In the Jungle 50.44% Win Rate82% Pick RateIvern In the Jungle Counters: 9 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ivern in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Konaiced says “Stupid fucking clear, takes camps faster than you and will try to invade. Cringe fuck champion”
Hazardist says “Ivern will have a tough time applying Crowd Control on you thanks to your summons and your W, but you also have little way of getting up to him reliably. His classic strategy of stealing one of your camps immediately with his passive + Smite can disrupt your sequence and set you behind easily, so make quick work of your own Jungle's camps. Rushing Serpent's Fang is never a bad idea against him.
Runeset to take: Conqueror, but Phase Rush is fine.”
kittygore says “Make sure to ward his jungle a lot so you can see his prepared camps. counterganks as much as possible. Hes strong at 6 so try to early fight and invade pre 6. He plays around teammates so care for them. Try to cleanse his Q (stun). Build Serpents Fang 3rd or 4th.”
chillhowl says “you can't engage him, he doesn't let you get marks and he's untrackable, the way to play against Ivern is by feeling. there's no pattern.”
mgutis says “Deceptively hard matchup due to the nature of each champions playstyles. Ivern is NOT weak early game, clears camps extremely quickly (not vulnerable to Karthus lv4 invades), and Daisy makes him a formidable 1v1 dueler against Karthus ”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Can be a bit of an issue by getting your passive off of you early and not letting you move. His shields can also be a huge problem for you. I recommend trying to run over ivern while your passive is still up and try to not let him hit random qs on you. Just go in.”
Jackiewawa says “Ivern is very annoying as he gank your laners while his camps are growing or easily invade you and insta-killing a camp with smite. Hitting him while he's channeling a camp will stop him from taking them. He doesn't need resources and has annoying peel with his root + Daisy. You can easily kill him if you get past them though.”
DoxxTheLeague says “care for invade he might just come passive + smite your buff and leave kill daisy in fights and you are 10x him daisy is op tho she takes very little ap dmg and is annoying.”
ScytherKhaZix says “this pick is really usless because dont have a lot dmg because his role is healing and give shields teammates so try dodge him Q and its free kill. REMEBER Serpent's Fang = FREE LP”
y every name taken says “Conniving thieving b*st*rd who will try to steal every camp on your side of the map. Keep in mind that his bushes grant vision (do not hide in them), and DO NOT underestimate Daisy. Use your smite on her if you have to.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Ivern: Any good ivern otp can absolutly stomp you and take your cs..... HOW TO PLAY VS: You can Q his ulty and it deals ton of dmg.. Dont chase him.. Objectives steals should be free.. If he steals your jg you just gotta accept it and trade it somewhere on map try to take his jg or gank”
Neekster says “This jungler clears slower than you. Ivern is not threatening at all, just make sure you ward the other side of your jungle just to make sure he doesn't take your camps. He's very immobile and easy to catch. You outscale him every stage of the game.”
Yomu says “Dodge his Q with your W, be prepared to E when his team tries to dash to his Q if you do get hit. Smiting daisy isn't very good anymore but WQing and bursting her can be good. Serpents Fang is huge”
Maciejson says “If you dodge his root, you can consider fighting him for orbs, but don't underestimate his damage. As Rhaast, he'll likely shield himself and prolong the fight with Daisy until his team arrives or he can escape. As Shadow Assassin (SA), you can kill him with Serpent’s Fang. This champion is very squishy since they typically build supportive items, making them a free kill, especially if you have Serpent’s Fang.”
huncho1v9 says “Hard/Annoying matchup. Ivern will set you behind and take your 2nd buff every game. Ivern doesn’t need resources to be useful, his main goal is to set you behind, which makes the matchup difficult. Ivern’s R still hits you even if he’s out of range. If you do get the chance to get in Ivern’s range, you shred him.”
12months says “Prevents you from doing anything once he reaches level 6. can slow, root and knock you up. He is hard to get on top and his irregular clear makes invades harder.”
Foxirion says “Ivern is generally not a big threat to Viego. While Ivern’s crowd control can be annoying, Viego’s damage output and sustain usually give him the edge in this matchup.”
Mignognium says “Ivern est faible mais fourbe. Attention a ces rapides invaid passive en fin de partie, vous pouvez très rapidement perdre tout un side si vous ne mettez pas de vision dans votre jungle. Ivern a souvent tendance à empêcher à ces aliés de mourrir. Alors je vous conseil d'abatre l'arbre pacifiste avant qu'il puisse invoquer son gros cailloux, soit par le billet de bonne invaid, soit grâce à de l'aide. Sinon juste préparer vous à son power spik support++ mais vraiment il n'est pas un problème temps que vous ne taper pas la cible qu'il protège. ”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Always be aware of him invading your other buff, and make sure you take first Dragon and Grubbs as soon as possible, as he can struggle doing them without Daisy.”
Cookiemanman says “Ivern is fairly squishy early and Volibear can take advantage of that due to his high early damage. As the game goes on Ivern is more annoying to deal with and is more useful than Volibear overall.”
muukooooo says “He will get your 2nd Buff most of the time if you go for a gank or full clear anyway, try to not waste your time and get his 2nd buff early”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Ivern: Any good ivern otp can absolutly stomp you and take your cs.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You can Q his ulty and it deals ton of dmg.. Dont chase him.. Objectives steals should be free.. If he steals your jg you just gotta accept it and trade it somewhere on map try to take his jg or gank”
RuinedJG says “Go Conqueror, take tenacity rune instead of alacrity, 3rd item serpents fang, play to dive him and kill enemy carries, you need to live and sustain through it, he can and will counter gank you easily, he wins 2 v 2 if he has even a slight lead, since he makes it a 3 v 2 with his R.”
MhmYepSope says “Basically an enchanter with more CC. Hard to invade if you don't know how he works. Play around his bushes in fights. Serpents extremely good. ”
jajkopajko says “Not a threat at all, you should be winning 100% of these games. He doesnt have a kill pressure on you. Be careful with invade lvl 1 on the other side you start, since he can insta take your buff. Your value is lot higher throughout the whole game. In higher elo it might be a bit difficult if he is good, but you should still win.”
shatteredekko says “Makes carries unkillable. Very hard to teamfight ivern as Ekko. Try to sidelane as much as possible and catch people on rotations.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Dodge his Q and track his unique Jungle Clear. His W can tank your burst and can turn the fight in his favor quickly with daisy or with his other teammates.”
veipz says “I can't find words to use. He can take ur camps when u cant fight with him
HE TAKES AND RUNS this is a giga stealer champ his game stragy like Nunu can do random ganks all game if u try 1v1 on river he just q's you and run away all the 2v2 mid lane fights you lose just hope ur mid isnt a elo inflated player if he does full clear u chill btw. after min 20 sometimes u can win teamfights.”
loganrichards says “Dodge his Q with your W, be prepared to E when his team tries to dash to his Q if you do get hit. Smiting daisy isn't very good anymore but WQing and bursting her can be good. Serpents Fang is huge”
Destruuu says “Ivern is one of the best champions against Sejuani. He will mostly take your camps and gank a lot. Make sure to have a good tracking against him, to take him out of the Game.”
PrestigeGalaxy says “Ivern is a utility jungler and does and does not have much damage thus allowing you to 1v1 him with ease. A good ivern however will just use his Q on you and bring his whole team onto you. ”
Zero macro says “Briar can have a hard time into Ivern, due to Ivern his Q / R peel combined with supportive shields + Ivern W brushes that can deceive Briar’s Berserking decisions.
Briar has an insanely better statcheck than Ivern, however Briar has to be aware of certain kite combinations with Ivern and his teammates + shielding that will prevent Briar W(2) from being effective.
DracoChimera says “He isn't played often but when he is, he just hard counters you. He has a lot of CC that just makes it hard for you to do much. On top of him stealing your camps.”
MusicJG says “He has a fast clear (Is done at around 3 minutes with 1 smite and can invade you).
Ward lvl 1 at around 0:55 to see if he cheeses a camp so you can counter invade him.
Beware of fighting in a situation where he pulls out Daisy.
Daisy can 1v1 you early game and CC you until his teammates come to kill you.”
Pyrobot says “Ivern is one of the strongest junglers in the game at the moment. His Daisy can and will 1v1 you, and he can provide constant shielding to his squishies making them way harder to kill. Serpents fang is a MUST, probably even before Serylda's.”
TheBougis says “Ivern is very hard to play against as he can just hide behind Daisy. Daisy is very strong in Arena and she can 1v1 and even 1v2, and because she isn't a champion you can't heal from your Q's hitting her.”
EagleXs says “His shields with the slow counter your engage pretty hard, and his poke game is better than yours as well. Once he has daisy, life is pretty miserable, then less miserable with ravenous hydra. Serpent's Fang is definitely the choice, but generally he is quite frustrating to deal with. Abuse your pack to keep him from Q'ing and to keep him using shields on himself over protecting the high priority targets you may want to go for”
Zero macro says “Ivern is one of the support junglers that will aid teammates with shields and powerful buffs. His early game is not strong at all, and his brushes gain Nidalee movement speed. Nidalee her goal is to take over early game skirmishes, and she is free to walk whenever she pleases into Ivern matchup, due to winning them.”
Zero macro says “Shred Zed is still an assassin that can deal well with consistent shielding on weaker targets. Thereby Zed should buy Serpents Fang into Ivern. Shred Zed has a faster clear speed and strength early on as well.”
NegativePhoenix says “Even with his rework you're still a better matchup. His Q is his only CC [and now daisy if he hasn't already rushed her out]. If he goes back in, it's his funeral since his damage even full AP is lackluster and not useful at all. Your engage and burst is better and he needs a team to do much. Avoid fighting Daisy and letting her hit you if possible since that's his main damage source and most fights at most stages you win if he isn't a kite god”
metalhydra273 says “Ivern is a nuisance through and through. Daisy can disrupt you as you look for a way in or out, and he can protect his teammates from your picks with basically anything in his kit. Be the first to set up objectives and control the jungle as to avoid getting your camps sniped. If you find him early game trying to walk through your spire, you have a good chance of getting something out of it. Keep the pressure early and look to overwhelm him and his team.”
Ezikko says “If he is babysat by his team it can be a bit difficult but other than that you just kill him in a matter of 3 seconds, watch out for daisy and teamplay. There is not much he can do. Look to invade him.”
shacolovesyou says “hes a support in jungle role who want to always gank ur laners and invade u, make sure to track him and ward ur jungle, also ask for help to kill him easier, his pre6 is weak and u can destroy him”
Apari1010 says “For Shadow Assassin, this matchup is easier but for Rhaast it can be kind of annoying. He has loads of shielding and arguably has better teamfight impact than you do with Rhaast form. Be careful of him invading you and remember that he can't fight you solo. Try to counter gank the lanes he tries to gank.”
Vipres says “Ivern ist nicht nur ein Champion der Meta, sondern kann er auch mit Leichtigkeit sein Team durch Schilde und die Disengage power seiner Ultimativen Fähigkeit bewahren.”
BradJr says “Ivern is not good against hypercarries like Viego, because he can't do anything about them getting fed. You don't even have to fight him, just pray he doesn't have someone to pocket. (clone rating 6/10)”
ttvRegedice says “This is playable for Ivern because he can withhold his bushes so he doesn't ruin teamfights for his team versus you. However, not all Iverns, especially inexperienced, remember to hold bush and place it anyways for the enhanced autos he gets in trades. Be sure to get serpants fang sometime during the game if you guys don't already have a backline-threatening teamfight champ. Ivern can't afk farm well due to the soft-cap on his passive when taking camps, so take advantage of this by taking note of his structured pathing to predict ganks and take farm leads where you can. This matchup can get shaky late game as his shields can get massive for his carries. Always respect ivern and don't count him out until the game is over. For early, I would try to get a ward (somewhere at least) your opposite buff or entrance because iverns like to save their smite by marking their camps then walking to your buff to smite/steal it real quick before going back to claim his other camps.”
Borinn says “His jungle order is pretty weird never takes krugs. Don't let him steal your camps. You can kill him with ease if you can catch him alone.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Hazardist says “One of the most boring and uninteractive matchups in the jungle. Just try to stop him from stealing your camps with good vision control and pathing, and don't waste your Q on him as it'll most likely be blocked by Daisy.”
Intropingman says “He can catch you easily and stop, you can't 1vs1 him, he has shields and protect his teammates from you. Has also faster jg clears.”
1Strike says “Bad matchup. Ivern is the pacifier of jungle. If you do not have tools to stick onto him, he seems to evade you. Graves wants to kill his opponent, he needs gold and experience. Ivern doesn't tend to die at least solo to graves. He can disengage with daisy or his E.
He can out-teamfight you with his shielding/daisy. And his slow from his shield just allows him to completely nullify you in the 1v1 scenario. Forcing you onto the defensive.
A good counter item is serpents fang, but as Graves is ranged you are stuck having to hit him through his massive shield while constantly being slowed and CC'd by daisy. This matchup would not be as bad if it wasn't for daisy. She won't let you stick to ivern.”
checca says “Ivern is a pretty advantageous matchup for Zac right now. As Zac has much more healing and damage than Ivern post-level 6, you should avoid fighting Ivern if he is using Daisy and fighting with his teammates. This is when he will be strongest. Look to pick off Ivern if he mispositions during an objective fight or just on the map in general.”
basrty1p says “Freaking tree will make you headache, if you can't counter him quickly. He has everything that normal supports have but play as jungler. If his team knows how to play around him, it will be annoying entire game. Buy Shadowflame or item that can kill quickly as you see him.
Pulgontes says “ (𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐀)
A cada persona se le dificulta mas o menos jugar contra algunos champs, asi que es normal que no estés de acuerdo con la posición de algunos.”
Davecraft16 says “Yoooo, free win.
Early game?
you win
Mid game?
you win
Late game?
you win
Just fight him every time you can (watch out if enemies come to help him)
If you have any problem just buy serpent's fang and you can't lose.”
shuralol says “most of his camps shouldn't be taken whenever he looks for a gank go look to invade if possible, his e is really annoying shadowflame is a must.”
Kukiziuu_ says “After buffs he got stronger - avoid fighting when he has daisy near by [Depends on what form do u play] Rhaast almost always wins, but as blue you can have some issues if u get cc'd”
Bhyure33 says “While he rarely can kill you, he is very slippery, and you probably can't kill him either because of that. When trying to kill him, make sure that he isn't leading you to his teammates.”
zotet says “Extremely easy to kill, no main damage at all which makes him extremely weak against tanks. Avoid his ult though as it can change a fight.”
MythicalMinute says “if he has another enchanter on his team, he can be quite annoying but overall in this meta with tank supports, he will be the lone enchanter. If he isnt shield stacking with another enchanter you will win teamfights.
AP is good here.”
Whasian says “Ivern's root is kind of annoying. But every other part of his kit is easy to deal with. If bushes are around objectives, then he is there for sure.”
spuki97 says “Ballbuster matchup as you can never chase/kill him. Make sure to start on the same side as him since he can invade your jungle after his first buff. Buy Serpent Fang. Best build: Bruiser Kha/ Chinese Strat”
Kao_Oak says “Idk how to feel with this one. First, you won't face him a lot. But when you do, be careful because he has decent damages and he is a really strong support for his mates. He will make you have a hard time killing people.”
RengarNBush says “He either places bushes and you kill his team, or he can't use his W. His shields + cc are annoying. He can kill you only if you blunder. OTPs know there way around this matchup so be careful is that is the case. Serpents is good here.”
BattleCatsRoyale says “Ivern moves on to each of his camps quickly, and if you can track him, you may be able to steal them when he thinks they're safe. He will likely invade your jungle anyways, so it's better for your time if you can sneak a few camps from him, too. Do not fight him, his shield and root can out damage you, or at least delay for his team to roam.”
Eagzey says “Yes you crush Ivern in a 1v1, but if the Ivern knows how to peel and use Daisy it's annoying, and makes his real carries harder to kill. Probably need Serpent's Fang early (even 2nd item).”
Yuki H. says “He doesn't really pose much of a threat to Zac himself, but acts more as a nuisance and a pseudo-support in the jungle role. He is extremely easy to catch out from fog of war and you can even use daisy as a Q target to lock Ivern in place.
If your laners have prio you can even look to invade.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Prevent Ivern from getting 3 buffs from the get-go by warding both of the river bushes at 1:25. This should give you enough time to vertical jungle. Ivern is rather weak in the early game. If you’re playing a strong early game champion, try and invade him to set him behind. Ivern has good Dragon control thanks to Daisy(R), but he can also do it after ganking bot. Make sure you keep vision on the Dragon at all times to spot him while he’s on it.”
lumihehe says “if you do happen to go against an ivern, you most likely won't see him much anyways. he has the same goal as you, except he also ganks in between camps. but his ganks kinda suck, so just let him do his thing and try to warn your teammates if you think you know where he is or what he's gonna do next (for example, a mid gank)”
Salmon Kid says “Ivern is problematic because he forces Lillia to adapt her clear which is a huge issue for Lillia. The conqueror build also can't itemize that well against Ivern, and she doesn't necessarily always outscale him depending on team comps. This match up has felt relatively hard, but if you can escape the early game not too far behind it feels even.”
Darksword255 says “Lots of CC, healing, and shields. He will CC and kite u, the only time you can jump on him is if u dodge his root or R thought it. 1 v 1 him is easy but he can stay alive until his teammates rotate. His team fights and counter ganks beat u strictly because of his CC and enhancements.”
PlayerWhatever says “Idk this mathcup, but in theory he fights with his team, and that's a big no no for the dueling Marksman or the Assassin Teemo. If he is alone and cant CC you, you kill him but DONT UNDERSTIMATE A GOOD IVERN.”
Nik7857 says “Very annoying, You need to make sure that he doesn't take your buff level 1. So ask teamates to cover that and try and path buff to buff for this matchup. If all else fails just make sure you start red to guarantee a strong first gank.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Since his "rework" came, he's capable to challenge you at Level 6 if you have no form, also if he properly kites you and beat the living shit out of you, he'll be a threat to you. He falls off once you have one of your forms, cause you'll kill him immediately.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “„When Ivern speaks, the carry remains silent. When Ivern roars, the tank cowers in fear. When Ivern approaches, you pray to the gods that your very life will be spared. Silence is your answer.“,
~ Taric, tales about gods.”
NegativePhoenix says “Besides his Q, without his team he's useless in a fight alone against you at every stage. Dodge his Q and he doesn't stand much of a chance. Just keep in mind of Daisy as she can be a pain. ”
HadesxLH says “Oque torna Ivern bom é seu enorme potencial de proteger as pessoas de seus resets, porém tirando isso dificilmente ele vai ser um problema no Mid/Late Game apesar de ter seu clear e ganks fortes na matchup vs ivern eu recomendo dar contra mapa nele funciona bastante, invadi-lo no lado cotrario do gank dele ou gankar do lado contrario.”
SunLongGod says “Annoying in teamfight. Dodge his knock up or Q with your Q, but you can sidestep his Q easily and save your Q for his knock up, it's more annoying especially you can't reduce the time with tenacity
NegativePhoenix says “He's just a support tree who needs teammates to make any sort of impact. You basically beat him at all stages of the game if he doesn't have backup with him. ”
One Stab says “It's important to keep track off him so that you can take his camps and counter gank. Don't allow him to have impact, run him down and you win. ”
IamFafa says “ward for invades because high chance he will invade you to steal your first buff, so protect it early, should be difficult at all with phase rush”
GrayJinxed says “Don't be fooled by this tree! His shields are quite potent in team fights. Your E damage will still scale with missing health hp but some damage will be blocked with the shield. Try and activate your E execute when his shield is down.
Be careful around his bushes, a good Ivern will look to stop you from autoing with the god-like bush placements. This is the trickiest part when playing against an Ivern
ISwearImNotPolish says “See, Ivern isn't the problem. It's the fact that he makes whoever he decides to latch on to 3x more overpowered, and Daisy cancels your isolation.”
YoungTact says “Try to get an early ward at Iverns raptors at 1:20 to tell where he currently is on the map. Worth investing into serpent's fang if no one else on the team can build it. he gets pretty low in his early clearing so its worth invading him. Just try not to get in a smite fight for camps he's already marked. Can W him and allies of his that try to dash to a target he's rooted with Q. ”
YEKURA says “Ivern was the easiest matchup vses rengar but now he's actually not. Anyone who says he is for sure wrong. Why is he hard because he has shields that legit annoy you. His pathing is legit so random that it's hard to know where he is and where you can invade him. A good ivern player will swap his clear up like crazy and impact the map like crazy. When he gets a lead his shields are so strong and his ultimates are annoying. Like you will win 1v1 against him but he can easily escape never level up bush and always make sure you are cc'd getting knocked up by daisy. All I will tell you to do is make sure you have serpants and focus the people she's trying to make sure they don't die cause that's their wincon most likely.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Banshee if his team is full AP. Mercury's Treads if his team has a lot of CC.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Ivern is an enchanter jungler, his gameplay is completely around his allies, kill him if you see him wandering alone, and dodge his Q to not get rooted. Make sure to ward your other buff at level 1 so he won't steal it with his passive.”
Janooobi says “Surprisingly can be difficult to deal with, make sure you know where Ivern is before committing to ganks as his counter ganks can easily turn the skirmish around”
Consolo says “Basically a game of "Who Can Keep Their Carries Alive Better?". Try to take his buffs if he just marked them and walked away, but this doesn't happen too often. You can often do this to his camps though. Previously, he would never take his krugs, but I think this has changed on a recent patch. You can catch some Iverns who don't read patch notes though! You can't kill him early, so don't try. He has too much CC for you to solo him. ”
FacetLOL says “You have to perma track Ivern as he will try to steal your buffs, and you will have to counterjungle him accordingly. Has a really weird pathing, never goes krugs.”
b0n0 says “Don't know to much about this matchup but just try to keep track of where he is early. We out trade him and if we can full charge a Q into HoB combo then we will rek him. ”
Elekktro says “Ivern is good at protecting people from you getting resets, but can't really pressure you in any other meaningful way. Without an amazing team, Viego will just dominate Ivern in the mid-late game.”
J98TheGreat says “This is good for you. Set up vision that makes it harder for him to invade you. You want to try to beat him to both of the Scuttlers if at all possible and then take them yourself. Playing around teammates at this point can possibly get a kill as well. Don't forget that smite can be handy for Daisy, but it will most likely not be necessary. He will try to be further back and will focus on protecting his team, so sometimes catching him with your ultimate might be a very high priority to dismantle the enemy team's ability to contest objectives.”
Ghionova says “ALWAYS WARD YOUR BUFFS IN EARLY. He will 100% charge his blue/red, goes to your red/blue, smites it and goes back to his buff. Ask your allies to ward. Its actually a free game for you. You can interrupt his charging passive by attacking him so he cant get his buff instantly. He needs to pay alot of HP and Mana per camp so make sure where he started. After 3x charging camps in early, his hp and mana are at 20% or even less, use that to your advantage.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “The Tree. Our Beloved Friend can Counter Jungle everything at any point. Ward your camps. You should be able to steal objectives from him easily. Don't ever fight him in the jungle because he will not be alone.”
Brosinex says “Su cc es el mayor problema si lo pillas fuera de posición, puedes matarlo, pero sacarle la raíz, porque si te golpea, todo su equipo se precipitará hacia ti y te dará una paliza. Daisy también es muy molesta.”
Da Mastah says “Not a threat to you directly, giving you freedom to move around the map. Very hard to jungle track him due to his many clears.When counter jungling don't bother to leave 1 camp remaining as he can instantly proc his passive. Ganking is the only way he can impact the game, so counterganking is very impactful. He's kind of tricky to invade due to the fact that he's ranged. Also try going for his krug camps as he often ignores it. ”
Citric says “Has the potential to steal one of your buffs. Please ward against an Ivern early so you can protect your jungle. Try to counter jungle him when he does something on the map because the camps are usually under his passive when he is ganking.”
Pullks says “Will generally invade the opposite buff you start at. He scales incredibly well with items.
You can Q+smite daisy early though to remove her from fights.
Look to invade his camps early if you are ahead or have vision on him.”
Pusi Puu says “Really easy matchup. Ward his jungle so you get track of his pathing and take his prepared camps, if he comes you just run him down. Try to countergank as much as possible since you can make use of his bushes. He is fairly strong after 6, so be careful that you dont get kited around with daisy.”
IMissedMyQ says “His scaling is very tough to deal with. You have to hard snowball early or you will lose to his teamfight. Don't bother trying to assassinate him alone. He is way too tanky and has cc to run away. Focus on skirmishing with strong lanes.”
SnowballBarrage says “Ivern is super annoying for nunu because of how disruptive he is and you're one of the only champs he can invade lol. Play away from Ivern because a good one will just counter everything you do and win”
NixLychee says “His power comes from getting his laners buffs, so try and set him and his laners behind as much as possible in order to prevent him scaling. This champ is pretty much impossible to deal with if his team is ahead. I buy Serpent's Fang into this matchup. ”
LordGrox says “This annoying tree is a major pain in the a** due to his constant shielding power and cc. Do not underestimate Daisy. Try to match his pathing as counterganks can shut him down fairly well.”
Polarshift says “Bit annoying. Remember to not get your early buff stolen by him (use proper wards). He will probably never fight you and clears pretty decently too. If he does fight you, remember to dodge his root. You should be prepared to invade him or counter his ganks. Also, don't underestimate Daisy's incredible damage and utility!”
Veralion says “Frustration incarnate. I dodge any lobby that locks him in. It's so boring to jungle against this god forsaken champion. Just pretend like he isn't there in any 1v1 setting. I promise you, you won't kill him and he won't kill you, so it's a complete waste of resources and time. Don't underestimate how valuable he is in a skirmish, especially with his top laner. Trying to 2v2 top is probably not wise. He can instantly kill crabs and buffs with his smite, giving him frightful counterjungle potential. Don't be late to your buffs. You'll probably lose a few while you're busy taking more imporant objectives, but that's alright. Look for opportunities to vertical jungle and take his in return.”
Arfreezy says “Just ward early so you don't lose either of your buffs to early cheese. Play for efficiency in this matchup and you will outscale quickly.
Dodge his Q when chasing him to secure the kill.”
Tormentula says “Ivern himself is not that big of a threat in terms of 1v1, however his play pattern can be really annoying for Elise. If he shields an ally to tank any of your abilities, you'll miss out on a lot of damage, either the shield eats damage that would've helped your % missing health venomous bite, or the shield makes a carry stronger than you when you're trying to snowball the game. Since Ivern is a support jungler, setting him behind doesn't achieve anything as his items are typically cheaper anyway, so if you do solo kill him 4 times, he's always going to be useful enough to piggyback one of his carries. This matchup can feel very coinflip cause if he has a strong carry (such as a fed fiora) it literally doesn't matter how you stomped him, he'll just shield Fiora and let her handle you. If you play split map, then you're hoping the lane you got ahead can beat the other fed lane with a shield attached to them. I mostly dodge Iverns.”
Doubtfull says “Ivern is an odd match up that I don't have enough experience in. He can be annoying to stay on top of and kill, and late game he will protect the backline from you. I don't love playing this match up.”
Whynotbefriends says “Fast and flexible clearing allows you to counter Ivern's marks with proper vision. He can never 1v1 you and you should be able to counter his ganks and win with your strong burst. ”
MiningRicK says “So don´t underrest that he will be a little bit tanky but when you are in a 1vs1 you can fight him easy aldo don´t underest Daisy and be careful that no enemy is coming.”
Insightful says “Despite ivern not representing any danger, he's very annoying to deal with because he can build support items to deny you and be more useful at the same time with his shields/heals.”
[Ivern is a Bard-like champion, you won't be able to kill him because he has too much things to stop you from chasing him. His Q can cancel your Q, his W requires creativity but still mind about it, his E endgame can tank your entire combo endgame and his R CCs a lot, but it's the only thing that you could try to kill. Do not waste any cooldown on him except E on teamfights if he's discovered.]
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Arguably the worst matchup for you, as he doesn't even fight you- Daisy and his teammates do. His huge shields are a pain to play against and his stuns are just obnoxious. Beware.”
poopyOCE says “1v1 matchup is pretty good, Q then get a full channel of Bountiful harvest and should be easy follow up. Be careful of bush combo and Daisy, otherwise better teamfight potential (via ulti).”
Karasmai says “This champ won’t be too hard just make sure he does’nt cheese one of your buffs. Typically I like to start red no matter what form i go and ward my blue, if he does cheese you go invade his jg because it takes a bit for him to take camps. If you go blue make SURE you rush Serpants fang to break his shields if you go Red you must dodge his snare in order to murder him and his backline. Only reason he is medium is because of how easy it is for him to play off his team and most teams tend to outscale rhaast or shadow assassin.
MexBookMaster says “Ivern es un champ del que se habla poco pero es un match muy molesto. Recomiendo ir Shadow Assassin (Azul). Considera que es muy probable que te robe tu Buffo contrario a donde inicies debido a que puede aplicar su pasiva y smitear el Buffo. En menos de 5 segundos te lo roba. Lo asesinas fácilmente con Shadow Assassin (Azul) si esquivas su Q. No puede hacer objetivos el solo así que explota eso, igual farmeas mejor que el así que invádelo.”
ak521 says “Weak JGer, you'll be able to 1v1 him as long as he doesn't get support from their team. Have a backup ready just in case. He's like another amumu. Keep clear of his Q's and don't get hit by his pet. Yes, I'm calling Daisy a pet.”
Rhoku says “Ivern is quite annoying to deal with in some cases. If you don't have your buffs warded, he can very easily just walk up to them and steal them with smite. If he lands his root on you, he can also freely get away. The good news is that he pretty much has zero combat ability, even with Daisy. Dispose of him.”
AST Raposo says “You cannot trade 1v1 with him early and he can clean your jungle camps in 2 seconds with his passive. Try to play safe and predict his pathing.
Keep in mind you probably will be invaded level 1”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Ivern scales really hard, especially if he has strong hyper carry such as Aphelios/Jinx/Twitch in current meta. It's really hard for Hecarim to kill them even with Lethality build.”
Insightful says “Ivern carries games by supporting his teammates, but you have AoE CC with your ulti to lock everyone down, so in the end it's about who can be more impactful”
izzlelol says “His cc is the biggest problem if you catch him out of position you can kill him but kite out his root because if you get hit by it his whole entire team if going to dash toward you and beat the shit out of you. Daisy also is very annoying.”
OsakaSatang says “Conc+ inspiration if tanky enemy comp, Electro+ inspration if squishy enemy comp
Can easily 1v1 pre6 but don't get baited into his team as he can sustain with his shield . Don't let him steal your buff at the start!!! He's pretty weak without Daisy but his root and the mechnic that allows a teammate to get closer is pretty annoying. ”
ItsSkoob says “If he tries to cheese your buff just take his, wait there and kill him. He gets super low in the jungle and cant take his camps immediately. Just keep taking his camps while the timer is loading and killing him and he cant do much. ”
Sammystinky says “He can invade you and has heals and shields that are hard for you to get through. With the right follow up you can get to him, but it ain't great. I am biased though because there are only like 3 Ivern players and they are pretty good. ”
SketchtheHunter says “Here's the thing about Ivern: a good Ivern is the most annoying shit in the game. Thankfully, only 1 in every 100 Iverns is actually worth their salt. He can't duel you, but if his team is playing well and roaming then he can very easily delay fights just long enough for you to find yourself in a 1v2. Big thing to remember is that he loves to invade at lvl 1, so make sure to ward your second buff so you know to counter jungle or not. ”
Hynder says “Track him and kill him. The only thing he can do versus you is run or track you better and steal your jungle so you fall behind.
If not, he is an easy pray for mama!”
Suseri says “Very easy to beat all game long but be careful of his counter jungle. Dodge his Q or Ult knockup with your Q, you can still use ur W in his Q.”
FrostForest says “This champ is strong at counterganking but other then that very useless if his team is behind.
Requires teammates to be useful which is pretty hard in solo queue”
RichMrFork says “Care for cheese invades level 1 and 2. Ward your second buff so you don't waste your time checking if he decides to take it. You want to keep laners who synergize well with Ivern in check. Champs like Sylas, Yasuo, Darius are already a threat when ahead but Ivern's shields make them near unkillable with the slow and damage they provide. Ask your team to build serpents fang, it severely lowers Ivern's threat.”
Kayn Mains says “As much as many people like to laugh about Ivern, he can actually beat you early on if he starts the fight in a bush. Always ward your jungle entrances as he loves to invade. Focus on vision control and
Reaching mid game will allow you to easily beat him in a fight since he doesn’t build a jungle item. To clear up some misconceptions: Ivern counts as a ranged champion and will give you blue passive orbs.
Ivern is a support champion that doesn't build any resistances, hence you will be guaranteed to kill him with Shadow Assassin late game. Even defensive items such as Locket of the Iron Solari will not save Ivern from your damage.”
LilPaniniUwU says “His power comes from getting his laners buffs, so try and set him and his laners behind as much as possible in order to prevent him scaling. This champ is pretty much impossible to deal with if his team is ahead.
metalhydra273 says “Ivern has many ways to get around you can protect his team by utilizing everything his kit can offer. Choose to ignore him or get him out of the way quickly. Keep track of his early game movements so that you don't lose an early buff for free and fall behind through farm. Try to pressure objectives first so he can't conceal his team with bushes and prevent your engage options.”
MrMeem45 says “Heavy Invaders and Gank Heavy champions are a 3. Nidalee does well into coinflip junglers like these because of her reliable, lightning quick clear speed. Don't play passively into these matchups, flex your strength and put pressure on them.”
LilPaniniUwU says “As much as many people like to laugh about Ivern, he can actually beat you early on if he starts the fight in a bush. Always ward your jungle entrances as he loves to invade. Focus on vision control and Reaching mid game will allow you to easily beat him in a fight since he doesn’t build a jungle item. To clear up some misconceptions: Ivern counts as a ranged champion and will give you blue passive orbs. Ivern is a support champion that doesn't build any resistances, hence you will be guranteed to kill him with Shadow Assassin late game. Even defensive items such as Locket of the Iron Solari will not save Ivern from your damage.
KhaZix Mains says “[2/10] Hands down one of the easiest matchups in the game, outside of being cheesed early on, you should have no trouble winning 2v2s and straight up killing Ivern at every invade or duel. A huge factor in this matchup is knowing where he is starting so you don’t get cheesed in the early-game. Get wards down inside his jungle early or call for an invade/counterinvade if needed.”
Nanelol says “Ivern will try to triple buff you, so if there is one one the enemy team, you should try your best to take his buff before he gets back after stealing your second buff or just be aware and ward one of your buff and path to your other buff after clearing the first one. His counterganks are fair, and is a very annoying jungler, and his brushes allow him to hide dragon and baron from view, making steals not only unlikely, but quite deadly.”
auileta says “You out-scale him. Don't get thrown off by how early he might gank, just keep farming. Be aware that his kit includes support-like items.”
Nanelol says “His scaling is very tough to deal with. You have to hard snowball early or you will lose to his teamfight. Don't bother trying to assassinate him alone. He is way too tanky and has cc to run away. Focus on skirmishing with strong lanes.”
lyches says “Can bully Nunu really hard with Q and permanent counterjungling (passive), daisy (ivern ult) also blocks Nunu W and if played correctly also Nunu's E”
SaintsBeast says “Not to mch to worry about, just thought I would warn you guys because if the right Ivern playing is in your game, he can destroy you. ”
HVfun says “Not many people play this champ, but it's a really tough matchup. His kit is just cancerous in team fights for Voli. Another champ that you should try to out gank early. If you get a successful gank off early, try to repeat gank that lane and snowball it. ”
Rasta Rengar says “Make sure you have a strong ward game against Ivern, He invades 90% of the time so have both your buffs checked. Try to countergank him or catch him at scuttle since you should win 1v1”
MrMeem45 says “Do the quickdraw baron strat on him. It'll both keep your topside camp safe and fuck him over for the rest of the game. Most iverns like to fullclear, and will be unable to fight you for scuttle, so just take free objectives and fight him whenever you can. At level 6, your shotgun knocks back daisy and smiting her does around half her health, so she's not a problem at all.”
theceasrsalad says “he can't fight you, just be careful as he can counter jungle pretty good with his passive and he powers late game carries really well”
PK Noob says “If your playing against Ivern your best bet is following his clear so that you can counter-gank and make sure he doesn’t take your jungle. If your successful you can easily burst him later on in the game.”
Riyad101 says “Very easy to invade and kill but likewise. But he can also invade you can take your buff so make sure to ward your buffs are the beginning of the game and perma invade him.”
EUWRATS says “ward for invades because high chance he will invade you to steal your first buff, so protect it early, should be difficult at all with phase rush ”
Strike1 says “For some reason playing graves or kindred into ivern is no fun. Ivern just summons daisy and it is such a problem for kindred.
Daisy will hunt you down slow you and chase you. Wanna use your dash to fight and kill ivern? well now it's a 2v1 with daisy slowing and damaging you. Wanna run away? no problem daisy with an ivern shield chases you down forever.
The matchup does not feel great but I am not too experienced vs ivern since I don't face him much”
Kindredgarten says “Not hard at all, just annoying. He can instantly smite your marks after making a grove on it, fight him before he can and scare him away. You win all 1v1s. At the start of the game, ward the buff you are not starting at or tell one of your laners to watch it, he will probably go to it.”
Loul_60 says “Though he may not seem it, he's actually really annoying to deal with.
He can keep up with you in farm, outgank you early and almost always seems to have his team right around the corner when you try to fight him.
Late game he should become less of a problem, though watch out for his Q.”
litecrunch says “Not that big of a threat, you can freely invade his camps but you still need to lookout to see if his laners are missing, as it can be an indicator that they are coming to kill you, especially if it's an assassin mid.”
liserith says “Very annoying. He can one shot your marks, and most Iverns like to camp a lane to snowball. If he does that, you have no choice but to do the same. He can simply disappear every now and then to collect his camps, and his shields are a major problem. Good luck with this matchup and bring Serpent's Fang. His weakness is dueling but do not underestimate Daisy's damage.”
Gumipapucs says “Free LP, just go ahead and farm him alongside with his camps whenever you have lane prio. Only thing he can do is to disengage with Q, but you have your own Q to dodge that, or you can even get hit by it if you Q forward and get in his face by doing it, because it won't last long enough for him to escape and you can still auto him. Just watch out if he gets help from his team as he can make it easy for them to collapse on you with his Q & daisy knocks you up every 3rd auto.”
DeleDulux says “not seen since i started playing so very rare but i think is easy even if he stuns you he can hide in bushes when is on your R so watch out”
KeyTheMonolith says “Ivern can be annoying as he has cc and a shield so this puts blue kayn to uselessness but getting close to him as red kayn can be tricky due to his mobility and root and daisy knockup.”
chevy the sloot says “It's just an annoying match up that's manageable if you're better. He likes to heavy invade your jungle so ward it. And provides heavy peel for his team mid to late. You can out gank and out pace this weirdo. Do so and snowball your team to win.”
c0st0m says “Ivern's early game is actually kinda scary for lillia make sure not to get invaded and get ur red/blue stolen, lillias teamfight is way better than iverns so as long as you go even in power its easily winnable”
Shroomen Rider says “Ivern doesn't really do anything except run around and have Daisy smack people. If he ever over-engages you kill him pretty fast. ”
Tinjus says “He is extremely easy to kill and fight as long as you avoid his stun and avoid getting hit by daisy. He can be a pain and steal your camps instantly, so be sure to ward the entrance to your jungle. The problem is that he can shield his team non stop and CC you, so avoid teamfights.”
Udyr uber says “Ele é bastante irritante, devido a sua facilidade de roubar seus buffs iniciais.
Use uma ward no seu buff e caso veja ele, veja se seu time pode ajudar a matar ele, Se não der, invade mesmo.
Guerreiro+Mercúrio+Malho Congelado (Dar lentidão nele, antes que as skills dele voltem e fique te prendendo com o Q)”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “His counter jungling is strong, but you can easily play against him by dodging his root, and playing around Daisy. Just kill him early, and counter jungle him.”
AyeJa3 says “on't underestimate how valuable he is in a skirmish, especially with his top laner. Trying to 2v2 top is probably not wise. He can instantly kill crabs and buffs with his smite, giving him frightful counterjungle potential. Don't be late to your buffs. ”
UnaFlauta says “Ivern, oh poor Ivern, he has no movility. Just be carefull with his cc and he is not a threat. Invade him at all stages in the game, he has no damage and if you build Serpent's Fang he will not be able to do anything on the game”
PsiGuard says “While he can be annoying by protecting his teammates in group fights, you can win by outfarming him and killing him early by blocking his Q. Your R makes you hard to predict and countergank. Try not to let him group with his team.”
Bel37 says “This is surprising pretty tough for viego. Ivern doesnt need much gold to affect the game. Even if you get him behind it doesnt matter since he isnt going to carry through gold but by peeling and shielding his carries.”
KingFershid says “Annoying early but he depends on teamfights so he can't 1v1 at all but he will always try to invade so remember to ward your jungle.”
JunglerBuilds says “Don't let him steal your camps, so watch out as any Crowd control will stop him. He's very slippery with his crowd control and shields early, and can be quite good in mid and late game.”
ChaseMorePlz says “He will look to steal your camps which he does very quickly, look to make picks on him by pinging him out when he does. Aim to catch him along with your team. He's a very squishy champion so when you track where he is and alert your team, you can pick up easy kills on him.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade a lot. Buy serpent's fang or ask someone to get it.
I put Ivern in Minor Tier because when I face Ivern's in higher elo they usually don't take a single point in their W.”
G Spot God says “Care for the vertical jungle cheese that the tree is commonly known for. if you suspect he is to start red then you start blue. His root is pretty easy top dodge with all the movement speed in your kit and if you ever catch him alone you can just chop through the tree with ease.”
DarkAuraLOL says “A very annoying matchup, he always will take one of your camps, so most of your invades are countered, never let him take a camp for free, tell your team to ward, always make sure if he takes your red, you take something in return, also ward and spot him on map for your team, his ganking potential is really good, and he can be really annoying late game, avoid his root at all costs . You can fight him and counter gank him early game though
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Ivern can be an annoying champion to deal with but nothing more than that. He isn't much of a threat and he doesn't deal a lot of damage. ”
EvoNinja7 says “Dodge his stun and you should be able to destroy ivern. Look for invades and pressure the map as much as you can because if you can land your stun he's going to die.”
DarkAuraLOL says “A very annoying matchup, he always will take one of your camps, so most of your invades are countered, never let him take a camp for free, tell your team to ward, always make sure if he takes your red, you take something in return, also ward and spot him on map for your team, his ganking potential is really good, and he can be really annoying late game, avoid his root at all costs . You can fight him and counter gank him early game though”
RedNBlue says “Definitely invade him, he will be very low and if you can do it strategically you can beat him without being beaten by his middle laner.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Kind of just an annoying champion. He just does Ivern things. Ward pixel brush on opposite side of your start to make sure u see if he's trying to early cheese your camp. Other than that build whatever you please and do your thing.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You need to hope he doesnt invade you in the early game. You can oneshit him if you go Blue Kayn and out sustain him if you go Red Kayn.”
Sheathblade says “Ivern's different in that he can invade, and take camps at a blink of an eye. And if left unchecked, he's the best support a team needs to win. And don't underestimate Daisy either. Shut him down early, and make sure he's separated from his teammates. Very rare, since he doesn't have the playstyle that everyone likes.”
RedNBlue says “Ivern is very squishy early game and he is very easy to punish if you can get to him and he doesn't get help. He kills himself taking camps with his passive and it is very unsafe and scary for an Ivern player to get that first clear done.”
Hidon1 says “The best match up for Nunu possible. He can not do anything at all vs you. You have better drake take, better ganks + you can one shot daisy with Q+Smite. Sadly, no one plays this champ :(”
GabrielGames says “You block his Q2 (not his root tho) and you can easily kill/escape from him. Beware of Daisy and never understimate Ivern - his shield and damage might surprise you”
Schadenfreude says “He is annoying, he is impossible to catch, and Daisy knocks you up so much, you might get pregnant. His main objective is to support his team and prevent you from engaging period. If you see him in lobby, I highly recommend dodging. ”
Aurelius2142 says “Uhhhh... *shrug*? He's a support jungler with a summon. Beyond that, I understand nothing about Ivern, except that he's remarkably murder-happy for a supposed pacifist. Watch out for unexpected bush shenanigans!”
Karthus man says “Ivern is a support jungler. He does very low damage (unless he is building pure ap) and is very squishy. Watch out for early invades and try not to fight him if his team is around. Although Karthus has a low winrate against him, if you play smart, you should be able to counter him.”
CalicoCactus says “You beat him in a 1v1, but he won't let this happen. Ivern excels at supporting teammates, not himself. Watch for invades as he will do any camp nearly instantly due to his passive + smite.”
NiceTryVi says “Ivern will try to triple buff you, so if there is one one the enemy team, you should try your best to take his buff before he gets back after stealing your second buff. His counterganks are fair, and is a very annoying jungler, and his brushes allow him to hide dragon and baron from view, making steals not only unlikely, but quite deadly.”
Minase says “Champ can be obnoxious sometimes especially if he takes one of your buffs, but realistically it doesn't really matter. Just scale for free so you can one-shot him later. Alternatively if you want to try to confuse him so he doesn't know which of your buffs is up, you can start Raptors or Wolves so he might not go for a buff of yours.”
BoyWonder00 says “Not a direct threat to you, but can save his team from your burst. He can also target you with daisy to keep you away from his team. You can look to invade him because he can't fight you. Only do this if you have lane priority, because you cannot escape a pinch.”
BoyWonder00 says “You can easily beat him at all stages of the game. As SA, his shield cannot save whoever you targeted, and as Rhaast he just doesn't do enough damage.”
PH45 says “This little scumbag likes to steal one of your buffs so ask your teammate to ward the buff you aren't starting on. You have 2 choices, either go to your other buff after clearing the first and maybe try to score a kill on him, or run to his second buff and take it. Prepare to get counter jungled vs him.”
Holessando says “Small threat, not much dmg, he could outplay you with his ult, but thats not really a thing. Take his jungle, fight him. But don't go in 2v1 or even 2v2, he has a strong shield and can root you in place though. ”
metalhydra273 says “Ivern has many ways of stopping or stalling you, so try not to overstep your boundaries or you'll find yourself killed. Keep an eye on your early game buffs and try to catch him out to score an early kill or two.”
brSL7 says “Ivern é muito de boa kkkk
Nem tem oque falar, só farma, escala e depois desce a cabeçada com cutelada nele.
Ajude seu time e de muitos invades.”
gurubashi35 says “Ivern can invade and steal your camps very quickly if you don't ward defensively. The utility he brings to gank and teamfights makes him extremely strong.
Trying to fight him whenever possible and shut him down early and counter-gank his gank. His objective control is also poor so make sure you secure objectives.”
TrainerPasty says “He's the only jungler you can ever safely counter jungle. All the others can beat you up in your own jungle if your laners don't rotate.”
ChaoticClockwork says “If you can invade and take his marked camps you ruin his clear. Counter ganking him should make for easy double kills if the lane isn't losing.”
chasemyman1 says “More of a support jungler so simply ward his jungle get in their and try to kill him as many times as possible. He should look to counter gank you so be fast with your ganks. If you use rappel to dodge his stun you can run him down.”
reganakers says “Ivern can never 1v1 you. If he has no smite or is away from the camps he has applied his passive to, they are yours for free and there is nothing he can do about it. Be aware of the laners near though as they will probably come to help if you go too deep.”
Eggoman says “Invade him and kill him. It doesn't matter that you didn't gank when your 10/0/0 just killing the Ivern in his own jungle. At low elo most of the time Ivern players won't be that good or used to getting invaded to death.”
RageAx says “As long as you get your team to ward your blue, you're all set. If he invades your blue, get your team to gank him while you invade his. Teammates get free kill, you keep all the farm. If your team won't cooperate, try fighting him for scuttle as Ivern is one of the few junglers you can win fights against pre-form.”
League Of Cursed says “I have not fought this much. When I have, I haven't had issues with it. You clear faster than he can though he can snatch a camp super fast. Just depends really.
Dopamine_influx says “Ivern is friend.
Look to countergank if your lanes are stronger/even. You can ward his blue side at 1 min, and if he starts with a mark here, go red - his blue - his gromp. He will perma gank to snowball his lanes. You win all 1v1 fights and OS him later on.”
Stiwy says “"Hey but Ivern is not a Toplaner !!"
I know but somehow i found two of them toplane while playing so i put him in the list.
BTW not a threat at all : fragile, low damage, no escape if you land E.
Just chill and cut the tree down.”
Xeldom says “Easy match-up.
He's extremely weak against counter jungling and his bushes will give you free leaps. His core item relies on building support items which offers him zero 1v1 capabilities.”
AWierdShoe says “Invade him whenever possible. Ivern relies on his teammates to follow up with him (since he does no damage and only has CC) and if you catch him alone you can kill him. Just make sure to dodge his Q with your E so you don't get rooted.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Ivern is quite annoying due to his supportive nature and his Bushes, which can keep you from attacking him. To beat him just Counter gank him and let him waste all of his abilites until he falls behind, then invade on him. Dont Underestimate his Dmg.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He literally cannot kill you on his own. Ask your top/bot in the beginning to ward your other buff as he will likely try to steal it before you even get there. Invade him vigorously, keep dodging his root.”
GhostReaper87 says “Farming jgler, try to gank a lot this match up try invading raptors and other camps of his since it takes a while since they are secured by him. Also do drakes and rifts and this game is a free win. Be careful of diasy's dmg and cc can catch you off gaurd.”
Hide on Nidalee says “DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THIS CHAMPION! Ivern have a lot of damage and yes you can kill him but he can just invade you when he wants, a very good Ivern is probably on major-extreme threat”
DarkPit59 says “Avec un manque cruel de dégâts avant le niveau 6 et votre camouflage après le niveau 6, Ivern est un champion lent et utilitaire qui ne vous posera pas de réel problème.”
Flux31 says “He can be an inconvenience when invading but if you build the right runes and be responsive to ganks and objective control he's more of a fly.”
WickedPoppet says “I have not fought this much. When I have, I haven't had issues with it. You clear faster than he can though he can snatch a camp super fast. Just depends really.”
J4ck1902 says “This is a joke. You can oneshot him at any time and you can counterjungle at low lvl, scince he can't really 1v1 and your dmg is too high for this guy. If the enemy team has a Rengar though, watch out.”
Sorrowful Prince says “You will have all the options in this game to win your sololanes. He is likely to sit in botlane river and try to take your kruggs so just get stuff going elsewhere. Don't be afraid to lose your Wolves/Kruggs/Raptors you can trade kills and summoners for them. Take Herald while he cant contest. If his lanes are behind because of you he is no champion.”
GinWinsky says “VERY TANKY AND ANNOYING. Will never kill you, but will be hard for you to kill him depending on his build. Ward your buffs and always stay on the same side of the map as him.”
Ehxakt says “He just peels the carries you jump on. Its no really nice but u still can peel if u cant jump in backline. Therefore not a 5 extreme Threat.”
Nico449c says “Ivern is one of those if hes good at him you will have a hard time you can win early game invading him. Be aware of hes shield tho it can win him quite a lot of 2v2 fights since its underated but you should win any counterganks you do.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Ivern can be an annoying champion to deal with but nothing more than that. He isn't much of a threat and he doesn't deal a lot of damage. ”
MannerlessNG says “Sit back and relax with this easy pick. Even godly Ivern players struggle to avoid your burst and cannot force you out of their jungles. Just don't let him land every ability on you and your set.”
Fabosch is Love says “You 1v1 him all game long. The main problem is in teamfight : he can denie some of your damage with Redemption and his E in mid/late game on enemy carries.”
The Top Bear says “This guy is annoying, his root is long and drags laners to you, he messes with vision, and holy crap is his walk animation tilting XD. However, if played right, you can kill him pretty well early. Ward up his jungle pretty hard to protect your laners a bit.”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “somehow can beat you. Invade him and steal blue. Gank top because he is bad at 2 v 2 early. You beat him every 1 v 1 sccenario.”
0kruemlmonster says “The only part of the game where he is able to 1v1 you is hyper early game. Once you got a Recursive Bow or Red Smite, you got him. Still a strong champion in 2v2 situations, don't overextend. Dodge his root.”
SR Trogo says “Yeah, Ivern. Most of the time he will be useless, but he's as good as you at taking minor objectives and Daisy can make you release your R. You should have the edge, and Daisy is quite tasty, but those main Ivern are annoying.”
Mkcls says “Ivern, Ivern, Ivern. He will cheese you,. A lot. You win 1vs1 preety much every time after lvl 3, so don't be scared to walk-up. Overall it's a bit Twitch favored.”
Simphoria says “He's more annoying than anything. He counter jungles well, can gank well, counter gank well, and his bushes can make landing our E difficult. He's an enchanter so don't be afraid to roam around as he can't punish us, but know that he is made to support someone, so he may not be alone when he appears to be.”
HackedAccountlol says “Can ruin your pathing and your game. Has lots of peels just counterjungle him. He is weak without Daisy. He can share buffs after he hits level 5. Tell your teammates to ward the opposite side that you are starting on (Ward
your buffs). If you can't react or counteract his jungle routes your form will be delayed ALOT.
Fyurex says “Watch out for him not to mark your Blue Buff, when you are taking Red. You can ask your team to ward it for you and guard it. Other than that he doesn't stand much chances against you. Be sure to invade his jungle as he is easy to 1v1 in the jungle. If you meet him in his jungle make sure to check if any of the enemy laners have left their lane. If they have you should just run and not fight. You can take their Blast Cone wich will give the enemies a small handicap.”
shaundasschaf says “A Support. No fight-potential alone against you, except early before you got your Recursive Bow. Then, if he's good, he can fight you. But after that, not.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Try and steal his camps before he can get to them, and abuse his lack of dueling power. Try not to get rooted, and beware of Daisy's damage. ”
Her0mars says “I mean, He is a support jungler, The worst thing he can do to you is counter jungle the heck out of you, but on his own this guy should be no threat at all.”
Yuki H. says “The only thing he can do is steal your camps/buffs, but this can easily be prevented by having your team ward or guard your buffs. Overall, he does not pose much of a threat to you in the jungle.”
yasinpg says “He will be camping bot/mid so simply ward and take the bot scuttle early. Lategame is in your favor so try to prolong the game by splitpushing and waiting for full item vs full item teamfights.”
4by3 says “The most annoying and strangest champion. He can do his thing for free and he has a lot of pressure in the jungle. His counter-ganks are so strong and since you're Shaco its very hard to deal with this jungler.”
KhaZix Mains says “[2/10] Hands down one of the easiest matchups in the game, outside of being cheesed early on, you should have no trouble winning 2v2s and straight up killing Ivern at every invade or duel. A huge factor in this matchup is knowing where he is starting so you don’t get cheesed in the early-game. Get wards down inside his jungle early or call for an invade/counterinvade if needed.”
MrPuggles says “By far the most annoying matchup to ever exist. Ivern exists to tilt you off the face of the earth. Xin Zhao cannot kill Ivern because Ivern will just root you and run away. Ivern will almost certainly invade you and there isn't much you can do to stop him. The best way to beat him is to get your team ahead as much as possible because Ivern is very very strong in the mid-late game due to his massive shield and cc.”
Galois_Group says “He has early advantage enough to push you effectively. But he is falling off and his shield does nothing except basic values. You concentrate on not fighting him, but fighting his backline.”
Maltz says “So obnoxius champion, very low resource so counterjungling isnt as effective, mostly depends on the Ivern player but for sure doable matchup”
EvilOranges says “HOLY HELL he is annoying. Ward up, as he will certainly invade. Dodge his stun and you should be fine. Wait in bushes and wait for him to use his passive, then jump on him.”
Yzroma says “Ivern is really good in the current meta, try to counter gank as much as possible and if you can't go to the other side of the map to steal camps that he marked with his passiv.”
Literally your worst counter...
He wont 1v1 you , has better ganks
Better teamfight..
In addition his Daisy will make him no longer isolated”
fetlol says “Fighting against Ivern is confusing, but the Green Father won't be able to do much against a good assassin jungler like Kha'Zix. Don't be afraid to jump into a 1v1 unless he has Daisy out.”
Bombabo says “Despite having some cc and a shield, he poses no threat to you without his team. He also won't be able to contest your scuttle in the early game, which Evelynn really appreciates”
Aht3ns says “Tell your top laner to guard your top-side buff if you are against him. He will steal your camps easily. He is actually terrible in season 9 and will not do anything if you don't let him.”
Killerbacca10 says “Really hard to play against. Just annoying. However if you don't get tilted and secure objectives you can squeeze out a win. Just focus on getting people fed and getting those sweet dragons”
BillyJoelBob says “Sidestep q and he's gone, late game he will be boosting the carry hard so be sure to nuke the carries because he can't do anything on his own”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very anoying pick, he will try to steal your buffs and jungle, and will start ganking later on in a more supportive way, try to harash him when he happens to be near you as he has no chance of 1v1ing and outgank him while trying not to fall behind in farm, if he pulls out Daisy then its good to have a smite ready just in case.”
LixoPanado says “HE WILL COUNTER JUNGLE YOU. All you have to do is keep calm and ward your buffs, and pressure/kill while he fucks around for the first minutes.”
lolWillieP says “FUCK THIS GUY- always takes your buffs and is hella hard to kill. Make sure to do a buff to buff clear and try and out jungle him early. This matchup is a fucking headache”
Toad12138 says “You can always bully him, do it any time you want, anywhere you want, counterjungle him and kill him over and over again. This matchup becomes trivial after form.”
nZk01 says “FUCKING AIDS
Go Buff to Camp to Crab to Crab, if he is marking the Crab while you're there, EAT THE CRAB and fight him.
He can't really 1v1 you.”
Penha9k says “Ivern can peel for enemy carries really well, which makes it almost impossible to one shot enemy carries. He also counter jungles extremely well and is overall just a menace to deal with.”
Twist21 says “Don't try to fight him in 3v3's around bot because he will just shield the adc but at lvl 6 you should not be scared of this kind of fights.”
BigBadVoodo says “Can be really annoying in the early level's, as it just feels like he is everywhere. Keep an eye on him at all times and keep track of your camps. If he gets ahead it's really hard, but it's really easy if we are ahead.”
craY13 says “It´s weird. He is not strong and will lose a 1vs.1 in every situation, but the potential to deffent the enemeys ADC is very hard for you. Also the Speed of Counter Jungling he does is quiet annoying.”
Optimal Pancake says “Easiest match-up for you. He's passive and gentle and you're the edgy grim reaper anime guy. Take his camps, kill him, kill his team, kills his minnions, kill his nexus, trace his IP, drive to him, kill the dude playing him. You get the gist. Only problem is if he catches you out with his team, but that can be said for any champion.”
ElementressX says “Most Iverns aren't very good, but if you do come across a good one, he may be easy to kill, but he will usually have his teammates back him up.”
Violzandre says “Nobody use this, I'm sorry.
Lot of cc, but no dmg, you can't kill him in early because he will escape and call his teammates, but he can't do anything to you in all the game if he's alone, use the same strategy to beat a hecarim, use your wards and sabotage his ganks.”
Wulfery says “Surprising, isn't it? I put him in here mostly because I main Ivern and I know what he's capable of. Truth be said, his root, Daisy, his shield - it all can get you in some serious trouble. If you will take glass canon build and get caught once around his allies, you are mostly a goner.
In TF's he's far superior. In 1v1 of course you will shater him fast. But in jungle, he has advantage with camp clearing.”
TricolorStar says “Most Iverns will attempt to steal some of your camps. Prevent this by anticipating where he will be and killing him, since he lacks any real damage.”
Ivker21 says “Ivern can steal your camps really quickly, and he'll try to do so.
Lucky for you, he's squishy AF. So whenever you see him coming into your jungle ping your laners to help you. Honestly, you should be able to win in a 1v1 but make sure his team doesn't show up to collapse on you.”
CalebsLegacy says “Haven't really played against an Ivern for a long time. He barely does any damage in a 1v1 so you can beat him easily. Just be careful of his invades and his shields. ”
ZeksPyro says “I cant say some things about this guy since i saw him only once. He is not a big threat you can beat him easy in 1v1 situation so no big threat from this guy.”
Castcade says “The reason I put ivern in level 3 threat is not of his fighting and ganking but due to his stealing of your marks in 1 swoop I recommend warding the entrances of your jungle to stop his buff stealing”
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