As a Support 52.07% Win Rate100% Pick RateNami As a Support Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Nami as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
TEMMA says “Você devolve mais dano nela
Sempre fazer utilização da passiva verde (exaust) no ADcarry inimigo
Você escala mais”
Zileanaire says “Very annoying. CC and heals in one roll of sushi. If I see Lucian Nami I dodge. Not really but I wish I dodged after losing my LP. Her damage and sustain are both quite high making her a handful in lane. ”
JVS8 says “Nami can be a bit annoying in the early laning phase, as her trade pattern often beats yours. However, once you hit level 6, you can start forcing engages with your ultimate, which she can't match. Nami also struggles to match your roams, and you outscale her as the game progresses. Overall, it's a favorable matchup for Bard.”
Smaugyon says “A skill matchup for sure you have to respect her Q but once this is down you can ignore her and go for her carry. Do be mindful of her in team fights and her ultimate”
ZedAway says “annoying, squishy, annoying, hard cc and slow, annoying, empowers enemy adcs aa, annoying, her passive gives movement speed to all allies that get hit or be around her abilities, annoying, did i mention her being annoying?
bait her Q then MAYBE u can have the chance to do something to her or her adc.”
Aerenax says “Nami is another enchanter with some disengage built into her kit to make your life difficult. Her E is slowing you and her Q stuns you for a second or so. Her ult is the perfect tool to stop you from engaging on her team so definitely try to dance around this.”
zSharpFire says “She herself isn't a big threat as you can shield her W poke with your E and dodge her Q with your E ms. Her strength against you comes with the big burst damage his E gives her ADC. Play as a lane bully and immediately run away when his ADC has her E on (unless they're low and you can kill them).”
JVS8 says “During the early game, Nami's laning phase can be quite irritating as her trading pattern can outmatch yours. However, once you reach level 6, you should begin to apply constant pressure with your ultimate. Nami won't be able to keep up with your roams, and you will outscale her over time. ”
Jezzzir says “She is stronger than you early, but not with so much range that you cannot trade back, and she ultimately relies on her ~blindable~ carry for damage more than a mage support would.”
Arctic Arrow says “Her Q (Aqua Prison) can be disruptive, but as long as you avoid her skill shots, she’s less dangerous. Her E (Tidecaller’s Blessing) and W (Ebb and Flow) provide sustain and crowd control, so be mindful of her healing and damage output.
Engage when her cooldowns are down, and try to position yourself to minimize the impact of her abilities. Her ultimate (Tidal Wave) can be game-changing, so be cautious of its range and use your crowd control to mitigate its effects. Serpant Fang Recommend in this matchup to make her more useless”
xpwnz1337 says “DIsengage support. Better utility. Better scaling.
Counterplay: W+Q. Dodge her Q. Dont trade with her E. Dont eat her W poke, Antiheal. ”
LA COLORADA says “too much MS, good poke and nice buffs to her allies. outscales the shit out of you. abuse her in early skirmishes or if she overextends in lane; you won't get to her later on.”
Abarame says “Very annoying as shes hard to punish and goes even vs you without even trying. Focus on ur adc instead of her and you should be able to do well. Careful of her Ult range. its quite long and if hit, she can double knockup and keep you suspended until you die. Her W trading is like ur E trade but since its a heal, she wins. You do NOT.”
TnDD says “Nami şampiyonu ADC'sine bağlı bir şampiyon. Koridorda onu yenmek kolay değil ama Ultini atınca yapıcak bir şeyi kalmıyor. Erken seviyelerde takaslarda Nami W ve E yetenekleri sayesinde daha güçlü. Erken seviyelerde çok takas girmeni tavsiye etmem :)”
SchloppyPoppy says “Squishy by herself, but has a lot of poke and shielding. In lane, when wanting to engage, I would recommend trying to go for the Nami first.”
IMANOOBOKOWO says “Can be annoying since they have sustain and poke, however if you get close enough for insta stunt or even dodge her bubble with your W, she is pretty easy to deal with.(You can also dodge her R with your R)”
Foxirion says “Nami's sustain and crowd control can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's mobility and engage potential can help him pressure Nami and disrupt her positioning in fights.”
Velkyann says “Nami is very strong because of her poke with heal and knock-up. You cant engange against her until level 6, but you can actually poke her to make her waste mana on the heal.”
MorePierogiVanya says “The bubble is fairly easy to dodge, but any trades against her are futile as she can heal it back up as you deal damage. Frequent empowered damage (Nami E) can hurt in the long run, but she is very immobile.”
Razing42 says “Don't underestimate her damage and slows. If you ever fail an engage and hit a wall or a minion she and her lane partner can chase you down with her slows, dealing a lot of damage on you as you retreat.”
X Sirius X says “Not really a threat because you can just ult through her Q and Ult and if ever you get caught by her Q then it's not much of a problem if its not an important teamfight”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Nami's empowered autos slow targets, so avoid direct confrontation after she buffs her carry if you can.
Her cooldowns early on are decently long so try to punish her early.”
sillycatslover says “Nami is an even match up, you both are enchanters, just Janna has the damage to be a threat while Nami doesnt, still be aware of bubbles!”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “She's not too bad, careful of the bubbles and stay on your adc during her ult. ”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “[yes i know, i put a fish on major threat but hear me out because i've played her against sett and vice versa ]
As an enchanter, Nami has strong healing and AP poke. Her Q also always messes up any engage. Overall unbearable experience. [ask for ganks because she can't handle that] ”
Razing42 says “Do not underestimate Namis damage, punish her if she misses her Q, but don't over commit, her lane partner might chase you down with the slows from Nami.”
Aerenax says “Nami has some fun interactions with you E as you can catch bubbles mid-air and make her ultimate disappear. Nami has a lot of sustain and poke in laning phase so that will make it hard to play lane, but you will have her number in teamfights.”
KaiNRJ says “Annoying reactive stun abuser with healing. Usually paired with strong adcs, go defensive and pray your jungler bails you out.
Good ban target”
Ryecheria says “ Nami's threat level is determined on the carry she is in lane with. She has sustain with Ebb and Flow so make sure you are landing meaningful poke and forcing her to use her mana to heal up instead of doing damage to you. Play early levels slow and careful when she is paired with a Lucian or Draven.
You match her speedup and generally have more damage, sustain, move speed.
Play similar to playing vs Lulu. ”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “Must be extra careful against.
The Heal potential is just overwhelming. Probably a game for Oblivion Orb, and sooner. May need help from teammates to Win the Lane Phase.”
🐾Nidalee SUP by Lulu Mushroom Teas | Nidalee Player
mazewalk says “She is actually good at disengaging with her Q and R. Not only applying CC, she also slows you really hard and speeds her teammates up which makes it even harder to catch up. Either way, your hook/flay cd is shorter then her ultimates so you can easily punish her (while dodging bubbles). During laning phase abuse fog as much as possible since her W is a great trading tool damaging you and healing her/adc.”
Shadowcrushers says “
Nami and Soraka are both enchanters, known for their supportive abilities and healing capabilities. While Soraka is often regarded as one of the strongest healers in the game, Nami can be considered a major counter to Soraka due to several key factors.
Crowd Control Abilities: Nami possesses strong crowd control abilities, including her Aqua Prison (Q) and Tidal Wave (R). Aqua Prison is a bubble that can immobilize an enemy champion, making it difficult for Soraka to position herself to heal allies effectively. Tidal Wave is a long-range knock-up ability that can disrupt Soraka's healing and potentially prevent her from saving her teammates in critical moments.
Sustained Trading: Nami's Ebb and Flow (W) ability allows her to both heal her allies and damage her enemies simultaneously. This ability provides Nami with excellent sustained trading potential in lane, allowing her to poke and harass Soraka while simultaneously keeping her own ADC healthy. Soraka's healing, on the other hand, is mainly focused on direct heals, and she lacks the ability to trade damage as effectively as Nami.
AOE Healing Reduction: Nami's ultimate ability, Tidal Wave, not only provides crowd control but also applies a debuff called "slow" to all enemies it hits. This debuff amplifies the damage they take, but more importantly, it reduces the effectiveness of all healing received. As Soraka heavily relies on her healing to keep her team alive, the AOE healing reduction from Nami's ultimate can significantly limit Soraka's impact in team fights.
Lane Pressure: Nami has the ability to exert strong lane pressure, thanks to her Tidecaller's Blessing (E) ability. This ability empowers her or her ADC's next three basic attacks with bonus magic damage and a slow. By frequently applying this ability to Soraka or her ADC, Nami can constantly pressure them, making it difficult for Soraka to sustain her allies and forcing her to play defensively.
Strong Disengage: Nami's Aqua Prison (Q) and Tidal Wave (R) abilities also serve as excellent disengage tools. If Soraka attempts to engage or heal her team during a fight, Nami can use her abilities to interrupt and prevent Soraka from doing so effectively. This not only limits Soraka's healing potential but also puts her in a vulnerable position, allowing Nami and her team to capitalize on Soraka's mispositioning.
In conclusion, Nami can be considered a major match against Soraka due to her crowd control abilities, sustained trading potential, AOE healing reduction, lane pressure, and strong disengage. By leveraging these strengths, Nami can disrupt Soraka's healing and limit her impact in team fights, ultimately giving her team an advantage in the game.”
itstsuk3 says “Run Electrocute if you have Kill Pressure, if not Run Glacial. If you Hit Level 2 First you can Easily get a First Blood on her. Poking against her can be hard but you Out Damage her Heal in All ins. Try to Snowball and End the Game Early since Nami is better than you Late Game because of her Sustain.”
Rebaulten says “Nami is strong after first item; however until then just look to get positive trades and all in early. Nami will stand still when casting bubble or heal and that should be your charm timing”
shacolovesyou says “has poke and healing so u will suffer in early, consider buying oblivion orb! shes inmobile so is vulnerable if she has her resources on cd”
Lunar Empress says “She has better heals than you early and great poke damage. Her CC from ult and bubble cause major problems if hit. Likewise, she is squishy and a tornado with Glacial can enable your ADC to get a kill of of her. Go Glacial here.”
mazewalk says “She's really annoying, since she denies you your main stat - movement speed. Bait her Q and try to hide from her vision, since if she's pressing W she easilly outtrades you.
You can buy Swifties in case she focuses you, so her "disengage" isn't as efficient.”
Lurs says “She's pretty useless against you if you can catch her. If you land your q's you should be able to out-sustain her, and you're more useful for roaming and in team-fights.”
itstsuk3 says “Take Glacial. Take Swifties to dodge bubbles, If you dont get bubbled you win pretty easily. At Level 6 you can use your Ult to counter hers and turn a fight aroud.”
Aerenax says “Nami is another enchanter with some disengage built into her kit to make your life difficult. Her E is slowing you and her Q stuns you for a second or so. Her ult is the perfect tool to stop you from engaging on her team so definitely try to play around this.”
Cyclic says “She has good sustain for your poke early on and if she hits a bubble on you early you are pretty much dead. This champ isn't too bad but paired with an ADC like lucian it's very hard to even walk up to farm as lucian will E forward and chunk you for half of your hp in one combo. Poke as much as possible level 1 and 2 and if you are playing against lucian nami make sure you are playing safe early on”
Yoshiking123 says “It really depends on the ADC. If it's with Lucian she's like a big threat. If it's with another ADC? Probably in your favor.
Without Lucian, she's just another squishy target that you can kill pre-6. After she gets her Ultimate it becomes a lot harder to stun her but you shouldn't lose lane.”
mellorwastaken says “Unless she is paired with Lucian, it should be an easy kill lane, unless you eat every Q she throws.
Against lucian nami you can only cry unless lucian is bad and you hook him (which should be virtually impossible if he's human) so hope that your jungler will help and their jungler is an npc pathing top.”
iveye says “Nami is very immobile she can almost always be your target. Her CC from R or Q can cancel your engage but if you catch her of guard or if if she has no R you'll most likely catch her.”
Gobomo says “Nami is an annoying lane because she's a pretty consistent threat - she has CC, poke, healing, engage, and disengage, but she's a jack of all trades and master of none. If you land a nice Q on her ADC (or her!) you should be able to win - otherwise, just leave lane for greener pastures once you get boots.”
Rebaulten says “Play safe and focus on all ins. Not good to trade for poke since she will heal. Level 4-5 depending on ADC will be killed in one grasping roots. ”
WhiteLotus says “Most played with a Lucian at my Elo.
Lucian-Nami : don't waste your Q's for Nami if they have all in pressure (only Q her in a lvl 1 fight if u can't reach Lucian and u want to trade for pressure). If Lucian dashes in, hit him with everything you got. Most of the time it will end that you get a kill or summs. If they are to ahead, don't try to fight it and wait for your jungler. Care about Namis Q and their lvl 6.
Only Nami: ngl its a uselees Fish without Lucian. You can all in her if she overextends at lvl 3 without problem (same with Nami Lucian ofc). At all play with around your pressure with Karma and Q dmg with bush vision.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
gizemdeniz says “In this meta, they usually buy items related to poke damage. She can actually heal well and put Ahri in a difficult situation, but rarely players can use this character's true potential. Damage-wise, we're pretty good against Nami.”
Igirl45 says “Nami stands back in lane so it will be hard to engage on her, and she can also bubble you when you go in to w. Her tidal wave can also disrupt your ult. Anti-heal is important in a lane against nami as she can heal her adc back to full after to engage on the adc.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Nami is just a hardhitter version of Janna. She does everything Janna does but better, but slower. Janna's power in this matchup is that she can outroam Nami since Nami will not have kill pressure in lane, especially after the removal of her Electrocute playstyle. Rush mobies, and outroam her since she point n click outtrades you in lane, but can't outroam you at all. If you want to play the lane (if the ADC matchup is good for example), you should take Swifties and not Lucidity and ofcourse Oblivion Orb. She has more reliable engage (her R) but you can do what she does with your Q. Whether you're good at roaming or not, you'll realise that in mid-game mobies/swifties allows you to rotate to fights and control vision more effectively. Your cooldowns lategame are also shorter, and your heals are AoE. This matchup is sort of Nami favored, but it's still a skill matchup and you can win it by understanding the differences and nuances of the two champions better than your opponent.”
Roltu says “Nami es un caso especial ya que en buenas manos puede hacerte la partida un poco difícil, pero simplemente con usar tu gancho hacia ella, las peleas las ganas siempre, ya que ella no tiene movilidad alguna.”
L9NunuChillump says “She can stop your snowballs and speed up enemies to dodge them her wave can be annoying for your ultimate and snowballs being stopped from far away”
zotet says “Her ability to buff her ADC's damage and health can be avoided by waiting for the cooldown on her E. It has only three shots and can easily be wasted. Make sure you don't group up get stunned together and don't stay still. ”
huirats says “Walk forward, not back to avoid her bubbles. When you poke, she will W you to poke back, try to walk away immediately so her W doesn't bounce back and heal her. If your ADC is immobile, be careful because her passive will give her and her ally movement speed to run you both down.”
PykEugeo says “Nami is very strong against you both because of her small sustain, able to negate your X and if accompanied by lucian, which from the first levels will start to destroy you.
Nami + Lucian is difficult to deal with, be careful (comp nerfed but pay attention)”
Navn says “Delicious flag target, but she can mitigate a bit of your poke, which is a bit annoying. But your E costs very little mana compared to her heal.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nami will walk up to you and use her Ebb and Flow(W) on herself (or on you) in attempts to poke and make the wave bounce. Do not stay in range of her so she cannot get health back via the bounce. When you poke Nami, do not walk directly backwards as she can easily Bubble Aqua Prison(Q) you. Instead, try and walk to the side. Look to trade with Nami when her W is on cooldown as her damage output will plummet.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nami will walk up to you and use her Ebb and Flow(W) on herself (or on you) in attempts to poke and make the wave bounce. Do not stay in range of her so she cannot get health back via the bounce. When you poke Nami, do not walk directly backwards as she can easily Bubble Aqua Prison(Q) you. Instead, try and walk to the side. Look to trade with Nami when her W is on cooldown as her damage output will plummet.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nami will walk up to you and use her Ebb and Flow(W) on herself (or on you) in attempts to poke and make the wave bounce. Do not stay in range of her so she cannot get health back via the bounce. When you poke Nami, do not walk directly backwards as she can easily Bubble Aqua Prison(Q) you. Instead, try and walk to the side. Look to trade with Nami when her W is on cooldown as her damage output will plummet.”
aRhesty says “A good nami (especially with a Lucian) can ruin your day if you let her, but it is your fault every time if you get hit by bubble since you have a range advantage. Extreme with lucian.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nami will walk up to you and use her Ebb and Flow(W) on herself (or on you) in attempts to poke and make the wave bounce. Do not stay in range of her so she cannot get health back via the bounce. When you poke Nami, do not walk directly backwards as she can easily Bubble Aqua Prison(Q) you. Instead, try and walk to the side. Look to trade with Nami when her W is on cooldown as her damage output will plummet.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Nami will walk up to you and use her Ebb and Flow(W) on herself (or on you) in attempts to poke and make the wave bounce. Do not stay in range of her so she cannot get health back via the bounce. When you poke Nami, do not walk directly backwards as she can easily Bubble Aqua Prison(Q) you. Instead, try and walk to the side. Look to trade with Nami when her W is on cooldown as her damage output will plummet.”
M4DN355 says “Nami's Q can stop Pyke in his tracks while he is trying to hook. Since Pyke loses movement speed while he is charging his Q, she can hit him easier with her Q, stopping it completely. She also has a bit of movement speed for her and her allies which make it harder for Pyke to hit his abilities.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “DShard: MR; One of Taric's best friends, as well as his worst enemies. I would say this is one of the few matchups where you actually may wanna take Guardian if you're afraid of her. This matchup becomes a Level 4 threat after some experience with Taric and against Nami. Nami has mobility and hard CC, so Glacial Augment leaves this matchup pretty unchanged. Rule of thumb however, do not pick Taric into her and if Nami is picked into you in Ranked, unless you trust in your ADC's power to solocarry the lane, or you're playing Solo-Q, it's safe to dodge unless you're willing to risk it.”
Coach Sollaw says “She can be annoying in fight with her R than can cancel your engage but it's easy to bully her in lane and to one shot her in fight.”
ShoDesu says “You can cancel Nami W if you weave in and out of the bushes. Most of the time Nami is picked with Lucian and Janna does really well into this match up as Janna can Q Lucian as soon as he E's to prevent big trades. ”
Jageiko says “The fish is super fun to lane, especially since she's buffed. Nami is always looking at her ADC or at a prediction to bubble, half the time she has no Idea how close she is to a wall. She wont even be able to flash. Dont mess it up though, her sustain is no joke.”
kilt124 says “Harder to trade against as she heals some damage back but since she is mostly picked with a lucian it makes her more predictable and janna is good against lucian if you Q him when he dashes”
RoseOfInnistrad says “As with all disengage champions, teamfighting around Nami is difficult. Nami is easy to make mistakes on though, and all of her engage tools are skillshots. She also doesn't have instant disengage for lane as well, so you can catch her with hexflash and unmounted W, so play for that.”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
MorBidMike says “her q can be an issue and her R can cansed your W but that's it. care for her empower buffs on carries. she doesn't child so its better to Q for healing rather than saving it for sheilds that wont happen.”
Navn says “Nami has strong trading power, but Soraka has even stronger trading power. In raw numbers, Soraka beats Nami, but the trouble will likely come from whoever her lane partner is.”
Navn says “Her bubble is pretty slow, but if it never lands, then you win the lane. Try to bait out her W to not-bounce, and you should win the lane. Hugging walls also becomes dangerous once she has Ult.”
Godlike Rell says “All in and win lane. Squishy. Just watch out for her ult when you combo otherwise she is sushi :=) (if she is playing with lucian just wait for level 2)”
Tqnshi says “Watch out for her bubbles! Poke wise I think you do more DMG overall considering her W costs a lot of mana and she doesn't regen as well as you do with your passive. She's still major because of her E which empowers her allies as well as her R which is very wide.”
spirit legacy says “Nami is very easy to deal with. When she goes in to trade with her aa > W combo try to instantly stun her. She'll be in good range to stun and kill her. Her Q is very easy to dodge. Be aware of her adc. Try to stay on range most of the time and poke her with W. You have more range. ”
Challenger Project says “Abuse early levels. The problem with all enchanters is all the same - if we don’t snowball early hard, we fall off and get outscaled.”
Maxwell_Shaco says “Nami can poke quite hard which is rough for our early game since it is our most vulnerable stage.
She is immobile with Q being her only common method of CC which means she can be easy to bully later on.
With certain combos such as Lucian or Draven it can be very hard to deal with since their damage will allow for insane levels of aggression. ”
rocco521 says “This champ isnt really scary unless paired with lucian. But you can just easily jump onto her because she usually wants to get close into the fights.”
Borregero says “lots of poke and sustain, try to w -> e when she goes for a trade to set up for a Q. When you do so successfully she will try to bubble you at which point you can either release q and try to dodge or if she bubbled too early dodge then get an easy q off. If she lands the bubble the best thing to do is back off since they have range advantage and you have no way of sticking to them. you mostly play this lane passively unless they misplay until you reach level 6, at which point you can look to get an e -> w -> r -> q in. this engage should at least get you their summoners. post laning phase you mostly just peel for your adc but if your team lacks engage look to engage when their frontline cant block an ult onto their backline.”
Rissen says “A few tips when you're against Nami:
When she walks up, she about to use her [Q] or [W].
Try to zone her out as much as you can.
And punish her when she doesn't have her Q and W.”
Demonsedge90 says “Nami is only a threat to us outside of her q in lane if she has tempo from us being behind (which we shouldn't be in this matchup) during the laning phase. So, all you need to do in this fight is to immobilize her when she is out of position.”
Cordiall says “Nami isn't a threat to Braum. With the anti-poke runes I describe in this build, she can't poke you out, and your E blocks basically everything she can throw at you, including her R (Braum E stops it cold, it's one of my favorite things to do in this game).”
Eu como Miilena says “Nami tem que se aproximar muito para dar poke proteja você ou seu adc com o escudo e de R+Q nela. tome cuidado com o buff de dano que ela da para o adc inimigo por que é um buff muito poderoso sempre proteja seu adc disto. Desviar da ult dela fica relativamente fácil usando o E. tome cuidado com a bolha dela por que ela te incapacita completamente.”
KeisariKarma says “Its a skill matchup, you both have good damage and trading, decent all ins, nami has better sustain you have shields. You scale about the same, very even.”
DtNikk says “Nami will be annoying. Save flash for bubble and her ult as getting hit by either can allow nami to slow you after. Relic shield recomended.”
Nozul says “Nami pode ser um problema por conta do poke que ela pode dar em você e no teu ADC ao mesmo tempo com o W. Ela também pode dar slow em todas as kills por conta do E, além dos auto ataques desferidos por ela. Também pode buffar o ADC inimigo. Não se posicione mal, assim você não é um alvo fácil para a bolha dela. Compre corta-cura o quanto antes.”
TheBlueImperial says “Nami is an immobile and squishy enchanter, you can punish that early. Her Q and R both cancel your W, so wait for her to use them first or engage from out of vision to give her no time to react.”
beefyylol says “While Nami will bully you quite hard in lane with her W trades, she does not scale as hard as some of the other enchanters so be patient. ”
PumpkinMatters says “Cura chata, que pula em vc e dá dano, Q que te desconecta por um tempo considerável e uma ult que pode cancelar seu combo; só por causa desse kit mais ou menos chato é que ela não está do lado de Soninha e da Sorakinha no nível mais baixo de ameaça, mas assim... se você acertar o pulo na tilápia ela tá morta”
asmrtoelicks says “Nami has the potential to outpoke you if you're constantly missing (Q) starfalls on her. Make sure to poke properly and don't get hit by a bubble.”
PumpkinMatters says “Annoying heal; it jumps on you and gives damage; Q dcs you for a lot of time and an ult that cancels your combo. Just because of this kinda annoying kit she's not on "tiny", but still... if you land your horse on her, she dead”
a8qoyrl says “A healer, she sustains her carry in between engages making it hard to properly get them low enough to kill. She has good peel as well with her Q. but if it misses then she can only provide a small ms buff to her carry, which will be negated by your slows and stuns.”
Harry132 says “This is about even matchup it is quite hard for you to get onto her but in return, she can't really get onto you pre 6 you can poke her out be mindful of her W healing since if you take equal trades you will come out behind 'cause of that”
The Wands says “although described as support, it doesn't just take damage from a support, and has considerable protection potential, so be careful with the controls and also pay attention to the runes page chosen by you and the opponent.”
HypoTheAced says “Before level 6 Nami is a Threat to Senna only if her ADC knows what they're doing. Her E and W can make sure her ADC can 1v2 you and your ADC in lane (example Lucian + Electrocute Nami).”
SirCaptFair says “don't be afraid to jump her lv2 and early ignite if she is mispositioned. At 6 move towards her in a diagonal so she doesn't hit you with her ult.”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implórale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. Ten cuidado con su R. (Es como Soraka, pero menos problemática)”
TNTea says “Traditional Enchanters like Nami, Soraka, and Sona, also tend to be a difficult situation for Swain to deal with. Their ability to negate Swain's pressure with Shields and Heals really stifles what Swain brings to the table.”
Night Guy says “Nami first and foremost is strong this patch and can easily outtrade you and can heal back some of the damage you did. Her Q can also deny your E (If Nami knows what she is doing) and gives her ADC the opportunity to punish you and give him the slow from her E so with that she can easily punish you and make you useless by slowing you down and giving a free kill to her ADC. So ban her if you're going to pick Quinn because she is a counter especially after 6 she just denies you everything. ”
Petra Venj says “She has amazing poke and you might not be able to outheal it, so play around E or Q cd's and try to get free poke with Q to outsustain.”
unhben says “With how strong Nami has been in recent patches its safe to say that she is just a threat in general since she can negate any early damage Gnar is doing to the enemy ADC or herself, as well as having better dueling potential if she can get a level ahead in some cases.”
yaemitskiuwu says “Nami on her own even. Nami+Lucian is extreme threat. You'll be lucky to reach her with your abilites. Decent healing. I'd still go Chemtech against her. ”
Mr buckets says “Nami laning phase can be a bit annoying early game as her trade pattern beats yours, but the moment you hit lvl 6, you just start perma forcing with your ult. She can never match your roams either and you outscale her as well. So overall you're happy.”
eiensiei says “She has decent sustain, but if she uses all her mana to heal herself/her ally, she won't be able to poke and stack her Spellthief. Walk forward, not backwards, to avoid her bubbles. If she steps up in lane to poke your ally, shield him. If she steps up in lane to poke you, W her and immediately walk back so that her W doesn't bounce back into her.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “She really can't do anything if you dodge her Q. She has a lot of MS and her E enables her carry to run away too, so consider using exhaust.”
Mystral says “She's just annoying, max your E because she'll poke a lot. W on your ADC if she tries to Q him. Don't try to trade her, she will just W on you and heal herself from bounce.”
Aerenax says “Nami is another enchanter with some disengage built into her kit to make your life difficult. Her E is slowing you and her Q stuns you for a second or so. Her ult is the perfect tool to stop you from engaging on her team so definitely try to dance around this.”
eiensiei says “She has decent sustain, but if she uses all her mana to heal herself/her ally, she won't be able to poke and stack her Spellthief. Walk forward, not backwards, to avoid her bubbles. If she steps up in lane to poke your ally, shield him. If she steps up in lane to poke you, E yourself, walk back so her W doesn't bounce on her, then Q-AA if she's in range.”
LimTheDestructor says “Be realistic. Don't overgreed for a wanted kill. Find a good opportunity for engage. Then kill the enemy. You have to succeed - you want to snowball the game against Nami lane, not to waste mana and Ignite for nothing. Remember that you have to dodge Nami's Q for a cleaner and more guaranteed engage.”
iKonek says “Rather easy to deal with, as long as you can avoid her skill shots. Careful for her bubble being used on you as you channel your hook. Keep a lantern ready after she's level 6 to peel from her ult. Bring ignite to counter her healing sustain.”
LegendaryOstrich says “You want to avoid taking small trades. All ins will result in you winning the fights. Early game Nami will try to poke you down with her autos and W, sometimes you can W her W and negate it but usually if she walks up to W you then you should look to flay/hook her.”
Korippo says “Her Q bubble has a 12 second cooldown early game so you have a good window of time to get your passive before it's up again, and this is her only form of CC besides her ult. She dishes out a pretty good chunk of damage though despite that, and has pretty good healing overall, so poking her out is going to be difficult. As she is also an enchanter, she too has the ability to enhance her allies' abilities, so it is generally safe to target her in the lane as without her, the ADC loses a lot of power. ”
MsBean says “Nami is fine to fight against, as most Nami players I've been against have been playing pretty passive, Nami in general can do so much more than Soraka but most they choose not to. Try to take advantage of that. ”
Flackojodye says “Nami shouldn't do much if you push her into her tower, same as lulu and other enchanters. Be careful with her Q, its hard for her to hit it but she can use it as a followup to her ulti or ally's CC.”
Distinger says “Pre 6 this champ is a joke to you. Whenever you're going to throw a Q do it from a bush or oov so she'll have a harder time landing a counter Q on you. You can focus her instead of the ADC so she's forced to waste her W on herself.”
ThisGuyPaco says “Nami can be really annoying but if you play it smart you can outplay her. If your adc tempts to walk into her bubbles or takes to much poke from her W safe your E for him, if he has good positioning you can use your E for counter poking her or shielding yourself when she hits you with her W.”
Hanjaro says “Nami has a very strong laning phase, it's hard to out trade her as any damage you do, she can either heal back up, or bounce it to you - dealing damage, while healing herself/ADC back up.
Her high mana cost will eventually drive her OOM so take advantage of that.”
0Banda says “ Nami is not a hard matchup for Rakan, once you get to buy your Boots you can easily dodge her Q, if she gets miss-positioned you can combo her as she is a very squishy and inmmobile champion. Even though, short trades are not as effective against her because of her W wich heals allies. Once in a teamfight, take care, she's R may cause problems to your team
Against Nami build as usual, you should also play as always, but be aware of her Q if she catches you with this... you are screwed. However, it's an easy to dodge ability”
SlippStream says “Nami can get a lot of value out of her W if she gets close to you. As long as stay at range and make her waste her main healing and damage ability on only one target, you can outvalue her on mana efficiency. Do watch out for her Q, as you are immobile and can't easily dodge it.”
Luiscencias says “Outpokes and outheals you during the early game. Be wary of getting bubbled. Her ultimate is less useful than yours and she doesn’t scale nearly as well. If you get ahead enough you can start bullying her like Soraka”
Idleangelo says “Careful for her E + W +Q combo to catch you/adc out. She wins trades due to her sustain from W, but you can still trade with her if you shield yourself.”
millysenpai says “Nami is a cross between even and major threat as if her bubble hits you are unable to do anything for a few seconds and taking damage while in it. Her Ebb and Flow (W) can also bounce off you into healing herself as others, try to keep a distance and throw Starcall (Q) if you're confident and hitting.”
Fear The Jester says “Make some sushi out of her, really hard for her to hit a bubble on you, engage her when it is down. keep her focused on you and try bait out her abilitys.”
Jowoey says “Nami is usually the champion I recommend to people when they're trying to learn to be aggressive with enchanters. She's just that: an aggressive enchanter. She will almost always outtrade you if she knows what she's doing. It's mostly a skill matchup depending on if she can land bubble or not.”
Melyn says “She has a lot of sustain and a fair amount of damage with W/E, so be very careful. If you ever get hit by her bubble, you're probably dead. Don't underestimate her healing and be careful about committing when you don't have ignite.”
Hanjaro says “Can negate any damage you do with her heal, while trading back easily. Her ult is like yours but longer and wider, you can stop her bubble but you'll still get suspended.
Play defensive, engage on her with a gank, she's immobile.”
Hanjaro says “Nami can out trade you with her heal and poke, but she does have high mana costs. Take advantage of your range, dodge her bubbles and potentially ask for a gank.”
Hanjaro says “Can heal any damage you do, but has high mana costs. She can stop your ult with hers, and also by using her bubble. She's squishy if you can catch her though.”
Biotic says “she outdamages you dont try to trade ever in her W range in laning Phase. Setup Ganks, just play for all ins 3v2 / 2v2 if you have a strong allin Adc. You hardscale Nami hard. ”
KasgoesREEEEE says “The one enchanter that isn't even with you. she will win every trade because of her w bouncing back to her to heal herself. also if she ever manages to hit her q you're almost guaranteed to be dead.
you both scale in a very similar way, even match mid game onwards”
Guoblide says “ Nami is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to her being able to severely out-poke, out-heal, and out-sustain him at all stages of the game. Nami is an Enchanter support who can fish out tons of damage and CC as well as decent peeling and sustain. She is pretty much the jack of all trades Enchanter who can do a little bit of everything. She spikes at Level 2 where Tidecaller's Blessing gives her the ability for her ADC to hit harder, Level 3 where Aqua Prison lets her poke and zone better or set up picks for her ADC, and Level 6 where Tidal Wave lets her set up huge plays for her team and CC chain off of Aqua Prison. In lane Braum should be careful from Level 1 onwards as Nami has amazing poke with Ebb and Flow. Not only does it have long range and can poke through the minion wave but it can also heal her AND her ADC and let her sustain herself throughout the game. Once she hits Level 2 her Tidecaller's Blessing can make her and her ADC win most duels by the sheer stats buff that it gives. In lane her Surging Tides passive lets her run up, poke with her Tidecaller's Blessing empowered Basic Attacks as well as her Ebb and Flow, and run back quickly. Once she hits Level 3 she can even throw in a Aqua Prison for funsies. To counteract this try to Unbreakable and throw out a Winter's Bite for a slow. If she keeps on walking up or mispositions follow up on the Winter's Bite with your ADC and proc the Concussive Blows stun to secure a kill. After Level 6 using Winter's Bite on Nami to catch her out when her abilities are down can usually secure an easy kill as she is relatively squishy. Unbreakable has a pretty unique interaction with Tidal Wave. Since Unbreakable intercepts projectiles and redirects them Tidal Wave will be intercepted and not continue moving past Braum. This can be great at protecting your backline from getting CCed and potentially killed.”
very hot says “Squishy target but has great poke and sustain. This will probably be a slow lane unless you have an super aggressive ADC, in which case you should look to engage when Nami's W is down or the enemy is in a bad position. ”
Billehz says “Shouldn't be too hard to deal with, her W can be annoying but you should be able to out trade her and dodging her Q shouldn't be a problem at all with your W and your Ult to get out of her Ult path.”
Jaori says “Nami has got some really good crowd control. If she oversteps, hit her with the classic W-E-Q combo and back off.
After level 6 you either go for her or the adc and then finish the second one.”
Go Getter says “I've never seen a Nami stop my engage without blowing Ult for it, her stun rarely lands since Zac moves around so much trying to pick up his Globs.
Once you reach level 6 and her ult is down, she is a free kill”
dragonmasterc says “Nami's predictable CC make her a fairly easy support to play into, though she will be able to heal back a lot of your poke damage if she gets in range for her W. However you should be fine being able to poke her down from range with your E.”
Hanjaro says “Nami can heal up your damage easily while trading back. Dodge her bubble, and all-in on her when she tries to poke you. Ignite is perfect, and build morello's. She's squishy remember!”
millysenpai says “Nami is a cross between even and major threat as her bubble hits you are unable to do anything for a few seconds and taking damage while in it. Her Ebb and Flow (W) can also bounce off you into healing herself as others.”
DasNerdwork says “Pretty easy to dodge but annoying heal. Expect your damage and harassing to be pretty weak against her botlane. Ignite helps to reduce the amount of heal her ADC receives.”
Esoterica says “Nami relies on a telegraphed skillshot to peel for her or her ADC. You can easily decide engagements by trading normally and blinking back if she tries to punish you.
When she moves forward to W you, move away from her so she cannot catch the healing bounce.
Namis like to ult to start engagements and that simply doesn't work on you. Play the fight slowly and avoid her CC so she can only provide a little healing and slow.”
Daraysen says “It's pretty hard to harass Nami early on, since most of the time, when you two poke each other, she will heal herself right backup, making trading useless, best option would be to wait for jungler when you cant stomp her”
Dotje says “I find Nami a very even matchup. But I think your advantage is getting into long fights. She's able to lock someone down with her R+Q but if you can let you and your ally survive trough this you can sure catch her.”
Harambe Homie says “Nami is essentially Lulu and Janna combined, and you guessed it... A NIGHTMARE. try to avoid laning against this champ if possible.”
KeleiX13 says “A good Nami can be pretty annoying in lane since she outtrades you with a single spell as her W damages and will splash back to her for a heal, negating much of the damage you deal to her in the trade. Try and walk out of her W range if she W's you so it won't bounce back to her/her ADC. She can slow you with an E-empowered spell or auto then Q you. Her ult also peels very well and for that, if you only ult her ADC, you will probably just be ulted by her and it can turn bad for you so try and ult and burst her down instead of her ADC. I would take Ignite in this matchup most of the time unless their team has a lot of assassins.”
Adam bot says “She can poke you and heal themselves and damage you at the same time so care. Her high mana cost is in your favor tho so pay attention when she's low in mana. ”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implórale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. Ten cuidado con su R. (Es como Soraka, pero menos problemática)”
LilRidge says “Nami is immobile and squishy, so try to all-in her when she comes to auto-attack or (W) Ebb and Flow
A single early all-in can set her back massively during the laning phase. Avoid her (Q) Aqua Prison at all costs. You don't want to get interrupted during an all-in as it will cost you a lot of health. It may also get you killed if she has already poked you significantly”
Tauricus2017 says “Her Q can be dodged easily, her W has low range and her R has long cast time. By playing around each of her abilities and buying early boots you should be fine for the rest of the game. Ignite is pretty strong to counter her healing. Her health bar is really low allowing you to play however you want. Aggresive to crush her early or Passive to outscale her eventually.”
Rainuu says “Nami is a tough match up for Lillia as she can null everything you do. Her cc can prevent you from one-shotting, she does a surprising amount of damage, and her speed buff+healing is enough to prevent you from bursting even more.”
Ruiner of Fun says “Her ability to harass and heal at the same time makes it very hard to stay in the lane against her. Her slow and bubble can easily combo into each other. Her bubble is guaranteed death ”
Kefochka says “Нами является очень хорошим сапортом. Её сустейн сильнее на ранней стадии, контроля у неё больше, так же она способна усиливать своего адк. Лучше играть по ней, в случае размена, но при этом лучше просто фармить, а не вступать в файты.”
Starchase says “Her poke is better than yours and she can buff her ADC's autoattacks to do a lot of damage, and also her Q is a pretty deadly knockup, so don't detach from your ADC.
Care about lvl 6, her R is meant to disengage but it can be used as an engage for her jungler.
Rush Oblivion Orb.
Depending on the ADC's you outscale her or not.”
mellorpyke says “Pretty free, although be careful using E aggressively because she can predict bubble based on your E and then flash it, so be one step ahead and get ready to react/predict her flash; even if you dont hit E, you should be safe and trading flash for flash with Nami is always worth.”
Takitsu says “Skill matchup, Nami has heavy sustain with her W healing. Hooks do not equal a kill in this matchup. Best time to fight is level 2, All-in before the nami has Q and E to secure an early lead. Once nami hits level 3 you will have to play towards your tower waiting for them to misplay/ misposition. Post-6 Thresh can hook ult flay combo to 100-0 Nami or the carry. Lucian Nami combo makes this lane a different beast. wait for abilities to be used before attempting a hook or flay.”
losolkos says “Nami is very anoing heal much often give slows give speed boost.You need to doge her stuns also your W give the shield which to block her dmg .Also she have nothing to run if she miss ability slow her and then she is probably dead if adc will not save her but that will cost often heal or flash.”
Discord231 says “"Que no tu adc estaba a 1 de vida" Implórale a tu adc que gaste 800 de oro en heridas graves (pues tu necesitas un ítem completo para aplicarlas bien), o si no, un 2 vs 2 no será posible de ganar. Ten cuidado con su R. (Es como Soraka, pero menos problemática) ”
unhben says “Poke is annoying, and she can just speed away. She wont be much of a threat besides her R in a fight so try and dive her in the back with a ward hop+kick. If that fails its probably because she solo ulted you off so your team can freely enage.”
Kadiyarch says “Nami is not a big theat but it is difficult to carry against her because she has a greater range than you and she heals your poke. Yet, you will have a free double kill with a full combo as soon as you get your level 6.”
Bear Gummies says “Nami is a confusing matchup but I think Janna wins against Nami more times than Nami beats her. In the early game, make sure to shield yourself when going in to trade, and consider pausing before poking her so that you attack her after she gets healed by her second part of ebb and flow. ”
Jannito02 says “The only problem against a Nami can be her Q against you. Apart from that, she can use herW to heal herself or her ADC and make it bounce to your ADC, healing both of them and dealing damage to your carry. Her R can also be a problem, as there's not much you can do when she uses it.”
mscocca says “Immobile champion. The Stun on her Q can be dangerous at times when you engage with your W (Cougar). Punish her when she wastes or misses it. ”
xDopii says “Nami has high sustain so poking won't be very helpful and she is able to survive most engages which makes it harder for you to look for picks.”
Magdaleno9 says “Not a threat for me at all. The movement speed with your E can be enough to dodge Nami's bubble and try to stay separate with your ADC in case Nami has ult. ”
EionThePepega says “Nami outpokes and outheals you in laning phase, and Cut Down doesn't work due to her level 1 health (475) to yours (480) and her health growth per level (74) to yours (77). Of course she scales less than you so yeah SCALE :D.”
The Lotus Queen says “Nami's early game is stronger than Sona's, though Sona outscales Nami in the late game. Make sure to not take too much poke in lane, and not to get hit by her bubbles and ultimate, as this CC can result in your death.”
Tradicale says “Overall Nami is very easy to deal with as Nautilus, and you will be generally happy to see this support on the enemy team. Her main option of winning lane is through poking you down early to make it more difficult for you to all-in, so try to stay healthy level 1 and then look to win early all-ins before she can sustain the lane. If she does sustain, her mana is pretty bad so you may find a window to engage even if she has survived the early lane.”
Jexeff says “This is a pretty easy matchup. Since she has to get relatively close to benefit from the bounce of her Ebb and flow, she becomes a susceptible target for your flay. Ebb and flow can become very easy to predict after watching your opponent’s movements. A simple flash or walk up flay can setup a good all-in opportunity. Make sure to ignite during an all-in in order to reduce the healing from her Ebb and flow. Her bubble has quite a long CC duration but is quite difficult to land unless you standing still during your hook animation. Just do your best to avoid this during lane and you should be good.”
Wounds2 says “Nami bullies you in lane, but she is one of the harder supports to play and can be punished very easily as well. Her Q is pretty impossible to land against you, but her ult is great at stopping your engage in teamfights.”
TheSkySaphir says “One of the easiest matchups. You are almost always too fast to get hit by Q or R. Her lack of mobility makes her and easy kill most og the time.”
fishbully says “Nami is only an issue because of her ability to steal and give health. You should be able to out-poke however because of that ability you have to focus on out-ranging.”
itizhelia says “Avoid her poke and shield your ally whenever she attempts to use her W.
And punish her if she walks up too close since Nami is a really squishy champion.”
Find0 says “Depending on the adc paired with her, nami can be a hard matchup. she can poke you out of lane but very squishy if you get on her. play around her bubble and you have no issues killing her as she is naturally squishy.
KajiKumihoAkukei says “She brings a lot of sustain to the enemy lane. Be careful not to get poked out too fast. If you can get on her, try to go all in.”
Navn says “Shield yourself and auto attack her. You should win those trades and stack your spellthiefs faster than her. If you do this and dodge her Q, you should win.”
Xeptron says “Nami comes with a full package - heal, peel, damage and disengage. She has a solid laning phase in terms of keeping you in it, always having that heal and poke ability up.
While that's good thing, there's something that she doesn't have - tankiness and defense stats. As a Thresh, that's the perfect target to burst and kill. One hook on her fishy legs, she dies. As long as you don't get hit by her Aqua Prison (Q ability), you win the matchup.”
Frank6264 says “Dependiendo del ADC contrario, este enfrentamiento puede ser igual o más favorable para Nami. Puede curar a su ADC, su Q puede ser peligrosa si logra conectar en ustedes o el ADC, y la ralentización y daño que aporta con su E les puede hacer pasar un mal rato. Además, su definitiva puede servir tanto para iniciar como para desenganchar peleas con facilidad.
En línea, traten de evitar que se les acerque mucho de modo que la W haga daño y cure a su equipo al mismo tiempo mientras tratan de hostigarla desde lejos. Recomiento ignite y runas defensivas en este enfrentamiento.”
Sunedayz says “A good Nami will out sustain you in trades. You can win trades by using W on her and then walking away immediately so she won't get the heal. Do not commit to all in's without jungler assistance or a good Q hit on her or the enemy ADC. Her slows will cripple you and make it easier to hit her Q. Once level 6 happens, don't walk up and W her anymore. Being slammed by tidal wave will be death.”
DracoMeteor_ says “Nami wins almost every level 1 trade if she starts her W. So watch out for that. Nami has a fair amount of CC and is able to heal her ally's while doing damage.”
CaptianMike says “She's not too bad to deal with, given you can dodge her bubble. If you can do that, this will be easy. If you get ahead, slow her into double bomb and you'll get a kill every time. It can be tricky to land bombs on her if she stays far away, so don't force yourself/ over extend for no reason. Take gathering storm since she heals the poke from scorch.”
jessuva says “Nami is really strong right now, as are all buffers. You can't dodge her W, so she can poke poke poke you, and her healing doesn't take away her own health, unlike Soraka's, so she can endlessly heal provided she has enough mana. Her stun is fairly easy to dodge. The goal against Nami is to poke with Q to heal yourself, and try not to get out-poked. You can engage with an E-Q so she can't poke you first, or engage after she uses her W. If you dodge her Q and her ult, it shouldn't be too tough of a matchup, albeit a bit annoying with her poke. ”
Titans Revenge says “When facing a good Nami, you will have a hard time with this lane. An average Nami will be an easy lane as long as you don't get caught in a bubble.”
Hceercs says “She can be oppressive, and is often paired with annoying mage adcs such as Syndra or Cassiopeia, but if you can find an engage without getting too poked out you'll most likely win. Playing around her Q is also recommended.”
RedNBlue says “DANGER, no no no not too much danger but danger, hope she doesn't build for more q damage as that will not be fun. just like lux you will just be shooting her and your adcs will do all the work.”
Jannathan says “Okay. Now this is where it gets tricky. Let’s say, hypothetically, Nami has the ability to freely control and manipulate water. Now let’s say, for the sake of the argument, she attempts to use her ranged water bubble and slow on your adc to catch them out and poke them. Would you not agree that this is a major threat to your adc’s p-word and by extension you? Protect your adc’s dry p-word from becoming wet AT ALL COSTS.”
kimjisoo8 says “She has very good poke and heal, but you can outpoke her hard. It's easy to avoid her Qs and her ult. Unless she's duoing with Jhin, then you're screwed.”
just_juniper says “Both Zyra and Nami are bullies that scale decently, but Zyra has the edge in early fights as her CC is far more reliable. However, Nami can sustain through Zyra's poke, at the cost of large amounts of mana - engage whenever she is low.”
Guoblide says “Nami is a pretty easy matchup for Sett due to her not really having any major tools to stop Sett pre-6. Sett should take Facebreaker level one and immdeiately look to Flash + Facebreaker the enemy Nami and ADC together for a double stun. Nami usually doesn't take Aqua Prison level 1 so doing this correctly should force at least one summoner out of them and sometimes lead to a kill if your ADC has strong early game like Lucian, Tristana, and Draven. Nami takes Aqua Prison level 2 so Sett needs to be more careful when laning. Having bush control is very important for Sett because Nami doesn't have any abilities that can check bushes well. Sett should stand in the lane bushes and look to make a Hextech Flashtraption + Facebreaker play. Sett standing in bushes alone can create massive pressure on Nami and her ADC. Once you get level 6 look to make flanking plays with The Show Stopper or pull off insec plays with The Show Stopper and Flash. In most games if the Nami is smart she will try to make the ADC freeze the minion under their tower. If this does happen then call for your jungler and flank around behind their tower to The Show Stopper her or her ADC into your laner for an easy kill. Try to shut her down as much as possible in the early gamme because she out-scales you a lot during the later stages of the game. During teamfights you should opt to flank behind the enemy team and The Show Stopper the enemy ADC or carry into your team instead of The Show Stoppering a frontliner into the backline. This is because Nami can easily CC once you come out of the ultimate animation with Tidal Wave and Aqua Prison. ”
engo44 says “this is a pure skirmish lane, try to put out as much damage as you can early on. You can outsustain her. Her mana costs is pretty high, try to avoid getting bubbled and you should be fine”
Jovy says “Another very squishy enemy support which you should try to kill before lvl 6. She's got decent poke but her biggest strength is her powerful disengage. ”
Tauricus2017 says “Safe guard her Aqua prison and engage when it is on cool down. Her HP bar is very slow so you can burst her down however poking her does not do anything to her.”
Fictitious1267 says “Dodge her bubbles, and engage on either her or the ADC with a fully stacked W. She wins an extended fight. Make sure you and your ADC are going to hit the same target.”
Tartmeringue says “She's got a lot of cc, but it's avoidable if you pay attention. The more pressing concern is that she provides speed to her allies which is not what we want.”
Jovy says “Nami is very similar to Lulu. A support capable of poking you if you're not careful and one that can disengage a lot of fights. She's got a heal that can be annoying but spamming it will result in her going oom. Take advantage of her while she's still squishy, during the early stages of laning phase.”
Kilo Khaos says “Rather easy to deal with, as long as you can avoid her skill shots. Careful for her bubble being used on you as you channel your hook. Keep a lantern ready after she's level 6 to peel from her ult. Bring ignite to counter her healing sustain.”
moon827 says “As a support, Nami can't do much, besides a little bit of poke with her W, and a knock up with her Q, and ult. Otherwise, it should be a fairly easy time into her.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Nami is a rougher match-up in the sense that she offers so much lane sustain.
There's no trying to poke her and her AD carry out of lane.
When playing against Nami in lane, make every engage count, because if you don't get the kill she will just sustain herself and her AD carry back up.
Other then her sustain she is also pretty good at disengaging with her ultimate.”
DEasom says “Nami's sustain and poke make the lane tough. Its best to look for all in fights and preserve mana. Dark Harvest is best into this match up. E max is still preferred, but maxing W in this match up is a reasonable option. ”
Bouhhsolene says “Nami is an ok match up, you overall has the same amount of damage and CC, take trades. It all depends on your adc wether you win them or not.”
Tauricus2017 says “She can dish out a lot of poke and can recover a lot of health however her HP bar is very low so If you will be patient you will always find an opurtunity to kill her without getting punished back.”
Zerz says “Nami isn't as oppressive as she used to be. Still her laning phase is her strongest point of the game so if you go through that you should be able to beat and outscale her easily. ”
Taric Support says “This match-up is not a lot of trouble. You can play defensive without getting poked that much, and you have good engage on her as she is quite immobile. Even though she does have some buffs for her adc it's not a big problem. Avoid her bubble and stay defensive, but look for engages when her bubble is on cooldown.”
Vahlok says “The good thing is that she is squishy. But she can bubble you when you land your hook at re-cast it. She can also poke you a lot and give movement speed to her allies, so don't forget sidestepping prediction.”
KeleiX13 says “Most Enchanters aren't much of a threat to Yuumi, just be careful not take too much poke and you'll be good. Watch out for her bubble as if you're caught, you won't be able to reattach for a while(if you're not dead by then that is).”
Papiesh says “Nami has a very strong laning phase, (Her Q and W do so much in early game) but her high mana cost will eventually drive her OOM so you can take advantage of that”
NERF THIS MAN says “Very skill dependent. If she can dodge your anchor, this lane can be hellish. If not, it's a fairly easy kill if she doesn't bubble your carry.”
ShroudedBRH says “Nami has a pretty balanced kit with sustain, peel and poke. Her damage will fall off after laning phase but you will waste alot of your mana trying to poke out your opponent. Avoid her bubbles if they try to engage on you”
Mickeystick says “Good Nami players are a nuisance, but hard to come by. You will win most trades, even against a good Nami player. Be wary of the Nami/Lucian combo. ”
NixLychee says “Nami will literally kick your rear with her ADC, because her kit is almost a counter to yours. Try to solo her out after you kill her ADC.”
Wicked Cherry says “If used correctly, her W can be quite annoying. Dodge her Q, the rest shouldn't be a bother for you. You can W her ADC while he's buffed or yours is knocked up.”
Wicked Cherry says “Her Q bubble can be annoying because it's click and point. I don't consider her as an extreme threat tho because I used to main her and I pretty much know her inside out. Her W Heal can be used as harass but you'll see if she's experiences or not the way she uses it. If it's bouncing around she is. If she's using it on herself to hop to you although she could heal her ally with it and then have it bounce to you and back to her again, she's clearly new to champ. Use that knowledge and poke her back a little. But mobility boots might be nice to frustrate her so she might not throw her Q at you too often because she'll know she won't hit it. ;) It's about mind games and positioning. ”
TheMistCollector says “She hits harder than it looks. if you're at full HP, try to Q after her W in order to mitigate some of the damage. try to E when about to get stunned. Your E give allies some Movement Speed, so use that to dodge Nami's R with ease.”
SkellyBirb says “You can easily poke Nami and run her out of mana pretty easily. As long as you don't get caught in her bubbles she's not a huge threat. She does however have quite a bit of sustain.”
ShanksMeister says “Laning phase will be annoying because she can heal and poke with one ability. Farm until 6 and you can all-in the adc. Make sure you dodge her bubble or you're guaranteed a death. Her ultimate isn't too good and is easy to juke.”
Krynomi says “Nami's stun should be relatively easy to avoid but do note when it's on cooldown. If she hits you than there isn't much she can do on her own but look out for her team following up on it. If she ults than use W on an ally or move closer to towers”
Lesbiannie says “Stay away from nami Q, forget your adc you aren't a tank, you're built to poke and dish out damage but other than that you have 0 escapes and 0 survivability against anything that contains you for more than a second.”
TailsGothicAngel says “Her bubble is annoying. And her Ulti can make your positoning and your chances of using your ulti perfectly go downhill depending on the player, plus her damage can be quite ridiculous. However, I've rarely seen her lately, so she might be out of the meta as far as I can tell. Be careful.”
Crippledtoot says “I would put her in tiny, but if a good nami plays her then it will be a little harder. You can out trade her if you passive shield is up. If she tries to q you after the trade your q movement speed should be enough to get away.”
Illumination says “This matchup is cake for you as a Lux. She can be annoying due to her heals but her heals are very costly. All of her peel is telegraphed and slow. Poke her ADC to death and establish dominance in lane. If she runs out of mana, kill her and her ADC. ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Nami is the reverse of brand, she throws everything on her adc and if you aren't good enough to avoid her q then you'll probably die. Otherwise catch her out in bot bush with a ward in their nearest bush while they back and then kill her when she goes into it.”
Hoshikoo746 says “HAHAHA WHAT IS THIS ? A SASHIMI ?
Nami will be annoying thanks to her healing but if you push enough the wave for a lvl 2 trade, you can kill her.
You must end before late game because it is when she is the most useful. AND DON'T FORGET ANTI HEAL.”
snukumz says “Similar to Sona, but with better CC.
Her heals will negate a lot of your poke damage.
Make sure you don't get bubbled or you will be troubled.
Her wave can disable your ult so watch out for that.
Her speed ups will make it hard for you to land your Q's.”
snukumz says “She's like Sona, her heals negate your poke.
She can also easily negate your ult with her ult so try wait to use your ult until after she uses hers. ”
snukumz says “You won't be poking her or her ADC too much so her heals don't matter that much. Most of the damage you do to them will be in massive bursts so her heals won't be nearly as effective.
She's squishy and immobile so once you hit 6 if you trap her with your stun you should be able to delete her. ”
sorakabro says “Nami is pretty much a skillmatchup, soraka is better on prolong fights like poke heal up and poke again. While nami is better on all ins.
Try to not all-in vs nami and instead play it slow.”
Dreadscythe95 says “Her chaincc from range is extremelly opressive for viktor early and her heal counters the heavy poke. Even afte rlvl 6her Ulti is difficuklt to play against,”
thesophieset says “Skill matchup. She has low CD and low cost poke and a Mana-based heal, so wait for her to go out of Mana and poke her down with your Q whenever she lets you (e.g. when she steps too close to poke and stack her Spellthief's Edge). Slightly more dangerous with an ADC like Draven who profits from her E damage amplifier. Dodge her Q bubble and focus her in teamfights by silencing her and bursting her down.”
Yuzu says “One of my other most played supports, so maybe I am biased. But they are pretty even in strenght and you can outheal her. Just look out for her CC ”
Maxwhale Plays says “A good nami will keep you off her carry and prevent you from being too effective, at level 6 you can engage with ult if they are pushed far enough from tower but nami will most likely use her ultimate to keep you off ”
snukumz says “Her heals negate a lot of your damage.
Be careful not to get bubbled by her.
She is very squishy so if you snare her you and your ADC can drop her very low on HP or even kill her. ”
SynLynx says “Nami's good CC, strong trades and disengage make this a difficult lane for you. Avoid any fight in lane and try to outscale, you have a much better chance against her in team fights.”
PEPSINKING says “As squishy as nami is, she still has some cc which, if she procs properly, will give the enemy adc a chance to take you down. So make your moves wisely.”
ThePandaEvan says “Nami has a move that has sustain and poke. It's hard to poke when due to that move. There are two options with dealing with this. Not poking and focusing on other possible things. Or you can shield yourself while poking. You can usually dodge a Nami ult (unless she ults right in front of you).”
Abusable Yuumi says “Nami's a top tier all around support, between the damage, CC and heals she brings to the table.
No change in game plan for Yuumi though, just keep in mind trading into her with autos isn't the best idea once she gets a few points into Ebb & Flow.”
JenaColada says “Basically a more DMG oriented Soraka. Whenever she decides to go in just E her. Nami takes time to cast all of her spells, unlike you.”
JustSlayter says “Pre 6 She has decent poke and her bubble can put you in danger, but you can avoid the bubble and poke her back. Post 6 her wave is a pain to deal with, but it's not too bad as long as your team doesn't stay on top of eachother.”
HoneyQT says “Nami has been the queen bee for a while now. She's a more aggressive version of you, which on paper can be good, but if her aggression isn't followed up with she won't be doing much. She pokes and pokes and pokes, and her ult is great, so you should be weary of her if her team is making use of her aggressive CC.”
Cat Elf says “Nami has a lot of CC which is annoying and she can also keep her ADC alive easily. The good thing is that she doesn't really do a lot of damage. I would recommend getting a Crucible here and you should be okay for her bubble. Her ult is relatively easy to dodge since it is quite slow. ”
AlexZzZz says “She can outrade you because of her W and Nami players usually run bone plating making trading with her even more annoying.But with your W and movement speed you can pretty easily dodge her abilities.”
PayyBack says “She has a pretty low range so be mindful of your positioning if she moves up to harass you make sure you attack with Q back so she doesn't get a free poke.
Dodge the bubble with E or W into her... Obviously that's not great advice but that's the only counterplay and keep an eye on her mana, her heal especially costs a lot of mana and she'll go oom very quickly if you force her to use it, very important to make her burn her mana before her first buy so she can't harass you so hard.
Flint124 says “If she starts W, you can cheese her level 2.
Past that, she's very hard to deal with since she can counter your engages, sustain between them, and out-trade you.
Manageable if you dodge the bubble, but still difficult.”
DarkGabumon says “She can actually be very bad as she can heal your poke in lane, while also providing move speed to help her ADC dodge your skill shots. She can also easily set up ganks or kills with her R that covers half the lane.”
Curmudgeon says “She has CC that could hurt you, but she has to hit it first, and she's so squishy that you can probably take her down before she get's much off. ”
Kefochka says “Умная Нами не станет сильно высовываться за своего адк, стоя против Морганы, лишь изредка атакуя. Если вы поймаете её в контроль, то сможете подать своему адк селёдку под шубой.”
Loggit says “Is annoying, but very squishy. If you can not burst her or her ADC, just roam to keep kill participation. You outscale her as well, so that's something too.”
Jointed says “A true demon seed. She has great sustain...that is also her damage. Very oppressive and has unreal engage. Going to have to play this game smart. Macro play is your friend.”
Stepoun James says “Heals over every single skirmish, while simultaneously dealing damage with her Ebb And Flow, but if she doesn't have a good ADC, she's free for taking.”
LFS_aXent says “Make sure you catch her out after she fails a bubble. You want to be constantly moving in this match-up because I consider Nami just as much of a threat as you are.”
Monkey D Sweetie says “Nami has a lot of poke and sustain early game, you will not be able to poke her out of lane but you can dodge her cc by positionning well and using your E.”
Hanjaro says “Nami can heal a lot of the damage you do to her, but she is also very squishy and you can burst her down if you catch her - just don't get caught in her bubble!”
Hanjaro says “Nami can heal your poke while damaging you and can catch you in a bubble, negating your engage. Run her oom with her high mana costs, and catch her out, she's squishy.”
Hanjaro says “She can heal up your damage, while poking you down. She's squishy, so try to all-in her when her abilities are on CD, or harass her enough to wittle down her mana - she has high costs on her heal.”
GoBucket says “Point and click W for heals and trading tool. Good CC as well. This lane is won by dodging bubbles and getting on top of her. Force all ins as much as possible, she is immobile and squishy. If she looks for a trade with her W, be prepared to E in and all in. Otherwise she'll just take free trades and walk away with more health.”
Beeee says “Generally Nami won't be a super hard match-up. Her heals can make it more difficult to burst someone with Lux's combo, though. She also has a lot of cc (ult, q, e slow) which is gonna suck if you get too close. Keep your distance and you should be fine”
marisbroodti says “Nami is classified as even as the fish lady will often empower the ADC and make trades unbearable due the slow and bubbles. If you lay your hands on her first, she blows up pretty fast, and transitions into more and more kills.”
Zer0XM says “Her late game healing output can be insane alongside the movement speed buff and the strong AOE with her ult. She can be a nightmare for any hook support, punish her weak early game and any early game pokes she goes for. Expect a lot of problems to come from her later though.”
Taiack says “Same as soraka. Though the auto attack buff to her lane partner can even out trades. Her movespeed buff can also be annoying. Full combo her with ignite once and she dies.”
MeatFeast says “Nami appears to be very tough but she is very easy to beat if you know how. Pre-6 you have to weather the storm and avoid taking poke. She is very good at turning good engages into losing ones with her W and E. Worse still if you get bubbled and ignited it can lead to a quick death. The easiest way to beat Nami is to bait her in and then flash Q on her. Her natural reaction will be to flash away and at this point you E to her and lock her down with Q and ignite. She's so squishy that you will kill her 9 times out of 10. This leaves your ult up to take down the ADC with your next combo. As soon as you get 6 Nami should lose every time.”
ONICH4N says “Similar to lulu has better poke, can heal and her ult can be used to engage or disengage. Very squishy early game so try and coordinate with your jgler to shut her down. ”
Leaguecitizen says “Nami will have a difficult time killing you, but her great sustain as well as a disengage ultimate, make this matchup relatively even, with Nami having a slight advantage.
Because of her sustain, she and her ADC can slowly dwindle down you and your ADC's health, and in the end, you'll have to recall and lose a lot of control botlane.”
supersuavebro says “Odd cp. Her bubble makes your life hell and her healing makes your poke null. Just poke either of them down as much as you can and avoid her bubble at all costs. Watch out for her post 6 all in and you should still win lane”
NirvanaBunny says “Nami is also squishy, but you should try to kill her before she reaches level 6. Once she has her ultimate she's got 2 different forms of disengage along with her decent amount of poke.”
aimez says “As a support, Nami can't do much, besides a little bit of poke with her W, and a knock up with her Q, and ult. Otherwise, it should be a fairly easy time into her.”
Ahpulzz says “While she boasts good sustain and poke, she has to go uncomfortably close to you in order to do so. She's one of the squishiest champions out there, so don't hesitate to play aggressive. Fish + Hook = Fish Fillet.”
Ahpulzz says “A lot of ways to harass you, plus a small AoE airborne stun if she lands it. Nami is another support that brings lots of poke to a lane and on top of that, her W can both heal her teammates while damaging yours. If you predict a W coming, move far away from both her and your partner to deny a chance for her W to bounce. She does lack an escape and is quite squishy, however, so a good pillar onto her could definitely get her chunked and eventually force a flash.”
Chromuro says “Heal and poke in the same skill, seriously? She's a big problem, it's like morgana on steroids where she loses the ability to shield someone for a really powerful heal skill. Her ult can work both as an engage and as a disengage, she has everything to protect her carry and poke you. I should say "stay away from your ADC", but that's idiotic over every limit imaginable; but you should surely sidestep her Q, that's true.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “She heals as much as she stuns. Also, the ult rallies allies behind her - so you have to be equally mobile and tanky to take her.”
Hunipop says “It goes even-dangerous with her. Your MS is good for dodging her bubbles, but she can outpoke you along with a heal right back to her if you manage to land a W.”
Vermeio says “The heals and the enhancements on attack, makes her all around for any situation. Still, a good burst with your adc, can make the job against her. Play defensively, and make cautious engages. Burst and run. She can make her own burst against you, if you get careless.”
GlacialWarlock says “Nami can be pretty annoying if her and her ADC play safe, which most of the time they do.
Her Aqua Prison (Q) and Tidal Wave (R) are really the only intimidating abilities of hers, thankfully”
Sona Aria says “You can't really outsustain her, but she can't kill you unless she hits bubble. Nami's real danger comes from her utility to her ADC, empowering their autos to slow and allow them to run you down. After 6, maintaining vision on Nami is important to avoid ambushes with wave into bubble. Nami wants to auto w and trade with the heal from the return bounce from w. Simply walk backwards when she w, and return damage as best you can. You outscale her hard.”
Haezard01 says “You win in the laning phase with a burst to her, but in mid-late game, her CC and heals will prevent you from doing your damage output, try to make picks and play for objectives and prevent extended teamfights with the Nami alive.”
ZAZO says “Her W can heal her ADC and damage your ADC and you at the same time. Extremely powerful against poking, has nice Q CC as well. Try to focus her, so she has to back often and lose lane.”
SetsumiV1 says “Can out damage your combo and heal back up in the same rotation, and if you get too close she will just CC you and you either lose the trade or just die”
Enrik says “Se a Nami inimiga souber jogar, ela vai encher o saco na lane, pokeando toda hora, e é complicado pokear uma Nami porque ela se cura muito. Tente ficar mais recuado e espere pelo gank.
Cuidado com as bolhas, e no posicionamento na hora de ultar, porque ela pode ultar em cima.”
Saethwyr says “About on the same level as lulu for tricky to peel, though unlike the other two you do have some ability to engage on her. even so, wait for bubble and go in right after it's used, if it lands or not.”
Better Call Phil says “Honestly, this can go both ways. Her sustain in lane is amazing, so you shouldn't go for skirmishes. All-in or nothing. Deals very decent damage early game. Rushing level 2 and going all-in then is good.”
LowBudgetSupport says “She can Q you up if you missposition and go too far from your adc while poking but you can outdamage her if you play it the clever way.”
SawyerNelson says “Nami has sustain to deal with Lux's E poke, but doesn't deal with getting hit by he Q well, as he sustain doesn't deal with lux's 3 damaging abilities.
Her advantage is her CC in her Q and ULT so respect those and she can't win.”
YungRichGrandmas says “It's pretty much impossible to trade with Nami as Janna. She outdamages and outsustains you in every possible way. Her ultimate can just knock you up in your ultimate channel and that would suck”
HKgamer13 says “Her CC can often cancel your W, which would leave you very open. She can even poke you even more if you try to activate your passive. ”
Hanjaro says “Nami provides a lot of sustain in lane with with harass. Try to avoid getting poked down before engaging vs this champ. If she uses her bubble she is very abusable while it is on cooldown, look to be aggressive if she wastes it and be cautious of her heal cooldown when trying to execute with your R.”
Kian987 says “She will zone and poke you till level 3 then she will regret it. You can oneshot her or make her wast all summoner spells with a single engage.”
Kaeze Poulsen says “She heals better than you and pokes on initiation, so, try poking HER out so she uses her W on herself and waste the CD and her mana.”
Fruxo says “Her stun and her ult can cause bad things. The stun last a really long time, so make sure to dodge it. Watch her pokes, and target her early game before she tanks.”
NirvanaBunny says “Nami can poke you to death if you're not careful. She can also disengage almost any fight. She also has a heal, unlike you, so her sustain is better. If she spams her abilities she'll be out of mana so try to take advantage of her when she's out.”
SawyerNelson says “Nami has good sustain and damage, if you spend your abilties badly or take to many trades level 1-3 you will lose the lane.
Look to proc their guardian, while keeping distance and not taking damage, then look to all in when nami is split from the ADC.”
FMLMOMENT says “Avoid bubble , Sustain is a little worse than hers , If she's with a scaling ADC laning phase shouldn't be that be that hard to deal with . Look for all in's counter engages more specifically at 6”
Keynx says “Holds Heal until you R and basically makes your Ultimate useless if played Right. Her Bubble Is easy to land when you're trying to land your Q.”
SawyerNelson says “A good nami beats thresh because she can play forwards early levels, then behind her ADC post 6, and any time you land anything she can send a wave. Try to single her or her ADC out, also roaming / control vision is an easy way to catch out any enchanter support.”
Ooze OG says “Nami is great at counter-engaging a Alistar all in, or poking a passive Alistar trying to help control the lane for his carry. Early on, try and maintain bush control and minimize the poke damage you take. Play safe, and play for peel.”
TheLuluMain says “She has a slight advantage early with her w, trade with her when its down and use e on yourself when trading. If you see her coming to w back away so the bounce doesn't heal her. Poke won't stick too well but her huge mana costs will give you the win if you keep up good trades.”
LilRalle says “it's hard to play against nami, because she can just keep healing her adc, and will slow down the poke, then it will be hard for karma to win the support fight.”
Jeroen R8 says “Nami is very easy to kill, this makes it dangerous for her to step up. At the same time, getting hit by her skillshots leaves you very vulnerable. Punish her by hooking her when she moves away from her minion wave.”
juztie says “Name is like Janna, able to counter your engage with her wave, but is abit lower on the threat level, because her Q (Bobble) takes a bit longer to hit (travel time) and with her W poke / sustain can make it hard for you to get a grib in the laning phase.”
Saecriru says “Fairly simple, just don't get caught. Nami's heal can target your clone so try not to send it out towards her as much as it can be used to heal her ADC and her since it bounces off targets.”
DGNNYOmega says “If you don't kill Nami or her ADC with your full burst, the damage you did will be gone in a few seconds. Nami can be very frustrating to lane against because of her W.”
I love Lun Lun says “Nami is strong as heaven! We certainly are in trouble,her Q and W are very dangerous because both deal damage but with a twist.Her Q has a knock up and her W gives her speed...she can use her W for both poking and healing and that's what makes her so dangerous.She is very fast and a strong healer so try to poke her with Q carefully.When she gets 6 don't confront her without having her on low HP.”
cilium says “Nami is annoying for you since she has a lot of sustain. Try not to get into direct fights with her or she will get a lot of value of her W. You want to just permapush her with E and only looking for Q and W if you are gonna all-in.”
SawyerNelson says “Nami's heal is a real bummer, that 1 ability basically negates all of Pyke's damage when engaging, bubble and her ult can be huge, but are also both easily avoidable. A nami will play aggressive in lane as well, most likely putting her in a position to be hooked”
devanj4 says “Nami can easliy out sustain bard especially early, however, once your mana levels out she won't be able to do much in terms of hard initiation from your ult/q.”
TSMSky says “Similar to Sona, her Ebb and Flow (W) can heal/poke two champions whereas Janna only shields/pokes one. She has significant mana problems early game. Winning the lane requires short, quick pokes as opposed to extended skirmishes where her W gets the most value.”
Zefirez says “Nami's quite broken vs some engage supports, but you're not it.
She has no slows, and her bubble needs prediction. Actions that root you for a while are perfect for her. Too bad for her that's not how Voli rolls!
With your q charge you can be unpredictable, changing pathing mid chase and still catch'em!”
SpicySkelleton says “Haven't versed enough Nami supports so I'm putting her in Even.
Her kit is basically designed to push back you and your team away from chasing down low health champs while trapping you long enough for someone else to pick you off. However, she is squishy and generally slow, as long as everyone avoids her Q, W and R and shes easy pickings.”
BreathlesSx says “Nami and Sona have similar kits, however Nami is a liittle bit stronger. She is a bit less mana reliant and her heals are slightly stronger than yours.”
Pykings says “Pyke vs. Nami
Early Game: Avoid her poke ([W] bounce heal/damage) and bubble ([Q]). Engage when her abilities are on cooldown.
Mid/Late Game: Focus on picking squishies with [Q] and [R]. Nami’s ult can disengage, so flank carefully.
Key Tip: Bait her bubble ([Q]) before committing to fights.”
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