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Sejuani Counter Stats

Sejuani Counters
Discover all champions who counter Sejuani. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Sejuani in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
463 Tips for countering Sejuani below

In the Jungle
49.22% Win Rate90% Pick Rate Sejuani In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Sejuani in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

kittygore says “You win early game so make sure to secure scuttles and invade. Shes super anoying after 6. Dont get caught.”
Bella Ciao says “Mercs + unending despair build=just enjoy lp always pheonix ”
SelfLOL says “Insane peel and tankiness. Look for flanks on backline or save your w for her Ult. Can invade early. Build pen/eclipse/bork. ”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
stefanko says “Very hard matchup, go grasp and bonk her when she walks up into your face, wait for your sunderer and then you win. Never q on her if she has dash. (grasp, teleport)”
[14.20] Stefanko's Challenger In Depth Jax Guide by stefanko | Jax Player
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can block your q poke but that's it. Useless vs you”
MUNDO JUNGLE S14 LAST SPLIT by friendlyfarmer123 | Dr. Mundo Player
Le Korvo says “Jungle: Knowledge check matchup, Ignore her and you will be fine.”
WIP - [14.19] Your Average Shaco Main Guide by Le Korvo | Shaco Player
Jackiewawa says “Standard tank matchup. Use W or E to avoid her R stun. Can use E to dodge her Q headbutt.”
DoxxTheLeague says “another free matchup build one magic pen item also go mercs since she has that annoying stun but with mercs shes literally a 0”
Doxx's OTP Lillia guide (GM JUNGLE OTP) by DoxxTheLeague | Lillia Player
Kuro_Usagi says “You must have Black Cleaver mid to late game to deal with her quickly enough before the other monkeys on her team realize she's doing something and join in. Otherwise no big deal early and fairly strong late if she has enough Heartsteel stacks. ”
Jungle Garn's BOGO Ult Sale by Kuro_Usagi | Garen Player
Nyxxx says “She's tanky and she hurts late. Make sure she stays out of the game by killing her a lot early and stealing her camps, especially blue. If she buys frozen heart, she becomes impossible to kill.”
Viego by Nyxxx | Viego Player
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