Mid Lane 49.31% Win Rate72% Pick RateSylas Mid Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Sylas in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Zewrocktumbler says “be around your wave try and dodge his e or pay for it with half or more of your hp very annoying but winnable if he misses alot”
AuroraAddict says “Sylas is gonna be a hard you need to trade him level 1 try to dodge hes E no matter what and you will be able to outrade him he has really shorter CD'S than you do so be carefull not to play big fights against him also your ult is good for him, i would recommend going electrocute and ignite against sylas.”
BesXbola says “In this matchup you basically cant lose, W him every time he tries to engage and make sure to hide behind the wave so he cant E you, if hes not trying to engage and just farming you may try to poke him with empowered E + Q + auto, but be careful because he can burst you down just like you can do it with him.”
Lunar1v9 says “He is kind of annoying to play against u can try to go kraken to match his dps but if u want to play for full scailing go nashor. WHOEVER ULTS FIRST LOSES so be aware of that when u trade with him, i recommend blasitng wand first recall so that u can q e to win some trades.
zSmoke says “Sylas is a ''complicated'' matchup, especially because he will always beat you 1 vs 1, but Diana can win trades if Sylas misses E, the trades will be quite easy to win.”
xumi_k says “You must not mess it up. If you do… well, don’t. You have to snowball or punish him severely early game for his missed skillshots /mistakes. He has long cooldowns early game, so if he misses his stun or any other ability he’s dead if you engage IMMEDIATELY, so be confident and act fast. Buying Executioner’s after first back makes the lane SIGNIFICANTLY easier. You die if he lands all his abilities. You kill him lvl2 with full passive+landed E. Watch his stolen ultimate. He deals quite a lot of damage, so be respectful. Dodge E, especially second E. ”
xKaitoLive says “Sylas is one of the best midlaner in soloq right now and is pretty similiar to fizz. You wont outtrade him if hes good and his all ins are also stronger. Try to punish him lvl 2-5 if misses his spells or if he wasted in on the wave. Try to get the wave lvl 3 under your tower so you can fish for a all in with conq. Otherwise just stay safe and scale or wait for your jungler. ”
ZedAway says “annoying but u can manage, him stealing ur ult really gives u a taste of ur own medicine, but overall he is squishy, take ignite against him and u should be fine.”
Tamikaze says “[Orb before Nashors goes a long way]
For Sylas, there are two main versions right now, Electrocute or Conqueror. The electrocute is burst Sylas and Conqueror is DPS Sylas. I fear the electrocute one more due to the early game damage he can put off. If he manages to land an E on you at level 3 you will lose 60-70% of your hp. You have to respect the early damage on this champ. If you can get away without dying pre 6, your chances of winning are greatly increased. Conqueror Sylas is much more effective in the mid-late game, but at that point you should be stronger. I've found that Sylas players will sometimes miss their E, but still use their W aggressively in fights, hence why I take orb in this lane. It just tunes down the oppressive healing in fights, especially the close fights.”
MattStyle says “Es mi permaban. Pero NO PORQUE SEA DIFÍCIL JUGAR CONTRA ÉL. Sino porque es un personaje odioso y roto. Siempre es problemático un Sylas en buenas manos.
Además es ingankeable porque se robará tu R y listo. ”
j4ss says “Braindead statcheck champion. You can go full crit with berserker's and Max W. Avoid his E, if her waste it, retaliate. Avoid buying Collector! Go Essence - Berserker's - Mortal Reminder - Shieldbow - Infinity Edge. this will do the job against him”
Yuhkis Ribs says “buy anti heal first back, try and see what he started if he started W play more aggressively but if he started E be more careful, whenever he walks up to kill a minion Q him, don't hide behind low hp minions”
Tatsurion says “Melee champions are doomed. Sylas is a good bit better than most, but still, he is forced to either take your poke, and a LOT OF IT, or farm with his Q, and he doesnt want either.
Watch out for the shuffles when he takes your ult. but the laning phase and lategame are yours.
Conq works fine, if the comp allows”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch/Gathering](Boneplating)(ShieldBash)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [Verdant Barrier]
*play with poke when he tries to cs, if he goes in for a trade you kite back and hit back. shouldn't be a problem. once he gets enough ap to oneshot you get [Verdant Barrier]*”
Vladmidir says “Dont get hit by his E thats where all his trading power comes from. Pool his E if its gonna hit, if not then pool his W to stop its healing. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Not that playing with Conqueror makes this matchup easier due to you being able to win long trades, but isn't necessary.
Long Sword start.
His W heal makes it necessary to play with Ignite.
Early game is rough, since he can chunk you hard with his E + Electrocute and his Passive gives him very strong extended trades, but if you manage to not give him too much of a lead till 6/your first item, you can outplay him. Dodging his second E is very important throughout the whole game. If you ult first you can control where he comes out if he mirrors your ult by swapping, so hitting your q's will be really easy. He won't be able to swap back for 0.5 seconds!”
BrMario1011 says “Honestly, this matchup is only playable if you giga shit on him or go grasp, if hes electrocute full aggro setup be super carefull, if not just stack grasp on him and when he engages on you punish him lol, his ult is extremely op for him tho and he can escape ur w with his dash, be very carefull with this one
go dorans ring, bone plating and tp, if ur confident go ingnite but idk
go grasp too”
orka4.sandraj says “Try to focus on farming and baiting him uner your tower. His melee attacks are stronger than yours most of the time, and dont let him steal your R when he is fed, because your R is op.”
MetalK1d says “Sylas has high damage and he is very tanky but it is not that hard to 1v1 him just take short trades and all in him when he is almost cooked.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “He can take your ult, which is very terrifying given he can kill you easily with his entire kit. Play safe and always poke him from far away, no matter how confident you are because he can just heal it all away with his kit. I rely on ganks on this one too buster. I take ignite but TP is welcome too.”
SkandalloTV says “He has higher base damage and healing in early game. Try to farm from far. If you ever go in, use W instantly to reduce his burst damage. Irelia's ultimate is great for him. I usually ban him if ever someone in my team hovers another champion with great ultimate, like Malphite, Soraka, Bard, etc.”
otaliz says “Since he's a melee champion, he'll only win trades if he gets melee with you, so don't let him jump on you with his E. Sylas is only an extreme threat because of his ultimate, which can copy Twisted Fate's ultimate and have the same presence on the map and follow your roaming. Try to push the wave as much as possible from level 6 to make him decide to either follow the roaming, or farm the wave.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade. Skill Match up. Outplay him with Q3 dont trade with him he will destroy you. Poke him with Q3 or E W and then all in him.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
Most of Sylas' damage is in his knock up, so avoiding it is key. To play around it effectively, I recommend surrounding yourself with minions, as it makes it more difficult for him to hit his knock up on you, even if being within melee range of Sylas isn't ideal. Though, once you bully a Sylas to low enough health, you should start maintaining your distance instead as his lunge heals him based on his missing health.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP (ignite or barrier can work) - Flat HP.
Q start if he starts E.
Sylas is a tricky matchup depending on the player you're facing. if they're good, they will make your laning phase a nightmare. Your Q is just too slow, he can just use his E to dodge it and gap-close you at the same time and land his chain. I would actually recommend to play super safe in this lane because if you both go 0-0-0, it is to your advantage. If he doesn't go for zhonyas, he's a pretty easy target to one shot from afar in fights. If the sylas player is bad, this match up turns into easy since you will just be able to one shot him with your combo.”
awawa says “Once again, your W counters his entire existence. But you need to be a bit more careful in this matchup, this guy still does damage if you waste fear or let yourself get poked a lot.
Bully him lvls 1-3, but don't get stunned by him or you will get more damage than you've dealt. Have ignite up when fighting him. Get morellos and banshees if he's fed. ”
Snarik says “Really any character that can lock you down and burst you 100 to 0 will be a hard match-up to win, but With good help from your jungler and minimal inting it's still winnable. my personal perma ban since when he's good you can't play the game as long as he's on the map”
ShokLoL says “Sylas lane is all about dodging his E2. If you get hit by his chain you will almost certainly lose the trade, but if he misses it you can punish him heavily. Stay close enough to the creeps that he can’t easily E you, but far enough away that he can’t just hit both you and the creeps with his Q. Sylas snowballs extremely hard but if he doesn’t find a lead he won’t be too hard to deal with, and you can usually build a small lead in lane as long as you don’t die solo or to his gank setup. Try keep the wave on your side after the initial couple of waves for extra safety. Phase rush is very important for this matchup and play safer whilst it's down.
ShokLoL says “Sylas lane is all about dodging his E2. If you get hit by his chain you will almost certainly lose the trade, but if he misses it you can punish him heavily. Stay close enough to the creeps that he can’t easily E you, but far enough away that he can’t just hit both you and the creeps with his Q. Sylas snowballs extremely hard but if he doesn’t find a lead he won’t be too hard to deal with, and you can usually build a small lead in lane as long as you don’t die solo or to his gank setup. Try keep the wave on your side after the initial couple of waves for extra safety. Conqueror is also very good for this matchup and should allow you to trade back.
ShokLoL says “Sylas lane is all about dodging his E2. If you get hit by his chain you will almost certainly lose the trade, but if he misses it you can punish him heavily. Stay close enough to the creeps that he can’t easily E you, but far enough away that he can’t just hit both you and the creeps with his Q. Sylas snowballs extremely hard but if he doesn’t find a lead he won’t be too hard to deal with, and you can usually build a small lead in lane as long as you don’t die solo or to his gank setup. Try keep the wave on your side after the initial couple of waves for extra safety. Make sure you save a W to WE away and try ult him into your tower post 6.
Soft Headpats says “The main thing you have to watch out for is his E. If you dodge his E's second-cast, this lane is fairly easy. You can also cancel his E with your EQ if you time it correctly. Aside from watching out for his E, you can poke him freely with Q spells and AAs (Aery is great in this lane).
Unfortunately, your ult is really strong for him since he can either fish with it or guarantee it if he manages to hit an E. Just make sure you play safe if he steals your ult since he can easily run you down if you get hit by it. Liandry's is great against Sylas due to his naturally high HP. Oblivion Orb can also be considered if you find that he's healing too much in teamfights, but usually it's not needed especially when 1v1ing. ”
ShokLoL says “Sylas lane is all about dodging his E2. If you get hit by his chain you will almost certainly lose the trade, but if he misses it you can punish him heavily. Stay close enough to the creeps that he can’t easily E you, but far enough away that he can’t just hit both you and the creeps with his Q. Sylas snowballs extremely hard but if he doesn’t find a lead he won’t be too hard to deal with, and you can usually build a small lead in lane as long as you don’t die solo or to his gank setup. Try keep the wave on your side after the initial couple of waves for extra safety. Sylas is another champion you hard counter in teamfights so just don't lose the game before you get there.
Raksha-64 says “Ok, this one is serious, Malphite has one of the best ults in the entire game, and if Sylas steals that shit, you're screw, plus he generally has a better kit than yours.
Ban him whenever you can.”
ShokLoL says “Sylas is all about his chain. You can win trades by poking and either dodging the chain or if you time your E correctly you can cancel it. If he gets on you though it will really hurt and you need to be super aware of his gank setup. Be careful of him chasing you down the lane with your ult post 6 as well.”
Deceiver_euw says “LeBlanc does well into sylas in lane, but sylas has really high HP and MR per level scaling so he becomes super stat-checky. This doesnt mean that he will always outscale you because his scaling will still depend on what ults he can steal from your teammates. Sylas will always take your last used ability as his LB ult so keep in mind which ult he took from you and play accordingly to that.”
plankbro says “You would think this is a bad matchup, but it's really not. His only scary ability is his dash-into-CC chains, so utilize your wave. Trade with him while walking inbetween and around minions to always keep a minion between you and him after he dashes. His strength is in running down squishy mages, so stand and fight, and you will win. If Sylas has ignite, you might die, but you'll also get a plate because he will have to back after an all in. Mid game and late game, Sylas cannot touch you, and once you have 3 items you can reliably duel and to be quite frank, just auto him to death. He cannot stop you, so don't let him. Only thing to be careful of is early game ganks. Enemy Sylas is a great lane for enemy junglers to gank because Sylas has a dash-into-CC, and you cannot outtrade two enemies. Save your R's in laning phase to run from enemy jungler and use it if you see Sylas trying to chain-CC you.”
Paczo says “He will go all in and destroy you BUT,
if you gonna be careful, you can wait for him to stun you then use Q and kill him under your tower.”
ShokLoL says “Sylas is all about his chain. You can win trades by poking and either dodging the chain or if you time your EQ correctly you can cancel it. If he gets on you though it will really hurt and you need to be super aware of his gank setup. Be careful of him chasing you down the lane with your ult post 6 as well.”
vSomnia says “Take ignite. If he hits his second E with all passive stacks your lane is over. Try to harass him with Q's and try to dodge his second E standing behind minions. Once he misses E look for trades. This lane is all about who takes control over the lane by hitting abilities or dodging enemy abilities. If you feel like you can kill him, go all in instantly use ignite so he doesnot heal from his W as much and look to kill him. Take electrocute looking for short fights since longer fights are Sylas favored.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Sylas is a complicated champ to vs. He just win all the trades against u. Try just poke him and when he has low HP killing it.
Buy banshees and oblivion orb.
Runes: Aery with Resolve (Bones plating and Shield bash).
Spell: TP
ESP: Sylas es un campeon complicado para tradear, siempre te va a ganar en daño. Intenta pockearlo hasta que tenga poca vida y luego de eso trata de matarlo.
Runas: Aery con Valor (Coraza ósea y escudo).
Spells: TP.”
FelixMrChat says “Hardcore matchup. You will suffer. The fact that he can steal your ultimate, which represents 75% of your impact on the game, will be very, very difficult to manage for both you and your team. In this kind of matchup, I would tend to take Phase Rush, then rush a Riftmaker with Mercury's Treads and then a Rylai's Crystal Scepter if you feel that your resistance is still too low. If the support doesn't build anti-heal, you will need it yourself, even if I don't like to do it in Swain's mid lane kit.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Sylas, first 2 level you can poke him with Q and W when he try to farm, after 3 use your E to dodge his chain and trade back, Executioner call is a good option after closed Berserker”
Kikife says “Sylas is extremely good at getting on top of you and killing you quickly. As well as this, stealing your ult means that he can secure kills on other lanes easily.
Beware of pushing the wave into him or being on his side of the lane at all, as once he freezes it in his favour he can win by stunning you. Play behind minions and wait for his stun to miss for you to choose to engage, and watch for him roaming as it'll be a free kill for him most of the time.”
vreiki says “No early game, se proteja com os minions e abuse do ataque básico. Não fique em áreas abertas. Incendiar é crucial pra cancelar a cura dele. Avise aliados sobre ganks e ult.”
MukiiBaa says “Freezee and he cant engage under your turret, he deals insane dmg if he gets on top of you and your R is very good for him.
Pray he doesnt get free kills in other lanes but you outscale him if the game goes long enough
So far aery and freeze worked for me to control his all ins
Dont get baited if he is low, never chase him unless you are 60% hp and someone from your team is there with also 60% hp”
149Gray says “Outspace him, try to pool his W, if done correctly, he won't do any damage to you and won't receive any health (hard to do consistently, needs experience). You can also pool his R when he tries to steal yours, but it doesn't go on cd, so there's no reason to do it unless it's a really specific situation.”
JackOfAllLanes says “Sylas is lane is pretty manageable as long as he stays in lane. Dodge his E2 by hiding behind minions while making sure you're not in his W range because he can chain them both. If sylas starts roaming, ping the team and follow him to counter gank. If sylas gets a double kill bot, he pretty much just snowballs the game unless he makes a major mistake. Solution: Control ward, and spam ping when missing. ”
wundrew says “You always lose short trades because he will heal off W. All in him and use shunpo to dodge his E. You can win with conqueror and ignite.”
SurferKiller says “He is your permaban. If you get him on the enemy team, dodge... please. Ask your top laner to swap. If you can't, then I am so sorry but you will have a hard time. Sylas will turn you from a dog into a cute puppy that obeys his owner. And Sylas is your owner. Don't try to do anti-heal vs him. Light up some candles if you have to. Unless your jungler is extremely fed, don't let him gank you.”
KazunaSan says “Skilled match up mais plutôt en l'avantage du gragas, attention à son scaling, il peut vous surprendre mais en lane vous pouvez annuler ses engages avec votre E, ne l'utilisez presque JAMAIS en premier sinon il peut dodge avec son E et vous êtes dead. ”
DabiDabi says “Sylas is just straight up scary for all assassins. His burst level 1 to 3 will one shot you. Keep track of his W and pretty much dodge all of his abilities, especially his second E.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After 6 when he jumps onto you just ult him back in your turret.”
Wizboy73 says “He is very strong for a while, take defensive runes or snowball runes. He will go agressive level 1 so play passive if needed. even leveling E lv1 is fine. Just dont die to him cause if he snowballs this matchup turns from hard into impossible. ”
LoveMid says “It is most likely over if sylas took electrocute and you are stranded after missing your E-Q.
Play slow in lane poke him out level 1-3 to make sure he cant all in you.”
Hexeria says “[Wait for his Engage. Backstep his E with your, Quickly cast a W to get him stunned and then get quickly back out, before he casts his W to heal himself.] [Dont fight him to long, because his Passive hurts if it is stacked.]”
Boptimus says “Another rare Top Lane pick but can be very hard to deal with.
Sylas isn't too difficult to handle early on but once he gets some AP, Mana, and CDR he can keep up pressure and win extended trades. Once you stack some MR he will have a rough time killing you, and you can win a fight with R under your own terms, but be aware that Sylas can also take your R, carry you wherever he wants, and match your duelling power.”
leonidas44 says “In the early stages your damages are even. You should take ignite in this matchup and only going for a kill if you have this. His W can heal a good amount everytime. Do your combo and then leave. Repeat this process and at the end when you are sure you can kill him Ignite him.”
Halkem says “Don't push the wave on the first levels. He'll freeze and keep jumping at you with his skills until you're dead. Look to block his chain with your W. Don't ego and him as he can burst you easily.”
Iceyou says “This one is annoying . His r steal his healing his gap close capabilities and overall his 1v1 limits are too much for lissandra . This is one of the few cases you purchace oblivion orb right after lost chapter . After Level 2 respect him after level 3 be afraid of him , After level 6 dont 1v1 unless you have a really good understanding of your damage output and his healing potential . ”
SirZeros says “Damn this champ is obnoxious (not ob-Noxus tho). You can't really do anything about his immense healing, mobility, CC and burst damage. In a 1v1 he's gonna win pretty much all the time, if you're not really fed.
He most likely won't get much value out of your ult in earlier stages of the game. But be careful for gank setups when he's got your ult.”
The Milelator says “Early game is all yours. You have more damage and better wave clear. Either dodge his chain or stand behind minions. He has high cd on his abilities early on, trade with him a lot, since he has to use a lot more mana than you do. Get easy prio and either get plates or roam. In Mid to late game if you are equal in gold he wins vs you as long as he has Mana.”
Hikkinnado says “If played good, he is useless
. He never can land full combo on you unless you play. It poorly, maxing w first is fun option to try, remember after he does gis full combo he is useless( no dmg, no mobility, no healing) ”
WarwicksSimp says “He begs for ganks and crushes lane and then carries solo. Take ignite. His damage is insane and can 1v1 you. Don't be scared to dodge his E2 with flash if its gonna be a fight.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so u can shuffle him into tower. Just be careful as he does a lot of damage early.”
Tokiyami says “Skill matchup a thing you can do against sylas is that if sylas decides to take a lvl 1 trade you can just auto q auto auto him just go for these auto trades lvl 1 don't be afraid and just run at him if he runs at you.”
Glitchgun says “How this champion is hard to rate on threats! Since he is close range, you got the upper hand in lane and can be pretty safe with hail of blades. Since he is mostly gonna steal your ult in lane, none of you is gonna die, but he can be a REAL PAIN in teamfights if he gets a dangerous ult or get to free roam, so don't let him roam.”
Lindroganti says “He cannot e grab you if you hide in minions. Ignite him before he heals with W. Otherwise he can't do anything unless he manages to scale. If he does, you need anti heal.”
Fuzzmonkey says “He cant make much use of your ult, Though it is Sylas, he can still out-sustain you. Go for all in's when he's a little above half hp, you should be able to kill him at this point. Don't do all in trades when he's full health, unless you're willing to take his full trade potential. ”
FlopQueenEra says “Orianna can fight against Sylas, but like any matchup, it depends on various factors, including player skill, itemization, team coordination, and your BRAIN.
OOBLEXX says “The fact he can steal your ult is reason enough I think. and his W might make it hard for you to R him.
Banning is a good idea as he is a pretty popular pick.”
support_diff says “Sylas has a great combo damage and can also stun you if you don't pay attention to his positioning. Play near your minions so he can't stun you while preventing cs from him”
tangerrine says “Beatable, just not easily. You HAVE to avoid his E and make sure you poke him down, or else he just outlives your damage and can stick onto you. If he does manage to E to you, you can try and throw your E to counter it. Just make sure you don't use E at all, as his E1 will counter it and he can just punish you with E2. If the sylas is good, they will use your clone to catch up to you or even heal with W. Build anti-heal and/or just dont clone towards him. ”
TheBougis says “Sylas' damage is very high and his W has a very short cooldown allowing him to heal a lot. Try to poke him from a distance, if you feel you can go in with a guaranteed W knockup, go for it.”
TheFakeMord says “He can copy your ult but its not as good, he dosent heal as much as you and because he is melee he is perma on your ult. Easy win. Unless he gets a lead with something like Dark Seal.”
Zero macro says “Sylas the melee mage is a really easy matchup for Caitlyn, thereby Caitlyn has to maintain distance and make sure she always dodges Sylas 2de E. When done so, she has full control.”
Waqql says “If you know what you're doing, it's not much of a problem to win against Sylas. Pay attention to his and your ultimate, as Sylas can directly use Gnar's ultimate. Try not to get hit by his crowd control, and everything should be fine. It's also advisable to buy antiheal relatively early. I wish there was a magic resist antiheal item.
If you fall behind once, it's difficult to recover, so wait for a 2v1 situation and focus on farming.”
Zero macro says “Sylas is a strong melee bruiser/mage. Kog'Maw has an amazing lane into Sylas, aslong as he can dodge Sylas 2de E engage. later in the game Kog'Maw will outrange sylas at all times. Sylas cannot steal a good R from Kog'maw either.”
serrafim says “He can do what you do, but better. If you see him do a small dash, throw down a W on yourself to shield yourself from a possible engage. Take and have Ignite into this matchup if you ever want to kill him. And if he steal's your R, never all in because then he'll just run it back. ”
DepresedEef224 says “He wants to engage too, but don't let him land his E. In most other engage matchups, they can land it and its fine, not for Sylas. Poke him down and stay in minions, then fight after his abilities are on CD.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
care about his W regen and early trade with his E ”
Actt says “Wins all of the trades because of his W. Dodge his E2 with your W. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Bone Plating) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Like in Mid lane, don't give him free kills or it might be GG for you]
freuio123 says “Habe angst davor, hier auf ne 2 zu klicken. :D
Ich finde Sylas in Solo Queue absolut garbage in Ahri.
Die meisten Sylas spielen 24/7 in deinem Gesicht und du gewinnst early trades einfach, solange du ihn aus der Kette Charmst.
Ignite + Aggressiv in Lane ist super free für Solo Queue.
Comp ist was anderes, du verlierst Sidelane später gegen Sylas aufgrund der Ulti.
In Teamfights kannst du sehr unangenehm für Sylas sein durch den Charm, aber das ist sehr Teamcomp abhängig.
Ich spiele das Matchup in Solo Queue super gerne, in Comp eher ungern.”
Anguish333 says “- Be careful of his E engage level 1, stand behind minions
- Later if he uses his E dodge it with your own E and then use E2 and Passive proc into Shroud Q trade
- Use ignite right before you think he will heal
- He is not AS hard for Akali as matchup, he is problematic for our team when he takes our Ult
- Don't give him free W Heals
- Don't take his Q2 Dmg, it's really easy to dodge, unless you get creep blocked (that happens quite often -.-)
- His E2 Interrupts our E2 / R1 / R2
- If he steals your Ult, and both of you use it at the same time, your ult will come off cd a bit earlier than he can take it again, so you can all in after bit of poke”
NickLeVlach says “Poke him as much as possible. Never let him get to W range since he'll be able to heal off of you. Buy anti-heal and go for the 2nd option build again.”
AdrikN says “I think Sylas is ok.. just keep ur distance and stay around minions bring ignite it helps a lot against his healing.
TIP - you can flash during your ult so if he Lux ults you while you ult you can always flash! ”
Zeusman00 says “Cass favored matchup but can still be hard to deal with the all in potential, avoid being hit by his Q poke and being hit by his E, he wins majority of trades where he lands his E.”
qkthr1 says “theoretically you should be even with sylas. his abilities are all easy to dodge and his biggest threat is stealing your ult. Best option for you is to get your jg to help, and focus him in teamfights. i have a poor wr against him though”
Painters says “Easy match up, after he uses his first dash, throw down your E, he will either have to eat the rocks and get stunned, or choose to not go in on you. If he stuns you, throw him off you with W and punish him with your Q's”
Jg_diff says “He can do really much damage to you, if they land their stun to you. If you see them dash, back off. You won't be able to get off after they stun you. he also can steal your ultimate and kill you with it, so be ready to face the concequences if you feed him too early or don't get a good CS.”
Y0rhm says “Sylas is highly mobile with his E1 dash + he can steal Lux's R or use his Q to activate Crown of the Shattered Queen's safeguard from a distance before all-ining you”
Cryniu says “You can poke him a lot in early game because he is a melee champion. Focus on dodge his E chain, your E could help. He is vulnerable to your CC combos so slow and stun him. Mercury's treads DON'T work well here. Be careful in mid-late game because he will steal your ultimate and it's very useful.”
MarcZ8 says “Free lane. Just shield his W all the time, you can easily dodge his E too, then its pretty much over, you out damage him throughout the whole game. Build antiheal if you have problems beating him.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “You can beat Sylas but it is a very hard match up. As long as you poke him down and don't let him E onto you.
1) Don't waste your E ability on minions, once your E is gone, Sylas will look to jump on you.
2) Stay behind minions so he cant pull close to you.
3) Sylas can heal up from your clone, so be careful where you place it.
4) Good luck :)”
zLuxfury says “Even or Major tier matchup.
You give him an awesome R for teamfights.
Beware of his grab cause then he basically sticks on you and blocks your W. Other than that it's not that bad.”
TB Azir says “Matchup'ı tek cümleyle özetlemek gerekirse: E'lerini dodgela ya da kaybet. Çünkü zincirini tutturup full combosunu kafanıza boşalttığında ne rün girdiğinizin veya hangi setupla oynadığınızın pek bi önemi kalmıyor.
Rün: Fleet, Aery”
South Z says “Sylas is a skill matchup, and if you don't get poked too hard in lane, you can kill him early on with Ignite. Hil ult isn't that much of a problem in 1v1, as yours is not the strongest part of your kit overall.”
vxnity says “Can be very hard to fight late game. Early game, focus on poking him. When he tries to stun you throw your E out. It won't stop him from getting pulled to you, but it will give you a chance to get a full combo off.”
darkezmond says “A bad matchup, his healing makes it almost impossible to trade with him, wait for a mistake on his part or pressure from your jungle, be wary of his R and Q”
kaiba77 says “Broken character but skill matchup. If he gets ahead you lose, if you get ahead you win (sometimes, see Faker vs Jensen outplay). Whoever lands their E wins the trade. At 6 it will become harder. Rush Morellonomicon vs him.”
ardizzle says “My personal favorite match up. You take exhaust with Press the Attack and you will dominate this lane. Be aware of his level 3 spike but don't be afraid to let him come in. With exhaust and PoT, it is an easy level 3 kill. ”
EL ZUDO says “sylas in this patch might be generally bad as a champ but trust me he can fuck u up w max gives him the upper hand on trades his poke is incredible with ah and everfrost and mid to l8 he becomes an unkillable tank/burst mage i ban him all the time but u do u”
Fantasygamer02 says “Very similar to Akali, but Sylas can sometimes be a little scary in the early lane. Sylas can out-duel Ivern pre-6 and if you are not careful he can easily make you recall really early or even play for a kill. Just play as safe as possible until level 6 and he likely will not be able to do much, as him getting Daisy is significantly worse than you getting Daisy (Ivern shield on Daisy is incredibly strong and hard to deal with for the vast majority of melee matchups).”
Edwwardo says “Can't really do much if you keep your distance but if you misplay he can really punish you for it. Be careful and don't let him being low bait you into your usual gap close into ult since he can lock you down and turn the fight around quickly.If you keep this in mind he shouldn't be too much of a problem.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Bone-plating overgrowth.
Consider lucidity.
His e/w should be a free bubble, hard harass. Never give an e angle without bubble plan.
His gank punish is brutal, as is his w heal.
He will E onto your return if you bubble in front of him
Watch out for merc treads (they know what they're doing)
Watch out if they go cleanse (they can kill you)
Pocket pick: Illaoi”
Deru says “Very hard matchup, he steals your ult and becomes a monster so it's a skill matchup before 6 with conq but you also have room to outroam him (if he lets you).”
Deru says “Very hard matchup, he steals your ult and becomes a monster so it's a skill matchup before 6 with conq but you also have room to outroam him (if he lets you).”
MiniLuxi1 says “Keep your distance, stand passively. He can fly into you and kill you quickly. After the 6th, he steals R, enemies, that is, yours too. Keep your Q, in case of his aggression.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “If you give sylas the game from early, count yourself completely done. However this is a very skill based matchup. Do not let him gain the upper hand on you during laning phase and also watch out for his roams.”
Mayuushii says “Has ability to win trades hard. Try to harass him out when he farms and hit him when he walks up. Avoid his Q and waste his mana. Use charm to cancel his abilities like W or charm when he chains. Use W movespeed to avoid his chain and care when he uses your R maybe back up instead of skill testing”
Samikin says “Non-Threat
Sylas' R is useless. Poke him out early. As long as you dodge his E's second cast, you auto-win the lane. Make sure to take note of what ability Sylas max's first since it'll tell you which abilities to prioritize dodging.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Sylas can do good damage, and can steal your Ult to all in on you. Luckily you don't have many things that he can dodge easily, so it just depends on who can get more cs early. It's not hard to beat him early by just using your Q when he walks up, but just be careful against him. ”
TheAfricanDream says “If Sylas gets any sort of lead during the landing phase, the game will become a nightmare. When he becomes level 6 he will only take your Ultimate and will do what Swain does but more effectively in fights because of his dash and point-blank heal.
Make him your Perma ban in champion select”
Mind Of Kayle says “Keep tracking where you stay, dont let him space to hit his E2. You win all in on level 1, on level 2 only if he will miss E2 and wont damage you between E1 and E2 with his powerful passive. On level 5, if he pushes wave , he can dive you even if u have like 90% hp if he gets level 6 before you.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “He has a lot of burst and healing. Difficult to kill unless you can double box him. Snowbally lane for him, don't let him get ahead and beware of his early game ”
Cjtheawesome says “Sylas E is probably the biggest threat, use your W to prevent him from locking you down as much as possible. at level 6+ use your missiles to poke him down and farm safely.”
Magmor says “Skill matchup, wait for level 6 and if he EVER E'S INTO YOU instantly E Q R all in him with ignite to cut his healing and you will kill him, these are the only times you can solo kill him. Morde snowballs really hard so you win the matchup if ur better.”
Demonsedge90 says “An even fight could get out of hand if you try to get too close to Sylas. The rough part about this matchup is that he will want to force fights, and if that occurs, make sure to shove him away with scatter the weak. Also, be sure to farm effectively since that is the safest way to deal with Sylas and stay relevant.”
Atemporal says “Neste confronto você ganha muito difícil do nível 1-4. Nível 1 se Sylas usar sua habilidade, geralmente Q ou E, você pode subir de nível seu E e pular nele. , seu hp base está entre os mais baixos de todos
midlaners. Sylas também tem grandes problemas de mana no início, não tenha medo de negociar permanentemente com ele durante os primeiros níveis. O E dele tem um CD de 14 segundos no nível 1, então sempre que ele usar você pode dar um E nele duas vezes antes de voltar. Você
geralmente querem procurar uma morte solo em Sylas durante os primeiros níveis. Como Sylas tem estatísticas de base muito baixas, não tenha medo de lutar por longas lutas contra ele se ele jogar todos os seus cooldowns. Após o nível 6, a pista se torna mais difícil. No entanto Ekko
ainda tem o empurrão mais forte, então comece a empurrar as ondas se o Sylas permitir. Bons jogadores Sylas serão agressivos quando souberem que podem vencê-lo, então eles não deixarão você empurrar as ondas tão facilmente, mas contra a maioria dos jogadores funcionará.
Sempre que Sylas roubar sua ult, não lute com ele. Tente o seu melhor para esperar. Sylas será 1v1 invencível quando ele tiver Ekko R. Espere ele acabar, então lute com ele. Você vai vencê-lo se tiver vantagem ult.
Ekko geralmente não pode vencer Sylas após o nível 5 e depois por um tempo por causa de como o W de Sylas contraria os padrões de negociação de Ekko. Mas depois de um tempo a cura do W de Sylas se torna cada vez menos significativa porque você acaba tendo muito dano
em Eko. Normalmente, quando você tem Protobelt e Nashor's Tooth, você pode começar a derrotar Sylas. Depois de 3 itens você vai demolir totalmente Sylas. A menos que ele tenha empilhado uma tonelada
de Magic Resist, você o explodirá facilmente. Sente-se em Fog of War e espere que ele use habilidades na onda. Se o E dele estiver baixo, você pode facilmente pousar um W enquanto ele está limpando as ondas. Afastar-se e deixar sua ignição/retorno Q acabar com ele pode ser inteligente para
negue-o de roubar sua ult se ele ainda não o fez. Você pode evitar o roubo dele do seu R cronometrando o seu R (use R logo antes que o roubo da cadeia R dele atinja você). No momento eu permaban Sylas sobre Kassadin porque Sylas é tão popular.
(cerca de 15% pickrate vs 4% pickrate de Kassadin) Sylas é um banimento extremamente valioso.”
IamBishop says “I would argue this is closer to minor than even, but a good sylas can make this more fair. You out duel him, an early executioners is nice against him, freezing the wave is also a decent objective too as he loses duels. ”
Voidling13 says “Sylas is very annoying. His dashes let's him get away. His combo can kill you very quickly. His ult let' him charge away from you. He has health that let's him live you combo long enough to escape. ”
pamiclo says “good sylas player can beat you mostly. this fucking broken champ may win trades with just using W even he misses skillshots. he steals our awesome ult and kill us. avoid to duel him, wait for his fault.”
Simelodeon says “I: Everfrost + Morello
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Respektier seine Early E Engages und punish ihn mit allem wenn er die Kette raus hat. Barrier gibt dir den Vorteil im All-In 1v1 und dank Everfrost solltest du ihn immer stunnen und weglaufen können”
Lucid Walking says “Save your Q's for if he wants to dash onto you. Equinox him after 1 second of him casting his E. This way he loses the Recast on his E2 and can't engage anymore.
He doesn't have a real ultimate against you, since your ultimate doesn't deal damage. ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Idk why many gp players hate him so much. I ten to kill him lv3 as even if his kits is broken he is still a midlaner so he gets fucked by most toplaners early. I never lost to him so idk what can i advise you when behind but keep in mind that he uses your ult better than you as it has ability scalling. Stay behind minions early as he can E you and its important for him to hit it to win the trade. If you place your barrels properly you will shit on him”
Spoomk says “He's a tough matchup, his re-engage after you W can be hard to escape from without a teammate, and he can dodge your W if he wants to with his plethora of unnecessary dashes. Your ultimate is a pretty good one for him to have too, so be wary of when he has it so you don't get reverse Rakan'd when you engage.
Cheeseypops1 says “This is basically a full skill match up in lane but you outscale him, basically if you hit your abilities you will win with ingite, But with his dash he can easily dodge your Q or E and force a winning trade for himself, If he gets a lead on you the becomes terrible, But if you can reach 6 and your even or ahead its usually free. Even if he can steal the stats back by stealing your R you force him into all inning you if you R him and he only wants to do short trades, If you are behind build a Negatron cloak ”
Xelikari says “I highly recommend Doran’s Ring + Q start here, he doesn’t have anything level 1 that can outdamage a full Flamespitter but try to be careful incase he started E. Push for 2 and pressure him when he walks up, the only thing that will lose you this matchup is getting hit by a full combo at any point in time. Also try not to take short trades with him multiple times when he’s low or his W will just heal him for a ton every time.
Comet is nice for additional lane pressure, otherwise go Electrocute and look to roam. I would delay your mythic and pick up Morello’s first, if he’s good he steals your ultimate and roams post-6, but he’s probably bad at landing it so don’t worry too much. I roam a lot in this matchup after level 6 but you can stay and fight him too, just make sure again to never be hit by a full combo, pressure him when you have a cooldown advantage and you should be fine. ”
Veng Shotz says “Rush an executioners if you arent going Ign. you generally outtrade him so long as you dont let him e+e2 stun you. Even if he starts maxing w your executioners will kill his sustain, keep poking him with Q and make sure to space yourself properly, he should never be able to w for free without GW on him.
level 6 he wins if he can w you more than twice, since he'll be using your ult. like morde, watch out for his build path, build MR if he rushes armor. Dont be greedy. ”
xblademojo says “You might lose trades against him from level 1 if he lands chain (E). Don't push too far towards his turret, otherwise its gonna be easier for him to fight, even in minion wave. Play slow and bait out his E if you want to trade him more roughly. Oblivion Orb first base or after Lost Chapter.”
sapphire__lol says “You win most all ins just need to be carefull about shorttrades vs his w. After 6 you hardwin since his ult is useless on him. And you outsustain. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. Look for extended trades after Sylas has wasted an ability. This will make it harder for him to out trade you in a skirmish. Look out for his Passive though and try to wait for the stacks to disappear before committing to a trade. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
Adamonias says “Sylas Favoured. You CAN poke him out of lane, but if you shove he will look for the E engage. If he W maxes you are only worried about the all in, if he Q maxes you should be a little worried about his poke. Generally if hes on Conq. he doesnt have pressure on you in lane, bc if you get all inned your juist running and juking, ie you wont take the extended trade that conq will be good at. If hes smart he'll go Fleet or Elec. then you need to be worried. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. Look for extended trades after Sylas has wasted an ability. This will make it harder for him to out trade you in a skirmish. Look out for his Passive though and try to wait for the stacks to disappear before committing to a trade. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
Aenimatora says “Gapcloser, huge loads of early pressure. Barrier and Exhaust can help. He can steal your Ult and use it vs. you. So make sure to get after Mythic hourglass, which helps you also to crush him in midgame.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
ZiegenZelu says “Skill matchup. solange man ihm nicht zu nahe kommt. Respektiere seine engage range und fühl dich nicht sicher hinter den Vasallen. Trades ohne ihn seine W auf dich benutzen zu lassen sind sehr wichtig um die Lane zu gewinnen.”
SkyBanana says “Fuck you for stealing my ult. You can't even sing!
Jokes aside he is annoying to go against early since he WILL all in you and it feels like you can't beat him unless you get help or he messes up. And relying on someone to mess up isn't good counterplay.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you. If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you. Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.”
NegativePhoenix says “Easily able to get in your face and thanks to his ult stealing, he'll make use of your ult very well. I would play super safe against him if you get picked into by him.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Will fuck you up if he E's you, but he doesn't benefit much from fighting you since his ult would be only a meh on him. Still annoying with that heal and grab tho. Try to play safe and stay behind minions. Don't go anywhere near his q or it'll mess you up. Poke him safely and wait for team.”
Body Those Fools says “Most Sylas players will trade aggressively level 1 with E or they'll start Q to last hit the first 3 minions. You HAVE to dodge the E or you will get chunked by his full combo. You can Ult him away, but as his E2 hits you. If you do it before his E2 hits you, he will E through your Ult and be pulled toward you. Freeze the wave at your tower and abuse your range advantage. I like Ignite in this matchup because of his Ws insane healing (it's higher the lower HP he is), but you can go Teleport/Oblivion Orb instead as well.”
Bughans says “Difficult matchup but not completely unwinnable, he can dodge your W with his E, AND he can yoink your entire ultimate which really benefits him. Try and predict when he'll engage in lane, sylas players always play like it's their last day on earth”
HikariWoosh says “Pre 3 you can trade well with Sylas, but after that forget it, he will dash ontop of you, chunk you down and heal all your damage. Ontop of that he can steal your ult and deal huge damage to your team with it. Try not to give him a lead and keep pressuring him when he steps up for CC, but save you E for when he jumps to you.”
angeLoon says “lethal dblade in resolve bone plating unflinching.
you can use ignite in this matchup if you don't want to buy anti-heal.
sylas is pretty annoying but easy to kill,slowpush the wave and crash into his tower so he will need to get close to you to farm.”
KayyeN says “You have to punish him pre-level 6, but after that, he does what you do in the 1v1, only better. He generally outdamages you, his Q is good poke, his W heals him for ungodly amounts of HP and his copy of your R is arguably worth more than your own, because his E not only serves as a double-gap-closer, but also as a knockup that can interrupt you. Generally impossible to play as soon as he has a few points in his W.”
OSG Rewynd says “Sylas is you but better. His kit is better than yours, and his ult is your ult but better. . TP Ignite every game into this. If you play trades right with stuns or getting shield while he dumps his damage, you can kill him when hes around 250-300 HP. Make sure to ignite before he W's, and never all-in solo if ignite is down.”
DabiDabi says “Sylas counters Mages pretty well. Avoid all of his abilities. Short trades will be in his favor. His W will heal all of his HP back. Try to poke him while avoiding him at the same time. Solo-killing Sylas is near impossible.”
Super08131208 says “He trades very well against any AP Assassin. You will want to avoid pretty much all of his abilities, especially his W and E since he literally heals all his HP back. Don't try to fight him head on early. Sylas is not unkillable, so at level 6 use your dash advantage to kill him. Though he'll steal your ult and use it against you, as long as you don't get caught by his E, you win.
Zoose says “Keep trades quick as possible as he will heal most damage taken with his W heal. Ignite is a must if you have any chance of killing him, and oblivion orb is great to counter him, especially if he maxes his W first. Always be ready to stun him with E, then follow up with W. At lv 6, he will use your ult against you, which isn't that much of a threat, but he will probably use it to roam top or bot. Be ready to match him.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Idk man, its just... terrible. either dodge or pray that you have a jungler. Nothing more degrading than dying to your own ult. Orange for healing.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Dodge his E]
[Don't let him free trade you since he will heal himself]
[Buy Morellonomicon]”
quinn adc says “First, Sylas Q is 775 range, while your auto range is 525, so he has the range advantage with his Q poke. Be mindful of this because his Q detonates after at the end, which does additional damage, so try not to be at the end of his shackles when he uses this ability.
In this lane, SAVE YOUR VAULT ALWAYS! Let Sylas use his Chain E on you, and when he dashes towards you, use vault to RETALIATE and push you back.
When you vault from his chain pull, you can indefinitely kite him since his gap closer is gone.
The matchup is pretty easy so long as you don't get hit by his Qs in lane, and you vault to retaliate against his engage in lane.
You beat Sylas pretty hard too because he relies on using his R against champs, but him stealing your R means that both of you don't have a combat ultimate. If sylas steals your R, just inform your team that he has it and might plan a roam!
Play aggro in lane :)”
Juanyma says “play agressive and dont waste ur E until he tries to engage you, if applied correctly you wont lose any 1v1, oh and your ulti is usless on him so nothing to worry about lvl 6.”
Esrucnl says “So Sylas is a bit weird, since Sylas wins early vs Fizz because of his W, however he is killable when you ignite him.
I'd say its favourable towards Sylas, but Fizz can win this.
Make sure you press E or R after he used his dash (e) ability or else its too easy to dodge.
Also when he tries to ult you: you can use your E mid animation and he won't get your ultimate ability, while his goes on cooldown because of the untargetability on Fizz E.
I recommend going oblivion orb very early after dark seal as a build. It will help you.”
Azurio says “Dodge his second E with yours, try to smoke him when he W you. Auto him when he go for cs and try to make him in kill range. Ignite him early in fights, before he W you.”
ddieguito_es says “Another matchup that can be hard pre-6. I recommend playing with tower before building some HP. Once you get around lv. 8 or so, you outdamage him, outhealth him and execute him!”
beansoce says “Most sylas will start e level 1, if you can dodge his second charge you can win trade lvl 1 with electrocute, if you're good enough you can pool his w and deny heal. You can also pull his ult animation to take ur ult and puts it on cooldown.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “Sylas power spike is level 2 but that doesn't mean its when he is strong. Sylas is still strong in his level 2 phase but gets even stronger when he has all his abilities and his heal is also quite annoying to deal with ignite is a must in this matchup and its annoying because in order to utilize talon to the full you need to be up and in their faces while Sylas can take advantage of that and heal and burst you down.”
Bunny Kata says “Sylas is a stupid champ, so to beat him, you have to be more stupid than he is. Don't try to think too much, go for all-ins if he uses an ability and his boosted auto, but avoid letting him sustain for free with his W. You will need morello against him.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick All-In or PTA Rune and starts with Dorans Ring or Dorans Blade. Thats another mechanical lane. Obs: Only trade with minions or ignite.”
Boptimus says “Sylas wins every extended trade you take so you need to keep your Combos and movement quick. Early Oblivion Orb is NEEDED if you're looking for kills.
You lose until you get Lost Chapter. Once you have Lost Chapter you'll be able to sustain and farm safely, or play aggressive if you think you can kill him.”
Dazzther says “Strong duelist with more sustain than you. Avoid his second E with your E, and remember: when you two are low health, he's gotten the advantage.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Dodge his E at all cost]
[Buy Morellonomicon]”
donidaking says “Ignite his W and you win or you can pool it but it s harder.
You can dodge his second E with pool.
Go electro and use your range to trade usually he starts E but he can start Q .”
Kat_Alien says “It is hard to play against this champion. If you get close he can hit you with everything. The worst part is that he can steal your ultimate which means it's a lost fight... Try to play passive and poke him from autoatacks and your Q and W. When you see the opportunity to go in when he is low first of all ignite him so he won't be able to heal from his W that much. Remember it's still a risk.”
TheKingUltra says “Your ult is now his ult. But you have twice the ult than him, so you can still outroam him. Watchout in the early though, his autos are annoying and you cant use minnions as a wall. ”
Whitelies says “Go Electrocute if you're scared of trading with this guy and just want to poke him. Buy Executioner's Calling to counter his heal. And go Eclipse. If he takes your ult, be sure to ult first and if he ults you after that, aim for your back. That's where Zed lands once he marks them with his ult.”
Grogroda says “Sylas is like Akali, a magic damage heavy champion that tries to kill his targets quickly, you won't likely die to him in lane, but if you don't kill him quickly in a duel or skirmish, he will heal a lot. Not only that, but he can steal your ult, thus taking away your greatest advantage, which is your map presence.”
Quinncidence says “Really easy matchup for Yorick.
Get Executioners!
Note that if Sylas takes Yorick R, the cats does way less dmg since the cats scales on AD and not AP”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror + Trinity Force]
[Ignite + TP]
I don't ever play vs this matchup but I think you just farm and win if he engages on you. E after he uses his E. You win once you have Tri Force.”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1, and if he uses his Q to push, then just run at him and trade with empowered Q’s. If he doesn’t, then taunt in (or zone if he backs off) at lvl 2 and keep trading throughout the lane using extended trades. Position the blade up a lot.
As a general rule Sylas does a lot of dmg in short bursts, but once he’s used up all his abilities and passive auto’s, he’s very very weak with long cd’s. Meanwhile Shen will quickly get his Q back in the extended trade and wins it out in the end.
Gordon Ramsay says “If you can play very well then Sylas won't be much trouble, his healing makes it hard for you to kill him. However, having a competent jungler will allow you to win this matchup. ”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar does a good job of beating Sylas. Typically, he wins a fantastic 52.3% of the time the champions face off with one another in. In Malzahar vs Sylas games, Malzahar’s team is 0.2% less expected to gain first blood, implying that he probably won't be able to get first blood against Sylas.”
VyoS says “Against Sylas try to WQE instant so he can't react with his E. Don't go too long in Melee fights. At lvl 6 you can outplay him when he uses his own ult against you. Watch out for his heal on W, always Ignite him in fights before he uses it. Early game farm save, lvl 4 you can try to combo WQE.”
Dj Memelord says “One of the easiest matchups to kill during laning phase. ignite is a must. That being said, if you position poorly and get chained far away from you turret- guess what you are now dead! :D”
ROLVe says “Sylas is very annyoing through out the game. Try to block as many E‘s from him, this will completely mess-up his combo and have a chance of beating him. Buy Anti-heal as soon as possible, so build shieldbow into reminder.!Use. Conqueror in this Match-up! Use Legend: Tenacity, Second wind and Unflinching.”
Dustyacer says “Take ignite. Easy mu, you hard win early, if he e1s just stand in minion wave, he can't hit u with e2, if he hits a minion he goes in and u get free trade onto him. If u want to go for kill, try to ignite early so he doesnt heal from w. Be careful when using e as he can dash behind it with his e. Be careful at lvl 6, he can follow your roams when he has your r and even do roams of his own. ping your teammates when he steals your ult. This mu can be bad depending on what ultimates he steals. ”
Agatrium says “If he steals your Ult, he's going to looks to fight you, and actually has a good chance, since his W is a point and click heal that gets better the lower he is. W his E2 and don't get hit by his Q explosion. ”
Bundif says “This smelly chain daddy can be a HUGE threat but luckily, your bald boi has got you covered. Take conqueror against him until you're comfortable enough with the matchup to space yourself properly with electrocute/first strike. (Depending on how tanky the rest of his team is)
With conqueror however, you'll always surprise a sylas main when he tries to all in you with E + W and is left wondering why the extended trade isn't going his way.
⭐Even he has access to the foul item.”
Xalt says “Try to avoid fighting Sylas with his W up he will out heal you unless you ignite while dashing mid E.
Try to bait Sylas' E behind minions for a easy trade.”
DaffeLaffe says “yep this guy, I usually ban this guy since he's a pain in the ass. Because of his w which has lifesteal, a lot of it. Try to avoid fighting Sylas with his W up he will out heal you unless you ignite while dashing mid E. Try to bait Sylas' E behind minions for an easy trade.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's ring]
[Stay out of his range and farm as much as possible]
[Dodge his E]
[Buy Morellonomicon]”
Juon says “Tanky mage 💀 Infinite healing? 💀 200 years frankenstein creation 💀 He is really hard to burst when he starts getting items, if he runs mercs its even worst from there. However he is not turbo unplayable, go for short trades, you can run electrocute for free procs since he is melee and max E second.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Dodge his chains and punish him whenever he is last hitting]
[Buy Morellonomicon]”
TrueGIXERJ says “buy grevious wounds (executioners calling) early and sylas players will constantly over-engage under the assumption that their W will heal them back to full hp, jokes on them. do your best to dodge his chains but if they land just disengage (diagonally, as to avoid his Q). most sylas' dont really understand how to use your R effectively, so you should be good on that front, but if they can, you might be a tad fucked.”
Ara55 says “Sylas is usually not a problem for me. i get oblivion orb quite early, usually after hextech alternator. i never build the oblivion into morellos i just keep it. lane is SUPER easy once you get it.
desch3445 says “Sylas can feel like doggy doodoo garbo shite to play against, and for this one alls I can give you is you need to get a good grasp of your damage output so you know EXACTLY when you can go in, or else he's gonna click the funny little W key on his quirky little keyboard and insta win.
Take the First Strike page; This is one of the few matchups I'd say there is literally no other option for keystones, as he's too bulky to be affected by Electrocute, shrugs off Aery poke with W, wins extended fights, so Conq is out of the question. Thankfully, he doesn't tend to build resists with a large health pool, and has unreliable poke, which is absolutely perfect for First Strike gold farming.”
ThePieBeam says “Sylas is Sylas. Don't get too close and don't push lane early or else you'll lose out on cs and possibly exp depending on how aggro he plays it. If he manages to hit his hook on you, Q him and run out of his melee range, then counterattack. Otherwise just care for his early and you'll do fine. Thankfully your ult isn't very good against you so you don't have to worry much. And if he sucks he'll drain all of his mana using it so that's good.”
blommit7 says “Sylas is a strong laner against swain. Sylas has good sustain, and good burst making him dangerous to take trades with. He can steal swain ult, and with his e and w he can gap clear way better than swain. If he swain ults and then w's you, the fight most likely wont be in your favor.”
Xerathiel says “Laning Threat. Try getting shoes early. Learn his engage range for E+W and dodge if he does E+E. Consider getting nullmantle or early boots T2.
Get oblivion orb+LIandry or focus on other targets instead. ”
Callmebee says “After we let him out of the prison (big mistake btw), edgelord Sylas decided he wants to use his magic for even more evil doings. And boy, oh boy does he do well. He is dangerous as he has a gap closer, heal and sustained damage. Not to mention he steals your own ultimate! - Use that in your advantage, you can dodge sideways when he starts ulting. Try to poke early and dodge his engage. Take barrier and consider MR boots.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] BACK ONCE YOU HAVE 450 GOLD AND BUY EXECUTIONERS. Stay inside of your minion wave to be sure to avoid being hit by Sylas' second E. Trade heavily if he decides to E in and be a bully. Post 6 doesn't really matter as Sylas doesn't synergize well with Akshan's R.”
lonestar1870 says “Slowpush Early and poke him under tower. You have perma prio on the wave and can zone him from farm. Get a nice CS advantage and prio when you need it.
You shouldn't ever die to him in laning, but he does have a lot of burst damage. He is useless after his intitial trade, he will look to run away after he uses all his spells and enhanced autos. You can then chase him without any threat of return damage so you don't lose the trade too hard.
You can use your E to stop his chain dash onto you (but he can buffer his chain to dash through your stun).
You can go Electrocute, PR, or Aery in this matchup depending how you want to play the lane.
I prefer Teleport into Sylas (and rushing grevious wounds), but you can go ignite if you are confident in your 1v1.
Oblivion Orb early is great to cut his healing.
Void Staff if he starts building MR.”
Lowkii_d says “Sustain is a big weakness for Akshan, also sylas go in get out damage is really high and makes grapple hooking very dangerous in most circumstances”
CashLOL says “Pretty difficult matchup. He out sustains your poke until you get oblivion orb. if you see him dash you can place your W either 1) right in front of you to separate the two of you or 2) a foot or so in front of you to boop the two of you towards the turret (depending on your hp level.) be careful early levels as his burst can be lethal.”
ShokLoL says “With E max and ignite you absolutely destroy sylas in trades, if he ever wastes an ability on you or the wave just punish him easily. Rushing Wit's End is good too.”
iZianni says “As always, you out lane this champion and out-perform their identity unless they have dope ults from your teammates. Everfrost and item optimization make this champ super cringe to play vs though.”
pwins says “Be careful of Sylas in general since you're pretty much dead when he catches you with his E. Try to rush Morello after Luden's since his W heals him for a lot for some reason (rito nerf him xx). ”
livikattt says “he is so cringe first of all if he hits his.... i think it's his E.... at level 1 twice, you just die. Very balanced. thanks rito.
Also if he steals your ultimate it's gonna be better on him than it is on you because his cc lasts FOREVER.
not as long as morgana (thank you to bronze "3" ksing support main for the correction)”
Juplicate says “Don't fight him level 3-5 as his burst is really high and he will outheal most fights. You want to do long trades against him after you get some lifesteal to outheal his w. ”
Miscake says “A maioria dos Sylas jogam com Conqueror, Glacieterno e Abraço Demoníaco, essa itemização deixa ele com status defensivos e ofensivos superiores ao seus por um preço de build menor, sem contar que é dificíl abusar na lane com AAs já que ele vai ter 3 dashes a partir do nível 3. Não vá pra trocas longas onde o Conqueror dele cura mais e ative Phase Rush antes de usar o W, já que caso contrário ele vai estar no seu range assim que seu W acabar.
A menos que você consiga uma vantagem no early ele vai ganhar nas sides também, então controle a wave e peça por ganks. O setup de runas aqui é Phase Rush com ignite.
WayOfTheTempesst says “Sylas outsustains you early game so your best choice is to go Dblade into Dshield. Try to windwall his E and Ulti and trade while his W is down. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is annoying because of his sustain and burst. You can't Q3 into him or he will just E
you. Rush vamp scepter to match his sustain. You have to dodge his Qs, especially the 2nd part. Don't take
extended trades with him. Hide in between minions so he can't hit you with the second part of his E. Mortal
Reminder is a good 2nd item, especially if the enemy team has more healing.”
Katawina52 says “Almost unbeatable when he has points in his W. Try to kill him early levels while he has no items with d blade/long sword. Unfortunately thanks to his W trades are pretty unwinnable (3+ points in W) so look to play safe until jgler makes a play. He is really bad in 2v2/3v3 scenarios where as Katarina is really strong there. Once you have your item spike u can look for all ins, but only if he used his E else it's pointless to go for it. Make sure to always ult instantly as soon as possible when you go for an all in, because you will make his W only heal 40% which is really crucial.”
eiensiei says “Lux out-ranges him and I'll go for passive procs as long as there's at least 1 minion betweens us. I'll trade with him if I land my Q, as my Q-AA-E-AA deals more damage than he does through my W. Important to remember that his W heals more when he's low on HP and it can come as a surprise, even at early levels. Later on I'll try to Q+E+R without letting him get close to me.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA).
Corrupting because of his annoying sustain. You might supplement it with a Doran's Ring i you feel his burst is high and that he can play well. Can be a rather difficult matchup if you get camped due to his CC spell and how easy he can reach you. Use your WE to push him away from you when needed and if you miss it trying to engage on him or to kill him back off because he can turn on you and you won't have much to protect yourself. Usually he cannot 100-0 you but some MR will work. On Roaming be careful because he can steal your ult (PING IT if so!!). Also beware of his sustain and heals - it can outplay you sometimes. Ignite helps greatly in this matchup but if you feel you are going to get outplayed get something defensive such as heal/barrier.”
Yeager says “You have to watch out for his early game damage with corrupting potion. He has a ton of burst and sustain which makes it very hard for Yone to win early trades. Stay behind minions when his E is up so he can't grab you with E2. Getting early healing reduction will make the trades easier. Basically just farm out the early game, look for trades when he uses abilities to farm with. You win easily after you get berserkers and first mythic item. ”
xblademojo says “Melee matchup that you win insanely hard, but please respect his early go-ins on you. Starting from the riftwalk it will get better and better. Quite good conqeuror matchup, you might need oblivion orb or ignite to kill this guy.”
Polarshift says “Sylas takes short/burst trades. Try to keep your distance so he can't use his W to heal on you. Try to stay out of the center of where his Q hits, because it deals more damage. Fortunately we have a team that can help us out while we keep him stunned, since he's still melee. Always dodge his second E, because that is a lot of his damage. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Poke works great as he needs to get close to heal off you. As long as you dodge the chain it is a for sure flash or kill. But still his all in is strong and your ult is good for him. ”
Avucado says “This is by far Pyke's worst matchup and I highly recommend perma banning this champ even though I personally don't. If you see Sylas picked and you locked in Pyke, dodge. He can take your ult in team fights and wipe your whole team easier than you can. Along with this, he can beat you in lane easily. Don't try to trade early because he almost always starts E first so you can't hit him with hook or E. He will have corrupting pots so he will be full with 1 or 2 more remaining afterwards. Look for hooks into autos, don't Hook->E because he will dash out. Lvl 6 you will get completely destroyed as he can take your ult. He can dash to avoid your ult, heal out of it or just out damage you. Look to roam and ask for ganks if you're shoved in. In the end, he will outscale you and wipe your own team with your ult. ”
LunarVortex says “Running exhaust is an option here to shut him down throughout the game. Play around his E cooldown and try to spellshield it. He gets amazing value out of stealing your ult. Get an early Oblivion Orb.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Not really that hard to lane against if you don't let him jump onto you. Annoying matchup since he can take your ult and have the same map presence you have.”
Eriosunx says “Sylas is a popular pick midlane in 11.10. The weakest side of sylas is that he is pretty squishy early levels and in order to take the best advantage in lane you have to play aggro from lv2 to lv5.
BOTRK RUSH and E MAX makes the laning phase way easier due to his low base-armor.
Make sure to not push too much the wave and try to get him under your tower or at least close to it when you hit lv3 so you can all-in him with conqueror.
*SYLAS CHEESE* some sylas tend to start with E(CHAINS) lv1 and chain on you on level one. The way to counter this is to start with SHUNPO as first spell take the chain and AUTO E AUTO him, this way you will 100% out-trade him and you will get a significant advantage in the lane.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “This is my personal favorite matchup if you can cancel his W and avoid getting lashed by his E with your E you can win lane easily. Is usually out of mana after a couple of headbangs on the keyboard if he doesn't have corrupting pot”
Fuzzmonkey says “Quite a hard matchup, best thing to do is to bait his E, and try to all in him without getting into his W ranged so he can heal again. Make sure you ignite him at the start of the all-in.”
Yeager says “Pre-6 he can only get to you if he hits the second part of E. If you can dodge that, he can't activate aftershock so he will lose the trades if you keep your distance.
He is melee, so you can use your range advantage to poke him and get control of the lane early.
Don't get baited when you see him at low hp and rush in. People always underestimate the healing from his W.
Urpog says “One of your easiest matchups, he has some windows where he can kill you but you have about 10 of them before he ever has one on you, if they're starting ignite then D shield start is mandatory, just flip him whenever he's using his dash towards you and it's almost guaranteed dead from there.”
CashLOL says “This champ's cooldowns are so low that you have to 100 to 0 him lol. With an hourglass, it will be impossible. At level 6, if you ult first, you can triple q his ult landing spot which is behind you. Take electrocute since you don't win long trades.
XayLies says “Sylas is a massively strong champion due to his high damage and self-healing. Depending on your Team's Ultimates and the player's skills. Windwall his E to prevent him to use your own ult on you. I recommend Mortal Reminder.”
iZianni says “This is slightly below even because we outrange and have an easy time dodging his all in, it's just that merc treads are really good on him and make it hard for us to one shot him.
Our ult is relatively weak on him, its just his survivability is extremely high if we don't take ignite.
Play around E and below 40% HP W.”
ToHadesWithYou says “His dives are dangerous and his heal is a lot. He can't really use your ulti except to land his E. Also be carefull for his roams.”
ShokLoL says “Sylas lane is all about dodging his E2. If you get hit by his chain you will almost certainly lose the trade, but if he misses it you can punish him heavily. Stay close enough to the creeps that he can’t easily E you, but far enough away that he can’t just hit both you and the creeps with his Q. With electrocute ignite you should be able to easily kill him unless he picks up some random kills.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade. In Resolve Bone Plating and overgrowth.
Poke Him lvl 1 and try to dodge his E,you can all-in sylas lvl 2.
sylas will try to get closer to you so he can use his W,if you think that he's going to do it ignite and kill he.
grevious wounds is really great against sylas or if you don't want to buy grevious l early you can just use ignite.”
Kords says “The difference between winning and loosing the lane gets decided when you can dodge hos E2 or he atches you because he can deal a lot of burst damage and killing you will be problematic if he lands that spell. Otherwise he is not a threat but as a bruiser/assassin hibrid in kit with the highest base stats in game he has the potential to kill you easier than how you would deal with him. At low HP his W also heals a lot that can change the course ofthe fight.”
TheoRut says “Dodge his E and Q + E him. Its gonna be hard to one shot him but its possible later in the game after you have bought oblivion orb.
Electrocute + ignite.”
ShokLoL says “Sylas lane is all about dodging his E2. If you get hit by his chain you will almost certainly lose the trade, but if he misses it you can punish him heavily. Stay close enough to the creeps that he can’t easily E you, but far enough away that he can’t just hit both you and the creeps with his Q. Sylas snowballs extremely hard but if he doesn’t find a lead he won’t be too hard to deal with, and you can usually build a small lead in lane as long as you don’t die solo or to his gank setup. Try keep the wave on your side after the initial couple of waves for extra safety. Hold onto your E to make sure you can disengage trades.
ShokLoL says “ This is possibly the most snowball LeBlanc matchup. If you stay even/ahead you should find this easy, but if you fall behind it will be impossible. Make sure to hold your chain defensively and look for trades only when he has used a cooldown.”
Dr Eggmund says “Sylas has everything, a great heal, shield, mobility, damage etc. So what you need to do is farm up and hit the mid game power spike, stand behind minions in order to negate the chance of using his chain dash on you.”
iZianni says “Range advantage makes this unplayable for Sylas unless hes a god.
Build Morellos to deny his healing and with consistent CC on your W/R he won't be able to get close to you.”
Ambitieux says “Sylas due to his recent nerfs of armor. But buffs of MR allow Ahri to actually do better against him then most. One big thing to mention is that his dash into chain can be canceled mid air of chain due to charm. Its just like Leblanc so time it well. Other than that he is very easy harassable and you can get him into turret quite fast and auto him out of lane. Watch out for his lvl 6 against you. If he takes ur ult and he uses it even once. Don't try to out play him just ult away and try again later.”
iZianni says “He goes merc treads and presses W.
I've often won this match up due to Sylas players being some of the worst OTPs, with the champion being extremely bad.
But the reality is Sylas should win this match up because of his all in potential.
You do outrange, but he can easily outmaneuver you if given the opportunity.
kindo says “Extremely easy matchup, he can never all in you at any point of the game unless he's extremely fed. If he goes for a trade pre-6, he will have no disengage after his E. Either use Q diagonally forwards to try and dodge his E, but chase him down after he engages. He doesn't have the damage to kill you pre 6 unless minions are also damaging you. Poke him down, but save your W for when he trades back. Post-6, it becomes a bit tricky. It's a bit of a mindgame of whether he will ult first or not. If he ults first, treat it like you would anything else and execute him out of your ult. If you need to ult first, Throw your E on him but only activate one of the marks. Once it's ending, auto again to refresh the mark duration but maintaining 2 stacks, he'll drop your ult. Now just wait until it ends and keep your distance so he can't W you to heal when it ends, Q/auto and you win. Overall, ignite cuts his healing if he's low and know that his CD to grab your ult is double your ult CD.”
Baion says “Easy matchup. He hasn't early damage so you can harass him without get punished or bursted. Just be careful with random gap closes, because it might be a gank.”
Coldsong says “Sylas may be annoying to fight, but you can win laning phase easily against him if you play it right. Make sure to dodge the intersect explosion on his Q, as it deals a lot of damage. Dodging his second E is also important as he will lose out on a lot of engage. Also, healing reduction is amazing against him since it helps with his W healing.”
Shikikashi says “In long trades, you can't beat a good Sylas especially if they build Zhonya's, it would be very hard to kill this guy, he also has very short cooldowns.”
TismoTheTilted says “Due to his W, his outplay potential may be fatal. Zed relies almost completely on high burst damage which repeats with his R. Sylas can simply heal almost his entire health with a single W and then steal your R.”
resetwice says “Try to meleeQ him lvl 1/2 and avoid his second E staying behind minions. If you can, buy executioner's first to avoid his huge heal. Only take long trades if he wasted his E or you're ahead. BEST RUNES TO GO: CONQUEROR”
Kessi says “"Pretty awful matchup overall. In almost no situation you will see yourself killing Sylas (if he plays correctly). But he deals quite some damage. Don't do really long trades or else you'll probably end up losing, especially because of his W.
I recommend Mercury Treads or Mobility Boots for roaming”
Sylvan Lore says “Sylas is a very strong melee midlaner that does quite well into mages. Orianna does not win this lane 1v1, but can build quite efficiently into him to be more useful lategame. Sylas also struggles to effectively use Orianna ult. I strongly recommend building lost chapter and following that up by immediately rushing Morellonomicon to counter his healing super early on.”
Tortizzy says “This is a really annoying matchup because of the massive healing sylas has. Play aggresive in the early levels but once he gets his W (life steal ability) you need to play defensive and wait for your jungler to help. Dodge his chain stun aswell or else you might die.”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Sylas with Zilean ult sounds scary on paper, but most of the time people have no idea how to use it and it can just end up being worse than him taking a different ult.
Laning vs Sylas is not very difficult. Use E to dodge his E. If you get behind it's really bad but if you are even it's quite simple.”
Avyxia says “If he lands e you're gonna get chunked or die. Play around minions and poke him out and don't let him get near you to w and heal all of it back up. His ult isn't that good when he uses it.”
Impossible2Gank says “He can keep spamming out the waves and prevent you from planting boxes in meaningful places nearby however if he doesn't have a clue on the matchup it'll be much easier.”
Mr. Popper says “Sylas has high all in damage early game. respect him and be patient. Stance trade with him as much as you can and if you see him E (Abscond/Abduct) towards you back off immediately unless you think you can win due to a difference in HP.
He can also use gnar ult more effectively than gnar unfortunately so be careful when grouping so he doesnt make the big 1v9 play to win the game.
tech items to build: Executioners calling and hexdrinker”
LilPaniniUwU says “You will out duel him, and your ult is a bad one for him to steal (unless it's out of desparation). Pretty easy matchup. If he gets ahead somehow, you can just get Grievous Wounds, and he'll die quickly. Invade him, his clear is slow and unhealthy.
King Turtle says “Even though his healing was nerfed this patch he's still going to be an annoying bastard to kill and still has high damage in his entire kit. Plus he can copy your ult and kill you just from the stun duration.”
King Turtle says “His healing is difficult to get through, and bursting him down will be near impossible against a good Sylas. Even so, as long as you can avoid his E you can get away from the worst of the damage, and beat him in trades early until he's low enough to burst down before he can heal.”
richardlized says “Sylas match up entirely depends on if he hits his E2 or not. If he hits it in laning phase, he frankly outplayed you so don’t get hit. Conq is recommended, since you would be trading autoes. Once he wastes his E, do not hesitate to trade back. After six, if he does not have E, ult him. Just like a Zed 1v1, most Sylas players will ult you straight back, which you can abuse by WQE behind yourself and swap back to R. (COMBO) Early executioners recommended.
(eclipse conq/electro)
Katasandra says “[1] Avoid trading, just poke. He wins trades.
[2] Dodge E at all costs, keep minions between you and him.
[3] Liss R is decent for him. If he tries to use it on you you can selfult/zhonya it during the cast time.
[4] Get healing reduction somewhere after your mythic.”
Thresh Mid says “Sylas is one of your worst matchups as Thresh mid, early game (Lvs1-5) is the only point you outtrade him, but otherwise he out-damages you, out-mobilities you, and can steal The Box and use it against you with it's 100% AP Ratio. If the Sylas is maxing Q, it makes this matchup even more difficult. ”
Hienaa says “All super easy because they are melee, and if you hit 1 Q on them, they get instantly half hp and cant even contest the trade, super free lanes.”
xMetix says “Currently Sylas is a very strong champion, usually the match up is pretty easy for Qiyana but his healing and damage in present state of the game make him a snowballing monster. Start W and try to get some autos early when you hopefully dodge E, use grass a lot, do not let him W you unless he's ignited and you're going for an all-in. He should struggle to use your ultimate although it's still very good on him.”
Marky 2 Butts says “Sylas is a natural counter to Malphite. He will out damage you in any trade you take and come off better because he can heal with his W. Then he will take your ult and kill you. Just don't try to fight Sylas alone, wait for team fights.”
DabiDabi says “ Sylas is tanky and can heal most of his HP back after taking a combo from Talon. Don't get hit by his exploding Q. Dodge his second E so he won't get onto you. I would rush Executioners in this matchup.”
Nanelol says “Very strong champion with big damage, dash and sustain. He can steal and use your ultimate, so it will not save you from him. You need to play carefully and wait for your jungler to come for a gank or ending of the lane phase.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) same as swain, dodge his CC and he cant do literally anything to you, this champ is just so insanely dogshit, just perma kill him with ignite.”
DabiDabi says “He trades very well against any AP Assassin. You will want to avoid pretty much all of his abilities, especially his W and E since he literally heals all his HP back. Don't try to fight him head on early. Sylas is not unkillable, so at level 6 use your dash advantage to kill him. Though he'll steal your ult and use it against you, as long as you don't get caught by his E, you win. ”
tozosi says “Pretty annoying since Sylas usually have lots of sustain in lane. Don't initiate trades against him since he can use his W to heal it back up meaning you end up losing in the long run.”
TheDuskWalker says “MID
Flash Ignite or Ghost Ignite. Phase Rush or Electrocute. Conqueror and Summon Aery is a possible choice.
He will completely outrade you in short trades early game so just try to farm up and dodge or pool his e2 chain. When he's ontop of you try to predict when he would w with your pool to negate any healing. Oblivion orb rush is a viable choice (though not recommended.)”
Toddiek24 says “Against Sylas, Akshan is a very bad choice as he can use our own ULTIMATE "R" ability against us which can be very annoying for our own team later on and can lead to the end of the game if we are not careful!”
Nanelol says “Q Passive Auto trade early but beware of his level 1/2 engage with E - beware of his early healing and high dps - stand behind minions to avoid his second E but remember he can dash over minions to hit you - look to dodge his E with your own E then auto ( if u can ) then E again ”
Sanctuar says “Sylas has become a much higher threat since the last patches and should not be underrestimated. Be careful when he steals your ultimate as this can turn a teamfight in his favor. Get an early Oblivion Orb to deal with his sustain.”
fanchessfan says “Sylas has a 47% winrate into Vayne in the top lane. If he gets on to you there's not much you can do but if you space well Sylas will have a tough time in lane. Look to poke him agressively pre level-3. Dodge his Chain Lash with your Q and if he E1's E him away and immediately disengage. Take cleanse, double MR runes and either exhaust or ignite depending on your confidence. Note that when Sylas steals your ultimate, he goes invisible when he Q's so don't be surprised when you can't see him. However since he maxes Q last and it has a 10 second early cooldown, he won't be permanently invis like you.”
Vispectra says “Slippery but handsome bastard, this guy got out of jail and can surely get out of a trade, he is quite the annoying laner as he will usually out-heal your damage by using King Slayer at the end of it.. His poke with Q can be negated with yours and if you dodge his E you should be able to slip in a Q E or even a W before walking away. The problem with this lane is he will often take your ult and early he can cover more distance than you can with just an E and your R.”
cookanarities says “Extremely easy matchup, he can never all in you at any point of the game unless he's extremely fed. If he goes for a trade pre-6, he will have no disengage after his E. Either use Q diagonally forwards to try and dodge his E, but chase him down after he engages. He doesn't have the damage to kill you pre 6 unless minions are also damaging you. Poke him down, but save your W for when he trades back. Post-6, it becomes a bit tricky. It's a bit of a mindgame of whether he will ult first or not. If he ults first, treat it like you would anything else and execute him out of your ult. If you need to ult first, Throw your E on him but only activate one of the marks. Once it's ending, auto again to refresh the mark duration but maintaining 2 stacks, he'll drop your ult. Now just wait until it ends and keep your distance so he can't W you to heal when it ends, Q/auto and you win. Overall, ignite cuts his healing if he's low and know that his CD to grab your ult is double your ult CD.”
TheWerefloof says “Melee matchup, dodge his E and you win. Ignite is huge for early fights, past 3 you should use it once he gets around 50% HP to prevent his healing. Once you get the ball rolling against this guy, it shouldn't be hard to keep it going.”
luminyan says “An easy matchup. I would bring Barrier to shut down his easy kill potential, but stay behind minions. If you can dodge his abilities, you can punish him whenever he misses. ”
AceRHYTHM says “The issue with Sylas is his pulls. He is incredibly powerful early game, which makes getting kills difficult. Focus on your farm, and keep distance to avoid getting killed early on. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “Sylas can beat you if you're not wary of his cooldowns or healing, but for the most part can be beaten with Ignite. If he gets early armor don't fight him. Take the Standard page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Actualmente Sylas es un campeón que puede hacerle frente a Xerath en las faces tardías con suma facilidad, para contrarrestarlo tienes 2 opciones, 1- Armate la Tempestad de Luden, Enfoque al Horizonte, y Morellonomicón, Sylas aguanta mucho por su curación, pero con esta build reduciremos su capacidad de aguante, por otro lado tenemos la opción 2- Ármate la Angustia de Liandry, Enfoque Al Horizonte, y Abrazo Demoniaco, con esta build podremos desgastarlo poco a poco y reducir su capacidad de curaciones. Puedes optar por cada opción en función de la composición enemiga.”
Redeemteam says “This is fizz's hardest counter imo. Even if you get a lead early, since Fizz is stronger than sylas early on, once he gets points in W and Ability Haste he will win almost any trade and its not even hard for him to do so. I would use my ban on Sylas as a fizz player or dodge.”
TheMockingSnowman says “He has a lot of sustains along with dashes which make it hard to win trade against him. Respect his range and try to outroam him. Fortunately, you will be more useful than him later on. I would recommend Aftershock and/or Ignite if you want to have a chance at winning trade.
Zenshi says “This guy is so aggressive in lane and its impossible to trade! He heals and heals and more heals! Play safe and poke from a distant. ALSO bring ignite <3”
SirGRC says “Keystone: Electrocute
I have yet to have a sylas cause me trouble.
His W can heal him for a lot so I like to get an Oblivion Orb first item to cut his healing. ”
Oxydation says “Sylas is actually just a free matchup. Dodge his E in your shroud and you have a free trade. All in him after he used W. Just aware of his Level 6, because its the same strength then yours. Buy antiheal early.”
pastizio53 says “Just the most tilting experience even if i make him miss his shots and get everything in i still lose the matchup. A strategy can be to kill him when he will roam with your jungler maybe you stand a chance since hes only good in 1on1 situations.”
Sailor MOwOn says “Not impossible but extremely hard. His burst is big and he can close gap on you fairly easily, and when he steals your ult you get a taste of your own medicine. Not fun, not impossible, but worth considering a ban.”
RengarMidUwU says “Sylas will deal a little bit of damage to you, but his W just heals soo much that he could potentially force you out of lane if he gets fed early!”
VeneficusFerox says “High burst potential and hard to punish by yourself. Haven't found a solid strategy against him yet as he is not that common in mid. Possibly start with boots and rush Zhonya's.”
Little Planet says “Sylas beats you in close range trades and he really likes stealing your ult.
If he's any good at the champion you're gonna have to play it safe, you can't really go anti healing since your primary damage source is physical early game.”
Kindredgarten says “Jungle Sylas is terrible after nerfs, free win just invade him. Only thing to worry about is him taking your ultimate but he will probably not know how to use it as well as you.”
Joseph Evanss says “He can be very annoying to kill and if he ever gets ahead you can't do anything against his 3 seconds w cd. Dodge his e and you can typically out trade him. If he uses w early in the trade stick on him and ignite right before he uses it again. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
Kscepersky says “The problem in Sylas is that he can oneshot you easy and steal your ult, but you can easy poke him in early and win lane. Just try your best!”
ahspaghetti says “try to kill him early when he is lacking in the items department, you can start d blade or long sword. his skirmishing ability is not as good as kat, so you can look to fight with your jungle. also be ware that sylas might start e first and cheese you lvl 1, in this case, you can start e and auto -> e -> auto on your side of minions to win this trade.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “Because of his damage and hp is not easy to win id consider a sylas to win lane 70% of the time unless you get ganks or syla missplay.”
BullRedHunter says “Annoying matchup, you must take ignite and get level 2 before him and trade with him before he gets level 2, use your ignite before he heals and you can win lane that way, if u cant fight with him just stay safe and scale, you out scale him”
iKrez says “This is the most free match-up possible.
You can trade him since lvl 1 starting W, making proc your Electrocute with 2 different elements.
The only way sylas can beat you is because you took a bad trade before the all-in and you have ignite in cooldown.
Be sure to ignite him at the start of the all-in to reduce his healing.”
The Jhin Cena says “Take either Fleet Footwork Rune Page. When facing a Sylas, mainly avoid getting grabbed by his E2 as this can lead to you getting comboed and taking a big chunk of damage. To do this, simply hide behind your minions, stand out of range, or use your E and you will easily be able to avoid it. Just safely farm for the first 2 levels, and once you hit level 3 you can start intelligently looking for short trades. Avoid extended trades since he can easily out sustain you. Ideally look to trade when his abilities are down, most notably his E since he can avoid your engage and then E2 once you snap back to your body. Getting Executioner's Calling on your first or second back is also highly recommended since he has a ton of healing built into his kit which makes it more difficult to win trades. Mainly look to farm the early game without getting too greedy, as you will more so shine in the mid to late game while Sylas has a more dominant early game.”
Mpegial says “He has insane amounts of damage and free healing, it's absurdly hard to kill him when he heals half of the HP he lost, you need to master the poke game.”
cauedg15 says “Another of Pyke's top three counters in mid is Sylas, because of his destructive duelist potential, in no time Pyke will win a duel of Sylas. Another factor is that Sylas can steal your R and use it against your own team.”
Zileni says “Take Ignite no matter what, he is literally gonna out damage you during laning phase. Sylas however has mana issues so you can use that to your advantage. What's cool is that if Sylas throws out his ultimate chain at you, you can ult back to stop him from getting ultimate. If however Sylas does have Ekko ultimate, you really cannot win against him 1v1 and therefore play safe against him.”
xoonaka says “He gets outtraded because your Q applies GW. additionally you can buy executioner's calling to make the lane very easy. Just like other champs, respect lvl 1-2 and all in.”
XD001 says “Sylas has insanely long early cooldowns but will absolutely smack you in short trades. Make sure to always trade with your W shield. His full E1 + E2 + AA + W + AA + Q + AA + AA fully stacks conqueror and can chunk about 2/3 of your HP if he lands everything. At level 6 its almost impossible to kill him solo because of his R. In side lanes you can solo kill him if you have grievous wounds. Everyone can see Sylas' echo, as well.
Sylas outscales Ekko.
Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.”
GabomanDeLegado says “Sí o sí hay que llevar ignite contra Sylas, de otra forma será muy complicado ganarle un trade con lo que se cura. Esquivar sus E es esencial para negarle mucho daño, y si tenemos más dinero vale la pena invertir en cortacuraciones. Nuestra Q le niega daño y curación.”
HeroAronNavius says “Sylas is a really hard counter against Yone. No one likes to play against a sylas because of his lifesteal. Try to rush Executioners calling. You cant kill Sylas early game because of his heavy lifesteal plus if he buys corruption potion which he will most likely do. Sylas has a ton of early burst and sustain which makes it very hard to trade early against sylas.”
Luciiid says “As long as they arent faker, its an easy lane. Dodge E2 and its a free trade. Take null orb and electrocute or conqueror works into him. Be careful of his w. If he does a w max then he will heal ~300 hp every 5-6 seconds.”
Havenia says “You need your exhaust, and if he ults you. It's likely he won't have a stopwatch with your ult, but you will. You can beat Sylas with a stopwatch and your R easily. Also wait for JG ganks, that way he's a free kill because he can only W one of you.”
Noodles912 says “Waveclear, cc, healing, mobility, and shark robbing. Just avoid fighting him when he has all his abilities, and roam a lot. If you are low, stay away. If he uses Q, try to trade. Save E for his second part of E. Look to burst him with corrupting potion. PTA is recommended.”
BloxNaderYT says “Can steal Sion's Ultimate to match his roams. Out sustains Sion in lane with W, and can interrupt Sion's Q with his E2 or W. May have lesser value than Sion in teamfights depending on team compositions”
FerretInADurag says “Lots of sustain, burst, CC... nothing you want to deal with. So don't. If he snags your ult like the dirty little thief he is, you and your team are utterly boned. Force of Nature and Mortal Reminder are good against him.”
PASS10NE says “You will win trades against Sylas if you're able to dodge his E. Sylas' W is the most troublesome ability of Sylas, so be wary of that. When Sylas steals your R and uses it, use R right after, so his stolen talon R will converge first, and you'll auto/ Q him once you have vision of him.”
pavelp420 says “Not that bad. Make sure to not let him pull himself towards you, because the stun allows him to burst you to death. If he steals your ultimate, most of the time it should be alright because they usually just complain about how much they hate it but have no clue how it works. Build Banshee's. ”
NuclearAkali says “Just like Diana, Sylas is a tanky mage that has a built in heal in his kit. just try to hit level 3 and ask for ganks. Sylas can get ahead really quickly off of one kills so try not to die.”
Lot of Wind here says “Skill matchup ; he will be able to trade you back. You can block his R and E with your wall, but won't block his Q. Try to avoid long trades with him in the early game.”
Wunsch3957 says “Skill matchup. If he starts E level 1 back off play passively, if he starts Q or W, you Q him for every cs he has to walk up to get. Punish him for missing E. Get grievous wounds later on in the game. Conqueror with flash/ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Go ignite for his W, you outscale him hard and with lethal tempo, he can't win long fights against you. Stay at max range, poke him and when he goes deep, ignite him for a free kill. He has very long CDS. Try yout best to avoid his Chains (E)”
ReYkoTheLord says “Extremely easy matchup. Just dodge his second Q prock and harras him with your Q E, when he goes in with his e/w just use your miasma and he is doomed.”
JEAFlashSword says “(Champion of Idencency) I hate this champion you can windwall his E2 and R you demolish him level 1 2
avoid as much as possible his Qs”
BigBushMan says “Personal favorite to permaban, His in lane sustain and healing in fights is ridiculous. Rushing Executioners Calling is a good idea, and then transitioning into a Morellonomicon later in the game as a 3rd or 4th item. He will win fights early easily, and level 6 is dangerous as he can steal your ult and do the same damage you could do, if not more. Very hard matchup in general, look for a freeze and jungle help.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) same as swain, dodge his CC and he cant do literally anything to you, this champ is just so insanely dogshit, just perma kill him with ignite.”
BigFatCat909 says “Him stealing your ultimate isn't bad at all due to the wording of Zed's ultimate. The burst of Death Mark states that it deals a percentage of all the damage dealt by "Zed", Sylas stealing your ult doesn't make him Zed. Try to avoid Melee range when he is missing a majority of his health due to his overpowered healing on his W. I recommend Eclipse and Mercury Treads for this matchup.”
FogivenDevil says “Sheesh he hurts. He also heals anything you want to do to him early. He can shove you in, take your ult, then roam and get a quad. Not a great match-up. Banning him is never a bad idea with Pyke, if he is there get a null-magic mantle and hold the line and try to follow his roams.”
Hiimkata says “Almost unbeatable when he has points in his W. Try to kill him early levels while he has no items with d blade/long sword. Unfortunately thanks to his W trades are pretty unwinnable (3+ points in W) so look to play safe until jgler makes a play. He is really bad in 2v2/3v3 scenarios where as Katarina is really strong there. Once you have bork/wits end you can look for all ins, but only if he used his E else it's pointless to go for it. Make sure to always ult instantly as soon as possible when you go for an all in, because you will make his W only heal 40% which is really crucial.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “He's got a very strong pre-level 6 kit for Melee range, after level 6 it's Skill Matchup but don't forget that he can only blink with his Shadow and it doesn't mimic any of his abilities”
mrsuits says “Try to poke but respect him at the same time. Stay away from his E-W thing as he can heal a lot of the hp you poke from him. After 6 dont play close to his tower as he can shuffle you in as well. ”
ParkChnm says “As long as you dodge his E, it shouldn't be too bad. If he goes for a Q, punish him for it. If he uses his E, you can bait him into a minefield.”
KataTocDo says “Easier with experience. Dodge his 2nd E and you can just EWR without being stopped. Dodge his Q and get morello for his W healing.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D blade or Dark Seal”
Jnewbringspain says “Not too hard, but you'll need to be careful of a couple things. Firstly, he can steal your ult AND stack Feast just like you can, so he can indeed become very tanky. Secondly, be careful of his Kingslayer ability. It will heal him, and the heal is almost double if he's below 40% health. You'll need to poke him down to a certain threshhold, then go all in and execute with Feast. You'll want to do short trades then disengage with Sylas during lane phase. You can win fights going all in, but he definitely has the upper hand if you miss anything, or if the fight goes on too long.
See video of how it's done below:
Dannala says “Practically only AoE with that passive and Q, will eat spider-lings for breakfast. Has high mobility so if he goes in on you it's best to stun and retreat to cut your loses before he starts swinging. With his shield gone it's easier to burst him down but without grievous wounds he will heal up right away. You can use your spider-lings to block his E chain and gives a minor miss click chance for his W if he plays without target champs on cast.”
wildersovereign says “His healing is obnoxious and he can steal your ult, which he can use extremely well in teamfights. Don't let him dodge your Q with his dash if possible, as it allows him to follow up with his recast E and deal a lot of damage. His dash is usually too short to escape your R, though, so take advantage of that and kill him. Get an early Oblivion Orb if he's any good so he doesn't turn around fights with Kingslayer.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Sylas will wreck your shit with the build and runes of this guide.
I ban him every game.
Here is why:
1) You cant delete him... He generally builds semi tanky & has a super fat heal that .. he will get off.
2) He is more mobile. One of Akali's biggest strengths is how mobile she is. It enrages the enemy how much you move about the battlefield. It does not enrage Sylas. In fact he benefits from it. If we were just comparing stats they would match in mobility. Unfortunately, this isn't clear cut because he can steal your fucking ultimate. This is a huge boost on how mobile he is and for an enemy to have more mobility than you with this build is devastating.
3) You are not a tank and he has several point & click abilities. So between the fact he wont miss and he will catch you, you're fucked.
4) You can't hide. His abilities have a fairly big hit box and his passive gives him aoe autos. If you shroud, likelihood is he will still hit you.
5) It isnt just you who will get fucked. Even if you play safe and never let him get you, he will steal your ult and roam bot lane. A Sylas with Akali's ult is deadly and your bot lane will most likely get dunked. Then he will come back with extra gold (IE extra items, IE extra damage) and dunk your butt.
IF! By some dumb fuck reason you choose not to ban him and he is your enemy in lane here is what you gotta do:
1st) Ping the hell out of the map when he roams... Be a good teammate and dont let him dunk bot lane.
2nd) In lane, you have to engage on him first! But that isnt enough!... You have to engage on him first after he has blown his abilities on the minion wave. Again, and Again, and Again! You abuse the hell out of him when he has less abilities and you fucking dip out before he gets them back up. Do that enough and you might be able to pull out a win.”
SkyBanana says “You don't want him to steal your ultimate at all. It can end up not being in your favor if you ult, Sylas steals your ult and he wins the fight since it is the same amount of impact. Not to mention he can go all in early in the game and force you to not be a champion.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Annoying. Pool W. Go electro and you should outtrade him (predator is better in general but electro allows you to punish this guy on lane in early). If he gets ahead take a chill pill and farm. You outscale him hard.”
rajsovsky says “Easy win. Melee mage with weak early. Poke him a lot. You can easily kill him and you can acutally cancel his W with your Pool. He will be so pissed off if you time it correctly.”
invalidd says “One of the best counterpicks to pyke mid since he gets to use his ultimate and that can be devastating for your own team. I highly suggest you
ban him if you don't feel like banning Akali because he will win every trade using his point and click W to get all of his HP back, he can also dash away
from your stun and hook and mess you up in a trade, it's not worth buying executioner's either because you need your mythic ASAP to do as much as him in
skirmishes and teamfights, really dangerous. Complicated to setup ganks on.”
_Nightmare_G says “Don't let him hit his E, or u will lose the trade instantly. Buy executioner against him cuz his W heal is HUGE and gives him room for outplays (Those outplays are bigger if he has ur ultimate)”
lkycch says “He will steal your ultimate and give his team a free revive, meaning that your speciality is no longer... well, special. Your jungler can gank him early and shut him down, so that even if he does steal your ult, he won't have the damage himself to be useful. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
lkycch says “He will steal your ultimate and give his team a free revive, meaning that your speciality is no longer... well, special. Your jungler can gank him early and shut him down, so that even if he does steal your ult, he won't have the damage himself to be useful. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs sylas: Aprovéchate de el con tu lvl 1 potente con tu W e ignite, y mantente entre los minions para que no te de la E de el. ( lyandri o eco de luden)”
ezmod66 says “This match feels like it goes in your favor. You can abuse this guy extremely hard. Even go for a early kill if he is a monkey.
If he gets on you you will most likely lose the trade cuz of his w heal.
Reminder that you when his chain lands you can activate your q as it is flying, Save it for when he gets onto you. He will be dumb most of the time and waste his w for straight up dmg with his passive. you can stun him walk away, When he turns to leave you can e aa and win the trade nicely.
Watch out for his jungler as this can turn from extremely easy into a nightmare of a matchup.
Make sure to ward river to avoid getting abused
Matchup Difficulty: Easy - Skill Matchup - Hard”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- You can max W if you're looking to 1v1 and out-trade sylas.
- Alternatively you can max Q and try to push him in, playing more around your jungler
- Try to Q the wave and Sylas to match his natural waveclear
- You lose extended fights and he beats you in the sidelane
- Also, be careful of him stealing your R and roaming
- Don't let him get free W's on you in lane, you can just outpoke him”
Big Shawn says “Sylas is somewhat broken, but also not. If the both champs are, in terms of gold lead, even, then Ekko should be able to win the trades. Just cause of his burst damage compared to Sylas. But he will get quite annoying when he steals your ultimate ability.”
Ambitieux says “This matchup really isn't that hard. If he is within auto attack range. Bully him. If he tries to go in on you, Miasma urself and just kite him out. The only thing ur fighting here is your mana usage. After your first mana item this should be a very easy matchup. Also if he is 2nd part of his E which is the chain. And it lands he is forced to look at you. Meaning you can ult him for free.”
BCota says “Really annoying since his W heals him back to full along with his insane AP ratios he hurts a lot and can duel really well. Ask for ganks to make it easier on you. Pre-6 freeze wave under tower and poke him he can only Q you . After 6 Use Q+Autos to poke him down all in but make sure to ignite. Tip: your pool denies his healing and puts it on CD”
ThePandaEvan says “Sylas has extreme damage while having a gap closer, which makes him hard to deal with. Trade with him level 1 as Sylas gets a insane power spike level 2-3 since he gets his gap closer and combo. Try to save your E for if he dashes in and try to dodge Sylas's E a lot because if you get hit by it, you lose the trade. You can Q+E him if Sylas misses his E. Make sure to keep your distance so he can't heal. Ignite is a must here.”
grebe1231 says “This matchup is very stat-check heavy as both rumble and sylas have similar gameplans of getting in your face and unloading damage. Because you are playing a melee champion without a dash, Sylas will have an easy time landing his E on you and forcing a fight. If you fall behind early, Sylas' W heal will guarantee he wins any all-ins in the future. Likewise, if you get ahead early, Sylas won't be able to do anything to contest you. ”
Niqkl says “Sylas is somewhat challenging. He can chunk you for a good amount with his combo and repeat that. when he has your ult and ignite, he can straight up kill you with a combo if you dont counterult.”
Sushi_Cat says “Pretty easy matchup. Sylas does not have the burst or sustained damage to compete with you once you each get your first item. Even before then, it is hard for Sylas to kill you due to your W. Just be aware he can send you or your teammates to Death Realm if he wants. (Sidenote: if Sylas uses your ult and you use your ult in the same place, you can have an epic 2v2 in Death Realm.)”
PROJECT BZ says “Zed can buy executioner to ruin Sylas healing. This lane isnt hard because of this but sylas can be early dominant with his E but apart from that Zed can be extremely slippery for Sylas and can kill him.”
vCraze says “Sylas can be a tough matchup as he has a lot of mobility and is a very strong late game champion. You will need to play the matchup dependant on what runes and items he starts with. If he has fleet with corrupting potion you will struggle to poke him out so just farm up and poke when comet and manaflow are up. If he is running conq with Dorans Ring you can poke him out as he won't have as much sustain so keep this in mind. You want to keep your distance as much as possible and not be in range of his chains as this will cost you a large % of your hp.”
Sadkid says “Sylas lane is usually tame as long as you play towards your own minions. Do not walk up if you don't have minions. Sylas has a hard time hitting his CC in the wave so if he tries to E in stand in the wave and he can't CC you. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Keep ya distance mate, dont get hit by those chains of his. Keep in mind he can yoink your ult. Also his health bar isn't accurate, if he was his W up be careful. You should be able to poke him down and kite him so he cant W you. If he has flash you might die if he catches you offguard.”
PedrinhoXD says “when he uses E, pick the gold card, and immediately stun him, he won't be able to engage you properly, but be sure to warn your team when he picks up your ultimate”
WolfRider01 says “Very, very even matchup. Avoid the bonus damage pop on his Q (the chain slam). Bait his W (his healing) and his E (The ability where he dashes, then can grab with his chain on recast) then fight him. He will likely use W when he's low, so get an executioners to cut some of that heal down. ”
MartyBG says “Not a hard matchup for Lux. As long as you don't get caught by his e you're fine. If he gets hit by your q he is unable to do anything. ”
MINISE says “This will be the hurt of you, take ignite and cull to out cs. Your q is the main point of damage and push him into a position in where Sylas can't push nor roam when you half HP him.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Aery or Electro with ignite. Zoe favored matchup. He can't do much against Zoe If he E's on to you E him as he will be in the animation. You can easily run him down with ignite if he wastes his E. Your ult is useless for him but he can E u with ur ult bringing him to you even then u can still win the trade. You outscale him and have better pick potential. Get Oblivion Orb if they have a lot of healing champion on ur first back”
Akali go skrrrt says “You want to burst him down really quick (short trades) as he heals back up fast. You should buy a Morellos as well to counter his heal.”
economistastonks says “He has a huge load of sustain, it will be a hard lane.
You need to land your stun in order to win the trade. You need to rush executioner's again Sylas. ”
Bobbab says “I always lose to good sylas players. Dodging his e is vital to beating him. Early game is the best chance you have as the longer the game goes the more dangerous he becomes.”
MetaKnight13373 says “When Sylas throws his chains, you have a small window to charm him. Ahri's ultimate is among one of the strongest ultimates in the game and is this a prime target to steal on Sylas, it also complements his kit well. ”
TheFwnK says “This guy is your nightmare. If its Aftershock Sylas its over for you, just wait for your Jungler to gank. Try not to die you and the jungler. (This guy can 1v2)”
Grayified says “Sylas is an AP assassin who can steal your ultimate. E out of the way and do what you can to avoid it. He may outdamage you, consider exhaust or sustain runes.”
dDenzere says “A melee champ? That heals himself?
Has to engage you behind minions?
Ignite and poke the hell out of him before he leaves in the trade. ”
ItzJavAgain says “Quite a lot of damage and healing, bruiser like you,try to avoid his Q poke and second E,get mercs and anti-healing(executioners)your uit is not that useful for him at all but dont understimate his damage”
aL3x888 says “wait for his E to run out, dodge his Q, adn you can combo. If he steals R, just R first and do ur combo fast, if he Rs you, place a W behind you and Q he will get instakilled after he appears.”
Nazrat says “Very hard to beat , in order to beat him he has to mess up a lot.You outscale hard though so later on you will be victorious. Just don't try to 1v1 him.”
Mofciak says “You must be careful, because Sylas can steal Ekko ultimate. Sylas is dangerous with his W ability. If you know how to play Ekko you can defeat Sylas easily.”
Jamakin12 says “Sylas is a bit of an annoying matchup. He wins extended trades when he is able to poke you with his passive, but you win short trades as long as you initiate it with your Q. He can use your ult better than you can, so beware of that once you reach half health. Sylas' W heals him more the lower health he is, so try to deny him a heal if you are attempting to kill him, unless you have grievous wounds on him. Executioner's is recommended because it reduces his W healing.”
Siderman5 says “He is one of the biggest counters of you. It will be a hard matchup, but if you play safe and just farm or roam, you can survive somehow till the endgame, where you won't be so strong, but at least Sylas won't be that strong too, because he only gets really strong if you give him free kills in early or mid game. One thing what you shouldn't forget about him, is that if he steals your ult, he can easily escape from ganks, or roam to other lanes, so focus and ping your team if Sylas steals your ult and goes to roam.”
Lunasta says “Try always to engage, if he engages you you'll take LOTS of damage, and probably die if you're having difficulties against him, don't stay near your tower or else he'll ult you and burst you down, try to waste his mana by pushing the wave and building Grievous Wounds”
SkellyBirb says “Stay behind minions and he can't engage. Your ultimate is situational so he can't do much to use it effectively always. Heal any damage he deals with shrines.”
Frixen says “You can manage this one by poking him, and avoiding his all-in ability. It's quite tough considering he can steal your ultimate, has incredible sustain and he can get on you. Keep very safe distance, and look for roams only in lanes that are HARD winning, otherwise, he will follow you with your ulti, and it will turn bad. Or just roam whenever he cannot have your ultimate.”
Rakuretto says “Sylas is not a huge threat, I only put him down here as his ultimate will be very annoying during the laning phase. He will probably run AP and deal ways more damages than you sith your own abilities as soon as he steals your R, so play very safe and avoid your own fireballs.”
Reason97 says “Your ability to poke in lane is a LOT better then his, but his all in is a lot more lethal then your's if he play's smart. Don't give him an easy target for his grab and be careful when he start's looking for an engage, but as long as you do that it should be pretty ok. ”
xAsuta says “His early game is not as strong as yours. Just dodge his chain stun after his dash and all in him. But please
don't underestimate his healing during the fight!”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. This champ just beats you 1v1. All you can do is try and windwall he E2 because it actually does a surprising amount of damage. If they play correctly ou just auto lose. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
Fadedreformed says “One of the easiest matchups for Kassadin, does he try to trade you you shall win by playing close to your tower. After he goes for an all in ignite him the second you see his w animation and kill him. After this lane should be really easy”
Shock_101 says “He'll probably try and fight you when you have smoke down, so use it wisely. His q (second phase) deals big damage, so avoid getting hit by it.”
DaggerTV_ says “Sylas will always aim for a heal with his w. If you can ult before you will reduce 60% of that heal. If he steals your ult, he most likely will deal more damage in average conditions because of him bulding pure ap (most of the times). Aim to bully him from far and then big engage on him with primary ult after you doged his stun(s)”
Yuki H. says “Consider running Conqueror in this matchup, along with buying an executioner's. Though he outsustains you, you have the range advantage as his Q dmg is almost negligible in the early game. He will be constantly looking to E to dodge your Q, then E again onto you to start a trade. Keep in mind you will 9 times out of 10 win all-ins from full HP with executioners at level 6 unless you are far behind. Above all, focus on not dying unnecessarily to ganks and not getting baited by his low health when he has W up, as a fed Sylas is extremely oppressive once he starts ramping up tank stats with seekers/ninja tabis.”
fwii says “Avoid trading with him unless you can one shot him. The healing on his W is insane and his return damage is really high. Killable at level 6 with Ignite. ”
Proma says “Any start
If you engage on him he can sustain back with his W and then trade back with you since you're in melee range. Wait for ignite to be up and wait for jungler to gank you.
Current perma ban”
Veralion says “They shunted most of his damage into his Q explosion and E2, so put on your happy feet and keep creeps between you. Play far back until 3, preserve health, then all in and stat check him. He can steal your ult and yeet away once in a while, which is annoying. Transforming gives him your entire kit with fresh cooldowns, but you'll probably kill him before he can make use of them. Sylas does not build to make effective use out of Shyvana's kit, so using your ult against you is actually a really bad idea. It literally just makes him worse. Respect E poke while he's a fake dragon and avoid flame patches. If it turns into a dragon duel, also stay close and rotate around him. He won’t be used to how hard E is to hit at close range and will probably miss. Better dragon wins! If things go poorly and he gets a lead, remember that he has a ton of very high ratios on his kit now, so make sure to respect him. A lot has to go wrong for that to happen, though. ”
Grimkyle says “sylas is one of the most annoying matchups for fizz because his w which you can cancel with your e when you see him launch himself but its nearly impossible to do unless you have low ping and he does it fast the only time I dodge it is when its max range. Due to sylas's W alone he automatically wins trades aginst you. during laneing phase when you reach level 3 q + auto + w(auto reset to proc elect that eazy) then e the fuck out before he stacks his conq or w when you reach 6 you can look to all in him with your ult and ignite him to stop him from healing from conq and his w he might try to ult you with your ult but you can simply e the fish or the shark sylas scales great in the late game which mean instead of void staff you should be getting morello which has pen health ap and grievous wounds ”
Stiwy says “Not the hardest matchup but he can still fight you back.
His W provides him a very good healing and remember that he can copy your ult with his ult (if this happens, try to not get caught out of guard and be prepared to dodge).
Keep in mind that your E counters his E, giving him even less chances to engage you.
Overall not an hard matchup, just buy antihealing.
He will be a more serious enemy in late game but you should still be able to shut him down.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Skill Matchup
He can dodge your ult with his E and W after your burst to heal some back so get some anti heal or adapt to him by seeing if he does it in a burst combo, if he does you can wait for it and then retaliate.
Him stealing your ult isn't THAT good for him but of course better than nothing
Just try to poke him and stay behind minions parallel to him.”
xtrinity01x says “Skill matchup. keep in mind that he can still stun you even if he's rooted. don't get too close or he'll jump on you and demolish you. pretty fun matchup not gonna lie.”
ThatOneKatMain says “Kind of scary his healing is insane and since he builds protobelt he will be tankier than you. Try to dodge his e and dont try to fight him when he has your ult since thats your only advantage on him.”
leprosyy says “Ultisine W atarsanız ve sürekli gir çık yaparak canını azalttıktan sonra all in yaparken ignite bırakarak kesebilirsiniz. size kombosunu yapıp kaçıyorsa peşinden gidip takasa devam edin.”
snukumz says “He's pretty easy to deal with unless he gets on top of you, in which case he'll wreck you.
Try to stay back and poke him.
If you can land your knock up you can combo him and kill him.
If he ults you try to knock him up and ult him back, your ult is better since it applies stacks of your passive and can do true damage, his can't do either. ”
1256 says “he went from being a healbot to a q poke machine, annoying but winnable easily, dodge chains and either answer or go away, you outscale
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
AZIR MEN says “Dodge his second E. He can kinda do stuff with your ult. Poke him down, watch out for his Q poke (does a lot of damage.)
Take conq or electrocute”
SicKitty says “so far hes just been a pain in the ass, stay far way from him at all times and dont go in for tower till he for sure tps back to base or jng finaly ganks your lane for once and kills him”
SimonNGarfunkel says “You have better range than him, poke him down. If he ever dares to E up to you, W behind but don't swap. Stay in the middle of the wave and auto+E, keep auto until shadow about to expire then throw Q and swap back. Keep ignite for lv6 all in. He might steal your R and R you right after you appear from ult. Chances are you've played enough Zed 1v1 to know what to do next. Triple q ignite his ass the moment he appears behind you. Keep auto since you have conqueror for a guaranteed kill”
CallMeDaddyGR says “Sylas.......i hate this guy, at level 1-2 you should be able to freely poke him without him being able to do much so take advantage of that, but after 3 he does win an all in fight so try to poke him and use your skillls to dodge his stun and take as short trades as possible like q him then w, q him again e and retreat, you wanna do your best to bait his stun and then you can
re-engage but keep in mind that after level 6, his skill set makes your ult more dangerous when he uses it”
Debonair Karma says “He's not in a very good spot right now but his ult is pretty dangerous even for Karma. Late game he can use it to RE his team and shield them or himself for 1k hp. Take ignite/teleport/barrier.”
Gageowago says “ So the 10.1 changes to Sylas seem to maybe transition him to more of an all in one shot playstyle. I will have to play against him to determine who wins trades, but his W is no longer a pseudo-execute. You can charm him if he lands his e on you to stop him immediately, but now he isn't self-stunned for nearly as long. Sylas can't hit his only cc through minions so stay behind them after he uses his dash. If he steals your ult and you are low you are dead. Sylas has more dashes than Ahri when he has her ult. I would recommend playing more reactionary and defensive until you learn this matchup better. His main damage now comes from his e hook and passive.”
topal says “galio is made to smash ap meele's (only dianna is an even matchup) and sylas is the perfect example.Just inform your teammates when he steals your ult.”
Papapostolou says “This guy is getting on my nerves. You must dodge his E (The dash) and you should be fine. Although he is so strong, don't understimate him or his damage. I suggest buying a Full morello here.
ZombieZack1 says “Sylas is a Hard Match up for Lux because your Ult is good with Him, He can Heal up tons and Deal high Burst, I recommend Buying a Morellos and he should be Fine after that”
Lil Tidepod says “Sylas has really low mobility and some terrible range. Stand back from the minion wave and force it under his turret. He won't lose too much farm but it'll be enough to give you a solid lead in items. One thing that's really important is to dodge his grab. It initiates all of his combos. He won't like laning against you because of your ultimate. Try and stop him from roaming so he can't go get other champion's ultimates. I'd do this by staying in lane as much as possible and forcing the wave under his turret.”
Capparelli says “Play around his heal when fighting him he won't want to use it until he gets lower if hes smart so back off before that, if he wastes it early in the trade just fight him and burn through his health, if you're going for an all in Ignite when you start it so his healing is reduced”
serruh says “like camille, he needs to get into melee range to trade with you. yes his heal can be annoying with some levels but it also costs a shit ton of mana, make him regret taking every threat since you can just make him take more dmg than he does to you(yes, even after healing). he's also paper and cannot play the game first few levels so look to abuse him every time he goes for a cs.”
awarded shoe says “Depend on his rune page, if he takes Conqueror, don't trade with him lvl 6, his ult will be same as your's but with Conqueror effect ”
Prenora says “being melee, he's pretty easy to land abilities and harass on early, your stolen ultimate doesn't offer him much when you can do it right back.”
Kami_EU says “Even matchup, more skilled player mostly comes out on top, whether it's off macro knowledge or the knowledge to play around cooldowns.
Ignite cuts Sylas' W heal, use it accordingly.
You can also Windwall the first cast of Sylas' R.
KC_Toxic says “Is a pretty good matchup for Kassa use your q to poke him and use minions as a block aginst his E stun. You could take ignite into the lane just to keep his healing to a minimum. All in him when you are sure you can outburst his healing or avoid giving him any healing.”
G7_Zeke says “He's also cancer. Heals half of his HP in one ability. And kills you with your very own ult. I usually just ban Sylas because of how much I despise him.”
Zeyan says “Hard to punish due to your low kill pressure in lane, his ultimate ap ratio combined with the fact he is considered to be the ball for Orianna ult is very deadly, I.E E2->R”
Gogicha55 says “You can kill him early on rather easily but don't underastimate his healing and don't take free Q pokes cuz you will get low enough for him to be able to 1shot you. early on he's pretty mana hungry so he will have to back early on if he doesn't start corrupting pots so you can just shove and roam”
ekkologix says “Another pain in the ass , but is still winable, dodge his skill's , the problem here is whenever u go for trade he'll just awnser with lower cdr and a Super sustain , he usually win the trade and can steal your broken ultimate.”
8wolf says “His burst and waveclear is insane and has pretty good mobility. His ult stealing ability is extremely potent and poses different threats every game. Poke from a distance and be extremely careful for his e.”
NebuIa says “Very annoying, very tanky. Just try to e him whenever he gets near you, respect the healing on his w. He shouldn't be able to kill you early.”
TheBlueImperial says “He's just too squishy since his shield got removed. Sure he's got burst but you're a giant Petricite statue with heavy magic damage reduction and shield.”
Je Suis Azir says “He is just an annoying fuck but you can basically shit on him after 20 minutes no matter what. You outscale him, if you are a better player, doesn't matter how ahead he gets. Go ignite, be mindful of his E, and try to poke him out as best you can. ”
N4wt says “Kind of annoying, but not a huge threat. Get some healing reduction, and try to dodge his abilities. He can steal your ult, so play around that. ”
cobbzy says “Pretty difficult lane. A good sylas player will poke hard and all in often so make sure to take Doran shield and ask for jungle pressure. ”
MachyFDW says “If played correctly , Sylas is a hard matchup for Yasuo , but it is winnable as long as you ignite at the right time for Sylas´ W , King Slayer and dodge his second E cast.”
CupOLatte says “Your ult is useless for him but he has enough mobility to dodge your E. Watch out for his chain grab since it'll be what he starts his combo and will probably kill you unless you're fed.”
Quezel says “Sylas can short trade like an absolute monster but you win all ins very hard and he really needs AP to scale now. Lategame he will become much stronger then you 1v1 especially if he takes your ult so be careful of him but early on you shouldn't have much trouble as long as you force extended trades.”
DravensBukkake says “TP matchup.
Ever since he got a magic shield, he became too difficult to kill in a 1v1. He has burst damage, healing, shield and gap closers. Doesn't mean its still a win in terms of a matchup though. He can't really kill you, unless he lands his E which is a short range. If he E's, walk back and sideways to try dodge it. If he lands/when in doubt, E away as well. You two both shove fairly equally, and Sylas can setup ganks/skirmish better than you can, and its very difficult to try solo kill him like I mentioned. However, he's still melee. Setup soldiers around minions and give him a difficult time farming. Rush stinger early to match his shove. Be very weary if he steals your ult. If he lands his E gap closer, he can also insec you.”
Mid Win Repeat says “In a lane where the Sylas and Taliyah have equal skill on their respective champions, the Sylas will come out on top. It is possible to stomp him with some jungle help or if you poke him well during lane you can 100-0 with a full combo. Kiting is key on this match up.”
Braddik says “this champ sucks just q his q and even if he hits you with his e and you have your abilities up you can full combo to outrade him. poke early and absorb his q damage”
spark2 says “What a weirdo. Stay out of the cross-point of his Q to avoid easy harass. He's got a short dash but if you predict well you should still be able to land a W on him. If he steals your ult he'll be hard to kill (just like you) unless you stun and burst him.”
Garybaldo says “Never a good idea to pick Swain into Sylas, he can get on your face without any effort, his magic shield and W healing will be a pain in the ass, he outpushes you too, he can even use your ult better than you since he has multiple dashes... Just ban Sylas”
Novok says “Sylas doesn't have a lot of early damage against Morde. His E gives him a little magic shield which is annoying but doesn't stop you from killing him.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Sylas wants to jump on his opponent to get his W and empowered autos off but Heimer counters close range champions by simply out bursting them. If you don't get immediately oneshot by them, you will oneshot them instead. Poke/harass and deny him a lot early since hes melee. Stay behind minions and your turrets so he cant E onto you, but if he does get onto you use the RQ + Q > E > Q > W combo for the most burst against him. If he just goes tank or hybrid tank, pick up an early Void Staff or else he will likely be able to tank your damage and run you over. Morellonomicon is also very good against him, but if you have Ignite already its not a priority. Also, laugh at enemy Sylas players as they fail to use any of your Ultimates correctly.”
J Husky says “This n palabra can steal your ulti and use your healing and spams his abilities. He has a shield and a stun. You can dodge them, yeah, but he is spamming all the time and can kill you without landing all the abilities. Yep, disgusting.”
chloric says “Ban worthy. You have better laning, but once he steals your ult mid game and gets his team ahead, you're fucking screwed. Thanks for gutting him riot. No offense Sylas Mains.”
DanDosXR says “He can destroy you if you let him get too close. Play safe, poke with your E and try to bait him into diving you when you're under turret or getting ganked. If he does dive you, use the ult to do damage and push him into your team/turret.”
Wizboy73 says “you outpoke him, he cant do too much with your R since its not upgraded, dont allow him to stun you for free, bait him into pulling himself into your W.”
Massive Nuts says “Him stealing your ult is the main reason why he can be so annoying, but other than that, a safe distance can be enough to get the damage advantage”
Best Akali Fra says “With Qiyana, Sylas is extremely powerfull against Akali !! You can try to trade him but he will get advantage on your trade with stun (E) and regen (W/Z). You need to put him down before he get level 6, ask your jungler to gank more often then possible !!”
Comini says “Thats a bad mathcup for Kat, but as all her matchups, you can outplay and win 1v1 against him. In that matchup you will never be able to have prio mid, the usual thing to do is just farm safe and win skirmishes with your jungler. (ban Sylas)”
PandaSenpai101 says “His heal can be quite annoying to deal against. However, his E is very easy to parry, and he doesn't burst you as fast as you can sustain.”
AKFoxy7 says “My best bet is to ban him always if you want to play Qiyana, since your ult is so valuable and it can change the flow of a teamfight, and if he builds w/ aftershock it's very hard to kill him.”
Drewkemia says “His early game tankiness and the healing from his W makes it really hard to get an early game kill. If you can't kill him before 6 I would suggest looking for a roam.”
kilgta says “Hes really good in lane against you. Play this lane like you would versus Zed. You counter him in late game and teamfights if you use your ult for him and he doesnt ult you with your own ult first.”
unownreality says “Sylas has gap closers, which is one of the major counters to lux. Otherwise his damage is outscaled by yours. Always stick besides minions and do your best to roam WITH sylas”
RagexAddict says “Not only can this champion copy your ultimate and use it against you, he can also heal through his kingslayer ability, which heals him for more if he is at low health. Be mindful of when he steals your ultimate in lane; Once he uses it against you, it will be a while before he can use your ultimate against you again.”
SrSuders says “Es ist ziemlich schwierig gegen einen guten Sylas Spieler anzukommen.
Das vernünftige Traden ist ziemlich schwer umsetzbar.
Die Sylas E sollte man beim Einsatz, ausklingen lassen, ausser er ist kurz vor dem Tod.”
LyndonK9 says “Sylas is pretty annoying with his shield and healing, but he is melee so auto and poke him. Sidestep his E. Get morello's to prevent his healing.”
TotallySugoi says “Extremely bad match-up. Don't stand too close to let him hook to you. This is a matchup where you 100% want to upgrade to morello ASAP due to his ridiculous healing.”
Yenwai says “his Q and all in potential with E make him a threat with jungle pressure, but if you play to passive hell just steal your R and roam with it witch is VERY bad for your team,
what i recommend is to stay warded on the sides of mid and dance around your minions, staying out of his passives area and using minions to block his E, you need to push while doing this so he cant just clear out your minions, if he tries to hard to engage he will take big minion damage and give you a free trade and maybe even a kill if you have enough minions and silence his W.”
Bughans says “Meh, he ain't that much of a challenge. Just survive laning phase, and DON'T Get him fed. Your ult is virtually useless to him, so that's a good thing.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Poke with Q and do small trades with electrocute. After lvl 3 you can't win. At 6 you can win if he wastes his W. Otherwise he beats you. ”
Best Karth NA says “You win hard early, however if he somehow gets a lead he has high kill potential on you. If he steals your ult, don't be afraid to exhaust him in order to minimize the damage he deals to your teammates. Just try to keep him shoved in early on and build up a cs lead, and then punish him for his roams by keeping the wave shoved. ”
AgreeableOtter says “You lose trades early, but you should be able to kill him once you hit 6. Dodge his E Chain with R so he doesn't get to proc aftershock, ignite so his W doesn't heal him as much.
In case he steals your R just wait for him to cast it and throw your Qs behind yourself for nasty damage.”
CharmingFeather says “If he steals your ult it is basically playing against yourself, you both have a shield, many dashes, a charm, and knock up. So in other words be very cautious especially about diving.”
SmokeyEggs says “Sylas can comeback from losing trades because of his absurd W. Know this by baiting out his E so you can get a good trade in. He can also push lanes as well as you so always outpush and out roam him. Also by stealing your ult, it makes him even way harder to kill.”
QueenBrie says “He takes aftershock and fricks you up big time, his tankiness and mobility can be a big bummer when you try and trade with him, just farm in lane and poke him with your Q's whenever he steps in range and roam if you can't solo kill him”
AzureArmatt says “Sylas is an interesting champion. Going against him is kind of like fighting yourself once he hit lvl 6. The only way to win against him is to hit your charm when he's vulnerable so you will disrupt his combo and make him and easy target for your spells. In exchange for his "power" he has quite low hp pool so if you land your burst on him when he's 50% HP it should be game over for him most of the time.”
The Lost Drawing says “Le haces 'counter' en 1 habilidad que se divide en 2; un DASH y su ENGANCHE (si te da), ademas se pone un escudo si te da el enganche se cura (así o mas c*str*s*)
>>> Juega con las runas con la que te sientas mas cómodo
>>> Y no caigas en que tenga poca vida porque se cura mucho con el enganche”
ninjashmon2 says “Sylas is not a very big threat to yasuo but is still something. Sylas gets a shield with his E and can stun him with it too. Sylas is a champion that steal other ultimates with his ultimate which is not good for you if you'r up against a Sylas, because sylas can still you'r ult and can use his E to knock you up so he can ult you with you'r own ult.”
SerbianMafia says “Sylas can destroy katarina in lane and in late for sure. His damage and heal is on other level. Try to farm in lane with q and trade only when his w or e is down. ”
thedonk says “Avoid his chain after his dash. Make sure he doesn't heal with his W by staying out of range. You don't want to go into melee range with him so fight him using your chains.”
Jammy158 says “Skill matchup. Sylas's Q slow, as well as his shield and heals are very annoying when you trade. His E is windwallable and it's the only ability to proc his Aftershock rune. You will eventually outscale him.”
Jenkinsu says “Harass him, but do not approach. If he dashes towards you run and try to dodge the hook. Chances are you wont make it out alive if he catches you”
Eli The Bat says “Relatively new champ....
Dont have so much info on laining against him....
All I know is he has a little much sustain so.... be carefull when 1 v 1ing him....”
Tipurrs says “You have similar ranges but he has a stronger wave clear. At early levels, harass him with your autos. But be alarmed for his abilities since they have high base damages. His W can heal him by a lot especially if he is very low. Rush Morellonomicon.”
Saddest says “Sylas is incredibly tanky, has a passive that allows him to commit to extended trades or just burst you, and a healing ability. However, you can match his dueling if you take Conqueror + Longsword, just make sure to avoid his knock-up. You can also R him if he has not used his healing ability just yet to negate that massive heal it has. The best thing about Sylas, for us, is that your R on him is pretty terrible.”
ShokLoL says “Sylas can be annoying, if you reflect E2 you'll pull yourself to him and probably die. Also his gank setup is quite good against immobile mages. You should be able to hold E defensively and W his Q2 or W damage and end up neutralizing.”
ShokLoL says “Sylas will depend a lot on what build he's playing. No matter what, dodging the E is very important so normally you want to play inside your creep wave to dodge this. If he's playing electrocute, be very careful of his trades early and focus on playing a bit more cautious and not giving him the room to run you down. If he's playing Conqueror he'll scale better but should be a lot weaker in lane unless the trade is very long. You can consider ignite in this matchup for more kill pressure.”
Zeekar says “Sylas can use your ult SO much better than you, can easily dodge your engage, and outdamages you at all stages of the game. Nice champ riot lmao ”
ShokLoL says “Sylas is very strong at trading early so you want to give up the prio. Take boneplating + grasp and do your best to dodge his E2. If Sylas doesn't punish you in the first few levels you should begin to win later in the lane, just don't let him snowball.”
ShokLoL says “Sylas can be difficult because of his high sustain + gank setup. In the 1v1 you should win as long as you dodge his chain. For the most part try keep the wave on your side or in the middle to minimize how far he can run you down.”
Chuleex says “Similar to akali matchup, usually hexdrinker rush as sylas has very high damage, if you have problems you can go resolve in runes to get bone plating but you will loose power and cd
you can bait him into tower or combo him if he has no e
sylas are very agressive you can go for w back combo as if you go for standard combo sylas can jump into you
if you feel confident go for d blade start and get him early game, once you have eclipse you can duel better”
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