Top Lane 50.75% Win Rate98% Pick RateFiora Top Lane Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Fiora in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
KarateciKagan says “Cant really do anything to her. try to stay close to the walls or/and E away when she ults.
Go bramble vest into steelcaps into sunfire/thornmail into fimbul.”
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Comet
Early: Give her prio and play for cs and get a good first reset. Can q start or e start
Tips: This matchup is all about the parry. I would honestly just wait with my Q until her Q is down. If she parrys your E you can still buffer your ult to knock her away”
liucan says “Most hard skill match: u win ext ign W but u cannot use Q against a good fiora, and E against all fioras since her W is so easy to land against u. Also u cannot use walls to deny her passive and ult since u cannot kite with briar.”
Dom1nus says “Hard snowball champion, if u w her while she w u gonna lose the trade and probably die. The matchup revolves around her w, so do mind games and bait it out. if shes ahead u will always die to her. Rush executioners, note that she hard outsales you and she can 1v1 you later in the game even with 1 whole item advantage.”
Maniaxx says “Fiora can parry your key abilities with her W (Riposte), your Q and E, which can turn a fight in her favor.
Her Passive (Duelist’s Dance) deals true damage to specific areas, which can shred through Mundo’s tankiness.
How to deal with her:
Play cautiously when she has her W up: Fiora will try to parry your Q (Cleaver) or E to deny your healing. Don't engage when she has it available unless you have an advantage.
Build early Armor and health: Armor items like Randuin’s Omen or Thornmail, Warmongers, help mitigate her damage.
Focus on healing: Even though she can deal true damage, Mundo’s healing from his passive and (R) can help you outlast her if you play carefully.
Dodge her Q: Her Q (Lunge) lets her apply her passive more quickly. Dodge it if possible to avoid the true damage from her passive.”
a_k_z7 says “kinda annoying match ups
grasp fiora is boring cause she want to short trade with grasp and q
other then that try to w her q
look to trade when she q into you
postion good so she cant hit her passive on you
she can parry you w for even if you are not hitting or stunning her with it so avoid that
try to not e into a wall immidetly cause she can parry that
if you are low on hp dont trade cause if she R you you are dead just run away”
Puyo says “A skill matchup mais divertida do jogo. Ela vai guardar o W e você vai guardar o W e o Q3. O ideal é usar o Q3 só se ela estiver no cooldown ou já stunada. Se você conseguir acertar um W, não dê auto attack em seguida nem nada, dê o Q3 imediatamente, ela não tem como usar o W assim.”
Nithril says “W max and early boots to kite her out, dont prolong your engage, proc PTA and farm, Grievous works wonders, save E for her engage and you'll be fine, just care for W stun”
parker3n9 says “This lane revolves around poking and baiting out her Riposte. If you can force her to waste it, she becomes much easier to deal with. Avoid extended trades, as Fiora will win the all-in if she procs all four vitals from her passive. Use the terrain to block or limit vital placements, preventing her from getting the full value of her passive. If you’re struggling, an early Bramble Vest can significantly reduce her healing and give you an edge.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Symbolz says “GRASP + SECOND WIND
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Doran's Blade.
Lvl 1 W cheese. Force trades and keep pressure. Be careful on her 6. Be mindful of her W when using your R.”
Raideru says “In this matchup you never want to give her the chance to get a vital for free, always look to q her every time she goes for a q, never fight without shield and always try to mindgame her w by jumping right next to her or by not jumping instantly when you're hugging the wall. Only use your W after she uses q so she can't sidestep it.
I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this matchup.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"Fiora Nerfs made this matchup playable. She will play very aggressive levels 1-2 while you're weak so don't get chunked early, but if you can survive to level 8+ you should start statchecking her if you land Q.
Rush Bramble 1st item and if you're even at levels 7-11 you can fight her. Once you get 3 stacks WAIT until she parries and then Devour her as soon as it's finished.Best tip here is if she ults you just W away
and GTFO unless you're sure you'll win" ”
MrBuis says “(B)(>5) Skill-matchup in your favor. You win lv 1, so be confident and don't let her get the weak spot for free. You MUST respect her lv 2 and 3 if she gets ignited. Flash her W if necessary. Pre-cast your E when you think she's gonna Q in, and it will be used as soon as she dashes in. However, you won't win those trades. At lv 6, you completely stomp her at all-in, even if she gets all of the weak spots. You are too tanky for her to deal with from lv 6 -> first item, so abuse that and freeze the wave after 6. You can still beat her after two items, but that won't happen after the three ones. Your win condition is to team fight, and hers is to split-push, so try to force one when you think the turrets are not being treated. ”
Spartaniko says “If you play properly it is an even matchup. Never W to gap close as you will get stunned, bait her W with your Q or AA in melee as she will be aware of any animation to stun you when you W. You can also do the classic ctrl+3 because it looks like your W jump and will trigger her to waste her W. Hug the wall when she ults. Consider ignite and use it as she ults.”
4eadami says “Better player wins. You CAN duel her after Liandry. Proxy if you want to , she has no wave clear before tiamat. If she wals with minions, you can proxy from the second wave. You can use your CTRL+4 Laugh to bait her W.”
Fenharion says “Fiora is a bigger threat than Aatrox with her insane amount of %HP True Damage and mobility,she is weaker than you in teamfights than you but is insanely strong in splitpushing,be careful about her in mid-late game. As for tips: If her vital is facing towards her get out of her vision to reset it (Her vitals will either be on your left/down or right/up,when she procs a passive on left the next one is guarenteed to be at right/up,so be careful about that), her W counters 3 of your skills,most importantly your ultimate,if she times it right though,in early game be careful with your E's as she will take W level 2 and can parry you to proc 1 or 2 passives early,you beat her at early levels so try to use that to your advantage,also when she ults you hug to a close wall so she doesn't proc all 4 sides and heal herself. You should go bramble vest early.”
Houcs says “Just dont do your E when she does W. Its almost impossible for her to time your E with W. And never R her if you know her W is up. Otherwise extremly easy matchup, usually never fails this.”
Wafflerush says “Fiora's bread and butter is her aggression with her passive marks. Use her marks against her when possible (especially when your jungler is coming to gank) and play near walls to prevent her from hitting them. Auto cancelling is a MUST against her, as she will time her counterattack with your passive swing, so be cautious of that.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “matchup becomes harder the higher rank you go
whenever she has a good vital try to position yourself so its awkward for her to proc it for free, if she does Q into you to proc it, block it with E and immediately start running into her for a trade or all-in.
your E vs her W is EVERYTHING in this matchup. i think the best way is to let your E go late (no re-activation or a very late one), as fioras will almost always underestimate your E duration and use W too early”
UrPersonalGod says “Consider banning if your new to aatrox.
Rush executioners calling.
Dont let her poke you down with her Q early.
Let her push and get as much CS as you can without losing to much health.
You can try to fight her level 5 if you get a back before then.
If she ults you hug walls so she cant get all vitals.
Althalosofsirun says “you stat check this champ with the power of walls if you have a vital on you just hug a wall on the side its on and auto her to death if she rushes AD then buy dmg since you will always deal more dmg than her. you can bait parry by walking near minions to make her think you want to stun or by wasting W to bait an all in just to stun her the moment she goes in”
Skaarlschloch says “Now with Lethal Tempo this is a slightly favoured Matchup again.
Go Aggro LT Runes with Ignite start E lv.1 and trade on her you win extended trades because of LT. Always Press S before your 3. Q auto and even better if you can E onto a minion dodging her W AS-Slow
Get executioners somewhat early!
Example from the Goat:”
SemenDrinker says “Aatrox's most Infamous matchup. 2nd wind or bone plating, either or is fine. I always take shield into her cuz most Fiora's are gonna go grasp and just poke. But if she goes conq blade isn't terrible. The matchup is all about unpredictability. The most common way to trade is Q1, then get into range for q2 and e to the side to avoid parry. You will never w if she has her parry up as your w cd is almost the same as her parry. If she doesnt parry your q2. If you feel confident enough you can actually get away with q3ing directly onto her and simply walking off to the side. But I always found this to be a ping diff sill tbh. You MUST take plated and executioners into her as the matchup becomes a lot more bearable from then on. Then she just gets items and one shots you anyways. Lastly always hug the wall to hide your vital whenever she ults you. ”
IvanBeifong says “True damage, strong level 1, a good fiora will try to take you away from the wave, just let her and wait to level 3, try to bait her W jumping to her with E1, throw Q, and that'll usually be enough to bait it, you're strong in levels 4-5, be careful, she can parry your W.
Her ult is pretty meh, you proccing the vitals of her R won't trigger any true damage.”
y every name taken says “Never 1v1 her even if she's behind. If you are engaged with her for any reason, try to have your back against a wall so she won't be able to proc a vital there with her ult/passive. Also, a good Fiora will anticipate your Q engage and parry accordingly: sometimes I slightly miss my Q on purpose to trick Fiora's that are only paying attention to the animation but not the direction of the dash.”
Frankoloko says “Take Flash & Exhaust. Start Cloth & pots. Rush Bramble first. Rylai's second because she's super fast and it's hard to land abilities and the slow counters her passive playstyle. Get the HP of Rylai first since it pairs well with your Bramble ARM. When she ults, exhaust her and kite backwards. You can also stand against a wall to deny her the last passive which spawns the healing field. When you E, immediately walk to the side because she is going to E you back and you will get stunned if you are in the line. You can get in easy Q's by knowing which side she wants to her the vital. The big problem really is that she scales really well, so you can't just play safe until mid game like Darius/Sett. If you are even in items then you probably won't win a fight. Easiest is honestly to play away from her on the map. Remember she can block your ult so only use it after she uses block.”
Belle19 says “either hold ult for after she has parried or ult while she is silenced. If the vital is in a bad spot you can walk away from her for a few seconds and it'll reset. Playing against fiora is just a massive spacing minigame”
Skaarlschloch says “Fiora is only really a threat level 1 and after 1-2 items, between those times you win especially if you utalize your spikes well (Tiamat and Jack stacks), look up if she has boneplating you dont want to trade into that or you will lose. You really wanna start fighting her once you get Tiamat.
You win the 1v1 for a while if you didnt fall behind early but she ofcourse outscales you hard in the 1v1/sidelane the later it goes. You get your team ahead and are better in teamfights tho so i actually quite like the matchup. ”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start with blade) can Q or W start depending on vital, trade only with grasp and BP available, stay near walls so you can E fast and she cant react to it to parry.”
Lanec says “Basically, every champ who can engage and kill you very fast in early are hard to play against with Aurora. You need to be really carefull”
Niemi says “Depends on her skill, if she is good it's way more dangerous, but the average Fiora is pretty easily manipulated. They want the passive poke at all costs and you can often abuse that to your favour by playing close to your tower. You must play mindgames with her parry however.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is annoying and I ban her often for my top laners or occasionally when I'm top. This matchup requires very good spacing. She can sit in the bushes closest to your tower level 1 and just all-in you with her Q+Passive, so you might have to miss out on the XP/Gold from the first minion wave. If you move far enough away when she has a front vital, you can replace it with a back vital; use this to your advantage so she can't proc vitals easily. You can also hug walls to avoid a vital getting proc'd. Her parry slow is strong and it will also lower your attack speed by a lot, so try your best to dodge it. At level 6, you have to be even more careful because she can get enough movement speed from her Ult and close the gap with her Q's to get on you; look to drift away and wait it out. You must be careful not to Ult her when her Parry is up because, if she reacts, she can stun you with it; I usually try to get her low enough to where she's forced to use it and I Ult her after it finishes.”
IngvarE says “Rush steelcaps & buy bramble early
It's fiora, has parry etc.
Don't look to fight her, play under tower and you'll be fine. Consider cull.
Make sure you have your tentacles set up correctly under tower as she will likely get cocky and try to dive you.
Some fiora players low elo are so bad they confuse your Q animation with E and can bait out a parry, if she misuses parry punish her but be aware of her ult and play around walls & tentacles.”
Sc00n3z says “Fiora has mobility, sustain, and can parry Illaoi's key abilities (such as Test of Spirit or Harsh Lesson) with Riposte. She can outmaneuver Illaoi in trades, dodge tentacle slams, and quickly burst her down with her ultimate (Grand Challenge).”
Zagreus16 says “Major BS champ right here. you gotta dance with her so she doesnt hit the vitals on you. starting w here is a must and you can go ignite if your confident in killing her early. tho even still this champ is so broken that its better to take TP cause even if you get the early lead she will come back with an insane villain arc and destroy you late game and theres not a lot you can do about it. best you can do is make sure you get bramble early game and thornmail late game and play for teamfights cause unless you build solo killing items like blade with black cleaver, your not gonna kill her alone.”
CrimsonL7 says “Skill matchup. Its all about her parry. Try to mind game it by mixing up when you Q. The reason its in major and not even is because she has an edge in long trades as you cant kite vitals in berserk. So try to take short trades near tower and you are chill. If you get a lead you just stomp her unless she buys antiheal or you eat her parry stun.”
step1v9 says “Look for all-in opportunities when Fiora uses Q wrong. If the vital is favorable for her, try to auto when she goes to proc it. Fiora players like to W when you E, so you can try to E into her then immediately sidestep and then chase down. Tryndamere loses generally after 6.”
Lukenzoo says “If it's a good flora she can out sustain you and she can jump over your wall. Just farm because she beats you most of the time. I suggest taking ignite
Raideru says “Whoever wins early wins through the rest of the game,take w lvl 1, whenever she goes for a q auto her back with auto + w never let her hit q for free and try to q her after the auto + w to waste her parry and if you think you can all in her if she uses it just e her in and run her down, at lvl 6 to ult her you should use e if needed to guarantee her not parrying it”
Azzin says “It is very easy for rengar to temporize fiora's ult, you should always kill her with help of your team pass a certain point as she will be stronger in 1v1 scenarios. But early game is no big threat and you can abuse her.”
Haxorr says “Fiora is a very hard matchup for Jax if the Fiora is good. Due to the nature of the kits of each champion, Fiora is able to space Jax pretty effectively and kite you out.
Take Grasp. Ignite is optional in this matchup, but can be good due to Fiora's healing. However, if you take Ignite and she ever gets a freeze on you or you get in a bad lanestate, your lane is over. Play aggressive in the first few levels and use your e to get prio on the first wave. Rush Trinity.”
Arthapsic says “Start E level 1. Let her Q you in your wave she is going to take minion agro and it's going to push the wave and you will be fine with second wind dshield sustain. Try to bait her parry ( don't use your Q until she has used her parry ). If your E is up while she parries dash to the side to dodge it so you don't get attack speed slowed. Try to position the wave close to your tower and wait until you are level 6. If you have ignite and she doesn't you win the lvl 6 all in just be careful she doesn't parry your ignite or fully stacked Q. Only fight her when ignite is up because she heals too much. On nashors if even you hard win until she gets 2 items. 3 points into Q then E max for maximum dps. After she gets 3 items never fight her she will oneshot you with her ulty. If she ults you stand close to a wall with 1 vital so she can't proc the 4th vital and it will result in you winning the 1v1 in most cases. Late game she is a stronger duelist but you are a much better teamfighter so try to avoid 1v1ing and look for 5v5 teamfights. Can go lethal tempo if you want to get crazy with it. Gives you very strong early game to snowball with”
orka4.sandraj says “Jumps around like a monkey and can deal a lot of damage, while countering your early-game strength. If she builds ravenous you are her walking medkit, its just a bad matchup. ”
TeiWasTaken says “This is one of the ban options for Kled. She hard counters him. You can never Q or Ult her, because she will just parry it. Fight her before she gets 6, because then she just beats you. Ping your jg for help, there is not much you can do against her if she knows what she is doing.”
ArmedDad says “It is a skill matchup, but fiora has the upper hand.
- e a bit to her side so that her parry will not stun you
- try to wait for her to use q before w poke as otherwise she will q into you and absolutly hammer you with that q aa e e combo.
- save e to get out when she presses r on you
- you lose side but you are much much much infinitly better in teamfights.
WIELKI B says “Can get hard if she is good, poke her down and fight if she is below half and only if u have counterheal. grasp is good against her, also take bone plaiting. u can bait her W by cntrl+2 animation”
Skaarlschloch says “Very hard to hit any combos on a good fiora. lv6-9 you should still outtrade her with only W.
Be careful that she doesnt zone you of minions lv1. Try to be tricky about approaching lane/coming in late.
You can try 2 hit her with a really obvious Q and see if she parries so you can mabye e after? Or when shes low and you throw a really obvious R then you dodge her Parry stun and then Run her down with Q W Stun Ign.
You can try firststrike + Resolve, secondwind mabye? (still testing)”
rawr3748 says “Darius is very predictable (Slow q, slow ult, hook auto w combo...) make sure to bait parry or hook before ult. She outduels you very often using q.”
SVKGuardian says “- Highly Mobile Duelist
- Be Careful Not to run into her W, it will slow your movement speed as well as attack speed greatly
- You can play around range advantage and she should never reach you with Q poke
- try to always poke her out and never get too confident to all in, rather just continue taking good trades
- She will probably be forced into flashing into you, and use stacks from Passive+Ultimate to get movement speed and try to chase you down the line, if she wants to kill you
- Try to not be too predictable with use of gravitum, so she cannot Riposte (W) it”
Ulsur says “I wasn't going to put Fiora in Extreme but a good Fiora will literally beat you harder than both Irelia or Olaf, but Fiora is way harder than both of them so that's why.
A good Fiora will basically harass you early game, and all in you late game using her W stun, all you have to do is hold your E until she uses her W, you win after level 9, but she outscales you so hard in the late game, she's very mobile with dashes and movement speed and can burst you down in an instant, a good strategy to counter her ultimate is to stick one side of you to a terrain and just throw your Qs on her without dashing, once she blows her W it's your chance to poke her, this is mostly a skill matchup, until lategame where she just annihilates you, you still out-teamfight her but she'll be a menace in the sidelane.”
SVKGuardian says “If she is capable fiora, she will make your life living hell. You need to poke her with range through your E and Q. Ideally you should be able to juke her q's.
Trying to 1v1 her is how you can throw the lane really fast.”
Shark of Void says “She can use W during your E, Also she can poke you with Q. Use W behind her during her W. Play around long trades. You can interrupt her Q with R.”
Baby_Driver says “Skill matchup.
This lane revolves around just dodging her W whenever u can.
If she misses it, you will win an all-in 90% of the time.
However if she doesn't waste her parry, you need to make sure to get 5 stacks on her, pull her and INSTANTLY ULT so she doesn't parry your ult damage.
You can block her vitals by staying near the wall.
Brambe vest is an amazing item vs her.”
Angryappleseed says “A good Fiora will never lose to Panth. Her W parry counters your W, so you need to bait her to use it. Never blindly engage onto her with W, you WILL lose. Back off and reset your vitals if she will be able to easily proc it. When she ults, hug walls to stop her from proccing all 4 vitals on you. Mid-late game, if you don't have a massive lead, you will probably lose the 1v1 in the sidelane. Try to group with your team when possible.”
Hotch says “Very tough matchup. She will zone you out lvl 1-3 and you kinda just have to let her. Play under tower till 6 and then you may be able to fight her (or with a 4 ghoul setup pre 6) You need to deny vitals, and don't lose too much health early.
Take ignite. ”
Lilander says “Really hard to play against, almost unstoppable to get away from a good Fiora, trades better and all in all you just try your best hard hard hard!”
KingJoeyy says “take ignite buy Doran's ring in this matchup for all in potential with r Fiora will q e your vitals so run away to reset her passive so it will be hard to hit you. ”
forlid says “Like Jax, Fiora statchecks you relatively early into the game and can poke you with little to no risk. The main problem in her kit is her W, which can make your Q3 entirely useless. You can dodge it by using E at the right time. Don't R her suddenly as she can easily dodge out of the way or even parry you.”
SVKGuardian says “She is such a strong toplaner. If you move incorrectly - engaging with E+Q, if she uses Ripost correctly, congratulations, you are a Dead man.
She has low cooldowns, so really think about what you are doing in this matchup.”
Lyyh_ says “Skill matchup but advantage to Darius if you know playing against Fiora. She can W your ult so try to bait it before all in. She outscale you hard.”
SVKGuardian says “Really annoying duelist with a lot of mobility you have to be careful around going too far when in lane phase, she could just chase you down the lane. But she shouldn't be able to get to you as easily as for example Camille is, but she also is able to be lot more evasive”
Inziki says “every fiora who have hands can outplay sett but u can still try by not maxing your w but your q your e is usless unless he uses her w and your w is usless too bcs of her q”
PinkBlood says “Fiora is a skill matchup but fiora favour'd, if she plays it in a certain way you usually can't win but that takes a lot of skill. Most times you can go dshield or dblade depending on player. ”
YuletideGlory says “I was surprised at how weak Fiora was in this matchup. She's really easy to read and wants to all-in as much as possible, which only makes her get outplayed by your gems. Toss up W early to absorb her initial approach, save your stun E till after she dashes, and watch her struggle to affect your health bar while you spam Q. Without any significant CC, she can't fight you.
If she's ulting, just stun E and walk away.”
procatking says “Conqueror, ignite, D blade, take rune NO.2.-respect fiora-.
*skill matchup*
Her W parry counters your W, so you need to bait her or come super close so she wont be able to react to it. NEVER blindly engage into her with Shield Vault(W). The way of wining her is to poke with max range Q and freeze under turret so u can hard-trade without fearing to get Deleted by her. stay close to walls while she ults and pre 6 abuse your power against her.”
Witchking of Angwar says “One of my main bans. Spellbook cheese with exhaust and ign can work.
She beats you early and out scales you. She can parry your r but most fioras dont Seem to know this.
Bramble and tabi rush. Cosmic or rylais can help deny her vitals but then you lack stat checking if you go one of these first.
I sometimes go exhaust to cheese them if i forgot to ban her. ”
conqiyana says “annoying champion.
disengage when she ults you.
she will perma poke u in lane.
very hard matchup to win just play passively, take scaling setup in this matchup.”
SenSen_LoL says “This matchup is quite difficult to handle, but not impossible.
The key to victory is to harass her as much as you can, without getting hit in return. I advice to always jump out when you auto her, as her Q spell will hit you if you don't.
Keep in mind to hold your cougar damage when jumping on her. Most Fiora players will instantly parry when you jump in on her. If you don't hold your combo when jumping you'll end up wasting 90% of your damage and losing the trade.
Also, one of the main weakness of Fiora is her lack of wave clear. use it to your advantage by slow pushing and stacking waves before crashing them. ”
MaesePerez says “Scary french lady. She outscales, beats you in a 1v1, and will spend laning phase poking with grasp, your Q is very predictable, so she will always hit her parry unless you w before. She can run you down with q, and will take towers like you're not even there. Buy antiheal early and good luck. ”
Bibi4A says “Fiora can be a problem but good spacing is the key. Don't give her good vitals and position accordingly. Be careful for her W because it's a stun :)”
SpoonSlayer says “Play around her w. If you can bait it you can land E's easily. She can regen a lot of health during her r. When she ults you hug a wall if you can so she can't proc all 4 vitals.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
Same as gwen, on paper its terrible (and it is) but you can poke her out of lane if you land most of your cleavers.
STANDARD GRASP: Generally wait til she tries to q in for a vital and cleaver auto e walk away. If she's low and you arent, start playing aggro by shoving waves and trying to poke under turret. If she is low enough, bait out her parry and tower dive. If you get a lead on her you can 1v1 her until she hits 2-3 items and then you have to play ring-around-the-rosie. Fiora will never be able to tower dive you after laning phase so her splits not uncontested, and you will always do 10x more in teamfights, so you hard outscale. If you make a single mistake prepare to be her bitch though. Alternatively you can go the phase rush page and just follow what I say to do into gwen although its way harder to pull off into fiora
RECOMMENDED PHASE RUSH: its literally the same as gwen but a bit harder. If you land a couple q's you can actually just win lane and then you outscale in a sidelane with phase rush warmogs, and in teamfights just because fiora in teamfights is terrible. Inspo secondary”
Sugenrift says “Fiora (The Card Counter): Fiora thrives in duels and can parry TF's gold card, seemingly reading his moves ahead of time. The extraordinary play here involves TF using misdirection—feinting with his Pick a Card to bait out Fiora's Riposte before locking in the gold card. It's akin to the house spotting a card counter and shuffling the deck to nullify their advantage.”
EvilRavioli says “Until like challenger it is a fiora favored skill match up, go bramble after vamp scepter and try to hide your first e inside the minions. you can do this while dashing onto the minion and pressing e at the same time. Engage with R, dont W her Ult and try to kite her vitals.”
Artszy says “Faça ela usar o Q para tu cancelar com o W e depois combar. Tomar cuidado com o Ribostar ela e deve-se comprar corta cura de primeiro item, isso acaba com o sustain da boneca.”
hamgi says “do not q3/r with her w up (or hold it for as long as possible to bait it out). continuously reset her passive until its in an unfavorable spot for her. stand against walls when she r's”
forlid says “Fiora is a very common counterpick against Aatrox as her W parry is a very reliable ability against our Q. Early on try to focus on not letting her get free Vital hits on you especially if she has Grasp. You will take heavy damage and be forced to play so that she can set up a tower dive. The most important thing is to keep note of her W cooldown. Try to dodge it by using E sideways while using Q. Mastering it makes this lane so much easier. Grievous Wounds are good against her.”
PlayCabex says “You can only really lose this matchup
if Fiora manages to parry your CC ability.
The most consistent play against her is
to use your E first to silence her and then
fear. Some Fioras Q into you and insta w
to predict your CC ability. Rush oblivion
orb as first item against her. Don’t try to
have long fights against her lvl 1 since shell
win. Stat with Q and play around your AAs
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “She technically outscales you but if your pull doesnt get parried you will always win the 1v1 and do more in teamfights. You win all-ins in lane pretty hard, but she can poke you out. Hypothetically if she plays perfeectly you lose but if she makes a single mistake you kill her, and with any amount of lead she cant play the game. Rush bramble into tabis. If she q's into you, instantly w q and look for an all-in. Preferrably save your e for after she parries, since the cast time for darius is slow enough that a good fiora player can react to it. You have to dodge the parry projectile, as the cripple is way too strong. Hug a wall if she ults.”
zwartebliksem says “Horror matchup. You'll always be outdamaged, outsustained and outmaneuvered. Let yourself get pushed in and pray for jungler gank. If you truly wish to fight Fiora this is what you should know; When going all in, you HAVE to land your E on her or save it. She will use her W at the end of your Q, when your Q is about to end, dash through her. Try playing against the wall that the vital is pointing towards. When the vital is in the front, try walking back to your turret so the vital resets. When she uses her ult, and you're not able to run, try to hug a wall. This way, she won't be able to proc all her vitals. This will diminish her damage tons, but don't be fooled, this will still deal around 70% of your health bar. ”
AWierdShoe says “The classic pick into Aatrox, but not a super hard-counter by any means. If she goes Grasp the lane is much easier, but if she goes Conqueror the lane is more difficult. She definitely is stronger than us early levels, but around level 4 is when you're able to shift the lane into your favor. You'll have to test the waters to see which of your abilities she will parry with her W. If she parries Q1 or Q2, you can E diagonally to avoid getting hit by the stun. Hug walls where her vitals show up, otherwise you can back off and wait for a new one to spawn. Anti-heal rush is a must into her. If you have anti-heal you'll have a chance as many Fioras can play over-confidently and easily mess up. When she ults, match her with yours, and hug a wall to avoid getting hit by the last vital. You can also try to predict which vital she will go for with your Q. Be aware as you will get outscaled in the sidelane, but Aatrox has much better teamfighting capabilities.”
Grimmloi says “buzdoğan bile işe yaramıyor çünkü çok atletik fakat e tutturamazsanız asla kesemezsiniz
ama bu sezon ilahsindirenin kalkması ile karşısında oynaması biraz daha kolaylaştı”
VigsenGaming says “Can easily counter your Q with parry.
Vitals are harsh and can easily get your skaarl away. Way to counter go in early (lvl 1) and try to get a kill. Bait her Parry and when she doesnt have it use the small window to kill her.”
Haearnbleidd says “Abuse her cooldowns early game. You need to snowball on her to have a playable 30 minutes of a game. Then she just outscale you on 1v1s. Play for your team or end the game before 30 minutes.
I would recommend building hexplate > rav.”
lbc1506 says “Just keep hitting autos on her with grasp and you will eventually become unkillable in lane.
Dont give away early kills as it could get really rough if she has riposte up for your Q.”
TeknoBeat says “Her vitals make it tough to trade with her, if you can bait out the parry which gives atk speed de-buff's it'll make fighting her easier. Try to keep her away from your vitals to a point where its in a position that's difficult for her to hit ”
deathbypotion says “She will easily beat you in lane, catch on proxy, but she is not that good in late and just now. Try to bait her Parry before your E. Your W stops her from dashing”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Grasp
I prefer Fleet, Voltaic to kite her out in trades. You wanna keep them short and sweet. You win lvl 1s if she hits less than 3 vitals.
Bramble / Tabis is super useful here, but if you get a lead snowball it. If she ults, just kite it out unless you can burst down. Honestly, better to just run it out. Early sustain is strong here as well.
DShield/Second Wind also helps negate the Q spam if you're unconfident. ”
Stand near walls in order to fast hook otherwise dont try to hook her if she has W.
Always run with your e if she R you, then fight her while its on cd.
Akuzai says “I don't know how to beat this champ, I have come upon good Fioras and bad ones, seen any build, runes and summoner combos. I just don't know how to do anything into it. Would be my permaban if she was any more popular. Just try to stick to walls if she all ins you, protect your vitals and stay calm, if you come out of lane even you might not get dove on side lane and could even win a teamfight.”
PPlongcook says “Very skill dependent match up, so it can be a 5 or a 1 depending on the skill of the Fiora. Whatever you do do not get hit by her block as it slows both your attack speed and move speed and you will take a shitload of damage. She can use her block to either dodge your ult damage and stun you, or she can use it to stop the ult from even latching onto her. Rush Bramble Vest into blade and avoid getting outplayed. Her trades are always really strong so you have to be very quick when trading with her. There is a window at level 3 where you can bait them into an all in and kill them because they don't respect PTA+ignite.”
hoflol says “A hard lane for Singed as she deals a lot of true damage and has great sustain.
Matchup is winnable if you are able to play smart, but depends entirely on if they are able to parry your fling or not.”
Lukajs says “Fiora is a skill matchup in the sense that you need to land your Q on her. She can dash or Riposte to counter it, which can put you in a tricky position.
If Riposte hits you, you lose a lot of your attack speed, putting you in a difficult spot. However, you can still win against her.
If she ults, back out if possible. If you're too far pushed up and need to fight her, make sure your R and Q connects, otherwise you automatically lose the fight.
Play around farming and poke.”
VroomVroom229 says “Fiora has insane poke with her Q, an ability that does true damage
and that heals her if she hits a vital . Fiora's W counters your Q3, W, and ultimate. Her passive scales into the later stages of the game, doing immense amount of true damage that scales of max health.
When dealing with Fiora in the laning phase, be sure to take the rune grasp of the undying. Go shield bash, second wind, and overgrowth/revitalize/unflinching depending on the your team composition and the enemy composition. Go inspiration as your secondary rune page, make sure to go biscuits and approach velocity/cosmic insight, depending on enemy composition.
Onto items, be sure to rush bramble vest against fiora, as it counters her self sustain heal from her passive.”
GheeseEmpty says “Not a huge deal in the early game, but outscales you fairly quick on your Tankier builds. I recommend you rush Bramble Vest as early as possible to mitigate poke, and consider taking Doran's Shield.”
DemiLime says “You can bait fioras repost with your q and kill her as long as you stay near a wall to prevent her passive from procing repeatedly, if she hits you with the empowered repost you lose.”
xXazzer says “A good Fiora is difficult, but most Fiora's just play Fiora to counter pick. Fiora's main counterplay comes from her healing, speed, and her parry.
You can play around parry. Most Fioras follow a pattern. Some parry W, some parry Q3, some parry Q2. The better Fiora's are unpredictable. But remember she has to land her parry. If she doesn't its a pretty long cooldown that you can punish. When she ults you can hug a wall. Get execs if your having trouble but Aatrox can handle this lane pretty easily.”
trulyaito says “!! BAN THIS CHAMPION !!
- Melee vs Melee so go Dblade
- Fiora is a hard matchup because she is almost always stronger than you, she can parry your Q, slow your autos making it impossible to remount.
- Try to take exhaust or tp and ping your jungler to gank.
- If enemy jungler is bot side, you can try to buy tiamat / iron-spike whip and proxy and look for roams mid lane / and try to set up a dive.
- for runes take the regular ones, for secondary runes you can go demolish, unflinching or second wind.
- you can try baiting her parry using q and then using E to disenage, your E, Q come up way faster and her parry cooldown is really long.”
ThelpixG says “This matchup is very hard if the Fiora player is good or if you're learning GP, but if your good enough you can beat her even early game.
How to Beat?
- Grasp and ignite are amazing against her;
- Buy executioner's if you dont have ignite;
- Dodge her W and pay attention to the mark spots so she doensn't poke you for free;
- After level 6 she's much more dangerous so watch out for an all in;
- Stand next to a wall so she cant proc her marcs properly;
- Harass her early and open a health advantage so you can kill her early because she's pretty squishy;
- She outscales you in a 1v1 but you have much better teamfighting;
- Pay attention to the side lanes because she eats turrets very fast.”
NegativePhoenix says “Ban Choice
This is basically unplayable. You can reset her vital procs by walking out of range.
Overall her W makes it hard to engage on her since good Fioras can react to your W or Q easily. I don't tend to let her in my games much and if I do see her I usually play something else”
LilliaFanBoy says “Quite annoying to deal with. If you're used to the Fiora match-up it isn't as hard but still she can destroy you even if you're ahead an entire item. Run exhaust into her for best results. ”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Blade or Shield \\ lvl 1 you hard win, dont let her do whatever she wants \\ You can Q3 into instant E to the side to evade her W \\ Dont fight in her ult, try to escape if she uses it”
WhendZ says “Grapclose spamável, dano verdadeiro e uma cura cavalar. fica perto das paredes de um jeito que se ela vier em cima, você joga ao redor do seu barril e ela não vai conseguir estourar a marca dela. Cuidado que com o W dela ela cancela do dano do seu barril e ainda estoura a marca dela.
LegacyOneTap says “Jax favored matchup where you outscale her 10x over after two items. run lethal tempo don't do grasp please i beg of you. watch vitals, ignite is better than ghost here so play for 1v1 when its up. If you are running tp build exe early. try to dodge her reposte regardless of her being able to actually parry the stun timer, as long as you are even with her or slighty up you win this fight just don't let her get her ultimate off on you that healing is busted w/ or w/o heal cut.”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror or Phase rush] this is a very rough matchup, the early levels are fine and you can get a lead, but after she reaches 2 items she oneshots and outheals you, my personal permaban.”
JPGamer10BR says “Não deixe ela te acertar no ponto vital, fique longe até o ponto aparecer nas suas costas, foque em farmar, tente sempre que possível dar poke nela, não tome o W dela, pois te da lentidão e um bom dano, cuidado que ela tem muita move speed.
Runas> Grasp, F.F, PTA, Aery ou P.R”
Denied20 says “Few champions can consistently duel you late and she is one of them. Her four vital is simply that formidable. Prevent forced duels with her at that stage of the game. Early game keep the pressure up and try to create a lead.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer or phase rush. Both work.
Try to walk away from vision so her vitals reset. Learn the timing from her W so you don't get stunned from using your hammer E. Her W sometimes last longer (Bug from riot :D). You are way better in teamfights but she outclasses you on side.”
joke7813 says “A good Fiora will kill you. A bad Fiora is a easy target. If she hit her W you will mostlikely dismount. You can try to E+Q her and try to dogde her W with your second E. A good Fiora will still land it if she can calculate it. A bad one can be outplayed.
Still her poke with Q and slows on E are annoying and really hard to play against.
Stay safe and farm. I would go Goredrinker here.”
Murfz says “Love this matchup, the Jax E vs fiora W mindgame usually decides who wins but you shouldn't really flip fights where you lose if she manages to flip the W timing. Play around your ult proc after lvl 6, be careful lvl 1 if she goes grasp and pokes with her Q. If she goes grasp you're stronger in all ins later so respect her early and fight when you know that you win.”
BurritoTopKing says “Try to avoid getting your W or E parried as you will probably lose trade if that happens, spams Q's and try to stack passive on her, if she tries to kill you at 6 you can stand next to a wall to deny an ult vital, tabis and bramble can be useful.”
Augustus 286 says “Even though you can block his Q with Poppy's W, she can also block your E with her W.
She also has HP% DMG, is not so easy to win her. ”
Boptimus says “If the Fiora is giga brain the match up is near impossible. Luckily for you they're playing Fiora so they most likely don't have a brain. Charge up and full Q and watch them parry thin air while you drop half their health bar.”
xskyswitch says “The lane is dictated on W mindgames. Whether you can bait her to use her W decides if you can all in her after poking her with Qs. Late game is the same, with high damage build you have the advantage in late game in terms of damage output. With frontline build she has the advantage.”
Tronnes says “Personally I hate this matchup and she will always be my main top lane ban. I don't really know how to play it because this is the champ I ban, but i'd say once again this is a spacing matchup. If she parrys one of your q's try and walk out of it or save e to dodge it. ”
King Turtle says “Fiora kinda feels like the AD equivalent to Gwen except she actually plays like a skirmisher and is also way better at pretty much everything both champions are known for. ”
Bonkyou says “Skillmatchup that depend on some RNG of the ring passive.
You can bait her W by missing Q2 or E Q2 to dodge it, you want to kill her before 2 items or you are getting stat checked later.
You get your advantage back at 3 items. Good fioras can beat you once and never let you back into the game so be careful with this matchup”
RivenCarriedYou says “: Riven can win this matchup but if the Fiora gets 1 kill, the game may be over for you. She scales much harder than Riven and can still outplay even if you're a kill or two ahead. Rush executioners and combo inconsistently to prevent her from W'ing you. Short trades, Q auto W auto E away. Fiora has to predict your W to stun you, but can read your 3rd Q, so make sure if you're going to 3Q onto her, your E is up to dodge her W or else you'll hard lose the trade. Riven basically loses every fight Fiora hits her W in, stun or not. The auto attack speed slow is too strong. If you can manage to land a 3Q on her, she can't w while knocked up, so combo this with your W immediately, do not try and coinflip the auto in before W.”
BaotoGame says “I also intend to keep this match at a major level, but if you meet a good Fiora players, then congratulations, you've lost the lane. Her main damage is from her vitals so try to hug the wall to cover the vitals so Fiora doesn't hit and try to avoid W of Fiora and if not, you will die. When you intend to block Fiora, block her right in the cage, if she stands right at the edge and if it hit you, you will be stunned because Fiora will be knock up while standing on the edge of your W.”
Chaddouk says “Of course vitals are a big part of it (NE - SW rotations) - Can also just walk away to reset a bad vital but do NOT miss exp for it. Then it's about her W which is not that hard to dodge when you are confident about it. Play like you're the better player even if you're not, and dodge it when it's obvious she needs it (like last tick of damage will kill her and she still has it). Antihealing is great vs fiora but not mandatory if you have enough damage. Later when she R can hug a wall but it's often easy to bait an all in make her use it then just disengage. It's not a great teamfight champ apparently so I can group if I lose side and play the 5v5 if I have clear ways to be useful in teamfighs. Her Q cooldown is twice longer when it hits no target keep that in mind if she misses a Q.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Blade or Shield \\ lvl 1 you hard win, dont let her do whatever she wants \\ You can Q3 into instant E to the side to evade her W \\ Dont fight in her ult, try to escape if she uses it ”
daitolol says “- Level 1 fiora might try to cheese you as she is much stronger with the vitals, try your best to soak xp, w start is possible
- Grasp makes the matchup hard, try to avoid getting into early fights and just try to get the xp, you can reset vitals by getting out of her visions
- You can bait out her q by using e1, when going back for an e2 go sideways to avoid getting hit,
- after level 7 you start dominating the matchup unless mr is built, go for short trades
- try to always kite in one side to avoid getting all vitals getting procedd during ult”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Fiora can't really play into reksai, you can constantly cancel her q unless she's literally the best fiora world and then the only tool she has is to q -> w and hope to bait your knockup, which means you get to mind game and hold your unburrow until after her w and just play for the 100-0.”
X_TRM says “(Start W/E) Rush Botrk. Try to bait her W by aggressively walking close to her or delay your W when you get to low HP. If she has PTA instead of Conquerer as her keystone you will lose. You win early but you get outscaled like crazy. Even if she is behind she will keep trying to stay sidelane and kill your base. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Chempunk Chainsword”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ignite flash} This matchup is all about your skill and your E get zerkers first and try to use it when she engages. Her W is on a long cooldown like 18 seconds or something if she uses W too early you should win, as long as you kept your hp high enough to avoid her ult kill range.”
Dew Master Flash says “Haven't had trouble with this matchup this season, but it is a traditionally tough one. Wait out her parry and go for the max range q or cancel if she moves out of the way.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
This is a skill matchup that requires good movement and reactions. When her Vital is in a bad spot (in front of you for example), go back to reset the Vital for a better position (behind you is best) so she can't proc it for free damage + heals. Save your Q for when she approaches you with Q to avoid her E slow. Don't get too predictable with it or she'll Q + W you eventually, slowing your movement + attack speed and giving her a lot of time to proc Vitals. When she Ults you, go against a wall so she isn't able to proc the last Vital. Zhonyas is super helpful to outlast her Ultimate and get your Q cooldown back for an additional blind.”
Pretzel Shiv says “pre 6 you and her poke each other. When she's level 6 force her R, escae then punish her. she isn't hard to beat since you can poke her, and punish her for missing her Q.”
chewy378 says “You can't run away from fiora. She also outdamages you, has good sustain to counter your poke and can cancel your ult/w with her parry.”
RipAMC says “She's a dueling expert with those vital spots. If she hits them, she'll deal true damage and heal up, making it hard to trade with her. Plus, her ultimate can be deadly in a one-on-one fight.”
TheBougis says “Fiora is very strong against champions that stack health.
She can use your W against you using her W and melt you easily with her passive. Try to stay away from her and poke her with Q from a distance.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Not too difficult for Mordekaiser. Don't fight too early and rush antiheal against her. Bramble vest nullifies a lot of her power.”
DebRiX9 says “Fiora is fiora, broken and it's kind of hard to hit abilities on her, plus she can parry. A bad matchup but a winnable one if jungle has CC, try to kite her vitals”
Codeeex says “Quite annoying to lane against. You have to rush Bramble/Executioners in this matchup or you just straight up lose. You can only kill her if she sucks at timing her W properly. Try to bait out her parry before going for an all-in, also abuse E+R combo because she can't really react to it.”
ShadowStealer94 says “A tough matchup but not impossible. Make sure to buy antiheal for this champ as they do lots of healing and this will shut them down quite effectively.”
Antecc says “Skill matchup. Anti-heal can be bought or take ignite. TLDR: Don't get hit by her W while not letting her proc any vitals.
Her Q can be dodged with your E. Any trade you take with Fiora heavily depends on her W usage and your E timing. Mix up your E detonation time everytime you fight her, so that it becomes an unpredictable game of "When will Jax recast E?". Sidestep the W as a whole too. If she parries the stun, but you dodge the parry, the trade is equal. DONT GET HIT BY HER PARRY EVEN IF IT DOESN'T STUN! the attack speed slow makes it so you cannot win any trades if she hits it. Lastly, stand against a wall when she presses r, that way 1 vital is impossible to be procced and she can subsequently not proc her R healing.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Maybe i just play against shitty fioras but i just cant lose this matchup. Dont let her Q you for free especially with vital. Try to dodge her W but if you get hit orange it asap as it will shit on your attack speed. She is very squishy but she can block your passive or E, both can be solved by resetting the auto and its crucial to win against a good fiora. If she allins if possible try to go in the direction of the vital, it will be much harder for get to hit it especially if she ults and you have 1 left to proc her heal.”
ABL Pantheon says “Fiora is a skill matchup too. Although a good player will probably harass you in lane. But if you play better you can win. Watch for her vitals pre 6, if you need to reset them, get out of vision. Dont W first, she can parry it and stun you. After 6 becomes harder to kill and stay close to walls, so she can't proc all of the vitals. Ignite is good against Fiora or early Anti-Heal.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: Phaserush, flash/ghost, start darkseal+pot.
You can't kill her 1v1, just try to proxy and outscale her, rush boots of swiftness into rylais, try to bait out her parry by running into her and then going for a flip
PortoTheRat says “try to not q her w and she lost the trade already. She has better lvl 2/lvl 3 so don't trade with her unless she is fking around. After lvl 6 and first back you can definetly fuck her”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [minion demat] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield -> steelcaps-> bramble -> CORE
when fiora ults you , find a wall and stand there so she cannot hit the vital inside the wall.”
lordimboutabust says “Second hardest matchup after irelia but still winnable. You have to respect her at all points and be very careful after 6. Try and bait out her W and all in after that, as long as she doesn't get her full ult off you should win the fight by weaving autos and Q's even if you don't crit. She hard out scales in the 1v1 so try put her behind and win objectives/team fights to end game as early as possible. If you go even or behind in lane you will need to ask for a collapse come mid game | Second Wind (she can proc bone plating way too easily as she is very slippery) | Dshield - executioners - steel caps - Divine”
Alungitul01 says “Lose lane win game. Fiora is very bad teamfight if she is not very ahead and she is one of the strongest duelists in the game so be careful of the 1v1's”
Armenian Dragon says “The reason why Fiora is not a big problem for Shyvana is that it can be defeated based on AS and upgrading the Burnout (first Burnout and after Flame Breath). Lethal Tempo (Triumph, alacrity, last stand or coupe; Resolve (Conditioning or Second win and Unflinching or Overgrowth). Up to level 6 just bluff and poke (using Blame Breath). Bramble or Executioner can be good here.”
Bernardian says “even as fuck. WARNING IF SHE HAS GRASP YOU DO NOT WIN LVL 1. Alright so pretty much this matchup is easy because you have no readable cc that she can parry. your mission is to get to 5 bleed as fast as possible cause if you don't in the middle of a trade she will out trade you and look for an all in against you. try not to get hit by her W as her attack speed slow is cancerous to deal with. ignite makes her a little bit more scary but nothing we cant handle. pre 6 is sleeper as she wont really look for all ins unless your below 50% hp so she will mostly poke you using her vitals. To counter this if there is a vital facing towards her that she can easily hit walk away until she is out of your vision range this will reset the vital group and put it in a position where its either behind you or above you. She outscales you in a side lane but in a teamfight unless she flanks she shit.”
Zombzn00b says “Another possible ban. Her max hp true dmg is impossible to deal with, and both your Q and W is easy for her to parry. Lane is impossible and she hard outscale”
ardeluu says “Do not fight her Lv1, avoid vitals, wait out for Lv3 and then u can start trading carefully as u want the wave to be next to your tower or in the middle or she runs you down, especially after Lv6. She can parry both ur Q Knock-up and W pull so use them wisely. U can bait out her parry by using Q then using E to dodge it afterwards, same applies to W. Rush Steelcaps and bramble or Ironspike if ur ahead. Play for teamfights as Fiora is worse than u and likewise avoid split pushing because she can easily kill you even when behind and out push u easily. Second wind is recommended.”
Waqql says “Fiora is the definition of anti-tank. Do not underestimate her true damage and avoid engaging in duels with her. Buy anti-healing items early and poke her from a distance. As Mega Gnar, be mindful of her Riposte. It's best to bait out her Riposte with your Q animation and then engage her once it's on cooldown.”
FaNTOP says “Обмен на 1 уровне не стоит того, если вы не находитесь во волне миньонов. Отойдите, чтобы сбросить ее фокус. На первой покупке берите терновый жилет. Используйте свою W и притворитесь, что атакуете, чтобы выманить ее парирование, затем сделайте уклон и нанесите ей комбо. При активации ее ульты прижимайтесь к стенам. Она будет превосходить вас в 1 на 1, но вы - машина для командных сражений, поэтому просто проталкивайте волны и ждите телепорта для командного боя.”
BetterGoGrevious says “Its an easier matchup, although you need to play around her W. When you Q her, try to E forward and right or forward and left, that way she will have a hard time hitting you with W. Antiheal will help here.”
PeanutTime36 says “tough matchup but very winnable. keep distance and chip away and if she is under 50% hp when you get mega you can win. try to put the crit spot to a wall when you are fighting if you cant then predict with W”
demirkaiser says “La creatura. This is pretty much the same with Aatrox. If she is good, you are fucked. If she isn't, free lane. Buy bramble early. Try to poke her with your Q but don't let her proc her passive. Level 3 you can try to all-in. Level 6 you need to be careful. Lower her health and ult her. If she ults you, hug a wall and don't let her proc that side. Do that and you will win. Don't fight her after she gets Divine.”
0xeaD5D18 says “Lethal Tempo. Any starter item. Flash + Barrier. She will try to come closer to you using her Q, make sure you hit her whenever she uses it. If you are low on health, hit minions to recover some of your life. You must be more aggressive than her early game, so you can get the advantage. Watch out for her W, it makes your E useless. Wait for her to use it first, then attack. ”
Kampsycho says “Same as Trynd, except she dies, but we can't outrade her easily, just Q her early on everytime she goes for a vital, don't go for Graves, just Q her till she stops and back off when she uses her W, if your wall shoves her during it, it will stun you, be careful.”
TTVXiralid says “Personally i perma ban this since it doesnt matter how much armor or hp u have she can still melt you in 2 seconds with ult if its a good Fiora.”
kayle1v9 says “all 3 runes work. If you are beta go Tabi rush. If you wanna show your package go swifities/berserkers. Its all about dodging her W. Ult when she ults you, go into bush to reset vital. Zhonyas is also a great item to counter her R”
CypherRL says “This is a skill-matchup that favors Karma early on. Attempt to space her vitals + Q with your E and poke her down over-time. She will run out of mana faster than Karma.
Make sure you have an Oblivion Orb by the time Fiora hits level 6.”
UmbreonQueen says “Fiora is just THAT champion. She excels at 1v1s and can turn the tide of a fight in a blink of an eye. This is a skill matchup where you will need to play smart and keep her from running wild. If she ults you hug the wall and run away with empowered E”
Twogrand says “you can reset the vitals by walking away from her so play off of that keep reseting till you get a decent one and test the waters see how she parrys your E and play off of that once you understand her patterns start to abuse it more and more. i take conq but both runes work, id go eclipse path though”
TheGoobMaster says “Perma Ban or dodge broken ahh champ. If you fight her pray she is bad. take ignite or get early GW. Silence her and use ur r to execute b4 she can heal or parry. When she R's hug a wall so she cant proc her last vital. walk in and out of lane to reset vital passive behind you for some cheese.”
Chengos says “Make sure to rush serated dirk and make sure you kill fiora pre 6, be carefull of fiora W if she messes her W up she's dead. otherwise ur just screwed when she has divine”
Althalosofsirun says “stick to the walls take dblade you can kill her if you stop her from hitting vitals stun into W to avoid her parry and when she ults ignite her and hug a wall bork is good but not a must buy.”
KaiOverHere says “Statchecks you + Outscales you (She can parry your Q on reaction)
4/17/2023, moved this matchup down to Even because the repeated nerfs to Ravenous Hydra, Fiora, Goredrinker, Death's Dance, Divine and Grasp have made this matchup survivable in the Early/Mid game, allowing you to look for a solo kill via. Pure Statcheck in the mid game. Mortal Reminder is really good into Fiora because it gives you GW and armor pen vs. Death's Dance.”
RykonZ says “Fiora is a highly mobile champion that can dodge Mordekaiser's abilities and deal significant damage. Her ultimate can also negate Mordekaiser's ultimate, making it difficult for him to secure kills. Try to wait for her to hit all of her ultimate mark and ult to right before she get healed.”
Nurakami says “ this bagiette lady is absurd for you.
You don't have ability to curve your dashes and they are not insta so she will parry you and kill with her insane dmg and ofc tabi rush.
To kill her you need to bait her w with fake dash or just preteding too do it if not well you are screwed.”
Terror Rax says “My perma ban is usually Fiora. You can't really trade with her since your main source of damage is empowering her parry. Stay back and farm, don't let her hit vitals. Sticking to the wall can block her from getting to it.”
BezMemow says “Playable matchup, go Bramblevest early, Steelcaps, beware for her parry, hug the wall to avoid her vitals from ult and leave her range to reset her vital to benefit you. Play safe early, don't give her free grasp procs. If she goes conqueror it becomes extremely difficult two items in. Go Revitalize, you need to bait her parry in order to ult, you can survive and maybe kill her once or twice but later in the game she melts you so make sure to build damage otherwise it's impossible to kill her. Zhonya's is really valuable in this matchup in the sidelane.
Start D ring or D Shield”
LocaLAM says “Surprisingly, you can outrange and bully Fiora. Just don't let her proc passive and you can honestly 1v1 her as long as you're aware of positioning.”
Smauggy says “she can gape close u, doesnt matter what you build to def she can burst you down, you cant regen properly vs her, she can negate your ult, the dmg of your w and q ( dash in you to avoid your q), slows you etc...”
Loweloexpert says “Nobody can play fiora in bronze/silver but she still destroys morde. At 3 you win as always, E to bait parry, let her stun you cause she will overcommit, then auto Q auto ign and chase with flash. At 6 you win but if you didnt kill her at least 2 times in laning phase, once she closes divine its over. She can destroy you on your ult cause of mobility+sick healing+%healt true damage. Always try to ask your team to ban fiora. ”
sinatra1633 says “Fiora beats basically all melee toplaners. She can beat you in damage and survivability due to her kit and does not always need to hit her vitals to beat you.
Best way to beat her is to fight her when she has low mana and hope she runs out, no way else you are winning unless you are super ahead and she is playing poorly.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Fiora is dangerous to a lot of champions but to Cho'Gath, she's seriously hard to defeat. She dashes out of Q, parries W, and can ult n kill you before you execute her. Dodge this matchup as best as possible because trying to fight this jerk off is dangerous to you”
HSY12 says “You have a window where you can win level 1,2, and 3 but fiora won't duel you (unless she's drunk) this early.
Always remember you will get CC'd with W if you Q3/R onto her
Respect her powerspikes
In an extended fight with her, you need to bait out the parry. Q3 beside her so her W isn't up to parry your ultimate
Make sure her W is on CD before using your R. You can do this with Q3 but then you risk the fiora Q out of R because she's not CCd”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Due to her Q she is incredibly annoying, try to always stay out of reach of her and be wary of her parrying CC's from your teammates into you.”
W4llaceK says “Start shield and take ignite and rush grevious. Remember to reset her vital by walking into fog of war or out of vision. if you go in a bush and you still have a vital, that means she has vision. Her vitals change predictably, they have 4 sides they can be on and each time it picks from two possible locations. It can either be One of the two top right, or one of the two bottom right. If your vital is at the top, then when you reset it will be on the opposite side either bottom or left. Remember to stand against a wall when she ults so she can't procc all of her ult vitals. Don't fight her play to scale.”
Open says “if fiora is locked in you auto lose the game
tips: Hug the wall when she ults you so she cant get vitals and pray that you crit lol, also sidestep riposte because the attackspeed debuff is cancer”
illestboy_ says “D Shield + Bone plating. She needs Conquered + Ignite to kill you. Contest Wave Early. Start W. Fake Auto to bait out her W in High Elo. E is mind game, personally do not use until she parries. Stand On wall Or Tether her Q to protect vitals ”
SesaPrime says “A Fiora can out-trade, out-kite, & counter Camille in every fight. Fiora's parry can be used defensively & offensively against her. Whether its to counter her hookshot completely, or to cripple her with its damaging slowing effect. Its hard to trade back when she's slowed you, & its impossible to engage on her if she holds her Parry.
Bait her Q engages. She CD is reduced on hit, however, if she lands nothing she has a longer CD. ”
primate nefasto says “Easy. Avoid getting stunned by her W while R`ing and avoid Double Q into her parry (Double Q = W Q). Play around her marks, if she ults you, stay close to a wall so she can´t proc the healing of the R.”
Mnem says “Go for Flash Ghost (or ignite) Conqueror, Bone Plating or Second wind (I recommend Bone Plating). You beat Fiora until the 40 minutes of the game. Watch out for Fiora's Qs that can be used to get into your Q and avoid damage. Stay glued to the wall so she can't break the passive mark. After Fiora has already used Q, use your Q on her, and when it's ult use the following combo: E R. So that she doesn't cancel your R with her W. Build Plated Steelcaps, Trinity Force or Stridebreaker (I recommend Trinity Force).”
Reines Kokosfett says “Perma ban. Her max. health damage and healing enable her to kill you even if you get a remount off. In addition your Q can easily be blocked with her W. With her ult she can one shot you while dismounted and because you have lowered movementspeed while dismounted you have no chance of getting away from her ult movement speed.”
Boptimus says “Is a true nightmare for any Tank player. Your CC is relatively predictable and Fiora will be able to react with W. She can poke you down with Vitals and Grasp and an all-in is very dangerous to take. You can put up a fight with your R but it's definitely Fiora favoured.”
Larkana_ says “If she's good your W is non existent and your E doesn't reduce true damage. During lane you can deny her vitals with your Q while trading and she's far from a better duelist than you so you easily outscale”
stefanko says “Skill matchup, if Fiora isnt overly aggresive look to save your e, so you can have lane priority and get level 2 first. Play with the wave, fight her on your slowpush. You can either try to side step her w, or just q back on a minion when she w's. Her w cd is longer than your e cd, so try to all in her when you get your e cd back. Generally don't q on her aggresively or she will just w all your damage and kite your e. However if you slowpush and you see Fiora usually w's your q when you jump on her, one trick you can do is q on her and just walk behind her, its gonna make her miss w and then you have a free kill.(grasp with inspiration or lethal tempo, tp)”
xShortBreadx says “Perma-ban. Everygame. You will lose. She hard out scales no matter what. Only chance you have is with the support build and letting somone else carry”
Zeffie says “Fiora hurts a lot, dashes mixed with a max health scaling true damage passive is brutal and that's before most of your kit (3/4) can be countered by her W and stun you instead.”
Tonho says “Dodge/ Ban worth
One of Kled's worst matchups. Her entire kit is extremely efficient against Kled. Her passive is perfect against you, her Q has less CD than your E, so you can't run away efficiently from her. Her W cancels both your Q pull and your W damage. Her E makes you hit so slowly that sometimes you can't even land all four hits of your W. If you, somehow, is going to play this matchup, bring lethal tempo. This will make you have the chance to remount. Barrier/ Exhaust are good here too. DON'T PLAY THIS WITHOUT FLASH.
Be ready, because she will melt you the entire match. Your only chance is landing good R's on other lanes.
Try to keep the wave close to your tower. If you push, she wins the trade even with your minions hitting her.”
Nnorio says “Walk out of vision if she has a favorably placed vital.
If u get lvl 2 first all in.
Pre 6 dont all in unless you have an advantage ie: level, item, hp.
1v1 tips:
If she does parry your e, dodge with q or walk away, ( you can all in if u have ult).
W her E dmg.
Bait her W with ur E, DO NOT ULT IF SHE HAS PARRY UP (assuming ur trying to rq combo).
If u have full passive you can fight her on a wall so she cant proc passive(applies for ult too).
Skill matchup favored for fiora but your teamfight is better.
PraefectusMace says “Pretty annoying with the dash and the weak spot thing. However they do like to get pretty reckless, which can result on them losing more hp than expected. Punish them, and if they try to parry, let them waste before applying fear.”
Phantom_Ashes says “Fiora really isn't as scary a matchup for Warwick as she is for other champions. Don't let her Q you for free, and be unpredictable with your E timing so she can't parry it and you beat her.”
RWN Pop says “Just Fiora. If it's an experienced Fiora player, try to juke her W or avoid stunning her. You can get Executioner's Calling first then build Divine if needed, but it is recommended.”
dzsama says “Fiora is an annoying but a very skilled matchup. Be careful when using your E since if she ripostes it you will pretty much die to her as she stuns you with it as well as cripples you. It is best for you to try and upkeep your E for the maximum duration as most Fiora's will try to predict you to use your E's stun earlier than the end of the duration. If the vital is in a bad spot walk out of her vision so the vital reappears in a different spot. If she ults and you can't kill her quickly ward jump out since she deals true damage aswell as heals herself for quite a bit. Tabis are good in this matchup aswell, but building damage to kill her will be important, as building defensive stats wont help you really since she does true damage. Good thing to remember while she has ulted you is to hug a wall with one vital so she can't proc it, meaning she won't get her healing area.”
killer2325 says “Pretty skill matchup. I recommend to take ignite. Take dshield and second wind. If you have stacked q and vital close to fiora you can bait her to q you and you q her. After 6 try to freeze and be careful about her burst. If she ult you hug a wall and dont let her proc vital.”
Pep_Shin says “She will poke you, outrun you, and most of the time outheal you with her passive.
Once she hits level 6 or her divine sunderer there's nothing to save you anymore.
Your best bet is to run Ghost ignite.
If she has an advantage, don't fight her.
If you're on equal foot, don't let her poke you at will.
Trade back with Q-E combo and if she misses her Q, time to all in.
When she has divine sunderer it becomes even harder and you probably can't 1v1 her anymore.”
GannicusTTV says “Fiora does a lot of damage early. If possible, control the vitals by walking away and back to change the vital direction away from her.
Don't be afraid to pull your Q and hit BACK when she tries to poke you. A big mistake Shen players do is not hitting her back. you have Ki Barrier and you are tankier against minion damage, and she is not, so you can actually come even or even win some trades by just simply hit her back.
Dodge her parry at all costs as the slow allows her to burst you, and slows your atk speed to hit back.
Use your W against her Second E (free crit dmg AA hurts). don't be afraid to do some all ins and disengage she is squishy and dies easily early. at lvl 6 respect her ultimate. Hug the wall and deny her from completing the full circle.
When she gets divine sundering she is really hard to fight as she does a lot more damage and heals a lot more. It is my perma ban with heartsteel build because it just enables her to do more damage and heal more.”
Babuleh says “Старт w e q доран шилд если фиора
с хваткой, доран блейд если фиора с завоевателем
Самонеры Тп игнайт/флеш игнайт
Крайне сложный матчап если фиора обладает интеллектом выше чем у обезьяны и достаточной реакцией. Из советов давайте вешку только после ее кушки, ведь она фактически не может уклониться. Старайтесь сбрасывать метки(выходя из поля зрения не в куст)/не становиться метками к ней.
Ешку в нее можно давать в 3х случаях: вы даете ее практически в край фиоры и сразу нажимаете движение в сторону, чтобы уклониться от не парирования. Фиора сдала вешку и кушку, что лишает ее возможности уклониться.
У вас есть ульт, которым вы доджите парирование фиоры.
Вы никогда не хотите драться до конца с фулл хп фиорой и приоритезируете трейды( у вас кд пассивки и ешки меньше чем у нее на вешке)”
Armorjacker says “This is a really hard matchup in the early and possibly midgame, she can parry your w so you must always e + w her so the stun can allow your w to go through. If your w doesnt do a major amount of damage to her then instantly run away and repeat since she will win the long fight due to your w not being able to one shot or get her close to death. late game since your True damage could be around 4k, then she is forced to not get hit by your stun and parry your w. If she does get hit then either she dies from that ability alone or left to around enough health where your Q damage is enough to take her out.”
lorensj81 says “Very hard matchup. If she hits vitals on you they do true damage and heals her. If she hits her Q it will get 50% reduced cooldown.
If you have a bad vital you can walk away from her to reset it, they will always alternate between Left/Bottom and Right/Top, so if you have a vital on your left, next one will be either Right or Top.
Try to bait out her W Riposte by running at her with Q, but dont attack her and dodge her W, then Silence her and use E to trade.
When she ults you, never let her hit all 4 vitals, either run away from her if possible or stand close to a wall so she can't hit the 4th.”
Hedwin says “Try to bait her W and you'll be fine in early
Be careful lvl 6, if she ults you, either you W towards your turret, either you stick to a wall”
Puyi says “Skill matchup. If she parries your knockup, you can inmediately cast W, negating her stun and CCing her instead. If you let her proc her passive you will lose. Try to stand close to walls with her vital pointing towards the wall; this prevents her from hitting it and gives you the chance to ult her through said wall. You can't full on duel her at any point, but you should be able to go almost even in CS and be more useful to your team in mid and late game. Rush bramble vest.”
Irelius says “Она ломает нам рожу на лвл 1, терпим. Байтим рипост (можно намеренно мазать ешкой, среднестатическая Фиора будет давать W как только видит наше E. Ну или можете не мазать, главное чтобы вы доджили рипост. ЛЮБОЙ ЦЕНОЙ.
Как только выбили из неё W, попадаем ешкой, тыкаем W на её бурст (Q+AA+E). После лвл 6 обнимаем стены, чтобы заблочить 1 витал. В неё неплохо работает смертельный темп. ”
Kitming says “Your Q is very telegraphed but hard to react to. Make your initiation timing varied so Fiora mistimes her riposte, or don't use Q to start a trade. Save your E to scare off Fiora from poking vitals.”
Januar says “If Fiora has [icon=Conqueror size=30], you will win. If has [icon=Grasp Of The Undying size=30], now we must be careful. Fiora doesnt get damage by your [icon=The Darkin Blade size=30] skill with using his dash [icon=Lunge size=30] into you, and using [icon=Riposte size=30] lastly. So you never use Q-E combo while she has her W. You must always [icon=Umbral Dash size=30] sideways while using your Q, so her W wont hit you.”
ananesever69 says “True damage, more dashes than you and a W that reverses your pretty easy to read stuns, you don't wanna take this fight as K'Sante. Ban her or pick someone else”
Oxtimexo says “With Fiora you want to try and make sure you guard from her passive. If her passive mark is in an easy spot for her to hit move away from her and reset it. Buy a bramble vest early if you're losing lane. ”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade or Cloth Armor.
Ghost+Teleport or Ghost+Ignite.
A very difficult matchup, favoring Fiora, but if she's bad, you should win. Try to stay behind the minions so that she doesn't hit you with her vital, because you'll take a lot of damage. Her W completely blocks your Q damage, so try to use that when she's without her parry. You should be able to 1v1 against her at level 6, but it's still quite a challenge.
NegativePhoenix says “Perma-Ban choice truthfully. True damage, more dashes than you and a W that reverses your pretty easy to read stuns, you don't wanna take this fight as K'Sante. Ban her or pick someone else”
KisebbsegiJager says “She can just cancel out your 2 stack q, w and ultimate. Try to bait her w out, and stay against the wall to avoid hitting her passive out. I recommend banning her or morde.”
Night Guy says “Fiora is his counter, she has dashes can block your CC, catch up to you pretty easy and can outdamage you. I always ban Fiora when I'm going Top lane because there is no way you win this unless you know how to counter her or dodge most of her kit then you're Jesus I don't know what to say.”
JustSad42 says “Go ignite-TP or Flash ignite. Get lethal tempo if you're not confident or conq if you are.
Walk from RIver level 1 if you think that Fiora will zone you off level 1, Q 3 minions and then auto her to death.
The most important thing in this matchup is that you do not let her get her vital hits. It's a little dance where when she auto attacks, you have to move to reposition yourself instead of auto attacking, and then after her auto attack is done, you then AA her.
If you're not feeling confident in this matchup, wait for Bork and if you're 0/0, it will be easy to win fights.
Go immortal shieldbow instead of Gore because the shield+sustain is more annoying to Fiora than Goredrinker.”
SuperPlaysHD says “Impossible to win 1v1 and even 2v1, try to get her into your tower when your junglers comes to gank but remember she can just W and block your ultimate, cancer.”
Oikaton says “You can win this, but it's hard. You need to learn how to trade with her. Go executioners. Trade with vital isnt facing her and DONT Q3 straight to her if she has her parry. Do combos differently each time, so its harder for her to parry your stuns. After 6 all in her if he uses parry for nothing.”
AlyssaTennya says “Consistent skill matchup, but if you get far enough ahead you can just faceroll keyboard and win. Make sure you don't give her easy parries with W. Remember her main source of healing is you and your main source of healing is her minions. Also, you have four dashes to deny her vital procs. Use that to your advantage to beat her in lane.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. If she Q's into your melee AA range LVL 1 then you can E and hard trade with her. Try to dodge her W and punish her if she randomly uses Q. This matchup is mostly about spacing.”
TymekOne says “Fiora is a painful matchup for a handful of reasons. The most obvious one is, she scales way better than Aatrox, while still having tools that let her stomp him in early game. She has a dash that has a short cooldown if she hits anything with it, an counter attack which she can reliably stun you with, and to top it off, a passive that lets her hit you for a %max hp true damage while healing herself and boosting her movement speed. In order to defeat her, you need to buy plated steelcaps, and a bramble vest early. When trading with her, avoid using E so you can easly dodge her W when she parries you, and don't get into meele range unless you are winning. If she ults you, try to hug a wall with one of the vital points, to bodyblock her from taking out all 4, or if possible just retreat.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield]
[Avoid using your E and R when her W is up]
[Hug your wall to prevent her R 4 Vital hits]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Fiora deals massive damage while kiting you, making this a difficult matchup. Position yourself in lane in ways that she cant hit vitals. Hitting W is very important.
Fiora outscales you pretty hard, so earlygame snowball is important.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Skill matchup fiora favoured.
Try to suppress her early.
Dblade if she has conq/pta or whatever else, dshield if she has grasp.
Kite lvl 1 into your wave always contest push.
Dodge her w with e or u get stunned(50% as slow, ms slow).
Rush tabi, go chainsword 1st item.”
RandumPersin says “Take PTA and build bramble after goredrinker. Fiora healing is really gross with her vitals, bramble does a lot of work in helping with her harass. The key to this lane is holding W until after her parry, if you dump it into the parry you are going to take an awful trade. Importantly, empowered Q does not provide healing if she parries it, so we really need to bait that ability out. If she ults you at level 6, look to hug a wall and prevent her from being able to hit the 4th vital, this will deny a lot of healing and win you the all in. Look to space away from her vitals and reset the easier ones (get out of her vision) and trade Q for Q with her; ours is flat damage and the trade will end up favoring us from level 5 onward.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “We win this early, and fall off when she has items. You shouldn't sidelane against this chick, too busted and overloaded of a champ. Just catch side lanes and win your teamfights midgame.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet+second wind/Grasp/Conqueror
Play safe when hotsposts are too exposed, when they are don't trade her if possible, the most dangerous part about her is her W, when you dive of her you need to bait it. Go eclipse, but don't try to oneshot her if she has more than 1/4 hp, she has high sustain, but you can just out-trade also her. it's a major especially if you are impatient (and because of her W but it's really easy to bait). She outscales you and after you both have first item+tabi she will probably win all ins despite of her score, so play around eclipse and kill her slowly”
HightLoL says “can take w lvl 1 and try to w her whenever she trys to q you and auto w if she q autos, try to e + r if you need guarantee r hitting or r early so she wont expect it and parry
bramble good if can”
Smudey says “Like always, never let her hit a vital as she heals off of it and gains movement speed. Walk back to reset the vital (should preferably be on the back). Never taunt in first, but try to bait out her W and let her Q into you first without her hitting a vital. If everything is down, you can taunt her and block her E damage with your W. Very hard matchup, but if you feel confident, you can take Ignite for the anti-heal. Otherwise, take TP and play for Ults. Building Bramble Vest can be helpful.”
hamgi says “trading with her feels useless as she has easy means of regaining hp, whether thru d shield, second wind, vital proc, or grasp proc, or a combination of all. consistently walk out of her passive range to reset the vital until its in an unfavorable spot. counter-poke when she goes in for a q by preemptively w'ing to mitigate dmg and following up with a q (+ aa). she can parry ur q3/r which can stun u (not r tho, u are unstoppable) and allow her potentially to ult u, so try to bait it out before u engage on her by getting on top of her with q3 up. if she doesnt parry, simply wait out the window and engage with q1. consistently trade her with her w on cd as u can fit in extra hits if u hit ur q3. if she ults u, try to get against a wall so she can't hit that vital”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “I really like this matchup. Poke her down and try to play around your vitals, if its bad and you have some time go to nonwarded bush and reset it. She can W your barrel, or your passive, no matter what she blocks use the second thing on her. If he hits her W, eat orange asap as it slows you and reduces your aa speed by a lot. Try to block your vitals during ult with walls as she cant hit them if you are squeezing them to the wall”
But still better matchup tha irelia and yasuo if you respect the distance you should be fine... i think (._.")”
BlessingPlate63 says “You may ask yourself, doesn't Sett counter fiora? Yes that is true in the laning phase, which is why i classified her as a minor threat. However, when she does scale, she becomes REALLY annoying. Tanky enough to survive your thermonuclear warhead most of the time, dashes around all the time, harder to cc, deals a million damage... Luckily, she sucks in teamfights, so you should be able to just smack her if you have a temamate or 2 with you. ”
Cheeseypops1 says “Basically, in low elo I think match-up is actually good for Mordekaiser because they can't parry anything and if they waste parry you can beat her. But the higher up you the more unplayable it is to vs Fiora, if you ever R she can parry it easily same with your e. I perma ban this champ, You will need zhonyas into her and gargoyles so that her max hp true dmg doesnt kill you in one second. Rush Steelcaps”
KledFlintstone says “............................... - Freeze the wave.
...............................- When you hit Q she can parry it and stun you so try to dodge her W with your second dash on E.
................................- If she knows that you will dash behind her, she will hit her W behind her and stun you. So if you know that she is a good Fiora don't use your second E.
...........................- Hug the wall so she can't hit vitals.”
UnderworldTF says “While not the biggest problem, still fiora. Favor gold card, if she stuns you you die. Post 6 be careful as she can run you down no matter what, if you cant escape in time, stand next to a wall to prevent her from hitting all 4 vitals. Take First Strike”
TRIAD3S says “A good Fiora is a hard matchup. Like Jax, she is better early and most of the time he is better in late duels as well.
But our ap build can help a little to reduce the importance of her true damage.
Buy heal reduction, max Q and after max W. Like Jax, wait for lvl 9 or 11.
In late game maybe you can duel her (it will depend on the stacks).”
AnestisGR says “Fiora deals a lot of true damage with her kit so she can melt you like a butter and with the combination of Divine Sunderer she is very deadly.”
Adamikcz2 says “Another skill matchup, poke her down and don't let her proc vitals. If you walk out of her vital range the vitals reset. (change place)”
Crazy Billy Bob says “Usual permaban, playing as kled against fiora is a headache since every q you throw is possibly contested with a W of hers, she also does %Max HP True Dmg with her passive”
StingingChicken says “The obvious issue here is you can't w into her or it can get parried. Use it when you don't think she's expecting it or in melee range where she can't react. When the vital points toward her you can't avoid it, so trade back with auto-Q when she dashes in. Her level 6 all in is very strong, need a lead before 6 or can't lane after.”
Elresser says “Sejuani is very good into tanks, there is no way around it. Rush bramble vest, and use Q from melee range so she won't be able to react with parry. When it comes to your E, if she has her parry up it can be tricky to use it since the cast time is rather slow.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
kajinator says “Whether or not you can do anything in this lane depends on how good the Fiora player is. If they are a Fiora OTP you are just kinda fucked since she can kill you at any point in the game, is a stronger side laner than you and much better in team fights. The best way to play this matchup is to gauge how good the Fiora player is and what you can get away with. If they actually know what they are doing they will just fight you at all times and if you survive longer enough to get her close to death and ult she will press her W and block it. If the Fiora player is unexperienced you can bait out her W and then you can probably win the fight with ignite if played right. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory into this lane. The margin of error into Fiora is very thin and if you want the safest bet its best to just stay even in XP and be happy if you are 10-20 CS down and she hasnt zoned you off 50+ CS.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
Evandabank says “Kled's Q and Ultimate are two telegraphed abilities. The CC from them apply at the same time every single time. For this reason, Fiora should always able to W your Q yank. Even if she doesn't hit the stun after parrying your Q, that is half of your damage gone and you will still lose the 1v1. The ONLY way to beat a Fiora is if they miraculously miss their W on your Q. Dodge this matchup unless you have a really good teamcomp and are confident that your team can carry. If you decide to play out this lane, play safe the entire game. Its still not entirely out of the question that the Fiora will make a massive mistake that you can capitalize on. I have seen Fioras use W for waveclear. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “This is a skill matchup. Fiora has better burst than you, but if she misses her vitals you have greater long fighting potential. Try not to let her slowpush as she'll dive you easily with her ultimate and play around her vitals. You can kill her after level 11 with a few items.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to manage minion waves in that way that you would be closer to your tower. It will decrease her chances to run you down. Hug a wall when Fiora goes all-in and tries to activate her R. It’s going to be super hard if not impossible for her to activate R if you hug a wall right in time before she could hit you from the wall’s side. Items with “grievous wounds” effect are also useful against Fiora.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
SrMolinv says “Skill matchup en favor de Fiora. Siempre que no tenga el parry(W) es matable. Hay que tener mucho cuidado con regalar vitales, por lo demas es jugar muy atento a tus dashes y los suyos.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
Sc1 x says “You can't take aggresive trades when she has her ult, it's even risky to trade in general but the exhaust makes you have level 1 advantage for early fights (as long as you land your Q's) Try to space as best as you can so she can't dash onto you or slow you with parry. (Another tip is that you can walk away from her a few hundred units and reset the vital)”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, poção corrupta, Q > E] - Essa lane pode ir de incendiar e TP, primeira coisa para ganhar essa lane é ficar de olho na marca da fiora em você, caso a marca esteja de frente para ela, você precisa recuar andar para longe da Fiora para a marca dela resetar, dê Q na fiora sempre com fluxo de mana, mas, veja como a fiora joga, cuidado com o W dela, não faça trocas longas e jogue de preferência na direção da parede e sempre que usar seu combo corra com o impeto e espere seu escudo da passiva voltar.”
TriggerDinger says “Easy win. When she uses her ult and starts to fight wait till she get some dmg from turrets use r and q and stun her after that if u have to use Zhonya when you do this it's guaranteed kill.”
Oogaboogaga says “Matchup is very 50/50 depending on if fiora is good. A good fiora will always beat you these days. If she parries your Q, you will die. Save q for cleansing slow if behind from her E, or bait the parry and then silence her. Ignite her ult and rush bramble vest in lane. ”
KaiOverHere says “(Phase Rush, Flash Ignite) Fiora is Garen's hardest matchup, and it's not even close. Fiora can on reaction parry Garen Q, and can lifesteal through his combo since she's not silenced. However, there is hope. Take Phase-Rush and play for short trades, as Fiora excels in extended skirmishes. If you can for whatever reason freeze the wave, by either using your better waveclear or anything, you have a chance to trade with Fiora. Fiora struggles in attrition wars as her sustain is REALLY low as long as you're not giving her free vitals, so if you can go in and out with phase rush, eventually she will be forced to back.
Some Fiora players like to save their riposte for your ult. If they do this, you can Q -> ult them while they're silenced.
DO NOT EVER go bramble vest into Fiora. Garen in general can't go bramble since he always has to go mortal reminder, but bramble vest won't make that much of a difference in this lane. ”
Justin108 says “It's a skill matchup in the early game but you will outscale her as soon as you can tank getting parried by her.
She will kill you before you have 2 to 3 items if you get hit by her W.”
Duwiiton says “This is a massive mind-game on your end to cancel stuns or intentionally miss your abilities to waste her W. If she parries you or uses her ult, you generally lose the matchup. However, if you can bait her W and disengage from her ult, you have a much more favorable fight.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's Riposte(W) is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
Voice44 says “Берем смертельный темп, если ее пассивка стоит для вас не удобно то просто отходим от нее и она ресетается, она скорей всего будет пытаться задоджить вешкой именно вашу вешку так что вы должны 100% попадать своей ешкой , но если вдруг она сможет затаймить вашу ешку своей вешкой то... вам пизда, когда она ультует то стойте у стены чтобы она не могла попасть по вашему слабому месту с ульты. советую взять бронированые сапоги почти сразу”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
Irelius says “Dont fight at lvl 1, she'll beat the shit out of you. Give her push, bait her riposte. Missing E on purpose can work against most Fiora players. Dodging her W is a must as it slows attack speed significantly. W her Q+E fast autoattacks. Hug walls when she ults you. You can look for lethal tempo and rightclick her to death really early on. ”
Aut0Lycus says “Immunity to your crowd control, ability to shred you if you build tank, does massive damage at all times an can always 1v1 you no matter how you build. The only ban option you ever need.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa e na secundaria Ventos Revigorantes, - Sempre use seu Q quando estiver com fluxo de mana, jogue recuado. se estiver no meio da lane ou mais para frente, espere o desh dela para usar Q, geralmente as Fioras usam Q W junto, o ideal é jogar no meio da lane ou perto da sua torre - Sempre que a Marca da Fiora estiver na direção dela, recue para longe da Fiora para resetar a marca. Nessa lane eu uso Incendiar e TP, é fácil ganhar early game se jogar sempre com sua passiva e cuidado com o W dela.”
Animate Dead says “A Fiora can be widely different depending on the player. I would suggest taking Exhaust when vs her to keep her from snowballing in teamfights.”
dracondas says “can be really annoying if you E and she parry it so be careful and respect her of course always reset the vital if it isn't placed well by going away from her ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
ARTHEO says “Counter's Volibear by dealing % health and True damage. Playing around her W Riposte which can stun if she any CC is used on her during that time. ”
Racz says “W her Q's, don't fight in her ult (Only if you're very ahead). Punish her with E when she uses parry. Bramble vest great option. Don't let her get all 4 sides of her ultimate.”
Thrandor says “You can fight her early. If she tries to proc a vital and run away, latch onto her with Q and hit her a few times. A Parry hit on you will always reuduce your attackspeed, (even if she didn't block cc) run away! Try to hug a wall in post 6 fights to keep her from completing her ult.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around W is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Even in the midlane Fiora is Neeko's enemy, and is no friend of Neeko. Don't walk into aa range and if you are going to use your E ability make sure to walk left or right, as her W only goes in a straight line.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Brutal matchup in higher elo, may be easier vs less skilled Fiora's. She will play very aggressive levels 1-2 while you're weak so don't get chunked hard then, you can never really land W
and she can 100% parry it so don't try. Rush Bramble 1st item and if you're even at levels 7-11 you can fight her. Once you get 3 stacks WAIT until she parries and then Devour her as
soon as it's finished.Best tip here is if she ults you just W away and GTFO unless you're sure you'll win ”
UlisesFRN says “Fiora stomps you in the first 3 levels. If she parries your mE you are screwed. Dont ever go into long trades against her. Even poking her with AA is bad cause she dashes into you with her Q and runs you down. I personally hate this matchup and havent figure yet wich runes are good to have, because Phare Rush feels irrelevant but probably the other ones are worse”
Alachiel says “Try to bait her parry when you use W on her by cancelling an auto, or using a Q wave on a minion.
If you manage to charm her, you could win.
If you don't, just run away.
If she ults you, try to E and run, or ult if you can't escape.”
Luxas Teelbal says “One of the harder matchups. she will outscale u and she does a lot of damage because of her passive. i recommand to go AD sion to match her damage. a full q takes longer to charge than her w so use that to your advantage”
DragonMaster45 says “Fiora is a unique matchup for darius. She can counter him with multiple ways. Though if you get bramblevest , rush Randuin's Omen after and attack her little by little till she wastes her w, you can all in her while watching out where to step depending on where the vitals are. In case of her R, just step on a wall, which is a typical Fiora's R counter.”
AbyssaLegend says “Fiora as a large amount of true damage that ingores armor or magic resistance. She can be a really hard matchup if she's good enough to hit all the vitals.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Tons of damage. You can beat her before reaching level 6 when you max out W before Q, it will give you a higher grit and more damage onto it, including the revitalize bonus (when playing mathematically correct sett runes) while you have your W overshield.
She most likely will outfight "almost" every toplane enemy champion when she reached level 16. Just be careful when facing her when she's level 16.”
Inoks says “D-Shield/Bone Plating. Ah, the classic Aatrox counter, or what I used to think. This matchup used to be extremely hard. But, It gotten a bit easier. In this matchup you have to outsmart the Fiora. try not to get hit by vitals if you can and try to Q her without using your E. If she W, E out of the way immediately so you can dodge the stun. when her W on cooldown at the time. you can harrass her or even kill her. just don't disrespect her damage potential early and should be good. Never use W when she has her W. She outscales us, so be careful on the sidelane.
as much as i have to say it Bramble vest or any form of anti heal and tier 2 boots is highly effective here. Summs: Ignite(kill-pressure/risky), Teleport (Safer/sidelane)”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “В лейте у вас нет вообще шансов, на лайн фазе, если она парирует ваше E, то бегите. Играйте от стены, давайте ей W пока она не забайтиться на свое W,берите много урона, вам нужно успеть ее убить и загнобить да ее поверспайка.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап. Чем меньше меток нам собьют тем больше шансов на победу. Желатьно лишний раз не зазнаваться и не лезть на рожон, особенно после 6ого уровня, а то наша самоуверенность и ее R часто создает коктейль под названием "Проигранная линия". Берем хилорез.”
JungleDog says “She won't have enough time to react to your E+Q combo. Won't have enough time to react with a W. If you R, she will R you. Bait out her R.”
fodlybod says “Annoying matchup. Go PTA, Q Max, and go AP as your main damage. All in when she least expects it. Bait her W and try to make her miss her Q as her Q cd is quite long if not hit.”
Taiquyorah says “Avantage a fiora dans ce MU sauf en early, Fiora n'a pas de sustain et pas de range donc il faut chercher à en abuser.
Prenez des trades courts puis all in lorsqu'elle est assez low.
N'hésitez pas à cancel l'animation d'AA si elle W mais cela reste difficile.
Il faut W son W si elle vous touche.
L'ignite est intéressant pour réduire son heal et pour le potentiel de kill en early car elle reste fragile.
Fiora late game, ne vous approchez pas d'elle sauf si vous êtes sûr de la finir rapidement à l'AA. ”
Yiphen says “Start Doran's Shield. You evenly trade with her as long as you can kite her. Only go in when your vitals are pointed away from her. Freeze wave in front of tower. Dance.”
buuu1401 says “(IHATEYOU/TOP) Pain in the Ass just give her the Lane Control. WAIT for your Jungler and hope that the enemy team doesn't give you the Top lane treatment.”
7 LE BOSS says “if it's a good fiora you don't have any chance. You have to bait her W and then all in to stun her with E and hit your W. take ignite.”
NegativePhoenix says “True damage champs like Vayne are annoying to fight but Fiora is just as bad if not worse. Her true damage scales off max health, able to dodge your Q with hers and ignore it with her W to stun you instead if you use any kind of CC, in this case your own Q. Your best bet is to max E instead of Q seeing as how she's just gonna toss your Q away as a minor inconvenience to her. Do your best to get grasp off her and E poke her at any point. If you're gonna ult her, use your W to silence her first if you know her W Riposte is active. It's also recommended to Q her and make her use Riposte early if you know your junglers on the move to you. At every stage she's gonna be your counter so just be mindful of her at all times. ”
gekigami says “Evite ficar em frente de sua marca. guarde seu E pra esquivar do ''parry'' da fiora(W). quando ela ultar kaite ela na posição contraria dela. seu move speed vai fazer ela não conseguir quebrar as ultimas marcas.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
Her Q poke is very annyoing.
Try and reset bad vitals by walking away or out of vision.
Never Q3 on her if she has W. Once she uses W she is a sitting duck for about 20 seconds, take advantage of this timeframe and trade with her.
Similar to the Darius matchup, if she freezes she will just look to poke you and then run you down.
HelloStranger says “CONQ | Flash + Ignite
French Woman with the funny damage. You win early but it's hard to kill her if she plays well. Kill early and shut her down otherwise you instantly lose the dominance you have once mid-game rolls around.”
LemonSmoothie2965 says “Fiora can also hard counter Mordekaiser if played right. She has a dash to help her avoid your abilities, and her W will allow her to block your E and ult and stun you. She has high damage and can predict your abilities. However, you can beat her if you play it right. You just need to play safe and let her engage first. If she dashes, you can trade some damage with your Q and auto attacks. You should always make sure she uses her W before you ult because she will block it and put it on cooldown if she is good. You can bait her W with your Q or E. If the player uses W to block your Q, then you just need to back off. But if they use it to block your E, you can respond with and ult + Q and deal some good damage if you can dodge her stun that comes after the block. You also want to disengage when she ults because she will out damage you most of the time. ”
meduselolol says “protect your vitals run ign you win all ins level 1.
if she runs pta it's way scarier but you still win if you protect your vitals it's just much harder
start doran blade”
gloriousbobbyttv says “This match up sucks. Walk towards her. Fake flip until she parrys. then flip after. Fiora players will fall for it all day. Warning she is faster than you even when you have rylais. ”
OffMetaIsNewMeta says “Skill matchup. Unless the Fiora can do 0.8 second combo on you, you can punish her W miss. Remember to wait for Fiora to Q then AA her before Q. Duskblade is the slow that Fiora cannot stun you with.”
wooverbo says “Probably TK's biggest counter.
The only way you can win against a good Fiora is if you rush Bramble first back, and she keeps wasting her W or runs out of mana. Otherwise if you try to CC her with Q, W or R, she'll
ignore both the CC and damage with her Riposte to delete half your HP bar in a second. (Keep in mind if she cancels your swallow, it'll be put on cooldown, and you'll be left defenseless.)”
Smoovifly says “She can Time her W for your Beartrap and you can mostly never hit your Q on her and she has a lot of base damage and burst down Quickly”
Black Demon Ezel says “Aatrox says that this is a duel she will not win. Don't believe that, her ult cooldown is busted and heals her non-stop for 5 seconds. Simply don't even try to fight and wait for some help”
7EyesNoSkills says “Pre-6 is easy, after lv6 she can ult you and deal lots of damage, if you get hit by her W you are dead. Be sure to dodge her W and don't let her attack you from 4 sides.”
kurbart says “Fiora can be a monster but you totally out range her keep your distance and poke with q she can dash parry out your wall if you see that.....BACK OFF....When it comes to these players they probably have a sht eating grin while doing it , change up the playstyle on them as soon as you see the just poke with q as normal but hold the e untill she parry's same with ult after that she's light work ”
Zorroh says “Fiora can be a bit tricky because of her ability to close the gap on Mini Gnar with her Q and R as well as her ability to reflect Mega Gnar's CC with her W. Fleet or Grasp are good in this matchup. It's tough to kill her as Mega Gnar unless she is really low because her W is extremely easy to land on Mega Gnar's huge hitbox. If you do decide to go in on her as Mega start your combo with R because the animation is faster than W so it will be harder for her to parry. You can also pause for a second after E-ing onto her to bait out her parry and see if she wastes it. Try and poke her as Mini and control the wave. Tether her Q and try and win as many short trades as possible, they will add up. If she uses R try and disengage until the duration is over. Rush armor boots. ”
VituVonDoom says “The grand duelist makes for a very.... Boring lane, really. Basically, she will always parry your Hammer Q engage and kill you that way, but if you just keep poking her, she can do nothing about it. Go Phase rush page, and run away whenever she tries something. Never Hammer E until she W's, and try not to sleep while you're at it”
KrazyKid1024 says “Fiora is the best dueling character in league hands down. These people are on something else. You jump and they instantly W and parry ur entire combo. Almost unwinnable. Just dodge if ur not confident.”
HalexUwU says “You can outrun her, and she has nothing to parry. That being said, it is still Fiora... Consider taking phase rush. Just try not to get cheesed early.”
TheKirkendall says “Her dash is great at dodging your Q. Her spellshield blocks your Q, and stuns if she's close. Even if you silence her, she'll just hit your vitals. Her ult will mess up your feast munch because she heals. Very hard to play against in lane but if you don't feed her, come teamfight phase she's easier to deal with. Consider maxing E first to punish her vital attacks.”
Michcio says “I consider her pretty cancer champ, she can negate 100% of ur barrels damage with one spell and her damage is insane. W her slow (even if u dont need mobility cuz it also reduces your attack speed) and move in ur vital direction so it will be hard for her to proc it.”
Baby Sona says “Take ignite and play mostly safe! She fully counters your kit. She can Dodge every single Q you try to hit her with, parry your E and stun you or even block your ultimate. She can also kite you in your Ultimate and she hard out scales Mordekaiser in the whole game. You're likely going to lose lane and she will constantly bully you on lane no matter under Turret or not.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1 react on her Q with your Q -> Let wave push to you (only last hit) -> Freeze -> Bait her Q and then go in with E and look for a not too long of a trade -> Can dodge her W with your E -> W to tank Q poke or E -> You can bluff your Q3 towards her and just go to the side to force out her W -> Level 6 bait out her R and go back -> Avoid walking up to her when her passive is facing towards her. You can walk away from her and let the passive reset. ”
Aberrant Demon says “Walk out of range to reset the vital level 1 if it's in a bad position. Hug walls to avoid letting her land free vital procs. Trading Qs is fine level 1 but you have to be careful after she gets her Reposte. You can Q her and walk to the side if you are close to your turret and know she can't properly retaliate. Mostly just want to farm until Ironspike. Once you have it, you can Q, E, Ironspike and it doesn't matter if she uses W because you still proc Phase Rush. Post level 6, avoid fighting her unless you can easily back off or kill her before she heals back up from her ult. Once you have Stridebreaker, it's much harder for her to stick to you to land the vital procs.”
NegativePhoenix says “Grievous if possible, but not necessary if you think you can outsmart her. Her vital procs are her main damage source/healing sustain in lane, and landing her Q [dash] on ANYTHING, reduces her Q CD by half. You'll want to try to play safer towards your tower, and reset her passive to be harder to reach that'll put her in a bad spot. If you can't afford to due to exp issues, you can stand near a wall if needed, especially during her ult, to make her passive alot harder to proc. Overall just try not to fight her in the earlier stages. Later in the game it's skill based heavily, but more her favor if you don't have grievous already in some form.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Not that hard to beat just wait for her W and max Q. Go bramble vest.
Just walk up to her to let get her W out of her and go all in with ult. Definitely go in if you won't kill the minions with your ult, you need your E stun!
Captain__Archie says “Fiora is one of the few champs that can outscale Master Yi in an 1v1 so try to win at level 1 or 2 if she over commits into your minion wave or at your level 6 powerspike. This matchup is extremely snowbally so try not to fall behind.”
Groovywelsh says “She can heal all the damage you do,she can build death's dance and you can't kill her, she can kite you soooo easily thanks to her Q and movment speed on R and she can reduce your AA speed”
chedlol says “Fiora will also make your life incredibly difficult with her W and max health% true damage. Only chance at outtrading unless she wastes Riposte is to use your W on a nearby minion to bait out her W then you Q and Passive/Grasp auto then walk away. It's winnable if you get ganked but just try win the mind games and get used to baiting out her W.”
The Kled Mob says “Try to get a level advantage before her and cheese her before level 3 as her parry is the main reason why you lose this matchup. Good Fiora's will just parry your ult and she outscales you so that's why I ban her every game.”
MeechyDarko says “This matchup isn't that hard but you need to know power spikes in order to win. Camille beats her in early all ins as long as you don't get stunned. Especially if you have ignite and she doesn't. Post-6, if she ults, kite her until the timer is down. Post 2-3 items, a good Fiora is going to 1v1 Camille unless Cam has a massive lead, so play this matchup similarly to Jax. ”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “skill matchup.GET THE WAVE PRESSURE. When she's 6 save your E to her R (GRAB A WALL IN A EMERGENCY🧨🧨). To start a trade in lane you need your passive stacked, then walk near and AA+W she'll Q out then you E(to block her Q)+Q her chasing. Her W has an 24 sec CD while your E has 14.Build antiheal or take ignite. Early sheen is nice REMEMBER TO STACK YOUR PASSIVE AND SIDESTEP HER W.”
Boptimus says “110% Mind game match up. A good, patient, and smart Fiora is a nightmare to deal with. This matchup becomes even more difficult if she takes Tenacity runes and Merc treads.
That being said..
If she doesn't take Tenacity, and just throws out her W unga bunga, then she will be an extremely easy match up.
Play around her W, if you stun yourself she can all-in 100-0 you.”
xZugas says “[Recommended: First Strike/Grasp/Conqueror/Electrocute, Any Build] I consider this a skill matchup, Fiora favored. You win if Ripostle is down/she is extremely bad and doesn't use it to cancel your combo. In general, you MUST bait her Ripostle leaping through minions, and trading while her W is on CC (at lvl 1 it has a lot of CC, so you have a good gap to trade her). If she cancels all your damage with Ripostle, save your empowered W to cleanse the slow. It will be a point on which you can't win 1v1s anymore and you will die if you don't burst her, so be careful. ALWAYS rush Executioners and Plated Steelcaps to reduce her damage and healing as much as possible.”
Hawkkiller105 says “Fiora just shreds any tank in the top lane so expect them to look for those small trade and procs that I think she gets from her passive.”
Scallywag says “You can cleanse her auto attack debuff of her w with your oranges.
Should not pose a threat since she's full melee and you can zone her with barrels. Can still run you down later on in the game.”
MAD GAREN says “PT BR- Fiora parece que tem um Kit completo contra o Garen, Seu Q no ponto vital da True Damage e tem exatos 4 segundos de CDR, seu W anula todas as skills usada nesse tempo, e a ult da true damage e life steal quando estoura os pontos. Mesmo beirando o insuportável, da para ganhar dando bait no W da Fiora e sair por cima nas short trades, quando a Fiora estiver com metade da vida, finalizar com R+Ignite. Da mesma maneira que a Camille, chega em um ponto ali pro lvl 14 quando a Fiora fecha 3 itens que simplesmente não da mais se o jogador for bom de Fiora. Ajudar o time vai ser mais importante nesse momento.
ENG - Fiora looks like she has a complete Kit against Garen, Her Q at the True Damage vital point and has exactly 4 seconds of CDR, her W nullifies all skills used in that time, and the ult of true damage and life steal when the points burst . Even on the verge of unbearable, you can win by baiting Fiora's W and come out on top in short trades, when Fiora is at half life, finish with R+Ignite. In the same way as Camille, it gets to a point there at lvl 14 when Fiora closes 3 items that just don't work if the player is good at Fiora. Helping the team will be more important at this point.”
Shourdy says “Do not fight her Lv1, avoid vitals, wait out for Lv3 and then u can start trading carefully as u want the wave to be next to your tower or in the middle or she runs you down, especially after Lv6. She can parry both ur Q Knock-up and W pull so use them wisely. U can bait out her parry by using Q then using E to dodge it afterwards, same applies to W. Rush Steelcaps and bramble or Ironspike if ur ahead. Play for teamfights as Fiora is worse than u and likewise avoid split pushing because she can easily kill you even when behind and out push u easily.
Second wind is recommended.”
TSmash says “She can deny your ult's true damage and your E, play on mindgames, stack your passive and make her think you'll ult or push, wait the W and finish.”
BiriRamen says “She should shit on your balls if you're not playing to the best of your ability. Focus on resetting her passive and play around Grasp.”
Dawn Break says “Este enfrentamiento es complicado, tienes que jugar con la mente del enemigo, que use su W para que puedas Aturdirlo con tu E (Ahora bésense/Facebreaker) y puedas hacer todo el daño con la W (Mi Turno/Haymaker), compra cortacuras como Llamada del Verdugo o Vesta espinosa. De primer item recomiendo mucho la Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King ya que aun que tengas desventaja en KDA, puedas darlo vuelta con ese item.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: When she gets her first item, she will just roll you over like you were a minion.
Don't E when her parry is up unless you are sure that you can kill her. Just poke her down with Q and if she decides to parry you for no reason, then you can kill her super free post level 6. Just remember to keep your shroud for her ult, she can hit vitals if you shroud but it is impossible for her to know where you are. ”
Trundledaddy says “Please just ban, lane is insanely hard,true damage, sustain, poke, if against, just don't ult/int pillar her W and pray to god, stay close to wall so she can't proc all of her passives on ult, it's the matchup I personally have played the least, and the champion is disgusting.”
LoucasTitan says “Fiora is one of the biggest counters to Yorick because Fiora can go through Yorick's walls and basically has true damage plus poke. The only way you can beat Fiora is to get Grudge, and in the early game, try not to get Fiora's Q too much, so you won't get dived on by the jungler and playsafe until you have your Grudge. Fiora has a certain weakness in Fiora's ult, in which you try to get to the nearest wall and try not to proc Fiora's ult, and after the ult is gone, try to fight him. I recommend going ghost here and any other rune because you want to dodge Fiora's ult and that is the only way you can win.”
powerfullgeo says “The pinnacle of skill match up. Get in her head she only has to land her W on you to win so try not to throw your cc on her and if you do DODGE.”
LBDB says “She will hurt you and stun your attempt to q her. If you get jungle help or just camp her and feed your top then you can take her edge off easy.”
davidbiton1 says “fiora can be oppressive but if you build anti heal and some health you can outscale her, always try to outfarm her so you can be ahead of her. i think the brusier build is better against her.”
Sauren says “She will always beat you 1v1 but can't really capitalize on this power as well as other toplaners. Focus on dodging her W since it slows your AS. ”
CreatedThisAccBecuzGotTil says “early levels not that much of a threat u can just run up to her lvl 6 is where she gets scary and can easily beat u if she has ult and ur not careful”
queen_rane says “[DODGE] Take ignite if you didn't dodge. She pretty much counters your kit entirely. She can kite you in your death realm, dodge every single Q you try to hit, parry your E and stun you, or even parry your ultimate. AND she hard out scales Mordekaiser. I would just dodge this matchup because you're likely going to lose lane and she will have constant kill threat on you in a side lane.”
OwOskan says “Her insane mobility and passive against Gwen's natural tankiness might become a problem once she gets 1 or 2 kills, play safe against her.”
TheKingUltra says “Max Health true damage as a passive and incready max health true damage on ult. W can bite you in the ass completley. If you are stunned you might die faster than you expect.”
lolkayleee says “[DODGE]
Take ignite if you didn't dodge.
She pretty much counters your kit entirely. She can kite you in your death realm, dodge every single Q you try to hit, parry your E and stun you, or even parry your ultimate. AND she hard out scales Mordekaiser. I would just dodge this matchup because you're likely going to lose lane and she will have constant kill threat on you in a side lane. ”
Federals1 says “Fiora can be a very big threat. If you get your stun parried you are dead almost always. A tip to baiting it out is to start running towards her but not actually hit her with it. Just stand in front of her and she will parry. If she doesn't, use your w. It will not cancel you out of your q and it might trick her into using it. If you have your auto attack turned on, after you w you will use your q auto attack even if you don't want to, so be careful with that. Q max is needed to be able to catch up to have enough speed and do your rotation and to also be able to run out of her range. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into her. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots. Divine Sunderer is needed to be able to match her late game to some degree. Ghost+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. First rune page should be used.”
Egotistical Bad says “Just do not use E on her unless she used the W, you will absoultely immolate yourself alive if you fail for it. Otherwise just poke her non-stop she can't trade.”
ProbablyPlatform says “I just assume she turns me in a shish kabab due to her mad duelling power so I ban her every game so I don’t have to worry about that happening”
raindropscyn says “Shawty you make me sick. Fiora can literally just say "no" to your Q or R with parry, and she has insane mobility. Play incredibly safe, let her shove you under tower, and if she tries to dive you, just keep kiting and throw out E to try and bait the parry. If she gets really close, then you can use your Q - nobody has the reaction time necessary to insta parry a point blank root.”
Rodos says “Fiora, is a major threat for an ornn player. She is super aggresive, as a champion and also deals huge damage, even from the early game, until the late game. Ornn cant handle fiora because she has a dash, will lead to miss your stunn, she can counter your stunn, and even stunn you with your own stunn(W) and of course great healing. In overall she can be annoying, and very competitive, its a hard enemy and dont try to 1v1 trade hear, at least not without your jungler!”
Kat_Alien says “She is so fast, has so many dashes, and also at the end the worst... Her Parry (W) Your CC from (W) is so predictable that it gives her the opportunity to use her (W) in the perfect moment to stun you and outplay.”
Sarmisuper says “This is a hard matchup, but definitely winnable. Don't allow her to hit vitals without punishing her. Don't be too predictable with your CC. Many players will pick Fiora to try and counter, but don't know how to play her, so they often aren't a big threat”
Yatsuu says “A good fiora hard win the lane, but late game is free for you. Just scale and have a good wave management then the matchup will be " OK " tier.”
darkintaki says “Skill Matchup, Do Executioner's calling and Steelcaps, Don't Ult when she have W, do short and smart trades, keep calm and stay on walls that she cannot hit passive.”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup, Fiora favoured. She outscales you as she does %max HP true damage. Almost unwinnable if she plays Grasp and has two arms with two hands. If she goes Conqueror or PTA though it's doable. Start Q and contest her Q vital proc with Q-Q trade, dont overextend. Don't take E lvl 2 if you took Q, Fiora will win the 1v1. Use W only if she used Q so she can't dodge it. Bad Fioras will parry your W, so you can go for a long trade as long as you hit your E. You can bait her W by either Eing onto a wall and waiting, or by instant Eing, or even by Eing next to her so you still hit her and get the AS steroid while not getting stunned. If she is low enough and you have anti-heal, you can bruteforce lvl 6 by just Eing onto her, she will most likely parry it, but you can dodge her parry with ult and still get the AS. If she wants to parry your Q2, you can either instant Q2 as soon as it's available, or wait for like 1.7s so she will parry nothing and you'll still have time to Q2. Ignite / TP makes the matchup way easier, but be careful since Fiora remains an outplay champion.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “She will bully the hell out of you, late game her ult can do +%75 max health true damage so you aren't as unkillable as you should be. You can possibly win lane with E and bramble rush. She is who I recommend banning, although I perma ban garen (see garen in major section)”
alexionut05 says “Skill matchup. A good Fiora will defeat an average Poppy and vice-versa. Try to avoid giving her free passive procs. And if she dashes in, make sure you trade back with her. Try to avoid using E as much as possible while her W is up, a good Fiora W can turn the worst fights around. When she ults you, try to escape using W, and if anything else fails, try to hug a wall and fight back. Prioritize buying armor over hp against her, especially Bramble Vest.”
Shewapa Dapa says “You have to bait out her Counter, if she isn't using it, then you have to stand right on top of her so she won't know when you'll use it.
She outscales you post-6”
MHLoppy says “Vitals and her Q provide her with a decent early combination of burst damage + healing + mobility, but if she's not near her turret and you Q her when she jumps in, she basically has to Flash or die. Once she's 6 you'll need to always respect her dueling potential, although I expect Olaf to have the upper hand 1v1 until level 11+ if all else is even. Eventually she does out-scale you, so make sure you press your lead into a game win instead of sitting in lane doing nothing with your lead.”
Agatrium says “A good Fiora is hard to play against. Her true damage plus healing is very formidable in the 1v1. If you fall behind, rush a heal cut against her. Your best chance to beat her is to start the fight with E, as it will bait out most Fioras' riposte, then Q. ”
Quat to phot says “Pretty tricky, only tips to do this is NOT TO waste ur W since W is the only way Wu can survive in this matchup. E up, hit a couple aa, wait for Fiora to use her W then W behind her then just full burst”
IoannAzerot says “Ignite during the ultimates. Otherwise it won't do you any good. In any case, this is one of the most difficult matchups. We suggest you stock up on popcorn and wait for the deep late game.”
Scarhawk says “Fiora can be a problem if she can properly hit her vitals. Position yourself so that she can't get to them easily. If you full stack her, try to bait her E before using abilities.”
Gassid says “Commence au Z, remplacer les cookie par Approach Velocity sinon elle va pouvoir courrir plus vite que toi. Utilise ton Z si seulement son Q est en cooldown. Quand elle va mettre son Q avance vers elle avec ton Q et ton passif puis Z la quand elle recule. Si elle riposte ton E tu est surement mort... Mais tu peux dodge sa riposte avec ton R --> en réalité c'est un match-up très skillé”
LimitlessHavoc says “Technically a skill matchup however I would call it Fiora favoured.
I like to run doran shield and second wind in this matchup to avoid getting poked out of lane by her Q and ignite to ensure I still have some kill pressure.
You can win level 1 with Q extension and breaking her bone plating with 3rd Q however this is a bit of a coinflip and depends on the position of vitals, RNG can easily screw you over.
If at the start of laning phase you get an unfavourable vital position, you can simply walk out of vision and walk back in to reset the vital. Recognise that this essentially sacrifices any prio you could get in the lane if the Fiora is good.
Early game if she misses her Q it has a very long cooldown and you can abuse this.
Fiora's riposte/W is essentially a mind game, try not to be predictable with your usage of 3rd Q and W. You can land 3rd Q in awkward angles so that even if she ripostes it you won't be stunned.
Fiora's W atk speed slow is deceptively strong and can cause you to cancel autos if you don't respect it.
Post level 6, essentially whoever engages first tends to lose, this is because Fiora can simply kite your Qs/E and then abuse your lack of CDs and if Fiora engages first then she is unable to kite as effectively and you have your dashes to reposition her vitals and make them harder to hit.
If she ults you make sure to hug a wall to make the last vital harder to proc.
Even if you get really ahead, if she farms well she can still be a potent splitpush threat however you are much better in team fights.”
Cryniu says “No uses tu E a la ligera, ya que lo puede bloquear con su W.
El combo E+Destello rápido ayuda a sorprenderla.
Si ella compra brillo, compra botas de armadura.
Si compra curación compra vesta espinosa.
Prioriza tener vida y armadura.
Juega neutral en torno a sus marcas.
Si sale una marca delante tuyo trata de quitarla saliendo de su rango de visión.
Si usa su R usa tu E hacia atrás o tu W para hacer tiempo.
Juega a intercambios cortos, ella tiene mucho daño constante.”
Dekar173 says “P: 13.25
Q: 13 > 6
W: 24 > 16
E: 11 > 7
R: 110 > 70
Runes vs Fiora: Grasp, LT, Conq, Phase Rush (W max for almost all)
HIGH Econ: BT > Kraken > Crit, Vamp Scepter prio (Q MAX)
MID Econ: Goredrinker, STOPWATCH, BC + DD (W max)
LOW Econ: Goredrinker, Stasis (W max)
Strengths: Duels, Mobility, Sustain
Weaknesses: AWFUL waveclear, Melee only, telegraphed CC
This is a match-up where "cheating" the lane phase is recommended. W max, waveclear, proxy, play around the map.
DO NOT ROAM unless you have wave set up, as she takes turrets almost as fast as us.
Flash her riposte if you're away from brush, use 4E from brush if she lacks vision, can usually cheese out a snare and get away from her.
You only win duels when you are up ~2k gold in items or ~2 levels.
Special note: when her vitals are set in her direction, you can reset them by walking out of range and back again. Just be sure to not miss minions/ruin stacks for it.
Also, when all-ins occur, you can coast the wall to avoid letting her proc all vitals.”
Kocykek says “Well. Fiora is Fiora. Get bramble as fast as possible since she heals so much. It's a skill matchup. She deals a lot of damage and you can also deal a lot of damage to her. You can W her Q but she can W it as well which makes it hard. Play smart.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “if she is good... she will deal you about 2 dmg. just watch out for that w and you good. When she ults you ult her and don't let her go until you have to. Watch out for true damage too.”
Helzky says “When it comes to Fiora, it depends on the player mostly. If the player is good at Fiora you won't be able to walk up to the wave, you must play under your tower. However if the player doesn't know how to play Fiora, you are able to capitalize on it by marking her with ghouls, baiting parry, and then when she Q's, use W. Maybe buy executioners depending if you're struggling with her healing or not.”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash, ignite. always watch your vitals, position yourself with minions to where if she hits a vital you can stun her with E or she is forced to use W, if this tactic try to stay unpredictable and she might waste w from there you can trade pretty easily, just back off once you use W. if get ontop of her try not to be predictable with it but always use E + W combo otherwise she will just block w dmg”
Ujiyo says “Use Q to dodge her W or use W to reduce damage on her W. In the event you do get hit by her parry, use your Q to kite her while waiting out the cripple. Hold E until he uses W. You out damage her in extended trades as long as you hide the vital in the wall.”
Ghidorah says “The biggest counter. You can't do anything even with jungle pressure. Perma ban in every case (and pray for Fiora nerfs ;-; please Riot).”
magician4444 says “Depending on the Fiora, this can either be hell or somewhat beatable. Anti heal is good. Rush boots, too. Do not ult her at all she will W it and you might get stunned. The only time you can ult is if she wastes it. Very difficult matchup.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “A good Fiora will ruin you, but so will a good Jax ruin Fiora, so this is a skill based matchup.
When you are doing your E (stun) be careful of her W as it can CC you hard.”
havy says “never walk in melee range, her Riposte can cancel your E and your ult's knockback, take phase rush and play for lost champter until a point where you can safely Q spam her, if you want to combo her, bait her Riposte first”
RightAssCrack says “Wait out her W. maybe bait it with your Q or E. then you are rather good to go fight her. but watch out and dont underestimate her Weakspot damage.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Didn't play really often against her. She has high damage, play against her cooldowns. Wait for her using her block and you're probably win the trade.”
ChowJunior says “While a mediocre fiora would be a minor threat, a good one can prove to be challenging. She'll try to parry your Q, so when you try to stun her with it, step to the side when it looks like you're about to hit her to bait her parry. Stand next to a wall to deny her a vital on her ultimate. Early bramble”
Mushroomuwu says “Avoid fighting her at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive and her Q destroys you early on however don’t be afraid to use the minions to your advantage if she is overly aggressive. Start e and let her push you in.Use your Q to avoid her parry or your flash if you don’t have low HP minions around you. ”
Rodos says “Fiora is almost like darius thats why i put her in "Even". It depends of both of you how will you play on the laning phase. She is strong and she also can cancell your E, which your strongest ability, with her W. But in a clear 1v1 at level 6 you can beat her easily. Try to play safe and not give her any kills before you reach 6 level. If she tries to trade you, and you are near a tentacle, catch a fast E and then you will had a good damage on her. I have played with lots of fiora mains, i have beat 2million points fiora and i have lost from non main(like 2 or 3 times). With that i want to say that its not always the champ, but the way a person plays the champ.”
CatGopher98 says “Do I even need to explain? She can block all your shit (abilities), which is already really bad for normal Mungles. However, the whole point of this build is to use your abilities to the max.”
SadgeBoyK says “broken champion, straight up out damages you and is faster than you with her dashes. save your fling until after she parries. you can cover your vitals by hugging walls!”
Your Desired Username says “If you're a Mordekaiser player, I recommend banning this champion. Very hard match-up. Take Flash+TP. Rush bramble vest into liandrys. Do not rush tabis. She is stronger than you in a 1v1 in essentially every stage of the game. Unless she fucks up, you probably don't wanna mess with her too much early. Try keeping the trades short and pretty much just wait until you have some damage and you will maybe beat her in Brazil if you don't mess up. Make sure you deny her vitals as much as you can, as this will be her main source of damage. You can look up how her vitals spawn, it will let you predict where she will go and you can hit free stuff on her. The best way of avoiding her vitals in an all-in is standing against a wall as soon as she ults you, preventing her from hitting the vital that is facing the wall, and thus denying her ult healing field. Things are a bit different in the late game, however: you cannot beat her 1v1 at all, unless you're literally 2 items ahead of her. Stick with teamfighting, you will outperform her in teamfights, just make sure to never ult her, unless she is low AND has no w AND has no ult. Also, beware of her splitpush in the lategame. If you're not actively defending her, make sure you have TP up in case she goes for the end.”
boboderaffe says “Fiora is hard to deal with. She can dodge all of your abilities and avoid your CC with ease. She can choose to fight you or retreat with her Q‘s. During laning phase the only thing you can do is try to E her whenever her W and Q are on cooldown. Later on you can choose to build Frozen Heart or even Randuins, they are both useful against her as well as useful in fights.
I recommend going for „Normie“ or „conqueror is not enough“ and just try to avoid fighting her. Simply scale as much as possible to carry teamfights while she is splitpushing later on. ”
Xochii says “Shen excels against duelists in general, and Fiora is no exception. Just watch out for her LVL 6 spike and you should be fine. Maybe get a bramble vest as early as possible.”
Rayli36 says “Ban her if not you can reset her passive by going far away from her
Wait for her Parade then you can silence her you can trade her with E-W-Q
AD dmg”
Black Demon Ezel says “Fiora is a pain in my blowhole for multiple reasons but not so much that she must be permabanned. She parries everything and acts like it's a fleck of dust. I have never fought Fiora as Yorick before but my suggestion to you is to bait out her parry and then give her hell. with your walkers. attack while her parry is still up and she will block all the damage”
BreadedBreadCrum says “High mobility, high sustain. Hard for Braum to VS, especially as your shield is such a long cooldown while her dash is stupid short. Buy Bramble early, Grasp for Runes, and Frostfire or Goredrinker. Your stun is so predictable that her W will always stun. ”
Shinox says “Annoying because of her anti-stun and insane dueling power. You can ban if you are very scared of her, but you can win by being patient and asking for ganks. You can beat her lvl 3, but otherwise you kinda screwed after she hits 6.
Hoplite345 says “Fiora is a duelist champion that is actually fun to go against as Yone top. She's going to try to stun you when you Q3 onto her but you can sidestep with E and just go hard on her when that stun is down. The main goal here is to stack your Q up and then E out of your body to her, try to bait the stun out so you can knock her up and use your fill kit on her. ”
AlexFL7000 says “Fiora is a pretty even matchup. You can poke her out of lane but if she gets close make sure when you Q her not to get stunned by her W, you can in most situations just run out of the W. Make sure when she ults not let her proc all 4 vitals, and try not to give her free vitals in lane. Recommended Items: Oblivion orb/Morellonomicon”
Princeps says “Fiora is 100% skill and experience matchup. Level 1 try to predict her Q with your E. If she has a good vital on you walk out of range to reset it. Use your Q to dodge her W because if it hits you die. Even if you dont get stunned , it reduces your attack speed by 50% so you basically cant auto her. You dominate midgame but she outscales late.”
Xandtronic says “Fiora can easily parry your q, your low mobility also makes it easy for her to hit her passive on you. Stay back and survive lane, rush bramble vest and trade only with grasp + e combo, keep in mind she is able to parry your ultimate”
Hoosteen says “This is another skill matchup. It comes down to play style. A good fiora will mess you up. You have to make yourself less predictable. You want to jump in for the stun less. Her reposte can not only block you're stun and stun you back but it can also block ignite. What you want to do here is widdle her down with empowered q's. force her to come to you. when she is right in front of you, will have the greatest chance to stun her, but its possible for her to lunge in and reposte immediately. just make sure you control the flow of the fight.”
Makkro says “Lvl 1 trades arent worth it unless in minion wave walk away to reset her vital rush bramble 1st back use your w and pretend to auto to bait her parry then sidestep and now combo the shit out of her. Hug walls when she ults she will outscale you in the split but youre a teamfighting tank machine so just shove the waves and wait for a tp teamfight.”
GastlyLoL says “Her vitals and the MS they give allow her to often have great windows to freely trade with you, and her Parry has a major attack speed slow attached to it, so she also has decent protection against all ins. If you can dodge the parry, you can attempt to go for a trade on her. Try to block off vitals so she doesn't get free harrass. If you back out far enough from her, the vital will reset and hopefully go into a position where she can't proc it easily.
ArshieMeBob says “Honestly not even that bad. Just don't trade while you have a front vital. You beat her ez with red white and you can poke her. Just be careful of her jumping on you early”
LunaticDancer says “In theory Gambler runes are viable here, but I really wouldn't bet (hehe) on it, pick I Am Bullied instead. This is a painful match up, her Q can be used to dodge your Es (which is terrible for you) and escape your W. She can stun you with her parry if your W accidentally displaces her, so careful. Also, she can 100-0 you in late game if she hits 4 vitals, so careful with that.”
COJA says “Many people hate this matchup, but as long as Fiora doesn't freeze on you, you're fine. Always save E unless you're full HP in case she tries to parry your Q. Intentionally missing Q2 or Q3 can work in your favor. Fiora will often parry during your W when it pulls to get the stun, so you must put an effort into dodging it. You will always lose if she manages to chase you down, so be careful with your positioning. I would recommend Tabis, Executioners, and Ironspike before building anything else into this matchup. ”
Captain Bane says “you can intentionally miss Q to let her waste her riposte and ult her for a gank. in laning phase. When trading don't let her vitals proc, and trade when your shield is up. do short trades like E-AA-E or a Q-AA-E, where you abuse your passive as much as possible, look to E the minion wave as well to have the lane priority if your 2v2 is safe. If she has boneplating get rid of it when damaging her with your E-cone.
Galactities says “Her mobility and ult make it very hard to fight her, try your best to avoid her from going in for a Q trade. You can stun her mid Q but quite hard to do, try not to do a predictable W from max range cause then she can easily parry it. E your vital spots if she's dashing towards one. As far as build goes I personally go eclipse into her and PTA or Conq both work, I honestly have no idea which is better.”
peepoHappy says “Fiora shreds you if you let her next to you, don't let her hit you from the weakspots and you can kill her 1v1, bully her hard early and she is useless. Don't let her hide in bushes”
Larkana_ says “Better than you at almost every stage of the game, her parry blocking your ult is a cherry on top.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Even/Even”
Night Guy says “Fiora is an extreme threat because of her Q cooldown refunded when she hits you or a minion, also she can outsustain you by hitting vitals that spawn around you, she can also slow you down with her E and can dodge most of the damage you throw at her with her W. After 6 though it gets even worse, if you get to close and she opens her ultimate on you try to avoid getting hit with her Q so she won't have a way of touching you therefore she won't be able to heal off of her ultimate nor her vitals. But still Fiora is dangerous so play your cards right and you might end up with a kill in your pocket.
space cat says “You outsustain her in lane but using your abyssal dive on her is a bad idea. if she ults you and you dont think you can beat her just w out of the fight and kite until it ends. Late game she can 1v1 you and is much more useful. ”
Eduardocwalle says “Probably the best 1V1 in toplane, always a pleasure to fight vs a good fiora. This is probably one of the most skilled matchups in the hole game, all the lane phase revolves around fiora´s W and Camille´s E, in a situation where both players have the same level with each champ, i would say is a 50/50, but i put this threat in major cause fiora has more space to missplay. If she stunts you with her W u should go back fast af boi cause u will lose, she can deny ur R too with her w, even ur Q2. U have to play with her brain, maintain ur E in the wall a few instants, next trade maybe use it instantly, etc. Always ignite and care for her lvl 6”
Polartech says “Fiora's parry is really tedious, and the fact that can prevent Kayle's Q stunning her is very dangerous for our Angel. Fiora can also dash in your face if you stay too much closer. Play Safe and try to poke her with your E if you don't need it to farm in that moment (this happens really rarely) and if you gained some slow advantage, Kayle could have an opportunity to kill Fiora.”
LaithK says “Simply it's a 50/50 matchup. try to poke her as low as you can. And try to make her use W before using your R or E cause she can counter both.”
XxDarkMEGAxX says “Fiora is a very hard play against Zac because with her parry, she can stun and counter you pretty fast. Fiora also moves around very quickly, making it hard to hit your Q on her, and when you do land your Q she can just Riposte again. Her ultimate decimates your hp and heals her so that if you got her at around 10% and she ulted, she would be able to heal all her hp back by hitting all your vitals. I recommend bringing Flash and Ignite, as you may be able to reduce her healing with ignite if used properly. Try to shut her down early game if she doesn't get Riposte first level, you should win trades with her if you start W. Try to get your level first so that you can kill her before she reaches level 2. ”
Gragas Fumante says “ Abuse your first buy Bramble Vest to win early trades when she tries to poke you and bait out her parry with your Mega form jump before ulting.
If the game extends to much cannot win a 1v1 so try to create a snowball scenario when she still is not the Great Duelist.”
CEOofMicrowave says “FIghtable if you know what you're doing. Wait for her to start fights, or start one when she wastes her E on waveclear(her sword shines extra bright for a second, and she attacks faster for 2 swings). If you get hit by the parry and you aren't already winning, bail. If she ults you, press your ass against a wall and don't move to watch her mald. This stops her from hitting all 4 corners and getting the heal. ”
N64Master says “It's Fiora. Your main CC option, your Q, just screws you over instead of her. She's also most likely going to build bruiser, so she most likely out live you.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “This is a pretty skillful lane I must say, you have to deny her the vitals by either manevouring during trades or trying to get out of her vision so you can reset the vital into a harder-to-hit one,trading though shouldn't be too hard,just make sure not to apprehend her into her W cuz you'll get stunned and it might get ugly,real ugly.Post 6 a cool cheesing tactic every fiora player hates is to just hug a wall to deny the last vital hit and she'll end up not proccing the heal and you'll surely win the all-in.If you get into trouble early steelcaps help alot, honestly though,always look to shut her down early because she can snowball pretty damn hard if she goes for a glasscannon type of build.Can singlehandedly carry games if fed enough.
Dshield and second wind highly recommended.”
5Head Builds says “She's basically you but better until the late game where you should be able to contest her MAYBE. To win get damage ninja tabi and anti heal and that should even the playing field.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Build Phage first for dmg and then Tabis for armor.
Beware! Her Riposte (W) also blocks your (E). Try to bait it and then fight back. If you can bully her in early laning phase this should be easy”
5Head Builds says “I'm a Fiora main and I have yet to lose a lane against a Morde. Her passive outtrades yours with percent health dmg and healing. Her mobility toppled with her ult makes her a nightmare to fight as well as the fact that her parry can stun you if you E close to her. BTW her parry also has the slight possiblity to cancel your Ult. Dodge if you see the enemy pick this.”
Prof Harambe says “Unlike Camille or Irelia, Fiora actually cares about her movespeed a lot more. You can mitigate her vital procs with e and poke her down with autos without constantly being in range of death.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Fiora is in a great spot right now, and the matchup is sided towards her. However, the matchup is definitely a skill matchup and you are able to outplay. Bait out/avoid her w and all in when she has it down. After 6, disengage with ult or root when she ults and wait it out before fighting her again. Avoid sinking damage into her w at all costs.”
MrZoltannn says “Fiora is another hard matchup for gnar. you can try to poke her down with your Q, Start with dorans shield and Bring fleet footwork to keep you as healthy as possible, pre 6 is hard, so just farm safely, past 6 is about a bit of mind game, fake your W and then try to stun her. ”
Koboldjaeger says “A good Fiora is going to beat you but you have some chances to outplay her : Try baiting out her w with your e and e away if she uses her ult
Build Trinity”
ToothlessKnight says “This matchup is like Camille where the skill of the Fiora will dictate how the lane will go. Fiora has good kill pressure on Urgot due to her slow and her superior movespeed to Urgot. She can use her Q to dodge your E as well as use her W to stun you if you try to cc her. Her Riposte also cancels your ult as well. Build bramble and ninja tabi to counter her healing and damages. She deals a lot of true damage so stacking hp is also important. You have more kill pressure in lane than Fiora until true late game where she's one of the few champions that outscales Urgot in the sidelane. End the game before you reach this point.”
Acumulator says “The most annoying Champ ever. since she will proc her own abilities on your stun. So the best way to play this is just don't play with her and wait for her to push the wave.”
xPetu says “Tips: Your W blocks vital hits and her Q. Stand against wall if you want to fight her Ult. Bramble Vest is good. Dodge her W at all costs, the AS slow is too strong. Your E vs her W is mostly mind game, you can hold it and wait for her to use W first.”
lol Wero says “Recommand to rush an executioner calling to fiora. Bad side about this match up is Fiora is able to parry your e or Ultimate pretty easy. ”
Stinkee says “Fiora is a champion that on paper should hard counter Sion. She does percent health true damage. While she will definitely counter you pretty hard lategame, you should have the edge in the laning phase. One trick that works 90% of the time against Fiora is to fully charge your Q. Basically, if you let go of your Q too early, she will Riposte it and stun you instead but if you hold it down and don't flinch she will almost always use her Riposte a little too early and get hit by the full chargeup of your Q. Once she realizes what's happening you will have to adapt and kind of play mind games with her on how long you channel your Q. At level 6 you really need to watch out, don't push up too far or she'll ult you and run you down. Also, try not to use your ult against her unless her Riposte is on cooldown unless to setup a gank. For items, Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps are Fiora's worst nightmare, they counter her incredibly hard. If they have a lot of auto attack focused champions you could also think about getting a Randuin's or Frozen Heart later as it works well against Fiora and other heavy auto attack champions. ”
Sovereign Kitten says “Fiora is not hard as you can reset her passive by simply walking away and coming back, if you don't you are just giving her free sustain & damage. You should only ever be engaging her when the passive is angled behind you or against a wall, where she can not simply (Q) you for free. One of the biggest things to know is, you should never-ever, start or try to finish her off with (Q) -> Ignite combo, as she can very easily parry them both at the same time, same thing goes for Electrocute. What you need to do, is keep auto attacking until she parries. Avoid it, then go all in. If she ults position the final vital against a wall. Protect it and duel her.
PH45 says “Another tricky lane, she has mobility to dodge your Q, true damage, movespeed boost, parry to dodge your abilities. Most likely you'll have to keep your distance since she can surprisingly quickly all in you due to the true damage of her vitals. If she ults hug a wall to not let her proc the final vital for the ult healing area.”
BoilTheOil says “Buy bramble vest if behind. If a vital is in a bad spot you can run away and the vital will reset. Try to position yourself next to walls when fighting her so if the vital is next to the wall you can hug it and make it almost impossible for her to hit it. She usually will try to parry your W because your E is too fast to react to. Make sure to not make your E's telegraphed so she doesn't parry them. If she Q's into you Q at her and double auto her every time. ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Ugly matchup. A good Fiora will parry every single time you use Q or E since both of these abilities are pretty telegraphed and easy to predict (particularly Q). The good news is Fiora's ult is soft countered by The Box - massive slow vs massive ms boost. The downside is it's very hard to trade with her outside of turret and she can effectively freeze the wave while you cannot. She also outscales and lawnmows turrets. I'm probably going to start banning her because she is that annoying.”
quinn adc says “Level 1 Fiora will start Q 99% of the time, and if she uses Q on minion or you, trade with your AA - Vault - AA combo immediately.
If she Qs the minions level 1, her Q is a 6.5 second CD, so your vault will come up after her Q returns.
If she Qs you, vault away and trade because that's all she can do.
Be cautious after though because her Q will be up about 3 seconds before your vault cooldown comes back up if she hits you with it.
Level 2 onwards is where you must be careful.
DO NOT USE VAULT OFFENSIVELY after level 2 fiora because she will use her W- Riposte and you will be stunned from your vault, which often leads to death.
The only time you should use E offensively is if you do it when she doesn't expect it.
If you E aggressively, instantly walk side ways because Fiora will Q+W forward, but if you side step quicker, you will dodge her W entirely, which is huge for the matchup.
Essentially, with W max, you should be able to maintain distance from fiora indefinitely to the point where Fiora is FORCED to use her W- Riposte offensively on you as a slow to engage on you, which means she should never be able to stun you with it.
When she uses W offensively, immediately follow with Vault + harrier auto attack to push you to safety and grant you movement speed from your passive to outrun her.
Your Attack speed will be slowed if she hits you with her W- Riposte, so just be cautious of that since it will likely make you cancel your AAs if you don't know about that part in Fiora's W.
After level 6, whenever Fiora presses R on you, you can use ignite + nimbus for speed.”
Veng Shotz says “This build generally shuts down fiora into a stalemate.
after brambles you can 100% kill her if your ignite is up and if you dodge her w. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Fiora is a challenging matchup. There's a lot of outplay potential on both sides and it can make this matchup fun. Try to avoid getting hit by her Q on the weak spot and also do not use EQ for the knockup on her because she can either dash away or W to damage and stun you. Before going all in for the kill, always try to bait out her parry! Rush Tabis first item.”
Feedaboi says “She is able to parry kled's Q "bear trap on a rope" and also has insane dps. You have to be very safe in this lane and will have to look to freeze the wave near your turret otherwise she will run you down the lane with her mobility from her passive vitals along with her q and melt your hp bar.”
Phrxshn says “Very difficult lane as she has true damage as Riposte(W) negates your Fling. Must bait it out. It will have to be a complete hit and run match-up. You will have try to make her work for that vital point(Passive) for the trades. (Recommended items: Rylai's Scepter, Zhonya Hourglass) (Riposte overrides Fling) (Riposte blocks Ignite) (Fling and Mega Adhesive overrides her lunge) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Fiora) (Outscaling Edge: Fiora)”
Amphawn says “Just don't get caught away from tower and try not to let her poke you early game. She has a lot of mobility, and her riposte negates nearly anything. If you get ulted, just try and run so she can't complete it. In a teamfight, your ult is worth if it prevents her from completing hers, as she can heal her whole team with it. Build GW”
PH45 says “Skill matchup. Be careful when using your E since if she ripostes it you will pretty much die to her as she stuns you with it as well as cripples you. It is best for you to try and upkeep your E for the maximum duration as most Fiora's will try to predict you to use your E's stun earlier than the end of the duration. If the vital is in a bad spot walk out of her vision so the vital reappears in a different spot. If she ults and you can't kill her quickly ward jump out since she deals true damage aswell as heals herself for quite a bit. Tabis are good in this matchup aswell, but building damage to kill her will be important, as building defensive stats wont help you really since she does true damage. Good thing to remember while she has ulted you is to hug a wall with one vital so she can't proc it, meaning she won't get her healing area.”
jpaul2077 says “Fiora can be obnoxious to deal with mainly due to her W, riposte. The entire laning phase against Fiora revolves around playing around this ability. Generally, you want to run at her with Q and bait her parry out, but usually good Fiora's will save riposte until they hear the auto attack sound. Whenever you want to ult fiora, be sure that she is either silenced from Q or has already used riposte in the last 10 seconds or so.”
At_Tar_Ras says “a good fiora will make this game unplayable. if they DON'T brush cheese you at level 1, it's super winnable. you can actually beat fiora lvl 1 if you manage to snag priority but it all depends if she brush cheeses and vital RNG. you must kite out her vitals or you will insta-lose. you can also bait her W by putting one E down and not the other, OR just missing it on purpose, OR if you have the balls you could side step/Q away from it. if parry on CD go for all-ins/trades.
if her vital is in a position where you can hug a wall to prevent her from hitting it, do it and auto her (hopefully you're at 5 stacks) you'll win. ask me the matchup if you want! > ”
iZeal says “Grasp makes this matchup easier. Respect her early level 1 and 2, look for trades after Level 4. If you ever use your Q while your E is down and her W is up, you risk getting all-inned and blowing your flash or dying. Reset disadvantageous vitals by walking out of vision, protect vitals by standing next to walls especially when getting ulted by her. If she holds her W for your Q3, do not use it as it is the easiest for her to hit you even if you E away. Pay the Fiora tax of Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis. You will get outscaled in the sidelane, but your teamfight presence is much better than hers. Abuse the fact that she needs 3 component items to compete with you (Tiamat for waveclear, Lifesteal for sustain and anti-heal for all-ins), before she gets that you can use the items she is lacking to your advantage.
SunFalk says “She has a dash. She has speed. She has a lot of damage. She has anti-CC. - Fiora is hard to deal with with Yuumi because of her speed and her dash, she will poke you with you behing unable to poke back. Don't do your ult if you didn't seen her do her anti-CC because she will CC you instead and kill you.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
MrDomian says “Watch out for the "W" because after using each skill she can immobilize you.
Search team fights and watch her where she push.
Stand against the wall while she activates her R so she cannot heal herself.
Very important is anty-heal - Bramble Vest.”
Phrxshn says “Very difficult lane as she has true damage as Riposte(W) negates your Infected Bonesaw. Must bait it out. It will have to be a complete hit and run match-up. You will have try to make her work for that vital point(Passive) for the trades. (Recommended items: Thornmails) (Riposte overrides Infected Bonesaw) (Riposte blocks Ignite) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Fiora) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
slogdog says “Fiora is a hard matchup for Yorick, being mobile and having a generally very powerful all-in with her ult. Hug a wall so that she can't proc the fourth vital, use your W only after she very recently used Q, and also always respond with a Q trade if she goes for a Q too. Oh and avoid the vitals.”
SaltCat says “This is a skill match up, level 1 you lose dont even try, level 2 you can win if she got e and you have full passive, in this match up you can win until level 11, after that she outscales you permanetly so try to get a lead”
Phrxshn says “Very difficult lane as she has true damage as Riposte(W) negates your any of your offensive skills. Must bait it out. It will have to be a complete hit and run match-up. You will have try to make her work for that vital point(Passive) for the trades. (Recommended items: Thornmails or Plated Steelcaps) (Riposte overrides offensive skills) (Riposte blocks Ignite) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Fiora) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This matchup can be pretty tricky. A good Fiora will save her raposte for your E, or even your W wall if she tries to get knocked up on purpose. Avoid early skirmishes with her and hide your vital points. This becomes winnable over time with 2-3 items from my experience. An early 800g for executioners goes a long way as well. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “let her get lane prio early and freeze the wave. If her Q is on CD or she misses a vital then go for an all in level 1. Bait her W with third Q and an E away. If you're all ining her post 6 try to hold your third Q. ”
LoLReal says “I was on the verge of being between minor or even match up, but decided on even. I don't think this is truly Darius favored anymore. We win early but once Fiora gets 2 items this lane is actually quite difficult.
Try to punish her early and snowball the lane. Don't pull until Riposte is down and try to take smart trades.
Hug walls when she ults so she can't full proc R. Don't let her farm evenly with you or it will not be good.”
Justkb says “In all honesty, as long as you're not facing a challenger Fiora you really can't lose as Darius, contrary to popular belief. Start Dorans shield and play inside your minions, when she goes to a Q trade with yours. Make sure that when she starts the engage you must wait for her W to then hit yours! You need to be really sneaky and mask when you use your E, for example, if she QAAW avoid the W then Q instantly E and run her down. Rush Bramble every time! Remember, you win at 5 stacks before 40mins! I see so many Darius players fearing Fiora but she has to play the lane a lot more cautiously and cleanly to create a lead for herself. One big issue I see is that players fear her scaling! In the current meta and state of the game, it is very hard for the game to go 40+ minutes so have confidence!”
P1Legend says “Another champion who if you play your cards wrong, she will run at you until tower. Save Ult for when She Ults, and run whenever she uses it unless she is low. If you combo her parry, you just die, unlucky :/. Always try to bait it out first, and get bramble in this lane if she is healing too much”
MythicMike says “The worst matchup. She can parry any of your Q's or W and stun you. She can also easily dash out of your W. You have to bait out her parry by using Q but dashing away for example. Once the parry is gone, you can get a small combo in before backing off.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Avoid engaging pre-level 3, rush Steelcaps ASAP, try to bait out her W as your Q Sweet Spots and W pull give her a free stun and play around its CD”
lol Wero says “Rush Bramble Vest in this match up since fiora on hits you a lot. this match is one of the hardest since fiora can parry your facebreaker and a fully stacked haymaker if she perfers to parry that. she can also parry your ultimate if she does it at the right time. ”
Raen says “ If the vital appear in a bad spot for you walk out of her vision so the vital will reset in different spot. Be careful when using your E since her W may stun you and its debuffing your AS for 50%. The best option for you is to keep your E for the maximum duration as most Fioras will try to predict your Counter Strike. Also make a side step or walk behind her to avoid her riposte and stun her. If you are fighting with her and she R's you just stick to wall and don't move so she won't be able to proc her 4th vital. Remember about getting healing reduction since she heals a lot.”
Hijitori says “It's winnable, but it takes some strategy to win this match-up.
Decent Fiora won't allow you to come close to minions. After 6 lvl she can kill you anytime by doing her amazing all-in R because of her insane sustain no matter how ahead you are. Her Q ability makes her hard to hit and her W ability makes it even worse with her "blocking" and "bouncing" the stun effect. If this Fiora player you play against seems to be willing to punish you for every minion you want to cs, just stay under turret and farm under turret.
Also, any Fiora player can react fast enough to block your Q with her W even if you use it from bush (i mean when they can't see your animation etc. - about 0.5 sec for reaction).
One mistake (f.e. overstep) even if you are far ahead can result in death. This champ you shall treat like equal even with 5/0 vs 0/5, but when someone bans Darius you can ban her and enjoy game against more fair champions.”
Xerath gaming says “I hate playing against Fiora, if you press E or R you are basically stunned and dead due to her W. Do not fight her without your jungle since she can beat you even in your ult.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Annoying sword duelist lady. >:o
Avoid getting your vitals hit. I wouldn't fight this until around 6, unless you get some free Qs off while she's hopping around like a bunny. She can chunk you easily. You can beat her in the mid game, but late game fiora is a giant nuisance as well. Take your trades sparingly, and don't try to all-in her. She'll proc conqueror + regen and hurt.
Try to teamfight when possible, and win the macro game.”
qveenevelynn says “Really hard, she have great damage, dash, and can avoid ur charm. Don't be greedy and be carefull, u must wait your jgler , can be outplayed, need to know Fiora well”
Phrxshn says “Very moderate lane as she has true damage as Riposte(W) negates your skills. Must bait it out with Ground Slam. It will have to be a complete hit and run match-up. You will have try to make her work for that vital point(Passive) for the trades. (Recommended items: Thornmails, Plated Steelcaps) (Riposte overrides all Malphite offensive skills) (Riposte blocks Ignite) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Fan22 says “Fiora is a pain in the sapling for Maokai and every Tank, because of the %Max health True Damague she makes with her passive and Ult, and she can also block damague and CC´s effects with her Riposte (W), Making this lane a living hell.
Tips: Don´t try to fight her and start with Dorans shield, also running Second Wind can ve useful. Wait for ganks and kill her with your icredible CC.
Making Bramble vest and using ignite can help you to deny her healings.”
An3TJM says “save e for when he uses q towards you, dont let her get free vital procks, auto a lot in trades, if he ults make sure to have one vital pointed to wall and w urself so he cant use q, go early bramble”
Phrxshn says “Very difficult lane as she has true damage as Riposte(W) negates your skills. Must bait it out with Primal Howl. It will have to be a complete hit and run match-up. You will have try to make her work for that vital point(Passive) for the trades. (Recommended items: Thornmails, Plated Steelcaps) (Riposte overrides all Warwick offensive skills) (Riposte blocks Ignite) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
PanthrickTV says “One of the real counters to you!
You can't really do anything against a good Fiora.
Don't jump on her from miles.
If you jump you will get stunned!
I recommand using empowered Q and using W only in close range so she has really small window to react.”
Sporkintahn says “Skill Matchup.--- Do night fight her levels 1 and 2. You want to freeze lane against her and trade with Q.--- If a vital appears that is facing her, look to get out of vision to reset it to another direction. Fiora will look to do the same to you if the vital isn't in a good location relative to her so follow her a bit but don't overextend so she doesn't reset it and get a good vital location.---Don't get poked down by her with Vital procs. Look to punish if she goes in with her Lunge (Q ) to proc a vital trade back with a Q but you have to be quick as procing a vital for her gives her MS for a short duration to be able to kite away.---Be very careful of her Riposte (W) as she will be able to stun you with it and block your E. Try and bait it out of her if you can. Even if you are stunned you don't want to fight after she Ripostes (E) because it applies an Attack Speed slow as well which will allow her out trade you.---Again try to punish her mistakes.---Go Steelcaps and even a Bramblevest in lane to be able to out fight her and win all ins.---She does outscale you late and can 1v9 the game if fed. So look to get ahead early and close out the game.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Extreme skill matchup. If she brings ignite it is a much harder lane. If she tries to q on, you can pull her to interrupt it. Try to dodge her parry or bait it because it slows ur attack speed and she can negate ur healing from Q, Ult Damage, and stun u from ur e. Bramble is a very good 1st item.”
DooDooSlayer says “Top Lane:
Can and will fuck your CC.
Bait her Parry by being intimidating and walking right up to her, once she uses it, go to town.”
Fan22 says “Fiora alongside Vayne are thw worst champs to face as Chogath.
Fiora has insane healings, true damage based on max health, a lot of mobility and with riposte (W) she can ignore one of your abilities and stun you if it was a CC ability (like your Q).
Against fiora Max E and get armor and bramble vest, i reccomend bramble vest after your 1st item.
Against fiora try to make short trades in early gmae with Grasp and E, remember to not push the lane and don't use Q or W too often, especially Q.
Fiora not only deals true damage based on %max HP , but she also has her Riposte, wich it's the worst of all fiora's abilitys for Cho.
Riposte can stun you for 2s if the ability blocked was a hard CC, wich means that using Q it's only going to make you easier to kill, ripsote can also block R, remember this since it can make a huge difference.
Use your W silence to Q or R fiora, wich ´prevgentes her form using her dash (Q) and riposte (W).”
Kacto15 says “Intenta jugar pasivo en early, desgasta su vida poco a poco, si ella tira su habilidad definitiva usa la tuya para escapar, nunca ganarás un 1v1 contra este campeón, intenta ofrecer mayor utilidad en peleas de equipo, en la fase de líneas solo carga tu Q y verás como ella quema su W y se traga semejante daño (nunca falla),
puedes ir sion LETALIDAD O TANQUE”
MythicMike says “Her passive is really good against Kled because it does percentage max health. She can parry Q and ult which are both extremely easy to parry. Once her parry is down you can go for a trade if you land Q.”
Fan22 says “Fiora true damage based on Max health, mobility and sustain make her a nightmare to deal with as Garen, since you have low mobility, and so Fiora can prock her vitals for free.
Even if you stomp her she will inevitably come back because of her strong scaling and Maxhp % damage, which makes it almost impossible to sidelane against her, since she murders you in 1v1's unless she is super behind.
Early on try to not get harassed for free by Fiora and answer with atleast one auto or Q, and obviously try to move as much as possible so she doesn't hit the Vitals, which are also her only form on sustain (in her kit) during laning phase. Also be wary about Fiora's riposte, as she mostly will save it to block your Q or R, so if you are gonna harrash with Q be wary and move as much as possible to the sides.
A neat trick to deal with the Vitals is that, if you go out of Fiora's vision or range, the Vital's position swaps, so you can get rid of a vital if it's in bad spot by walking away from her until it changes.
Early Armor or Tabis rush + Anti Healing is good against Fiora.
Also remember to try to dodge her Riposte (W) because it cripples you really hard, and don't use Q without thinking since she will just block it, since the silence is very important when fighting her, because Fiora spams her Q to hit Vitals and deal damage.
Most Fioras in the mid-late game will go try to splitpush, and you generally can't contest her not matter how well you play, i recommend to try coordinating with your team to flank and kill her if she does, especially if shes not feed.
Forcing teamfights and grouping with your team it's also a good option to deal with her in the mid-late game since she doesn't have insane teamfighting potential.”
Phrxshn says “Very difficult lane as she has true damage as Riposte(W) negates your any of your offensive skills. Must bait it out. It will have to be a complete hit and run match-up. You will have try to make her work for that vital point(Passive) for the trades. (Recommended items: Thornmails or Plated Steelcaps) (Riposte overrides offensive skills) (Riposte blocks Ignite) (1v1 Sustained Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Fiora)”
montybucket says “Freeze, build up a wave and slow push it. Her W is very good at countering your long wind up animations. She also blocks your ultimate, heals, deals true damage, has a dash and because of these things is an incredible duelist. However this isn't unwinable, it depends on the fiora player most of the time. If she has no idea how to play fiora or is overconfident, you can punish her hard for using her W incorrectly early game. A good fiora though is pretty much a lost cause. ”
LegitLechner says “The hardest part is not letting her proc your vitals. Bait her repost best you can. Illaoi e CD is less than fiora's repost. I normally q max. Hug a wall as tight as possible if she ults to protect 4th vital. if you hit e into ult should be super ez.”
MisterDerpFace says “Can either be really easy to play against, or you go 0/5 by level 6 ;-;
Don't let her proc vitals for free, and try not to E her before she uses her W.
Plated Steelcaps ,Antiheals, and Anathema's are items to consider here.”
OTP Toxin says “Easy lane, just go away when her's passive is pointed to her, it will reset and be pointed behind you when you go near her again. Patience and focus, you win here easily.”
duckling213 says “Annoying match up, her parry thing blocks our e and her ult is really annoying when trying to get her low for our ult. I recommend grievous early and steel caps and pray you get a pick or two pre-6. I also would suggest pleading with your jg to give a gank earlier to get a lead. ”
SilverAvalanche says “You are both kinda even early game since you have wave clear advantage and she has damage.
if you can get some good Qs where you hit both her and the minion wave you are golden.
when you hit red form you beat her, but not for long, also be careful about her W when you try and knock her up, so be ready to Q or E away and of course ult her ult, and go out to the side where she still needs to hit the vitals”
InYourWayToHELL says “
Unironically havent played agaisnt her this whole season (i perma ban her) but if you were going to fight her you can only kill her pre 6, and since a good fiora will parry your q use e to dodge the stun.Leave her sight of vision to have favourable "weak spots"
Go for short trades
You are weaker lvl 1 be ready to start pushing the wave before them.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Fiora is a tough matchup early, especially if you play it wrong. The best way to fight her is to bait out her Riposte when landing an e, then you're free to ult and murder. DO NOT let her kill you early, she will snowball out of control. Prioritize not dying even if it means giving up plates”
MCSwavest says “Scary champ. Reset the fight if the vital looks bad. Make sure you're considering where she will be if you're going to go in with an E, and how to potentially dodge her vitals. After she has R, save your E until she R's you and just book it.”
Drake6401 says “Do your best to work around her W because you automatically lose if she gets it right. Much like Jax, Fiora wants to counter your stun. While her stun is much longer than Jax's, it's only slow if you didn't CC her and it's much easier to evade. It also has a massive 24-second cooldown and she maxes it last. This gives you huge windows for kills so keep a mental clock when she uses it.
Reframe from diving her if you can't bait this ability out because you're dead if you mess up. This is a skill matchup in favor of Fiora only because of the devastation one mistake will do to you. She's another champ that's allowed to mess up more without paying the same price.”
This matchup heavily depends on how good the Fiora is. A great Fiora is somewhat difficult to face but all you have to know is that level 1, she is MUCH stronger than you. Do NOT trade her beyond a Q or two level 1. Any Fiora worth their salt will use the opportunity to hit all of your vitals and poke you low enough to the point where you can no longer all in her later on. Level 3 is where the lane becomes easier though. The only point where she beats you is if she Ripostes your E. At that point you are simply done as her stun is long enough for her to get a bunch of vitals off. If you are struggling, pick up a Bramble Vest but it is not always necessary. When she uses her ultimate on you, try to make sure to stand against a wall so that she cannot proc her last vital. She has very terrible waveclear so freezes work very well against her. She outscales you eventually so try to close out the game quick. Conqueror is a must in this lane. Plated Steelcaps are also a great buy. Pair up with bramble vest and you should win all ins even if you are behind.”
RivalOCE says “Riven can win this matchup but if the Fiora gets 1 kill, the game may be over for you. She scales much harder than Riven and can still outplay even if you're a kill or two ahead. Rush executioners and combo inconsistently to prevent her from W'ing you. Short trades, Q auto W auto E away.
Fiora has to predict your W to stun you, but can read your 3rd Q, so make sure if you're going to 3Q onto her, your E is up to dodge her W or else you'll hard lose the trade.
Riven basically loses every fight Fiora hits her W in, stun or not. The auto attack speed slow is too strong.
If you can manage to land a 3Q on her, she can't w while knocked up, so combo this with your W immediately.”
Chease says “Her W is very powerfull but you should win till lvl 6. After 6 if she uses R try to hold at least 1 vital to wall so she can't proc it. Build Grievous wounds ASAP.”
Quinncidence says “A good Fiora is tricky, try to make it hard for her to get off her vital procs for free and try to farm.
When both have 1.5 items (Yorick has Triforce+Executioners) Yorick can win straight out fights, hug a wall so Fiora cant proc the last R-Vital.
Fiora can run away from Yorick at all times with the help of Q and Vital movement speed so its really hard to actually kill her (unless she trolls).
Be cautious when placing ur wall in fights because Fiora W can CC you if Fiora stands on the edge of the Wall when spawned).”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Second Wind, E > Q, - Start E, so she can't just auto you down lvl1
- The only time you should look to trade is when her vital spawned in a bad spot
- Take long trades if you can kite the vital against a wall, and just stand still and trade. Otherwise, you definitely don't want to take long extended trades with her, take short trades
- You want to get bramble first back then you can go on with your build.
- Once she's low enough, you can try to all in her with ignite and the bramble buy
- Doran's shield is also good since you can heal her vitals back.
- Early game you don't have bramble so she beats you. Play safe, farm, and farm Grasp.
- Good Fioras will Riposte your E and auto damage early game, becareful of that.
- After you get Bramble, this match up becomes fair until she completes her first item"”
kimmothy says “Skill matchup, use your e early to test fiora's reaction speed but aim it to the side of fiora in case they are able to parry. Stick to walls when she uses r. Fun matchup with outplay potential from both sides. Grasp second wind”
Wawza says “Fiora is your worst matchup in top lane, no going around it, against a good Fiora the match is decided because she wont waste her parry, her Q easily dodges your Q even if you reposition with E chances are she will just parry. Best case scenario your jungler comes to help top often and she falls behind significantly. Focus on helping other lanes with Teleport when possible”
Amvill says “She can run you down with her passive and can play around your fling with her W. Bramble is a worthwhile buy against her in the lane. Anathema's Chains is also good against her if you want to match her splitpush all game. In short, the trademark duelist will almost always beat the champ who is known for his weak dueling power.”
Jungl says “Parry queen. The only way you lose this matchup is if she is better than you. Other wise try to use your W to stun as it is the stealthiest was to stun. ”
The Real Fake says “Generally an easy matchup, you don't need to use your E to win fights so she can't get good W off. Also you can bait it quite easily by running at her and cancelling your auto in front of her. Early game you win trades, and especially hard once you start stacking up your Q and Conqueror. You make it hard for her to get constant vital procs because of all the movement speed you get (Phage, Time Warp Tonic, early boots, and E). She beats you once she has her ult, but without it you beat her. After 6, never use your E if her ultimate is up. You can out trade her by just using Q's and autos while dancing around denying her vitals. Once she uses Ult on you, you can just run away with E and wait for it to run out. You beat her quite hard early but she scales much better than you. Don't fight her once she has 2-3 of her core items. Your teamfight presence and mobility is far superior to hers.”
sock217 says “Skill matchup. You dont win lvl 1-2 but certainly win past 6 if she engages on you. I suggest playing passive, but if she has no dash/flash she is very killable. Her parry can stop your devour and q stun, so try to go in if she doesnt have that. BUY BRAMBLE FIRST. TRUST ME SHE DEALS MORE DAMAGE THE MORE HEALTH YOU HAVE, JUST TAKE THE ARMOR THEN START BUILDING MYTHIC.”
maxlid3 says “She can really be a difficult champ to lane against. She can poke you if she hits the vitals. Try to keep as much distance as possible. Farm until you get Kraken Slayer and Rageblade then she is maybe killable. Try to hold your W as much as possible until she uses her parry. She can easily parry your W and even stun you afterward so be aware and dodge it. ”
Rhoku says “A very annoying matchup and possibly the most widely known counter pick. In Grandmaster, 8 out of 10 Mordekaiser games I have were games where I had to go against a Fiora. On the bright side, the lane isn't too bad. First off, do NOT let her hit her vitals. You can only SOMEWHAT beat her in trades early on but if she hits her vitals, it doesn't even matter. You have to rush Bramble Vest, Ninja Tabi and even a Seeker's Armguard if that isn't enough. Once you get your armor items, you are strong enough to beat her but only if you make sure to not let her land all of her vitals. Make sure to land your Q as you need all the damage you can get. Also, Riposte can block your ultimate and your E. So I'd only recommend you use those abilities A) after you baited her Riposte out already, and B) if you can predict that she won't use her Riposte. ONLY do B if ur using your ultimate. E is wayyy to slow and she'll 100% riposte it. On the bright side it has a long ass cooldown so if she wastes it or you baited it out, you can beat her. By the way, you get crushed in lategame splitpush situations. She is just sooo much stronger. Try to only stand under turrets and defend, with you focusing on teamfights primarily. Going Resolve is good into this lane as it focuses on surviving which is what you need to do into Fiora”
YasTilt says “Try to Reset her Passive by going in the Fog of War. Try to dodge her W and You can buy Randuin's Omen to reduce her E's Damage. Respect her in Lane and don't pick too much fights because she absolutely destroys you in 1V1. Wait for Teamfights.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Second Wind+Armor+DBlade) Don't let her hit vitals for free. Keep in mind that her W also reduces your attack speed. Don't just E in, she'll easily parry it scince your E cast is pretty long. Early Steelcaps are good so is healing reduction. She is a very bad teamfighter, unlike you. But she'll splitpush a lot so always try to stop her from doing that.”
PK Noob says “Fiora has too much sustain and mobility for you to kill. She's always running around you hitting her passive marks which makes it hard for you to hit your Q and she can even block a Q or Ultimate charge with her W. Don't even think you can win a battle against her if you don't have any kind of grievous wounds. The only way to kill her is to burst her with your Q and Ultimate which is going to be almost impossible with her mobility.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror, rush Bramble Best. Try to position yourself next to terrain so the vitals are nearly impossible to hit. She will probably parry your full charge W. If she parries your E you are pretty much dead, doesn't matter if you hit your W - Haymaker, she just spams Q and kills your with her Passive - Duelist's Dance which basically does 50% true damage for no reason. Don't get poked by her Qs.”
FantasysAhlong says “Not a terrible match-up as it may seem.You lose in early and late but you can win mid-game 1v1s with Sunfire and Bramble vest. Try to delay your stuns to trick her into using her Parry. Farm well until you get Bamis and Bramble.”
Val3n says “Every Fiora I face is a tryhard. She has too much damage and can block your Q3 and R with her W. Not a bad idea to get grievous wounds early.
My choice of permaban. ”
wDesired says “Basically counters your abilities with her W , try to bait out her W then only try to stun her
or try to dodge her W when you stunned her during the cast as she is immobilized when she is in parry ”
GarenteedDamage says “I ban Fiora over Irelia most of the time. She sucks to play against as a Yorick player. She easily dashes through your W and once she gets her R she will do half your hp in true damage.”
Brotharock says “Fiora can harass you a lot in early, just play way behind the minions and charge the Q just for damage and no cc. Buy anti healing, bami, and there's a chance that you can kill it.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Fiora has the ability to outmaneuver everything Morde does whether it's his E or Q. And if you ult her, she just ults back and kills you so fast your eyes hurt”
Psychopathic Top says “Matchup mostly depend on the Fiora player's skill. I've done a lot of 1 v 1s with a good challenger Fiora friend of mine (twovital) and for us in a 1 v 1 situation its a 65/35 in Fiora's favor. Pre level 6 the only thing you should worry about is getting bramblevest first back. It's only 500 gold since cloth 4 start. Walk in the direction of the vital when it spawns on sides (left right) will allow Fiora to miss the vital. This should allow you to take less damage. Do not engage fiora until at least bramble + sheen. However if you do manage to get a solo kill, can snowball the lead extremely hard after that. Late game fiora outscales 1 v 1 unless Nasus have 700+ stacks which is not reasonable. Focus on 5 v 5, as Nasus is stronger than Fiora in a teamfight situation.”
Olaugh says “Do short trades with her and be careful while trading so she doesn't deny your q e combo. You can buy bramble vest if you think you need it or go for executioner. You can even go ghost ignite
You can play like this vs her, watch first 10 min”
Gospodin Bure says “I've heard this one is a threat but i wouldn't rank her as anything major and certainly not extreme. But for anyone struggling with a Fiora in lane if you get a bad vital on you (directed towards her) just move out of range and it will reset to a new position. Let her push in and wait for ganks or run away if you get ganked.”
Hecki says “This is basically the most known match-up for Aatrox since a Fiora with hands can be a really pain in the butt. Nonetheless i don't put her into [EXTREME] because unlike Irelia you have small windows to win against a Fiora. Avoid getting hit by her Vitals and go for Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest. Try to bait our her W and trade when it is on cooldown. ”
IvernLover74856 says “Take DBlade.
If she gets fed, your team lose.
If she ults you in your ult, it will be unpleasant becacause you can't really stop her from proccing all 4 vitals (she only has to leave for a sec).
She outscales you midgame. Hard-punish her or cry, idk.”
AutismTM says “(THREATS AND SYNERGIES ARE IN DEVELOPMENT) Completely dismantles Mordekaiser as a champion: easily dodges his abilities, can deny your Ult with her W, % health true damage. Need I say more?”
KoKoNwoo says “Dodge W in lane and you win the fight as long as you have max stacks. When she ults you hug a wall so she doesn't activate all 4 vitals. After laning phase is over, fights against her will be a lot harder. What you can do to dodge her Parry is dash to her the moment she uses it so your character model ends up behind her. A safer way to do this is by just flashing out of the hitbox.”
bobokoks says “Take conq but also second wind and revitalize. Build steelcaps and antiheal ASAP. Try to bait out her W before using your W, and don't be too predictable with your E and R. You can also try to stand right next to a wall to block one of her R's vital points, although it can be pretty random sometimes.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] Kayle's most skill-based lane. Watch out for her passive, the vitals can be reset if you go out of her vision. Dodge her W to win trades. Do not walk past half lane if she has ult up, even if you have yours, as she will run your down. You can hide ult vitals in the wall to prevent her from proccing them.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
Dorans Blade
Whateer your team needs
Poke her until 45-50% health and then all in. You HAVE to dodge her W or your fucked, because it slows you and reduces your AS.
Ignite cuttes her healing in half, but Fioras go Tp which puts you into a macro disadvantage, but might help you getting to snow-ball against her.”
Beecai says “RUNA RECOMENDADA: ELECTROCUTAR .---------------------------- Intenta siempre posicionarte en linea de una forma en la que Fiora no pueda acceder a las marcas de su pasiva, y si lo intenta se coma todo el aggro de tus súbditos.
Nunca hagas trades largos con fiora o esta se vera beneficiada, fiora es una bestia de chasear y si tomaste una mala decisión será muy difícil que sobrevivas.
Cuando tenga menos del 50% de vida y busques matarla si te ultea, ponete pegado a una pared para que no pueda romper todas las marcas, caso contrario comenzará a curarse y será imposible que la asesines en la mayoría de los casos.”
SunOak says “Almost the same as the camille matchup in terms of difficulty. I take the fleet footwork runes into fiora aswell. Starter item is dorans shield.”
Sidrome says “I feel like fiora is like camille but, in case of the darius matchup, she has the advantage, she basically early on just needs to perma Q you and run away;
You have 2 opportunities to kill her:
Between level 3-6 and level 6-11;
At level 11 she probably has already her first item and in top of that she has a big power spike in that level;
Late game is impossible so try to play around your team and defend the waves of her split pushing;”
CFCryo says “Skill Matchup. You'll have to learn her Q and riposte habits in order to avoid getting riposted further.
You can get away with Qing your vulnerable side in anticipation for her poke, allowing you to get a hefty trade afterwards (kite her E though) with lantern shield. Watch out, as she might start Riposting immediately after her Q poke to catch you out.
Flaying towards yourself is INSTANT, so you can get away with it and she has to rely on anticipation rather than reaction. Use this to your advantage, but act cautiously and try not to be easy to read.
Beyond riposte and CC, her poke can hurt a lot, so avoid exposing yourself when you can, and if you do, hit her back a bit while kiting. I recommend sustain options like early vamp scepter or Doran's Shield.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build. Zhonyas early can help.
This is a super skill matchup that requires good movement. Care about a possible q w poke in the early game. Reset your vital by walking out of her passive range and walking back (the vital will be in a better position then). Always evaluate your hp and whether fiora can all in (its her main win condition), so be careful when you are pushing and try to freeze as often as possible. If fiora ults, stand with your back to a wall to make it impossible for her to prock the 4th vital. Play in your wave with shrooms, ignite her early and you should be fine vs 99% of fioras. Zhonya early is good and is used to wait out fiora ult and have enough time to blind her a second time.”
TXK_ says “Early to mid, with sufficient poke, your laning should be fine. Her high mobility and true damage scales well and counters Mordekaiser. If you are struggling, rush a Bramble Vest to limit her sustain and burst.”
IkorasBadIdea says “I've not fought Fiora as Karma yet but, I can imagine it can be problimatic because she can time your root and counter with her W.
Use her vitals against her to predict where she is going for a poke. Your W has less cooldown than Fiora's W, keep that in mind.”
Mr. Popper says “Fiora has a lot of true damage in her kit, a low cooldown gap closer and a way to block CC. Just stance trade with her whenever she goes for a minion and avoid her hitting the vitals on you. Most importantly if she lands her W (Riposte) whether she blocks CC or not get out as fast as you can because the attack speed slow is extreme and can or will make you cancel autos. I recommend taking Fleet Footwork or Grasp into her. Kite her to death or be so tanky she cant kill you till late game. (tank build i recommend rushing bramble vest and sitting on it)”
MegadabYt says “Early game she is so weak as long as she doesn't hit the weakspots often. You do fall off midgame with duels against her, so I wouldn't reccomend split pushing against her.”
Kartagoo says “Can snowball your lane really hard if you die more than one time so just watch out for that. Dont go for long trades and farm mainly till you get items. Respect her the most when she hits 6 cuz she does a lot of true damage. Good option to skip Sunfire or Frostfire and rush straight titanic hydra”
JaxIsAHobo says “Skill matchup that becomes progressively more difficult the higher rank you become. Avoid getting hit by her vital procs(fiora passive), and trade her with your E, but do NOT try to stun her unless you like gambling. You can actually sidestep her parry with your counterstrike up, if you have good reaction speed, but it's a difficult combo to pull off. If she gets fed, get executioners calling and plated steelcaps to tide you through until you can build your core items.
With the new update to jax, your all-in at level 6 vastly dwarfs hers, so take advantage of that. :)”
RhinoStar says “Rush bramble vest as fast as you can, It will give you a good fighting opportunity. Before 6 it will be a bit challenging but if you poke with q and e you should be fine. After six feel free to fight her.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED NE LA FIGHTEZ PAS LEVEL 1 ET 2. ESSAYEZ DE LA FREEZE ET DE LUI COURIR DESSUS AVEC LE GHOST COMME D'HABITUDE. TENEZ-VOUS CONTRE UN MUR LORSQU'ELLE ULTIME ELLE NE POURRA PAS TOUCHER UN DES POINTS VITAUX NE LOUPEZ PAS VOS Q. ESQUIVEZ LA RIPOSTE CE SORT EST JUSTE RIDICULE ELLE REDUIRA VOTRE VITESSE D'ATTAQUE POURRA VOUS STUN POTENTIELLEMENT SI ELLE CONTRE VOTRE E ET BLOQUERA N'IMPORTE QUEL DEGATS OUI ELLE PEUT BLOQUER VOTRE ULTIME :) DONC ESSAYER DE L'ULT PENDANT LE CC DE VOTRE E. ARMURE RONCIERE EST UN ITEM A RUSH ABSOLUMENT ET PRENEZ CONQUEROR. Ce match dépend fortement de la qualité de la Fiora. Une bonne Fiora est difficile à affronter mais tout ce que vous devez savoir c'est qu'au niveau 1, elle est BEAUCOUP plus forte que vous. N'essayez PAS de la trade au-delà d'un Q ou deux niveau 1. Toute Fiora digne de ce nom utilisera l'opportunité de toucher tous vos signes vitaux et de vous mettre suffisamment bas en point de vie au point que vous ne pourrez plus du tout l'all in plus tard. Le niveau 3 est l'endroit où la voie devient plus facile. Le seul moyen qu'elle vous batte est qu'elle riposte votre E. Si c'est le cas vous êtes juste finit car le temp du stun elle pourra vous toucher plusieurs point vitaux. Elle possède un push assez faible alors essayer de la freeze essayez de rush tabis et armure roncière si vous êtes en difficultés. PS: Je la permaban :) je n'arrive juste pas a jouer contre a vous de voir.”
SemPelo says “Fiora is one of the best duelists in the game and so is our Mantheon. Try not to get caught casting W on her while she is using hers(ability that blocks all damage and CC(crowd control) and stuns you if you try to immobilize her).
Antiheal is most likely necessary if she is running domination on the second tree of runes.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Hardest match-up for Aatrox. Fiora can easily dodge any of your Qs with her dash. Even if you manage to combo with your E, she will still parry your Q with her W. Try playing under tower, freezing your waves and waiting for the jungler to take care of your lane.
"I know your name, Fiora. This is not a duel you shall win."”
King Turtle says “Considering the current state of Divine Sunderer, Fiora is a massive problem in this scenario as her already good quick trades are even more potent now. She gets enough healing from kit and sunderer to negate a lot of damage. Your best odds to win here are to play safe and let her exhaust her mana.”
m1dge says “everything in your kit can be used to stun you with her W she can doge your W with her q and does alot of true dmg.
rush bramble into double ruby then tabis and just poke with 3 points q
Prezibogen says “Rush Steelcaps and if she buys lifesteal also bramble. Don't E her before she parries, else you will get stunned and die with a high chance.
She can also Block your ult so sometimes it is the best to bait her parry with your E, go back so you don't get stunned and then Ult.
Mid game/Late game she is stronger then you.”
KillMeKillMe says “I'd say she's favored early on, especially if she's going conqueror and you're not. However if you just poke her down, occasionally take safe trades, and farm, I'd say you gain the advantage as the game goes on. If she hit's six and you're still five, don't fight her, wait till you have your ult.”
quinoa says “She is made to duel. She beats you early game, becomes skill dependent mid game, and late game it shouldn't really be a challenge. Just hide your vital using walls.”
SmollJon4s says “She can throw your most powerful ability right back at you leaving you in a terrible position. Do not 1v1 her at any point at the game unless you are really far ahead.”
Bombabo says “Just a flat out annoying matchup.
Both of you rely on repositioning around the target, but hers gives her mobility and sustain, especially during her ult. Having your shield on E hurts, since she can use her riposte to counter it. She can also block either cast of your ult.”
Vandenelis says “she can do a lot to you with her passive and ult, you can beat her if you get bramble and tabi, and she doesent have a lead on you by then dont use ur q untill she uses her parry, and poke her with ur e”
Kartagoo says “A lot of Poke. Trading with her is a Mindgame: Run at her with Q then if you are very near her (E) Spin, most Fiora falling for that and try to Parry. Get Executioners or Bramble Vest later on. When she hit 6 respect her Damage and healing so don't push too hard. You need DD later on as 4th, 5th or 6th item to 1v1 her”
DarkyTheReal says “Skill Matchup. You need to play with her W cooldown, bait it with a fast trade like Q W, E out of her W, something like that. Also, you should run executioner's calling early vs this matchup, and you should be able to win 1v1 level 6.”
MikaeraKun says “Fiora's on the tougher part of your matchups. She can throw W if you use your E or R, so she can stun and possibly kill you. Try and bait her W out.”
SettVEVO says “If it's a good Fiora you will suffer,
punish her when she doesn't have W. You can win level 1 trade if you keep your vitals from getting hit. This lane is all about her parry and how you punish when she doesn't have it up. If you avoid getting too much vitals hit and don't get parried you will usually win against her unless she's fed. You are much better in teamfights so look forward to that.”
Byku2506 says “When she is trying to poke you drag her fast and trade with her to the end, but be carefull when she hits 6. She can 1v1 you by healing and hitting weak points. When she is R you stay close to wall, like almost hugging wall. After lane phase take down her with your teammates, you cant solo her, she have too big heal from attacking you.”
Eternae says “i don't recommend to play on lane with this build, or even this champion against Fiora, she is one of the toughest opponents to beat for a volibear player.”
eramsorgr says “Fiora can be an annoying matchup however if her parry is down, you can beat her. WIth navori you will be able to out damage her due to your heal being app. ”
RTO says “Fiora has better scaling, better damage and max health true damage. Beartrap on a rope is completely negated by Riposte, and she annihilates you late. Shut her down early, ask for ganks, build tabi's.”
Fryx says “This is an interesting skill matchup. You can buy Bramble Vest to easily deny her but her true damage and vital procs can be lethal to you and she will try to cancel your ult with w so fake your ult and bait it out of her. Be careful early game and reset her passive by running away when the vital is placed poorly. Just relax you will eventually destroy her.”
wff010 says “She beats you level 1 now because they buffed her so don't get yourself killed to find out. You are stronger level 2 but can't fight because her wave will be pushed into you. Therefore, the time to fight is level 3. Make sure to save your E W for AFTER she parries and just use AA and Q to chunk her down and scare her into wasting it. If you can dodge her parry that is huge because then you don't get the 50% AS slow. Make sure you keep her vitals against a wall so she can't proc them easily and don't walk up too far unless you're to go all in since she can just poke you and run away. Take ghost to run her down when she overextends.”
LoLReal says “This is a really hard lane for Mordekaiser and one of his only "true" counters. Don't lose too much health trading early and try to farm under turret as she'll inevitably push us in. Don't die in this lane either. After 2 items we can't really do much to her in the side lane. She can riposte our R if she's good and predicts. Hug walls when she R's to deny her the full proc. Tough lane and we get outscaled.”
RTO says “Can go either way, snowballs or gets destroyed, get your jungle to gank her more than you get ganked, put her behind. She does physical damage.”
qosmox says “Be wary of her vitals, but do small grasp trades whenever you have passive up and she goes for a lasthit. You should almost never use your taunt in this matchup except to disengage or to go in on her if she wastes her W for some reason. But you should be able to outtrade her lvl 2-5. It’s fine to rush Bramble Vest in this matchup.”
SanLourdes says “Fiora can counter Sion pretty hard if she is good. Freeze the wave in front of your tower so she has to walk up and CS. Try to bait out her W as it is on a higher cooldown than your Q. If you do use your Q, charge it fully as you will need that stun to lock her down. Do not ult unless you know her W is on cooldown. Do not give her the opportunity to ult you. Use your E to slow her and prevent her hitting all her vitals. Do not use your Q when she ults you as it is too much of a risk to stay immobile that long and gamble if she uses her Riposte right. She can deal tons of true damage and she can outscale you. Rush Plated Steelcaps as they protect you from a lot of her damage.”
RainAndBow says “This kind of matchup is where you want PTA. Blind her E as much as possible. Use the fiora tech where you walk away from her to reset her passive in case it is facing directly towards you. Poke her off minions and win through farming. If she waste her W, you can try to fight.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Playing into fiora is going to be rough for starters. Avoid taking bad trades with her passive level 1 and 2.
I recommend taking W level 1 into them to catch them off guard and instantly go for 5 stack kill.
Get Grevious wounds from brambles vest with tabbies and you win lane.”
calbino says “Playing against a Fiora with brain cells is pretty... Unplayable, to say the least. Her high speed, ability to kite your Qs, high damage, healing, and ability to turn an entire fight to her side off of her W stun makes her a nightmare to fight. ”
Jaori says “It may be hard to play if you're new to The Troll - but it really isn't. Her W is pretty cancerous and even if she doesn't parry, the ability stops you from attacking for 3 seconds. Doesn't change the fact that you beat her mid and late game easily, if she doesn't parry your ult, of course.”
RareParrot says “never fight her at 6 but you can trade with her before then, build plated steel caps and kite back, bait her parry out and q her when she goes in without it at 6 she will have mercs and outsustain you with her true damage.”
ForgottenProject says “Im a Challenger Fiora main, trust me when I say Fiora MURDERS you if you play bad.
All Fiora mains just perma force vs Gwen because they know shes weak BUT there is hope.
Go Corruption Potion and start E in lane. You CAN trade with her if you are safe. NEVER E INTO FIORA. Use your auto range to your advantage and FIGHT HER TO DEATH when you get bramble vest! ”
Sopachi says “Fiora is the legendary counter to Kled. Her Riposte (W) allows her to return CC in the direction she uses it and can stun you. On top of that, she has insane burst damage after early items and very high mobility. If you attempt to all in and miss your Q because she used her Q to dodge, it's doomed. Playing against Fiora takes skill and finesse and would only recommend trying to duel her if you are an experienced Kled player. In this matchup, look to shove wave and roam to help other lanes. The last thing you want to do is int to her. ”
KarmaChamelion says “Noticing a theme? True damage slayer and riposte can get you into deep trouble if you fail to properly account for it. However you have multiple forms of CC to lock her down (as long as you sidestep W stun or bait it out) and Fiora is crippled by Bramble. ”
SavagePridestalker says “I think Fiora is super easy for tank Rengar. Even though her R and passive deal true damage, she can't really beat you until she gets 3 items and until then you can absolutely dominate the lane against her and get multiple solokills.”
Marwaii says “Poke her early game and kite her. DO NOT go into extended trades or you will lose. Mega Gnar guarantees you a kill but ensure you do R -> W to make sure she can't parry your stuns.
Take Trinity + Plated.”
a1a7s45 says “Fiora is a challenging opponent for two reasons. One, if you leave her alone so you can teamfight, you're base will get taken in no time. The other is max health true damage. Get anti heal early in the lane, ideally the first back, and watch her cry. When you're in range of a vital proc and it's in a good spot for her, you just run away and go back to see where the vital is.
You have two choices for mid and late game. You either sidelane against Fiora or you teamfight 4v5 and hopefully you win.”
oogoogerson says “Fiora is a really strong 1v1 duelist so you will need to be cautious. Your movement speed does make it hard for her to get an R off on you and to hit her passive marks. Your poison also is really annoying when she goes for her passive's marks. Do not let her get an R off or she will power spike hard. Take Ignite for her R and her general healing through runes and items.”
MachDawn says “She can be annoying if you are not smart. BE CAREFUL. She can outplay with W against your R, E, and Q. Try not to fight her without 5 stacks and ignite up unless you already have BORK.”
Safolet says “The truth is that this confrontation does not please me, Fiora can deny you your R or W while you are in MegaGnar with her W and stun you back. It will also be difficult to trade because of Fiora's passive, which does True damage, which does not suit Gnar, because he builds Tank Items, and usually fiora does more damage than Gnar.”
RedNBlue says “MINOR THREAT? FIORA? Yes, if you play smart and keep the extra damage vital spot away from her reach then you can really make her angry, you can just get thornmail plus the classic ninja tab-- oh Plated Steelcaps and she will be turned to a little plastic mush.”
laoshin3v3 says “This matchup is all about passion, if u just wait with ur 3rd Q or W she will panic and use her W, still care the Attack speed slow is very strong”
AlanVenator says “Buying some sort of antiheal is a must in this matchup (Bramble Vest is or executioner's calling). The key in this matchup is to try and bait her parry. NEVER use your E or ultimate if she has not yet used her parry.”
Breadcrumbs says “This is truly a skill matchup, I prefer to run ignite into this matchup to stop her healing and ensure you reset bad vitals by leaving her vision”
SethPRG says “Fiora out scales you and you will lose most of the time if they can proc their R. But you generally should just do enough damage with your AA to kill them, especially by going Trinity Force. You will want to try to bush cheese them, they lose level 1 unless they parry your E, so hold off on using it unless they parry. From Levels 2-5 you will want to start off a trade with an E stun into your minion wave on them then just AA them, using Q whenever. They will probably parry your W though. Your other option is to start a trade with Q, and hold off your E at all times. You will win the AA trade with Q only and they will have to parry at some point. Even if you are losing, let's say they went ignite, you can always W, which they will be forced to parry, which afterward you can E them. If they don't parry before then they either die or disengaged. Past level 6 you will want to go near walls and or sidestep fiora to avoid them from hitting all their R spots. I'd recommend to ult them mid-Q animation when they are trying to reposition to hit one of their R vitals. In this matchup, just be careful of their E AA slow, you might end up canceling your own basic attacks a lot on accident. Rush Bramble Vest and eventually Plated Steelcaps. Trinity Force is the best Mythic item to be able to outduel them, but late game they will still probably be able to kill you 1v1 just because they will probably end up parrying something you do and are an over buffed piece of crap champion.”
SpartanDumpster says “If timed right, she can block your passive, which instantly gives her the upper hand. Since you're also sacrificing bulk for power, she can really take advantage of you with this build.”
El Leon Gnar says “Fiora can be dangerous if she parries you in mega, and she will always be a strong champion in the game, but it's not a lost cause. Trade as much as you can while she's trying to land vitals on you, and never use your Wallop on her while she has passive up.”
joelspaho121 says “Skill matchup but slightly darius favored.d blade start with sorc tree.steelcaps bramble rush mandatory.Laning against Fiora isnt hard at all just try not to eat too much poke from her vital procs with q.always trade back and dont hesitate because you out damage her.her w will stun you if she times it well but the average fiora player cant time it well enough since your e animation is too fast. It's kind of a mind game honestly. Most of fiora players also use it to cut your attack speed in half and negate q damage since theyll make more out of it that way instead of gambling whether youll drag them with e or not.also post 6 try hugging walls when you get ulted so she doesnt proc the last vital and get the extra damage off among with the healing zone.finish her off while she desperately tries to hit the final vital. Also never R her if she has W up because she can easily deny you an R reset which is really problematic esp in teamfights.”
Sinci says “Fiora is a strong opponent with one of the best duelist kits in the game and completely counters Irelia as a champion if played correctly.”
Brotharock says “Fiora can harass you a lot in early, just play way behind the minions and charge the Q just for damage and no cc. Buy anti healing, bami, and there's a chance that you can kill it.”
DaSticks says “Just hold your blind until she parries. If she wins a fight where she doesn't parry then you shouldn't of took the fight! Stand against a wall to prevent her proccing all sides of her ultimate! You can walk far away from her to make the vital (her passive) switch sides!”
Helix128 says “her chances of snowballing are inmense if she plays correctly.
wait for her to waste her parry and then q to negate her damage and win trades. ”
Lok0mina says “Fiora does a massive damage since the beginning of the match, she also heals a lot with her attacks, wait until you level up to 6, then try to hit her with your Q as much as possible, when her life is about half/less than half, just go for the kill. But remember, she HEALS with her attacks, so try to imagine her with an extra 150 imaginary health, that is the damage she will heal while in a fight with you(in level 6).”
Kaizin says “Fiora is a champion that can keep her spacing really well, which against Volibear can be a pain. You can trade with her early and the level 3 works well as you can negate some of her damage. The main points for this matchup are, do not stun onto her parry, if you want to bait with it, run at her with q but don't use it until she's parried. Also make sure you don't get hit by the parry at all, it does 110 magic damage at level 1, reduces your attack speed and movement speed. You can fight fiora early until about first item, from this point put your strength into teamfights as you can provide more for your team than she can. Fiora is a split pushing/dueling champion, just make sure she doesn't have that opportunity. Bramble rush is good against her early game, but eventually her true damage is the main issue, be careful stacking health as her true damage is % max health. ”
NPGRiven says “This is a HEAVY skill matchup, right now it is more Fiora favoured, but I feel it's 45/55 Fiora's way. Usually the first person to get the kill in the lane wins the lane in this matchup. You are able to level 1 all-in if you get lucky with vitals, it is safer to let the wave push into you level 1 and try and freeze under your tower. You want to do your best to short trade, hopefully near your tower so you can go back without being punished. You want to try bait her Riposte (W) before even thinking about all-inning her. You can bait her W by using your 3rd Q in a position where she won't predict it, if you 3rd Q on top of her she will just get a free stun. Don't try trade after she's stunned you, you will lose. If she ults you, do your best to hug a wall to prevent her from hitting her vitals on her ult.”
I am so chill says “its one of Aatrox s hardest matchup because she can W(parry) your Q or your w and you dont know which one she will block.However if you can bait her riposte (W)and make her unable to reach her vital point (her pssive)you may have a chance to duel her.Do not all in her unless you poked her so hard.Ask your jungler for ganks.”
AlexFL7000 says “Fiora is never fun to face. Her W blocks your ult and E, and she will shred your health once she has items. Try to play safe, you can try to get trades but if you lose too many trades you will die and lose the lane. A fed Fiora is very scary for your team.”
UlisesFRN says “She can poke you and avoid your Q with her Riposte. Try to farm as much as you can and ask for ganks early. You can kill her before lvl 6 if you manage to hit your Q and avoid her Passive. You should build Bramble Vest and try to bully in early with the help of your Jungle. Once she is lvl 6 she may beat you in all in and when she buys Ravenous you can no longer fight her. Try to roam or bait her Ult and kill her but be carefull”
ryzetrox says “Your worst nightmare. Go bramble vest and hope you live this lane. Her entire kit counters you. You cant throw a Q cause she will always have a free stun with W and she outheals your damage.”
CaptianMike says “True damage is not your friend. Do not let her proc her vitals! Farm under turret for most of the laning phase. She can dive you most of the time with her mobility and healing, so always recall if you are low on health.”
ApollonATH says “Skill matchup in her favor . Dont fight her level 1 since if she hits her vitals she can easily first blood you. Look for fights after level 2 and do your best to keep your Q after her W has been used. ”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Yes
Try not to let her land vitals or she will heal and do additional damage to you. You should not have to worry about getting stunned but her W does have a killer slow. She is one of the best duelists in the game so keep that in mind when you are trying to fight her. Picking up some early grievous or taking ignite might not be the worst idea.
Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
Humitaxx says “Fiora can be a real pain if she gets ahead, since no matter what you do, if she lands the weak points it will do massive true damage to you, so be careful and just avoid getting CC'd by her counter, Start the match by getting some anti-healing and save your E in long fights to ensure you land a fully charged W and also to not get caught in her counter.”
WarwicksSimp says “Hahah, 2k true damage with her r alone. And fiora players still complain about bramble. You can build bramble here and hope it does something she usually outplays you, gets ganks, etc. She's just champ diff.
Though, this matchup can be outplayable for you.
It's impossible to play vs a good fiora. play near walls and deny her passive and r. Play smart, stay on your toes and think fast;; This matchup is mentally draining but winnable.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Fiora goes even against mordekaiser, an early oblivion orb solving the healing issue, the only way for her to win would be her parrying your E, which is easy to play around”
UlisesFRN says “A good Fiora can make you have a very bad time. She is better than Rene at 1v1 plus she has much more InFight Sustain, while Rene has better lane Sustain with the minions. She can stomp you at any level if she hit vitals, also dont W into her Parry (W) or you insta loose. Try to get short pokes, dont let her hit vitals and wait for the BOTRK powerspike. Her ult at Lvl 6 will destroy you even if you have Ult too, unless you managed to take her really low life. Even then, she can parry your W and heal while hitting all 4 vitals. With BOTRK you can win fights if her ult is down. Her Dash (Q) has a very short cooldown so dont overextend since she can chase you in long lanes. Try to end the game faster than usual, she is a splitpushing machine wich will create a lot of pressure on the map. Try to get your team ahead with good roamings, that will be usefull later on to win the 4v5 in objectives while she is doing splitpush”
Snow Day Zoe says “She can 1v1 you, especially if you don't have bork. You need to guarantee E W or she will easy dodge it.
Mind game with your e and her w
PinkUnicornGod says “Ban Fiora or Vayne. She beats you at all stages in the game and is the cause of your depression. Boneplating, Revitalize secondary. Buy Doran Shield and rush bramble, then Plated Steelcaps. play safe, feel free to drop farm, just don´t die. Ask your Jungler to come gank preferably before lvl.6. Jungler needs cc though or else she can always escape by parrying your e.
Fioras parry can block not just your e but also your ult so be careful on how you are using these abilities. Do not ult and e her at the same time like you normaly would for a guaranteed e hit, since she can parry both at the same time. Never ult her when you don´t know if she has her parry up. When FIora ult try to stand near a wall to hinder her of reaching on of the vitals. ”
Darkduet says “Fiora is very difficult to face, because of her mobility and life steal. Even though ignite or executioner's can make a difference, it's more preferable to stay safe and not be aggresive. Also, Fiora's W can block a whole combo and make huge differences in trading.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Avoid fighting her at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive and her Q destroys you early on however don’t be afraid to use the minions to your advantage if she is overly aggressive. Start e and let her push you in. E her after she autos/q you so that your creeps target her. Once it pushes to tower stack your passive and look for fights if you have a level over her. Use your Q to avoid her parry or your flash if you don’t have low HP minions around you. Rule of thumb in this lane is, if you start a fight with full passive and full HP AND you have low hp minions, you win if you dodge her W. It is easier after level 6 since they almost always parry the E making her W very predictable. As long as you have ONE Q mark on her, you will typically win if you start the fight with 5 stacks and have avoided her W. Avoid fighting her after 2+ items unless ahead since its really hard to out damage her if she has tabi. Rush executioners and look for fights asap once you have your botrk if the lane is going even.
Womsky says “Scaling/mixed runes with long sword start, a very abused/highly over tuned champ, can beat u up hard early, till level 6, farming is all what is recommanded, cause you scale harder than her into the 1v1 mid game, in the late game its kinda evenish... usually what l do to get a kill, is past level 6, if she over extends and try harrase me and messed up a Q or something, she will turn around after she Q so l ghost W "or ignite" to run her down, but remember, patience is KEY in this matchup, give up what u habe to from farm to stay high up early and sustain by Q, most fiora and agro af and looks to get every passive hit they can get, do not randomly spin into her cause she can parry and rip you, if her parry lands its a large size oof, basicly a 2 sec stun cause all what trynda do is AA and move, if she ever wastes parry while over extending, if u got fury go in, fury is a must while trading with her, and if u get good in the match up u can play around her passive in fights, like staying next to walls or moving as she moves, works wonders too when she ulti, hug a wall.”
Losiu says “I personally ban her. Her w conters you a lot (she can riposte your q e r). My advices ar to hide you e while jumping to miniona and try to hit her.
Second advice is jumping with q on minions. She cant use her passive”
tibs2 says “Bramble any% speedrun TAS. This match up is really fun but probably not so much for the Fiora. The match up at the highest level is just a game of chicken where Fiora can actually q w and if you w you can stunned and lose a lot of hp. She can also obviously parry your e if you try to wall slam so be careful of that because if you get parried like that you are almost for sure dead. So its all about baiting out her w and if you do that you should win the trade. Be careful pre bramble but once you get your bramble its free af. ”
SadmanV3 says “Fiora's biggest annoyance in lane is her ability to constantly poke, whilst avoiding direct damage with her Riposte (W). Skirmishing with Fiora in the early game, almost always results in a bad trade, especially for Nasus.
*Tips for laning Fiora
1. Avoiding early skirmishes, spacing them out to maimize the effect of Doran's Shield
2. knock off her Riposte Shield, before hitting her with Q.
3. Good wave management.”
Ratakor says “bramble vest first item, if you get kill early the game is over, so the matchups depends of his level like darius, wait her W before ult, her ult can deal 50% max HP true damage, tp or ignite depands of your playstyle and elo”
JeanMichelBambi says “Fiora's whole thing is to shred through tanks like butter, she can even stun your by parrying your hook or parrying your E wth the right timing.”
dusaanv2 says “Fiora can be hard to play against because of her W witch can block any damage but if you wait for her to use it you can easy win fight against her.”
Ponkstronk says “Can be annoying. Always stun her with e before w if you have to. She will 9/10 times save her W for your w.
She will outscale you after 2 or 3 items.”
CertifiedTrundle says “She can deny your r only if u are too predictable
Try to force her w before useing r
Bait her w and she's easy kill still she can turn the fight if u dont pay atention to her passive or r”
GabomanDeLegado says “Ir con Poción de Corrupción y subir la E. No utilizar la E de forma ofensiva. Utilizar la E para kitear y esperar a tener armadura para pelearle.”
XD001 says “Nearly identical to Darius. Very rare to see in mid lane but some people pocket pick it. Focus on good CS and very short trades you know you can win. Invest in early grievous wounds. If she pops r dont be afraid to flash away, she can 100-0 very quickly. Try to freeze it under your tower and avoid pushing up too much. Mid-late game she will just stat check you in a side lane, your time to shine comes in team fights. Try to 1 shot enemy backline and squishies. Fiora heavily ouscales Ekko.
electrocute + inspiration + tp
If the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination”
Noodles912 says “Fiora can get a little scary. Spam Q to stay healthy. You scale a bit better than Fiora, but she is still a late game monster. Look for a freeze, farm up, and blow up her backline so no one can follow up her engages. Morellonomicon can be useful.”
Cayteer says “Try to bait her W with your E auto. Cancel your auto so she uses W then go for a trade. If you want to pull combo her , you need to bait her W again.”
Rex160 says “This champion is literally bullshit, if you play aatrox too u know why. High movility, high damage, true damage, a fucking parry against everything, including spells, autoreset + crit, and, the cherry of the cake, massive true damage based on your max health + zone healing. What the actual heck. I ban her every single team on every game i go top, believe me when i say that my life is better because of that.”
PoppingMoth says “I mean I feel she's just a bully to you, she just sorta stops all your abilities out speeds you and out damages you with true damage.”
Usta010101 says “she can parry your q,have a high dps,q her wait for the presentation to spend w and when your q comes try to kill with ignite in early game,dont try trade him if she dont waste her w ”
kohyss says “Probably the most widely known morde counter pick. Never use your E before she used her riposte. You will probably not win this lane so just wait for the laning phase end. Do not let her hit the vitals. Build early bramble+plated steel caps.”
Fra660 says “you can fight her before she get the level 6 otherwise start playing safe,she does a lot of damage,her passive grants her movement speed which is very dangerous for gwen,because being a champ who attacks from a standstill she can't keep up with mobile champions”
SadmanV3 says “Almost a major threat, not quite there, aim to freeze the lane closer to the tower and farm until you outscale her. She is capable of a decent level of harass however.”
Deep League says “To win this matchup, you must hold onto W unless she's in the middle of another animation. Your leap is reactable, and you'll lose if stunned. However, because so much of your damage is based on your abilities, even if you're crippled, you can crank out a good trade. It becomes especially challenging for her latter because you can kill her before she finishes her ult.”
Raizins says “Fiora has one ability which you need to keep in mind at all times when she is in a fight with you. Her W will punish you extremely hard for wasting CC on her if you don't outplay or mind-game her. Do your best to bait out her W before comboing her, and make sure your teammates don't get CC'ed by your attempts to stop her”
Urgodzilla says “I have no idea why Riot Games buff this champion when they 100% should nerf her. She is stronger than you at any stage of the game. Ban her or Jax.”
Speed_Fire2 says “Fiora is a powerful Foe for Mordekaiser, but not the worst, Play it safe and if she engages with her ult, Use your R on her and (if it isn't blocked) Run to the edge of the circle near some terrain, this makes it effectively impossible to hit two vitals and can help save you.”
Spligam3r says “BAN OR DODGE. Every single one of your Q crits is cc, so she can stun you anytime. Also outheals you and outdamages you, though she is squishy. If you cant ban or dodge, build bramble and tp bot to feed adc.”
Tsundere Tahm says “Fiora es básicamente lo mismo que Darius solo que con daño porcentual. en los primeros 2 niveles tienes que intentar matarla, recomiendo esperarla en el bush por el que llegara a linea post wardearle el buffo a su jungla o ayudarlo con lich, es una kill 80% segura cuando hago esto.”
jmp_01_ says “Strong champion. She can be really annoying with her passive - Duelist's Dance. She deals % true damage, which can be really annoying. Same with her Q - Lunge. Make sure not to get poked by it. Also her W - Riposte can just nullify your W. She scales better. Definetly take Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps in this matchup.”
negoZoma69 says “Basically her whole kit counters you. An anti-cc ability, Insane ad burst, lots of movespeed and sticking power, high base stats and lifesteal. The good news is that is hard to find really good Fiora players so you can win if the Fiora is reckless and don't save her parry for your ult.”
Draconic56 says “Try to not let her hit her vitals rush bramble vest and plated steel caps try to poke her with Q's. You can beat her after level 6 just be careful that she doesn't parry your ult she can completely negate it. Use your W to negate her vital damage and land your Q's and you will kill her. She will outscale you tho so don't 1v1 her late game.”
Kokob5 says “ A hard match up from the get go. Let her push you in and do not try to all in alone unless you have Bramble and Steelcaps. Only fight if you get ult off and hug a wall to prevent her from fully getting her ult off.”
KingFershid says “I personally ban her every game cause, if the Fiora you're facing is good it's easy Top Diff, but in the other hand if you manage to get some bad Fiora players just avoid her W and kite her easly.”
R3mI says “fiora counter aatrox and you always need to keep your q and when she try to w you if q her you e and dodge w and after you can spam q on her till her have w again. when she ult you go into a wall just to not get the last hit”
SleeplessX says “Don't W into her W. Walk back to reset bad vitals. Be wary of her Q dodging your own Q and hitting you at the same time. Stick to a wall if she ults you”
Spacix6 says “Fiora has a lot of mobility compared to Illaoi and she will just do true damage to you over and over again try to not use your E when she uses her block spell”
Dorom says “I despise Fiora, Fiora is one of the most frustrating champions to play against, you have to play safe untill you are ahead or just never fight her. The only time you can fight her is if you have ignite, griveous wounds AND sheen. She is almost impossible to fight.”
jvr_ says “Rush Bramble Vest, don't let her poke you down with Qs. Jungle help should win you lane. When she hit 3 items you probably won't be able to 1v1 her.”
SpartanDumpster says “Similar story to Camille, only benefit is that you don't have any CC to let her W stun you with. The match up is Fiora favored since she has stronger trades than you, but you can kill her if you properly make multiple short trades, so there is a bit more wiggle room for you.”
pioj12 says “Fiora is a skill matchup she can all in you at lvl 6 and little trades at early lvls, just try to poke until mega so you can all in.
Try to realize when she has her W to stop you one shooting as mega bc if she parrys you W or R you are screwed.
Ward The Sky says “She's pretty much the same as Irelia, Camille, Kled and those types. Do not underestimate her damage potential. Also try to time her parry so she won't stun you. Start an early bramble vest if you need to.”
raede says “Fiora is quite the champion. Obviously her parry is main issue as if she even just hits the ability without having parried anything it can still win her the fight. A pretty required trick I use the make the matchup even is I activate Q and run at her but instead of stunning I just run to a side. Most Fiora's will parry and then they're pretty much dead. if you can't sidestep the parry just W as while it won't deal damage, you're next W will heal you.”
bocchicken says “As long as she doesn't parry your ult, you're golden.
Play next to walls post 6 so she can't proc all 4 ults on you.
Consider bramble to cut her healing.
She DOES outscale you late game!!!”
ChaseMorePlz says “Broken champion, definitely OP. Luckily, Olaf is broken as well. You're stronger than her early game, so abuse that fact and keep her on her toes.”
Zac Petista says “Tente abusar do seu E no próprio pé para não dar chance de reação para a fiora. Evite trocar antes de ter Colete Espinhoso e nível 6, e observe se ela não tem corta cura.
A fiora é uma matadora de tanks perigosa, o que torna uma troca no late game inviável caso você não stompe o early game. Além disso, mesmo que você acerte a segunda ativação do Q nela, ela tem tempo suficiente para ver o cc começando e ripostar, o que faz com que qualquer jogador de fiora seja capaz de ripostar sua esticada.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “No need to fear Fiora... just avoid her marks to explode and be agressive as soon as she uses riposte (the cd is higher than Urgot's E).”
Reformed Ravi says “a real pain to deal with, rush antiheal and dont use w until she uses q. try and position yourself so she cant proc a vital on you when you cage her. careful of her w because it can stun you if your w hits her on the edge of it.”
Sett The Boss says “Fiora is really dangerous because her passive deals %hp true damage to champions and because she can nulify all damage with one ability including Haymaker”
RetiredPykeMain says “A good fiora is always a problem, standard runes and ignite. your W can block her Q and her passive procs
Rush brumble vest. Her W attack speed slow is too strong for u to keep fighting so dodge it at all cost.”
Godalane says “So easy. Go for Grasp if you are a new Yorick player.
You are always much more powerful than Fiora. In the laning phase, the only time you weak against Fiora is level 1. When you get to level 2, congratulations, you became more powerful than Fiora throughout the game. If you equal with Fiora, you can go for Chempunk Chainsword for Grevious Wound. Rest of the game, push, push, and push.”
Rime101 says “Elecotrcute. Max W. take ignite.
All in when her W (parry) is on cooldown. You max W because she its instant and she basically cant parry it
Toliam says “Honestly one of the better fiora counters out there. Don't waste stun, let her fight in your turrets, her only way to win is if she parries your stun.
Seekers after lost chapter -> continue as normal. ”
Alekra says “Difficulty ranges from even to extreme depending on the skill difference. Bramble Vest early helps alot and so does Bone Plating. Ignite also helps but only take it if you are confident that you can beat her. Charge at her with Q but do not strike her to bait her into using Riposte. Do not max Q since if she is able to riposte it will leave you with a loosing trade.”
Erenando says “She will play really aggressive. You'll have a hard time to get any cs if she hits her marks. Make sure to freeze minions infront of your tower but out of tower range to punish her. This will make it hard for her to poke you, since she'll be punished with towerhits.”
lulw says “Even but its more sett favored. You should first back bramble vest. You can go steelcaps after. The reason why this matchup is even is because she can stun you if she parries your E. This allows her a free vital and a couple autos. If your under half and get stunned you might be dead. She can insta proc her R when your stunned. The way you trade with her is just run at her. Don't ever use your E unless her parry is down. She will probably parry your W if you dont use E. So save your E for then. She can also parry your ultimate so watch for that. ”
ToinoEscaca says “Her Parry makes "cancells" your attacks. They become so slow it's impossible to attack. Be careful for that. If she gains a lead early it becomes tricky to kill her.”
NathanPyke says “If you time her Spell immune she's dead but only kill her when you have anti heal or ignite because its hard to hit abilities with her Q”
Dark Star Deku says “Since your W is a timed cc ability it's really easy for fiora to stun you with her W. Also her low cd dash with her Q is a fast way to gapclowse onto you without you being able to run with E.”
GrGamingTeo says “Fiora is a tough opponent but winable. She will constantly try to go for your vitals with her Q. Let's say that you have a vital in your left you must go to the same direction as the vital and if she doesn't land her Q on the vital then she wil have to walk around you and you just have to walk with her so she doesn't pass you. I know this will sound dtupid but the only way to dodge her W is to not ge thit my it. Even if you waste your ult on her W as long asyou don't get hit by her W you are fine. Also every time she uses her ultimate you have to tun next to a wall and never leave that wall so she doesn't get her heall off and just AA, W her.”
4fun Player says “If she goes grasp you cant trade early and just survive until you get your lvl 5 powerspike.
After her sheen she can kill you in one rotation if you mess up.
if you pool her Q without any minions near you can straight run her down.
You NEVER push lane against this champion you only freeze and poke her.
she outscales you 1v1 at 3 items.
You take Electro nimbus.”
HoftheGreed says “Fiora es una oponente peligrosa (dependiendo quien la maneje, claro está, en este caso imaginemos que esta en manos de alguien que sabe mover bien las caderas) ya que Sett es un campeon en el que basicamente su mayor cantidad de daño y Win Condition recae en su W, que usa Vida y que además el enemigo te dañe, Fiora puede pasarse tu W con su propia W por el arco del triunfo además de que esta por su pasiva, hace mas daño si tienes mas vida máxima, además de que con su E puede ralentizar de manera CONSIDERABLE tus básicos y tu Q, no bastando eso, ella puede bloquear tu R con su W y con la misma habilidad, aturdirte a ti si intentas usar tu E contra ella, por lo que hay que tener MUCHO cuidado con ella para no feedearla, y vigilar bien cuales son tus posibilidades de ganar la fase de líneas según como sea el jugador que la maneje.”
Olaf Only says “She outscales you and every fight against her will be very close.
Poke her in the earlygame before she has lifesteal items and NEVER let her proc vitals on you.
Eventually she will always be able to 1v1 you so try to group up and end the game as soon as possible.
Get Executioners Calling or Bramble vest”
LunaticDancer says “An universal nightmare to lane against. If you wall directly onto her, she can parry that and stun you, so careful of that. Still, far from impossible to win, you will need to concentrate though. Best idea is to E her right after she dashes onto you and feed her a good retaliatory combo before retreating.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Trinity Force/Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite + TP]
Start W. Only W her when her Q is on cooldown. When you think she's going to Q towards you, walk up with your passive up and Q-Q her and W her as she walks away. If you E onto her when her Riposte is up, you have to aim it so you land to the side of her then walk side ways. If she stuns you with her W you're basically dead. You can dodge her Riposte with your R. When played at a high level, Fiora usually wins this matchup when jungle diff isn't added to the equation. If they are smart they will go Grasp of the Undying and this lane becomes 4x harder because you won't have a sustain advantage over her and she will constantly poke you down until you have to base or play really safe. It's normal to be behind cs in this matchup. You are better in 5v5s but she is better splitting and will crush you 1v1 in the side lane mid/late game if she's good.
I recommend banning Fiora if you're Masters + because she is really oppressive in lane vs Camille and can match Camille in the side lane split push late game.”
Dotje says “Possibly the worst matchup. She can walk over you without any fear because when you cast an ability to peel yourself she will just riposte it right back at you. I've been thinking if phase rush would be a solution for some survival. But you better ban her or avoid this matchup.”
SpyDaFX says “Skill matchup, same as teemo, when u E in, you wait for her parry (W) to end, because she'll likely use it instantly, and if u W her when she does, u get stunned, and ur probably dead. and same as teemo, when her W is down, look for big trades. stick to walls to avoid her passive (vitals), same when she ults, stick to walls so she cant proc all 4 vitals and get billion healing. go Conqueror, Alacrity recommended (if they dont have much cc) if you lose lane or if she's really good and ur struggling, go bramble vest. after first back.”
tasie456s says “Can be kited, she can only parry your w if you get unlucky or if shes TheShy or Nuguri or someone good. Just kite her and you should do fine. Be careful of her lvl 6 all in and dont get poked down before it. ”
Ravenborne says “If she goes to dash just W Q her and sidestep the Riposte. Rush Bramble Vest and when she ults hug a wall so she does not get the last Vital off for her heal. Do not try and farm with your Q because that will be a opportunity for her to get Damage in. If you manage to 5 Stack her and she has her Riposte up, E her and during the Pull R her so she can't Riposte it.”
mobsterplatypus says “Carry ignite. Fiora is a snappy combination of darius and camille. Build heavy GW with scepter and steelcaps. If she's slowed down enough you can kill her.”
Rank_1_Idiot says “Buy bramble vest and you'll instantly win this fight by just autoattacking, just delay your Q+W spells after you apply the third mark so she does not riposte them.”
Mr.Kovacic says “Her E and her ult are her most annoying. Just bonk her in the head with your Q every now and then, ult, E on her and just keep spamming your Q.”
BigManYam says “Scales early and late. Best way to trade against a Fiora is not trade at all until mid-game where you have power spike advantage, but around late game where she has 5-6 items she will kill you. So best to defend against a Fiora early is just build bramble vest and and a sapphire crystal just for extra mana. ”
GTGx says “Annoying matchup, dont ever e onto her unless her reposte is down. Only W her when her q is not up and if she does q onto you, q q her for as much damage as possible.”
DoubleQ says “She can hard stomp you in laning phase. Survive in lane, and you should kill her pre-6 with sheen. Watch out for her E and R which can fuck you up hard though.”
Bear24 says “Let her proc her passive on you then stun auto her, you win the trade lvl 1. After lvl 3 just w her so every time she does it you heal too. wait for her to w then q her. or q her at random times. If you get stunned you are pretty much dead if you are not ahead. Late game kite her with your w just keep running and she will come. Don't ult when she w either and stun her first. ”
TheMrDarkness says “This a skill matchup, but more on fiora side, don't trade her until you hit lvl6, try to bait her ult, and them go all in, If she wll use her W don't even touch her cuz you will get perma stun and she will kill you, and a good fiora player, can hard snowball the game even with only 1 kill”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Horrible lane, her W cancels your E and will stun you so bait it out by running alongside her and essentially play "Chicken". As soon as she R's you, R and run for the hills, when her ult is on you your main aim to just get out of there. Your W cancels her Q.”
Whobick says “Kinda hard to deal with. Some Fiora players don't know what they are doing, which works in our favor. When you face a skilled Fiora, play safe and watch out for the dirty crit hits. She can destroy you in a 1v1 so just play safe and get ganks.”
ModelitoTime says “Extremely annoying matchup. Start Doran's Shield and play as passive as you can until you are lvl 9 and have executioners and steelcaps. ”
ChevalierArlo says “Cura mais do que você, bate muito no início e no mid-game, ultimate acaba com sua troca. Não lute sozinho, espere ganks, splite, não troque. Use a build 1.”
kingchas2 says “Skill matchup. You have to play around her vitals. Many Fiora's will W+Q to get the slow and AA slow from range, so watch out for that. Make sure your Jungler doesn't CC her into the parry of else she can pretty easily win 1v2. ”
nvckxwsky says “Matchup vs fiora after recent buff are more 55/45 for fiora soo it's still a heavy skill-based matchup.
Take Dblade or Dshield(if you are really scared) and wait for your lvl 3 because u can't win lvl1 against her
From lvl 3 it's a skilled matchup, play around her W and R (W on first rank is ~24s cd)
This matchup like darius one is pretty snowbally:
if you get ahead she can't do that much to you but, same for her if she gets ahead of you, you will struggle against her.
Just respect her dmg and all-in
If she throws her W randomly = Free Lane for You
Take Ignite or rush executioner because she heals A LOT”
chokoryu says “Actually while she may be able to counter Q, she's not that bad if you get Bramble Vest+Plated Steelcaps. Just max E first instead of Q or W. E>W>Q.”
xxskipskipxx says “Dont trade lvl 1 and try not to get hit on the weak spots!!
You can reposition the Spots if you go away from Fiora !
You can also hug Walls when a weak spot is on that side same goes for the ultimate Weak spots!
If you see her trying to go for a Q on you, then you can E WQ on her AA and then Q out. Try to hold on to your Q3 and wait for her to use W or use it to the side and not on top of her and immediately e to the side you Q3 to!
Be creative with your W and use it differently all the time !!
W aa Q E
if she catches you with her W try to approach the trade differently”
Hippo Boi says “Really hard to have a good trade with her. Your low movespeed will make her land her marks very easily. Try staying on your horse as long as possible and use your W as an escape.”
SQU1DW4RD2 says “I hate Fiora, just ban her. Her poke with lunge (Q) is insane and she is too fast for you to outrun. She can block your fling (E) which is pretty much your death.”
Dannala says “High mobility, sustin and eventual AoE with Tiamat makes it a hard match up. It's a doable lane if played well and you don't stun her parry.
Late game will leave you unable to accomplish much against her unless you got enough damage to burst her down with an ally or two.”
ineptpineapple says “Pretty easy to kite away from when she engages, save your ult for when she ults and either 1 shot her or just leave her ult zone and wait for it to be over.”
Heckin says “Pretty much don't go tank into her, as she is known to be the best counter for tanks, play passively, play mind games with your Q and her W that should be fun, don't worry if she shreds you into pieces because this champ is brOken.”
Defensivity1 says “Scales very hard and has too much sustain with 2+ life steal items, ult healing, and true damage is very obnoxious so bramble rush is a must and Goodluck mid-late game”
VincentMobaFire says “Playing against Fiora as Braum is really difficult, she can easily predict your passive and ult with her W, and get behind you while you are using your E. ”
Raylzaw says “Fiora is really dangerous.Her W is extremely dangerous.In order to counter that,you have potition your q in a way that when you dash out of the W's hit box,you will be in a good potition to hit the sweetspot.Why the sweetspot since its gonna be parried?Usually when you hit the sweet spots,you will be at the right potition to hit the next one.”
BloxNaderYT says “Fiora has alot more late game scaling than Ornn assuming neither is super far ahead in level/ gold. Fiora's ultimate enables her to dive Ornn under towers late game, not allowing him to just shove the wave and heal back under his turret with Warmogs. With FIora's W, it can be punished on cooldown early game but in late game after cooldown reduction on Fiora, it is alot harder to punish. Fiora's potency to need make Ornn need more teammates to help Ornn resulting in a 1v2 or more can allow her to split push and gain numbers advantage for her team on other areas of the map especially when neutral objectives are online.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “If you manage to Q her in her dash it is unlikely she will block with her W wich leaves her exposed like a newborn to a canibalist doctor.”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “She is very squishy and you can kill her with practice. Without it or patience she will ruin you in lane and game. Most of the time they parry when you get your 3rd stack off so bait it out. Take approach velocity to stick to her and rush bramble and steel plate boots. ”
Raideru says “This is a skill matchup, It's all ab how well you can space around her vitals and u always want to trade back whenever she uses q on u so it's not one sided trades. Be careful with your e usage cose whenever it's down u can't rly play trades unless she wasted w as well. The matchup is all ab avoiding her predicting your e recast with her w and spacing in a way that makes it difficult for her to hit the vitals. I advise Fleet with Dblade start or Dshield if she has grasp. Sheen rush.”
LeSocair says “Take care of her passive, always watch at which side your Vital is gonna come up and try to cover it. Careful of her Attack Speed Slow. Try to cover one of your Vitals when she Ults and you'll negate a ton of damage and healing.
Feinting a barrel can bait her W and make her vulnerable to trades.”
TioKirb says “Ok, this is a matchup I'm familiar with since I mained Fiora for a long time, but that doesn't means that it's easy. First, you must hide your weak point and punish her every time she fails, if she hits you with her first E, you hit her with your E, if you want to ult her, you mist bait her W. Other than that, this is just defined by how much do you understand Lillia and how good are you at reading your enemy's actions.”
sauronkaiser says “Extremely toxic champion to play aganist and personally my most hated champ. Go garsp and try to hit her with Q every time she tries to abuse her passive on you. Once late game is reached you are f*cked, as she can almost oneshot you doesnt matter the tanky you are. Most of duels aganist her depends of if she does her riposte correctly, so try to bait it.”
CattoNuts says “Rush executioner's or bring ignite. Keep in mind that her W also slows down attack speed, so try to dodge it or play around its CD. She'll be vulnerable when she misses a Q.”
RedNBlue says “She will murder you if you don't know how to get away from her, otherwise she will dash towards you and you dash away, and she pretty much just dashed into your range ultimately killing her.”
AmericanNut says “Fiora is a tank busting champion much like Vayne, but is beatable with your distance. Kite her abilities and be wary of prolonged trades. Devour her and she might be managable.”
Malol67 says “Start corrupting.
You win early if you can bait her W,its more of a skill matchup but you have to get phage and anti heal asap .( Bramble is also good vs at least 3 ad champs)
If you don't abuse her in lane she will become a huge threat,but don't let this pressure you!
Its more of a mindgame about baiting each other Ws.
Dont forget to spam q early when she goes to cs,if she fucks up her positioning and has no W up she's 100% dead ”
bocchicken says “She can parry your passive proc, knockup, ult, which will result in her getting a TON of free damage on you, or even potentially killing you. She also outscales you. Not a fun matchup. You just play lane as safe as possible and look to group midgame since she wants to split push. ”
EU_Toxicity says “W and Q her when she tries to Q poke (ghost and run her down if she misses her W provided she's far away enough from her tower). Don't start trades/farm with Q cause that'll give her a perfect window to Q into you and dodge it. As long as you keep the lane on your side and focus on counterattacks you should win. When you wanna dunk her, E right before R so she can't parry it.”
LowElobuilds says “Fiora has always been a hard matchup 2 ways to play vs her 1 go for major dmg and try to kill her b4 she kills u.
2nd way play defensive with bramble tapis at start b4 building damage can get you in front early but usually FIora will come back lategame and outscale you.”
KillMeMyFriend says “Try Q and E farming pre lvl6 and poke her from max range after that recurve bow amd beserker greaves as early as possible will help you with that. If you manage to poke her down and finaly make an item advantage, you can procced to kill her. Otherwise she will destroy you.”
iZeal says “Skill matchup early, but Fiora outscales you hard. Do not let her hit vitals for free as they will give her back a lot of hp even in the early game while chunking you out once she gets levels and items. At 3 items it becomes pretty much impossible for Fiora to lose unless you are really far ahead. If she ults you, stand next to a wall to deny her the last vital and hope you are tanky enough to survive 3 vital hits. Try to dodge her W as getting hit by it means losing 50% attack speed for 2 seconds. Use your E to setup either your Q or your ultimate so she can't parry it. If she parries your E you are fucked. Ninja Tabis Bramble vest can be rushed to deal with her early. If she ever misses her Q or you can cancel it with your E, capitalize on it as it goes on a long cooldown.
DBlade/DShield, Ninja Tabis!, Bramble Vest > Executioner's Calling”
bocchicken says “You can Q her off of you. Your early game dmg against her is better in bursts, but she wins extended trades. Rush steelcaps and consider a bramble vest if she is getting lifesteal.”
DarkNavarre says “Fiora is an awkward matchup for Xayah, as she both has a way to get and stay on top of you, and a way to prevent your escape by Riposting your snare. However, if she is using her abilities poorly, you can kite her relatively well.”
Timesoul977 says “If you play offensive Fiora is a problem, just poke her and you should be fine. I don't see her top to often so I don't recommend banning her.”
NoxianBlood says “She's an extreme threat to Sion she will melt you if she procs her vitals and her ult, things you could do is get steel plates and bramble vest, but if this champion is making your tanky build useless I consider ban her when you are playing top lane and don't want to face a champion that laughs in front of Tanks if you can't ban her, try to team fight against her and ulting close range my prove useful since she won't expect it and try to parry it. to avoid most of her main damage output try to hug a wall, but it won't make a big difference but it's better than making her heal right after, if you die you might avenge yourself with your passive, just remember also that she can chase you down if she keeps on hitting you with her lunge, that refunds it's cooldown if it hits the target. so maybe consider a deadman plate just for the speed. You can bait her thinking that you are doing a short Q channel and she will try to parry it early, and you will end up sometimes landing a full Q on her, that might help a bit. but overall she's a big threat, one build I tried going vs her was full critic kicking her with the iron boot might be the only way to kill her, since she pretty much does a lot of auto attacks to kill you, she won't expect the boot.”
byThiagus says “Matchup de skill, Segunda pagina de runas Es viable ignite aunque recomiendo fantasmal. La linea depende en como de buena es la fiora, Darius gana all in si esquiva la w de fiora No te dejes pokear gratis, si va a explotarte un vital tiras q y tratas de extender la pelea, recomiendo rushear vesta espinosa, Fiora hace outduel a darius a partir de lvl 13 pero vos sos mejor en team fights. ”
Stijnzxz says “She is rigth away a ban worth.. just avoid to duel her cuz she will poke u down and R u in ur face + passive so u cant win that.. just ask ur JG to assist (no assasin pls just amumu or something that can stun)”
RocketD1no says “Well what can I say its Fiora, pretty op regardless of who she's against. When she ults try to hug a wall. Will hopefully block 1/4th of the bonus dmg”
Leukasdf says “Extremely balanced champion I'd say. You don't win this matchup. Her parry, mobility, and ult will make it a living hell to play against her.”
TristanofJugdral says “This matchup is rarely a problem if Fiora doesn't use her brain. If she wastes her W you destroy her with 300 AD auto attacks. Her vitals are a pain but that's just Fiora”
AWierdShoe says “Be wary of her vitals, but do small grasp trades whenever you have passive up and she goes for a last-hit. If you don't like the vital spot you can just back out and wait for a new one to come up in a better spot. You should almost never use your taunt in this match-up except to disengage or to go in on her if she wastes her W for some reason. But you should be able to out-trade her level 2-5. It’s fine to rush Bramble Vest in this match-up.
FoxyGrill says “Dont let her hit the vitals. When she ults you try to get near the wall so she cant proc it. Do hit and run tactic and be tricky with combo, that way she wont be able to stun you. Ignite and bramble west are recommended, note that ninja tabis wont work against her Q but she still reloes on auto attacks so tjey wont completely useless. ”
I Am Goliath says “This is Maokai's hardest matchup in my opinion and the one I struggle with the most, You want to let her push to you and try to farm the best you can, never get greedy for a cs in this lane or she will punish you with her passive. Try to not let her snowball in this lane at all because once she gets her ult she can destroy you. Be careful how you use W in this lane because she can parry it pretty easy since you have travel time. Play very safe in this lane and try to Q poke if they are not agressive. If they are agressive let them push to you and farm under turret until you get your items and try to have good TP's.”
I Am Goliath says “I think Fiora is insane right now and she does especially well against tanks because his ult is insane against them. Try your best not to get hit by her vitals because this will heal her also allowing her to heal up your E poke, be careful charging your Q on her because she can parry it fairly easily or she can just Q to dash out of it, a good Fiora is really slippery and will dodge most of sions abilities and then just kill you at level 6 with her ult if you overextend sightly. Basically play super passive in this match up and try to impact other lanes with ult or teleport.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “A good fiora player should be able to win easily against you. Once you get used to this match up at some point it will become a bit easier. So notice where he vital is (passive) try to position so you can deny her procing it ( it deals true damage, givers her burst of movement speed and heals her for a small amount. Be patient with your Q, let her Q first then use yours, block her W with yours, try to avoid her second E and when she ults you try to stay near a wall or dash around the minions to stall out the ult until its over, if you can't kite around a minion wave try to stay close to a wall while running
to deny her procing the last vital so she won't heal from her R. Freeze against her and let her do mistakes such trying to poke you with Q and maybe that way she will get a tower shot and it might be the time to kill her. Otherwise farm as much as you can and do not duel her a lot. Keep up with the farm”
Scoothare says “Fiora is really really really really scary. She can dodge your Q with her parry (W) and can pretty much destroy you the entire game. DON'T SHOOT YOUR Q WHEN SHE IS IN HER W RANGE. If her W hits you while dodging your root it will stun you. Don't do that. The same goes for your ult knockup.”
viktoreeu says “Very annoying to play against.
Don't get hit too often by her Q (vital) and hug the wall on her R time.
Try to farm and punish her when you can, the typical AA+E does the trick, she is really squishy early on.
If she W's you and you get hit, run and pray. You can fight her if you are in the middle of the lane with your R popped, but ideally, you can to make her waste her W and allin
Runes: Tempo +IGNITE!!!”
NickCola Tesla says “Fiora just manages to edge it out as a tier 5 threat, particularly because of her long CDs throughout the early laning phase. Your abilities are able to bait out her Riposte, which is on a 24 second CD level one! Furthermore, the only way she can reduce in the laning phase is by purchasing CDR (this is the last ability she levels up). However, she still scales to be a late game monster. Check the "high threat matchups" section for greater detail!”
StrikeX114 says “Without any hard engage or CC, her main counter to you is Riposte (W). Since Riposte is mainly to counter burst, it has relatively minimal effect on you. Be highly wary of Electrocute or Conqueror, as they can snowball post-level 11 fights.”
Saarlichenbog says “Fiora is very reliant on hitting her vitals or else she has to land her W on you to beat you in this matchup. Otherwise, she has to save her Q for when you want to trade or else she won't be able to survive in lane for very long which how much immediate damage you deal. More often than not, just getting Fiora to back often wins the matchup as she desperately needs levels to be relevant in the game.”
hiugnadie says “whenever her vital is easy for her to hit, just back off. just like irelia, when she tries to dash on you just jump over her and then you win the trade pre-six. after six, just jump to the side and auto her. try to make sure that you bait out her w before you use cc, or use your cc if she is somehow cced with her w up”
Chessylex says “You've lost the lane and quite possibly the game. Sit under tower, cry and boot up Netflix cuz you're not gonna be able to do anything the entire game. She can parry all your Qs and your W which she can also dash out of. Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis helps you survive a bit better but the lane is still completely lost nonetheless. You teamfight better than her so look for opportunities to do something helpful rather than hug tower the entire game.”
Captain Dantems says “Toma cuidado com a marca vital, pois quando ela o acerta ganha vida e velocidade de movimento, deixe um barril por perto para impedir de o fazer. Grasp inspiração. Dá para se usar poção corrupta ou cristal de safira com 3 poções.”
LOLArfopi says “Easy Lane. DO NOT E HER WHILE HER W IS UP. It will stun YOU instead which then she can pop R and get all your vitals while you stand still like a sick puppy. Instead, poke by jump on her with Q >auto>W, then run away. If she starts chasing you, pop E. She'll try to W it, which causes her to stop for a split second. ”
FoxyGrill says “Your W is pretty easy for her to parry, if she manages to do that, try to at least dodge her stun. Poke her as much as possible and take ignite for kill pressure.”
ItsPaulygon says “If the Fiora is good, you will have a clear disadvantage. If she is able to hit your vital's well, you are dead. If she can time your E, run away. This is a very hard skill match up. Whenever I am against a Fiora, I try to bait her counter so that I can stun her. Once you stun her, you can win. Play safe once she reaches level 6. Take Corrupting Potion start and try to beat her early game.”
HarrisGER says “Even till 11 if you play it smart.
Try to rush executioner and avoid fighting her without poking down first. Try to keep a good vital.”
Biko14CS says “Without any hard engage or CC, her main counter to you is Riposte (W). Since Riposte is mainly to counter burst, it has relatively minimal effect on you. Be highly wary of Electrocute or Conqueror, as they can snowball post-level 11 fights.”
TheMightyNinja says “Passive : Her passive triggers one of four weak spots arround you while she is nearby, if she attacks either by basic attack or by using her Q from the direction her passive points on you she will deal true damage based on your maximum hp and get movement speed to retreat, this means she will poke a lot with a hit and run style throughout the lane phase. you can use your W to block her basics or Q. Some other trick against her passive/ultimate would be to walk up very close to a wall and try to hide that passive stack to deny her the ability to hit it.
Q : her Q makes her lunge at an enemy and does hit her passive.
W: you should be aware not to taunt her while she has her W up since she can deny your taunt and stun you in return. She can also combo her W + Q to try and catch you from an unexpected position.
E : her E makes her attack faster and critically strike second hit from the activation.
R: Her ultimate will trigger all 4 passive spots on your, if she manages to strike all 4 She will heal herself and her allies arround the target in addition of the damage she deals by striking all 4 passive targets. If you don't want to risk it and have a way to retreat do so until it wears out. Bramble vest is a must early in this matchup.”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early
- Cada vez que gaste su Q en minions tradea con Q+Pasiva
- Tradeos cortos
- Baitea su W antes de hacer all in
- Si te ultea y ambos están full vida, has disengage”
open_48 says “avoid getting hit with his passive. From 6 on, you are much stronger than her. If you have problems rusha ninja tabi and bramble vest. Abuse her and don't let her farm. she Outscales you.”
aiSky says “Since Fiora is a great duelist, and she can use your own Q to easily stun you, it can be a annoying to deal with hear. However, thanks to Kled's movility will be hard for her to hit her W, so it is possible to bait her and kill her.”
MrGasYourGirl says “Sword lady will stick it where it hurts. Play Teemo into her or proxy like crazy. Maybe even take smite and unsealed since you'll need jungle camps to make up for the deaths. She's a complete commie. ”
Nicklstherealone says “Whether you hit your E or she her W (Reverse) whoever does Kills. Try to catch her while she tries to hit her Vitals or Qs (Dash). Her Ult is deadly it does Truedamage. Build Anitheal her Set is build of Healing. She is quite squishy if you engage her right you win. ”
BluSpy says “Never fight lvl 1, you hard lose.
Levels 2-5 you should win if you don't get your q parried or you get your attack speed slowed by her w.
You win at 6 just use clone after she uses w,”
NoHesitation7 says “Has high mobility & Poke damage + Sustain, is able to outplay your CC. Can punish you heavily if you fall behind, Executioners is suggested if ahead.”
Randombeastmode says “Get some fury, don't let her FREELY get your vitals, make it so that she has to commit to an all in, to get a vital, in a minion wave, or make it physically impossible to get a vital. (walls op)
It's VERY easy once you get level 2. But if you die early in this matchup, with no other advantage, it goes up to an extreme level of difficulty and you may have lost the game.
The matchup is very dependent on how you play early on.”
Raphi0216 says “Rush Executioners Calling to reduce her unbalanced healing. Don't E her unless you're both next to a wall. Try do deny her R by hugging the wall. If she hit's W on you, you're dead, so try to sidestep it. ”
Frostyfps says “Avoid fighting her at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive and her Q destroys you early on however don’t be afraid to use the minions to your advantage if she is overly aggressive. Start e and let her push you in. E her after she autos/q you so that your creeps target her. Once it pushes to tower stack your passive and look for fights if you have a level over her. Use your Q to avoid her parry or your flash if you don’t have low HP minions around you. Rule of thumb in this lane is, if you start a fight with full passive and full HP AND you have low hp minions, you win if you dodge her W. It is easier after level 6 since they almost always parry the E making her W very predictable. As long as you have ONE Q mark on her, you will typically win if you start the fight with 5 stacks and have avoided her W. Avoid fighting her after 2+ items unless ahead since its really hard to out damage her if she has steelcaps. Rush executioners and look for fights asap once you have your botrk if the lane is going even.”
Time1Save says “Poke her and don't give her the opportunity to shoot down the marks, never start with W, wait for her to parry, after 6 fight only near the walls and then you have a chance to kill her. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
Sylrath says “El de Fiora es un caso curioso. Una Fiora normalilla o buena no te dará problemas; en cambio una que se conozca perfectamente el matchup y sea MUY buena, va a hacer que acabes 0/10 en fase de líneas. Dependerá de tu ELO y tu habilidad individual banearla o no.”
Defensivity1 says “Against fiora rushing a bramble Vest is a must.
Easy to deal with
Until she gets her second life steal item.
Don't upgrade bramble, better to sell it when you are full build and buy Mortal reminder 6th item.”
BushBox says “Start Doran's shield, rush executioner's calling, don't die early she snowballs very easily, she can W your Q and your R. (More details in matchup section)”
NaCLBait says “Fiora can really run you down if you misplay. Change up the timing of your q to avoid getting parried. A lot of fiora's parry around when you first get the knockup on your q so you can continue charging while they parry and get off a fully charged q. If you don't build bramble she will win fights guaranteed late.”
Delvoid says “Hard to poke but try your best to poke with Q once shes used her Q. Wait out for W before ulting as she can block both parts of the ulti”
GameGenial says “Tenha bastante cuidado com o Ripostar, é bem fácil de de Atordoar após a ult ou seu Q.
Depois da 9.14 ficou mais fácil de counterar a Cura do Kit dela.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Fiora is unstoppable versus Morde, you will never win 1v1 fights against her at any stage of the game. Her kit completely counters Morde, target ban Fiora. If you have to go against her, try to get your jungler to spam gank her before she gets level 6, and rush Morellonomicon to deny her healing. ”
TangoVallhala says “Go grasp, play safe, spam ping JG for assistance, if you think you can win try baiting out her riposte and full combo her. Hardest Matchup.”
TRNoodlesAndSalad says “Unwinnable if the Fiora is competent, perma ban her. She is basically guaranteed to land W stun, and she will dodge other abilities with Q.”
Masshibunatto says “Move into bush to get vital in a better position. South or West vitals always switch to North or East. Change up combo so she can't predict for Riposte.”
Luceris says “Standard Glacial Runes
Build: Duskblade
This is a weird matchup. If you are playing vs a godly Fiora and you are not a Godly Senna then this is a HARD matchup. Glacial is to make the matchup easier, Duskblade makes it EVEN EASIER. Plated Steelcaps are an option.
Glacial slow her anytime she Q's towards you, and only root her when her W is down or you are out of its range. She can all in you level 6 if you are over extended.
PRE 6 YOU CAN KILL HER. Glacial gives you kill pressure but being able to run her down lane if she misses a Q or W. You outscale her but she spikes at 2/3 items way harder than you, so WARN YOUR TEAMMATES when she is out of lane.”
ArmandChad69 says “Close to literally unbeatable. Your only chance to survive and play this lane is heavy jungle assistance and sacrificing all your early damage for a Tabi+Bramble rush. Otherwise you're gonna have a terrible time.”
LoL destroyer says “Fiora Can parry your ULT and stun you with her E. This makes her a difficult champion to fight late game when you are team fighting and need to take her out.”
MaelstromLegends says “You need to be really careful with Fiora players. Pay attention to vitals and make sure not to attack her when she is using her Reposte (W). If Fiora parries at least one immobilizing effect, Riposte stuns the target instead. She can also dash towards or away from Sett, so it is hard for you to really try to duel her positively.”
Sa1tykid says “Not much of a threat, just bait out her parry and you are good to go, when she goes in to poke your vitals, be sure to use your E to block her damage.”
MisterDerpFace says “This matchup could either go Horribly wrong, or very easy if your ahead.
Let her use her E before using your E, and if your gonna use your E, make sure to use it at a very close range so that she cant use her E in time. If she ults you, please try to hug a wall so that she cant proc the last vital. and speaking of vitals, you can actually bait her to E-Ult her with her passive. Overall, a very fun matchup. But is very hard and she is also worth banning if your trying to learn Urgot.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “Fiora is a pretty scary matchup for Yorick as she can block his Q with her riposte, so try to bait it out before engaging by sending grunts her way with your E. You will be able to force the Fiora to decide whether they want to take grunt damage or AA>Q damage. When Fiora uses her ult on you, try to stick to a wall if you can as it will prevent her from getting atleast one vital, if not 2.”
EternalBadPlayer says “Hard matchup. I reccomand buiilding Thornmail against her because of her healing. Play aggro lvl 1, passive lvl 2 and at lvl 3 you can all in her. You just need to have your W and E ready. You gotta go really close to her and bait her W out. Once she wastes it, grab her and slow her with E + AA + W combo. Also be carefull when you Q her because she will Q our or in.”
Ga44moker says “On top.
Really even and skill matchup. Dont let her engage on you and try to win in early with exhaust or ignite.
After mid game, dont fight her.”
A2Tap says “This is a very difficult matchup, she is able to hit your vitals while you dash around, as well as parry your knockup. Try to bait out the parry by holding your knockup stack, and proceed to get the next stack and ult her.”
YoungTact says “Skill matchup based on reaction time. Take W lvl 2, and apply lane harass combo whenever you can. Bait her Q level 2 and W it to get a HUGE trade off once you're level 2. She can Q-W your W so be careful. Hug a wall when she ults you so she cant proc her vital. Rush bramble, Vid here:”
qasddsa says “Skill matchup - Fiora has a strong level 1 while your level 1 is relatively weak - she can run you down during this period if you play too far up or aggressively. I recommend letting her push level 1 because of this, so you can reach level 2 safely and have a better way of fighting her if she does decide to go for a Q. Her main way of dealing damage in lane is her Vital mark - one way to deal with this is to walk out of her vision/range to reset the mark and possibly get a better one - preferably one that's behind you and far away from her. Be VERY cautious of using your Q when her W is up - it is a skillshot but if you play carelessly and she blocks your Q with it and you're hit with the skillshot, then you'll be stunned. Mid-Late game, your ability to duel her depends on your ability to kite - it is ESSENTIAL that you kite when dueling her to deny her vital procs. She is one of the few champions able to run Kayle down in a 1v1 if you make mistakes. A nice trick is that you can hide Vitals in a wall to deny her procs, making it slightly easier to duel her especially when she has used her Ult on you.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Fiora is a pretty tough matchup. She can block you engage with her riposte and she is very mobile, making it harder for you to lock her down or get away from her.”
Fiora is by far the best 1v1 champ in the game, her scaling, her early game preassure on Nasus are really strong. Rush Bramble Vest with the Cloth Armor start before Sheen. Dont look to do short trades unless you have 500+ stacks or else she will autoattack the wave and heal back to full due to her mad lifesteal. In laning, usually Fiora goes for Tiamat so the wave will push towards you most of the time but sometimes some Fiora players will go for Maramune and delay the Tiamat purchase if they do just sit back and catch XP. Only look for killing her whenever she doesn't have W, since it reduces so much your Attack Speed (50% Attack Speed Reduction) once you have Bramble Vest, you will counter her Post R Healing, another usefull tip to this matchup is that as soon as she ults you, look to stick to a wall to prevent her from hitting the 4th vital and stop her post R healing.”
Tauricus2017 says “This matchup is all about skills. If you R good, you can deny most of her Dashes and all-in correctly. If she is good she can deny your E, stun you and then destroy you. GL”
Rank_1_Idiot says “If you have issues with fiora, buy bramble and tier 1 boots before your phage, and proceed your build as normal. Bramble is an extreme hardcounter item to fiora :)”
Rank_1_Idiot says “Bramble Vest will instantly win you this lane, if Fiora casts her ultimate, hug a wall so she cannot proc her last vital, and she will never beat you 1v1.”
Gxxllx says “This champion is favored vs you depending of her skill. Take PTA, freeze your lane and do short trades. You can win all the trades if you Q her well, but she has her parry, so Q her if you are very close of her or if she has done her parry”
SubHuman Filth says “Fiora is skill matchup.
Go grasp in this one. just in case you fall behind. Walk out of visionrange when the vital point is bad.
Be unpredictable with q's. If she has good reactions she can just block your q off of that.
Stay safe and poke when she goes for cs. get early armor.”
Grayified says “Grasp Runes and use the build for lethal tempo (build early executioners in this matchup and Ninja tabi instead of zerkers). Ignite + Flash. Dorans blade start. Fiora is a tough matchup early in the game especially if the fiora takes grasp of the undying as her keystone. Look to take trades with your grasp proc up, and try to position so when you attack her she has a hard time hitting your vital so be moving constantly. If you have a bad vital early (vital is directly in front of you where fiora can easily hit it) then you can reset the vital position by walking out of fiora's range, which is pretty far but usually can reset it atleast for the first minion wave. Fiora's W when it hits you will reduce 50% of your attack speed in a 1v1 so DO NOT commit onto her with your spin she will riposte, auto attack, e to reset her auto attack, then q your vital and disengage and there isnt much you can do about it. The only time spinning into Fiora while she has her W up is if you dodge it or if shes just so low that basically one auto kills her Fiora's W however has a REALLY long cooldown (24 seconds level 1) so if she uses it and doesnt get a good trade on you, then you need to look for a spot to trade with her (usually right after she q's.)When you want to dive Fiora try to attack her and burn her W, then spin out of turret range, then reengage the dive while her W is on cooldown. When using your W just remember that she will turn her back towards you when she uses her riposte or if she wants to turn and slow you down with her e auto attack reset. Usually I will use my w when she q's away from me to disengage so that she is guaranteed facing away from me. In the mid-late game splitpush the 1v1 is pure skill on both sides. Tryndamere can hug a wall to prevent the 4 vitals from fiora's ultimate from being hit so that she doesnt get the healing, and fiora can angle to get the vitals before Tryndamere can hug a wall or fight Tryndamere when he is in the center of the lane. Usually 1v1's against Fiora will be risky unless you are ahead in items (and have your ignite available) so usually you will push her in and rotate to flank her team (fiora isnt a great teamfighter compared to tryndamere)”
Pyroen says “In a similar vein to Renekton, high mobility, burst, and healing. She will likely out heal you in your ult with her ult and will win the all-in.”
I Am Goliath says “Fiora is a pretty even matchup that you should win early on, she is a little bit harder to kite then most champions because her Q is such a low cooldown and they usually get a black cleaver, phage, or trinity, once she has her ult she has kill pressure on you but you can still kite her fairly well, remember to play around her parry to and try to bait it out if you're in mega and want to fling her into the wall, she is pretty squishy early so I think this matchup is pretty even and will depend on skill for the most part. Early bramble vest can be good in this matchup so she doesn't heal up so much as well.”
Nabura says “Consistent laning until 6 is very important, with boots and bilgewater cutlass, you should be able to kite her. Make sure you DON'T start kiting until you know for sure she can't use her empowered E auto slow to catch you. Otherwise she'll run circles around you. Also if you dodge her parry she will lose every trade past laning phase on even footing. ”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Early very easy for us since u can perma Q spam her and always win early game. Be careful with ur barrels, play around her W. After she got 3+ Items she can always 1vs1 you, so make sure to group when u outpushed lanes.”
EntxRecoil says “Grasp Runes and use the build for lethal tempo (build early executioners in this matchup and Ninja tabi instead of zerkers). Ignite + Flash. Dorans blade start. Fiora is a tough matchup early in the game especially if the fiora takes grasp of the undying as her keystone. Look to take trades with your grasp proc up, and try to position so when you attack her she has a hard time hitting your vital so be moving constantly. If you have a bad vital early (vital is directly in front of you where fiora can easily hit it) then you can reset the vital position by walking out of fiora's range, which is pretty far but usually can reset it atleast for the first minion wave. Fiora's W when it hits you will reduce 50% of your attack speed in a 1v1 so DO NOT commit onto her with your spin she will riposte, auto attack, e to reset her auto attack, then q your vital and disengage and there isnt much you can do about it. The only time spinning into Fiora while she has her W up is if you dodge it or if shes just so low that basically one auto kills her Fiora's W however has a REALLY long cooldown (24 seconds level 1) so if she uses it and doesnt get a good trade on you, then you need to look for a spot to trade with her (usually right after she q's.)When you want to dive Fiora try to attack her and burn her W, then spin out of turret range, then reengage the dive while her W is on cooldown. When using your W just remember that she will turn her back towards you when she uses her riposte or if she wants to turn and slow you down with her e auto attack reset. Usually I will use my w when she q's away from me to disengage so that she is guaranteed facing away from me. In the mid-late game splitpush the 1v1 is pure skill on both sides. Tryndamere can hug a wall to prevent the 4 vitals from fiora's ultimate from being hit so that she doesnt get the healing, and fiora can angle to get the vitals before Tryndamere can hug a wall or fight Tryndamere when he is in the center of the lane. Usually 1v1's against Fiora will be risky unless you are ahead in items (and have your ignite available) so usually you will push her in and rotate to flank her team (fiora isnt a great teamfighter compared to tryndamere)”
orangepenguinhead says “Her trading is what makes her dangerous, so try to kite around her. Her W won't be a huge problem for you since your W is a point and click and the animation is hard to predict. ”
CensoredMercy says “When both the Riven and Fiora matchup are at their worst; Riven is always worse, though Fiora is a champion that will make you feel cheated. This matchup simply feels like it should be easily outplayable, and then it isn't if the Fiora player has a brain.”
Rusin says “Suuuper bad match up, she can parry your E and all in you. Its impossible to win this lane, except that she trolls and you gain some lead.
Build bramble vest and liandry.”
Swaim says “Fiora is the hardest matchup in the game for Aatrox try not to trade much and survive lane, she is weak at team fights so you out shine her on late game . Fiora needs items to do her full damage and be a threat while you only need 2 (cleaver and dd) make sure to abuse that
qazx1427 says “Take two armour shards, rush Tabi and Bramble Vest, and throw ghouls at her under tower until she gives up. You're not going to have fun this game, so just hide and do not give her a single kill.”
ZergDood says “She's made to demolish tanks, but you stand a fair chance against her. Watch your blind spot and try not to trade level 1. If she tries to engage kite her with your Q and passive. Take W level 2 and pay attention to her Q cooldown. Try to test her reactions with her riposte so you can take some trades and use your E to stun her. Rush Bramble Vest. Your W stops her dash.”
Falsefayth says “Fiora is the Bane of Mordekaiser, being quicker and faster attacking than morde leads to a very tough lane. Be wary when fighting her and dont engage too often. Keep your distance and pick off shots with your Q when you can.”
Ayanleh says “Fiora is a difficult matchup as she can parry your ultimate and E to stun you back. She also scales pretty good and will also destroy you late game in a 1v1 as she has so much %max health true damage. So try to play aggressive before mid game before she gets her core items. Ban worthy or else ban vayne.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Skill matchup, if either of you gets behind its quite rough but you can beat her earlygame, just dont give her vitals for free and dont stun her W.
Build bramble vest.
Take armor.”
Ayanleh says “I think this matchup is one of the hardest in the top lane, she can parry your ult and just poke you to low health which is bad for lillia as she has no sustain.”
Twist21 says “Fiora is another Skill Matchup , against her I would take LT Resolve Runes.You win against her as long as you dodge her W attack speed slow.If you are confident in your dodging abilities go for standard runes.”
Pikkachu Loiro says “Make sure you rush bramble vest and back often to buy some potion, you have to make sure to poke her, during the entire laning phase.”
Fiora is by far, the best duelist in the game, so try to make plays with your team rather than forcing a splitpush situation, she will beat you unless you have 700+ stacks. Somewhat similar to Aatrox matchup, rush Bramble Best even before sheen, so you can reduce her damage and healing. She will always build tiamat so the wave will be permanently on your side of the lane, exposing her to ganks, ask your jungler or midlaner for a gank once you get yor bramble vest and level 6. Remember she can use riposte to reduce your attack speedby 50%, so if you get hit by it, just disengage unless she is really low and you can burst her. Another usefull tip into this matchup is that whenever she ults, you hug a wall to prevent fiora from hitting the forth vital and therefor negating her the healing.”
make alistar great again says “This matchup depends on whether Fiora can block your combo with her W.
Tip: Get ahead early, bait her W, avoid longer fights”
Shumair says “The bane of existence for Mordekaiser mains. Fiora. Well, since you're a slow moving juggernaut, she can dance around you and proc vitals all day. However, you can counter this by standing near walls to block vitals. She can also riposte your Ult or E. You can counter this by praying to God that she doesn't riposte. Her ult travels into the Death Realm. Also stand next to walls to deny her ult vitals. If she goes for early trades, you can try to tether her with your passive but other than that I'd say farm and play for team fights, where you're way better.”
LulzTVit says “Fiora is Fiora and she will absolutely destroy you like she destroys any other Toplaner. Her W will block your whole combo, slow you and she can easily penetrate through your defenses.”
stziswhatihave says “She alls in you? Use all-in combo.
(Q - RQ - E - Q - W)
Getting ganked? Ghost and all-in combo.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Twist21 says “You should win late game vs fiora but in the lane phase try not to get poked by her q.If you dodge her w you win the matchup from lvl 3.”
Fyir says “If you get hit by riposte you will probably lose the fight try and dash away on a minion and wait till your attack speed comes back. Whenever you use your stun try and be moving so you don't get stunned. Sometimes you can wait out her w as you use e. Skill matchu[”
ZzZ3DemonAngelZzZ says “This is one of the only champs who is able to duel ur ass without losing hp. never engage on her without your jungler she will most likely parry your stun in the wall en destroy you!”
wallobear53 says “Fiora excels at duelling and will win fights if you let her proc her Passive ‘Vitals’. Do your best to prevent her from doing so, and punish her if she uses her Q to dash in and secure her Passive.
Fiora’s W is not to be underestimated in the lane as she can counter-CC you if you use it improperly. Try to poke her down first and then you can go for an all-in once her W is down. Baiting her W is very important so make sure you do that first.
She excels at 1 v 1’s so make sure you stick with your team and help them when possible. Don’t let her get access to your backline and try not to get picked off before a major fight happens.
Singed1vs9 says “Ask your team8 to ban her after you ban vayne. You can manage to win early game if she fucks up but at 2 items you cannot do anything.
Better Splitpush better damage just a super good counter.
Ask her ban and if they pick her just dodge no reason to lose the game from champ select.”
DankFlyingCow says “One of the very few hard losing matchups Kench has, and by far the worst. There honestly isnt a surefire way to kill her in a duel, especially early. Depending on the skill diff, a lvl 1 duel is possible. Other than that, try not to fight until you get Bami's, and only if you are even or ahead on gold.”
ClanBlade says “FIORA IS THE BANE OF AATROX MAINS. She is designed to counter you and punishes you for playing perfectly all because of her W ability. It makes her immune to your Q damage and stuns you if you hit her with the edge, it is also very easy for Fiora to land this as Aatrox Q has a long timer. Always ban this champ as she beats you early game and also outscales you. To counter try to bait her W as it has a long cooldown, you can do this by E out of the way before she can stun you then go all in. Additional buy an executioner's calling to reduce her ult healing and her ravenous hunter.”
s3L_ says “get executioners first back. you can outplay her by kting to minions. level 6 spike makes lane easier but also every kill will snowball more so be careful. later on she will perma win 1v1 because she outscales so look to participate in teamfights because your teamfighting is better.”
NullPC says “Piece of garbage. Fiora is made to win lane and can snowball like hell, leave her for one team fight and youve lost both towers. Her repost stops your E wich is your main engage play for your team and pray you dont feed.”
Ashookaa says “Fiora is a pain in the ass she can not only W and avoid all of your dmg or even avoid your Ult.Take Grasp and frezee the wave and when you cann poke her with your Q and E when Fiora dont ahve a ignite and you can bait her W try to kill her but when she is a GOD and has a ignite play as safe as you can”
xSealed says “Fiora is a threat to almost all of any cc champions. With her Riposte (W), she can become immune to any cc and will not take any damage from it. Also, she can parried it, returning the cc to the caster causing them to be stunned and receives a damage from it. Just be wary of her Riposte. The real trouble that she can cause is that she can kill you by your own cause.”
Teemain says “Jebait her counter or you are SCREWED.
Just play EXTREMELY passive and make sure you don't fight her alone.
That's all I've got. Jebait her counter.”
Teemain says “Jebait her counter or you are SCREWED.
Just play EXTREMELY passive and make sure you don't fight her alone.
That's all I've got. Jebait her counter.”
ModxLoL says “Riven vs. Fiora is a skill matchup, but as it currently stands Fiora is much more likely to win it. It doesn’t mean you can’t win though; you have to fight fire with fire. When she Q’s to you, immediately stun her, auto attack, then E away. If you can, try to save your E in case she tries to parry your w or 3rd Q. If your hard CC gets parried and you get stunned, you will die. There should be enough time for you to bait out her parry with your w or 3rd q then E to the side quickly before it lands. Once her parry is on cooldown, you have a good amount of time to look for an all-in. Her parry cooldown is 24 seconds at level one and she usually maxes it last. If she tries to play aggressive with her parry on cooldown, just all-in her. When she ults you, try to keep one vital pressed up against the wall so that she doesn’t get every vital on you and heal up. Executioner's is a good early pick-up.”
Flagoony says “Fiora isn't a difficult matchup. Play it safe and poke her down when she goes for cs. Whenever she lunges in at you stun her with your q and kite back. Watch out for her W as it can result in you dying.”
Stiwy says “She knows how to hurt you, so try to avoid her hitting your vitals by standing at a safe distance when they are in her direction.
Press the attack may help in this matchup
Keep in mind that her parry ability (W) can block your E and then stun you, if this ever happens : RUN or she will very likely kill you.
Her W can block your ult too.
Try to cooperate with your jungler and buy the tabis + bramble combination, it helps a lot.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Same as darius this champion is easier early on but if a skillfull fiora plays against you will easily kill you, try and bait out her riposte so you can blind her. Check more info below. ”
9690 says “D-Blade. A good Fiora will win every single time. She will be able to W your nado and just kill you every damn fight. Just don't fight without your jungler, even then still scary with Fiora's outplay potential. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
Fourpaws33 says “She can auto and q. Don't let her trade with her vitals . When she uses her r use ult and run away. Just go in and out till you can win fight.”
gsaeyx says “Build full AD against her. Rush brambles as soon as possible to prevent her from healing everything back in 2 hits. Charge your q and if she tries to parry it too early, release it right after the parry ends. ”
Hypnosa says “Even the great dualist can't do anything when you have the passive shield and Q with the range.
While laning place your Q in enemy minions and let her push. Let her attack you once you pass Q through her it's most likely over.”
Mohid97 says “Fiora is high mobile anti tank with absolute bs life stealing, she can parry your E and as an immobile dmg even the slow can spell death. In best case scenario you can safely farm, use second wind and rush a bramble west, but late game she is just too strong. ”
BloodyDream81 says “Fiora est un match up particulier, sache qu'une bonne fiora représente une menace de 5, et une mauvaise représente une menace de 1, le personnage dépend ENTIÈREMENT de son utilisateur, je vais donc te donner quelques conseils pour jouer contre, mais évite le match up au possible, et idéalement ban ce perso car tu ne sais jamais à quoi t'attendre.
Premièrement, ne trade jamais fiora avant ton niveau 3, elle à un avantage absolue et tu ne feras que perdre de la vie pour rien.
Deuxièmement, utilise ton E sur des timings non prévisible, car si elle fait Z sur ton E, non seulement elle ne sera pas attiré, mais tu seras en plus stun pendant 2 secondes, et à ce moment là tu es sur de mourir.
Troisièmement, si tu la voie faire son A in un peu trop agressivement, utilise instantanément ton fantôme pour forcer un trade long, et utilise ton ultime pendant ton E, car lorsqu'elle est en train de se faire grab elle ne peut pas Z pour éviter ton ultime.
Quatrièmement, si tu rates ton A, c'est à dire que tu ne la touche pas avec la partie qui te soigne, recule instantanément, tu n'as aucune chance de la battre à ce moment là.
Et enfin, si tu es contre une bonne Fiora, il n'y a rien à faire, à part subir et prier que ton jungle t'apprécie ! Bon courage !”
Gnarcisist says “Her W will make it hard for you to use your W as the pull back is always at the same time. Her speed and healing will let her kite around your Q's. Play this match as you would a Renekton match”
photonvizer says “fiora can parry anyone of your qs even your w so be careful and try to bait it out shes very strong and will most likely beat you in every all in my tip is to try and roam somewhere else with tp and try to make plays for your team”
Kingarthur720 says “Grasp Runes and use the build for lethal tempo (build early executioners in this matchup and Ninja tabi instead of zerkers). Ignite + Flash. Dorans blade start. Fiora is a tough matchup early in the game especially if the fiora takes grasp of the undying as her keystone. Look to take trades with your grasp proc up, and try to position so when you attack her she has a hard time hitting your vital so be moving constantly. If you have a bad vital early (vital is directly in front of you where fiora can easily hit it) then you can reset the vital position by walking out of fiora's range, which is pretty far but usually can reset it atleast for the first minion wave. Fiora's W when it hits you will reduce 50% of your attack speed in a 1v1 so DO NOT commit onto her with your spin she will riposte, auto attack, e to reset her auto attack, then q your vital and disengage and there isnt much you can do about it. The only time spinning into Fiora while she has her W up is if you dodge it or if shes just so low that basically one auto kills her Fiora's W however has a REALLY long cooldown (24 seconds level 1) so if she uses it and doesnt get a good trade on you, then you need to look for a spot to trade with her (usually right after she q's.)When you want to dive Fiora try to attack her and burn her W, then spin out of turret range, then reengage the dive while her W is on cooldown. When using your W just remember that she will turn her back towards you when she uses her riposte or if she wants to turn and slow you down with her e auto attack reset. Usually I will use my w when she q's away from me to disengage so that she is guaranteed facing away from me. In the mid-late game splitpush the 1v1 is pure skill on both sides. Tryndamere can hug a wall to prevent the 4 vitals from fiora's ultimate from being hit so that she doesnt get the healing, and fiora can angle to get the vitals before Tryndamere can hug a wall or fight Tryndamere when he is in the center of the lane. Usually 1v1's against Fiora will be risky unless you are ahead in items (and have your ignite available) so usually you will push her in and rotate to flank her team (fiora isnt a great teamfighter compared to tryndamere)”
Gnarcisist says “Her speed and healing will make it hard for you to duel. A well place riposte can stun you from your E. A god tier riposte will negate your ult. Rush bramble vest and play safe”
Dantheman81 says “This matchup is very difficult I will not lie. Fiora at the moment is very strong and almost always banned so don't worry about it too much. If she is picked up vs you just play really passive and try to get help. If you can, grab a Bramble Vest as soon as you can to counter some of her healing and if you have to fight her make sure you have ult.”
SuPIeX says “Her % hp damage on her ult destroys you. If you get ulted, walk next to a wall so she can't get the last spot. When finishing her off, W before you ult so she can't riposte.”
Xplor says “Fiora was once a real threat against Yorick but she's been nerfed so much, you can easily win against.
Poke as much as possible pre-6 and avoid to engage too much with her unless you ran at least one or two good items.”
Hunter Frenzy says “1v1: HoB & Pre |
vs Burst JG: E & Res |
vs MS JG: PR & Dom |
Boots: Ninja Tabi |
1st Core Item: Nashor's Tooth |
Optional Item: Armguard”
Darrkescru says “Rusha tabi ninja, se não gostar da matchup você pode comprar um colete espinhoso pois e MUITO forte contra fiora, sempre que ela te utar encosta na parede pra ela não conseguir estourar a marca, e use impeto”
TheLittleJungler says “Her true damage, mobility, and counter hard cc are enought to tear you apart, be carefull, wait for jungle gank in order to put her behind, if you dont get a jungle gank try only to farm the minions that you can. Dont let her get your vitals, if you see that she can get it easly, fall back a little bit to reset the passive from fiora.”
Lintaar says “Fiora is a very mobile champion and could be a problem post 6, you just have to make sure to ignite her when she ults and then kite like hell.”
Magginator says “Made for 1v1s just watch her parry and you should be alright if you use the vital on yourself to lure a stun.
Try for a level 1 trade since you will have stun and she should take q.”
DaGuide says “Kinda a hard matchup. Hold your R for after she uses her w and you q right after she uses her q. you heal if u hit her with q when she uses w. dont e her w or she will destroy you.”
Alzeidx says “Its easy if you use your W(Stun) smart, dont let her parry you, then its easy. Wreck her early as it will be really hard later, she scales like mad.
Demolish her on top and try to push the game tempo, try to avoid late game.
Go PTA.”
Alzeidx says “Annoying matchup, she can outrade you and easily kite you with her dash.
Dont fight her early, you wont have any chance, ask for ganks pre lvl 6. You might be able to kill her at lvl 6. Go Conqueror, Ignite and armor runes.”
iTzToniOP says “So many ways of getting countered by her parry. You can kill her very early if you play it well but after that, the 1v1 becomes impossible. Rush bramble vest to make it easier for you.”
darksage1234 says “This champ is pretty good right now, but not really against you. She will just go for short trades and will just annoy you. She will poke you and get out of short trades healthy. If you want to kill her make sure she wastes her riposte before fully committing to the fight. ”
If matched by chance, just farm under tower and wait for a potential tower play. She can easily punish your Q with her parry, due to its large channel so she sets up on you really well.”
TotallyEclipse says “If she knows what she's doing she'll hit all her vitals and always win. Grab executioners calling and match her tiamat if she rushes it. You can win the 1v1 if you outplay her parry with your E. If she parries one of your abilities you die.”
FirstBladeDancer says “It depends on how good Fiora is but she can punish u hard at lvl 1 with her vitals. And at lvl 6 u will use ur Q many times at the minions as possible. And u must holding ur E ability to dodge fioras W. Practice Irelia and she wont be a threat anymore.”
Michsds says “I really don`t like this matchup, she can poke you and you cant go in at your 6th lvl. Just wait for ganks and farm :) ON SECOND TREE TAKE GREEN RUNES!”
Flompers says “You win hard early but when she has her w be careful with your q and ult because she can counter these. Bait her w and then shes easy to kill”
JuarezLOL says “its a hard match up because everything depends on your E and fiora's W you have to find when she will use it if she is one of those persons who use it early on just hold it
and if she is one of those persons who use it in last second just use it early on
but there is on method you can change the early-late closing E method to surprise her
lastly if you think you will mess up the E try to consistently moving to avoid her Stun”
EveryMysticLimit says “This is completely a skill based match up. Depends on how you play and how good the Fiora is. Total coin flip. (Flash and Ignite if confident, flash and teleport if you want to play safe.)”
JuarezLOL says “very tricky match up because if you allow fiora to all in you with full health you will be doomed so try to poke her before you letting her to Q you”
Walnut25 says “Hard matchup. She deals ridiculous amounts of true damage which Defiant dance cannot negate. Play safe through lane and then crush her in teamfights.”
MateuszNH says “Skill Matchup.
Buy executioner, if she doesn't stun you (and u can miss it with W) or slow you attack speed then you mostly win this matchup, just don't allow her to apply passive on you. If she kill you she will snowball hard, don't even try to fight her if she has lvl advantage, you can try random all in under turret if she tries to poke you too hard..”
ACE4291 says “A good Fiora puts up a fight since this hero is broken. A bad fiora gives you an easy lane. your Q makes her wish she didnt dash you early game. ”
KrazyKid1024 says “Start Doran's Blade, and hope you can cheese a level 1 kill with ignite. Run demolish and bone plating into her. Dodge rn. Tbh Fiora is one of the hardest counters to our ALPHA top laner, but the lane is winnable if you can land a full combo and protect vitals. Run ignite into her and rush an early thornmail to shut down her sources of damage and healing. Run aftershock into her and itemize tanky so that you can still be of use to your team late game. Conqeuror can still be of use for teamfights, but to be useful in lane take aftershock.”
MrClockWorks says “Skill matchup but you win early in just autos fighting as long as you avoid her parry, the attack speed slow is too much, try to not let her hit your vitals, it's annoying but you have to do it. Buy antiheal or else you'll never win a fight as she stacks lifesteal plus her ult and vitals. it's really hard for her to parry your stun if you're always in the minion wave but if you walk at her she'll parry so wait until she attacks you to stun.”
DirtyDishSoap says “Dodge.
This is an incredibly bad matchup.
Most I can say is try and hope she screws up her dash and to rush an Exec rather than a sheen.
Even if you get ahead, it's likely you won't scale with her in terms of dueling, unless she's an incredibly bad player.”
Sandaum says “Skill Matchup, do not miss or take many steps forward that you will win from her until level 11 after that it is death for the little kha'zix”
AskMeHowToGp says “She is something like darius just without a pull. Try to dodge her passives by going in a wall ( yes literaly counter her with a wall) and try to not over extend couse you will get punished a lot.”
ABunchOfNumbers says “To be honest, she's a bit rough to deal with at times. Sometimes she can be amazing to fight against, but others she can be a pain. You usually scale better than her as long as she doesn't get fed.”
report singed ty says “You hard lose everything until you have level 6, if you have ghost and ignite up and can proc conqueror you can outplay but don't expect it to be easy.
Save your ghost for when she ults and you can just run away until its gone, then go back in for the kill.”
Sq_09 says “Although you can kinda poke her, if she can hit a vital, she can just continue hitting you, ignoring your slow. Her Q lets her close up easily and if she Rs you, you might be dead. Good Fios will also W your R and get a stun off. ”
Kingarthur720 says “shes literally fiora. One of graves' worse matchup. Hyper mobile, parry damage dealt, cripple, slow and guaranteed crit, true damage and healing and an ult that heals her and her allies.”
zovlikas says “Fiora is insane right now and she does especially well against tanks because his ult is insane against them. Try your best not to get hit by her vitals because this will heal her also allowing her to heal up your E poke, be careful charging your Q on her because she can parry it fairly easily or she can just Q to dash out of it, a good Fiora is really slippery and will dodge most of sions abilities and then just kill you at level 6 with her ult if you overextend sightly. Basically play super passive in this match up and try to impact other lanes with ult or teleport.”
MizuPiku says “A good Fiora will hold he repost to either stop you from using e2 or to time it right for her stun. she can also involuntarily block your heal, which at low cdr is kinda rough. Overall bad matchup”
Vazo says “Fiora is an extremely difficult matchup for Zac in the top lane. She will constantly wittle down your health and poke you out of lane, while you cannot attempt to retaliate because Fiora wins in extended trades as well. You should look to give up cs if it will cost you health and focus on staying in range of minion exp so you don't fall behind. You should only look to attack her when she is diving your turret or when your jungler ganks, because her Q range is greater than your attack range. Roam after level 6 to gain deep vision in the enemy jungle, fight skirmishes, or gank mid if the enemy is overextended. You excel in teamfights, so look to play towards objectives and win with your team.”
VIP Titan says “A good old Fiora. To beat her again, we need to relie on our E with the true damage power spike. Make sure don't her W your E. If she did that, your damage output will be worst.
Even though, she can't stuns you with her W cos you got no CC. But please dodge her W if possible, cos *Reduce attack speed
Remember MAX E not Q! ”
yAssasinn says “be careful with Fiora, always deflect her E with her attacks, and be very careful with her E that stuns you and gives her a lot of advantage.”
Subject3 says “fiora is easy to fight against, reset her passive by walking away and if she goes for a poke try and q her
key is to bait her w the counter thing
it can even counter your swallow so becareful but if you could bait it, shes easy prior to lvl 6.”
Vodka4Gaben says “If she manages to parry your E, you lose. If you see you're playing against Fiora, ALWAYS, TAKE, IGNITE. You will never be able to win without it due to the healing from her passive. If you don't hit her parry with your E, you should win the fight.”
Destroya777 says “A good Fiora will be an issue for you. She deals max health damage and heals, so I recommend purchasing a bramble vest first. She can W any one of your CC's. Using E at a shorter distance gives her less time to react. When auto-attacking to proc brittle, cancel your auto mid animation to bait out her W. If she holds her W for your R, you are better off waiting until her W is down, or not recasting R at her because she will always W to reflect the stun.”
SuPIeX says “Skill matchup. I recommend maxing E because she can riposte your Q burst. She will also look to riposte your ult, so always start with a Q. If she riposte's your Q, she won't be able to block your ult, and if she doesn't, she'll be silenced so you can ult her.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “The bane of most of the top lane melee picks, Fiora is just disgusting to face overall, and if she manages to get ahead of you at any point the game is done; however, since you can bait her abilities fairly well, you can actually kill her from levels 2-5, and if you secure a lead she will just be a particularly annoying cannon minion. Do note Fiora's level one is stronger than yours because of how her Q and vitals work; avoid facing her directly until you are at least level 2, then start going ham to try and make her fall behind. If she gets to 6 without you achieving a lead it becomes an uphill battle since she can hard outscale, but you can try and get a Bramble Vest + Tabis early to delay her from killing you, though it's not optimal. Ignite is preferable if you think you can kill her before 6, and Grasp works wonders against her (conqueror won't do much to help you duel her). A bruiser build (or an aggressive stasis one) are ideal.
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, Depends on how good fiora is, Play safe early on, until first back dont fight too much, After that it depends on your skill. Good luck”
Circas says “This matchup is favored towards Fiora BUT you can win it if you bait out her Riposte (W) since it has a much longer cooldown than your stun.
You need to realize that in this matchup if you have 5 stacks of your passive you can just auto attack her to win. Problem is getting 5 stacks so you will be shoved in a lot.
When you are both 6 you have much more burst than Fiora does so a bad Fiora will waste her Riposte (W) to block your stun, side step it, then all in her with ult assuming you have stacks built up already. This lane will become harder and harder as the game progresses BUT you can build a certain way and totally shut her down if she doesn't know how to play it.
If a Fiora uses her mobility to dodge your stuns and keeps holding on to her Riposte (W) then you might be in trouble.
You can definitely out play this match up but you need to be very comfortable with Irelia. If you are unsure if you can take her just clear waves and wait to out perform her in team fights.”
Tanjiro Kunnnn says “-Skilled MatchUp but Tbh its easy
Use the Conq+Resolve runes and Start with Dorans Shield
-Start Trading on Level 3
use Q Aa W and E away”
Hiimpurple says “Don't let her farm and poke her down, but play safe don't let her all in you. If you get help from jungle or mid and kill her enough you should be fine late game ”
Rivenetto says “I put her into extreme threat just becouse her scaling.Try to dodge her level 1 Q and than all in her with ur fast Q combo.At level 3 and 6 Riven is stronger but u need to bait her W,thats ur window for fight.After level 11 she often outscales you so dont fight,play around objectives and help your teammates while she tries to scale,end the game into 25 minutes if possible”
LycheeMochigome says “W parry is too strong against kled q, either you level your q, trade with her level 1 and win hard or just hope you can dodge the riposte stun with your e”
classicnoob says “Probaly 1 of the biggest counters to garen her Counter Strike cancels your Silence you may need to run Barrier,It's optional I ran it against Fiora worked well :)”
FoxyGrill says “She can bully you easily, if you cant stun her at least try to dodge her reflection, she shouldn't be able to kill you when you have your passive stacked”
HeyItsLeemo says “Really, really annoying to lane against, just like Darius! She can cancel your E that takes ages to recharge, and can easily outheal you with her ult and passive. Take the defensive route for this one.”
TwilightMarc says “Natural enemy of Cho'Gath. Her dash + passive will reap a lot of your health. Her parry will not only block all of your damage but also your stuns.”
Asoreth says “This is a really difficult matchup, not only for Shen but for pretty much every toplaner. Play safe, wait for ganks. You can start small fights with E Q W - combo. Do not fight her for too long or she'll just chomp down your health with her true damage.”
AkaiAsura says “I found Fiora a really difficult matchup for GP. She can trade you really easy and sustain a lot more. She is hard to poke but she can poke you really well with her passive, and also she have more damage than you in early.”
GamerAtLarge says “Of all champs shes the closest to a ticking time-bomb for your team as you will be to hers. Even if evenly built she holds a high advantage in kit over you 1v1 and forget if you yourself or your teammates feed her. She generally will be your priority as Yorick to ban.”
GreeN1337 says “Fiora can be really annoying and strong but You should be able to counter her with Your mobility and Shroud but don't try to all in her before level 6.”
Wolfychu says “Just don't get hit by her W when you are using you third Q or W and try to bait it by trading her and not using you third Q when doing it. But be careful because if you get a bad trade you are going to suffer a lot.”
SuperPopo7 says “if you are in the elos; gold downwards, Fiora shouldn't be that hard. Just play around her W and you can stomp. However, if you are plat+, Fiora is gonna be one of the hardest match ups due to the simple fact she wont be as silly with her W. Best bet is to push the wave whenever you can and roam mid with your R”
OGIntel says “The traditional "Nasus counter" gets stomped by E-max Nasus. She can't sustain against your E poke and you will gain a huge CS lead early.”
OakenshieldXVI says “She got true damage, healing and dash. Don't trade with her or else you'll be in seriously trouble. Get Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling as first buy so she'll not heal that much, and don't proc W until she uses her parry, or else you'll be stuned.”
ShinyEmo says “Her W is useless against you. You outdamage her. Freeze the lane, do not go in for trades but if she attacks you just punish her with AA-Q-E-AAs. ”
Oblak says “If you plan to play Shen, i suggest to ban Fiora, vital spots totally break you, remain safe most of the time trying to control the lane so she doesn't grow up so much on you.”
AkenoSenpai says “her parry messes Irelia up pretty badly. not only does she deny your stun, but also a Q stack reducing ur dmg output pretty heavly. you can try baiting out her parry and all in her once that happens, altho if i was the Fiora player i would just respect Irelia and walk back till my parry is back up.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Skill and or mindgame matchup, if she parries your E, you basically automatically lose, if you fall behind her once you will not duel her ever again so make sure to make no mistakes. Hug walls to give her struggles hitting your vitals of her R and if possible R her Q so it goes on full CD.”
TrollingSmurfGr says “Skill Matchup. You'll have to learn her Q and riposte habits in order to avoid getting riposted further. You can get away with Qing your vulnerable side in anticipation for her poke, allowing you to get a hefty trade afterwards (kite her E though) with lantern shield. Watch out, as she might start Riposting immediately after her Q poke to catch you out. Flaying towards yourself is INSTANT, so you can get away with it and she has to rely on anticipation rather than reaction. Use this to your advantage, but act cautiously and try not to be easy to read. Beyond riposte and CC, her poke can hurt a lot, so avoid exposing yourself when you can, and if you do, hit her back a bit while kiting. I recommend sustain options like early vamp scepter or Doran's Shield.”
lugzinho says “Doran's Shield with Tabi and Bramble Vest rush.
She has a cancerous amount of true damage.
She deals max health damage on her passive and Kled has the highest max health in the game ,so those two don't go well together.
And that PARRY which can leave you stunned for half an hour after you just tried to Q or R her.
Although I have to admit that the GW buff has made this matchup more bearable than before.
This is imo the worst matchup Kled has to face.”
mac.moba says “Never let her hit her vitals on you. If you get a bad positioned vital on you, you can walk back and the vital will reset in to a more favourable position. If she uses her W poorly, you can potentially use that cool down to force an all in. When she uses her ultimate on you, make sure to stand against a wall so that she can’t hit all 4 vitals on you. Typically you want to kite back and use your Q to slow her when she ults you, whilst still positioning towards the wall on the side that the vital hasn’t been hit on yet. After her ultimate runs out, you can look to re-engage with an ult advantage. If you are forced to fight whilst she’s got her ultimate on you, I suggest not leaving the wall until it’s over as opposed to going all in with your Qs, since her ult heal is ridiculous and all 4 vital procs will do a lot of damage, so standing by the wall, using Q off of cool down as opposed to picking your axes up and just autoing her until it finishes is the best way to go about it, but always try to just run away when she ults, unless you know for sure you can win the 1v1 regardless of if she gets the heal off or not then go for it, but that will require an early lead. Build an early Executioner’s Calling in to this matchup, followed by Ninja Tabi, then build your Black Cleaver.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “If the Fiora is really good there is no way you can win this lane. She can report your Q and as soon as you get in range to auto attack her she will just Q to you and out trade you. If the Fiora plays this matchup badly however you can quite easily beat her and kill her. Make sure to trade with her while kiting back after she Q's in else she is just going to dominate the lane. If you play it correctly you should be able to out sustain her and even kill her during the laning phase. You can't fight her alone late game as she scales really well so stick to your team and try to catch her with a Q after she ripostes other CC.”
6MillionBreads says “Chunks you for % health, has enough mobility to dodge your E engage, and can use W riposte to stun you if you try to use E or R on her”
Speez says “Skill match up but also a losing one, she out trades and just deals so much dammage, rush tabis and bramble vest into her and shes alot easier to deal with”
TymekOne says “She is more powerful than you at ll the time. Don't take any early fights and focus on farm, dont fight her without your jungler and look to tp botlane. If you get ahead however, try to avoid her passive while fighting her.”
SirVermillion says “You can easily fall off and lose this matchup if the Fiora knows what she's doing and parries your second Q's true damage or ult. Only trade when confident and counter build. I start off with Tiamat if I'm ahead for wave clear, then I immediately start building mortal reminder + attack speed to counter her healing from her ults and ravenous hydra. Late game, have the ravenous hydra, mortal reminder, thornmail, and triforce then you'll win a 1v1 against her easy. ”
TheUrgood says “Fiora le + grand cauchemar des OTP URGOT son contre counter votre passif,votre e et votre ultime . elle a un 1vs1 insane et un vol de vie insane”
Braddik says “If she knows what she's doing she'll hit all her vitals and always win. Grab executioners calling and match her tiamat if she rushes it. You can win the 1v1 if you outplay her parry with your E. If she parries one of your abilities you die. ”
jaydream says “Fiora completely COUNTERS Morgana. ALWAYS ban her, as her parry works on both Morgana's ultimate and her dark binding. NEVER play morgana toplane into fiora. ”
superacewolf says “Play safe early and farm just outside of your tower. Try not to get the wave pushing and keep healthy so you don't get dove. Bramble vest is good against her if she is rushing hydra. You may need ghost to catch her. Don't let her snowball or you can't do anything. ”
spaceriftmaster says “Fiora is a very difficult match up for Morde because she's very good a dueling and has a spell shield that can basically completely waste your ult. To beat her you have to hit those juicy bonus damage Q's. Also wait for jungler ganks.”
FlopyWeiner says “When Fiora ults tuck yourself on a wall so she can't get a last hit but for the most part ur fucked if shes a one trick. If you watch any of Hashinshin's videos you would know why.”
Trash Collector says “Deals High damage when she hit mark so avoid getting hit on mark and her W can reflect your stun back to you and her e slows and deals high damage”
enderare says “absurd amount of early game damage while doing to much damage late game, retarded champ just play safe and farm, get poke once she has used her dash. ”
Pedrokis says “É praticamente meu perma ban. / Toma muito cuidado com o Parry (W) dela, por que quase todas as suas skills garantem um slow ou stun grátis. / Respeita o dano dela e evita tomar os pontos vitais.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Her dueling potential is better than your's. She'll almost always win duels against you but she's melee meaning that she's pretty easy to poke. Now you can hit barrel combos but it's very difficult because if Fiora sees it coming she can dash away before she gets hit. But it's worth a shot to try and hit barrels.”
The Lost Drawing says “Los mismos consejos que Aatrox pero ella se cura contigo, se mete 2 relentizaciones y te baja la velocidad de ataque.
Cuando te tire R y creas que le ganas pegate a la pared para que no active la curacion de su R.
Cancelar su 'Q' es algo dificil ya que es muy rapida y si te pega le baja a la mitad el enfriamiento”
Darkseige555 says “This is a skill matchup, but if I had to choose I would say that fiora has the advantage. While you rely on your e to kill her, she doesn't need her parry to deal damage. That means she can just hold on to her parry until you use e and make you lose a lot of kill pressure by doing so. I suggest that you wait for her to come to you and kite her with q and use grasp passive while she walks away so she doesn't use your animation to create an opening. You can try to bait her parry with your first-cast ult or by walking to her when she is next to a wall and walk away right after. Never use your w unless she all-ins you because she will just walk away and abuse your cooldown.”
Joaking says “Fist blood wins the lane.
-Her lvl 1 is maybe the strongest in the game, don't trade her at lvl 1.
-Her W is the strongest ability in the game but it has a lot of cd, try to bait it with a short combo (Q+aa+WE) dodging her W with your E.
-If you see she's able to hit you with her passive + Q, use EW to dodge it and stun her. You maybe will take of her bone plates.”
Daedralus says “Slightly harder than Riven, but also surprisingly not that hard. I ranked her a bit higher due to her parry as it can block your ult or Q, or even your E fear with good timing. Her true damage can also be annoying, but she is also burstable which gives you an advantage too. If she does get hit by your ult, this is the reason you get a much higher advantage. ”
qtANG says “fiora outtrades you during level 1 and level 2. When you reach level three, do a E>W >retreat, to bait out her W [[riposte]], then wait for your cooldowns and then E>Q>W>aa. This is because she had a long cooldown for her W and you can take this as a advantage when you have 3 abilities and she only has 2.”
Askio says “Dangerous because of her burst, but good positioning and proper timing of shielding and grasp means if you can get your Bami and Catalyst items, you'll be able to beat her handily. ”
MrLewie says “Until Fiora gets nerfs she will continue to destroy any Nasus in a 1v1. DO NOT FIGHT HER IN A 1v1. YOU WILL LOSE 100% of the time. Freeze your lane until you get 250-300 stacks and then try to take her out early in teamfights. Try to get your cc heavy champions to focus her and you'll have a better chance at winning.”
VahitcanT says “I hate to play against most of the time. A good fiora can punish you just for picking morde. Play safe and wait for the jungles help. Rush bramble vest and ninja.”
TheRevenantsHand says “Try and ban her, unless you're a good duelist. Be patient with her, even if she pokes you. Try freezing waves to force her away from tower. Try and bait her W for it parries your R. Take that away, and you're in equal fighting ground. Miss your skillshots, and you're in the deep end again.”
VicGal96 says “The bane of most of the top lane melee picks, Fiora is just disgusting to face overall, and if she manages to get ahead of you at any point the game is done; however, since you can bait her abilities fairly well, you can actually kill her from levels 2-5, and if you secure a lead she will just be a particularly annoying cannon minion. Do note Fiora's level one is stronger than yours because of how her Q and vitals work; avoid facing her directly until you are at least level 2, then start going ham to try and make her fall behind. If she gets to 6 without you achieving a lead it becomes an uphill battle since she can hard outscale, but you can try and get a Bramble Vest + Tabis early to delay her from killing you, though it's not optimal. Ignite is preferable if you think you can kill her before 6, and Grasp works wonders against her (conqueror won't do much to help you duel her). A bruiser build (or an aggressive stasis one) are ideal.”
Split King says “There is no easy way to deal with Fiora. You cannot farm safely and you cannot fight her either. She should have been banned. If you are forced to fight her, try to control your vitals, if you get a vital facing her, back off so that a new vital will spawn instead. ”
ozmankaan says “An easy champ nowadays, keep on AA while she farm, dont stand n fight, keep ur distance, try to run toward ur turret when she ults, dont give her kill first she will become a prob, u can win lane easily just be sensible against her. beware of her riposte she can cancel ur ult n disdain also. disdain with purge can reduce her health to almst 70 - 60 % so utilize it.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “More of a 50/50 matchup. She can either beat you up with her strong all-ins, punishing you when you misuse E, or either you beat her up by abusing your range.
Tip: Beware of her W parry. Avoid using E when she uses W since she can stun you.
Try to predict her Q dashes, and use your Q in that direction. She won't see that coming, you can land more auto attacks with your combo, and she cannot predict your E timing to stun you with her W if nearsighted.”
BeautifulWinter says “Dashy girl, low threat. When fighting play AGAINST A WALL prevents healing from fiora ult. Bait her W (Riposte) by turning and using Q at her. This can make her think that you are using E. When she is dashing you wait until she is closer to throw E as it gives her less time to dodge.
Play passive prior to 6. After 6 go ham. ONLY IF ULT IS UP.”
Split King says “One of the hardest melee matchups. She will try to riposte your Q and if she succeeds you dealt no upfront dmg, you didn't cc her, and your attack speed is slowed so your E has no bonus spins either. She also outscales you which is very rare since Garen scales extremely well.”
Dominicanos says “Η Fiora είναι tank buster καθώς έχει αρκετό true damage με το passive της και ο Ornn βασίζεται πολύ στα resistanses του. Έπειτα η Fiora είναι δυνατή split pusher και ο Ornn δεν μπορεί να αντεπεξέλθει (Mobility-Wave clear).”
IvaoManeirao says “i've really changed my mind on this matchup recently.
After having experienced it more on both sides i can say safely that Urgot doesn't have much trouble putting up with Fiora, the reason being that albeit laning phase against grasp can be hard, there is no way she can win a trade if she doesn't have a item lead and Urgot plays it right - just don't use your E and you'll quickly outdamage her, and since she is already squishier you'll just win easily”
Big Belly Bop says “Fiora is a very tough match up for Senna. She is able to jump on you starting level 1. Ask for ganks, poke her, and stay even in farm. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Survivability or Gotta Blast! rune page.”
ExfIamed says “This matchup is nearly fucking impossible, her vitals do half of your hp each time and 90% of the time is unavoidable, and regardless of how far behind she is if she ults you you just die. However, she doesn't have your passive so you can poke her down and ult her, when shes low enough to be ulted try q'ing towards her and bait her riposte, then its a free kill.”
Daniequila says “Fiora counter Yasuo with her w and her constantly running around with q the reason she counter Yasuo a lot is when Yasuo uses tornado she will just w and stun Yasuo and kill him”
Verdehile says “This is a skilled match up because she good outplay potential. If you go even on her she has a good chance of beating you late game because she forces your ult quick with true dmg vitals and runs away. Ghost doesnt solve the problem because u need ign for her healing. Buying anti heal like bramble or exe doesnt really help because that screws your build path and wastes money. Go ignite and win duels with her with short trades into extended ones.”
Baxiboxi says “Fiora's Duelist's Dance helps her to overcome Pantheon's Shield vault, constantly wriggling behind or nearby to be able to deal damage without fear of being damaged
Pantheon's meteor spear is basically a navigational skill. Like the pull from Pyke it is easy to predict and completely predictable. Fiora can use the glide from Q to minion. Or use counterattack if necessary to evade Pantheon's main source of damage.
The Shield Vault is also a technique that can be reflected and countered with Reflection. The most important Pantheon player is the combo along with Close to the opponent stun and ignite the electric shock or conquer from there to exchange tips on the way. Counterattack not only prevents large amounts of damage from being accumulated, but also stuns the opponent.
After stunning Stunner for duality and Q rushing forward, Fiora gained a clear advantage on the road. And when opposing opponent Fiora will roll a giant snowball and cause Pantheon to waste from start to finish in his match.”
9690 says “This is a really hard lane for Mordekaiser and one of his only "true" counters. Don't lose too much health trading early and try to farm under turret as she'll inevitably push us in. Don't die in this lane either. After 2 items we can't really do much to her in the side lane. She can riposte our R if she's good and predicts. Hug walls when she R's to deny her the full proc. Tough lane and we get outscaled.”
hundov2 says “If you die once to a skilled Fiora, the game may just be over. Look in the matchup section to learn how to play against these champions.”
ENX Kai says “I hate her, very mobile, late game god. %max HP true damage, can deny your engage and R with her riposte. Good at split-pushing, thanks to her new Q mechanic. Get bramble early.”
sorio94 says “U shouldnt trade until you got hextech gunblade. Dont let her trade you, you will lose, and take care with the minion wave, she can freeze you 24/7 if shes good.”
0__.0 says “You want to be close to the enemy to use your passive. Fiora wants to take advantage of this to poke your Vitals. She'll deal a lot of %Max HP true damage and heal a lot too. Not fun. ”
Luthy2278 says “Fiora is one of the biggest counters for Mordekaiser because of her broken W that parries his E and Q. You lose all trades and you can't trade back because of her Q. Her ult helps her stay alive inside your ult and it's basically a lost match with a fed Fiora top and an afk Mordekaiser in founain. I always ban Fiora while first picking.”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull against fiora especially before level 6, against her tabi rush and getting a bramble vest is recommanded both the grasp and the conqueror page are good in to fiora here it really comes down to prefference, if you do not have a bramble vest and she hits level 6 she will all in you with her ultimate and potentially kill you if ur not under tower.”
Taliyehn says “Not so hard. She's going to try to 1v1 you all the time, but your job isn't to kill her. It's to hold her. And it's not as hard as it seems. Care about the Sanguine Blade powerspike btw.”
Quezel says “One of your natural hard counters Fiora can very easily dodge all of your abilities and shred you like cheese. Try to use your e to bait her parry and side step it immediately followed with an aa q this will make it easier to win the trade if she goes for it. Rush bramble into seekers/tabi as the healing reduction is very important for her ult and vitals. Late game fiora absolutely crushes you in the 1v1 look to end the game before she gets three items.”
SNOBOY says “New Fiora is much harder. She isn't as reliant on auto attacks, can deal a bunch of bonus damage, and has a move that blocks literally everything. Early on you can do well if you poke her down, but she will win mid to late game. Your best bet is catching her off guard with an ult combo. If she is full damage, and you aren't behind, you can kill her. Try to get some poke before going all in.”
ProgettoYorick says “Fiora is strong if you get hit too many times or you can say hi to your lane, the tactic of hitting him with E + Ghoul with her works.
From level 6 you can start engaging her. From this first 1 vs 1 you will see who will win. Use your flash well against its R. OTP tip: Ninja tabbi is very good against her.”
hotdog93 says “This matchup has a lot to do with ping. If the fiora has >30 ping, trading with her is pretty easy. You can just E and W at the end of the dash, and she can't parry it on reaction, she has to anticipate. This matchup is all about the mindgames aside from that. Try to use walls to stop her from getting vitals (especially in her ult) and if you have a disadvantageous vital, you can walk out of her range and walk back and it will be in a new place. Since all of her damage is from autos (your nullifying orb mitigates her W!) try to get ninja tabi at least kind of early. ”
linsher19 says “Early game she beats you but if you can sustain while farming your q good enough and dodge her w by not using your q you will be able to destroy her late game”
Xelaadryth says “Her multiple dashes and high damage makes this a very touch matchup. If she jumps on you and you energy ball away, she can just jump on you again. Keep track of her parry as she'll probably save it for your stun, which is telegraphed.”
Skarner Main says “dont go for long fights vs fiora if she got conqueror
You will lose if she hits you with a w
Normaly you e her and Just pretend you are going to auto her so she uses her w then you go in for your auto if you miss your e on her walk the fck away same if she pops ult and try make it hard for her to hit her passive procs”
Fluddah says “She beats you early, and she just does a lot of poke damage and is just a way better fighter then you, up untill you have demon, then at that point you can go even with her if shes not already super ahead, but, she is still a super bad person to fight as you just cant out damage her passive and Q”
Karnan says “Hard counter to Urgot. Her parry works against both your E and your R. I like to take Summon Aery into this and build tons of AD and try to outdmg her instead with just autos and Qs. Even if she counters your kit you can use your ranged advantage vs her more frequently.”
LaughtOfLol says “Very strong champion to play against. try to use your E only from super short range so it makes it harder for fiora to disable your Spirit(E) . stick to walls ult once she active and you took her spirit. shouldn't be very hard”
Lux and Qiyana says “Fiora can hit her 1st (Q) to anything even though Qiyana is invisible.
And with her 2nd (W) Qiyana will hardly hit Fiora with 'Water Element' or ult (R)”
Objective focus says “1. Head back for a new weakness if it faces her
2. If opp saves W, E+Q / E+R
3. Being mentally and physically fast wins you the matchup”
AlienMV says “Do not overpush.
Fiora is great at chasing you down since her Q is on a low CD. when it lands. Overpushing gives her a larger window of opportunity to kill you. So while she normally won't punish you hard to walk up the wave, she will punish you hard if you are far up in lane.”
New Swain New Main says “She is another very good at killing you faster than your ult can steal your hp back. Additionally, her parry will stun you from your E. However, she is susceptible to your burst damage if she misses parry.”
Lasoor says “[Top] A skilled Fiora will crush you because how strong, fast, and defensive this champion is. There isn't enough you can do in time to win. She can gain an advantage on you faster than you can use your combo. If it is an unskilled Fiora it should be an easy win though, but don't count on it being unskilled especially in Ranked. Keep in mind she will be trying to hit you on the indicated sides shown on your character. ”
Asothin says “Try to force her Lunge by playing aggressively. Then proceed to E>Q>Q>Q. After she hits 6 she will have a very easy time attacking you from all sides due to your clear lack of mobility. Avoid fighting her at that time and freeze lane. If she ults you and tries to turret dive you can counter it with your own ult but it will still be dangerous. She can also block your E which is why you will have to use it when she is very close to make the window for her to react smaller.”
yetusek says “Lethal Tempo Runes. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Fiora is a tough matchup early in the game especially if the fiora takes grasp of the undying as her keystone. If Fiora lets you build up fury level 1 without poking you down too hard you can get good trades on her if she q's (her dash) too close to you where you can start off a trade with an auto attack. Most of the time though, she will q you and hit a vital and stay out of your auto attack range so if you wanted to trade with her you would have to commit your spin. If you have a bad vital early (vital is directly in front of you where fiora can easily hit it) then you can reset the vital position by walking out of fiora's range, which is pretty far but usually can reset it atleast for the first minion wave. Fiora's W when it hits you will reduce 50% of your attack speed in a 1v1 so if you commit onto her with your spin she will riposte, auto attack, e to reset her auto attack, then q your vital and disengage and there isnt much you can do about it. Fiora's W however has a REALLY long cooldown (24 seconds level 1) so if she uses it and doesnt get a good trade on you, then you need to look for a spot to trade with her (usually right after she q's.)When you want to dive Fiora try to attack her and burn her W, then spin out of turret range, then reengage the dive while her W is on cooldown. When using your W just remember that she will turn her back towards you when she uses her riposte or if she wants to turn and slow you down with her e auto attack reset. Usually I will use my w when she q's away from me to disengage so that she is guaranteed facing away from me. In the mid-late game splitpush the 1v1 is pure skill on both sides. Tryndamere can hug a wall to prevent the 4 vitals from fiora's ultimate from being hit so that she doesnt get the healing, and fiora can angle to get the vitals before Tryndamere can hug a wall or fight Tryndamere when he is in the center of the lane. Usually 1v1's against Fiora will be risky unless you are ahead in items (and have your ignite/ghost available) so usually you will push her in and rotate to flank her team (fiora isnt a great teamfighter compared to tryndamere). You can build bramble vest into a thornmail in this matchup for grievous wounds rather then building mortal reminder, it does really well versus her. Especially if you run Ghost+Flash the grievious wounds helps a lot.”
OneMustFall says “It's kind of who can negate who's skills better. You should always be able to get away from her but if she gets fed by roaming, look out. It really comes down to punishing her when she makes mistakes and not allowing her to dance all around you.”
picklehater77 says “In my experience in the new matchup, a good Fiora is able to pound you. Since you no longer have your Aegis Protection, she can much more easily proc her vitals on you, and once she hits level 6 and gets Tiamat, you have no chance to deal with her anymore. Get your jungler to help. Aftershock Tree.”
Kalrex says “Rush tabis to stop some of her dash+poke combo. I'd recommend tank runes into her unless you want to be hella greedy. Shut her down level 6 and she'll stay behind. Let her dumpster you and there's no coming back. ”
Tep11 says “Fiora can be an hard match up, especially if the one in front of you is a good player. wait for her reposte to be in cooldown before trying to do anything”
TakuyaDJ TW TV says “She can land passive procs/hit you during shroud with her Q. If she W's your all in and mitigates 2+ spells you probably lose the fight. Scales great.”
TerryTheWolf says “Three tips to fight her in lane in a 1v1:
1-Your minion wave should be bigger then hers.
2-Make sure you Q does NOT hits her when she is channeling her W cuz it will deal no damage to her and u will lose around your 20% of your 1v1power.
3-Never fight without your ghouls or maiden!”
Siren Senpai says “Her passive does dmg based of your max HP.
She has big erly dmg and its hard to lane against her when yu take try to take cs she can use that moment to poke yu with Q and proc her passive.”
Ze mentira says “Max E. Rune: Grasp Page.
Start doran shield or corrupt potion. //Frozen heart is a good item to slow her attack speed and bramble vest to cut your healing from conqueror and ultimate.
//Try to fight her when you have your passive shield.
//If she have the mark, Stay away.
BearRider says “3 of her 4 skills + her passive are annoying. But if she does not parry your taunt, you are relatively in safe. When she presses her R and you are below 50% HP, you should escape. On the other side, unskilled Fiora is useless. Do not let her to heal. Titanic hydra, Thornmail, Omens, Exhaust are strong and highely recommended. Also stay away from her Qs and dont let her to hit her passive to deal additional percentage damage of your maximum HP.”
MordeStar says “She potentially does more damage than you post 6, and she can parry your E AND your R. You need to land R or you can't win against her, but once you land it hug the wall of your circle then beat her to death.”
Her0mars says “the % hp true damage. WHY RIOT, and she can parry your E and R, AND stun you, AND HEAL OFF YOU, and you can't run. gl hf kids, unless you camp her early. A good fiora is just as bad as a good vayne so be careful. I have heard many people say she is weak if she doesn't snowball in lane, and I don't know how true this is but either camp her or tell your laner to play safe.”
Hamstertamer says “Very snowbally matchup that can go either way, usually decided by jungle pressure. Running ignite heavily recommended to gain the advantage. Build HP and armor, most of her damage is still physical. Her parry is not a problem. Hug a wall when she ults and fight her.”
Atlascrower says “Fiora has much ms, a spammable gapcloser (Q) and high damage. You lose level 1 hard. You need to place your barrels well to stop her, if she needs to use her W or gets slowed, its okay. U cant duel her.”
Guantecillo says “Puede ser o muy difícil o fácil, dependiendo de tu movimiento, trata de no usar tu Q hasta que hagas que Fiora use su W, si por alguna razón te golpea con su W puedes dar por hecho que perderás el tradeo.”
JohnRaged24 says “Fiora can be very hard or very easy to play against. If she Ws your Q you have lost the trade. So I recommend
starting with E and then go for a Q.
If the Fiora player is good wait for your jungler and go in before the jungler is visible because if she ult the jungler you are both dead, you have to make her use her ult.(exept if the jungler is a tank)”
Polkadog says “A real nuisance. If someone would shove a lemon up to your... you know, she would be the lemon. Do not start trading with her first, wait for her to come to you. At the beginning just try to last hit minions and farm. Don't let her get close to you. Once she uses her Q, you have to use your W to stop her and then put some pressure on her. Get slightly away from your W and go back to her. Press Q but don't hit yet. If she's clever, she will try to parry this so wait for her parry to stop and then hit him and drop your E on her so she has to retreat. If she ults you, USE YOUR W! Your E cannot slow her enough. If you can, always have your ultimate up so she cannot just try to 1v1 since it is a 1v1,5. If she does so: W(R)EQ and you'll be gold! I'd suggest you'll get TH, WA and DD as your secondary items.
Remember: don't dive alone, have The Maiden out! If she wants to trade: W, Q--hit and E”
Chromuro says “Fiora brings the battle directly to you and that's what you want: she can't repost anything (but your E slow, she becomes a vessel anyway) and if she ults you, you ult on her too; the main key is negating her farm, so be a bit more aggressive with your W. Tentacles>swords, remember”
HKRV says “Oh boy, where to begin. Yea Ban her. The buff to her was really not needed, they really want us to cry. Go for the Grasp page and D Shield. DD first for better dueling potential. Bait out her W! Don't all-in her as she will win most certainly. Spam ping for gank.
Assonice says “Lots of mobility and true damage. She can riposte you Q and your R. Try to trade the less possible and ask help to your jungle. Ninja tabi, frozen hearth or bramble vest.”
EpicDan01 says “She wins lane early and duels late. However, with clever movement in the midgame you can win fights. When she ults you, hug a wall so that one of her vitals cannot be attacked, which denies her healing.”
Poppu says “Fiora isn't that strong if you can bait her with her passive or her W. Save your pin until AFTER she uses her riposte, then you can trade much more dmg. When she gets ult, be much more wary of your HP, don't trade if you are below 50% hp.”
Aizo says “This is one of maokai's most difficult matchups for new Maokai players, especially when playing against experience fioras. The matchup is all about Maokai trying to condition the fiora player into using Riposte at the wrong time. You can not just mash your spells on CD, you must have method and nuance to when you are throwing out your CC otherwise fiora will simply block it, stun you, and collect her 300 gold and 21LP”
SoulHero says “Hah this requires skill now, I'd say I win about 70% of fiora matchups, YOU OUSCALE SUPRISINGLY. Now rush executioners early, like before black cleaver or after. Get DORANS SHIELD IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO NOT GET Q'D. I go dorans shield second wind to let her heal and trade for cs. Good sustain, unless you're ambitious and get dorans blade and want to challenge a professional duelist. Now how to win: you straight up try not to get poked too much, IF YOU BACK OFF TOO MUCH SHE WILL ASSERT DOMINANCE AND ITS GONNA GET HARD. Match her csing and try to trade, WARNING: DONT TRY TO FLIP ENGAGE. ONLY FLIP TO GET THE SHT OUT. OR, if she uses w, you chain the flip so it hits after she uses w. You OUTSCALE ONCE YOU GET DEATHS DANCE(assuming you have executioners) PLAY FIGHT LIKE THIS, STICK TO WALL: SHE WILL TRY TO HIT VITALS. LET HER HIT 3 EXCEPT FOR THE ONE ON THE WALL. You do this, your shotgun knees will blast her(land your q first). If she gets desperate and w's FLIP HER AFTER, CHAIN ULT AND SHE DEAD. Here's a cheese trick, oh btw its hard to win lvl 1 e flip if she hits 2 vitals, So cheese trick is lets say she is low and walking away, you have flip and ult. YOU DASH TOWARDS HER, IF SHE USES W, CHAIN ULT AFTER AND REEL HER IN, its like a feint ult. If she's is good and doesn't w, don't waste ult, move on.”
litboijustinx says “She can get really annoying. Jayce naturally gets countered by someone that has a gapcloser and the potential to all in. When fighting a fiora, make sure to trade when her Q is down and play smart. Due to her healing, she would win most duels if you don't poke her down before engaging.”
SwordMan2500 says “Fiora got one dash (Q) and 1 block (W)
so she can dodge your Q and R whit the dash (Q) or block all of your spells whit her block (W) ”
General Cougar says “Fiora can riposte your cc and ulti, and can easily 1v1 you if she dodges your q's. If you don't feed her, you have a good chance of possibly winning.”
Shady Zane says “A good Fiora player can counter anyone and even 1v3, but here's the thing. IF you can manage to slow and burst her she might not fight, but this is pretty hard in fact with fiora mains. Don't get aggressive unless you are sure that you (w/jungler) can take her out.”
ToastyKiller says “To fight Fiora just ask for alot of ganks and try get the kill on her with your q. Try let the minion wave push into you so that she is an easy gank!”
notlmaze says “This is just.. Lethal Tempo may either destroy you or be useless against you. Beware the Vitals and you can win her late game, dangerous mid game to early game.”
Vodka4Gaben says “You should be able to beat Fiora 1 v 1 if she doesn't manage to hit her vitals. However if both of you have a positive K/DA by level 6, you should win by default with your ulti”
DrNaara says “In a similar vein to Renekton, high mobility, burst, and healing. She will likely out heal you in your ult with her ult and will win the all-in.”
Petethebossch says “Skill dependent match-up. Buy Executioners calling post 6 to win ult for ult fights if you aren't behind. Also try to predict her w by going up to q her and dodging out at the last second as she uses her parry. If she gets ahead of you though she can outscale you 1v1 into the late game.”
HarryCao says “Skill matchup favoring you after you get grevious wounds. It's basically whoever gets stun loses the trade. Try to mix and match your E duration to confuse her. When she ults you, stick by a wall so it's hard for her to proc her 4 vitals.”
Lynboe says “Fiora est capable d’outscale Darius et de poke énormément grâce à son passif, face à elle l’on va plutôt prendre un Doran’s shield et rush une Bramble vest afin de contrer ses dégâts et sa regen d’hp.
Si vous décidez de R faites bien attention qu’elle n’utilise pas sa parade à ce moment précis, la plupart du temps les joueurs de Fiora garderont leur parade dans le but de contrer celui-ci, ce qui vous permet d’utiliser votre E sans problème.
Le danger principal de Fiora apparaît si elle décide/arrive à contrer votre E. À ce moment ce sera du go-in pur et dur, il sera très dur de s’échapper à cause du slow appliqué par son passif, la meilleure solution à ce moment sera de coller la marque de son passif contre un mur afin qu’elle ne puisse pas la faire proc, vous pourrez donc fuir ou vous battre vaillamment.
Les Tabis Ninja sont évidemment recommandés face à Fiora
Protector Keppo says “Good mobility + She can block your Qs and stun you with her W. You win early but lose later(around level 6-7).
Make sure you pick thornmail third item.Bad ban choice”
Jnewbringspain says “Fiora is winnable. You will need to make sure she does not Riposte your Counter Strike. If she does, you will lose the trade. Try to save Counter Strike and only use it after she uses Riposte. When you see her use it, sidestep it and activate Counter Strike and engage.”
Necrops says “Annoying as hell, she will negate your E going in your back, she will also stun you when you try to W her, buy a Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi, it really helps.”
messketchup says “skill matchup in Fioras favor.however
if Darius gets ahead she won't recover. If it's a good Fiora player she will time her W when you try to Q or R her to heal.”
ThomasRemastered says “matchup skillé, si la fiora en face ne sait pas bien parrer, alors le matchup sera en faveur de sion, petit tips, essayez de bait sa parade en ne faisant qu'un Q slow, dés que vous chargez votre Q et dés qu'il sera bientôt en état de pouvoir bump, alors relachez le. dans ce genre de matchup il va cependant devoir prendre une armure roncière avant l'hydre titanesque pour pouvoir lui priver de son heal”
Sonny2o9 says “IMPOSSIBLE matchup assuming equal skill. Best thing to do here is baiting her Riposte with your Flag and then Q'ing afterwards. Executioner's Calling is MUST BUY. ”
Smartest2 says “Once Fiora gets going it's hard to stop her. If she gets a lead early she'll probably look for an all-in every time you show up in lane. Play the vitals minigame, if there is an easy proc vital, walk away until you're out of the vital range so it disappears and then walk back into lane.hug wall if you have a vital below you. dodge her Parry with your movement speed, the attack speed reduction is brutal.”
Zofia the Fierce says “I say major threat, but a good Fiora can be considered extreme.
Beware of Fiora players that utilize Grasp of the Undying against you.
You should see how well the other player is playing her. If they're parrying your spins, outtrading you, they'll start to zone you off of farm if they dominate you in lane, and kill you if you persist.
Remember that a good fiora also abuses the movement speed in her kit, so even if you do beat her, some of them will just waltz out of the battle.
Play safe against the good Fioras, play aggressive against the worse ones.”
Sukay says “You will have to bait out her W, to make sure she doesn't mitage your Q damage. Jump on her and wait for her to use W, then go in on her.
If you see her use Q [[Lunge]] and not hit any target, it will have a long cooldown and you can fight her.
Lastly use terrain to prevent her from being able to pop the things.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Keep her under tower, don't let her proc free vitals. Her W [[Riposte]] is her only real defense. Buy [[Executioner's Calling]] to negate all her healing.”
The Jhin Cena says “It's hard for her to predict your Q, so she can't make efficient parries. When she dives in and uses her ult, use yours and you should win the fight unless she's fed.”
12inchpvpness says “Fiora is like the police and you are a criminal, just to play you have to get lucky every time and not get your stun blocked. All she has to do is get lucky once to kill you. Poke her down and make sure it doesn't happen.”
uk Orca says “this should be on major but unless theyre really good at fiora u can beat them, if she goes for vitals just melee form and Q,W then switch back to win the trade.”
Devitt45 says “This match up is more skill than anything. Try to bait out her W so she can't stun you. If she ults you slam one of the vitals into a wall so she can't heal from it.”
Zestysquid says “This lane is a tossup. There's a bullshit trick with Fiora which some people can pull off. If she knows where a turret is, there's a way for her to parry the fear and CC you with your own box. There's a very small time period in between when you enter a box's range and when it triggers. If Fiora walks into range and immediately parrys, you will get stunned. If your laner doesn't know this or doesn't figure this out, it's an easy lane.”
Skill-based matchup. Pertty much you have to how to duel her properly. If you steal her ultimate, i think yours will be more effective than hers in case of healing, not sure. All I know, you can burst her, but be careful, she can do surprisingly huge crits.”
Jnewbringspain says “Strong counter as she deals most of her damage through casting spells, so your W isn't very effective. On top of this, she negates much of your defenses since she also deals true damage. Avoid engaging and try your best to play safe. Ask for help with your jungler.”
Dr.G Killa says “I think this Is one of the most dificult matchups for Darius, she outsustains you, has mobility and dashes, she outscales, split and can block your R damage with her W. Broken champion!”
best teemo says “start: doran ring, armor rune
How she will try to trade against you:
Fiora will usually try to dash towards you, then wait until you try to q her to parry.
How to win trades pre6:
Bait her dash by walking towards her as if you want to engage but don't get too close, then walk back,
if she dashes, auto her once.
If she runs away after your first auto, poke her with as much autos as you can before her dash comes back in about 15 seconds
if she engages on to you after your first auto, or if you get hit by her dash, auto her once more so she can use her parry, then q her after her parry is over, and kite back into your minion waves until she disengages or dies from fighting you in minion waves.”
Prince Afghan says “Very annoying matchup as you can never really trap her with your W and does insane damage in both the early and late game. You may want to ask your jungle for a little help as it will make the lane infinitely easier. Otherwise try to farm and look for opportunities to kill where she overextends.”
M2 Jizu says “Jugar contra Fiora es algo complicado... te puede predecir tu E con su W (El Esquivar) pero puedes bloquear sus Q (Dash + Ataque potenciado) y también las marcas de su R con tu W :) ”
Ryako the Exile says “Dont get poked from her Q and if you are getting hited by her W while you are doing W or thirdQ you will have a losing trade. Buy some health bc she is doing true damage”
Bombabo says “Aatrox's worst matchup in my opinion. Her low cooldown dash and ability to parry and=y part of your combo into a stun make her a tremendous pain to lane against. Focus on surviving in lane and try to force teamfights, where you will be far more useful than Fiora.”
0mega best says “Very hard. She pokes alot and can heal all your Q poke damage. Freeze lane and farm, call for ganks, and try baiting her block then Q her. Honestly, this matchup is almost unwinnable and very hard to win, just hope she dosen't get fed.”
RainbowNova says “Fiora's true damage is insane. I've only played her a few times and myself, but the way she can shred tanks with her ult is just crazy. Be very careful of her, blind her after she's used W and try to not push too much against her.”
Lil Tidepod says “Fiora is a rough one. She can parry your Q, which will basically negate all your damage and if she hits it correctly, revert the knockup or slow back onto you, depending on how long you held Q. She has a dash, her ult can heal her, and she does lots of damage early, mid, and late. Farm it up and call for your jungle. If you're going to 1v1 her, bait our her parry and ult her into a Q.”
ImpossibleLogic says “This is interesting match up. Fiora has a much better kite then you and can reflect your attacks to stun you, if she lands them. It really comes down to who has more farm and plays smarter.”
Luki7776 says “She can counter you in every aspect. She can parry your Q and W by using her W. If you get too close, she can easily shut you down with her Q and Passive. Stay under your tower and wait for your jungler to gank you.”
DoABarrellRoll says “Puede counterear tu E y R facilmente con su W mientras te gana en movilidad con su Q
She can counter your E and R easily with her W while she gain mobility with her Q”
Scuz Rat says “Fiora's weak early and reliance on her Q make this an easy lane before Fiora reaches 2 items. Spam Q when she goes to last hit or poke with Lunge and beat on her all day”
CoffeeDog says “It gets tricky against a fiora, since she can parry your taunt, leaving you in a hard position. Try to bait her taunt and you are relatively safe.”
GrGamingTeo says “To beat Fiora make sure to sit behind the minios whenever she goes for the trade, simply auto q her and you won the trade. Make sure to save your q and your ult for after she uses her w or else you will lose the fight. The last thing to know is that whenever she user her ult go nearby a wall so he doesn't get her heal off of you.”
GrGamingTeo says “This depends on how good the fiora player is. If her timing with her w is really good she can w your dunk or your q so you won't do damage or heal. Also her healin is very annoying so maybe get a Bramble Vest against her. She can beat your ass to the ground in late game as well.”
DrMoneybags says “This is the worst matchup for Kled. Ban this every game if you can, unless you hate Jax more. Her W hard counters your Q, W, and R. She has %HP damage which counters your health-stacking. And she basically annihilates you with her R if you get dismounted. Horrible lane unless you're significantly more skilled than her. Stay even in farm and roam without dying. Then you can maybe out-duel her at some points in the game with some strong dueling items.”
Arcthunder says “Ah, the bane of Kled's existance. This duelist is known for getting a free stun off of Kled, since the pull is very telegraphed. More on her in the tough matchups section.”
GekteJelles says “Very 50/50 matchup dont give her a kill or she will snowball of that don't get stunned don't do every combo every time basicly dont be predictable.”
Big Boy Matty D says “Your E is really strong against her and there isn't too much she can do to outplay you.
Don't go for a max-range ultimate on her unless her Parry is 100% down, try to gap-close using Q and either bait her Parry or use a point-blank ultimate so she can't react.”
Mitil says “should be a fairly easy matchup as long as she can't free poke you. When she goes in for a dash q e her if she all in's with r back up so she cant get all 4 sides. if she misses a dash focus on punishing her extremely long cooldowns.”
Qubert64 says “Don't. Just Don't. But if you do, get sunfire, thornmail, sit under turret, and pray to god she doesnt parry your taunt when she dives you.”
Twitchtv Quash says “Annoying. The percent health true damage is dumb. She also catches up to you very easily. If shes winning you will have a hard time coming back. Not the worst though you can still win. Just hard bait her parry.”
The_CuItivator says “After the Fiora buffs you shouldn't win lane without him making mistakes. The W is a thing you should keep a lookout for and watch out for that broken passive”
Shroom101 says “Fiora is one of the most hard match up if you play your laning phase poorly, once she builds ravenous hydra she can out heal all your damage so be cautious with your laning phase and focus in farming”
TheNinjaRoid says “Don't let her Parry your Q. She can't really stop you from farming, outside of killing you. Careful when she has ult, especially if you're low and don't have your ult to counteract hers. You win lane if you get a lead.”
Jomppe says “ [Top] A skilled Fiora will crush you because how strong, fast, and defensive this champion is. There isn't enough you can do in time to win. She can gain an advantage on you faster than you can use your combo. If it is an unskilled Fiora it should be an easy win though, but don't count on it being unskilled especially in Ranked. Keep in mind she will be trying to hit you on the indicated sides shown on your character.”
RiftVI says “Fiora's reposte will cuck you and her ult does massive damage and will heal her by a lot. Ignite her as she hits her passive marks and click behind her in bear stance to bait out her reposte then kill her”
MediocrePolk says “A good Fiora will let you know that she is good. Play around bushes, D blade start and take ignite. Try to go cleaver or lethality if you are ahead. Bait her W so you can trade”
Aulenza says “Even though you counter his Q she is pretty hard to face against due to her passive. Do not trade with her unless she has no Q and protect your life marks.”
Khazem says “Similar to other bruisers, Rumble is stronger early on, but Fiora will outscale him. Look to abuse your early advantage as much as possible, while doing your best to avoid jungle attention.”
qtANG says “a good fiora can destroy everything. Just farm and do quick pokes E>Q>W then back.
he W can be bait easily and it has a high cooldown. Take this as a advantage during lvl3 and if manage properly, you can possibly kill her.”
Bkorven says “when she ults you try to stand against a wall so she cant complete her ult. Play safe and hope the rng on her passive doesn't fuck you too much”
IceHunterOndrook says “If she counters you there is no point in fighting, wait for when she messes up and kill her quickly until she has a chance to heal up with ult.”
Carlosm04 says “Fiora é bem complicado, mas a gente cautera ela com E so que tenha cuidado com W da fiora, vc ficar 2 segundos de stun, tenta stunar quando ela n ter o W dela”
The Lost Drawing says “ROTA ALV (No tanto xD)
Pega mucho lleve la runa que lleve. No le ganas hasta nivel 8 y una 'Cota de Espinas' o 'Botas Tabi'
>>>Siempre se pegan a la pared para que le pegues tu 'E' y ella ponga su 'E' para que te 'stunes', así que hasta que la gaste no puedes hacer intercambios limpios”
ElleryTheViking says “This is a skill based matchup. Whoever ints that first kill will likely lose the lane. You have the advantage level 1, so if she q's towards you for a vital, you be sure to use every Q your mana will allow for and every grasp proc. This lane often generally ends up as a first blood given the duelist nature of Fiora. If she ults you, q and run away till its on CD, cause she'll dish out some big damage. If you have ghost and ult and she runs up to your turret, she's as good as dead.”
BlackguardRaven says “Just blind her when she goes all in, and she cant do any damage, since she is an aa based champ. Just watch out for her deflect move, and your good. ”
godv4r says “Biggest conter of Darius
Fiora mains will not fight you level 1-3
Try to make trades or even kills before level 6, if you can't, fight her near a wall so she can't hit the vital.
Watch for her W to block ur ult, so wait till she casted then ult, there is no way she can 1v1 you with ult not trigger and don't block your ult.”
kingkang2 says “True damage, Mobility. Yorick can win this matchup since Yorick doesn't have a hard CC ability that Fiora can use against you. Farm well, hit 6, mess her up.”
SynergyXO says “A good fiora can make you cancel autos when she Qs, unless you get some early attack speed. just reset the vitals if they are easy for her to reach, dodge her parry that way you dont get attack speed reduction. and if she ults you, stand against the wall that way she cant hit 4th vital... late game she pretty much wins unless you are ahead at the time.”
Samas says “Her primary poke tool and E + aa resets can be blocked by your E. Also keep track of how she tries to parry your stun with her W, and try to surprise her. Your bonus armor from the ultimate wont really help against hers since proced weakspots deal true damage, so if she puts her ulti on you disengage or atleast dont give her all the weakspot procs unless you are sure you can take her down. Do not push unless you have a fair lead which you can rely on.”
blue_cat says “True damage and mobility, but your cc works well against her in teamfights. Survive the laning phase by only trading to proc grasp. DON'T LET HER HIT VITALS”
francodm says “Se a fiora usar o W no seu Q ela vence, se você usar o seu Q no Q/E dela você vence, tente dar predict ou baitar a fiora a usar o W. Apertos dos mortos vivos se quiser ficar safe. Aery se estiver confiante.”
E61K says “Depends on the Fiora's skill level. The fact that she has her parry to potentially deny your ultimate, gut your attack speed and movement speed at the same time can make her a very though match-up to lane against. She can also parry your E if she is really good. You can try to cheese her by casting your ult at 4 stacks instead of 5 stacks or using your E to CC her during your ult cast time so she can't parry it. This matchup basically revolves around Fiora's parry and the vitals. Late game you can only win against her if you have good mechanics and specifically build to split vs her. Try to shut her down early. Early Bramble Vest or Executioners Calling (my personal favorite because it's cheaper and the effect is so much better) in combination with tabis into usual build path shits on her pretty hard. Keep in mind her vitals make it so none of your defensive items matter to her as long as she hits those. Therefore it is crucial that you don't go full tank after your core if you want to win a 1v1 against her. You will need Grievous Wounds later on if you want to 1v1 her. Mindgaming her with your E and ult is a crucial part to win against her. Always Q or Ultimate right after you E or she will just parry it often putting you in a bad position to be in. Using your E and immediately your Q or Ultimate afterwards won't leave her the opportunity to parry since she will be CC'd. When she ults you and you think she can win hug a wall to prevent her from procing all vitals and denying her the heal. Overall Darius has the upper hand on Fiora in my honest opinion.”
Miracle Matter says “Should hard-counter Zilean. In reality, doesn't. Fioras struggle to understand the timing of your bombs, and critically, you can space the 1st and 2nd bombs in weird ways to make her mis-predict when the stun will land.
You may not be able to 1v1 her later. If so, group and teamfight instead, and she'll never contribute as much as you.”
Suthafru says “Fiora - Fiora is one of the few champs that out poke you, at any level she can all in you for vitals and heal the early game damage you do.
this is a failing matchup until you can get the items to properly kite her”
NOH giel says “She is to fast, she can dodge all your pokes and almost poke you freely. When you're both 6 you have a very big problem with her ult, since you want to go around her to get off your shotgun knees. When you do this she just heals an big amount with her ult. Also she can even completely cancels your ult with her parry. Also if you are charging your E, She just has to parry it to stun you for a long time.”
Skarner Main says “A good fiora player you just pray to god your team is ahead if a bad one you can beat her bait her parry if you e her just walk up pretend you going to auto her she parrys you hit her after same with ult”
drunken hunter says “Fiora is one of the strongest top laners. She counters Rengar because she always got a re- engage with huge dmg. She got a short but quick dash with low cd and an ability that can counter every bad effect on the champion and every dmg she gets for 0.75 sec. -> she got an ability that can counter 5 enemy ults AT ONCE.
In the very early game you can try to do the poke and the lvl 2/3 engage. Almost forgot her ult - If Fiora clicked on you after pressing (R) there will be a large circle around you that is divided into 4 parts. After she hit you one time each side, you will have gotten some huge dmg and the circle will heal Fiora now.”
Daniloooo says “Reset her passive so it isnt facing her.
U destroy fiora so i dont think she will be much of a prob even to a new teemo player. Shell try to W ur blind so bait out her W if you can. If she ults you put your back against a wall.”
kkiskk says “It will be an annoying lane. If she poke you in the weak spot, she heals and gain movespeed buff. Don't let her parry your E and third Q, you'll most likely lose that trade.”
Sion says “People actually don't understand how easy it is to fight Fiora as Sion, Just play the E+Q game from range. If she goes for a fight just disengage then re-engage once her W is down.
Also, when you are charging Q, let it fully charge against her post level 3 as she will try to parry it mid-charge, which will guarantee you a full damage Q.”
Vincheelo says “She can use her lunge to avoid your Decimate. Her true damage hurts a lot. She can avoid your Apprehend and Noxus Guillotine with her Riposte. Build Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi against her. Usually a skill matchup to bait out her Riposte.”
TheNecromancerr says “Didn't mention it in the Extreme threat group since it is more of a skill matchup and depends how good Fiora is. She is countering you, but it is also very winnable if you play smart around her vitals.”
n41L1L says “Fiora is an interesting champ. She, like Camille, has an incredibly high skill ceiling. I've never played against a good Fiora before, or maybe Camille just beats her out entirely, but as long as you don't get camped by their jungler, you should be fine. ”
lxl1Mago1lxl says “She can still dash into our traps with her [Q] and avoid the fear with [W]. Fiora is that type of champ that will not push a Shaco player without oracle or pinks. So take care where you gonna place your box [W]”
S4TAN ES MI DI0S says “Fiora have some ways to get close to you, but you can escape very easily from them. Only be carefull when you trade because her W can deny your combo Q + W + Q completely. I recomend you to throw a Q as bait to make her use her W and when it is on cooldown you fight her.”
TrickyMK27 says “Depends, If the Fiora is Skilled then you might have a problem, If the Fiora is not skilled then it will be fine, Just depends on the kind of fiora player. (A skilled Fiora is gonna jump up to a EXTREME Threat)”
Joxuu says “It's kinda between even and major, generally speaking you lose if Fiora gets her W stun on your Fling. Also need to play around her ultimate, run away once it's used with your mobility. Hold on to your Fling when you get near as many Fiora players predict W too early.”
Bakiraka says “Probably my second least favorite matchup after Zed. She can be poked early on, but you can't be alone in a lane with her after she has her Hydra item or she'll destroy you. Make sure to always stand on a barrel to counter her bonus movespeed.”
Tvoi_clop says “Это противостояние зависит во многом от самой Фиоры и от вас.
Её парирование вы можете заблокировать стеной ветра.
Если метка Фиоры находится в невыгодном для вас положении, то просто отойдите на небольшое расстояние от Фиоры и вернитесь назад. Метка сменит своё положение.”
Trixelkour says “True damage is what Swain is weak against, but then again......
Get plenty of AP and time your E perfectly to kill her. Get Aftershock or Phase Rush for an rather even playing field. Go full AP if you want to win against her with Morello being your core. Or Adaptive Helm if she's good with her passive procs.”
Swagus says “This "duelist" is your worst nightmare, she can outrade you and outdamage you no matter what, the only thing you can do is to wait until lategame and go with allys to finish her off.”
lunarstaff says “You NEED to delay your combo against her (see combos section) because she can negate alot of your damage, lifesteal what little health she lost, and chase you with her ult movespeed and Qs.”
heyitsRainex says “Being an immobile champ with only your E as a dashing tool, Fiora can beat you easily.
Try to hide your vital spots when farming as she outsustains you in lane.
When engaging, do not stun right after a dash, as Fiora could W during that time. Either you wait for Fiora to preemptively use her W or when it's on CD.”
WhispeRCZ says “a lot of true demage and poke and healing, building executioners might help, and dont ult her while she has parry up(dont e either youll get stunned)”
E61K says “It's all about the mindgames and mechanics in this matchup. She has her W to parry your nado and you have 6 seconds to bait it out. The thing is that she chooses when to actually use her W while you are limited to 6 seconds to bait her W out. Always remember to windwall her W or you will not only get stunned if she parries your nado with it but you will also have your AS and MS gutted very hard. She can easily follow up with her ult after she parries your nado and she sticks hard to people she ults, because of the sheer amount of MS she gets from it. One tip I can give you out of experience though is that a bramble vest cucks her extremely hard. She does have extreme scaling like you do though so even if you win lane she can still come back and be a great threat to you. Luckily for you there a lot of bad Fiora players out there.”
undeadsoldiers says “Fiora - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Tabi, Tiamat, Bramble (get Trinity items instead if ahead)
- NO all in lvl 1 (even if passive stacked)
- Push lane hard lvl 1 to get lvl 2 first
- All in lvl 2 (only if you get lvl 2 advantage and have passive stacked)
- Play safe all game (she’ll win 1v1 even if she’s behind)
- Walk away if her passive points toward her (otherwise she'll get free poke)
- Bait her riposte with your E
- She can riposte your ult
- Teamfight more than splitpush
- You can W her riposte, but try to save it for her Q and empowered autos combo
- Ult cooldown: 110/90/70
Tazllama says “Fiora counters both your ult, and your Q, which both have relatively obvious casts, and she's able to get in quick and finish you off, leaving you with no advantages.”
Zachlikespizza says “Your q and w are way too telegraphed almost always giving her a free stun. In addition she can get onto you and stick to you thanks to her lunge. Just try to survive the lane and look for kills elsewhere.”
ReformedLavahit says “Can go either way , if you play your early game good you can beat her , be careful because good fiora plays will always expect the 3rd q and will use their w all the time , try to bait their w with your 3rd q and then go in once your q comes back given you extend it . ”
Demon Lord AC0 says “She is level 5 because she is the only one that hard counters this build. Her W makes hitting her with a knockup Tornado almost impossible. and then she stuns you for it. Since she rushes Ravenous Hydra she will out damage you because of her scalings. Start Doran's Blade and you can even rush PD, Tabi, and Vamp Scept into Cutlass. If you plan on going against her you'd better build Mortal Reminder instead of Sterak/Mallet.”
TakeLPlease says “Fiora, much like Skarner, can tank tons of damage while dishing out a ton with her auto. Much like Skarner, he way to counter is to stay back and use your speed and your slow ability to your advantage.”
M4C4R40 says “Eu não sou muito bom contra fiora por causa do Q dela, tente desviar e não deixar ela acertar as marcas em você, se ela ultar tente pular pra longe e pokear ela”
Mr Regular says “Probably your hardest counter in top lane
She is too fast for you to effectively combo her, and her sustain is too annoying to deal with
Play safe and smart, and punish her pressure if possible. Trades shoudn't be that hard if you know what she can do(as a champion and as a player)”
Snaill says “Skill match-up, it depends on your own skill with camille, dont try to stun her as she can parry you and stun you, and that cancel your ultimate. If she waste her parry, take the trade till youf 2nd Q spell and run away.”
HunterFreddy says “Fiora can use her counter to counter your fling (E). You can though avoid this because many Fiora players will use it early on in the fight. Fiora also have a lot of life steal and true damage so be carefull.”
Trixelkour says “Counters you so hard, that you'll regret picking Shen. Do not give her time to react to your E, flash for it. PTA is the only way to go.”
DJREVy says “Fiora is not necessarily a counter to Urgot. She, however, is very annoying in lane to play against. She will beat the hell out of you mid-late game. Again, try to beat her in laning phase and then try to teamfight 5v5 after.
Ban her or Irelia.”
Skullsunderer says “When she ults; wall hug, when she Parries; don't pull. It's really a skill match up. mixed with mechanics. Punish her when her lunge is on cooldown, as it's her only mobility spell, other than a movespeed boost that you can end with your Crippling Strike.”
joelblack says “Fiora's one of those champs where taking Exhaust isn't such a bad idea. Her poke is pretty menacing, and if she all-in's you and you don't transform in time, she will kill you. Titan runes are a must, and keeping your distance until your Rage builds up will allow you to disengage her all-ins and potentially kill her. ”
OrangeBeard says “If she parries your first ult or e, make yourself look like you are going to use your e stun or ult, wait for the parry then do it, if she is in a teamfight, go for someone else, she cant parry you if you dont target her.”
CaioOP1985 says “Fiora has insane mobility, a W that negates your damage and true damage based on how much health you have, making her a dangerous threat. And she is also a late game scaler like you, making her one of the worst possible matches. Like with Darius, play safe, ask for ganks and stay to your tower until you get stronger.”
Ashnard says “One of the hardest matchups for aatrox, fiora can play around your combo with her mobility and riposte stunning you at any point. You are still stronger than her early damage-wise and her parry has 24 second cooldown, so punish her if she wastes it. Try to move sideways if you q her so you wont get stunned. Keep the lane pushed since she doesnt have any waveclear before tiamat.”
DERPFISHrejects says “Her major slipperyness combined with her crazy dps actually makes her rather difficult to fight. Try to punish her CS, and definitely assume you lose fights if you're both 6.”
Dacnomaniak says “This is a pure skill match up, if you can bait her Parry out and stun her against a wall you will have an easy lane. However due to her scaling true damage she will dominate you late game.”
CamilleN1 says “Fiora can effortlessly W your E and stun you opening you to a easy kill for her. Try to bait by not instantly jumping off the wall at her and if that doesnt work then you just have to wait for her to use W”
GOTG Ment135 says “Puede posicionarse bien para evitar tu stun y mantenerse bien durante las peleas. Puede bloquear tu E y ultimate con su W. Centrarse en hacer-cela gastar antes.
IllIlllIIlI says “Fiora is a great danger to singed due to her decent mobility and ability to completely deny your flip and even stun you at the same time.
She also does nasty true damage when hitting vitals, which really hurts.
You only want to attempt trading with fiora if you have a decent cs lead and her W is down.”
DNAGCPL says “Consegue te punir por usar seu Q com muita facilidade e possui um bom clear wave após fechar tiamat, procure pressionar ela, puxando a wave, para atrasar a itemização dela”
DuhBrandon says “It all really depends on how good the fiora is because you can be 3-0 but a good fiora will still beat you in a duel (the grand duelist.) However, do not underestimate your own damage because your level 3 (if you poke enough to all in.) and level 6 is better than hers. so my advice is to get ahead before she can really start doing damage or your screwed.”
galvapheonix says “ This matchup is very difficult I will not lie. Fiora at the moment is very strong and almost always banned so don't worry about it too much. If she is picked up vs you just play really passive and try to get help. If you can, grab a Bramble Vest as soon as you can to counter some of her healing and if you have to fight her make sure you have ult.”
thedunkening111 says “Skill Matchup, actually. It looks like she counter's you, but she'll probably try to stun you too early. Fun fact, your zenith blade puts you BEHIND her. So if she parries in win. All about managing her parry. If ever you e, do NOT immediately stun.
Take Conqueror”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 8.3/10
➡️Harder version of the Camille matchup. A good fiora will ALWAYS beat trundle. It's a matchup favoured towards fiora but it technically counts as a skill matchup in my opinion. It's a snowball matchup where whoever gets item advantages will win. As long as she doesn't parry our R we can win in the fist fight but we have to respect her damage and mobility. Play for short trades, auto+Q and maintain an item component advantage. It can be a hard matchup but it can also be an easy matchup.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad fiora vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average fiora vs Average Trundle ➡️60/40 trundle/fiora
Good fiora vs Good Trundle ➡️ Fiora STOMPS trundle, little to no way to win unless fiora makes mistakes and dies for it.”
clyaande says “Deals true damage, heals herself and gains movement speed with passive so dont try to trade with her. Her w protects her from both of your w and r so make sure they are in cooldown before you ult”
Bourne212 says “When looking to trade, try to cancel your auto after your Q to bait out her W so you can proc your passive or you will lose the trade. be sure to get her to use W before trying to all in.”
CactEyez says “Skill match-up. DO NOT W onter her if she has Parry, it is the easiest CC in the game to counter. Be patient and wait out her W. If she uses her R and she isnt low, disengage until it is timed out.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Bramble -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
Zattand says “Resumen del enfrentamiento:
Fiora es un enfrentamiento muy difícil para Ornn debido a su movilidad, daño verdadero y capacidad de bloquear tus habilidades clave con su W (Riposte). Su daño constante en intercambios largos la hace dominar los enfrentamientos 1v1.
Cómo jugar contra Fiora:
Evita enfrentamientos largos: Ornn no puede igualar el daño prolongado de Fiora. Juega seguro bajo torre y evita arriesgarte en intercambios extendidos.
Control de oleada: Manipula la línea para que esté cerca de tu torre, disminuyendo la presión y dificultando que Fiora se mantenga agresiva.
Sé estratégico con tu R: Lanza tu R (Llamado del Dios de la Forja) de manera que Fiora no pueda predecirla o guárdala si sospechas que usará su W para bloquearla.
Construcción inicial: Compra un Chaleco de Zarzas temprano para reducir su curación de ataques básicos y mantenerte más estable durante la fase de líneas. Opcionalmente, un Cota de Espinas para maximizar el efecto de anticuración en peleas prolongadas. Objetos como Égida de Fuego Solar o Corazón de Hielo te darán mayor resistencia y utilidad.
Juega defensivamente y espera apoyo del jungla.
Evita comprometerte en peleas si no tienes tus habilidades clave disponibles.
En peleas grupales, céntrate en utilizar tu utilidad superior, ya que Fiora no es tan eficiente en esos escenarios.”
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