Mid Lane 50.7% Win Rate92% Pick RateLissandra Mid Lane Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Lissandra in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “In the laning phase she wont be able to do anything just try to stand at the side she's standing so she wont be able to Q you threw the waves. you just need to be carefull cause her ganksetup is crazy and you will be vulnerable to ganks.Electrocute and tp are the spells i would reccomend against lissandra.”
Lunar1v9 says “This matchup is only really hard because of her r when there is a gank because u are dead. If you dodge her q i dont think there is any way she can win a trade against u and after u buy blasting wand the trade is always won. Sidelane u always beat her
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. You have even AA range but her Q out ranges all your spells so bait out the Q. A few missed Qs and she'll be down mana. Merc's is a must buy against her. Null-Magic after Catalyst is good enough. Try and ward river off cooldown. Just simple macro gameplay. She has really good gank setup so be wary of the jungle positioning. You out scale her pretty decently. Either FoN or Kaenic works depending on the enemy team comp. ”
Tamikaze says “Lissandra has limited range, and she is forced to burn her abilities on the wave to match your waveclear. You could bring cleanse into this lane, but it would be used only for her ult. Her entire identity is to ult you for the jungler to come in and kill you. Be conscious about the jungler. Besides that, you win lane easily. ”
j4ss says “A less worse LeBlanc, Rush Maw and Mercs, if you survive her burst, she's dead. Make sure to ignite her before she ults herself. Buy QSS if you're the main focus later on.”
Tatsurion says “Fairly immobile, and root doesnt really stop you from autoattacking her with soldiers, lategame she CAN be a nuisance but she is nowhere near of a threat as you are. She is yours. throughout every stage of the game.
Burst and conq are both fine here”
Xc1Mare says “Лиссандра имеет очень неприятный контроль и поук через крипов ,любая ваша агрессия закончится при нажатии её W (по аналогии лисандра vs Физз/ЛеБлан) .Получая первый предмет спушивает пачку за две кнопки.
В тимфайтах она сильнее вас и может полностью нивелировать ваш хороший проход в беклайн своей комбинацией скилов
Гангается очень сложно и в отличии от прошлых героев сама создаёт очень неприятные ганги
Лиссандра имеет слабый урон без союзников и не так сильна в начале ,моя рекомендация это играть против вражеского лесника. Быстро спушив линию в начале играйте со своим лесником заходя к вражескому и не затягивайте драки на боковых линиях и объектах ,иначе Лиссандра быстро отобьёт преимущество в драке обратно
Vladmidir says “Dodge her Q and play around her cooldowns. If she ever uses W or E then walk up and trade with her. Her R is annoying and makes ganks super threatful, so try to not fight when you don't know where enemy jungle is.”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
Take Cleanse. Most Lissandra's will play Electrocute, some will play Aftershock or Comet. Comet is the least problematic. Play around the CD's of the 2 others, especially aftershock.
Poke and sit back early. I like Dorans Shield here, but since she doesn't have that much poke, it's not a neccesity.
Once a good Lissandra notices you have your cleanse up, she'll ult herself if you all in her, instead of you. ”
support_diff says “Lissandra is midlaner with the most crowd control, which is really bad for Akshan as even a little cc can get him killed easily. She has a great gank setup potential especially with sneaky junglers like Shaco and Zac. However, Lissandra is really bad before level 3 (if she doesn't get any help). You should try to bully her out of lane before level 3 so you can get a cs lead. After she has all her basic abilities, you should play safe near your turret if you aren't sure where the enemy jungle is. You win her in longer trades, but winning the lane isn't quite easy.”
Krmen says “Same as Malzahar except she's not gonna hardpush as him. However, she cancel you way more often with her W. Same as Malzahar, Level 6 and it's done, you can delay the QSS if you have a quick reaction and if you W before her R so she might land a Q or a E in your wall or lose time to move and land sucessfully its Q or E.”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[PTA] You need to be aware of Lissandra's extended Q range after hitting a minion as this can poke you down considerably, aside from this the matchup is pretty easy 1v1 but you need to be aware of ganks. Get mercs if neeeded.”
sick204 says “Respect Lissandra's crowd control and burst potential with her abilities, especially her W and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Lissandra's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Lissandra's engage potential with her E and R, as they can lock down Yasuo and set up kills for her team. Utilize W to block Lissandra's Q and E in team fights to nullify her poke and engage potential. Engage on Lissandra when her abilities are on cooldown, as she can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Quicksilver Sash to reduce the effectiveness of Lissandra's crowd control.”
otaliz says “Lissandra is a champion with many CC and AoE abilities. In the early game, focus on dodging her abilities and forcing her to spend as much mana as possible, as she needs to use her abilities to push the wave but doesn't have the resources to recover it like Twisted Fate does with his Blue Card. Additionally, maintain safe positioning and control her vision to avoid her initiations. Mercury's Treads is a great choice here.”
PhantasmEUW says “[PTA] You need to be aware of Lissandra's extended Q range after hitting a minion as this can poke you down considerably, aside from this the matchup is pretty easy 1v1 but you need to be aware of ganks.
Get mercs if neeeded.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Lissandra's abilities have very long cooldowns relative to yours, so play aggressively whenever Lissandra uses her ice shard or dash. Avoid standing behind minions, as Lissandra's ice shard explodes upon contact with a unit, making its hitbox and range bigger. If Lissandra dashes on you and roots you, try to Satchel to disengage as fast as possible. ”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Flat HP.
Go for banshee's if ennemy AP jungler.
Lissandra doesn't have much counterplay against you, since her gap closer (E) is very telegraphed. Most of the time if you full combo her, she will self ult, but again, you win because your ult has a lower cd. She will usually try to ask for help from her jgl/supp, given that she has amazing gank setup.”
OneTrickPeffa says “Pretty much unkillable and is ranged so it can poke you easily while always being safe, you should try to roam and get kills elsewhere”
awawa says “Punish her for using E, don't waste fear if she has E up. She can deny your R combo with her R. She can R you and deny your teamfights impact.
Get banshees if she becomes a real threat.”
ShokLoL says “Lissandra is relatively weak 1v1 and with the comet build you should annihilate her. She does have extremely good gank setup though, so be very careful if you don't have vision/flash available. Do your best to match her push, and if she uses her Q on the wave look to punish by forcing a trade. Outside of Q her other cooldowns are also quite long, so if she wastes them try and take advantage of them. Merc treads are also very useful against this champion for avoiding ganks and surviving engages in teamfights. ”
ShokLoL says “Lissandra loses the 1v1 to you and gets outscaled, but she has exceptional gank setup. Do your best to match her push, and if she uses her Q on the wave look to punish by forcing a trade. Outside of Q her other cooldowns are also quite long, so if she wastes them try and take advantage of them. Merc treads are also very useful against this champion for avoiding ganks and surviving engages in teamfights. If you can ever get damage dealt with your QE poke before a teamfight you should be in a great spot.
ShokLoL says “Lissandra can be consistently poked out with WQ autos, and once you have your recurve bow you should have no trouble matching her push. The biggest risk in this matchup is getting ganked, so be aware if you don't have any vision around mid. Merc treads are also very useful against this champion for avoiding ganks and surviving engages in teamfights.”
Soft Headpats says “Lissandra has a much shorter range compared to Hwei and struggles to keep up with him in pushing power. You can abuse this to freeze the wave or keep her under her tower, but be careful of her gank setups especially after she hits 6. Avoid standing in your minion wave so that she can't freely push the wave while harassing you.
If she ever chooses to jump on you without her jungler, you can block her damage with WW and trade back with spells and AAs after she's blown all her CDs.
It can be worth it to buy Merc Treads or run Cleanse against Liss to completely negate her CC. ”
blacklikeblack says “Max Q and Lane should be free. Only threat is her R but its a free lane. Comet or aery are pretty good against her to abuse her early.”
ShokLoL says “Lissandra has trouble matching your push early and will also be outtraded. You do have to be extremely careful of her post 6 gank setup though. Merc treads can be useful for surviving ganks and teamfighting in this matchup as well.”
ShokLoL says “Lissandra has good push, strong skirmishing and is quite hard to gank. That being said she doesn’t scale as well as other mids and also has to choose between pushing the wave and trading with her Q. Do your best to match her push and prevent her from roaming to skirmishes or other lanes. Merc treads are also very useful against this champion for avoiding ganks and surviving engages in teamfights.”
Deceiver_euw says “Lissandra does not beat LeBlanc, but she is really good at neutralizing her in lane and later on in fights with her lockdown cc. The matchup 1v1 is a lot about you using your W outside of her W range to get a chain angle. If she cant respond with her W snare in her trades then she will always lose the trade. Her CC is super annoying so its a rare matchup where mercs are kind of neccessary, especially if enemy has other forms of cc aswell or AP damage.”
ShokLoL says “Lissandra has trouble matching your push early and will also be outtraded. You do have to be extremely careful of her post 6 gank setup though and you may want to immediately drop your EW on your E if she tries to go towards you. Merc treads can be useful for surviving ganks in this matchup as well.”
vSomnia says “When she uses Q to farm or missed it on you. Go all in with E Q combo and Hail Of Blades, even if she uses W on you you will get passive proc off and win the trade. Build mercs cause point and click cc. Try to play for sidelane pressure since she excels at teamfights.”
Budgizee says “she only have Q to get you, harass her when she want a CS, careful because she want her jungler to go in and stun you. Respect her when you don't know where jungler is”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Lissandra, just focus on farming, she will poke you a lot with her Q, do fast trade cause when you will engage her during E she will W/Q you instant, try to bait her abilities and play around against her cd”
gaarrett says “Not dangerous by herself unless fed. Prevents you from snowballing and has great gank setup though, so pretty annoying. You can try and predict her E2 with your E2 and get a stun off. [4/5] ultimate, good for either the point and click stun or healing yourself and waiting for cooldowns to come back up. ”
MukiiBaa says “Positioning is very important but her champ deal more dmg in every part of the game. Focus on good teamfigting and dont let her roam to objectives.
Just hard push when you want to leave lane”
149Gray says “Don't stand in the wave and go for a Q on her when hers is on cd. You can pool her ult when you see the animation and hear the sound, but it doesn't go on cd, so she can ult you again afterwords if you are still in range.”
ImVoxxX says “Haven't seen much lissandra lately, but she's a great counter for assassins.
Try to roam after lvl 6.
Bait her E and W before fighting pre 6 with her.”
iHidePain says “It's depends how you play It vs what's the Lisandra using If It's aftershock you will have a little problem not so much, If It's electrocute It's more problematic since she gonna outrange you after you trade and walk back so be careful how you position your self near the minions or else she gonna drive you out of lane easily.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Similar to orianna, you rely on your "E" if you fail you get punish, if she takes "aery" then she will ended up dying, if you find it hard early, try to play for level 6 and watch out for her jungler of course, but also it becomes a threat for her too.
Al igual que Orianna, recaes en tu "E", si fallas te castigara, si toma "aery" terminarás muriendo, si te resulta difícil al principio, intenta jugar a nivel 6 y ten cuidado con su jungla. Por supuesto, pero también se convierte en una amenaza para ella.”
wundrew says “You can ult during her root, but not her ult. Her early damage is pretty high so go doran shield. You probably cant kill her so try to get nashors and jump into fights after she uses her ult on someone.”
KazunaSan says “Chiant, son R vous puni instantanément si vous ne la tuez pas en 1 combo et elle setup des ganks super facilement, très embetant à jouer en lane et en teamfight, vous n'avez pas le choix de la one shot.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can outrange and outpoke her in lane easily. Only thing thats annoying is her gank setup, which can be super problematic. Just respect that and hold distance.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can outrange and outpoke her in lane easily. Only thing thats annoying is her gank setup, which can be super problematic. Just respect that and hold distance.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Poke her in lane as much as you can. Be careful of her CC and gank setup.”
Austinluv says “Playing against Lissandra is a nightmare for mobile champs such as Ahri. Ahri being shut down and put in place by a Lissandra makes Ahri and easy kill almost always, dodging her however isnt really possible unless you stay out of her range or she just presses R and you get CC locked anyways”
Shinbae says “Не представляет собой особой угрозы кроме как её ульты, которая даёт ей возможность нанести тонну урона, однако Лиссандра плееры используют ульту на себя, для похила, что не только даёт возможность поменять позицию для Зои, так и делает саму Лиссандру уязвимой для ваншота”
Hexeria says “[Her Q is a short range, so try to dodge that as often as possible, and watch out for her W if you get close to her.] [Her W doesnt interrupt your W cast, so you can still hold it.] [Try do E or Taunt her, while she is casting E, so she cant teleport away.]”
ChefKami says “Perma ban. Almost Impossible to win if the enemy knows even slightly how to play her. If against her Go electrocute and play as aggressive as possible before lvl 6.”
Xoe_LOLTH says “her ranged is shorter than our zoe we can out ranged just ward and carefully gank by jungler you can take cleanse if you not sure can survive ”
Prefexx says “This will be a hard lane for you. Dodge her Ice Shards and harass her with your Q. Her ult does stop your ult so be cautious when you want to all in her post 6. Be careful using your shunpo on her as she will root you before you can use your MS buff from you W to get away.”
Halkem says “Can't match her push, so if she's good she can push and impact map before you become a champion. Has enough range to bully you really hard early without much counterplay. You just have to survive and scale to powerspikes so you can start matching her plays. If you have ultimate she's an easy kill for your team and your Q doesn't let her recast her E.”
TrueGIXERJ says “haaaaaaaate playing into lissandra, you're fine in lane until 6 at which point she will start winning every fight - you should be able to win through teamfights though, just avoid getting picked or CCd by her.”
The Milelator says “Even match up. You can always trade with her, but you can't all in with R. Use your better wave clear to get prio and play for team OR if she roams, get turrets and make her regret everything. She won't be able to kill you, even with liandries.”
WarwicksSimp says “This matchup is pretty easy throughout the whole game. Make sure to go QSS at some point, you're gonna sit on a null magic mantle early on in lane to upgrade to QSS later just dont tower dive her and you're good to go. You out roam, and win 1v1s, but she can turn a 2v1 into a bad situation for you. Ghost and barrier are both good here. Same with TP to match her.”
FrostbiteMW says “She has no way of jumping on you since you can just Q and combo her. Because of her low range you can also just be aggresive and try to combo her. Just be careful of ganks, since she has insane CC setup.”
FrostbiteMW says “Hard to play since she just outpushes you. You can always try to poke her, but if you go too far its really easy for her to R and CC you, making you an easy target for ganks.”
Tokiyami says “This is just a farm lane you can't really get kill potential on lissandra unless she messes up and wastes either her E or just takes too much damage for no reason. Respect her poke and don't stand near minions because her Q spreads. When all inning make a note of if shes has her r up or not.”
support_diff says “Be aware of her Q as it can go through minions, buy Mercury's Treads early as they completely counter her, pressure her on lane to prevent her from getting a gold lead”
Fuzzmonkey says “Lissandra will use q's to poke you from a distance, which will delete your packmates. Avoid this. Be careful for her level 6 since, she will out-trade you if she gets on your first. Make her R herself, rather than you.”
Shark of Void says “It has as many as 2 "controls in the face", so focus on roaming. 1 on 1, she can't kill you, and you have a better push potential.”
Wraithlander says “Buffed lissandra is another champion that Sylas struggles with these days. Her W negates your all in like any other assassin and her poke can be quite annoying. Another lane where like Varus I would consider taking cleanse against. It will allow you to straight up win any duel. Trade onto her when she uses W or E on the wave. Rush mercs to minimise the time you spent rooted.”
sullyyylol says “Cleanse lane. She has heavy lockdown and you can't trade well into her. Look to use cleanse effectively if she ults you and you can win.”
Shark of Void says “Имеет целых 2 контроля в лицо, так что сосредоточьтесь на роумах. 1 на 1 она не может вас убить, а запушивающий потенциал у вас лучше.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “Play safe, out sustain her, and poke her to holy hell water and you'll be fine. Do watch for her ult thought, it could be dangerous.”
tangerrine says “You win pre-6 SO easily. She can shove pretty hard but if you get your jungler to gank, she can't play anymore. Make sure you avoid her E(the hand thingy??) because she can teleport to it. If you take cleanse she loses a lot of kill pressure. ”
TheBougis says “The annoying things about Lissandra is the amount of cc she has, and the fact that she can be in Stasis for literally 8 seconds straight using her ult (2.5 sec), Stopwatch (2.5 sec), and Zhonya's Epiphany (Stopwatch augment) (3 sec).
She can do a lot of damage as well so be sure to get some magic resist.”
BigFatCat909 says “Similar to the Fizz matchup, people believe that this matchup is heavily favoured against Zed though it's not the case. You will most likely be out traded early but once you get Hydra, your wave clear is unmatched.”
Zero macro says “Kog'Maw will outrange Lissandra, therefore they have the same range early on(Lissandra will need minions to do so). Lissandra her teamfighting and target access is wide and must be respected by Kog'Maw.”
AngeReaper says “(This is a tank guide)
Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on her, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3 ”
DepresedEef224 says “Like Zed, but more annoying because she has cc. Don't plan on fighting because she runs really well, but if she goes in, you can win the duel.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her Q]
[Don't stand too close to her or she will use her W]
[Watch her E mark, if she teleports, then use your abilities on her]
[Be careful about her R and gank setup]”
freuio123 says “No Joke, Lissandra ist nicht gut in Ahri. Der Champ hat 0% winrate in LPL gegen Ahri for a good reason.
Liss verliet early trades, da sie nur Q hat.
Mercs oder Banshees beenden die Daseinsberechtigung von Lissandra vollständig.
Du bist besser im Roamen, besser in pushen, bessere early trades, bessere Sidelane Pressure.
Nur ihre Kill pressure mit Jungler zusammen hält sie im Spiel.”
NickLeVlach says “There I would suggest you take Zhonya's or Babshee's Veil. Just annoying to play against since she can circumvent your ult, but you will win early. Don't get poked out with her Q splash and make sure to bait her ult, so you don't end up ulting her R.”
uwuimsocute says “Go for Cleanse and try to weave AAs in whenever it is possible.
If she goes for Aftershock she will not be able to kill you, with Electrocute she might oneshot you after 6, so be careful.
Mercs are good her.”
Anguish333 says “- Don't stand behind minions, her "Q" Explode and Extends after hitting target.
- Very hard matchup, rush mercs vs her for Tenacity and MR
- Just spamming Q and never using passive is best from what i seen( Unless really low) from my few last games against liss, cos she don't know when to W
- Matchup not really winnable, especially after level 6 when she has Ult
- Just try not forcing that much whenever she has Ult
Cryniu says “Zilean counters Lissandra, she needs to close and kill one enemy with her ultimate. Your ultimate will save you and your allies. Keep your distance but try to poke her slowly and use Mercury's treads if you are suffering.”
Cornifa says “She can poke you if you try to go for a combo, she has all the means to escape, farming tools and plenty of CC to secure a kill with her jungle. Try to ult her CC and get some combos going. ASsuring lane dominance is key, but if you cannot, play it safe.”
South Z says “Lissandra is annoying to lane against, but she isn't that strong. Be careful though, as her W is a great tool against melee auto-attackers, and she can easily setup ganks for her jungler.”
EL ZUDO says “i put her in major not because she can kill u but her jg can her r gives her great gank potentiazl while on tf she jsut kills ur adc zhonyas rs someone or even herself try to roam msotly and avoid poke if he has electr u can try to kill her early but after 6 its almsot imposible ”
AnxialSociety says “Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Absolute gathering.
You outpush and out trade her. You do need either cleanse or spellbook TP and swap to cleanse at 6. If you don't die to a level 6 gank it's a free win.
Don't R forward because she can e-claw onto you and all-in you.”
MiniLuxi1 says “It's hard to choose the difficulty, but I think it's not as dangerous as the assassins. Be vigilant, because she can easily overcome your W, with her icy course (E), and freeze to the ground (immobilization) with her W. I don't think she has a lot of damage from full procast, but if there is an enemy forester, they can easily kill you, especially under the tower with her R.”
StralekS says “Not Kat Favored but Can win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when she wastes ability, punish her with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
GG Cannon says “It is very hard to assassinate someone who can just decide they don't feel like dying yet. She will build a Zhonya's and she will be annoying. She can easily roott you even while you are invisible and prevent you from escaping if you try to go in for a poke.
Handle with care.”
Mayuushii says “She doesn't have much potential but can stop you in your tracks. Avoid being too close to minions as her Q spreads out behind it. Watch her claw and use W movespeed if you think shes gonna take it. Throw a charm at her when she does and harass with Q. Her R will just lock you up if you R in so if you want bring cleanse if you feel like theres too much danger in not bringing it”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Take Cleanse. You have more range than Lissandra all of the time. If you have Cleanse, she won't be able to gap close and CC you for a favorable trade or set up for a gank. Poke her gradually out of lane.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
Shaco Mid Lane says “She is great at dealing with squishy melee champions. When you try to farm she can hit her Q on you for free, if you get too close she can W you and you are screwed. All the MR options for Shaco are awful (banshees ain't good for him)
Difficult lane. ”
Whitelies says “Your only threat is her Ult. Until then, you can punish her in early phase. Punish her when she wastes E. Though, be careful of ganks setup. It should be obvious when she's saving W and not going after you, yet.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse or Prowler]
[You cant kill her much so try to roam or bait her spells] [Dont dive her!]”
MetalK1d says “Lissandra is very annoying champing with high damage and cc but she is immobile so you can poke her with your Q and all in her, but be careful because she can avoid your combo by using R.”
Cjtheawesome says “She doesn't have major kill threat, just don't be too far up in her E range because she might try to ult you when junglers come to gank. so be careful!”
Demonsedge90 says “Lissandra's tools might be shorter in range than Syndra, though no less of a threat. She can dash behind you with her glacial path dodging a skill shot if she's quick and hitting you from behind with her root (Ring of Frost) while your animations are up. She can also use her mini zhonya's with her ultimate (Frozen Tomb) becoming untargetable, so bait this out before you try to all in her.”
Atemporal says “Esse confronto costumava ser um dos mais difíceis, mas Lissandra está bem fraca no momento, especialmente no início. Você basicamente ganha um jogo inicial grátis contra ela. Evite ficar atrás de lacaios para que ela não atinja os lacaios e
você com o Q dela. Evite negociar com ela desde o início, a menos que ela desperdice seu W para limpar a onda. Quando você troca com ela e ela tem W up, você provavelmente não conseguirá ativar sua passiva nela, e mesmo se você fizer isso, a maioria dos jogadores de Lissandra vai
Aftershock para que seu passivo não cause muito dano. Você também acabará recebendo muito dano de retorno dela e de seus lacaios. Deixe-a empurrar as primeiras 3-4 ondas, então você pode facilmente empurrar a onda quando tiver 2 pontos em Q.
Ela não pode cutucar você o suficiente para que isso importe. Após o primeiro recall, você pode começar a procurar negócios. Quando Lissandra tem W up, você quer usar seu W então E-Q auto trade e recuar. Seu W tem um cooldown de 14 segundos, seu E tem 24
segundos de resfriamento.
Use W quando ela tiver W e E para não levar muito dano e também para atrair seu E, então use a próxima janela de 14 segundos para puni-la. Se Lissandra jogar pelo seguro, tudo bem, você não precisa negociar porque você rapidamente supera a escala e obtém facilmente
pri permanente contra ela. Neste confronto você precisa prestar atenção extra ao caçador inimigo. Lissandra tem um dano bem baixo, mas ela pode dar um duro CC em você por 2,5 segundos no nível 6. Jogue pelo seguro se você não tiver informações de onde o inimigo
jungler é. Se Lissandra começar a subir ou se ela usar E em sua direção, use W em cima de você o mais rápido possível para se proteger caso ela o ultrapasse. Usar W antes que ela ults também impedirá que junglers corpo a corpo batam em você, porque eles ficarão atordoados
por outro lado. Merc Threads geralmente serão suas botas preferidas nesta partida. Sorcerer's Shoes são bons, como se você soubesse que o split push será sua única maneira de jogar o jogo. Os Fios de Mercúrio podem acabar bem inúteis se você precisar
split push e a equipe inimiga envia seu top laner de dano AD para combinar com você. Teamfighting é arriscado contra Lissandra, então você geralmente quer estar em uma pista lateral e depois flanquear os inimigos. Tenha muito cuidado ao se aproximar de Lissandra quando ela
R para cima. Se você acha que a partida será orientada para o teamfight, você pode ir para o Conqueror com Legend: Tenacity e também obter Merc Threads. Isso lhe dá 51% de tenacidade e permitirá que você pule descuidadamente, não importa o quê. Você sacrifica
poder no início do jogo para poder extra de teamfight fazendo isso, mas pode valer a pena.”
IamBishop says “Liss is pretty annoying, but its a fairly even match up, your roles are somewhat similar in a way, shes just squishier with more range. Be mindful of her flank if you see her e into your team or try to, go for the ult to stop her. ”
Lucid Walking says “SAFE LANE: Midrange matchup that's easy to win against. You outtrade her little trades.
As long as you're not making yourself gankable for her jungler you win.
xblademojo says “Her Q range is insane same as wave clear. Possible to play with Electrocute or. Corrupting potion start +ignite if with Electrocute. ”
sapphire__lol says “Bit Zac favoured. She bullies bit early but you can all in her easily. She lacks damage but can disengage you pt well with her ult. Try to trade a lot and whoever plays better mid jgl will win this. ”
ZiegenZelu says “Even Lane, nach lost chapter easy ,Cleanse mitnehmen, ihr Gank setup respektieren, falls sie dich ultet und der jungler da ist stirbst du.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you’ll need to play a bit safer as she has increased kill pressure and can set up her Jungler very easily. Make sure you have enough vision around your lane to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up and gank you. When playing as a melee champion, try and stay at max range at all times so it’s harder for Lissandra to CC you with her Ring of Frost(W). Be careful when walking forward to last hit and play respectfully if she is zoning you so you don’t take tons of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you’ll need to play a bit safer as she has increased kill pressure and can set up her Jungler very easily. Make sure you have enough vision around your lane to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up and gank you. When playing as a melee champion, try and stay at max range at all times so it’s harder for Lissandra to CC you with her Ring of Frost(W). Be careful when walking forward to last hit and play respectfully if she is zoning you so you don’t take tons of damage.”
Adamonias says “Free lane; don't stand in wave for free Q poke. She is vulnerable to poke and you can really bully her out of lane, you can stun when she E's to deny the recast. She has very strong gank setup and its possible she just relies on that. Run Clense if you're worried and she will have 0 kill pressure. You outscale, she out-teamfights with ult.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you’ll need to play a bit safer as she has increased kill pressure and can set up her Jungler very easily. Make sure you have enough vision around your lane to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up and gank you. When playing as a melee champion, try and stay at max range at all times so it’s harder for Lissandra to CC you with her Ring of Frost(W). Be careful when walking forward to last hit and play respectfully if she is zoning you so you don’t take tons of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you’ll need to play a bit safer as she has increased kill pressure and can set up her Jungler very easily. Make sure you have enough vision around your lane to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up and gank you. When playing as a melee champion, try and stay at max range at all times so it’s harder for Lissandra to CC you with her Ring of Frost(W). Be careful when walking forward to last hit and play respectfully if she is zoning you so you don’t take tons of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you’ll need to play a bit safer as she has increased kill pressure and can set up her Jungler very easily. Make sure you have enough vision around your lane to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up and gank you. When playing as a melee champion, try and stay at max range at all times so it’s harder for Lissandra to CC you with her Ring of Frost(W). Be careful when walking forward to last hit and play respectfully if she is zoning you so you don’t take tons of damage.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you’ll need to play a bit safer as she has increased kill pressure and can set up her Jungler very easily. Make sure you have enough vision around your lane to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up and gank you. When playing as a melee champion, try and stay at max range at all times so it’s harder for Lissandra to CC you with her Ring of Frost(W). Be careful when walking forward to last hit and play respectfully if she is zoning you so you don’t take tons of damage.”
SkyBanana says “Lissandra's kit is best when against mid to low range champions, not high range ones. Since you are always sitting back and farming, you can just shove in the wave and look for roams. Lissandra's saving grace is her E so she can get in range of you or your teammates to lock them down and burst for her passive to take into effect. Lissandra isn't a hard match up unless you make it hard.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lissandra will be using her Ice Shard(Q) and Glacial Path(E) to push the wave. Stand outside of the minion wave so she is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra is level 6, you’ll need to play a bit safer as she has increased kill pressure and can set up her Jungler very easily. Make sure you have enough vision around your lane to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up and gank you.”
Body Those Fools says “Try to dodge her Q harass, it has more range when it hits a target so be ready to dodge when she gets close to your minions. She's very predictable (if she Es at you she's going in, likely to set up a gank for her jungler). Poke her down with Q+AA. You can take Cleanse if you're not that confident OR if they have more hard CC on their team.”
Bughans says “Eats your entire ass both in lane and after, doesn't oneshot you but has enough cc to easily lock you down for a while to completely deny your burst ”
KayyeN says “No huge kill pressure on her end, but basically impossible to kill, especially if she has Aftershock. Pokes with Q, instantly roots you and denies your combo with her W once you're in range. You have to always respect her E and her R is not only a great stalling technique for herself but also your certain death if she uses it on you when her jungler ganks.”
DragonMaster45 says “Lissandra must be a Zed's fear. She can easily ruin his all in and with her R she allows her jungler to get a great opportunity to gank.”
OSG Rewynd says “Shove and roam. You can't kill her and, unless you get hit by every ability, she can't kill you. Try to avoid her in teamfights, because she shuts you down.”
DabiDabi says “Her stun can be pretty hard to deal against. You may want to take Cleanse. Just stay the opposite side from her so she cannot hit you and your minions with her Q. Get ganks and root her before she can run away.”
Super08131208 says “Lissandra is easy. Like a Xerath matchup just don't let her line you and your minions up and hit you with her Q. Other than that, she can't really out trade you. Just be careful when diving her at level 6 as she can ult you under tower and kill you. Do be mindful of her R+Q+W combo as it does do quite a lot of dmg.
Zoose says “ You out range her with your poke. Her main threat comes from her E blink, which will usually be followed up by her W snare, possibly setting up for her jungler. Hard to kill her at lv 6 with her Ultimate, as she's invulnerable and heals. Push waves and roam. ”
basrty1p says “Her CC is so much to deal with, making her looks so annoying.
There's no reason to fight her in early game.
just farm in lane and gank the other lane.
Recommend to pick Cleanse spell to counter her CC”
quinn adc says “Easy matchup. Like any mage matchup, if she uses her Q on the minions, instantly go in for an E trade and punish her becasue this is her damage.
Stay close range to liss because she out ranges you.
Her Q goes through minions, so if I stay on the side, her Q can't hit me unless she uses it on me. If she does, she isn't using Q on wave, which makes liss have a predicament if she wants to push the wave with Q or gamble for a Q on you.
Freezing is broken in this matchup because you can punish liss for over extending and run her down.
If she Es, use E at the very last second before her claw finishes- this will cancel her E. This is easier than timing your E to follow her.
If she ults you, instantly E away and you will be okay.”
DabiDabi says “Lissandra is easy. Like a Xerath matchup just don't let her line you and your minions up and hit you with her Q. Other than that, she can't really out trade you. Just don't get R'd under her turret. Do be mindful of her comboes as it does quite a lot of dmg.”
Esrucnl says “''The Ultimate Assassin counter'' In my own words.
Lissandra pokes you down in lane and makes sure you can't engage with her root ability. The moment you manage to hit your ultimate she will ult herself making her invulnerable. She's a good teamfighter aswell and has good point and click shutdown ability with mobility.
In general considered THE strongest counter.
Leave lane and get kills from other lanes :^)”
Azurio says “Safe control mage, you can dodge her E W combo with E, if she miss it just run at her and kill. After 6, you can still kill her with 2 or 3 trades, ignite her before her R. Mercs are mandatory. (except vs 4 ad team kek)”
Akamatsuu says “Personagem focado totalmente em chain CC. Evite trocas antes do LV 3, mantenha MUITA DISTÂNCIA, e dê roaming depois de comprar a primeira serrilhada.”
beansoce says “Try and dodge her q, it outranges you pre hard and does a lot of damage. Only trade with empowered q, try to track the jungler because she has crazy setup for ganks. Save your pool for her ult otherwise she'll beat you.”
Bunny Kata says “She's better than you in laning phase, stronger in early skirmishes, and better in teamfights. SPLIT YOUR WAY TO NEXUS, you win by avoiding her.
Ghost-TP + Cull.”
Fisher Fizz says “Con su w te para todo el combo y si lo hace bien te va a ganar los trades. Además con su R tu R no le hace nada y te perma pushea la línea impidiendote rotar.
Es muy counter de fizz”
leonidas44 says “Careful of her poke in early game her q can pass through the minions.
Engage with your w as a shield or with stun. Careful on diving turrets she has stun + her ult.”
Berdasco9 says “Campeon para oligofrenicos, no vas a matarla en toda la linea y en cualquier momento ella puede flashearse sobre ti para tirarte R y que te mate su jungla, roamea.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't get too close to her]
[If she uses E near you, quickly use your R and kill her]”
donidaking says “Her Q has a spread so don t stay too close to the minion wave when she Q's it.
Go electro and just poke her here and there don t do long trades since her cooldowns are lower than yours.
Don t waste pool as she has great gank setup level 3.
You can shove the wave into her but be aware of her jgler since level 2 she will have W up .”
Bertsicle says “Hard counter but livable if you go tenacity rune. You can surprisingly out trade her early especially if you can E her W. You can also E cancel her R animation (it won't put it on CD and the timing is really tight). When Lissandra uses her ultimate she will raise her hands, if you E before her hands raise halfway through the animation you will cancel out of the R. Timing is hard so don't worry if you don't get it every time. Other than that simply trade if she wastes abilities on the wave.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “You have a similar range for your high damage abilites, but her engage is much easier compared to yours. Dont stay and fight her on lane if you're below 50% hp and have no pots. You will simply not even have a chance to fight her.”
Ahri Simplord says “Pre-6 its pretty much a bro lane, you can't reach her, she can't reach you, after 6 you are really gankable because of her R. Her wave clearing is also pretty nuts with her spamming Q so you need to also clear waves and look to roam. She falls off massively later though cause she lacks damage. Banshee's if they dont have champions that can pop it easily like Yuumi.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “One of the hardest counters to Kata. She makes it really hard to roam and it's difficult to kill her in lane, especially after 6.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “One of the hardest counters to Kata. She makes it really hard to roam and it's difficult to kill her in lane, especially after 6.”
Bundif says “Like most control mages, she's a little on the tanky side. Play by the holy level 3 rule and fish for electrocute procs when you can. NEVER dive her when her ult is up unless you throw your W behind you first so you can quickly swap to it. But even then, she could just R herself or..... ZHONYAS ⭐👀”
DaffeLaffe says “She will most likely have help if she engages on you so be careful not to over-extend or dive unless you bait her lock down or have a gank for yourself.”
FyreRode says “She can burst you in lane if going the full AP Electrocute build but as long as you make it to 6, you can save yourself and your teammates with your R, nullifying a lot of her team fighting potential. Try to wiggle her Q range to get her to waste mana and go on CD so you can walk up and E for CS.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Don't get too close to her]”
DabiDabi says “Just don't get poked too hard by her. Avoid engaging her under tower as she has two stuns. If her E is down that is your opening to trade with her. Stay away from minions as she will want to Q you along with minions.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Cleanse]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Kite her with your E]
[Don't get too close to her]”
Fake Supp says “dont stand behind ur minions and dont get to her auto range if She Used her Claw to Gap Close E to the Claw's Destination And she will get baited ”
ThePieBeam says “If you fuck up even a little this lane can quickly go very poorly. Her Q has a deceptively long range and it's impossible to pin her down because of her E. Just do your best to pressure her pre-6 and keep an eye out for jg because it's child's play for her to E-W you. She doesn't realistically have the damage output to kill you unless you take a lot of unnecessary poke but once she hits 6 that story changes somewhat. The only saving grace is that her E has a very long cooldown so call for frequent ganks and try to pull the ability out of her with good walls before your jg shows.”
PEST1L3NCE says “Self-explanatory. She nullifies your burst if she has ult and will not hesitate to stop your engage in its tracks. Never 1v1 her if she has R or you die.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] TAKE CLEANSE IN THIS MATCHUP! Cleanse will make Lissandra useless at 6. Early lane is be sure to avoid standing where you can be hit by Lissandra's Q and poke with autos and Q (boomerang) once it's down. Going in on the grapple will ultimately end up with you being hit with her W. This early lane feels a bit like a stalemate, however if you successfully manage to dodge a good amount of her Q's you eventually start out trading her. Post 6 save cleanse for after she hits R not W. You should be able to pick up a few kills using this. All in her when both at full hp don't allow her to poke you down.”
lonestar1870 says “You outrange her so this matchup is pretty easy for you. Just be careful of her E into W/R gank setup.
You are able to control the wave since you have better range and waveclear.
You can kill her at level 6 if you get her to around 70-80% hp (with 6 ball R).
Push her in and either poke her under tower or make plays with your jungler.
Remeber you will have significantly less kill threat on her if she has Aftershock proc, but if she goes Comet you can kill her easily.
Don't let her ult herself to dodge your ultimate. Be smart about using R.
Comet is good in this lane since you outrange her, but electrocute and PR are great too depending on your playstyle.
TP and Ignite are both fine.”
Desperate Nasus says “Hard lane for Nasus. Against Lissandra try to avoid her Q 's. Take fleet against her and try to survive as long as you can. You never have solo kill pressure against her due to her E and R. First back buy Boots of lucidity and try to stack as much as you can. Its pointless wasting resources for her. Instead keep your resources for teamfights and objectives.”
itakute says “Cleanse or tenacity/unflinching heavily recommended. Windwall her Q early and just keep wave on your side. Later once you're stronger and wave is on your side you can just dash onto her and try to windwall her E so she can't escape then all in. Early MR/vamp scepter helps a lot after zerkers.”
BlockPad says “50/50 match up, you had to ss her mouvement in the map. In laning phase poke a lot and keep you're W for when she engage. YOU HAD TO RESPECT HER 6, GIVING FREE KILL WITH JUNGLE.”
ShokLoL says “Liss is very annoying in teamfights but in 1v1s you definitely have the advantage. Take cleanse and rush Wit's End. If she has electrocute you can straight E max, if she has aftershock you probably need to do 3 points Q then E max.”
livikattt says “She has good poke and can point-and-click stun you or put herself into stasis, so take that into consideration before you try to take the 1v1. also be aware of her ability to escape with her shadow claw.”
pwins says “Zoe outranges Lissandra, but Liss can easily lock Zoe down! Use your range and your E to your advantage and put her to sleep when she tries to go in. Zoe can easily demolish Lissandra if she's wary enough. ”
Miscake says “Ela não ganha as trocas early e tem um scaling pior que o seu. Só está em major porque o setup de gank dela é absurdo com qualquer jungler assassino, ou você abraça sua torre depois do 6 ou você morre toda vez que puxar por mais de 1 milímetro.
Você não tem dificuldades contra ela na side e nem nas fights. Consiga visão na jungle inimiga pra coordenar suas trocas ao redor disso e você ficará bem.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Pretty even matchup but it's annoying.
Her gank setup and survivability is really strong.
Take Cleanse in this matchup. If you don't, you will almost always die to a gank if you go anywhere near her.
Windwall her Q when you go for trades and if you go for an all-in, Windwall before she throws out her E so you can block off her escape.
Play safe if Cleanse is down and you have no idea where their jungler is.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This lane is pretty easy, but you can never really kill her. She plays too safe and she'll just
E away if you try to fight her. She has incredible gank setup similar to Galio and Leblanc. I would take
Cleanse in this matchup if you're not too confident. Opt for short trades with her. Time your E for her Ult.”
Katawina52 says “Careful for her Q expansion when she Qs a minion, try to play around that by dodging left/right. You can go easly for all ins, because her damage isn't that high especially if her aftershock is down. Her strong suit is a lot of cc so careful for gank setup. Mercs vs Lissandra is extremely good even if they dont have a lot of cc cuz it makes her W + R significantly weaker (adds even more with legend tenacity in runes) Sometimes I even like to go Resolve 2nd with Bone Plating and Unflinching if they have more CC besides Lissandra so you have like 50% tenacity.”
PlayCabex says “Easy match up , you can out damage her in early , mid and late game, only problem is she can ult you in teamfights and make you useless , if you got reaction , you can e and w her ult , if she is about to ult her hands go up”
eiensiei says “Lux outranges her and it's easy to poke her down while also farming with E. I'll avoid standing behind my minions to not take damage from her prolonged Q as she farms. She will look for roams since she has easy kill setup with the targetable CC. Her E can make for some very creative paths (even jumping two different walls of terrain at once) to gank other lanes. I usually try to focus on more accessible targets in teamfights, she's too hard to lock down and take out given her Protobelt/Zhonya's/E/R + Aftershock.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Doran + 2 Pots or Corrupting + 1 Doran due to Heavy CC from Liss and huge potential followup from her jungler.
Relatively OK Matchup and you can go for the kill often, just try to predict her Q. Her Q needs minions to extend the range so you can pretty much predict where she will Q and 50% of the time at least you can dodge it.
Her main power is not necessarily her damage but her easy ways to roam or to CC you to setup ganks. If you feel you struggle against her you can go for Cleanse. If you still struggle you can get some MR but I usualy don't need it.
You should be pinging hard if she ever gets off lane because she might roam bot on sneaky paths. You should also be careful when roaming because she might use TP bot (most Lissandra playeres go for TP).
Always check if she used TP recently before ganking or just go for sure ganks and win bot when there's an opening. If you play with Ignite try to get the kill early on before 6. After 6 you'll want to force her to use R as often as possible (either to save herself or to CC you to escape). If her R is on Cooldown she doesn't really have a reliable way to get kills on roams so that's a plus for you.”
xblademojo says “Resolve+Doran Shield and you are unkillable but my problem is you can get so easly punished with her Ultimate and W so take care of enemy jungle tracking.”
Polarshift says “Has more damage, waveclear early and a lot of cc. You might want to take spellbook in this matchup or you might be screwed if her jungler decides to gank later. You're better in sidelane. Be careful for flanks later in the game. Remember that she's immobile without her E. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “Okay poke, decent engage. Just poke her and then when she used her escape you have a chance to kill. If you poke well enough you can prevent any engages and get a kill off of their misplay.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Lissandra is really easy due to her low range. If you build up MR, you deny her oneshot potential on you and the only thing you should care about is her jungler. If he is not around, you should be able to do anything you want with her, denying her quite badly if you play the matchup right. The only reason when you will have problem is, that her jungler will focus your lane, because ganks there are quite simple with Lissandra's CC, but in that case just stand behind and farm safely, which will waste jungler's time around midlane and give other lanes opportunity to get winning condition on their lanes.”
Callmebee says “Ice, ice lady - I really don't find Lissandra too much of a threat. You outrange her so poking with E (even if you don't follow up with an AA) is easy enough for general poke/manaflow band. Don't be fooled by keeping max distance if you're low HP though, she has a gap closer so try to always have your Q up. ”
LunarVortex says “She has very high cooldowns, her kit is rather predictable and doesn't work well against yours. You can deny her cc pretty hard if you time your spellshield correctly. Your Q prevents her from reactivating her E.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Lissandra is an easy matchup, second wind with verdan barrier and she doesn't hurt with her Q's and it's very easy to follow on her roams.”
bobqinxdd says “Powerful aftershock abuser. Similar to morg, you can't kill liss but liss also can't really kill you, taking klepto and farming/scaling is the best option here”
Fuzzmonkey says “Try to avoid using W on top of her past level 3, otherwise this means she'll be able to get a full combo off on you. If you get the level 2 first, you'll be able to do this. At level 6, I'd recommend using chains to kills her and throwing in the Q whenever possible. She'll most likely ult herself when low which means you'll then be able to go in for her when you have your CD's up. If you go to all in her towards mid/late game, make sure you do it from a distance so she can't ult you.
Edit: Since Aftershock Lissandra became so popular, it's now nearly impossible for you to trade with her unless you keep your distance from her W. Try and work around tihs by dashing towards her so that your not within her W range and pulling off some E+Q combo's.”
Yeager says “She's mainly a roaming CC bot. Cleanse counters her kit and limits her options in lane. You outrange so you can bully her in the laning phase.
If she can't find kills in lane, she will roam to other lanes. Get proper vision and then shove her in so she can't leave the lane without getting punished.
Fuzzmonkey says “Short range mage, but with a complication. Don't get poked out with her Q splash and make sure to bait her ult, so you don't end up ult'ing her R.”
iZianni says “Take cleanse.
Just annoying to play against since she can circumvent your ult, but you will win early. It just comes down to one shot potential on both sides and jungle match up.”
mrmundo says “You beat her in trades and outscale her. The worst that can happen is you get rooted by her W or ulted. Other than that, it's a cake walk.”
ShokLoL says “Very easy matchup, you outpush and out trade her. If you don't die to a level 6 gank it's a free win. Merc treads can be useful if she has other CC on her team too.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dshield In Resolve Second Wind and Unflinching
she outranges you and can cc chain you easily.
try to stay away from her in fights if she haven't used his R
you can block her Q and E.”
Kords says “Lissandra can bully you in lane, but you should bully her more as you shove faster, she can't follow you when you roam. In teamfights she becomes a MONSTER, she has enough damage in her kit to chunk/kill your backline, exhaust timing is CRITICAL if you want to survive Lissandra's teamfight potential. Also try and always stay away from her in teamfights while you are near the frontline as her ulting you may destroy you. She picks everfrost can can do huge CC chains on your team while she has access two Zhonyas with her R. Recently Luden+Horizon Build took over in popularity, resulting in an even bigger damage output.”
TheoRut says “She can just ult herself when you do your combo and survive. Play safe and wait for ganks to kill her.
Electrocute against this matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Really easy 1v1, you can bully her pretty much all lane. If you take TP you probably want to build mercs fairly early, otherwise you can take cleanse instead and skip mercs.”
ShokLoL says “LeBlanc is actually favored over Lissandra in the 1v1. Take TP and in the early game look to punish when her W is down. Later on in the lane look to punish when her Q is down instead (since she has more points in it). Just be careful of getting ganked and make sure you pick up merc treads at some point.”
Yasukeh says “ If you time her W, you can spin through it and be effectively stunned for less time. Make sure to take Triple Rejuv beads or dorans shield so you can survive early poke. Her role is to burst people and lock them down, which is fairly useless when you have Undying Rage.
Fun fact: Lissandra was the champion that I had the highest winrate against for the year of 2018.”
Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Eletrocutar.
Lissandra tem um kit completo de dano, sobrevivência e mobilidade e controle de grupo, mas não é forte nos níveis iniciais, portanto abuse disso nela, use bastante o Q para tirar vida dela. A partir do momento que tirar bastante vida, use EW+AA+QE+AA, caso ela esteja com a runa Osso Revestido, jogue um Q na Lissandra e aguarde o timing da runa para agressivar sem perder dano do combo. Mantenha a lane controlada para evitar roamings da Lissandra, e caso não consiga acompanhar ela quando ela usar o teleporte, puxe a lane e quebre barricadas para acumular dinheiro e tente invadir a jungle inimiga ou gankar alguma outra lane disponível. Em teamfights não deixe ela te focar, e se necessário compre uma Bandana ou Bota de Mercúrio para reduzir o tempo do controle de grupo das habilidades dela, baitar a ultimate dela pode não ser uma boa ideia, por isso só foque ela se for para matar, pois você precisa ficar vivo nas lutas para ser eficiente ao seu time, visto que a passiva da Lissandra traz de volta uma cópia de gelo do aliado que morreu que explodirá em seus aliados vivos. O potencial de perigo de Lissandra é de igual para igual visto que a Katarina pode ser parada com a ultimate da Lissandra, além do roaming de Lissandra ser tão bom quanto da Katarina devido a passiva da Lissandra que permite dar mais dano com os campeões de gelo que explodem nos seus aliados após serem mortos. O dano base das habilidades de Lissandra também é consideravelmente alto.”
Elite500 says “Don't stand behind your minions, worst thing you can do is let her hit you, and push the wave, liss has dota 2 levels of mana cost so just let her waste it trying to hit you, go for quick Q pokes but don't go close unless you wish to all in”
Dr Eggmund says “Can be a tough matchup, try and dodge her poke as that's what she excels at in the laning phase and be more cautious when all inning her, as her ult will save her 90% of the time especially when diving under tower.”
iZianni says “Scaling match up, she will build full AP and try to one shot you. Take cleanse or build early QSS.
You will win if your team is even or ahead, you will lose if behind.”
Ambitieux says “Lissandra is a pretty well balanced laner. You need to watch out for her easy setup ganks. Junglers will more than likely hover this lane. Her early mana costs put her at a disadvantage so play for early, Shove ur lane and roam with jungler. Careful mostly for 6 due to the fact she can have like a 3 second CC Chain. Use E on her E and she is pretty stuck. ”
iZianni says “You outrange Lissandra, literally all she does is just try to 100-0 you with a max range engage.
Either take cleanse or just avoid ganks the entire lane phase by playing safe.
You should always have more impact if your team is even close in gold.
She can R while rooted so you can't "kill" her.”
kindo says “Something people do not know is that Liss ult is considered a STUN. This means it gets mitigated by tenacity - stacking tenacity rune + mercs makes her ult from 1.5s to .75s - like ahri, she doesn't have the damage to actually 100-0 you especially if you build mercs.
At most, she can lock you down for her jungler, but mercs negate this. Along with her mediocre range, it's pretty easy to get in range. Her auto range is 550, so walking up to auto is not difficult. Her Q is pretty short range and dodgeable, and you can just sustain the damage with your W anyways. ”
Coldsong says “Lissandra is very annoying to deal with, however she is very squishy now that Aftershock is no longer optimal on her. Do not engage on her under tower if she has W or ult, and if she E's at you she is probably getting a gank. Do not stand behind your minions so that her Q shard does not hit you.”
resetwice says “She can farm safe, has hard CC and can run with her E, definetly a complete control mage. Take care on under tower all wins because se can just stun you with W. Also, she can avoid your burst when R herself. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Lissandra is one of those matchups where you will probably end up even or losing. If the Lissandra plays right, the possibilities of you winning it completely are really low.
Even then, you need to play around CD's, quick trades are your option to burst her down, but she can still follow up with E, so try and poke her out with Q, but don't waste a lot of mana.
Again, don't try and hard win this matchup but rather try to not completely lose it. Look for your jungler's help / Roam.
(Reminder that if Lissandra is running Electrocute, even if she does more damage with it, it also means she's easier to kill too.)
I'd Recommend Mercury Treads for this. ”
Sylvan Lore says “I used to main this champion and find her quite easy to counter. Her only real threats come from roams, ganks. and teamfights. Orianna outrange her easily and as long as you take cleanse, she doesn't even have kill pressure on you. Don't waste your time with defensive items and go full damage to crush her all game.
Recommend: Cleanse and Dmg Build”
Saddest says “She should never be able to kill you without her jungler around or if you have taken an unnecessary amount of poke. Make sure to keep track of her E if she's attempting to escape. Cleanse is definitely an option here. ”
SVS Raka says “One of the best Yasuo counters for the Mid lane. Yasuo benefits from engaging his targets, and Lissandra is a perfect disengager like Yasuo. She can poke him during the laning phase, and has perfect setup tool for his jungler to gank. Take cleanse against her, since it will help you by a ton. Always try to engage her when her abilites are on cooldown. And DON'T DIVE HER WHEN SHE HAS ULTIMATE UP!”
VyoS says “Killing her is very hard at lvl 6, try to do something in the early game.
After getting your first Lethality Items; QSS is a good option when you're ahead in Gold. ”
richardlized says “You outrange her pretty hard, so abuse that. Hitting combos on her is pretty easy because of her slow movement speed. but make sure to NEVER get into melee range of her. The reason is that she likely will have Aftershock, so if you go in, her W will proc it and you will lose the trade. Just keep outranging her and go in for the finishing blow when she's very low. Her R can be problematic after level 6, it's essentially a free Zhonya's, but by the time she gets it, you should be able to force her to use it by simply poking her. It's standard mage lane management otherwise. Keep in mind Qss is a good item against her, because of her point and click CC R.
Thresh Mid says “Lissandra isn't capable of outdamaging Thresh early game but can outrange him. Her main source of damage is up close and personal where your danger zone is. Her Frozen Tomb (R) can setup for easy picks but has a considerable cast time so you can flash during the cast for distance.”
Hienaa says “PLEASE DODGE, but in case you don't, try to all in lvl 3, and get her low, you cant kill her once she's 6, so try to go for plays early levels, but always keep track of the enemy jungler, because if he is there you will always die.”
xMetix says “She has really good gank set up and disengage tools but you can usually follow her with dashes, pay close attention to her jungler's position and go for trades only when you know he's not close.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very easy pre 6, after that it gets tricky, care about her Jungler otherwise you should win 1v1, would recommend Cleanse/Ignite or TP.”
3Riptide3 says “Shove and roam and you should be fine. Stay far enough away from her E range and you should be fine. Negatron can be taken here, but second wind is also a solid option. ”
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs (Even cleanse). Phase Rush or Electrocute.
Don't stand behind minions and don't get too close to her. She will beat you in an 1v1 since she will just ult you or herself to negate anything from harming her. Aim to make her waste her mana since her spells cost a lot of mana and play a battle of attrition.”
Sanctuar says “Lissandra has good waveclear as well as good CC, especially her ultimate can stop every of your engages when she keeps it just for you. Be careful when she E's forward because most of the time that means she wants to all-in on you with her full combo which can result in you dying because Electrocute Lissandra combined with the reworked Mana items is a powerful threat. Build your core items and dodge her Q as good as possible. If you are fast enough (and if you feel like you have the damage you need to bring her down) you can burst her down with a nice all-in combo. Be wary that she can ult herself to turn the fight around.”
Vispectra says “I haven't played much against Lissandra, only a handful of times as she isn't really a popular champion. From the few games I have played into her, she doesn't seem to have much kill pressure, which means a safe lane for you. Although don't play to aggressive because her CC and ult make it very very easy for her to set up a gank on you. She will not allow you play the game later as she might just ult you off cooldown.”
qosmox says “Contest the push lvl 1. If she tries to poke you with Q instead of pushing, you'll hit lvl 2 first and can go for an insta-taunt and outtrade her. If she uses Q to push lvl 1 you'll stay healthy while contesting the push evenly with Q's, which lets you start trading lvl 2-5. Just be sure to ward and keep in mind where the enemy jungler could be, since Liss has really good gank setup and can chase you down.”
Void Silence says “Very annoing in the lane, can outpoke you and burst you down easily if she has electrocute. After laning phase it gets a bit easier but is better to stay away from her.”
StarTundra says “Lissandra is an anomaly. Generally speaking, This is one of the few times where taking ignite is a smart choice, as Lissandra has high kill potential against anivia, however anivia has equally high kill potential. Wait for lissandra to engage and punish with Q. Generally we end up both dead from ignite, however egg stays alive and presto - you've won the lane.”
cookanarities says “Something people do not know is that Liss ult is considered a STUN. This means it gets mitigated by tenacity - stacking tenacity rune + mercs makes her ult from 1.5s to .75s - like ahri, she doesn't have the damage to actually 100-0 you especially if you build mercs. At most, she can lock you down for her jungler, but mercs negate this. Along with her mediocre range, it's pretty easy to get in range. Her auto range is 550, so walking up to auto is not difficult. Her Q is pretty short range and dodgeable, and you can just sustain the damage with your W anyways.”
TheWerefloof says “She's pretty hard to kill long as she doesn't underestimate you, but the same goes for yourself. She can't really win engages without her Jungle, and you (shouldn't) win engages without your own. Try and slowly bring her health down, until she either backs or is greedy and can be quickly combo'd. Q + E into AA cancels is also very nice, presuming that she didn't get far enough away from you after he mobility.”
luminyan says “Not much of a threat. You can dodge her abilities easily, and if she uses her teleport that's an easy kill. She'll have to use flash, or you Q+E and she takes heavy damage. Ignite is recommended. ”
Aethlo says “Lissandra has the waveclear advantage. ||
Lissandra loses slightly pre-3. ||
Lissandra wins pre-6. ||
Lissandra and Annie are even post-6. ||
Lissandra and Annie have equal scaling. ||
Tip: Very good gank setup on both sides - so it will be a very jungle dependant matchup. Lissandra has more utility at level 6 - but you have more burst and AOE. You have to play around this factor to win fights. Going the burn build for skirmishes is a good idea - also consider building banshees second.”
A55AILANT says “Has more damage, waveclear early and a lot of cc.
take cleanse in this matchup or you might be screwed.
Your teamighting late game is better, liss is more of a burst before I leave again champ.”
SirGRC says “Keystone: Electrocute or Fleet Footwork
She has a lot of poking capabilities and with the amount of hard crowd control she has, trading back is not very easy to do either. Try and play it safe until you do hit six and if you are able to get her to waste her ultimate then she should become a free kill. I would recommend getting a Banshee’s Viel in this matchup. ”
Little Planet says “Lissandra has no real options against you, she's squishy and low mobility so trade heavily and try to get lvl 6 before her.
Avoid ganks at all costs, she's got amazing gank recieval and you don't want to give away leads for free.”
Joseph Evanss says “Should never lose 1v1 to her but you can't really kill her before Beserkers + Zeal. Get wards because she has great gank setup. You can also cleanse her ult with e if times right but its hard. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D shield”
ahspaghetti says “mainly you want to dodge around her qs, bait her aftershock then you can probably jump in easily. you want to watch your positioning as she is great at setting up ganks for her jungle. mercs is extremely good against her, even if there's not much ap from their team.”
zeldimi says “Don't let her hit you. She has high manacosts so just let her waste them by trying to hit you. Q for poke but never get too close unless you want an all in.”
peytonqt says “[EASY/SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Electrocute] [Long Sword] If you're worried about her burst and R take Cleanse. I find that I don't need it but in higher ranks Lissandras know what they're doing and Cleanse is worth it. Don't play close to minions so she can't poke you. Play off of the wave and CS and poke her. Her Claw is extremely obvious and you should be able to just run away from it. If she tps to it and uses W in attempt to catch you just trade back onto her. She has no other form of escape and you should just be able to trade onto her for a bit. When she hits 6 she becomes a nightmare. This is where you really don't want to take poke. If she gets you to about half health she can sometimes just instakill you depending on her items. Even at decent health you can get caught out by her claw and completely bursted down; its even worse if she has ignite. ”
Mpegial says “Lissandra isn't very *dangerous but she is kind of like anivia, near impossible to kill do to her big range and great escape. Other than that her major threat is her CC from W and R”
Sojurini says “poke her at lvl 1 with your E ++ AA as you can and farm and don't use your R so quickly at lvl 6 because of her R if she uses her R at you don't be scared and catch her with Q + E + AA + R + E + AA use E + R combo if you miss your Q if she doesn't have enough mana for her R you can kill her easily but wait for your mana for enough Q + E + R skill combo if you have too little mana ”
XD001 says “Nobody will ever die. She doesn't have the dmg and you don't have the mobility to catch up to her. If you engage on her she can just root you and drift away. If she attacks you, you can just R back and live. Try to shove lane and rotate for jg, top, and mid. Late game look for a flank or Lisandra will just R you and you will get CC chained.
Ekko outscales.
take Elec + precision page”
Luciiid says “You never see Lissandra. But her R makes her invulnerable and you have to try to kill her early. She pokes a lot, does a lot of damage, has mobility, and has free zhonyas.”
elnino9 says “Stay away from the minion wave so she doesn't land her Q on you and the minions. If you setup Q dagger on her, go in and trade, she will use her W root but it does low damage. After 6, you can try to out-trade her because she usually can't one shot you if she isn't already ahead. Never use your ulti when she has hers up. QSS and Merc treads are both solid purchases VS her but I would not suggest buying both as that's far too much defensive items.”
PASS10NE says “Avoid Lissandra's Q, because that's what carries her during the laning phase (It goes through minions.). She has 2 CC abilities, so be wary of enemy ganks and when diving her.”
Wunsch3957 says “Cleanse. Favors her very hard if her jungler can camp Mid for her. Watch out for ganks and don't die, try to roam if you can't kill her. Conqueror+Resolve.”
Wunsch3957 says “I hate this champion with a passion due to her insane CC from W and R. Before 6 punish her when she uses W on minions. After 6 roam and after laning split push. Any conq page with flash/cleanse.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Very easy lane, dodge her Qs and push , then poke her out. Put priority on pushing as you don't want her to roam and also her gank setup is op. Roaming and ganks, only things you have to lookout for.
please get cleanse”
Edg3Lord says “She can poke you quite well, and has good engaging tools and damage output. In 1 vs 1 scenarios, you can win trades or even the whole fight, provided she engages with her E, however most of the cases she will provide the CC to help their jungle gank you successfully, which is why you should be cautious when fighting her.”
Coldsong says “Lissandra has extremely short range and long CD's, so if you bait them she will have no chance against you. Her ult will negate your combo though, so bring either cleanse or QSS into her.”
JEAFlashSword says “The Perfect counter Assassin but really squishy you can easily kill her in few levels , you can take cleanse for not be a easy target of ganks ”
nZk01 says “(Mid) very easy pre 6, after that it gets tricky, care about her Jungler otherwise you should win 1v1, would recommend Cleanse/Ignite or TP.”
NathanPyke says “Her R can be used to kill you instantly she has decent burst to take your entire HP bar kill with caution because you can burst her down with ease”
BigFatCat909 says “A lot easier than a lot of people think. Just like Akali and Ekko, you'll never die if you don't engage so if you don't trust yourself to win the fight, you can simply avoid it. Just try to avoid tower diving while her ult is up.”
Hiimkata says “Careful for her Q expansion when she Qs a minion, try to play around that by dodging left/right. You can go easly for all ins, because her damage isn't that high especially if her aftershock is down. Her strong suit is a lot of cc so careful for gank setup. Mercs vs Lissandra is extremely good even if they dont have a lot of cc cuz it makes her W + R significantly weaker (adds even more with legend tenacity in runes) Sometimes I even like to go Resolve 2nd with Bone Plating and Unflinching if they have more CC besides Lissandra so you have like 61% tenacity.”
bboyxje123 says “Lissandra is a pretty bad champion in laning. She will probably get camped by her jungler so care for that. You can take cleanse if you feel more save with that. If you see Lissandra E towards you, her jungler will be there too!”
KataTocDo says “You will most likely get camped because of her gank setup potential. There are little to no chances of killing her 1v1 if she is smart.
Runes: Conq.-Dom.
Starting Items:D. Shield”
invalidd says “Considered hard but can be easy if you play it right, her burst is not comparable to yours so you can pressure her pretty hard in lane,
her ult is worthless if you go unflinching + merc threads. Complicated to gank.”
Aikairi says “You can kill her early game as long as you E W behind her as it cuts off her escape path. afterwards, you can Q E on her before she finishes her E. Another tip is saving Q before she E's, or waiting for her to use E before engaging on her. However, after level 6, she becomes tougher to kill due to her ulti which basically gives her a free Zhonyas, and her hard cc which basically makes you a easy target for ganks.
In teamfights she becomes a major pain too, so beware of this matchup.”
KASSAW1N says “ kass vs lissandra: peleale a lvl 6 haciendo tradeos cortos y tambien teniendo en cuenta que gaste la W. (compra hielo eterno para Evitar su escape con la E o si deseas oneshot compra eco de luden)
ezmod66 says “Really think this matchup is skill dependent. q her once she dashes in e aa.
She will look to harass you with q in lane. Fancy footwork is needed in the matchup. Post 6 this becomes difficult to fight with her ult.
Focus on farming in lane and scaling. Like lux she will try cheese you and hide in bushes be careful.
I find that liss will look to roam and make plays after 6 as her kill will generally guarantee kills and turn team fights.
Late game focus on peeling carries and cock blocking engages
Matchup Difficulty: Skill Dependent”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- She has kill pressure if she's running ignite/electrocute
- Crown control her when she uses E so she can't teleport to it
- Consider buying Mercury Treads
- Match her waveclear and play around jungle
- Roam with ult and teleport”
Chili Dog says “Don't stand behind your minions, worst thing you can do is let her hit you, and push the wave, liss has dota 2 levels of mana cost so just let her waste it trying to hit you, go for quick Q pokes but don't go close unless you wish to all in. Both runes are viable.”
FalleN3 says “This is definitely a skill match-up and a decent Lissandra can troll you quiet a bit with her (E). You will each be able to burst each other down. Take care of her engage as she can easily get to you with (E) and lock you down as her Jungler arrives. After level 6, she can kill you just as easily as you can kill her.”
SkellyBirb says “You can abuse Lissandra and poke her down and win trades against her. She can escape trades easily, but if you pop blight then you should win trades.”
vCraze says “Lissandra is an easy matchup because of the range advantage but you have to be careful of her all-in as she does quite a lot of burst and especially once she hits 6. Stay out of range of her E and it will be an easy game.”
OxiteoMyst says “Sets up ganks way too well. She cant exactly solo kill you unless you get poked to no hp. Play around vision and just dodge if they have a lee sin or xin. ”
Katfire says “Some might consider Lissandra a bigger threat then I do, but personally I find very little trouble in this match up. I personally prefer Conq into this match up with long sword start. Take extended trades if you can. Punish her for using her E, its her only escape tool. Don't ult before she used hers. ”
WolfRider01 says “This matchup really sucks, and Lissandra can easily get fed off Yasuo. Be careful of her root into R stun combo, and beware of her overall CC and damage. Play around her cooldowns, but be defensive. Let her shove wave, and ask for ganks.”
MartyBG says “Not a hard matchup for Lux. The only tough part about it is that she can avoid your ult with her ult, so try to take her ult first before ulting.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite or cleanse(depending on jungler). Stand outside the wave so she has to decide between harsh or wave clear. She really can't do much against you besides setup Ganks. One bubble is enough to run her down. Get Mercs if their jungler is also ap ”
Bobbab says “Consider taking cleanse in this matchup. Lissandra is not a huge threat by herself, but her gank setup is terrifying post 6. Try to beat her out early and roam to avoid ganks.”
Kaali says “Lissandra can heal, make herself invulnerable, and chase / poke you down pretty hard. Play it safe, get farm, then bait her ult and all in. ”
Yeager says “Her CC and engage makes her good at setting up her other teammates. Take cleanse so you can survive. Her q waveclear was nerfed as well, so she can't hard shove the wave early on.
Laning phase is quite easy. The only thing you have to watch out for, are ganks. If the lissandra suddenly starts moving up to you for no reason, it probably means the jungler is nearby so back off. ”
SkellyBirb says “Lissandra be tough to deal with, but she likely won't be able to kill you. She won't be able to go in on you often and will try to poke you, so use shrines to your advantage.”
Frixen says “Cleanse. Cleanse. Cleanse. You have the superior pushing ability, you have better roams and if you have cleanse, she has no way of killing you.”
FalleN3 says “Lissandra can troll you quiet a bit with her (E) but you are a mobile champion with great burst. Avoid her skill shots during laning phase, farm as much as you can and wait for level 6 to kill her. Any time her ultimate is on cooldown, she is an easy kill. Take care of her engage though as she can easily get to you with (E) and lock you down as her Jungler arrives. After level 6, with her ultimate she can kill you just as easily as you can kill her. Look for picks elsewhere if her ultimate is up.”
FalleN3 says “She is very squishy and it's possible for you to dodge her skill shots but this is still far from an easy match-up. A decent Lissandra can troll you quiet a bit with her (E) and you will both be able to burst eachother down. Be careful of her (E) as she can get you with it and lock you down as her jungler arrives. In skirmishes and team-fights her ultimate is a nightmare for you as it will instantly lock you down but take care as she can aslo use it on herself. Try not to stay behind minions to avoid taking splash damage from her (Q).”
Reason97 says “You have a far superior range, and lissandra's kit isn't really built for 1v1's anyway. poke all you can, just keep in mind that even if she isnt all that strong in a 1v1, that doesnt mean she cant. If she E's in and then gets off all her crowd control on you, you're in for a bad time, and a smart lissandra will make sure her jungler ganks you a lot more than normal, so keep that in mind as well. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. You can't really all in once she gets 6, she can ult you under tower and get a free kill. The only time you can all in really is level 2 when you have ignite to secure the kill or are way ahead of her. Her aftershock and ability to root you early on ruins any chance of all-ining. Also watch out for her jungler, her gank setup is amazing. Outscales you. Take Conq and cleanse.”
Jimmy1337 says “Your chance to kill her is nearly 0, unless she is out of mana. If she has mana, she will just press R on you after you blink behind her with R, and then just cast full combo on you and probably kill you.”
sashadidntwalk says “She has a lot of abilities to lock you down, but you have a lot of moves to chase her down. Your R can follow her E path but she could also flash out. Q2 could stop her from E. Or use E to chase her down. Get QSS to get out of her ult. If you don't like her cc then bring cleanse instead of ignite.”
arcanejhin says “She has a lot of abilities to lock you down, but you have a lot of moves to chase her down. your R can follow her E path but she could also flash out. Q2 could stop her from E. Or use E to chase her down.
Get QSS to get out of her ult.
if you don't like her cc then bring cleanse instead of ignite.”
Fadedreformed says “Despite the fact that she doesn't have any kill pressure on you but she can be an amazing assister to the her team with this cc. Even if you get ahead she will always be more useful than you, so try one shotting her with flash before the fight starts. (take mercury's or tenacity runes at all costs)”
Shock_101 says “This champ counters all-ins with her entire kit. If you have to fight her, wait for her cc to be out, and rush a qss. This is a very difficult matchup, play back, and get the farm you can without overstepping, as you will either loose most or all of your health. Make sure you're warding your lane as much as possible, as it is very easy for liss and her jgler to gank you, especially if she has ult. Kill her pre-6, and after that don't engage.”
Yuki H. says “Skill shot reliant AP champions are not the worst early game, though at level 6 she does have an advantage. With her mobility and cc, she can easily set up ganks as well so watch out for those. Additionally, she builds quite tanky with RoA or Protobelt, making it a difficult matchup. However, if she builds into an item such as Luden's the matchup becomes more volatile as she outputs more damage, but it is possible to burst her down before she gets the chance to do anything.”
stziswhatihave says “Confidence will lose you the game.
What to do: 1. Don't play agressive
2. Focus on farm
3. Rely on ally jungler”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Proma says “Dshield
Annoying lane due to her poke and stun. The best way to learn this matchup is to play against it. This is pretty scale based as you both have engage and escape built in to your kits.”
Veralion says “As long as you're careful, It's a free lane for you to scale up in and dominate the game. Her Q range is pitiful unless it hits something and splashes behind it. Get a feel for the size of that cone and don’t be within that distance of a low health minion. You’ll get zoned a little, but nothing too bad, and its damage is low enough after her mini rework that you can trade a few hits to farm comfortably. Her W just got a ratio buff so her full combo hurts a lot; never let her walk up to you and make sure to burnout away from her claw. If they have Aftershock, you can’t ult at her. If you try, she W’s you, procs aftershock, becomes immune to damage, and you get chunked for free. Fish for a few E hits then ult in place and siege her down from range. An Electrocute build may be all-inned normally. If you're having trouble setting up a kill, just push her in and roam while she's struggling to farm under turret and remembering the good old days. Just keep in mind that she probably has TP and Lissandra flanks are as deadly as ever. ”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Lissandra is a utility mage, a warrioress who dominate the lane against squishy targets. You are not squishy nor utility mage. She does not have much option excluding being defeated by a vampire. You can buy firstly Spirit Visage/Spellbinder, taking plain MR may not offer adequate survivability if her jungler is an AD or she has Ignite, so playing around one sort of def. can be a total fail against her since she uses her CC, and usually playing around mobility should be rewarding for you. Building a nice amount of HP shall be useful against her, her burst is not the highest. You can out-sustain him like other opponents, not a much of threat to Vlad.”
Dare366 says “It's pretty much a farm lane. She out pushes you early but if you just follow her you output more dmg than her. Once her w is down run her ass down . Poke her with e+q and get the reduced armor auto before going in. You can lane kill her it's up to how you play it. ”
Omega Zero says “A Lissandra will force you to take Cleanse, as Yone's vulnerability versus ganks becomes a straight up death sentence whenever Lissandra is around. She'll also win almost any trade, so focus on sustaining the lane instead. Don't forget that Lissandra can keep you unbound longer than desired, buying enough time for her jungler to move to your body if you'll survive long enough in Spirit Form.”
Zoe Sparklepop says “You can't really do much but make her back or play under tower by out poking her.
She doesn't exactly win against you but you don't win against her so just try to win in CS.”
snukumz says “Not too familiar with this match up but as long as she doesn't root you you should be fine.
You have better wave clear than her.
You can combo her but she's hard to kill due to her invulnerability with her ultimate. ”
Pentakai says “You outscale her. The lane will be hard due to her poke. Block her Q's with your Q and you should be fine. She can't 1-shot you. Beware of her CC for enemy ganks.”
LightningTemplar says “DON'T BE THE FIRST TO ULT. QSS might be necessary. Try to roam as much as you can as you will have very little kill pressure in lane. ”
PepeOnDrugs says “Lissandra can troll you quiet a bit with her (E) but you are a mobile champion with great burst. Avoid her skill shots during laning phase, farm as much as you can and wait for level 6 to kill her. Any time her ultimate is on cooldown, she is an easy kill. Take care of her engage though as she can easily get to you with (E) and lock you down as her Jungler arrives. After level 6, with her ultimate she can kill you just as easily as you can kill her. Look for picks elsewhere if her ultimate is up.
Lobban says “Her ult is pretty much like kayle's. But lissandra is probebly more disgusting to face then kayle. Since she can shut you down with W and E away if you dont have enough dmg to kill her while snared. ”
lRusu says “The reason Liss counters you so hard is because if you ever go in she will just ult you and you have no counter besides force buying an AD ITEM (Quick Silver Sash)”
Debonair Karma says “She has low range but can easily kill you in a gank. Pay attention to vision because she's really good at roaming. You're probably not going to outpush her so atleast make sure your team is safe. Take teleport/cleanse and corrupting pot.”
Gageowago says “Stay out of her poke range and watch for her gank setups of her going in with her only mobility. Other than that she is usually easy to burst down.”
topal says “whoever gets priority in this muchup wins and usually Galio is the one who gets it.Try to dodge her q level 1-2 and all in her level 3 to get lane control.”
Papapostolou says “This guy is kinda tanky but you beat him easily. Farm early and bully her at the same time. easy game. Also use your W for her R if that possible.”
Lil Tidepod says “Lissandra wins any and every trade if you're in the minion wave. Her CC is easy to land and her ulti can save her life or end yours. Try and poke her down. If she's sending her claw out, make sure to get out of the way, as she can root you when she recasts it. Just kite her and play away from minions.”
Capparelli says “Lissandra will lose this lane, UNLESS she is a main. A bad Lissandra wont know when to R your combo, and her engage and mana management will be poor, but a good Lissandra will ruin your lane and cc you well the enemy jungle dives on you and kills you, play around her mistakes don't force anything, and of course, roam”
JccmSaysNom says “Lissandra isn't much of a threat pre 6 but she does shove the lane really fast, and killing her through aftershock isn't much of a choice either, take your time to practice CS under tower and follow her when she ganks.”
serruh says “ever since the q cd nerf at early ranks this champ has been dog, really have no clue what you're supposed to do if you're the lissandra but in any case, you just win at every point in the game. maybe take cleanse if she has jg with cc or just early game jg in general, since she can easily set up ganks”
Malmortious says “She has a lot of survivability, escapes and CC. Irritating to match against. Poke her down and try to kill her when she's low and pay attention to her mana pool. This is kind of a roam lane so if you can't get kills on her just go help others.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “So much CC and she can out range you
try to harrass her pre 6 and never tower dive her since her R is like malzahar's R ”
Sloyr says “You can't go in any time, if you try to go on a dagger she'll just WQ AA you and proc Electrocute. Avoid her Q poke damage and if you want to fight her, make sure it's an all in because you'll lost every trade.”
Gogicha55 says “REALLY hard matchup, She pokes, Can Disengage Easily, Outscales you, Easy Gank Setup for her Jungler, And Can make you useless in teamfights. Just Shove and roam as soon as you can.”
8wolf says “Mobile, good waveclear, but short range. If she goes in and ults you she might be able to burst you down, or at least set up a good gank. Poke her and when you see her e be ready to dash away. Might want to take cleanse for her ult.”
Daedralus says “Lol icecube warwick... Yeah her ult is indeed annoying but you might be able to just time a self cast of ur E when you see her casting or you think she's about to all in you. Your E really does destroy her all in potential or at least force her to wait it out. This is your chance for a turn around attack by going all in yourself. You gotta play a little safe early on tho as her range advantage will be there just like any other ranged champion and if you get smacked by a direct Q, it really does hurt. You can also be eazily snared by her W since you are melee which allows her to open the gap at least once between you. Her E also allows to do this a second time not to mention her R if she chooses to use it run away. But more than likely it will give her the option to all in you. Her Q slows will also give her time to retreat to tower so you really need you jungle buddy to help you out with this *%$*"%.”
NebuIa says “Take cleanse. She can't kill you, you can't kill her. It's not bad at all. She has similar shove to you early on. Just be aware you can be ganked a lot, be sure to ward. She has very little 1v1 threat.”
TheBlueImperial says “Poor Lissandra, you might be considered stronger than Galio at the moment but you still cannot beat him, he has better wave clear, stronger poke and harder CC. Did I mention better roaming potential? (Sorry Kat)”
Je Suis Azir says “Dodge her Qs and shit because they shred over time, and be mindful of her E and W combo. To win this lane, push as hard as you can, and punish her as much as possible. Soldier positioning will completely ruin her life if done properly. ”
KK Antitoxin says “She can perma CC you and you will have to die without having a chance to dodge or deal any damage. She can also neglect your damage with her R.”
Aizenvolt says “She has a lot of damage but your q can cancel most of it. Poke from distance and when you think you have her go in. Watch out for her ultimate because it can synergize well with a gank.”
LONERlSM says “Lissandra has bad Laning issues now since aftershock got nerf for her. Look to shove her in tower and get cs lead. Do not overextend at times where you feel you will get gank. lissandra has hard cc to counter that we go rylias into her. if she es into us esstenatial with the dmg we have she will be forced to either ult you or herself and can simply slow her while she has to make that decision.”
SNOBOY says “Can be a very difficult match up because of the harass, range, and cc. If you get ahead it's an easy lane, but make sure to not let her snowball early on.”
Mid Win Repeat says “Very easy lane. A lot of pros pick Taliyah as a counter to Lissandra. Theres just not much she can do to you without her jungler.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “you will never kill her and she can setup ganks like crazy, play defensive and try to push her while looking out for the jungler so she doesnt roam ”
spark2 says “Liss is a rough, rough matchup. She doesn't have a ton of burst, but she's got a lot of lockdown with her W and R that can prevent you from dodging the rest of her kit, and which prevents you from ulting back to safety. Don't let her put your minions between her and you, which will deny her usual means of harass. Liss is very weak to long-range poke like Ziggs, so if possible don't pick Ekko into her.”
ZEDORSON says “Lissandra is big counter of Zed, Dangerous for Zed is her R, which can save her from Zed's Death Mark (R).
Lissandra has 2 options for her ultimate.
1st use ultimate on you
2nd use ultimate on herself
Logical she will use her ult on you just when her jungler come.
And on herself when your jungler comes.
Good tip for you. Rush Qucksivle slash early or change ingite for cleanse in champ select. You can remove her W or ult from you.
If she will see you have one of them. She will always ult herself. And now it's your turn.
Always bait her with Death Mark (R). But don't use another spells. Wait until her ult will end and after use your spells and damage.Never waste your W before her E. Always save it for follow her or escape from her.”
Cloud375 says “Her Q is very useful to try and poke you and she has a kit that allows her to all in and potentially kill you. She's annoying but not undefeatable.”
Garybaldo says “She has no kill pressure into you (BUT be careful, as she can set up very well for her jungler, vision is very important), consider taking cleanse”
wedefx says “Lissandra has a similar play style as Malzhar. She outpush you and is more lethal with her ER combo. Use your GLP-800 , silence, and ult to make her useless in teamfight.”
minebaby says “JUST DONT DIVE HER OK ????!!!!!!!!
Play for the farm if she starts to get under tower.
She can survive with her ult and can cancel your E wiht her W, so be careful.”
Novok says “Lissandra can kite you around in lane and also flee from you easily. Fighting her in your Death Realm is hard since she can ult you, snair you and can jump around with her E.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Most Lissandra players are autofilled, so don't expect much out of them. Shes not much of a threat against you anyway on her own if you take cleanse, and so long as you wait out aftershock you can burst her if she engages on you because she has to get pretty close to E + R you. Combined with a high damage/CC jungler though it can be tricky, but you can often still get a trade kill back out of it. If she ever uses her Ult on herself, you can catch her when she comes out of it, or if she uses it on a teammate, shes pretty vulnerable herself (although still be wary of aftershocks resists which protect her from burst). Often a great matchup to take Cleanse into, ESPECIALLY of the enemy jungler is a high damage or high CC champion”
ineptpineapple says “Tricky tricky be careful of her ult and stay well back from minions as her q penetrates them, this is an unlikely lane anyway so dont worry anyway.”
Xethor says “This champ is very hard to counter play, just because she have so much CC and you have only 1 Shield.
Hard to approach. better not face her”
Fox1ne says “Try bullying her early wasting her sustain,it will be enough to make you gain control on mid lane. Also keep in mind to use cleanse at the right moments not on her w,but on her R.”
Wizboy73 says “she outfarms, pushes you in then roams, there aint much you can do till 1150 gold. care for her all in, and scale till late game, dont be affraid to take cleanse.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Again, she can't really kill you, but her jungler can. A simple R or W cc's you forever, and she can use E to escape or setup ganks. Get QSS or cleanse. Just don't go in without jungle vision, because she will CC you and you will die. Take FF or Conqueror.”
ShadowFox101 says “Extremely low play rate, and it's a good thing. Her ult counters your ultimate, think of it like a Zhonya's that also damages you. She can also use it on you, which can actually be more dangerous in a teamfight.”
x3SnowyBunny says “Lissandra's kit is meant to counter assassins. Although her damage isn't much of a threat, her ult can still give her & her jungler the opportunity to go all in on you. Plus, aftershock is simply disgusting. Just try to farm and roam when you can.”
Pumparum says “Lissandra will either push hard or try to poke you down, regardless of which she does she will not have enough mana early to keep up with you. You will outsustain her poke, so she may try to roam. Try to clear and follow. She will not be a threat to you but will be for the rest of your team if you let her roam freely.”
kilgta says “Difficult lane. She does a lot of damage and cant seem to get harassed enough by your damage. Getting a stopwatch from your masteries and farming is prolly the best way to play vs her. If she E into you to start a teamfight you should R her. Shell be irrelevent. start corrupt.”
MechaaZero says “If she reads your R and E's towards your starting point, you can pretty much say goodbye. She has good poke, but you trade hard with her. She has an advantage solely because of her ability to fully disable you in an all-in, but if you land stuff, it instantly turns in your favor.”
RagexAddict says “By far the hardest counter in the game for Fizz. Her W can root you when you go on her with Q or E, her ultimate can stop your ultimate and heal her based on missing health, and she can also poke you pretty effectively through the use of her Q and E. The best window of opportunity for you is to go in on her at level 2 with your E and W abilities to try to push her out of lane and put her at a disadvantage.”
IceCreamPaintJob says “i listed lissandra as a major threat because of her gank setup, thats pretty much the only reason. you need to take cleanse in this lane or the enemy jungler will sit in your lane all game long and you will turbo int”
hipstersora says “Aim skillshots where her claw is going, no big deal if she doesn't end up moving there. Dominate her in lane, and make her useless the rest of the game. Pretty easy matchup from the games i've played. Watch out for her ulting you or herself when you all in, however.”
Ec40494 says “Either ultimate version counters you and can easily escape with her e. Can get QSS for her enemy ultimate version. Avoid poke early as she outranges by far. Don't dive unless really confident.”
Zee Led says “That's the case where you take cleanse instead of ignite, don't cleanse W, make sure to use that spell on her ult. Laning is fine, it's just yasuo is vulnerable for CC's. Don't forget you can windwall her E, if she tries to chase you, you can cancel it.”
Zee Led says “Very hard matchup to play. You have to go cleanse vs Lissandra. Focus on making big trades every time her W is on cooldown. Also make sure to cleanse her ultimate, not W.”
AgreeableOtter says “Play super aggressive and you should be able to solokill Lv 4.
Try not go get poked too hard in lanephase and you should win all ins and outroam her without any problems.
Aftershock Lissandra can be annoying, but you have a big window to kill her when Aftershock is on CD. Generally a pretty easy matchup
Force Bone Plating with Q and then use W E Q to trade.
Shderen says “Her range is pretty much your range, she just has a stun on you. Fun fact; if you're in range of her while she's E'ing, silence her, she can't blink. It's great to watch them squirm. Most Lissandra players these days know that they can just WALK while their E is travelling, so that's a bit less useful of knowledge. Her passive sacrifices the mana sustain she once had and makes her a teamfighting monster. Keep her down early, and she'll stay that way, unless her team is also ahead.”
HerrSolahri says “Use your w to get a bit closer to her, but not too close so she cant w you. then q q e her over and over again till shes low enough for a all in.”
SmokeyEggs says “It's hard to kill a Lissandra because the moment you go on her she presses W and gets aftershock, you lose the trade. Buying mercs will help you a lot against a matchup against Liss
ryze4thewin says “you deal more dmg without minions in your way she deals more dmg with minions dont let yourself be poked and bait her of lane to kill her ”
BicBee says “Don't stand behind minions. She can out push you so careful of her roams. Back off when she uses E (claw) as you're most likely getting engaged on. Aim at where she E's because she will most likely teleport there. You can fight her after she uses E (15s CD). Look to take Cleanse in this match up to cleanse her ult. It is very rare that Liss will be able to solo kill Ahri. ”
Ethereal Ezio says “I've always found it very easy to bully Liss, even more so if it is a Liss who typically ults herself. Poke her down and make her ult to run away or heal herself, then pop ult and kill.”
BicBee says “Don't stand behind minions. Careful of her roams. Back off when she uses E (claw) as you're most likely getting engaged on. Aim at where she E's because she will most likely teleport there. You can fight her after she uses E (15s CD). Look to take Cleanse in this match up to cleanse her ult. It is very rare that Liss will be able to solo kill. ”
vukashin.xyz says “She will push with Q so dont stand behaind minions
If you W towards her she will root you with E and kite you
If you ult her she will ult herself and cancel your damage
Just hit W>E>Q and keep up in farm
Roam and look for kills elsewere (buy mobility boots)”
Bestlover says “Aftershock Lissandra with a little armor? You do no dmg to her.
To the time you get your lethality+ armor pen, she as ninja tabi+ zhonyas+ the extra armor from runes.
And she Will do a lot of dmg , and she as her ultimate to kill you after you used all your cooldown's.
Lobex says “If not a bad player, you HAVE to go merc treads + legend:tenacity(precision rune) to be able to threaten her
Most Lissandras suck so dont worry”
homeshake says “huge harrasser and as a mellee champion you cant really do anything due to her roots and slows. her ult/stun wont allow you to ult yourself, so you must back if dropped between 50-60%. her very easy clear and incredible roams make this one of the most difficult match-ups.”
NocUout says “One of your hardest matchups, her w counters any all in you might do, and even after that she still has ult which she can use on herself to avoid death mark pop or to ult you, ccing you for a long time. QSS early is useful, and I would not spend much time in your own lane trying to get ahead, roaming is better for this matchup. ”
thedonk says “So much things to worry about. Same as Diana, make sure when you W in, you immediately W out as she can just immobilize you with her W or R. Lissandra cannot press E twice if you manage to root her. She becomes scarier when she hits 6. If you are losing lane, don't fight her. If you are winning lane, make sure you poke/fight her using chains. Bring Cleanse if you really don't like this matchup.”
overweight_zoe says “Really easy and boring lane. Shoving contest so make sure to bring dematerializers. Only danger is her e'ing in and flash ulting you or something, so make sure to bring cleanse to completely shut her down. ”
Jammy158 says “Aftershock Liss is unkillable if the Liss player even has half a brain. Cleanse is good, but I suggest going Ignite and then get early QSS to cleanse her Ult. QSS is lower CD than Cleanse. If she used up her CC, you can all-in her and you can cancel her E with knockup. Be wary of ganks because Liss sets up one really well.”
Junix L9 says “She will always go in when her when her jungler is near her.
Pay attention when she E onto you, her jungler will most likely be there too.
Eli The Bat says “I think Liss is the most threatening champion for kat, cause she has 2 cc abilities, 1 escaping ability.... and with aftershock as primary rune its so difficult to kill her, or even win lane.
So you better farm what you can and roam”
Tipurrs says “This is actually a skill match-up as you can easily burst each other down but you have the range advantage. The only thing that makes her hard is because she can easily set up ganks with the gamut of cc that she has. Not to mention her survivability thanks to her ult. She is also quite tanky because she takes the resolve tree and uses Aftershock as her main rune. ”
moutenn says “Currently aftershock Lissandra is being played. This is not fun for zed, since she now instead of ulting herself when yuo ult, she can ult you. You cant get damage of on her + aftershock activatetes and negates a lot of your ult damage. Still you can kill her pre 6, just poke her down, till you can w-e-q, without her using w.”
qasddsa says “Run Fleet. Using Q to shield her own Q poke damage will help you greatly during laning phase. After level 6, you should just roam since you cannot kill her safely. In teamfights and in general, do not Riftwalk into her face unless her ultimate is down.”
Exiled Heretic says “She will most likely have help if she engages on you so be careful not to over extend or dive unless you bait her lock down or have a gank for yourself.”
rimzaki says “She weakness early like bloodlord also can disturb u in teamfight through using ultimate on u but if u beat her in early game She can not be threat!”
Sozzoh says “Lissandra has a lot of CC, so be careful when diving her, poking her, baiting her into your tower, or trying to setup a gank, as she will most likely E out of there, W you and your jungler, or Ult you. Other than that, you should play passive and this should just be a farm lane. Roaming for kills would be ideal.”
Katapullt says “Try to trade lvl 3. Ask for a gank and dont 1v1 her when she has Ulti. BUY MERCs. They have MR and reduces all her CCs which she has on every spell
CLEANSE is a must in this matchup since you can use it on her R”
undeadsoldiers says “Lissandra has annoying poke and great gank setup, but her range is very short and her cooldowns are high.
Don't stand very close to your wave so she can't harass you as she spams Q.
If she throws her E forward for an engage, throw your E in front of you. It's not a dash, but the trap should cover almost anywhere she can blink to. Her E is on a long cooldown at rank 1 so you can catch her while it's down.
She can ult you or herself to stop an engage. Note that her self R does nasty AoE damage around her.
Suggested: Cleanse, Merc Treads”
pokeball says “Due to the rise of aftershock lissandra, trading against this champion is very difficult. And her cc can lock you down with 1 click every time you go in. Avoid trading with aftershock up and it is recommended you take cleanse against this matchup.”
ZF.PandaYang says “She has a Q that out ranges you, a W that will lock you in place, an E for disengage and an ult to either protect herself or CC lock you in place and make you vulnerable, get QSS asap!
AQRC Turtle says “She outrange zed and can deny your full combo with hers ult/CC. also she have a very good escape and mobility. (QSS might be usefull) Lasty, dont stay behind ur minion to avoid lissandra Q”
Smol Jelly says “You can harass Lissandra very easily. Out-range her, and bind her when she uses her blink skill. Her R can save her from your burst though, so be careful of your ult timing.”
ShokLoL says “Lissandra is hard to gank and has good ganksetup of her own, but the trades themselves should be very favorable to you. If you want to win lane even harder you can play comet E max, but I think going electrocute gives better skirmishing and should still be good for lane. Make sure to stand apart from the wave so she can't push and harass with Q at the same time.”
ShokLoL says “You should have no issues poking Liss out 1v1. Push up aggressively on the side of the wave to make sure she can't splash you with the Q. The only thing to be careful of is her ganksetup so make sure to ward if you are pushing far up. You can consider merc treads, but I wouldn't buy them super early as they'll limit your laning power a lot.”
ShokLoL says “1v1 Lissandra is fairly easy but she has INSANE gank setup. Position next to the wave so she can't Q you and the wave at the same time, and try fish for Qs or autos on her when her Q is down. Make sure to play around your vision as losing flash is almost guaranteed a death in future. If you're super greedy you can buy ER first, but buying mercs is a lot safer.”
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