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Kha'Zix Counter Stats

Kha'Zix Counters
Discover all champions who counter Kha'Zix. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Kha'Zix in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,063 Tips for countering Kha'Zix below

In the Jungle
49.26% Win Rate99% Pick Rate Kha'Zix In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Kha'Zix in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

kittygore says “You hard win pre 6. Pressure as much as possible and early invade him. Try to fero E him so you get vision and he cant move. ”
chillhowl says “impossible. the only play you can do on him is to invade level 3 and kill him. other than that, he will kill you the entire game after the first recall and there is nothing you can do other than walk with your team always. it is the matchup with the worst winrate of kindred ever.”
daiben kindred by chillhowl | Kindred Player
Jooshuaaa says “Extremely hard to catch and super bursty invader (you may be noticing a pattern).”
Building Best for Every Comp and Gamestate by Jooshuaaa | Viego Player
Bella Ciao says “Always look to get into range of monsters/allied minions/champs to remove his isolated damage Hes strong in 1v1, and his invisibility/e can make it very hard to kill him ”
DEG310 says “He Has huge burst which Yi don't like, he has invis with ult which Yi don't like, he has even more burst after invis which Yi REALLY don't like”
Master Sigma by DEG310 | Master Yi Player
Kazuh says “Kha'Zix is an annoying champion that can easily outplay you and can invade you without a problem, and can easily get fed off of solo lanes. However, Kha'Zix isn't really considered a counter champion in my opinion but more of a champion that WILL and CAN invade you at any moment of the game, and can easily excel. The only advice I can give against him is for you to full-combo him before he can to you. Make sure that you are always warding your jungle and buying pink wards, even lens can help you against him. This goes for any champ that can invade you without a problem. ”
FULL-DEPTH Evelynn Guide ꨄ - 14.22 by Kazuh | Evelynn Player
SelfLOL says “Very free matchup if kha goes Assassin. Your Ult and E reveal him if he Ults. If he has Edge of Night, use your smite midair so your E reveals him.”
SelfLOL's Rengar Jg Masters + Guide by SelfLOL | Rengar Player
Kema says “Scales too good + can invade you early. You can outplay him but its very hard. He can carry teamfights as well.”
shiifox says “has a lot of burst at any stage of the game, look to lock him down by chain ccing EQ, or E into a wall and R if he has R up, since it drops your frenzy but your R gives true vision”
Durable Crit Briar 14.20 by shiifox | Briar Player
friendlyfarmer123 says “Beats you early very hard and can beat you in the mid game as well. Try to avoid being isolated and be careful for post 6 invades. ”
MUNDO JUNGLE S14 LAST SPLIT by friendlyfarmer123 | Dr. Mundo Player
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