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Kayle Counter Stats

Kayle Counters
Discover all champions who counter Kayle. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Kayle in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,151 Tips for countering Kayle below

Top Lane
52.18% Win Rate83% Pick Rate Kayle Top Lane Counters: 38 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Kayle in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Nithril says “As any Kayle matchup does, get at least a couple kills in the early game and dont roam as much allowing her to scale, ask for ganks and keep her of the wave for XP and gold”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
Bolivian bro says “Just fight at low level by trading with grasp and chill the lane, at late you tank enough to arrive to your turret.”
Anivia Top but the good one by Bolivian bro | Anivia Player
a_k_z7 says “early levels is your chance to shut her down since she is meele after 6 she becomes ranged and will be annoying try to get good e angels so you can chunk her dont fight her stright on lvl 1 and 2 since she can run you down but 3 is safe poke with passive and q before 6 after 6 look to e her and trade as good as you cn ”
juangepeto says “Up to level 6 it is an easy route but after that it becomes difficult and a game against time if necessary ask the hunter to camp until level 6 and avoid his late game arriving I suggest making a gauntlet of the glacinates to avoid his movement speed which is annoying most of the time”
Gangplank build by juangepeto | Gangplank Player
Crystal Lobster says “Very even matchup. Depending on her build it varies greatly. But after IBG you can run her down most of the time. Be careful tho. If left unchecked will outscale you greaty.”
Head Bash Skarner Toplane ! || Patch 14.23 || Skarner OTP by Crystal Lobster | Skarner Player
parker3n9 says “You have solid kill threat against Kayle, especially if you can consistently land your E. Use your poke to keep her low and pressure her early, as she’s weakest in the laning phase. However, starting at Level 11, if the game is even, Kayle will begin to dominate side lanes, and by Level 16, she becomes an unstoppable late-game force. Your focus should shift to teamfights at that point, where you can have a greater impact. Consider picking up Zhonya’s Hourglass to stall out her R (Divine Judgment) and buy time for your team to burst her down. Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Raideru says “This matchup is fairly easy in early game, all u try to do is abuse her pre 6 and she will fall behind in cs and give u chance to get 1st item faster than her. After 6 remember to use your ult to dodge her ult damage, even later on you should be able to win against her if you didn't troll early game. I advise Conqueror in this lane with lvl 1 zone. ”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Extremamente dboa na lane fase, joga folgadinho dps do 3, porém n prolonga a troca, o ruim é o scaling dessa boneca, tente finalizar a partida rapido.”
ZED TOP ( Matchup Fácil ) by Epilef - ThxSoMch | Zed Player
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES "This champion does more damage early than people think, but not enough to threaten you. Spam proc grasp on her and look for all in's post level 4. She is VERY fast so don't get kited through minions. Eat her when she ults so her invulnerability time is useless. If you're snowballing, tell your jungler to come top and dive and you'll win 100%" ”
1v9 Frog (All Matchups) by Basilli | Tahm Kench Player
Spartaniko says “Hands down Panth's easiest matchup. You win the duel even at lvl 16, but at the early game just keep engaging on her, even under her turret you can poke her with Q and dive her if she doesn't have ult. When she scales save your E for her ult and just finish her. Keep tracked the enemy jgler, you don't want to mess up such an easy matchup. Don't get baited lvl1, probably only phase of the game she outduels you due to her passive.”
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