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Ziggs Counter Stats

Ziggs Counters
Discover all champions who counter Ziggs. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Ziggs in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
510 Tips for countering Ziggs below

Bottom Lane
49.99% Win Rate51% Pick Rate Ziggs Bottom Lane Counters: 18 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Ziggs in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

rowzkit says “Hard lane due to his poke, but you should be able to safely farm as long as you position properly.”
(14.7) CARRY WITH SMOLDER *POST NERFS* by rowzkit | Smolder Player
afr0rk says “It's a matter of who can dodge more skillshots. Don't stand in the wave so he has to choose between pushing and poking. NEVER leash, try to push as hard as you can and get Priority. ”
loaderdragon15 says “Ziggs is one of the worst champs to play Ezreal into, he can burst you before you can burst him. The long range provided by his spammable Q makes it almost impossible to reach.”
[SEASON 14] AP Ezreal Bot Lane by loaderdragon15 | Ezreal Player
LBDB says “Same as Xerath but not as hard to fight. Don't leave him alone in lane or your tower is gone.”
AP Varus - Mid/Bot by LBDB | Varus Player
Vapora Dark says “Ziggs plays entirely through his spammable Q with far too much range for you to fight back, on top of having insane zone control from his E and insane disengage in his W. There is little chance of winning this lane if you don't have a hook support such as Blitzcrank.”
The Book of Aphelios by Vapora Dark | Aphelios Player
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “another artillery mage, 1 of draven's hardest matchups, sit back and try your best to live laning, look for all-ins only. Make sure his blast-charge (knock-up) is down before you decide whether you want to flash for him or not. If he's low enough to 1 auto go for it, if not you're better off just hoping he walks back in and makes the same mistake. Vamp scepter early into this is a must if you have 0 lane agency, if you can't find an opening just bite the bullet and buy it, it'll save you a headache.”
Swenzu says “Safe pick long range with escape if his w is up there is no way u can reach him”
Joshhh says “[Fleet or Conqueror] You win all ins but you cant let him poke you out”
14.2 Aphelios Build by Joshhh | Aphelios Player
Lewozu says “Not the hardest matchup, but the hardest mage one. Buy vamp and try to dodge his abilities. ”
[SEASON 14.1] FULL LETHALITY DRAVEN. by Lewozu | Draven Player
Leaf no Kitsune says “annoying but not hard. dodge his q poke and bait his w. afterwards you can run him down.”
[14.1] [Master] Leaf Vayne Guide - Season 14 by Leaf no Kitsune | Vayne Player
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Mid Lane
48.5% Win Rate38% Pick Rate Ziggs Mid Lane Counters: 11 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Ziggs in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Foxirion says “Ziggs’s long range and area of effect damage can be a threat to Swain, as he can keep him at a distance and quickly deal high damage.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA / Fleet] Ziggs doesnt have too much threat on you just dont stand inside of your minions as his Q is way easier to hit that way. Be aware that he can W you away if you E straight into him.”
[14.8] Phantasm's Challenger #1 Akshan Worldwide Guide by PhantasmEUW | Akshan Player
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs. Ziggs doesn't really have kill pressure on you... if you try to match his push you pretty much nullify him. Ask some help from your jungler if he pushes too much.”
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots in this matchup and try move aggressively into him when his cooldowns are down. If he ever uses his W aggressively you can force an all in or setup a gank. Once he gets too much waveclear for you to punish, just look to push and invade jungle or roam to other lanes. ”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger LeBlanc Guide by ShokLoL | LeBlanc Player
awawa says “Hide behind minions so he can't ever poke you. Don't stay on low hp if he has R. He dies when you R. Punish his positioning mistakes.”
Vex S14 Guide For Gloomies by awawa | Vex Player
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots in this matchup and try move aggressively into him when his cooldowns are down.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Orianna Guide by ShokLoL | Orianna Player
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. If he ever uses his W aggressively you can force an all in or setup a gank. I would recommend phase rush in this matchup, but you can take first strike if you just want to scale.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Jayce Mid Guide by ShokLoL | Jayce Player
ShokLoL says “Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots and take fleet in this matchup.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Azir Guide by ShokLoL | Azir Player
Soft Headpats says “Similar to Xerath and Lux; this lane is all about dodging skillshots. Consider rushing T2 boots to help with this. Your poke and waveclear are stronger than his, so as long as you avoid his poke this lane should be straightforward. His Q has a decent AoE and low CD, so be careful standing too close to minions - especially if they're low health - as a good Ziggs will use the minion wave to catch you with the AoE. If you step up too far, Ziggs can W you into a bad position due to how quickly it comes out so be careful of that. Be mindful of your wave if you decide to roam. Ziggs can push and take plates and turrets incredibly quickly if he's left alone. ”
Complete Hwei Guide [14.6] by Soft Headpats | Hwei Player
ShokLoL says “Ziggs is relatively strong in lane but if you dodge his skillshots you should be fine. Rushing T2 boots can help a lot. Try play for ganks and skirmishes.”
[14.6] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Ahri Guide by ShokLoL | Ahri Player
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