As a Support 50.91% Win Rate62% Pick RateZyra As a Support Counters: 32 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zyra as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
unhben says “Annoying poke mage. Just take Arcane Comet and throw Q's then when her abilities are on cool down you engage.”
ShriekingMammoth says “W blocks plant autos, though Zyra is still a really annoying champion to play vs purely because of hard it can be to punish her. Plants give her good range and protection. take advantage of stronger early and punish her for going solo into jungle to get vision.”
theF0x3r says “she is really a pain to lane against, if you're good then you can trade her but will end up giving a kill if not careful, watch for her plants positions and her cd's”
Smaugyon says “not a great matchup she outranges you early and you cant os he plants woth aa (you can os one with W) her zoning makes stacking kinda hard ”
Cdevel says “Just like Lux, but sometimes you may have a bit of right to play the game, since she has mana costs and cooldowns. We can avoid getting all MR items in the game, but rune-wise same as Lux ”
ZedAway says “a good zyra is always a pain in the hole, but with the magic resist being stronger than ever before, after buying mercury treads, the lane goes into easy mode, if they have another ap champion i would recommend buying another magic resist item and u should be fine for the rest of the game.”
zSharpFire says “Champs with spawns are a really big problem for Karma. I suggest you go either shieldbot or peelbot and try to play for teamfights and jgl.”
Arctic Arrow says “Zyra is a minor threat if you manage her poke and crowd control. Her plants and Q (Deadly Spines) can be irritating, but you can avoid most damage by positioning well and staying mobile.
Use your crowd control to interrupt her attempts to zone you and try to engage when her key abilities are on cooldown. Watch out for her ultimate (Stranglethorns), which can be game-changing in team fights; position yourself to minimize its impact or use your crowd control to disrupt her setup.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Zyra can trade poke with Senna and control zones with her plants and roots, although she can be vulnerable if caught out of position.”
xpwnz1337 says “Counterplay: Mercury's Treads rush. W+Q look for mistakes. Dont eat poke. You win roam skirmishes. Can wil all in if ADC human. Can outplay insec she insta dies.
You can R her R knockup.”
Abarame says “Same as Brand. Her zoning with plants and aoe dmg are scary stuff. Even if they're behind, Rylais proc from them and ur basically dead. Peel and play from almost a screen away. You can poke when their abilites are down but do be careful of their cooldowns.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “She will never be able to kill you, however if she plays smart you wont be able to all in her(you will be able to trade but you will most likely wont get the kill) However if she wastes E it should be free to engage as long as your adc isnt 100 hp(So try to bait her into poking you since you can just heal it with E)”
Foxirion says “Zyra’s high range and crowd control can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. Her ability to summon plants and snare Nautilus can make it difficult for him to engage.”
Foxirion says “Zyra's crowd control and high damage output make her a major threat to Rakan, as she can easily poke down Rakan and control team fights with her plant-based abilities.”
glimppi says “Zyra's plants take out your boxes. You want to poke, but only if you can do it without getting caught. You can score a kill with smart box placement and clone usage.”
1yanou says “Zyra is really rough 2v2, but easily countered if you get a gank. She constantly pushes the lane and is super immobile. You just can't really trade her that's all. ”
Velkyann says “Very much like Heimerdinger and Brand, she has turret-like abilities and deals a lot of burn damage. Try to dodge her stun and ultimate. If your ADC gets hit by her ultimate and can't help, use your ultimate to protect him, as that's when they usually burst, if needed buy Tear for more mana.”
Sinyora says “Morgana can't deal with Zyra's plants effectively most of the time. Her plants are so annoying and just like other poke mages, she can break our E) Black Shield with ease and with her long range, she has a lesser risk of getting hit by our slow Q) Dark Binding.”
Razing42 says “Her plants can block your hooks and she will do a lot of annoying poke in lane. Later on she will do a lot of damage to tanks as yourself.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Zyra has an obscene amount of zone control that makes trying to maneuver around her a massive hassle.
Your passive can one-shot her plants, so use it as often as you can to neutralize her presence. Bait her E and engage when it's down. ”
NormalOstrich says “Really hard to see her stuff, honestly a skill diff on my part, but I can never do well against her. Best advice is roam to force her out of bot lane. She is comparable in team fight strength so you really just need to be better.”
sillycatslover says “Zyra, Lux, Morgana, Seraphine are all very annoying to deal with but if you play correctly it can be easy, just the dodging of all the roots and blasts of damage...”
Xintero says “She can outpoke you and she's my permaban champion as Renata. It's hard to engage with your ADC if there are plants in the way and she has her root ready. It's better to just ban her so you don't have to worry about her.”
RXSMP says “zyra es muy fuerte contra fiddle por lo agresiva que se juega , gana dominancia rapidamente en los bushes ,te gana los tradeos , las semillas dan vision al colocarlas , y sus stuns duelen a tener en cuenta el baneo de este champ.”
Aerenax says “Zyra her plants can be annoying and she has some steady poke with her Q. Play around her E and punish her when she misplaces her plants or E. ”
Ryecheria says “Typically mage supports have more range and better poke, but you could shield damages from abilities. Make sure to dodge crowd control abilities. If they miss abilities (especially crowd control abilities), look to punish or all-in.
Similar play to Xerath, Vel.
Wave shove is the most important. ”
HumbleMundo says “With Mundo's passive you will tank it yourself but Zyra's root can go through you and can root your adc if they are too near, once she hits lvl 6 she will have another form of cc which will cause issues ”
mazewalk says “Her plants deny you hooks and lantern if put on top of it. Bait her skillshot by stomping her seeds and punish if she wastes her root. It wont get easier later, buy MR and pull your carry away from her ultimate.”
TheBougis says “Zyra's plants are very strong at any point in the game. They will block your Q negating your heal, they do a lot of damage, and zyra's cooldowns are very low.
Try to bait her into using an ability next to her dormant plants then leave the area until the plants die.”
Gobomo says “Zyra can often one-shot Sivir and also has solid tools to harass you. While she's not worth banning to me, playing around her can be pretty difficult and it requires you to play around her threat range and cooldowns fairly well. Rush at her when she doesn't have E up and see if you can bait out her R. ”
FromValhalla says “Ap supports can counter you because they delete your spellshield with one spell. Opt to go an extra point or two with shield if needed”
Samikin says “Minor-inconvenience.
Kind of a little annoying. Zyra can spawn plants in front of herelf to block Q's, so you have to be a little more creative with your Q pathing. However, her abilities have a long cast time so it'll be hard for her to summon plants reactively consistently.
Aery (+ Relentless Hunter) rune page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build”
Fear The Jester says “Skill Matchup, dodge her root, she can trigger your boxes with her plants, but if shes using her abilities to break boxes then shes not using them on you or your adc, break her seeds when safe”
Apos says “Get W level 1 or 2. I farm every plant that I can for the free HP. I also never walk on the seeds. Take a few points in W so that you don't take poke while farming her plants. Sion is a counter to Zyra. You can E her plants away too.”
Rebaulten says “You have to look to get ahead by level 2. Level 3 you will hard lose this lane. If you are even or behind after first back look to roam”
shacolovesyou says “has high damage and her plants reveals u and set off ur boxes, dont engage if she has E available, u can dodge her R knockup with ur R”
support_diff says “Zyra's plants and damage ruin your game, there is simply nothing you can do against this ***** **** ******** **** ****** **** *** ** ********”
jmp_01_ says “Probably just as cancer as Morgana. You kind of need to all in if her plants die. Avoid getting rooted and play smart since her damage is so high.
Just like Brand, but here plants can even tank your Q and damage you to half HP because this game is in a good state :D
Take Glacial Augment.”
Lunar Empress says “Her poke especially with Arcane Comet is annoying, but she has a lack of escape tools. Her root is slow and her ult takes time to airborne. ”
mazewalk says “Yeah, she can solo baron, she has good cc and damage, but she provides zero utility for her team, relies on skillshots and not as mobile as Rakan. You can easily run her down after she wastes her root and there's no setup. She cam stack 2 plants and place them during Q or E animation for more damage. Play passively and crush her in midgame. Zyra players sometimes buy Rylai, so you can buy Swifties.
W (plants) cd = 18/16/14/10/8.
E (root) cd is always 12.”
GlobalSupport says “You don't have alot to counter this champion. Your best bet is to play range with e, q when her abilities are off cooldown and try to sustain your hp and your adc.”
Lurs says “This is a rough matchup but similarly to Morgana you can move faster than her combos. Luckily with the change to make Rakan melee her plants have gotten much easier to handle.”
itstsuk3 says “Her plants are annoying do to the poke and the fact they block your E and her ult is dangerous if you try to engage but other than that you can still win lane.”
Aerenax says “Zyra her plants can be annoying and she has some steady poke with her Q. Play around her E and punish her when she misplaces her plants or E. ”
Cyclic says “Annoying poke but you can sustain and and so long as you avoid her root you should be able to outscale super hard and survive laning phase with relative easy compared to other mages like xerath, lux, and vel' koz”
ZharMeny says “Just try to not miss your W and you will be fine, don't be afraid to trade flash for flash as Zyras met really don't understand that you have Hexflash, and she is in a quite a weird spot of being an Artilery Mage with a teamfighting R and I pretty much can't say much more about her. Recommended Stance: Mounted”
Toches says “She has a good amount of pain for you in lvl 1/2/3, level 4 you just use your bravado on her plants and heal up, just try to not get rooted and post 6 consider R'ing if you know someone else is near and she lands a root, shouldn't have to exhaust HER though.”
mellorwastaken says “a good Zyra is super rare but, if you find one, she can block your Q with her plants. Look to Q from out of vision so she cant react, if you hit Q you win.”
iveye says “Similar to Neeko she is very punishable in lane with only one CC root and no mobility in her kit. Zyra can easily shut your engage down post level 6 with her R. Her and Brand have a lot of poke percent max health damage so take Second Wind to cancel out her poke.”
arekij says “Her plants can be very harmful for Shaco playstyle. I reccomend maxing [E] instead of [W] vs her. Remember when going in to always be behind her so she wont have it that easy to root you and escape.”
WhiteLotus says “Make her half life with your Mantra Q's while playing safe and dont get hit too hard by her Abilitys. If she throws her E out, you can engage on her. You can hard win lvl 1 if she starts Q since you deal more dmg then her lvl 1. ”
veeixin says “Again, like Lux, I've had little problem when versing a Zyra, but with that said, she can still pose a threat.
Her roots and ult can cause a disrupt in your combos, and her plants can easily poke you out of brush.
Play carefully and you should be fine.”
gizemdeniz says “Ahri is very fragile and Zyra's damage can be quite dangerous. Moreover, minions can easily block the charm. Still not an impossible match with a good ADc.”
mazewalk says “Same as Heimerdinger, but at least her setup ability is less powerful, so sometimes you're allowed to engage, when she doesn't have her garden around.”
Igirl45 says “Zyra plants will constantly poke you down, and you should be wary of her E as Rakan's W is easily telegraphed. You stand almost no chance of sticking on her, do not engage.”
aRhesty says “Immobile mage and you can throw her plants around, reducing her kill potential on low health targets. Probably the easiest support mage to fight into as Syndra.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Zyra favored skill matchup. If Zyra misses E she will likely still use E to spawn plants, which will be her melee slowing plants. Additionally she can build Rylai's but I don't often see that despite it being strong. Either way Swifties are a very good option in this lane. The correct build Zyra should play into Janna is Electrocute and rush Sorc shoes for flat pen. For this reason I believe it's best to take two defensive runes, one for Armor and one for Magic Resist. If you choose to play Glacial it's viable to run Mikael's as Zyra E will guarantee her R, and cleansing immediately is the only way to avoid this. Her Plants target the nearest target, unless a Champion is in range and got hit by one of her abilities. If you dodge her Q and you're behind minions, then even if she spawns ranged plants on top of you they are most likely gonna target the minions.”
PypoulaPyp says “I'm not afraid of her CC but her passive. Ezreal is very weak so if her passive hits me, i lose a lot of HP so i recommend you to instant Q her plants !”
Roltu says “Zyra aun siendo un pick raro, es un problema contra thresh por su zoneo con las plantas y su ulti es mucho mejor que la tuya, juega atras si te enfrentas a ella y espera los gankeos del jungla.”
ssricky says “After level 6, it's extremely difficult to all in her since she has her ult. If you can bait it out and escape using your E then you can kill her. Zyra gets a lot of free poke and is honest to god the most annoying champion next to Xerath support.”
L9NunuChillump says “Zyra root going through minions and her ult knocking you out of your ult makes her harder to play against for less creative Nunu players”
zotet says “Zyra's extreme sense of randomness makes her much weaker, but when versing capable players she is very annoying to verse. A simple solution is to not play under her plants and not get caught in her Q.”
unhben says “Unfortunately she is just the better you, but dont let that get you down! Her plants will have more uptime bc of ability cooldowns but your turrets have more health so this matchup is usually a turret max kinda game. ”
AASDHFV says “As long as you don't waste your mana trying to kill Zyra's plants, you'll be fine. Try to poke as much as possible and use your "e" to dodge hers.”
Ablano says “you will rarely see a zyra in a ranked match due to her nature to mess up the wave, try to not get cought in her E cuz then you are dead or will have to waste a flash ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zyra is really good at poking. Opt for extra sustain through Biscuit Delivery if you’re taking Inspiration and make sure you take flat magic resistance early. Try to stand at the opposite side of the lane to Zyra at all times to make it harder for her to land her Deadly Spines(Q) or Grasping Roots(E) on you. Good times to harass and trade with Zyra are when no Seeds Rampant Growth(W) around and when she has overextended to poke. Zyra will often put herself in a forward position to poke which can easily be capitalized on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zyra is really good at poking. Opt for extra sustain through Biscuit Delivery if you’re taking Inspiration and make sure you take flat magic resistance early. Try to stand at the opposite side of the lane to Zyra at all times to make it harder for her to land her Deadly Spines(Q) or Grasping Roots(E) on you. Good times to harass and trade with Zyra are when no Seeds Rampant Growth(W) around and when she has overextended to poke. Zyra will often put herself in a forward position to poke which can easily be capitalized on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zyra is really good at poking. Opt for extra sustain through Biscuit Delivery if you’re taking Inspiration and make sure you take flat magic resistance early. Try to stand at the opposite side of the lane to Zyra at all times to make it harder for her to land her Deadly Spines(Q) or Grasping Roots(E) on you. Good times to harass and trade with Zyra are when no Seeds Rampant Growth(W) around and when she has overextended to poke. Zyra will often put herself in a forward position to poke which can easily be capitalized on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Zyra is really good at poking. Opt for extra sustain through Biscuit Delivery if you’re taking Inspiration and make sure you take flat magic resistance early. Try to stand at the opposite side of the lane to Zyra at all times to make it harder for her to land her Deadly Spines(Q) or Grasping Roots(E) on you. Good times to harass and trade with Zyra are when no Seeds Rampant Growth(W) around and when she has overextended to poke. Zyra will often put herself in a forward position to poke which can easily be capitalized on.”
M4DN355 says “Zyra has good poke in laning phase against Pyke, allowing her to widdle him down and kill him with a good E+Ignite combo paired with her ADC. She can also build Zhonya's Hourglass to negate Pyke's ultimate execute and reset. Despite this, she has little to no mobility and is extremely squishy. If she misses her E pre level 6, use that time to engage on her as she lost all of her CC and has no way of running away without using a summoner spell or being saved by her team.”
Coach Sollaw says “She can cancel your W if she hit you with her E during the travel time. She got less cooldown than you on her E in the early lane easier after.”
Navn says “She CAN be a problem, if she's got a ton of seeds around her, and she gets to spawn them before you lock her down. But if you can get her before she spawns her plants, even if she ults you, it shouldn't be too bad.”
ShoDesu says “Very hard to walk up in this match up as if you get hit with her root, you will most likely die. She will have prio in most of the laning phase, but she is also vulnerable to dying to charged nados. ”
Jageiko says “Zyra deals a lot of damages but :
You can OS her plants since your AA count as melee even with passive, which will even shield you.
Her E is slow as f*ck and easy to flash,
She is one if the squishiest champs in the game with Sona and Lux. You should be able to snowball.”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
MathyBlues says “Thresh is very susceptible to poke and Zyra can drop a small army on you at any point: with or without cc'ing you. Her ult is also very good at disengaging, which threatens your entire mission. ”
Navn says “Out ranges you and is one of the easiest applicators of Grievous Wounds when she buys Oblivion Orb. Also geting hit by her Root is likely death.”
Navn says “If she has a lot of seeds behind/around her, it'll be hard to engage, but if she only has W seeds, you have more options to try and all-in her. ”
GoldenCat says “If Zyra locks you down, you're pretty much dead, due to her high early damage and your lack of early bulk. I recommend either banning her or playing the roaming playstyle post 3.”
EdBoi says “Do not try to do more than poke Zyra from a distance. She does way too much damage for way too long in the match for you to even look at her funny and not get taken out back to be made into fertilizer. If you absolutely must fight her, kill her plants immediately as they spawn with an e and uncharged q. This is risky. Don't get ulted doing this or you'll probably die.”
spirit legacy says “Zyra's matchup is farely tricky, at lvl 1-3 it seems like you're winning but after she gains full ability over her plants it'll start to be annoying. If she's good she'll just always root you when you try to engage. Try to avoid getting hit by her root. You can abuse her plants by q > e the plants and deal long range poke to her. ”
Challenger Project says “The only Mage support that we can have issues with. She can stop the hook with her plants and that is it. Abuse lvl 1 as she don’t do anything till lvl 2. ”
Maxwell_Shaco says “If Zyra is aware that her plants will set off your boxes, she can make you feel useless in the early game when your CDs are long.
She can often freely poke you and your ADC in lane which would be a problem.
Once you get into the mid to late game she is easy to pick off since she has no mobility, just punish any bad positioning.
Be careful for her root catching you out of position without Q. Keep in mind you can use your clone to dodge her Ults knockup or to buy time while rooted.”
Borregero says “i personally just hate zyra she does lots of damage and can easily root you plants are only worth stacks if zyra and enemy adc are far away otherwise just respect zyras damage, you can ult out of her ult”
Cimcia484 says “Only pick Nasus into mostly AD teams (suffer from your W and Frozen Heart) and tanks (suffer from your E % Armor Pen). Don't pick Nasus into Mages.”
Demonsedge90 says “The only real threat Zyra poses to you as Leona is when you're within a large plant group; otherwise, she will only fight if she has tempo. So take advantage of that when you can.”
nedxo says “A heavy damage dealer that can burst you in seconds, avoid getting rooted, you will probably die
!use Q to kill her plants quickly!
Otherwise you can burst her too as she is squishy”
Cordiall says “Another high-magic-damage support with damage Braum can't block. Your best bet into Zyra is to hunker down, try not to die, try to keep the wave frozen on your side, and do the best you can to starve the enemy ADC of resources, rather than trying to fight. If you try to fight she WILL kill you most of the time.”
hampenguin says “Take double MR into this unless she's paired with Caitlyn. She's got strong poke/burst/utility but when you're on her, she should die.”
TheKingUltra says “Free farm her plants, over 1k free hp should be easy against her, one auto attack kills them and she will think that she is poking you on lane. The face her team will have, when you roll in them with 5,5 k hp will be magnificent.”
KeisariKarma says “Skill matchup that can be won by very controlling bushes and outpoking them while dodging skillshots. if you ever do get caught you are most likely dead.”
Mairdrin says “Too much poke, too much range. You don't like champions with more range than you as Swain.
Additionally, her root has more range than yours. Be careful of your lack of mobility.”
SunnySneezer says “It kinda depends on who pokes better really and you should either catch her with your ultimate first or wait for her ulti to go away before you ulti yourself in a team fight since you are an engager shes a disengager your ultimates cancel each other out.”
DtNikk says “Zyra is very annoying, as she can poke you from extremely far away, but she is not as strong as you are in team fights, so your plan is to just survive laning phase and out support her in mid and late. Boots of swiftness are great against her as the MS it gives will be good to get out of her R. ”
Firemagnet390 says “Zyra has more sustained damage from her plants, and has a teamfight ultimate that can be detrimental to Lux and her allies. plus, she is able to sprout plants with her abilities, which can block Lux's Q from reaching her target.”
TheBlueImperial says “Zyra is a very poke heavy champion, but she is very immobile and squishy champion that only has a single slow moving root for protection. If she ever misuses this you can freely jump on her and she will often die. Post-6 be careful of her ultimate shutting down your engagements.”
PumpkinMatters says “Meu Deus do céu, como é chato jogar contra Zyra, principalmente porque ela é uma ameaça em todos os momentos do jogo. Se ela errar as habilidades em você, provavelmente ela vai acertar nas plantas e aí as plantas vão te acertar. E se ela estiver de eletrocutar, ainda vai cair um raio pistola na sua cabeça. É possível ganhar a rota, mas tenha muito cuidado. Não tome o enraizamento, pise nos ovos que ela deixa em toda PORR# de lugar e, se ela tiver gastado tudo, faça a iniciação e peça a todos os deuses que seu adc consiga matar alguém”
NyxxBlade says “Worse than Morgana but she's a less popular pick so banning her is less worth it. Her plants block you out of your Q too much. Play it safe until you can all in.”
PumpkinMatters says “Oh my GOD, how annoying is to play against this, principally because she's a menace on every momento of the match. If she misses her skills on you, she'll probably hit her plants, and then the plants will hit you. And if she runs Eletrocute, a freaking LIGHTNING will hit your head. It's possible to win this lane, but be very careful. Don't let her land her root, step on the eggs she lays everyF#CKINGwhere and, if she's on cooldown, engage and ask the gods that your ADC kill someone”
bive says “Heal her harass or dodge. She can all in you though. Immobile to ganks. Avoid her plant aggro, then kill plants when they attack your minions.”
commit lego foot says “Fuck this champ but despite my personal bias the winrate as shen support vs zyra seems to indicate you can actually get in range to taunt her especially when her E is on cooldown since she is not as long range as some of the other bad matchups in this list. Still very hard and I will revisit this matchup when I have a more informed opinion about it, haven't played vs her much.”
KalelPeique says “Zyra é forte porem é igual os outros magos.
Tem pouca vida e é fácil matar, use seu W pra matar algumas das plantas que ela colocar no chão.
Zyra is strong but just like other mages.
It has little health and is easy to kill, use your W to kill some of the plants she puts on the ground.”
itsElJefe says “Zyra can be a pain, the biggest threat with Zyra is her root. Being rooted is bad enough for a Xerath player, but if you are near her seeds they will turn into plant turrets and she can hit you for a lot of damage. Her root is fairly slow and easy to dodge. Just dodge the root and avoid her plants and you will be fine.”
Discord231 says “Esta tipa en la fase de líneas no te debería dar dolores de cabeza, y deberías intentar jugar agresivo si tienes un adc de early, pero en cuanto tenga R y compre la Liandry, prepárate para sufrir, pues te cancelara los combos, y te bajara la vida demasiado rápido.”
GuanaTv says “Jogar contra Zyra é extremamente complicado. O potencial de abate dela é muito alto, e a forma que ela tem de negar suas habilidades é muito simples e eficiente!
(Playing against Zyra is extremely complicated. Her killing potential is very high, and her way of denying her abilities is very simple and efficient!)”
Gobomo says “Dodge her E and stomp on her further away plants whenever she doesn't have E to punish you for it. She will outpoke you unless she plays awfully. Take advantage of her weak level 1 by zoning her and her ADC off of minions - she'll either have E on a long cooldown, or Q, which only really does a bit of damage. She won't be able to spawn flowers at will until level 3, most likely, so you want to play aggressive until then. In the rare occasion that she levels E-W-Q, play safe level 2 but take advantage of her lack of poke by going in whenever you have an opportunity.”
Mooncurve says “her plants does so much damage, and can block your hook, she can insta kill you if goes ap, make your hooks find her, it could be hard tho so good luck”
eiensiei says “Unless Zyra gets a kill or pokes you out of lane in the first 4-5 levels, she ceases to be a champion and can be disregarded for the remainder of the game. Judging by the way she moves in lane, it's not hard to predict when she's going in to use a skillshot, so dodge accordingly.”
Doglightning says “she out ranges hard and makes it hard to find stuff. you can 1 shot plants with your q and 1 shot her if you find a pick but you are risking getting caught if you walk up aggro”
Doglightning says “run comet. She out pokes you and out all ins you very hard. Anytime she lands a root you probs die but if you land a root she's either living or trading her life for yours with a counter root ult.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “If you get rooted you're basically dead, just stand back and far away from her seeds. She's very squishy so if you dodge her CC you and your carry can kill her. Take barrier.”
Mystral says “The difficulty of playing against Zyra depends on the ability of the person who is playing her. It can be easy and it can be hard. You can poke her down easily but remember that she has more range than you and she has a snare. Try to get in range only when she has her skills on CD.”
Doglightning says “take barrier. she can root and poke through the wave. If you land a bubble she can spawn plants to block b4 she sleeps. only weakness is she can be poked outta lane if you are creative with your angles. ”
Aerenax says “Zyra her plants can be annoying and she has some steady poke with her Q. Play around her E and punish her when she misplaces her plants or E. ”
eiensiei says “Unless Zyra gets a kill or pokes you out of lane in the first 4-5 levels, she ceases to be a champion and can be disregarded for the remainder of the game. Judging by the way she moves in lane, it's not hard to predict when she's going in to use a skillshot, so dodge accordingly.”
LimTheDestructor says “Focus Zyra first. Try not to fight between many plants and minions. Don't eat her root. If she manages to push you, wait for her misposition under you turret and kill her there.”
warmfishu says “Her plants can be hard to navigate away from, especially if she has a Rylai's. She will also root you and reset your W. Don't run in a straight line.”
iKonek says “Zyra is a champ you'll need to have your lantern always ready to go when fighting, as you'll need to peel your carry from both her snare and her ult. Avoid taking unnecessary damage, and make sure to stomp on her seeds to avoid her from spawning more plant turrets. Be aware she can spawn flowers to deny you hooks in lane.”
Rasta Da Masta says “It's not very difficult to play against her "Free dps" kit, but your spells make it difficult to clear her plants. So long as you don't get hit by her CC, she isn't an issue due to her lack of mobility, utility, & tankiness.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Her plants can block your hook and she deals a lot of damage early game with her plants and comet as well. If you manage to land a hook on her she is very squishy but be aware that she may ult you and knock you up allowing her ADC to finish you off. You should take magic resistance + biscuits to play against her so you don't get poked down.”
lin00 says “A good Zyra will make your game a living nightmare, she can root your during your hook wind up and block your hook with her plants making you a sitting duck and unable to get close to her. She also out damages you.”
Korippo says “Extremely annoying matchup; her plants will poke you and your ADC around and most Zyra's will run Arcane Comet making her poke similar to a Lux's. Also has a bunch of CC and by late game hits like a truck; you really need to make sure she can't contribute to teamfights and to get rid of her plants whenever they're up, otherwise she'll absolutely blow up your team.”
TheImmortalEye says “Neekos worst counters are high range mages since she cant do anything to close gaps effectively.
Zyra does what neeko does basicly but with lower hp and more autos since plants, but neeko cant engage effectively on her or close the gap. dodge or take guardian.”
Distinger says “Same as Lux but worse because she keeps spawning plants in lane which make it even harder for you to land a Q in lane.
If you even think about engaging on someone when she's near she will full combo you and you will die from her plants alone.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Conquistador.
Use Q na Zyra sempre que houver oportunidade, caso receba dano, retalie com o Q da Katarina, porém evite levar dano nos níveis iniciais visto que a Zyra possui um bom dano base junto com suas plantas. A cada 14-9 segundos (conforme nível do campeão), Zyra colocará uma semente no chão que dura até 30 segundos caso não seja pisada por outro campeão inimigo. Sendo que às vezes ela colocará duas sementes de uma vez só (normalmente depois da 3 vez), por isso atente-se para não ser pego pelas sementes com o combo dela após nível 3, W+E+Q. Assim que Zyra errar alguma habilidade, principalmente o E, você pode agressivar nela com EW+AA+QE+AA para matá-la. Após nível 6, evite ser pego pelo E da Zyra pois ela poderá te burstar com todo seu combo. As plantas se beneficiam da ultimate de Zyra. Se ela errar alguma dessas habilidades, agressive contra ela pois devido a mobilidade da Katarina, não será um problema desviar da ultimate da Zyra visto que o delay de execução da habilidade não é rápido. Em roaming, aproveite que Zyra não tem a mesma facilidade que a Katarina para lutas e abuse disso coletando kills em outras rotas. Em lutas em equipe, foque-a assim que houver oportunidade visto que a Zyra vai dar muito dano mesmo estando fraca. Espere ela utilizar o E e assim que utilizar, burste ela com todo o combo QEWR ou EWQR com a Gunblade e Ignite. Evite ser pego fora de posicionamento, caso seja pego, é necessário Zhonya para parar o dano de Zyra e de suas plantas. Caso Zyra faça Zhonya, não desperdice sua ultimate e dê o dano que puder com o combo QEW ou EWQ para poder matá-la com segurança. O potencial de perigo de Zyra é de igual para igual pois devido ser um campeão que causa dano em área, prejudicará seu time nas lutas em equipe e pode ser um problema em lutas de objetivo, além de bloquear skill shots com as plantas, impedindo algum engage do seu time como com o puxão do Blitzcrank.”
Hanjaro says “Zyra's all in and poke is extremely strong, the best you can do is dodge her abilities, and shield from her damage. She's also very squishy, so wait for a gank from the jungler as her plants inevitably push the lane. ”
0Banda says “ Zyra is another poke support and she has an incredible damage if she gets you miss-positioned, so play safer than normal and keep a long distance to her, so her abilities will get out of range and won't hit you at all
When engaging, you can focus her, as she is really immobile, and really squishy
Against Zyra you should build as usual, just get Second Wind in your runes section to get rid of some of her poke, and if there is more CC in the enemy team feel free to take Unflinching”
SlippStream says “She can turn your pokes into trades pretty easily, and your W is not super effective as it can be blocked by her plants. Beware of brushes.”
Luiscencias says “You could play near perfect against her all lane and then still get caught by a single root and melted. Don't bother trying to kill her plants, try to bait out her E to open up windows for a Q. Once you are 6 if you're not super behind you can set up an R pick on her since she probably won't respect your kill potential.”
lenithebot says “Since you have no form of poke she can poke you down and as long as she stays out of your engage range you can't do much. If you do get your engage off she will die instantly because of how squishy she is. You can do this by using flash or hex flash by staying in a bush and remember to clear wards in the bushes with oracle lens.”
millysenpai says “Annoying to play against in lane due to her plants and her root, I recommend getting crucible to remove any roots during team fight, ”
Jowoey says “Her plants are annoying to play against but as long as your adc is taking them out when they spawn this lane isn't too bad for you. If she wastes E you can poke her pretty easily just be cautious of it otherwise.”
Nino_euw says “Danger! Zyra is hardest of the hardest, really hard to play this, stand back and consider poking while never truly fighting, play the weakside, hope you can do more later.”
Hanjaro says “Long range poke, along with a long root and high damage from her plants make Zyra a tough lane. Dodge her roots, negate her damage with your shield and play defensive.”
Biotic says “Scary until Level 3 than you should win most all ins and you outscaled her on Level 6. Try to not get poked to much and just farm Minions and XP until Level 6. E into doublebomb should be at most cases a kill. Dodging her E is Key.”
TheBestestBork says “She can be immensely annoying, especially since she can do insane damage without any items, that along with her ULT which can wiff an entire engage into a "I wish i never did this", yeah it sucks.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “Her plants are annoying and difficult to heal through esp when she's got her liandrys. Take care in lane and try to avoid her plants”
Spection says “This champ does a lot of damage and applies grievous wounds very well. Look to poke with E for the most part, do not get hit by her root or you will probably die. She becomes less problematic in the lategame.”
SigtheOutcast says “Her plants will eat you more sloppily than bad mukbahng videos on youtube- a genre I feel most zyra mains partake in unironically, mid-game. Just do your best not to die, kill plants and bulbs whenever you safely can, and for the love of god, do not follow her into or near any bushes. Play as safe as possible and try to bait her in for ganks. You roll her in mid-late game, but early on you will never outtrade her, always get outranged, and your adc will inevitably get hit by one ability and die, because one ability is all it takes.”
lenithebot says “Zyra is a very safe poke mage. Try to take as little poke as possible and try to wait for her to make a mistake and try to punish her. The only point in laning phase you can kill her is pre-level 3. Make sure to exploit this and try to build a lead. I would go Guardian into this matchup and try to look for roams since most likely you won't accomplish anything in lane.”
DanNS12 says “She is very annoying with her poke early and in team fights she does a lot of damage and can reduce your heals with Morellonomicon but like Brand she has limited self peel and no mobility. So it's easy to pick her off.”
LilPaniniUwU says “take barrier. she can root and poke through the wave. If you land a bubble she can spawn plants to block b4 she sleeps. only weakness is she can be poked outta lane if you are creative with your angles.
Moonesaiky says “Don'T... JUST DONT.
she will give you cc, will throw the plants on you and you'll die, play it safe with her or be crazy, but die madly until it works”
Billehz says “Her E can be annoying, as well as her full combo if you do not have ult yet. Her plants can also be very annoying but you should be able to easily deal with them with your W.”
Jaori says “Squishy and useless. If she hasn't got exhaust - it's a free lane, and the guy is trolling. You can CC chain her so she doesn't manage to use ult.”
Toddiek24 says “Zyra can be very powerful against Senna because if you can't kill him early game with ADC he can easily get an advantage after LVL 6 and after an "E" ability if you get trapped he has a high probability of death!”
Hanjaro says “Zyra has better poke damage and an easier time locking you/allies down. Try to dodge her abilities, don't get hit by plants, poke her down when she comes into range. She's immobile and squishy too.”
4090409 says “Remember your adc if they don't know already to also click a single plant with you so you can wipe it easily (they die to 2 ranged aa's).
Zyra could be classified as major, but without her E she's SUPER vulnerable, unlike the others.”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Same thing as brand. Play VERY safe and never push. Wait for The junglers gank to get something done. Buy doran's shield and upgrade blinding dart first.”
HerYandere says “Don't engage first, you'll just die. Wait for your ADC to start the all-in after she throws the root, or counter-engage if you can. If the enemy bot has even 1 kill over you, you have just lost lane.”
DasNerdwork says “Step on her seeds. Step out of her ultimates knockup and harass her as much as possible. Very easy to deal with as a high mobility champion. Again movement speed items like early boots help to escape her rooting.”
Esoterica says “Zyra is one of the more threatening catch supports, as she has immense damage that becomes all-in potential at level 6.
Try to bait out her snare before engaging and do not jump at her in a straight line, as her roots will simply hit you as you blink back. Be prepared to flash out of her ult as it can and will kill you from full health with the help of her ADC.
Be aware that some Zyras like to stack seeds to do huge poke damage from one activation with her Q. Keep track of where she positions as she is least effective if she has to spawn plants on demand.”
Pigeont says “Her roots can go trough minion, so be sure to ward those bush and play safe,her plant isn't a problem but if you get root, you are basically dead.”
Daraysen says “Pretty even again, Zyra can do alot of damage and block your hook with her plants, if she times it right. Just don't go all in and you should be good.”
Dotje says “Best way to deal with zyra is to wait out her abilities or dodge her E. Then outtrade her. You can try to stamp her seeds to prevent poke. Don't understimate her damage when she hits level 6.”
KeleiX13 says “Zyra is very strong in lane, and you can be heavily punished if you get hit by her root. However, she is hard to play from behind and as long as you don't give her advantages in lane, you will eventually outscale her. Before 6, bait out her root before trading with her by pretending to step on her seeds. DO NOT actually step on them unless she is out of her ability range. If you get hit by a root, it will cost you a lot of your health as you are not tanky at all. Taking Guardian is a good idea if you are not familiar with the matchup and what she does. After you have your ult, you have more kill pressure as you actually have something to CC her with and she is just a glass cannon. Call down your jungler before 6 to try and get a lead in lane and make sure she doesn't snowball but if they don't come down, play carefully as one misstep can mean your death.”
milast says “She is pretty strong , has lots of poke , cc , and her abilities are easy to land , if you don't have problems with blitz being picked , ban her.”
Discord231 says “Esta tipa en la fase de líneas no te debería dar dolores de cabeza, y deberías intentar jugar agresivo si tienes un adc de early, pero en cuanto tenga R y compre la Liandry, prepárate para sufrir, pues te cancelara los combos, y te bajara la vida demasiado rápido.”
Levkar says “A skilled Zyra will make your life hell. Hop off if she has her root on cooldown. Help your ADC destroy plants for that sweet 3 gold. If she ults, hop back on anyone ASAP.”
LilRidge says “Zyra's plants hurt when laning against her. Actively look to step on her pods to prevent them from becoming plants.
When you attempt to step on one of her pods, she will look to either (Q) Deadly Spines or (E) Grasping Roots you. use this to your advantage and immediately engage on her.”
GamingFrog says “Very hard match up for Thresh if it's a good Zyra. Her plants can block your hooks and she also has tons of poke. She can easily turn fights around too. Also outscales you.”
Tauricus2017 says “Zyra provides a solid early game power into the laning phase as well as good teamfight value. It is generally better to play safe and outscale her eventually, go for Relic, avoid fights and her abilities. Early boots of swiftness are amazing here.”
Pentius says “Thresh struggles against Zyra because of the amount of pressure she can apply with her poke. the plants can also block Thresh's hook. Start early oracle lens and control the lane bushes and look for hooks from fog of war.”
Sakaita says “Zyra can be pretty gross if she out pokes you, try to get max range Qs from minions to get your support item gold. The goal in this lane is to be passive and poke when you can, not because you can.”
Rainuu says “Zyra be a problem to play against as her poke does a considerable amount of damage. Not to mention her massive ulti that prevents you from bursting and then immediately slows you down with her plants. You can take out her plants with ease though,”
Ruiner of Fun says “Very similar to Lux. Almost always with somebody else. Her damage output is insane and she can peel very well. Be mindful of flinging her into your team. A ult and zhonyas can kick your teeth in.”
Kefochka says “Зайра хрупкая, но опасная. У неё нет сустейна для своего адк, но есть сильный контроль и урон. Если её подловить на попытке разместить растения, можно серьёзно её ранить и отогнать от линии.”
Starchase says “Don't detach from your ADC, she has a lot of damage early on and a stun pretty hard to dodge, sustain all her poke damage with your E.
Care at lvl 6, she has surprising amount of burst damage.
Rush Mikael's Bleesing.
You outscale her.”
Takitsu says “A Thresh can play this out of their mind and still lose to a zyra playing OSRS on a second screen. The only chance you have to win this lane is killing Zyra before level 3. Flash Flays, hooks early levels are the only hope before Zyra gets enough damage to 1v2 the lane. Once that happens you have to roam and get top/jg/mid ahead. Pray your bot laner can farm under turret.
Post-6 Thresh never wins this fight unless zyra is completely alone and out of position. Otherwise Zyra will kill someone before she dies.”
losolkos says “Her plants are so annoing try to destroy them before she activate them and her stun can make your live hard but its slow so you can dodge it also she have long coldown so when he use evrything try to atack.”
Discord231 says “Esta tipa en la fase de líneas no te debería dar dolores de cabeza, y deberías intentar jugar agresivo si tienes un adc de early, pero en cuanto tenga R y compre la Liandry, prepárate para sufrir, pues te cancelara los combos, y te bajara la vida demasiado rápido. ”
unhben says “Her poke is too abusive so dont even try to walk up. Just perma shield and sit back with your adc. Expect to die once or twice to something stupid like a long range spitter hitting you or a tricky gank. Ward up the bushes and only destroy the really out there plants after you see her use Q/E.”
unhben says “Her poke is as nasty as yours but as long as you can get the first bits in and force her backwards from setting up plants you should be fine. Use the width of your W to hit multiple plants at once if she spawns them. ”
Coo1breeze says “Getting caught by a root will suck, and the plant turrets keep you at bay. When she reaches Lv6 she will be a major threat to your bot lane existence. If she misses her abilities though, then feel free to kill her.”
Bear Gummies says “If Zyra roots you, you are pretty screwed depending on who their enemy ADC is. Only go in to poke when she has wasted her root. Same logic with when you are receiving a gank from your jungler- try to bait out the root because she has no other way to peel for herself besides her root.”
Jannito02 says “Zyra's E is sometimes hard to dodge. Her plants are really annoying aswell, but she doesn't have mobility so sometimes, focusing her can be easier than focusing the enemy ADC. Just wait for her to use her E to get out of your teammate to use your passive, or to ult her and kill her easily, as her R cast time is also slow, so you can get out of it without her knocking you up.”
SanLourdes says “Zyra has great poke, and she can stay out of range of your hook while still dealing damage. Make sure to destroy her seeds before she can turn them into plants.”
EionThePepega says “Very Zyra favored. Her magic damage can insta destroy your shield, and her root is is hard to not get it due to it's visual look. I suggest go Relic Shield and Scaling runes, while using the Moonstone build. Also if she bursts you be sure to type in all chat: "sorry for existing".”
RetroOatcake says “Her plants can block your Q and can break down your E. Generally you will want to play safe against her as she will probably out damage you all game.”
Kahrena says “try to avoid her cc and dodge her damage. ignore your damn adc in this case, give him a shield and that's it. you are not a tank. abuse your r on her. ”
xDopii says “Her Damage is very high and being hit by her root can lead to a quick death. Her Plants can block your hooks so take care of those before engaging into a fight.”
mscocca says “Immobile champion. The Root on her E can be dangerous at times when you engage with your W (Cougar). Punish her when she wastes or misses it.”
xDopii says “It will be a bit hard to get close to her as she has a lot of ranged CC and can easily kill you if you get attacked by a lot of plants. This won't be much of an issue in late game.”
EionThePepega says “She's a very kill potential champion, and a singular Root from her can murder you. Don't try to kill her and maybe rush Mikael's Blessing for Magic Resist and a Cleanse for your Laner.”
Yago77 says “All poke mages except Lux are a good example of how to win line vs Sona but they are also easy to catch or focus because they have low hp.”
Meepy says “If you are passive it will be a hard Lane. If you hit a stun on her she will die. If Bot Lane doesnt seem winnable just perma roam on her.
Jexeff says “Zyra can be troublesome since her plants can block your hooks. Just do your best to avoid her root not take too much damage from her plants. Just remember that her Q will spawn ranged plants that can shoot you from a distance, while her E will spawn melee plants which slow. Keep notice of her plants she places since they have a decently long recharge of 20 seconds per plant at level 1. Since you do not max this ability as zyra, you can use this as a good indicator for the early game.”
Wounds2 says “Zyra is very difficult to deal with because it feels like she triples your range with her plants and it is very hard to get on top of her in lane without having to use flash. Her snare and ult are useful for stopping your engage. Unless she gives you free kills, you should be patient in laning phase and try to get out with as little deaths as possible.”
icebombhunter says “Oh, yes she has a root.. grab her anyway and she is dead. Well she can flash away the first time, but then she is dead. just stay away from her plants.”
fishbully says “ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Zyra is much like Swain. If a root is hit, Janna will lose half health. Plants deal a ton of damage that Janna can not deal against/with. Therefore this matchup sucks.”
itizhelia says “A Good Zyra makes you totally useless.
Be glad she's not a common pick for supports otherwise she'd have been a permaban category champion.”
Find0 says “All you have to do is avoid plant damage by keeping spacing and dodging the e. post 6 you can proc phase rush to dip from her ult or even just press r to tank plants for your adc. Pretty rough one for zyra
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Zyra has a lot of poke and she can spawn plants when you want to q, making you miss your engage tool. Be aware of her all ins, because she deals a lot of damage.”
Dotje says “Zyra really chunks the both of you, I suggest trying to remain as healthy as possible. Make sure not to be caught together with your adc, but instead try and save him. You're able to shield her poke, but you have to be super careful with where you walk, and where to face check.”
Navn says “Very hard to reach. Usually pretty zoned. Tend to get Second Wind and Relic shield to just try and survive the lane. Taste of blood will help with the sustain too. Very unlikely you can out-push her. Just look to out-scale her.”
Xeptron says “Zyra - strong in poke, weak against engage. Good Zyra will know how to play against a Thresh. Her plants make Thresh's life a nightmare. Since Thresh Q is a channel ability, it is easy for Zyra to notice the animation and spawn plant infront of her, so you don't hook her but hook the plant instead, making it very annoying to find a good engage against zyra.
Her damage might be high but her poke range isn't. it is hard for her to find a good poke without her plants. If she oversteps and has no plants to spawn, it is an easy engage.
CAREFUL THOUGH, she is super strong in allins, she can burst enemies very easily, so you have to wait until her abilities are on cooldown or she is left alone without any assistance.”
whybother34 says “Plants love the sun but this match up is surprisingly even. Her poke is strong but your tank stats can take some of the abuse. When you dive she has ways to counter you with her e or ult but making her waste her ult on non immediate peel makes this matchup slightly in your favor ”
Sunedayz says “Abuse your movement speed in this matchup to avoid her skill shots. As long as you don't step in her plants range, and dodge skill shots she can't whittle you down. Once you do this she'll instead focus your ADC, every time her spells are on CD go and poke her down. ”
DracoMeteor_ says “Zyra is also a major threat to Yuumi because, again, she can buy Grievous and poke you out enough to where you and your ADC cant go in.”
McZeddy says “Same deal, low range, you can easily get rooted and chunked. Only bonus you have in Zyra lanes is that your empowered autos insta-kill her plants.”
CaptianMike says “Poke mages are hard in laning phase, but mid-late game Zilean is much more useful.
If she is fed, getting htit by her root usually means death. Dodge her root by walking to the left or right of it because it travels far in a line.
She has no sustain, so each bomb hurts her! Plus, she has no escapes so if you are receiving a gank, slow her down and she's doomed. Take SCORCH”
jessuva says “Zyra is just damage! AND she has CC! AND plants! Try to dodge her root, which luckily isn't as long as others'. The benefit of Zyra is free gold from her plants :) ”
LTD MAMON says “her plant activate your box, her Ult counter your Q so u can't use R to outplay anyone, good zyra will dominate you so hard and you will very after the 15 min ff game end”
Titans Revenge says “The good news: She is squishy. The bad news: A good Zyra will use her plants to block all of your hooks. She also does a LOT of magic damage after 1 item. Try not to get CC'd and wait for her to acticate the plants, then step past them to engage.”
Hceercs says “Almost impossible matchup when against a good Zyra. Aside from being able to poke you and root you from being able to walk up and run her down, she also has plants to block your hook. She also has nasty counterengage with her R. ”
RedNBlue says “Little plant girl over here will be one of the 5 worst champions to go against as Senna as you will just die over and over and over again and you will have no wraith stalkers. or mist stalkers.”
CastratedSeal says “Zyra has a better laning phase and sets up ganks better than Nami. Nami will outscale Zyra after one item and have more impact in teamfights.”
DaejiBulgogi says “Zyra is one of Thresh's biggest counters. Her constant harassment in lane causes you to play back, defeating the goal of creating pressure with your hook and flay. To counter this, try to maintain lane priority.
Her plants can also block Thresh's hooks, making it harder to find angles to engage.
If you manage to land a hook on her, it will most likely blow her Flash or her ADC's Heal.”
EmpressBee says “Zyra is able to kill Nami with her burst damage and snare. Attempt to kill the poking plants/step on the seeds before her plants are triggered to minimize damage taken. If Zyra misses her E she is vulnerable to being Nami ulted as she is very slow and squishy.”
NEED WATER says “A lot in Zyra's kit counters Maokai. From her bush control and burst, to her straight up insane ranged CC. She is very good at turning around fights, so dodge those E's and time your ultimates wisely! ”
RcosplayEnjoyer says “She does the same job you do, so be careful of her damage.
If she stands close to one of her plants you can E it and the virus will switch over to her.”
toxicure says “Her AP burst, range, root and plants are hard to avoid. She is great threat both in and out of lane. Her plants are strong zoning tool. ”
ElSindiLegolas says “Zyra ya es algo mas complejo porque no solo tiene mucho damage ad sino que tambien tiene un cc bastante facil de aplicar y puede llegar a suponer una verdadera amenaza.”
Jum3h says “You can outsustain her easily, and wait her stuns or dodge it to all in, if you're not good at nami be very careful, just wait till you're level 6 for the all in easy kill.”
ReignMargulan says “OH GOD NO!. Zyras poke and DOT is too much for pyke to handle with his passive alone and if you get cc chained by her you cant do much but use Phantom Undertow to go from one side of her ult to the other but either way you die. And if she builds remotely any max health you will have an even harder time assasinating her”
Jovy says “Extremely squishy but with potent poke. Her disengage is somewhat unreliable, as it's a slow skillshot snare, if you dodge it she hasn't got any other way of protecting herself. Focus on her instead of her ADC, and you'll be able to shut her down before she gets good items and starts dealing serious damage.”
NirvanaBunny says “She HURTS! Be careful of her Q, it'll root you through minions and she does DAMAGE. Keep an eye on her seed placements and try to heal your ADC if she focuses them.”
Jovy says “Similar to Vel'Koz, but somewhat easier to kill as she's weaker and has no CC (pre 6) bar her root, which can be easy to dodge. Watch out for her long range ability and AA poke.”
Jovy says “anna generally doesn't do well against Zyra. She can't outpoke Zyra but Janna can defend well against her poke and she can deny engages. Still Zyra just chunks you and your AD and you can't really do much against it except try to dodge her abilities and shield as much damage as possible.”
Kilo Khaos says “Zyra is a champ you'll need to have your lantern always ready to go when fighting, as you'll need to peel your carry from both her snare and her ult. Avoid taking unnecessary damage, and make sure to stomp on her seeds to avoid her from spawning more plant turrets. Be aware she can spawn flowers to deny you hooks in lane.”
moon827 says “Zyra will be a pain to deal with, due to the sheer amount of cc she has. Her plants also will deal a lot of damage if you are not careful, or not paying attention to them.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “When in lane against Zyra you should always be aware of her damage.
If she lands her root on your AD carry, throw your lantern so Zyra doesn't get the chunk your AD carry down completely with just one rotation of spells..
Once Zyra has used her abilities she is an easy target, because she has no real way to escape.”
i_like_anime_thighs says “You will be poked to no end when hopping off, maybe even rooted and probably killed or left low HP. If all that wasn't enough her R knocks you back and puts your W on a 5 second CD too.”
Taric Support says “Zyra has a lot of poke in lane which is exactly what Taric struggles against. Try to dodge her stun. Her damage in lane is quite high and as she is AP and Taric is good against AD this lane can be tricky. You can only engage on her if she overextends or when her root is on cooldown. ”
Vahlok says “I hate this champ. She can easily stop every hook you throw with a plant. She can root and knock you. Just play safe and try to engage fast with your boots and with E, if you can.”
KeleiX13 says “Stay on your ADC. Zyra has a lot of poke and you should look to play this lane defensively. Try and land your Q's and keep your ADC's health up in case they get rooted so they won't die. ”
Papiesh says “Zyra's all in and poke is strong asf, the best you can do is dodge her abilities, shield from her damage and wait to gank from the jungler.”
Spection says “RARE. An support whose damage must not be underestimated. She's incredibly squishy so mash her if you can get the jump on her but getting too close to her plants spells death for you, so be careful of how much mana she has. Don't eat her combo, it will make it very easy for her plants and her ADC to burst you down. Watch out for her ult.”
ShroudedBRH says “Zyra has alot of tools that allow her to poke, cc , deal AoE damage and her plants will block your W. Avoid her Q and unnecessary damage from her plants. Be careful with positioning and all ins when she uses R”
Mickeystick says “Her plants stop Nautilus' hook, she has very high crowd control, and he damage is absurd. You want to go in at level 6 with your carry and try to get a 1 for 2 trade (you will die but carry gets double kill and wave advantage).”
Wicked Cherry says “The thorny rose will be super annoying but if you don't get caught by her skillshot root, you're somewhat safe. She can dish out quite some damage and what's worse - she'll not do it herself but mostly have her plants do it.
But you have more sustain - rush Ardent's. If you're not too comfortable with dodging her root, grab mobility boots early.”
QueerJunk says “Nami has a 47%winrate against Zyra, while I do think you can outheal her poke, if she lands her CC you're dead and her poke range with plants is much longer then namis. Ultimately a skill matchup”
Thomas Stella says “Zyra was my first main, and I really appreciate her. However, this is not why I am going to praise her so much.
She is too dangerous if she kills her early or allows her to poke us too much. One advantage is that she is really slow, so we have to play around with it. Stand on its flowers and you will disable 90% of its passive”
TheMistCollector says “HARDEST poke matchup. She can Q-E you while getting a mist. Because your health is too low, you can't risk it and try to walk on her passive, so you just have to play VERY safe. If she has mana, don't poke as often, just grab mists from the ground with a Q ”
TheSpecialist says “When playing against Zyra, dedicate your time to wilting her plants otherwise these become blockades to Pyke's Q & be on the search for Zyra's Root”
ShanksMeister says “Really annoying. Don't be afraid to max you W and to take Relic shield because she is going to try to kill you. You scale way harder so don't die and you'll be fine.”
Spider Shaped says “Много урока,драка 1 на 1 будет скорее на её стороне,если у неё позиция лучше чем ваша. Если вы сражаетесь в большой области,то победа скорее за вами”
Bonk Cenna says “Las plantas bloquean tu Q
Lo bueno es que a nivel 6 sí puedes hacer un buen engage y explotarlo. La clave contra estos supports es NO MORIR.”
V0idbane says “While your Pick a Card can take care of a single plant with ease the combination of multiple threats, her ability to root, and your relative frailty in the face of burst DPS can make her a death sentence to engage.”
TailsGothicAngel says “Much like Lux and Brand. Be careful, avoid her root, poke her down methodically, don't get bursted, and make sure to not engage unless you know the champ well.”
Hoshikoo746 says “I don't want to face that !!!
Zyra is better than you at poking and all ining (?).
Get caught, you die. Catch her, she won't die and YOU die. (except if she is bad)”
snukumz says “If you juke her skill shots you'll be alright as you can do a ton of damage to her squishy ass.
Skill matchup.
She has a lot better CC than you and can 100-0 you easily at higher levels so watch out.
Your ultimate will decimate her health bar. ”
snukumz says “She does more burst than you until the Mid/Late game so be very careful when playing against her.
She does a lot more poke damage then you so watch out.
The good news is she's very squishy so if you land a stun on her she's going to get pounded by you and your ADC.”
snukumz says “Her poke will take up all of you mana on heals if you & your ADC aren't good at dodging skill shots.
She way out bursts you so be careful.
The good news is she's very squishy so if you can land a good bubble she's in trouble. ”
sorakabro says “Zyra is pretty good vs soraka since she have long range of her abilitys just try to play safe and use your e when off cd to procc your spellthief.”
thesophieset says “Absolutely not a good lane for Soraka. Zyra's damage output is very high and once she lands her E, you stand little to no chance of making it out alive without at least burning a Summoner Spell. Her plants provide incessant and annoying poke. Play this lane very safely if you have to, but I'd advise you that if you have to counterpick into a Zyra, you choose a different champion.”
NalgaSensei says “Completely outranges you and prevents you from using your Relic Shield because of her roots and high damage. She exerts so much pressure and her R is impossible to deal with. Beware of this support champion.”
Yuzu says “Get relic shield and boots, play safe and you`ll outscale her. Her plants can be handled with, her Ult is really old and needs an update, so don`t be too afraid of that. ”
Jaiyana says “It's not that big threat but Zyra can poke you and your adc at the right time and you will need your E to remove her CC. It's winnable but it's up to how you play. her E and R are CC so you might need Crucible (for allies) + your E. also I recommend to build some AP items or you can go my build when against her!”
Defensivity1 says “Her Plants together with either her E or Q can destroy your boxes makes it very difficult to play against her in lane or mid to late game”
Jesterbutt says “Zyra is a very good all-in laning champion (unfortunately for you). Keeping track of her cooldowns and making sure to destroy her seeds is a must.”
Maxwhale Plays says “If you can dodge her snare then her damage will have to come from plants and her Q so you could most likely run her down while her snare is on cool down”
Thats a OOF says “Zyra is one of THE biggest counters to Thresh because she can cancel a hook with a quick W Q/E. Take note of this... ALWAYS FIGHT HER WITH YOUR LANTERN UP. Her snare and chain CC although is nowhere close to Thresh is super annoying especially with a Kai'sa as she can R to gap close. This is not a fun lane. NOTE:THIS COMPLETELY DEPENDS ON THE ZYRA'S SKILL WITH THE CHAMPION. YOU CAN EASILY WIN AGAINST A TRASH ZYRA. HOWEVER MOST ZYRA'S ARE EITHER MAINS OR OTP ZYRA'S. SO THIS IS A SKILL MATCHUP AS SHE'S VERY SQUISHY.”
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says “Beware her high damage, and use your Q often to remove her plants. Also, keep an eye on your ADC's health, it will go down really quick if she hits her stun”
McConnell2111 says “Wait till lvl 6 and roam mid or go with jungler for other objectives there is no point dying over and over again to poke for barely any exp or gold. ”
rquoe says “Yet another champion that outranges you during the early game, so try to stack up on souls and avoid getting too close to his plants. Her poke is nasty and will force you to retreat if you try to proc your passive on her.”
Keny McCormick says “Another annoying lane. She has a lot of range and can sit back and hurt you. Just know that your W can instakill her plants early on. Look to land a W root on a plant that she is popping up right next to her or the ADC to create an insta-root.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Pretty scary all in and her snare can catch you out relatively easily, if it's on cooldown feel free to poke her a bit for some gold with autos.
Level 6, you're better off camping on your ADC hoping he doesn't get comboed. ”
TheGreatHazam says “Because of her burst capability if I were to miss my W and she roots me with her E then I would most likely get one shot it before the root finishes.This gets more true as time progresses and she have more AP.”
Apho says “Stay in poking range and be mindful of her long-range E. Zyra's Q is less than your Q range. Post-level 6 lets her have a slight advantage, but she must use Flash to be in range.”
netherlessss says “Zyra's long range and High damage are deadly and her plants should not be under estimated. With Janna's high MS, you can help destroy her saplings and deny her damage with your E.”
JustSlayter says “Her burst is really high, and her plants will cause you trouble if she is competent with them. She is however, very squishy so if you manage to land your stun you can likely kill her.”
HoneyQT says “Zyra wins lane. That's what she does. If you can survive lane, she is squishy and her damage won't stay relevant if she doesn't get kills. Play safe and don't die and she'll lose her relevancy.”
Cat Elf says “Zyra CC is really scary and if you get hit you are probably dead. Her E and ULT will murder you. She also deals an insane amount of damage. ”
tinietinytechz says “High Base Damage and CC with a large AOE teamfight ultimate. Try to avoid Q's & E's from Zyra in the lane phase. If you can get out of lane even you've win game later. I would probably ban her this patch.”
DestroyerGaming says “Zyra, um suporte que incomodará bastante na lane, possui bastante poke, suas plantas impedem você de hookar o inimigo e caso pise nelas iluminará onde você está, logo, ela quase sempre saberá onde você está nos arbustos laterais.”
PayyBack says “She shutdowns you completely, don't risk for engagement with W, because you'll get instantly rooted and burst down by her plants + DMG from ADC.
Flint124 says “If you dodge/flash over her root, you stand a chance. Other than that, you might have a bit of a rough time.
She matches your poke, does more damage in an all-in, and has defensive CC.
She is, however, a sitting duck if you hit level 2 first (and she started Q).”
STEBMENOW says “Makes your engages and Q's very difficult because of her R and plants. She'll easily poke you and your ADC out of lane if not careful.”
DarkGabumon says “Really squishy champ, with less range, she is easy to harass out of land and it's very easy to shield her poke. Just be careful of getting hit by her root as it goes through minions and can set up into a very damaging combo.”
ICannon says “Very annoying,try to play smart.The main goal here is to stay alive and survive laning phase.If you can grab some kills along the way that's great.”
Daedralus says “Her plants makes this lane quite tough which provoke the range weakness greatly. However, once you have 6, your all in combo will still one shot her. Make sure you keep E for situations that you are swarmed by plants so you can get rid of her damage and cool downs for a potential easy turn around.”
Stee1Storm says “One of the worst match-up, the plants can interrupt your Q, and she deals too much dmg, really, just wait your jungler or all in her before her 6.”
whatsthemeta says “Her CC is really dangerous for you as an immobile champion and her plants are too because of how squishy you are, especially early game.”
SorakaBestWaifu says “A good Zyra can be a real pain to deal with with how much damage she can deal and her CC though not as annoying as those in T5. Positioning is the key.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “ALWAYS BAN ZYRA IF YOU CAN PLAY VS MORGANA!!! There are not many people who play Zyra but playing vs a good Zyra is hell. . . She can poke you out of lane and block nearly every single hook you throw.”
Kefochka says “Зайра сорвёт ваш щит одним попаданием цветка, прохарасит линию, запоучит вашего адк и вас и в жёстких разменах по итогу внесёт огромное количество урона.”
Jointed says “Zyra has great poke an all in damage. Avoid her snare and you go fairly even in poke. Avoid losing bush control. Zyra's all in at 6 is not like levels 1-5, respect 6.”
Larmack says “Her poke is decent, but if you kill/avoid her plants you can mitigate a lot of it. Keep a moderate distance from her so that you can sidestep her e, as it goes through minions and you'll die if it hits you.”
KitsyMamori says “She is an annoying laner to go up against but its mostly exactly like Lux. She has a root, high burst abilities and a ult that will shut you down. To stop this all you have to do is NOT fight her plants and dodge her E.”
TDKPBT says “Magic damage poke with a pretty good all in at 6 - she's pretty scary. However, she is also pretty squishy so once you reach 6, easy to combo.”
LFS_aXent says “Zyra is pretty much a load of poke. You have a lot of mobility as Ahri, which is good, so just dodge her E, and follow it up immediately with a charm and chip her for some damage. Make sure she has to play back”
JSKF says “Her root stops you from attaching, she has high AP, and is a lane bully. Incredibly hard match-up, try to attack some plants if you can, don't let her root you!”
Hanjaro says “High damage, high CC, high range. Don't try to engage on her, sustain and play safe. She's squishy, so wait for a gank to catch her out. ”
ningen ouroboros says “If you dodge root and ult, zyra is most likely dead, but if zyra just stays behind, she does more damage than you, so focus her and watch out for plant damage.
You probably lose lane unless you get kills”
GoBucket says “Really strong burst mage. Her root goes through minions so be careful. Her poke with her plants are really strong. It will be a rough lane if you don't manage to dodge her combos. But if you do, then engaging on her or her ADC will be easy win. You can outplay her ult with your E to reposition as well.”
Beeee says “Zyra's root goes through minions and all enemies, and has a pretty long range. Combined with her plant's damage and ult knock-up, she can be an issue to play against. Try to avoid her e and ult combo!”
Zer0XM says “Her plants are the absolute worst, especially with your slow movement, watch out for the E and then hook or just play it safe, either way works.”
MeatFeast says “Zyra is obnoxious in lane and can really pump out the damage. Pre-6 you will have a pretty miserable time and you have to ensure that you avoid her E or she will burn through your health. Keeping your E available means she has to respect you which should buy your ADC a bit of breathing space. Zyra's weakness is that she's one of the squishiest champs in the game. At 6 you will kill her in an Ult + ignite combo. Wait it out, try not to fall too far behind and at 6 you can kill her every time your ultimate comes up.”
ONICH4N says “Honnestly nothing you can do to out poke her. Best bet is to just sit tower and play safe as janna can defend decently well vs the massive poke. Full charged nados tho can keep her in check if landed.”
FabioOoOoOo says “Very frustrating matchup. Her plans can poke you so far down that you can't fight. Her ultimate will hit both you and your adc. Don't give her a lead since her zoning will never let you take it back.”
ThebestGP says “Very difficult to deal with since her plants create a very strong zoning method preventing any engage. If the player is smart enough can block the hook with a plant. Same with morgana you can Max E to remove the plants very quickly. Lantern Flash Flay is very strong early game since she does not have any mobility other than flash which you can easily bait out.”
spark2 says “You need to dodge her E at all costs. If she whiffs it, you can all-in her fairly easily. If she hits it, say bye-bye to half of your health. She's a utility mage against a utility assassin, on paper you should win, you just have to not screw it up!”
WhiteGoliath says “if she gets you, you're probably dead, unless you engage first and onto the enemy adc, you will get her agro and your adc will be able to deal all the dmg needed. if she's good she'll probably focus your adc be carefull”
Laverenz says “Zyra is a really strong champion. She has a lot of burst potential, and her plants will block your hook, making it harder for you to hit the enemy. ”
NirvanaBunny says “Zyra's poke is annoying--to put it mildly. She is also very squishy, so being targeted will ruin her day. Remember, shas an unreliable disengage, so focus her instead of her ADC.”
aimez says “Zyra will be a pain to deal with, due to the sheer amount of cc she has. Her plants also will deal a lot of damage if you are not careful, or not paying attention to them.”
Aredawn says “A good Zyra will be an absolute nightmare for you in lane, her snare has great range, and her plants are a nuisance. Play defensively, and only engage when shes burned her snare, and there aren't many seeds in play around you.”
Ahpulzz says “Despite her squishiness and lack of mobility, her range, damage, and CC make it really easy for her to zone you out and take over the lane for herself. All her abilities go through minions, giving her many more opportunities to poke and catch you out. Definitely call for ganks against her since she's squishy and slow, and don't hesitate to punish her if she strays too close - one hook and she'll probably die.
She scales very well into late game, so do your best to keep her in check early on.”
SirZeros says “The bad thing about Zyra: It's hard to dodge her Abilities with your hitbox.
The good thing about her: She'll give you some more opportunities to stun her, if she hugs her plants.
It's not a bad thing to call your jungler to help you!”
Hanjaro says “If she roots you, you're going to be there a long time while taking insane amounts of damage from her plants, she can do it through minions as well. Her plants block your Q.”
Mantra Decorum says “Poke her hard in levels 1 and 2, she is squishy and you're Mantra Q destroy her. She don't have any heals or shields, so is easy to make her fall back.”
Ahpulzz says “You can't reliably kill the plants she spawns without being in melee range, and you're guaranteed to take even more harass if you try to kill off a plant yourself. This and the constant threat of being snared by her E if too close will force you to play further back than normal for a good portion of the laning phase. Her ultimate is also very strong for disengage against anyone of the likes of Trundle, as the area is enormous and will knock up anyone who remains in it. However, as most poke heavy supports, she lacks an escape and just happens to be one of the squishiest champions out there. Land one good pillar and you'll most likely get her to burn flash, but that's only if your healthy enough to get in her face in the first place.”
Aethlo says “Long distance poke - a matter of positioning and general landing of your w for poke to win lane. She wins the engages due to her more extensive cc kit (mainly her ult).”
Chromuro says “High range poke that can come from every angle. The damage can become quite unsustainable if the plants continue to lock onto you, but the skill you have to avoid at all costs is her E. If she catches you, you are pretty much dead. Stay safe and be always ready with your equinox, if you can interrupt her combo you can cut in half her damage.”
Vermeio says “Her root, and high base damage, will be a problem early on. You can try to burst with your adc. but AFTER she misses a skill, and don´t underestimate her plants damage. It stacks fast. If needed make Adaptive Helm. Boot is a must.”
ZedeS says “Despite all Zyra players being literal sub-humans, she is still in my games. If Zyra is picked, consider adding them to your int list. Also, consider taking Magic Resist in your rune page and do your best to make them AFK.”
Defensivity1 says “Dont walk near the seeds on the ground she puts down, she is just annoying to play around, but if ur not going where you arent supposed to go you should be fine”
Sona Aria says “High base damage, minion piercing snare that scales with rank, and low skill floor make this champion hard to deal with. However, your aery + w shield counters her plant's dot pretty well, and as long as you play around her skill CD's, this matchup is manageable.”
Haezard01 says “She can burst you early on as well but you have a more safe, reliable and mana friendly kit than hers. Make sure you burst her out early because the CC and AoE she brings in a teamfight is game changing.”
Xavier Senori says “Zyra is annoying to play against because engaging against her generally means taking several plants to the face. That being said, if you can dodge her initial bind, you can easily move out of the range of her plants and DPS her down. Buy an early negatron cloak if she gets ahead because she starts to hurt come mid game. ”
Saethwyr says “You're gonna have to accpept not being able to do much against this lane. prioritise helping your laner shove and contest objectives or roam.”
The Jhin Cena says “Only time she should really be annoying is early game because she'll constantly poke you. Depending on how much she pokes, then either chill near your turret until level 6 or farm passively in the lane and maybe try and kill her with Q > E > W if the opportunity arises.”
z4ki says “High Base Damage and CC with a large AOE teamfight ultimate. Try to tell your ADC to avoid Q's & E's from Zyra in the lane phase (and you too, because if she combo with W+E or W+Q, she can deal some damage to you) ”
NirvanaBunny says “She HURTS! Be careful of her Q, it'll root you through minions and she does DAMAGE. Keep an eye on her seed placements and try to heal your ADC if she focuses them.”
RainbowNova says “Zyra has lots of damage and CC. Once she gets Liandry's you might want to close off League so you won't lag when you start up Gray Screen Simulator.”
Filteo says “Playing against Zyra as Pyke is really annoying, if you are caught in her E you are absolutely dead. Also she has a really fucking good burst, so when she damages you gotta go heal up right away. Her R is pretty fucked up against you. ”
Hanjaro says “Zyra is mostly a poke mage as well. But one difficulty of Zyra is her plants. She can position plants in front of your hook target to block your hooks. Be mindful of where she places her seeds before looking for an engage. Her cast seeds(not passive seeds) have a high cooldown early. Look to abuse her when her W is on cooldown.”
MightyPebble says “Even a mediocre Zyra player will crush you. The champion is designed to deal huge amounts of damage and playing against a support Zyra is insanely difficult.”
Morton Koopa Jr says “While Zyra does have a lot of burst that's mostly just her plants which cant hit Yuumi, also Yuumi can safely Q to kill Zyra's plants”
Damonion says “The plant "minions" she puts out can make it hard to poke with aa when not attached to adc without it costing you a fair amount of the little hp you have”
Shderen says “Her plants hurt and if you read my item notes I really recommend Mercury Treads. Not many are mid anymore, and if they are, they'll have to spend time investing in mana (whereas support Zyra players get it for free from the Spellthief's tree). This is your only time of laning dominance over her. Outside of laning, she has dominance if she hits her snare on you and/or you underestimate her plants damage.”
Fruxo says “Has incredible burst damage, can be a serious treat if not taken seriously. Be careful of her lvl 6 since she can turn you into dust in an instant if you are not prepared for it. Ask for ganks from jungler if it is really hard to deal with.”
NirvanaBunny says “She HURTS! Be careful of her Q, it'll root you through minions and she does DAMAGE. Keep an eye on her seed placements and try to heal your ADC if she focuses them.”
NirvanaBunny says “She HURTS! Be careful of her Q, it'll root you through minions and she does DAMAGE. Keep an eye on her seed placements and try to heal your ADC if she focuses them.”
Meresjev says “Skill matchup. She can blocks your Q with her flowers. You can block her spells with your E. Zyra has massive burst damage, but she is very squishy.”
xxMyDixieRektxx says “Once again, you gotta respect her crazy poke (if she lands it) and roots. Similar to heim, try to get rid of her plants, and swallow your carry when necessary.
Also shes vegan ew. That automatically makes her an extreme threat >w<”
SawyerNelson says “Zyra beat's thresh in lane, if you move forward she can catch out thresh, and block hook with her plants. Thresh's only advantage is catching her out in the fog of war or out roaming her.”
ImNotJade says “With her plants, Thresh's hooks can be blocked and early game damage of Zyra is just so op because Thresh is still squishy. Prioritizing Null-Magic Mantle for the Solari helps.”
semisomniac says “She HURTS. I ranked her above Brand because she can root through minions when you go up to poke. Watch for seed placements and be aware that you might have to heal up your ADC in this lane. Depending on her runes, you should be able to outsustain in lane.”
Yukkine says “Your best element here, of course... is the element of surprise! She should always be top priority when engaging, because if you don't... Surprise! You're dead!”
TheLuluMain says “Very tough lane, she outranges you and getting close enough to trade often results in you getting stunned and dying. You have no healing so you must react in time to shield her damage. Play safe and hope for the late game to come soon.”
Tourizm says “hard match-up! Zyra will die if you land a hook, but she can wipe out with mass damage and make your disengage hard if there's a comp with more cc than you”
AkemiSen says “Same reasons as Lux, even tho Zyra's early game is extremely scary and can make Kayle suffer. You can use her plants to make your Q scatter and get some free poke.”
Adauchi says “Aside from brand, this champion can out poke you during the early laning phase, so its best to ban this champion when you have a squishy ADC.”
Rasta Da Masta says “It's not very difficult to play against her "Free dps" kit, but your spells make it difficult to clear them. So long as you don't get hit by her CC, she isn't an issue due to her lack of mobility, utility, & tankiness.”
Jeroen R8 says “Zyra is one of the most annoying champions to deal with. Her high base damage and ability to lock you down combined with her being able to block your hook with plants is incredibly annoying.”
Tipurrs says “She out ranges you but they are all skill shots. Playing defensive is needed in this match-up. Rush Banshee's Veil and MS. It's better to roam other lanes than dealing with her. Her plants are annoying but gives off gold.”
Knoppers123456 says “Heavy threat till 6, because she can kill you easily while you try to push of your stacks. at 6 you can kill her quite well since she wont deal any dmg to you as soon as you ult.
Try Full engade at 6 otherwise stall out till late.”
Vulpanium says “Obnoxious poke to where it makes you just drain all your mana or take lots of damage. It's better to play passive in this lane and avoid taking damage from her plants. Try your best! :) ”
Saecriru says “This is one of Neeko's hardest support match ups I'd say. Just try not to get rooted by Zyra and everything should be fine. Another tip for this match up is to send your clone with your W onto Zyra's plants to make her waste mana or to remove the plant from the ground.”
discoheat says “You can hit her plants with your autos and spam her with W while she walks forward. Pretty easy match up. Just keep distance and out trade her. ”
KhaliDino says “Zyra, Xerath, Velkoz, and brand all share the same role of beating you from a safe distance. You can do nothing but accept your fate, until you hit 6 and temper your fate (haha) with your R. Although you can go for some sneaky Q's, but most of the time its quite difficult and risky considering these fellas will keep your HP bar a little empty during lane.”
warpeace101 says “those plants man, keep a good eye on them so that your Q doesnt get blocked, shez pretty squishy so bait her ult and kill her lvl 6 or even lvl 4 with adc”
I love Lun Lun says “Lane bully,burst mage,CC,many plants that can slow and kill you.
There's not much to say she outranges us and she deals damage so you have to be careful...don't underestimate her.Try to keep close to your ADC but not close enough for her to land double Q.Heal your ADC and focus on farming unless your jungler comes.”
Wasbeer says “Dodge! and you should be fine, the damage from the plants you can easy out heal. But if you get hit by her CC she will kill. Past lvl 6 this is not that much of a problem.”
exthreshmain says “Hate this champion, you can try to hook but she just puts a plant infront, however she's quite squishy so if you get close, she should be dead. Build magic resist against her. Her or Pyke should be your bans.”
Zefirez says “Major pest. She can root you, and her plants can slow you and deal massive damage. Stomp her seeds when you can, auto her plants (one aa is enough if they're not ulted), build mr. Adaptive helm is justified.”
undeadsoldiers says “Zyra's ability poke is dodgeable but her plants are extremely annoying.
Generally play back, poke her and her plants, and go for her when her plants are down.
Sheen helps kill her plants.
You can avoid her ult with your own.
Suggested: Cleanse and/or Merc Treads may be useful; rush Sheen”
SawyerNelson says “Zyra has a lot of damage so if she catches Rakan out she can quickly burst him. It's also hard to save an ally caught out by Zyra she she can dump all her abilities so quickly, and Rakan's shield isn't enough.”
MeTheFew says “A real pain in the back, her poke is much more effective and painful than yours, dodge her like fire cause if at least 2 plants get on top of you, you will get smacked.”
revelador says “tu mayor miedo las plantas, te meterán daño y daño que no podras curaraqui solo tienes que sobrevivir al mid game y listo no te dara muchos mas problemas”
BreathlesSx says “Zyra is pretty hard to lane against. Her damage is impossible. Try to stay away from her plants and punish her for the mistakes she makes.”
nicko9090 says “Her poke damage can be overbearing if the game goes extended. She have good poke and you have no protection for your carry so you got to play it safe before 6. After 6 she basically become free food as you can engage on her and basically feel nothing thanks to aftershock. Be careful when she get liandry/rylai.”
Great President says “Best pick againts pyke. She'll always punch you with her q and e skills. When she become 6, lane will be hell for you and your adc. Try dodge her q and e, wait for a jungler gank and when she low hp use your ultimate and take her out. In teamfights focus her first.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Zyra
Early Game: Dodge her [Q] poke and [E] root. She’s squishy but has strong poke.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on catching her out with [Q] and [R]. Avoid her ult knockup.
Key Tip: Bait her [W] before committing to fights.”
FunnyBunnyH says “Only singling out Zyra, because in my opinion she is one of the more annoying mage supports to face (thanks to her plants and CC), but you can pretty much include here all the other mage supports as well (Lux,Xerath,Velkoz...etc).
You generally do well into them if you don't eat too much poke early on, once you have W+Q combo.”
In the Jungle 49.44% Win Rate33% Pick RateZyra In the Jungle Counters: 20 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Zyra in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
chillhowl says “She doesn't let you invade, she cleans faster, you can't hit her because of her E and the slowness of the plants, she's more useful than you in fights and she climbs better because she doesn't let you get marks. Also unplayable.”
kittygore says “Has fast clear but is easy to Invade. Cleanse her Root. Care about her Ult, always try to run out or oneshot before. You can oneshot her before she has zhonyas.”
Cookiemanman says “Zyra can be a difficult matchup for Volibear due to how much damage she can due along with her CC potential. She is very strong currently in the meta and can clear the jungle very efficiently. If she plays correctly it is tough for you to reach her / get your damage on her. She is very squish though therefore, if you do manage to reach her you can typically kill her.”
Neekster says “This champion Ranks #1 as the fastest clearer. Zyra has a very good kit for disabling Neeko. Since you cannot match her clear speed. It's better you gank most of the gankable lanes. You Kill snowball while she Farm snowballs, it's up to you how you will play against her.”
Yomu says “This champion will drop her full combo on you when your R someone, sometimes you soak the whole thing and live, sometimes you get one shot. Try to dodge her E with your W if possible and use plants to heal with W2 if nothing else is around”
Foxirion says “Zyra’s crowd control and high magic damage can pose a significant threat to Viego. Her plants can also zone Viego out and make it difficult for him to engage. However, if Viego can dodge her root, he has a chance of taking her down”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Be careful of her plants blocking your Q and respect her clear speed. Her R Counters your mobility so try to dodge it or wait to then use your mobility. Best to not fight her fair, use your disengage and in and out combo's to win fights against her.”
garbocan says “Zyra is hard to gank if you don't have a support that can easily go in. This is because if Ivern is the one who has to engage with E+Flash, Zyra and her ADC can just focus and kill you. Significantly easier to gank post-Daisy.”
ShinyEmo says “You will have a hard time in teamfights since you can't focus her when her ult and Zhonya's Hourglass is up and she just deals too much damage. ”
checca says “Zyra can cancel Zac's E with her E root and her R knockup. Sometimes you can Q1 Zyra and Q2 a plant, but not vice versa, as using Q on a plant will take away 1 health, which can lead to Q1 breaking and then doing nothing. Zyra's root will not stop you midair, but it will root you when you hit the ground. Be careful as Zyra builds items to counter you, e.g. Grevious Wounds, Sorc Shoes, Liandries. Fight Zyra when there are little to no plants around or if you are ahead in gold.”
Riccardo126 says “Engage her only if you are sure you can kill her, you'll be likely to build armor first, so a support Zyra can be a pain if she's ahead. She can just root you and combo with R and her plants doing a lot of dmg, don't underestimate her even when behind.”
Geomine says “dependign on how good the zyra is this could be easy lane or unplayable. respect her E dmg and sustain her poke with W, she is very squishy so punish if she missposition. dont let her snowball”
Mayday36 says “Poppy doesnt have many extreme threats but she has many even to major threats because she can be very easily cc'ed. So with people like Zyra make sure you watch our for her long range root and her ultimate knockup and you should be ok”
liserith says “Zyra has a really healthy clear, and can solo objectives really early. The range on her attacks are pretty crazy, so try to close the distance on her. In teamfights, try to time your ult with HER ult, to minimize the damage it does. You win the duels, just make sure she doesn't pop off in the teamfights. ”
Ambient12 says “RARE. An support whose damage must not be underestimated. She's incredibly squishy so mash her if you can get the jump on her but getting too close to her plants spells death for you, so be careful of how much mana she has. Don't eat her combo, it will make it very easy for her plants and her ADC to burst you down. Watch out for her ult.”
The Top Bear says “JUNGLE: First off, watch Virkayu's guide to Zyra jungle. It's a great video. Now, Zyra is really good against Nida since her clear is really healthy and she has good damage and CC early. I would go for a double since her clear is a bit slow and without level 3 she cant fight you. Once she hits 3, the best thing to do is either try and completely one-shot her by ambushing her. Or, if you are confident, try baiting her CC and then dodging with W. Remember, you have lower CDs than her. Abuse that. Don't always hop straight in.
SUPP: This lane is going to be hell, and to be honest, I would just try to land spears as best you can and don't go in unless it is a guaranteed kill.
MID: Same as Jungle really, You have better CDs, so use w to dodge her e and then fight after. Use her plants to Pounce-reset and get double leaps.”
raMe162 says “You do not want to gank Zyra if she has any mana left. If she has no mana left and your laner is alive and in position, go for it. EZ kill.”
rektyoukido says “Her stuns are really long so u cant do much agaainst her if you gank your teammate when she is on lane be fast so you dont get stuned imidiatlly”
Predium says “Zyra is a massive trouble for you, Whenever she uses her root, you'll find yourself dead in secs, consider banning her, play agressive against her in early game. ”
MintyMizu says “It is so annoying to gank a botlane with a Zyra in it. She can just root you and you'll end up dying.
Note: Try to dodge her root if possible”
MannerlessNG says “Not too Bad.
Honestly she's not an issue unless she's decently ahead or into the mid game.
She usually just wombo's you right off her ult and you take a ton of damage, which will definitely kill you if she's got friends.
She can also harass you with plants while you try chase her down.
She's more of a neusance than a threat, and you can remove her from existance in a second once you manage a good engage.”
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