level down. Your R counters her R (if you land it lol)”
BigBallsLarry says “tough matchup but definitely survivable, pre 6 you can fuck her (especially with a good engage support), but post 6 you need to be significantly more careful. AP is very strong in this matchup and recommended, as you basically throw your W down and don't risk getting engaged on. Exhaust is also recommended. ”
Umatcha says “Samira es una Nilah pero con menos utilidad, su W es menos molesta y es más predecible, generalmente la busca usar para evitar tu R.
El problema viene cuando Samira tiene un support de engage porque le facilita su combo.
Avarosa says “ela quebra sua flecha, então é....complicado, apesar disso por ter um tempo de recarga alto não é a pior coisa do mundo, mas não vai ser um jogo facil”
Avarosa says “Tipo a nilah só que mais forte, NUNCA troque com ela depois que ela pegar 6, se seu suporte for nela e voce nao se sentir confiante, deixe-o morrer, voces vao dar um double pra ela em 90% dos casos”
Dr Yoshili says “Some Jinx main think she is super hard to deal with, some think she is easy, i'm from the one that love this matchup
You always outrange her, and outscale her, the only real threat is her support
abuse your range as much as you can, especially in the first levels, she can't do anything level 1 and 2, and you will always get level 2 first if you want it.”
millysenpai says “Her shield can remove any incoming damage due to her skill set like avoiding any stuns/hooks/etc depending on your support. Her ult can dash towards you and constantly taking life steaing. ”
gaarrett says “Samira's worst matchup. Almost impossible to lose. W prevents her from getting passive stacks, Nilah ult CC's her out of her own, and you eventually outscale. ”
thedanknepper says “Skill matchup. Her W doesn't block your own W since it's a hitscan and not a projectile, so when she expects you to burst her, just stay back and root her, then plan accordingly to take her down.”
Devilbuny says “Kolejny adc o którego nikt nie prosił a każdy dostał. Tak samo jak ty, Samira lubi się wjebać i zajebać. Różnica w tym że ona ma narzędzie defensywne w postaci swojego W a ty nie”
EdenHoangKim says “Basically Nilah is just a Samira 2.0. With good support, Nilah will win this even if she have good support. Keep your R until she uses R. Always use W when she engages to deny her combo.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Great snowball potential / Can cancel abilities with W / Huge damage / Great mobility / Great teamfight potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to CC / Low range / Support dependant / Easy to abuse / Hard to comeback if behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - An other case of melee botlane champion. Despite her low range, she can be a threat again depending on the support she has with her. If you get catched, you're dead. Mid/late is easy, you can poke her with Q and avoid getting in her range with E. Be carefull about her E and W that can be worrying if she comes close to you, and her W can stop every single one of your spells.”
Avxm says “Samira matchup is generally easy if you dont get engaged on, you outrange her. Constantly harass her with your w and look for all ins if she is below 50%hp. Be careful of her windwall and note that your R can go through her windwall so try and time your R when she windwalls but be careful of her dashing out of your R with her e. You win this matchup extremely hard pre-6. At 6 it can become difficult if you struggle to poke her out, but just make sure you are always trying to harass her at your max w range and using ur r/q to poke”
Kociokwik says “She is close range champion so abuse her when she tries to farm. If she engages on you just use e and w then hitting q shouldn't be a problem. Samira usually play with engage support so if you are playing with enchanter/mag tank for them. Even if you die she also should die + you push wave on passive. Consider building zhona later vs her.”
Latte9969 says “Samira is a difficult matchup, her W stops projectiles so try not to Q into it or you'll have long cooldowns. She's usually played with an engage support so be careful not to get hooked/engaged on because that gives samira a free way to get on top of you and if she does ever get on top of you there's not much Ezreal can do to even slightly get close to the DPS samira can spit out. Samira, besides from being able to dash in, has very short range so you can poke her down to make it a bit more dangerous for her to engage.”
Foxirion says “Samira's burst damage and mobility can make her a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her ability to dash in, unleash combos with Inferno Trigger, and target multiple enemies at once can quickly eliminate Kog'Maw in fights.”
afr0rk says “You outrange her by a LOT. Samira NEEDS setup to function, and depending on whether she has this setup or not completely changed how you approach this matchup. Without proper engage from her team, you can bully her quite a bit, just respect her level 6 spike and don't let her jump onto you for free. With setup you need to be much more vigilant, always respecting enemy Support or Jungler positioning so that you don't get caught off guard.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Pretty Samira sided, but you can still wriggle around and "outplay" with decent spacing. Getting engaged on and having no CC means she can run you down.
Threats n' Tips: CC HER FOR FUCKS SAKE. REALLY good burst with A(P)EQ and the one of the best follow up engages for an ADC. ”
Bobalegre says “Samira is broken, her W stops all your abilities, if her support lands any CC you are dead. You really need a support to help poke her down or a good disengage. If Samira's support does not have any CC its WAY easier. ”
Vapora Dark says “Samira herself is not innately that problematic for Aphelios, but the bigger problem is that she's almost always paired with an engage support who will be a problem for him, and she plays to their win condition well. Run Exhaust to shut down her burst when she finds engages. She's not scary if she can't dash in on you.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Paired with an engage support this champion is threatening to be very lethal. Once she W's you can just E and burst her, you can also hold-out till her R then immediately E. This matchup is almost entirely dependent on what supports are played on both sides. You should have the edge early game but if she's allowed to get ahead in teamfights towards mid game your best shot is praying you're able to 1 shot her.”
Cimcia says “Samira bullies Smolder early game, but gets outscaled eventually, if she doesn't get fed. She blocks projectiles, which stops every single of your abilities including R.”
IHaveBadGuides says “My personal perma ban, impossible to walk up to without an amazing tank support. She will jump on you, she will dodge your Q with her W, she will kill you!
Tips for laning:
- Bully Early
- Prio Stacks > Farm”
tacticalnin3 says “samira is like draven but is more reliable on the support combo with an engage support, if she gets ahead she will just close out game aswell or get the penta kill on team”
Devilbuny says “Niezwykle denerwujący champion. Może zablokować twoje Q, E i R. Dodatkowo ma mocną pasywkę. Nie dawaj się stunować jej supportowi oraz nie walcz z nią na blisko. Wykorzystaj swój zasięg do obijania jej ”
Dove666 says “To be fair aphelios has no losing matchup if played well but here are examples what can be hard for new or low elo player. If you are a beginner Aphelios, I would recommend banning Samira as she essentially nullifies your chakrams and is one of the toughest matchups.”
Pand4emic says “samira is like draven but is more reliable on the support combo with an engage support, if she gets ahead she will just close out game aswell or get the penta kill on team”
NegativePhoenix says “If she can't get on top of you, she can't do much really.
Her damage only really skyrockets one she builds collector, but before then she can still hurt if you aren't careful
Wasting her W with yours is insanely good since her W CD is so long, and takes one of her abilities away to get her combo level up
Just don't engage her without help and abuse her with your W if you can afford it”
Leaf no Kitsune says “harass her first 2 levels. you will see her with an engage support 95% of the time.
respect the all in. do not use condemn until you baited her w (negatives projectiles).”
DarthRik says “Don't use your Q & R when she uses her W. Bait her W by poking her. When she is trying to close the gap with E use your E instead. Pick exhaust it will help.”
kAngGaRRoS says “Pretty rough matchup, samira kit is the exact opposite of what kalista likes, making it pretty annoying. If you get bad support matchup and don't feel too confident, you might consider dodging or asking jungler for help a lot”
BioGuyverGanyu says “She has an ability that can block everything in your kit and she deals a bunch of damage in a short amount of time which is really annoying. (P.S. this match up would be really good with Exhaust).”
leoismissing says “Same as Nilah, kite her and use your range as an advantage so she can't all-in you. This new season made this match-up even easier, once you get collector, if you time her W you kill her no matter what weapons you have.”
iiExploit says “Samira will play safe until you give her an opportunity to all in you so never fall for it and get baited. I think this champion is a skill matchup favored towards her. Her windwall is the only thing that makes her really strong versus you because your ultimate will immediately be negated by her W. Doesn't help that you do a big song and dance when you cast your ult so it's not hard to miss. You're forced to hold your ultimate until she uses her W. She has to eventually use it unless she's really fed.”
mydesires says “Win this matchup by calling your Master Yi jungler to gank her.
her lv6 ult combo with a tanky CC sup = you're dead // TH : ถ้ามันมากับซัพแทงค์ CC หนา เวล 6 เตรียมตัวตายยยยยยย แต่มีทางชนะอยู่ก็คือให้พี่มาสเตอร์ยีมาแกงค์ เพราะยีชนะทุกตัว”
LustAndSpite says “She can wind-wall your ult, but you can stop her from going All-In with your disengage tools.
Your ultimate isn't as useful to make her deal damage to her teammates, but if you can hit both her and someone else with it, she will not be able to use her defensive tools.
That being said, she deals a fuckton of burst damage, so try to stay away from her.”
the hood says “Skill Matchup. Get 2 Axes and ur Q cd ready and sacrifice 1 Axe to bait out her W and dont immediately attack before her W expires. Keep your e to interrupt her R but keep in mind that she can flash it. Be Careful this matchup can be snowbally in both directions.”
support_diff says “Samira isn't the best early game champion as most of her damage comes with her ult at level 6. Before that she shouldn't be too much of a threat to you. Remember that she can block your abilities with her W so don't count on your ult if she has it up. Samira usually plays with a cc support and they aren't usually anything serious as you always have your E to rely on”
DreamOfValhalla says “If she is on you you are dead.
You have to predicte her E dash and counter it with your E.
You have to bait out her W ability since if you auto her then you will lose your axes hence the teamfight.
Remember you can cancel her R using your CC( It can be hlpful in teamfights)
tomoemioo says “for me i think it is battle of suports u know who better engage bcs i think nilah is just fake samira but with ur 6 if u dont have cc supp just cancel her ult with ur ult ”
mythicdem0n says “Samira is a very difficult matchup because her entire kit is based around jumping on you and dealing high amounts of damage fast. Vayne wants to avoid this at all costs.”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Samira is a lane that you can play aggressively and punish her up to level 6. The good Samira's on the server prefer to play safe until her ultimate, after Level 6 samira becomes a constant danger and kind of our Sivir doesn't have much what to do.”
Reptile9LoL says “Samira is quite easy due to her having less range than Vayne too, Vayne can cancel samira ult with condemn so it should be kept for that in most cases. Take push and avoid getting all inned by engage supports, Try and auto/tumble forward on every lasthit that Samira goes for especially if her Q is down.”
DROBENMAIN says “Depends on her support. She can destroy your autos, e and ult then dash into you and destroy you. IF she has an engage. Its minor if not, since she cant really do her full DPS without a CC lock.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Great snowball potential / Can cancel abilities with W / Huge damage / Great mobility / Great teamfight potential
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to CC / Low range / Support dependant / Easy to abuse / Hard to comeback if behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play extremelly safe in early game. Samira's support (mostly Nautilus, Thresh, Alistar ect...) will try to make the first move. Samira will "always" follow since she can't really make the first move. Try to surprise her with your R or wait for her W to be down before rooting her or landing your abilites. Lategame is in Varus favor since Samira has no range to reach Varus, except if someone catches you.”
Hidden Ghoster says “This Matchup can go both ways, depending on who messes up first. Levels 1-2 (Sometimes 3) Punish her with Green. Don't stay too close in range of Samira's gap closer as she will DESTROY you. Green/White and Red/Blue is good VS her. Did you know that she can't windwall your Red Auto Attacks? Also, use ult AFTER she uses windwall, if you use it before, there's a chance you will lose any fight vs her.
Also, if she's paired with hard engage supports like Thresh, Leona, Naut, etc, avoid getting engaged on. You will lose the fight if you get engaged on instead of you're support.”
LoLEnryu says “Also an easy match-up that Nilah is better than at every stage of the game. If you're afraid that you might get support gapped, take barrier and last stand to win most of the close 2v2 fights against Samira.
Build Eclipse, she is basically a melee range champion and her support is also likely a melee engage champ. Eclipse has huge value here.”
Jhin and Tonic says “Before lvl 6 you can use your 4th shot movement speed to get away from her when she uses her e just be careful not to use your 4th shot on her w and you will be fine. Also your w can still root her inside her w. Exhaust is recommended if she has a heavy cc support.”
VrNtv says “She is very similar to Draven, if she doesn't get ahead she is pretty bad late, her ult can be easily stopped by anything but root/slow. If your support is something like Poppy or Pantheon you counter picked her completely and she won't do anything late. Same as with Draven, if she freezes wave don't try to break it alone since she can just E over wave and run you down if given space.
VrNtv says “Samira has been dumbed down a lot since her release, she's only good with high cc supports or those with knock ups. Its really hard for Samira to kill you early games as she has lower range than you at 500. She HAS to rely heavily on her support to make a move.”
Valentiness says “Her early game all-in is dangerous. She counters your R with her w. Once you go for vs Antiengage build you'll be able to play. Play around her w cooldown.”
NickLeVlach says “Samira is a pretty difficult matchup due to her wind wall. This mean that she can easily kill you without you being able to return damage. She do however suffer from a short range and the fact that she has to go in to get her damage off. So you mainly wanna try to poke her down during laning phase so that when she eventually goes in she just auto loses due to hp advantage.”
RandomNPC777 says “Samira is the best follow up in the game. She's very weak when without a hard cc engage support. Focus on shutting her down or preventing her from following up.”
wungus says “Samira is an easy matchup; she is short range so she has trouble poking, you have no projectiles she can block, and your ultimate counters hers. You can even use your W to deny her passive stacks and delay her R.”
whitemindlight says “Since Varus doesn't have a Stun (R only roots, which doesn't cancel Samira's R) she has a lot of kill-opertunities in lane. Pray that your Support has hard CC and try to play like a pussy”
Elmendin says “Aviod throwing your axes when she uses her W. Its a pretty patient matchup. wait out her W and cancel her R with your E. Also go exhaust vs this.”
Pogmaw says “Plays like an assassin. If you can keep her off of you, you should be OK, but good luck doing that with a champ with amping movespeed and a dash reset (she kinda hot doeee)”
Lachoni1 says “Samira is very 50/50. If you are ahead it's a very easy match-up but if she gets ahead it's a very hard one.
You have to play it slow and not let her get resets. Also save your W after she uses hers. ”
Amberdragon says “If Samira gets in range to all-in you you are dead. Her W makes it hard for you to combo her and her damage + durability make it hard to survive her all-ins.
Focus on managing your wave and avoid getting engaged on at all costs. Bring exhaust. Poke her when you can, but be careful to not stand too close to your minions, she can use them to dash on top of you. Putting traps on your minions can be useful to zone her from using them as a bridge, Be very smart with trap placements.”
TwitchPajaaa18CZ says “a champion that doesn't necessarily need to be in front to destroy you, the champion is equipped with feints that are annoying for cho gath and block projectiles (dashes)”
Ozioks says “Naut + Samira
Samira is even but if she plays with enagage support, hard/very hard to win against if they're good. Don't let yourself get hooked and poke them with W especially Samira.
You should win laning face all the time against her. ”
ChadKarthus says “Very similar to Draven, can snowball really hard, dont flip lane level 1, they usually take cleanse for your exhaust, not allowed to make any mistakes vs her”
TTV xBobby___ says “13.16 Duskblade nerf.
Samira is weak early so try to stomp lane. Once she gets ahead, its ggwp. Care at lvl 6 if she has tanky engage support. Samira can block q during fights (axe drop!!!)”
slendoooo says “Samira alone is not a threat for Draven but she's often paired with hook and engage champions like Nautilus.
Even then she's not a particularly problem.
Do not rush to auto attack her, because her W deletes your axes, so to counter that always have 2 axes on hand and 1 ready (not on cooldown), and slowly go in on her. If you see her using W, just stop auto attacking for 1 second, she will eat 1 of your axes, so just cast your already up Q again.
Always save your E for her ultimate. Do not rush to use it.
A video example of Samira-Draven
(To be made)”
KidWithBurgir says “Kog is good becouse of his range. Samira can go to your champion and your extreme range is being useless. She also can just deflect all your dmg with W.”
Santoryo says “She is only really good with CC tank supports, although if you give her couple kills it will be pretty hard to win, try to save your Void Seeker after her using her W.”
kekw dorei ven says “There's no champions that are much of a threat as it depends on your gameplay. This is the only champ you need to evade at all cost. ”
Tolis slayer says “She can use her w in order to block your 4th shot/ult,is more mobile than you and completely destroy's you late game but because your w is a laser she cant block that and since many ppl dont know that you can use it to your advantage. so this ends up being a skill match up”
Eowide says “You have to learn how to control yourself (same as not nutting quickly) The Lords have to guide you to not ejaculate your axes while she is using W. RUN EXHAUST VS THIS.”
Abo5olod says “Just like Nilah you need to bait her W otherwise she will block all of your DMG
Hold on your hail of blade aswell if she W
TBH just like Nilah you only win this match up if Samira misplays or you play it too well otherwise it's impossible to win lane without a counter support
CJLucifer says “repeat after me: I WONT TRY TO ALL IN SAMIRA AFTER LVL 3.
She is Draven's crazy ex-girlfriend. Her manipulative power makes Draven drop his axes and start hating himself. PLS help Draven remain sane(XD) and dont fall victim to this narcissistic maniac. She will devour Draven's soul and probably marry Tryndamere to make Draven bleed his little only love left in his heart. ”
IEnjoyPlaying says “I mean heavily depending on Support Matchup, but she usually rushes Steelcaps so u do no damage + she has a windwall to counter your entire kit ”
KnobHobbler says “A bad matchup.
Pretty useless pre 6 but so are you.
Take exhaust for her R.
Bait her W then all in.
You lose the 1v1 depending on build.”
franksterzz says “Unplayable if they have an engage support. If you somehow manage to beat her then it's possibly playable. The problem is her W can block your ult and your mirror Chakrams which can significantly reduce your DPS output. Good Samiras know this and will try to time it so. You do outscale her, so if you can get to the late game, you can possibly beat her. Just don't challenge her to 1v1s.”
NotAragami says “Katarina but ADC and Riot's attempt to attract DMC fans.
She's a gamble. Either she sucks hard, or wipe your entire team with a couple sweeps. Good thing she sucks hard against tanky guys with guaranteed CC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
Amberdragon says “Samira's W is useless against you, you scale harder and by just surviving her first combo you can kill her afterwards. You both want to be close range but when she does that and she has no E or Q she hard loses to you. But she is generally stronger than you early so don't underestimate Exhaust, but if you get a led you snowball harder.”
Kronaa says “You block all of her R damage, so if she's ready to go boom, get the W on deck, and dash through all your teammates and she will all chat instantly. She can't wind wall any of your stuff, but it's still a way for her to build style, but the purpose of it is kind of useless. It is a pretty easy laning phase though, if she e's in , you can e out or further in, up to you”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate Inferno Trigger(R). Avoid trading with her when she has max points. At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point “A”. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
ColJaraka says “She is you, just has a slightly better early game and can snowball like you. Your passive makes this matchup easy, since in a neutral game you will have a level advantage due to it.”
Grondvreter says “Take exhaust for her ultimate. If it's on cooldown kill her before she can use ultimate or run, other than that u should win every fight from lvl1.”
Ludazel says “Samira is a hard matchup because if you get killed in lane because of a mistake, she can run you over and snowball the game. Don't die and you outscale.”
EskimoLizard says “Samira can be outplayed, but the issue with her is that she can block your e with her windwall. Her windwall has a much higher cooldown than your e though, so just look to throw out as many e's as you can.”
m1NEEX says “She is very similar to Draven, if she doesn't get ahead she is pretty bad late, her ult can be easily stopped by anything but root/slow. If your support is something like Poppy or Pantheon you counter picked her completely and she won't do anything late. Same as with Draven, if she freezes wave don't try to break it alone since she can just E over wave and run you down if given space.”
Kamicali says “Her biggest problem would be her W, the Wind Wall, as it is just annoying to deal with and negates all of Xayah's damage. Pray that the Samira wastes it early so you can all-in here. You really need to take notes of cooldowns on this matchup and play off of them. I think this is a fairly easy matchup for Xayah if you just outskill the other player.”
2saif4u says “Samira is quite easy to lane against when played correctly, try not to throw axes when she uses her windwall so you don't lose them and keeping your E up to displace her when she ults. I suggest exhaust when laning against Samira.”
agentgrilledcheese says “Samira will take away all your chakrams and force you to finish you auto attack animation if you do while she wind walls, be sure to take exhaust and only engage with your red gun until she uses her wind wall.”
HowDoYouKite says “Ban worthy:
Samira very strong in laning phase especially when paired with a good engage support. Samira's kit heavily denies [[Tristana]]'s ability to snowball through laning phase. [[Samira]]'s [[Blade whirl]] can totally block [[Explosive charge]] and [[Buster shot]] completely. Even if poorly timed it can still block auto attacks to prevent 4 stacking [[Explosive charge]]”
Amberdragon says “Samira relies on hitting her all-in combos to kill you - survive that and she dies easily. She runs shieldbow and you can absorb her shield when she is low. Use R and E to always keep distance and disengage from her, then run her down when she has wasted her combo. In teamfights though be very careful because she can reset on your allies instead of you! Disengage and kill her as fast as you can.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[How to play against these champions (tbh most of these are gonna be Poke/Short Trades because that's the only thing Sera can do...)][Poke/Short trades/Scaling] If Samira dashes in on you it can be very hard to get her off before you die. Her W also makes her annoying. Make sure to bait our her W before you all-in her and KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Never be in an extended fight with her, you will die.”
HiddenClicker says “Samira is a pain :( Try to bait her W out and punish with an AA, W, and put a trap under the root, finishing off with a Q AA. Seems like a lot but it's easier done than said. ”
moso says “Not the worse on her own in lane but when paired with an engage support it is a living nightmare. Regardless she will be a nuisance outside of laning phase.”
LewisTheRat says “She is a high skill ceiling champ. Playing against a skilled Samira is a pain in the ass. She has a strong gap closer, breaking your angle and denying your ult with her w. You can kill her from afar, the one with the best lead wins.”
Amberdragon says “Same as Draven, with the addition that she can windwall your Q and W. However she is easier to shut down and you can R to run away from her all in, then run her down when her E and R are unavailable.”
Alvatorz says “Samira is so beautiful.. damn she is the perfect wom... WAIT, you're already here. Hum hum. Then, Samira. Where to start ? RUN.
Samira is one of the hardest matchup for Zeri, she is doing so much faster than you if the Samira is well played, she can one burst you, snowball right after it and end the game alone fights by fights. Really hard early game but easier late game, as long as you can kite her nicely.”
BraveLeaderIsSoBrave says “Samira against Zeri is UNBEATABLE. At least against Lucian you can stun and kill him. Even if you stun her cringebow activates saves her and you die instantly.”
Banana Pirate says “Samira is a strong champ against Cait. She can block any of you're attacks ( which includes r ) with her w and does more damage mid game. The best way to approach this game is to play poke. Cait has way more range than Samira so try and dodge her q and don't push too far. You definitely want to buy Galeforce so if she tries to dash away you can still chase her down. Only use r on Samira when you know her W is on cooldown. It is important to get a sup who can Stun/Root (Like Morgana). Samira is going to be easy to kill when not being able to dash, that's when to push.”
2saif4u says “Samira is quite easy to lane against when played correctly, try not to throw axes when she uses her windwall so you don't lose them and keeping your E up to displace her when she ults. I suggest exhaust when laning against Samira. lane can flip insta if you make 1 mistake and she can penta kill. play smart ”
Hiromegas says “Can counter your ult, great in the meta Right now, snowball pretty hard and to strong with engage support.
Ban recommanded or play with exhaust”
Deathstroke5277 says “Once she hops on you, you will probably die. She has a lot of dmg but her early game is her weakest point. So take as many fights as you can with her early on. ”
Demonsedge90 says “She is very mobile with wild rush (resets on takedown), alongside her blade whirl that can block double up, bullet time and your auto attacks. Both of these abilities help with stacking her passive. Fighting Samira is hard because she has safe laning with her flair ability and gets lifesteal early on to survive our poke damage. Make sure to have healing reduction available to deal with her effectively.”
KINGKAINIXYZ says “Even a lane ha megfelelően játszol, próbáld elkerülni hogy a W-jével levédje mind a két baltádat és az E betűd az ultijára tartogasd.”
Krilep says “Very mobile, can keep up with Lucian's early game damage. Be sure to play around her windwall since it will be the easiest way for you to counterplay her once it is on cooldown. She can reposition herself with her dash so also watch out for that when you ult. Your Q can go through her windwall and she has the same attack range as Lucian.”
Valhalla Coach says “You can poke before she gets vampiric but after that its pointless. Her all-in is absurdly strong, always keep out of E range or she will do fast combo and ult. She can block your ult in teamfights but if you ult while she is spinning she is probably dead. If she gets kills early they will dive you over and over”
Biotic says “The champ Kills you in every 2v2 bot. Her W blocks your bombs which makes 2v2 unplayable. Avoid and farm up. The champ is nerfed so much that you outscale it already at level 6.”
Dazlirn says “A match up against Samira in my opinion also heavily depends on the support.
Best to win early against her as she is very strong once she starts snowballing and will be a very difficult game.
Keep in mind your E cancels her ult, so make sure she has no windwall or dash available while ulting and use your E to cancel it.”
Sellsword says “I'm not sure whether Samira is worth to be put in Major due to her current weak state. The matchup is a bit coinflippy because it heavily depends on what support she has. If she has a support whose engage you can't easily spellshield (Leona/Alistar/Amumu), she may bring you a lot of trouble. Otherwise, she's quite easy to abuse pre-6 with her lack of range and waveclear. Especially if you go Lethality and have a poke support, it's very easy to cheese lane and outscale her. Not that she scales poorly, but she's countered too easily in the current state of the game. ”
koggywoggy says “Only a threat when she has flash. Be aware of timing your exhaust if you decide to bring it, most samira players will run cleanse and you don't want her to cleanse multiple things at once.”
PancakeKittiwake says “You’ll be pretty alright as long as you don’t get engaged on. You might want to take exhaust just to prevent her from obliterating you once she gets a dive opportunity.”
Nom212 says “It depends on her playstyle. If she is taking every Q Boomerang Blade to the face she won't be doing much. However, if she manages to get on top of you there is little you can do. She blocks projectiles, naturally gets tons of life steal, usually builds Plated Steelcaps, and has great burst potential. Facing her with mediocre single target damage when everything in your kit is a projectile is not ideal. Therefore the match-up can be difficult.”
Alvatorz says “Poke is the best way to make a Samira lose her lane, so if you keep using your E, Q on her, everything should be fine. Carefull tho her W can easily cancel your R and you could be in a bad situation.”
calibot says “Samira is my personal permaban. More details on this matchup are in the Guide Chapters, but plan to lose against a late-game Samira unless your team has extreme lockdown or pick potential.”
Amberdragon says “With Samira you have to play for the long trades because she can easily cancel you Q and W with her W. She wants to stack her passive and combo you, so avoid getting poked with her Q and autos (keep distance and kite to the sides). If you are half health or lower stay away from your minions since she can dash to them. Try to bait her W before using you Q or you will lose it. Save your E and R to survive her ultimate. Once Samira uses her cooldowns she will be vulnerable and this is where you will want to punish her. Her early game is stronger than yours, but if she can't snowball you will outscale her.
A neat trick to outplay Samira is to take Galeforce - don't let her get into melee range, wait for her to ult then Galeforce away. If she doesn't get a reset on an ally she will be vulnerable and you can dash back in with your R and kill her. This is a especially powerful trick if you build more kiting items.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Samira is a hyper mobile assassin-like adc with the shortest range in the role. She’s very aggressive and a feast or famine type of gal.
◉ She sits at 500 range and at level 1 does not have the ability to fight anyone back so it is extremely important that you secure level 2 in this lane while also poking her non-stop with [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] so by the time she gets level 2 she’s too low on HP to fight back or engage onto you
◉ She will look to play off her support using her passive [[Daredevil Impulse]] combined with [[Wild Rush]] and [[Blade Whirl]]. This is her all-in combo to get on top of you and kill you quickly. The easiest way to avoid this is by avoiding getting hit by CC from her support or simply keep your distance from Samira so you can’t dash near you.
◉ Once she gets level 6 and is able to get [[Inferno Trigger]] it’s important to respect her strength and just keep whittling her HP away with your long range
◉ Win Condition: Play safe and play towards your range. Make sure to take control of the lane with level 1. You outscale her extremely hard so farm up and don’t let her snowball.
Breathly says “This champion is the same as Draven, if you get hit by any kind of Knock up you are sadly dead and there's not a lot to do. But this champion is way easier to deal with out of lane so i will set her threat to Even.”
I Am Not u says “Samira can and WILL destroy you in lane. Your support doesn't matter. Samira's wind wall can block all of your E and your R. She out heals you and out damages you all game. It's best not to pick Tristana into Samira.”
OneRandomADCGuider says “When paired with tank support she can easily engage on you. Her w stops your R. Pain to play against her, i prefer banning Samira.”
Amberdragon says “Avoid her Q poke and stacking her R. You can easily disengage from her and when you get a few marks you will out-range her. Your R will counter hers if used well”
Heszo says “This depends on how good the player is. If she doesn't respect your Q damage you will be able to beat her. Your Q is also a significantly shorter cooldown than her W, so you either bait her W out or poke her down. If she gets on you try to ult away, and all-in her during her ult before she gets her E resets off. She's pretty easy to burst if you get anti-heal. What you can block: Q, W damage, E damage, one R "bullet/burst."”
LegendaryOstrich says “Very mobile, can keep up with Lucian's early game damage. Be sure to play around her windwall since it will be the easiest way for you to counterplay her once it is on cooldown. She can reposition herself with her dash so also watch out for that when you ult. Your Q can go through her windwall and she has the same attack range as Lucian.”
koog says “Exhaust is good here. Try to abuse your range and cc when fighting her. If you try to fight her with chakrams, make sure you don't auto her while she has her windwall up or else you will lose all of your bonus chakrams. Also she can eat your gravitum Q if you try to use it while a gravitum auto is in flight and she windwalls. Also severum auto attacks can go through windwalls so keep that in mind. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “The only truly annoying part about this matchup is that she can windwall your ult. Just save ult until you know it's down. You beat her up in DPS. Grab an early executioner's calling so she doesn't perma regen off her ult and Conqueror though. Fairly straightforward lane. ”
Dealersz says “You go even vs Samira if you play correctly, avoid throwing your axes when she uses W to not lose them. This matchup is all about patience and playing around her W and cancelling her R with your E. You should also run exhaust vs Samira ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Her W, like Yasuo, counters everything in your kit. Her all-in is also very scary for Ziggs and your only hope is having a support to peel her or interrupting her ultimate with your W.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “shes busted af overall but she still isnt that great if she doesnt get fed. just dont let her get fed and you pretty much outscale her.”
Reizerr says “with her W she can destroy your E and Q so basically you can't do much damage, anyway your supp can bait that ability so it won't be a much problem. ”
daudr9 says “You can't really all in that champ by yourself unless you're fed, you need to poke it before and be carful since smart samiras will windwall-eat your 4-th shot along with Q (so you need to bait it out before executing her).
You can't step too close since she can dash to you and press R :)”
bbenciak says “Samira as a enemy ADC is really annoying.
She can block your whole dmg with her W.
I prefer to ban samira because of her strong sinergies with CC.”
NikkiTT says “She has very low range, and you can statcheck her post 6, use E/Q after she uses E if you didn't engage with your ERQ combo, and buy Oblivion Orb/Morello against her after core. Bramble does not proc on her ult.”
Amberdragon says “I consider her rather easy once you get used to her. But you still have to be careful.
It is mostly an easy matchup if you play your cards right and don't sleep on Samira's strengths. Remember she is strong in the early-mid game so don't underestimate her all-in even if you are ahead. She can easily deny your E and Ultimate with her W, but she is vulnerable to poke so try to win by poking her with Q+Passive and force her to use her W before going all in on her. Be patient with your E. Consider taking Exhaust against her if your support won't. If she gets a lead it will be hard for you to kill her, but if you get a lead it will be easier to snowball and keep her useless. Use your ultimate to dodge hers. Ask your support to take an early grevious wounds or ignite as she heavily relies on sustain to all-in and trade in lane after level 6. Try to kite her out with your W to avoid her melee auto attacks as they deal more damage to you. After 6, avoid getting hit by her ranged Q+aa that stacks her ultimate. Play safe when your ultimate and summoner spells are down. ”
Simon Uchinora says “Samira has to be Melee with you to give a greater damage, and it is easy for you to waste her W, that skill block every skillshot and Auto Attack by range, after she waste her W just go for the kill because she dosen't have any offensive against you, just pay attention on her passive, in the moment she get on S Rank, she is gonna ult, evade the ultimate with yours E, wait it ends and go for the kill, because she has nothing more offensive to do against you.”
Chaeha says “Samira can only play off the support's pick, so make sure that you respect the support's crowd control as Samira's Daredevil Impulse puts her into range and that's the only way you can die to her. You can also take exhaust to nullify her telegraphed combos. ”
Swearing Roomba says “Same reason as Tristana, if she gets on top of you, you can't do anything. Samira has a lot more teamfight pressure than you, if you do have to play against her, you have to get her out of the fight before it even starts.”
22Drift says “She will always try to eat your condemn or silver bolts proc with her W. Make sure to NOT use your condemn when she W's, and hit something else. Right as it ends just keep pounding her. Vayne actually does very well against Samira. Use your E when she ults”
yers says “remember she can block W , E , and R with her windwalls so it's either bait that out or use them first, you may also need to build grievous against her”
Urason says “Honestly, Samira is pretty hard to play against. She does everything you want to do but just slightly better early on. If she ever gets on top of you, you tend to be dead. Her skirmish is also better than yours so play for missteps and look to fight later on. If she get's ahead it might just be over. ”
Nixxen47 says “This matchup can be tricky if samira is paired with a high CC support such as Nautilus or Alistar due to their high kill pressure during lane. However you outscale her depending on how good your composition is at denying her 1v9 potential with her R. ”
Inoriboob says “Very hard matchup, if it's samira naut,leona.blitz. If she use e, try to not auto and wait out her w. Use e to cancel her auto/slow then auto back
leave suppor to die if can't be saved”
HyroPyro says “Samira gains a huge spike at level 6 with her ultimate Inferno Trigger (R). Pre level 6, she is still quite potent. Make sure that you do misplay by firing your Icathian Rain (Q) and Void Seeker (W) into her Blade Whirl (W) which negates projectile damage therefore negating your burst. Play smart by exhausting or use Killer Instinct (R) during her Inferno Trigger (R). Make sure that you also are aware of the support as Samira can dash into lethal range with Daredevil Impulse (Passive) which is the only way you die pre level 6.”
im_zeno says “This lane isn't that hard for me, played this lane a lot before she got one single nerf. You two both have a wind wall but yours is a lot more useful since she has abilities that are projectiles and you only have one. NEVER go for a ranged nado since she can just block it with her W, she cannot block your E Q though. You can wind wall her ult and also cancel her ult with your nado (can go for both ranged and E Q nado since she can't use her W during her ult).”
snowcard says “This depends on how good the player is. If she doesn't respect your Q damage you will be able to beat her. Your Q is also a significantly shorter cooldown than her W, so you either bait her W out or poke her down. If she gets on you try to ult away, and all-in her during her ult before she gets her E resets off. She's pretty easy to burst if you get anti-heal.
What you can block: Q, W damage, E damage, one R "bullet/burst."”
Lucifer6 says “Im putting her at 4 purely because of when she gets ahead she will kill most of your team easily because of how broken she can be with her ult. But if you make sure she doesnt get ahead it will be a peice of cake since u can dodge her Qs easily and bait her W out so you can do dmg.”
Trieuloo says “With everfrost becoming an item the samira matchup is a lot more playable than it previously was. Now it is one of the easiest lanes if u stun before comboing. I would put the threat level at 1, however if the enemy samira is good she can build galeforce and run cleanse making this lane unplayable. However many people do not do this tech so do not worry.”
Alvatorz says “Use your long range with LT or even Calibrum to poke her a lot and don't let her come near you, or she will deal too mcuh for you. Wait her to use her W so you can use ult, or she will just absorb it !”
shrekLegend27 says “dunno if its me or if she is actually a counter but i really struggle into samira. let lanes shove so that you can farm without inting. this should also allows your jungle to possibly gank but if your playing solo queue dont count on it.”
Ekezun says “Try to dodge her long range Q as much as you can so she doesn't get to charge her R, also be sure to harass her when her W and E abilites are down, they're on quite a long cooldown early on”
IM NOT TOXIC says “Samira is quite a hard matchup for Jhin. She is very skirmish heavy and will block your abilities with her W. Can dive you at any time and is hard to hit. Don't fight without a solid engage. ”
mousetrapslol says “Test if the enemy samira windwalls your W. This is key in this match up to winning, she can block many autos but if you can stack poison with your W its winnable.
Extremely hard if you die early. Play very cautious and safe. Once she dashes on you with her wind wall you cannot really fight back.
ALWAYS bait out wind wall before going all in. It has a long cool down and some samiras will throw it out carelessly. BE DILIGENT WITH THIS!
Its difficult but its winnable if you take the precautionary measures.”
DoublefeedOP says “Samira is a massive threat to Kog'Maw, she will go all-in on you levels 1-3 but if you can get through that you should easily outscale her later on. Make sure that when you go against Samira that you give up levels 1-6 and punish her if she all-ins you and doesn't grab the kill. You can reverse all-in if she fails to CC you with her support but for the most part she will beat you.”
FunkyBeagle says “Samira has been dumbed down a lot since her release, she's only good with high cc supports or those with knock ups. Its really hard for Samira to kill you early games as she has lower range than you at 500. She HAS to rely heavily on her support to make a move.”
DoublefeedOP says “Samira is pretty potent if you don't have your Arcane Shift up, but if you do you should have no problem poking her out and killing her because of the nerf on Samira's passive. The big threat is once she gets on-top of you, you're pretty doomed early game. If you can hit your item powerspikes she falls off and you should be able to easily kill her.”
DoublefeedOP says “She's pretty strong as of Season 11, I'd recommend taking advantage of your 1-2 and poking her down while she really can't do much about it. After 3, you need to keep in mind your autos can get blocked by her W but you can go through that with your W and root her. She's one of the stronger ADC's in S11 so if you're going to ban an ADC, I'd ban Samira.”
APC Ziggs says “Tough matchup. If she gets a support with a lot of cc its propably lost lane unless you are a dodge god and dodge all of their cc. In that case , urge your support to pick alistart ,leo or nautilus and you can easily win the lane.”
nraxxr says “Hyper mobile AD carries are the ones that Jhin struggles with the most. They are hard to hit with W and can almost always burst you down before you can do anything. Samira is that, but with an AOE windwall to block your W. ”
KoZee says “Samira has a couple things in her kit to counter you, such as something to block projectiles. However, the duration this is up is very low, so the second it goes down you can engage on her with R and kite back to kill her. She's also shorter range than you, so she will struggle to actually trade in lane and deal with your poke. If she gains a lead though, she can burst you extremely hard and be difficult to kill.”
Delta eGirl says “Samira will delete you before you can do your thing. That is not a threat, that is a promise. You're going to have to rely on your team for this one, and beg to draft CC. Additionally, her W will delete all spectral Chakram instantly. Good luck with that.”
T0nn says “Ruins your 4th shot or skills....After she gets lifesteal you need your teammates cc lock to put her down in mid game. Later you can one shot her. Bait her block and you are good.”
Xayaphelia says “This matchup is a free win. Bait out her windwall and you just automatically win the fight at all points in the game. As long as she doesn't get fed enough to 1v5 your team you will permanently dunk her down. If the enemy locks in Samira, I start smiling at my good luck.”
ApolfHutler says “Skill matchup , for some this would be their pref ban, but u can just outplay her every time, aa once to get her to use w, and safe e for her r
ooftheiii says “Whenever Samira has max Style points, she will be able to use her Ultimate. Avoid trading with her when she has max points.At level 6, Samira’s kill pressure increases as long as she has max Style points. Take care as she may look for an all-in when she is at point A. Samira is at her weakest when she is out of mana or out of Style points. Looking to fight when she has very little of either of them will increase your chances of killing her.”
kingamazin says “Samira can be a difficult match up when paired with the right support, but her low range makes her an easy target to harass in lane. Use rockets to harass her when she walks up to cs and try to poke her down. If you get a good angle to hit her with your w, it could bait out her parry allowing your support to look for an all in. If you feel threatened by Samira, take exhaust in order to cut down her all in potential. Do not use your ultimate until her w is down or she'll just block it. Try to bait it out first with either rocket auto harass or your w. You will hard outscale and outrange her late game so as long as you go even you'll win late game. Keep in mind that she can no longer e through allies so use that to your advantage if you catch her out of position.”
Bluestrat says “Samira does not have a strong laning phase, but is especially strong in combination with an Engage.
If Samira snowballs, it's hard for Kai'sa to come back.
This is the same the other way around: if we have a lead against Samira, we can simply win trades and finish her off. ”
Trampedach says “If she engages on you try to wait out her w and then blow your full combo on her. She will one shot you with engage supps but it's playable if you play for auto q trades and stand away from her supp. ”
YoonaBoona says “Samira can be a bit of a threat if she gets a proper all in on you with her support. Jinx's E stops dashes, so placing them infront of you can either stop her from dashing in, or force her to commit without her support if she's already on you. Overall though, you do a bit less damage so watch out for her all in.”
Bluestrat says “Samira hat keine starke Laning Phase, ist aber besonders stark in Kombination mit einem Engage.
Sollte Samira einmal Snowballen, ist es nur schwer für Kai'sa zurückzukommen.
Dies ist aber andersherum genauso: haben wir eine Lead gegen Samira, können wir einfach Trades gewinnen und sie daraufhin erledigen. ”
ctm20141 says “From what I heard this matchup shouldn't be that difficult, but every time I face a Samira she WILL somehow block my E MELEE RANGE with her W EVERY SINGLE TIME... it happened SOOO many times that it's disgusting XD. Pre lv 6 she isn't very strong. WATCH OUR FOR HER SUPPORT! REMEMBER THAT SAMIRA CAN GET AN "AUTO" (her passive) FOR FREE WHEN YOU GET HIT BY CC!
You can poke her out, but keep an eye for her support. Her lv 6 is stronger than your lv 6. To mitigate this I usually take Exhaust vs her and I ask my supp to take Ignite in order to make her ult ineffective XD (like Tristana, she has a telegraphed all in). If she manages to Wind Wall your E YOU WILL LOSE!
Most of the times you will lose the 1v1s.
In teamfight it's MUCH different (and kinda funny imo :D): when she uses her ult IMMEDIATELY Exhaust her and FOCUS HER DOWN ASAP! You should Auto-walk out from her ult range-auto-walk out from her ult range ecc. creating a sort of "kite": you will trade 1 auto of yours for 2/3 bullets from her ulti. If you can't kite her this way and/or she Wind Walls your will see the grey screen of death VERY SOON :D.”
Tifforma says “This really depends on the player. If Samira is good, she will ninja style you to death, with million dashes and broken damage. Try to get a hard cc support to shut her down. Get morelo asap. ”
Kalista Monster says “This is the one champ I recommend you max e instead of q, if she w's your q then you lose on a lot of damage. look to play passive since she wins fights early especially with an aggressive support”
TvojeMomJeGoiCam says “I hate this champion. Her W can block your Q and Ult. She has great engage and will always look for all-in. Very support dependant match up.”
Remmacs1 says “This match up can be brutal for Aphelios especially if he doesn't have the right support. Make sure you're never in range for her to E onto you and don't blow your cooldowns until she uses her W. Being extremely patient is the key to winning this match up.”
MilkshakeGuru says “You have to bait out her W ability. It's not unwinnable. But it is complex. She can out snowball you if you let her get ahead. Your W CD is significantly lower than her W. Once you bait it out try engaging her again before it comes back up.”
boopthesnoot says “Since Samira has been heavily nerfed the last couple of patches, she's much weaker. Bait out her wind wall and place feathers carefully so that you can lock her down with cc before she heals back her entire healthbar.”
Dank672 says “Like lucian, just harder to deal with early thanks to her w, and farm safe from poke thanks to her q and has better all in, if you didn't outscale her she would be a bigger threat. Just make sure to buy early antiheal and play around supp”
Profesor APH. says “Samira have great matchup into Phel. She can block your ult, calibrum q, chakrams stacks, but you out scale her at full build you should win with her (I recommend to use exhaust vs her)”
EvoNinja7 says “Samira is broken. She isn't that strong pre level 6 but once she hits level 6 she can absolutely crush you since her ulti gives her lifesteal and a HUGE burst of damage. Try to bully her early to stop her from 1v5 your team.”
Scrimm says “Trade with her early on when she doesn't have 6 and is a lot weaker. If you manage to get her to use her windwall, you can likely all in her and kill her. Maybe consider buying Executioner's.”
snex says “skill mathup, to win this lane you have to poke her because her range is shit, don't throw your axes into her W and keep your E to stop her ult.
to win this matchup you only need a brain and patience”
SkittleBtw says “Don't feed her and honestly she's really not that bad, play around walls, when she jumps in to use her Katarina ability, just smack that garden tool into the wall and beat her up like the clown she is.
(If she gets fed, you are now the clown being beaten up fyi)”
Kalista Monster says “After all the nerfs I would put her as a skill matchup. If it weren't for the nerf she would be major or extreme. Just remember to q after her w is down. Her w also doesn't block kalista ult.”
MunixEclipse says “Against samira you need to bait her W with the threat of you E, and kill her when her W is down. During her R, use your W to run and AA her to death when her R is finished.”
TwinkieHugz says “Your auto attacks can go through her W and you're longer range then her. Samira is very reliant on her support so if her support sucks she'll suck.”
Redsaturn says “Keep her at range at all times. You only win with her W(windwall) on cd. Laning and spacing against her is pretty easy and you can even walk up to auto her sometimes. ”
ApheliosMain62 says “Riot...WHY?? That shit is broken and can kill you in 0.0001 seconds, Samira is permaban if you will pick Aphelios, she with her W can stop all your the damage.”
Giisoo says “Her synergy with aggressive supports can make Draven fall behind. Windwall is honestly annoying and can someone nerf her healing when she ults.”
Akariine says “Upon her release Samira's damage numbers are insane, so this will focus on overall playstyle instead of damage output in the case of a future nerf. Awkwardly, she's pretty easy to bait in to your feathers. Try exhausting her Blade Whirl before pulling any feathers. Once she dashes in to you, reposition and pull your feathers in. Stay out of her ultimate range! In this case, kiting her will be very ideal as she can't activate Inferno Trigger if she can't properly stack her style.”
Alcocyn says “Getting your main damage ability or ultimate W'd away isn't fun for anyone. Always try your best to fight and kill when it's on CD. Hurts when you fire an ult to kill only to see it leave without a trace. ”
muscella says “One of the easiest ADC's to play against. Most of the time the players who play her are weak. Early weak so try to kill her at level 1-3.”
Msloikturbo says “Samira is a powerhouse in every stage of the game (even early, if paired with a good support). You should be extremely careful while facing champions such as Samira, Kalista, Jhin and Xayah, because they will outrun you, outdamage you in the early/mid game, and can easily snowball out of control. Be wary of their powerspikes and play around your team.
Nekostn says “If she uses her W (projectile wall) right, she can completely block your main damage dealers (as well as any of your attacks). If you go in, make sure to engage after she uses her W.”
Cam1304 says “I always tend to ban Samira as her champion is just better than vayne early and her dash can create and easy kill onto you if your not careful. ”
SweatMeALake says “Samira is a short range full dive type champ with high mobility. Samira struggles in the early game and needs items to succeed. Caitlyn can shut out Samira and ensure she stays behind longer.”
Kdrama says “You can easily destroy a samira lvl 1-2 but once she hits lvl 3, she can completely nullify your iso q + w combo with her w. Once she hits 6, she can basically annihilate you simply b/c of champ diff. ”
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