Top Lane 52.44% Win Rate80% Pick RateKayle Top Lane Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kayle in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush/Comet
Early: E start and just perma E on her every time you have it
Tips: She can't do anything to you. You want to constantly push waves and poke her under tower to the point where you just combo her and shes dead. MAKE SURE you aren't using body slam at max range, in case she buffers Q or just sidesteps it with swiftes.Just walk a bit close or use Q slow to get close to her.”
Tomuuko says “Perma proxy for Stride and T2 boots (most likely Swifties to mirror her boots), then look for trades or roams to mid. Flash Ghost (mirror)/Flash TP if prefered.
SpaceVader says “You need jg help, when she reach 6 she can force you to hugh turret and its very bad for you. Not threat lvl 5 cuz you can handle early and later with a team you can isolate her and kill her.”
sly rialto colt says “using q, arcane comet to poke kayle
and second to recover from her poke
if done successfully she will run out of mana and suffer after you buy executioner's calling before she reaches level6 and if she is smart she will focus on farming.”
liucan says “60/40 skill match to her favor: if the game is long enough the she will win 1v1 but a lot of other lanes champs can force her ult (that why she is a bad champions, she needs a lot of time to be a normal champion). So 1v1, u win pre 6 so dont let her farm, u need boots to dont get outruned after 6, go swift since her Q slow u and plated will not save u (dont go mercs even if needed because she is ur mayor problem in the game). she can win lvl 1 with tempo, but if u ext + ign her u win, but after that u will not have this sums to deny her farm. dont stand front of minions because she can still farm with Q and poke u, go shield against her. If she goes anyother rune, she shit and even can be worst than u late game. just remember that nuke kayle can deal a lot of dmg in a second and shadowflame is good againts u, again Drututt plays her a lot, see how he plays and what he builds. Learn from ur enemies.”
Nithril says “As any Kayle matchup does, get at least a couple kills in the early game and dont roam as much allowing her to scale, ask for ganks and keep her of the wave for XP and gold”
a_k_z7 says “early levels is your chance to shut her down since she is meele
after 6 she becomes ranged and will be annoying
try to get good e angels so you can chunk her
dont fight her stright on lvl 1 and 2 since she can run you down but 3 is safe
poke with passive and q before 6
after 6 look to e her and trade as good as you cn ”
juangepeto says “Up to level 6 it is an easy route but after that it becomes difficult and a game against time if necessary ask the hunter to camp until level 6 and avoid his late game arriving I suggest making a gauntlet of the glacinates to avoid his movement speed which is annoying most of the time”
Crystal Lobster says “Very even matchup. Depending on her build it varies greatly. But after IBG you can run her down most of the time. Be careful tho. If left unchecked will outscale you greaty.”
parker3n9 says “You have solid kill threat against Kayle, especially if you can consistently land your E. Use your poke to keep her low and pressure her early, as she’s weakest in the laning phase. However, starting at Level 11, if the game is even, Kayle will begin to dominate side lanes, and by Level 16, she becomes an unstoppable late-game force. Your focus should shift to teamfights at that point, where you can have a greater impact. Consider picking up Zhonya’s Hourglass to stall out her R (Divine Judgment) and buy time for your team to burst her down.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Raideru says “This matchup is fairly easy in early game, all u try to do is abuse her pre 6 and she will fall behind in cs and give u chance to get 1st item faster than her. After 6 remember to use your ult to dodge her ult damage, even later on you should be able to win against her if you didn't troll early game. I advise Conqueror in this lane with lvl 1 zone. ”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Extremamente dboa na lane fase, joga folgadinho dps do 3, porém n prolonga a troca, o ruim é o scaling dessa boneca, tente finalizar a partida rapido.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"This champion does more damage early than people think, but not enough to threaten you. Spam proc grasp on her and look for all in's post level 4. She is VERY fast so don't get kited
through minions. Eat her when she ults so her invulnerability time is useless. If you're snowballing, tell your jungler to come top and dive and you'll win 100%" ”
Spartaniko says “Hands down Panth's easiest matchup. You win the duel even at lvl 16, but at the early game just keep engaging on her, even under her turret you can poke her with Q and dive her if she doesn't have ult. When she scales save your E for her ult and just finish her. Keep tracked the enemy jgler, you don't want to mess up such an easy matchup. Don't get baited lvl1, probably only phase of the game she outduels you due to her passive.”
Fenharion says “Free lane in early game,she isn't able to contest with you in anyways pre-6.
After she gets her range it'll be harder for you to kill her,and in late game you become a free target for her since she scales up to sky.”
Fanatical Goose says “Kayle scales super hard but sucks early. Zone her off the wave and don't try to push the wave. Once she's level 6 you have to treat her like a ranged champ. You should win super hard early, only thing to look out for is getting ganked but you're just fighting the jungler then. ”
UrPersonalGod says “She can do anything pre 6.
Zone her of minions and poker her down if you can.
If your jungler paths top and shes low enought you can look for a dive on wave 4.”
Skaarlschloch says “Aggro build + Ignite, DBlade start,
Lv.1 E jump on her perma trade & look for dives and punishes
Stridebreaker builds good if you get ahead early and they have more ranged/slippery Champs”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind Shield
Super free even after she becomes ranged lvl 6. She only really wins maybe lvl 16 but you dominate her laning phase. Never waste your W until she heals with hers then you can go for the all in. Freezing the wave and zoning her off xp also destroys her and the player. To be honest I love stridebreaker rush into her and just 1 shot her completely. (completely optional tho) When she has ult try and hold your Q3 until after she ults and then use it. ”
Skaarlschloch says “2 things make this matchup very easy:
1. Your insanely oppresive lv1-3 (where you should zone her from any and all minions)
2. Your overall uncontested Mappressure and proxying ability”
Banzi says “only scary late game if ap but u stomp her early with pokes
Try not to shove wave unless u got demolish runes but u should still wait a bit before doing so
Start Wit's end if shes ap”
IvanBeifong says “Kayle's early game is one of the weakest, you can take advantage of that and go Electrocute build, and abuse her in the early game, just engage her with E and you'll be good to go, the problem comes when she gets to snowball.
Her ult is pretty good, when fighting her, always ult after she ults, so you get to dmg her with your ult.”
SoyCleric says “If you don´t pre-lvl 6, be prepared to suffer. She can hit you from range, chase you, and if you ult her she will do the same and cover your whole area with hers, making almost impossible to dodge it without leaving yours.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page take second wind and start blade) Stack wave and look for dive lvl 3 (shes pref still lvl 1) if dive is succesful lane is unplayable for her and matchup already free”
Belle19 says “unless you tank conq, which you probably shouldn't, she wins level 1. Level 2 onward try to bully her, 6 onward just farm. You don't have that much pressure to bully her since you can force her to perma match your split, and in a sidelane you just run at her til she ults and then phase rush away. Still annoying though and she has ways to force teamfights (which if it comes down to that just try to win through splitting, a 5v5 against kayle is doomed)”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is free. She has no kill pressure and she is basically melee minion pre-6. It's impossible for her to play the game unless her team spoon-feeds her. Harass her every time she goes for a cs. Abuse your range advantage and try to freeze and zone her from the wave if possible. If she Ults, just push her away to avoid its damage.”
smrgol says “She is a threat in late game but before lv 11 you're her nightmare. Level 2 is your first blood opening, and if you get lv 6 before her pop ghost and chase her to her tower, by which point she should be low enough for your ult.
Zagreus16 says “Extremely easy early game to just run at her and bully but oh boy once she reaches lvl 6 its like the tables turn so hard. Unless you bullied her so hard before 6 and got so ahead you dont have to worry but if not then be ready to get greatly poked at. stride is really good to stick to her but late game its very risky to do cause she will melt anyone”
CrimsonL7 says “Pretty easy matchup all around. You always win 1v1 pretty much. (yes even when you are both 16). Only thing to care is that a lot of kayles will go fleet and swifties and if she does this she can outrun your W movespeed. and run you under tower. Sooo”
Frankoloko says “You HAVE TO completely destroy her early game. Don't give her a single CS before her range at lv6. She wins you late game. Go Rylai first because you need the slow to stick to her. Go Mercs second for the Tenacity. Lv1 of the ult hers is on 160s and yours on 140s so you have 20s to force a fight super quickly to get a free kill. Second level of ult they are the same CD.”
step1v9 says “Worst champion in the game but be careful of fighting her level 1 especially if she has lethal tempo or ignite or some form of cheese. Her E does execute damage so be sure to R earlier. Even if you int die early you can probably still just kill her around her R CD.”
umii says “ideally perma dive her with your jungler so you can delay her scaling for as long as possible, almost impossible to mess up this lane pre 6 unlike most matchups”
LDaL says “pta and fleet both good here. spells flesh +exhaust, ghosut pr ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh.
After lv 2 you beat her as long as you don't get free hits from her or minions. After 6 be aware of her ult(deal AoE dmg) , so try to bait it and kill her after. Late game champ after lvl 11 became a real problem who can carry the game if you don't find a way to gap close to her, your w blocking her range dmg. Bork help against her a lot. Usually can build both ad and ap items.”
Raideru says “In early levels try to bully her as much as possible because she's not a champion till lvl 6, ask for jungle attention since she starts to beat you if she ends up going even after 6, always stack waves, poke her hard before crashing a wave so she can be divable etc.”
Azzin says “If you don't int you'll beat her at almost every stage of the game, bait her R with yours and back-off, then come back and kill her (phase rush friendly) or just go elec and one tap her out of lane, you can push 1,2,3 and then freeze her on the bounce forever.”
Haxorr says “Kayle is quite possibly the easiest Jax matchup to play. You have to abuse her early.
The gameplan here is to play super aggressively early game. Make sure your wave mechanics are good as you don't want the wave near her tower. Freezes are really good vs Kayle, just play to trade and kill for the most part. Rush Trinity.”
DuckQc says “Caster minion pre-6. Cannon minion until lvl 11. Then she can do something. Snowball on her and try to end the game fast or help your team to get fed. You can go for objectives and towers. When she gets lvl 16, don't fight her alone.”
Arthapsic says “Level 1 she wins hard so try to only short trade level 1. Try to set up a freeze and call your jungler to kill her or slowpush big waves and dive her before she is 6. After she is 6 you win the 1v1 if you're ahead just be careful of her ulty dodging your stacked Q or R3. After level 11 she usually wins the 1v1 unless you're very ahead so look for 5v5 plays. Zhonya's very good to dodge her ulty”
Beeware says “Bully her with pokes, use E if she tries to retaliate. Even if she scales into late game you can still E her and wait for her R to expire, then R her”
orka4.sandraj says “If dealt with early she shouldnt be a problem, otherwise gains a lot of range and still has bruiser-like defense capabilities. Scary”
TeiWasTaken says “Kayle is a matchup where you beat her at any level in lane. The problem is that she outscales you so hard that she will auto-win late even if she is terribly behind. A good Kayle will play under tower, so try to roam as much as possible and get your other laners ahead.”
ArmedDad says “Another easy peasy lemon sqeezy. She is better in late game teamfights, but if you play it right, forget getting that 16 powerspike, she's going to be gasping for air.
What to do:
1. practice using r on her r, you need to get the timing right or you will lose.
2. you just perma win any all in if you are even or ahead so long as it is pre-six or you do the first point after that.
3. pray she does not build this cancer hearsteel health build (you do flat true damage remember, in that case gg try to kill the adc lol).
4. she needs fleet to deal with your poke, and she has no real sustain as heer w costs 90 mana at rank one...
5. DO NOT die to a gank. like srsly. you better watch the map like a hawk becuase kayle scales my friend. skayleing. ”
WIELKI B says “U can kill her before 6, can be trickier after 6. dont push her and u can call for jungle to punish her. First strike and gathering storm”
Galaxima says “Kayle's ultimate can delay Vayne's burst and sustain in a duel if used correctly. This is more of a threat to glasscannons as they are more apt to die in 2.5s. Kayle has strong sustain but lacks burst so if you can work around her ult most Kayle builds won't be able to counter you.”
Baby_Driver says “She is not allowed to take exp from first 3 melee minions.
Abuse her early, she can't do anything.
She is starting to outscale you lvl 11 onwards so be aware of that.
If you have trouble catching up to her you can go for swifties.”
Ulsur says “Easy before 6, one of these matchups where you just have to stomp her early on or you lose the game, she might be frustrating as you'll find most Kayles going Fleet Footwork + Swifties against Aatrox which is pretty much unplayable, if so just ask for ganks, when she gets 6 go for short trades as she just wins the extended ones with her ultimate and auto attacks.”
DioSett says “take doran blade, choose between ignite or ghost , first item rush boots of swiftness and then stridebreaker , after lvl 6 use W only on E+W combo”
GwenMain says “Harass her with q and look for opportunities at your level spikes: 3, 5 and sometimes 6. Since you won't be able to do much against her after she reaches lv6, harass her as much as possible in the early stages of the game.”
Hotch says “Bully her early. Play your advantage. Snowball hard and really put her in the dirt as much as you can because she does outscale you.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “kayle scales so try to beat her early upgrade q first play around level 2 and e q her to snip her health and try to hit 6 before her and kill her. take GHOST or FLASH ”
Vamrine says “Kayle's range and ability to kite make it difficult for Darius to engage and stick to her. Additionally, her ultimate can negate Darius's execute potential, turning the tide of a duel in her favor.”
forlid says “Kayle's entire point in the game is to scale into a monster, but in exchange she is very weak early. Just don't fight her level 1, as her Lethal Tempo usually allows her to win. Until level 6 you'll always win her, and even after level 6 you have the edge in duels. You can usually see if she commits to using R, in which case you can try to chain CC her during it. Late game she destroys you, so end the game as soon as possible. Otherwise just kill her with your team, she is very squishy without support.”
Wd22 says “This champ is useless before lvl 6 but is pretty easy to do dmg to if you manage to get on top of her. Can't run away much with your amount of CC. (will still probably be a problem late game she just always is)”
procatking says “PTA, ignite,D shield, take rune NO.1.
*Easy matchup*(until level 11).
poke from max range Q and engage her when u got empowered W or 4 passive stacks so u can Shield Vault(W) stun her and desrtoy her, its a easy lane till level 11 and im not even talking about 16.
end the game as fast as u can.”
KaliRF says “FF, just like olaf you can't do shit, she is too fast with hard outscaling and when she ult you can't sustain (because you need to deal damage). She can space you too easily, you're frame to kill are when she is pre level 11 and before berserk and nashor's tooth”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/flash, spellbook Swifties rush. You need to stomp her, she outscales you. She wins lvl 1 but loses until lvl 16. Wave Control is very important here.
Zhonyas is good for her ult. ”
NoirDeces says “Try to punish her as much as posssible before she outscales you or you just instantly lose the game . Recommended Runes = SORCERY + RESOLVE”
SenSen_LoL says “She's hard to punish after 6, I advice you to not go for dives until you baited her R. Before 6, she's pretty much a walking cannon minion, and won't be able to do much when you trade with her. However, she has decent sustain and can survive lanephase and outscale you.
Be careful if she plays lethal tempo , do not get baited as she's pretty strong lvl 1. (You should be able to kite her easily tho)”
Mikailx says “[Ban Her]
Look to bully her early game by bush cheesing.
abuse her by freezing and slow pushing. only last hit. make her over extand in lane near your tower and call your jungler to assist you.”
MaesePerez says “She wins lvl 1 with lethal tempo, and post 16 she outscales you, but between levels 2 and 15 you are stronger, you can silence her or q her to prevent her ult for easy noms, so make the most out of those 14 levels before she becomes a monster. 1 q in lane if both of your ults are up should allow you to run her down with e slows and q. Silence her before eating to prevent her from blocking the damage.”
SpoonSlayer says “Respect her early game with lethal tempo. Post 6 you can't kill her. Ask for ganks if her ult's down. Voltaic Cyclosword works well against her in the early and can allow you to snowball.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS E MAX
16 onward you can actually 1v1 her as you do a lot of damage to her and can tank her alone with rank 3 r, but from 6-15 the matchups a nightmare and she does wayyy more in teamfights. Level 1 be careful she will win a 1v1 to the death, lvl 2-5 look for a bit of zoning off farm but its very hard to zone on mundo in general.”
Bard_Enjoyer says “Before lvl 6 you can kill her, but it will be your only chance. After lvl 6 she can just outrange you. Just try to fight early and you should be good.”
hamgi says “bully her as much as possible pre 6. avoid fighting lvl 1 if she has lt, she's stronger. treat her like other ranged champs post 6, tho its much easier as u have more items and stats in this scenario. avoid all-inning/diving with her r up, unless ur e is active as u can just e2 (or in rare cases, wait until her r is done and e2 if execute is applicable)”
forlid says “Kayle is a really weird champion to scale, because she can go 0/10 and still carry once she hits level 16. The laning phase itself, however, is completely under your control. Level 4 you can just full combo her and she won't be able to do anything. After level 6 she wins you if you take extended fights, but if she doesn't have her R its a free kill. This remains the same until she hits level 16, during when she will completely obliterate you. Watch out for her W move speed, she can outrun your W slow.”
Leolynn says “Just have some hope. Maybe your jungle is good :).
Actually Kayle is a really hard one for Shen. You should farm safely until level 6 and you should roam your bot lane or mid for farming more. After you got some items you can kill Kayle.”
Belle19 says “she outranges you and hard outscales you. Set up a freeze and try to get a big lead pre 6. She wins lvl 1 with ignite and lethal. If she has fleet footwork theres really nothing you can do besides spam ping your jungler”
AWierdShoe says “Kayle is super abusable early levels due to her need to scale up with levels and items. Stack up a wave and try not to trade too aggressively, so that you can crash on the third or fourth wave at her tower. After your first back, this will put Kayle in a super vulnerable state as the minion wave will push towards your tower. This is where you can look to hit Kayle hard and potentially get a summoner spell/solo kill out of her. Freezing near you tower is especially good as it puts you in a dominant position and forces her to hard-push in a dangerous spot or risk losing CS. Be patient, but don't let her breathe as she will outscale you quite hard. ”
Haearnbleidd says “Caster minion pre-6. Cannon minion until lvl 11. Then she can do something. Snowball on her and try to end the game fast or help your team to get fed. You can go for objectives and towers. When she gets lvl 16, don't fight her alone.
Build: Stride/Hexplate > any good item.”
She will out auto you level 1 with Lethal Tempo. So just use the bush trades until 2, then abuse.
Post 6, kite and disengage her ult. Then back in to finish. ”
Akuzai says “She might be the only top laner to reliably outscale you but beating her is possible. Remember that her ult cd is always higher early game so not matter how the last all in went, try to ult her off cooldown on the next one. Although she can beat you late, kiting her in her ult is always possible and can give you unexpected wins.”
PPlongcook says “Used to be a free win, but her E buff's made it to where she can actually beat you until level 3.
Wait until Run level 3 and run her down for the rest of the game. You will want to freeze against her instead of proxying because you really want to deny experience from her more than CS.”
hoflol says “A good Kayle is a hard lane to beat. The champion has a slow, can give herself movespeed, range, and scales super hard.
The only chance to get kills on her is before level 11 if she overextends and you are able to playa round lethal tempo stacks.”
GheeseEmpty says “Very easy to bully early game. You dictate the trades before level 6, so abuse that and attempt to work with your jungler in order to coordinate dives and ganks while she is most vunerable. After level 6, she becomes markedly more difficult to deal with, but is still killable. Try and end the game before she hits level 16 and oneshots your team.”
VroomVroom229 says “You must not lose lane against kayle.
She will outscale you, and you cannot engage to kill her. She has ultimate to mitigate all damage when she is low on health and she outdamages you, and shreds you when she is ahead.
NegativePhoenix says “She's not weak early, don't underestimate how strong she can be pre-6. Take Aery unless you plan to trade alot with grasp pre-6 since she becomes ranged at 6 and will most likely start bullying you any chance she gets
It is crucial that you convince your jungler to help hinder her as much as possible with ganks so that her raid boss status comes later in the game than she wanted or that it should have
Once she hits 16, your life is gonna be 100x harder”
ThelpixG says “It might seem like an easy matchup because of her super exploitable early game but it can be quite difficult to shut her down.
How to Beat?
- I would recommend either taking the grasp + ignite + dblade setup or the aery + ignite setup because you want to kill her early;
- Her level 1 if she has lethal tempo can be pretty scary so try not letting her stack lethal tempo and passive on you at level 1;
- Try zoning her out of the wave at level 1 to deny xp and cs;
- If you don't shut her down early the game is pretty much lost.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Take ghost. You can cheese her early and win lane. Try to use the top brushes to avoid poke damage. After Strikebreaker she can't abuse you that easily but she can still kite you. Mid to late game you get hard outscaled by her no matter what. Stride - Trinity - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks”
LilliaFanBoy says “Similar to Kennen just that she's more annoying after level 11. Until then it's basically a free lane if you keep her from stacking her passive.”
JPGamer10BR says “Recomendo jogar do poke sempre que puder dê AA+Q, não tente matar ela lvl 1, caso ela chegue em você, tu perde, Kayle pode ser fraca mas tem um dos lvl 1 mais fortes do jogo, cuidado com o lvl 6.
Runas> Aery, Colheita, F.F ou PTA.
eu gosto de jogar com Colheita, máx. Q.”
Sephix92 says “I would say shes a strong counter because of that point she want scale and your maokai also want scale. At least your pretty even but shes a tank killer so take care for her. ”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q whilst she is melee, should be stronger than her. Rush thornmail. Very dangerous when she hits 6, don't be aggressive but if you can stun her you can trade.”
Denied20 says “No stage of the game she simply out duel you. Main concern late game is her ultimate as the AoE damage can shred big part of your HP. Her ultimate actually sets up time for Yasuo to stack tornado to immediately knock her up once it expires. She can only outplay you with flash. Outside of side lane, she is definitely most effective in teamfights.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Kayle is also not in the best state
This matchup is easy early on. You statcheck her. If she has bone plate. Try to auto attack before you all in. You can get a big advantage early on”
BurritoTopKing says “Very gankable, be careful of early trades if she has Lethal Tempo, after 6 be careful with the range and only all in if you get a good passive stack.”
Murfz says “Not only are you just stronger than her but your champ counters her since you can both jump on her (0 mobility ranged champ) but also dodge her only source of damage. The matchup is still loseable though so don't int, I'm a big fan of second wave crashing and freezing the wave to punish her, ganks are op here but you can't rely on that. I'd recommend TP since you don't really need ignite to kill her. ”
xskyswitch says “In all stages of the game you beat her. Pre level 6 you just stomp her. Post level 6 you stomp her then E when she Rs at low hp and dive her under her turret. Lvl 16 at 3+ items you have a higher burst, E her R, disengage, and go back in when E off cooldown.”
RivenCarriedYou says “: obvs her early is garbage, becareful level 1 it actually can be stronger than you if she has ghost to run you down, she should take bone plating so proc that with 3rd q before trading. then Absolutely bully her into oblivion, after 5 deaths. killing her legit doesnt matter. just freeze the wave and zone her off exp, or build a slow push. dive her with a jungler. do not let her Touch Exp. ever again”
Chaddouk says “Can take mr runes or armor, Kayle is one of the few easy matchups left for trynd, you beat her at almost any stage of the game, but you need to keep a few things in mind. 1. She thrives on xp, she needs lvl 11 and 16 asap, so if you can deny xp at the cost of gold it's good (just like ornn matchup). 2. She has a slow and a movement speed buff, so make sure not to get kited, don't go for max E range, you need a bit of "safety" space. 3. Her ult invulnerability lasts from 2 to 3 seconds, when your ult is 5. So don't be afraid to dive her and shit you're unkillable for longer than her. 4. Go galeforce if you can. 5. Even if she gets 16 and is supra scary for your team, what's scary is her damage but you don't care you're tryn so if you can get on top of her you can still kill fed kayle. Still it should not happen you need to abuse as much as possible. Final thing : if she plays without ghost she's doomed, if she plays with ghost try to make her use it without using as in most ghost to ghost matchups. ”
BaotoGame says “No range, no mobility, don't have any damage early game.Outscales you at late game,but you can oppress her early game. and use that lead to destroy her mid-game.”
daitolol says “TOP// Just respect her level 1 all in due to lethal tempo being strong after that you can perma bully her with short trade the ult cd is 160 while yours is 100 seconds its really worth to trade ults as the next time you get it you can all in for a kill
- The matchup itself is more about wave managing properly nothing special about it ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “tunnel on her, get short trade, and run away until she's in kill range - as she will win long trades with passive attack speed and lethal tempo. After 6, you can time your r to strike right after her r expires, avoiding the damage and the shield at the same time.”
At_Tar_Ras says “updated matchup: you will actually lose to kayle and she absolutely beats you ever since the patch with snowballing reduced. LMAO. you do not win this matchup anymore, seriously. it's sad as hell. unironically dodge if you're VS kayle. before 13.21: PTA start and E start. E pta proc at level 1 and the rest is breezy! go swifties and probably BORK ? def swifties tho. you got this. just beware she outscales hard.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ghost flash + second wind} Do not get baited into going all in at lvl 1 her lethal tempo will beat you. Play for the early minions and try to zone her. Get a cheater recall or bait a recall so she pushes wave into your jungler ganking while you hide on bush. She 100% will outscale so you need to keep her behind. Do not leave her alone to farm for free keep harassing and stay focused on vision. Her ult counters your ult so you need to either have her low so you can silence her and burst in that time or engage with E+Q hiding your Q till the last second when you Q+ult. Do not be afraid to ask for help but make sure you don't put her ahead keep track of jgl with wards in tri or river.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
Play as aggressive as possible, don't let her play the game. If you play passively, you will get hard outscaled and lose. She can't do anything in the early game so make sure you get the most out of the laning phase. If bullied properly, Kayle should not be able to play the game until 35 minutes where you should already have ended the game because you essentially play 5v4 against the enemy team.”
chewy378 says “Kayle is obviously weak early game. However, once she hits 6 she can start to harass you and once she hits 11 the matchups is Kayle-favored.”
Gobomo says “Kayle cannot be kited. Do not try to kite Kayle. Kayle will destroy you both. The only way to win against Kayle is to dance around her as much as you possibly can to bait out her ult, and use your team's better speed to control the fruits on the maps with multiple (i.e. not Ionia). Your speed is invaluable on the Noxus, Shurima, and Frejlord maps just because it, combined with Singed's poison trial, lets you control the fruits and play around them as your win condition. ”
Zylsa says “Again, if you cant auto (her ultimate) then your R will run out and you can't life steal, and when she becomes ranged it could get really hard to catch a kill on hard because of W and R.
Ghost should help with that tho.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet/Conqueror
Kayle despite of what you can think is a difficult matchup. Lv.1 she easily wins, so don't try to all in her. Get 4 stacks and short trade, dodge her Q lv.2 or she sticks on you, after some levels it becames more Rengar favoured, she has a spike at 6-11-16. During teamfights try to sneak on prio targets without R and W+W2 away if she ult and then R, go on her right after her R goes down.”
Quinnculated says “Простой матчап. До лвл 6 не представляет никакой угрозы, играем агрессивно, но не позволяем сближаться на лвл 1-3. После 6 также особых проблем нет. После 11 желательно делать только короткие трейды, так как в долгих велик шанс проиграть”
Samikin says “Non-Threat.
Beat her to a pulp. She wouldn't even be able to walk up to get minions without her E's empowered AA. You will until she reaches level 16.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Antecc says “Don't get frozen on when she becomes level 6 and don't fight level 1 if she has ignite or resolve. If she gets Rylai's the match up becomes slightly harder, but the Kayle has to play it perfectly in order to win. You have much more room for error, while still countering her at her prime level 16.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Turbo easy pre 6, harass her as much as you can but remember that if she sticks to you her passive can do wonders so dont just braindead auto her. She is very squishy but after 6 she can smash your barrels with AA+E so that might be a problem. After her buffs (can auto while ulted) she fucks you hard lategame, as you cant oneshot her with her ult up, and her damage past 16 is massive. Conclusion: Bully her ass early beacuse if you wont end before lategame you cant do shit 1v1 while she has ult and she has it very often. The only hope lays in your teams cc.”
ABL Pantheon says “Kayle is a super easy matchup. Just watch for level 1. After that you can engage on her everytime you have W and try to poke with Q. If you get ahead early you can fight her after 6 too. She just outscales you.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [cash back] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield -> swifties -> CORE
we beat her up really bad EXCEPT in the earlygame , since kayles often run lethal tempo
RUSH SWIFTIES otherwise you wont be able to kill her often”
lordimboutabust says “Careful lvl 1 she will run you down. Poke until 3 when you can all in. Focus isn't so much killing her but zoning off CS so she can't scale. Match her in sidelane at all points of game to keep her behind. End ASAP | Second Wind | Dshield - Tank mythic (she usually goes AP, but may mix it up)”
Bernardian says “Pre 6 steamroll the shit out of her as she melee and bitch her out of lane. Post 6 shes ranged so be a little careful on how you engage, lethal tempo Kayle lvl 1 actually can win against Darius so play for your abilities(lvl 2-3). An easy freeze leads to a kill early on. ”
Waqql says “Kayle is relatively easy to handle. As long as she doesn't have range, you can poke her freely. Be cautious of her slow and always engage as Mega Gnar. However, let her push the wave and keep the minions close to your tower to give your jungler a chance to gank. Once she reaches level 6, not much changes except for her range. Avoid getting poked, trade her down, and engage as Mega Gnar. Dodge her AoE damage from her ultimate.”
FaNTOP says “Не пушьте Кейлу, аналогично матчапу с Насусом. Она сильно масштабируется, но также и вы. Наказывайте ее каждый раз, когда она идет за миньонами, и проводите обмены способностями, а не атаками, если она не очень-очень слаба.”
Lukajs says “Facing Kayle can be tricky, since she can W out of your engages. After 6, you won't be finding yourself in a favorable position, since she outranges you and has invulnerability.
Play around poke early, and farming after she hits 6. ”
demirkaiser says “Kayle is here because she outscales you pretty hard. Just zone her. After 6, bait his ult. You can ult her if she is low enough. Take ignite. You are 1000x stronger in the early game so you should use it. She can take minions with Q and E, that's ok.”
LegendaryTNS says “One of the best matchup.
Abuse the pre 6 widely. Try to get a couple of kill before her elevation at level 6. After that, you're so feed that you can just kill her on repeat.”
TTVXiralid says “U win vs her early and u do outscale her in terms of 1v1 but it will be hard late game to hit ur abilites on her due to her movement speed and her attack speed will force u to either hard engage on her or fall back completely”
KazzardiusThetomato says “Similar to Vayne a good kayle will never let you get close to her and her ultimate will remove your healing due to it being based on damage.”
Twogrand says “kayle doesnt have range till 6 and till that you can harrasses her pretty hard so its pretty simple match up take advantage of her early game and if she waste her only range attack early game on creeps punish her even harder. i like phase rush tp eclipse build path.”
Althalosofsirun says “take ghost flash and build bork heartsteel you have to snowball or lose get boots first run her under he tower and kill her pre 6 once she is 6 you need to look out for the jg and try to bait her to fight you ”
RykonZ says “ayle's range and ultimate can make her difficult for Mordekaiser to deal with, but she can be vulnerable to Mordekaiser's all-in engage if she's caught out of position.”
BezMemow says “Annoying Ranged matchup, go Unsealed book, build Boots of swiftness and try to bully her. She outscales you hard, so in late game you're kind of hopeless vs her, but if she makes mistakes she can get destroyed fast.
Start D Shield”
LocaLAM says “You can outrange until level 6, but even so you can run her down if you take fleet. Not enough damage early game and won't take crit so building a spirit visage will annihalate her.”
rilxy4u says “The more she evolves, the worse the matchup is. 1 shots boxes, jus perma farms all game, empowered autos not only clear wave and boxes, but also clears your HP bar.
Outplay: try your best not to feed, trading (especially late in game) is not worth it.”
Loweloexpert says “This champ is garbage at the moment. Dont try to fight her lvl 1 or 2, wait lvl3 and if she does a single mistake kill her, her speed is not enough ti escape your E. Dont ult immediatly, wait her to be low so she has to ult at the start of your ult and she will be stuked. Kill her 2 times, rush rylais and ggs. You outscale btw, if you ult her lvl 18 you kill her easly. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “I actually made a video about this. I don't know how, but Kayle isn't a threat into Cho'Gath. The one I fought was unable to ult at the correct time and got completely plastered. Obviously not all Kayle's are that stupid but going off of what I experienced, they aren't a good matchup into Cho'Gath”
sinatra1633 says “Her R and penetration is annoying to deal with.
Use dragon form only to close the gap if she tries running away and make sure to wait out her ultimate.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Although she does not present much of a problem in lane, due to your roaming playstyle it may be difficult as you need to stop her scaling while still helping your team.”
Nazcore says “Can bully early but once she gets ranged auto attacks you can lose. Bully early so she loses exp and gold. Play safe once she's ranged until she messes up or creates an opening to punish. Do not greed as she can punish you while you disengage. No need to start dshield.”
illestboy_ says “ D Blade + Second Wind OR Sorcery Punish Her Early Her. Level 1 Is Strong With Lethal Tempo + Ignite. Your ult can be a mind game when she has ult”
SesaPrime says “You can best Kayle pre-lvl 6. However, Kayle will not let you do that as she knows her powerspikes comes from leveling & core item purchases. She will safe farm & focus on short trades to keep herself safe.
When she's passed lvl 6, the fights will progressively become Moderate - Hard - Unfair once she's max level on passive. She is banned personally as she is one of the few champions to surpass Camille's monstrous late game.”
Vixylafoen says “Bully the heck outta her before she hits 6. If you do it right, she won't be able to do much even when she becomes ranged. If not, you lose the game then”
icher says “kayle has a very strong late phase against mordekaiser (he doesn't let him get close to him because of his great reach), tries to destroy her in early phase and play with the team.”
primate nefasto says “Abuse her while you can. Try to zone cs pre lvl 6, she will not let you kill her. At lvl 6+ you can easily kill her. Don´t matter how safe she is playing. lvl 11 gets harder, lvl 16 she probably win hard”
Boptimus says “Same deal as Nasus. Very easy to bully early on but will drastically outscale you. Keep pressure up early and down allow her to farm for free. Once she hits Level 6 give her a bit more respect. Most Kayle players position poorly and are easy to jump on, but a good Kayle player will just farm from range until they are extremely strong.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Blade.
Let her push and then all in her.
I like to go Ignite and kill her early to get a lead and then be able to dive her pre 6.
Post 6 you just parry her R and you should be fine.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to not just let her scale, bc this way she will always carry the late game.”
stefanko says “Very good matchup, she can't even crash wave against you, so contest her first crash. Only way you can lose trade vs Kayle is if she kites your e with her w when you q on her. Use your e before you q on her to secure e recast hits her when you jump on her. (lethal tempo, teleport)”
Galactities says “If she has lethal tempo her lvl 1 is OP asf, if she takes some other shitty rune don't be afraid to trade with her lvl 1. Try not to get hit by her poke tools early on, abuse her pre six, get a lead, get some early lethality or any damage and just snowball tf out of that lane. Good kayles will be able to space you very well so be careful of that”
Zeffie says “Can be abused very early in her weak state, even past 6 you are pretty good into her with her squishy state. Build a lead early if possible from this and you should be tanky enough to stop or slow her once she becomes a problem”
Tonho says “You can one combo her + Dive her if she doesn't have ult. Freeze close to your tower so she exposes herself if she wants XP. After 11, you don't trade solo unless you are very fed. Until there, you are the one in command.”
PraefectusMace says “Early game she is pretty easy being melee and whatnot. Not even a full champion yet, so be sure to make her life miserable, biting her over and over before going for the kill. Once she hits 6 it might get a biiit more tricky, but with W+Bork you will still win the trades. If she tries to ult, just hit fear to make her waste it away from you.”
dzsama says “Care for her empowered E auto and try to not trade when she has lowered your resistances with her Q. Smash her early so she won't get to her powerful late-game state since at that point you are pretty screwed. Post 6 she gets a bit more annoying due to becoming perma ranged.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game if you can catch her out with your Q3 you can do really well to keep her behind otherwise once she hits Level 6, she will start to own you. Without a team as well she proves to do way better against you in the lane. Once she hits 6 just play safe and hope for ganks. You will not outscale her and she will still do much better in terms of usefulness no matter how much MR you have built up”
Pep_Shin says “She has no right to play until her 6.
You can run her down, zone her from the minion waves.
When she hits 6 it becomes quite tricky as her R can screw you. Most of the time she doesn't have the damage to kill you even with her R.
Try to end as fast as possible, her late is scary and you won't be able to play against her when she gets enough stuff.”
GannicusTTV says “Used to be easier with frostfire gauntlet. but now it is a little hard to lock her down.
Respect her level 1. She can autotrades you with lethal tempo. at lvl3, you can all in her and chunk her HP down, and W on your way out to deny damage. repeat the process and kill her. Do not leave her unattended . Rushing force of nature if she is going AP, or anathema's after your first item can prevent her from outscaling you too fast. ”
lorensj81 says “This matchup starts kindof easy, but if you don't win it hard early it will quickly change into an impossible matchup.
I would do phase rush instead of conqueror because you can't really stack it anyway. Try to kill her early and use wavecontrol to freeze it outside your tower and deny her experience is the best way.”
Magmasmoothie says “You lose all in level 1 if she has lethal tempo. Other than level 1 you should play agressive and abuse her weak early because late game she outscales you”
Puyi says “Slowpush for 3rd or 4th wave for a cheater recall or dive her with your jungler; you need to get an advantage early. She can easily walk a step back to outrange your E-Q, making it very hard to get on top of her.”
Irelius says “Не деритесь на лвл 1. Не давайте ей запушить. С лвл 2 попадаем ешкой и убиваем её. Кейл может пытаться что-то делать ТОЛЬКО если постоянно запушивает и держит пассивку настаканной. Но в таком случе она очень уязвима. Ждём, пока она отдаст Q, убиваем.
Большинство игроков на Кейл будут просто играть пассивно. Слова выше применимы против хорошей Кайлы. Я такую видел буквально 1-2 раза. ”
Irelius says “Lethal Tempo lvl 1 Kayle is one of the strongest characters in the game. Do not fight lvl 1. If she plays passively, you hit E and kill her beginning from lvl 2. However, she can play agressively and there will be nothing for you to do as you cant safely duel Kayle with her having fully stacked passive at the start of the fight. She doesnt go 0/10 only when she pushes hard, but when she pushes hard she is really vulnerable. Play around it. If she misuses spell, engage, dance around minions and kill her. After 1 kill matchup is stomped from both sides
Hit E=death”
ananesever69 says “Early game if you can catch her out with your Q3 you can do really well to keep her behind otherwise once she hits Level 6, she will start to own you. Without a team as well she proves to do way better against you in the lane. Once she hits 6 just play safe and hope for ganks. You will not outscale her and she will still do much better in terms of usefulness no matter how much MR you have built up”
JustSad42 says “This is one of your more annoying matchup. The only way you should be able to win this matchup, unless Kayle misplays her positioning extremely hard, is by using Q-W when Kayle uses her Q. There should be no other way without jungle pressure, to be able to get onto Kayle and win the matchup if she plays it normally. Pre 6, you need to be careful of giving Kayle free Es because they pack a punch. After 6, you have to force all-ins from full HP because if you don’t, you’ll just get poked under turret without being able to do anything. Teamfighting against Kayle is very difficult because her ultimate stops you from being able to proc your vitals. You want to either R a target far away from the Kayle or waiting until Kayle uses R before you use your own.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Free before her 6. After u could have a problems with her, but still killable. She scaling so much better than you, but if you destroy it early in the game, Kayle will have a hard time coming back and being useful.
BackTooBasics says “She get's to scale for free since ya have little to no kill pressure on her, unless she cucks up her wave and ya manage to get perma freeze”
JustSad42 says “Kayle with Lethal Tempo + ignite can kill you level 1, so be careful if she has it.
Punish early
If she's level 6, always make sure you have a minion to Q back to after fighting her so you can dodge her R damage.
If she R's herself, she can't auto attack till the second half of her R animation, so if you want to W and can't dodge R, make sure to save the W for the second half of her R animation to burst her.”
TheHellKing says “Weak early game champ is a dream come true to Lillia. Comet is recommended. Zone her off waves to deny 6 for as long as possible. If you put her behind enough then the game will be easier. Try to end the game asap.”
dexcellent says “ask for gank and kill her early, look for ult or roam, rinse repeat until she scales to 16 and mops the floor with your entire team anyway”
SrMolinv says “Kayle can win all in at level 1, be careful. At level 3 try to take a good position and chunk her down. CDR in this matchup helps a lot to run her down.”
St0rmyss says “go lethal tempo with resolve or inspiration and start dblade. Just farm until LVL 2 and start perma jumping on her, but care about the jungler.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield]
[Bully her early, she will outscale you hard]
[Avoid her Q and E poke]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Trade hard, her heal is a high mana cost when yours is 0 cost. Abuse her pre lvl 6 when shes melee. If she wastes Q, she has no more CC and you can run her down.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Try to punish early by freezing and trying to run her down.
Try communicate with your jungle to either dive her or kill her when she will try to crash.
if she contests lvl 1 dont fight, just freeze and all in lvl 3, just make sure that her wave wont 100-0 you.
Dblade start, PTA.
Past 6 you can bait her r, ignite and disengage, when she presses r - she will die. ”
Atemporal says “Esta é uma partida muito fácil se jogada corretamente. Você pode começar a negociar já no nível 2, desde que o Q de Kata esteja baixo. lado da pista. O único
A maneira como Kata te mata no início da lane é se a onda acabar no lado de Kata da lane e então ela te atropelar com E, autos e Conqueror. Se o jungler inimigo causar dano AD, pegue armadura em vez de mr em runas, pois Kata é fortemente
ataque automático baseado no início. Você pode fazer trocas agressivas nesta lane quando: A onda estiver do seu lado da lane e você puder correr facilmente de volta para sua torre, quando qualquer uma das 3 habilidades básicas do Kata estiver em cooldown. Sempre faça negociações curtas com
ela, a menos que você tenha certeza de que pode ir para a matança. E Q automático e executado. Quando Kata negociar agressivamente, segure seu E até que ela use W. Logo antes de ela pegar a adaga W, E fora do alcance, então pule sobre ela depois que a adaga for processada. Depois do nível
6 quando Kata te ult, você quer ter certeza de ult INSTANTANEAMENTE (a menos que seu R não tire você do alcance R do Kata). O R de Kata aplica uma redução de cura de 60%, então se você segurar seu R até ficar baixo, você vai ficar com hp baixo mesmo depois
seu R. Faça qualquer coisa para sair do raio R dela quando ela o usar. A pista é bem antes do primeiro recall, depois da primeira base você ficará muito mais forte como Ekko. Com mesmo farm/gold/xp você será mais forte que Kata no 1v1. Cuidado com ela
completações completas de itens, por exemplo, BOTRK, Nashor's Tooth, Riftmaker etc etc. Esses itens dão a Kata enormes powerpikes que você deve respeitar. Você será mais forte que Kata em 1v1 basicamente durante todo o jogo. Se Kata for AD
BOTRK, não hesite em pegar uma Guarda de Braço de Apanhador eventualmente.”
RandumPersin says “This matchup is hard. It doesnt really matter how hard you stomp her in lane, she ALWAYS scales to relevance in midgame. Take conq and play for the team, you are a far more useful teamfighter, splitpusher, and overall general threat for the first 25 minutes of the game. Start W level 1 and E level 2, look to generate as much kill pressure as you can asap. Its even okay to take a turret shot in exchange for full combo in this matchup, that's how useless Kayle is before level 6. Respect her passive at level 1 by not blindly going all in and early lane is completely free”
Smudey says “You HAVE to destroy her early or she outscales you hard and wins the game. Ignite is almost mandatory. Try to win the game early before the 0/6 Kayle gets a Pentakill (I still have nightmares to this day).
If she happens to become Thanos in the mid-late game, build Anathema's Chains to weaken her.”
hamgi says “pre-level 6 kayle will play safe, so be aggressive and zone her off cs from even level 1. her level 1 is actually pretty strong with lethal tempo, but u will win if u take lt urself. she outscales u late game so dont let her get a free lane to reach that point. good kayles will just soak up exp instead of trying to fight for cs pre-level 6, so freeze against her early. even good kayles will get antsy for gold, so take those opportunities to poke them or even all-in them. her q slows and reduces armor/mr and her w heals her (and a nearby ally) while increasing her (and their) ms. on top of lt, this allows her to kite easily, so try to save ur gap closers for when she burns either or both of these. her r makes her or an ally invulnerable while also dealing magic dmg to enemy units in its aoe. in lane, avoid diving her or an ally she's with if she has this up as even tho she doesnt have cc, u still might waste an ult or a summoner's. and if shes with someone that does, u might die. she is a mana champ and her q, w, r cost a lot, so constantly force her to use those spells. they more often than not take tp for mid-late game sidelaning, and even tho it would be easier to shut her down earlier with ignite, take tp to constantly match her. ad kayle is not that great at all stages of the game but ap kayle is one of the best champs post level 16. it hurts a lot, so a spirit visage, wit's end, or even fon, if absolutely necessary, will help u out. regardless of lv 16, she's still extremely squishy and u have q3, e, r, flash to get on top of her and not allow her to kite u”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You shit on her pre11, if you wont stomp her till that moment she will outscale you and kill you but she should be so behind that you can can fuck her anyways, dont start to melee fight if she has 6stacks on passive”
MrSIrPops says “You can easily shut her down early game . If you bully her enough she wont be able to scale fast enough to kill all your team in teafights.”
TheAncientShogun says “Do not let her farm. If she reaches level 6 the lane become hard.
Non farla farmare. Se raggiunge il livello 6 la lane diventa complicata.”
Cheeseypops1 says “A good kayle player can beat you pre 6 if she dodges your abilities but in general when vs this champ, Try to freeze on her and bully her when she walks up. You get disgustingly out scaled by her but if you take ghost you can run her down with R early to midgame if you hit your abilities. Rush Steelcaps”
JustCallMeVox says “Azir is, for the most part, untouchable by Kayle. He outranges her, and out damages her. The only time she becomes a threat is if she gets fed, so Azir won't be able to 1v1 her in a simple head on at that point.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “easy laning phase, dont use ur E if u dont 1-2 stacks bec the trade will most likey not be worth it pre 6 due to heavy mana cost. later on u have to watch out in teamfights that u know where kayle is and that she cant R the target ure wanting to execute. (2 items kayle rly strong) lvl 1 can be cheesy tho bec most kayle players play lethal tempo so if ure looking forward to face her lvl1 make sure to go for the W cheese”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
kajinator says “The only time you have kill pressure on Kayle is pre-6. You need to generate as big a lead pre-6 as possible. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite will help you do this. Good Kayle players will just save their ult for yours rendering it useless and W away with her heal and movespeed buff. Look to put pressure in side lanes as you are not as good a team fighter as her post-11. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
Evandabank says “Kayle loses this lane for the entire game. She should never be able to get a lead on you because she does no damage. Her range isn't that long even at level 6 and I usually don't even have to run flash into this matchup. Just play super aggressive this lane is unlosable if you hit your Q. If you fall behind during Mid/Late Game, than she will eventually become stronger than you. You can attempt to switch your build into a high damage cheese build with Ghostblade and Seryldas so that you can still oneshot her in side-lane.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
SrMolinv says “Kayle puede llegar a ganar el all in level 1 si lo haces mal, a partir de nivel 3 zonearle minions sin comerte mucho pokeo de su E o Q.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
hassanlobster says “In lane, simply farm up, In Late, high attack speed adc with huge range AND an auto reset, best to avoid this thing later on, also ult will prevent oneshots.”
pura4 says “- [Cometa, Anel de doran, Q > E] Dê sempre poke nela com fluxo de mana ativo, lvl 2 tente dar poke e W nela e recue, jogue na sua passiva, dê um agressivada dê full combo e recue, após o lvl 6 é bem tranquilo matar ela se continuar assim.”
Oogaboogaga says “Very unfun lane. Requires minimal kiting skills from kayle. IF she uses q, Q cleanse her slow and all in her. Pre 6 very easy. If ahead continue to dunk her the entire game. 2-3 Items or level 16 she becomes very scary. Do not trade level 1 (especially if she has lethal). 3 points in E then Q max recommended.”
KaiOverHere says “(Phase rush, resolve secondary with second wind, ghost + ign)
God I hate this matchup. Garen's most exploitable in the first 6 levels, which happens to be the only window where you can punish Kayle.
If you want any chance of winning this matchup you have to take PR, Second Wind + D-shield, and Ghost + IGN. You need sustain for when she starts e-spamming you, you need Ghost + IGN to run her down + you need the damage, and you need Phase Rush because she can run you down if she gets an extended trade.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
Voice44 says “желательно раннее приемущество первые 5 лвлов. берем завоеватель либо град клинков, пытаемся не давать фармить и наказываем за ошибки. попингуйте леснику на дайв либо на просто ганг так как убить кейл довольно легко если правильно выбить ее ультимейт. после 6 лвла вы должны быть более аккуратны из за ее дальности атаки”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Divine Judgment(R), she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/PTA/Grasp + Trinity Force]
[Flash + TP]
Despite being Kayle, Lethal Tempo allows Kayle to win an all in level 1. Just look to poke her with W and take short trades. Level 6, if you miss your hookshot, you're going to take a lot of damage as you walk away. So try to stand close to the wall and maybe wait for her W to be on cooldown. A good Kayle will stand pretty far from walls and use her W when you E. Once you have Trinity Force you just automatically win if you hit one E on her. R her R damage during an all in. You destroy her in a side lane so you can play to split push.”
lol Wero says “This can be free for you in lane but kayle can still kite you easily and can have sustain with her healing. she is also going to outscale you in the later game.”
Quinncidence says “Yorick wins early, but late Kayle can get a bit scary.
Kayle got no dash so she is really easy to gank and kill early, lategame the best thing u can do is to either avoid Kayle by splitting away from her, or fish for W's in teamfights so she gets stuck.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate, she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate, she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
Elresser says “Kayle won't be able to match your damage if you use the usual trading pattern (explained in combos), but she will win if the trade goes for long. The only reason she's not a tiny threat is because you need to shut her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate, she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
Animate Dead says “Kayle is sort of like Tryndamere with her R being waited out with Rappel. But because she is ranged, you can't poke and punish her as much. Plus with her R powerspikes at level 11 and 16 makes it so she can bounce back. Make sure Cocoon lands and either with team or burst you can take her down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game , but she is still stronger than Nasus before level 6. Try to farm and let her come closer to your tower and she will be a super easy target and free gold for your Jungler. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. After level 7 your Nasus is going to be stronger and the only problem is only to catch her.”
Boptimus says “Kayle poses no threat early on. It's a very neutral lane until you reach Lost Chapter. You can use your early game spike to look to punish her for CSing and even get a kill if she greeds too much. If they game goes on too long she will eventually outscale and become a monster, but if you can R her into your team she'll be very easy to kill.”
Thrandor says “People often pick Kayle into WW because she clearly outscales him. Still, you can demolish her pre 6 (play super-agressive early and position yourself in her wave to deny her any farm, freeze the wave next to your turret) and even after that by just ulting her and latching onto her with Q. Not sure if it is a bug but you can keep autoattacking Kayle during her ult invincibility and recieve your passive healing!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Try to abuse her weakness by playing aggressive and getting kills. Putting her behind in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will force Kayle to overextend for farm. Once she walks up and tries to last hit, you could play aggressive and try to all-in her. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate, she will also become ranged and she’ll find it easier to last hit. She will be able to also poke you down and trade more effectively. You’ll need to be more strategic when trying to fight her from now on.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “This champion does more damage early than people think, but not enough to threaten you. Spam proc grasp on her and look for all in's post level 4. She is VERY fast so don't get kited
through minions. Eat her when she ults so her invulnerability time is useless. If you're snowballing, tell your jungler to come top and dive and you'll win 100% ”
Alachiel says “Really hard to handle after 6.
Try to play very aggressive before 6, and try to kill her/ deny farm as much as you can.
She counters you late game with her ult, so you should go for the one shot build against a good kayle.”
AbyssaLegend says “Kayle is a mid late game champ and until level 6 she won't attack you from high distances. Just try to kill her in that period or she'll get fed and you could lose your lane.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Annoying, but she's pretty much easy to beat, you have massive advantage at Level 1 and 2, because she has to be very close at the beginning for farming CS. Make sure to poke or even cheese her so she cannot farm at all, try to deny some XP so you can get Level 6 before her, if you've done that, then you can farm free kills by slowing her always with your ultimate and using your E to stun her. She becomes dangerous if she plays On-Hit Kayle. Cause she can use her ultimate (the animation ends faster than the invulnerable part. She is able to auto attack you in the meanwhile, but you can also deny her Auto Attacks by ulting her after her ultimate, so she cannot auto attack you to death in that time. Make sure to deny her CS as much as possible so she cannot instakill your team.”
wooverbo says “Very easy to beat her up if you play well, but be careful with committing to sloppy engages if she's running Lethal Tempo, she still hits like a brick levels 1-5!!!
Swallow her DURING her ultimate so she can't use it as an escape tool.
She becomes a huge problem if you let her eat up minion waves.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Танец смерти очень поможет. Кричите леснику о помощи и особенно сильно до 6 ломайте ее. Это ужасный матчап, она контр пик, если вам пришлось это играть, уничтожьте ее до ее поверспайка, иначе с каждой минутой будет только хуже, постарайтесь читать ее байт на ульту, или используйте флеш для комбо FLASH + R. Можете просто доджить ее R c помощью флеша, зев малмортиуса приветствуется. ”
Taiquyorah says “MU facile avant le lvl 6 mais plus compliqué après le lvl 6!
Elle peut AA + E pour enlever vos barils. Elle possède un peu de sustain avec son W mais ce dernier coute bcp de mana.
Prenez un build critique, vous ne pourrez pas la tuer avec un suff bruiser !
Si vous la touchez plusieurs fois avec des combo de barils vous pouvez la tuer mais attention à terminer la game avant son lvl 16 car elle scale plus que vous et ses dégâts sont bien plus simple à mettre que les votre !”
NegativePhoenix says “Kayle is just ridiculous in terms of how hard she scales. Before 6 she will mostly just try to get into the safety of tower range. Once she hits 6 though is when she'll be a bully to you. Make sure you get ignite for her as well and try to kill her once you hit 6 if you can. Abuse her seriously weak early game with your jungler so she has a harder time building. Late game is gonna be hers basically all game as she will melt you down faster than you can even react. Trick her into using ult early if possible so that when she uses it she has to play safer sooner, and obviously, get grievous as her healing is nuts rather she uses W or not”
gekigami says “Como kayle não builda itens defensivos e não tem status base altos. do lvl 1 ao lvl 15 você consegue fazer bully com ela. após o lvl 16. complica.”
IvernLover74856 says “You violate her early. Pressure her off wave. You can counter her ult with yours. If she wastes her speed ability you can jump and all-in.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Maybe in late game, but she can't kill you in early game. All you have to do is beware your E, don't press it when she Ult herself, dont stop attacking her while she is vulnerable, because it keeps stacking your E on enemy. If she scales alot and reaches lv16, she can kill you, because she is broken in late game. But if you outscale her she can't do anything.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
This is the easiest matchup for Yone.
At level 1 she is actually stronger than you if she takes lethal tempo.
You win every 1v1 until level 11.
Zone her from farm and chunk her if she walks up. At level 6 you need to play a bit more back and space her, but you still win every trade and all in.”
HelloStranger says “CONQ | Flash + Ignite
Your only window to kill her is before level 11 otherwise good luck ever solo killing her. Play super aggressive and make sure to freeze the wave at every opportunity. Brainless pushing of waves will make you lose the lane. Zone Kayle out of cs and XP range and it should be ok but it is always a really risky and unstable lane.”
DimitriLSD123 says “Push lane prevent her from getting C’s their jungle with jump you so just hold turrets and ult for that unless you get her with a stun rocket ult ”
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “Laning phase is going to be boring, she may play safe before 6 because she can get rekt by anyone. And after level 6 she may poke you a lot.
At the late game, you may hard lose unless there is a team diff.”
kurbart says “she is a push over 1-5 you can man handle her but after level 6 respect her and bait out her ult or if your strong enough qrw after a stun”
VituVonDoom says “Go electrocute or FS page and kill. You are a lane bully and she has the worst early game in Lol, doesn't take a genius to figure you just bully her nonstop, jump on her on every opportunity, and as long as she doesn't cheese you lvl 1, you roll her over”
KrazyKid1024 says “The reason I say Kayle is minor rather than tiny as a threat is the fact that if she times her R correctly, she'll win the fight. Usually they aren't tanky enough to survive the initial jump combo and human reaction time isn't that good if we account for mouse speed as well. Rengar combo quickly can be done in a fraction of a second, and 200ms reaction+R cast time. Usually free.”
Michcio says “She is not comfy matchup beacuse of her zeri-like double auto. you can easily fight her if she does not have her passive stacks but if she do she smacks you hard so avoid braindead aa trades”
Aberrant Demon says “Look to crash the second wave by using your Es on the first two waves and play safe while the third wave is bouncing back to you. If she lands her slow on you, Q to cleanse it. Avoid fighting her while her passive is stacked, if possible. Kayle is very vulnerable to ganks if you can hold the wave on your side. If your jungler isn't looking to gank, you just want to farm up until level 6. Try to bait out her Q and/or E before engaging. If you have ult, silence her and wait to see if she ults. If she didn't ult during your Q leap, then you can ult. Otherwise, wait out her ult and use yours after.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Contest cs early on -> Poke with Q -> Only last hit letting the waves push to you -> Freeze -> Punish when she walks up stacking up Q3, getting on top of her and chasing with E afterwards once she starts pulling away from you after slowing you with her E and healing/getting movement speed with W -> You hard win extended trades -> Level 6 when she ults you can stay on top of her if you can get the kill without dying and of course if you got the space to chase/fight after -> Second option here is forcing her R, disengaging and punishing later on once she walks up -> Can use W to tank her Q poke early on -> Can also go for all-ins with R when you have enough space to trade afterwards”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game is your best shot at killing her and getting ahead Pre-6. She isn't completely weak before then but much easier to handle. Once she hits 6 it's a ranged matchup and she'll bully you to death. If you see an opening, get kills or some heavy poke in that forces her to heal and use up her mana to escape. It's definitely harder now that she can auto during her ult so be cautious and try to bait it out. Once she hits 16, you'll need your teams CC to hard focus her otherwise shes just gonna wipe everyone”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
PUNISH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, FREEZE, CALL FOR JUNGLER HELP, this matchup is hard after level 6, but unplayable for Kayle before level 6.
Wave 1-4:
Get Prio, Cheater recall > Freeze, and hold that freeze as long as you can.
If you can punish her early, you hard win it, constantly deny her cs and poke her for each cs she wants to take.
Parry his Q slow or PTA proc for damage, and you should be really fine.
Play for cheesy plays as Kayle is really punishable, call jungler for help as you can really easily dive him.
Once she gets level 6 with berserk boots it becomes significantly harder as she can kite you and out-maneuver you.
Try to deny her the max amount of gold and exp and you are in a good spot.
It's a race against the clock, punish her or lose. GL”
LegitLechner says “Becomes hard to kill at 6 obvi. Unless a jungler wants to punish kayle early just freeze the wave and make kayle his as much xp and farm as possible. The longer you delay her spikes the easier the game is for your team.”
Skysolitox says “Not a threat of you getting killed by her, but a threat because theres no way you can actively stop her from farming and growing. i suggest not picking fiddlesticks if you see her on the other side, unless you trust your team to end the game quickly”
Scallywag says “Very easy early on and harder after 6.
You have to punish kayle hard early or else she will just scale for free.
After 6 she gets range and the matchups becomes a bit harder, but you can still win it.
After 11 and some items she becomes very hard to deal with and she can run you down if you don't watch out.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Aside from her immortality via her ult, she's squishy and gets annoyed by Yorick very easily. Keep on top of her and she will end up 6 feet under the stars very easily”
Kurose0027 says “Take pta and freeze after crashing/ pulling back the wave. Parry her auto E or Q and kill her. If she gets to scale, she's one of the more hard champions to deal with as Fiora.”
BiriRamen says “Stat MACHINE level one if you're caught out, minus that, you can pretty much shit on her level 1-5, just focus and making her get tilted and have her type FF when you kill her level 1. Super easy lane until 6, then you have to play a lot smarter.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] You can rush boots of swiftness and once you're level 6 you can just R her and kill her. However she does outscale you and if she manages to get a lead in lane due to jungle pressure then you're in trouble.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: It is exactly the same as Nasus but Kayle scales harder and you can kill her pre-11 as long as you are ahead. I would honestly just tell you to towerdive her if she is level 5 and you are level 6, it is so worth and there is no way she will survive it, worst was scenario is that you will trade one for one and she will miss 3 waves. But do try and crash the wave as early as possible so there isn't a wave arriving that she can hide behind to dodge your E. When you all in her in lane post-6 then you just R1 E and Q her then you W behind her so she can't escape and then Q her down, you can easily eat her ult and just finish her off with R2.”
Trundledaddy says “abuse early, lane is easy, you can freeze the wave close to tower, and abuse her early with pillar everytime she steps up she does scale well, but you should be ahead most of the game and therefore win sidelane in the late game”
powerfullgeo says “This is not a champion, it is an overrated minion that gives you more gold. All in whenever you can and proxy her and don't let her get back to her tower. If the jungler comes to help her kill them both. This is you top lane and no one else's. Just finish the game fast.”
Dannala says “Top/Mid: She can not win trades before she gets her ranged attacks on lvl 6, but still don't get cocky with your trades, if she uses Q or E to farm go in for pokes. Always save Rappel for when she ults if you can.
Jungle: Pre 6? Kill, post 6? Probably still easy to kill. Post 11 probably best to disengage or trap her.
Late: As with most Kayle match ups once she reaches 16 she becomes a problem. AoE to kill your spiderlings and high dps but if played well you can still handle her. Always save Rappel for her ult if possible/needed.”
qosmox says “Contest the push with Q lvl 1 while trying to shield her poke. Lvl 2-5 you should be looking for extended trades with 6 empowered auto’s whenever you can and push her out of lane or kill her. Try to get the blade up the lane while farming and when she walks up to get the Q on you drag the blade through her to shield the damage and taunt onto her while she’s slowed and walk with her to Q again.”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
You can rush boots of swiftness and once you're level 6 you can just R her and kill her. However she does outscale you and if she manages to get a lead in lane due to jungle pressure then you're in trouble.”
Federals1 says “Kayle is very hard because you cannot stop her reliably enough from scaling into the late game. You can try to dive her at 6, but your ultimate is easily blocked by hers, and there is no way you can get close enough to guarantee the q+r her since she has a speedup and a slow. You can try to set up a dive at levels 3-5, by yourself or with your jungler, and try to get a lead big enough to continously kill her for a while due to it. Flash+Ghost are the preffered summoner spell choices. First rune page should be used. Focus on building speed first, like Aether Wisp or tier 2 boots, or you can try to hard rush Anathema's Chains. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into her.”
Metal Addict says “You beat her until she is level 11. Don't let her dodge your skillshots but she will eventually outscale you and shit on you and your team.”
TheDeadliestMacarena says “Kayle is a late-game champ. Don't let her farm and keep poking her to push her away from farm. She has no def against CC and your combos except for summs. De-fang her early. End your game quick. ”
PandoraPanda14 says “Early on u can punish her farming very well. Her ult counters ur all in because u can't stack on her and it can counter ur ult dmg. She becomes ranged and late game she destroys you, try to punish her very hard in early game, care ganks.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
I'd recommend banning her if you don't know a lot of wave management, if you can freeze and get advantage before she gets 3 items, you win, if you don't, she will add another free win to her collection, pre lvl 6 parry her Q and try to run her down, and most importantly, DON'T LET HER FARM, every minion she takes is a step closer to death, so you can't let her farm for free, after lvl 6 you will need to have gold advantage so you can survive her poke, also parry her R dmg since she won't be able to hit you for the last seconds of her R.”
gazibulle says “Very easy matchup early game. The longer the game goes, the harder it becomes. Kayle is a scale monster, she outscales you. Early levels it is the most free lane you will receive. Be careful level 1 against her if she plays Lethal Tempo as she will win, so you should start W to remove her Bone Plating (if she doesn't have it she is a terrorist and you should always E onto her). Once her Bone Plating is down, you can E onto her and you will always win unless you are too overextended (between her minion wave and her tower). You should always spend your time all-in'ing her when possible before 6, zone her out and make her miss the most minions possible. Don't bother zoning her some XP by standing between her wave and tower, she will just poke you with E and you will get rusty with all the minions attacking you. At 6 if she doesn't have too much items you can beat her as long as you have equal HP and you ult her R, it's easy to do, you just have to time it right. The pattern to win is the following on side: E on her then Q her to death, if she Ws out you W her so she gets slowed and can't retaliate. Remember that if she hasn't got much items and can't kite you, you always win by running her down. Feel free to dive her if she has no Bone Plating nor R, it's always worth even if you die to let her miss minions and XP.”
KiroChuong says “You can 1v1 her early with 3-4 ghouls, she will be forced to flash and call her jungler, ward safely before fight her. The moment she reaches level 11, split push bot.”
darkintaki says “She Outscales so HARD you, so get early advantage and help other lanes, deny farming and call for ganks for delay she from getting any levels.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Laning wise this is the best matchup by far, after sheen and a few stacks you can force her to ult just by pressing W and hiting her with 2 Qs. you can beat her pre 16 without ever having to ult, and if you do ult she cannot fight you. your W just kills her whole champ she can't kite and can barely attack. at full buy she will shred you if not dealt with asap.”
alexionut05 says “She counters you simply by scaling way more than you could ever dream of. Be as aggressive as you can early game, when she is still a glorified cannon minion. Be present on the map and never, ever let her freeze. You want to end the game as fast as you can.”
Agatrium says “In your favor early, although she's honestly somewhat hard to kill thanks to her W giving her healing and move speed. Don't let her touch the wave for free pre 6. After that, it'll be hard to catch her. She outscales you hard so the more advantage you build early the better spot you'll be in come mid game.”
Cryniu says “Juega agresivo al inicio.
Ella no tiene nada para cancelar tu R.
Considera resistencias híbridas en las runas.
Compra vesta espinosa si se cura mucho.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra ella, usa solo la runa o considera no usarla.
Si compra Brillo o espada del rey arruinado considera las botas de armadura.
XtheZ115 says “Ah, Kayle. My original permaban for Singed. Her powerful ranged attacks are infuriating to lane against, but you do have one trick up your sleeve- Kayle's ult will make her feel safe. She'll get low and go in hard, thinking she will be safe behind that invulnerability, but little does she know that your damage ticks longer than her ult lasts. This will land you a few kills on an uninitiated Kayle before she wises up and just ults earlier; use that to your advantage.”
Helzky says “I should write an apology for anyone who has to go against Lethality Yorick as Kayle. Farm, E her, W her, kill her. Prowlers and you can one shot her.”
OliveeGarden says “Take fleet, ghost and rush swiftness boots. try to bully her pre 6 with fleet. post 6 save your W to block her R dmg and play for ganks”
Friednuts says “You should try your best to dominate her in the early game before she scales up. Use your W to block her E or to block her autos when disengaging when she's lv 6.”
TheSixtyFreezer says “She isn't that strong early game, so that's why she isn't om EXTREME threat lvl, but still don't let her get ahead because she scales really well into late game.”
havy says “don't forget she's a melee champ until level 6, punish her for walking up to last hits, and play as an ape, you really can't play her game and let her scale, otherwise she goes from "lol, noob?" to a powerhouse”
magician4444 says “She cannot even play the game pre 6. After 6, respect her range advantage but don't play completely at her mercy. If you find an angle to when shes low enough (The more experience you get the easier it'll be to know how much damage an ult combo can do), ult her, now if she ults just before she falls asleep, you can time it perfectly to where the second you W, her ult will run out and you'll hit her with the middle part of the W. She's super squishy. Late game if shes ahead, you probably can't 1v1 her.”
TheChoz3nOne says “My opinion also changed against her. Yes, she is pretty strong in the late game but you can always win her. You can easily outplay her especially until her lvl-6.”
ChowJunior says “Eat up! It's easy to get on top of Kayle and once you do, she dies. Post 6 is becomes more difficult and you have to be more conservative, but still should not be an issue.”
Mushroomuwu says “Can be quite annoying if she goes PTA and tries to poke you out at level 1 before you can stack passive. In this case let her push which makes her vulnerable to early ganks. Once it pushes to your tower you can
stack your passive safely and look to all in her the moment you hit E. The matchup actually gets easier once you get past the early levels because you can kite her out with your Q and stick to her when she is running away. use minions to avoid her ultimate damage if need be and look to fight at all times if you can stack passive up.”
Your Desired Username says “Okay match-up if you manage to bully her well. Try getting a freeze early, and getting kills off of that. Ghost+TP recommended. If she's hypercarrying in the late game, ult her and try to survive as long as possible with your zhonyas.”
boboderaffe says “Kayle can do little to none to you throughout her early laning phase. If you feel confident enough grab the „Zapper“ (or “I am trolling!”) build to make her lane a living nightmare.
One of the few lanes where electrocute is better than conqueror because you will have to kill her ASAP throughout the entire game.
Past level 6 you might have to pop your ult early and unexpectedly so she can’t react with her own ult. ”
monidi says “her Q slows you, her W gives her movement speed so even if you have a lot of movement speed you wont be able to catch her
she is weak at the early but after lvl 6 your suffering will begin”
Rayli36 says “idk really how to play against it you can call your jgl to help you or try to hide in bushes outside of her vision and try to run her down from there.
mainly AP,AD-dmg”
Atomragnar says “Try to shut her down pre level 6. If you are not winning lane pre level 6 you will loose the lane as soon as she hits 6.
Steelcaps are great vs her, even if she builds AP. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Take HoB and punish every time you hit your Q. Make sure she can't farm early levels and hope she can't sale well. Take BoRK for counter scaling and synergy. Take Divine or Stridebreaker.”
Shinox says “She is very easy in early game to abuse because she has no range. You can get a kill before 6 and before 11. She will outscale you so don't feed her.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Another poke heavy lane,you can cheese her by rushing tabis,that'll deny her a ton of dmg,other-wise all ins are in your favor.
Dshield or Dblade”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler runes viable, D Blade preffered. She's a time bomb, your plan is to bully her. As any ranged character, she's immobile and doesn't have tools to deal with your all in, with the exception of her ult. But that's a long cooldown, just force her to burn it then kill her next time.”
COJA says “Kayle becomes much stronger as the game progresses, so you have to set her behind early. As she is mostly immobile early, you can zone her off of farm/kill her, but diving her is even better. Once she hits lvl 6, you must be careful about using E into her, as if you miss, she can chase you down.”
Razorwir3 says “manageable but gets really strong level 6 due to lethal tempo currently sitting at 53% wr in plat+ since new lethal tempo makes her that much stronger be more carefull than usual when trying to fight her boath pre and post 6”
Larkana_ says “You can win against her even in the early levels. Be wary of her in teamfights as she can pump out much more dps than you can.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Kayle [High]/Skarner [Medium]”
space cat says “Kayle wont beat you in lane unless they dodge every one of your Qs somehow. you basically counter her because if she ults before you ult her you will keep her in long enough for the shield to run out before spitting her out and if she ults after you will still slow her with q for an easy W setup and she wont be able to run. HOWEVER, she outscales no matter what and will mess up you and your whole team if you cant win by early to mid game.”
Black Demon Ezel says “People honestly have some weird issues about them if they lose to Kayle. First few games as Morde is understandable but she's useless against you. Except for her range, you cancel her healing out with one Q isolated or not. That and the Armor shredding mean less than nothing if you have more damage about you. Just don't miss and she will get smushed”
Prof Harambe says “This character is so bad in lane, you should cheese lvl 1 every time. While she scales, she really can't 1v1 you at any point in the game. Try and freeze the wave on her, if she steps up use daisy to beat the crap out of her. If you can't and keep her pushed in, try and poke with q and bush autos, then dive her with Daisy. Her ult is a very long cooldown as her only way of dealing with daisy, so yeah.
Aim to win lane and make her weaker than average, then force her to answer you in a side lane so she can't decimate your team. In teamfights, neutralise her by setting daisy to wombo combo her while mitigating damage with your shielding.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Make sure you abuse her in lane while you can. Freeze and bully her in lane as much as possible.
Use ult to kite out hers and disengage.”
MrZoltannn says “You can easly kill her lvl 3, 6 and even at 11, since she's very inmobile. bring glacial to fully block her movement, or electrocute for bigger damage.”
ToothlessKnight says “Horrible matchup for Urgot. She can kite you forever using her W speed up, Q slow and later her Gunblade slow. Shove her and force her to cs under turret. You cannot match her 1v1 in a sidelane once shes lv 11. Shove her under turret and make roam plays to accelerate the game before she can scale.”
xPetu says “Tips: Punish her early. She outscales you hard. W blocks her E-AA. Passive shield or dodge her Q, remember that she can hit Q through minions. Taunt prevents her from R'ing.”
Stinkee says “Kayle has a very weak laning phase, you must use this to your advantage or she will outscale you. Always look to E her into your Q for poke and trades. Don't let her farm for free. She is basically a melee champion pre-6. You might want to ask for ganks if she's pushing your lane as she's very vulnerable and Sion can setup ganks very well. Watch out for her level 6/11/16 power spikes.”
Sovereign Kitten says “You absolutely dominate this match-up early game, however, if you don’t take advantage of this and let her get to level 11 or 16, by letting her free farm and split all game, you are likely to lose. Her win condition is getting to the point where she doesn't have to rely on stacking her passive. Push her out and keep her out. You have to be super aggressive against her. You completely counter her early game due to her reliance on getting passive stacks, through auto attacking. You can sidestep her (Q) which will slow you if you are hit by it. Just keep putting her down early with (Q) even if it means getting ganked a lot. Oblivion Orb is great for early game to keep her low HP.
Anoying bro5 says “Kayle will scale HARD. Start Dorans blade. Try to abuse her early game as much as possible. Q poke her as much as you can and parry her Q to avoid the slow. She is hard to catch when she has fleet footwork. If she has ult, parry that damage. Try to stop her from free farming. Pre 6 she is a melee champ so make sure you punish her for ever stepping up.”
BoilTheOil says “Go Conqueror or Hail of Blades. Rush Boots of Swiftness. At level 1 (if she doesn't start doran's blade) try to zone her off of the XP of the first 3 melee minions. After that slow push the minion wave and crash it once the canon wave comes (3rd wave). If your jungle paths top side and is very strong early game, you can ping to tower dive her. If it goes well she misses a lot of minions and will be forced to tp back to lane. After you crash the 3rd wave, the wave will bounce back to you and you can freeze it on her, pre 6 she's pretty useless so she can't do shit. She can be hard to deal with after level 6 so you need to have a lead before then.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “She's like a ranged Nasus in terms of how playable she is for tanks.
Pre-6 she is absurdly weak and you can bonk her whenever you want. Post-6 she gains a huge amount of range and sustained damage making the lane very hard. Q destroys her entire kit. She will scale but does no true damage so anathemas is extremely good here.”
quinn adc says “Kayle is really easy, but the key is to be extremely aggressive early on.
Create a mindset before the game begins that you will punish Kayle for every minion she goes for, and then make this goal a reality.
In lane, proc PTA literally every single time it’s up because you will win every trade when your PTA is up.
Try to dodge her Q when she shoots it because that’s the only form of damage she has early on.
The range on her Q is 900, so it's quite easy to land from afar, but the cooldown is 12 seconds early on, so when it's down you have a window to punish her for free.
They removed klepto so kayle’s sustain got destroyed this season.
The best way to play the lane is to ideally set up a freeze in front of your tower, and zone Kayle from XP.
By doing so, kayle legit cannot farm or play the game because she is forced to last hit with her Qs.
If she walks up, combo her with everything because you hard win any sort of early game fight, even in her minion wave, especially with ignite and PTA.
After level 6, if you blind kayle when she’s low, she’ll likely retaliate with her Ult.
This is good because she needs this ability to do survive you.
When her ultimate is used, just patiently wait for it to expire, then immediately vault her and combo her right after it expires.
Kayle level 11 onwards grants her 525 attack range, which is identical to yours, and her W grants 40% Ms late game that scales also with AP, but you should be able to out run her if you vault her since vault provides a slow on her as well.
Late game is more difficult, but actually quinn wins the late game 1v1 if you play it right.
The matchup late game legit relies solely on you landing blind on her.
If you land it on her, combo the HECK out of her, and in the frame of 1.5 seconds, you should be able to get her low enough for her to use her ultimate.
Then you vault her, auto to consume harrier proc MS, then wait for Q cooldown to comeback.
When kayle ultimate is down, re-engage with blind when it's up, and then you will be able to combo her and kill her with ease.
You can run stormrazor against kayle because good kayles will use her W movespeed to sidestep our Q, but stormrazor allows us to walk up to kayle, initiate with auto that will heavily slow her, and then this will allow us to land blind with ease, which is our win-con like I've said.”
King Turtle says “Similar to Jax, She's not a massive lane bully, but her scaling power is on par or even superior to Gwen's. Getting ahead is going to be a challenge if the Kayle isn't total garbage. ”
Phrxshn says “To be honest, Kayle is consider both "Tiny" and "Extreme" threat as she can either feel like a pinch or a nuclear bomb. Dodge her Radiant Bomb(Q) and you should be able to out-trade her. Use Mega Adhesive to negate her Celestial Blessing(W) which give her movement speed. Avoid fighting her whilst in Divine Judgement(R) which make her invulnerable and does AOE damage. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter, Mercury's Treads, or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed Early, Kayle Late) (Outscaling Edge: Kayle) ”
PH45 says “Care for her empowered E auto and try to not trade when she has lowered your resistances with her Q. Smash her early so she won't get to her powerful late-game state since at that point you are pretty screwed. Post 6 she gets a bit more annoying due to becoming perma ranged.”
At_Tar_Ras says “do not underestimate kayle's LVL 1. it's disgusting. she'll actually beat you so watch out. levels 2 but probably safer, 3 is when you can actually start looking to all-in her. when you're close to bork or just have it already you will see that once you gap close toward her she stands no chance against you.”
iZeal says “Mostly a punching bag until Level 6 unless she gets to build up her passive stacks before you get to lane, after that you have to pick your fights more carefully. She has a deceptively small hurtbox meaning skillshots might look like they hit her but don't. Her W movement speed also allows her to walk out of your W. Hold your Q3 when she has ultimate up.”
SunFalk says “She will out scale you. She will become ranged. She will have AOE basic attacks. - Play it early, be very aggressive early when she's still melee, when she starts to be ranged at lvl 6, play safer and when she has her AOE basic attack, play very safe if laning phase isn't done yet.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
Phrxshn says “To be honest, Kayle is consider both "Tiny" and "Extreme" threat as she can either feel like a pinch or a nuclear bomb. Dodge her Radiant Bomb(Q) and you should be able to out-trade her. Use Infected Bonesaw to migrate her Celestial Blessing(W) which give her movement speed. Avoid fighting her whilst in Divine Judgement(R) which make her invulnerable and does AOE damage. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Mercury's Treads, or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Dr.Mundo Early, Kayle Late) (Outscaling Edge: Kayle) ”
slogdog says “No range, no mobility, not enough damage early game. Outscales you, but you can oppress her early game. and use that lead to destroy her mid-game. ”
Raen says “ Try to get her at early lvls. After she gets items will be hard cuz of her 3 sec immortality. If she ults dont use Q or W wait until her R ends and then try to all in her or just jump away when she ults and return when it ends. Your E blocks her E. Get MS items to keep up with her. If Kayle isnt 20 iq she will never die to Jax and later on she just outscales you.”
Xerath gaming says “Annoying to fight against if she sits under turret, if you get R before her its free kill else it's sad lane and sad game. Try to freeze lane and to bully her before 6”
SaltCat says “You destroy her early game until 6, until level 11 you win this match up, after that you will start to lose if you dont have a big enought lead”
Phrxshn says “To be honest, Kayle is consider both "Tiny" and "Extreme" threat as she can either feel like a pinch or a nuclear bomb. Dodge her Radiant Bomb(Q) and you should be able to out-trade her. Use Pillar of Ice to migrate her Celestial Blessing(W) which give her movement speed. Avoid fighting her whilst in Divine Judgement(R) which make her invulnerable and does AOE damage. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Mercury's Treads, or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Trundle Early, Kayle Late) (Outscaling Edge: Kayle) ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Do a level one cheese (scroll down to learn what that is) If you do that then you'll be able to get a flash or first blood. If she walks up afterwards its a free kill pre 6. Bully her early so she doesn't scale as hard.”
laoshin3v3 says “Fleet
Kayle is very weak and abuseable earlygame. When she hits 6 it will be very hard to kill her 1v1 since she is ranged form already. Try to help other lanes or wait for jungler”
LoLReal says “Kayle's range is abysmal at low levels and we should abuse this. When she walks up to CS pull her in and trade.
Be careful not to take too much damage at levels 1 & 2 so we can afford to trade with her later in the lane. She inevitably outscales us so we are on a timer to abuse her in lane early.”
Justkb says “Don't push the wave, try to force mistakes out of her at level 3. If you get a lead try to snowball by tower diving her and pressuring top hard. Be wary though if the game goes past 35mins she will beat you! ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This is a weird lane. Both you and Kayle will be pretty complacent just farming pre-6. See if your jungler can gank prior to then. Both of you scale, but a lvl 18 Kayle is one of the biggest horrors in the game atm. Wither is great vs Kayle bc it will outlast her W movement speed buff. Try to get some Qs off, but late game if you can't kill her in 1 or 2 hits back off. She'll kite you hard and then ult if you try to Q again.
NOTE: Kayle is very meta mid atm instead of top, so make sure it's a Kayle top in your games.”
Phrxshn says “To be honest, Kayle is consider both "Tiny" and "Extreme" threat as she can either feel like a pinch or a nuclear bomb. Dodge her Radiant Bomb(Q) and you should be able to out-trade her. Use Seismic Shard and Ground Slam to negate her Celestial Blessing(W) which give her movement speed. Avoid fighting her whilst in Divine Judgement(R) which make her invulnerable and does AOE damage. (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads, or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Malphite Early, Kayle Late) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
wDesired says “Late game threat but not so much early game just use Q to zone her out of CS if you need or want to back slow push don't spam Q to try and shove the wave unless you need to ”
Phrxshn says “To be honest, Kayle is consider both "Tiny" and "Extreme" threat as she can either feel like a pinch or a nuclear bomb. Dodge her Radiant Bomb(Q) and you should be able to out-trade her. Use Primal Howl to negate her Celestial Blessing(W) which give her movement speed. Avoid fighting her whilst in Divine Judgement(R) which make her invulnerable and does AOE damage. (Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads, or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick Early, Kayle Late) (Outscaling Edge: Even) ”
PanthrickTV says “Easy Matchup.
Take Press the Attack!
Play really agressive and punish her as much you can!
Spam your Q's at lane and try to all in at lvl 2 or 3.”
Sporkintahn says “You can Crush this lane pre-6 as she is weak early before she has range on her autos. --- Best strategy is to let her push to your side so she's overextended; then proceed to freeze and you can run her down with Ghost for a kill if you're in position to do so. --- You want to absolutely shut her down early and dumpster her in lane and get as far ahead in CS and Kills early as she will outscale you late and become a 1v9 monster. --- After 6 when she has her ult, obviously wait until after she ults to use yours. You can try to burst her early in the all-in before she ults with your own ult as most will expect you to use it as an execute but it isn't always reliable. Often times you Just have to extend the all-in and kite her with Ghost if she's getting you low.”
Fan22 says “Kayle scales Really hard and can melt you after getting her first item or after Evolving with her passive. When she gets full build you become an adc in her eyes, so be careful and build MR and Thornmail.
Early game poke her and try to kill her with R, having ignite helps to kill her and abuse her weak early game, having your junglers help also ensures to let her behind enough to win the lategame.
Never let her reach late game or the game it's over, win it as soon as possible and denegate her farm and Exp if you can.
A good Trick against Kayle its to use your R when she is CC'ed with your W or Q, since then she cannot become inmortal casting her Ult.
Lategame you can still do this, alternatively you can also Ult sooner when she still has plenty of health, so that she uses her R earlier and has to retire early from a teamfight.”
Phrxshn says “To be honest, Kayle is consider both "Tiny" and "Extreme" threat as she can either feel like a pinch or a nuclear bomb. Dodge her Radiant Bomb(Q) and you should be able to out-trade her. Use Facebreaker to migrate her Celestial Blessing(W) which give her movement speed. Avoid fighting her whilst in Divine Judgement(R) which make her invulnerable and does AOE damage. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate, Mercury's Treads, or Boots of Swiftness) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Sett Early, Kayle Late) (Outscaling Edge: Kayle) ”
montybucket says “Try and beat her early but don't over extend for kills. Just try and get her behind in the early levels when it comes to xp and CS. Make sure to punish the living shit out of her every mistake before 6. Try and get 6 first and all in with ultimate. Don't shove waves under her tower otherwise you're giving up lane to her. Once she hits 6 she beats you, make sure to take advantage of bushes post 6 as she cant kite you out if she can't click on you. bait her ult then you can all in with your own. Late game she becomes an unstoppable monster, this doesn't mean you can't duel her in your ultimate. You just have to make sure she doesn't have hers. ”
TroviStyle says “[Phaserush] This matchup is all about zoning the lane. You want to zone near your tower and engage on Kayle whenever he comes too close to deny as much farm as possible from lvl 1 to 6. From lvl 6 on you want to fight him with R only, to mirror his ult-sustain. Phaserush helps you to get kills early on as you get MS and he cant slow you. If your jungler is on top side clear wards as Kayle with give you easy kills pre 6.”
mec908 says “----ESPAÑOL----
Lo mismo que vayne, aquí recomiendo ir con aliento agonico/grasp
Same like vayne, here I recommend going with grasp
SilverAvalanche says “This lane is interesting, because it is actually difficult to kill her from level 2 until you get your form, because you are not that strong, so the minion damage will do enough to win her the fight. But as soon as you get your form, she is in trouble. You can tilt things in your favour from the start by getting a minion advance because of you early wave clear and keep crashing waves in until level 6. after level 6, she will poke you, and you will have to respect that. but try as usual to stack as many free orbs before 8:20 and then go for bigger trades after that to get form early.
You are also one of the only champs that can tower dive her, if you are good enough, just ult her when she is low and she will panic and ult too, or better if you can make her ult first, since you can ult her while she ults”
MCSwavest says “Kayle is one of your best matchups, given that she has no early game. Use your range advantage to bully her hard and as much as possible, and make sure you watch for ganks pre 6. After 6, she can fight you, but you still have an edge if you've been farming better. Dodge R and you'll be fine.”
Drake6401 says “ The key to this lane is zoning. Assume lane dominance very early and don't push the wave at all. Freeze the lane for as long as possible and don't let her get anywhere near the wave to farm. If you can kill her, absolutely look to do so but she will usually play too safe. If you get a really strong lead and the enemy jungle isn't a threat to you, proxy her off the outer tower to deny her levels. This is the perfect time for your jungle to invade enemy lines as well.”
Kayle is not 5 due to her early laning. Though her slow and her poke are somewhat annoying, you should be able to stomp her easily pre 6. Wait for the wave to be on your side of the lane and then run her down with ghost once you get a pull or once she missteps. Make sure you kill her over and over again and try to prevent her from farming as Kayle can win lategame by herself. Phase Rush is an okay pick for this lane as it lets you run her down even without your Ghost as her slow won’t be able to stop you. But if you lose with Phase Rush its gonna be a nightmare. Conqueror is also a great choice with Nimbus. A trick to keep in mind is that she cannot cast her ultimate when she is stunned. So if you/your jungler/whoever’s working with you possess the burst to kill her quickly, you can do so by pulling her and chain ccing her. But that requires too much coordination for soloq. Just keep it in mind if she is at 4 stacks and the next AA+R will kill her, do E-AA-R. If you are fast enough, you should get your ult out before she ults. After she gets her ultimate, it shouldn’t be too difficult to run her down still. You have two options. 1) Burst her down quickly BEFORE she can ult. 2) Apply stacks on her and get her low enough so that you can kill her with your ultimate AFTER she ults. If you are looking to burst her down before she ults, it might be a good idea to do your combo on her (AA+W+Q)and then pull her in. If she hasn’t ulted, you can opt to quickly R her as this will probably leave her low enough where you can kill her with 1 more auto after her invulnerability is over. If you are fighting multiple people and HAVE to save your ult, just keep aaing her until you get your passive.”
RivalOCE says “No real threat in lane but obviously Kayle scales really well. Try hard to get a big lead pre-level 11. Once you have 45% CDR you should be able to kill her with 2 rotations. Look for mis-spaces in lane, she takes lots of damage if you can get on her.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - She outscales you but before she gets 2 items, you usually win.
- Q her constantly and try to juke her slow.
- If she lands her slow, run back a bit, don't let her start autoing you. They take PTA usually and she wins trade pre lvl4.
- Once she's 6, she'll have prio over you. Once her wave pushes, all in her under your tower or near your tower. You can literally 100 to 0 her because she has a long way to run.
- You need to break her freeze whenever she gets one. Tank some HP and push the wave in or you establish a freeze yourself.
- You just never want Kayle to be able to free farm risk free. She has to be either worried of a gank or your all in at all time in the game."”
Amvill says “EASY proxy lane until she hits 6, then it gets a little harder. As weird as it sounds, she does kind of beat you level 3. Late game Kayle Is the bane of every Team comp, so get an Anthema's and pray that her team isn't doing so well.
Wit's end enjoyer”
Wawza says “Easy matcup for Aatrox but will outscale you late. Harass out of lane and contest the minions as much as you can to put her behind. Level 3 full engage usually means she either has to burn summoner spells or die.”
sock217 says “You absolutely win against her if you hit level 6 before her. HOWEVER, she is ABSURDLY slippery and deals TOO much damage from SO far away, Late game you are useless against her. This champ is absolutely ridiculous and no matter how far in the dirt you put her she will get pentas out the ass 5 minutes later. You cant out-cs her, kills dont matter, what do you do? Pray. Pray she goes AFK. ”
maxlid3 says “Really easy lane before level 6. Since she is melee before 6, there is not a lot she can do. You can poke her a lot. After level 6 she can engage onto you but you should still outrange her. Under normal circumstances you outscale her with Kraken Slayer and Rageblade.”
Rhoku says “Kayle is usually an annoying laner for immobile champions like Mordekaiser but Morde has higher ranger so you can pretty much lock down the lane completely. Pre-6 she is free food. Post-6 she is also free food. The only reason the lane is difficult is due to the urgency of you HAVING to gather a lead. If you don't stomp Kayle, she will outscale EVERYTHING super hard and take over the entire game. You HAVE to gather a lead on her early. Land every CS, punish every mistake, get every kill.”
YasTilt says “Really weak before level 6 and she OutScales you hard Late Game, try to pick small fights level 3. You can try to bait her R. Build Anti-Heal if she Builds Life Steal”
GarenteedDamage says “Kayle is hardly a threat early on but as most League players know, Kayle scales like crazy. Meaning, the later the game gets the more she counters you and the more damage she does. Try to get as many early kills on her as possible.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Conditioning+Magic Resist+DBlade) Don't let Kayle farm pre lvl 6, play as aggressively as possible. Urgot can't execute Kayle during her ultimate. You can bait her R out by Urgot's R1 and R2 only after her ult goes off. She snowballs hard during the entire game, so don't delay it.”
PK Noob says “Pre-6 you destroy Kayle extremely hard. Even after 6 you can still beat her easily. Her Ultimate is why she still is a little threatening though. She can use her Ultimate on a teammate and completely change the outcome of the fight. Be careful and stay out of her Ultimate with your E or W once you see it.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror. Try to zone her off the first 3 melee minions. You can towerdive her if your jungler is a strong early game champion like Xin Zhao. She will miss a lot of minions if it goes well. Try to fight her as often as possible before level 6. She outscales you really hard so try looking to end the game as early as possible.”
lulw says “You trade pretty well with her early, abuse her super hard pre 6. At 6 she gets range but try to windwall her slow. She isnt that hard but don't let her scale. ”
Psychopathic Top says “Pre 6, play it out the same way as any other matchup. Stack up and grab sheen. Post 6, she turns into a ranged champion, and her autos surprisingly hurts. She also has some form of kiting tools, and her R prevents her from dying early game (so she scales up). Look for all ins when she pushes up a bit too far from her lane, as her R prevents turret diving. If you go even or have a lead in the mid game, teamfights should be easy, just flank the enemy team through a blind spot (behind them in a bush or ghost in from behind, and sandwich enemy team)
DippyDan says “Very weak early, but has a huge powerspike at level 6. Eventually becomes the best splitpusher in the game with the right items. TIPS: [1] Harass as much as possible pre-level 6. [2] Look to freeze and zone him from EXP and farm. [3] Make sure to ask for easy dives [4] Once level 6, only go for all-ins with R. ”
DemonicTrail says “You lose lvl 1, her lvl 1 is very underrated, win lvl 2-5, just rush 6 as soon as you can so you can just dive her and keep her behind, as soon as she hits 6 you should have just played another champ”
skidy says “you can easilly get some early game kills... you can kill her at 1v1 until she get a higher level ... (6,11,16) because then she is already OP and you are NEVER able to kill her”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: PTA - ESTRATEGIA OFENSIVA.--------------------
Es un matchup donde la Kayle no debería siquiera poder jugar, tene mucho cuidado con el JG rival y busca trasladar tu ventaja al resto de tu equipo aprovechando tu ventaja.
Utiliza tu Q para anularle el daño con la E activa, y no subestimes su R al nvl 6 ya que un Gank Rival y su R, podría suponer un comeback.”
Alan234 says “You can go both the standard build and burstmo, I would decide based on what you like and how the enemy team looks like. Take 3 points into q because she is mostly aa based.
Punish her early and call your jungler for dives, care about her powerspike. You have to zone her super hard with your riftmaker sustain and you can even play between the two towers to zone her off exp, the more exp you deny the better you will do.”
Mr. Popper says “Kayle has no poke and is pretty squishy. You can take just about any rune into her and win lane with them. The only problem is she scales like a monster. Try to Zone her from the waves to deny as much gold and more importantly experience to prevent the ticking time-bomb that she is.”
JaxIsAHobo says “You bully the angel really hard. Like, if you lose this matchup, idk what ur doing but its wrong. Go for sustain first(vamp scepter), and just engage on her at all opportunities. If you feel like being a mega dick, freeze the wave after she harasses you with her abilities, and just goomba stomp on her face whenever she tries to walk up for CS. Theoretically, she can outplay you if played correctly post 13 or so, but by that point you should be significantly ahead of her in both exp and items so you should win.”
MrShykun says “LANE EVEN DANS VOTRE FAVEUR EN EARLY. DETRUISER LA AVANT LE LEVEL 6. CONQUEROR EST BON. STRIDEBREAKER FAIT D'ELLE UN FREE KILL. NE LA LAISSEZ PAS FARM. EN LATE GAME CE MATCHUP EST UN CAUCHEMAR. Kayle n'est pas en extreme du fait de son early lane execrable. Bien que son poke et slow soit chiant, vous devriez être capable de la tuer facilement avant 6. Attendez que la wave soit de votre côté de la lane, puis courez lui dessus avec le ghost quand vous arriver a la grab avec votre E ou une fois qu'elle fait un faux pas. Assurez-vous de la tuer encore et encore et essayez de l'empêcher de farmer car Kayle en late game sera ingérable si vous n'avez pas de lourd cc dans l'équipe. Conqueror est également un excellent choix avec Nimbus. Une astuce à garder à l'esprit est qu'elle ne peut pas lancer son ultime lorsqu'elle est étourdie. Gardez cela à l'esprit si elle est à 4 stack et que vous pouvez la tuer avec AA + R, faites E-AA-R. Si vous êtes assez rapide, vous devriez pouvoir l'ultime sans qu'elle ne puisse utiliser le sien.”
SemPelo says “You can easily win of her. Care for her level 6,she will start poking you a lot.
Watch out to see if she has mana for her ult, if she doesnt, you can easily burst her out.”
Prezibogen says “She is very weak and you are very strong. You can even fight her Level 1+2. But the longer the game goes, the harder it will get (starting at her Level 11)”
Vandenelis says “she can beat you in an all in fight if she has lethal tempo even level 1. you can bully her by sustaining and using your grasp attacks, it becomes harder to kill her when she gets ranged at level 6. after she gets 1-2 items she can melt you so you should avoid fighting her past that point”
Bombabo says “Kayle does not have the damage to beat you in trades until level 11, but her ranged autos at level 6 will allow her to farm more safely. Try to play aggressively to gain a lead before she becomes too strong”
DarkyTheReal says “The secret to this matchup is pushing early waves and make it bounce back, then you freeze it, and you can pretty much deny her from farming. At level 6 you can't do quick trades, just go all-in on her.”
DarkyTheReal says “Start E, poke her down as much as you can level 1 with your dash+autos,until level 6 she cannot play the game,so you just wanna crash the 3rd wave in her tower (and kill her if possible) and then freeze on your tower,poke her and gg wp. Go corruption potion”
apkibum says “Kayle is a NIGHTMARE to deal with in lane. Shes annoying and has slows and her ult is one of the BEST in the game and can save herself or teammates from your poison damage. She is a PERFECT PERMA BAN OPTION! Because she scales so hard late game she can become almost unkillable and HARD TO 1v1. ”
David Perry says “The only problem is that you don't have enough early dmg to kill her. If you are good at poking, try to kill her under turret (Stun, Q combo) before level 6.”
SettVEVO says “I put this threat low due to laning against Kayle being easy, but that's the point, its late game that she's insane, don't let her have a good time, tower dive her when she doesn't have her ult, pull her with E as much as you can, and a nice tip is to ult her as soon as her ult will end cause she usually will be low when ulting, that will just guarantee a kill on to her with no counterplay as long as she doesn't flash right after. Get boots and Stride to make her life hell. Mid game she is just another carry to take out. Late game shouldn't happen if you and your team played well.”
Rodos says “Kayle is a good counter for illaoi cause she can poke her very easily and dont let her farm. You have some chances to beat her at level 6 but until then you have to be patient. ”
P3PPR says “You out range her early and you can bully her out. you also match her scaling so if you just maintain your lead then she shouldn't be a problem. I've played this matchup three times so far each time was a breeze ”
nZk01 says “kayle is really easy for you in lane and very diveable even early on, her ult is just annoying later on but you can outrun her really easily”
Fryx says “Kayle can scale hard and be annoying to you later on but before that your harass is much more effective on her. You can actually kill her with ult since she can't cast her ult while knocked up. Take care of the mindgame if she ults before your ult you are actually gonna die :D”
LoLReal says “Easy lane. We can trade early with her, look for pulls with E and abuse her short range early. At 6 we can just all in and kill her every time.”
Vispectra says “I've played against Kayle mid like maybe 3 times. Her early is worse than yours , it's terrible. You can probably out-trade or kill her when you hit 6. You'll be able to force her out of lane. Just remember she scales HARD and will be an issue to deal with late-game.
RTO says “She has decent poke, but if you max W 2nd you negate a lot of her DPS. Try stop her charging her passive. She gets scarier when she goes ranged. Keep her behind.”
RTO says “Kayle can easily kill your tentacles, and her slow can keep us out of range. Try to prioritize death's dance. She is squishy before 6, so take advantage of a jungle gank.”
SanLourdes says “Kayle's early game is atrocious. Bully her and deny her CS. You don't want her to scale or she will become unstoppable. Shut her down before she is able to 1v5 your whole team. She has no way to reset your Q and has little mobility. Bait out her ult before you use yours or make sure it is on cooldown.”
CucumberSandwich says “Should be a free lane, as you can fight her pre 6 very easily. The only was you lose is if you let her farm to level 11, without killing her and she 1v9s the game. You want to kill her early and then completely prevent her from walking up for cs.”
Viego99 says “another late game god ::/.you kill her pre 11.after 11 she kill you 1v1.after 16 she destroy you. like kassadin .she outscale you .your tf is better pre 11.”
Lost Chapter says “I don't see much kayle's but definitely a decently hard match up if the kayle is good. Try not to let her farm early by standing behind her wave and at 6 it comes down who scaled harder and is better.”
Dbthegamer74 says “Will outscale you completely late game, only way to win is to make her go 0/16 with your jungler. Make her miss farm and punish at all times.If late game arrives pray to god someone can one shot her.”
calbino says “Kayle's impractical early game kit makes her super weak to most top lanes, especially Aatrox's. Your full moveset usually either one shots pre-6 kayle, or leaves her scared enough to camp under tower. End the game before her level 16 though. She out scales you.”
Jaori says “A good Kayle will hug her tower just to be able to fight you after level 11. If she isn't hugging it - then it's your time to shine. I advise to go TP+igni or TP+ghost in here. She can't poke you because of the minions aggro, can't do anything pre 6 either. Your pillar is a real slow, try to cut her off and just bite through her thin girly armour.”
ForgottenProject says “She got some Buffs and they worked but You should have no Trouble against her.
[1]If she uses her heal when she's in your Q Range, Run her down the lane.
[2]If she uses Q on the wave, you can run her down the lane.
[3]Her E is an Execute so If you're low on HP, it's worth Parrying.
[4]Parrying her Ult is good if it's a 1v1.
[5]Set up a Freeze because Kayle Players get a lot of attention from their Junglers.”
epic blitz top says “Early levels are super easy. Abuse pre 6 when she is melee. Post 6, look to R + E her when she is low enough to execute. The R will silence her from being able to R, then the E damage will proc your sheen and kill her.”
Sopachi says “Kayle is annoiny post 6. Early she can be abused and you can hard snowball lane. However, if the Kayle player is smart and is passive and lets wave crash into her and waits for 6, you will not win lane. She gets access to ranged auto attacks post 6 and her R can completely negate your all in. Post 11 you should became wary of trading with her unless you have assistance. Post 16 do not engage her solo and wait for teammates to come help or wait for the team fight.”
SavagePridestalker says “Very bad idea to go tank Rengar into Kayle, you want to dominate her in the early game, thus you want to build damage. If you let Kayle scale for free, she'll beat you very soon and take over the game.”
Marwaii says “Really easy up to around minute 30 - 40. She out scales you but you should win every trade with mega Gnar by ulting her. You can also turret dive if you are strong enough and if she doesn't have ultimate.
Take Stride + Mercs/Plated depending on her build.”
oogoogerson says “Kayle is trash into Singed until about level 16 and then she will start to catch up to you in 1v1 potential. However, she should be so behind that it doesn't matter. A good Kayle can show you up though so be careful. Take Ignite.”
MachDawn says “Let yourself get 5 stacks lvl 1 and you probably will kill her EXTREMELY SQUISHY. I suggest lifesteal Irelia vs Kayle because its not hard to win and she cant deal with you if you get full hp 10x faster late.”
AlanVenator says “Kayle is not a threat to you early levels, but she can get out of control late game. Her ult is so annoying as she can save herself or one of her teammates from "fear beyond death" and there is nothing you can do about it.”
SethPRG says “You probably want to start Boots and 4 Health Pots. When you first back you want to get Plated Steelcaps. If Kayle walks up at all before level 6 they lose half their HP. Otherwise, they lose some CS. Either is good for you. After 6 it's annoying to fight them because of their range, but still doable with Trinity to burst them down. Stridebreaker is good here as well to slow them in life or death situations. Past level 11, and especially past level 16 it's almost impossible to lock them down and kill them, you're just so slow compared to them, especially if they hit their Q. If you get caught out VS them you can't escape so you might as well fight to the finish. If their ult is going to hit your team in a group fight, just R whoever they ulted away. If they stay in the backline just ult someone onto them and get an E stun. Once they're locked down by multiple people and don't have ult they are pretty useless. Eventually, get a Bramble Vest, and build an Abyssal Mask as your 3rd or 4th item so when you E them they take more damage. ”
joelspaho121 says “Abuse weak early game esp pre 6
d blade start with sorc tree.
kayle outscales you really hard from 6 and onwards so play super aggressively and try setting up a freeze before she hits 6 because that's the only way you win lane. Never push the lane for no reason because youll just give her free CS so always look for ways to deny CS.
When she first levels up R she becomes ranged which already makes it unfair for you since her active can deny you an ult reset in both duels and teamfights. So like I said try freezing, calling your jungler to camp you and get her out of the game to make it impossible for her to scale into late game.”
El Leon Gnar says “Kayle outscales you, but you should be able to easily kill her in lane. Pre-6 abuse her and push her off the wave, you can jump in whenever because she will never have any real kill pressure on you. Try to get ahead early so that you can end before she hits 16.”
Kaizin says “Abuse Kayle early before she becomes ranged, at this point it can be very hard to get onto her, as she has a slow, a movement speed buff and she's ranged. Taking the unflinching rune in this matchup will actually help quite a lot, due to the slow resistance. Bramble vest early will be good as her auto attacks don't do that much damage early. Early tier 2 boots will reduce how much she can kite you at 6+. From this point it's up to her to make a mistake, use brushes to avoid auto attacks and if she's using Press The Attack, try to avoid giving her the 3 auto attacks.”
I am so chill says “You destroy her at early use your q and burst damage to prevent her from taking cs freeze lane and punish her everytime she tries to take cs.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
Bully her until she hits 6 then pray for a gank. She gets stronger as she hits 6, 11, and 16, she does not even need to level her ult to get this massive power spikes. She is very weak in the early game so try and take advantage of that. Taking ignite might not be the worst idea just to try and get those early game kills. ”
Humitaxx says “Against Kayle you can go either Tank Sett or Regular Sett with Stridebreaker, just make sure to abuse her as much as you can, don't be afraid of taking a few autoattacks from her, since all she can do is run away from these before 6, get ahead as much as possible before this, since she will be able to kite you easier and then ult”
deathwalker7119 says “I'd recommend grasp or fleet here. Just look to all in her while parrying her skill-shot slow pre-6. Parry her ult post 6 or flash out of it, as it does a lot of damage and fucks your ult over. You need to land parry to stop her from spamming autos and running but overall pretty easy matchup.”
Knock her out and end before she reaches lvl 16 or its perma unwinnable, she will hard carry fights, peel for herself, etc. She's a force to be reckoned with and do not underestimate her lvl 1 and 2, it's fairly strong actually and you can end up getting yourself killed if you dont play properly. Hard to build around kayle, but anathemas chains helps later on.”
Nekosett says “This scaling champ will probably have better impact in teamfights then you most people cant kite so you can kill her 6 or 11 but in teamfights make sure that she dies as if she gets fed its really hard to win the game also you can abuse pre 6 can be alright but is mostly is really bad”
Excuruseh says “Lvl 2 and 3 all in if she oversteps, nothing she can do about it. If you can get a kill or 2 here, when she ascends it won't be a big problem with your damage. If not, she can be hard to get to with her being ranged and having slows.”
Womsky says “Scaling runes, its just a free lane, nothing much to say about it, she is melee early on, you can turn those first 6 level into a living hell for her, zone her off cs, beat her up, freeze the wave, then beat her ass with ghost if she ever over extends, later on she still struggles big time dealing with you in a 1v1, one of the easiest matchups out there”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Can be quite annoying if she goes PTA and tries to poke you out at level 1 before you can stack passive. In this case let her push which makes her vulnerable to early ganks. Once it pushes to your tower you can
stack your passive safely and look to all in her the moment you hit E. The matchup actually gets easier once you get past the early levels because you can kite her out with your Q and stick to her when she is running away. use minions to avoid her ultimate damage if need be and look to fight at all times if you can stack passive up.”
tibs2 says “Kayle is just so bad in the meta right now. Should probably be a 3 but at her current state you can just set up a wave to dive and then dive with your jungler or even just by yourself if you poke properly. I love seeing the enemy pick Kayle because it just feels like a free win right now.”
svjade says “Kayle starts off extremely weak and mana wasteful early game, which is a win for Akali. However, she scales massively the moment she gets her ult on level 6 and becomes long ranged. She becomes even more dangerous at level 11 as her basic attack will do more damage thanks to her passive. Akali will have to dodge all of her CC attacks to quickly execute her which is quite a challenge.”
Ponkstronk says “She can't do shit from lvl 1-5 so punish her. Go d shield and 2nd wind, she'll get lvl 6 eventually. After that it's gonna be harder. Always worth to trade your ult for her ult.”
XD001 says “Abuse her early. If she walks up for a creep you can deny, heavily trade with her and run away with your passive. You win trades with your sustain from corrupting pot. Even in levels 6-11 you can win 1v1 vs Kayle if you are good enough. If she is building shieldbow or riftmaker early make sure to pick up an early grievous wounds.
Mid late game you are looking to flank and 1 shot enemy back line like always. You dont win side lane split so you want to force as many fights as you can before Kayle lv 16.
Kayle heavily outscales Ekko.
electrocute + sorcery/inspiration + ignite.”
Noodles912 says “Freelo! Kayle cannot do anything to you early, nor can she destroy you late game. Just farm and outscale her. Remember she is melee before 6, so you can really abuse your range advantage. Late game, just blow her team up, because her ult can only save 1 player.”
Cayteer says “Before 6 , you can win some trades. At 6 she starts to harass you pretty hard. Try to not get in to the late game because Kayle outscales you hard.”
ThiccCheese1066 says “Snowball, Snowball, and dodge. Kayle is a motherfucker if she gets fed so you in turn need to get fed. Ask for ganks (but we all know when you need the nice jungler most you're gonna get a feeding Kayne) Whenever you can and when you see a chance pull her in and ult. She'll most likely ult as well but if your jungler is on their way that is the best bait.”
kohyss says “This is my current perma ban. before 6 she has no chance. After 6she will be very annoiyng. The most mandatory thing in this matchup is hitting your E. Play aggresive early a try to not let her scale. Also you can try to take ghost.”
PiscesPomf says “EASY LANE
I know, Kayle is really bad at the start of the game, every laner will destroy her early. BUT she will play safe and you will not kill her because she will just farm and wait. So it's a really easy lane but she scales very well and will be super strong at the end of the game. Try to make her back and make her loose a lot of minions.”
teemodumbstupid says “Another good lethality matchup. You can still win when she is level 16 if you have stacks. You almost always win as long as you keep on stacking.”
Urgodzilla says “Very annoying champion, you can't do much even before she gets lvl6 unless she is really stupid, because she has everything to stay away from you: slow, heal and speedboost. Don't waste your R on her R: wait a little bit and press your R second time to make sure her R runs out.”
Oskarl3 says “probably the easiest matchup for sion, try to slow her with your e and all in whenever you can. with phase rush and stridebreaker she will never be able to run away from you”
Tsundere Tahm says “Espera a que se confie y destruyela, es un miniom en early. Rushea Placa y si juega bajo torre, no te quedes parado, asegura cangrejo o rota a mid.”
negoZoma69 says “Neeko can zone kayle and abuse kayle's poor early game until level 6 where the lane becames pretty even, and pretty much unplayable for neeko from lv11 on if you didn't manage to snowball. ”
Draconic56 says “Kayle is usually an annoying laner for immobile champions like Mordekaiser but Morde has higher ranger so you can pretty much lock down the lane completely. Pre-6 she is free food. Post-6 she is also free food. The only reason the lane is difficult is due to the urgency of you having to gather a lead. If you don't stomp Kayle, she will outscale EVERYTHING super hard and take over the entire game. You need to gather a lead on her early. Land every CS, punish every mistake, get every kill.”
SanLourdes says “Kayle can be bullied hard in her early game, but whatever you do, DO NOT LET HER SCALE. She will completely overturn the game if she can scale and delete everyone in a few seconds. Deny her CS, pull her in with your E, use every ult on her, whatever, just punish her hard in the early game so she cannot scale. Build your regular items.”
Kokob5 says “Early Kayle isn't that hard to abuse. Unless she's very good. In the event she is you need to respect that she'll abuse you if you miss your E. Only all in her if you land it because she'll use Q to slow you and W to get away otherwise. Phase rush is an acceptable pick here over Conq.”
Hesychia says “Easy matchup if you dominate the lane before level 6, if you can't you will have a bad time. Try to play more agressive before her level 6 because you won't have any time to get near her when she reaches 6, she will just poke you poke you and poke you till death.”
SleeplessX says “Try to stomp her early, or get lane prio and help your team snowball, to counter her incredible scaling. Freezing and zoning her or diving with your jungler are good”
Dorom says “This match-up is samiliar to Tryndamere. Punish her pre six levels and then try to somehow outscale her. She becomes very powerful with 6 due to her long range autoattacks, more damage ect...”
pioj12 says “Rather ez matchup if you know how to make snowball, you got the ranged advantage to bully her on lane.At lvl 6 try to all in her even if you don't kill her your R has less cooldown than her.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Try to go for aggressive trades against kayle. She can't really do anything about that. Kite her a bit. Poke her when is in Meele form.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Very hard to play against without being kited. A bit tougher to kill her once she hits 6, but it's possible to poke her down and all-in especially when you hit 6. ”
Lunarisen says “Look, we all know that Kayle early is garbage; but no matter how tanky you get, she'll always outscale the whole team. She feeds on the late game so your only job when laning against her is to bully and deny her farm as much as possible while farming for yourself. Besides that, pray your team have won their lanes as well.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “The problem here it's that she can outscale you. You must go for her even after stomp her in lane. Don't let her revive in game. ”
Alekra says “Very difficult lane after lvl 6 but you can trade before that. Go full sustain with runes and early Spectre's Cowl. You can win if she makes the mistake of going melee. But she will always beat you after lv 6 if she knows what she is doing.”
Erenando says “You will be able to stack up easily pre 6. You can easily sustain with sheen and go for some kills on her since she is squishy af. She'll be a huge threat with lvl 16+ so make sure to destroy her early on and remember to stack your Q's.”
sock217 says “Is VERY Punishable early game, but once she gets that ranged auto-attack, she will be very much like On-Hit Bard. Your Ult makes Her Ult useless, So try to save your Ult in late game for her.”
ToinoEscaca says “Kayle's early game is weak, you can punish and zone her so that she doesn't get farm or even XP.
It's easy to kill and she knows that, so she'll play super safe and wait for the jungler.
On lvl.6 she still can't contest farm or punish your mistakes.
When she hits lvl.11, my advice its to get the lane phase done with.
She'll win the trades and eventually kill you.”
GrGamingTeo says “Nine out of ten games that you will go against a Kayle player he will most likely be a one-trick or have a million mastery points. Kayle players will not let you kill them for free. Concider getting Phase Rush for this matchup. Zone her away from minions and once she hits lv6 all you need to do is get a good scheese off of her if he tries to kite you you can activate Phase Rush and chase her and maybe get her ult or flash ar even kill her.”
Drumastermunch says “Hemmm, kill her, zone her, don't ever abandon your lane : same for nasus, your goal through the entire game is to prevent her from playing the game.”
LunaticDancer says “Very easy lane you should generally win, but if you fuck this up, you basically lose the game. It's a very volatile champ, so you need to bully her. Buying early Anathema's into her has made her later power more bearable, enabling me to win regardless.”
SpyDaFX says “must kill or get a lead before level 6, try to roam, try to get xp advantage over her and look for a big trade/all in at level 2 with ignite (e+w). you will shred her with ur conqueror and will get her flash or secure a kill.”
Ravenborne says “Abuse her pre 6 due to her low Damage. Let her push you in and when she is near your tower run her down with Ghost. When she is Level 6 E her and during the Pull ult her. Do not let her free farm, otherwise she will be a problem later on.”
Bear24 says “Run her down lvl 1-6. wait for her to ult then ult. if you guys trade ults your ult comes back first so kill her. She should never get ahead or be able to lane ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Both tiny and extreme. Pre 6 she kisses your feet, then post 6 you kiss hers. Play super aggressive early lane to try and get ahead.”
J0hnny Joestar says “Kayle isn't really much of an issue, even tho she's a range champion. tho she most likely won't let you touch her and will keep her distance. ”
ModelitoTime says “Run the against Ranged Runes 2 I have listed in the rune section for her. Build Stridebreaker first in this matchup and dont forget her ult counters your ult. when ulting her make sure you dont press the recast on the ultimate ability immediately. Wait for her to get hit with the ult and she reacts and ults herself. Once her ult is over recast the ability and secure your kill. Beware late game because she WILL outscale you tremendously ”
xxskipskipxx says “Play Aggressive and try to deny as much farm as you can !
E her E!
Trade as much as you can before she hits 6!!
After 6 you can engage when she uses Q! Hold on to your R2 for after her R expires!
Her R immortality expires a few seconds After the swords fall from the sky !!”
Hippo Boi says “Try abusing her early game as much as you can. After lvl 6 it's really a pain in the ass. Try asking your jungler for help, since you can CC her for a long time.”
ineptpineapple says “What a pain generally has similar poke and really outscales you late game but you do mess her up early game so bully her as much as you can early game and use your ultimate wisely.”
Hyzerik says “They gave her a early game so it is very hard to stay in the game if you fall behind. Play as aggressive as possible as early as possible and try to get your items first and if you can get a kill with flash, as long as you don't die, do it!”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Skill E 2nd to block her E damage and than rip her apart. After lvl 6 she is ranged wich is sad but if you manage to Poke her properly she will probably waste her Ult after wich you can Kill her easily ”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Take the Hail of Blades page. All in her every time she steps to CS pre 6. I build Triforce in this match to nuke her when she tries to fight us. Deny her xp and farm by zoning. She has no threat pre 6 if played right.”
Raideru says “Very easy matchup, zone lvl 1 with e to deny xp if she tries to fight you just short trade her and take the hp advantage trade and play for lvl 2-3 every time she walks too close or wastes q to farm just jump on her and trade her u completely counter her kit. I advise Fleet with Dblade.”
LeSocair says “Q her, and again, and again, and again, and again.
E her all the time and bait her R if you go for the kill.
EU_Toxicity says “Pre-6 this is one of the easiest matchups in the entire game. Zone her from CS and threaten all-ins with ghost. After 6 if she gets into your lethal R dunk range, pull and use your R right away so she wouldn't be able to ult during the cc .”
narsil reforged says “Teoria do Teemo. Se tem um boneco que consegue não te deixar chegar perto por conta da velocidade de movimento, e te auto-ataca de longe, é um boneco a ser evitado. Se te dá slow, pior ainda; se anula o teu dano e regeneração quando a barra de vida do WW estiver baixa por conta da invulnerabilidade da ultimate, evite ao máximo.
Pegue runas de sustain e peça ajuda ao Jungler, se ele vacilar e deixar você chegar perto, destrua-o o mais rápido possível conjurando o q para se reposicionar atrás dele+fear "insecando". Se ele não estiver 6, é uma kill quase garantida. Uma cadeia de cc com o R+W level 6 com o jungler garante a kill, uma vez que ela não tem muita vida. Aproveite aos máximos as pequenas oportunidades que ela ocasionalmente te dará vacilando ou jogando mal; no early game, ela te caita, no late game ela aniquila.
No mid game, um pickoff na side com um item ou dois pode te garantir uma kill, porém, Seja esperto.”
LowElobuilds says “Easy Pre lvl 6 then she becomes semi hard due to her becomming ranged but if you play your lane right she wont be an issue untill she reaches lvl 11 and 16 where she gets OP.”
iZeal says “Kayle pre-6 is easy to beat if you can catch her. Be wary of her wonky hitbox as she appears much larger than her actual hurtbox. Kayle will gain range and increased strength at 6 and 11 and once she has Hextech Gunblade it'll get very hard to reach her in the first place between Q slow, W speedup and her damage. Her ultimate can screw up your resets or even flat out deny any bleed stacks.
DBlade/DShield, Swifties/Tabis/Mercs, Phage, later on Adaptive Helm.”
DasGrauen_ says “You hard stomp every Kayle early and outdamage her hard.. She has no resistance and you can kill her very easily. But after lv 11-16 you cant do a shit against that ”
bocchicken says “She isn't a champion until lvl 11. She DOES outscale HARD, but if you solo kill her early (which is very easy since she isn't ranged until lvl 6) you can snowball and end the game before she has a chance to even play. ”
NoxianBlood says “If she gets Bork and Rageblade and goes Nashor full Attack speed, she will melt you very fast that you won't even press a button going into Sion Passive in less than a second, I think you can handle her in lane, but don't feed her she will outscale you very hard, ban her, or all in her with multiple CC lockdowns, she's is ranged at a certain level and she will kite you to hell, one thing you can do is using fog of war that might get her by surprise and kill her very quickly with lethality turning the game around, stand in the bush and full combo her.”
Vilemin says “its about how good is your team and kayle on it own if shes feeded you are pretty much garanted that you are dead but if you are feeded too it depends on items and runes”
byThiagus says “3ra pagina de runas Con triunfo y velocidad de ataque de secundarias y espada de doran. No la dejes farmear, pre 6 LA DESTRIUS despues del 6 Trata de no comerte mucho poke popea fantasmal y chaseala. A partir de nivel 13 se complica si estan parejos en farm y no la pudiste solokillear Pero es muy facil matar a este champ en todo el early incluso podes hacer un 1v2 a nivel 3”
Boblet says “Try not to push up and let her camp tower. Kayle is super safe this season and isn't on your list of big fatties to send it with.
She does however get punked on in 4 punches when you get a couple crit items, so that's a plus.”
Stijnzxz says “U smack her so hard with BORK omg but if her JG fucks u on toplane and she got the kills u are gonna have a hard time and so does ur team.”
TristanofJugdral says “Phase rush Kayle makes her early game so safe. If you can get on her lvl 1 she shouldn't lose. Go for small trades when she doesn't bring phase rush because once she's lvl 6 your laning phase gets much harder. ”
AWierdShoe says “Contest the push with Q level 1 while trying to shield her poke. Level 2-5 you should be looking for extended trades with 6 empowered Q’s whenever you can and push her out of lane or kill her. Try to get the blade up the lane while farming and when she walks up to get the Q on you drag the blade through her to shield the damage and taunt onto her while she’s slowed and walk with her to Q again.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Level 1-3 Contest cs -> she walks up, poke with Q -> let wave push to you (only last hit) -> set up a freeze -> run her down when she walks up for cs
Level 3 With the freeze go for trades -> After 1 to 3 trades she will be low enough for an all-in
Level 6 Go in to bait her R -> Back away if she will be able to kill you after her R damage etc -> If she won't be kill you, keep up with her and kill her after R is over
When you chase her she will look to use her Q to slow you down. Either block it with W or dodge it with a side step or dash
Scoothare says “She is annoying, her scaling is scary. Just ask for a few ganks and shut her down early and you should be good. You have way more CC then her on lower cooldowns. She should run out of mana early.”
eBrixton says “You can run through Kayle early on, but once she hits six, unless your jungle is going to sit on you like sumo wrestler, she will ranged poke you down or passively farm until she gets 2 items. She'll then use these items to ram your harder than a crack house's door in an FBI drug bust (If you know, you know :) ). Perma Ban her or dodge on sight always.”
StrikeX114 says “Before level 6, you can win trades and potentially solo kill her due to her low health and damage output. Between levels 6 and 11, you can trade roughly evenly with her, but you have to be mindful of her range. After level 11, you cannot win lane, as she greatly out-ranges you and can damage you faster than you can heal yourself. Your main goal is to keep her from scaling as much as possible.”
Saarlichenbog says “Although Kayle could be a major threat, ultimately without her being absurdly overtuned at the moment she essentially goes dead even with Kalista at most stages of the game if not slightly favoured for Kalista when considering last season. Kalista bullies her slightly more early game although Kayle has reasonable sustain through it whilst late game its flipped except Kalista doesn't completely fall off and can keep up quite well. It's just a matter of skill.”
Captain Dantems says “Você tem mais dano no early, aproveite e acabe com o jogo antes dela ficar forte. Grasp com inspiração ou chamuscar. Poção corrupta, anel de Doran, cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida ou com refil.”
LOLArfopi says “Pretty easy matchup. Just make sure to snowball the lane to prevent her from 1v9-ing the match. She almost always takes PTA, so don't be brainless and get kited. Q in, W, Auto until E stun, then run out. Easy.”
ItsPaulygon says “You beat her early, but during the late game, she can out scale you. The reason why she is a major threat, is because of her late game power spike. Try to abuse her out of lane early, but be careful, she can still mean trouble for you in the early game with her ranged attacks. Bait out her Q and then trade. Don't underestimate a good Kayle player, so play smart and try to not let her scale.”
TheMightyNinja says “She has no answer to Shen's extended trades till level 6, if you manage to keep her away from farming it will set her behind enough. try to freeze the wave at your tower to stay safe from enemy ganks and have way to chase her when you get a good chance.
The best thing to do is to deny her as much farm as you can since she scales later in the game, depending on how far ahead you can get yourself and your team the matchup is debatable.”
open_48 says “Don't let her farm from the beginning and never let her have it first, otherwise she'll start attacking you from a distance.
don't use your R when she uses hers.”
llametekudasai says “es muy facil matarla, fast combo ulti + ignite y deberia morir con las 5 marcas, en el caso de tener su ulti esperen a que ella la utilice para apretar R.”
aiSky says “Kled is a great option dealing with squishy champions thanks to his damage and movility, so it should be easy to play against them and get some kills.
If they poke you too much, you can always start with Doran Shield and still kill them without much trouble.”
wolfclaw3812 says “Kayle can't do anything to you before level 6, and after level 6, you can still run her down. AP or on-hit build will work for this one. ”
NotAMicrowave says “Kayle will outrange and outscale you for most of the game if you don't shut her down pre-11 or pre-6 even. If you can land your ult on her during teamfights you can take her and her ult out of the ”
Nicklstherealone says “You wont Outscale and in Early you wont even be able to Engage her because of her W (Speed/Heal) and even if you do her Ult cancels your Execute and whole Damage. Ouh and she is AP Ranged. Kill her before 3.”
IncursioOCE says “This champion is so underrated her early damage cannot be rivalled unless you get a perfect combo on her early game, she will out scale you and make your lane a very boring farm lane, the main way to win is by leaving the lane.”
Frostyfps says “As long as you play around her poke pre 6 you should be able to solo kill early and snowball the lane, if you don't have a lead post-6 then you'll need jungle assistance to win fights, you'll wanna have low health minions ready when fighting post-6 to q out of her ult, if you have a lead then you win fights 100% of the time if you play it correctly. DO NOT TOWER DIVE IF SHE HAS R UP.”
Time1Save says “Any minion, any mistake is her death. Do not give her the opportunity to farm, humiliate her as much as you can. If you delay the game, nothing will save you. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
Defensivity1 says “Start Cpot, then Dirk rush is the best against kayle, gives damage to your ghouls, all in her with 4 ghouls before level 6 and it should be an easy kill, After dirk just get Tri.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Kayle is useless against Morde early, and even when it is late game, Morde puts up a good fight, and if he gets really ahead, he will continue to stomp her throughout the game. ”
TangoVallhala says “Ez pz if you dont play dumb, kill her as many times as possible pre six, make her miss xp and farm, try getting your JG to tower dive if possible, but also watch out for hers, a JG will have hard prio on her. Doesnt really become a problem for you until lv 16. If she splits try and have you or someone else mirror her.”
Luceris says “Grasp or Glacial Runes
Runes are up for debate because the lane can go many different ways. Glacial gives you the chance to get an early kill off if the Kayle over extends and takes too much poke to CS. But Grasp helps you in the Post-6 Trades. I find this lane to be quite difficult as you attract alot of JG attention from the enemies and tend to get ganked alot. Kayle scales much harder than you, if you think the game could go to 25-30 minutes then Glacial might be your best bet, as slowing her in the late game can be the difference between living and your whole team dying.”
Sa1tykid says “Another late game monster, you can kill her pretty early since she doesn't have her ranged aa yet. Otherwise just farm and wait for jungler to gank. ”
MisterDerpFace says “Bully her in early game and then you just have to worry about her ult and her teamates.
BTW: make sure she uses her ult first before you try to R her.”
EternalBadPlayer says “Idk if its just me but ffs I cant play vs Kayle with Darius. Kayle has slow, speeds herself, heals herself, and her R completely disables Darius R. I always ban Kayle also because she can just press R on ADC and we are doomed. She will stay top lane and farm, sometimes TP bot/mid to grab some kills and if you lose early game (laning faze) its gg.”
Kief says “Easy before 6. C'mon though, invincibility? It's better than yours in a 1v1 match up. Can easily kill her before late game if you bait the ult out.”
Kayle since her rework hasn't been performing great, but due to a mini rework that makes her E not. I've seen that she's getting a mini rework where her E now has no Mana Cost, but still this is a pretty Nasus sided matchup, since she now loses the mana refund of Q making it super hard for her to poke you. Look to farm in this lane and once you get lvl 6 + Sheen and Boots (she can kite you really well, so don't underestimate Boots) and then look to all in her. Similar to Garen, when she W's she not only heals but she gets a movement speed buff so look to use your W after she use her W. Even full build, its really hard for her to kill you due to the ammount of resistances you get with R, also you can build tank while still infinitively stacking damage with Q. Later on to the game look to splitpush since in teamfights she can become really annoying due that she can protect her allies with W and R while dealing a lot of damage. She can decently hold you but look to do a short trade with E + Q combo and it will chunk her really hard to the point her lifesteal with Hextech Gunblade and W aren't enough, do it consistantly and then dive her with Ghost whenever she is low enough.”
SkellyBirb says “Kayle can do quite a bit of damage once she hits level 6. She has sustain and range, but if you get 6 before her, you can all in her for an easy flash or possible kill most of the time.”
SubHuman Filth says “Go aery or grasp.
You can hard poke her early game, but as soon as shes lvl 6 she wins most trades.
Id recommend go 3 points in q.
Dont let her ahead, she will destroy you. Focus on farm.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Kayle is EXTREMELY weak in the early game. She is melee until level 6so that means she is forced to either use spells to get minions or to walk up and auto attack. Even without much fury level one if kayle walks up and auto attacks a minion we need to position our character forward to auto attack her when she goes for the minion and the spin on her to extend the trade. Often times we can burn her flash levels one or two. Another big part of the matchup is when both characters hit 6, Tryndameres ult is a 110 second cooldown at level 1 however Kayle's ultimate level 1 has a 160 second cooldown. So if you ult and try to dive her or fight her and she ults and disengages. We have a 50 second window to kill her with an ultimate advantage if we wait for our ult to come back up. Mid-late game splitpush Tryndamere will win, and even when kayle hits level 16 Tryndamere still has a really good chance of winning the 1v1 especially if she is away from her turret.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Kayle is EXTREMELY weak in the early game. She is melee until level 6so that means she is forced to either use spells to get minions or to walk up and auto attack. Even without much fury level one if kayle walks up and auto attacks a minion we need to position our character forward to auto attack her when she goes for the minion and the spin on her to extend the trade. Often times we can burn her flash levels one or two. Another big part of the matchup is when both characters hit 6, Tryndameres ult is a 110 second cooldown at level 1 however Kayle's ultimate level 1 has a 160 second cooldown. So if you ult and try to dive her or fight her and she ults and disengages. We have a 50 second window to kill her with an ultimate advantage if we wait for our ult to come back up. Mid-late game splitpush Tryndamere will win, and even when kayle hits level 16 Tryndamere still has a really good chance of winning the 1v1 especially if she is away from her turret.”
Darrkescru says “Runa : Aery, Eletrecutar
Puna ela muito puxando a lane e pokeando em baixo da torre pois nos primeiros leveis ela e melee
Rushar : Pistola Hextech ou Liandry's
Swaim says “kayle early game (pre6) is not that hard but after 6 she will just farm with her range and out scale you so not much you can do in this matchup unless you are ganked ”
ZergDood says “Try your best to bully her before 6. If you didn't kill her before 6, things can get pretty ugly. Respect her powerspikes, she outscales most of the champions in the game. Try to end the match as fast as possible. If that doesn't happen, try to get her out of teamfights with your R and lock the carry. Don't dive on her post-6.”
qazx1427 says “Good news? You win lane until she hits L11. Bad news? L11. Any Kayle with a brain won't let you go near her, and any ganks can be stopped with a well-timed W. She's got no way to leave your wall, at least, but the moment she hits 16, it's game over.”
Ayanleh says “Try to get magic resist. Her late game compared to yours is equal but your early - mid is stronger than her's. Try to get blasting wand then look for aggressive plays as she needs atleast 2-3 items to deal good dmg. Use your W shielding when she uses her ult.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “This champion is extremely weak pre lvl 6, but after 6, oh boy, it can get rough.
You go boots 4 pots here, E lvl 1 and try to zone her from the experience of the 3 first meele mininos. She either has to fight you and lose a ton of hp or she loses experience from 3 meele minions. Win win.
Take armor or MR based on enemy jungle.”
Twist21 says “This champion is a minion before lvl 6 and even after that you should win easily.I would go flash ghost in this matchup tho since she can kite you later in the game.”
wallobear53 says “Harass her as much as possible with any ranged ability and Auto-Attack pre-six. She doesn’t have ranged Autos at that point and can easily be killed by the means of ganks and all-ins.
Her Q will be the main source of harass for her in this lane so avoid it at all times. Remember that it can go through minions for a short distance so don’t stand behind them directly and take free damage.
Constant ganks are needed to shut her down and prevent her from scaling. Freeze the wave near your tower and keep ganking her till she is scared to play too far forward. At that point, you can just zone her out with your presence.
renneleous says “Her early is where you have to be the most aggressive to prevent her from Reaching 6 efficiently, farming, and items. If not then the game can be very rough for you to win. Her late game, aka level 16 spike. makes her very scary to the point of destroying even the most fed of Summoners in team fights and one on one fights.”
Horu says “Basically a free lane, she loses mana poking you which you just heal back up every time you poke her with your combo. Bait out her heal with a fake advance so when you go in to trade, she has no way to escape”
M.P.C says “Currently, she's extremely weak in the early game but a monster in late game. Bully her into submission to delay her 3 item power spike and as much as possible end the game as quickly as possible, even if she gets behind, she comes back HARD the longer the game drags on.”
Ashookaa says “abuse her before 6 when she walks up to farm all in and force her to recall early when she gets 6 she can farm from a distance so force her to push so ur jgl cn gank so she wont farm and get items and fast lvl 16”
Teemain says “She sucks early game, but do NOT let her roam around the map, or GOD FORBID let her reach her lvl 16...
Make sure you end the game FAST or try to gank her with your teammates when she's isolated.
Her ranged attacks combined with her very op protective R spell makes teamfights a very BAD time.”
Teemain says “She sucks early game, but do NOT let her roam around the map, or GOD FORBID let her reach her lvl 16...
Make sure you end the game FAST or try to gank her with your teammates when she's isolated.
Her ranged attacks combined with her very op protective R spell makes teamfights a very BAD time.”
ModxLoL says “Kayle is one of Riven's easiest matchups. Just stand in front of every minion she wants to go for while her q is down, and full combo her. It's easy to dive her too once you poke her down a little bit. At level 6, it's easy to all in her, and keep in mind that her ult at lvl 1 is an insanely long cooldown, so you can punish her whenever she uses that. Try to not let your ult go into her ult. Make sure she is stunned or knocked up when you ult so you can kill her before she can use it. ”
Stiwy says “From level 1 to 10 you destroy her.
When she gets level 11 she can fire back but still you should be able to kill her if you use your R correctly.
When she finally reaches level 16 it will be hard to take her down.
Try to use your early advantage to pressure the map and take objectives.
If you see that the JGL is premade with her, probably he is going to camp you.
Start Cull and be aware of the fact that she is a late game monster.”
9690 says “D-Blade. She is a very easy matchup early, so shut her down as much as you can so she can't scale as hard. you can deny her so much xp and cs pre-6. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
Fourpaws33 says “Bully. Don't let her cs and get levels and abuse her before 6. Careful of range and still abuse her. She's extremely squishy so you can one shot her all game and still outplay her with your r. ”
E_IS_POWER says “She got some Buffs and they worked but You should have no Trouble against her. [1]If she uses her heal when she's in your Q Range, Run her down the lane. [2]If she uses Q on the wave, you can run her down the lane. [3]Her E is an Execute so If you're low on HP, it's worth Parrying. [4]Parrying her Ult is good if it's a 1v1. [5]Set up a Freeze because Kayle Players get a lot of attention from their Junglers.”
FallenAngel149 says “Kayle is like Tryndamere in that you have to really shut them down early. Your Q deals better damage than her E early if you stay healthy. Since you're building Deaths Danxe you'll be negating all of her damage if you crush her early.”
BloodyDream81 says “Ce match up est un peu particulier, Kayle n'a aucune chance de te battre en début de partie, avant son niveau 6 tu peux littéralement l'empêcher de jouer et la tuer si elle ne respecte pas assez, une fois niveau 6 c'est un peu plus compliqué car ses AA deviennent distances, et elle possède son ultime pour contrer le tiens, mais cela reste jouable, car si tu lui force un all in ou elle ne peut pas reculer sous tourelle elle n'aura toujours aucune chance ! En revanche, si une fois qu'elle est niveau 11, tu n'as pas beaucoup d'avance sur elle en terme d'exp et de gold, tu n'as plus aucune chance et il te faut reculer quand tu la voie, attendre de l’assistance pour l'affronter.
Astuce : Jouer Rush phasique, faire rapidement tes tabi ninja et 1 phase te permet d'abuser l'early de kayle qui est son point faible, et il te faut vraiment en profiter pour la mettre au fond, car kayle est un réel cauchemar en fin de partie, qui peut annihiler une équipe entière toute seule dans les bonnes conditions. ”
Dantheman81 says “Kayle is an interesting matchup, she is very easy to kill until she gets 2 or 3 items finished. Harass her as much as you can to slow down her itemization, and try to bait out or utilize when he ult is down. If she is ahead of you I recommend building an Adaptive helm.”
Xplor says “Kayle is not a threat on low-levels but can be on late game if played right.
You can easily take him down pre-6 and you should but beware and play smart. ”
Hunter Frenzy says “1v1: SA & Dom |
vs Burst JG: E & Res |
vs MS JG: PR & Dom |
Boots: Beserker's |
1st Core Item: Nashor's Tooth |
Spell Upgrade Order: Q 1st up to 3rd lvl”
bakk0n says “Kayle post level 6 is an opressive laner against melee champion in the top lane. Try your best to abuse her pre-level 6. Hard pokes, all ins and zoning her out of farm are preferrable. While Mordekaiser does not have the strongest early game of the Top lane, he is still an opressive pick and you need to express that against Kayle.”
Colin0224 says “CANCER CANCER CANCER. idk like dodge? you can try to beat her with 1 shot build if you cheese a few kills but she out-scales and kills your whole team”
Alzeidx says “Hard matchup, she will slow you and run, its hard to kill her, you might have a chance early if you take ignite on Top. After lvl 6 it will be really hard to kill her, all in early, ask for ganks.”
ForOrion says “Basically a walking kill. Her melee form level 1-5 is so punishable that pyke can legit walk into her and she melts under the HOB damage. Always bring long sword to this fight, and ignite for an easy first blood.”
Dedrick says “You win easy pre-6. Once she hits lvl6 just stick to bushes and poke her down with Qs before walking up and finishing her. Don't dive her while she has ult up.”
Lobban says “Overated opponent. Go in for a W+E+Q when you can early. You NEED to get 6 before her. Or atleast go all in when her ult is on cd. And always keep an eye out for when her E is on cd.”
MrClockWorks says “You can bully her hard early but chances are she'll play really far back until level 6. Bilgewater cutlass active is huge this matchup to kill her early but she will outscale you if the game isn't over before she gets lvl 16 and goes god mode. You can still deal with her team of course if you get a lead early so try hard.”
report singed ty says “Kayle is just gonna scale on you and 1v9 your team no matter how good you are and how bad she is. Pretty cool.
She can also peel you away from flinging her every single time so you don't really get to fight her unless she screws up big time.”
Sq_09 says “Doable at first but scales away. You can't really poke her too so I would recommend not buying Cull unless she's agressive. You can't rly outkite her bc she's also ranged and outdamaging her would be hard. ”
Kingarthur720 says “one of the hardest amtchups for graves lategame. Kayle is one of the champions hwo are literally considered ez win late game. You need to keep her in check and make her go behind early game if not shell snowball out of control and will probably carry the game. I recommend fleet runes or dark harvest to scale better into the late game.”
TentiTiger11 says “Personally, I hate kayle. They out scale you by AUs. It is scary. They have high poke at lvl 3. At lvl 6, they gain ranged auto attacks, poking you in lane. At lvl 11, they have huge cone auto attacks. Their scaling is a nightmare to deal with. I usually ban morde, kayle, or talm kench most of the time. To deal with them, try to get your jg to gank before kayle is lvl 6.”
Shoqi says “HardCounter
A ideia do Ornn é ser um TANK que muito Armor e MR.
Fora que o Ornn não consegue punir muito a Kayle. Por ela ser ranged, ela consegue aplicar pressão e conforme o jogo avança, ela bate mais em você.”
ShaharKarisi says “Shyvana is very strong early on, but on the contrary Kayle is very weak early on with no mobility. Try to trade heavily and negate Kayle's scaling. Call for ganks often because if she scales properly, she is a scary champion.”
SirDrPotato says “She is easy to bully in lane and very easy to be camped thanks to the fact that she's so squishy and has no mobility. Freeze your lane - I'll explain freezing and more wave management stuff later in the guide, but freezing is pretty much the act of trying to maintain minions in a certain area of the lane, usually close to your turret - and ask for ganks.”
LloydOrchid says “Bully pre-6. Don't feed her since she can 1v9 if she gets fed. If she's ahead, try to make her use her ult so you can kill her down.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Squishy as hell, but scales decently and the longer the game goes on the more impossible she will be to deal with. However, her early game is pretty bad, which you can abuse to hell and back since she is very item and level reliant and if she falls behind the only thing she can hope for is to farm and stall the game until she hits her powerspikes. Early game is relatively simple, play aggressively and deny her as many last hits as you can, but try to not push TOO hard or else she will just last hit underturret. Since she is melee until level 6 that means she can only farm from range with Q and E, and if the former doesn't hit you she can run out of mana fairly fast. Simply keep up the pressure and ensure she at least doesn't farm too much, else she will just begin to outscale and become a nightmare in the late game. If you get a lead however congrats, you can roam at your leisure since she is basically a canon minion.
Ignite works wonders for the early game, but if you are confident you can with the matchup without it, you can go TP instead. HoB, Conqueror and Fleet are all useful.”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, Kayle has super high DPS, And kiting potential, But you can kill her if you play right, Trade alot and try to poke her low, Her mana costs are high so abuse that.”
Circas says “As a Kayle player myself if you actually get to load into a game against a Kayle and she didn't dodge in champion select she is trolling.
This is one of those match ups that Kayle cannot do anything and just takes whatever abuse you want to dish out.
I wouldn't even classify Kayle as a champion before level 6, more like an over sized angelic cannon minion that gives you more gold when you kill it.
Also keep in mind her ultimate is 160 second cool down so it is even longer than yours.
You win this match up VERY hard.
Seriously if you ever some how manage to lose this match up you need to close League of Legends and re think life in general.
I joke but please don't lose it.”
Rivenetto says “Early game so easy,before level 6 always trade her and dont let her farm.She outscales you so make sure u end the game before level 16.”
JohnakaCane says “Kayle is an easy match up, you can farm her for gold before lvl 6 and even keep diving her, get ahead as much as you can and rush mobility items to have ways to keep up the lead”
LycheeMochigome says “Find a time when she is attacking the minion pre 6 and just e + q and get a really good trade in. keeping her dead and not leveled is the best way for you to snowball”
OakenshieldXVI says “She got armor breaker and cc. Abuse your early game and try to win the game soon as possible, or else she'll turn into a monster on the late game.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Kayle can't do much damage to you at all while you're in your W. She's very weak pre 6, so bully her as much as you can before then to slow her scaling.”
DabPajusDab says “You win easily until lvl 6. After lvl 6 she will become ranged. After lvl 11 she will begin to deal tons and tons of damage. Try to get advantage untill lvl 6. ABUSE THE EARLY GAME.”
Loki029 says “Like Illaoi or Irelia, Try too dodge, run, block her Poke, deny her creeps with Standing in her creeps ( No AA just skills too poke her !!!) SIlence before Ultimate... (Q after her Q should be clear)”
Oblak says “Kayle gets destroyed very easily, she starts to get strong only at the late game, you can do a all-in at level 3 and make the first blood without problems. When she starts to fall out of the game. Start some roaming, she can't do anything against it.”
AkenoSenpai says “Very weak champion in early, which requiers farm to pop off. In this match up instead of slowpushing towards your opponent, instead freeze the wave to deny as much farm as possible early on. This is a lane where passing on early tiamat is a good idea as it makes it harder to freeze.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You do win this lane pretty easily before level 6 and if you play it correctly even after level 6 you still beat her. Start The Cull as you really need to get an item advantage and she can't stop you from farming. Try to bait out her ultimate using yours and then engage again for the kill as you don't really need your ultimate in order to kill her. She can poke you out in lane so I recommend taking Fleet Footwork and running Teleport as oppose to Ignite.”
6MillionBreads says “Pre-6 is easy farm lane for you as Zac, you outsustain her harass and can get tons of free Undying Grasp procs on her. After 6 neither of you really have kill pressure on each other without jungler assistance so just wait for ganks, keep up farm, and maybe try to roam mid with E for kills”
ForgottenProject says “Q poke her early game
Kayle has no keystone so she’s weak early/mid
Parry her R damage. It negates the slow and slows her so you can finish her off
Usually you can fast combo her, force her ult. Parry it and finish the job
Don't let her free farm after you smash her, she will come back strong.”
Pedrokis says “Muito fácil de se jogar contra, principalmente no começo. / Pega ignite e abusa muito dos seus Qs. / Caso ela tente fugir com o W, usa seu W com o Q pra garantir o puxão, daí acaba com ela. / O seu objetivo é matar ela muitas vezes, evitar que ela farme e não deixar ela crescer, por que Kayle com muito farm carrega facilmente.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Also a very easy match up for Gangplank. Her early game is very abuse able so you can poke her and you can lane barrels. Bully her out of lane so she isn't such a major threat later in the game. ”
The Lost Drawing says “Le ganas el early-game y el late es 50-50.
Armate 'brillo' para tu 'trinidad' porque si no la matas o al menos la sacas de linea te va a deletear en las TF mucho mas facil”
Pickle Pick says “try to shut her down early, like you usually would, but she can be a pain if she gets ganks. If she gets ahead it's really really hard to come back. Especially since her late game is arguably better than Ornns”
Daedralus says “Annoying lane due to her slows and speed up heals and especially her R. However, as her melee time is her weakness and it is most apparent within earlier times of the game, it gives you the opportunity to heal back . She also cannot use R while you have your R on her as she will be suppressed. A jungler coming to help once you get 6 can almost be considered a guaranteed kill.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Kayle may be strong late game, but she is not good in the early game. Quinn can easily burst her down and snowball the advantage, to help Quinn reach her 3rd item powerspike.
Tip: Always look for all-ins when she uses her E to last-hit minions in the early game. ”
feederfromelohell says “Mages in general are really bad against Sion on lane. Kayle has possibly the worst early game of all before lvl 11, so you should be able to crush her even easier than Lissandra.”
Big Belly Bop says “ABUSE your range advantage early on, Pre-6 she cannot do much to you. Post-6 she will start to out scale you and 1v1'ing her becomes much harder. Deny her CS, and coordinate ganks to shut her down. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Burst rune page.”
ExfIamed says “Pretty easy, just full combo her everytime she uses her slow, all you really need to watch out for his her ult. Bait her ult out before you ult and if she holds it till shes 1 hp just wait as long as you can and ignite her and she'll still die.”
R3action says “She can slows you and speed herself up, making your E ( slow ) useless and your W ( Wall ) harder to use. As she become ranged it is harder for you to fight her”
9690 says “Easy lane. We can trade early with her, look for pulls with E and abuse her short range early. At 6 we can just all in and kill her every time.”
Loevely says “Any rune with a lot of damage works vs Kayle. You need to abuse her as hard as possible early or she becomes a farm bot that never dies until 16. ”
numpadddd says “Not the biggest threat until 6 (when she becomes ranged) dont get baited by her ult (she can cancel your R with it) annoying at 6 and higher but winnable”
Aizenvolt says “The new Kayle is a little easier than the old one when you face her pre 6. She cant do any damage to you when she activates her ult which was annoying before because she could keep hitting you while she was invulnerable, but he ult still does some damage at the end so watch out. Before lvl 16 she has to stack her passive so its easier to kill her while the passive is not stacked becasue she doesnt have alot of damage. If you fight her with a stacked passive then you will lose alsmot every time, if you aren't extremely fed. Late game you don't have her, because she does insane damage and unless you are extremely fed and your ult is fully stacked you don't stand a chance.”
Defensivity1 says “Kayle will become really strong once she hits level 16, against kayle it is recommanded to go with the conqueror page however, grasp should do a fine job aswell. do not be affraid to trade against kayle before level 6 and throw a lot of ghouls on her. against kayle you should start with cull and potion as she is really weak early and cant punish your lack of a dorans shield.”
Quezel says “This matchup can be quite annoying as Kayle beats you for the first few levels in short trades and can poke you out at 6 as well as dodge your e very easily with her movespeed from w and passive try to chase her down in your r with ghost to help stick to her and force her into long trades pre 6 as you win these quite hard.”
SNOBOY says “Kayle is very annoying. She can poke, kite, heal your poke, and has her ult. While this seems really bad, you can actually poke her down and combo her well. While her ult will block all damage taken if they have to have really good reaction time to stop your combo. Just ult, q, e, ignite and she should die. Try baiting out her ult if you can and once she burns it go ham. Right now with Lethal Tempo Kayle is extremely strong. You basically are going to get smoked by her all game. Pray for ganks.”
mightydylan101 says “Kayle is pretty easy to beat you just have to be sure not to be caught out of position if he's low as he can ult and quickly turn the fight.”
ProgettoYorick says “Kayle is up to you to destroy her, even during level 6 she can't do anything, she also uses her R! if it is closed by the W with ghouls on your side it will be easy to knock it down.
Advice from OTP:
try not to do stupid things against her, you can allow me some mistakes, if you make too many, the lane will be lost”
hotdog93 says “Deceivingly good level 1, so don't try to cheese her. Hard to kill early if she has bone plating, can sometimes win lane with lethality. Try to get your jungler to repeat gank her if you can, she's a ticking time bomb until she's a level 11 2 item right clicking machine. ”
linsher19 says “She's scary late game but she doesn't do that much damage early on so use that advantage on stacking thoses Qs and you will destory her ”
ThisIsJustSad says “1. This is not a fun champion to play against.
2. If Kayle does not have fleet footwork, you can freeze early and get a strong early lead.
3. The big problem is that Kayle R stops you from Proccing vitals, meaning that you cannot cannot cannot teamfight until you see who Kayle Rs. Even if she's 0/10, she can still effectively beat you in team fights.
4. Also, she scales really hard even when behind, so she'll always be a threat you're forced to deal with.”
Skarner Main says “I dont really struggle vs kayle because if you get 45% cdr this bird cant move
just try farm and go for some short trades and all in her if you got the chance to kill her”
Karnan says “With corrupting pots and inspiration tree she just has a ton of sustain. Early executioners and bully her from creeps. She will outscale you but not until late late game. Even if she R your R you can still get a easy pick if you drag the person away from their team. ”
DerpzGG says “If you take cheesy runes, she’s gonna Have a HUGE delay for her late game potential, Plus, You can kill her before she can kite you. Watch out for the ult clutches Tho.”
spark2 says “You almost never see Kayle mid-lane after her rework (actually you almost never see her period). Her early game is super duper weak, so dodge her very telegraphed Q and make her life hell before she scales into space and wins teamfights by herself.”
Asothin says “She has mobility sustain and she can also poke you back. However she has no instant gap closer so landing your E>Q>Q>Q combo is still possible and your ult still works when she has her so when she uses Intervention you can simply R and stop her from doing majority of the damage. None the less still a tough match-up”
picklehater77 says “Pre-6 she should be easy to deal with, especially with Kleptomancy being a non-factor nowadays. However, if you can't get her behind before then you'll have a miserable time since she can kite you infinitely after level 6. ”
Kalrex says “Like Trynd, her ult also negates your ult. Sort of annoying, but you should be able to out-trade her until ~20 minutes and when she panic uses it to try and run, just spear her in the back when it goes down for the easy kill. Her range gets sort of annoying post-6, but she will shred you at her level 11/16 power spike. Obviously, she scales harder than you”
SirZeros says “If she ults herself (or anyone else) just ult them. When they're unzhoniassed (is this a word?), they won't have the ult anymore. You generally should to burst her down mid-late but don't be too sure of that.”
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: PTA Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal and doran's ring to a good poke.
//I reccomend you do mercury's threads, and Wit's end(trinity force) to win any fight against her.”
TryndamereBawt says “If kayle gets to the late game you can be ripped apart so try and get the jump on them and get them to waste their ult have yours up and you should be able to win”
Hamstertamer says “Kayle can poke pretty well early game but you beat her in an all-in, since your attack speed slow cuts down her DPS pretty hard (max W second). When her passive isn't stacked you can just mindlessly charge in. Adaptive helm makes her cry.”
ineptpineapple says “Goes without saying her dont ult when she has hers unless she uses it in between your first part of the ult and the second. Other than that she has a fairly normal laning phase.”
Polkadog says “So in the early-game, you dominate to lane. Constantly harass her so she can't farm. Late-game you still have an advantage over her since you're a tank and she can try to save herself only for a moment. Kayle can output some serious damage but if she feeds you in the early-game, you've won the game.”
Chromuro says “She can't do too much damage early, she's a nuisance because of her heal and invincibility, but it shouldn't be a problem; farm enough and the tentacle will do their job. The only (half) ranged champ that I can stand.”
blunderr says “Pre lvl 11 Kayle is very weak and you win the matchup very easily, after lvl 11 she becomes a monster and you have to be careful fighting her. To prevent her from becoming the late game hyper carry that she is you should poke her as much as you can whilst still getting CS, deny her as much as CS as possible to prevent her from getting gold and kill her as much as you can.”
Weakling says “Kayle is ideal matchup against Tryndamere. No Tank, Not a lot of CC, not a problem in early. Even in late game where she has transformed if you have Ult theres no way you cant kill her. 3 Autos and she is dead.”
Rhinoface says “You're a pretty safe lane for her to scale. She gets hit by your E she'll just W away. Usually not worth ulting her unless she's pushed into YOUR tower. ”
sir monsieur says “Trades with Kayle require a good reaction and positioning. Your Q poke will outdamage her E if you're not low, but if she'll land her Q on you, you'll lose the trade anyway. She's a major threat after she reaches 6, but all of her danger is based on her R.
Read matchup details below.”
HKRV says “In early game you kill her easily. Abuse it a lot and let her push the wave so easier kill pressure. DON'T LET HER GET LVL 16! If she's behind still has enough juice to turn the game. So force to end early or really put her behind. ”
Poppu says “Kayle is really weak during early phase and uses up alot of mana. Bait her into using mana and trying to outsustain, would suggest getting ganks to secure kills and trades. Also, going really aggressive with your lvl 2 can end up with a kill. It's good way to get her to be more wary of Poppy than the wave.”
Aizo says “She will greatly smack you in the lategame, however in the early to early midgame you are able to push her around due to her very weak earlygame.”
Petethebossch says “She can't punish stacks heavily and is very susceptible to jungle ganks. If she gets ahead though she is a team fight monster and you can be sure you team will be spam pinging you.”
TheOsKaRoO says “You'll win this lane almost every time, since she can't do anything during your early roams, also doesn't have a good escape, but be careful after 11.”
Jnewbringspain says “Since rework this matchup has taken a 180. You have a huge advantage early on, especially level 2. She has no escape so you can Leap in, and she can't really damage you while you Counter Strike. By the time she hits her power spike, you'll be very far ahead and should still be able to handle her.”
messketchup says “Take advantage of the bushes, you can sometimes cheese out a kill by baiting the Kayle in too close, then hooking into your Q and W. You should be doing this anyway, and Kayle is one of the least susceptible toplaners to it if they know what they're doing, but it's still a neat little trick that can get you a free kill if they're not paying attention.”
Angela du Seithr says “Elle n'a aucun moyen de se frotter à vous jusqu'au niveau 11 car vous dominer au corps à corps. Même une fois le niveau 16 atteint, vous pouvez la surprendre avec un énorme burst. Ne pas sous-estimer son ultime et bien positionner votre E.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Due to the recent buffs to the reworked Kayle. she became an S-tier champion. You have to use your parry against her E, as there isn't much to parry in her kit. Look to punish her in the early game, where she lacks ranged auto attacks. Keep track of her ultimate cooldown, and look to all-in when it is down.”
Devitt45 says “This match up is really easy. After her rework her early game is horrible compared to Garen's. Just try to Q her when you have the chance and if she is pushed up, you can easily kill her. Just be careful if you are going to tower dive, because she might ult herself and stall, so try to bait out her ultimate.”
Zestysquid says “Her ranged auto attack ability will mess you up, but post 6 it's often easy to bait her. Depending on when she triggers your boxes they will outlast her ult.”
Jnewbringspain says “She just doesn't present as a threat until very late in the game. Engage often early on and try to delay her late game spike. She has range, mana, and damage problems early on so use this to your advantage.”
Ryako the Exile says “In my opinion an easy matchup but better watchout of ganks, watch where the enemy jungler could be or is. You should never lose against kayle if she is on your lane except she is getting fed ”
Bombabo says “Bully her. Hard. If she plays passive with Klepto, freeze wave and have you jungler come. She will outscale you if you do not shut her down in lane.”
RainbowNova says “Kayle is weak early. Abuse her as much as you can and get prepared for lvl 16 if you have to by getting Adaptive Helm and Warmog's so you can negate some of her damage and heal it back if you can manage to run away. ”
hipstersora says “One of my least favorite matchups. She has strong waveclear, strong dueling, strong scaling, and her ult can deny your entire kit or a long range ult for as long as it lasts.
I suggest getting an early Luden's and focusing on waveclearing and then roaming bot.”
ImpossibleLogic says “Same as Nasus however some people can fall victim to Kayle's poke disengage strategy however whenever she even comes close you can Q her she'll most likely follow up with her W in which you can Q E and knock her up setting up your W which she cannot get out of into your final q and passive auto which should be enough to kill her. if she flashes out of your W that's fine as you'll kill her next time if she flashes after she was grabbed by W you can flash in the animation of your final Q to land it knock her up and finish her with your passive.”
FunkySoul says “Wait, this is supposed to be hard? Your ulti is better than hers, so end the game before she hits 16, or else you're in for a beating.”
Brentard says “Early on, its a cheese lane. You can bully her and still roam. Its great. But after 11 its best to just farm as needed. But the guerrilla tactic works pretty well vs her even with her ult. Just... save your ult until after she ults, (unless she is silenced or its on cd)”
DrMoneybags says “Garbage early IMO. Her poke is meh, just use the bushes to avoid most of it. Once you are lvl 3-4, all in for a free kill. The jungler should just sit top and help you get fed if anyone picks her. Try not to dive lvl 6 with her ulti up. Otherwise, good matchup for kled.”
AgreeableOtter says “dont stand close to minions and Q farm early
at 6 get a hexdrinker if you are losing or dirk when winning
Force her ult with w-e-q combos then go in for the kill afterwards. Or use ult to gapclose when you know you can kill her after her ult expires.
Kayle outscales you hard late tho”
Shderen says “Okay, so, new Kayle. Prior to level 11, where she gains a lot of auto attack range, she is DEFINITELY going to be asking for ganks against you. If she doesn't, you're definitely gonna steamroll her ass. However, if the game exceeds 25 minutes, Kayle unconditionally becomes powerful. You can't stop it, so aim to close out the game quickly.”
OnionMilkshake says “Same as Nasus however some people can fall victim to kayle's poke disengage strategy however whenever she even comes close you can Q her she'll most likely follow up with her W in which you can Q E and knock her up setting up your W which she cannot get out of into your final q and passive auto which should be enough to kill her. if she flashes out of her W that's fine as you'll kill her next time if she flashes after she was grabbed by W you can flash in the animation of your final Q to land it knock her up and finish her with your passive
(Recommended: Conq)”
Fruxo says “Try to "bait out" her R, without it she and the adc is very vulnerable, whenever she uses it back off for a bit, wait for her R to run out and then do your all-in with your Support, that way Kayle won't have another way to save herself or her adc therefore you should be able to pick up a kill or two. Keep in mind that early on in the game she's a melee champion until she hits level 16, that's when she becomes permanently ranged.”
TheNinjaRoid says “If she's good, you'll get bullied out of lane constantly. If you can farm at all, you'll obliterate her. Get Mercury Treads and a Sheen and you should be fine. She wins late if she is not shut down hard early and allowed to snowball out of control.”
TheBoltLord says “Kayle is easy as all in lane to deal with... unless you make this game a late game then your screwed. Basically try to end the game quick and your fine and bully her as much as you can... or your most likely going to lose against her true damage.”
Aulenza says “The new kayle is pretty easy to face early game but when she gets level 11 it starts to be a pain in the ass. Control the lane in early game and try to finsish the game as fast as you can.”
LosAngeloser says “Pretty easy matchup, but you have to keep in mind that her late game is immense, so you have to get a strong lead on her. Go clepto and bully her a lot.”
The Lost Drawing says “Ganas el 'early-game' muy facil y pierdes un gran porcentaje de ganar la partida si llega a nivel 11.
Solo cuídate del 'jg', te hacen casa cuando estas contra ella, pero cuando eres ella ni se para tu 'jg'”
ElleryTheViking says “Pre 11 you have full control. You need to push her out of the game. You have every advantage pre 6 given she's melee. She'll have to choose between you killing her or no cs. A freeze is your best friend in this matchup. If she cant CS, she can't buy items, meaning she'll be useless when she goes God Mode post 11. After that time, she'll work her way back into the game and likely start melting you if you haven't snowballed.”
LonerFKS says “her ult will basically destroys you so flash to bush and stay there until you're sure that she is gone. (if her ult is gone then poke her)”
NocUout says “She used to be difficult but with new rework, her early game is quite terrible and you should be able to win someone easily. Just beware of her ult, and remember your ultimate cooldown is shorter than hers. ”
kingkang2 says “Beat her early. Yorick's level 3 power spike is amazing against her. She has nothing to get out of your rape cage, so get an early flash or kill with it.”
E61K says “Used to be much harder but the nerfs to Rageblade and nerfs to her as a champion hit her like a truck. Also the meta shifting to short games doesn't give her enough time to acquire her items and become this huge hypercarry threat. This matchup is easy pre-6 but post-6 she gets her cockblock ultimate which just makes her more annoying to deal with since a well used ultimate can deny you your ult reset and ultimately shut you down in teamfights. Tabis are great against her because she deals the majority of her damage through AA's. Then continue to build into your core and after that pick up Adaptive Helmet. Phase Rush + Ghost highly recommended.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Auto attack based, potentially out-scales, Ranged, AP, Invincible Ultimate. Weaknesses: Weak early game, Melee throughout most of the early game, Low Mobility. A ranged matchup that’s difficulty increases the higher Elo you go, and the more people understand how to abuse Ranged vs. Melee. Typically, you want to poke her a few times with your vitals when her E is down. Once you’ve gotten her low enough, look to all in early since she doesn’t have the CDR to consistently stand at range to CS. Once you do that, focus on CS-ing and All-inning her when you can. It is also important to keep in mind that her ultimate, when active, prevents you from dealing any damage to her and does not allow you to proc any vitals. This prevents you from not only dealing damage but healing off your passive and life steal as well so keep that in mind when finishing her off at low HP. It can be a bit hard to build against her because she does mixed damage. If she gets ahead of you, it becomes that much harder to deal with her because she has a slow which hinders your ability to reach her vitals and all she needs to do is auto attack.”
Suthafru says “Kayle - its a very simple situation
the new kayle has a poor early game in exchange for one of the strongest late game scalings
jhin top exists purely to abuse early game leads.
she's helpless to your poke”
drunken hunter says “Kayle may have ranged attacks and a slow thats all no problem for Rengar - you can do the lvl 2/3 engage and the poke because this champ got a heal as an ability, kayle is bad in trading melee and you can outtrade her ult and do the counter ult under tower - after you killed her, press (W) to survive the enemy turret (i mean - it worked before the rework)”
Daniloooo says “Rush Withs End and you win in a 1V1 ezy (Dont die till you build Withs end)
Withs end is super cheap and youl get it before she gets her Nashors.”
kkiskk says “Try not to let her kite you. All-in her when her E is about to end. Try not to fight her post-6 if you're not fed. Easy match up early-mid game before her rework goes online.”
SeaWeeb says “Especially with the rework she will poke you hard and deal a ton of damage (soon to be true). Try to gank and be ready to disengage if she has ult. She will heal up so punish her early and do not let her get a lead. She will become a late game monster so harass as early as you can but don't overextend or get too cocky.”
Sion says “Like Jax, she's a 2-item powerspike who can 1v3 easily. BUT, she is easier to fight earlygame so capitalize on that. Shove her in and avoid trading when she Q's you as she will either orb-walk or kite you depending on your movement.
Post-6 is still killable as you can bait out her R with a minimum charge Q”
Vincheelo says “She can slow you and kite you to death. Her damage makes her pretty scary and her ult can counter your ult. Luckily, it isn't too bad pre-6, so try to kill her and get your lead. Later on, she'll be hard to kill and so will her teammates, so your Noxian Guillotine resets will be hard to get.”
SunKnight116 says “Kayle, insane defense that can't be broken, since this is a tanky build, not really damage. In order to conquer top lane, you need the jungler to gank
before Kayle is lvl.7 ”
Bakiraka says “As long as you play passively, this matchup is exactly what you want. She doesn't have a ton of kill potential and doesn't have a good way to get onto you. The only thing she can do is shove you in, which is pretty much what you want. The only thing is that you won't proc Kleptomancy too often.”
Trixelkour says “Play it right and you win, play it wrong.... You lose the game indefinitely. Rush Adaptive Helm into Abyssal Mask. You should win against her if she's behind. Be cautious of her ult, because if she times it correctly she can deny your ult damage. Take Exhaust and you win.”
Autoswitched says “Bit difficult but still she lacks high range, so you can farm quite safely as she is forced to push the wave, and her e is predictable, so if she just used it, you can just wait it out.”
E61K says “Nothing but her Q can be windwalled. Her early game is shit. Her late game is god-like. Abuse her in lane by windwalling her Q and cutting her down afterwards. Tabis are extremely effective against her since AA's are the only source of damage which are worth mentioning. Always keep her ult in mind because it can turn fights around. Not only in lane but also in team fights. After all Kayle is basically a worse version of Yi with the exception that she can used ranged AA's, offers some utility, a tiny amount of CC and a cockblock ultimate. Should she ever become a problem somehow then Adaptive Helm + Tabis will drastically cut her damage down. She pushes naturally if she wants to use her E to poke you. So it's easy to gank her.”
undeadsoldiers says “Lane Aproach:lv1 cheese + 2 stun else play passive farm with Q, trade when her e is on CD
Key CDs:R
Notes: Hexdrinker if you get dicked on, usually should be easy to all in her after 6. Play around her ult.
Omega best says “Volibears worst counter, range, can put herself invincible and can one shot you, build mr, playsafe and dont forget to call for ganks anytime and NEVER, never rush her unless if ganked”
Zachlikespizza says “You can bully her extremely hard in the early game. Do your best to wait out her ult and you should be able to survive her damage.”
undeadsoldiers says “You outpoke Kayle, which basically makes you really annoying to her.
Kayle will attempt to use her E autos to poke you. Harass her while this is down (her sword is not glowing). It won't have permanent uptime until she has almost 40% CDR.
Kayle does not have major mana issues but will go OOM if she stays around too long and spams her W on herself.
She can still fall asleep while invulnerable. Her ult is on a rather short cooldown so make sure it's down before you go all-in.”
Mouadyam says “easy early on, but gets harder because of the fact that she's ranged and that her R has a very short cooldown, kill her early and snowball your lead to other lanes to end fast, she outscales you hard, adaptive helm is a good buy here.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “Another Braindead champ. You gotta try your best to kill her before she gets level 6. You can, and you should windwall her Q since the Slow is pretty stupid. She will poke you a lot so start Doran's Shield. You can also Rush PD. You can only kill her lategame if you bait her ult somehow. If you hard engage her she will just ult herself and then destroy you to bits because her damage is way too high to tank before her ult ends.”
iam colorblind says “Very easy to play against her until she get her first 3 Items!
You can dodge her AA very good with ur E.
Your Ultimate makes u tanky and u can go for her.
If she pops her Ultimate, try to go for the kill or piss off!”
Trixelkour says “Wins. EVERY. SINGLE. DAMN. TIME.
Get Adaptive early on to tank her E, but won't prevent her from ulting and healing away. Hail of Blades to harass and disengage or PTA if you are confident in your duels. Counters you hard the later the game. Take Exhaust or Ignite to make your all-ins easier Pre 6. ”
joelblack says “Same as Jayce, not very common. You have an advantage early game because she has to waste mana to attack with range, while you have it naturally. Just juke her to activate it, then back away and poke her right when it's about to run out. She's only a problem because she can slow you and give herself MS to run away, so positioning is key in this matchup. Post-6 will be annoying because of her ult, so you can either poke her til she uses it, then go in, or wait til she has about 60% health then go in. Be wary though, if you go in, be fast about it. Try using R into a wall when your Rage is full then get your combo off, so she can't use ult.”
CaioOP1985 says “Kayle depends on her auto-attacks. Wither slows them down. Do I need to say what happens? Altough, watch out for her Ult, it can cause your premature demise.”
GeneralJ0hn27 says “She scales like no other champion, because her ult doesn't let her die. However in the early game shes quite weak so all in level 1-2 or even 3 if you can predict her slow. At 6 you can kill er because your fear will start working in her ult and you can et all 3 stacks of press the attack. win early because late you lose.”
Dacnomaniak says “Much like Heimer this lane is going to be annoying. Try going a more aggressive build and engaging on her when her E is on cool down.”
JovexMasina says “Kayle is an absolute nightmare. There is only going to be 1 opportunity to win lane. Levels 1, 2 and 3. If you do not get a kill during these levels, then you have lost the lane. The thing with Kayle is that she always levels her ranged AOE autos. So if you were to close the gap and hit her melee, she would effectively have no abilities to use against you as you are already melee range. You HAVE to kill her then and there. If you want, you could take Ignite or Ghost to help you finish the job. You gotta snowball hard on her and kill her fast. Letting her rule the lane will ruin everything. Phase Rush is okay here.
GOTG Ment135 says “Para ganar contra Kayle, debes ser extremadamente decisivo sobre si quieres pokearla o pelear con ella. Si te mantienes al alcance de sus ataques básicos sin comprometerte a matarla, ella te matara. El tiempo que tarda tu ultimate en ejecutarla, supera la duración de su ult en los niveles iniciales si está controlado correctamente, usa esto para tu ventaja.”
galvapheonix says “ Kayle is an interesting matchup, she is very easy to kill until she gets 2 or 3 items finished. Harass her as much as you can to slow down her itemization, and try to bait out or utilize when he ult is down. If she is ahead of you I recommend building an Adaptive helm.”
thedunkening111 says “A little bit pokey, and it outscales you to hell and back, but you can definitely kill her. You got the lockdown for it. Look to avoid getting poked, and look for points where you can E in to either get a nice long trade off, or an all in.
Take Conqueror”
T1 Lilou Senpai says “Kayle is a ranged attack speed based ap champion with a huge attack range. She can outpoke you very easily. Wait for the first gank and farm to get ahead, then she'll be useless against you.”
Bananaman710 says “Kayle is difficult mainly due to her ult, but if you play it right you can ult roughly at the same time and all can sort of be negated.”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 6/10
➡️Matchup is similar to nasus. In laning phase, Kayle is a free matchup for Trundle. However, her threat comes from her late game scaling potential and can go terrible if you don't know how to punish / snowball your lead. I wouldn't recommend trying to zone exp from her because its hard to do in season 15. If you are experienced and know how to do so then go for it but it's better to prioritise your own cs to snowball. Sidestep her Q and W off-cooldown on repeat and run at her to force her to W herself (this costs a LOT of mana). You can dshield + secondwind vs kayle and she will never have kill threat on you unless you take too much damage. Swifites are OP against kayle. In the mid/late game, try not to overchase kayle on the side and give her gold. In the late-game where she reaches 16, it's better to play on the side and bring her to the sidelane and neutralise her so that she doesn't kill your entire team. You should be fine against kayle unless you're against DesperateNasus Kayle.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad kayle vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average kayle vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good kayle vs Good Trundle ➡️
60/40 trundle/kayle (you will lose if you're against desperatenasus kayle)”
L0ganJG says “This matchup is mostly unplayable when the Kayle is above Diamond level. If you ever go for Q > E she will just W to outrun it then ranged punish you the whole way back. If you ever have a kill she will ult and deal a good amount of damage. Lethal Tempo Kayle also has the highest damage in the game so unless she doesn't know that, you cant win level 1. She abuse her not knowing her champ and you knowing yours or play to scale in teamfights! ”
Haxorr says “Really easy matchup to punish in the early stages of the game, but if you don't then you are cooked. If you are even at 2 items level 11 then she will beat you in a 1v1, even potentially at 1 item if she's a good player with spacing and knows how to play Kayle. Be careful fighting level 1 as her lethal tempo all-in is surprisingly strong. Overall, just look to take strong short trades and abuse wavestates (i.e. freezing and having your jg gank her). You should be able to pick up some solo kills early. PTA + Sorcery with celerity page is good, Doran's Blade.”
Bourne212 says “Avoid Q and E poke early while looking for trades, try and get her to use her ult before yours so you can kill her easily once hers is over.”
CactEyez says “Scales like crazy, if you can get onto her she dies.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Rocketbelt”
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