Bottom Lane 50.01% Win Rate99% Pick RateAphelios Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Aphelios in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “I dont know what this champ does. I also dont think most aphelios players know what he does either so its pretty free. He does scale late with that one weapon and will just oneshot anything but we glance over that.”
BrunkageManden says “Not too much of a thread. He dosen't get ability untill lvl 2. You can block all all of his spells except from the gravatum Q (pruple) and the Sceptum Q (red).
Be aware of the red gun since it shoots through windwall. Should be easy to kill early game. Is not that relevant until 3 items.”
Avarosa says “Pressione e não o deixe farmar sem que ele receba dano em resposta, voce pode explodir ele com uma flecha com o W e a passiva stackados ”
Dr Yoshili says “Aphelios is a pretty easy matchup, he is way better in short trades, but fortunatelly, you outrange him hard with fishbones (except in the first levels, calibrum has the same range as cait)
he is only a real threat in the first levels, even tho he has an absurd burst, you will outrange him in teamfight, and be more useful late game.
Also, don't duel him in those case :
He has Blue green (if he miss his Blue Q, fight, else he''ll one shot you), White green, white red.
be careful, if he has a low ammount of ammo, he might be able to do 3 or 4 spell, and switch to a great dueling weapon”
gaarrett says “Historically kept weak because of professional play, Aphelios can only pressure Nilah when he has Calibrum (green). Use W when Aphelios has Gravitum (purple) and is about to root you, or when he has Severum/Crescendum (red and white) and is Q'ing at you. The W also causes his ult effects to miss, just something to keep in mind. ”
Avxm says “Aphelios matchup is generally a skill matchup, you wanna try and avoid getting harassed through the wave by his green gun range, and his blue gun's aoe through the wave. Also be very careful of when he has purple gun as without cleanse you will be very vulnerable to getting stunned into death if ganked or not in a very ideal fight. When he has red white although he is strong this is when you are best vs him if you can outspace him during his red q and not let him gapclose with its movespeed as during red white his range is very low, so you can space him easily and outrange him so he cant fight back properly. Generally this lane try to keep in a neutral state you dont want to hardshove or get shoved in as shoving in aphelios doesnt provide alot other then risk for you for the most part”
Kociokwik says “Karthus is stronger in early game, you can abuse bushes lvl1. You win most of the time 2vs2 on bot and even 2vs3 but be carefull when aphelios has severum(red lifesteal) and cresendum(chakrams) he is really strong with those wepons, wait untill he empty one of them”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Strong lategame / Great teamfighting / Huge sustain | WEAKNESSES - No mobility / Weak early game / Support dependant / Useless when behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Abuse he's low mobility to get some free stacks with your W early on. You can easily proc W followed by auto Q to stack 2 to 3 stacks while trading safely without taking that much in return. Late game, be carefull of his burst and sustain, he can survive longer than you'd think and not get killed by your finisher. Make sure you can one shot him or threaten him from a good distance so he can't return the favor”
Latte9969 says “Aphelios can snowball quite hard from getting ahead early but he's very immobile and focuses entirely on auto attacks to do damage, so if you poke with max range Q and don't walk into his auto range there's no way he can hit you.”
Foxirion says “Aphelios' versatility and range can make it challenging for Kog'Maw to trade effectively in lane. However, if Kog'Maw can avoid Aphelios' abilities and outscale him, the threat level can be mitigated.”
Rank_1_Idiot says “Annoying lane, but at level 4-5 you start winning poke.
Prioritize farm until level 6, and you should be capable of winning a fight even at 60% hp.
A well played aphelios can be dangerous in late game, if he has ghost or shurelyas speeding him.”
afr0rk says “Aphelios is a champion who really struggles into long range comps, as he is at is strongest when he can fight his enemies inside his attack range. Ezreal being one of the longest ranged ADC champs, naturally makes it very hard for Aphelios to achieve this. Even if he does get into range, you can always E out. Respect him when he has White gun active, and don't clump up with your team when he has Blue gun active and you should be good. ”
Bobalegre says “The hard part is knowing tf he does, but when you do it gets way easier, I'm not going go teach you what he does, but abuse his weak early game. Similar to jinx DO NOT feed him because he scales very well.”
Rose Madder says “You should have the advantage against him on the laning phase (depends on the support).
Late game, this guy will shred your team so don't get close. Poke with Q while keeping a safe distance.”
Lewozu says “Aphelios can be strong, you need to be aware of his weapons. IF he has grey weapon he will most likely win the fight IF you are not ahead by a good amount of gold.
Overall you should be winning vs him.”
Paramo_ says “Most of aphelios players don't know what to do. Be careful in the early game, he pokes you a lot with calibrum, lvl 4 go W E Q attack E attack Q and kill him. He's an auto attack champion, you win it easy. ”
LustAndSpite says “Same reason as Caitlyn. His range is just too high to do anything. Plus, he is one of the only adcs in the game that can hard-cc you with no set-up.
If you face him, wait until his long range weapons are on cooldown, then call for a gank.”
the hood says “Aphelios in higher MMRs (GM+, Chall) can be an even threat if the player has really good Micro Management + Movement. In Lower MMRs you shouldnt have big problems stomping Aphelios. In most Scenarios you should win all-ins but you have to especially respect his green white weapon combo and his red - white weapon combo (the white weapon enables him to fight back with a lot of Chakrams). Side Infos: Respect his Purple Weapon if you think enemy Jungler could gank + his red weapon Ultimate ability can be a big heal which u have to consider.”
support_diff says “Aphelios has 5 guns and a good Phel player knows exactly how to counter you with them. His long range gun (green, Calibrum) makes him able to poke you from long range so don't go near him when he has it up, it is better to farm from far with Q while staying behind minions.
His heal gun (red, Severum) gives him a lot of sustain early on lane and has a very good ability that pretty much fully procs Conqueror for him. Nothing special to do about it, you can farm and play normally but when he uses the ability, get out of the cone with your E so he can't proc Conqueror/PTA. If Phel has Fleet Footwork, this gun shouldn't be too hard to play against but he has even better sustain with it.
His root/slow gun (purple, Gravitum) slows enemies whenever he attacks them and the ability of the gun is to root all the enemies he has attacked shortly. It is really hard to play against Aphelios when he has this gun up as you can't win him in auto attack fight and that is exactly what this gun gives him. Don't fight when he has this gun up, he will win every time unless he doesn't have his support with him.
His shotgun (blue, Infernum) makes his auto attacks deal damage to enemies behind their targets which is very good for poking safe adc's like Ezreal. The secondary damage to champions is surprisingly high so you shouldn't go to your minions when he has it up as he will punish you for it. The gun doesn't deal too much damage for you but has a great wave clear so you shouldn't leave Aphelios alone when he has this gun up.
His crazy ninja weapon (white, Crescendum) gives his attacks bonus damage for chakrams that he gets from abilities that use Crescendum (pretty much every one of them). His attacks also ricochet back from enemies after hitting them and he can't attack again after they have come back to him. Don't go close to him when he has this ability up as the ricochets give him enormous damage is he is close to you.
Overall Aphelios has five weapons that all have their own way of countering you. Play safe against him, there is no point of trading against him as he often plays with cc supports that could make your life really hard.”
DreamOfValhalla says “Aphelios is a late game scaling champ, you should not have a problem early game to beat him especially if you have an engage support that can cc him”
tomoemioo says “Aphelios is anoying from beg. with his green weapon (sniper) but after lvl 3 u block his full kit even his R (not dmg from hit but after that when it falls from heaven)”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “There are few good Aphelios on the server, you must always respect your Level 1, because he has more range than you, use your Skill And when he is going to use the weapon to arrest you and always try to leave him in the tower, you have the potential to Pressing aphelios a lot, however be careful as a strong combo from Aphelios can simply melt you in late game.”
Reptile9LoL says “Aphelios can bully Vayne in lane due to having higher range+some poke, better waveclear with Infernum and higher combat damage. Vayne has to bait out Aphelios's spells and then look to all-in him to win this matchup. Imo Aphelios wins every stage of the game if piloted well”
CiorbaHater says “You lose 1vs1 but try to scale and perform better in Teamfights
Aphelios is rly good at holding he`s positiong and u are good at kiting ”
afrente do tempo says “Be careful with Calibrum because he can outrange you in early levels. If you strugle in this machup, consider put one point extra in W at lvl 3
use ghost.”
Karhuslol says “Although Aphelios is very strong of a champion, you can easily punish because he doesn't have a dash. Dash champion are very hard to play into as Karthus”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Strong lategame / Great teamfighting / Huge sustain
| WEAKNESSES - No mobility / Weak early game / Support dependant / Useless when behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Abuse it's low mobility to take free kills with your R and poke with your abilities.”
Jhin and Tonic says “If you are playing against a skilled aphelios player you will likely lose or stay even in lane but unless he or his support trolls you won't win. His kit is perfect against a champion like who can't easily chase in early game as he can very easily run away if he is in a bad position. Be careful not to go all in when he has his boomerang as he can easily beat you even in an 1v2. Exhaust is recommended.”
zhock2014 says “Definitely watch out for aphelios he is literally impossible to gank unless your a trundle pro like me but when your just learning trundle try not to pick a fight with this champion”
VrNtv says “This might be actually easiest match up for Jinx, since he is also a lategame hypercarry as Jinx, but his range never goes above 650 (Only in Calibrum), so he is more likely to die in TF then you. He can't punish you early and gets outscaled. Be careful when he has Gravitum, since he can set up chain CC for his support to follow up(AA into root into CC from support)
VrNtv says “Now, when Aphelios is meta, he's REALLLLY annoying for Kaisa as a champion. His starting weapons are Calibrum/Severum which basically sets him up to not lose a trade if he's genuinely a GOOD Aphelios player. He outranges you until he cycles his Calibrum sniper out. Once this weapon is gone, its a little bit more bearable. Watch out for his purple gun as well as this sets his support up for free damage/follow up cc! Also, DO NOT fight him when he has Severum/Crescendum gun combo, ITS EXTREMELY HIGH DPS. Only fight him when he has this weapon combination if you KNOW you win. Play safe in this lane and farm and let your support try to make plays. Kai'sa isnt a play maker in this one. One tip: You can fight him level one with an engage support as he doesnt have a level 1 ability and Kai'sa's level 1 is incredible!”
RandomNPC777 says “Aphelios is a very weak champion overall right now, and does so many different things it's hard to give a quick rundown. Generally he's weaker than you are, and you mostly outrange him. Respect his root in laning phase and his ult in teamfights.”
wungus says “Aphelios has the ability to poke you with Calibrum and Infernum, and he can deal scary amounts of damage with Crescendum, but he has trouble self peeling. Your W is incredible against him, and your mobility should overwhelm him.”
whitemindlight says “His AA range with green gun is bigger than yours so watch out
Also his stun can fuck you up when you're trying to trade with him
SheriffADC says “This matchup is only hard if the Aphelios is good (which is rare). Just respect him level 1 (he has long range and better sustain so trading level 1 is really troll). Avoid fighting him when he has chakrams and you're completely fine. Once again easy matchup if you have a hook support since he is unmobile. NOTE: you cannot block Severum attacks since they are not projectiles!”
Lachoni1 says “Aphelios just doesn't have the damage to deal with you. If you ever get 1 or 2 kills he can't do anything vs you. Just make sure you don't fight him when he has his white and green gun.”
Amberdragon says “Generally easy matchup, he has weak early game and wave clear (depending on weapon), you just have to trade at the right moments.
Red gun gives him healing, DPs and kiting.
Green gun gives him your range and single target damage.
Purple gun roots and slows.
White gun gives him insane close-range DPS.
Blue gives him AoE damage.
Avoid trading when he has red+white and green+white. Be careful when he has purple because he can set up a gank or all-in you.”
moso says “Support matchup changes the outcome of this lane significantly. In a vaccum Ashe is much better early game when able to freely kite Aphelios. He will take cleanse and eventually outscale your damage.”
slendoooo says “The only time Aphelios would be a problem for Draven is when game passes 30 mins, since Aphelios outscales Draven hard and has a lot more ways to kill him,
But in lane it shouldn't be a problem at all.
Always look to make little mistakes afterwards so you don't end up in late game vs him. ”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Pipimatz says “Aphelios sucks vs you. Legit all his spells are also auto attack based, so if you can avoid his ulti you can just press w and he has no way to harm you ever”
Tolis slayer says “In lane aphelios isnt that hard of a matchup. he is weak early and unlike champs ike vayne if you defeat he early he wont really be able to scale. just try to be careful of is turret his root and him poking you with calibrum,his sniper and you will be completely fine”
LionelOCE says “Aphelios can be difficult but Kalista can win easily if she spaces well in the early levels. The main threat of Aphelios is his scaling and his potency against dive champions.”
LionelOCE says “Aphelios outranges you with his sniper gun but he is forced to take cleanse for your arrow. You can contest priority against him and once you've picked up your Berserker's Grieves, it is quite possible to run him down in the long lane with the help of your support.”
NearChance says “Aphelios has a great form of CC in Gravitum(Purple Gun) and can harass with Calibrum(Sniper) but with 2 ranks in W you outrange it.
Severum(Red Lifesteal) doesn't mean much. While lifesteal can counter this playstyle his self sustain is low. ”
Pengwan says “Champion does alot. Mainly don't duel him when he has red, white guns and care for picks when he has green, purple guns. Main problem with this matchup is just that Aphelios is really difficult to know exactly how much damage he can do due to the constant gun swaps”
KnobHobbler says “Not a very good champ right now.
Avoid fighting if he has gravatum. His calibrum and infernum are a pain to deal with too.
Push wave under tower.
Should win 1v1 if he isn't fed.”
NotAragami says “200 YEARS. He has everything in one kit, and anyone able to master his kit should be diagnosed with autism.
Extremely annoying to deal with. Same principle with everyone, bait his abilities first then you go in. ”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Short Trades] Aphelios is a bit of a glass canon. He only has 2 abilities (One Q per weapon), so once he uses one you can take a small trade. He doesn't have his ability lvl 1, so look for a small trade with your support if he doesn't have an all-in support (Like Leona) ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave as Aphelios does have a lot of AOE damage. Additionally, stand away from the Tower if you’re pushed under it as his AOE autos will hit you if you’re behind the tower. Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave as Aphelios does have a lot of AOE damage. Additionally, stand away from the Tower if you’re pushed under it as his AOE autos will hit you if you’re behind the tower. Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave as Aphelios does have a lot of AOE damage. Additionally, stand away from the Tower if you’re pushed under it as his AOE autos will hit you if you’re behind the tower. Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave as Aphelios does have a lot of AOE damage. Additionally, stand away from the Tower if you’re pushed under it as his AOE autos will hit you if you’re behind the tower. Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave as Aphelios does have a lot of AOE damage. Additionally, stand away from the Tower if you’re pushed under it as his AOE autos will hit you if you’re behind the tower. Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.”
Amberdragon says “Aphelios tends to do well in most close-combat situations and his damage is nasty, so you have to know his weapons and try killing him in the early game when he is the weakest. Most of Aphelios' skills need him to auto something, so you can counter a lot of him with your W and mobility. He is squishier and you have the upper hand in close range fights if he has bad weapons and you have Exhaust. You just need to survive and avoid his Infernum (blue) and Calibrum (Green) poke before going in. Avoid going in when he can use his Q for: Severum (Red), Gravitum (Purple) or Chakram (White)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave as Aphelios does have a lot of AOE damage. Additionally, stand away from the Tower if you’re pushed under it as his AOE autos will hit you if you’re behind the tower. Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand outside of the minion wave as Aphelios does have a lot of AOE damage. Additionally, stand away from the Tower if you’re pushed under it as his AOE autos will hit you if you’re behind the tower. Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.”
ColJaraka says “You can gap close efficiently, and apart from calibrum, his range is not big enough to cause problems. Try and shut him down in laning phase.”
Grondvreter says “Not tested yet but him range early game and his INSANE scaling late game should make your life hell. He is squishy and weak early so hope you have a engage Support and try to get ahead or you lose.”
Ludazel says “Late game Aphelios is scary if you have to run into chakram turrets, AOE blue gun or if he catches you with his snare. You can outrange his 1v1 potential with his red/white guns.”
m1NEEX says “This might be actually easiest match up for Jinx, since he is also a lategame hypercarry as Jinx, but his range never goes above 650 (Only in Calibrum), so he is more likely to die in TF then you. He can't punish you early and gets outscaled. Be careful when he has Gravitum, since he can set up chain CC for his support to follow up(AA into root into CC from support)”
Kamicali says “Each of Aphelios' weapons have different weaknesses, try to exploit the ones that work best for your champion. Watch out for the purple Gravity gun, it can root you. Don't fight him in waves when he has the red one up, and his flame thrower has the most threatening damage. When fighting him, keep your eyes open and stay aware so you can make sure to ult his ult.”
Xedavion says “Not a threat to Varus whatsoever,even if he is good you outscale him late game,be careful of his lvl 2 powerspike because if he has an engage support like Nautilus Or Leona he can easily kill you,since he has the most range out of any adc you have to play carefully until lvl 6.”
Amberdragon says “You are both really squishy. You can kill him fast or run him down. However it highly depends on his weapons too - beware of purple because it slows and CCs, red and white give him sustain and a shit ton of damage when combined, plus give him an upper hand in close combat to fight him from max range and kite.”
SrBroccoli says “Has no mobility, but lots of poke like Caitlyn, so it becomes an even fight.
Try to survive until level 6 and you can solo him. If you feed he will just snowball the lead.”
Dravenhalal says “Only time he's scary is if he has the purple gun as he can stun you and then his supp can get in your face and start talking about "our lord and saviour jesus christ". The red gun + white can be pretty scary since he has a lot of damage and heal. If he has any other gun though just tell him about our prophet and leader Muhammad and one shot him. Exhaust is good here.”
Kitqsune says “free lane. you can block his entire ult, rifle q, etc. You should be completely fine. Don't fight him close range when he has chakram/severum combo. THIS IS SKILL DEPENDENT which is why its in tiny. If they're bad the lane is free.”
Icels says “He can poke you out, he can burst you down, he can stop your engage. HOWEVER, he has no moves. He's too edgy to keep up with your dance if you do it right.”
Amberdragon says “Aphelios has few abilities and the ones he has you can easiy counter with your E. You have superior wave clear and you also scale very well.”
Alvatorz says “Aphelios is a interesting one. Both of those 2 champions are really reliable on the late game, 3 items powerspyke, their supports and on their abilities. If you fight him with a good setup, you can make him fall easily, but always be aware of his weapons. The matchup really depend on how well you know Aphelios and Zeri to be honest.”
2saif4u says “Aphelios out range like jinx level 1 so be patient and try not to get poked by him in early. Respect his Stun/Slow and take cleanse in lane in these lanes.”
Demonsedge90 says “If you're facing Aphelios in the early game, take advantage of his weaker state and punish him accordingly. It will prevent him from becoming a significant threat as the game progresses. To keep him under control, try to poke at him consistently. However, be cautious if he has his chakram weapon, as he can dish out damage quickly, making it difficult to match him. It's best not to engage him alone in this situation.”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Just Ban: ¡PERMA-BAN!
This champion is a ridiculously complete Marskman; Aphelios has got everything that Lulu BOT doesn't have.
He has occasional great Range with both good burst Damage and CC, besides lots of scaling Damage, complicated weapons' versatility, ludicrous and powerful Wave-Clearing, difficult and dangerous to to gap-close especially if well-protected...... There's just nothing to do (that I know as of yet). So ban if you want to play Lulu BOT —unless you know something I don't.”
Krilep says “Aphelios has a weak early game and only one of his weapons are long range. Try to fight when his weapons have low ammo. Q poke him down as much as you can just remember he has a weapon that gives him some lifesteal so try to wait till 6 since you'll have your ULT to keep distance once he gets stronger.”
Professional Fool says “While I have never faced him, I have heard from my friends that he is a major threat to anybody who wants to keep their sanity.”
Alvatorz says “Aphelios needs time to fight you and you will not give him this time. All in him as fast as possible is recommended or he could kite you to death.”
Valhalla Coach says “You match his range in lane and can trade with him early game, just don't all-in when he has red-white. Usually you'll win on extended trades and all-ins while he wins on short trades but support matchup is what dictates this lane until lvl6. You can match his scaling quite well and even if you are behind you can try to snipe him with ult and he will probably burn a spell everytime or he buys QSS”
SaskioLoL says “If he oversteps level 1, full all in with exhaust and run him down. He is really weak when he has no abilities. Otherwise let him push you in if he holds range and wait for level 3 to potentially fight back.”
Sellsword says “Aphelios starts much stronger than you in lane with his Caitlyn-esque range and it doesn't get better when after that he gets his root gun, which makes him have very potent all-ins, or the Severum-Chakram (Red-White guns) combo which makes him impossible to fight. He's not impossible to beat, but outscales you damage wise, so you should try to use your waveclear and ultimate to your advantage as much as you can, because he is very immobile. Also make sure to fight him when he has a bad gun combination, however that would be rare if the Aphelios is good.”
cornaldo says “Não são muitos aqueles que jogam bem com aphelios, eu só recomendo você pokear bastante ele, e tentar o máximo possivel esquivar da ult dele, sem ela ele não faz nada.”
PancakeKittiwake says “He can outpoke you but he can also be completely braindead and step up and then get w auto q’d or possible even killed. Look for engage opportunities and prevent him from messing with your positioning.”
Nom212 says “It depends on his current weapon combination. Sometimes he out-ranges you with sniper turrets. Sometimes he has to get close with red-white combination. Dangerous but if you have the damage to threaten him he won't be able to mindlessly all-in you. Track his weapons and be wary of what he can and can't do.”
Amberdragon says “Aphelios is very squishy so you can burst him earlier in the game unless support matchup is unvaforable to you, but he will build sustain eventually and the matchup will be harder for you. He can harass you from range, and when you come closer he has great sustain in most cases. Beware his chakram (white weapon), his poke with Calibrum (sniper/green weapon), his Gravitum (purple) root if he has an engage support. Severum (red) will give him sustain.
Most Aphelios players aren't good in low elo so it will be easier to deal with them, but a good Aphelios can put up a fight with you and bully you from range.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Aphelios is an immobile scaling ADC with the ability to output some of the highest amounts of damage, but at the cost of being somewhat short ranged and timing dependent!
◉ Aphelios will depend heavily on this gun combos which will determine what he’s allowed to do. The guns to look out for in-lane is [[Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon]] since he’ll use that to catch and snare you as an immobile ADC which can lead to you being engaged on. The other gun to look out for would be [[Crescendum, the Chakram]] as it’s the gun that gives him the most damage for 1v1s and 2v2s!
◉ Aphelios is very short ranged in-general no matter what gun combo he has so be sure to abuse your rockets with [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] as much as possible.
◉ A good way to look at Aphelios is if he has “strong” or “weak” guns combos. When he has a weak gun combo, that is when you want to strike and all-in.
◉ Weak Gun Combos: Severum, the Scythe Pistol + Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle, Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle + Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon, Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon + Severum, the Scythe Pistol, Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle + Infernum, the Flamethrower, Crescendum, the Chakram + Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon is by far the WORST 2 gun combo for him. If you see him having any of these combinations then you'll be fine to win the all-in as long as he isn't fed.
◉ Strong Gun Combos: Crescendum, the Chakram + Severum, the Scythe Pistol, Crescendum, the Chakram + Infernum, the Flamethrower, Infernum, the Flamethrower + Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon, Infernum, the Flamethrower + Severum, the Scythe Pistol, Crescendum, the Chakram + Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle Try to avoid fighting against these combinations.
◉ Win Condition: You both scale very well, but since you have a big range advantage on Aphelios throughout the game all you have to do is abuse the range difference starting in the laning phase till the late game and you should have no problem come out on top whether it’s simple trading or winning 2v2s!
Breathly says “Aphelios will only counter you if he has an Enchanter support (Exmaple = Lulu, Nami, Yuumi) Or something that can poke you down.
If he has a champion like Thresh you can go more even with him, it is very dangerous to play the scaling game with him since he out scales you at 4 items.”
I Am Not u says “Back when I made this guide, this was when Aphelios was a level 2 hypercarry who only needed his stupid flamethower and his stupid gravity gun to get a free lane. But now? He's just a joke. Don't engage when he has his gravity gun. Don't take free poke. Watch for his red gun/chakrams when you engage because it heals him and constantly damages you.”
Amberdragon says “Aphelios has very flexible kit, he can either poke you or out-dps you in close combat. He's vulnerable early on, but if he gets ahead avoid him until you scale a bit. Avoid his White and Red weapons in close combat. Don't try anything funny when he has Purple weapon and an engage support because he can slow and root you. Green weapon is his poke/sniper. Blue is AoE.”
FunkyBeagle says “Now, when Aphelios is meta, he's REALLLLY annoying for Kaisa as a champion. His starting weapons are Calibrum/Severum which basically sets him up to not lose a trade if he's genuinely a GOOD Aphelios player. He outranges you until he cycles his Calibrum sniper out. Once this weapon is gone, its a little bit more bearable. Watch out for his purple gun as well as this sets his support up for free damage/follow up cc! Also, DO NOT fight him when he has Severum/Crescendum gun combo, ITS EXTREMELY HIGH DPS. Only fight him when he has this weapon combination if you KNOW you win. Play safe in this lane and farm and let your support try to make plays. Kai'sa isnt a play maker in this one. One tip: You can fight him level one with an engage support as he doesnt have a level 1 ability and Kai'sa's level 1 is incredible!”
LegendaryOstrich says “Aphelios has a weak early game and only one of his weapons are long range. Try to fight when his weapons have low ammo. Q poke him down as much as you can just remember he has a weapon that gives him some lifesteal so try to wait till 6 since you'll have your ULT to keep distance once he gets stronger.”
Urason says “This is very Aphelios favored but it's still skill dependent. If you get on top of Aphelios and he doesn't have Chakram, you'll do fine and kill him. The issue is he can destroy in lane with his range and he out scales you if you don't get a big lead.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Extremely easy imo. Aside from his sniper mode you'll always outrange with Q. You can also easily Arcane Shift away from his ult. Be sure to Q down his turrets as well.”
Coldsong says “Aphelios is very weak in solo queue due to all his nerfs from high elo and pros. However, he still outranges you, has more CC than you, and outscales you, which still makes him annoying to deal with. If he has Crescendum as one of his guns do not engage on him if he has plenty of chakrams built up. Try to punish him for getting caught out as he is immobile. Also dodge his sniper Q at all costs since if he hits it and has Gravitum it is a free long ranged root. Save Blade Whirl for his ult, especially if he currently has Infernum as his gun.”
AnonSS says “Embora ele tenha tomado nerf, o Aphelios ainda continua sendo bom no que faz: all-in. Então pegue um suporte poke e siga pela build de Cometa e Letalidade e seja feliz vendo esse twinkzinho apanhando de uma ruiva gostosa.”
NikkiTT says “Tricky lane at first, don't fight red gun without grievs/ignite(buying Bramble is also fine here if behind), don't fight white gun if you're too even, especially not white/red, remember his purple is CC and don't allow that to stop you when going for all ins, easiest kill is on green/blue gun. This lane becomes rather easy with an engage support. Exhaust will surely make this matchup a bit easier, just harsher to fight into red weapon with no ignite sometimes.”
Banana Pirate says “Aphelios is a tricky one. He can confuses you with all his different weapons. Poke him until he gets pretty low and push him hard. ”
Amberdragon says “Most Aphelios players don't know the champion well enough to be a threat and overall Xayah does well against him especially in the early game. He outscales you but you are stronger in early levels, try to shut him down in the early game. Don't trade with him when he has both red and white guns, he hard wins these trades. Don't get poked in the early levels. Use your R to avoid his and get on top of him to easily kill him as he is squishy. If he gets strong things will get very ugly for you. If you are building lethality and he builds a shieldbow, then go serpent's fang to make sure he can't come back from a hellish early game.”
Simon Uchinora says “Aphelios has only one weapon it is equal to caitlyn range, is the Calibrum, knowing this every other weapon has less range than yours, two things are the Gravitum, has the power to stun you, and the Infernum has a great damage, but basicaly just wait for his waste the ammunition of this two weapons to go on.”
Urpog says “Much better range, starts the game with sustain due to range and becomes incredibly oppressive, stuns, healing, kiting, range, etc. Dodge / Pray for ganks.”
Melyn says “The hardest part of this matchup is just knowing what he does. He doesn't have dashes so you can still blow him up.
Green (Caitlyn): stay behind minions so he can't snipe you.
Red (lifesteal/ballerina): Short range, but when he twirls he can easily dodge since autoing doesn't root. Short range otherwise and can be punished (care all in)
Purple: be very careful about getting rooted, depending on enemy support
Flamethrower: Do NOT stand near minions and if you're team fighting, spread out from your teammates (ult can destroy clumps).
White: Stay far away if you can; he deals more DPS at close range. Don't all-in here unless you burst from far away.”
Chaeha says “Aphelios starts off the game with a range advantage over Kai'Sa which he can utilize to gain an early health advantage and then use his other guns which have a lot more kill potential.”
Urason says “Similar to Ashe, his weak early game and lack of mobility makes him extremely vulnerable. Be sure to punish him early on and get a lead because he will massively out scale you. ”
Nixxen47 says “This is very dependant on how good the Aphelios is. Laning phase he outdamages you pretty heavily everytime he has his sniper. Watch out for him lvl 1-6. You outscale him”
Inoriboob says “Aphelios has been very even recently, matchup is very simple wait out green gun which outranges you and force mistakes off him, you always out damaged him 1-6 and even late game if behind.
VeronyV says “Despite nerfs hitting him, he is still really strong. A good aphelios is a major threat and most players are roughly even or minor. It is a matter of outplaying good ones, but if theyre bad, then just engage 24/7”
HyroPyro says “Aphelios has longer range than you level 1. His next swap combo allows him to push waves with high speed and also cc Kai'Sa. He has high kill pressure with the Crescendum (White gun) pairings, but can be abused and out damaged hard during his weak cycles with the appropriate supports.”
im_zeno says “Not a hard lane. You can wind wall his ult and every other gun besides the red one. Be careful with his Calibrum (his first gun) respect the attack range of that weapon.”
snowcard says “I still don't understand this champion so I'm debating whether to put him in even or major. He's in the same place as Kalista, pray he isn't good. You can block many of his abilities, but personally it's hard because I can't even tell when he's casting it.
What you can block:
Calibrum - The missile. For the followup damage, you have to E BEFORE he casts it.
Severum - I don't reccomend blocking this ability because you only block the one damage when he casts it.
Gravitum - E right when he "slams" down, which is the animation for the root.
Infernum - You can block the off-hand weapon damage, but again you'll have to predict the cast.
Crescendum - I'm not really sure but I know you can block part of the damage from the chakrums.
You can block his ult entirely (which is huge).
Tiilisk1v1 says “He has only one gun with longer range than you (calibrum). When he doesn't have it you van play pretty aggressive playstyle. Dont try close-range fights after lv6 because he will out dps you then.”
Lucifer6 says “With Aphelios you just need to be aware of what weapons he has since his rifle does out range you but if you can get around that and you know what his weapons does it wont be hard and it should be quite even, most of the time the decider comes down to who messes up first.”
banewastaken says “He can bully you lvl 1 with calibrum, but that's about it. Depends on how ahead you are, you can even win versus his Red-White combo.”
Trieuloo says “This is one of the matchups I thought would be turbo easy, however with shieldblow + red gun it is pretty hard to kill. You definitely need to watch out for this matchup when he has red grey. Otherwise he is just a free kill. ”
MiningRicK says “The Enemy must be a very good Aphelios to destroy you because the champ is very difficult to play and he has a very low playrate. As well in the moment he isn´t a that good ADC.”
Sett Abuser says “Similar range to Caitlyn, sometimes can be larger depends on his choice of weapon. Gravitum is the deadliest weapon for you because it has hard crowd control, this will put your W to a very long cooldown.”
DoublefeedOP says “Aphelios is inherently weak early game so you shouldn't have much trouble against him, just don't give him your W - E and then you get rooted with his Blue / Purple gun into an all in by his support.”
DoublefeedOP says “As of Season 11, they nerfed crit items so Aphelios is in a pretty bad spot. He's practically a worse version of Jhin that scales harder in the late game. He'll build Galeforce just like you but takes too long to go online that you should be able to easily stomp lane.”
APC Ziggs says “Same as twitch, super bad early, and (with the exception of calibrum) pretty short range. Easy to poke and to engage on with the added bonus of not having a dash.”
KoZee says “Aphelios has been nerfed a ton, and isn't as big as a threat as he used to be. A lot of countering him is knowing what he can do with his combos. With Calibrum he outranges you and can poke you down. Gravitum he has a strong engage, and Infernum makes him deal a ton of AOE Damage. Don't let him get near you with Crescendum, as that's his highest DPS possible if he has stacked chakrams. Severum will let him kite and heal a bunch, but overall doesn't deal too much.”
TheGronne says “I actually found Aphelios to be quite hard to deal with. This is because he can play it ultra safe until he has his Chakrams, and when he has his Chakrams, you can't really fight him. Samira wants to get into the face of her opponent, yet Chakram excels against melee foes.”
kingamazin says “The threat level of Aphelios changes depending on what gun combination he currently has. At level 1, he barely outranges you with Calibrum. This means that it is possible to auto trade with him. Aphelios level 1 is probably the weakest in the game as he has no ability so use that to get priority in lane by pushing with rockets. When Aphelios has Gravitum, be careful of his all in potential since he can root you for his support to follow up with more cc. When he has Infernum, try to position yourself away from your minion wave to avoid getting hit by the splash damage from his auto attacks.”
Bluestrat says “Aphelios has a strong 1v1 power once he has the following weapon combinations:
Green/White or Red/White.
The advantage for us is that once we are stronger and have our Q-Evolve, we can almost always push Aphelios in and fight him.
However, if you don't have an advantage, it's hard for Kai'sa to stand up to Aphelios. ”
a1a7s45 says “Aphelios has a confusing kit but he lacks mobility. Bait out his Flash in the early game to get ahead. Be careful of his ult. It shred through squishies and tanks alike. ”
Trampedach says “Hard to dive in against this champion especially if he has Crescendum or Gravitum. He will instantly shred your hp with Crescendum or CC and slow you with gravitum so you can't escape. ”
YoonaBoona says “Aphelios excels in a lot of the same areas that Jinx does in lane. Having similar range and much more damage, Apehlios can be tricky to trade with. Stay a fair distance away and focus on securing CS and keeping your HP bar high.”
Bluestrat says “Aphelios hat eine starke 1v1 Power, sobald er folgende Kombinationen hat:
Grün/Weiß oder Rot/Weiß.
Vorteil für uns ist, dass wenn wir einmal stärker sind und unser Q-Evolve haben, wir Aphelios fast immer reinpushen und bekämpfen können.
Hat man jedoch keinen Vorteil, ist es schwer für Kai'sa gegen Aphelios zu bestehen. ”
ctm20141 says “Treat him as a weaker Caitlyn when he has his Calibrum. You can't contest his push when he has Calibrum available. DO NOT ENGAGE HIM WHEN HE HAS CRESCENDUM (the chakrams) OR YOU/YOUR SUPPORT WILL DIE IF YOU DON'T INSTA BURST HIM!. There isn't much to say... play around his weapons: Severum gives lifesteal and dueling potential (you can cancel Severum's Q with a CC), Calibrum gives range and nothing else, Infernum gives waveclear, Gravitum gives slows and roots and Crescendum gives a sort of an assassin's damage. You can engage (all in) him when he has Calibrum, Gravitum, Infernum and Severum (only if you or your support saves 1 CC for his Q). I REPEAT, DO NOT ALL IN HIM WHEN HE HAS CRESCENDUM UNLESS YOU INSTA BURST HIM!
You outscale him in 1v1s (unless he has Crescendum and you can't Condemn him), but in late game teamfights he should be a bit stronger.
Tifforma says “I still dont know how Aphelios works. This insane champ can be really hard to deal with. He is not mobile though so if you catch him, he is good as dead. Get Morelo asap.”
ComradeElmo says “Don't get poked out to hard level 1 and this lane is a breeze he can't do much early but if it gets late hell start to out damage you.”
Dank672 says “Unless they are a aph OTP you won't have to worry about him much earlygame, where you can slow/stop his scaling. Just careful of his calibrum(sniper) poke”
DSpinz says “Makes Lane phase very hard. He can poke you out non stop, I only recommend fighting him if you have a hard cc support. Otherwise wait for ganks because they will always shove into you.”
Compliant says “Aphelios is not suited to contest early-game in laning phase. This will allow you to easily farm through the laning phase and compete with him in teamfighting as the strongest single DPS ADC.”
EvoNinja7 says “Aphelios Is a very complicated champion to play against, because at one point he could be really low, but then he shoots his ult at you and suddenly gains full health and starts attacking you at insane speeds. Try to all in him when you see his health is low, and try not to let him engage you.”
Scrimm says “200 years has nothing against Kai'sa. Just fight him when he doesn't have chakrams so he lacks damage and trade early on since he will likely take Conqueror and not win short trades as hard.”
Mayday36 says “Against a good aphelios player your going to have a difficult time poking and gaining cs because early game he is going to out range you depending on his weapon and late game hes going to be able to out cs you with his red gun”
SkittleBtw says “This dude can whack you. It's a little bit more skill dependent, but he has a lot of options with his 5 million guns and passives, it's winnable for either ADC depending how the ADC and support plays together. ”
Kalista Monster says “Skill matchup, better player wins. Watch out for either the chakrams or gravity cannon. Otherwise he shouldn't be too hard to kill ”
MasterBoom says “A flexible ADC but you can outplay him by your OP Movement speed.
You can easily dodge his skill then use your "Galeforce" advantage.Just ensure to trade with him when his not using Crescendum.”
Akariine says “Watch out for when he has Calibrum or Infernum on his main hand. Remember that because his ultimate projectile is actually decently fast, you will be able to dodge it with Featherstorm. Due to the recent patch, Aphelios should be much easier to kill before he gets his powerspike. He also gains free lethality late in the game, stay weary.”
xKARx says “Pretty hard lane. Outranges you and scales better. The way to play this lane is to take short trades rather than all ins as your ult is better for initiating or finishing off fights. Do not all in unless you have an extremely aggressive support or it is a 3v2 (in your favour).”
Mephiix Unleashed says “Skill based matchup, avoid fighting him when his White/red weapon combination is up, you can outtrade him as soon as his range weapon is out (green one). Aphelios has a decent lane, is strong in mid game and super strong in late game, he has 1 weakness tho and that is lack of mobility. If you can catch him with your snare, follow up with your ultimate and he should be in a rly bad spot”
ShroudedBRH says “Aphelio's is not much of a threat early game which is where you can gain advantages. Avoid standing behind targets when he has infernum and don't all in when he has chakrams. Late game try to lock him down with your ult early in a team fight if possible.”
OverjarlZane says “Here's the thing with Aphelios. He's SO EXTREMELY Feast or Famine that he can be a 2, or he can be a 5 here based on the skill and whether or not he gets ahead. Ahead he's going to annihilate you and your team, maybe even the Support Mundo in the Rift next door. But when he's behind? He may as well be non existent. ”
StriveHD79 says “Very weak right now. Red gun = life steal. White gun = extra AAs + attack speed steroids. Blue gun = 110% damage AOE. Green Gun = Long Range Snipe. Purple Gun = Slow + Root.”
StriveHD79 says “You are stronger.
Red gun = life steal.
White gun = extra AAs + attack speed steroids.
Blue gun = 110% damage AOE.
Green Gun = Long Range Snipe. Purple Gun = Slow + Root.
StriveHD79 says “Stand behind minions when he has green gun, it is his long range sniper gun. Red gun = life steal gun. White gun = attack speed steroid ( avoid fighting him in close range with white gun ). Blue gun = 110% aoe damage. Purple gun = slow & root ( If you get hit by this gun, be prepared to be rooted in place, flash or E if need be). All in all, you are much stronger than him atm since hes been nerfed to the ground.”
StriveHD79 says “Very weak right now.
Red gun = life steal.
White gun = extra AAs + attack speed steroids.
Blue gun = 110% damage AOE. Green Gun = Long Range Snipe. Purple Gun = Slow + Root.”
StriveHD79 says “Very weak right now. Red gun = life steal. White gun = extra AAs + attack speed steroids. Blue gun = 110% damage AOE. Green Gun = Long Range Snipe. Purple Gun = Slow + Root.
StriveHD79 says “Aphelios has caitlyns range early with the green gun so play the lane similar to when you play against caitlyn, focus on scaling and farming like most matchups and you will be fun. Throughout the game it should be quite even in terms of damage output, as long as you have same items.
Purple gun is a slow and root.
Red gun is lifesteal.
White gun is crazy attack speed.
Blue gun does 110% AOE damage.”
KXNGLXXVII says “as long as you dont fight aphelios shurikens you will eat him alive. after you kill him make sure to throw a coin at his corpse and laugh at him when you out season 10 him. ”
eyh4sxdf says “He scales really hard. His first gun has more range than you so he can poke pretty well, and he has life steal so poking is kinda pointless. You can wait until he has different guns to engage, or wait for your jg or supp to engage for you.”
StriveHD79 says “Very weak right now. Avoid any extended trade with him. Red gun = life steal. White gun = extra AAs + attack speed steroids. Blue gun = 110% damage AOE. Green Gun = Long Range Snipe. Purple Gun = Slow + Root.”
Terrific says “If the person knows how Aphelios works you're probably fucked but you still should be able to win laningphase depending on support diff. ATM his white gun is busted so care for his shurikans and dont let the game go on for too long otherwise he does outscale you.”
Iroh_LFT says “Due to current state of Aphelios, you are even. You want to have lv6 powespike as soon as possible and land that JUICY EWQR to one shot him with your support
Trisien says “Similar to Caitlyn, he outranges you quite hard in the first few levels because of his green gun. He is easier to take down than her because his lower mobility, so you can take advantage of that with a hard engage support. ”
Krod7435 says “Aphelios has many weapons to root you and crit you for Dmg. I prefer keeping distance away from him because if you go toe to toe with a good skilled one they can kill you pretty quick. ”
MarksmanBL says “Hard to poke due to range but easier to kill with CC. Also scales better into late than the other threats so you're on the clock. In the current patch in diamond this is my usual ban. ”
xSEASeahawks12 says “Aphelios isn't too hard to lane against, as your quick trades as well as your all in can murder him if you properly play around his Chakram cooldown. However, be very cautious when this gun is available, as his DPS spikes hard.”
Blue gumss says “aphelios is the y of laying right now. Do not go all in as you'll lose. He isn't a huge threat if you play smart and try to poke with your 4th shot. Just be safe. He's hard ”
Zoodyacc says “Avoid Gravitium (Purple Slowing/Rooting weapon of his), it might be a huge threat for you. If you manage to Condem [E] him, you'll probably win a trade, however at this point where Aphelios is quite overpowered you should respect him during laning phase and focus him down on teamfights.”
EvoNinja7 says “Just keep him at bay with your W and you should be fine. Just don't fall prey to his Q on gravitum, since it can leave you vunrable for a gank, and stay away from his interning weapon, since it has crazy range.”
LupinTheCat says “Aphelios isn't even close to a threat, honestly this guy gets hella nerf, next patch you won't even have to worry about him since he's just going to get removed from the game”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Dude has very limited safety in his kit, the only weapon combo he could duel you with realistically would be Crescendum and Severum, just don't engage on an Aphelios who has several Chakrams out and you should be able to chop him up.”
MayeLeven says “Aphelios is very weak at the beginning of the game, so you can kill him at this time. In the middle of the game he will be stronger, but you can kill him with your R, even if he use his flamethrower combo.”
Deathfeather says “He has decent early game and pretty solid late game, but you outscale him if you go even or ahead in lane, so just bully and poke him until you can burst him. stay away if he has grav gun though.”
RoadDGM says “Haven't done the matchup personally but i can see it being like ashe seeing as he can place turrets to zone you completely and also do damage from far range and stay safe.”
Mericat says “If you understand Aphelios, hes a quite even matchup. Most Players simply never learned to play against him - then hes a major threat to you that can and WILL kill you!”
mrPERISH says “This man was a complete nightmare early. You outscale him but he can still output tons of damage. Haven't had much experience against him since his nerf but he will still be at least a major threat. ”
Holidayuniverse says “The laning phase can be hard. Dont fight too much, just trade for souls. After 20 min u should be able to kill him unless he has the red weapon.”
Nik7857 says “Haven't play the matchup too much, but it's safe to say he is overpowered as hell and he will out damage, out sustain you, out range you, he will slow you, he will wave clear better then you. Just ban him if you don't like losing.”
QuantumQuality says “Aphelios is a very annoying champion to play against. If he uses the attack speed weapon, you will lose every trade and usually lose lane as well. ”
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