Bottom Lane 50.39% Win Rate98% Pick RateJhin Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Jhin in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “Depends on the skill level of the jhin - Just dont take trades from his 4th auto and he does no damage to you before his first back. Try not to get cheesed by traps and his stun in bushes. He outscales you late game cos he does 2000 damage per auto (nice job raijot).”
BigBallsLarry says “tbh not really hard, pay attention to his 4th shot and don't get poked out by his Q/range. Beware of being CC CHAINED with his W, when he ults you can stealth and usually get away unless he guesses. Barrier is mandatory in this matchup, unless he has a heavy CC support and you need to take cleanse. ”
Umatcha says “Tiene mejor control de la linea que tu por sus trampas y W, además de que puede ser un champion agresivo o pasivo según los soportes.
Exhaust puede ayudarte en trades para reducir el daño de su 4to balazo, pero Barrier te ayuda anulando el daño de la 4ta bala y R. Es cuestión de que como quieres jugar esta linea.”
Avarosa says “leve vantagem pra ele, ele tem mais dano e a movespeed dele é grande demais pro seu slow hoje em dia, apesar disso ele não consegue te matar frequentemente sozinho”
Akantris says “u NEED to kill him before he gets to buy Boots of swiftness after he has the boots its gets pretty difficult to kill him since ur slow has basically no impact anymore to him”
gaarrett says “Jhin pairs extremely well with poke supports and his movement speed keeps him out of your range for the majority of the lane. Use W on his fourth shot, E away from his root, play to outscale. ”
Devilbuny says “Jhin jest dość dużym zagrożeniem przez to jak bezpiecznie można nim grać i uniemożliwiać engage Kaliście. Dysponuje rootem, slowem (co dla kalisty jest zabójstwem) oraz przewyższa ją obrażeniami”
EdenHoangKim says “Jhin is a little bit annoy. He is not a normal ADC. He's like caster ADC. So your W can only block his basic attack. But try to snowball early and you can outscale him in late.”
Avxm says “Jhin is a skill matchup unless he has a extremely high damage poke support like zyra/velkoz. If he has these supports the matchup becomes extremely favoured for jhin and super hard for kog. If he has one of those 2 either dodge the game or try to go even or win within the first few levels through playing very agressive. If he doesnt have the support class previously mentioned as his sup, then its a skill matchup. Always be thinking about his w as you need to sidestep this. You can walk into his traps to bait his w and then sidestep accordingly. You beat jhin heavily in all ins, so try to only take all ins and dont get poked out.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Strong early / Long range / good vision with traps / Huge burst
| WEAKNESSES - No mobility / No attack speed / Easy to abuse / Weak to CC
| WHAT TO DO ? - Easy lanning phase, it's more about ennemy support rather than Jhin. Jhin can follow up with engages, poke with his support and sustain pretty well. Focus on getting stacks and items and take some juicy short trades when he is reloading. Mid/late game is in Jhin's favor since he has the range and the damage/burst to match yours, stay away from his bullets.”
Kociokwik says “He is preatty strong rn, also he has bigger range and bonus movement speed so it requires to hit him but it's duable. He doesn't has escape in hit so he is relatively easy to kill if you slow him and your support can engage. In late game he might try to poke you with r so stay behind your teammates.”
Latte9969 says “Jhin goes against a lot of what I've said because he has no inherent mobility but it can be very hard to hit him with your skillshots because of how much movement speed he gets. His range is quite low so try to hit him with Q's in lane when he goes to CS etc and after he gets boots of swiftness you have to aim your Q's slightly ahead of where he is because he has so much movement speed to dodge them.”
Foxirion says “Jhin's long-range poke and burst damage can make him a major threat to Kog'Maw. His ability to snare targets with Deadly Flourish and finish them off with Curtain Call can be challenging for Kog'Maw to handle.”
rowzkit says “Hard lane, but winnable. Have to play it somewhat like the draven lane, but late game will be a bit trickier since Jhin has much more range than you.”
afr0rk says “Playing Ezreal into Jhin is the same as playing any other champ into him. Don't leash as he has really good push, respect his 4th shot, stay a small distance away from minions to avoid his Q bounce. Jhin can be quite annoying once he gets some Crit, as the movement speed he gets from Crits makes it really difficult to land skillshots.”
loaderdragon15 says “Jhin's long-range abilities and high burst damage can make it difficult for Ezreal to trade effectively. Jhin's Deadly Flourish can also root Ezreal in place, setting up for further damage.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “With some supports it can get REALLY fucking problematic but it's still doable.
Threats n' Tips: Look for more creative engage routes. A good Jhin will trap river, lane brush, side walls and flank brush entrances. Try not to stand too close with minions while in Q.”
loaderdragon15 says “Jhin's Roots are Traps are a rough matchup for Ezreal due to the CC. Ezreal needs to have his E available to damage enemy champions. If he has to use it to escape any CC it leaves him vulnerable and inhibits his full burst potential.”
Bobalegre says “Early game you can poke him down, try to engage after he used his fourth bullet. Late game he is more of a threat but mid game you are stronger. Jhin struggles against tanks so building frozen heart really helps.”
Vapora Dark says “The most annoying thing about Jhin is he has great synergy with mage supports, the sort of supports that Aphelios really detests laning against. Jhin himself is a rather easy matchup however, since he himself is fairly short ranged and his trades are not particularly strong without his fourth shot. Playing around this cooldown makes it a fairly trivial matchup.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “With movement speed creep being a thing, this character if ahead can prove to be tough, stay away from low minions especially the first 3 melees. If he's caught early he has no means to stand his ground, if he goes for a 4th shot early when youre above half HP, if you have HoB up, walk forward and allow him, your 3 autos will prove more than worth the trade. He's a simple laner, which makes it very easy to play into. If paired with a xerath this matchup becomes 1 of the hardest in the game.”
IHaveBadGuides says “Honestly all you have to worry about is getting tunnel vision and not realizing he is 2 shotting you. Try to take a defensive item late and you'll be fine
Tips for laning:
- Backup when his 4th auto is up
- Hit with W + Q while he reloads”
Reys_offf says “When he's playing with support that has big amount of CC he becomes a real menace since he can easily folow their engage with his W. In this case take cleanse and try to poke him whe he comes close”
Rose Madder says “Should be easy lane match-up. Just be aware of his bullet count and W. In late game, don't get close to this guy or he will shred you. Poke with Q and finish up with Ult or dive with E if it's safe.”
Devilbuny says “Jhin to stosunkowo łatwy mecz ale w wczesnym etapie gry. Później staje się mocny i stanowi dla ciebie duże zagrożenie. Spróbuj zabijać go we wczesnym etapie gry ale nie ryzykuj zbytnio”
hellfirelord says “It's really a skilled matchup like draven. You should avoid getting hit by his Q into W and try to land your Q bounce when his q is on cd. ”
Aspect of Cancer says “Although in the early game he isn't much of a threat to you, until he grabs brutalizer or serrated dirk. His passive makes it hard for your soldiers to stay on him and he outrages you in many ways. ”
NegativePhoenix says “The early game is his unless he gets far behind, so don't even consider fighting him without some kind of help unless he's low
Step back from low minions so he can't just bounce his Q onto you, and keep distance when he has his fourth shot up or he will just try to use it on you.
If he can't snowball in the lane phase, you should have a good killing shot on him mid game”
Leaf no Kitsune says “jhin has the early game advantage (more dmg + burst). survive early. try to punish him for misspositioning himself after his 4th shot. (he can't attack you but has bonus movement speed). after botrk and lvl6 you win all in vs him. either trap him or run him down the long lane. do not all in him in front of his turrent. he will chunk you, stand back and ult you. you can cancel his ult with your condemn.”
DarthRik says “Don't stand near minions he will use Q, dodge his W with your W. ( You can cancel his R with your E if you're close to him ) Ghost is good vs him because of his mobility/range.”
leoismissing says “I put him at 4 because this is the biggest skill match up here. He has enough mobility and range to kite you, but if you play your abilities better you can kill him.”
iiExploit says “Very simple. Watch for his 4th shot and try to burst him. You outrange his auto's but be careful to finish the job because if you go even with this champion he will just run away and R you.”
mydesires says “You have everything while he has nothing. // TH : สกิลเราเหนือกว่าจินทุกอย่างเลย ดาเมจเยอะเหรอ เราฮีลได้ วิ่งไวเหรอ เราสโลว์ได้ แต่อย่าพลาดโดนล็อคขาล่ะ”
Paramo_ says “Dodge his 4th shot with your W and and play with your support, don't try to all win him early, wait till your ultimate and the collector ”
SlasherGamer says “Jhin is one of the few champs that can kind of contest your prio and range. You have to be careful as Ziggs because of his one hit potential. I'd still claim that Jhin is an even matchup for Ziggs as Ziggs can do the same to him aswell.”
the hood says “If you play correct Jhin is in most cases not able to kill you. He has decent range and lower dps. Avoid getting outspaced through is higher range. Respect his W Snare and dont let the grenade bounce on you after it executed minions. (Jhin is capable of ruhsing Ninja tabis which you have to keep in mind)”
support_diff says “"The fourth shot hits like a truck"
-Vapora Dark
Jhin isn't too much of a threat to you as you can win him with your combo damage and hopefully get out of the fight before he gets his fourth shot up”
DreamOfValhalla says “Avoid standing close to minions since he the grenade damage can poke you out of lane. And wait for his reloading to all in or when he has still all for shots you can go for a trade.Don't get hit by his 4th shot”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Jhin certainly has a very strong and aggressive laning phase, if he has a support that starts, he will have two types of group control, his own and the support, always try to stay calm farming in your tower and abuse his mistakes .”
Reptile9LoL says “Jhin is relatively easy too, though u will get pushed in, if you avoid his 4th shot and Q/W poke you will be outscaling past 2 items, hes genuinely pretty easy to run down aswell, because his return damage is very low especially when hes about to reload.”
LOVEE says “Same thing as caitlyn his poke early game can see a little oppressive but look for trades when his stun is on cooldown. Furthermore, use e when you can secure a kill on him if not his r will force you to use flash.”
sejson1810 says “He has long range, and can oneshot you if he gets ahead, try to engange on him after a couple of lvl's, you win almost all 1v1 fights ”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Strong early / Long range / good vision with traps / Huge burst
| WEAKNESSES - No mobility / No attack speed / Easy to abuse / Weak to CC
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play arround your supports engage early on since he will win most of the trades. Back off if he wants to 4ft bullet you to poke and wait for him to reload to take a trade. Lategame is in Varus favor.”
Hidden Ghoster says “This is a skill matchup. Don't get hit by unnecessary poke as you WILL get punished. The early levels can be hard, but if you see an oppurtunity for an All-in and you know you win, go for it.”
LoLEnryu says “Jhin doesn't have to do anything, he excels at negating ADC pressure because he can just constantly push waves. He can just afk and scale and if the Jhin is smart he will take Ghost or Galeforce to make it extremely hard for Nilah to kill him.
You can always out-perform Jhin in teamfights but if your team isn't ahead it makes the game hard because it is hard for Nilah to snowball against a Jhin lane that plays well”
VrNtv says “Don't trade into his 4th shot, jhin players will always try to do that. His early game is strong and he scales well, but he isn't as oppresive as Draven or Samira. Get boots asap so you can dodge his W and R, since Jhin can set up chain cc for his support. Jhin + Xerath/Lux is very dangerous lane for Jinx, since she has no dashes and their combination of long range can be lethal for you.
VrNtv says “Jhin is meta as of now, but he has an attack speed limiter compared to your Hail of Blades, Passive and W trading pattern. Its hard to lose lane unless you really mess up.”
RandomNPC777 says “Jhin is assassin adjacent. He's not very good in all-ins, but his poke is pretty consistant and his fourth shot is DEADLY. Pairs well with high cc supports who can engage for him, and is weak to supports and who can force him to fight at inopportune times.”
wungus says “Jhin has good early damage, can bully you easily, and can threaten kills with his W when paired with his support. Use your W and positioning to survive lane, and late game you can kill him very easily.”
whitemindlight says “He can hard push wave and poke you under turret. He also scales very good so try to not fight too much early and stay away from him in teamfights”
SheriffADC says “He has better laning tools and longer range and for some reason you cannot block his Deadly Flourish. He lacks mobility so an engage support makes the matchup much easier.”
Amberdragon says “Jhin is very similar to Draven - if he gets kills and snowballs, you just keep dying. If he has an agressive support it if very hard to match his lane presence. He has decent range and strong wave clear, making it harder for you to create a big wave to harass him. And overall his trade is just stronger than yours.”
ChadKarthus says “Boring Matchup, they usually take Fleet and rush Swifties, so it turns into a farming simulator lane, can kill 2v2 early, you outscale”
moso says “Really depends on support matchup. Jhin should never stomp you but you can definitely stomp him. You can kite out his entire kit if played correctly, not allowing him to use 4th shot. Your ult also counters his ult.”
slendoooo says “
Jhin matchup for Draven varies a lot by elo (below or above GM).
Jhin’s early game damage is really low and he can only attack 4 times before he has to reload.
The only way he could kill you early game is if he hits a full stacked Q on you and W. But even then, if you follow with an all-in you will still win this fight.
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Pipimatz says “It can be a hard matchup because of all the cc he has, but other then tha,t you should always win, if you block his 4rth shot with your w.”
Chowbird says “if you are wondering about jhin he has utility, poke, and damage but why is he not as threat as the others?
Jhin lacks attack speed mobility.
I usually just time my E to prevent some of his shots and when jhin tries to escape I also use E to slow him”
LionelOCE says “Jhin is very annoying for ashe because he is virtually impossible to kill at all levels if played optimally. Once he picks up boots of swiftness. it is difficult to all in him and he can outrange you with his W and ult during the game. He also matches you in terms of utility. The trick to beating Jhin is to focus on killing his teammates and providing more value than him at neutral objectives with your ult and E.”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “If it's a good Jhin trading with him will be really hard. Fortunately you can all in him if he is alone with pretty much most weapons provided he is not extremely fed.”
KnobHobbler says “Trade when he has no ammo and dodge his W.
Push wave under his tower.
You should win the 1v1 full build.
Try to avoid trading while he has 4th shot.”
franksterzz says “Mostly, Jhin isn't a problem. A good Jhin can be because he will space you well and usually they take fleet footwork so it can be hard to trade back sometimes but overall you outDPS him hard. Also, be mindful of how you trade against him. His 4th shot deals a 1/4 or 1/5 of your health early on. The most common way Jhins do this is they save fleet for their third shot and with the extra speed from it, they get in range and auto you.”
NotAragami says “He hits like a truck and run just as fast as you. A good Jhin will snowball out of control and will wipe your team unless your assassin is equally fed.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Scaling/Poke] Move away from your minions if he uses (Q) on them and move away if he has his 4th shot up. Jhin has good burst. Never be low on health in lane, you'll be surprised how much his 4th shot deals to low health enemies. Try to take a short trade when he's reloading.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
Amberdragon says “Lane bully with strong trading. Early on he is dangerous, you will want to use W to avoid his 4th shot and dodge skillshots. You have to be on top of him to kill. Late game you kill him if you can get close. ”
Kronaa says “It's easier for him to win the lane, but as these go closer to no threat, the more support dependent the matchup is. Best advice is to obviously W the 4 shot, To be honest, Hero play and W E onto your support to save them from a 4 shot too. (don't EW it buffers W and it won't go off)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
OmegaR says “He scales as well as you do but his burst is normally better but PTA allows you to take longer trades and burst better with W>E>AA or W>E>Q”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. Try to push the wave in as Jhin has a harder time farming under Turret. However, make sure your Support is someone who can play at the enemies Tower. Do not push if your Support needs to engage. When paired with an aggressive Support who has CC, beware of Jhin’s Deadly Flourish(W), which he will tend to use after the Support has engaged to layer CC.”
ColJaraka says “My fav matchup. You can dodge his telegraphed w stun, deals a ton of damage but you can execute him in mere seconds if he is not holding his 4th shot on ready.”
Grondvreter says “Not enough testing but safe to say due to his range he is a problem. If you don't let him hit u with his root (W) or his 4th Auto Attack u should win the 2v2.”
Ludazel says “You can't dodge 500 dmg auto attacks but you can dodge his skills! Don't get snared and be careful when he has a couple of items. Jhin hurts but is winnable, even in lane you have a shot at killing him!”
m1NEEX says “Don't trade into his 4th shot, jhin players will always try to do that. His early game is strong and he scales well, but he isn't as oppresive as Draven or Samira. Get boots asap so you can dodge his W and R, since Jhin can set up chain cc for his support. Jhin + Xerath/Lux is very dangerous lane for Jinx, since she has no dashes and their combination of long range can be lethal for you.”
Kamicali says “Jhin's attacks are quite potent, but he runs out of ammo after the 4th shot. Use this window to jump him and burst him down. You and your support can look to punish him if he tries to hit you with his 4th shot. I believe this is obvious, but you attack faster than him and he hits harder than you.
You can try and engage when he has his fourth shot up to take advantage of this, as newer jhin players tend to greed fourth shot the enemy adc. You can look to punish this.”
ARCTIC33 says “Jhin has good zonin gand his fourth shot will do alot of dmg no matter where in the game, his decent wave clear allows him to bully in most matchups, he won't win extended fights he will win in shoreter fights so if you won't get bursted down and you can force extended trade you will win.”
Xedavion says “Be careful of his 4th attack since it does the most damage,you can easily kill him at any stage of the game since he has no mobility,and if you go AP you just one shot him.”
Amberdragon says “Jhin is a lane bully, you are very squishy and deal no damage early on. You will get out-traded and one-shot by Jhin the entire game. One of my most hated matchups”
Kitqsune says “Jhin overall does a LOT of damage so be careful in lane, getting away from his q's so it doesnt bounce onto you. You can't block his w that well (it will still root even if you block), but you can block his 4th shot, q, and ult bullets. Simply be careful into this matchup, Jhin is known to do high damage output and this isn't any different for Samira. Try to get yourself onto him but DONT get yourself killed trying to catch up to him when he crits. You won't be able to.”
7EyesNoSkills says “He outtrades almost every adcs, that includes you. He can also root and slow you with his traps. Stay away from minions that he used his Q. But you will win longer trades.”
7EyesNoSkills says “He outtrades almost every adcs, that includes you. He can also root and slow you with his traps. Stay away from minions that he used his Q.”
LewisTheRat says “Care for his w combo when coupled with a strong engage / cc support (naut, leona, morg, lux, etc.) as he will probably bursts you. Avoid fighting in minion wave as he can poke you with his q. Avoid his 4th auto and it's a pretty easy matchup, you outscale.”
Icels says “I wouldn't touch him with a 44 and a 4th foot pole. Unless you got the moves to dodge root. He's kinda slow about it. You would think a theater guy would like to dance.”
Amberdragon says “Jhin has really strong trading and laning phase. He is pretty obnoxious to go against, especially if he has a support with CC or the ability to bully you. His wave clear with Q and traps is also really good. Against Jhin you should just farm and scale.”
Alvatorz says “Not an easy one here, Jhin has more bust, survivabilty and snowballing than you. The ability of trading in the early game without having fear of any trade back is super strong and you should always be aware of that. 2 or 3 bullet should be enough to kill you later on so be really carefull about your range and kite as much as you can !”
AG Slides says “Jhin can be a nuisance in the laning phase. His bouncing grenades make cs difficulty and his superior range makes him incredibly difficult to fight against early on without superb positioning and a mistake from the Jhin player. ”
Deathstroke5277 says “You can beat him early, try to not let him poke you out as he does more dmg the less health you are at. He scales really well so late game is a little difficult. ”
Demonsedge90 says “The big thing you need to be aware of in this matchup is to avoid fighting him when he has his fourth shot since it does more damage based on your missing health. Instead, attack him only when he's out of bullets and is reloading.”
Knuckxedo Mask says “Jhin can 1v1 Zeri at most phases of the game. I don't ban him because he's not usually played as mid-laner, but just be wary that he is a sleeper threat to Zeri in the laning phase.”
wardinbush says “You can out trade him early but once he hits his item spikes it becomes a bit more difficult to deal with him. Try your best to survive the lane and ping for all in and take control of the lane”
Krilep says “Watch out for Jhin's Q, don't let it bounce onto you. If he holds his 4th shot you have to wait until he uses it because you will not win the trades. Try to go in when he is reloading or has 4 bullets; the less bullets he has the harder it will be for you to out trade him.”
Niceclaw says “U have alot of options in this MU and you can basicly just play however you want to win this MU (Parry empovered W 4th shor or abbilitys from SUP.”
Alvatorz says “Jhin is not a hard matchup for Samira. You can W his crit bullet wich is an amazing thing cause it prevent you or your ally to take a big hit before he has to reload. KEEP IN MIND THAT YOUR W DON'T CANCEL JHINS W !!”
SaskioLoL says “You demolish this guy if you play around him reloading and Q in for 1 auto. Otherwise at 6 you can always run him down with ult + exhaust.”
Sellsword says “Stay away from his Q bounces except if you want to spellshield the Q for mana, but I recommend to save it for his root except if you really need mana. You can also use his traps if you know he's not near and when he ults, you can use your E to tank a shot for a teammate. Overall easy because you can scale without much trouble and allow your team to dive on him with ult, BUT don't let him hit you too many times with his 4th shot in lane, this is the tricky part about the matchup and easy to mess up. If you do let him hit you with 4th shot too often, he will come on top and snowball. Don't forget that it's good to all-in/dive him with your jungle when he's about to use his 4th shot - it won't hurt that much if you are high on HP AND he will be disarmed for 2.5 seconds.”
cornaldo says “100% Dependente do sup, early game apesar do jhin ter um dano muito alto, ele não tem tanto As assim, sendo possivel cobrar bastante ele, sempre bom pokear ele antes de uma troca mais longa.”
RatSmacker69 says “Farms from several kilometers away if you get even the smallest of leads, still gets every CS.
Roots you from across the country.
Scales insanely well even if behind.
One shots you with one auto while you had a quarter of you health bar, at level 2.
Refuses to elaborate.
Leaves with his LP while babbling on about art or some shit.”
koggywoggy says “Caitlyn 2. A good Jhin player will never let you take a long trade or hard engage with proper trap placement, while a bad one will generally sit back and safely farm with q. Consider buying oracle early, it helps a lot.”
gamertyguy says “Not a terrible matchup, but one you need to keep on your toes. Be sure to miss his traps and not get hit by his root unless you have spell shield up.”
PancakeKittiwake says “If he doesn’t get kills you kind of destroy him. You can heal through his q poke but he can push you into tower very easily and keep you there where you won’t be getting many creeps. You can use your e to make yourself untargetable by his autos if he’s ever chasing you with his fourth shot, your w will be incredibly useful against him and try to auto q him anytime he’s reloading or vulnerable.”
Nom212 says “I don't see how you would really struggle against Jhin. Respect his 4th AA and avoid getting (chain) CC'ed by his W Deadly Flourish. Also, be aware that you won't be able to just walk out of a trade for free past level 6 since he can pick you off with his R Curtain Call.”
Alvatorz says “Jhin is too slow to set his damage up. MF has the potential to deal easily againt Jhin, just care of the ealy game cause it will be harder for you to face him due to his 4th bullet.”
Amberdragon says “Jhin is generally an easy matchup for Kaisa unless he gets a better support matchup. Kai'sa can out-dps him, burst him and keep up with him. If he is not fed it should be easy and you should be safe if you are not low health. If he has a support like Morgana, Pantheon or Leona this lane becomes very dangerous for you and more Jhin-favoured.”
IKeepItTaco says “Jhin is a huge lane bully champion with long range utility and assassination. He is one of Jinx’s best counters.
◉ He will try his best to poke you down with his Q [[Dancing Grenade]] and force short auto attack trades usually ending with his 4th shot passive [[Whisper]]. Try to avoid this poke and the short trades at all costs.
◉ The best way to avoid his Q [[Dancing Grenade]] is to keep distance away from the minion wave as people usually end up hugging them closely and taking free damage.
◉ Don’t go out of your way to poke him because most likely it won’t do anything to him except give him a chance to auto attack you back then snare you with his W [[Deadly Flourish]] which then will most likely result in getting you killed!
◉ Win Condition: Play it safe and scale up. Avoid poke and fighting. Once you get a few items if the Jhin isn’t snowballed then he will have an extremely hard time keeping up with your DPS and out DPS’ing you in teamfights!
Breathly says “Jhin is a simple champion, he requires that his support play for him. Whenever you see him use 4'th shot you auto poke 2 rockets in his face for free without him being able to do anything. He will autopush the lane and you can punish him for this.”
ClutchSkit says “This matchup really depends on your support. He can kill you easily through constant poking, but you can do the same if your support gets cc.”
I Am Not u says “Pretty even match up, really depends on the support. Jhin's CC can be irritating, and be careful of that fourth shot. Other than that, you should be okay to go in so long as his abilities are down. He can't escape if you jump in on him. Communicate with your support and go in on Jhin after he wastes his fourth shot.”
Vixylafoen says “Lacks mobility and his damage early is only in his 4th shot. Even then, he's super easy for you to blow up and out-trade at nearly any point in the game.”
bbenciak says “The ideal items to prioritize in your Caitlyn versus Jhin build consist of Galeforce, Infinity Edge, and The Collector. When Caitlyn bought at least these three items in her build, she did significantly better vs. Jhin than with many other common builds.”
Heszo says “Jhin is extremely oppressive at the moment so try to take advantage of laning phase to grab a kill but most of the time his early is stronger than yours so give cs and cs with Q. Use your E and his W/Q and feel free to use it on support abilities as well.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Watch out for Jhin's Q, don't let it bounce onto you. If he holds his 4th shot you have to wait until he uses it because you will not win the trades. Try to go in when he is reloading or has 4 bullets; the less bullets he has the harder it will be for you to out trade him. ”
koog says “Hard to trade against Jhin. Look for opportunities to all in him. If you do, make sure you finish him off or he will probably just back off to his tower and kill you with his ult. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “One of the three major ADCs in this current meta (MF, Jhin, Kai'Sa). A major pain early. He can Q off creeps to hit you and your support early since you're trying to get a Double Up. He can place traps to slow you around lane. His W roots you. His ult outranges you. Winnable over time, but a heavy nuisance early. Try to pair with an engage support. ”
Urason says “Jhin is a hard matchup because of his scaling, range, and W. He can always CC chain you since your W doesn't block his, he can harass you in lane really well, and later in the game he'll one-shot you before you even get into the fight.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Not really a threat to Ziggs early and is kind of weak in the meta. Ziggs also shines against the more immobile marksmen and Jhin is no exception.”
LostFishEU says “Jhin is an even threat. He doesn't bring any real threat towards Vayne, just a lot of auto attack damage. As Vayne, you can dodge a lot of Jhin's skill shots with Tumble and utilize your passive movement speed. ”
Santoryo says “Go on backline and wait until he will use his ultimate. When he's using it just W him and burst him, it is very easy to all-in him quickly.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This one gets tricky. Jhin does a lot of damage, and will wait to root you if you ever E early. Poke from afar and try to stay safe. ”
ELOSANTA says “Jhin is a pretty easy matchup since Lucian has high DPS damage, while Jhin is more of a Poke-y champion in the laning phase. Stay on Jhin and don't let him get away with short duels.”
Coldsong says “Jhin is not impossible for Samira but is a very annoying matchup. His W's root lasts forever and his basic attacks hurt a lot. I would recommend an early Steelcaps against him and try to wait for him to waste his fourth shot. Also if he ults, try to get behind him if you can or out of his R cone, since the bullets are fast and hurt, especially the fourth one.”
VerySpookySoup says “Jhin is a threat for pretty much the same reasons Draven is but Jhin's presence isn't as much of a threat IMO. His cc is pretty easy to dodge and typically he can be traded with pretty easily due to his slow attack speed. Obviously if his 4th shot is up, try to wait it out. Most other ADCs aren't really much of an issue.”
Amberdragon says “The biggest issue with Jhin is his snowball. You wan to be really careful to not give him early kills.
You out-dps him in the early game with W, Lethal tempo and E, but if he manages to root, 4th shot and Q you will lose. Avoid being low health in lane and giving him dark harvest stacks. You can put up a good fight with him in the late game if he can't burst you. You can go exhaust in this matchup, but heal is good too. Try to all in him with your support when he doesn't have E and 4th shot in lane. ”
Simon Uchinora says “Jhin is another medium one, you has alot more range than him, but his 4° shot hurts a little, one thing that you can exploit is the cooldown for he reload his gun, and you can preassure he under the tower for he less CS's.”
Melyn says “He gets very fast from his 4th shot so be careful about the mobility. Also, don't ever be in a position to get hit by it. Additionally, be careful about poking near low HP minions. If he kills them with his Q, it really hurts. Be careful about all ins because if he survives, he can kill you with his ult and/or W.”
Chaeha says “Jhin is one of the stronger ADC's right now, but because his damage is telegraphed and all dodgable, it makes it extremely easy to not die in lane unless you misplay. ”
22Drift says “I would test the lane and see how good he is to see if you can duel him. If he's bad, just run him down but you can also farm and hyper-carry into late. ”
yers says “Similar to draven. If your hp is high enough and hes at first or fourth shot you can look forward to trading or potentially killing him early. You win later with itemspikes”
Urason says “Similar to our other immobile carries, Jhin is a match up that you can heavily punish. Make sure to not get out traded early but you can always look to dive on top of him. Even early on, your Q and passive shield will get you a health advantage. ”
Nixxen47 says “Really strong champion, support picks decides this matchup. Watch out for his Qs bouncing on minions and back off from him whenever he has his fourth shot as he will look to poke you with it during laning phase”
SopTop says “Another one like Draven and Kai'Sa. They just hit you with the 1-2-3-*bonk* he's dead. Try to poke him down a lot and dodge his W and R shots, and pray to god that grenade isn't bouncing to you next.”
yers says “He's better than you level 1 and once he starts his root. Once you have E and stun him, you can start out-trading him. Try to look forward to a combo when he gets cocky with his fourth AA and looks exclusively to use it on you.”
cybralien says “jhin is a huge lane bully, and normally YOU want to be the lane bully. a good jhin can set you quite far behind and at that point its difficult to outscale”
VeronyV says “Too many things to block with your W, so you need to have some skill to dodge his abilities, saving your W for his ult may or may not be a good idea depending on your support's HP and how fed he is. Easy to kill otherwise.”
HyroPyro says “Jhin has excellent trading with his Whisper (Passive) 4th shot. Avoid taking one auto trades as Jhin's Whisper (Passive) gives him higher Attack Damage than you. Kai'Sa can abuse Jhin's reload time, so an engage support is preferred. Be careful of standing next to multiple low health minions as Jhin's Bouncing Grenade (Q) can cause you to lose a disturbing amount of health.”
SaintsBeast says “Jhin is simply just a a broken adc and I suggest that you ban him every game as Draven. He is aids and will also poke you to the point where you are in full tilt. ”
im_zeno says “You LITERALLY win lvl 2, he's barely a champion till his first item. Yasuo is really good against non-mobility ADC. You can wind wall his main abilities including his ult. Overall the freest lane for Yasuo.”
IHaveNoName says “If you poke him while he reloads or takes minions it's free damage, be cautious, he could still Q and then use W on you. Trading with him isnt as easy as with other ADCs. If you're trying to walk off after a trade, do not get hit by his W otherwise you might be dead.”
snowcard says “Again, if the player is experienced with Jhin you may have a hard time. Poke him while he uses W, since he's standing still. You can also try to Q him while he's ulting to scare him off.
What you can block: Q, W, E (initial slow as well as the explosion), R bullet.
You can't block his 4th shot.. :(”
LouisGeert says “Lanes for example like Jhin are very easy to play, he can't really bully in the early game and loses late game to you aswell, you can just run him down with your passive and kill him.”
singed best adc says “Depends on his support. Worth a dodge if hes playing with something like Brand, Velkoz, Xerath, Swain or so on. If he's playing with a not-bursting-support just be aware of his 4th shot and dodge his stun. In late you can catch and stomp him easily.”
Pengwan says “You can poke him down but due to his high damage and your low health it usually evens out and since both wanna farm this is a pretty stale lane. He is generally stronger than you late due to pick potential, but you should win midgame vs him. Building armor like frozen hearth vs him is usually strong cause Jhin struggles with damage vs tankier opponents”
Ectele says “This guy has decent laning phase and he is lane bully. Idk how he do it, but even with his 4 shots only he can out push you to tower really easily, take this in advantage and call for your jg or mid\freeze the lane. Play safe. You probably wont outscale Jhin, but you have much better teamfight potential, and waveclear
Trieuloo says “Jhin in laning phase is really not a problem as he is in the same category where you can always kill him. However, the tricky part is through the mid game you can always die through his pick potential on his w and r so you have to watch out for that.”
Alvatorz says “Jhin is ok at the moment, with Fleet he can out sustain you and if he has the right support, even outdamage you. Don't get cocky and wait for opportunities to go him, otherwise, just be patient.”
RedNBlue says “Jhin will poke at you and still get cs at the same time and pretty much he can usually whoop you every game due to his long range kit. The time that you could easily kill him in a 1 V 1 is when he is reloading and slowed, then you just shoot him and slow him again with your E.”
Harambe Homie says “Jhin vs Missfortune in my opinion is very slightly favored to Jhin, if both players are on equal footing it will depend on the support in this lane. Be careful if the jhin is paired with a high poke champion like Brand. These types of lanes are extremely dangerous for Miss fortune.”
majororange77 says “Full info in Guide.
Avoid getting CC'd or you are dead. Better to flash any CC than tank the CC and damage, flash out and die to his Ultimate.”
DoublefeedOP says “Usually when facing a Jhin you'll be against an Allin/Kill bot lane so be sure to take advantage of any misplays but let him win the early because you outscale him later.”
FunkyBeagle says “Jhin is meta as of now, but he has an attack speed limiter compared to your Hail of Blades, Passive and W trading pattern. Its hard to lose lane unless you really mess up.”
DoublefeedOP says “When going against Jhin, be careful with his W because if you arcane shift into it you can easily be killed. He scales pretty equally with you so poke him out, but be careful with all-ins. NEVER WASTE YOUR E AGAINST HIM.”
DoublefeedOP says “He has a lot of pressure early on but as long as you don't get W'd by him you should be fine. He outranges you so respect him in lane and you'll be fine.”
DoublefeedOP says “Jhin shouldn't be much of a problem as the only real threat he has is W'ing you mid W and you become immobile. Just run him down and get that first blood.”
APC Ziggs says “Like ezreal , its a skill match-up . He hits his skillshots he wins, you hit your shillshot you win. If you get early lead it is easy af lane.”
KoZee says “Jhin is quite strong right now. Despite this, Varus can manage him surprisingly well from my experience. You can poke him down with Q in lane to win. Additionally, if he doesn't have all 4 shots up, early he can't burst you alone without having to reload which leaves him open to your high DPS as crit, or to your burst as lethality or APC.”
Delta eGirl says “Jhin can bully you in the early game and delete you before you can do anything in the late game. This one will be rough, but not unbeatable.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “Very annoying match-up. Can punish u easily since ur range is low. Much poke, good all-in and good wave control through his grenade (Q).”
STORMTGLIVE says “His 4th shot always crits, which also grants him a short burst of speed. After the 4th shot, he needs to reload. Take advantage of this and burst him.”
Xayaphelia says “He can bully and poke you in lane. Same as with Caitlyn you need your support to help you lock him down. Unlike Caitlyn, however, even if you dunk on him in lane he can still reach a point where he 2 taps you with no counterplay. Into Jhin you need to snowball as hard and fast as possible despite how safe the champ is.”
LilPicky says “It is similar to Samira, stay away from Jhin and try to hit him when he has 1/3 hp try to attack him, but watch out, as he has at least level 6 he can go back to the tower and use R”
ooftheiii says “Avoid his 4th auto attack and try to force him to use it on creeps. You will come ahead in trades that way. Keep an eye on his traps. They are visible for about a second before going invisible. Once you've taken an auto attack from him, immediately get ready to dodge his W or you will get rooted and possibly killed.”
kingamazin says “When playing against jhin, avoid standing too close to your minions to avoid taking harass from his bouncing grenade. Avoid trading with him when he has his fourth shot ready, and try your best to dodge his w to avoid getting rooted. If jhin is paired with a support that has a lot of cc, consider taking cleanse in order to avoid getting cc'ed to death. Picking up berserker greaves early on can help you dodge his w and r. Buying a refillable potion will keep you healthy in lane, since Jhin fourth shot does bonus damage based on missing health. ”
TheGronne says “Jhin only has his movement speed to fight Xayah. If he needs to reload or you get your first auto attack on him, you're good to go. Just don't get overwhelmed by his insane amount of damage.”
Bluestrat says “Jhin is a strong laner, but we have the possibility to stand against him with Kai'sa. With short trades like Q+ Autoattack we can weaken Jhin well in the lane.
Once we have the Q-EVOLVE, we can easily fight Jhin in 1v1. ”
CiverSkyx says “Jhin is another character that has too much damage, but at least we can dodge almost all the abilities.
but I do not lower it in rank because it deletes 4 basic, or 3.”
Bluestrat says “Jhin ist zwar ein starker Laner, jedoch haben wir durchaus die Möglichkeit mit Kai'sa dagegen Stand zu halten. Mit kurzen Trades wie Q+ Autoattack können wir Jhin gut in der Lane schwächen.
Sobald wir den Q-EVOLVE haben, können wir Jhin leicht im 1v1 bekämpfen. ”
Atrickster says “I lose this one alot mabey Im just bad at this matchup? after mid game never go near him. avoid 4th shot in lane and all in him if he waste it and your capable of it ”
ctm20141 says “Pre lv 6 he is very oppressive if he's good with the champion. As always, let him start the push because you will never outpush him. Care for lv 2 sudden all ins, he can follow up very well. RESPECT HIS 4TH SHOT! When the wave resets in the middle and you are lv 3/4, you can look for an all in with your support . This only works with Leona, Nautilus, Thresh, Pantheon, ecc. . At lv 6 you win 100% all ins IF YOU DON'T GET KITED! You usually need a good Condemn and he's dead.”
Tifforma says “Jhin is pretty insane now. HIGH damge and pretty mobile. Since he has no dash, catching him should be easy. Try to get a hard CC support to shut him down for good.”
Kalista Monster says “The best matchup for kalista, very weak early and midgame. A kalista can easily kill a jhin even if he is 1000 gold up. Just dodge his w and dont get hit by max damage q”
ComradeElmo says “This lane is pretty easy if you support hits anything he dies if he hits his W and all in you can turn on him and kill him. Just make sure you don't lose lane because if you do its all over for you, you can never catch up.”
Remmacs1 says “One of the more fun match ups for Aphelios because if you're good at the match up you can take trading patterns that Jhin players aren't used to. Aphelios either needs to take really short trades where Jhin won't hit you back or super long trades where Jhin can't run away.”
McNugglz says “What you want to take as a starting item is really dependent on the enemy support and whether their impact will make it a farm or all-in lane. Look to stay away from minions when he uses Q as it can bounce to you doing some hurty damage. Look to trade with him when he has 1-2 shots left as he will need to reload in the middle of the fight. If the trades go south then he can just use R to try and finish the job. ”
boopthesnoot says “Jhin is an all-or-nothing champ. Works very well with high CC supports and his ult can be very difficult to dodge with your own, since he has 4 shots. Your attack speed may be higher but his deals more raw damage output.”
Crypto Baron says “ He can 1v1 if he is good or a bit fed you need to play inteligent, and try to avoid his Q dmg bonus from minions, and his W stun, then you should be able to fight him (it will be very much who will oneshot faster)”
Zammey says “Traps reveal you so be careful not to run where you might think one will be when entering lane while in stealth or setting up a play mid game, jhin when ahead will burst you down incredibly fast so avoiding 1v1s and look to play with your team as your damage will be far higher in group fights once you have some items”
dinopuffz says “Jhin is an extremely hard lane for Miss Fortune, as Jhin can do everything Miss Fortune can do during the laning phase but better. however, Miss Fortune is a much stronger teamfighter as her R is harder to dodge than Jhin's R. still an extremely difficult matchup that I struggle with often.”
Compliant says “Jhin 4th shot go BRRRRR. In this matchup, Jhin will have ample opportunity to setup picks with most support champions i.e alistar, thresh, blitzcrank, nautilus, etc. ”
Profesor APH. says “you have speed at your q with severum and you can easilly dodge his shots at r you have bonus life steal at severum and his q dont give you big damage cause of it”
EvoNinja7 says “Jhin has a decent amount of poke with his Q and can also stun you with his W if you've been hit by his flower traps or his Q bullet. His damage is actually broken if he runs eclipse (even then it's still stupid) and he can three or four shot you with his auto's alone. But, he is really REALLY vulnerable to ganks an all in's. You can slow him with your W and your Q's can junk his health down. He's nearly as immbolie as you so try to take that to ruin his laning phase.”
BluMistah says “with his range, he can just play it safe and farm from distance. If he decides to play aggressively, it will be a coinflip of who will get ahead so try to be ready for that”
CastratedSeal says “You can cancel Jhin's R with your own. Jhin's W still offers a lot of pick potential, so be careful of dodging it if you're tagged.”
Scrimm says “With Jhin, just pay attention to your minions to ensure you won't get hit with a really high damage Jhin grenade. With Hob, you win trades against him early on, even if he does manage to 4th shot you. However, he will outscale you late with his range and damage, so just be wary that he does not get ahead early.”
RegalFlash says “If you can trade with him early, make sure not to do so on his fourth shot. However for all ins, this is fine as he would have to reload.”
SkittleBtw says “Easy, just dodge his stuff, farm, fight him, do whatever you want, if you can play Vayne you win this match up 9 out of 10 times. If you can't play Vayne, press buttons, you'll still win atleast 6 out of 10 times.”
KingRavenZ says “One of the most powerful ADCs right now can easily out-trade you and poke you out of lane. Keep your distance and only take free opportunities.”
Kalista Monster says “The main reason anyone would want to main kalista. She is a direct counter to jhin. There is literally nothing jhin can do except accept his fate. ”
orogenz says “Ult his ult. You outrange so try to stay out of his aa range. Watch out for q bounce/low health minions. W is easy to sidestep. Be wary of disengaging from trades when you're low post 6.”
MasterBoom says “An ADC with decent damage, but no mobility skill. You can outplayed this ADC using your "E" then a proper bounce "Q" when his trying to hit you.
Then, it's time for "Galeforce" advantage if you can already burst him.”
balu88 says “He has:
-good poke damage,
-good burst damage,
-higher range
Not every time available to fight (reloading time)
no chance for escape in early (but in late he is immortal)”
Redsaturn says “Probably the most played adc. He's meta, and is probably going to hit you with a random w or ult shot at some point. Feel free to ban but you can just leave him open and scale. Hard to 1v1 him if he takes galeforce. Just build cdr and press q/r all game. ”
Katarevolution says “Durch seine 4te kugel kann er leichter einen kurzen trade eingehen.
Durch seine W kann er einen gegner stunnen und im normalfall platziert er seine E darunter.”
ApheliosMain62 says “His W may stun you and he have a really opressive Lane Phase, and also he also will try to hit his last shot on you to make a lot of damage”
Chandlaaz says “'Jhin will poke at you and still get cs at the same time and pretty much he can usually whoop you every game due to his long range kit. The time that you could easily kill him in a 1 V 1 is when he is reloading and slowed, then you just shoot him and slow him again with your E.'
by RedNBlue | Miss Fortune Player
DddyAwsmSauce says “High poke potential. His snare is pretty annoying too, especially if you get snared after snare (i.e. Morgana Q then Jhin W). Try to avoid his 4th shot. Activate your W to dodge his ult; consider running side to side instead of to just one direction or trying to get out of the zone.”
Akariine says “Of course late game you're going to struggle against Jhin, but let's talk about the rest of the game. He's typically a much squishier target than other ADCs, but he can be fast. The most sure way you can prevent his speed boost is to root him when his 4th shot is going off.”
GariKun says “Very powerfull lane phase. If he fall behind u're not gonna have any problems. If not, just farm and grab u're items and one-tap him in late. Care to the 4th shot, it can overturn the 1vs1.”
Alcocyn says “Very high damage, if you can't dodge his 4th shot try dashing beforehand to get a little armor so it doesn't hurt as much. Always dash to avoid his W if you can. You may be a little bulkier than a lot of ADCs, but that means nothing if you can't move a good while. ”
muscella says “Jhin isnt a big Threat for Vayne. But especially in this Season his dmg is just insane. Play safe and try to outsmart him when he got no bullets. Play with exhaust in this case”
Ultrama says “This is a very hard match-up. A good Jhin is scary. Watch out for his 4th auto and go with a tank support. You'll need CC if you want kill this guy. Leona and Alistar are good choices.”
Bouhhsolene says “You generally out range him, your W has a big range just like his except yours is easier to hit and has a certainity of rooting if it hits.”
Nekostn says “The Jhin matchup mostly depends on the weapons you currently have, and the supports (assuming both lanes are about even). The ideal weapons would be Severum/Crescendum.”
Cam1304 says “Jhin will be able to bully you out to your turret in most scenario's and if your not careful will be able to poke you low enough for his R.”
SweatMeALake says “Jhin has a lot of harass and range against you in lane. He won't be bothering you in team fights, though you must watch for his Q bounce and Fourth shot in lane. ”
SweatMeALake says “Jhin has high harass and high damage early on in lane. You should be able to 1v1 him mid to late game but early game is rough. This is heavily support reliant as if you can get on top of him it should be a kill. He is rather immobile so landing a combo on him should be easy.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. The newest ADC! He's a lot of fun to play but Pantheon is practically perfect against him. Most Jhin players will save their last bullet to poke you down and then hopefully root you. Your shield is excellent against this last bullet, rendering one of his major sources of earlyy game damage useless. With the 1 second stun + the 2 second reload time, it should be very easy to lock him down long enough to score a kill.”
ShroudedBRH says “Jhin comes with a lot of up front damage which makes his short trades bad for Ashe. He also has deceptively good wave clear on Q and can force you under tower to miss minions. In lane phase its better to poke him down to deter his all in and don't take Fourth shot damage. Late game try to lock him down with your ult early in a team fight if possible.”
Camelorry says “You won't be able to match his ms once he gets three items but before that you should have a realitvely easy time, you can block pretty much everything that you'd want to block from a Jhin.”
EvoNinja7 says “Poor guy, he has great match ups with most ADC's, but when it comes to Aphelios, he can't really do anything. Your pokes will out poke his, just try not to stay at the back line too long. If you have a grabby support, make use of that. His Q can be a pain though, and his traps are hard to deal with. But just take trades you know you can take and try to get a oracle lens earlier on in the laning phase.”
Kdrama says “Jhins currently pretty strong and can actually beat you lvl 1 and 2 if he can take good spacing and good trades. However, kaisa can easily E in and go for long trade, proc passive, and land w as long as you're not in a wave. Jhin won't be able to counter trade this. Jhin matchup kind of relies on your support to initiate as well along with you. ”
StriveHD79 says “Watch out for the Q bouncing off of minions, especially when it kills minion it does extra damage the next bounce. It will bounce 4 times so move back when you see it. When you are hit by any enemies he can W to root you in place.”
StriveHD79 says “Watch out for the Q bouncing off of minions, especially when it kills minion it does extra damage the next bounce. It will bounce 4 times so move back when you see it. When you are hit by any enemies he can W to root you in place.”
StriveHD79 says “The only thing you have to worry about versus Jhin is being hit by his Q, which bounces off minions and if it kills the minion it will does extra damage. His Q will bounce a total of 4 times so stand away from minions if he do so. And after being hit by any enemies you will be marked which means that his W will root you for a short duration. Use your net (E ability) to dodge it if he tries to W you. Otherwise you are stronger than him at all stages of the game when you have equal items and level.”
StriveHD79 says “Watch out for the Q bouncing off of minions, especially when it kills minion it does extra damage the next bounce. It will bounce 4 times so move back when you see it. When you are hit by any enemies he can W to root you in place.”
StriveHD79 says “You can straight up kill him, and he cannot retaliate much as you can hop to dodge his W. Watch out for the Q bouncing off of minions, especially when it kills minion it does extra damage the next bounce. It will bounce 4 times so move back when you see it. When you are hit by any enemies he can W to root you in place.”
StriveHD79 says “Jhin will usually have the push on you in lane and that is okay. The main thing to watch out for is when you get damaged by any enemy and the Jhin lands a W you will be rooted in place, so make sure to save your spellshield for that. Or you can use your spellshield for when his Q bounces off minions and you can use it to regain mana.”
KXNGLXXVII says “you can W his 4th shot or the w if it would root you. if ur feelin frisky you can even block the ult but this lane isnt too hard and unless something strange happens in lane you should be fine. ”
stziswhatihave says “You literally can't hit this guy. Might make you tilt.
What to do: 1. At mid-game tell bot to go mid
2. Go bot and make sure Jhin doesn't get a lead on you
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Veigarv2 says “becomes scarier later on as he can pick you off with R and gets really mobile.”
Spider Shaped says “В начале у вас шансы равны,и оба не могут драться без своих союзников. Если смотреть позднюю игру,то джин может убить вас из-за своих критического урона,но если у вас не мало урона и большая скорость атаки,вы убиваете его,но у вас будет мало жизней”
EvoNinja7 says “Jhin does too much damage in every stage of the game. His fourth shot is very powerful and can knock you to half health when combined with his bouncing bullet. even though you are a lane bully, try, try to play safe against him since his the more minions his bullet bounces of the more damage is does. Try to all in him when he has no ammo and your lane is gankable. Try to establish your lead when he makes a mistake or when his wave is pushed into yours.”
eyh4sxdf says “You can outplay him, he can outplay you. You can ult if you need to save yourself from his, just make sure you know you can dodge or you know it's the last shot. Avoid his 4th shot in fights if you can.”
snukumz says “At low levels he's not much of a threat at all.
He has low mobility so landing your skill shots on him tends to be easy.
He's super squishy so try to poke him down, and then combo him for a kill.
At higher levels he gets scary though because he gets super fast and can almost one shot your with his 4th shot.”
xIntangible says “Jhin, like cait, scales with crit so he can outscale kaisa if he plays correctly, and can dot he same as cait and stay far back in fights so he doesnt die and is more useful than you. He's also a lane bully that out ranges you, which is the general trend of what beats kaisa, so hes hard to play against early AND late, but the mid game is okay so you can delay him scaling then.”
Alonixlol says “Jhin's fourth shot hits like a truck, giving him very strong zoning potential and damage when trading with it, which combined with his decent waveclear makes him a strong lane bully in most matchups.
He's okay in all-ins when following up his support's engage to finish someone off, but his damage is not great in extended fights and he is himself highly vulnerable to being engaged on and burst down.”
Terrific says “Jhin is only a Extreme Threat Level because of his strong short trades. So be sure to take long trades and punish him for reloading his gun after his 4th shot. Tho this match up is mostly support diff.”
SuPIeX says “Engage when he's reloading and he's toast. Even if he's not reloading, he attacks so slowly that you can get your entire combo off with minimal retaliation. Early game he's also very immobile and easy to lock down.”
Trisien says “Jhin needs a good support with him in order to beat you. On his own, he can't really bully you early outside his 4th shot. He is low mobility and your Q can win you trades on its own.”
xSEASeahawks12 says “Laning against Jhin can sometimes feel like going against a Draven with CC, which can be an absolute nightmare. By avoiding his traps and using your Passive to dodge his attempt to stun you with his W, you can mitigate the CC part. In order to trade with Jhin safely, you have to wait for him to begin reloading before engaging. If you have a tanky engage support (as I HIGHLY recommend) you can wait for Jhin to waste his last shot on your teammate's engage, then quickly follow up.”
Galois_Group says “Every time he wants to trade his 4th, you can outtrade with Q-A-WA, but I suggest just not trade with him at all to not give him free Fleet proc. You can farm safely.”
Zoodyacc says “Jhin can outarnge you, and he might cause some trouble with his W and R. Try to avoid his skillshots with your Tumble, don't get caught in his root [W]. You'll win as soon as you get him stunned, Jhin is really immobile and you can easily chase him with your Ultimate and Passive additional MS. You might want to look for some engage opportunities after he uses his 4th bullet.”
atonementblade says “Avoid getting hit by his 4th auto attack, as it will do a ton of damage. Look to trade with him while he's reloading (after the 4th shot). You can disable his traps with your spell shield.”
atonementblade says “Look to trade when he's reloading. Bear in mind that his fourth auto deals execute damage, so if you're already at low health, one auto can finish you off. You scale much better into the midgame now that Stormrazer no longer provides 100% Crit.”
LupinTheCat says “So jihn is a tough cookie, if you see that he has 1 bullet left, just run away, don't get hit by that, it will do loads of damage
If you are able to get close to him while he ults, E and he gone :)”
Bebras19 says “If you poke him while he reloads or takes minions it's free damage, be cautious, he could still Q and then use W on you. Trading with him isnt as easy as with other ADCs. If you're trying to walk off after a trade, do not get hit by his W otherwise you might be dead.”
madmickey says “Jhins going to be annoying as his 4th shot hits like a truck and he has his slow/stun, but laning against him is manageable. Dont play too aggressive, wait for the right time to engage. ”
MayeLeven says “He can trade you with his auto-attacks, especially with the fourth. If he's reloading you can get close to him easily with your Q and then he will be an easy target for you.”
Midorima says “Will always have push and is a lane bully with Q and W.
To win this match up: Wait for him to waste all his abilities on the wave, and go in as he fires his 4th shot so your prime time is his reload time.”
Austranada says “Jhin is one of the biggest speeders out there. When paired with a team that can help him, he becomes somewhat of a Bin Laden. Good luck catching him. Possible, just takes 11 years.”
RoadDGM says “Again i havent personally played it but i think it might be pretty easy treat it like vayne build a vamp and attack speed then you can out heal his damage in all ins but in short trades he will win .”
mrPERISH says “Remember that Jhin's 4th auto attack does massive damage so try to force him to use it to farm instead of poke with it. Super tough match-up on an experienced Jhin. ”
Jima says “Jhin is a pretty easy matchup just poke him down before or after he has/has used his 4th shot, this way it is really hard for him to return trades.”
Nik7857 says “I always lose this match up. Storm razor is extremely good right now and it has a slow (yea!). He does short trades and will probably kill you before you pop your E. Try to play lane safe and go ham when he mispositions.”
Alchemisting says “Jhin is very easy due his bad mobility. This match up just depends on the enemy support. You can punish him for any little overstep or mistake, wich most likly will gift you a kill.”
Eccentricks says “Jhin is a tough one to rank. On one hand, he is infuriating with his lotus traps, and on the other hand, his ultimate is a joke if you have your Q ready, or he could just miss entirely. It is purely up to how you use your Q and W that determines this matchup.”
realenjoi says “Watch out for Jhin's Q. It can shred your turret's health very quick. (but again, you should be able to stun him with your E and let the turrets take it from there.)”
Venyax says “Dont let Jhin 4th shot you as it will do more damage and destroy Vayne, Vayne has more movement and if able to get on top of Jhin she will easily win the fight”
Deathfeather says “Really good scaling. Does lots of damage and OH GOD HES GONNA KILL YOU! wait, hes reloading hold on... Just e aggressive and 1 shot him before he can hit you with the fourth shot. That 1 hurts. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “His 4th shot will chunk you for a lot of hp, and his range is better than yours. Don't let him lock you down with a snare or you're probably dead.”
Laverenz says “Farm up until level 6 against Jhin, he has a lot of early damage. Ask your jungler for a gank if possible. Try to avoid standing too close to your caster minions, as his Q can bounce from them onto you, dealing a lot of damage. Play passively until level 6, and after you hit level 6, you can beat him. Get up close to him, and outplay him by Condemn'ing him away from his support.”
philsopaoto says “Jhin is a massive counter to Xayah with his high damage, long range, and movement speed from his 4th shot. Try to play more passively against Jhin to avoid being stomped in lane”
haloboleon says “Jhin is a slightly difficult matchup due to his insane amount of waveclear and burst. During the lane phase and even during midgame his burst may make it hard for you to skirmish vs him and will force you to stay and cs. However not all hope is lost as you outscale Jhin when you get to around 3 items.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “He will get greedy with 4th shot primed and often step out of place. Q him as punishment and trade around shot 1/2 backing off on 3/4. Similar to Draven it's a scary match-up if you don't get a lead or it goes late.”
minepro221 says “This guy is like a mage for bot lane. He have four shots, and a huge reload time. Respect and do not get hit by cc or his fourth shot, and trade on cs vs him if he does not have the fourth shot. Freeze if you can, as he can run you down no problem. If you are below 20% health, base no matter what. You are going to die to his flash auto q. If you don't feed him, you way outscale.”
mhsmhs123 says “Like MF, Jhin is one of those early game champions who can wreck a new/rookie Vayne player because of his early game damage. When going against a Jhin as Vayne, it is best to play safe and let him push in order to farm/trade under turret.”
minepro221 says “think of him like a strange mage bot lane. He relys on his ammo, have slow attack speed, and terrifying all ins. Freeze, and trade when he don't have fourth shot. If he do, avoid it at all cost. You outscale him, so play safe.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “This shouldnt be too hard if you're comfortable with Draven and landing axes in fast pace situations. Try to punish him everytime he goes for farm, ECXEPT when he has his 4th auto. When hes burned his 4th auto try to poke him with a W,Q combo. If you win your lane all you have to do is go with your team and get even stronger. He will almost never make a comeback after a loss in lane. ”
mhsmhs123 says “Jhin counters Xayah because of his Q and W abilities which can both root and damage Xayah in the early game. This allows her to lose farm to the point where she cannot build any of her major items.”
Eucalyptus says “Fairly rough in the early-to-mid game but levels off late. He is basically doing what this build does but faster and from farther away, at the disadvantage of being squishier.”
Fruxo says “Be safe of his fourth bullet. Besides Jhin's good laning phase and utility, he is very weak late-game. Just make sure to avoid his skill-shots (DON'T GET SNARED!) and hit your own, while keeping your farm up to your first powerspike. Late game you destroy him 1v1 because of your AS, Crit and LS. He'll be dead before even having hit you with his 4th shot.”
Ni14 says “You can easily out teamfight him once you're 2 items. Since he has no mobility hes easy to abuse in lane too. All depends on your support. Don't get q 4th shot by him. ”
MrDecoy says “Damage is annoying to deal with, playing around his passive is the best way to lane against him, after lane phase has ended you are a much better champ so game should be ezpz”
Zervax says “Jhin wants to get ahead so he can oneshot people with his fourth shot. If he isn't ahead, he's pretty useless compared to Ashe. Just go even with him in lane and you should win.”
Fruxo says “Be safe of his fourth bullet. Besides Jhin's good laning phase and utility, he is very weak late-game. Just make sure to avoid his skill-shots (DONT GET SNARED!) and hit your own, while keeping your farm up to your first powerspike. Late game you destroy him 1v1 because of your AS, Crit and LS. He'll be dead before even having hit you with his 4th shot.”
IPodPulse says “Jhin deals a lot of early game damage due to how his passive calculates attack damage. Try to keep your distance from minions he uses dancing grenade on, especially if the minions die from the ability. Jhin's fourth shot deals increased damage based on your missing health. Try to trade and poke him when he uses his fourth shot on a minion or whenever he is reloading.
Catching him out with chain of corruption can result in a kill since like Varus, Jhin lacks mobility.”
Righteous Maniac says “Should not be that hard of a matchup in theory, but oppresses hard early and can do a surprising amount of damage while having a lot of MS. Don't walk up when he has 4th shot up, dodge his W and you should be able to one shot him past midgame.”
Ramenhitthefan says “Jhin has different ideals of perfection, which is not you! He wants nothing more but for you to fall from your inevitable glory. Haters will be hating.”
Exs Xena says “Jhin can deal high bursts of damage throughout the entire game. During lane, you should focus on punishing him when he has cooldowns! This strategy will allow you to atleast go even in lane, but be aware of his harass with Q and fourth auto! ”
Potato95x says “Stay more passive against him. Watch for his fourth bullet passive as it'll deal Crit, thus having more MS and possibly AS. Be careful with his Q, as it gives a lot of damage on the 3rd, 4th bounce. His E slows you and deal damage, also opening a root potential through his W, which he'll use it, so avoid it or build tenacity. His Ult is like Cait's, but he needs vision to do so. Try to get out of his range and ask for ganks when possible. You'll need it.”
GORE Klabok says “I consider jhin as the most risky champion to 1v1. Jhin's traps (E) is the thing you need to not dash on it because you get instantly slow and kalista can't even get away from traps due to Dash speed debuff while slowed. you have to walk out of (E) Range instead of trying to Dash like you usually do. if you respect the 4th bullet of the jhin as well you should be good to lane against him.Jhin is an ADC who can Blow-up kalista very fast early game. Just as draven but with two crowd control.”
SimbaADC says “Jhin wins short trades with you unless you land an E-Q-Auto combo. You have slightly better waveclear than him so focus on shoving the wave and landing poke at the same time with your Q. Back off when he has his fourth shot in early laning and remember that he can W you from long range mid and late game.”
4Inters1Lucian says “Try and not trade with him while he has his fourth shot up. Wait for him to waste both his Q and fourth shot on the wave and then engage or trade.”
FrankynFood says “No escape abilities and you can dodge his w really easily since it takes so time to cast. You should win this matchup 90% of the time.”
The Jhin Cena says “Only a fed Jhin can really be scary to Fizz. Otherwise you should outdamage him. If you catch him ulting, try and land your ult on him. Jhin is very vulnerable while he is channeling his ult. If you see a Jhin getting fed then you'd best buy Zhonya's, which can also counter Jhin's ult. Though do not worry, even a fed Jhin is still vulnerable since Jhin is a very squishy champion, so as long as they don't have some defense built in then you can possibly kill them if you land a fully charged ult + your combo.”
hipstersora says “Occasionally you'll see him mid. Kind of a strange pocket pick like AP Ezreal though. When Jhin players get their 4 auto up, they are super aggressive about it usually and will just walk up. Stay out of their range, but use this opportunity to Q them. When they inevitably use 4th auto on a minion, EWQ them. ”
sutrauboju says “Jhin is a pain in the lane for Ashe. Your main concern here should be avoiding his W after taking damage, and keeping traps always in mind. ”
IamVictorious says “Jhin is a strong adc.His early is clearly stronger than yours but if you farm early game and get some core items , the mid/late game is yours”
Dayum Draven says “Jhin has alot of utility and damage. When chasing him don't follow his path, make your own. When he has no bullets, engage with your E.”
GodOatmeal says “Force the lane into a farm fest and don’t take trades because if he dodges one q Sivir loses the trade . It’s situational on whether to e his w or q but his q will be maxed first so it’s a lot more damage and it’s easy to spell shield , but his w is usually to chain cc . You e his q and hit your q you win the trade but if he has alistar or Leo and they cc you and he w’s you because you e’d they double kill and you lost the lane . It’s a who’s the better support matchup if you play for kills but you can cs fine against him if you use a proper trading stance and don't eat q’s
His e is also free mana when he backs so you can hard shove easy to reset wave”
Levi Senpai says “Really really stronge with the 3 IE build since he can oneshot you in no time but his early game isnt that good , you can easily win him with an aggressive / cc support”
BL00dY3nD says “He deals a lot of damage just as you and he got a stun it messes up. His R you can dodge with your W. If u activate your Q you reset the W Cooldown so you can activate it against every shot. ”
Shderen says “Jhin mid is TERRIFYING - I know this from personal experience. While being susceptible to ganks, he will often take ghost and flash, reducing the likelihood of that. His experience will far exceed the regular bot laner, meaning his abilities will be appropriately stronger relative to the time of the game, compared to an ADC Jhin. While a majority of his damage comes from abilities in lane, it's not like your silence is gonna stop his crit with missing health % damage. Be wary of low health minions and how he's using his Q because I guarantee it will half-health you if you're not careful. ”
EtuSnake says “Jhin has high damage and can kill anyone in seconds when fed. Try avoid his w so he can't root you and try to shoot him when he is reloading.”
Somoko says “Even though Jhin is a sloppy laner, his damage and CC along with the lack of real DPS means he's more of a Sustained Burst Marksman. AKA, if you don't hit off that stun once you're close to him, you're done for. Pray that the damage reduction from E saves you from the 4th shot.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “Does Jhin Counter draven? LMAO no. go in on him for trade/kill when he's reloading or casting his snare. he's garbage trust. just keep ur range and stay away from minions.”
Arabpsyco says “This is a very hard match-up. A good Jhin is scary. Watch out for his 4th auto and go with a tank support. You'll need CC if you want kill this guy. Leona and Alistar are good choices.”
bardbot says “Can cc chain a lot with engage supports, but aside the fourth shot, doesn't do absurds amounts of poke damage in the early game. Just be careful to not get CCed to death and you should be fine.”
Shizashi says “Jhin out ranges you so he has an advantage, and if you play vs a good Jhin it'll be hard to dash in and out trade, also depends on support match up but Jhin favored ”
xTheUnlimited says “I always have a really good time against Jhin. Your DPS is way higher than his one is. Also you can wait until he fired all of his shots out and has to reload. He wins short trades so avoid these ones. You win in longer fights / all ins. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Really bullying in lane, high early damage output and also high burst potential if he takes Hail of Blades. Try to let the wave push in and farm up. You should wait for ganks while he is pushing. Do not die against him. ”
xTheUnlimited says “After his buff he has definitely a strong laning phase again and can trade with you. Try to stay back and land some Q's or just farm up. ”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Jhin isn't too bad; his early game damage makes him a decent lane bully, but you can trade back with him after he uses his 4th shot. Don't forget, after a lengthy trade, Jhin can back off and ult you, so don't make a trade that gets you below half health. Also, mid game is when his damage is the greatest.”
TheCoCoFTW says “If Jhin is able to get a slight lead he will be one of your biggest problems late game. In the laning phase, watch out for his Grenade Bounces and his Support. If he is paired with anyone that has hard CC like Thresh, Nautilus, or Morgana, be extremely cautious in lane. As long as your team can focus him down you will be fine. But he will be able to 2 shot you late, so be careful.”
YukiWyvern says “Tente ficar longe das tropas com pouca vida, ele tira proveito para utilizar seu (Q) para causar um grande dano em distancia segura.Tente desviar de seu (W) e faça trocas rápidas enquanto ele recarrega sua arma e saia rapidamente de perto.”
qasddsa says “Strong early-mid game ADC. If he buys a Rapid Firecannon, he can easily kill you with a few auto attacks. The matchup in lane mainly depends on you dodging his roots and not letting him freely hit you with his 4th shot. As long as you don't get caught out by him or his support, you can play semi-passively until you see a chance to go in. His damage isn't as consistent as yours due to his reload, but it's very strong.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, jhin mains only play jhin because they can't count all the way to double digits. this means you can just go in /all chat and say "you have a million cs jhin!" and the toddler on jhin's computer will outright believe you and stop csing. spell shield his w/q. wait for his trap to almost explode before spell shielding (unless he can w you then run away and spell shield that).”
Darkkin says “Dano alto, CC bom, e uma grande velocidade de movimento e forte pressão de rota com o Q.
High damage, good CC, and a great speed of movement and strong pressure of route with the Q.”
Savagerayne says “He can poke you with his 4th shot and with his Q.
His poke shouldn't be enough to kill you if you play safe, in an extended trade you will out damage him. ”
Seigemaster035 says “A very tough matchup, He out damages you at all points of the game. Early wait for him to reload to trade and never go up to his fourth shot. Never get close to him and in team fights be wary of where he is.”
Nittwerp says “Don't try to trade damage with jhin because he will outdamage you with his aa + q poke. Easiest way to win is to fight when he just uses his fourth shot and is about to reload.”
YELOWSUPERCAR87 says “Jhin is really strong against Draven.Especially if he goes on runes which are movement speed like Fleet footwork or similar like that in sorcery runes."Try" to kill him in early game,and hope to win lane!”
TianDaMan says “Be careful not to stand near 3 or less minions due to his Q targeting. If he hits you, he will almost always go for a W for the bonus damage. Once you get Yun-tal you can 1v1 him all in with barrier up.”
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