In the Jungle 43.85% Win Rate89% Pick RateSkarner In the Jungle Counters: 8 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Skarner in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
chillhowl says “I hate this champion. You outscale, you can always invade (be careful with lane priorities, he can gain a lot of time). Be careful with his R, as he can counter yours and win a fight because of it.”
kittygore says “Fight pre 6. Try to Cleanse his E and Ult. He will outscale you so try to win the early. If you are behind try to ignore him unless you have your team with you.”
SelfLOL says “Tank matchup zzz. Heavy cc. Can cleanse r. He's rly good rn. Eclipse and bork counter hp tank. Steraks also good heavy shield champ. Slow and bad clear. Could look to invade. Scales well. Can't rly ever kill. ”
Jackiewawa says “Don't really see him anymore since they nerfed him but standard tank matchup. He can 1v1 you early if he stuns you into a wall. Try to dodge his ult with your W/E, it is a pretty quick cast so it's easier to space your W.”
DoxxTheLeague says “build magic pen and mercs and its an easy matchup but he still does insane dmg since riot likes to rework champs into broken champs try to dodge his rush at you with your movespeed if he misses that you can win the fight go rylai second against any tank jg.”
Nyxxx says “You win him in a 1v1 due to the healing from your passive and Blade of The Ruined King. Ignore him in a teamfight. If you get CC'd you're dead.”
ScytherKhaZix says “some skarner do invade lvl 3 but not all so you have to take that into account. Fights with him are not difficult but it will definitely be hard to kill him because he is quite tanky even in the early game”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. I guess Skarner is the most annoying tank champion after his rework. His kit has too much crowd control and is very hard once he starts building magic resist for you. I suggest you have to snowball fast and end the game ASAP before he gets his items.”
masrigod says “The champion itself is absolutely broken and my perma ban even if it's not in the enemy jungle it is a horror to face. You have to possibly buy a qss and change your entire playstyle because you can't jump in.”
Yomu says “You can practically never kill Skarner unless he decides to fight you when you’re even. If you’re fed you just destroy him and ignore his damage. If he’s ahead or just tanky you have to be careful ulting because he will just counter ult you. Let him make the first mistake”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat him, as this champion is strong early game. Take what opportunities he allows you to get and avoid forcing anything. If he ults you, you're probably dead, so it's best to stay away. Rhaast outscales him, so focus on reaching the late game. As Shadow Assassin, prioritize taking out his team instead of engaging directly with him.”
Foxirion says “Skarner’s crowd control and high damage output can pose a threat to Viego, but his reliance on specific zones on the map for his power can be exploited by Viego”
Dreamer1v9 says “Skarner with the new rework is insanely good and has been my ban over Rengar for a while.
Skarner played in jungle is quite useful and will be dominating teamfights like Rammus.
Skarner is not that good early-game however. He will typically be farming till lvl. 6 and apply pressure for his team.
Usually you want to prioritize grub's anyway but you definitely want to against Skarner. He will be helping out his team the majority of the time instead of going for kills.
Dragons are also very important to get. Basically you want to make sure you are getting all the objectives you can.
Mignognium says “Trop de résistance, trop de vitesse, un bon clear, il peut peut être partout sur la map, et son ult est un poison pour vos tentatives de reset en boucle pendant un team fitgh en plus de counter gank de façon surpuissant. [Black Cleaver] obligatoire, et [Sterack Gage] peut être une super option pour ne pas mourrir sur ces autres CC. Après vraiment ignorer le et n'essayer jamais de le 1v1. ”
XGrievousX25 says “Skarner varies based on how well he does like most champions, but I'd argue he can be very terrifying if he gets a lead. Try and secure grubs, any objective, and focus on ganks. If you can get ahead, you reduce his overall effectiveness. If you let Skarner get ahead, he's going to become a genuine pain.”
basrty1p says “After reworked, freaking hard counter to Taliyah. His R suppressed you and he can dive his E into a wall. Don't fight him at all cost. Call your teammate to help you.”
RuinedJG says “As fast as you, undodgeable CC with his R, i like merc treads against him (does not help with his R). Bruiser makes you stronger than him. You don't want to play to space him, he will just pull you into his team and perma CC you.”
jajkopajko says “Never played this matchup, but on paper you should win, only problem might be his ult, so try to stay on range and just kite him, your value through out the game should be much higher than his. We will see what happens once they rework him and people start playing him again.”
Daawwnn says “too much cc for you to 1v1 him his zones allow him to out move you and kill you in them qss is needed play ghost to escape him recommended to snowball through lanes”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Secure his Zones, so don't fight him in his zone if he has control over it. Best to not fight him fair, use your disengage and in and out combo's to win fights against him.”
Pullks says “Skarner can grab you with his ultimate. With a Skarner, you won't really want to trade him while his shield is up or he hits his stun on you. He is kinda hard to kill in any case”
garbocan says “Skarner has no ways of getting onto someone aside from running at them. This makes him extremely easy to lock down with Daisy, chase, run from, etc. Even if he does R someone, slowing him will make it so that he can't pull them back to his team.
In all of my time playing Ivern, this is the only matchup that I have never lost.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Has some CC with the addition of his R but you should win 1v1. Also care you don't self taunt and get skarner ulted into the enemy team.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an easy time against Skarner, due to Briar her statcheck combined with Gap Closer and Disengage on demand —> Skarner level 6 can make this harder, Briar level 6 does counter Skarner R when used on the right counter time —> Briar R will cleanse Skarner R suppression.
Briar has a stronger jungle clear speed than Skarner.
Briar has to be aware of Skarner Passive Crystal Spires placed on the map, Those Crystal Spires increase Skarner his Movement Speed(70 - 120), Attack Speed(43% - 160%) and Mana Regen. —> Crystal Spires can be captured by both teams by standing on them.
MusicJG says “He doesn't have kill pressure on you unless he goes bruiser and gets a lot of farm.
If he goes tank he will just be an ult bot for his team, so be careful of that.
Take his Crystal Spires to slow down his clear.
Good to invade him level 1 for vision, can also level 2 cheese him.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a way stronger pre 6 situation into Skarner, due to her strength and ranged poke kite. Nidalee should try to harvest the most out of this situation, however. Due to Nidalee her engage style from cougar form, she can get into trouble fighting against Skarner and his teammates ---> Skarner R supression will obliterate Nidalee. (Quicksilver Sash can be used whenever engage gameplay is wanted) or a ranged version of Nidalee becomes more wanted.”
Zero macro says “Zed has a way stronger jungle clear than Skarner. Zed should increase his lead excessively into Skarner pre level 6. Once Skarner becomes level 6 it will be hard for Zed to play the game. Since Zed requires to be melee in skirmishes.”
Ezikko says “I have no idea nobody plays this champion lol, but honestly he can kill you when you are on the terrain of his passive and he is very tanky too. He will surprise you with how much damage he does.”
Apari1010 says “He's scary to face but no one plays him. 1v1 you beat him but he can run away from you very easily. In this matchup, build Silvermere Dawn for his R. Apart from that he's tanky and fast, making him hard to kill. Rhaast is definitely better than Shadow Assassin into him but it's still annoying as hell.”
Vipres says “Skarner bringt eine Menge cc mit sich, mit dem er die Riven Combos leicht canceln kann.
Mit diesem AP Burst Build kann Riven so schnell von mehreren Leuten zerlegt werden.”
BradJr says “You out-damage him and out-sustain him in an even fight. Watch out for his Ultimate if you are a priority target. Guardian Angel recommended. (clone rating 3/10)”
zhock2014 says “This champion will kidnap you out of any fight and your team won’t have a tank PLUS if you wanna take his jungle he can see you through his little control areas so PLEASE get rid of those”
FaeBytez says “Skarner can be a challenging opponent for Diana because of his crowd control and tankiness. If Skarner lands his Impale and hits Diana with his Crystal Slash and Fracture, he can quickly kill her. Diana will need to avoid Skarner's engages and use her Pale Cascade shield effectively to win this matchup.”
ttvRegedice says “Skarner can solo cc you for eons. Even if he does physical damage, if they have 2 other ap champions or cc support, pick up mercs. Don't try to fight him as his builds are revolved around stacking hp and sustaining himself. Focus other targets if possible, otherwise play for root so your teammates can help clean up skarner. Respect his angles and make sure to ping his pathing for your teammates. His clear is quite fast, so don't invade him unless both mid and side lane have prio + you win potential 3v3. Keep awareness on support position (base > roam angles) as it's very hard to win against those grouped early fights. Overall, make sure you farm up, counter gank, and focus other targets.”
Borinn says “Try to get his passive's in the jungle and don't fight him in his territory. He has good damage and can punish you if you mess up. If he doesn't one shot your carry in team fights you can win. Be careful for his R if you are AD.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Hazardist says “If you encounter a Skarner as the enemy jungler: first, make a wish. Second, rejoice, as his telegraphed movements and CC-based kit are hard countered by Morgana, making this a very comfortable matchup for you throughout the entire game.”
Majd1 says “Skarner is a challenging opponent due to his high mobility, multiple stuns, and an un-dodgeable ultimate. He also has high base stats and a shield, making him durable even if you are able to land your spear on him. In order to avoid losing to Skarner, it is best to avoid engaging in fights against him.”
checca says “Skarner can be a real threat if his ultimate pulls you into the midst of 4 enemies that can do more damage. I haven't played against Skarner much, so I can't really say how strong he is against Zac, but I can say that after level 11, Zac becomes stronger than Skarner. Also, Skarner is one of the few champions where the team composition matters more than what he picks; meaning, his ultimate is only good if it's pulling you in and killing you.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Skarner is tough. He beats you early game If he hits his e. And in late game teamfights he can disable you for about 5 seconds if he lands his e as well. Try to wait for him to ult one of your teammates, so you don't suffer getting instantly killed”
Bhyure33 says “So rare to face him that I can barely even remember what is it like to play against him. But from what I remember is that he isn't that big of an issue, and you beat him in 1v1s unless he somehow becomes fed. Be aware that he can use his R to for example force you under their turrets.”
RedNBlue says “A 4-ish, Skarner can be annoying when it comes to him pulling you around and then his team taking out your back line when you can block for them.
Have a support peel champion, top lane peel will probably mean your team is a bit too tanky. ”
MythicalMinute says “Skarner is good in the right hands but overall any build will be fine into him, just spam gank and force teamfights, if he is always going for you, try to ult as he ults, it'll put his ult on cooldown.
Any build is fine here.”
spuki97 says “Not a hard matchup. Just make sure not to fight in his passive zones and be careful not to get ulted when his team is around. Best build: Bruiser/Chinese Strat”
RengarNBush says “He is unkillable later, his R can be cleansed but he still has his E stuns. You can ignore him to an extent, his cc becomes annoying to play into. He is an excellent peeler, jumping when he is next to his carries leads to certain death if you can't oneshot on jump.”
MaximusWillCarry says “Can perma CC you after you land. Pulls you under tower just ult him away and carry on with your day. Very good peel champ turn off his night lights in the river and he is much less scary.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL do mind his ult.
Another member of the useless bitches who cant 1 vs 1 club. Not gonna lie though, if you play this shit I respect you.”
Salmon Kid says “This match up is unironically insanely hard. Skarner has so much built in ms, can itemize against Lillia really well, and has point and click hard cc and follow up cc. This is one in a million match up where you need to buy QSS, it is unplayable otherwise. ”
[Skarner is a very fun champion, you deal monstrous amounts of damage, you shield yourself and also gain speed, you slow then stun an enemy and even suppress him to kidnap him. Basically, you can win the 1v1s after Thornmail, but his stun can tempo your W, his R can put you into bad situations, also note that it disables and puts on cooldown your W if it was activated. He has a better clear and can manage pretty well the counterganks.]
Lawiss1 says “La game sera dure si vous êtes even, mais Eve est censée être capable de prendre un lead.
Charmez Skarner puis focussez quelqu'un d'autre pour qu'il fuit et qu'il puisse pas vous ulti.”
ItsAydam says “You would think he counters you because he can pull you out of your ult but he doesn't. You can kite him out of oblivion and if you think he's good, QSS will just make him a punching bag. Try to remove his crystals everytime you get a chance so you can know where he is on the map.”
imminences says “If you do happen to face anyone who actually plays this champ, he does counter you pretty well. His tankiness and R will screw you over. Avoid him at all costs in team fights.”
NegativePhoenix says “His only scary feature is how much CC he has to keep you still and put you at where he wants. If you can avoid his stun and keep your distance he can't really do much to you since his damage is bad. Just make sure you don't get caught out. If he ults you, you are more than likely dead since he most likely has a nearby team member nearby to help.”
HadesxLH says “Eu costumo jogar de skarner e gosto do champs ja vi build loucas de chuva de laminas e ritimo fatal porem nunca joguei contra um que realmente me afetasse, se eu estiver tendo dificuldades apenas compro QSS porém sempre tenho um olhar atento devido a sua versalidade.”
NegativePhoenix says “Not much to say on Skarner, sure his CC is annoying but he doesn't have alot of damage from what I've ever experienced. Charm him to slow him down or even CC him if he chases you and just be mindful of his ult and late-game tanky power.”
Fapas16 says “if skarner has enough tenacity he can leave your fear earlier and ult you away from his team and scary skirmisher in mid game really fast lad”
evil in says “ is a 50/50 matchup the only thing you have to look out for is his R's in teamfights u can always put your Charm on him so even if he ults one of your teammates he will bring it to you instead of the enemy”
GrayJinxed says “Skarner's power comes from her movement speed from crystals, avoiding her when in the range of crystals will help you survive her Crowd Control (CC) lock. ”
Majd1 says “Unplayable matchup. Has way too much movement speed, too many stuns, undodgeable ult. And even if you manage to land a spear on him he is way too tanky and has a shield as well. Avoid fighting him because you will not beat him.”
Janooobi says “Can be difficult to duel and can beat you to the gank, this will come down to whoever can get help from their teammates first be aware and take on the fight if you can get help first”
Consolo says “? Skarner in 2022? Don't fight him 1v1 in his spires, absolutely do outside of them, and peel him away from your carries once he hits 6. If he can't reach them, he can't grab them. He can do early drakes, so watch out for those. ”
Scythe Prince says “You will lose any fights you take. Avoid him and clear your own jungle. It is heavily recommended to go Rhaast. QSS after Goredrinker. ”
OTP Toxin says “Your anti-gank mushrooms will stop his gank, but if you have none of them, be careful and keep moving, that way you can dodge his E and run away.”
MrMeem45 says “He's not that big a threat until later on, when his impale completely negates your Insec. Early on, though, just take his spires and dumpster him.”
Zero macro says “Big Supression Crowd Controle tool. Only Qss can help this problem.
Overal general matchup that both can win. As Ekko recommended to go riftmaker / lethal or conq.”
Elekktro says “Skarner has enough lockdown to just cause Viego problems throughout the game. Luckily he isn't really an invade champion so you can find ways to play around him.”
J98TheGreat says “He will never pose a 1v1 threat to you and you will always be capable of influencing team fights more than he can. Just don't dive anyone when you don't know where he's at. Isolate him with a teammate of yours early to get a better advantage over him as well, such as around the time of the first Scuttler spawn.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Avoid Fighting him in his Passive since he is getting more stats than you do. Don't R directly on him cuz he'll just R you and grab you to his team.”
Brosinex says “Nuevamente es casi imposible de matar y tiene un aturdimiento y reprimir. Si te ataca, tu carne prácticamente muerta, a menos que lo arruine gravemente y te deje salir. Además de eso, si no tiene una habilidad definitiva en las peleas, todo lo que puede hacer es la primera línea e intentar absorber el daño de su equipo.”
Da Mastah says “He can 1v1 early and midgame, but you eventually outscale him. Make sure to pay your taxes and get qss. Also make sure to stack tenacity runes and items. Make sure to ping his location to stop him from getting picks on your laners.”
Zyvran says “If he has crystal control, he can just run you down. Also, his ult can cancel Package, despite it being unstoppable. Get a QSS as soon as possible. ”
Citric says “Try not to run into him in the jungle especially after 6. Skarner can ultimate you while you are in your ultimate. You might have to buy a QSS if you are doing well in the game and he is targeting you. Skarner will most likely do a full clear.”
Pusi Puu says “Try to look for skirmishes pre 6. You win early game hard, but be careful in case he runs phase rush. Fight early crabs and later on be careful about his ult. Always run around with full ferocity, so you can cleanse his R. Later on he outscales unless you are super fed.”
Doubtfull says “Don't let skarner get on top of your or land an E. This won't stop him from flash ulting you though so beware if that is up. I usually tend to build tankier in this match up so that even if I do get ulted I can survive. ”
SnowballBarrage says “New skarner is a huge counter to AP nunu because he's giga tanky, does a lot of damage and has a lot of CC. You can out tempo him though like Sejuani.”
NixLychee says “His ultimate is an extremely strong pick tool, and you might need to get QSS in order to survive. He's not the strongest duelist though, especially in the early game. You can invade him, but he's tanky enough that he can survive long enough for his teammates to rotate. Be careful, and get out fairly early if he starts randomly playing more aggressive, because his team is probably nearby.”
KamiKZ says “Skarner can be real trouble for you as he has one of the most efficient clear times for junglers and his early gank pressure can be insane. Add that to having a game-changing ultimate that can easily punish you or an ally who´s mispositioned and you´ll be regretting not shutting him down early. Skarner can be abused early game 1v1 scenarios if he misses his stun on you but be mindful when fighting in his spire zones. We suggest that you build a QSS if you´re being focused, or pick up an Edge of Night as a situational item instead.”
Veralion says “It's rare to find a champion less popular than Shyvana, but this is one of them. Pretty sure he's uncatchable early, so don't bother trying to run him down. You can't immune his ultimate, unfortunately. He will reel you back in like a fish, so make sure you respectfully ult away before he reaches you. If you're fed and the primary target, stay the hell back and force him to pick a different target to ult in fights. ”
Arfreezy says “He has become popular in S11 due to new tank items. Take Fleet in this matchup to help with kiting. Skarner has a powerful 6 spike, but not the greatest early game. He will most likely play to free farm until 6 which you can punish by getting lanes ahead with gank pressure and controlling rivers. Skarner can't 1v1 you so try and deny all neutral scuttles if your lane priorities allow.”
Doubtfull says “Rek'sai destroys Skarner in the 1v1 early game, so try to abuse this as much as possible. Post 6, Skarner can make it very difficult for Rek'Sai to play the game. This might be a game where you want to build tanks after warrior, and I suggest a Guardian Angel as well. ”
Zekrow says “Tanky fast boi with lots of CC that can pull you away from his team.
His tankiness and speed make him a really difficult matchup.
Additionally he can stun you. There isn't much you can do against him until lategame when you group up.
It's a really difficult matchup but luckily no one plays him ;P”
Asternova says “RUNES: Phase Rush or Conqueror, but Dark Harvest is viable.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Demonic Embrace. Mercury's Treads if his team is full of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Skarner has a lot of tankiness, CC, and damage. Keep and eye out for nearby walls so you're not caught off guard by his stun. Dodge his boulder whenever you see his cast it. Dodging his ult is possible since it's no longer a point and click ability, but i would rather stay near my team than risk him landing it.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is actually 50-50 you are always able to fight Skarner 1v1 the problem is that Skarner often gets help from his team and there is not much you can do against all of his cc. I recommend trying to 1v1 him early but make sure that he is by himself. I also recommend by quick silversash to remove his ulti cc. ”
SaltCat says “He is a tank, that can solokill you, tanks in season 11.... anyway you just dont mess with him avoid him and you will be good to go, not on your list”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Skarner is kind of tricky, but rather even. Just be careful of his lvl 6. He can scale to be very strong, but can also be the one who throws the game, as he has to step up to get you.”
Karasmai says “Be careful not to fight him in his spires which are his passive on the ground. He will gain too many stats worth to fight. He will tend to fall behind in farming if you power farm, if you go blue get edge of knight and run past him EASY peasy, if you go Red you will need to be tanky enough to survive his 3 seconds of CC. If its too much try getting merc treads and if you need extra dmg GET serpent's fang”
MexBookMaster says “Farmeas más rapido que el. Quita sus buffos que tiene repartidos por todo el mapa debido a que si los tiene activados se vuelve más rápido y fuerte. A Rhaast le va bien vs Scarner y Shadow Assassin (Azul) igual lo puedes jugar pero enfócate en destrozar a los otros campeones primero. Es como Udyr pero con una R que te puede jalar a ti o a algún compañero tuyo a la muerte.”
ak521 says “Not a huge threat, weak ganks, weak jungle clear, but his R is really good and his E is pretty good, too. Not much of a problem to "outplay" in that fact, he's quite immobile and it will be hard for him to get to your ADC. Your ADC should handle him.”
Rhoku says “Skarner can be very disruptive in teamfights and 2v2s due to his ultimate. He can isolate you very well and put you in a position where his team can destroy you. Fortunately, he is very weak when he is to himself. Just don't let him take crystals for free and just beat his head in if he tries to take crab or any objective from you. Pre-6 he is free.”
izzlelol says “ Again almost unkillable and has a stun and suppress. If he ults you your pretty much dead meat unless he severely screws up and lets you ult out. Besides that if he doesn't have ult up in fights all he can do is frontline and try to soak up damage for his team.”
Ellesmere says “Skarner is insanely tanky and yet still does a lot of damage while CCing you the whole way. This makes him a nuisance to try and fight. Don't try and 1v1 him unless you're way ahead.”
manco1 says “Skarner shouldn't give you much trouble. The biggest threat about him is his flash -> R but if he doesn't focus that on you then you're all in the clear! ”
RichMrFork says “Another high CC champ. Look to get your lanes ahead and spread the gold around. Skarner will ult you if you're the sole threat and buying QSS on Ekko is extremely suboptimal since it doesn't build into anything you want. ”
Kayn Mains says “You will lose any fights you take, this champion’s early game power is very high. Avoid him and clear your own jungle.
Continue to stay away from Skarner mid game. If he ults you, you’re probably dead. It is heavily recommended to go Rhaast in this matchup. Get yourself Quicksilver Sash after Black Cleaver and wait to outscale him.”
LilPaniniUwU says “This champ is very strong right now, and he prevents you from playing the game as soon as you go in. His ultimate is an extremely strong pick tool, and you might need to get QSS in order to survive.
LilPaniniUwU says “You will lose any fights you take, this champion’s early game power is very high. Avoid him and clear your own jungle. Continue to stay away from Skarner mid game. If he ults you, you’re probably dead. It is heavily recommended to go Rhaast in this matchup. Get yourself Quicksilver Sash after Black Cleaver and wait to outscale him.
Gamyeon says “Not necessarily an easy match up, play it smart and make as much objective calls early as you can. Late game may become a pain if he plays correctly as he can easily CC you for 10 years.”
Eagzey says “Haven't played against many Skarners but his head alone makes it tough. I don't think there's much to worry about though. Just don't headbutt him when he's 6.”
Rasta Rengar says “Go thornmail and dont let him grab your teammates, if he grabs you atleast you deal some damage back. Also steraks is important since you'll get bursted if you get grabbed”
PK Noob says “He’s a tank that can completely annihilate one person from your team. He becomes useless if his team is useless though so focus on shutting down his most important members.”
Caled says “When fighting him, especially early game, try to fight him out of his jungle as he is more likely to have his Spires to give him more movement and attack speed. Out of his spires, early game fights are winnable and are especially good at getting early form. Going Rhaast should be an easy game as long as you don’t die during Skarner’s ultimate ability. Going Shadow Assassin, building Edge of Night is highly recommended because then he will not be able to instantly ult you and will not be able to completely make you useless going into fights.”
liserith says “Pretty easy to duel, his only problem is that he can drag you out of your ult, and has a ranged slow. Make sure to dodge the slow, as its a skillshot. ”
Gumipapucs says “Kinda hard to kill and he can F' you up. You can kill him if you are ahead but i don't really recommend trying to 1v1 him in the jungle, or if you have to, be sure to not do it in his crystal zone thing as it will give him huge movespeed and attackspeed as well as mana regen. All you can do is counter his ganks and steal some camps. If he casts his W (shield) apply your E to slow him and try to use walls to your advantage. If he get's on top of you, you are kinda doomed and he can also pull you or one of your teammates out of your ult. You kinda need your team to play around him.”
HeroAronNavius says “Skarner isn't much of a major threat but he can just click R to pull you away from your team or from a team fight. Skarner is useless levels 1-5 so take him on early game when he doesn't have R.”
c0st0m says “with blue/chilling smite he usualy wont catch up to you and you can outrun him, he can still flash ult you though so itemize for bansheesh/zhonyas/dmp/spirit to survive or if he grabs one of ur teammates try to punish his team with a huge sleep meanwhile”
Harambe Homie says “[[skarner]] can very easily pull you away from the fight and isolate you. You can't really 1v1 him either. So be sure to watch out for this pick.”
Bel37 says “His Ult makes you extremely worthless.. You need to buy a Quick silver slash or wait till he uses his ult on someone else. He isnt much of a threat early/ 1v1. Only in a team fight mid/late”
Xavierix says “Start with Hailblade.
Try to delay Skarner’s level 6 power spike by invading his jungle and stealing away his camps if he shows on one side of the map. Skarner’s biggest power spike in the early game is once he gets his Ultimate R, so he will be power farming for this.
Place vision around his jungle entrances to make it harder for Skarner to get ganks off. Ping your team as soon as he leaves his jungle and be prepared to counter gank if you’re nearby.Skarner has good Dragon and objective control in the early game. Make sure you keep the objectives warded so you can spot him before he is able to take them for free.
Skarner will try and pick champions off with his Ultimate R. In particular, he will try to pick off a squishy champion whose too far forward. Do not overextend to reduce his chances of catching someone out of position.
To make team fighting easier, Skarner will often Flash to get on to a squishy champion. Keep track of his cooldowns and watch your positioning when his Flash is up.As Skarner will struggle running towards a target directly, he will probably flank from the side so it’s easier for him to catch someone out. Make sure you have vision to the side of your team whenever you’re sieging an objective.
The longer the game goes and the more items Skarner gets, the harder it will be for you to kill him. Try to end the game before he gets every item he needs.”
JunglerBuilds says “Shouldn't be that hard because he has relatively poor ganks early and you should outmatch him late game as he can only focus one person and you control everyone! Generally not the best jungler right now, gets outmatched by most.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Luckily, nobody really plays this champion in this meta. You're a stronger pick so don't even worry about him, get your Mercs and Haunting Guise you will destroy him when you group. Peel for your backline he will suicide to get them ulted. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “If you allow Skarner to ult you while being mis-positioned is nearly asking to die, however bringing Flash helps get in and out of skirmishes with him.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade in early game , try outplaying him with bushes and save your empowered W for his R when you can.
Skarner outfarms you and can gank as much as you can beacuse his ult has similar cooldown to yours.
Get Ricked says “In teamfights he will make your life hell with his ult. Either buy qss or wait for him to use it before you jump in. In the 1v1 he beats you too till you get lvl 6. After that he will still win if he is in his zones. Capture thos before you fight him. ”
NathanPyke says “If your the one he gets to R its a 50-50 if their team doesn't have enough damage you live but if they do your dead , QSS is the way and he can be killed easily without crystals”
DarkAuraLOL says “his clear and sustain are fair, he can be really annoying to invade, so try to just steal his camps unless hes really low on jungle or your team is around with priority, once you get items and he goes tanky, you out damage him and can look for a fight or counter gank, also once you get form you can outscale him, your clear is better , but avoid getting caught from his ult.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Skarner isn't the hardest match-up. If he lands his e on you, just wait to use your abilities until after his stun. Place wards deep into the river and the enemy jungle to make sure you can see when he is setting up a gank. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “his clear and sustain are fair, he can be really annoying to invade, so try to just steal his camps unless hes really low on jungle or your team is around with priority, once you get items and he goes tanky, you out damage him and can look for a fight or counter gank, also once you get form you can outscale him, your clear is better , but avoid getting caught from his ult.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “This guy is just a much worse version of Udyr really. He can be kind of hard to kill early game but that changes if you get a decent first back. BOTRK will help you stick to him a bit more and Kraken basically one shots him. Be aware that he is very tanky so if fights last a long time then his team might just show up.”
KaynPlayer814 says “He can punish you really good in the early game, invade you really hard and has a faster jungle clear then you. You need to hope that your laner wont die to ganks and win their lanes. If you go Blue Kayn you will almost never have the damage to oneshot him. If you go Red Kayn you have a chance because you outscale him.”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “Pretty hard if both even, but you should be able to get a lead. W him then go for someone else so he can't ult you. Fight early where he doesnt have his spires and you win a 3v3 with your team.”
Hidon1 says “Same as Zac, he can not do anything to you. You on the other hand can not do anything to him as well, but soloq games in low elo is all about who has the most impact only (in terms of the junglers job) so make sure you just gank/gank/gank because he will not punish you.”
Schadenfreude says “He has very good CC and good damage. You should be able to out duel him, but teamfights are basically a death sentence if he catches someone out. ”
Nyarlathotep72 says “This is you, but better. Honestly what are you doing here go play Skarner, he's fun. nothing about this guide changes for Skarner either, in fact he can also build ap.”
Karthus man says “Skarner will take no damage, will be dealing a lot of damage. Be very careful of him during team fights. He can cancel out your ult with his, and his ult can take you to his team, and you will die, very fast.”
Rusitc1 says “He feels impossible to 1v1 early game on blue or red, and late game if he ults you into his team you are 100% dead. Buy Quick Silver Sash.
Cross your fingers you can go red Kayn when he gets locked in, not much counterplay on blue other than just buying QSS.”
Maile says “Minor inconvenience because he is tank that provides a lot of threat to your carries. If you invade him early and kill him he's just a scorpion that lost all his venom. Just avoid fighting in spires that he has. ”
White Cr0w says “Thanks god he is not played nowadays. Hybrid Damage, high speed and tankyness make Skarner a though enemy to fight.
You can't win skarner, but you can win his lanes.
Ward the ganking paths so you avoid his counterganks post 6.”
Redsundark says “I feel that maybe out of all the people you could fight in the jungle who would be there you could possibly take on would be this guy but i think you could fail this to depending ”
Minase says “Out of the 600 games I've played I've literally never played this matchup above Silver, but you literally just powerfarm and then one-shot him. Don't fight him on a crystal.”
BoyWonder00 says “Lots of CC, chase, and his R is a great way to shut down your engages. However, he relies on his pillars for power and you can beat him.”
FalleN3 says “QSS can be a goto pick-up against Skarner, just use it whenever he ultimates you. He shouldn't be an issue in your side of the jungle for the early levels and afer level 6 you should have no problem taking him down. Try to get ahead of him early and pick up some kills. If he buys thornmail, botRK can go a long way to providing the damage and sustain you need to kill him.”
FalleN3 says “QSS can be a solid pick-up against Skarner, just use it whenever he ultis you. He shouldn't be an issue in your side of the jungle for the early levels and afer level 6 you should have no problem taking him down. Try to get ahead of him early and pick up some kills. If he buys thornmail, botRK can go a long way to providing the damage and sustain you need to kill him.”
Holessando says “You won't probably see this champion vs you ever, since almost noone plays him, but if he's vs you, he can possibly kill you, but its nothing horrible, Skarner isn't that hard matchup, he is not good in late game, so you should win the game.”
aiker95 says “1)knock-back/terrain abilities (Janna's Monsoon, Trundle's Pillar of Ice) are strong against Skarner because he will have a hard time trying to pull your allies.
2)Try to break Skarner's shield as it will remove the bonus movespeed and attack speed that it grants him.
3)It is imperative that you Flash away when a Skarner is anywhere near you, as you'll get pulled into the enemy team.
4)If Skarner is too fast to move away from, invest in a Quicksilver Sash or Mercurial Schimtar to break his suppression and stuns.
5)When fighting a high level skarner, you will want to want to lower its health and add a status ailment such as poison or sleep. Also, try to wait until the pokeball stops moving, generally a good idea.
6)Since the new update on skarner. Try and avoid going into the jungle when he chases you since he gets the bonus movement speed from his Crystal Spires when captured.”
chasemyman1 says “He will defeat you in the jungle as long as he has his crystals on the map. He is also quite tanky so you cannot burst him. Avoid him in his jungle and gank then you should be ok.”
McSushi says “the problem is not him. with exhaust and ult you beat him. the problem is him ulting you into his team, and he is tanky, so your teammates will struggle to kill him.”
Stiwy says “Skarner 's recent buffs helped him but for Urgot he is an easy matchup.
The real threat is its ult, especially in teamfights he can delete your carry just by pressinng R.
Always try to defend your carry if you see Skarner near.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Make sure to maintain a lead against Skarner. He has bad clear and his only way of snowballing is through ganks. Do not force 1v1's against Skarner post 6 otherwise he can lock you down and have his teammates come.”
AWierdShoe says “Don't underestimate Skarner's CC along with his damage. Dodge his Q with your E, and if you keep kiting him you will outduel him at any stage of the game. You should buy an early QSS to negate his R.”
DarkArbalist613 says “His ult absolutely Destroys you in a fight, his slow and stuns can really mess you up. Just make sure he doesnt get ahead and invade on his camps, but try not to fight him directly.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “You only see him at play once in a blue moon. Low kill pressure, but his CC is threatening mid to late game. Invade him vigorously.”
DarkPit59 says “Skarner dispose d'une bonne vitesse d'attaque et d'un ultime qui le rend incroyablement solide. Prenez régulièrement soin de récupérer les cristaux près des lieux importants tels que les buffs et les monstres épiques.”
TrevorJayce says “Skarner isn't much of an issue at all really, unless you get pulled by his R and don't have W up. You outdamage him at all points of the game and he can't get close without flash Ring onto you. ”
Morzanoth says “He cant really do much to you early and he falls off as the game goes on. He does build tanky but normally only as a second or third item so you can kill him pretty easily. You can dodge his E which is probably his most powerful ability in a 1v1 and you can kite around him pretty well. Be cautions of a flash ult because it can leave you in a rough spot, but you should be able to escape with your E if the enemy team isnt very co-ordinated.”
Nico449c says “Skarner is a hard jungler as elise he can usually escape you or win against you especially if your inside the crystals and he controls them. so try countergank him you should be able win counterganks and if you outgank him he wont be able to do much. Invading is about the worst idea you could have against him as elise”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Skarner isn't the hardest match-up. If he lands his e on you, just wait to use your abilities until after his stun. Place wards deep into the river and the enemy jungle to make sure you can see when he is setting up a gank. ”
The Top Bear says “This guy can be killed pretty easily pre-6, but can be a huge nuisance if you aren't prepared for him. He has a ton of CC especially post-6, and can give the enemy laners' a free nidalee kill. Be careful around the river, and don't get caught out.”
cutmeh says “Tanky, runs fast, annoying CC. Ultimate anti-assassin champ as he can both 1v1 you and stop your burst. Avoid fighting him around his crystals. ”
Quezel says “This matchup is quite easy to play as long as you respect his tower grab plays. You win every extended trade and even short trades after you get some levels in q and he has very poor sustain poke him with q often and try to keep the wave in the middle of the lane or frozen playing near his tower will make it incredibly difficult to harass him post 6. Otherwise you beat him at all stages of the game.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Avoid fighting him on his crystals, as he will have increased combat stats. Skarner is relatively weak until lvl 6, so use that opportunity to get early ganks off.”
Mr. Nyahr says “A very, very scary ultimate, and a crazy powerful duelist. Turn off his pillars, and do not fight him while inside one if you can avoid it. You will regret it.”
Laverenz says “Honestly, as a Skarner main, i hate playing against Jax. Don't be afraid to fight Skarner. You can block his stun ;), which basically is his burst window”
yasinpg says “Silence him befor he connects with your allies and you will be fine. 1v1 after first item is in your favor. Try to camp bot since you will need your AD carry to shut him down.”
Killerbacca10 says “Fight for control of his spires. He can snowball on you. But this is a skill matchup in your favor. W him when he ults to save your teammate.”
609elmo2 says “Skarner can untant on you and while you are immobilized his team will kill you. Any control will kill the master, so if the opponent has 2-3 controls, think about it. Do I need flattery?
SirScarekrow says “Whats skarner gonna do, "Pull you"? lol please. Axe him and then again, and again, and again. MAKE SURE YOU don't pop ult to early.”
craY13 says “Same as for Amumu. He is easy to face in the early game, but the CC he can land on you force you to go Mercurial Scimitar at least as third item instead of rageblade.”
Slykku says “You still have a chance to fight him early game, try to trade him when he's not close to his crystal spires. Since he's a fighter late game you will not be able to kill him.”
Hazardist says “His Crowd Control involves mostly Slows and when his E is on cooldown, he's one of the slowest and most predictable tanks in the game. The real issue is keeping him off your squishier teammates. As long as you have built Black Cleaver, you win every extended fight. Liandry's Torment makes for another good purchase when you're up against a Skarner.
Runeset to take: Conqueror, but Phase Rush is fine.”
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