Top Lane 48.35% Win Rate82% Pick RateJayce Top Lane Counters: 47 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Jayce in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “Survive, has range to poke u, burst and also disengage with melee E. Is a really hard champion to play so try to force errors from him, dodge range E+Q with W and then fast trade him, this cant tilt him and also make him waste a lot of mana early. GOOD LUCK”
Dom1nus says “Start e and do small trades with e and w, watch whenever he swicthes forms as it has 6 sec cooldown. in melee form hes e can counter ur e so try to dash behind him so he doesnt push you back in the minion wave and e back at him.”
Houcs says “Im putting this as a major threat because if the player is good you will suffer. But if you are playing below master I consider it a easy opponent.
Remember his E can cancel your E.
If he have phase rush he will be hard to catch cause of his movement speed.
Once he is in his melee form and goes for a Q on you. You can interupt it with your E. Make sure that happens when you are near your tower so you can drag him to it.
Also, if you are going for the R drag to tower then E. ONLY DO IT IF HE HAS USED HIS E IN MELEE FORM OR IF HE IS IN HIS RANGED FORM.”
parker3n9 says “Facing a good Jayce can be challenging, but the matchup hinges entirely on your ability to land E. If you miss it, he’ll likely disengage with his E and use Phase Rush to escape, making it difficult to pressure him. However, if you land your E, you have strong kill potential, especially once you’ve built Rylai’s Crystal Scepter to keep him locked down. Focus on playing patiently and look for opportunities to punish him when he overcommits or mispositions.
Recommended Runes: Aery
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport (depending on the enemy team composition)”
BigBallsLarry says “Poke lane, take second wind and dorans shield, if he engages on you, parry his jump and disengage. similarly to gragas, theres no need to fight in this lane, as its hard to win a fight and you majorly outscale anyway. Jayce has pretty bad mobility so if your jungler gets a good gank off, he will either die or be forced to flash. Try to survive the lane, dont get poked out and scale. ”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Don't take too much damage on levels 1-3 and lane is yours. After this, abuse short and long trades, specially when he's low on mana. ”
Raideru says “In this matchup, all you can really do is Spam w and make sure he doesn't auto u for free and always look to bait his e q since if he doesn't hit it you usually have a window to short trade him then and remember if he ever switches to ranged form close to u look to all in him since he can't push u away with hammer. I advise PTA with Sheen rush or tiamat if you think he won't make mistakes.”
Spartaniko says “Engage on him when he is ranged, when he is melee be aware because he can disengage, E if he is gonna hit his empowered ranged Q. You outtrade him always, just be careful, his poke is annoying.”
MrBuis says “(A)(>25) Below diamond, this is a good matchup for Olaf, but in high-elo, this champ is a nightmare for me. If he goes conquering, respect the first 5 levels and all in at level 6 while above 70% health. If it's lower, then back off and heal with your doran's blade + passive. If he goes Phase - Rush, then freeze the wave at the first 5 level, then try to bait his phase rush + E and all - in. DON"TRY TO DO ANYTHING IF HIS PHASE RUSH IS UP AND YOUR GHOST IS DOWN; THE PLAY WON'T WORK. R before going into his melee E range, then ”
Fanatical Goose says “Very easy matchup, if he goes melee then you can block him from the wave, if he goes ranged then refer to the Guide Chapters ranged strategy. Specifically against Jayce ranged you want to Q while you get knocked back to make up for the lost distance. ”
UrPersonalGod says “More Jayce favored matchup.
Dont let him poke you down early.
Let him push in and hope your jungle ganks because jayce is very weak to that.
If you engage on him really focus on spacing because you Q1 and Q2 slightly outrange his meele Q range.”
Althalosofsirun says “most times jayce will be ranged form which will be super squishy. if you can ult or W him in this form he dies quick otherwise you will need to play around your turret to make him tank a shot or 2.”
Skaarlschloch says “Aggro Build + Ignite, DBlade start, Lv.1 E jump on him + perma trade & look for dives and punishes
Stridebreaker builds good if you get ahead early and they have more ranged/slippery Champs”
SemenDrinker says “Jayce is very annoying (take shield 2nd wind)
What hes going to do is just Q you over and over and auto attack you from range. Then he gets melee form and tries to burst you down. You must save your w until he uses his knockback then you can full combo him. Into this matchup I like taking comet to match poke for poke with him as he's very squishy in range form and gets poked down easily. Jayce lane is verry annoying to play against, he is susceptible to easy jungle ganks however.”
Frankoloko says “Second Wind, Shield & TP. Rush Rylai first. If he's good you'll basically never catch him but if you can get into melee range with him you win a fight. Play for your team (grubs, herald, dragon) because you will never win lane if you two are staring at each other. Only E when he jumps on you because all Jayce players combo off for a second first. He's actually Extreme level but because he is a high skill champ you can win if they screw up. Rocketbelt or Exhaust might be required here.”
IvanBeifong says “This champs has it all, range, armor and mr, burst damage, mana recovery, if he has phase rush its overkill, if you find yourself in this lane, try short trades, at early is your best shot to kill him, throw your E2 when he E's you, hard to get it right, but its what works best.
His ult is one of the worst in the game”
Belle19 says “hard outscale him but lane is a nightmare, just try to dodge his q's and survive. If he has phase rush don't waste your junglers time calling for ganks, if he has conq you need to be MORE scared because his all-in becomes very very strong but he is actually gankable”
Body Those Fools says “This lane can be a bit rough if the Jayce is good; they will just stand off screen and try to hit you with QEs. You'll want to hide behind minions as use them as a shield, but don't stand too close to them since the QE's AoE can hit you. Try not to stand near your caster minions while he's in Hammer Form; he will try to Q onto the minions. His Hammer Q is an AoE ability, so it will hit you in addition to the minions he targeted. Do your best to dodge his QEs; these are his main source of damage. Try to abuse your longer range early before he gets items; you don't want to play against a fed Jayce. After level 6, if he ever tries to Hammer Form Q you, you can just Ult him into your tower.”
Zagreus16 says “Most jayce players will stay in ranged form and poke you down and go all in later when ur low. Maxing W in this fight is good if you cant ever get on him. once you get stride and survive his bullying then hes gonna start quivering in fear.”
step1v9 says “Grasp - Stridebreaker | Look for all-in windows when the Jayce player has no phase rush or speed gate. Otherwise, mitigate the poke by just last hitting minions safely out of his zone. Keep in mind that he has increased resistances in hammer form, so when he has just used his hammer E and his PR is down is a great time to all-in/dive.”
Raideru says “Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Jayce is and how much jungle attention you get, in early levels you want to poke him with q whenever he autos you and sometimes trade with e + aa+ w + q and ask for ganks, at lvl 6 if he ever walks up too far you should be ab le to all in him as long as you are not below 75% hp, at lvl 9 keep in mind that you can one shot him with e+ aa + w + q + r + aa if you're even or ahead”
Azzin says “Annoying match-up, he can E you out and your W-W combo wont hit, so make sure to jump on him if he's in range form. Like every range matchup try to abuse him on the bounce wave 3+”
Haxorr says “Jayce can be a really challenging matchup for anyone who hasn't played it a lot. He can poke you down pretty easily, and if you jump in his hammer form deals more damage and he can push you away with is e.
I recommend taking DShield and Grasp in this matchup and rushing steelcaps -> Trinity. You can often look to q auto w and then run away with grasp procs, but only if your wave is pushing into him. Q start works very well in this matchup. Be careful of using your e when you jump in, as if he ever knocks you away and you don't land your e, you can get chunked really hard. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here. If he takes conq, be wary of fighting extended trades, but if he has phase or first strike then you can.”
Baby_Driver says “You either play with nimbus cloak or second wind with dshield and def.
Whenever you go all-in on him, make sure to walk behind him so he knocks you towards his turret.
plated steelcaps are great here”
Arthapsic says “If he is standing in your wave level 1 start E and dash into him and autoattack while you have E up. If he is playing safe level 1 start Q and farm with Q. Let him autoattack you once or twice level 1 to push the wave you have a lot of sustain with dshield secondwind. Give him priority pretty much the whole lane. If he doesn't have phaserush when he swaps form from melee to range level 6 you can ghost on him with ulty and get a flash or a kill. If he has phaserush you have to bait it out before you kill him. If he has ignite instead of teleport be very careful. First strike can be good depending on your playstyle”
TeiWasTaken says “Like all other ranged toplaners, he is on the harder side. He can poke you and if you get on him, he will just knock you away out of E2 range. You beat him at 6, because you can ult him when he knocks you back.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS E MAX
if he goes conqueror be careful his all-in is actually very strong. You can relatively easily eat poke and scale into late game assuming you dodge maybe half his q's. Really big lane bully but A) is really susceptible to ganks against mundo as you eat the knock away and B) late game gets completely outscaled by you as his one thing late game of spamming q is nullified if you purposefully tank them for your team. Just look to scale, past level 11 if you land a cleaver you can just run at him and he dies”
Ulsur says “This is an easy matchup if he doesn't have phase rush, if he does, it's pretty much even, all you need to know is that if he swaps from hammer to cannon you go all in, land your full combo as he won't be able to escape unless he has flash, other than that, just poke with Q1 + E and run away until he decides to hammer you, he scales really well but you're better in teamfights, Edge of Night works really good into Jayce but rushing Eclipse is the best.”
DioSett says “start doran blade and ignite , rush plated steelcaps , you can actually use W if he is using E and you will still land it . buy stridebreaker and after 6 try to all in him ”
KingJoeyy says “Keep your distance from Jayce during the early levels. His ranged attacks can be punishing, so focus on farming safely. Use your W (Hallowed Mist) to block Jayce’s skill shots and avoid taking unnecessary damage. The mist also grants you movement speed, which helps you dodge his abilities.”
procatking says “PTA, ignite, D shield take rune NO.4.
always try to be the first one to engage.
*Favorable for pantheon*
dont get hit by his E-Q combo
and the better engager wins”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Spellbook. tabis early.
Annoying early but you outscale him. r him after he transforms Back to range so he cant knock you Back immediately. I would say this matchup is easy but usually only rank 5 global smurfs Play him. ”
conqiyana says “havent played this matchup much but isnt too hard you can just 1 shot him with lethality, and you can dodge his q (ranged) with your w.
grass q and disengage when he swaps to melee and he cant do his q-e combo”
SenSen_LoL says “Hard to out trade, as his burst damage is better than yours, and he can trade back when you harass from a distance. Your best play is to try to trade him once he used his Hammer Q on the wave. If his Hammer E is down, you have a chance to all in and go for the kill.
Once he gets Eclipse, the matchup is even more complicated, as there will be no way for you to win the trades. You'll have to mostly rely on all ins.”
MaesePerez says “Annoying early, rush frozen heart and he never does damage to you, you outscale extremely hard if he doesn't kill you early. Not a hard matchup, but a very annoying one until lvl 6.”
forlid says “Jayce is a really strong poker and also has good all in, so try not to get hit by his empowered Q. Jayce's engage is very predictable, and he also lacks mobility, so he is susceptible to ganks. He is a strong scaler, but you should win him in a 1v1 as the game goes on. His strong suit remains his poke and burst, so buying things like Death's Dance and Sterak's hinders his damage output. ”
hamgi says “very poke heavy in cannon form. look out for minion hp and dont stand behind low hp ones as he will just kill them and q-e u. go for short trades while his ult (6s) is on cd. only look for all-in's in cannon form”
Belle19 says “Really annoying, he pokes you out and if you pull him you just knocks you away after doing half your health bar. If you freeze and he walks up, you can ghost run at him and w slow. His only option is to go melee and q e you, but if you start the pull as he e's you, he'll get staggered and rebound from the pull while you get pushed back, which gives you enough time to run up and kill him. Beyond that you have no angle you just lose.”
zwartebliksem says “As long as you don't get poked down early, you'll win every all in. If you're equal to Jayce / misplay a fight, you are quite likely to die in an all in, since he can one shot you dismounted when behind. Try to land an E on him, or you won't be able to do much.”
lbc1506 says “Can poke you a bit but not enough damage to kill.
Anytime he Qs you with hammer you just press Q and negate a combo.
Easy to get stacks aswell.”
Haearnbleidd says “I don't have much experience in this matchup, but from what i've played, he can't really do anything to you other than poking in ranged form.
Build: hexplate/stride > any good item.”
AWierdShoe says “Another champion that depends on the player piloting them. Jayce is an early game bully and has a lot of poke, plus melee abilities to play around if you get close to him. However, Jayce has very long early cooldowns that we can exploit. Smart Jayce players will go Phase Rush in order to dodge your skillshots better, but some will go Conqueror to add additional damage to their kit. Don't take free auto attacks from his ranged form, and you'll have to sidestep his Q, especially if its empowered by his E. Dodging his Q+E poke is critical in playing this lane as it allows us to stay healthy enough to hit back. Jayce players can transform into Hammer form if you engage onto them first, so be mindful of his tankiness as this form gives him bonus resistances. He can also hit you away with his melee E, messing up your combo, so if you go for a trade and he swaps to Hammer form wait for him to E you away before following up. Jayce's most vulnerable state is when he transforms back to his Cannon form, as he loses the bonus resistances and defensive tools to knock you away. This is an opening for later once you get enough haste in your Q (you most likely just traded with him in his Hammer form, so he'll transform back to Cannon form to poke you out). Swapping forms gives Jayce a bit of movement speed as well, making it easier for him to sidestep your skillshots. At level 6, I wouldn't ult unless you don't use all your Q's on him (refresh the CD) and he used his Hammer E earlier. If you ever catch him wasting his abilities or swapping to Cannon form when you have everything up, feel free to to fight him. Our champion can punish Jayce super hard for making small mistakes, but a good Jayce can send us home crying just as easily.”
Grimmloi says “klasik menzilli matchup fakat size elbet yaklaşması gerektiği için vayne teemo vs. kadar zor değil balyoz formunda e atacakken ulti atarsanız pozisyon dışı bırakabilirsiniz ilk item kesinlikle buzateşi eldiveni alın”
Pull wave into bush, so it forces him into leap range.
If his hammer swap is on CD, Go for long trades and all ins.
Short trades until he uses his self peel. Zone off wave after you first blood and crash reset. ”
Akuzai says “I have yet to face this matchup this season but I can tell you it's not the best. However if the jayce player isn't good they will waste hammer form then switch to cannon setting their ult on cd, which is when you can all in.”
hoflol says “High elo Jayce lane is unplayable, but otherwise matchup is okay. Jayce has a lot of range and poke, but a good W to engage and you will win fights with your ultimate.”
GheeseEmpty says “One of the matchups you simply have to play relaxed in. If you want to try and kill him, you should consider taking Phase Rush in order to match the possibility that he will take it as well. However, it's more consistent that you go the standard Grasp page and neutralize the lane, as Jayce can easily 1v9 a game if given a lead. Very difficult to trade into with his Hammer Form E and Q, but it can be possible to kill him early game, especially if he opts for Conqueror.”
xXazzer says “He has a lot of burst, is ranged, and with phase rush he disengage really fast. The trick is to not use W until after he uses his hammer to push you away. After that when your Q comes up you can hit him. If you are 6 probably kill him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Jayce won't try to all in unless his jungler is ganking, he hard poked you with ranged to death, he has his first item or you jumped on him and he plans to trade back.
You may as well treat this like a ranged matchup since he will sit in ranged until he gets any of the things above done. He won't do damage unless he lands full combo since when he does start to get damage your items are already making you too beefy so he doesn't do much if anything to you almost all game after you get items”
ThelpixG says “PAIN
His early game is really strong and he snowballs super hard if he gets any advantage.
But if he falls behind he's one of the most useless champions (its also very hard to find a player who can actually play Jayce properly so most of the time Jayce players tend to be cocky and commit alot of mistakes).
How to Beat?
- Fleet Setup with TP helps survive early game;
- Dodge his Q and try to passive him if he goes in;
- Try not letting him break all your barrels;
- You outscale him;
- He's very vulnerable to ganks so try calling your jungler out;
- If he commits mistakes he becomes vulnerable to an all in so try to capitalize on any of his mistakes.”
LilliaFanBoy says “He dishes out a lot of damage if you're hit either by E+Q (in his range form) or the full Q+W+E combo (in melee form).
Do your best to poke em down.”
Steinuhu says “Dorans Shield Start \\ Trade only with E but dont trade if he has all his spells up \\ Just trade whenever he wastes spells on the wave \\ You can try short trades like E Q W E so that he cant trade back \\ Try to R his melee E so that you can kill him after he wasted all his burst on you // A good Jayce is a nightmare for anyone. He will look to poke you in and out of bushes level 1, so don't take too much free damage. If you catch him off guard in the bushes however, you can actually 1v1 him level 1 and force his flash. Always be aware of his QE combo. Watch minion HP bars because he will look to surprise you with it. Do your best to farm and scale. His ult cd is 6 seconds, so take advantage of this cooldown when possible. He does a lot of damage so do your best to dodge his abilities. If you ever go for an all-in, do it when he's in cannon form. Hammer form gives him more resistances.”
WhendZ says “Jayce já muito dano e tem acesso a ambos ranged e melee. Recomendo jogar safe e desviar das investidas e do Q dele. ele é explodido no Late.”
LegacyOneTap says “This matchup is playable but its hell since you don't have any good means of slowing him down or stopping him from running mach 30 after doing 90% of your hp and then knocking you away from trading. you scale better but this lane is a pain if you die more than once and cant farm.”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror or grasp] pretty easy to deal with but care after 2 items, since his dmg starts to skyrocket and he can 100-0 your if you dont watch out. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Evite tomar o Q dele, caso ele vá pular em você, coloque cogumelos nos seus pés, antes do 6 caso ele pule em você tu não consegue devolver o dano que tu recebe, tem gente que curte usar Grasp e fazer uma build tank ou eletrocutar/aery para tentar devolver o dano.
Runas> Grasp, Eletrocutar, FF ou PTA”
Murfz says “In lower elos the matchup is fine since Jayce is a hard champ. In higher ranks its ban worthy from what I've heard though. Be aware that he can E you away in melee form so don't jump on him with E. Dshield always, try grasp too since you can Q -> Grasp proc on him to survive the lane. Second wind too ofc :D”
BurritoTopKing says “Second wind + doran shield avoid getting too poked down or you are going to get dove, tabis + stridebreaker + randuins is a good combo into him, you can also cancel his melee Q with your E.”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban.
"Warwick just kinda hard loses it by default. The best you can do is pick Barrier and hope you can Q his E and bait him into death."
He outdamages you pretty hard and not much you can do to build around it, start cloth armour and pots. ”
xskyswitch says “Jayce does well in both high burst and medium to long length trades. Play to engage on him and get your combo, when he retaliates, use your E when dumps half of his high burst combo on you. This negates one of his strengths and enables yours.”
Skaiy says “There is not much to do against jayce, he is very hard matchup and you cant win against him in lane, you should be looking for lvl 6 all ins similar to garen matchup but with jayce you want to keep fighting all the time after leer + 6 every time when you have your ULT, since hes core outscales ours its pointless to wait for core. You still are stronger in teamfights since he is sort of poke champ.”
Bonkyou says “Free matchup against anybody but 1 tricks who will poke you out with range form.
Don't let him regen mana with melee form and try your best to abuse Jayce Early Mid with your better champ.
Pissfree matchup against lower elo jayces in top”
Meleedeft says “Your best window to kill him its when he just switches to his range form because after he switched he cant switch back for some seconds and he cant knock you away.”
Chaddouk says “If Jayce has phase rush and plays decent he will beat you on side later, and you can never kill him in lane. If he doesn't then what you need to do is scale up, buy galeforce if the game allows you to (most likely yes), and look for big all-ins after 6. Keep in mind that he has his hammer so dashing straight in to close distance can be bad cuz then he hammers you and kites you for a big winning trade. So you want to look to hit W, close distance, get hammered, and then E to close distance again (just remember that you need 2 gap closers that's why galeforce is so good). Jayce damage before dirk is actually pretty low, you can outsustain it. Can look to put yourself between him and cs when he wants to last hit with Q. If you managed to get on top of him and he still didn't use his bump, position yourself between him and his turret and stay there even if you miss auto attacks for it so he can not bump you out and escape. Once he has a bit of damage in lane be careful not to get poked to death, it's ok to drop a few cs in order to stay healthy and be able to all-in when you can. It should be major threat but I'm yet to see a really good Jayce.
BaotoGame says “This is a very good matchup for Yorick.D-shield and 2nd wind is key.He will bullied you at the level 1(or not) so go E to farm and let him push.You can beat him easily of all times,when he try to trade with you and if him Q into you,just block him with your cage and bonk on his head”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Shield Start \\
Trade only with E but dont trade if he has all his spells up \\
Just trade whenever he wastes spells on the wave \\
You can try short trades like E Q W E so that he cant trade back \\
Try to R his melee E so that you can kill him after he wasted all his burst on you”
daitolol says “- This is currently my permaban for TOP and most likely the worst akali matchup on top, jayce lane is extremely hard due to the constant poke in lane being able to disengage and farm you for free honestly there really isn't anything that you can do in this lane if the jayce is good you can go for an all in if he doesnt build hex but after that it's G_G
- Can use e to dodge his melee q, Stand behind minions to try and prevent E+Q combo dmg.
-When going for an all in try to land an E as he will try to use his E to disengage from you but with E2 you can stick up to him
- When he is in hammer form he gains a lot of MR and Armor so it's harder to trade, try to go for short trades when he is in ranged form but dont commit too hard as you will lose them
Black Demon Ezel says “I'd call this extreme simply because he can be melee or ranged. Land your Q's on him and you win but if you can subdue him long enough to deal large amounts of damage, well, it's a wrap”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Can cancel his melee form q midair and you can threaten a ton of damage as long as you can reach him. As long as he doesnt get a random lead out of nowhere, you can tunnel on him perma and just always threaten kills.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Insanely anti-fun matchup, rush Plated Steel Caps. He will out trade you in almost any way if he plays correctly. If you survive the lane and manage to purchase Stridebraker, you will run him down.”
At_Tar_Ras says “here is arguably the only sad part about renekton. unlike another champ like irelia, renekton has little outplay potential/lane play options when it comes to ranged champions. pretty much everybody ranged is who you'll see in this "extreme threat" section so bear with them. this is why i always suggest two or three tricking champs if you're a top laner because if you were to OTP renekton you'd either need to have omega-patience or an unbreakable mental. anyways here's some info on this matchup. jayce will out-poke the hell outta you and outscale you too. rely on jungle help here. back-step to lead him forward, then turn arround and AA+Q or AA+W. with PTA, you might be able to pull something off from there but otherwise if jayce has hands this matchup is really really disgusting. you are flash-reliant to kill him in lane and that's only if you have JG help as he will just hammer you away from him. doran shield and second wind. play to survive and play for mid-game shove and roams to kill his important squishy.”
vexxed04 says “{phase rush ghost flash} This matchup is very poke heavy so you can take second wind if you want. All in when his knockback is down. Bait into ganks and ghost after him. Try to tank the knockback so you can lock him down. Dodge his Q's and be ready to hit W on them its all reaction based.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
Bully him early. Dodge his E-empowered Q and expect it when Jayce is out of vision. Save your Q for when he jumps on you with hammer to avoid his burst and punish him accordingly. He scales well so try to play aggressive early and don't let him get his item spikes for free.”
RipAMC says “Jayce has ranged poke and melee burst damage with his Transform Mercury Cannon (ranged) and Transform Mercury Hammer (melee) abilities. He can frequently switch between ranged and melee forms, making it challenging for Kayle to predict and avoid his attacks. Jayce's acceleration gate, Thundering Blow (E), also enables him to disengage or engage quickly, putting pressure on Kayle's positioning.”
DebRiX9 says “Harder than Akshan. Anyway: Second Wind + Doran, buy refillable and some armor at first back. Tabis then Rylai, you don't need damage against him. Keep your E to pull him back and DO NOT FIGHT before level 3, avoid CSing if he pokes hard.”
OmegaDelta000 says “He has decent poke and a disengage tool. You should just give up on csing, perhaps you're better off roaming, but wouldn't you be jg Kayn at that point?”
Samikin says “Non-Threat.
You have better poke on a shorter cooldown. If Jayce ever goes in with Hammer Form, sleep him and walk away before waking him up to win the trade.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Antecc says “Fully depends on the Jayce player. You can only fight Jayce if he has no E (hammer form) push back. A bad Jayce will walk into your Q range. If he does while his E is on cooldown, you have a kill window. Use it. Splitpush build works immaculately as you can dive this boy from full hp with 2 items, regardless of his E.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Not fun matchup, buy armor early on beacuse he almost always goes for rushed dirk against you. Sit on the barrel but be careful beacuse he can defuse it in ranged form then all in as melee. If you get pushed back without blowing your barrel and passive aa him he will get a very good trade.”
ABL Pantheon says “Jayce is not an extreme threat. Most of the times it depends on the players skill. You need spacing for him and you can engage early. His level 1-3 are strong too. Try to dodge his abilities. Also when Jayce engages you can use E to block all of his damage, then engage onto him if he doesn't have E melee form. Can rush Plated Steelcaps early.”
lordimboutabust says “Try to avoid ranged poke. Look for trades if he ever swaps forms or alternatively if he goes all in try to hit your W so when he hits you away you can try to return trade and possibly go for the kill because he is very weak while his abilities are down. If you ever catch him as he switches to ranged form off guard there's not much he can do so try kill him | second wind | Dshield - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “jayce is the most picked counterpick in toplane right now(patch 13.16) and is my go to ban. Laning phase is pretty bad considering the fact that he has pure prio over you at lvl 1. saving your abilities and playing for CDs is crucial in this matchup. most jayce players will start with poking you down a little then performing a all in with his hammer form, when that happens try to time your E at the same time he knocks you away from him. it will stun him in mid air and you can ghost for a easy free kill. it is very easy to make a mistake in this lane if you are not knowledgeable about the matchup, thats why you got me :).”
Zombzn00b says “This really depens on the skill level of the Jayce player. use e to dodge his QE combo, and save W to when he tries to all in you with hammer form to decrease his damage, and just kill him back when he has no dmg left.”
Waqql says “It is exhausting to play against Jayce. You constantly have to watch out for his empowered shot or if he wants to engage with his melee form. Dodge his Shock Blast and poke back afterward, bait out his abilities, and keep an eye on his mana. As Mega Gnar, you can engage, but remember that he will immediately knock you away. I can only repeat: bait out his abilities and then trade.”
FaNTOP says “Он будет пытаться использовать Фазовую Рывок и проводить короткие комбо, но если честно, ты выиграешь, просто не умирая, и ты сильнее его. Просто наноси свои Q как можно быстрее, когда он атакует, он убежит с помощью E+Фазовой Рывок, поэтому просто используй Q W и свою руку, чтобы победить в обмене и уступай в приоритете на 1 уровне, и ты должен победить. Просто наноси удары и удары и удары, и используй Доран Щит, и создавай волну на его стороне, когда она находится на его стороне.”
One of the few match ups that is not a ticking time bomb. Yasuo can relatively always have kill pressure on Jayce with a full AD build path. Jayce is burst oriented and if Yasuo is able to deny components of his rotation - Yasuo is free to out DPS. Yasuo can dodge out of Jayce Melee Q hitbox during cast animation also wind wall Jayce Gun Q (as well as enhanced Q). Jayce is a lethality user and is countered highly by large amounts of armor, picking up chain vests every so often is highly valuable.”
Lukajs says “Jayce can outtrade you really easily, both in ranged and in hammer form. In ranged form, he pokes you down with his W. In hammer form, he can Q + AA + E you to knockback you, and you're unable to trade back.
Play around him when he swaps forms, since there is a cooldown for when he can swap again.”
demirkaiser says “Same with Gnar, fight when he has his hammer. Dodge his plasma ball. Bait his E when he is in the hammer form. Don't get kited. Post 6 is easy. Take teleport.”
kayle1v9 says “really hard match up. Would do the same as against Jax. Early cloth is super nice. he can always knock you away when you R so its kinda hard.”
Jasic says “Lane is alright until he gets Eclipse. After Eclipse you lose, I repeat, you lose. Play safe, poke, and farm well.
60/40 odds Teemo Favored. Eclipse 70/30 odds Jayce Favored”
Tomuuko says “Very hard matchup, very good proxy angle, since he hasnt much mobility to stop you, if you are in a good spot for proxying, try to do it. After first item its much better because you can slow him and even he will use his E to push you back, you can mostly run him down with you Phase Rush, Stride, Ignite and Flash if needed.
If Jayce while laning phase has Phase Rush like you, you can wait to lvl6 in a good scenario he will waste his Phase Rush to poke you and then you can run him down with all the stuff you have. So you can: Flash-Q-E-Ignite-AA-R. (ofc you can add the Stride if you have him).
I dont recomend doing the extra one AA before your Q (while all-inning him) because that can give him chance to reacted with his E and your combo is ruined.
Its just ranged matchup against a ranged champion who can transform (with his R) into a melee champion, which is so annoying.
Althalosofsirun says “when he all ins try to stun him out of his hammer smack and beat him up take dorans shield and buy bork so you can burst him when he all ins”
Wraithlander says “D Shield / Conq with Second Wind, Overgrowth / TP or Ignite. Q Max or W Max.
Annoying poke lane but you win all ins when his first strike is down. If he takes phase rush look for short trades so he can't q or e back. As long as he doesn't build maw or isn't ahead you win 1v1.”
Nurakami says “Extreme for Good jayce
Major for Mid jayce
The problem now is that yone lack power to fight him msotly due to eclipse being amazing and broken on jayce and he can rush some lethality item and make your life hell.”
RykonZ says “Jayce's ability to poke and kite Mordekaiser with his Acceleration Gate and Shock Blast can make this matchup difficult. Additionally, Jayce's ability to switch between ranged and melee forms can make it difficult for Mordekaiser to engage and deal damage effectively.”
BezMemow says “Very hard to freeze against him, Ranged bully. Go unsealed book for ghost and rylai's rush (preferably giant's belt first back for survivability)
Start D Shield”
LocaLAM says “Jayce is not a problem. His CC is weak and you can bully and harrass early game. Dodge his empowered shot and all in him when he's in hammer form and it's GG.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Very VERY annoying matchup. You'll beat him at level 6 definitely. Go Stridebreaker if you're struggling.
Play around the bushes and he can't kite you, ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Jayce builds lethal amounts of damage and there's no way to change that, but snipe him with Q and prevent him from using abilities with W and then turn him into a snack with your ult. Easy money right there”
sinatra1633 says “You can keep pushing the wave and recalling above half health before he gets his first item. After he gets an item or two he becomes really difficult to shut down since you cant dodge his skills and he can distance you away from him.
Try to use your R on him when he is trying to push you back with his hammer as your R is unstoppable and then try all in him with your Q E and W.”
HSY12 says “You get poked while he is in ranged form. Treat it as a ranged matchup because even if you manage to get ontop of him, he will just knock you away with his meele E.
Farm under tower, ask your JG to gank (jayce has little mobility and is prone to ganks)”
ARealFakeIdentity says “His shock blast can do massive damage, however if you have enough vision in the late it should be simple to dodge, try to also not get into range of his hammer.”
Boptimus says “If you're good at avoiding his Q then this is a fairly easy range match up. Preserve mana and sustain through your Passive/W. Once you get your Lost Chapter you can look to throw out a lot of poke.
Jayce should never be able to Melee form combo you because you can CANCEL his Q with your E and full combo him instead.”
Boptimus says “Jayce is very good at control the pace of a fight, along with having decent poke as well.
Make sure if Jayce if poking you that he is pulling aggro from the minion wave, if he goes Hammer Form you should block the majority of his damage using W. If he messes up and wastes his E on your W you can look to stick to him and all in if he gets low.”
SesaPrime says “One GOOD knockback from Jayce can cancel your Hookshot jump & knock you out of your ult to cancel the effect setting you off completely.
Range form is the best way to engage on him. Pay attention to the moment he changes so the CD is fresh. He has a strong early game to yours & can snowball heavily from any lead.
Camille does outscale jayce, but his powerspikes throughout the game can give you trouble. ”
Reines Kokosfett says “He needs Dirk to be able to Match your damage. He can knock you out of your Q range with is E if you stand ontop of him, but due to his E's high cooldown (20 seconds) you can just wait for your Q to come back up and zone him off the wave.”
primate nefasto says “Try to set up a kill at lvl 6. with your ult you can easily kill him, avoid getting harrased and dodge his knock up with your W. In late he can delete you so be carefull.”
1Yamato1 says “Aqui tem 2 opções, Jogar de Grasp + D Shield e so farma, você ganha dele com seus itens. Ou você pode joga de ig + nimbus e fica procurando oportunidades de all win. Se você conseguir da o W no E dele ele morre.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Sustain his poke with Second Wind + D Shield heal.
Once he oversteps just jump onto him and hold W for his Hammer form E. If you hit it you always win the trade, if you don't you have 2 options. 1 you go out and wait for another good trade OR you go back in and outplay.
Dodge his Q's, especially his empowered ones ofc.”
stefanko says “Q start in this matchup and make sure to proc grasp when you q on him. He is really squishy early, and doesnt do that much damage until first back, so you will outtrade him with the grasp. Try to play around bushes in top so he has to guess where you are, and if you play bushes and he walks into your q range, you can precast your e and stun him as soon as you jump on him. Its fine to use your e like this in Jayce matchup as you cant hit it other way. (grasp with inspiration, teleport)”
Galactities says “He pokes you pre 3, but after that if he can't space you well just jump on him and beat the shit out of him, he will continually smack you away after you do your trade but he'll be very low so you can flash on him or do whatever you need to kill him. Try not to take alot of poke. Take PTA for quick trades. If he does somehow get ahead of you or roams and gets kills try to E his E + Q in ranged form or E his Q in Melee form. If you are taking a quick trade and expect him to Melee form E you (the smack away) you can E predict and he'll hit you away and you wont take damage.”
Zeffie says “His range form can be annoying but if you stay aware of his empowered Q's you should be able to engage onto him easy just remember he can swap into hammer and push you back”
dzsama says “One of the tougher matchups for Jax. He will poke you a lot and if you engage on him he will melee form E you away. You can build early Steelcaps and try to bait his E. The best moment to engage on him is when he swaps back to cannon form as then he cant knock you away. Jayce's are usually pretty squishy so if he gets caught he should be relatively easy to kill.”
NegativePhoenix says “If he's smart enough to poke you down before a full engage then that's a good way for him to do better in the lane, otherwise if he doesn't you should be able to handle him better especially in the fight where you ult him. Time your W right to avoid his E knockback and you easily win these engages”
GannicusTTV says “He does a lot of damage and can poke you. Use W and passive to mitigate damage, especially his ranged 3 fast W autos. Dodge his empowered E>Q combo, and look for all ins when he is pushed up to your tower. I recommend TP and build some armor first. He outscales you early with eclipse, so play safe but punish his bad uses of cooldowns.”
lorensj81 says “Jayce is annoying but not very hard. if you manage to engage onto him, so he goes into melee, hits you and knocks you away. You have 6 seconds until he can swap form again, so if he is close to your tower and phase rush is down you can just ghost on him and kill him with Q+AA+E+R combo.”
Не получаем много поука в ранней игре, не забываем про кусты. Попадаем ешкой, блочим его бурст, ждём пока он нас откинет, тыкаем кухан ещё раз. Желательно влетать в него, когда он только сменил форму на ренджовую, в ней у Джейса нет бонусных резистов и он ВАТА. Совсем вата. Если его ситят и Джейс рукастый, мачап ровный. Если любое из этих условий не выполняется – мачап абсолютно бесплатный. ”
Puyi says “Very hard to get near him without using your E and W. Using W to get onto him means you won't have the damage reduction to negate his hammer form combo. Empowered Q is quite wide and your E range is small, so it's hard to dodge. Try not to stand near low health allied minions, as Jayce likes to hit you and last hit at the same time. Run fleet and second wind and beg for your jungler's help.”
Irelius says “FREE
Dont get poked early and u'll be fine. Hit E, W his early burst, chunk his healthbar. Your R equals Jayce's death/burnt flash. If he goes phase rush, he has 0 kill pressure unless you REALLY grief it. Ideally, you want to jump on him the moment he switches to ranged form. You can utilize the cooldown he has on his R.
Against ranged matchups at toplane bushes are your dear friends. Use them to hide from poke or force the enemy to use his ward”
ananesever69 says “If he's smart enough to poke you down before a full engage then that's a good way for him to do better in the lane, otherwise if he doesn't you should be able to handle him better especially in the fight where you ult him. Time your W right to avoid his E knockback and you easily win these engages”
JustSad42 says “Go Second Wind and Doran Shield. This matchup is all about letting Jayce hit you three times, proccing his phase rush, then trying to force an all-in onto Jayce when he has his phase rush down. You don’t want to take any unnecessary poke unless you’re trying to get Jayce to use his Phase Rush. When fighting against Jayce without phase rush, you want to Q-W into him then move below him or behind him so that he can’t push you away with his E. If you do that, he will always be forced to flash there or die.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Jayce just pokes, which is very annoying. You are able to easily win every fight with him, regardless of what weapon he is using at the moment. Rush Tabi and it won't cause any problems.
JustSad42 says “Get D-shield and second wind.
If he has Phase rush, hitting R on him is not enough to guarantee a kill. If he has it, you need to hit E as well.
If he spaces correctly as jayce, you will never be able to kill him unless he gets hit by your E. I would recommend just focusing on getting 10 CS/M and scaling rather than trying to kill him.”
YamiLostSoul says “He can be hyper agressive since he can switch forms. Stop his melee Q with W. He can cancel your E with his melee E. Divine if ahead, Sunfire if even.”
St0rmyss says “Go Grasp with Sorcery secondary and dshield. You can go Ignite or TP depending on how you want to play. Stack your Grasp on the wave and then proc on Jayce with Q A. when jumping on him when you have E look to stun him as soon as you can.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't let him poke you a lot]
[Dodge his Q when he is in cannon form]
[Pull him back when he uses his E in hammer form]”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Annoying.
If he has phase rush you re doomed.
Wait 6.
Try to bait his melee form and go on him, when he transforms back to ranged.
PTA, can go ghost”
Atemporal says “Pista bem fácil. Tenha cuidado para não ser atingido no nível 1 e você ficará bem. E para evitar o puxão de E Q. Após o nível 3, se Jayce for agressivo com você, Q, auto, segure E até que ele o derrube, então E em ele depois disso. Se a entrada
a onda é muito grande, tente evitar negociar e apenas E assim que ele mudar para a forma de martelo e tentar dar um Q em você. Você tem uma janela para negociar agressivamente e isso é logo depois que ele muda da forma de martelo para a forma de ataque à distância.
Se ele estiver na forma de martelo, ele o derrubará e o empinará e você não poderá proc passiva nele. Contanto que você sobreviva ao início do jogo, você vence facilmente a partida. Ele não consegue igualar sua onda e se ele for agressivo, você o supera e
você pode até matá-lo com um bom uso de W e R. Você pode armazenar seu E para “desviar” seu knockback.”
RandumPersin says “Take conqueror and this lane is easy. Despite Jayce being known for solid scaling/becoming a carry, we MASSIVELY outscale him if played correctly. Lane is very easy, turn on w BEFORE E1 and right click on him - that's literally it. If w is on while we dash, the stun will come out even if he knocks us away and the trade will be even at worst. Early armor is great against Jayce if you fall behind and Renekton is a much greater teamfight impact as well as a more dominant splitpusher. Simply put, all facets of our gameplan are more valuable or better than Jayce's, its pretty hard to lose this matchup if we don't int the lane.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. Very hard to punish him due to his range and safe trading patterns, but you win short trades if you manage to E into him.”
Fizzy says “If possible to learn how the enemy jayce uses the E will be perfect to parry and come out victorious in the lane, runes would be pta and use the ghost to chase him.”
Cheeseypops1 says “A good Jayce will piss on you with no counter play, But most Jayces with get hit by your abilites so pre-6 you cant kill him unless he full ints you, But at 6 just ghost on him with Steelcaps and beat his ass. Rush Steelcaps and take ghost”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down melee champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “This mf has very good damage early, he can jump on you and knock you back so you wont be able to apply your passive. Stay behind minions if he is in ranged form and avoid getting hit with his ranged Q, especially if it comes trough his E”
hamgi says “good jayces can make this match up an even threat, especially since they typically take first-strike and build extremely cheap but good items. yone outscales tho so u will feel far better in mid-late game. he's annoying early if nothing else as he can choose between ranged or melee, and they typically cs in ranged form and poke with an accelerated q (e+q) and sometimes followed up with a triple aa (w). trading can be quite difficult as they typically switch to melee form to counter-poke with q, w before knocking u away with e, getting the final hit (most of the time) and winning the trade. stay behind minions to avoid his accelerated e+q in ranged form but not too close as it does splash dmg”
MrSIrPops says “Jayce can be really anoying in the early game . He usually just tries to poke you . Wait for your jungler for a sure win of your lane or you will risk him killing your entire team in teeamfights .”
JustCallMeVox says “You outpoke him from early game into late. Just beware of his melee stance when going for the finisher, and when you get low. If you can kill him from a distance, that is what's optimal.”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “skillmatchup(but a lil jayce fav), after he transforms into ranged,melee u have a small all in angle, most jayce players play phase rush tho which can be rly furstrating in & out laning phase so try to take a trade with jayce so he loses phase rush and then u can look for all in as well try to get 2-3 stacks before u use Q or E rly important, so u can use ur E if he knocks u away”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
kajinator says “Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite to keep up with his mobility and you should be fine into Jayce. You can stay even with him in CS and XP and you are a better team fighter and side laner than him.”
BreadyToCrumble says “The advantage of the Jayce matchup is the fact that nobody outside of high ELO can really play him that well, but nevertheless don't underestimate his damage. His Q will do insane poke to you, but if you dodge it you should be fine. Save your W for when he knocks you back so you can chase him down, and ult when he crashes down on you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
Evandabank says “Jayce is a tricky champion because the skill-level of Jayce players can vary drastically. Against a good Jayce player, they will use their E (acceleration gate) to dodge your E+Q Combo and make it very hard for you to engage onto them. However, Jayce does not have a great early lane phase into Kled. Look to play aggressively early on and try to damage him as much as possible. When you become dismounted, you have to play safe. Good Jayce players have the potential to kite you super well BUT by the time that you dismount while taking trades against Jayce, you should have him at 70% HP. A dismounted Q + an auto attack should be enough to kill him... especially if you are running ignite.
In theory this lane is hard, however Jayce has been nerfed a lot this season so his champion is in a bad spot.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
pura4 says “- [Cometa, Escudo de doran, Q > E] Jogue recuado antes do lvl 6, dando poke nele, apenas use seu full combo após o jayce pular em você, você precisa ser rapido para usar o combo antes que ele te empurre, quando ele te empurrar você pode recuar e esperar sua passiva, tente desviar de todas bolas do jayce, após o lvl 6 você pode solar ele se continuar assim.”
Oogaboogaga says “50/50. Jayce feels a lot weaker these days but can wipe you if ahead. Be wary of poke and give up wave if you need to. In order to bully you early he needs to use a lot of mana”
Justin108 says “He will poke you in the early levels but won't ever be able to kill you after your first item. You will also outscale him from that item on.”
Duwiiton says “Jayce can be ganked easily if you can land a hook on him. You can also initiate on him easier than any other toplaner, but you generally need to pick the right moments as he wins the trade from poking you while disengaging.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down melee champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
Elresser says “This matchup is so one sided it's funny. your W will outdamage is poke, and your Q can cancel his melee Q. Just chill for the first few lvls bc he's ranged but once you're lvl 3, have fun :).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down melee champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
dracondas says “ranged top laner if you grab him he is pretty much dead unless he knocks you away so be ready to W before he does it so you can hit it even mid air”
Thrandor says “Not very easy but winable. Pre 6 is kind of unplayble. Once you hit 6, ult onto him when he is in ranged form. He will transform into hammer form to E you away. Hold down Q to deny that and kill him”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down melee champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP when necessary. While he does have tons of poke, he does have high mana costs. If you can, try and look to fight when he is low on mana as he can’t do much of a combo when he’s low. Make sure you’re always behind the minion wave so the minions block his Q damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his Q is AOE.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “If they take Phase Rush and are zoomer 14 year old it's hard. Don't get poked too much early, rush Tabi and then wait for it to be pushed in. Land Q then W+Ghost and you can kill
him unless he Phase Rushes. If you're the best Tahm alive you can R him when he knockbacks so he knockbacks you while he's IN YOUR MOUTH and dies. Q spam HURTS him here
if you can land them. ”
lenithebot says “Pre lvl 6 is very hard since he can pressure you with his autos and high damage but lvl 6 it becomes a bit more manageable since he has no ultimate and you do so the lane gets a bit easier but personally I hate this matchup since the early game feels impossible against a good Jayce.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Лавирование может помочь.
Хороший Джейс вас просто зонить будет, купите таби , делайте два щупальца и не давайте ему нормально фармить. Своей R не давайте джейсу вас откинуть своей E.”
Taiquyorah says “Jayce à légèrement l'avantage s'il prends les trades correctement.
Mais si vous esquivez ses combo E+Q vous devriez être capable de gagner le MU puisque Jayce n'a aucun sustain !
Attention il fait de gros dégâts en late game donc je recommande le build trinité !”
NegativePhoenix says “Don't see often and for good reason. The most he's gonna try to do is poke you down with his Cannon form before engaging. E poke him when you can and close the gap with Q. The most he will try to do is use his Hammer form to make distance. Every stage of the game as long as you don't let him get every bit of poke he can, is gonna be yours.”
Yiphen says “Go Doran's Shield. You out-sustain him. If he Ranged E's, then he can Q you for free so back away. Build Plated Steelcaps since his only real poke is with his Ranged Hammer. If he jumps at you with Melee Q, Q + E + W combo him and he'll lose the trade. Freeze near tower. Dance.”
gekigami says “Muito dano. jayce contra gnar é um porre pois o gnar tem os status base muito baixo. e o jayce tem o dmg base das skills muito altos. então ele pode fazer bully com o gnar sempre que quiser. sendo ranged ou melee.”
Groovywelsh says “Jayce was very easy before but after the buffs he is actually very strong in early game.
E towards him and he will push you way with his E Jayce E has 20 seconds of cd Tryndamere E has 12 so you have a good amount of time to kill him. try to win early late game he will one shot you with a combo force you to use R and then just push you away”
7EyesNoSkills says “He deals a lot of burst damage, if you can exhaust him at right time, you will kill him. Don't try to trade with him, poke him with Q+E, don't let him poke you. You can't kill him without exhaust after he gets a bit strong.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His poke is very oppressive, respect bushes and ward if necessary.
Try and predict were his EQ is going to come from, care about gaps in the wave and low health minions.
Try and play to farm and scale.
If you are going to all in him, only ever do it when he's in cannon form and his ult is on cd so he only has 3 abilities.”
Kreiselficker says “Oh Baby its Jayce, so the thing about jayce is, he is hard to play so youre luckily not gonna face alot of good jayce players!
I would recommend to play conqueror triumph, tenacity last stand in that matchup and in 2nd tree I would go Cookies with Timewarp Tonic.
You can try to cheese him lvl 1 in one of the bushes and then run on him with your E , use one corruption and then back off after the trade is over.
If you dont plan to cheese him lvl 1 you should chill the first wave in one of the bushes and walk out once the 3 melee minions are low, E them and walk away again, its important that you dont miss EXP,
if you see your jungler paths top try to prepare a gank for your jungler. If you manage to get an early kill the matchup becomes more playable, if he kills you its doomed tho! He will oneshot you over and over, so you better dont int :)).
I would really recommend you to watch some replays of the jax Jayce matchup because it is kinda hard to formulate in words. Seeing it makes it easier I think!”
KrazyKid1024 says “I don't see jayce players often but when I do they're not too bad at the game. Thankfully they build lethality like us, so dodge the empowered electro blast lookin thing, and you one shot him.”
HalexUwU says “He can snipe you, his early fighting is quite good, and his splitpushing is a bit scary. That being said, he crumbles at level 6 when you have ultimate. ”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Respect him level 1-2 -> Stay healthy, let wave push to you and freeze if safe enough -> Use W to tank some of his damage when he walks up to poke you -> Early game quick E+Q3+W+AA and E back trades are recommended -> Cannon form dodge/bait out his EQ / Hammer form can dodge his Q and go back for a trade -> Can use either R or Q3 to ignore/deny his E knock back ”
Aberrant Demon says “How the Quinn matchup should be. Unlike Quinn's E, Jayce's knockback does NOT cancel your Q from connecting. This interaction makes the matchup for more playable. Level 1 and 2 you just want to farm safely. Stand behind your minions to avoid his Q damage. If you don't have minions to hide behind and you can't break his ankles, W any of his Qs that would land. Once you get your W, you can look for short trades with your Q. If he's ever dumb enough to jump onto you, you can use your E but that usually doesn't happen.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Jayce might be on a four out of five scale here, however there is something that makes him a perfect current counter to teemo. And that's the fact that he can jump on you giving you a fast combo (practically using only skills, and you can only blind his auto attack) pushing you back, making it impossible for you to force any long trades (which you usually win if has a decent amount of health) , so repeating until he can just turn on brainless mode and kill you. Adding in the wonderful hitbox, which riot games were pleased to create, of Jayce's buffed Q, makes the lane phase horrible both from afar and up close. So to be able to play without feeding this lane, go with Fleet Footwork with bone plating, always being careful not to take his Q buffed as you don't have any absurd sustain as you abdicated it to survive the high burst of the fast combo.”
IcunoX says “Very annoying for sure pre level 6 but once you get a few items start poking him down and E while he tries to go in. It is frustrating since he has range advantage but playable.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
PTA or Grasp
Goal in lane:
You can often look to get solokills in this matchup, as it is EXTREMELY volatile, ask for jungle help, Jayce is extremely gankable, punish him, and win the game.
Wave 1-4:
Look for poke, and try to match the wave push, if not possible just drop it and let him crash, otherwise play to not lose too much help, even if u need to drop some minions, as having enough health to trade is really important in this matchup.
Hard matchup, only look for poke when you have a front vital, then reset the back vital and look for a front vital again.
Dshield + Second wind is crucial in this matchup due to the sheer amount of overwhelming poke and options Jayce has, try to parry his empowered EQ in cannon form or his Lunge Q in hammer mode, as if you react quickly its a free parry, though if you are slow they can dodge it afterwards.
If you can SOMEHOW parry his hammer E then you can hard abuse them, typically jayce players will either do it instantly or hold it so you can bait them out and use it when you start having a kill threat on them.
Otherwise use bushes to your advantage to remove aggro and not let him poke you down, it helps for cs'ing minions, and if they ward the bushes you can call jungler for a gank.
LegitLechner says “Similar to riven actually. Depends on the skill of the player. Ive soloed lvl 3 many times. Also been shit on jayce many times. Just dont get hit by his gate Q. Also you can ult his knockback if you time it right. Wins 100% of the time.”
Papa Urgot says “matter of time before you run him down. chill early. farm with the cleaver a bit. you could get dead man's plate here aswell instead of a thornmail. depends on the rest of the champions as well.”
Scallywag says “If the jayce is good, the matchup is very hard.
You have kill pressure early on, but after dirk he can zone you from cs and will wait to jump in on the right moments.
If the jayce is bad, the matchup becomes bearable.
He can still poke you, but bad jayce always jump in whenever they can which gives you a chance to kill him.
Black Demon Ezel says “Jayce is not commonly played and honestly that's a good thing. His Armor Penetration shreds through Yorick. It's annoying and lethal but he can be beaten. W then E and make sure you have either a lotta graves or mist walkers to rend him”
Kurose0027 says “Theoretically unplayable matchup if the Jayce is good enough. Rush Tabis and try to parry when he hammer q's you rather than his E to win trades. If you're looking to kill him in an all in, save parry for knockback in hammer form.”
Dawn Break says “Este enfrentamiento es muy complicado, recomiendo siempre esperar al jungla para entrar a pelearle. Lleva las runas de "Contra rango 2", empieza con Rompeavances/StrikeBreaker y lleva ignite.”
OwOskan says “His way of stunning you and cancelling your mobility by throwing you somewhere else makes it hard to play, always stay under tower until you get your level 6”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: Just eat his poke and kill him level 6, there is no way he will survive your combo, Jayce relies on using his kit to distance himself away from you and go for short trades into kiting you to death. But Akali has 3 gap closers, so as long as you hit your E then I doubt that you will ever lose against him. Now you can kill him pre-6 but it requires him to misplay by trying to smash his hammer onto you, then you just E him and run him down. But if the Jayce is good then he will just perma poke you.”
Trundledaddy says “For some reason I never have a
problem with this lane, even though on paper I should, you can run him down, interrupt his melee Q with pillar, and unless he is fed, you win the extended fight. (note, I have 80% in games where enemy has a jayce top) however with an objective mindset, the lane is relatively hard, but can abuse early since he does no damage.”
powerfullgeo says “Ranged champion in top lane... Try your best to dodge the ranged Q and to not be poked out. If you try to engage he will throw you back with his melee E so try to bait that first before your all in. He is also squishy so cheese as much as possible.”
Federals1 says “Jayce has a lot of kill pressure on you until 6. Once there, you can usually run him down with q. Rememer that his knockback resets your q cooldown, so if you know he will use it, try not to auto him when you are close to him, so your q resets and you can speed up towards him again. Q max is needed. Third rune page should be used. Anathema's Chains rush works well into him.”
PandoraPanda14 says “This truly depends on the enemy player. Jayce is harder to lane against because of his poke and he can unexpectedly burst you down. He also can hit u away in his hammer form. Only all-in him if you for sure can stick on him. Care jg ganks”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Dshield + Second wind, Steelcaps really help in this matchup. The only problem in this matchup, is that he has a lot of dmg once he gets serrated dirk. You can parry his ranged form EQ or his melee Q when you engage him, you can also try to parry his E, but you will have to get used to the way he uses it or try to predict it. You outscale him, so try not to feed early, and have care with his oneshots.”
gazibulle says “Hard matchup, Jayce favoured in lane of course as he is ranged. I would say you both scale equally since you will oneshot him, but he will oneshot your entire team. You must start with Dshield and Second Wind so you can survive the laning phase. Early levels consider giving up some minions as his poke is strong, you can get the first 3 melees with W and by some chance he will walk up into it. Avoid getting poked for nothing, always trade it with your W. If during your W he swaps form and Q-E you, he is dead next trade as he will have no disengage (his E is on a 20s CD). Instantly E if he swapped to ranged form as he can't go back to melee to knock you back until 6s. I'm not sure but I think you can buffer your E while he Es you, if it happens you are either lucky or have an insanely high reaction time and you can E onto him and win 100%. At level 6 you can ult his E, if you can do it then he's locked in your slave cage and you will win the all-in. You beat him on side unless he is way ahead. Be careful of his insane damage with the Eclipse and Muramana powerspike.”
RYKKAI says “Has longer range and better harass than you. Be aware of his ability rotations and he will lose trades if he doesn't have hammer e to cancel your e. Don't let him regen mana for free and abuse him as he first changes into hammer to walk up to auto to farm, you can dodge hammer q on reaction if you e out.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “I dont think i've ever played this matchup as nasus only as other top laners. He has no sustain so E rush will work. Respect his damage after divine you can run him down.”
alexionut05 says “A fair matchup. He will try to poke you to death, but he won't succeed, because you took Second Wind!. If he goes into melee form and attempts to all-in, block his jump and you should have no problem of fighting this guy. Take care of how much poke damage you take, though. Show him who's got the bigger hammer!”
Agatrium says “He outranges you hard. He'll look to poke you down, then all in you with hammer form and kill you in one big burst. Just play safe and wait for jungle assistance. ”
MHLoppy says “His pre-6 is intense, with lots of harass plus enough disengage to stop you from just running him down. Lack of ult means you have a large level 6 power spike over him, which you'll need to take advantage of if you want to get anything done in this matchup. A good Jayce player may be able to gain enough of an advantage pre-6 to mitigate your level 6 power spike, then make you work really hard to find any opening afterwards. If the Jayce is bad you can just hit 6 and run him down though :D”
Gassid says “Start Bouclier de Doran, et prends Approach Velocity. Tu peux all-in au E si il vient de passer en mode Range (car il ne peux pas repasser en Corps à Corps tout de suite). S'il te Q in alors tu cherche à l'auto + Q avec ton passif. Si tu n'es pa strop derrière alors tu vas gagner l'all-in dès que t'as le Pourfendeur Divin”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero contraatacando.
Prioriza escudarte con la Q cuando te dispare con su disparo mejorado.
Si se lanza contra ti usa tu Q+W .
Juega a intercambios cortos pero muy agresivos.
La tenacidad casi no sirve contra jayce, considera no usarla.
Prioriza botas de armadura y vesta espinosa.
Prioriza comprar vida, él suele comprar cuchilla oscura y además reduce resistencias con su pasiva.”
Kocykek says “He'll poke you early a bit but you outtrade him easily. You block his Hammer Q. You have better laning phase and mid game but late game... Let's hope it never goes to that. ”
Helzky says “Jayce isn't a threat to you at all. His poke doesn't do enough damage to win against your all in. Just E him when you have ghouls up and trap him with W. He's squishy enough to one shot once you have prowlers.”
ZomB2446 says “He one of the worse ranged top laner on Yorick lane, because he have to self peel. 1 good W and he either burn flash or as good as death”
OliveeGarden says “take conq, ghost and rush swiftness boots. if he tries to melee you without a lead you win the trade, dont get greedy in terms of grit because he can just knock you away.”
magician4444 says “So much damage plus ranged. Unless he makes a big mistake you probably can't kill him. Most the time you'll just be afk farming under tower, while he pokes you. Hope your jungler comes and its a free kill with your ult. Solo killing him is also not impossible, but hard if the Jayce is good.”
ChowJunior says “Annoying. Poke, poke, poke. If the Jayce is good and denies you any chance at trading, set up your wave and freeze at your tower, then run him down the lane at 6. Dorans shield”
Your Desired Username says “Highly dependent on Jayce's skill level. If he's good he's gonna make your life hell. If he's bad then it's still not easy but definitely not as bad.
Rush tabis and Rylai's. You obviously win all-ins but he won't allow you to all in him. Instead, he will spam short trades which consist of him spamming his abilities, then just kicking you away at the end, which then procs his phase rush and he's gone in the blink of an eye. Ten seconds later he will do the same thing, rinse and repeat until you have to recall. Try not to use your e as he is running away, rather as he leaps onto you in his melee form (his q), this practically guarantees your e to hit him and he will end up behind you. It gets easier post-6 because now you can extend the trade but even here it's hard to kill him because of how much self-peel he has and, of course, phase rush. Don't ult him late game as, unless he is low, he will just waste your time and run.”
boboderaffe says “Jayce will always look to harass you from a distance. Try to stay behind minions and farm.
Only pop your ult if he jumps onto you. Then he will try to knock you away ASAP, which is why you wanna cast your W slightly behind him so he has no choice but to flash it or walk back towards you.
Past 6 you should win every fight after your first item if you can keep him inside your ult for long enough.
If he flashes away and is not low enough for you to finish him with Q+flash or ult+flash just leave him be. He can retaliate pretty well.
I recommend Seeker’s Armguard on your first and Oblivion Orb on your second back. ”
Princeps says “Tough matchup since he has strong lane and outscales you. His hammer E has 20s cd while your E has 14s. Engage into him in order to bait his E and after your cds are back engage again. If you do it correclty his E should be on cd”
Hoosteen says “Absolutely no threat to you at all. You can pick dorans shiled and still have 10 more ad than him at the start of the game. If you go ignite just all in him at every possible opportunity. the tv show arcane made him really popular for some reason so you might actually get to feel what its like to be a god.”
Xochii says “Jayce has extremely high range and poke potential - Punish him once he switches to melee stance. It would be ideal to have your jungler gank you if possible.”
Rayli36 says “Don't be suprised when he'll deal milions of damage with 1 or 2 items it's one of main characters in arcane so yeah.(STRATEGY or i think it is)-don't get tilted when he's auto-attacking you non-stop and try to farm as best as possible and wait for stridebreaker and then you can run him down almost all the time or you can wait for him to make mistake and misstep and then you can kill him easily also your Q cleanses his Q slow.
mainly AD,AP-dmg”
Atomragnar says “Like any ranged matchup, go second wind and dshield.
If you can catch him he is easy to kill. The problem is that he can kite you, and if you are able to catch him he can use his E to knock you away. If he engages on you with his melee Q, use your E to interrupt his Q.
Rush steelcaps. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Jayce has high poke and high trading power. His jump bonk combo is easy to break with your E. HoB to counter engage his engage and punish his sloppy poke. Take it safe though. Frostfire, Stridebreaker.”
Polartech says “Equilibrated Mathc up, Kayle is in disadvantage until level 6, but after it the lane will really become 50-50. Dodge his ball of lightning and try to poke him when you can.”
GastlyLoL says “He can poke you from range, and then knock you back when you attempt to engage. This is a particularly great matchup for Phase Rush , since it will give you enough MS to catch him to him and kill him, despite all of his safety tools. Always be hyper conscious of his shockblast. If you dodge that reliably, he doesn't do enough damage to force you out of lane. If he tries to harrass you enough and you aren't too low, he is easy to engage upon when he is OOM. The later the game goes on, the easier this matchup becomes, provided you aren't too far behind. Can be Major if he uses phase rush.”
LunaticDancer says “Can be a bit annoying early, as all ranged champions are, but unless you're walking into everything you should be fine, his early damage is quite lacking. Go Bullied runes and D Shield. If you hit an E and all in, you win a trade and you win it hard. If it's a kill angle, make sure to position in a way that when he uses his "push away" ability, you aren't sent completely out of range. Once behind, he's going to be absolutely miserable.”
N0kk__ says “Depending on who plays Jayce, he could be annoying or easy. Jayce is Ranged/Melee champ that can poke. Wait for him to use his E (gate), wither hit 1 or 2 Qs and back off”
COJA says “His poke is very strong so hold on tight early game. You want to play safe until lvl 4-5 but having Stridebreaker is ideal. Try to land W whenever he jumps onto you, and Q him whenever he tries to auto. A Q3 flash will not work unless it kills him, as he will just use his push backwards. ”
Eduardocwalle says “Annoying, but pretty easy to kill if u engage him, just buid some armor to deny his lethality and be sure that he wasted the knockback before u ult him cause he can cancel ur ultimate by kicking u out of the ring.”
Night Guy says “With Jayce it's a 50-50 whoever does the most poke and doesn't get punished back wins the lane. Try to dodge most of his E Q combos and when he uses melee form use E to poke him hard and lower him enough to the point that in the next E you kill him. If he gets you with most of E Q combos he wins the fight just because of his high damage.”
Adventfaith says “Poke with your Q's. Try and hold your Manta for a pocket heal for when he is frustrated and engages on you. Otherwise, it's a fairly easy labe.”
NAGlTO says “Jayce shouldn't be a huge threat unless he's good w/ his hammer, which most of them aren't. He can poke you down, but once you get a good all-in and he's blown all his cooldowns you should win lane.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Jayce is not played most of the time and when he is, he's useless to most because he doesn't build armor. He builds armor penetration. So try not to let him smack you into oblivion because he WILL deal a lot of damage. When he gets close, that's your chance to rip that sucker apart”
Gragas Fumante says “ Use the Sustain Against AD rune page to survive his stronger early game.
When in Mega form you can abuse Jayce jumping towards him which will slow him and then by doing a W + aa + Q + aa before level 6 you can win a trade, after that you can do the same thing but ulting him and increasing your kill potential.”
Quinncidence says “Yorick is a classic Jayce counter
D-Shield + 2nd Wind is key.
Jayce will poke you alot early, farm up and scale a bit.
Jayce has no dash (except his Q in hammer form), so if he gets trapped inside a wall he has to Q a champion/minion outside the wall, flash out or he dies.
Sandor Clegane98 says “This guy can be a real pain,obnoxiously annoying to deal with as most jayce players will look to poke you down out of lane pretty early,I personally always rush steelcaps vs him to help negate the poke,it's neccessary since it's also coupled with early movement speed to help chase him down,all in's you'll get knocked away immediately after you pull him so the strategy is to try positioning yourself behind him facing the enemy turret as that way he won't be able to escape anywhere safe,or you can positon yourself near a wall to decrease his knockback range,you'll find yourself using apprehend 90% of times but as always try to save it so when you do actually get into melee range you can secure an ez kill.
Dshield and second wind is a must.”
lol Wero says “One of the hardest match ups where u get kited easily, get poked to death, get pulled back if you get closer to jayce, and can deal more damage to you with his full abilities.
i recommend taking Fleet Footwork in this match up.”
5Head Builds says “Horrible poke and all-in. You don't win until the late game. If he misses his poke I would say it's safe to cs.
TBH I haven't faced this guy like ever. I wouldn't worry too much because I feel like he has such low impact. Never seen a Jayce get a pentakill.”
ToothlessKnight says “Can be an annoying matchup but Urgot hard outscales this one. Jayce is a very high skill champion and can outplay you early game. Don't take too much poke and play behind minions and you should be fine.”
xPetu says “Tips: Your W blocks his R-enhanced AA and his CannonW-AAs. Passive shield his Q and AA poke. Engage when he transform from Hammer to Cannon, because then he doesn't have access to Knockback-E during the trade.”
Stinkee says “A good Jayce is hard to deal with as Sion but most Jayce players are not good enough to abuse you. In most situations you can just slow him with your E and Q him when he tries to go up and poke you. If he jumps on you with hammer form he will try to cancel your Q with he hammer form E. This is fine as it puts your Q on a 2 second cooldown and if you can catch up to him you should be able to win the trade.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Jayce has been one of the hardest counters, for quite a long time. He has range, gap close, CC, mobility and better wave control and better burst. Avoid getting into an extended fight with Jayce, keep your distance and use minions to body block his (E) > (Q) range combo. Never let him get behind you, he will CC into lane cutting off your only route for escape. Maxing your (Q) can help with poking him from a distance as you want to not get too close. Also be aware that good Jayce players will (Q) > (E) in fast succession making it really hard to dodge his combo. He tends to fall off in comparison to our burst unless he purchases Maw of Malmortious.
Anoying bro5 says “Jayce is a big lane bully and will punish you if you let him. Either parry his knock back or when he jumps on you. A lot of Jayce players hold their knockbacks which can be tricky. You mainly want to farm this lane so take corrupting potions or Dorans shield and wait the lane out. You outscale him.”
BoilTheOil says “Rush Plated Steelcaps to run him down. Jayce gets strong when he gets serrated dirk, so you want play behind the wave to avoid getting hit with his E+Q combo. If he uses melee E you can W and still hit him with it if you time it right before he hits you. If he melee Q's you, you can E it and interrupt it. Try to ult his Melee E so you don't get knocked away. Mid-game he will try to shove waves quickly so hide in bushes to surprise him.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Jayce does a lot of poke damage and can knock you away and kite you to death if engaged on. The plus side is he is entirely physical damage so Thresh will scale against him.
Do not try to kill him without the jungler as Jayce's all in is deceptively strong at all points of the game. He also pokes.”
quinn adc says “Both you and Jayce are ranged ADs, but his attack range is 500 while yours is 525 so you have the advantage! I run fleet in this matchup because the sustain helps you against Jayce's poke.
The most important interaction is to save vault to counter Jayce's engage.
Jayce, after using his ranged-form combo, will swap to melee form and use his Q dash (To the Skies!) on you, and your vault actually cancels the damage and dash of this ability.
This is important because when jayce swaps to melee form, he cannot swap back for 6 seconds.
So, when he goes into melee and Q dashes onto you, if you can cancel this dash with vault, you now have a window of 6 seconds to bully jayce and combo him without him being able to retaliate.
Be careful though.
Jayce's E in melee form can cancel your vault, but it's actually quite difficult to do, and that's why I say only vault him when he Q dashes onto you so that he can't E you in time to cancel your vault.
Ideally, vault his Q ASAP so that he can't hit you with his E knock back.
Jayce's E range is 240, which is less than half of our auto attack range, so he can't do much at all if you cancel his Q.
In ranged form, stand behind minions so that he can't Q you, or more important, E-Q you through his Acceleration Gate.
Try to bait out his ranged Q by moving unpredictably through your wave and also away from minions.
Build ninja tabis in lane, and you just mitigate most of Jayce's Damage.
Also note that when Quinn completes 1-2 items, jayce is unable to 1v1 you for the rest of the game.
His ONLY edge is getting a lead in lane phase, but with tabis and 1-2 crit items, you can all-in jayce whenever you want and he simply cannot win.
I have yet to lose to jayce in lane ^-^ Incredibly easy matchup with practice.”
Veng Shotz says “Poke with Comet and play safe, the comet poke will eventually force him out of lane. Just be sure not to eat his long range poke or let him jump on you in melee form”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Annoying poke, long range harass, a lot of burst melee dmg + disengage abilty... Just rush tabis and try hitting as many nados as possible. If you go in for a trade, you will most likely lose it hard.
Shieldbow rush will help you survive his burst and kill him!”
Phrxshn says “Fight him in a Hammer Stance, you can easily out trade him, but if in Mercury Cannon Stance(R) you will have to make short and quick trades. To trade with his Mercury Cannon Stance make sure you stay in between Jayce and his Acceleration Gate(E) to mitigate his Shock Blast(Q). Short trade against Mercury Cannon Stance and long trade against Hammer Stance. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Rylai's Scepter, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Singed, Jayce's Mercury Cannon Stance) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Fling overrides his To The Skies! Leap) (Fling must be cast before his Thundering blow to override it) (Mega Adhesive stops his To The Skies! Leap)”
PH45 says “One of the tougher matchups for Jax. He will poke you a lot and if you engage on him he will melee form E you away. You can build early Steelcaps and try to bait his E. The best moment to engage on him is when he swaps back to cannon form as then he cant knock you away. Jayce's are usually pretty squishy so if he gets caught he should be relatively easy to kill. I prefer to run Grasp here.”
At_Tar_Ras says “if he is good with jayce it's gonna be HELL but with irelia it's not as bad as other champs. if you're both at the same skill level then you should win this one. focus on getting vamp scepter and not taking too much poke that you have to TP early. take 2ND wind. you'll have opportunities to kill him whenever he gets too close to ranged minions you can Q to. W his flip.”
iZeal says “If he goes Phase Rush you will have big problems hitting your combo on him as he will try to jump onto you whenever you hit your W. He has strong early game pressure and a lot of burst but is very suscetible to ganks. Use Electrocute for stronger trading patterns and dodge his EQ combos. Try to hit him with Q1 W and then attempt to interrupt his Melee Q with Q2 E backwards for a good combo.”
SunFalk says “He deals a lot of damage. He can become ranged. He is confusing to deal with. - Play safe under tower or in minion wave, CS and poke your shield to poke him.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
Phrxshn says “Fight him in a Hammer Stance, you can easily out trade him, but if in Mercury Cannon Stance(R) you will have to make short and quick trades. To trade with his Mercury Cannon Stance make sure you stay in between Jayce and his Acceleration Gate(E) to mitigate his Shock Blast(Q). Short trade against Mercury Cannon Stance and long trade against Hammer Stance. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Dr.Mundo, Jayce's Mercury Cannon Stance) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo)”
slogdog says “This is a good matchup for Yorick if the Jayce is bad/intermediate. The reason being, he remains as an immobile ranged squishy champion that can't survive your burst effectively. Doran's shield + Second wind and stalling for level 3-5 engage is the play in this matchup.”
Raen says “Difficult match up for Jax, especially for not experienced players. Even if you will make Q on him he will just E you so try to jump when his E it's on CD. Get Doran shield, Tabi, ask your jungler for help. Don't try to get every minion if it will cost you getting huge poke from Jayce, 1 cs for - 50% hp - not worth. Also there is 1 thing when its not good Jayce its not that hard match up and its playable but if its good Jayce its nightmare for Jax. Try to cheese him on lvl 1 from third bush with E.”
SaltCat says “You can win level 1, level 2 also, level 3 it becomes hard but if you use your W to block his damage its way easier, he will poke you out so take care”
Phrxshn says “Fight him in a Hammer Stance, you can easily out trade him, but if in Mercury Cannon Stance(R) you will have to make short and quick trades. To trade with his Mercury Cannon Stance make sure you stay in between Jayce and his Acceleration Gate(E) to mitigate his Shock Blast(Q). Short trade against Mercury Cannon Stance and long trade against Hammer Stance. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Trundle, Jayce's Mercury Cannon Stance) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “The only tricky part is that he can jump out of your wall in his hammer mode. If Jayce ever goes in you just wall and ruin his day, though. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “Let him shove the wave level 1. Only go for CS if your Q and E are up. If he jumps on you in hammer form W > aa> E to safety. I don't reccomend all inning him if he is in melee form. ”
LoLReal says “Jayce is difficult for us. He can poke us out and has a pretty strong early game. When we get low his all-in potential is also very strong in hammer form.
Take second wind + dorans shield and farm safely.”
Justkb says “Laning against Jayce early is difficult! He can disengage from your lockdown with his Hammer Form E as well as his kite ability in his gun form. In Low Elo take phase rush and try to stay healthy until level 3! At level 3 take a full E, W, and Q trade and back out with phase rush. You should end up healthier than Jayce! Try and bait the next trade with your jungle and run him down with Ghost after he uses Hammer form E. Rush Plated Steel Caps and take Dead man's third if you start to fall behind. In High Elo take Resolve secondary with Second wind and Unflinching. Look to Trade once he changes form and goes to auto-attack minions. Try to land a True E, Q combo and disengage. Keep doing this as he will eventually run out of mana quicker than you will depend on wave positioning. When he is below 50% HP you can look to all in him once you can bait out his Hammer E. ”
P1Legend says “Jayce has been popping up more and more recently, but luckily you kind of have an easy time unless he plays in a very specific way. Jump on him and just use Q and auto him until he retaliates. Once he does, and uses his full burst combo, use W - E - W while retreating, he will be slowed and you can safetly retreat from the successful trade in your favor. Keep doing this until you can all in and kill him”
A_Drunk_Carry says “I think this lane is very managable. Jayce has the range and poke, but your Wither negates that. You simply have to wait out his gate, which most mid to low level Jayce players will use to E Q you. Then wither and get a Q or two in and back off. ”
Phrxshn says “Fight him in a Hammer Stance, you can easily out trade him, but if in Mercury Cannon Stance(R) you will have to make short and quick trades. To trade with his Mercury Cannon Stance make sure you stay in between Jayce and his Acceleration Gate(E) to mitigate his Shock Blast(Q). Short trade against Mercury Cannon Stance and long trade against Hammer Stance. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even, Jayce's Mercury Cannon Stance) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) ”
Phrxshn says “Fight him in a Hammer Stance, you can easily out trade him, but if in Mercury Cannon Stance(R) you will have to make short and quick trades. To trade with his Mercury Cannon Stance make sure you stay in between Jayce and his Acceleration Gate(E) to mitigate his Shock Blast(Q). Short trade against Mercury Cannon Stance and long trade against Hammer Stance. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick, Jayce's Mercury Cannon Stance) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Jaws of the Beast follows his To The Skies! Leap) (Jaws of the Beast must be cast before his Thundering blow to override it) ”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING AND DANGEROUS!!! --- This is a Skill Matchup. --- Jayce is a glass cannon; he can dish out a lot of damage very quickly and poke you down but he is extremely fragile. --- If you can get on top and stick to him you can run him down and kill him in an all-in. --- The problem is avoiding a lot of his poke and being able to put yourself in a position to all-in him in the first place. --- Avoid his Q poke and don't take free autos. (Run Second Wind and a Dorans Shield to cut down the effectiveness of his Poke, rush Steelcaps also) --- He is very mana hungry unless he builds a tear early so try and use his mana costs to your advantage. --- Be wary of his knockback in melee form so try not to use your Apprehend (E) until after he does so. --- A good way to negate the knock back is to walk up Crippling Strike (W) him for the slow, he should then proceed to use his knockback if he switches to or is in melee form and as he's slowed get in range to Apprehend (E) him as he will not have any escapes or gap closers afterwards unless he uses Flash.”
Jewceratops says “If the Jayce is good this matchup should be unplayable for Darius.
The key to too all in him the moment he swaps to Ranged Form. He has no Tools to deal with Darius for a while after swapping to his Ranged form.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him in a Hammer Stance, you can easily out trade him, but if in Mercury Cannon Stance(R) you will have to make short and quick trades. To trade with his Mercury Cannon Stance make sure you stay in between Jayce and his Acceleration Gate(E) to mitigate his Shock Blast(Q). Short trade against Mercury Cannon Stance and long trade against Hammer Stance. (Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Sett, Jayce's Mercury Cannon Stance) (Outscaling Edge: Sett)”
Jayce is not too strong in the meta at the moment but a great Jayce player can make him work anyway. Read the Ranged Matchup Playstyle I have written below for a good idea on how to play against all ranged champions. With Jayce, it is recommended to go for an early Steelcaps rush as that will completely gut him. Most Jayce players opt to go for Lethality early on in order to snowball too which would be negated by Tabis. Against Jayce, Conqueror is a must as you won't be building damage early.
Try to dodge his skillshot poke early on and get used to it. It does a LOT of damage, even if the Jayce is inting. Being poked down like that can lead to him just killing you in a single combo which is sometimes just sad as you watch yourself try to crawl to him and he knocks you back and puts you down with autos. His form change has a cooldown so you can try to play around him not having access to his melee form if possible.
The most important thing when fighting a Jayce is positioning. He is a VERY good trader and E->AA->W->Q Combo is just not going to cut it as he will just dash to you, knock you away, go ranged form, auto you 3 times and then fire his blast at you. And at a closer range like that you will not be able to dodge it which will just lead to you getting pushed out of lane. What you have to do is to just all in him every chance you get. Just drag the fight out. What you have to do is E and then just walk behind him or walk between him and a wall. It is no problem if he knocks you back before you can. Just try to make sure that you E or W him. Darius’ abilites are unstoppable so even if Jayce knocks you back, the slow/pull will still lock him in place which gives you time to catch up to him with ghost. If the E WORKS however, don’t use AA or anything. Just walk behind him and THEN do you combo. He will either A, Flash+knock you back for a disengage or B, knock you back behind him and start kiting you. Ghost will help you catch him at this point. You will probably be able to catch up to him regardless and kill him anyway. A Steelcaps rush helps in a situation like this as it prevents him from killing you before you catch him. If you need even more tankiness, buying and sitting on a Wardens Mail is great.
A Jayce matchup is somewhat oppressive early on but he really should stand no chance after level 6. Just try not to die to him.”
Drake6401 says “You get a bit of an edge post 6 but staying even for that long is a challenge. Pick a sustain start because Jayce has early mana problems and it will cost him mana to poke you outside of auto attacks which don't do much damage early. Keep minions between you and him so he cannot poke with Q so easily. From my experience, you do outscale this guy if you make it out of laning phase because he doesn't build many defensive stats and is mostly lethality. It will usually require catching him by surprise though because his Hammer form E knocks you away and his Cannon form E gives him moves speed. This biggest threat Jayce has is his level 2 because he can run you down after your poke trade and get a free kill with his 4 ability advantage.”
RivalOCE says “Your main window of all-in is when he changes form from Hammer to Cannon, denying him use of his (20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 Thundering Blow/ Hammer E) ability. Riven wins really hard on the all-in, her main problem is being close enough to do damage. Look to Q juggle after your first buy, and bait him to Hammer Q onto you, he should swap back to cannon soon after, this is your main window. Look to farm until 6 and not fall too far behind in farm. At 6, you gain a combat ultimate whereas Jayce does not. Usually only look to fight past 6. Jayce is also really easy to gank or even dive, if he lets you stack a wave on him.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Doran's Shield, Q > W] - Really easy, he hurts a bit before your first back don't die to him. After you get your first few components, he can't really kill you at all.
- Q him when he trys to farm. E, W him if he jumps you. Like it's so easy.
- I wonder if they thought of going MR and some life steal against malphite. They know better than I do.
- Try to get Warden's Mail first back"”
The Real Fake says “Painful to lane against, constantly pokes you down. Consider rushing Ninja Tabi & Glaciel Shroud. You can't ever kill him pre-6 as if you try to go on him with E he can just knock you back. This also prevents you from ever stacking up Conqueror. However, if he is not fed you can fight him level 6 once you stack up your Q on minions and maybe bait out his Q. Also by taking corrupting, biscuits, and using your W on minions, you can often regen his poke in lane. Your goal in this lane is to just survive and not give kills, you are much more useful than Jayce mid to late game.”
Rhoku says “Jayce can potentially be annoying but is doable nonetheless. Tabi Rush along with Resolve is a must. You simply have to make sure to not take too much poke. Try to dodge his skillshot that chunks you out. You may fight him by your quick passive combo but he can knock you back and kite you to shit so be careful. You win all ins but his poke is deadly if you let him do it for free. As usual, you win super hard in ult so if all else fails, wait till 6 and then bash his head in.”
YasTilt says “You can easily block his Gun's abilities with your W. Be careful when he's in Hammer Form. Take Anti-Heal if he starts with Vampiric Scepter.”
PK Noob says “Jayce tends to be pretty squishy so once you get your hands on him he's dead. You shouldn't be focusing him in fights though. He can knock you away and create space which would just be a waste of time. He's vulnerable when his knock back (E) is down, so engage him when you see him use it.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Fleet Footwork. Rush Plated Steelcaps. He gets really annoying after Serrated Dirk and Tear of the Goddess. Stay behind the wave so you don't get hit by his E + Q spam.
Not much to say. Basically you can't kill him because either he pokes you to death or just push you away after you reached him.”
FantasysAhlong says “Ranged champions like Jayce are usually fine for Alistar to lane against, you have enough sustain. Just wait for your jungler or farm until you get items.”
lulw says “Sigh. First time I played this matchup I went like 1/5 in lane. He does too much damage and windwalling his q isn't enough. His e slow and damage is insane. You only beat him 1v1 if he ints early. ”
wDesired says “If your up against a good jayce this matchup will be way harder but you can definitely still win this lane use E to Poke if he is going for minions an if he walks up E Q W AA and you win the trade (Try to Dodge his EQ tho!)”
Psychopathic Top says “Level 1, Jayce can zone you out of your entire first wave. It is recommended to use ghost on 1 when he does this and force your way to the minion wave by autoing him (he takes your auto damage as well as minion aggro). It may sound troll, but by doing this it stops him from completely harassing you out of wave 1, you get your xp and get a decent trade, considering you have 4 pots. Ghost cd is 180 seconds, and it is normally never used until at least level 6, so using it early won’t set you back at all. Do not be afraid to use it for benefits early, the cdr is short and it is there to be USED a lot (it is also used to beat the enemy players flash cd, as flash cd is almost double that of ghost, so if you trade flash ghost with someone that has flash, your ghost comes up a lot faster and can be used for an all in earlier before your opponents flash comes up). Post sheen level 6, you should win every all in, and just scale into teamfights later. He doesn’t outscale nor out split push.
DippyDan says “Lane Bully with a lot of burst. Will go Phase rush which will make it very difficult to land your Riposte. Very hard to predict his knockback and can win 1v1.
TIPS: [1] Can go Fleet to survive the early game. [2] Parry his Q to guarantee to land or E if you can predict. [3] Farm up and eventually will outscale.”
Hecki says “This match-up is pretty much decided by skill. A good Jayce can still lose though if you play your cards right. In the early phase he will most likely try to autoattack you down and poke you with his Q. It's fine to missout on minions as long as you are able to soak up the XP. Try to look for some Q pokes at lvl 2 and pay good attention after lvl 3 since you can actually go for all-ins at that point. Of course it depends on how aggressive the Jayce plays. If he tries to jump on you with his Q and use his E knockback for damage you can look for an all-in or at least a massive trade as soon as you hit your W. He will have no way of keeping you away from him without his E so you can position yourself to hit your sweet spots without any interference. You can rush Plated Steelcaps if he tries to rush Serrated Dirk since it will nullify the early powerspike in damage. (First sign of him trying to rush it if he goes Long Sword as his first item).”
fishybearo says “Jayce can be very annoying to deal with on Renekton, I would reccomend Dorans Shield, Second Wind, or both in this lane due to Jayce's constant poke in ranged form. You can look to all in Jayce, one tip is to use E1 to engage on him, then once he knocks you back use E2 to stick back onto him and combo.”
DemonicTrail says “Lane bully vs Lane bully
Ranged form - you cant really contest, stay behind minions and fight for wave control if safe, if you dont have minions, back off
Melee form - fight, 9/10 times he will have to knock you away because your damage is too much”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes; second wind; Dshield] Build at least one Cloth armor early. This matchup is all about surviving to level 11. Before that point, he wins most trades. Watch out for his empowered Q and build boots asap to dodge it.”
IAmStryker says “Starting Items:
Dorans shield + Second wind
What ever your team needs
Lane: Anoying 24/7 poke lane.
He will sjut go into hammer form when you get to close and out trade you HARD. So just ry to dodge all of his skillshots instead.
Late: Easy outscale. ”
Beecai says “Runa Recomendada: Aery.---------------------------
Antes de nivel 6 intenta no pelearle cuando tenga el ''Martillo'', espera que cambie a forma ''Cañón'' ya que tiene un tiempo de reutilización en la que no puede volver a cambiar.
Después del 6 tenes que predecir cuando se te va a tirar para colocar un hongo a melé y si se te tira con su combo lo active.
Si el jayce te inicia, considera tirar un hongo hacia su oleada para que al activarla el área de efecto ocasione que Jayce también se vea afectado.
Alan234 says “You can go both the standard build and burstmo, I would decide based on what you like and how the enemy team looks like.
Mostly skill matchup, however eclipse and good scaling can make Jayce lane really hard. Dodge the e q (play in your wave and position according to his position). Shroom the wave when he goes in with hammer Q and Q him. He sort of wins the short trades with his hammer form so you should respect him during those”
TXK_ says “His lack of dashes means you can run him down if you catch him with your E. Your 6 is stronger than his so look for a 1v1. Bone plating can limit burst from his combo.”
Mr. Popper says “Its a battle of the poke, who ever gets poked down first will get hard engaged on by their secondary forms (mega and hammer form). I recommend going for a tanky build since his burst can be pretty insane and you can kill him with base damage most of the time anyways.”
Mayo Is Amayozing says “He will blast your poor little facey (and not with what you want). Dodge every Q basically. Polymorph doesn't stop his E (the electric speed field) while it's going.”
aurus666lol says “Annoying and better because he will rush Eclipse and Phase Rush. Be smart and take double healing from runes and try to not get killed on ganks.”
JaxIsAHobo says “This matchup is actually surprisingly not as difficult unless you're against a Masters+ Jayce player, or at the minimum mid diamond. Jayce, if played correctly, will zone you off of the first 3 waves, and then all in you at your tower when you are still level 1 and he is level 3. If he zones you, then try to stay as healthy as possible for his towerdive at level 3, but if he doesnt, which most jayce players dont, then just passively gain exp and try to last hit at least a couple of minions. Overall, not a very difficult matchup in lower ranks, but extremely painful in higher level play. Take phase rush if you want to play for lane only. Rushing hullbreaker second after sunderer here isnt the worst idea either.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED EN SA FAVEUR.ESQUIVEZ SON POKE. RUSH LES TABIS.PRENEZ CONQUEROR.NE LE FIGHTEZ PAS AVANT LE LEVEL 3. ESSAYER DE LE FIGHT LEVEL 6.Jayce n'est pas trop fort dans la meta pour le moment mais un bon joueur de jayce peut toujours le rendre viable. Comme tout les matchup range concéder des cs et éviter de vous faire trop poke car jayce possède un énorme burst. Rush tabis va vous permettre d'avoir plus de potentiel de kill sur lui surtout que la plupart des jayce vont rush de la létalité pour vous snowball donc prendre de l'armure aidera beaucoup. Jayce fera toujours beaucoup de dégâts même si il int et si vous vous faites trop poke il pourrais vous oneshot en 1 combo surtout qu'après vous avoir burst il va vous pousser et si il joue phase rush va s'enfuir tranquillement. En revanche son changement de forme possède un cooldown essayez de jouer autour de cela. Il peut vous trade assez bien en l'occurrence le combo E-> AA-> W->Q ne l'empêcheras pas de vous dash dessus vous poussez et ensuite vous trade avec sa forme range. Vous l'aurez compris les tardes court son perdant la seule chance et de faire un gros all in en essayant de le E et d'aller dans son dos ou entre lui et un mur pour que soi il ne puisse pas vous pousser ou bien qu'il vous pousse de son coté. Ce n'est pas un problème s'il vous repousse avant que vous ne le puissiez. Essayez simplement de vous assurer que vous pouvez le E ou W. Les capacités de Darius sont imparables, donc même si Jayce vous repousse, votre E ou Z partira si vous l'avez cast avant, ce qui vous laisse le temps de le rattraper avec un fantôme. Si le E FONCTIONNE cependant, n'utilisez pas AA ou quoi que ce soit. Il suffit de marcher derrière lui et ALORS combo. Il va soit vous flash+vous repousser pour disengage ou bien vous repousser et essayer de vous kite mais vous serez du bon coté donc vous serez capable de le kill. Vous commencerez vraiment a jouer la lane au level 6. Alors évitez juste de mourir contre lui avant cela.”
Bombabo says “Urgot has the tools to beat Jayce in lane as long as you don't let him completely poke you out. His poke is stronger than yours, but you dominate him in close range combat. Try to force fights whenever you can”
DarkyTheReal says “In this matchup you're supposed to lose before level 6, you take Doran's shield + second wind in runes and try to survive. At level 6 just try to bait his E and force an all-in.”
DarkyTheReal says “You have to play safe until 3 in this matchup and only fight with W up,because you can deny his range form damage. Go corruption potion”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “Easy level one, gets harder later on. His hammer q is a lot damage so try to parry it. (Its when he jumps in the air and then lands). His hammer e is too hard to parry. Also parry his e-q (when q goes trough the "energy thing".”
SettVEVO says “Hellish lane, a lot like Gnar, takes the most unfair trades he can cause he can, will poke you down, until you're low enough or just dead. In hammer form he will Q you and E you away. You can ult while he E's to cancel it. Not really in your hands to win this lane if he plays well, but as long as you take D shield and Second wind it will all be okay. As long as he doesn't get fed he doesn't do much in teamfights, he can only poke so try to start it before he pokes your team down. Not really a good ult target unless he managed to get on top of your adc.”
Fryx says “Jayce does a ton of damage and can push you to the ground. But you are an armor tank so just relax and chill. Get Warden's Mail and Ninja Tabis and watch the tables turn. Stay in Exp Range, he will deny you last hits but relax and don't call for your jungler too much you will do it.”
wff010 says “Go conqueror and run him down. Farm behind minions during lane and try to catch him out with E whenever possible. End the trade with W so that it hits him while he knocks you away and then walk away until W comes back up.”
RTO says “He will just poke you constantly, and his hammer is the scariest. Poke him down when you have mana items, and avoid his abilities. Kite him.”
LoLReal says “This is another hard lane early that becomes pretty easy post 6. It's a skill match up that's Jayce favored early and Morde favored later. If you can hit E on him we trade really favorably, if we miss we get punished hard. Build early tabi and just farm until 6.”
Vispectra says “Ouch... don't pick Kassadin into this if you can help it. You won't have a fun time. You outscale him but his lane dominance and mid-game burst potential is off the charts against you. You won't be able to CS and will probably die under tower even.”
qosmox says “Jayce is one of the few champions you’ll never be able to take good trades with early few levels (1-3) even if you get onto them with several empowered Q’s, just because he’s got too many abilities early on with his 2 forms. So your goal here is to just survive early on and get as much farm as you can while staying healthy using your passive shield. Most Jayces push you into towers, and a little later on around lvl 7 you’ll have kill potential on him if you manage to land a taunt while he’s under tower if you’re still healthy. You’ll likely need to use TP to lane in this matchup, but that’s fine if you stay close to the farm since he scales poorly. If the Jayce walks up to poke you inside of your creep wave it’s possible to punish him even at lvl4+ by taunting in.”
ForgottenProject says “Poke, Range and CC is what makes him Stupid to deal with. He also has an easy Burst-combo basically making a Ranged Pantheon.
[1]Corrupting Potion is your starting item to get through the laning phase.
[2]Don't fight him without your Jungler and keep the Wave Frozen to make Top-lane easier to gank for your Jungler.
[3]Parry his Knockback.
ForgottenProject says “Scary Matchup due to jayce being able to do TONS of burst damage while also having good poke/sustain damage.
Take Resolve page vs Jayce and just play safe till you see an opening. ”
Sopachi says “Jayce has a lot of high burst damage potential but he cannot sustain against Kled's burst/omnivamp when rushing Hydra/Eclipse. When you all in with E make sure not to throw your Q first as Jayce's reaction will be to switch to hammer form and knock you away, use this opportunity to use your second charge of E to get back on him and latch your Q, then you just run him down with W up and win the lane for free. ”
thefeedski says “Has a lot of long distance + high damage poke with his E + Q. He will do that a couple of times then switch forms to finish you off. ”
Marwaii says “He wins in every trade and has a range advantage. Mega Gnar means nothing since he can throw you away.
Take second wind and shield. Respect his space.
Stride + Plated.”
a1a7s45 says “Jayce is part melee part ranged. Go in if he's melee and kite him if he's ranged. He builds Eclipse so build Chempunk Chainsword to answer him.”
Ganii7 says “He can try to poke after 3 but trades before that migth end up good for you. Try the w to cancel the aa and to move for the pasive at lvl 2 and buy warmog second to endure the poke.”
SethPRG says “This matchup is dependant on how well you can dodge his ranged abilities, especially his empowered Q. You'll want to start Cloth 4 HP Pots and try to all-in him level 1. You can hide behind the minion wave for a majority of his skill shots so long as you're somewhat healthy HP and he can't all-in you. If he ever gets mad and tries to Q towards you in hammer form just catch him with your E and get a free trade. Wait to back till you can get Plated Steelcaps 1st item. Past level 6 you should ult him during his hammer form E that knocks you away, and you can pretty much get a guaranteed kill. This is only an annoying lane if he goes Phase Rush. Consider building Stridebreaker to slow him if you think he'll get away denying you a kill, but realistically in this matchup, Trinity Force will melt his HP bar when he builds lethality. Go Death's Dance 2nd or 3rd item and it will be hard for him to fight you. ”
joelspaho121 says “Skill matchup.
Dshield start with sorc tree.
jayce is only hard to deal with because of his ranged form but his melee form forces him to engage on you and because he has no mobility if he doesnt engage properly you shouldnt let him slip by, punish him severely.if he has phase rush it gets a little trickier because he has mobility and slow resistance which makes it harder for you to deal with in which case you just want to fight him at any given chance because he has no damage.
steelcaps rush works well if you are struggling.”
El Leon Gnar says “Jayce is just a strong lane bully v.s. Gnar. Unlike Cam and Irelia, you'll want to play closer to the waves against him so that he can't abuse his Q+E range. Once you hit 1-2 items you should be able to trade well with him, just last until then.”
Kaizin says “Early levels he'll try to abuse the fact that he has ranged form, auto attacking you and trying to zone you off the wave (at least he should). Use the brushes to avoid giving free auto attacks, if he ever switches to hammer form and jumps onto you, drop E on top of yourself and use Q stun as fast as you can. He'll most likely jump onto you and knock you back after a short trade. Bramble vest early is good against jayce as majority of his damage is physical, at level 6 if his knock back is on cooldown or you've got flash advantage, you can all in quite easily.”
I am so chill says “A good jayce will put a distance between you and him.Dodge his cannonball combo if he jumps on you q w him at that point he will probably use his skill to push you then e q him.”
CaptianMike says “Jayce hurts. A lot. You need to be building early ninja tabi and armour in general. During the mid game, you need to tank his Q's to protect your team.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: No
I have no idea who this guy is. I have played against a Jayce maybe once or twice, but I have no real idea how to play against him or deal with him.
deathwalker7119 says “Very cancer matchup, probably take fleet or grasp into him and do your best to dodge his high damage skill-shot. If you can parry the knockback and stun him you will definitely win it, but youve gotta kill him fast. He scales really well so be careful and don't feed him early or it is GG.”
TwoKingzz says “Tank + W max + baits all day. Take grasp or pta I usually pta. Focus on baiting him and dodging his E Q. Usually he tries to turret dive you so bait those with ignite. focus on not taking much poke so he fails the dive when the wave crashes.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Can vary largely on whether or not you get camped. If you get camped this lane can be a nightmare, however I would start E against him instead of Q like how you would against other range matchups. He will look to poke you out at level 1 and jump on you with his Q in melee form this is when you want to stun and auto him. Once it pushes under your tower you can stack your passive and when it pushes back, if you have your passive stacked and you land an E you absolutely destroy him. After level 3 try to use your W on his Q (either the empowered EQ or the melee Q) as it is a bulk of his damage and you should be fine. It gets even easier at lvl 6 because he does not get a real ultimate and opening with your ult makes it easy to hit your E on him.
tibs2 says “Putting this at a 2 because Jayce is op right now but in most metas its a 1. You should look to trade buckler autos every time and just walk up to him with your shield and q him. If he ever melee q you just w. It is really easy to react to q if you are not a boomer/ have 100+ping. Don't even bother taking d shield you don't need it.”
SadmanV3 says “Jayce borders a major threat to Nasus, with his ability to swap to a ranged weapon, he can put Nasus at a significant disadvantage by simply harassing whenever Nasus tries to kill minions. This applies under tower as well. His swap to his hammer also allows him to deal a surprising amount of burst damage, allowing him to potentially kill Nasus, even under tower. Bide your time in this matchup, as you do in almost all matchups, and once you gain your power spikes at level 6, 12 minutes, all-in Jayce to secure a kill.”
XD001 says “This guy is annoying but can't really kill you unless you eat every poke he throws at you. Play safe in the early levels and try not to get chunked. in levels 6-11 you can try to kill him and snowball yourself. In teamfights you can just 1 shot this guy along with his backline buddies. The only thing the remember is his knockback, which can sometimes catch you offguard.
Even scaling,
electrocute + sorcery + tp/ignite”
Noodles912 says “Watch for his early damage. You need to play it safe and stay as healthy as possible. Remember to stay behind and away from minions at all times. You easily outscale. Sit under tower, because this champion has 6 damage abilities at level 3. ”
Cayteer says “Jayce can abuse you pretty hard , try not to go for a trade when he's at his ranged mode. You can pull combo him in his melee form before he uses E.”
PiscesPomf says “LANE BULLY CHAMP
Jayce is not often played, i rarely see him, but when i do i remember it ! Jayce is really annoying, he can poke you easily and will deal a lot of damage at melee when you will go into him. You can't trade him during the laning phase, so you will have to farm, farm, and farm until you can go on other lanes. I maybe should have placed him in "Major", but you can just stay passive on this lane.”
teemodumbstupid says “Jayce has a strong level 1, and he might try to cheese you. Try to wait until he shows before walking up. You will win the all in at level 6 with ghost. I recommend fleet footwork for extra sustain. You can also E max with Phase Rush. ”
Laserholic says “Jayce is my personal Ban. You can't deal with his poke and knock-back. He will win every short trade and harass you forever. He will poke under tower, and you have no way to even all-in with Ghost + Ult because he easily out-runs you with Speedgate + Knockback.”
ZeruelOP says “Annoying Matchup since he is a nightmare but you can go for 3 Beads and tower hug you destroy him once you get Stride Breaker because you have an advantage when he E's you you could stride breaker back in and Q”
Tsundere Tahm says “Espera el gank, no los vas a matar solo, necesitas al menos otro cc. Juega safe y con los minioms a tu lado del mapa, de ser posible freezea.”
negoZoma69 says “He can zone you lv1 from the wave and there's not much you can do about it. Just try your best to grab CS. Luckly there isn't many Jayce players in soloq let alone good ones so you may be able to win if he plays safe lv1 and his combos aren't smooth.”
Draconic56 says “Jayce can potentially be annoying but is doable nonetheless. Tabi Rush along with Resolve is a must. You simply have to make sure to not take too much poke. Try to dodge his skill shot that chunks you out. You may fight him by your quick passive combo but he can knock you back and kite you to shit so be careful. You win all-ins but his poke is deadly if you let him do it for free. As usual, you win super hard in ult so if all else fails, wait till 6 and then bash his head in.”
Kokob5 says “Usually a harder match up but with the current state of Jayce he's not particularly hard to lane against so long as you don't let him poke you freely. ”
Hesychia says “An Extreme threat! you try to get near, he knocbacks you off, you can't all-in him, he will escape for sure. He will poke you so hard that you won't be able to reach him.
ask your jungler to gank you often or even camp you.
Ban him at all costs.”
R3mI says “ok he can full burst you and run fastly from you and he can throw with his e when he used full burst and if he buy executioner you can't not longer do something only if you get ganks by your jungler”
pioj12 says “i don't find a lot of jayces so i don't know where to put him.
The only tip i got for u is watch out for his early damage and all in.
He heavily depends on snowballing so try not to die in lane and play safe.
bocchicken says “Smart use of TP and playing safe until you have armor will let you start looking for fights once you have Steelcaps + Iceborn.
He DOES bully you early since he's ranged. Take comet in this matchup w/ Q max.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Very annoying early game due to the fact that he can easily poke you out of lane if you take too much free harass. Not completely necessary to trade very often early, once you hit 6 he's basically a free kill as long as you don't allow him to create a large lead vs. you.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “I mean, in Brazilian server, in my elo (Gold/Plat) it's super-rare to find a decent Jayce... i think that this must be a difficult matchup but until today, never find a Jayce that could face Urgot power”
Emindu123 says “Jayce can poke your from a far very well,but when he is ranged from your can 1v1 him close.When he is melee dont try to e him as he will q+e and knock you back if you use your q to engage him.”
timeinabottle says “if you can manage to dodge his Q's u are safe but becarfull don't fight him too much because he can push you out of your W's zone and outheals you with conqueror”
Rime101 says “take spellbook, rush seekers armguard first item since he rushes serrated dirk. Jayce's high poke is a huge threat for kennen since kennen has almost no sustain.
Resolve tree secondary
Try your best to all in at level 6
DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM LEVELS 1-3 he will crush you
Max Q and safe farm”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Kids these days will brag about their new shiny toys. Jayce is one of these kids. Blinded by his own arrogance he thinks technology wins against true skill. Jayce players always laugh about other players whose weapon cannot turn into a cannon or build an static field around them before begging for their life as their head is about to be smashed in. „Puny little hammer you got there.“ - every Poppy player ever.”
Erenando says “He will be annoying with his ranged pokes and melee disengages, but at a certain point your W slows him so much, that even his disengage won't be enough to bring you down. I'd say lvl 8 is a good level to punish him. If you have a nice jungler you can also punish him earlier.”
GrGamingTeo says “A decent Jayce player with chill in and out of the brush and continuously poke you. You will have to respect a Jayce with Conqueror because he can one-shot you no matter what. So just start with Q, rush Plated Steelcaps and chill with Doran's Shield. Nine tomes out of ten every Jayxe will push you under tower so just farm under the tower, recall and you will be fine. During champion selection, if you think you can survive this matchup take teleport and that will help. If Jayce ever switches from hammer form to gun form you have a chance of taking his flash or killing him if he is pretty low. Low elo Jayce players will use Q, ult, hammer Q then E you away and when that happens you can use your E and it will cancel his E.”
Olaf Only says “This lane is really easy if you can survive until lvl 6.
If he has Phase rush, avoid all-ins and keep poking.
Olaf is better in teamfights.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Trinity Force] *Approach Velocity*
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
Doran's shield. Start W. If you leashed and got to lane a bit later, a good Jayce may stand in the lane bush and try to zone you from minion exp. Ward the bush so your minions will aggro him if he autos you. Ideally you get to lane first and start hitting the minions so you can have a minion advantage over him to prevent him from autoing you too much or using his melee Q on you. Constantly W him for poke and sustain. If you take approach velocity it allows you to run up to him after you W him to get your grasp proc off and poke him. If he Q's in on you just auto him for the shield and back off. When he switches to his ranged form you have a window to hookshot onto him because his melee transformation (which has his main form of disengage) is on cooldown. If you're not too far behind, you just automatically win an all in when you get Trinity Force.”
SpyDaFX says “Difficult matchup, not impossible tho. go doran's shield and rush tabbies and then tiamat, you will win all ins at level 6 if you can get behind him so he wont knock you away, dont look for trades before level 3, dont go for cs if u cant (under level 3), most of the time you should do E+W+Q+E and get out since he hurts very much in extended trades. go Conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Boring farming Lane. Will just poke you down. Best way to shut him down is Rushing Tabis into Phage. Engage with Q into W and when he knocks you back you can pull him during the knockback. Then just Ghost and run him down.”
Kil4fun says “His poke is just better than yours. You can't reach him and he will be able to Q poke you. If he all ins you lose. If he takes phase rush he will use his E last to disengage and leave while you're being knocked away so you can't fight back.”
Bear24 says “All in or nothing. be careful of his kick
usually running ghost and ignite is ideal
Easy q auto and back off at the beginning to chip at their health ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Submit to the hammer. His E in hammer form is basically a better Singed E and his damage is bonkers. He has all the hard to fight qualities of an AD bruiser whilst also having the hard qualities of an AD ranged. You likely won't win this lane and that's alright. Jayce falls off if you keep him in lane, just weather the storm.”
Whobick says “Jayce is a joke to play against early game and mid game. Undertow (Q) does more damage then his Q, so it is easy to poke him down. He really has no escape if you use Undertow and ult in. Your ult prevents his knockback so its an easy 1v1. Late game is a bitch because he just snipes with his Q. If you 1v1 him though it should be an easy win.”
kingchas2 says “He is a lane bully and you have to play far back. If he ever gets in range to jump on you in hammer form you are going to just die. Beg for ganks and hope he is bad.”
ModelitoTime says “Like other range matchups just keep distance from him until lvl 6 ish, E+Flash to secure kills and dodge his Q, you will know he is about to Q because you will see his E cast first which is the little electric line. ”
ChevalierArlo says “Não tem jogador de Jayce bom no low elo. Mas caso caia com um, bote pressão nele e faça ele ficar sem mana - mas evite tomar muito dano. Leve a runa Ventos Revigorantes pra qualquer escolha de build que você fizer.”
Hippo Boi says “You should be able to beat him on the early game. Be aggressive, and always attack when he's ranged form is on cooldown, but even if it's not, you should win the trade. Just try to dodge as much skillshots as possible.”
Dannala says “Got AoE tools for spiderlings and range/melee makes it an interesting match up. Rappel let's you dodge his shots if you get caught outside minions or his hammer when he goes in.”
ineptpineapple says “Out pokes you if he can go around waves and has pretty solid engage and a speedup. Try to kite back from him once he goes in and ult him his health shouldnt be able to withstand it.”
Hyzerik says “I've haven't fought this guy much but, when I have he was dominated. The only problem is his range so just try to wait out his abilities and then go in.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Jayce is hard because he has an extreme damage output. So be sure to allways dodge his Q or else you will get smashed. Dont dodge his Q when he plays Resistance Jayce cause then you want to get smashed.
Make sure to block his Jump”
Raideru says “One of the hardest matchups for Jax,
reason being is that it's difficult if he's good to deal with him without jng attention, generally the way you want to play it is lvl 1 if he's smart he won't get near u melee range for u to engage him with e so you will have to just wait for lvl 2/3, once that happens the way u fight him is you only jump on him after he wastes q cose otherwise if u tank it in the engage u will lose the all in, you generally want to use your e on the last split second he is about to auto attack you so you get the most time on your e in order to recast on the moment he pushes u away with hammer. Getting sheen as soon as possible is important in this lane for the trades and lucidity. You also need grasp in this lane.”
LeSocair says “Good Jayces are hard to play against, but they're not that common, just try not to get hit by the ball and remember to try and hit him with everything you've got when he jumps on you so that he doesn't just get a free trade.
Remember he can push you away while trading. I'm putting him as Major just in case, because nobody knows how good the enemy Jayce is until you either stomp him or he stomps you, try to see which one it will be before deciding your play-style.”
sauronkaiser says “Yorick is usually used to counter this champion. Play safe first levels, then all-in and outrade him. I havent seen him in ages anyway.”
TioKirb says “He does a lot of damage, like, a lot. But he's vulnerable in the early game and you can punish him if he gets too close with his hammer. Even then, you can get slowed, and that's a bummer, just use your W if he jumps at you. Be vigilant with your distances.”
RedNBlue says “He can blast you with his w + q combo and he will just wreck you from far range and if he gets close to you he will hammer form and smash you to atoms.”
EU_Toxicity says “Currently Jayce is extremely weak in the meta so this lane is much easier than it should be. Normally however you'd have to play very safe, rush tabis and wait to get level 6.”
bocchicken says “The ONLY time Jayce has any kill pressure on you is levels 3-5. After that you are way too tanky and have too much disengage for him to do anything other than farm under tower and look for roams.
Do NOT E in unless you are sure you can kill him in that same rotation, otherwise he will full combo you and then swap to ranged form and chase you down. ”
KillMeMyFriend says “Dodge his Qs and especialy the E+Q one. If he fails E+Q and procced to all on you kite away from him slowly and when he starts to back off aa him as much as possible and when you feel it is enough press E so he will get more damage the lower his hp is.”
iZeal says “It is very hard to beat Jayce in the early game as he can easily disengage from you with his Hammer E and multiple movementspeed buffs as well as the ability to jump inside your Q's inner sour spot with his Hammer Q. If you can time either your W or E correctly when he E's you away there is your chance of chasing him.
RejuBeads>DShield, Ninja Tabis!, Phage into Deadman's if really needed”
NoxianBlood says “Jayce deals some amount of damage to Sion, but he won't deal enough to kill you if not fed, just try to tank up, and he won't hurt you, and he gets close and personal sometimes, he can push you away in melee form and escape with his boost electric wire, but he's squishy, so nice executed combos will kill him, just don't let him split push he can melt turrets pretty fast he can backdoor if you are not careful.”
hahadead7777 says “Jayce especially lethality Jayce will win most fights with you if you don't get a lead on him. Try to keep your distance to make it to late game if you fall behind”
byThiagus says “Si el jayce tiene phase rush se complica, Sino es facil, escudo de doran las 3 paginas de runas son viables. Trata de no comer mucho poke Y podes hacer all in a partir de nivel 3, a nivel 6 11 y 16 tenes un spike bueno para ganarle1v1, rushear tabis obligatorio, ir trinidad o rompo avances
Stijnzxz says “Melee and range aigen.. he can be anoying if he is ranged but u can run him quite down but be aware of hes R he can transform and knock u back or just turns the table if he is good so keep in mind.”
TristanofJugdral says “Since he brings phase rush a lot he normally kites the crap out of Tryndamere. Prepare for late game because this matchup is very slow. ”
AWierdShoe says “Jayce is one of the few champions you’ll never be able to take good trades with early few levels (1-3) even if you get onto them with several empowered Q’s, just because he’s got too many abilities early on with his 2 forms. So your goal here is to just survive early on and get as much farm as you can while staying healthy using your passive shield. Most Jayces push you into towers, and a little later on around level 7 you’ll have kill potential on him if you manage to land a taunt while he’s under tower if you’re still healthy. You’ll likely need to use Teleport to lane in this match-up, but that’s fine if you stay close to the farm since he scales poorly. If he walks up to poke you inside of your creep wave it’s possible to punish him even at level 4+ by taunting in.
I Am Goliath says “Going to be kind of rough early on but try to farm with your Q rather then poking with it or you will take to much damage from auto attacks, only all in him if you have minion advantage or he will win the trade. Rush ninja tabis if you're taking too much damage from his autos.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let waves push to you->Freeze on 3rd wave thin out at 2nd. He can be zoning you a lot first 3 levels if he is good. Level 3 we can go for some trades, use our W to block his attacks when he is on canoon form. When he is in hammer form you can react on his jump thing and dash immediately which denies the damage and slow from it. You generally win all-ins. Spacing is important.”
eBrixton says “You can reduce most of Jayce's burst damage with your e and you can cancel his knockback with your q in order to stick on him. This used to be a skill matchup, but due to item changes, it's going to be a shit show of a lane. You can outplay him, but be weary during your skirmishes and all ins because he's packing a punch this season”
Saarlichenbog says “Jayce is a weird matchup because his ranged form is super oppressive at the moment but his melee form is more or less a minor threat. Kalista typically tends to win lane and then the scaling game as long as you avoid Jayce's deadly E+Q poke combo in ranged form which can deal up to 1/3 of your HP at max range at almost double your range. ”
Captain Dantems says “É dificil, mas se você jogar certinho o matará. Barril no pé, quando ele chegar para te pokear exploda o barril com auto ataque e de um tiro nele. Grasp com Chamuscar ou inspiração. Poção corrupta.”
ItsPaulygon says “One of the hardest match ups a Jax player can face. He has a lot of damage both ranged and melee form. Take Doran's shield and play safe, this match up will be a nightmare for you.”
Klappy says “- Dejalo pushear, freezea cerca de tu torre
- Esquiva su Qs
- Abusa el pequeño tiempo que hay cuando cambia de arma
- Compra guardabrazo del buscador de primer item”
Nicklstherealone says “You wont reach him and his Poke is deadly. Good Luck ask your Jungler. But if you manage to catch him he is dead one E Flash may secure a kill. ”
Buum says “With the new items such as eclipse, Jayce will bully you out of the lane. Take ghost and try and stack. Eventually, you will run him down because of his garbage scaling.”
daito Okami says “D shield fleet second wind revialatize.
Try not to get poked too much early on and just wait for 6 unless he has magic resist like hexdrinker u can just oneshot him. when going in with e try to shroud instantly so he doesn't push you away.”
Frostyfps says “Can vary largely on whether or not you get camped. If you get camped this lane can be a nightmare, however I would start E against him instead of Q like how you would against other range matchups. He will look to poke you out at level 1 and jump on you with his Q in melee form this is when you want to stun and auto him. Once it pushes under your tower you can stack your passive and when it pushes back, if you have your passive stacked and you land an E you absolutely destroy him. After level 3 try to use your W on his Q (either the empowered EQ or the melee Q) as it is a bulk of his damage and you should be fine. It gets even easier at lvl 6 because he does not get a real ultimate and opening with your ult makes it easy to hit your E on him.”
OmegaDelta000 says “I kinda forgot about Jayce when making the guide. Poke, engage, disengage, this guy has it all. He's one of the few champions that you can't fight at all.”
Defensivity1 says “Second wind Doran's shield, then rush ninja tabi and jayce's poke will be mostly healed if you don't let him auto you too much.
Further itemize in to Tri.
Manzey says “Fairly strong if its a matchup of equal skill, make sure to rush armguard to neglect some of his damage early on. Try to poke with Qs and trade with him when he is in his melee form.”
Delvoid says “Dont let him freely poke you. He will try to trade and knock you back. You can cancel the knock back with E and win the trade. A good jayce is hard to deal with”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Jayce is an easy matchup, but be careful for his empowered Q, it can really chunk you if you are not careful. He can also knock you back while in hammer form, which can mess up your ultimate.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes
Build: I typically change my build based on how aggressive the Jayce is or not. If he isnt too aggressive I would go something like trinity or Black cleaver early. If he is hyper aggressive I would stack up some armor.
Not much to say about this lane due to it being different everytime I encounter it. You are basically at the mercy of the Jayce, best thing you can do is try to counter poke and dodge Q's, if you do this then you might be able to pull a cheeky root off into a kill early on. Don't count on kills in this lane ever, I personally hate it.”
s0upy says “A good jayce should shit on you, but like Aatrox nobody plays him anymore. unless you're the dodging king you shouldn't be able to outpoke”
A2Tap says “Another impossible lane, Jayce is able to poke and all in. Try to stay away from the minion wave as he can all in quite easily. But do not miss experience, Jayce falls off late game.”
YoungTact says “Repesct his level 1-3, afterwards you can look for extended trades. W his melee form Q. Apply lane harass combo and Passive + grasp him whenever you can. Rush tabis”
qasddsa says “Jayce is an oppressive lane bully, especially for Kayle who can't trade back as well. Starting at level 2, he can dish out a lot of damage to you with his empowered Q. Be careful trading with him - his usual game plan is to whittle you down with Q before going in with melee form. Even then, he'll be able to go in for a short trade with Q + E in melee to deal damage and then disengage by knocking you back. I recommend going Q max with 3 early points into W to help you get through laning phase. Rushing a Seeker's Armguard and Ninja Tabi also helps a lot in this matchup. Later on when you get some items, he'll be easier to deal with.”
Jayce vs Nasus matchup is all about how can you survive laning phase, Jayce has damage for ages, since he literally has 2 ability kits. Our advantage on this matchup is that he will use some of his Aoe spells if he wants to trade with us making the wave pushing towards us or he can go in range for and try to poke nasus from distance, Either ways he will try to force a trade since he doesn't scale very well and Nasus is a late game monster, you will outscale him but build some armor, Jayce build consist on building lethality and oneshotting you, While farming under tower agains Jayce, look to farm the melee minions with your Q and then the ranged ones with your E, since he will try to punish you from attempting to stack them. Once you get some armor items, Sheen and Ult, he shouldn't be able to kill you and you can force an extended fight and outsustain him with Legend Bloodline. ”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. Jayce is a matchup that you DO NOT trade with early. You purely look to farm and that is it. You will be down farm but as long as you stay even in experience you can outscale him in the 1v1. Tips to avoid damage, 1. When farming under turret while he is pressuring you, you do not have to go for every single minion. If you have taken too much damage usually you do not want to go for the ranged minions because they are closer to the Jayce that is pressuring you and Jayce can deal a lot more damage to you going for ranged minions then he can while you are hitting the melees. Post 6 when you have a good amount of fury and hp if he overextends in the lane against you, you can run him down with your ghost + flash and win in a single all in. You do not want to take short trades against Jayce you only want to all in and thats it. Every allin you take against Jayce have your ghost up or you can get bursted and kited. In the mid-late game you will win allins vs Jayce in the 1v1 even when diving as long as you have ghost up and he doesnt have flash advantage on you.”
I Am Goliath says “Very hard matchup in my expierence since you're both ranged but he just feels stronger to me and if he ever hits and E-Q then you just lose the trade hard, try to just farm up in this one and don't let him snowball, you should be stronger then him in teamfights if he is not massively fed somehow.”
Nabura says “Take fleet + resolve. Borderline impossible if the Jayce knows what he's doing. The new phase rush setup will make you burn your ult with no room to punish him. Goes without saying that laning phase will be a pain as he has the potential to XP zone you at level 1. Luckily these crazy good Jayce players are only in extremely high elo so have fun dodging his Qs.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Hard matchup since his early damage is much bigger than urs and he can always all in u. Corruption Potion / Ninja tabis to go. Farm and play passive.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. Jayce is a matchup that you DO NOT trade with early. You purely look to farm and that is it. You will be down farm but as long as you stay even in experience you can outscale him in the 1v1. Tips to avoid damage, 1. When farming under turret while he is pressuring you, you do not have to go for every single minion. If you have taken too much damage usually you do not want to go for the ranged minions because they are closer to the Jayce that is pressuring you and Jayce can deal a lot more damage to you going for ranged minions then he can while you are hitting the melees. Post 6 when you have a good amount of fury and hp if he overextends in the lane against you, you can run him down with your ghost + flash and win in a single all in. You do not want to take short trades against Jayce you only want to all in and thats it. Every allin you take against Jayce have your ghost up or you can get bursted and kited. In the mid-late game you will win allins vs Jayce in the 1v1 even when diving as long as you have ghost up and he doesnt have flash advantage on you.”
ZergDood says “Treat this matchup like you would against an ADC. Before 6, he's a really srong lane bully. He'll probably push the wave, try yout best to farm against him and avoid his skillshots (try to practice before encountering him in ranked!). Build tabis, and if you were the better CSer, you won the lane. Your hammering is way better than his, so take trades happily whenever he decides to go melee. Your w stops his 'dash'.”
Ayanleh says “Has become an easy matchup now. Jayce's auto range is lower than your pull range so you can pull him all the time in laning phase and burst him.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “Go cloth 4 or dshield and rush tabis and then he loses. If he ever jumps on you, just stun Q AA AA then w before he E's you.
Super easy when you get lvl 6.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “The same as with any ranged champ but in this matchup , value your health and get items because you outscale. I would go standard runes instead of Fleet and only start dorans shield.”
Amar4Amke1 says “One of the toughest matchups for Jax. He can poke you for free with his Mercury Hammer. I recommend going Biscuit Delivery against him. If you try to all in him he will just E you out of your stun range if you jump on him and even if you don't you dont necessarily have the time to jump on him.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Hard but not impossible. A good jayce will stand infront of the wave and poke you if you try to come up for cs. Let him push in and try to farm safely. giving up farm is fine earlier in the game until you can afford sheen. You win this lane by out pressuring the map with your ultimate.”
Steven on Jax says “Hard to win the match up since he can just push u away when u all in him with Q E combo so its better to get items for sustain and just farm till 6”
wallobear53 says “Always make sure that you dodge Jayce’s charged up poke as it can deal a lot of damage depending on his build. Once his Q is on Cooldown, you can easily try to trade with him as he won’t be able to burst you down easily.
Don’t waste a lot of time chasing Jayce as his E and W allow him to disengage quite easily. Only try to all-in him when his W is down as Jayce won’t be able to get you off of him easily and you can do whatever you want to him for a while.
Jayce’s E provides him with a lot of utility and buffs his abilities as well as his team. Try to avoid skirmishing with him while it is up as his team will be able to catch up to you quickly and Jayce will be able to blow the squishies in your team with his Q.
M.P.C says “He can out-bully you in lane, so focus on getting as much CS as possible while dodging his pokes and hope he makes a mistake at somepoint.”
Fiora Pogjet says “Jayce has much poke with his ranged form and can also outtrade you in his melee form. Go with corrupting potion and try to not go for trades. If he trades in his melee form try to prarry his knockback.”
NullPC says “Dont eat too much of his poke and only all in if you feel confident in your damage overal its jace they buffed him for like 7 patches in a row and then thought that was good.”
xSealed says “Long-range attack is probably one of the most disadvantage for every melee but as long as you can keep your distance and keep behind your ally minions to block them or just simply dodge them if you can.”
Teemain says “He is such a c*** to deal with as Garen. When you get too close, he pushes you away with his hammer.
When he's far away, he pokes you with his Gun Q...
Play safe until you have 1-2 decent items. Force out a 1v1 fight against him by split pushing Top. Kill Jayce and then try to GTFO with Deadman's Plate movement bonus. Good Luck Soldier.”
Teemain says “He is such a c*** to deal with as Garen. When you get too close, he pushes you away with his hammer.
When he's far away, he pokes you with his Gun Q...
Play safe until you have 1-2 decent items. Force out a 1v1 fight against him by split pushing Top. Kill Jayce and then try to GTFO with Deadman's Plate movement bonus. Good Luck Soldier.”
ModxLoL says “Hard to rate this one because this matchup is like a 3 in most ranks until you get to D1+ where it becomes a 4-5. Look to all in him as soon as he switches to ranged form because he has a cooldown before he can switch back to melee form and knock you away.”
Stiwy says “Strong early game because of his ranged form.
Stay safe for the first levels and try to avoid his laser ball damage.
If he decides to fight you in melee form while you are over 50% health he's dead : land your E then enjoy a free kill.
You outscale him a lot so don't worry if you can't get an advantage in laning phase.”
Gangplank_Main1 says “Runes: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth, Biscuits, Time Warp Tonic, Double Adaptive, Armor.
Start of lane passive auto minion for grasp, don’t leash.
What to get on first back: Doran's blade ( or double dorans blade )
Gangplank wins this matchup really hard up until jayce gets his first back. This matchup does depend jayce's rune, if he has phase rush then it’s easy for gangplank since you can trade a lot. But if jayce were to go conqueror then try your best to make short trades. So to begin with you have more sustain than jayce with biscuits and corrupting potion. Everytime you interact with jayce, q him and if he uses range q then melee q, you spam a click to get passive auto and follow it with a q. Be hyper aggressive to him, spam that q button and out sustain him, if he tries to back try your best to stop him and force him to lane. Once jayce gets his first back and it’s not a vamperc septer or serrated dirk, you can continue to harass him ( but if he has these items you just lose for the time being). You start to beat jayce once you have two items depending what he has, if jayce has bork and black cleaver, you can still beat him but once he gets edge of night then he just dominates the split. Look to team fight and end the game as quick as possible.
9690 says “D-Shield or D-Blade. He's pretty scary, has a lot of poke which will be annoying. He also has his melee form where he can still end your life. His abilities make it so hard for you to all in. Look to just farm with Q and call for ganks. Take Conq.”
gsaeyx says “Build full AD to decimate his ass and make sure to safe farm pre 6. Pre charge your q if you think he's going to jump on you and after 6 just e into r.”
E_IS_POWER says “Poke, Range and CC is what makes him Stupid to deal with. He also has an easy Burst-combo basically making a Ranged Pantheon. [1]Corrupting Potion is your starting item to get through the laning phase. [2]Don't fight him without your Jungler and keep the Wave Frozen to make Top-lane easier to gank for your Jungler. [3]Parry his Knockback.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. Jayce is a matchup that you DO NOT trade with early. You purely look to farm and that is it. You will be down farm but as long as you stay even in experience you can outscale him in the 1v1. Tips to avoid damage, 1. When farming under turret while he is pressuring you, you do not have to go for every single minion. If you have taken too much damage usually you do not want to go for the ranged minions because they are closer to the Jayce that is pressuring you and Jayce can deal a lot more damage to you going for ranged minions then he can while you are hitting the melees. Post 6 when you have a good amount of fury and hp if he overextends in the lane against you, you can run him down with your ghost + flash and win in a single all in. You do not want to take short trades against Jayce you only want to all in and thats it. Every allin you take against Jayce have your ghost up or you can get bursted and kited. In the mid-late game you will win allins vs Jayce in the 1v1 even when diving as long as you have ghost up and he doesnt have flash advantage on you.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up pas évident pour un nouveau joueur de Darius mais cela reste jouable. Ne l'affronte pas avant ton niveau 3, tu perdrais trop de vie pour rien, joue avec rush phasique, et prend en absolue premier item les tabi ninjas, essaie de figth une fois niveau 6 car c'est le point faible de jayce il ne possède par de sort ultime.
Le mieux à faire et d'endurer jusqu'au niveau 6 en évitant au maximum son poke, et une fois 6 tu le all in à l'aide du fantôme et du rush phasique tu devrais le tuer facilement si il est trop avancer !
Astuce : Lorsque Jayce passe en forme marteau, il va chercher à te repousser à l'aide de son E pour t'éloigner, si tu arrives à trouver le bon timing pour E au même moment tu peux l'attirer avec toi et ainsi annulé son sort, ce qui te garantie quasiment le kill !”
Dantheman81 says “Jayce is a farily difficult lane. He can poke you down can kill your ghouls easily. Whenever he switches to melee form that's when you want to go in with your ghouls as he will have a tough time dealing enough damage to you. Just play safe and make sure you have graves piled up.”
Xplor says “The only part where Jayce can be a threat is that he has ridiculous range and he can take you down if you are not careful.
Play defensive and wait for your jungle to help you if he becomes a struggle.”
Hunter Frenzy says “1v1: E & Res |
vs Burst JG: E & Res |
vs MS JG: PR & Dom |
Boots: Beserker's / Ninja Tabi |
1st Core Item: Nashor's Tooth |
Optional Item: Armguard”
Darrkescru says “Outro bicho chato pra caraio parecido com o shen ele vai te pokear te dar all in e quando você tentar revidar ele vai te empurrar para traz, minha melhor sugestão e comprar algo de armor como tabi ninja pokear ao maximo, quando ele te dar all in coloca um cogumelo no chão faz ele tomar slow e caita ele ”
iTzToniOP says “Against ranged champions always try to get sustain, don't hesitate to use your E for the shield and W for the HP so you can be able to farm.”
Nyx Adachi says “Mucho pockeo, te tira para atras luego de usar tu e, lo dejas atrás a lvl 6 en cuanto utilidad si, trata de bloquear el basico potenciado de la pasiva de su r, compra sustain si el pockeo te hace la vida imposible ”
TotallyEclipse says “Dodge, otherwise its the same thing as Gnar. He pokes you forever, he'll push you away when you Q him. If you can find an opportunity to leap while his knockback is down you'll win the all in. Impossible matchup if they play it right, but you will outscale if you can survive”
darksage1234 says “Even to major threat. Seen in mid lane nowadays, but can pop out in top lane. Good Jayce players are patient and will try to chip you off until they can combo you out of lane. Be careful of his poke early on and his 3rd skill that could push you off. ”
ForOrion says “In ranged, you can easily punish for missed skillshots. His melee gives him more kick, but usually pyke can burst him low enough to execute in most fights. His lethality path is harder to deal with, since one missed e and he can burst you down in a good trade or if he is ahead, kill you quite quickly.”
JuarezLOL says “its a hard match up if jayce knows how to use bushes and minion aggro with his auto attack but you have the element of surprise which is when he pushed you back with his melee E you can use flash asap and kill him with ruined king slow in mid game ”
Sq_09 says “Pretty hard bc he can match your poke and engage you. He can't really stick onto you tho and if he knocks you away, you are at AA range again. Also his harass is not as strong earlyer or if there are minions to cover you. ”
Beatport Expo says “Slightly hard fight, he can changes from Melee to Range in quickly after attacking you. If you try to engage him in Melee form, expect you to be knock backed”
SabinX says “Your passive helps you a lot in this, so don't let him poke you and you will destroy him. Consider using E and directly W if he is used to push you away as you enter on him.”
Kingarthur720 says “this champion is a difficult matchup since few people know how to play him very well, meaning only a few people will pick him making your odds of winning this matchup a little lower. He has 6 abilities level 3 since he doesnt have an actual ultimate. Dont feed him kills early since he snowballs very hard and is difficult to stop. I recommend grasp or fleet since these are the safest options. take other options only if you feel completely confident in your ability to try and outscale him.”
yAssasinn says “Jayce, he will make a LOT of poke with you at first, try to farm a lot and always ask if your jg can go gank if he starts to get more offensive”
ShaharKarisi says “Hammer stance isn't nearly as scary as cannon stance, so try to push when he's in the hammer stance, you out-damage him in close range.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Annoying champion who can beat the shit out of you if you don't respect his damage, plus he has a good amount of engage and disengage tools. The problem with Jayce however is that his mana costs are HUGE early and if someone can either withstand his damage or dodge everything he can throw at him, he becomes a sitting duck very very fast. Always play around bushes with jayce, if you try laning normally he will poke the shit out of you and kill you in ways you didn't even think were possible. Whittle him down little by little, don't go for an all-in too early because he will inmediately use his entire combo and come out winning since his E knocks you back and doesn't allow for retaliation. You can also fake an all-in with 3 stacks, wait for him to blow his combo on you, and then use double W to heal most of it back, while he will have lost mana and thus his aggression potential. His damage can get crazy with enough items but he doesn't have an ult per se, so you can kind of deal with him if he isn't ahead.
Either ignite or TP works fine, while HoB or conqueror can both work to ensure the early aggression.”
Itreallyhim says “Skill matchup, Hes hard to stick onto because of his Melee E.
Other than that he shouldnt be too much of a threat.
Play smart, go for all the trades you want.”
Circas says “Easy, because he is ranged and SPOILER ALERT Irelia does well into ranged.
Here is how the match up goes:
Jayce shoves you in, you build stacks, you land Flawless Duet (E) and Bladesurge (Q) to him, he knocks you back, you Bladesurge (Q) back because of the reset, and he eventually dies or flashes away as you just auto him to death.
At 6 this is the easiest match up to all in because when Jayce hits level 6 he doesn't get an ultimate ability since he technically already has it at level 1.
So if somehow you are struggling early against him just wait to all in him at 6.
Respect him early if he plays aggro and just wait till you are level 3.”
HeyItsLeemo says “He will poke you hard, so play safe and call for ganks if you really want a kill, if he's good he will destroy you in early and mid game, in late he's still strong though, but Mordekaiser falls off in late, so keep that in mind.”
Anyerlaw says “Te gana exclusivamente si se dedica a pokearte. Pero en el modo martillo le destrozas cn tu pasiva, además puedes parkearle su e en modo martillo.”
Loki029 says “High Damage, ranged, good poke and nice escape,that is Jayce. But try too think of him as a Docoy ADC, you will love too all in Him at any Level and just oneshot him, Build Tank and you will win for 100%.”
hephephepeEPEPE says “Jayce is very hard to deal with if you think you can kill him with the help of your jungler take ghost+flash if you want more defensive lane go for ghost/flash with tp”
AkenoSenpai says “just like any other squishie, this match up should be fairly easy. Dont eat to much of his poke, and all in him by Q'ing to a minion near him and stunning him, to keep ur Q resets for his push and eventual flash. ”
dinole says “One of the toughest matchups for Jax. He will poke you out of lane in the early levels of the game and if you try to all in him he will just E you out of your stun range if you jump on him and even if you don't you dont necessarily have the time to jump on him. Build tabis and ask your jungler for ganks if you think you can kill him. Farm as much as you can as this is a lane that is very difficult to win until later points of the game”
lugzinho says “Ranged, 10000MS and that annoying push makes Jayce really annoying to fight against.
Time your second E right since if you don't he'll just push you away and run at 9000mph so you wont catch him.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “You shouldn't play against Jayce often enough that I would consider him a serious threat. He can poke you out of lane if you don't position behind your minions so play the lane smart. Try and punish him for trying to get mana back with his hammer and try to out sustain him with MANA. Jayce without mana is useless and you can easily kill him while he doesn't have mana. Jayce scales well into mid game so be careful, but he doesn't scale late so you should be able to kill him quite easily late game.”
ForgottenProject says “Jayce is a poking lane bully who can burst you if you don’t play it right, so be careful
Personally, I parry when he jumps on me with Hammer Form because Jayce Players in High Elo will not let you parry his knockback
Start with Corrupting Potion and Farm what you can
Early game is a shitshow, but you outscale him very hard
Dodge his Ranged Form E+Q since that is his main form of damage
Braddik says “Dodge, otherwise its the same thing as Gnar. He pokes you forever, he'll push you away when you Q him. If you can find an opportunity to leap while his knockback is doing you'll win the all in. Impossible matchup if they play it right, but you will outscale if you can survive”
Trial_By_Barrel says “Now I personally have never went against a Jayce in lane more than three times. But if I had to guess it's not a easy match up since he has a good engage and can poke you with his ranged Q's. He also has a knock back that you can't orange from meaning he can knock you away from tower or into his own tower.”
The Lost Drawing says “Tienes mejor TF que el.
Es muy escaso ver uno bueno.
Si te mata una vez estas j0d¡d0 ya que tiene mucho 'snowball'
Le cancelas el salto cuando se pone a pelear cuerpo a cuerpo”
Pedrokis says “Normalmente não vejo esse champion muitas vezes, mas você ganha a maioria das trocas. / Cuidado pra não morrer de bobo, por que você só perde troca se ele tiver a vantagem - se isso acontecer chama seu jungler e faz um 2v1 cauteloso.”
Joaking says “Fight him when he uses his R to change into ranged mode. He won't be able to kill you and he won't be able to kick you out.
Still being a little bit hard because of his range, so, use runes against ranged champs.”
Daedralus says “His range is a pain along with his burst. Do not let him use his range as if he manages to jump on you with his second wave of BS damage, you are likely to die. If you see him coming at your face like this when you are half HP or lower, either ult him or away to survive. An E + Q combo afterwards will block the incoming damage as well as possibly blocking his knock back with the latch.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Jayce is a bit annoying with his EQ harass in lane, but if you can dodge it, it will be fine for you.
Bringing Fleet Footwork will be better for sustain if you're struggling in this matchup.
Tip: Interrupt his Q forward dash by your E. Blind him when he's in cannon form so he cannot land autos.”
BeautifulWinter says “Dodge the game? They buffed him too. Haven't come across any jayce's since his buff so I don't know how strong he is right now.
I know he was able to kite and make your life hell previously and I know that the general consensus between illaoi players is hatred for jayce I don't have much recommendation.”
Big Belly Bop says “Watch out for his E - Q combo and all ins in hammer form. Use your range advantage and poke him. If he jumps on you, E out and W him to get some free autos off. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “If you don't blow your brains out before getting ninja tabi's you win this, you run up to him and E him first, he pushes you away and THEN you q cause if he pushes you away after you q'd him you cant touch him ever again.”
Verdehile says “You can just take fleet runes to survive and beat his ass later or take lethal with second win to do the same. If you feel that you dont need fleet or second wind, take the standard runes and go cloth armor first with 4 pots. ”
9690 says “This is another hard lane early that becomes pretty easy post 6. It's a skill match up that's Jayce favored early and Morde favored later. If you can hit E on him we trade really favorably, if we miss we get punished hard. Build early tabi and just farm until 6.”
ApWuKong says “He and all ranged top laner are bad for you, you just dont deal the dmg to quite one shot them and you are not tanky to take a lot of shots, even tho jayce can be baitet into bad plays with the hammer form.”
ENX Kai says “Nasty melee-ranged top, can poke and burst you down pre 6, ask for gank and try not to die. A trick to chase Jayce is to predict his hammer swing with your E so you can pull him back and chase him. You can also E him while he's leaping to you midair.”
Defensivity1 says “Has a lot of poke before level 6, if you need to base finding yourselve under 30% hp at level 4 or 5 feel free to do so and buy yourselve some cloth armors, however once you hit 6 and cage him up with the maiden he really is easy to kill against jayce the conqueror page is recommanded.”
Quezel says “Jayce powerspikes starting at 1:30 in the game when laning phase starts and he can walk behind your creep wave and click on you till you cry in a corner however you can use your e to pull him in as he goes for his q aa e aa trades to keep him in range and r to chase him down and kill him after you have seekers and tabi one of the champs rylais first is good into as he will struggle to disengage if you get on him without e ”
SNOBOY says “His range makes him very annoying, that and his hammer. If he doesn't have any sustain you should be able to combo him once you get your 6. Play safe pre 6 cause he hurts.”
ProgettoYorick says “jayce is modestly feasible, it is true it can escape from your W, but going to Ninja Tabbi Jayce's damage will be nothing compared to the damage you will cause them with the ghouls and your Q.
Advice from OTP:
Try not to take too much damage from Jayce's energy ball. Engage when you see that it wastes the leap by closing it with the W.”
ThisIsJustSad says “1. Freeze the wave.
2. Take any fight.
3. Q behind him so that if he uses his knock back, you can still chase.
4. When he finally passes you, use w and you might stun him or slow him, either way, you won the trade.
5. To beat Jayce, you need to not get hit by too many Qs, and to W his knock back or his Q in melee form.”
Xelaadryth says “Jayce, if he plays correctly, will push the wave hard AND hit you at the same time with empowered Q shots. This makes it very difficult to cs and chunks you hard. It's hard to auto-attack trade with him since he can speed up his autos to out-DPS you, and engaging on him is very difficult since he can knock you back in hammer form to effectively cancel your ult. You can't effectively clear waves since if you E+W he'll just engage.”
Karnan says “Pretty weak as a toplaner, if he wants to auto you, answer with Q. Build alot of AD and show him who is the real poker here. Stay behind creep waves to avoid his Shockblast. Don't get overconfident, if you go aggressive he can kite you. ”
DerpzGG says “I personally hate this match up. Just take tanky or cheesy runes, 3 Rejus and you should be just fine to go even or win the lin if he makes some mistakes.”
Melloe says “I am copy pasting this to the other 3 orange-threat levels, since it's just a ranged matchup so you will be poked a lot but you are unstoppable once you have your titanic hydra.”
yetusek says “Lethal Tempo. Ghost + Flash. Rejuv bead start. Jayce is a matchup that you DO NOT trade with early. You purely look to farm and that is it. You will be down farm but as long as you stay even in experience you can outscale him in the 1v1. Tips to avoid damage, 1. When farming under turret while he is pressuring you, you do not have to go for every single minion. If you have taken too much damage usually you do not want to go for the ranged minions because they are closer to the Jayce that is pressuring you and Jayce can deal a lot more damage to you going for ranged minions then he can while you are hitting the melees. Post 6 when you have a good amount of fury and hp if he overextends in the lane against you, you can run him down with your ghost + flash and win in a single all in. You do not want to take short trades against Jayce you only want to all in and thats it. Every allin you take against Jayce have your ghost up or you can get bursted and kited. In the mid-late game you will win allins vs Jayce in the 1v1 even when diving as long as you have ghost up and he doesnt have flash advantage on you.”
Ze mentira says “Max Q. Rune: Comet Page.
start corrupt potion and back with dark seal and doran's ring to a good poke.
//just poke and back. Iceborn Gauntlet is a good item to fight him.”
Hamstertamer says “Very annoying poke and kiting, but not much else, he doesn't deal well with champions that stack armor. Ghost and/or righteous glory can get you kills on him.”
Atlascrower says “Jayce is Ranged, has high-Damage, can all-in you everytime and thats why you should stay safe at the early levels, but you are able to outscale him.”
AsomeSonic says “he might poke you, don't see jayce often, but a sheen and bamis can do a lot in an early duel or trade, you can w his hammer jump thing”
Chromuro says “**** this guy: an engage, a disengage, a long range poke, aoe damage, can chase you to hell and return and builds as half (in the best case, normally he goes full) assassin. You can do nothing to this guy. Oh you are winning lane? Too bad, half of your health goes away because he closed his first item. Maybe I have a personal grudge against jayce mains, I don't know. My standard ban.”
HKRV says “Rare. Poke and all-in. Really annoying, but managable. Watch for his Q spam and play passively. W into first Q is a good start to catch him off guard. ”
-ALR- says “like gnar , but he changes he s hammer , not his size, and all champs ranged on top are ,,even'' or major'' at how much sion gets counter from , but gnar and jayce are the best exemple”
Raideru says “He will poke you a lot in lane so try to get as many minions as possible without losing much hp, if he tries engages onto you with his q and pushes you away jump back onto him with your q+e and try to stabilize the trade.Tabis is a good buy into this matchup.”
Aizo says “Ranged matchup makes it quite difficult for the earlygame. But if the jayce is foolish enough (which many are) to build lethality instead of a black cleaver vs you then building tabis and bramble should be enough for you to stat check all in him at 100% hp.”
SoulHero says “Go dorans shield second wind, hes gonna poke, you outscale , fight him by engaging with q, walking up, and w. If he goes into melee, he will q,w ,then knock u back right? So cancel that knockback with your e and u destroy him. You don't win early until u get lvl 6. You can win with lvl 1 e trade if you are good.”
Petethebossch says “Don't. Just Don't. Once you get Tri-force its over but until then your his bitch in the 1v1. Very susceptible to strong gankers but make sure he doesn't turn it into a double kill if you are low health.”
HarryCao says “Jayce is probably one of your hardest matchups. When you jump in, he will switch to hammer form and knock you away and burst you while you're walking away. Build armor and health and ask your jungler for assistance. Your best bet is roaming and forcing a teamfight at a objective so you won't be the main target for jayce.”
jmothemtgahole says “Not a threat in the slightest. you could give Jayce a 500 gold lead, and you'd still make him your baby back b*$%h every time he shows his face in your lane.”
Magrin Goixtoso says “Contra Jayce é o seguinte, você tomará pressão antes do lvl 3 isso é certeza, tente ficar recuado e evite trocas contra ele, quando pegar lvl 3, pode ir para cima ele não ganhará em 70% das vezes.”
homxr says “Jayce has that advantage where he can poke you out of lane from a great distance at no risk, he's fairly squishy but can disengage fairly easily. Get some items and your R before trying to go in for a kill.”
Lynboe says “Jayce est très difficile à combattre pour Darius s'il ne fait pas d'erreur, il est conseillé de prendre Phase Rush et Second Wind ainsi qu'un Doran's Shield.
Vous ne devriez pas essayer de le combattre avant d'avoir des Tabi Ninja ainsi qu'un Phage.”
Jnewbringspain says “Jayce is very hard because he can disengage, range, and burst. You will need a gank in this matchup. If possible, keep Leap Strike available until he pushes you back, then you can jump on him and attack freely.”
messketchup says “Jayce can kite, poke, cc, and has a gap closer therefore he is a major counter to Darius. Bring Doran's shield and if he gets close enough so you can E or W, just all in him.”
Angela du Seithr says “Dès qu'il essaiera de venir au corps à corps, il sera facile de l'intercepter. Jayce n'a pas réellement de moyen de disengage Pantheon si vous conservez votre Z et il n'a pas d'escape si ce n'est un bonus de vitesse de déplacement.”
PandaSenpai101 says “This is a really hard matchup. You can't go aggressive on him in the early levels, because he technically has two abilities level one. He can cheese you regardless of which side you are on, so take the safe route when leashing. Let him push, and look for an all in when his main abilities are down. Your level 6 is better than his level 6, so look for an all in then. If you have to re call, or feed a kill then it's really hard to come back with the amount of damage he does.”
Devitt45 says “This is a horrible match up for Crit Master Garen, because of the range Jayce has. Pray to whoever or whatever you believe in that you don't get him in your lane, but if you do, stay under tower. With the 9.14 patch Jayce was nerfed, but still be careful, he has range!”
Zestysquid says “Obnoxious lane because of his range. Try to get him to jump onto you with his Q when he's in melee form. You can dodge his ranged form Q's with ult or Q. If he engages on you with his Q and misses, you can occasionally turn on him depending on your box setup. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “He'll poke you a lot, but at the end of the day, sheen + tabis = he has no chance. When you see him jumping onto you, use W and Q instanly after the jump then spin for the whole duration. It's how you will always outtrade him.”
Prince Afghan says “Jayce may be a strong lane bully, but past level 6 he simply can't stop us. All in him at Level 6 when he overextends and the lane will be over.”
M2 Jizu says “Te va a pokear mucho, no es muy difícil jugarle, bloqueale su Q en forma de martillo con tu W, también puedes bloquearle los Ataques Potenciados cuando usa su R con tu W. necesitarás sutain.”
Yisuo says “If the jayce is good, would be gg, he can poke you, dive, siege take objectives better than you can in the first 20 mins, play safe start d shield and e only trade if hes in hammer form”
Bombabo says “Aatrox can deal with both forms of Jayce fairly easily. You should be able to kill him easily at level 6 since he does not have a powerspike due to his lack of an ult”
MadMaster523 says “His ridiculous range and his early game power spike just from a few items makes him a deadly champion to play against. He has a pretty nice gap closer, that's point and click. Most of this match-up is going to be whether you can dodge his E-Q combo. If he just transformed and used his E-Q combo, you are free to trade with him because his ult will be on cooldown for around 6 seconds”
0mega best says “He EXTEMELLY counters you, play very safe and dont get near him and never 1v1 him except if you are sure you are gonna win. Call for ganks and hope he dosent get fed in the early game.”
JosEffigy says “It is highly important to keep your bone plating up, and to shield his initial melee attack and/or his electrocute proc if he doesnt go aery. never waste your mobility as he is able to just disengage by knocking you back.”
RainbowNova says “Jayce is annoying in the early game, but once you get some armor he'll deal way less. You can blind his aa's if he goes all-out on you and you can poke him down while he tries to back off.”
Lil Tidepod says “Jayce does a lot of damage with his acceleration gate and Q early game. He can kite you in his ranged form, and if he switches to hammer, he can do a lot of damage to you as well. His hammer form E ability can cancel your Q. Once you get first tank item, he probably won't be able to kill you alone. But take care, as the mid game is his strongest point. He'll seem to drain a quarter of your health bar with one accelerated Q. Be careful of him shooting out of bushes or too far from your vision to see it coming. ”
zygiux says “If Jayce changed name his name it would be Pokeyce. Try to dash to a diffrent side from his Q. His melee stance has little bit lower damage, but he has knockback so don't dive as he just E's you to his tower.”
iam2sxy1 says “dont allow him to farm early deny as much as possible
at level 6 you can go super agressive as if he goes into melee mode you can place a trap right under him and kill him as long as you dodge his Q shots he should run out of mana really fast”
ImpossibleLogic says “Who Doesn't Love a Ranged Top Lane Bully? You find yourself against the god of poke Jayce you have two options when facing Jayce you can either try and go even with him in laning phase or you give up lane but then try to carry in team fights. Just sit behind your minion wave in laning phase there's nothing you can accomplish by going out of your way to pressure him just wait till he messes up and punish.”
Scuz Rat says “Take a defensive setup and farm it out, the only harass you can get is passive autos. If he wastes his melee form cooldowns on the wave you can search for combos but survive until you have enough armor to run him down”
Brentard says “He's gonna shoot ya. And that's ok. I tend to roam early from this lane and come back to catch up on cs. If you can manage get a head by stealing enemy jng. ”
mlgn4ever says “Outdamages you at every level i feel like, there's a slight chance you can kill him at level 6 with your ignite/ dark harvest but very risky because he can burst you really quick.”
0mega best says “Stay under tower, farm and wait for ganks, there really isnt much you can do against him, just dodge his abilitys and or else attack him IF you can and feel like you can, but never, never 1v1 a good Jayce, he will simply knock you up with his hammer and kill you.”
DrMoneybags says “This matchup is incredibly unfun if the Jayce knows how to play the lane. His poke will easily knock you off of skaarl and his melee form with ignite will crush you when you dismount. Plus he's surprisingly tanky for a ranged character. Like kennen, if he mispositions early with low mana you can get onto him with E and Q to kill him with ignite and W. Otherwise, you can possibly beat him once you get some items.”
Big Boy Matty D says “Pretty rough early levels, start Doran's shield. If he all-ins at similar health you can usually come out on top. Post 6 gap-close with Q and don't use your ultimate until he knocks you away.
If he snowballs try to get as much farm as you can and roam using ult, be wary of his tower-taking potential though!”
The_CuItivator says “Man will poke your eyes out and when you're low will all in with that massive hammer. Don't try to engage before 6 unless he makes a mistake.”
Shderen says “Nearly inescapable damage at all ranges, sustain is all you've really got here. Consider taking exhaust for his hammer Q + AA + E combo. Now that your sustain is more powerful, however, this matchup may be more forgiving.”
OnionMilkshake says “WhO DoSeNt LoVe a RaNGeD Top LaNE BuLly? you find yourself against the god of poke Jayce you have two options when facing Jayce you can either try and go even with him in laning phase by using Arcane comet to poke him back.
or you can go with Conq and give up lane but then try to carry in team fights
just sit behind your minion wave in laning phase there's nothing you can accomplish by going out of your way to pressure him just wait till he messes up and punish
(Recommended: Comet)”
TheNinjaRoid says “Pokey lane. You'll win as long as you avoid his long range Q, that's where his poke comes from. Get a Sheen and a bit of armor early on. You'll win lane if you can farm relatively easily. Ask for ganks if you think you can 2v1 him.”
BakedBeef says “Will be hard to play against as he has a very good poke and can sustain damage, just do not try to feed him as he gets very good lately fed.”
Khazem says “The threat level here definitely depends on how familiar the Jayce player is with his champion, but generally it should be a very difficult lane for Rumble. Do your best to avoid his big empowered ranged Qs and try to punish him when he misses. Save your shield for when you think you're about to get hit, or for when he engages on you in his melee form. If he fails to all-in you in melee form, pump out as much damage as you possibly can to punish him.”
ninjashmon2 says “One of the hardest matchups for Teemo as Jayce has both burst, mobility, and CC while also having Range and Melee but mostly his range due to it being hard sometimes to sidestep. In short he is a very hard counter if you are incapable of dodging. Going into a bone plating and overgrowth build is your best choice.”
Carlosm04 says “Jayce cautera muito no Ealy game , ele atacar de longe, o Seu E joga o jax pra longe, ele pokear muito, farma oq vc puder, seu Mid game pode solar ele”
The Lost Drawing says “Difícil, el conquistador le favorece mucho
>>> No le ganas hasta que tengas 3 objetos ('Trinidad' o 'Cuchilla', 'Sterak', y 'Cota de Espinas')
>>> Usa tu 'E' para quitarte su 'bolaso' cargado y la 'W' para cuando este en modo martillo (esto depende de reflejos, así que si la tienes en enfriamiento retírate un poco y espera a recuperarla)
>>> Runas defensivas y tu confiable 'Poción de Corrupción' para aguantar se empuje”
ElleryTheViking says “This one's a bit of a tilter. It's pretty hard pre 6, you have to be careful. If he's even remotely good at Jayce he's not going to get in range for you to Q E him. If you do, he'll likely just Q you away. Post 6 is your best bet, if you Q him, you can run him down with ghost and ult. He wont be able to knock you away. If you survive till then you should be able to snowball. ”
BlackguardRaven says “This is a man that needs a nerf. Although he is was nerfed, he is still terrible to deal with. I hope that he will be nerfed soon, and real fast”
SynergyXO says “Jayce is hard due to his movement speed and his movement speed reduction for trynd. as well as burst dmg.. Save your spin to get back on him after he knocks you away, and just beat him up.”
Samas says “Has long range to poke you, dont jump onto him while he is on hammer form - he will knock you away, switch to cannon and give you some beating. Farm and engage when you are sure that you can stick on him for a whole all in.”
E61K says “This only applies to Jayce players who absolutely know what they are doing. Players without experience on this champion are free. Jayce is basically another one of those obnoxious poke champions. Start Doran's Shield 1 pot and play passive until 6 unless you get a jungle gank. Luckily most Jayce players tend to get really cocky when laning against Darius, opening them up for a nice gank. Cheese him by buying Tabis first and make sure you deny him a snowball since he is reliant on it to be really effective. He falls off harder than you do. Jayce becomes useless if he gets shut down early. Taking Phase Rush can work really well into him. I would strongly recommend taking TP instead of Ghost against Jayce though since you don't want to get poked out of lane and walk all the way back, losing a lot of EXP and CS. Use your E to pull him out of his leap mid-air.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Ranged & Melee, Burst Damage, Mobility. Weaknesses: Extremely weak if behind, no sustain, squishy. If played right Jayce doesn't have to be that much of a problem. If you proc some vitals and dodge his Q's whenever he goes into ranged form. Whenever he goes into Melee form, you have a decent chance at fighting him especially if you Riposte when he tries to jump onto you because this negates some of his upfront damage. Ninja tabi’s are a great purchase in this matchup as he’s going to try and keep you off CS and that is fine. Corrupting Potion would be a good start for this matchup if you don’t feel comfortable with Doran’s blade. Lastly, It is better to give up some CS in lane than to die for a few. CS is king, but a kill is worth multiple waves of CS, so the less you die, the less of a lead he has. You out-scale him anyway, so your main objective is to not fall behind as much as the Jayce is trying to make you.”
Miracle Matter says “This ranking might be too high. Jayce is an interesting matchup, in the sense that he's almost worse than Irelia early (you cannot face him, and you aren't even safe to farm from afar due to his powerful poke) BUT if he ever attempts teamfighting, you completely wipe the floor with him.
Thus, go the tanky alternative build (Iceborne Gauntlet after Archangel's Staff) and force him to come teamfight against you instead of splitpushing if possible. Any time he engages, simply slow and stun him while your team kills him.
If he is sticking to teamfighting anyway, you might just prefer to backdoor his base while he's distracted. This is fine too - just avoid having to 1v1 him.”
NOH giel says “He can freely poke you from a pretty big distance, you are to slow to dodge everything. Also when he jumps in he can just do damage, knock you away and run off. Your best chance against a Jayce is an all-in.”
Saiyan02 says “Quite annoying matchup because he can kite you down and if you try and all in him he will most likely switch to hammer stance and E you away”
Daniloooo says “Hard to dodge Range attack so if you cant dodge well then go Bone plating and overgrowth. He has everything range / CC / Melee. He counters you so Good luck :( <3”
drunken hunter says “Jayce gets used as ranged champ so he is strong pick for the top lane. He will try to penetrate you with ranged auto hits or ranged abilities. The problem with Jayce is, that he is also a good melee fighter who can push you away if you get near him. Try to get more farm, try to do the lvl 2/3 engage and dodge his ranged abilities(the bushes will help you).”
Sion says “Generally annoying poke. If you dodge his Qs you should be fine, don't use your Q unless his E is down. Wait for jungler and let him shove you in. Then start roaming post 6”
Vincheelo says “He hurts a lot and can disengage you with his Thundering Blow. Super annoying early on. Build armor and you can kill him easily later in game. Don't feed him.”
SkullNatoR says “you will find this matchup only hard if you are vs good jayce, cuz he will not let you farm due to his bully kit
get doran shield and play safe, you may all in him at 6 since he doesn't have a proper ultimate
you might need ninja tabi in this matchup”
Proxxecube says “Jayce is a meanie; but only in early game. His range makes it annoying to play the game at all; but don't get discouraged. If you can avoid dying and just farm under tower, he won't be able to do anything.”
Tipurrs says “He hits hard. Don't trade with him since he's going to win. But you vastly outrange him. I suggest getting some early Seeker's Armguard.”
VdeathSpartan says “Insane poke early game, keep moving and get used to the way he pokes. Some Jayce players will spam poke and others will wait for you to farm, find out what kind he is and play accordingly. You can actually out damage him early if you haven't taken any damage from his poke.”
Xywiser says “Jayce will be hard to win in lane because he can basically do everything, he can come brawl you in melee form or poke you from distance, ban him or be very cautious in lane.”
Melloe says “Ranged is deadly for volibear, getting poked in lane is such a death threat fror him. Jayce's knockback hammer slam also completely ruins your engage as he knocks you back before you can q him. unless you have enough movement speed (righteous flory active).”
Nichao says “Jayce tem muita vantagem quando você está sem a skaarl pelo fato dele ganhar muita velocidade com as trocas de Ult e com o ''E'' no canhão, Fique um pouco mais perto ao jogar o ''Q'' para que ele não consiga escapar e não tente usar a Ult para cancelar o ''E'' na forma martelo não funciona.”
Adclain says “If its a good Jayce he will fuck you up. No matter what he can kite you and even if you manage to catch him he just kicks you off. Stay under tower and wait for your jungler.”
Bakiraka says “Considering it's Jayce, not too too bad. The easiest way to be done with this lane is don't let him get kills and lose tower early. That might sound weird, but it makes getting ganks a whole lot easier and makes farming even easier. Don't fight him, play safe, and you should be fine.”
Trixelkour says “Takes you out with ease if you're not careful with your position. Take Dark Harvest if you wanna quickly end the fight or Phase Rush to play around his Hammer form. Go tanky would generally result in you losing a 1V1. Go for HP AP Hybrid if you want to win a duel against him.
Swagus says “This guy would i recommend aftershock agains't. He have easy to outrade and can handle your champ really easy, so be careful and trade with caution.”
lunarstaff says “Don't see him played alot anymore, but he's easy to deal with, since he is a bursty champion. Early on you want to trade with a double W, but as you get more damage you can just combo him down.”
heyitsRainex says “Jayce is one of the strongest in the early game. In order to beat him, either hold your lane until mid game by stacking armor and health or wait until Jayce runs out of mana.”
SirDeRp25 says “Hard lane, he outrades Teemo at essentially all stages of the lane phase, a good Jayce will freeze the wave and crush you. Start Doran Shield and coordinate a gank with jungler.”
E61K says “Start DShield and play passive pre-6. Jayce has one of the most powerful pre-6 out of all champions. The reason he is on 6 is because he is a stupidly powerful lane bully and there isn't much you can do about it, other than to wait until you hit 6 or for him to misplay horribly. Jayce has no level 6 powerspike unlike most champions. If you try to jump on him he will just hammer you away and will blast you afterwards. Jayce is reliant on snowballing because he falls off. If you deny him the snowball you are already doing well. Look to fight around 6 if you're confident or wait until you get your Tabis + PD. Also Jayce isn't exactly the easiest champion to play well so you got that going for you.”
undeadsoldiers says “Jayce - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Tabi (Doran’s shield first if he's ahead), Tiamat, Phage (Bramble if he’s ahead)
- Take the second wind rune
- NO all in lvl 1-2 (even if passive stacked; he has two abilities lvl 1)
- Play very safe in lane
- He pushes the wave naturally (ask for a gank)
- You can get good trades if you land E stun and his abilities are on cooldown
- DON’T all in alone until Trinity
- Evade his empowered shot by standing well behind your minions or by Qing to a minion (careful of the aoe damage)
- Always wait until he uses his knock back before Qing him
- Be ready with your W to mitigate his entire (very quick) combo
- Ult cooldown: n/a
ReformedLavahit says “If you dont know the matchup good you WILL get destroyed. Ask for ganks early because you will be able to beat him after a gank or two. Get Dorans shield and play def”
matuush21 says “[SK:] Hranie proti Jayceovi je peklo. Jednak keď pritiahnete, odhodí vás. Odstreluje vás z diaľky atď.
[EN:] Playing vs Jayce is rly hell for you. When you E him, he will throw away you. He is shooting you from distance and etc.”
Zachlikespizza says “He will consistently out range you and bully you. I suggest getting some anti-poke items and try to do short trades with him. You can sustain back up where as he can't.”
undeadsoldiers says “Jayce's sheer damage can be pretty annoying. Don't be surprised when he pew-pews autos at you. He'll be especially threatening when he builds lethality.
Try to dodge his cannon Qs as much as you can, while throwing your own Qs at him as frequently as possible.
If he swaps to hammer form, prepare to throw your E at him as he tries to engage on you.
Suggested: Rush Armguard; Exhaust if necessary”
Mouadyam says “bad lane, he has powerful short trades which are not good for you, try to punish him if he comes too close and build a dorans shield to absorb his poke, with some early armor”
ninja8135 says “He is a poke champ and can knock you away from him. Use your windwall at level 3 and all in him then. Try to all in him whenever you have windwall up and a favorable position in lane. This constant pressure is the advantage you have. Playing safe is difficult due to his long range so try not to get behind.”
iam colorblind says “He can trade u alot!
He can also throw u away like Vayne.
So time your E perfectly and run Ninjatabis.
Play safe and try to roam!”
Mr Dunk Your Girl says “Jayce is a pain in the ass. Play safe stay behind minions if you ever get a grab on him. Grab him with E and walk in front of him so he cant knock you away towards your turret and into the direction to his turret. W him and procced to Q him. Open ghost and auto him until you have 5 stacks and then R him to kill him. I Suggest rushing Tabi's.”
DreamDaddy says “He has alot of range with his e+q combo which does alot of damage that you cannot answer and ruins your early game. Lane with caution. you scale alot harder/”
McFattyy says “He is a lane bully like Pantheon, he does a ton of damage with his q. He is not able to trade with. Ask a jungler for a gank, and you will win the fight.”
Skullsunderer says “Jayce is hard to deal with as any champion with his poke and hard engage. However if he ever decides to engage with his melee Q, you need to do everything you can to stop him from running away and poking you to death. Use flash, E, Ghost, whatever it maybe, just keep him in melee range.”
joelblack says “I don't think people play Jayce anymore, but I'll do him anyway. His kit is pretty good against you, but he lacks stats. He'll be squishy all game and his damage is pretty bad early game. As long as you dodge his little shit balls (hide behind minions) then you'll out poke him. When going all him, be really quick about it. If you delay your combo or are just out-positioned, he'll just wack you away.”
CaioOP1985 says “Jayce has lots of poke and overall damage early, so do not engage with him at all. Use your minions as shields against his poke and stack up before facing him.”
Ashnard says “Jayce is a strong laner with a lot of poke and burst trades, but you can easily combo him down if he oversteps. You can both outtade and outsustain him as long as he doesnt get a free lead and is useless if behind.”
GOTG Ment135 says “Urgot tiene las herramientas necesarias para ganarle en linea mientras que no te dejes pokear fácilmente. Su pokeo es mas fuerte que el tuyo, pero lo dominas en peleas a corto rango. Haz que gaste su pokeo y fuerza peleas cuando puedas.”
TrashIreliaxd says “A good Jayce will know how to poke and kite away from Irelia. Learn to abuse when his E (Hammer form) is on cooldown and that's when you all in him.”
galvapheonix says “ Jayce is a farily difficult lane. He can poke you down can kill your ghouls easily. Whenever he switches to melee form that's when you want to go in with your ghouls as he will have a tough time dealing enough damage to you. Just play safe and make sure you have graves piled up.”
thedunkening111 says “Since you have lock down, jayce ain't all that bad, especially since zenith blade puts you behind him. That's awkward for the guy since he wants to knock you away. Look for a good moment to all in him.
Take Aftershock
kagaroo says “🔴COUNTER MATCHUP🔴
Threat Scale: 9/10
➡️ This matchup is extremely hard for Trundle, however it REALLY depends on how good the opponent is at spacing and spell control.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Jayce vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average Jayce vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skill matchup
Good Jayce vs Good Trundle ➡️ Jayce stomps Trundle.”
L0ganJG says “Jayce has everything on paper to never lose to you BUT he is a very hard champion to play. Odds are you can catch him lacking. Always buffer your W2 into his Melee form E. You will get poked out if you do not win early so picking your spots is very important.”
Haxorr says “I despise this matchup and Jayce is my permaban rn because Arcane buffed tf outta him and he beats both my champs (Fiora and Jax). His poke is nuts, his E is hard to react to. Pretty much you just take Doran's Shield, PTA with second wind and play to scale and not die. Jayce is easy to kill with your jungler, I like to parry his Q slam over trying to react to his E in most scenarios. You outscale so just survive early laning phase if possible”
Zattand says “Jayce es complicado debido a su rango y capacidad de pokeo constante. Su Q (Disparo de Shock) mejorado con E puede desgastarte mucho en la fase de líneas, mientras que su forma cuerpo a cuerpo le permite realizar intercambios rápidos y salir ileso. Juega bajo torre para minimizar el daño, farmea con habilidades y prioriza Doran’s Shield y botas tempranas (Zapatos Ninja Tabi). Tu objetivo es escalar al juego medio, donde su impacto se reduce en peleas en equipo, y Ornn puede sobresalir como iniciador.”
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