Top Lane 49.42% Win Rate85% Pick RateDr. Mundo Top Lane Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Dr. Mundo in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
liucan says “One of the 2 u can go tank and just farm him (if really needed because the rest of his team destroys u). D shield and second win for Q poke, dodge Q with W, destroy passive with Q, and use E creative into a wall. Rush botrk with scepter first for lifesteal. Easy lane.”
Dom1nus says “Try to stand in front of the minion he is going to last hit with his cleaver for a while and look for small bursty trades, after a while his cleavers hurt because they do % damage. when he pops his ult u can burst him down with ur fury and ignite.”
a_k_z7 says “very easy
zone him from the 3 first minion of exp
and always sidestep his q which does a lot of damage
his passive helps you instead of helping him always look to e him take his passive and trade with him you just deal so much damage to him and even mid game you can still fight him with your q % health damage”
Puyo says “A Riven tem 2 CC, então é muito simples tirar a passiva dele. Gosto de ir de TP e buildar corta-cura, pra nunca ter cooldown no corta-cura, já que a cura dele não tem cooldown. Só ir pra cima, não tem segredo.”
Nithril says “Stand on the opposite side of the minions to block Q, he either uses E against you or the wave, save E for his engage (you can drop his passive by a Q E)”
BigBallsLarry says “Not hard, get executioners ASAP, take conq and try to beat him in lane. you can dance around him with Q's to deny him healing and avoid taking damage. if you know you cant dodge one you can parry it, but its better to parry his grasp auto>E to deny him damage. If you dont stomp him in lane he will be a pain to your entire team lategame. Post 6 its hard to kill him but definitely doable. Coup De Grace”
parker3n9 says “Mundo can cheese an early kill if you’re bad at dodging his cleavers, so positioning is key in the early game. That said, you have solid kill threat against him between Levels 4 and 11 if you play aggressively and manage your poke. Never take Aery in this matchup—it’s ineffective against him due to his innate tankiness and healing. Focus on consistent harassment with Grasp to keep him low and limit his ability to sustain.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Skaarlschloch says “Conq + TP
You win this matchup by setting up some sort of freeze and holding it forever, waiting for your jngler or outsustaining him there (while he can only cs with Q from range)
In this matchup you will need some sort of mana sustain. Your options are:
Tear on first recall (my fav later builds into Muramana 2nd or 3rd), Presence of Mind, Dring, Essence Reaver
I recommend taking 1-2 of these so you can hold freezes for long amounts of time while healing with passive and not getting pushed out of lane because of a lack of mana”
Lilac says “Mundo is inherently weak to Fiora as a health-stacking tank, but has a couple of factors that stop him from being a total pushover: Number one, despite chunking him down quickly with vitals, he has very high, low-condition healing that makes him deceptively tanky. In addition, he has deceptively high damage from his passive that converts bonus health into AD. He also has good move speed, making it harder to chase him and reach vitals. Nevertheless, as long as you don't play too carelessly, it's difficult for him to run you down and while your laning is somewhat even, you'll outscale him relatively quickly.
Recommended: Grasp of the Undying plus the standard Ravenous + Eclipse core. Ignite should be taken so that you have some kind of tool to all-in him when he's low.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Shield.
You can abuse early game. Play behind minions and punish him if he gets too close. After 6 he's hard to kill, because we have no way of removing his passive. Anti-heal on first back is a great call.”
Raideru says “This matchup, generally you win first 6 levels but be careful to not overtrade and get low cose if you waste your abilities and his passive is up he can easily kill u, it's all about poking him down slowly and proccing his passive before the wave starts to bounce back to u so u can go for a kill. After lvl 6+ this matchup becomes a bit hard if you're not being played for since he can actually outheal your dmg in the all in and win it so be in a position where it's difficult to all in u for him all the time. Rush Trinity in this lane and Shojin is also a must for later 1v1s cose u won't have enough dmg to burn through his hp fast enough in the all in. I advise Conqueror with Executioner rush.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
Don't get Q'd too much early game, but if you buy healing reduction you should beat him hard pre-11. If you use your Q to stun him then the stun will be blocked by his passive but the SLOW will still apply so it's quite good to do. Freeze the wave near your tower and look for all ins. If he gets ahead he really fucks you so be responsible with your lead. ”
Spartaniko says “You can go ignite, hide behind minions so you don't get Q poked, Q poke him. He is squishy early, post lvl6 try to stun him when he is low so you can combo and Q execute him before he ults. If you don't give up plates you won't get outscaled due to BotRK existence.”
4eadami says “He has big slow and he gets to farm for free if you proxy. Nightmare match-up. Roam to Mid and Bot and hope that your team can kill him. This isnt extreme only because he doesnt really have kill pressure on you until he gets 2 items. Peel your team on teamfights.”
Houcs says “In order to be able to drag him to tower always walk up to him and break his shield with your E. After that you are good to go for a good while.
Try to dodge his Q because that is usually what deals the most dmg.
Also getting bramble vest against him is very useful since he heals alot.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “É possivel matar no early game e obter uma vantagem, porém n perca ela pra ele de jeito nenhum, até pq ele te da um outscale depois.”
UrPersonalGod says “Mundo is one of the weakest top laners in laneing phase and you can also proq his passive very easy with your Qs so laneing phase is pretty free.
He heavily outscales you though so you should really try to build a lead early because if hes not really behind hes a way bigger threat than you on sidelane and can solo win games.”
Althalosofsirun says “take ignite beat his ass before warmogs spike once he gets warmogs you need to spread your lead to the team so they can kill him quick focus on finishing items anti heal isnt strong enough right now to matter into mundo”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind D shield as he just spams cleavers on you whole lane
You should almost never lose this unless you're a lobotomite. Mundo is an immobile tank which aatrox loves. He just tanks all your q's and cant do much about it. You can just keep spamming q off cd onto him and he'll just sit there and take it. Always of course match ult for ult with him. ”
LilPicky says “(take 1 rune page) Agressive trading after he misses Q, when you E him run towards his passive that was dropped (he gets less healing and you can CC him the next trade) ”
Belle19 says “rush executioners, dodge cleavers or stand behind wave. He can poke you out fairly quickly if you arent paying attention but his poke is very easily deniable. ”
Skaarlschloch says “In the 1v1 you should never be able to kill a mundo with a brain, you can proxy quite freely or freeze setting up a kill with your jngl but thats it. Winning vs Mundo is a game of getting your team fast&far enough ahead so that you can end the game before mundo reaches lv16 (thats when he becomes Thanos)
You are a very high tempo midgame accelerating champ so you will be able to snowball most games before he can scale”
Niemi says “First of all remember to dodge his cleavers, they hurt so much!
Mundo is a menace with ultimate, but once you get rid of that it's really easy to just peel him.”
Frankoloko says “Ulting him in team fights may not be the best choice since you rarely kill him 100-to-0. Destroy him early as he is one of the weakest early champs. Deny him from the first 3 minions to get a lv lead. It's not that you die a lot to Mundo, but Mundo's kit is really hard to out-macro and he scales really good. Stand behind your minions to block his Q damage.
I tried going Doran's Shield, Second Wind, Rylai's. It was meh ish. Maybe try Liandries etc next. I think going full damage might be better.
FlanWasTaken says “Mundo has more sustain than Leona, plus a shield to the first CC.
Not the worse tho, you can get your team to help you with him or just farm.”
Body Those Fools says “Do your best to dodge his Qs. Be mindful of your minions' health bars; his E will push them into you and you will take damage. As long as you dodge his Qs, this lane isn't much of a hassle. If they have a lot of healing on their team, consider buying an early Oblivion Orb to mitigate his Ult healing. His passive makes your Ult useless, so if he ever gets on you, you either have to Flash or E away. He's pretty much unkillable until you get an item or two, so just focus on farming.”
Zagreus16 says “pretty ez matchup early, start w because his passive will make sure that if you start e that you will be lookin goofy. after he gets lvl 6 make sure you have antiheal with exe calling. he will outscale you late game but if you ult him in teamfights into his team its some great dmg. Keep in mind you can ult him while his spellshield passive is up and it will still count the dmg.”
CrimsonL7 says “Maul him perma. Can be scary at like level 11 if he gets antiheal but even then you win 1v1. Only scary cause he can stall for a gank in sidelane. ”
AGGaming says “Dodge or Ban if you can Especially with Warmog's now, he's unkillable, and he deals massive damage onto you with cleavers. Take the Grasp sheet into this matchup, and stand behind minions to not eat cleavers.”
step1v9 says “Avoid getting hit by his Q. When he activates his AOE mitigation keep trading then E away last second. Pay attention to when your minions get low and get ready to dodge them as his E will hurl them at you. During his ulti you can just back off. Just farm, outscale, and play for platings + prio in skirmishes.”
Raideru says “Neither of you can kill the other, his passive makes it so you can never run him down because you can't use e and he will just try to farm with q, try to poke him with q and farm up till you have Stride then you can just simply run him down after wasting his passive with e, if you're not ahead until his 4th item u hard lose 1v1”
Azzin says “You can abuse him early, go phase rush if you want stable setup or elec for more early snowball and then carry your lead to the rest of the map”
Haxorr says “Dr. Mundo is a pretty easy matchup for Jax, but is similar to other tanks in that you need to get a lead early or else you will lose as the game goes on.
Take Grasp in this lane. You're much stronger than mundo early game, so wait until he uses a q and then jump on his head and beat him up. Build Trinity.”
DuckQc says “He is a late game champion, so he shouldn't be a problem early. Stand behind minions so he can't poke you. Fight with him a lot, and run him down once 6.”
Skaarlschloch says “He needs to farm with Q from range and drop cs, otherwise you just kill him. In Midgame you are often more useful. Only in late he will outscale you and if your team doesnt have dmg he might run over your team”
Beeware says “His passive allows him to ignore your E entirely. Tanky and can poke you with Q and E. Keep distance and avoid his pokes - he's slow, but can catch you with his R move speed bonus, as well as tank your R by reacting. Focus on farm.”
TeiWasTaken says “Very easy matchup, I would consider Kled a Mundo hard counter. You kill him at any point in the game, but he can scale out of control and dominate teamfights, so try to end the game as fast as you can!”
Coslan says “Despite me putting tank's into the minor category, they are some of Vi's most annoying matchups. I really like my Conqueror page into them as they generally don't have huge personal sustain by themselves.
Mundo is the exception, I like to think this is a good dodge pick if you are not experienced with the matchup. You will realistically never win a fight after level 6. Make sure you dodge his Q, and use your Q if you do get hit by it. As long as you do not let Mundo get fed, he is a very manageable matchup. ”
SVKGuardian says “..................................................................................
- Stat champion
- He has high HP, high HP regen and damage scaling with HP
- His Passive makes him avoid next cc, try to collect it if possible by stepping on it. If he collects it, it lowers the cooldown of his Passive and gives him some HP back
- his Q deals damage scaling with your current HP, and slows you, it has pretty low cooldown
- He runs Ghost often, so you have to watch out, he is able to ULT+Ghost to gain so much movement speed and close distance that way
- But he is not much of a deal, his main gameplay is trying to outmatch you with his stats and just beat you down
________________~Build Specific~________________
- his Q is the most reliable way to kill you, try to dodge them
- He cannot close range without hitting Q on you
DDemonJesters says “you can't kill him at level 6 try to be aggressive post level 6 and hope you get a lead. late game you demolish him 1v1 but with team goodluck.”
I recommend taking second wind with demolish and just eating his plates.
Stand behind minions to dodge his Q's.
Take off his passive with your E whenever you can.”
SVKGuardian says “He has so much sustain, it will be hard to kill him. Stay away from his Q and he will not be able to reach you. If he plays ghost, just be careful if he freezes the lane, he could just ghost+ult and run you down the lane.”
forlid says “BORK trivializes this matchup. Mundo is a pretty weak champion once you gain some lifesteal, but as a countermeasure he will most likely take Bramble Vest early. After level 6 you can't really kill him unless he misuses his R or you can bait it out. Try to get anti-heal pretty soon as late game his healing is too much to deal without some counterplay.”
SVKGuardian says “Mundo Goes This Way.
he is a stat champ. If he is going to beat you, he is beating you with brute force. Kraken Slayer isn't so bad here.
Be really carefull, his sustain is really good, your e only work against his E and his AA, but it doesn't stun him every time, because of his passive.
Remember that his Qs can hit minions.
Maybe consider playing ignite, if your E ends doesn't stun him and he ults, you are going to have terrible time if you are even and you don't have ignite.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3,4 are good, take ignite and D shield.
*Skill matchup*
You have to dominate him early. your best chance wining him is buying
EXECUTIONER'S CALLING first and backing it up with BotRK, Hide behind your wave and don't let him Infected Bonesaw(Q) you. After his first 2 items dont try to kill him anymore and just try to end the game before level 16 as fast as u can.”
conqiyana says “easy matchup because the champion sucks.
his spellshield is annoying, take river and q him before ulting him so he doesnt shield it.
u can win level 1 against him if he has no ignite”
MaesePerez says “Mundo is a weird matchup, he can run you down late game, and is a pain with his q early, but as long as you dodge his q you can kill him early, from levels 1/5 especially he is very vulnerable, and your e shreds him. If you don't kill him early and your team doesn't have someone good into tanks like a Kog'maw or a Vayne the game becomes very hard. With some jungle help on your end though, you can dive him pre 6 and set him very far behind. Buy antiheal.”
AilZar says “Matches your scale, can't kill in lane, granted, Pray to god he doesnt run at you and make youre life miserable in late. Flank to the best of your ability and avoid him. Can't kill you in lane either hes just annoying as hell.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “His passive makes him immune to your stun, and also he likes to stack magic resist later one, thankfully not many people play him jungle in current meta.”
Bard_Enjoyer says “Try not to get poked by his q and you will be good. He is harder than other tanks, and it's all thanks to his passive. Try to q-stun and then stomp his heart(that's dramatic), his passive has a massive recharge.”
Angryappleseed says “You can dominate him early. Hide behind your wave and don't let him Q you for free. After Lv6, he will start dominating. Get early executioners. Consider building Mortal Reminder later.”
hamgi says “dodge his q's but avoid standing behind minions as he can just e. u can consistently get rid of his passive with q3, and go for short trades while its on cd (60-15s @ lvl 1-18, 45-0s @ lvl 1-18 when canister is caught). always step on his canister (lasts 7s) if it does not put u in danger. avoid fighting him in his r unless u have grevious/ignite”
ytDARIBOY says “Laning is easy and boring because you only farm you can try to E him so he lose his passiv and then try something buy antiheal asap
The problem with mundo is on late game because he is super tanky and you cannot beat him”
forlid says “This matchup is ridiculously easy. Your Q is CC, and therefore cancels Mundo's passive. He also has a lot of HP by nature, so you always win extended fights, since you heal so much. Mundo becomes much more dangerous in late game when he has resistances as well as Thornmail, so don't underestimate him. ”
Aopiah says “Just dodge his poke and care about his ultimate, but even with it the lane is very much survivable as he has no close-up to reach you if you dodge his Q”
Piccettin0 says “Is shield is very garbage early beacuse u can use yor E 100 times, difficult to chase for his Q but if u are ganked early is a easy lane”
zwartebliksem says “Mundo has low mobility, so it's easy to land combo's. Dodge his Q poke and all in when possible. He will most likely outscale you, so it's important you bully him for as long as possible.”
AWierdShoe says “Our easiest matchup. Dr. Mundo lacks the tools to be able to take us head-on. Avoid getting hit by his Q projectiles early on. A single Q sweetspot will pop his passive, allowing us to follow up with even more Qs due to his low mobility. Dr. Mundo also lacks the damage to fight back when we initiate a trade as we outsustain his damage. Care for his level 6 as his ult gives him a lot of healing, but if you trade hard enough he'll be forced to use it to save himself from death. You statcheck him at level 6. Executioners is optional, and Black Cleaver is good.”
Haearnbleidd says “He is a late game champion, so he shouldn't be a problem early. Stand behind minions so he can't poke you.
Fight with him a lot, and run him down once 6.
Build: Shojin/Rav > Hexplate.”
PPlongcook says “You need to trade a lot with him before 6 and try not to get pushed in or he will chuck cleavers at you until you are half health.
Like every other tank matchup, you need to kill him early or he will just be more useful than you.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
Idek who plays this champion anymore.
Pretty simple, dodge Qs, Don't funnel damage into his W, His trades are actually not bad. So be careful with extended trades. ”
Akuzai says “Easiest matchup in the game, even with the new items he poses next to 0 threat and can be killed no matter how much poke you take. Hard shove a wave into a bounce back freeze and watch him cry.”
Joy17 says “Dr. Mundo e Udyr, com sua capacidade de sustentação, podem ser uma ameaça média para Warwick, especialmente se a partida se estender. Warwick, com sua habilidade de controle de grupo, pode lidar com eles, mas a dinâmica pode variar.”
Shazir says “Take Lethal Tempo and try to kill in early levels. Because when he hits 6 its very hard to kill him. But you can kill him easy in early game.”
hoflol says “Pretty passive matchup. Neither of you can really kill each other if played properly. Mundo passive can be really annoying for blocking your first fling, but your anti-heal on R works well against his ultimate.”
Lukajs says “Mundo doesn't really have a response to your poke damage, hence he can't do anything in this lane. You can bully him out of lane pretty much all the time, resulting in a big snowball for you.
Play around poking him down and forcing backs and teleport. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Another Max HP tank, and quite possibly your easiest matchup. Heal cut can help, but you should almost always beat Mundo 1v1 without contest and regardless of build.”
exoticT says “Not going to get much out of this lane, very boring, try to not get poked down too hard by Q, shove and look for possible aggressive plays around the map”
ThelpixG says “Pretty much a free lane.
Just take a scaling setup with cull and farm, you'll outscale him anyway and you'll become a big threat in teamfights.”
xXazzer says “Mundo is annoying because he can just farm with his Q and coinflip the game. But other than that just play standard. Dodge his Qs and hit yours. You will throughout lane beat him. You can get execs too if you need it.”
NegativePhoenix says “It's really not hard to keep his passive down since you can just press Q once and remove it
Get bramble for his healing, stand behind minions to avoid his Q poke because that will ALWAYS hurt after a while, and make sure you take his passive down before going for short trades so he can't retaliate as hard against you. There's no point in taking trades once he has Warmogs. ”
X_TRM says “(Start E) You counter his spell shield with you E and Ult. Use your Ult to gap close even if he has his passive shield up which will guarantee your E + W damage. After a few items he will outscale you insanely hard even with anti-heal. Try to get an early Botrk if you really want to kill him. Even if he's ahead it's still good for you because you can Ult him into the enemy team for the "nitrogen 3k damage bomb" Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “It's basically Tahm Kench all over again just that this bad boy can run at you.
Same principle, run around your minions and spam Q.
Demonic for easy lane.”
LegacyOneTap says “stupid mundo dies where ever he goes. use your minions to block his qs while going in for small trades with aa w aa, you eve win with just jumping on him and staying on him killing him everytime. its really easy just build divine and bork with bc and you're mainly set to go.”
Wizboy73 says “[Grasp] His passive is a bit annoying since you cant E him but you do deal extra dmg for hitting an E so thats pretty good!, he does outheal you full build but his R doesnt last forever like yours ;)”
JPGamer10BR says “Uma lane até que tranquilo, ele ficará de longe tacando cutelos em você, apenas desvie e quando for uma catapa você se coloque na frente, assim ele perderá o gold, tome cuidado com ganks, recomendo dilacerar na runa.
Runas> Grasp, PTA, F.F ou Aery.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Pretty easy matchup. Avoid his Qs by standing behind minions or sidestepping. Your Q hurts him a lot if he tries to trade in melee. After landing a few he will be regretting stepping forward for minions.”
Denied20 says “Like yorick, he is pathetic.
Try to outplay him and do not keep the wave neutral as he can cs from range with his Q.
Force his wave to push into you which makes your minions die faster than his Q comes back on cooldown.
Real reason Mundo remains a threat is that he scales really good and extremely good as a tank. For longer games you really need to begin itemizing for him (BoTRK, Mortal Reminder), especially if you are responsible for matching his side. Fortunately for you, Mundo prefers to teamfight.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer for damage but phase rush also works for the jungle ganks.
This matchup is hard because if he gets early frost gauntlet. You are stuck on him since you can't knock him away. Try to farm and don't get hit by his Q's. ”
joke7813 says “Q+E on him one time for triggering his passive. Then full combo him everytime you can.
Hes a immobile tank but is damn squishy early. Thats why I go here most of the time Eclipse and snowball him out of game.
He just scale better which is the reason for "minor threat" and not tiny.”
BurritoTopKing says “Dodge his Q's and you should be ok, you can use your E to pop his passive to either chunk him a bit or prep for ganks, antiheal is useful and allows you to have more kill potential.”
Tronnes says “Pretty easy matchup. Grab his passive when you knock it off him. Don't get poked to hard. Zone him in a way where he's forced to use q to farm. Most of the people who play this champ are literal ogres so you got this. Don't forget to buy anti heal. ”
xskyswitch says “Mundo is quite an annoying matchup since he has innate health regen with his R. Recommend BORK first item against him since Mundo usually goes heartsteel. Use your own judgement on the gamestate where to go from there with your items.”
Brb3535 says “dr mundo counters urgot BUT he is not a threat anymore, if u play agressive and go all in that heal is not a threat he can be killed u e make him vulnerable to cc and u can e r execute or just r and execute if u e-ed him earlier. is not a chase with the axe like olaf, u can win him easy 1v1 try him and u ll see ”
RivenCarriedYou says “Long sword 3 pots: another cringe matchup where you get super outscaled. And it will be very very boring, try to Cheese level 1 from a bush. Chip at him with short sharp trades and try to deny him farm by E'ing in the way of his cleavers when he goes to last hit. Look at buying early healing reduction. Does outscale you, in mid game or late you will need black cleaver to stand a chance. and eventually he will just outscale you.”
BaotoGame says “Easiest matchup for Yorick because he very immobile and very useless if get stuck in your W without flash.Take ignite,buy grevious wounds.(optional)”
Faz18835 says “His passive gives him cc immunity, play behind minions and try to poke and kite him until he recalls. Never melee a mundo if he has ultimate.”
quecck says “Maybe i'm just dumb, but I've won lane against this guy and then suddenly he gets a huge lead on me and we lose. Man can Q you to death. Ask for help early. Bully him when you can, hide behind minions so he can't Q you. Fight in your minions. And don't forget bramble, this guy has massive heals.”
Chaddouk says “This match up in lane is a lot about his Q, you need to use it at your advantage : dodge Q's and he loses hp (and confidence), tank Q's to deny him cs (you sustain with your own Q anyway, and use your own wave to prevent you from getting hit depending of the situations. Try not to align with an ally dying cs so you don't get hit by E (9 sec cooldown). You can win long trades pre 6 if you dodge enough Q's. After 6, you can't 100-0 him since he has too much hp with his R, it's all about taking mid-long trades until you can all-in. Once you get kraken if you're even/ahead you can 100-0 if you catch him far from an enemy turret, but it's gonna be a long fight. If you can't do much on side you can use your superior mobility to outrotate him.”
Saitamaro says “Dorans Blade Start \\ Just stay behind minions to not get hit by his Q \\ Farm, dont overforce anything \\ Poke him with W and Q3 \\ Try to set up a dive to kill him”
daitolol says “- Stand behind minions to avoid his Q, but you have to be careful if they are low as he will e them
- Matchup itself is mostly uninteractive as he will mostly farm with his q you should be looking to kill him level 3-4 as you have higher damage and just try to deny him cs by perma freezing as he will be missing some cds due to his q being 5 second cd
- Mid-game you are mostly looking for to collapse on him with your team as he will most likely rush anathema for you or hearsteel and will be perma split pushing
- Look to be extending your team lead as you will get outscaled by him
_WhiteSnow_ says “burn passive with an unburrow (it won't put the knockup immunity on him), then back up and look for a regular knockup trade afterwards until you get him low enough to kill. If he still has r, let him burn it first before you commit to the kill unless you're absolutely sure you can kill him through it.”
At_Tar_Ras says “W him, step on his cannister. it flies toward you. if you don't properly beat him by bramble/tabis then you're just gonna have to rely on blitz'ing his squishies as you'll both be standing in lane doing nothing aside from ping-ponging the lane back and forth. (read guide for cheater recall/slow push/lane priority/wave management how-tos and all). this dude OMEGA outscales you. he is a disgusting champion.”
vexxed04 says “{Conq ignite flash} Play around the minion wave so the minions tank his Q if he walks up to the wave you can Q and E back into the wave for poke. You can kill him lvl 3 if he is acting dumb but dont take it as a guarantee. Garen with conq into tanks shreds them like butter so try to take him by surprise. When he ults while you are all inning make sure to ignite him to reduce his gained hp and finish him off.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Cull]
[Build: PTA Riftmaker/Rageblade]
If you take Cull, Take Cut Down so you can proc it earlier. Cull helps you to keep up in items and get your item spikes faster. Early Oblivion Orb can help. Don't get poked out by his Q or you'll have a bad time. Try to bully him early. Once he is lvl 6, save your Ignite for his Ult so he doesn't heal himself full again.”
Pretzel Shiv says “you win, but when he gets heartsteel and stacks. it becomes a team based fight, you need to kill back line while your team helps. or fight mundo head on withem”
TheBougis says “Mundo is tough because of his very high health, AD and healing. Do not try to out-sustain him in the zone unless you're 100% sure you will win, as you rely on your Q's to heal and he just presses R. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Pretty Easy matchup just try to get rid of his spell shield with your E, especially before using your R on him. Buy antiheal as soon as possible as he starts to do lots of healing as the game progresses. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very tanky but not too much of a threat. Fire Wizard is especially good into this champ as it does a lot of percentage maximum health burn.”
Antecc says “Only match up where BotRK is recommended at all. Dodge cleavers and run ignite if you need it, however you most likely dont. This champ is dogshit, you'd have to try to lose this one.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “ALWAYS IGNITE. Avoid being hit with his Q, sit on a barrel so he cant do shit to you. Respect his ult and dont try to all in without ignite after 6 unless you are fed. It will be very hard to kill him as his ult cd isnt very low so he can use it just for sustain. Lategame you melt him with passive resets.”
ABL Pantheon says “You beat Dr. Mundo early very hard, this is the time you have a lot of opportunities to kill him. Dodge his Q's during lane and you are set. Stay behind minions to avoid getting hit by his Q. A bit difficult to kill post 6. You eventually get outscaled and you can't do anything about it, play with your team.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: Phaserush, flash/ghost, start darkseal+pot.
You can't lane, always try to proxy, rush boots of swiftness, if you see your jungler getting ready for top gank use ur flip to break his passive before jungler arrives”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : ruby crystal->CORE
his passive blocks our ult , so have that in mind
dodge as many q's as possible
mundo is completly useless he is the only tank with no cc so we outscale him in team fights.”
lordimboutabust says “One of easiest matchups after Mundo rework. Stand behind minions to dodge Q's try and get his passive off whenever it comes up as its free damage and you can basically all in him when the wave is in a good state if he ever dares to walk up | conditioning - MR minor runes | Dblade - executioners - divine”
Bernardian says “So the way to beating mundo is actually just out-stating him and rushing executioners. Playing behind your minions is a surefire way of stopping him from poking you with his q, his healing early is not bad but getting exe makes so it feels like he has no healing at all. divine is fucking amazing because he will NEVER contest you in a side lane as you will always beat him.”
ardeluu says “He will farm with only his Q if he isn't Mundo IRL so look to freeze or Slowpush and roam/invade since ur way stronger in skirmishes. Since ur Q knock-up procs his passive u can easily land a combo with even W first since only the pull counts as CC. Buy anti healing early if they have healers or later when he starts to scale.
Waqql says “It's difficult to kill him since his Q slow makes it hard to catch up or to get away from him. Stay behind minions, but be mindful of his E. Only trade if you can intercept his Q with a minion or if his abilities are on cooldown. Keep in mind that Mundo's Q has a low cooldown.”
TheGBabaYaga says “The problem on this one is passive. Use E to cancel it take the droped orb and he cant protect himself so good. Stack you passive and start trading with him, if it goes good he is dead, if not just step back and wait the next try, He is weaker early levels cause he cant heal or damage you good. On 6 you just have to stand longer in there, you can drop his hp even after he goes full from R, if you cant then.. only defense under turret will save you”
FaNTOP says “Просто фармите и наказывайте его, когда он подходит за миньонами. Вы сильнее с 1-го по 5-й уровень, после чего убить его становится сложнее.”
0xeaD5D18 says “Lethal Tempo or Conqueror. Use any starter item. Flash + Barrier. Make sure you break his passive with your E so you can use R on him. Buy anti-heal early in the game.”
demirkaiser says “Do not, I mean DO NOT ult him when he has passive. Always try to break his passive with your E. Always take ignite this matchup. Rush bramble.”
TTVXiralid says “Go tank build and try to get as many grasp procs as u can and max E and eventually u will be able to kill him but hide behind ur minions so he cant Q you.”
kayle1v9 says “Lethal Tempo, Early healing reduction or ignite. Stay behind minions to avoid Q. You outscale at 3 items. BotrK kinda must item. If he gets a head he will just run you over”
UmbreonQueen says “Mundo can be manageable at the early stages but once he gets going with the HP stacking you can't fight him 1v1. Go with anti tank items and just try to survive. Coordinate with your team to bring him down if he's badly positioned”
Tomuuko says “Very good matchup, try to be agressive since beginning so he will be forced to start with his Q, at lvl 1 you can take the first 3 minions and then if possible asap AA-Q-AA him, that will burst him also procs Phase Rush so you can just run away, since he has Q he cant poke you because you will be behind the minions and you will let your passive to heal you so much. When you are healthy you can do it again. Very good thing is, that you can just simply deny cs or even cannons just standing in the direction he would Q them from range, if he will go for the cannons into melee range, you can burst him so much-> its almost every time win-win situation. Run Ignite cuz his BIG healing from ult. If he is fed build Stride into Mortal Reminder for (Mortal Reminder for Anti-heal, 30% armor penetration and ofc Crit and some AD. Very good item overall).
Also when is Mundo fed that much you cant even lane, the proxy is so good, since its almost impossible for him to stop you-> you can clear the wave before him, if he will few steps folow you, you can proc Phase Rush by doing: AA-E-Stride/and his coming slow from his Q you will cut by your Q and you can continue doing proxy.”
Twogrand says “This match up IS REALLY HARD because Jayce relies on his knock back to disengage, but Mundo can extend trades with his passive and cleavers to catch up to you. It's really hard to run ESPECIALLY when he turns 6, pops ghost, and runs you down if you overextend! Try your best to play aggressive early with CONQ AND IGNITE for early kills before he statchecks, ECLIPSE buildpath”
Herb0tron says “He does % health damage, if you are playing into Mundo, do not build Heartsteel or too many health items, go Jak'sho into this. Don't waste R or Q on him, try to get rid of passive with W so you engage and get rid of passive at the same time.”
Althalosofsirun says “Try to get his passive off level one and sit behind the minons lvl Q 2nd and take ignite if you get his passive off lvl 1 its a free kill make sure to avoid fighting him in his R he can kill you”
Spaget says “Similar to cho'gath, don't get cocky you can kill him pre 6, post 6 is a bit diffcult if you dont have a lead. Consider Blade of the Ruined king.”
KaiOverHere says “You get a free laning phase, build Stridebreaker + LDR + Chempunk + Navori + PD and then he can't really play.
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
BezMemow says “His passive is extremely annoying, rush Liandry's and anti heal. Just farm and scale, you can only kill if he ints.
You have pretty short windows of being able to ult him when you proc his passive with your E.
Smauggy says “immobile tank, ok his passif negate our ult, and if he is good he can slows us with q, but for the rest its ok, poke him when he try to cs”
Loweloexpert says “Not much to say. Pretty boring matchup, you cant really kill him lvl 3 cause of passive so you have to wait 6 unlucky but at 6 you destroy him, he is immobile so you can just trade poke and sustain with W until lvl 6. If you get a lead its over since rylais kills him. E ti destroy shield then ult Q auto aut auto Q ign auto E Q ecc.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Stupid Mundo CC Shield and outright tankiness. This makes it annoyingly difficult to strike a fatal blow into the enemies ranks. Luckily, your ult ain't cc so it completely cancels out any chance of him blocking it. and if he ults, keep the damage up and blast em that way”
sinatra1633 says “Stand behind minions to not get Q on early game.
You outscale and should be able to beat him just by all ins.
Building one antiheal item basically makes him less of a champion.”
HSY12 says “Build BORK
Dodge his Q, stay behind minions, but be aware he can throw minions if he kills them with his E.
If you can't burst him down right after his R pops (e.g. with your E execute), then you have to back off and respect his healing”
ARealFakeIdentity says “His Q deals a lot of damage and has a large hitbox, as long as you can dodge them you should be safe throughout the whole laning phase, but you may not be able to deal a lot of damage to him.”
Boptimus says “Dr. Mundo is very similar to Tahm Kench in that he's just a very hard wall to get through. You should be using your minion wave to avoid Q and E to avoid his E. With some grevious wounds you should be able to take an all in with R.
Play smart, this is mostly a farming lane.”
W4llaceK says “Start ring or shield and take ghost or ignite and rush anti-heal. Mundo is one of the few tanks that can be hard to play into. Learn his cleaver habits and try to buy early boots. Getting poked down is bad news. With both of you at the same HP, he wins the all in. Quick trade him with 4 stack Q E combo and then walk away, at 6 if you have an HP lead and an anti heal item, ghost or ignite, and go all in you should win. Remember that late game especially with heartsteel titanic, unless you rolled over him in lane, you're likely going to need someone else to help you with him.”
SesaPrime says “The real problem against Mundo is his tank stats, CC immunity, & unfair healing. You'll likely figure out that its no where easy to kill him, but it is easy to kite him. ”
zap and you die says “You are tank and he is healing tank with current HP dmg and nice stats to statcheck, please just go BOTRK first or another build and runes all together (since conq fighter Sett counters Mundo, so I don't mind if you fall into temptation).
stand behind minions, after his lv 5, his Q becomes very painful”
primate nefasto says “Mundo is op now. Teorically wukong should win but it´s not the case. With help you can get ahead. If everything goes right, in late game you can win 1vs1, but if you fall behind he can starts diving you nonstop mid and late game. You can take ignite.”
Mnem says “Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Second Wind. Farm, just farm and stay behind your minions to avoid getting hit by Dr Mundo's Q. Just farm because we couldn't engage him. Build Divine Surrender.”
Reines Kokosfett says “Poke him down with Q, but stay in your Minion Wave to dodge his Q. Your burst and anti heal allows you to kill him at 1/3 hp, even if he has ult. ”
DJCraz says “A winnable but annoying matchup. He's going to spam q and just chunk you over and over again. Try to get rid of his spell shield with a quick e and back off until you have it again. You can win in lane but even when not fed he's annoying with heartsteel. If his spellshield is off in a teamfight ult him into his team for massive damage.”
rhvse says “He is hard matchup, it's because he is too tanky and have his regeneration... Rush Black Cleaver/Serylda's Grudge. Try to kill him with your team, upgrade first W. Your E is not working on him bcs that shield.”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Dodge his Q's, you can just stand behind a minions for that.
Q poke him with Grasp to get good trades and Q+W when he Q's you for a potential all in.
Go Ignite or antiheal early to counter his R.”
Zeffie says “While the stast show this is a horrible matchup i've found laning into Mundo depends on how you play, if he pokes you down lots with Q and gets first kill/blood on you it can be dreadful. Winning lane isn't the hardest thing to do just watch for his Q's, remove his passive with your Q and apply E quick then if possible break the passive drop so he can't heal and then go for an R ignite and hopefully finish him off. Always respect the fact he can turn it around easily.”
Tonho says “You reduce his healing with your Q while consuming his passive. Bring ignite and lethal tempo. BORK is really good here. You won't dive him tho. His Q poke is dangerous, avoid it.”
killer2325 says “In 12.23 he strong asf. Be careful about his Q's. Try to farm and poke him with E Q. Try to not get kited by him cause if you loose too much hp you're risk to die. At lvl 6 you can try to burst him.”
Goose727 says “An extreme threat, especially Corporate Mundo. In the case that you see a Corporate Mundo, he'll scam you out of all of your crops and your farm ol' really be set back some. Make sure you don't sign any contracts.”
PraefectusMace says “Mundo isn't exactly THAT dangerous. You will be eating large chunks of his hp with each trade, as long as you make sure to dodge his attacks. But it is unlikely you will kill him unless he plays really badly or you get some ganks. He has way too much HP and his passive will waste your E. And BE SURE to waste your E on that passive before you even think about ulting or it will be wasted.”
dzsama says “Dr.Mundo is quite threatening to Jax I feel since he can avoid Jax's stun with his passive and just chip you down with his Q's and E in lane. Most of them will also rush Anathema's Chains on you, making it harder for you to kill him. You can destroy his canisters that his passive tosses out when he ignores CC, this will deny him the healing and also it won't lower his passives cooldown.”
Akalimetall says “If your botlane doesn't have any tank shredding items, this Mundo will kill your game. Bard loses lane and he can dodge your R with his passive, making it possible for him to run you down at any level.”
lorensj81 says “Patch 13.1 updated - Dr. Mundo got a nerf. I don't think this will change matchup to much! >>> This lane is quite easy. Make sure to dodge his Qs since they hurt quite alot. Also be aware of him poking you with low minions using his E, this will knock them back and deal damage. They will mostly play very safe so this is kindof a farmfest without any kills. You do have kill pressure with ignite and R on him.”
Pep_Shin says “Does this thing even exists ?
Dr.Mundo can hit hard, but you hit harder than him. The only annoying thing is his R movespeed bonus but it's never enough to escape you.”
GannicusTTV says “Use minions to block his cleave and dodge his E. You should pressure and fight him as you out damage him. Step on his cannister to deny healing and passive cooldown whenever you taunt through him. His lvl 6 gives him a lot of regen, so only fight it if you know you can kill him and has ignite to deny healing, otherwise just run and wait it out.”
Armorjacker says “I say even for the meatball but nothing should really happen in lane. Rush bork(Blade of the ruined king) first and complete items as normal. After mythic+warmogs it becomes a boring lane since you out regen his q's when your low so he cant all in you unless you walk too far from tower. His q's slow so try to stay behind minions and just play it safe so neither of you are getting kills but are just csing. With bork you are able to kill him but his negate cc and r really make it hard for you to trap him into fighting you unless the Mundo loves going melee for long periods of time.”
Hedwin says “Skill matchup, avoid his Q, it's the only threat.
You have many ways to trigger his passive, ask for ganks as he's quite immobile without passive”
Demacia Statue says “He goes where he pleases. His W does magic damage, sure, but don't underestimate his physical damage and ability to out-tank you in duels.”
Irelius says “Попадаем ешкой, получаем метку, а вдобавок мужик ещё и процентовый тру урон получает. Кекв.
Плюс, у Мудно много магического урона, а Ирка тарик смерть разума вторым. Но, опять же, он аутскейлит, если вы не сноуболите линию. ”
Puyi says “Don't underestimate his damage. Dodge his cleavers with E and you should win lane with your % max health damage. You can take ignite into this matchup, as bramble vest isn't great against magic damage and Executioner's calling doesn't build into any good items for you.”
ananesever69 says “Funny enough unless he can land god Qs on you, he really shouldn't have much of a chance to beat you. Your abilities can remove his passive pretty easily so if done right his passive CC ignoring should be down almost all lane phase. Just take ignite and don't ult him if his passives up or you'll look pretty dumb while he's sitting there unmoved.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade
Ignite+Teleport or Ghost+Ignite.
Easy matchup. Avoid his Q and push, Mundo is only a problem at level 6, once he activates R, you won't kill him. Gwen has a lot of true damage, so regardless of his resists, he will take a lot of damage. ”
NegativePhoenix says “Funny enough unless he can land god Qs on you, he really shouldn't have much of a chance to beat you. Your abilities can remove his passive pretty easily so if done right his passive CC ignoring should be down almost all lane phase. Just take ignite and don't ult him if his passives up or you'll look pretty dumb while he's sitting there unmoved.”
Night Guy says “He is just annoying to deal with in the early now if he gets ahead it will be difficult for you to come back in the game. But if you win him early it's over for him.
JustSad42 says “Run Flash ignite or ignite TP.
Mundo will slowly win the sustain war versus you, so the most important thing you need is to not get hit by any Qs even if you have to give minions for it.
Hitting E is decently important to proc his passive so he loses a burst of HP. You should E-Q then walk behind him to collect his passive before he can. If you all-in when you're 100% hp with passive, you always win.”
TheHellKing says “Annoying passive means you won't be able to ult but other than that its free. Conq is fine. Rush anti heal. Take swifty if you keep getting hit by his Q.”
dexcellent says “bring TP if youre planning to roam, otherwise take ignite and always pick up his passive after taunting him, then bully him/bait his ult until you can look for ignite kill.”
SrMolinv says “Deny him farm since level 3. Bully this guy in lane. Every cannon he tried to farm with his ranged Q block it with your E. If you block all cannons hes gonna be SO MAD. Enjoy the tip lads.”
YamiLostSoul says “You win early-mid with ignite and denying his passive (has 1 min cd on early stages). E to him to break his passive and reposition to not recieve damage from his Q. Ignite is a must.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with inspiration or resolve and ignite. Dodge as many Q's as possible. Go in for a trade when he uses q but care that he can't just all in you if you jump in.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge his Q]
[Never use your R when his passive is up]
[Use Ignite when he uses his R]
RandumPersin says “This is a hard lane. Take Conq and you should be okay, but its rough to play through his spellshield. he does 20% of you current HP on a skillshot and has abilites that harass you through the wave so there isn't really a safe place for you to stand and trade with him. Look to use E1 to dodge cleaver and use an unempowered W to take off his spellshield. Make sure to go stand on the blob afterwards to put the passive on a long CD and deny him some health, now you have a window to really fight him. Mundo's healing at level 6 is insane so take ignite and rush healing cut if you don't get ahead early. The most important part to this matchup is making sure that you chip away at his HP with constant Q's through the wave and removing his spellshield whenever you can.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “This is the definition of a cull lane. He is too fat for you to kill, and he his passive makes it so you can't all in him well. You farm this lane out, then R him into their backline when his passive is down.”
hamgi says “another champ that has become extremely tanky due to heartsteel, but during laning phase, he is not that much of the late game threat that he can become. yone is one of the few champs that can consistently get rid of his passive, and once off, u cannot reduce the duration of airborne. it's a lot easier to trade then as u can get more hits in and less hits on u as ur q3 will actually knock him up. stand behind minions when cs'ing but keep in mind his e goes through minions. he cannot move while e'ing so try to dodge and poke him while he's locked in anim. his w is an aoe field that deals bonus dmg at the end, so be careful in prolonged fights while he has that up. ignite him (if applicable) when he r's as he gains hp and hp regen. otherwise rush executioner's”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Easy matchup, just try to dodge his Q, your passive resets melts him and if it wont you can just farm and it will be okay, you will outscale.”
Smudey says “Mundo sucks before 6 so abuse him permanently and try to kill him if possible. Ignite is insane against his ult. You can even just ignite him to keep him from outsustaining you in lane. Don't get hit by Qs for free, but you can block them with your passive and even keep him from getting CS by purposely blocking them.”
MrSIrPops says “Mundo is a not the best matchup to play against . He can deal a lot of damage is he is able to his his q and will run you down with his ultimate and his team . He is really tanky and you should try going tanky aggainst him .”
Cheeseypops1 says “In Straight all-ins, you will beat him at all stages of the game past level 2 but he will probably stone wall the lane and just q farm but you out scale him unless they have 4 hyper ranged champion with Mundo so it's okay ”
TRIAD3S says “Heal reduction is a must, buy it and wait until level 9. Ignite will help a lot.
In late game he's so boring to play against. He's so tank and can kite you for ever.
Ignore and go to the tower”
StingingChicken says “You are stronger early but he can just sit back and farm from range. After 6 you lose lane period so just roam. Shitty matchup without any real counterplay. ”
Adamikcz2 says “Tanks are a bit of a problem for us, Mundo is very scary with how much sustain he has and how tanky he is. There is almost no kill pressure you can apply on him unless its 2v1. Luckily Wukong is better in teamfights.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
kajinator says “Mundo heals just about as much as you do. His ultimate makes him basically unkillable and he is a tank so its best to bring Conqueror into this matchup with Flash + Ignite to combat his healing in all ins. You don't have much kill pressure on him but the good news is he doesn't have any kill pressure on you. Staying even in this lane basically means you've gotten a lead as you are better at side laning and more useful in team fights.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Mundo is easy because you have no hard CC to pop his passive and you can just kite him. You'll lose early though as he has great poke so just be careful and go for short trades. When he hits 6 you will lose a longer trade, but when you hit 11 you will win.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
Evandabank says “Kled wins this matchup at every point in this game. If Mundo is somehow even or gets ahead from his jungler, just buy a black cleaver before goredrinker to shred his armor. If you are even or ahead, buy goredrinker first and continue to snowball your lead.
Look to all-in against Mundo all the time. The way that his passive works actually causes him to take damage when he is Crowd Controlled (Kled's Q). If he goes to collect his passive flask he is literally inting because it will drop towards you pulling him away from his tower. You can capitalize on this and one-shot him with ease levels 4-9.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
SrMolinv says “Focus en farmear y en denegarle gordetes con el escudo cada vez que tire una cuchilla para farmear. Normalmente rush de goredrinker pero si vamos contra top y jungla tanque el rush de cuchilla tambien es una opcion.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual,, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Desvie de seu cutelo, Desvie de sua habilidade de arremesso de minion, use Q e W E e corra para trás dos minions antes que ele recupera o Cutelo, jogue Q nele sempre com fluxo de mana, você só vai solar ele com gank, não use sua ult pois a passiva do DrMundo bloqueia a passiva do Malphite, use apenas se seu jungle retirar essa passiva de alguma forma. - Botas 2 é bom para esquivar - Pegue espinho após lvl 6 para ser possivel mata-lo com gank - A pior parte desta lane é se você está tentando farmar sob a torre..."”
Justin108 says “He will poke you down the entire laning phase. You won't be able to kill him solo because he will just run you down. Survive laning phase, scale and try to play team oriented.”
Duwiiton says “You can proc his passive consistently, and you out-damage him if you can dodge abilities well. However, you can't kill him if he uses his ultimate, during which you should just disengage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
Voice44 says “берем завоеватель, если это тупой мундо то мы просто будем его убивать зоня от крипов. если же это умный мундо то старайтесь доджить все его кушки стоя за крипами, так же когда он попытается добить издалека телегу своей кушкой можете преградить путь его кушке чтобы он не смог зафармить телегу и задинаить его . в целом просто стоим и пытаемся отыгрывать от тимфайтов”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr. Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr. Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Bonesaw(Q). Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr. Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr.Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr.Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Q. Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr.Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr.Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr.Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Q. Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr.Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
Irelius says “Whenever you hit E, you get both the damage and mark. Moreover, his passive procs and deals him additional max hp true damage. Lulw.
Dont get poked to much. After solo kill and vamp scepter you can opt to facetank his cleavers to deny him cs. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr.Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr.Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Q. Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr.Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
pura4 says “"[Ímpeto Gradual,, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Desvie de seu cutelo, Desvie de sua habilidade de arremesso de minion, use Q e W E e corra para trás dos minions antes que ele recupera o Cutelo, jogue Q nele sempre com fluxo de mana, você só vai solar ele com gank, não use sua ult pois a passiva do DrMundo bloqueia a passiva do Malphite, use apenas se seu jungle retirar essa passiva de alguma forma. - Botas 2 é bom para esquivar - Pegue espinho após lvl 6 para ser possivel mata-lo com gank - A pior parte desta lane é se você está tentando farmar sob a torre..."”
dracondas says “take off his passif with your E and don't fall in the trap of doing and R on him while he has it -unless you want to run away without him following”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr.Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr.Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Infected Q. Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr.Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
Thrandor says “Interesting matchup. Try to deactivate his passive with your E before you ult him. CONISDER RUNNING IGNITE or an Executioner's Calling . TAKE MR RUNES BUT BUILD STEELCAPS”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Dr Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Q. Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Don't get Q'd too much early game, but if you buy healing reduction you should beat him hard pre-11. If you use your Q to stun him then the stun will be blocked by his passive but the SLOW will still apply so it's quite good to do. Freeze the wave near your tower and look for all ins. If he gets ahead he really fucks you so be responsible with your lead. ”
tacowo_ says “Mundo does way too much damage and is way too tanky. Basically, every fight you take against him is the equivalent of two pool noodles slapping each other. ”
UlisesFRN says “Mundo is probably the biggest counter to Jayce. He can run you down just by hitting 1 Q then AA you to death, cause of his slow, you cant escape even with your mE. Phase Rush, wave management and GW are your saving grace”
lenithebot says “He is very tanky but your true damage passive and barrels will melt through his healthbar so pressure him early and if you get into a fight make sure to proc passives on him and use ignite when he uses his ultimate to stop his healing,”
Inoks says “D-shield/second wind. One the easiest match ups for Aatrox in my opinion. Aatrox is really good into him because he completely counter Mundo's passive with Q since, when Mundo loses his passive, he loses some %hp as well. Just dodge his Q and poke him and you should win lane every time. All in if you Chain him and his passive is down . Anti heal is super good into him as well.
Summs:Always Teleport”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Очень легкий матчап, вы контрите всех танков в игре, но тут может быть беда, что при многом ад в вашей тиме, вы в лейте не сможете быстро убивать мундо, так Секира и Сокрушитель здесь очень полезны.”
Maxpiku says “Скилловый матчап. Пока мы уклоняемся от его Q и Е, грамотно выбираем позицию и не додумываемся драться с ним на ближней дистанции все должно быть ОК. Желатьно на ранних этапах взять хилорез ,ну и оговоренные мною ранее штучки на скорость.”
Taiquyorah says “Vous ne le tuerez pas sauf s'il joue très mal.
Focus sur le farm, vous serez plus utile en teamfight que lui.
L'anti-heal très early est intéressant contre Mundo.”
ShadowStealer94 says “Very hard to kill at all stages of the game as the champ is too tanky. If matched against this champ just build normal Nasus - Its not worth inting your team and getting flamed. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Too tanky to easily kill with assassin but still winnable early. However I still recommend building the regular build or at least hybrid to offset this.”
7 LE BOSS says “You have to dodge his Q, its deals to much damage, try to use your E to take his passive and then all in when you have your E again. You have to snowball early or you lose. Take ignite.”
NegativePhoenix says “During the lane phase he's gonna be an issue. His Q scales off your HP if it lands so always keep that in mind at all times and that you cant knock him up the first time you Q him due to his passive. Mid-Late game make sure you have grievous to make his ult useless and you can basically kill him. Taking ignite is also a smart option too so his ult is basically worthless.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Harass him in laning as you can. If mundo knows how to play he is a major pick against you, since he got an ability that slows you down every few seconds. You can stack your spears and execute him when he ults, because he loses some health when he ults. If you play behind the minions, easy matchup. Freeze lane as you can, if he comes for Q on a minion, Q+E him with a minion and slow, then you will be able to kill him. If you didn't outscale him, you can take anti-heal after your boots.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red pot.
Try to dodge his Q poke, dont stand behind low hp minions or he will E them.
His passive is annoying because it counters your Q3 and ult, if you get it off, walk over the bottle he drops.
If you freeze he's easy to gank and to run down with E.
Black Demon Ezel says “What's a mundo? is that a joke? He must be because his passive is useless against you and his self sustain is worthless compared to yours. Simply try not to get hit by his rampant slowing (blunt force trauma and cleaver) and you will be better than fine”
kurbart says “Mundo had a total glow up riot gave from a lv 1 banshee veil out the gate that only blocks cc watch out for this monster......wait you wanna fight him ok then key is foot work and pen don't let him cleaver you land every q on that thing then finish him in this fight forget about your wall he is just gonna laugh it off but its not impossible to beat him ”
VituVonDoom says “His passive makes your only self peel useless, and he can R, and just stat check you to death. Take Phase Rush, and rush anti heal as fast as you can, and stand in your minion wave to avoid his Q poke”
KrazyKid1024 says “Does a huge amount of damage, slows, and you can't kill him. He's a nightmare to lane into but it gets better lategame as you gain backline access.”
Michcio says “rush grevious wounds after sheen, stay behind minions so he wont land his Q and kite him with barrels and u should be fine. Dont expect to kill him easily tho beacuse with his regen and ult he is very safe”
Aberrant Demon says “Dr. Mundo is Garen's easiest matchup. Level 1 you want to play around his Grasp of the Undying cooldown and stay behind your minions to avoid his Qs. When you are full HP, his Q does more damage than yours. If you are already in melee range, start with your E and use your Q to break his Q slow. If you are level 3, you can also block its damage with your W. Afterwards you have Ironspike Whip, you can stat check him and Phase Rush away to deal with his Q slow if he hits it. As long as you keep the trades fairly short, he doesn't get to build up his W and heal from hitting you with it. His ult doesn't matter because you can just execute him before he gets to heal a ton, especially if he doesn't use it before you silence him.”
Galactities says “Really not difficult he has to stay ontop of you to do anything, and if he doesnt fight then you just split push and win game. Stay behind minions and avoid Q spam. Careful for his six.”
Galactities says “I dont find him difficult to fight, just the fact that you'll never be able to get a good engage on him, he'll be a wimp and just Q spam and then wait for his passive to comeup then walk up to CS literally such a boring lane. He does scale very well so if you can somehow get a kill or two and split push you can destroy him.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Stay behind minions to avoid his Q or bait it out/side step it -> Contest cs, poke him with Q when he walks up for cs -> Let wave push to you (only last hit) -> Freeze -> Poke him a bit to create a 10-20% hp advantage and then look for extended/long trades -> Either Q3 and keep on chasing him then use E to keep up with him or E+Q3 -> If you do not buy grevious wound at level 6+ bait out his R, wait for it to be over and keep on going for good trades -> Look to pop his passive off with Q3. It will make it easier for all-ins afterwards”
NegativePhoenix says “Mundo has jumped back and forth on the power scale, so it's always hard telling where he sits depending on the player. Obviously a smart choice is grievous to help against his passive and ult. When he does ult, don't be afraid to engage him since your passive already hits hard against him because of health damage. ”
King Turtle says “he isn't very hard to hit and you can poke him down well, but he has really good Q farming so he can farm from a distance. The one kicker against him is that you dont have a way to get rid of his passive, so your R sleep won't have any effect on him.”
RanDomGuY060 says “Mundo has high damage and he is tanky, beat him before level 6 and you won't have much problem as in late game and go bramble vest whenever you like just not that late.”
IcunoX says “Seems hard as you only have 1 sort of cc until 6 and his passive blocks is but is actually possible if you learn how to play it. Max Q for sure and poke him out, when you E on him make sure you walk over his bottle and use the window to E on him a couple seconds later before his passive comes back up.”
Vizia219 says “His spellshield makes it really hard to get your combo off, and it's a pain to deal with if you don't time it right. Even if you win early game, you will most definitely lose late game, because of the amount of health he will build.”
The Kled Mob says “He eventually outscales you and he will most likely play like a pussy in lane and cleaver farm until 6. If he has ult and ignite and you are at half health run. You will probably never kill him because he will always cleaver farm and with his passive your E means nothing.”
Skysolitox says “Can't do anything against you, but his passive can be quite annoying. even if you poke it out, he can just pick it up again and shorten the cooldown. Besides that, you should be fine.”
Boptimus says “Dr. Mundo has a lot of regeneration and is very hard to kill especially without Grevious Wounds. What makes Gragas Top really good is his abilities to disrupt and disengage at will. Dr. Mundo can ignore your CC with his passive, and if he builds tenacity can just run you down with cleavers.
Hard to kill, hard to get away from.”
Shourdy says “He will farm with only his Q if he isn't Mundo IRL so look to freeze or Slowpush and roam/invade since ur way stronger in skirmishes. Since ur Q knock-up procs his passive u can easily land a combo with even W first since only the pull counts as CC. Buy anti healing early if they have healers or later when he starts to scale.”
powerfullgeo says “So much healing and damage for a tank makes you think what was RIOT thinking. Stay behind your minions to not be poked from his Q and get ignite for this match up.”
LBDB says “Basically can't fight him since you will almost never be able to catch him in your q damage and even if you burst him his W can heal a huge portion back”
davidbiton1 says “mundo is tanky, deals fine damage and slow you so try and dodge his q or build antislow. try to outfarm him so you can be ahead of him. i think the brusier build can be good here.”
KyleTheConqueror says “You heal, he heals. You poke, he pokes. You got a stun, he can block it with passive. Honestly, this is just a frozen lane.
Dawn Break says “Comienza con Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King. Y en este caso comienza con la Q (Saluda a mis nudillos/Knuckle Down) luego la W (Mi Turno/Haymaker) y por ultimo la E (Ahora bésense/Facebreaker)”
CreatedThisAccBecuzGotTil says “Tanks like Mundo that lack the burst damage to kill u or lower ur hp to a killable level can easily beat as ur passive can easily outheal their damage”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] He'll probably just farm with Q for most of the laning phase. Bonk him on the head with you Q when he goes to last hit minions. Try to be more useful than him in teamfights, even if it means ulting him off of your backline or removing him from the enemy's frontline.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You need to play super agro since as soon as he gets his 2800g mythic then he can pretty much tank your entire combo three times over and still barely get a scratch. So my advice is to just farm it out until you hit level 6 and all in him, due to his ult, you won't kill him unless he is at ~55% hp but you will send him back to base, now you gain an advantage and can use that to snowball. In this matchup there really is not much to it other than don't get hit by his Qs and use Ignite when he ults. Also first use your W when he is low since Mundo get a huge amount of AD when he is low, so using shroud to block AAs is very important and the of course R2 towards your tower so he can't run you down.”
Trundledaddy says “Another tank matchup, usually not too hard, annoying poke, has a lot of sustain, can use pillar once to proc passive, and engage on next pillar, free stats late game, just don't get poked out early, but don't just let him free farm either.”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
He'll probably just farm with Q for most of the laning phase. Bonk him on the head with you Q when he goes to last hit minions. Try to be more useful than him in teamfights, even if it means ulting him off of your backline or removing him from the enemy's frontline. ”
Federals1 says “Mundo's strength is abilty to stay safe at all times. Because of his passive and q slow it is almost impossible to get a kill on him. You can try to break his passive off before an all in so that you can guarantee th q+r combo. He will most likely outscale you in teamfights late game so your best bet is to permanently split push and draw pressure to yourself. First rune page should be used.
Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. W max is best here. Divine Sunderer rush can work well. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
Egotistical Bad says “Just poke him non-stop, after he gains Ultimate he's just hard to kill, otherwise than that he's pretty bad to deal with Draven cause he will lose always.”
ProbablyPlatform says “Passive = no licks, you stomp in a 1v1 cause your damage is way higher than his but his poke is annoying. Lock him down or he might poke you to death”
Rodos says “Oh i couldnt let Dr Mundo outside of this list.. He is one of your biggest counters in the entire game. New players will ask "why?". Thats because of his passive. When his passive is enabled, he wont get stunned, by the first stun ability. Simply, he will avoid one of your crowd control abilities. Thats very annoying for you, and of course its a huge disadvantage for you. Personally i always ban dr mundo. I will sweat to win against a fiora, or a vayne, rather having my stunn disabled.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Poke him on vitals and dodge his Qs, you can also parry his Q while fighting. You lose short trades so look to all in. If he is good he will stay back and poke you a lot with Q, so try not to get a lot of dmg.
After lvl 6 try to buy antihealing (ignite works too) and if you have whip you can run him down. You can't really get fed so try to farm a lot and then try to have more impact in mid and late game.
Pokeale en sus vitales y esquiva sus Qs, puedes ripostear su Q cuando estés peleando contra él. Pierdes los trades cortos así que intenta hacerle all ins. Si es bueno se quedará atrás y te pokeará con su Q, intenta que no te de muchas. Después de lvl 6 compra antihealing a menos que lleves ignite y si tienes látigo puedes perseguirle. No puedes feedearte por lo que tienes que farmear y luego intentar tener más impacto que él en late.”
Sarmisuper says “Very easy matchup. Poke his shield with your first Q, then go destroy his cannister. Use your second and third Q to hit him while he tries to grab it. Just remember to not try to destroy the cannister if it leaves you open to his cleavers, they do a lot of damage!”
gazibulle says “Skill matchup. I am pretty sure you outscale him with Divine. Start W lvl 1 and poke him, as you can never ever win his lvl 1 E start, since it gives him so much AD. If the wave is quite close to your tower, you can do a quick E onto him to remove his passive. Mundo without his passive against Camille is SHIT early game. If his passive is down, you can E onto him for a long trade as long as you are in your minion wave. Otherwise just sustain his Q/E poke with some W-Q-Q trades. Try avoiding his cleavers by playing in your minions, it does %current hp damage so you must dodge it. Taking Ignite helps a lot in this matchup, if you prefer Flash then opt for Executioner AFTER he is lvl 6, not before.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “Only reason he's not tiny is because you won't be able to kill him pre divine and stacks, even then he can run away with ult and sustain. don't rush bramble you can buy it after 2-3rd back. I just honestly dont buy it at all as you can force him to ult without even needing to ult yourself after divine. Focus on not getting his Q or E Do not go E rush against him, his passive and natural resistance are too high. And this lane is easy to survive and farm stacks.”
alexionut05 says “One of the worst matchups for Poppy. He will drain your life without realizing if you keep letting him get Qs on you. To add insult to injury, his passive makes it impossible for you to ever stun him, but you can attempt disabling his spellshield with an E (make sure you pick up the canister!!).”
MHLoppy says “Ultimately neither of you can do too much to the other beyond denying cs since you can both keep the other at bay near-permanently with your respective Q's. His melee damage is potent but it costs him health to use so as long as you have a similar amount of health and abilities available you should come out on top. If he itemises for it, he can get to a point where he's close to impossible for you to kill during your ult's duration, but that's not the worst thing in the world because he probably can't kill you either at that point.”
Jellyjaneo says “His throwing machete skill sucks. I hate it so much it makes me want to pull my hair out which is why he is major. Early game it does a shit ton of damage to you and if you get behind in csing kiss tower goodbye,”
RayTeamStrategy says “I would say he gets a lot of value out of various magic resist items against you and that's very unfortunate. However, he won't be as impactful in fights as you since his damage won't be so high if people just avoid him. I'd worry about him pushing a lot, but demolish as a rune only accomplishes so much.”
Agatrium says “Old Mundo was real easy to fight, but new Mundo is a fair bit harder. He has very good sustain and pretty decent damage. Hide behind minions to not tank every one of his Qs. Carry ignite so that you have good kill pressure on him, it pretty much shuts him down from all ining you. ”
Cryniu says “Juega un poco más agresivo al inicio.
Trata de quitarle su pasiva constantemente. Recuerda que bloquea tu E pero seguirás haciéndole daño.
Comprar hábito del espectro ayuda, él no usa maná y el daño de su Q es mágico.
Las botas básicas ayudan a esquivar su Q.
Considera vesta espinosa si buscas matarlo sin que se cure tanto.
No tiene nada para cancelar tu R.
colingogo says “Mundo scary to play vs because you cant ever burst him because of his E, but just afk farm and play towards ur adc and hope he does enough damage to kill him.”
Kocykek says “He has great early game but you scale a lot better. Try to dodge cleavers, survive laning phase, get antiheal and Divine Sunderer. You pretty much outheal him and outdamage him anytime.”
Helzky says “You are even with Mundo when going Lethality. Even if he builds tank. Don't take cleavers from him and stay behind your wave. If he pressures you off you can wait till one of your powerspikes and kill him. Taking Ignite and Ghost here is really useful.”
OliveeGarden says “Rush bork. look to land E when you can and stomp his passive vial. from there wait for him to waste q and force trades. if you can ever land a e on him go for it, worst case you get his passive out, best case you auto win the trade with stun.
you don't win trades without landing E, you don't win post 6 without a lead or grievous so ignite is optional.”
RENGARDOSEXO says “as same as aatrox, try to jump on other things to make him miss his Q, you need to do short trades at lvl1-5 and guarantee at least 1 kill, cause he can outscale you at the early on”
havy says “mundo is annoying thanks to the fact his passive can cancel your E, otherwise he can't do too much to you, try using a bait E, walk away, destroy the canister, THEN try to combo him”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Deny him as much resources as possible, while getting as much as possible, as killing him isn't very possible.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall > Freeze
The new Mundo is more of a pain than the old Mundo.
Poke him down on vitals front or back and dodge his Q's, in melee you can also parry his Q if you count the cooldowns properly, as they will use it as soon as they get it.
You win all ins but you might lose if you play for too much short trades and get hit by too many Q's.
Typically they will stay away and spam Q for cs, its hard to block them after the rework as it does too much damage now.
Once he hits level 6 (ignite or executioner is a big plus) you can just run him down, if he has tabis he can just run away, but if he has bramble you will have a bit of a harder time, but still good as long as you dont get poked too much and parry his Q slow so he cant kite you out.
Hard to stomp, but free scaling lane, it all depends on who can have more impact in the mid/late game.
Don't let him have too much impact later on in teamfights, try to force him on side with splitpush and ping when he moves.
StormPhoenix3 says “Only a pain because of extreme health regen and cleaver throw. Dodge his cleaver as best as you can and poke him, having a jngl assist is always nice.”
magician4444 says “Sorry but you don't have an ult in this match up. Stay behind minions don't eat free q's. Anti heal is good to have. At level 6 if you ult him make sure to pick up his canister on the ground so you'll at least do some damage and can deny the heal.”
ChowJunior says “Not difficult, but if you mess up and give him an early lead, it can prove to be challenging. Don't allow him to poke you down with his Q all early game. Early bramble”
Your Desired Username says “Mundo is a fairly easy matchup if played correctly. Rush oblivion orb. Always stand behind your minions so that he cannot hit you with his q. If he walks up and farms in melee range, q and e him and always make sure to destroy his canister if possible. You always win extended fights, because this champion sucks incredibly hard in the early game. Post-6 you have to proc his passive with e before ulting him or it will get blocked and then you will be sad. Ulting him in team fights may not be the best choice unless he used his ult already or if he's the only viable option as his ultimate allows him to stall super well.”
boboderaffe says “You might think he’s a bad one because of his CC shield but that’s where you’re wrong. He scales insanely well with health and healing which will lead to you rushing oblivion orb into Lyandri‘s into Demonic Embrace 100% of times.
It goes without saying that you will still have to be careful early on!”
Mundo should be either banned or avoided. While Karma has a lot of good matchups, Tanks are one of her worst, and tanks that avoid CC,out heal her poke/combos, and are able to run her down are pretty bad. Mundo and Tahm Kench come to mind”
Princeps says “It's a pretty hard matchup because of his poke and strong 1v1 but it is winnable. Try to dodge his Q and use your E on his E. Really important to not let him collect his passive after he blocks your E CC”
IamRed says “You can outrade and even kill him on the early levels. After he reaches level 6 you're kinda fucked. He's just a stat machine that you can do nothing about. You can maybe kill him under the tower but that's basically it.”
Hoosteen says “He's really tanky but unlesss you mess up there's not really a point in which he can kill you. but also you cant really kill him either. just cs and get your arc.”
Xochii says “Mundo is just way too strong. Too much health regen, immune to your engage, and his main damage source comes from his Q. Just try to play for your team and don't let him get fed. It'll be easier to deal with him if you have an anti-tank like Trundle or Kai'sa.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Mundo's ult has absolutely no cooldown and can be a real pain to deal with. Just keep him marked and swarmed at all times and bring ignite and Thornmail so you counter his sustain”
Atomragnar says “Try to dodge his Q, dodge dodge dodge, poke him as much as you can with your Q. Pre 6 you can run him down if you dodge his Q, he is very weak early. After level 6 it gets harder since his R, but he shouldn't be able to kill you. ”
Belle19 says “IMO this is darius's worst matchup. He can farm safely, if you try to deny any of it he really quickly pokes you out with cleavers, and he outscales you extremely hard both in 1v1s and in teamfights. This is always the champion I go when I counterpick Darius. The one thing you have going for you is he just pretty much gives you your passive for free in teamfights, and if you actually get a freeze off in lane he cant do anything without his jungler. Take advantage of his lack of flash in lane”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Some of the highest lane sustain in the game. High damage against beefy champions like Braum. You can only block his Q, which will still slow. His passive destroys your passive AND your R engage. Grasp. Divine + BoRK. Go Bramble eventually.”
sarahrosen says “world, this can be easy and complex at the same time, it depends a lot on how the game is, but the world is still a fear for sett in the game”
just pick yone says “Easy to trade with, watch out for him just pushing into you tho, he crashes into tower and then pokes you with Q. So contest the wave.”
Stellathe trans gal says “this is the ONE guy that can outheal your damage no matter what. cannot 1v1 and your everfrost wont work. if you are in top, you best learn how to use your W.”
Dekar173 says “P: 60 > 15
Q: 4
W: 17 > 13
E: 8 > 6
R: 110
Runes vs Mundo: LT, Conqueror, Grasp
HIGH Econ: BT > Kraken > Crit, Vamp Scepter prio (Q MAX)
MID Econ: Goredrinker, Black Cleaver (W max)
LOW Econ: Goredrinker, Stasis (W max)
Strengths: can always CS, huge scaling, passive deters Lowe junglers, most people don't even know what he does now
Mundo match-up is pretty free, especially if you just go Kraken (he will usually rush his sunfire mythic + Anathema's and Tabi) so since you're dealing out true damage with ignite + Kraken, a lot of his stats just don't do anything.
Executioner's obviously great vs him, and pay attention to creep waves when he Es a minion for last hit, it's a projectile, he can combine this into a Q for some decent harass so try to save your Ws for that.
His passive denies 1 hard CC, and gives him a little barrel similar to Poppy passive to pick up for a large heal, deny the heal and the 4E is actually great harass during lane.
If you've got stacks, land a 4E and stand on his little passive he'll lose a nice chunk of HP.”
LunaticDancer says “A tank vs a tank shredder, ouch. Gambler viable, D Shield. He just loses fights against you, especially since your ghouls block his Qs. He's only dangerous if you meet in open space, 1v1, because he can Q spam at you and keep slapping until you die, so never let yourself be in such a situation, always hide behind minions.
Anti-heal is amazing in this match up.”
N0kk__ says “Take Conqueror and anti-heal. You do more damage than him. He has large chances of escaping. So If he already has used his ult just ignite him.”
COJA says “His passive is extra damage for you. Mundo can farm quite well without even needing to touch the wave, so making him overextend is ideal. You do not have enough damage to kill him during his ultimate usually, and absolutely don't have enough when you both fight from full health. Antiheal is also useful.”
Mataulipecont says “Es complejo el matchup debido a su pokeo de las Qs y su pasiva,evita recibir las Qs eh intenta ganarle el lvl 2 para hacer un hard trade”
Galactities says “Early lane isn't much of a challenge, but after 6 he'll start to outscale you and become extremely tanky. Try your best to shut him down pre six.”
King Turtle says “he can ignore your lockdown with his passive, has MR in his core build, and can still run you down because of his scalings. Definitely a bad matchup in top lane.”
Turkthunder says “As Mundo is a counter to most champions, he especially counters Gangplank. The amount of difficulty it is to truly outplay or outsmart him to the point in which you have the opportunity to beat him solo or 1v1 is near impossible. I personally would Ban/Avoid this matchup.”
Ferrgod says “Very easy to land his Q's on you and his passive is especially strong against Urgot. PTA + second wind + doran's shield. You'll need Titanic Hydra, Black Cleaver and Executioner's Calling to fight him.”
Larkana_ says “His passive has too long of a cooldown during lane for him to rely on it, dodge his cleavers and you're fine.
Outscaling edge teamfights/duels: Skarner [High]/Skarner[High]”
space cat says “Mundo is basically a worse Tahm Kench. you usually outdamage and outsustain him all the time if he doesnt poke you all day. to get around his passive you can use your w because they usually dont bother dodging it, and then his passive will be down and he will be vulnerable for Empowered Q or your Ult. ”
Night Guy says “Mundo even though he can be annoying to lane against you can out poke him and easily get ahead in lane. Try not to whiff your Q or E and you pretty much secure the lane. After 6 rush anti heal and keep a distance so he won't be able to fight you, Mundo can heal a lot and that can be bad but if you play your lane correctly he won't be a threat ”
Polartech says “Kayle can't kill Mundo in lane, before level 6 she can't use her ranged attacks, and after 6, Mundo has too much Life Regen to try with Kayle to poke/harass him in any way. The good thing is that even Mundo cannot easily kill Kayle, just dodge his flying axe and farm safely.”
InYourWayToHELL says “Got easier with this patch
Now when you use your q it doesnt stop the pull and griveous wound and you proc his passive making your main source of damage deal even more.
Black Demon Ezel says “Mundo is evil in general but if you don't take ignite then he'll kill you because he simply won't die. You also have to prepare for when you don't have ignite ready. Build Morellonomicon somewhere along the line to account for that and you should hopefully be fine... probably”
CEOofMicrowave says “Rush antiheal, and make sure to step on his cask when your stun pops it off. His AD will skyrocket in fights so grab tabi and play for late”
King Turtle says “He isn't super damage heavy but with his healing and your weak early game he's not going to die too often. He can also take a free E proc due to his passive and his R lets him spend more time under tower, meaning it'll be harder to catch him on dives. It's not hard to beat him if you play the lane right but he's not going to be dying too much in most cases.”
metalhydra273 says “Mundo can be hard to run from thanks to his cleavers, and you will struggle to kill him even with your ult. Abuse him with your cc to wear him down in fights. Try to get an early game advantage by out roaming him on the map and getting some dragon pressure to stop him from walking in freely. His passive will stop your ult, so make sure you e him first or use ult to chain cc.”
lookatherizinosaurus says “Not much of a threat if you don't get cheesed by his axe. He will have to engage too. That's your chance to pull his Spirit and all out him. Consider Goredrinker for the Heal and Sustain during fight.”
ToothlessKnight says “Mundo should never be a threat for Urgot. Urgot outdamages Mundo at nearly every stage of the game and Urgot provides much more utility to a teamfight than Mundo ever will. Build an executioners and make his life hell.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “The difficulty against mundo is not falling behind - trade using double w and look to burst him when he's low. Disengage when he ults and just fight when it's down. You should win until he gets too tanky ”
MrZoltannn says “Dodge his q, if needed bring the Glacial runes with yourself for good harrass and better kiting. look out for his passive when going in with mega form pre 6, since you cant stun him. Past lvl 6 you can start with W when engaging him and stun him with Ult.”
Stinkee says “Mundo is annoying and seems impossible to kill at times. He has way more sustain than you and has no mana costs. His Q does percent health as well. While he is annoying, he isn't impossible difficult to deal with. He will likely push to your tower non-stop. Use this to your advantage by freezing under your tower and waiting for a gank. He will be very easy to kill in a gank if he does not have R. If you plan on setting up a gank, try to break his passive a bit before so he won't have it for the gank. His passive is a long cooldown. It would be a good idea to rush Bramble Vest or Executioner's to reduce his healing.”
Sovereign Kitten says “New season, new meta. Mundo has some pretty heavy clear and mobility throughout the jungle, you normally will not out farm him, so try your best to be there for your team when he goes for a gank. He is a tank still, but respect the fact that tanks still deal a shit ton of damage especially with the new items.
PH45 says “You both are tanks with sustain, mostly a farm lane until junglers get involved. You need to dodge his cleavers if he is chasing you, if you don't you are going to be in a world of hurt. Bramble vest is an okey idea if he has a tendency to autoattack you a lot, but otherwise leave getting the healing reduction to your marksman.”
Anoying bro5 says “Riposte his q into him to deny slow and damage and try to time your Qs to vitals with his Q to dodge his damage. Get executioners calling. When he ults, disengage and try to kill him after his ult. Try to win early game as he will be a pain to kill late game.”
BoilTheOil says “You can't ever kill him in lane unless he's as stupid as Mundo IRL, you can't pull him because of his passive and he runs away with his cleavers. Stand behind minions so he can't poke you out of lane. Try to get as much CS as possible and look to ult him in teamfights.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Thresh can avoid a lot of bad trades with Mundo by standing in the minion wave, blocking his Q. Auto him fairly frequently so he's too low hp to run at you and win. You can't overextend vs him post 6 as he can run you down. Thresh should beat him in teamfights by being more useful - although significantly squishier.”
quinn adc says “Start Cull into him so that you proc Cut Down every auto attack level 1 because his MAX hp with doran's is heavy.
Mundo isn't difficult if you play smart aggression.
First, hide behind minions so he can't cleaver you.
His cleavers are long range, but easy to side step with W harrier procs.
If he misses cleaver, HARD ENGAGE for a trade by vaulting him, combo, proc PTA, and DPS effectively with Q as well, then back off before his cleaver comes back.
By doing this, you legit get a free trade.
His R is 110 seconds cooldown, so your goal post 6 is just to get him low and bait his R, and I suggest not to fight him when his R is up unless he's really low WITH your ignite ticking on him.
When his R is down, you can kill him next time with ease.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Mundo is nothing too special for a matchup. Just try to avoid getting perma slowed by his Q and fight him a lot pre-6. After level 6, it gets rougher to kill him, but if you harass him enough and bait out his ult, he should be a free kill after that.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his buff Blunt Force Trauma(E) as this is where majority of his damage come from. Kite his Heart Zapper(W) as Mundo gains Magic Damage/Heals, but he can be tradeable if he is low. Take Ignite or Use Insanity Potion for his Maximum Dosage(R) to reduce his ultimate. (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter) (Sustained Trades: Early Game Singed, Late Game Mundo) (Outscaling Edge: Mundo)”
Amphawn says “If you get hit by his Q, you're probably going to be chased down, so just try and stay under tower and poke behind minions once you hit 6. His passive also makes it difficult to gank him for some junglers, as you don't have any cc to knock it off. Also don't throw all your attacks into him in a teamfight. Build GW.
Also as a rule of thumb, don't ever underestimate his all-in. He is insanely strong levels 1-3, and in your case up until level 5. You also won't be able to run at all unless you can dodge one of his Q's, Q him, and W away. After 6 you will win pokes, but before then play very safely behind minions. If you see him creeping around your minions to try and hit a Q, go towards your tower, not towards his. You also may want to buy some magic resist against him if you can't dodge his Q's. Again GW is a necessity.”
PH45 says “Dr.Mundo usually just stalemates lane by tossing cleavers from outside your Q range. You can destroy his canisters that his passive tosses out when he ignores CC, this will deny him the healing and also it won't lower his passives cooldown. You want to try to snowball on him early if possible since later on he will be taking a long time to take down. You can rush bork in this lane or go it 2nd, but you'll definitely want it since Mundo likes to itemize a bunch of HP.”
jpaul2077 says “This match up is pretty easy just because in most scenarios Mundo just lacks kill pressure to punish you in lane. He also does not have any dashes or escape tools other than his ultimate (which you can just build Mortal Reminder against or ignite him) so it is very easy to dive him as well.”
At_Tar_Ras says “avoid his Qs, don't let him procc his empowered E. stun him, his cannister flies toward you, step on his cannister, 4 stack, kill him :p simple matchup. get grevious wounds. you can kill him before bork and definitely after bork too.”
iZeal says “New Mundo is an even easier matchup than old Mundo was as he doesn't even scale better. His passive basically reads "Aatrox' Q sweetspots deal 7% of current health bonus damage", you can always disengage when he presses W and his ultimate just doesn't heal as much over time as it used to, allowing you to engage into any extended fight without care. Get Grievous Wounds, don't eat free Qs and make his life a living hell, as Mundo does not enjoy getting CCed in teamfights either.”
SunFalk says “He his tanky. He has a slow. He has an AOE damager. He has no mana. He has a extreme life regain ult. - Dr.Mundo is a tank that will try to CS with his Q. To counter him, stay in your wave and CS, when he jumps on you, stay in your minion wave and let the aggro of the minion kill him, use your passive has a good poke.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
Raen says “First try to break his passive shield with ur E, while its on cd then you can try to fight him. Also try to step on his blob from passive before him to prevent getting heal back for him. If you don't have your E up don't fight with him cuz his E (bonus AD from missing health) makes his AAs dangerous for you especially in early state of the game. Early Executioner to reduce his huge healing from R and passive. Move a lot with sidesteps to block his Q/E throw. Bork can help you out in this matchup as well.”
Xerath gaming says “He's a tank that counters tanks, so ur only chance to win this matchup is if u kill him early but that's hard as he farms safely with Q. His passive doesn't counter your ultimate. Get griveous wounds/ignite. Last thing is that he also scales very well and he can beat you in your ult.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his buff Blunt Force Trauma(E) as this is where majority of his damage come from. Kite his Heart Zapper(W) as Mundo gains Magic Damage/Heals, but he can be tradeable if he is low. Take Ignite or Executioner's for his Maximum Dosage(R) to reduce his ultimate.(Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Blade of the Ruined King, Executioner's) (Sustained Trades: Trundle) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
MagicallyDelish4 says “He is so easy to kill in the pre-6 levels. try to rush an executioners as his Q heals him. Try to get lane prio. You're able to 1v1 him post 6 if your Qs are extended. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Klepto
Try to parry his E since its his highest burst if u fight in minions it will be hard for him to hit his Q. The longer the game goes the harder you outscale him since fiora is a tank killer”
Justkb says “Rush mercs. Make sure you avoid his Q with minions as this will automatically push the wave in your favour. try to burn his passive with your E if your jungler is close and keep the wave close to your tower. ”
P1Legend says “Does not seem like a big deal as of right now, I will update this if my opinion changes as I get more matchup experience. Pre 6 you should be able to win trades with the standard trade pattern. after level 6 watch for his ult > all in on a cleaver hit. if he hits you and ults, immediately cleanse and ult away, and reset the situation once his ult expires.”
MythicMike says “There's very little mundo can do when you combo him other than hitting you back. So you win as long as you get a grevious wounds item.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “A little more annoying since the rework, but still a very straightforward lane. He's a beefy boi. You're a beefy boi. You stack minons. He can't stop you from stacking minions. Yeah. Build grievous for 1v1s though or literally no one will die. ”
qveenevelynn says “After his rework i feel like he is more easier to fight, dodge his Q, and you can slow him with the charm it don't affect his passive. Dont fight in ult, he have a lot of health regen.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his buff Blunt Force Trauma(E) as this is where majority of his damage come from. Kite his Heart Zapper(W) as Mundo gains Magic Damage/Heals, but he can be tradeable if he is low. Take Ignite or Morello's or Morello for his Maximum Dosage(R) to reduce his ultimate.(Recommended Items: None) (Sustained Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Fan22 says “this lane is annoying because of the % current health damage from his low cd Q.
But the worse thing is his passive which nullifyes one of your CC skils, which makes killingb mundo quite hard, fortunately you can triggber his passive with W and CC him with Q.
Bramble vest helps you to reduce his healings, even if hi has magic damague from his Q and W, so buying some MR its good in lane for reducing his damage.”
Sporkintahn says “ANNOYING.--- This is a fairly easy lane as long as you aren't braindead. --- Don't get hit with Cleaver spam, so stand behind minions and make sure to position properly, He can't fight you early either so harass him with Q and pull him in and force a fight if he walks up to farm or mispositions in lane. Freeze lane as his wave clear isn't the best. You want to run him down with Ghost and kill him.--- He can outscale you very well and can be a problem to deal with once he gets tankier and has more items later on in the game. If he's fed he can 1v9 and be impossible to kill but you win this hard early which is why you want to crush him before he becomes a problem.--- If his healing is a problem, get an Executioners.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Very easy matchup as well, go either executioners or bramble. U can't pull him but u can e him for damage and stomp on his passive. He should just sit back early for farming with his q. Care for jg ganks.”
IvernLover74856 says “If he hits a cleaver he kites you.
If he gets too far ahead he'll just stat check you.
Go exe first item.
Try to play for jungle marks ”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his buff Blunt Force Trauma(E) as this is where majority of his damage come from. Kite his Heart Zapper(W) as Mundo gains Magic Damage/Heals, but he can be tradeable if he is low. Take Ignite or Executioner's for his Maximum Dosage(R) to reduce his ultimate. (Recommended Items: Executioner's, Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
PanthrickTV says “Good Matchup.
(1) Spam your Q's at lane. (some poke)
(2) Stun him and take his passive.
(3) You need to engage 2 times to kill him. Don't all in when he is not below 50% hp!
(4) Buy executioners!!!
(5) Since he buy some items you can' t really kill him. Show the lane and roam.”
Fan22 says “Theres no much you can do against mundo.
His Q scales from your Hp and his W reduces the duration from your W and gives him more MR.
But from mid-late game and if you have grievous wounds he should be easy to kill whit R.”
DooDooSlayer says “He's not too great in Jungle anymore, plus your ultimate goes through his Passive due to some dumb mechanics.
Top Lane:
Again, not too much of a threat due to Impale mechanics, but don't underestimate the healing he can pull out of his ass.”
Kacto15 says “Puedes comenzar con la W, es match es más fácil cuando eres TANQUE y vas a hacer peleas en equipo, split pushear contra mundo no es recomendable, hace mucho daño con su Q, por lo que morirás rápidamente, solo haces teamfights y ganas el juego”
Jewceratops says “Boring to play against and almost impossible to kill in lane. Easy target to stack and does not have CC to stop Darius in skirmishes. Farming lane.”
Phrxshn says “Fight him without his buff Blunt Force Trauma(E) as this is where majority of his damage come from. Kite his Heart Zapper(W) as Mundo gains Magic Damage/Heals, but he can be tradeable if he is low. Take Ignite or Thornmail's or Executioner's for his Maximum Dosage(R) to reduce his ultimate.. (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Blade of the Ruined King, Executioner's) (Sustained Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo)”
montybucket says “Buy Anti-Heal early. Hide behind minions to protect yourself from his cleavers. His all in potential on you is pretty high and your only get off me tool is nullified by his passive. Try to take advantage of his relatively weak early game, but be careful. ”
MisterDerpFace says “Mundo goes were he pleases.
That means you either can't flip him with your E, or you CAN'T PULL HIM with you R. Grievous wounds and black cleaver as first item. Also, his cleaver deals a stupid amount of damage :/”
LegitLechner says “Putting Mundo here as his fresh look has his play rate up. Anyway, illaoi is a tank destroyer. Mundo is only a threat if you let him spam hit you with q. No cc on illaoi= no passive takeaway. Remember that for junglers”
duckling213 says “Personally from my experience I don't see undo as a threat for us, rush bramble, maybe get steel caps, if you are even and not losing with bramble then go titanic and you should start to win once you get that and if you really need to then go cleaver next and if you and purple man are even you win pretty hard. Just make sure you proc his passive with e before ulting or he can ignore your ult. yeah early he might be a threat, but farm till bramble and titanic then u should have kill potential. (I haven't faced mundo too much so Ill come back to this to update later if I have to).”
SilverAvalanche says “Tank=Easy lane
He is most dangerous when he is around level 9, since that is when he's Q will be fully levelled. Try and Q through him so you're difficult to hit or else just stand behind your minion wave and then Q to him when he goes for CS and then walk back.”
King Turtle says “He's not going to run you out of lane, but actually killing him early on may be tough since your objective with this build is quick trades that add up”
MCSwavest says “Fairly even matchup. If you know how to fight Mundo, it's no different here. Avoid his cleavers and after first back make sure you have overheal up to avoid taking poke from his E. if he R's, just reset the engage and go back in. ”
Mundo can be somewhat annoying to deal with but he is an immobile tank. He actually has no way to outtrade you unless you get hit by every single one of his cleavers. And that is essentially the only trick you need to know in order to beat Mundo. Either dodge his cleavers or stand behind your minions. All he can do is throw his cleavers and farm from a distance. But doing this will actually lead to you being able to freeze better as he will be actively damaging the wave. Since he essentially has no escape from you, you can simply run him down if he walks up too far and tries to aa the wave. Ghost is more than enough movement speed but if you struggle to chase him through his cleaver slows, you can take Phase Rush. Conqueror is nevertheless, preferred though, as you need to punch through his health. Mundo will be stacking up his health quite a bit, which is why you need the extra damage. Another thing to remember is that his ultimate costs a decent chunk of health, which might leave him low enough for you to oneshot with your fully stacked ultimate for a splitsecond. If a Mundo gets fed, your team will hate you a lot, as a fed Mundo is actually impossible to kill. If his ultimate healing becomes a problem for you, which it shouldn’t, then a quick executioners calling will do the trick. ”
Drake6401 says “Thanks to the changes to his passive behavior, this isn't as bad. Use unempowered W to break the passive and empowered Q to break the wave so he can't chase you safely. Use your dash if needed to deny his passive pick up. Always hold Ignite for his ultimate or all in fights. igniting him before his ult is best so he doesn't get the burst heal. Unflicnhing is good to resist the slows. Rush Blade of the Ruined King because Mundo is all about HP.”
RivalOCE says “Riven's mobility nullifies Mundo's threat. Chip at him with short sharp trades and try to deny him farm by E'ing in the way of his cleavers when he goes to last hit. Look at buying early healing reduction.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Second Wind, Doran's Shield, W > Q] - Dodge his cleaver, Dodge his minion throwing ability and just Q and W trade with him before he gets his Cleaver back
- Boots 2 is good for dodging
- Take bramble if you want to win after 6
- Worst part about this match up is if you're trying to farm under turret..."”
Wawza says “Even though he has a lot of potential damage, he can't easily harass you behind your minion wave. Waste his passive with a Q1 and try to deny him picking it up to deny him the big chunk of health he loses each time its activated.”
sock217 says “Very obnoxious to lane against but you can kill him if he doesnt have passive and ur getting a gank. Super slippery. Play safe, its better to go even than go negative”
maxlid3 says “Should be an easy lane early if you can dodge his Q. If he hit's he can engage very easy and keep you slowed a lot. Keep W ready to stop his engage. After level 6 he will be a big threat. Buy antiheal very early.”
Rhoku says “Mundo can be annoying but overall, he doesn't really stand too much of a chance. He does get impossible to kill post 6 due to his ultimate though so try to establish a lead until then. You probably won't kill him without Morello later on. But until 6, you should absolutely dominate in lane and the only thing he can do is sit at a long distance and farm with cleaver.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “[BAN] (Conditioning+Armor+DBlade) If you into Dr. Mundo's passive, he will not get marked. Your Q and R WILL mark Mundo and he will get slowed. His passive blocks your R2. Buy Executioner's. Avoid his Q and E poke. Destroy his passive, when it is on the ground. It has a long cooldown.”
PK Noob says “Mundo isn't a threat to Gwen at all. Gwen can easily beat up Mundo with her Q and Ultimate. You can also chase him down with your Dashes and Ultimate too. Most of the damage Mundo does to you will be healed by your passive and other lifesteal.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror, you won't be able to kill him, never. You can't pull him because of his Passive - Goes Where He Pleases. And he can just run away with his Q - Infected Bonesaw. Stand behind minions so you don't get poked out of lane. Definetly ult him in teamfights as long as he has no spellshield (Passive).”
SqualoBaffo says “difficult matchup because of his passive, try to remove his passive with your "e" before making an exchange, do not do all-in if it is not below half hp, after the 6 obligatory the executioner
matchup difficile a causa della sua passiva, cerca di rimuovere la sua passiva con la tua "e" prima di fare uno scambio, non fare all-in se non e' sotto la meta' vita, dopo il 6 obbligatoria l'executioner”
Psychopathic Top says “Mundo cannot do anything to Nasus. Free farm to level 6, spam your emotes and mastery at him and watch him suffer from doing nothing. Can get lucidity and kindle gem if you just want to farm. Grab sheen if you want to kill. Either is fine here, there is no wrong answer. Mid-Late Nasus's teamfight is much better, Mundo cannot split vs him nor out teamfight. ”
Gospodin Bure says “Stay behind minions and Q him, Mundo doesn't have as much kill potential as anyone above him on the list so as long as you stay out of melee range you're fine. Also your barrels still slow him in spite of the spellshield.”
clalobaciel says “Early this matchup is a pain, but if you build Mortal Reminder and/or Ignite, this matchup isn't a problem. Late game he is nothing to Fiora with her ult and true damage.”
Hecki says “Dr. Mundo with his new passive is really good for poking him with your Q since he will receive extra % damage if it's up. Get Executioner's Calling as an first item and all-in him if you manage to hit your W-Pull.”
ArshieMeBob says “He can't get on top of you without hitting a cleaver and sniffing paint, which he can't really do since you are ranged. Just poke him down, not much he can do.”
Rocking Masterock says “Mundo is definitely EXTREME, he absolutely counters Malphite, his Q has a lot of magic damage, he has got nice sustain and base HP Regen to nullify your poke, you might want to max E and have a good clear, try to roam, don't try to kill him unless your jungler is fed and can delete him, all you should do is focusing at roaming and clearing waves without taking so much damage, or he can freely dive and kill you with his passive, remember you can't even knock him up. ”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Ghost and teleport] Unless you get baited into a bad all-in you shouldnt have problems surviving this lane. Dodge his spells and use the minion wave to do so. Taking Ghost instead of Flash negates most of his all-in potential, but make sure that the enemy jungler doesn't have reliable hard CC.”
SunOak says “Buy early wounds preferably first back. Dodge as many cleavers as you can and step on the passive he drops then you will beat him. Use conq runes and start with dorans shield.”
Sidrome says “So this matchup is quite straight forward, if you can get an early lead( like 3 kills) you pretty much dominate the lane;
But the problem is doing it, mundo is tanky and his poke hurts a lot and also you need to discard the idea of pulling him towards you because the time you get your E back Mundo has is passive again( or almost)_;
In top of that, Mundo just need to get level 6 and bamis cinder, steel caps or bramble vest, to not just being unkillable but to kill you;
Despite all of that, you still can try to kill him before level 6 and its basically the only way to do win it;”
Kune ML says “Rush Divine Sunderer , remember to use your Q3 before using ult . Once he is level 6 rapidly making extend trade , pick fleet footwork+second wind+Doran shield combo and you will outsustain him . Rapidly doing it until he use the ult , the retreat , wait and kill”
Val3n says “Pretty much unkillable after laning phase. You can block his Q, but that won't make a big difference. Get a Executioners early to kill him early, but don't expect to kill him later on. ”
CFCryo says “His poke and passive are just so hard for Thresh to deal with. You cannot rely on flaying him away, so once he becomes threatening (level 6+), like Morde and other juggernauts, you should respect him and not push up too far. Definitely a "let me farm" matchup, but can be beatable with a complete Wit's End and careful abuse of range.”
Alan234 says “Go PTA (Take cut down) and cull.
Buy oblivion orb early/nashor. Dodge his Qs and keep your ignite for his ult. Perma push him in and harass him under the tower. Be aware of his all in and spamm DPS items as much as possible. Its a statcheck matchup and if you cs poorly or die you will have a bad time. Thus its very important that you keep up in items.”
TXK_ says “His max hp damage Q and mixed damage abilities combined with high sustain makes this late game match-up a pain. Look to punish early if he goes in to melee minions.”
Mr. Popper says “Has no engage onto gnar as well as only one poke tool that cant go through minions. easy to poke out and get a lead on.
I recommend taking fleet footwork into him.”
MegadabYt says “(50/50) but always try to get his passive off of him, and let him tower dive you, even with his ult, because he won't have enough dps at one point of time and the tower will kill him if played carefully.”
aurus666lol says “New Mundo is 50/50. Go PTA and Exe first. He has strong damage and tank laner (like Maokai or Ornn). If you want, you can wait for ganks and win lane by it, but you can kill him solo too. Dont engage when he use R, Remember to use Q first to destroy his passive, after that E to slow him.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Similar to Olaf but lower damage and higher health, he will chase you down and kill you unless you are ahead. Buy Black Cleaver into this matchup. Situationally, Divine Sunderer can be good into Mundo if the enemy team has other tanks.
JaxIsAHobo says “With his rework, Mundo has become a far more interesting matchup compared to before. Try to trade with him early level 1-3, by using your stun to push him in the minion wave and deal damage. Popping his passive actually deals true damage to him, so make sure to hit him with your stun, and then deny him the healing from picking up his canister by stepping on it.
If he plays safe, very difficult to punish without significant help from your teammates.
Build executioners calling early if you're struggling in this matchup.”
King Turtle says “Hard to tell if the recent changes are a buff or a nerf considering some of the other top laners who got changed like camille and Lillia. You'll be able to beat him early with quick trades and abusing passive, but level 6 is hard to tell since he gets so much hp back from R. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Mundo is kinda unbalanced and can carry a game 1vs9. You can win the early phase of the lane but not after 6. Get Executioner or Bramble vest and you should be fine as long as you do not over feed him.”
Vandenelis says “you have the upper hand in trades. rush bramble vest early, he will generaly just stand behind minions and use his cleaver to farm, if he decides to do this dont fight him, since he can kite you out. If he is farming like this, concider blocking cannon minions with your body, so he cant kill them”
Bombabo says “Dr. Mundo's rework made him a large threat to Urgot. His passive will prevent you from being able to flip him, which for some reason prevents you from locking onto him with your W. He also hits much harder now, and can save his ult for crucial moments in a fight to take himself out of your R range (which can be blocked by his passive as well)”
XtheZ115 says “Mundo's cleaver not only chunks you for percentage health damage, but slows you. That, paired with its short cooldown, makes for a dangerous weapon. Proxying a Mundo is your best bet, and be wary of his ult.
After Riot massively buffed this guy in 8.9, he is a much larger threat than he once was.”
apkibum says “Mundo will almost ALWAYS outheal your damage as tank teemo, be VERY careful and wary of him as he also does a TON of damage and has slows. Dont Int.”
SettVEVO says “Dr. Mundo makes it so you cannot guarantee your W because of his passive. Thankfully it has a long cooldown early. So E first to take it off, smash the canister and then wait for E again to fight. Same when level 6. You do not want to waste ult on his passive. Watch out as now he can poke even when you are behind minions. And his ult heals more based on missing health so don't get cocky. Lane is just avoid poke, take off passive, trade, rinse and repeat. Later on he is a chunky target for you to ult. Just don't ult him with his passive up. Please.”
Byku2506 says “After rework Mundo is mega strong, so to counter him I reccomend to hold E for Mudno when he is going in or you going in with aa and W. dont waste too early E to remove his passive. He will in 100% play passive against you after this. for second item Build Thornmail. ”
eramsorgr says “Annoying healing tank. Easy to kill if his Ult is down since he can't heal back. You can beat him in most 1v1s but beware of his Q slow and E AoE damage!”
Spiderfork says “Fairly weak, but their ultimate can lead to very prolonging fights. Your mini gnar W passive does magic damage, so take that into account of his E passive.”
RTO says “You out trade him at all points of the game. You will outburst him faster than he heals. If he walks up for any CS, your damage is too much for him to handle. ”
Fryx says “He is one mile away and will use his Q to farm. You can't win the trades with Grasp so use your Comet Q's to poke him down and later on use your ult to proc his passive and pick it up so it does more damage. All you wanna do is survive the lanephase and scale.
wff010 says “Go E level 1 since your E cooldown is lower than his passive cooldown and try to land an early E to knock off his passive. After that you should win the engage. You can run grasp if you're not confident about killing him in lane and be more useful later.”
qosmox says “If he walks up to creeps to last hit you should be able to force winning trades early on and push the advantage. If he constantly stays back and farms with Q, then be an evil mastermind and bodyblock the cannons and some melee minions with your
passive shield whenever it’s up until he grows angry and walks up to last hit after all (and you force trades again)”
RainAndBow says “You can't really kill him and he can't really kill you. Be careful of ganks and out-trade him and out farm him. Try and keep him off the minions and win with item spikes. ”
JustAlexK says “Mundo goes where he pleases. As with Aatrox he is very strong until you buy Bramble. Also his kid relies heavily on his health, so keep that in mind”
Lumijo says “He can't really do anything but play safe and throw Q for him to cs. Be careful late game because he will heal alot
Rush CLEAVER if losing”
Dbthegamer74 says “Avoid Q poke, need executioner's calling and D shield for laning. You need jungle to fight him or else you lose over all from level 6.
Avoid using e on him not needed unless, someone on your team has cc ,use it to allow them to cc him.”
calbino says “The Mundo rework gave him some pretty good damage. Constantly poke him with first Q whenever passive is up, and deny him to pick it up. Try to short trade him pre 6.”
Jaori says “Just chilling. You outscale him in every moment of the match. Trundle's pillar also counters his passive, since it takes off his CC shield, but doesn't stop slowing him.”
ForgottenProject says “His Cleavers will be your demise if you're not careful.
[1]Make sure you Rush Executioner's Calling after your Tiamat to counter his Ult healing.
[2]You can also pick up Ignite for lane in case you don't want to rush Executioner's.
[4]Don't Split-Push too much, he is a great Front-line tank and will destroy your team if you're not there.”
Fuu Enju says “He is easy to pressure early game. However, his Q can be annoying early game so try to dodge those. His ultimate at lv 6 has insane healing capabilities. I recommend a bramble vest to make sure he can't heal a lot when you go in.”
turtlehamstercroc says “He's simply stronger than you at all stages of the game, and his passive makes trading with him really hard early on, just focus on getting some farm whenever you can and dodging cleavers when he's chasing you so that it's a little harder for him to get to you”
a1a7s45 says “Mundo can deal pretty good damage for a tank. But all tanks are weak against the combo of PTA, Blade and Gnar W. You need to dodge his Qs and poke him back.
In teamfights, if you're ADC isn't playing Vayne, you're the one that is going to be dealing with him. Try to zone him away from the team and make sure his passive is up as least as possible.”
oogoogerson says “Mundo is extremely annoying to play against and will win most of the time. His new spell shield from his rework prevents you from flipping him in the laning phase, making him a hard target to kill and get ahead. He can also bully you really hard with his Q. Take Teleport.”
Breadcrumbs says “Irelia plays pretty well into Mundo, I like to run ignite into this matchup as you simply ignite him when he ults and just try to hide behind minions so he doesn't spam his Q on you.”
SethPRG says “His Q poke is annoying from long range, but mostly dodgeable, especially if you are in melee range and properly sidestep while auto-attacking. Don't dive him with his ult up, he will heal pretty quickly. He's a living nuke for the enemy backline, he can't really do much to you unless he's monstrously fed. Rush Bramble or Executioners into Black Cleaver 2nd item and Steraks Gage 3rd item.”
joelspaho121 says “I have not laned against a single mundo so far as darius but on paper this matchup looks really hard to me because of his new passive.You can almost never E him and he has unmatched poke/sustain. The only thing you can do is abuse his passive cd and try to all in him while it's down.
Dont take any of this for granted though. I'll provide more info on this matchup as I play and will come back again once I have an actual take on this matchup. For now I'll consider mundo as a hard matchup.”
El Leon Gnar says “New Mundo shouldn't have much kill pressure v,s, you in lane, but he will stay relevant in the game no matter how the lane goes. Trade primarily in Mini form, when you're mega he'll just block your cc and do more damage than you can output.”
Lucas9000 says “Bad matchup generally, but the average mundo player is the literal embodiment of Mundo. So slap some antiheal in your build and have fun. Just poke out his Ult post 6 and he should have fun ;) ”
Xarmat says “This is a hard one.
Stay behind minions near the brush and try to poke him. At level 6, you must play save. A bit of lifesteal will help you to sustain his Q. Kraken and King is a must have with healing cut. This will be a long game.”
Kindredgarten says “You can invade him early game for a free kill but beware his late as he can run you and your team down. Executioners is a must buy if he gets fed.”
K1ng OZIL says “EASY LANE. DON’T GET HIT BY FREE CLEAVERS. FREEZE LANE AND RUN HIM DOWN. CONQUEROR RECOMMENDED. EXECUTIONER’S CALLING IF HEALING BECOMES A PROBLEM. Mundo can be somewhat annoying to deal with but he is an immobile tank. He actually has no way to outtrade you unless you get hit by every single one of his cleavers. And that is essentially the only trick you need to know in order to beat Mundo. Either dodge his cleavers or stand behind your minions. All he can do is throw his cleavers and farm from a distance. But doing this will actually lead to you being able to freeze better as he will be actively damaging the wave. Since he essentially has no escape from you, you can simply run him down if he walks up too far and tries to aa the wave. Ghost is more than enough movement speed but if you struggle to chase him through his cleaver slows, you can take Phase Rush. Conqueror is nevertheless, preferred though, as you need to punch through his health. Mundo will be stacking up his health quite a bit, which is why you need the extra damage. Another thing to remember is that his ultimate costs a decent chunk of health, which might leave him low enough for you to oneshot with your fully stacked ultimate for a splitsecond. If a Mundo gets fed, your team will hate you a lot, as a fed Mundo is actually impossible to kill. If his ultimate healing becomes a problem for you, which it shouldn’t, then a quick executioners calling will do the trick.”
Sailor MOwOn says “I have not played against this as Morgana yet, however I do feel Mundo was extremely overbuffed last patch. Even with Liandry's and Demonic Embrace, it is almost impossible to burn him down late game. He's been my ban lately as I just don't want to deal with it. UPDATE: After his rework he is even more of a threat because he has a consistent Spell Shield. Perma ban, tbh.”
Godidi says “If Dr. Mundo goes top, you're screwed. Your poking isn't any good as his passive will let him just walk it off, he allways builds Sirit's Visage which comes with Magic Resistance, he already has a great amount of base MR, he can poke you with Q, his ult makes him faster than you and fully regens him, etc. etc. etc.
You're doomed if you're against Mundo. Even tho he has so many things against you, you should still take Ignite and the Base Runes”
NPGRiven says “Dr. Mundo is extremely easy for Riven. This season he seems to be a bit stronger but you can still heavily bully him in the early game. Don't underestimate him though. You can permanently short-trade him, you will want to keep doing this until he is low enough to one shot. You can deny his last hits with Q using your E to tank the damage. Early executioners are good to get for his healing, and do your best to not get poked out by random cleavers. If you get push priority and he's just hugging tower, look to roam around the map.”
UlisesFRN says “[Reworked]
He is very powerfull in lane. Better sustain and poke than you. Take ignite always. If you reach lvl 6 before him,you can all in with ignite+ult. Early GW will help but still hard matchup for Garen”
deathwalker7119 says “You can take ignite into this matchup if you want, but I wouldn't really recommend it. Simply rush executioners and call it a day. Dodge whatever Qs you can, otherwise sit behind wave unless he walks up at which point you will win a trade. You need to parry his empowered auto, it gives his hands a red aura and he will headbutt you. Parrying this will fuck his dps and give you a usually free kill.”
Chronn says “Tanks with a lot of dmg in early game like mundo are a major threat when playing kayle, try to avoid fights in early game and farm as much as possible. Once u get level 11 and Nashor's Tooth u can try to fight him.”
WarwicksSimp says “Decent ban.
Hard Counter via countering your R and E cc. You have to E cc and then r him to hold him for a gank but even so he will probably survive unfortunately unless your jungler has the dmg and cc of their own. He also has a bigger impact on the game in general.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Mundo will most likely beat you to scuttle and probably will win the fight for it, with his health regen he will start the fight healthier than you”
Snow Day Zoe says “Annoying but pretty easy in teamfight,
Its usually a stalemate in lane due to his passive, but in teamfights Sett is usually more useful.”
Excuruseh says “Get bramble. You can look for lvl 3 trades and Mundo can't heal outside of his ultimate because you don't have CC until 6. You can burn his passive with R1 and then look to kill with R2. Watch out for his rapid healing.”
Darkduet says “Dr. Mundo can be very annoying, because of his q, but staying behind minions and doing fine trades can really help into winning the lane”
Russkyoki says “Once you break his passive he's not that hard, but its hard to break his passive since the only thing that can break his passive is your ult and w.”
TwoKingzz says “Take Conq - rush botrk & sunderer. Then a steraks & stoneplate. You should only all in when ignite is up. Overall easy if you scale up before fighting.”
Womsky says “Scaling set up, u dont see him much top, but he is a really weak and abusable champ early, you take ignite for early kills and to stop his healing, he STRUGGLES big time if u ever extend a trade vs him, but his short trades are pretty nice, he scales well and when he stacks armor he becomes pretty annoying, early game just look for kills and to freeze on him, dont let him get cannons by blocking cleavers, later on if u split vs him, before commiting to kill him, bait his ulti before going, cause he can kite pretty well with it.”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Avoid fighting him at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive, start e and let him push you in. E him after he autos you so that your creeps target him. Once it pushes to tower stack your passive and look for fights, especially since it will be pushing back and you will have exp advantage over him. Don’t be afraid to fight him even if he looks spooky. Make sure he has no boneplating before all-inning him and land your E before you go in AND make sure you have passive. Save your last Q for his Q, spam your Q when they pull you if they are charging his Q. If you don’t get hit by his outer Q you will typically win, same goes later levels however I would avoid fighting him after 3 items if you are not ahead of him since it will take you too long to kill him and he will get his passive.
shinsuky says “Useless Q in every fight against him in 1v1, hard counter for your damage with his ultimate too btw, just try to farm and do not push against him. Don't waste he don't give a fck about your Q because of his Q spam for last hitting.”
SadmanV3 says “Mundo's insane healing makes hi quite annoying to trade against, and his ability to poke at you with his knife is also annoying, however once you obtain Divine Sunderer, handling Dr Mundo becomes much easier.
1. Good wave management.
2. Dodge his throws
3. Avoid extended trading”
JeanMichelBambi says “Mundo is vulnerable to poke since he is melee, you sould be able to abuse that fact easily in lane, he will be winning trades that fall into melee range”
CertifiedTrundle says “Op champ
Try to avoid his q's cause he deals a lot of dmg when YOU are full hp.
He's not a easy kill u need to use your piller to block him and do as much dmg u can if he use r when he is below half hp he will 100% die ”
Noodles912 says “Freelo! Stay behind minions and freeze all game. Farm over and over again, until you become a beast. Sure mundo is a late game monster, but morellonomicon makes him a lot weaker. Just nuke his team with an ult late game, and mundo will die with no assistance. Dont play aggro in the early game.”
Cayteer says “Just dodge his Q , or W it so you won't take any damage. You can't kill him but he can't kill you too. At 6 , pull combo him to get a pick to get ahead.”
Mundo is pretty annoying with his cleaver, and will just poke you with these. If you can parry it, it's a great thing for you. You should try to make him use his R (by pretending you are going all-in), and when he launches, you just just run away, and then when it's finished you can go and destroy him with R. He has no hard CC so use W to slow him/hit a vital.
Later in the game, you have to be with your team because you can deal crazy amount of damages and anti-heal him : if you are not there, your team won't kill him !”
teemodumbstupid says “Hide behind minions do avoid his Q damage. It might be worth it to get hit by it on purpose so he misses the cannon. Build healing reduction. ”
jmp_01_ says “Easy matchup. You can pick Doran's Blade and Ignite if you want. Just make sure you don't get poked low by his Q - Infected Cleaver. If you play with Teleport - buy anti-heal. He scales well. Make sure to ult him in teamfights in later stages of the game.”
Draconic56 says “Mundo is a very hard matchup. Pre-level 6 you can beat him but he will most likely keep his distance and farm with cleaver. After level 6 you can't kill him due to his ult healing. Take ignite and buy bramble to try to negate some of his healing and you might be able to kill him if you don't miss too many Q's.”
Kokob5 says “With Mundo's soon return to top lane Mordekaiser will be faced once more with one of his harder match ups. Hide behind minions so he can't get free poke with his Q and keep E for when he tries to run you down. Get jungle help to get ahead since you don't win 1v1's without a lead.”
KingFershid says “Hope that when they rework this THING they change his ult cause it's just too much. Just farm, dodge his Qs if you can and ask for early ganks.”
Lost Robot says “Mundo usually struggles to kill you, but due to his ultimate and MR passive it's incredibly difficult for you to kill him in return (unless he's bad). He then usually becomes more useful than you after laning phase (except not, because your build is too awesome and you're too skilled at the game to let him do that to you, of course).
The solution? Herald. Get Bami's, aggressively push lane, and ping the crap out of Herald once you get the wave to his tower. If the jungler ignores you, just solo the thing. Papa Scuttle is yours and nobody can tell you otherwise.
Once you manage to take down top tower, roam super aggressively. At that stage of the game, you'll be incredibly powerful since Tahm Kench is one of the best early game champs in the game, and if Mundo decides to follow up on your roams he won't be nearly as useful as you yet.”
pioj12 says “Tbh i don't see a lot of mundo in the top so i don't think he is a very bad matchup if he gap closes you just kite him and slow so you can abuse.
i don't think you can oneshot a mundo as mega form
OctavePlayer says “Get cut down in this matchup. He isn't much of a problem, but his healing could really mess up your game. He also scales late, so deny him farm.”
gladiatorrr4 says “Take care with Mundo's Q. He will use it for trades and to farm. Try to poke him down. He cannot really get on you. Go for short trades, but also some poke.”
raede says “Dodge the dagger with jagger's dancing swagger. Mundo is pretty easy from around 1-5 but his ult makes him hard to kill. Really the only times he should be able to kill you are if you mess up, get ganked, or he's being played by Michael Jordan. Obviously get a bramble vest.”
Runtley says “All Mundo player play the same, sit behind minions and throw cleaver for CS. That is why you want to sit in front of the CS or in a bush to poke him and lead him away from the minions. You can even block him in with shrooms if you really want to poking Mundo really doesn't do anything since he has so much sustain so really just kill him early or live through laning phase.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommend: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Gank more than him , don't fight him after 6 unless you are fed.
Mundo is really annoying and it's really hard to win when you play against him.”
Rime101 says “Max W!
Shove and roam 24/7
Your only kill opportunity is before he gets spectre’s cowl + level 6. After that you can’t solo kill basically for the rest of the game
Toliam says “He can usually survive your push and harass, and can kill you at level 6 by outsustaining you.
He kinda just immunes whatever you want to do, but struggles to teamfight after Liandry's + Demonic.”
Alekra says “He does not really have any killpressure on you. Your sustain is great so you can eat alot of his cleavers without being at risk of dying. You can win trades against him and Bramble Vest will help alot after lv 6. Only fight him with his ult up if you are ahead or have antiheal.”
Erenando says “Annoying lane, since he pokes you with his Q all the time and you can't really fight him since he regenerates too much HP with lvl 6+. Just make sure to stack up, but he is no huge threat overall.”
czrmtz24 says “Do not try to proxy against Dr Mundo level 1. He will slow you with his cleavers and first blood you. He has MR built into his kit and you will never be able to cut his healing in a relevant way. ”
lulw says “Pretty easy laning phase. Hes decently strong but you can trade well. Max Q into him. Rush bork as usual. You can use him as a bomb in teamfights. You can get executioners.”
Smallflame000 says “You'll definitely die a lot to Dr. Mundo, he does a lot of damage when fed even a little bit and heals for a lot. His R also heals him for a lot.”
Olaf Only says “Easy to kill after lvl 6.
Get Executioner's Calling first.
Try to freeze and deny him all the cs that you can.
Also take some Q's to your face to prevent him from last hitting cannon minions.”
LunaticDancer says “Easy, as long as you don't get outstatted early on. As always, burst trades are you friend pre-6. Your ghouls body block his Q, which is his main harass tool. His W deals neglegible damage to them too. Anti-heal cripples him immensely.”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
[Ignite + TP]
Start Q if he walks up to the wave. Tank matchup, just farm, don't die, get your Divine Sunderer and you win. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “His clear is not bad, he has a huge burst early, that's where the issue lies. If you want to stomp this matchup, just catch him low health in his jungle cause he doesn't have a healthy clear, and you should be fine. Also, you'll eventually out farm him and you have better ganking potential. Still an even matchup.”
SpyDaFX says “super annoying after level 6, stand behind creeps to dodge his axes, try to kill before level 6, ask for ganks, start doran's shield (or long sword&refillable if you know you're positive you will kill him, he isnt that a big of a threat unless he gets a lead). go Conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “He will play passively and try to wittle you down with Q. This is basically just a boring lane on who can outsustain the other. Just stand behind your minions and deny him Q's onto you. I would however stand infront of your cannon minion and take the Q damage so he misses out on it. If you have the Gold for it buy Executioners.”
mobsterplatypus says “Although mundo regenerates a lot of HP, if you run grevious wounds he's pretty much useless, so run ignite. The only problem is that he'll usually regen that back. if you ult him you steal 10% of his HP so use that to your advantage. He only does real damage up close, quick mordekaiser usually wins against most champions.”
Kil4fun says “You can never really kill him. If you can dodge his cleavers he can't all in you well either, so just farm from range and try not to mess up. If he snowballs at all he goes into the major or extreme category as he will grind you into dust off 1-2 kills.”
Skarbnik says “mundo has arguably a faster clear than karthus and after 6 he will run over you, morelo is core in this matchup and it will help you win teamfights against him if not 1v1s”
Bear24 says “Dodge his q(hide behind minion wave) he shouldn't be able to touch the wave because You out sustain him with your w before 6. Takes a long time to kill late game. Grab bramble. Your e also does percent health damage. ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Mundo is a bit of a meme but it's tricky to really do anything against him. His R outruns your R, his Q chunks you if you're going tanky. Best to shove lane and try your best to peel him off your team in teamfights.”
Razorwir3 says “pretty easy just get some antiheal and u should be fine u can aditionally build something like bortk for max hp dmg but he shouldnt be too big of a problem”
J0hnny Joestar says “Dodge his Q and remember that his R damages him before healing him, so if you can quickly exexute him with your R do it. Also early trades are quite good as long as he doesn't hit you with his clever after. ”
kingchas2 says “Hard to kill and hard to kite. He doesn't have too much damage to all-in you and just kill you. Mostly a farm lane which is the benefit to you. By playing around his cleavers and preventing him from getting too fed early you are much more impactful during teamfights. ”
ModelitoTime says “he can be a pain in the ass. Dodge his Q's, it comes up really often so be out for it. Rush grievous wounds as soon as you can in this matchup, build black cleaver first item and be smart about your trades and this matchup should be a breeze, never R him if his passive is up because you wont be able to kill him. E him first so you can get rid of it, and be sure to step on the cartridge that comes out so he doesnt get hp.”
xxskipskipxx says “Don't get hit by his Q and go for short trades!
Short trade-> AA Q W AA E Q(out)
Build Grievious wounds pre 6 if you are ahead to kill him even with his ultimate healing!”
Hippo Boi says “Most tanks are really easy to deal with, but this one can screw you with his cleavers. Try dodging as much as possible on horse form. Take advantage of his weak early game before he gets tankier than you.”
Dannala says “LANE: A big bully with a strong cleaver, but is really easy to poke down and bully back out of lane. He can stick to you with his cleaver but other than that he really got nothing to bring until his late game. LATE: Just avoid and go for carries, unless going some anti tank build with a strong front line or carry to help bring him down.”
ineptpineapple says “Stay behind minions and pray that you kill him before 6 before he gets his dumb BS. After 6 just try to stay away if he goes in on you gtfo. After he has used his ult poke him to a thirdish health and do the q r q w q ignite combo and you should kill him.”
Deathwizard778 says “He has high sustain and healing properties making early to mid game difficult best to avoid if possible but late game you can destroy him.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “JUST DONT DO IT unleess youre a masochist and love vietnam flashbacks
If someone picks Mundo into you, my personal advise would be dodging.”
Raideru says “This matchup is unplayable after 2 items for you if he doesn't get behind in early game, the way u need to play it in early is only trade him after he misses q otherwise he can actually win the trade pretty hard. It's all ab how many qs u can dodge when u all in him. I advise going Lethal Tempo DBlade and rushing Bork as first item with executioner.”
LeSocair says “This champion is killable, but don't really try to kill him, it's better to farm up than to try to get him to stay at low health during lane (This is what you do in most matchups).
He does tons of damage too, so try to not get hit by the cleavers, if he gets too close to you he will deal A TON of damage with his E active.”
sauronkaiser says “This champion can be very problematic in laning phase. If he takes the lead, try to play safe until late. Is not usually seen in top, tho.”
TioKirb says “Avoid his Qs and he won't be a threat at all, the only danger that he possesses is his Q, Lillia likes going fast and those knifes prevents her from being Lillia.”
CattoNuts says “Rush executioner's. You'll get slowed by his Qs so just do short trades using empowered Q. He'll be forced to farm afar with Q, and even then he's still vulnerable to bush jumps. Try to get as much of a lead as possible before he gets R + bramble. ”
RedNBlue says “Easily kitable but he will be unkillable with his ult and he will run fast, make sure not to get hit by his cleavers that he will just keep throwing at you every 3 or so seconds.”
Wyvernwolfy says “build exe calling early if you need to. Try not to fight him 1v1 unless everything you have is grievous and he is below 25% health with no R.”
Ramixx says “You can't beat him 1v1. I have not fought him very much but I do know that you cant really beat him but their is room for outplay if he plays badly. Just dont get poked out by his Q.”
EU_Toxicity says “Stand behind your minions to not get poked down by his Q cleavers spam. If he goes up to you in melee distance before 6 simply all-in him and kill him, you have much higher damage. Build cleaver into tabis and visage. If you didn't get behind you should always win all-ins against him. Executioners will prove very useful after level 6.”
doorknobber69 says “You can usually bully him out of lane and force him to farm with q. Rush grievous wounds. I like ignite into this match up, but it isn't necessary. After he gets bramble it gets harder to kill him unless you have a lead.”
bocchicken says “It's farming simulator 2021, but he WILL be able to kill you in the 1v1 after 2 items..
Good news is that you help your TEAM scale!
Look to punish him early, and then safely farm under tower to get your Ornnaments so you can win as a team!”
iZeal says “Get anti-healing, setup your Qs with W and E, don't take free damage from his cleavers, get grievous wounds. Fight him in your minions so he has a hard time hitting his cleaver. Darius is a very strong pick against Mundo as you will be able to match him even in the late game and use him as 5 bleed stack fodder.
DBlade, Executioner's Calling > Bramble Vest”
bocchicken says “You can kill him early, but once he gets spirit visage you can no longer touch him. Look to call for a gank and put him behind, then use that pressure to zone him off CS.”
DarkNavarre says “You have an easier time hitting Mundo than he has of hitting you, provided you keep minions between the two of you. However, when he does hit you, he hits like a truck. Additionally, unless you are ahead, you will be able to do less and less to him the longer the game goes on.”
NoxianBlood says “Mundo Late game can be pretty unstoppable but try to deny his early game by killing him few times to make him go behind, a 5000 hp Mundo that goes to 300 hp and then heal it all back up gives him 10'000 hp kinda, so not a major threat but with team he can be pretty burst down, just watch out for his Q Perma Slow, but's the only cc he has, so you have more CC in your kit so you can out CC him pretty hard, even though he has Tenacity in his W.”
byThiagus says “Matchup gratis, es como chogath pero MAS FACIL todavia, No te hace outsustain como el anterior. DESTRUILO. espada de doran Y rushea llamado del verdugo si te esta gankeando el otro jungler y no pudiste sacar ventaja.”
Boblet says “Don't bother building crit Sett to counter him, it will not work. This being said, he is not a lane threat and is a big tub of meat for you to hurl into the enemy backline where there are much more important targets.”
Stijnzxz says “Mundo is super easy to deal with just dodge hes Q and ur fine :) late game it can be different so keep in mind late game mundo is pretty big.”
AWierdShoe says “If he walks up to creeps to last hit you should be able to force winning trades early on and push the advantage. If he constantly stays back and farms with Q, then be an evil mastermind and body-block the cannons and some melee minions with your
passive shield whenever it’s up until he grows angry and walks up to last hit after all (and you force trades again).
TrinityForceYasuo says “Stay behind minions,block Q's if you are not behind the minions, punish when he goes for cs and play around the waves so it becomes a pain in the ass for him to hit Q's. Reduce his healing get executioners.”
Scoothare says “Really annoying. Dodge his cleaver (Q) and wait for ganks. He can't do anything against a lvl 3 gank from your jungler, so ask for it.”
StrikeX114 says “Although it should be noted that his high damage output and health regeneration are his greatest strengths and make him nigh unkillable, his greatest threat to you is his Burning Agony (W), as it provides a short-range burst option for him. Be sure to keep a distance from this madman.”
Chessylex says “Stand behind minions and don't let him approach you by kiting him to hell. Minions will also body block his Q cleaver spam. Buy grievous wounds and win. Simple as that.”
Captain Dantems says “Ele tem chance de te matar o jogo todo, evite tomar o cutelo, compre ninja tabi e o item de corta cura. Grasp com inspiração, ou se quiser trocas mais longas use Conqueror. ”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early
- Usa solo tradeos cortos, hasta que esté con poca vida suficiente para hacer all in
- Si ves que es medio tontito, comprate orbe del olvido en early, lo podras matar siempre que quieras lol”
llametekudasai says “no dejes que te lastimen sus Q, mantente siempre atras de tus minioms, en el momento que lo pilles con una e intenta moverte para que así tenga menos % de darte la q, si te pega la Q puedes usar tu w para mantener las velocidades, por stats tu ganas en velocidad de movimiento, siempre vas a tener una ventaja.”
Suedoma says “I think It will be Mundo because only for Its ultimate that will restore his health. good poking and ganking will snowball Mundo threat level is tiny because of his ultimate nothing more ”
Whackguy says “Yet another tanky champion. Dodge Q's and win early game. Short trades with autos and E's away will give you a lead. Play off of Mundo's R cooldown.”
GLP1 says “Kled is very good against tanks for his high damage and because he will always have the free passive because they can't kill him without the mount.
And You have healing reduction in your Q”
wolfclaw3812 says “Skill matchup: if you can dodge Mundo's cleaver, he can't catch you. If Mundo lands his cleaver, you can't run away. On-hit. AP will not save you, because Mundo goes where Mundo pleases, and into your mushroom field is no exception.”
Randombeastmode says “Start Dblade, his ult should be used to kite you, if he is low you can kill him fast, but be careful with his ult kite, In lane you want to freeze the wave under your tower PRE-tiamat, with tiamat you want to poke/do an extended trade with spin auto tiamat W. The further he is pushed up the better.”
OffmetaPancake says “Mundo is Mundo. Unless he ragequits before he's 6 the matchup feels disgusting to play into. Pre 6 you win, but anything after is trolling.”
Gwoky says “Take Doran's Ring as your starting item. If you stay behind minions and use E for poke and push, he can't do much in lane. There isn't too much of a weak point in lane for you, but his ult neutralizes your ult to an extent. Later game, you are both going to be large tanks.”
Frostyfps says “Super easy lane, feel free to start Q and look for early fights with passive stacked. He is super easy to beat as long as you don't get camped. Get executioners after botrk you don't really need it until he is level 11.”
Defensivity1 says “Be carefull early, level 1-3 he can heavily outtrade you with his cleaver e and w.
Advised to get Executioner's calling before Tri is finished.”
Colbasz says “Stay behind minions so he can't poke you with his cleavers, and stay out of melee range. Get a Mortal Reminder after you mythic item. Focus him with your team late game.”
Legal Loli Lulu says “Not really sure what threat level he's at, however I'm trash at this game and I have a hard time beating Mundo since they buffed his heals in 8.9.
But generally you just want to dodge his cleaver(Q), not stand in his burn(W) for too long. He uses health for his abilities, try to outsustain him. Get Bramble Vest and then proceed building as usual. Ignite is powerful against Mundo pre-lvl 11.
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Mundo is not too difficult to fight early on, just make sure to bully him as much as you can and stay behind the minions wave to avoid his high damaging Q. Mundo is extremely strong late, so punish him early to stop his late scaling.”
Luceris says “Standard Grasp Runes
Build: CULL. Any Mythic works here. Make sure to build EXECUTIONERS CALLING early on. Without it you cannot kill him even with JG ganks. Again, this is a farming lane, so go Cull and just farm your way to victory.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Have you seen those arms??? Dr. Mundo clearly is a regular gym-visitor. His training seems to be very effective and yields lots of gains. Keeping in mind that Nick rarely visits the gym, it naturally occurs that Nick only has minor chances of winning versus Dr. Mundo. Nick best chances were if Dr. Mundo suddenly died of a stroke due to his excessive overconsumption of protein shakes and the side-effects of steroid abuse”
YoungTact says “Duck into the wave to dodge his Q's and take magic resit if needed. Can also run the conqueror page if damage is needed in your comp. Rush Exec/bramble depending on enemy composition. Apply lane harass combo and if hes running you down disegange with E to minion, R him away or W away. Or just do all of the above. ”
qasddsa says “Don't let him hit you with his Cleaver and don't get into melee range. Rush tier 2 boots, Blade of the Ruined King, and an Executioner's when you can. You can sell Executioner's later on for a Morellonomicon. Late game, you need to focus him down with your team. Recommended to take Conqueror or Press the Attack against him.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Mundo isn't the strongest early game champion.
Abuse this with your early push and damage to keep him down.
If possible, ask for ganks so he falls behind.”
Dr. Mundo nowadays is such an outdated champion, his kit doesn't offer him enough punishing tools to deal with Nasus unless you run it down, so be careful and don't underestimate his damage early on. In laning phase just look to farm under torret since his W and Bami Cinder will permapush the wave ,and dodge his cleavers (stay behind minions for doing this easier), Its also not that bad to build a Bramble Vest after getting Trinity Force + Boots so he can't just outheal your damage with his R in a teamfight. Later on to the game depending on how much CC does the enemy team composition and how ahead are you from Nasus, you can look to Teamfight (you outscale him really hard there) or Splitpush. If you look to Splitpush, ignore his damage and hit the tower and if he does get you to half HP just Q or auto attack some minions and get back to Full HP, because of this he will ask for help since he can't match you, so be prepared for 1v2 scenarios.”
SkellyBirb says “Mundo has a lot of sustain and can still poke you despite being melee. He doesn't have much kill potential but he can poke you down to zone you out if he hits enough cleavers.”
Theknight31 says “Mundo is a tank so he counter rengar but if you build bruiser he can kill you easily with is q so take a black cleaver first. Dont be aggressive in lane. Take an ignite for his ult i think its better than tp vs mundo.”
Zimdog says “Super annoying to deal with early game, avoid this if you can, if you are up against him, 3rd Rune page and Safe farming, Rageblade is the Key”
Xined says “start red, take his blue second, becuz he will 100% start red unless he is bad, if he starts blue for some reason, then no worries he dont know mundo.
Get Cut Down on Primary runes.”
SubHuman Filth says “Just go PTA and build attack speed. Get executioner.
I go either just AP build with attack speed. or BORK + Rageblade.
Dodge q's and its easy matchup.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Mundo is very good at farming from range and staying safe, but if he ever walks up to auto attack minions for farm you can look for trades. Early game mundo has strong short trades but struggles really hard against opponent's that can force an extended trade with him. Best opportunities to trade with mundo is after you have a good amount of fury/hp and you start off the trade with an auto attack on him that way you can save your spin for when he tries to disengage with his cleaver. If Mundo is just playing really far back and safe, you can look to punish this by freezing the wave so he gets denied some farm (his q is on a 4 second cooldown so he cant get every minion.) Also while you are freezing you can position your character forward to the side of your minion wave so if he q's a minion you can look to spin on him. In the mid-late game it can be difficult to dive a mundo so you typically want to catch him out away from his turret, or shove him in and out rotate him with your superior mobility.”
I Am Goliath says “Easy matchup since he hard HP stacks and again gets kited easily by ranged, try your best to dodge his Q's, if you dodge them he has really no way of ever killing you or even getting onto you.”
I Am Goliath says “Very easy matchup for you, mundo doesn't have a good early game like us so he can't punish you much and he gets outscaled by you, I always buy an executioners calling in this lane and try to punish him early especially at level 6 when I get my maiden. Also your W traps him in so you should max it second in this matchup, between your grevious wounds on him and all your ghouls and maiden he can't outheal the damage you can put out.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. Mundo is very good at farming from range and staying safe, but if he ever walks up to auto attack minions for farm you can look for trades. Early game mundo has strong short trades but struggles really hard against opponent's that can force an extended trade with him. Best opportunities to trade with mundo is after you have a good amount of fury/hp and you start off the trade with an auto attack on him that way you can save your spin for when he tries to disengage with his cleaver. If Mundo is just playing really far back and safe, you can look to punish this by freezing the wave so he gets denied some farm (his q is on a 4 second cooldown so he cant get every minion.) Also while you are freezing you can position your character forward to the side of your minion wave so if he q's a minion you can look to spin on him. In the mid-late game it can be difficult to dive a mundo so you typically want to catch him out away from his turret, or shove him in and out rotate him with your superior mobility.”
Darrkescru says “Runas: Impeto, Aery ou PTA
Empurre o maximo possível da wave pra baixo da torre, fique atras dos minions para não tomar o Q
Rusha : Nashor (Se você quiser matar ele cedo) se não conseguir compra liandry's”
Aas112mm says “He is the one super tank that you cannot 1v1 since he out damages you and outheals you. Just play safe and freeze waves as much as you can.”
ZergDood says “Rush Executioner's Calling. Duck into your wave and avoid his pokes to the best of your ability. Any possible chance to kill him, take it, because you might regret poking him only to get his health to the top of skies. Conqueror is viable, just remember to have Executioner's before trading. He'll outscale hard and he wants to, so he'll push waves and maybe even bully you with his axe (please avoid it, there's health % damage going on). Take the chance to play intelligently and poke him when he can't (or take free ganks if he isn't careful.) Try to kill him before it becomes impossible (lmao).”
qazx1427 says “Here's how the Mundo lane goes: you buy Executioner's, he throws a few cleavers at you, you land your combo with four ghouls, he dies. Your constant application of Greivous Wounds is very, very strong against Mundo, and he just doesn't have the equipment to constest you.”
Ayanleh says “Dr mundo is a medium matchup. He's sustained damage is higher than you earlier on so you need to play passive, try to get mid - late and shred him with passive and conqueror.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “He sucks earlygame and he stacks hp, he just melts to your damage and becomes a nuke with the name of the enemy ADC written on it.
Build executioners or bramble before he reaches lvl 11.
Take armor or MR based on enemy jungler.”
Ayanleh says “Pretty easy but he has a slow so watchout if he hits it. Look to poke him down and take ignite, try to kill him before six. Get liandrys into thornmail for antiheal or tear into morellos.”
Twist21 says “Easy matchup , just avoid his Q and run him down , I would take standard runes and sums against him.After first back tho get an executioners calling.”
Dr Mundo is not really a meta champ nowadays, his kit is really outdated and the champ isnt great at any point of the game in general. Regarding this lane, just look to dodge the Q's and look to stack as much as posible, its somewhat hard to solo beat him if you dont have some sort of healing reduction. You can abuse his Bami Cinder purchase by letting him shove and then get melee range so he gets tower aggro. Later on the game, you simply beat him either its 1v1 or in a teamfight”
Shumair says “This stupid champ is so boring to play against. Unless you kill him before his first item, you'd best prepare for a 0 kill laning phase. Beating Mundo is more about itemization than playstyle as he's a very linear champ. Build bramble vest and also only ult after he does.”
LulzTVit says “Mundo is no problem. Your burst damage is surprisingly high for only building 2 or 3 AP items and Mundo can't engage you in any way. You bully him and outscale him.”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
ZzZ3DemonAngelZzZ says “Mundo is pretty boring nothing to say about that... he stacks armor you stack armor and endgame u will dominate team fights with your cc.”
DankFlyingCow says “running him down is very difficult, and killing him near impossible if he's determined enough. You get hard out poked. Try to inhibit his attempts to CS.”
laoshin3v3 says “Dodge his Q, stay behind minions and u almost won ur lane. One of the easiest matchups for kayle. Buy Executioners Calling earlygame to counter his ultimate.”
ClanBlade says “Similar to Maokai, Mundo doesn't do much without items as he is very 'stat checky'. Rush as executioners into cleaver to reduce the healing on his ult and buy a Doran's shield to deal with his Q spam.”
PiclesDelicia says “Mundo has tons of MR and Life, and does a lot of damage too, so, dont trade with him, just farm or wait for gank, on teamfights dont let him reach your adc or mid and the game will be ok”
Ashookaa says “Go Conq and Build Morelo's as your last item in lane stand behind minion wave so he wont be able to poke you down with his Q and when there is a chanse E him for slow than Q and W for max Dmg”
ModxLoL says “One of Riven's easiest matchups. He has nothing to stop you from unleashing your full combo against him. The most he can do is q every minion until it gets to later in the game. If he is doing this, try to use your E to block some of his cleavers at the last second to make sure he doesn't get the minion(especially the cannon minion!). The only thing you need to be careful of is his early damage with his E. His autos smack hard if you let him hit you while your abilities are on cooldown. Get him low enough where you are able to kill him before he heals up from his ultimate. Clip of me 1v2 vs. Mundo & Voyboy”
Stiwy says “Be sure to grab some anti-healing stuff and you are good to go.
He often goes low on health and that means you can ge some free ults on him.”
Diablo12285 says “this fucking thing is actually scary but just take mr and this matchup wont be so hard (even if you jump out he will just throw another cleaver at you)”
BloodyDream81 says “Ce match up est totalement à ton avantage, il faut juste que tu évites les couperet que mundo lance régulièrement, en te positionnant au milieu des sbires, et lorsqu'il s'avance trop tu le grab en utilisant ton E, une fois un combat 100% corps à corps tu gagnes forcément !
Astuce : Faire rapidemment un excécutionneur calling, te permettra d'assurer un kill facile sur Mundo.
PS : Attention au niveau 2 de mundo, c'est le seul moment de la partie où il est plus fort que toi”
Xplor says “Rarely I see a mundo on top. Rarely a Mundo can beat Yorick, but all possible.
Take this threat seriously as he can take your HP down as fast as you can take his, in special early game.”
Darrkescru says “Pra ganhar do mundo você não mata ele (pois isto e quase impossivel), você pokea ele pusha a wave e faz ele perder muito cs sendo que farmar de mundo em baixo de tower e bem dificil (sugiro usar impeto para caso tomar o Q você poder escapar facilmente)”
Lintaar says “when he ults just run. He will never land a cleaver and you will always stay outside his W and sunfire range so once he ults just all in him (kite him to death)”
Angela du Seithr says “Dr.Mundo (actuellement en 10.15) ne représente pas vraiment une menace. Certes c'est un énorme tank qui nécessitera que vous preniez assez tôt le Morellonomicon. Mais malgré son augmentation de Résistance Magique dans son kit de sort, si vous vous positionnez de sorte à pouvoir esquiver son Q, il n'aura aucun impact sur vous.”
iTzToniOP says “I think it won't be hard for you to bully him pre lvl 6. After that, as soon as he ults you should avoid trading because theres no way you're winning.”
Alzeidx says “Quite easy matchup, you should be able to easily wreck him on lvl 3-4, just trade with him and push the lane, dont forget to ward though.”
TotallyEclipse says “Grab attack speed and executioners calling, but you'll rarely kill him honestly, but he can't kill you. Try to freeze the wave and jump him after he q's a minion or misses. He'll outscale you FAST so try to kill him early or get a good lead”
zer3000 says “depends on how aggressive he is early
Punish him if he goes for a minion
but generally they'll just play back and buy MR but until you've got your seraph you won't be able to kill him if he's not retarded
EveryMysticLimit says “Hard to escape from, and is very, VERY tanky. His ult cooldown is also very short too. Play safe and stay behind minion to avoid Q's.”
ACE4291 says “If he Rs he wins. Mundo is very tank but his early game is very weak so bully him as much as you can. If you are ahead by a large margin you can win if he Rs but if its even he can win ”
AskMeHowToGp says “Dodge his cleavers and out farming him would be the best way to win the lane getting last whisper early would be considered since his a really big chunky boy”
Sq_09 says “Don't get your hopes up bc you're not gonna kill him. If he doesn't hit his Qs you can easily outkite him. Rush boots and he can't kill you easily. Later in teamfights you can prevent him from running your mates down. ”
Beatport Expo says “Easy fight in the early game but the match became slightly hard If he has his R. The best thing to do when he uses his R is either RUN or If you're confident on stopping his regeneration, fight him”
Kingarthur720 says “Mundo is a hypertank saling extremely well into the late game wether he gets ahead or not. All i recommend is try your best to dodge his cleaver and rarely go for all ins. Black cleaver might be a decent rush into this matchup since it shreds his armour and grievous wounds will help out alot with his ultimate.”
TentiTiger11 says “Mundo isn't as popular, but if you encounter him, he outscales by far. His high tank and damage makes him so strong. Getting kills early on denies his power. Let's hope his 2021 rework won't make him a bigger problem.”
Laika says “Not really sure what threat level he's at, however I'm trash at this game and I have a hard time beating Mundo since they buffed his heals in 8.9. But generally you just want to dodge his cleaver(Q), not stand in his burn(W) for too long. He uses health for his abilities, try to outsustain him.”
VIP Titan says “Dr mundo has high health regan and base health. Therefore, we run down to the root where we have to rush ruined king. Harass Harass in level 1
Dr Mundo Don't have burst When his E is on cool down.
Dodge his Q since most Mundo Max Q
MAX E not Q! ”
SirDrPotato says “Very very easy match up, dodge his Q - he throws a cleaver - and you will be fine. He has no lane pressure, no way to kill you or anything close to that and you kill him very easily. Build a executioner's calling.”
Subject3 says “dr mundo is super easy before lvl 6, he heavily relies on his cleavers to slow and poke hard just like how you fight with your q.
that being said your q slow is slightly stronger then his and you got the velocity rune to help stick to him so punish him hard before he reaches lvl 6.
get bramble vest to help the trades at lvl 6.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Bit of a problem due to the healing, however, if you take ignite you stomp him so unless you don't take ignite, this should be an instant-win match up.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Snowball lane: you can easily kill him early game if you play your cards right (and the moment you get 2 kills you can forget about the lane and go roam somewhere else because he won't do jackshit), but if you don't kill him before 6 or, hell, he gets a kill on you, you are boned, since he can run you down with his stupid base damages and his ult. Early game is simple, go for short trades and avoid his Q since it can chunk you down tremendously; around level 3 you have a perfect opportunity to just try to go for a kill, specially if he is below 50% HP (but be careful, since his E damage increases the lower he is and he might have Last Stand, which can make him deceptively powerful). At level 6 fighting him alone is a waste of time, he will just facetank everything unless you got lifesteal and an executioners / ignite up and it will end up with you both retreating, or you dead. Try to win early, if he gets to late game you will suffer HARD for it.
Ignite and TP are both good, but i would recommend the former to get a lead ASAP so you can win the game before he becomes a problem. Conqueror and grasp both work, but the former is more useful overall for dealing with him.”
Itreallyhim says “(Tiny, as in Extremely boring)
You probably wont kill this guy. Try to proc grasp as much as you can, Just farm and roam the map, After level 6 he will just ult and not care about you, Be careful his damage can catch you off guard.”
NotReiken says “Can't really fight him post 6. He just heals. Theres nothing you can even do if you get Mortal. He'll outheal grievous. Very stupid to fight.”
Circas says “You just run Dr. Mundo down honestly. Remember when you are both 6 he will lose a ton of health because he will probably activate his ultimate too late and you will just burst him.
This lane is free.”
LycheeMochigome says “Grevious wounds,, shouldn't be hard. Mundo might want to play safe and just throw q's to get cs but I think you can afford to tank a cleaver if he misses a cannon (if you're still mounted).”
HeyItsLeemo says “Mundo is really annoying when he gets his R, he can outrun and juke you easily and then Q you to death, but if you can dodge his Q's and maybe call your jg to gank he's pretty okay.”
Asoreth says “Not difficult at all, your Q deals % health damage with means that mundo will lose almost all trades, don't underestimate a Mundo though, he still can put out lots of damage with his kit.”
Cats4lyfe123 says “Mundo's get's very tanky late game, Akali beats him in early game so try to bully him out of cs before he gets too tanky. When he uses his ultimate, it's usually best to just run away.”
Loki029 says “Kill him, just be Aware of his Ultimate and just try too ca Ult him at 25% Hp after a Silence or use Ignite with ult, but calculate the Óverall Damage.”
N3rdRag3_ says “Dodge cleavers. He out regens you, and out damages you, Dont fight him unless you can bait out his cleaver and proc a short trade. Post 6 he destroys you.”
lugzinho says “If I was Mundo and saw Kled on the Champ Select I would dodge.
This matchup is pretty one sided since Mundo relies a lot on his healing and Kled just cancels 60% of it by hitting a Q.”
MagrelinOnFire says “Runa: vs Tanks
Spell: flash/teleporte
Abuse do Grasp, você poderá matalo no lvl 2 com sua passiva e os barris, tente sempre ficar atrás dos minions para não ser acertado pelos cutelos, na sua primeira volta compre 1 carrasco. Fique esperto contra Dr. Mundo, esse campeão pode te solar a qualquer momento do jogo, os cutelos dão dano %vida do adversário, troque a Sterak por Dança da morte, Dr.Mundo da dano mixado ap/ad, você também pode trocar a sua bota no late game por 1 tomernto de lyandri.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Dr. Mundo can be a very tricky laning phase for you. If the Mundo is constantly landing Q's on you he will out sustain you and end up winning the lane. He does not have a lot of kill pressure on you, but you are going to have a really hard time killing him after level 6. I recommend you take Ignite into this matchup so that you can mitigate the healing if his Ultimate and you really need to try and kill him before level 6. Mundo scales insanely well so don't try and fight him late game. Lock him down with CC and let your team kill him.”
6MillionBreads says “He shouldn't be able to fight you in lane. If you play it right and get grievous wounds you can start beating him in 1v1s even if his ult is up. Your W shreds him like cheese.”
ForgottenProject says “Don’t underestimate his damage
His cleavers hurt, and his AD skyrockets when he is low on HP with his E
Parry his Q in a 1v1
Blocks the damage, and slows his AS, so his E won’t be as useful
Get Executioner’s Calling after Tiamat
Don’t int early because you burst him hard after your Core Items”
Blakespeare says “Much like Aatrox match up you out damage on early engages with dorans blade and minion wave advantage. earliest back possible you are needed to take executioners to deal with the healing of his level 6 ”
Braddik says “Grab attack speed and executioners calling, but you'll rarely kill him honestly, but he can't kill you. Try to freeze the wave and jump him after he q's a minion or misses. He'll outscale you FAST so try to kill him early or get a good lead”
spaceriftmaster says “Mundo isn't very difficult when it comes to top lane match ups. You mainly have to dodge his cleavers and death realm him ONLY when his ult is down and you are sure of it.”
Trial_By_Barrel says “This match up is pretty difficult overall. Mundo plays like Olaf does. He hits you with an axe and he chases you down. But he is very hard to kill because of his ultimate and he gets health from cleavers he lands on champs. Luckily for you though, he's a very rare pick and you'll hardly ever fight him. I recommend banning him.”
Marcua says “Much the same as Olaf, except you can get lucky killing him early in his jungle. At around mid game, he will have gotten spirit visage and if you don't dodge his Q, there is no way you can 1v1 him. Get ahead early, and close out the game fast.”
The Lost Drawing says “Si lo matas una o dos veces se sube la 'Q' y nunca se va a pelear contigo y si lo hace ten cuidado te van a gankear.
Lo peor es que su 'Q' pega mucho y si le quieres denegar farmeo poniendote enfrente le sale favorable a el asi que solo aplica esto para que pierda el canon/gordo”
Darkseige555 says “This is one of the lanes I consider free. Your q damage does so much to him it is actually disgusting. Just stay behind your wave and whenever he gets close, just q him and proc grasp, chunking him for free and for a lot of damage. He is easily divable, but you will most likely just bully him out of lane since in most cases he will pop ult and flee to go back to base. Try to deny him as much waves as possible undertower by doing so and you can try to aim for first tower in this matchup.”
Pedrokis says “Bota pressão pra caramba, não deixa ele farmar muito. / Ignite é bom pra counterar a ult, mas não fica muito avançado, visto que ganks do jungler inimigo em Mundo são chatos de sair vivo. / Cuidado pra ele não grudar em você, tenta manter ele longe se você tiver low life.”
Askio says “Dangerous when his ult is up, but if you get him to pop it, you can use your natural shields, your own sustain and damage and his use of health to fuel his abilities to hit him”
BlackJusticeSupreme says “His massive tongue has all the women dripping with anticipation. Eliminate him quickly to ensure he will be licking the dirt and not your targets.”
ozmankaan says “Difficult to kill champ with high damage, u cant kill him, he is unkillable in season 8. win against him is not giving him a kill, just CS calmly, if u want to try try with ur jungler.”
Valorkyrie Quinn says “Simply annoying as hell. He is extremely tanky, and can chase you down with the Q slow.
Tip: Bring Fleet for more sustain, or either Phase Rush for slow reduction. Try sidestepping right after you use E.
He can predict your E landing location and then slow you with Q.
Dodging by sidestepping is really important.”
BeautifulWinter says “This lane is pretty easy as long as you play it correctly. Passive Prior to level 6. Once you have ult up push him to his turret. Respect his early damage.”
Big Belly Bop says “Dodge Q's, get stacks, get farm, get ganks. This lane is really boring since he can't really all in you unless he lands a cleaver and you do no damage to really kill him. Ask for ganks to get ahead and just roam mid/get good ultimates. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page.”
Goog2467 says “This bruh has the big slow. Play safer and try to dodge his Q's. He has a poor pre-6, so try to abuse it. However he will be outhealing you, so take executioners.”
Loevely says “Personally one of the easier matchups I've played against. Fleet + Ignite + Bloodthirster rush make this matchup free at all points of lane phase. ”
ENX Kai says “walking chunk of meat. No hard CC only insane HP regen. His cleaver deals magic damage. don't build anti-healing item as you can out heal him easily with Conqueror and Q.”
Noc7urnalz says “Before getting to late game and near full build mundo isnt a big threat to nocturne. When going in a trade while laning vs him you are going to proc your W easily and then you can absolutely destroy him. After 6 make sure to go all in only when you have ignite for the healing reduction of if you got executioners.
NOTE : Don't bother on wasting time chasing him , chances are he is gonna heal up pretty quick and you can use that time to push a wave or get tower plates/herald.”
Defensivity1 says “Mundo is very strong level 1-4 compared to you, he might not be strong specifically compared to most champions, but if he runs ignite he could try to all in you at level 2 so let him push you in.”
Quezel says “Mundo is very easy as long as you stay ahead of him and don't eat free cleaver poke. Mid-Late game he begins to become too tanky for you to kill with all the free MR and regen he gets but you shouldn't ever die to him either. Rush liandries into morello as you will likely be ulting him for your team a lot and you need the grievous to kill him”
Okay Ace says “Mundo, while not so great early on, can be an issue once he has his first item, making it very hard to win extended fights against him.
Tip: Early kills agains Mundo will help tremendously.”
SNOBOY says “you can poke him down pre 6 with your Q, although his health regen is really annoying. Stay behind creep. You are both melee, but your poke can hit past creep, so use them to your advantage. Build an early Liandry's so that your Q's will hurt.”
mightydylan101 says “Pretty annoying with his healing and his cleaver is easily dodged but if you're hit as a squishy champion you can easily be killed.”
ProgettoYorick says “Against mundo it is a little easier to farm, hit it when you can, especially as long as you can. From level 6 onwards it will be hard to beat him. OTP tip: If you can't, ask for help from your jungler.”
ThisIsJustSad says “ He can 1v1 you if he hits 2-3 axes on you, but for the most part, this will just be a farming lane where he Qs from the back and you freeze the lane. Or, you can crash the wave and keep invading the enemy jungle.”
Gedi says “It's not cool but it's also not too bad for you. Try to dodge his Q, because it's dmg based on your health which is pretty scary, also don't fight back when his passive or Ult ist active.”
Xelaadryth says “You can bully him until level 2, but afterwards he'll just outscale you and you won't be able to hurt him anymore. He's also essentially immune to your stuns and will run you down. Rush Rylai's to have a chance of getting away.”
AlienMV says “Stand behind minions to avoid getting poked down by Q.
Laning phase should be very simple against Mundo. The issue is killing him later since fitting grievous wounds into Kayle is difficult. Consider going tank busting items even if he's the only tank threat on the enemy team.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Since you'll be building on-hit and % damage, you will absolutely melt Mundo if he tries to fight you directly. Abuse his poor early game and your better late game scaling to bully him out of the game.”
Mr. Nyahr says “He's not going to be much of a threat, especially if you dodge his cleavers. If he decided to all-in you just kite with your Q and autos.”
Kalrex says “Getting poked constantly can be annoying, I recommend the tank runes and ignite in this matchup top shut him down early. Jump on top of him and you win every trade. Post level 6 be careful of when you ult him because when he uses his ult and regens a million hp it will actually cancel your ult if he heals above the execute threshold. If you die to mundo you're trolling”
BearRider says “Ultimate is just unfair and his Q deals percentage DMG of your HP. That is why i recommend risky but strong offtank build for other champion takedowns. Tiamat for farming and thornmail to reduce healing.”
Her0mars says “not hard for most, annoying for you. %hp damage and he outheals you. The only reason he isn't played is for his lack of utility. Avoid 1v1ing at all costs because you will lose.”
Hamstertamer says “Nothing happens until level 6, and at that point he can just press R, be unkillable and run you down. DO NOT fight him if he does that, just slow him, dodge cleavers and disengage. Outside of his broken ult (RUN!), this lane is free stacks.”
Atlascrower says “Executioners is essential. Dont get poked by his Q. Try to get away from him with your Barrels, if he walks towards you for an AA-Battle.”
ExtremeExplosiveTeemo says “Behind minions all the time. If you wanna be sure to not die take phase rush and the super teemo skin.
But science won t help you much. Buy the cull!”
SummonedLight says “Spams q to ruin you. I just had a game vs a bad mundo. You win teamfights vs mundo as he has no good aoe damage spells. Just don't focus him and focus the carries first.”
Chromuro says “Why this guy has to heal so much? All in all it's an easy lane, dodge the Q and it's all ok. Just don't expect to get a kill from this guy without your jungler and A LOT of damage.”
blunderr says “Plaay around your minions so he can't poke you with his Q. Early game you win but after he gets some MR and a lot of help you cant 1v1 him. Definitely get Morellonomicon if you're up against Mundo.”
Rhinoface says “B a d. You'll never kill him after 6. He just stands still and facetanks your entire kit. Very bad matchup, even with conqueror and ignite/other grievous wounds.”
HKRV says “Dodge the cleavers and watch for his ultimate. Poke him in the early game, if you dodge his cleavers pre 6 you can dive him for a kill. Rush Executioner. ”
Poppu says “All he has is regeneration. Pre-6, dodge his Q's and proc your Grasp as much as possible. Careful when trading after 6 because he can heal everything up, but after he uses ult, can kill him easily. Thornmail is useful.”
Aizo says “While neither you nor mundo should die in this lane in the 1v1, understand that he does win trades VS you due to his very low CD %max HP magic damage Q's that will constantly be thrown at you. In this matchup you just want to do your best to farm up so that you can apply more utility in teamfights than he can ”
El Flamel says “Dr. Mundo has a lot of sustain, but does not keep any pressure on the lane, try to farm as much as possible and buy Executioner´s Calling as 2 item.”
Shady Zane says “Ahh.. Mundo, the mad scientist... Easy early game.. Quite hard mid/late game.
Poke him early and try to not let him get fed or much cs and you should be fine.
Tank Mundo is pain.”
notlmaze says “ok doctor calm down healing is not enough for Camille's true damage, get executioner's after tiamat and you should be able to duel him no problem.”
DrNaara says “Similar to Garen, this is a skill matchup that you can absolutely win. Post level 6 though his healing can take you off guard unless you have ignite or Morellonomicon. Dodge his Axe throw and poke when safe.”
PhoenixianSlayer says “Poking him isn't as early effective since he has regen. However, his skills cost health, so he will help you get Dark Harvest stacks. He isn't that dangerous if you dodge his cleavers. However, get Morellonomicon right after Luden's Echo”
Lynboe says “Commencer au Doran’s shield et prendre Second Wind. La seule chose qu’il peut faire lorsque vous le zoner est de vous lancer des Q, Q qui vous seront insignifiant.
Sur ce match-up il faut accepter que Mundo soit très dur à tuer et que lui empêcher de récupérer de l’xp et des gold lui rendra la vie suffisamment dure, il essaiera de récupérer les cs avec son Q mais si vous vous mettez devant il ne pourra pas les récupérer, il essaiera peut être de s’avancer et à ce moment vous serez capable de lui faire passer un sale quart d’heure.
Faire un Executioner’s calling est un choix judicieux en early pour être sur qu’il ne puisse jamais vous affronter, le Conqueror sera également le bon choix car il s’agit d’un tank.
Jnewbringspain says “Another skill matchup. The one matchup you must take Mortal Reminder. Try to bait his Infected Cleaver and go in for an early kill. He is very hard to kill after level 6 due to his broken absurd healing, even with Mortal Reminder.”
messketchup says “Use your early game pressure to zone him from CS as much as possible. A well placed Apprehend before he has many defensive items can score you an early kill. Freeze the lane and zone him as if he can't start stacking health quickly he gets shutdown easily.”
Zofia the Fierce says “To have kill pressure over Mundo, you need Executioner's Calling and maybe even Ignite.
Remember to stay behind your minions and juke his cleavers by moving unpredictably.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Tanks like Mundo that need to scale get pounded by Jayce. Zone them off their minions and don't let them get a single CS without taking a shot right between the eyes.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Mundo has a high amount of sustain after level 6. However, this makes him unable to regen his health before R. Pre-6 should be a breeze. If you make him back, you can look for a level 6 all-in before he has his ultimate. After that, splitting is a good option, because you will keep Mundo in lane, where his grouping is his strength.”
Devitt45 says “This match up can be pertty easy if you dodge his cleavers. Try to bait out his ult, or burst him down to kill him with your ult before he can press R for the HP regen.”
Zestysquid says “Not a fun lane, but winnable. Don't ever engage after 6. I'm hesitant to even try to bait him after 6 no matter how dumb they are unless I know his ult is down. Grievous wounds can be a situational buy if you're determined to kill him, but in my experience you can just roam a lot since he can't push super hard.”
TheWils says “Mundo provides a decent poke and heal making it almost impossible for him to leave lane, you either have to just be better at getting cs than him, corner him under tower, or get a gank and kill him.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Abuse your power before level 6. After that, dont make long trades and before trying to kill him, try to bait out his ultimate (even though if he gets low enough, you have plenty of damage to kill him through it).”
Prince Afghan says “Dr. Mundo has next to no kill pressure. Getting an executioners calling if you are really struggling after your Triforce, but otherwise hes just not going to do much.”
Bombabo says “Fight him early before he stacks armor and is able to sustain more damage than you could imagine dealing to him. Buy an early executioner's calling”
mahlightning says “Until level 6 he's fine the cleavers are annoying but if you engage him he does not win. Just play carefully once he gets his ult disengage when it is used. It will be somewhat of a wet noodle fight as the game progresses. Besides a possible thornmail you shouldn't be building the Grievous wounds items other members of your team should. ”
ARandomizer says “If Mundo is playing Tank, don't be greedy even if you manage to unleash a full combo he is hard to kill/stop. Just don't greed Mundo even if he has small HP left.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “I rarely see this guy, just do what you normally do in jungle and if he happens to counterjungler you for any reason just kill him and then emote over his corpse.”
MadMaster523 says “His cleavers does percentage of your health and provides a slow so just try to e away from him if he's chasing you. Always stand behind minions and use your q to poke him down and keep on auto attacking him when your e is up so you can run away if he chases.”
0mega best says “Very easy, just dont let yourself poke by his Q`s and attack him whenever its safe to, should be an easy matchup and R before he uses his or else he will survive.”
Rcool64 says “This guy heals so much...but you can try to bully him. If you can stay behind minions to avoid his q while poking the ever loving shit out of him, you may able to duel him. If he ults, pray to god that PTA can give you the damage to kill him.”
RainbowNova says “Dr. Mundo is not that much of a threat. You can block his aa's and E, his W only works if you're near him and you're ranged so you'll be fine as long as he doesn't q you to death. You can wait out his ultimate if he ever uses it, so that won't do lots for him either. All in all one of the easier lanes for tankmo.”
Lil Tidepod says “Mundo's poke make him an irritant. Stay behind minions and push hard with your Q, W, and E and Mundo pretty much is just an obstacle in the lane. Once he gets ultimate, killing him will be a pain because of your low damage output unless you hit a full charge Q. When his ability is up that surrounds him with fire of some sort, stay back and clear with Q. That will deal a lot of damage before you figure it out.”
zygiux says “In early levels you can kill him quite easy, but when he gets his R you or your adc needs to get Mortal Reminder wich will little bit help vs his R healing.”
LighterDay says “Since Mundo is a heavy tank, it's harder to solo him even with reduced stats. It is really difficult to take Mundo on alone when he builds an MR item.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Mundo can get pretty fast, especially if he takes ghost. He can be a big threat to you if he gets Sunfire Cape, since he can pretty much run passed your team and go straight for you. But with enough peel/cc from your team, you should be fine. Place your Silence down in his walking path toward you to stop him in his tracks.”
FunkySoul says “He's a hidden overpowered champion, and the best thing I can tell you is to dodge his Q. His cleaver literally has 90% of Mundo's power and capability to exist as a champion. Dodge it, and shut him down.”
Brentard says “I've never had a problem with this thing. Avoid fighting during his ult., dodge Q's, maybe build executioner's calling. This to me seems like a great champ to roam against. ”
GrGamingTeo says “MUNDO will mostly like play passive against you and farm with his q. So stand infront of the minions the he can q and when he is close, pull him and murder him. Buy Executioner's Calling to reduce his healling.”
DrMoneybags says “Cleaver and Executioners Calling make this matchup pretty laughable. Take ignite to swipe an early kill and ask your jungler to shut him down early since he has no escape. Once Mundo is behind, he's very useless to his team.”
Big Boy Matty D says “Can poke you out if he lands multiple Q's, becomes difficult to 1v1 later on.
Try to hide behind minions and fight after he wastes his Q.
Get an Execution's Calling during your first two backs.
Post 6 do not all in if he still has ultimate, try to bait it then re-engage when it is down. Try to roam instead of fighting him.”
The_CuItivator says “Watch out for those damaging Qs. Other than that this matchup is certainly in your favor. Take Ignite if u just wanna break those teeth off.”
Speedy the dart says “This goes for all tanks. Go ghost and conqueror, start doran's blade. Bully them out of lane and get tower. Always go black cleaver.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Just annoying. You can't kill him easily, and he can't kill you easily after you both have ult. He wins pre-6, if you can't dodge his Q poke. He can't stop you from farming in any way other than straight up killing you, so you win late game, even if you can't 1v1 him in lane.”
MediocrePolk says “Tank Matchup, Mundo gets annoying late game when he has health and items. Try to punish him early, take klepto ignite, his early game is weak so you can punish that”
Carlosm04 says “No começo da fase de rota, so tenha cuidado com ele , pois ele é muito tankoso no começo do jogo e causa tonelada de dano, jogue tranquilo e faz o carrasco contra ele”
LosAngeloser says “Cleaver Mundo is not a threat, but Conquerors Mundo who maxes E will kill you quickly. Go clepto and try to establish an early gold lead.”
The Lost Drawing says “Muy molesto el 'match'. Si lo matas 1 vez se pone en modo 'HACHITAS' y te 'poquea', 'farmea' y se cura. Puro autismo. Pega daño mágico y su 'Q' por porcentaje de vida máxima. Es muy fuerte contra los AP en late así que cuida los tuyos”
ElleryTheViking says “There is no reason you should ever die to Mundo. Stand behind CS, if he moves up to auto a minion you E and Q him. Your true damage really helps in this matchup. Post 6, your ult counters his Q and your Q counters his ult move speed. The lane is free. ”
Mr Gothenburg says “Dr. Mundo is a champ that relies on hitting his Q. Bait him to Q the minions, build Thornmail to deny his great Healing and lock him down with the CC you have and then kill him, but watchout he can be hard to kill when he has Ult, so make sure to have grievous wounds. ”
francodm says “Mundo é uma matchup fácil, uníca maneira de perder para o mundo é se ele acertar vários Q seguidos. Nessa matchup qualquer uma das três páginas de runa podem ser usadas, se você for experiente na matchup pode tentar a colheita sombria.”
E61K says “Go Conqueror, start Doran's Blade and buy Executioners first and continue with your usual build path. Punish him for trying to CS early since his early game is very weak. He will probably avoid coming close all together and farm only using his cleavers which is fine since he won't be able to get all the CS and he will miss a lot. You can try to catch him off guard by using the Phage Passive and Tier 2 boots to grab him. Otherwise it'll be one very boring lane.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Sustain, HP stacking. Weaknesses: Can't match Fiora splitpush, weak in lane, Tank vs Fiora. Honestly nothing much to worry about other than dodging his butcher knives. An easy matchup if you kill him early and prevent him from gaining too much HP through items. Just poke him down constantly while looking for vitals and dodging his Knives. If he tries to get on top of you, Riposte his Headbutt auto attack because it does the most damage and the attack speed slow crimples him. It is recommended to not fight him during his ultimate unless he is low and/or you have your ultimate”
Suthafru says “Mundo - similar to darius, mundo is very weak to jhin's early game poke and lead potential, but will start to win if he can find any openings for melee range trades or fights.
what makes mundo a problem is that at a certain point in laning phase, landing a single cleaver can mean your death in a bad situation”
Daniloooo says “Hide behind minions so he cant Q you. Poke him to death and watch 6.
Dont go near him if u have no wave hell run you down with his ult and you cant do anything.”
drunken hunter says “Against Mundo you should dodge his (Q)-> Magic Damage: 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25% of target's current health
He deals huge magic dmg and has almost no cd on his ult. Try the early kill and wait for a gank.”
kkiskk says “Don't get chopped often. Get Executioner's Calling after dirk to win trades. Bully him in lane. Nowadays mundo is neither tanky nor painful in early game. you can get executioner's calling when he's 6 if you're wining.”
Sion says “I won't argue this here, he does damage while being tanky. Has spam-poke, has sustain, and is dangerous at all stages of the game. Avoid fighting him and try to farm. He doesn't have any real kill potential in lane if you dodge his Q.”
n41L1L says “I hate Dr Mundo. He does way too much damage early game, is way too tanky in the mid game, and is practically unkillable come late game. The only way to shut him down is to get your entire team on him, and even then, I've seen Mundos building full tank and 1v5ing.”
Proxxecube says “As he is a tank, he is relatively easy to fight off. But be wary of his ult, as, similar to your own, can turn the tides of a fight instantly. Stay out of range of his axe, and go in when on cooldown. Use your parry to lower his attack speed or to block another axe.”
mcasterix123 says “*Laughs in nerf*
Seriously though, while you do use a lot of magic damage, Mundo loses hp even if he just uses his Q to farm. Just pick up a bramble vest or Executioner's, and hold him in place.”
Cstrange says “Easy lane just dodge his Q and he can't do anything to you, do be wary of his ult though but even then when he activates it just slow him and speed yourself up to escape.”
polarehare says “He throws machete's that don't do much damage early game, utilize this and his slow damage buildup (what Malphite's good against) to get close and out trade him.”
Bakiraka says “Pretty neutral matchup. As long as you stand behind your minions you can collect plenty of gold from your Kleptomancy/ health from Grasp. Don't try to all-in him, and forget about killing him.”
Trixelkour says “HAHAHA I hate this piss stain. Take Grasp or Fleet Footwork to sustain and retreat in lane. Play around ganks with you engaging with E and R. He is generally a better version of you. I suggest you get Spirit Visage for this, you'll thank me later.”
heyitsRainex says “0 damage in the early game. Look to end the game before late otherwise he'd mow your team. Dodge his Q as that's his source of poke. Ignite and Executioner's Blade are highly recommended to halve his regen.”
SirDeRp25 says “After 6 This match-up seems impossible, rush a grevious wound item of your choice before he reaches lvl 6. Although difficult try your best to dodge his cleavers!”
L3gislacerator says “He's tanky like you and does a decent amount of damage throughout the game. Don't fight him one on one early into the game because he chases well.”
E61K says “Mundo is a big fat punching bag. Don't rush Executioner's since it won't help you kill him. Buy Executioner's after Greaves + PD and then depending on what the enemy comp is go for BORK or IE.”
undeadsoldiers says “Mundo - Conqueror
Early items (in order) - Executioner, Mercs, Tiamat
- All in lvl 1-2 (wait for him to use cleaver before engaging)
- Push the lane hard to gain lvl 2 first
- Play aggressive before he hits lvl 6
- Avoid being pushed under tower since he can harass you with cleaver
- Use Q to dodge his cleaver
- His masochism has built in Tenacity so your E stun will be even shorter
- All in if you get lvl 6 advantage
- DON'T all in alone after lvl 6
- Ult cooldown: 110/100/90
Mouadyam says “Easy matchup, he has no way to run away so just kill him early and take an early executioner's calling, bully him early game and he should be useless for the remainder of the game”
iam colorblind says “A very easy Champ.
With Ignite + Rageblade u clap him in
in some Seconds!
Be sure that you use ur Ignite while his ultimate is active.”
Trixelkour says “You can't win... Probably... Get early Adaptive and take ignite if you want to at the least try duelling. Conqueror is your best bet to win in a 1V1. Take Grasp if you're confident enough to Proc. Klepto might be good to get ahead of him, then help your team snowball.”
LivesforOnlyOne says “Has no kill threat as long as you trade into him. Nothing to really parry as his big damaging ability is instacast with no discernible animation. Dodge out on his cleavers to whittle his bar without ever needing to touch him. Use minions if you're not confident in your dodging abilities. An early executioners may be necessary. Phase Rush is an option but Conqueror is preferred to make sure he dies before he can heal enough to survive. ”
FlakNShrapnel says “His w stays on while he's in your stomach and deals damage to you. His cleavers also ruin your movement speed. It'll be a tough lane, but I've never known you for being one to back down from a challenge.”
joelblack says “Really dependent on who gains leverage. If he gets good cs and/or kills you, you will lose all game. Take the all-damage runes and get a dagger early game. The key is to abuse tf out of him with W procs, then once he has low health, make sure he is near a wall, Mega Gnar in and ult stun him before he can ult and finish him off. Ignite is obviously best here. ”
CaioOP1985 says “Mundo is a simple champion, but the kind that can go full tank while dealing an insane amount of damage while healing so much life that it makes him nearly immortal. Both of you will get harder to kill as time goes on, so watch out for the early stages because he can easily murder your doggy face if not careful.”
Ashnard says “Another boring immobile tank lane. Punish him early on as much as possible. He will become really hard to solo kill once he has a few items, so just ignore him on teamfights if there's a better target.”
UndeadWolf says “Mundo heals a bunch, and has a passive where when he hurts himself, he gains MR. He can also slow, and increase MS. He also has a lot of health as well. Be careful, just farm and try to get him pre-6 as well.”
IllIlllIIlI says “Mundo is another difficult matchup due to his cleavers that he can keep spamming at a low CD. They do percentage damage AND slow you.
If you can dodge his cleavers you can often win this lane by just being careful and trying to go in when his ultimate is down.”
GOTG Ment135 says “Mientras no le peles durante su ultimate, lo mas probable es que le ganes. Si peleas durante su ultimate, el va a tener ventaja sobre vos.”
OmegaTeemo says “Keep your distance, don't get hit by his Q. Your ignite and poison will cut his healing, try your best to freeze and bully him out of the lane.”
DuhBrandon says “Early game you win. Late game it will take 3 years but you will eventually win. Mundo's aren't really a threat to a Akali but if you get ganked and mundo gets ahead it will be a very tedious lane for you.”
thedunkening111 says “Not too tough early on, but can become hard to manage later. Ideally, find times to auto reset on him with your q. If he oversteps, all in and burst him to 0.
Take Conqueror”
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 5/10
➡️Extremely easy matchup for Trundle, Mundo is a health stacker so it's great to go Tiamat -> BOTRK against Mundo. Do not buy Executioners until later because you don't need the anti-healing until the mid-late game where his ult heals him a lot. Play for short trades when he steps up for minions and you can always tank cleavers to deny cannons. Don't be afraid to cast E on Mundo for the slow and remove his passive.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad Mundo vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average mundo vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good mundo vs Good Trundle ➡️ 80/20 trundle favoured but mundo can win if he gets a lead.”
L0ganJG says “This matchup is FREE. Fight level 1, always sideways W to dodge Mundo's Q then Q him to break his passive. You can look to E him into the wall after this. Vampiric Scepter first to deal with the poke and minion damage. Then BotRK Black Cleaver and Lethal Tempo. Free win”
Marelack says “fullclear and play for ur team. Try to invade him lvl3 when u can. U can beat him early make sure dont use emp e when u know he has passive.”
Haxorr says “Really easy matchup. Conqueror + Sorcery page is good. Just dodge his Qs and use yours to poke him, committing to all-ins whenever possible. You outscale mundo and are more useful in all stages of the game, so as long as you don't play awfully and get behind you should be chillin”
AdeptDrax says “you can easly deny him cs but if he gets babysitted by his jg then it is really hard matchup, ping your jg frequently and reminde him that unsupervised Mundo can 3shot adc late game.”
CactEyez says “Very easy. His damage is only strong when you are high HP, but you are stronger when you have less HP. He shouldn't ever be able to kill you.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Heartsteel -> Bramble
AP Items:
- Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
Althalosofsirun says “you are an anti max hp bruiser vs an hp tank you shouldnt struggle as long as you land your W. and please dont buy bork into mundo if he is beating you it will feel like its doing nothing just get the standard build you win naturally”
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