Top Lane 51.75% Win Rate71% Pick RateQuinn Top Lane Counters: 21 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Quinn in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Comet
Early: Q start and play for cs to get a good first reset.
Tips: Its a free matchup if you just hit your q's. After hitting one or two you can Q her, use the slow to ult her towards you can just kill her”
liucan says “BIRD UP stat checker: If she waste E to trade then u can trade if she doesnt waste E then u are fuck. Survive, scale and if u land E in mid/late u can win. fast combo good here and roams dont good because she will just counter roam u and deny everything u do.”
Houcs says “This ranged champion is one of few I consider good matchups for Skarner.
When she goes for the E and you're ready, you can R her in that E and easily get her into the tower.
The thing you should really pay attention too is that freezing this champion can make her roam. So always keep an eye out for that.”
parker3n9 says “Quinn can be a bit tricky early, as she typically has kill threat and almost always runs Ignite. However, you can win the all-in if you play smart. The key is to wait for her to use E—if you time your E as she jumps, it will connect and leave her vulnerable. As long as you’re not below half health, you’ll win the trade and/or all-in. Focus on maintaining your health with safe farming and careful trades until you’re ready to engage.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
ExtoiK says “it isnt that hard to win against her. play safe till level 4 and keep poking her when possible, try to drain her mana so she cant fight back, if she is stupid she will go roam lvl 6 and you will be able to punish her by getting BIG cs lead and maybe even taking turrets and if that happens you won the lane”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Small trades and conserve health. Go all-win from level 3 onwards if she is low health. Be smart on your positioning because of her E. ”
Raideru says “In this matchup, u start w and you basically spam it till lvl 3 afterwards always try to jump into her since her e doesn't have priority over your e so she just loses it every time and if she tries to save it afterwards it's still difficult for her to chase u after. I advise rushing Trinity and going PTA in this lane.”
Basilli says “FLEET RUNES
"Same as all ranged matchups, don't get super poked level 1 before you get your E, wait for her to push up and Q>W+Ghost her. She can't kite THAT well if you keep landing Q's. If you
have 3 stacks on her then you can buffer your R on her so as soon as she tries to kick you away she gets swallowed. " ”
Spartaniko says “Go Doran's shield and keep poking her. Engage if she uses her E, E her combo (Q - empowered auto). She likes to roam, remember to track her and ping your allies. It looks a far worse matchup than it actually is if you play focused and confident.”
Fenharion says “Ghost + Protobelt she can't really kite you down since you outrun her,be sure to warn your teammates since her ult is really great to roam around and collect kills.”
tictac9090 says “Highly dependent on how good the Quinn is. In early farm with your Q. Dodge her Q. You can only all in her if she missteps and you have your summoners up. Make sure to use your E after hers.”
Skaarlschloch says “Easy matchup, you are similar to an AP Malphite in the way that ranged champs cant deal with your poke once you get levels in your W.
She is a onecombo kill at 6. If she is smart she will perma roam and never show in lane. Be carefull of her early levels”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind Shield (also comet setup if you want)
It's kind of funny how a lot of quinn players will outplay themselves by pressing e while you do your Q e and they still get hit by the q anyways. Just play this lane as normal and rush plated as that completely clowns her. Always ping your laners when she is missing as she is excellent at roaming. Never sack too much health early since she can gut you with ignite if you do.”
SoyCleric says “Usually all ranged tops will be a threat since Aurora Q is low-mid range, and most of the other champions have higher ranged abilities.”
Frankoloko says “Quite easy except that she's ranged. Take Demolish because if she leaves lane and gets nothing, you gain A LOT with Demolish. Also take Second Wind + buy Shield. Ping your team a lot when she's missing. Get blue trinket fast and place it near your team mate's lanes. Respect her early levels since she's ranged but has Zed level burst. She wins with roaming, be aware of that.”
step1v9 says “Avoid trading when you're marked by her passive because she gains a lot of MS. Trade when her fleet is down. Try to pin her to a big wall because she can't E for distance (she will collide with the wall). If you get between her and her tower then you can all-in her with sums. Avoid standing near short walls as she can E you to hop over them. Your E and her E are the same CD. Care her R MS. Don't try to follow if she roams just push. Stride is a must.”
Raideru says “Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Quinn is and how much jungle help you get, all you can do in early is farm with q and try to poke her with it when she autos and trade with your e, only way you can ever run her down is if she oversteps while being lower hp than you because most Quinns will go ignite into Darius, I advise dodging this matchup ”
Haxorr says “Quinn is a pretty challenging matchup, as her e directly counters your kit making it hard for you to ever engage on her. However, she is one of the easier ranged matchups as she is auto attack based so you can dodge a lot of her damage.
In this matchup, you should be taking DShield + Grasp page, rushing Trinity or potentially Tank Jax. After you have level 7 or 8, the lane should get much much easier. Q start can work here but if she starts her e then it will be tough for you, so I would recommend just starting your e. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here.”
TeiWasTaken says “Just as any other ranged toplaner, she is a bad matchup. Try to hit level 3 first so you can E her. You can use your E2 to get back to her if she knocks you back. You beat her in late game, because she is very squishy.”
eXC4l says “You usually want to engage ADCs and ranged characters (mages etc.) with your W but this character doesn't let you do that thanks to her E. She can use your packmates to hit you with her Q which causes a bit of problem but the upside is you usually don't get inflicted by her passive. It's worth noting that she is also a very fast character so she has high snowball/roam potential, try to play in a way which doesn't let her do that.”
Baby_Driver says “Go Phase rush page.
Go warden's mail or steelcaps first.
If you manage to pull her in and interrupt her E, all-in her.
I would honestly just wait for your jungler as she is very easy to kill 2 vs 1.”
forlid says “Quinn is a ranged AD toplaner, so itemization against her is kinda easy. The laning phase is entirely dependant on whether or not you can bait out her E. Without it she is very vulnerable, but beware of going too far into her lane as she can kite you down very easily. Post level 6 she will roam to the other side of the map and thats when you have to push all waves and try to take as many plates as possible. If Herald is up and enemy jungle is botside, you can also prioritize it. After two items you one shot her. BORK is good for slow, Iceborn Gauntlet trivializes this matchup as well.”
YuletideGlory says “Take Exhaust instead of Ghost.
It's really hard to land an E when you can't see her, and even if you manage it, she can simply backflip off your face and avoid the confrontation.
Quinn also benefits from bonus damage, attack speed, and movement speed for hitting her Harrier marks, making her hard to hit while being able to poke you for free. Exhaust may be your only hope in curbing her damage and make her less slippery.
Rush Boots of Swiftness, and good luck.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Spellbook. Annoying early but you outscale her hard. Once lvl 6 its a free kill. Walk up to her until in auto range, she will e you and you e at the same time. She cant dodge it in e Animation. Dont r her if she is in valor. ”
Steinuhu says “You can catch her if you use Stride Breaker just before she kicks you. Consider building Hull Breaker because, when she roams, you can destroy turrets at light speed.”
mastershen says “use range top counter build(cosmic drive or dead man plate) for her you can look to all in after she use her vault E ability and look to E ULT Q combo on her and catch the bird offquard”
MaesePerez says “She pokes you in lane, go second wind, but falls off a cliff late game if she doesn't get kills. She will try to roam post 6, so use the time she's away from lane to get plates and scale for free. Quinn can't really kill you after you buy frozen heart, but still its not a great idea to fight her 1v1, since she can avoid your q easily and e if you manage to close the gap. Look for teamfights around objectives and peel for your backline, they're the ones who will actually be able to kill her late game. ”
forlid says “Quinn isn't that difficult to play against once she engages with her E. When she vaults on you, she is very susceptible to your full combo, and since she is squishy, you can almost always skew the trade in your favor. Fighting her in your side of the lane is much more important than you might realize. If she can't follow you after your combo, she can't punish you. After level 6 try to warn your team as her roaming power is where her power mainly resides in.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS E MAX
broken bull champ but you outscale pretty hard and her lethality build is very poor into you. Be ready to instantly shove and take plates if she shows somewhere else on the map.”
hamgi says “d shield, second wind. very poke-heavy. avoid going for cs until she does to avoid giving free dmg. do not q3 into/e towards her as she will just e u. u outscale just play safe”
PlayCabex says “It’s quite easy to lane versus as well. You lose prios until 6, but then you have full control over the lane (given you didn’t die before). You just wait for his E (the jump thingy) and then you Q R and it’s a free kill almost every single time. Start with doran’s ring.
Runes: Comet”
Belle19 says “outranges you, hard outpokes you, has the most broken constant roams from top in the game. Just try to survive lane and you'll eventually outscale her in a 5v5 setting. Refer to Vayne for how to play lane.”
zwartebliksem says “You can only go in when you land your E on her, since she will knock you back a lot. With stridebreaker, this matchup is much easier, even though it's out of the meta, it's usually worth it in this matchup.”
AWierdShoe says “One of the more annoying ranged matchups for us, and most of them take ignite (we should still take TP). Quinn has the ability to disengage from our combo with her E, but is very vulnerable when its down. If you're going for a trade, do your best to not use all your Qs and save W until she uses her E to stun you, then peel back to avoid taking too many autos from her. Dodge her Q to the best of your ability, it does a decent amount of damage and the Nearsight is very annyoing to deal with. If you have her W passive mark on you, it's best to wait it out as taking an auto while marked will chunk you. Play safe early, rush Tabis and at level 6 bait her E before committing ult to an all-in. Once she gets 6 ping for your team as she gets a ton of roam presence around the map (especially since you're going to be constantly shoved in). We outscale her hard if even.”
Haearnbleidd says “Build doran's shield, play safe until 6, run her down with ghost. That's all, she can be annoying but that's not enough.
Build: Hexplate/Stride > any good item.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Dshield
So this one is actually deceptively hard.
She can E when you leap from brush, she has a blind, and her W will give her vision, and she roams just as quick as you at 6.
You can use root to deny her E when you leap. Take short trades. Be mindful to not get too far from brush. ”
Akuzai says “If she uses e try all inning and hoping she doesn't just outspeed. Her e places her out of your w. Perma ping if she's missing so she doesn't snowball from your lanes.”
Joy17 says “Quinn tem um forte potencial de poke e mobilidade, mas Warwick, com sua durabilidade e habilidade de caçar inimigos, pode lidar com ela, especialmente após atingir um certo ponto no jogo.”
TeknoBeat says “Do I need to say much with this champion? In a 1v1 its hard to do anything without your jgler. Unless she uses her E on you first, just wait for ganks unless you can get ahead enough to which you can just slow her with W and run at her”
GheeseEmpty says “Annoying, but not terrible. You should utilize your Boar Stance as often as possible to mitigate her poke. You will likely never get to all in her on your own terms without utilizing Awakened Ram, but you typically outscale her.”
exoticT says “Can kite you heavily, do not jump on her as she can e you back, maybe dodge or try to play for your team, Dshield + second wind go good this matchup”
ThelpixG says “PAIN
This matchup is so bad and it's even worse if the Quinn player is good (even worse if she takes elecrocute and go for a snowball build).
How to Beat?
- TBH i've never won against a Quinn, this matchup is just terrible;
- You can take the fleet setup with dshield and tp and try to survive lane and maybe scale;
- Buy early plated steelcaps;
- Give up some cs so she can't easily poke you;
- Try timing her E with your barrels;
- Maybe once you get some crit our some items you can match her;
- Ping alot so she can't get too many free kills from roams and punish her turret if she leaves lane.”
xXazzer says “She is ranged and annoying early on. But her E puts her in your Q1 range. So when you see her E animation just press Q where she E'd from. She will land on you Q then full combo her. Like any other ranged top go dshield.”
NegativePhoenix says “If you notice she's gone, ping that she's missing as soon as you notice once she hits level 6
Her E is her only way to escape you so if you can make her bait it then you'll have her pinned
I will say your W and her E act weirdly together. Sometimes your W will still hit her mid-E and sometimes her E will cancel your W completely”
LegacyOneTap says “If you can cheese level 1 its a bit easier but essentially if she waste her jump on you or if you can bait her to getting close to you, you can take the trade and win. Most of the time play on the safe side you outscale her after 2 items pretty comfortably if you are skilled enough in macro and micro.”
tawangab says “You can catch her if you use Stride Breaker just before she kicks you. Consider building Hull Breaker because, when she roams, you can destroy turrets at light speed.”
Wizboy73 says “[Electrocute] You can demolish her in lane, she can however deal with your ult pretty easily before you get rylais. She can also perma roam so be sure to punish it with the turret gold. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Max. Q, sempre que possível ataque ela, jogue no poke, não se esqueça de avisar SEMPRE que ela sair da lane, caso você esteja ganhando dela, é possível que ela abandone a lane e foque apenas em gank.
Recomendo Aery, F.F ou PTA, tem gente que usa Colheita ou eletrocutar contra ela (não é tão ruim).”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer.
Don't freeze in this matchup after 6. Your teammates won't be happy. You can get alot of tower plates when shes roaming. Don't hammer Q into he. Most quinn players react with E. You can hammer Q on a minnion or flash hammer Q so she doesn't have time to react. Scale matchup in my opinion”
BurritoTopKing says “She can kite you easily, rush tabis and maybe ask for ganks, post 6 you have a bit of kill potential and when you get stridebreaker it can be easier to catch her, but be careful to not use your E randomly as she will chase you if you miss it.”
xskyswitch says “High damage build and ignite. Play around her E. If she Es your W you lose trade and possibly die. When you engage for a trade, do your high-burst combo and E disengage to prevent her from kiting you.”
Tronnes says “I feel like aatrox tends to be better against range toplaners. Because post duskblade or even just a dirk does a lot of dmg to them. So combo is first Q with e then w and make sure she cant e off of you to get out of your w. then if possible hit 2nd q if she trys to run out the side or wait for it to pull back then hit 2nd q and if shes low enough flash 3rd q. ”
Skaiy says “She is only pain in the ass in early lvls, hardest ranged matchup but if you manage to survive until lvl 8 without inting the lane, you should be able to kill her like minion every single fight, quinn is very fragile champ outside of lane phase and dies very easly to good allins when you have leer + boots or even full riftmaker. But most of time she will be ahead in lvls until that point which will make it hard for you to allin her. I recomend playing Flash + TP in this matchup and just try to be same lvl as her, farm doesnt matter a lot, if you get lvl 8 same time as her you will simply all in her kill her and keep farming her like a minion afterwards and get back all gold and farm you gave up pre 8.”
Bonkyou says “Skill Matchup but generally, you can almost always kill her if you land Q2 and ult.
If she has no flash, her E auto is a self stun, free to Ult.
Start Dshield SecondWind”
RivenCarriedYou says “Quinn is just a pain for Riven overall. A perfect counter in that if you engage she just blinds you and vaults off you. Her poke with her passive is annoying too. I recommend Doran’s Shield, second wind and ability haste shard Instead of AD for this matchup (in the 3rd rune tree). Try to go even in farm then Q juggle/dance and all in at level 6. You gain a combat ult whereas hers is just a roaming ult. You can also try to CC her then get behind her so her escape path is cut off as she’ll vault back toward your tower instead of her own. Ping your team if she’s missing post level 6, she loves to roam. AND RUSH STEELCAPS ”
Chaddouk says “Quinn has not been seen in a while she is pretty weak at the moment BUT she is still a big trynd counter, especially if she plays phase rush and uses it well she is unkillable. Basically play it as you play vs ranged matchups (kennen, vayne..), favor xp over gold if it costs you too much hp and probably go hydra first to be able to instant the waves without getting poked to death. You can not E on her if she still has her E because it's so easy for her to react, knock you back and then kite you for a lot of damage. To go for an all-in, you need to make sure she has no phase rush, get on top of her first with W hitting and ghost prob, let her E you, and then E on top of her, then it can work. As these kind of matchups go, you can ask for jgl help because she is gonna perma push most likely and it's easy ganks. If you manage to get a lead it can be a very snowbally matchup.”
daitolol says “TOP//
- Pretty easy matchup just need to survive early and after 6 you can perma all in her.
- You can use your e while she is using hers thay way you get a free e2
-You should try your best in tracking her, after she gets 6 she will try to perma roam
_WhiteSnow_ says “has her e to cancel your tunnels, so setting up tunnels ahead of time is crucial. Getting flanks using a tunnel network with a backup e to gapclose after her e is ideal, but you can also cancel her e if she just uses it when you're not mid-tunnel. If you get on her with stridebreaker or just by walking up, she should be in a spot of bother.”
At_Tar_Ras says “call jungle help, dodge, cry or- okay but doing that whole "walk away, lead them forward then turn around for an AA+W+AA+Q if you can" is just about the only thing you can do. fr tho get jungle help. ”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ghost flash} This matchup is literal hell for any Garen player potential dodge if you are not accustomed and in ranked. Your main goal is to get her kick out of the way and rush her down. But you need to be high HP and have ghost ready. The best scenario is getting jungle help, otherwise, you need to be really good at farming under turret while being harrassed.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
Putting a few points into Q can be good since Quinn's damage is AA based. Dodge her Q. Blind her if she goes for E. Lvl 6 push the wave all the time because Quinn will roam. Deny her as much farm as possible while she is gone and spam ping for your team if she isn't in lane anymore.”
TheBougis says “Quinn is best against squishy champions so she shouldn't really do much against you. She could build tank melting items, but she isnt too strong overall.”
bocchicken says “This is a spellbook game.
Dshield, double armor, steelcaps rush. You are never grasp trading on her, BUT you can kill her with enough Q poke + your all in! Just make sure to W her knockback and she will be easy to kill. She WILL roam, half the job of playing against Quinn is telling your team when she's MIA.”
cillowlane says “you can buffer e on her so when she vaults on you you fling her back and she doesnt jump away. she will roam a lot so ping enemy missing to hel your team”
SVKGuardian says “If you can suprise her or if she plays it bad you can catch her with w+e and kill her, if she used her e badly.
Otherwise you can poke her with your W.
Because she has low hp and sustain, you could outpoke her with your W, and use your Q to get your E faster than she can, so you can all in.”
BezMemow says “Hard ranged matchup, go rylai's or protobelt and steelcaps, lvl 6 you can win with ghost (pick unsealed book runepage for that). E her when she goes for an auto (stuck in aa animation)
Go D Shield”
Antecc says “Same as Jayce. She has to waste her knockback AND be in range for your Q. Can't play otherwise. Don't leap in with your E, she'll simply knock you back and make you miss E. You outscale Quinn very hard, so use that as a way to win.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “She is annoying, avoid long trades so if you dont have advantage/big minion wave dont go far from your tower later on. Using your passive will be very hard as she kites very well especially with her dash/knock back thingy. You outscale but past 6 it gets very annoying as you need to ping 10 times and write 3 essays for midlane for him to realise that she is roaming, and she will propably do a lot. You will propably get fed even if you lose early cuz of minions and plates but if your team wont respect your ss she will be a menace on mid/bot”
ABL Pantheon says “She can cancel your W with her E. You can win if she has mediocre reactions or plays badly. She is very mobile and you can't catch her easily. If she uses E and you have W up you can press it and start fighting. Try dodging her abilities.”
lordimboutabust says “Be careful of her early levels. Poke level 2 and you can all in level 3. Q - W when she E's and it will cancel and suck her in. Should be easy matchup from 4 onwards |second wind | dshield - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Whoever said that this is Darius worst matchup is lying to you straight up. This is a tough matchup dont get me wrong but this matchup is no where NEAR the extremes. So with that being said Quinns dmg is pretty shit as she has no % dmg or true dmg its really only flat stats so rushing tabis is a must in this matchup her E is a really good fuck off tool for anyone that tries to get on her but if you hit your e and walk up infront of her you can deny her pressure and make her use her ONLY mobility spell next to your tower. If you can start that trade with a w before you use your e that will be huge as you can save your e for when she e's in fact, if you time it right she will be stuck in the air and you can ghost for a free kill(sound familiar)?”
Waqql says “Just don't be foolish. Quinn is nothing more than a big minion. Avoid getting hit by her blind and keep your distance. Once the blind is gone, try to proc your W. Be cautious as she might push you back and trigger her passive, which can be painful. Once you can transform into Mega Gnar, try to bait out her knock-away ability and then unleash all your attacks. If you encounter difficulties, let her push and wait for assistance.”
AlmightyNoxian says “Ahh yes. This champion is HELL for new Darius players. not going to mention how she is designed to counter DARIUS in lane, just spam your jungler for some help. JUST FIND A WAY TO STAY SAFE & TRY TO PUNISH HER FOR THE WRONG ACTIONS.”
TheGBabaYaga says “I dont think she is a big threat to you, just stay back farm and on level 6 start chasing her, make waste the kick back and go all in, she is squishy”
demirkaiser says “Ranged top laner. Don't try until 3. Wait for her to vault you. After that, you can use your E even if you don't see. Post 6 you can ult her after she uses her blind and vault.”
Lukajs says “Quinn is a ranged champion, which is never fun to play against, as any champion top. You want to run Second Wind and Dorans Shield, and play farming simulator until your jungler ganks you.
Play around farming and jungle ganks. ”
SirGRC says “I think I have only ever played against one Quinn and I was able to run her down once I hit six and had sheen. A lot of times I would just whither her and not even ult. ”
Twogrand says “all you have to do is make sure to not let her E you on your mid Q and you should win this match up. Just scale and win. I tend to try to hard shove and just power farm in this lane and make sure she cant get free roams. phaserush tp eclipse”
TheGoobMaster says “See the notes for vayne its similar matchup. Only difference is spam ping team and warn them once she hits 6 and whenever shes not in lane because she will roam and kill your teammates and if they dont pay attention they blame you and now she can dunk on you with the extra gold. While shes roaming try and push the wave with e to deny her cs and punish her for leaving bc garen has great wave clear.”
Althalosofsirun says “same as vayne but she can roam try to take her tower when she roams and take tp instead of ghost split her out then teamfight so she is forced to side lane”
RykonZ says “Quinn's high mobility and ability to blind Mordekaiser with her Q can make this matchup difficult. Additionally, Quinn's ultimate can allow her to roam and pressure other lanes, making it difficult for Mordekaiser to keep up.”
LocaLAM says “This is annoying for a lot of reasons, mainly her passive. Taking fleet + ignite can solve the issue though so just play safe until you find an opening.”
rilxy4u says “Outranges you, cant trade with E or trap with boxes, outruns you with bird, one of her abilities give true sight on you (negates Q).
Outplay: get everyone to hate on her for playing ranged top laner (losing isn't your fault cuz range top = cringe), try to get jungler t.o help punish bad positioning.”
Smauggy says “ she outrange you, if you stack enough you can try to poke her, with good reaction you can e her when she backflips your nose, after that you can try to make a better trade
be carefull they play with igntie ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Outranges, nearsights, and annoys. That is what Quinn specializes in. and it's why she so damn strong these days. No fun at all to fight. If you can stop her from sniping you, you can potentially do something. But that's a big if with her insane speed and destructive strength”
Black Demon Ezel says “Snipes you with strength and speed, you have counter-mobility but she will just catch up anyways and beat you to a bloody pulp. I advise you to not fight here. She's not common anymore, but she really should be. Super dangerous”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Never let her take you by surprise and you will generally be able to win, if you stop her hitting vulnerable opponents with your blind, she won't gain her movement speed bonus and it will be difficult for her to chase further.”
Nazcore says “If they are good, you lose. If they greed you can outplay. Simply buy dshield and wait for an opening. If she roams PUNISH HER!!! Ping and make sure your team knows she's gone even when she resets. Make her lose exp and gold and take tower.”
Boptimus says “Before your first base Quinn can be difficult to navigate around. You can reach her and if you do you wont have a lot of damage to trade with.
Once you grab some Armor you can look to start trading aggressively. If you have good reaction time you should save your W for when Quinn tries to use her E vault. You will cancel the knockback and dash towards where she lands, then you can follow up with a Q for damage and slow.
Make sure to communicate to your team when she is beyond Level 6 and not in lane.”
illestboy_ says “D Shield + Second Wind. Do NOT contest Level 1. Rush Plated Steel Caps. Do not let her poke you down in lane. All In Ghost + Flash With Plated Steel Caps. You can E and cancel her E ability, not easy though”
SesaPrime says “Ranged laners vs Camille is always annoying. Quinn just happens to have a kit specifically designed to disrupt her opponent & grant her free access to her target to maximize damage output.
She will never outscale Camille, but she can outperform her after 6 by roaming & gain powerspikes from specific items on her. She can blind Camille & cancel her Hookshot with Vault easily.
However, your Hookshot jump can cancel her Vault as well depending on who activated their ability first. ”
Tonho says “You don't touch her at all. If, somehow, you touch her, she still have a blind and movespeed to walk away. The only way to win the lane phase against this one is Quinn being bad.”
stefanko says “Pretty boring matchup, you are never allowed to engage on quinn, cause she can just e you. Just play to farm up, if she e's you first, you can q on her and win trade. (fleet, teleport)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let her push and all in her once she is overextended in lane. If you parry her E it's free, but if you don't you can still Q+W after she E's you to gap close. In this matchup you can even run Stridebreaker just so you are not 100% reliant on hitting your W.”
Biba or OTP Kled says “Lethality:Im a bird,i love to lane against range top cuz they are so squishy after lvl 3 kill her with ignite its punishment for playing range top”
Phantom_Ashes says “Quinn is like diet Vayne, but with less damage. Farm for late game, as you beat her pretty comfortably if you can match her gold income.”
dzsama says “Annoying poke and will just E away if you jump on her. You can't do much unless she misplays so sustain and farm what you can and wait for your jungler. Biggest chance you have to fight her is when her E is down since she cant get out of your E range then. Later on you can burst her down but early you should not have too big of a chance on killing her. Early Steelcaps will help in this matchup.”
GG Cannon says “Annoying since she can reveal you, but if you are strong and play it right, then she becomes a fodder for you, but otherwise, be careful. Her jump on you can mess you up a lot and not only deny you, but turn a situation around where she kills you instead.
Never try to jump her on the enemy side while she still has her jump available.”
NegativePhoenix says “Honestly she has every good way to keep you at a distance. Her auto poking, her Q works best at blinding you. If you can somehow get her in your face, she may just E away and go back into auto range. Sadly this is an annoying lane that without help will always be in her favor.”
lorensj81 says “Quinn is like a less annoying Vayne, if she doesn't waste her E it's like impossible to kill. Try to farm out the lane if she plays safe and make sure team knows when she can roam (she is super fast with her R so will roam from top and from base, ping it).”
Irelius says “ХАЛЯВА
Ок, не настолько халява как Акшан или Гнар. Не получаем слишком много поука в начале игры, помним о кустах, жмём W на её бурст. Играем от её ошибок, попадаем ешкой или просто жмём лвл 6ю Таби = фулл билд”
Puyi says “Very hard to play. Try to W her E. Run fleet and second wind. You can't prevent her from roaming. Get early steelcaps and buy Iceborn Gauntlet.”
Irelius says “FREE.
Ok, this one is not as free as Gnar or Akshan, but still. Dont get poked, W her burst. Wait for her mistakes or click R at lvl 6 and kill her. Rush tabis. ”
JustSad42 says “Get Second Wind and Doran Shield. You want to play this like a normal ranged matchup, give any minions if it will cost you too much of your hp bar and play it slowly. Wait for your level 6, and then you can engage on Quinn whenever she walks a little too far up for a minion by using your Q-W and then Ring her. You will get knocked back, but you can easily follow her since she’ll still be slowed. This matchup is not favorable for you, I recommend a Steelcaps rush into Stridebreaker. A way to win this matchup, is to try to fight Quinn level 1 right after the minions spawn at 1:05. It doesn’t matter if you kill her or die as long as you force her flash and ignite early. A Quinn level 1 without flash and ignite that will now need to reset because she doesn’t have enough HP to lane, has already lost the game.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
You lose to level 6. Stay behind minions so you don't get Q for no reason. With your W, you can dodge her Q and not get blinded. If you have your ult and the option to kill Quinn, do it as soon as possible.”
Night Guy says “She is a problem with her kit and just makes you useless try to ask your jungler for help otherwise this lane will be a huge problem for you to handle alone.”
Rasta Mouse says “A skilled quinn player can make your life hell throughout the entirety of the game, luckily however, there isn't too many of those so with her just play it safe till 6 but still watch out for her. She has high mobility and high dmg and can kite you really well and poke you down easily if you're not careful.”
TheHellKing says “Suffering simulator. Take Comet or maybe even electrocute. Stay far away from her, give up cs if necessary. Frozen heart + tabis rush is recommended”
SrMolinv says “Almost same as Vayne, Prowler helps here aswell if enemy comp allows it.
Make sure to ping when shes not in lane so she doesnt get kills from roam, shes REALLY FAST. She backs to lane super fast too after 6”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. Play around brushes and farm 3 first minions with your E. You can kill her if she wastes her Q on the wave and when you jump on her you flash to her location when she E's you and stun her as fast as you can then combo her, If she runs away follow her and wait for your Q.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't let her poke you a lot]
[Avoid her Q or you will be blinded]
[Farm with your Q and ask for ganks]
[Warn your team when she is lvl 6]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Don't walk up for no reason, avoid getting spam autod. If she wastes E for a trade and doesnt back off after, u can look for an all-in. W hit required.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet/Conqueror
Eclipse(Draktharr if really fed, or maybe Youmuu to match her roams)
Also if she's a ranged, it's not a free matchup as for gnar, she has insane damage, after 6 she has a better roaming potential than you, she can take vision on you even without wards, so she ruins your invades. Really toxic champ in my opinion...”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Ranged match up, she pokes you, you hurt, you die, she roams, gets kills, you cry. Rush Tabis, ASAP. Might want to run ghost.”
RandumPersin says “Horrendous matchup. Take Conqueror and TP, just try and survive through laning phase. This champion has just about a complete counter to ours in every single aspect of her kit - a dash that cancels our own, a blind that stops us from landing W, and she's ranged so we can never effectively poke her or sustain with Q. Once Quinn hits level 6 she will permanently roam, so look to take plates and farm up a ton for midgame. Your utility in this matchup is completely dependent on the rest of your team, you have almost no agency over gamestate in this matchup. Quinn is my second most banned champion behind Gangplank.”
Groovywelsh says “She can be annoying becuse she can cancel your E with her E but apart from that she is easy.If you are having a hard time killing her get berserkers and zeal”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Take TP and play for Ults. She will roam a lot with her Ult meaning plays around the map will become even more important.”
HightLoL says “a good quinn will space you hard. dont e her until she e's. only way you kill her is if she is lower health and very far from her tower.”
Fizzy says “Ranged top... well always try to use your W on her E, thus preventing her from throwing you away, and making fights where she couldn't hit you and run”
Cheeseypops1 says “Pre 6 just try to farm from afar with q+e and try not to take too much poke, If you are able to pull her in mid vault you pretty much just kill her (it's very hard to do) but after 6 just ult her with ghost and kill her for free, The only way you don't kill her at 6 is if you miss most of your abilities, Rush Steelcaps”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
bemix95 says “In this matchup you can't really do much. Play passive, stay healthy leave minions if you need to and wait for gank. You can catch lead when she goes for roaming and then win 1v1.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Can be hard on lane, as you cant W her blind and access your Q or barrels if they are (and they propably are) out of its range. If you missplay she can kill you early on with ignite, but if u poke her safely she wont harm you. Her dash+knock up is very annoying but it gets A LOT easier after prowlers. Warn your midlaner as soon as she reaches lv6 and ping as soon as you lose vision on her, if he is an ape who doesnt listen to ss and he propably is if youre low elo then she will be super fed, but you will still be able to easily oneshot her late. Use her roams as "free farm and plates time", hardshove and make her regret roaming. Prepare your ult to help your teammates.”
Ludowico says “Played properly, Quinn should beat Thresh every time. The Blind is disabling, and the harrier pokes outdamage and outrange you hard. She can disengage your allins with E, or all in with E. Try to play defensive under tower? She's off killing your mid laner. Take Plated Steelcaps first, then go Titanic Hydra. You can still beat her with timed Qs or Es off her own E, as without her escape you can attempt to burst and statstick her with Souls. Ganks still help tremendously. ( Cryo Build)
hamgi says “second wind should be taken here along with d shield since she pokes a lot and if u q3 towards her or e, she'll just e and get off a few aa's or just run away. post-6, she will attack u a lot more rather than just poking. quinn is more annoying than good, so just respect her poke in the early game and only go for trades if u know u can hit ur spells and dish out more than she can. dont try to cheese her unless her w (ashe's hawk shot but in a wide circle) is down, and avoid letting her hit u if she hits u with valor. it marks u as well as near-sights u, which makes fighting her difficult and her dmg slightly stronger. u can avoid this by hiding behind minions. always ping when she's missing post-6 because quinn's like to roam with all that speed. if u can match her roam with tp, do so if necessary. otherwise, take the opportunity of her being out of lane to get shit done, as in taking plates, tower itself, rift herald, enemy jg camps, or roaming/counter-roaming to mid”
TRIAD3S says “It's funny matchup when you E first, because she is left with no choice: you have better sustain, all-in and poke. In any way she loses.
In late game she is annoying, because she can mess up your split push with her extreme mobility.”
StingingChicken says “Whole matchup is her trying to cancel your W with her knockback. Either just send it if you don't think she's expecting it, or bait it and use Q instead as she dashes into you, then W after. Empowered W combo with PTA will burst her hard. ”
spaghalli says “Quinn's blind is super annoying, but luckily its a skill shot unlike teemo's. If you can dodge her blind, you can out damage her and get kills.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “basicly unplayable matchup, she bullys you the entire lane she wins trades due to pta/ignite and later one she still has good potential to keep u down, what u can to is ur can cancel her dash, quick sidefact as well is if u hook her and u instant walk behind her not AA not W not Q not anything in lane just E into walk behind her so if she E's she bounces back towards ur turret. play with fog of war and with bushes rly important to not take too much dmg in lane”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
kajinator says “Phase Rush and Flash + TP are mandatory. You can never get on top off Quinn as she will just use her point and click slow to get away. You need to stand in your wave at all times because her blind can't go through waves. The second Quinn leaves lane you have to ping her missing because she can rotate down to mid very quickly to flip roams and ganks and to even gank when possible. The best way to respond to Quinn's constant roaming pressure is to push waves very fast and hard forcing her to give up CS and tower plates. You beat her in side lane but her team fight pressure and roam pressure balance it out.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Quinn is ranged and she has excellent roaming potential so she will be able to beat you very often. You outscale much better and eventually you can burst her down. Try to trade if she misses Q or when she uses her E as she'll be vulnerable then, and push quickly when she roams to punish her.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to stay out of her attack range and stay behind minions so she would not be able to land her Q on your champion. You can try to keep the wave closer to your tower, but only before level 6. She has a crazy roaming potential when she has R. You should ping when she has level 6 to warn your allies. Ping all the times she is missing and push the wave to make her move back to the lane and stop her roams which are a big threat to your teammates.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
SrMolinv says “Casi lo mismo que Vayne, respetar su rango, escudo de Doran y farmear. Cuando tienes Prowler Quinn no es tan dificil. Acuerdate de pingear todos los roameos que veas que puede hacer Quinn.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Escudo de doran, Q > E] - Jogue no poke Q com fluxo de mana e recue sempre que não estiver com a sua passiva ativada, não deixe ela ficar te batendo atoa, após o lvl 6 você começa a bater mais nela, feche a bota R$1100 de primeiro item (CUIDADO sempre avise seu time quando quinn não estiver na lane após o lvl 6, peça para que eles recuem até ela aparecer no top"”
Oogaboogaga says “Unplayable, you can't interrupt her E with your Q. dodge/ play safe under tower all game. Hopefully she roams instead of making your life miserable. Kites you the entire game, especially if she goes phase rush.”
KaiOverHere says “Look at the vayne notes but swap IGN for Flash because Quinn is probably the squishiest champion in the game and you really don't need IGN.
Honestly this is usually my Perma-ban as although you will lose lane harder against other champs, this one will roam and then you get flamed and it's just generally not fun. At least in the Fiora matchup you have the potential to outplay.”
kam1k says “She always harassing you Her E more range than your E. Her AA more range than your Q. So you cant initiate if she playing well. If you Flash into her she will Q blind-disarm you and kiting you again with E. You couldnt use W (disarm 1.75s) 1 way to win is flash behind her and she won't be able to jump in the right way. I reccomend to permaban quinn in low ranks. at high ranks just endure it”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate Behind Enemy Lines(R) is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
Elresser says “I've played against Quinn so many times and it's all the same. Play safe until lvl 3, then go for the usual trade pattern (combo section).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
Thrandor says “Very hard to play, the only way you can kill her is after lvl 6 by ulting and instantly holding down Q to travel with her when she uses E.
Q-ing and sticking to her when Quinn uses E from far away is almost impossible (same goes for Poppy E...)
Good thing is that this player will someday head straight down to hell for picking Quinn.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Quinn is an early game bully and will try to harass and poke you as often as she can. Try and stay outside of her auto-attack range and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don’t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn’t exactly increase as her Ultimate is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does. If she leaves lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm. Post 6, you shouldn’t be freezing as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Same as all ranged matchups, don't get super poked level 1 before you get your E, wait for her to push up and Q>W+Ghost her. She can't kite THAT well if you keep landing Q's. If you
have 3 stacks on her then you can buffer your R on her so as soon as she tries to kick you away she gets swallowed. ”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Стандартный рендж топер. Игра от пачки крипов и команды. Где то зайдет костолом таби броня мертвеца. Где-то будет хорошая Квинн и вам останеться только как поукать да фармить. Во много матчап про терпение и поверспайки.
Не умирайте, легкий матчап для опытной Иллаой, в E давайте свою E”
Boptimus says “A great Quinn can be a nightmare to deal with, but you have lots of tools to deal with her. Passive/W for early sustain. You can cancel her E with your E if timed correctly. Most Quinns struggle against well placed Q's so after you've landed a couple of barrels you can use the slow to R her for an easy kill.
Obviously respect Quinns with great spacing.”
Taiquyorah says “Range. Double AA. Beaucoup de mobilité et peut "counter" le bonus de ms de GP.
Farmer safe jusqu'à la brillance puis garde un baril proche de soi pour out-time la quinn. Ou poke au Q avec Grasp lorsqu'elle veut farm.
Une fois la brillance, si vous jouer correctement vous pouvez la tuer (avec ignite) sinon attendez le prochain combo de baril + R + Flash AA passif.
Pensez à ping instantanément dès que vous ne la voyez plus en lane puisqu'elle peut roam très facilement.”
Yiphen says “The problem with Quinn is that your abilities don't let you disengage and her abilities let her chase you down. Fortunately, you out-damage her. Do not trade kills with her because her Ult gives her stronger map pressure. You may win fights but your teammates may not.”
NegativePhoenix says “Very. Annoying. Her Q blinds which is painful enough but most Quinns will just poke you as much as possible. If you attempt to get into melee range once you Q her, she's gonna E vault you and get out of your range then poke you down over it. Later in the game she's just another ADC to you with tons of roam potential. Poking her won't exactly be easy so just be mindful at all times of the fact she can keep you where she wants if you aren't careful.”
gekigami says “Quinn consegue te dar outrange.
ela tem '525 de range' e o gnar tem 400~500 (lvl 1~18) então ela vai abusar disso. sua única chance de ganhar de uma quinn é: caso ela usar seu chute ''E'' com você quase se transformando em Mega, pule em cima dela e tente combar o mais rapido possivel assim que se transformar.
fique em direção a torre dela para que ela use seu E pra ir em direção da sua torre.
lembrando que o E dela tem um cd menor que o seu então não esqueça de calcular os CDs”
7EyesNoSkills says “Early game you can beat her, but after she buy some AD items, she will destroy you. An exhaust can save this matchup, try to dodge her Q, poke her with your Q+E.”
FuzzyPopkins says “Super annoying lane. She will just blind you and E you to keep distance and kite you after. Try to survive the early levels without taking too much damage. Soak exp and let go of some CS. Try to manage the wave on your side of the lane so your jungle can help (if they decide to). You can try to fake an engage to put her E on cd and then reengage before it comes back up. Alternatively, try to get behind her so she vaults towards your tower. Avoid letting her get her passive proc off for free.”
gloriousbobbyttv says “This is not a very hard matchup, but it could be very boring. predator and range build if the lane is rough. If you get rylais before he gets his mythic, easy kill. ”
kurbart says “Quinn aka Ac130
Quinn in lane is annoying to fight but she's not impossible try to wall her or poke with q when she comes to farm , the main issue with her is late game when she gets edge of night and fly's up to at 500mph with a spell shield ”
VituVonDoom says “Jayce tends to struggle against ADC's in the top lane, and Quinn is one of them. She can cancel your hammer Q with her E, and generally snowball her lane into roams that also help her team. Take the electrocute page and go ignite, Quinn is very squishy, and a combo is usually enough to put her down. Wait until dirk/tear powerspike, and farm her like the winged minion she is”
Michcio says “Very annoying shit with long range autos and high burst damage. Play safe early on and tell your teammates to watch out past 6 (they propably wont if ure not Diamond+ so she will get fed anyways) When se uses her R to roam just push and scale and u will oneshot her late. Also watch map a lot so u will be able to help teammates with ult when she yeets on them”
Aberrant Demon says “Quinn is Garen's hardest matchup. The primary reason that the matchup is so Quinn favored is the interaction between her E and Garen's Q. If Quinn uses her E and Garen attempts to respond with his Q, the Q does not go through and the Quinn is then too far away to reach. Her nearsight can also force Garen's ult to be cancelled. Your goal in this lane should be to farm as safely as possible. Until you get Stridebreaker, you likely won't have an opportunity to kill her since you can't ever get in range to trade. If she isn't willling to waste her E, you either have to wait for a gank or play for Stridebreaker. Once you have Stridebreaker, you can look to all-in with Ghost because you will be fast enough to catch her after she uses her E. In desperate situations, you can also look to Flash behind her to force her away from her turret when she uses her E.”
Galactities says “Unplayable lane. Equal to Vayne and Zeri but arguably worse (In my experience). Basically, play safe wait for a gank and split push the entire game there's nothing else to do.”
NegativePhoenix says “Quinn can easily put you at range with her E and just keep kiting you if you aren't careful. Her E puts her JUST outside your range to attack her so make sure if you go for a chase your E is up. More than likely though she'll probably if anything flash away then keep kiting so play aggro if you notice her slipups, otherwise I wouldn't try poking too much seeing as if she's smart and aggro she can put you back in place. Also ping if she's missing, she can travel the map very fast in her ult.”
IcunoX says “Annoying because she is ranged, ask your jungler for a gank and if heaven is gracefull and she gets behind it is gg and you can kill her over and over again.
she will run ignite so be aware of a lvl1 or lvl 2 all in.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
PTA or Grasp
Goal in lane:
Survive, and have more resources if possible, I recommend grasp but in lower elos PTA could be better.
Once you get trinity you win fights, otherwise you basically have to poke her and trade hp for farm.
Wave 1-4:
Drop prio, look for poke on front vitals, you can't do much at this state of the game.
Similar to Jayce & Kennen, poke with front vitals, look to move into bushes to remove vision (though she has W it has a very high cooldown), as long as you keep trading with front vitals you can most likely stay equal in terms of hp.
In this matchup though instead of only poking with Q you can go for a Q AA E and maybe a parry or you hold it to block the double AA as her E is very hard to predict/react to especially in melee range.
You can also look to parry electrocute or PTA proc.
If you somehow parry E look to all in her, she is basically doomed, often times they take ignite so looking to recall for a cloth armor and refillable, or just to buy some items is very nice.
PRAY FOR JUNGLE GANKS, you have really good follow up with QW.”
Scallywag says “Hard ranged champion with burst early on.
She's squishy and you can kill her early if you take ignite.
If you die, the lane becomes unplayable.
If you kill her, the lane becomes (almost) unplayable for her.”
MAD GAREN says “PT-BR- Simplesmente não tem muito o que fazer, Quinn tira o Garen com seu E e tem seu blind. O negócio é esperar a Quinn dar roaming e puxar, eu tenho um guia apenas de Garen vs Ranged e quando está perdendo.
ENG - There's just not much to do, Quinn takes out Garen with his E and has his blind. The thing is waiting for Quinn to roam and pull, I have a guide only for Garen vs Ranged and when he's losing.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Play safe early. Rush armor boots and try to land an E if they waste their Q. Some Quinns can juke you really hard in your ultimate after they blind you. This is a hard lane I would never pick Mordekaiser into Quinn but it's doable.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: If you make it to level 6, going roughly even then you auto win this matchup since you have a combat ultimate. The real threat in this matchup is that she can legit just ditch you level 6 and permanently roam and in the time she has impacted the map, you have only gotten one plate because you take towers so god damn slow so ask your jungler to help you with rift herald.”
Trundledaddy says “huge ego lane, Depends on how you are feeling, with plated steelcaps, and without taking too much poke, you can run her down, use pillar after she E's and she is forced to flash, she can outpoke though, so depends on player”
powerfullgeo says “Yep a ranged top laner is an extreme threat to a melle top lane. Who would have thought... Her E will stop any all in attempt and her q is very annoying. Just stay back conserve health, pray your jungler ganks you, all in her at level 6 if possible or get as much farm and as many pings in the chat as possible while she is not visible in the lane, just make sure she is not waiting for you in a bush.”
Kurose0027 says “Very hard matchup if she does the kraken build with lethal tempo where she maxes W. Recommended to dodge. If you're playing against this, you have to rush tabis and just be a better coin flipper on the parry vs her E. ”
TSmash says “This is, by far, the most unbearable lane for Darius, Quinn is a champion that you can't do anything to counter or get close. Just play under your tower and wait your jungler. Don't go flash and ghost, go flash and tp because you'll never get close to her.”
gazibulle says “Annoying but quite easy matchup. You hard outscale her as she simply can't kite you later on. Dshield with Second Wind will make you survive her early poke. If you manage to survive her laning phase, you won. Her only kill pressure is if she pokes you too much then Ignites you to death. You want to spam W in order to heal her poke, but also to force her E: bad Quinn players will try to dodge your W with their E, and if that's the case just hookshot on her and she is dead as long as you have enough HP. If you have enough HP later on you can do a quick E onto a wall so she can't react to it, then you can follow up her E with your W slow, and normally your passive shield should tank most of her damage. Your hookshot CC bypasses her E, so she will get stunned by it if she tries to. Your level 6 is extremely brutal for her as hers is a roaming ult, and you have a lockdown ult: so just brute force her down. As long as you hit E and you have ult to lock her up, she is dead. Still be careful of her good roaming potential, so ping when she is missing and trade her roams with tower platings.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Play safe early. Rush armor boots and try to land an E if they waste their Q. Some Quinns can juke you really hard in your ultimate after they blind you. This is a hard lane I would never pick Mordekaiser into Quinn but it's doable.”
Federals1 says “Quinn is a very difficult matchup. She can always keep you at bay with her vault, and she is very difficult to push against, as she can just run you down and get an easy kill if you are not careful. You can try to roam, but she will most likely do the same, and she should be a lot stronger than you because of the bigger gold lead she has alongside her roaming ultimate. Instead of trying to match her roams never let her roam by permanently pushing down wave after wave as quickly as you can. If she loses plates and minions she cannot move freely around the map, which means she is stuck under turret farming up, which is in your favor. You cannot really do much against her other than this, so try to tank up and survive until mid game, where you can be kind of useful as a meat shield. The only times you can try to get kills is when your ultimate is up, and even then it's best if there is someone to dive alongside you, as you can basically never get to her to chip her health away enough. Late game she falls off pretty hard, but can still kite you out if you are not careful. You should try to focus on being front line for your team instead of trying to carry. You will win the side lane, but again, she can turn on you very fast. You need to be very careful how you approach her. Group up most of the time though as it is a lot better. Doran's ring works best into her, but if you are afraid of her poking you down Doran's Shield also works. Q max is needed. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. First rune page should be used. Warden's Mail into Plated Steelcaps work very well to shut down most of her damage during the lane.”
gabecord says “(Fleet-Footwork) Easy outrange, big damage even with Fleet-footwork build. Bully her laning phase as its really easy to do so. Careful if she leaves lane she could come back and gank you.”
Kat_Alien says “If you play against Quinn you have lost your early game even while you (W) her (E). Her poke and blind are overpowered. But when you hit level 6 or Blade Of Ruined King you have won the game. So play save and don't let her get that much opportunity to poke you. Stay calm and keep in mind you still won the game even when hard matchup.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dshield + Second wind, when you fight her try to Q AA E, you can parry after that or try to predict her E but it's pretty hard to, so you can parry her double AA or his PTA.”
MHLoppy says “Passive and vault trades are annoying, but not extremely troubling. Keep her injured with Q poke and she'll never be able to commit to an all-in safely. Use level 6 spike to whoop her since yours is great 1v1 but hers is awful for that.”
Agatrium says “Quinn is like Lucian, if you manage to Stridebreaker her and then hit her with the full E + Q combo, she'll die real fast. Quinn has several tools, however, to disengage you. Your best bet is to chill and farm. ”
Rymdskora says “Ranged matchups are aids, play far back from the wave and be ready to give up XP / gold to not die. You can E Quinn after she jumps onto you and trade back.”
Cryniu says “Juega defensivo tratando de sorprenderla con tu E.
El combo Q+W es clave cuando te persiga o te le tires.
Prioriza botas de armadura y vesta espinosa.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra ella, considera no usarla.
Si ella roto por el mapa, síguela con tu R.
Trata de que no te cancele tu E cuando te empuje, el combo E+Destello rápido ayuda mucho.”
Helzky says “Quinn has a lot of poke but that's really it. Make sure you don't take poke early before level 3. You can E her when she overextends and run her down with ghouls. Level 6, you win easily. ”
OliveeGarden says “fleet with ghost, and first buy swiftness boots. along with Jayce and teemo she is one of the easier ranged matchups, care her vault and play around bushes. once she uses W to show you in bush, play back before going back into bush, that ability has like a 20 second cd. if timed right you can use E or R to grab her out of vault”
magician4444 says “If you wanna cheese her, bring electrocute. Play safe till 6. Poke with E's and if you land a few or get her at least 60% health there's a good chance ult WQ electrocute proc will instantly kill her, maybe one more Q will be needed but you could possible flash Q her if needed. Do not stand in her E range when you ult her, otherwise she can E while drowsy and you'll get slowed and may not be able to get the damage off. Another thing to keep in mind is that she can cancel your W with her vault. You can also bring Conq for the scaling but Electrocute does a tiny bit more damage in lane (It's mainly preference, test both out and see which one you prefer). Getting slowed by her E when you have 0 passive stacks is also very dangerous as she can just run you down pretty easily. I also recommend going sorc boots over Ionian boots so you can one shot her easier. Main take aways: Poke with E's and Q's while shes mispositioned in lane, when shes low enough, after hitting an E go for an all in and try to one shot.”
Ujiyo says “Predict her E by stunning slightly behind her. If you land it you can kill her in an all in. Becomes a pretty easy matchup once you are level 6 or have Blade of The Ruined King.”
FyreRode says “her E hard counters you, and her Q can make it really hard to chase her. as well as her being able to bully you on the wave with her range. Best shot you have is taking d shield and praying for ganks.”
Rodos says “Quinn is almost the same as vayne but its kinda easier to aim her with your abilities. Also she has smaller AA range which is a good advantage for you. Still, she remains an annoying champ because of her passive, her blind and her knock -back(E). Pick ninja tabi to try and take over the lane. If you see that she still does a good amount of damage buy brumble vest. Otherwise go for frostfire or divine. Play safe until you get the level 3 so you can be fully protected in case she tries to trade you. ALSO dont forget to be ALWAYS near to a tentacle. If you dont follow this rule dont expect to win even with the easiest enemy.”
Your Desired Username says “Okay match-up. Take Ghost+TP. Pre-6 you will have no rights to touch the wave at all, just farm with q and
e. Rush tabis, then rylais. If you ever hit e on her post-6, you can just ult and kill her, there is pretty much nothing she can do (granted you built tabis). If all else fails you can just play the waiting game, farm under tower and outscale her. Make sure to spam ping your team THE SECOND she leaves lane. She can get to midlane from top within mere seconds.”
boboderaffe says “She might run ignite but once you reach 6 you can 100-0 her with one rotation even without electrocute. You can go for “Perma-Freeze” or “Zapper”. Glacial augment will deny target access and electrocute makes sure she’s dead, even if you don’t play a 1v1 perfectly. ”
IamRed says “You won't be able to farm, so just stand and farm under your tower. You can try landing your Q for some turret hits but that's basically it.”
monidi says “her Q and E makes it hard for you to catch her, can use ignite instead of tp; because she can go back in lane fast with her ult which increases her threat.”
UlisesFRN says “Do not get poked down. Use Dorans+Second Wind. Get Refilable or Corrupting Potion. All in at lvl 2. Keep trading hard with E W AA Q AA everytime you have the skills avaible. Use PTA. ”
Atomragnar says “Second wind, dshield, rush steelcaps.
If she is aggro you will have a hard time farming. You can go TP.
If u manage to interrupt her E with your E you can fight her easily. The problem is that she can poke you down to low HP before she E's on to you. ”
GastlyLoL says “This is the ultimate cheese champion. In a pure 1v1, there isn't much you can do, but she is vulnerable to ganks. If you get ahead, your slow should be enough to let you get onto her and kill you before she can poke you down. This matchup is best to call jungle assistance for. Whoever uses their E first will lose. If she uses hers on you, you can spin on her and engage and there isn't much she can do. Phase Rush makes this matchup much easier.”
LunaticDancer says “Highly annoying bully, the Bullied runes and D Shield are a must. You want to get pushed and farm up under turret. If she uses her E (dash at you and back), she's setting herself up for an unmissable E, so use it then for great retaliation (it's likely your only chance to kill her good).”
COJA says “Your Q can smack her if you time it right during her vault. Be careful as most Quinns take ignite. Flash is extremely good vs Quinn. A Q3 flash combo will usually win you the fight.”
Eduardocwalle says “Designed for bullying melee toplaners, and she does a great job. She is annoying, AND SHE CAN CANCEL UR E, so dont be cocky engaging her. ”
MCSwavest says “Both of you want the same things, but you're better at sustaining. Watch for the blind and you should be fine. If she vaults off you in your E you can drag her anywhere, which can be useful under very specific circumstances.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Horribly obnoxious lane,consider early armor(steelcaps) to deny her poke damage,otherwise all ins are yours,try simoultaneously pulling her as she headbutts you and she's gone for good.
Dblade and second wind needed.”
5Head Builds says “You really can't do anything against Quinn as a Duelist because she just pokes you down and bullies you. and in lane game, she will catch you in your split push. To win against Quinn don't fight unless she's behind and try to fight in team fights where she'll have the least impact you'll have the most.”
davidbiton1 says “one of the major counters to singed, can super hard but you have a chance to fight back sometimes, i recommend predator for the engage.”
ToothlessKnight says “Good luck. Similar to Nocturne where she will shove you in and look to roam. Fights are similar to Lucian where she out-trades you early game and can kite Urgot fairly easy. You hard outscale and shes useless 5v5. Ping whenever she is missing and lv6. Save your tp to match her roams if possible.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “A bit trickier. Take fleet, dorans shield, and second wind.
Look for quick trades or to bait out her e before commiting. do not try to commit without burning her E cooldown. You can also attempt to root her after her E to catch up to finish off a kill.
If possible, position behind her so her e will position her towards your side of the map.”
MrZoltannn says “Quinn can be quite annoying with her E knock away, i recommend going Prowler's and time it to her E so you can ignore the knockback, lvl 6 is yours. Start with doran's shield.”
Stinkee says “Quinn is annoying but she doesn't do that well against tanks. She'll poke you down a lot but you should be able to survive. Her E will cancel your Q so watch out for that. She is quite vulnerable so if she ever makes any mistakes you can easily punish her. Try to freeze against her so she'll have to walk up to your tower to farm. This will make her incredibly vulnerable to ganks as she has very few ways to escape.”
Sovereign Kitten says “At level 6 expect her to roam quite often. Your best bet is to side step her (Q) as hiding behind your minions is not 100% effective to block her AoE damage. The second she gets in close enough she will use her (E) to knock you back and herself as well, so make sure to blind her as the ability lands to trade effectively with her. If she is running PTA, you'll wanna do a short trade, so back off before your blind is over, otherwise the trade will go even. Electrocute is the best rune to take, for it's short trading burst potential which allows you to play around short trades by auto > (Q) > autoing, followed by backing off before she can get her PTA stacks off if she has gone PTA. She has a very low pick rate, and isn't seen much anywhere anymore.”
Anoying bro5 says “Take Dorans Shield. Dont fight until lvl 3. Let her get prio early, and when the wave crashes at the tower, look to gain prio and fight her back with wave advantage. Get used to her pattern of E to riposte and stun her. Aim your riposte in her current location as she will jump back to that spot. This is a learning match up and the more you play against Quinn, the easier it will be to riposte her E. After lvl 6 you dominate, but dont ult unless you are sure you can riposte E or its down. Beware of her roaming. ”
BoilTheOil says “Her early game is annoying but you end up outscaling her in teamfights. Buy Plated Steelcaps and you can start running at her and E'ing her. If she isn't in lane assume she's roaming so shove the wave and ping your team she's missing.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Quinn's blind can interrupt your autos and she has high mobility/roaming potential. But she's easy to pop if locked down and has mediocre range.”
Veng Shotz says “Running this set up makes quinn slightly harder to deal with rather than just rushing brambles+tabis. but its still completely do-able. with enough haste you can all in her after she e's away when your q and e come off cooldown as she wont have it up before you run her down. ”
King Turtle says “She's another ranged top laner that can be oppressive, but you can W any damage she throws after E because she launches out of your W range. Makes trades easier and sustain easier. Level 6 you can beat her as long as you don't botch your W placement.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Blinding Assault(Q) to prevent blind and harassment. Save Fling for her Vault(E). Save Mega Adhesive for preventing casting on her SkyStrike(R) that way she can't ride Valor. You will have to do a hit and run trade on Quinn. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Fling overrides her Vault) (Fling stops her Skystrike) (Mega Adhesive stops casting of Skystrike preventing her from mounting Valor)”
Amphawn says “You outscale her hard, but she has a pretty strong early game. Avoid her blind, and play back until you hit 6. After you get your first item, you can outplay her if she doesn't have a lead. Try to get safe pokes, and only do so if you hit a Q. She gets a ton of mobility once she gets her ult and can return to lane very quickly which can be somewhat annoying as you don't get much free farm throughout this matchup even if you kill her. ”
PH45 says “Annoying poke and will just E away if you jump on her. You can't do much unless she misplays so sustain and farm what you can and wait for your jungler. Biggest chance you have to fight her is when her E is down since she cant get out of your E range then. Later on you can burst her down but early you should not have too big of a chance on killing her. Early Steelcaps will help in this matchup.”
At_Tar_Ras says “new irelia means you can't put a stun down when you're CC'd. cause of this i can't say much about the quinn matchup. take W when you think she'll flip onto you or USE W when you Q onto her as she'll definitely flip onto you after that. Q+E will do wonders here to catch her off-guard.”
iZeal says “Do not get poked down, try to cancel her E by using your Q2 while she is caught by your W and she has to flash or die. Soften her up with Q1 and E.”
SunFalk says “She has a blind, she is fast, she roams a lot. She will win trades.
- Those are all some reasons that she is an extreme threat. Even early she will be able to deal so much damage to you without you even behing able to trade back.”
Raen says “He counters you at every single way if you will jump on her she will just E or blind you. Ask jungler for help, get Doran shield and boots rush. Also you can try to help your laning phase a bit by chasing her from third bush with your E at 1 lvl. Later you will outscale her. ”
Hijitori says “She can bounce off you when you want to reach her. Also she can spot you with her W if you try to ambush her. You need to take advantage of her low hp in early and mid game, and try to kill her then, before she starts to outscale you in late game.”
Xerath gaming says “Pain. Ranged and anti melee. If you miss your E or she presses E after you do, it's a loss for you. All you can do is try to farm safely to 6 and win it then”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This annoying champ. She beats you early, and late as she can kite you to all hell. Pick your battles here. Let Quinn screw up and catch her without her jump up, and drop the spooky ghosties bomb. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Her E can just negate all your damage. You can't level one all in if she starts it. Always try to E her damage and don't let her roam. Freeze wave and ping your jungler.”
laoshin3v3 says “Fleet or Grasp
Wait for her to E since it does a slight knockback it stuns her if you parry it and she can't dodge it since she still is in her animation”
LoLReal says “Another nightmare match up for Darius. We can't get into her range unless she makes a mistake. She will roam after shoving us into turret and put a lot of pressure on the map. She'll usually get fed. Get early tabis.
Hard lane that needs jungle pressure.”
Justkb says “If you can land your E, it's fairly easy to reposition yourself behind her and run her down. If she plays very safe, try and freeze the lane and wait for your jungle!”
P1Legend says “This is a tough matchup, but you can do a few things to make it significantly better. First, you need to keep your lane pushed if you can, because being under tower vs ranged is just asking for free poke. The hardest thing about this matchup is that when you jump on her, she will vault off of you and create space while slowing you down, making it a completely 1 sided trade in her favor. There are 2 options vs this, bait jump, and start moving back to the bush so you can leap again after she vaults, or do the fast combo before she has a chance to create space. If you Emp W as soon as she vaults (Which is honestly hard to time, but very possible) she will take the full trade damage, while you will remove the slow and retreat. She will be out of range after that because she just jumped off you, making this a free trade. Late game always fast combo her, even if she vaults, you can usually 1 shot her before she gets away.”
lol Wero says “You will get kited very easily in this match up. Rush Plated Steelcaps and take Fleet Footwork to survive the laning phase. This will be similiar to the lucian match up only that if she gets punished getting caught.. she can still vault away with her e to escape from you.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “A pain just like every other ranged top. On the bright side she has a little less mobility when not in her ult form. Her jump has a fairly long cooldown, and if she uses it in lane you can Wither and run at her. Beware the Q, it has a huge splash radius and most Quinn's will chuck it at you as you try to Q the cannon minions.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Blinding Assault(Q) to prevent blind and harassment. Save Seismic Shard for her Vault(E). Save Unstoppalbe Force for preventing casting on her SkyStrike(R) that way she can't ride Valor. You will have to do a hit and run trade on Quinn. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) ”
Phrxshn says “Dodge her Blinding Assault(Q) to prevent blind and harassment. Save Jaws of the Beast for her Vault(E). Save Primal Howl for preventing casting on her SkyStrike(R) that way she can't ride Valor. You will have to do a hit and run trade on Quinn. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Plated Steelcaps) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) ”
PanthrickTV says “PTA Matchup!
(1) Take Press The Attack!
(2) Survive to lvl 3.
(3) After you hit lvl 3 go for the all in, you will win this 1v1, because Pantheon is really strong in the early game.
(4) Care if she has IGNITE!”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!!! --- Quinn is extremely dangerous and is often used as a counter pick against melee tops; especially Darius. --- Take Doran's Shield and Second Win to minimize poke. --- Don't take free poke, let her shove the lane into you and make her play overextended. If you can lock her down you can kill her after 6; just play safe and don't get poked down too much before then, often you may have to give up CS. --- Use your E on her Vault dash. You want to use your E as soon as you see her dash into you to negate hers. It's tricky to pull off and requires quick reflexes and often times you just want to predict it as it is extremely difficult to time correctly.--- You can't E her after she Vaults into you as she will be out of range after the knock back. If you do manage to land your E and cancel her Vault then it's usually a free kill. Blow your Ghost and run her down like the dog she is.”
MythicMike says “Play safe and don't get poked out. If she has E, try to land your E so that if she kicks you back you can just E onto her for an all in.”
montybucket says “Play as safe as possible, you out scale. Her blinding assault is her way of saying "fuck you". It does big damage and prevents you from ulting. She can also kite you out easily while staying out of ability range. The best way to win vs Quinn is to freeze wave in front of your tower. Once she leaves to roam (her kit's purpose) crash the massive wave you built up and recall. Keep repeating this until you have an exp and cs advantage. Then you can think of side laning. ”
MisterDerpFace says “I would play it safe on this one, since if you get close to her, she can just E away. When she is missing in lane after level 6, i means she's going to rotate so ping the "?" on your lane as hard as you can.
You should build armor, in this matchup. Plated steelcaps is necessary.
Sometimes I walk up to the Quinn when in short sighted since they'll usually walk up to you to auto you a few times, and not expect you to E her.
Man, do i want to shoot myself in the head when i see her in champ select (:”
TroviStyle says “[Phase Rush] if u engage on her with Q + E she will usually E directly as response to create distance, allowing you to W her E, stun her and proc PR to get an easy kill. Whenever you can predict her E and get a stun off its a really good trade, and possible kill, so try switching up between engaging on her with Q + E first and directly parrying her E to follow up with Q.”
SilverAvalanche says “Go blue Kayn and rush Prowlers.
Go Dorans Shield and get lane priority with your wave clear first few levels and invade enemy jungle.
buy Tear first back and accept you won't get ganked since you have no CC and cry a bit. ”
Drake6401 says “Bring PTA and an early Serrated Dirk. Lazy counter pick for lousy players buuut it exists so here's how I beat it. Counter play is limited if your jungler abandons you but there's a little bit. Go Doran's Shield to sustain. To prevent her from running away, activate your empowered W and click on her. Dash after her and she will no doubt try to jump off you. Your W will still snag her if you targeted her earlier but, it won't stop her from vaulting, just stun her in her landing spot. If you want to all in her, use your second dash to chase and only her flash will save her then. For earlier trades, stay near bushes so you can back off through them after your first trade. Try not to use Flash and Ignite in the same trade. Use each separately to have kill pressure in multiple fights.”
Quinn is one of the most difficult matchups for Darius in the game. Conqueror would be decent. Take anti-poke in the form of Second Wind and Dshield/Rejuv Beads. You need to pick up an early Steelcaps. Quinn has a low AA range so it is not too much of a nightmare to catch her. It is a matter of landing your stun before she headbutts away and repositioning so that she cannot. If you time your e correctly, you can cancel her Headbutt with it. Doing this will guarantee you the kill every time. The trick is to predict it, as it is too quick to cancel based purely on reactions. Try not to fight her too much early on if you can’t get your hands on her. This also means giving up CS. She loses the all in at level 6 so you have that to look forward to. If she is not in lane after 6, ping like crazy. Ping where you think she is gonna go, as she can roam very quickly with her ultimate. If you manage to E her, try to walk behind her and THEN auto+W. This would mean that she if she headbutts you, she will knock herself to your side of the lane which would allow you to kill her. The slow should make landing your Q on her manageable, even through the blind. Stridebreaker is great for this lane.”
RivalOCE says “Quinn is just a pain for Riven overall. A perfect counter in that if you engage she just blinds you and vaults off you. Her poke with her passive is annoying too. I recommend Doran’s Shield, second wind and ability haste shard for this matchup. Try to go even in farm then Q juggle (see abilities about this) and all in at level 6. You gain a combat ult whereas hers is just a roaming ult. You can also try to CC her then get behind her so her escape path is cut off as she’ll vault back toward your tower instead of her own. Ping your team if she’s missing post level 6, she loves to roam…good luck.”
Chease says “Same as other ranged champ matchups but, if your reflexes are good enough you can interupt her dash with your E and run her down afterwards.”
Kreiselficker says “Try to stun her when she E's onto you (in the moment her body is close to you)
I consider this matchup as really hard because she is a range bully. Everytime you walk up for cs you can get punished for it, the only way you can kill her is if you have flash up and e (wait a bit) and then flash on her so she doesnt expect it. After that you should run behind her so if she presses E she gets kicked into the direction of your side. If you play 4 fun I would dodge this matchup!”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - Try to get in range to Q her, she's kinda like lucian, annoying before your first back.
- After your first back, she's very easy. Q and all in her whenever possible
- After she's 6, make sure you ping her missing immediately! She roams very fast!"”
Quinncidence says “Avoid taking to much poke early because Quinn should demolish you early.
Quinn wins early until first item + Tabis on Yorick.
If even at 1.5-3 items Yorick will have the edge in fights, but after that Quinn will take over again.”
Amvill says “Take a ranged top laner that fully counters Singed, let her out-roam, out vision, and have more map presence than him, then you will have a recipe for the perfect counter to Singed that isn't Anivia. Don't even think about proxying.
sock217 says “If she takes ignite, you win after first back. Dont challenge her until you have bramble/bami's. Collect farm with Q, and you win if you land a good W.”
Rhoku says “She has shorter range than other ranged annoying matchups which lets you have SOME counterplay but she is annoying nonetheless. Dshield, Second Wind, Tabi, Seeker's, etc. This build will let you beat her. You win level 6 but you MUST land your pull. Her self peel pushes you back so you must make sure she doesn't have it in your fight. Overall, you can regularly land your Qs and can combo her pretty well but I'd advise against doing a full combo if you are pushed up, as she will headbutt and kite you back to your turret while attacking you.”
YasTilt says “Really annoying, she'll Poke you to death. You counter her though, you just need to use your W wisely. Try not getting hit by her R. While fighting, Try to WindWall her E or Q and Play around your W. Try taking short trades when she uses her Q. She should be the first person to focus in TeamFights.”
Heansuh says “I would rate her 3.5, because this kind of ADCs coming Top lane are very gank prone. Her way to win the game is by (1) winning lane with Ignite, and (2) roaming and splitting crazily. Simply, just don't trade against her early, and only throw your Q. If she can't block your E, she's a bad Quinn so you can easily win her. If she blocks your E with her E, then that's not a bad Quinn so take note of it. Don't give her range to E you when you ult against her.”
GarenteedDamage says “Many of these champs counter Garen for the same reasons. They're ranged and they have slows or dashes (or both). And Quinn is the same, she uses her abilities to push Garen away and blind him. Try not to take too much damage early and again try to maximize your damage when you can get close.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Armor+DShield) She has a knockback to stop your E (and a confident Quinn player won't find that hard to do). After that you won't have any escape tool, except Q to slow her and you will have to eat a tone of poke. So it's really better to play safe early and scale. Ranged champs almost always push, so getting a jungler's assistance in this matchup is nice. After level 6, if she is ever missing in lane spam ping her absence. Hard matchup, but once you get Stridebreaker the lane will be in your favor. You also outscale Quinn hard. ”
PK Noob says “Once Quinn uses all his abilities he's a sitting duck. Wait for him to engage you, then W when he jumps off you. Afterwards, all-in him with your Ultimate. You should be able to easily burst her. If you don't have your W stay away from her. She'll poke and burst you down.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Fleet Footwork. Her early game is quite horrible to play against, but she isn't as good as you in teamfights. Buy Plated Steelcaps so you can run up and try to stun her. After Stridebreaker she should'nt be running away so easily. If she's missing, perma-ping it, shove the wave and look up to TP to follow up with her roam.”
FantasysAhlong says “You have enough sustain to survive this lane. Farm until you get tanky, and she won't do damage. Though she can still kite you in 1v1s. Try to call out your jungle and dive her when you have R.”
Psychopathic Top says “Really hard to stop her roaming. Like a lot of champs on this matchup list, Quinn is one of those champs that flourishes off killing your team more then killing you or laning. Post level 6, she will just never fight you and roam everywhere on the map, most likely getting free kills here and there, come back into lane with bork and make it a hard time for Nasus. In lane, stack under turret and ask for jungler help, as pre level 6 Quinn is easy to gank and kill (not up to you but pinging your jungler sometimes help). Force teamfights after Sunderer and stop her from perma skirmishing and picking out your squishy teammates.”
DippyDan says “Not as strong as Lucian or Jayce because of the lack of burst, but still annoying to deal with. Matchup will be more easier with more experience, just learn her E pattern and predict it. Once level 6, will roam frequently. TIPS: [1] Riposte where she is standing if predicting her E (She jumps back top original spot). [2] Fleet is a great rune to sustain early. [3] Ping whenever she is missing when level 6. ”
DemonicTrail says “When she vaults on you, E her, its 100% to land, otherwise just play for wave control and dont lose too much health. She will get bored and start roaming, jsut keep shoving the waves ”
Yumi Project says “She can't win the top lane without is Q. And you can dodge that spell in a lot of funny way. Level 6 is the perfect moment to kill her.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Ranged runes with optional Fleet; dshield] She can completely deny you, but she's also vulnerable to jungle ganks. Dodge her Q, try to poke her after 6. If she's half hp you can bait her E engage and then destroy her with your ult.”
SunOak says “This is a match up where you should bring Glacial Augment runes. Wait till you hit level 6 and then all in her. With glacial she shouldn't be able to stop you from running her down. Take dorans shield and second wind to help against her poke.”
Alan234 says “You can go both the standard build and burstmo, I would decide based on what you like and how the enemy team looks like. Take 3 points into q because she is mostly aa based.
Only time when she wins trades is lvl 2 by interrupting your auto attacks with e and landing her q if you don't stand behind your minions. Your damage is higher so you should be fine. Push so she cant roam”
TXK_ says “A typical ranged v melee matchup. Sacrifice minions to maintain a high HP and look for an all-in. Do not engage with E without Protobelt as her E will generate distance between you two again. Your teamfight is a lot stronger so focus on scaling and prevent her roaming by pushing waves.”
JaxIsAHobo says “Quinn, when played correctly, is impossible to beat as Jax in a 1v1 before getting your first item, if you don't take Phase Rush. Play to scale, and max your Q over your W in this lane, for better trading. Don't use your counterstrike(E) when leaping on quinn, you want to use it when she disengages away from you using her vault to avoid damage. If you're struggling, build ninja tabis and a ruby crystal to stave off her early game. After two items, you should be able to make her into pheasant soup.”
Dijaj says “In higher ranks, this matchup is unplayable so dodge. If not, take TP and Second Wind and try farm as safely as possible, giving up CS when needed.”
King Turtle says “aside from just being a ranged matchup, she's able to cancel your E+Q combo if she times it right and her blind makes it hard to beat her to death. She's a rough matchup that is going to be hard to win against early.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP DIFFICILE NE VOUS FAITE PAS SORTIR DE LANE A CAUSE DU POKE PRENEZ CONQUEROR ET SECOND SOUFFLE NE RATER PAS VOS E RUSH DES TABIS UTILISER VOTRE E POUR ANNULER SA RUEE SI VOUS ARRIVEZ A LA GRAB COUREZ DERRIERE ELLE AVANT DE AA+W N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE LA SS AUPRES DE VOTRE EQUIPE APRES SON LEVEL 6 BATTEZ-LA AVANT QU'ELLE OBTIENNE UNE EPEE SANGLANTE Quinn est l'un des affrontements les plus difficiles pour Darius. Prenez bouclier de doran , elle n'a pas une range d'auto attaque si grande cela la rend un peu plus gérable donc ce n'est donc pas si impossible de l'attraper au E vous devez donc e avant qu'elle ne vous charge pour pouvoir vous replacer et l'empêcher de l'utiliser. Si vous timer votre E vous pourrez également cancel sa charge ce qui assurera un kill a chaque fois l'astuce est de le prédire car vous n'aurez pas le temp de réagir assez vite sinon essayer de ne pas trop la fight en early tant que vous ne pouvez pas trop la choper ce qui implique de perdre quelques cs elle perdra l'all in level 6 donc pensez a cela. Si après le 6 elle sort de lane pinger votre équipe beaucoup si il le faut elle va commencer a full roam et mettre de la pression partout sur la map après le level 6 elle sera plus présente sur les autres lanes a embêter vos alliés et mettre bien les siens plutôt que de vous fight sur votre lane”
King Turtle says “Quinn is the hardest counter possible for this build because her E interrupts Tunnel, and even if you're in the ground already, her E goes through your knockup. You can't farm effectively against her and any attempt to go in will likely be met with E and Q. In most cases you'll be tower farming until mid game. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “You will not enjoy any ADC type Champion in your lane. Especially Quinn. Hold on her mistakes and make them count.
"A bird? You would challenge me with a bird?!" ”
SemPelo says “Take "Press the attack" or "eletrocute" as key stones. Be aware that she can cancel your W with her E.
Armor boots has first item is a good option.”
MiXA6511 says “Get Doran's Shield and run at her with Ghost level 2... try to get that level 2 before her since you don't want her using her E to get distance.”
King Turtle says “her being ranged sucks already, but what's more shitty is that her blind makes it hard to hit her and she can kite you with E and her passive autos adding damage. Even with Ultimate she can be tough to beat early.”
Spookyasianbread says “This one is just like Teemo, except a bit more difficult to outplay. If you aren't good at playing against ranged toplaners, this one I would recommend dodging for. ”
Vandenelis says “you can start winning trades at level 3. you can't win if she can use her abilities, so don't trade if you can't cc her. you win against her in the late game”
Bombabo says “Despite being a ranged champion, Quinn provides lots of windows for you to engage on her, most notably when she uses her E. Take advantage of this if you want to win.”
XtheZ115 says “Quinn sucks. I used to have her as my permaban until I made a very interesting discovery- you can fling her when she jumps off of you. If you have your E on her as she uses her E, it will go through even though you are CC'd. This should help you out in fighting her, but you should still be scared of a Quinn- especially a fed one.”
apkibum says “Ranged vs Ranged, Quinn is easy to kill early game but once she starts getting items she will hurt bad. she can and will also poke you down. Pre-6 you can win her 1v1, if you can get early picks then you can steamroll her. If you die, she will steamroll you. Just be careful and play safe. ”
SettVEVO says “Quinn is just a ranged matchup, they play the same usually but you can play around with Quinn sometimes, you can cancel her E with your own or even your R. But like all other ranged matchups just take the L and go D shield and second wind and wait it out. At some point a mistake will happen and take advantage of it. Ping her level 6 and hope she doesn't get free kills on roams.”
eramsorgr says “Literally ban this bird lady. She is ranged, she blinds, she is annoying. Quinn is one of the worst, if not the worst top laners to lane against.”
RTO says “High range, high poke, high mobility - can escape your Q easily, and has higher roam potential. Just don't pick Kled into her, or play safe, build armor and Sterak's. ”
RTO says “Blinds can ruin your day and she has a great kit to really mess you up. Once you have 6, you can 1v1 however she will be roaming so make to call MIAs. Shove lane when she leaves. ”
Fryx says “After buying Bramble Vest she will be away all the time so just push the wave and if she actually comes to lane you will crush her with your harass and your ult.”
wff010 says “NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE. Maybe my reaction time's not fast enough, but IF you can predict/time your e with her jump then you easily win. Sadly, I have the reaction time of a disabled sloth so I can't achieve this regularly. The permakite just gets me fucked up even if I managed to get ahead in lane. I think it's possible to time your e if you find you partner to practice on in customs. I've yet to try this.”
LoLReal says “This lane is hard, even post 6. Early game buy early tabi and farm under turret. Quinn can kite us in R fairly decently with her Q and E. Try not to take too much damage before ulting to ensure we can finish her off before dying.”
qosmox says “Try to survive and stay healthy best you can lvl 1-3, using your shield to farm. Lvl 4+ you can look to all in her if she uses her E wastefully to poke you, but this lane is mostly about surviving and saving your TP so you can R away and help others. She scales poorly unless she manages to snowball herself. Remember to ping your midlaner if she’s lvl 6+ and goes missing. She’s fast.”
SanLourdes says “Her E can cancel your Q. Other than that, Quinn can only poke you, so freeze the wave in front of your tower. She has no escape tool that can dodge your ult.”
Viego99 says “another bird but have good lane stage.she kill you pre 6 if she have ignite.after6 you kill quinn with ruined outscale him and your tf is muchbetter.”
calbino says “Typical ranged top. Annoying poke, and she can blind you, distance herself from you..... and that's all Quinn can do. Ironically, the distance she lands after casting her E is short enough for you to still hit her with your first Q. Full combo should kill her if you hit everything. Rush steelcaps.”
ForgottenProject says “Ton of Poke, a Dis-engage which is hard to Parry and Her R which is Bullshit. She gets to roam after Lv.6 at 600 movement spd so if she beats you in lane she's going to cause other lanes to snowball as well.
[1]Start with Corrupting Potion.
[2]Rush Tabis against her.
[3]Spam Ping your Laners if she's missing from the lane after Level 6.”
Marwaii says “Pokes you and you can't do much. Farm safely with shield. You destroy her with mega Gnar. Keep an eye on the map for roams.
Take Stride + Plated.”
Breadcrumbs says “She can be annoying early (as with all ranged top-laners) but within a few levels you can kill her as she is super squishy and your 5 stack can melt her.”
SethPRG says “Start cloth and 4 pots, try to bush cheese. If they ever jump on you try to catch them with your E and you win. A bit annoying if they have ignite, but if they constantly roam at 6 you will get plates and just beat them down when they come back. Stridebreaker is preferred in this matchup so you can catch them, but you can also build Trinity if you are ahead, or want to punish them harder by taking plates/turrets when they roam. Build Plated Steelcaps on your first reset, and build Bramble into some Mythic components after.”
SpartanDumpster says “You may notice that Gnar's biggest threats are very mobile champs with either range or gap closers. Quinn can be annoying and if she gets ahead she can become a real problem. She can be more manageable early on because she is quite frail. Dodging her Q is vital because if you become near sighted even early in the match she can follow it up to burn down your health before you can realize it. Dodge her, farm CS, poke her with your Q, and try to set up an opportunity to all in her when you transform.”
El Leon Gnar says “Quinn used to be an extreme threat but as she's not too strong with the current meta she isn't as much as a worry anymore. You can start winning trades once you hit Stridebreaker's + Steelcaps, and you can trade well with your Q but she can snowball off early game kill potential.”
joelspaho121 says “unfavorable matchup at all.dshield start with second wind. this matchup is heavily one sided towards quinn because of how her kit is built.the key to winning this matchup is by abusing her e cooldown and saving your E when she q's you to make her blind slightly ineffective by bringing her into your auto not over commit for creeps as it will cause you to lose a lot of hp for no reason.dont over stay because her ult makes it easy for her to come back to lane. This matchup used to be a lot easier with old stridebreaker but with the current meta build for darius (triforce) id suggest rushing tabis and trying to survive mainly.”
Helix128 says “just a little bit more dangerous than vayne, but same base. Q when they want to fight, just that quinn has 2 damaging abilities instead of one.”
Lok0mina says “She is quite a match up, try not to feed her, if you're trying to engage, ambush her from the river where you'll have a clear view from her and hit her with you Q, I don't recommend engaging her without your ultimate and jg, remember she can kite you.”
Kaizin says “The reason this matchup is so hard, is because of Quinn's mobility first of all. But her E also completely cancels your Q, no stun, no reset, it just goes through the attack animation and that's it. Quinn's usually max W, which grants movement speed and attack speed every time she auto attack's with her passive (Harrier). Build bramble vest early against Quinn and early boots are good to help with her mobility. If you're both level 6, the best way to catch her off-guard, if you can time it right. Is to Ultimate where she was, as she uses her E (Vault). This means she'll arrive back at her original position with a Bear stomping on her head. Be very careful if you decide to fight her, even if you disengage, she can chase very easily with the movespeed she gets from her W.”
NPGRiven says “I've put this matchup in the extreme category because playing into Quinn is extremely annoying. You will very unlikely kill her in the early levels, but you also won't be able to farm either without the risk of her chunking your health bar down. When you do decide to all-in post-6, do your best to stay behind her so she has no where to run. Her E is her best tool to get you off of her, and if you are behind her she will have to use it in a direction which isn't favourable for herself.”
I am so chill says “Skill matchup.Carefull she probably takes ignite and this may hurt you alot in early.bait her tackle then use ur w q combo and all in her.You can poke her if she uses her skills on minions.”
UlisesFRN says “Extremely obnoxious to play against. She counters all melee champs in the game and roams pretty well. She isnt played very often tho, but you can ban her or play defensive until lvl 6 then try to all in her”
ApollonATH says “Hard lane. Dont get poked for no reason. After level 6 you can kill her if you R after her E was used to dodge then knock back then kill her. Buy armor .”
deathwalker7119 says “Try to parry her kick-flip, and stun her with it. If you need to, you can Q - W, as when you Q in she will probably instantly go to combo you. Make sure to rush stride and don't let her poke you without hitting your vitals too. You need to watch out for her roams and ping her level 6 or else your whole team might just die :). Very high burst, and bushes aren't safe so don't try and bush cheese as she can simply get free vision around her. You need to land parry for the slow and attack speed removal.”
Humitaxx says “Against Quinn you just need to try and predict her dash, since you can cancel it by using your E at the same time and avoid getting damaged, but try to not go with the tank build since you'll lack mobility and she can just kite you”
JeanMichelBambi says “Quinn is able to deal high amounst of damage but has more of a burst compared to Mordekaiser's early dps, timing abilities is the key to defeating her”
UlisesFRN says “A well played Quinn will ruin your day, as she is a counterpick. There are a few ways you can try and flip the coin tho. First ask your jungler for help.If Quinn doesnt have flash up,there are few chances she will be able to survive a gank. Also they tend to run ignite so a well timed gank can result in a good freeze,allowing you to farm safely. Renekton can snowball hard, so if you get ahead with help of your jungler, you will be able to turn the tide of the lane, but she will bully you later on so try and finish asap. Take Doran Shield+Second Wind, and try to poke her down with short E+Q+E back trades. That way, you will not take much damage from her,and once she is in all in range, you can surprise her with a full combo”
xynlol says “R̴͚͇̽̆͐̂͋̾̾͝͠ͅE̴͓̣̲̪̼̙̼̣̱̫̙͛̑́̽̑̆̉̔͘͠D̴̡̻̲͉̀̀̈́̆͒̆́̀̈́͗̄͌͋͋͝R̷̳͈̘͖̂̾̈́̊́̌̽̓̒̿̐ͅŪ̵͕͕̮̭͈̿́́̈́͂̃͋̐̉̃͛͘̚͝Ḿ̸̝͎͕̟͍͚̤̗͙̪̖̮̼̓̆͋́̈́̈́͑͆̕ ban this champ”
Mister Egg says “Tonic+Biscuit. Use pot before using Q to get the mov spd. Only trade with grasp up and avoid her full combo. Buy doran's shield on your first B and rush armor boots.
Tônico+Biscoito. Use a pot antes de usar o Q para pegar mov speed. Só troque com grasp ativo e evite o full combo dela. Compre escudo de doran no primeiro B e rush bota de armadura.”
Womsky says “Scaling runes, ghost highly recommanded, doran's shield, its a cheesy matchup, its there to counter you, she got very good poke, and very good disengage, plus she builds lethality to annoy you even more, tabies rush is quite nice if you dealing with a high ad damage based team, the way you beat her is by farming while staying high in hp, getting fury, let her over extend, and run her down after landing a W and ghosting, if she wastes her E by any chance to just harras you or to farm while being over extended, just beat her ass up, if she goes full kiting cheese with the slowing rune * I forget the name* just ignore her and farm, you wont be able to do much in a 1v1 vs her then”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Can be hard if you mess up and fall behind but generally heavily in your favor. Try to avoid getting poked down level 1 and let her push you in, you can either start E or Q its not too important. When you have your passive stacked and she hasn’t poked you much if you land your E on her you can look to jump her. Be careful as her E can cancel your Q if you get unlucky with the timing. You should be fine to fight her as long as she does not have too many minions. If you feel unsure about fighting her early, level 6 is a good time to fight her as your ultimate is much stronger in a 1v1 and opening up with your ult makes it easier to hit your E, if you hit both you 100% win if you start with stacked passive.
tibs2 says “If you are a bit of a gamer you can react to Quinn e with w and Quinn dies instantly or at least has to flash away. The timing window is a little short tho so even I miss it fairly often. If you do not w her e this match up is sad but if you do you win so it is very coinflip and reaction speed dependent. It will either be a 1 or a 5 depending on if you can w her e or not.”
SadmanV3 says “Yet another ranged matchup, this one is particularly annoying because of her point and click dash ability towards you. Classically Quinn will attempt to roam the river after crashing minion waves into your turret. However against Nasus, you hold her hostage instead, to your disadvantage... A competent Quinn will continue to harass you under turret. For this matchup play safe, call for jungler if possible and slowly outscale her.”
Noodles912 says “Similar to marksmen lane, freeze and farm. Use the river bush trick if you pushed the wave. Outscale her. Her nearsight can be annoying, but you can pool to make sure she does not get the free harass.”
Speed_Fire2 says “Quinn is another hated ranged top laner but slightly easier to face then Vayne due to her Dash's cooldown, try and time your E for her dash so that you can deal damage and actually fight against her.”
Draconic56 says “She has a shorter auto-attack range than other ranged champs. Rush bramble and plated steel caps. You will win hard in the death realm if you land your E and your Q's. I'd advise against doing a full combo if you are pushed up, as she will headbutt and kite you back to your turret while attacking you. You will be more useful late game and in team fights than her.”
Kokob5 says “A good Quinn will know to keep her distance and will rush Qss against you. Ask for jungle assistance and let her push in to get a lead you can use to shut her down. Phase rush into her is a good way to punish Quinn when you do catch up with E”
negoZoma69 says “Quinn players are very agressive from lv1 so be aware of being cheese'd. Give lane pressure if necessary, you trade better from lv3 onward. The key is using W well to deny her autoattacks and hitting empowered E.”
Zaloufi says “First, Quinn is a range champion so she doesn't need to put herself in danger to last hit the cs. Then she can blind you with her Q when you get closer push you away with her E to cancel your garb. If you manage to E her, try to walk behind her and then AA+W. This would mean that if she headbutts you, she will knock herself to your side of the lane which would allow you to kill her.”
Hesychia says “Quinn is one of the early outdamage champions in the game. Stay safe till level 3. E her as fast as you can when she uses Vault (E) on you so you can pull her. and get an easy kill. She can ult and get back to lane easily at lvl 6 so don't even try to get plates when she is alive. When you see her respawned, just get back and recall because she will use her ult to get back to lane fast.”
SKRELAX says “Quinn is very bad matchup for Sett. She has quick abilities in her kit. Try to kill her at level 2 or 3. If she kills you, play safely until lvl 6. If you get a kill, then play like you want.”
SleeplessX says “She can E your W if she is fast, if you want to fight walk up to her to threaten it but wait until she wastes E, only then W her. It's kind of dicey. Otherwise just stay back, dodge Q, and ping mid when she roams post-6 (you can ult there too)”
BigMacavelli says “Super annoying to lane against because even if you play safe and wait for the right opportunity to hook under tower she can blind you making it hard to land your q.”
raede says “Quinn sucks. She's hard to kill, pokes a lot, and can roam in the blink of an eye. Try Ring through her E that way you know where she's going to land and you don't get CCed.”
bocchicken says “Mastery 7 emote when you hit lvl 6 and 1shot her.
Rush steelcaps to cut her damage and care if she flashes your R.
Take comet since you will never be able to grasp trade on her. ”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Just play safe and wait when she gave the opportunity for you to engage her. When you do it she's dead. Just be prepared to gave calls to your team, because she will roam a lot. It's not a good lane for Quinn and as soon as she gets 6, she will try to kill your jungler and your mid lane... a good Quinn will try to give advantage for her team in dragon fights.”
Alekra says “Really hard to beat, not that hard to survive if you are ready to loose some farm. You basically have 0 killpressure as her E counters your Q completely. Go full sustain with runes with either Second Wind and Overgrowth or Perfect Timing and Bisquit Delivery.”
Erenando says “Outranges you, knocks you back, makes you blind and pokes you to death. Get yourself righteous glory and Iceborn gauntlet. Randuins is also a good choice. Well it also depends on the rest of their team, but those items will be quite helpful.”
GrGamingTeo says “Accept deafeat, let the Quinn push so you can farm under tower and pray for a gank from the jungler in order for you to 2v1 her and hopefully kill her. ”
Olaf Only says “Olaf wins after lvl 6 if Quinn does not have Phaserush.
Focus on farming to 6 with your Q.
She will roam a lot, so notify your team whenever she leaves lane after lvl 6.
LunaticDancer says “Very annoying lane, can be tricky, buut also she's risking a lot, since one E hit can be life-ending for her. Generally if she bounces off you, even when you're blinded, you have a pretty easy E hit at her because her landing spot is predictable, use this to your advantage.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity]
[Flash + TP]
Start W. Poke her down with W as she slowly pushes the wave towards you. Your hookshot cancels her E so you can pretty much hookshot onto her whenever you want. In an all in try to step behind her after hookshotting onto her so she can't E towards her tower. You destroy her once you have items + armor boots.”
SpyDaFX says “Almost impossible to win early, unless she makes a big mistake and gets too close without mana, then you might have all-in potential. go press the attack.”
Ravenborne says “Probably the easiest Ranged matchup. Cancel her Jump with your E. Does not outdamage you but do not let her poke you down. You can also E her and walk behind her so she has to Jump back into your wave or run away into the river. Will get fed off of other lanes.”
Mr.Kovacic says “Ranged champ. Wont let you stack. Blinds you and shoots you and keeps hitting you if you try to get close to the minions. Even if you do manage to kill her, she will be back soon because of her ult. If possible, tell your jungler to babysit you if you play against her”
Kil4fun says “You don't win lane into Quinn. She will try to all in you level 1 with her vault to force you out of lane. She will take ignite, take cleanse into that. You're not roaming with a Quinn unless she's seriously bad or your other lanes are ahead. You can win into her mid/late game but she runs early game and then will make your other lanes suffer.”
Doc Morning Wood says “Pretty much, the same threat with Vayne. The fact that she lacks the true damage, is no problem because she has more mobility. Plus, with a Kraken she can deal true damage too. She won't be your best time! :P”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Oppressive lane and outroams you easily. Her Q makes it hard to get near her and once you are near her she has her E. You CAN cancel her E with your E, to do this with 100% success just press E on her, you'll start to run at her and if she uses her E on you you'll automatically E her as she gets in range. I advise aftershock here because once you cancel her E with your E and you have the Aftershock proc on you're able to destroy her. Your W can cancel her R whilst she's channeling it
In 10.9 Quinn is getting a buff to her Shortsight duration on her Q, this makes it harder to abuse the E cancel with your E as if you have Shortsight you can't do it.
ModelitoTime says “She is similiar to the other ranged matchups in this list. take dorans shield and take used of your E+Flash in this matchup. She may be a little tricky since she has high mobility and can nearsight you. But after lvl 9 this matchup gets really tough for Quinn”
ChevalierArlo says “Use a quarta build e evite trocar com ela até ter seu chicote, pois ele irá lançar o gelinho nela, tornando a luta contra ela mais fácil. Se confiar no seu time, recomendo levar ignite e ficar fixo no top até levar o inibidor. ”
Dannala says “Trading with Quinn is doomed to fail. She can push you away and blind you followed up with huge damage to your face which you can't retaliate against. Even if you get your combo off if you don't Rappel before the stuns over you will lose the trade and without Rappel you're a sitting duck for her to walk up and punish you. Watch for her mistakes and play it safe.”
ineptpineapple says “Could go either way, if they are going sustain adc then you wreck if they are going electrocute burst it might be a little harder. As long as you stay away when harriered and just stay away from her qs youll be fine.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “Muito difícil ganhar tenta sempre deixar puxar e farmar o máximo possível ... esperar o jungle mas caso consigas counterar o E dela com o teu W ganhas fácil ”
Xzavery says “Hard harass but easily countered with predator, prioritize xp and don't get chunked down for a couple farm. You will lose in CS at first but just stall til you can one shot with pred+q+e+Ignite+ult”
Vielia says “She will be annoying for a bit, but eventually she will E you, once she does that use you E right before she hit you to drag her close to you and let her without a way out and doomed”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “You are immobile. Bringing approach velocity can help so long as you can Q after her E kick back. Dodge her Q and stick to her and you can get kills. She outscales you hard and if you lose lane hopefully you didn't feed an assassin style ADC.”
Raideru says “Pretty annoying lane you can't rly do much if he's not bad, all u can do is try to get close to her and bait her e and if she wastes it you can jump on her and trade or try to dmg her by doing q+w jump on her otherwise it's just farming. I advise going grasp and sheen with boots.
At 2 items u can myb stick on her and kill her but depends on how early went.”
LeSocair says “Try to farm.
Don't trade with her, she'll jump on you, hit you, Q you, hit you, and you're out, and she will catch you with her MS.
TRY TO CALL FOR MIAS ALL THE TIME, SHE LIKES TO GANK MID AFTER 6, if you don't you'll get flamed and you'll easily tilt. ”
Malol67 says “get PTA and run her down.
Just bait her E since she can stop your W,
its the same for other ranged tops like teemo (where you have to bait his q or he will negate your emp W damage,but you can go 4 stack w then emp q for him)
vayne ( bait E)
lucian ( bait E,block q and double auto / ult)”
Flyingnines says “This one is hard to kill her you need to use sums or she will just out trade you with her q auto e auto. Higher the elo you go the better the Quinn player. Once you’re out of laning phase she’s easy to kill. ”
EU_Toxicity says “Play safe until 6 (especially if she has ignite). Rush tabis and get bramble vest if she builds lifesteal. When you do eventually decide to all-in her, ghost and run behind her so she can't knock you away.”
iZeal says “If you somehow are able to hook her out of her E (which she should never use until you E yourself) you can kill her. Otherwise she is going to poke you and will most likely have Ignite as summoner spell for added kill pressure. Even if you don't die to her she will have priority and after level 6 will just roam elsewhere to gain a lead. Jungle assistance is pretty much required if the Quinn has hands.
RejuBeads>DShield, Tabis!”
DarkNavarre says “Can burst pretty hard in a short span of time but if she botches her timings, you can punish her pretty hard in return. Borderline threat level of 3.”
byThiagus says “DODGEA ESTO O BANEALO. Escudo de doran y 3ra pagina de runas, El unico matchup del juego que se puede jugar con sobre la marcha. Si estas jugando contra una quinn con ignite lo unico que podes hacer en toda la fase de lineas es farmear y rezar por ayuda de tu jungler o que ella use mal su e, Si la quinn tiene fase veloz no podes hacer absolutamente nada. Rushear tabis despues Rompeavances yplaca del hombre muerto obligatorio”
Stijnzxz says “Quinn is a champ for pussys so if u play aigenst her just dodge or u just wanna get ur ass fuckt cuz she pokes and kite u down like a baby u cant do much.”
AWierdShoe says “Try to survive and stay healthy best you can level 1-3, using your shield to farm. Level 4+ you can look to all in her if she uses her E wastefully to poke you, but this lane is mostly about surviving and saving your Teleport so you can R away and help others. She scales poorly unless she manages to snowball herself. Remember to ping your midlaner if she’s level 6+ and goes missing. She’s fast AF.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Start Q -> Let her push towards you -> Stay healthy level 1-2 and level 3 you can look for some trades -> Bait her Q -> Space properly -> Proper W usage -> Time your Q3 when she Es on you so you can get the knock up on her to R”
eBrixton says “Warwick is typically outmatched by all ranged champs. Unless Quinn's monitor disconnects, or she walks in to give you a hug because of the distress you're in due to playing vs a ranged top, it's going to be a very bad experience. Dodge on sight if possible”
viktoreeu says “Super annoying to lane against.
Will be behind cs.
Ask for help from your jungle and you will stomp her.
Ghost tempo always, you can run her down if you are healthy enough with your ghost r up.
*can go beads”
NickCola Tesla says “You are one of Quinn's counters! Sion is one of the few melee champions who is able to circumvent ranged poke, so picking him into Quinn is highly advised.
Take Arcane Comet, start with the Doran's Ring, max your E first, and just poke her down. It's a very similar playstyle when compared to going up against Teemo. Your poke is SO much stronger than theirs.
Rushing Plated Steelcaps and Bramble Vest puts the lane heavily in your favor, especially if she chooses to build Lethality. Once you complete Frozen Heart, there shouldn't be a way Quinn out duels you!
If you see her building crit, rushing a Randuins Omen will help you itemize against her and the enemy ADC at the same time.”
Saarlichenbog says “Quinn's playstyle is the most similar thing to Kalista top. However, Quinn wants to kite away from her target and damage them periodically, at least until she gets Prowlers Claw while Kalista always wants to go in regardless. This means that Kalista will always end up having the lane advantage in this matchup which means when Quinn wants to engage on her she exposes herself to Kalista's full combo. Quinn's best shot at winning the lane is to get an early gank off and threatening lane prio or building crit to outscale, but neither options are optimal into playing against Kalista's trading pattern making her sub-class.”
Captain Dantems says “Cuidado com os auto ataques dela, pokea ela com o que você tem e sepa dá pra matar, na maioria das vezes não, então farme oque der e tente escalar mais do que ela, ward avançado na lane para saber quando ela vai dar roam. Grasp com inspiração. ”
gamjatangisgood says “PTA+Ignite will just ruin your day. Quinn players will only play her to feel dominant in lane; let her be and ask for ganks. She will fall off like a rock post 30.”
wolfclaw3812 says “Quinn is basically Teemo. Both are ranged, both have a blind, both can run away really quickly, and both come out of nowhere to kill you. AP or On-hit. ”
Papa Urgot says “this can be a hardmatchup but not if you do it right. rush armour boots after that get the riftmaker and then a deathmans plate. she is a huge pain at the start.”
Demon o mono sett jojofag says “early game é meio complicado, mas se você farmar de longe com o W nos primeiros níveis, a partir do nível 6 abre uma janela de kill em cima dela, recomendo pedir ajuda do jungle.”
jhoijhoi says “Quinn's lower range and little harass in the form of abilities gives Ashe an advantage in lane. However, you must be careful of her hard engage where she can bring a blind from Blinding Assault and move into range of you with Vault. ”
OffmetaPancake says “Build a bramblevest and go into lethality. You will be able to win the side lane against her, forcing her to abandon lane. Pre 6 the matchup can be rough.”
Raphi0216 says “She can't cancel your E with her E, so just engage her everytime she is in range. Don't take too long fights, because she can kite you if your E and R are on CD.”
NoHesitation7 says “Ranged matchup with heavy early game damage which can poke you very hard & with high mobility due to passive movement speed. Can bully you very hard when your E is on cooldown.”
Gwoky says “Take anti-poke runes. Buy Doran's Shield as your starting item. Give Quinn space at level 1. As the lane continues, you should have more poke threat and kill threat. At level 6, you can kill an overaggressive Quinn.”
daito Okami says “D shield with fleet resolve. Difficult matchup u need to wait until 6 before being able to do anything if she builds magic resist there isn't much you can do but farm getting plated steelcaps is not necessary but is optional if the enemy team has lot of auto attacker.”
Frostyfps says “Can be hard if you mess up and fall behind but generally heavily in your favor. Try to avoid getting poked down level 1 and let her push you in, you can either start E or Q its not too important. When you have your passive stacked and she hasn’t poked you much if you land your E on her you can look to jump her. Be careful as her E can cancel your Q if you get unlucky with the timing. You should be fine to fight her as long as she does not have too many minions. If you feel unsure about fighting her early, level 6 is a good time to fight her as your ultimate is much stronger in a 1v1 and opening up with your ult makes it easier to hit your E, if you hit both you 100% win if you start with stacked passive.”
Sylrath says “Podemos meter en el mismo saco a Quinn y a Lucian. Es un skill matchup. El que sea mejor de los dos, ganará. Lleva SIEMPRE Ignite contra ella, farmear no es una opción pues hará roam libremente y habrás perdido. Todo depende de que aciertes ese barril para que muera gracias a tu pasiva + ignite. Insisto, si pierdes o empatas, la partida ha terminado.”
Delvoid says “Quinn is a "lane" bully if you let her poke you and proc her passive. If she E's you E back in the direction and you will flip her and win the all in trade”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Quinn is insanely strong early, and can easily poke Morde out of lane. Since Morde relies on skillshots (E and Q) to engage and do damage, her nearsight ruins any attempts to damage her or engage. You are going to have to rely on jungle ganks if you want any chance of killing her, and rushing Morello is a good idea if she rushes Sanguine Blade. ”
MisterDerpFace says “It's not fun to play against her. Its sometimes worth dodging the game of your in ranked.
But if you DO play agains her, try to bait out her E and then trade against her. I still dont have much experience playing against her so i'll be updating this section eventually.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “She will chunk you with ease since she is ranged and has her blind so just try to stay back and use your E to cs cannon minions and take the cs that you can. Just play the matchup safe ain laning phase and you should out scale her later in the game.”
qasddsa says “Hard champion to deal with. Her E knockback and Q nearsight makes it hard for Kayle to run away or duel her. During laning phase, don't stand next to minions if she sends a Q at them. When fighting her, make sure to dodge her Q.”
Quinn is a really annoying laner, she isn't the best ADC so she is mostly used as a Top laner where she can poke melee bruisers. In laning phase look to survive and outscale her, you can also dodge her Q since its a skillshot for her. The thing about Quinn is that her lvl 6 is way weaker than Nasus lvl 6 spike, so look to survive until you get your lvl 6 + Sheen spike and can punish her cooldowns, E is 12 seconds cooldown lvl 1 and her Q is 11 seconds coolodown lvl 1 and remember that usually Quinn will max W first if they want to do damage. Try to ping your teamates as much as possible of her roams, its really hard since she has a lot of mobility but make sure you let them know that its their fault if they die due to a pinged roam. Later on to the game, look to do teamfights since you are way better than her at doing damage since your Q stacks infinitely. Don't be scared if you are 40+ minions behind her early on, it's the nature of this matchup.”
Viola Boss says “You have to mess up really badly to lose to Quinn, every single Quinn underestimates your damage, just q move speed and e stun her and pull your combo. 90% of the time you will kill her. Beat her early game and her late game will be horrible”
Gxxllx says “This champion is favored vs you. Take PTA, Doran's Shield and freeze your lane until reach your tower. At level 6 you can all-in her flashing into her and ulting, DON'T WASTE YOUR Q, start damaging her until she spends her E to escape from you, so then Q on her and you will kill her. :)”
SubHuman Filth says “get electrocute, grasp or aery. Get 3 points in q and only trade when q is up.
You can trade after lvl 3 or 4. Before that she will win trades.
you hardoutscale her in lane if you put 3 points in q. So you should win very fight after first item.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. Quinn has strong poke and strong disengage. You do not want to trade into quinn early whatsoever. Only look to farm and scale up. If quinn is using her spells too aggressively however and wastes her E cooldown (the one where she does a backflip off of something) and you have a good amount of hp and your spin up, that would be the one time you would want to trade into quinn early. To beat Quinn consistently, farm up for a bit of damage + tier 2 boots (you can wait for full essence reaver completion too), use ghost to force Quinn's e then follow up on her with your spin, when she flashes you follow up with flash. One tip against Quinn that is useful is regarding her E cooldown. Quinn and Tryndamere's E cooldowns are both 12 seconds level 1, however tryndamere can lower the cooldown of his spin with crits on champions or minions. So if you spin on quinn, crit her, then she e's away from example, that means you have atleast a 2 second window for another really good trade into her when your spin comes back up, and the window can get larger if you go back after trading and crit some minions to lower the cooldown of your spin even more. In the mid-late game you will win the 1v1 against quinn because of your ghost + flash and ability to stick onto her with your spin cooldown. One exception to this is maybe something like glacial augment quinn with blade of the ruined king ghost blade cleaver shojin or something ridiculous that makes her able to fight you (but then it also makes her useless in literally every other situation.) So if you do run into that kind of quinn who built solely to kite you out in a 1v1, just look to group and she will be useless.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. Quinn has strong poke and strong disengage. You do not want to trade into quinn early whatsoever. Only look to farm and scale up. If quinn is using her spells too aggressively however and wastes her E cooldown (the one where she does a backflip off of something) and you have a good amount of hp and your spin up, that would be the one time you would want to trade into quinn early. To beat Quinn consistently, farm up for a bit of damage + tier 2 boots (you can wait for full essence reaver completion too), use ghost to force Quinn's e then follow up on her with your spin, when she flashes you follow up with flash. One tip against Quinn that is useful is regarding her E cooldown. Quinn and Tryndamere's E cooldowns are both 12 seconds level 1, however tryndamere can lower the cooldown of his spin with crits on champions or minions. So if you spin on quinn, crit her, then she e's away from example, that means you have atleast a 2 second window for another really good trade into her when your spin comes back up, and the window can get larger if you go back after trading and crit some minions to lower the cooldown of your spin even more. In the mid-late game you will win the 1v1 against quinn because of your ghost + flash and ability to stick onto her with your spin cooldown. One exception to this is maybe something like glacial augment quinn with blade of the ruined king ghost blade cleaver shojin or something ridiculous that makes her able to fight you (but then it also makes her useless in literally every other situation.) So if you do run into that kind of quinn who built solely to kite you out in a 1v1, just look to group and she will be useless.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Fleet, Triumph, Tenacity, Last Stand + Shield, Second Wind or Electro, Sudden Impact, Eyeball, Ravenous Hunter.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor.
Summoners: TP, Ignite, Exhaust
Quinn is an very annoying matchup. You don't have to start D-Shield but it is recommended. The level one cheese could work out if she didnt take e first. TP is the way to go for this though, you can TP back to lane after being harassed and you can follow her roams. I would say to play safe and try to freeze wave under your tower. Her backflip cant do much to escape a gank unless she flashes behind the jgler.
Darrkescru says “Runa : aery , Eletrocutar
Desvia do Q dela sempre use seu Q pra anular a passiva quando ela pular em você com o E ja use o Q e sai de perto
Rushar : Tabi , Liandry's”
ZergDood says “The laning phase with her is similar to an ADCs. Try punishing her when she goes for CS, after she's in cooldown. Rush tabis, don't underestimate her poking and don't die; she scales a lot. Your W stops her dash.”
qazx1427 says “If you really know what you're doing, you do actually have a chance to win this lane. Yorick does well against ranged toplaners, but the problem with Quinn is that if you trap her in your W, she can just vault out, so you need to be very careful on the engage. If you can trap her in your W and go from behind, you can push her towards your wave and tower. Better yet, catch her when her vault's down and just go to town. A very difficult lane, but winnable.”
Rastub P says “Same as Vayne he can poke you so hard and if u wont get help by jg its pretty GG if u get lucky u can win your lane if she fails so hard that one moment”
Ayanleh says “This matchup has become really easy now. If she e's into you, you can pull her easier as she gets closer to you when she e's and shes pretty squishy.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. This champion SUCKS. Her endless CC and her insufferable blind spell trouble. If you do manage to catch her, she can just vault off of you, possibly over a wall or her support. Try to catch her and lock her down, she's really very squishy once she's CC'd a lot. Ask for a lot of ganks and don't engage if you know her Q is off cooldown.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Can be a bit rough but just dont take too much free poke, start cloth 4, recall at 800+ gold and buy tabi, you will have more movespeed and she wont be able to fight you, run her down.
This is how every ADC matchup goes, their ults usually suck 1v1 in an allin.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “Quinn can kite you easily so unless he uses her abilities randomly I wouldn't recommend fighting her until you have lvl6.Take flash ghost with standard runes for this one.”
Dreadscythe95 says “Why is this allowed top, xD. She has blind range and mobility. Even if you manage to survive in lane you will have so low pressure that she will constantly roam and snowball her midlaner and jungler.”
berronii says “The hardest opponent for Volibear. His E will prevent your Q, his W will prevent any possible gank you can get and his Q will destroy you. Since he will most likely be playing with ignite, your passive is done. You won't even be able to farm when he's back because of his R's speed and arrival dmg. Just stay under turret and try to farm as much as you can. At level 6, flash to him, use your Ultimate and start damaging.
He will use his E to get away, so keep hitting him with basics until he does that,
then use your Q and go chase him.”
chloe666 says “Skill matchup. Run Fleet in this lane. Quinn is annoying due to how her E interacts with your dash.
To beat her bait her E then Q E into her as soon as her E animation is done, you win the trade that way.”
wallobear53 says “Quinn is very strong early game, especially if she is verses a melee champion. However, that strength mostly lies on her abilities and being able to combo her Passive proc with them. The ideal situation to trade is when both her Q and E are on Cooldown since then she won't have any disengage or trade potential.
Note that at level six, most champions will surpass Quinn in power, since her Ultimate R doesn't offer anything to her playstyle, other than being able to return to lane faster. So if you are thinking about all-in’ing her, this would be the best timeframe.
Quinn has a very bad time clearing huge waves, so trying to shove the early waves at her becomes a viable strategy, and that also guarantees you get levels faster than she does, but be careful to not get poked out while pushing the wave.
Horu says “You can usually outpoke/win trades if you engage first, however, always buy a control ward and place it in river as good Quinn players roam when they're unable to solo kill you.”
M.P.C says “Generally any ranged champions can kill you pre level 6, so just focus on getting getting CS and try to not get killed to avoid feeding them.”
Fiora Pogjet says “Quinn has much Poke much Damage and can get out with her E. It is very hard to do something against her but waiting for your jungler and afk farm under tower. You could try it wiht a risky moved in the early game where you go for a Q and W to predict her E Jump. If you can stun her you should be able to outtrade her but the E is not easy to prarry tho. when she hits lvl 6 she can roam and get to lane faster which doesn't make it better since your ult is basically useless, because you won't be able to reach her and hit the vitles.”
NullPC says “Not as bad as other ranged matchups as she gets blown up in mele and by the time she ults out to escape you will likely be able to execute her and reminde her wat supression really feels like. Bush cheesing is recomended dont eat too much poke.”
Ashookaa says “Push lane if she lets u and roam Quinn is a Roam queen buut she has a very bad wave clear so puhs wave gank mid push wave and invade enemy jgl with ur own jgl”
Teemain says “She is more dangerous than vayne early game do NOT engage on her unless you can jebait both her
Blind AND her kick + 3 bolts spell.
Maaaaan she's such a *****
again. as I've mentioned with Vayne... Build tanky items. Ignore my build.
Go for Thorn+Righteous”
Teemain says “She is more dangerous than vayne early game do NOT engage on her unless you can jebait both her
Blind AND her kick + 3 bolts spell.
Maaaaan she's such a *****
again. as I've mentioned with Vayne... Build tanky items. Ignore my build.
Go for Thorn+Righteous”
Stiwy says “She is preety annoying thanks to her range and overall safety but after some time you will be able to time your E with her's and well, when it works she will lose the trade and probably die.
Take D.Shield and rush tabis to make her life harder.
The flash + E combo can surprise her.”
Fourpaws33 says “She will poke you but you will win post 6. Careful of her damage from combos and use ult well. Make sure to save jump for AFTER she uses her vault thing.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. Quinn has strong poke and strong disengage. You do not want to trade into quinn early whatsoever. Only look to farm and scale up. If quinn is using her spells too aggressively however and wastes her E cooldown (the one where she does a backflip off of something) and you have a good amount of hp and your spin up, that would be the one time you would want to trade into quinn early. To beat Quinn consistently, farm up for a bit of damage + tier 2 boots (you can wait for full essence reaver completion too), use ghost to force Quinn's e then follow up on her with your spin, when she flashes you follow up with flash. One tip against Quinn that is useful is regarding her E cooldown. Quinn and Tryndamere's E cooldowns are both 12 seconds level 1, however tryndamere can lower the cooldown of his spin with crits on champions or minions. So if you spin on quinn, crit her, then she e's away from example, that means you have atleast a 2 second window for another really good trade into her when your spin comes back up, and the window can get larger if you go back after trading and crit some minions to lower the cooldown of your spin even more. In the mid-late game you will win the 1v1 against quinn because of your ghost + flash and ability to stick onto her with your spin cooldown. One exception to this is maybe something like glacial augment quinn with blade of the ruined king ghost blade cleaver shojin or something ridiculous that makes her able to fight you (but then it also makes her useless in literally every other situation.) So if you do run into that kind of quinn who built solely to kite you out in a 1v1, just look to group and she will be useless.”
Mohid97 says “The queen of cheese she out ranges you in both auto attacks and her E range. Be prepared to be harassed all game and beg your jg to gank you. ”
BloodyDream81 says “Exactement la même chose que vayne, attend ton jungle et endure, punis si jamais elle vient trop loin à l'aide de fantôme et rush phasique, mais dans l'ensemble concentre toi sur ne pas mourir et farmer .”
Dantheman81 says “Quinn can be quite annoying. She can escape your entire kit, she can blind you when you're trying to farm, and with lethality can deal an unneccesary amount of damage to you. Luckily, Quinn is very rare to see nowadays and my best advice is to play very safe until you get your ult. Then make sure to pick up a Randuin's Omen to slow her attack speed and if she goes in on you use the active to slow her escape followed up by your e. If you see her use her jump attack, that's your opportunity to trap her and kill her as she will be vulnerable to your full potential.”
Xplor says “Quinn may be an annoying little birdie ranged champ who will poke you more than you poke him. Play defensive and farm under the tower until you reach level 6. After, you can take him down in no-time.
As pre-6, use your ghouls to poke him as much as possible but don't risk it too much.”
Lintaar says “If you get her by her blind, just Q and run to tower. She can potentially push you under tower and prevent your farm, so try to get some jungle pressure”
Saturnyourube says “the key for her to win the lane is her E
make sure to make her use E and then try to all in her.
be aware that her E is 10 seconds without cooldowns.
so u dont have alot of time.”
Alzeidx says “Blinds can ruin your day and she can kite you really easily. Once you have 6, you can 1v1 however she will be roaming so push your lane hard when she is MIA and get the plates.
TotallyEclipse says “She's not as bad as Vayne, she'll save her disengage for when you jump on her. If you can all in her and snowball you'll always win. Rushing tabi is good”
darksage1234 says “Quinn is the hardest top laner you will encounter. Decent Quinn players will kite you while proccing harrier whenever they can. Her Vault is also a very strong counter against your first skill. Ask for a gank by level 2. Push into her first and take her vault, then let your jungler move in. Save your flash for the stun in your 1st. If you can't get a gank play passively and do not trade, youre just going to lose. ”
ACE4291 says “not like vayne.
play safe and Q poke to close the gap and stick to her like butter.
playing next to bushes help if your lane is further out.”
SmexyWizard says “she will really get you on your nerves with her kites even though you can block few of her AA's just like many other ranged toplaners”
Kingarthur720 says “I honestly dont know what to say here since ive barely ever seen quinn in any game. Usually people who do paly her know how to play her very well so be careful when engaging because then she can just use her E and your entire engage is gone. You can build a tornmail or some other tanky item that may help keep her in check or slow her like mallet.”
VIP Titan says “Olaf is specially well against range. With your Q you can actually deals more damage than she deals to you. Most Quinn runs ignite so make sure don't go all in too easily. But try to get her health low in level 1 by QQQQQQ.
MAX Q not E”
ShaharKarisi says “Quinn does everything Vayne does but better, her mobility with her ultimate lets her farm in other lanes easily and destroy you. I'd ban 10/10 times.”
Subject3 says “quinn will always do a backflip and then overuse the blind to auto attack, after you get unblinded punish them for it,
if your q misses tho dont bother they will kite you.”
LloydOrchid says “This lane will be hard since she's a ranged champ. Get Grasps to be tanky and get Iceborn fast. Build Randuin's since she'll be building some attack speed. ”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Unbelievably annoying lane bully who can actually scale fairly well into the late game, while also having such a good roaming ult that she can afford going ignite without sacrificing global pressure. She is a BITCH to deal with in lane, mostly because she can poke you for free and the moment she gets a proc or two of her passive on you that's 50% of your HP away. It's not completely hopeless, however: since she is an ADC, if she messes up with any part of her combo, she is dead, because she can't withstand your burst. She doesn't make it easy at all however, and the fact that she can see you in bushes every now and then with her W is frustrating as hell. I actually recommend going lethality here if you don't need a tank, since you can burst her down hard and ensure some semblance of pressure. Either Exhaust or TP work fine. You can take ignite if you are 100% sure you will win early. Grasp or HoB are recommended here, you want either short trades or all-ins.
Loki029 says “Use the bush to your advantege, if she reveals you just q to Play like you are going to attack her = she will leave or loose a gfight vs you, (HINT: Dont get pushed to hard and give her high damage for each creep she tries to take, if you all in her at 6 you win, ignite before ult so she can t save herself.”
Oblak says “Quinn is a tough opponent for Shen, she can get out of your all-in very easy, blind your attacks and his presence on the map can outrun run. Try to stay safe and don't try to 1v1 her.”
lugzinho says “Ranged and that push of hers
This matchup is basically like Jayce's
Time your second E right since if you don't she'll just push you away.
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Like all the other ranged toplaners on this list Quin will be an issue. She outranges you and can poke you more then you can poke her. Try to survive early game and farm up. You can cancel out her E with flay so use this to keep her close and in auto attack range of you. Mid game you should be able to do enough damage to force her out of game and late game you can probably kill her since she is squishy. I'm not putting her as a major threat since you won't be facing her a lot and you can beat her in mid to late game.”
ForgottenProject says “You lose Level 1
Don’t trade because she starts E and cucks you
If she overextends post Level 3, you can fight her
Play back because she probably will take Ignite because Quinn players are cancer
Similarly to Pantheon, Spam Ping MIA if she roams after Level 6
You beat her post Level 6
Gunford says “Quinn can blind and jump on you. Her kit is similiar to yours but she has the higher range and the better ability to roam. In long fight you will win because of your tankiness but you lose the short trades against her passive. Its still a Skill matchup in my eyes. ”
Braddik says “She's not as bad as Vayne, she'll save her disengage for when you jump on her. If you can all in her and snowball you'll always win. Rushing tabi is good”
Speez says “Although you don't see her much now a days, shes not fun to play into, id recommend building tabis taking shield and second wind revitalize ”
Pedrokis says “Muito chato no começo, mas se você gruda nela você praticamente ganha se ela não tiver ignite. / Ela vai tentar ao máximo usar o E e bugar sua mente pra dar o seu Q ou o seu W, então toma cuidado - Quando ela gasta o E, a posição que ela cai é muito previsível, fazendo com que seja fácil de você acertar um Q ou dar um E + W e espancar ela. / Se você não tiver de TP, ela vai ter mais pressão de mapa. Tenta levar a sua T1 no top o mais rápido possível pra ajudar seu time e espalhar vantagem.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Hard to poke because she's ranged. Does a LOT of damage and has a near sight which means you can't poke for a few seconds but she can. She also has GREAT roaming potential.”
Joaking says “Annoying champ, I prefer to dodge the game.
Anyways, you can face her with doran's shield + second wind (Resolve rune).
She can roam free if you freeze, and she can kill you easy if you push a little bit.
I don't really know how to win against quinn.”
ozmankaan says “easy champ, just be sensible against her, dont give her free kills, dont try to fight early game, she can kite n kill u, if u do that u lose, ability sequence should be 'Q' lvl up first, after lvl 6 engage by --> Q -> E -> W -> R, she is easy u will win lane.”
JPlayah16 says “Obnoxious like Teemo, but with insane mobility like you. Her range and ability to cross the map makes her an absolute nightmare to beat. Ban her if you're playing top.”
Devcon says “Her relatively short auto-attack range enables trading, but her early all-in will beat yours. Make smart trades and don't die early, and you'll beat her HARD in the mid-game.”
IvaoManeirao says “i would put this matchup into "Extreme" if Urgot was a bit squishier, however, since you aren't it's just annoying as hell - play it cool and just try to farm what you can and wait for ganks - Doran's Shield and Second Wind are a must.”
Big Belly Bop says “You both are range but she has more burst. Careful when walking up to CS as she can Q the back wave to get some damage off on you. Look for ganks and play safe. Stay even in CS, she falls off very hard Late game. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield, Sustain rune page.”
oMintz says “When ever you taunt her
she can use her E to get away from u after Taunt to give u a disadvantage
so i suggest u use W After she use E to Counter that so the dmg trade is worth it”
ExfIamed says “Incredibly hard matchup but for a good garen its easy, now as we all know riots too retarded to fix the bug where his Q won't go off if she E's you and then she just kills you cause shes also faster than you and ranged and you're without your Q, but a good garen walks up to her and e's first and baits it out and THEN Q's. you have to max your Q though cause your E will be worthless since you're using it for bait.”
9690 says “This lane is hard, even post 6. Early game buy early tabi and farm under turret. Quinn can kite us in R fairly decently with her Q and E. Try not to take too much damage before ulting to ensure we can finish her off before dying.”
Loevely says “Ranged matchup but with CC disengage! :D
Go fleet and just play around her CD's. HoB and Electrocute also give you good kill potential into her.”
Luthy2278 says “Long range, can nearsight you and you will pretty much lose all trades. Only way to kill her and get ahead is for your jungler to gank you.”
Quezel says “Ghost matchup for sure Quinn abuses you quite hard early on but after seekers and tabi you can ghost at her with r and very easily kill her same as Panth spam ping her level 6.”
mightydylan101 says “Quinn is a champ that can out trade you early but around after second item you should start winning trades. Late game you can destroy quinn if you played the early and mid game right.”
ProgettoYorick says “
Quinn will always strike. Farming with her? leave it alone with her it's impossible, if Quinn has at least a little intelligence she won't even let you touch the farm.
My OTP tip: Hit it every now and then with the E when you have your ghouls ready.
Wait for level 6 to destroy it, if you miss it with the E don't continue the trade”
Ga44moker says “The chance of winning lane against Quinn is to outplay her or get camped by jungler. Her Q and E counters you hard since she can block all your damage from brush.
Q can make you die in a sec.”
Greekamol says “Play safe against her and try to take tp. You don't need to win lane against her as she falls off yet midgame she will have a lot of roam potential that should be matched with your TP. Quinn's kick puts her out of w range so try to q w into her if you can predict it or react to it.”
Xelaadryth says “Her auto+vault+auto combo does incredible damage to you so just stay out of her range. You don't really have any tools to trade with her effectively. Her roams are crazy too with her ult speed. Beware that when she returns to lane she can use that speed on you too.”
AlienMV says “Just a pain. Unfortunately, all you can do is try to minimize the amount of time in her auto range, and WARN your teammates when she might be roaming.”
just000jay says “The range and her E make her an awefull champion to play against. ply safe and be kind to your jungler. luckely she isn't played much.”
Mr. Nyahr says “She has very short range, so you have more time to get up in her face. Her blind shuts down your auto attacks for a short time, making you do effectively no damage, but once that runs out, you can kill her very quickly.”
spark2 says “Quinn is actually shockingly rough, but you VERY rarely see her mid. With her, you shouldn't Q-E. Instead, E in and hit her. She'll Vault off you, at which point you should Q her, which will slow her and allow you to chase her down. Try to do this when her Q is on cooldown, or else you'll take a lot of damage.”
Nightblue33 says “Blinds can ruin your day and she has a great kit to really mess you up. Once you have 6, you can 1v1 however she will be roaming so make to call MIAs. Shove lane when she leaves.
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: Comet Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal and doran's ring to a good poke.
//bramble vest and fronzen heart are good items to duel him.
//just poke and back.”
Hamstertamer says “Obnoxious kiter, you can't do anything pre-6, later if you itemize against her (righteous glory/ghost/armor), you can get in her face and kill her.”
Atlascrower says “Ranged. Damage and aggressive, but not tanky. Your Jungler can help you to win your lane, if you get a Barrel slow on her. Early Ganks are essential for you.”
Chromuro says “An ADC with an engage that builds lethality. It doesn't need any other explanation. I'm writing this when quinn has the most win rate in top and bot and there is a reason to it. If you feel lucky, try the game and stay under tower, if not dodge immediatly.”
superbardock says “She can be a bit of a pain, especially with her range eating up your turrets. But don't get discouraged. Once you get ZZ'rot in a bush she has to come to you. When that happens, peg her early with rockets and grenades as she tries to deal with your turrets and you will be fine. If she dives in on you, stay mobile but keep her in range of your turrets.”
Raideru says “Pretty difficult for people who didn't play the matchup too many times, basically try to walk up to her while e is on and make her push u away and then jump back onto her or go for a trade with q auto attack w and once she e's you away press e to deny her damage, tabis is a good buy in this matchup.”
HKRV says “Lethaltrox is advised. You can only do short trades against her. Since you have no sustain from minion heals it's really hard to stay in lane. Even Vayne is better to have than her. ”
Poppu says “Strong at harassments, blind is annoying to deal with, but if you can bait her near a wall or catch her out, you can win trades and kill her. Best to play safe or careful.”
Aizo says “Ranged threat who has very good kiting capabilities. She is incredibly dangerous in the earlygame. While you can easily outscale her if you don't fall behind it is quite difficult to do so because of how oppressive her earlygame is”
Shady Zane says “And last, but not least.. Quinn the mighty hunter... (or not^)
Just be careful around her and you should be fine. Once again, poke and deny farm if you can.”
Lynboe says “Face à Quinn vous serez pour la plupart du temps incapable de la combattre durant la phase de lane. Cependant, ce petit pigeon est très vulnérable aux ganks, votre seul moyen de gagner en un contre un sera d’anticiper son E pour l’attraper au vol.
Il est fortement conseillé d’appeler à l’aide votre jungler, deux ou trois ganks seront largement suffisants pour vous permettre de prendre l’avantage.
Il est recommandé de prendre Phase Rush, le Doran’s Shield ainsi que Second Wind et de faire les Tabi Ninja rapidement.
Jnewbringspain says “Both champions kind of counter each other, so this is a skill matchup. Her Blinding Assault make it hard to jump on her, but your Counter Strike will help you a lot in this matchup. Try to save Leap Strike. If you engage with it, she will just Vault and get away.”
messketchup says “Probably the most annoying champion vs Darius. Her blind and her E are so annoying against you, her damage is insane and when you try to pull her she can just jump away from you. Just play safe until your jungler comes.”
Devitt45 says “Pray to everything you can that you don't get a Quinn in your game. Quinn has so much range you will never be able to get on top of her. If you do manage to get on top of her, she can kick away, hit you with her empowered auto from her passive, and blind you to do the same.”
TheWils says “Top laners that can out poke you provide a decent threat, Quinn is the biggest because she can maximize poking potential and more easily wins trades.”
M2 Jizu says “Necesitas mucho sustain, atraviesa tu Q para meterle slow, cuando estes a melee ella se hará para atrás con el salto patada ese que tiene (no se cual habilidad es xD) y cuando use esa habilidad ya le tiras tu E.”
Yisuo says “Absolute hell for beginners dont pick into this if u don't have at least 10 games on riven, e her q/e all in at level 6, if she takes ignite just stay undertower”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very anoying pick that you should avoid fighting with at all costs unless she is too fat behind, just try to provide vision of her to your team so she can't pull off any ganks and play passive while farming.”
Numresunw says “His blind and crits makes it hard for you to lane in every possible way, must be careful even while farming, try to bait her blind and then go for a trade.”
FunkySoul says “A hideous matchup for you, cause of how easy it is for her to hit you. Let her shove and roam, while all you can do is deny her and ping MIA as you scale.”
DrMoneybags says “This matchup goes a lot like the Jayce matchup. Positioning is key in this lane, and you can punish her very hard if she doesn't position properly. The good thing about fighting Quinn is that she is fairly squishy and will die in one combo if you get onto her with E and Q then ignite. Try to get your first E onto her before she uses vault so that you can recast it to stick onto her. Also be sure to ping MIAs.”
The_CuItivator says “Another badboy who keeps on poking. Timing your E when he tries to knockback is a guaranteed kill for you. Other than that stay behind and keep farming. He's got massive roam potential so help your team with MIA pings.”
Speedy the dart says “Her E is ineffective against you because you don't rely on dashes to catch her. Go ghost-phase rush, start cloth bead, kill her at 6. Before 6 play safe and farm. Rush raptor cloak and ninja tabi. If you miss your E, she will probably kill you.”
Shderen says “When I first made this, I assumed Quinn mid would spike in popularity. As time has gone on, this has proven untrue. I imagine she'd be a bit of a pest, but cannot say much as... I've literally never seen this matchup.”
bluejaypig says “A really hard matchup unless you are really experienced. Her tumble back and blind can ruin your day. Try to alpha strike dodge her q and if you do get blinded just w and hope for the best. Early QSS rush might be good too.”
Fruxo says “Don't try to 1vs1 her alone, she's able to make you blind so that you can't see anything but close to you for a bit thanks to her Q, and she's also able to do more damage thanks to her passive. She'll most likely be trying to build lethality so she's gonna hurt a lot later on in the game.”
Maverickov says “Do not feed her pre-6. If you die once, it's probably over. 3 points into Q and 2 points E. Farm and play safe until you can all in at level 6. You have an ult, she doesn't. After that it's a complete stomp.”
The Lost Drawing says “Te gana si se sabe armar, 'kitearte' y rotas (eso es fácil para ella)
>>> Usa runas defensivas y tu 'Poción de Corrupción'
>>> Solo le cancelas una habilidad
>>> Puedes jugar con 'Conquistador', 'Electrocutar' (solo espera un poco para que los 'trades' salgan favorables) o 'Aliento del Agónico' ('poqueas' como enfermo xD - Usa tu 'Q' para activar la runa-)”
ElleryTheViking says “Rush tabis into cleaver. She'll poke you down at the start but if you catch her out with a Q even before 6, if you got ghost you should be able to kill her. Post 6 if shes extended, if you land a q, ghost ult all in. If you die early to her, you could be in trouble. Just survive until you got tabis and it should be free.”
NocUout says “Pretty uncommon, but very difficult to deal with. She can deal almost the same amount of damage as you, and when you ult her, she will just use her E and avoid you. Try to avoid her when you are marked by valor, and use your W, E, Q, combo to poke her down, as she does have fairly short range. ”
SynergyXO says “poke heavy lane. dodge her blind, E after her E and you can kill her, if not, then you need to pull off and try again. go tiamat here to push the wave fast to where she cant afford to roam.”
E61K says “The most notorious Darius matchup. Start Doran's Shield go for Phase Rush and take Second Wind. There are much worse match-ups for Darius but this one can be played by any rookie and will work against a lot of Darius players. Her E, Q and very strong poke are though for an immobile Darius to handle. If you're clean you can pull her as she E's you. If you manage to do that she is done for. Dead. If you can't do that then I suggest to farm it out until 6 and then all-in her with everything you've got. Let the wave push to you and use the entire lane to run her down. Thin out the wave with a well placed Q first. Invest into early armor, preferably Tabis if the enemy team comp allows it. If not get a Raptor Cloak. Ping your team mates if she is MIA. You don't want her to snowball, ever.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Ranged, Burst, High Mobility. Weaknesses: Useless when behind, Squishy, no sustain. Quinn being ranged already gives her an advantage, but her squishiness gives us an opportunity to blow her up. Since this is a Ranged vs. Melee matchup, the difficulty of this matchup is dependent on how skilled the Quinn player is. If she knows how to position well, kite efficiently, and deny CS, this is probably one of Fiora’s hardest matchups. If not, this matchup can be won if you can predict when Quinn uses her Vault. If you can Riposte this, you are right on top of her and she can’t escape anymore. Her damage early game is substantial with her passive auto’s dealing bonus damage but with a few well-timed Ripostes on both her passive autos and especially on her vault, it is a winnable lane.”
Miracle Matter says “Quinn, like most ranged toplaners (aside from Zilean), has obnoxious early harass and can make it very difficult to farm. This matchup is very volatile -- if you are sloppy, you might just feed her endlessly, but if you play carefully, you beat her.
The main thing to do is to concede some farm early and focus last-hitting. Just use singular bombs to poke her when she tries to come near. Once you have some mana, i.e. Tear or Tear and Lost Chapter, you can start slow+stunning her. Here's the key -- you need to aim the bombs slightly BETWEEN you and her. The reason why is because if you're in range to slow her, then she's in range to vault off of you. Your goal is to throw the double-bomb in such a way that, even if she 'dodges' it by vaulting forward onto you, she repels herself backwards directly into the double-bomb you threw where she was, stunning herself.
Whenever she goes far away, get ready. She's probably trying to ult onto you and combo you. You need to keep your double-bomb cooldown up and ready to stun her when she comes in.
Feel free to take the tanky alternative build (IBG or Frozen Heart after Archangel's) in this matchup.”
Saiyan02 says “Annoying matchup because of Quinns mobility and hard CC which gives her potential to kite you down. Let her push into you and ask for jungle gank. Get Doran´s shield for sure.”
drunken hunter says “Quinn is good against the usual tanky top laners but with Rengar you still have a chance to kill her and win your lane. Get ninja tabis and the black cleaver and you can trade her if you can reach her. Your advantage is the mobility that you get with the lane - 3 bushes! ”
kkiskk says “She does insane damage when she proc her passive. If you try to engage her, she'll use her E to kite you. The good thing is, her E's slow is a minor thing that you can ignore. Your damage is actually crazier than hers, you can melt her if she engage on you. Try to let her all-in you but don't get poked often.”
SeaWeeb says “Another ADC. Just play like you normally would but remember that you both lack a support, She can poke you with her flip and kind of gap close but she is fairly even in squishyness and damage.”
Sion says “Look, if you do not out-XP her you will lose, you cannot out-roam so just prepare to play splitpush suicide Sion at that point. And don't trade with her if her Q is up. If you manage to bait an E out of her at max range retaliate with E+Q then run her down. Post 6 if she's in lane she's dead. As soon as she starts E press R and run her down.”
Proxxecube says “Quinn is annoying because of her zoning potential, and should be treated as such. Attempt to get your jungler to back-side gank her so she can vault and escape. Other than that, parry her empowered auto, and go all in, because her poke is just to strong and frequent.”
shlemvem says “They usually play very cocky, so just ask for a gank, again very hard to lane against.
The reason she is an extreme matchup is if she figures out that you rom she will as well, faster than you.”
Trixelkour says “Mano e Mano, Birb to Birb. She can chunk you out with AND without items. Bait her out for a gank and gain a lead. She will roam around other lanes to snowball the team. This can be beneficial by setting up ambushes near river and catch her off guard. Get Comet and harass her for CSing. Take Omen or GLP to slow her and take her down.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Shield into tabis. Save windwall for her blind and fight her at 6 since she has no real ultimate she can use to 1v1 people. Be careful of her early damage. Quinn players always take ignite instead of TP. Tell your jungler to abuse her pre-6 for that. Otherwise just wait for 6. If she continues to stack lethality consider building an armor item like Dead Mans Plate. If Quinn fails to snowball she becomes one of the most useless champions in the entire game.”
Thedoctor25 says “não é difícil vencer de quinn, quando ela usar o E para cima você consegue jogar ela para trás, e por ser squishy fica fácil de matar”
Zachlikespizza says “You both have similar range meaning when she goes in to poke you can use your q to trade back. However you win these trades due to your innate sustain. But, once she hits level 6 she'll start roaming and may get fed off that. Try your best to shut her down early.”
undeadsoldiers says “You have more wave clear than her, but she has more burst windows than you do. She can also chase you down with the movement speed she gets from passive procs (after she puts a point in W).
You can try to throw E at her when she tries to E you or chase you down.
Be prepared for her to auto-E-auto you at level 1 and proc Electrocute.
She can potentially see your jungler coming with her W.
Be careful of her roams post-6. Prepare to ping missing a lot!
Suggested: Seeker's Armguard rush, Exhaust, Ninja Tabi”
Mouadyam says “I hate this champion so much, if you pull her in she pushes you back, her kiting, her blind, overall cancer. your best bet at winning this is surviving her poke until 6 (DONT DIE TO HER IGNITE + ELECTROCUTE BURST EARLY ON), dont be impatient to kill her early as she will kill u inside her minion wave. build early armor and run her down later with ghost and your dunk.”
macspam says “Quinn's combo hurts but she is way less scary if you buy early Seeker's. She doesn't actually have that much in-combat mobility so you can kill her once you have GLP. ”
iam colorblind says “One of the hard matchups!
She can Blind u and shove you away and clap u very fast!
Cheese her and always ping missing if she goes back or u dont see her.”
Seigemaster035 says “This is an easy lane matchup, but about when she has Yoummus she'll start getting absorbent amounts of damage. Make sure in fights she engages on someone else before you go out of stealth.”
Skullsunderer says “She can ruin you or you can ruin her. Just be smart with your pulls and slow. She has alright kiting, but if you buy Thornmail or Ninja tabi you can stay in lane longer.”
DERPFISHrejects says “Stopping her lightning fast roams usually means preventing her from being allowed to. Your waveclear is good. Try to hold her in top for fear of losing too much for leaving by shoving waves under turret when she roams.”
JovexMasina says “Screw this champion. Quinn is quite possibly your worst lane matchup. The amount of counter play she has is TINY. If you are able to predict her headbutt thing then you can kill her with phase rush. But if not, then you are kinda fucked. Pull, auto+w. it activates phase rush. also activate your ghost. Then jsut run her down and kill her quick. This is the ONLY way you can kill her as her headbutt thing slows you. If you let her get a kill on you, your team is fucked. Ping her missing as much as possible. Good luck.
unkbugado says “take ghost instead of ignite. Just play safe until lvl 3, and if you are confident, try to all in her, it's easy with ghost and phase rush.”
galvapheonix says “ Quinn can be quite annoying. She can escape your entire kit, she can blind you when you're trying to farm, and with lethality can deal an unneccesary amount of damage to you. Luckily, Quinn is very rare to see nowadays and my best advice is to play very safe until you get your ult. Then make sure to pick up a Randuin's Omen to slow her attack speed and if she goes in on you use the active to slow her escape followed up by your e. If you see her use her jump attack, that's your opportunity to trap her and kill her as she will be vulnerable to your full potential.”
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 8/10
➡️ This matchup is hard for Trundle in the laning phase but it is easily playable. Quinn becomes a threat in the later game, especially if she snowballs her lead as she can control the side lanes and impact the map.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Quinn vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Quinn vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skill matchup
Good Quinn vs Good Trundle ➡️ Quinn stomps Trundle.”
Haxorr says “Hard matchup. Very hard for you to ever kill her, and a good Quinn won't make parrying her e easy either. I like PTA in this matchup with Doran's shield and second wind. Just try to farm and make it to your ravenous, if she overextends trying to harass don't be afraid to all-in.”
Mid Lane 52.57% Win Rate23% Pick RateQuinn Mid Lane Counters: 1 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Quinn in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Vladmidir says “dodge her Q and pool her E. you can one shot her pretty much any point past 6”
GreenReapers says “Electrocute or Conqueror. First strike only if you really need it outside of lane. Resolve might also be a good option for secondary.
D-Shield start.
Very oppressive early game. Getting through that is the major challenge in this match up. Let her pressure you and try to take as little poke as possible. Her Q blind makes you unable to Ult her, so you should be careful about that. She'll use her pressure to roam, so be sure to ping your team and keep info on her.
Post 6 dodge her E with your R and she should be an easy kill.”
Peepers says “If she uses her E on you, you can fling her into you and you can use your goo to counter it as well. try to stay in bushes early as she doesn't have her W yet. ”
gaarrett says “Will poke constantly and roam faster than you can. Play off your jungler. When she uses her E, you can buffer the knockback with your E2. [3/5] ult, useful for either following her roam or just rotating faster. ”
ThelpixG says “Very hard matchup specially if she takes electrocute.
She can easily kite you and outspace you.
Since she's ranged and generally itemizes early attack speed it means its very difficult for you to explode any Kegs.
She can pressure you and roam around the map to snowball the game and you can't really respond to that.
Not much you can do against her so yeah good luck.
Fleet, TP, Dshield and early steelcaps might save you.”
Halkem says “Try to not push into her early. After 6 it's just a macro game about tracking/predicting her roams and matching them so your team can play the game. Setting up good vision is key vs her. Don't disrespect her when she's on fog aswell, she can just loop around mid and kill you with jg. ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Respect her early game damage and try to not die]
[Warn your team when she is lvl 6 as she will roam]
[Early Armor can help you]”
Anguish333 says “- Don't take too much poke
- Even if you are blinded by her Q, you still get MS when running towards her, use Shroud so she cant auto you
- E when she Es so you can follow up after her CC and backflip
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
You win if you hit bubble. You lose if you miss it. You need to hit it when she jumps on you, YOU CAN'T PREDICT HER MOVEMENT.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Can be hard on lane, as you cant W her blind and access your Q or barrels if they are (and they propably are) out of its range. If you missplay she can kill you early on with ignite, but if u poke her safely she wont harm you. Her dash+knock up is very annoying but it gets A LOT easier after prowlers. Warn your midlaner as soon as she reaches lv6 and ping as soon as you lose vision on her, if he is an ape who doesnt listen to ss and he propably is if youre low elo then she will be super fed, but you will still be able to easily oneshot her late. Use her roams as "free farm and plates time", hardshove and make her regret roaming. Prepare your ult to help your teammates.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play safe early]
[Try not to die early and ask for your jungler to help]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't get blinded]
[Farm until you get Mythic Item]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
CFCryo says “Played properly, Quinn should beat Thresh every time. The Blind is disabling, and the harrier pokes outdamage and outrange you hard. She can disengage your allins with E, or all in with E. Try to play defensive under tower? She's off killing your mid laner. Take Plated Steelcaps first, then go Titanic Hydra. You can still beat her with timed Qs or Es off her own E, as without her escape you can attempt to burst and statstick her with Souls. Ganks still help tremendously.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Unsealed Spellbook]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield or Corrupting Potion]
[Try to not get poked too much]
[Ask for ganks]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Veng Shotz says “Running this set up makes quinn slightly harder to deal with rather than just rushing brambles+tabis. but its still completely do-able. with enough haste you can all in her after she e's away when your q and e come off cooldown as she wont have it up before you run her down. ”
Body Those Fools says “Watch out for her early powerspike (where she runs at you level 1 and takes half your HP). Just avoid taking damage early and farm for Lost Chapter and this lane is easy since you have range advantage with W Q AA. Some Quinns will roam at level 6, so just spam ping that she's MIA and hopefully your team doesn't die to her roams. Avoid her Q so you wont be blinded. She can E you if you drift at her and cancel it so hold it until she uses it if you want to all-in her.”
Zarasaras says “She outpush you than roam and get advantage
If she does Shieldbow + Wits end you're pretty much doomed
Otherwise you can one shoot her late game”
Bunny Kata says “Quinn is hard to lane against, but you can do just fine. Try to save your W for after her E, as she goes out of your W range. If she throws a random Q you can obviously dodge it with your E. If you use your W perfectly, you win after level 6, as you can burst her hard.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield”
donidaking says “She s ranged and most quinn player will go ignite against vladimir.
You can go phase rush and just chill but if you decide to be aggressive try to trade her with empowered Q.
If you time your W right when she E's you she will just end up on top of you and won t be able to disengage so she dies.
At level 6 ping your team if she s not in lane or she will just feed of your teammates.”
ThePieBeam says “This champ can be very annoying if she hits all of her stuff, but if you hit Q and she doesn't the fight is entirely yours. If she hits Q and you don't, it's still one-sided but it's just that you're super dead. If you both hit, try to leave her range since by the time you can hit E the chill proc will have run out. Still, this is a fairly easy ADC lane, especially post 6. Just don't let her get close enough to vault onto you and you'll be fine. ”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] To beat Quinn in trades you need to dodge her Q. This can be a little difficult when she uses her E to get in on you. If she hits you with blind opt out of fighting her and grapple away. Throw out your Q when she uses E to get a little bit of damage off. Grapple in if you manage to dodge Q. Best way to do it is to stand behind minions so it won't go through.”
itakute says “Let her push, all in at level 3. Save windwall for her passive autos as they're most of her damage. Dorans shield + second wind recommended. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is only annoying early because of her range. You can't E into her or she will just E you
in return. Instead, you should E into Q3. Don't let her poke you for free and give up cs when necessary, but
do your best to stay in xp range. You outscale her at Shieldbow, so just do your best to farm for it.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Don't let Quinn poke you down first couple lvls. Let the wave push into you and as soon as you get 3 you should be able to win every fight against her since you can windwall her E auto damage. If Quinn ever uses E to harras, that is your chance to all in her since she has no escape after that. Save windwall for her Q when you all in her because getting hit by that could potentially get you killed.”
XayLies says “No matter what - W her Q is your highest priority in the fight with her. chasing her will be probably impossible after she uses E, but if you have a wave to reach her when it's on cd, it might be possible.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dshield in resolve Second Wind and unflinching.
if you're toplane pick ignite to match her in all-in.
she have range advantage but you can block almost everything from her”
Elite500 says “She does a lot of damage and just barely outranges you but no quinn player will abuse that, if you pool at just the right time then her vault jump will make her end up on top of you, perfect position to oneshot”
resetwice says “She can farm safe and poke you a lot due to her vision control on enemies. Try to dodge her Q or he will E and let you low HP. Also, she can follow your roams with her R so be careful. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR TOPLANE
Similar to Lucian but just a worse champion. Long range, damaging and has mobility. Only reason it's 'Major' and not 'Extreme' is due to the fact Quinn just gets ganked and dies.”
nZk01 says “(Top) useless champ just run her down and cancer her E with your E and try to dodge her Q with your bonus MS, she just lacks way too much damage early on.”
NumberOneYoneWorld says “ALWAYS BAN QUINN
If you are reading this guide then you have already sown karma with me from me teaching you. The only price you have to pay is to always ban Quinn and no one else as she is simply the worst champion in league.”
JEAFlashSword says “A good Quinn will E you while you are EQing her and it will put your Q on CD but anyway an adc is an adc so it's not a big deal for you”
nZk01 says “(Top) useless champ just run her down and cancer her E with your E and try to dodge her Q with your bonus MS, she just lacks way too much damage early on.”
tomzieE says “runes - fleet, triumph, alacrity, coup; taste, ravenous
she will poke u and she is annoying, e to her and give u some dmg, she is kinda squishy and not hard to kill”
NoizRain says “if you manage to go against a quinn mid, be sure to Q before she Q's cause even if nearsighted you can see your daggers and E on to them.”
DarthLaser says “I just despise Quinn in general and she’s a problem for Viego. She can reveal you while your camo in your E she can perma kite you and blind you she’s just a more dangerous and annoying teemo”
Chili Dog says “She does a lot of damage and just barely outranges you but no quinn player will abuse that, if you pool at just the right time then her vault jump will make her end up on top of you, perfect position to oneshot. Electrocute recommended but both runes are viable.”
Sushi_Cat says “God, Quinn. This matchup is annoying as hell to fight. Unless Quinn misplays hard, there's not much you can do. Rush Ninja Tabis, build Seeker's Armguard, and notify your team if you think she is roaming to another lane, ”
WolfRider01 says “Very, very, very annoying. When her blind is on cooldown and her passive is not on you, you can engage. Her roaming is unmatchable. She can easily run you down. However, if she plays poorly, you can easily win yourself. Take TP if top, and if mid, take exhaust.”
xAsuta says “Just like Vayne she will keep you on distance, kite you out and dodge your all ins. You can't fight a good Quinn. Even if you jump on Quinn she will just nearsight you... You could try to freeze the lane and ask for ganks. (Please don't spam ping your jungler)”
Fadedreformed says “Kinda cringe to play against, d-shield and armguard are optional. Don't ever try to trade her before 6 since she can melt you down after she gets cutclass ”
fwii says “Start Corrupting Potion and push the lane early with W. Get level 2 first and continue pushing to negate her Range advantage. Don't force trades early because her return damage is really high. Killable after level 6.”
TrueVaIor says “Poke match ups are the reason people started running the abomination that is fleet footwork. They would rather die for a cannon minion than see it fall and that results in poke match ups like quinn feeling impossible. Let the cs go. All poke match ups are extremely squishy. Use that to trade efficiently when they go for cs. Once you out trade them (and you WILL out trade them) you can freeze the wave and free farm until they get back. They will fall behind and they will get bored. They played a ranged laner because they wanted to bully you. They will make more and more mistakes and you will kill them so easily.”
forever0lp says “Same as Vayne and Lucian. Quinn by nature of her kit is a perfect counter pick to many melee top laners and Garen is among them. Ban or dodge, fortunately for you she is not a popular pick. If you however want to fight her I recommend using my predator rune set and use same tactics as you would against Vayne (bait her E and run her down with predator + q).”
Debonair Karma says “She can't do anything to you early on so just shove her under tower and poke her there. Ping as soon as she leaves lane. Take teleport or barrier”
i am a heron says “A quinn you lane against is low-threat. a quinn in toplane is a major threat. she will dodge your Q as she goes in, jump on you, and kill you when she ganks. if you wait for her to jump on you to Q her, she's already landed her damage and her blind will keep you from following up. after 6, she won't even be in lane for you to roam on her and gank her. she's very different in your own lane, and much more fightable.”
Cloud375 says “This is such a painful champion to go against... Not only does she have the ability to kill you really easily in the early game, but her late game potential is really strong. Early game, only poke her with q, only auto attack her when she attacks you. Otherwise, stay away from her and behind minions AT ALL TIMES! Later in the game, if you have enough items, you should ideally be able to oneshot her if you use everything at once (presuming she didn't buy more than one tank item).”
Sassya says “The only reason she is a 2 and not a 1 is because she deals a lot of damage currently. She gets screwed if you use [[Tangle-Barbs]] on her when she uses [[Behind Enemy Lines]] to towerdive and she is really squishy. Also, Quinn isn't the best mid laner in general.”
Jazzmonkey says “Hard early but after that pretty easy. Keep in mind she will go Ignite. Go dorans shield + second wind because of her hard poke. Just farm dont trade her at all befor hitting 6. She counters your E and is able to cancel it if she times it right. But you can counter her E aswell if you are fast enough. At level 6 its your lane and you can always kill her.”
mitchellgamer12 says “she can run you down early but you can use W to block her E (if you have good reaction time) Ping team if shes is missing to not let her get any roaming kills”
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