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Ivern Counter Stats

Ivern Counters
Discover all champions who counter Ivern. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Ivern in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
559 Tips for countering Ivern below

In the Jungle
50.44% Win Rate82% Pick Rate Ivern In the Jungle Counters: 9 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Ivern in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Konaiced says “Stupid fucking clear, takes camps faster than you and will try to invade. Cringe fuck champion”
Dante's Hecarim build S15 by Konaiced | Hecarim Player
Hazardist says “Ivern will have a tough time applying Crowd Control on you thanks to your summons and your W, but you also have little way of getting up to him reliably. His classic strategy of stealing one of your camps immediately with his passive + Smite can disrupt your sequence and set you behind easily, so make quick work of your own Jungle's camps. Rushing Serpent's Fang is never a bad idea against him. Runeset to take: Conqueror, but Phase Rush is fine.”
(25.05) The Bible of Yorick Jungle by Hazardist | Yorick Player
kittygore says “Make sure to ward his jungle a lot so you can see his prepared camps. counterganks as much as possible. Hes strong at 6 so try to early fight and invade pre 6. He plays around teammates so care for them. Try to cleanse his Q (stun). Build Serpents Fang 3rd or 4th.”
chillhowl says “you can't engage him, he doesn't let you get marks and he's untrackable, the way to play against Ivern is by feeling. there's no pattern.”
daiben kindred by chillhowl | Kindred Player
Jooshuaaa says “Tree man make people not die. People not die make Viego want die. Can be very irritating if against strong front to back.”
Building Best for Every Comp and Gamestate by Jooshuaaa | Viego Player
Bella Ciao says “Mercs recommended, in terms of runes both standard and approach velocity works well depending on rest of comp”
SelfLOL says “I LOVE IVERN .Very easy mathchup Use bushes he places. Buy Serpents Care camp steal cheese. Can invade and take his camps.”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
mgutis says “Deceptively hard matchup due to the nature of each champions playstyles. Ivern is NOT weak early game, clears camps extremely quickly (not vulnerable to Karthus lv4 invades), and Daisy makes him a formidable 1v1 dueler against Karthus ”
shiifox says “he cant do much to you 1v1, but hes potent as a support in teamfights, try to assassinate him whenever possible”
Durable Crit Briar 14.20 by shiifox | Briar Player
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can be a bit of an issue by getting your passive off of you early and not letting you move. His shields can also be a huge problem for you. I recommend trying to run over ivern while your passive is still up and try to not let him hit random qs on you. Just go in.”
MUNDO JUNGLE S14 LAST SPLIT by friendlyfarmer123 | Dr. Mundo Player
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