In the Jungle 49.22% Win Rate90% Pick RateSejuani In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Sejuani in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kittygore says “You win early game so make sure to secure scuttles and invade. Shes super anoying after 6. Dont get caught.”
stefanko says “Very hard matchup, go grasp and bonk her when she walks up into your face, wait for your sunderer and then you win. Never q on her if she has dash. (grasp, teleport)”
Kuro_Usagi says “You must have Black Cleaver mid to late game to deal with her quickly enough before the other monkeys on her team realize she's doing something and join in. Otherwise no big deal early and fairly strong late if she has enough Heartsteel stacks. ”
Nyxxx says “She's tanky and she hurts late. Make sure she stays out of the game by killing her a lot early and stealing her camps, especially blue. If she buys frozen heart, she becomes impossible to kill.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Sejuani loves ganking at level 3, well whether it's a fail or success. Once you out level her everything follows next. Just be sure to use your [W] properly to cancel her engage potentials.”
DarkMareOfficial says “A great Sejuani player can cause you a lot of problems during a game in higher elos. Overall getting Black Cleaver early in the game can be a game changer.”
Maciejson says “Her Q cancels your Q, and her team will rotate before you can kill her. Focus on gathering free orbs instead of actively seeking kills. Prioritize counter-ganking, pinging ganks, and tracking her movements. The matchup becomes easier for Rhaast in the late game. As Shadow Assassin, path around her and focus on taking out her backline rather than engaging directly with her.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. You just run her down all game. Use W to avoid her R. You can duel her at any point of the game, and should easily outfarm her. Be careful of chain CC.”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup. Sej has no real invade windows, you beat her in 1v1. Her champ is literally a worse version of Hecarim. She can be tricky in higher elos where she has good ganks, but you should be able to snowball through her easily. Conq is better in this matchup, but it ofc depends on enemy comp.”
Mignognium says “Tout ce que Viego déteste, compliqué à éliminer rapidement, trop de CC, un CC très simple à mettre. Comme contre la plupart des tanks menaçant, éviter de l'affronter, elle deviendra dans tout les cas immortelle. [Blade of the Ruined King] deuxième item et [Black Cleaver] troisième item recommandés. ”
HawkSP says “Sejuani’s gank potential is mitigated by Ivern’s peel. Ward her jungle paths and prepare to counter her engages with your shields and CC.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Sejuani: its easy......
HOW TO PLAY VS: You can catch her well you can kill her solo (not in late) and its easy to dodge her R she will be usefull only in teamfights and objectives are free for you”
RuinedJG says “Tank champ MonkaS. Bruiser or Phase rush and R the backline, ignore her, she is pretty useless if you dodge her R. Black Cleaver can help a lot if you notice you cant kill her.”
jajkopajko says “Similar to poppy, she cant kill you solo and the longer the game goes on, the easier you burn her down even though she is hella tanky. Always recommend going for demonic.”
basrty1p says “She can't duel you but have a lot of CC for her teammates. Watch out her utl and avoid it. After that,kill her. Or else buy Banshee first.
Nairey says “Same story as Rammus, you won't be able to kill her unless you get a HUGE advantage in items, she has tons of CC to fuck you over and she deals a lot of damage. ”
garbocan says “Extremely easy jungle matchup. Sejuani very rarely gets any opportunities to stun Ivern, meaning that you can peel without any threat. She also needs to gank to get ahead, which often makes her easy to read and countergank.
The only thing annoying about Sejuani is her W, since the first hit flicks Daisy away.”
OakIgu says “Udyr daughter can be challenging when she is a popular pick, she is just a very great jungler but easier to deal with since she is a tanky champion.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an even time into Sejuani, due to Sejuani her peel and strong short trades based on CC + %Max HP blows. Other than this Briar has a way stronger stat check into Sejuani. Briar and Sejuani have similar jungle clear speeds, Briar jungle clear speed becomes stronger later on.
Coccaa says “Pretty much every tank jungler is a free win at least in the jungle for Trundle as you steal a large portion of their defensive stats, making them much easier to beat down to the level of a squishy champion. She will most likely just peel for her team and not try to fight you”
TheBougis says “Sejuani is just a tank without healing, if you end up in a 1v1 against her and you don't really do any damage, just wait for the zone and one Q on her will be enough to out-sustain her.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a stronger early game than Sejuani, thereby she also has the mobility to dodge sejuani W 2de hit and her Q dash. Nidalee her goal is to benefit from the early game as much as possible, to reduce sejuani her teamfighting power.”
metalhydra273 says “Sejuani is one of the champions in League of Legends. She can be annoying, lock you down with cc and be hard to kill. To her, you're the same way. Play around or eat her cc, and punish her for going in if you need to remove her as a front liner. Try to remember her frost armor passive, as once it's down after she takes some damage, she'll be much more vulnearable. Impale can be a good way to ensure she's out of position when this happens.”
NegativePhoenix says “Her CC is better than yours but it's more of a team based matter who does what here. She can outspeed you but it more relies on whos team is better on assisting: Yours or Hers”
MrFerrot says “People find her hard, but if you circle her, you will melt her at no cost. She is tanky and you love tanks. She is good at ganking though so be careful. Don't let her ult you either, let it be someone else on the team, so you can shred her.”
Waqql says “Sejuani can be a threat if she gets 4 stacks on you, so don't allow that to happen. Otherwise, poke her from a distance and avoid getting hit by her crowd control. As Mega Gnar, you should also avoid getting hit by 4 autoattacks or spells, as it becomes difficult to escape once you're caught in her crowd control chain.”
Apari1010 says “This matchup is stupidly easy. Match her map presence early, kill her if possible and once you get form she just can't play the game. Her teamfight presence is good but your teamfight presence is better.”
Sh4dow44 says “Sejuani is a tank so she just by default has more value, u should probably go red every time into her and go for yoummus build, that might be the only way to do anything, with blue u need insane positioning against her/other tanks”
BradJr says “Try to steal her camps early. Only gank if the setup is good. Post-6 you should be able to kill her, especially with first item. (clone rating 9/10)”
FaeBytez says “Sejuani can be a challenging opponent for Diana because of her crowd control and tankiness. If Sejuani lands her Arctic Assault and Permafrost, she can easily chain her crowd control and kill Diana. Diana will need to avoid Sejuani's engages and use her Pale Cascade shield effectively to win this matchup. ”
ttvRegedice says “The matchup is low-stress, but because she functions as a supportive tank, her strength won't be in 1v1's but will be in the teamfight. With that said, you can't counter her out. Respect her Q as it can cancel your jump and be wary of her quickly stacking her E on you (read lol wiki). Not a bad matchup, but can get difficult if you have a bad comp compared to her.”
Borinn says “She is very tanky and has a lot of CC. Her clear speed isn't as fast as your so try to gank first. Team fighting powers are pretty much equal so whoever does less mistakes wins.”
Virizion says “Only gets difficult if she has strong melee solo laners who are able to apply her stun easily. in teamfight her ultimate is often thrown from a long distance and is easy to shield. Consider buying cleaver early”
RaidenKaos says “Bad early, very predictable and can juke. A lot of tank players in jungle are pretty bad mechanically so you can just be the better player. Pretty slow on the map.”
Majd1 says “Sejuani does not have enough damage to win a duel against you at any point of the game. Kite her with your auto attacks and spears and you should win every single time. She's one of the easier matchups.”
1Strike says “Sejuani gets outscaled. You can't kill her early or at any stage of the game until you have penetration (BC/Serylda) She's far too tanky and the onslaught of slows CC and dashes makes her a nightmare for you to chase.
You do outscale her but be advised, if she accelerates her team early she can transition into the supportive tank role for her DPS in which circumstance you HARD lose the game.
The trick is to prevent sejuani from having a backline to play with. Without a strong backline sejuani is just a general without an army ”
Narcissisticdude says “Whilst Sejuani is a really strong champion, with good dueling potential (surprising early damage), hard cc and a small dash, she is very team reliant, where as we are looking to be a 1v9 carry !
Alone, Sejuani cannot do that much and will struggle to solo objectives, get solo kills and close out games.
Our answer to this, is force her into 1v1 situations, yes she deals high damage, but her kit is simple to play around, her dash is relatively slow and her flail is easy to dodge !
Mechanical tips:
1. When fighting her, make sure to proc her passive, it gives her ridiculous dueling power. Do NOT fight her when it's up.
2. Her charge will not be interrupted by your box, use it as a cc tool.
3. Her W requires four stacks to proc, this is where your opportunity comes in, stack up to 3, then kite out, only god back in when they have been dropped !
Non-Mechanical Tips:
1. Sejuani is strong with melee champions, avoid fighting her if the ennemy support/(melee) mid/top is around.
2. Sejuani struggles with getting kited, use your W as a peel tool for your carries
3. Do not underestimate this champions stick potential, similar to Zac, you will rarely get away if you are caught out”
Smudey says “(Haven't played the matchup too much so take this one with a grain of salt) I believe you win the first 1 or 2 levels to try to get an early lead, but watch out for her Q so she doesn't use it when you want to trade with your taunt. At lvl 3, her combo can be quite scary so try to dodge her skillshots (Q is very hard to dodge, but W is easier to dodge and more rewarding).”
checca says “Sejuani can always beat Zac in lane 1v1 with her Ignite. In the jungle, Zac will always be slightly stronger than her in almost every way. Be careful of her Q dash stopping your E.”
lovicoaching says “Idk I feel like watching an NPC when I play vs this. It's like another gromp kinda? Annoying bcs it does a lot of damage and doesn't heal me anymore, but kind of don't care?
Just clear and kill her laners lol.”
Davecraft16 says “This is all about kiting
You are able to dodge her skills and kite her?
you win
You get slowed and she starts attacking you?
you are dead
Try to play with the team early and mid game if you are not confident in dodging her abilities. After 3 items you can fight her easily.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Its kinda difficult to play agains her. She got huge amount of cc so its kinda hard to play against her. If you play rhaast you should be fine with fighting her uneless your behind. Play near objectives and be aware of her counter ganks. If you play assasin try to avoid fighting her. she can easily outdamage you with her amount of cc.”
Bhyure33 says “A lot of cc and is strong because of the new preseason tank items. You can beat her 1v1 early though and scale better. But her cc can become a problem in teamfights.”
Merisoka says “Almost-perma ban for me. She's been played more because of Worlds. Your W does NOT slow her, which is more of a plus for you, but build efficiently (Banshee's is GOOD for her because of her CC).”
RedNBlue says “Very annoying as always. Don't feed, don't let get tanky, don't let get anything, keep her as far behind as any other jungler.
Sej is very annoying CC and put with other team cc your not going to be moving anytime soon.”
MythicalMinute says “She's played more top these days but if you play into sej just play normally but use the Bruiser build.
Bruiser (Fighter Oriented) is good.”
spuki97 says “Use your W to proc her passive then fight her early. Be careful not to get hit by her ult when her teammates are around. Best build: All”
RengarNBush says “Easy matchup, most people pick this as a counter so you can almost ignore her most of the time if she goes for engages on your team, try to keep 4 stacks so you can cleanse her R if she happens to engage on you. If she is hugging her team and peeling it is a problem and you can't jump in. EoN helps but she has many ways to proc it while you are jumping so taking other items is better.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Piss easy match-up if you are never ganked you can't really die solo to her unless you are down like 3 levels and down 3k gold at 15 mins, just be careful because she has very strong gank set up so be wary of jglers but after 6 if you get ganked it's usually a double kill for you ”
MaximusWillCarry says “She can stop your E with her Q as well as can perma CC you she has an edge over you in the CC category. Also if her team consists of mostly melee you team will be frozen until the nexus exlodes.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “You can reduce Sejuani’s ability to get successful ganks of by warding her jungle entrances or placing wards in the river. If you know where she is, she will be unable to get good ganks off. Sejuani has good Drake control in the early game. Ensure that you take the bottom side scuttle crab and keep the Drake warded at all times so she is unable to sneak it away from your team. Once Sejuani hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate, she will be looking to gank as often as she can. You could delay this power spike by invading her in the early game or stealing away her camps when she is spotted on the other side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “You can reduce Sejuani’s ability to get successful ganks of by warding her jungle entrances or placing wards in the river. If you know where she is, she will be unable to get good ganks off. Sejuani has good Drake control in the early game. Ensure that you take the bottom side scuttle crab and keep the Drake warded at all times so she is unable to sneak it away from your team. Once Sejuani hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate, she will be looking to gank as often as she can. You could delay this power spike by invading her in the early game or stealing away her camps when she is spotted on the other side of the map.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL. Be really careful with missing enemies here.
The president of the cant 1 vs 1 lil bitch club full of cowards that only serve for holding you down till their teammates come.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “You can reduce Sejuani’s ability to get successful ganks of by warding her jungle entrances or placing wards in the river. If you know where she is, she will be unable to get good ganks off. Sejuani has good Drake control in the early game. Ensure that you take the bottom side scuttle crab and keep the Drake warded at all times so she is unable to sneak it away from your team. Once Sejuani hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate, she will be looking to gank as often as she can. You could delay this power spike by invading her in the early game or stealing away her camps when she is spotted on the other side of the map.”
lumihehe says “i don't know since i haven't played this matchup very many times, but i assume it's like most tank matchups where you just win 1v1's because you have true damage and they don't. try to farm better than her and it should be fine”
Darksword255 says “Lots of passive armor + CC. she can stack her CC pretty often to keep you locked down. Takes forever to dual her. You will out heal her in a 1 v 1.”
PlayerWhatever says “Always CC you and you cry :(. When you are in the late game and you are a demi-god who is able to duel her, she is peeling her team, wich means she is never alone.”
rhvse says “Not much problem if you block her dash. She don't wanna 1vs1 with you, so be scare about her team. She have a lot CC and armor. You win with her most of the time, but be aware that she can buy Thornmail.”
Nik7857 says “This matchup is really bad for elise. Invade her in the early game with your red buff. and just try and make her fall behind so you can make plays before she outscales you.”
NegativePhoenix says “Mostly her CC that makes her scary. When it comes to early game it's hers but late game can be yours IF you are careful. Her CC is the reason she's a major threat as she can hold you still for her team which puts you at a heavy disadvantage. Q away from her ult if you can as it's her main engage tool. If she misses her abilities she can't do much to you, but still she will have a good CC kit to make sure her team can keep you at their mercy so watch yourself. If you notice her being aggressive for no reason, it usually means her team is nearby looking for a kill.”
[Sejuani is mainly a tank that relates on her allies, not that she cannot play alone, but she's way more powerful if an ally is near. Early, don't skirmish except if it's atleast an ADCish with her or if your laner/you have an advantage. Make sure to R her R or Q engage in teamfights, since you can easily die vs an entire team if you don't have W on.]
NegativePhoenix says “Tanky, full of CC and no care if she has to chase or run from you with her Q. You might get her early game if you're smart enough but mid-late game she'll be pretty beefy, not to mention she'll most likely ult you if you attempt a chase or try to escape from her.”
NixLychee says “Annoying CC, and really bulky, although she does need to hit you a fair bit to lock you down fully. Flash her ult if she throws it at you. ”
GrayJinxed says “Her Dash (Q) is the only form of hard Crowd Control (CC) so avoiding that will be vital to winning skirmishes.
Try not to get hit by the second part of her swing (W) which is the long hitbox since it deals more damage and slows.
The only thing you can do against Sejuani ult is either try and dodge it with your hop (Q) or ult if you're gonna fight. ”
TimothyFly says “So much cc that you don't want to play the game. It's not really a hard matchup but u just don't want to be against a sejuani since no matter if she is ahead or not u will get perma cc.”
Majd1 says “Easy matchup. You can dodge her Q with your Cougar jump and then you kite her with auto attacks + spears and finally finish her off with Cougar form.”
Corvux says “This lady will make you think twice about an engage...
She have CC on every single ability: 4 in total between slow, knock-up and stun.
And one of her "Passive Abilities" can make her immune to slow.”
YoungTact says “Can w Her Q. Generally don't see this champion but use ur small hitbox to your advantage to dodge her w and ultimate. You clear faster then her and have better early ganks and skirmishing. Use this to your advatange. ”
Xyllow says “Sejuani is very annoying for WW since you can basically never kill her due to how tanky she is. On top of that, your fear will almost never slow her, since she can be immune to slows. Also, if you get ulted by her in a teamfight, you are probably dead. If you get ahead a lot early though, she is really useless compared to you, and BORK is really broken now, making it possible to actually deal with her tankiness.”
YEKURA says “He is a tank that counter ganks a lot with his ultimate and ganks. So if you just focus his ganks and ping them out or be there you are good to go vses him. Try invading him level 3 if you get a kill that's great but if you don't ignore invading him. He's really hard to chase down in the jungle and can stall so you can die. Although if you make him not get a lead and snowball his team you can easily kill his team and make him useless.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror. Phase Rush.
ITEMS: Banshee if her team is full AP. Mercury's Treads if her team has a lot of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Bait out her jump and kite her to not let her stack her stun. Sejuani's tricky to deal with her endless CC, she can't outduel you, but she can lock you down in fights and skirmishes. Flash her ult when needed if you can't dodge it.”
Madabc says “Beat her ass early because thats pretty much the only time you can contest her. Sure with Lord doms you can put up some sort of fight, but her passive pretty much counters Rengar and makes it almost impossible to one shot her. Plus her items will also stand in the way of that. Just maybe sub in Eclipse this game instead of dusk. ”
Consolo says “? Literally where are you finding Sejuani players in 2022. Just counterjungle her until she is completely useless, track where she's ganking early and ping your team. Try to tank her ult lategame and you're good as gold. ”
Scythe Prince says “You will win fights against Sejuani early on if you have Conqueror. Just try to not let your Reaping Slash (Q) get cancelled by her (Q). ”
MrMeem45 says “Surprisingly high burst for a tank, but she's a joke pre-6 in the 1v1. In 2v2's, however, be careful as she has an insane amount of CC in her kit that she can and will use.”
Elekktro says “Sejuani does have a lot of lock down CC which makes Viego's life difficult. However she doesn't have the carry potential that Zac or Nunu has. If you stack Tenacity in your runes you can deal with her much easier. Sejuani's buff gives her more room to make plays in teamfights, but overall it's a similar matchup.”
J98TheGreat says “Sejuani is very good with damage mitigation and can counter gank you fairly well, but your team has the upper hand if you watch out for it and try not to take fights when you don't know where she's at and its reasonable to assume that if she comes into play that it will be a problem. If she's the better player she will find a way to prove it to you. Your team fight potential is a bit better so long as your team plays around her ultimate.”
Roguejokester61 says “Sejuani is extremely similar to Nunu and Willump in the sense of CC chains and tankyness, the only difference is that almost no one plays here and when ever you do see a Sejuani player almost every player has a different playstyle making it extremely hard to counter her. Sejuani is extremely slow though so you can call upon your team to collapse on her and try to take her down if your lucky.”
Da Mastah says “Try to invade her early as she has no tanky items to protect her. Also try to sidestep her flail instead of using q to dodge it. You might want to go qss if she only focuses you during teamfights. She can really only win this matchup by having better macro than you.”
The Elysian1 says “ Not a big deal , her kit is strong due CC chain. Just be carefull with her ult , overall on ganks , just kill the other guy , not her. You have better scale then her , since she can't carry solo. Maybe if there's a Yuumi on her back , but that's 10% chance.
Zyvran says “If she goes tank, you aren't killing her. If she goes AP, she decides that you die when she feels like it. Just stay out of her range, and get a QSS for her ult.”
Pusi Puu says “You win against her early game like every other tank machup. She becomes super annoying with her cc after 6 so make sure to run around with ferocity and not get caught. Always look for early game skirmishes against her und contest crabs.”
IMissedMyQ says “Very similar to Nunu, she is extremely tanky and hard to kill, bully early. Her kit also makes her much more useful than you in fights. Your best bet is to focus on your lanes, rather than disrupting her in the jungle.”
KamiKZ says “Similar to Zac in that she poses quite a threat in teamfights but cannot kill you, altough you will have a hard time killing her yourself. Difficult to burst down due to aftershock and hard to stay on her. You´ll need a lot of anti-tank items such as Lord Dominiks Regard, Black Cleaver, stacking armor penetration, or a combination in order to kill her.”
Veralion says “Nerfed out of favor by pro play overuse, and I haven't seen her in ages. She does a surprising amount of damage for such a tanky champion, but her engage range is too small to make her a threat in any real way. I'm pretty sure you can chase her off of early crabs fairly easily, she takes a while to get going. Should be very easy to outscale and out-objective. ”
Doubtfull says “This is a really easy match up for Rek'Sai. With conqueror you shouldn't ever lose a fight, so look for as often as possible in the early game. Watch our for her lane ganks with ult post 6. If you can, pop her passive with your burrowed Q before going in to combo.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. You can easy 1v1 Seju since Seju is only a tank with cc and no damage. As soon as you get black cleaver, seju should be no problem for you as Graves.”
Insightful says “sejuani has a very weak early game and in teamfights she relies a lot on her ultimate to engage and start out the fight, but since it's a single target skill it can be easily denied by your black shield if you time it well. and since she's a tank you get a lot of value from your items to do damage to her”
poopyOCE says “Absolute fucking cancer. High magic resist, high health, target lockdown, CC, your worst nightmare but a champ. Lucky not played often. Better teamfight potential due to your sheer damage output and AOE fear.”
Karasmai says “The only reason she isn't very easy is cause her q can cancel your Q if timed properly. She is very easy for shadow assassins to pass and you can dive her backline. Rhaast will typically outscale. Just be care of her early 2v2/3v3 she will win early counterganks but when you get form you will quickly take over the game”
MexBookMaster says “Limpias mejor que ella pero ella Gankea mejor que tu. Sejuani está muy infravalorada debido a que Tanquea demasiado y pega muchisimo. Match favorable para Rhaast, armate cuchilla obscura rapido y con eso podrás matarla.”
ak521 says “Constant nerfs make him less useful. Heavy cc and great team fighter, like amumu. Could intercept your Q by with their dash. For a good thing, slow wave clear. Just don't fight sej, it's useless, overly tanky with too much cc. ”
Rhoku says “Similar to Nunu. A tank who cannot stand a chance against you. But unlike Nunu, a Cleaver is usually enough for you to be able to cut her down even if she does get fed. Not much you need to know really. Just beat her down early and she will be another corpse waiting to drop in teamfights.”
Lambda Diana says “Shes is a tank and Diana isn't great vs tanks but shes so weak early you can get a lead and end away before she even can get the items to perma tank your damage if she does get fed get void 3rd. ”
ItsSkoob says “Sejuani is pretty weak right now, her main component is she has tons of CC. I would take tenacity in my runeset and try to cheese her early. ”
Ellesmere says “Sejuani is tanky and has a ton of cc... but that never stopped Udyr. You'll win a 1v1 at any point in the game, so feel free to counterjungle or just farm up and dominate her late game.”
RedNBlue says “Sejuani isn't very meta right now but she still is good its just she's very bland and doesn't have a very good kit. She will be able to tank your damage but its just really a stalling when your fighting her.”
Soulreaperjin says “She was nerfed recently but that doesn't stop from CC chaining you with all 3 abilities, even more so once she hit's level 6. Thankfully she isn't often played, so don't worry much about her being threat.”
RichMrFork says “Low threat to you, You can dodge most of her CC with your mobility and you can match her clear speed pretty well. Mercury treads are recommended here if they also have an AP mid or another hard CC threat. As most tanks, look for counterganks after they waste their spell cooldowns on the gank.”
Kayn Mains says “You will win fights against Sejuani early on if you have Conqueror. Just try to not let your Reaping Slash (Q) get cancelled by her Arctic Assault (Q).
Once she gets her Cinderhulk enchantment you cannot really kill her anymore. You should still try to fight her for a bit to get some free passive orbs.
You beat Sejuani fairly hard late game on Rhaast. Use her as a free HP reset by Umbral Trespassing (R) into her. Be careful of her ultimate.”
metalhydra273 says “An ultratank that seems to be underplayed right now. Try to dodge her skillshots and don't let yourself get locked down. Try to outpace her throughout the game and watch for a counter-engage if you go in first.”
LilPaniniUwU says “You will win fights against Sejuani early on if you have Conqueror. Just try to not let your Reaping Slash (Q) get cancelled by her Arctic Assault (Q). Once she gets her Cinderhulk enchantment you cannot really kill her anymore. You should still try to fight her for a bit to get some free passive orbs. You beat Sejuani fairly hard late game on Rhaast. Use her as a free HP reset by Umbral Trespassing (R) into her. Be careful of her ultimate.
Heccie says “sejuani is a weird matchup, I think you can win though with eclipse conq essence ldr, cleanse her stun but only after she r's and uses her passive to stun you again.”
Yitastics says “CC hell, dont try to 1v1 her as her teammates will be there to help her before her cc runs out, try to dodge as much as u can and Alpha Strike her ult”
Rasta Rengar says “Hard to chase so just try to focus others, usually invades aswell since he can dash out of any situation so have a strong ward game”
Narutoe says “Also a problematic champ with a lot of CC and damage, whereas she is still a tank. you will not out trade her after early game, so dont bother.”
Acirar says “Try to get your mid or top to ban this its a bad matchup for everyone although warwick and shaco are worse. Ban this, darius or garen if ur top!!!”
Loul_60 says “Early game you can 1v1 her at pretty much any point, though watch out for her teammates. Blue form isn't good at all into her, but that's because she's a tank, once you stack Lethality and Armour Pen you should be alright. Red form is easy into her as she doesn't have the damage to kill you, at all. Be cautious of her Crowd Control.”
liserith says “Sejuani plays around her slows, but with your mobility and you E, she's not a big deal. Her damage is quite low, and you can burst her down.”
chevy the sloot says “Another jungler you can fight early and kill if you hit your Qs. Just make sure you have prio if you wanna kill her at scuttle she synergizes well with teammates around”
Tinjus says “Similar to Zac in that she poses quite a threat in teamfights but cannot kill you, although you will have a hard time killing her yourself.”
Unawesomeness says “She can't carry, because if she does damage her team will fall apart, and if she's tanky she heavily relies on her team, so if tanky focus carries.”
DarnuS says “Gragas gets countered by a lot of tanks. Seju's passive is very annoying.
As gragas you wanna engage first, or make a trap in bush. Seju's passive makes it impossible to oneshot her or even do damage. And when you let her engage on you, she will proc aftershock and win the fight very easily.”
Bel37 says “She has the cc but due to her high cooldowns and nerfed damage, she isnt much of a threat for viego. After she uses her combo she cant do anything for a while and you can just stack your conq and kill her for free.”
ChaseMorePlz says “She is very weak early so counter jungling is a must, try and get her Raptors at all costs.. Body block for your team when she ults, then you have a window to fight. ”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Perma invade in early game. Fight her and bait her Q with your ult before jumping.
Sejuani is OK matchup.”
Get Ricked says “Tough cookie. You lose the 1v1 pre 6 but after that you win. Be carefull with her passive tho, she takes hardly any damage in the first seconds of combat.”
DarkAuraLOL says “easy, you can outclear her , she's weak early, you can easily catch her low hp and fight her in jungle, constantly steal her camps, cheese her raptors red, counter gank her with your lead, after you get form, midgame you can legit one shot her.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Sejuani is very strong right now, but she is still very weak in the early game. Try to invade her if you can and take as much of her camps as possible. If she falls behind she will take a very long time before she gets really tanky. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “easy, you can outclear her , she's weak early, you can easily catch her low hp and fight her in jungle, constantly steal her camps, cheese her raptors red, counter gank her with your lead, after you get form, midgame you can legit one shot her.”
RedNBlue says “Easily kitable at all parts of the game just make sure you don't get stunned by her ult. Make your bard support take that one for the team.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You both AFK farm in the early game but he can beat you in 1v1s because he has some cc. You also have a faster clear then her. You just want to get RedKayn asap and she wont have a chance against you.”
Karthus man says “Sejuani is very hard to counter. Her main strategy is to run at you with her team and stun you so her team finished you. If you can have your team doing ok, then you will be fine.”
Maile says “Exploit her weak early game and try to invade her as much as possible. Don't let her scale and get items because then the game because very hard for you to play because if you get CC'd you are dying 100% of the time. ”
FrankynFood says “Really is a pain because she is so tanky and is great at ganking. I find i difficult to counter gank unless your team is a bit ahead. Just keep farming and get some on-hit items to shred her late game.”
White Cr0w says “"OMG SEJUANI OPEN PICK HER". She used to be the top tier jungler few patches ago, but with the recent nerfs she can be fought. You can deny her earlygame if you invade her at lvl 2 to steal blue+kill. Win asap!”
KevinThyAsian says “Extremely annoying. Hard cc get Merc’s and qss if necessary. She is way too tanky if she’s ahead. If you are even with her just try and dodge her ultimate, if not then say G'night.”
NiceTryVi says “Sejuani has the capacity to completely stuff your engage, and she is very hard to deal with because you cannot burst her like you can most other champions. If there is an enemy Sejuani, let someone else on your team break her passive first before going in on her.”
BoyWonder00 says “Her entire kit stops you. All of her abilities cancel your W, and he has resistances when she first starts fighting you. Super tanky and scary. Try to bait out her abilities, otherwise you have no way to fight her.”
BoyWonder00 says “Super tanky and all of her abilities are CC. Easier for Rhaast because he can heal, but SA has a lot of trouble because she can lot him down and she has a lot of resistances. ”
FalleN3 says “This is just simply annoying. Extremely tank but also will damage and CC you quiet a bit. She shouldn't interfere with you too much on your jungle side early game but you may bump into her when ganking / counterganking. Try to dodge her CC abilities and you will have some chance to kill her. Later game you will need to avoid her CC and try to avoid grouping in teamfights.”
FalleN3 says “This is just simply annoying. Extremely tank but also will damage and CC you quiet a bit. She shouldn't interfere with you too much on your jungle side early game but you may bump into her when ganking / counterganking. Try to dodge her CC abilities and you will have some chance to kill her. Later game you will need to avoid her CC.”
Holessando says “not really a threat, there are not many fights vs each other, because she's a tank and she just clears and ganks, she doesn't want to kill you really.. she can be a good jungler, in late she becomes a lot tankier, so be careful, dodge her ULT if possible and dont let her to stack her passive on you, dodge her abilities when fighting her and you should easily kill her.. (you could possibly take precision for tenacity, but thats up to you really)”
metalhydra273 says “Pretty much same deal as Nunu minus the objective threat. I never see this champ though so I wouldn't worry too much. Just like any other tank, look for ways to get past her or open a hole with your ult, though your team may not be able to kill her before the duration ends so be mindful.”
NixLychee says “Tanky CC Jungler who actually helps in teamfights. You fall off hard but she scales and teamfights, so you'd be better off invading her to prevent her from establishing a big CS lead.”
chasemyman1 says “As long as you kill her and play aggressively in her jungle early you will be fine. She scales really well though so try to close the game early.”
reganakers says “Sejuani will not beat you in a 1v1, but in a late game teamfight she brings alot more than you. Feel free to take fights against her but don't expect to kill her. She is tanky enough to stall for another teammates arrival so be careful. Dont overchase.”
PsiGuard says “Sejuani only has one escape and despite her tankiness, she can still melt in the mid and late game due to your % MR shred from Allure. Kite her out with your team, or outpressure her on the map with your post-6 ganks since she has trouble ganking when her ultimate is on cooldown.”
Freyhacks says “Sejuani is easy to beat as xin because she can never win a duel against you. Just let her go in on you first and than you let out your combo and you win the fight. ”
KillyOne says “Same as Amumu, these champions only bring late game crowd control and tankiness to their team composition. So make sure to bully them early game.”
Dopamine_influx says “Invade early and kill, contest scuttles, she's a great teamfight/Skirmish threat and has great ganks post 6, but you're stronger 1v1. Don't let her get towards midgame for free, be in her face early. Late, you ignore her and focus her carries.”
reganakers says “Sejuani is a very strong champion. She is tanky and has a tonne of cc and damage. She is an all round strong dueler and skirmisher. Rek'Sai will win 1v1 early (barely).”
Stiwy says “Not a big deal.
Wait for level 6 then engage her whenever you want, it should be a free kill.
Conquror + Black Cleaver will make this lane even easier.
She can only kill you with a gank because of her CCs, but in a 1 v 1 situation she can't win.
Start cull for farming .”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. Sejuani is very weak early however she has strong skirmishes due to her being able to lock you down and have someone else burst you.”
NoLyfe says “Sej is kinda gay to vs but it's not that bad. If she's hugging backline waiting for you to jump , it's just better top hop on their frontline and fight it. Even with Night's Edge you cant do much against her q r ass rape combo
AWierdShoe says “Sejuani is a tank jungler with low damage but a good amount of CC in her kit (which you can avoid with your E). In early 1v1s you will beat her, but watch out for her counterganks and teamfight potential later in the game. Build armor penetration early and with a good lead you will shred her.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Her abundance of CC means you have to be careful fighting her near her allies. Try to invade her as she cant beat you 1v1, and dodge her W with your Q.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “She is annoying, your slows are useless as she is immune to them most of the time, but she has low kill pressure on her own. Deploy the same treatment as with Zac, and keep your teammates safe from her dives in lategame.”
DarkPit59 says “Sejuani ne peut pas être burst car son passif la protège de vos surprises. Le mieux à faire est de réussir à prédire ses ganks avec un bon map-control et counter-gank quand cela vous est possible.”
Fresh Diamond says “This is just simply annoying. Extremely tank but also will damage and CC you quiet a bit. She shouldn't interfere with you too much on your jungle side early game but you may bump into her when ganking / counterganking. Try to dodge her CC abilities and you will have some chance to kill her. Later game you will need to avoid her CC and try to avoid grouping in teamfights.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Has a faster clear and is better in skirmishes. Later on she can make you question your life choices in teamfights if she peels your targets. Try to invade her before level 6 if you have prio on your lanes to delay the turning point in this matchup.”
GinWinsky says “With S9 buffs to cinderhulk she'll be back. And she cannot be killed by one single person. I hate that. Might wanna go Black Cleaver. Dodge the CC.”
TrevorJayce says “Sejuani isn't unbeatable, but she's fucking annoying. The free stats she gives to a teammate as well as having a knockup, two stuns, all the while slowly melting you with cinderhulk makes her very cancer. Handle with care.”
Morzanoth says “Sejuani is just annoying with all the tank buffs recently. She has good early damage and can bully you out when early in the game. You can look to beat her buy focusing one lane and just snowballing hard. Only look to engage when you have your ult and make sure you get rid of her passive before committing to an engage since it makes her a lot tankier than a lot of champs early in the game.”
Loki029 says “Spirit Visage and Tenacity Boots so you get way faster out of her stunns, she can t 1 vs 1 you. Harass her early and kill her before her jungler Shows up”
Nico449c says “You wont be able to burst her down about every because of her early high defense even harder if she got aftershock. So try to countergank or invade her camps eventually outgank her.
Avoid her in about any situation if your 1v1 unless your insanely fed.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Sejuani is very strong right now, but she is still very weak in the early game. Try to invade her if you can and take as much of her camps as possible. If she falls behind she will take a very long time before she gets really tanky. ”
Dexiron says “Sej also likes engaging, but you can counter it pretty well. I like taking Aftershock against Sej because she has little escape mobility, and you can soak while you allies are cc'd.”
Soulreaperjin says “She was nerfed recently but that doesn't stop from CC chaining you with all 3 abilities, even more so once she hit's level 6.
Thankfully she isn't often played, so don't worry much about her being threat.”
Fabosch is Love says “You can free farm like you want. You just have to take some early kills, in order to focus enemy carries. She engages well but doesn't peel really good (except with Knight's Vow).”
The Top Bear says “Sejuani is actually very hard to 1 v 1 now. With aftershock and her passive, she essentially has a 6 second immunity to your burst. I would spear and auto her down if you fight her, but it's over for you if you get CC locked and killed. With her max HP damage she can basically one-shot you at level 3.”
urrb says “This is a skill matchup. She needs to scale to win. You win the 1v1 early and she's very vulnerable to early invades. If you 1v1 her with her abilities off cooldown, make sure to kite her if she engages and procs her aftershock, and wait until it's over to all in. Try to dodge her W and Q if you can. If she has a teammate by her side, she is a lot more of a threat, so be wary of teammates collapsing from their lanes. If she has another teammate that is tanky, Conquerer can be a good pick, but lethality is fine if you're confident you can shut her and her team down early and end before they get to scale.”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “weak champion until she gets tanky. Even so you should be able to out damage. also she has slow clears so counter jungle and invade. ”
Dyt0Xx says “Trundle is one of the traditional counters of Sejuani. Sejuani's passive gives him more armor and magic resist for the first few seconds in combat. Sejuani is also an aftershock user. This rune gives him extra armor, on top of items he builds, and his passive.
Using your ultimate on Sejuani makes you very tanky, while Sejuani becomes more squishy. Since he will try to engage in teamfights, its possible to delete him, before his team can follow up.
Their team will either disengage, or try to fight 4v5.
You can play this match-up fairly aggressive. But be careful for enemy teammates collapsing on you if you decide to invade him.”
Fyurex says “You can duel her pretty easily because of he low damage. in teamfights just watch out for he ult, if you have a good enough reaction time you are able to ult their carry before it hits you and get out of there without getting stunned. This will most likely surprise your enemy and buy time for your team.”
LFS_aXent says “Sejuani, as we know, does a ridiculous amount of damage for a tank. She has enough CC to negate your speedy VTEC build, and can coordinate an efficient counter or invade with her team. Keep vision in your jungle at all times, as well as drag and baron pit.”
Ajagara says “She can slow you, freeze you, stun you. Everything needed to counter you.
You CAN'T solo her, unless you are far ahead
To win teamfights while she is on the enemy team, flank the enemy team with E + all movement buffs and enter with your ultimate before your E expires, this way she won't be able to CC you.
Eqxilibrium says “In the early game, Sejuani will want to be more proactive than you, but she will outscale you in the late game, so make sure you're just as active.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A tank jungler with a moderetly slow clear, she will try to gank lanes every now and then or just babysit one of them, she can be easily 1v1ed with Xin and doesn't pose much of a threat. ”
LixoPanado says “Sejuani, she is not really hard to deal with, you are better in duels, but she's hard to kill, so you probably wont get to kill her alone. Can also cancer your ulti.”
TheLandlos says “You can abuse Sejuani weak early game by invading and dueling her, making she completely useless later on. Just be carefull with her ganks tho, they are still powerfull.”
RoboJungler says “Really tanky 1v1'er. You need to know what you're doing when you're in this match-up. Basically just dodge her abilities and you should have this in the bag.”
Sarutobi says “Most tanks are easy matchups. You can block their major skill shots with your alpha and out damage them by a mile. Your true damage makes their tankiness useless.”
deamonfate says “When going against a [Sejuani], do not engage her within the [Jungle] - She will typically win the fight unless you're 2 - 3 kills ahead. One of the best strategies against a [Sejuani] is to counter jungle her; In the game's I've had against [Sejuani] - I noticed that she can either farm or gank, and unlike [Shaco] - She can't do both!”
Yuki Nagato says “She can't kill you, you can kill her. Therefore gank your laners instead of trying to fight her (conquerer is nice in this matchup).”
Optimal Pancake says “The second tank Kayn really struggles with. She's a really insane champ in general, but her kit feels like it was made just to mess with Kayn. Her Q will knock you out of the wall, on her side if she uses it quickly enough, her W will slow you and apply her E passive, her E will lock you down and when followed by her ult will usually mean death for you. You won't have as bad a time against her in red.”
Rainbow6Six says “she is the ultimate counter against an Udyr, she is more tank then you are. because of that you must select the right rune page and go for the armor.
In my opinion she is the upgraded udyr but with less charm. She can stunn you just as you can stunn her, but her ultimate can win the game.”
Violzandre says “Wow, one of my favorite tank champs for jungle.
She has a lot of cc, can do a good dmg, impressive defensive stats, and can escape usually.
Be careful, you can try to kill her in her jungle but be careful with her teammates, in late you'll win a 1 vs 1 obviously, but in early it's unpredictable.”
Predated01 says “One of your best matchups, she can't challenge you early game. Make sure you use your early power though, she will hard outscale you.”
Yasuo Comunica says “it's an annoying matchup just try to crossmap play as you do when playing against rammus, but she is easier bc you can cheese her early
Loul_60 says “In Solo Queue, Sejuani is considered rather weak - She is. Her CC and tankiness will be hard to tackle in teamfights, especially after her changes.
Like Zac, she lacks 1v1 potential and doesn't have the an amazing clear speed.”
Ivker21 says “Her early game is really weak and her clears are really unhealthy. Try invading her all the time early.
Later she'll be very mobile, but you counter that, so in team fights, you'll be fine.
Keep in mind it's usually worth body blocking her Ult since later you'll be able to take the damage, and if she gets too close you can ult her.”
BloooodTV says “They will mostly build tank which does put them behind for ganks, if they gank you do 2x the damage so counter ganking just screws any wish they have of winning.”
Hazardist says “Her strong chain of crowd control, tankiness and range advantage make her hard to deal with whether it's a duel, a skirmish or a full teamfight. Unless you outnumber her, don't go in until she has spent her cooldowns, after which you can lock her down with your wall.”
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