In the Jungle 49.46% Win Rate99% Pick RateKha'Zix In the Jungle Counters: 44 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Kha'Zix in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Bav Bros YT says “Has very high burst and invis. If he upgrades his R with lvl. 6 you will be only able to beat him in a 1 v 1, if you are super fed. In addition to that, he can easily escape, if he is losing against you. To beat him, you need to use W to reduce his burst dmg and Q to dodge/follow up his jumps.”
PesteMKT says “Você só jogo contra late game, dano explosivo insano, caso troque ou ele erre algo puna de forma severa. para arrancar vantagem, pq e um personagem agressivo que não para de crescer um segundo dentro de jogo.”
chillhowl says “impossible. the only play you can do on him is to invade level 3 and kill him. other than that, he will kill you the entire game after the first recall and there is nothing you can do other than walk with your team always. it is the matchup with the worst winrate of kindred ever.”
Bella Ciao says “Always look to get into range of monsters/allied minions/champs to remove his isolated damage
Hes strong in 1v1, and his invisibility/e can make it very hard to kill him
DEG310 says “He Has huge burst which Yi don't like, he has invis with ult which Yi don't like, he has even more burst after invis which Yi REALLY don't like”
Kazuh says “Kha'Zix is an annoying champion that can easily outplay you and can invade you without a problem, and can easily get fed off of solo lanes.
However, Kha'Zix isn't really considered a counter champion in my opinion but more of a champion that WILL and CAN invade you at any moment of the game, and can easily excel.
The only advice I can give against him is for you to full-combo him before he can to you. Make sure that you are always warding your jungle and buying pink wards, even lens can help you against him. This goes for any champ that can invade you without a problem.
SelfLOL says “Very free matchup if kha goes Assassin. Your Ult and E reveal him if he Ults. If he has Edge of Night, use your smite midair so your E reveals him.”
shiifox says “has a lot of burst at any stage of the game, look to lock him down by chain ccing EQ, or E into a wall and R if he has R up, since it drops your frenzy but your R gives true vision”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Beats you early very hard and can beat you in the mid game as well. Try to avoid being isolated and be careful for post 6 invades. ”
Jackiewawa says “Dark Seal back. Kha’zix can invade you at level 3 and can easily kill you due to Q isolation. Avoid fighting him alone early. Save your W for when he leaps on you and uses his Q. Avoid facechecking your jungle alone if you don't have vision. He can just one shot you if he gets fed.”
Mr_kodeo says “If Kha'zix decides to start invading you early on, then you will not be having a good time. His isolation damage, and your lack of damage without your stacks gives him the advantage. And his E allows him to reposition and escape if need be. Even worse if you take Crit build, since you're extremely squishy.”
SkaterKidd says “Kha'Zix excels at picking off isolated targets, he can burst Warwick down before he has a chance to react. Kha'Zix 's stealth and mobility allow him to disengage if things go wrong and re-engage when it is favorable.”
DoxxTheLeague says “if he invades you early he will win kha q if you are isolated does huge burst with little to no cooldown you can not fight him pre 6 alone even after 6 never fight him isolated you easily win in groups especially lvl 6 since you can just q him and he cant use his r.”
Kuro_Usagi says “Possible Major threat if you don't build enough Armor but if you have at least 3 armor items along with the aforementioned core build you'll be fine.”
zranyf says “Skill matchup, you can 1v1 him before 6 but you have to play it really well, catch him when he's not full and E his Q, you win by counterganking and going 2v2 which you win most of the time, just don't be isolated”
Nyxxx says “RUN. YOU DO NOT WIN HIM 1V1 (actually you do once you're full build and you surprise/bushcamp him aka khazix the khazix).
Ward your jungle. As long as your team stays together late game, it's free LP.”
y every name taken says “Best ganks in the game imo, but not that good in 1v1's against fighters who can survive burst like Vi. Be as active as you can on the map - you will be subject to his snowball if you afk farm. Spam ping when you see him. You will have to smite him to proc Edge of Night if he builds it.”
orka4.sandraj says “Skill matchup, E yourself when he has his W evolved and play around range from his E, khazix rarely evolves wings first, so his range, dont underestimate him late even if you win early.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Khazix: Can steal objectives from you..... HOW TO PLAY VS: Its turbo easy to kill him since he is squishy and if you are scared he will steal objective then start ulting on like 3K objective health and then QF smite it.. he cant jump or he will die”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. You probably would just want to avoid his jungle invades on you. Make sure you use your wards properly. He most likely ganks level 3. Counterjungling/full clears/counterganking/ganking other lanes is ideal for this matchup. You can mitigate his damage with your [W] beside you and can interrupt his [E] with a well timed [R] and [E].”
Yomu says “If he jumps in, immediately WQ him. Free counter gank. E his isolated Qs. Real struggle is when he gets R and breaks your frenzy, but if you hit your R you have true sight on him so that doesn’t matter”
lurutin says “He has everything Yi hates, burst and untargetability. Try to negate his combo or Q damage with your W. His invisibility is the bigger problem here since he can wait your skills or just run. imo he is the strongest burst champion you will face.”
Maciejson says “You won't be able to beat him as this champion is very strong early game. Take what opportunities he allows you to get and avoid forcing anything. As Rhaast, look to knock him up when he jumps on you. As Shadow Assassin (SA), it can be tough; try to get your combo off and use your ultimate before he does. You can still get your ultimate damage if he's invisible. Against Rhaast, it remains tough due to his slow and invisibility; landing W is crucial. In a Shadow Assassin (SA) vs. Assassin matchup, the one who gets the jump first will secure the kill.”
EVEKING says “Annoying matchup, he can always oneshot you, has no skillplay and just can jump on you, q you and ur dead, it is playable pretty much tho, either you oneshot or he does.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium/Hard matchup. Kha’zix can invade you at level 3 and can easily kill you. You will always be isolated to Kha’zix. You can outscale, but avoid dueling him early, and if you have to, make sure you use W to tank his burst (E + Q). ”
Foxirion says “Kha’Zix can be a significant threat to Viego. Kha’Zix’s isolation damage can be very harmful if Viego is caught alone, and his stealth can make it difficult for Viego to retaliate.”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Medium matchup. Kha’zix has 1 invade angle and that’s a level 3 crossmap invade (where he invades you on your 2nd buff). As long as you get vision on your 2nd half jungle entrance + skip your second buff to go to krugs/gromp, you’ll be fine. Look at map for laners rotating, if you avoid the level 3 invade the matchup is pretty easy if you can get ahead. Kha’zix when ahead is difficult to play into though. Phase rush and conq are both fine in the matchup”
yoonfish says “Most, if not all assassin junglers will really punish Ahri for existing. I recommend just counter jungling them and keep your vision on them as much as possible. Don't take objectives without allies around.”
lanefox says “If you do not W block his Leap + Q then you explode and lose. His isolation bonus makes him very difficult to duel in the jungle. If you track well you can counter jungle his ganks with a little patience.”
Mignognium says “Kha'Zix est dangereux après l'early game. Les nouveaux items assassin le rendent menaçant et il a un burst surprenant. Sa version briseur n'est également pas à sous estimer. Vous avez un clear équivalent et normalement si vous gérer bien ce sera un 50/50, mais il se feed un peu il va falloir ruser pour mieux prendre possession de la map que le vilain insect du néant. Je vous conseil d'avoir constamment un [Oracle Lens] sur vous pour son ultime [R][Assaut du néant]. Et attention à ces invaid il vous faudra juste demander de l'aide si il est feed pour mettre de la vision dans votre jungle. ”
tradtrad says “Even matchup, you both have snowballing opportunities and it's going to be a pretty feast or famine game. If you can try to teamfight in later stages to take away Kha'zix's isolation as much as possible.”
IvernGott says “Khazix is a high mobility Assasin that can easily jump on Ivern early to late game.
His isolation can be stopped by daisy, but he has a short period of time where he can still use it and oneshot Ivern”
kuromite says “Kha6 is a very strong counter for Lillia because he can one-shot her whenever he wants, it's a very bad matchup for Lillia, so it's better to avoid it.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Always be aware of his early game invades, he's one of the champions that actually can kill you if you do not ward at your other camp.”
Cookiemanman says “Kha'Zix is a tough champion to fight in the later stages of the game. When he has his ultimate ability it can be very hard to apply your damage on to him due to the invisibility. You can fight him in the early stages around scuttle crab very easily.”
Penicillini says “With wall hopping faculties, insane burst potential, and slow built into his kit, surviving and escaping Kha'Zix's invasions is unlikely. A decent Kha'Zix will lock you out of your farm, and your stacks, for several levels.”
Mabujo says “The Cock ROACH!
If isolated, an emmediate burst down. Fear and run or trade at your own peril are appliable. If in a group or you whole team, HUNT AND SQUASH. ”
HawkSP says “Early game, Ivern can handle Kha'Zix, but the threat level increases if Kha'Zix opts for a W evolve and purchases Serpent's Fang, as he can then apply an area-of-effect shield reduction.”
bbtgangsta says “dont 1vs1 him. you wont win 90% of the time. He also has a better clear time than you. Just focus on bot ganks. His passive is useless when you are with other people
muukooooo says “Every good Kha will invade you on your 4th or 5th camp.
If he plays Kha well - you will die.
Try to get help from your Laners with vision or rotation ( PING 3x FOR HELP) ”
X3mHills says “Avoid engaging in a 1v1 fight with him; instead, try to initiate a teamfight and eliminate him there. Consider purchasing Frozen Heart and Zhonya's Hourglass to strengthen your chances. Engage in fights within a wave of minions to minimize the effectiveness of his passive ability. A skilled opponent will attempt to invade you whenever possible, so ensure you place ample vision to mitigate this risk.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Khazix: Can steal objectives from you.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: Its turbo easy to kill him since he is squishy and if you are scared he will steal objective then start ulting on like 3K objective health and then QF smite it.. he cant jump or he will die”
PuppyDontPreach says “used to be absolutely fatal but not so much anymore. still annoying asf tho. ult cancels ur E, cd is super short, high damage and easily fed. super annoying and will zone in on you easily.
Tortizzy says “Kha'Zix will kill you at all times of the game, you have way better clear and ganks tho just so just focus on helping your team - rush malignance and you can oneshot him with your ultimate, make sure he used his e first before you ult.
Use your wards to remove his isolation”
Tritesu says “Hold your Ult for as long as possible and make sure you are very careful entering your Jungle. Make sure you know where Khazix is at all times.”
XAmityX says “Capable of diving past your team/daisy and one-shotting you. Is amazing at abusing ivern's weak invasion defense. Daisy gets abused by invisibility. Make sure to constantly reset daisy on the Kha when he comes out of ult.”
MhmYepSope says “Very free matchup if kha goes Assassin. Your Ult and E reveal him if he Ults. If he has Edge of Night, use your smite midair so your E reveals him. ”
shatteredekko says “Literally one shots you. Can't fight him at any stage of the game. Even if you can its impossible to proc passive on him due to stealth, speed up, and jump PERMA BAN”
puzzler1s says “You pretty much cant invade him in the jungle and cant fight him 1v1. This is avoidable but then you arent doing what you want to be doing.”
jajkopajko says “Very hard matchup. Most of the game he will oneshot you and you cant do anything about it. Never try to fight him in a straight 1v1, just run and play fo counterganks and objectives.”
RainyLabel says “His passive is strong in 1v1, you won't be able to fight him easily. Your best bet tracking him, warning your teammates and taking skirmishes where his passive loses value. ”
Kazuo Murasaki says “His isolation damage is scary so best to not fight him 1 on 1 if you can. being active in your ganks or invades can Shutdown his Snowballing potential. ”
veipz says “early game he beats you. After 2-3 item kha'zix isnt a threath for you but he can snowball and outgank you just be carefull and track him. Do not give him enough range to burst you if he plays conquer kha zix he isnt a threat for you.”
loganrichards says “If he jumps in, immediately WQ him. Free counter gank. E his isolated Qs. Real struggle is when he gets R and breaks your frenzy, but if you hit your R you have true sight on him so that doesn’t matter”
Pullks says “Kha'Zix is good at flanking. When he'll jump on you, try to interrupt him. If he goes invisible with his R, use your R (Tremors) it will show where he is. Play as a team or stay near your minions so you won't be isolated for the purpose of his Q.”
garbocan says “Very abusable early game. He also never wins 1v1 with Ivern unless absurdly ahead, since Daisy stops Kha'Zix's isolation.
He can be a pain if he goes W evolve and buys Serpents Fang, since he applies the melee 50% shieldcut at an AOE scale. ”
bgkay says “Kha'Zix is difficult to face from level 6 onwards, I recommend switching to the lens when he reaches 6, he easily dodges his attacks and can easily run away”
Destruuu says “Kha Zix is one of the hardest champions to play against, since he can fully go invisible with his R and kite around yourself. Try to always spot him in the jungle and make him engage with his e on you.”
Valkidol says “If he gets a lead you're toast. A Kha with a lead will oneshot you in his invisibility, and you cant do a thing about it. If you're ahead though, the roles are reversed the moment you get an empowered Q off.”
OakIgu says “This is my go for ban on the jungle because he is very popular at all times, Kha'Zix will give you a hard time because he can just avoid you so easily and even invade you early and when dirk is finished, he will allways win smites on objectives because of his insane high damage, aside from counterganking you don't have much to do against this cockroach.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “KhaZix like to do early ganks and take objectives, so place as many wards as you can to spot him all the time and know what he is doing. Don’t fight him alone because he deals increased damage to isolated champions. You need at least minions or jungle camps nearby.”
layton20 says “His invisibility makes it hard for you to kill him. You should predict his isolation Q with a your W to block his damage. A good kha will use invis to waste your ult. Because he is so nimble, you do not focus this guy in the team fight, you focus other confirmed squishies before focusing kha.”
SYROBE says “Fun fact if khazixs goes invisible with his Ultimate your W1 and R will keep tracking him essentially always letting you know where he is. He cant hide from you but he does win small trades and can space you with his W and E evolve very easily. Also if he goes stealth you can ult him which gives TRUE vision so he cant really ever hide. He is still a threat if hes ahead of you because thats just how k6 always is”
Zero macro says “Briar has a hard time into Kha’Zix, this especially starts during Kha’Zix his R Stealth Gap Closing combined with Isolation —> Isolation can be gained by controlling Briar’s Berserking movement by Kha’Zix as well.
Thereby Q / W / R Kha’Zix Evolve will be really strong into Briar.
Briar R is a strong tool into Kha’Zix, due to its true vision gain - However this ability is hard to use and guarantee + Kha Zix W evolve and E mobility can still disengage away from it.
Coccaa says “If you're quick enough you can pillar in the middle of his E to cancel it. If you're going for the fed lifesteal destroyer build, throw in a death's dance for sure. It will give you armor and also help you against his burst. Otherwise just fight him like normal.”
Centaur says “He will be able to match your scaling + have a stronger early game, he has insane powerspikes and can oneshot you with Dirk on invades, he can dodge your E with his invisibility + your spikes & is super fast so he is able to run you down.
Current big threat. ”
MusicJG says “Buy Doran's Blade early.
Hard beats you in Isolation.
You can't contest him in a 1v1 unless you're fed.
You can level 2 cheese him if you get a proper leash.
You outscale later on in teamfights+When you get items he can't oneshot you unless he's really fed.”
Pyrobot says “This is a bit of a skill-based match up, but still in Kha's favor. Your dogs remove isolation, though if he jumps on you with E and W chances are they'll all be dead anyway. He also deals enough damage out of isolation to melt you if you're not ahead - play cautiously, but it's far from an unwinnable matchup. ”
Turnupthetoaster says “Kha'Zix is a very easy matchup. He's squishy, and you have two ways to reveal him while he's stealthed. Not to mention his early game is inferior to yours, so be sure to take full advantage of that.”
Zero macro says “Kha'Zix early game is weaker than Nidalee, but Kha'zix can be a huge threat due to his isolation combined with stealth gap closers. Nidalee has to make sure to reveal Kha'Zix in order to win after level 6.
Do not let Kha'Zix get ahead in this matchup.”
Zero macro says “Pre 6 Shen is stronger than Kha'Zix
Kha'Zix stealth gaps from and isolation will make him win hard into Shen.
Kha'Zix can buy Serpents Fang as well.”
Zero macro says “Kha'Zix isolation and Stealth gapcloser R are hard to deal with for Zed. Zed can maintain controle and mobility over Kha'Zix easily, but Zed has a hard to pulling a good shuriken combo off combined with R due to Kha'Zix Stealthed R. (Oracle Lence is recommended to make it easyier).”
doctorgami says “he is kinda of a proplem in late game but u just need to focuss on team fighting soo that he can t use his passive witch do bonus dmg when target alone also stay away from bush he have bonus dmg when peoples don t see him”
metalhydra273 says “Kha'zix's stealth is a godsend for him here. If he stays out of your sight, you'll have a hard time dealing with him. Play with your carries and lock him down when he gives you the window. Be careful in a 1v1 when he's strong, and understand the game state to know when you can run him down, otherwise he may be the one running down you. He won't be able to burst you as well if you aren't isolated, so deal with him as a group.”
Obscureframe44 says “If its a good Kha'Zix you lost the jungle, good ban as well if you don't know how to play against him or just don't wanna deal with it. He will easily evade your ult with his own.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Caso a barata fique muito forte no jogo dificultará sua vida por conta de que Rell é um campeão imóvel comparado a Rell, porém a fight dela é mais forte.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early game, avoid fighting him due to his isolation damage. Mid-Late game varies on what you're building and if he's fed. As full AP, you're screwed and he's a major-extreme threat. As Hybrid he's even since if he built right or got fed even if you're beefy he still has heavy damage potential. Full tank puts him at minor since he needs squishy targets. ”
TruckDriver says “Really annoying matchup, it can snowball in either direction. You have a leg-up in terms of being able to reveal him in stealth. Although he can 1 shot u if you dont 1 shot him first. Track him, counter gank him, invade him early.”
Hazardist says “Your best bet against Kha'Zix is to build tank, which will dissuade him from focusing you in fights and target your backline instead. For this reason, you should never engage first mindlessly even when you're ahead, and instead focus on serving as a wall between him and your carries so they can burst him down easily.”
Akotanya says “I don't struggle with this matchup unlike others. Before 6 you can kill him in 1v1. After 6 You still can kill him in 1v1.
TIP: Try to use W to his isolated target Q and wait because he will use his ult after Q.
TIP 2: Try to bait his 1 ult stack before engaging.”
MrFerrot says “Would be extreme if he didn't fall off late. He will ALWAYS kill you. Never fight him in a 1v1, be careful when counter-ganking, be careful when he is in your jungle, give up early objectives, and play to scale.”
Ezikko says “Everything that can oneshot you before you do even half of their hp is a total loss. He WILL invade you and kill you on your 2nd buff. avoid 1v1s at all costs and play for team.”
Apari1010 says “Very broken and over buffed champ. He will destroy you early but once it hits the mid to late game, you beat him. Build Death's Dance and armor in general and he shouldn't be able to play the game. The biggest way you lose this matchup is if he gets 3-5 kills early and snowballs objectives. Just avoid him early, make opposite side of the map plays and you should be fine as long as he does not get fed.”
BradJr says “Your E is your best friend. If he can see you, he will kill you. Don't try to fight him unless he is very low. Outscale and win. (clone rating 7/10)”
RhinoMeme says “With much better ganks pre 6 and only falling off late game Khazix is a major threat if he gains a lead although the matchup is not unplayable once you hit mid game.”
VrNtv says “A good Kha'Zix can make your early game very miserable. AFK invading you in the jungle because his passive increases his Q damage majorly if you aren't around an ally, minion, or tower. Make sure to not 1v1 him early!”
FaeBytez says “Kha'Zix has strong burst damage and can easily dodge Diana's Q with his Leap ability. Diana needs to be careful when facing Kha'Zix and try to bait out his Leap before engaging.”
ttvRegedice says “You don't win this matchup outright. It's a matter of who secures their gold lead first. Both can win the matchup. Whoever can jump on the other target from a bush first wins. This is a skill matchup. Make sure to land E as the reveal acts against his R which is super nice. Careful if he W evolves because he can kite/slow you with that. If he builds armor and Q evolves he can easily out heal/win 1v1's if you're not already fed. If you counter gank the bug once early then it's pretty free but definitely stay on your toes.”
Borinn says “Don't fight him after 6 if he has ultimate. Keep your bushes warded as he can one shot you if you are AD.
You have better team fight.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Just a simple stat check matchup. Spell shielding a Q makes him mis out on a lot of burst and makes you shred him. Once he hits level 6 look at the trail Q leaves if he enters invis so you can stay on him.”
xRengarMaster69 says “The better wins, try to countergank,
he has an absurd amount of damage on Q that makes him easily fed.
Assassin build is really strong vs Kha zix.
Double Q this mf !!”
Purecactus says “Probably the worst matchup for kindred. Never fight him in the jungle, especially if he has a lead on you since he will one shot you in 9/10 fights regardless of his health. He can go invisible and kill you. You won't be able to kill him in your R due to him going invisible over and over again. ”
Hazardist says “Assassins are naturally hard for Morgana but Kha'Zix is not impossible to deal with as you can reveal him during his camouflage with Soul Shackles, and prevent his evolved W's strong slow if your reaction times are as good as they should be.”
ShinyEmo says “Strong 1v1 kit. Don't fight alone. His R is a huge problem. You can use meditate after he ults or when he jumps on you to decrease one of his Q's damage. ”
Intropingman says “He can snowball early, but if not, you beat him, just procect your carries from being one shoted with Q blocking his dash and taunt.”
Majd1 says “The matchup against Kha'Zix can be challenging or straightforward depending on his item and rune choices. If he opts for Electrocute or Dark Harvest and builds full Lethality, he will be vulnerable to your consistent burst damage. On the other hand, if he builds Conqueror along with Goredrinker, Death's Dance, and Maw of Malmortius, he will be very difficult to beat as he becomes tanky and deals significant damage.”
1Strike says “Another 5. Noticing a trend? Graves since his E nerfs doesn't do well vs these high burst assassins. A kha'zix can oneshot a graves even when he is behind. Simply put they output too much burst that you can't answer for in time.
Graves is not an early game champ and these assassins have too much burst for him to match in the early game with high sticking pressure.
How do you beat kha? Don't die early on, you outscale all these assassins. Your best bet is to not die at your red. So start your red buff
checca says “Khazix is a very unique champion when it comes to playing against Zac. On paper, Khazix is horrible against Zac as he will only be strong once he hits the first item lethality spike. After this, he will fall off. Be careful of his upgraded W slow. If Khazix kills you, your passive blobs will be counted in isolation, so be aware of this. He will do more damage to your passive blobs. Zac's Q1 reveals him in stealth, which is a big counter to him.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level. His jump can be countered by your E So try using it to deny his gank and kick him out of the teamfight with your Worked Ground Q and E stun. If he can't gank some lane, he'll useless instantly.”
Davecraft16 says “Never fight khaz in the jungle. Try to avoid him and never invade him unless you are very ahead. If you can, stay on the other side of map he is, if he is botside stay topside. Taking some armor items like guardian angel or plated steelcaps will help you.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] This matchup is a skill matchup the character that gets fed more will win.
Kha can one shot you If he's fed enough, but you can hit him while he's invisible. I would recommend Death's Dance 4th item though.”
Barndon says “Is all melee except for his W, which does no dmg. His Q is his main source of dmg and he needs to be close for that so it should be sorta easy to get around. His E jump is to watch out for, he will jump in and one shot you and with his E reset on kill he can jump out no problem. You can E him at the right time when he jumps in, but it has to be well timed if the kha'zix is good at the game. His R does nothing against your turrets since it could still see him, so his R isn't anything.”
Bhyure33 says “Kha'zix used to be an easy matchup because Viego built Shieldbow, but now with the current builds he can actually kill you midgame. Try to get ahead early and try to countergank, but you scale better lategame.”
another player says “Only way to win against Kha (Evelynn) is playing mind games with him. He might try to invade you early game, put a ward in blue-side river if you start red. Keep an eye on him, patch to avoid him.”
RedNBlue says “Be very careful with Kha'Zix, he is one of those assassins that has sustain, and will melt you too as he's just that way when he's fed. He is strong early game, especially when it comes to ganking and dueling. Take an actual thought before you choose to counter gank him and just make sure you don't screw it up. Please.”
RaidenKaos says “UPDATE: Due to recent buffs, he has jumped to a medium threat. He has a much easier early game which means he can be the one to snowball against you instead should you find a bad 1v1 or he gets fed from others. He often will have evolved R+W at Level 11 which counters Talon quite hard.
Kha'Zix is just an absolutely pathetic, pitiful, shit champ - no way about it. While Talon vs Kha'Zix (JGL) is a skill match-up, you can easily outscale him fast and pressure a lot harder than him due to clear speed and map movement diff and eventually counter one-shot him on any of his attempts if you have R.
Only thing you need to learn vs Kha in a 1v1 is to refrain from using R prematurely. As long as you hit W once for 1 stack, predict when he is about to re-emerge from his R for his second rotation and then use R --> AA --> Q --> AA to one-shot him. Do not panic against this insect.
Just be wary of the windows where he is stronger which are: pre-6 where he can easily dodge your returning Rakes; post-6, with R advantage if he is hunting you. Kha'Zix can also counter you a bit with his W Evo, especially if you take Ignite. Getting slowed mid-fight is horrible as Talon.”
Riccardo126 says “Early on it's not a problem, but after 6 he gets his first evolution, usually Q, and gets no longer fightable for you.
He deals so much dmg that you should avoid him as much as you can, as you cannot oneshot him with a combo and he can easily get behind your shield and kill you(his Q has a very low CD).
His R counters your W, as you can't stun a target that you don't see.
Be careful even on 2 vs 1, as he can sneak behind you, kill you, and turn on your ally for an easy double.”
MythicalMinute says “I find Khazix is useless as hell into tanks, even with the bruiser kha build he cant really beat you. He can only beat you if he gets really fed off a certain lane. If you go AD you cant beat him in a 1v1 but if you go AP or Tank, he cant really do much to you, I prefer tank to zone him in fights.
Bruiser (Tank Oriented) is good.”
Kukiziuu_ says “Good Khazix will make your game a hell. If you will get behind mostly you will lose. Why? he got big snowball potentional and can easily outscales you.
- Try to gank as many as possible, do every objectives, and counter jungle him if your ahead.
Currently khazix is my permaban, why? Because hes annoying to play vs.”
Kao_Oak says “He has everything you don't want to face as Yi (burst + invis). If he is smart and upgrade his R level 6, you won't be able to 1v1 him anymore (unless you are turbo fed). On top of that he can escape you easily if he lost the 1v1. Be smart with your W and Q to tempo him as much during his invis if you want a chance to win 1v1.”
RengarNBush says “You counter him, he cannot play into you since your e gives true vision. Full tank is annoying, but can be ignored in most cases. Avoid 1v1s if he has q evolve, only enter if you know your damage is enough to leave him with 20-30% hp. double W is useless into him with q evolve, he will just R and do the dmg all over again. If he jumps on you, you most probably lose unless relatively ahead. in 1v1s you have to be the one who jumps first to lane your e true vision. ”
Coach Myga says “The Kha'Zix match up is good pre 6 and you can abuse him. Try to kite out his abilities, it's often nice to wait for him to E before you Q in a level 3 fight. Post level 6 it's very hard to verse Kha'Zix. I recommend a brusier/on-hit build versus him.
After 6 he will look to camp a Fog of War position and jump you, forcing you to ult. Then he holds his second cast of R for when Kindred Ultimate finishes, and kills you. ”
YuzukiJG says “A good kha'zix would try to catch you in the jg and kill you. If he catches you in a bush and autos you with his passive, you're dead. After 6, his ult gives him the advantage over you. I would genuinely advise going for the titanic build vs him or galeforce collector. You have the advantage if you're ahead and is not isolated. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIS DAMAGE EVEN IF HE IS BEHIND. If you see the player is fullclearing then you can possibly look for an invade (IF YOU HAVE PRIO). Stay away from the river until the Kha Zix is spotted.
Yuki H. says “As always, if he invades and catches you on a camp with no abilities, you are probably going to take a lot of damage. Keep an eye out on his position at all times as you are a much bigger threat in team fights than he is.
Late game, try to sit on your carries to negate any opportunities for Kha'Zix to assassinate your carry. The same goes the bruiser Kha'Zix build.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kha’Zix will be looking to gank a lot in the early game to get ahead. Try to equal his kill pressure early on by counter ganking if you’re nearby. He can solo objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald with ease thanks to his Taste Their Fear(Q). Make sure you keep these objectives warded so you can spot him if he tries to take them. When fighting Kha’Zix, unless you have the lead, avoid fighting him when there are no minions or jungle camps nearby. Thanks to his Passive, he will deal more damage to you if you’re isolated with no-one around.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Kha’Zix will be looking to gank a lot in the early game to get ahead. Try to equal his kill pressure early on by counter ganking if you’re nearby. He can solo objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald with ease thanks to his Taste Their Fear(Q). Make sure you keep these objectives warded so you can spot him if he tries to take them. When fighting Kha’Zix, unless you have the lead, avoid fighting him when there are no minions or jungle camps nearby. Thanks to his Passive, he will deal more damage to you if you’re isolated with no-one around.”
lumihehe says “for full ap gwen, this guy is a huge threat. but for gigachad tank gwen, once we have even a single armour tank item we just squish him like the bug he is. avoid until u have items”
Salmon Kid says “Lillia counters Khazix insanely hard if she takes red smite. Handily out scales him, reveals him in invis, he has no tools to deal with sleep, and its easy to avoid his movement option and slows.”
Darksword255 says “Hold Q so you can follow him when he jumps or if he uses his R. You can mitigate all his damage with your E and u will out heal his damage. If he R's you can follow him with your W.”
TennisJJ says “Annoying if nothing else. He is not super strong right now, but his in is makes him tough to kill. It may not be worth trying to kill him ”
Lawiss1 says “L'enfer.
Kha'zix clear aussi bien qu'Eve et avec les changements de la jungle cette saison, Kha'zix finira son clear full life sans avoir utiliser ses potions.
Son ulti à un cd 2x moins long que celui d'Evelynn .
Dieu merci la plus part des joueurs de Kha'zix sont boosted.”
Prizum says “Really annoying to play against at times because his 1v1 is always stronger and he can invade you early but if you can get to 2 items you will outscale and out-teamfight.”
Nik7857 says “You counter him for the most part but like Ekko he can snowball out of control if you don't accomplish anything or make a mistake. Kha zix wins this by ulting your cocoon duration. Try invading if he is full clearing.”
ItsAydam says “The reason Kha'zix is a major threat and not an extreme threat is because some kha'zix players will overestimate you and let you scale. A good kha'zix would try to catch you in the jg and kill you. If he catches you in a bush and autos you with his passive, you're dead. After 6, his ult gives him the advantage over you. I would genuinely advise going for the titanic build vs him or galeforce collector. You have the advantage if you're ahead and is not isolated. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIS DAMAGE EVEN IF HE IS BEHIND.”
Dojyaan says “You could use your box to deny isolation. If he gets the jump on you you lose. If you get the jump on him early on he loses. In a pretty weak place right now because of durability patch.”
Farmer Cleetus says “I put him in major, because he can be beaten if he does not have isolated damage on you + if you play rhaast you can win the 1v1 even in his isolation.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “When he is invisible you can not aa him. Once he hits you with his passive or evolved W he will slow you so hard you will hardly have any damage.”
GiAEcchI says “Avoid him early game, you will not be able to fight him head on pre-form, if you have ignite and he face checked your brush then it could be possible.
Try starting at the other side of the jungle to avoid fighting him at scuttle.”
NegativePhoenix says “Kha'Zix early is more managable, but his late game power is not. Do not let him feed off you and do not engage with him in a 1v1. He does bonus damage to isolated targets. Try to help your lanes you know he's gonna run into to keep him behind and so his passive bonus damage can't proc but not if it means you die too. Once the late game rolls around, he will normally have enough to burst you if you aren't careful. If you can react in time though, Q away and W him then Q again as he will have used his second leap by the time your W knockup is over. If he at least misses his first E then you have a chance to beat him.”
SunLongGod says “Has high burst damage and a good Kha'zix can outplay you with his ult after lv6. You should avoid getting isolated and using W to reduce his damage or stall time for him to end his ult”
NegativePhoenix says “Do not, I repeat, do NOT 1v1 him early. His passive increases damage against isolated targets so he can beat you at early stages anytime he wants. Wait until later in the game to really make any impact against him as he'll still be squishy so you can still knock him down a peg. Late game will turn it even depending on whos better at bursting the other person ”
One Stab says “Well, just a bug in your way..He can't go invisble cause of your Bola, you oneshot him, he can't oneshot you cause you heal his burst with W. Just play around bushes and you win. ”
duowithdeath says “Kha'Zix will perma invade you on camp spawns and one shot you every time, also a very good ban. Not much you can do if he invades. Can take exh/red smite to try and duel.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Kha'zix just benefits in this matchup in every single way possible. If you can make it to 3 items without getting behind it become diana favored but its nearly impossible to get to that point. there are windows you can kill kha zix but its very small and depends on khazix either being without ult or jump and also usually requires diana to have the ambush. Try to stay away from Kha zix unless you have help”
RLluka says “similar to reksai mainly becomes a threat when ahead of you but if on even gold you can easily deal with him. Similar to lilia difficult to actually get a hold of and kill due to W evolve slow .”
mirkodevito says “he will always kill you if you don't take your spear and let him jump on you. You need to gank a lot when he is your enemy. If he is good you will be invaded always and so you need to buy control and red trinket.”
Shro says “Kha'Zix greatly benefits from being isolated, which just so happens to be exactly what Mordekaiser does with his Ult. Kha'Zix will gain increased damage inside your Ult and his invisibility and his jumps will make it very difficult to squash him.”
Cpt. Maelstrom says “Even with isolated bonus, khazix cant counter jungle you, and in early game you go even with him. Just like with every assassin dont let him get fed on lanes (especially not on you)”
evil in says “Kha'zix is a skill match up the only thing u have to look out for is early game if he doesnt get any kills early on and u hit 6 the game is basically won for you.”
[Kha'zix is an assassin champions that relates on AA'ing, so he cannot fundamentally deal damage to you after getting Thornmail. However, his W slow can piss you off pretty quickly, especially if he upgrades it. If you manage to E a little bit before he R's, you can waste a lot of R time and even break his invisibility if he AA's you.]
GrayJinxed says “Kha'Zix will most of the time attempt to assassinate you however, if he has ult up, he will just need to get you low inside of your own ult, go invisible then Q you after your ult has ended. ”
TimothyFly says “Very weak early game, but scales really well. If you don't hard win early it will be hard to kill him late game because of invisiblity. You can kill him if ur ahead but if not u have to chain ur ultimate with ur team to one shot him.”
Majd1 says “Kha'Zix can be a major threat or no threat at all. It comes down to his itemization and his runes. If he plays electrocute/dark harvest and go full lethality you will be able to oneshot him on repeat easily. However, if he goes Conqueror with Goredrinker/Death's Dance and Maw of Malmortius etc., you will not be able to do anything since he is way too tanky and deals way too much damage.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Fed Kha'zix might be an issue, but otherwise he does not have a passive due to you using your Decoy (W). So he will never have Isolation against you.”
geek_not_found says “My typical ban every game if I plan on playing Kindred. He's just an obnoxious pain in the ass. You can match him level 3 with difficulty but it's when he gets 6 he becomes a night terror. You have to force his ult before you can ult yourself. If he gets an early R evolve (which would be smart) then you're fucked. Just ban it.”
YoungTact says “You clear faster and healthier so you have advtange here. Your early game skirmishing is also better so if you run into him do no falter! Can W his E. Try to facecheck him though as his isolation damage still hurts. ”
Xyllow says “Kha'zix will beat Warwick 1v1 when significantly ahead. Kha'zix can beat Warwick 1v1 when even, but he probably won't. That's not the real issue. Kha'zix E and R are very safe abilities that make it essentially impossible for you to solo kill him, since he is going to use one or the other and run away. If he is trolling, you can follow his E with your Q, but that will not necessarily result in a kill. His evolved W is the most annoying thing to play against, as you are essentially zilean slowed if he built serylda's. Dodge worthy matchup.”
Jksons says “dont underestimate his isolation because he one shots you even if he face checks you
so try to get someone nearby you can also buy tabis they help a little bit,
he has a slow clear so you out farm him easily”
horror_in_dark says “Один из опаснейших противников, старайтесь банить его и не пытайтесь контрджанглить его в лесу. Ловите его с союзником на объектах, ибо 2 в 2 он слабее вас.”
Novacane542 says “Assassins are a huge problem for karthus. Karthus has no escape and Khazix can pick him off easily. He will look to counterjungle early so be prepared.”
Limaads says “Kha'Zix is in contention for Ekko's hardest jungle matchup along with Elise. He beats you 1v1 at all stages of the game unless fed and he also scales well into the mid and late game. His isolation allows him to have good control over neutral objectives. If you're ever caught without your ult and he has even a small lead he WILL kill you. Don't underestimate his damage even if you're fed. Kha'Zix is extremely oppressive and hard to deal with if he gains a lead so make sure to track him and let your laners know where he is as well as being wary of invades and 1v1 fights.”
Dabgren says “Would say this is very Lee Sin favoured, you win early game hard if you just fight him, as I'm saying, just fight him (and utilize your passive please) and you should win every early trade even isolated if you do the right combo with the help of your passive.”
Madabc says “Honestly a lot of people say this is a Kha favored matchup, but I disagree. I think the champ Kha is a lot easier and better in most scenarios, but Rengar has a ton of outplay in 1v1's. Double W after Kha Q & Auto can take back a lot of dmg the Kha previously did. ”
Janooobi says “Avoid him early as much as possible and try to mitigate the damage he does to your laners, eventually he becomes nearly impossible to lock down so him being fed will be a problem for you and your team.”
DqrkVoid says “Kha'Zix in early game can out damage you easily take a proper pathing so u be able to get scuttle put wards and don't do risky plays till the late game that u out damage him and have a lot of mobility ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Shut him down early. Your damage is somehow enough over his to kill him if he is cocky. Your shield blocks his entire Q damage. If you don't slow his start, he will snowball and get Serpents. That's when you lose. Go Aery Inspiration. For AP, go CotSQ.. For Sup, go Shurelya's.”
officialwiseguy says “Has high burst damage and is hard to kill after level 6. Avoid being isolated, reduce his Q damage with your W, burst builds can help.”
Consolo says “As long as your teammates don't die to a jungler with no cc and a short dash earlygame, you should be able to easily stun him mid/late while your teammates melt this 0 range 1 dash assassin. He can't use ult while stunned, so watch as your teammates summon a can of Raid. He is TURBO WEAK until dirk, and even after his damage is burst, so proc aftershock and gtfo. He can't easily kill you once you get mythic until he gets Serylda's. At that point, stun and run.”
FacetLOL says “Not a too bad matchup, but be aware that you have to play around his isolation, if you're fighting him without your clone to deny isolation, place a box ontop of yourself to block his isolation damage.”
Zehmox says “try to make as much possible in the early game pre 6 vs this bug. after 6 he kills you isolated because he can cancel your bite/ult with his ult. TIP VS STEALTH CHAMPS = PRE ult them so your team sees them if he ults whenever you ult on him your teammates can see him
blulemon says “He is a lethality based champion, you get lots of armour so he won't pose much threat. Just be careful of being caught in a 1 v 1 in river early, he can win.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Kha zix struggles with fighting amumu because amumu can burst him before he is able to move. Even if khazix is able to attack, amumu's aftershock and bone plating reduce khazix's burst”
Abes_o7 says “There are some chamions on jungle that will oneshot you and you won't notice what killed you, Kha'Zix is one of them. You have to get level advantage to dominate him untill he don't have evolved skills.”
MrMeem45 says “Khazix falls behind easily, but starts out about as strong as you are and doesn't fall off later on like you do. Act quickly and decisively, catch him out of position or get your team to help in a scuttle fight. You can't really 1v1 him due to his insane isolated Q damage, however, so just play opposite to him until an opportunity presents itself.”
Zero macro says “Recommended to get horizon focus later in the game. Stealth gap closers. Ekko can overcome Kha'Zix easily with his W and R lockdown and value.”
Elekktro says “Some people might consider Kha'zix a hard matchup but I find Kha'zix to be more of an even matchup. While his invisibility is incredibly frustrating, you can usually beat Kha'zix in teamfights with some patience. ”
Capo1337 says “What makes him a hard matchup is mainly the invisibility of his R, his low Q CD and his isolation passive. Pre lvl 6 you can beat him. After that or if he gets fed you should avoid him. Try to W his Q when forced to fight him and stick to your teammates or to ally minions to avoid his isolation passive. I personally had alot of success with bursty builds and hail of blade, only if the enemy team comp allowed it ofc.”
J98TheGreat says “He is strong right now, but you can do good against him if he isn't very fed. Even then, you can shut a fed Kha'Zix down in a team fight better than a fed Zed with Axiom Arc. You can solo kill him early if he doesn't have the first strike rune. ”
Brosinex says “Mi permaban personal. En soloqueue, la gente no respetará el daño que hace cuando están solos y, por lo general, lo alimentarán. No puedes 1v1 con él en ninguna parte del juego a menos que tu mega alimentado o esté atrasado. Puede fácilmente un disparo fuera de su conocimiento antes de que pueda responder con un ult. Una pesadilla total contra la que luchar.”
King Fidd says “Similar to the Shaco matchup you can counter his stealth with your w. He can catch you out post 6, but if you just play safe he can't even jump into fights without getting oneshot by your ultimate.”
Ghionova says “Hes strong with isolation only and you always have a copy of yourself at your side. Be sure to stand close to your clone when he knows where you are... otherwise bait with clone.”
iwanixxx says “If kha knows to play and get few kills early, try to avoid 1v1 where he gets passive proc, he will mostly win. In situations where he dont have passive u will mostly win if u are even.”
NMFO says “Trundle is a nightmare for AD assassins. Naturally tanky, can stack armor, can peel his teammates, and can steal AD from an enemy. Kha is trickier than most though, because of his ridiculous Q scaling, so remember to not be isolated!”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “Kha'zix is a hard champion to play against in S11-12 you hardly win a scuttle fight in the River even with your ignite due to his Passive Isolation. Try to out gank him and avoid fighting him when no one is near you.”
Da Mastah says “This is a skill match up for the most part. Khazix pre 6 is essentially a cockroach to you, as long as you get the first hit in and meditate his aa-q combo, he shouldn't be threat. Make sure to hold your q until he tries to leap away. Post 6 he actually becomes a threat, try to avoid him unless you know you can easily kill him. Look to out scale him and catch him when is ult is on cd. If he gets a lead over you or early invades you however, you get annihilated. Make sure to track him carefully in the jungle and be very careful when you lose prio as he can look for invades. Take ignite if your confident you can invade him, flash if you want to avoid fighting him. ”
L9 TURBOTROLL says “Same as Rengar, but even worse. He has invisibility that he can use to wear off your blind and then kill you. No counterplay to this.”
The Elysian1 says “ His recent nerf made him weak but if he gets a little bit of lead or some DH stacks , the game can be over. Try catching him with your teammates in his jungle and making simple picks to make him fall off. He is not that strong in early if he doesn't have first item. Your kit is better to fight him then any other jungler. I suggest buying pinks and putting them in his jungle so you can counter gank him and one shot him ASAP.
zLuxfury says “If you are not marked by his passive you could fight him with blue form but keep in mind that with his passive he could outdamage you.
If he's ahead and full hp don't even try a 1v1.”
KafueLechwe says “Kha'Zix is a tricky matchup, but he can't invade you as safely as some other junglers. Kha'Zix will be forced to try and get good gank tempo early and snowball himself or other lanes, or you will just passively outscale him.”
Zyvran says “He jumps on you and one shots you if he gets ahead, regardless of whether you have Shieldbow or not. Just go Galeforce and try to kill him first.”
Citric says “Kha'Zix is only a bad match up if you feed into him. Do not fight him if you have less health than him early in the jungle. If you both scale accordingly, you won't have any troubles in teamfights. ”
Pullks says “Never fight him isolated as he gains extra damage. If he is fed he WILL one shot you, stay with your team and give scuttles if you dont have help. ”
Pusi Puu says “you beat him pretty hard pre 6. Try to pressure the kha zix in the jungle and invade him (lvl3 invade). With the change you can always jump on kha'zix as long as you hit your E and gain vision on him through stealth. Really easy matchup after changes”
IMissedMyQ says “You hard smash this champ. Make sure you are constantly tracking him so you can warn your team of his ganks. Kha is easy to deal with as Elise, but if he feeds off your team then it will become a massive pain. (Your spiderlings make it so that you are not isolated.)”
Doubtfull says “Kha'zix can use his kit to slow you, close the gap and one shot you. It's important to play "like there is a kha'zix" in the game and be wary of factchecking into him. I used to think this match up was impossible, but once you get runic echoes you can actually 1 shot kha'zix because he usually builds very squishy. Be aware that he can use his E to position himself behind a wall if you ult him. Invading early game can go well if you are confident in your kiting ability. ”
LambWolf says “Kha'Zix is hard matchup you can kite him with red buff if you don't waste your q stupidly. After he hits 6 you are basically doomed. Try to stick near minions, turrets or champions to not get isolated damage on you. Worthy of a Ban. ”
LordGrox says “Kha'Zix can easily kite around you and dodge most of your damage by going invisible. Can still be bursted down. More of a skill matchup.”
SnowballBarrage says “Kha is so annoying for AP nunu cuz he oneshots you while going in and out of invis not allowing you to Q him. Make sure you have ult if you think you're going to walk into him.”
NixLychee says “If you're forced to fight him, try to stick near Jungle camps or minions. His damage gets cut in half without Isolation. You can out-duel a Kha'Zix if you're ahead and he's behind, but other than that try to keep him behind with the help of you laners. Challenging Smite is good here. He has super high damage and you might want Death's Dance to survive his burst. ”
Polarshift says “Don't facecheck him and don't walk into melee range. Stay with your teammates, or with minions to deny his Isolation. Keep in mind that you can use your R early in the fight to keep your distance from Kha'zix. He will outduel you if you're even in exp and gold after level 6 so be careful. You could try to early invade him when he's semi-useless (lv2).”
Veralion says “My current ban since he's very popular and if he gets a few kills it is very easy for him to make it completely impossible for you to play the game. Significantly buffed in 10.14 for little reason, almost certainly should be avoided now. He's not a great ganker and requires his enemies to play greedy to get going. The burn from red smite will help track him while he is cloaked running around in skirmishes. Extremely easy to squish if he doesn't pop off. If he's in defense mode and not looking to fight, hold your E until after he jumps, then fire after him. He has decent objective taking speed through isolated Q, so don't leave drake unwarded. He is used to winning crab battles by default, bone plating and Exhaust should prove him wrong if he tries so long as you're healthy. If he does get fed, keep your jungle warded and play very defensively. Stupid bug does an insane amount of damage. ”
Kocykek says “You can stop his E but how your gonna stop his invisibility and one shotting squishies. His damage output is so broken and mobility as well.”
Arfreezy says “ A scaling AD threat like Kayn but is slightly worse due to having a slower jungle clear. You can dominate this matchup early and establish jungle and lane lead before the first evolve at 6. Lethality build is useful for snowballing here. Grit stacking is very important to win the early scuttle contest and establish dominance.”
FREAKSTAR says “Similar to Rengar but worse in my opinion. He just doesn't feel as strong in a 1v1 early game.
Maybe it's the fact that rengar has the bush jump mechanic, but I just feel like Kha'zix can't stop you from farming up to lvl 6.”
Tormentula says “Kha'Zix is countered by Elise. Part of Kha'Zix's gimmick is isolation, and Elise's own spiderlings remove that in 1v1s, making him do less damage with Q and denying him the evolved benefits of his Q and W. Having CC makes him unable to jump into you as you'll just cocoon and burst him, then outDPS him in spider form. You can invade him early, just do not waste cocoon unless he jumps into you for a point blank one, if you miss he can turn on you. If Kha'Zix gets a lead early, consider picking up Seeker's Armguard after your first item to avoid contributing to his snowball. ”
Doubtfull says “This match up can be difficult, and it usually goes to whoever the aggressor is. He can cancel your E with his R, and prevent you from ulting. I usually try to full combo him asap and ult before he gets that 2nd charge of his camo off. This might be a good match up for red smite, though I usually still go blue.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Phase Rush. Dark Harvest if possible.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Plated Steelcaps if his team is full of AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Kha'Zix is famous for his one-shot capabilities, he's quite squishy, your W center damage might be enough to scare him off, but if he manages to dodge it, just flee, you can't kill him without landing it. When you get some AP components like Lost Chapter, you can kite Kha'Zix after baiting out his jump. He's a level 5 threat when fed, don't stray too far from your team if this is the case, or you'll just get deleted by him. Kha'Zix is also an assassin, which means he's vulnerable to CC, which means you can nullify him in fights with your own ultimate.”
MiningRicK says “I mean he is squishy but do tons of damage be careful in early game and fight him until you have ult. But wait until you make your ult he can be invisible.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Kha Zix favored which means you need to respect Kha Zix in 1v1 after lvl 6 since his burst damage is higher than yours and his ulti makes him invisible so you can´t autoattack him. I recommend trying to fight him pre 6 and try to kite him out”
Insightful says “kha zix has a slow clear, however if he gets ahead or at some point in game he might just one shot you before you even have time to react, that's why it's an even matchup, but it's easier to play from morgana's perspective in my opinion”
Insightful says “you don't win 1v1 vs kha zix but he has a weak early game aswell, you should be way more impactful in teamfights and small skirmishes 2v2/3v3”
AvidPanda says “A good Kha'Zix can make your early game very miserable. AFK invading you in the jungle because his passive increases his Q damage majorly if you aren't around an ally, minion, or tower. Make sure to not 1v1 him early!”
poopyOCE says “Before level 6, he loses 1v1, but after, his burst is too high to withstand. If you engage, use E for the damage reduction. When using R on him, try to use it while he is in an animation so he cannot jump out of the way, as R is now a skillshot.”
sonminh says “Either play bruiser or AP. Avoid him early game. 2v2 is possible but difficult, make sure to have the first attack. He can never kill you if you play bruiser and playing front to back against him is very good for you.”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Make sure to never be isolated in a fight with him, or he will Q-reap you for 1/2 of your health in True Damage. Try and farm and you'll be fine, as you outscale him. Be sure not to let him get fed.”
FREAKSTAR says “This champion is laughably over powered right now. Honestly it's a good idea to ban him until riot puts him under control. He is slippery which is bad for you, it makes him hard to CC. He can 1 shot you if he's fed. Just ban him for now...”
PhoebusRevenio says “One of Udyr's more difficult matchups. Avoid fighting him alone and peel for your carries. It's helpful to take Oracle's Lens to track his movements during his ultimate. ”
TacoTheShaco says “Can one shot you faster simply. If he is experienced player he will probably go and invade your jungle and at that point you can't do anything to him.”
poopyOCE says “Ward jungle so you won't get 1 shot. Keep map awareness on rift, Q and flash if he misses 1 shot. Avoid at all costs. Your teamfight potential is much better.”
Purruichi says “Very carefull because he oneshots you in early, so don't fight crabs.
As same as for Yi, you need to have him tracked and invade a lot.”
Karasmai says “This is the definition of a 50/50 Matchup, You win early clear by farming faster, Kha'zix will always win the 1v1 so never try to 1v1 him. Always look to fight in groups even first form so 2v2/3v3’s are your best friend. And when you get form make sure you fight in groups still and force fights on objectives. Vision control will win this matchup forsure! Don't be afraid to get Exec as well to stop his massive healing from his ravenous hunter + Q - W combo.”
MexBookMaster says “Kha'Zix es un match bastante complicado. Es sencillo el tema, quien saque mayor ventaja gana este match. Cuidado y te aplica el Aislamiento porque aunque el Kha'Zix vaya 0/10 te puede Oneshotear. Recomiendo Rhaast si faltan tanques y si tienes algo de experiencia con Kayn puedes jugar SA y usar tus caderas para oneshotearlo. Nunca, Nunca, Nunca le pelees 1v1. Perderás la mayoría de veces a menos que vayas Feed. El escarabajo a nivel 4 no es peleable contra el, Pathea hacia donde sepas que no va a estar el.”
gankyourgrandma says “A good Kha'Zix can make your early game very miserable. AFK invading you in the jungle because his passive increases his Q damage majorly if you aren't around an ally, minion, or tower. Make sure to not 1v1 him early!”
ak521 says “The buffs really did a number on this matchup. He's a significantly more potent invader as his single target burst damage is absolutely NUTS. His ganking power is equal to if not stronger than yours, so expect your team to hurt early game. The worst part is that he can take your Blue or Red buffs really fast because of his Isolation bonuses. If you are able to land a stun on him, you practically win that fight, though.”
Dabgren says “Would say this is very Lee Sin favoured, you win early game hard if you just fight him, as I'm saying, just fight him (and utilize your passive please) and you should win every early trade even isolated if you do the right combo with the help of your passive.”
Frozerlol says “Try to play around the bushes and suprise him. You have higher burst which lets you decide the matchup early on. Just care that you dont fall behind, he can perma invade your jungle then-”
Rhoku says “Kha'Zix is probably the only melee assassin that can beat Darius. If he is slightly ahead and has evolved his Q, he will tear you to shreds and go invisible before you can fight back. You need to tank up if he gets fed. Pre-6 he is free food though.”
Pyroen says “I put even threat for K6 simply because of how squishy this guy is - even though it really is whoever gets the jump on who that will win this matchup.
Nidalee gets the upperhand since she can trap bushes/track enemy junglers using a relatively low CD area ward (bushwack)
Trap between his camps and ping him out for your team.
This bug will always be looking to flank during teamfights so be sure to trap the routes you don't have good vision on and he should become a minimal threat.
also - Land a spear post 6 and he melts if you have the needed magic pen.”
AST Raposo says “Very Tough. Although i have won the most of matches against him, i have to admit he is tough. He will sure invade you.It is very important rush zhonyas early. For late game,you will do more than he,so be patient.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Kha'Zix is much stronger in early game than Hecarim in 1v1s, be careful of invades. Once Kha'Zix gets a lead its probably over for Hecarim.”
Insightful says “kha zix has a slow clear but he's very strong 1v1, just don't fight him isolated and give him his passive for free. if he gets ahead the game can be very painful”
izzlelol says “My personal permaban. In soloqueue people will not respect how much damage he does when they're alone and will usually feed him. You can't 1v1 him in any part of the game unless your mega fed or he's behind. Can easily one shot you out of know where before you can even respond with an ult. A total nightmare to go against.”
ChirasaTheQueen says “Skill matchup, you can either destroy him or get rolled. Try not to fight him if he's got an item. Early game fights should be even-ish.”
Lambda Diana says “One of Diana worst matchs up in the JG if he goes DH and snowballs its gg he is worth a perma ban if you aren't great vs Kha. try to fight him 2v2 or 1v2 never 1v1 he will win the 1v1 if you are even or behind. Try to counter gank/ counter jg and split the map if you can. ”
LaughingWithoutLaughingGa says “pre-6, manageable, get him behind. Post-6, really only time you can 1v1 him(taking him from 100 to 0, not assassinating him when hes low) is when you have ult, and even then its a bit of a coinflip as even without isolation he does serious damage.”
lightrocket2 says “Can turn completely invisible and gets enough movement speed to kite you. If he gets ahead his burst - invis is impossible to deal with. Try to use PTA to snowball win against him pre 6 if possible. But will definitely win teamfights against him.”
Ellesmere says “Kha is an extremely strong jungler. He can 1v1 you at almost any point in the game if you're alone, plus his clear is strong and he has great escape. Don't try to counter jungle, just play a team game. Rather than split pushing focus on grouping and team fights since Kha is much weaker when he can't isolate his prey. That being said, if he does try to 1v1 you late game, provided he isn't way ahead of you, you should still be able to beat him. But be careful of chasing him if he's able to disengage. Chasing kha into the woods can be a very dangerous game.”
Stratogos says “He has strong game and can solo both drake and baron...but if you go for objectives with tyour team you can put him out of the game quick.If you fear him he is dead so try forcing teamfights when against him ”
colingogo says “Duskblade alerts him if youre nearby, one shots you, you cant use 2nd q or e on him because he goes invis, and has a 90% slow on his W. Very scary champ.”
SketchtheHunter says “This one is a bit weird. On the one hand, he deals a lot of damage early and can kill you relatively easily. On the other he's also incredibly squishy and will often use his only escape tool to get on top of you (which often works against him).”
Penguto says “Kha is just the better assassin, his Q is on low cooldown so you cant block all of them, avoid triggering his passive "Isolation" when 1v1ing him.”
Raggy69 says “Kha'Zix is a mean machine against you. You better have your kiting booties on and a lot of balls to take on this wild bug in the jungle. He will beat you up before you can even summon Daisy.”
Hynder says “He got more tools than you to fight in 1 vs 1. He can burst down enemies easier than you do, he got an R that makes him invisible...
To sum up. You should almost never force a fight alone versus him, even if he is behind.”
Suseri says “His high burst damage and invisibility are very strong against Yi. Pre lvl 6 you can deal with him alot easier. Avoid being isolated and try to W his Q damage.”
manco1 says “Khazix is Teemo's #1 counter pick, he has mobility and can 1 shot you. You NEED to buy sweeper and use it while entering brushes, buying a pink ward every base, please respect his damage.”
RichMrFork says “ Kha beats you 1v1 at all stages of the game unless fed and he also scales well into the mid and late game. His isolation allows him to have good control over neutral objectives. If you're ever caught without your ult and he has even a small lead he WILL kill you. Don't underestimate his damage even if you're fed. Kha'Zix is extremely oppressive and hard to deal with if he gains a lead so make sure to track him and let your laners know where he is as well as being wary of invades and 1v1 fights.”
Kayn Mains says “Absolutely terrible matchup for Kayn. This bug will beat you at pretty much every stage of the game. Avoid him unless you are ahead.
There currently isn’t a good form against this champion. Play around your team and keep away from him.”
WillowSprout says “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH INVADES????? He's pretty squish tho so just catch him off guard and then you die cuz you're alone lol.”
LilPaniniUwU says “You can out-duel a Kha'Zix if you're ahead and he's behind, but other than that try to keep him behind with the help of you laners. Challenging Smite is good here.
metalhydra273 says “Kha'zix can be slippery, but if you can nab him he's in trouble. You can win 1v1's but it's not in your favor so try to avoid getting bursted down unless you know you can kill him. Try to peel him off your team before he stealths from your cc or gets away.”
Fennixas says “Early game he is no threat since you can outdamage him with conquerer and red smite but after his q upgrade he oudamages you, if its conqueror kha'zix you can counter it with bramble and red smite.”
AggroBeat says “With this build he doesn't have that much damage to burst you, unless he's really fed. He'll try to ambush you in your jungle, so get vision.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Absolutely terrible matchup for Kayn. This insect will beat you at pretty much every stage of the game. Avoid him unless you are ahead. There currently isn’t a good form against this champion. Play around your team and keep away from him.
Ir.Defender says “You must respect Kha'Zix kit, you don't want to fight if you are behind, if he tried to fight you, you must use R when he try to Leap (E) On you, then you insta E > Q and you can beat him.”
PulseBeat_02 says “Keep your distance from him. Make sure to hit your root before he tries to jump onto you. His abilities deal AD, so your Black Shield won't be as useful. If he hits you with Evolved Spike Racks, you can Black Shield the slow and try to get out.”
Nanelol says “Leave him alone in his jungle early game but if you see him looking for a gank, try and cheese him from a bush. one combo will drop him pretty low and without an evolved ability he won't be able to do much against you early on.”
auileta says “He's prone to AFK invading you since his passive makes him deal extra damage against isolated enemies. Give up camps if you have to and don't try to solo him early.”
Nanelol says “Winning matchup. Against a Kha'Zix you should try to run in the spider form through your jungle because he can't isolate you if your spiderlings are behind you. That's why you win most trades against a Kha'Zix. Often Kha'Zix has some HP problems while jungling in the early game and is very squishy. That's why counter jungling a Kha'Zix is a good option.”
Nanelol says “Kha'zix can easly win early game if he counter jungles you. He has lots of damage early with his passive. Also, he can isolate Zac's passive and one shot each cell with Q. ”
Eagzey says “Easy enough matchup but Riot's love affair with this champ makes him somewhat annoying as well. Instant invisibility cucks us and he might be able to turn it around with his ridiculous isolation damage. Very weak early so stamp on the cockroach.”
uSgSello says “Winning matchup.
Against a Kha'Zix you should try to run in the spider form through your jungle because he can't isolate you if your spiderlings are behind you.
That's why you win most trades against a Kha'Zix. Often Kha'Zix has some HP problems while jungling in the early game and is very squishy. That's why counter jungling a Kha'Zix is a good option.”
Smartest2 says “Low risk to you, high risk to your team. Leave him alone in his jungle early game but if you see him looking for a gank, try and cheese him from a bush. one combo will drop him pretty low and without an evolved q he can't retailaite”
TiltyH says “Fairly easy to fight at low levels and if he doesn't get a lead there should be nothing stopping you - besides his teammates - from beating him up.”
aurus666lol says “VERY big threat, but if you are smart, you can win VS Him.
But how? Just build Seeker and Zhonya after that and always try to fight near camps to not have isolation on head.
MrMeem45 says “Keep him from getting fed at all costs. He can't really kill you, but he can kill your team. If he ever gets the ability to oneshot your ADC, he'll be able to do it no matter how much peel you have and the game will be pretty much over.”
theceasrsalad says “try not to fight him alone as he will beat you with his isolated q, if he finds you and gets his burst of he will kill you but if you find him you might be able to beat him in a one v one if you're fast enough”
PK Noob says “Your squishy and it’s Kha’Zix. If he gets a lead your done. Try to get your team ahead so that they can either be meatshields or shut him down with you easily.”
RedNBlue says “He can be a problem if he gets an early pick on you as you will fall behind and you will be too squishy until you get more items, I would suggest building the more defensive build with Steraks Included. You might even want to get a Steraks third or 4th item not including boots so that you can survive to late game.”
14yo sad lulu says “ENG: Absolutely terrible matchup for Kayn. This insect will beat you at pretty much every stage of the game. Avoid him unless you are ahead. There currently isn’t a good form against this champion. Play around your team and keep away from him. (RU: Абсолютно ужасное совпадение для Кайна. Это насекомое будет бить вас практически на каждом этапе игры. Избегайте его, если вы не впереди. В настоящее время нет хорошей формы против этого чемпиона. Играй со своей командой и держись от него подальше.)”
TheShackledMan says “Kha'Zix is a huge threat to Viego and especially if he goes ignite instead of flash, something that left me bitter when i experienced it.”
Narutoe says “Do not fight him in the jungle unless you got a lead. Better dont invade him unless youre very ahead. You will not be able to kill him in your ult, as he will keep going invisible then kill you.”
EUWRATS says “By far one of the worst junglers to play against, can kill you even if he's 0/5 by abusing his ult and applying slows and using his 500-1000 dmg Q. Perma ban due to being top 3 strongest junglers”
Strike1 says “Ah, seeing a trend? You'd think kindred's r prevents her from being bad vs assassins but kha'zix just does way too much damage and his slows/invisibility means kindred cannot really return any meaningful damage and gets rolled over.
Solution? Avoid him and farm, later on with your team you can easily deal with him.
Argument can be made for building shieldbow but since the release of serpents fang, shieldbows shield does barely anything.”
nuck fugget says “can duel you early if he clears healthily. be careful of him invading you at second buff, so get team to ward entrances. Super strong pick at the moment”
SoSheolH says “He can murder all your squishies with ease, but you'll dominate him in a 1v1 with your heavy CC and tankiness. As long as you're around when Kha'Zix is, he won't win, so try and keep track of him.”
Kindredgarten says “I permaban this champ above diamond. Very hard to 1v1 after he backs. Before his back, you can maybe duel him at first scuttle but it is a good idea to have a teammate with you. A nightmare after level 6, if he gets fed game is very hard. Just play safe and ward your jungle. Outscale.”
Jkmabzs says “No te confíes con el, trata de cerrar los juegos lo mas temprano posible, aun que ganes los 1v1 en algún punto dependerás de tu equipo para matarlo, ya que el te deleteara”
Caled says “Kha’zix is slightly stronger then Kayn as he will be able to win pretty much any 1v1 with his Isolation passive. The matchup is definitely somewhat even, especially in the context of fighting non 1v1, but can have its ups and downs overall. Early game, you can contest scuttle crab as long as you have lane priority and can force a 2v1 or 2v2. Also, you can clear much faster than Kha’zix so don’t be afraid to powerfarm especially in the early game. As Shadow Assassin, as tempting as it might be to one shot him, be very careful dueling Kha’zix as he will win the fight if you don’t play it perfectly or if he is ahead of you. ”
Loul_60 says “Quite a problem early game. Just stay away from him and you should be more or less fine. As long as he isn't too fed, either form beats him quite well. Eventually you will get to the point where you can one-shot him faster than he can one-shot you (if you go Blue form) or drain tank him (if you go Red form).”
litecrunch says “if you have dark harvest then it's better not to fight him unless he is low. If he uses his abilities on camps then you could go for a fight, he will underestimate your on hit damage if you manage to land your e.”
liserith says “You cannot duel him at any point in the game, except maybe after 6, if he evolves anything other than Q. His Q will literally eviscerate you, so if he's on a scuttle, move to the other one (unless your midlaner cooperates).
Q after his E, but if he gets on you, ult and burst him down. Save your E's last hit for the post-ult kill. Late game, make sure never to be caught alone. He will make you regret it. ”
kaynt ward says “Has a lot of early game power to stop you from scaling. You can almost never 1v1 him until you get form. As long as he doesn't invade you early it should be fine. ”
Gumipapucs says “You can fight him early with red smite and/or if you cheese his isolation damage with a scuttle, or you catch him off-guard/with low HP. Later, you can only fight him if you are ahead and preferably red smite him, and you don't F up. Otherwise, just avoid 1v1-ing him.”
RadRob says “I think that any Champion that can invade your jungle and counter jungle well, will give you a hard time. This situation becomes even worse when your team is doing bad. You have to rely on them to be big boys and girls for the first 10 minutes at least.”
Mr.Dragon says “punish him early don't fear him.
late you can kill him directly but be aware of his isolation passive other wise you win no matter what”
chevy the sloot says “Currently the strongest jungler in the game win rate and play rate wise. You out farm and can hit 6 before him unless he cheeses a gank early. But even from 3 levels behind he can 1v1 you pretty easily if he has iso on you. Unwinnable match up unless your mid and support roam with you. Red smite is useful for his burst and hourglass to stall for your team”
Shroomen Rider says “Kha'zix does a lot of damages and with new items he can be invisible for awhile. Sweeper before you enter bushes, and don't try to facetank him.
If you successfully kite him and he leaves himself exposed hell die really fast, he is a squishy bug. ”
ShatteredMinds says “Post 6 Kha'zix is able to make your jungle feel like it is not your own. Your best bet is to bully him when you can, and take advantage of his lack of cc. Engage with teammates, and he becomes worthless.”
Udyr uber says “Alto potencial de dano no 1v1 com sua passiva de alvo isolado.
Não é tão pickado, mas recomendo fazer uma tabi ninja e guerreiro, aplique o sangramento do Q e Stune ele com o seu E e em seguida tente correr para algum aliado.”
Unawesomeness says “You counter his ult and do more damage than him. He can't fight you well enough because his escape does no good against your q, and he doesn't have enough heals and damage combined.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Permaban when you play Neeko Jungle, he will harass you early game, and you literally won't be able to do anything. He will get fed off of you, counter jungle you, and get every single objective before you can do anything.”
AyeJa3 says “. Extremely easy to squish if he doesn't pop off. If he's in defense mode and not looking to fight, hold your E until after he jumps, then fire afer him. He has decent objective taking speed through isolated Q, so don't leave drake unwarded.”
UnaFlauta says “He is the nightmare for kindred mains. Don't be afraid on the early levels, try to farm the most you can because at lvl 6 he will become invisible and with his oneshot potential you will not be able to play this game. Try to use the anti burst build”
PsiGuard says “This champ is currently overpowered so now he wins this matchup. He has the sticking power to kill you and his Q is really low cooldown so your shield won't save you 1v1. Try to fight near allied minions, champions or towers to avoid isolation. Don't ult him unless his Leap is on cooldown.”
Harambe Homie says “[[Kha'Zix]] is a very strong counter pick to Karthus, his invisibility and very strong early game is a huge threat. Play safe and try to avoid him at all costs. ”
ImCarsonLol says “Jg - Kha can be difficult due to his ability to abuse Viego in isolation. Viego can win most 2v2's and small skirmishes against Kha but has to be smart about the fights he picks.”
Bel37 says “You actually win 1v1 if you meet in the river. His q scales off bonus AD so if he has no ad items his isolation damage isn't that much so don't be scared. if your even on gold he wins. If your ahead you win the 1v1.”
massivecockkaynmain says “he clears pretty slow so do a full clear and get both scudles and go for another clear and reach 6 before him and counter gank him invade do whatever do make him go behind and get a lead”
AYANEXO says “This will be your worst matchup.
You need to ward all his jungle and outfarm him early game.
Try to stay away from him and fight him only in teamfights
Stay alert for ganks in your jungle!”
ChaseMorePlz says “Unless he gets an pretty big lead, he's not much of a problem for Udyr. Tiger Stance will bugsplat him in most cases as well, pretty easy matchup.”
JunglerBuilds says “Don't let him invade you early and try to gank as much as possible. He won't be able to do much late game against you since it's pretty easy for you to stop him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Don't put yourself in an isolated 1v1 scenario, and for the most part you will be fine. Care for his damage early on if he gets a lead. Besides that, you have a lot of CC and melt him quickly with items since he's a squishy bug. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Being isolated early on vs this bug is a no go. Depending on how fed he is in the game will represent his presence, dealing with him mid-late game is a breeze if you peel for your carries.”
DarkWither says “Kha'Zix is a no no, his gap closer will be hell for you as he can just reach and one shot you really quickly, the only thing you could do to make this matchup more even is doing a good invade (in which you kill him and steal his buff) and than stay on top of him in cs for the whole game which would work if your team does not feed him at all.”
Tofolo says “BAN. Non ci sono se e ma, la sua capacità nel 1 vs 1, l'invisibilità e la percentuale con cui è giocato lo candidano al 1 posto nella vostra lista ban.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Has the potential to outduel you, be careful when he grabs his Warrior because it's a pretty big power spike for the bug. Try to CC him in teamfights and buy pink wards to catch him when he Ults.”
waayWest says “Be careful of invades. If he camps you you're as good as dead due to his jump being better than your's.
Buy a tank component early so that you dont get 1-shot.”
sonminh says “Either play bruiser or AP. Avoid him early game. 2v2 is possible but difficult, make sure to have the first attack. He can never kill you if you play bruiser and playing front to back against him is very good for you.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Invade a lot , track him with your ult , avoid isolated fights , always use bushes as your advantage and you can't let him win lvl 16 The Hunt is On! event.
Kha'Zix is Rengar's most skilled matchup and it takes practice and usually good Kha wins when ahead.”
MrMuckDuck says “Kha'Zix won't "bug" you that much (wink face). Remember that Shyvana [in her Dragon Form] lies above Kha'Zix in the food chain, since he's a bug. Shyvana can easily slow Kha'Zix [with her Smite] and drain his Health quickly. Don't worry about facing a Kha'Zix!”
DarkAuraLOL says “Not a tough matchup for me, but generally it is, my advice on this matchup, go for early cheese, either cheese his raptors and smite his red, hopefully he doesn't have vision, also if it is warded, go for your raptors into invading his blue, try not to fight him early unless hes a bit lower hp than you, you will out clear him , so just try not to die early, but also maintain camp advantage, once you get tiamat, you can fight him if you're not isolated at 6, also upon blue form, you can one shot him before he even press ult, overall, u have faster clear, and more ambush kit , use that to your advantage, he has a stronger early, and stronger 6, avoid him at 6 unless hes rly low and you're not isolaed.”
EvoNinja7 says “You're squishy, he's squishy. It's more about who gets ahead first. If he gets behind you annihilate him. In the early game you have to stun him so you can use your Q to heal up and do some damage. IF you survive his initial burst in the mid game you can stun, Q and burst him down with Kraken slayer.”
MetaSolaray says “This champion destroys Udyr if you go damage, post six he will simply obliterate you due to the isolation mechanic of his Q. Rush early armor, take aftershock and avoid fighting him without your teammates. As the game goes and you're able to tank up you can peel for your team and Kha'zix's ability to pick a 5 man snowball will be hindered.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Not a tough matchup for me, but generally it is, my advice on this matchup, go for early cheese, either cheese his raptors and smite his red, hopefully he doesn't have vision, also if it is warded, go for your raptors into invading his blue, try not to fight him early unless hes a bit lower hp than you, you will out clear him , so just try not to die early, but also maintain camp advantage, once you get tiamat, you can fight him if you're not isolated at 6, also upon blue form, you can one shot him before he even press ult, overall, u have faster clear, and more ambush kit , use that to your advantage, he has a stronger early, and stronger 6, avoid him at 6 unless hes rly low and you're not isolaed.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “This guy is one of my favourite bans because really he's unfathomably annoying to play against. Don't try to 1v1 him almost ever unless you're not isolated. You can go for whichever build you will need vs the rest of his team because itemising against him is almost pointless. You have a decent chance if you go Kraken and he does the goredrinker build so better say your prayers.”
KaynPlayer814 says “This is the most even matchup for Kayn. As Kayn you farm faster but you lose on 1v1s pre level 6. Both forms are good against him. If you get a lead you win the 1v1s, if he gets a lead, then he wins. ”
ANTHONYEVELYNN says “HELL ON EARTH HELL ON EARTH I BAN THIS ALL THE TIME. This champ is giga broken he clears just as fast in the new jungle rework while also staying full hp (without using potions of course). His ultimate has half the cooldown on yours and his ultimate cancels your E. Thankfully most of the people who play him are bad.”
PinguNootIglu says “Kha'Zix is better levels 1-3 so try to avoid skirmishes then look to fight at level 5 with your ghost and around first drake as you will melt him from then on.”
RedNBlue says “Kha Zix is squishy early game without his lifesteal and conqueror stacking as fast but later in the game he can be very fast and invisible and jump you very hard.”
Snap0ner says “Skill Matchup. He can snowball so hard if he gets few kills early. Try to get your lanes fed so they can fight him. You can kill easily on his red at lvl 2, since he will probably take E + Q skills and won't have the jump ready yet. IMPORTANT: If you place a Jack In the Box when duellign him, he won't see you isolated, so the damage you will receive from his combo will be much less!”
Hidon1 says “Kha Zix does not like to come out of his jungle unless he sees free kills, which makes it really easy for you to get your ganks in for free. If you play vs Kha'Zix, make sure you full clear the side of the jungle you start on, so you do not leave camps for him to take and get ahead of you, because if he gets too far ahead of you, you will just be a free kill for him. ”
J03B0B says “Kha'Zix is an opportunistic jungler. He likely won't force anything early but if he smells blood he's going to be there! With this in mind, be sure you're there to help out any volatile lane match ups or he will swing them in his favor.
Post 6 you can peel super easily and almost always kill him in a 1v1 as long as you have ult. ”
TheMrDarkness says “personally I love this matchup. i always take ignite + smite and just invading him before he hits lvl 11. after lvl 11 its a bit hard to outplay
because he has 2 evolutions. you can't solo him solo unless you are super feed”
Simon The Shaco Main says “Used to be a skill matchup. Now it isn't. His duskblade procs when he kills your clone which means the clone damage doesn't go through. He outdamages you even if your box is getting rid of the isolation buff.”
Linkay says “Pretty easy to out jungle. If you are able to counter gank, make sure to take advantage. Most of his damage comes from his passive so fighting him in groups counters him.”
SingleSausage says “Kha is a pretty good match up for ww unless kha gets super ahead early but even if he has 2 kills on u, u can still beat him 1v1 because of your tankiness and super healing, later on he cant fight you because of your tankiness and the dmg you do”
CalicoCactus says “One-shots you before you can one-shot him if your initial burst does not kill him you are just screwed, do not fight him without R up.”
YIVENDER says “Pre lvl 6 you can beat him. After that or if he gets fed you should avoid him. Try to W his Q when forced to fight and stick to your teammates.”
Schadenfreude says “If he scales or gets ahead, games over. Unless you have a team who can lock him down, he is going to outduel you because he has good dueling and his ult buys time to reset you passives and lethal tempo. He is weak early so this is the best time to kill him. ”
chevy the sloot says “Broken for how many patches now? And it doesn't seem like devs will balance this elo inflating champ. It doesn't matter how much armor you stack he can always one shot you in isolation so never fight him alone. You farm much better than him. Only way to win this is by counter ganking, teamfighting, and having your mid/sup always roam and hover you.”
TacoTheShaco says “I mean, if you see this champion in your locking phase just insta dodge that. You might ask why? BECAUSE THAT CHAMPION IS JUST RETARDED IF HE EVOLVES HIS W HE CAN TRUE SIGHT YOU AND JUST ONE TAP YOU BECAUSE THAT CHAMPION JUST INST FAIR. ”
Karthus man says “Assassins are Karthus's worst enemy. The only way to beat him is to not let him get fed and out farm/ get fed and then 1 shot him late game. Be careful because he will try to invade early. If you see him in your jungle, wait for your team and then fight him, because he wins the pure 1v1.”
SubwayCheese says “He is just an over all great jungler. You and him are both assasins so if you see him first you win otherwise try not to 1v1 head on.”
ractick says “Be very careful in the early game of counter ganks, invades & early objectives!
The problem with Kha'zix is even after form in isolation he will most probably win if you aren't ahead of him by a lot.
Tricky match-up for both forms”
McSushi says “in the shaco vs khazix matchup, especially in season 11, its kind of like playing VS jax top. if you're even, you're losing. he will just out scale you, and it wont matter if you can assassinate him or not.
unless you get him behind, you're fked, especially if he doesn't throw.”
Connweasel says “This champion has one of two build paths. If you are even in gold you can easily take him 1v1 in the jungle. However be aware that some people who play this champion like to sit in bushes and therefore won't be moving so you can't detect them. If you walk into him isolated without knowledge of him being there you could be in trouble.”
CalicoCactus says “Kha'zix can whip you early, but you come back once you get your second item and laugh. Just be sure that if you are fighting him, you stay near a minion, camp, or even scuttle or baron so that his q passive doesn't proc on every Q doing almost double damage.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “Kha'Zix is a hard match up if you fall behind. Usually, you need to try to keep up with his farm, and not contest scuttle or early drakes. Post level 6 this should be a walk in the park. He ganks, you ult.”
HopeyGaby says “Kha zix kills you in seconds if he gets ahead and after his first evolution you cant really duel him 1v1,try going pta to kill him if you can”
Ardent Deceiver says “Shut down early, can and will oneshot you mid-late game with Q. Get armor boots and play smart with boxes/clone though and you can fight him.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “you want to stay near champions or daisy when you think he is near because of his passive that makes him oneshot you. If you do that kha wont be a problem for you”
Necero says “Kha'zix can invade you, kill you, and take the couple camps you can clear before you're alive he also makes you scared to be in your own jungle. Permaban while he's still broken”
White Cr0w says “Skill Matchup. He can snowball so hard if he gets few kills early. Try to get your lanes fed so they can fight him.
You can kill easily on his red at lvl 2, since he will probably take E + Q skills and won't have the jump ready yet.
IMPORTANT: If you place a Jack In the Box when duellign him, he won't see you isolated, so the damage you will receive from his combo will be much less!”
Einsteinium99 says “Kha'zix can easly win early game if he counter jungles you. He has lots of damage early with his passive. Also, he can isolate Zac's passive and one shot each cell with Q.”
Katszu says “NEVER FIGHT HIM.
when you are not in the lead
when you have no knowledge of his whereabouts
When you ult, a competent kha'zix player may easily trick you with his ult.
When you are unaware, you usually do not have enough time to ult.”
Andygumy says “Pre lvl 6 you can beat him. After that or if he gets fed you should avoid him. Try to W his Q when forced to fight and stick to your teammates.”
Embracing says “Much higher burst than you but outplayable. Keep your distance and never commit unless you can one shot with cougar. If he wastes E to gapclose on you can kite away and re-engage to win all in.”
Alcibiades1473 says “A decent Khazix can punish you with his lv6 Q powerspike. Dueling in the jungle often won't go well unless you can get your entire E > W > Q combo off on him before he sees you. 1v1 his Q is better ”
RiptidaL says “Not too bad pre-6, but once he hits 6 you have no chance. He will nuke you and force out your ult and then he will ult and no invisible and wait out your ult. My permaban every game.”
Minase says “Extremely hard matchup if he plays it correctly. You can only ever 1v1 him if you get stupid far ahead and can just outright one-shot him. Look to just avoid him and only ever choose fights where he can't get isolation on you. ”
cobraguides says “Even matchup early game, once you get edge of night you should be fine. This build allows you to auto,q,r him and he is dead within seconds”
vkdead says “If you don't have full build, which is most likely cause its a good fuckin 16.5k for the full build. He's annoying when he has jump up to escape. High burst damage. KITE HIS ASS.”
BoyWonder00 says “Better than you early game, so be careful. SA can out DPS his later, but Rhaast does have to watch you as Kha'Zix can kill you if you are alone.”
Shaix222 says “With this sample there is little to do, with its high damage it is able to kill you in a few seconds, try to catch him unawares and not to hire him if you do not have an advantage of health, levels or shop. In group it will be much easier to kill him. Remember that his passive makes him do extra damage to isolated champions.”
KingFershid says “This Champ is a Steal machine, if the guy you're against can play him just try to survive, you have to take drakes ONLY if he is Top Lane or if he is dead, same thing for taking Herald and Baron.”
FalleN3 says “Getting isolated in the early game will likely end in your death as he deals increased damage to isolated targets. He can be slippery to trade with due to his leap and the fact he can slow you with his Void Spike. It's not very difficult for a half decent Kha'Zix to assassinate you over and over if you fall behind. You can try to use your (W) Meditate to soak up the damage if he uses his ultimate. Some health and armor will go a long way!”
FalleN3 says “Getting isolated in the early game will likely end in your death as he deals increased damage to isolated targets. He can be slippery to trade with due to his leap and the fact he can slow you with his Void Spike. Because you are squishy throughout the entire game, it is not very difficult for a half decent Kha'Zix to assassinate you over and over if you fall behind.”
Holessando says “Kha'Zix is really strong in S10, he can and will try to beat you, but if you manage to kill him, you should be fine.. you can try to invade his jungle, stand in bush at his red camp, and wait for him, W till he clears the jungle, and go in. Don't wait for him to clear it, since he will have passive buff and he can outplay you, so go in when the camp is alive.”
metalhydra273 says “Kha'Zix is a common pain in the ass, but this matchup tends to come down to whoever gets ahead. If you're ahead you can usually 1v1 provided he doesn't outplay you, but if he's ahead he's going to burst you down and run circles around you. Keep that from happening and maybe get some ults on him and it shouldn't be too bad. Hope he doesn't build a qss, otherwise look to deal with him with your team”
Popu says “U can play against Kha'zix until 6, kitting him with your Q, if u mess up your Q or if u have cd on it, just don't fight. When he get level 6 u are preety much dead all of the time .”
THCrow says “Kha is not banned worthy usually but should be avoided early game due to his isolation damage. Unless he is charmed and or low he will usually always win early fights.”
brSL7 says “Kha Zix é um champ forte em todos os momentos de jogo. Evite trocas 1x1 com ele durante o jogo, faça um pathing que te ira deixar safe contra o mesmo. Caso você esteja a frente do Kha Zix você consegue matar ele até que facilmente.”
AKScorched says “In late he can basically oneshot you so just Q him and run every time you see him. Even in early he beats you in 1v1, but if 1 of your teammates help you, you can kill him unless he escapes with his E.”
Maintained says “He's squishy enough to burst, but so are you until you get some tanky items. Whoever has the element of surprise over the other wins. Your W gives away his location when he's invisible, use this to your advantage by making sure you hit him with your Q while he's invisible.”
gurubashi35 says “Pre-6, he always loses the 1v1. Post-6, with his evolved Q and R, he can bait out you E and makes you miss R if you don't have a blood trail.
The key to fighting is to make sure to E early and never be low enough for his Q to kill you. As long as you can land your R, you should win.
Since Conqueror has become somewhat viable on him with Black Cleaver, he has the potential to outduel you, so be cautious and avoid unfavorable fights.
In teamfights, zone him off your carries and lock him down if he tries to go for assassinations.”
CinderTheSnake says “Has more direct burst than you. As long as you are able to proc your charm you should be able to win. His fly ability is very annoying though because it acts as a gap closer and a quick getaway.”
Coccaa says “Kha'Zix doesn't clear camps very fast, and this is due to the fact that he is a very squishy champion. He dishes out a lot of damage (especially after level 6), but can be taken out pretty easily if counterganked. So to beat him, just try to predict what lanes he will gank and occasionally steal his camps when you know it is safe.”
KaRMaX says “I'm hesitating with extreme
He outscales you, after lvl 16 you can't match him 1v1 (upgrade of his R => you can't see him for a delay longer than your meditate)
be really careful ”
chasemyman1 says “Pre 6 you win this and your spiderlings count as minions so he doesnt get to fully abuse his Isolation passive. Just be careful as he has insane solo kill potential so avoid being in his jungle unless you are ahead.”
ALKHEMIA says “It is really dangerous, technically a good Kha'zix can't lose against you due to his overloaded kit. But if you have 200IQ more than him, you just track him hard, ignore him, steal his jungle when he is in yours, and pray for your team to don't feed him. Like every assassins, his scale lose efficiency with time passing.”
eldritchFedora says “Kha'zix has the ability to burst you down before you build enough tank to survive the burst. Establish vision to keep track of him and play safe until you get some items.”
Fiddlestank by eldritchFedora | Fiddlesticks Player
frvrtm says “Your tankiness from Trinity Force and Death's Dance allows you to not only be scared of his Q, but also heal from him when you hit your E. Not a hard matchup, although tricky if behind.”
reganakers says “Kha does alot of damage to isolated targets, so 1v1ing him can be troublesome. If you are even then you should be able to kill him however dont underestimate him.”
JustNeko says “EXTEMELY CAREFUL when dealing with this creature, try to ward as much as you can, invade early, take the crabs and the control ward with you”
McSushi says “You beat him pre 6 in duels if you are good, but when he is fed, he will win 1v1 mostly. Invade him early to shut him down. ban him if sett is banned.”
Depresso says “The easier version of Rengar that does not directly counter one of your abilities.
However, you counter one of his, Daisy ruins his Isolation, but given how strong he is currently, your little gimmick won't matter much.
If he's picked I usually go for a defensive double armor into an early knights vow.”
PsiGuard says “Kha'Zix is a better duelist and can snowball out of control if he gets ahead, which makes him dangerous. He'll usually win fights if you're isolated but you can sometimes beat him with an ally or near a minion wave or jungle camp. You can interrupt his Leap with your knockup if you're trying to secure a kill on him.”
PsiGuard says “Kha'Zix is only a threat if he's played well and/or his laners have priority. A Kha'Zix who invades and fights you often will outclass you in the early game, but if he lets you farm, this is a manageable matchup post-6.”
BrawlerDave says “Huge threat, the 1 shot potential is insane.
Will have to counter jungle, focus Objectives.
If you manage to get a bit of armor, it would be alot easier”
Sinister Buffoon says “Similar to rengar. But in this case is easier to kill him if he gets feed than rengar but at the same point is harder than rengar to kill wihtout be feed. Take care and if you're not sure then don try kill him. and remember use your W or R for block his passive ”
Eggoman says “You can't 1v1 him when he's full health but he gets low when clearing so try to invade lvl 3 as the early game section says. After that though he is to dangerous to fight so just wait for him to fall off late game. He is played a decent amount so I tend to ban him.”
KillyOne says “Only a threat if you try to fight him early levels. You outscale him pretty fast and after level 6 he should have no chance of killing you if you don't mess up.”
League Of Cursed says “Your drain follows stealth. Honestly you out damage him early, but late game he can pop you if he gets the jump; but if you get the jump on him, he is most likely dead.
reganakers says “My favourite situation to pick Sejuani in is when the enemy Jungler is an assassin, because it means they wont be able to burst you so you wont really have to worry about where you walk, as long as you aren't over-extending. Providing you aren't behind, Sejuani will win the 1v1 against most assassins.”
Dopamine_influx says “Kha used to be a really free match up, but he's harder since the buffs. He wins a lot of 1v1 fights with R evolve, tabi and red smite if you're isolated, because he tanks your initial burst. You're WAY stronger pre 6, so look to contest him before his powerspike.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Depending on the build, Kha'zix can be go even or become a nightmare. Kha'zix does well with bruiser items and ninja tabi's which makes it impossible for Rengar to duel. Effective ganks and invades early will help in keeping Kha'zix down.”
Poohlio says “Big Threat early on, Crazy damage and invade potenitial. Don't contest scuttle or dragon agaisnt him early. Easier when you get form, Blue can pop him and Red can just tank the damage. >:c”
Jogress says “He is stronger in early and may simply jump on your head ar first glance - works well for him. May counterjungle. Keep your distance and be very carefull. Don't fight 1x1, unless ahead
Luckily, Kha isn't as mobile as higher threats and armor shuts him quite nicely. If you (and your team) don't feed him early - later you become stronger.”
ZLOCO says “The buffs really did a number on this matchup. He's a significantly more potent invader as his single target burst damage is absolutely NUTS. His ganking power is equal to if not stronger than yours, so expect your team to hurt early game. The worst part is that he can take your Blue or Red buffs really fast because of his Isolation bonuses. If you are able to land a stun on him, you practically win that fight, though.”
MattB040 says “Whoever gets the first kill on the other wins the matchup. Play it smart, and invade his blue, and you have yourself a won matchup if you dont int.”
vxryrvre says “I put this here just so you would see it, this is not an extremely hard matchup, but an extremely EASY matchup, anywhere you go it will say that Kha'Zix counters Skarner, but if you take Bone Plating and Shield Bash, it is one of the easiest matchups in the game. If he starts blue, start your blue, and vice versa, then invade his red for an easy first blood and camp lead. The game is only upward from there.”
AWierdShoe says “Kha'Zix wins the 1v1 in the early to mid-game with his insane burst damage. You need to respect him early and keep track of his whereabouts. Into the mid-game it becomes more of a skill matchup, so long as you don't facecheck bushes and use your longer AA range to your advantage. Most Kha'Zix players use Phase Rush these days, so be cautious as he can stick onto you with your own runes and his E. Take sweepers early to track him when he uses his R.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Kha'Zix is very strong against Kindred because of his heavy burst, and if he evolves R first his Stealth keeps you from being able to attack him, because if you cant target him you cant attack him, as Kindred has no Skillshots.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He is ironically easy to bully out of his jungle early but is pretty scary when fed and doesn't leave you much room for defending yourself when he has ult. Use your own as soon as he leaps on you and try to buy time for his ult window to wear out, hop over thin walls and attack him when you have the chance. If you're confident, invade him early with red buff cheese and try to follow up on his ganks. If you're successful, you will render him completely useless.”
Shujin Jasukai says “Kha'zix is a Massive threat to Yi because of his quick high burst damage and invisibility on his ult. Avoid giving him any kills as he will burst you before you can do anything. stay with your team to avoid getting killed due to isolation.”
DoughnutFeel says “Beats you all stages of the game, usually invades/gank a lot. Do vision in your jungle and ask mid for help. If he snowballs the game is over. ”
Omega Zero says “Stealth is annoying, his isolated damage is pretty good, and him going Dark Harvest could mean the end for you esp. if he's ahead. Be cautious around Kha'Zix and keep your vision up on his jungle!”
Omega Zero says “Assassin junglers like Kha'Zix, while not possessing the same obnoxious clear as Kayn, have stronger dueling and skirmishes early on. Kha'Zix especially works off this with isolation and evolved Q. You can one shot him, but the other way is true too. ”
GhostReaper87 says “Early game jgler, will try to look for a full clear to reach lvl 6. Dont fght him 1 vs 1 because he just got buffs in his q and you will be isolated. He will deal dmg when he gets his items and his lvl 6 power spike is huge. Play around your teammates and look for dragon control.”
Kamisore says “Invade him, but if you happen to spot him make sure you're in a bush and that YOU are engaging on him, otherwise he has a chance to win. Late game you can oneshot him as he doesn't focus on building armor and you can see through his ult stealth.”
DarkPit59 says “Champion très puissant en earlygame, il pourra gank des lanes ou vous invade afin de vous tuer en boucle. Sa possibilité de se rendre invisible durant l'affrontement lui permet de gagner ses trades contre vous. Son lategame est monstrueux s'il prend trop d'avance.”
Hawary says “your spiderlings cancels his passive but he is still strong if you stunned him go all in for the kill if not transform into spider form to cancel his passive”
Vodka4Gaben says “Not as good as Rengar but still a huge threat, same thing goes as it did for rengar, Don't fight until you have form, or if you do fight him just use your Combo and leave afterwards.”
Fous6 says “Until you have your rageblade, he can solo kill you everywhere. Watch out for invades, he is likely to catch you off guard when you are isolated. Track his pathing and ward jungle entrances.”
Flux31 says “If timed correctly Warwick's E + Q combo can deal with Kha'zix. Since he needs time to farm make sure to make quick work of his laners and take towers.”
WickedPoppet says “Your drain follows stealth. Honestly you out damage him early, but late game he can pop you if he gets the jump; but if you get the jump on him, he is most likely dead. ”
D3str00 says “He is beast on level 3, mostly because of his passive. However, you can engage a 2v2 fight when both of you meet on gank - he won't be able to proc his passive. In contrast to Rengar, you still can't fight him on level 6.”
LightBright9213 says “Pre-6 its very easy to invade him and kill him. Post-6 with evolved claws he's almost impossible to 1v1. In team fights be sure to always have vision on him and peel for your carries.”
BDX CANGAROT says “be careful in lvl 3, buy some wards to help in control, after lvl 6, control the enemy jungler with "R" in buff, wait to stole the buff and kill them”
SeMike says “Kha'Zix counters Lee Sin with his kit after level 6. The reason is that if Kha catches you in jungle he can deal you his whole combo and the R before you are available to realistically react and R him away. And after hi comes back to his stealth, deal another Q+AA which is usually lethal for you as Kha will always go full damage and you not much of a armor.”
Sorrowful Prince says “Pure skill matchup. Don't fight him isolated and use your ultimate to make all of his annoying utility besides his ult useless. If you give him long fights to maximize his w and invisibility you are gonna lose in the long run. Try to catch him when he moves in and burst him down. If you get ahead and see him flanking you can try to get your second q on a jungle camp and just e -> auto -> true damage q to force him recall or smite a jungle camp. Vision is king in this one as well as mechanics.”
Nyftt says “Similar to Rengar can be difficult if the Kha'zix can track you properly. The match up is quite volatile though so if you are able to not get cheesed too hard you will definitely be able to scale nicely.”
Zapdo says “Kha'Zix is a hard matchup, Master Yi wins in the early fights, but when Kha'Zix hits lvl 6, it's really really hard for Master Yi to fight Kha'Zix, because Kha'Zix can go into Stealth, and in that time, Master Yi can't autoattack.”
GinWinsky says “Can surprise you with the damage if fed. Otherwise, useless and should be no problem for you since your box/clone counts as a unit and removes the isolation damage.”
TrevorJayce says “Kha'Zix has a lot in his kit to beat Rengar with. His combo is a lot easier to pull off, he has instant invis twice or even three times, and a point and click leap. This, however, shouldn't be a driving factor for you losing a 1v1 against him. Hold onto your W for his initial combo and you'll outdamage him if you dance around his damage with your W. Handle with care. DO NOT LET HIM WIN THE HUNT IS ON.”
Fabosch is Love says “You have stronger early game, so you can invade easily. Don't forget that he can kill easily your carries in mid and late game. You have to peel them.”
AsarWeth says “This champion is a big threat for you, he can 1v1 you, and be careful by not staying isolated, always fight with a jungle creep, minions or an allied.”
Morzanoth says “If the enemy kha'zix knows what they are doing, you will struggle. Watch out for early invades and being counter jungled pretty hard. Once he has access to his R evolution he becomes a serious threat to you. You can't trade evenly with him even in isolation early even if your burst is slightly better than his. If you land your ult on him he can't escape easily and you can chase him down most of the time. You should be able to kill him after 6 if you land your ult”
Nico449c says “A prober khazix main will win against you in almost any fights if you fight him early you have to hit the cocoon and you can win early and burst him down if you get snowballed/fed you can easily 1 shot him later but so will he be able to so you really got to be careful. So the best way is to get a stun on him in teamfights or bait him with rappel otherwise try outgank him eventually invade him if you know you can win.”
Nanfaza says “He have a very high burst damage with an invisibility. If you get caught you might now be able to survive until you can auto attack him.”
GODEFFO says “Assasin Junglers in general are strong against TF, due to TF being an inmobile glass cannon type character, Kha'Zix's LVL2-LVL3 invade potential is very dangerous, and pre-warding common entryspots is extremely advised!”
briguy1109 says “His invisibility will run out your highlander, can kill you with ease early-mid game if meditates on CD.
Win Condition: Don't feed him early on, take sweeper, beg lanes to control ward bushes, and third party every fight.”
66lew says “On a Khazix jungler ensure always to atleast one side 4 minute mark and stick to side must vision control oneside and one spotted fet jungle counter jungle Kha.”
TSMyth says “Kha'Zix in my opinion is a minor level, he's just annoying and very overpowered if he's fed. So try to gank your teammates so they don't int and run it down. Because if he's fed then just FF and go next his true damage is next level.”
Fabosch is Love says “You have a better 1v1 in early game. You can denie easily his damage with your clone. You also have a better teamfight impact. The main prob on him is his evolved W : it can reveal you when you W.”
The Top Bear says “This guy will tear you a new one if you invade him. Just ward up hard and try to countergank since he is only good against single targets. Also, keep the objectives warded liberally since he shreds them, especially post-6 if he evolves q.”
Split King says “Shyvana is way too tanky with this build to be taken out by an assassin like Kha'zix. I have very high win rate against this creature. All jungle assassins seem to be easy to beat as Shyvana.
Some might call Elise and Lee for assassins too but they are very strong early and weak late, assassins like Kha does not have a very strong early, his late won't be good either as Shyvana is too tanky”
Dunk Master Jax says “This champion is really frustrating to play against if the person knows what they are doing. If he snowballs that pretty much decides the game. If he doesn't snowball it shouldn't be much of a problem.”
SeekerPTK says “Kha'Zix counters Lee Sin with his kit after level 6. The reason is that if Kha catches you in jungle he can deal you his whole combo and the R before you are available to realistically react and R him away.
Buy Armor!”
KitsyMamori says “Kha'Zix is just like rengar. He is strong when you're in a 1 on 1 with him as you being isolated from your team gives him a ton of bonus damage, AVOID THIS! You can easily burst him down, but be careful as he can do the exact same to you!”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “your clone and box cancel isolation. Easy to fight with 6. R damage will kill him if he walks into a box. he doesn't not beat you but he can run away. Save your Q ”
PokeBen6551 says “High Chance he knows that Shyvana doesnt have too good of an earlygame, so he will most likely invade. Be carefull About that and dont walk away from your Team in lategame”
Roraldinho says “Kha'Zix can 1 shot you in your jungle before you can react and Q him, then he goes into shroud (R) then you are probably dead at that point.”
glazed steel says “hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
khazix cant burst you unless you are isolated and you always want to be near someone when ganking do the only way for him to get you isolated is for him to catch you out”
cutmeh says “The greatest rivalry: Rengar v. Kha. This is a skill match up in which Rengar has the higher burst while kha'zix has the outplay potential with his e and r. Try not to fight him in isolation”
HalcyonFox says “Isolation bonus. Early game threat is high, late game threat... not so much. When you've got a few items in your... skin tight pockets... You'll be able to destroy Kha. However, with him being able to hop walls and Q your health into oblivion so early, I wouldn't recommend trying to fight him until you at least have level 6 and your Lich Bane.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “Don't get isolated! He will be able to 1v1 you until you get duskblade. Make sure you R to outplay and dodge damage. Let him engage on you and use Q to escape/outplay.”
jaybae says “Very strong dueling with isolation passive. Avoid fighting if possible but Kha zix is still relatively squishy and if you have a health lead and red buff, feel free to fight and kill him.”
TheDrKlord says “Kha'zix, the pick off simulator, he do a lot of damage on isolated target, you can counter this by approaching minions, jungle mobs or other ally champions. If you are ahead try to counter jungle him.”
HackedAccountlol says “Just don't try to invade him unless you have prio. Avoid him at all costs. Don't try to 1v1 him since his passive "Unseen Threat" marks all enemy units who don't have any of their allies nearby as "Isolated" and will deal bonus damage to the Isolated target.”
Mkcls says “High burst assasin. You will need to position very well, and dont let him bulid early lead. Viable to early cheese. GA is good item against him.”
Simphoria says “If played well, his W can pop out passive and he can Q us afterwards. His E can follow our Q so escaping can be difficult. I'd suggest Qing sooner rather than later and you should be fine. He can counter jungle a bit but again, due to our passive, it is difficult for any assassin to burst us. ”
LFS_aXent says “More of a threat than Rengar, because he can invis whenever and wherever. Just make sure to buy control wards to keep up true sight. If his duskblade procs, you know where he is. He will try to counter-jungle you, so stay ontop of your CS game and back more often than not.”
Mr. Nyahr says “Very high burst damage, quick movement, a fairly long-range jump, and bonus damage to isolated targets. Be very careful when fighting Kha'Zix, and try to counterjungle to put him behind. He will delete your ADC in the late game, so try and get him behind as much as you can.”
Laverenz says “Be careful! Kha'Zix can be a counter for Jax, if he is super fed, but if he's behind, you should not fear him. If you're isolated by his passive, his basic attack on you will deal a lot of damage, but of course. Just block it ;)”
MarkTheHipster says “Kha'Zix is one of Ornn's best matchups. His isolation damage is still there, but Ornn has much more health and a decent amount of damage as well. Early will be the most risky part of this matchup. Once you have at least your Forgefire Cape you'll be perfectly fine the rest of the game unless Kha is REALLY fed. ”
Doaenel says “Kha'zix can out-damage you because of his isolation mechanic, so you will need to just focus on farming early game and ganking. If you get an item lead he will be easy to kill, so try and get a kill or two before counterjungling.”
Tchouvline says “Don't try 1v1 early, always stay near an ally unit, to make sure he doesn't proc his empowered Q on you. Kha will probably try to invade you so be careful ! (Buffed on 9.15)”
Her0mars says “Easy matchup and easy kills. This guy isn't anything but a bug on a windshield. unless he gets fed and people have bad positioning. Kha has bad clears early and you could even invade him. additionally your blobs can help you detect him while invisible whether it's hitting him with an ability or him stepping on a blob.”
Hamstertamer says “A good kha will counterjungle you hard to punish your pick, he beats you 1v1 but if you avoid him and counterjungle him when you know he's ganking elsewhere you can go even early game. You have amazing teamfight presence and he has none so just group with your team ASAP to win.”
Yuki H. says “I only list him as major due to Kha'Zix's very strong isolated 1v1 damage output. Though you will win if he wastes his jump, if he catches you off guard, you will not have a good time. Post-6 only gets harder as he starts evolving his abilities, so take advantage of his relatively weak early game.”
VViciu says “Kha'Zix doesn't have any mechanical abilities that counter Shaco, however his damage make him a very hard jungler to play against overall. Try to gain as much advantage as you can, and then fight him after reaching level 6.”
Hamstertamer says “Can oneshot you easily with no counterplay, and will counterjungle you hard if he's good. Thankfully league is not a 1v1 game so just group with your team.”
Chromuro says “an assassin in the jungle with invisibility and resettable jumps? no thanks lol. You have to play smartly around him, removing from his claws important camps like buffs or high gold camps (raptors or krugs) can give you an edge on him.”
4by3 says “Skill matchup, you outduel him very easily since the box removes his isolate passive. He is very snowbally but you have kill potential on him majority of the time.”
oneerror says “kha has a huge power spike at level 11 but you can dual him for the most part of mid game grab some early armor and think about going ninja tabis if they lack cc ”
Jadiac5 says “one hard to ply against jungler. If he has his ultimate up, he will use it when your charm is full and try to get close to you then kill you with his Q. If he gets charmed he is easy to kill.”
Flashfire128 says “Can be your kryptonite can be not depends if he just wipes you or somehow you find him half and win against him in 1v1 or can survive his burst.”
MrPuggles says “DO NOT FEED HIM. Kha'Zix is feast or famine, meaning if you punish his early game and set him behind, he will be useless the rest of the game. Invading is a very good way to ruin Kha'Zix's game. He is quite easy to 1v1 in the early game so abuse him. Once Kha'Zix hits level 6, try not to fight him if he evolved Taste Their Fear. This will allow him to 1v1 you unless you are very fed.”
theasianmiyagi says “Be careful when fighting Kha'Zix 1v1.
Remember: Kha'Zix's ult can out last Highlander (R) if played correctly.
Remember: Kha'Zix does more damage when enemy champions are isolated.”
Maltz says “You win 1v1 unless you facecheck him in a brush or he is fed. If he dosent snowball on your laners you are way stronger in skirmishes and fights”
itskimjesus says “all depends on who snowballs first, if you land your combo before he goes invis, you win the fight hands down, you need form to win the fight though”
Intello says “Khazix recently got a huge buff on his Q. If he ever decides to invade, RUN. You cant 1v1 him until later. Keep rivers warded at all times. Focus on farming and getting to your powerspike.”
Yzroma says “You destroy Kha'Zix early thanks to your runes. Also, once you have tabi's ninja you can fight him even if he's ahead. Try to counter gank early.”
Yzroma says “Kha'Zix se 1v1 avec Vi même si tu as du retard lorsque tu as au moins ton item jungle, ta trinité et tes tabi ninja. protège bien tes mates en teamfight en lançant immédiatement tron Q sur lui si il engage.”
pixelhidef says “He's getting a buff in 9.15, so I'm not sure how he'll play out, but don't solo this guy and play smart until you know his strength in mechanics. He's really strong early and mid game, but you should be able to do better than him if played well.”
Tokoyamy says “t doesn't matter what you do here, whether you have ult or don't. Kha'zix will kill you. His burst is on such a short cooldown there is nothing you can do. If you find yourself in this matchup play safe, farm, don't invade, and just group.”
lucario200151 says “you go even with him, because you can cc him a lot and he can not do much about it. He can jump out of your cc, but not your q like other assassins. take advantage of that. ”
Killerbacca10 says “You counter this grasshopper. Simple your a tank hes an assassin. He cant kill you and play like it. Hes countered by cc and that's what you have. Play howd you like he cant do much about you.”
Tonga Ragnar says “Punish his early. Invade him as much as you can and try to feed. When you get the Frozen Mallet he will not be able to kill you. But be care if he gets ahead.”
Chosokabe says “This one is a little bit different. If he's fed, chances are you won't win a fight against him. Pre 6 though, if he isn't fed at all, you can probably 1 v 1 him as long as you don't let his Q chunk you too much. W will help reduce the damage.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very active jungler that will hit level 3 fast and then try to gank the most availiable and gankable lane, be mindfull of his advances on the map towards your team and if you see him just harash him as you have the upper hand on 1v1s.”
Jungle Kings Rage says “Can 1 Shot You With Ease. Just Build My On Hit With Titanic And Gage Build And You Will Demolish him. Extreme Threat If You Dont Though.”
Lil Trash says “Steal his buffs. It's a complete skill matchup if you get an early lead make sure to keep it. Even when he is fed if you buy enough items you can still kill him(with your ultimate)”
New Player says “He can duel you early on, but this can be countered by good placement and pathing in the jungle. Be careful not to go too deep in the jungle if you don't have all summoners with you.”
TheLandlos says “His early game is not good, but not bad. Don't try fighting him during the early game alone, or else you are toast. Otherwise you can win easily against this bug.”
Arcsecondlol says “Champions who have a lot of mobility and burst are really hard for Ekko to deal with. They can force Ekko to ult early, and still have the mobility, and damage to follow, and kill Ekko at his original position. ”
FupiDupi says “Always be wary against assassins such as Kha'Zix. Unless you can get a charm off and receive some help from a teammate (unlikely) he beats you 1v1 all the time. Later on it's a question of who can burst harder”
FrozenKnight says “Grab a can of raid and a bible. Get a sweeping lens and make sure that by mid game you're around people. Ward camps so you know if he invades.”
Anathema49 says “kha is stronger then you early, he will probably camp in bushes and wait for you to go near them so he can activate his unseen threat on you for a chunk of damage and kill you. be extra careful when going for scuttlers. you beat him post 6 if you land charm”
Toad12138 says “He beats you, always avoid him by using weird jungle paths and tracking him in order to survive and find ganks here and there. Oh btw, he can dodge you W easily with his E and R.”
SuicidalKitty says “skill matchup if you jump from a bush with an equal health disparity you will win with 4 stacks and using ur w to heal off his q when you land”
EvilOranges says “Champions with high mobility and burst, such as Kha'zix can melt you while taking little damage. E them and try baiting their mobility (E.G. leap) and then engage.”
Shderen says “I HAVE LOVED KHAZIX MID SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME BUT THEY'VE RUINED MY BOY. If you're not gonna get out of a trade with him, stick close to your minions. Read where a duel is going to decide whether it's fight or flight. Very situational.”
bluejaypig says “His isolation mechanic makes him almost impossible to fight until late game. His ultimate also denies your damage output and wastes your highlander. EDIT:Season 7 khazix is even more broken, do not go head on into a fair 1v1 against him. EDIT2: After the meditate buff, when he ults just w and you can save your highlander for when he comes out of invisibility.”
Jozle says “This champion is special made for 1v1s and amumu is a more team fighting type, so try to keep away from Kha`Zix at least until your team is ready for him.”
Larby says “Ah, the classic Rengod K6 matchup. Honestly the winner of this is the smarter player.
Don't get caught out by his passive bonus dmg from stealth.
Get the jump on him and you'll win most skirmishes.”
Twist21 says “Don't fight him until mid-late game when u get some items otherwise he will beat you in fights or even 1v1's.If you have a lead until lvl 6 don't try to fight him because he is still an assasin and he hurts in ealry levels.”
BigBadVoodo says “Fairly easy matchup, we can pressure him early without many problems, and even after getting a full combo he most likely won't get the kill. Try and abuse him as much as possible.”
xTheUnlimited says “Again, a duel with this guy might take a deadly ending for you. Take care of his mid game since that is the point where he powerspikes. Try to disable his jump onto your carries with your Q. CC is the dead to all assassins. ”
MrPeach301 says “This damn bug I would say is probably more of a counter then Jax. You can easily beat him pre 6, but afterwards his ult cancels all of your damage and if hes evolved Q/R there is no way you can out damage him when isolated and or duel him because of his low cooldowns with those abilities evolved. Try to vs him before he hits 6, contest scuttles crabs and get a lead but after he hits 6 try avoid him or bait him into team mates so your not isolated and can lock him down more effectively and efficiently to kill him. ”
LuxIsMyCrush says “Try to not fight him alone as his passive increase his damage on isolated targets, and counter gank him if possible, as he will use probably his only escape ingage.”
ApexZulu says “Post level 11 or so, Kha'Zix should be able to easily 1v1 you. However, until he gets his Q evolve, this will be extremely difficult. Take advantage of him early game, and contest crabs only when you have at least 85-90% of health. Most Kha's will back off and give crab if they're too low, as Trundle's clear tends to be a bit healthier. ”
craY13 says “He has a very strong early and a very good 1vs.1 potential. Try to farm and outscale him. If possible stay with your team in fights, to avoid the isolated Q. If he can snowball it will fell very unfair to play against him.”
LePlay says “Typical assassin: Low life, high burst damage, vulnerable to stuns and slows. Try to block his E with your W and smack him against the nearest terrain with your E”
drunken hunter says “Kha'Zix got almost the same abilities, he just deals more dmg. You have to do the poke dmg all the time on lane and you should always stay with your minions - if you are isolated kha will do more dmg to you. Trades against kha'zix are difficult because he can escape easily or make himself invisible 2 to 3 times. Play carefully, wait for ganks.”
kkiskk says “Push the minion wave hard and bully him early. Be sure to have a pink ward(RIP) post-6. If he's fed, try not to fight him alone. Remember not to fight him in his minion waves.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “You can kill him at lvl 3 if he face cheks you with your Q fully charged but mosly he will just jump away. Like rengar he will farm till 6 but he has good lvl 3 ganks too so watch for them. When he gets Warrior Enchant you cant kill him 1v1 so you will have to have a strong laner to match kha'zix.”
SubSequence says “This is kind of just an Assassin vs Assassin match up. Chances are, you can get more fed, you WILL be sitting in lanes more than him and you can farm faster than him after you get Serrated Dirk. ”
ChazarPL says “His isolation mechanic can make him almost impossible to 1v1 at early/mid game, if you have some reflexes you can dash his Q (Taste Their Fear) (Or you can reduce the damage with your W (Meditate))
or/and his W (Void Spike) with your Q (Alpha Strike). Watch out for invades.”
TTTWEEE says “Similar to lee sin except he has better scaling in 1v1s late game. Basically avoid him early and ward your jungle or get scuttle when you can/when its safe. Try to out gank him and wait for team fights.”
Optimal Pancake says “One of a few champs who can actually 1v1 you in either form and win. If you lose to him early game, you'll lose to him period. Play less aggressive and farm your own jungle unless you have vision of him.”
ElementressX says “He is one of the few champs that can actually stand in a duel against you. Try not to fight him head on alone, if you come across him, try to make it a 2v1 against him until you are ahead.”
Iced IMP says “It doesn't matter what you do here, whether you have ult or don't. Kha'zix will kill you. His burst is on such a short cooldown there is nothing you can do. If you find yourself in this matchup play safe, farm, don't invade, and just group.”
Violzandre says “Same as rengar, but if he use his R good, he can cancel your attacks (and you can't heal yourself and gg wp we are dead), so, be careful with him and try to avoid the fights 1 vs 1.
(To see rengar, check the tiny treaths lmao)”
LordTamaki says “Your clear speeds means if he ever reveals early on you just take his jungle. He can one shot you late game, but you can do the same. His single target damage beats yours however so be careful.”
Loul_60 says “Kha'Zix again is a strong pick who does very well against Kayn, like Shaco, just stay away from him if possible: his early dueling potential is very strong, especially considering how weak Kayn's is. Just, once again, try to outfarm him, which will be easy because of his weak AoE damage, use this to your advantage and look for an invasion on his Raptors/Krugs if you are sure he will not be there.”
L3gislacerator says “You have the tools to save a teammate from assassination by him. Bastion gives an ally a shield and bonus armor, and together with your stun, he won't be much of a threat to you or your teammates. Be sure to group up, though - his Isolation damage is dangerous.”
Ivker21 says “Early, or if he has a lead, avoid him in a 1v1. But after that your CC and extra damage from items will help you melt him.
In team fights wait for him to show and then chain CC him with your team.
If you stop him from massively snowballing early you should be able to handle him later.”
OddOwl says “If you run into this guy in the jungle or river and can't get help he will pretty much kill you every time. His Q + isolation damage is just too much to deal with. If you can avoid him early and get farm/kill you can make his midgame and lategame very hard.”
RAT 4 says “rito decided to give him even more bonus damage from dark harvest so u can just get oneshoted if u are below 50% health even in early nice one! ”
Exhiled says “His isolation mechanic makes him almost impossible to fight until late game. His ultimate also denies your damage output and wastes your highlander. EDIT:Season 7 khazix is even more broken, do not go head on into a fair 1v1 against him. EDIT2: After the meditate buff, when he ults just w and you can save your highlander for when he comes out of invisibility.
CliffLeeCZ says “You won´t be having a good times playing in the jungle againts Kha´zix. Really hard counter, I recommend telling some1 on your team to ban him.”
Morzanoth says “Kha'zix is super strong early game. His isolation damage is really strong and since you lose it easily in the jungle he has a lot of kill pressure early. You can CC him pretty well but he his pretty tough to lock down with his invis.”
Yi Guide says “Getting isolated in the early game will likely end in your death as he deals increased damage to isolated targets. He can be slippery to trade with due to his leap and the fact he can slow you with his Void Spike. It's not very difficult for a half decent Kha'Zix to assassinate you over and over if you fall behind. You can try to use your (W) Meditate to soak up the damage if he uses his ultimate. Some health and armor will go a long way!”
Darkonyan says “In the early phase you can run but you can't hide forever. Some cancers might hangs around in your jungle a lot to get some free kill so warding is too important.”
Castcade says “SO ANNOYING kha'zix is another main of my brother his presence
alone makes your game hard I recommend playing safe and to ward at all costs but do try to be aggressive in the mid game ”
Meta4our says “I would say that Kha'Zix and Kayn are the same champion in definition but if Kha gets ahead of a Kayn he will not let up on the pressure and he will keep abusing the weaker opponent but if you try to go even with his you will most likely be able to win 1v1s with him but lvl 3-6 are kha's strongest points at the game so you should try to avoid fighting with him that early ”
Salmon Kid says “Kha'zix has unbelievable damage, a slow, a gap closer, and can go edge of night to prevent instant sleeps. Things like armor and zhonyas can help, but ultimately the matchup is extremely hard early and you can die a bunch to invades/counter ganks.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Really strong early game and he can just invade you freely if you have no vision, his snowball may be even better than yours so don't let him.”
Genesis6-3.7 says “Has high burst damage and is hard to kill after level 6. Avoid being isolated, reduce his Q damage with a short W or stall some time with a longer W. His invisibility is the main counter here since you cannot damage him in that time.”
scriptying says “Everything about this champ counters you. Insane damage, invisibility, mobility, etc. Even if you win the early/mid (you won't), he's unkillable. Ult is a lifesaver. Ban him.”
Hazardist says “Kha'Zix is arguably the easiest matchup in the Jungle for Yorick. He will never catch you isolated thanks to being with your Mist Walkers and/or Maiden, which means he won't be able to outburst you in a duel. You can afford to be aggressive in your invades and counterganks thanks to this.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
MannerlessNG says “Balanced. Don't fight him early, don't fight him solo if he has a lead. If you have a lead, he's a snack. His ult breaks your frenzy and he can evade you pretty consistantly, so keep that in mind. It's best to keep him controlled with stuns wherever possible and try to peel him off your team rather than all in engagements if he tries to backline you. A Kha'Zix that falls hard behind is absolutely worthless for the rest of the game.”
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