Top Lane 49.74% Win Rate78% Pick RateTrundle Top Lane Counters: 32 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Trundle in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
kayle1v9 says “Q max and early boots. Careful about his Pillar. hes really good at splitting so make sure you dont fall behind or he snowballs”
Loocalol says “Runes: Phase rush
Early: Respect his insane lvl 1, just E start and look for manaflow
Tips: After first reset you can constantly look for combo trades and walk away. Or look for Q poke and just hold E until he walks at you.”
liucan says “STAT CHECKER: Dont understimate his ult and dmg, he can run u down with it, u can win mid game or if he has no ult (it doesnt have too much cd). He steals your ult stats and AD, u cant out run his W+E and his move speed can be enough to dodge ur E. Survive.”
Dom1nus says “Dont trade him level 1, if u are an experienced renekton player auto q him whenever he bites you. that way u both will go to 40% with frequent trades and look for an all in at level 3. always bring ignite in this match up. he has good movement speed and when ur abilities are on cd dont go near minions as he combo and chunk you down.”
Maniaxx says “Trundle can steal your stats with his Q (Chomp), which reduces your effectiveness in fights.
R (Subjugate) can steal even more of your health, making him a dangerous tank buster.
How to deal with him:
Build health and resistances: Trundle thrives when he can steal your stats, so build tanky to outlast him.
Punish him early: Trundle is weak early on, so poke and trade before he gets his R.”
a_k_z7 says “very hard
he can run you down if you make a mistake try to poke with q and passive and everytime he want to all in you q where he is running to and w so you can deny him the trade then try to trade since all of his abbiltes are on cooldown
anti heal is not really good against him since he can heal from the wave if you dont poke him but buy it if you see him goung hydra
never fights when he ults you ult him away and try to play good waves since most trundle players will want to rune there tempo just to remove you tower
getting the tower asap can be really helpfull allowing you to push the waves and help your team
later you can deny him from getting towers he can destroy them fast and you dont deal enough damage if you see him ping your team and dont ever 1v1 you will lose it late game”
Nithril says “He will W + Ghost + R into you whenever possible, Trundle is likely the fastest turret taking champ in game so roams are no-no. His E can cancel yours, so Q beforehand”
Skaarlschloch says “Full Damage&Earlygame W-Start Dblade, Conq with Alacrity, Boneplating, Flat HP, or Phase Rush with Ignite.
Approach lane safely he i op in lv1 extended fights (Avoid giving his runes value Lethal tempo -> extended or PTA -> 3 autos), fight back with AA->W->AA try to fight for lv2 and look for kill lvl.3-5
Once hes 6 if youre even he will win.
Try to get as many freezes as possible and respect his big E range when he is pushing big waves/higher level
ThatGing3rNuts says “This matchup is just annoying. You're confined to your lane the whole game without being able to use ult unless he backs and you tp back to turret instantly. Definitely go rune page 1 and look to proc grasp with q-auto and e to disengage the whole game. If you stay in lane you can easily go even by letting him push into you and punish with taunt when he goes to proc demolish. Use your W in the late game to prevent his auto q attack reset and peel for your carries.”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Boneplating. Doran's Shield.
Play safe, he can run you down since level 1. Do small trades. Use your W to negate Q damage. Disengage from his W field. Anti-heal works but at the same time delays your spike, to buy or not depends on how well you're on lane. He is going to outscale you.”
SK Terrasin says “Permaban material.
Can easily run you down in lane. Bleed cs, if necessary, but try to stay in XP range.
After laning phase he starts split pushing and you can't match him, so tell your teammates to send someone to side against him.”
maiathemagical says “In my experience this matchup is Fine™ but you do have to play quite safe. Do not get caught without mana halfway up lane it will be your death. Proc your passive as often as you can without going too aggro and you're pretty gucci.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Bicho chato da porra, tenha um controle de wave bom e de base na hora certa para ele n levar a sua torre, lv3 combe ele na lane e no lv6 apenas ult nele se estiver com metade da vida.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"He's you but less versatile. Don't take super long trades into his Q early game, just take short Q/Grasp trades and wait until levels 4-5 when you can look for all ins. Be careful for his ult
because it'll make him very tough to fight, spam Stun on him so he can't DPS and you should win though. When he ults, swallow him for max duration to wait it out. " ”
Fenharion says “A problematic auto attacker with a crazy ult. He is really strong in 1v1's (maybe even stronger than you) and also splitpushing. So just be careful overall and don't let him get fed.”
Fanatical Goose says “YOU DO NOT WIN LEVEL 1 WITHOUT IGNITE, and if you die too him with first blood kiss your game goodbye and play safe. Rush bramble vest. ”
Houcs says “Be careful to not be too far away from your tower if he decides to all in you.
He is very strong whenever he has R so you will most likely not win that fight.
Tho this champion outscales you in late game.
But he will most of the time be split pushing. So make sure before you tp to help your team that he doesn't have minions to take your entire base.”
Citric says “Trundle is bad at doing krugs and raptors so usually he will leave these up. He is a buff to buff jungler so he might try to steal one of your buffs. Try to get healing reduction against him because he will be healing a lot.”
SemenDrinker says “Blade or shield Bone plating
Give prio early levels while poking him. You will almost never outpush trundle at any stage of the game and never match his split later into the game. Aatrox does however have some answers to kite and space him during laning phase. You can very easily kite him out as he quite literally runs towards you. However trundle will try to pillar you after you e. If he doesnt he's a lobotomite and you just e through it. If he does use your q3 if you havent already to stun him for a bit and run away. (never be too overextended)”
IvanBeifong says “Save your E until he E's you, so you can dodge the pillar, usually you'll be fine, always remember to ult him AFTER he ults you, so you get the uppper hand, you should deal more damage than him in short trades.”
Frankoloko says “Super powerful deulist. You never win an even fight. He is prone to poke because of his abilities. Save your E to disengage him at all times. You have to ult after he ults, always! He steals defensive stats so it's not really worth getting armour. His damage comes in a massive burst of attacks for about 5s. Never fight him in his ice area since it gives him massive attack speed. You generally win this by poking him away from the wave.”
Skaarlschloch says “He should never be able to just beat you to death lv.1 if you fight in your minions. Afterwards lv.3+ you win quite easily as Trundle is REALLY vulnerable to your Fear and cant really escape it either. If he ever ults just fear him and run away.
Play for your spikes (Tiamat & 5 Jack stacks)”
Niemi says “This comes from my deep hatred againts Trundle and the immense skill issue I have playing againts him. I think he is one of Aurora's hardest matchups due to the amount of damage and movement speed he has. He is a more annoying Sett in my opinion.
You have to play safe, proc Aurora's passive as much as possible and hope that he has severe skill issue. Also you can jump over his ice pillar with W and E, but it won't safe you from his ice area, when he decides to run after you.
Aurra's ultimate is a good escape tool if you're in a tight spot”
Niemi says “Super annoying. I hate playing againts this blue troll.
He can do anything he wants, and if he gets close to your tower, it will get destroyed in a record speed.
I don't know how to counter Trundle, so I recommend to either play safely or ban him.”
Zagreus16 says “you will almost never win against this guy. you can ban him if you want but no one really plays him its just better to ban Renekton. But the only way you'll really kill him is by ulting him into your own tower and have the tower help you kill him cause otherwise you cant do enough dmg to him. you can rush blade if you somehow got a lead on him cause blade will melt him but be careful cause blade will make you squishy in team fights”
step1v9 says “This champion is much stronger than you level 1, but once you get W you can really abuse trading windows by kiting him out of his W. Find all-ins when his W is on CD and his E is down. You should win post 6 with the lead you accrued pre 6. If he's even with you post 6 try to avoid fighting him as he excels in solo skirmish, similar to you.”
Haxorr says “Trundle is one of the easiest Jax matchups as your kit directly counters his, and you do everything he wants to do but better. Start DBlade + Grasp and rush Trinity. You should be winning this matchup at all stages of the game, unless he somehow manages to kite out your e with a pillar and all-in you with his ult while it's on cooldown. Use short trades with E + W and then you can just Q to disengage. Pretty chill.”
TeiWasTaken says “Trundle is a skill matchup. No matter how much you massacre him pre 6, he will scale back into the game. So just try to speedrun the game and do NOT let him splitpush or else you will experience 9/11 all over again! Rush Warden Mail if yo have trouble with him early.”
WIELKI B says “dont overextend, try to freeze under tower, take bone plaiting or cut down, counterheal is needed. poke him down but dont engage on him unless ur sure that u can kill him, even if he ults.”
SSTJoker says “Hardest matchup. When your opponent on toplane... just play save stay behind and poke with e. Build amor and slow´s. Iceborn gaunlet best first item option.”
ArmedDad says “I do say major just becase you have to be more carefull to not mess up but honestly its even.
his pillar can interupt your e so care.
if he press r, you get out.
same as olaf stuff: he wins any all in even if you are 1 item ahead. you have to be really ahead to beat him and he needs to have rushed like hydra or some item that gives no health. ”
Baby_Driver says “DO NOT FIGHT HIM IN HIS ULT.
You can try to play lethal tempo into him, however I would still go for Conq.
You can try to fight him pre-6 if u are confident you're gonna win.
Kite, kite, kite.
Steelcaps are great option into him.”
DioSett says “take ignite , doran blade , max Q , dont fight him lvl 1 , at lvl 2 all in him and when you are high on GRIT just E+W him and take the kill, rush ruined king ”
GwenMain says “START E. Trundle is a pretty hard champion to play against and at many stages of the gamy you will most likely lose any 1v1. As long as the Trundle doesn't play very bad farming will be a hell. I usually build nashor and a defensive item before even having the idea to 1v1 but you can rush orb and a defensive item and pray the jungler to come and rescue you (sadly i don't think this possible anymore especially because of the map changes)”
Angryappleseed says “Take Ignite. You win early pre-6. You will be forced to match his splitpush, meaning you can't help your team much, otherwise your whole base is gone. Try to get an early lead. Build more burst damage than bruiser. He will win 1v1 vs you even if he's down a whole item mid-late game.”
Hotch says “Skill matchup. He can 1v1 you most of the time, even with maiden and ghouls. His sustain is also pretty scary. Try to hold a freeze and let your jungler help you. Use your W smart. If he gets a tempo advantage its over because he will run you down hard.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “upgrade Q first take ignite in this lane for his healing hes gonna try to kill you early you do lose unless you play around your runes. look at your bone plating ask yourself is it up can what his cooldowns? does he have his lethal lethal tempo stacked conqueror gives you ap and healing use that to your advantage and be confident with your burst I've won against many trundles just don't let him shred your towers it's disgusting lol.”
SVKGuardian says “Don't get caught up with his e far into the lane. He will just insta ghost and run you down. On the other hand, that the only problem, but he really excels at running you down. If you are playing around your turret, he suddenly becomes pretty easy to play around”
forlid says “Trundle is one of the strongest splitpushers and statcheckers of toplane. He is fairly weak before level 6, but he wins you level 1. Try to save your Q3 for his E (ice pillar) so that you can escape. The cooldown of it is about as long as your E. If he isn't too much ahead you should always win him as your E scales hard. Grievous Wounds are very good since Trundle tends to build on-hit and Ravenous Hydra.”
PinkBlood says “Just be wary of his level 1 cheese, you will be able to clear waves later. Trundle will just attack your towers mid to late so make sure you kill him or the waves that he can use. He will be able to hammer ur head in at a certain point but you have alot of true damage and wave clear. ”
NegativePhoenix says “He's an anti-tank champion but surprisingly this matchup is pretty manageable
You can do short trades with him but never anything massive, just enough to get in, get grasp, and get out
Get bramble or warden early and make sure you watch the timer on his ult because that's when he's most dangerous for you, but it becomes more manageable later
His ult steals 40% of current resistances but your passive actually somewhat lowers this amount if you're hitting him after he uses it, which wouldn't be the smartest choice
Later in the game he'll still be a menace to you, but if you're built right he will have to get help to end you easily”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.2,3 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for trundle*
Fight him after he used his Q on minion, buying EXECUTIONER'S CALLING can be really helpful against his passive and future items.
Always plan on quick trade's if possible.
And after 6 don't cross the middle of the lane to avoid all-in from him.
Eclipse really helpful for quick trade's so note it.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Conq
He wins early. Rush tabis and dis engage if He uses w. His w and e dont travel to death realm so this is key to beating him. You can also r after his r or wait out his r. Dont ooga booga melee him in death realm, you Still need to somewhat kite him. You outscale him but need to perma match him in lane. Dont go with your Team and tp to trundle. Go to trundle, kill him, then tp to the Team Fight ”
conqiyana says “cringe champion, beats u at all stages of the game.
just dont feed and hope jungle plays for top.
careful because he can win even if you get a big lead.”
Denied20 says “Trundle is essentially the stronger Olaf that also scales better. Although he lack many of the tools attributed to Olaf to eliminate few of Yasuo's important techniques, e.g. c.c. immunity. Yasuo's goal in lane to generate as much free damage as possible before Trundle finds an opening to all in. At equal gold Trundle will beat you with more than half of his HP remaining, so the pre damage required before the fight needs to be accounted for. Unfortunately at level 6 Trundle can kill Yasuo with even less HP. Like Warwick, never fully commit onto this champion, as many cases its premature, and instead keep wearing him down. Trundle like Fiora is few of the champions that can duel you late game.
The real concern is he gets ahead of you, then he can fully ignore you while one shotting your towers.”
mastershen says “You kinda even in rarly game in terms of power ignite his ult and ulton his ult try to short trade you can heal of with your W proc rush antiheal first item both build are good against this but i prefer to go ap in this mathcup”
MaesePerez says “Runs you down with lethal tempo, his ult does magic max hp damage so if you stack armor he will still hurt. You can usually run away if you hit a q, but his w move speed makes it hard. A good tip is to q his feet when he starts auto attacking you, since he will auto and q you, making him stand still for a good second or so, which should allow you to hit q and run off. Lategame he just destroys your turrets and makes you squishy with his ult in teamfights, so try to save your tp to match his, or he will run down your lanes one shotting turrets. ”
SpoonSlayer says “Do not let him kill you pre 6 or the lane's over. Poke him down and look for an all in between 2 tentacles. If you don't miss your E you should win this and use that gold to win lane.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
you can try to poke with cleaver but his sustain is high. He has trouble all-inning you, I would wait for him to ult before you do. Late game you need to do your own split pushes, and force him to match you. If you have to match him its a lot worse. If the enemy mid can match you, but yours cant match trundle, games over. Phase rush + inspiration”
Artszy says “ímpeto gradual. se ele te ultar ou tentar trocar com você, ative a runa e corra. Impossivel ganhar 1v1 contra isso se ele não estiver low.”
hamgi says “do not fight him if he takes lt, u will lose. trade him with his q on cd (3.5s, call it 4), esp with e. avoid extended trades, esp if he takes lt. do not fight him post 6 even when ahead, he will just steal ur resistances”
forlid says “Laning phase is basically free as long as you space around him well enough. He has no way to catch you off-guard since you can just E through his ice pillar and without Lethal Tempo his melee range is much less oppressive. You should always win trades before he gains R. After he has it you shouldn't commit into a long fight unless you're clearly ahead as he is stronger in those situations. Kite well and save E for escape.”
Belle19 says “he can cheese you early but you quickly outscale him in terms of fighting. He'll probably just perma split, in which case you win the 1v1. If the enemy mid laner is melee, dont match him instead just split push yourself and he'll be forced to match you. If you try to match him he just runs away and you have wasted your time”
zwartebliksem says “Another Lethal Tempo abuser. Trundle players are often very agressive, so try to save your dash for escaping. He will usually just run at you, so throw your Q as he's walking towards you, use all your W's, flee with E. At level 6 when going even, I would actually recommend saving your R as an escape tool. ”
Haearnbleidd says “Depends on trundle. If someone picked him only because he counters you, you will win. But a good Trundle player will either bully you in lane or bully your towers after laning-phase
or both. It's hard for you to get lead on him, but you can try to play safe and maybe go for trades if he uses q on minions. Even after hullbreaker nerfs he will still be dangerous in a side lane and can easily end you if you're not careful.
I would recommend trinity > hexplate or rav > hexplate/stride.”
AWierdShoe says “Trundle top has been becoming more common nowadays, becoming popularized toward the end of season 13 for being able to utilize Lethal Tempo to destroy opponents in lane with his stat-checky kit and splitpush even harder with TriForce+Hullbreaker. In lane, Aatrox has the tools in order to kite Trundle out for a short trade. You can poke him level 1, just dont get auto+Q'd by him. Give up priority early levels as Trundle's early game strength is deadly. Once we get level 4, we can look for opportunities to combo him and deny his passive sustain from the minion wave. If he engages onto us with his E pillar kite him out; make sure to land your sweetspots as they're the only thing stopping him from running you down with Ghost. Care for his Level 6 as it give him a tremendous amount of healing and makes you very vulnerable. If looking for an all-in post-6, use Ignite early. Be respectful later on, even if you have a lead. Matching Trundle's split can prove quite difficult as with items he can easily bash your head in.”
PPlongcook says “Skill matchup, he has an insane level 1 all in with ghost and his split is insane.
Try to bait his ult with yours and then fight him. You can force him to fight where he doesn't want to but if you give him even 1 kill its over.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Grasp. Build, who even knows.
Trundle is well, a troll. Simple people play this champion. People who have parents that are related. He will run you down if you let him. You have to be creative to win this one. Don't fight if he has almost any of his buttons up, mainly Q.
Luckily because of the obvious inbreeding, their usually awful. So you can outplay him around the map, or win trades by waiting for him to use Cooldowns on the wave. When he ults, just EMP-E and kite out the duration. HE BEATS YOU LEVEL 1 UNLESS HE THROWS HIS PC OUTSIDE. ”
Bronzesuo says “Just ban him every game. Go Second or Third build against him. You can't win against him for the whole game. Its just impossible for you to win against him. Try to farm and not die.”
Akuzai says “Poke him with melee q, then dash away. If he ults try to kite it out, though you can usually face tank him early. Be weary of him on side.”
Pusi Puu says “never fight the trundle straight on. Either avoid him or kite him and wait for teammates. 3v3 are easy playable tho since he is only good in 1v1's, so scuttle is contestable. ”
hoflol says “Auto-attacker with slow on Q. However, he requires to chase and attack to do damage. So if you play smart with your fling he should never be able to hurt you much.
I would rush swiftness boots and rylais. Or Demonic if you are ahead and want to maintain kill pressure.”
GheeseEmpty says “His level 1 is to be respected heavily, as it can easily kill you if you don't zone him properly. That being said, it's very hard for Trundle to stick to you with a Phoenix Build. His splitpush is a massive threat, and Bear build can possibly beat him 1v1, but Phoenix also brings a lot of teamfight value to the table that Trundle simply cannot match.
Warden's Mail + Plated Steelcaps significantly cuts his damage against you.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Braindead Champion. Run Conquerer and you will be able to You him before 6 but he can win short and long trades if he plays really well with his pillar. His passive can out sustain your passive healing early-midgame. His E pillar is very hard to walk around and he will catch up to you with his W MS, not to mention that it increases his AA speed and his Healing. You will need to invest into a lot in order to make him not statcheck you to death ex: Bramble/Executioners, Plated, Botrk, etc... Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “Frozen heart + tabi's rush = friend.
Yea his ult steals stats but the passives still apply making him a none existent threat. Keep 4 stacks of passive up and poke.”
MusicJG says “He can only kill you if you run into him melee.
Kite him and save your e for his pillar.
You hard outscale and can beat him at 6 if you kite him properly.”
Boptimus says “Trundle can be incredibly hard if not dealt with properly.
Trundle's Q can steal attack damage making early trades hard to come out on top of. Most Trundle's will also be building Divine Sunderer which can melt through you pretty easily.
If you are looking to all in Trundle you should ult early so that he doesn't gain extra Armor and MR from you. Pick you fights very carefully.
I recommend Ghost against Trundle.”
Boptimus says “Should be fairly free unless they're a god at trundle. He isn't really worth trading with so just CS until you get Lost Chapter and poke him with Q's. You can outrun his pillar slow with Phase Rush if you combo him, but if you're using E to run away then a good Trundle will pillar you and kill you if you're too far extended from your tower.”
JPGamer10BR says “Mantenha distância, se ele chegar em você, você perde, fora isso é tranquilo a lane, puna ele o máx. que conseguir, caso tenha dificuldade pode pegar Ímpeto Gradual, corta cura é bom nessa lane.
Pode pegar, PTA, F.F ou P.R”
The Saucy Saurus says “Rush thornmail. Trade with Q and avoid when he uses W. If he uses pillar, you can stun him into it or use a minion to dash over it. When he uses R back off.”
BurritoTopKing says “Easy to kite, just avoid trading too hard into him as he probably wins long trades, try to space him and stack your passive, tabis + bramble helps.”
uSgSello says “Trundle isn't the best jungler in my opinion. He is very squishy pre 6 and his ganks aren't the best. Pre 6 you are able to fight him. If his ult is available never fight him only if you are way ahead. Concentrate on ganking and counterganking. That's the way how to win the matchup.”
Bonkyou says “The secrect counter to Yone actually, Do not stat check, Do not short trade, Do not all in without poking him with W.
always E over pillar if he is all inning and if he isn't then use E normally to kite.
If you don't know how to kite this is an impossible matchup”
Chaddouk says “Trundle is kind of similar to yorick matchup. Most trundles are looking to perma push sidelane and that's. Which is fine for tryndamere and makes it pretty linear, whoever wins the lane will give an insane advantage to his team by having perma side pressure. In the first few levels he beats the crap out of you because of his Q, dont go for long trades, can look for short trades after he Qs a minion for example. Be aware also that his pilar can cancel your E, so going for poke under turret can be supra risky as well as going in melee range when he beats you on an all in with the plan of using E out, he can cancel you and run you to death. Just like Fiora matchup you can fake to go for an all-in until he uses R and then disengage so you have R advantage. It's a stat check matchup where you need to have a clear advantage to win all-ins (more hp, more items, more summs) so keep that in mind and don't go for flips if you don't where enemy jungler is or if your not sure you win it cuz it might lose you the game (or do it just to learn tho). Also ask yourself if you can stick on him because he has pretty high movement speed with his spells and can make you ult and kite you and finish you after if you have no ghost.”
daitolol says “TOP//"- Free matchup d ring start into sorcery trundle only relies on auto attacks and your shroud is the perfect counter for them unplayable matchup for him
_WhiteSnow_ says “His e can cancel your tunnels and keep you in place so its vital to have extra tunnels set up so you have your normal e as a backup. you don't win any trades that last longer than 3 autos so do your trades as quickly as possible and look to disengage immediately. Play with your jungler to beat this guy as much as possible, and be aware he wins side lane even later on if he's allowed to stick so proper tunnel setup is vital.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “sit on the barrel and poke this mf, he cant do shit if you do it properly. You always want to have a barrel nearby to slow him and get passive MS. Early on watch out for his pillar, later on even tho he is very strong 1v1 you can abuse the item advantage and fuck him on melee range with passives anyways ”
TheBougis says “Trundle's high attack speed and tank melting properties are very dangerous, make sure you stay asfar away from him as you can and let your duo take care of him while you keep him alive.”
Waqql says “Don't let yourself get slowed by his Pillar, as it can be very painful. Stay at a distance and poke him low with your Q. Buy anti-healing items early and trade as often as possible. Once he's low on health, try to bait out his ultimate. If his ultimate is on cooldown and Trundle is low, you can engage him as Mega Gnar.”
SVKGuardian says “Probably best is to play full poke runes, because after engaging into him, he has usually better 1v1 potential, and you will have problem escaping him, because of your lack of mobility.”
ABL Pantheon says “Not much seen in Top, but it's a Trundle favoured. Poke him with Q and avoid extended trades, only short trades against him, unless he is low. Engage with W only when he is about to get killed, otherwise he can run you down. After 6 it becomes harder and you can't really match him in sidelane alone.”
Bernardian says “Lethal plus ignite = death. He also uses bork so well its insane. if your planning to all in try to ghost and kite trundle without w is immobile AF so kiting him wont be a problem. once his ult runs out you can look for a rengage.”
FaNTOP says “НЕ СРАЖАЙТЕСЬ С НИМ НА ПЕРВОМ УРОВНЕ. Трандл имеет лучший первый уровень в игре. Сохраняйте свой E для момента, когда он устанавливает столб перед вами, а затем используйте свой E на его столбе, чтобы оглушить его и убежать. Всегда автоатакуйте, отступайте и кайтите, а также наносите урон с помощью заклинаний, пока он не погибнет. Отойдите, когда он использует свою Ультимативную способность, даже в командных сражениях, иначе вы получите много урона.”
Lukajs says “Trundle is a really strong off-meta toplaner, with a lot of damage. His Q slows you for a brief moment, and deals a lot of damage with Sheen procs.
Play around his W being down, and look for trades. If he ults you, back out.”
Twogrand says “he's pretty easy to deal with in lane but since they introduced hullbreaker it gets kinda scary if you leave him alone for too long he can take your base. phaserush tp goredrinker”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
Start W. You lose all ins. Try to farm up and take short trades if you have to. You can E off his pillar. He can also cancel your E with his pillar so be careful. He shouldn't be able to kill you but you can't really kill him. ”
Loweloexpert says “Bad marchup, he can kill you lvl3 and lvl6+once he has divine its over. Try not to stand still and poke poke poke. Play like a ranged champ and pray for a mistake. Ult him after his ult and insta ignite. If you poker right you will kill him. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Trundle slows you and hastes himself. While at the same time, amplifying his own strength with Q. Luckily, you aren't an AD champion so he can't really borrow much AD from you. Use that to your advantage”
itstsuk3 says “Use your range adventage and it's a free lane. If you can freeze the wave at your tower there is nothing he can do about it and it's pratically a free kill if he gets ganked.”
DJCraz says “Another annoying jungler top. Will probably destroy if you let him proc his lethal tempo. Can also stay on top of you with his e so make sure not to over stay when you're too low. Bring ignite if you'd a slightly better chance.”
stefanko says “E early when trading so he cant q you, you hard win any stage of the game. Ult after Trundle ults so he cant steal your ult stats. (lt, ignite) ”
dzsama says “Block his Q with your E and be careful when he ults you as it removes some of your resists and drains your hp over time. Don't give him lead in lane and you should win him.”
Nico_Player says “He will punch you a lot and will charged the Lethal Tempo Fast like You, so you have to keep distance and poke him with Q and W, also use E if you need it, one time he has low HP you can fight him
Pep_Shin says “He statchecks you level 1
You can win short trades by abusing your Q+E combo range.
He can match your R power level with his own.
You should be able to kill him if you poke him enough.
Otherwise just farm, he has no way of killing you if you don't run into him.”
Irelius says “Редкий гость на топе, но ОЧЕНЬ противный. Персонаж ничего не делает по игре, кроме пиллара и избивании милишников. Его можно убить до лвл 6, если выбить W. После лвл 6 – если сначала забайтить ульту. В любом случае, просто зовите лесника и убивайте его. Времени для этого будет достаточно, потому что у Трандла ОТСУТСТВУЕТ вейвклир. ”
Irelius says “Rare guest at toplane.
Havent played this matchup much. Trundle's single job he succeeds in is beating melees. I mean, you can kill pre-6 if he uses W for no reason, but still. Just farm. After 6 you need to bat his R first and then engage. ”
JustSad42 says “You win the all-ins against Trundle if you both start from full hp in the early game. Trundle, however, will generally be able to win the lane since his Q slow and W lets him kite you easily and gives him more control over how the trades will go. The only short trade you should be able to win is if you W Trundle when he goes to Q you, and then you auto-E1-E2 and Q away so Trundle can’t chase you with his W and E slow. A small tip is that if you see Trundle E’s animation and you think he’s using his pillar directly on you, you can try to parry it since Trundle’s pillar displaces you if it’s directly on top of you. Level 6, if he has grievous wounds, he will win fights. However, you will outscale him at 2 items. Don’t go grievous wounds against Trundle. It’s better to use that gold for your core items.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Ignite or Ghost+Exhaust. Trundle in lane works just like Trynda, he is the favorite against you. Rush Bramble Vesta and Tabi and also don't fight him in the first levels or you will lose. He has a very strong R that allows him to win almost every fight, so don't fight him if it's active to use.”
Night Guy says “You should be careful of this guy after 6. Try to bait and waste as much time as possible till his ulti runs out because you already lose stats from the ulti you don't want to lose more.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “If you dont kill him pre6 its doomed, but its hard to kill him pre6 since he is strong.
Your best window is lvl 3.
Conq, dblade start, rush tabi.
RandumPersin says “Take PTA and ignite and this matchup should be dead even. Trundle is the definition of a stat-check champion, so dueling him is virtually impossible for Renekton for literally the entire game. What Trundle lacks is teamfight presence, so look to use this to your advantage and constantly be grouping for objectives. Make sure to always fully push out your waves before roaming since Trundle's damage on turrets is absolutely unfair. Do not ever leave this guy alone topside for longer than your roam timer, he will take WAY more in waves/turrets/gold than you gained by securing your team an objective. Do not ever dash in on this guy in lane or you will get blocked on the dash out by his pillar and die horribly. Look to be a teamfight presence for most of the game and match him under turret when he has tempo and you should be fine.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Trundle punches hard. One of the few match ups where you hurt for a lot more than you hurt him. He stats so if you play good trades and don't go for extended ones, you will win.”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror/Lethal tempo
He always wins all ins, you can beat him early just if you have ignite and LT or Conqueror but you have to abuse your leaps to cancel his autos. After a few levels you will NEVER beat him in a all in, go for trades and play around eclipse, you might even go Divine but i think Eclipse is better for the MS to not let him stick on you and win with 3-4 short trades.”
Smudey says “You can win some short trades with empowered Q, but if he bites you and goes for an all-in, you are dead since you lose all long trades against Trundle. Only taunt in if you have a level lead or if you can kill him with 1 taunt. Fighting him after 6 might be a bad idea, but you can bait it out. Warden's Mail will be valuable in this matchup.”
Cheeseypops1 says “He will bully you to the next dimension pre 6 you can't beat him at all unless you can poke him to about half hp, At 6 though you can win if you hit everything try to save your R for after he R's you so that you get more value from the stolen stats, Rush Steelcaps”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar of Ice (E). As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane. Try to get an early item with Grievous Wounds to reduce his healing. Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting him unless you’re as strong as him, or if you have lots of sustain too. He will be able to out sustain you from every trade if you commit to them early on.”
hamgi says “trundle is pretty fast but also pretty kiteable, so dont stand still and fight him. the goal is to get him low enough to where u can all-in him with ur gap closers without worrying abt him running away with his ice field (w), stopping u with pillar (e), or turning around and ulting and stat checking u. if he r's and u do not think u can beat him, just run away. he steals a % of ur armor and mr, which is huge at all stages of the game. he is an incredibly good skirmisher, but as are u. poke him as he goes for cs, and give him extra pokes when he goes to bite (q) as its a longer animation than an auto. make sure ur positioning is the best it can be at all times as like jax, he has means of getting on top of u, staying on u, and killing u or forcing a summoner's/bad recall”
StingingChicken says “Too many free stats to fight, too much sustain to poke. He just runs you the fuck over later on in the sidelane and with a lead he can dive you. Really no time in the game where you can deal with him at all. ”
Crazy Billy Bob says “You can't build ad nor armor against trundle and expect to win, you'll have to team up with your allies to beat him since you won't stand a chance 1v1”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “prob one of the best PTA blade champs against darius, this matchup is so hard u wont believe me if i say so, if he loses lane as soon as he hits 2 items (blade & hullbreaker or blade and divine or even all of those 3) u will never ever be able to contest him doesnt matter if ure 8/0 or 0/8 that guy will ruin ur life with those items and ignite, so just dodge it honestly bec he is usefull from behind as well”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar Pillar of Ice(E). As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane. Try to get an early Grievous Wounds to reduce his healing. Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting him unless you’re as strong as him, or if you have lots of sustain too. He will be able to out sustain you from every trade if you commit to them early on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don’t fight Trundle if he is ahead. His skirmishing power is incredibly strong especially if he has his Ultimate Subjugate(R) available. Trundle cannot really gank if he doesn’t have any strong lanes, so he will look to power farm instead. Try to gank as much as possible so you can get your allies ahead. Trundle has good objective control and can solo them with ease. Keep them warded at all times to make it harder for him to secure them. ”
kajinator says “A lot of people overrate how OP Trudle's ult is when in reality it isn't that big of a problem. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite should help you win any trade against Trundle since you zoom past his pillar and ice floor. When he is low enough, you can just ult all in him with ignite and kill him. Executioners Calling is mandatory. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don’t fight Trundle if he is ahead. His skirmishing power is incredibly strong especially if he has his Ultimate Subjugate(R) available. Trundle cannot really gank if he doesn’t have any strong lanes, so he will look to power farm instead. Try to gank as much as possible so you can get your allies ahead. Trundle has good objective control and can solo them with ease. Keep them warded at all times to make it harder for him to secure them. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar Pillar of Ice(E). As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane. Try to get an early Grievous Wounds to reduce his healing. Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting him unless you’re as strong as him, or if you have lots of sustain too. He will be able to out sustain you from every trade if you commit to them early on.”
pura4 says “"[Impeto, Poção Corrupta, Q > E] - Essa lane você irá fazer uma build diferente, orbe oblivion + glacieterno de primeiro item, segundo item abraço demoniaco, essa lane você precisa dar poke nele sempre com fluxo de mana, pode dar seu full combo sempre para correr com impeto quando trundle usar seu Pilar, você pode matar o trundle no early game, após isso jogue com seu time e faça a diferença no Rio e nas TFs "”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar Pillar of Ice(E). As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane. Try to get an early Grievous Wounds to reduce his healing. Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting him unless you’re as strong as him, or if you have lots of sustain too. He will be able to out sustain you from every trade if you commit to them early on.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar of Ice (E). As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane. Try to get an early item with Grievous Wounds to reduce his healing. Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting him unless you’re as strong as him, or if you have lots of sustain too. He will be able to out sustain you from every trade if you commit to them early on.”
Elresser says “Phase rush can be very good into this one, and a bramble rush is nice. Try going for small trades with the usual pattern (combo section) remember he wins extended trades.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar of Ice (E). As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane. Try to get an early item with Grievous Wounds to reduce his healing. Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting him unless you’re as strong as him, or if you have lots of sustain too. He will be able to out sustain you from every trade if you commit to them early on.”
Thrandor says “Kind of does the same that you do but in some ways a bit better. Be aware of the fact that he can heal himself with his passive by lasthitting minions after a trade. Run away when he ults you. Also, don't forget that his Q steals a good amount of your AD, this makes long early trades kind of risky.
Whoever gets the first kill in this matchup can stomp the other, good luck!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar of Ice(E). As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “Trundle doesn't really do anything, as a support he's a disengage champ and his pillar can cancel your mounted W, but outside of that you're just far more useful. Make sure you don't run Aftershock into him though because his R will steal your resistances, so it's a waste.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “He's you but less versatile. Don't take super long trades into his Q early game, just take short Q/Grasp trades and wait until levels 4-5 when you can look for all ins. Be careful for his ult
because it'll make him very tough to fight, spam Stun on him so he can't DPS and you should win though. Bramble Vest is very good here. When he ults, swallow him for max duration to
wait it out. ”
tacowo_ says “If he has Lethal Tempo, you lose early fights. If he has PTA, it's normally even, but he can chase better, and heal off minion wave. Tabis rush helps a lot, so does Frozen Heart.”
Zarasaras says “Level 1 he wins every fight, when he wastes his W you can punish,
Post 6 you don't win if you can't make him waste his ult. You outpush waves and asks for your jungle to dive him.”
Taiquyorah says “MU difficile et à l'avantage de trundle.
Farm autant que possible puis vous devriez être capable de faire la différence en late game en le kitant là ou lui ne pourra pas mettre ses dégâts facilement.”
Yiphen says “Start Doran's Shield. He doesn't have the range to engage you, and you can Q over his E. You can kite him with Ghost. Freeze wave in front of tower. Dance.”
NegativePhoenix says “His ult will steal your HP, armor and MR so always be ready to get melted if he ults you. Get thornmail early to avoid his healing in a fight and adjust to what your team needs afterwards if he goes tanky. If he goes damage then heaven hope you can CC him.”
7EyesNoSkills says “His slow and ms is a big problem for you. He can slow and walk so fast to reach you asap, if possible just run when you saw he is ganking. [Jungler]”
Groovywelsh says “DO NOT FIGHT TRUNDLE he steals armor whit his R so that makes him tankier he also heals whit his R but worst of all he can steal AD from you whit his Q so you are going to heal him while he one shots you just AFK farm and don't die”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
If he takes lethal tempo he's a lot stronger early.
Try and kit him.
Dont fight when he has ult, he steals you stats and will basically auto-win the fight. If there is other healing on the enemy team, grevious wounds is good.
Your jungler can punish his immobility.”
DimitriLSD123 says “his ult steals your ability power witch is useless for him just stun under turrets and roll him take TP you don't want him on your towers”
VituVonDoom says “The king of stat checkers, Trundle is actually a good matchup. Be very careful around walls, as good trundle players will place the pillar in a way to make you stuck. Be extra careful level 1, and like all the other champs with stat buff ults: Bait it, run away, wait it out. See the pattern? Go Phase rush, he will never get to extend a trade vs you, leaving a very sad troll on a very hard lane”
Michcio says “You can kite him and thats the only option to win cuz he outdamages you hard. the only thing that will make this matchup hard is his pillar”
KrazyKid1024 says “HOLY SHIT IS THIS GUY ANNOYING. He can outduel you, outpush, out-whateverthefuckelse you. He's just a strong champ. Can literally 1v1 a tower with the right build lmao.”
Baby Sona says “He wins all ins because of his Conq/Lethal tempo. His Q decreases your Damage and increases his and he can kill you in your Ultimate if you R first. Wait for him first to R and then use yours. Play safe and try to be more usefull later on in the game.”
Aberrant Demon says “Trundle Q does more than yours level 1 so instead look to play around the very edge of your spin because it has a higher range. When trading against Trundle, avoid letting him stack Lethal Tempo and/or land multiple Qs. Any kind of long trade will likely end up with you hard losing the trade, especially if he has ult. You want to proc Phase Rush as soon as you can and use your W to block his Q damage. If you don't have Ironspike Whip yet, the best way typically to proc Phase Rush into him is to start with your E then auto and Q. There are two reasons for this. 1) The range advantage as mentioned earlier. 2) Using Q last helps to deal with the slow from his pillar.”
NegativePhoenix says “Trundle is a pain, however even if he takes lethal tempo you can beat him in the early 1v1. Just be mindful that his kit is meant to raise his stat power while also lowering yours. Late game can be very heavily different depending on the build he takes but again, he's a tank, so you both will do insane damage to each other. His W CD is much higher after he uses it is a decent time to try to get a good trade or kill.”
M81M1337 says “Trundle is a pretty difficult match-up, however, it is winnable. Stay extremely passive and last hit. When you get Bamis is when you can start having longer trades (if his healing is too much try grabbing an early Bramble Vest). Before you get Bamis, use your W and get the hell away from him if he tries to all in. Save your R for when trundle R's. Take ghost so you can run away if/when needed.”
MeechyDarko says “Stat Check champ. Don't take extended trades. Kite him and whittle him down. If he ults you, run the fuck away or ignite him and kill him if he is in killable range. Grasp is acceptable here if you arent comfortable with the matchup. ”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish with short trades, and all in once he is in a kill window (60-80% hp)
Wave 1-4:
It's hard to get prio in this matchup, if you can try to get a cheater recall, otherwise just let him push in and go for short trades.
Take ignite.
Not that difficult of matchup as long as you play it RIGHT!
Parry his Q and only play for short trades, you can techincally parry his pillar and stun him, but its so hard and basically impossible to consistently do.
Trade everytime you get your parry, they usually insta Q or, Auto into Q.
Get anti healing, once he has 6 try to poke him down and kill him in an all in.”
LegitLechner says “Hes the 1v1 king. Literally afk farm with q's. try to poke with q if possible. But focus on getting to 6 and not getting caught by trundle pillar.”
Scallywag says “You can zone him with barrels and he can't do much against it.
If he pillars you and he's able to defuse the barrel, he will kill you if you don't have flash.
Black Demon Ezel says “I never did like meta. And this guy epitomizes why. Lethal Tempo trundle recently became a thing and it absolutely destroys tanks he fight off. Plus his W only enhances the effects and the ult makes him stronger and you weaker. Lucky thing is he's melee so fight him when he's nowhere near you or let the walkers drain him”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] He can kill you in your ultimate if you R him first. He wins all ins because he has lethal tempo. You can farm up and try to be more useful later.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: It is pretty much just another Garen but is easier in lane due to his lack of sustain but Trundle will beat you when he gets his mythic and 50 MR. So it is very important you look for kills and snowball this lane. Go grasp and start Darkseal refillable. Your goal is just to either winlane so hard he can't splitpush which will usually not happen, your other goal should be to impact the map and TP plays at 14+ min. You do much better in teamfights but Trundle can take towers even if you are defending them so get your team together can catch him.”
BiriRamen says “fuck this champion, he's a big gay who just rapes my ass. go ap or you've decided to off yourself, this is so sad, alexa play "despacito". Grasp and AP are legit the best things you can go, cause oh my god, I still hate playing against this fucking champion.”
OwOskan says “Trundle becomes a big threat once he gains advantage, if he uses his ultimate while you're in your W, that's gonna be a wild ride as he benefits from all your gained armor.”
Dannala says “High sustain with a low cooldown on his Q and R, high amounts of attack speed and movement speed with the pillar which also slows and pushes you. Usually builds a Tiamat but it won't matter once he has trinity you're not gonna fight him. He has too much power for you to go upfront into. Poke him down really low before trying to finish him off.”
qosmox says “Take small trades over and over early levels. Try to contest the push best you can while doing so, so you can hit lvl-ups at the same time or before him. The way Trundle trades is very distinct and easy to predict and play around. He's gonna start with Q'ing you, so just make sure you either block it with your passive shield or your W. Never go into a longer trade until the HP difference is big enough so that you know you can kill him if he commits. Also make sure to NEVER use your taunt aggressively after he's lvl 6 with R up. You'll always die. But lvl 1-5 is good for you, punish him hard.”
ModelitoTime says “This champion is absurd and fuck you if you play him top lane. take double adaptive runes and hp. Avoid building armor at all costs because he just steals it from your with his R. Rush an executioners calling and then immediately go into a black cleaver, try to poke him as safely as you can and personally dont me i dont fight him until i have grievous and black cleaver.”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
He can kill you in your ultimate if you R him first. He wins all ins because he has lethal tempo. You can farm up and try to be more useful later.”
Federals1 says “Trundle's strenght comes from his ultimate and q stat steal. However, Volibear can buy Doran's Ring and somewhat negate the loss of attack damage, by getting a lot more in the magic damage department. If you also want to add Conqueror or Grasp of the Undying to the mix you get even more magic damage, meaning the steal should not be felt as much. His 6 is still very strong however, and should be respected. Baiting out his ultimate before an all in is crucial, but not always needed. You do not want to use your q until you see him use ultimate, at which point you stun him and run using your e to also slow and shield yourself, just trying not to use your own ultimate to until his times out. Once the ultimate is done, you can turn back around and destroy him. His damage is not that good without the stat steal. First rune page should be used. W max is best here as even if you max q his Frozen Domain speed is really high and he is overall not worth chasing. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Cosmic drive rush or Iceborn Gauntet rush work well, and then do second item whichever you didn't do first. If you find that his healing is too much you can also go for a Bramble Vest.”
PandoraPanda14 says “He steals ur ad and ur tank stats. Dont underestimate his LvL 6. He can hard all in u. Try to kite him while fighting and ghost once you get near to five stacks. Care for his E for gank setups. E Q instant helps alot.”
MHLoppy says “The +50 range buff he got a while back makes it feel like there's not really many options to deal with him anymore. If you poke him with Q he heals it with passive (at no mana cost), and if you go for a melee range trade he cuts your AD while buffing his own. Fortunately because he's basically a purely autoattack-based champion damage-wise, he should only ever be able to kill you if you volunteer your life, and his scaling is nothing special either so at least there's minimal pressure to get a lead.”
Scarhawk says “Trundle can take away your AD damage, your resistances, and is overall a huge threat to you. Capitalize on him pushing to turret with lane ganks.”
Cryniu says “Juega defensivo, suele ser complicado de agredir.
Prioriza botas de armadura y vesta espinosa.
Usa Q+W cuando te vaya a morder con su Q.
Guarda tu E para huir cuando él te atore con su pilar.
Mucho cuidado a nivel 6, su R te deja sin defensas. Si la usa escapa inmediatamente.
La tenacidad casi no sirve contra trundle, considera no usarla.
Biotic says “Really unplayable, if he is playing with bush pressure there is nothing you can do. Dont walk up at all Max E and start E and just pray. He can kill you whenever he wants if you are to deep in the lane. Roam a lot”
Kocykek says “Be careful of his duel potential. It can hurt. Grab Bramble Vest. And build Divine as fast as possible. Poke him and go for short trades.”
Helzky says “You don't win level 1. Level 2 and 3 you can start to all in him but if he's bringing Lethal Tempo you will have a tough time trying to kill him without him killing you first. After getting Maiden with Prowlers, you should do enough burst damage to run him down and kill him.”
OliveeGarden says “Very scary matchup, take ignite + shield bash and don't fight past 6. First buy BORK as he will be very tanky and try to play for team fights.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Trundle is pretty straight forward. You will often come out the victor considering he is a (AA) reliant champion. You can (Q) his empowered (Q) and you can utilize your passive against him, so long as you don't get hit by the direct location of his (E) pillar. His damage is very high. He tends to be pretty tanky as well, so a more tank shredding build and mitigation build is favored more over just pure burst potential. You can't reliably out-run a trundle because of his pillar and (W) movement increase he has. His (R) will drain high HP champions, also granting him a ton of resistances in the process. He's great at running us down. Overall he will have higher objective control, we need our allies to assist us.”
aurus666lol says “Care about his E+Q combo. It will knock back and slow a lot. Try to not fight if u dont enemy minions near to jump away if he is going to you (he will usually use W to speed himself)”
Your Desired Username says “One word: Poke. Spam Q him before doing ANYTHING else. He will always beat you in a 100-0 fight, even if you hit your abilities, so you need to make him start with less health than you. Rush tabis, then bramble or oblivion depending on whether you are behind or ahead. Take ignite. Don't brainlessly stand in his face, always kite him unless you're sure that you will beat him. Do not EVER ult him in the late game as he won't be stuck with you, you will be stuck with him. Seriously though, his dueling potential in the late game is one of the best there is, so unless you're not crazy ahead, try ulting someone else.”
boboderaffe says “Trundle kills everyone who can’t match his DPS. Sadly, you can’t until you reach your third or fourth item. Relax, ask for ganks if possible and farm up. Trundle can hit his pillar very easily and if he does so past 6 you will most likely die. ”
MrMeem45 says “If he's worth his salt, he's going to beat you up and steal your lunch money. This monster of a duelist can destroy you and your teammates at any time ever. Avoid him at all costs and hope that your teammates can come help you. He is pretty useless if he falls behind, though.”
Xochii says “His main source of damaging is smacking and biting, so he shouldn't be big of a trouble for you, but watch out for his ult in teamfights.”
Rayli36 says “Rush Executioner's calling and try to wait for stridebreaker or heartbound axe and then you can deal some nice damage when you see him use his r(same effect as blade of ruined king passive) you can cleanse his slows and try to escape and wait out until his R ends
b0n0 says “Pretty much Same as warwick. If you duel him early you die and your team calls gg jg diff. Try to play smart and path opposite. Don't contest scuttles unless your laner's help or have prio. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “High damage, high sustain, CC master. Use E to block his chomp and hope you can make it out alive. Ban worthy. Take Grasp. BoRK for sustain, goredrinker is also good. Get Frozen Heart and/or Plated Steelcaps.”
Polartech says “You have absolutely to play safe against Trundle. He is fast, he can slow you, and he can place a fucking freezing rock in your mouth!!! Try to engage and poke him only if your Jungler is near your lane or if he pinged a Gank.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Too bad the troll king himself doesn't troll games and goes afk like the most of the other '' trolls '' do.This lane can get really nasty, pre 6 you can win trade and all in's but don't get outplayed by his glaciar thingy,you can get zoned and mauled on.Post 6 I generally just try to juke his ult and just wait it out,it just has no counterplay, trundle is quite aa heavy so steelcaps will do wonders,anyways post 6 after you wait out his ult try regening and csing until u get some hp back and stomp him.You can 1v1 post 6 if you really want assuming you made enough pokes to burst him down with some kind of a flash q w ult combo if you're feeling like you know you'll secure the kill.
Dblade because melee.”
LunaticDancer says “Can ingore your set up and just club you to death. You're really dependant on kiting or trapping him in W. In lane - Gambler viable, starter dependant on confidence. Don't get cheesed.
Anti-heal is a decent idea.”
MCSwavest says “Trundle will make pretty much every stat you build negligible. You can fight him levels 3-6, but afterwards keep a safe distance. Remember you can E his pillar.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “He's difficult to 1v1 in long trades, as his q is better suited than yours for long fights and has a short cooldown as well. Play for quick trades and watch his e and r cooldowns. Do not commit to an all in if he has r up unless it's a guaranteed kill.”
MrZoltannn says “Trundle Q can slow you down very well for a short time, so i recommend Boots of Swiftness against him. If he has Ingite, look out for a lvl 6 all-in with ignite+ult. Another thing to look out for is his E, since it can cancel your E, otherwise not a hard matchup.”
Stinkee says “Trundle is the ultimate tank counter. His ultimate will steal all of your tank stats turning you into a squishy champion and him into a super tank. He has a lot of sustain in the laning phase and will steal your AD with his Q.
He can interrupt both your ult and your Q with his pillar (your Q will be put on a 2 second cooldown).
Fortunately Trundle is not very good or popular top lane right now but if you get matched against him play safe and ask for ganks. Max Q or W and rush health and armor items. If he ults you, run, you have no chance of beating him during him ult.”
Anoying bro5 says “Parry his Q to deny massive damage and to slow him. When he ults, run away unless you can kill him fast. Give him ult respect throughout entire game unless you are really ahead.”
BoilTheOil says “Never fight Trundle level 1, you can't beat him. The only time you can beat trundle 1v1 is if you land a full grit W and you have a big minion wave. Try to have the minion wave as close to your tower as possible so he can't run you down. Be wary of his ultimate, it steals a ton of your resistances and makes you very squishy.”
Phrxshn says “Make short trades with Trundle. Avoid fighting in his Frozen Domain(W) as he gains Attack Speed and Movement Speed bonus. Dodge his Pillar of Ice(E). Avoid fully fighting him whilst he has Subjugate(R) on. If you have another tank on your team try to avoid building too many tank items due to his R. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “The troll has really high stats and base health, good mobility, good waveclear, and a big fucking pillar. None of these things are particularly big problems except the pillar. It is amazing disruption that can set up ganks from anywhere.
What Trundle wants to do is pillar, walk up and beat the shit out of you. To avoid this, it comes down to positioning and spacing. Never walk up to him if you're not next to the turret, never stand too close to a wall to avoid being creepblocked, and look to freeze if you can't shove the wave in time.
Trundle likes hitting things, particularly turrets. Watch out for his backdoor. If he tries to teamfight just hook him and he's useless. Anathemas and Frozen heart are your friends here.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Trundle is a dangerous laner, but if you grab a brable vest early and then rush Kraken Slayer, you should be winning the trades with him. Just avoid trading with him if he uses his W even while you have the bramble vest.”
King Turtle says “He's a bit easier to pick on early than most of the current listed threats, and level 6 spike generally goes in your favor, but with how busted divine sunderer is currently Trundle can make great use of it and be pretty deadly in lane. If it weren't for how hard he falls off late I'd rate him higher. ”
PH45 says “Block his Q with your E and be careful when he ults you as it removes some of your resists and drains your hp over time. Don't give him lead in lane and you should win him. ”
Phrxshn says “Make short trades with Trundle. Avoid fighting in his Frozen Domain(W) as he gains Attack Speed and Movement Speed bonus. Dodge his Pillar of Ice(E). Avoid fully fighting him whilst he has Subjugate(R) on. If you have another tank on your team try to avoid building too many tank items due to his R. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Thornmails)”
Raen says “Try to block his Q with your E. Remember that his ult removes some of your resists and drains your health over time so try to R after his R. Executioner's Calling can be useful vs his huge healing from every source. Keep ur Q for his E.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This lane match-up really sucks, but luckily you won't see Trundle top very often. Do beware if the enemy team has a Trundle jg, though. His ult literally turns you from a big bad dog into a tiny pupper. Trundle will thank you for the stats, chomp you up, and dance on your grave. ”
qveenevelynn says “Really annoying, can slow you, block you and stuff. He have great dammage and his ult is powerful. Don't be greedy and wait the great occasion to fight him. Don't all in ”
Fan22 says “Trundles R its complete as* as Cho'gath.
It steals a part from your Max HP and steals your armor and MR.
However you can Burst him with the true damage from your ultimate and with a morello or thornmail you deny his healings.
If going tank get a thornmail, if he is going full tank/support just adapt to what you need in that game.”
Kacto15 says “Si se puede evitar pickear sion contra trundle mejor, una vez dicho eso, farmear bajo torre, intentar mantener vivo el mental de tu equipo, no tiene mucha movilidad por lo tanto podríamos gankearlo, intentar ir full letalidad vs trundle, si vamos tanques nos roba todas las estadísticas”
SilverAvalanche says “Rush Steelcaps, I can tell you that this champ does not care, if you are transformed or not, you will never be able to match him in the sidelane. He is completely unbalanced in a 1v1 with AS & MS steroid, empowered AAs, 2*Slows and BORK slow, steals your HP and resistances.
Luckily as unbalanced as he is in a 1v1 is exactly how useless he is in a 5v5, he is easily kited out with CC, he has no burst damage and can easily get bursted down. so if he does not end the game by split pushing, you should be good.
In lane, you wanna keep you E up when he Pillars you, and if he freezes you are in trouble. Go steal enemy jungle camps or something because trying to break it will kill you. In lane try and prolong the laning phase as much as possible, even though Kayn has mana issues, so does Trundle.
Also, don't ever fight level 1, even with ignite, he still wins, maybe you have a chance if you fight in your minion wave though, but I would not risk it.”
King Turtle says “Even though he isn't a very common top pick he is incredibly difficult to trade with when matched up against him. He has no cc to parry into a stun unless his pillar knockup counts, and regardless it's going to be difficult to time. Furthermore, he has a lot of power with his ultimate and can run you down if you don't kite him properly.”
Drake6401 says “Hard counter pick. You won't be able to realistically win lane but it's also not hard to go even if you just farm over fight. His Q will reduce your damage and lasts too long to wait out. Recommended building both Adaptive Force on your rune page so you start with as much AD as possible. NEVER dash engage him because Trundle is great at forcing long fights, especially if he's good at his E placement. Keep the wave closer to your tower unless you get a lead so he can't run you down so easily. This is my counter pick every time the other player picks Renekton before me with 100% success so far. The best tip is be the last to ult. He steals your HP with his ultimate.”
He is similar to Olaf in that you should be keeping trades short early on. Try to just Q him and back off, because a PTA Trundle can beat you up very quickly. His DPS when you allow him to constantly auto and use his abilities on you is staggering so you really should be kiting well against him. Try to fight him after he uses his Pillar, as then he will have no way to slow you down/escape. As I mentioned before, you should be looking for Qs, as he doesn’t really have any way of avoiding them if he is going for minions. His ultimate can be surprisingly powerful at times as he just steals ur stats so it might not be the worst idea to simply try to disengage and then fight him again. Trundle also falls off super hard so there’s THAT to look forward to. He is very good at setting up ganks due to his Pillar so try not to walk around walls to much so that he can’t just completely block you off. Steelcaps are a great buy into him and if that isnt enough, Bramble vest is another great purchase if he is ahead of you. If you are ahead, you can freely buy damage. Conqueror is recommended, as both the extra damage and the healing are nigh mandatory.”
The Rock Titan says “[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Doran's Shield, E > W] - Take short Grasp trades
- This lane is very similar to Tryndamere, lane phase is not hard but later on, they just split push so much
- Definitely get Thornmail and FH to try to stop his split pushing.”
Amvill says “If he goes Wit's end, you don't win. He is faster, can slow you, out sustains you, and steals your stats. Never ult before him so he can't steal as many stats. ”
Rhoku says “Trundle is a very strong 1v1er. He will CREAM you until level 6 and he may also beat you then. You are going to need either Ghost or Ignite to beat him. You outrange him so you either poke him down and kill him with ignite OR you all in him and kite him with Ghost. You NEED to kite him by the way. His DPS when he is allowed to AA you is staggering. Use your ultimate AFTER he uses his ice zone and his pillar, as it removes both of those from the fight. But he will counter with his own ultimate. Ideally you want to ult after he himself ults. He steals your stats and you steal his stats. And without his ice zone attack speed, you SHOULD win. Don't worry if you are not ahead, as you outscale him VERY hard later on. Ninja Tabis are NECESSARY here.”
maxlid3 says “Keep your distance. Early game he is pretty weak but he has a lot of ways to engage onto you. He can slow you and make himself faster and deny your escape. Try to hold your W until he is in front of you.”
YasTilt says “Rare Matchup, Take Anti-Heal against him, because he Heals a lot with his Auto-Attacks, Q and R. He'll be really weak in TeamFights so abuse of that. During Laning Phase, wait for him to use W before engaging.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Steelcaps+healing reduction are great against Trundle. You should be able to win lvl 9 all-in. Urgot outscales Trundle.”
PK Noob says “Try not to duel Trundle unless you know you can win. Trundle can steal your defense, magic resist, and get bonus stats from his W. Get grievous wounds to make your life a bit easier against him.”
jmp_01_ says “Go Conqueror. Nothing to say, maybe you win levels 1-5 but after 6 he just melts you, you can't do anything. Better dodge the game or pray to god you have the better team.”
Psychopathic Top says “
Not seen top a lot, but Trundle is a hard Nasus counter with his R. He takes all of Nasus’s resistances and beats you down hard. Laning against Trundle is relatively safe and easy, but outside lane phase or post level 6, he will R you every time for your stats and make you useless for a few seconds. The best way to fight this champion is to kite out his R. If he Rs you just drop wither and run. There is no point splitting or dueling vs trundle, as a good trundle build can always beat you down throughout the game. It is also hard to outscale him due to his R. Teamfights are also relatively hard, because you will have 0 defensive stats for a while.
Yumi Project says “The Gwen Special. LOOK OUT FOR IGNITE. This imbecile 90/100 will take ignite top like a failure of man he is.
Win This matchup when he waste this resource. Your all-is still better.”
KoKoNwoo says “His levels 1-2 can cheese you. His Q resets his auto attacks so watch out. You almost always lose level 1 in an all in. Trundle's Q also takes a little bit of your attack damage, making you weaker. When he reaches level 2 he can place a pillar to cheese you from running away or make a zone, increasing his movement speed and attack speed. When he reaches level 6, bait out his ultimate then run away. You cannot win in a one versus one with his ult on you, unless you are very ahead. His ult steals your HP and some of your stats, making it very disadvantageous in a one verses one.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] As a bruiser with reliable long-range cc, Trundle is hard to deal with as Kayle. Ask for jungler help. Whenever his pillar is on cooldown you can abuse him, but he regens from passive. He wins every trade 1v1. Problematic.”
SunOak says “Trundles early is very strong so dont fight him just like renekton you can sit under turret and farm till level 6. If he ults you put him in your cage(W) and run away. Start Dorans blade and run conq runes”
Nepy says “Vai de Conquistador . Nunca lute com Trundle nível 1, você não pode vencê-lo. Você só ganha do trundle 1v1 é se você acertar um W completo. Tente fazer com que o minions vão o mais próximo possível de sua torre. Tente obter o máximo de cs que puder e jogue em times”
JaxIsAHobo says “Similar to master yi practically. Just use E and walk up and full trade him. Save your Q for disengage so you don't eat shit from his retribution. He has practically no counterplay against you other than hitting a lucky pillar on you midleap through the air to deny you your leap away.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP SKILLED. CONQUEROR ET HAUTEMENT RECOMMANDE. EVITEZ LES FIGHTS EARLY. TABIS ET ARMURE RONCIERE SI VOUS VOUS FAITES DETRUIRE. NE SOUSESTIMEZ PAS SON ULTIME IL VOUS ENLEVE TANT DE RESISTANCE QUE VOUS DEVENEZ UNE CHIPS. ESSAYEZ D'INVESTIR SUR UNE QSS POUR PARTIR PLUS TARD SUR AUBE DE HAUT LAC ARGENT CAR VOUS POURREZ CANCEL SON ULTIME. Essayez de le kite un maximum des early trade avec juste un Q et ensuite reculer pourrait suffire. Essayez de le trade lorsqu'il na plus son pillar pour vous slow comme cela vous pourrez le trade sans qu'il s'enfuit. Son ultime peut parfois être étonnamment puissant car il vole simplement vos statistiques, donc ce n'est peut-être pas la pire idée d'essayer simplement de désengage puis de le combattre à nouveau. Trundle n'a pas un bon late game pensez a ca et faite attention car son pillar peut amener a des bon ganks. Pour l'itemisation tabis est très bien et si il vous bat armure roncière en +. Si vous êtes devant rush estropieur comme d'habitude.”
Vandenelis says “his ult steals your stats and he shreds tanks. watch out for his level 1 all-in since it can kill you or leave you with low hp. He is called the king of level 1 for a reason.”
Bombabo says “If you fight on Trundle's terms, he will win. The best thing you can do is poke him down and deny him the opportunity to engage on you. When he is around 60% health, it is safe to engage. Also, his E is one of the few cc abilities which your E cannot negate”
apkibum says “Trundle, when played well can absoloutely destroy you, he does a lot of damage plus has great cc with his slow. Hes annoying and a struggle to play against with no mana. Run as soon as u see him early game.”
Gamyeon says “Probably one of the hardest 1v1s but you should be able to win if played correctly, don't let him knock you up during your Q animation, otherwise you are dead. If you die early, it's not the end of the world as you scale much better and you can kite him quite easily. Try to pressure him into bad positioning where you can free hit him.”
SettVEVO says “This champion counters you, he wins level 1 and if he plays well he will win every fight against you. Play safe against him in laning phase, he will look to slowly chip your health until he can all in. He is a ball of stats and he steals your stats as well. As long as you don't feed him in laning phase you will be much more useful than him. I would suggest building BORK against him as he will probably splitpush and BORK gives you great dueling power. Black Cleaver is good as well.”
RTO says “You have sustain and you should out trade him with your full combo with rage. However do NOT look to all in him unless he is chunked hard. He will win extended trades. ”
Fryx says “Trundle is hard to beat. His sustain and damage are astonishing and his ult is annoying in teamfights. His weakness is his immobility so a nice jungle gank will get you easy kills and later on just ignore him and focus on the carries. Go for Items such as Gargoyle early since the active gives you the most value. Max E against him.”
Smartest2 says “Trundle gets tougher as the game goes on. Laning phase is tricky due to the fact that we wittle champions down over time, and Trundle has built in sustain. We actually don't have much kill potential on Trundle until we have both Death's Dance and Black Cleaver built. Until then, you'll most likely see a pretty even lane. But because it's an even lane, an enemy jungler ganking could throw the advantage in his favor, so make sure to keep those wards down.”
SanLourdes says “Because Trundle steals stats, he is the best tank counter. His ultimate will make you squishy and make him extremely tanky. His E can disrupt your ult and your Q. No matter the stage of the game, Trundle will be a major threat. Since Trundle isn't a popular pick, he isn't the best ban. It is better to dodge than to face him however.”
calbino says “Trundle's pretty dumb, but not impossible to fight. Avoid fighting him early, and disengage when he uses his W. After a fight, he'll probably look to sustain himself by using his passive (AKA CSING), poke him at that time.”
RareParrot says “He will never kill you, get plated steel caps and poke him down any time he walks up to cs, dont get close enough to let him pillar you into him because he can get a lot of damage in a short amount of time.”
KarmaChamelion says “Trundle is THE tank counter and while he's rarely seen top. He will be hell on earth as he heals a shit ton if you die near him due to his passive and has an ult that steals your tanky stats and turns him into an absolute unit while crippling you. Since it's so rare to see him in general and ESPECIALLY top I don't suggest banning him but rather dodging or just not picking Sejuani if you see the enemy pick him.”
SavagePridestalker says “Personally haven't played this matchup yet, but I don't think it's too hard. Proc grasp as much as you can, use your doubleW to get away. If he ults you, make sure to disengage, he takes away a lot of your stats.”
SethPRG says “The only annoying thing is how if you're not ahead he will run you down and block off your escape paths. He steals your stats at level 6, and if he builds Trinity it's scary how fast he attacks. But you should never run into those problems because you win early level fights, except for level 1, don't get baited into that or you lose lol. To start a trade use your Q into E and just punch him. He needs to walk away after that, because if he attacks you, you will just W him and he will lose the trade harder. When he's low, if he lays down his domain to try and get away save your E for that. Diving him can be tricky because of his pillar and ult, but you can kill him pretty fast, especially if you collapse on him with multiple people. He doesn't have much of a use in team fights other than separating people on your team and chasing them down. But you hard counter that because when he walks up to your team you just ult him back to Troll Town. The main scary thing about this matchup is how fast he takes turrets, especially with the new Trinity Force. Be aware of him splitting, and never leave him be there, because your turrets will be gone in seconds. Collapse on him with one other team member if he tries to keep splitting, but don't chase him too far without vision of where the enemy team is, it could be bait. Take Bramble early for his ult, and Plated Steelcaps preferred unless you really need the Tenacity and MR from Mercury Treads. Trundle will build Trinity Force (unless he's an idiot) so you need to match that. Your 1v1 is stronger than his with the same item, so he'll never be able to beat you unless you like completely miss your W or something stupid.”
Kaizin says “Bramble vest rush is really good against trundle as majority of his damage is from auto attacks. He steals AD so be careful of extended trades. Take short trades from level 3 onwards working around your E cooldown. When level 6 comes, you can all in trundle, but make sure you use your ultimate after his, otherwise he'll steal the extra health that your R gives you.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Trundle isn't much of an issue at all stages of the game, you shouldn't be loosing to one unless they get ridiculously ahead of you”
tibs2 says “Bramble rush. Trundle is kinda bad rn but even if he ever does become meta it should never be anything over a 3. You can kite with buckler and q, the only way he can close the gap is e but he does not even win really unless he uses r. But if he uses e then r you should just insta r him away and hes back to being useless. Free ganks for your jungle and you outscale, as long as you dont get too cocky it should just be a free outscale lane. ”
Noodles912 says “Keep your distance, and its ggwp. Look for empowered Qs, and freeze the wave at your tower. He can't turret dive you. If he uses his pillar and movement boost, use E+W to disengage. ”
negoZoma69 says “Trundle is a bruiser counterpick that struggles against ranged. All you need to do is keep your distance and poke him, don't stand to close to walls as he can use his pillar to block you. Lane is loseable as AP Neeko though because he has good sustain.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Avoid fighting him unless you have anti-heal or you are ahead.
Trundle is not a hard matchup but you can't allow him to steal your camps because when he will be ahead you wont be able to kill him at all.
Erenando says “He is weak pre 6. His ult will be a pain in the ass and since there is Sanguine Blade you won't be able to fight him. Get yourself Frozen heart asap such as ninja tabis and stack as much as possible.”
Drumastermunch says “I haven't found how to manage this guy yet, even with a lead he still can take you down. Respect his ult obviously, and try to slowpush him to get turret plates before 6. Pre 6 he can't really kill you if you play safe, but you can kill him if he doesn't”
Olaf Only says “All fights will be very close. Try to fight him when his W is on CD(15 seconds).
Trundle is worse in teamfights but outscales Olaf eventually.”
LunaticDancer says “A knowledge match up really, you both need to know your relative power to know when to trade. Generally avoid his buff zones, but as it often is, if you have your whole squad ready, you win.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you outclear him, he can't catch you through walls, just avoid 1v1's try to couner gank him or just fight him on low health, go for clearing and you'll outscale him, try to get early form and heal reduction and you'll be fine .”
SpyDaFX says “level 6 is super annoying, and literally almost impossible to kill. you must kill him before he reaches 6 otherwise you'll lose the lane. Hard. go Conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Beats you Level 1 and 2. You start winning afterwards. Trades are not really worth because he will just heal back up. Go for all ins. ”
Kil4fun says “I don't see trundle often but I know that he saps movement speed. Your only escape is movement speed so if he can run at you you don't have much for counterplay besides flash.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Will bonk the life out of you if you're not careful. Bramble is good here. MAKE SURE TO ONLY ULT AFTER HE ULTS AS HE WILL STEAL MORE STATS FROM YOU IF YOU ULT FIRST.”
Devilofthewest says “Trundle has alot of sustain, so short trades is better. DO not try and fight to the death at levels 1 and 2 , most cases you will lose. At level 3 you can start trading more but keep the trades short, also you will need ignite to finish him off.”
ChevalierArlo says “A ultimate dele te derrete durante as trocas, mas sem isso e executando trocas curtas e favoráveis pra você, ele será simples de se lidar.”
ineptpineapple says “Slows but so do you and you have a long ranged dash simples if you loose this match up its probably ganks and stuff or you have a habit of staying a bit too long.”
LeSocair says “Avoid long trades and always have a Keg on you, he likes to chase and hit you. This is the same as Olaf, he's picked only when he's good, and when he's good, he's GOOD.”
iZeal says “You can poke Trundle with Q, but again do not try to stand still while fighting him. Instead always keep moving to compensate for your lack of attack speed. If Trundle ults you, disengage unless far ahead. Trundle has problems since he has to max his Q for damage in lane and then has to choose between his W for extra dueling power or E for an actual useful ability. Level 1 E will basically not hinder your ability to walk away from Trundle too much. You can buy grievous wounds if you struggle with Trundle as well as Ninja Tabis. You outscale, but Trundle can turn you into paper with his ultimate.
DBlade, Tabis!, Phage, Bramble if struggling”
NoxianBlood says “Trundle might be a tricky matchup for Sion, he can interrupt your channel Q with his pillar, but just make him use it before you channel like when he wants to chase you, try not to fight him in his glacial zone he's stronger there, and don't fight him at all when he ults you healing a ton and his autos hurt a bit, and steals your tank stats, so just be aware and wait for his ult to finish and engage when his pillar is on cooldown.”
viktoreeu says “Don't fight with him early on, you will beat him easily with Kraken.
Try to farm mostly, I didn't match against trundle many times, however, level 4 is the time where you may kill him.
tempo ignite is super nice, however, ghost is better to run them down.”
ItsPaulygon says “I rarely see Trundle in top now. But if you're up against him he won't be much of a problem. Even if you're in his W, you can just press E if he engages and out damage him. He can't beat you in lane though. Unless he baits your E.”
GLP1 says “it's very rare to find it right now in the top lane but if you do it you make hardcounter you don't have to worry, they're practically free kills.”
Defensivity1 says “Don't trade auto attacks in melee range as trundle will win every single time you do that, try to poke him with ghouls before melee engaging, buying Executioner's calling is advised.”
YoungTact says “Treat it the same way you would the garen matchup, if he tries to engage onto you Q and kite. Punish with passive once you've created space. You can always disengage with W and/or E'ing a minion behind you if hard commits with pillar and his ult.”
qasddsa says “He slows you, steals your stats, and has a nice bite that also slows. Make sure to buy either a Rylai's or Blade of the Ruined King to help you deal with him. In teamfights, if he uses his Ultimate on you or your tank, be sure to focus him down. I recommend using either Conqueror or Press the Attack here.”
Trundle is such a good pick into tanks and even in the jungle he is used as a hard counter to Sejuani, but in Top lane he usually goes for a full AD build with a lot of Lifesteal. In laning phase, similar to Xin Zhao, YOU MUST RESPECT HIS EARLY GAME, even if the dude straight up started no items, he can beat you even without them (early on). Usually they will go for Tiamat into Trinity, so the wave will be usually on your side of the lane. Even after lvl 6 and Sheen, Trundle can still win due that he can just wait for you to use R and then he will use his R to gain all your bonus resistances of Nasus R, and therefor win. This is why you can run Conqueror on him because Conqueror will provide with the best Splitpushing / Dueling scaling setup and its somewhat decent into teamfights or Spellbook will provide with more early on surviaviability. Later on to the game you do outscale him just because your Q stacks infinitively but overall you can't really fight him in any stage of the game. The best technique I found is to splitpush and then outrotate him in a teamfight. The later the game goes the more valuable you become over him.”
PH45 says “Sustains quite a lot thanks to his passive but isn't really too strong at the moment. Don't get too much chunked by his Q, and if he Q's you and you aren't able to trade properly, fall back since he'll have more AD for a while. Trundle is really immobile (lacks dashes) so he can be ganked quite easily.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Trundle lived through a rough childhood not because of his ugly face or big nose but because he has red hair. Though physically weaker his anger against beautiful manly dudes like Taric made him a hateful man. This hate made him stronger and allowed him to unlock long lost spells like "magical frozen penetrator enlargement" or "lemme suck your life fluids out". As long as you are careful when engaging him you should be fine since your club hits harder and more importantly your hair isn't red.
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. DO NOT FOR ANY REASON TRY TO FIGHT TRUNDLE LEVEL 1 EVEN IF HE HAS NO ITEMS OR HE HAS NO ARMS. HE WILL BEAT YOU. His Q reduces your attack damage, gives him an auto reset, can proc his pta or conqueror faster and will grant him attack damage and is on a 4 second cooldown. Once you hit level 4 and you get the extra base stats from levels and AD from your Q you will be powerful enough to start looking for trades with him. Trundle's pillar can knock you up but it does not CC you meaning that you can actually spin away or towards trundle while being knocked up. Be careful when you are far up the lane against trundle because if you take a bad trade and try to spin out he can pillar you and chase you down and force you into an allin. If Trundle is chasing you down try just walking away from him and save your spin for when he pillars you. A good time to take a trade with trundle is when his W is on cooldown. His W gives him increased healing, movement speed, and a bunch of attack speed. Trundle's ultimate steals health and resistances which can make him tanky, if you are able to force his ult and back off and reengage the all in after his ulti is down, you can fight him with an ultimate advantage (assuming you couldnt just kill him through his ultimate.) Ignite can cut down on Trundle's healing immensely and as a 6th item against trundle. Mortal reminder is also a good choice (potentially go executioners early on too if he rushes lifesteal)”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, Last Stand + Magical Footwear/Futures Market, Cosmic Insight.
Sub Runes: CDR, Damage, Armor
Summoners: TP or Ignite.
Honestly, haven't had this matchup in a while but in case it does pop up, here's some tips for it. He beats you in every aspect...basically. Just try to short trade with him to avoid his...entire kit. I've found the only time i've been able to beat him without jungler's help, is if I get lvl 6 first. without his stat steal move, its possible for Riven to out trade/kill him. Other than that, just sit under tower and farm. ”
ZergDood says “He will bite and heal, and you don't want to fight that. Rush Bramble Vest, he's one of those guys you'll run away from when he tries to engage, so remember to Q and run backwards when he's close. You should be able to poke him down, but his sustain is really stressing to play against. Disengage using your W, E or/AND R.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. A relatively new support with terrifying zoning and catch potential, Trundle is not a particularly big deal for you. He's tanky but doesn't do that much damage, especially if he's building support. He can easily separate you and his ADC so try to bait out his pillar or wait for a jungler. He will have to choose one of you to pillar and the other will get free access to him.”
wallobear53 says “Short trades are the way to go in this lane as Trundle can easily win early game trades due to his Q and W. It will give him a huge dueling advantage so try to maintain your distance and avoid fighting him.
Positioning is very important in this lane, especially when you’re trying to ward the river entrance or hugging a wall. You don’t want to get cornered by him with his E unless you have a mobility spell in your kit.
Trundle’s Passive allows him to get a lot of free sustain in the lane so make sure you invest in Grievous Wounds early on to even out the trades. Trade on a regular basis and only go for short trades.
DankFlyingCow says “Trundle does damage, just not as much as you. Take bramble vest second back if he goes for lifesteal first. As long as you bully him before he gets 200 magic resistance, you will win.”
M.P.C says “He's almost aleays aggressive in lane so he's very predictable. He'll always use his E to engage you so use your E to slow him down and when the enemy jungler ganks your lane he'll use his E + W combo. The only time he can kill you is either you make a mistake or he's the enemy jungler (jungle trundle is harder to predict especially if you didn't ward river)”
Fiora Pogjet says “Just a cancer shit that presses Q and W and aa you 30 times. try to Prarry his Q when he attacks you to outtrade him and not get slowed.”
Stiwy says “He is the "Tank Killer" and you are a tank, what a funny combination.
You will not have good trades with him and his ult is really dangerous.
Play safe, buy healing reduction and wait for jungle support to come.
You have to land your ult if you don't want to risk your life here.
Start D.Sword or Cull.”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. DO NOT FOR ANY REASON TRY TO FIGHT TRUNDLE LEVEL 1 EVEN IF HE HAS NO ITEMS OR HE HAS NO ARMS. HE WILL BEAT YOU. His Q reduces your attack damage, gives him an auto reset, can proc his pta or conqueror faster and will grant him attack damage and is on a 4 second cooldown. Once you hit level 4 and you get the extra base stats from levels and AD from your Q you will be powerful enough to start looking for trades with him. Trundle's pillar can knock you up but it does not CC you meaning that you can actually spin away or towards trundle while being knocked up. Be careful when you are far up the lane against trundle because if you take a bad trade and try to spin out he can pillar you and chase you down and force you into an allin. If Trundle is chasing you down try just walking away from him and save your spin for when he pillars you. A good time to take a trade with trundle is when his W is on cooldown. His W gives him increased healing, movement speed, and a bunch of attack speed. Trundle's ultimate steals health and resistances which can make him tanky, if you are able to force his ult and back off and reengage the all in after his ulti is down, you can fight him with an ultimate advantage (assuming you couldnt just kill him through his ultimate.) Ignite can cut down on Trundle's healing immensely and as a 6th item against trundle. Mortal reminder is also a good choice (potentially go executioners early on too if he rushes lifesteal)”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up pas si compliqué, mais très dur à aborder car cela demande de connaître les mécaniques de Trundle et du jeu de manière générale, sinon il peut très rapidement te tuer, et snowball.
Prend conquérant quoi qu'il arrive contre lui, ne l'affronte pas avant ton niveau 3, et à la manière du match up contre Olaf, soit très mobile pendant le fight, garde les trades court et tu devrais t'en sortir !
En revanche une fois qu'il est niveau 6 soit très vigilante, pendant la durée de son ulti qui est de 5 secondes, trundle est imprenable en 1 vs 1, tu dois courir jusqu'à la fin de la durée de l'ulti en essayant de placer son A et ton Z pour survivre, et une fois son ulti terminer, tu te retournes pour l'achever !
Astuce : Tabi ninja et Bramble vest sont d'excellent outil pour répondre à ses menaces, soit vigilantes à ne pas être trop proche des murs, ca lui permettrait de te bloquer avec son Pillard (son E).”
Dantheman81 says “Trundle can be a bit difficult due to his healing ability and damage output. Since his heals are almost permanent and his ult ads even more I recommend taking Executioners calling early on as it cuts all of his healing by 40% for 3 whole seconds and every time you or a ghoul hits him it refreshes. You should take spirit visage this game as well to stay alive longer or grab death's dance to have safer duels vs him.”
Twiggymocha says “You can easily outpoke trundle with your e and w. The main reason he is seen as a counter to sion is due to his pillar. Trundle's pillar counters sion q, because he can cancel it. It is also a hard counter to sion's ultimate, since it can stop him right in his tracks. ”
Angela du Seithr says “Il n'aura que peu de résistances à tirer de vous, mais Trundle frappe fort et son pilier (E) peut retourner une situation si il le place efficacement. Jouez la distance et gardez toujours une option de recul en prenant en compte le pilier.”
darksage1234 says “You can trade evenly if you step out of his frozen domain. Do not engage him while he is there, unless you have a tremendous health advantage over him. ”
DirtyDishSoap says “I'd say the scaling is even. He can't really all in you, you can all in him however. The problem is that he heals quite a bit, nerfs your AD, steals your health and gains bonus armor and MR.
He's an incredibly dangerous laner in the right hands, but if you play this right, he won't be able to split push effectively. ”
Sq_09 says “Trundle beat you. Trundle kill you. Trundle have damage so he shits on your sustain. Trundle have MS so he shits on your slow. Trundle have slow so he shits on your MS. Trundle have pillar so you're dead lol. Trundle have R ... yea you get it. ”
VIP Titan says “Trundle has got a low base health stats to be fair. But his Q and his passive make him a strong character to fights. Since he get decent sustains from it.
Wait for his Q debuff out of you. Use E to trades with him if need.
When he did R you, make sure try to burst him out as soon as possible.
MAX E not Q! ”
Discord Rengar Mains says “Trundle is basically an early to mid game mix of both Jax and Nasus. He does what they do, but earlier and much faster, at least at first, while also being a pretty good melee bully. He also loves to fight people with limited mobility that he can retain in his W AoE. Your mobility is limited and you are a melee assassin / bruiser without natural on demand escapes. Do the math. Be very careful around Trundle at every stage of the game since if he plays it correctly he can completely fuck you over and make you absolutely irrelevant very very fast. He is also a pushing monster, and was benefited from the changes to BotRK significantly, which gives him the option to get it and thus ensure your next 20 minutes of existance will only know pain. To be honest the only way you have to deal with Trundle as a top laner is to hit and run him and then flee the moment you've used up your combo before he pillars you into his loving arms. From 6 onwards fighting him with his ultimate up is suicide, you will need to bait it out of him first, flee, then try to go in again if he didn't beat you half to death with his club. The only saving grace of this matchup is that you can kite him decently and if he fucks up he will be put behind considerably. He also pushes pretty hard once he gets tiamat, which can be abused into getting him ganked. I would recommend tp over ignite unless you are 100% sure your jungle will camp you early, since it's hard to kill him on your own. Either conqueror or grasp works fine, but DON'T go with a heavy defense build (like tank stasis or similar) because you will be giving him free stats in teamfights. Never focus him unless he is near death's door, he will never die from your burst unless you are superahead.”
Itreallyhim says “He will steal your stats, So ult him after hes Ulted and Q'ed you to stack those stats onto yourself.
You can remove him if he ults someone else, Do short trades.”
Loki029 says “Trundle is the troll king, just silence him as often as you can to avoid his damage potential (Hint: your q removes slows and his own pillar can be his doom of chasing”
Oblak says “He simply destroys you, you can't 1v1 him in any moment of the game, his ultimate destroys your tank potential, wait for a gank and stay safe.”
mac.moba says “One of the few champions that destroy you at level 1. Don’t even try to fight him early, his Q is on a 4 second cool down, it’s an auto attack reset and it reduces your AD. Best time to try fight Trundle is when his W is on cool down. After level 6, you can bait out his ultimate by walking in to him and forcing him to all-in, but make sure his W is down. After he uses his ultimate you can just walk away and re-engage with an ult advantage provided you're healthy enough. Build an early Executioner’s Calling in this matchup, followed by Ninja Tabi.”
ForgottenProject says “Parry his chomp to slow his AS
Bait his R and Q away
He has a very strong Level 6, so don’t try to fight him then
Don’t 1v1 if he has ult unless you are fed”
The Lost Drawing says “Aplica la misma que con Garen, si te tira su 'R' retirate ya que se cura mucho y te roba tu daño, puede salir de su pilar de hielo con tu 'E'”
TheBiskoppen says “Basically it skilled match up a good trundle will sit behind and get level 6 before he do anything active, try and poke him out of lane, even tho its hard with his passive”
TheRevenantsHand says “Has an ult like yours, but as long as you ult 2nd, you should be fine. Unless you have CS or Kill advantage. In that case be free to ult first.”
VicGal96 says “Trundle is basically an early to mid game mix of both Jax and Nasus. He does what they do, but earlier and much faster, at least at first, while also being a pretty good melee bully. He also loves to fight people with limited mobility that he can retain in his W AoE. Your mobility is limited and you are a melee assassin / bruiser without natural on demand escapes. Do the math.
Be very careful around Trundle at every stage of the game since if he plays it correctly he can completely fuck you over and make you absolutely irrelevant very very fast. He is also a pushing monster, and was benefited from the changes to BotRK significantly, which gives him the option to get it and thus ensure your next 20 minutes of existance will only know pain. To be honest the only way you have to deal with Trundle as a top laner is to hit and run him and then flee the moment you've used up your combo before he pillars you into his loving arms. From 6 onwards fighting him with his ultimate up is suicide, you will need to bait it out of him first, flee, then try to go in again if he didn't beat you half to death with his club. The only saving grace of this matchup is that you can kite him decently and if he fucks up he will be put behind considerably. He also pushes pretty hard once he gets tiamat, which can be abused into getting him ganked.
I would recommend tp over ignite unless you are 100% sure your jungle will camp you early, since it's hard to kill him on your own. Either conqueror or grasp works fine, but DON'T go with a heavy defense build (like tank stasis or similar) because you will be giving him free stats in teamfights. Never focus him unless he is near death's door, he will never die from your burst unless you are superahead.”
Split King says “Trundle is an anti tank. You cannot win 1v1, unless you wait for him to run out of mana. Just farm. He cannot kill you unless you decide to fight him”
Big Belly Bop says “Easily kite-able, easily poke-able, no gap closer. Focus on getting stacks and shoving him out of lane. If he gets a good pillar off just E away and root him. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade, Sustained Damage rune page.”
Loevely says “I used to view the matchup as easy, but after playing against a few more Trundles in the recent patches, he's a lot stronger than I had initially thought. His Q lowers your ad making you do worse in trades and his pillar is straight cancer when it bugs out. Fight him pre-6 with Conq or Grasp but wait until level 3 so that you can consistently double W out after a trade. Post 6 the 1v1 is impossible unless you're very far ahead. ”
cutmeh says “Trundles healing from his ult is scary and his e can cancel your jump animation. Don't 1v1 him unless his ult is down and try to divert him away from his w ”
Defensivity1 says “Trundle, to beat a trundle the conqueror page is recommanded, do not build any armor items except thornmail bramble vest, ur better of getting yourselve mercury treads to negate his pillar slow and try to not stack any armor before you finished both triforce and steraks he is mainly a threath when he hits level 6 for the first time and when his jungeler ganks you, so be carefull and always let him push you in.”
Quezel says “Trundle has very good trades and all in early game but he won't do much to you after you get some armor. Make sure you do NOT ult before he does as you will just lose the stats you stole and more making it that much harder to fight him. Outscales you very hard in the sidelane depending on how he builds and is a very prime thornmail target.”
ProgettoYorick says “Against trundle it's really easy, you just have to wait for level 6 and then close it and beat it.
Advice from OTP:
If it causes you problems, build the ninja tabbi as the first item”
linsher19 says “His R is really strong so if you want to fight him make sure his R is gone or if you think you have enough Q stacked up you can just go all in ”
New Swain New Main says “He has good sustain and my be able to outlast your ultimate. Additionally, he has good mobility to run away from you if you are winning.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Stay away from his pillar when possible, and try to fight him outside of his Frozen Domain. He can steal your defenses, so don't be cocky when trying to fight him.”
Her0mars says “Rare matchup to play against. Just avoid dueling and you are fine really. Don't go tank 2-3 people if he ults you or you will melt like butter. Generally he will be ulting you for resists or your carries if he just wants to get that damage off. Doesn't have dashes so you can almost fully peel him.”
Hamstertamer says “He beats you early game, but you can disengage with W. His ult partially counters yours, but you should never ult first, you should let him ult you and disengage. Even matchup, it's all about taking the right fight at the right moment.”
Guantecillo says “Carece de daño, de movilidad y es demasiado predecible, usa tu Q cuando Trundle se acerque para que no pueda ralentizarte y kitearle sin problemas.”
Poppu says “Trundle sustains from your minions dying and steals your Armor/MR at 6. Try to get ganks off and play safe. If you do trade, make sure you out trade him with dmg.”
Aizo says “Good news, nobody plays trundle, better news even fewer people play him toplane. Bad news, he's gonna take all your tank stats and kill you with ease.”
Jnewbringspain says “Trundle is generally easy because you can Counter Strike most of his damage. The tricky part is when to activate your ult. Trundle's Subjugate steals a percentage of your health, armor, and magic resist. This means if you activate your ult, and then he uses his, he steals a lot more armor and magic resist. Only activate Grandmaster's Might after he uses Subjugate.”
messketchup says “Pre-6, you win almost every trade as long as you always kite back after you land your AA-W-Q combo, then wait a few seconds beating him around his bite cooldown, and pull back him before your 5th second tick which by then, you can do the same combo again shortly and you can snowball off of that pre-6. However after at level 6 he can beat you up. If you don't kite you will die. Buy Ninja Tabi.”
PandaSenpai101 says “His bite is very easy to parry, and he just doesn't have enough tools to counter your engage. Make sure not to get your Q canceled by his pillar.”
12inchpvpness says “Trade and if you're even pick up an early executioners calling to block his passive and if you're ahead build normally. If he uses ult and its unclear who is winning the fight, you're not going to win it. Trundle can't beat you in lane but he can win in a 1v1 cage match all in. So don't give it to him and take this free win.”
Devitt45 says “You can win this depending on how you play it. Only fight him after he uses his hard hitting bite, and run away from his Frozen Domain, that way its more of a fair fight. If you get ulted by Trundle (in which case you will become smaller) start running.”
Bombabo says “Pretty annoying due to his ability to just bludgeon you to death if you get close to him. Farm since he won't counterjungle and focus carries”
M2 Jizu says “Bloquea su Q con tu W (trata de predecir)
si necesitas las tabis compralas en el primer back y si no comprate la parte de la cota de espinas que te da las heridas graves para cortarle las curaciones. ”
BurstTheBots says “Very difficult to escape as for he can stop you with his E and he can catch up to you with his W. But you can snare or slow him with your E or Q while he's running at you so it can be harder for him to catch up to you.”
DrMoneybags says “He drains your AD and Armor, but thats about it. Kled should win most trades against him, although I rarely see him anymore toplane. Executioners Calling is great against his healing, and jungler ganks will destroy him early on.”
Qubert64 says “You cannot fight him at any time. He steals a percentage of your resistances with his ult and steals flat damage from you as well. If you dont fight him without backup get a thornmail and lure him out of his icy terrain if possible. Block as much as you can.”
Speedy the dart says “You can fight him at level one if you bring PTA ignite. Trundle falls off very hard after level one, and this lane is utterly free after that. I recommend ignite and conqueror, and chilling until level 2. Go bramble if you somehow lose the early game.”
TheNinjaRoid says “Fall behind, you'll lose. Get ahead, you'll win. Get Divine Sunderer and you'll be fine if you're even or ahead. Watch out for his ult.”
The Lost Drawing says “A pesar de ser un campeón simple (la mecánica buena es su pilar que cancela y salva gente) tiene buen daño.
>>>A nivel 6 pega mucho por su R, así que vete de ahí cuando la tire, su R tiene como 1 min. de enfriamiento así que cuidado
>>>Dependiendo de sus runas es el peligro que representa a medida que sube de nivel
>>> Usa tu 'E' para salir de su pilar y su piso de hielo
>>>'Kiteale' con la 'Q' y con tu 'E' lo puedes 'stunear' con tu 'E'”
The Stanko says “Catches bard out very easily with his E, makes laning very difficult. Keep a good distance and try to bait out his E and punish for it. ”
SynergyXO says “his Q and R counter trynds damage, his slow and knock back allows him to chase you down. you dont win at all, unless he allows you to.”
E61K says “Believe it or not you can't exactly fight this guy straight up at 6 because his ult makes him really tanky by stealing a large portion of your resistances. You have to bait it, wait it out then fight him unless you clearly have the advantage on him. Phase Rush is excellent for doing just that. After Trinity Force/Cleaver + Sterak's you can easily bash his head in. Be careful in teamfights if you're the only beefy one on your team since you will probably be the target of his ultimate.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Steals Stats, Sustain, 1v1 potential. Weaknesses: Low mobility, squishy without ultimate, Out-scaled. Trundle is strong early considering he is a fellow bruiser that can steal others' stats with his ultimate. Be sure to riposte his chomp and be aware of when he ults as it gives him a distinct advantage when trying to trade. An advantage that shouldn't be messed with. Do not trade with him right after he chomps as he gains AD nor trade with him while he has his Frozen domain as the attack speed steroid is strong. TL;DR, fight him when his abilities are on cooldown and look for as many Q pokes as possible before you all in him. Bait out his Ultimate if possible and All-in when its down. After you are ahead, it becomes pretty easy to splitpush against him.”
Miracle Matter says “Treat Trundle like a Nasus. Harass him with single Q's from afar; Whenever he attempts to Pillar (e.g. Wither) you, slow him once and rewind immediately, and when the first slow is about to expire, cast the second slow. That slows him for 5 seconds straight, which should be enough time to get away from him. You can also slow him and double-bomb stun him if you aim well enough (remember, he'll be abnormally fast on his ice. Have to aim between him and yourself so he runs *into* the stun, rather than trying to land it directly on top of him.)
He will build Tiamat, but you should be able to start shoving him in once you have Tear+Lost Chapter Regardless, and once you have some armor and your Ignite is up, you may be able to 1v1 him. Attempt to bait out his ulti and disengage, then all-in when he doesn't have his Ulti (so he's less tanky.)”
drunken hunter says “Trundle is one of the most annoying champions. He can knock you up and slow you, he is extremely tanky, goes for life steal and attack speed and he can easily double his AD by biting you -> he got retarded dmg in lvl 1. Trading with a Trundle is suicide if you arent fed.
You better play safe or wait for a gank.”
kkiskk says “There is two point you need to bear in mind. First, don't fight him in his W. Second, when he use his R on you, try not to fight him. It is usually a farm lane. Bring TP if you want.”
Sion says “He out-heals most of your damage, so just focus on CS and don't fight him without jung. When he ults you just run away and then re-engage when his frostfield is down.”
E61K says “This guy steals everthing. He steals your AD. He steals your resistances and he does a pretty damn good job at stealing your health bar as well. If he ults you back off right away because you will be extremely squishy for a fairly long time. Trundle is a good duelist. Don't underestimate him. Make sure to set up good vision because his pillar along with the slow from his Q allow for some great set up for his jungler.”
nanosako says “Hard to duel as well because of his sustain and attack damage removal, try to poke him with some Q's before finding an opportunity to Smite + Jump R”
Mouadyam says “probably the only bruiser who can outduel you, do fast combos (E , auto , W,; Q) until you're confident enough you can dunk, tabis are a must buy.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “I don't recall the last time I went against a Trundle with Yasuo, but I do know he can do some damage and disable you. Don't fight him in his zone. Rush Bork and Tabi”
Skullsunderer says “He is weird to deal with a little annoying. Creating terrain and a buff area for him. Just keep spinning and auto attacking. Don't fight him after he ults or in his domain, he will when. He can out heal five stack Darius and kill you.”
Morzanoth says “The is probably one of your worst matchups. He clears super fast and doesn't really lose hp either. His Ult can actually put you in negative resistances if you have your passive and aftershock active because when they fall off he will still steal the initial amount. You win the match up by relying on your team. You need to protect your carries as best you can.”
Dacnomaniak says “Early game is no problem, but his all in is way better than yours and splitting potential is also way better. Avoid extended fights and you should be fine.”
JovexMasina says “This is similar to Renekton in terms of it being a brawl up toplane. But Renekton's damage comes in burst. He has MASSIVE dps. Standing there and just letting Trundle beat you down is a great way to just get shit on. You HAVE to kite him. Try not to fight him level 1 as his bite allows him to just out damage you. Your Q outranges his slightly so you kinda have that going for you. His pillar is great at setting up ganks for his team and his ultimate just nullifies your usefulness at times. If he uses his ult on you, simply W or pull him and just run away. You WILL lose UNLESS, he is low hp and you KNOW you can kill him with your ultimate. Without his ult, he can't really do too much against you. Trundle also falls of really hard lategame. But instead of becoming completely useless like Olaf, he becomes like a supporty tank. He is usually a great target to get 5 stacks on in teamfights. Tabis are good.”
galvapheonix says “ Trundle can be a bit difficult due to his healing ability and damage output. Since his heals are almost permanent and his ult ads even more I recommend taking Executioners calling early on as it cuts all of his healing by 40% for 3 whole seconds and every time you or a ghoul hits him it refreshes. You should take spirit visage this game as well to stay alive longer or grab death's dance to have safer duels vs him.”
Haxorr says “This matchup can be really hard to play if you aren't good at spacing and doing little baby q trades. Once your parry is down it's really hard to beat trundle, do not just q right next to him either as he can run you down really easily. Ignite is good in this matchup, trade when your parry is up, once he's around 50% hp you can all-in pretty easily. You outscale as well with a few items, 1v1 becomes easy. Very volatile matchup so having your jg camp you is really good. PTA with doran's blade is best vs trundle”
Bourne212 says “Look to trade only if you can have a wall to escape afterwards or he can run you down early, if he uses his E you can use it to jump over and escape after your combo, DO NOT auto attack fight him unless you can kill.”
CactEyez says “Just don't fight while he has R. His pillar cancels your W! Phase rush is playable for safety but i prefer Grasp. Don't just let him split-push, he will end the game.
Start Items:
- D.Shield -> Dark Seal
Tank Items:
- Bramble -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
FeaRLesS Da says “I'm clueless against this champ looks like nothing works against him
he just wins at any stage of the game
tp ignite can both work
try to outperform him in teamfights because you will never outperform him in sidelane”
Zattand says “Trundle es un desafío moderado debido a su capacidad para castigar a tanques, pero puedes contrarrestarlo jugando defensivo y priorizando peleas grupales. Mantén las peleas cortas, construye objetos que reduzcan su curación y saca ventaja a través del control de oleadas y la utilidad en el juego medio.”
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