Top Lane 48.86% Win Rate89% Pick RateGangplank Top Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Gangplank in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
brunaisse99 says “There is nothing we can do against his damage, is either physical or true. Is slow can be predicted tho. Also, his W is CC cleanse which is a natural counter to us. Not to mention the fact that he is also ranged. One of the worst matchups.”
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Comet
Early: Q start
Tips: Insanely free matchup if you don't eat all his barrels. At some point when you hit a Q, you can ult him into you and full combo him. Make sure he doesn't just one shot waves and gets free resets.”
liucan says “Beware of barrels and Passive reset dmg, yeah he can destun himself with oranges but u still win, u can E barrels to stop dmg, u can go barrier if u feel uncomfy, but other sums are better.”
Puyo says “Quando ele te pokear com o Q, use o E para cima dele, ele vai ficar em choque porque normalmente as pessoas usam pra trás. Daí é só combar ele e ggwp rip gp.”
Nithril says “He'll W your Q, always have the push against you, and will kill you whenever but he is also squishier than most top laners, ask for ganks or lay down to farm and roams”
BigBallsLarry says “Not easy, but doable. Take dshield with second wind and try to survive lane, dont let him get free Q's off (play around your minions) but DONT trade back as he will barrel you and run away with 0 counterplay. You can run him down if he messes up or post ravenous with tabis. Parry his barrel or passive auto if possible. If you Q into him and destroy his barrel with AA cancel you can suprise him and instant all-in him. You can also play around bushes and your Q to deny him Q grasp procs and barrel hits. If he puts down a ward you can destroy it with aa>q>aa.”
parker3n9 says “This matchup is relatively easy in my opinion. While Gangplank does scale well into the late game, you have solid kill threat in the lane and should be able to beat him on barrels if you’re careful and proactive. Once you have Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, you can confidently all-in with your ultimate and come out on top in extended trades. Focus on consistent harassment to keep him pressured and deny his scaling as much as possible.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying or Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport (choose based on the rest of the enemy team’s composition)”
Skaarlschloch says “
Go FullAggro Setup with Ignite. Start E lv.1 if he places barrel on top of him you can bait that youll jump on him a couple times and then actually jump on him and instanly auto the barrel 90% of GPs wont react to it. Then you just beat him down. With ignite you can often kill him early somehow. Definitely a favoured matchup for you as long as you go full Aggro”
Lilac says “Gangplank, while being a melee champion, lanes like a ranged champion due to his strong poke and ability to use Grasp of the Undying without incurring the ranged champion penalty. Late-game, his damage scales well and his burst tools don't have particularly long cooldowns. Getting a lead against Gangplank will often lead to a massive snowball, but getting there without handing the lead to him is very difficult.
You can Q through his barrels to bait him into shooting them so you can engage, and parry his passive autos to negate the worst of the damage. You can also win the "Barrel Minigame" by using the bonus AS from your E to break them quicker and get an easy trade.
Recommended: Fleet Footwork for better sticking power late-game and safer laning, plus the standard Ravenous + Eclipse core.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
This is one of the most anoying laning phases. Do short trades when he's out of barrels or out of position. You win until late game (3-4 items).”
maiathemagical says “The GP/Aurora matchup is really rough since he can push you out of auto range quite well if he's good, and bullies you out of CS fairly effectively to boot. You need to play the mental game and bait him into wasting his barrels, but it's tough vs a decent player. He's not really played enough currently to justify banning IMO, but it's not a fun time.”
Raideru says “In this matchup, look to CS mostly with your W since his poke is really strong and his passive dmg goes through your shield since it's true damage so the only way to trade with him is waiting out for him to use his passive and then jumping on him to proc the shield before he blows up his barrels since he always sits on top of it, also use the fact u have an extra auto to instantly take his barrel infront of him when he places it and use your q2 on him. Matchup is hard before first item but afterwards it's playable but remember the key to beating him consistently in 1v1 is how well u last hit his barrels. I advise PTA in this matchup with Sheen rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Look for Q>W's in lane if his passive is down and you can take heavy trades which he hates, just be careful to not get poked down level 1 before you have E with his Passive/Q. He can
orange out of your ult so try and make him waste it on your stun first. If he doesn't then just use your ult as a repositioning tool. Ignite makes this matchup much easier if you're struggling. " ”
Spartaniko says “Q poke him to death, even if he can get out of your stun with his W you still outtrade him due to being able of avoiding his barrels damage with your E, which often avoids his passive damage if you time it well. Go PTA and even ignite if you want to just bully him in lane. Even if the barrel is behind you, E in Gangplank's direction to avoid the damage.”
Fenharion says “He used to be a bigger threat when his W removed your ult,he still is a big problem but your ult is useful now. As for tips: Dodge his barrels as much as you can since they will hurt a lot after Trinity Force,he needs mana for his Q and W so he won't have much sustain in lane,try to get a lead someway and focus on him in teamfights,the bad thing is even if you manage to get a lead on lane he can easily collect kills/assists with his global ultimate.”
Houcs says “His W makes him immune to get grabbed to the tower.
There is way to get him to tower but I can't explain it here.
Also I believe you should beat bad GP's kinda easy. But good GP's is pain.”
wApMorty says “Gangplank feels kinda easy to beat if you respect his level 1 barrel cheese. He has a lot of damage so you should go Bruiser with the Triforce build, or at least build Edge of Night if you go Letality”
SemenDrinker says “Nothing really much to say about this. 2nd wind and d shield negate all his poke. His barrels will give him bursts of movement speed so you can try to predict where he's gonna run to and land your full combo from there. Ignite is alright in this matchup since you can cuck his healing with orange but its unneeded really. The only real annoying part about this lane is that you can be ahead but because of his passive and ult he can still be even items with you and one shot your whole backline. But other than that GP is pretty squishy and your full combo with ult 1 shots him. (If you have sea hunter aatrox its like +20000% dmg so use that skin)”
Banzi says “u are ranged with good defense which is already a + in this match up
and u got good defence for late game against him
q+q to secure last hits on barrels”
IvanBeifong says “Easy matchup, it's only hard if it scales hard, you have huge advantage in the game as you have a lot of AA speed because of your passive, jump towards the barrels with E and destroy them, you can do so consistently as he'll try and put barrels through the fight.
A good ult with good damage.”
PetriciteLoL says “Again, assuming the GP is good, they will know when youre E'ing and they will pop the barrel accordingly. It's also impossible to have a long fight against due to damage of GP. You can do any of the item sets or the runes, its mainly up to preference”
Belle19 says “w his barrels. Try to break them. Don't stand in his q range if you don't need to. Don't get auto'd by his fire passive its very strong -- keep in mind its cooldown resets when he breaks a barrel. He is incredibly easy to run down as soon as you have stridebreaker”
Niemi says “Only his Q poke is annoying, otherwise he is free poke.
Also be mindful of his barrels and remember that he can place them inside bushes where you won't see them”
Body Those Fools says “He will never be able to barrel you because of your range advantage + your attack speed advantage. If you have 2 soldiers, you will hit 2 health bars of his barrels. Just farm his barrels and poke him down. Stay away from bushes; that's the only way he should ever be able to hit you with a barrel. When he tries to Q you, drop a soldier in his face and AA him with Hail of Blades or avoid it completely but playing at max range with Q + AA + Arcane Comet.”
Zagreus16 says “hes ez until he just starts spamming his q on you which will get so annoying you might uninstall. D shield helps a good bit in this matchup and your double AA can mess up his barrels so try to use that to your advantage. Stride helps so much in this matchup once you get it.”
CrimsonL7 says “can be tiny or extreme based on how good they are. He theoretically has every tool in his kit to counter you, but not everyone is Solarbacca. If you are GM below just W on top of him and statcheck him, otherwise this matchup blows, especially if he has ignite. ”
Godzilla010 says “Hide in bush level 1, E onto him. OR Q poke him level 1. Play aggressive, he is very squishy.......W his Q if you're not trading, otherwise W his barrel explosion.”
LDaL says “Tricky matchup. Skill mutchup. pta and fleet both good here spells flesh +exhaustor ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh or revil or unflinching. Whole game depend from if you can deal with his POWDER KEG. If yes you easy beat him, if not...well. you will feel a lot of pain. Remember he is a melee champ, so in order do destroy keg he need use his q or walk up with auto. You can try to timing to block his q with windwall and destroy keg by yourself, if done corect you can go for a good trade or even kill him. His w negative your ult so try ult him fast( then you teleport to him and deal some dmg) or 2. bait with your e and then ult( you e with q stack on him, he start to think that you going for an ult and using his w) after that just throw you tornado at him and ult.”
Raideru says “Try to zone lvl 1 if not possible then you want to farm till lvl 3, poke him with q as much as possible in this lane and try to sit in bushes to not soak too much poke, your goal is to poke him out with one sided trades and then make it so he can't q you cause otherwise you just e him in and run him down ”
Azzin says “This matchup in paper is really easy, jump on him, let him proc his barrel and double W his full combo, but he just scales better and faster, plus his combo is much less CD than yours, so i would say it's a skilled mu.”
Haxorr says “Gangplank is one of the toughest Jax matchups, but only if the Gangplank is good. I've laned against Solarbacca, for example, and it is absolutely impossible to play Jax in that matchup as he will just keep good wavestates and you can never jump on him as you lose the all-in. However, I've ranked this as a 4 because most Gangplank players are bad and you can kill them early game.
Be careful of his barrels, most GP players will sit in bush lvl 1 and try to hit you with their barrel. If you can get prio lvl 1 it's really good for your lane, try to cheese him with your lvl 2 spike before he has orange as you can really chunk Gangplank. Rush Trinity in this matchup.
Can get prio in the matchup, bring grasp and doran's shield.”
DuckQc says “The only way he can win lane is if you mess up badly or if he plays safe under tower. When he pushes up the lane you can straight up run him down. ”
TeiWasTaken says “The absolute EASIEST matchup for you if you know what to do. Do NOT give him a break in Lane, just fight him. He is squishy so you can kill him even under tower with Eclipse. Use your E to dodge his barrels and Ult. He does outscale you later so try to end as fast as you can.”
Ulsur says “He's free early game, try to space his Q as he can spam it on you for free damage, always try to kill his barrels instead of auto attacking him, he has no escape from your combo so you should be fine, easy lane, but don't facetank everything.”
Shark of Void says “He can easily poke you with Q and zone with E, You have to destroy his E with AA+Q. Use W to make his Passive AA on clone. Use Ignite before his W to reduce his healing. Play around long trades.”
Baby_Driver says “Ehhh... I'll be honest i hate this matchup.
You need to abuse his Early game so he doesn't get to late game with full build.
He outscales you very hard.
It's important in this matchup to destroy his barrels, either with your W or simply with autos.
Randuin's Omens is great 3rd item pickup if they also have crit adc on the enemy team.”
Angryappleseed says “His oranges can nullify your engage on him. He outranges you and pokes better than you. Because of this, you will want to stick on him and commit to your engages. Save your E for his barrels.”
Hotch says “Avoid his early poke and be wary of his lvl 1 cheese damage with passive. You can out-damage him 3-4 ghouls so look for all-ins.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “predict the timing of the barrels and E them. you can use W for his q OR barrels. close in on him hes dead with R u can take ghost or ignite.”
SVKGuardian says “You have to learn to play around his barrels. Don't run into them the way he wants, be sneaky about it. If he doesn't expect your movement it helps you a lot. He will try to poke you with Q probably, but his range isn't that great, you can turn it around for E+Q trade, to deflect his Q damage. He will probably just use orange on your stun tho, take that into consideration.”
SVKGuardian says “Shoot his barrels and you will be set up for a good toplane. if he buys sheen just try not to trade short AA with him and rather hold on to long Q's and W. He is also pretty squishy, so it will not take many Ws to finish him off.
When ulting him, just be careful he doesn't have enough HP to just use W-orange and heal back up.
Also his orange will always get him out of your Grenades so be sure to take that into account.
Basically destroy barrels, don't let him near you and you are set up for success.
He scales really good tho, so in late game, if he didn't lose totally, he could one shot you easily, if you're not careful but with this build, you should be able to just snipe from the backlines.”
forlid says “Unlike Yasuo, Yone has very limited mobility to deal with Gangplank's barrels. He can also freely poke you with Q, so you have to play this matchup extra safely. The main problem is that he outscales you heavily into late game, so your only trump card here is to just outmanuever him, which usually happens if you're able to kill his barrels before him. They are his only spacing tool.”
procatking says “PTA, ignite, D shield, take rune NO.1.
*Skill matchup*
A good gangplank will try his best to barrel u non-stop, Your strongest point is his weakest point. His early game is weak so u need to kill him as much as u can”
Hive Mind says “It's not impossible to play against, but Orange breaks half of your champion in the early game.
It's not difficult if you keep that in mind, make him spend the Orange and go for it.”
Witchking of Angwar says “I dont see many gp. Flash/tp. Conq. Can flash barrels to surprise him. Barrels dont travel into death realm, the Explosion and his r neither, you can really fuck him over with that. ”
conqiyana says “annoying champion, u can w or e out of his barrels though.
no real counterplay, he can throw a barrel on your grass q and chunk you hard.”
SenSen_LoL says “His Q is a good answer to Nidalee's in and out harass strategy, and he has good sustain. However, he is kind of weak and punishable early game, use it to your advantage. Break his barrels when you can but be careful not to get hit by them.”
MaesePerez says “Annoying early, go with the comet setup and prevent him from farming. His passive hurts, but once you start stacking health it becomes less of an issue, his speed up from barrels makes him hard to hit with q, so focus on farming, you both scale very well, so try to get your minion stacks in quickly since he shouldn't let you get close enough to use it on him. ”
an amazing gp will zone you off xp range with barrels, but we are talking GM/Chall GP otps. If its a normal gangplank who mainly pokes with telegraphed barrel combos and q, you can eat his poke and outscale. GP's are easy to land cleavers on as unless its a dedicated main they are using most of their brain power on barrel shenanigans. Break barrels with auto e before he blows you up. Late game you can pretty easily tank his stuff and kill him in a side lane. Phase rush + resolve”
forlid says “Gangplank is the one of the best scaling champs in the entire League, and therefore should be denied as much gold and experience as possible. Luckily for us, he is very easily counterable and usually loses all trades he takes against you, unless he catches you off guard with his E. The only reason GP isn't even lower is because he scales too hard. Late game he just one-shots you and also does too much true damage.”
PlayCabex says “Go for a W start. You fully control this lane, even if he gets a free barrel on you. As long as u drain multiple targets it’s a free win. It will be quite hard to kill him if he spaces correctly, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a lead anywhere else. Past 6 just perma shove waves and roam to other lanes/kill enemy jungler. Gp becomes scary when he hits his first item, but he still won’t kill you unless you don’t use your ultimate
Runes: First Strike
Belle19 says “in low elo you will always win this matchup, just dont sit there and eat poke and make any attempt to break barrels and you are golden. In high elo against GP mains theres really not a lot you can do. Look for your jg to gank you, he has no escapes and is pretty easy to dive. Beyond that you just get poked out with no counterplay. You dont win an all-in if you walk into a barrel pre 6. Dont let him trade auto for auto when he has passive up”
zwartebliksem says “You'll win this lane as long as you hit your Q-E combo. However, there is some outplay potential on Gangplank's side, this is why this matchup isn't considered a Tiny thread.”
AWierdShoe says “This is one of those matchups where it depends on how good the player is at their champion. Gangplanks will go E start and sit on a barrel. If you're confident you have the capabilities to contest the wave as long as you disarm the barrel. This will make it hard for the GP to play. Good Gangplanks will be able to dish out a lot of damage early if they hit their barrels and get their passive resets, so if this is the case you will have to sacrifice priority in lane and play for level 4. Once we have level 4, we can try to capitalize on GP's low mobility and hit full combos on him as long as we have not taken too much poke from his Q and barrel combos (hide in bushes if you can). It's a test of mechanics if he's sitting on a barrel and you initiate with Q1+E onto him. If you hit him with the Q sweetspot before he explodes the barrel you can disarm the barrel yourself and keep following up. Be wary that GP's passive deals a lot of damage early and gives him tons of movement speed to dodge our abilities (as well as the barrel slow). Tabis rush are optional if even, ut if you're ahead rush more damage. Level 6 gives you a ton of kill pressure and opportunities for solo dives given the right circumstances. GP will outscale you and dish out a ton of damage late-game, so we will have to play aggressive in the laning phase past level 4 so that his barrel damage will be negligible (if you're ahead you're able to just outheal it if you hit everything).”
Grimmloi says “varillerine w ile vurarak varilleri o patlatmadan kesebilirsiniz ilk item kesinlikle buzateşi eldiveni alın. Yine de ne yaparsanız yapın oyun sonunda çok daha güçlü”
Haearnbleidd says “The only way he can win lane is if you mess up badly or if he plays safe under tower. When he pushes up the lane you can straight up run him down. Build: Hexplate/Stride > rav/shojin.”
Akuzai says “If the gp isn't good this matchup is trivial, just all in with ghost and kill. If however they can land their barrels and build properly, they can even 1v1 you late game which is insane. Try to shut him down early if possible and dodge at least one barrel combo with your w.”
PPlongcook says “He counters you. You only win if he makes a mistake, if he does make a mistake though, it goes to a 1. Dodge his barrels at all costs and don't let him poke you for free. Make him use his oranges for healing and ask for a gank. ”
Simple lane, don't let him get barrels.
Wait out the timer, be patient. When you've killed his barrels, you can see under his name plate when he will be out of barrel charges. Run him down. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Not amazing nor terrible. Most Gangplank players are not playing optimally, so it's fairly easy to punish them on barrels and play mindgames as well. You should win this matchup early under most circumstances, but he 100% outscales you.”
Inoks says “Dshield/second wind. Aatrox favored for sure, but this matchup is highly dependent on the gp. he is either 1V9 or some solarbacca wannabe. gp usually gets push early if he does the barrel start from bush, so keep an eye out for that. try to test the waters abit by ego'ing his barrels, or you can even Q him when he tries to auto the barrel. lvl 1-3 you should not eat too much poke, and try not to fight much since he is stronger with passive and Q. lvl 4 you should be able to trade much more effectively. lvl 6+ you have alot of kill pressure. just make sure to not eat every barrel.
summs: (Teleport)”
xXazzer says “While GP is not that difficult for Aatrox to beat. GP is a little overstatted if played properly. He also can die alot but will keep up in items from all the free gold he generates. Still think of him like a ranged champion that can melt you in melee. Your best bet is to break his barrels, play aggro, go Dshield, and watch out for when he uses his passive.”
trulyaito says “- You can break his barrels easily with your W attack speed
- also very squishy so you can one shot him.
- your e makes it very hard to hit barrels
- matchup might be a little annoying if its a good gangplank.”
NegativePhoenix says “Most GP players goals are to just Q poke you to low until they can start landing barrels. Good GP players will constantly proc their passive burn for true damage so be careful of that but overall as long as he doesn't get fed or predict you, this matchup is actually favorable towards you once you get some components and items”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Blade \\ Ulting him has high value because gangplank struggles to deal with champions that are right inside him, you have more dps than him too \\ You can use ur E to bait barrels or to clear them // A good GP is a nightmare for anyone. His q poke is oppressive, especially after he buys Sheen. Don't let him proc grasp for free, play safe until zerks and vamp scepter and you should be able to take over the lane fairly easily. However, once you get Shieldbow you dumpster him. Be very careful of his barrels, as they do massive damage and slow you for a while. If you go up for CS, time your W with his Q so you avoid some poke damage.”
LegacyOneTap says “barrel guy, some are better than others so be careful about unsuspecting barrel mechanics. His passive auto does funny true damage, resets on barrel. Try to do some trading early, be careful when jumping on him try to do it before the barrel hits 2 hp and if he waste q you can do some easier trading jumping him and hitting his barrel first and being able to potentially kill him off this.”
Wizboy73 says “[Grasp or phase rush] phase rush you can use to just run him down, but be sure to take ghost ignite if you do that. You outranger him so killing barrels is easy just care for post lv 13 ghost barels since they will do tons of dmg. ”
JPGamer10BR says “De forma alguma tome o barril dele, recomendo você fazer mais velocidade de ataque para quebrar o barril primeiro, não confie muito no seu Q, já que o W dele é um purificar, então quando ele for dar o Q em você dê AA+Q, relembrando, não tome o barril.
Runas> F.F, Aery, Grasp ou PTA.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Standard gangplank procedure, avoid the barrels and forget about killing him. Not a bad lane but can be annoying. He should only ever die if he is stupid or your jungler is ganking you.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Haven't played this matchup alot of there are no GP players in EUW. Try to destroy his barrels and dont't give him free passive auto's. ”
joke7813 says “Early on easy to kill but late game he shreads you.
With your E you can dogde his barrels and in miniform you can hit the barrels more easily cause of the longer AA range. All-In him if hes low on barrels. I would go Eclipse here.”
BurritoTopKing says “Hard matchup, very snowbally, try not to get poked down too much and avoid getting hit by barrels, you can use your auto + w to ensure getting the barrels first.”
Murfz says “Matchup is fine, try to bait out his barrels and block his passive auto with your E. Trade around your ult passive after lvl 6, lvl 6 is a huge spike since his ult is much weaker than yours in the 1v1.”
SpookyKing says “Just run him down and kill him. Don't eat too much poke though or you are in oneshot range. Its a little harder if he takes ignite. Never forget GP is broken,”
Augustus 286 says “Try to avoid the barrels at all costs, it's his primary DMG that ignores your armor, better build some health against him and movement speed to dodge barrels easily. ”
xskyswitch says “A decent GP is a major threat. An excellent GP is unplayable. If you can play exceptionally well around his barrels, you will find yourself coming out on top. Beware, in late game he will still do an insane amount of damage.”
Tronnes says “His entire champ is poke and scale so take wind and shield. Watch out for his true dmg passive and remember it resets his passive each time he blows up a barrel. ”
Brb3535 says “u win. advice: if u e&r or e flash&r and he eats orange u can r with no worries and u will arrive there. if u e r or e flash r and he doesn t eat orange and u can just kill to death DON T PRESS R he will expect to qss ur r and then outplay u more, just poke him to death if he is bad he will even stop casting spells or run bcs he will expect to be pull in ur r to qss and then run cast spells attack or kill u”
Your Abusive Dad says “Never W him if hes on a barrel. If you go in on him and he uses R leave or 1 shot him. If you can land a Q and he doesnt shoot back greed for Q 2 since it will heal you and damage him only if you can land the skill shot. If you die once he will snowball. ”
RivenCarriedYou says “personally i start dorans blade and E level 1. but it's better and more optimal if you start E level one with dorans shield, you’re able to absolutely dumpster him, make sure his sword isn't flaming. That means his passive is down. if you have good timing you can troll him by taking his barrels if he spawned it on top of you. but get a serrated dirk. and just kill him. it's just that easy. nothing really technical. waste his W. dive and look out if he has a stopwatch from runes”
Bonkyou says “Has a lot going for him, will sometimes run IGN but don't be afraid to all in this guy with Q2 and chase him down. Start Second wind + DShield if you are not confident”
Chaddouk says “There is a fair bit of skill and mind game in that matchup which makes it very fun to me. Can for example get in and out of barrel range to bait of course, but there is way more to it, like for example when they connect barrels it creates an "8" shape, then if you position yourself between the barrels and move to the sides there is room when ur not hit by it (hopefully it makes sense). First levels you beat the shit out of him, later it's all about MS and if you can deny barrels. DO NOT use target champions only unless you're diving. The matchup is supposed to be almost unplayable against a really really good GP that will kite and scale freely but I haven't met one yet. Keep in mind he can deny W with his W, but his W CD is 8 seconds longer.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Blade \\ Ulting him has high value because gangplank struggles to deal with champions that are right inside him, you have more dps than him too \\ You can use ur E to bait barrels or to clear them”
daitolol says “TOP // - Level 1 if he starts q, try to soak as much damage as possible as he will waste his mana and you can outsustain it for the most part don't give him passive procs as it will never be worth
- If he starts e you have to avoid fighting him as you will lose a lot of hp and not waste his mana, You can use your extended aa passive to get his barels as he wont expect it most of the time
-Can go for all in at level 3-4 just make sure to ignite before the w to reduce his healing after 6 as long as his flash is down you can 100 to 0 him with ign
- Can dodge his barels by using r-aa the barel or e1.
_WhiteSnow_ says “Gangplank plays like a ranged matchup - you're avoiding damage from range as much as possible and you're looking to get into range to just trade and kill. If you fall behind, you're gonna have a bad time as you will have trouble fighting him, but playing around his passive cd while denying barrels via knockup -> aa on barrel -> q on barrel if its still alive or just hit gp should make trades very favourable for you.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Rush Plated Steel Caps, try to contest his Barrels if you want to trade with him. He will eventually outscale you if you don't punish him early. Expect his Ult to be thrown when you are doing objectives or in teamfights. Randuin's Omen or Dead Man's Plate are recommended. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Randuins Omen”
At_Tar_Ras says “GP is my personal mental block. he will cleanse your stun and you will need doran shield and second wind to survive lane. bait out him destroying his barrels and ping for JG help. otherwise? you'll probably never kill him due to renekton's dashes not being enough to all-in without GP kiting you and killing you. play for surviving for mid-game and killing his important squishies.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/DShield]
[Build: Fleet with Second Wind + Liandry's]
GP plays mostly around his barrels. Knowing when to attack his barrels and when you should just step away is a cruical part of the matchup and mostly comes down to mindgames. He can still poke you with Q, but might get oom if he does it too much (+ you have Fleet and Second Wind). You can also prevent his Q poke by standing in bushes. Bully him early to get the level advantage. He will outscale you so I advise playing aggressive early so you don't get zoned yourself.”
TheBougis says “Gangplank just doesn't have the damage against your healing even with all his true damage and armour reduction. He can easily be out-sustained in a long fight, but can burst your duo.”
DebRiX9 says “A good GP is a nightmare since he will do so much damage and kites you. Rush Rylai and boots, if you land a Q+AA then run him down, keep E and don't waste ult on him. You can kill him without it. ”
bocchicken says “You can W + AA reset to kill his barrels and cut his trading in lane.
At 2or3 items he shreds ur 600 armor.
Can take grasp or comet in this game ”
Samikin says “EXTREME THREAT!
To be honest, this matchup will usually never happen because GP is mainly played top and he's too hard for most people to want to play casually. HOWEVER, the really good Gangplanks make the lane unplayable. Your E is always useless as long as GP holds onto his W. Anytime you try to poke him, he will poke you back. This lane feels really hard since he has slightly more range with his barrels than you.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane
Dodge this matchup (only if you have to lane vs. it.)”
Twday says “funny barrel man thinks hes got the better barrel boom. shouldnt be too bad just e out of his barrels / w when you are going to get hit in desperate situations”
Antecc says “Rarely do you find any good GP players. When you notice the GP sucks, this matchup is free. Now assuming that the GP knows how to play league, it's quite a handful to deal with. First off, GP has mana issues early on. Try to abuse that by tanking Q's with doran's shield and eventually fighting him once he's on low mana. Remember that you can Q on GP's barrels. You can reduce his barrel damage with your E by 25% and you can dodge his Q while preventing his Auto burn from proccing. You can ONLY fight gp if he has no barrels set up in lane or has none ready to be placed. Otherwise, farm. Becomes harder once he gets sheen, then becomes a significantly easier match up post-6, but becomes hard once again after the GP gets Essence Reaver.”
ABL Pantheon says “This matchup depends on the enemy's skill. If the opponent Gangplank is bad you win easily but if can play the game well he just wins. He can zone you off with his barrels. Don't let the barrels touch you, otherwise E them. His W removes your W stun. You can try to bully him early but if he respects your poke, you can't really do much”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: Predator, flash/ghost, start darkseal+pot/boots+pot.
Can't do much 1v1, he beats you in lane and outscales so try to proxy and get some roams so your team can carry you, if you cant proxy dont walk up if he has passive ready and try not to get poked by his q's too hard”
PortoTheRat says “go phase rush ghost and pray for his barrels to miss. You can't really go in because of his barrels so try to go all in when he is low on them”
DepresedEef224 says “Im putting Gangplank, but take this advice for all rare picks or off-meta picks. Play by ear. Think about who they play like and how that matchup goes. Generally feel out the lane, let the first few waves tell you how to play, then adjust. if you don't know what runes to take, Conditioning + Unflinching are not only for bad lanes, but for lanes where you don't know what is going to happen.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [Cash Back] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield ->steelcaps -> CORE
try to close the game until midgame , after that even a 0-10 gp can kill your team
Alungitul01 says “A good Gangplank will destroy you.
If he isn't very good just wait for your jungle to come and gank him and from there you can snowball and win the lane even without ult.”
lordimboutabust says “Fairly easy matchup, you want to respect his early game until lvl 3. You also want to take just enough Q spam to deplete his mana and keep your Dshield/second wind up without losing too much health while returning poke when you can. Once you hit 3 you can all in, make sure you destroy his barrels when fighting and you will win 9/10 times | second wind | Dshield - eclipse/iceborne (he has a decent amount of true dmg so can be worth going eclipse, if they have an AD heavy team then go iceborne instead)”
Bernardian says “Used to be a permaban but because of the recent nerfs hes no longer as oppressive. simple matchup he has ZERO mobility, can cleanse your E and has very good poke so simple solution, destroy his barrels to negate almost 80% of his dmg, if he is very close to you start the trade with a auto w then ghost and run him down, lvl 1 you are actually pretty strong against him if he starts his E so if he tries something show him why strength is absolute. ”
ardeluu says “Avoid Q poke at all cost, using bushes and giving away some cs. After Lv4/5 u can start playing more aggressive since his lack of mobility allows u to hit ur full combo but beware and focus his barrels.”
Waqql says “Everything is fine as long as he doesn't constantly bombard you with his Q. If that's the case, treat him like a Teemo. Otherwise try to destroy his barrels before he does and trade aggressively, but don't let his passive hit you, as it hurts. Once you're close to Mega Gnar, fake an engage to make him use his barrels. Now, if possible, engage with your E.”
FaNTOP says “Не позволяйте ему попадать своим Q слишком часто, прячьтесь в кустах и следите за тем, чтобы пассивный регенерирующий эффект щита от Щита Дорана был активен все время, не давайте ему бесконечно давать вас своим Q. Фармите до тех пор, пока не сможете использовать свой Q и нанести комбо-урон, который приведет его к полному разрушению, или просто фармите и масштабируйтесь. У вас не будет особого потенциала на убийство против Гангпланка, который хорошо знает этот матчап.”
BetterGoGrevious says “Get Doran's Shield and Second Wind as he will poke you a lot. He will likely get Essence Reaver before you get Divine, so try to fight him before that. If he doesnt hit you with a barrel, he is free.”
Denied20 says “No general strategy - plain skill matchup.
Early on you out stat him heavily.
If both hold same gold or a minor lead (600g) from either side, the only real difference is if Gangplank hits kegs on you or not.
Make sure to match his kegs placements, if you find yourself quicker than GP - contest the final barrel health. This becomes easier using wind wall if Gangplank tries to contest barrel health from a distance.
If gangplank has acquired a lead on you, he will no longer trigger barrels from range, and instead walk up and do it up close. Try to match a knock up on him as the barrel health ticks down. Then remove the barrel as he tries to get out of the knock up with his W. This allows you to beat him from slightly behind.
You can avoid early harass by using your wind wall while recharging your passive shield - alternating between the two defenses.”
Herbietron says “Doesn't have a hard time in lane as you don't quite have long enough range to deal with his barrels early game. He will just continue to be stronger than you late game. He is susceptible to ganks when you have mega though and you can snowball.”
PeanutTime36 says “take the money from barrels maybe one of the only champs worse than gnar but he does scale and he can be really good. kill with mega early and match split pushes. you might not even want to poke him before mega cause they will run.”
Lukajs says “When playing against Gangplank, his Q has longer range than yours, meaning you need to dash in order to hit him with your Q4. If you do this, he can barrel combo you and get you low. However, you often won't die in this matchup. Farming matchup for both parts.
Play for farm.”
TheGBabaYaga says “You are kinda equal with him. Dont let him kite you with his Q and E. You can try go in with your Q and start fighting, then because he doesnt have the same attack speed with you make him use his W, you can use E to block attacks, but dont rush to stun him,let the spell run fully, take advantage of this.
Dont go in if you dont have full spells ready, he has lower cooldowns than you”
demirkaiser says “I play him a lot and this lane is pretty hard. If he is good he will just have a barrel and chain it if you walk into range. If he is bad he will fail. You can try level 2 but don't try when he has his passive up. Try to dodge his barrels. He will deal tons of damage if he hits a barrel and procs his passive. If he does it, pull him towards you and fight him. If he puts a barrel try to break it. If you can't, run. Post 6 kinda becomes easier since he can W to you ult but you get the stats. If you see him use W before your ult, just ult him. Don't fight late game he will shit on you.”
kayle1v9 says “Dorans shield + second wind. Once your 6 you can poke with auto + e. At 11 you win. Dont get hit too many times by his grasp + Q or first strike + Q. You can always easily destroy his barrels since you can use your aa reset with e to kill them quickly.”
Jansky says “Skillmatchup, Gangplank passive is really painful for you. You can block part of his damage (q or barrel) with your e and dodge or destroy his barrels with q. He can abuse your voidlings”
miiekuuz says “unless youre caught by his barrels you should be okay. bully bully bully him and dont let him cs. break his barrels when you see them with your range”
Jasic says “Could argue skill matchup. D-Shield + Fleet / Grasp, you need to out-sustain him in lane. Sustain and Dodge barrels, you win. 60/40 odds favoring GP.”
Twogrand says “GP IS A MONSTER EARLY GAME!! do not try to trade with him early till you hit level 3 or 4 just try your best to not take free gasp procs off his q and just be careful taking early damage you do outscale him at 1 item so just wait for it. conq ignite , eclipse ”
Althalosofsirun says “his orange can get him out of your ult so rush stride and make him use it on your stridebreaker you burst him with Q build steelcaps if you can”
Wraithlander says “D Shield / Conq with Second Wind, Overgrowth / TP. Q Max.
Disgusting poke matchup, little bit more manageable after the Gangplank gutting in Patch 13.5. He outscales you and you can't really trade into him either. Look to play for mid game skirmishes.”
Nurakami says “Due to skill I will place him in Major bcs if GP is good you will pray for Jungler he have more dmg than you and can poke you down pretty ez.
Buy doran shield and take 2nd Wind ”
RykonZ says “Gangplank's barrel chain can deal significant damage to Mordekaiser and can be used to zone him away from minions. However, if Mordekaiser can close the gap and engage on Gangplank, he can easily take him down.”
Herbietron says “You're a bit doomed. His champion counters yours in nearly every way. His barrels prevent engages, his orange gives him safety. His passive gives him tower damage so roaming is hard. And he has soo much scaling.”
BezMemow says “You win lvl 1 so don't hesitate to cheese him. Move in and out of his barrel range to force him to either use a second barrel or to waste the first one. If you hit your E+R combo he dies. His W stops him in place so it's a free Q hit if he uses it while fighting.”
LocaLAM says “His barrels will hurt, but they can be easily dealt with so long as you outrange and camp him. He isn't tanky enough to take too many Q's and your ult will power through his entire kit.”
rilxy4u says “1 shot you with BARRELLLLL. His W also cleanses box fear, his ult allows him to run you down, his Q vs your E trade favors him by a lot.
Outplay: Ban him? Definitely one of, if not THE auto ban for me. That champ is so op busted at the time of me writing this, u stand literally no chance. Even if you win lane (by some miracle) he still will have item(s) first because of his Q giving extra gold. Do NOT get close or try to trade. Theoretically your R can be used to negate a barrel hit, but that only works when you have it off CD.”
Smauggy says “he can poke you more than you would do, and orange your ult, only mu where i take everfrost.
Play around his barel, be carefull of the busher maybe he hide one there, dont forget that your aa goes far, try to take the barrel before it explode
If he aa you will suffer of the dmg and he get an ms bonus ”
Loweloexpert says “Nobody can play this champ Lmao. He will sit on barrels the whole game. Try to stay in bushes and let him push, at lvl 3 you can flash and auto the barrel, then E his flash and chase him down. If you kill him lvl 3 its won since you can perma push and poke him under tower. If he oranges for any reason just straight up ult him. On silver this matchup is easy but in high elo its a knightmere. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Gangplank isn't really that much of a threat to you as a Cho'Gath. You can Q and W him easily and both forms of CC, GP can't cleanse with his citrus. Your E just does a lot of damage and he certainly can't do anything about your R. Overall, you win this one”
sinatra1633 says “You beat him easily by just pushing the wave constantly.
You can destroy his barrels easier than he can as your Q counts as 2 autos.
Beat him just by destroying his barrels whenever you can and one shot him if he tries going glass Cannon build.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Try to remove all vision from the lane bushes, you are able to hide in anywhere in this area, just try not to be predictable so he doesn't hit you with his Barrels.”
W4llaceK says “Start shield and take ghost. He's going to shoot you with a gun on repeat until you're low and then all in you with his passive true damage. In lane he's going to sit inside a barrel and double barrel you when you walk up for farm. Make sure you get xp and try and out time him on barrels. Do not fight him once he hits sheen you will lose. Ping your team when he hits 6, ask for jg assistance, if he doesn't have a lead all in him at level 6.”
SesaPrime says “Just like Shen, Gangplank can support his team with map awareness, & has a kit completely designed for lane dominance. His sense of humor is the greatest thing as it gives a consistent challenge to Camille's. Gangplank can see his victory long before Camille can see hers thoroughly. ”
zap and you die says “pummel him early game as much as you can.
If he gets first item before you do, if you are god at sett it will still be 1 for 1 deaths, tho with healing you can just farm 2 waves and his annoying pokes pretty well.
Sheen alone is neglegible, let him Q from time to time, parry some with W and abuse your healing as much as you can, and land some Ws if possible. when he melee trades, try charging W at least above half, EW, and 2 AAs to show him (rune)shield bash”
primate nefasto says “Play like a pussy ulti 6 and try all in. Try to kill the barrel before he hits it. You can E into him to avoid a chain of barrels if you time it perfect (a good oportunity, also a bait for him, to all in). In tf focus him and don´t let him explode all your team with a chain of barrels.”
Mnem says “Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Second Wind. Rush Plated Steelcaps. Avoid being poked by Gangplank's Q and getting hit by the Barrel. Try to pull him and deal as much damage as possible (if you can, kill him). you win before and after lvl 6. Be careful when he closes his first item, because he will do a lot of damage. Build health because of Gangplank's passive which does a lot of true damage, and Stridebreaker or Trinity Force. (I recommend Stridebreaker).”
Reines Kokosfett says “He has a lot of damage and wins if you go even. You can easily one shot him if he gets chunked. Use your e to get closer to him and dodge his barrels at the same time.”
Lolivor says “I usually ban him cause he's too overpowered rn, you can kill him during laning phase but he will still one shot everyone after a while.”
icher says “gangplank has his w that can take him out of mordekaiser's ult, he's not too bad against morde, as long as you don't get hit by the barrel combo.”
Boptimus says “Average Gangplank players can be easy to deal with as you can sustain through their Q poke with the shield on your E and with Doran's Shield and Second Wind.
Good Gangplank players can use a combination of Q, Barrels, and their Passive to put down a lot of damage on you.
Gangplank I would rank for myself much lower because I was a Gangplank OTP for about 2 years, making breaking barrels much easier. If you aren't good at contesting barrels just sit back and try not to take too much poke.”
stefanko says “This matchup used to be really hard, but i feel like it's not as hard lately. Make sure to not get hit by his passive auto attack, and slow push waves correctly so he can't freeze you. On level 6 you easily win all ins. Go flash and ignite in this matchup and use ignite before he uses his orange so you decrease his healing. (grasp, tp)”
xShortBreadx says “Most of Gangplanks damage is loaded into his barrels, so you should be able to just auto them as a ranged champ. In the early game, GP will have to walk into melee range to hit barrels, so use that to hit an E into W. If you spam E you should be able to pull him before he can use oranges to cleanse the root. If you are having trouble, wardens mail is a decent pick up and make sure you don't stack E root, W slow or R2 slow as that gives him more value on his cleanse.”
Zeffie says “Depending on the player this can either be tricky or easy, if they hit lots of barrel combos and use their passive burn well you won't have fun. However if you can play around the barrel placement (you can dodge the damage if you dash between barrels at the right time) and his CC cleanse he is quite squishy in the end”
Tonho says “His poke is better than yours. He outranges you. He outscales you really fast. Pray for him letting you land some full combos before he hits his spikes. Lethal tempo if you wanna play safe. Conquer if you wanna bet on all-ins. Ignite is essential if you can't count on your jungle.”
PraefectusMace says “Extremely annoying. Going to spend the entire time farming or poking you with his pistol shot. Oranges will prevent you from having chances of trading with him, also it completely denies your ult. Get ganks when possible to punish him. Or hunt other lanes down.”
dzsama says “Really passive lane for most part as GP tends to play pretty safe early on. You can try to cheese him in the furthest bush near his tower, when he goes for the wave. His Q poke can be annoying so you kind of have to kill him before he pokes you down. You can deny his Q poke with your E but you run out of mana quickly that way. Try to bait out his oranges and when it's on cooldown then all in him. While fighting him prioritize destroying his barrels as otherwise he will slow you and chunk you hard with them.”
killer2325 says “Take dshield and second wind. Dodge his barrels. Dont come close if he have passive up. Dont take too much poke from his q's. At lvl 6 if you have wave under your turret you can kill him.”
NegativePhoenix says “The main annoyance is his Q poke and barrels. Keep the barrels in check and you'll do good since he has to get in close to do anything else. If his reaction time is fast enough he can stop your ults Wall dash with his W. For the most part bait out his W if you can and if he gets too close the trades yours unless he's got help or you're too low”
Pep_Shin says “He can beat you early game. His Q poke and passive are annoying and dangerous.
Respect him and run him down when lvl 6.
You usually get him out of the game easily but he can become a big threat for you and your team if he gets fed.”
GannicusTTV says “Use your passive Ki Barrier to deny his Q damage when last hitting. You can also use your W.
lvl 2 is a good opportunity to all in him because he usually do not level up his Orange at lvl 2. Just make sure whenever you all in him, destroy barrel first. and immediately W to block his passive true damage burn. Avoid being hit by barrels as they do a lot of damage and slows you. Deny barrels whenever you can to get extra gold and deny him damage.
I recommend TP”
Armorjacker says “This guy can kite you and rush boots first item, always trade back with w on his q's because he will rarely get melee with you only if you thinks he can quickly kill you. Make sure you always lane your e when he gets near you because you can sometimes force out a orange so you can instantly r his and W him right after with guaranteed true damage since hes slowed by a lot for 1 second. ”
Hedwin says “Skill matchup
if he's about to explode his barrel and you're inside, you can engage him. your W shield will prevent you from taking some damages”
lorensj81 says “This matchup is hard, he has alot of poke with his grasp and Q, and also his barrels. But if he takes First strike, then this matchup is ALOT easier. He can W (orange) to cleanse your silence. His barrels will give him move speed and slow you down, so it's a mini game of stepping into range and quickly out to make him hit them but not get hit. With Stridebreaker and Berserkers it's possible to kill. TP is good in this lane since it's hard to find good back timings vs him.”
Irelius says “Доран щит и второе дыхание делают эти линию совсем тривиальной. Встаём в куст и ждём. Если гп тратитт пассивку в крипа и играет с первым ударом и без игнайта, в него можно влетать прямо на лвл 1.
Если же он играет с хваткой и игнайтом, то ранний влёт уже рискованное дело.
В таком случае дайте ему пуш, но не давайте ему разбить пачку о тавер. Контестим его бочки, дальность автоатаки у нас больше. У ГП очень долгие кулдауны и он ненавидит персонажей, которые могут в любой момент прыгнуть ему на лицо. Наказываем его за долгие откаты. ”
Puyi says “Can't do much against a good gangplank. Go fleet footwork and second wind, Rush steelcaps and farm. You shouldn't be able to kill him without your jungler's assistance.”
1Yamato1 says “Extremamente dificil, durante muito tempo for meu ban. Aqui tem 2 opções, jogar de ig + nimbus e jogar dando all win, ou jogar de Grasp + D Shild e focar no farme que late game você ganha. NÃO troque com ele de passiva.”
ananesever69 says “The main annoyance is his Q poke and barrels. Keep the barrels in check and you'll do good since he has to get in close to do anything else. If his reaction time is fast enough he can stop your ults Wall dash with his W. For the most part bait out his W if you can and if he gets too close the trades yours unless he's got help or you're too low”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Shield or Cloth Armor.
Again a matchup that is very difficult and depends on how you play. Gankplank is very weak early, but scales very quickly. Try to bully him on the line to make him as far back as possible. As Gwen, you don't have any skill that can be removed by eating a tangerine, which gives you an advantage. Avoid barrels at all costs, because they can deal huge damage. If he gets back in lane with Sheen/Essence Reaver, DO NOT FIGHT HIM. With your W you can dodge: Q, E and R.”
JustSad42 says “This matchup is, and I have talked to multiple GP OTPs about this, one where you have to flip it. You will need to play really aggressive at every chance before GP gets his Sheen and try to force a lead before he can back. After GP gets Sheen, you have to give all minions to not get Qed and just look for try to all-in GP. The reason why you have to give all minions is because if you take 2 GP Qs after he gets Sheen, he’ll just be able to dive you under turret after that. Pay close attention to GP’s passive. You always want to W him when he auto attacks you while having his passive auto available to get maximum value during a fight.”
Night Guy says “If Gangplank gets ganked and gets ahead he won't let you in your lane again basically and you'll need your jungler to win. Now if the lane is even and you dodge most of his barrels you win like you can get in his face and basically fight him and he won't be able to do anything about it.”
JustSad42 says “Gangplank can randomly kill you early if he hits a single barrel. In order to beat him pre-BORK, you need to always win the barrel mini-game, whether that's by dodging the barrels using Q on a minion or by stunning him then hitting the Barrel while he's stunned/W-ing the stun. If you don't get hit by the barrel, or you have bork and you''re 0-0, the matchup is pretty okay.”
TheHellKing says “WHY DOES HIS Q PROC GRASPS RIOT? WHY?? Comet is recommended. Care his E from bush, don't ult unless he W already. Don't get hit by his Q for free. ”
SrMolinv says “Compared to the rest of toplaners Riven has a easy time against GP. In the first 5 levels GP needs to make a move to win. At 6 ignite and ult Riven has too much damage for GP to survive. (Remove bone plating)
Start E in this lane, and when you trade or all in remove his barrels.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield. Make sure to block his passive auto with your E and slow push the waves so he cant freeze, after LVL 6 you win hard look to ignite his W so he gets reduced healing. You can walk in and out of his E's to bait it.”
OOBLEXX says “Those barrels are annoying and since he outranges you massively you will get poked out quite a bit and lose out precious gold and risk him getting item spikes well before you- his ult is global too which is bad for your team since you aren't the best roaming top laner. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't get poked too much by his Q]
[Avoid his barrels]
[Never use your R when his W is up]
[Warn your team when he is lvl 6]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Easy lane to neutralize. You can freefarm vs GP, but thats not necessarily a good play since he scales well. Don't walk up for no reason so you dont hit Q's too much. Avoid trading/all inning when he has passive up.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Permaban, impossible to punish, even if hes rly behind he will still be more useful than you.
Its ok to eat his q lvl 1, just dont give him the passive proc. Kite with your q.
If he tries to zone off xp - walk up in last possible moment to get it.
If hes close enough to your casters while zoning, you can trade with him.”
RandumPersin says “This matchup is completely unwinnable; if GP has more than 2 braincells he will always have a barrel under him to win trades. He has the ability to proc grasp with range, apply healing cut with the same ability, and completely neuter our sustain on the wave. His own sustain completely removes the CC from our W, and his passive is TRUE DAMAGE on an auto every twenty seconds or so. Even if we get ahead, it doesn't stay that way for long. I tend to ban this champion or dodge the matchup, we have legitimately zero counterplay to a good Gangplank. Take conq and look to make an impact in teamfights/group with your team for objectives if he somehow gets through in your games”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Rush plated steel caps. He will teleport back for sheen. You will take damage. He will get more gold because of first strike. Your team will pop like zits. You will have to accept life how it is. You shouldn't ever lose a barrel auto battle, as you have Q reset. ”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror
You hard win early. Let him waste his passive before jumping on him (if he has passive up his knife glows); prioritize jumping to last hit barrels and then all in him, don't jump on him when he's on a barrel, go on barrel first. You gotta snowball into him because later in the game he will have damage to carry the game.”
Fizzy says “Gp is a bit tricky because of his kegs so always try to stay away from his kegs, and lvl 3 the keg has high cdr so try to trade low lvl with him then you have advantages”
Cheeseypops1 says “This match up you kinda can't win unless the Gangplank is terrible and he kinda outscales you, But your mid game is better than his you can go ghost if you tihnk you can't kill him but i go ignite anyway and bank on them being bad ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his E before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
Smudey says “Usually depends on how good the GP is. Try to push early and taunt him. You can block his Q with both your W and passive shield. If he places a barrel, make sure to last-hit the barrel before using your Q on him or bait out his initial barrel(s) before trading (he will most likely use his W after the taunt so you'll probably get 2 emp Qs of before backing off). If you get an early lead, he'll be useless, but otherwise he'll be OP and scale into oblivion. Ping your team if they are low and GP has ult.”
hamgi says “first-strike gangplank is really annoying to fight against as he will almost always have a gold lead on u due to easily proc'ing it with his point-and-click q. there is no way to dodge it so try to preemptively w him or minions to mitigate some dmg with ur shield. he can w (cleanse) ur q3/r immobilization as well as give him some hp back, so be careful when fighting him if ur both low as u may die instead. his barrels can be chained, and they will usually put one around cs so if u try to walk up, they will put another and set them off. they are his main source of dmg, but u can bait them out with e/e-recast or simply step to the side in e (since it gives more ms) when he goes to set them off. his ult is global, and they will usually use it to help with a cross-map fight. tho be careful when fighting him in lane at a disadvantage as it's a large aoe that deals magic dmg and slows anyone in the field, try to get out of it with q3 or r/flash if absolutely necessary. gp's rush essence reaver and crit cloaks, so respect those item spikes and rush healing items (sceptre, pots) to keep u healthy in early lane”
UnderworldTF says “A good gangplank will make your lane excruciating, but a bad one loses extremely hard if you disarm his barrels. Bully him early, gold card when he goes in to trade once he has sheen. Auto once, then back away to avoid damage. Take First Strike.”
TRIAD3S says “Q max or E first against him. "W" him and he'll use his orange. Wait the cooldown, "W" him again and kill him. The orange cooldown is much longer than your "W".
He'll be a late game problem. He has a lot of aoe damage, armor reduction, slows and true damage.”
StingingChicken says “You need level 2 first or he sits on a barrel the entire lane and pokes you out. Walk up and push level 1, if tries to Q you trade Q's with him. You can W into him at all times if his wave isn't huge. Block barrels with E. ”
Adamikcz2 says “Good matchup, GP is very reliant on his barrels which we can dodge using E and W. He is pretty squishy and ignite applies healing reduction so his W won't heal for much.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “if the gp player is good he can always stay on range, he outscales he can impact the map at 6 while u cant and overall he has a pretty solid laning phase against u”
freddy66623 says “Gankplank is a problem. His Oranges will stop your Q snare or E slow ontop of that hes got allot of poke to catch up. Invade but be cautious”
Et Lutum says “He is very difficult to deal with because of his damage and sometimes you cannot prock your passive stun damage because of his orange. He also runs ignite so it makes him a very strong competitor early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
kajinator says “He zones you off CS so don't worry about being down around 15-20 CS too much. Phase Rush and Flash + TP are mandatory here to combat his extremely oppressive laning phase. You are better at side laning but not in team fights and you can out wave clear him. Don't W is Q's, try to dodge every barrel but you are bound to get hit by some due to his barrel chaining which is almost impossible to react to so save W for that. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
Evandabank says “Gangplank has a really high skill cap and until you hit GM, this matchup is a cake walk.
Gangplank's most important ability is his barrles. They will typically place a barrel either directly below them or on top of the minion wave in an attempt to zone you. When you engage with an E-Q combo, Use your E-Q combo and then use your first W auto attack on the barrel. The W auto will typically give you enough attack speed to hit the barrel before the gangplank can Q it.
Another way to bait out a gangplank barrel is to walk slightly outside of the barrels radius. GP players will typically have a panic attack and then Q the barrel as a reflex. After they Q the barrel and miss because... you weren't even in the radius. Just engage onto him and he should be an easy kill.
Gangplank with Essence reaver is super squishy. In general the matchup is super easy and you can always kill him early. However, bear in mind that if the GP decides to build a Sunderer and go the Tank/Hybrid build than he can outscale you and you need to be careful late game in the splitpush.
First Strike GP is a joke BTW. You could go AFK for 5 minutes and still beat him.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Gangplank is annoying because of his poke and burst, but you will win once you reach level 11 in a long fight as he has no real sustained damage other than his Q and his barrels. This means you can auto him down. Use your auto+E reset to quickly destroy his barrels. Just play safe during the early levels as his poke is very strong.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
SrMolinv says “Un matchup facil dentro de lo que cabe, los 5 primeros niveles los gana GP y a nivel 6 Riven con ignite lo mata de un combo.
Subirse la E de primeras. Si vas a hacer el all in a nivel 6 asegurate de que no tenga bone-plating y de que no tenga barriles con los que huir”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrompida, Q > W] - Você vai ficar atrás em Farm, fique fora do range dele sempre que estiver sem passiva, use Q sempre que estiver com sua passiva ativa e fluxo de mana. - Evite arbustos, ele pode esconder o barril no arbusto e combar você. - Ele é definitivamente difícil, mas ele não deve ter muita pressão de matar em você se você mantiver seu HP bem. - Tente se livrar de seus barris sempre que puder, mas não arrisque se não puder. - Você pode baitar o barril dele fingindo que vai destrui-lo e em seguida dar um passo para trás, isso vai provavelmente fazer com que ele destrua o barril. - ATENÇÃO de forma alguma deixe ele te dar o AA com a passiva dele ativada, fique muito atento a isso! - se ele estiver com menos da metade da Vida espere todas suas habilidades estar ativas, use todas de forma rápida para finaliza-lo, se o GP conseguir usar W, corra!”
Duwiiton says “He can only cleanse one of your stuns. However, he also has a lot of damage, so you need to make sure to bait out his barrels or destroy them when they appear.”
zir zir azir says “This matchup is as nasty and terrible as possible, yes, you can kite it safely, but if gangplank does not go through the triple alliance, it will most likely be very hard for you, do not get under the barrels, especially after gangplank purchases 15% of crete. Gp is very fragile in the crit assembly, play from the team and initiate the ult. Gp is very dangerous in the middle distance.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
Voice44 says “спам q qq q q q q q qq q ( найс чемп бтв ) Для сейф игры берем искусное лавирование для сустейна на лайне против его поука, максим вешку, первым покупаем бронированные ботинки. на 6 лвле будьте аккуратнее так как он может апельсинкой сбить вашу ульту. В целом играем от тимфайтов и гангов.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels Powder Keg(E) before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his E before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
Irelius says “Dshield+ second wind. Old man's lvl 1 was rekted. Dont get poked too much, try to contest the wave. If he plays with grasp + ignite give him the push , but dont let crash. Use W when he barrels you. If you dont eat barrel after barrel he cannot kill you before sheen.
Contest his barrels, as you do have longer AA range. If you win this mindgame, he will not be a problem. You can run him down at lvl 2 if you got the push.
Look out, tho, if he got ignite. Dont forget to pray to crit RNG not do deliver 4 crits in a row in your face later in the game.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his E before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrompida, Q > W] - Você vai ficar atrás em Farm, fique fora do range dele sempre que estiver sem passiva, use Q sempre que estiver com sua passiva ativa e fluxo de mana. - Evite arbustos, ele pode esconder o barril no arbusto e combar você. - Ele é definitivamente difícil, mas ele não deve ter muita pressão de matar em você se você mantiver seu HP bem. - Tente se livrar de seus barris sempre que puder, mas não arrisque se não puder. - Você pode baitar o barril dele fingindo que vai destrui-lo e em seguida dar um passo para trás, isso vai provavelmente fazer com que ele destrua o barril. - ATENÇÃO de forma alguma deixe ele te dar o AA com a passiva dele ativada, fique muito atento a isso! - se ele estiver com menos da metade da Vida espere todas suas habilidades estar ativas, use todas de forma rápida para finaliza-lo, se o GP conseguir usar W, corra!”
Elresser says “Skill matchup. very snowbally. Rushing Anathemas can help you a lot. get a lead and he can't kill you anymore. He gets a lead he can 1v9.”
Animate Dead says “Your human form have a quick auto attack missile to clear his barrels. Your stun is back up before his clear. In Spiderform all-ins your sustain and damage can almost let you bash your forehead into the keyboard and win. Default build is sufficient, but you can experiment with options.”
dracondas says “will Q you till he runs out of mana and get a sheen to get back and keep doing it over and over better get steelcap and try to catch him on every mistake he makes till he dies or back”
BLYX says “Gangplank is very hard to play against. Avoid getting excessively poked by his Qs or hit W to avoid some of his Q dmg. His barrels can do massive dmg and slow you, so be more careful around him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his E before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
Thrandor says “Might be worth to dodge this. Make sure to equip D-Shield and Second Wind & enjoy bullets to your face. In the very early stages of the game (until 6 or so), you can zone him and bite minions to stay alive. Note that GP can cleanse your ultimate with his W.”
Racz says “I hate laning agianst him, when he places barrel taunt him but instead of attacking him attack the barrel. You'll have just enough time before he uses W. Play passively. Passive shield his Q poke's.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game, so putting him behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplanks Passive is up. It will help him win trades, so wait for him to use it on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his E before looking to fight. If he has one placed in a nearby bush or has one under him, wait for it to blow before looking to fight.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Look for Q>W's in lane if his passive is down and you can take heavy trades which is hates, just be careful to not get poked down level 1 before you have E with his Passive/Q. He can
orange out of your ult so try and make him waste it on your stun first. If he doesn't then just use your ult as a repositioning tool. Ignite makes this matchup much easier if you're struggling. ”
UlisesFRN says “His laning phase is stupidly strong for a late game Champion. Even if you can brake the barrels, just by Qíng you with Grasp he outdamages you out of lane. This matchups is very dire for Jayce, but if you manage to get ahead, you can work around other lanes”
Alachiel says “Hard poke him early, using electrocute on CD.
You can snowball only if you kill it once or twice before lvl5.
If he starts getting lvl 5/6 and you still didn't kill him, just roam or ask your jungler for a gank.”
tacowo_ says “If he gets into melee range, he's super squishy and pops like a balloon. Probably a lane where I'd go PTA with my normal Sunderer build.”
Farmer Cleetus says “He is even with you at early. Will become annoying after he acquired Sheen, must be careful not to get poked too much, else he will just get free dominance on the lane. Also make sure avoid his Barrels (E) by destroying it or walking out of the way in the right time, make sure to cheese him at Level 2 or 3 as he cannot farm his Silver Serpent's. If he cannot farm it, then he cannot get upgrades for his ultimate. If you made everything perfect, then his efficency and powerplay will come in the late game only, as he can't do much in the mid-game phase.”
Tentacle Pinkman says “skilled matchup, you can destroy his barrels with your W auto attack reset pretty easily, if you master it properly, he wont be able to barel combo you from short range”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Вы тоже от части его контр пик, но если знаете Иллаой, здесь проблема лишь в том, что ГП сейчас зонит и кайтит, по этому берем урон если все хорошо, или таби если плохо, максимум кушку, и гнобим пирата под вышкой, сбивая бочки с помощью W, и зоня Q. В лейте, он просто очень быстрый и его E крайне опасна.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Приоритет на линии обычно одинаковый ,но может надломиться в чью-то сторону после первой ошибки, после которой одна из сторон начинает ол-ин после которого следует либо потеря флеша либо смерть. В ранней игре урона у него толком нет ,так что можно подкараулить в невидимости ,но после того как ГП получает сияние поук трейды начинают становится для нас просто невыносимыми. Желательно собрать таби и реген, и запостись терпением. Его Q работает через наше ослепление ,W наше ослепление очищает ,бочки в кустах.”
j4ss says “HIgh poke, hard to kill and high damage. You have to play safe and avoid some CS to keep yourself alive. If your jungler is smart, he will go help you.”
THICCshake says “Depends if he gets fed or not. Will become a huge problem late game due to his one shot barrels. If he messes up his barrels that's the time to engage.”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff. You outrange his Barrels, so if you can time your Autos right, it's free CS. His Q has a 4.5 second cooldown. You need to poke him back or else he just chips you down. Freeze wave near tower. Dance.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game GP is more annoying than Mid-Late game with his poke from his Q and barrels, but your sustain should keep you in the lane and the fact you can poke him just as much and sustain back better than he can. Dorans Shield or Corrupting are good options in this matchup to help with the sustain. Once you hit your tank stride he shouldn't really be much of a problem. Just be mindful his W removes CC and heals him so make sure that's down if you go for an ult execute.”
SulkingKING says “Use your Q more often in lane against him compared to other champions, and let the wave push to you so that he doesn't get much of a chance to use his barrel combos.”
ActuallyTox says “His poke is very annoying but he is also not very tanky so you can pretty much one-combo him with 1 item. Try to jump on his barrels before he can shoot them and be aware of his lvl 7 and lvl 13 powerspikes.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Don't push the lane, because you can't harass him when he comes and Q you. Always AA his barrels when they are going to 1 health. They deal alot of damage and slow you.”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “Can poke you a lot in early and do a lot of damages with his Q. I tried to all in at level 1 by waiting him to use his Q and ignite passive on creeps but I die lol. He even killed me whitout touching one barrel at level 6.”
WildSamu says “DShield+Red Pot.
His Q poke is incredibly strong, play safe.
Respect bushes and his barrels.
Dont trade with him if he has his passive up.
If hes standing near a barrel that's at 1 health, you can Q3 him and during the knockup kill the barrel.
The lane gets a bit more playable after Shieldbow.
He's one of the few matchups that outscales you, you need to respect his barrels in teamfights.”
LemonSmoothie2965 says “Gangplank is coded to win against Mordekaiser no matter what you build. He wins early and late game, he outranges you, and has a good amount of movement speed. But the biggest reason he counters Mordekaiser is because of his W. All Gangplank has to do to beat you is press W when you ult to escape it. If you see the enemy pick Gangplank, you shouldn't play Mordekaiser. If you do have to play against him, your best shot is to try to win small trades and don't fully engage him. Never ult Gangplank because we will always escape with his W. Just save it for when the enemy jungle ganks or when you see another opportunity.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Guns and oranges? Are you a cliché or a joke? Come! Fight! Die! Said the Aatrox to the Gangplank. Aatrox's attacks can't be stopped by GP's citrus and the only threat to Aatrox is GP getting strong by spamming his ult out the wazoo all over the map and getting assists off of it”
kurbart says “Gangplank is a semi easy match up if you land your q's on him he can cleanse your wall but that's not his biggest issue those barrels stay on your toes don't get hit other then that you out range him poke him down and ult”
VituVonDoom says “Use the bushes to your advantage to avoid his Q poke, and disarm his barrels at a safe distance while he sobs in his dirty little pirate corner. If you're not confident with timings, Cannon W to instantly disarm his barrel and open an opportunity to all in. Take the Conq page, like Graves, he is a very low range champion most of the time, making it easy for the AD to stack up and eventually kill him”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Play safe first few levels because he perma pokes with Q -> Level 2 take W and tank his Q with your W -> He will be perma zoning you with Qs and barrels -> When you get Q3 you can look for some small trades -> DO NOT EVER walk up to him when his passive AA is up -> When you get some DPS you can look to go in for a bit of an extended trade IF he has no barrel placed near by”
NegativePhoenix says “Gangplank is still a pretty decent lane bully due to his Q poke, but not an impossible to fight matchup. He'll be a pain at first only just Qing you till you're low before going in for his passive and ignite. Mostly though, keep his barrels in check. If he can't use his main damage dealer to assist him he can be easier to kill. Just don't feed him, that's the worst thing you can do. Your W blocks his ult as well unless he's inside it with you”
Baby Sona says “His W removes your R. Take Ghost + Flash and rush armor boots. Try to land your E and after that use your ghost and all in him. He shouldn't be a thread for a bit. Play around his barrels and try to break them before he manages to make his combo. Use your Ultimate only after he has used his W!”
Aberrant Demon says “Treat him like a ranged champion even though he is technically melee. Avoid letting him get free Qs/Es on you. Staying in brushes unless you need to last hit can help with this. Don't forget that he has a passive and try to avoid trading when it's up. When he has a barrel placed near you, try to bait him into killing it without letting it hit you. Unless he has used his W, make sure you have enough damage to overkill when going for an all-in. Once he has level 6, try to maintain enough pressure on him to dissuade him from using his ult on your teammates.”
Galactities says “I find this just to be aids really, all he does is spam barrel and Q you off wave. Its super boring. He cant really out 1v1 you so aslong as you're good on health and hes kinda overstepping on the wave punish him and go for an all in.”
ColdStuff says “Perhaps one of the more free lanes for Karma. Block his Q harass with E, and poke him out of lane. Late game, try and disarm his barrels, and use RE to block most of the damage. ”
Captain__Archie says “Gangplank has unavoidable poke in the laning phase but he is beatable if take ghost and run him down in the early levels. Past level 6 he should not be much of a threat either.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Go Doran's Shield. He will press W when you press R so when there is a wave E him to use his W, then go in with your R. He has very high damage, mobility, ranged very annoying, Go Stridebreaker against him.”
Groovywelsh says “Gp uses a lot of mana to poke and you are anti poke so he is going to run out of mana once he does just kill him.If he does not run out of mana just farm until lvl6 and kill him he can't do anything. If gp builds tank (against tryndamere you should build tank with gp) you can't kill him ever and he can kill you so if he goes full damage it's easy if he goes tank you are doomed”
chedlol says “Will poke you heavily and almost always outtrade, his orange also can render you useless. W onto him, wait for Orange, instantly Q him into ult. Spikes at 4 items but is still overtuned right now so early game is quite unplayable.”
IcunoX says “Scary because of poke but very much a skill-based match up. He is surprisingly squishy so don't be too afraid. Start W on this one and dont get pissed when he Q's you, just heal it back up and he loses mana quick.”
The Kled Mob says “Main source of damage is his barrels so don't get hit by his barrels and you win although he will probably play like pussy because all Gangplanks do.”
Dekar173 says “P: 15
Q: 4.5
W: 24 > 12
E: 18 > 14
R: 180 > 140
Runes vs Gangplank: LT, Grasp, First Strike
HIGH Econ: Eclipse > Crit
MID Econ: Goredrinker, DD (W max)
LOW Econ: Goredrinker, Stasis (W max)
Strengths: Scaling, Global ult, Sustain, Teamfights
Weaknesses: Highly level 13 reliant, Skill-oriented, Can't GIGA STATBALL anymore, Linear
Vs GP if he doesn't have resolve secondary (boneplating, specifically) or primary, he is completely screwed. You can 1 shot him any time you have stacks.
It's very easy to jump to his barrels, smack him, and then abuse double W to win trades.
Avoid level 1 fight if he has ignite, as he is a stronger stat-ball than you. Wait for 2-3 then all-in.
Don't let him B if he has level 6 for free, as he can just ult wave and you get 0 'tempo' on the play.
Always use target champ only when you're ulting him because of the barrels!!! Don't be a noob like you've seen me do on stream before... 😔
Be PATIENT don't mindlessly aggro him when he's next to barrels, their slow + ult is huge and can save him while delaying you enough for jungler gank. Prioritize the barrels, then him, and slowly chip down his health bar before a clean all-in.
Boptimus says “Gangplank before Laning nerfs was pretty easy to sustain through. Every time he goes for Q you can just W with your passive up and take virtually no damage.
Early CS should be easy and once you get Lost Chapter he should be fairly easy to poke down and kill. When you do look for a kill make sure to respect his W heal. Becomes even easier if you can break barrels, and as an Ex-GP OTP, this lane is a joke.”
Papa Urgot says “You can run this guy down at some point. get bramble vest. rush plated steelcaps. Make sure you autoattack his barrels before he does. they ignore 40% armour and refresh true dmg dots attack. ”
Shourdy says “Avoid Q poke at all cost, using bushes and giving away some cs. After Lv4/5 u can start playing more aggressive since his lack of mobility allows u to hit ur full combo but beware and focus his barrels. ”
powerfullgeo says “Thank you RIOT for the E nerfs now when he presses Q I lose health no matter what. Dodge the barrels or even better hit them before he detonates them. Start Doran's Shield for this, you'll thank me later.”
Kurose0027 says “Recommended to dodge this matchup, if the GP is good, he'll beat you down after getting sheen with no counterplay. The only counter play is to rely on your jungler.”
Kurose0027 says “Very hard matchup, a good GP will shit on you once he hits sheen with futures market tech and even before then with grasp Q procs. recommended to dodge if you are versus this champion. Parry E in this matchup if you are playing in it.”
davidbiton1 says “gangplank can be really oppressive early game and even 2 shot you late game, try to stay as safe as possible. the tank build is 100% the choice here so you dont get oneshoted by him late game.”
BiriRamen says “Super strong champ, to be honest, I still don't know the proper build, or how to play lane against him. I'm still working on finding the best way to beat a good GP, since it's either a shit stomp from me, or a shit stomp to me. there isn't an inbetween. :(”
Dawn Break says “Empieza con Botas de Rapidez y Rompeavances/Strikerbreaker. Nunca busques pelea cuando no tienes tus habilidades disponibles, en ningún caso hagas eso. Cuando Gangplank use su Q, tírate con todo pero ten cuidado por que su E puede arruinarte la jugada.”
ShacoMagicTrick says “The arch nemesis for Shaco Top. If the GP has more than 2 braincells and knows what his champ does, its basicly unwinnable lane for you. ALWAYS ban or dodge if possible.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Start doran's shield and go second wind. His W does remove your ultimate, however, you can rush armor boots in this matchup and take ghost + flash. Once you have your armor boots, if you land one E and press ghost he basically dies. Try to survive the early game before you get 1100 gold, try to shove in the wave and recall for your boots.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: As soon as you hit level 6 you can just unleash your entire combo and kill him, just remember to ignite early so he can't pop potions throughout the fight.”
Trundledaddy says “Lane is hard, you will be poked, hope for him to misstep, you can win early if he missteps with 1 good pillar, and abuse if he doesn't have flash up, if you are in a pickle, kill barrels with attack speed from w.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Start doran's shield and go second wind.
His W does remove your ultimate, however, you can rush armor boots in this matchup and take ghost + flash. Once you have your armor boots, if you land one E and press ghost he basically dies. Try to survive the early game before you get 1100 gold, try to shove in the wave and recall for your boots. ”
Federals1 says “Gangplank poke can be rather annoying. If you are inexperienced, taking resolve with Second Wind+Reviatlise into Plated Steelcaps rush is a good way of countering it. You anihilate him at level 6 in a dive, especially with ignite. His heal is usually not enough to save him, but try to bait it out before an all in so he doesn't w flash your ultimate damage. Always look to take down his kegs when possible. Anathema's Chains rush is very good into him. Both q and w maxes work. First rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Doran's Ring works best into him.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dshield + Second wind, look for short trades with parry, parry a grasp Q, his passive or his barrel explosion. You can destroy a 2 health barrel by doing AA E. A really difficult mechanic is using Q right in between 2 barrels so you don't get hit by any of them, but it requires a lot of practice. If he gets Sheen try to play passive until you get whip and then all in him with QW.
Like a lot of matchups, try to freeze your lane and ask your jgl for help.
Escudo de Doran + Fuerzas Renovables, haz trades cortos con el parry, ripostea su Q con grasp, su pasiva o la explosión de su barril. Puedes destruir un barril con 2 de vida haciendo AA E. Una mecánica muy difícil es usar la Q entre 2 barriles mientras explotan para que no te haga daño ninguno, pero necesitas practicarlo mucho. Si se compra brillo tienes que jugar pasivo hasta que tengas látigo y luego hacerle all in con tu QW.”
WestRover says “odly less painful then teemo just wait out the storm till lane phase is over and try your best not to give him a lead, this is one of the worst matchups for kassadin in general you have to play with your jg and roam rather then fight the majority of the time so bring tp and exhaust ”
darkintaki says “Skill Matchup, Don't eat too much poke and DODGE the barrels, they burst you, his orange can cancel your E, use ghost to chase him all lane, he doesn't have escape route.”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup; GP wins early, Camille hard cucks him on side lane. Both are scaling monsters. The Grasp nerf on Gangplank's Q has made the matchup so much bearable. Early levels you just want to survive his braindead Q poke by taking Dshield / Second Wind. Trade with W after he Qs you so you regen a bit of his damage. Keep in mind Gangplank is not a good champ early game, it's really his runes setup that makes the difference (Resolve Tree w. Bone Plating mostly). You can trade with E if you removed his Bone Plating, and he has his passive down (passive is up = sword is glowing). When Eing on him, make sure to destroy his barrels, or even try to fake hitting them if he just placed them. Bait his E by moving up and down, and if he doesn't take the bait try to run at his barrels and Q them since it gives you 50 more range. Your lvl 6 is mega deadly compared to his, if you manage to hit your E with both his Bone Plating and passive down, he's most likely dead as he has no escape. If he takes First Strike, he is a shed early game and has no kill pressure. Also keep in mind that Gangplank is very gankeable as he has no escape but a cleanse on a 22s CD.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Pretty annoying as his W can stop your wither and heal him aswell. If you manage to freeze then your fine. Unless you want to go E rush and just poke him to death (his W cd is +20 seconds and costs a decent amount of mana) dont let him proc grasp or first strike as much as you can. Late game he does a load of damage but you can 2 Tap him and he won't be able kill you, I would prio him over AD carries as he most likely outdamages and can screw your team over.”
alexionut05 says “He will usually win lane simply due to his range and power projection. Try to break barrels with your passive, and when you all-in, a good idea is to push him out of any barrel range with your E (even if it doesn't stun). Buy armor.”
havy says “E away from his barrels if needed, has no escape tools if his flash is down, so keep that in mind, do not play too aggressively pre-level 3, his Q spam does deceptively good damage!”
MHLoppy says “Although not a great early laner, the fact that he hangs back and uses Q/E from a distance means the matchup often plays out as if he were a ranged champion. This makes it very difficult to get onto him because his barrels have a slow equivalent to (or stronger than) your Q, and his W can negate your "engaging" Q slow. If you want to run him down you'll want to ensure there's a lot of space to chase him down, with the fight ideally starting on your side of the lane.”
Agatrium says “Somewhat of a skill matchup, but he definitely has a lot of poke which makes it slightly favored on his side. If they take First Strike instead of grasp, you'll almost always win the all in unless you face tank his barrels. Ignite him early in the fight since his W plus corrupting is a surprising amount of sustain.”
youmamaleftu says “Dodge his e and you will be fine. He is not early game so annoy him in early. If he goes first strike do not let him start the fight.”
Gassid says “Il est dur de prendre des CS sans prendre de dégâts (tu peux start Bouclier de Doran). Il est possible d'esquiver les dégats de ses barils avec ton R”
LimitlessHavoc says “Doran shield and second wind is a must in this lane. The passive sustain helps you tank a few of his Qs.
You can start E however I prefer to start Q and use the bushes to drop vision.
Shield most of his Qs and passively sustain the ones that you can not.
Level 6 you hard win the all in if you're not too behind and have enough distance to run him down.”
Cryniu says “Compra botas de armadura rápido.
No uses E si él tiene su W o úsalo si quieres solo hacer daño.
Usa Q+W para anular algunos de sus balazos.
Trata de apoyar con tu R si él usa la suya.
Él no tiene nada para cancelar tu R.
Trata de jugar en intercambios muy cortos y agresivos.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra gangplank, aquí te recomiendo solo llevarla en las runas o no usarla.”
Kocykek says “He will poke you a lot and he can outscale you but it isn't that impossible. Grab Doran's Shield and Second Wind and you can win lane and maybe then even a game.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “he can w out of your ult. your ult will still do dmg to him so it isn't that much of a problem. just be ready for him to do that. his barrels don't deal you dmg that much. the only level you cant beat him is level 2, you are even there.”
Helzky says “Gangplank has been buffed multiple times and it still isn't enough to kill Yorick. Wait till Level 3 and then kill him. If you have ignite that's even better to prevent his W healing. If he gets fed however, say goodbye to your entire health bar in one barrel. (pepeSadge)”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Stack your Grasp and every time he walks up to Q you, Q him! NEVER let him hit you for free. This is how he wins the lane. If you get a positive trade of you can look for an all in. Parry his Barrel and be aware of his Orange when u all in/ dive him.”
OliveeGarden says “take fleet, ghost and first buy tier 2 boots. generally hard matchup as he has a lot of kite and speed, try to bait out his cleanse before ulting him. wait for ganks don't try solo him without stridebreaker.”
Friednuts says “Block his Qs with your passive and W. First thing to do after E up is to destroy his barrels if there are any nearby then you can fight him.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Poke him down if grasp, and get a small lead.
If conq and pta, you want to snowball, ask your jungler for help, and play to trade him especially when u have a freeze.
Wave 1-4:
Try to avoid getting prio, as often times u will have to get poked way too much to achieve prio.
Play for trades, and conserve hp.
Ignite is decent in this matchup.
This is a difficult matchup, due to him not having any abilites that you can stun onto him, and even then he can just use his W to remove the cripple of your parry.
Now with the rework, he is a bit easier as his poke is weaker than before so you have a way better chance at surviving than before and you can even retaliate and make him suffer in lane
You want to go Dshield + Second wind, look for short trades with parry, either you parry a grasp Q, His passive proc (very nice as it guarantees that you hit it) Or his barrel explosion, but you can sometimes proc his barrels with an AA or AA E to make sure you destroy the barrel.
If he has 1 hp barrels you can look for Q AA on the barrel as its hard for him to react and instantly pop the barrel unless he is close to it.
Very advanced trick really difficult to execute but, if he places 2 barrels and explodes the 1st one so the 2nd one hits you, you can Q INBETWEEN BOTH OF THE BARRELS. In that way neither barrels will hit you as you went on the 1st one right as the explosion finished, and avoided the 2nd one as you Q'd out.
Otherwise, wait till you get a freeze to all in him, if he gets sheen, just play it slow and poke him down with QW and try to AA E the barrels when he doesn't have his passive up.
GP is very gankable though, so ask jungler for help as it's pretty easy to kill him in a gank.
You want to pull in the waves and let him push, as the wave state is more favorable for your all ins.
Buseira says “-Preferred Rune Page(s) to take: Full Yin or Yin and Yang
-Lv 1/2/3: Start doran's shield. You should be able to fight him level 1. Get a minion advantage, your passive, and doran's shield together and it should be enough for you to get ahead and reach level 2 before him. And then try to finish him.
If he shoves lane hard in the beginning, let it get to tower, build your minion advantage and trade.
-GP with Grasp can really hurt and with sheen its going to hurt even more. Play carefully, watch those barrels, and think about where the 2nd or even 3rd barrel will go. If you can, destroy the barrels before he can shoot and explode them. He can also shove lane hard with that same combo so watch out for that. I would personally would riposte his Grasp Q, Barrel explosion or to Q+W if need be to get out of ult. ”
magician4444 says “I haven't faced many good GP's but once again, you have no ult against GP. Let him push early and don't take too many free q's. It might be difficult to kill him unless he makes a huge mistake.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Didn't play against him in S11 but I think it will be hard to play against him especially as he always been know as Shaco Top counter-pick for a long-time”
Prof Harambe says “Is basically a ranged top. Has enough damage to burst daisy, kill her and kill you. His movespeed passive is actually ridiculous allowing him to shrug off your e slow and disengage. Luckly, he is fairly hard to play but he just counters you at every stage of this game. ”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up. Rush tabis no matter what, then Rylai's. Pre-3 he has the upper hand with his Q spam, as it's cooldown is way lower than yours. You will have to yield prio here, but post-3 you're stronger than him. You win pretty much every all-in in lane so if he ever steps up to you in order to get his passive onto you, E him and fight him. Post-6 you can quite reliably kill him by simply ulting him. Just make sure to not get slowed by his barrels too much, otherwise he can stall out your ult.”
boboderaffe says “Gangplank can be annoying to lane against because of his Grasp+Q poke accompanied by a refillable.
His W cleanse is kinda buggy and often times you can still pull him even though he cleansed your E.
I recommend either going for „BIG SWAIN“ and poking him with grasp as well, while benefiting from second wind OR using the „Perma-Freeze“ to counter his passive movement speed as well as his E (he will have to choose to either cleanse Everfrost or your E).
The choice comes down to whether you’re going to be able to scale well or just have to soak in enough damage to trade with him.
I don’t recommend Conqueror however, simply because GP‘s trade pattern doesn’t allow you to get the most out of it. ”
Xochii says “If you're playing top, preferably try banning this one because your lane phase is NOT gonna be cool, man...
GP's oranges are enough to keep him alive and healthy even after your trades and he can outrange you massively with his barrels. Plus, his ult is global like yours.”
Rayli36 says “you can ban if you want to or you can take Second Wind-Doran shield against him and you can buy health regen if you need it + watch out for barrels
AD dmg”
Black Demon Ezel says “Haven't fought gangplank yet as Yorick but his kit leaves a lot to be desired when fighting the Shepherd of Lost Souls. His Q can range on you and his W and E can be annoying but his global ult is really only useful when you are low and that doesn't happen often when he fights tanks. Prevent him from ulting anyone else to get assists or kills and you should be fine”
Atomragnar says “Depends on how good the gankplank is. You can actually win this lane pretty hard after level 6 if his R isn't up.
Treat him as a ranged/poke champion since he can poke you with his Q. Go second wind, dshield and flash/ghost. Rush steelcaps.
He will probably poke you during the laning phase. That is okay since you have second wind and dshield. If his R is down, don't hesitate to run him down if you have sums up. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Insane scaling with his delayed crit build. High poke in lane and insane 1v1 damage. He will bully you. You can take Aery if you want to let him push in for a gank or HoB if you wanna have high pressure. Make sure to poke him with Q a lot more as its longer range. Block his Q with your E if it's safe and okay to do so. After 6, you win if you're engaging. Q onto him, stun, and he will orange. Ultimate and he dies. Go Divine and BoRK or full tank Frostfire.”
Hoplite345 says “Gangplank is a skill based match up. You have a ton of gap closure to him and the knock up on your Q can buy you time to delete any barrels you may accidently step on. Try to cheese him early on as lethality gangplank late game gets pretty disgusting.”
Hecki says “Gangplank will try to poke you down early on with his Q so taking Second Wind with Dorans Shield is highly recommended. You should look for trades after level 3 since his Level 1 and 2 is superior to Aatrox's. If you manage to connect your W he is pretty screwed as long as there is no barrel nearby that he can explode for movement speed. If possible, disrupt his movement by destroying the barrels in the middle of a trade since its his main source of utility and damage. Without the barrel movement speed you can easily hit all of your Q's and get a kill against him.”
LunaticDancer says “He will likely disable your First Strike, so go Bullied instead, unless you're amazing at out-spacing Gangplank players. He has deceptively strong lvl 1, so don't fall for the cheese. You can use your Q reset to clear barrels with ease. Don't let him set up proper area control with these. His orange doesn't cleanse being in your wall, so that's amazing news. If you manage to hit E into W on him with 4 ghouls, he either flashes or dies.”
COJA says “With the nerf to Grasp for GP, his laning is no longer excellent. Your E can be used to double strike his barrels to destroy them unexpectedly. Gangplank has a number of 0.25 second cast times, so you can use them to hit him easier during them. Be wary of whenever his sword lights up, and whenever he has W up. Your all in might be thwarted when he suddenly heals 20% of his health.”
RedRandyDevil says “A good Gangplank will know what he's doing. if you jump he can just shoot his barrel beneath him. That being said i find this a winnable Lane for Rengar, but still hard.”
Captain Bane says “There arent many great gangplanks our there, but trade your E with his Q when his grasp is off (to avoid giving him free scaling) ALWAYS Use your E-cone first to avoid him getting first strike value, get passive shield when he looks to Q or barrel combo you. killing a good gp is almost close to impossible so getting runes like glacial augment for this matchup would be an excellent choice to be able to trade with him, I would take ignite/tp for a better Kill percentage.”
Herbietron says “Good Gangplanks can beat you in the early game and outscale you into late however I've found that a bad GP can make mistakes in lane which you can snowball off.”
space cat says “Will poke all the time but you can still beat him if you work around his barrels. Dont ult him unless hes already used his oranges, so just use your q at 3 stacks until he wastes it to get out of the stun.”
Adventfaith says “Wait until 3 to fight. Afterwards the lane is practically yours. Avoid his barrels and shield them if needed. Your kit works well against his. Bait out his fruit if you can so you can get a nice snare off.”
Night Guy says “Gangplank is an annoying yet strong champion in the top lane that can outpoke outheal and outdamage you most of the times. When he Q's you try to Q and AA him to at least trade back and not get hit without doing anything, at level 2 he gets his kegs so he starts being a threat whenever you can shoot his barrels before he pops them or dodge them with E and get in his face and fight him because after using his barrels like that he has no other way of damaging you and since it's the early level he has no items so he is not that big of a threat. After 6 try to play it safe until he uses his ulti on a lane to help his team or you fake a go all in so he is forced to use his ulti thinking that you're going all in, but because he might have an item or 2 lower him a bit before using E to get in his face and fight.”
Polartech says “Attack the Barrels when they have 1 HP and he will not do too much against Kayle. If you see that Gangplank is starting to shoot his Parrrley in your face more frequently, just improve your Celestial Blessing ability instead of Radiant Blast to heal decently the wounds.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Okay so in this matchup the enemy gp will prolly be a dick and save his q's just to poke your hairy arse down,generally doran's shield gets pretty handy here negating some of that parrley dmg,all ins are obviously in your favor however GP can be quite an escape artist with his built in QSS,oranges,generally what you wanna do is save your E unless you absolutely have to use it for when he uses his oranges to outrun you so you can immediately pull him right back in and dunk his ass.If the lane gets hard get some early armor and look for all-ins when possible.Post 6 killing him gets harder if he saves his ult just for you as it slows you down whilst dealing some slight dmg.Another thing worth noting is making sure you either outmanevour or destroy his barrels as they can be quite stingy,as they ignore some armor too.
Dshield and second wind is a must.”
5Head Builds says “This champ is a constant barrage of Q poke with Grasp. Really Braindead. Just wait until you get items to challenge him because he can just poke you down.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Just ban idk. Gp has probably the kit built against Illaoi. He can just run out of your E and R, he deals True Damage and he slows you down with the barrels. I have yet to find a proper counter build to him”
ToothlessKnight says “Very skill dependent matchup. A great GP will never let you touch them with their kiting and barrel slows. He is annoying during lane phase but you need to shove early and control the lane or you will have a bad time. Deny his sheen purchase on his first back if possible as this is a huge item for him. He should never kill you in lane solo unless you eat too much q poke and lands a barrel combo. His W Orange cleanses your ultimate so it is important to try and get him to burn it before ulting him. Once you're lv9, it will be extremely hard for him to land combos because your W max will melt his barrels. I personally max W first still in this matchup, but I do know other Urgots who max Q to maximize your poke in lane since his only sustain is his orange. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “After his changes, he outscales super hard and is able to still beat you in lane via. trades if he takes grasp and bone plating. Don't trade without w as his early trades are still deceptively good. Avoid barrels, take anti poke runes, play with your team to beat him in 5v5s by flanking his backline or separating his team
Buffs made his laning and autos hurt a lot more. Trade when his passive is down and deny barrels or you'll need w to win trades.”
MrZoltannn says “Gankplank in early can poke the hell out of you, so go dorans shield against him. lvl 3 can be strong against him if you are going bruiser or assasin. at lvl 6 you get a powerspike against him, as you can E onto him Ult to wall, and theres the catch, dont instant W him, cuz he has his W with him, so Q and AA him as long as hes stunned (around 1-2 hits) and then dmg and stun him. you can go fast all-in if you ARE going assasin.”
xPetu says “Tips: Passive shield his Q and E poke. W every Q you can (prevents Grasp). When you E in, always kill his barrel on first AA and then focus him. Even if he W's perfectly your auto will hit barrel first.”
Stinkee says “Gangplank is not much of a threat in lane but he will outscale you. If he is good then you may actually have a bit of trouble in lane but most will GPs will be very easy to deal with. He will take minion aggro when he Q's you so if you can slow him with E or Q while he is tanking minions you will easily win a trade. If his orange is on cooldown he is easy to lockdown with CC and kill, especially with a jungler. I like to take Comet and max E against gp to poke him down hard and punish him when he tries to Q you.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Gangplank is all about last hitting his barrels, so try to get comfortable with preventing him, by last hitting them first. Gangplank can (W) cleanse our (Q), so try not to rely on using it to counter him, we can't (Q) his (Q). Barrels are priority focus because of their 40% Armor Reduction that they ignore especially late game, be aware of him past level 13 on that aspect. Regardless of what some people may say to you, getting in close to pop his first or second barrel before he sets it to chain into his combo is extremely important. If you can't last hit them, you'll always have problems dealing with this match-up.”
Anoying bro5 says “This is an iffy matchup and you might want to take Grasp runes. You can also take corrupting potions or dorans shield. His early game Q pokes with his grasp will hurt bad so you have to play around this. On his first back hes going to get sheen and do a TON of dmg from this point on. The only trades against him will be when you all in him with your full combo. Try to riposte barrels/ grasp Q/ passive burn, as these are the majority of his damage. If you use E to slow, wait for him to use an orange before riposte, and vice versa to make sure you keep him locked down. When he sits on a barrel, try to Q him and aa the barrel to disarm it and then go all in on him.”
lol Wero says “One of the hardest match up there is. Very Difficult to trade vs Gangplank from his Parrrley (Q). Powder Keg (E) and his Remove Scurvy (W) makes it even worse to trade vs GangPlank.”
BoilTheOil says “Try to play super aggressive levels 1-4 since that's where he's weakest. You want to get Plated Steelcaps against him as soon as possible because his Q spam hurts. Make sure you prioritize breaking the barrel over doing damage to him because it's his main source of damage (it also refreshes his passive), Sett's second punch makes it easy to break the barrel before Gangplank. He will probably have a massive gold lead on you so be wary of his items.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Complete cancer. Maybe there is a way to play this but I don't know of one. I'd just dodge because I hate this champion and don't understand why Riot buffed him.”
quinn adc says “I recommend Fleet for this match-up, though PTA is better to punish GP in lane.
Electrocute is good too, but you must be better than GP to succeed with this.
If you take bad trades with Electrocute or PTA, you will have a tough laning phase.
The choice is yours, and if you are playing against Easier GPs in lower elos, then PTA/E-Cute will be the better choice to win lane easier.
I recommend Fleet overall against GP though because GP can sustain quite well with his corrupting pots in lane along with W, and he also has reliable poke that is a lock on ability with his Q.
If you run fleet, you can sustain his poke in lane.
Level 1 Gangplank has no pressure to out trade you, so use your vault aggessively.
If Gangplank ever Qs you, retaliate with Vault + many Auto Attacks to win the trade.
Since most GPs run corrupting pot, it's very important to keep tab on if he has the pots active.
To check if he has a corrupting pot active, click on Gangplank's character and on the top-left of the screen, it will show the corrupting pot timer under his name.
Do NOT trade with Gangplank while he has corrupting pots active because these consumables grant him more damage while active.
Your goal in the early laning phase is to get GP to consume all 3 corrupting pots as soon as possible, and every time he uses one pot, back off until it wears off before you go in for trades.
Level 3 onwards the lane gets really fun. The most important interaction is to practice dodging his barrel explosing with your E, Vault.
To do so, when Gangplank explodes a barrel, he will try to throw one in front of you to hit a Double/triple barrel combo.
The key to time this correctly is when Gangplank explodes his first barrel, immeditately retaliate with Vault, and if timed correctly, Quinn will dodge the explosions from the other barrels.
Master this mechanic and GP has no chance in lane.
If he misses his Barrels, immediately run him down and launch your whole combo on his to get a big trade win.
Ideally, you want to land your Q on Gangplank in lane first, and if you land it, go in for a quick trade becasue Gangplank cannot retaliate with his Q since it is a lock on ability, which means you will get a free trade in lane.
Even if you are behind in this lane guys, when you get 1-2 items, you will be able to 1v1 GP ALWAYS because your crit build will provide enough damage to destroy him.
All you need are 2 crit items and you will out DPS him in 1v1s.
GP is a bad 1v1 champ, and you can think of him as a poke AD caster mage.
He is quite squishy for the most part, which means our crit build will do wonders later on :)
Side Note: Gang plank can win level 1 if he plays it correctly.
The only GP player that I ever struggled with level 1 was Solarbacca, the best GP in the world, but most GP players wont do what he does.
If you see GP with ignite start, be careful of his level 1 cheese.
He will poke you 2 times with his Q, and then he'll flash forward to AA you, and this AA is his passive so he gets MS from it.
When you flash away, he'll ignite and then Q grasp you to kill you.
Overall, you hard win level 1, but if the GP plays like this, just be a little mindful of long trades early game.
Also, Solarbacca rushed bramble into me last time I vsed him, which was not fun lol.
If you see bramble GP, go Kraken rush and wait for 1-2 items.
You win 1v1 with 2 items no matter what.”
Veng Shotz says “His grasp q poke will hurt but you will both end up trading evenly with q+comet. Play early game safely till you back and have enough items. Once you have lethality and enough haste you can just run him down over and over. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Gangplank is not that hard if you know how to dodge his barrels. Trade with him only if he uses his auto attack on a minion. Before going all in on him, try to make it look as if you want to ult him and once he uses his W, on the next engage, he's yours!
Start with doran's shield to avoid a lot of his early poke damage.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his Powder Keg as he can dish tremendous amount of damage. Try to fling him out of Powder Keg(E) range then auto-attack the Powder Keg. Avoid proxying to low health due to his Global Cannon Barrage(R).
(Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Deadman's Plate) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Gangplank, Singed without Powder Kegs) (Outscaling Edge: Singed)”
PH45 says “Really passive lane for most part as GP tends to play pretty safe early on. You can try to cheese him in the furthest bush near his tower, when he goes for the wave. His Q poke can be annoying so you kind of have to kill him before he pokes you down. You can deny his Q poke with your E but you run out of mana quickly that way. Try to bait out his oranges and when it's on cooldown then all in him. While fighting him prioritize destroying his barrels as otherwise he will slow you and chunk you hard with them.”
jpaul2077 says “Gangplank is one of the few champions I take tp into, the main reason being that GP's laning is very strong so it becomes hard to get good back timings without tp. Once you get your stridebreaker it get's easier to all in GP, just make sure that you W his Barrel Q's if you are not able to dodge it.”
At_Tar_Ras says “his Q poke is disgusting and ure prob gonna wanna go second wind dshield. auto his barrels on last hit if u can (but don't if u cant) or W it if it's about it hit. your gap closing and kit counter him but don't underestimate how much damage this guy does. it's ridiculous. if you hit E you can pretty much all in and bork makes it a free win i think. most GPs are bad that's why im struggling on where to put this matchup cause good ones make it seem like GP has no counterplay. dont let him barrel you for free and remember his MELEE auto attack can burn u for true damage, u might wanna wait till it's used before all inning.”
iZeal says “Respect his early game and don't eat his passive autos. Bait his barrels and dodge them with your E. Look for Ws for strong trading or all-ins. Trading Q1s for his Q is favorable if you don't take more damage from his barrels.”
SunFalk says “He his squishy. He his slow. He his easy to poke. - To deal with Gangplank, you need to poke him without going in his barrels range, try to destroy the barrels before he can for free money.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his Powder Keg as he can dish tremendous amount of damage. Focus on killing his Powder Keg before making a trade.
(Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Gangplank, Dr.Mundo without Powder Kegs) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo)”
slogdog says “Be wary as he has very powerful poke in the early levels. Easy to all-in however, due to the fact that he is immobile and has generally low attack speed.”
Raen says “Hard matchup for Jax and annyoing to play against him, bully lane and can kite you easily. Get fast tabi. Your E blocks his Q remember about it, when you jump on him first the most important thing to do is destroy his barrel not AA on him. If he used W it's ur time to go in and keep ur E for maximum length. Also keep and eye on his barrel stacks, if he runs out of barrels you can jump on him. Call your jngler for help since its tough matchup and nothing to do if GP isn't really bad.”
Hijitori says “The biggest problem is his W, which can remove your Q and W effects, also he can use it just at the moment when you wanted to feast on him.”
Xerath gaming says “BAN! in my opinion he is so unskilled against morde, he presses Q on you 3 times and half your hp is gone so even if u farm under turret he ends up killing you. If you ult him he just presses W and gets out (But you keep the ult stats for 7s still). Do not try to destroy his barrels since you have low attack speed. Just BAN him.”
SaltCat says “Level 1 if he waste his passive on minions and you have full pasive you can beat him, try to use your q to dodge his barrels, this match up can be either easy or super hard depending on both players skills”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his Powder Keg as he can dish tremendous amount of damage. Try to Pillar of Ice him out of Powder Keg(E) range then auto-attack the Powder Keg.
(Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Gangplank, Trundle without Powder Kegs) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Just watch his barrel placements, but pretty easy. You wall him and then call your ghouls in to mug him. Oranges can't save you from the spooky. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Start a D-Shield level one. Always block his Q with an E to negate his damage. Try to short trade him pre 6. Once it is level 6 you'll be able to just kill him unless he has flash. He doesn't have proper mobility so you can just run him down if he shoves his wave and is trying to get plates. ”
LoLReal says “This is a surprisingly annoying lane if the GP is good and takes grasp. He can poke us down early without us being able to answer. Wait for him to make a mistake and walk up too far and punish him with E.
Early tabis is essential. You'll have to be patient in this lane.”
Justkb says “This lane is very annoying for Darius! He will constantly poke you down with Q and Grasp. Make sure you rush Plated Steel Caps and take trades when he has used his barrels. If you are smart enough, you can AA W to destroy the barrels quickly. Try to fight him at level 3 with E and force early trades.”
P1Legend says “Smart timing can win you this lane. This is a skill matchup for sure, both of you will heal after trades, so its just a matter of who takes better trades. Prioritize jumping on his barrels instead of him if he is standing close to them. If he catches onto this and starts shooting them early, jump on a minion instead to bait him into triggering it, then jump on him. Use W -W while retreating to create some distance for after the trade”
MythicMike says “He can't poke you with his Q if your Q is up since you just Q him back and can also follow up with another if you have E. Depends heavily on if the gangplank can use his barrels well or not.”
lol Wero says “You get poked to death, he out sustains you from his healing and he can kite you easily when he tries to run away from you. he can also break out of your show stopper (ultimate) and facebreaker. Taking Fleet footwork is recommended in this match up.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “On surface level this matchup is pretty easy, but can be very annoying early. For the most part your Q/auto will be faster than anything but a GP melee or close range Q on the barrel. Which means free stacks for you. Don't take too much poke early though, as most GPs will go corrupting pot and Q you all day. Keep track of if he oranges during laning phase, which gives you a chance to Wither and beat him up for a while. ”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his Powder Keg as he can dish tremendous amount of damage. Try to Seismic Shard him out of Powder Keg(E) range then auto-attack the Powder Keg. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Gangplank, Even without Powder Kegs) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite)”
wDesired says “GP is basically a range champion which is already annoying to deal with but you need to not let him proc his grasp procs for free if he Qs trade back lvl 1”
Autolykus says “Take Fleet Footwork in this matchup. He will just spam q you until he runs out of mana early on. Then he will back to buy sheen and spam q you even more. Max W and just regenerate off your passive. He can orange your ultimate as well. Go bramble and plated steelcaps. If you wish to fight him in lane go Lethal Tempo and kill the barrels with the extra attack speed.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Poke matchup, you can phase if ud like but I prefer conq(depends on enemy team comp) He has alot of poke and can take u out unexpectedly with his ignite passive. If he gets too cocky you can pull him and ghost to all in.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his Powder Keg as he can dish tremendous amount of damage. Try to Primal Howl him out of Powder Keg(E) range then auto-attack the Powder Keg. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Gangplank, Warwick without Powder Kegs) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick)”
Fan22 says “Your passive gives you insane sustain, that combined with second wind and dorans shield makes GP poke almost useless, early game poke him and farm as much as you can.
After getting tanky enough he should not be a problem for Cho.
The worst part of GP for cho its his orange, wich removes CC and heals him, even still you should be fine since you can beat him with grasp and E if he gets to meele rangue.”
Kacto15 says “Campeón sin movilidad, le ganas fácil con sion full LETALIDAD, puedes hacer lo que quieras en este matchup, splitpushear, hacer peleas de equipo, lo que quieras”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his Powder Keg as he can dish tremendous amount of damage. Try to Facebreaker him out of Powder Keg(E) range then auto-attack the Powder Keg.
(Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Gangplank, Sett without Powder Kegs) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
montybucket says “After his mini-rework(2021), he lost his ability to bully you in lane with grasp. You don't need death realm to beat him. You out damage him and take all he dishes out. He will scale hard but by the time he becomes good, the game's already won. ”
MisterDerpFace says “His barrel and Q deal alot of damage, and he can free himself from your pull by eating ALOT of oranges.
Plated Steelcaps and grievous wounds is recomended here.”
TroviStyle says “[Grasp] Very annoying poke, can run away, cant be stunned by you. Wait for lvl 6 and try to all in him with ult + fulllife or ask for junglers help”
LegitLechner says “His orange cleans the tentacle slams. A good gp will not let you play lane. Just have to hit your e's and kite around his barrels. Your w can last them so something to remember to ruin the gp chain of barrels if you're quick enough”
OTP Toxin says “Read the notes of the GotU rune set, there is really no secrets against him. Charge your GotU in the minions and trade your AA with his Q. Note: Start with Corrupted Potion, he will start with one as well. Your AA will hurt more than his Q.”
SilverAvalanche says “He is basically a Q bot in lane, its like playing against a Vayne.
Survive his poke and get your red form and steam roll him after that. try and see if you cant roam or force a skirmish since it will be hard to get orbs from this guy.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Gangplank's a jerk, he just plays passively until he gets Grasp up and there's really nothing you can do about it. The orange sucks because he can just get out of your ult for free plus a heal. If you're looking to drag him under tower, try to stun him and get the orange out of the way, otherwise just let him push and keep farming”
MCSwavest says “Your autos ruin Gangplank's entire kit. Even late game, when his barrels prep quick, you shoot your double shot faster than he can proc it. Keep up the harass and his only damage will be from Q, and he'll be stuck backing every 5 seconds.”
Drake6401 says “You will want Randuins Omen at some point this game because he crits hard. Outplaying his Barrels is really the only way to kill him in lane because the slow is way too much for you to still catch him. Empowered Q is better in the early stages before you have much AD scaled up since he can cleanse the stun anyway. if you engage with your ultimate, it may be possible to get him to heal himself before your W, allowing you to get full value. Ghost is recommended so he can't kite you so easily. Either way, this is massively favorable to GP.”
A good Gangplank with Grasp is going to be impossible to beat as you can’t do much vs his constant Q spam. Not to mention how he gets the movespeed to kite you with his passive+barrels. Grasp also makes him quite tanky which makes him difficult to kill in an all in when you don’t have full health which is how you are going to be in most poke matchups. Doran’s Shield + Second Wind is a GREAT idea. Sorcery is only good if you are gonna snowball and kill him early. Treat him as you would any other ranged matchup. Let him push up and then run him down with Ghost. It helps to have Phase Rush sometimes as it lets you to keep chasing him through his barrels but sometimes, Conqueror allows you to have the damage to actually beat him. Vs Gangplank, having high attack speed is mandatory as without it, you will not be able to reliably hit his barrels before he does. And doing this is very important as Barrels are his main source of damage once he gets his items. You can try to auto+W to kill a barrel instantly. Catching him this way is easier thanks to Stridebreaker but the difficult part is surviving until you get it. You can bait him into exploding a barrel for free by juking in and out of it sometimes. A good Gangplank won’t be allowing you to touch the wave so give up minions if you have to. Your HP is more important than CS. Ping your team like crazy when you hit level 6 as GP can use his ult anywhere on the map. You can try to fight him to make sure he uses it in lane or just keep pressuring. But this way, you will be leaving yourself open to a gank so make sure you have at the very least a general idea of where the enemy Jungler is. On the bright side, if you kill Gangplank once, you snowball super hard on him and can kill him over and over again as long as you don’t play like an idiot. The worst part about playing vs Gangplank is that he can CS from a very long distance with his barrels which makes it difficult to freeze a lane against him.”
RivalOCE says “Start E Doran's shield and look to farm. E his Grasp Q's and prioritise autoing his barrel's in trades. Not only is this where a lot of his damage comes from, he gets MS boost, you get slowed so autoing his barrels over him is extremely worth. Abuse poor positioning and look to all in with ult/CDR items. You win at 40-45%.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - You want to Q him while not get poked too hard yourself.
- Avoid bushes, he can hide barrel in bush and combo you, this will chunk you really hard
- He's definitely hard but he shouldn't have a lot of kill pressure on you if you maintain your HP well.
- Try to get rid of his barrels whenever you can but don't risk it if you can't.
- You can bait out his barrel combo just by fake walking toward and away from him.
- He's deceptively tanky (Grasp GP) with his oranges, don't under estimate him and all in him thinking he's low enough! He runs too fast!"”
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
D-Shield + 2nd Wind is key.
Can look to all in at level 2-3 if you have cats ready to spawn.
The later the game goes the easier the matchup gets for Yorick.
GP has no dash, so if he gets trapped inside a wall he has to flash out or he's dead.
Amvill says “If it's a good gangplank, you lose. They know that you are all melee and will tell you how much they know that. One strategy I use is proxying since once he places barrels down you can just start running while they charge.”
Wawza says “He can poke you easily with his barrels, try to destroy his barrel with a quick dash to them before he can react to Q them. His W will not remove your W so he cant escape if you catch him out.”
sock217 says “Can play passive very well so you might have a hard time killing him, but he can rarely ever kill you. He IS a threat late game, however.”
Rhoku says “Gangplank is a very annoying lane for most bruisers and Mordekaiser is no different. You NEED second wind here. Basically, stand back level 1. Only use your Q. Don't go for an all in and don't go for minions. He will kite the shit out of you and Grasp+Q spam you into oblivion. Later on, you may walk up as hitting your pull means you stand a chance of doing anything. And even, a smart Gangplank will have barrels loaded up everywhere to slow you down and use his passive movement speed to walk away. You need Rylai's in this lane, as Protobelt is just not good enough on its own. Farm up and try to make sure you don't int him kills. He can use his orange to walk away from your Ultimate but you still keep the stats from it. It's hard but if you can keep him in a fight, you will edge a victory out. ALWAYS be sure to attack his barrels. Getting hit by them hurts a lot, especially after he gets sheen. He isn't too big of a threat other than annoying ranged poke though. Don't int, farm up and if you can't beat him, you can just be more useful in teamfights as most Gangplank players in soloq have no clue what theyre doing.”
YasTilt says “Really annoying because his Q, try to block it with your W. Take Anti-Heal because Grasp will allow him to regenerate a lot of HP. You can also take Randuin's Omen to reduce his Damage since his Build is focused around Critical Strikes.”
Heansuh says “It really depends on Gangplank, but good Gangplank is basically not winnable at all. Use your Q at his barrel and use E so that he can't melee or stay around it.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Armor+DShield) Gangplank can W to cleanse suppression from your R2. He is a good gank target. Use W to take down barrels fast. Farm from range to awoid Q poke. If GP uses W poorly - go for all-in.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Fleet Footwork and Second Wind. No chance you can ever reach him with is Q-Poke. He can cleanse your E - Facebreaker and R - The Show Stopper. There is not a lot to say - best you can do is play around teamfights and hope that the enemy Gangplank will do mistakes.”
COMO GANHAR: se por acaso ele for estupido e for te dar um aa liga ghost e come ele”
Avelon6698 says “If he's a gp 1trick you probably lost lane. if he is not a 1trick then just be wary of his barrels and show him you are boss of the toplane.”
Black Demon Ezel says “This dude and his w is annoying but all you have to do is deal enough damage and make him waste his W to save himself, and since it's a split second W, you can ult him immediately after and it will be just fine to deal finishing blows without worrying about his citrus”
Psychopathic Top says “Grasp autos are really annoying to deal with. Start three beads second wind, then on first back grab a dshield. This should completely neglect his Q damage, even post sheen. Dodge GP barrels by pretending to walk up but then backing away right after, to dodge the 2 part barrel. 2nd back get lucidity boots and farm for 3rd back sheen. At that point if the lane is relatively even, look to run him down. Early level wither is lower cd than Gp orange. This information allows you to wither, get his orange, then right after wither is back up go all in before his orange is up. 5 v 5s are easy as long as you win lane (solo kill).”
DippyDan says “Annoying ranged poke with short CD. Q is on-hit, so he will most likely go Grasp with Sheen for extra extra damage. Not worth to short trade. TIPS: [1] Farm till level 6 for All-in. [2] Parry Barrel damage, or Grasp Q whenever possible. [3] Only go for long trades after Parrying first Q.”
clalobaciel says “Gangplank is an easy matchup early, but once he hits his power spike it becomes annoying and he's capable to output serious damage. If you're able to get onto him and avoid barrels, it shouldn't be a problem to kill him.”
IvernLover74856 says “This guy's kit is designed to be kited and dodged. Bait him into prematurely barrelling, and if you're going to get hit by a barrel, Q out of it.
You win the fight with your E, Q and ignite if he doesn't hit his barrels and he isn't fed.
Note: Go divine sunderer and armour boots”
Rocking Masterock says “Even if his W gives him enough sustain, most of GP players will build Crit, starting with essence reaver, then going for Shieldbow, before he gets his Shieldbow tho, he's pretty vulnerable to poke, make sure to not get hit by many barrels, if you manage to get melee against him, try to dodge or even break the barrels before he explodes them, dont engage him.”
Paccu says “You can win fights, but he can cleanse your ult for free, what you wanna do is play aggressive to bait his orange for hp, then ult him IMMEDIATELY”
Krytiku says “You can contest barrels super easy with Q and if you fail the auto just E.
Run him down with autos at any point for free kills just play first few levels safe.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Dshield, second wind] If you take the correct runes this matchup is the freest you can get. Build enough sustain to survive through his mana bar worth of Qs. Then just walk at him and kill him. His barrels are easy to auto as Kayle. Ping his ult for your teammates.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield + Second wind to negate most of his poke.
What ever your team needs.
Destroy his barrels with your E. At 6 you can instantly destroy them at 2 health with your Auto reset.”
-------------------------------------- Intenta pokearlo cuando vaya a last hitear un minion con el aliento cargado o en su defecto hacer el combo (Básico Q Básico) ya que si no serán trades igualados y GP ganara por el sustain de la W y Aliento del Agónico.
Generalmente es un matchup donde ambos se infligen el mismo daño, una batalla ardua de desgaste en donde ganará el que menos errores cometa.
-----------Spamea su nivel 6 ya que con su R, puede sacar una ventaja absoluta en otras líneas sin abandonar la suya.
Esquiva sus barriles de polvora o aprende los tiempos del barril para infligir el último auto ataque y destruirlo caso contrario te infligirá una cantidad ridícula de daño. ”
SunOak says “Dodge his barrels at all costs they deal a lot of damage. Otherwise I recommend running Glacial augment and all inning him when ever you can. Start Dorans shield”
Sidrome says “If GP didnt suck at the current meta I would put him in even, but since he is really squishy and really easy to get on him I put him in minor because the only thing u need to is to dodge the barrels (to help that you will be with the phase rush set up so you can avoid the keg's slow) and avoid taking damage before level 3.”
Nepy says “Vai de Conquistador. Empurre lentamente as 3 primeiras waves e se lembre de comprar poção de refil e armadura de pano. Fazer bota de armadura contra ele o mais rápido possível porque o Q spam dele dói. Depois de fazer as botas, você provavelmente pode começar a correr para ele e usar o E. Certifique-se de priorizar quebrar os barris em vez de causar danos a ele, pois é sua principal fonte de dano (também reseta a passiva dele), o segundo soco do Sett torna mais fácil quebrar os barris antes de Gangplank. Ele provavelmente terá uma enorme liderança de ouro comparado a você, então provavelmente você não vencerá uma luta.”
Alan234 says “Go Fleet Footwork, if you struggle a lot in this matchup take second wind.
Get control of the wave early and keep pushing. I take Dorans ring with 2 pots, but you can go dorans shield to survive the lane. Trade through his corruption potion while blowing through your potions and dont back down. Try to use bushes to block his vision and make qs harder. Spam ping your teammates once he is lvl 6, or else they die like bonobos. Practice barrel last hit timings and kill them before he can set anything up, else he can zone you. Bait him to use his combo if the GP is good by walking up to cs and then instantly turning around. At around lvl 9 when he has essence reaver and you have nashor you are actually stronger than him and you win most all ins.”
TXK_ says “Save your ultimate for after his cleanse has been used as it counters your ult completely. Time it so he has placed barrels beforehand as they're not taken with him within your ult. Dorans shield + Second wind can make early game more manageable.”
Mr. Popper says “Gankplank outscales you know matter what you do. To compensate this you should play aggro into him. dont be stupid and take free Q's (Parrrley) poke him out gain a lead and do your best to play smart and stay ahead. Ninja Tabis are a must for the matchup.”
aurus666lol says “Easy, he will only poke with Q with Grasp. They nerfed a lot of his items, but buffed his kit. His strong pros are Healing from W, Q with Grasp and Divine Sunderer. if he goes it. Destroy his Kegs and you are in home. ”
JaxIsAHobo says “After the recent nerf to his Q, GP has become a much more tame matchup compared to how he was before. Generally, you want to not engage on him prior to 6. Let him use his Q on you if he doesn't have fleet footwork or grasp of the undying up, but use your counterstrike to block his Q if he does early. Play passive, and wait for your jungler to come or just farm up until 6. At level 6, if you have plated steelcaps or a vamp scepter, you should be able to run him down with ease or trade relatively easily into him by autoing a minion twice, then leaping(Q) and auto + E-> W, then disengage or keep going depending on the situation. Still a very challenging matchup if you dont have low ping.”
Catlover765 says “your blind ain't gonna block is Q and he can brush it off with his vitamin c. Even if you can break his barrel, his Q alone is more than capable of dealing a ton of damage to you,”
MrShykun says “UN MATCHUP PLUTOT DIFFICILE CONSIDERER LE COMME UN RANGE TOP NE VOUS PRENEZ PAS TROP DE Q VOUS POUVEZ AA + W LES BARRILS PRENEZ LES TABIS AUSSI VITE QUE POSSIBLE VOUS LE GAGNER SUR UN ALL IN ALORS ESSAYER DE NE PAS PRENDRE DE DEGATS INUTILE IL EST ASSEZ VULNERABLE AU GANKS DONC ESSAYER DE TRAVAILLER AVEC VOTRE JUNGLE PRENEZ CONQUEROR N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE PING A VOTRE EQUIPE LORSQU'IL POSSEDE SON ULTIME. Un bon gangplank qui joue poigne va être impossible a battre car vous ne pourrez pas faire grand chose contre le Q spam avec brillance surtout que vous aurez besoin de beaucoup d'hp pour pouvoir l'all in ce qui sera rarement le cas et pourra toujours vous kite avec les barils et son passif prenez bouclier de doran et second souffle ou bien manteau nuageux si vous pensez pouvoir le tuer en early traiter le comme un range top laisser le push et courez lui dessus avec le ghost si vos hp le permette essayer d'acheter de l'attaque speed (ex:estropieur) pour détruire les barils plus vite que lui qui rappelons le sont sa source de dégât vous pouvez également rentrer et sortir des barils pour le bait un bon gangplank vous empêchera d'accéder au cs n'hésiter pas a sacrifier quelques cs pour conserver des hp qui vous permettront de tenter un all in. Si vous le tuer en revanche vous pourrez le snowball hard et le tuer encore et encore le plus chiant et que il peut farm a distance avec ses barils rendant le freeze difficile contre lui.”
SemPelo says “Go in with 3 or 4 stacks of your passive, use W and he is gonna most likely use his so hit him with an empowered Q. Second point on Q at level 3 can help you trading with him.
Doran´s shield is also nice to build.
On runes you can take "second wind" to trade better.”
GlaDyOfficial says “He is also very annoying, he can use his ability to escape from your stun or ult. Is fast and annoying.
Ban him if Jax is already banned.”
Vandenelis says “he can bully you out hard early, if he goes grasp and spams his q on you, you can heal back with your passive, watch out for his early all in and him eating an orange and healing back hp when you are ulting him. you should be equal in power at level 6 and easily beat him at level 11 if you are not behind.”
Bombabo says “Prepare to eat 10,000 Q's in the early laning phase. He will outpoke you by a landslide, but you will beat him in a close-up fight. Keep in mind that he can use his W to cleanse your ult, so don't use it if you think he has it ready.”
DarkyTheReal says “This is a tough matchup if the GP is a good player. Because he can just poke you down and a good GP will take steel plates against you. You want to start level 1 with Doran's shield and E, so you can block his poke, wait till level 6 and remove is bone plating, after that just go for an all-in.”
XtheZ115 says “Really, it's a farm off. He can W out of your slow and keep you zoned with his barrels, but you also are too tanky for him to trade with. He does more damage upfront, but your poison eats at him badly enough where he backs off before you can kill him. Proxy farm him to be safe, or try and shut him down early.”
apkibum says “Teemo vs GP is literally the best matchup in the whole game. You can easily bully him through the whole lane. Hes easy to kill and doesn't have much range outside of his barrels. Hes my favorite to fight.”
SettVEVO says “BORINGGGGG. It's a ranged matchup. Take D shield and Second wind. Farm as much as you can without dying to poke. He can W your E stun so no guaranteed Ws with this guy unless you saw him eat oranges before. He'll look forward to W your ult so that sucks. Just try to E him when you can to trade. Just like any other ranged matchup. If he tries to use his passive you use your E when he runs away to pull him back. He scales well and isn't really good to ult at all. Choose another guy to ult in teamfights and kill him if you can't reach the adc first.”
Byku2506 says “Begineer GP is weak, but you dont have chance against good GP, he can easily beat you ass by poking you with Q and slowing you with barrels. But at early game and before his 6 you have chance to kill him”
Spiderfork says “Mainly just a poke lane. If you have a good sense of timing on his barrels, you should be able to deal with him to an extent. Be weary of his oranges when trying to stun.”
RTO says “A Good GP will put barrels under him and make it impossible to trade him. You may win 1v1s, but his team fights are much better. I ban him every time. Take Dorans Shield.”
Fryx says “Gangplank is one of the hardest champs in the game. He can be extremely annoying with his q and can block your slow with W. You will not have an easy time getting to his kegs but I think by staying aggressive with Q and W Trades you both will get chunked pretty hard and you will have a much greater use later on. On lane getting Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis will make it much easier. Skill matchup”
wff010 says “Literally a ranged champion and you can't convince me otherwise. Get a D shield. If you ever get to walk up to him, you win the fight. You should win this matchup post 6, just make sure you bait out his orange with your E so that you can stay on him in the fight with your ult.”
RTO says “You can't CC him he can just cleanse it, he can poke from range with his barrels. Wait for ganks, build tanky, stun him when his cleanse is on CD. Play around your own CDs.”
LoLReal says “Moderately annoying early as he can poke us down hard with Q and grasp. Build early tabi in this lane and try to concede early CS without taking too much damage. We win hard post 6 so just survive the miserable early lane. Trade back if you see an opening but vs a good GP we don't win early.”
Vispectra says “Another AD champ , another rough match up. This isn;t the worst because you can dodge his barrels pretty darn easily with your Rift-Walk , however his Q poke in lane can be quite the pain in the ass , also care for that passive , it does a lot.”
qosmox says “This is my ban for everygame. This man is scary. With his q range, he pokes you and you need to block it with your passive shield or w. But he scales so big and his w counters your all-in's. I suggest you ban it.”
SanLourdes says “Gangplank will be a poke machine with his Q, but he won't be able to deal enough damage to kill you. Watch out for his barrel placement. You can use your Q and bully him every time he comes up to CS. Because the stun of your Q usually means death to him in the early game, he will waste his cleanse. Use your ult when his cleanse is down. Once you scale you will be too tanky for him to deal with.”
CucumberSandwich says “I haven't played too much of this matchup, but I feel like it slightly favours Amumu. You can't do much early, but there is kill pressure once you hit 6. Try to dodge his barrels and not walk up too much early, as his early poke could force you out of the lane.”
Viego99 says “skill match up in gp favor.hi kill you if you eat every e .but you kill him if you catch him with need outscale viego but your tf is better.”
RainAndBow says “Break his barrels. His Q will let him proc grasp very often, and his harass is very irritating to deal with. Nothing much can be said here. Just don't die, farm up, powerspike.”
Dbthegamer74 says “You take D shield and Q level one into this match up avoid taking poke.Try to safely CS until you have boots and items. Avoid his barrels don't take poke from them. Use your jungler to gain advantages for lane.You can easily kill him in an all in if he miss steps.”
calbino says “As it stands, one of Aatrox's only good matchups is GP. He can't do much if you hit W, but his constant sheen/grasp procs get annoying. Respect his damage, but for the most part, you beat him.”
RareParrot says “start cloth armor and outsustain him, be careful of barrel chains as they slow and give him hella dmg and ignite on gp+passive does 300 dmg so if he has the chance to auto you at 500 hp flash away.”
Jaori says “A hard match-up. Probably the hardest one. Ask your jungler to play around top, one gank should do the trick. After reaching a certain advantage, you should be able to just run him down.”
ForgottenProject says “[1]Take Corrupting Pot as Starting item.
[2]Dont fight him pre-level 6 and just try to get as much farm as possible.
[3]You can Burst him down when you hit level 6. Dont be scared to walk to his barrels and destroy them if hes farming back.”
ForgottenProject says “Havent played this matchup yet, every gangplank I play vs has banned Gwen. So it makes me think shes hard for him.
Use W to block Q+Grasp Proc or his barrels. ”
Sopachi says “At all points of the game you just run over Gangplank. He can Orange (W) out of your Q but it still leaves him completely helpless. Your mobility is greater than his barrel placement/prediction of where you will dash from, making him an easy opponent to constantly run down and snowball from. Easy lane unless against very seasoned Gangplank mains.”
Papa Urgot says “Can orange out of your realm and harras you quite savely. however this matchup is doable you have to rush a rylai's and tabis. once you hit him once there is no escape when he is to deep. remember that your ult removes his current barrels.”
SavagePridestalker says “GP isn't really countered by tank Rengar, his passive and barrels will go through most of your armor and since you are tank, you will have trouble killing him 1v1.”
a1a7s45 says “GP's laning phase is oppressive. Go Doran's Shield and Second Wind to remedy this. Your level one is stronger than his. Take poking runes like Scorch to match GP's poke. Bait him to put the barrels wherever you're not fighting him. If he's got barrels in the alcove and brushes, play in the river and vice versa. If you're in the river, watch for jungle ganks.
Come mid game, please ping your carries not to go near him. One barrel can one shot an ADC.”
oogoogerson says “This is a super annoying matchup. You will lose a lot of trades. You kind of need to go all-in to kill Gangplank. Once you both hit 6 you are now ahead of him. Bait his R out while using Ghost to escape it and let yourself heal. Take Ignite to reduce his healing during fights.”
MachDawn says “Annoying he can W your E or Ignite if you take. If you dont win against him early he has very high dps if not played well against late not hard matchup though.”
Safolet says “This is a balanced confrontation, since at the beginning of the game, you will only have the Q, W and E, so you can only dodge a barrel combo with the E, and that's it, it will be difficult for you to fight against him. , until you have the MegaGnar, that although before level 6, you have few advantages, you can jump on the minions to achieve double jump and thus use the Pre-level 6 combo: W, Basic Attack, Q, Basic Attack. Starting at Level 6, this matchup will be a blast while in MegaGnar, as you will have 2 stuns so that Gangplank cannot get out of both. Here I recommend starting with the W in the combo and after Gangplank is released from the first stun you use the R. If Gangplank does not release from the stun to wait for the R, try to throw Gangplank as far away from his tower so that he is simply with less security.”
Ganii7 says “The poke in general is very risky in early game, the normal thing against a gamplang dodge the barrels and trade using the w to denay aa or q.”
SethPRG says “Feels like you're fighting a ranged champion, but at any time you just win against him if you're in punching range. In the early levels, you can break his barrels faster than he can so be sure to do this as best you can, otherwise, you could lose the fight. Ping your team when he gets level 6, he becomes a bit scary then. When you ult him GP can use his W to cancel it, so use this to either strategically place yourself in front of his minion wave to E stun him, or just bait out his orange first before you ult him. Try to bait his barrels by walking close to him when he has one placed, then quickly sidestep back to where you were. In this matchup, it's bad if you're playing passive because he will just eternally farm grasp procs and barrels on you while shoving in, so you need to play aggressive on him, just be careful if they have ignite. Stridebreaker is super good here, but Trinity Force will melt a GP if they're behind. Getting a Sheen in this matchup and building into Bramble Vest feels pretty good. Plated Steelcaps is good eventually, go Death's Dance 2nd or 3rd item.”
joelspaho121 says “Darius favored generally.
d shield with sorc tree.
grasplank only becomes a pain in the ass to deal with on early levels because of insane q poke so your goal should be to let him push into you by giving up cs and then as soon as you notice he has overextended dont hesitate to fight him because his extended fights are really bad because it all resolves around the position of his barrels. His w is also very useless because he cannot time it well enough in order to cancel your E so a good gp player will only look to cancel the slow from your w so they dont get hit by your q. There is nothing really much to this match up just be wary of where you are so you dont take unnecessary barrel damage while trading and don't eat too much poke by greeding for cs.”
El Leon Gnar says “Gangplank has strong early damage with his Q and passive, go Doran's Shield v.s. him and try to trade at max Q range so he can't shoot back.”
DaSticks says “You win trades vs him early. Last hit his barrels where possible. Force him to use Q to farm so he runs out of mana. Try and pay attention to how many barrels he has stored (He can only hold 3 and they take a long time to recharge early)”
Godidi says “Even? But you're ranged, you can destroy his barrels! Sure, you can, if you're against a bad GP, but, a good gp will chain his barrel with another to slow you and speed him up, walk to you and stab you to death (although you can blind his passive). It's a skill machup, depends on who's better.”
XteelRO says “In laning phase look for opportunities to inflict free damage, example when you get lvl2 before him, strike him with you're E and end his carrer. After 10 mins he will start to deal immense amount of damage so you need to time you're W's and Q's almost perfectly to avoid death.”
majororange77 says “Full info in Guide.
Actually a bit of an annoying matchup, since he can poke, sustain and disengage, as well as scale pretty well.”
Kaizin says “As with most "ranged" matchups, use the bushes to avoid auto attacks or in this case Gangplank's Q. You can start Doran's Shield if you're worried about sustain but generally you can survive laning phase. Just bide your time, take what farm you can get, XP is the most important factor early game. Once you're level 6 you can force an all in, make sure that he uses his orange for your ult rather than your Q. Place your E behind him if he starts running that way he's slowed again. If you're farming or fighting gangplank and he places a barrel, try to either last hit the barrel or walk unpredictably that way he has a harder time aiming the second/third barrel.”
NPGRiven says “If you are confident enough in your fast Q combo, you can level 1 all-in cheese him in the bush closest to his tower as he walks to farm minions. This matchup I'd take DShield and Second Wind just to have extra sustain against his poke. At level 6 you can easily all-in him if he opts to go sheen first. You should look to block as many of his Qs with your E, and avoid getting hit by barrels.”
I am so chill says “he will poke you all game can dodge his barrel with e or take 2 auto attacks with the animation cancel from ur e and break it.If you hit 1st q knock up point.Go for a trade.Definetly dorans shield.”
UlisesFRN says “Gangplank is a very strong top laner. Great Poke, great zone, good trades, good sustain.... He is solid all the duration of the game so pretty much try to farm and dont get hit by his barrels. If he goes to cocky you can punish him with a Q+E plus a well timed W is key to win trades. Try to roam for kills to get ahead and if he goes in melee range for a minion kill punish hard. The most important thing is to not eat the barrels”
CaptianMike says “Buy doran's shield for sustain. He pokes hard with his Q, and his Q will also proc Kleto or Grasp of the Undying for him. You will only be able to kill him if he makes a mistake, you get a gank, or its post level 6. Your ultimate is stronger than his in terms of dueling power. Dont force anything though, just take advantage of this farm lane.”
ApollonATH says “Skill matchup. The better player will win this lane . It is all about outplaying your opponent and not getting hit by unnecessary poke and try your best to AA or W the barrels before you get poked out of the lane . You get outscaled”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
Super rare to see but if you do pray, they have no idea what they are doing. He is going to poke you down with his Q. His W will heal him and works as a cleanse too. His E does a lot of damage so either destroy it as fast as possible or get out of its range with E. ”
deathwalker7119 says “Probably your hardest matchup as Fiora. Take revitalize + second wind second, but you don't have to go fleet, you can take grasp, fleet, or conq (up to you and how confident you are). You need to parry his passive or a barrel, but usually his passive. You have to Q out of barrels or you will get shit on, while also Qing into him otherwise he will spam Q until you die. When he Rs, you need to get outside of it as the MS slow will slow down your Q and make popping ult impossible. Again, this matchup is extremely hard and definitely worth the ban if you're willing to face malphite.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Gankplank can't really fight you head on early game, you need to play it smart and stay away from the barrels while engaging as soon as you can”
Snow Day Zoe says “haha bullet go pew
doran shield passive second wind ez
you can even go 3 beads to troll :)
You have to watch out for his W tho if you are tower diving.”
XPRflew says “You will need to farm under tower because Gankplank will just keep on poking you with his q and you can just life steal when he his no mana you can finally fight Gankplank unless you have no mana and not lv 6
XPRflew says “Gangplank is annoying because he can cleanse your ultimate with his w so you'll want to save your ultimate until after he w, this matchup he is just annoying and safe which makes it hard to get any type of lead, you can auto and use your W to clear his barrels quickly, early lane is also kind of hard so don't get chunked out to much by eating to many free Q's.”
Womsky says “Lane survival setup, Well, he is kinda broken, but not for trynda, go lane survival and survive early by spamming Q as he spams his Q, no need to go hard early, you can go hard on him with trades after level 6 with your tiamate, when he is low, ghost and beat his ass up, if you beat him up in the barrel games thats even better, you will destroy him with style, another thing to keep in mind before going on him early, u can wait him to waste is passive on minions by auto attacking them, so u can go in for a trade, cause his passive is pretty annoying as it slows u, does damage, and makes him zoom around.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “It is generally an easy lane but if you are against someone good at gangplank it can be a bit troublesome. I recommend avoiding fighting at level 1 and starting E and just letting him push you in early on. You can build up passive under tower and look for fights after. You will win all ins granted that you hit your E and have passive from the start. Try to only go for all ins if you are over 75% hp. Anything else he can easily beat you with grasp procs and auto/Q/his passive. After 6 it gets a bit easier as you can open up with ult and 5 stacks and you can land your E on him with the slow. It is fairly easy to beat him as long as you land everything. You beat him until 3-4 items assuming you don’t fall behind.”
tibs2 says “Worst Poppy match up in the game. Take second wind, Doran shield (cosmic>tonic), and any% speedrun your tabis. This match up is all about buckler usage, pressure his barrels with your ranged autos or just walk into one with your shield forcing him to use it when you are shielded. If you ever have to play this match up I wish you luck my friend. ”
Patsito says “W his q's, I recommend going ignite, if you trade always be careful with his barrels, try to destroy them and always take short trades, avoid engaging with e, you want to run away with it.”
XD001 says “Mid GP is really annoying due to his sustain and constant poke. If you do end up landing a good stun in lane he can just Remove Scurvy (cleanse) and run away for free. Do your best to dodge barrels and play around their CD's if he ends up wasting them. Focus on CSing well and eventually in mid-late game you will nearly 1 shot him and the backline if he isnt too tanky by then.
Gangplank outscales Ekko
electrocute + sorcery/inspiration + tp/ignite (if you want to kill and snowball)
if the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination”
Noodles912 says “You scale a bit better than him, but he has insane early poke. Freeze, farm, break his barrels, and you will be fine. If he ults you, or is about to hit you with 2 or more barrels, W and protobelt will save you. Just farm to when you are the monster. Key tip: When he uses Q, you must respond with your Q too.”
Buszman says “He'll want to be clever and use his W on your W, but he didn't anticipate that you still have a Q. In theory this is a difficult lane, but who knows how to play Gangplank?”
ThiccCheese1066 says “Gangplank is gangplank. Gonna barrel your ass when you're brawling, heal when you're brawling, ult when you're brawling. His entire kit is an annoyance to you and you either need lots of ganks or just pray he's bad”
kohyss says “This lane depends on how good enemy Gp is. You will need to hit you E. Save your ult for enemy jungler or if he wastes his oranges. Take second wind.”
PiscesPomf says “HARD MATCH-UP
Before level 6, he will be really annoying with his poke. Just stay safe and farm. When you hit lvl 6, you can be mor confident and try to kill him.
Remember that you can destroy the barrels !
His fruit will remove your E slow or your W slow, so wait for him to use it before you use your other slow.
Parry his barrels or his Grasp Auto.”
teemodumbstupid says “Phase Rush with E max is strong into gangplank because you can E him every time he tries to Q you. If your team has an important CC ability, use your W on him to get him to use his Orange. You don't want to W max just for him, because he can use his own W to remove the slow.”
Urgodzilla says “Annoying point-and-click poke, cancels your R with his W (this is kinda bullshit, imagine powerful ultimate being cancelled by a basic ability).”
Oskarl3 says “his w can cleanse your cc combo, and his q will poke you down in lane. but if you can get into melee range with your ultimate and all in him you win very hard.”
Tsundere Tahm says “Gp es un match up complicado pero no imposible, espera a que se deposicione, tiene mucho daño pero no aguanta mucho, si se gasta la naranja es tu momento de brillar.”
negoZoma69 says “Difficult lane for AP Neeko and almost unplayable for AD Neeko. If he's good you need to be able to break his barrels otherwise the lane is doomed. You can take grasp to retaliate his Q but it's not like it will win you this lane.”
Draconic56 says “He outranges you and can poke you with Q's. Play safe level 1 and when you hit level 2 you can try to pull him in for some poke damage. a smart Gangplank will have barrels loaded up everywhere to slow you down and use his passive movement speed to walk away. You need Rylai's in this lane, as Protobelt is just not good enough on its own. Farm up and try to make sure you don't int the kills. He can use his orange to walk away from your Ultimate but you still keep the stats from it. It's hard but if you can keep him in a fight, you will edge a victory out.”
SanLourdes says “Gangplank is probably one of the most annoying matchups you will go against. Watch out for his barrel placements and you MUST keep an eye on his W. DO NOT ULT HIM. It is just not worth it unless you literally see him use it in front of your eyes and you have your ult ready then and there to use. He will cleanse your ult otherwise. Take Doran's Shield and build Sorcerer's Shoes. You outscale him, but his abilities can counter yours. In this matchup it is worth it to use Ghost to run him down and make sure you get a kill ahead and establish dominance in your lane. If he has lane control, he will fill it with barrels and keep poking you with his Q, denying you CS and doing all the other annoying things in the world while you watch helplessly.”
Kokob5 says “A good GP is probably Mordekaiser's hardest match up because of his W. A good GP will punish you repeatedly and keep his W for your all in. Always last hit his barrels if he drops them during fights so he can't reset his passive. A way around your ult being countered is to take Phase rush and run him down and force him to use W for the heal and then ult to trap him.”
Thats a OOF says “Fleet. Passive his Q and E poke. W every Q you can (prevents him from stacking up his grasp) When you E kill his barrel and then gp because of that barrel damage. You can W his passive autos.”
SleeplessX says “Give up CS as needed so he doesn't murder you with free grasp Qs. A gank will be greatly appreciated to breathe a bit but won't magically make you strong enough to 1v1 him, his kit is too good against yours”
pioj12 says “He has a lot of poke damage but not a lot of kill potential, you will be using fleet runes to not get poked out of lane.
Try to destroy his barrels as often as possible and all in him when you have mega, he doesn't have a lot of 1v1 if you destroy barrels
zzepic says “Bullies you at all points in the game. My personal ban. Do not take grasp in this lane, you will never be close enough to proc it without taking too much poke back to make it worth it.”
raede says “Gankplank is annoying, true but after around level 3 he is much weaker than you. If you just run revitalize and take the beating for a bit you can easily kill him before level 6. At level 6 you are much stronger and should try to kill him as much as possible.”
Zac Petista says “Com o Early Game muito forte, o GP abusa do Zac sempre que ele vai farmar, ganha muita movespeed, causa muito slow, além de sair de controles de grupo com a laranjinha dele e matar sua passiva com um único barril. Procure fazer trocas rápidas com Q+W+E. Tente abusar do power spike do seu nível 6.”
Lunarisen says “The only thing Gangplank can really do is poke you with barrels and his Q, so when you see barrels; stay out of their range but aside from that, just use W to mitigate most of his dmg.”
SirPandus says “Cringe lane where Gp just chunks you with his Q + Grasp and e lands only if the Gp walks up a couple steps. E whenever he walks up to auto as that's the only time you can catch him. After 6 it will be hard to kill but not impossible as you can use your ult or e to force his orange then you can execute, just auto him to death with your W if he just drags out the ult duration (do not press ult immediately, Gp is waiting for the moment to grab so his orange is used at the perfect moment). What usually ends up happening is they do not get to use their orange and you don't get your ult off but your W just kills him.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “A good GP player will make your life a hell. It's almost impossible to ouplay him overtime, you wont outscale him... just try to beat him with your jungler. Do your best to doesnt feed him”
RetiredPykeMain says “Also a really annoying and tough matchup for shen take sustain runes.
W any q he throws at you, use your passive to block his q or e too.”
timeinabottle says “his barrels are a problem because u can't dodge them and he can free himself from your E's taunt with his W try getting help from your jungler early on ”
Rime101 says “Ignite, electrocute, Q max
if he has grasp just farm with your Q until level 6. He has a LOT of poke with Q + sheen + grasp dont let him use it”
Alekra says “Second Wind is mandatory. Maybe double armor in runes. You almost have zero killpressure due to his barrels and oranges. Garen is not that bad into him as some may think, as his sustain is pretty good but don't underestimate his damage with ult and passive.”
Erenando says “He is no threat until he gets his sheen. Just get yourself spirit visage asap and heal up against his Q pokes. His barrels also give you stacks, so make sure to abuse them.”
GrGamingTeo says “This lane is not extremely hard but is extremely boring and GP is a big pain in the ass during lane phse. A good GP is anoyingly patient and will never waste his barrel. If you even dream of geting cs you will get barreled, you will get Qed, you will get AAed and eventually all-ined and killed if the GP takes ignite. At the begginig of the game concider going to tribush with W and wait for him to come back to his lane so you can give him a bad start and he might evem havr to go back after that and you get free cs. Alternatively you can poke him down with Q during the lane phase before he hits lv2 so you have a health advantage. Take Phase Rush and if you get barreled and ulted he is just going to die. The only problem is that his passive deals true damage and his E ignores armor so you need to become one tanky sob (plated steelcaps, stridebreaker, sterak's gage)”
Drumastermunch says “You both have the dmg, always poke him back, and be smart managing your minion wave, you will have a lot of kill opportunities on this guy, but a mistake can put you out of lane quick too.”
4fun Player says “This can be easy but if you play in not Monkey elo its hell.
Dont trade pre lvl 7 and Seekers. if you survived and arent 2 lvls down you can start poking him.
You cant match his early game AT ALL.
He goes Biscuit grasp timewarp and if you trade that happen:
His q outdamages you, you re under tower because he has 4 healthbars because of his corrupting biscuits. Farmed to 700 Gold, Tps at tower and starts chunking 1/4 of your hp with each Q.”
LunaticDancer says “Not that threatening to Yorick, as often your ghouls farm for you so you don't even need to get into the barell range, and his pistol poke is easy to heal back up. Still can be dangerous in right circumstances, but you generally outtrade him really hard.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
He just pokes you with Q. It's hard to cs without taking damage. A good GP will stand on his barrels and you can't hookshot onto him. If your jungler camps this lane its super free. Try to R his barrel damage.”
SpyDaFX says “Annoying matchup, try to avoid his barrels and go for big trades level 2. u can play safe if you're worried until level 6, which you should win because his ult kinda useless against yours (Q healing with ur ult doesn't matter if he ults). go Conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Just another Poke Lane, but quite easy to beat. If he barrels near you, simply AA + W to instantly kill the barrel. If you know he is about to Q you and there is a low health minion near you, Q the minion to get the Phage MS and pull him in. Keep your distance from him if he is standing next to his barrels that you can't reach because he will surely get free Damage in. As soon as you have Stridebreaker this matchup becomes 10 times easier.”
mobsterplatypus says “I'm only putting him this high up because, one, his W allows him to escape the death realm (BY EATING AN ORANGE), and two, he slows you quite a bit. Thornmail would be optimal especially if he's running divine surrender here, but chances are he's building trinity force for extra Q damage. Build cosmic drive for less CD and more MS, and build armor.”
Bear24 says “Top 3 most tilting champions to play against. All in or nothing. Cna orange your stun and his barrels slow you. So dodge them. Can out sustain you with time warp tonic. ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “He will spam Q on you but if you can last hit barrels you're fine. His W can't cancel your E. Beware of playing this lane as proxy because a good GP player will ult you as you execute to get free kills. I'd suggest dorans shield start to negate his Q's damage.”
Whobick says “RIP Barrels. I wake up in the middle of the nigh sometimes imaging barrels blowing up around me. Ok jokes aside, the Gangplank rework killed us. The barrels do so much damage mid and late game that it is so hard to go against him. You do a decent job early, but mid and late game, he just uses a freaking orange to heal from Undertow (Q)”
Devilofthewest says “So i put gangplank as a 5 for newer pantheon players, a seasoned panth probably around 3-4. Heres what to expect here, when you fight him you will be able to kill him early at levels 3-6 but once he starts rolling out those barrels and poking you he will get CS lead. For many Pantheon players the early portion of the game will be a nightmare. My reccomendation would be to choose Conqueror or if you want to play very safe choose aftershock. Personally i rush black cleaver first against this guy then build plated steel caps. If you are losing its probably better to go tanky for your team.”
kingchas2 says “Gangplank is pretty weak right now, but his poke is still very potent. If you walk up to farm and take too many of his Q's you are going to have to back too many times to get any levels or farm. Play away from bushes as GP's like to leave barrels in there to chain together. ”
ModelitoTime says “One of the most annoying matchups for Urgot. If the Gangplank is really good, no one really dies in this matchup. He is really fast, has poke and he can escape your ult with his orange. just keep distance from his barrels, and him. If you do that then you should be good. Take a dorans shield because he can poke alot with his gun. If you do want to secure a kill in this matchup your best bet would be to E+flash him. *remember to only ult him if his orange is on cd*”
ChevalierArlo says “Dê prioridade ao escudo de doran. A build anti-ranged funciona aqui, mas Aperto certamente é melhor. Evite os barris e priorize prender ele quando ele estiver sem barris e laranjas.”
xxskipskipxx says “Farm safely and try to E his Q when you go for farm.
If there is no minion that is low dont stand in his Q range.
At lvl 3 you can start trading with him !! Watchout for his barrels and AA them right before they go from 2 HP to 1 HP! ”
Dannala says “His poke is high but his all in is a bit weaker early on, especially if you kill/dodge the barrel. Going ignite against him would help to lower his healing and finish him off. Handling his barrels to avoid him killing your spiderlings is important.
He got a high amount of movement speed when he shoots his barrels which may be difficult to handle if timed well and he can remove your stun with his heal. His late game damage is very problematic even if you build bruiser/tank.”
ineptpineapple says “Easy peasy you simply win this match up he is anti melee and you are rangedas long as you are sensible and dont fall into his barrels you are pretty much guaranteed this lane.”
Heckin says “Easy lane, he will poke you, but will run out of mana, so you can just shill in this lane, take short trades. Also his barrels count towards your W passive this also applies to Illaoi's tentacles.”
Dom1nus says “In low elo this matchup isnt that hard, just be cautious of his q cause it hurts at lvl 1. When u face a good GP he can put barrels under him whenever u engage, slow you and punish you. He can heal ur w and get out of the stun too. U have better ult than his. Check in mini map if he uses it elsewhere on the map. Do small trades bait his w(22 sec cooldown at lvl 1) and all in him preferably at lvl 6.”
Hyzerik says “I haven't had a problem with this guy. Make sure to time your AA on his barrels so he can't shoot them and get in close if you have the chance.”
Vielia says “He's dangerous because of his long range and fast movement speed, your best option is to go all-in once he gets close to last hit a minion”
JannaMainOTP800K says “If you ever played GP you will know how frustrating your E is against ranged Champions.
If you play against GP make sure to stay out of his barrels and smash that private property as soon as possible. You might consider skilling E 2nd to block his Q damage. Otherwise care for his passive speed and Make shure to give that suggardaddy a nice clap on his boody.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Disgusting range abuser with a CC escape tool and zoning. Take a safer rune page and let your jungler know that you can easily kill him with ganks. 2v1 beats GP easy as Tahm.”
Raideru says “This matchup is as hard as how good the GP is, the way u play it is you want to look to fight him lvl 1 with e in case he didn't place barrels if he did then try to bait him to waste them, the way u trade with him is if he sits on a barrel u can't rly engage him unless the moment it runs out or if he walks away from it slightly where u can jump on it and last hit it before him. The matchup later he can always win all in if he hits all of his barrels so the key to winning it is last hitting the barrels before him. I advise Conqueror with Dshield and buying ad components.”
sauronkaiser says “Even if some people consider Yorick a GP counter, reallity is different when facing a good one. I still cant believe when they reworked this guy they didnt remove his retarded Q, wich is even worse after garsp was released. He will abuse you hard with his Q-garsp and his barrels, wich are almost impossible to dodge if he uses them correctly. Also he can free himself from your E slow alowing him to escape from your engage easily. Search for mistakes and all-in him in wall as much as you can. Dont let his cancer mechanic of Q-garsp to overcome you even if it looks extremely annoying.”
TioKirb says “A good GP will never expose himself, he can nullify your ultimate and heal himself, his Q does a respectable damage and he can get fed just by using his ult to get assists. This is a matchup that can be won, but I prefer to play passive.”
CattoNuts says “He'll set barrel in place for when you jump. Bait barrel out by jumping to nearby minion. Your jump will be faster than his Q to barrel most of the time, so head directly for barrel if he's not in barrel auto range.”
EU_Toxicity says “Grasp GP can actually outdamage you levels 1 and 2 with his passive resets so be careful. Level 3 and onwards you should be able to kill him in every all-in provided you're not lower HP and very behind (Ghost and start the fight with auto>W to bait his orange and then pull him back in after he uses it) . ”
doorknobber69 says “It's mostly skill based match up, basically he will prob place a barrel on top of himself to stop you from jumping on him. You can either fake it by hopping on another minion or go for the barrel into a full combo on gp. You're leap is a bit faster than his aa or q unless he predicts it. ”
xXAhriXx69 says “In all honesty Gankplank is just a matchup you want to avoid his barrels make it so your shroud will never be usefull to hide in and his oranges give him a lot of sustain in laning phase. At this point you might be better off asking your mid lane to swap lanes if he is able to fight the Gankplank.”
iZeal says “Gangplank will try to continually harass you with Q and Grasp procs as well as barrels so you cannot all-in him, so try to stay as healthy as possible. If he gets an early sheen, the lane becomes very hard to beat. You can start to try to pull him at level 3 onwards. Do not get hit by his barrels in the all in so you don't get slowed or even better kill the barrel yourself with aa+w (the W cooldown gets halved when you kill a unit) so Gangplank doesn't gain movement speed.
DShield>RejuBeads, Ninja Tabis!, Phage!”
Randomwest says “A lot of poke in first levels
play resolve second with second wind and dorans shield
if you survive lane you should be able to start winning as you get divine
bocchicken says “He is squishy early, but can outpush you and can cleanse your ult with his oranges, so try and go for an aggressive trade to burn his oranges before ulting. I like running comet into this matchup since you can poke him out from a further range and not have to risk his passive auto attack true damage trades. Annoying matchup later, but easy to gank early/mid if he's overextended”
byThiagus says “Jugar en toplane vs un gp bueno es un INFIERNO, Si el gangplank es malo (Lo mas Probable)La linea es GRATIS, Segunda pagina de runas Y escudo de doran. Trata de no comerte mucho poke y no dejar que acumule muchos minions para mandarte a tu torre, lvl 3 podes hacerle run down con fantasmal si esta pusheando y no tiene muchos minions acumulados. A nivel 6 Le ganas facil los all ins. Ambos champs escalan bien en 1v1 y En teamfights Pero si el gp es bueno no la vas a pasar bien en early sin ayuda de tu jungler. Rushear tabis Obligatorio y rompeavances/trinidad”
Shinozuka says “You really can't trade against him. Grasp and his barrels will cause you to lose massive amounts of hp, and he will just use his oranges whenever you engage onto him with W. S”
AWierdShoe says “If the GP is good, this is a very horrific matchup. Even though he's a melee champion you have to treat it as if this is a ranged matchup. Avoid his Q range as much as possible unless you have to walk up to last-hit. You can block it with your W but it's on such a low cooldown that he will just keep poking you out of lane with it and shoving you in with barrels. Worse yet, he can just use his W to get out of your taunt. Best thing you can do: if he places a barrel down, right before it ticks down to 1 HP you can taunt into him with proper spacing. There, you can last-hit the barrel if the taunt lands. GP is either taunted to hit you or forced into his W animation, therefore he cannot contest the barrel if your E lands. It gets harder and harder for each item he completes, so try to get help from your jungler and look to impact the other lanes on the map.”
I Am Goliath says “Don't really see gp that often anymore. You can easily win this matchup by Q'ing him when he goes to Q a minion. Make sure you auto his barrels in this matchup as much as you can, and also if he is ever close enough you can W to him to dodge his barrel shot which will win you the 1v1.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Tank his Q with your passive shield. When passive shield is down use W. Be careful with his barrels in the bushes. DO NOT GO FOR A TRADE WHEN HIS PASSIVE AA IS UP. His passive AA also resets when he explodes his barrel/s. If you can get rid of his barrels or bait them out. This is the main thing that you should worry about before or after going for trades. Extended trades and the go to but short/bursts ones before an extended is recommend as well.”
eBrixton says “Gp will poke you all laning phase, but you can sustain most of it. He becomes a major threat once he gets items because the poke will begin to do more damage as the lane goes on and he can pat you on the back with his sword to give you a true damage DoT.”
Saarlichenbog says “Although he was a little higher in threat last season, he did not make a good transition into the new season. There are no particular items which he can fully utilise which is why his laning phase went from decent to atrocious. Knowing that he will often place barrels in bushes right next to you in lane, you can deny a major part of his damage, leaving him to poke in his Q to either poke you or CS, both of which expends a lot of mana. HIs only sustain is in his W which is why this matchup should be won through better itemization. ”
Bradybattlemask says “He also scales hard, but worse at it and always prime to kill. Wait until you have minions up and then all in. He has little escape and not a lot of early damage.”
MKUlra_Ronin says “Farm lane. His barrels shove as fast as your Q+AA and W+AA if you use your E for clear post-3.
You have a chance to shred him at lvl 2 if you have been poking hard. Make him waste his oranges before you all-in @2.”
ItsPaulygon says “A Gangplank can be annoying for you as he has his oranges to counter your stun. Gangplank players will stay away from you and try to poke you with his Q and barrels. Take Doran's Shield to negate the poke damage. Bait his Oranges if you can, but if you want to win the lane, play safe and get ganks.”
TheMightyNinja says “You can only win this matchup if your jungler camps your lane, otherwise try to farm safely and look to roam with your ultimate to get your team ahead.
I would recommend The Fleet Footwork build in this matchup.
His passive (15 sec. CD) will burn you with true damage scaling with his bonus AD.
His Q is ranged ability, can critically strike and apply on hit effects but doesn't apply passive, he can also trigger Grasp keystone with his Q.
His W will heal him for a percentage of his missing health and remove any CC's (like your taunt).
E : his E ability can put up to 3 powder kegs wich he can attack to explode, nearby kegs linked to each other will explode in chain reaction, any enemy caught in the explosion will be slowed and the damage ignores 40% of the target's armour. If you manage to destroy the keg before he does it will defuse the explsion and grant gold.
R : His ultimate deals damage over 8 seconds and slows enemies caught in it by 30%, it is also a global ultimate wich means he will make sure to help his teammates even when he cannot follow you up in your ganks.
Klappy says “- Escudo de Doran
- Tradea mucho en early antes de que cargue la runa de Agarre, no alargues mucho los trades, quedará con ventaja
- Esquiva sus barriles con tu E o R
- Puedes matarlo al 6 si compra brillo de primer item
- Cuidado con el health de su W cuando lo ejecutes con tu segunda R”
open_48 says “
I have never met a strong Gangplank. Avoid getting hit by barrels unnecessarily. Let him push him and as soon as you can engage him with the ghost.”
llametekudasai says “tiene buen daño con barriles intenta baitear sus barriles una ves que no tenga la movilidad le entras con la pasiva del item y terminas haciéndole un fast combo, no debería darte mucho problema”
MrGasYourGirl says “If they're Plat+ they'll beat you. Otherwise they're hilarious and you can just proxy and watch them die to the minions in lane which is top kek.”
wolfclaw3812 says “Gangplank is... pretty bad. His barrels can slow you so that he can catch you. Your blind and mushroom slows get removed by one button. However, it's okay, because you just keep poking. On-hit. ”
Papa Urgot says “he can eat his orange and get out of your realm with it. once you have a rylia's the matchup really turns into your favour (once you hit a spell) and make sure you hit his barrels.”
Nicklstherealone says “He cleansed your Ult, you cant engage him because of his Speed-ups and your not mobile so he just pokes your with his barrels and in his ult your literally cant move. Try to kill before level to snowball. ”
OffmetaPancake says “This lane goes in Rek'Sai's favor. Especially so if you can coordinate dives with your jungler. Unfortunately, he can opt to sit under tower to farm. Deal with it by either freezing wave, or rotating.”
Raphi0216 says “Start D-Shield. Don't walk into his Q-Range if you don't have to. If you think you win against him, kill his barrels with AA-Resets after you engaged him with your E.”
daito Okami says “One of akalis worst matchups due to the heavy poke with grasp and being able to stand on barrels.Start with D shield and second wind in runes. Try to dodge his barrels with your e don't let him aa you with his passive and when you jump in use your passive extra range to destroy his barrels”
Frostyfps says “It is generally an easy lane but if you are against someone good at gangplank it can be a bit troublesome. I recommend avoiding fighting at level 1 and starting E and just letting him push you in early on. You can build up passive under tower and look for fights after. You will win all ins granted that you hit your E and have passive from the start. Try to only go for all ins if you are over 75% hp. Anything else he can easily beat you with grasp procs and auto/Q/his passive. After 6 it gets a bit easier as you can open up with ult and 5 stacks and you can land your E on him with the slow. It is fairly easy to beat him as long as you land everything, executioners is pretty nice vs him as they all tend to run tonic+spam oranges when they are low so you can cut a lot of the healing out. You beat him until 3-4 items assuming you don’t fall behind.”
Legal Loli Lulu says “Pretty easy as Titan Garen, you can swap your keystone to Fleet Footwork for this matchup and you'll most likely win fairly easy. ”
Delvoid says “grasp Q poke from Gp is obnoxious and he can clense your ulti. TRy to poke him with Q as much as you can and all in once low. If he ever uses W when your ulti is up all in him ”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Gangplank is a fairly even matchup, you can definitely out damage him mid game, but his heal ability also removed all crowd control, meaning he will remove your ultimate off of him, but you still get to keep the stats for the 7 seconds or until he revives if you kill him within those 7 seconds. ”
TangoVallhala says “He pokes very hard and can kite you easy with his movement speed, go for level 6 kill potential, really watch out for barrels and watch for his Q CD.”
YesImGarbage says “Theoretically he counters you because his W you cancels your ult but you are still mord and therefore still a god who can easily 1v9 any game.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes
Build: CULL. Build items based on rest of enemy team. This lane is really easy and you can hard win it with any items.
You can long range Q his barrels to stop his combos. Some Gankplanks DO NOT KNOW THIS. I find this matchup super easy due to this fact. His poke is worse than yours and his orange is easily baited by your W.
Once you get 40 wraiths you outrange Gangplank's Q, so he can no longer trade with you properly!”
Panwiler says “Jak coś szybko ucieka, tylko farmi i pushuje to mnie wnerwia, runy i itemy na to pomogą. Czasem oddaje wierze jedną, żeby nie musieć tak często schodzić i pomoc drużynie (i tak ją weźmie) jeżeli bardzo przegrywa jeżeli dają sobie rade bez ciebie to nie oddawaj. No i nie wiem ”
YoungTact says “Extremely bad match up, don't pick poppy into it. Start dorans shield and go second wind in runes. First back get corrupting pot whilst rushing tabis. Play to farm as he just Q spams you and there's nothing you can really do about it. W to disengage and Passive barrels to avoid dying.”
qasddsa says “During laning phase, he will be poking you with Parrrley. If you choose to dive him, keep track of his heal and CC remove from Oranges. Late game, do not get hit by his barrels, since they'll do a large chunk of your health if he has a few items.”
Frixen says “One of the most underrated bad matchups. He has incredible waveclear, which can leave you under turret if you're not waveclearing just as well yourself. He has the annoying orange that negates your gold card which leaves him kind of ungankable in TF lane, and he can slow down your split-push with his ultimate. You shouldn't die though if you play correctly, and you can still impact the map.”
Gankplank is another really hard counter to Nasus, his Q poke is super appressive since he can also proc Grasp with it plus his True Damage Burn of his passive it makes it difficult to survive in lane, and usually Gankplank goes for Biscuit Delivery + Time Warp Tonic for extra mana sustain for more Q poke. In this lane your focus is to survive you will outscale him in the midgame but in the late game its a skill matchup. You can look to autoattack + Q his barrels but you have to execute it really fast or else he will hit you with the damage, you can stack his barrels (for 3 barrels). He also can cleanse your Wither with his W so try to make him use his W and then you use your Wither. Ask to you jungler to gank you once you get Sheen and lvl6 in case its really hard lane for you, if not just go for 3 points in E and then Q max and you should be able to survive this lane. In late game it becomes a pure skill matchup, since his W cooldown goes down a lot due that he will have 40% CDR and he will have a lot of movement speed making it super hard to stick with him, look to kill him with Ghost and Flash. Don't be upset if you are 40+ minions behind him early on, it's the nature of this matchup. Remember you can stack his barrils with Q.”
SkellyBirb says “He can't deal much damage to you. Ahri is mobile and can avoid his barrels most of the time. The only advantage he has is his oranges.”
Tauricus2017 says “As well as Teemo, GP outpoke you so try to all in with Aftershock rune and do not go very close to him unless you want to all in. Also be prepared to dodge from his newly created barrels.”
SubHuman Filth says “Go Grasp, second wind and taste of blood. ONLY go for poke when you have grasp up. Go for short trades with Auto + grasp + q.
Perhaps get an early Dorans shield.
If he's good with his barrels it becomes very hard and you will need to either outtime him or bait them out.”
Grayified says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Gangplank with grasp has a really good early game into Tryndamere. Look to farm up and sustain with your fleet, second wind, revitalize, q, and dorans shield healing until you get enough for tiamat. Once you get tiamat you can start looking for aggressive trades into him. A big part of this matchup is playing around his barrels. One really good tip I have discovered from playing this matchup a lot is that gangplank will usually put down a barrel below him to disengage from you if you spin on him, but what you can do is walk inside the barrel range to bait him to try to auto or q it, then you walk right back out before it explodes. Taking out his barrels that way or straight up just walking up and hitting it before he does can help you significantly to win this matchup. In the mid-late game splitpush beating gangplank in a 1v1 is about how well you outplay him on his barrels when you are diving him. If you aren't playing well around his barrels, you can look to use your superior mobility out of combat to roam and flank his team after shoving him into his turret on the split.”
Rakuretto says “Gangplank can be annoying to face until you reach level 6. His main advantage is that he's dealing good damages from a longer distance than you and can poke you while staying relatively safe. For this matchup, I recommand to let him push and play under your tower. Engage him as soon as you are level 6.”
I Am Goliath says “This match up is pretty annoying since he has a way to poke you down in your mini form and the damage can really add up, try your best not to get hit by his barrels he is pretty squishy as well so try to hit as many Q's as you can, and remember he can fruit to cleanse your stuns in your mega phase or even frozen mallet, I think you should win this matchup mid to late game but early on can be a pain.”
Nabura says “His Grasp Q trades with corrupting are VERY strong early and can force a bad recall out of you early if you aren't careful. After laning it's all about baiting out his barrels and timing your autos just right. Kayle's auto animations are very quick which is quite handy here.”
EntxRecoil says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Gangplank with grasp has a really good early game into Tryndamere. Look to farm up and sustain with your fleet, second wind, revitalize, q, and dorans shield healing until you get enough for tiamat. Once you get tiamat you can start looking for aggressive trades into him. A big part of this matchup is playing around his barrels. One really good tip I have discovered from playing this matchup a lot is that gangplank will usually put down a barrel below him to disengage from you if you spin on him, but what you can do is walk inside the barrel range to bait him to try to auto or q it, then you walk right back out before it explodes. Taking out his barrels that way or straight up just walking up and hitting it before he does can help you significantly to win this matchup. In the mid-late game splitpush beating gangplank in a 1v1 is about how well you outplay him on his barrels when you are diving him. If you aren't playing well around his barrels, you can look to use your superior mobility out of combat to roam and flank his team after shoving him into his turret on the split.”
Darrkescru says “Runas : Grasp
Começa de Doran's Shield, Quebre o barril dele, com este runa e o Shield ele não vai conseguir te deixar low para dar all in então deixe ele low e de all in
Rushar : Nashor”
Swaim says “gp is hard since his q poke can prove really painful so try to sustain so you are use full in team fights although be carful as he outscales you by a lot”
ZergDood says “Try not to pick Poppy into this matchup. Captain Oranges will stop any all-in and poke you almost every time you try to CS, so be careful of range and try to get those barrels out with your passive. Maybe you'll like to ask for a gank. His roaming potential and R will really hurt your game, so be careful and don't let him do as he wants.”
qazx1427 says “Sorry, Tobias, but Gangplank is a complete joke of a lane. Similarly to Ryze or Vladimir, GP is just completely useless once he's stuck in the cage. His barrels can hurt and slow, sure, but the only CC you have is your E's slow, so his oranges are practically useless. Just Q his barrels for free healing, then run him down and collect your free LP.”
Ayanleh says “Gangplank can eat an orange to remove mordekaiser ult. his early game poke with Q will also be annoying for morde as morde can no longer heal from minion. ”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Can go both ways, he has good poke but you can deny barrels with your passive and Q really well, he can W your R so wait for him to use it then ult him.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “Gankplank will poke you a lot but he runs out of mana fast.Make sure to go fleet and dorans shield and you will win this just by not dying in lane.”
ZzZ3DemonAngelZzZ says “He wont kill you unless you try to kill him. he will be active on the map with his ult so try and roam a lot since his lategame is insane! but you will never win the trades with him... walls are useless because orange.”
DankFlyingCow says “He's a pain in the ass because of his ludicrous speed and ability to negate CC. Just threaten to run him down constantly and he will have difficulty CSing. Ult is a useful tool to get behind him.”
OverCookedFish says “A good GP wont go in unless they know they can kill you, his orange negates the slow for your E or your R, and he will just poke you down with barrels.”
Fiora Pogjet says “Very hard matchup. You need corrupting potion in that matchup. Try to farm until lvl 6 because then u can try to kill him. If he steps too close to you you can try to tarde him.”
Ashookaa says “You both get out of mana very fast
But you can out run his E and than poke him down just with Q and E dont try to use your W very often because he can dogde ”
ModxLoL says “I don't go against many gangplanks when I play in low rank because he's hard to play and he's not very popular. I think Riven actually wins the matchup in low ranks against bad Gangplanks because they get too close, and they don't know how to utilize their barrels properly, but if the Gangplank knows what he's doing, you can't do anything vs. him in the early game. Your goal is to farm in the early game and do your best to react to his Q on you with your E. Once you get a little bit of CDR, you can jump on him pretty easily and combo him down. I can't give Gangplank an accurate rating because depending on how good the player is, it goes from a 1 all the way to a 5.”
Stiwy says “He's very annoiying, he outranges you and if he knows what he's doing he will always be in a good position.
His Q + Grasp damage can hurt and he scales well in the game.
His W can save him from your ult so it will be hard to kill him in laning phase.
If he comes too near you can try to E him and that could be a kill because he has no real escape abilities.
With your W you can break his barrels really fast and doing so will deny a great portion of his damage.”
9690 says “D-Blade. Watch out for his poke and try to get an advantage by roaming, etc. If you can jump on him without flash just drop him. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
gsaeyx says “Build Full AD. Poke him down with q. Don't r into q when he has w up as he can just eat a fucking citris and get out. Dodge barrel and never let him auto, and if you die, kill him in your passive. ”
BloodyDream81 says “Je met 5 car c'est le cas pour un nouveau joueur de Darius, en réalité une fois le perso pris en main, tu as quelques chances de tenir le personnage mais ça reste compliqué !
Contre GP, dans tes runes tu dois prendre le rush phasique et en arbre secondaire "Second souffle", qui est une rune qui te donne de la regen vie quand tu prend des dégâts, en effet GP va énormément te mettre des pressions avec son sort à distance spammable, pour éviter ça, tu dois push rapidemment les waves de sbires à l'aide de ton A, et reculer.
Si tu arrives à subir sans être derrière en farm, au moment où tu as les tabi ninjas et le phage, là tu as ta chance de le tuer en utilisant correctement ton fantôme si il s'avance un peu trop !
Astuce : Essaie d'absolument éviter la zone de ses tonneaux, sachant qu'li peut les liés entre eux au moment de l'explosion, car cela te fera beaucoup de dégâts et te ralentira, une fois que tu pourras en éviter le plupart, le match up sera jouable. Ceci étant dit la lane reste très désagréable, alors force à toi et ne lâche rien ! ”
Kingarthur720 says “Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Gangplank with grasp has a really good early game into Tryndamere. Look to farm up and sustain with your fleet, second wind, revitalize, q, and dorans shield healing until you get enough for tiamat. Once you get tiamat you can start looking for aggressive trades into him. A big part of this matchup is playing around his barrels. One really good tip I have discovered from playing this matchup a lot is that gangplank will usually put down a barrel below him to disengage from you if you spin on him, but what you can do is walk inside the barrel range to bait him to try to auto or q it, then you walk right back out before it explodes. Taking out his barrels that way or straight up just walking up and hitting it before he does can help you significantly to win this matchup. In the mid-late game splitpush beating gangplank in a 1v1 is about how well you outplay him on his barrels when you are diving him. If you aren't playing well around his barrels, you can look to use your superior mobility out of combat to roam and flank his team after shoving him into his turret on the split.”
Dantheman81 says “Gangplank is not very hard to lane against since you can auto then immediately Q to destroy barrels easily. Just make sure to focus the barrels and whenever you trap him he doesn't have much of an escape. He also does not build much health or resistances at all so you'll be getting max damage off almost all game. His new rune set up is pretty cheesy but it shouldn't effect you too much.”
Twiggymocha says “Gangplank is a major pain to play versus. He has his orange that allows him to remove your ult and q stun. He can also harass you from a distance with his q. I would recommend maxing out e vs gangplank.”
Xplor says “I think against Gangplank I have 100% winrate. Maybe because to really play out-of-the-ordinary as gangplank will require a tremendous skill level, and even then, poking Gangplank with Yorick is real.
Stay out of his barrel's range. ”
Hunter Frenzy says “1v1: GoU & Dom |
vs Burst JG: GoU & Dom |
vs MS JG: PR & Dom |
Boots: Ninja Tabi |
1st Core Item: Nashor's Tooth |
Optional Item: Armguard”
Angela du Seithr says “Gangplank peut être un problème pour vous, mais concrètement il n'a pas nécessairement les armes pour vous tuer si vous ne faites pas d'idiotie. Cependant il restera devant vous avec son ultime si c'est un bon joueur de Gangplank.”
Alzeidx says “Very hard matchup, he will kite you and win any trades, as you will not be able to reach him, farm safely, avoid barrels, ask for ganks, build tanky, get some sustain. Go conqueror and armor runes.”
Nyx Adachi says “Se quita tu cc con su w, te puede quitar demasiado con sus barriles, puede denegar tu ayuda a otras lineas con su ulti, trata de pedirle ayuda a tu jg para sacar ventaja (free kill early) contra gp o de lo contrario te superará en late.”
TotallyEclipse says “Can be really rough. His barrels will chunk you super hard and his q spam will also chunk your hp. Your best bet is to look for an all in lvl 1 or 2 and kill him, or try to set up a freeze and commit to all ins. You can max q second and spam jump onto him if you want to commit to hard all ins. Otherwise, he'll poke you out of lane and you cant do anything. If you can go even or get a lead, you'll outscale.”
JuarezLOL says “try to dominate gp in early game like lvl 1 2 3 but wait for his passive to be in CD
1 thing you can use in your advantage is your Q range you can take out his barrels
your lvl 6 is extremely powerful in this match up”
JuarezLOL says “you need to block his Q with your E and trade with him but as the game goes on you get stronger and you need to take our his barrels with Q surprise on barrel not in early in mid/late game remember to take out his barrels all the time”
Narghuls says “Early Pain in the ass with grasp.
Will destroy you early on by placing barrels in the lane. From level 6 and onwards u should win this matchup,”
DirtyDishSoap says “He'll be really f-ing annoying the first few levels, but he can never truly kill you unless you just stay in lane until he Q's you to death. Get a Dorans shield and Tabi and you basically win the lane.”
report singed ty says “A good GP will ruin your game. Good thing they usually suck. Make sure when proxying that he cant see your recall, or he will likely send an ult your way. His ult also means you can't execute after he hits 6 because he will just use it as you're taking tower shots for the free kill, so make sure if you proxy that you are going to be fine recalling back, or that his ult is on cooldown.
In lane he will just spam harass on you while healing anything you trade back, so proxy nonstop until you hit level 6 and you can win a 1v1 if you all in with ult + ghost assuming you have the room. He can speed boost himself with his barrels so if he's not completely extended its easy for him to get back to his tower before you can finish him off.”
Sq_09 says “Gp is basicall not a character pre 13. You can poke him some and he can't rly engage you. He can however poke back a bit with Parrrrley. Later you are kinda useless vs him tho since his ms just completely shits on your slow. You also can't rly deny barrels or an R so just focus on other things. ”
Kingarthur720 says “gangplank is like mundo he scales well into the lategame but only if he gets soe kills to start snowballing, if you are able to keep him controlled he wont be a nuisance till late game when hell start getting kills. Alot of gps might want to be aggressive early game and you beat them early game due to range, less mana issues and sustain/speed with fleet. Any build really works into GP but dont go grasp into him, you become tankier but he scales quicker with grasp than you do so thats my only pointer against him.”
VIP Titan says “GP is a long range melee champion. So it is confusing in what to build against him. But you can runs clothes armor to fight up.
Stacks armor up in early and max E. So you are still doing tons of damage on him.
MAX E not Q ! ”
SirDrPotato says “Even match up but you need to play very calmly, gangplank is very frustrating to play against since he has insane poke potential with Graps of the undying (rune) + his Parrrley. Make sure you start with Doran's Shield or Corrupting Potion. You should be able to easily destroy his barrels thanks to your E auto attack reset. (this means you can Auto attack and instantly auto attack again using your E, no need to wait for your Auto attack animation to end). Also, there's a chance you can kill him with some ease once you have your ultimate.”
Subject3 says “his oranges can let him get out of your swallow and stop your q slow, its hard to engage against him so best way to win would be to do the unpredictable, flash q, thats usually how i got my first kill on gang plank that or lvl 1 fight.
even if he does orange your close enough to still auto poke him and then swallow, he doesnt have his orange ability up to make the swallow go away so your in the clear
so simply flash close enough to auto attack and quickly q to bait an orange.”
Starci says “The movement speed from his barrles make it really hard to catch him and kill him. Plus, his poke from his Q is really annoying and does a lot of damage. Hard lane”
Vodka4Gaben says “Really annoying to play against, you will probably never kill him unless he advances too far, so a boring lane. However if he oversteps just a little, E his spirit in and ult, he will get overwhelmed and killed.”
Milxno says “This is just the worst matchup for Shen IMO. He pokes you from very far away and you can't do anything in the whole laning phase. I'd recommend banning GP, but if you don't, just try to roam alot with ult and don't die in lane.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “You wreck his shit so hard it's somewhat sad. Barrels just give you gold and a place to jump to if you time it right, he is squishy as hell and the only annoying thing about him is the fact his W is just a lifesaver. In the worst case scenario, lane will turn into a farm lane, but even then you can still pressure him somewhat. He scales pretty hard however and his ult gives him global pressure, so the sooner you end the game, the better; else you will just be eating powder the whole game. Do note that at higher elos GPs can become much more terrifying if they play their cards correctly though. Flash+ignite is a good pick if you want to wreck his shit ASAP. Most rune pages work well here, but you might want either conqueror or HoB.
Itreallyhim says “He can W your ultimate, (It will be put on some CD)
Has true dmg, Movespeed and insanely high damage. Play agressive earlygame, try to poke him as much as you can.
Hes immobile so if he uses W, Ult him and finish him off”
Circas says “I have this marked as even for a reason.
Gangplank as most people think is a very easy match up for Irelia BUT if you ever come across a Gangplank that actually knows how to play you might struggle a bit.
Pay attention to his wave management. If he freezes it by his tower which is very possible you are in trouble. Gangplank can control waves at any point in the game because he has the ranged ability to break a freeze.
Hitting stuns on a proactive gangplank can be hard and he will poke you really hard. If you are struggling against his poke I recommend picking up an early Doran's shield and sitting on a cloth armor to help out the early game.
Your level 6 power spike is much stronger so if you are struggling to go in on him before hand wait until 6. If Gangplank is is using Parrrley (Q) off CD and spamming it early pay attention to his mana because he will run out fast.
Thing to note. Gangplank gets a ton of move speed when he blows up a barrel so a way to catch him off guard is to sit back far out of range, bladesurge (Q) to a minion, quickly auto the barrel, and deny him the move speed and look to all in. When ever he has a flaming sword this is his passive Trial by Fire and it will burn you for true damage and give him move speed. It is very important to destroy barrels before going in on him because if Gangplank destroys a barrel it resets his passive.
This should be an easier lane but proceed with caution at first. No need to force because once you have some items you can just run him down.”
Hiimpurple says “you kite him out, you should win most trades in this match up, I recommend taking revitalize so your healing from your passive and grasp rune can help you stay in lane longer”
Rivenetto says “Another super scaling champion.Make sure u have dorans shield and second wind,maybe take first ability E to shield his early Q,s,trade him at level 3 and if u survive until level 6 just all in him”
classicnoob says “Alot of people,think this is a hard matchup,but trust me it isn't.
He doesnt have anything really to outtrade you cuz alot of Gankplank players,Are rusty with their Barrels and fail most of the time.You have more sustain,Tankiness,and also he doesn't really have anything to run away from you.”
SuperPopo7 says “Farm the wave with your q and try to all in as early as possible. if you cant get to him let him push then all in level 6 with jungler”
Dejuronto says “Gangplank can do a lots of damage once he gets sheen. The best thing for you to do against him is to try to start a trade against GP. That way if you see him use his orange, you can send him to the Realm of Death. If you don't time it carefully and use your ult too early, he'll just eat his orange and escape the realm of death. You can still kill him since you'd still have the stats for 7 seconds. It'd just be hard to since he could get movement speed and run back to turret or his jungler.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Gangplank can poke you out at level 1, so just be careful. Around level 3 you can start going for all ins. Be careful of his barrels, they can do a lot of damage.”
DabPajusDab says “Does counter you in some what. His orange can stop you're e and r. But if you are ahead you will outdamage him and will win lane. Try dodging his barrel shots and freeze for you're jungler to come.”
Loki029 says “Destroy the bad Gangplanks and get destroyed from good Gankplanks, You can win the Lane easy if you win early, early (till lvl 8 ca. ) is Garen way stronger, use Q or Ignite before Ult. Dodge or kill Barrels fast, they give free Gold. Good Gangplanks do the Barrel Combo from the Bush, so watch the Animation of Gankplank all the Time. ( Good Gankplank : Tobias Fate )”
Death Rusofag says “Se quita el CC que le pongas, su daño es muy alto y te pokea con su Q sin que puedas hacer mucho. Trata de aguantar y esquivar sus barriles, farmea y espera ganks.”
AkenoSenpai says “Should be a fairly easy match up, as Gankplank is not a very oppresive laner. Make sure to not eat to much of his Q poke and just all in him with stacked passive. If hes sitting on a barrel try to jump to a low hp minion near the barrel and hit the barrel first then him. While he can remove ur stun, it doesn't really matter much as he will still lose a great chunk of hp on ur all in. If you have ur ult up it will propably cost him either flash or his life. ”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Do not let GP hold you at a distance, to win fights against him you need to dodge his barrels, either by using R or dedicating your precious damage to kill them, either way he gets very pressured when a champ gets too close to him, be wary of his orange heal.”
lugzinho says “A pirate with 1000000MS, an orange which can liberate him from your Q slow, the perma Q poke and healing with grasp and that Sheen powerspike and late game SUPER DAMAGE.
Pretty annoying I know, try to stick to him avoiding his barrel slows.
Start Doran's Shield so you can regen most of his poke.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “I am putting Gangplank as a "Major" threat since he does have the advantage in this lane. However, you can still win this lane if you play it correctly. The lane will depend on how well you deny Gangplank's barrels and how well he times his W. I would not call this a "skill" matchup, but rather a "knowledge" matchup. Just keep poking him with your auto-attacks and deny him from barrels, time an engage while his W is on cooldown and you should be able to beat him in lane. You have to play smarter and better then Gangplank to win this lane since going even with him means he will most likely win the lane due to the nature of the champ.”
ForgottenProject says “Take Corrupting Potion to stop his Q Poke
Parry his Grasp Qs/Burn Passive to slow him and get your combo off
Play around his burn passive and predict his barrel combos
You can always AA Barrels to deny him from using them”
Gunford says “Hes has nothin against you. His sustain is annyoing and he will try to farm under tower. Just poke him out of the lane and dodge or shot his barrels. Easy lane.”
Braddik says “Can be really rough. His barrels will chunk you super hard and his q spam will also chunk your hp. Your best bet is to look for an all in lvl 1 or 2 and kill him, or try to set up a freeze and commit to all ins. Otherwise, he'll poke you out of lane and you cant do anything. If you can go even or get a lead, you'll outscale.”
spaceriftmaster says “The main reason that Gangplank is here is because he can just use his W (which is his orange) to just leave your death realm and walk away. Gangplank would be a bigger threat but he's hardly picked.”
The Lost Drawing says “Te hace counter.
Se cura, si sabe usar los barriles te va a ganar en farmeo y en los intercambios.
Normalmente van con 'Aliento del agonico' lo cual es muy pesado, asi que armate 'Botas Tabi' de 1° objeto.
Las TF las ganas tu”
Darkseige555 says “This is a very rough matchup. I wouldn't say it is worth baning him, but he will give you a hard time. The only chance to win lane is to kill him before he has enough gold for a sheen. If you can hit your powerspike before he hits his, you should be able to lane against him. If not, he will q you over and over, eating oranges to cleanse your e. Very annoying matchup and I tend to try to switch with mid if he gets trinity before I get my first item.”
Pedrokis says “Não é uma lane tão difícil, exceto se o cara não for o Tobias Fate, o Hydro ou algum main muito brabo. / O poke dele é chato, cuidado com o Q dele. / Abusa do seu E pra desviar dos barris (dash pra trás caso você esteja low ou se o jungler inimigo estiver por perto; dash pra frente caso a fight for boa pra você). / Se ele usar a laranja (W) errado, você ganha bastante potencial pra startar com o W e com o primeiro Q, talvez forçando um flash dele.”
Joaking says “Good gangplanks are good.
-Start with your E to dodge his Q.
-Bait his barrels and dodge them with E+Q.
-You have to freeze the lane and wait until he is in an uncomfortable position, so you can all in breaking his barrels. If he hits you a barrel, he'll easily escape and you'll waste your ult and your freeze.”
Pickle Pick says “Almost a major threat. He constantly pokes with Q and your all in won't do enough damage to last. Be sure to go in if he's OOM early game.”
Daedralus says “Dodging barrels can be hard, and you will get harassed by his Q quite a bit, but you can heal it off. He has the potential to burst you down before you can heal, and get rid of your cc, but your healing will enable you to win trades regardless.”
EnchantedCat says “Gangplank is just a really annoying matchup to play because he's just going to spam you with Q early game and the casual E if he lands it, though he isn't much of a threat since you can sustain his damage and dodge his E's with your W movement speed. You have the range advantage so just sustain his poke until you get 6 then start poking him down to kill him after. Though don't underestimate his damage, he does hurt.”
TheRevenantsHand says “This is the guy you should permaban. No matter of you're a good Mordekaiser, if you can beat everyone, dodge every parry, well this guy? He'll just eat an orange and ther you go, you don't have ult anymore. You should be able to beat him in 1v1s, but be careful, he always has ult, you don't”
VicGal96 says “You wreck his shit so hard it's somewhat sad. Barrels just give you gold and a place to jump to if you time it right, he is squishy as hell and the only annoying thing about him is the fact his W is just a lifesaver. In the worst case scenario, lane will turn into a farm lane, but even then you can still pressure him somewhat. He scales pretty hard however and his ult gives him global pressure, so the sooner you end the game, the better; else you will just be eating powder the whole game. Flash+ignite is a good pick if you want to wreck his shit ASAP. Most rune pages work well here, but you might want either conqueror or HoB.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Simply annoying with klepto proc. Also his waveclear is better than Quinn, with his barrels.
Tip: Bring Fleet and buy Doran's shield if you are struggling against his poke.
Attack his barrels when they almost reach the bursting state.”
BeautifulWinter says “This lane can go either way as your job is to stop his barrel game. If you can stop him from getting too many barrel attacks on you, you should win.
Ping his Level every once and a while to remind your team that he has global ult.
Prior to 6 passive. Post 6 agro when ult is up.”
feederfromelohell says “Good gp players will constantly poke you with Q and barrels but below dia you should be able to farm their barrels for hp and push non-stop.”
IvaoManeirao says “really hard matchup just like most "ranged" champions (he's not ranged but you get what i mean) and Gangplank is an special case since it's really really hard to get close to him even by using flash, take Doran's Shield and Second Wind and wait for an opportuniy and/or just try to farm safely.”
Big Belly Bop says “His Q's hurt but you can negate that with your Q. Take out his barrels and watch out for bushes. Good GP's put barrels in bushes to combo off of. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “Aside from the insanely aids Q spam through the entire laning phase that has no cooldown on it, you win this pretty easily in fact, as long as you ignite him before he W's (His heal) when you go to ult him you win, just gotta try not to kill yourself dealing with the Q spam for the first 10 minutes.”
ElementalZyrus says “If the GP knows what he's doing, he can reliably fight and pressure you. Call for ganks and take out his barrels as often as possible.”
Verdehile says “A good gp can use barrels for ms and kiting you after qing you a lot. You can spin to aa his barrels to all him. If you dont do that and he hits the barrel to slow you, you wont win the trade. Later on he can either outskill you and outscale you simultaneously or you can outskill him and outscale him simultaneously. It comes down to who's better. If you think yo can beat him early take ign, if not take ghost for the late game.”
9690 says “Moderately annoying early as he can poke us down hard with Q and grasp. Build early tabi in this lane and try to concede early CS without taking too much damage. We win hard post 6 so just survive the miserable early lane. Trade back if you see an opening but vs a good GP we don't win early.”
Loevely says “A good GP that goes Grasp is harder to kill than you'd imagine. Despite that it's still a pretty Rengar
favored matchup early on. Fleet/Grasp are your go-to's in this matchup. Jump on him as often as possible so as to not
allow him to make money off of his Q.”
Defensivity1 says “Contest his barrels if you lose then he can become a huge threath, its mainly a skill matchup Never attempt to dive a gangplank when his w is not on cooldown it is recommanded to go with the conqueror page, every time he q's make sure to have 3 ghouls ready to trade with him, when he presses q you could aim your e at his location and it will hit as when his q goes off he stands still.”
Quezel says “Gangplank has a very easy time kiting you with barrels and denying your ult with oranges while he pokes you down with q and barrels and passive procs look to farm this lane out and take Second Wind to deny him some poke if you ever hit him with e when he doesn't have a barrel to slow you then you hard win the trade if he oranges at all before you ult you can ult him and kill him but be careful if he has ult or barrels still up.”
SNOBOY says “Gangplank can be annoying, if he can play it really well. His zoning with barrels can be a lot. However, he takes a bit to scale up. Whenever he tries to hit you with his Q, you do the same. Sure he can heal with his W, but he is rather squishy and immobile so he is quite easy to combo down. Bully him hard.”
mightydylan101 says “Gangplank is easy to deal with just be aware and run out of his barrels and poke him out. Beware as the barrels will do a lot of damage so don't let him snowball early.
ProgettoYorick says “GP can hit you every now and then with his Q, but nothing more. OTP tip: Hit it as soon as you get to level 3 and an engage at level 6 if you can mark it with E and close it with W, it will be forced to use the flash or die.”
Greekamol says “His Q poke is very annoying, take corrupting pot and poke vitals with q. Destroy barrels, and parry the grasp q. Beware of lots of poke.”
ThisIsJustSad says “This is a difficult matchup.
1. Auto his Barrels not when they only have one tick left but slightly before. Get used to the delay between you right clicking and the auto attack damage actually going through.
2. GP will beat you if you don't force an engage since he can spam Q after he gets Sheen to auto win lane.
3. Look to freeze the wave so you can force an engage. If you don't do so, you'll usually get poked out of lane.
4. Try to not use your E slow and W slow at the same time. Try to wait for him to use his W on one of them. If he doesn't use his orange on the E slow, after it's done, you can use W.
5. Be prepared for his W healing and R damage + slow, since that will make fights a little more difficult than you expect
6. You win every fight where he doesn't manage to hit you with a barrel. ”
Skarner Main says “Gankplank is kinda annyoing because of his oranges that brakes your cc and his barrels that gives him speed when he attacks his barrels
He outscale you bigtime but hes beatible if his barrels are down Just rush at him and DONT use your R before he uses his orange (w)
And Try Kill the new barrels he will use that will help you stick on top of him because if he hits you with the barrels you just get slowed and he will outrun you and just poke you down
You beat him if you get alot of cdr
You get a huge powerspike from CDR ”
Karnan says “A notorious counterpick back in the days. Gangplank doesn't see much pick in soloQ because he isn't that strong until very very late. He also has a hard learning curve and most people dislike that. But if you get the matchup you wanna be aggressive. Don't let him take over the lane cause then you will have a hard time coming back into it. If he puts up barrels, be confident in taking them down or force him to activate them. ”
AlienMV says “Watch for his Q and E barrels
The unfortunate part of this match up is his Q is undodgable, and has pretty decent range. The best you can do is try and minimize the damage you take when going for CS, and to pay attention to his barrels.”
CrimsonAngel1 says “This guy. His Q-Grasp proc is enough to get you down to half HP. To minimize damage, just get enough to buy the Corruption Potion and a Doran's Shield and return to lane with some sustain.”
Lasoor says “[Top] This is a very easy match up for Yorick assuming you are good at playing your champion. You can easily dodge Gangplank's abilities and if you build the split push build you will move fast enough to consistently kill Gangplank despite his speedups and slows. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “Avoid his barrels, but be ready to get poked by his Q all lane. If you think you have the damage, all-in him early and get him behind.”
The Apex Dealsman says “this can go either way. if he can cleanse you and ghost barrel it's gonna be a hard lane. if he can't do these then he is easy kills.”
Nightblue33 says “A Good GP will put barrels under him and make it impossible to trade him. You may win 1v1s, but his team fights are much better. I ban him every time. Take Dorans Shield.”
Ze mentira says “Max: Q Rune: Comet page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal and doran's ring to a good poke.
//Iceborn Gauntlet is a good item to fight him.
//just poke and back.”
MordeStar says “Gangplank being the fair champion he is will never try to fight you, and instead will just q you with grasp of the undying. Oh, and he can cleanse morde ult with his orange. Try to farm from distance using Q/E when his Q is up with grasp proc, and try to bait out his orange before ulting him and running him down after 6. Sometimes you can bait him when he's blowing up barrels next to you so he thinks he wins trades, then ult him so his barrels don't damage you. Try to utilise W heal to stay healthy from his endless poke.”
Hamstertamer says “One word : oranges. Your slow is useless if he has it up, and his movement speed steroids are stupid. He can kite you indefinitely while poking you, and you can't do much. Well, the cooldown on his oranges is twice the cooldown on your W, and there's ghost, so you can use that if he overextends. IBG is a way to actually slow him. But overall, trade farm, sustain his poke with your passive, and call for ganks, or just ban him.”
Pacal Votan says “Just ignore him and keep farming. He's mana hungry and cant kill you, but it's important after the first recall you buy AT LEAST a Glacial Shroud + doran blade, or if he's making trouble just buy a doran ring and max E.”
Guantecillo says “Puede mantener mucha distancia y debilitarte sólo con pokeo, tú sólo trata de farmear y comprarte lo más pronto posible tu Sablepistola, y Gp ya no será un problema.”
SummonedLight says “Doable if you proxy. 9/10 times he will try to either stall the wave away from tower taking major damage/ he will chase you. Late game he can 1 v 1 you if you are even with him.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “He can only burst you with his E's but you can dodge them with your own. You have the advantage to hit Q1, Q2 and W when he casts Q because he won't be able to move and even if he targets you you can do Life Steal too. You can easily run away from his R by using your own and E”
EpicDan01 says “He can easily poke you down with Grasp procs and Q to win early on, while being able to infuence the map with his R. Once you have rank 2 R and your first two items you have kill pressure. Until then, farm from distance and try to avoid his barrels.”
Rhinoface says “He won't kill you early, but he'll use you to farm grasp/klepto. You'll probably never kill him unless he W's before you ult him for some reason, or with some early ignite cheese. He outscales and outfarms.”
Poppu says “His Q pokes are annoying. He will orange out of your E's, so a suggestion is to either out trade him or go full tank and wait for ganks. I don't really have trouble against GPs, I don't E them to walls as much unless I know they used an Orange, and I always play around my grasp and Q CDs. I E minions to close the gap, tag him with Q, and grasp and I run with W. Outpoke and you eventually win.”
Aizo says “This matchup is extremely difficult because gangplank has better earlygame and lategame than Maokai. He will poke you out from range in lane and make things very difficult for you.”
SoulHero says “Shoots you until you're dead. You win late, you straight up yeet on him so hard around mid to late. If you take second wind dorans shield, you will thank me a lot. Try to cs, if he barrels you, shield it by dashing back. If he approaches cs, you can flip him if you are around same health. You win lvl 1 e trade. If he slows you with barrel, and wants to proc his passive on you, you flip and knee him to death. You can shred his barrels at lvl 9 by toggling it. If he has klepto, just outcs him, don't lose a lot of cs due to that rune. Heres the thing, he can ORANGE your flip, most likely not, but he can and it will cancel your flip. he can also orange you're ulti, but if he does it too late, you drag him to you, but he doesn't get grinded. I recommend chaining flip right after ult to cc him. try to put distance between him and his safe zone eg. teammates/ tower. when your pulling him. You win if you don't get poked by barrels. You win if you fight melee.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Avoid him at all costs, its a barely winnable lane because you just can't do anything against him, He will barrel spam you across the lane and you won't be able to do anything, I recommend banning him in most situations”
notlmaze says “Honestly, barrels gone, Gangplank gone. Destroying his barrels can allow you to duel him even better but when he gets a sheen you have to be careful of his Q damage output.”
Petethebossch says “Scales well into the team-fight but can't do anything 1v1 after6 and can't pressure you much before that. Can also be ganked easily if pushing in.”
HarryCao says “This match up is super annoying if the GP knows what hes doing. A smart GP will sit under his barrel and immediately when you engage he will explode the barrel and just walk away. The only way to win this match up is capitalizing on his mistakes such as jumping on him if hes not under a barrel or near one. Ask your jungler for help as if you get a bit ahead you should be able to fight him. RUSH SHEEN then phage as the sheen damage will help you trade with him.”
TiuHiikou says “Hard lane, he can poke you REALLY hard... If u're against an GP, ask for ganks, cuz if u get about 3 kills on him, u can have a chance.”
Lynboe says “Il est plus difficile d’affronter Gangplank qu'à l’époque du à la tankiness que lui apporte le rune Grasp en plus des ressources qu’il possédait déjà (slow,damages…).
Mais Gangplank scale aussi bien que Darius.
prendre un Doran’s shield ainsi que Second Wind permettra de résister plus facilement à l’early game, acheter rapidement un Phage ainsi que des Mercures ou des Tabi (en fonction de la composition adverse) vous permettra de l’atteindre très facilement, ou du moins de le faire reculer en mettant une auto-attaque sur un cs et en lui courant dessus avec la mouvement speed bonus du phage (qui s’applique à chaque dégât occasionné par le saignement).
Si vous arrivez à prendre l’avantage sur lui, freeze les vagues de creeps proche de votre tourelle et vous placer entre les sbires distances et mêlée vous permettra de creuser l’écart entre vous deux jusqu’au point de non-retour.
Jnewbringspain says “Gangplank is pretty easy, but difficult to secure a kill. He will likely spam Parrrley early on, so make sure you pick up Vampiric Scepter first. If you avoid his barrels, you should have enough sustain to be ok. After sheen and level 6, auto a minion twice, jump to him, empower and hit him. Back off afterward. He will struggle against this move, but once again be careful to not get caught in his barrels.”
messketchup says “Kind of an easy lane. His Q poke can be quite annoying and he can W out of your E and slow and run away quite quickly. His orange can also cancel your W slow.”
PandaSenpai101 says “He has no CC abilities, which makes him not able to be stunned with your parry. His oranges are quite annoying, but they cost a lot of mana. If he lacks mana, you should look for an all in. You should aim to parry his barrel chain, and to kill his barrels as much as possible. His Q poke does a lot of damage early, so pick your CS wisely. Remember to ping your teammates when he reaches level 6.”
Devitt45 says “To win this just avoid his barrels. However, try to bait out his oranges before going to ult Gangplank. because he can survive if he heals at the right time.”
Zestysquid says “This is a tricky lane, but I often center it around killing his barrels. The secret is to be ballsy as hell. Q into his barrels and try to last hit them before he shoots them. Even if you miss the last hit, it's a good excuse to blow your escape so he thinks he can kill you. Lead him back into your boxes. Be aware that his oranges can undo your CC.”
TheWils says “A good gangplank can constantly poke and keep up with your cs, i dont see this often so this is why he is only a 4, but for higher ranking people like diamond and above, I would watch out for gangplank”
Very annoying on lane. Be mindful of his barrels. His W i think can dodge your knockup, but he needs very good reflex. His W is pretty much healing 20% of your W, so that trade should be fine, his Q however has a very big poke potential, so does his passive. Either go face. Deny his farming possibilities, that can win the game for you.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “He is quite annoying early with his constant Q poke, but after you buy Sheen, rush tabis and you can pretty much tower dive him at around lvl 8-9.”
Prince Afghan says “Has an annoying early game spamming the Q either getting grasp stacks or klepto procs. Despite this I'll estimate that 50% of the time all inning at Level 3 will give you a kill, and the other 50% will give you a flash. Level 3 just use all your abilities, he can't escape your W and your damage is simply too much. After that just continue to pressure him and don't get baited in by his ult as it does a lot of damage and slows a lot in the early game.”
M2 Jizu says “Gangplank... se quita tu provocación con su W, te pokea con su Q, te atraviesa la armadura con sus barriles... en early es free kill, en late no tanto.”
Bombabo says “Aatrox is one of the few champs that can deal with Gangplank's early Q spam. Punish him for trying to get grasp procs, and try to stay close to him to generate your passive faster and prevent him from running away”
MadMaster523 says “This matchup shouldn't be too hard since you can poke him down with ur q and you can easily destroy his barrels since you're a range champion.”
0mega best says “Very annoying, destroy his barrels and just farm and try not being poke too much, dont 1v1 him and call for ganks, play very careful and just hope he dosent get fed. Good thing his you beat him later on.”
RainbowNova says “Gangplank isn't the most fun lane to play against as Teemo. He can W most of your stuff away, besides your aa poison since you can just keep aa'ing him after he eats it away. His ultimate is annoying, because of the slow. His Q spam is annoying and his barrels do tons of damage.
All he does is Q, Q, Q, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange, orange... orange you glad I am going to stop saying orange now?”
Lil Tidepod says “Early game Gangplank is kind of a joke. He can poke you down relatively easily with his Q, and can clear any of the CC you throw onto him with his W, but after your first tank item this guy is pretty much only useful against you for the slow hitting his barrels give if his jungler ganks. Force him out of the way after your first tank item and crack through the turrets.”
SpellHowly says “There are very few lane matchups in the entire game of league of legends as difficult and one-sided as this, thus the hardest rating is reserved for it alone. Leona vs Gangplank. He has a cleanse and a speed buff which by itself counters half your kit. Aside from being hard to gank or pin down he counters you in a few more ways. His passive makes winning trades as Leona impossible. His Q will unavoidably poke you down and zone you away from farm, particularly in tandem with his barrels, which you will have no way to deal with. Even if you roam his ultimate will allow him to contribute in ruining your skirmishes and he will outscale you massively. Buy Ninja Tabi and try to all-in him when his w is down, with jungle help if at all possible and even still be weary of him. Realistically, he should almost always be the champion you ban.
However, all that is said concerning my experience with Gangplank players around Diamond 3 elo, the one saving grace for Leona is that Gangplank is difficult to execute and should be much less of a threat in lower elos.”
ImpossibleLogic says “Gangplank is pretty much the opposite of Aatrox. He can shot you from range with his Q, can setup barrels to poke and slow you, and his W allows him to escape your Q W combo. When facing off against Gangplank, keep some distance in between you and him and when he tries to setup barrels, take out the first barrel placed. ”
Venomous Aura says “he can kite you so ridiculously with them barrels, try to gain shield and use W before it explodes, follow up with E,Q R if at all possible.”
FunkySoul says “Gangplank is an annoying matchup. I find it best to farm up and occasionally beat him in a trade, but I find that he scales better than you in the late game.”
Scuz Rat says “GP's Q spam and Oranges make harass difficult to survive as your passive needs to be used to break his Barrels. A good gangplank will most likely pull a decent amount ahead of you in gold if you don't focus on farm and opt for a defensive setup”
Brentard says “He's gonna shoot ya. And that's ok. I tend to roam early from this lane and come back to catch up on cs. If you can manage get a head by stealing enemy jng. ”
TechnoRenekton says “After lvl 3 you can poke him with dashing through minions ( E ) using Cull the Meek ( Q ) and dashing out ( E ). Keep distance so you do not get poked by his Q. Buy lifesteal item early. ”
GrGamingTeo says “Kind of an easy lane. His q poke can be quite annoying and he can w out of your e and slow AND run away quite quickly. His w can also cancel your w slow so ceek that in mind as well.”
DrMoneybags says “Starting Long Sword + 3 Pots will help you remain mounted against his Q poke. Try to stay in bushes until you hit level 2 or 3 to all-in with ignite. You should beat him in a sustained fight before he gets items, so abuse that. He has no way to peel you off of him except his barrels either, so make sure to use your dash to dodge them or bait him to blow them up before you go in. Be wary of Grasp gangplank, its fairly annoying. Otherwise, if he goes glass-cannon it shouldn't be too had.”
Big Boy Matty D says “Take short trades in the beginning and try to make him use his oranges to heal / cleanse your slow. When he does you have a window to all in when your Q is back up. Careful not to take too much harass from his Q, use your passive shield well.”
Qubert64 says “Make sure to get athornmail and your fine. try to save your taunt if you can for after he heals as it acts as a cleanse. A gank or two from jg will solidify your lane pretty well.”
The_CuItivator says “A good GP won't massively lose to a Darius. His Teamfight potential is the massive threat as well as the fact that unless he effs up bigtime you'll always need to spend a summoner to kill him.”
Shinxsage says “For this one, you have to blow him up, because his trade damage is too too large. I would recommend going lethality+electrocute or Fleet. Annoying champ”
Zdenster says “Take Arcane Comet. Poke him out when he doesn't have Q. Destroy barrels. Rush Phage if you are on same level. Sheen if you are ahead. Tabis if he is destroying you.”
Shderen says “Skill matchup. Learn to play against GP's - know their barrel decay rate's, etc., be wary of the Sheen powerspike. He WILL farm heavy late game, and his weaknesses early are unmissable. Only thing he can citrus away is your Q slow and E root.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Another annoying lane, his passive procs off his Q and AAs. His Remove Scurvy ability removes crowd control, so use your W when this is on cooldown. You win lane after you have Sheen, as long as you aren't behind, as he can't stop you from farming, outside of zoning you off. You win late if you've got stacks and armor.”
Jomppe says “ [Top] This is a very easy match up for Yorick assuming you are good at playing your champion. You can easily dodge Gangplank's abilities and if you build the split push build you will move fast enough to consistently kill Gangplank despite his speedups and slows.”
MediocrePolk says “GP has a terrible early game and you can punish that, take ignite and go long sword 3 pot start. You have to start being careful after 7 because of his passive.”
Khazem says “Fairly straight forward. Gangplank does outscale you but you have a big advantage in the early laning phase. Try to shield his Q spam as much as you can and look to get damage in on him whenever he gets too close.”
Carlosm04 says “GP é pouco complicado, n tenta ser atigindo pelos barrils, quando ele acabar todos barris vai pra cima dele, mas tenha cuidado, seu W tira o CC, tenta fazer q ele gaste o W, ae ce vai pra cima”
The Lost Drawing says “Entre mas avance mas difícil. Lleva runas defensivas contra el ya que su 'Q' es molesta. Opta por un escudo si te siente inseguro. Al comprarse el brillo pega mucho con 'Q' y los barriles meten ya casi igual”
ElleryTheViking says “Absolute ease of a lane. He can do nothing to you, you win at every point of the game and should generally snowball the lane. He'll spam Q level 1 but that's fine. Rush Tabis, or if you're confident, just go the usual Phage first item. If he walks into melee range, he's not getting away from Ghost and your Q E spam. Let him push and then run him down when he gets comfortable.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Shield and take Second Wind. Now... Cpt.Spankplank can either be a very good GP and have a barrel under his hairy ass constantly and bully you with barrels and slowly whittle you down with Sheen+Grasp Q procs and perfectly make use of his W to avoid as much CC as possible for him or he can be a very bad GP and don't have a "safety barrel" by his side at all times. Investing in some early armor to negate a majority of his poke is crucial as well as rushing boots to get into ranged to E him. Utilizing the "Rage" passive from Phage will let you get close enough to pull him. Since it's meta to run Grasp on GP nowadays go Conqueror against him since you will need the extra damage. ”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: High Mobility, Sustain, Outscales. Weaknesses: Weak early game, Squishy. A bit of an annoyance because he really doesn't have much CC to riposte. It’s mainly damage from his barrels that you need worry about. If you avoid enough of these, you should be fine. Be sure to put as much pressure and damage onto him because his sustain with his oranges are high and the passive movement speed makes him hard to lockdown with your only CC being your E slow. Your ultimate should make quick work of him and if needed, ask your JG for a gank to make sure he doesn't scale faster than you. The early game is his weakest point in the game so take advantage of that. Also, Iceborn Gauntlet isn't a bad option to try if you're having trouble locking him down.”
Miracle Matter says “GP is a fun skill matchup. When he runs forward to poke with Q, return with your own Q, and toss an auto in as well. You'll generally break even. Try to last-hit barrels before him if he's not very experienced. If he's a very good gangplank, you'll never get the chance, so just walk back and forth to bait him into blowing his barrels where he thinks you're walking (but just back out of it.)
His Orange should make him counter you, but in reality it just helps him survive you a bit longer. Harass him constantly once you have mana. Use Ignite+Ult to dive him.”
Suthafru says “Gangplank - gangplank's q cant out damage your auto attacks, and is much less frequent, once you stack crit you can run out of his barrel range easily, and all game you can shoot his barrels before he can.
keep your distance and you bully him”
NOH giel says “Gangplank trades your damage very well. It is hard to find an engage because of the speed GP gets when popping abilities.
Also, when you ult Gangplank in, he can heal himself during the proces of getting pulled in and dodge the execution that way.”
kkiskk says “This match up can be either easy or difficult. Try to heal with your W from his Q poke as much as you can. Dodge his E barrel explosion to avoid being killed, it does insane damage. Always watch out for barrels in bushes. Don't fight him in his R. Replace ignite with ghost if you're experienced. ”
Vincheelo says “Skill matchup to see who can hit his Powder Keg first. His Trial by Fire passive hurts and his Cannon Barrage can help him and his team out a lot. He pokes you a lot, just all in him.”
n41L1L says “Let me list off the annoyingness of Gangplank. % missing health heal, true damage, free 625 range auto attack that applies on hit effects, a cleanse, way too much range, and the ability to crit with splash damage.”
Proxxecube says “Gangplank is fairly annoying, as his Q opens up opportunities for a number of runes that can cripple you early. But, once he uses it, immediately go in for about 2-3 seconds, then fall back to avoid being hit against. In lane phase, if you get hit with a barrel, you deserved it.”
Nichao says “Sempre vá quebrar os barris não deixe ele te dar o dano com o barril, Se ele estiver te dando muito harass faça tabi ninja de first item para negar bastante o dano do ''Q'' dele.”
Zahkar00 says “Either would work (Preferably Glacial).
GP isnt much of a threat but he is annoying cause he can poke. Just use Bravado for his Barrels and you should be fine overall.”
Trixelkour says “Pretty useless against you but can still hurt you real bad if you let him. Go for a more tanky build and you should be able to win this Yohoe excuse for a Pirate. Take Grasp and maybe Phase Rush.”
GUAGUAMA says “He can poke you, and has decent sustain, but you can poke back and block his ult with your r. Be careful of barrels and use E to dodge if necessary.”
heyitsRainex says “Be careful of his barrels + Q as those 2 are his source of poke and damage. His only source of healing is his W. If you're looking to kill him, get multiple trades off him and eventually he'd have to recall.”
E61K says “One of the worst matchups for Yasuo given that the Spankplank is even semi-decent. He will have grasp and he will poke the ever living f out of you. With Sheen + Grasp his Q's become disgustingly powerful and rushing tabis doesn't help that much either. With the addition of Stormrazor he comes online stupidly quick and has guaranteed crit barrels on demand. Add to the fact that his passive deals flat true damage over time and your base health is low and you got yourself a hard counter. So how do you beat this guy? Well, first of all you have to be mechanically good enough to destroy his barrels and avoid their damage. After that it's a matter of smart usage of your Wind Wall and all-in every time you get the chance to. GP can't kite you without barrels in lane. You're too mobile. Start DShield to somewhat counter his constant Q poke If the poke gets too much or you are looking for some more sustain in lane don't hesitate to pick up an early vamp scepter. If you destroy his barrels before he can detonate them you cut his damage output in half, if not even more. It's all about the barrels. Ping your team once he hits 6 as his ult can turn fights around cross-map. He can W out of your ultimate but he will still take the damage. He just won't be suspended in the air. If he has his W up ult him instantly without auto attacking first or you won't be able to. Pick up a Randuin's Omen later into the game.”
undeadsoldiers says “Gangplank - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Tiamat, Boots (into Tabi if he's ahead), Phage
- All in lvl 1-2 (passive stacked)
- Push lane hard lvl 1 to get lvl 2 first (he'll naturally push the lane back)
- All in lvl 6 (especially if you have lvl 6 advantage or his ult is on cooldown)
- Play aggressive in lane (all ins when passive is stacked)
- He’ll try to poke you down with his Q (be ready with W to mitigate the damage)
- Careful after he gets Trinity
- Dodge his barrels with Q
- Ult cooldown: 180/160/140
Zachlikespizza says “The only real problem with gangplank is that he will outscale you. However you're at your strongest in lane where he's at his weakest. So just go nuts and keep the pressure on”
undeadsoldiers says “He'll have to use mana to last-hit and poke you - and to cleanse your bubble. Stay off your wave and reasonably far away from the brush to avoid getting hit by barrels.
You can bait out his W with your E, then since his W is on a loooong cooldown and your E is on a slightly shorter cooldown, you may be able to put him to sleep again while it's still down.
You can dodge a barrel explosion with your ult.
GP will scale if allowed to farm, so deny him CS as much as you can and generally be a lot more careful starting around 15 minutes into the game.
Suggested: Rush Armguard if you're having a hard time”
ThebestGP says “Doesn't need to fight you to win the trade, the amount of gold he obtains will cause you to lose the trades eventually. Push the wave and cause him to lose gold under his tower. Play aggressive.”
Teemo Mochileiro says “Sempre que ele usar o Q para farmar vá para cima e pokeie ele. A partir do seu lv2 você ganhará as trocas, se acertar um básico + Q.”
Rading says “He just pokes you down with is pistol and barrels. He still is very squishy tho so just try to bait him into your traps. Very difficult for a beginner.”
Coelinha says “Upe o ''E'' level 1, Use somente se ele usar o "Q" dele em você// Se ele usar o "Q" nos minions ou o "R" nas outras lanes,ta liberado matar ele.”
LivesforOnlyOne says “Constantly trade because whether he goes Klepto or Grasp he'll either make money off you for free, or start stacking health and winning poke you down heavily for free. Keep pressure on him and force defensive ults, thus relieving your teammates of his implied pressure. Take Phase Rush and run him down denying what little self peel he has in this matchup. If you're good deny barrel chains by destroying them with good timing. You heavily outscale and win the splitpush with Phase Rush. Riposte for a slow and to deny a sheen proc barrel.”
DreamDaddy says “you out range his barrels so you can take them out before he can blow them up. just be careful of bushes as he can hide a barrel in a bush and surprise you.”
Skullsunderer says “Gangplank can heal and QSS, has poke other top laners lack. Otherwise you will out damage him straight out and in early game. Buy armor to negate some damage from his Parrrly and auto attacks. Only CC him if he already used his Cure Scurvy, as it disables all Crowd Control on him. ”
joelblack says “Gangplank will be Gangplank. Which means he will always poke the shit out of you with his Q. Patience is essential in this matchup. Luckily, he has pretty low mana/mana regen early game and won't be able to pick at you as much. His W will rid your first stun, to try to R him into a wall and wait for him to use his W, then use Wallop to stun again and get your damage out. As long as you wait for the right moment to go in and you get some pretty decent poke out yourself, you'll be able to all in him and kill him easy. ”
OrangeBeard says “His q and e poke is massive, you cant engage on him unless you are getting a gank from your jungle, in which case you need to bait out his w before you ult him, and get better at timing his barrels, you will need that skill to fight him”
CaioOP1985 says “Like you, GP is weak early. Like you, he is a monster late. His poke is insanely scary, his W cancels your Wither, his E give him armor penetration and his Ult slows you down and may deal true damage. Try to farm as close to your tower as possible and do not give him any lead.”
Dacnomaniak says “This lane will be very frustrating, he will Q you every chance he gets and you have no real way to fight him unless you can stun him when his W is down. Try just keep up in farm.”
CamilleN1 says “You dont wanna let GP get the gold lead on you since your early builds are very similar and in this matchup either one will stomp the other one”
IllIlllIIlI says “GP Is EXTREMELY annoying in lane. One of my personal nemesis champions.
He has it all, he's fast, he does damage, he has slows and self healing + anti-cc.
You want to avoid his poke as much as you can and be careful with trades as he can still pack a decent punch.”
galvapheonix says “Gangplank is not very hard to lane against since you can auto then immediately Q to destroy barrels easily. Just make sure to focus the barrels and whenever you trap him he doesn't have much of an escape. He also does not build much health or resistances at all so you'll be getting max damage off almost all game. His new rune set up is pretty cheesy but it shouldn't effect you too much.”
thedunkening111 says “You got too many stuns for this guy. Remember, he only gets to orange one of them. Let him push and find a good moment to all in. Don't let him poke you down too much.
Take Conqueror”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 6.5/10
➡️Gangplank is a skill matchup but is fairly easy to lane into. Gangplank's Q is a bit jarring but it's not too bad. It can become an issue if he gets an early lead and purchases an early sheen. However, because of Trundle's Q autoreset, we can eliminate barrels fairly easily before level 7. Keep in mind that most gangplanks that you meet will be OTP's so they might be good at barrels. Second wind + dshield is amazing against GP but if you are experienced you can just go longsword and tiamat rush. If you can destroy his barrels you can run him down. This is a matchup that takes experience as gangplank has a LOT of damage. He does outscale with crit/lethality items but if you play in waves and sustain on minions you will be fine. It can be daunting at first but you will get better with experience.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad gangplank vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average gangplank vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good gangplank vs Good Trundle ➡️ 75/25 gangplank/trundle.”
Haxorr says “I think this matchup is very playable, I've beaten Solarbacca on it before. Need to be able to parry his empowered auto attack. Play aggressive in the early game for trades, take PTA and Resolve with second wind in this matchup and I would go Doran's shield as well just to constantly heal from Q poke. Jungle ganks rly fk GP up as well so feel free to call your jungler. Once you have 1-2 items you should be winning all-ins as you outdamage and outheal him, you should also be very strong for grubs and early skirmishes in this matchup. If you can ever q between barrels when he uses them on you it's huge, also using auto resets to kill barrels is pretty easy with Fiora.”
CactEyez says “Just kill him lol. He can cleanse your R so either force that first or use the QR combo so even if he cleanses it he gets pulled away from tower. Just don't let yourself get poked down to half HP before engaging.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Wardens Mail -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Rocketbelt -> Heartsteel”
Althalosofsirun says “This matchup is easy unless the gangplank is smart he can kill you level 1 but level 2 you win as long as you dodge his barrels. rush swifties so you can get near him”
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