In the Jungle 46.18% Win Rate89% Pick RateNidalee In the Jungle Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Nidalee in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
chillhowl says “It's not exactly difficult, but the gameplay is completely different.
You can't prioritize your jungle camps or her jungle camps with your marks. You should play by getting vision from her and counterganking/counterdiving and 1v1ing with vision advantage. PTA is a good choice here.”
Bella Ciao says “Very easy with approach velocity, try to get a solid isolated awakened q off
swifties recommended, be aware of invades though you win if she does
ad VERY fun into it”
SelfLOL says “Very strong invades if she has prio. She's squishy so you can catch her with Ult. Can oneshot most points in game. Can go zhonya's zzz. ”
friendlyfarmer123 says “She can invade you early and be annoying but after your first item she will do little to no damage to you unless she has like 25 mejai's stacks”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. Nidalee can bully/invade you pretty hard if she has stronger laners or has a good early game. You can beat her later by dodging her Q + sticking on her but avoid fighting her early, you hard outscale.”
DoxxTheLeague says “Also an early game bully that will stomp you if she invades you she will literally delete you if she hits her full combo lvl 3 but if she doesnt invade and you get lead you outscale hard”
kimijebac123 says “impossible matchup. if you outmatch her tempo and invade her instead you can overturn and destroy her, be aware of her invades and punish, also kaenic rookern is preffered”
ScytherKhaZix says “when it comes to the initial levels we can easily invading she's jungle to kill her. but remember that some nidalee do invade lvl 2 when you don't have your E yet”
Exxidara says “She can kite you forever and you can perma engage on her but overall its even matchup and its depend on how fast nidalee plays and does mistake if she doesnt she can win but if she gives range its auto win for diana”
proxarius says “Easy matchup if she doesn't get ahead early because if you land charm she's dead. A good Nidalee will perma-invade, but good Nidalees are very rare.
Slightly harder matchup than Graves, because of higher range and traps can reveal you.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Nidalee: Its easy vs her unless its really good otp then its unwinnable but no one know how to play it so its ok to win vs her (If you counter gank her early she is free kill)..... HOW TO PLAY VS: dodge or pray”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Nidalee is actually the hardest counter in High Elo as of now since her aggressive playstyle literally dominates Neeko at early stages of the game. I ban her when I'm at Master-Challenger queues. Against Nidalee, ALWAYS BE SURE TO BE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE MAP FROM HER. She will non-stop harass you with spears every time she will find your location. It is ideal to not have your laner leash you at any circumstances. You must play safe against her and use your ward defensively. If you do survive the early game, you are now able to assert your dominance in different lanes, just beware of her [Q] spear. It will literally take you down.”
lurutin says “Our luck is that Riot hates this champion. She is dangerous, has a strong early game (Lee sin and Rek'Sai like) and could easily invade you, and at moment she has a good scale even if is not the best. Is a problem but right now is not strong as it was.”
Yomu says “A good Nid will not let you farm early and then translate to ganking from denying you. If you catch her tho it’s a 1 shot Just need to get a little crazy for this one
DarkMareOfficial says “Very easy to get ahead of this USELESS champion. Just be aware of her position and WATCH OUT FOR early invades, such as second buff.”
gnarz says “A really good Nidalee is a huge problem for Evelynn. Another champion who can perma invade you, and her W can be a big problem for you, and will force you to go oracle.”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat her, as this champion is very strong early game. Take what opportunities she allows you to get and avoid forcing anything, especially watching out for invades. You can take trades with your ultimate, but not without it. Try to use your ultimate to dodge her cougar execute if possible. Track her movements and avoid her, counter-ganking when you can. Protect your laners if possible; kills are bonuses. If you manage to go even without falling too far behind, you're in a good position to win. Enjoy the advantage if you've reached this point relatively unscathed.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium/Hard matchup. Nidalee has a strong level 3 invade, if you dodge her Q and stay on top of her you can kill her, but ideally avoid fighting her early. Can run her down with Ghost if you hit Q. You outscale, just watch for her Q’s in teamfights.”
Foxirion says “Nidalee poses a moderate threat to Viego. Her mobility and ranged attacks can make it difficult for Viego to catch her, but Viego can still win if he manages to close the distance and land his abilities”
huncho1v9 says “- Hard matchup. She’s in the category of graves/kindred where she can invade early, refer to the graves note. You can run her down most times and duel her, try to save your E for when she jumps over a wall and you can follow sometimes. Both PR and conq are fine in this matchup. Very similar to graves”
Mignognium says “D'accord elles sont souvent bien jouée par des OTP. Mais le plus simple sa restera d'éviter son [A/Q{R}][Javelot] puis de mettre tout votre combo avec votre [R] ne pas hésiter. Les counter ganks que vous pourrez proposer son excelent contre elle également. ”
RickTheMage says “When you find a guy who knows how to play a lot of League of Legends with these characters, be careful because the damage she does to you is absurd, you have a better chance of killing her in 1v1 I believe since the shaco is basically AA and using the box to block the spear or to use the fear of the box”
IvernGott says “Nidalees ability to jump over walls early into the game turning her into a thread to Ivern. Her invades almost everytime lead to the death of Ivern! bringing him behind and turning him into a minion.....”
ShadySceptile says “Gives true vision with her traps and spear. She can also invade you, but usually in low elo she if really bad so dont be afraid to fight her later on in the game”
Cookiemanman says “It can be difficult for Volibear to reach Nidalee due to her range. She is also a strong invade threat at the start of the game. Try to ward the entrances of your jungle to avoid these invades.”
astral 1v9 says “hard matchup, basically kindred but u can sort of fight her 1v1. If you fall behind against nidalee it is completely over for you, this champ will take over the jg and bully you out your jungle permanently but u are equal at lvl 3. ”
tr0l3k says “Są postacie zbudowane pod late game'a lub bazowane na danej abilitce, gdzie jeżeli jej nie trafią to nie będą wielkim zagrożeniem. Takim przykładem będzie Nidalee, która gdy nie nałoży na nas swoje pasywki przez dzide (Q człowieka) lub nie wejdziemy w pułapkę (W człowieka) to nie zada bardzo wielkiego dmg'u.”
HawkSP says “Nidalee can severely punish Ivern's early clear and her spear throw can disrupt Ivern's ability to safeguard his allies. Surviving the early onslaught is key to overcoming this matchup.”
X3mHills says “She can one-shot you, so consider purchasing a Banshee's Veil. Focus on farming and avoiding her. Try to place wards all over the map for better vision. Engage in fights when she misses her Q or W (while in animal form).”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Nidalee: Its easy vs her unless its really good otp then its unwinnable but no one know how to play it so its ok to win vs her (If you counter gank her early she is free kill).....
HOW TO PLAY VS: dodge or pray”
VainTaka says “The only thing you have to worry about is if she lands the Q or not. She a burst champion that can be shutdown early. Always squishy and easy to pick out during a teamfight.”
MhmYepSope says “Very strong invades if she has prio. A good Nidalee will be very annoying to play against. Zhonyas and her mobility can make her hard to deal with. Be mindful of her traps.”
kcjackal__ says “This champ can run you down early with invades. If you can survive for the first 5 minutes of the game this champ is not that dangerous. Would consider dodging if doesn't look won from select in higher elo's.”
Liventii says “Du gros bully avant le niveau 6, invade en permanence et un bon kiting. Mais bon, bonne chance pour trouver une bonne Nidalee avant le Platine grand minimum.”
jajkopajko says “Not played a lot but a difficult matchup. If she is good she will just run you down without giving you any counterplay chance, if she isnt that good, you should be able to kite her down.”
Daawwnn says “she can and will invade you after she finishes her buff highly annoying matchup try warding your entrances to see if she comes and ask for help if you get spam invaded by her she can kill you at lvl 1-6 easily”
Prefexx says “Nidalee is nothing without her spears which are easily dodgeable with your shunpo and movement speed. DODGE THE SPEARS WITH YOUR SHUNPO IF YOU HAVE TOO. I have seen too many Katarinas being greedy with their shunpo to avoid these type of things. Its free. Please. Use it. Just stay back until its up again. If you do end up being marked stay back away from her because she will pounce you and out damage you. ”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Dodge her Q, Land your Q. She can hop around frequently so prepare to play Mechanically If you see any traps note she could be nearby.”
veipz says “Cringe. if poss go phase rush she can invade you. in lower elo's i beat in higher its terrible matchup. invade raptor invade red invade blue outgank you you just can beat her in late game her teamfights are not that good in teamffight u can beat all enemy team and just track nidalee all game make sure she dont go for a gank. Her first item powerspike is better then hecarim.”
loganrichards says “A good player will not let you farm early and then translate to ganking from denying you.
If you catch her tho it’s a 1 shot
Just need to get a little crazy for this one”
PI5S says “Normally, Nidalee would be in the same tier as the Furious Five. But, no one can play Nidalee. So you should just win, theoretically. Congratulations!”
pumpkinnthelawn says “NOTE: Only a good Nidalee can punish you, vertical jungle (3 camp blue side then invade her red side) against her because she will invade you. ”
garbocan says “High tempo jungler who can punish Ivern's early clear.
Her ganks can be difficult to counter, since by the time she commits with cougar W, she'll have already chunked your laner by a lot, making her more dangerous to turn on.
Make it through early game and you'll be fine, but the first 10 minutes of the game are usually hell in this matchup.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nidalee is a strong early game jungler. Be ready that she can try to hunt you in your jungle during the very first clearing route. You should try to use lots of wards to prevent her from suddenly attacking you. She will lose her strength if your team and you don’t feed her.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a hard time early game, but will rise up very quickly.
This is because Nidalee is a ranged champ combined with movement speed buffers and frequent leaps. Briar can still have the upper hand whenever a gap closer is given in the start. Briar levels on W (for MS) and access on R will make her time a lot easier.
However, Nidalee Leaps can cause disruption in Briar’s Berserking pathing and should taken account for, whenever Briar has a close distance with Nidalee —> Briar can move along the wall with her W(1), R and Q(hard to do + need vision).
Briar has a similar jungle clear speed as Nidalee, which will fade away over the game.”
Coccaa says “Lol this champion. Again no matter what build you go you will always have some sort of MR if you followed the guide so fighting her should be so easy. You just run at her and smack her up and she will either have to flash, jump over a wall, or die. You can cancel her tiger form leap with pillar if you time it properly.”
Centaur says “Will constantly invade you and keep you down from reaching your powerspike (level 6), she can adapt to any clear & late invade you. Her traps reveal you for multiple seconds, and her early game is too strong to match. Game is usually lost by minute 10 in this matchup. Recommend dodge, depending on draft. ”
MusicJG says “Buy Doran's Blade early.
She out farms you early game, has better invade setup against you.
Dodge her spear or you will die.
You outscale her if she doesn't get fed.
Go MR Rune and try to track her early game so she won't snowball.”
Zero macro says “Shred Zed can match Nidalee her early strength whenever Zed can dodge her spear. In this matchup Zed wants to powerfarm while preventing Nidalee invades or/and plays on the map.”
Karhuslol says “Nidalee is one of those champions where it depends how good the enemy is at Nidalee. If they're playing perfect, you will have a terrible time and will be hard to farm.”
metalhydra273 says “This matchup tends to be pretty similar to Hecarim in that she can get really fed early on, but will struggle vs you if she doesn't. Unlike Hecarim, she can opt to poke you with her range and has more escape options. If you can tag her with cc, it's likely netting you a kill, if not, at least forcing her out. Flash ult is a great tool vs her as she's unlikely to go in without forcing a kill. Mid game is your strongest point vs her, so make the most of your teamfights and look to shut her down if she's fed. If you're ahead, make the most of it and run her down.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Nidalee é mais um caso aparte possui um poke muito chato e certa mobilidade, mas em comparação de outros campeões é mais facil de se lidar”
NegativePhoenix says “I'd only call her a threat, even for full AP Rell, if she's a god at landing her spears. Without them she can't do much damage in her cougar form. Juke her Qs and most fights are yours in any stage of the game.”
TruckDriver says “Pretty skill dependant, try to dodge her spears with W or just move. look to counter gank her/invade, you need to get the jump on her, if she lands a long range spear on u gl.”
shacolovesyou says “her early is strong so can be a nightmare, dont duel wit her bcs she can poke and kite us so hard, also her passive can reveals u even if u are invisible!”
Apari1010 says “I have yet to see someone be good at this champ. Early game she beats you 1v1 if she lands her big spear on you but if she doesn't then you just dunk on her. Match her on the map early game and take early objectives.”
GiAEcchI says “Watchout for early invade, a good nidalee will 100% try to mess with your early game, dodge her Q, ping your team for help, she can kite you with her auto so try not to push yourself too hard.
With either form it gets easy.”
BradJr says “Skill matchup. Both of you have tools to carry the game, and to kill the other. This will come down to the better player. (clone rating 4/10 in either form)”
FaeBytez says “Nidalee has strong burst damage and can easily dodge Diana's Q with her Pounce ability. Diana needs to be careful when facing Nidalee and try to bait out her Pounce before engaging.”
ttvRegedice says “She has to play really well against you as she needs max spears to bait your W into bursting you with her cougar form, but she already needs to be fed before that. She'll most likely play with her team against you as you can run her down in a 1v1 early. Despite that, this is still a skill matchup and set as "even." She has a ton of tempo from her free hops in cougar form, so she'll use that to go over walls for unwarded ganks, invade, and more.”
MaaaRaaG says “This is free ELO as nobody can be in bronze and strong at Nidalee (do dodge the javelin though).
Unless they are smurfing, in which case please don't FF15: play it to the bitter end, this will be your lesson in humility. ”
Intropingman says “Avoid her spears from long distance because they hurt you especially early. Be aware of invades. She can snowball, but late game you beat her.”
tradtrad says “Usually this is a skill matchup but you will rarely see a good Nidalee in solo queue. Dodging her spear is the main tip. She is very useless when behind so if you manage to kill her and put her behind early make sure it stays that way.
As of 14.3 she is extremely broken however.”
1Strike says “50/50. The consensus people have is that nidalee counters Graves. I don't subscribe to this theory. I believe it is an even matchup. It is only a bad matchup if your behind or if nidalee has massive winning lanes or abundance of CC to land her spear. If your fed you beat her to a pulp too. It's 50/50. Build maw if you can.”
Eggo says “Nidalee is a very strong early game champion that will invade you. You can't beat her in a 1v1 early so you have to get vision on where she starts and on river so you will know if she invades you. If she invades you shouldn't contest the camp(s) unless your lanes can move first. Try to stay as even as possible with her in the early game and she will fall off later.”
checca says “One of Zac's hardest skill matchups is always Nidalee, as she is favored if they are better. Her Cougar Form W will always be able to dodge your abilities if played correctly. She has a heal and sustain which makes it hard to CC chain into a kill if you are not ahead. If she lives after a CC chain, she is just able to jump away over walls as her Cougar W cooldown is much lower than Zac's. On paper, it seems like Nidalee is bad into Zac, and that is true; she is one of the worst junglers in the game, but in the right hands, she can outmacro and outgank you for an entire game.”
lovicoaching says “If she knows how to play her champ it's pretty unplayable. Invade level 1,2,3,4. Traps reveal you while being invis. She's hard to kill. She farms faster than you when she gets a lead. She ganks faster. If shes bad it's free win though.
Recommend warding river level 1 for level 2 invades, hard covering for level 1 invade, using a ward for level 3 invade, and then trying to get as many camps as possible. Surviving to 6 is good.”
L1x123 says “You can easily kill her with Shadow Assassin(she is an extremely easy matchup for Blue Kayn), and as for Rhaast, you can catch up to her pretty fast or get her when she isn't aware of you.”
Davecraft16 says “Why are you using a guide from a silver player if you are high elo?
You are not high elo? then someone low elo just decided to try nidalee. Either that or you just found a smurf. If it's not a smurf then it's an easy game, there are no good low elo nidalee from what I know :)”
Bhyure33 says “In my personal opinion I don't find Nidalee that good of a champ right now overall, and especially in low-elo she is both rare and hard enough to play that I don't find her a threat. For tips, in case you don't know how she works, she does more dmg to full hp targets when she is a human, and more dmg to low hp targets when a cougar. Also try your best to dodge her spear, as it deals most of her dmg.”
RedNBlue says “Later game you will out-tank her, and early game you can out farm and out level her. Just make sure to not die to her early, and match her ganks with counter ganks. ”
ErniBurni says “Nidalee in low elos kannst du stompen, weil die bad sind, aber je höher desto schlimmer werden die nidalees. EIne gute Nidalee killen ist echt schwer, Nidas Q W macht Kha zix R useless”
TheSoloNinja says “Her mark will reveal you, and ulting does not give the clone her mark, making the real Shaco obvious. Try to out-tempo her by ganking more or counterganking.”
MythicalMinute says “In lower elos this should'nt really do anything to you. In higher elo where she knows to invade you, you better stay away from her unless youre in her jungle with ignite, she will beat you most of the time early game but you can outscale her with AP.
AP is good here due to box zoning and boxes blocking her spears.”
ItsSplash says “This matchup is very elo-specific.
In Challenger it is extremely Nidalee skewed, however in lower elos where Nidalee's aren't as good it is very easy for Evelynn.
Against good Nidalees & Kindreds you might have to skip gromp if you are starting Blue level 1 as their level 2 invades are too strong. In that case, doing Blue -> Wolves -> Camps on the other side of the map is a decent strategy.
Against early powerhouse matchups, try your best to survive the early game and then bounce back with kills in later stages of the game. If your team cannot contest the constant invades, then giving up jungle camps is fine. Just get what you can, and make sure you don't die.
You can also consider skipping some camps on the first clear to throw enemy off their tracking and timers. So, for example, skipping wolves or raptors and doing blue/red before them could be a good idea.”
PiscesPomf says “She's fast, has a great range, and your low movement speed allow her to hit her spear easily.
The good point is that noone plays her so you don't have to ban her.”
RengarNBush says “hard matchup in the hands of an experienced player. She will probably try invading you on your blue, tell your team to ward behind it. If she doesn't try to invade then this matchup should be in your favor.”
Geomine says “if she doesnt find early kills she falls behind, so as long as you dont die in lane you wont have problem, you outsustain, outscale and if played correctly outrade her to.”
Eagzey says “Good Nidalee players are hard to play against because of their early game pressure (which is when we are weak). If you have weak lanes there is no way to play the game. If you can get to the mid-late game not giga behind then you can win.”
Yuki H. says “A good Nidalee will apply tremendous pressure in the early game ("Extreme"). However, a Nidalee that's decent will just grief and allow you to scale for free ("Tiny").
Try to detect how she plays within the first 5-10 minutes by tracking her pathing and how she invades. She is a champion that is difficult to pilot and if played mechanically correctly make sure to path in the opposite direction and engage in vertical jungling if she allows for it.
Remember, not all invades are good,
so she may end up dying as a result of your teammates having prio and are able to collapse. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nidalee is an early game dominant Jungler. Ward her jungle entrances to spot her leaving her jungle to make ganking harder for her. Deeper wards are preferred against Nidalee as she can use her W to jump over walls and manoeuvre around commonly warded bushes. Keep this in mind when placing wards. Nidalee is easy to kill if the enemy Jungler hasn’t been kiting camps correctly. Try and invade and kill her early on as she doesn’t always have a healthy clear.”
jajaja JK ez kill and if you're getting deleted just farm and continue your items tough usually you should be able to RUSH AND KILL don't bother in dodging shit.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nidalee is an early game dominant Jungler. Ward her jungle entrances to spot her leaving her jungle to make ganking harder for her. Deeper wards are preferred against Nidalee as she can use her W to jump over walls and manoeuvre around commonly warded bushes. Keep this in mind when placing wards. Nidalee is easy to kill if the enemy Jungler hasn’t been kiting camps correctly. Try and invade and kill her early on as she doesn’t always have a healthy clear.”
Salmon Kid says “Nidalee can invade you early and is a fast tempo jungler, but that's really all there is to say. Gets horrendously outscaled even mid game and is just not a strong champ unless the nidalee player is insane. ”
Very Rxre says “In low elo you don’t even have to worry about this champ, they will literally die to raptors trying to do their first clear since it’s too hard for them. diamond+ people know what they are doing with this champ and will invade or vertical jg properly. Same thing as graves ”
Dojyaan says “Don't see these often in low elo. If you do see one usually they suck but if they could play her decently well you will have massive issues with her. The best you could do is don't eat that spear and go fuck her backline.”
Nik7857 says “Good Nidalees can me your life in the jungle really hard. I think this matchup is the most even one out there. If she hits spear your probably not going to win the 1v1.”
ItsAydam says “Dodge her spears and she's not a threat. Do not underestimate her damage as she is really strong early game. If the player is not a nidalee smurf then you can make them suffer. If they are, keep your guard up because they will invade you and make your life harder. If you dodge the spear you can kite them out of the oblivion.”
NegativePhoenix says “Scary if she's good at Q snipes. Her Q does increased damage the farther it lands on an opponent. Dodge it if possible and don't fight her if you're marked as she gets bonus damage in her cougar form if you are. If you dodge her Q and avoid her traps you can fight her and win if she isn't heavily snowballed.”
[Nidalee is a skillful champion, which means bad Nidalees will mess up a lot more than a Diamond+ Nidalee. However, her abilities still deal a lot of damage especially in the earlygame, do not underestimate her, do not contest, survive the early and you should be good. Watch out, she has a good gank/countergank potential. She becomes an EVEN - MINOR threat when acquiring Gargoyle except if she's fed.]
SunLongGod says “not a threat to you but for your teammates. a good Nidalee can kite you and give you a hard time. you should observe her clear path early game then invade. a Fed Nidalee can buy Hourclass and give you a hard time
NegativePhoenix says “Actually a pain. Not even kidding. She can early invade without much issue and her mark lets her do extra damage in her animal form and just bully you to hell as she likes. Get yourself rocketbelt to gap close if she runs or to make a gap if she misses any of her marking abilities and play it out till late game, around then you'll shine and put her in her place. Dodge her Qs late game as a full range one will basically one shot you.”
Fapas16 says “rarely play this matchup, you stand still for 2 seconds so she can land her Q(human form) on you really easily but you just shit on her during your ult”
quinn adc says “Grasp nidalee is easy, but be careful of conq nidalee level 1.
Try to save E to counter her Cougar W in this matchup. If you E early and shes good, she will then jump on you with W and make you cry.
You win level 1, so be aggro, but level 2 onwards you have to side step Qs. If she lands Q on you, she will cougar form W you, so E this W and you are ok.
Boots rush are op here because it is a speed matchup. She will likely go bruiser/tank nidalee, so her spears dont do damage. She relies on couger to hurt you.
This matchup is quinn sided though with your E. You are faster than Nidalee with W max, which makes it tough for her to succeed in this matchup if you are smart with your E useage.”
One Stab says “You should always win in early, you can W her burst if you get hit by spear, or just run her down if you get to jump first. Don't allow her to get ganks off. ”
duowithdeath says “Nidalee destroys you, if she gets ahead she can easily perma invade and pressure you and have 3x your tempo. Can take null orb in runes and go redsmite if u have mental block/problems with her. You hard outscale.
BullwhipGriffin says “Nidalee only strength early is kiting and playing from afar to weaken her enemy. Diana can dash onto nidalee and beat her in almost any fight. However, diana level 2 is very week so just need to be careful of the level 2 invade and you will win.”
Stolid says “If you see a Nidalee, good chances are its a smurf. He gets 1-2 early kills you can ff, you will never come back.
Same elo as you its fine dw.”
IamFafa says “Super strong in good hands, if she invades you from the beginning your game is pretty much over, try to stay high hp at all camps and ward pixel bushes in river to see if she is going to invade you. Even giving 1 kill might be devastating for you.”
evil in says “Nidalee is one of the hardest matchups for Evelynn. She will always try to invade you early game try to play as passive as u can before hitting 6 and avoid her as much as u can. After 6 u should be able to beat her easily.”
TimothyFly says “She has a lot of mobility and outplay potential so be careful. If she is good it's gonna be a tuff game and u have to play around ur team cc if u ever wanna hit a q.”
WONDR says “Invade her at all times of the game, she has a bad clear early so if u find her in jg ealry she will be most likely below 50% hp to one shot her in early. ”
YoungTact says “This champion out tempo's you in all departments. Can kite you out in the open and clears you by a margin. Can punish you by taking your camps if you take too much time trying to setup ganks. You can w her cougar form W which is nice for picking her out if the opportunity presents itself. ”
wyjebnik2zuk says “nidalee got amazing invades, really dangerous. I think tho if nidalee player isnt really great you can easily outplay her, but if someone knows h2p champion, you are in big trouble”
Xyllow says “Almost impossible for WW to kill her because of her low dash cooldown. She can constantly cheese invade you, steal your camps and outpressure on the map if she plays it well. ”
Jksons says “- he might be scared when you channel your W and will jump away so hold it until he might jump with
W on cougar and then stun him and burst
Nocturne(Hard if you dont know how to play against it)
- so playing against noc is just baiting his E by holding W for longer
- you might want to run from his E with your ult sometimes and turn back on him”
Limaads says “Extremely difficult to play against early game. An early ward and backing for sweeper on your opposite side can be good to spot an invade. Her terrain scaling can be very obnoxious and her dueling and early skirmish power is also very strong. You will most likely have to give up any camp or objective she contests you on if she has priority. As most of Ekko's early game goes, look to farm until 6 and don't take too many risks or fights without help from laners. You outscale hard so try to reach mid and late game without many deaths.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Zhonya's Hourglass if her team is AD. Banshee's if they're AP.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: She has a lot of quick burst and mobility, but she needs to land Q to achieve that, it's not the hardest projectile to dodge, use your movement speed to do it and she can't do much to you unless she's fed (If she is though, stay away from her at all costs).”
Janooobi says “Is so difficult for Sejuani to lockdown Nidalee, even after your Q lands she still has the ability to get away. Lock her down with your ult with teammates help to kill her”
Consolo says “If you are not masters+ in Korea, congrats on the lp! Dodge her spears with our E movespeed, and she can't kill you. Lategame, once you have 1-2 MR items, tank the spears for your team, and she will be unbelievably useless. Her only scary part is if she gets a bunch of ganks early, and even then just stun her when she jumps in in the mid/late teamfights. ”
FacetLOL says “Not a good champion, however be careful of her snowballing games and counterjungling you because of her quick map movement and fast spell rotations.”
Scythe Prince says “avoid 1v1 her in early game. Nidalee likes to invade a lot, Once you reach the mid game you can 1v1 her easily. Try to dodge her Pounce (E) as it deals execute damage.
you easily outscale Nidalee.”
Zehmox says “Found in a knockup and shes dead. but watch out for her pathing because she is able to invade you in the early game. until zhonyas you oneshot her”
blulemon says “Can invade and make your life hell. Place wards everywhere and hope she isn't on your camps. Counter ganks work well against her and try take control of objectives and ganking, your jungle will mainly be off limits.”
Coach Myga says “Nidalee is another hard match up for Graves due to her high AP damage & mobility. I think there is more room to outplay Nidalee in comparison to Evelynn due to Nidalee's lack of CC. This is why I placed her at threat level 4 (Major).
MrMeem45 says “Almost as laughable as Jarvan. Almost. She can make quick work of your team, but the moment she comes face to face with you she's toast. She does everything that you do but slightly worse and with AP scalings.”
Elekktro says “Nidalee is the perfect mix of a terrible champion that is incredibly hard to play. Even a good Nidalee will struggle to do anything against Viego. However after her recent buffs in 12.6 she is a bit stronger and has the POTENTIAL to beat Viego if she is being piloted by a skilled player.”
J98TheGreat says “Don't get caught. She'll only be a problem if she gets fed. Counter gank as much as possible. This one isn't free, but your team fight capability is by far better than her team's.”
NMFO says “This champion is hard to play well and trundle's annoying kit makes it even harder. I'm sure a korean nidalee player could demolish me but I've found most nidalee players simply cannot play perfectly around Trundles E and Q. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Nidalee can be annoying with her Spears, but she is no match for you in the late game. Try to counter jungle her. You can easily kill her in the 1st River battle for the scuttle crab.”
Brosinex says “Un buen nidalee se dirigirá hacia cualquier beneficio con el que no hayas comenzado y te disparará en cualquier etapa del juego. Un enfrentamiento bastante difícil. Recogí banshee's aquí, así que no puede dispararme con su combo Q + W + Q + E. Podrías intentar E con ella, pero ella podría dispararte. Otro asunto de quién dispara a quién primero.”
Da Mastah says “This matchup really depends on who has the better macro. She has insane early game and invade pressure but if she doesn't utilize it then you almost always win. If you catch her by surprise early you autowin the 1v1. If you are below diamond consider this an easier matchup but never let your guard down.”
The Elysian1 says “Her clear spead is something amazing , she can always be healthy since her E gives her a lot of healing. Good nidalee player will focus on clearing and counter ganking if she is playing against a Qiyana. If not , try to outgank her and catch her in the river where she can't run from your R. Pinks suggested
KafueLechwe says “Another early game jungler, if Nidalee is smart she will invade you, as by midgame you can tank multiple max range spears with no problem.”
Zyvran says “I've honestly never seen a Nidalee that knows what their champion does so if you've played this match-up let me know how it goes. Just dodge the spear lol.”
Pusi Puu says “You win in every stage of the game. Make sure to ward your jungle and don't let her sneak away your camps. Always look for fights against her, since you can't lose, especially in 2v2, 3v3 skirmishes. Hard to invade her since she is slippery.”
Doubtfull says “It is near impossible for nidalee to land a spear on you with your Q stacks, and you can 1 shot her with your ult later on in the game. Fairly easy match up (just don't get hit by spears).”
SnowballBarrage says “AP feels better against nidalee thank tank because you can kill her. She's super annoying still high tempo champ with crazy damage and invading. Against nidalee always ward whichever camp you don't start level 1.”
NixLychee says “Annoying matchup, but you will kill her early because she is squishy, just make sure to get closer to her so she can't kill you with a spear. If the Nidalee is good, she will always try to hit a spear as you use Resonating Strike, so make sure to dodge it with Safeguard onto a ward. Be especially careful if you're playing in D2+. A pretty safe ban for high elo. ”
KamiKZ says “As long as you don´t die to nida in your first clear, you should be able to fight her and kill 1v1 in the jungle. This match up is kha favored. (I recommend evolving R first in this match up)”
LordGrox says “Skill matchup. Has the potential to be a 1 or 5 depending on the skill level of the player. Try and knock her up when she jumps on you.”
Polarshift says “It is definitely quite hard vs a good Nidalee. She can clear fast and she has more mobility than you and can just kite you out till you're weak and then burst you down. She also is AP and can build armor. You'll be able to kill her if you catch her offguard. This is a game of good tracking and map pressure. MR items help a lot.”
Veralion says “Below Diamond you probably don't have much to worry about. Platinum and below Nidalees are basically memes. However, a skilled and confident Nidalee will be in your face from level 3, hunting you down and stealing your camps. This is an extremely obnoxious champion to jungle against. Getting hit by a spear is certain death. Avoid at all costs. Take exhaust to save your life in case she does get a pounce off. Concede crabs, buffs, gromp, whatever you need to unless you have lane priority and attempt to path around her. If you can make it to level 6 without being put in a pit, you can easily gib her with your all in. She must retreat if she is taken by surprise and cannot set up on her target from long range. ”
Riealone says “This one is almost the same as Kindred. Insane damage, ranged and mobile. Simple
matchup to understand. If you dodge spear - you win, if you don't - you are the most doomed
person in the world. Spear, ranged, mobile and can dash over walls. Really hard to play against. And she has fast clearing speed which makes her really strong in current jungle meta”
Goldenstinger says “Same as graves but more kill pressure. Ward your non primary starting buff and ask for leash in this match up. Throw your effigy down in either the baron pit or dragon pit before camps spawn to catch out any shenanigans. ”
Doubtfull says “This match up is pretty free for Fiddlesticks (especially if you're playing in lower MMR). In the early game, make sure to buy a pink and try to get a leash to protect yourself from invades. In the mid to late game you lock Nidalee down with your fear and can one shot her. ”
DesperateShaco says “Nidalee is a huge counter to shaco especially in higher elo where people know how to properly play her. Her passive that marks enemies allows her to see you even in stealth so if you try to Q away from her she can still target you and use her pounce to follow you. Since she also has insane damage and burst she pretty much wins any duel and even if you have the upper hand she can still just run away. She can easily out gank you and counterjungle without you being able to do anything really. Luckily Nidalee isnt really played anymore so she is not worth banning. A good tip to counter her engage is to ult as soon as you think she is going to jump on you, this makes you pop on top of her allowing to burst her down with auto attacks.”
nZk01 says “very snowball heavy matchup, dont let her invade lvl 3 or counter invade, invading to try and kill is also fine, very easy to kill in her own jungle.
her passive gives vision and reveals you in invis so try to dodge or block spear with box, you can also box on a trap if you have to walk over it
You can bait her to jump into boxes, you can also block her spears very easily with boxes.
If you try to dodge her spear with ult dont position in a way that makes you linear to the spear it will still hit u”
Arfreezy says “Played the same as Lillia matchup. Take Blue Smite, Phase Rush and Lethality to run her down and kill her in early fights. Ignite option is recommended here since this is a very snowbally matchup since both junglers rely on winning jungle to get ahead through farm and tempo. Save smoke screen for when she pounces on you to deny a cougar bite.”
Tormentula says “Nidalee can farm really good, and can impact the game just as much as Elise can being the other AP transformation jungler, but overall Nidalee isn't too hard for Elise as you can just one shot her when you land cocoon. Just dodge the spears, cocoon when her cougar form pounce is already used and on CD or coming straight at you making it impossible for her to dodge, take Magic resist shard and you should be fine. Just respect her poking your team out later on, I recommend Banshee's Veil so if you do misstep you can nullify a spear entirely. ”
Doubtfull says “Nidalee is a skill match up that favored Rek'sai. Dodging her spears while burrowed can be difficult, so sometimes I find myself unburrowing just for vision. You can cancel her leap ability with your knock up. If you flash onto her, she is usually squishy enough that your combo will one shot her, though remember that she does have a heal. She will also build Zhonya's more than likely at some point, so watch out for that as well.”
MiningRicK says “I think with Nidalee it´s like Graves and Morgana be careful if she invade´s you. The difference between Graves and Nidalee for you is that you can kill Nidalee easier then Graves.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is slightly Graves favored. You should ways dodge nidalee´s spear with your E. As long as you do this, you should never lose 1v1 to her, the only problem is her high mobility makes it difficult to kill her 1v1 aswell. But it´s okay to be even in the early to mid game against nidalee since graves scales better than nidalee. ”
Insightful says “Unplayable matchup in high elo, she'll just perma invade and kill you, in lower elos you probably don't have to worry about this champ.
Karasmai says “She has very fast tempo you will not notice her being hard until the higher ranks but when you go Rhaast she will out movement speed you so just try to force teamfights and land something on her or her team and she will go pop!, as for shadow assassin shes a real pain cause she can get zhonya and can also heal her team to peel the carries, typically you’ll get to a point where you can burst thru this but it’ll take awhile so just be safe and dont lose to many dragons and dont let her gank too much by setting up vision”
UDYSOF_OCE says “Nidalee is able to dodge all of Jarvan's E-Q Combos with ease. She can chase over walls and poke from range. Impossible to 1v1 in an even fight.”
gankyourgrandma says “Can bully you super hard pre-6, perma invading. Can also kite very well, would recommend rocketbelt 100% of the time for this matchup. ”
ak521 says “Annoying with her spears but you can tank them, if she jumps on you, just Q [or on your adc, just Q on her]. She'll be eaten up quickly. Just be careful of how good the Nidalee actually is, I'd keep an eye out for her invading.”
Rhoku says “Very slippery, mobile and can potentially deal tons of damage. Very snowbally too. A Nidalee can take over a game by herself once fed. You need to prevent this. Dodging her spears is very easy but if you are on autopilot, she can actually reliably land them. Her only reliable way of beating you is through outplaying your Q and kiting you with her superior mobility. In fact, most of the time she'll look to try to take whatever objective you are fighting over and leave. This means you beat her in a straight up all in VERY HARD. She is one of the matchups I'd recommend going damage against, as you will be able to just oneshot her VERY QUICKLY, before she can actually counterplay anything. ”
izzlelol says “A good nidalee will path towards whatever buff you didn't start on and will one shot you in any stage of the game. Pretty hard matchup I pick up banshee's here so she can't one shot me with her Q+W+Q+E combo. You could try to E on her but she could one shot you. Another matter of who one shots who first.”
Lambda Diana says “Shes strong then you early but most of the time people can't play Nidalee right. Try your hardest to dodge Q's and if you hit Q and can E on her you can force a flash or win the fight since Nidalee isn't good in melee range use ult if you can when she use her dash in Cougar form. She may try to invade you and sit you behind but you can out scale just care for her long range Q's. ”
ItsSkoob says “Nidalee is very similar to graves but I think that in low elo most people aren't mechanically skilled enough to make her an Extreme threat but in high elo she would be an extreme threat.”
lightrocket2 says “Her spears and just ability to kite you and do damage are insanely hard to deal with as Taric. You won't win any 1v1s unless she just ints into you. However, Glacial and Phase Rush builds allow you to deal with her kiting well enough to run her down faster than she can dash away.”
Ellesmere says “After her recent buffs, she's definitely more of a threat in the jungle, but overall not much of a problem for Udyr. You can 1v1 her as long as you don't get hit by any long ranged spears. Dodge those and you can easily counter jungle her and make her life miserable. ”
Sammystinky says “She can invade you which is annoying, but you outscale and hurt her bad if you can catch her jump. You also protect carries quite well from her. ”
SketchtheHunter says “One of the rare instances where YOU need to worry about being invaded. Try to avoid her as much as possible and stall out until you hit 3. Then you should be better equipped to fight her. ”
FrostForest says “You can't lock her down and she can dodge every skill and run you down
Hard to outplay and will constantly invade you
You outscale if you make it to midgame even
Unless you're building dps, it will be hard to beat a good nidalee
She also outfarms you very hard”
Irmike78 says “If she lands a Q she can Nid has an easy opportunity to proc electrocute, while she does damage early she falls off incredibly during the late game when Gwen can one combo most mages”
manco1 says “Nidalee out paces you with farm but your 1v1 against her is strong. You can take advantage of this by focusing on counter ganking her especially early on. ”
RichMrFork says “Extremely difficult to play against early game. An early ward and backing for sweeper on your opposite side can be good to spot an invade. Her terrain scaling can be very obnoxious and her dueling and early skirmish power is also very strong. You will most likely have to give up any camp or objective she contests you on if she has priority. As most of Ekko's early game goes, look to farm until 6 and don't take too many risks or fights without help from laners. You outscale hard so try to reach mid and late game without many deaths.”
Kayn Mains says “Avoid her early on since she will absolutely destroy you thanks to her having six abilities. Nidalee likes to invade a lot, so play to try and minimize losses.
Once you reach the mid game you will be able to fight her given that you have your Umbral Trespass (R). Without it, it is simply unrealistic for you to win. Try your best to dodge her Pounce (E) as it deals execute damage.
Regarding late game, you massively outscale Nidalee as either form. If you are Rhaast, play for your team. If you are Shadow Assassin, look for picks in her jungle and burn some Zhonya's Hourglasses.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Annoying matchup, but you will kill her early because she is squishy, just make sure to get closer to her so she can't kill you with a spear. If the Nidalee is good, she will always try to hit a spear as you use Resonating Strike, so make sure to dodge it with Safeguard onto a ward. Be especially careful if you're playing in D2+. If you're in Korea, just dodge lmao
metalhydra273 says “She is a very fast and dangerous jungler that can burst you down harder than you might think. While she has advantages in the pure duel, you have means to outplay her if you dodge her marks. Limit her early game pressure and make her irrelevant by locking her down if you can get to her. If she gets ahead, well timed ults and run downs on your end can salvage the game. Even a fed Nidalee can get flash ulted on and if she has banshee's, look to punish her when she goes in. She should struggle to beat you if she isn't landing spears or picking off your team.”
mgutis says “Nidalee is the premier karthus counter, high mobility, many dashes, gapclose, outranges him with qs, better early game, better skirmishing before 2 items, has heals for extended trades/fights, and can one shot you at pretty much any point in the game if she lands a spear. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “Avoid her early on since she will absolutely destroy you thanks to her having six abilities. Nidalee likes to invade a lot, so play to try and minimize losses. Once you reach the mid game you will be able to fight her given that you have your Umbral Trespass (R). Without it, it is simply unrealistic for you to win. Try your best to dodge her Pounce (E) as it deals execute damage. Regarding late game, you massively outscale Nidalee as either form. If you are Rhaast, play for your team. If you are Shadow Assassin, look for picks in her jungle and burn some Zhonya's Hourglasses.
auileta says “She can bully you super hard before level 6. She can also kite well and invade. Your Hextech Rocketbelt is a good way to keep gaps open between you and her.”
Nanelol says “Block what you can best scenario would be her Q and run her down if available, she dies quickly. She dies easily in an invade if you catch her off-guard but not likely due to her traps. Shielding her Q prevents her mark, making her an easy duel. ”
Heccie says “This champ is hard to play and I think its hard to see good nidalees if she traps bush she will jump on you but if you jump on her first she's dead.”
Eagzey says “Play against a Challenger Nidalee. Won't be an issue in lower elos, but more skilled Nidalees are impossible to play against. Good ones will always make sure to keep their distance and poke us down, and when behind it is very hard to have an impact on the game. Possible ban.”
uSgSello says “Skill based matchup.
If you can dodge her spears with your rappel and land your cocoon you can kill her. Nidalees early game is squishy too.”
uSgSello says “Nidalee is able to dodge your combo. It is just like the matchup against Elise. If you play around her jump cooldown or engage her when she is in human form and you hit your E + Q combo she won't be able to win a trade or fight. Nidalee normally doesn't counter jungle. ”
Unknown420 says “in this match up when she gets tabi and ap jungle item she can kill u but of u dodge her Q you win at any stage of the game which is not hard to do ”
PK Noob says “As long as you dodge her spear you should be able to burst her. When she jumps on you just w away and root her. Like Lee she will have a hard time catching back up if she falls behind.”
EUWRATS says “Super strong in good hands, if she invades you from the beginning your game is pretty much over, try to stay high hp at all camps and ward pixel bushes in river to see if she is going to invade you. Even giving 1 kill might be devastating for you.”
Strike1 says “Pretty even matchup if the nidalee is good.
If the nidalee is bad its a minor threat matchup for kindred.
You can use your jumps to dodge nidalees spear and chase her down easily. You can also use your ultimate to prevent her from finishing off your teammates.
You outscale her hard. I put even because a good nidalee can put up a fight”
SoSheolH says “Basically does no damage to you and, despite her cougar form W, she has no real escape. She can't burst you out and can't run, so all in her and she'll lose every time, but she can dominate any champ that isn't building full tank so don't let her get ahead.”
Kindredgarten says “You can kill her fast but she can do the same to you, use your dash to dodge her spear (if she misses it you should win the 1v1). Respect the Nidalee if they are good, very strong early game champ. ”
GuillaumeP84 says “Pretty easily matchup. If you dodge her spear, you automatically win the 1 vs 1. Moreover, you can cancel her dash in with w which give you a very big advantage.”
Ejsner says “Nidalee is a huge counter to shaco especially in higher elo where people know how to properly play her. Her passive that marks enemies allows her to see you even in stealth so if you try to Q away from her she can still target you and use her pounce to follow you. Since she also has insane damage and burst she pretty much wins any duel and even if you have the upper hand she can still just run away. She can easily out gank you and counterjungle without you being able to do anything really. Luckily Nidalee isnt really played anymore so she is not worth banning. A good tip to counter her engage is to ult as soon as you think she is going to jump on you, this makes you pop on top of her allowing to burst her down with auto attacks.”
Loul_60 says “She isn't too in-meta now, and doesn't have a great clear either. If she misses her Q (Spear) you stand a good chance at being able to 1v1 her. Once you get either form you can easily kill her as long as you hit your W.”
litecrunch says “She will steal your camps quickly and if she lands her spear then you will lose and die. I didn't rate her higher because her spears are relatively easy to dodge especially with shyvana's w.”
liserith says “Another AP assassin, the only reason Nidalee isn't an extreme threat is due to the fact that you CAN duel her. Use Q to dodge her spear, and that limits her engage and burst. ”
kaynt ward says “Nidalee can clear as fast as you which means he can invade early easily and screw you over. Her mobility in the jungle can mimic yours which makes it hard to run away from her. If it's a good player she can out-kite you easily before you get form. Also, she is ranged which is bad when going Rhaast.”
Gumipapucs says “If you dodge her spear, you pretty much kill her and she's defenseless. Invade her early and try to prevent her snowballing. She is kinda useless when behind, except for 1-2 fat spear hits.
Later on, you are in big doodoo if she can engage you.”
ShadowCross says “He can outduel you but daisy can block her spears and she cant build serpents so you should be find along as you give more impact on the map”
Contryx says “This is a hard matchup and requires alot of exp to execute, If you're playing in higher elo Nidalee will most likely be in your jungle trying to kill you and you won't be able to contest unless you have lane prio to help you out.”
chevy the sloot says “Unless you're playing on master+ it shouldn't be an impossible match up since most nidalee's suck. Run red smite to match her red smite. Avoid all early and play the opposite map. At 6 you should now be able to duel her with new red smite unless she already snowballed.”
Al Groz says “Nidalee is really strong in good hands. Her passive hard counters you, She can see you even while you are in your invisibility, and can follow you afterwards with her W. She isn't picked much but should keep in mind.”
Tinjus says “An easy matchup for Kha'Zix, however getting hit by a long range spear will cause problems for you. Getting hit by a spear also reveals you while in stealth, so keep that in mind.”
Udyr uber says “Bastante irritante de enfrentar, tente wardar bastante sua jungle, já que ela costuma dar bastante invade.
Guerreiro+Mercúrio+Limite da Razão vão te ajudar bastante em trocas contra ela”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “She will throw one spear, and will leap in with her Cougar form instantly killing you with a simple combo. If she gets fed, she only has to throw and land one spear to kill you. She can also invade your jungle when you're trying to clear in all stages of the game and kill you. Her biggest weakness is hard CC, which you have making it a playable, but difficult match up.”
PsiGuard says “Don't tank any free spears and she shouldn't be able to fight you. You'll probably need your ult and/or Flash to secure a kill on her. Remember she can hop over walls so choose your ult timing carefully. It's easier to kill her if you fight her and use ult to gapclose after she runs away.”
Bel37 says “You outscale and can even 1v1 in the river even if she hits you with a spear. But if the nid is good she wont go cougar form and just kite you down in human form so this matchup is very dependent on how good the nidalee is.”
lolX9J says “Cringe Champion.
Her Passive allows her and her allies to spot you through invis for a long time even if u get hit by stuff before you go invis.
Luckily she is able to get beaten 1v1 with the Chad build.”
JunglerBuilds says “Basic matchup, don't let her snowball and you should win. Actually one of the easiest matchups. You could probably just win by ganking, she has better clear, but it's really not much if the enemy team has no Crowd control, as she has absolutely no cc her self. Almost useless late game.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Avoid getting hit by her spears at a distance so they do less damage. Try not to chase her unless she overextends, it is easy to kill her once you hit her with Bandage toss into a quick Ultimate when grouped with your team. ”
Tofolo says “Il problema è prenderla ma schivate il suo giavellotto e tenete la Q premuta per vedere in range, con la R la raggiungete e come entra nel range andate di Q. è vostra da bullizzare.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade especially in early game because she wont be full hp after clearing her jungle. Always try dodging her Q or you will die also use Oracle a lot for her traps.
Nida is a skilled matchup but not hard one. ”
BreakrZero says “If she plays the map well, she can kite you and mess up your early game. Outscales you. Impossbile to chase or kill unless she gets sloppy in a teamfight. Stridebreaker makes her a little easier to deal with which is why shes not 5”
xracer02 says “Nidalee is a really bad matchup to jungler against too. She can easily spot you with his Q or W and will oneshot you. You can't escape cause of her long jumps. ”
Get Ricked says “If nidalee hits her spear she can destroy you at any point in the game, escpecially early. You do outscale her tho and if she misses the spear you beat her after lvl 6. Also if you get the jump on her you can oneshot her. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “Avoid her long range q, you have faster clear, better sustain, her mobility isn't the best, you can see her low hp on her jungle and go for her, early form, perhaps first blood, steal camps, avoid full range q and you win 1v1's, care she camps in bushes for a full range q, try to counter gank her cause you are stronger early , after you get form and items , you'll stomp her”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nidalee is a very strong early game jungler and will often be invading you. Dodging her spears is very important as she relies on them for the biggest part of her damage. ”
MetaSolaray says “Minor if Gold and below. Nidalee's who are well versed at kiting can widdle Udyr down on objectives such as scuttles before going in for the kill. If she has red buff and sees you step away and concede the objective. Take nimbus clock and chilling smite and try to catch her moving in the jungle from the fog of war. You shred her if you can get on top of her and kill her before she finds a nearby wall. You outscale with most builds as long as you avoid giving her to big of a lead. Ward as NIdalee's can invade an Udyr and catching him camp clearing will result in a kill for her.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Avoid her long range q, you have faster clear, better sustain, her mobility isn't the best, you can see her low hp on her jungle and go for her, early form, perhaps first blood, steal camps, avoid full range q and you win 1v1's, care she camps in bushes for a full range q, try to counter gank her cause you are stronger early , after you get form and items , you'll stomp her ”
RedNBlue says “She is a good assassin just make sure you don't get one shotted by her spear and don't get to close to her as in her Lion form(cat) she will pounce you and bite you head off.”
Degryh says “ENGLISH: You always win it unless you get a lot of kills, that's if you don't hit it if you don't have level 3 because if it doesn't kill you///////////////////////////////////// ESPAÑOL: la ganas siempre a no ser que te saque muchas kills.Eso si no te pegues con ella si no tienes level 3 porque si no te mata”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Get hit by spear you'll probably die unless she's behind. Shieldbow makes this easier to survive if things didn't go according to plan whereas Kraken makes this almost laughably easy when your ahead.”
KaynPlayer814 says “A good Nidalee will always find a way how to punish you in the early game. You need to hope that your lanes have prio to colapse on her, if she invades you. You outscale her as both form. To win the 1v1 you need to either dodge her Speer or bait out her Dashes to hit your abilities.”
Shukori says “Nidalee starts being a threat at lvl 2 but has insane lvl 1 invade potential. So make sure to ward accordingly and play around her pathing. You wanna avoid her at all costs, she is able to kite you in human form. If she happens to land a Q on you, she will jump in trying to oneshot you, so if shes far way place your W on her and run as far as you can from this monster, if she is almost/already in jump range then place W on yourself and run as far as you can, this way she will have to jump through your W. She has an easy time clearing your Camps too, so warding them to act accordingly is a must.”
Snap0ner says “Huge threat thanks to her dueling power on 1v1 plus her passive can make you visible for her to follow you. She can counterjungle and countergank you easily. In low Elo not so dangerous but in High Elo in skilled players hands OMG!!!”
Hidon1 says “This match up is simple. If she can not get an early lead you stomp her to the ground. You have better ganks so try and counter gank her first gank. In order to do that get early wards so you know where she starts. Then expect her to full clear to the other side of the map, then do your best trying to match her first gank. ”
Simon The Shaco Main says “If she hits her spear, she can see you through your invis. Her jungle clearing makes it harder for you to invade. Try and block her spear with your boxes.”
Linkay says “Nidalee is probably my least favorite matchup when playing Zac. She has a ton of movement, and is able to dodge anything you use on her. Do not fight early, wait for late game. ”
Lazlum says “Unless you are high elo you wont see that ,and if you see that i cant really give you any tips because im not high elo.But in low elo its not such a big problem, get level 6 ult her face and erase her from the rift”
Karthus man says “She does a lot of damage with her spears late game but has a better early game than you, so you should just farm and try to dodge her spears because they will do a lot of damage regardless if she is fed or not.”
Ivern OTP says “Although Nidalee technically has a low WR vs Ivern, I do think good Nidalees can out path you and can cause a major stress fracture in the jungle. If it's a bad Nidalee, most games should be free vs her.”
Maile says “Try to invade her early because Nidalee thrives on properly doing her first clear and then looking for ganks. If you shut her down then the game is just too free. Turn her into a housecat and you automatically win because she is a caster minion from behind. ”
Olleander says “you don't have to worry about nidalee at all in low elo because she's only a hard matchup if the nidalee is skilled. but if it is a good nidalee it's extremely hard for Ivern, as she can do the same thing that rengar/k6 and graves can do and just bully tf out of you and snowball. she isn't 5 bc low playrate and it's only bad if she's good and is able to obtain and abuse a lead.”
Manzey says “Nidalee is a fairly easy matchups aslong as you respect her spears, if you dodge the spears this will probably be one of the easiest matchups you'll ever face.
Around 5-7 if you get hit by a spear from long range you can consider yourself dead or close to death.
Boots is a must in this matchup.”
Minase says “A good Nidalee will perma invade you and make your life hell. She can easily buy MR and make it really hard to one shot her and on top of that she farms just as fast as you if not faster. But you will eventually outscale her. Just don't be afraid to let her take your camps in front of you, just remind yourself that you will outscale her.”
BoyWonder00 says “She is strong early and scales well into the mid game. She will be able to bully you and is hard to pin down because she can kite you out.”
Holessando says “even though she is not really played much, she can do a lot to you.. her ap abilities are really op, her spear can one shot squishies. When you fight 1v1, you should easily outplay her, especially in early game”
metalhydra273 says “Slippery but easy to pick off if you can ult her when she goes in. If she gets ahead early she can easily pick you off with spear and burst options. Don't fall behind, and if you do, look to shut her down with your team and turn the tide. ”
brSL7 says “Nidalee tem um dano explosivo.
Early Game você pode matar ele caso encontre ele no Rio (tenha mais vida do que ele e desvie da lança). Mid game tenha cuidado quando for trocar com ele caso ele esteja de eletrocutar, mas se ele estiver de Colheita você pode ir para cima dele tranquilamente. Late Game é só sucesso. Mas se ela ficar com muita vantagem ela irá conseguir te matar facilmente, cuidado!!.”
gurubashi35 says “A good Nidalee, like Lee Sin, will throw Q to whittle you down then go for the kill when you're low.
As long as you E the initial pounce and execute, you can out-sustain and out-dps her and potentially kill.
Post-6, with your R, you're almost always guaranteed to win the fight. She has somewhat similar playstyle to you early on, hunting for kills and snowballing, but has higher burst damage.
You take objectives better, so focus on getting those. Countergank her whenever possible, since you 2v2 is better than hers with your E.”
chasemyman1 says “Skill matchup, try to Rappel her Cougar Pounce. Shes is very squishy so as long as you get ahead early you will be fine. Also if you go into spider form you can use your spiderlings as a shield from her spears.”
Sandomar says “Nidalee has a scary first Spear, but if you Turtle-Shield to block spear dmg you have a good chance to 1v1 if you've kept up with level and farming. Stun and kill her.”
reganakers says “She is ridiculously squishy so you shouldn't lose early unless she smurfs on you. Land a Q and it should be all over for her. Nidalee's like to be pains in the asses and will try to take anything they can from your Jungle. If you can catch her in the act then make sure to punish her. Leave wards in your Jungle to help find her.”
PsiGuard says “Really good Nidalee players can still put up a fight in this matchup, but chances are if you're reading this guide, the Nidalees you'll be facing are going to make a lot of mistakes. Rek'Sai has a solid amount of mobility to chase Nid, but you'll need to start fighting her before you blow all your cooldowns. If you can start hitting her and then use E, R and/or Flash to chase, you should be able to kill her. If she lands a spear or a trap and leaps at you, interrupt the leap with Unburrow and turn to fight her (unless you're low on HP or she's super fed of course).”
Freyhacks says “She can't beat you unless you are near 0 hp and have no skills available. She has a q for execute, but after she jumps in and has no W, you turn and she loses.”
League Of Cursed says “Entirely skill based. A good nidalee is going to gank top, then bot, then mid, then take your red while somehow being everywhere on the map at level 4. A bad one is nonexistent just like this champion's play rate.
Dopamine_influx says “Challenger nidalee players make the matchup hard, but if you're not challenger, the matchup is pretty free. You win all fights early, so just look to contest her on scuttles and snowball from there.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. Rengar can one-shot nidalee for most or all of the game assuming nidalee doesn't build armor. Nidalee's only power is in her early game. Force skirmishes near river and in her jungle with lane priority.”
AWierdShoe says “Nidalee can invade you with her high mobility and catch you off-guard with her AP burst damage, but as long as you avoid her spears with your E you can duel her. Just try not to get too close for comfort.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Nidalee is a very skill based Champion. So this matchup heavily depends on skill. To beat Nidalee avoid her Spear and Traps as most of her dmg relies on her passive. if you manage to dodge her abilites its an easy 1v1 if she cant jump over a wall or run through a bush.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “Dodge her javelin and she loses her opener and the bulk of her damage. The difficulty is in getting to her, as she is usually trying to land javelins from behind jungle walls or from behind enemy lines. If invaded or once in range, she is easy prey though.”
DarkPit59 says “Nidalee peut surprendre de par ses dégâts et ses pièges. Prenez garde à ne pas vous faire repérer en marchant sur l'un d'eux. Elle reste fragile alors elle ne représente pas une menace réelle si elle prend du retard.”
OxDZZZZ says “Nida has high damage, and can win 1v1s against eve easily, she can win early invades, and evelynn has no chance against Nida Q when she has high ap”
PrabhablyShaco says “Rough matchup, similar to Graves, has an insanely fast clear and is able to get far ahead because of it. Can close gap distance when you deceive, hard to win a 1v1 vs a good nidalee. Best option is to beat her down early, whether it be counterganks or collapsing on crabs.”
WickedPoppet says “Entirely skill based. A good nidalee is going to gank top, then bot, then mid, then take your red while somehow being everywhere on the map at level 4. A bad one is nonexistent just like this champion's play rate.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Her Insanely fast clear and the best invade in the game make her a hard matchup. She will try to get a xp advantage early so if you gank after double buff gromp she won't respond. As long as you are even in levels you can try to find her in her jungle and chase her down. Don't try to outpace her while clearing. You can basically say bye bye to one jungle half. The good news: you outscale really hard and your teamfight is way better later on.”
GinWinsky says “Will try to invade you early. Block her Q with your W and if she goes and gets feared, it's your kill. Can kill her at every other stage of the game with ease.”
TrevorJayce says “As long as you dodge her Q, and maybe even if you get hit by it, this champion has no chance of winning a 1v1 against you. You're simply too powerful with your W for her to be able to deal with.”
Fabosch is Love says “Uncatchable, but useless compared to you in teamfight. Keep an eye on her positionment on the map, to don't fail your macro game.”
Morzanoth says “Nidalee is a real power house in the jungle. She farms fast and pretty healthily compared to you. Avoid fighting her early, possibly counter gank where you can. Your level 6 spike is stronger since you gain a combat ult. You should be able to kill her if you land the shark, otherwise just make sure you are even on items. You can dodge her spear's pretty easily too.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nidalee is a very strong early game jungler and will often be invading you. Dodging her spears is very important as she relies on them for the biggest part of her damage. ”
Daedralus says “A highly predictable champ as if she hits spear, she is definitely coming towards you. E in time and her burst is meaningless and your R and Q will heal you all the way back up while one shooting her. Stay behind minions and the laning phase will be a breeze, although she is likely to keep her range as well, making it difficult to kill. You can still die by getting hit by too many spears, but you can also regenerate that back with Q on minions. You are capable of latching Q with her W to follow her through walls which heavily counter her. If she goes all damage, a simple all in will be her end every time. ”
PrideHunter says “She can invade you early and set you behind, and she also clears much faster than you. However you have stronger ganks and you can win 1v1 as long as you are even. If she goes merc treads it becomes a bit difficult.”
cutmeh says “Like Lee, nidalee also has strong early game damage and high mobility- God nidalee mains will burn you alive D: You outscale her later, however.”
Aizenvolt says “Her spear is generally easy to avoid after 6 you have her easy just poke her and when she gets low go all in. Also be carefull for her heal it can be a game changer in 1 vs 1.”
SNOBOY says “Very hard, especially pre 6. Nidalee will shred you with aa's and does a ton of damage in cougar form. Dodge those spears and traps so she doesn't hop crazy far and maul your face off. You can win if you can get a couple early kills, otherwise, its really not fun. ”
Mkcls says “AP assasin, high burst. You should be able to win by dodging her javelin. Possible to cheese her early. Dont let her take your camps. Always place a ward on drakes, cuz she can take them preety easily.”
Simphoria says “This must be the matchup I bump into least nowadays but anyone who plays Nidalee is probably maining her. High mobility early makes it dangerous for us as she can effortlessly follow our Q. Her spear will take our passive off then she can pounce to us afterwards. She snowballs well, can counter jungle okay, gank well, and has high sustain. This is a matchup that you gotta be on your toes for, but the challenge is not overwhelming, it's fun. ”
Fyurex says “Nidalee can burst anyone down easily but she is pretty useless in teamfights as she only has damage and doesn't have much health.Watch out for her jumps if she hits a spear on your carry. In early you can easily duel her if you take her by surprise.”
Xelaadryth says “Skill matchup. You can out-trade her with autos, but she can heal back life. It'll eat her mana quickly though. If she lands a single spear on you, she can wreck you in cougar form, so don't get hit at all costs. Focus on last hitting and try to land Qs on her. If she hard engages, you almost always are forced to ult and fight her.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Massive, long-range poke damage, great mobility, good clear speed, and assassination potential up close. Dodge her spears and you should be golden. Counterjungling hurts her pretty badly.”
today ill feed enemy team says “Hitting a spear when playing Nida is hard enough, but with your movement speed on your bear form, she won't hit this even in hell, you just destroy her early.”
Doaenel says “Nidalee will always go for early invades, therefore you need to start on the same side of the map as her and make sure that you ward the jungle entrance on the side of the map that you're pathing towards. If she gets an item lead you will die in one combo, so make sure that you play relatively safe early game.”
SirZeros says “She isn't that strong against you, so she won't be a big problem, since she doesn't scale as good as you do.
Punish her for farming in cougar form and do not let you get hit by her spear! I'm serious, it's not that hard to avoid it.”
Her0mars says “I hate this champ and anyone who plays her. If bans change to be more free of choice, ban her. She spears for days then murders someone, not fun for you.”
Hamstertamer says “Her counterjungling/solokill potential on you is scary early game, but you make up for it with your far superior teamfight presence.”
Yuki H. says “A very good nidalee will basically give you no time to breathe as they constantly invade you and look to punish every small mistake you make. However, if the nidalee player isn't very good, her threat level will drop down to "minor." Dodge her spear and do not let her mark you as that is pretty much a guaranteed lost fight.”
Hamstertamer says “Scary early, but easy later. Can and will counterjungle you, very scary in 1v1 but in a teamfight she can't assassinate you unless you seriously mess up. ”
yasinpg says “LUL. Go in her face during counter ganks.
Teamfights will be like this: she jumps into your team and you will jump into her's. your team will kill her but you will survive and it should turn into a 4v5 basically. Just ward for her ganks, especially top lane. If your team does not feed too much it will be EZ LP.”
4by3 says “In a matchup like this, if Nidalee gets a lead you're most likely over. For the other matchups, them having a lead can fuck you over, but this champion goes to another level. She kills you so easily and gets true vision from her kit. Cheesy champion, if you watch for these things mid game will be a lot easier. ”
MrPuggles says “ Nidalee is a very very easy matchup. There is no reason you should lose this, even if Nidalee snowballs. you will always be able to 1v1 her in almost any situation. her teamfights aren't that good, making her impact on the game nothing compared to yours. invade her jungle and punish her for playing this matchup. Be careful when she buys a Zhonya's Hourglass, as this may get you killed if you're not careful.”
Intello says “Nidalee is an interesting champion. Her spear does more damage the further distance it travels. When she transforms into her lion/tiger she will hop on you and do pretty high burst.
Other than that, you can easily EW her and kite her. She's pretty squishy so it depends on your skill. You can burst her down or just disengage.”
Xavier Senori says “Nidalee is super easy to deal with. You out harass her as long as you can dodge her spears. MS quints and T1 boots should help with that. Stay behind your minion line and harass from there. Her early minion clear is awful, so if you want to force her to lose cs, push her under her tower and harass her there. Late game your Seraph's Embrace should protect you from her spear, though you may consider a Banshee's Veil.”
Yzroma says “Early game focusn on counter ganking or ganking if you know where she is. Also, in mid game if you're not behind you can easily 1v1. She will cry in all chat.”
Yzroma says “Concentre toi sur les ganks et les counter ganks. Tu pouras la 1v1 facilement si tu prends l'avantage. Evite bien ses spears et elle ne pourra pas te faire suffisamment de dégats pour te one shot.”
xMalcho says “If she is a good nidalee she will destroy your ass but if you llay it correctly you win.Dodge her q with yours or just put w infront of you or r.But don't get hit by her q or you can die.And also if she has red buff try to not fight her she can kite you a little bit and then she can kill you.Don't forget to ward your buffs.”
Arcsecondlol says “Nidalee is another champion who meets Ekko's counter criteria. Ekko's e is often too slow to dodge Nidalee's spear. If Ekko is hit by a spear during e, he will almost certainly lose the fight.”
Toad12138 says “A good nidalee completely crushes you early by invading you over and over again, basically making you unable to live. Struggle past this early phase, sneak ganks when possible, get form, and the matchup becomes quickly a lot better as you outscale her.”
bluejaypig says “A good nidalee player will out jungle you in the early game with all her insane pressure. But the champion sucks against yi, dodge her q and follower her w.”
BigBadVoodo says “Can be easy to abuse, the main thing to look out for is not allowing her to free farm. We can also dodge her Q with out W or Q, which makes fighting her a lot easier.”
xTheUnlimited says “One of my favourite matchups with Sejuani. You should invade and bully her too, because she is pretty squishy and her Q is pretty awful in a melee fight. Also she wont damage you that much. ”
OmnimX says “Avoid her spears. If she gets caught out by you and charmed, she's dead. Her leap is a little irritating, but can be played around by positioning.”
Wulfery says “Well you can first of all steal her ultimate. and her kit plays well along with yours, so it'll be important to simply outplay her. You have superior damage, and if she tries to escape, you can easily counter that with your E.”
L3gislacerator says “While her spears do tons of damage, you can just heal off or shield the poke. That doesn't mean she won't still be dangerous, though, so don't stick around her with low health.”
Exhiled says “A good nidalee player will out jungle you in the early game with all her insane pressure. But the champion sucks against yi, dodge her q and follower her w.
CalebsLegacy says “If she is fed and good at aiming, she will win the fights. Otherwise this match up is easy. Be careful of the enemy teams collapses and you can beat her in a 1v1 easily. ”
Morzanoth says “Nidalee is probably one of the most annoying junglers to play against. Once she has gotten through her first clear she becomes a machine at everything. She will invade you a lot and you may struggle to farm since she can clear camps a lot faster than you. Her poke can make defending a turret very difficult as well. You can look to punish aggressive Nidalees by warding your jungle entrances and collapsing on them when they try invade. And if you can CC her once she becomes very easy to burst.”
MetabuserEU says “This is a lovely matchup for Sejuani. You should invade and bully her too because she deals absolutely no damage in the early game and you will beat her easily ”
Castcade says “Nidalee Hard Nor Easy to fight similar to graves its all about dodging thats all i can say I recommend playing aggressively passive the whole game”
Salmon Kid says “Nidalee just sucks as a champ and only very high elo Nidalees can implement the invade playstyle correctly compared to Kindred which is so much easier and stronger.”
MannerlessNG says “Dangerous.
Honestly this ones pretty fickle, while you do indeed have the ability to delete her, she has tools to screw with you.
Her ranged attacks can really open you up for an engage and just zone you off objectives, making her quite annoying to deal with.
If you can consistently catch her off guard and invade her camps when she ganks, she can fall behind and give you the advantage.
She can leap over walls making your W break and kiting you into her team if you ult.
Furthermore, most Nids invade you, especially early where they can harass you during your clear and steal your buffs.
Use wards a lot.
You gotta be patient and smart against her.”
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