In the Jungle 50.59% Win Rate89% Pick RateBriar In the Jungle Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Briar in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror.
ITEMS: Zhonya's, Morellonomicon, and Plated Steelcaps if against full AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Avoid fighting Briar before she uses her Q, point and click CC is Lillia's worst nightmare. Rush boots so you can kite her when she's using W, she will catch up to you if you don't have it or enough AP to boost your movement speed. Avoid getting hit by her fully charged E and her ult at all costs! There's a visual and a sound cue for both, giving you enough time to side step them.”
PesteMKT says “Cura extrema e a fraqueza dos kindred, por que no Early game você não troca direito, tudo que você causa eles curam e o kit e algo que faz tudo ficar mais dificil, lembre que você e um ADC na jangle então eles daram mais trabalho que um master yi, jogar para o Late game e algo perfeito e fechar Coletora para quando estiver no combate causar mais dano e poder auxiliar”
kittygore says “You can cleanse and heal from her fully charged E combo. You do enough damage to force her E out. But if you fail your cleanse she will win. Care of her Ult and try to fight around bushes.”
chillhowl says “DO NOT FIGHT HER BEFORE THE 4-MARK POWER SPIKE. Kindred's range is VERY low, she jumps on you and you die. You play this match avoiding 1v1 and baiting her into an unfavorable 2v2/3v3 (stay in the fog and wait for her to use W to get close to one of your allies and only then you appear).”
Kazuh says “SKILL BASED MATCHUP | Most people think that Briar is a huge counter to Evelynn, but also if played correctly you can outplay her.
Always respect her after BORK, she can also just easily one-shot you. If you bait out her W you can charm her and run away and then hit her as she running towards you and full combo her. Like I said for Warwick, if played correctly you can bait out all of her abilities and full combo.”
maiathemagical says “Little tip for briar: Your W invisibility breaks her self-taunt aggro. Use it to run the fuck away when she tries to W you and ideally follow it up with an E for the slow to guarantee you can slip her. A good Briar is still absolutely scary for Aurora though, so don't get cocky.”
Your Dadday says “Briar hurts with his heal. Remember to use ignite if you fight him early at scuttle or something for the 40% grevious. That with your E should be enough to kill him as your lethal tempo stacks. ”
LordGrox says “Relatively easy matchup akin to Master Yi. Take care to dodge her E as it deals major damage and try to knock her up during her Q to cancel the jump.”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. Briar can invade your so I would hold my level 3 skill for W in case she invades. W will make it so she can't fixate you with her W if she's outside of the circle but otherwise W for when she jumps on you with her stun. You can also buffer your Q before she stuns you. You will outscale her hard as long as you survive early.”
DoxxTheLeague says “go rylai second vs briar and ask your team to go anti-heal early then just keep your 4 stacks and run away from her when she uses her self taunt and kite her.”
ScytherKhaZix says “this is quite a specific match up, it's easy to defeat her in the early stages, but if she gains some kills, you have a slight problem due to her healing and crits”
orka4.sandraj says “Depends on the skill. If briar is bad at dodging and charges at you, the threat is minimal, however if she has some skill you should pay more attention to her, especially not to be hit with her R. She is relatively easy to hit because of her lack of ability to dodge spells when she uses her W. E yourself in fights with briar so you wont be stunned with her Q. In teamfights, one good Q combined with team damage will probably be a death sentence for her.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Probably the most run it down champion. Very easy to snare once he jumps or throws his ultimate on you. You can burst him in seconds.”
lurutin says “She can't do a lot against you after mid/late game, but her early is better than yours, you can pick ignite to try to fight her this time but you will outscale her, track her cause she can gank a lot and fed her team before you scale.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Quite toxic champion, if you manage to lure her into your traps you will be fine, but as always this champ can one shot you easily so be careful.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Sadly this champion is ... well... a "funny" champion. In soloq it can be a problem if your team doesn't respond to your calls.
The biggest issue here is that you cannot interrupt her push, and you have to position yourself more behind than you think of her to be able to dodge this skill as it starts from just behind her. A misplay can turn this into a really hard game.”
huncho1v9 says “Annoying/Easy matchup. Briar has a strong level 3 invade against Gwen. You can cancel her W with your W (she can’t target you if you’re out of range). If you get invaded, make sure to take a point in W so you can easily outplay her. If she has ghost there is a lot of outplay potential as well (harder if she has flash). Overall you just outscale her and can easily duel her past early game.”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup post-nerfs. If she goes bruiser it can be annoying if you’re playing lethality. If she goes lethality you just win. Watch for early cheese, especially on raptors or late invade. Don’t fall behind you win easily. Conq preferred matchup but it depends on enemy comp. Can easily kite and space her kit with E + Ghost.”
Dreamer1v9 says “Briar is the same as Warwick. This is a completely skill-based matchup and is not that hard to play against.
She is quite useful for her team. Briar can deliver a lot damage with being able to have good sustain (if she builds right).
My recommendation early is to not be afraid of invading a champ like Briar early because of how weak she is early. You can easily dominate her with playing around with her W. Immediately W her and wait until she activates her W form and then charm her. (Keep a reminder that if she is good player she will hold her W back until you charm her) If she does not immediately activate her W, wait until she does and then charm her.”
Kwayzae says “Briar can heal a lot and late game becomes very tanky. Try and invade her early on without too many risks and play for peel in the later stages of the game.”
Baby_Driver says “Executioner's Calling or Bramble vest are great options here.
Just walk out of her E if she uses it, other that than that, you just run her down.”
Fyir says “She gains a lot of movespeed with her w forcing her to chase the nearest enemy, you can kite her with your w for a short period but she will catch up. If you kite towards your team she will be vulnerable.”
Mignognium says “Briar Jgl n'est pas un problème pour Viego. Quand vous aurez votre [Kraken Slayer] vous aurez un meilleur clear qu'elle. Faites attention à son ultime [R][Vol mortel] durant les team fitgh. Si elle vous focus essayer de fuir avec votre [E] mais jamais avec votre [Z] utiliser le pour quand elle frappera quelqu'un d'autre que vous ou après qu'elle vous est CC avec son [A/Q][À table !]. Pour finir posséder le corps de Briar vous donnera beaucoup de survivabilité pour vos fitgh. ”
tradtrad says “Pretty hard matchup as she just stat checks you and she's hard to burst. She beats you in sustained fights aswell. Same as Viego where executioner's calling is useful. You can also pull her into your tower or team if she wastes Q or E beforehand.”
Recent says “Whole kit is annoying to play with and you cannot really play deeper and get ahead of the game becouse of her strong lifestealing and cc kit”
Kocykek says “Briar doesn't stand a chance against you. She doesn't deal damage and you can block her dashes (Q and W) with your Steadfast Presence (W). You outdamage her anytime, you can grab antiheal as well but without it that's enough anyway as your kit is created to stop these kind of champions.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Depending on expiriance of Briar player, you should probably be able to invade her at last camp. If you try to 1v1 her at in river you need to make sure she doesn't reach you otherwise she will outsustain your damage.”
Cookiemanman says “Briar is a fairly squishy champion in the early stage fights. She also has no kiting ability which allows Volibear to get his damage consistently on her. Try to avoid using your damage combo during her E.”
X3mHills says “This is a difficult matchup, but it can be won if you play around your tanks and constantly utilize the landscape. For example, you can jump over walls and auto-attack her when she has ALREADY used her W.”
Mabujo says “The Feet Pic mistress.
Even unless she lands ult. Her healing outclasses yours and lethality is obviously funny when played on her. Bait or fear and if she used her cc, it should be pretty straightforward.”
HawkSP says “Ivern can effectively counter Briar's single-target focus with his shielding and CC. Proper Daisy management can turn an engagement with Briar in your favor.”
Jhingle says “Stuns, ult, one shots from her.She s annoying,but more then playable,u are way better teamfighter.When they started to build bruisers and stop build into assassins is very hard one match up,better ban.”
EnderRed29 says “Her W can focus you while you're invisible. She also is difficult to kill cause of her W (sustains when reactivate) and E (give her dmg reductions). Try to stay at the opposite of her.”
XGrievousX25 says “Naturally messes armor, breaks you down, goes lethality. Very dangerous to fight against and your big hitbox means her ult is USUALLY going to land on you. You want to either coordinate with your team and CC her or hope to God your lanes and you, yourself, are doing okay. ”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Briar: annoying deals a lot of demage to you.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: She can r on objective to you so make sure you sweep first.. dont try to fight her without team or she will kill you (I didnt play vs her in season 14 yet so I cant say how strong she is rn)”
oneshotudyr says “50/50, if she goes lethality she can one shot you faster, since her stun registers before yours, and then you'll have to face her while you bleed and she heals. If she goes bruiser just be careful and try to catch her by surprise.”
PuppyDontPreach says “you eat her ass up post six. just have good pathing and gank well. if you're a good evelynn player she will never be a problem other than in teamfights; to which you should try and backdoor.”
Tortizzy says “The Briar matchup is easy you just need to gang up on her with your teammates. Your ultimate oneshots her most of the times, be careful of her CC abilities, don't use W if she has the CC up.”
xTechikaze says “Disgusting champ. Will one vs one you everytime and almost always win. Especially when it comes to the late game she will be a nightmare for you to contend. Best you can do is keep vision on her and counter gank her the best you can. She will be the one you want to peel with ult almost every single game you have against her.”
RuinedJG says “Briar is incredibly simple, if she goes lethality you build Death's Dance or Sterak's 3rd, space your Q and you win very easily. I like Phase rush into her.”
Kayn Ruiner says “A strong auto-attacker with a camp and a hill. If she hooked you, maybe you will die, also has a subsave. Wait for the rabies to be removed through her ability and use ulta.”
kcjackal__ says “Can be hard to deal with early game. Later in the game give her a hug while your team deals with her so she doesn't devour your entire team. Make sure to eat her ult if it will hit your team and run away to not fear them then run back in.”
Pro8l3m says “U can easily dodge all her abilities with your R but watchout for her insane healing and near walls she can stun you into wall with her E so try to dodge it”
jajkopajko says “Not great not terrible. Dodging her ult is a must at all costs, if she hits it on you you are dead. If you are 1v1 always pop ghost early and try to kite her. You should kill her on 2 rotations of spells if you manage to keep her at a distance. The longer the game goes on, the gigger chance of killing her you have if you dodge ult.”
shatteredekko says “Not hard. She will always get stunned by your W. And is very easy to hit with your R. Just dodge her E with your E, passive MS, or R and you will live. If she hits you with R without your R hop a wall.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “ Dodge her W! invade her early. Dodge her R later in the game if she lands it though Get away from your team so she cant get the AOE fear and when she reaches in her R you R her off you Asap.”
basrty1p says “Don't get hit by her R and check every bush with your Q before teamfights or else you'll be get killed easily. Her attack power is so high and dangerous if you can't counter her quickly. Recommend to spam E+W to her first every game.”
MusicJG says “If she lands ult on you, you'll die.
Try to kite her when she has no Q by dashing over walls.
You will outscale, just try not to fight in isolation.
Invading her level 3 is good with lanes that have push.”
metalhydra273 says “Good lord where do I begin with this one? Briar has very little agency in dealing with Skarner if he gives her any attention at all, meaning it's up to her to tread very carefully or die. Similar situation to Nocturne, but her engage is more telegraphed. and she has no spellshield to play around. If she’s on you, you can e her and run back away or fight her if you’re able to win 1v1. Briar generally wants to maximize her damage, so she’s often left squishy without using her ult, leaving her open to you blowing her up. If she's building bruiser, she's only giving you more time to intervene.
Despite inherent advantages, if you want to fully abuse the matchup, you're going to need some additional matchup knowledge. Crowd control doesn’t cancel her e windup, so if you ult her during it, you'll take her with you in the knockback, which can be used to stay on her, even if she pushes you into a wall for the stun. Iceborn gauntlet is a must here, this should prevent you from getting bursted too hard by her and let you run her into your own team. Her ult's aoe fear will keep you out from immediately helping a teammate, and keep in mind that her ult gives her a massive burst window on her target if she hits your carry. Look to take advantage of bad engages through peel or try to block the ult yourself to buy your team time to collapse and kill her. For more general rune users, consider phase rush to really make her life hell.”
support_diff says “Permaban, her W taunts her to you which isn't really the best option when you want to stay sneaky in the bush. You can't steal her buff and this guide is all about the invading. ”
garbocan says “She's forced to commit onto a single target, which makes the decision of who to shield very easy. Also is weak against Ivern's CC.
If she goes on you while you have Daisy up, it's basically a free kill. Cast R and E as she's about to Q you, and make sure to move Daisy out of her E when she casts it. After that, there is no further counterplay for Briar and she just dies.”
DracoChimera says “This match up is similar to facing WW. Whoever gets the upper hand will win the game. Buy Bramble Vest or Oblivion Orb early and you will win most 1v1s.”
OakIgu says “Briar is very much like Warwick, early bramble will be good and be carefull on early game because she is very strong, she can also clear dragon very early so keep a ward there but if your bot lane isn't able to help you don't even bother.”
CoconutPlayer77 says “new champo i dunno what you do vs this creature but it probably just runs you down with more ms than you with lategame passive so gg”
Salmon Kid says “Briar has point and click CC, which is bad, but she is such a bad champion and her build stacks HP once you get to 3 items it's unplayable for her.”
Marelack says “Idk i havent played this matchup many times but try to dodge her e when u can. And dont fight her early game fullclear and outscale. Look for counter gank w ur r.”
scriptying says “Annoying champion. Run ignite against her. Can build steelcaps aswell. Make sure to not get hit by her wall stun. You can bait her into ulting you, can Q her while she's flying.”
Hazardist says “Briar is a tough matchup because the AoE damage passively applied by her autoattacks while she is in frenzy will not only damage you, but also straight up kill any Mist Walkers you have around, and she also forces you to buy a Grievous Wound item or else you won't ever be stronger than her by means of her sustain. Always try to fight her with numbers advantage or teammates nearby.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
ElPablito says “She will try to duel you early
If you spot her and have lane prio you can ping your team to come with you
Because once her w ( frenzy) is down she is really weak , and if she uses w and jumps on you your team can easily beat her up and her e makes her channel so she s immobile during it
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