Bottom Lane 48.51% Win Rate97% Pick RateEzreal Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ezreal in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “A really good ezreal will just about go even in this matchup. You are playing the point and click slow champ. Just run him down from behind your wave and he can only trade with flimsy autos. If you hit R when he has no E blink he is guaranteed dead.”
BigBallsLarry says “Fortunately for us ezreal is pretty bad right now, so hes beatable and outscalable. Obviously, as everyone knows, if you dodge his Q and W you just auto win and deny him passive stacks. Beware of his mobility and burst, as it can surprise you and catch you off guard. ”
BrunkageManden says “He will mostly just stay back and farm. Cannot be caught since he has his E. Needs his support to step up in lane though.
WIll out damage you, but is not that scary because of your W-wall.
Try to land CC else he is hard to kill. If so just force his resources and zone from wave if possible. Fight him in waves.”
Avarosa says “ele vai tentar te pokear mas se ele gastar seu E voce ganha a troca 100% das vezes, apesar disso seu push é melhor e seu poke é mais forte apesar do dele ser mais constante”
Dr Yoshili says “The matchup can be else a nightmare, else easy as hell, it heavly depend on how good is the enemy ez, if he is really good, the match up will be very hard, else he will be pretty easy, abuse your waveclear and range, stay behind cs, create big waves with slow push, he will not be able to clear them easly.
You'll become his nightmare later in the game, you outscale him”
millysenpai says “Ezreal AA is similar to MF. Watch out for his W even though it goes through minions just so you dont take any extra harass during laning phase. ”
gaarrett says “Pokes constantly and is almost untouchable if Ezreal uses his E correctly. W blocks his Q, either play off your support/jungler or play for skirmishes. ”
Avxm says “One of the hardest matchups, he has high range and poke and disengage. These things all in one ADC are a major counter to kogmaw. You need to get push in a lane vs ezreal, so he cant harass you as much. If you are getting pushed in, then there is little you can do so try and avoid leashing and go to lane level 1 and try to hard push the lane, you can start q if you need to in order to help push the wave faster.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Super safe / Great mobility / Outranges you / Can play alone | WEAKNESSES - Squishy / Rely on skillshots / Weak early | WHAT TO DO ? - It's a pretty easy matchup to be honest. He's not really a threat for you and you will stack really easily.He just has a better range late game and good kitting potential. Let your team focus him while you burst ennemy frontline.”
Amberdragon says “Both of you would rather spend your time in lane farming and poking each other until you scale into late game. You fight on rather even grounds throughout the whole game in terms of damage, survivability and resilience. Your damage is a bit more guaranteed since your abilities can't be blocked ”
Kociokwik says “You outpush him and outscale. He has free escape in his kit so focus on farming rather than tradeing. Take few plates and lane is fine. It;s fine if you get weaksided just chill and look for ults.”
Foxirion says “Ezreal's poke and mobility can be a challenge for Kog'Maw to deal with, especially in the laning phase. However, if Kog'Maw can avoid Ezreal's skill shots and scale into the late game, he can outdamage Ezreal in team fights.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “Dodge or get shot. Engaging is next to impossible unless he overstays.
Threats N' Tips: Preferably you would wait until he Es to engage. ”
Maxxx_hhh says “You probably won't be able to hit W since he'll not stay in the wave to poke with Q but he'll play safe so you can scale passively like for Zeri”
nzan says “Ezreal poke is deceptively painful if you let it add up. Stay behind minions and avoid his W-E combo if you can help it. Poking him may not be the best option as well because his spell casts are a lot quicker than yours. If you cannot hurt him, make his support mess up first so that he might end up alone!”
Vapora Dark says “Much like the Zeri matchup this matchup scales heavily with the Ezreal's skill, and for exactly the same reason, although to a much lower severity due to the extreme difference in cooldowns between Ezreal Q and Zeri Q, especially early on.
It's hard for Aphelios to simply walk up and attack Ezreal when walking up leaves him vulnerable to an Ezreal Q. Meanwhile Ezreal is entirely free to keep fishing for Q poke onto Aphelios the entire lane phase, and has an easy time engaging on him if the situation is favourable for him.
Just like with Zeri however, low Elo Ezreal's will often not space Aphelios well enough, finding themselves too close to him and thereby taking avoidable bad trades. It's an overall easier matchup than Zeri in both circumstances for lane phase, but gets harder for Aphelios later on when Ezreal Q becomes more spammable with high range and high damage, making it hard for Aphelios to ever approach him.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “try closing the gap between this champion, same as with Caitlyn the fact he outranges you is a huge problem. Force his movement options (flash and E) After his movement options are ran out he's quite easy to deal with. You outscale towards the later end of the game so don't feel too pressured to force anything early”
Reys_offf says “Ezreal is really annoying to lane against, especiaky when he plays with support like Vel'koz, Xerath, lux etc.
Try to all in him early if he makes mistakes”
Joshhh says “[Fleet or Conqueror] dont get poked out, trade in the wave to dodge Qs and you should win most all ins with exhaust, if your supp takes exhaust take ghost”
Devilbuny says “Uniki, duża ilość obrażeń, łatwy poke oraz R lecąca przez całą mapą. Nie rób nic głupiego i daj mu się pushować. Staraj się szukać okazji do darmowego poke lub korzystnego dla ciebie trade'a”
hellfirelord says “Make sure to stand behind minions and you will have perma prio in this lane. Use your prio to complete your powerspikes faster, dive him, force objective fights, move faster to drakes, roam etc.”
NegativePhoenix says “Personally, I don't see the challenge of facing Ezreal as Smolder.
Your W is stronger poke than his Q in the lane phase, and unlike you, he doesn't stack up and get stronger with his own Q
Unless he's an Ezreal One Trick who's mastered the tiniest mechanics and you let him land every Q, you shouldn't have a hard time”
Leaf no Kitsune says “boring matchup. you can poke him with q. usually most ezreal players will sooner or later stand so far back and just q minions. you can take the free farm and outscale. matchup is harder if you play vs a good aggressive ezreal but we are not on the chinese super server so you usually don't see those.”
Lewozu says “Depends on the Ezreal, he should not take free damage from you.
Avoid his Q's by standing behind minnions. Always push into him if you can.”
DarthRik says “Easy matchup for Draven, punish him early, stand behind minions to avoid his Q. All in when his E is on cooldown. Late game be careful he scales good.”
iiExploit says “Now this is an Avengers level threat. Ezreal is currently the best ADC right now as of patch 13.23 and will probably continue to be so. His mobility and damage are very strong once he gets just a couple components under his belt. The problem isn't him killing you, it's you killing him because If you dodge everything and manage to win a duel he will just flash away with his e, and if you chase he then has his actual flash at the ready! You outrange him until he gets enough CDR to never have to auto attack, then it's about even unless he misplays. He also becomes very healthy once he finishes his Triforce. If his E is down, you actually have a chance to kill him so take it.”
mydesires says “Skillplay matchup. Try to dodge his W Q combo and bait his E. You can harass him with Calibrum (Green) or Infernum (Blue) or safe farming and wait for your core items. // TH : เป็นแมทช์อัพที่วัดสกิลเพลย์และการหลบคอมโบสกิลของเอซเรียล หากของนำสามารถตอดด้วยการใช้ปืนเขียวหรือปืนฟ้าได้ แต่ถ้าสูสีสามารถฟาร์มจนมีของที่จำเป็นก็ได้ ใจเย็น ๆ เข้าไว้”
darkgoatie says “I permaban ezreal, he can keep insane spacing while dealing disgusting amounts of damage. Even if you catch him and ult, he can E out and avoid you. With the triforce build he is also very fast and IMPOSSIBLE to catch up to.”
LustAndSpite says “Incredibly annoying with his long range poke but if you get lane priority, he won't have as many angles to poke you from.
Your support needs to be on board with it.”
DreamOfValhalla says “Stand behind minions in laning phase , do not get hit by his Q and when the chance arises all in him. try your best to augment your lead since he is a scaling champion”
doctorgami says “there is a reason 2200 lp chalenger ezreal exist this champ is broken and have way more damage than u soo look for a good situation to destroy him if not play safe he is a pain and u can t 1vs1 him but in team fight u are a shining star while he ........he exist xD”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Ezreal has one of the worst waveclear of the adc's, and naturally you will pull the lane to pressure, but be careful, all Ezreal wants is to stay in the tower safe farming until he climbs to the point that our Sivir can no longer keep up with him , however you can cancel almost all of his skills, be careful and always try to leave him in the tower and even in the tower, keep punishing him so he can't farm well.”
Reptile9LoL says “Good ezreals will try to poke you out a lot, but generally in this matchup you should try to hit the wave as much as possible to generate prio so Ezreal has a hard time poking you under your turret, hes generally useless vs you if you can take push and just scale without being in danger. If he missuses E once you can find good all-in windows aswell”
afrente do tempo says “boots is the way. Ghost is realy nice here. Don't try to trade, just scale and pray you can outplay him in team fights
RUSH BORK. if he's scripting there is no way to win.”
LuvEmoGirls says “Ezreal is hypothetically really good against Karthus, luckily Ezreal players are not me, so I usually win this matchup.
But if he plays correctly, especially paired with a poke supp, its not gonna be fun. Be on the look out for when he E's in, and hopefully your supp will go in aswell
Karhuslol says “Just like Zeri, if the ezreal doesn't make any mistakes he can outscale and farm for free and it is a hard matchup. If the ezreal makes any mistake you can punish it and it's not so bad”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Super safe / Great mobility / Outranges you / Can play alone
| WEAKNESSES - Squishy / Rely on skillshots / Weak early
| WHAT TO DO ? - Play arround his E. Once it's on cooldown, use your R and your abilities to try to kill him. Ezreal will mostly build armor in his build, be sure to build a Serylda if playing LETHALITY.”
Hidden Ghoster says “In this lane, You can swap out Absolute Focus for Nimbus Cloak. You can take Exhaust in this lane if you want to get the Nimbus Cloak MS after Instantly Exhausting him after he uses E. Can take Ghost as well, it's preference in this matchup. Dodge his Q's and trade in the wave. You should win most all-ins”
LoLEnryu says “This guy gets outscaled so hard by Nilah and you can always W his poke combo. If Ezreal E's into Nilah he should get chunked or die every single time. The only thing Ezreal can do is farm and hope that his team is winning, Ezreal cannot hard pressure you as long as you don't let the wave crash into tower. Try to keep wave in middle or freeze wave near your turret, ezreal has 0 waveclear and his damage mostly comes from skillshots. You most likely do not need cleanse against an ezreal team, try taking TP or Ghost.
If the ezreal AFK's lane and just farms minions without doing anything, Nilah will just outscale him with her passive.”
Jhin and Tonic says “Good match up but because of his q range he can just stay far and farm so you won't be able to get ahead. When fighting him try to stay behind the wave to make it hard for him to land his q. If you can also dodge his w there's no way you lose an auto attack battle as long as you have the same amount of items. ”
VrNtv says “I put this as Even, but good ezreal can be a problem, since he is very annoying to lane against and scales well. Try to stand behind minions to not get poked by his Q. Ezreal usually starts with Tear, so he shouldn't be able to kill you early, and you outscale him. He might use E to poke you, your support needs to punish that, you can also help by throwing traps behind him when he E forward, you might get his flash.
VrNtv says “This is by far the easiest lane in the game for Kai'Sa. Start cull because its a full farm lane and Ezreal's early game is EXTREMELY weak. Play behind minions and dont get poked out and there's no way to lose this lane.
RandomNPC777 says “Ezreal will never win an all against you, and he looks to poke you down as much as possible. He's very safe, so it's hard for you to snowball, but you're more valuable lategame than him, so there's not much he can do. He likes to pair with harass supports, like Lux or Zyra. Engage supports have a hard time forcing Ezreal into a bad fight because of his E, but it's not impossible.”
wungus says “Stay behind your minions and Ezreal has trouble poking you. Killing him is difficult because of his E, but it is possible if you play with your support.”
Jg_diff says “I like to ban him. He jumps around with his E and makes your game just hard. Especially because you need a entry support who gives you the enemy as a treat for you. Ezreal dodging everything can make that quite hard. ”
SheriffADC says “IMPORTANT NOTE: this matchup completely depends on how smart/good the Ezreal is. A bad Ezreal is not a threat for you. A good Ezreal never Arcane Shifts forward and is therefore unkillable for you, also you just get outpoked/outranged by him. The matchup becomes very winnable if he is cocky with his E usage.”
Lachoni1 says “By far the easiest match up for Kai'sa.
He has no way to win lane if you don't get hit by his Q, so stay behind minions. After level 6 his e is useless since you can R after he uses it.”
Amberdragon says “You have stronger wave clear but he is a champion that is happy to just sit back and farm (with the occasional poke) so killing him can be hard. He also has a lot of longe range burst which is annoying. You win from playing to your strengths.”
ChadKarthus says “Hard to kill because of his E, if the Ezreal is bad you can force out his E and all in him (it has very long cd in early levels), you can poke him, just avoid getting hit by his qs”
slendoooo says “Ezreal is a major threat for Draven not because of his Damage but because of his poke potential.
Always try to punish him early. If you see him using his E ability in a dumb way, you have a 20 second window to punish him in the early levels. In that case you will end up killing or burning his flash.
Always tend to buy an early Vampiric Scepter for this matchup.
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
LionelOCE says “Ezreal is quite an easy matchup because he struggles to trade early. However at 2 items, Ezreal can outscale Kalista so it is important to find an early lead against him.”
Tolis slayer says “he can be pretty annoying with his q poke but other than that you are stronger early and you should win this matchup. just try hiding between minions so he doesn't get much poke damage and you will be Ok ”
LionelOCE says “Very easy matchup, Ezreal is on the defensive for most of the game and you win at all levels. This matchup is more a test of your spacing and dodging ability.”
riggims says “max w over e 2nd and wave clear and then rotate to fights and its easy win. after getting mythic it takes a long time for him to hurt, especially when other armor items are picked up”
IEnjoyPlaying says “This MF just Q's in Lane and uses E to get away from you, u need engage support to kill him. Cant do shit if he goes even out of Lane cause he goes Frozen Heart”
KnobHobbler says “If you can dodge his abilities you win lane easily.
Play behind minions to prevent his q from hitting.
Skill matchup up so better player wins 1v1.
push wave under his tower.
Take sustain runes if you can't dodge his Q's.”
franksterzz says “Not really a threat. Can be a pain to deal with in the late game since he outranges you with his q but overall you scale better. Stay behind minions to avoid his q damage and try to push him off the wave so his passive drops before engaging. ”
NotAragami says “Ezreal will want to poke you as much as possible in laning phase and still want to poke you once he got Sheen. He will be a pain in the ass to deal with, regardless of build. ”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Short Trades/Poke] All-in him early when possible as it's his weakest stage, he has a ton of range and can farm safely just like you. He only really has single target DPS so you outscale him when it comes to teamfights.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
Amberdragon says “Ezreal can't poke you through minions so try to get a minion advantage if you can. Avoid his poke. Farm well so you get level leads on him, and when you all-in make sure you are avoiding his Qs. Be careful to not get baited by his E.”
Kronaa says “Cringe Flash on E, usually that's enough to discourage you from going E'ing on him again. Super safe laner you will likely never get kills off of this guy. Good part is that you will block his Q with your W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Mystic Shot(Q) and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his Arcane Shift(E) is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate Trueshot Barrage(R) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.”
NorVillain2 says “Ezreal have his longe Q and he'll very anoy you with his E „ a mini teleport“. Because when you try to land your Q he just dodge it, if you land it, smart Ezreal will wait and only then teleport. So bully him in lvl 1 (or lvl 2 if he doesn't have his teleport) ”
m1NEEX says “I put this as Even, but good ezreal can be a problem, since he is very annoying to lane against and scales well.
Try to stand behind minions to not get poked by his Q. Ezreal usually starts with Tear, so he shouldn't be able to kill you early, and you outscale him. He might use E to poke you, your support needs to punish that, you can also help by throwing traps behind him when he E forward, you might get his flash.”
Kamicali says “Mystic Shot applies on-hit effects including the Crest of Cinders. Ezreal is a very fragile champion so take the fight to him. Ezreal is completely skill shot based, so make sure to keep minions in between you. You can win trades just by dodging abilities, but if you're not confident then minions will be your best friend!”
ARCTIC33 says “Ezreal is safe champion he will try to poke you with his long range Q and farm, you should punish him if he comes too close and always have some minions to hide behind.”
Xedavion says “Pretty annoying champion,he can go Bruiser or full crit and still one shot you,his early/mid/late game are all very strong,try to play the lane safely and if you have an engage jungler like Hecarim or Jarvan IV you can easily win the lane because hes gonna be CC locked by your ult and their CC so he can't do much.”
Amberdragon says “You both can just sit and farm the whole wave for the entirety of laning phase. A peel support will protect you from his Q. Stand behind minions and try to always have an advantage, you both have bad wave clear. Ezreal is pretty easy to run down when you have your R active, you just need to avoid his combo and survive.”
SrBroccoli says “He can E away from your ult and Q, and also easily poke you to death because off your low mobility.
Play around minions to block his Q, and make your support waste his E so you can all in. Follow that and you should be good.
If you know the enemy won't pick Vayne of Morgana, i recommend banning Ezreal or Lux”
Dravenhalal says “Fuck this little twink fuck boy. If you manage to get to him annihilate him but since you probably won't be able to get to him just accept your fate that he'll outscale you or read the quran and pray towards mecca that hes dogshit. Base your summoner spells of his team.”
Felino says “Any kind of poke ADC will be annoying as fuck to deal with in lane, will most likely have to give a lot and just farm what you can until a few items.”
Kitqsune says “Pretty even. You can block his ult, q, and e projectiles but I'm not sure about w. Ezreal will chunk you late game but overall this matchup isn't that hard. ”
BigBoyBen69 says “he is a pretty easy lane, just bully him when you can and try to stay behind minions to dodge his q. His E has a long cooldown, so bear that in mind when trading with him”
LewisTheRat says “Fight behind minions, he's quite bursty. Avoid his q, you will most likely lose the skirmish if you engage without full hp and a strong minion wave, he can e away. Try to cut off his path when ganking him if you are ahead and don't forget he'll likely win if he lands his skillshot.”
Icels says “He Fast, He Poke.
Generally the amount of Poke and Kite determines how annoying they are. This man got a free flash and can almost catch up to you if you're low”
Amberdragon says “Ezreal has bad wave clear and most of his damage comes from poke, that means it is generally hard for him to kill you as long as you don't face tank all his abilities and getting lane priority should be just fine by just using your wave clear. He is more of an issue in the late game”
Alvatorz says “An other really tought matchup in my opinion. Ezreal is hard to reach and you can't match his poke. Avoid his Qs and take fleet for the laning phase. On the latter stage of the game, you'll have more ease to fight him but try to focus on the tanks and the teamfights, Ezreal is weak in those and you're super strong !”
2saif4u says “Just stand behind minions, permapush and poke him under turret. Try your best to punish him as much as possible as he outscales you. If he is good ezreal he will stack his passive and can beat you early. ”
Deathstroke5277 says “You can beat him early, but he scales very well and is hard to deal with later on in the game. Try to play around minions so he can't hit his Q as easily.”
Demonsedge90 says “Another skill matchup, so the only thing you need to do is watch out for his w + q combo and make sure he uses e and or his flash before engaging with him.”
KINGKAINIXYZ says “Egyik legkönnyebb lane, maradj a minionok mögött, egyfolytában pusholj mikor nincs E betűje büntesd meg. Egyedüli hátrány 6 itemen erősebb.”
Krilep says “You can start doran's shield OR doran's blade in this matchup because it's mostly just farming/poking. If Ezreal has his W on you he is able to proc it by using his E so once he does that he is vulnerable that's probably your best opportunity to take advantage of the lane since he will always be playing safe and holding his E as an escape.”
DustRose says “Ezreal has gotten REAL strong lately, and dodging isn't something I trust other silver players to be good at. He's hard to fight in lane, but if you poke him with rockets (be sure to watch mana) it's possible to out lane him. ”
Valhalla Coach says “You can't really punish him for csing and he can dodge your ult with e. Care when you all-in him mid game, 2/3 items is when he is strongest. If you didn't mess up lane you should have a gold advantage and you scale better in the late too”
SaskioLoL says “You can pressure this lane with your support. Otherwise you always outdps him at all stages of the game. He will win if he can hold range forever so try to tell your team to force engage mid game.”
Dazlirn says “When vsing an Ezreal, as Draven we win early. Try and stay behind minions to avoid his Q, when kiting your axes outside minion waves, jiggle your characters a bit to bait out his Q and dodge it before catching it. Some axes are also not worth catching.
Ezreal hard outscales you so try and win early.”
leonidas44 says “Avoid his q and be careful of w+e or q combo you can easily outscale him in mid and late game. In early game poke him you have more range than him.”
Sellsword says “Ezreal is a matchup where you get to scale for free because he can't really threaten you - his poke gets blocked by minions and even if it doesn't, you can spellshield it. Besides, he has no waveclear so you can easily freeze - although he's a bit hard to gank. I recommend going Crit here because it scales better and he's easy to scale against. If you want to trade with him, don't spellshield his W - spellshield the Q that comes after that.”
RatSmacker69 says “God why is he popular? Annoying but not in the same way as Draven. You desperately need to get a kill or two in the early game to snowball and control the map but this little twerp is so safe and beginner friendly that he has Flash as a basic ability. If you don't let him farm or get a kill lead on him early he fails to scale into the late game and becomes useless.”
PancakeKittiwake says “You’re probably going to get hit with a lot of poke, but your poke goes through minion wave so take advantage of that. Scale up and root him if he uses his e to engage on you.”
Nom212 says “He is no threat to you and you are no threat to him. The definition of even. Please don't block his Q since there is usually a more threatening spell you could use your Spell Shield on.”
Alvatorz says “Not a big problem at all, it's Ezreal, he can poke you from far away but if you just dodge it, you will eradicate him. He can just dodge your R easily with his E but it's not a big problem if you baited it before.”
Amberdragon says “Skill matchup, slightly Kai'sa-favoured. Ezreal wants to poke while kai'sa wants to trade and all in, if you can get on top of him and get good trades you easily burst him. In the late game he is more of
a threat and dodging his skillshots will be really important. If you can't kill him quickly you may get bursted or kited.
Support matchup is really important because if he gets a poke support you will get bullied. Against Ezreal it is best if you get a trade support like Lulu or Nami.”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Ezreal is a mobile skill shot scaling machine and if he can’t land his skillshots then his champion will literally do no damage!
◉ In the laning phase his primary way of trading with you will be through his Q [[Mystic Shot]] and W [[Essence Flux]]. You can dodge his Q’s pretty easily by using the minion wave as a big shield and while his W [[Essence Flux]] goes through minions the damage is minimal compared to [[Mystic Shot]].
◉ He is very squishy and easy to mow down once he’s caught out of position so if you see him use his [[Arcane Shift]] improperly then use that as an opportunity to catch him with your [[Zap!]] and [[Flame Chompers!]] combo then all-in. He’s one of those champions once you get your hands on him he’s very easy to kill off.
◉ Keep in mind that outside of his poking he can’t rly do anything to you so while you’re dodging his poke play aggressively and try to sneak in long range rockets from [[Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher]] whenever possible!
◉ Win Condition: Avoid his poke from [[Mystic Shot]] and trade aggressively. If he oversteps then engage on him and mow him down. Ezreal’s laning phase is extremely weak, weaker than yours!
Banana Pirate says “Ezreal is all poke. Dodge his q and try to poke him as much as you can. Remember Ezreal's e is a dash; so he'll be able to escape most of the time. One of the best things against him is your r. When Ezreal is low He'll use e / flash or even both to get away, just use r and easy clap.
I Am Not u says “Ezreal? Who's that? Never heard of him. Ezreal can poke you, but you out damage him in the early game. Deny him the early game and he can't snowball.”
Amberdragon says “Ezreal is annoying just like Ashe, avoid his Q poke. He gets tankier than most adcs so don't underestimate him. Avoid face tanking his combo and you can win. by running him down”
LegendaryOstrich says “You can start doran's shield OR doran's blade in this matchup because it's mostly just farming/poking. If Ezreal has his W on you he is able to proc it by using his E so once he does that he is vulnerable that's probably your best opportunity to take advantage of the lane since he will always be playing safe and holding his E as an escape.
A_Drunk_Carry says “Even though he can E away from your ult you still beat him in almost every other facet of the game. Your Q hurts. A lot. Your E can be used after he Arcane Shift, and you can use your W to speed yourself up to catch him. ”
Dealersz says “Very easy to deal with in lane, stand behind minions and always push and poke under tower. Try to punish him as hard as you can since he will eventually outscale ”
Urason says “Ezreal can be annoying if he's good but otherwise, you can easily kill him as long as he's not fed. Both of your E's are on decently long cooldowns, but his is slightly longer. Just be sure to pressure him early as he out ranges you mid game! This matchup favors Ezreal at first, but with practice, you can perform better here.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Ezreal will E your Q's and this mobility makes it hard to land yours abilities. He also has great range which Ziggs usually excels in over most botlane matchups. ”
LostFishEU says “Ezreal is a tiny threat because of this build you will be running. With this build you will get life steal from Vampiric Scepter and also get healing from your runes. Ezreal can't all in you and burst you down within a short period of time, and you will win almost every 1v1 if played correctly”
Santoryo says “Poke damage, in late he can oneshot you, but if you will stomp him early he most likely will be weak, most of damage is dodgable. Try to just farm and sit behind minions, you can even start Cull.”
ELOSANTA says “if Ezreal pokes Lucian down pre-fight and manages to dodge Lucians Q in fights, then Ezreal wins flat out. If Lucian manages to dodge poke and blows Ezreal's blink before he q's then Lucian wins flat out.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Scales hard af if you let him farm, causing a dilemma where you need to farm but cant let him farm. just kind of a nuisance overall.”
Coldsong says “Ezreal is a little bit more manageable than Varus, but is still really annoying. Play around the minion wave and dodge his W since it goes through minions. His ult is very telegraphed, so blocking it with W is easy.”
VerySpookySoup says “I hate this champion. That is the only reason it's here. Even if I'm absolutely stomping the enemy team's Ezreal, I still hate everything about playing against him. He's not even that big of a threat, this is just me venting my frustrations in a MobaFire guide. ”
AkiraVII7 says “Mage ADC mostly focus on safety and poke. Needs to hit his skillshot to stay relevant. Your laning phase can be calm depending on the support pick.”
Vapora Dark says “Ezreal will be doing the same thing as you, just trying to farm and avoid fighting. This is good for you as you outscale him very hard and his poke can be negated by some lifesteal/good dodging. Make sure to remember he can easily get out of his Curtain Call by arcane shifting over terrain, and he can line up his own ulti whilst you channel. Other than that, just outscale with ease.
Stay behind/inside your creep wave so he cant Q poke you.”
NikkiTT says “Also kind of a tricky matchup, he will be building Serylda's Grudge so going for the tenacity rune is a really good option, also his E can make you unable to land your own E or hard engage ER, in these times just ult OR flash/ult WITHOUT using your EQ, because he will be dodging your EQ with his own E blink. Having ignite/flash for movement speed helps a lot.”
Amberdragon says “Mostly a skill matchup. Push lane to make him farm under tower and get a gold lead by taking platings, or freeze in the middle so that your support can try to engage on him. Try to bait his E before going for an all-in. Have a minion advantage so that you avoid getting poked with Q. Don't face tank his abilities and ult to avoid his R. If you get close to him and dodge his combo you can easily kill him.”
Simon Uchinora says “Ezreal is a annoying one, higher poke damage and alot of extra range with hes abillities, it is same as draven, poke him without giving chance by he poke you back, stays behind the minions and make hes waste the intire mana, and if you are not being camped, just preassure him under the tower for him lose CS's.”
Gokinaf says “You can kill them simply because your Q can get them even when he use E, so you have more Life Stelal and Damage potential to kill him, try to not get feeded him.”
Rihh says “Not a problem if you can dodge his skillshots comfortably, if you're pisslow he might be an issue. Could change depending on balance, but Ezreal is also weak in Season 11 further diminishing any power he could have over Jhin.”
Urpog says “In lane he'll just farm and be uninteractive with you, once he gets sunderer you can't exist on the same screen in most instances, a slow losing farm matchup but not the worst by any means.”
Melyn says “Hard to win; hard to lose. Stay behind minions and try not to give him free klepto procs. Recall that even if you land your E, he can E away at that moment so don't waste your spells.”
Chaeha says “Ezreal is a scaling laner with a really weak laning phase allowing Kai'Sa a free lane to scale in. Ezreal should have no kill potential in lane as long as you dodge his Mystic shot.”
Jeerus says “You counter Ezreal in every way possible. His damage output is heavily focus on his skill shots, try to hop around him and dodge his spells.”
22Drift says “This is an easy lane and most Ezreals are extremely passive or try to get easy lane poke. Test how aggressive you can be and either poop on him or farm it out.”
R3Veal says “He can poke you even more after the rework. Try to dodge his Q or stand behind minions to not get hit by it. You can still kill him thanks to your movement speed and Ezreal's skillshot reliable abilities kit.”
yers says “Very annoying to play against. Once you land a Q or W on him feel free to obliterate him. Rylais and liandry's will be really helpful against him.”
Urason says “Ezreal is literally not a champion for half the game. Take advantage and dive on top of him. You can even freeze the wave once you're ahead and go for a solo kill. ”
King Turtle says “Ezreal is a bit rough early because he can match your mobility and his Q makes for really good poke against you. His W goes through minions and he can hit W mark by just Eing near you for easy damage. This matchup isn't impossible to win but you're gonna have to think ahead and make him pay for any mistakes he makes.”
Nixxen47 says “Ezreal is mehh, just try and avoid his Qs by standing behind your minions. You outdamage him depending on support matchup and if you are inside your minions. Ezreal has good scaling aswell but Kog'maws has even better scaling. ”
yers says “Like you, he has long ranged skillshots. His built in flash will be annoying to run from/land abilities. Must he do that, try making your combo and stun initiate unpredictable.”
cakiens says “try your best to avoid his poke and use your q and your autos to poke him yourself. ez can destroy you since most of his damage comes from abilities so try to use your minions to block this q and do not let him kite you.”
Inoriboob says “Ezreal is very meta and can extremely scale harder than you, in lane look for easy auto attacks and dodge qs. grab level 2 and force a play with support. rest of lane is patience and wait for openings.”
HyroPyro says “He has almost no kill threat and his Mystic Shot (Q) is easily avoided by playing behind minions or attack moving to dodge. Most Ezreal's will not look for kills unless their support pairing gives them lane priority. Try to gain lane priority to prevent Ezreal from landing Mystic Shot (Q) for free under your turret.”
im_zeno says “ANNOYING CRINGE. His E makes this lane super annoying to play against. SAVE your E Q till he uses his E or you can rely on your support to engage or bait out his E. He's a scaling ADC so he can't one shot you, but his mobility makes this lane annoying asf.”
IHaveNoName says “Avoid getting poked and try hitting him with your axes anytime you don't need to last hit or he comes to close, don't leave entries for his support while trying attacking him. His new W makes him way stronger, so don't get hit by that - and if, let it ward off and dont receive a hit from him.”
snowcard says “You can bait and farm mana off his Q, and you can literally block every single ability of his. He usually won't E your Qs, and if he does, punish him for it. He outscales you though, so respect him.
What you can block: Q, W (cast and damage), E bolt, R. ”
singed best adc says “One of my favourite match ups. He can't do shit in early and he can't do shit in late. Dodge his Q's and everything is fine. He can't use his E if hes grounded and you are almost always fast enough to catch him. ”
m0rfeazz says “Not a big threat,In low elo there arent many good ezreals so you are even,Ezreal will just poke and search for windows,punish him when his makes a bad E cause beside that ezreal can easily get killed or poke very hard,just force him to waste his E”
Deathbat1 says “He is an ADC that people have been building full on tank recently. One item people run on him is Jinx's biggest weakness which is the item Frozen Heart. This item reduces attack speed which puts Jinx at a major disadvantage so anyone that runs this item can basically screw you. ”
Trieuloo says “One of the hardest lane for a veigar due to him being slippery and having poke from long range. It is really impossible to play against. But you are able to freely scale which means you can beat him in teamfights.”
Alvatorz says “Ezreal is in a ok state actually for Phel. The champion can be boring at first during laning phase especially paired with a poke support but once you have BT and Galeforce, not really a problem anymore.”
RedNBlue says “You can slap him around in the waning phase but once he has no minions or obstacles blocking his skill shots and he has been able to farm he could become troublesome.”
Ekezun says “Try to bait out his E and then all in him with your Support, stay behind minions. Try to push the wave under turret since he has a hard time CSing already”
MiningRicK says “In the moment he is one of the best ADC´s in League. BUT if your enemy play him he has to hit the Skill Shots to be really important for the enemy team.”
IM NOT TOXIC says “If paired with a poke heavy support, it's going to be very difficult. Ezreal is tough to kill lane due to his E, so landing a W on him is a must. ”
DoublefeedOP says “Ezreal has a weak early game and you also outscale him so unless he gets some ganks all he has going for him is his mid-game powerspike.”
FunkyBeagle says “This is by far the easiest lane in the game for Kai'Sa. Start cull because its a full farm lane and Ezreal's early game is EXTREMELY weak. Play behind minions and dont get poked out and there's no way to lose this lane.”
DoublefeedOP says “Ezreal! I love playing him but against Jhin it shouldn't be much of a problem. You out-trade him during the laning phase and should be able to shove in/freeze if you've got a solid support. Ezreal outscales you hard so be sure to take advantage of your early-game pressure. I'd say the largest threat he has is his W > E combo but if he does that all you have to do is auto W and have your support all-in him.”
DoublefeedOP says “Ezreal should be an easy kill level 3 as all of his skillshots are projectiles so you can just W all of them and his low damage with Tear typically as his first item makes him an easy first blood target.”
APC Ziggs says “A poke lane, you have more damage early but he will propably deal more late game if he is good. Try to shut him down early with your support. Pretty much a skill match up.( lots of skillshots) . Not much in the form of tips :/
nraxxr says “I consider Ezreal to be a skill matchup. He is a little bit tough to hit with your W, so wait for him to burn it before committing to a fight. Try to stay behind minions when farming to avoid getting blasted with Qs. ”
KoZee says “In season 10, Ezreal didn't have the same strength early game he does now. He outputs a lot more damage due to item changes and Essence Reaver giving spellblade. Additionally, he can disengage and kite back due to his E. However, once his E is down, he can be punished really hard due to him losing his mobility that makes him hard to catch. This can be in form of an R engage where you can stack blight and use E and Q to proc it, bursting him down before he can escape. Be careful though, as his burst is a lot higher than most ADCs early game.”
Delta eGirl says “He'll be outside of your range for most of lane so it's going to be very boring. That being said if the Ezreal knows what he's doing you should be careful.”
FaceLikeAStreamer says “One of the few Match-ups u can atually win and trade and go agressive against. Only way Ezreal can win this is through his Q poke -> Hide behind minions and trade auto attacks with him. Care with his all in at lvl 6 because his Trueshot Barrage (R) will hit u hard.”
Xayaphelia says “In lane you can abuse him all you like, however as long as he has hands he just needs to get one or two items and can chunk you out from max range with just throwing Q's. His E is also a major threat as he can disengage or reposition out of your feathers very easy. Try to kill him in lane and let your team handle him later. ”
Raizins says “Ezreal is a champ that pretty much every engage support has some issues getting on. So don't expect reaching him to be easy. Do you're best to zone him with your R and threat of combo in teamfights, and make sure that you don't blow your W + Q combo onto him only for him to E away and make you useless.”
kingamazin says “Ezreal is probably the easiest adc matchup jinx can get, as long as you play it correctly. Remember that when playing against ezreal, you should always stand in your minion wave to avoid his mystic shot poke. You can poke him with rocket autos while standing in your minion wave for relatively easy harass during lane. On your first back I would also recommend getting berserker greaves in order to make dodging his abilities easier. ”
a1a7s45 says “Ezreal is one of the few ADCs who don't utilize crit items so he might pump out more damage than you. He's extremely mobile too. Your support better be CC heavy and tanky otherwise you lost”
Trampedach says “Easiest matchup in the game. He can't contest wave with your superior trading with auto q and you outshove him at all stages which means easy prio. If he is isolated and you either hit w or your ally cc him he is insta dead. He can't e away because of your mobility and you one shot him with q w. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “I honestly want to emphasize that this champion does counter Vayne. I can phrase this rather well! He CAN get to a point where he counters Vayne.”
ctm20141 says “Completely free lane.
He is pretty weak at the beginning and he can't really punish you. You can dodge almost everything with your Q, so use it wisely. If he's good he can't be killed because of his E, but you will outscale him SOOO hard :D! The only things that makes him win early game trades vs you are if you get hit by his W and/or by his ult. He's completely outscaled by a Vayne in late game.
If he gets fed it's a nightmare to shut him down...”
Tifforma says “Ezreal is pretty hard. He has poke, good damage, and mobility. Try to poke him, and bait his E. If you do that, you should be able to kill this boy. ”
Remmacs1 says “This match up is actually Aphelios favored for the laning phase because Aphelios can stand in the wave and make it hard for Ezreal to last hit. The match up is a lot harder in teamfights where it feels impossible for Aphelios to get on Ezreal.”
McNugglz says “Not that hard of a lane. Stay in your minion wave to avoid Q/WQ poke. Look to all-in him when he uses E. Starter item depends on enemy support pick.”
MilkshakeGuru says “He can out range you with his poke. Thankfully the majority of it can be blocked by minions. Try to stand behind them when farming. He is capable of using his E right as your W Gold Card hits to still jump away. Try to gold card him when his E is on CD if possible.
Beware of his global ult when recalling. Always be ready to side step it. Don't shop and recall etc.”
Zammey says “Easy lane focus on cs and roaming out of lane to get leads to snowball the game out from under him, avoiding his power spikes are earlier then yours and his items are cheaper mid game fights will be harder if you have not snowballed off roams or ganks”
Kasdor says “Avoid getting poked and try hitting him with your axes anytime you don't need to last hit or he comes to close, don't leave entries for his support while trying attacking him. His new W makes him way stronger, so don't get hit by that - and if, let it ward off and dont receive a hit from him.”
Dank672 says “Not the best early damage, although its hard to poke him since he usually just hovers at his q range. If you can predict his blink and get a root off and your support can follow with cc u can get early kills, but u do need the early kills as he scales pretty hard. However most ezreals will overestimate their early damage where u can then catch them out position and deck them.”
DSpinz says “Ezreal is a farm lane essentially, I nonstop shove him in so he has to blow mana to farm effectively, then use the priority to get fed off river fights or roaming mid.”
Compliant says “Ezreal is a relatively neutral matchup due to his weak all-in as well as inability to push a lead on his own. He will be able to freely farm with his long range mythic shot (Q), however, most ezreals will still play safe early game which will allow you access into the mid-game.”
Profesor APH. says “I give him major but personally for me its even but you dont have dash so its hard to run away his r and he have dash he can dash your r or when he have gravitum passive on him dash under turret”
EvoNinja7 says “He is really weak in the early game and is easy to engage on once he has uses his E. But once he gets his muramana his damage will start to increase. Try to dodge his Q since it will melt your health down in the late game. He's overall easy to poke and you can easily win lane over him.”
locelot says “Ezreal is not a early adc but be careful at this support he can carry ezreal late game ezreal is very strong dont let ezreal surprise you ”
Scrimm says “Ezreal is very easy to outplay; you can dodge his R by using your R to get behind him, you can E away from skillshots, and with HoB you should win trades handily. If he misses his skillshots he will easily be outtraded. Don't be afraid to just all in him at level 6 because you have all the advantage to outplay him with your ult compared to his.”
Papa Urgot says “Weak early so you should be able to build up a lead but after some items this guy becomes really strong. He scales a bit better then you do.”
SkittleBtw says “Not a scary dude, mostly a safe pick, can turn ugly if you eat his Q's 24/7 this lane for the most part should be a farm lane, if you get a lead it's not too difficult to run him down.”
pandorelol says “Can get troublesome if ahead, but as long as you play behind your cs in laning phase, shouldn't be too much of a hassle. He has the same auto attack range but needs to hit skillshots, not you.”
MitchiOWO says “Really easy laning phase but you can get outscaled unless you punish him in early game. Tough to deal with in late game because he can stack armor.
Kalista Monster says “With iceborn not being a thing on ezreal anymore he did become easier. But his safety makes it hard to secure a lead because he will outscale kalista at some point. Look to end games early”
balu88 says “He has:
-good poke potential
-ability to escape
-Strong lategame
weakened in early and mid game
worse and harder 1v1 kit than Lucian's
ApheliosMain62 says “His set and mobility is a million times better than Aphelios one, he may escape from you in a really easy way if you dont have Crescendum. And also he can delete you really easy.”
jhoijhoi says “Ezreal is a high mobility, high poke champion. He relies on hitting you, your ally, or a minion with his abilities in order to proc his passive Rising Spell Force and give him increased attack speed. Try to stand behind your minions so it is difficult for him to land Mystic Shot. Try and use Enchanted Crystal Arrow after he has used Arcane Shift, as he will be lacking escapes and be forced to either Flash or get hit.”
Archibold2 says “Ezreal revolves around his poke W/Q or W/E, wait for him to use his W or E before fighting him. However once he uses at least his W or two separate abilities engage and make him take damage with your ranged Q through minions. If he wastes his E without maximizing his potential damage make sure to take advantage of his lack of mobility.”
Akariine says “This matchup can really go one way or the other. Early to mid game, you should have the advantage due to the fact that Ezreal shouldn't be that built up yet, but mid game to late game, watch out as he is quite mobile and can sit at a very long range.”
Manzey says “No threat at all, can only poke you down, won't be able to trade once you go in with stun card, try to bait his E then go for gold card and you'll win trades.”
GariKun says “U hard counter his. if he wants a farming lane, u like farming lane too. Chill and beat him in late.
If he wants to fight, fight back. He's irrilevant pre-trinity. After he build it, chill and beat him in late.”
nraxxr says “Ezreal is a difficult champion to play against for most ADCs, due to his high mobility and burst damage. Avoid getting hit by his W Q combo and only engage when his warp (E) is on CD.”
Bouhhsolene says “If you hit W, he E's away, but you keep poking him. You have as much damage as him, so trades are most likely to be free. Just care for his support.”
Msloikturbo says “As I said, you outrange him, and outsustain him in longer fights. It's worth mentioning that you abuse his biggest weakness, his clear, extremely well.
And your teamfighting is on a whole 'nother level.”
Cam1304 says “Ezreal is very strong in the current Meta. Make sure to dodge his E and W and you should be fine. It will be hard to catch him out if he has his E but otherwise just try to play around it.”
SweatMeALake says “Ezreal has massive poke and outdamages you. Ezreal does not have much damage early game, you just need to dodge Q's. You have a higher auto attack range so punish him when his abilities are on cooldown. He is very slippery with his Arcane Shift, so poke and force him into an uncomfortable situation. Make sure Ezreal ramps up slowly with his tear. ”
SweatMeALake says “Ezreal has the ability to poke you down with your low range, so watch for harass. He doesn't do good in a short trade, he excels in poking or extended trades. ”
MrMad2000 says “Ezreal outranges you and typically builds Iceborn Gauntlet which nullifies your damage. If he builds Trinity Force, he will outdamage you unless you hit him with an E-Q or a trap headshot.”
Mephiix Unleashed says “Rly good ezreal players can punish you a lot by playing safe, farming up and scaling for their 3 item powerspike, they will always build gauntlent which you will hate, but the lane is in your favor, you can play agressive, avoid getting hit by Q's, punish with your fourth shot, also if you get ahead you should be able to get a lot of plates and play with your team all over the map while he is still farming.”
Spection says “COMMON. Ezreal brings almost no damage and no cc to lane. While he has a powerful escape with his teleport, he is incredibly squishy and entirely skillshot reliant. Wait for your support to stun him before you follow up! Keep in mind that your shield will block his Q. (I have no idea why)”
ShroudedBRH says “Ezreal is a safe laner with access to free poke so you will have a difficult time fighting him straight up. Late game his poke is way better then yours. If you fight him do it in groups as its harder for him to deal damage. His astral shift will allow him to reposition even if you lane your R”
OverjarlZane says “He can dodge most of your harass, but early-mid you still massively out damage and push him. Focus entirely on your pushing power in this lane and force him out of farm.”
OverjarlZane says “If you play this lane even half well he's irrelevant. He takes WAY longer to scale than you and you can just straight blast him.
Watch for his poke but tbh you'll be fine.”
Camelorry says “He hits hard at three items but so do you, look to block his ult and/or w with your w. You might not kill him if he is smart but he shouldn't kill you either unless you eat all of his skillshots. ”
Ikare says “The difficulty of this lane is based on the skill of the ezreal. But usually, most of Ezreal players will just try to poke and farm safely. Try to dodge his abilities with your passive. Remember that kalista with an hard engage supp can easily punish him if he goes too far on the lane with R, thats why you should try to freeze lvl 6.”
EvoNinja7 says “He has good marksman abilities, but you should poke him out a lot and try to get your jungler to jump him, because you can't let him get fed or you'll get one shotted by his E-Q combo.”
Kdrama says “Depending on the elo, ezreal can be tough OR can be very easy. Regardless however, you're going to have to be very careful. It's going to be difficult to kill ezreal in lane, so the only ways you can get a lead are through other modes of gold such as MINION and TOWER PLATES. This means, you're going to have to cheat a recall and get an early cull, then push lane hard in this matchup. If it's suitable, let your support know to roam, so you can 1v2 or 1v1 in lane for solo exp to make sure you beat ezreal in lane. ”
StriveHD79 says “Weak lane but can farm safely with his Q. He will build the manamune build + iceborn gauntlet most of the time, once manamune fully stacks you will no longer beat him in a 1v1 like you did earlier in lane so keep that in mind. Either fully commit for an all-in or do not even bother hitting him after his 2 items.”
StriveHD79 says “You have advantage in lane, but when Ezreal completes his manamune + iceborn gauntlet you no longer win against him 1v1 and he is very annoying to deal with afterwards so avoiding trading once out of lane, you must all in or you will be poked down.”
StriveHD79 says “Well, this is a bit of a difficult one. During laning phase you have complete control of the lane against Ezreal. You beat him super hard as long as you do not misplay. Outside of lane when he has manamune stacked + iceborn gauntlet, he will be much stronger than you. But it is nothing unmanageable. Just know he will win 1v1 against you after that.”
StriveHD79 says “Weak lane but can farm safely with his Q. He will build the manamune build + iceborn gauntlet most of the time, once manamune fully stacks you will no longer beat him in a 1v1 like you did earlier in lane so keep that in mind. Either fully commit for an all-in or do not even bother hitting him after his 2 items.”
StriveHD79 says “Stand behind minions to avoid his Q, it will be the main source of his damage, his W goes through minions and if it hits you he might E forward so step back when it hits you. You should have the early push on ezreal usually, this lane is fairly peaceful unless one of you messes up. He becomes very annoying once out of lane and will attempt to poke you out. Avoid fighting him unless you can all in him otherwise he will keep poking you.”
EvoNinja7 says “Ashe is the perfect counter to Ezrael. I personally hate Ezrael to the very core, so laning against him makes me really angry, and I usually lose badly or destroy him. Try to poke the hell out of him, try to delay his manamune. Once he gets that, laning against him will get difficult. You can poke him a lot and can easily all in him late game. easy match up really.”
eyh4sxdf says “This guy is just annoying, he can blink out of your W and away from you when you use your E. His wave clear is terrible compared to you so make sure you engage when he has to last hit.”
StriveHD79 says “Weak lane but can farm safely with his Q. He will build the manamune build + iceborn gauntlet most of the time, once manamune fully stacks you will no longer beat him in a 1v1 like you did earlier in lane so keep that in mind. Either fully commit for an all-in or do not even bother hitting him after his 2 items.”
snukumz says “He has long range and his poke hurts you a lot.
He's very hard to actually kill, like Tristana, because he can just E away after you snare him.”
Alonixlol says “Ezreal is a champion that is primarily picked for safety, he is very hard to kill in lane and his long range low cooldown Mystic Shot allows him to easily keep up in CS from a range in situations where other ADCs wouldn't be able to farm.
In exchange for being so hard to snowball against, he's also made to lack the tools to snowball himself. He has weak waveclear, unnoteworthy all-in power, and would be decent at trading if not for the fact that he can't poke through minions. He will never create a winning matchup solely on his own merits.
However, bot lane being as complicated as it is, if his duo as a whole is one that is either stronger in all-ins or stronger at trading and he is able to pressure the lane rather than play defensively, Mystic Shot becomes an excellent poke tool and he can exert a lot of pressure with his range, similarly to Ashe but stronger.”
Terrific says “punish this beta cuck boy if he tries to CS. you win laningphase, extremely unfun to play against as a Draven because it's just so passive. Late game he does start outscaling you but it requires him to hit his abilities.”
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says “As of new rework, just pay attention to his W as it can deal a respectful amount of damage while returning all mana spent on skill used to blow the mark. Otherwise pretty easy lane”
Surp1Clone says “Ezreal is really annoying he can E if you throw gold card at him so gets far away from you making it harder to deal with him not to mention his pokes.”
SuPIeX says “Extremely annoying. You literally can't do anything to him. Even if you get a goddess Leona support he can E out of her engage. Absolute nonsense. He will poke you from range all game.”
CALSHARKY says “Cringe champion. Extreme threat only with Yuumi. Will Arcane Shift away from you all lane but still killable assuming your support knows how to play their role. You can catch up to him using your bloodrush and flash.”
Trisien says “Mostly a skill matchup, if you manage to abuse him early with your support, you will win. If you go even or he gets ahead, he will spike sooner because he can stack Manamune faster.”
Krod7435 says “Ez is pretty easy to beat unless you let him farm a lot and then he becomes a problem. I suggest making stoppages to his farming and try applying pressure to him. If your support isn't doing well helping you then i suggest focusing on him so he doesn't get the upper edge on you. ”
xSEASeahawks12 says “This mostly depends on how good the Ezreal is. At his peak, Ezreal can be a nuisance with his constant poke as Kalista has no built-in sustain, but he has to be good to land all of his abilities on you if you use your Passive correctly. His escapes are not as strong against you, as you can still catch up to him by auto-attacking the wave and still being to land your full Rend that you had stacked on him previously.”
SaintSega says “Ezreal can jump away from dives and poke you while doing a cool dance. Depending on their support try to let them push and farm under tower ”
Zoodyacc says “This matchup really depends on you dodging his abilities, however I put him on '2' considering you do know, and you are able to know how to avoid these. Respect his trades, if he's running Lethal Tempo you might want to engage while it's on CD. Try to make him E to you and then engage on him.”
DravenMETA says “A smart Ezreal player will be play extremely passive early and become a monster late. It is very hard to punish this lane. While it is possible for some Ezreals to aggressively poke early it's not worth coinflipping into Draven. ”
TwentyOneShadows says “This matchup should be in your favor since ezreal is not good in dueling others, avoid getting poked, try to autoattack him with your Q everytime he goes for basic attack last hit.”
atonementblade says “You can dodge his main source of damage with your tumble. If you're both free-farming during lane, you scale better at two items than he does.”
JccmSaysNom says “Ezreal doesn't have a lot of pushing nor clearing power but his poke FAR outdamages yours(Especially Runegliave Ezreal), and if played correctly then he will zone you out of the lane or kill you, neither of which are very favourable to you.
Ganking an Ezreal isn't very easy either so stay on lane and roam with your jungler, if possible use your vision to catch the enemy jungler and snowball from this.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Skinny dude only has damage and his E for safety, once you get on top of him he is as free of a kill as any other adc, even if you whiff your E because his E, you can just follow him with R and murder him, he's too squishy to even require the E atk speed steroid.”
Reddish Red says “Ezreal's escape ability (his E) allows him to disengage whenever you engage. He must be CC'd before you can engage or bait his E out. Otherwise, your engagement will be completely countered with just his E.”
Phantom R says “Heavy dependant on Ez's skills. If you trade him well with your Q and kite him well (AAs and one or two AAs cancel every now and then) and you should be fine really. He is supposed to be the major counter for Jinx, but that's because many players don't know how to poke him fairly well on early game. Don't be afraid of this match up.”
Bebras19 says “Avoid getting poked and try hitting him with your axes anytime you don't need to last hit or he comes to close, don't leave entries for his support while trying attacking him. His new W makes him way stronger, so don't get hit by that - and if, let it ward off and dont receive a hit from him.”
madmickey says “Ezreal should be relatively easy to deal with. Keep moving to avoid his abilities. Use your net to disengage if he attempts to apply pressure.”
MayeLeven says “He can poke you every time with his Q, or Q + W combo and when you try to get close to him, he just jump away with his E, so it makes him to be a hard target for you. If he pressed his E, try to get close to him, then you can kill him with your R.”
Midorima says “Everyone thinks Vayne counters Ezreal throughout the entire game. Not true. In the early lane, Ezreal shits on Vayne because Vayne has to always keep away from his Q and once Ezreal finishes Iceborn Gauntlet, any of your advances will be stopped by a singular Q.
To win this match up: just dodge every Q. Easy right? XD”
Deathfeather says “You play this champion, you're insecure. Just saying. When you play againt him, you play the "can you dodge the skillshot?" game. dodge his stuff and bully him out of lane.”
RoadDGM says “Hes a safe laner like cait high range and an escape so if you ever go for a kill make him waste his e then you will have to go in after he uses it for a free trade.”
Aizenvolt says “Rare but happens. You can destroy him after 6 and pre 6 you also have the upper hand, if you know how to play kassadin in an average lvl. Ezreal is what i like to call a nerfed Kassadin:D I believe you know what i am talking about if not well...”
ZERO Destructo says “A truly difficult matchup for Jhin. His Q deals ridiculously big amount of damage with his W, and probably has one of the best pokes in game. His E provides him with much greater mobility than any other champion, and it allows him to avoid your traps and W, and also get out of your ult. Besides that, his snipe is even better than yours, since he has no range limits.”
Jima says “Ezreal as a lane opponent might be bit annoying due to his poke. If Ezreal has a support like Thresh, Braum etc. he can E before your gold card hits and the support can tank for him till the stun ends.”
Eccentricks says “What a JOKE. This champ isn't often played against me for some reason, but whenever I fight one (which I think has maybe been like twice), they go 0/13 or some crap. I don't really understand why, but his Ult will kill (if he can aim...).”
Falllol says “É uma lane fácil por que o Ezreal assim como a Vayne quer crescer no jogo mas ele é mais fraco que ela em quase todas as etapas, além de conseguir ser solado facilmente .”
Deathfeather says “AHAHAHAHA. dont play ez, hes like the beastie boys of the adcs. or the reeces pieces. not good, unless you're caught off guard. make sure to dodge the q's.”
spark2 says “Ezreal is crazy annoying, but not too bad of a matchup. He's got a lot of poke and a lot of safety with his E, so you'll have trouble catching him when it's off cooldown. However, its cooldown is longer than your Phase Dive, so you've got a brief window where you can catch him. He's also got godawful waveclear, which means you can push and roam really easily.”
Asothin says “Your E CD will be shorter than his [[Arcane Shift]] after you get your CD items. Harass him occasionally with W>AA>Q>Q>Q... this might force him to use his Arcane Shift after which you can E>Q>Q>Q. Dodge skill shots and you will have this match-up.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Use minions as a shield from his Mystic Shot, and punish him if he wastes his blink to poke or engage greedily. His wave clear is terrible, so force him to farm under tower if possible. Pretty much Christmas for you if you're against an Ezreal.”
Laverenz says “Easy matchup. Ezreal is skillshot-based, which makes it easy to play against, because you can tumble out of all his abilities. Ezreal's ult is also very predictable, making it easy for you to dodge it. You should be able to all in at level 6.”
Pacu says “Annoying. He is very annoying, you almost won't be able to e him, because he often stays far from the minionwave. He also has poke damage. Only go in if you are sure you can take him down.”
philsopaoto says “Ezreal is a safe laner, and can easily escape with his E. Fortunately Klepto has been removed from the game, making Ezreal practically unplayable. Watchout for his Q spam early game and you won't struggle against him.”
haloboleon says “You outscale and outperform ezreal in everyway, and now that Kleptomancy is gone there is zero chance of him gaining a gold lead over you making this matchup extremely simple. Stand near minions during the laning phase to avoid his poke and you should be able to push him under tower and gain a huge minion lead.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “ Skill match-up that comes down to you dodging his Q with passive and landing any harass you can on him. If you can land a Q into rend reset try and all in him immediately as he will finish two items and out DPS you. Punish his early game! ”
corvy says “hard to fight him early but you will have more impact on the game untill late when he takes over.
usually an ez in lower elo will always fall over late
if you can bait out his e in lane just go all in with everything you have.
he should be looking for a tear first so he will consistently have less dmg then you in fights in lane, as long as you ward for ganks and respect his poke you can get good all in fights on him or his support”
Kynaz0071l0l says “Ezreal is very weak earlygame, which is the exact oppisite of Draven. You will stomp him by poking and dodging his W+Q combo. When fighing him make sure he doesnt have E up. ”
SirZeros says “He is strong, but if you focus on dodging his skillshots it won't be such a problem anymore.
Buy boots earlier, so it'll be slightly more easy.”
Eucalyptus says “If you're able to catch him off-guard he melts. But a decent Ezreal will never let you into auto range during lane, just farm it out and look for skirmishes and dives.”
Lincoln878 says “Ezreal is the stereotypical easy lane, he can't 1v1 you, he can't win the 2v2 if you don't get CCed a lot, he can only win the fight if you get poked too much before the fight, you normally just stomp him and win the game.”
Fruxo says “Pretty safe pick, you have to bait his E before you try to kill him as he will otherwise just jump away from your W. Don't let his W hit you or you will get bursted with either an auto attack or his Q. Try to avoid getting hit by his Q's when he's chasing you as if they hit it'll reduce the cooldowns of his other abilities.”
Zulp says “Ezreal is becoming more common in the mid lane. Lots of poke, two evasive abilities (flash), his blue build is pretty mage-like, anyways this is a skill match-up. ”
Hardstuck Sona says “Ezreal's gonna do a lot of teleporting. It may be hard to keep up with him at first, but late game as long as he isn't ridiculously fed, you should be fine. He loses pretty hard to CC in general if he can't escape from it.”
MrDecoy says “really easy to lane against, poke might be annoying but d shield deals with that, he spikes really hard around 2 items so try to focus on hitting ur 3 item spike as fast as you can since you're just so much better at that point”
Zervax says “Ez really shouldn't be played in soloqueue imo as he's too skillshot reliant. Otherwise, he's safe and can't waveclear even half as well.”
Zach IWNL says “Ezreal and CDR Ashe tend to go even. He can use his e to dodge your W and ulti, but it has a high mana cost early so it's not sustainable.”
Fruxo says “Pretty safe pick, you have to bait his E before you try to kill him as he'll otherwise just jump away from your root. Don't let his W hit you or you will get bursted with either an auto attack or his Q. Try to avoid getting hit by his Q's when he's chasing you as if they hit it'll reduce the cooldowns of his other abilities.”
ADCMike says “Mostly an annoyance. Ezreal is the hardest ADC to kill so this will make your snowball significantly harder than usual. Would suggest to farm up and wait for ganks if he is playing well and safe.”
IPodPulse says “Stay behind minions to avoid damage and deny kleptomancy. He can buffer your chain of corruption with arcane shift, or dodge it completely. Try to engage when arcane shift is down or if he uses it too aggressively. You can try baiting arcane shift with hail of arrows.”
Exs Xena says “Due to Ashe's relative high mobilty and easy sidestepping, Ezreal shouldn't be able to poke her a lot. Try to bait out his Arcane Shift (E), so you can slow him with Volley and outdamage him in the trade. ”
Potato95x says “His passive gives him AS after skills, so he'll kite you when you're low health. Try to avoid his skills the most, his Q specially (gives him CR on abilities). Bait his E (aka Flash 2.0) to Ult him and watch for his Ult. His R has so much range he can steal a Baron while in base.”
GORE Klabok says “Another ADC with 50% Win chance against kalista just like vayne due to ezreal escape and long range skillshot. ezreal can keep kalista to a safe distance most of the time, unless ezreal isn't reaching late game, you Should win Lane phase most of the time, if he outscale its over for 1 v 1 due to Crazy Cooldown reduction from Ezreal Blink (E). he can actually escape each fight once he reach max Cooldown reduction. usually ezreal Duo with a Crowd control and Slowing tank support. Thats why i judge ezreal as an extreme threat.Ezreal is the Kind of annoying mothafucka you can't takedown if he blink (E) away each trade.Avoid chasing Ezreal after he Blink (E) away or you might get double tap each trade.if you bait the blink (E) in lane phase you can engage for 10 to 5 sec . Takedown at 100% chance in early game if you bait blink(E) before each attempt to kill. even any support can't stop you unless you get gotta win before 25 min against Ezreal to Avoid powerspike. ”
SimbaADC says “Although Ezreal can farm quite safely, he has far less wave clear than Caitlyn, so you can constantly shove him in and get tower damage (of course you must be careful of enemy jungle).”
FrankynFood says “He outscales you so hard if you don't get really ahead. He can also dodge your ult really easily with his e. So if you do manage to land it, it wont be for that long because ashe' ult stun scales with distant traveled. ”
Math Eon says “Got to dodge Q's offcourse, but his W is very strong. If you move propperly you should be ok. Need to get early advantage or he will crush you in late.”
The Jhin Cena says “His poke will really be annoying, probably making it hard to CS early game. best thing to do is to probably hump turret until you get Lich Bane and then kill him.”
SlashLion says “Avoid his W which can pop for a lot of damage as well as returning the mana cost for the ability that was used to pop the mark. Another even lane that can go either way, it is usually dependent on the Ezreal's ability to hit skillshots.”
lonely Xatu says “while he does have skillshots you can spell shield, he can easily out duel you with a higher damage output. if you are smart however, he is an easy champ to face.”
MallisTheGreat says “Generally problematic. Bait his E before casting your ultimate, because he is going to dodge it easily. Don't pick Varus after Ezreal was picked (in ranked games) because poking will be impossible (his E has lower cooldown than your Q).”
MallisTheGreat says “On these patches, Ezreal is quite the powerful pick. He can easily dodge your skillshots, so bait his E, Arcane Shift, with your W, Zap!, and then hunt him down with your Auto Attacks. Focus on getting lots of attack speed!”
Vortiris says “Dodge his abilities and don't get kited by him. He's pretty squishy even with his Trinity force. Bait out his Arcane Shift and you should be able to finish him. DO NOT under any circumstance, let late game take place, he will outscale you.”
Numresunw says “Try standing behind minions and go for a trade whenever he comes close, you should be able to win everytime, dont try to force a trade or follow him or he will poke you down, just auto attack whenever possible.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Ezreal is a decent threat to you. His mobility with his warp, and his long ranged ult can really get to you. Keep a doubly safe distance and buy banshees veil to protect you.”
Shake the Shade says “A very easy matchup for Jhin. Ezreal typically stands at a perfect range to be Q poked. If he ever uses his E aggressively it should be a free kill or you can push him out of lane. The only annoyance here is landing skill shots. ”
IamVictorious says “Ezreal is a skillshot adc , and with this build we are focusing on the Q-survivability , with your high attackspeed and some kite the duel is clearly yours ”
1tephra1 says “Fun match up because its so easy. Once you have IE its over for him since your crits do too much dmg at that point. Your E can block all his abilities so even if you mis time it you will block something.”
BL00dY3nD says “With his e he can stay out of your Range or also counter your R. He can poke you with W,Q cause he can see where you go when you are farming with your Q.”
Shderen says “If he's AP, the aim of the game is to dodge his abilities. If he's AD, the aim of the game is to dodge his Q and stay out of auto range unless you DEFINITELY hit your Q and E, and even then, you run away. They likely know what they're doing and will know how to snowball - you need to be the better team here. Seek objectives and shit.”
Fruxo says “You have to bait his E before you try to kill him as he will otherwise just jump away from your W. Don't let his W hit you or you will get bursted with either an auto attack or his Q. Try to avoid getting hit by his Q's when he's chasing you as if they hit it'll reduce the cooldowns of his other abilities.”
boppang says “Rushes tabi and gauntlet and you do no damage to him. Especially if he plays with Thresh or Leona, its either early first blood or he beats you with armor.”
NMFO says “Ezreal isn't that difficult, however his teleport ability can be used to moderate sucess, and it's cool down is close to yours. Just requires smart thinking. ”
jster131 says “This will be a very easy lane. Ezreal is a skillshot-based champ, so all you hae to do is stay behind the minion wave. Be sure to poke him with your autos (preferably 4th shot) and your q and w.”
Shizashi says “This matchup is more even, you both can match each other up, I would say Lucian has a slightly better early game, and Ez has the better late game but mid game is about the same.”
xTheUnlimited says “Ezreal got a lot of poke damage in his laning phase and will bully you with that. Try to dodge as much Q's of him as you can. Your powerspikes are almost at the same time. You have more consistend damage in late game though.”
xTheUnlimited says “Can bully you out of lane pretty easy with his strong Q poke. Wait some Levels until you get the range to trade with him. If you are going out of lane equally, you got the better lane game, definitly. ”
L9 Boosted Trash says “He's like Draven, just a bit easier to deal with since he uses skillshots and not basic attacks, still an annoying as fuck lane tho”
FelipeGustavo says “always stay behind the footmen to avoid Ezreal's nudge and hit him whenever he is within range. Do not fight 1x1 with him if he closed the Tabi ninja and items front you”
KinkyGaren says “Ezreal is all around the worst ADC to play against, he is safe, has high damage, low cooldowns, low skill floor, and gets quite tanky for an ADC.”
B34STLYG4M3R says “Ezreal is no longer a free matchup. He will try to shove you under tower and spam his Q. Rush Berserker's Greaves to dodge his stuff and shove the wave back. ”
YukiWyvern says “No começo de jogo todo seu dano é focado em poke a longa distancia com seu (Q) e seu (W).Faça que ele utilize seu (E) antes para fazer uma troca,assim, ele não terá como escapar caso não tenha flash.”
qasddsa says “Constantly push him in; he has poor waveclear and can only last hit with Mystic Shot. Don't take free harass from him; if he steps up to ranged minions to last hit, use Fishbones' splash. Since he's skillshot reliant, a 1v1 against him depends somewhat on your ability to kite and dodge his skillshots.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, your damage far outweighs this cute twink's damage so you can pretty much sit ur huge weiner in the middle of lane and eat all the cs while he doesnt get any. be warned though, despite how comfortable you want to get with this supple young boy, the enemy jungler may in fact also be attracted to him so don't always push up completely.”
MeSad says “"Skill shot" reliant AD. Although with the hitbox on a lot of his stuff, not much skill needed. Because most Ezs you'll see do not auto a lot, and most their damage is from their ability combo, Ezreal counters Teemo. Use your w to try to dodge skillshots and do not get poked down by this guy.”
Darkkin says “Dano bom, porem pouco clear wave antes da manopla dos glacinatas, apenas puna-o quando for possivel e agressive nele quando ele estiver sem o E, desvie do W dele e tudo ficará bem.
Damage good, but a little clear wave before the Iceborn Gauntlet, just punch him when possible and agressive him when he is without the E, deviate from his W and everything will be fine.”
satancurls says “Ezreal sempre foi um campeão que a Vayne ganha mas ultimamente por causa das runas e itemizações, o Ezreal pode se tornar um problema. Desvie dos tiros dele e assim evitará maior parte dos problemas na lane.”
II Monokaiser II says “Chato de lidar mesmo com suport de engage, melhor estrategia é pedir taric suport e empurrar ele para a torre e jogar dando Roaming, Thresh/Leona sup é bom contra ele. ”
Savagerayne says “A good Ezreal has a chance to beat you in lane throw poke.
You can a better all in and stronger burst.
Get an early kill on him and you can keep him out of the game completely.”
undeadsoldiers says “Zoe's crush is pretty annoying in lane. Don't underestimate his steady poke.
If he has Kleptomancy, keep track of his inventory and when he pops his potions.
Other than that, you can poke him when you find a window.
He can dodge your E with his E, but his E's on a decent cooldown so it should be pretty easy to bait it with a Q before going all-in.
Push him hard until he gets Tear.
Suggested: Armguard rush if you feel you need it”
macspam says “Not a difficult matchup in general, but he does have a free escape from your cage with his E blink. If he uses it offensively, definitely cage him in retaliation. ”
Seigemaster035 says “A hard-pressed matchup early but you win late since he can't really poke you out before a team fight, just stick it out early and wait for late.”
Federalist says “este simplemente tiene mas alcance:
solo acercate y perdera toda ventaja
ademas no te confies creyendo que no tiene como escapar ya que su E es literalmente un flash escondido”
Nittwerp says “If Ezreal can't poke you down before a fight it will be easy peasy to kill ezreal. If ezreal rushes iceborn, all you need to do is dodging her Q's and you should be able to chase her down.”
Vimo94 says “it's fucking useless against you, he doesn't have damage in early neither to take down your shield and when he finally got power spike you are beyond him”
iOwnPT says “One of the easiest match up.
Just stay behind minions and you win.
With the new Rework of ezreal he does a bit more damage if he hits his W so be careful! But overall you just do more damage than him from early to late game, you should win this.”
Warmanreaper says “High mobility ezreal, just try to poke him without tanking his Q or flux to the face, He's very mobile so he can outplay you if he's experienced.”
TianDaMan says “Stay in minions to prevent his Q from hitting you. Look to engage when his E is down. If you get tagged with W and he E's forward, that is your change to engage. Farm as much as you can because this lane shouldn't be fun.”
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