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Briar Counter Stats

Briar Counters
Discover all champions who counter Briar. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Briar in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
160 Tips for countering Briar below

In the Jungle
50.59% Win Rate89% Pick Rate Briar In the Jungle Counters: 36 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Briar in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror. ITEMS: Zhonya's, Morellonomicon, and Plated Steelcaps if against full AD. GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Avoid fighting Briar before she uses her Q, point and click CC is Lillia's worst nightmare. Rush boots so you can kite her when she's using W, she will catch up to you if you don't have it or enough AP to boost your movement speed. Avoid getting hit by her fully charged E and her ult at all costs! There's a visual and a sound cue for both, giving you enough time to side step them.”
Sous_chef6 says “try to bait her into teammates and try to poke her from off angle then impregnate, she will beat you in sustained fights usually ”
Gragas jg s*lver gaming by Sous_chef6 | Gragas Player
PesteMKT says “Cura extrema e a fraqueza dos kindred, por que no Early game você não troca direito, tudo que você causa eles curam e o kit e algo que faz tudo ficar mais dificil, lembre que você e um ADC na jangle então eles daram mais trabalho que um master yi, jogar para o Late game e algo perfeito e fechar Coletora para quando estiver no combate causar mais dano e poder auxiliar”
Kindred Killer game by PesteMKT | Kindred Player
idontwannagoalone says “you cant win 1v1 unless very ahead. she cancels your charm with her e. your invis drops her aggro though”
gothboi says “При дуэли с ней нужно избежать урона от её W, не бить заряженными Q в её W.”
Фредди Фазбер Удир by gothboi | Udyr Player
kittygore says “You can cleanse and heal from her fully charged E combo. You do enough damage to force her E out. But if you fail your cleanse she will win. Care of her Ult and try to fight around bushes.”
chillhowl says “DO NOT FIGHT HER BEFORE THE 4-MARK POWER SPIKE. Kindred's range is VERY low, she jumps on you and you die. You play this match avoiding 1v1 and baiting her into an unfavorable 2v2/3v3 (stay in the fog and wait for her to use W to get close to one of your allies and only then you appear).”
daiben kindred by chillhowl | Kindred Player
Bella Ciao says “Can be annoying, but you can win most fights If you go ad, be careful of her e providing 70% damage reduction ”
Kazuh says “SKILL BASED MATCHUP | Most people think that Briar is a huge counter to Evelynn, but also if played correctly you can outplay her. Always respect her after BORK, she can also just easily one-shot you. If you bait out her W you can charm her and run away and then hit her as she running towards you and full combo her. Like I said for Warwick, if played correctly you can bait out all of her abilities and full combo.”
FULL-DEPTH Evelynn Guide ꨄ - 14.22 by Kazuh | Evelynn Player
SelfLOL says “Really difficult to beat 1v1. Play around her E, lock her down in teamfights with Root. Be Aware of her ult.”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
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