In the Jungle 50.14% Win Rate86% Pick RateRammus In the Jungle Counters: 17 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Rammus in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “Has a high amount of CC, this is why you need to play smart against him. Try to engage onto him, when he just used his taunt.”
PesteMKT says “Rammus e um personagem que só começa mesmo a jogar depois do colete de espinho então até la invadir e pegar vantagem e perfeito, nesse caso a trindade ou mata-craques seria melhor pós a letalidade não mudara nada contra ele por causa da quantidade de armor e MR que ele fara de acordo com o jogo, fazendo talvez você fazer o item de terceiro ou quarto.”
kittygore says “Can cancel your leap (jump) and your destroying yourself. Try to cleanse his taunt. I would recommend to play with Ghost to better catch him.”
DEG310 says “he just builds armor so you deal less damage to him and he scales with armor so he deals more damage to you, you can win against him if you snowball really hard. Rammus wins against Yi with far to little effort i perma ban him”
SelfLOL says “Save stacks to cleanse w. Don't auto when he is in w .Buy pen Rly annoying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Slow clear. Doesn't need to farm as much. Can invade if good opportunity. Counter ganks can be good Jg tracking important.”
Le Korvo says “Jungle: Awful matchup, you can't invade, kill or escape him in the whole match. Evade and try to get ahead in the other side of the map.”
Jackiewawa says “Standard tank matchup but he only really builds armor so you just shred him. Use W before he taunts you in teamfights so you're safe.”
AbstractNoth1ng says “Although he is a direct counter to champs like Bel'Veth, you can get a step ahead, by avoiding him early, grab kills when you can, but focus on your jungle.”
Nyxxx says “ok.
He's not that bad with this build since it focuses on erasing armor and hp. If you do find yourself against him, buy Lord Dominik's Regards before Blade of The Ruined King. ”
y every name taken says “He counters AD but don't be afraid to hit him with your W armor reduction. He is perhaps the only champion I would build Black Cleaver against regardless of team composition.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Basically the most easiest to jungle against. He loses to full clear, counterjungle. His skills is not a threat at all, unless you play AD Neeko. ”
lurutin says “It's a hard matchup, you can 1v1 him easily but if there is someone else with him his taunt is a big problem. If you think you can easily kill him go for botrk, dominik, guinsoo and kraken slayer or more life steal, but he is a problem when plays w/ team, pray for your midlaner deal w/ him. Conquer could be a good option. Maximize your E at first.”
Yomu says “ALWAYS E his engage on you and you should be fine. WQ after his W ends or punish by killing his team. He is a better champion when you're both broke so try and take early kills to snowball.”
Maciejson says “You can fight during his first clear, but it becomes tough after he gets bramble. If you're tracking him, you can take his camps due to his slow clear speed. Late game becomes easier unless your team is all AD. Building Black Cleaver and Serylda's Grudge can help against his armor. As Shadow Assassin, focus on his team rather than directly engaging with him.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. You deal so much damage to Rammus at all points of the game. If you get taunted in a teamfight, make sure to use W to protect yourself. Rammus won’t really stack MR, so you can play front-to-back easily. ”
VainTaka says “Hard to say why they picked him. You will overall have better team fights. Peel your adc from him. Rammus not killing you so go counter gank him for positive trades.”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup. Rammus has a lot of similarities in terms of playstyle to Nunu, and you only see this pick in lower elos. You can easily out cs + tempo him, if you’re building full lethality you might struggle against him in a 1v1. Cleaver over shojin is best in this matchup.”
Dreamer1v9 says “Rammus is self-explanatory because of how beefy this guy is.
If played correctly this guy is a major use to his team and can dominate teamfights with how much sustain he has.
He is impossible to kill if you dont get fed enough. He will always be one of the most annoying champions to verse if useful.
Usually he isn't picked into me a lot but when he is the games are quite hard.
My recommendation for this matchup would be to get as much objectives as you can. As kills wont be as useful into him.
This means to try and play around your teams ideas”
lanefox says “Rammus can completely shut you out of a game. Taunt is the end for Yi. Quicksliver Sash is viable, but avoiding him or waiting for other to bait Taunt is ideal.
Ban him if you have an early draft pick.”
IvernGott says “Rammus is very fast and can dodge Iverns Q very easily but with the right play with daisy/ Shield slow and Iverns Q rammus can be stopped easily.
His ganks are predictable and u can almost everygame invade him for getting faster scale!”
FiletedMinion says “He destroys AA style champions. Play like he is a Lillia and counter gank lanes/objectives. Cut the jungle whenever possible. You need to keep them behind to make them not a threat. Rammus is money hungry.”
ShadySceptile says “Very annoying, if assassin you cant ever fight him. If you go bruiser you can use cleaver to maybe fight him, but if he gets low he just runs away. W poke him for your team ”
Cookiemanman says “While Rammus can be hard to kill as he gets more items later in the game, he isn't a large threat to Volibear. You can dodge his CC with your R (ultimate) and stun him as he tries to reach your teammates with his Q. ”
HawkSP says “Daisy can interrupt Rammus’ Powerball, making it easy for Ivern to disrupt his engages. Shielding his targets can also reduce his effectiveness in ganks.”
bbtgangsta says “hes a threat to your carries. just ult when he is in the teamfight. otherwise he cant really do much 1vs1. just dont go damage when you see him on the enemy side. just sundered sky and that's it. ”
Lulu Mushroom Teas says “❌Ban: Adequate
Rammus JG has become way too valuable on these long-term ADC/Tank Metas. It's not that games are unplayable; it's just that it's very easy to lose Team Fights against this Pick; besides Wombo-Combo potential with his Ultimate. At least, so far I do not know how to deal with this Threat. Probably on AP/Buff Builds.”
RuinedJG says “Rammus champ is like sejuani but more useful at every stage of the game, black cleaver is 100% a buy against him every game, 2nd or 3rd item is when i like to get it.”
xTechikaze says “Rammus vs aut attackers. i dont think i need to say more. Hes annoying and strong ALWAYS vs you. do your best to avoid him. he will likely turbo gank early so try to take obj in the mean time to make your time worth it. if your constantly chasing him down to babysit laners your just gonna fall behind.”
MhmYepSope says “Has insane peel and ganks. Jungle tracking very important. Try to look for angles to take out carries. If you have to fight him, save Empowered W for his taunt. ”
Mo100z says “Out gank him early game should be easy, also wait out his w bubble and you should not have problems with just don't get taunted and the crit build is good against him since ur not stacking attack speed”
jajkopajko says “You win most times. He will try to harass you in your jungle, most of the time he will come straight towards you since he has a lot of ms, just e>q>w him, try to get dark harvest stack, if you do its a good trade for you and just let him run away. Most of the times you´ll be ahead, late game you probably wont kill him solo, but your high damage takes him low enough that he cant go onto your adc”
Daawwnn says “while his tutrle stance is up (his W) he can kill you 1v1 his damage reflect is stronger than your E dmg reduction + healing i recommend disengaging if possible use your W to cancel his movespeedbuff (q) if he wastes his W you have kill pressure”
Saberlazer says “Might as well just play Amumu against Rammus. The other option is to build full tank after core items and focus on peeling for carries and mages.”
loganrichards says “ALWAYS E his engage on you and you should be fine. WQ after his W ends or punish by killing his team. He is a better champion when you're both broke so try and take early kills to snowball. ”
MusicJG says “Slower clear than you, weak lvl 1-2.
Look to invade him, make sure if you do he doesn't do Raptors/Wolves and take a camp away from your invading side.
Cleaver 2nd is really good, you outfarm him, don't let him free scale since if it's an even game he will statcheck you since he is just a beefy tank.”
basrty1p says “He taunts you,AA to you and you die over and over again. His CC is so terrified to your teammates, and he is so tanky. Prepare his coming and avoid his CC at all cost or else buy something like Banshee or Zhonyas to protect yourself. And you need only Liandry to melt his HP down.”
Nairey says “You will NEVER kill Rammus and he WILL chase you down after you've ulted out of a dangerous situation, plus his ganks are faster and easier making it hard for you to follow. ”
garbocan says “Very easy to countergank. His Q can also be stopped by Daisy, making Rammus completely helpless into Ivern.
Overall one of Ivern's easiest matchups. ”
Zero macro says “Briar has an easy time against Rammus, due to Briar using her anti-armor kit on Q + Briar E against Rammus W / E + Pre-Mitigated healing kit from Briar.
Briar has a stronger jungle clear and stat check during the entire game, however Briar has to be aware of Rammus frontlining combined with fast access of Thornmail + Healing Reduction.
Clasher2124 says “Really not as bad as people make it. Bork here is out of the question. Avoid having too much attack speed, and build something like wit's end and abyssal mask (not force of nature though), one of the few situations where abyssal is useful. Get pta instead of lethal tempo. There is also the forbidden art of rageblade if you are feeling hot.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rammus prefers to do early ganks if he sees an opportunity to do it, so you should stay closer to your tower and ward surrounded area. There is a sense to put a little bit deeper wards since Rammus starts rolling before he reaches the area of usual wards in bushes.”
Bel_Astra says “Rammus is prob the one you see most Briars ban, as he will rush bramble vest into Thornmail and reduce briars healing while she takes damage from autoing.
Avoid this matchup at all times possible.”
layton20 says “People believe rammus is a hard yi-counter. I disagree. The solution is to not focus the rammus at all until he is the last alive. "But what if he taunts you?". You autoing rammus a couple of times will not kill you, once the taunt is over, you run away or towards another enemy. Or, as a whole, keep your distance and bait your rammus to taunt someone else.”
SYROBE says “Aftershock + Rammus W + Thornmail good luck ever killing him lol. Maybe you can kill him but only if his Aftershock and/or his W is on cooldown. Very small windows to play around.”
Coccaa says “I mean this is just a Trundle wet dream you just wait for him to use W and even for his aftershock stats to activate and then you ult him and its a free kill. You can get him to negative armor if you time your R correctly. If you don't have R i would just wait for him to use W and then fight him. He extends the duration of his W when he hits targets so just dont let him hit you”
Ikare says “Go bruiser with mercs and black cleaver and its easy match up. You can invade him early or counter gank since he is a really bad farming jungle”
TheBougis says “Rammus' powerspike and first item may be an antiheal item, it doesn't affect you one bit as you don't AA.
However, if your duo is an auto attacker make sure to ult him as soon as he gets taunted by Rammus (important not to do it before rammus taunts as he will just have it up again after you spit out your duo).”
theloaf says “His taunt lasts a while and he will have fairly high tenacity so your AA is not quite as useful. Try to hit him with an R targeted on a different champion to keep him off your back line. ”
Zero macro says “Rammus the armor Tank, Rammus scales well due to armor synergy with his abilities. Thereby he has a weaker early game than Nidalee(which deals well with armor). Nidalee should be careful of grouped setup engages from Rammus combined with his R, which is the only threat Rammus brings.”
Zero macro says “Rammus the ---> Armor Tank <---, Zed will have an insanely better jungle clear than Rammus. Thereby it becomes easy for Zed to countergank. Shred Zed is stronger early on, but Rammus will become stronger in raw stat checks. Zed should aim to gain black cleaver as fast as possible into this matchup, thereby denying Rammus to gain value out of his items and ability synergy. Due to Zed his mobility it becomes hard for Rammus to gain anything done.”
metalhydra273 says “Rammus can be annoying, but Skarner doesn't struggle here from my experience. Bad positioning can get Rammus killed, and you have ways to delay his approach. Feels similar to Nunu but way, way easier to beat. If you can survive getting taunted he doesn't have much in the way of stopping you. Keep your teammates safe or ignore him entirely if he's not a problem.”
Obscureframe44 says “If someone knows how to play rammus, good luck winning the match up. So much thorns damage. Might be able to get the lead on him if you are winning early and have good anti tank built..”
NegativePhoenix says “Not too scary. His job is to engage but once he does you're pretty much his superior in most cases. You're AP and he's meant to stop AD so even if he gets ahold of you, it wont amount to much. Try to Q if you feel like he wont ult in during his Q channel and if you're fast enough to do it. If his main engage is out then what chance is really going to have?”
Apari1010 says “He's a nuisance and hard to catch. Counter gank him and pray that your team has better teamfight and little physical damage, otherwise the turbo turtle can be pretty damn annoying.”
Ukantor says “This fight is very situational. Don't fight 1 vs 1 with him until you have at least 3 items, after that it is possible to kill him, but the fight will be long and he has enough CC to entertain you and his team arrives and kills you, so be very careful.”
VrNtv says “If a rammus is zooming at you like a racecar, putting your charm on them will make them turn around majority of the time. If they don't.. Well.. beat the little guy up. He's not nice.”
FaeBytez says “Rammus can be difficult for Diana to deal with due to his high mobility, crowd control, and tankiness. His taunt can disrupt Diana's combos, and his defensive Curl can reduce her damage output. Diana will need to kite and avoid Rammus' engages to win this matchup. ”
ttvRegedice says “This guy isn't much of a problem unless you ignore his taunt threat. Landing slows is huge because your E is percentage and not flat slow. Don't forget his R jump and be prepared to combo for empW to negate his taunt.”
Xr3ad says “Rammus' kit includes abilities that counter Rengar's strengths. Rammus' taunt ability can interrupt Rengar's mobility, making it difficult for him to engage or disengage. Additionally, Rammus' W ability, Defensive Ball Curl, reflects damage back to Rengar and increases Rammus' armor, making it difficult for Rengar to burst him down. Finally, Rammus' E ability, Frenzying Taunt, can force Rengar to focus on him instead of his intended target, reducing his effectiveness in teamfights.”
Mnem says “Abuse your early and as many invades as possible. Build armor penetration. End the game as quickly as possible so it doesn't outscale you. Combo X Rammus (R and Run :D)”
Borinn says “He is very tanky and has good ganks. He can't kill you and you can't kill him so don't waste your time with him and try to gank as much as possible. Your team fightting is stronger late game but he will be tankier.
You can go either AD or tank depending on enemy team.”
Virizion says “Most of the time people consider this a difficult matchup. My current experience is with cleaver rush into Eclipse he is not a threat at all. Only reason to be scared if you team has 0 AP champs”
ShinyEmo says “A major threat, Guinsoo's Rageblade is a must-have. Fight him when his W finishes if you must fight him. Don't be so confident if you get ahead because once he finishes his Thornmail, you will lose the fights. Just stay defensive. You can duel him with at least 3 items. Buying BotRK for first item is not good as you may think, so you can go for any build if his team is squishy. Buy items depending on his team. Tenacity helps a lot against him.”
khaevolved says “Rammus is not really a huge threat, but his w makes him impossible to kill as Kha and you never win 1v1, but the good thing is that you don't need to fight Rammus at all.”
tradtrad says “Point and click CC on his taunt, basically can't be solo killed due to his W tankiness and being able to interrupt your Q with his Q, Only way you kill him is with his pants down in his jungle early. (i.e. no summs or all spells on cooldown).”
zLuxfury says “With Blue form he's annoying and tanks a lot, with Red form he's annoying and you heal significantly less.
Basically an annoying turtle.
P.S. Ok”
Majd1 says “"Rammus may not pose much of a threat in terms of damage output, making it easy for you to come out on top in a one-on-one duel at any stage of the game. To win, simply kite him with your auto-attacks. This is considered to be one of the easier matchups.”
1Strike says “You're an AD champ and rammus is an armour AD absorbing tank. You have no kill pressure against him until pen items(Lord dominiks preferably) Just scale, he farms poorly. As long as your team doesn't die you will end up being more useful since youll be up in gold and rammus is kiteable for your team.
Careful, he can kill you”
ARealFakeIdentity says “Characters that require movement speed can be either a problem or simple to deal with, but in the case of Rammus it ends up being a fair matchup.”
FrenchDeltaForce says “This is my perma ban, rammus is strong vs any auto-attacker and Bel'Veth is no better into him. It's really hard cause you can't ignore him and he outduels you pretty fast.”
checca says “Depending on what Rammus builds, the results for damage will vary. If Rammus uses W at any stage of the game, try not to auto-attack him, as he applies grievous wounds. To counter his taunt, try to Q1 a different target so the taunt forces the auto onto him. Always bring Conqueror into Rammus. His Q cancels Zacs E.”
lovicoaching says “Champ is kinda op, really dumb design, wont really make you suffer as much as he will make your team suffer. If you are trying to solo carry vs this good luck bcs if he sits on a carry it's gonna be interesting trying to kill them. Putting him behind also does very little.
Care for level 1 cheese on your raptors. Can usually just walk away if he invades early on. Mainly need to spam ping ganks.”
Davecraft16 says “You HAVE to kill him early (lvl 3 or 4) and get ahead. If you remain behind you will die just from autoing him. Walls are very important here since his q makes him really fast. Try to countergank him or steal his jungle if he goes for a early gank.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] You cannot kill him past the early game and your clear is faster than his so you can farm up and eventually get Black Cleaver and you should be fine. In teamfights try to ult in such way that you're not gonna get taunted instantly as you come out of your ult.”
Whasian says “This Champ is a lot faster than Jax and can cause major issues as they can escape from you and even catch up to you. Not Fun to deal with.”
Barndon says “they are melee and wants to get close to you, so when you have your turrets down they get killed easily also since he builds armor early”
Rasta Mouse says “Rammus poses little to no threat against us no matter what we are building , early-mid game he is quite weak and whether you are jungling or laning you beat him. Even late game you beat him 1v1 but be careful of his w late game as it can hurt.
Kukiziuu_ says “After patch 12.22 hes kinda strong with these new items. TRY TO AVOID PLAYING ASSASIN KAYN AGAINS HIM uneless their team is full squishy except him ofc, try to counter gank him. If you play Rhaast its kinda easier to do something because of your hillarious damage. Buy Black Clever as 2rd/3rd item, do objectives and counter gank him”
Bhyure33 says “Your dmg is based on attacks, and Rammus is a great counter for that. He also has cc. You beat him very early and scale better lategame, but his taunt can screw you over in teamfights.”
BLOODINSIDE says “Really hard champion to play against as any auto-attack heavy champion. My go-to ban. I usually dodge him if I happen to ban something else and he is picked”
RedNBlue says “Rammus is a weird matchup for Mundo, you have to be careful with when and how you fight as he will pull your canister out with his q, and then he will taunt you applying Grevious wounds if he's got thorn mail which he should.
Try to not die and make sure to keep him away from your teammates as he will tear them apart. ”
MythicalMinute says “Rammus is one of those champs you'd think you wanna go AP for but they changed him to scale with MR too, so if you want to beat him, I've learnt to go Bruiser (Fighter Oriented) because he'll charm you and lose tonnes of stats.
Bruiser (Fighter Oriented) is good here but AP can be useful too.”
spuki97 says “Not a strong matchup. However, you will need to make sure and countergank his dives on your team. Bother/1shot his carries in order to prevent dives. Best build: Bruiser Kha/Chinese Strat”
Kao_Oak says “Not played a lot but people tend to pick it as a natural counter when they see yi. He is not gonna be that much of a pain in early game so you gotta destroy him at this moment. Don't let him scale or he will one shot you on taunt once he reaches 3+ items.”
RengarNBush says “annoying to play against, if the rammus is good he will stand in front of the carry and press q, he can cancel your leap if you jump close to him and then he taunts you = death. You can play around rammus by ignoring him. If you pull off a counter gank vs him and out jungle him he is useless and you win. Also try to cleanse his taunt with your emp W. ”
Blakeyzx says “tanky, almost unkillable with good cc chain, so he will just wait for his team to kill u while u wont be able even to move casue of his cc”
ToxicCannon says “His CC is annoying and he can be a competitive match since his gank presence is commanding, but he usually rushes a bami's cinder item first so his MR will be low. His clear is also quite slow before his second or third items. Make sure to abuse his weaker early game after you complete Nashor's Tooth and counter jungle his camps while he is ganking.”
Eagzey says “Rammus is great into AD champions but by going Eclipse and Serylda's not long after, you actually do a lot of damage to him. You can easily kite him too and we can scale for free in this matchup.”
Rifu says “Ok.
No jokes this is a hard match try to kill he in early game because in late he just will kill you, invade him or gank other lane when he is ganking or diving any lane, try to scale him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rammus is an early game ganker. Make sure you have wards in the river or at his jungle entrances to reduce the effectiveness of his ganks. He doesn’t have the healthiest first clear. If you’re a strong early game champion, try to invade him on his first clear to set him behind from the get go. Rammus will activate his Powerball(Q) quite close to a lane but outside of general warding spots to make it harder for the enemy to escape. Place slightly deeper wards rather than warding usual warding spots to give you more time to escape.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL unless his W is up then don't bother UNLESS you are in GIGA CHAD MODE in which case just reck him.
The dude that said Rammus counters Udyr was such a funny guy. Rammus can only be that friend that lends you his gun in order for you to kill yourself.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Rammus is an early game ganker. Make sure you have wards in the river or at his jungle entrances to reduce the effectiveness of his ganks. He doesn’t have the healthiest first clear. If you’re a strong early game champion, try to invade him on his first clear to set him behind from the get go. Rammus will activate his Powerball(Q) quite close to a lane but outside of general warding spots to make it harder for the enemy to escape. Place slightly deeper wards rather than warding usual warding spots to give you more time to escape.”
lumihehe says “your champion is full AP, and this soccer ball of a champion was made to resist AD damage. and he does it damn well. but he takes a lot of damage from AP stuff aswell as your true damage, so this matchup is pretty easy. unless the rest of your team is full AD”
Salmon Kid says “Rammus can match Lillia's max movement speed and surpass it with items and has hard cc in his e with multiple ways to follow it up with his q and ult. The Conqueror RiftMaker build allows Lillia to fight and beat rammus handily, but if Rammus plays with his team he is a very difficult match up for Lillia.”
warmfishu says “Quite slow, but his Powerball (Q) speeds him up and can put him in range to use Frenzying Taunt (E), which will reset W and deal a lot of damage. A favourite of Rammus supports is to Q flash on top of you, so keep track of his Flash timer.”
Lawiss1 says “Evelynn farm 4x plus rapidement que Rammus.
S'il gank en early continuez de farm et prenez un hard cs advantage.
Vous devez l'invade en early game, il farm tellement mal qu'il sera low dans sa jungle voir à deux doigts de mourir.”
rhvse says “Hard matchup, he win 1vs1 with you easly. He have a lot of armor, and health. Play safe and don't fight with him. He click W+E and you are dead if you continue attacking.”
ItsAydam says “Weak early and can be punished. His CC is annoying and Mercs is a really good item against him. Once you have Kraken and Dominiks he's not that big of an issue. Consider QSS if he only focuses you.”
nZk01 says “run out his W and hes useless, dont get E'd in teamfights or u lose.
u can stop him from engaging very easily with boxes.
forced to ignore on AD, very easy to play vs as AP”
Shark of Void says “For those who use Flash, Rammus can be a problem. But if you use my strategy without him, then you will take the CLEANSE and you will have no problems with Rammus.
Calmly farm jungle, go to the counter ganks, after 20 minutes you will become more useful than Rammus in everything.”
NegativePhoenix says “Rammus isn't a terrible choice into Veth in terms of tanking. His W damages those who auto attack him making Veth capable of hurting herself more than him honestly, and when he has thornmail this damage only increases. Wait out his W and go for someone else until he has no W left up. It'll leave him not much choice but to run. ”
imminences says “Counters basically every Rengar build known to man. If you do find yourself in a matchup vs. Rammus, utilize your max ferocity E to keep him from getting on top of you.”
HadesxLH says “Viego é um dos tipos de campeões do qual Rammus ama enfrentar, ele é full AD ataca a curta distancia e tem uma mobilidade que é facilmente vencida por Rammus, porém apos a penetração Rammus nao é um problema tao grande, mesmo com isso Rammus costuma ser meu ban pessoal devido ao fato de ele incomodar mais o time do que a jungle por si só, é muito dificil dar countergank em um Rammus pois ele é uma maquina de ganks e enquanto seu time sofre enorme pressão dele voce dificilmente conseguira jogar para scale, se voce decide jogar para counterganks a mobilidade de Rammus torna muito dificil acompanha-lo, por isso nao por mim mas pelo incomodo ao time no geral eu sempre costumo bani-lo”
SunLongGod says “Wits End is better than Bork for this OK tank. you can reduce his taunt with Tenacity or Qss. You can still deal good amount of damage when he in his W with your Q+E, then W to wait his W duration (assuming he use his Q earlier)”
NegativePhoenix says “He's a tank, but that's really all there is about him. He can gap close with his Q and Ult but anytime a Rammus tries to Q after you, charm him. 99% of the time he's gonna panic and run the other way, if he doesn't well then that's a free kill as long as he isn't fed. ”
Fapas16 says “his taunt is annoying and he will most likely buy thronmail so antiheal is a thing but cannot run up to your carry and taunt her if you fear him”
OfficerVi says “Rammus isn't that bad for Vi. You cannot dive as hard as you normally would in teamfights since he will just taunt you. Look into peeling for your ADC when playing against him. Your armor shred will make him die quickly. Black Cleaver is very good into him.”
GrayJinxed says “As a Marksman Tank, Rammus is a natural counter to Kindred but may be outplayed if playing around walls and teammates since he may only taunt one person. Just be careful of his reworked ult which knock-ups people in the centre. ”
TimothyFly says “Worse version of sejunai. The champ is really bad, just play off ur passive so if he does try to go on u first u can collapse on enemy squishy's while ur team kills rammus.”
WONDR says “Rammus. Don't jump on him if you know that he might have a teammate around because then its insta death. Not much you can do against him. Try to be where he is and 2vs2 or 3vs3 on ganks.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “You can NOT fight rammus after he finishes his thornmail. He just has too much armor. Go Conqueror and Anti-Tank build and be SUPER careful because he can dive your team and get away with it, or go Dark Harvest and hope you can one shot the rest of the team.”
YoungTact says “I never see this champion played, but you have a faster clear but your ganking strength is about the same depending on lanes so you can always look to build a lead through farming if the game is going even. ”
Jksons says “- he will focus u 100% so just run away and try to bait him into your team by overchasing
even sacrificing ult to run sometimes is good because he keeps running for u and should die
- qss if you really struggle to run from him”
x6Arnau says “Rammus is a champion that counters you a lot mainly because when you go to Insec rammus he can taunt you and make you bulnerable for a few seconds.”
YEKURA says “Just a champion early game who really sucks and you can easily kill him. You just ignore him mid game / early game and focus his back line. Ontop of that counter gank him and force objectives cause he isn't really that big of a threat. Although if he does get fed off ganks and you give him tempo he can easily 1v1 you when he has items.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror. Phase Rush if his team has a lot of slows.
ITEMS: Banshee's Veil if his team has a lot of AP. Mercury's Treads if his team is full of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Rammus is one of the tankiest tanks in the game, but luckily, he's weak against AP champions, and Lillia is no exception. Your anti-tank damage should melt him in seconds, but be careful of Rammus near his allies, while his CC is almost harmless when you're dueling him, it's almost certain death if his team is nearby to follow up on it. So if you see that it's dangerous, don't get near him, because if you do, he will catch up to you no matter how much MV speed you have.”
Janooobi says “In a 1v1 won't be a problem surviving but killing him will be difficult too, it will go down to who is getting support from their laners first. Keep an eye on who has prio and commit if your laners do”
Ferra says “Rammus is advisable to use it only in situations where the enemy team has 3 or more champs ad, just steal the blue buff and build ap to counter it easily.”
officialwiseguy says “Generally not really hard to beat, that is if it's a 1v1 situation. Once even just 1 more champ is with him, his taunt will be a big problem, untill you get Qss.
lillia spam god says “by far her hardest match up. she cant out run him or one shot him. makes it hard for you to get out of combat to heal up from your passive. I recommend you ban him”
Consolo says “Okay matchup. Try to get hit by his q when hes rolling into the fight, and switch to R right before he taunts. He can peel for his carries better than you can peel for yours, so just take his jungle until he can't tank more than you.”
Scythe Prince says “Try to steal his camps. Rammus has a slow clearspeed, so if you have good map awareness you will benefit nicely from a few invades. Going Rhaast is best in this matchup. You beat Rammus easily once you get Goredrinker and Black Cleaver. ”
OTP Toxin says “Your anti-gank mushrooms will stop him, you can also blind him before he uses his E, so while you are forced to hit him, he will miss all his AAs during the time.”
Tiger-Moose says “You will probably never do damage to him, so you should try your best to get around him in fights if you can. Keep in mind that your E reduces armour.”
MrMeem45 says “You can't really do anything against him, but he can't really do anything against you either. He's just... a turtle. That doesn't bode well for your high octane map pressure style, especially with his strong counterganks and lengthy CC. Try playing the opposite side of the map to him and taking scuttles from him if his teammates are slow to react.”
Elekktro says “Rammus is pretty insane with the new tank items and Viego is the type of champ Rammus loves to face. However Rammus is a very one dimensional champ and Viego can build Armor Pen. There are ways for Viego to outplay in this matchup.”
J98TheGreat says “You are the better tank. You have every capability of beating his team in an even team fight. His taunt will take time away from you but he has to realize that will be a decent move in a fight if he has a competent teammate that can lead the charge.”
Roguejokester61 says “This guy is basically sonic the hedgehog only he can take any damage what so ever. if you see a Rammus on the enemy team you may as well just dodge he is extremely tanky and make you kill yourself with Thornmail as all the damage you deal is just thrown back at you. if you see this little power ball chasing you just pray to god that you survive long enough for your team mates to save you.”
leoviniciux says “Tank com muita vida e razoável dano. Possui forte presença de mapa e após buildar Armadura de Espinhos fica complicado de ganhar dele.”
Brosinex says “Simplemente no le hagas 1v1, apenas le haces daño. Deja que tu equipo se encargue de él en las peleas en equipo y elige un objetivo diferente.”
Da Mastah says “Not much of a threat as people make him out to be. You could even invade him also just make sure to wait out his w. Buy wits end, mercs and qss if he gets a lead.”
The Elysian1 says “ A lot of armor , babysitting midlane mostly and just annoying kit. Try to outgank him , or force fights where you are sure you can win. Pinks suggested, serylda's Serpant needed.
ShuffleTM says “Early game dele é fraco, mas depois de estacar armadura você não mata mais ele, e se seu time tiver full ad é muito facil pr aele buildar.”
Citric says “This is another tank matchup for Shyvana. You have builds that allow you to shread tanks. Rammus should pose little to no threat to you in the jungle. Try to ping off your team when Rammus is trying to gank.”
Doubtfull says “I don't get to play it too much in high elo. Rammus can gap close with his Q and lock you down with taunt. If you take chilling smite and keep your Q stacks up, you can probably keep the distance between you. Rylais is probably a pretty good purchase in this match up.”
KebabGames says “You should try and avoid him in the early game and take his camps since Rammus is slow at clearing the jungle. If you are Rhaast you can cancel his Q with your W.”
NixLychee says “Rammus will taunt you and then he will play the ultimate game of stop hitting yourself. Very strong ganks, and gets much too tanky to kill in the later stages of the game. You can just kick him away if he tries to get too close. His ultimate ability gives him good engage range, so be careful. Predictable ganking paths, so ward accordingly.”
Polarshift says “One of the advantages Graves has is the early game; if ever matched against a Rammus the only thing you can try to do is get yourself and your team ahead. Counter-ganks, especially early counters-ganks, which Graves is amazing at, also ruin this guy quite hard. ”
Veralion says “He can catch you very easily, but won't be able to finish you off without help. Respect lane priority even more than you normally would. Ult away to immune taunt if necessary. Easy to chase off of crabs alone, but extremely dangerous to challenge if enemies are rotating. Just make sure to wait for aftershock and his W to expire before comboing him and he should fall over. He has no choice but to let you scale, so do so and get those objectives. Ignore him and kill his teammates in skirmishes, you lose way too much value dumping your E into his W. Wait for that ability to expire before shooting him. Use your W to stay in front of him so that he can't Q to safety if he's caught in a bad situation. His new ult can go over walls, so be aware of that. ”
Doubtfull says “I've played against rammus a few times and found this match up very easy. He can't roll onto you because of your Q, and he doesn't invade early giving you a free chance to scale. Build liandry's and try to track him early game so he can't snowball an advantage.”
Kocykek says “He can easily engage into ADC and let them suffer but you can easily shred buying armor penetration. His mobility around the map is amazing and don't understimate him.”
Arfreezy says “He can rush armor items and become very hard to kill. He isn't particularly strong early, but if he doesn't fall behind by the time he starts hitting the 1 and 2 item armor spikes, you will have trouble dealing with him. Play efficiently and play to scale through farming, counter jungling, and counter ganking.”
Tormentula says “Spiderlings block his Q if he tries to chase you, and Banshee's Veil prevents him from taunting you. There's honestly not much Rammus can do to you, you can kill him early but mid-late he'll still be too tanky to kill him quicky, you can kill his carries instead and push him out of his jungle early. Rammus is also better into AD champions which Elise doesn't have to worry too much about. Try not to use skittering frenzy while his W is up or when he taunts you, as he'll return some damage back the more you attack him so wait for it to run out first. ”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Rammus favored. There is not much you can do against Rammus since he will build armor and you are not able to kite him unless there are minions there to block him while he is rolling in his Q. I recommend trying to fight him either really early to the game or after you got black cleaver and maybe even a last whisper.”
carlru says “Rammus simply outscales Xin Zhao and brings more value to teamfights.
Xin can't do anything against him in late-game.
HOWEVER: Xin Zhao defeats Rammus in 1v1s during lvl 1-4. Take advantage of that during Scuttle-Skirmishes.”
AvidPanda says “If a rammus is zooming at you like a racecar, putting your charm on them will make them turn around majority of the time. If they don't.. Well.. beat the little guy up. He's not nice.”
SaltCat says “He wins early game, and actually pretty much the whole game like a balanced tank that he is, just avoid him he isnt on your who to suffer list”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Okay.
Has a taunt that can cancel your Stance shift, leaving you in a sticky situation when you're Bear Stance autoing a Rammus over and over again. He is very powerful with his built in Thornmail and high Armor. Use phoenix form against him.”
poopyOCE says “His knockup and taunt counters your Bountiful harvest but in contrast your Q and E counters his main engage (Powerball). Otherwise, he builds armour and your teamfight is way better. You have more impact. ”
Karasmai says “If you’re Blue he will never be able to catch you if you go in walls and get QSS so its easy to get to his backline, if you’re read make sure you perfectly time your W to knock him up and cancel his Q and try not to fight him during his W.”
MexBookMaster says “Tanquea mucho, excelentes ganks y no farmea precisamente mal. Es más sencillo jugar Rhaast que Shadow Assassin (Azul) aquí porque a menos que vayas muy Feed con el SA no lo matarás nunca. Seryla's es excelente item en este match con SA. Con Rhaast ármate como de costumbre. El match de Rammus es parecido al de Udyr, es un Tanque con mucha velocidad y daño. Evítalo a niveles bajos y ya cuando tengas ventaja podrás matarlo.”
gankyourgrandma says “If a rammus is zooming at you like a racecar, putting your charm on them will make them turn around majority of the time. If they don't.. Well.. beat the little guy up. He's not nice.”
ak521 says “Hypermobile tank.. if rolls into a squishy, they are as good as dead with the enemy team follow-up, there's almost nothing you can do. AP Builds will counter him which makes him not an Extreme matchup. Your W will also melt him in either build. Block him from getting to your back line with your Bandage Toss/Q. ”
Frozerlol says “He stacks armor, taunts you and you are dea just avoid him and try to crossmap play and os the carries before he can taunt or taunts somebody else ”
Rhoku says “Rammus is similar to other tank junglers but instead of having to get a few kills to be impossible to kill, he is just impossible to kill from the beginning. He is much easier to deal with after Black Cleaver though. You can also peel your team from him VERY effectively if you are playing tanky yourself.”
Kayncer says “Red Kayn just dominates here.
Don´t try to chase him, if Blue Kayn don´t try to fight him whilst in a fight with someone else and get out of there!”
DjapeFromSerbia says “If you ever got anywhere close to him you will be forced to ultimate or eventually flash, otherwise you are dead. His taunt is annoying to play against squishy Evelynn.”
ItsSkoob says “Rammus is a weird matchup. He normally just stacks armor. But building Divine Sunderer and Cleaver counters that. Just be careful with his thornmail rush. I typically try to invade his second buff.”
Ellesmere says “Ahhhh the Sonic of League. This guy will be incredibly tanky late game, and he has a ton of escape early. If you do try and 1v1 him early, make sure you save your stun for right as he starts to powerball so you knock him out of it. He also ganks a lot early since he has such high mobility so make sure you don't let him dominate the early game.”
Scooltefan says “HARDCOUNTER WARNING! This stupid turtle can ruin your life. If you can´t get around firstpicking Yi, ALWAYS ban Rammus. Don't over commit into Team fights, go Conqueror and maybe build Qss if it's really necessary. If you're far enough ahead he will regret taunting you and you'll most likely kill him 1v1.”
colingogo says “He cant run you down if he doesn't know where you are because you're invisible. Charm him when he starts running in and he cant commit. ”
SketchtheHunter says “AD Counterpick? Sure, why not pick him into the AP Champ who loves to autoattack. I can't possibly see this going wrong whatsoever.”
Suseri says “Generally not really hard to beat as you can wait out his W and kill him afterwards while you can also always disengage even if he taunts you however if other champs are also involved his taunt can be very strong unless you get Qss or some tenacity.”
Maintained says “Similar to Zac, he is unable to kill you, it will be very difficult for you to do much to his allies when he is around. He has enough crowd control and disruption that you are unable to stick to his allies and get off free ults. You also have no reliable way to stop his powerball without using your own body to block him.”
Irmike78 says “Gwen Q and R can shred a full armor Rammus. Gwen auto's can bounce off of him and can be a problem in the late game once he has a few items. ”
RichMrFork says “Champion likes to perma gank. If your lanes are all pushed under tower its preferable as Rammus doesn't have great clear speed, 1v1 or solo objective potential. If he's forced to farm then it's ideal for you as that gives you gank opportunities and lets you scale for free. Same issue as Nunu, tell your laners or grab control wards yourself because if a Rammus is rolling full speed at an overpushed lane, they're probably already dead.”
Kayn Mains says “Rammus will do a surprising amount of damage with his taunt + Defensive Ball Curl (W) combination. It is recommended to not fight him alone without the assistance of a teammate.
Continue to avoid him during mid game but you try to steal his camps. Rammus has a fairly slow clear speed, so if you have good map awareness you will benefit nicely from a few invades.
Going Rhaast is best in this matchup. You beat Rammus easily once you get Black Cleaver. Make sure to use your Umbral Trespass (R) during his ultimate to mitigate as much damage as possible.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Rammus will taunt you and then he will play the ultimate game of stop hitting yourself. Very strong ganks, and gets much too tanky to kill in the later stages of the game. You can just kick him away if he tries to get too close.
metalhydra273 says “His ganks and taunt can be troublesome, but you can make him obsolete by limiting him from going in with your ult before he can taunt anyone and get him killed, if not at least worn. Win through farm and objectives if ganking isn't a viable option.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Rammus will do a surprising amount of damage with his taunt + Defensive Ball Curl (W) combination. It is recommended to not fight him alone without the assistance of a teammate. Continue to avoid him during mid game but you try to steal his camps. Rammus has a fairly slow clearspeed, so if you have good map awareness you will benefit nicely from a few invades. Going Rhaast is best in this matchup. You beat Rammus easily once you get Black Cleaver. Make sure to use your Umbral Trespass (R) during his ultimate to mitigate as much damage as possible.
Nanelol says “Fights against rammus are as bad for you as they are for him early-mid game. 1v1s will quickly turn into mini teamfights. Rush 6 and look for the counter gank. Don't all in Rammus unless you are sure that you are able to kill him since he can turn the fight around really quickly. ”
Gooooooby says “Rammus is basically never killable whether you go AD or AP. Your best chance of winning against Rammus is coutner ganking and engaging after his aftershock and skills are on CD. ”
Ejsner says “Conqueror suggested. You can't kill him or outrun, only way to win vs a Rammus is to avoid fighting him and outmacro him.
+ A bit of prayer hoping he doesn't get a lead on you :)”
Nanelol says “You can't deal damage, ofcourse he is rammus you should be careful of his counter gank and doing objectives safely, when it gets to team fights you will mostly not go on him and go for the squishies.”
Ejsner says “Conqueror suggested. You can't kill him or outrun, only way to win vs a Rammus is to avoid fighting him and outmacro him.
+ A bit of prayer hoping he doesn't get a lead on you :)”
Yitastics says “This guy made me lose so many games, get Wits End {his damage is magic} and disengage for the duration of his w or u will get killed by him. Rammus ganking potential is amazing aswell so be ready to countergank whenever possible or withstand ur teams flame”
Kelies says “Rammus can easily catch you during a teamfight or during an objectif and chain cc you. Your chance to win is to kill him early game, although hes an hard match up, when you have Eclipse and Serylda, hes easy to kill.”
HVfun says “His engage is kind of better than yours, and it's really difficult to peel him off your backline. Your best bet is to repeat gank your AP lane so they're really strong and can blow Rammus up after his engage.”
Smartest2 says “Fights against rammus are as bad for you as they are for him early-mid game. 1v1s will quickly turn into mini teamfights. Rush 6 and look for the counter gank, you don't want to get counter ganked by a rammus. ”
Rasta Rengar says “Rammus is not really a problem, you can ult him in his Q, he's the type of champion you can simply ignore in teamfights because he just doesn't do enough damage except when you hit him.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “You counter him hard. You can cancel his Powerball with pillar and still 40% of his armor with you R. Use your R just before his W aftershock combo ends”
MrMeem45 says “With the armor pen build, his main attribute being his tankiness is turned against him. There's really nothing he can do in this matchup, as you just kind of kill him.”
theceasrsalad says “you might be building true damage and percent max health damage but because your an auto attack based champ rammus will fuck you over, just pray your team is ap so he either has to decide on countering you or countering the rest of your team. great body to take in the right circumstances tho.”
PK Noob says “Don't allow him to get his team ahead with his ganks. Make his team completely useless and he won't be able to do much. Countergank and collapse on him to get a free kill.”
RedNBlue says “This is a tough matchup it will be really close the fights and the real deciding factor that I have missing in my brain is which channel has more priority?????
Will Rammus's Q stop your W or the other way around??
Please inform me of this dilemma and fix me..”
RedNBlue says “Rammus's W is his own Thornmail and he will make you be damage yourself while you hit him. He will taunt you if you try to run or if he needs to stall your damage. He will also build Thornmail sometimes too if he really wants to be mean to you.”
Kindredgarten says “Rammus isn’t that hard to play against right now, unless the game goes super late or he gets fed. He is weak to early invades. Kraken Slayer is recommended.”
Loul_60 says “Outganks you with no problems. His taunt is really frustrating to deal with, he builds Thornmail so negates your healing if you auto him. I would recommend eventually buying QSS into him.”
litecrunch says “Generally a rammus wants to do his best to gank early game. If you counter jungle him and take all his camps, you will out number him in gold, giving you the opportunity to carry the mid game with your E damage.”
liserith says “I hate this matchup. His powerball gives him insane engages, and is also used to prevent you from running away. If he builds Thornmail, simply taunting you will let him win the duel. Try to fight around walls, as Rammus has no way of crossing them. ”
shadowbloodedge says “Rammus is nothing but armor, your W will shred through it but his high mobility combined with his Thornmail he can prove to be challenging”
Novachungus says “The rule of thumb for Udyr, in general, is that he is very good against junglers that he can either easily kite or beat at level 3. Rammus is one of the few champions that he cannot do either to. Rammus is as close to a permaban as you'll have when running this Udyr build.”
Pyro5544 says “Actual aids, he matches your move speed and is too tanky for you to assassinate. Let the rest of the team deal with him and aim for their squishies instead.”
Gumipapucs says “Rammus can be a big problem, but actually you can abuse him too in the early game if you play it smart (and you have red buff and red smite him). Wait out his W before E 3rd auto. If he just used his W on a camp he is a free kill early game. You can jump a wall if he tries to engage on you with Q and run in circles all day long. Dont 1v1 him after he gets some armor (bramble vest+ ) unless you are really ahead, or you have 2-3 of your on-hit core items. Black cleaver super good against him. Run like there is no tomorrow when behind, because, as a matter of fact, there is no tomorrow for you if he is somewhat fed. He has a very low clearspeed so that is what you want to abuse. Thankfully he is in a bad spot in the current meta.”
Unmeiu says “Fuck Rammus, for both red and blue. For red, he counters you with insane anti healing and just makes you useless in team fights by taunting you. For blue, he's just way too fucking tanky to do anything to.”
KeyTheMonolith says “Rammus forces you to go red kayn regardless of the rest of his teamcomp for the fact that he can out contest scuttles and ganks as well as taunt you if you choose Shadow Assasin easily.”
HeroAronNavius says “Rammus is hard to go up against alone. He has his Q that will stun you, his W for protection and you will take damage when u hit him when he has his W active and he also has his E taunt for 1.5 seconds that also gains him attack speed. If he has his W and E active he will still have the attack speed. What you have to do is NOT 1v1 him in early game. You have to wait for your R.”
c0st0m says “yet again another tank easy matchup for lillia he has a dash after his small rework but still easy to deal with
rammus excels against full ad comps and lillia does ap & % true damage
Udyr uber says “W e E que acaba muito com o kit do Udyr, costumo dar instaban nele.
Recomendo fazer uma passos de mercúrio para sair do provocar e vá com o golpear azul para dar lentidão e correr dele.
Tente fazer cutelo negro caso queira enfrentar ele.”
Medieval_Ducky25 says “Like Amumu, Rammus scales well into the late game, and can easily reach Gragas with his Q. Rammus can also invade your jungle and set you back. Always permaban Rammus.”
UnaFlauta says “Rammus is counter for most of the ad champs and Kindred is no exception. With his q you can't kite him and with his tons of cc you will not be able to play. Try to avoid him early on and track him in order to play safe. Later on with the anti tank build he will not longer be a threat for you”
PsiGuard says “This champ just becomes unkillable for you. You can still win the game if you have mages that can deal with him, but you'll have to wait for him to commit his CC and focus his allies rather than fighting him directly.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “If rammus is here, dc. He just prevents u from doing anything. UNLESS! You have a teammate, which then... YOU BOTH DIE! Perma ban”
Mod Walsh says “Jugado Bien puede arruinarte toda la partida en mid game, pero si logras out farmearlo, puedes tener posibilidad de que se vuelva una amenaza menor.”
Bel37 says “Pretty low of a threat for veigo. You can solo him at all stages of the game. If he engages on you and he is by himself he is just dead. Even though he has point n click cc he is still a tiny threat to viego if you are playin properly. Witts end really destroys.”
lolX9J says “Autoattack based Champ vs rammus is always heavy.
However you can win if you get fed.
Onhit builds are lowkey countering Rammus due to the extra damages per auto comming.
KingFershid says “Before it was an easy lane but now that they reworked him you better watchout, you should always win 1v1s but careful of what he has built.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Stay away from him. Get Void Staff and you should be good, no Rammus would build a lot of Magic Resistance unless your team has 3 AP users.”
JunglerBuilds says “Remember you will instantly stop him if you use your twisted advance on him, but you will get stunned. If you're trying to escape him, try to use Bramble smash instead, so you can try to hit it with the knockback range.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Protect your carries, he will most likely target them first. Rammus players usually build full armor, which makes him vulnerable to your AP damage. He will also get tanky by stacking HP which means that your percent HP damage will come in handy with a Despair Max. Stand behind minions to avoid getting knocked up by his powerball. After he uses his defensive curl, then it is a good time to target him. ”
Tofolo says “Lui vi countera proprio, c'è poco da dire se lo beccate evitate il combattimento il più possibile. Per fortuna non è invisibile e se non giocate alto livello in partite classificate è raro trovarlo o comunque è raro giocato bene per questo non consiglio il ban a meno di casi speciali.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade in early game, save your empowered W for his E and put wards all over river so he can't gank.
Rammus is OK matchup.”
NathanPyke says “If you get targeted by this guy you're gonna have a hard time repositioning so you need your teams damage to get him into R execute range”
G Spot God says “Honestly just a much worse Nunu. I'm never scared, you might not be able to kill him, but you can definitely outscale him. farm up, gank when possible and focus on them objectives.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you can kill him early, easy invades, faster clear than him, just ward and ping for your team , spot him, cause his gank potential is annoying, don't play it safe and passive cause he can scale with his tankiness and be an issue, make sure to counter invade him alot, hold him behind, stomp early, try to counter gank him, get early form, and stomp his backline, he'll be weak to your team and easy game .”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rammus is a strong jungler, but he can't fight you early on. Just let him use his spells on you first. After he used them, there is nothing more he can do to you and it is your turn to start dealing your damage to him. ”
EvoNinja7 says “He is a tank. His stun can be bad for you, but have your W ready to cast so you can negate it. You melt him once you get kraken slayer, but once he gest bramble vest it'll be hard to fight him.”
MetaSolaray says “Rammus is free invades early, so prioritize finding him on his second buff and punish him after he uses his taunt as he has high cooldowns. If you can continue punishing his attempts to farm you can set him farm behind and farm objectives. If the game goes late Rammus does outscale you, make sure to get black cleaver and wits end in this match.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you can kill him early, easy invades, faster clear than him, just ward and ping for your team , spot him, cause his gank potential is annoying, don't play it safe and passive cause he can scale with his tankiness and be an issue, make sure to counter invade him alot, hold him behind, stomp early, try to counter gank him, get early form, and stomp his backline, he'll be weak to your team and easy game .”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Annoying champion to deal with. The easiest way to win this match up is to go ignite smite and you can duel him always. Post Kraken this becomes pretty free but in teamfights he can really throw a spanner in the works if he taunts you and you dont get to possess because of it. This matchup you kind of want to play it assassin like and wait outside of vision until the 4head Rammus player gets too bored and tries to roll into your team without knowing your location. That's when you do Viego things. QSS is really nice if teamfights are hard to survive with his taunt.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You both AFK farm in the early game but he can beat you in 1v1s because he has some cc. You also have a faster clear then him. But his ganks are pretty good. You just want to get RedKayn asap and he wont have a chance against you.”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “You farm like 4x his speed lol he legit dies in the jungle go kill him if you have prio. If you let him scale though you will regret it and will cry.”
Snap0ner says “Ward his jungle. OK. kill him when he used skills. OK. take an early last whisper if you're going to camp him. OK. Escape from him at lategame. OK.”
TheMrDarkness says “Don't let him farm, invade him as much as possible, rush lord dominik's for armor pen, you can even get lord dominik;s as the first item”
Schadenfreude says “The thing about Rammus is that the majority of his damage is magic damage. He usually is a very big problem for udyr, but this is where wit's end comes into play. Build that and make sure to be hitting him with your phoenix stance a majority of the time, since hes most likely going to rush thornmail first. Don't get caught out by his team and you should be okay. ”
nicksms says “I also don't mind this matchup as much but I can't remember a specific instance of playing it (i.e. I might've been somewhere other than the jungle). The taunt is annoying but you can escape from him otherwise; don't be near him and his team at the same time.”
REXAI TurboSmurf says “he counter you, like every ad champ. you can kill him, but not easily. you need have much more kills than him, but still its rammus.”
White Cr0w says “Ward his jungle. OK.
kill him when he used skills. OK.
take an early last whisper if you're going to camp him. OK.
Escape from him at lategame. OK.”
KevinThyAsian says “sej but quicker, with less cc, problematic but not impossible to deal with. Merc recommended. If you can live through his Q taunt combo, you can peel off him with q and e and auto him to death (presumably), if not try to just wall jump away.”
WyattAndStuff says “He doesn't have a great early game, but it is hard to stay on top of him and kite him. He is also a problem due to the fact that he stacks armor.”
SnakeTastic says “could become a threat in a teamfight but in a 1v1 just use your e and w and auto attack him for a while if hes trying to get away use your q”
Alcibiades1473 says “His natural tankiness makes him hard to burst and his taunt is frustrating peel when you're trying to burst a carry. Not exactly the hardest matchup but you do have to play around him in teamfights”
erickexe96 says “Rammus, Sejuani, Nunu & Willump are really tanky since the start and it´s very hard to kill them, just try to desengage and counter-gank them”
Minase says “Horrible champ and he can't even do his job of running you down because you're invisible. Can't really shove you off your camps and can't even come close to how fast you farm. Enjoy the win.”
BoyWonder00 says “Has CC to cancel your W, but doesn't have a way to block your damage as he is more anti-AA. Tanks are powerful, though, so be careful.”
ACE4291 says “Rammus is a good tank
taunts and has a great gank tool ( Q )
his roll can be stopped by your Fear so Q his if he chases and counter gank him to keep him away from your team”
shocollo says “Rammus is like your tankier little brother and he's piss annoying. His roll out can rival yours and CC is not hecarim's friend so this is a solid ban. Also he has a good winrate vs hec.”
FalleN3 says “You will need to buy QSS in this match-up and try your best to ignore him in team-fights if possible. BotRK can be a very useful pick up against Rammus and can give you enough sustain / damage to take him down while sustaining his thornmail. If he's by himself, he will likely be possible to deal with. But should you run into him with a teammate nearby, you will die.”
Holessando says “same for evelynn, really hard matchup, hard to win, in late game op and unkillable.. don't fight him, he will easilly kill you, he is a tank with a lot of dmg, so you don't have pretty much any chance to win 1v1... babysit some lane and try to feed your team.. dodge or ban him”
aiker95 says “1)Try not to target him if he has his Defensive Curl on - as he will take much less damage, and he'll also return some damage back to you.
2)Try to stand amongst creeps to avoid getting knocked-back by Rammus's Powerball.
3)Most Rammus players build heavy armor. This will make him vulnerable to AP damage.
4)Taking cleanse or buying a Quicksilver Sash will let you immediately cure his taunt.
5)Even though he seems just tanky nd annoying, his ultimate does heavy damage so try to get as far as possible when he ults.”
metalhydra273 says “You can outpace him in the jungle easily early game and get him out of the way by forcing him into your team's burst. He can be annoying with his taunt and your reliance on autos, but is otherwise easy to beat.”
Xined says “Also same as udyr, don't 1v1 him, rush ur MR boots ASAP, and try to camp a lane.
Get oracle for camping and control wards.
Get Cut Down on Primary runes.”
DemacianStandard says “Incredibly tough to take in a fight and can kill your ADC with ease. However, his damage can be dampened if you make use of your Q armor shred and a Black Cleaver. Make careful efforts to peel for your ADC against him.”
Coccaa says “Rammus is an extreme counter to Vi due to the fact that he is a tank that dishes out tons of damage. Even though (with electrocute) you shred tanks, he is still a threat with his Q and W. He can also gank lanes incredibly fast, and kill your laner even if they are under their tower. The easiest way to beat him is to try and take him out as many times as possible early game when he doesn't have much armor or health. Otherwise, just farm a lot until you hit your powerspike, and focus on taking objectives.”
NixLychee says “Really annoying champ, because his kit almost directly counters yours, so please remember that early if he uses W, your dps won't matter that much because he will reflect it back at you and might kill you.”
CinderTheSnake says “You can't handle this guy. He just rolls at you and you're dead. Play it as safe as you can early game because as long as you don't die to him, you outscale him.”
PsiGuard says “Not a bad matchup for Rek'Sai. You can gank often just like him, so it's more likely you can match his pressure and find counterganks. Your E punches through his armor which gives you some kill threat. Counter-jungle him if you have lane priority, since he farms slowly and can't burst you or follow you over walls.”
classicnoob says “Ahh,good old days,his W is a free thornmail and his taunt soaks up alot of you're damage,get a Bloodthirster to counter his sustain damage.When you get BT you can easily get you're HP back when you're doing big trades”
Eggoman says “He can be a problem because of his tankyness. If you try to run he can catch you in seconds and you can't burst him so his laners will have time to rotate and kill you. ”
KillyOne says “Rammus has lost his popularity in recent seasons, but in good hands and situations like vs all AD teams, he is still a strong pick. He can't really duel Warwick, but he will try to take down your ADC or AD laners, because that is what Rammus thrives in.”
League Of Cursed says “He's a armor tank. Granted, he can stop you cold in your tracks with his cc; but, most of the time he will look to dive your back line or your other divers. Just ult his squishies and go for them and clean him up afterwards.
Dopamine_influx says “He can 1v1 you even when behind, as long as he has W. You should always stop hitting him when his W is up, then burst him down when it's down. He perma ganks, and his ganks are hard to avoid/counter. You can cheese tho, because his clear is slow-ish and predictable with a ward on raptors early. If you cheese and 1v1, don't hit him when his W is up, and don't empQ when he taunts you, or you will just kill yourself faster.”
CptTeemoOnDuty says “Even though Rammus should be fine with the armor stacking and such. Trundle post 6 with his ultimate denies it pretty hard and can just become tankier because of it. Should potentially be an easy kill early on too. ”
Stiwy says “Well, very few people play rammus top and usually they do this to hard counter you.
Black Cleaver and Conqueror are your go to combination here.
If the game goes on for too long he can pose a real threat for you and the AD champions in your team but mages can keep him in control.
Consider keeping your ult for him in teamfights as you can delete a big wall without having to bring him to 0 health before.
Start cull and try to farm a lot.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. Rammus has a horrible clear and dueling potential. Make sure once he Powerballs into you or taunts you to save your abilities because his Aftershock will proc as well as his defensive ball curl which will mitigate most of your damage.”
NoLyfe says “so gay to vs but it's not really picked often so you should be okay. If you do make it through champ select with this fuck try to let one of your teammates tank his taunt before jumping. If he hugs backline get your supp or top to dive with you.”
AWierdShoe says “Rammus thrives off of AD matchups due to his W passive and Thornmail. Though you win early 1v1s, you cannot kite this guy when he uses his Q, and his knockup/taunt will make you kill yourself (literally). Best you can do is rush armor penetration items (Black Cleaver into Lord Domnik's).”
DarkArbalist613 says “If he hits you with his Q you'll most likely lose the fight. Try to catch him off guard and dont let him catch you off guard, as you'll be unable to do anything to him for a while.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He is notorious for busting ADCs with his ridiculous armor and double thornmail. Black Cleaver or Mortal Reminder can be a boon here but avoid taking him 1 on 1 if possible.”
Shujin Jasukai says “Rammus will be hard to deal with early to early mid game but once you have rage blade and some magic resist you will be able to fight him much easier”
hoovtime says “He counters you if he can out-tank your hp% damage. If he's an item above you, don't fight him alone. You'll either die or waste a lot of time.”
DoughnutFeel says “If you are first pick or early pick, ban Rammus, most braindead counterpick to Yi if you do not know how to play against him. Rush Merc, and build QSS after wit's end.”
Raztrok says “Tratar de no pelearle y robarle su farm, mientras mas kills tengas, mas fácil se te va a ir haciendo contra el.
Si te embosca el solo, utiliza tu w y e al instante para escapar, NO le pelees, mala idea.”
x Atlas x says “His chain cc and armor can be annoying for Noc, but play aggressive pre 9 and invade to put him far enough behind to gank lanes more freely”
Megalondon says “Rammus is a problem for graves but it cannot cause lose. He will build tons of armor items but you can build tank abuser build. Also you can bully him in early. Rammus is strong because he can gank easily but without ganking he will be weak.”
DarkPit59 says “Rammus dispose d'une grande force : Il peut arriver rapidement sur une Evelynn n'ayant pas encore son ultime et la rendre inutile pendant plusieurs secondes. Trop longtemps pour la faible résistance d'Evelynn...”
PrabhablyShaco says “Somewhat of a rough matchup, since he has so much mobility and targeted CC. It all depends on your laners tbh, if they respect rammus jung you should win off of effective ganking.”
Vodka4Gaben says “Don't let him get fed, he will murder your entire team if you do. However if you are at the same items and level, you beat him with no problem.”
WickedPoppet says “He's a armor tank. Granted, he can stop you cold in your tracks with his cc; but, most of the time he will look to dive your back line or your other divers. Just ult his squishies and go for them and clean him up afterwards.”
Zapdo says “Rammus isn't that hard of a matchup, but he is kinda annoying, first of, because he has a taunt, and second of, because his W gives you a percentage of Damage back, which you do with Autoattacks.”
Ehxakt says “You cant catch him. His e is aids. Just dont invade him and ignore him in teamfights. You will be alright. You both are just 2 Tanks chillin.”
TrevorJayce says “Rammus's very being counters you. His innate armor as well as taunt as well as free thornmail as well as AOE damage as well as gap closing as well as-
you get the picture. I ban Rammus most of my games.”
Loki029 says “Spirit Visage and use Thornmail yourself to troll and make him useless vs you(Hint: Silence and then AA him so he don t throw the damage back)”
Nico449c says “You will have a really hard time against him early since hes tanky stats avoid him and try countergank him or invade hes camps he didint do eventually snowball some of your carries that can deal with a really tanky champ.”
Nanfaza says “This Champion is always a major threat to all AD base champion. Even you bought QSS you still cannot cut him down easily. Try begging your AP to burst him down.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Rammus is a strong jungler, but he can't fight you early on. Just let him use his spells on you first. After he used them, there is nothing more he can do to you and it is your turn to start dealing your damage to him. ”
briguy1109 says “Another Yi Counter-pick, Rammus relies on opposing a primarily AD team comp where he can stack armor.
Win Condition: Rammus is not that bad but you MUST take certain items and change your play style.
Take Ignite Smite. You can't run from a Rammus if he has his eyes set on you. His Q is faster than ur R and he runs flash as well. The ignite will help combat power tremendously and deal true damage to him.
1. Right before Rammus Crashes into you, activate true damage E. Otherwise you will kill yourself from his armor and thorn mail.
2. Play the early game safe, but understand that rammus rushes cinder hulk, rather than armor, and thus capitalize during this timeframe with your team, and use ignite to counter-gank him when his abilities are on CD.
3. Late game, you should be able to win by ignoring him in fights by purchasing QSS, focusing the squishies, and then teaming up on the Rammus with your remaining team mates. ”
KingZogu says “Will cyber bully you all game, fear and run away or you'll be forced into an extended fight which will quickly devolve into you being stuck in a 1v2”
Almostpiouscarl says “no no please no why i dont want to see i dont want it please please i need help somemone close it close it i cant he wont let me no no no”
Daedralus says “He is better against full AD champs while your AP will go a bit more through him. His taunt doesn't do much if he isn't that fed and you are, as you will still be healing yourself with each auto. Make sure you don't use Q or R when he is in his W as he gets a super defence boost and might as well be able to waste your ability. So with this guy, timing is key. If you can hit him without his defences, he can be beaten fairly easily, as he just doesn't have what it takes to kill you. Later on, you might not be able to kill him either though =P”
Ardent Deceiver says “Very uncommon pick and can be fought lvl 2, but not after. After 6 you can't fight him with his taunt. If you see him zooming towards you, run.”
Marth154 says “Rammus is a tank that can prevent Yi from killing his backline through his taunt and can 1v1 Yi in the early levels and win through his innate thorns from his W.”
The Top Bear says “This guy is more annoying than dangerous. Pre-6 he can be killed with good spears, but after 6 he just doesn't die and stalls you for a long time. Be careful when fighting him post-6.”
urrb says “If this champion's abilities are off cd, he wins. If you can manage to catch him after he's used his w shield, try to wait until it's over and then chase him down. He is very squishy without it. I like to invade him by catching him while he's doing his second buff early if possible to shut him down before he scales into a tanky, brain-dead monstrosity. ”
SeekerPTK says “Highest winrate almost 60% this guy. WHY? Quill coat can answer, it gives him armor and he scales very well with armor, Black Cleaver and Last whisper should be bought in this matchup, if you get a trundle to go toplane in your team he can try steal his resistances. Kill him early at his camps as he will always be low due to his painfully slow clear times before getting quill coat. Late game kick him behind your team or try to stop him from taunting your carries, if you are behind then build tank. Try to kick him out of the team if he has sunfire cape and tremors acitve.”
0kruemlmonster says “Max E and don't fight him. Get QSS. If he taunts you in teamfights, immediately use it and focus his carries. His E has low cooldown so ask your support, tank or anybody to get Mikael's and use it on you if he taunts you again.”
matg8 says “This dude is at such a disadvantage against you. As long as you have ult or grapple, he can't really do much to you. You can counter gank early to set him behind and deny him anything with powerball.”
Simlito says “Just don't fight him, it's pointless. Killing him will take time and that meanwhile your are fighting him his laners will allready be there to pick you off.”
TheDrKlord says “Rammus is annoying as hell, he's tank, have high mobility, have taunt and scales hard to late game, just ignore him in fights and build armor penetration.”
Simphoria says “He ganks, he rolls, he ganks, he rolls. He farms, ok? He ganks well, and he doesn't do neutrals. I'm not sure what to say. You won't even duel him, you won't really need to cc him in fights, its just like, jungling against a bot that's set to perma gank. Idk, not much to really say here. ”
HackedAccountlol says “He kills you with W and his base damage. He has unavoidable ganks. Try to tell your teammates to ward deeper against him, Hecarim, and Evelynn.”
LFS_aXent says “He builds a lot of armor, he's one of the most threatening tanks in the game. Rely on counter jungling after one or two clears. His Q early won't match up to your crit speed, making it easy to juke him. Just be careful.”
Mr. Nyahr says “He will build armor. Build an armor penetration item at some point if this becomes too much to handle, and pay attention to his taunt cooldown.”
Laverenz says “Rammus is just stupidly overpowered. If he taunts you, you might be dead to be honest. There is nothing you can block on him ;), which makes it hard for you to fight him”
today ill feed enemy team says “He have better ganks than yours, so try to counter jungle him and do objectives and play as the opposite side of the map because his counter jungle is very strong, if he doesn't snowball he isn't a threat to you.”
CryAwake says “Trying to run from this armadillo is impossible try to be worry of him during team fights as he can signally handed result in your death.”
Her0mars says “pretty unplayed champ, and he's really only good against hard AD teams, even then malphite is probably the better choice. A good rammus, one of the few in the world will generally camp botlane for obvious reasons. If he falls behind he probably won't be back. ”
Hamstertamer says “Buy early QSS and ignore him when in ball. Anti-adc in general but not especially anti-twitch. You can't really kill him but he can't kill you either unless you seriously mess up.”
VoodooQc says “The more you attack him, the more he hurts you, so be careful. He his also tanky so you will not delete him late game like other squishy champions. He also has high cc and jax is weak to cc.”
RSol Fox says “Most AD junglers have a hard time with Rammus. Try to get ahead early with an invade or counter gank and you should be fine. Invest in a death's dance.”
yasinpg says “Your roles and champs are a lot alike, so it comes down to your allies. If you Q him before he connects with your allies he will be demolished so try to save your Q for preventing him to taunt your allies.”
4by3 says “He's an AD tank, which is annoying I agree. He can't kill you and he has no pressure as a jungler early game. You have a better early game and depending on the comp, you can have the better late as well. You can invade easily, and snowball harder. You can block is pathing with your boxes which are annoying to him. ”
Jadiac5 says “always charm probably wont oneshot him unsell yu are crazy fed. also dont get taunted. he does heavy dmg after the taunt you will most likeley ult out.”
theasianmiyagi says “Rammus is an EXTREME threat to Yi players. Not only does his taunt allows the enemy team the potential to cc, but his damage return is what will be doing the most damage.”
Maxturbando says “Ward up and don't fight him.Take control of early objectives cause you are better than him at soloing drakes.Counterjugnle when not near and you win early game.”
lucario200151 says “tank vs tank. he has lower stats when not in w, and just try to avoid auto attacking him. he also builds armor and you do magic damage.”
Tonga Ragnar says “Very hard matchup. Even if you use the anti-tank runes and build, he is te exception to the rule. If he gets Thornmail DO NOT FIGHT HIM. Be care of counterganks and invades he will always kill you.”
Chosokabe says “He's made to counter people like Yi. Trust me, you don't want to fight him unless you're 2v1 him. Just ignore him and go for the carries. Qss is your best friend against his taunt.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A quite passive pick in the early stages that will get very active over time if he has the chance to gank in the instances of your lanes overextending, quite hard to kill but once you get Bloodrazor and BOTRK it should be a piece of cake.”
The Jhin Cena says “Rammus is also a pretty highly played champion on Twisted Treeline, though I haven't had as many issues with him as Galio. He can still be pretty dangerous though. When he taunts you, you will be sitting there for what seems like years praying for it to end before you die. His ult makes him annoying to kill, and actually chopped down my entire's team health to about 25% when we were trying to kill him. Try to bait Rammus' ult so you don't have this issue, because trying to kill him while it's up can be really dangerous. ”
Lil Trash says “One of the hardest match-ups in my opinion. Make sure you try to steal his red without fighting him but afer that don't get him fed because late game you will be useless. In teamfights try avoiding him and going straight for the enemy carries”
xMalcho says “He is very tanky and he can bait you into his team with his long cc.You can cancel his q if you put box infront of him.Try to not fight him because he is too tanky and just it's not worth it.Even when you are ahead he fucks you late game in teamfights.”
SovietBear says “Ban Rammus if you want to play Yi, he's more threat compare to Jax in lower elo. If you got matched against a Rammus, try not to fight him until you have Bloodrazor and a teammate is around and ready to help you. But don't use your Q to start, you should AA twice then E and get that Double Strike on True Damage. Your Q should be use to dodge his E.”
LighterDay says “While Rhaast is good against tanks, Rammus is on a level of his own. With the increase armor given as well as an AOE ult that still damages you in Umbral Trespass, Rammus isn't a champion to take on alone.”
SuicidalKitty says “beats you 1v1 all stages of the game with even hp and also ganks hard AF and can lock you down with q and e in a teamfight, also too tanky to kill”
Runner runner says “Oh, rammy rammy rammy. This lovely armadilly is a really good teacher since he could easily help you to understand that you can be a Master of "hitting yourself" too besides Wuju. ”
C0ragem says “If he taunts you, you are dead. late game with Bloodrazor +BOTRK + Guinsoo + Lord Dominiks you can damage him but if he focus you you die.”
ETG N1NJA says “Applies a lot of map pressure with ganks and if you get sufficiently fed you can probably 1v1 him but if you're behind or even you're dead”
Ricnnn says “Counter Jungle e invade level 1
Garantia de visão nos campos vermelhos e não fazer trocas/lutas solo.
Recomendado as runas ''Total Presença De Mapa''.”
WatuMeister says “This guy here is a cooch nugget. He's hard early cause you do no AP damage and he's AD resistant. but later you're gonna smack his and his GF's butts.”
Larby says “Rammus is a tricky one. He is vulnerable to cheesing pre-6 due to his slow clear and mediocre sustain.
Don't be afraid to invade him early if your lanes have priority.
You want to build Last Whisper before finishing ghostblade in most cases, just for the resource to chunk this annoying down before his team arrives.
Your empowered W is great for baiting out his knockup>taunt and leaving him vulnerable for the rest of you team to kill.”
EpicEvan921 says “I usually pick this against Pyke. First off, he is an armored character by nature. Second off, his Q is a knock up that can deny you if he even thinks you are going to dash at him. His W just increases his defenses. Bust this out whenever you want to deny any kind of damage whatsoever. His E is a point-and-click taunt that just kills you if he plays it right. His ult isn't too bad.”
BigBadVoodo says “Like with most tanks, easy to pressure early. Very hard playing from behind, but we won't let that happen. Keep track of him for your laners.”
WiskeyANDGin says “can be quite hard to kill, after he takes brumble vest it will be a quite annoying pain , your heals wont be affective but u still kill him with ease, ult when he tries to escape with q or just use w”
leopanayiotis says “just like master ur only one E from that champion to death. to counter ask for help and block his Q by doing E in front of him if he tries to escape”
xTheUnlimited says “Rammus also has no that much damage. Although I wouldn't recommend to invade him at all, because since you are mostly fighting with auto attacks he will reflect a lot of damage back onto you. Your ganks and engages are more powerful than his one are. In late game he seems to be more tanky than you. ”
MrPeach301 says “The only reason this turtle isn't an extreme threat is because you can just up right kill him mid - late game because of the lifesteal you get and if your smart around dodging the taunt and waiting out the reflection”
ReapedOni says “Avoid at all costs. In fact, just pick a different champ if you see rammus locked in. Your attack speed and his hybrid defenses will beat out your damage even late game. ”
ZaRetheWest says “If u build AD against Rammus u will in 60% of game lose,he is one of strongest Jungle when he play against AD team,so try to pick something like Evelynn or Ekko VS him.”
craY13 says “Try to counter jungle him in the early. If you can ignore him in team fights, so leave him in your team and try to fight the backline of his team. Fight him at last if your team doesn´t win against him.”
ChazarPL says “Can 1v1 you any time of the game (eg, md, lg), but if you have a good early game and mercury treads you can make good trades at early/mid game.”
Optimal Pancake says “One of the three tanks Kayn seriously struggles against. High armor, reflection from W, E pulls you out of your wall, Q hits like a truck, ult will keep you slowed so you can't activate E to escape to great affect. Ban or always take red against him. Blue is definitely not the way to go against a Rammus.”
Rainbow6Six says “you don't want to fight him early game, try to poke him if he used his abilities. Look out for his w and e, if you get hit with that, you will die”
Violzandre says “Okay, ¿the counter of our build? the Thornmail, and indeed, the perfect Thornmail's owner.
He is faster than you with his Q, he can taunt you with his E, and well, the W do all the job </3”
RoachLok says “You can counterjungle him early, but if you fail theres a chance he will outscale you in late so.
Who cares anyways go splitpush hehexd.”
Yasuo Comunica says “He stacks armor, taunts you and you are dea just avoid him and try to crossmap play and os the carries before he can taunt or taunts somebody else
SpicySkelleton says “A good rammus will hunt you down whever he gets the chance since you are a AA reliant champ. His passive is basically thornmail in it's own right and he can cover more ground than you can. However your Q is the only advantage because in early game that ability can be the one thing from to make or break a countergank, or to save yourself and team from his Q. try going AP since that's his weakness and don't fight him alone. Also the best thing you have is that, neither rammus or maphite are popular picks, so it's going to be rare to see one.”
goldistomp says “He will sit on you and make sure you don't do a single thing the entire fight, or oneshot your carries while taking zero damage. - Just ban this guy for now. ”
L3gislacerator says “An armor-loving tank just like you. His engages are quicker and he's harder to kill, but you have more utility than him in teamfights. If he in the middle of rolling, your stun will lock him in place even though it doesn't end the roll.”
Ivker21 says “The hyper mobile tank, the only real threat he poses is getting to your ADC.
Since Rammus usually builds armor+HP your magic damage/max HP percent damage still hurts him a lot.
Really just make sure he doesn't taunt you squishies, so maybe block him, or have minions between you, or just CC him.”
ninja8135 says “With this build he is tankier than you and can 1v1 you if you are even. Play passive against him and hit him when his defensive ball curl is down.”
Hunterlogic says “Do not attack Rammus, he will stack armor and you will kill yourself attacking him, personally I ban rammus when playing Tryndamere jungle.”
Damosus says “You might be able to win super early, but after 3 you lost hard until you get: Bloodrazor, Guinsoo's, and Bork. Make sure to stack guinsoo's and have conquerer up before you fight him. You need ult. ”
Yi Guide says “You will need to buy QSS in this match-up and try your best to ignore him in team-fights if possible. BotRK can be a very useful pick up against Rammus and can give you enough sustain / damage to take him down while sustaining his thornmail. If he's by himself, he will likely be possible to deal with. But should you run into him with a teammate nearby, you will die.”
MetabuserEU says “Rammus also has no that much damage. Although I wouldn't recommend to invade him at all, because since you are mostly fighting with auto attacks he will reflect a lot of damage back onto you. Your ganks and engages are more powerful than his ones. In the late game, he seems to be tankier than you.”
MannerlessNG says “Not too Bad.
Many bad Briar's strugle with Ramus, and he's definitely stronger early on or with a lead, but you can counterplay him reather easily with a BorK and a Stereks.
He only has one trick and it fades over the course of the game. Early to mid he can run you down and force you to break your feeth against his shell, but he does'nt have the damage to match your tankiness after a few items and falls off hard if you can invade his jungle and counter gank him.
As long as you don't try to go for greedy plays or target him in a team fight, your fine.”
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