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Jayce Counter Stats

Jayce Counters
Discover all champions who counter Jayce. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Jayce in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,093 Tips for countering Jayce below

Top Lane
47.67% Win Rate77% Pick Rate Jayce Top Lane Counters: 43 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Jayce in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Zagreus16 says “Most jayce players will stay in ranged form and poke you down and go all in later when ur low. Maxing W in this fight is good if you cant ever get on him. once you get stride and survive his bullying then hes gonna start quivering in fear.”
14.13 Top Lane Sett Guide by Zagreus16 | Sett Player
CrimsonL7 says “Run him down! He will never win unless you cancer feed him somehow!”
Crimson's Master Briar Top Guide by CrimsonL7 | Briar Player
step1v9 says “Look for all-in windows when the Jayce player has no phase rush or speed gate. Otherwise, mitigate the poke by just last hitting minions safely out of his zone.”
Step1v9 Guide Patch 14.12 - FULL MATCHUPS FOR EVERY CHAMPION by step1v9 | Tryndamere Player
Lukenzoo says “Take doran's shield and try to farm with e and avoid poke”
Lukenzoo's Yorick guide by Lukenzoo | Yorick Player
Raideru says “Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Jayce is and how much jungle attention you get, in early levels you want to poke him with q whenever he autos you and sometimes trade with e + aa+ w + q and ask for ganks, at lvl 6 if he ever walks up too far you should be ab le to all in him as long as you are not below 75% hp, at lvl 9 keep in mind that you can one shot him with e+ aa + w + q + r + aa if you're even or ahead”
Best Darius World Challenger Guide by RAIDERU by Raideru | Darius Player
Azzin says “Annoying match-up, he can E you out and your W-W combo wont hit, so make sure to jump on him if he's in range form. Like every range matchup try to abuse him on the bounce wave 3+”
Haxorr says “Jayce can be a really challenging matchup for anyone who hasn't played it a lot. He can poke you down pretty easily, and if you jump in his hammer form deals more damage and he can push you away with is e. I recommend taking DShield and Fleet in this matchup and rushing steelcaps -> ravenous hydra. You can often look to q auto w and then run away with your fleet MS. Q start works very well in this matchup. Be careful of using your e when you jump in, as if he ever knocks you away and you don't land your e, you can get chunked really hard. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here.”
[14.11] Haxorr's Challenger Jax Guide by Haxorr | Jax Player
DuckQc says “he can't really do anything to you other than poking in ranged form.”
Updated OLAF GIGGA MONSTER TOP by DuckQc | Olaf Player
Baby_Driver says “You either play with nimbus cloak or second wind with dshield and def. Whenever you go all-in on him, make sure to walk behind him so he knocks you towards his turret. plated steelcaps are great here”
Baby Driver's Guide to Darius (The God-King) by Baby_Driver | Darius Player
Arthapsic says “If he is standing in your wave level 1 start E and dash into him and autoattack while you have E up. If he is playing safe level 1 start Q and farm with Q. Let him autoattack you once or twice level 1 to push the wave you have a lot of sustain with dshield secondwind. Give him priority pretty much the whole lane. If he doesn't have phaserush when he swaps form from melee to range level 6 you can ghost on him with ulty and get a flash or a kill. If he has phaserush you have to bait it out before you kill him. If he has ignite instead of teleport be very careful. First strike can be good depending on your playstyle”
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Mid Lane
50.19% Win Rate22% Pick Rate Jayce Mid Lane Counters: 10 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Jayce in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Vladmidir says “In lower elos this matchup is very easy. very few Jayce players know how to space properly and you can just run at them and 100-0 them. Pool his hammer Q or his hammer E and try to dodge his ranged EQ.”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Any page viable, first strike only if really needed for the rest of the team. D-shield can be really useful as he has strong poke. Second wind can also be a good option. Jayce usually runs electrocute, strengthening his early pressure on you. Try to survive the early levels with as little health lost as possible so you can fuck him up with your trades. Your all in is usually stronger than his, especially since you can catch up with him rather easily after he knocks you away post 6. You can also Ult his Hammer jump or knock away, giving you ample room to outplay him.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
Foxirion says “Jayce’s high poke damage and range can be a threat to Swain, as he can whittle down Swain’s health from a distance.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.] Jayce's early can be pretty unassuming and easy for you to bully, but his burst damage can be pretty scary after a few recalls. Be sure to stand behind minions as often as you can to avoid being hit by his cannon bolts. Keep in mind that you can cancel his hammer leap with your Satchel Charge, or dodge it with Flash in a pinch!”
A Comprehensive Ziggs Primer by Laimaudeja | Ziggs Player
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP. If you dodge Jayce's E+Q, then he can't really do anything to you. Be careful as he is stronger than you in skirmishes. After level 6, if he doesn't build hexdrinker, you can have kill pressure on him anytime you land some Qs.”
Fienny says “Jayce favoured but possible. Play well and dodge his melee W”
Ekko build by Fienny | Ekko Player
ShokLoL says “Jayce is relatively weak before first base so you should be able to build a strong lead here. If he buys a dirk first base trades will start to become a lot closer but if he buys any form of tear + whatever he will still be much weaker than you. Try poke him down while you hold E defensively so he can't trade on you with melee Q.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Syndra Guide by ShokLoL | Syndra Player
ShokLoL says “Jayce is relatively weak before first base so try and build an initial lead here. Hold your E defensively for when he goes to melee Q you. If you use bubble outside of this, play a bit further back while it's down. If he buys a dirk first base trades will start to become difficult, but if he buys any form of tear + whatever he will normally still be weaker than you.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Zoe Guide by ShokLoL | Zoe Player
ShokLoL says “Jayce is relatively weak before first base so try and build an initial lead here. If he buys a dirk first base trades will start to become difficult, but if he buys any form of tear + whatever he will normally still be weaker than you. Try not to give him free windows to QE you (stand behind creeps) and save your E in case he tries to jump on you with melee Q. ”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger LeBlanc Guide by ShokLoL | LeBlanc Player
ShokLoL says “Jayce is relatively weak before first base so try and build an initial lead here. If he buys a dirk first base trades will start to become closer, but you will generally win with QW. Try not to give him free windows to QE you (stand behind creeps) and respect him going melee and dashing onto you if you're standing too close to the creep wave.”
[14.7] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Orianna Guide by ShokLoL | Orianna Player
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