Discover all champions who counter Miss Fortune. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Miss Fortune in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
Bottom Lane 50.61% Win Rate96% Pick RateMiss Fortune Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Miss Fortune in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
notSUSnaSUS says “Not that big of an issue, but she can be real scary if gets fed, get out from Q range and you can Evolve.”
BrunkageManden says “You just win this if you get to lvl 6 without giving her being too ahead.
She stands still for her R. Perfect for a nado(or anyother skill shot. You can block all her dmg with windwall. Catch up to her with E dmg. (Her E is AP scaling on all it really does is low you).”
Umatcha says “Procura no pararte detrás de minions para no regalarle el rebote de su Q, ya que el daño aumenta si mata el minion.
Su w, e y pasiva le hace ganar cada trade, intenta pokearla con calibrum o infernum.
Puedes cancelar su R con Q de gravitum pero es mejor evitarla.
Es preferible tener un support de engage.”
Avarosa says “você tem mais range, e ela precisa ficar parada pra ultar então é facil só ultar nela em resposta, se voce acertar um AA você ganha ate ela fechar 2 itens”
Dr Yoshili says “Miss fortune is not as difficult as twitch, she will still be a hard match up tho, be careful to not sit behind low hp CS to avoid her Q, and don't overextent, else she will slow you, then might kill you easly, play safe, take as much farm as you can, you will outscale her hard”
Akantris says “Very hard to lane VS because of the infinite sustain from BT rush, try to get ahead before she has BT, buy oblivion orb if the healing is out of control”
gaarrett says “Somewhat similar to Jhin because they both have enough movement speed to keep you at arms length the entire game. W is useful to stay healthy during lane as it dodges Miss Fortune's Q. ”
Major Alexander says “MF is quite strong in the early and mid game high damage with insane mobility and since is meta you could consider banning her if you face her a lot for now.You can look to get on top of her by e'ing on the minion wave and start aa'ing her.The moment you are melee range with mf if you are EQUALLY strong you will always win cause she cant run away from you cause she will be taking damage. The biggest problem is to reach mf if you do you are fine”
Devilbuny says “Cóż, slow z E, potężne obrażenia nie ważne czy gra First Strike czy PTA. Lepiej uważaj na nią i nie podejmuj walki all-in dopóki nie złożysz czegoś defensywnego”
EdenHoangKim says “Laning with her can be a little bit hard because of her Q. But you will outscale her and can kill her easily. But in teamfight, she is gonna be a machine gun, so watch out for her.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Insane burst during the game / Great teamfight potential / Easy to play / Versatile in builds
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Weak in 1v1 / Easy to preshot Q's
| WHAT TO DO ? - An other case of easy champion to deal with, Miss Fortune is too predictable to be a problem or a threat for Smolder. You lose trades even short ones tho, so avoid trading directly with her. Mid/late game is just the same. She has the potential to one shot you but you have too much tools to avoid it, so it isn't really a big problem. Focus on frontline and don't forget her R.”
Avxm says “One of the hardest matchups, she has poke and can easily harass you through the minion waves with her q due to your low base auto attack range. She also has an ability which gives her movespeed (her w) and she has a slow (her e), which allow her to easily disengage or chase you. Ideally you need an engage or a poke support to have success vs miss fortune however if you dont, similarly to caitlyn and ezreal you need to try and avoid being pushed in, but you dont wanna push into her very heavily either. Try and setup a freeze as best you can or keep the lane neutral to limit her ability to harass you with her q through the wave”
Kociokwik says “You outscale if you play corectly you should win lane. MF has better poke but weaker all ins. Avoid getteing hit by her qs ( don't stay behind minions on low hp). Be carefull after 6 bcs if someone stun locks you she can onehsot you with her ult. Try to be in close range with her.”
Latte9969 says “MF has a very short range so it can be quite easy to abuse her with max range Q's. Don't position with minions between you and her otherwise she'll get free Q's on you and you won't be able to Q her. Try to move with her around the wave so there's never minions between the two of you. Save E for her ult.”
Foxirion says “Miss Fortune's AoE damage and ultimate can be a challenge for Kog'Maw to deal with in team fights. Her ability to shred through multiple targets with Bullet Time can pressure Kog'Maw if he's caught in the line of fire.”
afr0rk says “This is an annoying matchup for me. The movement speed from her W can be extremely frustrating to deal with, and her Q bounces really hurt. However you outrange her, so you can play to poke her, and you also win extended trades because she loses a lot of damage after applying her passive to you. Another very volatile matchup, as whoever gets a lead early should be able to dominate. However, Miss Fortune has an extremely good team fight because of her Ultimate, so keep that in mind ”
loaderdragon15 says “Range Advantage: Ezreal typically has longer effective range than Miss Fortune, especially with his Mystic Shot ability. He can poke Miss Fortune from a safe distance, making it difficult for her to retaliate effectively, as her abilities have shorter ranges.
Mobility: Ezreal's Arcane Shift provides him with high mobility, allowing him to easily dodge Miss Fortune's skillshots such as Double Up (Q) or Bullet Time (R). This makes it challenging for Miss Fortune to land her abilities reliably, while Ezreal can continue to harass her from range.
Safe Farming: Ezreal's Mystic Shot allows him to safely farm from a distance, minimizing the risk of getting engaged upon by Miss Fortune or her support. This can deny Miss Fortune the opportunity to establish lane dominance through aggressive trades or all-ins.
Sustain Damage vs. Burst Damage: Miss Fortune relies more on burst damage with her abilities, especially when she lands her Double Up or Bullet Time on a target with her Love Tap passive. Ezreal's sustained damage with Mystic Shot and consistent auto-attacks can wear down Miss Fortune's health over time, making it difficult for her to find favorable all-in opportunities.
Itemization: Ezreal's build path often includes items like Iceborn Gauntlet, which provide him with additional utility or survivability. These items can mitigate Miss Fortune's burst damage potential and make it more difficult for her to burst him down quickly in trades or all-ins.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “With some supports it can get REALLY fucking problematic but it's still doable.
Threats n' Tips: Don't stand behind a low hp minion. You will get 250critted and you will tilt.”
Bobalegre says “She not only can stay behind minions to counter you but that's what she wants. Its hard to poke her so try to get some trades. If she goes lethality she becomes very dangerous, building frozen heart is recommended. ”
Vapora Dark says “Her short range trades are very strong with her lethality build, and you have no mobility to easily escape her ultimate, making it high guaranteed damage onto you whether she combos it with her support's CC or not. Ideally you'll want an engage support to lock her down and seek out trades more extended than she wants.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Any poke champion is going to cause you trouble and MF is no exception. if you're having trouble against her poke build, try vamp scepter early. Try avoiding staying behind any low HP targets/minions to avoid early game Q. If she has a CC support make sure at all costs you avoid getting CC'd in her R”
IHaveBadGuides says “Very annoying and pokey early game
Tips for Laning:
- Dont stand behind the minions she autoing so you can dodge the Q
- Go in with a W + Q while her E is on cool down”
Devilbuny says “MF jest niezwykle szybka i bardzo dużo bije. Ale jest na nią sposób Statikk. Pozwoli on łatwo zbić jej pasywkę. Niedoświadczona MF to łatwy cel. Utrzymuj dystans i nie chowaj się za miniony z małą ilością HP”
NegativePhoenix says “At alot of stages, unless you catch her off guard in the late game, her one shot potential on squishies like you is INSANELY high
She's a good third choice for a Perma-Ban
The best way to play against her is avoid standing near low minions so she can't bounce her Q off them onto you, and don't engage her without some form of CC sitting on her.
She isn't as viable if she's behind, but can still be a menace one she catches up”
Leaf no Kitsune says “early game is rough. especially because mf has strong early dmg and can use lethality to snowball harder. you win against her if you don't fall behind and you can all in her /trap her with a condemn into the wall.”
Lewozu says “Only reason shes a major is because of the current state of the game. She has heavy damage and poke. Avoid getting hit by her Q that bounces from the minnion you are behind.”
Sxd42069 says “you can ban her also instead of ashe, Pretty annoying bcs you cant chase her and has a lot of poke wich makes you hard to snowball,
avoid Qs, can kill her if she messes up. ”
leoismissing says “Her lvl 2 is terrible, try to all in her once you get 2, her 6 is as strong as yours and she got good scaling. Her mid game is scary as hell with the new lethality changes, she's really strong, respect her range.”
iiExploit says “I really don't like the Miss Fortune matchup. Mainly because she does a lot of poke damage (If poke is considered taking a shot to your skull) with her Q bounce off of minions and if you're against an engage support such as Blitzcrank, you have no choice but to stand behind the wave. Also since she is a lethality ADC she gets her items faster since they're cheaper and she chunks you at all point's of the game once she gets Youmuu's. The only reason she is considered an even threat is because you have range advantage over her. If you space well and play with your jungle and support you should be fine.”
mydesires says “You win her in late game especially if your team has huge CC. Dodge her Q in laning phase and she can't do anything to you. // TH : เลทเกมชนะแน่นอน ถ้าทีมหนาแล้วมี CC ยิ่งชนะไปใหญ่เลย พยายามหลบสกิล Q ที่ชิ่งมาหลังครีปให้ได้นางก็ทำอะไรเราไม่ได้แล้ว”
LustAndSpite says “Another Spellcasting ADC, so your ult doesn't reach its full potential against her.
You can shield her Q and E, cancel her R with your Handshake, but in general you'll never completely dominate her at any point.”
the hood says “Depending on the Rune + Item Setup of MF. She can be a Major or Even Threat. Her Comet Setup will try to deny u playing the lane and Draven wants to get ahead . Dont get pushed in by the comet setup especially since it will lock u down at your turret. In general avoid staying in good angles behind minions and dont get hit by a q that executes minions. In 1v1's after lvl 6, keep your E to cancel her R.”
support_diff says “Miss Fortune is one of the few champions that have always been strong in the meta. She has a good damage, ok survivability and surprisingly doesn't fall off at mid game. However, Ezreal can be a real pain in the arschloch for her as you can E away from her ult and poke her out of lane early.”
DreamOfValhalla says “Try to not get hit by her Q through the minions and you should be ok.Severum would be the best to all in her since she deals a lot of damage and you might need to heal”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “As much as the MF does not have mobility, it compensates for the damage, always avoid taking damage from your Q Skill, you can counter the Q ricochet with your E Skill. Generally good MF's will start with the E Skill and then give you auto attacks and bounce with the Q skill and then Ultimate, keep a safe distance and always try to punish with the boomerang and ricochets.”
Reptile9LoL says “Miss fortune is a tricky matchup as her passive+Q dmg is pretty heavy in trades. Try to avoid her proccing Firststrike or PTA on you and bait out her W, after shes quite vulnerable to allins from lvl 3 on.”
LOVEE says “One of the more difficult match ups due to her absolutely broken r. she has great poke and she will run laps around you. careful with her e when you're about to all in because of the slow and her high mobility.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Insane burst during the game / Great teamfight potential / Easy to play / Versatile in builds
| WEAKNESSES - Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Weak in 1v1 / Easy to preshot Q's
| WHAT TO DO ? - Preshot her Q's bounce on minnions, then try to take micro trades to compensate the hp loss. Your R doesn't stop hers, keep this in mind. Don't use it thinking it would stop her. Lategame is even in strength.”
msylidam says “If u dont let her hit those Qs u good. Also dodge the ult fast as u can, best scenario is when u flash behind her, u can kill her rlly fast.”
Jhin and Tonic says “MF is pretty strong in this season and has way more burst than you. After her first item you will need your support's help otherwise you will lose. Exhaust is recommended.”
VrNtv says “MF is currently the most broken ADC in game, since riot decided to randomly buff already strong champion. Try to freeze on your side and wait for ganks, you can't really trade into her unless you have some levels in your Q, if you get caught by CC when she has ult you have to flash or you die. You outscale her so just try to farm.
VrNtv says “Its really hard to out-trade MF as she has her Passive with her Auto to Double Up combo. Also, comet this season on her is relevant, so it makes it that much harder to lane. Kai'Sa is also low range, so she risks taking the guaranteed crit from her Q for trying to farm! Tread carefully against this champio”
NickLeVlach says “Miss Fortune can' t win you, even pressing all her abilities. You have a great escape with your E, to dodge every Q, E, or Ultimate of this champion”
RandomNPC777 says “Miss fortune's not very good against Twitch. She likes short bursty trades and to set up for her ultimate in teamfights. Do anything you can to force her into an all-in fight.”
Xr3ad says “Miss Fortune is really hard to play vs cause of her quick bursts and her E - Make It Rain revealing you, try farming up and building a lead on her, generally you want to fight her with the help of a jungler”
support_diff says “Miss fortune is an immobile adc with a good damage, try to land your combo on her and you can kill her pretty easily. If she tries to ult you, just E all the damage”
whitemindlight says “Watch out for her Q damage. Her E+R combo is deadly, since you don't have any mobility. Although when she doesn't have R, you can just kill her”
ddmr says “Contra este personaje la unica opcion que tienes para ganarle es fuera de linea , en linea no puedes tradear contra ella , siendo su Auto Attack Q Auto Attack mucho mas fuerte que el tuyo , una vez salis de fase de linea si ves desde donde tira la R la Miss Fortune y tienes angulo para darle la W puedes ganar el 1v1 saltando detras de ella utilizando tu Q de forma isolada en ella aumentando mucho el daño 1v1 ”
SheriffADC says “She has way better base damage so you lose early trades, avoid standing behind low HP minions. She has a lot of movespeed so landing CC might be hard for your support, however no dashes or blinks so once the CC hits she is an easy target.”
Amberdragon says “Miss Fortune is really annoying especially depending on the meta. Her poke and all-in hurts a lot, plus she has pretty okay wave clear so it can be hard to shove a huge wave into her turret.”
moso says “Support matchup decides a lot here. She has superior short trade damage and you must be aware of her Q's on low HP minions, which will crit you for a significant chunk of HP making fights not possible. If you can force her into a long fight you should win. Any lead she gets she can snowball in the matchup and win fights with raw damage. You can counter her R with yours in teamfights if you're quick, not allowing much damage to get off to avoid a huge combo.”
slendoooo says “One of the easiest matchups, especially if the Miss Fortune you are playing against goes for a crit build instead of a poke build.
If she goes for a poke build instead (comet rune and lethality) your chances of killing her are going down because of her E slow + poke. But it has a high cooldown early game so after she uses it go for a big trade or an all-in.
After level 6 save your E to cancel her Ultimate.
A video example of Miss Fortune-Draven
(To be made)”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
Amberdragon says “Miss Fortune is kind of annoying, especially in lane. She has great DPS and poke, and she is fast. Use your E to block her Q on you, there is not much else you can counter in a 1v1 (I'm not counting her support).
Later into the game you catch up to her strength and speed, just make sure you don't underestimate her R and DPS.”
LionelOCE says “This matchup is mostly a skill matchup and dependent on different item thresholds (such as Beserker's Grieves). Play smart and look for opportunities to all in. Similar to Jhin, her E and R do outrange you but you can focus on taking down her teammates who won't have cleanse.”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “Don't let her poke you down with her massive Q's. Save your flash if you can for when she is ulting. Flash behind her and absolutely violate her. 9 times out of 10 you can murder her with Red+White”
KnobHobbler says “Almost no threat at all.
You scale better, you farm better and you're more useful.
Take sustain runes for her E.
Avoid fighting her if she has cc support as she can R insta kill you.”
franksterzz says “Lane bully. Her E has a really long range and she likes to poke a lot. She can be a pain to deal with but if you space correctly, you should be fine. You outscale her very hard and can even fight her at 1 item fairly safely. Be aware of her position as MFs like to slowly choose their position before ulting.”
NotAragami says “Piss easy to play, piss easy to master. Once you see Dirk on her you know your health bar will vanish very fast. Your team do not enjoy a fed Miss Fortune so stay anywhere except behind your minions.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Scaling/Poke] The only way MF can poke you is with her (E), which is annoying, but ultimately doesn't do much. She out trades you, so only trade with her outside of her range. You also scale harder than her, so just don't feed her early.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Miss Fortune is not very strong in the early game but she does have a lot of poke damage with her Double Up(Q). Watch your positioning and avoid standing behind minions when possible. Post 6, stand in the middle of the lane at all times to make it easier for you to get out of her Ultimate Bullet Time(R) when she channels it. If you stand near a wall, it will be harder for you to escape the damage. When paired with a hard engage Support, do not stand too far forward as the enemy Support may engage and set up Miss Fortune for a good Ultimate. If you have a dodge, don’t use it when her Ultimate is up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Miss Fortune is not very strong in the early game but she does have a lot of poke damage with her Double Up(Q). Watch your positioning and avoid standing behind minions when possible. Post 6, stand in the middle of the lane at all times to make it easier for you to get out of her Ultimate Bullet Time(R) when she channels it. If you stand near a wall, it will be harder for you to escape the damage. When paired with a hard engage Support, do not stand too far forward as the enemy Support may engage and set up Miss Fortune for a good Ultimate. If you have a dodge, don’t use it when her Ultimate is up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Miss Fortune is not very strong in the early game but she does have a lot of poke damage with her Double Up(Q). Watch your positioning and avoid standing behind minions when possible. Post 6, stand in the middle of the lane at all times to make it easier for you to get out of her Ultimate Bullet Time(R) when she channels it. If you stand near a wall, it will be harder for you to escape the damage. When paired with a hard engage Support, do not stand too far forward as the enemy Support may engage and set up Miss Fortune for a good Ultimate. If you have a dodge, don’t use it when her Ultimate is up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Miss Fortune is not very strong in the early game but she does have a lot of poke damage with her Double Up(Q). Watch your positioning and avoid standing behind minions when possible. Post 6, stand in the middle of the lane at all times to make it easier for you to get out of her Ultimate Bullet Time(R) when she channels it. If you stand near a wall, it will be harder for you to escape the damage. When paired with a hard engage Support, do not stand too far forward as the enemy Support may engage and set up Miss Fortune for a good Ultimate. If you have a dodge, don’t use it when her Ultimate is up.”
Amberdragon says “She can easily zone you from farm and poke you throughout laning phase. Try to stay healthy and all in after 6, if you can get her then there is not much she can do to survive”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Miss Fortune is not very strong in the early game but she does have a lot of poke damage with her Double Up(Q). Watch your positioning and avoid standing behind minions when possible. Post 6, stand in the middle of the lane at all times to make it easier for you to get out of her Ultimate Bullet Time(R) when she channels it. If you stand near a wall, it will be harder for you to escape the damage. When paired with a hard engage Support, do not stand too far forward as the enemy Support may engage and set up Miss Fortune for a good Ultimate. If you have a dodge, don’t use it when her Ultimate is up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Miss Fortune is not very strong in the early game but she does have a lot of poke damage with her Double Up(Q). Watch your positioning and avoid standing behind minions when possible. Post 6, stand in the middle of the lane at all times to make it easier for you to get out of her Ultimate Bullet Time(R) when she channels it. If you stand near a wall, it will be harder for you to escape the damage. When paired with a hard engage Support, do not stand too far forward as the enemy Support may engage and set up Miss Fortune for a good Ultimate. If you have a dodge, don’t use it when her Ultimate is up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Miss Fortune is not very strong in the early game but she does have a lot of poke damage with her Double Up(Q). Watch your positioning and avoid standing behind minions when possible. Post 6, stand in the middle of the lane at all times to make it easier for you to get out of her Ultimate Bullet Time(R) when she channels it. If you stand near a wall, it will be harder for you to escape the damage. When paired with a hard engage Support, do not stand too far forward as the enemy Support may engage and set up Miss Fortune for a good Ultimate. If you have a dodge, don’t use it when her Ultimate is up.”
Pacu says “Dodge her Double Ups. If she ults you should ult too. Play safer when she has ult, but you don't. And play especially safe if the enemy support can CC chain you.”
Grondvreter says “Her poke from Bullet Rain (E) can be annoying and if she hits you with a long ultimate she will win, otherwise u should beat her in every fight after mythic item.”
m1NEEX says “MF is currently the most broken ADC in game, since riot decided to randomly buff already strong champion. Try to freeze on your side and wait for ganks, you can't really trade into her unless you have some levels in your Q, if you get caught by CC when she has ult you have to flash or you die. You outscale her so just try to farm.”
Kamicali says “If she's going a lethality build (e.g. Tear, Eclipse, Arcane Comet) then I'm very sorry but I doubt you are going to win this lane. You want to have a shielding or healing support to help you with this lane. If you have an engage support like Leona then I doubt you'll ge the chance to hard engage, but if you do- TAKE IT.”
ARCTIC33 says “She is really annoying to play against, she has good poke, with huge range of her E and Q, she will try to slow you and R most of the times if you are poked so be carefull you can harras her if you have few minions to block her bounce of Q.”
Amberdragon says “Miss fortune can bully you and one-shot you. You don't want to be trading with her in lane. Use E to dodge her R and try to kill her fast because she has more damage than you early on. Late game in teamfights you should always beware of her R.”
Dravenhalal says “She's squishy as hell so killing her isn't that much of a problem but her E is annoying and hard to play around plus she can suck off her boyfriend under his table and still kill your entire team. Exhaust is recommended.”
Kitqsune says “Very easy matchup for samira. You can block a majority of her ult and get right up in her face to block the majority of the bullets as the wave counts as a projectile for every bullet. Save your w for her ult. She can maybe escape with W ms but you're probably going to kill her before she can get away.”
BigBoyBen69 says “this matchup is very skill dependent, i would suggest not standing behind minions, ESPECIALLY LOW HEALTH ONES, because of her q bounce”
LewisTheRat says “She can poke you down with her E. Don't stand in minion wave as her Q deals quite a lot of damage combined with her passive. You outscale, I always keep my flash until 6 when I engage and gets the closest my Q allows when engaging. I'll then exhaust her, wait until she ults, flash out of her ult then kill her. You need to be quite close to flash out of her ult without her running away. She's strong early but you outscale, try to farm until 6.”
Alvatorz says “Huge damage, big potential of poke and short trades. That's a tought matchup for Zeri but with a bit of knowledge and the right timing, you should be able to kill her easily.”
2saif4u says “Don't stand behind a minion as this will allow her Q to hit you. noob champ trap if you are 1 hp vs her level 3. it means you dont track her cooldowns”
FiddlesticksChan says “She can poke you out hard with Q when you go for minions and slow you with her E when you try to engage. Perma cc her and look to stun or pull her to cancel her R.”
wardinbush says “*SUPPORT* Miss fortune support on the other hand is easier to handle because she will most likely misposition early game giving you an opening.”
Krilep says “Your range is very low and you will want to walk up to farm but watch out for a dark harvest stack miss fortune Q that kills a minion.. you just auto lose lane after it hits. Be very attentive in where your champion is in relation to minions.”
Niceclaw says “If you walk up she can slow and burst you with E-AA-Q. you will have to W this which makes u vounerable too enemy suport. Dont try to trade without W up.”
Alvatorz says “A lot of damage early, poke with E. You should have the advantage on her cause if she uses R you can just use W to counter it and go to her melee range to destroy her.”
Valhalla Coach says “Really depends on meta, this champ is a stat-check she either kills you with E-R or she doesn't and you kill her because she is standing still and you ult her. Very boring champ, has no single target damage and you outscale unless she gets 4/5 man ulti. If you ever find her without ult try to 1v1 her. In this matchup you CAN run Galeforce just so you can get out of her ult immediately and take no damage”
irelia support says “When Neeko lines up for an E Miss Fortune when fed can heavily deplete her health bar with just one Q. Avoid playing against enemies who's abilities can also be triggered off of minions. She can also slow Neeko and use her W to run away.”
Dazlirn says “Miss Fortune is a very annoying champion but also very easy for Draven if you know how to fight her.
Don't stand to close to a minion and always move around in lane. When her E is on cooldown your W can match her movement speed + your E, you can catch up to her.
Sellsword says “Miss Fortune has strong harass in lane and her E is an easy setup for ganks or all-ins. She can also dodge your Q most of the time due to the increased MS from W. Her Q poke is spellshieldable but has a shorter cooldown than your spellshield, so play safe until it comes back up. Her ultimate can't be spellshielded and late game pretty much the only thing she'll be aiming to do will be to land a good ult on your team. So try to not stay close to each other and use the MS from your ult together as a team to either run from her ult or reach her quickly.”
Tolis slayer says “really hard matchup imo because she has strong laning her q is really good as poke since it deals a lot of damage and you cant hide behind minions because if you do it will end up doing more damage than your max damage q and her e is a better slow than your traps and can get arcane comet if she uses it.
You will probably need more sustain for these matchup so you should a long sword and 3 pots. also don't stay very close to your minions so her q doesnt bounce to you”
koggywoggy says “Unflinching page means you kite her past first recall. If she goes E max build its a bit harder, if she goes Q max then its really free.”
gamertyguy says “Her E allows her to stretch out her range, and slow to double tap/ult you. Be careful not to pop your spell shield for any of her abilities except Q or R.
PancakeKittiwake says “Stay away from minions and try to get some ranged poke on her. Generally you win because of range but her ult can really mess you up.”
Nom212 says “Don't get hit by her Q Double Up. If you aren't forced to block it you can use your Spell Shield on more threatening abilities and greatly improve your 2v2 all-in potential! You can simply walk out of her R Bullet Time. There is not a lot to be afraid of and the lane can go either way.”
Markcelzin says “High damage with her Q. If fed can delete you. In most scenarios however, you'll be even, so you can beat her if you're skilled enought.”
Amberdragon says “This matchup depends on support. If she can bully you it will be hard to lane against her, but if she doesn't get an early lead and you can get on top of her it is easy to kill her. You can use your R to dodge hers. If she takes comet, maxes E and build lethality you will have a very hard time. Consider going Exhaust.”
IKeepItTaco says “ Miss Fortune is very bursty adc and has a strong laning phase, but her gameplay is predictable to play against.
◉ The primary method of Miss Fortune poking you and winning her lane is going to be with her Q [[Double Up]] and how it works is that she’ll use it on a minion and it’ll bounce to the target behind. It doubles the damage if it ends up executing the minion before bouncing! So, you want to consistently be paying attention to her positioning so she doesn’t line you up with a minion and destroy your health bar with [[Double Up]].
◉ I honestly wouldn’t suggest looking for any kind of trade even long range because that’ll give her the opportunity to just jump on you and get a big bursty short trade. Just farm and scale. Stay healthy.
◉ Miss Fortune’s ultimate [[Bullet Time]] can easily kill you from 100% HP to 0% HP if you’re caught in a bad spot so constantly keep your distance, but also be aware that if she ults she cannot move and you can easily use your W [[Zap!]] and/or E [[Flame Chompers!]] to catch her in the middle of the act.
◉ Win Condition: Don’t play aggressively towards Miss Fortune. Stay healthy and scale up. You will outscale her big time once the mid game - late game comes by!
I Am Not u says “Miss Fortune out damages you in the early game and that poke is stupidly hard-hitting. You can stay behind minions all you want, but Miss Fortune is going to get you anyway. if you can get past the poke, you do out damage her in most trades. Though she scales insanely hard. Be careful when taking trades late.”
Vixylafoen says “Her kit is strong against literally everyone and she easily fits on any team comp. Only chance you have is to put her down early and keep beating her down every time she's up. Once she gets one full item, it's very hard to teamfight against her.”
Light Within says “Her early game is very strong and can deny you with lots of poke and better damage early on. Try not to trade her before red white green guns, before that it is pretty much chilling and trying to poke back through infernum splashes on the minion waves.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Your range is very low and you will want to walk up to farm but watch out for a dark harvest stack miss fortune Q that kills a minion.. you just auto lose lane after it hits. Be very attentive in where your champion is in relation to minions. ”
koog says “Not much you can do about her spamming E on you with comet, just make sure to not eat any double shots off of minions. Try to survive until your first recall and then look to root her into chain cc from your support or get on her with severum and chakram. ”
PH45 says “Avoid her Q bouncing from a minion to you. You should be able to win her but if she hit's her ult on you for couple of seconds you probably will die.”
Urason says “Miss Fortune is pretty dangerous. Her ability to constantly harass you and out trade you make her a menace to go versus. The good thing is, if you're able to dodge her harass and get on top of her, you'll kill her. Be careful though, if she get's ahead she will stay ahead. ”
WayOfTheTempesst says “She can poke you early game with her E which is pretty obnoxious and is generally a good laner. After lane phase you can land ultimates easily on her while she is channeling her ultimate and she is not very mobile at all stages of the game.”
LostFishEU says “Miss Fortune is nothing special but not really weak either. Pre-level 6 Miss Fortune relies on hitting low health minions with her Q to poke you, make sure to never stand behind one while you are laning against her. Once she has her ultimate she can deal massive amount of damage on you. Vayne has a lot of movement speed from her Ultimate and combined with Tumble to get you out of there, but could still be an issue if their support has you rooted. Other then that, you will always win 1v1 against Miss Fortune.”
Santoryo says “She is very irritating with her Q and E. Miss Fortune is hard to lane against, because of her constant poke and slows and because Kai'Sa is low range, she risks taking the guaranteed crit from her Q for trying to farm. ”
ELOSANTA says “Miss Fortune: Its a really easy matchup since her range is short like yours. Your all in deals way more than hers so dont be afraid to fight her during laning phase. You can dodge her R aswell with your dash so make sure you don't waste your E before going into a fight.”
Coldsong says “Miss Fortune is an easy matchup unless she gets a lead. However, if you play smart and do not stand directly behind minions you will be fine. Her Q does a lot of damage on the second bounce, so stay away from units she can bounce too. Also, do not waste your W on her Q, especially post 6 since her R does insane damage. She is immobile and has limited CC, so if you get on top of her without a support she is dead.”
Vapora Dark says “A very potent lane bully and wombo-combo queen. Avoid standing right behind low hp minions as her double up will destory you, and her E (whilst it's been nerfed) is a major thorn in your side and health bar. Trade with the 4th shot of whisper and outrange her with well placed traps, Deadly Flourishes and show her her Curtain Call. Don't get caught out by her movement speed as a quick bullet will drop that faster than a bad habit. ”
Amberdragon says “How much of a threat she is depends on her build and meta.
If she goes for a lane poke playstyle (comet+E max) she can pressure you a lot, and you can try to match that by taking aery and going lethality. If she doesn't get to pressure you a lot the matchup turns more into your favor. Try to avoid her poke and giving her an early lead. She is very vulnerable agaist cc and you can deny her ult with yours. After a few levels you can kill her more easily as she is squisy and immobile, just don't give her an early lead.”
Simon Uchinora says “Miss fortune has the annoying ability his E, that large area gives you slow, but the thing is their Q bounce in the minions, and if he kill the minion and hits you, will do an a GREAT damage, her engage is easy, she will come with the move speed from W, she will walk towards you, Launch E to give slow, and ults you,wait she waste, his E to go for the kill.”
Gokinaf says “Like Jhin, but with speed attack and more poke skills. after the geting new items i hate her more, ban her every game bc she can oneshot you even she feeded (with one item, good job Riot).”
Rihh says “Strongly support dependant. If Miss Fortune is paired with either a Leona or Amumu be extremely cautious as their kill potential is unbearable. If paired with anything else, outplay potential is available. The only counter to the MF+Leona/Amumu matchup would be to have a Morgana with good reaction times, or play 3 screens away from MF's support.”
Melyn says “She's tricky. The main thing is to always be aware of minion HP as her Q does a lot of extra damage if it executes. Normally, we trade when they're last hitting. Here, we still do, but from the side instead of behind the minion.
Proc her W passive (like mobi boots) with plants before committing if possible.
Be very careful about how much damage her R does. Feel free to flash to the side in big fights.”
Chaeha says “Miss fortune beats Kai'Sa's short trading patterns with her short trading pattern double up and love tap auto attack combo and greatly outranges Kai'Sa with her minion kill double up which does lots of damage.”
MouayadD says “MF's movement speed makes her hard to get a lead on, you'll either have to zone the wave if you were able to get lvl 2, or play safely until you reach your power spike”
angata500 says “Don't stay behind minions as her Q can bounce off them for legit sick amount of damage. Focus on doing short trades as her Impure shots deal more damage with each auto .”
R3Veal says “Watch creeps' health as she can kill them with Q and if you stand behind them you get a lot of damage from crit. She can also poke you quite hard.”
yers says “No hard cc, just heavy damage while she's alive. Your ult > Her ult. She makes an easy kill earlygame and the majority of the time she will be facing you.”
Urason says “Miss Fortune is a pretty simple match up. You both farm and harass eachother. The first person to engage tends to lose but your skirmish tends to be better early on. It's pretty volatile but MF isn't that good at the moment anyway so don't stress too much about it. ”
SopTop says “Miss Fortune is not a force to be reckoned with. She will outrange you massively with her Q,E and R. Along with high damage, she can make your laning phase pretty hellish. After laning though, she ain't anything to insane.”
yers says “No hard cc, just hard damage. She wont have much MS earlygame, so look forward to early pressure to set her behind. also try to stop her W bonus MS with an aa or Q”
Lightfeather says “Avoid her Q and Passive dmg. If you see a good opportunity to all-in, take it, cause Fortune has a rater weak all-in without here ult.”
cakiens says “Most of her damage comes from her q so avoid standing behind minions and use q to poke. if she uses her ult on you spam the w key and run out of it. ”
VeronyV says “Her E is reallly good poke + slow, her Q does good damage and is poke, and she can chase well. DO NOT FEED HER otherwise she will do 50% of your HP in 1 hit. Your W cancels most of her Ultimate although some does still get through because of duration.”
Free4ngel says “People say this is your hardest champ along with draven, but again, if she doesn't hit her Q bounce and doesn't get the push in your tower you will be fine. You don't win and don't lose if you play smart with your support, nami would be good to stun her on ult and keep you alive if you get poked.”
HyroPyro says “Miss Fortune can trade effectively outside of your lethal range with Double Up (Q) and Love Tap (Passive). Make sure you do not stand behind low health minions otherwise you will lose 20% of your health level 1 due to the Double Up (Q).”
im_zeno says “She's a non-mobility ADC, so not a hard lane. You can wind wall her ult (which is her main damage) in lane and during teamfights. Only thing that can be annoying is that she can use her E to proc your passive shield, but it uses a lot of her mana for one E so use that as an advantage.”
IHaveNoName says “Tendencies are, that she's in a threat range of minor to major. If you have a hard engage, she is a total snack, you got your W and E to catch up and easily kill her, especially if you have Leona. Otherwise, she will be poking hard. Be aware of Q and E Poke”
snowcard says “MF does too much damage to you, and she's one of those champions where you can't really block her abilities. Block her Q in lane, and try to cancel her movespeed passive to easily hit your Qs. She stands still when she ults so you can get a free Q off. If she's taking comet, you can block the comet when she spams E on you.
What you can block: Q, you can't block her ult at all. ”
banewastaken says “You may be able to block part of her ult, but she will still bully you really hard and abuse trades where you don't have W. Watch out for her.”
Ectele says “Hard early game. You can spell block her Q when she tries to poke you using minions
Good in teamights with ult, though if your team is not stunlocked, you can press your R to help everyone avoud MF ult”
Trieuloo says “This is a hard lane because of the fact that if miss fortune is paired with a good support you will die every time due to her E and R. You have to be really cautious in the early game and throughout mid game. Late game you want to be looking for picks with your sweeper to kill her before she can get her R off.”
Alvatorz says “Not a common adc but still really strong, can poke you a lot with her Q and E and comet, she could kill you faster than you could. Carreful with this girl, she hurts.”
Bungo_T_Baggins says “MF herself is annoying early on, and paired with a hook champ like Blitz she can be very deadly. Her Q makes your wave a dangerous place to be, and hooks punish you for not standing behind your wave.
Your damage outscales but she will almost always be more useful in choke fights.”
Harambe Homie says “Miss Fortune is a slight threat as well. Her extremely high MS and high burst is annoying to deal with. Landing abilities on her can be challenging. Your best bet is to close the gap and look to all in her.”
Harambe Homie says “Miss Fortune when using her E max comet build is nearly impossible to win lane against. You will be forced out of lane early unless you get some miracle early jungle gank, try to farm and outscale.”
DoublefeedOP says “Miss Fortune is one of your top counters because of her sheer power in the early game. Most of the time, she'll run with an all-in support so make sure you don't let her get her Q off on you and punish her when she misses it on you.”
FunkyBeagle says “Its really hard to out-trade MF as she has her Passive with her Auto to Double Up combo. Also, comet this season on her is relevant, so it makes it that much harder to lane. Kai'Sa is also low range, so she risks taking the guaranteed crit from her Q for trying to farm! Tread carefully against this champion.”
DoublefeedOP says “Against MF, Keep in mind that she will want to spam her E on you and if she also has a poke heavy support such as Morgana, she can be extremely oppressive. Be careful with standing next to minions and poke her down with your W - E. BE CAREFUL THOUGH if she has an aggro support because she hard beats you early game but you outscale her so play safe if you have to.”
DoublefeedOP says “Miss Fortune will pressure you just like Draven, give up what you need to and setup ganks for your jungler. Make sure to not get hit by her Q bounces from minions and you should be fine.”
DoublefeedOP says “She's a menace in the bot-lane, and with the Season 11 changes it only makes her more of a menace. She's going to build lethality/Eclipse and be a problem all game long. Whilst you do outscale her, you need to keep in mind a few things. In laning phase, you can definitely keep up with her but if she goes an All in you'll quickly die so keep your distance but push back and play like you'd play a Draven lane. ”
DoublefeedOP says “One of the few lanes that can hard stomp a Samira. She has a ton of base damage and is a menace 1-3. Just play safe and find opportunities with your support. This lane should be easier than a Draven lane.”
KoZee says “MF can be very tough to deal with due to her high burst while having decent mobility. She often takes Galeforce, which adds to this burst while giving her even more mobility. However, you have some things in your kit to punish her. If she ultis, she can't move without cancelling her ult, which can be used to hit your abilities easily, especially your R which is great for catching her out. You typically win all-ins if she can't burst you down, but she will normally win short trades.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “Careful with Q poke if ur full hp u might be able to 2v2. She wins short trades due to her Love Tap (Passive). If u lose that lane she is gonna outscale u and wins games because of u with ultimate (R)”
STORMTGLIVE says “Miss Fortune is very vulnerable when she is channeling her ultimate. Either focus her or disable (stun/silence/knock-up/displacement) her.”
Moodkaps says “MF is going to be annoying for MF try using the crit runes and crit build. If she has strut you can AA then Arcane shift out. MF has a lower mana pool so its a plus making them lose mana”
Xayaphelia says “If she doesn't int you die. Too much damage in her kit. She can literally stand still in your feathers and still kill you. Stupid champion, I just perma ban it.”
ooftheiii says “Miss Fortune is particularly vulnerable when casting her ultimate, use this to focus her! Don't stay near minions because her q can go through targets. Do not fight Miss Fortune and her team inside the jungle as her Ultimate will cover the entire pathway which will allow her to deal tons of damage to your whole team.”
neverune says “Her early damage is scary and can be used through wave with her Q. Be aware of low health minions in front of you when farming. Like Ashe, she has little self peel and can be locked down with your W easily.”
kingamazin says “While laning against Miss Fortune, the biggest thing to keep in mind is her q harass bouncing off your minions. If she last hits a minion with her q, the target it bounces to will automatically get crit by it. Of course you should move away from your minions that are about to die to her q, but also keep in mind that she can use her q to bounce off your healthy minions to poke you. If you consistently avoid her q poke, the matchup is winnable for jinx and you will typically win all ins as miss fortune does less damage when hitting the same target because of her passive. ”
Bluestrat says “MF is a strong lane opponent who can put a lot of pressure in combination with the right support (Leona/Seraphine).
Since she has no Mobility/Escape possibility in her KIT, we can defeat her with our Q-EVOLVE in 1v1.
However, if MF gets an advantage, we should farm safely until we can buy Galeforce, and then possibly go for a 1v1 against MF. ”
Trampedach says “She slightly outranges you and she has better burst and rundown. You will win isolated fights and you will outscale her. Be careful of her ult if her supp has cc lockdown.”
Bluestrat says “MF ist ein starker Lane Gegner, der in Kombination mit dem richtigen Support (Leona/Seraphine) viel Druck ausüben kann.
Da sie keine Mobility/Escape Möglichkeit in ihrem KIT hat, können wir sie spätestens mit unserem Q-EVOLVE im 1v1 besiegen.
Bekommt MF jedoch einen Vorteil, sollte man sicher farmen, bis man Galeforce kaufen kann, und dann eventuell ein 1v1 gegen MF aufsuchen. ”
Atrickster says “lane bully with a huge teamfihgt ult its rlly hard for you to come out of lane safe and its not gona be easy to get stacks but its possible to win it you do outscale and if land a W she is very likely dead later on as she has no mobility
ctm20141 says “Her lv 1 and lv 2 is MUCH stronger than yours. After that she will lose a bit of power, but she is still stronger than you. Lv 6 all ins are coinflippy from my experience: if she ults and you get CCed by her support you are 100% dead. If you dodge/cancel her ult you WILL win, but be sure to do a clean all in and to insta shot her, otherwise she can kite you with her E and run you down!
If your team knows how to counter her ult you WILL outscale her HEAVILY in late game teamfights!
Kalista Monster says “Pretty easy to face except for the fact that her E slows for a lot. If her e was different MF would be as easy as jhin. Just make sure you don't fight her when her e is up”
JackM says “A very potent lane bully and wombo-combo queen. Avoid standing right behind low hp minions as her double up will destory you, and her E (whilst it's been nerfed) is a major thorn in your side and health bar. Trade with the 4th shot of whisper and outrange her with well placed traps, Deadly Flourishes and show her her Curtain Call. Don't get caught out by her movement speed as a quick bullet will drop that faster than a bad habit.”
TaktycznyStachu says “Great MF player can deal very big damage to Ashe, slow her down with "Make It Rain" and gain easy kill if Ashe push even a little bit to hard.”
TaktycznyStachu says “Great MF player can deal very big damage to Ashe, slow her down with "Make It Rain" and gain easy kill if Ashe push even a little bit to hard.”
Remmacs1 says “People consider Miss Fortune to be an Aphelios counter, but so long as you play lane properly shes actually quite manageable. Look to not take too much free damage from her abilities and this lane should be pretty easy.”
McNugglz says “More of an annoying matchup with the rise of the Comet poke build. Take cull in this lane as you will want to fight her with items because she beats you in early trades. Look to trade after she has used E because that slow is fat. She will look to layer her R on CC such as Morgana Q, Pantheon W, Lux Q, etc. Exhaust cuts her dmg and W move speed.”
boopthesnoot says “Her champ is very strong with chasing and movement speed, which Xayah can work around. If you can place your feathers behind her and pull them back to root, you can get away from her engages safely. Lock her down with cc while she's in her ult to cancel damage output.”
Zammey says “Early game trades are hard to win mid game her r if used in a bad spot leaves her stationary so ulting to make her cancel hers is a worthwhile trade if you are ahead if shes going a crit build trading your ult for hers is less valuable as she will still put out good enough damage outside of her ult while you may struggle to keep up without yours”
Kasdor says “Tendencies are, that she's in a threat range of minor to major. If you have a hard engage, she is a total snack, you got your W and E to catch up and easily kill her, especially if you have Leona. Otherwise, she will be poking hard. Be aware of Q and E Poke”
Dank672 says “Same as lucian, although better scaling. Poke her out and make sure to watch out for her supports cc, as she has enough early damage to kill you should her supp cc you for a couple seconds”
Ineffabilem says “Annoying at all points in a game. Dangerous at early game, try to stay way behind otherwise she'll slow you and land a combo. The more the game progresses the less advantage she has, easy to kill by late game.”
Compliant says “Comet build MF will easily be able to poke you out of laning phase in the first few levels while scaling well into the mid-game with Muramana + Galeforce. She is a relatively tougher matchup because her Q bounce and E (Make it rain) both chunk squishy targets early especially those without movement abilities.”
Profesor APH. says “Pretty easy matchup she can only slow you by her e when you running with severum + Aphelios countering her with calibrium, gravitum high range + cc and if she use w you can use q from severum”
EvoNinja7 says “She has low range, but she has a large slow that can slow multiple people and an ability that lets her do a huge amount of damage that bounces of minions. Try to poke her out early and apply pressure since she doesn't have great mobility. If she snowballs your in for a lot of pain but she's easy to beat in the laning phase.”
BluMistah says “you can alway jump off from her Ult. Other than that, you just have to position well to not catch any Q from her and you should be fine”
Scrimm says “Probably one of Kai'sa's hardest lanes, since a good MF will be constantly looking to outrange you with her Q and E poke. Don't stand behind minions that are low enough for MF to kill with her Q, and try to use your E to get out of her E as soon as possible. A risky play you can make is to W Miss Fortune when she is channeling her ult, and using your R to get behind her to use your HoB + W.”
BluMistah says “you wont like this lane. you have no dashes to escape her ult, she can poke you with her Q. Only hope is lategame where you should outscale her”
SkittleBtw says “MF is really strong in lane, a good MF player will hit a few Q's on you bouncing from creeps, they deal a ton of damage, try to avoid them at all costs early, she can harass from far and if she has a CC support, you're more than likely not going to have a fun time at level 6.”
pandorelol says “Unplayable nightmare. All I can suggest is to try pushing faster than her and roam, but that won't happen, so try to just not die and wait your jungler”
The Blu3Lion says “If she gets you slowed and u cant flash or dont have boots u basically get ultet and die but she is eze to kite in mid to late with W and R”
The dankest mom says “She just has the ability to insta kill you with certain supports. If you stay even youll eventually BRRRT her ass when you have 3+ items. ”
ApheliosMain62 says “That W SUCKS. She can poke you with that, and if she have Arcan Comet, that thing will be poking you a lot, forcing you to back in almost all the situations. Also her R deletes you in 3 seconds.”
jhoijhoi says “Miss Fortune has some early game damage and high AoE damage with Bullet Time as it can apply debuffs such as The Black Cleaver to the entire enemy team. She has high out of combat mobility due to Strut and can catch up to fleeing enemies, but lacks mobility in combat. When facing a Miss Fortune, use ECA to cancel her ultimate. If your ult isn't up when she uses hers, don't run *backwards* through her ult, but to the side to get out of the AoE effect.”
Archibold2 says “Miss Fortune is pretty easy to kite around once she uses her Q so wait for her to use your Q ability and engage with your support (HOWEVER AVOID THIS IF THERE IS A BIG MINION WAVE IN FRONT OF U)”
Akariine says “Due to her outrageous speed and damage as the game goes on, have your team land a CC on her first. Counter her ultimate with your ultimate if you ever find yourself stuck in it. During laning phase, watch out for her bullet's bounce-off damage, and avoid her bullet rain as you don't have enough mobility to get out easily.”
nraxxr says “MF is a very easy champ to bully when playing Jhin, as she has no dash or warp to avoid getting rooted by your W. Try to harass her with your range advantage when she comes up for CS. DO NOT STAND BEHIND LOW HEALTH MINIONS, SHE WILL Q AND IT WILL HURT.”
Bouhhsolene says “She pokes you hard, her E is annoying as it's like a free damage on you. Her R is also annoying as your autos are slow, you will probably stand 2 ~3 second in her R. If she doesn't have R you're ok. Avoid taking trades, except if you're really good in your game.”
Cam1304 says “Just take care for her E catching you out in lane. She should beat you arely but at 6 if you dodge her R you should win depending on the support.”
SweatMeALake says “Miss Fortune is known for her early game presence. Her Q bounces do a lot of damage. Avoid standing behind minions with low HP as her Q will do more damage if it kills the target she Q's. If her positioning is bad with her ultimate, paired with your good reaction time you can often ultimate back to stun her and turn the tides. ”
SweatMeALake says “MF is a lane bully, and will chunk you really hard and you get cocky, or position horribly. Your ultimate can keep you safe against hers. Watch out if your ultimate is on cooldown though because the only other option to save you from her ultimate is probably flashing. ”
MrMad2000 says “Miss Fortune is an easy lane, you outrange her and she doesn't have the mobility to close the gap to attack you as long as you space well and deny her the W speedboost she has.”
AdolfDripster69 says “Miss Fortune is another lane bully like Draven, she will force you off your own minion wave. Paired with an aggressive support this Champion is extremely threatening to lane against. ”
Spection says “VERY COMMON. Miss Fortune is a pretty powerful pick against many ADC's. Boasting a powerful AoEslow, crazy movement speed and a game changing ult, she can do away with most ADC's. Pantheon is not one of those. Just jump on her when she tries to use her ultimate and she is done for. Getting to her can be a challenge especially when she's a lot faster than you and can just use her E to slow you down, but she has no way to answer to you when you do. Don't hide in minion waves unless you want to die really fast. Passive will not block the damage from Love Tap.”
ShroudedBRH says “Miss fortune has a lot of damage period and her Q poke makes it difficult to walk up for CS. In lane avoid standing directly behind minions. Try to position yourself and save your ult to match hers in a teamfight.”
OverjarlZane says “While she's easy to harass her raw damage is enough to be annoying if she gets minion crits off you, just play smart around them and you'll be fine.”
Camelorry says “Although you can block a good chunk of her ultimate, she can be very opressive in lane due to her superior range and q poke. Chose your fights wisely and you should be able to win the trades. ”
Kdrama says “Kaisa relies on q+aa+aa with HoB to win trades. However, MF's high base ad and high ad build + her love tap allows her to almost always beat you in trades from her q+aa combo. You can win the matchup if you take longer fights, especially if mf's go for q max. If the mf goes for W max, you're going to have to be very careful. However, she's not very popular and you shouldn't be that bad off. ”
StriveHD79 says “Watch out for her Q that will bounce off minions. Avoid standing behind minions that she has access to. Her E an AOE slow, it may signal a gank from enemy jungler if she uses it randomly. You out range her at all stages of the gun, she really is not a threat to you.”
StriveHD79 says “Avoid standing behind minions that she has access to, as she will bounce her Q of a minion that will deal extra damage. And her ultimate that will shred everything infront of her in a cone shape.”
StriveHD79 says “Avoid standing behind minions that she has access to, as she will bounce her Q of a minion that will deal extra damage. And her ultimate that will shred everything infront of her in a cone shape.”
StriveHD79 says “Low kill threat lane. Watch out for her Q bounces off of minions. Avoid standing behind minions that she can bounce her Q off. Or you can spellshield it.”
Sammon says “My Perma-ban. Her Q can dish out a lot of damage to champions behind minions and since your a melee champion you will be spending lots of time with minions.
Try to outscale. Do your best to dodge her Q and don't let her stack Dark Harvest (if she has). You can negate almost all of her R with a Mortal Will - E. She is very susceptible to ganks so use that to your advantage.”
EvoNinja7 says “She can take advantage of your low mobility and can slow you with make it rain and crit you out with her double up. She is a little difficult to lane against if she know what she is doing, but you can poke her out a lot in the ealry game, so try to establish your lead then.”
StriveHD79 says “Avoid standing behind minions that she has access to, as she will bounce her Q of a minion that will deal extra damage. And her ultimate that will shred everything infront of her in a cone shape.”
snukumz says “She has good mobility to dodge your skillshots, she has tons of damage and range with her double up, and her W.
She can double up off your plants which is super annoying.
Her ult will blend you, and at a safe distance.
The good news is if you land your combo on her she's squishy and will die.
Try to stay safe and use plants to harass her, or Q/E her when her double up is on cooldown.”
Alonixlol says “
Miss Fortune is a champion who can be a massive lane bully into many matchups given the huge range and damage of her Double Up, but she suffers from being too easy to kill when engaged on. Against matchups that can't all-in her though, whether in a poke-focused lane or paired with an engage support she can pack a massive punch through Double Up poke and Bullet Time damage in fights.”
Terrific says “a good MF will shit on Draven but this champion is played by the worst players so you most likely win against her. It's skill match up in laningphase. so most likely support diff.”
Twiggymocha says “She is a very strong threat early and can be late too if she has a team with lots of cc. Her q [[double up]] is a very strong poke and will easily take away a third of [[vayne]]'s hp on one hit.”
BloodyHunter20 says “her passive with Q are lethal so, always take care and not go all in. just poke her until the right moment then kill her except this DON'T 1v1 her ”
SuPIeX says “Super annoying. You have to watch your positioning at all times to avoid her Q bouncing off your minions and chunking your hp. Even if she's behind a well placed ult will wipe your team.”
Trisien says “Strong early game champions are usually hard to deal with for Quinn, get a few points into Q early to farm easier. As long as you go even in lane, you will spike better than her. ”
jaxentersadenfesivestate says “Depends on skill level but can be annoying just dont get hit too bad”
Iron Draven by jaxentersadenfesivestate | Draven Player
xSEASeahawks12 says “With practice, this lane isn't all that bad. Simply stay away from the minion wave as much as possible, as her Q is her main source of poke and it starts hitting like a truck after one back. Utilize Martial Poise as much as possible to avoid being directly across from her at all times. Since you both require good positioning to maximize your impact on the game, use your superior movement to beat her to her spot. This is particularly true when she begins to ult; activate Fate's Call, hop around to give your teammate a straight shot to her, and you have successfully countered Miss Fortune in team fights.”
Zoodyacc says “MF will try to play as agressive as she can, play passive during the laning phase, you cannot really win early against her. Avoid getting tapped by her Q's, and dont stay right behind minions. Try to position against her R, and Condem [E] her as soon as she R's, if you're able to, that will interrupt her ultimate and push her away.
Try to keep your Q in case if she uses her E to slow you, cause you might get poked a lot.”
atonementblade says “Avoid standing behind a minion that has low health. Her Q will obliterate your hp if she bounces it off of a dying minion but as long as she doesn't get fed you should be able to outscale her pretty easily.”
ItsPaulygon says “Will be kind of hard since she has has a lot of damage especially with her Q. So stay away from low health minions and trade wisely.”
MayeLeven says “She can poke you with her Q or E, but her E makes a little damage. Try to avoid standing behind a low hp minion, becouse she can easily trade you with her Q then. Try to get close to her, then you can use your R and kill her.”
Midorima says “Eat 1 Q? Game over. So don't eat a Q 4head!~
To win this match up: Don't eat a Q as stated and run her down at level 6 while avoiding her ulti too.”
Deathfeather says “her q does decent damage and she has mobility, but thats about it, take good trades and all in her when her stuff is down. also her back breaks if ur in game for like 5 more years.”
RoadDGM says “Matchup is easy position well for her q pops and make sure to play safe and farm up so you can out damage her in the mid to late game you still beat her early but you'll have to worry about the support diff more.”
black wolfr22 says “Don't stay behind minions as her Q can bounce off them for legit sick amount of damage. Focus on doing short trades as her Impure shots deal more damage with each auto .”
xf3NNI3 says “Miss Fortune is a really strong champion that has a solid laning phase just like Varus. However if she gets a few kills she absolutely accelerates out of control and her damage is stupid. Her E is also a really big cuck for you and it can be harder to hit ults on her or Qs because of her extremely high out of combat movement speed. Shes also very safe and reliable, and her teamfighting is amazing.”
Holidayuniverse says “Miss Fortune is maybe the best ADC vs Senna. She has slow with E. If u walk up to get your cs she will press Q and will deal big damage to you. Just ban if u play Senna.”
HyperFake says “In bigger divisions like diamond we start to see miss fortune as counter pick for caitlyn. That's because her q can be a massive advantage. When playing against her try not to be behind minions.”
ZERO Destructo says “I know this matchup probably seems hard to you, but trust me, it's not. With your speed boost after basic attack you can avoid her ult, and if you're good you can even interrup it with your W. She has no gap closing spells, so you're safe to farm as long as you're not behind a minion that is in her Q's range.”
Jima says “Miss Fortunes poke damage might make it hard to trade against her but her only escape is her flash if you can use that to your advantage you should be good.”
Nik7857 says “She has a big undodgeble slow (that's annoying), wait for it to be on cd then do something. She has a good lane phase and decent late game due to her team fighting presence. Just avoid getting poked down and try to winlane. Flash her E if your committing and your stuck in it.”
Falllol says “A Miss fortune acaba sofrendo um pouco com o avanço da Vayne por sua falta de respostas e sua ultimate um pouco "inútil" já que a vayne consegue cancelar com seu E .”
Deathfeather says “he e slows, she gets free movement, good farm and a poke q. seems really busted right? well her numbers are kind of low until shes fed, so the match is even believe it or not.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Her poke damage is very, very high, but she runs out of mana fast if she spams. Avoid getting hit by her Double Up and Make it Rain. Extended poking and trading is her game, so avoid it where possible, but remember to engage in short trades to keep her passive down. If you can dodge her ultimate, she is very vulnerable.”
Laverenz says “Don't stand behind low-health minions, as Miss Fortune's Q will destroy you in lane. Try to play passive and farm up till level 6. Ask for a gank is a great option aswell. When you hit level 6 you might have a chance of fighting her. You have to be extremely sure that you can dodge her Ult damage, as it destroys you completely. ”
philsopaoto says “MF is currently a great ADC and the 5 dorans blade build is deceptively good, but the build sacrifices the mid-late game, so you should easily out scale her if you don't lose. ”
haloboleon says “In lane MF should be able to push you in and force you to farm under tower, but apart from that she has very little ways to stop you from scaling into the mid/late game.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Farm till boots then tell your support to look for opportunities to engage. Assuming you have not eaten 3 double ups you should be healthy enough to just run her down. Just make sure you play around your support as she's immobile with a passive MS that will let her outkite if you played well combined with the E slow. ”
corvy says “her Q will be hitting you alot because of your low range. try and possition her self so she cant bounce off your low health minions to poke your out of lane.
look for lvl 2-3 on her due to her low mobility
late game be carefull of choke points because she will shred your team with her ultimate, baron and dragon pits is a big threat if she is alive
minepro221 says “Don't trade on cs with her. If she gives up the cs and turns on you, you lose 100% of the time. Her lovetap outdamages your auto q. Be careful level 6, she can 100 to 0 you at that time if you get cc. Mid game, if she is not hyper fed, feel free to fight her. You can kill her no prob. In teamfights, use your ult to dodge her ulti, and you are good to go.”
mhsmhs123 says “Similar to Draven, but MF is a champ who dominates early game and also has a slow with her E ability, which makes it easier for the enemy jungler to gank and set up kills. Although this champ is easier to deal with as Vayne than Draven, it still can be a pain to even farm evenly unless your team play around you in the early game to get you ahead in lane.”
minepro221 says “her damage comes from low minons, so be careful of her q bounces. Also, be careful of she hits 6, as she can kill you in one rotation. If you have a engage support, don't be afraid to fight her . Remember, she have to swap target to maximize her passive damage. Use this to focus her and kill her. if she get early lead and build lethality, DO NOT FIGHT HER. She hurst like hell. Wait to outscale.
She can also burst you in teamfights, so don't get near her, and let your Pre-nerf-Irelia kill her.”
Kynaz0071l0l says “I really dont have to saym much here. Be sure to dodge her Q as that is the only threat to you in early. You can easily kill her before lvl 6. After you should always be able to flash out of her ult or already have baited it out of her. ”
Eucalyptus says “Really depends on you, if you can abuse the walls to pull off massive burst then she can't trade into you. If you play safe (Because of a rough support match-up) then she has easy pickings on how much health she wants from you at a time.”
Fruxo says “Avoid her Q bouncing from a minion to you. You should be able to win against her but if she hit's her ult on you for couple of seconds you probably will die. Care of her ultimate on team fights as it's completely game changing if she sets it up properly.”
The Jhin Cena says “Her poke can be annoying, but so can yours. She needs a minion to bounce her Q off of, so I'd recommend sneaking into the bushes often to get off your 4th shot. Keep track of the cooldown on her Q so you know when to avoid standing behind a minion.”
Ni14 says “Go sheen first into tear gauntlet. Slowing down mf makes her very easy to kill considering if you hit her she loses movement speed in addition to being slowed. Don't get hit by her empowered q and you should be fine. ”
dravenfizz says “I'd say she counters Lucian, she kind of does the same thing as you in the early game but her Q poke does more damage, you can 1v1 her very easily but this matchup can go alot of ways depeding on her support. If she has CC support she will aim to get a nice ult on you and if she doesen't she will poke you with Q all game and i'd recommend start Doran's Shield”
Fruxo says “Avoid her Q bouncing from a minion to you. You should be able to win against her but if she hit's her ult on you for couple of seconds you probably will die. Care of her ultimate on team fights as it's completely game changing if she sets it up properly.”
IPodPulse says “Not too difficult of a lane, just be aware of your position. Try not to stand behind any minions that she can kill with double up. Her auto's deal additional damage on the first hit, meaning she will try for short trades and damage from double up. Try not to be in a position where you will always get hit by bullet time, give yourself lots of space if you can.”
GORE Klabok says “Another kind of Adc for kalista to deal with. she can Slow down the whole lane in front of her, that mean you cant afford an engage while (E) is ready, unless she miss but you have to be drunk to actually miss that AOE Slow & damaging (E). Miss fortune is a mix between burst , Utility and as well Missfortune Is known by the famous (R) spell whish is the second most powerfull AoE in the game after fiddlesticks ult. She have 2 Aoe actually. Miss fortune isn'T that bad to lane against , its only about her spell divercity that she can adapt to many game playstyle. Weakspot : she can't do more than auto-attack + Q Then leaving with E on every Trade. If she get catch at the good time she can't Win a Fight. All about catching Missfortune after she miss the (Q) bouncing and still have to Deal with the (E) slow disengage.”
SimbaADC says “Focus on landing poke and shoving the wave with your Q and do not stand behind your own low health minions (make sure you do not get hit by MF Q).”
FrankynFood says “She has a lot of damage paired with dark harvest. Her q can blow more than half your hp if she lasts hit a minion with it. I like having taric in this matchup because she deals burst, but with taric's ult she cant deal any damage. ”
SlashLion says “Early game she will try to poke frequently with her Q to get the ricochet damage, also beware of her passive love taps as she will do bonus damage by alternating targets. When she hits 6 and gets her ult its a high danger zone in lane, if she has any support with hard CC I.E. Leona, Nami, or Morgana, you are not going to get away easily without burning some spells, Try to prioritize early boots at the least if not getting swiftness boots before you pick up your crit cloak or pickaxe.”
MallisTheGreat says “She literally likes to hit the backline with her Q, and you are the backline sniping. Don't stay behind your minions much of the time and ask your support to pressure the opponents.”
MallisTheGreat says “Early game, avoid being behind the ally minions. Preferably stand besides the caster minions.
If MF plays Dark Harvest, engage whenever you want, if you are not low on HP.
If MF plays Press the Attack, engage whenever you want, preferably with your support. Dodging her ultimate is pretty difficult, so make sure to have your flash if you try taking her on after level 6.”
Vortiris says “She is a glass cannon. Take her out of her Strut, and she becomes very immobile. If possible, get out of Make It Rain and never get stuck in her Bullet Time for a prolonged period of time. Late game, she will hurt, but will stay squishy and easy for you to take out.”
Numresunw says “Hard to deal with, has a lot of damage and she can kill you using only her ultimate, try to farm and try not to fight her too much, try to go stealth and hit her once or twice then going to farm and repeat.”
MasutaKokoBot says “If you're already low from Healing, Miss Fortune can kill you easily with her Rebounding Q, or with her Ultimate. Both which can hit you while you're behind an ally. ”
Shacolada says “Miss Fortune is an annoying ADC to play against as Jhin. Avoid trading with Miss Fortune for an extended amount of time, as she will do more damage with her Impure Shots with every auto attack.
Keep in mind that bounce of Double Up will prioritize champions affected by Impure Shots so try not to let Miss Fortune attack you before she uses it.
Try to keep her passive down by doing short, frequent pokes and harassments. Miss Fortune is very vulnerable when she is channelling her ultimate. Either focus her or disable (stun/silence/knock-up/displacement) her.”
GodOatmeal says “Don't let her Q2 you. If she goes Comet build, watch for E poke, don't position in tight areas where it will hit you for the full duration. ”
Levi Senpai says “Really high damage , and even life steal with the Botrk build , she has no mobility in combat so your jgler can stomp her since she ll be pushing most liekly”
Fruxo says “Avoid her Q bouncing from a minion to you. You should be able to win against her but if she hit's her ult on you for couple of seconds you probably will die. Care of her ultimate on team fights as it's completely game changing if she sets it up properly.”
bardbot says “High early game dmg and solid poke. Becomes a lvl 5 threat if with supports like Leona or Blitzcrank; if she has the chance to engage on you, you're dead. If not, then you're just fine.
Her ult isn't as deadly as usual, since you can cancel it with your own or just ult yourself if you somehow don't have vision on her.”
xTheUnlimited says “High poke damage in lane. Stay away from low life minions, otherwise her Q poke will harrass you. Since she is building a lot of lethality most of the time, you beat her in things of doing damage as the game goes on and on. ”
xTheUnlimited says “High poke Damage. Stay away from low life minions. You can all in her pretty easy since she has no dash or any escape move. Also your late game is stronger than hers.”
TeleportingWolf says “Not a threat in early games, but her Q - Double Tap can really hurt you and/or your ADC. However, she is squishy, so poke her often when her Q is down and she should be no problem. If she's ulting, try to stun her with your R - Crescendo to save whoever you can.”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Very annoying matchup. Always be watching your minions so that she can't get her Q bounce onto you. Her one item powerspike is super annoying as she can chase you and deal massive damage with her Q and R.”
Statix20dan says “Her heavy AD Q can be difficult to dodge when under the slow of her E. Can be very difficult to chase due to her W MS increase and her ult is difficult to dodge and does high dmg in a short time.”
qasddsa says “Weak early game, but strong burst damage and teamfight presence mid-late game with her ultimate. During laning phase, do not stand behind the ranged minions, or else she can land free hits on you with her Q. Other than this ability, she has no other source of strong damage, so you easily win fights with her throughout all stages of the game, as long as you don't get CC'd and bursted. ”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, spell shield that q into oblivion, might be a bit quicker than blitz (or not, no clue) but it's definitely reactable. she can't fully engage you after e-ing you as you outdamage her if u spell shield her q. don't bait out q's for mana though because her support is more likely a bigger threat to spell shield.”
Best Tactics EU says “Pretty easy to deal with because of the current lethality build she does, you can always block her Q with your E, which gives you a big advange against her. Also your ult counters her ult for teamfights, since your teammates can eaisly get out of it.”
satancurls says “O dano dela no early game pode ser absurdo mas é facilmente contornado se você souber jogar contra. Tome cuidado ao ficar atrás dos seus próprios minions.”
Savagerayne says “She will bully you throw out the lane phase. Avoid standing behind minions to minimize the changes of you being hit with double shot, get an extended trade with her and you will win.
Survive lane phase and keep up with farm and in team fights you will out damage him.”
Seigemaster035 says “You lose early hard. because of this make sure to stay away from minions because of her Q and freeze under the tower for ganks, Late shes just another immobile champ to pick off, just make sure you survive early.”
whybother34 says “Yeah uh channeled ult where you have to sit still. Pillar to the face can cancel that. No mobility but she is fast so you cant get past the pillar easy”
Ziickness says “These 3 are the hardest to lane against for Vayne so try to avoid them.
Whenever u do end up fighting them just stay back, farm under turret, and if necessary get Tabi's in the early. ”
Nittwerp says “Don't position yourself behind the minions to make sure that you don't get hit by her Q(double-up). She can deal a lot of poke damages however in an all-out fight you should be able to win.”
Ch33syB0y8 says “Miss Fortune is a lane bully yet if you can farm better and reach your powerspike before her then she isn't much of a factor against you.”
oskarishere says “Basit saldırı açısından daha güçlü olsanız bile Q yeteneğinin animasyon iptali ve pasifinin bonusu birleşince erken oyunda hem DPS hem Burst açısından çok zor bir karşılaşma geçer.”
Ch33syB0y8 says “Miss Fortune is a lane bully and if Miss Fortune goes lethality then you will be likely to die in trades at your weakest points in the game”
TianDaMan says “Wait for her to use her Q on minions then her dmg is reduced by 50% because she cannot use her auto -> Q reset on you. Buying Boots of Swiftness can be useful to prevent her E > R combo.”
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