Mid Lane 51.67% Win Rate75% Pick RateNaafiri Mid Lane Counters: 16 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Naafiri in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
AuroraAddict says “Nafiri has big mana problems so try to dodge her q's and you will be in a good spot also if she w's to you try to stack your q's to the enemy wave and recast them to nafiri to get a big burst dmg try to not let your wave push towards her cause then she can W you and you wont be able to do much cause of the slow so keeping your wave close to your turret will be good against nafiri.Also you should go electrocute and teleport vs nafiri if you are not confident for a kill if you are go ignite.”
BesXbola says “Naafiri is the only assassin matchup i dont like playing, she has a very good poke with her Q so try not to get hit by it, she has the same roaming capacity as you and deals much more damage than you early on but after the first/second item you can probably solo kill her.”
minutua says “Eh soh desviar de algum Q dela que o segunda da bem menos dano. Sempre q vc clicar Q nos cachorros a faca vai cair bem na cabeca dela. Cuidado q ela pode fazer a faca sumir clicando E.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. You can be silly pre 6. Bounce your E off her wolves for some nice Q damage. Cloth armour after Catalyst is nice. Once she gets the Dirk, be wary of her ult. Consider Zhonyas 3rd item if you really need it but Frozen Heart before it is preferred. Remember to PING when she disappears as her roams are very good. ”
xumi_k says “As an AD assassin champ, they’re quite easy pre 6, and you can Q on puppies to stack your passive. You can W her all in, and the earlier the game the weaker she is.
Tamikaze says “Overall, Naafiri is a very linear champ making it almost impossible for them to outplay you. Keep your range in lane, dodge the Q poke, and if they decide to W or ult you, just ult them mid dash. It completely denies the damage and puts them in a bad position. If you want to be extra, bait the dash, and then dash under your tower to pull them in deeper, then ult to stop the dash and kill them. Once you get ahead, it's hard to lose to Naafiri. ”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Quite tricky as he will burst you when you try to farm, it is also easy to harass you and the dogs can proc your boxes. Do not let her snowball. ”
Tatsurion says “Pretty much the same applies for akali, when you see her charge her dash for you, simply dash under your turret, do this enough times they will straightup never do it again unless you push in, and a greedy naafiri will follow you all the way to your turret, making a shuffle no biggie. the turret might lockon the dogs tho, so make sure you damage them a little before ulting her.”
gimmelovej says “Just dodge the skillshots and don't let her Q 2 catch you. Be aware that she can also outscale you, distribute the advantage and don't let her make good moves.
Vladmidir says “Pool his W when she gets onto you. Dodge her Q's and you're fine. Her dogs can block your E so just be aware of that when you trade with her. Using Q on her dogs also reduces her damage. ”
GreenReapers says “Any Page viable. Although I feel like taking First Strike is really good here, as you outrange Naafiri, and are able to proc her own First Strike rather consistently.
Long Sword start.
Avoid her Q, especially the second cast within a short duration, as it will deal extra damage and heal her. Clear her packmates whenever safely possible. You can dodge her W by ulting it. Using Kite combos is rather effective here, as she has only one dash and needs to get close to you.
Eclipse is really good in this matchup, as it enables you to trade way more aggressively.”
BrMario1011 says “Dont engage on to her first, as she has a little jump that can get her out of ur w easily, if u put it right in the center then she cant escape but its hard, if she tries to w you just w under yourself or on your tower, dodge Q, dogs can cuck you from hitting ur Q but its rare, late game and in ganks you kill her easily.
go dorans ring/seal, ingnite and electrocute/boneplating, can kill pretty easily early”
Demonsedge90 says “It is not a troublesome matchup for Syndra as you can use scatter the weak whenever Naafiri tries to dash at you with hound pursuit. She does have high burst damage, so take care once she acquires eclipse & profane hydra.”
otaliz says “This champion can kill you easily in her level 3 and 6 all-ins, so be careful. Also, you can't kill Naafiri's Packmates easily. When she buys Profane Hydra, she increases her wave clear and has even more kill pressure. So try to poke her pre-level 3 and keep the wave on your side of the map. Exhaust is the best choice against her. Plated Steelcaps is also good here.”
Laimaudeja says “I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.
Naafiri is a pretty weak assassin against Ziggs but a few effective Qs from her can be scary, so it's best to keep your distance somewhat. You can have an easier time hitting your own Qs if you target her pets. Hold your Satchel for when she uses her dash, as you are able to immediately cancel it, by placing it under yourself, if you hit her with it while she's flying towards you”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
Naafiri is annoying due to her small dogs if she manages them well. However her E ability is very telegraphed, and she always jumps first so you have a guaranteed Q if she decides to use it for no reason. Be careful when your Q cd is off because her all in potential is scary.”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to bully her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities. All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. She can look to W directly onto you if you waste your cooldowns, so you can hold your E defensively. If you do want to use your E aggressively then make sure to play a bit safer afterwards.
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to bully her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities. All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. If you time your E correctly you can guarantee hit her when she Ws onto you and you'll hard win the trade.”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to bully her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities. All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. She can look to W directly onto you, so hold your E and use it to guarantee a chain. Overall this should be a fairly easy matchup for you as long as you time your E correctly.
awawa says “Dashy blinky jumpy champ, Vex loves those. Your W hard counters her, obviously. But keep in mind her chase potential, even if you fear her once you NEED to create enough distance so she cant follow. At any other time you destroy her.”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to bully her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities. All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. When you use your WQ auto aggressively she may look to W onto you, so make sure you save a W so you can WE away from the trade. Tank azir is also a good choice vs Naafiri.”
MageSept says “Naafiri is an underestimated champion. It is easier to be safe against Naafiri in lane than against other champions but it's not the easiest champion to play around after that, as she scales pretty hard and loves Edge of Night.
As far as laning is concerned, Naafiri is a poke champion, most of her damage comes from double Q which is a 50 width skillshot. ”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to bully her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities. All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. She can look to W directly onto you if you don't have cooldowns up, so make sure the wave is on your side to keep you safe from this after level 3.”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to bully her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities. All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. She can look to W directly onto you if you waste your cooldowns (especially melee cooldowns) so make sure you play a bit safer when these are down.”
Soft Headpats says “Naafiri can be intimidating at first because of all the dogs running around, but this lane is actually pretty easy to deal with. You can poke her down and kill the dogs fairly easily, especially if you proc your passive on Naafiri. Whenever she tries to W onto you, you can cancel it with EQ since her dogs spawn behind her and are untargettable.
She'll try to roam once she hits 6, so make sure you maintain vision and shove in the wave to keep her in the lane. Naafiri often builds items with HP like Black Cleaver and Edge of Night, and combined with her natural high HP, Liandry's can be a valuable purchase. If she Ws at you with Edge of Night, make sure you proc the spellshield with QQ or QE before using EQ. ”
blacklikeblack says “Hard early game. You need D shield and second wind. After 6 its still hard, because she can oneshot you if she gets to W on you. Make sure to use q to cancel her w or R Flash under tower when she jumps on you. You can jump on her when dodging her Q with your R. After 6 its pretty much a skill matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to neutralize her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities.All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. She can look to W directly onto you if you waste your E, so if you ever use it aggressively you need to back up and respect while the CD is down.
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is very weak in lane and you can harass heavily in lane with W and autos. Make sure to save your E for when she tries to dash on you and if you time it correctly you can cancel her W completely. The only way she can really get ahead is if you let her roam freely after 6 so try push the wave and get good vision down.”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is very weak in lane and you can harass heavily in lane with Q and autos. Make sure to save your E for when she tries to dash on you and if you time it correctly you can cancel her W completely. The only way she can really get ahead is if you let her roam freely after 6 so try push the wave and get good vision down.”
vSomnia says “Look to use Q to poke her with scorch. Always try to dodge her Q's if she misses Q's or use it on the wave, look to make trades. If she uses W on you use your Portal instantly on yourself. Hard to kill when she has R.”
starfostarfo says “Minions are your natural enemy when it comes to hitting E and this dog brings multiple with her.
She can trade pretty easily into you tho and it hurts. ”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Naafiri dodge her Q (at least 1 on them) making her dmg output a little less, watch out for her dash making your trade not worth cause she have burst dmg, let her push and maybe bait her W to bring her under your turrent”
gaarrett says “Sylas's second worst matchup. She's also easy to play too, which would make this your permaban if not for her low pickrate. Don't let her hit Q twice, E towards tower if she targets you with W. Her dogs can catch E2 which stops Naafiri from getting stunned and she can just run you down from there. [3/5] ult, the shield and movement speed is always useful. ”
MukiiBaa says “you cant overstep or she will run you down, controlling wave and aery poke will give you opportunity to all in her but dodge her Qs or you will lose a lot of hp.
After her first item she is really hard to kill”
149Gray says “Try to dodge her Q's especially Q2 since it does tons of damage and heals her, trade with her when her Q is down, you can oneshot her wolves with Q, pool her W and play safe untill you have it back.”
ImVoxxX says “Make her waste her E (jump) and care for her dogs.
You can roam easily vs her, just be carefull when trying to pick off on her, she can burst you down fast as hell.”
ExodusBlue says “Dodge her Q's if she goes to dash on you EQ>QQ her. Farm lane w WE>QE>EE(Drag in). Dont walk to her side of lane she will chase you down. When shes charging her dash you can EQ her to cancel it
JackOfAllLanes says “Pretty much impossible to win lane unless the naafiri is first timing her champ. Naafiri's dogs block all your skillshots and she can respawn them easily. It's like having to deal with 3 edge of nights that are up every 45 secs. Not to mention her trades will leave you at half hp everytime. ”
iHidePain says “Very annoying whether the player knows how to use It or not, just way to broken 2 clicks clear wave and your HP bar with It, I would say avoid 1vs1 at any time of the game It will shock you how tanky It can get and the damage It do so focus on pick ups and farming wouldn't be a problem against It.”
wundrew says “Easy to dodge her Qs with shunpo. If she uses W on you, try to shunpo under you turret to bring her with you. She has no way of canceling your ult.”
SurferKiller says “Play safe until 6, stack her dogs. Ask your jungler for help to try to take her flash/kill her. If you don't have a jungler, play safe until 6, you can kill her after you have Sheen + Lucidity + Ghost ready and around 200-250 stacks. Make sure you engage after you clear her dogs first.”
AnxialSociety says “Possible permaban. She counters you in every way.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Bone-plating overgrowth.
You can't land E, or Q, or anything. And she deletes you.
Stay back and keep bone plating.”
KazunaSan says “Un vrai chieng, il ne peut rien faire, vous pouvez cancel son dash avec votre E, mort en 1 combo, attention si il go bottes de mercure mais en général c'est facile”
Shinbae says “Наафири интересный чемпион, представляющий довольно большую опасность на всех этапах игры, самой большой проблемой составляет её ульта с последующим перекатом в твоё лицо... Законтрить можно, если на лейн фазе просто не давать жить”
IggyBoom says “Naafiri seems to have a rediciolous amount of damage. Watch up for her Qs!
If she dares to engage on you with her W do it just like with Akali or Talon, jump away with the W and get a guaranteed knock up!”
Hexeria says “[Deals some insane amount of damage, and you cant onehshot her dogs.] [Dodge her Q and E into her, when she casts her W or E.] Quickly trade some damage if her Q is out, because that will do the most damage.]”
Halkem says “Her trading is really dangerous on the early levels and she has good poke, so look to stay healthy and stack manaflow. E bounces on her little dogs since lv1. Avoid getting hit by both her Qs, since she heals then. You have good kill threat since she gets on lethal all the time just from E bounces. Your ult and Q is super good at peeling her engage on your carries.”
Iceyou says “very predictable trading pattern dodge the q, hit yours poke kill win lane . idle minion wave forever she cant kill you in level 3 even if she w in you will oneshot the dogs with w q and win the trade also stunning her allowing you to stop the all in . ”
SirZeros says “Shouldn't be that much of a pain as long as you don't force too much on him. Keep in mind that she's a strong and simple champion and that her little wolf pack is one of her main damage sources. With enough AOE damage from your Meeps and Statikk, you should be fine.”
TrueGIXERJ says “i have a horrible winrate against naafiri this season, her laning phase feels really safe and she will poke you down with Q before landing a nuclear all-in. try to clear her dogs and take her to late game where hopefully your team can do ANYTHING AGAINST HER LOL (she is very strong atm)”
The Milelator says “If you play well, AD assassins won't do anything against you. Try to trade and push waves. You can't towerdive her or all in, if she has her abilities up. Your wave clear is always better.”
TB Azir says “Q'ları dodgela, adamın Q'su yokken arada kurtlara 1-2 auto sıkıştır, W range'i verme, olur ki verirsen de adam W'sünü castlediği gibi W-E-Q ile adamı kule altına çek. Tekrar söyleyeyim: Q dodgelamazsanız ağzınızla kuş da tutsanız loselarsınız çünkü bu aptal skill'i 1 kere yediğiniz zaman direk %40 hp'niz gidiyor😀 Adam bi de Comet+Kızart girdiyse zaten geçmiş olsun... Bunlara dikkat ederseniz basit matchup.
Rün: Fleet, PTA”
WarwicksSimp says “WIP
Unknown matchup at the moment but you can usually just E in response to her engage and all in her and win. Also you can auto dogs to one shot them.”
Tronnes says “This champ is really annoying and scales pretty hard, however this is a winnable matchup if you can pre dodge her q's. Make sure you don't accidentally w her pups. ”
Lindroganti says “Strangely hard? I don't see it much, but Naafiri's poke equals yours, if not exceeds it. Easy to block W, but they can just jump behind you. Do not stun the dogs on accident. To win you need to out poke them by dodging their Qs and hitting yours. I would not recommend engaging near their turret, because with the dogs Naafiri runs you down like a dog. Only benefit is that they don't outright destroy you unless they get really fed, so you can go for an even lane and roam rather than kill them.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Dodge her Q especially her 2nd Q]
[Place your W when she is going to dash on you with her W and walk away]
[Always keep your distance from her and poke her with your E]
[Don't let her free roam]”
Coldsong says “Naafiri is mostly dependent on hitting her Q to trade, so dodging at least one of them is key. Other than that, she is a very easy matchup and you can constantly harass her with your W by killing her dogs and keeping her from gaining tempo. Like other AD assassins, if you see yourself falling behind make sure to capitalize on counter roams and contest objectives, since you move around the map much faster than she can.”
Allyooops says “Dodge her skillshots and she is useless early game. Dont let her hit q 2 and you wont be chunked out. Im pretty sure this champ outscales though so get lead early and dont let her take over the game”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Play safe early and keep your distance from her]
[Dodge her 1st Q and her 2nd Q to avoid her extra damage]
[Don't let her jump on you with her W]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Stay out of her range and farm as much as possible]
[Dodge her Q and her 2nd Q]
[Don't let her engage on you with her W]
[You can gain stacks from her packmates with your Q]
[Buy Zhonya's Hourglass]”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Dodge her 1st part and 2nd part of her Q]
[Don't walk away when she engages on you with her W just fight her back and don't miss your abilities on her]
[Always warn your team as she will roam a lot]
[Early Armor against her is very good]”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Avoid her 1st and 2nd Q to avoid her extra damage]
[Disengage when she uses W on you]
[Ask for help if you struggle]
[Buy Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass]”
Wraithlander says “Her wolves can block your E which you need to take into consideration when engaging on her. Honestly she probably wins every trade before her nerfs in 13.17 so just avoid straight up dueling her. If she Ws onto you aggressively you can E back under tower or into your wave to make her lose the trade.”
N1comagno03 says “If you can always stop his w with your e, you will be fine.
Otherwise, it's a lost lane.
Try to hit both he and his dogs with your abilities”
Ankha Yuumi says “Not as strong as release version, but still dangerous. Keep distance so she will not Q you. Try to farm her wolfs and if she all in, click W and DO NOT hold Q so you can keep distance”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “What da dog doin'? One shotting you under turret, that's what. Naafiri is a feast-or-famine type of character. If she is behind, she's basically an untrained house dog with no attack capabilities. However, the moment she gets more kills than deaths and two items, you better be sure you aren't an unattended child and that Naafiri's followers aren't named Princess, Bubbles and Charlotte. Try to disrupt her farm as best as possible and follow her on roams. However, pray she doesn't munch down on you during your jungle trekking.”
tangerrine says “Naafiri is just like the other assassins, but with a bit more kill potential. If you push too far up the lane, she will W onto and you will lose a lot of your health. Just try to root her if she does W you, but otherwise if you play safe and push wave when she roams and cheat a recall, you should win lane.
The good thing about this matchup, your empowered autos should one shot her puppies and all of your abilities kind of counter naafiri. Your E gets empowered by hitting her puppies and if they die, it procs another bloom. Overall oppressive matchup but you can still win pretty hard if you play right”
TheBougis says “Naafiri has the same principle as Malzahar and Elise because of her wolves.
She is very new so I am not sure how tough she is as I've seen people that are very good on her and dominate the lobby and people that are just plain bad with her.
Once I get more info I will update this.”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri has a lot of sustain but has significant mana problems. Focus on positioning aggro in the lane and dodging her Q or making her use Q in order to farm the wave. If you waste your cooldowns she will probably try W onto her, so either time your cooldowns when she comes up to CS or save E/W in order to disengage from the trade.”
Chuleex says “Nafiri has a very lineal trade pattern, she cant really outplay you but she makes out for that with dmg, you can dodge her w easy but her qs are the most important to dodge, dont waste your w in middle of the lane since if you have no way of disengage she can all in and surely win, her dogs are also quite annoying, and roaming is a double edge sword since she can catch pretty fast, early game she relies more on mana so take advantage on that, and once she all ins she cant follow your mobility so kite her out with shadows, she is pretty easy to gank too.”
Zeekar says “What the dog doing? I wish I could be doing her. You counter her SO hard UNLESS she buys nights edge in which case you counter her slightly less but still a lot. She has to all in to get value. You know what we do to champs who all in. We combo them and kill them. ”
ShokLoL says “Naafiri is a bit hard to push out of lane with her dshield second wind, focus on being mana efficient, mainly poke with Q and then E once you have more points in it. When you Ws on you place W on yourself slightly behind and kite through it. Aery + resolve or grasp are good for this matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Early game Naafiri can be an issue because of her strong stats, but later on you'll deal with her without issue. You can also gain stacks of her dogs which accelerates you further. Take grasp + boneplating and rush steelcaps. Be careful being too far up in the lane and being chased down, so try keep the wave in the middle for the most part. If she Ws you don't E instantly but save it to dodge one of her Qs.”
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