As a Support 50.14% Win Rate99% Pick RateRakan As a Support Counters: 36 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Rakan as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
ShriekingMammoth says “A little harder than Pyke as he is tankier and scales much better whilst also having the similarities in terms of mobility. Has a lot more reliable utility through heals and shields. Jumping on the ADC is a decent reply to Rakan's engage in lane.”
Zileanaire says “I don't dodge games, because every game is winnable, but if I was going to dodge a game Rakan would be one of the reasons why. Rakan is 1 of 2 champions that are the most extreme match ups for Zilean. Pyke is the other. He can completely ruin your life and his CC is more annoying than even Leona's plus he's extremely mobile. ”
The Stabbio says “When he W's, go E into the enemy ADC. His only option when you try to E him is to E towards his ally. So, by still trying to stun, go towards where he's trying to go.”
Aerenax says “Rakan is an easy matchup if you know how to play it. Try to neutralize his engage by hooking him when he starts ulting. You can let him charm you if you do it because he will be standing still aswell. If you manage to stop his engage you won the teamfight for your team.”
zSharpFire says “This is a skill matchup that tends to Karma. His W is pretty slow and predictable so you should be able to dodge it easily. His only threats to you are his Q and R. With his Q he can heal your poke and the R is just undodgeable.”
Arctic Arrow says “Rakan is a bit of an odd matchup as both of you have tools that can neutralize each other’s engages. To handle him, use your Q (Crimson Curse) to disrupt his engage or block his W (Grand Entrance).
Aim to land a well-timed E (Crimson Curse) to prevent his team from following up when he goes in. In lane, try to engage when he uses his W to dodge his crowd control, allowing you to stun him or send him away for a favorable trade. With proper timing and positioning, you can manage this matchup effectively.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Easy matchup (it would be) if we don't consider 3 bug interactions here.
Counterplay: Mercury's Treads rush. Be better player.
Beware of bugs: You can W his Q only if he goes on your ADC. you will still get knocked up if you W him. You can Q his W so you both will knock up. You can W his R but you will get charmed.”
LA COLORADA says “a good rakan player can be tricky to deal with, and it gets harder if he's paired with xayah.
he's very mobile but quite squishy early on. your best bet is to kill him during skirmishes, as you probably won't get to him in lane.
he'll most likely outshine you in teamfights, so chill out.”
FiletedMinion says “Rakan relies on his W and E. Your W shuts off both if you time it correctly (Hit your W while he is still in the air, not after he lands or you only get the one of the two abilities).”
Abarame says “Rakan's mobility makes his roaming and engages dangerous. He's weak in trades early, so be aggressive in lane. In teamfights, react to his engages and prioritize supporting your team. Avoid getting caught by his ultimate's bounce effect. If paired with Xayah, expect a lost lane—aim to play for midgame and keep things even.”
SchloppyPoppy says “You counter both his dashes, make sure to time it right. You can isolate the enemy ADC by firstly dashing onto the ADC, and then when Rakan tries to jump to his ADC use your W”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Kind of a weird matchup since you cant really kill each other however you can try to stop his engage with Q or try to land a good E so his team cant follow behind him when he goes all in. In lane if you try to engage try to use your E when he W so you dodge his cc and stun them if you can or just send them away.”
hardkoR says “Yes he is mobile but too weak in early-game to punish you before you reach lvl6.
He has to clamp with teammates and you have lots of AoE to punish that.”
glimppi says “Your defensive boxes are useful to prevent his all-in engage, but his knock up might still go through, even if he got feared. Dodge his Q, so he can't heal his ADC, and poke. Defensive boxes.
Thefrenchkefta says “you won't be able to get him because he is too fast, your Q is too slow and W Dismount is even slower.
You can W Mount up I think but I didn't try, it is easier to get his ADC becasue while he engage your adc, you engage his and he can't do much after his engage while you you can give a lot to your adc (movement speed, you have a shield and you have two CC)”
Velkyann says “Rakan is only a big problem if the adc can help him but when they do he is a menace to play against. focus on not getting hit by his Q to not heal him and his adc, if you build Flowing Water you can dodge his W without a hard prediction”
MorePierogiVanya says “Pre 6, your job is pressing W before he reaches his knock-up destination. Cancelling that way denies his entire engage. Post 6 is a bit more difficult, but that doesn't change that much.”
Razing42 says “Rakan will be difficult to lockdown and he can also provide a lot of peel for his teammates when they get engaged on. You should try to aim hooks at his teammates instead of him because he might dash towards his teammates.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Rakan has fairly telegraphed attacks and needs an allied champ nearby for mobility. If you can ult his carry away before a fight his death is certain.
Your W blocks both his engage and his jump to an ally, so you can bully him pretty severely.”
FunnyBunnyH says “While I consider the matchup manageable in an isolated 2v2, his mobility/slipperiness with his E actually does make him somewhat difficult to kill, assuming they play correctly, especially that they run Guardian most of the times.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Honestly it depends on the Rakan. He can jump on you and knock you up, so careful of that. His shield is also annoying. Don't hop off if he has his ult up, and you should be ok.”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Bro is pretty sneaky and can feel hard to catch with all his dashes. However, his healing is subpar, and his own engage is a bit of a risk for himself, since you can E if he gets up close. The worst part of his kit is probably his ult, and can be dangerous with the right ADC (say, Miss Fortune).”
quecck says “Bro is pretty sneaky and can feel hard to catch with all his dashes. However, his healing is subpar, and his own engage is a bit of a risk for himself, since you can E if he gets up close. The worst part of his kit is probably his ult, and can be dangerous with the right ADC (say, Miss Fortune).
Razing42 says “Rakan is very slippery so try to aim your hooks almost exclusively on the enemy adc as he might dash into your hook. Try to time your flay to cancel his dash away if you hook him.”
Aerenax says “Rakan is a very mobile champion, which makes it hard to catch him. When you engage on his carry he will immediately follow and counter engage on your carry. Try to survive in this lane as he will have an easy time against you, because punishing him is hard as Braum”
ohsuko says “Zyra has no mobility, and Rakan's whole thing is engage, dash dash mobility. If he knocks you up, you're probably dead. There is a chance you can E him before he W's you, but that's your only counter.”
Ryecheria says “You can outrun his engage. Build Shurelya's. Poke Rakan out before 3 and 4. Do your best to punish him before then otherwise he outscales at 6.
Skill matchup. If Rakan has an aggressive ADC, he can win lv 1 trade. ”
HumbleMundo says “Early one he is a little annoying since he is so hard to catch but he wont be able to cc you but once Rakan is lvl 6 he can just use his knock up to get rid of your passive then charm ya or whatever that man does(gives me the creeps I tell you)”
mazewalk says “When timed perfectly you can cancel his W but it is hard to punish him for bad engage because E has two dashes. Your ultimate counters his ultimate.”
JezebelleXX says “He cannot do much when his W is down, as he will get harassed with your autos easily. However, if he lands W, he will outtrade you with W + Q. This becomes a hard/extreme matchup when he is paired with Xayah. Be cautious of R-ing when he is about to hit 6 or has ultimate. Celerity heavily recommended.”
TheBougis says “Rakan is also just an enchanter support, but he is very mobile and has some more cc.
I'd say that he is slightly stronger in a 1v1 than the average enchanter support but still nothing to worry about.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Rakan can be considered a counter against Soraka due to several reasons:
Engage and Mobility: Rakan possesses exceptional engage and mobility tools that allow him to quickly reach and lock down high-priority targets. His ability to dash in and out of fights with his W (Grand Entrance) and E (Battle Dance) gives him a significant advantage over Soraka. Soraka heavily relies on positioning herself at the backline to heal her allies, but Rakan's mobility enables him to easily bypass frontline tanks and assassins to directly reach Soraka and disrupt her healing potential.
Crowd Control: Rakan's crowd control abilities are particularly effective against Soraka. His Q (Gleaming Quill) can both damage enemies and heal allies, making it difficult for Soraka to sustain her team through Rakan's damage output. Furthermore, Rakan's W (Grand Entrance) and R (The Quickness) provide reliable crowd control that can interrupt Soraka's healing abilities, preventing her from keeping her teammates alive during crucial moments.
AOE Damage: Rakan's ultimate ability, R (The Quickness), grants him increased movement speed and the ability to charm multiple enemies in an area around him. This AOE crowd control and damage can disrupt Soraka's healing output, as it can quickly take down squishy targets or force Soraka to use her healing abilities on herself. With Soraka occupied, the enemy team loses out on her powerful healing support, thus diminishing their overall sustain and durability.
Synergy with ADCs: Rakan's kit is designed to complement and enhance the performance of his AD carry. His E (Battle Dance) not only provides a shield to his ally but also grants them a significant movement speed boost. This can allow Rakan's AD carry to quickly reposition, dodge Soraka's skill shots, and apply pressure on her. By effectively disrupting Soraka's positioning, Rakan indirectly weakens her healing impact on her team.
Itemization: Rakan can take advantage of certain item builds that further enhance his ability to counter Soraka. For instance, items like Grievous Wounds, such as Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest, can reduce Soraka's healing effectiveness. These items, combined with Rakan's ability to constantly engage and disrupt Soraka, significantly reduce her ability to keep her team healthy and sustain them during extended fights.
It's important to note that while Rakan can be a strong counter to Soraka, teamwork and coordination are essential for capitalizing on this advantage. Proper communication and focus targeting are necessary to ensure that Soraka is effectively neutralized and her healing impact is minimized.”
ohsuko says “You can easily charm him out of his W if he misses, and also his R while he's running up on you. Just make sure his E is down or you probably won't hit a charm.”
jmp_01_ says “Not really much of a threat in lane, but just like Milio he can solo carry teamfights. Try to stop him from that and avoid engaging first against him. Take Aftershock.”
Lunar Empress says “Same with Leona and Naut but his dash mechanic works a little differently. You can still cancel it with Howling Gale but you have to predict his dash in order for it not to go off. If you are a split second too late, he will still airborne you even if your tornado lands. Tornado right when you think he's going to engage. Go Glacial Here.”
Thorge says “Engage fortíssimo, cura o ADC e da escudo também, acho muito difícil essa lane e só opto ir para cima com gank ate ter vantagem sobre ele.”
RobinValentine1 says “You have little to prevent anything he wants to do to you or your carry. Get guardian max e to minimize lane losses.
Be careful level one, you don't lose, but a good engage can cost lane. Avoid his W and harass him the best you can to prevent a tragic rest of lane. Q outranges his W so you can set up to prevent his W with yours.
His abilities are easy to dodge so use W to save yourself and your ADC.”
support_diff says “Rakan can dash to you and throw you to air, and there is pretty much nothing you can do about it. To prevent him from dashing, stay away from him”
bxbycos says “Engage Supporter like Rakan, Blitz etc. are very dangerous for you if you dont pay attention to your positioning for once. Use your E smart against them!”
Aerenax says “Rakan is a very mobile champion, which makes it hard to catch him. When you engage on his carry he will immediately follow and counter engage on your carry. When facing Rakan look for roaming opportunities or catch his carry solo.”
Wounds2 says “Using your W well can make the game unplayable for Rakan. You can also fling him if he goes to W, preventing him from E'ing back to his teammate.”
Cyclic says “Pretty predictable engage but if it hits you will be in for a world of hurt. Make sure to poke him as much as possible level 1 and 2 while being wary of his flash W combo or jungle ganks. He is very good in the meta right now and recent buffs made him quite good so I bumped him up from Minor to even threat”
mellorwastaken says “The problem with rakan is that he is super safe and you can't kill him while he outscales you. If his adc oversteps and you hook him he cant really do much so that your main lane wincon.”
iveye says “You and Rakan have a similar play style though you have more options than him for engage or disengage. If he blows his W he has little to do. He has a lot of mobility so engage on his carry more than him, or play anti-engage on him.”
WhiteLotus says “Avoid his W at lvl 1. If he skilled E u can free Trade against them. Don't get hitted by to many Q's on lane by him or else it will negate your whole poke. If you get ganked by the enemy jungle, wait for Rakan W before you Flash.”
T1vladimir says “Do not overextend while WTips is up Have wards around to prevent him from flanking from the sides. RTips + WTips is prone to CC. Try to dodge his skills & extend the trade to make him struggle. His synergy with Xayah enhances his laning phase since her WTips’s attack speed is granted upon Rakan.”
gizemdeniz says “Rakan will often try to dive with his ultimate. In this process, giving good charm response is the best thing to do. Make sure to focus on ADc instead of Rakan in trades.”
Sorakas says “Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Against certain ADCs, Rakan can be a significant threat to Soraka, as his kit enables him to dive into the enemy team with strong area-of-effect crowd control — something Soraka struggles to counter. Play cautiously, respecting the cooldowns of enemy abilities, and avoid unnecessary exposure. Use your silence (E) strategically to block the enemy ADC’s path during engages, stopping them from following Rakan.
Mikael’s Blessing is a strong choice against Rakan’s ultimate; prioritize using it on the strongest ally, keeping yourself out of Rakan’s range to avoid being caught. Since Rakan often builds mobility items, his roaming potential can disrupt your team. You can choose to follow him, sacrificing some XP to support your team, or focus on pressuring the enemy ADC in lane. Ionian Boots help you respond effectively if you decide to roam.
In the laning phase, your priority is to protect your ADC, as a well-coordinated enemy bot lane can prevent them from farming. Here, your role is to assist in securing farm safely. Once you’ve built Mikael’s Blessing and established good positioning for yourself and your team, the game will become more manageable for both you and your ADC.”
mazewalk says “He doesn't have any disengage tools except his ult, but he's pretty mobile around his allies, so don't jump on him unless you're sure he can't escape.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Rakan's engage is way too good. If he has flash and R you will get CC'd. You can cancel his W early with Q, but he can E back to his ADC and leave unpunished. Also you can only cancel the dash part of his W, so you have to partially predict it. ”
Roltu says “Rakan es un poco más problemático que pantheon ya que él tiene más de una iniciación, pero si se mal posiciona o comete un error no tengas, usa primero la E para evitar su escape ya sea con su W o su E”
thunderthighs says “His knock up can be hard to dodge without boots, but make sure to poke him when he walks up to CS with his support item so that he is never full health. A half health Rakan can never engage since he isn't as tanky as other engage supports.”
zotet says “Very annoying to verse with his good CC and shielding. He has 2 abilities that can close distance and can get you in his range. He can heal enemies very often making them hard to kill. Make sure to play ranged and focus on killing Rakan when you have the chance to avoid him running back to his team with his E or W.”
NotAragami says “Fret not, Rakan isn't interested in children. He will use W and both E casts to harass/engage enemies in relatively safety. His ult isn't too dangerous as you can just stun him in the face. Even paired with Xayah, dude is mostly the same. ”
OakuMarai says “If he's with Xayah he's a major threat, otherwise he's not too bad. Guardian with celerity.
Respect his engage power and be very careful to not misposition in lane, if you go too far and he's good you'll be seeing grey a lot.
Don't stnad too close to your ADC or he can easily hit you both with his W.”
huirats says “Rakan is super uncommon, and really only an issue when he's with Xayah since they have boosted stats. You can def outdamage him, especially early on. ”
PykEugeo says “The problem with rakan is his high mobility, u will have to have a lot of patience and not waste your grabs too much to win. Watch out for its w, if you can dodge it in time you can do something
Navn says “Too much mobility to lock down. Too fast to disrupt his dashes too. Best option is go for his lane partner. And he doesn't even end up building tanky either to be a better ult target.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, play respectfully. If he takes Grand Entrance(W) at level 1, he may look for an early engage and force you to blow your Flash. He tends to do this against utility Supports when they walk forward to harass. Play towards the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for Rakan to get a successful engage on to you or your carry. If Rakan misses W, you should try to abuse the cooldown and play aggressive. Getting him low will make it incredibly hard for him to use his W for the second time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, play respectfully. If he takes Grand Entrance(W) at level 1, he may look for an early engage and force you to blow your Flash. He tends to do this against utility Supports when they walk forward to harass. Play towards the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for Rakan to get a successful engage on to you or your carry. If Rakan misses W, you should try to abuse the cooldown and play aggressive. Getting him low will make it incredibly hard for him to use his W for the second time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, play respectfully. If he takes Grand Entrance(W) at level 1, he may look for an early engage and force you to blow your Flash. He tends to do this against utility Supports when they walk forward to harass. Play towards the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for Rakan to get a successful engage on to you or your carry. If Rakan misses W, you should try to abuse the cooldown and play aggressive. Getting him low will make it incredibly hard for him to use his W for the second time.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “At level 1, play respectfully. If he takes Grand Entrance(W) at level 1, he may look for an early engage and force you to blow your Flash. He tends to do this against utility Supports when they walk forward to harass. Play towards the opposite side of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for Rakan to get a successful engage on to you or your carry. If Rakan misses W, you should try to abuse the cooldown and play aggressive. Getting him low will make it incredibly hard for him to use his W for the second time.”
ShoDesu says “Rakan struggles to be able to engage in this match up as Janna can q/r his w/r. Play super aggressive in this match up and q him if he postures to engage. ”
Jageiko says “Rakan's W is too fast and most of the time you wont be able to react for it, but its easy to predict when he will use it. You can also cancel his E if his carry is threatened. If you see him R, press W and R him.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Rell can cancel Rakan's W and E with both forms of Rell's W, as well as her E and R if timed correctly. Her Q breaks his shield as well, but his ult can make him slippery, and he can also cancel Rell's engages in lane so be considerate of his cooldowns.”
Navn says “This depends on his lane partner. If he's got a lane partner who synergizes well with his E, it'll make dodging his W much harder. And once he has ult, he will be quite hard to deal with in team fights.”
FrostedSpark says “As a Rakan main, this matchup is painful. Only putting the dash champs in tiny to show how they've went from counter picks to no threat at all.”
Tqnshi says “Watch out for his W, you can dodge it with your own W but do stay close to your adc just in case. His R is annoying but it doesn't last forever.”
spirit legacy says “It's also a tricky matchup. You can counter his W his stunning him as he's jumping to you. Try to buffer your E and as soon as he's jumping Q him. It's harder than Alistar/Leona tho. Be aware of his All in, if he hits his W you're dead in most cases. Always use R when you see him Jumping to an ally. That way you're almost guarenteed to get a double passive proc. ”
Challenger Project says “In lane Rakan can’t do much about our engage. We hook him if he is out of position, but in general try to focus his ADC as he can’t save him from us beside a knock up. After 6 focus with engages onto him, as he can’t run away so easily when we ult him or he will knock up his ADC as well. In later stages of the game you can’t let him (or his team) engage as his AoE charm into knock ups can win teamfights. YOU HAVE TO be to one who starts the fight as this lets you control the flow of the fight. Always ult him.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Box fear will cancel Rakans W which removes any threat except for his ultimate.
He is easy to bait and burst with enough prep or follow up.”
rocco521 says “This champ can usually do what it wants into you he can just dash in and trade onto you and you cant really do much. You more want to look later on into the game and just try ult his engage.”
Renascor says “Rakan is an example of someone you really can never Ult. He has 4 mobility abilities with 3 days and a MS boost. His charm can catch us out. However his laning can be weak due to low damage, punish his adc.”
Borregero says “very slippery and can poke you as well as engage on you with little to no consequences is very playable if you can predict the patterns of the enemy rakan. basically better skill wins. you will usually play this lane reactively going for qs to interupt rakan dash if you are good enough otherwise respect their engage range and try to save your e and q for punishing after engages”
LordZaneLP says “rly big counter if he plays correctly, his teamfight is the best in the game with taric, but he outclasses taric a bit in teamfights so its rly hard to win against him. ”
Demonsedge90 says “Rakan makes your engagement hard since he can do it all from range while you have to get close. To ensure you can safely engage, try to bait out his w or r, then counter-engage with your e, q, or r, depending on how close you are to him.”
Cordiall says “Rakan isn't a threat to Braum at all. He has no good poke abilities, he can W in and knock you up, but he doesn't have the damage to be able to really affect you in a fight, and then he dashes out to shield his ADC. You probably won't be killing him often unless he's bad, but he won't do much to you in lane.”
Eu como Miilena says “Rakan sem a xayah é algo bem mais manejável porem com ela a dificuldade sobre relativamente, com ela ele pode agressivar muito mais por conta do range do escudo dele ser muito maior. Sempre que ele for estunar jogue seu R+Q e W nele e proteja seu adc se ele não voltar para o adc dele ele é estunado. voce pode caunterar a ult dele jogando seu Q nele que dará slow e depois R+E em você e em seu adc para fugir dele. de poke nele para ele perder o escudo e não ficar à-vontade para ir em cima quando quiser.”
DtNikk says “Just E under his W to silence and root Rakan. if you se him running towards you hit your q to slow him down.
Take E lvl 2 and spellthieves is best choice here. ”
TheFoolhardy says “Rakan has lots of mobility, so catching him is hard. Since he is also quite tanky once you do catch him, hes a little difficult to take down.”
Nozul says “O maior problema aqui é se você tomar o W+R do Rakan. Se posicione safe que ao final do jogo você ganha dele. Quando ele tentar dar um W errado, use o teu E, assim ele não poderá se reposicionar usando o E no ADC dele.”
TheBlueImperial says “If Rakan every engages onto your carry it means his W is down, he cannot stop you from jumping onto his carry. He can never engage without putting his carry at risk of your more potent engagement.”
beefyylol says “Rakan can be quite slippery and it is very rare that you will be able to catch him out. When he is paired with Xayah they have quite a potent 2v2, but with anyone else, you can bully him quite hard in lane. Dodging his W knockup becomes quite easy once you learn how to do it. ”
PumpkinMatters says “Rakan consegue atrapalhar seu combo se acertar o W dele, mas há um milésimo de segundo, antes dele saltar e te levar junto, em que seu E pode atordoá-lo e acabar com a vida desse vastaya bonitão. Acertando tudo, é uma rota fácil, mas ele não entra em "baixo" na ameaça porque seus erros podem ser o fim de sua fase de rotas”
PumpkinMatters says “Rakan can destroy your combo if he manages his W, but there's a split second, before he jumps and throws you, in which you can E him and finish this good-looking vastaya's life. Landing everything, is an easy route, but he doesn't get into "minor threats" because your mistakes can end your laning phase”
a8qoyrl says “His engage is strong, しかし , a lot of the time he'll engage and enemy carry will just go in. Thats your time to shine, and proc Glacial on enemy carry. Easy engage, since enemy is running at you and closing the gap. Perfect.”
Harry132 says “Fairly hard for you to lose this one pre 6 after 6 you just have to be careful of his R but you should be tanky enough to not get popped as long as you are not that far away from your team”
The Wands says “it's not difficult to face, but it has healing and protection potential as well as counterattack. Pay attention to W because you can cancel it with your Q Stun.”
revu says “[ENGAGE]
Q on his W or Q his adc for a chance to hit them both when Rakan uses E. Go for Shurelya and watch your team run away from his R engage. Make sure to follow him whenever he roams.”
Ms_Clair says “Rakan can be pretty difficult for a janna to peel against. Cancelling his W requires extreme talent and timing as well as good game sense to read their engage. Rakan also has an easy escape with his e and his ultimate makes it easy to run you down and cc lock you. Generally play safer and poke when possible so you arent in a poor position.”
Gobomo says “This is a pretty fun lane matchup, all things considered. While he's pretty oppressive if his lover Xayah is there with him, the only real ability you need to worry about pre-6 is his W, which is an AoE knockup. Don't stick too close to your laner and you should be fine. Try to go in whenever he whiffs his W, as when he jumps to his ally with E (which he can recast - he'll pretty much always do it before the recast window ends, so look out for a second if he does it once) he's incredibly vulnerable to getting both him and his lane partner stunned by a well-placed Q. At level 6, his ult can be very annoying and teamfight winning, so make sure you're not playing too close to him. ”
Mooncurve says “laning phase is not strong (unless their ad is a bad match up to yours), they would die if you land some good hooks, but mid late game teamfights, he could be a pain, save your flay box for him in teamfights.”
eiensiei says “Stand behind minions to deny his Q if you can't otherwise dodge it. Poke freely and just walk forward instead of backwards whenever he tries to W. The only time to be scared of a Rakan is if he has a Xayah ADC, in which case playing more defensively is advised. He will try to flank in teamfights, so ward accordingly.”
Dotje says “Just like with other engage supports, it's tough to survive his hard engage. However, I find his engage ability is somehow fairly easy to dodge, and if you do, don't waste your bubble on him yet, but just trade. If you engage on their adc use bubble later, there's a chance you'll catch Rakan too, trying to shield his adc.”
Doglightning says “I would run ele or guardian into Rakan depending on how comfortable you feel into it. Be careful when trading empowered autoing into him as it is the range or his knockup. It similar to most tank supports just poke with Q and keep E up for counter engage if he goes in. He is very squishy and will die in a combo but he is very hard to hit because of all his mobility.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Rakan isn't really much of an issue because while he does play similarly to an engage support, he isn't tanky. He roams pretty often too so remember to anticipate, and counter-gank.”
Doglightning says “Take Barrier. Play safe and stay out of his W range. Look to counter engage and you can win since he is very squishy. Also a nice bubble can lead to kills.”
eiensiei says “Stand behind minions to deny his Q if you can't otherwise dodge it. Poke freely and just walk forward instead of backwards whenever he tries to W. The only time to be scared of a Rakan is if he has a Xayah ADC, in which case playing more defensively is advised. He will try to flank in teamfights, so ward accordingly.”
LimTheDestructor says “If you aren't able to kill Rakan in 1 chain CC (which is very hard), don't even try it and rather focus his adc. Respect Rakan's W - remember that this spell can be interrupted by your CC if you cast it fast enough. In later phases of game, stand in front of your team to be able to Q Rakan who is trying to go in. Remember - you have to Q instantly, because if he charms you first, you aren't able to cast it and stop him.”
warmfishu says “His passive gives him a shield and he can heal his allies slightly when he hits Gleaming Quill (Q). His primary threats to Yuumi are his Grand Entrance (W), which has a somewhat long-range dash before an AoE knockup, and the Quickness (R) which charms any enemy he touches. Both of these reset W and leave you vulnerable, especially in a teamfight.”
Rasta Da Masta says “He has 3 dashes, a free shield, an AoE heal, and one of the best initiation tools that requires inhuman reactions to get out of. Interrupting his dashes is almost impossible since he moves so fast. ”
LegendaryOstrich says “Just try to flay his W knockup since it's his main form of engage early game. Stand behind minions in order to dodge his Q which heals the ADC and himself and deals a decent amount of magic damage. BE VERY CAREFUL LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 6+.”
lin00 says “You can interrupt all his abilities, flaying his R, W engage or cancel his E. Thresh can punish him heavily if Rakan misses his W engages. ”
Korippo says “Even though he has knockup CC and a charm on his R, I wouldn't say this is really unfavorable. If he is paired with Xayah, this lane becomes much harder though. He is very slippery and on his own does really 0 damage, so you can abuse him with pokes. Baiting out his knockup is the key here; it has a significant CD early game and is his main engage tool for his ADC, so preventing him from landing it is crucial to winning and snowballing the lane. Teamfights he will be looking to swoop around groups and use his R, so try to spread out more if possible to avoid him from charming everyone, similar to Seraphine (but much more slippery).”
Flackojodye says “Be very careful with rakan, he's one of your hardest matchups. If he's paired with xayah, dodge immediately, zyra can't play against these two creechers.”
Distinger says “Now this is where the problems begin. This motherfucker right here can either stomp you in lane and deny you from playing or be completely useless, there's no in-between.
A good Rakan knows you're going to E when he engages with W, so he's gonna R first, be aware of it.
Hooking this guy does absolutely nothing, so just don't.
If he's good he's gonna E to his ADC if you're aiming for him, or W you while you're locked in Q animation, so do it from bushes.”
SlippStream says “His ability to jump onto you is scary, and his ultimate can be devastating, but he's weak early, and will let you poke his ADC without doing much to stop you.”
Luiscencias says “He shouldn’t be your focus in lane. Be careful of his knockup when you go in for Q’s (positioning too aggressively without your ADC nearby WILL get you killed). Keep your distance from him AND his allies since he can quickly dash to one and then to you”
lenithebot says “Rakan is too safe for you to do anything since if he can react in time he can e to his adc or w away. He also has a pretty good engage.”
Fear The Jester says “Just place your boxes on you and your adc, your fear will cancel his knockup. can boxblock his Q if you need so he cant heal for free.”
Jowoey says “In lane be careful how you move. If you're moving too forward his W his very fast so you might not have enough time to stop his engage. In my experience, the knock up still goes through even if you Q him. Poke safely.”
TwitchTV Sarodag says “Can easily engage and disengage, which makes Zilean's slows ineffective against him.
Puede iniciar y escapar muy fácilmente por lo que hace que el CC de Zilean sea poco efectivo contra él.”
Melyn says “Pre-6, this is fairly easy (although his mobility makes him fairly hard to kill). Poke with Q and make sure not to get caught by his knockup. Once he's level 6, he can almost instantly combo you with little counterplay, so play back and be ready with your disengage, especially if he targets your carry.
One thing you can do (if you have good reactions or predictions) is your E can stop his W, so it's good to throw out defensively when under threat.”
Biotic says “I like this matchup a lot i usually put 2 Points in E so my Adc can run out of the W of Rakan. IF you do that consistently he is very lost and can only roam to win the matchup. You can also match the roams and he cant really catch you out. Be carefull of his Level 6 Ult W when you are below 75% HP and dont have exhaust you might get 1 shot and cant R. If his W is out you can ignore the champ and just focus the enemy adc.”
TheBestestBork says “Personal ban here,but if you happen to be leo diana BAN THIS, he screws leos engage either way, but we completely ruins leona diana in botlane, no matter how well you land you abilities.”
KasgoesREEEEE says “easy to poke down in lane due to his shorter range. avoid his w knockup and lane phase is pretty easy. his ultimate can be devastating so be aware of it in team fights.”
Guoblide says “Rakan is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to him being incredibly slippery and hard to kill in lane as well as outscaling Braum in the mid to late game. Rakan is an Engage/Catch support who can also be played partially as an Enchanter. He excels in creating massive CC and disrupt in mid and late game team fights that can win games for his team. Rakan spikes at Level 2 where Gleaming Quill gives him good poke and sustain, Level 3 where Battle Dance gives him great mobility and shielding, and Level 6 where The Quickness enables him to engage easily and set up CC for his team to follow up on. Rakan has a pretty weak laning phase pre-Level 6 but can still be incredibly annoying. Bully him and his ADC at Level 1 by poking with Winter's Bite and zoning them off of the wave. Rakan is super weak Level 1 and can't do much to counteract this. However, poking him at Level 1 (And throughout the course of the game) can be difficult due to Fey Feathers being able to block all of the damage from Winter's Bite. Once Rakan hits Level 2 he gets a bit scary. If he gets Gleaming Quill at Level 2 then he can poke well and sustain with the AOE healing that he gets from it. Keep in mind that Unbreakable can block Gleaming Quills damage but won't stop Rakan from getting the AOE healing from it. If Rakan unlocks Battle Dance at Level 2 then he can Grand Entrance in, take a short trade, and Battle Dance out before Braum is able to proc his Concussive Blows stun. If Rakan stays for too long though then he can be easily punished and killed. Once Level 3 hit Rakan comes online and can make his trades hit way harder. Braum should try to position a little bit away so he can Stand Behind Me to his ADC and Unbreakable to peel for them if they are engaged on by Rakan. Once Rakan hits Level 6 the game is a bit doomed for Braum. Try to play passive and Glacial Fissure Rakan to knock him up and escape if you see him cast The Quickness. The Quickness makes a sound and has a long cast time animation when used so knocking Rakan up when he activates it can make it hard for him to charm you with it. In mid to late game teamfights Rakan can get massive 3-4 man knock ups with Grand Entrance if comboed with The Quickness so try to stand a bit away from your team and then Stand Behind Me to them after they are engaged on by Rakan and his team.”
Spection says “Fairly strong engage with a threat level that is difficult to discern. He can hide in a bush, E to an ally and then W immediately. He is squishy but very mobile and therefore hard to lock down. Do your best to Q his carry instead and watch out for his engage combo. Drop an E to where he is dashing for a guaranteed silence and root. Take it at level 3 for this opportunity.”
DanNS12 says “Your passive movement speed helps you sidestep his W and is pretty easy to poke him early just be careful when he hits 6 or when he is paired up with Xayiah because they do a ton of damage lvl 1 if Rakan lands a W.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Take Barrier. Play safe and stay out of his W range. Look to counter engage and you can win since he is very squishy. Also a nice bubble can lead to kills.
Doody_tco says “Rakan can CC your carry, and if he hits his abilities, especially if he is paired with toxic carry as Xayah, it will be challenging for Yuumi to keep her carry alive”
very hot says “You can time your Q against Rakan's W such that both of you are knocked up. Moreover, if he tries to W-ult your team, you can just knock him back and ult his charm such that nothing happens.”
Billehz says “I found Rakan pretty easy to deal with as Ahri, I could easy run out of his knockup with my W and get away from his ult with my own. Charming him or the adc after he jumps in also works and gives a good trade if neither of you get knocked up”
Jaori says “His W cannot be stopped by your E. You will obviously stun him, but his ability will still cast and knock you up.
If he goes in, throw him into your adc so he can't use E to escape with his carry.”
Go Getter says “He really cant stop you, his ult is his best bet to slow you down and if he dives to stun your ADC he's pretty much just begging you to E him.”
knif says “While Rakan's engage is a little easier to telegraph and avoid than that of other engage supports, he's still a threat if he can get his combo off and catch you out of position. In fights and longer trades, try to single out Rakan's ADC with your Q, as there's a chance that you'll catch the bird too when he E's in to shield his carry.”
SupportTooEz says “Play to scale. A good Rakan will roam which makes the match up free, and a bad Rakan will stay in lane, do make sure not to be hit by his charm from R and knock up. He should not be able to 2v2 you and your adc if he stays in lane, unless you don't know how to heal your adc and let them be poked down.”
HerYandere says “He's only good with Tristana against you, at which case he's a 3. Don't let him Q you for poke, and if he ults just reposition yourself away from your ADC and get ready to go onto theirs.”
Esoterica says “Rakan cannot do much to contest you poking his ADC or locking them down. However, he can easily jump onto your ADC and get out with Battle Dance with minimal fuss. With his low damage, focus the ADC first.
Bait out his Grand Entrance for your ADC or prepare to retaliate when your ADC does get caught. Rakan is fragile and can be punished.
Post-6, do not clump with your ADC and do not over-commit to damage. He can easily chain CC onto either of you and cause a death.”
Daraysen says “Rakan is a rather big threat, he dashes into you and your adc, charms both of you and by the time you can react, it is already to late, interrupting him with a hook or flay is pretty hard.”
Dotje says “Like many other engage supports, Rakan is tough to survive. I'd try to stay alive untill he blew his abilities, then go for a trade. Be careful of his dash range onto allies because he can easely reach you from the backline.”
KeleiX13 says “Rakan can W you, but that's about it. If he misses W, you can hard punish him if he is not level 6 yet. Stay spread out in both teamfights and in lane so he has a harder time ulting you. If he ults, you should always ult him so he doesn't charm more people.”
milast says “He can't do to much to you and your adc cuz he needs to come to you to charm or airborne you which can make him fall into your boxes and get himself killed.”
LilRidge says “Look for opportunities to all-in Rakan when his (W) Grand Entrance or (E) Battle Dance is down. He isn't very slippery when either one of these abilities is down. If Rakan manages to all-in your ADC, immediately counter-engage on the enemy ADC. Rakan doesn't do much damage without his ADC helping him.”
Tauricus2017 says “Rakan has solid engage and disengage potential, he is hard to poke due to his passive shield. Try to cast Equinox before his Q knocks you up so he won't be able to disengage back, after that try to kill him.”
Rainuu says “Rakan is an alright matchup. He doesn't have much poke and his cc can frequently bait the the enemy adc . Just watch out for him when allining someone as he can push you back with ease,”
Fear the box says “Rakan is tricky. You rarely see them, but when you see a Rakan chances are he one tricks. Just ignore him. He has so much mobility it's hard to keep up. Focus the ADC and tell your ADC to play safe, attack on level 6 with your clone.”
Starchase says “If you're confident with your reflexes, you can try to detach and poke him, but if not, just don't detach, his W has a start up animation before it knocks you up.
However, lvl 6 you don't wanna detach from your ADC, his R W combo will instantly stun you and kill you.
Don't build Mikael's Blessing for him, you will negate the stun from his R but not the knockup from his W.
You outscale him but care about him in teamfights, if he's good he's gonna be a big problem.”
Takitsu says “Always look to auto/poke his passive shield down, so he loses that advantage. Play around your minions to avoid his Q damage. Flaying his W+E are difficult but possible. Its usually a better play to dodge Rakan W, and saving your flay for when he tries to jump back with his E, or better yet, flaying the enemy carry. Unless the Rakan is running away, you NEVER flay him with all his abilities up. Hook first and keeping Rakan at a distance is much safer and lets you deal damage without losing health.
Post-6 clumping on top of your carries is usually bad, but will also make rakan engage predictable. Making it much easier to flay his W.”
unhben says “You can safely poke him enough before he wants to engage on you, unless he has a xayah which will make him a little more slippery. Just play around traps and your wave and you should be fine.”
Kadiyarch says “Raken is pretty strong against you, and he can dodge your stun easily. When he W you, don't try to stun Rakan but instead wait and stun the enemy adc with a combo. ”
Bear Gummies says “Rakan is a great engage support, but you're the best peeler. You can use howling gale to interrupt his dash+knockup, and you can use monsoon to peel away his charm, rendering him essentially useless.”
NewTeff says “you're having fun? well not anymore, you're against rakan, get your boots as fast as possible to deal with his knock up, remember to set up your heals under tower or somewhere safe, try to save your ultimate to counter his engage.”
Jannito02 says “Rakan's knockup will be the only thing that can get you in trouble, but you can just poke with your Q until he wastes his W so you can deal a bit more damage with basic attacks and with your passive. Be careful when he activates his R. If he charms you, he can then knockup you and you'll die. But it's not something really hard to expect or to stop it. If you're on your own, just use your W to be with a teammate and get yourself safe, or use your R and try to stop him.”
EionThePepega says “oh poor Rakan, we can make him suffer with Resolve and Relic Shield while black shielding yourself and rooting him, making is lane engages extremely weak and almost suicidal.”
Gryndall says “Don't get charmed. :D Remember he wants to cheat on you. (poor Xayah) But he not know we reather will lesbians than with him.. so just kill him.”
xDopii says “Together with a Xayah he can be very strong, as he can block hooks for her and get out very easily. Try to avoid his engages and look to Flay + Hook him when he goes for an ultimate.”
xDopii says “Even if you engage onto him he can just dash back to his ally to safety so you can't really put him in a bad spot or kill him. Wait for late teamfights and try to zone him away from your teammates when he ults.”
xDopii says “He will probably block your hooks and if you hit, he will just dash back to his teammate.
Avoid fighting engages with your hook as they wont hit the enemy ADC anyway most of the time.”
The Lotus Queen says “Rakan is highly mobile and can easily catch you off guard. Make sure to stay out of his range and use your ultimate to cancel his.”
vnillz says “Rakan is pure annoyance - especially when you're playing Nami. You need to time your bubbles and ult. Though Rakan's laning isn't strong, he can still set up pretty decent engages vs a champ like Nami.”
Jexeff says “Pretty difficult to land a hook on him as he will be able to dash away most of the time. Even though he has high mobility he is not that tanky. Do your best to try and capitalize when his abilies are down. ”
Mugnas says “He's extremely annoying to deal with beacuse he jumps around all the time. Aside from that, he is easy to kill if you land your abilities and dodge his w.”
icebombhunter says “He can dodge your ult, if he uses his w against you, e towards his adc, he won't have a single chance to dodge your e, every time you do this you earn a flash, his ult or a kill.”
fishbully says “Rakan has very good engage, but Janna's tornado can knock-up and prevent this. Focus more on preventing engage and preventing peel rather than poking. Only poke after Rakan uses his abilities.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rakan is a very mobile champion, making it very hard to get on to him. He also offers a lot of engage, just try to stop his engages and then go on his carry. ”
Navn says “You don't really have anything to match his engage or mobility. Your only play is to bait his W to miss you, and then Poly him when he misses, and beat him up. But once he's level 6, its a very hard lane.”
Xeptron says “Rakan is very strong if paired with Xayah. Without Xayah, Rakan isn't as strong and isn't as big of a threat to Thresh. His laning phase isn't as strong and his engage isn't as easy to land. He has poke ability but it isn't doing much of a damage anyway. You can cancel his jump with a flay and easily lock him up with your Death Sentence (Q ability). After getting lead against Rakan, there is no coming back.”
CanadaJay says “Wait for him to engage with his W and punish him. His R is annoying and his mobility is insane, especially along with Xayah, but you can catch up to him.”
Frank6264 says “Rakan puede ser un problema ya que su W le aporta movilidad y CC y tiene potencial para hacer que su adc los mate si se encuentran muy lejos de su torre. Además en línea es complicado de matar ya que posee mucha movilidad con su E. Post nivel 6 tengan cuidado con su definitiva combinada con su W ya que es muy difícil de esquivar y puede llevarlos a morir varias veces en la partida. Fuera de eso, si evitan su Q de manera que no pueda curarse el daño que reciba de parte de ustedes no debería suponer demasiados problemas.”
Sunedayz says “Establish a poke lead early, and he can't do nothing in lane. Save your Q, for when you think he'll jump in. R him immediately if you think he will R onto you. ”
DracoMeteor_ says “Rakan has a fair amount of CC. Try not to hop off your ADC when Rakan uses his Ult otherwise you will die if the ADC is smart enough to target you. Because Yuumi's W goes on a 5 second cooldown if she is hard CC'ed you will have little availability to get off your ADC and get your Passive off when Rakan Ults.”
CaptianMike says “He is surprisingly squishy, and if you manage to stun him in a teamfight, he goes down fast. In lane, it is imperative that you dodge his knockup. keep your distance. After he uses it though, feel free to punish him. Since his range is very low (yes he is a ranged champion) you can generally auto attack him in early levels, especially level 1.”
jessuva says “I've never thought of Rakan of much of a threat. As with any champion, a really good player can outplay you. But generally, Rakan is fine. If he goes in on you with his dash/knockup, silence him so he can't dash back to his ADC. He is melee, so he can't really poke you. ”
Big pain in the a*s, he can engage and disengage like nobody else. Play safe and start a fight only if ur ADC is mentally ready ”
Titans Revenge says “Very hard to hook because he has tons of dashes. He also has knock up and charm abilities. Flay helps with keeping him from engaging on you but his cool downs are shorter and if you miss your flay, you could get burst down.”
Hceercs says “He's only here because playing against Xayah Rakan with a random adc can be really hard. Rakan by himself really isn't much of a problem, although I would suggest baiting out his E before fighting, and keep in mind you can cc him out of his dash.”
Prof Harambe says “Literally his whole point is cancelled by your boxes. Most he can do is poke with Q and hope your adc is terrible, even then you can peel with boxes since its so telegraphed. Eventually he will get bored and just run straight into a bush to try and hit a knockup, then he will be free. You can also stick a box on the enemy ADC to block his retreat by Qing ontop of them.”
CastratedSeal says “Rakan's lane isn't too strong, and I would say he's a skill matchup in lane. However, if Rakan is laning with a Xayah, then you'll typically lose this lane (unless your ADC is something strong early, such as Draven or Lucian). Timing your bubble/ult to cancel his W is one of the key factors to success against Rakan. Consider starting Relic Shield.”
YourCut says “Conq+Dom and Electro+Inspiration are both viable. Not that problematic right now as he's pretty bad but generally can screw you up. You can't stop his W because your E is too slow so try to instead E his ADC when you expect him to E back.”
Borusky says “Completamente chato, mas nada que uma linguada não resolva. Ele vai tentar dar engage com o W e o R mas você consegue cancelar isso e descer a porrada nesse gado.”
EmpressBee says “Rakan W is telegraphed and easily Q'd. Nami can bait rakan into using W and then punish him. Post-6 Nami can ult to counter rakan R engage.”
NEED WATER says “Rakan has great engage, disengage and sustain. Try to drop your ultimate before he gets a chance to use his in large scale team fights and don't let him catch you out in lane. ”
just_juniper says “Respect his level 6. His W is extremely telegraphed, so Zyra can stun him easily as he engages, ruining his ult. Aside from his Q, there's nothing he can do about Zyra's poke.”
Guoblide says “Rakan can be a slippery matchup in lane but is easily beatable if he gets caught out. He can sustain and poke fairly well with his Gleaming Quill. His main strength lies in in his amazing teamfighting though. During the laning phase try to bully him by controlling the lane bushes with Oracle Lens and Control Wards and threaten to engage onto him with Flash or Hextech Flashtraption. Rakan has really good disengage in Grand Entrance and Battle Dance so only try to engage onto his ADC unless he is low and both of his abilities are on cooldown. If Rakan Battle Dances to his ADC then they will be super close together so Flash + Facebreaker them together for a double stun. Sett can easily shut down Rakan's only form of engage which is his Grand Entrance. If Rakan Grand Entrances onto your ADC then quickly pull him towards you with your Facebreaker or The Show Stopper him before the Grand Entrance animation finishes to stop him from stunning your ADC. Sett can use these same abilities to deny massive Grand Entrance knock-ups in teamfights as well.”
InsaneWind says “Rakan can counter engage very easily protecting himself or his ADC. ontop of that he can very easily maneuver out of the way of your W. Wait for him to engage and then count it with your own.”
engo44 says “Champions with hooks/engages are a pure nightmare for Soraka and her Allies. Try to stay behind minions and keep the distance ,when his hook is up.”
Jum3h says “ his engage ability is somehow fairly easy to dodge, and if you do, don't waste your bubble on him yet, but just trade.
If you engage on their adc use bubble later, there's a chance you'll catch Rakan too.
It's often good to get early boots.”
rcyuumi says “CC champs that can extend a fight or keep you or your adc stuck in a bad fight will be an issue since you can't heal as frequently as before.”
ReignMargulan says “Rakan has the power to cc you and dip which is real annoying because pyke cant just waist his cc to escape cc. Hes not too tanky but his minor healing and passive shield make you want to cry alot”
katt5 says “Make sure not to miss your snare if he dashes on you. His ult can also be super dangerous if he sets it up right. That said you can poke him down and his CC is kind of hard to land, plus I haven't seen this guy in forever, lol. ”
Rastub P says “Rakan can be your great ally but he can be pain as a enemy mostly he is too mobile with his moves and its very hard to cancel his W with your double E move or with R its very appends luck and reaction speed is, and if he is with Xayah its hard to catch him cus of E gets even bigger range making him to able to run way. ALSO Xayah gives her Attack speed and Tp together to home but mostly Attack speed (also if he hits you he gets moment speed) you can ignore.”
NirvanaBunny says “Rakan has a decent engage. With his kit it's hard to decide how much of threat he can be! He can E to his teammate, W to you to stun you, then E to his teammate again! If you lane against him, try to drop your E where you think he'll be dashing.”
Jovy says “Rakan's extreme mobility makes him very difficult to lock down, and he has great peel for his ADC with knock-up and ultimate. His low dmg output is good for you though, and he can't really abuse your melee-ness since he's so short ranged himself.”
Jovy says “Rakan is super slippery which makes him very hard to lock down. But he's very squishy and his auto-attack range and damage output (except on his W) is quite low. Treat him as a melee support, and be sure to poke him in the early levels so he can't engage safely. When he hits 6 it can be problematic for you because of his hard engage, but you have the disengage to help yourself and your AD survive.”
Kilo Khaos says “You can disrupt almost all of his abilities. While he may be quick, proper timing will allow you to stop him in his tracks. Use your Death Sentence or Flay when he attempts to escape with his Battle Dance (E), and flay him away when he ults.”
moon827 says “Rakan is a pain to deal with, due to the sheer amount of cc he has, with a knock up, a charm, and the constant shields and heals he provides for his team.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rakan has strong engaging tools and if he succeeds in landing them, he can be very disruptive. This applies to the laning phase as well as is team-fights.
However, being Thresh you can deny Rakan very hard. You can use your flay to knock him away when he ults in and if he tries to get away you can use your hook to interrupt his Battle Dance.
If he goes in on your AD carry and you aren't close enough to flay him away, throw your lantern to get your AD carry to safety.”
Bouhhsolene says “If he W you, W him in response, if he dashes on his ADC, he roots them both. E if you see his looking to all In. Play safe if he has R tho.”
Taric Support says “Rakan has more outplay potential than Taric but Taric is stronger in lane in my opinion. Just focus on the opposing ADC. Rakan only has a knock-up and a shield, but also A TON OF MOBILITY, so don't even bother trying to kill him.”
Vahlok says “I hate this champ. Take advantage of his low max health and poke him back. try to predict his E and remember you can stop his W with your E.”
Daarkie says “Extremely bad matchup, mostly sit on bot laner. Take care for his Grand Entrance, and for his ultimate. Knock up can be very unpleasant, as well as charm.”
ShroudedBRH says “Rakan does not deal much damage and lacks attack range but is very slippery. Avoid his knockup to punish his adc when possible but be careful when he hits lv 6 as he will have access to another CC”
Wicked Cherry says “His ult and his knock up can hit you quite hard (and your ADC!) you'll be busy with escaping his knock ups, but once he used it (and hopefully missed it), it's your payback time.”
Wicked Cherry says “His ult and his knock up can hit you quite hard (and your ADC!) you'll be busy with escaping his knock ups, but once he used it (and hopefully missed it), it's your payback time.”
Wicked Cherry says “His dance will cause your death. However, if you are able to assume his W Grand Entrance (knock up) you are probably quite safe from his massive CC. Grab those mobility boots and try to Q him. If he has his W you should cling to your E in order to prevent his R. ”
QueerJunk says “You've got a 54% winrate on your side! You dramatically out-sustain him in lane, your CC will destroy him late game, just avoid his all-ins in lane to keep him broke and squishy!”
TheMistCollector says “He is very slippery. so don't expect to hit a lot of W's on him. Be careful of his long range engage, if he catches you in teamfights, and you don't have flash, use your R (only when you see a chance of winning the TF) before getting knocked up.
If he plays to agressive on laning fase, try to hit him with a W when retreating with his E to root both of them (or to make him use his W defensively.)”
ShanksMeister says “Play your distance so he can't jump on you and knock you up. When he uses his ult you can ult him back so he is stunned. Or you can speed boost/flash away from him and ult the adc.”
Vexno says “Rakan will look to engage on you with his
as soon as you walk forward to last hit or poke. Minimize over extending when he has his W available to him.
Rakan will try to roam and help out other lanes if his lane is stagnant. Keep the wave pushed to prevent him from roaming.”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Same as soraka but you have to be even more wary of walking into choke points with his w or r. Rakan twitch is a very scary duo and I recommend buying control wards and putting them in your nearest bush in bot lane and then having a sweeper for early ward clearing.”
Hoshikoo746 says “Not Rakan, please !
Beware of his all in/all out (sounds funny haha) but you can stop him with E. Except if he dodges cuz he has 3 DASH, WTF IS THIS RITO ? (W, E1 and E2).”
snukumz says “He can shield & heal a lot of your poke damage.
He's super fast so it's hard to land your Q on him.
He can easily engage onto you since you're slow, and if he does you're likely going to get KO'd.”
snukumz says “Not much he can do against you if he can't get in range to engage.
Drop your stun on yourself if he trys to engage and he'll get stunned, and you & your ADC can punish him for engaging.”
Dreadscythe95 says “He is very dangerous for swain because with aftershock he gets very tanky and he has A LOT of mobility and so he can abuse your adc and jungle gangs. Things also get extremely dangerous when he pairs up with Xayah. If they are both laining against you play under turret and wait for them to mess up. If you manage to keepo your adc relatively safe and you scale then you can snowball them late game.”
sorakabro says “Rakan can be pretty tricky to play against, before lvl 6 soraka can be safe and try poke with q and e, after lvl 6 play behind your adc so you dont get w,r,flash combo´d of rakan.”
thesophieset says “Fairly easy lane. Silence him as soon as you see his W animation, then poke him down before he dashes back to his ADC. He has a powerful level 2 and 6, respect those and/or have your silence ready (Q > E > W works really well to deny him his early engage), but all in all this is very winnable for you.”
Oiaki says “Well, Rakan can jump towards him ally which is really annoying when ur trying to ult or go in so thats a -. Also his "stun" is really annoying ESPECIALLY when ur going in.”
Yuzu says “Very mobile support with shields and some knock up and charming abilities. When he engages, silence him before he can cast Q, he won`t be able to escape then”
snukumz says “Similar to Alistar, if you stay out of his range and poke him down you will be fine. If he engages onto you then you will be in trouble. ”
Aspect of Cancer says “Keep your distance and don't get caught out. As long as you keep those in mind, you'll be fine. Don't get too great around him.
Metalbashev says “Going after him when he has allies nearby isn't a bright idea, he can E away or even turn this around with his W+R combo. When he engages, make sure to keep him away from your team or isolate him for a quick kill since he's squishy.”
SynLynx says “Also a very bad lane. It's really easy for him to engage on you and your ADC and keep you CC'd with his ult. One cheeky thing you can try is throwing him behind you with your w when he tries to go in with his w, where he will be far enough away from his ADC that he can't e back to them. This will be harder to pull of if he's with Xayah, but you can still try it.”
rquoe says “Very mobile and with annoying CC abilities, so be wary of him. He's melee, though, so you can still poke him and abuse your passive on him.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Not quite as bad as Leona or a hook champion, lower engage range and is incredibly susceptible to your ult.
As long as your adc doesn't get flash knocked up and Quickness'd, you should be fine. Otherwise, pray your ADC has barrier.”
netherlessss says “Rakan's W is very quick and can hard to time. Try to look for when he walks up. His E is a very useful Disengage and remember he has 2 charges of it. If he R's you or your team, try to ult him away to prevent the Charm/W combo.”
Cat Elf says “Rakan knockup and charm makes it difficult for Yuumi to do much, but you can ult to match his, just make sure you don't go out of your adc or you will probably get charmed too. ”
Mr Bison says “Possui 2 habilidades de controle de grupo, uma de cura, e outra de shield, é um campeão que possui muito potencial nas trocações de dano.”
Tult says “If Rakan is with Xayah, he can very easily escape your cc and fire straight back with his own, the main thing that makes this even is that he is very squishy.”
mscocca says “Shifty champion, he can negate your main source of damage (= EQ). If you can land your skillshots, then he's no longer a big deal. Punish him for wasting his E and W. ”
Napiste says “This is mostly a skill matchup to avoid his W engage. If he ever looks to W engage onto you, use your E backwards and then hook him towards your carry. If he engages on your carry you must counter CC enemy carry to avoid death. Lately i've seen a lot of Rakans using Guardian. Try to break Guardian and punish during its cooldown. Avoid skirmishing with this champ at level 6 if his carry is near you can get 1 shot during the CC duration.
Kefochka says “Он постоянно скачет, постоянно в движении, ловить его в контроль нет смысла. А вот его адк, скорее всего Шая, отличная цель для кушки и щашлыка на боте.”
Jointed says “We get a lot of free cash off of rakan. Do not let him out macro you, this is where you can lose the match up. Generally speaking it will be an easy lanning phase.”
Larmack says “You can usually jump out of his w if you react in time. Be careful of his charm at lvl 6 as getting hit by it will almost always result in your death.”
Gravixx says “Not many people play Rakan in my experience, but a good Rakan is very dangerous. You have to get a feel for the range of his abilities so that you can position yourself accordingly and not get caught in his knockup. His sustain is pretty weak, but his engage is good. You should win trades and outsustain. Care for a flash engage with his ult and knockup, especially late game in teamfights.”
LFS_aXent says “Rakan's dive potential is... Well he's Rakan so it's really all he has. If he ults, charm him so he cant run through you, lead him under a tower or away from your team. Don't let Ahri get charmed by this ugly bird.”
JSKF says “His airborne and charm are annoying and his mobility is far better than yours, play safe and don't drift too far from your ADC when he has his airborne and charm attacks.”
Beeee says “Rakan has a lot of engage potential with his w and ult, as well as high mobility. Save your q for after he uses w if possible, and try to keep your distance from both him AND the enemy adc so you're able to avoid an e-w combo!”
Ghionova says “Hes an annoying rabbit who jumps multiple times. Save your Q for the adc and he will be forced to protect him and it will be a safe hook. When he engages, expect he will use ult and save your own abilities after the charm is over.”
Puck333 says “Rakan is almost useless against Janna. If you are a good with your tornados, you can stop almost all his attacks. You only have to interrupt him all the time. ”
suppdiff says “Very hard lane. He has heals, shields, two different dashes (s9 champs ^_^). Just try to out live this lane, play off his long cool downs, and try to outplay his dashes by stunning. You must wait for him to make a play, do not waste your cool downs other than playing abusive level one.”
WhiteGoliath says “I don't even know dude, you can cancel his W with luck only, or you predict the spot and throw your Q to stop him, or you predict his W before he casts and you use your E, hard one.”
supersuavebro says “He runs fast and keeps his adc safe, but he also likes to overextend a lot. Keep him away from your adc by poking and this lane is won”
Laverenz says “Not really much of a threat for Thresh. He can't do much except taunting you and knock you up. just focus his ADC and you're good to go.”
NirvanaBunny says “Rakan has a decent engage. With his kit it's hard to decide how much of threat he can be! He can E to his teammate, W to you to stun you, then E to his teammate again! That makes it hard to land your E in order to start your combo”
aimez says “Rakan is a pain to deal with, due to the sheer amount of cc he has, with a knock up, a charm, and the constant shields and heals he provides for his team.”
maxtenj says “Depending on how the Rakan plays, this can be good or bad. If he uses his mobility poorly, you can punish him and hook him to your ADC. ”
Ahpulzz says “He can be tricky to lock down given his many dashes and reasonable sustain and shields. For a melee champion he's surprisingly squishy and will die fast if hard CC'd and focused quickly. Be cautious post-6, however, as his R and W combo can catch you out without warning.”
Mantra Decorum says “Poke him is a waste of mana cause he has strong sustain (heal and shields) during the laning phase. He'll try to play with you with W and E, just avoid him and poke the adc.”
Ahpulzz says “It can be hard to pin him down with pillar as he can avoid it by dashing away to an ally or escaping on his own with his W. It's also very difficult to prevent his ulted engage, so if you're not caught by it throw your pillar in front of his teammates instead and delay their follow-up.”
Vermeio says “You can stop his engages with your W and his heal is not that reliable. He can be more unexpected than you, since he engage and disengage are too fast sometimes. If your adc is with little health, close to him and get ready to use W. It´s a fun match, usually in your favor.”
Axeloy says “Rakan is a puny close-range(and not so tanky) champ in the eyes of Nami, which means, if positioned correctly throughout laning phase, Nami can make Rakan's existence a living hell. It's very difficult for him to land a knock-up on her, and if/when she escapes, she can bubble him before his animation is complete. She also out-heals him by a landslide. ”
Sona Aria says “Rakan has a strong all in with his w, but otherwise is a sitting duck. Beware the Xayah Rakan duo, and be respectful with your flash. Rakan can also engage from behind his ADC with R,E into W. Create health advantages around his w CD”
Haezard01 says “Trying to land his Q is dangerous for him because he gets too close to get picked by your E, same with his W. If he uses his E, you might root them both. You outscale him in damage but be careful of his pick potential in teamfights.”
Saethwyr says “The main trick for dealing with rakan is to let yourself get hit by grand entrance. theres a little bit of arming time at the end that if you time a dazzle beforehand right you'll manage a stun on him before he can actually respond. unlike most matchups, dont counterengage when he engages, rakan has excellent tools to get back to help his adc and leave you stuck in a 2v1. just focus on making a trade even at worst and disengaging”
supportsbelike says “As a high mobility and CC character, he can deny you your combos, get you in a lot of trouble with his knock-up. Stay away from him, or focus him down. He is still quite squishy!”
NirvanaBunny says “Rakan has a decent engage. With his kit it's hard to decide how much of threat he can be! He can E to his teammate, W to you to stun you, then E to his teammate again! If you lane against him, try to bubble where you think he'll be dashing.”
SawyerNelson says “Rakan is very weak in lane, so long that you avoid his all in level 1 with W, you will win lane, abuse him when he moves forward, and let your ADC tank his CC.”
Hanjaro says “This is mostly a skill matchup to avoid his W engage. If he ever looks to W engage onto you, use your E backwards and then hook him towards your carry. If he engages on your carry you must counter CC enemy carry to avoid death. Lately i've seen a lot of Rakans using Guardian. Try to break Guardian and punish during its cooldown. Avoid skirmishing with this champ at level 6 if his carry is near you can get 1 shot during the CC duration.”
Dayum Draven says “Rakan is decently dangerous to you, especially if he's with Xayah. Although Rakan may seem like a weak support, he tends to shut down really aggressive champions like Draven. Don't get to close, he'll cc you and use you for q heals. Keep your distance and wait for support to engage.”
Fruxo says “Dodge his E to your best ability and be careful of his lvl 6 spike, usually when he hits 6 he wants to look for an all-in together with his ADC.”
NirvanaBunny says “Rakan has a decent engage. With his kit it's hard to decide how much of threat he can be! He can E to his teammate, W to you to stun you, then E to his teammate again! ”
N0ZOMI says “High potential of dashing and bashing you. Play respectful and wait him to make mistake then make a move and grab yourslef a kill. He's not hard to kill. ”
SawyerNelson says “Rakan is a free lane, poke him early, then flash E ULT for an easy kill. You can also wait for him to E away then flash E him and his AD.
Block his Q with W, use ULT when he tries to ULT you or your AD”
NirvanaBunny says “Rakan has a decent engage. With his kit it's hard to decide how much of threat he can be! He can E to his teammate, W to you to stun you, then E to his teammate again! ”
SawyerNelson says “Rakan can poke you down with Q in lane avoid that. Flay his ULT W and W. When you hook rakan he will be able to E away to his ally.”
TheComicalBiker says “With good timing, Thresh can hook (Q) and flay (E) Rakan when he uses Battle Dance (E) or tries to catch people in his ultimate. ”
Dudstrol says “Rakan é uma rota difícil a partir do nível 6, pois não ha como fugir de seu combo devido ao encanto de seu R(Rapidez). Antes disso é questão dele errar seu W(Entrada Triunfal).”
Rasta Da Masta says “He has 3 dashes, a free shield, an AoE heal, and one of the best initiation tools that requires inhuman reactions to get out of. Interrupting his dash is almost impossible since he moves so fast. You might need Flash + Cleanse to get away.”
TenshiQwQ says “Good all in engage but not too hard to dodge with your passive movement speed. If you stay at his W max range he can't really hit you unless he uses his ult.”
Jeroen R8 says “Rakan is very fast and slippery. Your reactions need to be on point to cancel his abilities. When you do manage to cancel his dash back to safety you can kill him pretty much insantly.”
ff20orfeeding says “Your only saving grace against Rakan is that he is "melee" and his "Q" dosn't deal that much damage. If he goes in with "W" you can get out of his way if you stay mobile and try something. Otherwise it's a hard one which only gets harder.”
Saecriru says “This match up is more of an even lane. If one side is ahead, they usually stay ahead unless they make mistakes with their positioning. If matched with a Xayah this is a hard match up, otherwise its pretty simple.”
NDarKnight says “if you do your combo on rakan he just use E on adc. And if you use combo on adc he will use W on your adc, so your combo is useless then you did some low damage but still your adc wasnt able to do damage to their adc.”
I love Lun Lun says “Rakan is off the meta again.He is strong with his W,ULT however not that great.Since he is slower it's way obvious to see what he will do and since we can predict his W easily now we can E below him and prevent him from using his dangerous ult.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, this boing boinging birderino can't engage on you with his e (because you have your spell shield) so he has to engage on your support. or not at all. either way you win (focus their adc). when he's not in range for his bouncey move just spell shield his q i guess.”
SawyerNelson says “Rakan has an ok Laning phase against Pyke, but Pyke has kill potetial on Rakan as almost all stages, try to counter his failed W's in rather than forcing pulls on him since he has 2 escapes.”
devanj4 says “A good Rakan can catch Bard out which is his worst nightmare, play back and try to dodge his kockup, or stun him while he goes in so you can blow him up”
Wasbeer says “This match-up is a skill match-up, because Rakan can kill you early with his CC, but if you dodge the majority of his skills you tip the scale. Late game its the same, but you'r heal makes up for you'r lack of CC.”
Qwerty19 says “He gets tanky and still deals a good amount of magic damage. Wait for your jg to gank you and then lock down him or their adc for a kill. Rinse and repeat. Don't get caught though.”
SpicySkelleton says “One of the few annoying champs to go against with as a Support, his abilities can save himself and his adc while he heals a lot of damage you and your adc have worked to do to his adc. Also not to mention he can build up a lot of burst damage to be the equivalent of a short range adc. I recommend you try to juke him out in wasting his abilities by making erratic and dangerous movements towards either him or his adc while either trying to get your jg set up for a gank or go grab either him of his adc to your tower for a safer kill....
Well.. That or hope hes either new or too high to understand what the hell hes doing. ”
Lonxu says “I haven't played that much vs him, but he should be similar to Ali and Leona as in he has seriously dangerous engages.
And of course he even has some sustain vs your poke.
revelador says “sona es muy buen pick contra rakan, su e hace que esquivar su w sea fácil, la w bloquea el daño de la q y u q le quita la curación de su q y tu r niega totalmente a su r, solo no te dejes atrapar en su combo r+w y estará facil”
Saeh says “He is mobile and hard to hit with your Q, so just use it on his ADC. Wait for him to go in to W you or your adc and throw your E to guarantee a root.”
Great President says “Just dodge his w and stun him.After 6,be careful to his r. In teamfights, he'll probably start teamfight so dont run for him when he used his r.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Rakan
Early Game: Avoid his [Q] poke and [W] knockup. He’s squishy but mobile.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on squishies. Rakan’s ult can disengage, so flank carefully.
Key Tip: Bait his [W] before committing to fights.
HotSunGG says “dont let him W u lvl 1 or try to cheese u, be the first to cheese aginst him wait ur lvl 2 - 3 if he walks to you lvl 1 punish him, also a good tip against rankan is u can cancel his E safety to ally if u E him mid cast he E's”
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